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 * e107 website system
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 *    imported DB authorisation for alt_auth plugin
 * $URL$
 * $Id$

 *    e107 Alternate authorisation plugin
 *    @package    e107_plugins
 *    @subpackage    alt_auth
 *    @version     $Id$;

    return values
    AUTH_NOCONNECT         = unable to connect to db
    AUTH_NOUSER            = user not found    
    AUTH_BADPASSWORD    = supplied password incorrect

    AUTH_SUCCESS         = valid login

class auth_login extends alt_auth_base

    public    $Available = FALSE;        // Flag indicates whether DB connection available
    public    $ErrorText;                // e107 error string on exit
    private $conf;                    // Configuration parameters

     *    Read configuration
     *    @return void result code
    public function __construct()
        $this->ErrorText = '';
        $this->conf = $this->altAuthGetParams('importdb');
        $this->Available = TRUE;
    private function makeErrorText($extra = '')
        $this->ErrorText = $extra;

     *    Validate login credentials
     *    @param string $uname - The user name requesting access
     *    @param string $pass - Password to use (usually plain text)
     *    @param pointer &$newvals - pointer to array to accept other data read from database
     *    @param boolean $connect_only - TRUE to simply connect to the database
     *    @return integer result (AUTH_xxxx)
     *    On a successful login, &$newvals array is filled with the requested data from the server
    public function login($uname, $pword, &$newvals, $connect_only = FALSE)
        if ($connect_only) return AUTH_SUCCESS;            // Big problem if can't connect to our own DB!

        // See if the user's in the E107 database - otherwise they can go away
        global $sql, $tp;
        if (!$sql->select('user', 'user_loginname, user_password', "user_loginname = '".$tp -> toDB($uname)."'"))
        {    // Invalid user
            $this->makeErrorText('User not found');
            return AUTH_NOUSER;

        // Now look at their password - we always need to verify it, even if its a core E107 format.
        // Higher levels will always convert an authorised password to E107 format and save it for us.
        if (!$row = $sql->fetch())
            $this->makeErrorText('Error reading DB');
            return AUTH_NOCONNECT;            // Debateable return code - really a DB error. But consistent with other handler

        require_once(e_PLUGIN.'alt_auth/extended_password_handler.php');        // This auto-loads the 'standard' password handler as well
        $pass_check = new ExtendedPasswordHandler();

            $this->makeErrorText('importdb_password_method not set');

        $passMethod = $pass_check->passwordMapping($this->conf['importdb_password_method']);

        e107::getMessage()->addInfo("Testing with Password Method: ".$this->conf['importdb_password_method']);

        if ($passMethod === FALSE) 
            $this->makeErrorText('Password error - invalid method');
            return AUTH_BADPASSWORD;

        $pwFromDB = $row['user_password'];                    // Password stored in DB

        e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Stored Password: ".$pwFromDB);

        if ($pass_check->checkPassword($pword, $uname, $pwFromDB, $passMethod) !== PASSWORD_VALID)
            $this->makeErrorText('Password incorrect');
            return LOGIN_CONTINUE;        // Could have already changed password to E107 format
        return AUTH_SUCCESS;