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+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     e107 website system
|     Copyright (C) 2008-2009 e107 Inc (e107.org)
|     http://e107.org
|     Released under the terms and conditions of the
|     GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
|     $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_plugins/alt_auth/radius_auth.php,v $
|     $Revision$
|     $Date$
|     $Author$

RFC2865 is the main RADIUS standard - http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2865

Potential enhancements:
    - Multiple servers (done, but not tested)
    - Configurable port (probably not necessary)
    - Configurable timeout
    - Configurable retries

Error recfrom: 10054 - winsock error for 'connection reset'


class auth_login extends alt_auth_base
    private $server;
    private    $secret;
    private    $port;
    private    $usr;
    private    $pwd;
    private    $connection;            // Handle to use on successful creation
    public    $Available = FALSE;        // Flag indicates whether DB connection available
    public    $ErrorText;                // e107 error string on exit

     *    Read configuration, initialise connection to LDAP database
     *    @return int AUTH_xxxx result code
    function __construct()
        $this->copyAttribs = array();
        $radius = $this->altAuthGetParams('radius');

        $this->server = explode(',',$radius['radius_server']);
        $this->port = 1812;                                // Assume fixed port number for now - 1812 (UDP) is listed for servers, 1645 for authentification. (1646, 1813 for accounting)
                                                        // (A Microsoft app note says 1812 is the RFC2026-compliant port number. (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/230786)
//        $this->port = 1645;
        $this->secret = explode(',',$radius['radius_secret']);
        if ((count($this->server) > 1)  && (count($this->secret) == 1))
            $this->secret = array();
            foreach ($this->server as $k => $v)
                $this->secret[$k] = $radius['radius_secret'];        // Same secret for all servers, if only one entered
        $this->ErrorText = '';
            return AUTH_NORESOURCE;

        if(!$this -> connect())
            return AUTH_NOCONNECT;
        $this->Available = TRUE;
        return AUTH_SUCCESS;

     *    Retrieve and construct error strings
    function makeErrorText($extra = '')
        $this->ErrorText = $extra.radius_strerror($this->connection) ;
        if (!RADIUS_DEBUG) return;
        $text = "<br />Server: {$this->server}  Stored secret: ".radius_server_secret($this->connection)."  Port: {$this->port}";
        $this->ErrorText .= $text;

     *    Try to connect to a radius server
     *    @return boolean TRUE for success, FALSE for failure
    function connect()
        if (!($this->connection = radius_auth_open()))
            $this->makeErrorText('RADIUS open failed: ') ;
            return FALSE;
        foreach ($this->server as $k => $s)
            if (!radius_add_server($this->connection, $s, $this->port, $this->secret[$k], 15, 1))    // fixed 15 second timeout, one try ATM
                $this->makeErrorText('RADIUS add server failed: ') ;
                return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

     *    Close the connection to the Radius server
    function close()
        if ( !radius_close( $this->connection))        // (Not strictly necessary, but tidy)
            $this->makeErrorText('RADIUS close error: ') ;
            return false;
            return true;

     *    Validate login credentials
     *    @param string $uname - The user name requesting access
     *    @param string $pass - Password to use (usually plain text)
     *    @param pointer &$newvals - pointer to array to accept other data read from database
     *    @param boolean $connect_only - TRUE to simply connect to the server
     *    @return integer result (AUTH_xxxx)
     *    On a successful login, &$newvals array is filled with the requested data from the server
    function login($uname, $pass, &$newvals, $connect_only = FALSE)
        // Create authentification request
        if (!radius_create_request($this->connection,RADIUS_ACCESS_REQUEST))
            $this->makeErrorText('RADIUS failed authentification request: ') ;
            return AUTH_NOCONNECT;

        if (trim($pass) == '') return AUTH_BADPASSWORD;                // Pick up a blank password - always expect one

        // Attach username and password
        if (!radius_put_attr($this->connection,RADIUS_USER_NAME,$uname)
        || !radius_put_attr($this->connection,RADIUS_USER_PASSWORD,$pass))
            $this->makeErrorText('RADIUS could not attach username/password: ') ;
            return AUTH_NOCONNECT;

        // Finally, send request to server
        switch (radius_send_request($this->connection))
            case RADIUS_ACCESS_ACCEPT :        // Valid username/password
            case RADIUS_ACCESS_CHALLENGE :    // CHAP response required - not currently implemented
                $this->makeErrorText('CHAP not supported');
                return AUTH_NOUSER;
            case RADIUS_ACCESS_REJECT :        // Specifically rejected
            default:                        // Catch-all
                $this->makeErrorText('RADIUS validation error: ') ;
                return AUTH_NOUSER;

// User accepted here.

        if ($connect_only) return AUTH_SUCCESS;
        return AUTH_SUCCESS;                    // Not interested in any attributes returned ATM, so done.

        // See if we get any attributes - not really any use to us unless we implement CHAP, so disabled ATM
        $attribs = array();
        while ($resa = radius_get_attr($this->connection)) 
            if (!is_array($resa)) 
                $this->makeErrorText("Error getting attribute: ");
//            Decode attribute according to type (this isn't an exhaustive list)
//        Codes: 2, 3, 4, 5, 30, 31, 32, 60, 61 should never be received by us
//        Codes 17, 21 not assigned
            switch ($resa['attr'])
                case 8 :        // IP address to be set ( indicates 'allocate your own address')
                case 9 :        // Subnet mask
                case 14 :        // Login-IP host
                    $attribs[$resa['attr']] = radius_cvt_addr($resa['data']);
                case 6 :        // Service type  (integer bitmap)
                case 7 :        // Protocol (integer bitmap)
                case 10 :        // Routing method (integer)
                case 12 :        // Framed MTU
                case 13 :        // Compression method
                case 15 :        // Login service (bitmap)
                case 16 :        // Login TCP port
                case 23 :        // Framed IPX network (0xFFFFFFFE indicates 'allocate your own')
                case 27 :        // Session timeout - maximum connection/login time in seconds
                case 28 :        // Idle timeout in seconds
                case 29 :        // Termination action
                case 37 :        // AppleTalk link number
                case 38 :        // AppleTalk network
                case 62 :        // Max ports
                case 63 :        // Login LAT port
                    $attribs[$resa['attr']] = radius_cvt_int($resa['data']);
                case 1 :        // User name
                case 11 :        // Filter ID - could get several of these
                case 18 :        // Reply message (text, various purposes)
                case 19 :        // Callback number
                case 20 :        // Callback ID
                case 22 :        // Framed route - could get several of these
                case 24 :        // State - used in CHAP
                case 25 :        // Class
                case 26 :        // Vendor-specific
                case 33 :        // Proxy State
                case 34 :        // Login LAT service
                case 35 :        // Login LAT node
                case 36 :        // Login LAT group
                case 39 :        // AppleTalk zone
                default :
                    $attribs[$resa['attr']] = radius_cvt_string($resa['data']);        // Default to string type
            printf("Got Attr: %d => %d Bytes %s\n", $resa['attr'], strlen($attribs[$resa['attr']]), $attribs[$resa['attr']]);

        return AUTH_SUCCESS;