* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Chatbox e_list Handler
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
class list_chatbox_menu
function __construct($parent)
$this->parent = $parent;
function getListData()
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$list_caption = $this->parent->settings['caption'];
$list_display = ($this->parent->settings['open'] ? "" : "none");
if($this->parent->mode == "new_page" || $this->parent->mode == "new_menu" )
$lvisit = $this->parent->getlvisit();
$qry = "cb_datestamp>".$lvisit;
$qry = "cb_id != '0' ";
$qry .= " ORDER BY cb_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,".intval($this->parent->settings['amount']);
$bullet = $this->parent->getBullet($this->parent->settings['icon']);
if(!$chatbox_posts = $this->parent->e107->sql->gen("SELECT * FROM #chatbox WHERE ".$qry))
$list_data = LIST_CHATBOX_2;
while($row = $this->parent->e107->sql->fetch())
$cb_id = substr($row['cb_nick'] , 0, strpos($row['cb_nick'] , "."));
$cb_nick = substr($row['cb_nick'] , (strpos($row['cb_nick'] , ".")+1));
$cb_message = ($row['cb_blocked'] ? CHATBOX_L6 : str_replace("<br />", " ", $tp->toHTML($row['cb_message'])));
// $rowheading = $this->parent->parse_heading($cb_message);
//<a href='".e_BASE."user.php?id.$cb_id'>".$cb_nick."</a>
$uparams = array('id' => $cb_id, 'name' => $cb_nick);
$link = e107::getUrl()->create('user/profile/view', $uparams);
$userlink = "<a href='".$link."'>".$cb_nick."</a>";
$record['icon'] = $bullet;
// $record['heading'] = $rowheading;
$record['author'] = ($this->parent->settings['author'] ? ($cb_id != 0 ? $userlink : $cb_nick) : "");
$record['category'] = "";
$record['date'] = ($this->parent->settings['date'] ? ($row['cb_datestamp'] ? $this->parent->getListDate($row['cb_datestamp']) : "") : "");
$record['info'] = $cb_message;
$list_data[] = $record;
//return array with 'records', (global)'caption', 'display'
return array(