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Test Coverage
 * e107 website system
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
 * Released under the terms and conditions of the
 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
 *    RSS chatbox feed addon
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }

// v2.x Standard 
class chatbox_menu_rss // plugin-folder + '_rss' 
     * Admin RSS Configuration 
    function config() 
        $config = array();
        $config[] = array(
            'name'            => 'Chatbox Posts',
            'url'            => 'chatbox',
            'topic_id'        => '',
            'description'    => 'this is the rss feed for the chatbox entries', // that's 'description' not 'text' 
            'class'            => '0',
            'limit'            => '9'
        return $config;
     * Compile RSS Data
     * @param $parms array    url, limit, id 
     * @return array
    function data($parms='')
        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $rss = array();
        if($items = $sql->select('chatbox', "*", "cb_blocked=0 ORDER BY cb_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,".$parms['limit']))

            while($row = $sql->fetch())
                $tmp                        = explode(".", $row['cb_nick']);
                $rss[$i]['author']            = $tmp[1];
                $rss[$i]['author_email']    = ''; 
                $rss[$i]['link']            = "chatbox_menu/chat.php?".$row['cb_id'];
                $rss[$i]['linkid']            = $row['cb_id'];
                $rss[$i]['title']            = '';
                $rss[$i]['description']        = $row['cb_message'];
                $rss[$i]['category_name']    = '';
                $rss[$i]['category_link']    = '';
                $rss[$i]['datestamp']        = $row['cb_datestamp'];
                $rss[$i]['enc_url']            = "";
                $rss[$i]['enc_leng']        = "";
                $rss[$i]['enc_type']        = "";

        return $rss;

 * XXX Left here as an example of how to convert from v1.x to v2.x
//##### create feed for admin, return array $eplug_rss_feed --------------------------------

$feed['name']        = 'Chatbox';
$feed['url']        = 'chatbox';            //the identifier for the rss feed url
$feed['topic_id']    = '';                    //the topic_id, empty on default (to select a certain category)
$feed['path']        = 'chatbox_menu';        //this is the plugin path location
$feed['text']        = 'this is the rss feed for the chatbox entries';
$feed['class']        = '0';
$feed['limit']        = '9';

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//##### create rss data, return as array $eplug_rss_data -----------------------------------
$rss = array();
if($items = $sql->select('chatbox', "*", "cb_blocked=0 ORDER BY cb_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,".$this -> limit)){
    while($rowrss = $sql ->fetch()){
        $tmp                        = explode(".", $rowrss['cb_nick']);
        $rss[$i]['author']            = $tmp[1];
        $rss[$i]['author_email']    = '';
        $rss[$i]['link']            = $e107->base_path.$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY."chatbox_menu/chat.php?".$rowrss['cb_id'];
        $rss[$i]['linkid']            = $rowrss['cb_id'];
        $rss[$i]['title']            = '';
        $rss[$i]['description']        = $rowrss['cb_message'];
        $rss[$i]['category_name']    = '';
        $rss[$i]['category_link']    = '';
        $rss[$i]['datestamp']        = $rowrss['cb_datestamp'];
        $rss[$i]['enc_url']            = "";
        $rss[$i]['enc_leng']        = "";
        $rss[$i]['enc_type']        = "";

//##### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$eplug_rss_data[] = $rss;
$eplug_rss_feed[] = $feed;