* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
//define("CHBLAN_1", "Chatbox settings updated.");
//define("CHBLAN_2", "Moderated.");
//define("CHBLAN_3", "No chatbox posts yet.");
//define("CHBLAN_4", "Member");
//define("CHBLAN_5", "Guest");
//define("CHBLAN_6", "unblock");
//define("CHBLAN_7", "block");
//define("CHBLAN_8", "delete");
//define("CHBLAN_9", "Moderate Chatbox");
//define("CHBLAN_10", "Moderate posts");
define("CHBLAN_11", "Chatbox posts to display");
define("CHBLAN_12", "Amount of posts displayed in chatbox");
//define("CHBLAN_13", "Replace links");
//define("CHBLAN_14", "if ticked, posted links will be replaced by text entered in box below");
//define("CHBLAN_15", "Replace string if activated");
//define("CHBLAN_16", "links will be replaced by this string");
//define("CHBLAN_17", "Wordwrap count");
//define("CHBLAN_18", "words longer than the number you set here will be wrapped");
//define("CHBLAN_19", "Update Chatbox Settings");
define("CHBLAN_20", "Chatbox Settings");
//define("CHBLAN_21", "Prune");
define("CHBLAN_22", "Delete posts older than a certain time period");
define("CHBLAN_23", "Delete posts older than ");
define("CHBLAN_24", "One day");
define("CHBLAN_25", "One week");
define("CHBLAN_26", "One month");
define("CHBLAN_27", "- Delete all posts -");
// define("CHBLAN_28", "Chatbox pruned.");
define("CHBLAN_29", "Display chatbox inside scrolling layer with height [x]"); // [x] will be replaced automatically
// define("CHBLAN_30", "Layer height");
define("CHBLAN_31", "Show emoticons");
define("CHBLAN_32", "Moderator userclass");
define("CHBLAN_33", "User counts recalculated");
define("CHBLAN_34", "Recalculate user post counts");
define("CHBLAN_35", "Recalculate");
define("CHBLAN_36", "Chatbox Display options");
define("CHBLAN_37", "Normal chatbox");
define("CHBLAN_38", "Use javascript code to update posts dynamically (AJAX)");
//define('CHBLAN_39', 'Nothing changed - not updated');
// define('CHBLAN_40', 'Chatbox');
// define('CHBLAN_41', 'Chatbox Menu');
define("CHBLAN_42", "Show amount of posts in user profile");