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Test Coverage
 * e107 website system
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2016 e107 Inc (e107.org)
 * Released under the terms and conditions of the
 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
 * @file
 * Class installations to handle configuration forms on Admin UI.

$eplug_admin = true;


if(!getperms("P") || !e107::isInstalled('gallery'))

// [PLUGINS]/gallery/languages/[LANGUAGE]/[LANGUAGE]_admin.php
e107::lan('gallery', true, true);

$e_sub_cat = 'gallery';

 * Class plugin_gallery_admin.
class plugin_gallery_admin extends e_admin_dispatcher

     * Required (set by child class).
     * Controller map array in format.
     * @code
     *  'MODE' => array(
     *      'controller' =>'CONTROLLER_CLASS_NAME',
     *      'path' => 'CONTROLLER SCRIPT PATH',
     *      'ui' => 'UI_CLASS', // extend of 'comments_admin_form_ui'
     *      'uipath' => 'path/to/ui/',
     *  );
     * @endcode
     * @var array
    protected $modes = array(
        'main' => array(
            'controller' => 'gallery_cat_admin_ui',
            'path'       => null,
            'ui'         => 'gallery_cat_admin_form_ui',
            'uipath'     => null
        'cat'  => array(
            'controller' => 'gallery_cat_ui',
            'path'       => null,
            'ui'         => 'gallery_cat_form_ui',
            'uipath'     => null

     * Optional (set by child class).
     * Required for admin menu render. Format:
     * @code
     *  'mode/action' => array(
     *      'caption' => 'Link title',
     *      'perm' => '0',
     *      'url' => '{e_PLUGIN}plugname/admin_config.php',
     *      ...
     *  );
     * @endcode
     * Note that 'perm' and 'userclass' restrictions are inherited from the $modes, $access and $perm, so you don't
     * have to set that vars if you don't need any additional 'visual' control.
     * All valid key-value pair (see e107::getNav()->admin function) are accepted.
     * @var array
    protected $adminMenu = array(
        'main/prefs' => array('caption' => LAN_PREFS, 'perm' => 'P'),
        'main/list'  => array('caption' => LAN_CATEGORIES, 'perm'    => 'P'),
        'main/create'  => array('caption' => LAN_CREATE, 'perm'    => 'P'),

     * Optional (set by child class).
     * @var string
    protected $menuTitle = LAN_PLUGIN_GALLERY_TITLE;

     * Initial function.
    function init()

        if(E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0)
            $this->adminMenu['main/list'] = array(
                'caption' => LAN_CATEGORY,
                'perm'    => 'P',


 * Class gallery_cat_admin_ui.
class gallery_cat_admin_ui extends e_admin_ui

     * Could be LAN constant (multi-language support).
     * @var string plugin name
    protected $pluginTitle = LAN_PLUGIN_GALLERY_TITLE;

     * Plugin name.
     * @var string
    protected $pluginName = 'gallery';

     * Plugin table.
     * @var string
    protected $table = "core_media_cat";

     * Primary key in plugin table.
     * @var string
    protected $pid = "media_cat_id";

     * Default (db) limit value.
     * @var integer
    protected $perPage = 10;

     * SQL order, false to disable order, null is default order.
     * @var string
    protected $listOrder = 'media_cat_order';

     * SQL query for listing. Without any Order or Limit.
     * @var string
    protected $listQry = "SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE media_cat_owner = 'gallery' ";

     * UI field data.
     * @var array
    protected $fields = array(
        'checkboxes'         => array(
            'title'   => '',
            'type'    => null,
            'width'   => '5%',
            'forced'  => true,
            'thclass' => 'center',
            'class'   => 'center',
        'media_cat_image'    => array(
            'title'     => LAN_IMAGE,
            'type'      => 'image',
            'data'      => 'str',
            'width'     => '100px',
            'thclass'   => 'center',
            'class'     => 'center',
            'readParms' => 'thumb=60&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=60',
            'readonly'  => false,
            'batch'     => false,
            'filter'    => false,
        'media_cat_owner'    => array(
            'title'      => LAN_OWNER,
            'type'       => 'hidden',
            'nolist'     => true,
            'width'      => 'auto',
            'thclass'    => 'left',
            'readonly'   => false,
            'writeParms' => 'value=gallery',
        'media_cat_category' => array(
            'title'    => LAN_CATEGORY,
            'type'     => 'hidden',
            'nolist'   => true,
            'width'    => 'auto',
            'thclass'  => 'left',
            'readonly' => true,
        'media_cat_title'    => array(
            'title'    => LAN_TITLE,
            'type'     => 'text',
            'width'    => 'auto',
            'thclass'  => 'left',
            'readonly' => false,
            'inline'   => true,
        'media_cat_sef'      => array(
            'title'   => LAN_SEFURL,
            'type'    => 'text',
            'inline'  => true,
            'width'   => 'auto',
            'thclass' => 'left',
        'media_cat_diz'      => array(
            'title'     => LAN_DESCRIPTION,
            'type'      => 'bbarea',
            'width'     => '30%',
            'readParms' => 'expand=...&truncate=150&bb=1',
            'readonly'  => false,
        'media_cat_class'    => array(
            'title'  => LAN_VISIBILITY,
            'type'   => 'userclass',
            'width'  => 'auto',
            'data'   => 'int',
            'filter' => true,
            'batch'  => true,
        'media_cat_order'    => array(
            'title'   => LAN_ORDER,
            'type'    => 'text',
            'width'   => 'auto',
            'thclass' => 'center',
            'class'   => 'center',
        'options'            => array(
            'title'   => LAN_OPTIONS,
            'type'    => null,
            'width'   => '5%',
            'forced'  => true,
            'thclass' => 'center last',
            'class'   => 'right',

     * Referenced from $prefs property per field - 'tab => xxx' where xxx is the tab key (identifier).
     * Example:
     * @code
     *  array(
     *      '0' => 'Tab label',
     *      '1' => 'Another label',
     *  );
     * @endcode
     * @var array
     *  Edit/create form tabs.
    protected $preftabs = array(

     * Plugin Preference description array.
     * @var array
    protected $prefs = array(
        'popup_w'                    => array(
            'title' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_04,
            'tab'   => 0,
            'type'  => 'text',
            'data'  => 'int',
            'help'  => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_05,
        'popup_h'                    => array(
            'title' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_06,
            'tab'   => 0,
            'type'  => 'text',
            'data'  => 'int',
            'help'  => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_07,
        'downloadable'               => array(
            'title' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_08,
            'tab'   => 0,
            'type'  => 'boolean',
            'data'  => 'int',
            'help'  => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_09,
        'slideshow_category'         => array(
            'title' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_10,
            'tab'   => 1,
            'type'  => 'dropdown',
            'data'  => 'str',
            'help'  => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_11,
        'slideshow_duration'         => array(
            'title' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_12,
            'type'  => 'number',
            'tab'   => 1,
            'data'  => 'integer',
            'help'  => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_13,
        'slideshow_auto'             => array(
            'title' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_14,
            'type'  => 'boolean',
            'tab'   => 1,
            'data'  => 'integer',
            'help'  => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_15,
        'slideshow_freq'             => array(
            'title' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_16,
            'type'  => 'number',
            'tab'   => 1,
            'data'  => 'integer',
            'help'  => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_17,
        'slideshow_effect'           => array(
            'title' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_18,
            'type'  => 'dropdown',
            'tab'   => 1,
            'data'  => 'str',
            'help'  => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_19
        'perpage'                    => array(
            'title' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_20,
            'tab'   => 0,
            'type'  => 'number',
            'data'  => 'int',
            'help'  => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_21,
        'orderby'                    => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_22,
            'tab'        => 0,
            'type'       => 'dropdown',
            'data'       => 'str',
            'writeParms' => array(
                'optArray' => array(
                    'media_id ASC'       => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_23,
                    'media_id DESC'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_24,
                    'media_name ASC'     => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_25,
                    'media_name DESC'    => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_26,
                    'media_caption ASC'  => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_27,
                    'media_caption DESC' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_28,
        'pp_global'                  => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_70,
            'type'       => 'boolean',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_hook'                    => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_71,
            'type'       => 'text',
            'data'       => 'str',
            'writeParms' => array(
                'default' => 'data-gal',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_animation_speed'         => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_33,
            'type'       => 'dropdown',
            'data'       => 'str',
            'writeParms' => array(
                'optArray' => array(
                    'fast'   => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_62,
                    'slow'   => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_63,
                    'normal' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_64,
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_slideshow'               => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_34,
            'type'       => 'text',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'writeParms' => array(
                'default' => 5000,
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_autoplay_slideshow'      => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_35,
            'type'       => 'boolean',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_opacity'                 => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_36,
            'help'       => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_37,
            'type'       => 'text',
            'data'       => 'float',
            'writeParms' => array(
                'default' => 0.80,
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_show_title'              => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_38,
            'type'       => 'boolean',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_allow_resize'            => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_39,
            'help'       => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_40,
            'type'       => 'boolean',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_default_width'           => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_41,
            'type'       => 'text',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'writeParms' => array(
                'default' => 500,
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_default_height'          => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_42,
            'type'       => 'text',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'writeParms' => array(
                'default' => 344,
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_counter_separator_label' => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_43,
            'help'       => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_44,
            'type'       => 'text',
            'data'       => 'str',
            'writeParms' => array(
                'default' => '/',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_theme'                   => array(
            'title'      => LAN_THEME,
            'type'       => 'dropdown',
            'data'       => 'str',
            'writeParms' => array(
                'optArray' => array(
                    'pp_default'    => LAN_DEFAULT,
                    'light_rounded' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_65,
                    'dark_rounded'  => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_66,
                    'light_square'  => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_67,
                    'dark_square'   => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_68,
                    'facebook'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_69,
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_horizontal_padding'      => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_46,
            'help'       => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_47,
            'type'       => 'text',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'writeParms' => array(
                'default' => 20,
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_hideflash'               => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_48,
            'help'       => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_49,
            'type'       => 'boolean',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_wmode'                   => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_50,
            'help'       => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_51,
            'type'       => 'text',
            'data'       => 'str',
            'writeParms' => array(
                'default' => 'opaque',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_autoplay'                => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_52,
            'type'       => 'boolean',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_modal'                   => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_53,
            'help'       => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_54,
            'type'       => 'boolean',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_deeplinking'             => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_55,
            'help'       => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_56,
            'type'       => 'boolean',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_overlay_gallery'         => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_57,
            'help'       => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_58,
            'type'       => 'boolean',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_keyboard_shortcuts'      => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_59,
            'help'       => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_60,
            'type'       => 'boolean',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'tab'        => 2,
        'pp_ie6_fallback'            => array(
            'title'      => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_61,
            'type'       => 'boolean',
            'data'       => 'int',
            'tab'        => 2,

    private $ownerCount;

     * Initial function.
    function init()
        $effects = array(
            'scrollHorz' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_29,
            'scrollVert' => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_30,
            'fade'       => LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_31,

        $this->prefs['slideshow_effect']['writeParms'] = $effects;
        $this->prefs['slideshow_effect']['readParms'] = $effects;

        $categories = e107::getMedia()->getCategories('gallery');
        $cats = array();
        foreach($categories as $k => $var)
            $id = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", '', $k);
            $cats[$id] = $var['media_cat_title'];

        $this->prefs['slideshow_category']['writeParms'] = $cats;
        $this->prefs['slideshow_category']['readParms'] = $cats;

        $mes = e107::getMessage();
        $tp = e107::getParser();

        $y = "<a href='" . e_ADMIN . "image.php'>" . LAN_MEDIAMANAGER . "</a>";

        $message = $tp->lanVars(LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_01, array($x, $y), true);


    function setGalleryCount()

        $sql = e107::getDb();

        if($sql->gen("SELECT media_cat_owner,  MAX(CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(media_cat_category, '_', -1 ) AS UNSIGNED)) as maxnum, count(media_cat_id) as number FROM `#core_media_cat`  GROUP BY media_cat_owner"))
            while($row = $sql->fetch())
                $this->ownerCount[$row['media_cat_owner']] = $row['number'];
                $own = $row['media_cat_owner'];
            //    if(!in_array($own,$this->restricted))
//                    $this->fields['media_cat_owner']['writeParms'][$own] = $own;

                    if($row['maxnum'] > 0)
                        $this->ownerCount[$row['media_cat_owner']] = $row['maxnum']; // $maxnum;

        e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Max value for category names: ".print_a($this->ownerCount,true));


    public function beforeCreate($new_data, $old_data)
        $new_data = $this->setCategory($new_data);

        return $new_data;

    public function beforeUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id)
    //    $new_data = $this->setCategory($new_data);

        return $new_data;

    private function setCategory($new_data)
        $type = 'image_';

        $increment = ($this->ownerCount['gallery'] +1);

        $new_data['media_cat_owner'] = 'gallery';
        $new_data['media_cat_category'] = 'gallery_'.$type.$increment;

             $new_data['media_cat_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($new_data['media_cat_title']);

        return $new_data;

    function galleryPage()
        $mes = e107::getMessage();
        $tp = e107::getParser();

        $y = "<a href='" . e_ADMIN . "image.php'>" . LAN_MEDIAMANAGER . "</a>";

        $message = $tp->lanVars(LAN_GALLERY_ADMIN_01, array($x, $y), true);


class gallery_cat_admin_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui

    // Override the default Options field.
    public function gallery_category_parent($curVal, $mode)
        // TODO - catlist combo without current cat ID in write mode, parents only for batch/filter.
        // Get UI instance.
        $controller = $this->getController();
            case 'read':
                return e107::getParser()->toHTML($controller->getDownloadCategoryTree($curVal), false, 'TITLE');

            case 'write':
                return $this->select('gallery_category_parent', $controller->getDownloadCategoryTree(), $curVal);

            case 'filter':
            case 'batch':
                return $controller->getDownloadCategoryTree();


class gallery_main_admin_ui extends e_admin_ui


class gallery_main_admin_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui


new plugin_gallery_admin();
require_once(e_ADMIN . "auth.php");
e107::getAdminUI()->runPage(); //gallery/includes/admin.php is auto-loaded.
require_once(e_ADMIN . "footer.php");