* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_plugins/import/import_user_class.php,v $
* $Revision: 11315 $
* $Date: 2010-02-10 10:18:01 -0800 (Wed, 10 Feb 2010) $
* $Author: secretr $
Class intended to simplify importing of user information from outside.
It ensures that each user record has appropriate defaults
To use:
1. Create one instance of the class
2. Call emptyUserDB() to delete existing users
3. If necessary, call overrideDefault() as necessary to modify the defaults
4. For each record:
a) Call getDefaults() to get a record with all the defaults filled in
b) Update the record from the source database
c) Call saveUser($userRecord) to write the record to the DB
class links_import
var $pageDB = NULL;
var $blockMainAdmin = TRUE;
var $error;
var $defaults = array(
// 'link_id' => '',
'link_name' => '',
'link_url' => '',
'link_description' => '',
'link_button' => '',
'link_category' => 4,
'link_order' => '',
'link_parent' => '0',
'link_open' => '0',
'link_class' => '0',
'link_function' => '',
'link_sefurl' => ''
// Fields which must be set up by the caller.
var $mandatory = array(
'link_name', 'link_url'
// Constructor
function __construct()
global $sql;
$this->pageDB = new db; // Have our own database object to write to the table
// Empty the DB - not necessary
function emptyTargetDB($inc_admin = FALSE)
// $this->pageDB->db_Delete('page');
// Set a new default for a particular field
function overrideDefault($key, $value)
// echo "Override: {$key} => {$value}<br />";
if (!isset($this->defaults[$key])) return FALSE;
$this->defaults[$key] = $value;
// Returns an array with all relevant fields set to the current default
function getDefaults()
return $this->defaults;
* Insert data into e107 DB
* @param row - array of table data
* @return integer, boolean - error code on failure, TRUE on success
function saveData($row)
if(!$result = $this->pageDB->db_Insert('links',$row))
return 4;
//if ($result === FALSE) return 6;
return TRUE;
function getErrorText($errnum) // these errors are presumptuous and misleading. especially '4' .
$errorTexts = array(
0 => LAN_CONVERT_57,
1 => LAN_CONVERT_58,
2 => LAN_CONVERT_59,
3 => LAN_CONVERT_60,
4 => LAN_CONVERT_61,
5 => LAN_CONVERT_62,
if (isset($errorTexts[$errnum])) return $errorTexts[$errnum];
return 'Unknown: '.$errnum;