* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2016 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
if (!e107::isInstalled('rss_menu'))
return '';
$sql = e107::getDb();
$topic = "";
$caption = "";
if(e_PAGE == "news.php" && e107::getPref('rss_newscats'))
$qry = explode(".",e_QUERY);
if($qry[0] == "cat" || $qry[0] == "list")
$topic = intval($qry[1]);
if(deftrue('e_CURRENT_PLUGIN') && $res = $sql->retrieve("rss", "rss_path,rss_url", " rss_path = '".e_CURRENT_PLUGIN."' LIMIT 1"))
$caption = e107::getParser()->lanVars(LAN_PLUGIN_RSS_SUBSCRIBE_TO, deftrue('LAN_PLUGIN_'.strtoupper(e_CURRENT_PLUGIN).'_NAME'));
$type = $res['rss_url'];
$plug = $res['rss_path'];
elseif($sql->select("rss", "rss_path", " rss_path = 'news' LIMIT 1")) // Fall back to news, if available.
$type = 'news';
$plug = 'news';
$arr = array('rss_topicid'=> $topic, 'rss_url'=>$type);
if(deftrue('BOOTSTRAP')) // v2.x
$text = "
<a class='btn btn-sm btn-default' href='".e107::url('rss_menu', 'rss', $arr)."'>".$tp->toGlyph('fa-rss')." RSS</a>
<a class='btn btn-sm btn-default' href='".e107::url('rss_menu', 'atom', $arr)."'>".$tp->toGlyph('fa-rss')." Atom</a>
else // v1.x
$path = e_PLUGIN_ABS."rss_menu/";
$description = array(
'chatbox' => RSS_MENU_L7,
'download' => RSS_MENU_L9,
'bugtracker' => RSS_MENU_L8,
'forumtopic' => RSS_MENU_L6,
'forumname' => RSS_MENU_L5,
'forumposts' => '',
'comments' => RSS_MENU_L4,
5 => RSS_MENU_L4,
6 => RSS_MENU_L5,
7 => RSS_MENU_L6,
9 => RSS_MENU_L7,
10 => RSS_MENU_L8,
12 => RSS_MENU_L9,
$text = "
".varset($description[$type]).RSS_MENU_L1."<br />
<div class='spacer'><a href='".e107::url('rss_menu', 'rss', $arr)."'><img src='".$path."images/rss2.png' alt='rss2.0' /></a></div>
<div class='spacer'><a href='".e107::url('rss_menu', 'atom', $arr)."'><img src='".$path."images/rss4.png' alt='atom' /></a></div>
$caption = RSS_MENU_L2;
e107::getRender()->tablerender($caption, $text, 'rss_menu');