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 * e107 website system
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 e107 Inc (e107.org)
 * Released under the terms and conditions of the
 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
 * Newsletter plugin - mailout function

if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }

Class for user mailout function

Allows admins to send mail to those subscribed to one or more newsletters
// These variables determine the circumstances under which this class is loaded (only used during loading, and may be overwritten later)
    $mailerIncludeWithDefault = true;            // Mandatory - if false, show only when mailout for this specific plugin is enabled
    $mailerExcludeDefault = false;                // Mandatory - if TRUE, when this plugin's mailout is active, the default (core) isn't loaded

class user_mailout
    public $mailerSource    = 'user';    // Plugin name (core mailer is special case) Must be directory for this file
    public $mailerName      = LAN_MAILOUT_68;    // Text to identify the source of selector (displayed on left of admin page)
    public $mailerEnabled   = true;        // Mandatory - set to FALSE to disable this plugin (e.g. due to permissions restrictions)

    protected $mailCount = 0;
    protected $mailRead = 0;

    // List of fields used by selectors
    private    $selectFields = array('email_to',
        'extended_2_name', 'extended_2_value',
        'user_search_name', 'user_search_value',
        'last_visit_match', 'last_visit_date'

     * Manage Bounces. 
    public function bounce($data)
        e107::getLog()->add('User Bounce', $data, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, 'BOUNCE');

     * @param $mode - check || process
     * @param array $data - usually email, date, id - but dependent on unsubscribe link above.
    function unsubscribe($mode, $data=null)
        if($mode == 'check') // check that a matching email,id,creation-date exists.
            $ucl = intval($data['userclass']);

            return e107::getDb()->select('user','*', 'FIND_IN_SET('.$ucl.',user_class) AND user_id='.intval($data['id'])." AND user_join=".intval($data['date'])." AND user_email=\"".$data['email']."\"");

    //    print_a($data);

        if($mode == 'process') // Update record. Return true on success, and false on error.
            $uid = intval($data['id']);
            $ucl = intval($data['userclass']);

            return e107::getSystemUser($uid)->removeClass($ucl); // best way to remove userclass from user.



     * Return data representing the user's selection criteria as entered in the $_POST array.
     * The value returned can be as simple as an array of chosen fields from the $_POST array, or it may be processed to make it more
     * convenient to use later. (In general, at least basic sanitising should be performed)
     * Conflicting selection criteria can also be resolved here.
     * The returned data is stored in the DB with a saved email. (Just return an empty string or array if this is undesirable)
     * The returned value is passed back to selectInit() and showSelect when needed.
     * @return mixed Selection data - may be string, array or whatever suits
    public function returnSelectors()
        $tp = e107::getParser();

        $res = array();
        foreach ($this->selectFields as $k)
            if (vartrue($_POST[$k]))
                $res[$k] = $tp->toDB($_POST[$k]);
        return $res;

     * Called to initialise data selection routine.
     * Needs to save any queries or other information into internal variables, do initial DB queries as appropriate.
     * Could in principle read all addresses and buffer them for later routines, if this is more convenient
     * @param mixed $selectVals - selection criteria as returned by returnSelectors() (so format is whatever is chosen by the coder)
     * @return int|boolean number of records available (or 1 if unknown) on success, FALSE on failure
    public function selectInit($selectVals = FALSE)
        $sql = e107::getDb();

        $where = array();
        $incExtended = array();

        $emailTo = vartrue($selectVals['email_to'], false);

        switch ($emailTo)
            // Build the query for the user database
            case 'all' :
                $where[] = 'u.`user_ban`=0';
            case  'admin' :
                $where[] = 'u.`user_admin`=1';
            case 'unverified' :
                $where[] = 'u.`user_ban`=2';
            case 'self' :
                $where[] = 'u.`user_id`='.USERID;
            default :
                if (is_numeric($selectVals['email_to']))
                    $where[] = "u.`user_class` REGEXP concat('(^|,)',{$selectVals['email_to']},'(,|$)')";


        if (vartrue($selectVals['extended_1_name']) && vartrue($selectVals['extended_1_value']))
            $where[] = '`'.$selectVals['extended_1_name']."` = '".$selectVals['extended_1_value']."' ";
            $incExtended[] = $selectVals['extended_1_name'];

        if (vartrue($selectVals['extended_2_name']) && vartrue($selectVals['extended_2_value']))
            $where[] = "ue.`".$selectVals['extended_2_name']."` = '".$selectVals['extended_2_value']."' ";
            $incExtended[] = $selectVals['extended_2_name'];

        if (vartrue($selectVals['user_search_name']) && vartrue($selectVals['user_search_value']))
            $where[]= "u.`".$selectVals['user_search_name']."` LIKE '%".$selectVals['user_search_value']."%' ";

        if (!empty($selectVals['last_visit_match']) && !empty($selectVals['last_visit_date']))
            $lvDate = $selectVals['last_visit_date'];


            if (($lvDate > 0) && ($lvDate <= time()))
                switch ($selectVals['last_visit_match'])
                    case '<' :
                    case '>' :
                        $where[]= "u.`user_lastvisit` ".$selectVals['last_visit_match']." ".$lvDate;
                    case '=' :
                        $where[]= "u.`user_lastvisit` >= ".$lvDate;
                        $where[]= "u.`user_lastvisit` <= ".intval($lvDate + 86400);

        if(empty($where) && empty($incExtended))
            $this->mail_read = 0;
            $this->mail_count = 0;
            return $this->mail_count;

        $where[] = "u.`user_email` != ''";            // Ignore all records with empty email address

        // Now assemble the query from the pieces
        // Determine which fields we actually need (u.user_sess is the signup link)
        $qry = 'SELECT u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_email, u.user_loginname, u.user_sess, u.user_lastvisit';
        if (count($incExtended))
            foreach ($incExtended as $if)
                $qry .= ', ue.`'.$if.'`';
        $qry .= " FROM `#user` AS u ";

        if (count($incExtended))
            $qry .= "LEFT JOIN `#user_extended` AS ue ON ue.`user_extended_id` = u.`user_id`";

        $qry .= ' WHERE '.implode(' AND ',$where).' ORDER BY u.user_name';
//        echo "Selector query: ".$qry.'<br />';

        e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Selector query: ".$qry);

        if (!( $this->mailCount = $sql->gen($qry))) return FALSE;


        $this->mail_read = 0;
        return $this->mailCount;

     * Return one email address to add to the recipients list. Return FALSE if no more addresses to add
     * @return boolean|array FALSE if no more addresses available; else an array:
     *    'mail_recipient_id' - non-zero if a registered user, zero if a non-registered user. (Always non-zero from this class)
     *    'mail_recipient_name' - user name
     *    'mail_recipient_email' - email address to use
     *    'mail_target_info' - array of info which might be substituted into email, usually using the codes defined by the editor.
     *         Array key is the code within '|...|', value is the string for substitution
    public function selectAdd()
        $sql = e107::getDb();

        if (!($row = $sql->fetch())) return FALSE;
        $ret = array('mail_recipient_id' => $row['user_id'],
                     'mail_recipient_name' => $row['user_name'],        // Should this use realname?
                     'mail_recipient_email' => $row['user_email'],
                     'mail_target_info' => array(
                        'USERID' => $row['user_id'],
                        'DISPLAYNAME' => $row['user_name'],
                        'SIGNUP_LINK' => $row['user_sess'],
                        'USERNAME' => $row['user_loginname'],
                        'USERLASTVISIT' => $row['user_lastvisit']
        return $ret;

     *    Called once all email addresses read, to do any housekeeping needed
     *    @return none
    public function select_close()
        // Nothing to do here

     * Called to show current selection criteria, and optionally allow edit
     * @param $allow_edit is TRUE to allow user to change the selection; FALSE to just display current settings
     * @param $selectVals is the current selection information - in the same format as returned by returnSelectors()
     * @return array Returns HTML which is displayed in a table cell. Typically we return a complete table
    public function showSelect($allow_edit = FALSE, $selectVals = FALSE)
        $frm = e107::getForm();
        $sql = e107::getDb();
        $admin = e107::getRegistry('_mailout_admin');

        $var = array();

        $var[0]['caption']     = LAN_USERCLASS;    // User class select

        if ($allow_edit)
            $u_array = array('user_name'=>LAN_MAILOUT_43,'user_login'=>LAN_MAILOUT_44,'user_email'=>LAN_MAILOUT_45);

            $var[0]['html']     = $admin->userClassesTotals('email_to', varset($selectVals['email_to'], ''));
            $var[1]['html']     = $frm->select('user_search_name', $u_array, varset($selectVals['user_search_name'], ''),'',TRUE)."  ".LAN_MAILOUT_47." ".$frm->text('user_search_value', varset($selectVals['user_search_value'], ''));
            //$var[2]['html']     = $admin->comparisonSelect('last_visit_match', varset($selectVals['last_visit_match'], ''))."  ".$frm->text('last_visit_date', varset($selectVals['last_visit_date'], 0));
            $var[2]['html']     = $admin->comparisonSelect('last_visit_match', varset($selectVals['last_visit_match'], ''))."  ".e107::getForm()->datepicker('last_visit_date', varset($selectVals['last_visit_date'], 0), array('type'=>'datetime'));
            $var[1]['caption']     = LAN_MAILOUT_46;   // User Search Field.
            $var[2]['caption']     = LAN_MAILOUT_56;    // User last visit

            $extFields            = $admin->ret_extended_field_list('extended_1_name', varset($selectVals['extended_1_name'], ''), TRUE);
            if ($extFields !== FALSE)    // Only display next bit if UEFs defined
                $var[3]['html']     = $extFields.LAN_MAILOUT_48." ".$frm->text('extended_1_value',varset($selectVals['extended_1_value'], ''));
                $var[4]['html']     = $admin->ret_extended_field_list('extended_2_name', varset($selectVals['extended_2_name'], ''), TRUE).LAN_MAILOUT_48." ".$frm->text('extended_2_value',varset($selectVals['extended_2_value'],''));

                $var[3]['caption']     = LAN_MAILOUT_46;    // Extended user field
                $var[4]['caption']     = LAN_MAILOUT_46;    // Extended user field
        else // Display existing values
            if (!vartrue($selectVals['email_to']))
                return null;

            if (is_numeric($selectVals['email_to']))
                $_to = LAN_MAILOUT_23.e107::getUserClass()->getName(intval($selectVals['email_to']));
                $_to = $selectVals['email_to'];

            $var_0 = $_to.'&nbsp;';
            if ($selectVals['email_to'] == 'self')
                $var_0 .= '&lt;'.USEREMAIL.'&gt;';

            $var[0]['html'] = $var_0;
            if (vartrue($selectVals['user_search_name']) && vartrue($selectVals['user_search_value']))
                $var[1]['html'] = $selectVals['user_search_name'].'  '.$selectVals['user_search_value'];
                $var[1]['caption']     = LAN_MAILOUT_46;   // User Search Field.
            if (vartrue($selectVals['last_visit_match']) && vartrue($selectVals['last_visit_date']))
                $var[2]['html'] = $selectVals['last_visit_match'].' '.e107::getParser()->toDate($selectVals['last_visit_date'],'long'); //FIXME use e107 date function.
                $var[2]['caption']     = LAN_MAILOUT_56;    // User last visit
            $extFields    = $admin->ret_extended_field_list('extended_1_name', varset($selectVals['extended_1_name'], ''), TRUE);
            if ($extFields !== FALSE)
                if (vartrue($selectVals['extended_1_name']) && vartrue($selectVals['extended_1_value']))
                    $var[3]['html'] = $selectVals['extended_1_name'].' '.$selectVals['extended_1_value'];
                    $var[3]['caption']     = LAN_MAILOUT_46;    // Extended user field
                if (vartrue($selectVals['extended_2_name']) && vartrue($selectVals['extended_2_value']))
                    $var[4]['html'] = $selectVals['extended_2_name'].' '.$selectVals['extended_2_value'];
                    $var[4]['caption']     = LAN_MAILOUT_46;    // Extended user field


        return $var;

     * Manage Sent. 
    public function sent($data) // trigerred when email sent from queue.
        if($data['status'] == 1) // Successfully sent
            // e107::getLog()->add($this->mailerSource . ' email sent', $data, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, 'SENT');        
            return true;
        else // Failed 
            // e107::getLog()->add($this->mailerSource . ' email not sent', $data, E_LOG_FATAL, 'SENT');        
            return false;
