# [Carts examples](https://developer.epages.com/apps/api-reference/resource-carts.html)
This example assumes you have configured the `shop` correctly.
All this calls returns an **Epages::Cart** instance.
**Epages::Cart** is an object that represents an ePages shop cart.
## [Cart post call](https://developer.epages.com/apps/api-reference/post-shops-shopid-carts.html)
This call creates a cart for the shop and returns a Epages::Shop instance.
Default options:
* currency: 'EUR'
* taxType: 'GROSS'
* locale: 'en_GB'
* lineItems: []
default_cart = shop.create_cart
us_cart = shop.create_cart(currency: 'USD', locale: 'en_US')
## [Cart by id](https://developer.epages.com/apps/api-reference/get-shops-shopid-carts-cartid.html)
This call retrieve a specific cart using its ID or **Epages::Cart** instance. Returns a Epages::Shop instance
cart = shop.cart("561E0DA0-91C0-4D12-79C6-D5809AB3231B")
##[Order a Cart](https://developer.epages.com/apps/api-reference/post-shops-shopid-carts-cartid-order.html)
This call orders a cart and returns the order generated by the cart. To be accepted the cart must have the billing address attribute.
address = Epages::Address.new({firstName: 'Domingo', lastName: 'Cividanes', street: 'Fake Street', zipCode: 20_253, city: 'HH', country: 'GE', emailAddress: 'dcividanes91@gmail.com'})
products = shop.products.take(3) # contains the products to be ordered
cart = shop.create_cart(line_items: products.map(&:to_line_item))
cart = shop.update_cart_billing_address(cart, address)
order = shop.order_cart(cart)
## [Add line_item to cart](https://developer.epages.com/apps/api-reference/post-shops-shopid-carts-cartid-line-items.html)
This call add a line_item to the cart, and returns the instance of the Epages::Cart updated with the product.
The default quantity of the product is 1. To change it, add a third parameter.
This method has the alias **add_product_to_cart** to ease the syntax of the code.
updated_cart = shop.cart_line_item(old_cart, product)
updated_cart = shop.add_product_to_cart(updated_cart, another_product, 3)
## [Update a line_item](https://developer.epages.com/apps/api-reference/put-shops-shopid-carts-cartid-line-items-lineitemid.html)
This call modifies a specified product line_item in a cart indicated by the line_item id or a Epages::LineItem instance. Returns the updated Epages::Cart instance.
cart = shop.update_cart_line_item(old_cart, lineitem, quantity: 3)
## [Delete a line_item](https://developer.epages.com/apps/api-reference/delete-shops-shopid-carts-cartid-line-items-lineitemid.html)
This call deletes a specified product line_item in a cart indicated by the line_item id or a Epages::LineItem instance. Returns the updated Epages::Cart instance.
cart = shop.delete_cart_line_item(old_cart, lineitem)
## [Update Billing Address](https://developer.epages.com/apps/api-reference/put-shops-shopid-carts-cartid-billing-address.html) and [Update Shipping Address](https://developer.epages.com/apps/api-reference/put-shops-shopid-carts-cartid-shipping-address.html)
This call updates addresses of the cart with the Epages::Address instance indicated. Returns the updated Epages::Cart instance.
address_data = {firstName: 'Domingo', lastName: 'Cividanes', street: 'Fake Street', zipCode: 20_253, city: 'HH', country: 'GE', emailAddress: 'dcividanes91@gmail.com'}
address = Epages::Address.new(address_data)
cart = shop.update_cart_billing_address(old_cart, address)
cart = shop.update_cart_shipping_address(cart, address)
## [Delete Billing Address](https://developer.epages.com/apps/api-reference/delete-shops-shopid-carts-cartid-billing-address.html) and [Delete Shipping Address](https://developer.epages.com/apps/api-reference/delete-shops-shopid-carts-cartid-shipping-address.html)
This call deletes addresses of the car adn returns the updated Epages::Cart instance.
cart = shop.delete_cart_billing_address(old_cart)
cart = shop.delete_cart_shipping_address(cart)