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### Streamlining the Transfer of Simulated Robot Learning to the Real-World

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What is EAGERx

You can use EAGERx (*Engine Agnostic Graph Environments for Robotics*) to easily define new ([Gymnasium compatible](https://gymnasium.farama.org/)) environments with modular robot definitions.

It enables users to:
- Define environments as graphs of nodes
- Visualize these graph environments interactively in a GUI
- Use a single graph environment both in reality and with various simulators

EAGERx explicitly addresses the differences in learning between simulation and reality, with native support for essential features such as:
- Safety layers and various other state, action and time-scale abstractions
- Delay simulation & domain randomization
- Real-world reset routines
- Synchronized parallel computation within a single environment

[Full documentation and tutorials available

<p align="center">
  <img src="docs/_static/gif/pendulum_sim.gif" width="22.8%"  alt="pendulum_sim"/>
  <img src="docs/_static/gif/pendulum_real.gif" width="22.8%"  alt="pendulum_real"/>
  <img src="docs/_static/gif/box_pushing_pybullet.gif" width="22.8%"  alt="box_sim"/>
  <img src="docs/_static/gif/box_pushing_real.gif" width="22.8%"  alt="box_real"/>

<p align="center">
  <img src="docs/_static/gif/drone_landing.gif" width="66%"  alt="cf_real"/>

**Sim2Real:** Policies trained in simulation and zero-shot evaluated on real systems using EAGERx.
In the top left the successful transfer of a policy for the classic pendulum swing-up problem is shown and in the top right for a box-pushing task.
Below that a policy to land a quadrotor on a moving inclined platform is shown.

<p align="center">
    <img src="docs/_static/gif/all.gif" width="66%" />

**Modular:** The modular design of EAGERx allows users to create complex environments easily through composition.

<img align="middle" src="docs/_static/img/gui.svg" width="100%" />

**GUI:** Users can visualize their graph environment.
Here we visualize the graph environment that we built in [this tutorial](https://colab.research.google.com/github/eager-dev/eagerx_tutorials/blob/master/tutorials/icra/advanced_usage.ipynb).
See the [documentation](https://eagerx.readthedocs.io/en/master/guide/getting_started/index.html#extras-gui) for more information.

<p align="center">
  <img src="docs/_static/gif/rqt_plot.GIF" width="50%" />

**Live plotting:** In robotics it is crucial to monitor the robot\'s behavior during the learning process.
Luckily, inter-node communication within EAGERx can be listened to externally, so that any relevant information stream can be trivially monitored on-demand.
See the [documentation](https://eagerx.readthedocs.io/en/master/guide/getting_started/index.html#extras-training-visualization) for more information.

<p align="center">
  <img src="docs/_static/gif/use_case.gif" width="35.5%"  alt="use_case"/>
  <img src="docs/_static/gif/swim_sim.gif" width="25%"  alt="swim_sim"/>
  <img src="docs/_static/gif/swim_real.gif" width="25%"  alt="swim_real"/>

**Applications beyond RL:** The modular design and unified software pipeline of the framework have utility beyond reinforcement learning.
We explored two such instances: interactive language-conditioned imitation learning (left) and classical control with deep learning based perception in a swimming pool environment (right).


You can do a minimal installation of `EAGERx` with:

pip3 install eagerx

We provide other options (Docker, Conda) for installing EAGERx in the [documentation](https://eagerx.readthedocs.io/en/master/guide/getting_started/index.html#installing-eagerx).


The following tutorials are currently available in the form of Google

**Introduction to EAGERx**

-   [Tutorial 1: Getting
-   [Tutorial 2: Advanced

The solutions are available

**Developer tutorials**

-   [Tutorial 1: Environment Creation and Training with
-   [Tutorial 2: Reset and Step
-   [Tutorial 3: Space and
-   [Tutorial 4: Nodes and Graph
-   [Tutorial 5: Adding Engine Support for an
-   [Tutorial 6: Defining a new
-   [Tutorial 7: More Informative
-   [Tutorial 8: Reset

The solutions are available

For more information see the
or the [eagerx\_tutorials

Code Example

Below you can find a code example of environment creation and training
To run this code, you should install
which can be done by running:

pip3 install eagerx_tutorials

Detailed explanation of the code can be found in [this Colab

import eagerx
from eagerx.backends.single_process import SingleProcess
from eagerx.wrappers import Flatten
from eagerx_tutorials.pendulum.objects import Pendulum
from eagerx_ode.engine import OdeEngine

import stable_baselines3 as sb3
import numpy as np
from typing import Dict

class PendulumEnv(eagerx.BaseEnv):
    def __init__(self, name: str, rate: float, graph: eagerx.Graph, engine: eagerx.specs.EngineSpec,
                 backend: eagerx.specs.BackendSpec):
        self.max_steps = 100
        self.steps = None
        super().__init__(name, rate, graph, engine, backend, force_start=True)

    def step(self, action: Dict):
        observation = self._step(action)
        self.steps += 1

        # Calculate reward and check if the episode is terminated
        th = observation["angle"][0]
        thdot = observation["angular_velocity"][0]
        u = float(action["voltage"])
        th -= 2 * np.pi * np.floor((th + np.pi) / (2 * np.pi))
        cost = th ** 2 + 0.1 * thdot ** 2 + 0.01 * u ** 2
        truncated = self.steps > self.max_steps
        terminated = False

        # Render
        if self.render_mode == "human":
        return observation, -cost, terminated, truncated, {}

    def reset(self, seed=None, options=None) -> Dict:
        states = self.state_space.sample()
        observation = self._reset(states)
        self.steps = 0
        # Render
        if self.render_mode == "human":
        return observation, {}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    rate = 30.0

    pendulum = Pendulum.make("pendulum", actuators=["u"], sensors=["theta", "theta_dot"], states=["model_state"])

    graph = eagerx.Graph.create()
    graph.connect(action="voltage", target=pendulum.actuators.u)
    graph.connect(source=pendulum.sensors.theta, observation="angle")
    graph.connect(source=pendulum.sensors.theta_dot, observation="angular_velocity")

    engine = OdeEngine.make(rate=rate)
    backend = SingleProcess.make()

    env = PendulumEnv(name="PendulumEnv", rate=rate, graph=graph, engine=engine, backend=backend)
    env = Flatten(env)

    model = sb3.SAC("MlpPolicy", env, verbose=1)
    model.learn(total_timesteps=int(150 * rate))



EAGERx allows to create engine agnostic environments such that a single
environment can be used for simulation and reality. The following
engines are available for training and evaluation:

-   [RealEngine](https://github.com/eager-dev/eagerx_reality) for
    real-world experiments
-   [PybulletEngine](https://github.com/eager-dev/eagerx_pybullet) for
    PyBullet simulations
-   [OdeEngine](https://github.com/eager-dev/eagerx_ode) for simulations
    based on ordinary differential equations (ODEs)

Users can also create their own (custom) engines.


If you are using EAGERx for your scientific publications, please cite:

``` {.sourceCode .bibtex}
    author  = {van der Heijden, Bas and Luijkx, Jelle, and Ferranti, Laura and Kober, Jens and Babuska, Robert},
    title = {EAGERx: Engine Agnostic Graph Environments for Robotics},
    year = {2022},
    publisher = {GitHub},
    journal = {GitHub repository},
    howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/eager-dev/eagerx}}


EAGERx is currently maintained by Bas van der Heijden
([\@bheijden](https://github.com/bheijden)) and Jelle Luijkx

How to contact us

For any question, send an e-mail to *eagerx.dev@gmail.com*.


EAGERx is funded by the [OpenDR](https://opendr.eu/) Horizon 2020

    <img src="docs/_static/img/tu_delft.png" width="20%" alt="tu_delft"/>
    <img src="docs/_static/img/opendr_logo.png" width="20%"  alt="opendr"/>