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Test Coverage
from typing import Optional, List
import PIL
import numpy as np
import gymnasium as gym
from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
import os
import threading

import eagerx.core.register as register
from eagerx.core.space import Space
from eagerx.utils.utils import Msg
from eagerx.core.entities import EngineNode
from eagerx.core.constants import process

class ObservationSensor(EngineNode):
    def make(
        name: str,
        rate: float,
        process: Optional[int] = process.ENGINE,
        inputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        outputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        color: Optional[str] = "cyan",
        """ObservationSensor spec"""
        spec = cls.get_specification()

        # Set default
        spec.config.name = name
        spec.config.rate = rate
        spec.config.process = process
        spec.config.color = color
        spec.config.inputs = inputs if isinstance(inputs, list) else ["tick"]
        spec.config.outputs = outputs if isinstance(outputs, list) else ["observation"]
        return spec

    def initialize(self, spec, simulator):
        # We will probably use self.simulator in callback & reset.
        assert (
            self.process == process.ENGINE
        ), "Simulation node requires a reference to the simulator, hence it must be launched in the Engine process"
        self.simulator = simulator
        self.id = simulator["env_id"]
        self.last_obs = None

    def reset(self):
        self.last_obs = None

    @register.inputs(tick=Space(shape=(), dtype="int64"))
    def callback(self, t_n: float, tick: Optional[Msg] = None):
        assert isinstance(self.simulator, dict), (
            'Simulator object "%s" is not compatible with this engine node.' % self.simulator
        obs = self.simulator["buffer_obs"]
        self.simulator["buffer_obs"] = []
        obs = self.last_obs if len(obs) == 0 else obs[-1]
        self.last_obs = obs
        return dict(observation=obs)

class RewardSensor(EngineNode):
    def make(
        name: str,
        rate: float,
        process: Optional[int] = process.ENGINE,
        inputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        outputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        color: Optional[str] = "cyan",
        """RewardSensor spec"""
        spec = cls.get_specification()

        # Set default
        spec.config.name = name
        spec.config.rate = rate
        spec.config.process = process
        spec.config.color = color
        spec.config.inputs = inputs if isinstance(inputs, list) else ["tick"]
        spec.config.outputs = outputs if isinstance(outputs, list) else ["reward"]
        return spec

    def initialize(self, spec, simulator):
        # We will probably use self.simulator in callback & reset.
        assert (
            self.process == process.ENGINE
        ), "Simulation node requires a reference to the simulator, hence it must be launched in the Engine process"
        self.simulator = simulator
        self.id = simulator["env_id"]
        self.last_reward = None

    def reset(self):
        self.last_reward = 0.0

    @register.inputs(tick=Space(shape=(), dtype="int64"))
    def callback(self, t_n: float, tick: Optional[Msg] = None):
        assert isinstance(self.simulator, dict), (
            'Simulator object "%s" is not compatible with this engine node.' % self.simulator
        reward = self.simulator["buffer_reward"]
        self.simulator["buffer_reward"] = []
        if len(reward) == 0:
            reward = self.last_reward
            self.last_reward = reward[-1]
            reward = sum(reward)
        return dict(reward=reward)

class TruncatedSensor(EngineNode):
    def make(
        name: str,
        rate: float,
        process: Optional[int] = process.ENGINE,
        inputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        outputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        color: Optional[str] = "cyan",
        """DoneSensor spec"""
        spec = cls.get_specification()

        # Set default
        spec.config.name = name
        spec.config.rate = rate
        spec.config.process = process
        spec.config.color = color
        spec.config.inputs = inputs if isinstance(inputs, list) else ["tick"]
        spec.config.outputs = outputs if isinstance(outputs, list) else ["truncated"]
        return spec

    def initialize(self, spec, simulator):
        # We will probably use self.simulator in callback & reset.
        assert (
            self.process == process.ENGINE
        ), "Simulation node requires a reference to the simulator, hence it must be launched in the Engine process"
        self.simulator = simulator
        self.id = simulator["env_id"]
        self.last_truncated = None

    def reset(self):
        self.last_truncated = False

    @register.inputs(tick=Space(shape=(), dtype="int64"))
    @register.outputs(truncated=Space(low=0, high=1, shape=(), dtype="int64"))
    def callback(self, t_n: float, tick: Optional[Msg] = None):
        assert isinstance(self.simulator, dict), (
            'Simulator object "%s" is not compatible with this engine node.' % self.simulator
        truncated = self.simulator["buffer_truncated"]
        self.simulator["buffer_truncated"] = []
        if len(truncated) == 0:
            truncated = self.last_truncated
            truncated = any(truncated) or self.last_truncated
            self.last_truncated = truncated
        return dict(truncated=int(truncated))

class TerminatedSensor(EngineNode):
    def make(
        name: str,
        rate: float,
        process: Optional[int] = process.ENGINE,
        inputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        outputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        color: Optional[str] = "cyan",
        """DoneSensor spec"""
        spec = cls.get_specification()

        # Set default
        spec.config.name = name
        spec.config.rate = rate
        spec.config.process = process
        spec.config.color = color
        spec.config.inputs = inputs if isinstance(inputs, list) else ["tick"]
        spec.config.outputs = outputs if isinstance(outputs, list) else ["terminated"]
        return spec

    def initialize(self, spec, simulator):
        # We will probably use self.simulator in callback & reset.
        assert (
            self.process == process.ENGINE
        ), "Simulation node requires a reference to the simulator, hence it must be launched in the Engine process"
        self.simulator = simulator
        self.id = simulator["env_id"]
        self.last_terminated = None

    def reset(self):
        self.last_terminated = False

    @register.inputs(tick=Space(shape=(), dtype="int64"))
    @register.outputs(terminated=Space(low=0, high=1, shape=(), dtype="int64"))
    def callback(self, t_n: float, tick: Optional[Msg] = None):
        assert isinstance(self.simulator, dict), (
            'Simulator object "%s" is not compatible with this engine node.' % self.simulator
        terminated = self.simulator["buffer_terminated"]
        self.simulator["buffer_terminated"] = []
        if len(terminated) == 0:
            terminated = self.last_terminated
            terminated = any(terminated) or self.last_terminated
            self.last_terminated = terminated
        return dict(terminated=int(terminated))

class ActionActuator(EngineNode):
    def make(
        name: str,
        rate: float,
        process: Optional[int] = process.ENGINE,
        inputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        outputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        color: Optional[str] = "green",
        delay_state: bool = False,
        """ActionActuator spec"""
        spec = cls.get_specification()

        # Set default
        spec.config.name = name
        spec.config.rate = rate
        spec.config.process = process
        spec.config.color = color
        spec.config.inputs = inputs if isinstance(inputs, list) else ["tick", "action"]
        spec.config.outputs = outputs if isinstance(outputs, list) else ["action_applied"]
        spec.config.states = ["delay"] if delay_state else []

        # Modify custom node params
        spec.config.zero_action = zero_action
        return spec

    def initialize(self, spec, simulator):
        # We will probably use self.simulator in callback & reset.
        assert (
            self.process == process.ENGINE
        ), "Simulation node requires a reference to the simulator, hence it must be launched in the Engine process"
        self.simulator = simulator
        self.simulator["env"]: gym.Env
        self.is_discrete = True if isinstance(self.simulator["env"].action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete) else False
        if spec.config.zero_action is None:
            self.zero_action = self.simulator["env"].action_space.sample()
            if isinstance(spec.config.zero_action, list):
                dtype = self.simulator["env"].action_space.dtype
                self.zero_action = np.array(spec.config.zero_action, dtype=dtype)
                self.zero_action = spec.config.zero_action
            assert self.simulator["env"].action_space.contains(
            ), f'The zero action provided for "{self.simulator["name"]}" is not contained in the action space of this environment.'

    @register.states(delay=Space(shape=(), low=0.0, high=0.0, dtype="float32"))
    def reset(self, delay=None):
        # This controller is stateless (in contrast to e.g. a PID controller).
        if delay is not None:
            self.set_delay(delay, "inputs", "action")
        self.simulator["next_action"] = self.zero_action

    @register.inputs(tick=Space(shape=(), dtype="int64"), action=Space(dtype="float32"))
    def callback(
        t_n: float,
        tick: Optional[Msg] = None,
        action: Optional[Msg] = None,
        assert isinstance(self.simulator, dict), (
            'Simulator object "%s" is not compatible with this engine node.' % self.simulator

        # Set action in simulator for next step.
        if len(action.msgs) > 0:
            self.simulator["next_action"] = int(action.msgs[-1].item()) if self.is_discrete else action.msgs[-1]
            self.simulator["next_action"] = self.zero_action

        # Prepare output message
        action_applied = self.simulator["next_action"]

        # Send action that has been applied.
        return dict(action_applied=action_applied)

class GymImage(EngineNode):
    def make(
        name: str,
        rate: float,
        process: Optional[int] = process.ENGINE,
        inputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        outputs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        color: Optional[str] = "cyan",
        shape: Optional[List[int]] = None,
        """GymImage spec"""
        spec = cls.get_specification()

        # Set default
        spec.config.name = name
        spec.config.rate = rate
        spec.config.process = process
        spec.config.color = color
        spec.config.inputs = inputs if isinstance(inputs, list) else ["tick"]
        spec.config.outputs = outputs if isinstance(outputs, list) else ["image"]

        # Modify custom node params
        spec.config.shape = shape if isinstance(shape, list) else [200, 200]
        spec.config.always_render = always_render
        spec.outputs.image.space = Space(low=0, high=255, shape=tuple(spec.config.shape + [3]), dtype="uint8")
        return spec

    def initialize(self, spec, simulator):
        # We will probably use self.simulator in callback & reset.
        assert (
            self.process == process.ENGINE
        ), "Simulation node requires a reference to the simulator, hence it must be launched in the Engine process"
        self.simulator = simulator
        self.shape = tuple(spec.config.shape)
        self.always_render = spec.config.always_render
        self.render_toggle = False
        self.id = simulator["env_id"]
        self._cond = threading.Condition()
        self.sub_toggle = self.backend.Subscriber("%s/env/render/toggle" % self.ns, "bool", self._set_render_toggle)

        # Setup virtual display for rendering.
        self.display = Display(visible=False, backend="xvfb")
        self.disp_id = os.environ["DISPLAY"]  # First record default display id
        self.xvfb_id = self.display.env()["DISPLAY"]  # Get virtual display id
        os.environ["DISPLAY"] = self.disp_id  # Reset to default display id

    def reset(self):
        # This sensor is stateless (in contrast to e.g. a Kalman filter).

    @register.inputs(tick=Space(shape=(), dtype="int64"))
    def callback(self, t_n: float, tick: Optional[Msg] = None):
        assert isinstance(self.simulator, dict), (
            'Simulator object "%s" is not compatible with this engine node.' % self.simulator
        with self._cond:
            if self.always_render or self.render_toggle:
                os.environ["DISPLAY"] = self.xvfb_id  # Set virtual display id
                    rgb = self.simulator["env"].render()
                except Exception as e:
                    raise e
                os.environ["DISPLAY"] = self.disp_id  # Reset to default display id

                # Resize image if not matching desired self.shape
                if rgb.shape[:2] != tuple(self.shape):
                    img_PIL = PIL.Image.fromarray(rgb).convert("RGB")
                    img_PIL = img_PIL.resize(self.shape, PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
                    rgb = np.array(img_PIL).astype(rgb.dtype)
                rgb = np.zeros((self.shape[0], self.shape[1], 3), np.uint8)
        return dict(image=rgb)

    def shutdown(self):
        self.backend.logdebug(f"[{self.name}] {self.name}.shutdown() called.")

    def _show_ros_image(self, msg):
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        rgb_back = np.frombuffer(msg.data, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(msg.height, msg.width, -1)

    def _set_render_toggle(self, msg):
        with self._cond:
            if msg:
                self.backend.logdebug("[%s] START RENDERING!" % self.name)
                self.backend.logdebug("[%s] STOPPED RENDERING!" % self.name)
            self.render_toggle = msg