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# EBANX PHP Library [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ebanx-integration/ebanx-php.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ebanx-integration/ebanx-php) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/ebanx-integration/ebanx-php/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/ebanx-integration/ebanx-php) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/ebanx-integration/ebanx-php/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/ebanx-integration/ebanx-php/coverage)
EBANX is the market leader in e-commerce payment solutions for International Merchants selling online to Brazil.
This library enables you to integrate EBANX with any PHP application.

## Requirements
* PHP >= 5.3
* cURL

## Installation
### Composer
The EBANX library is available on Packagist (https://packagist.org/packages/ebanx/ebanx),
therefore you can install it by simply updating your composer.json file:

``` json
  "require" : {
    "ebanx/ebanx": "dev-master"
After that run _composer install_ and wait for it to finish. Include the Composer
generated autoloader from 'vendor/autoload.php' and you're ready to use the library.

### Git Repository
Clone the git repository anywhere you want and include the EBANX library autoloader
from 'src/autoload.php'.

## Usage
### Setup
To use the EBANX PHP library you need to setup your integration key.
``` php

If you need to change other settings, you can use the following function call:
``` php
    'integrationKey' => 'your-integration-key'
  , 'testMode'       => true

You can change the following settings:
* integrationKey: your integration key. It will be different in test and production modes.
* testMode: enable or disable the test mode. The default value is _false_.
* directMode: enable or disable the direct checkout mode. The default value is _false_.

To create a new API request, just call one of the following methods on the \Ebanx\Ebanx
class and supply it with the request parameters:
* \Ebanx\Ebanx::doCancel
* \Ebanx\Ebanx::doCapture
* \Ebanx\Ebanx::doExchange
* \Ebanx\Ebanx::doPrintHtml
* \Ebanx\Ebanx::doQuery
* \Ebanx\Ebanx::doRefund
* \Ebanx\Ebanx::doRefundOrCancel
* \Ebanx\Ebanx::doRequest
* \Ebanx\Ebanx::doToken
* \Ebanx\Ebanx::doZipcode

doRequest command example:
``` php
require_once __DIR__ . 'vendor/autoload.php';


$request = \Ebanx\Ebanx::doRequest([
    'currency_code'     => 'USD'
  , 'amount'            => 119.90
  , 'name'              => 'Jose da Silva'
  , 'email'             => 'jose@example.org'
  , 'payment_type_code' => 'boleto'
  , 'merchant_payment_code' => '10101101'

## Changelog
* **1.11.0**: changed EBANX API Endpoint
* **1.10.0**: added Curl
* **1.9.0**: added getBankList operation
* **1.8.0**: added documentBalance operation
* **1.7.0**: added hardcoded autoloader, removed Guzzle to avoid dependencies
* **1.6.1**: removed manual autoloader
* **1.6.0**: added fallback HTTP client for environments without curl
* **1.5.1**: removed _modify_ method, removed _request_ constraints
* **1.5.0**: changed HTTP client to Guzzle
* **1.4.1**: updated production URL.
* **1.4.0**: added custom user agent, made library PSR compliant.
* **1.3.0**: added Zipcode operation, improved HTTP Client error handling.
* **1.2.1**: updated autoloader and sandbox URL.
* **1.2.0**: added Token operation.
* **1.1.0**: added business person to Direct mode.
* **1.0.0**: first release.