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Test Coverage
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/response.js" ></script> -->
<!--including tinymce javascript-->
<%= tinymce_assets %>
<%= tinymce %>
  // todo: to be moved to assets, once it's fixed so that not every script is loaded in every page.
  //detect if the window is in foreground or background
  var vis = (function(){
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      hidden: "visibilitychange",
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    return function(c) {
      if (c) document.addEventListener(eventKey, c);
      return !document[stateKey];

  jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    //use barrating for dropdown
    $('.review-rating').each(function(index, el) {
      var $El;
      $El = $(el);
        theme: 'fontawesome-stars',
        initialRating: $El.attr('data-current-rating'),
        showSelectedRating: true

    // auto save every changes to local storage
        locationBased: true,
        autoRelease: true

    // Server AUTO SAVE: triggers every 60 seconds to save the draft version of the review to database
    var interval = 60000;
    var last_save = new Date();
    // detect how many seconds the userhas been idle
    var idleTime = 0;
    //threshold to turn off the autosave
    var maxIdleTime = 30;

    $('#autosave_cbx_lbl').html("&nbsp;Auto save your response every " + interval / 1000 + " seconds?&nbsp;&nbsp;");

    //if it's was in the background, don't auto save to avoid conflict
    setInterval(function() {
      if(vis() && $("#autosave_cbx").prop("checked"))
    }, interval);

    //click ajax
    function executeSave(){
      timeDiff = (new Date().getTime() - last_save.getTime())/1000;
      // ignore saving unless the last save was more than 5s
      if (timeDiff>5 && $('.review_form').length > 0) {
        $('form').attr('data-remote', 'true');
        last_save = new Date;
        if ($('input[name=saved]').value = "0")

      $(document).ajaxError(function(event, request, settings) {
        if (settings.url.includes("response") && settings.type == "POST")
          $('#save_progress').html('<span id="tick"> &#9940; </span>' + 'Unable to reach the expertiza server. <br>Create a backup of your comments and you may try to login again in a while');

      $('form#<%=@modified_object%>').bind('ajax:success', function(evt, data, status, xhr){
        $('#save_progress').html('<span id="tick"> &#10004; </span>' +
            'A draft was saved on ' + last_save.toLocaleString('en-US', {
              weekday: 'short',
              day: 'numeric',
              month: 'short',
              year: 'numeric',
              hour: 'numeric',
              minute: 'numeric',
              second: 'numeric',
              hour12: true }));

      $('#save_confirm').html('<span id="tick"> &#10004; </span>&nbsp;Saving review!')
      }, 5000);
      if(!confirm('Once a review has been submitted, you cannot edit it again')){
        window.location.href= "../../../student_review/list?id=<%= %>";
    // update the values in the form using ajax
    function updateForm(){
      //update the additional comments
      $.get("../../../response/json?response_id=<%= %>", function(data){
        if(data.additional_comment != null) {
      //update the questions
      $.get("../../../answer?response_id=<%= %>&questionnaire_id=<%= %>", function(data){
        var index, len;
        $("[type=radio]").each(function (){
        var tinymce_index = 0
        for (index = 0, len = data.length; index < len; ++index) {
            case "Criterion":
              if(data[index].answer != null) {
                $('#responses_' + index + '_score').val(data[index].answer);
            <% if @dropdown_or_scale == "dropdown" %>
                  $('#responses_' + index + '_score').barrating('set', data[index].answer);
            <% else %>
                $("input[name='Radio_" + data[index].question_id +"']").each(function(){
                  if(data[index].answer == $(this).val())
                    $(this).prop("checked", "true");
            <% end %>
              if(data[index].comments != null)
                tinymce.get('responses_' + index + '_comments').setContent(data[index].comments);
            case "TextArea" :
              if(data[index].comments != null)
                tinymce.get('responses_' + index + '_comments').setContent(data[index].comments);
            case "TextField":
              if(data[index].comments != null)
                $('#responses_' + index + '_comments').val(data[index].comments);
            case "Checkbox" :
              if(data[index].answer != null)
                $('#responses_' + index + '_score').prop( "checked", data[index].score == 1).change();
            case "Dropdown" :
              if(data[index].comments != null) {
                $('#responses_' + index + '_comments').val(data[index].comments);
            case "Scale":
              $("input[name='Radio_" + data[index].question_id +"']").each(function(){
                if(data[index].answer == $(this).val())
                  $(this).prop("checked", "true");
        // release the form

    // update the form after it's back to the foreground.
    // save review when the window is sent to background
    vis(function () {
      // reload review when the window is sent to the foreground
      if (vis() && $("#autosave_cbx").prop("checked")){
        // freeze the form until it's updated
        // delay one second to let the data saved if the user switch back and forth
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 1000);
      }else if (!vis() && $("#autosave_cbx").prop("checked")){
        //console.log("Saving before going to background at " + new Date().toLocaleString('en-US', { weekday: 'short', day: 'numeric', month: 'short', year: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric', hour12: true }));
    //overlay to block user entering new info before the form is updated with data from the server
    function displayOverlay(text) {
      $("<table id='overlay'><tbody><tr><td>" + text + "</td></tr></tbody></table>").css({
        "position": "fixed",
        "top": "0px",
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        "text-align": "center",
        "color": "#fff",
        "font-size": "40px",
        "font-weight": "bold",
        "cursor": "wait"
    function removeOverlay() {

    //Increment the idle time counter every minute and restart the timer if there is a mouse movement or keypress.
    var idleInterval = setInterval(function(){
      idleTime = idleTime + 1;
      if (idleTime >= maxIdleTime && vis() && $("#autosave_cbx").prop("checked")) {
          var r = confirm("The window has been idle more than " + maxIdleTime + " minutes. Auto save is disabled. Do you want to enable it again?");
          if (r == true) {
        }, 1000);
    }, interval);
    //Zero the idle timer on mouse movement.
    $(this).mousemove(function (e) {
      idleTime = 0;
    $(this).keypress(function (e) {
      idleTime = 0;
    //restart the counter if it's just checked
    $("#autosave_cbx").change(function (e){
        idleTime = 0;
    /// end auto reload

    //attach event handler to all tinymce editors
    tinyMCE.on('AddEditor', function(e) {
      e.editor.on('blur', function (e) {
        ed =;
        if ("comments")){
          json_review = JSON.stringify({ "review": ed.getContent({format : 'text'}) })

            url: "",
            type: "POST",
            crossDomain: true,
            contentType: "application/json",
            data: json_review,
            dataType: "html",
            success: function (response) {
              var toneAnalysisResult = '<div class="panel panel-default">' +
                                          '<div class="panel-heading">Tone analysis</div>' +
                                          '<div class="panel-body">' + response + '</div>' +
                  $('#' +"responses", "analysis")).html(toneAnalysisResult);
              else if('review_comments'))
            error: function (xhr, status) {
              $('#save_progress').html('Unable to reach tone analysis service at the moment')


<% if @map.survey? %>
    <h1><%= @header %> <%= @title %> for <%= %></h1>
<% else %>
    <h1><%= @header %> <%= @title %> for <%= %></h1>

    <% if !@map.contributor.nil? && !@map.instance_of?(FeedbackResponseMap) %>
        <% if @map.assignment.team_assignment? %>
            <% team_member = TeamsUser.find_by_team_id(@map.contributor).user_id%>
            <% topic_id = SignedUpTeam.topic_id(, team_member) %>
        <% else %>
            <% participant = Participant.find(TeamsUser.find_by_team_id(@map.contributor).user_id) %>
            <% topic_id = SignedUpTeam.where(participant.parent_id, participant.user_id) %>
        <% end %>
        <% if !topic_id.nil? %>
            <% topic = SignUpTopic.find(topic_id)%>
            <h2>You are reviewing <%= topic.topic_name %></h2>
            <% if !topic.description.nil? %>
              <b>Description &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>
              <% if topic.description.to_s.length>90 %>
                <%= topic.description.to_s[0..90]+'...'%>
                <a style="cursor: pointer" onclick="show_alert('<%= topic.description%>')">more...</a>
              <% else %>
                <%= topic.description.to_s%>
              <% end %>
              <% if != nil then %>
                  <%= link_to image_tag('external-link-16.png', :border => 0, :align => 'middle'),, :target=>'_blank' %>
              <% end%>
            <% end %>
        <% end %>

        <%if @assignment.teams?%>
            <% topic_id = SignedUpTeam.topic_id(@participant.parent_id, @participant.user_id) %>
            <%= render :partial => 'submitted_content/main', :locals => {:reviewee_participant => @contributor.participants.first,:participant => @contributor.participants.first, :stage => @assignment.get_current_stage(topic_id)} %>
            <% topic_id = SignedUpTeam.topic_id(@participant.parent_id, @participant.user_id) %>
            <%= render :partial => 'submitted_content/main', :locals => {:participant => @contributor, :stage => @assignment.get_current_stage(topic_id)} %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>

<!-- display all versions available -->
<% @responses_versions = %>
<% @responses_versions = @map.get_all_versions() %>

<% if @responses_versions.empty? %>
    <I>No previous review was performed.</I><br/><hr/><br/>
<% else %>
    <%= render :partial => 'review', :locals => {:versions => @responses_versions} %>
<% end %>
<h2>Directions for the reviewer</h2>
<input type="checkbox" id="autosave_cbx" checked>
<label id="autosave_cbx_lbl" for="autosave_cbx"></label>
<div id="save_progress"></div>
<%= form_tag({:action => @next_action}, :id => @modified_object, :class => "review_form") do %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag "map_id", @modified_object %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag "saved", (@header == "New") ? 1 : 0 %>
    <% if @next_action.eql?'update' %>
        <input name="_method" type="hidden" value="put" />
    <table width="100%">
          <% i = 0 %>
          <% @questions.each do |question| %>
            <% answer = Answer.where(question_id:, response_id: if !@response.nil?%>
            <% if question.instance_of? Criterion%>
              <%= question.complete(i, answer, @questionnaire.min_question_score, @questionnaire.max_question_score, @dropdown_or_scale) %>
            <% elsif question.instance_of? Scale %>
              <%= question.complete(i, answer, @questionnaire.min_question_score, @questionnaire.max_question_score) %>
            <% else %>
              <%= question.complete(i, answer) %>
            <% end %>

            <% if [Criterion, TextArea].include? question.class %>
              <div id="analysis_<%= i.to_s %>_comments"></div>
            <% end %>
            <% i += 1%>
          <% end %>
          <label for="review_comments">Additional Comments</label><BR/>
          <textarea cols="70" rows="1" id="review_comments" name="review[comments]" style="overflow:hidden;" class="tinymce">
            <% if controller.action_name != 'new' and @response.additional_comment != nil %>
                <%= @response.additional_comment.strip if !@response.nil?%>
            <% end %>
        <td width="25%">
          <div id="review_comments_analysis"></div>

      <!-- Add a Good Teammate badge to the Teammate Review Questionnaire if the assignment has badges -->
      <% if @assignment.has_badge? and (@questionnaire.type == 'TeammateReviewQuestionnaire' or @questionnaire.type == 'Teammate ReviewQuestionnaire') and AssignmentBadge.where(assignment_id:, badge_id: Badge.get_id_from_name('Good Teammate')).any?%>
            <img width = "100px" src=<%= "/assets/badges/#{Badge.get_image_name_from_name("Good Teammate")}" %> title="GoodTeammate">
             Would you like to award a Good Teammate badge?
            <input type="checkbox" id="good_teammate_checkbox" name="review[good_teammate_checkbox]">
      <% end%>

      <!-- Add a Good Reviewer badge to the Feedback Review Questionnaire if the assignment has badges -->
      <% if @assignment.has_badge? and (@questionnaire.type == 'AuthorFeedbackQuestionnaire' or @questionnaire.type == 'Author FeedbackQuestionnaire') and AssignmentBadge.where(assignment_id:, badge_id: Badge.get_id_from_name('Good Reviewer')).any?%>
            <img width="100px" src=<%= "/assets/badges/#{Badge.get_image_name_from_name("Good Reviewer")}" %> title="GoodReviewer">
            Would you like to award a Good Reviewer badge?
            <input type="checkbox" id="good_reviewer_checkbox" name="review[good_reviewer_checkbox]">
      <% end %>

    <%if @current_round%>
      <%= hidden_field_tag "review[round]", @current_round %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag "review[questionnaire_id]", %>

    <div id="save_confirm"></div>
    <%= submit_tag "Save "+@title, :name => "save", :id => "save_review" %>
    <!--#E1600 check title for selfreview to show submit button-->
    <% if @title && ((@title.eql? 'Review') || (@title.eql? 'Self Review')) %>
        <%= submit_tag "Submit "+@title, :name => "Submit", :id => "Submit" %>
        <img src="/assets/info.png" title='- SAVE will only store the peer-review as draft and the peer-review will not be displayed to the reviewee. After clicking SUBMIT, the peer-review will be displayed to reviewee, and you will not be able to update it any more.'>
    <% end %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag('return', @return) %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag  "isSubmit", :id=>"isSubmit" %>
<% end %>

<!--Check whether there is a UploadFile question.-->
<%@questions.each do |question| %>
    <% if question.instance_of? UploadFile %>
        <!--params[:origin] means from where do the files upload-->
        <!--If the files uploaded from submitted_work (students hand in assignment), params[:origin] will be nil-->
        <!--If the files uploaded from peer review, params[:origin] will be 'review'-->
        <% if params[:action] == 'new' %>
            <% response_map_id = params[:id] %>
        <% elsif params[:action] == 'edit' %>
            <% response_map_id = Response.find(params[:id]) %>
        <% end %>
        <%= render partial: 'submitted_content/submitted_files', locals: {participant: @participant, stage: @stage, origin: 'review', response_map_id: response_map_id} %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>
<%= @map.show_feedback(@response) %>
<a href="javascript:window.history.back()">Back</a>
<div id="dialog-message" style="word-wrap: normal"></div>