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Assignment Branch Condition size for import is too high. [44.99/15]

  def self.import(row_hash, id, options, teamtype)

    raise ArgumentError, "Not enough fields on this line." if row_hash.empty? || (row_hash[:teammembers].length < 2 && (options[:has_teamname] == "true_first" || options[:has_teamname] == "true_last")) || (row_hash[:teammembers].empty? && (options[:has_teamname] == "true_first" || options[:has_teamname] == "true_last"))
    if options[:has_teamname] == "true_first" || options[:has_teamname] == "true_last"
      name = row_hash[:teamname].to_s
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/team.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for randomize_all_by_parent is too high. [44.11/15]

  def self.randomize_all_by_parent(parent, team_type, min_team_size)
    participants = Participant.where(parent_id:, type: parent.class.to_s + "Participant")
    participants = participants.sort { rand(-1..1) }
    users = {|p| User.find(p.user_id) }.to_a
    # find teams still need team members and users who are not in any team
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/team.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for add_reviews is too high. [44.68/15]

  def add_reviews(participant, team, vary)
    if @questionnaire_type == "ReviewQuestionnaire"
      reviews = if vary
                  ReviewResponseMap.get_responses_for_team_round(team, @round)
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/vm_question_response.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for concatenate_all_review_comments is too high. [44.33/15]

  def self.concatenate_all_review_comments(assignment_id, reviewer_id)
    comments = ''
    counter = 0
    @comments_in_round1 = @comments_in_round2 = @comments_in_round3 = ''
    @counter_in_round1 = @counter_in_round2 = @counter_in_round3 = 0
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/response.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for add_reviewer is too high. [44.25/15]

  def add_reviewer
    assignment = Assignment.find(params[:id])
    topic_id = params[:topic_id]
    user_id = User.where(name: params[:user][:name])
    # If instructor want to assign one student to review his/her own artifact,

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for summarize_reviews_by_reviewee is too high. [44.61/15]

    def summarize_reviews_by_reviewee(questions, assignment, r_id, summary_ws_url)
      self.summary = ({})
      self.avg_scores_by_round = ({})
      self.avg_scores_by_criterion = ({})

Severity: Minor
Found in app/helpers/summary_helper.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for create_requested_user_record is too high. [44.67/15]

  def create_requested_user_record
    requested_user =
    if params[:user][:institution_id].empty?
      institution = Institution.find_or_create_by(name: params[:institution][:name])
      requested_user.institution_id =
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/users_controller.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for set_priority is too high. [44.03/15]

  def set_priority
    participant = AssignmentParticipant.find_by(id: params[:participant_id])
    assignment_id = SignUpTopic.find(params[:topic].first)
    team_id =
    unless team_id

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

File user_spec.rb has 376 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

describe User do
  let(:user) do name: 'abc', fullname: 'abc xyz', email: '', password: '12345678', password_confirmation: '12345678',
             email_on_submission: 1, email_on_review: 1, email_on_review_of_review: 0, copy_of_emails: 1, handle: 'handle'
Severity: Minor
Found in spec/models/user_spec.rb - About 5 hrs to fix

    Assignment Branch Condition size for import is too high. [43.23/15]

      def self.import(row, _row_header, session, _id = nil)
        if row.length != 5
          raise ArgumentError, "Not enough items: expect 3 columns: your login name, your full name (first and last name, not seperated with the delimiter), and your email."
        questionnaire = Questionnaire.find_by_id(_id)
    Severity: Minor
    Found in app/models/question.rb by rubocop

    This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

    Assignment Branch Condition size for view_question_text is too high. [43.73/15]

      def view_question_text
        html = '<TD align="left"> ' + self.txt + ' </TD>'
        html += '<TD align="left">' + self.type + '</TD>'
        html += '<td align="center">' + self.weight.to_s + '</TD>'
        questionnaire = self.questionnaire
    Severity: Minor
    Found in app/models/criterion.rb by rubocop

    This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

    Assignment Branch Condition size for list_sub_directories is too high. [43.22/15]

      def list_sub_directories(file, participant)
        index = 0
        ret = "<ul id= 'subdir." + index.to_s + "." + index.to_s + "'>"
        Dir.foreach(file) do |path|
          next if path == "." or path == ".." or path == ".svn"

    This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

    Assignment Branch Condition size for get_questions_from_csv is too high. [43.3/15]

      def self.get_questions_from_csv(questionnaire, file)
        questions = []
        custom_rubric = questionnaire.section == "Custom"
        CSV::Reader.parse(file) do |row|
    Severity: Minor
    Found in app/helpers/questionnaire_helper.rb by rubocop

    This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

    Assignment Branch Condition size for send_password is too high. [43.67/15]

      def send_password
        if params[:user][:email].nil? || params[:user][:email].strip.empty?
          flash[:error] = "Please enter an e-mail address."
          user = User.find_by(email: params[:user][:email])

    This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

    Assignment Branch Condition size for update_password is too high. [43.61/15]

      def update_password
        if params[:reset][:password] == params[:reset][:repassword]
          user = User.find_by(email: params[:reset][:email])
          user.password = params[:reset][:password]
          user.password_confirmation = params[:reset][:repassword]

    This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

    File users_controller_spec.rb has 372 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    describe UsersController do
      let(:admin) { build(:admin, id: 3) }
      let(:super_admin) {build (:superadmin)}
      let(:instructor) { build(:instructor, id: 2) }
      let(:student1) { build(:student, id: 1, name: :lily) }
    Severity: Minor
    Found in spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb - About 4 hrs to fix

      File assignment_particpant_spec.rb has 371 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

      describe AssignmentParticipant do
        let(:response) { build(:response) }
        let(:team) { build(:assignment_team, id: 1) }
        let(:team2) { build(:assignment_team, id: 2) }
        let(:response_map) { build(:review_response_map, reviewer_id: 2, response: [response]) }
      Severity: Minor
      Found in spec/models/assignment_particpant_spec.rb - About 4 hrs to fix

        Block has too many lines. [79/25]

            keys.each_with_index do |key, round|
              next if @sentiment_summary[round].nil?
              content = []
              v_label = []
              h_label = []
        Severity: Minor
        Found in app/controllers/popup_controller.rb by rubocop

        This cop checks if the length of a block exceeds some maximum value. Comment lines can optionally be ignored. The maximum allowed length is configurable. The cop can be configured to ignore blocks passed to certain methods.

        Block has too many lines. [79/25]

            context 'when the reviewers of current reviewer (ap3) includes current assignment participant' do
              # This before-each function is used to extract out re-appearing code used in four_node_cycle tests
              # More specifically, it is used to extract out the common code used to
              # create a relationship between four revewing participants
              before(:each) do
        Severity: Minor
        Found in spec/models/collusion_cycle_spec.rb by rubocop

        This cop checks if the length of a block exceeds some maximum value. Comment lines can optionally be ignored. The maximum allowed length is configurable. The cop can be configured to ignore blocks passed to certain methods.

        Assignment Branch Condition size for get_total_score is too high. [42.37/15]

          def self.get_total_score(params)
            @response = params[:response].last
            if @response
              @questions = params[:questions]
        Severity: Minor
        Found in app/models/answer.rb by rubocop

        This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See
