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Method get_assessments_for has a Cognitive Complexity of 17 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

  def self.get_assessments_for(team)
    responses = []
    stime =
    if team
      @array_sort = []
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/response_map.rb - About 2 hrs to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method valid_quiz has a Cognitive Complexity of 17 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

  def valid_quiz
    num_quiz_questions = Assignment.find(params[:aid]).num_quiz_questions
    valid = "valid"

    (1..num_quiz_questions).each do |i|
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/questionnaires_controller.rb - About 2 hrs to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method summarize_reviews_by_reviewees has a Cognitive Complexity of 17 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    def summarize_reviews_by_reviewees(assignment, summary_ws_url)
      # @summary[reviewee][round][question]
      # @reviewers[team][reviewer]
      # @avg_scores_by_reviewee[team]
      # @avg_score_round[reviewee][round]
Severity: Minor
Found in app/helpers/summary_helper.rb - About 2 hrs to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method build_tone_analysis_report has a Cognitive Complexity of 17 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

  def build_tone_analysis_report
    uri =  WEBSERVICE_CONFIG['sentiment_webservice_url'] + "analyze_reviews_bulk"
    index = 0
    @sentiment_summary = []
    keys = @review_final_versions.keys
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/popup_controller.rb - About 2 hrs to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Cyclomatic complexity for get is too high. [11/6]

  def self.get(sortvar = nil, sortorder = nil, user_id = nil, show = nil, parent_id = nil, _search = nil)
    conditions = if show
                   if User.find(user_id) != "Teaching Assistant"
                     'questionnaires.instructor_id = ?'
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/questionnaire_node.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the cyclomatic complexity of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The cyclomatic complexity is the number of linearly independent paths through a method. The algorithm counts decision points and adds one.

An if statement (or unless or ?:) increases the complexity by one. An else branch does not, since it doesn't add a decision point. The && operator (or keyword and) can be converted to a nested if statement, and ||/or is shorthand for a sequence of ifs, so they also add one. Loops can be said to have an exit condition, so they add one.

Assignment Branch Condition size for reject_by_least_reviewed is too high. [20.12/15]

  def reject_by_least_reviewed(contributor_set)
    contributor = contributor_set.min_by {|contributor| contributor.review_mappings.reject {|review_mapping| review_mapping.response.nil? }.count }
    min_reviews = contributor.review_mappings.reject {|review_mapping| review_mapping.response.nil? }.count rescue 0
    contributor_set.reject! {|contributor| contributor.review_mappings.reject {|review_mapping| review_mapping.response.nil? }.count > min_reviews + review_topic_threshold }
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/review_assignment.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Perceived complexity for complete is too high. [12/7]

  def complete(count, answer = nil, questionnaire_min, questionnaire_max)
    html = '<div><label for="responses_' + count.to_s + '">' + self.txt + '</label></div>'
    html += '<input id="responses_' + count.to_s + '_score" name="responses[' + count.to_s + '][score]" type="hidden"'
    html += 'value="' + answer.answer.to_s + '"' unless answer.nil?
    html += '>'
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/scale.rb by rubocop

This cop tries to produce a complexity score that's a measure of the complexity the reader experiences when looking at a method. For that reason it considers when nodes as something that doesn't add as much complexity as an if or a &&. Except if it's one of those special case/when constructs where there's no expression after case. Then the cop treats it as an if/elsif/elsif... and lets all the when nodes count. In contrast to the CyclomaticComplexity cop, this cop considers else nodes as adding complexity.


def my_method                   # 1
  if cond                       # 1
    case var                    # 2 (0.8 + 4 * 0.2, rounded)
    when 1 then func_one
    when 2 then func_two
    when 3 then func_three
    when 4..10 then func_other
  else                          # 1
    do_something until a && b   # 2
  end                           # ===
end                             # 7 complexity points

Assignment Branch Condition size for create_team_from_single_users is too high. [20.35/15]

  def self.create_team_from_single_users(min_team_size, parent, team_type, users)
    num_of_teams = users.length.fdiv(min_team_size).ceil
    next_team_member_index = 0
    for i in (1..num_of_teams).to_a
      team = Object.const_get(team_type + 'Team').create(name: 'Team_' + i.to_s, parent_id:
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/team.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for export_individual_data_fields is too high. [20.1/15]

  def self.export_individual_data_fields(review_type, score_name)
    if pscore[review_type]
      tcsv.push(pscore[review_type][:scores][:max], pscore[review_type][:scores][:min], pscore[review_type][:scores][:avg])
      tcsv.push('---', '---', '---') if options[score_name]
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/assignment.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for get_next_due_date is too high. [20.05/15]

  def self.get_next_due_date(assignment_id, topic_id = nil)
    if Assignment.find(assignment_id).staggered_deadline?
      next_due_date = TopicDueDate.find_by(['parent_id = ? and due_at >= ?', topic_id,])
      # if certion TopicDueDate is not exist, we should query next corresponding AssignmentDueDate.
      # eg. is 08/28/2016
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/due_date.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for view_completed_question is too high. [20.1/15]

  def view_completed_question(user_answer)
    quiz_question_choices = QuizQuestionChoice.where(question_id:
    html = ''
    quiz_question_choices.each do |answer|
      html += '<b>' + answer.txt + '</b> -- Correct <br>' if answer.iscorrect

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for compute_penalty_on_reviews is too high. [20.35/15]

  def compute_penalty_on_reviews(review_mappings, review_due_date, num_of_reviews_required)
    review_map_created_at_list = []
    penalty = 0
    # Calculate the number of reviews that the user has completed so far.
    review_mappings.each do |map|
Severity: Minor
Found in app/helpers/penalty_helper.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for get_data_for_list_submissions is too high. [20.25/15]

  def get_data_for_list_submissions(team)
    teams_users = TeamsUser.where(team_id:
    topic = SignedUpTeam.where(team_id: :topic
    topic_identifier = topic.try :topic_identifier
    topic_name = topic.try :topic_name
Severity: Minor
Found in app/helpers/assignment_helper.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for import is too high. [20.05/15]

  def self.import(row_hash, _row_header = nil, session, id)
    raise ArgumentError, "No user id has been specified." if row_hash.empty?
    user = User.find_by(name: row_hash[:name])
    return unless user.nil?
    raise ArgumentError, "The record containing #{row_hash[:name]} does not have enough items." if row_hash.length < 4

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Cyclomatic complexity for merge_scores is too high. [11/6]

  def merge_scores(scores)
    review_sym = "review".to_sym
    scores[review_sym] = {}
    scores[review_sym][:assessments] = []
    scores[review_sym][:scores] = {max: -999_999_999, min: 999_999_999, avg: 0}

This cop checks that the cyclomatic complexity of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The cyclomatic complexity is the number of linearly independent paths through a method. The algorithm counts decision points and adds one.

An if statement (or unless or ?:) increases the complexity by one. An else branch does not, since it doesn't add a decision point. The && operator (or keyword and) can be converted to a nested if statement, and ||/or is shorthand for a sequence of ifs, so they also add one. Loops can be said to have an exit condition, so they add one.

Cyclomatic complexity for automatic_review_mapping is too high. [11/6]

  def automatic_review_mapping
    assignment_id = params[:id].to_i
    participants = AssignmentParticipant.where(parent_id: params[:id].to_i)!
    teams = AssignmentTeam.where(parent_id: params[:id].to_i).to_a.shuffle!
    max_team_size = Integer(params[:max_team_size]) # Assignment.find(assignment_id).max_team_size

This cop checks that the cyclomatic complexity of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The cyclomatic complexity is the number of linearly independent paths through a method. The algorithm counts decision points and adds one.

An if statement (or unless or ?:) increases the complexity by one. An else branch does not, since it doesn't add a decision point. The && operator (or keyword and) can be converted to a nested if statement, and ||/or is shorthand for a sequence of ifs, so they also add one. Loops can be said to have an exit condition, so they add one.

Cyclomatic complexity for assign_reviewer_dynamically is too high. [11/6]

  def assign_reviewer_dynamically
    assignment = Assignment.find(params[:assignment_id])
    reviewer = AssignmentParticipant.where(user_id: params[:reviewer_id], parent_id:

    if params[:i_dont_care].nil? && params[:topic_id].nil? && assignment.topics? && assignment.can_choose_topic_to_review?

This cop checks that the cyclomatic complexity of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The cyclomatic complexity is the number of linearly independent paths through a method. The algorithm counts decision points and adds one.

An if statement (or unless or ?:) increases the complexity by one. An else branch does not, since it doesn't add a decision point. The && operator (or keyword and) can be converted to a nested if statement, and ||/or is shorthand for a sequence of ifs, so they also add one. Loops can be said to have an exit condition, so they add one.

Assignment Branch Condition size for get_review_grade_info is too high. [20.35/15]

  def get_review_grade_info(participant)
    info = ''
    if participant.try(:review_grade).try(:grade_for_reviewer).nil? ||
      result = "N/A"
Severity: Minor
Found in app/helpers/student_task_helper.rb by rubocop

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Assignment Branch Condition size for get_data_for_review_report is too high. [20.71/15]

  def get_data_for_review_report(reviewed_object_id, reviewer_id, type)
    rspan = 0
    (1..@assignment.num_review_rounds).each {|round| instance_variable_set("@review_in_round_" + round.to_s, 0) }

    response_maps = ResponseMap.where(["reviewed_object_id = ? AND reviewer_id = ? AND type = ?", reviewed_object_id, reviewer_id, type])

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See

Perceived complexity for get_team_name_color_in_review_report is too high. [12/7]

  def get_team_name_color_in_review_report(response_map)
    assignment_created = @assignment.created_at
    assignment_due_dates = DueDate.where(parent_id: response_map.reviewed_object_id)
    if Response.exists?(map_id:
      if !response_map.try(:reviewer).try(:review_grade).nil?

This cop tries to produce a complexity score that's a measure of the complexity the reader experiences when looking at a method. For that reason it considers when nodes as something that doesn't add as much complexity as an if or a &&. Except if it's one of those special case/when constructs where there's no expression after case. Then the cop treats it as an if/elsif/elsif... and lets all the when nodes count. In contrast to the CyclomaticComplexity cop, this cop considers else nodes as adding complexity.


def my_method                   # 1
  if cond                       # 1
    case var                    # 2 (0.8 + 4 * 0.2, rounded)
    when 1 then func_one
    when 2 then func_two
    when 3 then func_three
    when 4..10 then func_other
  else                          # 1
    do_something until a && b   # 2
  end                           # ===
end                             # 7 complexity points