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import Component from 'ember-component';
import getOwner from 'ember-owner/get';
import layout from '../templates/components/links-with-follower';
import { scheduleOnce, cancel, next, debounce } from 'ember-runloop';
import { isEmpty } from 'ember-utils';
import { assert } from 'ember-metal/utils';
import { A as emberArray } from 'ember-array/utils';
import { addListener, removeListener } from 'ember-metal/events';
import computed from 'ember-computed';
import jQuery from 'jquery';
import Configuration from '../configuration';

 * A component that renders a follower line underneath provided "links".
 * Expects a block to be passed that contains a set of links to render.
 * ```hbs
 * \{{#links-with-follower class="my-nav"}}
 *   {{#link-to 'route1' tagName='li'}}Route 1{{/link-to}}
 *   {{#link-to 'route2' tagName='li'}}Route 2{{/link-to}}
 * {{/links-with-follower}}
 * ```
 * @class LinksWithFollower
 * @module Components
export default Component.extend({
  tagName: 'nav',
  classNames: ['links-with-follower'],

   * Tag name to use for the element wrapping the provided links.
   * @property containerTagName
   * @type {String}
   * @default 'ul'
  containerTagName: 'ul',

   * Tag name to use for the follower. It is expected to match items passed
   * in via the block.
   * @property linkTagName
   * @type {String}
   * @default 'li'
  linkTagName: 'li',

   * The selector used to consider a link active.
   * @property activeSelector
   * @type {String}
   * @default ''
  activeSelector: ', li.ember-transitioning-in',

   * The duration used to animate the follower link.
   * @property followerAnimationDuration
   * @type {Number}
   * @default 150
  followerAnimationDuration: computed({
    get() {
      return Configuration.followerAnimationDuration;

   * Where to position the follower. Not yet used.
   * @property followerPosition
   * @type {String}
   * @default 'bottom'
  followerPosition: 'bottom', // TODO: support top, bottom, both

  init() {
    this.router = getOwner(this).lookup('router:main');

    addListener(this.router, 'willTransition', this, this._queueMoveFollower);

  didInsertElement() {


    this._onResizeHandler = () => { debounce(this, this._moveFollower, false, 20) };

  willDestroy() {

    removeListener(this.router, 'willTransition', this, this._queueMoveFollower);
    this.router = null;


   * Ensures the position of the follower is correct.
   * @private
  _ensureCorrectInitialPosition() {

   * Ensures the position of the follower on the next run.
   * @private
  _ensureCorrectPositionOnNextRun() {
    this.nextRun = next(this, this._moveFollower, false);

   * Ensures the initial position of the follower is correct, even if font or
   * image assets are slow to load.
   * @private
  _ensureCorrectPositionOnWindowLoad() {
    window.onload = () => this._moveFollower(false);

   * Adds event listener to update the follower after a browser resize
   * @private
  _installResizeListener() {
    window.addEventListener('resize', this._onResizeHandler);

   * Removes event listener to update the follower after a browser resize
   * @private
  _uninstallResizeListener() {
    window.removeEventListener('resize', this._onResizeHandler);

   * Asserts that children passed in via block match the provided childSelector
   * property.
   * @private
  _assertChildrenMatchSelector() {
    let containerTagName = this.get('containerTagName');
    let linkTagName = this.get('linkTagName');
    let children = emberArray(this.$(`${containerTagName}`).children().toArray());
    let childrenMatch = children.every((c) => jQuery(c).is(linkTagName));

    assert(`children in block must match the 'linkTagName' property`, childrenMatch);

   * Queues moving of a follower.
   * @private
  _queueMoveFollower() {
    scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._moveFollower);

   * Moves and resizes the link follower to match the currently active link.
   * @param  {Boolean} animate=true If the follower should animate
   * @private
  _moveFollower(animate=true) {
    if (this.isDestroying || this.isDestroyed) {

    let activeLink = this._activeLink();

    if (activeLink.length === 0) {

    let width = this._widthOfActiveLink();
    let left = this._leftPositionOfActiveLink();
    left = left + this._marginLeftOfActiveLink();
    let shouldHideFollower = isEmpty(width) || isEmpty(left);

    this._animateFollower(animate, { width, left });

   * Shows or hides the follower link.
   * @param  {Boolean} shouldHideFollower=true If the follower should animate
   * @private
  _hideFollower(shouldHideFollower=true) {
    let follower = this.$('.link-follower');

    if (shouldHideFollower) {
    } else {;

   * Animates a follower to its final width / position.
   * @param  {Boolean} animate=true If the follower should animate or not
   * @param  {Object} options={} The animated properties, left and width, passed to jQuery's css method
   * @private
  _animateFollower(animate=true, options={}) {
    let follower = this.$('.link-follower');
    let duration = (animate) ? this.get('followerAnimationDuration') : 0;
    let { left, width } = options;
    let css = {
      transform: `translate3d(${left}px, 0px, 0px)`,
      transitionDuration: `${duration}ms`,


   * Gets the width of the active link.
   * @return {Number} The width including margins/padding
   * @private
  _widthOfActiveLink() {
    let activeLink = this._activeLink();

    return activeLink.outerWidth();

   * Gets the left position of the active link.
   * @return {Number} The left position or 0 if it cannot be determined
   * @private
  _leftPositionOfActiveLink() {
    let activeLink = this._activeLink();
    let offset = activeLink.position() || { left: 0 };

    return offset.left;

  _marginLeftOfActiveLink() {
    let activeLink = this._activeLink();
    let marginLeft = activeLink.css('marginLeft');

    return parseInt(marginLeft);

   * Gets the active link based on `activeSelector`.
   * @return {Object} The results of the jQuery selector
   * @private
  _activeLink() {
    let activeSelector = this.get('activeSelector');
    return this.$(activeSelector);