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# @eclass/semantic-release-npm-github-config

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> [Semantic-release]( shareable config for [NPM]( with [GitHub](

## Usage

### Local installation

npm i -D semantic-release @eclass/semantic-release-npm-github-config @semantic-release/{changelog,git}

In `package.json`:

  "release": {
    "extends": "@eclass/semantic-release-npm-github-config"

### Global installation

$ npm i -g semantic-release @eclass/semantic-release-npm-github-config @semantic-release/{changelog,git}
$ semantic-release -e @eclass/semantic-release-npm-github-config

## Configuration

### GitHub authentication

The GitHub authentication configuration is **required** and can be set via [environment variables](#environment-variables).

See [GitHub authentication](

### Npm registry authentication

The npm authentication configuration is **required** and can be set via [environment variables](#environment-variables).

See [Npm registry authentication](

### Environment variables

| Variable                     | Description                                                                                                                                 |
| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `GH_TOKEN` or `GITHUB_TOKEN` | **Required.** The token used to authenticate with GitLab repository.                                                                        |
| `NPM_TOKEN`                  | **Required.** Npm token created via [npm token create]( |

### Additional options

This shareable config uses the [`@semantic-release/changelog`](, [`@semantic-release/git`](, [`@semantic-release/github`]( and [`@semantic-release/npm`]( plugins. See the documentation of each plugins for additional options.
Options can be set in the Semantic-release configuration.

For example to set a custom GitHub URL:

  "release": {
    "extends": "@eclass/semantic-release-npm-github-config",
    "githubUrl": ""

## License
