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# Laravel Facebook Ads

Get ads infos (campaigns, ads, insights, etc...) from Facebook & Instagram Ads API

* Supported Facebook API version: >= v3.0


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## Installation

Follow this steps to use this package on your Laravel installation

### Installing with composer

composer require edbizarro/laravel-facebook-ads

The package will automatically register it's service provider.

For Laravel <= 5.4 add the provider manually

### Load service provider (optional Laravel <= 5.4 only)

You need to update your `config/app.php` configuration file to register our service provider, adding this line on `providers` array:


### Enable the facade (optional)

This package comes with an facade to make the usage easier. To enable it, add this line at `config/app.php` on `alias` array:

'FacebookAds' => Edbizarro\LaravelFacebookAds\Facades\FacebookAds::class

## Configuration

If you want to change any configurations, you need to publish the package configuration file. To do this, run ` artisan vendor:publish --provider="Edbizarro\LaravelFacebookAds\Providers\LaravelFacebookServiceProvider"` on terminal.
This will publish a `facebook-ads.php` file on your configuration folder like this:

return [
    'app_id' => env('FB_ADS_APP_ID'),
    'app_secret' => env('FB_ADS_APP_SECRET'),

> Note that this file uses environment variables, it's a good practice put your secret keys on your `.env` file adding this lines on it:


## First steps

Before using it, it's necessary to initialize the library with an valid [access token](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens#usertokens), [php example](https://github.com/facebook/php-graph-sdk/blob/master/docs/examples/facebook_login.md) with:


Now that everything is set up, it's easy to start using!

#### Example getting all ads

$ads = FacebookAds::adAccounts()->all()->map(function ($adAccount) {
  return $adAccount->ads(

## Usage

To obtain a list of all `AdAccount` available fields, look at [this](https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-ads-sdk/blob/master/src/FacebookAds/Object/Fields/AdAccountFields.php).

### adAccounts

To obtain an adAccounts instance:

$adAccounts = $adsApi->adAccounts();

#### all

Use this method to retrieve your owned Ad Accounts. This method accepts an array as argument containing a list of fields.

To obtain a list of all available fields, look at [this](https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-ads-sdk/blob/master/src/FacebookAds/Object/Fields/AdAccountFields.php).

$adAccounts->all(['account_id', 'balance', 'name']);

#### get

Use this method to get details of an AdAccount. This method accepts an array as argument containing a list of fields and an account_id `act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>`

To obtain a list of all available fields, look at [this](https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-ads-sdk/blob/master/src/FacebookAds/Object/Fields/AdAccountFields.php).

$adAccounts->get(['account_id', 'balance', 'name'], 'act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>');

### Campaigns

To obtain an Campaigns instance:

$campaigns = $adsApi->campaigns();

#### all

Use this method to retrieve your adAccount campaigns. This method accepts an array as argument containing a list of fields and an account_id `act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>`

To obtain a list of all available fields, look at [this](https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-business-sdk/blob/master/src/FacebookAds/Object/Fields/CampaignFields.php).

$campaigns->all(['name'], 'act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>');

## License
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