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     * This script is responsible for container creation, thus this is kind of bootstrapper.
     * There should not be any kind of "heavy" code, constants and other shits usually used in
     * this type of file; main purpose is container configuration and creation, it's not necessary
     * to do any other tasks here.

    use Edde\Api\Application\IContext;
    use Edde\Api\Cache\ICacheManager;
    use Edde\Api\Resource\IResourceProvider;
    use Edde\Api\Router\IRouterService;
    use Edde\App\Application\AppContext;
    use Edde\App\Router\RouterServiceConfigurator;
    use Edde\Common\Container\Factory\CascadeFactory;
    use Edde\Common\Container\Factory\ClassFactory;
    use Edde\Ext\Cache\ContextCacheManagerConfigurator;
    use Edde\Ext\Container\ContainerFactory;
    use Edde\Ext\Router\RestRouter;
    use Edde\Ext\Router\RestRouterConfigurator;
    use Tracy\Debugger;

     * All required dependencies here; to prevent "folder up jumps" in path, this file
     * should see all other required loaders.
    require_once __DIR__ . '/lib/autoload.php';
    require_once __DIR__ . '/../loader.php';
    require_once __DIR__ . '/src/loader.php';

     * Tracy is a bit piece of shit, but quite useful; there is only problem with not so much
     * transparent configuration through properties (this is the only example of acceptable
     * scripted thing in this file).
    Debugger::enable(($isLocal = file_exists($local = __DIR__ . '/loader.local.php')) ? Debugger::DEVELOPMENT : Debugger::PRODUCTION, __DIR__ . '/logs');
    Debugger::$strictMode = true;
    Debugger::$showBar = $isLocal;
    Debugger::$onFatalError[] = function ($e) {

     * Container factory is the simplest way how to create dependency container; in this particular case container is also
     * configured to get "default" set of services defined in Edde.
     * There is also option to create only container itself without any internal dependencies (not so much recommended except
     * you are heavy masochist).
    return ContainerFactory::containerWithRoot($factoryList = array_merge([
         * With this piece of shit are problems all the times, but it is needed to let this application know where it
         * has a (repository) root.
         * All other directories should be (as by default they are) dependent on this interface.
        // IRootDirectory::class    => ContainerFactory::instance(RootDirectory::class, [__DIR__]),
         * This application is using specific contexts to separate user experience
        IContext::class          => AppContext::class,
         * When context is changes, one also should (not necessarily) change resource provider to get
         * ability to search for assets (resources) based on the current context.
        IResourceProvider::class => IContext::class,
         * This is quite magical, but local loader file should be able to override services defined by default, thus
         * it must be after application dependency definitions.
    ], is_array($local = @include $local) ? $local : [], [
         * This stranger here must be last, because it's canHandle method is able to kill a lot of dependencies and
         * create not so much nice surprises. Thus, it must be last as kind of dependency fallback.
        new ClassFactory(),
         * This one is one of the most magical: this factory uses IContext::cascade() to search for class; this is quite
         * epic feature, but also less transparent, useful to seamlessly switch context.
        new CascadeFactory(),
    ]), [
         * As we have some custom configuration for router service, we have to register proper configurator for it.
        IRouterService::class => RouterServiceConfigurator::class,
         * Because we are using context, we also have to properly setup cache manager (by setting proper namespace from
         * context).
        ICacheManager::class  => ContextCacheManagerConfigurator::class,
         * There is some configuration of the RestRouter; if there would be this guy created, this configurator would
         * be executed.
        RestRouter::class     => RestRouterConfigurator::class,