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    namespace Edde\Api\Crate;

    use Edde\Api\Schema\ISchema;

     * General object which is used to describe relations between objects (not necesarilly database objects) and
     * theirs hierarchy.
    interface ICrate {
         * schema can be set before crate is used (prepared)
         * @param ISchema $schema
         * @return ICrate
        public function setSchema(ISchema $schema): ICrate;

         * @return ISchema
        public function getSchema(): ISchema;

         * @return IProperty[]
        public function getPropertyList(): array;

         * return list of identity values
         * @return IProperty[]
        public function getIdentifierList(): array;

         * add the given value to this property set
         * @param IProperty $property
         * @param bool      $force
         * @return ICrate
        public function addProperty(IProperty $property, bool $force = false): ICrate;

         * has this property set property with the given name?
         * @param string $name
         * @return bool
        public function hasProperty(string $name): bool;

         * return value of the given name
         * @param string $name
         * @return IProperty
        public function getProperty(string $name): IProperty;

         * set value of the given property; if does not exists exception is thrown
         * @param string $name
         * @param mixed  $value
         * @return ICrate
         * @throws CrateException
        public function set(string $name, $value): ICrate;

         * add scalar value to an array
         * @param string          $name
         * @param                 $value
         * @param string|int|null $key
         * @return ICrate
        public function add(string $name, $value, $key = null): ICrate;

         * put (set) array of values to this crate; this can change state to dirty
         * @param array $put
         * @param bool  $strict
         * @return ICrate
        public function put(array $put, bool $strict = true): ICrate;

         * push array of values inside this property set; if strict is true, any unknown property will throw exception
         * note: this will not make crate dirty
         * @param array $push
         * @param bool  $strict
         * @return ICrate
        public function push(array $push, bool $strict = true): ICrate;

         * crate will be built dynamically from the input
         * @param \Traversable|array $source
         * @return ICrate
        public function dynamic($source): ICrate;

         * return value of the given property; if property does not exist, exception is thrown
         * @param string     $name
         * @param mixed|null $default
         * @return mixed
        public function get(string $name, $default = null);

         * has been any value in the property list changed?
         * @return bool
        public function isDirty(): bool;

         * return array of dirty values
         * @return IProperty[]
        public function getDirtyList(): array;

         * return this crate
         * @param string $name
         * @param ICrate $crate
         * @return ICrate
        public function link(string $name, ICrate $crate): ICrate;

         * set crate proxy (when getLink($name), callback will be executed)
         * @param string   $name
         * @param callable $crate
         * @return ICrate
        public function proxy(string $name, callable $crate): ICrate;

         * link array of links; return this crate
         * @param array $linkTo
         * @return ICrate
        public function linkTo(array $linkTo): ICrate;

         * has this crate link with a given name?
         * @param string $name
         * @return bool
        public function hasLink(string $name): bool;

         * return linked crate; it must already exists or null should be returned
         * @param string $name
         * @return ICrate|null
        public function getLink(string $name);

         * set the given collection to a crate
         * @param string      $name
         * @param ICollection $collection
         * @return ICrate
        public function collection(string $name, ICollection $collection): ICrate;

         * return true if the given collection is available
         * @param string $name
         * @return bool
        public function hasCollection(string $name): bool;

         * return the given collection or throw an exception
         * @param string $name
         * @return ICollection
        public function getCollection(string $name): ICollection;

         * dump current crate as an array including collections/links
         * @return array
        public function array(): array;

         * a bit tricky method; crate can be used as output of executive method, set all data and than run this commit which should execute the original method.
         * @param callable|null $callback
         * @return ICrate
        public function commit(callable $callback = null): ICrate;

         * update links, run generators on empty values, ...
         * @return ICrate
        public function update(): ICrate;