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    namespace Edde\Common\Crate;

    use Edde\Api\Crate\CrateException;
    use Edde\Api\Crate\ICollection;
    use Edde\Api\Crate\ICrate;
    use Edde\Api\Crate\IProperty;
    use Edde\Api\Crypt\CryptException;
    use Edde\Api\Schema\ISchema;
    use Edde\Common\Object;
    use Edde\Common\Reflection\ReflectionUtils;
    use Edde\Common\Schema\Property as SchemaProperty;
    use Edde\Common\Schema\Schema;

     * Simple (...advanced...) crate implementation.
    class Crate extends Object implements ICrate {
         * @var ISchema
        protected $schema;
         * @var IProperty[]
        protected $propertyList = [];
         * @var IProperty[]
        protected $identifierList;
         * @var ICollection[]
        protected $collectionList = [];
         * @var ICrate[]|callable[]
        protected $linkList = [];
         * @var callable
        protected $commit;

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function getSchema(): ISchema {
            if ($this->schema === null) {
                throw new CrateException(sprintf('Cannot get schema from anonymous crate [%s].', static::class));
            return $this->schema;

         * @inheritdoc
        public function setSchema(ISchema $schema): ICrate {
            $this->schema = $schema;
            return $this;

         * @inheritdoc
        public function getPropertyList(): array {
            return $this->propertyList;

         * @inheritdoc
        public function getIdentifierList(): array {
            if ($this->identifierList === null) {
                $this->identifierList = [];
                foreach ($this->propertyList as $property) {
                    if ($property->getSchemaProperty()->isIdentifier()) {
                        $this->identifierList[] = $property;
            return $this->identifierList;

         * @inheritdoc
        public function set(string $name, $value): ICrate {
            return $this;

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function getProperty(string $name): IProperty {
            if ($this->hasProperty($name) === false) {
                throw new CrateException(sprintf('Unknown value [%s] in crate [%s].', $name, $this->schema ? $this->schema->getSchemaName() : static::class . '; anonymous'));
            return $this->propertyList[$name];

         * @inheritdoc
        public function hasProperty(string $name): bool {
            return isset($this->propertyList[$name]);

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function add(string $name, $value, $key = null): ICrate {
            $property = $this->getProperty($name)->getSchemaProperty();
            if ($property->isArray() === false) {
                throw new CrateException(sprintf('Property [%s] is not array; cannot add value.', $property->getPropertyName()));
            $array = $this->get($name);
            if ($key === null) {
                $array[] = $value;
            } else {
                $array[$key] = $value;
            $this->set($name, $array);
            return $this;

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function put(array $put, bool $strict = true): ICrate {
            if ($strict && ($diff = array_diff(array_keys($put), array_keys($this->propertyList))) !== []) {
                throw new CrateException(sprintf('Setting unknown values [%s] to the crate [%s].', implode(', ', $diff), $this->schema->getSchemaName()));
            foreach ($put as $property => $value) {
                if (isset($this->propertyList[$property]) === false) {
                $this->set($property, $value);
            return $this;

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function push(array $push, bool $strict = true): ICrate {
            if ($strict && ($diff = array_diff(array_keys($push), array_keys($this->propertyList))) !== []) {
                throw new CrateException(sprintf('Setting unknown values [%s] to the crate [%s].', implode(', ', $diff), $this->schema->getSchemaName()));
            foreach ($push as $property => $value) {
                $property = $this->getProperty($property = (string)$property);
                $schemaProperty = $property->getSchemaProperty();
                if (($isArray = is_array($value)) === false && $schemaProperty->isArray()) {
                    throw new CrateException(sprintf('Cannot push simple value [%s] to array.', $property->getSchemaProperty()));
                if ($isArray && $schemaProperty->isArray() === false) {
                    throw new CrateException(sprintf('Cannot push array to simple value [%s].', $property->getSchemaProperty()));
            return $this;

        public function dynamic($source): ICrate {
            $schema = new Schema(static::class);
            foreach ($source as $k => $v) {
                $schema->addProperty($schemaProperty = new SchemaProperty($schema, (string)$k, gettype($v), false));
                $this->addProperty(new Property($schemaProperty, $v));
            return $this;

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function get(string $name, $default = null) {
            return $this->getProperty($name)->get($default);

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function linkTo(array $linkTo): ICrate {
            foreach ($linkTo as $name => $crate) {
                $this->link($name, $crate);
            return $this;

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function link(string $name, ICrate $crate): ICrate {
            if ($this->schema->hasLink($name) === false) {
                throw new CrateException(sprintf('Crate [%s] has no link [%s] in schema [%s].', static::class, $name, $this->schema->getSchemaName()));
            $link = $this->schema->getLink($name);
            $this->linkList[$name] = $crate;
            $this->set($link->getSource()->getName(), $crate->get($link->getTarget()->getName()));
            return $this;

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function proxy(string $name, callable $crate): ICrate {
            if ($this->schema->hasLink($name) === false) {
                throw new CrateException(sprintf('Crate [%s] has no link [%s] in schema [%s].', static::class, $name, $this->schema->getSchemaName()));
            $callback = ReflectionUtils::getMethodReflection($crate);
            if (($returnType = $callback->getReturnType()) === null || (string)$returnType !== ICrate::class) {
                throw new CrateException(sprintf('Proxied callable must have [%s] return typehint in crate [%s].', ICrate::class, static::class));
            $this->linkList[$name] = $crate;
            return $this;

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function getLink(string $name) {
            if ($this->hasLink($name) === false) {
                throw new CrateException(sprintf('Requested unknown link [%s] on the crate [%s].', $name, $this->schema->getSchemaName()));
            if (is_callable($this->linkList[$name])) {
                $this->linkList[$name] = $this->linkList[$name]($this, $name);
            return $this->linkList[$name];

         * @inheritdoc
        public function hasLink(string $name): bool {
            return isset($this->linkList[$name]);

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function collection(string $name, ICollection $collection): ICrate {
            if ($this->schema->hasCollection($name) === false) {
                throw new CrateException(sprintf('Crate [%s] has no collection [%s] in schema [%s].', static::class, $name, $this->schema->getSchemaName()));
            $this->collectionList[$name] = $collection;
            return $this;

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function getCollection(string $name): ICollection {
            if ($this->hasCollection($name) === false) {
                throw new CrateException(sprintf('Requested unknown collection [%s] on the crate [%s].', $name, $this->schema->getSchemaName()));
            return $this->collectionList[$name];

         * @inheritdoc
        public function hasCollection(string $name): bool {
            return isset($this->collectionList[$name]);

         * @inheritdoc
        public function getDirtyList(): array {
            if ($this->isDirty() === false) {
                return [];
            $propertyList = [];
            foreach ($this->propertyList as $property) {
                if ($property->isDirty() === false) {
                $schemaProperty = $property->getSchemaProperty();
                $propertyList[$schemaProperty->getName()] = $property;
            return $propertyList;

         * @inheritdoc
        public function isDirty(): bool {
            foreach ($this->propertyList as $property) {
                if ($property->isDirty()) {
                    return true;
            return false;

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CrateException
        public function addProperty(IProperty $property, bool $force = false): ICrate {
            $schemaProperty = $property->getSchemaProperty();
            if (isset($this->propertyList[$propertyName = $schemaProperty->getName()]) && $force === false) {
                throw new CrateException(sprintf('Property [%s] is already present in crate [%s].', $propertyName, $this->schema->getSchemaName()));
            $this->propertyList[$propertyName] = $property;
            return $this;

         * @inheritdoc
        public function array(): array {
            $array = [];
            foreach ($this->propertyList as $name => $property) {
                $array[$name] = $property->get();
            foreach ($this->collectionList as $name => $collection) {
                /** @var $crate ICrate */
                foreach ($collection as $crate) {
                    $array[$name][] = $crate->array();
            foreach ($this->linkList as $name => $crate) {
                $array[$name] = $crate->array();
            return $array;

         * @inheritdoc
         * @throws CryptException
        public function commit(callable $callback = null): ICrate {
            if ($callback === null && $this->commit === null) {
                throw new CryptException(sprintf('Commit is not available on crate [%s]. It has to be set before calling.', $this->schema->getSchemaName()));
            if ($callback === null) {
                if ($this->isDirty()) {
                    /** @noinspection VariableFunctionsUsageInspection */
                    call_user_func($this->commit, $this);
                $this->commit = null;
                return $this;
            if ($this->commit !== null) {
                throw new CryptException(sprintf('Commit callback has been already set on crate [%s]; please execute commit before reuse.', $this->schema->getSchemaName()));
            $this->commit = $callback;
            return $this;

         * @inheritdoc
        public function update(): ICrate {
            foreach ($this->propertyList as $property) {
                $schemaProperty = $property->getSchemaProperty();
                if ($property->isEmpty() && $schemaProperty->hasGenerator()) {
            return $this;

        public function __clone() {
            foreach ($this->propertyList as &$property) {
                $property = clone $property;