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Test Coverage
$LocalAppData = $env:LocalAppData
$ProgramData = $env:ProgramData
$workspace = $env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE
$arch = $env:MATRIX_ARCH
$vcpkg_downloads = "$LocalAppData\vcpkg\downloads"
$vcpkg_triplet = "$arch-windows"
$vcpkg_dir = "$vcpkg_root\installed\$vcpkg_triplet"
$pyver = $env:MATRIX_PYVER
$svnver = $env:MATRIX_SVNVER
$svndir = "$LocalAppData\subversion-$svnver\$arch"
$svnurl = "https://archive.apache.org/dist/subversion/subversion-$svnver.zip"
$svnarc = "$workspace\subversion-$svnver.zip"
$sqlite_name = 'sqlite-amalgamation-3081101'
$sqlite_url = "https://www.sqlite.org/2015/$sqlite_name.zip"
$sqlite_arc = "$workspace\$sqlite_name.zip"
$pydir = "$svndir\python\$pyver"

$venvdir = "$($env:LocalAppData)\venv"
$python = "$($env:pythonLocation)\python.exe"
& $python -m venv $venvdir

$env:PATH = "$svndir\bin;$pydir\bin;$($env:PATH)"
$env:PYTHONPATH = "$pydir\lib;$($env:PYTHONPATH)"

Function Verify-Binary {
    try {
        $svnver_cmd = ((& "$svndir\bin\svn.exe" --version --quiet) `
                       | Out-String).Trim()
    catch {
        $svnver_cmd = ''
        Write-Warning $Error[0]
    if ($svnver_cmd -ne '') {
        Write-Host "Subversion $svnver_cmd"
    else {
        Write-Warning "Subversion unavailable"
    try {
        $cmd = 'import os, svn.core as c; os.write(1, c.SVN_VER_NUMBER)'
        $svnver_py = ((& $python -c $cmd) | Out-String).Trim()
    catch {
        $svnver_py = ''
        Write-Warning $Error[0]
    if ($svnver_py -ne '') {
        Write-Host "Subversion Python bindings $svnver_py"
    else {
        Write-Warning "Subversion Python bindings unavailable"
    return $svnver_cmd -eq $svnver -and $svnver_py -eq $svnver

if (-not (Verify-Binary)) {
    Write-Host "Building Subversion Python bindings using $svnurl"

    Push-Location -LiteralPath $vcpkg_root
    & git pull
    $vcpkg_opts = @("--downloads-root=$vcpkg_downloads",
    $vcpkg_targets = Get-Content -LiteralPath .github\vcpkg.txt
    & vcpkg $vcpkg_opts update
    & vcpkg $vcpkg_opts install $vcpkg_targets
    if ($LASTEXITCODE) {
        Write-Error "vcpkg install exited with $LASTEXITCODE"
        exit 1
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $svnurl -OutFile $svnarc
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $sqlite_url -OutFile $sqlite_arc
    Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $svnarc -DestinationPath "$workspace"
    Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $sqlite_arc -DestinationPath "$workspace"
    Set-Location -LiteralPath "$workspace\subversion-$svnver"
    & git apply -v -p0 --whitespace=fix `
                "$workspace\.github\svn-swig41.patch" `
    & $python gen-make.py --release `
                          --vsnet-version=2019 `
                          "--with-apr=$vcpkg_dir" `
                          "--with-apr-util=$vcpkg_dir" `
                          "--with-zlib=$vcpkg_dir" `
                          "--with-sqlite=$workspace\$sqlite_name" `
    if ($LASTEXITCODE) {
        Write-Error "gen-make.py exited with $LASTEXITCODE"
        exit 1
    & msbuild subversion_vcnet.sln `
              -nologo -v:q -m -fl `
              "-t:__ALL__:Rebuild;__SWIG_PYTHON__:Rebuild" `
    if ($LASTEXITCODE) {
        Write-Error "msbuild subversion_vcnet.sln exited with $LASTEXITCODE"
        exit 1

    $deps = @("$vcpkg_dir\bin\libapr*.dll",
    Copy-Item -Path $deps -Destination Release

    New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory -Path "$svndir\bin"
    Copy-Item -Path $deps -Destination "$svndir\bin" -Verbose
    Copy-Item -Path @('Release\subversion\svn*\*.exe',
                      'Release\subversion\libsvn_*\*.dll') `
              -Destination "$svndir\bin" `
    New-Item -Force -ItemType Directory `
             -Path @("$pydir\bin", "$pydir\lib\svn", "$pydir\lib\libsvn")
    $swig_python = 'subversion\bindings\swig\python'
    Copy-Item -Path "Release\$swig_python\libsvn_swig_py\*.dll" `
              -Destination "$pydir\bin" `
    Copy-Item -Path "$swig_python\svn\*.py" `
              -Destination "$pydir\lib\svn" `
    Copy-Item -Path @("$swig_python\*.py", "Release\$swig_python\_*.pyd") `
              -Destination "$pydir\lib\libsvn" `
    & $python -m compileall "$pydir\lib"

    if (-not (Verify-Binary)) {
        exit 1
    Set-Location -LiteralPath $workspace