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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Edgewall Software
# Copyright (C) 2009 Christian Boos <cboos@edgewall.org>
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at https://trac.edgewall.com/license.html.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at https://trac.edgewall.org/.
# = trac-svn-hook =
#  Purpose:: this script is meant to be called from the Subversion hooks
#            for notifying Trac when changesets are added or modified.
#  Scope:: https://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracRepositoryAdmin#Synchronization
#          describes how to directly call the relevant trac-admin commands
#          from the Subversion hooks. This script makes configuration and
#          troubleshooting easier, and has support for notifying multiple
#          Trac environments.
#  Usage:: copy this script to some location on your filesystem, such as
#          the TRAC_ENV or TRAC_PARENT_ENV folder, or the repository hooks
#          directory.
#          **Be sure to read the Configuration Notes section below first**
# For each Subversion repository ($REPOS) that has to be monitored by your
# Trac environment(s), you need to modify the hooks to call the script:
# Add this to your `$REPOS/hooks/post-commit` script:
#     /path/to/trac-svn-hook $REPOS $REV
# If you allow revision property editing in `$REPOS/hooks/pre-revprop-change`,
# you can let Trac know about modified changesets by adding the following
# lines to the `$REPOS/hooks/post-revprop-change` script:
#     if [ "$PROPNAME" = "svn:log" -o "$PROPNAME" = "svn:author" ]; then
#         /path/to/trac-svn-hook $REPOS $REV $USER $PROPNAME
#     fi
# See also http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.8/svn.reposadmin.create.html#svn.reposadmin.create.hooks
#  Platform:: Unix or Cygwin.
# On Windows, if you have Cygwin installed, you can use this script instead
# of `trac-svn-post-commit-hook.cmd`.
# In your `post-commit.bat` and `post-revprop-change.bat` hooks, call
# this script using:
#     bash /path/to/trac-svn-hook "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# == Configuration Notes
# As a preliminary remark, you should be aware that Subversion usually
# run the hooks in a very minimal environment.
# This is why we have to be very explicit about where to find things.
# According to http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#hook-debugging,
# one useful method for getting the post-commit hook to work is to call
# the hook manually from a shell, as the user(s) which will end up running
# the hook (e.g. wwwrun, www-data, nobody). For example:
#     env - $REPOS/hooks/post-commit $REPOS 1234
# or:
#     env - $REPOS/hooks/post-revprop-change $REPOS 1234 nobody svn:log
# The TRAC_ENV environment variable must be set, and the TRAC_PATH
# and TRAC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables may also need to be set.
#  TRAC_ENV:: the path(s) to the Trac environment(s)
# In case you need to maintain more than one environment in sync with
# the repository (using a different scope or not), simply specify more
# than one path, using the ":" path separator, or ";" if the script is
# used on Windows with Cygwin's bash (in this case also don't forget to
# enclose the list of paths in quotes, e.g. TRAC_ENV="path1;path2").
#  TRAC_PATH:: the folder containing the trac-admin script
# This folder is typically the same as your Python installation bin/ folder.
# If this is /usr/bin, then you probably don't need to put it in TRAC_PATH.
# If you're using a python program installed in a non-default location
# (such as /opt/python27 or a virtual environment), then you need to add it
# to the TRAC_PATH.
#  TRAC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH:: folder(s) containing additional required libraries
# You may also need to setup the TRAC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH accordingly.
# The same goes for any custom dependency, such as SQLite libraries or
# SVN libraries: make sure everything is reachable.
# For example, if you get errors like "global name 'sqlite' is not defined"
# or similar, then make sure the TRAC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains the path to all
# the required libraries (libsqlite3.so in the above example).
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# == Configuration
# You have 3 options for specifying the configuration:
# 1. Uncomment the variables below and adapt to your local setup.
# 2. Set the variables in your hook scripts and export them.
# 3. In Subversion 1.8 and later, set the variables in a hook script
#    environment configuration.
#    See also http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.8/svn.reposadmin.create.html#svn.reposadmin.hooks.configuration
# TRAC_ENV=/path/to/trac-env:/path/to/another/trac-env
# TRAC_PATH=/path/to/python/bin
# TRAC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/lib:/path/to/another/lib
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# == Examples
# === Minimal setup example ===
# Python is installed in /usr/bin, Trac was easy_install'ed.
# {{{
# TRAC_ENV=/srv/trac/the_trac_env
# }}}
# === Simple virtualenv setup example ===
# Here we're using a Trac installation set up using virtualenv
# (https://pypi.org/project/virtualenv). The virtualenv has been
# created at /srv/venv. The TRAC_PATH environment variable must be set
# to the directory containing the python executable.
# {{{
# TRAC_ENV=/srv/trac/the_trac_env
# TRAC_PATH=/srv/venv/bin
# }}}
# === More complex virtualenv setup example ===
# In this example, the virtualenv is located in
# /packages/trac/branches/trac-multirepos
# and is based off a custom Python installation (/opt/python-2.7.11).
# We're also using a custom SQLite build (/opt/sqlite-3.3.8).
# Note that virtualenv's activate script seems to only care about TRAC_PATH.
# We also want to notify two Trac instances:
# {{{
# TRAC_ENV=/srv/trac/the_trac_env:/srv/trac/the_other_trac_env
# TRAC_PATH=/packages/trac/branches/trac-multirepos/bin
# TRAC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/python-2.7.11/lib:/opt/sqlite-3.3.8/lib
# }}}
# === Cygwin setup example ===
# {{{
# TRAC_ENV=C:/Workspace/local/trac/devel
# PYTHONPATH=C:/Workspace/src/trac/repos/multirepos
# TRAC_PATH=/C/Dev/Python27/Scripts
# }}}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the script itself, you shouldn't need to modify this part.

export TRAC_ENV
if [ -n "$PYTHONPATH" ]; then
    export PYTHONPATH
if [ -n "$TRAC_PATH" ]; then
    export PATH="$TRAC_PATH:$PATH"
if [ -n "$TRAC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ]; then

# -- Command line arguments (cf. usage)


# -- Foolproofing

if [ -z "$REPOS" -o -z "$REV" ]; then
    >&2 echo "Usage: $0 REPOS REV"
    exit 2

if ! trac-admin -v 2>/dev/null; then
    >&2 echo "trac-admin is not in the PATH ($PATH), check TRAC_PATH."
    exit 2

if [ -z "$TRAC_ENV" ]; then
    >&2 echo "TRAC_ENV is not set."
    exit 2

# -- Feedback

echo "----"

if [ -z "$USER" -a -z "$PROPNAME" ]; then
    echo "Changeset $REV was added in $REPOS"
    echo "Changeset $REV was modified by $USER in $REPOS"

# -- Call "trac-admin ... changeset ... $REPOS $REV" for each Trac environment

if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then # we can use Bash syntax
    if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[5]} = *cygwin ]]; then
for env in $TRAC_ENV; do
    if [ -r "$env/VERSION" ]; then
        log=$env/log/svn-hooks-`basename $REPOS`.log
        nohup sh <<EOF >> $log 2>&1 &
            echo "Changeset $REV $EVENT"
            trac-admin $env changeset $EVENT $REPOS $REV && \
                echo "OK" || echo "FAILED: see the Trac log"
        echo "$env doesn't seem to be a Trac environment, skipping..."