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{# Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Edgewall Software

  This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
  you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
  are also available at https://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense.

  This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
  individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
  history and logs, available at https://trac.edgewall.org/.

# extends 'layout.html'

<!DOCTYPE html>

{# Note: the wiki edit page can be presented according to several modes:

  - "standard" or "side-by-side" edit mode (`sidebyside` is true in
    the second mode) In standard mode, the edit area is on top of the
    preview, in side-by-side mode there are next to each other.

  - "edit" or "edit+preview" mode (`action == 'preview'` is true in
    the second mode) In edit mode, only the textarea is visible, but
    not the preview.  In sidebyside mode, we always have a preview.
    In this category, we also have the "collision mode" (`action ==
    'collision'`), which happens when a concurrent edit has been

  - "wiki preview" or "diff preview" (`diff` is true in the second
    mode) When the preview is shown, it can be either an actual
    preview of the rendered wiki text, or it can be a diff view on the
    changes that have been made (a.k.a. "review mode").  In the latter
    case, `changes[0].diffs` contains the data for the diffs, if any.
    See `preview_or_review` below.
      # block title
      ${ super() }
      # endblock title

    # block head

    ${ super() }

    <meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW" />
      jQuery(function($) {
        $("#text").blur(function() {
        }).get(0).scrollTop = $("#scroll_bar_pos").val();
        $("#editrows").change(function() {
          resizeTextArea("text", this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);
        $("#sidebyside").change(function() {
          $("#edit input[type=submit][name=preview]").click();
        # if sidebyside:
          function editorHeight() {
            return $("#text").closest("fieldset").innerHeight();
          function previewHeight() {
            return $("#preview").innerHeight();
          var preview_pad = previewHeight() - $("#preview").height();
          var editor_pad = editorHeight() - $("#text").height();
          function autoResizeText() {
            $("#preview").height(0); // neutralize preview
            $("#text").height("auto"); // adapt textarea to its content
            var text_height = $("#text").prop("scrollHeight");
            var wikipage_height = $("#preview").height();
            if (wikipage_height > text_height) {
              // expand #text to its natural height and adapt #preview to it
              $("#text").height(text_height).css("overflow-y", "hidden");
              $("#preview").height(Math.max(16, editorHeight() - preview_pad));
            } else {
              // expand .trac-content to its natural height and adapt #text to it
              $("#text").height(Math.max(16, previewHeight() - editor_pad))
                .css("overflow-y", "auto");
        # endif
        # if sidebyside and not diff:
          $("#text").autoPreview("${href.wiki_render()}", {
              realm: "${page.resource.realm}",
              id: ${to_json(page.resource.id)|safe}
            }, function(textarea, text, rendered) {
              var window_scroll_top = $(window).scrollTop();
              var editor_scroll_top = $("#text").scrollTop();
              $("#preview .trac-content").html(rendered);
        # endif
    # endblock head

    # block content
    <div id="content" class="wiki">
      # set preview_or_review = action == 'preview' and (not diff or changes[0].diffs)
      # if not sidebyside and preview_or_review:
      <div class="trac-topnav">
        # if diff:
        <a href="#info" title="${_('See the diffs')}">${_("Review")}</a>
        # else:
        <a href="#info" title="${_('See the preview')}">${_("Preview")}</a>
        # endif
      # endif

      <h1>${_("Editing %(name)s", name=name_of(page.resource))}</h1>


      Normal preview mode, edit form followed by preview:

      | [include "wiki_edit_form.html"                     ]
      | == Preview ==
      | [.Revision #info...................................]
      | [.....#preview.....................................]

      Side-by-side edit/preview mode:

      | [.Revision #info...................................]
      | == Preview ==
      |                               [......#preview......]
      | [include "wiki_edit_form.html"]

      (the  #preview will float at the right of the edit form's textarea)


      # if action == 'collision':
      <div class="system-message">
        # trans

        Sorry, this page has been modified by somebody else since you
        started editing. Your changes cannot be saved.

        # endtrans
      # endif

      # if not sidebyside:
      #   include 'wiki_edit_form.html'
      # endif

      # if merge:
      <div class="system-message">
          # trans

          Someone else has modified that page since you started your

          # endtrans
        </p><br />
          # trans

          <strong>If you save right away, you risk to revert those changes</strong>
          (highlighted below as deletions).

          # endtrans
        </p><br />
          # trans

          Please review all those changes and manually merge them with
          your own changes. <br /> If you're unsure about what you're
          doing, please press <code>Cancel</code> (losing your changes)
          and start editing the latest version of the page again.

          # endtrans
      # endif

      # if action == 'preview':
      <table id="info" ${{'class': 'trac-scroll' if not sidebyside}|htmlattr}>
        <tr><th scope="col">
            # trans version = page.version + 1, author

            Change information for future version ${version} (modified
            by ${author}):

            # endtrans
        <tr><td class="message">
            ${wiki_to_html(context.child(page.resource(version=none)), comment)}

      <div ${{'class': sidebyside and 'sidebyside preview-right'}|htmlattr}>
        # if not sidebyside and preview_or_review:
        <div class="trac-nav">
          <a href="#content" title="${_('Go to the editor')}">${_("Edit")}</a>
          # if diff:
          ${_("Review Changes")}
          # else:
          # endif
        # endif
        # if not preview_or_review:
          ${_("No changes")}
        # endif
        <div id="preview" class="wikipage">
          # if diff:
          <div class="diff">
            # with no_id = true
            #   include 'diff_div.html'
            # endwith
          # else:
          <div class="trac-content trac-draft">
            ${wiki_to_html(context, page.text)}
          # endif
        # if not sidebyside and page.text:
        <div class="trac-nav">
          <a href="#changeinfo"
             title="${_('Go to Save, Preview, Review or Cancel buttons')}">${
            _("Actions")}</a> &uarr;
        # endif
      # endif

      # if sidebyside:
      #   include 'wiki_edit_form.html'
      # endif

      # with alist = attachments, compact = true, foldable = true
      #   include 'list_of_attachments.html'
      # endwith

      # call(note, page) jmacros.wikihelp('TracWiki'):
      #   trans note, page

      ${note} See ${page} for help on using the wiki.

      #   endtrans
      # endcall
    ${ super() }
    # endblock content