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namespace EdmondsCommerce\DoctrineStaticMeta\CodeGeneration;

use Doctrine\Common\Inflector\Inflector;
use EdmondsCommerce\DoctrineStaticMeta\MappingHelper;
use gossi\codegen\generator\CodeFileGenerator;
use gossi\codegen\model\GenerateableInterface;
use RuntimeException;

use function file_put_contents;
use function in_array;
use function preg_match;
use function str_replace;

 * Class CodeHelper
 * @package EdmondsCommerce\DoctrineStaticMeta\CodeGeneration
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.TooManyPublicMethods)
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.StaticAccess)
class CodeHelper

     * @var NamespaceHelper
    private $namespaceHelper;

    public function __construct(NamespaceHelper $namespaceHelper)
        $this->namespaceHelper = $namespaceHelper;

    public function propertyIsh(string $name): string
        return lcfirst($this->classy($name));

    public function classy(string $name): string
        return MappingHelper::getInflector()->classify($name);

    public function consty(string $name): string
        if (0 === preg_match('%[^A-Z_]%', $name)) {
            return $name;

        return strtoupper(MappingHelper::getInflector()->tableize($name));

     * @param string $filePath
     * @throws RuntimeException
    public function tidyNamespacesInFile(string $filePath): void
        $contents = \ts\file_get_contents($filePath);
        $contents = preg_replace_callback(
            * @param $matches
            * @return string
            '%(namespace|use) (.+?);%',
            function ($matches): string {
                return $matches[1] . ' ' . $this->namespaceHelper->tidy($matches[2]) . ';';
        file_put_contents($filePath, $contents);

     * We use the string type hint as our default in templates
     * This method will then replace those with the updated type
     * @param string $filePath
     * @param string $type
     * @param string $dbalType
     * @param bool   $isNullable
    public function replaceTypeHintsInFile(
        string $filePath,
        string $type,
        string $dbalType,
        bool $isNullable
    ): void {
        $contents = \ts\file_get_contents($filePath);
        $contents = $this->replaceTypeHintsInContents($contents, $type, $dbalType, $isNullable);
        file_put_contents($filePath, $contents);

    public function replaceTypeHintsInContents(
        string $contents,
        string $type,
        string $dbalType,
        bool $isNullable
    ): string {
        $search = [
            ': string;',
            '(string $',
            ': string {',
            ": string\n",
            '@var string',
            '@return string',
            '@param string',


        $replaceNormal   = [
            ": $type;",
            "($type $",
            ": $type {",
            ": $type\n",
            "@var $type",
            "@return $type",
            "@param $type",
        $replaceNullable = [
            ": ?$type;",
            "(?$type $",
            ": ?$type {",
            ": ?$type\n",
            "@var $type|null",
            "@return $type|null",
            "@param $type|null",
        $replaceRemove   = [
            ' {',

        $replace = $replaceNormal;

        if (in_array($dbalType, MappingHelper::MIXED_TYPES, true)) {
            $replace = $replaceRemove;
        } elseif ($isNullable) {
            $replace = $replaceNullable;

        $contents = str_replace(

        return $contents;

    public function generate(
        GenerateableInterface $generateable,
        string $filePath,
        ?PostProcessorInterface $postProcessor = null
    ): void {
        $generator = new CodeFileGenerator(
                'generateDocblock'   => false,
                'declareStrictTypes' => true,

        $generated = $generator->generate($generateable);
        $generated = $this->postProcessGeneratedCode($generated, $postProcessor);
        file_put_contents($filePath, $generated);

     * Fix niggles with code that is generated by gossi/php-code-generator
     * @param string                      $generated
     * @param PostProcessorInterface|null $postProcessor
     * @return string
    public function postProcessGeneratedCode(string $generated, ?PostProcessorInterface $postProcessor = null): string

        $generated = $this->fixSuppressWarningsTags($generated);
        $generated = $this->breakImplementsAndExtendsOntoLines($generated);
        $generated = $this->makeConstsPublic($generated);
        $generated = $this->constArraysOnMultipleLines($generated);
        $generated = $this->phpcsIgnoreUseSection($generated);
        $generated = $this->declareStrictFirstLine($generated);
        if (null !== $postProcessor) {
            $generated = $postProcessor($generated);

        return $generated;

    public function fixSuppressWarningsTags(string $generated): string
        return str_replace('SuppressWarnings (', 'SuppressWarnings(', $generated);

    public function breakImplementsAndExtendsOntoLines(string $generated): string
        return preg_replace_callback(
            '%(class|interface) (.+?) (implements|extends) (.+?){%s',
            static function ($matches) {
                return $matches[1] . ' ' . $matches[2] . ' ' . $matches[3] . ' '
                       . "\n    "
                       . trim(
                               ",\n    ",
                                   ', ',
                       ) . "\n{";

    public function makeConstsPublic(string $generated): string
        return str_replace("\tconst", "\tpublic const", $generated);

    public function constArraysOnMultipleLines(string $generated): string
        return preg_replace_callback(
            "%(.*?)const ([A-Z_0-9]+?) = \[([^\]]+?)\];%",
            static function ($matches) {
                return $matches[1] . 'const ' . $matches[2] . " = [\n        "
                       . trim(
                               ",\n        ",
                                   ', ',
                       ) . "\n    ];";

     * Use section can become long and fail line length limits. I don't care about line length here
     * @param string $generated
     * @return string
    public function phpcsIgnoreUseSection(string $generated): string
        return preg_replace(
            '%namespace (.+?);(.+?)(class|trait|interface) %si',
            "namespace \$1;\n// phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong\$2// phpcs:enable\n\$3 ",

    public function declareStrictFirstLine(string $generated): string
        return preg_replace('%php\s+declare%', 'php declare', $generated);

    public function getGetterMethodNameForBoolean(string $fieldName): string
        if (0 === stripos($fieldName, 'is')) {
            return lcfirst($fieldName);

        if (0 === stripos($fieldName, 'has')) {
            return lcfirst($fieldName);

        return 'is' . ucfirst($fieldName);