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namespace EdmondsCommerce\DoctrineStaticMeta\CodeGeneration\Filesystem;

use EdmondsCommerce\DoctrineStaticMeta\Exception\DoctrineStaticMetaException;
use RuntimeException;
use SplFileInfo;

use function realpath;

abstract class AbstractFilesystemItem
     * This is the name of the path type. It should be overridden in child classes.
     * @var string
    protected const PATH_TYPE = 'override me';

     * This is the path as configured for the filesystem item. It in no way means the item exists there, it is simply
     * where we expect it to exist if/when it has been created
     * @var string
    protected $path;

     * What permissions should be set to created filesystem items?
     * @var int
    protected $createModeOctal = 0777;

     * A string representation of the octal number
     * @var string
    protected $createModeOctalString = '0777';

     * Stores an instance fo the SplFileInfo object for the path item.
     * @var SplFileInfo
    protected $splFileInfo;

     * @param string $path - the path where we would expect the item to exist if/when it has been created
    public function __construct(string $path = null)
        if (static::PATH_TYPE === self::PATH_TYPE) {
            throw new RuntimeException('You must override the PATH_TYPE in your concrete class');
        if (null !== $path) {

     * Create the filesystem item, asserting that it does not already exist
     * @return static
     * @throws DoctrineStaticMetaException
    public function create()

        return $this;

     * @throws DoctrineStaticMetaException
    protected function assertPathIsSet(): void
        if (null === $this->path) {
            throw new DoctrineStaticMetaException('$this->path is not set');

     * Throw an Exception if there is already something that exists at the path
     * @throws DoctrineStaticMetaException
    protected function assertNotExists(): void
        if (true === $this->exists()) {
            throw new DoctrineStaticMetaException(static::PATH_TYPE . ' already exists at path ' . $this->path);

     * Check if something exists at the real path
     * @return bool
    public function exists(): bool
        $realPath = realpath($this->path);
        if (false === $realPath) {
            return false;
        $this->path = $realPath;

        return true;

     * Check that the path is actually a file/directory etc
     * @return void
    protected function assertCorrectType(): void
        if (false === $this->isCorrectType()) {
            throw new RuntimeException('path is not the correct type: ' . $this->path);

    abstract protected function isCorrectType(): bool;

     * This is the specific creation logic for the concrete filesystem type.
    abstract protected function doCreate(): void;

    private function setPermissions(): void
        chmod($this->path, $this->createModeOctal);

     * Get the path to the filesystem item as it is currently set in this object
     * @return null|string
    public function getPath(): ?string
        return $this->path;

     * Set the string path to the filesystem item
     * @param string $path
     * @return $this
    public function setPath(string $path)
        $this->path = $path;

        return $this;

     * Provide an SplFileInfo object, asserting that the path exists
     * @return SplFileInfo
     * @throws DoctrineStaticMetaException
    public function getSplFileInfo(): SplFileInfo
        if (null !== $this->splFileInfo && $this->path === $this->splFileInfo->getRealPath()) {
            return $this->splFileInfo;

        return $this->createSplFileInfo();

    protected function assertExists(): void
        if (false === $this->exists()) {
            throw new DoctrineStaticMetaException(static::PATH_TYPE . ' does not exist at path ' . $this->path);

     * Create an SplFileInfo, assuming the path already exists
     * @return SplFileInfo
    protected function createSplFileInfo(): SplFileInfo
        if (null !== $this->splFileInfo && $this->path === $this->splFileInfo->getRealPath()) {
            return $this->splFileInfo;
        $this->splFileInfo = new SplFileInfo($this->path);

        return $this->splFileInfo;

     * @param int $createMode
     * @return static
    public function setCreateMode(int $createMode): self
        $this->createModeOctal       = $createMode;
        $this->createModeOctalString = decoct($createMode);

        return $this;