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Test Coverage
    "baseSetSize": 269,
    "boosterV3": [
            "mythic rare"
    "cards": [
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443197,
                    "name": "Akademie-Sceada",
                    "text": "Bonus {4} (Du kannst zusätzlich {4} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nFliegend\nFalls die Bonuskosten des Akademie-Sceadas bezahlt wurden, kommt er mit zwei +1/+1-Marken ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Sceada"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443466,
                    "name": "Draco de la Academia",
                    "text": "Estímulo {4}. (Puedes pagar {4} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nVuela.\nSi el Draco de la Academia fue estimulado, entra al campo de batalla con dos contadores +1/+1 sobre él.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Draco"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443735,
                    "name": "Drakôn de l'Académie",
                    "text": "Kick {4} (Vous pouvez payer {4} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nVol\nSi le Drakôn de l'Académie a été kické, il arrive sur le champ de bataille avec deux marqueurs +1/+1 sur lui.",
                    "type": "Créature : drakôn"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444004,
                    "name": "Draghetto dell'Accademia",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {4} (Puoi pagare {4} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nVolare\nSe il Draghetto dell'Accademia è stato potenziato, entra nel campo di battaglia con due segnalini +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Draghetto"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444273,
                    "name": "アカデミーのドレイク",
                    "text": "キッカー{4}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{4}を支払ってもよい。)\n飛行\nアカデミーのドレイクがキッカーされていたなら、これは+1/+1カウンターが2個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ドレイク"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444542,
                    "name": "아카데미 드레이크",
                    "text": "키커 {4} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {4}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n비행\n아카데미 드레이크의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 아카데미 드레이크는 +1/+1 카운터 두 개를 가지고 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 드레이크"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444811,
                    "name": "Dragonete da Academia",
                    "text": "Reforçar {4} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {4} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nVoar\nSe Dragonete da Academia foi reforçado, ele entra no campo de batalha com dois marcadores +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dragonete"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445080,
                    "name": "Дрейк Академии",
                    "text": "Усилитель {4} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {4}.)\nПолет\nЕсли Дрейк Академии получил Усилитель, он выходит на поле битвы с двумя жетонами +1/+1 на нем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дрейк"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445349,
                    "name": "学院龙兽",
                    "text": "增幅{4}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{4}。)\n飞行\n如果学院龙兽已增幅,则它进战场时上面有两个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~龙兽"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445618,
                    "name": "學院龍獸",
                    "text": "增幅{4}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{4})。\n飛行\n如果學院龍獸已增幅,則它進戰場時上面有兩個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~龍獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442928,
            "name": "Academy Drake",
            "number": "40",
            "originalText": "Kicker {4} (You may pay an additional {4} as you cast this spell.)\nFlying\nIf Academy Drake was kicked, it enters the battlefield with two +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Drake",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "f8bacb12-da46-4b00-804f-9ff6bff452bc",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6e5af780-1580-49d5-9ca1-2e0b6ea1bc18",
            "scryfallOracleId": "65f3ebeb-1ca5-4923-b681-032579991c8a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162788,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {4} (You may pay an additional {4} as you cast this spell.)\nFlying\nIf Academy Drake was kicked, it enters the battlefield with two +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Drake",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9d13ce9b-1731-5ce5-a209-c590829d0aeb",
            "uuidV421": "61ce9237-b751-5d2e-8b25-b8a36039b53c"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"We don't choose who comes here. We choose how long they stay.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wir können nicht kontrollieren, wer hierher kommt. Aber wir entscheiden, wann sie wieder gehen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443198,
                    "name": "Wandermagierin der Akademie",
                    "text": "Dieser Zauberspruch kostet beim Wirken {1} weniger, falls du einen Zauberer kontrollierst.\nWenn die Wandermagierin der Akademie ins Spiel kommt, bringe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert, auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "\"No elegimos quién viene aquí, pero sí cuánto tiempo se queda\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443467,
                    "name": "Maga graduada de la Academia",
                    "text": "Te cuesta {1} menos lanzar este hechizo si controlas un Hechicero.\nCuando la Maga graduada de la Academia entre al campo de batalla, regresa la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente a la mano de su propietario.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Nous ne choisissons pas ceux qui viennent ici. Nous décidons du temps qu'ils restent. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443736,
                    "name": "Mage compagnon de l'Académie",
                    "text": "Ce sort coûte {1} de moins à lancer si vous contrôlez un sorcier.\nQuand le Mage compagnon de l'Académie arrive sur le champ de bataille, renvoyez une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle dans la main de son propriétaire.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non decidiamo chi viene qui, ma quanto resterà.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444005,
                    "name": "Maga Veterana dell'Accademia",
                    "text": "Questa magia costa {1} in meno per essere lanciata se controlli un Mago.\nQuando la Maga Veterana dell'Accademia entra nel campo di battaglia, fai tornare una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario in mano al suo proprietario.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「誰が来るのか我々には選べない。我々はいつまで留まるかを選ぶのだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444274,
                    "name": "アカデミーの修士魔道士",
                    "text": "あなたがウィザードをコントロールしているなら、この呪文を唱えるためのコストは{1}少なくなる。\nアカデミーの修士魔道士が戦場に出たとき、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをオーナーの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "\"우리는 누가 이곳에 올 수 있는지 정하지 않는다. 다만 그들이 얼마나 머물 수 있는지를 정한다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444543,
                    "name": "아카데미 수습마도사",
                    "text": "당신이 마법사를 조종한다면 이 주문은 발동하는 데 {1}이 덜 든다.\n아카데미 수습마도사가 전장에 들어올 때, 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não escolhemos quem vem. Escolhemos quanto tempo ficarão.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444812,
                    "name": "Maga Graduada da Academia",
                    "text": "Esta mágica custa {1} a menos para ser conjurada se você controla um Mago.\nQuando Maga Graduada da Academia entrar no campo de batalha, devolva a criatura alvo que um oponente controla para a mão de seu dono.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "«Мы не властны над тем, кто сюда приходит. Но нам решать, сколько они пробудут здесь».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445081,
                    "name": "Маг-Подмастерье из Академии",
                    "text": "Разыгрывание этого заклинания стоит на {1} меньше, если вы контролируете Чародея.\nКогда Маг-Подмастерье из Академии выходит на поле битвы, верните целевое существо под контролем оппонента в руку его владельца.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "「造访此地与否由人们决定。在此停留多久由我们决定。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445350,
                    "name": "学院老练法师",
                    "text": "如果你操控法术师,则此咒语减少{1}来施放。\n当学院老练法师进战场时,将目标由对手操控的生物移回其拥有者手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "「造訪此地與否由人們決定。在此停留多久由我們決定。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445619,
                    "name": "學院老練法師",
                    "text": "如果你操控魔法師,則此咒語減少{1}來施放。\n當學院老練法師進戰場時,將目標由對手操控的生物移回其擁有者手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442929,
            "name": "Academy Journeymage",
            "number": "41",
            "originalText": "This spell costs {1} less to cast if you control a Wizard.\nWhen Academy Journeymage enters the battlefield, return target creature an opponent controls to its owner's hand.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you control more than one Wizard, Academy Journeymage’s cost is reduced by only {1}."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once you announce that you’re casting Academy Journeymage, no player may take other actions until the spell’s been paid for. Notably, players can’t try to raise the spell’s cost by removing your Wizards."
            "scryfallId": "a46a65e0-66a3-4896-8acc-0ad5e9927c40",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "eebe6216-321d-4354-a187-98afe07ec7ac",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b400700c-1d82-4721-a166-56f88ba6ad19",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162212,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "This spell costs {1} less to cast if you control a Wizard.\nWhen Academy Journeymage enters the battlefield, return target creature an opponent controls to its owner's hand.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6ce29456-b8e5-5c42-8233-a734819eb614",
            "uuidV421": "89800f75-27ee-5340-beb9-ed32c844f993"
            "artist": "Alex Konstad",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "The shield took a year to craft, a month to enchant, and a decade to master—all for one glorious moment.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Es brauchte ein Jahr, um diesen Schild herzustellen, einen Monat, um ihn zu verzaubern und ein Jahrzehnt, um den Umgang damit zu meistern – und das alles für einen glorreichen Augenblick.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443159,
                    "name": "Unerschütterlicher Wille",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +2/+2 und Unzerstörbarkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. (Schaden und Effekte, die „zerstören\", zerstören sie nicht.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Llevó un año fabricar el escudo, un mes encantarlo y una década aprender a usarlo; todo para un único momento glorioso.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443428,
                    "name": "Voluntad inflexible",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +2/+2 y gana la habilidad de indestructible hasta el final del turno. (El daño y los efectos que dicen \"destruir\" no la destruyen.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Il fallut un an pour façonner ce bouclier, un mois pour l'enchanter et une décennie pour le maîtriser. Tout cela pour un seul moment de gloire.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443697,
                    "name": "Volonté inflexible",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +2/+2 et acquiert l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour. (Les blessures et les effets qui disent « détruisez » ne la détruisent pas.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Per forgiare lo scudo ci volle un anno, per incantarlo un mese, per padroneggiarlo alla perfezione un decennio: tutto per un unico momento di gloria.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443966,
                    "name": "Volontà Adamantina",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +2/+2 e ha indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno. (Il danno e gli effetti che dicono \"distruggi\" non la distruggono.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "この盾の製作に1年、魔法を掛けるのに1か月を費やした。使いこなせるまでには10年の歳月が必要だった。それはすべて、この一瞬のためである。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444235,
                    "name": "不屈の意志",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+2/+2の修整を受けるとともに破壊不能を得る。(ダメージや「破壊」と書かれた効果では、それは破壊されない。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "방패는 제작하는 데 1년이 걸리고, 마법을 부여하는 데 한 달이 걸리며, 숙달되는 데 10년이 걸린다—이 모든 것이 영광스러운 한 순간을 위해서이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444504,
                    "name": "단호한 의지",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +2/+2를 받고 무적을 얻는다. (피해와 \"파괴\"라고 명시된 효과로 파괴되지 않는다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "O escudo levou um ano para ser feito, um mês para ser encantado, e uma década para ser dominado — tudo por um glorioso momento.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444773,
                    "name": "Vontade Adamantina",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +2/+2 e ganha indestrutível até o final do turno. (Dano e efeitos que dizem \"destrua\" não a destroem.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Год на то, чтобы выковать щит, месяц на то, чтобы наложить на него чары, и десятилетие на то, чтобы научиться мастерски владеть им, — все ради одного момента славы.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445042,
                    "name": "Непреклонная Воля",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +2/+2 и Неразрушимость до конца хода. (Повреждения и эффекты с указанием «уничтожьте» не уничтожают его.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "这面盾牌耗经一年打造,历时一月施魔,苦练十年掌握~就为等一个荣光时刻。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445311,
                    "name": "坚定意志",
                    "text": "目标生物得+2/+2且获得不灭异能直到回合结束。(伤害与注明「消灭」的效应不会将它消灭。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "這面盾牌耗經一年打造,歷時一月施魔,苦練十年掌握~就為等一個榮光時刻。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445580,
                    "name": "堅定意志",
                    "text": "目標生物得+2/+2且獲得不滅異能直到回合結束。(傷害與註明「消滅」的效應不會將它消滅。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442890,
            "name": "Adamant Will",
            "number": "2",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +2/+2 and gains indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy it.)",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "3dfb8817-ca3c-44ba-92f2-e9d6294cd25d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8783d8d3-9c2b-45c6-b611-262d2fe4da54",
            "scryfallOracleId": "467e22c3-6107-40ff-afc7-5960710c970b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164696,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets +2/+2 and gains indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy it.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b5f98d3d-533e-5306-ab6a-824c6449e6b5",
            "uuidV421": "bda89d4a-5de2-5e22-9c3e-0bb11684f6a8"
            "artist": "Zezhou Chen",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The passionate intensity of the Ghitu tempered by the cool insight of Tolarian training.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die leidenschaftliche Intensität der ungestümen Ghitu, gemäßigt durch den kühlen Verstand der tolarianischen Schulung.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443347,
                    "name": "Adeliz Glutwind",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Eile\nImmer wenn du einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkst, erhalten Zauberer, die du kontrollierst, +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "Mezcla la apasionada intensidad de los ghitu con el análisis racional de la enseñanza tolariana.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443616,
                    "name": "Adeliz, Viento de Ceniza",
                    "text": "Vuela, prisa.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro, los Hechiceros que controlas obtienen +1/+1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "L'intense passion des Guitûks tempérée par la froide perspicacité de l'entraînement tolarian.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443885,
                    "name": "Adeliz, le vent de cendres",
                    "text": "Vol, célérité\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel, les sorciers que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "La focosa intensità dei Ghitu, temperata dalla fredda sapienza degli addestramenti di Tolaria.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444154,
                    "name": "Adeliz, il Vento di Brace",
                    "text": "Volare, rapidità\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo o stregoneria, i Maghi che controlli prendono +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "ギトゥの情熱的な激しさが、トレイリアで身に着けた冷静な洞察力によって緩和されている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444423,
                    "name": "燃えがらの風、エイデリズ",
                    "text": "飛行、速攻\nあなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているウィザードは+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "기투의 열정적인 격렬함이 톨라리아 훈련의 냉철한 통찰로 누그러진다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444692,
                    "name": "잿가루 바람, 아델리즈",
                    "text": "비행, 신속\n당신이 순간마법이나 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 당신이 조종하는 마법사들은 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "A intensidade impetuosa dos Ghitu temperada pela frieza do treinamento tolariano.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444961,
                    "name": "Adeliz, o Vento Cinzento",
                    "text": "Voar, ímpeto\nToda vez que você conjura uma mágica instantânea ou um feitiço, os Magos que você controla recebem +1/+1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "Страстная горячность Гиту, сдержанная холодной расчетливостью толарианской школы.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445230,
                    "name": "Аделис, Пепельный Ветер",
                    "text": "Полет, Ускорение\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, Чародеи под вашим контролем получают +1/+1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "基图人与生俱来的火热激情,调以陶拉里亚训练带来的冷静预知。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445499,
                    "name": "烬火之风艾德莉兹",
                    "text": "飞行,敏捷\n每当你施放瞬间或法术咒语时,由你操控的法术师得+1/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "基圖人與生俱來的火熱激情,調以陶拉里亞訓練帶來的冷靜預知。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445768,
                    "name": "燼火之風艾德莉茲",
                    "text": "飛行,敏捷\n每當你施放瞬間或巫術咒語時,由你操控的魔法師得+1/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443078,
            "name": "Adeliz, the Cinder Wind",
            "number": "190",
            "originalText": "Flying, haste\nWhenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Wizards you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Adeliz’s last ability affects only Wizards you control at the time it resolves, including Adeliz itself. Creatures you begin to control later in the turn or that become Wizards later in the turn won’t get +1/+1."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Adeliz’s last ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
            "scryfallId": "b3c950e2-a43b-47f8-9ad6-1909ccc7acbf",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e59dda06-05d8-42cb-9db8-f84628f9547d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "850eb3c3-029b-49b0-91a9-6daeb1b3a9e8",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162126,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, haste\nWhenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Wizards you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3dc0bc7b-b61d-54da-92e2-3b960ffef841",
            "uuidV421": "4589364c-22b9-5fc8-ae80-e95b9e46a0fe"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "Every odyssey begins with a single step.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Jede Odyssee beginnt mit einem einzigen Schritt.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443310,
                    "name": "Abenteuerlust",
                    "text": "Schaue dir die obersten drei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst davon eine Kreaturen- oder Länderkarte offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Lege den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Toda odisea comienza con un solo paso.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443579,
                    "name": "Impulso aventurero",
                    "text": "Mira las tres primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Puedes mostrar una carta de criatura o de tierra que se encuentre entre ellas y ponerla en tu mano. Pon el resto en el fondo de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Chaque odyssée commence par un simple pas.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443848,
                    "name": "Impulsion audacieuse",
                    "text": "Regardez les trois cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez révéler une carte de créature ou de terrain parmi elles et la mettre dans votre main. Mettez le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque, dans l'ordre de votre choix.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Ogni odissea ha inizio con un singolo passo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444117,
                    "name": "Impulso Avventuroso",
                    "text": "Guarda le prime tre carte del tuo grimorio. Puoi rivelare una carta creatura o terra scelta tra esse e aggiungerla alla tua mano. Metti le altre in fondo al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "どの大冒険にも最初の一歩がある。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444386,
                    "name": "冒険の衝動",
                    "text": "あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを3枚見る。あなたはその中からクリーチャーか土地であるカード1枚を公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に望む順番で置く。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "모든 여정은 한 걸음에서 시작된다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444655,
                    "name": "대담한 충동",
                    "text": "당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 세 장을 본다. 당신은 그중에서 생물 또는 대지 카드 한 장을 공개하고 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 나머지 카드들은 당신이 원하는 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Toda odisseia começa com um único passo.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444924,
                    "name": "Impulso Aventureiro",
                    "text": "Olhe os três cards do topo de seu grimório. Você pode revelar um card de criatura ou terreno dentre eles e colocá-lo em sua mão. Coloque o restante no fundo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Самое длинное странствие начинается с одного шага.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445193,
                    "name": "Зов Приключений",
                    "text": "Посмотрите три верхние карты вашей библиотеки. Вы можете показать находящуюся среди них карту существа или земли и положить ее в вашу руку. Положите остальные карты в низ вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "奥德赛般的万里远征,也始于足下迈出的第一步。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445462,
                    "name": "冒险冲动",
                    "text": "检视你牌库顶的三张牌。你可以展示其中的一张生物或地牌,并将它置于你手上。将其余的牌以任意顺序置于你牌库底。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "奧德賽般的萬里遠征,也始於足下邁出的第一步。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445731,
                    "name": "冒險衝動",
                    "text": "檢視你牌庫頂的三張牌。你可以展示其中的一張生物或地牌,並將它置於你手上。將其餘的牌以任意順序置於你牌庫底。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{G}",
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            "name": "Adventurous Impulse",
            "number": "153",
            "originalText": "Look at the top three cards of your library. You may reveal a creature or land card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164344,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Look at the top three cards of your library. You may reveal a creature or land card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "dbf5b430-00cd-5c95-bb71-2c9618924d73",
            "uuidV421": "5ead0675-0408-5f3e-9f7c-debb3fcce8d9"
            "artist": "James Paick",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "An ancient device recovered from a thawing glacier high in the Karplusan mountains.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Eine uralte Apparatur, die hoch oben in den karplusanischen Bergen aus einem tauenden Gletscher geborgen wurde.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443366,
                    "name": "Aesthirgleiter",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nDer Aesthirgleiter kann nicht blocken.",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Vogel, Konstrukt"
                    "flavorText": "Un antiguo dispositivo recuperado de un glaciar menguante en lo alto de las montañas karplusanas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443635,
                    "name": "Planeador aesthir",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nEl Planeador aesthir no puede bloquear.",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Constructo ave"
                    "flavorText": "Un ancien dispositif récupéré après la fonte d'un glacier, dans les hautes montagnes karpluséanes.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443904,
                    "name": "Planeur d'aeszir",
                    "text": "Vol\nLe Planeur d'aeszir ne peut pas bloquer.",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : oiseau et construction"
                    "flavorText": "Un antico congegno recuperato da un ghiacciaio in disgelo tra le vette delle montagne di Karplusan.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444173,
                    "name": "Aliante Aesthir",
                    "text": "Volare\nL'Aliante Aesthir non può bloccare.",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Costrutto Uccello"
                    "flavorText": "カープルーザン山脈の頂で解け始めた氷河から回収された古代の機器。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444442,
                    "name": "エイスサーの滑空機",
                    "text": "飛行\nエイスサーの滑空機ではブロックできない。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — 鳥・構築物"
                    "flavorText": "카플루산 산맥 높은 곳의 빙하가 녹으면서, 그 안에 있던 고대의 장치가 발견되었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444711,
                    "name": "애스시르 활강자",
                    "text": "비행\n애스시르 활강자는 방어할 수 없다.",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 조류 자동기계"
                    "flavorText": "Um dispositivo antigo, recuperado em uma geleira em retração no alto das montanhas karplusanas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444980,
                    "name": "Planador de Aesthir",
                    "text": "Voar\nPlanador de Aesthir não pode bloquear.",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Ave Constructo"
                    "flavorText": "Древнее устройство, которое достали из растаявшего ледника высоко в Карплюсанских горах.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445249,
                    "name": "Парящий Эстир",
                    "text": "Полет\nПарящий Эстир не может блокировать.",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Птица Конструкция"
                    "flavorText": "从卡普路桑山脉顶峰融化冰川中取回的远古装置。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445518,
                    "name": "艾斯鹰滑翔翼",
                    "text": "飞行\n艾斯鹰滑翔翼不能进行阻挡。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~鸟/组构体"
                    "flavorText": "從卡普路桑山脈頂峰融化冰川中取回的遠古裝置。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445787,
                    "name": "艾斯鷹滑翔翼",
                    "text": "飛行\n艾斯鷹滑翔翼不能進行阻擋。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~鳥/組構體"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}",
            "multiverseId": 443097,
            "name": "Aesthir Glider",
            "number": "209",
            "originalText": "Flying\nAesthir Glider can't block.",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Bird Construct",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ada8800b-d921-48f6-b818-22c164003665",
            "scryfallOracleId": "99dcde0b-4f4d-4d7a-89aa-8a89c256e38f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164720,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nAesthir Glider can't block.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Bird Construct",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a0c5f405-6244-5476-9f04-af26c20737cb",
            "uuidV421": "7b8a92db-e444-56ed-8d46-c15f3dc86641"
            "artist": "Jason Felix",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Neither its appearance nor its temperature varies as the years pass, an eternal testament to the forces that shaped Dominaria.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Über die Jahre hat sich weder ihr Erscheinungsbild noch ihre Temperatur verändert. Sie ist ein ewiges Mahnmal für die Kräfte, die Dominaria einst formten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443367,
                    "name": "Amaranthin-Mauer",
                    "text": "Verteidiger\n{2}: Die Amaranthin-Mauer erhält Unzerstörbarkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. (Schaden und Effekte, die „zerstören\", zerstören sie nicht.)",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Mauer"
                    "flavorText": "Ni su aspecto ni su temperatura varían con el paso de los años. Es un testimonio eterno de las fuerzas que forjaron Dominaria.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443636,
                    "name": "Muro amarantino",
                    "text": "Defensor.\n{2}: El Muro amarantino gana la habilidad de indestructible hasta el final del turno. (El daño y los efectos que dicen \"destruir\" no lo destruyen.)",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Muro"
                    "flavorText": "Ni son apparence, ni sa température ne varie au fil des ans, témoignage éternel des forces qui forgèrent Dominaria.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443905,
                    "name": "Mur d'amarante",
                    "text": "Défenseur\n{2} : Le Mur d'amarante acquiert l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour. (Les blessures et les effets qui disent « détruisez » ne le détruisent pas.)",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : mur"
                    "flavorText": "Testamento eterno delle forze che hanno plasmato Dominaria, non cambia aspetto né temperatura nel corso degli anni.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444174,
                    "name": "Muro Immutabile",
                    "text": "Difensore\n{2}: Il Muro Immutabile ha indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno. (Il danno e gli effetti che dicono \"distruggi\" non lo distruggono.)",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Muro"
                    "flavorText": "どれだけの歳月が経とうとも、その姿も温度も変わらない。ドミナリアを形作った勢力の永遠の印。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444443,
                    "name": "悠久の壁",
                    "text": "防衛\n{2}:ターン終了時まで、悠久の壁は破壊不能を得る。(ダメージや「破壊」と書かれた効果では、それは破壊されない。)",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — 壁"
                    "flavorText": "수 년이 지나도 그 모습이나 온도는 바뀌지 않았으며, 도미나리아를 만든 힘의 영원한 증거로서 남아 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444712,
                    "name": "시들지 않는 벽",
                    "text": "수비태세\n{2}: 시들지 않는 벽은 턴종료까지 무적을 얻는다. (피해와 \"파괴\"라고 명시된 효과로 파괴되지 않는다.)",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 벽"
                    "flavorText": "Nem a aparência, nem a temperatura variam com o passar dos anos, um testemunho eterno das forças que moldaram Dominária.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444981,
                    "name": "Muralha Amarantina",
                    "text": "Defensor\n{2}: Muralha Amarantina ganha indestrutível até o final do turno. (O dano e os efeitos que dizem \"destrua\" não a destroem.)",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Barreira"
                    "flavorText": "Проходят годы, но ее внешний облик и температура остаются неизменными — вечное напоминание о тех силах, что когда-то сотворили Доминарию.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445250,
                    "name": "Вековечная Стена",
                    "text": "Защитник\n{2}: Вековечная Стена получает Неразрушимость до конца хода. (Повреждения и эффекты с указанием «уничтожьте» не уничтожают ее.)",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Стена"
                    "flavorText": "这堵墙是多明纳里亚经历诸多势力作用所成现状的永恒证明,经年以来其外观和温度都未曾变化。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445519,
                    "name": "不朽之壁",
                    "text": "守军\n{2}:不朽之壁获得不灭异能直到回合结束。(伤害与注明「消灭」的效应不会将它消灭。)",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~墙"
                    "flavorText": "這堵牆是多明納里亞經歷諸多勢力作用所成現狀的永恆證明,經年以來其外觀和溫度都未曾變化。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445788,
                    "name": "不朽之壁",
                    "text": "守軍\n{2}:不朽之壁獲得不滅異能直到回合結束。(傷害與註明「消滅」的效應不會將它消滅。)",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~牆"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}",
            "multiverseId": 443098,
            "name": "Amaranthine Wall",
            "number": "210",
            "originalText": "Defender\n{2}: Amaranthine Wall gains indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy it.)",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Wall",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "73b49065-0a46-4813-a721-71d718e73d18",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164721,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender\n{2}: Amaranthine Wall gains indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy it.)",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Wall",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "09223d99-568c-52f4-b6bc-2461ea2939c7",
            "uuidV421": "953fbde3-c68d-57c6-88eb-a95f497cdb5a"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Multani's mind grasped for consciousness as rage itself rebuilt his body.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Multanis Verstand kämpfte um Klarheit, und purer Zorn sorgte dafür, dass sich sein Körper erneut aufbaute.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443311,
                    "name": "Uralte Feindseligkeit",
                    "text": "Lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, falls sie legendär ist. Dann kämpft sie gegen eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert. (Jede dieser Kreaturen fügt der anderen Schadenspunkte in Höhe ihrer Stärke zu.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "La mente de Multani luchó por regresar a la consciencia mientras la propia ira reconstruía su cuerpo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443580,
                    "name": "Animosidad arcana",
                    "text": "Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura objetivo que controlas si es legendaria. Luego, lucha contra la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente. (Cada una hace una cantidad de daño igual a su fuerza a la otra.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "L'esprit de Multani s'accrocha à la conscience tandis que la rage reconstituait son corps.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443849,
                    "name": "Animus ancien",
                    "text": "Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez si elle est légendaire. Elle se bat ensuite contre une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle. (Chacune inflige un nombre de blessures égal à sa force à l'autre.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "La mente di Multani cercò disperatamente di rimanere cosciente mentre la rabbia stessa ricomponeva il suo corpo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444118,
                    "name": "Astio Antico",
                    "text": "Metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura bersaglio che controlli, se è leggendaria. Poi essa lotta con una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario. (Ogni creatura infligge all'altra danno pari alla propria forza.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "ムルタニの精神が意識を取り戻そうとするうちに、怒りが体を形作った。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444387,
                    "name": "古えの憎しみ",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体と、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とする。その前者が伝説であるなら、それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。その前者はその後者と格闘を行う。(それぞれはもう一方に自身のパワーに等しい点数のダメージを与える。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "분노가 스스로 그의 육신을 재건하는 동안, 물타니는 의식을 강하게 부여잡았다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444656,
                    "name": "고대의 적의",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물과 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 첫번째 목표가 전설적이라면 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 그런 다음 그 생물은 두 번째 목표와 싸운다. (각 생물은 서로에게 각자의 공격력만큼 피해를 입힌다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "A mente de Multani lutou para manter-se consciente enquanto a fúria reconstruía seu corpo.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444925,
                    "name": "Animus Ancestral",
                    "text": "Coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura alvo que você controla se ela for lendária. Em seguida, ela luta contra a criatura alvo que um oponente controla. (Cada uma causa à outra uma quantidade de dano igual ao próprio poder.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Разум Мултани отчаянно стремился обрести сознание, а в это время первобытная ярость восстанавливала его тело.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445194,
                    "name": "Древняя Вражда",
                    "text": "Положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое существо под вашим контролем, если оно легендарное. Затем оно дерется с целевым существом под контролем оппонента. (Они наносят друг другу повреждения, равные своей силе.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "穆塔尼恢复知觉,而愤怒重塑了他的身躯。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445463,
                    "name": "远古原心",
                    "text": "选择目标由你操控的生物。如果它是传奇,则在它上面放置一个+1/+1指示物。然后它与目标由对手操控的生物互斗。(它们各向对方造成等同于本身力量的伤害。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "穆塔尼恢復知覺,而憤怒重塑了他的身軀。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445732,
                    "name": "遠古原心",
                    "text": "選擇目標由你操控的生物。如果它是傳奇,則在它上面放置一個+1/+1指示物。然後它與目標由對手操控的生物互鬥。(它們各向對方造成等同於本身力量的傷害。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443042,
            "name": "Ancient Animus",
            "number": "154",
            "originalText": "Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control if it's legendary. Then it fights target creature an opponent controls. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can’t cast Ancient Animus unless you choose both a creature you control and a creature you don’t control as targets."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The creature you control doesn’t have to be legendary. It simply won’t receive a +1/+1 counter before it fights if it isn’t legendary."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If either target is an illegal target as Ancient Animus tries to resolve, neither creature will deal or be dealt damage."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the creature you control is an illegal target as Ancient Animus tries to resolve, you won’t put a +1/+1 counter on it. If that creature is a legal target but the creature you don’t control isn’t, you’ll still put the counter on the creature you control if it’s legendary."
            "scryfallId": "b6a3b223-b232-4da3-9431-ccb4688d5941",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9d7e2259-65d1-4f05-b11c-c85a080f9cd0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4c9a38f8-8fcb-45f9-8b70-e54298c7b485",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162217,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control if it's legendary. Then it fights target creature an opponent controls. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "91feec3d-c9e4-57dc-a14d-7ed409faef42",
            "uuidV421": "8637f2b3-1147-5e9f-a5e9-87391d544eb8"
            "artist": "Bayard Wu",
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            "flavorText": "\"Llanowar's boughs are ever ready To unleash an autumn of steel leaves.\"\n—\"Song of Freyalise\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Äste Llanowars sind bewaffnet, bereit für einen Herbst der eisernen Blätter.\" —„Freyalises Lied\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443312,
                    "name": "Bewaffnung des Waldes",
                    "text": "Lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. Die Kreatur erhält Reichweite bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Las ramas de Llanowar siempre están al acecho para desatar un otoño de hojas de acero\". —\"Canción de Freyalise\"",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443581,
                    "name": "Armamento enramado",
                    "text": "Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura objetivo. Esa criatura gana la habilidad de alcance hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Les branches de Llanowar sont toujours parées À déchaîner un automne de feuilles d'acier. » —« Chant de Freyalise »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443850,
                    "name": "Armement arboricole",
                    "text": "Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur la créature ciblée. Cette créature acquiert la portée jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le fronde di Llanowar sono sempre pronte A scatenare un autunno di foglie d'acciaio.\" —\"Canto di Freyalise\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444119,
                    "name": "Armamento Arboreo",
                    "text": "Metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura bersaglio. Quella creatura ha raggiungere fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「ラノワールの大樹は待っていた 鉄葉の秋を解き放つときを。」 ――「フレイアリーズの歌」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444388,
                    "name": "高木の武装",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。ターン終了時まで、そのクリーチャーは到達を得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"라노워의 가지는 언제라도 강철의 낙엽이 떨어지는 가을을 선사할 준비가 되어 있다.\" —\"프레얄리스의 노래\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444657,
                    "name": "숲의 군비확충",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 대공을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os ramos de Llanowar estão sempre prontos Para despejar um outono de folhas de aço.\" — \"Canção de Freyalise\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444926,
                    "name": "Armamento Arbóreo",
                    "text": "Coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura alvo. Aquela criatura ganha alcance até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Ветви Лановара всегда готовы Обрушить осенний стальной листопад». — «Песнь о Фреализ»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445195,
                    "name": "Древесное Вооружение",
                    "text": "Положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое существо. То существо получает Захват до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「罗堰壮枝时刻准备, 对空齐射秋日钢叶。」 ~「妃雅丽兹颂歌」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445464,
                    "name": "乔木战具",
                    "text": "在目标生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。该生物获得延势异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「羅堰壯枝時刻準備, 對空齊射秋日鋼葉。」 ~「妃雅麗茲頌歌」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445733,
                    "name": "喬木戰具",
                    "text": "在目標生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。該生物獲得延勢異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443043,
            "name": "Arbor Armament",
            "number": "155",
            "originalText": "Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. That creature gains reach until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "scryfallId": "bceb365c-5de6-47ae-b42d-7fbce7781f8e",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164699,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. That creature gains reach until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
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            "uuidV421": "b9d915dd-2c0c-5f7f-8198-e858a22c712a"
            "artist": "Steve Prescott",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "The Tolarian Academies are known for their magical research, powerful sorcerers, and accidental destruction of ecosystems.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Akademien von Tolaria sind bekannt für ihre Magieforschung, ihre mächtigen Hexer und die gelegentliche Zerstörung von Ökosystemen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443200,
                    "name": "Arkaner Flug",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur erhält +1/+1 und hat Flugfähigkeit.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Las Academias Tolarianas son conocidas por su investigación mágica, sus hechiceros poderosos y su destrucción accidental de ecosistemas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443469,
                    "name": "Vuelo arcano",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada obtiene +1/+1 y tiene la habilidad de volar.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Les Académies tolarianes sont renommées pour leurs recherches magiques, leurs puissants sorciers et la destruction accidentelle d'écosystèmes.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443738,
                    "name": "Vol ésotérique",
                    "text": "Enchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée gagne +1/+1 et a le vol.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "flavorText": "Le Accademie di Tolaria sono note per le ricerche in campo magico, i potenti stregoni e la distruzione accidentale di interi ecosistemi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444007,
                    "name": "Volo Arcano",
                    "text": "Incanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata prende +1/+1 e ha volare.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "トレイリアのアカデミーは、魔法の研究と強力な呪術師、そして環境破壊事故でその名を知られている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444276,
                    "name": "秘儀での飛行",
                    "text": "エンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントされているクリーチャーは、+1/+1の修整を受けるとともに飛行を持つ。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "톨라리아 아카데미는 마법 연구와 강력한 마법사들, 그리고 실수로 생태계를 파괴한 일로 잘 알려져 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444545,
                    "name": "신비한 비행",
                    "text": "생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 +1/+1을 받고 비행을 가진다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "As Academias Tolarianas são conhecidas por suas pesquisas mágicas, por seus feiticeiros poderosos e por sua destruição acidental de ecossistemas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444814,
                    "name": "Voo Arcano",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura\nA criatura encantada recebe +1/+1 e tem voar.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Толарианские Академии славятся своими прорывами в исследованиях магии, могущественными чародеями и случайным уничтожением целых экосистем.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445083,
                    "name": "Волшебный Полет",
                    "text": "Зачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо получает +1/+1 и имеет Полет.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "陶拉里亚大学院以魔法研究、强大巫师和会意外破坏生态系统声名远播。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445352,
                    "name": "翔空秘法",
                    "text": "结附于生物\n所结附的生物得+1/+1且具有飞行异能。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "陶拉里亞大學院以魔法研究、強大巫師和會意外破壞生態環境聲名遠播。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445621,
                    "name": "翔空秘法",
                    "text": "結附於生物\n所結附的生物得+1/+1且具有飛行異能。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442931,
            "name": "Arcane Flight",
            "number": "43",
            "originalText": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets +1/+1 and has flying.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
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            "scryfallId": "09fbb1c0-ba57-4a5a-8ad6-77fbc6aeeec9",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "40eee955-bec6-455a-addf-68cdb84c76b9",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164395,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets +1/+1 and has flying.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a11e5762-4f15-5fbb-bdc6-8ecccc9846f3",
            "uuidV421": "dd6124b3-0902-5ad6-88f6-97b82ef28ca7"
            "artist": "Chris Seaman",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443201,
                    "name": "Assistent des Handwerkers",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nImmer wenn du einen historischen Zauberspruch wirkst, wende Hellsicht 1 an. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch. Betrachte für Hellsicht 1 die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek, dann kannst du sie unter deine Bibliothek legen.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vogel"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443470,
                    "name": "Ayudante del artífice",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo histórico, adivina 1. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas. Para adivinar 1, mira la primera carta de tu biblioteca, luego puedes poner esa carta en el fondo de tu biblioteca.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ave"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443739,
                    "name": "Assistant de l'artificier",
                    "text": "Vol\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort historique, regard 1. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques. Pour appliquer regard 1, regardez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez mettre cette carte au-dessous de votre bibliothèque.)",
                    "type": "Créature : oiseau"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444008,
                    "name": "Assistente dell'Artefice",
                    "text": "Volare\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia storica, profetizza 1. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche. Per profetizzare 1, guarda la prima carta del tuo grimorio, poi puoi metterla in fondo al tuo grimorio.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Uccello"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444277,
                    "name": "工匠の助手",
                    "text": "飛行\nあなたが歴史的な呪文を唱えるたび、占術1を行う。(アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚が歴史的である。占術1を行うとは、「あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを見る。その後あなたはそのカードをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に置いてもよい。」ということである。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 鳥"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444546,
                    "name": "마법공학자의 조수",
                    "text": "비행\n당신이 역사적 주문을 발동할 때마다, 점술 1을 한다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다. 점술 1을 하려면 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 한 장을 본다. 당신은 그 카드를 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓을 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 조류"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444815,
                    "name": "Assistente de Artesão",
                    "text": "Voar\nToda vez que você conjurar uma mágica histórica, use vidência 1. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos. Para usar vidência 1, olhe o card do topo de seu grimório. Depois, você pode colocar aquele card no fundo de seu grimório.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ave"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445084,
                    "name": "Помощник Механика",
                    "text": "Полет\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете историческое заклинание, предскажите 1. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими. Чтобы предсказать 1, посмотрите верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки, затем вы можете положить ту карту в низ вашей библиотеки.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Птица"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445353,
                    "name": "神器师助手",
                    "text": "飞行\n每当你施放史迹咒语时,占卜1。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。占卜1的流程是检视你牌库顶的牌,然后你可以将该牌置于你的牌库底。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~鸟"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445622,
                    "name": "神器師助手",
                    "text": "飛行\n每當你施放史跡咒語時,占卜1。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。占卜1的流程是檢視你的牌庫頂牌,然後你可以將該牌置入你的牌庫底。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~鳥"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442932,
            "name": "Artificer's Assistant",
            "number": "44",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhenever you cast a historic spell, scry 1. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic. To scry 1, look at the top card of your library, then you may put that card on the bottom of your library.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Bird",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Some abilities trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell.” Such an ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you cast a historic spell” doesn’t trigger if a historic card is put onto the battlefield without being cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Lands are never cast, so abilities that trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell” won’t trigger if you play a legendary land. They also won’t trigger if a card on the battlefield transforms into a legendary land, as the Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan double-faced cards do."
            "scryfallId": "deadf867-b999-49b2-88d8-91da975a3cc5",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ac8de674-f732-42f1-a4ee-2134fc2dcd0c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "6191a7eb-04b5-47e6-a31f-43f9aa91d4d7",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164691,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhenever you cast a historic spell, scry 1. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic. To scry 1, look at the top card of your library, then you may put that card on the bottom of your library.)",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Bird",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "005d8d50-4a03-5f9f-9ede-07b0255f3f5c",
            "uuidV421": "ea083e20-2375-566c-9641-2f5e79332179"
            "artist": "Lius Lasahido",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I won't abandon the Weatherlight. My destiny is to serve at Jhoira's side. This 'illness' means I must trust my faith more and myself less.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich werde die Wetterlicht nicht einfach im Stich lassen. Es ist mein Schicksal, an Jhoiras Seite zu dienen. Meine ‚Krankheit' bedeutet lediglich, dass ich weniger auf mich und mehr auf meinen Glauben bauen muss.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443348,
                    "name": "Arvad der Verfluchte",
                    "text": "Todesberührung, Lebensverknüpfung\nAndere legendäre Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +2/+2.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Vampir, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "\"No abandonaré el Vientoligero. Mi destino es servir junto a Jhoira. Esta 'enfermedad' solo significa que debo confiar más en mi fe y menos en mí mismo\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443617,
                    "name": "Arvad el Maldito",
                    "text": "Toque mortal, vínculo vital.\nLas otras criaturas legendarias que controlas obtienen +2/+2.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Caballero vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "« Je n'abandonnerai pas l'Aquilon. Mon destin est de servir aux côtés de Djoïra. Cette \"maladie\" signifie que je dois croire davantage en ma foi et moins en moi-même. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443886,
                    "name": "Arvad le maudit",
                    "text": "Contact mortel, lien de vie\nLes autres créatures légendaires que vous contrôlez gagnent +2/+2.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : vampire et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non abbandonerò la Cavalcavento. Il mio destino è servire al fianco di Jhoira. Questa 'infezione' significa che devo credere di più nella mia fede e meno in me stesso.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444155,
                    "name": "Arvad il Maledetto",
                    "text": "Tocco letale, legame vitale\nLe altre creature leggendarie che controlli prendono +2/+2.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Cavaliere Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "「私は決してウェザーライトを見捨てない。ジョイラの傍で仕えるのが私の宿命なのだ。この『病気』は、自分自身よりも自分の信念を頼るべきだということに他ならない。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444424,
                    "name": "呪われし者、アルヴァード",
                    "text": "接死、絆魂\nあなたがコントロールしている他の伝説のクリーチャーは+2/+2の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 吸血鬼・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 웨더라이트를 버리지 않을 것이다. 조이라의 곁을 지키며 섬기는 것이 나의 운명이다. 이 '병'은 내가 나의 신념을 더욱 믿고 나 스스로에 대한 믿음은 덜어야 한다는 뜻이다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444693,
                    "name": "저주받은 아르바드",
                    "text": "치명타, 생명연결\n당신이 조종하는 다른 전설적 생물들은 +2/+2를 받는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 흡혈귀 기사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não abandonarei o Bons Ventos. Meu destino é servir ao lado de Jhoira. Essa 'doença' significa que eu preciso confiar mais na minha fé e menos em mim mesmo.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444962,
                    "name": "Arvad, o Amaldiçoado",
                    "text": "Toque mortífero, vínculo com a vida\nAs outras criaturas lendárias que você controla recebem +2/+2.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Vampiro Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Я не брошу «Везерлайт». Моя судьба — служить Джойре. Эта «болезнь» означает, что я должен больше доверять своей вере и меньше — самому себе».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445231,
                    "name": "Арвад Проклятый",
                    "text": "Смертельное касание, Цепь жизни\nДругие легендарные существа под вашим контролем получают +2/+2.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Вампир Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "「我决不会抛弃晴空号。担任尤依拉副手便是我的天命。这种『病』意味着我必须常循自身信念,少从自身行动。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445500,
                    "name": "受诅咒的亚瓦德",
                    "text": "死触,系命\n由你操控的其他传奇生物得+2/+2。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~吸血鬼/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "「我決不會拋棄晴空號。擔任尤依菈副手便是我的天命。這種『病』意味著我必須常循自身信念,少從自身行動。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445769,
                    "name": "受詛咒的亞瓦德",
                    "text": "死觸,繫命\n由你操控的其他傳奇生物得+2/+2。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~吸血鬼/騎士"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 443079,
            "name": "Arvad the Cursed",
            "number": "191",
            "originalText": "Deathtouch, lifelink\nOther legendary creatures you control get +2/+2.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Vampire Knight",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Because damage remains marked on a creature until it’s removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to a legendary creature you control may become lethal if Arvad leaves the battlefield during that turn."
            "scryfallId": "e811f37a-f381-42e7-9b4a-15b2241eb10d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6ad31971-9259-484d-8a98-0bb03abc6902",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d561dcff-0a19-46ac-9dee-f374c840d532",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162128,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Deathtouch, lifelink\nOther legendary creatures you control get +2/+2.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Vampire Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c6286403-931a-5ce6-9cd6-5642d0540bb3",
            "uuidV421": "98a82bde-aacf-553e-a124-4abb86441095"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443349,
                    "name": "Aryel, Ritterin von Windgrace",
                    "text": "Wachsamkeit\n{2}{W}, {T}: Erzeuge einen 2/2 weißen Ritter-Kreaturenspielstein mit Wachsamkeit.\n{B}, {T}, tappe X ungetappte Ritter, die du kontrollierst: Zerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl mit Stärke X oder weniger.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443618,
                    "name": "Aryel, caballero de Windgrace",
                    "text": "Vigilancia.\n{2}{W}, {T}: Crea una ficha de criatura Caballero blanca 2/2 con la habilidad de vigilancia.\n{B}, {T}, girar X Caballeros enderezados que controlas: Destruye la criatura objetivo con fuerza de X o menos.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Caballero humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443887,
                    "name": "Aryel, chevalière Vent des vertus",
                    "text": "Vigilance\n{2}{W}, {T} : Créez un jeton de créature 2/2 blanche Chevalier avec la vigilance.\n{B}, {T}, engagez X chevaliers dégagés que vous contrôlez : Détruisez une créature ciblée de force inférieure ou égale à X.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et chevalier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444156,
                    "name": "Aryel, Cavaliera di Windgrace",
                    "text": "Cautela\n{2}{W}, {T}: Crea una pedina creatura Cavaliere 2/2 bianca con cautela.\n{B}, {T}, TAPpa X Cavalieri STAPpati che controlli: Distruggi una creatura bersaglio con forza pari o inferiore a X.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444425,
                    "name": "ウィンドグレイスの騎士、アルイェール",
                    "text": "警戒\n{2}{W}, {T}:警戒を持つ白の2/2の騎士・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。\n{B}, {T}, あなたがコントロールしていてアンタップ状態の騎士X体をタップする:パワーがX以下のクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444694,
                    "name": "윈드그레이스의 기사, 아리엘",
                    "text": "경계\n{2}{W}, {T}: 경계를 가진 2/2 백색 기사 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.\n{B}, {T}, 당신이 조종하는 언탭된 기사 X개를 탭한다: 공격력이 X 이하인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444963,
                    "name": "Aryel, Cavaleira de Windgrace",
                    "text": "Vigilância\n{2}{W}, {T}: Crie uma ficha de criatura branca 2/2 do tipo Cavaleiro com vigilância.\n{B}, {T}, vire X Cavaleiros desvirados que você controla: Destrua a criatura alvo com poder igual ou inferior a X.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445232,
                    "name": "Арьель, Рыцарь Виндгрейса",
                    "text": "Бдительность\n{2}{W}, {T}: создайте одну фишку существа 2/2 белый Рыцарь с Бдительностью.\n{B}, {T}, поверните X неповернутых Рыцарей под вашим контролем: уничтожьте целевое существо с силой не более X.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445501,
                    "name": "风华骑士娅耶尔",
                    "text": "警戒\n{2}{W},{T}:派出一个2/2白色,具警戒异能的骑士衍生生物。\n{B},{T},横置X个由你操控且未横置的骑士:消灭目标力量等于或小于X的生物。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445770,
                    "name": "風華騎士婭耶爾",
                    "text": "警戒\n{2}{W},{T}:派出一個2/2白色,具警戒異能的騎士衍生生物。\n{B},{T},橫置X個由你操控且未橫置的騎士:消滅目標力量等於或小於X的生物。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 443080,
            "name": "Aryel, Knight of Windgrace",
            "names": [],
            "number": "192",
            "originalText": "Vigilance\n{2}{W}, {T}: Create a 2/2 white Knight creature token with vigilance.\n{B}, {T}, Tap X untapped Knights you control: Destroy target creature with power X or less.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Tapping Aryel to activate either of its abilities while it’s attacking doesn’t remove it from combat."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can tap any untapped Knights you control, including ones you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn, to pay the cost of Aryel’s last ability. However, you must have controlled Aryel continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn in order to use either of its activated abilities."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once you announce that you’re activating Aryel’s last ability, no player may take other actions until the ability’s been paid for. Notably, players can’t try to make the value of X invalid by removing or tapping your Knights."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the target creature’s power is greater than X as Aryel’s last ability tries to resolve, the ability doesn’t resolve. You can’t tap extra Knights once the ability has been activated."
            "scryfallId": "58e2981b-bf25-4d9d-8811-5a1ff0b4d5d2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "56c432bd-c4ee-43a1-9920-17ea3d18e38a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9956f9b7-0140-484c-b606-3685690b84cc",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162130,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Vigilance\n{2}{W}, {T}: Create a 2/2 white Knight creature token with vigilance.\n{B}, {T}, Tap X untapped Knights you control: Destroy target creature with power X or less.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d350e89b-a98e-530c-902c-48e3b172b77a",
            "uuidV421": "8f26f35c-d7c4-580f-a605-471c5b7c5e9b"
            "artist": "Dan Scott",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "flavorText": "\"My flock flew from a distant continent ruined by cataclysm and war. Benalia gave us shelter to end our exodus.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Meine Schar verließ ein entferntes Land, das durch Katastrophen und Krieg verheert wurde. Benalia gab uns Obdach und beendete so unseren ziellosen Exodus.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443160,
                    "name": "Avior-Wachposten",
                    "text": "Fliegend",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vogel, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mi bandada emigró de un continente arrasado por la guerra y los cataclismos. Benalia nos acogió y aquí terminamos nuestro éxodo\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443429,
                    "name": "Centinela aven",
                    "text": "Vuela.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado ave"
                    "flavorText": "« Ma volée a fui un continent lointain dévasté par les cataclysmes et la guerre. Bénalia nous a offert un refuge où terminer notre exode. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443698,
                    "name": "Sentinelle avemain",
                    "text": "Vol",
                    "type": "Créature : oiseau et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il mio stormo è fuggito da un continente lontano, flagellato da guerra e cataclismi. Benalia ci ha offerto un rifugio in cui porre fine al nostro esodo.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443967,
                    "name": "Aviano Sentinella",
                    "text": "Volare",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Uccello"
                    "flavorText": "「私の群れは大変動と戦争で廃墟となった遠い大陸から飛んできました。ベナリアは私たちに避難所を与え、放浪生活を終わらせてくれました。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444236,
                    "name": "エイヴンの歩哨",
                    "text": "飛行",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 鳥・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"우리들은 대재앙과 전쟁으로 파괴된 머나먼 땅에서 날아왔다. 베날리아는 우리에게 머물 수 있는 피신처를 제공해 주었지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444505,
                    "name": "에이븐 감시병",
                    "text": "비행",
                    "type": "생물 — 조류 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Meu bando veio voando de um continente distante, arruinado por cataclismos e guerras. Benália nos deu abrigo e encerrou nosso êxodo.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444774,
                    "name": "Sentinela Aviana",
                    "text": "Voar",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ave Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Моя стая прилетела с далекого континента, истерзанного катастрофами и войной. В Беналии мы нашли приют, и наш исход закончился».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445043,
                    "name": "Авен-Страж",
                    "text": "Полет",
                    "type": "Существо — Птица Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「吾族原本所栖息的大陆已遭灾害战事摧毁,因而一路流离至此。宾纳里亚予吾人落脚之所,出逃之记终告段落。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445312,
                    "name": "艾文哨兵",
                    "text": "飞行",
                    "type": "生物 ~鸟/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「吾族原本所棲息的大陸已遭災害戰事摧毀,因而一路流離至此。賓納里亞予吾人落腳之所,出逃之記終告段落。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445581,
                    "name": "艾文哨兵",
                    "text": "飛行",
                    "type": "生物 ~鳥/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "number": "3",
            "originalText": "Flying",
            "originalType": "Creature — Bird Soldier",
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            "printings": [
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            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164481,
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            "text": "Flying",
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            "type": "Creature — Bird Soldier",
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            "artist": "Christine Choi",
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            "flavorText": "\"The walls of Argive were built by a peaceful dynastic union that has guarded us against war for fifteen centuries. The lesson is clear.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Mauern von Argivia wurden von einer friedlichen und vereinten Dynastie errichtet, die uns fünfzehn Jahrhunderte lang vor Krieg beschützt hat. Ihre Botschaft ist unmissverständlich.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443161,
                    "name": "Baird, Vogt von Argivia",
                    "text": "Wachsamkeit\nKreaturen können weder dich noch Planeswalker, die du kontrollierst, angreifen, es sei denn, ihr Beherrscher bezahlt {1} für jede dieser Kreaturen.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Los muros de Argivia los construyó una pacífica unión dinástica que nos protegió de la guerra durante quince siglos. La lección está clara\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443430,
                    "name": "Baird, custodio de Argivia",
                    "text": "Vigilancia.\nLas criaturas no pueden atacarte a ti o a un planeswalker que controlas a menos que su controlador pague {1} por cada una de esas criaturas.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "« L'enceinte d'Argive a été construite par une union dynastique pacifique qui nous préserve de la guerre depuis quinze siècles. La leçon est claire. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443699,
                    "name": "Baird, intendant d'Argive",
                    "text": "Vigilance\nLes créatures ne peuvent pas vous attaquer ou attaquer un planeswalker que vous contrôlez à moins que leur contrôleur ne paie {1} pour chacune de ces créatures.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le mura di Argivia furono costruite da un'unione dinastica pacifica che ci ha protetto dalla guerra per quindici secoli. Abbiamo imparato la lezione.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443968,
                    "name": "Baird, Reggente di Argivia",
                    "text": "Cautela\nLe creature non possono attaccare te o un planeswalker che controlli a meno che il loro controllore non paghi {1} per ognuna di quelle creature.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「アルガイヴの壁は平和的な国家同盟によって建設され、その後15世紀もの間戦争を防ぎ続けている。この教訓は明白だ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444237,
                    "name": "アルガイヴ国家執事、ベイルド",
                    "text": "警戒\nあなたやあなたがコントロールしているプレインズウォーカーを攻撃するクリーチャー1体につきそのコントローラーが{1}を支払わないかぎり、その攻撃はできない。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"아르기브의 벽은 150년 동안이나 우리를 전쟁으로부터 보호해 준, 평화로운 왕조 연합이 세운 것입니다. 그로부터 얻을 수 있는 교훈은 너무도 분명하지요.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444506,
                    "name": "아르기브의 관리자, 베이어드",
                    "text": "경계\n각 생물은 그 생물의 조종자가 {1}을 지불하지 않는 한 당신 또는 당신이 조종하는 플레인즈워커를 공격할 수 없다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"As muralhas do Argivo foram construídas por uma união dinástica pacífica que nos resguardou da guerra por quinze séculos. A lição é clara.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444775,
                    "name": "Baird, Guardião do Argivo",
                    "text": "Vigilância\nAs criaturas não podem atacar você nem um planeswalker que você controla, a menos que seu controlador pague {1} para cada uma daquelas criaturas.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Стены Аргива возвел миролюбивый династический союз, уже пятнадцать веков обороняющий нас от войны. Вот к чему надо стремиться».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445044,
                    "name": "Бэйрд, Управитель Аргива",
                    "text": "Бдительность\nСущества не могут атаковать вас или planeswalker-а под вашим контролем, если только контролирующий их игрок не заплатит {1} за каждое из тех существ.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「爱好和平的统治联盟为了免受战事侵扰而修建了阿基夫高墙,让子孙尽享十五世纪太平岁月。结论不言自明。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445313,
                    "name": "阿基夫监管人贝尔德",
                    "text": "警戒\n对每个生物而言,除非其操控者为其支付{1},否则它不能攻击你或由你操控的鹏洛客。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「愛好和平的統治聯盟為了免受戰事侵擾而修建了阿基夫高牆,讓子孫盡享十五世紀太平歲月。結論不言自明。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445582,
                    "name": "阿基夫監管人貝爾德",
                    "text": "警戒\n對每個生物而言,除非其操控者為其支付{1},否則它不能攻擊你或由你操控的鵬洛客。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/士兵"
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            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442892,
            "name": "Baird, Steward of Argive",
            "number": "4",
            "originalText": "Vigilance\nCreatures can't attack you or a planeswalker you control unless their controller pays {1} for each of those creatures.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you control Baird, your opponents can choose not to pay to attack with a creature that attacks “if able.” If there’s no other player or planeswalker to attack, that creature simply doesn’t attack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, creatures can attack your teammate and planeswalkers your teammate controls without requiring a mana payment. This is a change from previous rules."
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162190,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Vigilance\nCreatures can't attack you or a planeswalker you control unless their controller pays {1} for each of those creatures.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
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            "artist": "Zezhou Chen",
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            "flavorText": "A baloth only cares about the many things it eats and the few things that eat it.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ein Baloth denkt hauptsächlich an sein Fressen und nur sehr wenig an seine Fressfeinde.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443313,
                    "name": "Baloth-Verschlinger",
                    "text": "Bonus {4} (Du kannst zusätzlich {4} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nFalls die Bonuskosten des Baloth-Verschlingers bezahlt wurden, kommt er mit drei +1/+1-Marken ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bestie"
                    "flavorText": "A un báloth solo le importan las muchas cosas que devora y las pocas cosas que podrían devorarlo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443582,
                    "name": "Báloth devorador",
                    "text": "Estímulo {4}. (Puedes pagar {4} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nSi el Báloth devorador fue estimulado, entra al campo de batalla con tres contadores +1/+1 sobre él.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "Un baloth ne se soucie que de ce qu'il peut manger et des rares choses qui peuvent le manger.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443851,
                    "name": "Avaleur baloth",
                    "text": "Kick {4} (Vous pouvez payer {4} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nSi l'Avaleur baloth a été kické, il arrive sur le champ de bataille avec trois marqueurs +1/+1 sur lui.",
                    "type": "Créature : bête"
                    "flavorText": "Un baloth si preoccupa solo delle molte cose che può mangiare e delle poche che possono mangiarlo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444120,
                    "name": "Baloth Trangugiatore",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {4} (Puoi pagare {4} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nSe il Baloth Trangugiatore è stato potenziato, entra nel campo di battaglia con tre segnalini +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "ベイロスが関心を持つのは、それが捕食する多数のものと、それを捕食する僅かなもののみだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444389,
                    "name": "ベイロスの大喰らい",
                    "text": "キッカー{4}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{4}を支払ってもよい。)\nベイロスの大喰らいがキッカーされていたなら、これは+1/+1カウンターが3個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ビースト"
                    "flavorText": "발로스는 자신이 잡아먹는 많은 것들, 그리고 아주 드물게 발로스를 잡아먹는 존재들에게만 신경을 쓴다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444658,
                    "name": "발로스 포식자",
                    "text": "키커 {4} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {4}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n발로스 포식자의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 발로스 포식자는 +1/+1 카운터 세 개를 가지고 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 야수"
                    "flavorText": "Um baloth só se importa com as muitas coisas que come e com as poucas que o comem.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444927,
                    "name": "Devorador Baloth",
                    "text": "Reforçar {4} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {4} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nSe Devorador Baloth foi reforçado, ele entra no campo de batalha com três marcadores +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Besta"
                    "flavorText": "Балоту есть дело лишь до его многочисленной еды и до тех немногих, для кого еда — он сам.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445196,
                    "name": "Балот-Пожиратель",
                    "text": "Усилитель {4} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {4}.)\nЕсли Балот-Пожиратель получил Усилитель, он выходит на поле битвы с тремя жетонами +1/+1 на нем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зверь"
                    "flavorText": "巴洛西只关心它能吃掉的大量东西,以及能吃掉它的少数东西。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445465,
                    "name": "暴食巴洛西",
                    "text": "增幅{4}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{4}。)\n如果暴食巴洛西已增幅,则它进战场时上面有三个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野兽"
                    "flavorText": "巴洛西只關心牠能吃掉的大量東西,以及能吃掉牠的少數東西。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445734,
                    "name": "暴食巴洛西",
                    "text": "增幅{4}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{4})。\n如果暴食巴洛西已增幅,則它進戰場時上面有三個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443044,
            "name": "Baloth Gorger",
            "number": "156",
            "originalText": "Kicker {4} (You may pay an additional {4} as you cast this spell.)\nIf Baloth Gorger was kicked, it enters the battlefield with three +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Beast",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "504090bb-d183-4833-aea5-d4193b5c57a1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8aff6e23-dc2a-4df4-b981-d150b7618177",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7f9bc0c9-0333-4c02-bc14-e6affe848b5d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162218,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {4} (You may pay an additional {4} as you cast this spell.)\nIf Baloth Gorger was kicked, it enters the battlefield with three +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Beast",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "241fd17f-e0f5-57c8-b222-4f830a7dde18",
            "uuidV421": "c1f70277-4129-5abe-96ad-328c2b7973e1"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The trick to talking sense into Keldons is getting them to hold still. I learned that from Radha.\" –Jhoira",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Keldonen muss man erst einmal zur Ruhe bringen, bevor man ihnen Vernunft einbläuen kann. Das habe ich von Radha gelernt.\" —Jhoira",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443202,
                    "name": "Benebeln",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält -4/-0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nZiehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Para poder hablar de verdad con los keldon, el truco está en hacer que se estén quietos. Me lo enseñó Radha\". —Jhoira",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443471,
                    "name": "Confundir",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene -4/-0 hasta el final del turno.\nRoba una carta.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Pour raisonner des Keldes, il faut qu'ils se tiennent tranquilles. J'ai appris ça de Radha. » —Djoïra",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443740,
                    "name": "Stupéfier",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne -4/-0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nPiochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il trucco per far ragionare gli abitanti di Keld è riuscire a immobilizzarli. L'ho imparato da Radha.\" —Jhoira",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444009,
                    "name": "Frastornare",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende -4/-0 fino alla fine del turno.\nPesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「ケルド人に説教するコツはね、相手をじっとさせておくことよ。ラーダがそう教えてくれたの。」 ――ジョイラ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444278,
                    "name": "混迷",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは-4/-0の修整を受ける。\nカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"켈드인들이 말귀를 알아듣게 하려면 가만히 있도록 붙잡아두면 돼. 라다에서 배웠지.\" —조이라",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444547,
                    "name": "어리둥절",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 -4/-0을 받는다.\n카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"O macete para chamar os keldonianos à razão é fazer com que eles parem quietos. Aprendi isso com Radha.\" — Jhoira",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444816,
                    "name": "Desconcertar",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe -4/-0 até o final do turno.\nCompre um card.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Чтобы келдонец внял голосу разума, его просто нужно заставить постоять спокойно. Этот секрет рассказала мне Радха». — Джойра",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445085,
                    "name": "Сбить с Толку",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает -4/-0 до конца хода.\nВозьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「让凯尔顿人恢复理智的诀窍就是让他们动弹不得。这一招向拉妲学的。」 ~尤依拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445354,
                    "name": "困惑不已",
                    "text": "目标生物得-4/-0直到回合结束。\n抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「讓凱爾頓人恢復理智的訣竅就是讓他們動彈不得。這一招向拉妲學的。」 ~尤依菈",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445623,
                    "name": "困惑不已",
                    "text": "目標生物得-4/-0直到回合結束。\n抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442933,
            "name": "Befuddle",
            "number": "45",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets -4/-0 until end of turn.\nDraw a card.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Befuddle tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You won’t draw a card."
            "scryfallId": "88858285-23ac-4d7e-b8dd-a20982d95a2d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0a8c41bf-edb0-4d69-95b2-fc33d7357ca3",
            "scryfallOracleId": "664c1219-acfa-41da-b811-503a63fc8d84",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162213,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets -4/-0 until end of turn.\nDraw a card.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a7e845e2-3148-58b1-8b48-74721c9d79c7",
            "uuidV421": "c0c9782c-305c-533a-8282-f0fad1c27dd5"
            "artist": "Ryan Pancoast",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The true measure of all heroes is not what they achieve, but who they inspire.\"\n—Triumph of Gerrard",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Man sollte Helden nicht an ihren Leistungen messen, sondern an den Personen, die sie inspirieren.\" —Gerrards Triumph",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443162,
                    "name": "Benalische Ehrengarde",
                    "text": "Die Benalische Ehrengarde erhält +1/+0 für jede legendäre Kreatur, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "\"La verdadera medida de todos los héroes no es lo que logran, sino a quién inspiran\". —Triunfo de Gerrard",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443431,
                    "name": "Guardia de honor benalita",
                    "text": "La Guardia de honor benalita obtiene +1/+0 por cada criatura legendaria que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« La valeur des héros ne se mesure pas à la grandeur de ce qu'ils accomplissent, mais à ceux qu'ils inspirent. » —Triomphe de Gerrard",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443700,
                    "name": "Garde d'honneur bénaliane",
                    "text": "La Garde d'honneur bénaliane gagne +1/+0 pour chaque créature légendaire que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "\"La vera grandezza degli eroi non si misura dalle imprese che compiono, ma dalle persone che ispirano.\" —Trionfo di Gerrard",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443969,
                    "name": "Guardia d'Onore di Benalia",
                    "text": "La Guardia d'Onore di Benalia prende +1/+0 per ogni creatura leggendaria che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「英雄というものの真の評価は、自らが成したことではなく、誰に影響を与えたかによって決まる。」 ――ジェラードの凱旋",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444238,
                    "name": "ベナリアの儀仗兵",
                    "text": "ベナリアの儀仗兵は、あなたがコントロールしている伝説のクリーチャー1体につき+1/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "\"모든 영웅들의 진정한 가치는 그들이 이룬 것이 아니라, 그들이 타인에게 미치는 영향에 있다.\" —제라드의 승리",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444507,
                    "name": "베날리아 의장대",
                    "text": "베날리아 의장대는 당신이 조종하는 전설적 생물 한 개당 +1/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "\"O verdadeiro valor dos heróis não está no que fazem, mas em quem inspiram.\" — Triunfo de Gerrard",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444776,
                    "name": "Guarda de Honra de Benália",
                    "text": "Guarda de Honra de Benália recebe +1/+0 para cada criatura lendária que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Истинная мера для всех героев — не то, чего они достигли, а то, кого смогли вдохновить». — «Триумф Джерарда»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445045,
                    "name": "Беналийский Почетный Караул",
                    "text": "Беналийский Почетный Караул получает +1/+0 за каждое легендарное существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "「评判英雄的真正标准,并非看其成就,而是看其影响。」 ~《杰拉尔德凯旋志》",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445314,
                    "name": "宾纳里亚仪队兵",
                    "text": "你每操控一个传奇生物,宾纳里亚仪队兵便得+1/+0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "「評判英雄的真正標準,並非看其成就,而是看其影響。」 ~《傑拉爾德凱旋誌》",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445583,
                    "name": "賓納里亞儀隊兵",
                    "text": "你每操控一個傳奇生物,賓納里亞儀隊兵便得+1/+0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
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            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
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            "name": "Benalish Honor Guard",
            "number": "5",
            "originalText": "Benalish Honor Guard gets +1/+0 for each legendary creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "2",
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            "rarity": "common",
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            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164345,
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            "text": "Benalish Honor Guard gets +1/+0 for each legendary creature you control.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ff40ebe1-9ad0-53be-8afd-85dbc31c6ecb",
            "uuidV421": "e8558e10-a2e1-5004-a642-f4a475fba776"
            "artist": "Mark Zug",
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            "colorIdentity": [
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            "flavorText": "\"Some aspire to climb the mountain of Honor. The Benalish are born upon its peak, and from there ascend among the stars.\" —History of Benalia",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Einige streben danach, den Gipfel der Ehre zu erklimmen. Die Benalier werden bereits auf diesem Gipfel geboren und steigen von dort zu den Sternen auf.\" —Geschichte Benalias",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443163,
                    "name": "Benalischer Feldmarschall",
                    "text": "Andere Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "\"Algunos aspiran a escalar la montaña del honor. Los benalitas nacen en su cima y, desde allí, ascienden a las estrellas\". —Historia de Benalia",
                    "language": "Spanish",
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                    "name": "Mariscal benalita",
                    "text": "Las otras criaturas que controlas obtienen +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Certains aspirent à gravir la montagne de l'honneur. Les Bénalians naissent à son sommet et, de là, s'élèvent parmi les étoiles. » —Histoire de Bénalia",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443701,
                    "name": "Maréchal bénalian",
                    "text": "Les autres créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Alcuni aspirano a scalare la montagna dell'Onore. Gli abitanti di Benalia sono nati sulla sua sommità e da lì ascendono alle stelle.\" —Storia di Benalia",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443970,
                    "name": "Maresciallo di Benalia",
                    "text": "Le altre creature che controlli prendono +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「一部の民は栄誉の山に登ることを切望しているが、ベナリア人はその頂上で生まれ、そこから星々の高みに昇る。」 ――ベナリア史",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444239,
                    "name": "ベナリアの軍司令",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャーは+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "\"어떤 이들은 명예의 산을 오르기를 갈망한다. 베날리아인들은 그 산의 정상에서 태어나 별을 향해 승천하는 자들이다.\" —베날리아의 역사",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444508,
                    "name": "베날리아 집행관",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 다른 생물들은 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Alguns aspiram à escalada ao cimo da honra. Os benalianos nascem em seu cume, e de lá ascendem às estrelas.\" — História de Benália",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444777,
                    "name": "Marechal de Benália",
                    "text": "As outras criaturas que você controla recebem +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Есть те, кто кладет все силы, чтобы подняться на гору Чести. Беналийцы же рождаются на ее вершине, а оттуда возносятся к звездам». — «История Беналии»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445046,
                    "name": "Беналийский Маршал",
                    "text": "Другие существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "「有些人一心攀登荣耀之巅。宾纳里亚人生于荣耀巅峰,更将晋升星辰之列。」 ~《宾纳里亚史》",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445315,
                    "name": "宾纳里亚元帅",
                    "text": "由你操控的其他生物得+1/+1。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "「有些人一心攀登榮耀之巔。賓納里亞人生於榮耀巔峰,更將晉升星辰之列。」 ~《賓納里亞史》",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445584,
                    "name": "賓納里亞元帥",
                    "text": "由你操控的其他生物得+1/+1。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{W}{W}{W}",
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            "name": "Benalish Marshal",
            "number": "6",
            "originalText": "Other creatures you control get +1/+1.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Because damage remains marked on a creature until it’s removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to a creature you control may become lethal if Benalish Marshal leaves the battlefield during that turn."
            "scryfallId": "6dd1a7fc-5dbd-4ed2-9b02-9fd5c55bb629",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "db6b2c97-f96d-494f-af08-2c85b2117607",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162191,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Other creatures you control get +1/+1.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d414430c-db03-57eb-a24f-1a667fc48a40",
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            "artist": "Chris Rahn",
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            "colorIdentity": [],
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "It spilled the blood of one elder dragon. In Gideon's hands, it may yet taste another's.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Sie vergoss einst das Blut eines Drachenältesten. Vielleicht wird sie dies in Gideons Händen erneut tun.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443368,
                    "name": "Schwarzklinge, neu geschmiedet",
                    "text": "Die ausgerüstete Kreatur erhält +1/+1 für jedes Land, das du kontrollierst.\nAusrüsten einer legendären Kreatur {3}\nAusrüsten {7}",
                    "type": "Legendäres Artefakt — Ausrüstung"
                    "flavorText": "Derramó la sangre de un dragón anciano. En las manos de Gideon, tal vez pruebe la de otro.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443637,
                    "name": "Blackblade reforjada",
                    "text": "La criatura equipada obtiene +1/+1 por cada tierra que controlas.\nEquipar criatura legendaria {3}.\nEquipar {7}.",
                    "type": "Artefacto legendario — Equipo"
                    "flavorText": "Elle a fait couler le sang d'un ancêtre dragon. Entre les mains de Gideon, elle pourrait bien goûter celui d'un autre.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443906,
                    "name": "Lamenoire reforgée",
                    "text": "La créature équipée gagne +1/+1 pour chaque terrain que vous contrôlez.\nÉquipement de créature légendaire {3}\nÉquipement {7}",
                    "type": "Artefact légendaire : équipement"
                    "flavorText": "Ha versato il sangue di un antico drago. In mano a Gideon, potrebbe assaggiare quello di un altro.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444175,
                    "name": "Blackblade Riforgiata",
                    "text": "La creatura equipaggiata prende +1/+1 per ogni terra che controlli.\nEquipaggia creatura leggendaria {3}\nEquipaggiare {7}",
                    "type": "Artefatto Leggendario — Equipaggiamento"
                    "flavorText": "あるエルダー・ドラゴンの血を流したこともある。ギデオンが振るえば、もう1頭になるかもしれない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444444,
                    "name": "再鍛の黒き剣",
                    "text": "装備しているクリーチャーは、あなたがコントロールしている土地1つにつき+1/+1の修整を受ける。\n伝説のクリーチャーに装備{3}\n装備{7}",
                    "type": "伝説のアーティファクト — 装備品"
                    "flavorText": "이 칼은 한 장로 용의 피를 흘리게 했다. 기디온의 손에 쥐어진 이 칼은, 이제 다른 피를 맛보려 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444713,
                    "name": "다시 주조된 흑검",
                    "text": "장착된 생물은 당신이 조종하는 대지 한 개당 +1/+1을 받는다.\n전설적 생물에 장착 {3}\n장착 {7}",
                    "type": "전설적 마법물체 — 장비"
                    "flavorText": "Ela derramou o sangue de um dragão ancião. Nas mãos de Gideon, pode vir a provar o de outro.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444982,
                    "name": "Lâmina Negra Reforjada",
                    "text": "A criatura equipada recebe +1/+1 para cada terreno que você controla.\nEquipar criatura lendária {3}\nEquipar {7}",
                    "type": "Artefato Lendário — Equipamento"
                    "flavorText": "Этот меч пролил кровь одного дракона-старейшины. В руках Гидеона он может попробовать кровь второго.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445251,
                    "name": "Перекованный Черный Меч",
                    "text": "Снаряженное существо получает +1/+1 за каждую землю под вашим контролем.\nСнарядить легендарное существо {3}\nСнарядить {7}",
                    "type": "Легендарный Артефакт — Снаряжение"
                    "flavorText": "此剑曾沾染龙长老的鲜血。如今握在基定手中,它或能再让另一位溅血。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445520,
                    "name": "重铸乌锋",
                    "text": "你每操控一个地,佩带此武具的生物便得+1/+1。\n佩带传奇生物{3}\n佩带{7}",
                    "type": "传奇神器 ~武具"
                    "flavorText": "此劍曾沾染龍長老的鮮血。如今握在基定手中,它或能再讓另一位濺血。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445789,
                    "name": "重鑄烏鋒",
                    "text": "你每操控一個地,佩帶此武具的生物便得+1/+1。\n佩帶傳奇生物{3}\n佩帶{7}",
                    "type": "傳奇神器 ~武具"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}",
            "multiverseId": 443099,
            "name": "Blackblade Reforged",
            "number": "211",
            "originalText": "Equipped creature gets +1/+1 for each land you control.\nEquip legendary creature {3}\nEquip {7}",
            "originalType": "Legendary Artifact — Equipment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "“Equip [quality] creature” is a variant of the equip keyword. “Equip [quality] creature [cost]” means “[Cost]: Attach this Equipment to target [quality] creature you control. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.”"
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Whether the target creature is legendary is checked only as Blackblade Reforged’s first equip ability is activated and as that ability resolves. If the creature somehow becomes nonlegendary later, Blackblade Reforged remains attached to it."
            "scryfallId": "862d38d1-e3d0-47e1-a535-ff445b1c55c6",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0801b71f-9b8d-4add-b2db-2e4608dce568",
            "scryfallOracleId": "dca51281-fb21-45b6-beb4-1f13397caee2",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162249,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Equipped creature gets +1/+1 for each land you control.\nEquip legendary creature {3}\nEquip {7}",
            "type": "Legendary Artifact — Equipment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1c9b7b9c-1f73-5df3-bfb9-99918d9c94d8",
            "uuidV421": "8df49228-38b0-5554-810a-ded319c33da8"
            "artist": "Anthony Palumbo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Enchanted by mage-smiths and blessed by priests, Benalish windows let in light and cast out darkness.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Benalische Fenster werden von Manaschmieden verzaubert und von Priestern gesegnet, damit sie nur Licht hindurchlassen und die Dunkelheit aussperren.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443164,
                    "name": "Gesegnetes Licht",
                    "text": "Schicke eine Kreatur oder eine Verzauberung deiner Wahl ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Las ventanas de Benalia, encantadas por los magos forjadores y benditas por los sacerdotes, dejan pasar la luz y aniquilan la oscuridad.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443433,
                    "name": "Luz bendita",
                    "text": "Exilia la criatura o encantamiento objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Enchantées par des mages-forgerons et bénies par des prêtres, les fenêtres bénalianes laissent entrer la lumière et repoussent les ténèbres.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443702,
                    "name": "Lumière bénie",
                    "text": "Exilez la créature ciblée ou l'enchantement ciblé.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Incantate dai magifabbri e benedette dai sacerdoti, le finestre di Benalia lasciano entrare la luce e bandiscono l'oscurità.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443971,
                    "name": "Luce Benedetta",
                    "text": "Esilia una creatura o un incantesimo bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "魔道鍛冶が魔法を掛け司祭が祝福したベナリアの窓は、光を招き入れ闇を追いやる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444240,
                    "name": "祝福の光",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体かエンチャント1つを対象とし、それを追放する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "마법대장장이들이 마법을 부여하고 사제들이 축복을 내린 베날리아의 창문은, 빛은 받아들이고 어둠은 몰아내는 힘이 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444509,
                    "name": "축복받은 빛",
                    "text": "생물이나 부여마법을 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 추방한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Encantadas por magiferreiros e abençoadas por sacerdotes, as janelas de Benália deixam entrar a luz e repelem as trevas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444778,
                    "name": "Luz Abençoada",
                    "text": "Exile a criatura ou o encantamento alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Беналийские окна, зачарованные колдунами-кузнецами и благословленные священниками, пропускают свет и гонят прочь тьму.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445047,
                    "name": "Благословенный Свет",
                    "text": "Изгоните целевое существо или чары.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "宾纳里亚的窗饰玻璃经铸法师施魔,得僧侣祝福,能够透过明光,驱离黑暗。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445316,
                    "name": "受福明光",
                    "text": "放逐目标生物或结界。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "賓納里亞的窗飾玻璃經鑄法師施魔,得僧侶祝福,能夠透過明光,驅離黑暗。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445585,
                    "name": "受福明光",
                    "text": "放逐目標生物或結界。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442895,
            "name": "Blessed Light",
            "number": "7",
            "originalText": "Exile target creature or enchantment.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "scryfallId": "4cf3eb65-0f52-49c1-8243-14ce05de9f3b",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "918b3860-e96c-45b5-b0e6-e82cad9f304d",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164396,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Exile target creature or enchantment.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "07af1fa6-50b9-51e2-9c08-b5e1d5405ffd",
            "uuidV421": "d1d8a72a-75fe-54c3-b96f-097315cba92f"
            "artist": "Joe Slucher",
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            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"My heart is not mine, it is Belzenlok's. All hearts are his, and all blood.\" —\"Rite of Belzenlok\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Mein Herz gehört nicht mir, sondern Belzenlok. Alle Herzen gehören ihm und alles Blut.\" —„Ritus des Belzenlok\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443234,
                    "name": "Segen des Belzenlok",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +2/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Falls sie legendär ist, erhält sie außerdem Lebensverknüpfung bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mi corazón no me pertenece. Es de Belzenlok. Todos los corazones son suyos, al igual que la sangre\". —\"Rito de Belzenlok\"",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443503,
                    "name": "Bendición de Belzenlok",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +2/+1 hasta el final del turno. Si es legendaria, también gana la habilidad de vínculo vital hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Mon cœur ne m'appartient pas, il est à Belzenlok. Tous les cœurs, tout le sang, tout lui appartient. » —« Rituel de Belzenlok »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443772,
                    "name": "Bénédiction de Belzenlok",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +2/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour. Si elle est légendaire, elle acquiert aussi le lien de vie jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il mio cuore non appartiene a me, ma a Belzenlok. Tutti i cuori sono suoi, così come ogni goccia di sangue.\" —\"Rito di Belzenlok\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444041,
                    "name": "Benedizione di Belzenlok",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +2/+1 fino alla fine del turno. Se è leggendaria, ha anche legame vitale fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「我が心、我が物にあらず。それはベルゼンロック様の物。心臓も血も、一切がベルゼンロック様の物。」 ――「ベルゼンロック典礼」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444310,
                    "name": "ベルゼンロックの祝福",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+2/+1の修整を受ける。それが伝説であるなら、ターン終了時まで、それは絆魂も得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"나의 심장은 내 것이 아니며 벨젠로크의 것이다. 모든 심장과 모든 피 또한 그러하다.\" —\"벨젠로크의 의식\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444579,
                    "name": "벨젠로크의 축복",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +2/+1을 받는다. 그 생물이 전설적이라면, 그 생물은 턴종료까지 생명연결도 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Meu coração não é meu, é de Belzenlok. Todos os corações lhe pertencem, e todo sangue.\" — \"Rito de Belzenlok\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444848,
                    "name": "Bênção de Belzenlok",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +2/+1 até o final do turno. Se for lendária, ela também ganha vínculo com a vida até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Сердце мое принадлежит не мне, но Бельзенлоку. Все сердца — его, и вся кровь». — «Обряд Бельзенлока»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445117,
                    "name": "Благословение Бельзенлока",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +2/+1 до конца хода. Если оно является легендарным, то оно также получает Цепь жизни до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「我心非我主,已归贝赞洛。众人心之主,众人血归处。」 ~「贝赞洛仪式」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445386,
                    "name": "贝赞洛祝福",
                    "text": "目标生物得+2/+1直到回合结束。如果它是传奇,则它额外获得系命异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「我心非我主,已歸貝贊洛。眾人心之主,眾人血歸處。」 ~「貝贊洛儀式」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445655,
                    "name": "貝贊洛祝福",
                    "text": "目標生物得+2/+1直到回合結束。如果它是傳奇,則它額外獲得繫命異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442965,
            "name": "Blessing of Belzenlok",
            "number": "77",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +2/+1 until end of turn. If it's legendary, it also gains lifelink until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "d224940c-d87c-4317-9ca3-b704ef894a7b",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "c4a03986-4db6-4114-9a58-5a8a3a7a2461",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164726,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets +2/+1 until end of turn. If it's legendary, it also gains lifelink until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "30fc3eac-e89c-5980-9b0a-66716c4b9ea8",
            "uuidV421": "abd45c1c-2c02-53d2-aa5e-38a79b5443a9"
            "artist": "Igor Kieryluk",
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                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443203,
                    "name": "Von Augenblick zu Augenblick",
                    "text": "Bonus {1}{U} (Du kannst zusätzlich {1}{U} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nBringe eine bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die kein Land ist, auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück. Falls die Bonuskosten dieses Zauberspruchs bezahlt wurden, ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443472,
                    "name": "Abrir y cerrar de ojos",
                    "text": "Estímulo {1}{U}. (Puedes pagar {1}{U} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nRegresa el permanente objetivo que no sea tierra a la mano de su propietario. Si este hechizo fue estimulado, roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443741,
                    "name": "Clin d'œil",
                    "text": "Kick {1}{U} (Vous pouvez payer {1}{U} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nRenvoyez le permanent non-terrain ciblé dans la main de son propriétaire. Si ce sort a été kické, piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444010,
                    "name": "Batter d'Occhio",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {1}{U} (Puoi pagare {1}{U} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nFai tornare un permanente non terra bersaglio in mano al suo proprietario. Se questa magia è stata potenziata, pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444279,
                    "name": "一瞬",
                    "text": "キッカー{1}{U}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{1}{U}を支払ってもよい。)\n土地でないパーマネント1つを対象とし、それをオーナーの手札に戻す。この呪文がキッカーされていたなら、カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444548,
                    "name": "눈 깜빡이기",
                    "text": "키커 {1}{U} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {1}{U}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n대지가 아닌 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다. 이 주문의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444817,
                    "name": "Piscar de Olhos",
                    "text": "Reforçar {1}{U} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {1}{U} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nDevolva a permanente alvo que não seja um terreno para a mão de seu dono. Se esta mágica foi reforçada, compre um card.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445086,
                    "name": "Мгновение Ока",
                    "text": "Усилитель {1}{U} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {1}{U}.)\nВерните целевой не являющийся землей перманент в руку его владельца. Если это заклинание получило Усилитель, возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445355,
                    "name": "眨眼即逝",
                    "text": "增幅{1}{U}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{1}{U}。)\n将目标非地永久物移回其拥有者手上。如果此咒语已增幅,则抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445624,
                    "name": "眨眼即逝",
                    "text": "增幅{1}{U}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{1}{U}。)\n將目標非地永久物移回其擁有者手上。如果此咒語已增幅,則抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442934,
            "name": "Blink of an Eye",
            "number": "46",
            "originalText": "Kicker {1}{U} (You may pay an additional {1}{U} as you cast this spell.)\nReturn target nonland permanent to its owner's hand. If this spell was kicked, draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the target nonland permanent is an illegal target by the time Blink of an Eye tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You won’t draw a card if it was kicked."
            "scryfallId": "ab830392-4d7e-4b45-93cf-35ed1e935228",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4f1c67e5-b02d-4b1c-b263-e23cb9315f8b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "51acd176-e84d-42c2-acb2-cceeb28a9fec",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162214,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {1}{U} (You may pay an additional {1}{U} as you cast this spell.)\nReturn target nonland permanent to its owner's hand. If this spell was kicked, draw a card.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6252cc36-4723-5774-8709-82ababa5b0bb",
            "uuidV421": "3017148c-9201-541f-9825-c2046ac1f257"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "The stone whispers tales of darkness and fire. She replies, \"Tell me more.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Der Stein flüstert Geschichten von Dunkelheit und Feuer. „Erzähl mir mehr!\", erwidert der Goblin.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443272,
                    "name": "Blutstein-Goblin",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen Zauberspruch samt Bonuskosten wirkst, erhält der Blutstein-Goblin +1/+1 und Bedrohlichkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. (Er kann nicht geblockt werden, außer von zwei oder mehr Kreaturen.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "La piedra susurra historias de oscuridad y de fuego. Ella le responde: \"Cuéntame más\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443541,
                    "name": "Trasgo de la piedra sangrienta",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo, si ese hechizo fue estimulado, la Trasgo de la piedra sangrienta obtiene +1/+1 y gana la habilidad de amenaza hasta el final del turno. (No puede ser bloqueada excepto por dos o más criaturas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "La pierre murmure des récits de ténèbres et de feu. Il lui répond : « Dis-m'en plus. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443810,
                    "name": "Gobelin d'hématite",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort, si ce sort a été kické, le Gobelin d'hématite gagne +1/+1 et acquiert la menace jusqu'à la fin du tour. (Il ne peut pas être bloqué excepté par deux créatures ou plus.)",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "La pietra sussurra racconti di tenebre e fuoco. Lei risponde: \"Dimmi di più.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444079,
                    "name": "Goblin dell'Eliotropio",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia, se quella magia è stata potenziata, la Goblin dell'Eliotropio prende +1/+1 e ha minacciare fino alla fine del turno. (Non può essere bloccata tranne che da due o più creature.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "その石は闇と火の物語をささやく。彼女は言った。「もっと聞かせて。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444348,
                    "name": "血石のゴブリン",
                    "text": "あなたが呪文を唱えるたび、その呪文がキッカーされていた場合、ターン終了時まで、血石のゴブリンは+1/+1の修整を受けるとともに威迫を得る。(これは2体以上のクリーチャーによってしかブロックされない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "돌은 어둠과 불의 이야기를 속삭인다. 그녀는 \"더 얘기해 줘.\"라고 대답한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444617,
                    "name": "혈석 고블린",
                    "text": "당신이 주문을 발동할 때마다, 그 주문의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 혈석 고블린은 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받고 호전적을 얻는다. (이 생물은 두 개 이상의 생물에게만 방어될 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 전사"
                    "flavorText": "A pedra sussurra histórias de trevas e fogo. Ela responde: \"Conte mais.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444886,
                    "name": "Goblin do Jaspe Vermelho",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjura uma mágica, se aquela mágica foi reforçada, Goblin do Jaspe Vermelho recebe +1/+1 e ganha ameaçar até o final do turno. (Ele só pode ser bloqueado por duas ou mais criaturas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Камень шептал истории о темноте и огне. Она отвечала: «Расскажи еще».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445155,
                    "name": "Гоблин с Кровавого Утеса",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете заклинание, если то заклинание получило Усилитель, Гоблин с Кровавого Утеса получает +1/+1 и Угрозу до конца хода. (Он не может быть заблокирован менее чем двумя существами.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Воин"
                    "flavorText": "玉髓低声讲述黑暗与烈火的故事。她回应道,「多说点。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445424,
                    "name": "血玉髓鬼怪",
                    "text": "每当你施放咒语时,若该咒语已增幅,则直到回合结束,血玉髓鬼怪得+1/+1且具有威慑异能。(它只能被两个或更多生物阻挡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/战士"
                    "flavorText": "玉髓低聲講述黑暗與烈火的故事。她回應道,「多說點。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445693,
                    "name": "血玉髓鬼怪",
                    "text": "每當你施放咒語時,若該咒語已增幅,則直到回合結束,血玉髓鬼怪得+1/+1且具有威懾異能。(它只能被兩個或更多生物阻擋。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443003,
            "name": "Bloodstone Goblin",
            "number": "115",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast a spell, if that spell was kicked, Bloodstone Goblin gets +1/+1 and gains menace until end of turn. (It can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Bloodstone Goblin’s last ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
            "scryfallId": "31adbfd4-56aa-4137-aeba-8720233260be",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "319e17fa-2a0b-4085-84b8-11d0703de747",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ec17b9db-dd80-4b46-a1b5-215f26bf6498",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162155,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast a spell, if that spell was kicked, Bloodstone Goblin gets +1/+1 and gains menace until end of turn. (It can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a66f9b28-91e1-50cb-b380-8ba85bfa1d97",
            "uuidV421": "4476708d-9e76-5241-adee-1f20664273d3"
            "artist": "Alayna Danner",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Bring me an angel feather, and I will give you one death in return. There can be no turning back once the candle is lit.\" —Whisper, blood liturgist",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Reiche mir eine Engelsfeder und ich gebe dir dafür einen Tod. Sowie die Kerze entzündet ist, gibt es kein Zurück.\" —Wisper, die Blutliturgistin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443369,
                    "name": "Bluttalgkerze",
                    "text": "{6}, {T}, opfere die Bluttalgkerze: Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält -5/-5 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tráeme la pluma de un ángel y te daré a cambio una muerte. Una vez que se enciende la vela, no hay vuelta atrás\". —Susurro, liturgista de la sangre",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443638,
                    "name": "Vela de sebo sangriento",
                    "text": "{6}, {T}, sacrificar la Vela de sebo sangriento: La criatura objetivo obtiene -5/-5 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« Donnez-moi une plume d'ange, et je vous donnerai une mort en échange. Une fois que la chandelle est allumée, on ne peut plus revenir en arrière. » —Murmure, liturgiste de sang",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443907,
                    "name": "Chandelle de suif de sang",
                    "text": "{6}, {T}, sacrifiez la Chandelle de suif de sang : La créature ciblée gagne -5/-5 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"Portami una piuma d'angelo e in cambio ti donerò una morte. Una volta accesa la candela, non si può tornare indietro.\" —Sussurro, liturgista sanguigna",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444176,
                    "name": "Candela di Cera Sanguigna",
                    "text": "{6}, {T}, Sacrifica la Candela di Cera Sanguigna: Una creatura bersaglio prende -5/-5 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「天使の羽根を1枚持ってくれば、引き換えに1人の死をくれてやる。この蝋燭に火を灯したら後戻りはできぬ。」 ――血の儀式司、ウィスパー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444445,
                    "name": "獣血蝋燭",
                    "text": "{6}, {T}, 獣血蝋燭を生け贄に捧げる:クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは-5/-5の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"내게 천사의 깃털을 가져와라. 그러면 대가로 네게 죽음 하나를 주겠다. 양초에 불이 붙으면 그때는 돌이킬 수 없다.\" —피의 예배학자, 위스퍼",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444714,
                    "name": "혈액수지 양초",
                    "text": "{6}, {T}, 혈액수지 양초를 희생한다: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 -5/-5를 받는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Traga-me uma pena de anjo e, em troca, eu lhe darei uma morte. Uma vez que a vela é acesa, não há mais volta.\" — Sussurro, liturgista do sangue",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444983,
                    "name": "Vela de Sanguinossebo",
                    "text": "{6}, {T}, sacrifique Vela de Sanguinossebo: A criatura alvo recebe -5/-5 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Принеси мне перо ангела, и взамен я дам тебе одну смерть. После того как свеча будет зажжена, повернуть назад уже нельзя». — Шепот, литургист крови",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445252,
                    "name": "Свеча из Кровяного Воска",
                    "text": "{6}, {T}, пожертвуйте Свечу из Кровяного Воска: целевое существо получает -5/-5 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「帮我找来一根天使羽毛,我便会助你夺人一命为报。蜡烛点燃之后,就再也不能回头。」 ~鲜血仪礼师魏飒璞",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445521,
                    "name": "鲜血蜡烛",
                    "text": "{6},{T},牺牲鲜血蜡烛:目标生物得-5/-5直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「幫我找來一根天使羽毛,我便會助你奪人一命為報。蠟燭點燃之後,就再也不能回頭。」 ~鮮血儀禮師魏颯璞",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445790,
                    "name": "鮮血蠟燭",
                    "text": "{6},{T},犧牲鮮血蠟燭:目標生物得-5/-5直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}",
            "multiverseId": 443100,
            "name": "Bloodtallow Candle",
            "number": "212",
            "originalText": "{6}, {T}, Sacrifice Bloodtallow Candle: Target creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "5f8125b6-911e-4663-962a-d741984c927d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a27af93b-dfc6-41ac-9469-96c28b65e38b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "da9b3edc-bc2d-4ff5-b614-3626f504c4e9",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164482,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{6}, {T}, Sacrifice Bloodtallow Candle: Target creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "efc7f9b3-d712-51c4-b36d-9fad8596e19b",
            "uuidV421": "c539b978-27de-5856-a7a5-f4e7b744ccfa"
            "artist": "Tyler Jacobson",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "A new gathering for a new age.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Eine neue Zusammenkunft für ein neues Zeitalter.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443165,
                    "name": "An Bord der Wetterlicht",
                    "text": "Schaue dir die obersten fünf Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst davon eine historische Karte offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Lege den Rest in zufälliger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Un nuevo encuentro para una nueva era.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443434,
                    "name": "Embarcar en el Vientoligero",
                    "text": "Mira las cinco primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Puedes mostrar una carta histórica que se encuentre entre ellas y ponerla en tu mano. Pon el resto en el fondo de tu biblioteca en un orden aleatorio. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Une nouvelle assemblée pour une nouvelle ère.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443703,
                    "name": "À bord de l'Aquilon",
                    "text": "Regardez les cinq cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez révéler une carte historique parmi elles et la mettre dans votre main. Mettez le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque dans un ordre aléatoire. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Una nuova adunanza per una nuova era.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443972,
                    "name": "Imbarcarsi sulla Cavalcavento",
                    "text": "Guarda le prime cinque carte del tuo grimorio. Puoi rivelare una carta storica scelta tra esse e aggiungerla alla tua mano. Metti le altre in fondo al tuo grimorio in ordine casuale. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "新時代の新しい顔ぶれ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444241,
                    "name": "ウェザーライトへの乗艦",
                    "text": "あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを5枚見る。あなたはその中から歴史的なカード1枚を公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に無作為の順番で置く。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "새로운 시대를 위한 새로운 화합.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444510,
                    "name": "웨더라이트 탑승",
                    "text": "당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 다섯 장을 본다. 당신은 그중에서 역사적 카드 한 장을 공개하고 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 나머지 카드들은 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Um novo grupo, reunido para uma nova era.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444779,
                    "name": "Embarcar no Bons Ventos",
                    "text": "Olhe os cinco cards do topo de seu grimório. Você pode revelar um card histórico dentre eles e colocá‑lo em sua mão. Coloque o restante no fundo de seu grimório em ordem aleatória. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Новое собрание для новой эпохи.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445048,
                    "name": "Посадка на «Везерлайт»",
                    "text": "Посмотрите пять верхних карт вашей библиотеки. Вы можете показать находящуюся среди них историческую карту и положить ее в вашу руку. Положите остальные карты в низ вашей библиотеки в случайном порядке. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "为崭新时代重新集结。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445317,
                    "name": "重登晴空号",
                    "text": "检视你牌库顶的五张牌。你可以展示其中的一张史迹牌,并将它置于你手上。将其余的牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "為嶄新時代重新集結。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445586,
                    "name": "重登晴空號",
                    "text": "檢視你牌庫頂的五張牌。你可以展示其中的一張史跡牌,並將它置於你手上。將其餘的牌以隨機順序置於你的牌庫底。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442896,
            "name": "Board the Weatherlight",
            "number": "8",
            "originalText": "Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal a historic card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
            "scryfallId": "a11d10fa-d42d-4867-9e2f-fc8de582d5e7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9a47899a-b185-49c4-92ae-36d909fbea3e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c4ce96d8-3ce4-4ed2-9ad3-73119aa79fbe",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164095,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal a historic card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6713dea5-e334-5905-8a12-6d1a14f0ed47",
            "uuidV421": "9204ecb5-dd01-5b58-8509-2137d951f1de"
            "artist": "Ryan Yee",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I can't bear to see another plane broken before I make my own home whole. I'm sorry, but my watch is over.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich kann es nicht ertragen, eine weitere Welt zerbrechen zu sehen, solange meine eigene Heimat in Scherben liegt. Verzeiht mir, doch ich kann nicht länger Wache halten.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443314,
                    "name": "Durchtrennte Bande",
                    "text": "Zerstöre ein Artefakt oder eine Verzauberung deiner Wahl. Du kannst eine Länderkarte aus deiner Hand ins Spiel bringen.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"No soporto ver otro plano hecho trizas antes de reconstruir mi propio hogar. Lo siento, pero mi guardia terminó\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443583,
                    "name": "Vínculo roto",
                    "text": "Destruye el artefacto o encantamiento objetivo. Puedes poner en el campo de batalla una carta de tierra de tu mano.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Je ne supporterai pas de voir un autre plan brisé avant que je n'aie pu rebâtir le mien. Je suis désolée, mais j'en ai terminé avec les Sentinelles. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443852,
                    "name": "Lien brisé",
                    "text": "Détruisez l'artefact ciblé ou l'enchantement ciblé. Vous pouvez mettre sur le champ de bataille une carte de terrain de votre main.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non posso sopportare di vedere un altro piano devastato prima di aver risanato la mia terra. Mi spiace, ma devo abbandonarvi.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444121,
                    "name": "Legame Spezzato",
                    "text": "Distruggi un artefatto o un incantesimo bersaglio. Puoi mettere sul campo di battaglia una carta terra dalla tua mano.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「自分の故郷も再建できていないうちに、別の次元が壊れていくのを見ていられないの。申し訳ないけど、私はゲートウォッチを辞めるわ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444390,
                    "name": "壊れた絆",
                    "text": "アーティファクト1つかエンチャント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。あなたは、あなたの手札から土地・カード1枚を戦場に出してもよい。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"내 고향이 온전해지기도 전에 또 다른 차원이 파괴되는 것을 견딜 수 없어. 미안하지만, 내 수호는 이것으로 끝이야.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444659,
                    "name": "깨진 유대",
                    "text": "마법물체나 부여마법을 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 파괴한다. 당신은 당신의 손에서 대지 카드 한 장을 전장에 놓을 수 있다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não consigo suportar ver outro plano destruído antes mesmo de conseguir reconstruir o meu. Desculpem, mas não sou mais uma sentinela.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444928,
                    "name": "Vínculo Quebrado",
                    "text": "Destrua o artefato ou encantamento alvo. Você pode colocar um card de terreno de sua mão no campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Я не вынесу вида еще одного сломленного мира, когда так и не исцелила свой собственный дом. Простите меня... моя стража окончена».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445197,
                    "name": "Разорванные Узы",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевой артефакт или чары. Вы можете положить карту земли из вашей руки на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「我还没有完全修复自己的家园,却又见到另一个时空四分五裂。我不忍再这样下去。抱歉,我的守护到此为止。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445466,
                    "name": "缘尽而去",
                    "text": "消灭目标神器或结界。你可以将一张地牌从你手上放进战场。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「我還沒有完全修復自己的家園,卻又見到另一個時空四分五裂。我不忍再這樣下去。抱歉,我的守護到此為止。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445735,
                    "name": "緣盡而去",
                    "text": "消滅目標神器或結界。你可以將一張地牌從你手上放進戰場。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443045,
            "name": "Broken Bond",
            "number": "157",
            "originalText": "Destroy target artifact or enchantment. You may put a land card from your hand onto the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can’t cast Broken Bond unless you choose an artifact or enchantment as a target."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Broken Bond’s effect doesn’t count as playing a land. It can put a land card onto the battlefield even if you’ve already played your land for the turn."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the target artifact or enchantment is an illegal target by the time Broken Bond tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You won’t put a land card onto the battlefield."
            "scryfallId": "b4dcb59f-2a47-4461-9831-204ad15696b5",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "958b76a3-2f93-41e8-890e-06c242f27c7a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "858e12e9-3eaa-40cf-9e22-f9ccdfe485b3",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162219,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy target artifact or enchantment. You may put a land card from your hand onto the battlefield.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "87795e78-bec6-5006-b00a-48d392d69f32",
            "uuidV421": "1619492b-466d-598c-a4ed-6d8e9fc6f2d4",
            "watermark": "planeswalker"
            "artist": "Lius Lasahido",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"All hail the Demonlord Belzenlok, Evincar of the Stronghold, Scion of Darkness, Doom of Fools, Lord of the Wastes, Master of the Ebon Hand, Eternal Patriarch of the Cabal . . .\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Preist den Dämonenfürsten Belzenlok, Evincar der Felsenburg, Spross der Dunkelheit, Verhängnis der Narren, Herr der Ödlande, Meister der Dunklen Hand, Ewiger Patriarch der Kabbalisten …\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443235,
                    "name": "Kabbalische Evangelistin",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "\"Alaben todos a Belzenlok, señor demonio, Évincar de la Fortaleza, Vástago de la Oscuridad, Perdición de los Necios, Señor de los Yermos, Maestro de la Mano de Ébano, Patriarca Eterno de la Cábala...\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443504,
                    "name": "Evangelista de la Cábala",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Gloire au Seigneur démon Belzenlok, Incarmal de la forteresse, Scion des ténèbres, Trépas des imbéciles, Seigneur des landes, Maître de la main d'Ebên, Patriarche éternel de la Coterie... »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443773,
                    "name": "Prédicatrice de la Coterie",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "\"Onorate Belzenlok, Signore dei Demoni, Evincaro della Fortezza, Progenie dell'Oscurità, Flagello degli Stolti, Signore della Desolazione, Maestro della Mano d'Ebano, Patriarca Eterno della Cabala...\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444042,
                    "name": "Evangelista della Cabala",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「悪魔王ベルゼンロック様を褒め称えよ。このお方こそ、要塞のエヴィンカーにして闇の末裔、愚者滅ぼしにして荒廃の王、漆黒の手の主にして陰謀団の永遠総帥……」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444311,
                    "name": "陰謀団の福音者",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "\"모두 찬양할지어다. 악마군주 벨젠로크, 성채의 아반카르, 어둠의 후예, 바보들의 파멸, 불모지의 군주, 검은 손 교단의 지배자, 도당의 영원한 족장...\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444580,
                    "name": "도당의 선교자",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "\"Saúdem o Senhor Demônio Belzenlok, Evincar da Fortaleza, Herdeiro da Escuridão, Perdição dos Tolos, Senhor dos Ermos, Mestre da Mão de Ébano, Patriarca Eterno da Cabala...\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444849,
                    "name": "Evangelista da Cabala",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "«Да славится Демон-Владыка Бельзенлок, Эвинкар Твердыни, Отпрыск Тьмы, Бич Неразумных, Господин Пустошей, Повелитель Эбеновой Длани, Вечный Патриарх Кабала...»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445118,
                    "name": "Проповедник Кабала",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Священник"
                    "flavorText": "「万人赞颂恶魔领主贝赞洛,天罗城塞大魔将,幽域魔裔,愚者克星,荒野君主,黑檀手之主,柯帮永恒教父. . .」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445387,
                    "name": "柯帮福音师",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "「萬人讚頌惡魔領主貝贊洛,天羅城塞大魔將,幽域魔裔,愚者剋星,荒野君主,黑檀手之主,柯幫永恆教父. . .」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445656,
                    "name": "柯幫福音師",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442966,
            "name": "Cabal Evangel",
            "number": "78",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "d218d2a2-bb5d-4ea8-a131-341c574410b2",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "a4fed66f-ef3c-4547-8612-46e65d63ef1f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164096,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "64145977-b081-5d2b-8d54-acf5d794734b",
            "uuidV421": "a94f4214-6bcb-51c4-9656-4590ccaec23c"
            "artist": "Lius Lasahido",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The Demonlord has ruled every age. Every ruin, myth, and nightmare proves his power.\" — \"Rite of Belzenlok\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der Dämonenfürst hat über jedes Zeitalter geherrscht. Jede Ruine, jeder Mythos und jeder Nachtmahr sind Zeugnis seiner Macht.\" —„Ritus des Belzenlok\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443236,
                    "name": "Kabbalisten-Paladin",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen historischen Zauberspruch wirkst, fügt der Kabbalisten-Paladin jedem Gegner 2 Schadenspunkte zu. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "\"El señor demonio ha reinado en todas las eras. Todas las ruinas, mitos y pesadillas son una muestra de su poder\". —\"Rito de Belzenlok\"",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443505,
                    "name": "Paladín de la Cábala",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo histórico, el Paladín de la Cábala hace 2 puntos de daño a cada oponente. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Le Seigneur démon a régné sur chaque âge. Chaque ruine, chaque mythe, chaque cauchemar est une preuve de son pouvoir. » —« Rituel de Belzenlok »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443774,
                    "name": "Paladin de la Coterie",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort historique, le Paladin de la Coterie inflige 2 blessures à chaque adversaire. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il Signore dei Demoni ha dominato tutte le ere. Ogni rovina, mito e incubo è prova del suo potere.\" —\"Rito di Belzenlok\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444043,
                    "name": "Paladino della Cabala",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia storica, il Paladino della Cabala infligge 2 danni a ogni avversario. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「悪魔王は永代の支配者。廃墟や神話や悪夢、その一切が悪魔王の御力の証なり。」 ――「ベルゼンロック典礼」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444312,
                    "name": "陰謀団の聖騎士",
                    "text": "あなたが歴史的な呪文を唱えるたび、陰謀団の聖騎士は各対戦相手にそれぞれ2点のダメージを与える。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "\"악마군주는 모든 시대의 지배자이니. 모든 폐허와 신화, 그리고 악몽이 그의 힘을 증명한다.\" —\"벨젠로크의 의식\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444581,
                    "name": "도당의 성기사",
                    "text": "당신이 역사적 주문을 발동할 때마다, 도당의 성기사는 각 상대에게 피해 2점을 입힌다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "\"O Senhor Demônio governou cada uma das eras. Cada ruína, mito e pesadelo é prova de seu poder.\" — \"Rito de Belzenlok\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444850,
                    "name": "Paladino da Cabala",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjura uma mágica histórica, Paladino da Cabala causa 2 pontos de dano a cada oponente. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Демон-Владыка правил во все века. В руинах, мифах, кошмарах — всюду свидетельства его могущества». — «Обряд Бельзенлока»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445119,
                    "name": "Паладин Кабала",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете историческое заклинание, Паладин Кабала наносит 2 повреждения каждому оппоненту. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "「恶魔领主统治千秋万代。处处遗迹、篇篇传说、场场梦魇尽证声威。」 ~「贝赞洛仪式」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445388,
                    "name": "柯帮神圣武士",
                    "text": "每当你施放史迹咒语时,柯帮神圣武士向每位对手各造成2点伤害。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "「惡魔領主統治千秋萬代。處處遺跡、篇篇傳說、場場夢魘盡證聲威。」 ~「貝贊洛儀式」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445657,
                    "name": "柯幫神聖武士",
                    "text": "每當你施放史跡咒語時,柯幫神聖武士向每位對手各造成2點傷害。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442967,
            "name": "Cabal Paladin",
            "number": "79",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast a historic spell, Cabal Paladin deals 2 damage to each opponent. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Some abilities trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell.” Such an ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you cast a historic spell” doesn’t trigger if a historic card is put onto the battlefield without being cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Lands are never cast, so abilities that trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell” won’t trigger if you play a legendary land. They also won’t trigger if a card on the battlefield transforms into a legendary land, as the Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan double-faced cards do."
            "scryfallId": "2cff2cb9-f4e6-4fee-94ef-ad11e24525c1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "99e28934-2e8f-42c6-a872-943ef7966173",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1104a746-169c-450a-80ad-bea0493c0576",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164097,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast a historic spell, Cabal Paladin deals 2 damage to each opponent. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5b54b145-4341-5771-b2d1-1d716864aecd",
            "uuidV421": "ee684c7e-68ee-5d6b-9015-bb92bcfa831b"
            "artist": "Dimitar Marinski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "The seat of Belzenlok's power, the Stronghold serves as the gathering place for the Cabal as their dark influence spreads from Urborg.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Felsenburg ist Belzenloks Machtsitz und dient den Kabbalsiten als Versammlungsort, von dem aus sie ihren dunklen Einfluss über die Grenzen von Urborg hinaus verbreiten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443395,
                    "name": "Felsenburg der Kabbalisten",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {C}.\n{3}, {T}: Erzeuge {B} für jedes Sumpf-Standardland, das du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "flavorText": "La Fortaleza, bastión del poder de Belzenlok, es el lugar de reunión de la Cábala mientras su oscura influencia se extiende desde Urborg.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443664,
                    "name": "Fortaleza de la Cábala",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {C}.\n{3}, {T}: Agrega {B} por cada Pantano básico que controlas.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "flavorText": "Siège de la puissance de Belzenlok, la forteresse sert de lieu de rassemblement à la Coterie, tandis que sa sombre influence s'étend depuis Urborg.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443933,
                    "name": "Forteresse de la Coterie",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {C}.\n{3}, {T} : Ajoutez {B} pour chaque marais de base que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "flavorText": "Sede del potere di Belzenlok, la Fortezza rappresenta il luogo di ritrovo della Cabala mentre la sua influenza oscura si diffonde oltre i confini di Urborg.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444202,
                    "name": "Fortezza della Cabala",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {C}.\n{3}, {T}: Aggiungi {B} per ogni Palude base che controlli.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "flavorText": "ベルゼンロックの権力中枢であるこの要塞は、陰謀団がアーボーグから広がった闇の影響力を集約する場所でもある。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444471,
                    "name": "陰謀団の要塞",
                    "text": "{T}:{C}を加える。\n{3}, {T}:あなたがコントロールしている基本沼1つにつき{B}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "flavorText": "벨젠로크의 힘의 기반인 이 성채는, 도당의 어두운 영향력이 우르보그에서 퍼져나가면서 그들의 회합 장소 역할을 하고 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444740,
                    "name": "도당의 성채",
                    "text": "{T}: {C}를 추가한다.\n{3}, {T}: 당신이 조종하는 기본 늪 한 개당 {B}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "flavorText": "Sede do poder de Belzenlok, a Fortaleza serve como ponto de reunião para a Cabala enquanto sua influência sombria se dissemina a partir de Urborg.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445009,
                    "name": "Fortaleza da Cabala",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {C}.\n{3}, {T}: Adicione {B} para cada Pântano básico que você controla.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "flavorText": "Твердыня, престол власти Бельзенлока, служит местом собраний Кабала, откуда его темное влияние распространяется за пределы Урборга.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445278,
                    "name": "Твердыня Кабала",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {C}.\n{3}, {T}: добавьте {B} за каждое базовое Болото под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "flavorText": "天罗城塞乃是贝赞洛的力量中枢,于柯帮不断在乌尔博格散布其黑暗影响之时充当其教众的集结地。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445547,
                    "name": "柯帮城塞",
                    "text": "{T}:加{C}。\n{3},{T}:你每操控一个基本沼泽,便加{B}。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "flavorText": "天羅城乃是貝贊洛的力量中樞,於柯幫不斷在烏爾博格散佈其黑暗影響之時充當其教眾的集結地。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445816,
                    "name": "柯幫城塞",
                    "text": "{T}:加{C}。\n{3},{T}:你每操控一個基本沼澤,便加{B}。",
                    "type": "地"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "layout": "normal",
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            "multiverseId": 443126,
            "name": "Cabal Stronghold",
            "number": "238",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {C}.\n{3}, {T}: Add {B} for each basic Swamp you control.",
            "originalType": "Land",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164377,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {C}.\n{3}, {T}: Add {B} for each basic Swamp you control.",
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            "types": [
            "uuid": "50068c24-b283-554e-9c10-934b98d19a52",
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            "flavorText": "\"Take their faces. The lips of these unbelievers may yet honor the Demonlord.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Raubt ihnen ihre Gesichter. Die Lippen dieser Ungläubigen sollen den Dämonenfürsten preisen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443237,
                    "name": "Kaligo-Häuterhexe",
                    "text": "Bonus {3}{B} (Du kannst zusätzlich {3}{B} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nWenn die Kaligo-Häuterhexe ins Spiel kommt und falls ihre Bonuskosten bezahlt wurden, wirft jeder Gegner zwei Karten ab.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "\"Arráncales el rostro. Los labios de estos herejes todavía pueden honrar al señor demonio\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443506,
                    "name": "Bruja arrancapiel de Cáligo",
                    "text": "Estímulo {3}{B}. (Puedes pagar {3}{B} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nCuando la Bruja arrancapiel de Cáligo entre al campo de batalla, si fue estimulada, cada oponente descarta dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Prenez leur visage. La bouche de ces infidèles peut encore honorer le Seigneur démon. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443775,
                    "name": "Envoûteuse écorcheuse de Caligo",
                    "text": "Kick {3}{B} (Vous pouvez payer {3}{B} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nQuand l'Envoûteuse écorcheuse de Caligo arrive sur le champ de bataille, si elle a été kickée, chaque adversaire se défausse de deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Prendete i loro volti. Le labbra di questi miscredenti possono ancora onorare il Signore dei Demoni.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444044,
                    "name": "Strega Scorticatrice di Caligo",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {3}{B} (Puoi pagare {3}{B} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nQuando la Strega Scorticatrice di Caligo entra nel campo di battaglia, se è stata potenziata, ogni avversario scarta due carte.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「あの者たちの顔を剥げ。不信心者どもも悪魔王様を崇め始めるかも知れぬ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444313,
                    "name": "カリゴの皮魔女",
                    "text": "キッカー{3}{B}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{3}{B}を支払ってもよい。)\nカリゴの皮魔女が戦場に出たとき、これがキッカーされていた場合、各対戦相手はそれぞれカード2枚を捨てる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "\"그들의 얼굴을 뜯어내라. 이 불신자들의 입술도 아직 악마군주의 명예를 드높이는 데 쓸 수 있으니.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444582,
                    "name": "칼리고 살가죽마녀",
                    "text": "키커 {3}{B} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {3}{B}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n칼리고 살가죽마녀가 전장에 들어올 때, 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 각 상대는 카드 두 장을 버린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Peguem seus rostos. Os lábios desses incréus ainda podem honrar o Senhor Demônio.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444851,
                    "name": "Bruxa Esfoladora de Caligo",
                    "text": "Reforçar {3}{B} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {3}{B} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nQuando Bruxa Esfoladora de Caligo entra no campo de batalha, se ela foi reforçada, cada oponente descarta dois cards.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "«Забери их лица. Губы этих неверных еще могут восславить Демона-Владыку!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445120,
                    "name": "Калигская Свежевательница",
                    "text": "Усилитель {3}{B} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {3}{B}.)\nКогда Калигская Свежевательница выходит на поле битвы, если она получила Усилитель, каждый оппонент сбрасывает две карты.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "「剥下他们的脸皮。这些拒信者的嘴唇或许还能献给恶魔领主。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445389,
                    "name": "卡利戈剥皮巫师",
                    "text": "增幅{3}{B}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{3}{B}。)\n当卡利戈剥皮巫师进战场时,若它已增幅,则每位对手各弃两张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "「剝下他們的臉皮。這些拒信者的嘴唇或許還能獻給惡魔領主。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445658,
                    "name": "卡利戈剝皮巫師",
                    "text": "增幅{3}{B}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{3}{B}。)\n當卡利戈剝皮巫師進戰場時,若它已增幅,則每位對手各棄兩張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
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            "name": "Caligo Skin-Witch",
            "number": "80",
            "originalText": "Kicker {3}{B} (You may pay an additional {3}{B} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Caligo Skin-Witch enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, each opponent discards two cards.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
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            "text": "Kicker {3}{B} (You may pay an additional {3}{B} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Caligo Skin-Witch enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, each opponent discards two cards.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
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            "flavorText": "Benalish citizens born under the same constellations share a star-clan. Their loyalty to one another interlaces the Seven Houses.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Benalische Bürger, die unter derselben Sternenkonstellation geboren werden, teilen sich einen Sternenklan. Ihre Loyalität untereinander verbindet die Sieben Häuser.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443166,
                    "name": "Die Kavallerie rufen",
                    "text": "Erzeuge zwei 2/2 weiße Ritter-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Wachsamkeit.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Los ciudadanos benalitas nacidos bajo la misma constelación comparten clan astral, y la lealtad que les une entrelaza las Siete Casas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443435,
                    "name": "Llamar a la caballería",
                    "text": "Crea dos fichas de criatura Caballero blancas 2/2 con la habilidad de vigilancia.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Les citoyens bénalians nés sous une même constellation appartiennent au même clan stellaire. Leur loyauté s'entrelace avec celle des Sept Maisons.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443704,
                    "name": "Appel de la cavalerie",
                    "text": "Créez deux jetons de créature 2/2 blanche Chevalier avec la vigilance.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Gli abitanti di Benalia nati sotto la stessa costellazione appartengono a un unico clan astrale. La loro lealtà reciproca è il legame che intreccia le Sette Case tra loro.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443973,
                    "name": "Convocare la Cavalleria",
                    "text": "Crea due pedine creatura Cavaliere 2/2 bianche con cautela.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "同じ星座の下に生まれたベナリアの市民は星族を構成する。星族間の忠誠が、七侯家を織りなしている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444242,
                    "name": "騎兵呼集",
                    "text": "警戒を持つ白の2/2の騎士・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "같은 별자리 아래에서 태어난 베날리아 시민들은 성족을 공유한다. 서로를 향한 그들의 충성심은 7대 가문에 걸쳐 얽혀 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444511,
                    "name": "기병대 호출",
                    "text": "경계를 가진 2/2 백색 기사 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Os cidadãos de Benália nascidos sob a mesma constelação formam um clã das estrelas. Sua lealdade uns aos outros perpassa as Sete Casas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444780,
                    "name": "Chamar a Cavalaria",
                    "text": "Crie duas fichas de criatura branca 2/2 do tipo Cavaleiro com vigilância.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Беналийцы, рожденные под одним и тем же созвездием, входят в один звездный клан. Их верность друг другу тесно переплетается с верностью Семи Домам.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445049,
                    "name": "Призыв Кавалерии",
                    "text": "Создайте две фишки существа 2/2 белый Рыцарь с Бдительностью.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "同属一个星座的宾纳里亚人归于同一星族。彼此间的忠诚与七大家族的关系互相交织。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445318,
                    "name": "召集骑队",
                    "text": "派出两个2/2白色,具警戒异能的骑士衍生生物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "同個星座的賓納里亞人歸屬同一星族。彼此間的忠誠與七大家族的關係互相交織。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445587,
                    "name": "召集騎隊",
                    "text": "派出兩個2/2白色,具警戒異能的騎士衍生生物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
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            "originalText": "Create two 2/2 white Knight creature tokens with vigilance.",
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            "text": "Create two 2/2 white Knight creature tokens with vigilance.",
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            "flavorText": "\"Your life is finished, your name lost, and your work forgotten. It is as though Mazeura never existed.\" — Chainer's Torment",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Dein Leben ist ausgelöscht, dein Name verloren, dein Tagewerk vergessen. Es ist ganz so, als hätte Mazeura nie existiert.\" —Chainers Qualen",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443238,
                    "name": "Niederschlagen",
                    "text": "Zerstöre eine nichtlegendäre Kreatur deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tu vida terminó, tu nombre se perdió y tu obra fue olvidada. Es como si Mazeura nunca hubiera existido\". —Tormento de Cadenero",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443507,
                    "name": "Caer en el olvido",
                    "text": "Destruye la criatura objetivo que no sea legendaria.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Votre vie est terminée, votre nom est perdu et votre travail oublié. C'est comme si Mazeura n'avait jamais existé. » —Tourment de Chaînes",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443776,
                    "name": "Réduit à néant",
                    "text": "Détruisez la créature non-légendaire ciblée.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"La tua vita è finita, il tuo nome perduto e le tue opere dimenticate. È come se Mazeura non fosse mai esistito.\" —Tormento di Chainer",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444045,
                    "name": "Prostrare",
                    "text": "Distruggi una creatura non leggendaria bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「お前の命は尽きた。お前の名は消え失せ、お前のやったことは忘れ去られる。マズーラなどという者は存在しなかったのだ。」 ――チェイナーの苦悩",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444314,
                    "name": "喪心",
                    "text": "伝説でないクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"네 생명은 끝났고 네 이름은 사라졌으며, 네가 이룩한 일들은 잊혀졌다. 마치 마제우라가 존재한 적도 없었던 것처럼.\" —체이너의 고뇌",
                    "language": "Korean",
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                    "name": "넘어뜨리기",
                    "text": "전설적이 아닌 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sua vida está acabada; seu nome, perdido; seu trabalho, esquecido. É como se Mazeura jamais tivesse existido.\" — Tormento de Chainer",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444852,
                    "name": "Demover",
                    "text": "Destrua a criatura alvo que não seja lendária.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Твоя жизнь кончена, имя твое потеряно, а дела забыты. Мазейры будто никогда не существовало». — «Муки Цепника»",
                    "language": "Russian",
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                    "name": "Повергнуть в Прах",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевое существо, не являющееся легендарным.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「你的生命已终结,你的名字已失佚,你的成就已湮没。仿佛马佐拉从未存在。」 ~《崔纳的绝境》",
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                    "multiverseId": 445390,
                    "name": "湮灭",
                    "text": "消灭目标非传奇的生物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「你的生命已終結,你的名字已失佚,你的成就已湮沒。彷彿馬佐拉從未存在。」 ~《崔納的絕境》",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445659,
                    "name": "湮滅",
                    "text": "消滅目標非傳奇的生物。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "name": "Cast Down",
            "number": "81",
            "originalText": "Destroy target nonlegendary creature.",
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            "subtypes": [],
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            "text": "Destroy target nonlegendary creature.",
            "type": "Instant",
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                    "multiverseId": 443239,
                    "name": "Chainers Qualen",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI, II — Chainers Qualen fügt jedem Gegner 2 Schadenspunkte zu, und du erhältst 2 Lebenspunkte dazu.\nIII — Erzeuge einen X/X schwarzen Nachtmahr-Schrecken-Kreaturenspielstein, wobei X gleich der Hälfte deines Lebenspunktestands, aufgerundet, ist. Er fügt dir X Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443508,
                    "name": "Tormento de Cadenero",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI, II — El Tormento de Cadenero hace 2 puntos de daño a cada oponente y tú ganas 2 vidas.\nIII — Crea una ficha de criatura Horror Pesadilla negra X/X, donde X es la mitad de tu total de vidas, redondeando hacia arriba. Te hace X puntos de daño.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443777,
                    "name": "Tourment de Chaînes",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI, II — Le Tourment de Chaînes inflige 2 blessures à chaque adversaire et vous gagnez 2 points de vie.\nIII — Créez un jeton de créature X/X noire Cauchemar et Horreur, X étant la moitié de vos points de vie, arrondie à l'unité supérieure. Il vous inflige X blessures.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444046,
                    "name": "Tormento di Chainer",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI, II — Il Tormento di Chainer infligge 2 danni a ogni avversario e tu guadagni 2 punti vita.\nIII — Crea una pedina creatura Orrore Incubo X/X nera, dove X è pari a metà dei tuoi punti vita, arrotondati per eccesso. Ti infligge X danni.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444315,
                    "name": "チェイナーの苦悩",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI, II ― チェイナーの苦悩は各対戦相手にそれぞれ2点のダメージを与え、あなたは2点のライフを得る。\nIII ― 黒のX/Xのナイトメア・ホラー・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。Xはあなたのライフ総量の端数を切り上げた半分に等しい。それはあなたにX点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444584,
                    "name": "체이너의 고뇌",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI, II — 체이너의 고뇌는 각 상대에게 피해 2점을 입히고 당신은 생명 2점을 얻는다.\nIII — X/X 흑색 나이트메어 괴수 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다. X는 당신의 생명 총점의 절반을 올림한 값이다. 그 생물은 당신에게 피해 X점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444853,
                    "name": "Tormento de Chainer",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI, II — Tormento de Chainer causa 2 pontos de dano a cada oponente e você ganha 2 pontos de vida.\nIII — Crie uma ficha de criatura preta X/X do tipo Pesadelo Horror, sendo X metade de seu total de pontos de vida, arredondada para cima. Ela causa X pontos de dano a você.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445122,
                    "name": "Муки Цепника",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI, II — Муки Цепника наносят 2 повреждения каждому оппоненту, а вы получаете 2 жизни.\nIII — Создайте одну фишку существа X/X черный Кошмар Ужас, где X — половина вашего количества жизней, округленная в большую сторону. Она наносит вам X повреждений.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445391,
                    "name": "崔纳的绝境",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI, II — 崔纳的绝境向每位对手各造成2点伤害且你获得2点生命。\nIII — 派出一个X/X黑色梦魇/惊惧兽衍生生物,X为你总生命的一半,小数点后进位。它对你造成X点伤害。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445660,
                    "name": "崔納的絕境",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI, II — 崔納的絕境向每位對手各造成2點傷害且你獲得2點生命。\nIII — 派出一個X/X黑色夢魘/驚懼獸衍生生物,X為你總生命的一半,小數點後進位。它對你造成X點傷害。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442970,
            "name": "Chainer's Torment",
            "names": [],
            "number": "82",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Chainer's Torment deals 2 damage to each opponent and you gain 2 life.\nIII — Create an X/X black Nightmare Horror creature token, where X is half your life total, rounded up. It deals X damage to you.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If another effect causes the Nightmare Horror token’s power or toughness to be a number other than X immediately after it enters the battlefield, the amount of damage it deals to you is still X, not its modified power or toughness."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If an effect such as that of Anointed Procession causes the final chapter ability of Chainer’s Torment to create two Nightmare Horror tokens, each will deal X damage to you."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, the first chapter abilities of Chainer’s Torment each cause the opposing team to lose 4 life and you to gain 2 life."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "f42beafb-2fba-482c-a86a-7d668fa7cb4b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3eb16c4e-3987-4b9b-8a73-1a515270cd90",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3c18113f-8d1e-4c63-a759-8cfc94e90876",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162149,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Chainer's Torment deals 2 damage to each opponent and you gain 2 life.\nIII — Create an X/X black Nightmare Horror creature token, where X is half your life total, rounded up. It deals X damage to you.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6e261863-7253-5781-a513-daa992d2d701",
            "uuidV421": "be7cd064-b8b5-5018-ae23-1821e6346dc6"
            "artist": "Wayne Reynolds",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Grand Warlord Radha's challengers are always defeated, but she rewards the most passionate with the Flame of Keld. After that, they burn for her.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Herausforderer der Obersten Kriegsfürstin Radha verlieren immer, aber sie belohnt die leidenschaftlichsten unter ihnen mit der Flamme von Keld. Danach sind sie alle Feuer und Flamme für sie.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443273,
                    "name": "Champion der Flamme",
                    "text": "Verursacht Trampelschaden\nDer Champion der Flamme erhält +2/+2 für jede Aura und jede Ausrüstung, die an ihn angelegt ist.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Quienes desafían a la Gran Señora Guerrera Radha siempre acaban derrotados; aun así, ella recompensa a los más osados con la Llama de Keld. Después de eso, se consumen de fervor por ella.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443542,
                    "name": "Campeón de la Llama",
                    "text": "Arrolla.\nEl Campeón de la Llama obtiene +2/+2 por cada Aura y Equipo anexados a él.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Les adversaires du Grand seigneur de guerre Radha sont toujours vaincus, mais elle récompense les plus passionnés avec la Flamme de Keld. Après ça, ils s'enflamment pour elle.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443811,
                    "name": "Champion de la Flamme",
                    "text": "Piétinement\nLe Champion de la Flamme gagne +2/+2 pour chaque aura et équipement qui lui sont attachés.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Radha, suprema signora della guerra, sconfigge sempre i suoi sfidanti, ma ricompensa i più veementi con la Fiamma di Keld. Da quel momento, ardono per lei.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444080,
                    "name": "Campione della Fiamma",
                    "text": "Travolgere\nIl Campione della Fiamma prende +2/+2 per ogni Aura ed Equipaggiamento ad esso assegnati.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Umano"
                    "flavorText": "総将軍ラーダに立ち向かった者たちはみな打ち負かされたが、彼女はそのうち最も熱心であった者にケルドの炎を下賜した。それ以来、その者たちは彼女の炎となった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444349,
                    "name": "炎のチャンピオン",
                    "text": "トランプル\n炎のチャンピオンは、これにつけられているオーラと装備品1つにつき+2/+2の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "위대한 전쟁군주 라다에게 도전한 자들은 언제나 패배했지만, 그녀는 가장 열정적인 자에게 켈드의 불길을 선사한다. 이를 받은 자는 그 이후, 그녀를 위해 불타오른다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444618,
                    "name": "불꽃의 용사",
                    "text": "돌진\n불꽃의 용사는 자신에게 부착된 마법진 및 장비 한 개당 +2/+2를 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Os desafiantes de Radha, Grã-senhora da Guerra, são sempre derrotados, mas ela recompensa os mais impetuosos com a Chama de Keld. Depois disso, eles ardem por ela.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444887,
                    "name": "Campeão da Chama",
                    "text": "Atropelar\nCampeão da Chama recebe +2/+2 para cada Aura e Equipamento anexado a ele.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Всех, кто бросает вызов великому вождю Радхе, неизменно ждет поражение, но самых страстных бойцов она награждает Огнем Келда. После этого они горят — горят за нее.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445156,
                    "name": "Поборник Пламени",
                    "text": "Пробивной удар\nПоборник Пламени получает +2/+2 за каждую прикрепленную к нему Ауру и Снаряжение.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Воин"
                    "flavorText": "挑战大军阀拉妲的人悉数落败,但她会以凯尔顿源火奖励表现最激昂者。此后,他们便为她而燃烧。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445425,
                    "name": "源火斗士",
                    "text": "践踏\n源火斗士上每结附一个灵气或每装备一个武具,便得+2/+2。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/战士"
                    "flavorText": "挑戰大軍閥拉妲的人悉數落敗,但她會以凱爾頓源火獎勵表現最激昂者。此後,他們便為她而燃燒。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445694,
                    "name": "源火鬥士",
                    "text": "踐踏\n源火鬥士上每結附一個靈氣或每裝備一個武具,便得+2/+2。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443004,
            "name": "Champion of the Flame",
            "number": "116",
            "originalText": "Trample\nChampion of the Flame gets +2/+2 for each Aura and Equipment attached to it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Warrior",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "460fa161-362f-406d-9149-d412bc51836c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0d53035f-4f78-4ec9-b223-cebf8f07deb3",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d9dbe40f-38e9-460a-b84f-4aa22650017e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164763,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Trample\nChampion of the Flame gets +2/+2 for each Aura and Equipment attached to it.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9ba3faed-c061-5828-9420-12a282f5b94c",
            "uuidV421": "1fec27c7-205d-5dcb-b3b3-7d9b79fe2035"
            "artist": "Yongjae Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 445864,
                    "name": "Chandras Wutausbruch",
                    "text": "Chandras Wutausbruch fügt einem Spieler oder einem Planeswalker deiner Wahl 4 Schadenspunkte zu.\nDurchsuche deine Bibliothek und/oder deinen Friedhof nach einer Karte namens Chandra, kühne Pyromagierin, zeige sie offen vor und nimm sie auf deine Hand. Falls du auf diese Weise deine Bibliothek durchsuchst, mische sie danach.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 445874,
                    "name": "Explosión de Chandra",
                    "text": "La Explosión de Chandra hace 4 puntos de daño al jugador o planeswalker objetivo.\nBusca en tu biblioteca y/o cementerio una carta llamada Chandra, piromante audaz, muéstrala y ponla en tu mano. Si buscas en tu biblioteca de esta manera, barájala.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 445884,
                    "name": "Surgissement de Chandra",
                    "text": "Le Surgissement de Chandra inflige 4 blessures à une cible, joueur ou planeswalker.\nCherchez dans votre bibliothèque et/ou votre cimetière une carte appelée Chandra, pyromancienne audacieuse, révélez-la et mettez-la dans votre main. Si vous cherchez dans votre bibliothèque de cette manière, mélangez-la.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 445894,
                    "name": "Sfuriata di Chandra",
                    "text": "La Sfuriata di Chandra infligge 4 danni a un giocatore o a un planeswalker bersaglio.\nPassa in rassegna il tuo grimorio e/o il tuo cimitero per una carta chiamata Chandra, Piromante Ardita, rivelala e aggiungila alla tua mano. Se passi in rassegna il tuo grimorio in questo modo, rimescolalo.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 445904,
                    "name": "チャンドラの激高",
                    "text": "プレイヤー1人かプレインズウォーカー1体を対象とする。チャンドラの激高はそれに4点のダメージを与える。\nあなたのライブラリーやあなたの墓地から「勇敢な紅蓮術師、チャンドラ」という名前のカード1枚を探し、それを公開してあなたの手札に加える。あなたがこれによりあなたのライブラリーからカードを探したなら、そのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 445914,
                    "name": "찬드라의 분출",
                    "text": "플레이어나 플레인즈워커를 목표로 정한다. 찬드라의 분출은 그 목표에게 피해 4점을 입힌다.\n당신은 당신의 서고 그리고/또는 무덤에서 이름이 대담한 화염술사, 찬드라인 카드 한 장을 찾아 공개한 후 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 당신이 이런 식으로 당신의 서고를 찾아보았다면, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445924,
                    "name": "Explosão de Chandra",
                    "text": "Explosão de Chandra causa 4 pontos de dano ao jogador ou planeswalker alvo.\nProcure um card com o nome Chandra, Piromante Ousada, em seu grimório e/ou cemitério, revele-o e coloque-o em sua mão. Se procurar em seu grimório desta maneira, embaralhe-o.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445934,
                    "name": "Вспышка Чандры",
                    "text": "Вспышка Чандры наносит 4 повреждения целевому игроку или planeswalker-у.\nНайдите в вашей библиотеке и (или) на вашем кладбище карту с именем Чандра, Дерзкий Пиромант, покажите ее и положите в вашу руку. Если вы ищете таким образом в вашей библиотеке, перетасуйте ее.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445944,
                    "name": "茜卓的爆发",
                    "text": "茜卓的爆发对目标牌手或鹏洛客造成4点伤害。\n从你的牌库和/或坟墓场中搜寻一张名称为舞焰勇将茜卓的牌,展示该牌,并将它置于你手上。如果你以此法搜寻你的牌库,则将它洗牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445954,
                    "name": "茜卓的爆發",
                    "text": "茜卓的爆發對目標玩家或鵬洛客造成4點傷害。\n從你的牌庫和/或墳墓場中搜尋一張名稱為舞焰勇將茜卓的牌,展示該牌,並將它置於你手上。如果你以此法搜尋你的牌庫,則將它洗牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 445854,
            "name": "Chandra's Outburst",
            "names": [],
            "number": "276",
            "originalText": "Chandra's Outburst deals 4 damage to target player or planeswalker.\nSearch your library and/or graveyard for a card named Chandra, Bold Pyromancer, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "f1e849c3-f357-4e81-a580-be5056bed51b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "19536617-9f8c-4eee-ad4f-f6e9c3646ed6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "894a344e-a8a7-4ddc-833d-eea41f1918d7",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164218,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Chandra's Outburst deals 4 damage to target player or planeswalker.\nSearch your library and/or graveyard for a card named Chandra, Bold Pyromancer, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "302eb794-f331-54d0-9817-f0fc1bc8d9b3",
            "uuidV421": "90d0c91b-b98b-5583-8d1f-a706209052ee"
            "artist": "Zack Stella",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 445863,
                    "name": "Chandra, kühne Pyromagierin",
                    "text": "+1: Erzeuge {R}{R}. Chandra, kühne Pyromagierin, fügt einem Spieler deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.\n–3: Chandra, kühne Pyromagierin, fügt einer Kreatur oder einem Planeswalker deiner Wahl 3 Schadenspunkte zu.\n–7: Chandra, kühne Pyromagierin, fügt einem Spieler deiner Wahl und allen Kreaturen und Planeswalkern, die er kontrolliert, je 10 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Chandra"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 445873,
                    "name": "Chandra, piromante audaz",
                    "text": "+1: Agrega {R}{R}. Chandra, piromante audaz hace 2 puntos de daño al jugador objetivo.\n−3: Chandra, piromante audaz hace 3 puntos de daño a la criatura o planeswalker objetivo.\n−7: Chandra, piromante audaz hace 10 puntos de daño al jugador objetivo y a cada criatura y planeswalker que este jugador controla.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Chandra"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 445883,
                    "name": "Chandra, pyromancienne audacieuse",
                    "text": "+1 : Ajoutez {R}{R}. Chandra, pyromancienne audacieuse inflige 2 blessures à un joueur ciblé.\n-3 : Chandra, pyromancienne audacieuse inflige 3 blessures à une cible, créature ou planeswalker.\n-7 : Chandra, pyromancienne audacieuse inflige 10 blessures à un joueur ciblé et à chaque créature et planeswalker qu'il contrôle.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Chandra"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 445893,
                    "name": "Chandra, Piromante Ardita",
                    "text": "+1: Aggiungi {R}{R}. Chandra, Piromante Ardita infligge 2 danni a un giocatore bersaglio.\n-3: Chandra, Piromante Ardita infligge 3 danni a una creatura o a un planeswalker bersaglio.\n-7: Chandra, Piromante Ardita infligge 10 danni a un giocatore bersaglio e a ogni creatura e planeswalker che controlla.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Chandra"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 445903,
                    "name": "勇敢な紅蓮術師、チャンドラ",
                    "text": "+1:プレイヤー1人を対象とする。{R}{R}を加える。勇敢な紅蓮術師、チャンドラはそのプレイヤーに2点のダメージを与える。\n-3:クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体を対象とする。勇敢な紅蓮術師、チャンドラはそれに3点のダメージを与える。\n-7:プレイヤー1人を対象とする。勇敢な紅蓮術師、チャンドラは、そのプレイヤーとそのプレイヤーがコントロールしている各クリーチャーと各プレインズウォーカーに、それぞれ10点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — チャンドラ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 445913,
                    "name": "대담한 화염술사, 찬드라",
                    "text": "+1: {R}{R}를 더한다. 대담한 화염술사, 찬드라는 각 상대에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.\n−3: 생물이나 플레인즈워커를 목표로 정한다. 대담한 화염술사, 찬드라는 그 목표에게 피해 4점을 입힌다.\n-7: 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 대담한 화염술사, 찬드라는 그 플레이어와 그가 조종하는 각 생물과 플레인즈워커에게 피해 10점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 찬드라"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445923,
                    "name": "Chandra, Piromante Ousada",
                    "text": "+1: Adicione {R}{R}. Chandra, Piromante Ousada, causa 2 pontos de dano ao jogador alvo.\n−3: Chandra, Piromante Ousada, causa 3 pontos de dano à criatura ou ao planeswalker alvo.\n−7: Chandra, Piromante Ousada, causa 10 pontos de dano ao jogador alvo e a cada criatura e planeswalker que ele controla.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Chandra"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445933,
                    "name": "Чандра, Дерзкий Пиромант",
                    "text": "+1: добавьте {R}{R}. Чандра, Дерзкий Пиромант наносит 2 повреждения целевому игроку.\n–3: Чандра, Дерзкий Пиромант наносит 3 повреждения целевому существу или planeswalker-у.\n–7: Чандра, Дерзкий Пиромант наносит 10 повреждений целевому игроку и каждому существу и planeswalker-у под его контролем.",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Чандра"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445943,
                    "name": "舞焰勇将茜卓",
                    "text": "+1:加{R}{R}。舞焰勇将茜卓对目标牌手造成2点伤害。\n−3:舞焰勇将茜卓对目标生物或鹏洛客造成3点伤害。\n−7:舞焰勇将茜卓对目标牌手及每个由其操控的生物与鹏洛客各造成10点伤害。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~茜卓"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445953,
                    "name": "舞焰勇將茜卓",
                    "text": "+1:加{R}{R}。舞焰勇將茜卓對目標玩家造成2點傷害。\n−3:舞焰勇將茜卓對目標生物或鵬洛客造成3點傷害。\n−7:舞焰勇將茜卓對目標玩家及每個由其操控的生物與鵬洛客各造成10點傷害。",
                    "type": "傳奇鵬洛客 ~茜卓"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": false,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "loyalty": "5",
            "manaCost": "{4}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 445853,
            "name": "Chandra, Bold Pyromancer",
            "names": [],
            "number": "275",
            "originalText": "+1: Add {R}{R}. Chandra, Bold Pyromancer deals 2 damage to target player.\n−3: Chandra, Bold Pyromancer deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker.\n−7: Chandra, Bold Pyromancer deals 10 damage to target player and each creature and planeswalker they control.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Chandra",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Chandra’s first ability can’t target a planeswalker."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Chandra’s last ability targets only the player. Creatures and planeswalkers that player controls with hexproof will be dealt damage."
            "scryfallId": "ba9d2384-5c3f-4eb1-86b4-26ee13f1c767",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b3bad3ae-a5cb-43e9-92e0-8c70d2fe4e0f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1cdba3c1-19e1-43c3-a0d8-5fb2b88060d8",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162157,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+1: Add {R}{R}. Chandra, Bold Pyromancer deals 2 damage to target player.\n−3: Chandra, Bold Pyromancer deals 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker.\n−7: Chandra, Bold Pyromancer deals 10 damage to target player and each creature and planeswalker they control.",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Chandra",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "19a5d45e-83fe-5c0a-95c3-d2cfd18414f8",
            "uuidV421": "7bd15331-79f1-5589-a598-5cfb3db0c8c5"
            "artist": "Zezhou Chen",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Honor rides before us. All we have to do is catch up.\" —Danitha Capashen",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Ehre führt uns in die Schlacht. Wir müssen ihr nur folgen.\" —Danitha Capashen",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443167,
                    "name": "Anstürmen",
                    "text": "Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"El honor cabalga por delante de nosotros. Todo lo que debemos hacer es alcanzarlo\". —Danitha Capashen",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443436,
                    "name": "Cargar",
                    "text": "Las criaturas que controlas obtienen +1/+1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« L'honneur chevauche devant nous. Nous n'avons qu'à le rattraper. » —Danitha Capashen",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443705,
                    "name": "Charge",
                    "text": "Les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"L'Onore cavalca dinanzi a noi. Non dobbiamo che raggiungerlo.\" —Danitha Capashen",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443974,
                    "name": "Carica",
                    "text": "Le creature che controlli prendono +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「栄光は我らのすぐ前を走っている。あとは、それに追いつくのみだ。」 ――ダニサ・キャパシェン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444243,
                    "name": "突撃",
                    "text": "ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"명예는 우리보다 앞서 달리고 있다. 우리는 단지 그것을 따라잡으면 되는 거다.\" —다니사 카파셴",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444512,
                    "name": "돌격",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"A honra cavalga à nossa frente. Só precisamos alcançá-la.\" — Danitha Capashena",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444781,
                    "name": "Atacar",
                    "text": "As criaturas que você controla recebem +1/+1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Честь несется вперед перед нами. Мы должны лишь догнать ее». — Данита Капашен",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445050,
                    "name": "Натиск",
                    "text": "Существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「荣耀冲锋在前。我们只需快步赶上。」 ~达妮莎卡帕轩",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445319,
                    "name": "冲锋",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物得+1/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「榮耀衝鋒在前。我們只需快步趕上。」 ~達妮莎卡帕軒",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445588,
                    "name": "衝鋒",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物得+1/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442898,
            "name": "Charge",
            "number": "10",
            "originalText": "Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Charge affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures you begin to control later in the turn won’t get +1/+1."
            "scryfallId": "000eded9-854c-408a-aadf-c26209e27432",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4af18bc9-1e1e-4ff2-8459-9159849ef99b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "36b5022d-fa62-46ea-97ab-23c0f60f62a5",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162192,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0d76c7f6-c5fa-51f2-8efc-8465606b5b9c",
            "uuidV421": "ed1953ea-d9f4-5bd4-a3d6-230f8142143f"
            "artist": "Christine Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "The sunlight falls pristine on the temple at Epityr, softened by the remembered shadows of angelic saviors' wings.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Sanft fällt das Licht auf den Tempel von Epityr und lässt die in Stein gemeißelten Flügel der Engelsretterin schimmern.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443396,
                    "name": "Felskuppenzuflucht",
                    "text": "Die Felskuppenzuflucht kommt getappt ins Spiel, es sei denn, du kontrollierst ein Gebirge oder eine Ebene.\n{T}: Erzeuge {R} oder {W}.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "flavorText": "La luz del sol cae inmaculada sobre el templo de Épityr, solo suavizada por las sombras recordadas de las alas de los salvadores angelicales.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443665,
                    "name": "Refugio en la cima",
                    "text": "El Refugio en la cima entra al campo de batalla girado a menos que controles una Montaña o una Llanura.\n{T}: Agrega {R} o {W}.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "flavorText": "La lumière cristalline du soleil inonde le temple d'Epityr, adoucie par l'ombre indélébile des ailes angéliques salvatrices.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443934,
                    "name": "Rectorat du haut des falaises",
                    "text": "Le Rectorat du haut des falaises arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé à moins que vous ne contrôliez une montagne ou une plaine.\n{T} : Ajoutez {R} ou {W}.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "flavorText": "I raggi del sole splendono immacolati sul tempio di Epityr, soffusi dal ricordo delle ombre proiettate dalle ali di angeli salvifici.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444203,
                    "name": "Rifugio in Cima al Dirupo",
                    "text": "Il Rifugio in Cima al Dirupo entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato a meno che tu non controlli una Montagna o una Pianura.\n{T}: Aggiungi {R} o {W}.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "flavorText": "エピティアの寺院を照らす純粋な陽光は、救世天使の翼が作る影の記憶で弱まっている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444472,
                    "name": "断崖の避難所",
                    "text": "断崖の避難所は、あなたが山か平地をコントロールしていないかぎり、タップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{R}か{W}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "flavorText": "청명한 햇빛이 에피티르의 사원을 비추고, 천사같은 구원자의 날개가 드리운 기억 속 그림자가 이곳을 부드럽게 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444741,
                    "name": "절벽 위의 은거처",
                    "text": "절벽 위의 은거처는 당신이 산이나 들을 조종하지 않으면 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {R} 또는 {W}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "flavorText": "A luz do sol incide límpida no templo em Epityr, suavizada pelas sombras que lembram as asas das salvadoras angélicas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445010,
                    "name": "Retiro da Falésia",
                    "text": "Retiro da Falésia entra no campo de batalha virado, a menos que você controle uma Montanha ou uma Planície.\n{T}: Adicione {R} ou {W}.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "flavorText": "Чистый, нетронутый солнечный свет падает на храм в Эпитире. Он помнит тени крыльев ангельских спасителей — и становится мягче.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445279,
                    "name": "Убежище на Утесе",
                    "text": "Убежище на Утесе выходит на поле битвы повернутым, если под вашим контролем нет Горы или Равнины.\n{T}: добавьте {R} или {W}.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "flavorText": "纯洁阳光洒落艾比提殿堂,穿过为人追忆的救世天使双翼而更加柔和。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445548,
                    "name": "崖顶修行所",
                    "text": "除非你操控山脉或平原,否则崖顶修行所须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{R}或{W}。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "flavorText": "純潔陽光灑落艾比提殿堂,穿過為人追憶的救世天使雙翼而更加柔和。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445817,
                    "name": "崖頂修行所",
                    "text": "除非你操控山脈或平原,否則崖頂修行所須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{R}或{W}。",
                    "type": "地"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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            "multiverseId": 443127,
            "name": "Clifftop Retreat",
            "number": "239",
            "originalText": "Clifftop Retreat enters the battlefield tapped unless you control a Mountain or a Plains.\n{T}: Add {R} or {W}.",
            "originalType": "Land",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "e0b52b9c-7278-46b4-9f3c-3a7fc0c7e526",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a73bf0b1-547e-4213-a32e-fcbac8fd5547",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d7faa3c8-46cf-46b2-bfa4-89000307cf18",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162119,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Clifftop Retreat enters the battlefield tapped unless you control a Mountain or a Plains.\n{T}: Add {R} or {W}.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f33d3e0c-bf42-5904-859a-6a77b9c297d8",
            "uuidV421": "a3b78e74-2349-5edc-9ee9-8a3ec6c593b7"
            "artist": "Kev Walker",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443204,
                    "name": "Wolkenleser-Sphinx",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nWenn die Wolkenleser-Sphinx ins Spiel kommt, wende Hellsicht 2 an. (Schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst eine beliebige Anzahl davon unter deine Bibliothek legen und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben darauf.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Sphinx"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443473,
                    "name": "Esfinge descifranubes",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nCuando la Esfinge descifranubes entre al campo de batalla, adivina 2. (Mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en el fondo de tu biblioteca y el resto en la parte superior en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esfinge"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443742,
                    "name": "Sphinx déchiffre-nuage",
                    "text": "Vol\nQuand le Sphinx déchiffre-nuage arrive sur le champ de bataille, regard 2. (Regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles au-dessous de votre bibliothèque et le reste, au-dessus, dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Créature : sphinx"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444011,
                    "name": "Sfinge Nembomante",
                    "text": "Volare\nQuando la Sfinge Nembomante entra nel campo di battaglia, profetizza 2. (Guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero in fondo al tuo grimorio e le altre in cima in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sfinge"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444280,
                    "name": "雲読みスフィンクス",
                    "text": "飛行\n雲読みスフィンクスが戦場に出たとき、占術2を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数を望む順番であなたのライブラリーの一番下に、残りを望む順番で一番上に置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スフィンクス"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444549,
                    "name": "구름해독가 스핑크스",
                    "text": "비행\n구름해독가 스핑크스가 전장에 들어올 때, 점술 2를 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본다. 당신은 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓을 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 스핑크스"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444818,
                    "name": "Esfinge Leitora de Nuvens",
                    "text": "Voar\nQuando Esfinge Leitora de Nuvens entrar no campo de batalha, use vidência 2. (Olhe os dois cards do topo do seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles no fundo do seu grimório e o resto no topo em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esfinge"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445087,
                    "name": "Сфинкс, Чтец Облаков",
                    "text": "Полет\nКогда Сфинкс, Чтец Облаков выходит на поле битвы, предскажите 2. (Посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них в низ вашей библиотеки, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Сфинкс"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445356,
                    "name": "识云史芬斯",
                    "text": "飞行\n当识云史芬斯进战场时,占卜2。(检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌以任意顺序置于你牌库底,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~史芬斯"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445625,
                    "name": "識雲史芬斯",
                    "text": "飛行\n當識雲史芬斯進戰場時,占卜2。(檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌以任意順序置於你牌庫底,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~史芬斯"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442935,
            "name": "Cloudreader Sphinx",
            "number": "47",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhen Cloudreader Sphinx enters the battlefield, scry 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Sphinx",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "6c85a696-fa1a-4e05-b0aa-79b3381e849a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "da243487-1f83-46df-8868-bd0c0db54fd0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b5a4bf91-4d31-4557-9ec4-a96ff4d9be6b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164483,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhen Cloudreader Sphinx enters the battlefield, scry 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Sphinx",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "801880b2-69cd-50ce-9b3a-b59cc00103d0",
            "uuidV421": "0c6485bf-2e1f-596b-a8ec-2b93fe99e7d6"
            "artist": "Jason Kang",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "For generations, the inhabitants of Orvada have hungered for turtle soup. For generations, the turtles have frustrated their ambitions.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Seit Generationen sehnen sich die Bewohner Orvadas nach Schildkrötensuppe. Die Schildkröten haben jedoch beschlossen, dass dieser Hunger ungestillt bleiben soll.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443205,
                    "name": "Kaltwasser-Schnapper",
                    "text": "Fluchsicher (Diese Kreatur kann nicht das Ziel von Zaubersprüchen oder Fähigkeiten sein, die deine Gegner kontrollieren.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Schildkröte"
                    "flavorText": "Durante generaciones, los habitantes de Orvada ansiaron comer sopa de tortuga. Durante generaciones, las tortugas frustraron sus ambiciones.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443474,
                    "name": "Mordedor de agua fría",
                    "text": "Antimaleficio. (Esta criatura no puede ser objetivo de hechizos o habilidades que controlan tus oponentes.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Tortuga"
                    "flavorText": "Depuis des générations, les habitants d'Orvada ont faim de soupe de tortue. Depuis des générations, les tortues contrarient leurs projets.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443743,
                    "name": "Claqueur des eaux froides",
                    "text": "Défense talismanique (Cette créature ne peut pas être la cible de sorts ou de capacités que vos adversaires contrôlent.)",
                    "type": "Créature : tortue terrestre"
                    "flavorText": "Per generazioni, gli abitanti di Orvada hanno sognato zuppa di tartaruga. Per generazioni, le tartarughe hanno infranto i loro sogni.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444012,
                    "name": "Mordace delle Acque Fredde",
                    "text": "Anti-malocchio (Questa creatura non può essere bersaglio di magie o abilità controllate dai tuoi avversari.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Tartaruga"
                    "flavorText": "何世代にもわたり、オルヴァーダの住民は海亀スープに飢えていた。何世代にもわたり、海亀はそれにイラついていた。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444281,
                    "name": "冷水カミツキガメ",
                    "text": "呪禁(このクリーチャーは、対戦相手がコントロールしている呪文や能力の対象にならない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 海亀"
                    "flavorText": "오르바다의 주민들은 오랫동안 거북이 수프를 먹고 싶어 했다. 그리고 거북이들은 오랫동안 그들의 기대를 저버렸다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444550,
                    "name": "찬물에 사는 거북",
                    "text": "방호 (이 생물은 상대가 조종하는 주문이나 능력의 목표로 정해질 수 없다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 거북이"
                    "flavorText": "Há gerações os habitantes de Orvada desejam fazer sopa de tartaruga. Há gerações as tartarugas lhes frustram as ambições.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444819,
                    "name": "Abocanhador D'água Fria",
                    "text": "Resistência a magia (Esta criatura não pode ser alvo de mágicas ou habilidades controladas por seus oponentes.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Tartaruga"
                    "flavorText": "Многие поколения жителей Орвады мечтали о черепашьем супе. Многие поколения черепах разрушали их надежды.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445088,
                    "name": "Холодноводный Зубохват",
                    "text": "Порчеустойчивость (Это существо не может быть целью заклинаний или способностей под контролем ваших оппонентов.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Черепаха"
                    "flavorText": "历代以来,欧瓦达居民都渴望品尝龟汤。历代以来,龟一直让他们的渴望落空。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445357,
                    "name": "霜冻骤咬龟",
                    "text": "辟邪(此生物不能成为由对手操控之咒语或异能的目标。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~龟"
                    "flavorText": "歷代以來,歐瓦達居民都渴望品嚐龜湯。歷代以來,龜一直讓他們的渴望落空。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445626,
                    "name": "霜凍驟咬龜",
                    "text": "辟邪(此生物不能成為由對手操控之咒語或異能的目標。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~龜"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442936,
            "name": "Cold-Water Snapper",
            "number": "48",
            "originalText": "Hexproof (This creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Turtle",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "cf339549-4325-40c6-adde-0cd31bb738e0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "205cc4cd-4530-44f7-9d91-55b6b22fa192",
            "scryfallOracleId": "457e4a49-c8fe-4e1d-a4b4-7a880a47f58d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164692,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Hexproof (This creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Turtle",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2d4c7a67-8e42-5084-9480-899833eed6e9",
            "uuidV421": "e2ba7e4e-a987-5e8d-93e6-de7552f5c532"
            "artist": "Daniel Ljunggren",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Nothing tastes finer to an ooze than a priceless family heirloom.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Nichts schmeckt dem Schlammwesen so gut wie unbezahlbare Familienerbstücke.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443315,
                    "name": "Korrosives Schlammwesen",
                    "text": "Immer wenn das Korrosive Schlammwesen eine ausgerüstete Kreatur blockt oder von ihr geblockt wird, zerstöre am Ende des Kampfes alle Ausrüstungen, die an jene Kreatur angelegt sind.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Schlammwesen"
                    "flavorText": "Para un cieno, nada sabe mejor que una preciada reliquia familiar.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443584,
                    "name": "Cieno corrosivo",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Cieno corrosivo bloquee o sea bloqueado por una criatura equipada, destruye todos los Equipos anexados a esa criatura al final del combate.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Cieno"
                    "flavorText": "Pour un limon, rien n'est plus délicieux qu'un héritage familial inestimable.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443853,
                    "name": "Limon corrosif",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que le Limon corrosif bloque ou devient bloqué par une créature équipée, détruisez tous les équipements attachés à cette créature à la fin du combat.",
                    "type": "Créature : limon"
                    "flavorText": "Per una melma, niente è più succulento di un cimelio di famiglia dal valore inestimabile.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444122,
                    "name": "Melma Corrosiva",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta la Melma Corrosiva blocca o viene bloccata da una creatura equipaggiata, distruggi tutti gli Equipaggiamenti assegnati a quella creatura alla fine del combattimento.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Melma"
                    "flavorText": "何物にも代えられない先祖伝来の家宝は、軟泥にとって最高のごちそうである。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444391,
                    "name": "腐食軟泥",
                    "text": "腐食軟泥が装備しているクリーチャー1体をブロックするか装備しているクリーチャー1体にブロックされた状態になるたび、戦闘終了時に、そのクリーチャーにつけられている装備品をすべて破壊する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ウーズ"
                    "flavorText": "가문의 귀중한 유산이야말로 점액괴물에게는 최고의 먹이이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444660,
                    "name": "부식성 점액괴물",
                    "text": "부식성 점액괴물이 장비를 장착한 생물을 방어하거나 장비를 장착한 생물에게 방어될 때마다, 전투종료에 그 생물이 장착한 모든 장비를 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 점액괴물"
                    "flavorText": "Nada é mais saboroso para um lodo que uma herança inestimável de família.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444929,
                    "name": "Lodo Corrosivo",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Lodo Corrosivo bloquear ou se tornar bloqueado por uma criatura equipada, destrua todos os Equipamentos anexados àquela criatura no final do combate.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Lodo"
                    "flavorText": "Ничто так не услаждает вкус тины, как бесценные фамильные сокровища.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445198,
                    "name": "Едкая Тина",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Едкая Тина блокирует или становится заблокированной снаряженным существом, в конце боя уничтожьте все Снаряжение, прикрепленное к тому существу.",
                    "type": "Существо — Тина"
                    "flavorText": "无价的传家宝剑是流浆最喜爱的口味。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445467,
                    "name": "腐蚀流浆",
                    "text": "每当腐蚀流浆阻挡一个佩带武具的生物,或被一个佩带武具的生物阻挡,在战斗结束时消灭所有装备在后者生物上的武具。",
                    "type": "生物 ~流浆"
                    "flavorText": "無價的傳家寶劍是流漿最喜愛的口味。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445736,
                    "name": "腐蝕流漿",
                    "text": "每當腐蝕流漿阻擋一個佩帶武具的生物,或被一個佩帶武具的生物阻擋,在戰鬥結束時消滅所有裝備在後者生物上的武具。",
                    "type": "生物 ~流漿"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443046,
            "name": "Corrosive Ooze",
            "number": "158",
            "originalText": "Whenever Corrosive Ooze blocks or becomes blocked by an equipped creature, destroy all Equipment attached to that creature at end of combat.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Ooze",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The set of Equipment to be destroyed is determined only as Corrosive Ooze’s delayed triggered ability resolves at the end of combat. The Equipment will be destroyed even if Corrosive Ooze leaves the battlefield before that time."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the creature Corrosive Ooze blocks or is blocking leaves the battlefield, the Equipment that was attached to that creature immediately before it left the battlefield will be destroyed as Corrosive Ooze’s delayed triggered ability resolves at the end of combat."
            "scryfallId": "d13deb9c-5985-4355-8716-ee1c7b54b8e2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5fb43bd6-b877-4b47-acad-c9cfce373b4d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "416cca4a-b1b2-49d5-9cac-ec347056bdb0",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162222,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Corrosive Ooze blocks or becomes blocked by an equipped creature, destroy all Equipment attached to that creature at end of combat.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Ooze",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "246b013b-0de1-55d3-b688-2705c41c4a96",
            "uuidV421": "ad85efdb-218d-570b-a418-252f32d1fefb"
            "artist": "Josu Hernaiz",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443206,
                    "name": "Schutzbann des Kurators",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine bleibende Karte\nDie verzauberte bleibende Karte hat Fluchsicherheit.\nWenn die verzauberte bleibende Karte das Spiel verlässt und falls sie historisch war, ziehe zwei Karten. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443475,
                    "name": "Protección del conservador",
                    "text": "Encantar permanente.\nEl permanente encantado tiene la habilidad de antimaleficio.\nCuando el permanente encantado deje el campo de batalla, si era histórico, roba dos cartas. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443744,
                    "name": "Rune de garde du conservateur",
                    "text": "Enchanter : permanent\nLe permanent enchanté a la défense talismanique.\nQuand le permanent enchanté quitte le champ de bataille, s'il était historique, piochez deux cartes. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444013,
                    "name": "Sigillo del Sovrintendente",
                    "text": "Incanta permanente\nIl permanente incantato ha anti-malocchio.\nQuando il permanente incantato lascia il campo di battaglia, se era storico, pesca due carte. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444282,
                    "name": "史学者の護法印",
                    "text": "エンチャント(パーマネント)\nエンチャントされているパーマネントは呪禁を持つ。\nエンチャントされているパーマネントが戦場を離れたとき、それが歴史的であった場合、カードを2枚引く。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444551,
                    "name": "학예사의 보호",
                    "text": "지속물에 부여\n부여된 지속물은 방호를 가진다.\n부여된 지속물이 전장을 떠날 때, 그 지속물이 역사적이라면, 카드 두 장을 뽑는다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444820,
                    "name": "Proteção do Curador",
                    "text": "Encantar permanente\nA permanente encantada tem resistência a magia.\nQuando a permanente encantada deixar o campo de batalha, se ela for histórica, compre dois cards. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445089,
                    "name": "Оберег Куратора",
                    "text": "Зачаровать перманент\nЗачарованный перманент имеет Порчеустойчивость.\nКогда зачарованный перманент покидает поле битвы, если он был историческим, возьмите две карты. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445358,
                    "name": "馆长守护",
                    "text": "结附于永久物\n所结附的永久物具有辟邪异能。\n当所结附的永久物离开战场时,若它是史迹,则抓两张牌。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445627,
                    "name": "館長守護",
                    "text": "結附於永久物\n所結附的永久物具有辟邪異能。\n當所結附的永久物離開戰場時,若它是史跡,則抽兩張牌。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442937,
            "name": "Curator's Ward",
            "number": "49",
            "originalText": "Enchant permanent\nEnchanted permanent has hexproof.\nWhen enchanted permanent leaves the battlefield, if it was historic, draw two cards. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Curator’s Ward is attached to a historic permanent you don’t control, you draw two cards when that permanent leaves the battlefield, not that permanent’s controller."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you give hexproof to an opponent’s permanent, such as by enchanting it with Curator’s Ward, that player can still target that permanent, but you can’t."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
            "scryfallId": "10cc417f-0ea7-47a8-b7d0-aa8d20168faf",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8ab29e0a-26c2-4595-be55-0aa8893d232f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a89ad91e-2bc2-45f4-b32c-fb2b67a2019e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162215,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant permanent\nEnchanted permanent has hexproof.\nWhen enchanted permanent leaves the battlefield, if it was historic, draw two cards. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4f059d92-c1b5-5063-aa68-0273e44abc2c",
            "uuidV421": "7f3d9abb-15c6-5087-98c2-a0954abe88a8"
            "artist": "Winona Nelson",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Go swiftly, clever arrow, and teach The philosophy of stillness.\" —D'Avenant verse",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Mit seinen Pfeilen demonstriert der Schütze die Philosophie der Perfektion.\" —Sprichwort aus D'Avenant",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443168,
                    "name": "Fallenstellerin aus D'Avenant",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen historischen Zauberspruch wirkst, tappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Bogenschütze"
                    "flavorText": "\"Flecha certera, parte ahora y presenta la filosofía de la quietud a quien te sienta\". —Poema D'Avenant",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443437,
                    "name": "Trampera D'Avenant",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo histórico, gira la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Arquero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« File, chère flèche, et enseigne la philosophie de l'immobilité. » —Verset d'Avenant",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443706,
                    "name": "Trappeuse d'Avenant",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort historique, engagez une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et archer"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vola rapida, saetta sagace, E insegna la filosofia della quiete.\" —Verso D'Avenant",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443975,
                    "name": "Trappolatrice D'Avenant",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia storica, TAPpa una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Arciere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「疾く行け良き矢、教えよ我に 密やかさの心得を。」 ――アヴナントの詩句",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444244,
                    "name": "アヴナントの罠師",
                    "text": "あなたが歴史的な呪文を唱えるたび、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・射手"
                    "flavorText": "\"가라, 날쌔고 똑똑한 화살아. 고요함의 철학이 무엇인지 가르쳐 주어라.\" —아브낭의 노랫말",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444513,
                    "name": "아브낭 사냥꾼",
                    "text": "당신이 역사적 주문을 발동할 때마다, 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 탭한다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 궁수"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vá rápido, sagaz flecha, e ensine A filosofia da imobilidade.\" — Verso D'Avenant",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444782,
                    "name": "Armadilheira D'Avenant",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjurar uma mágica histórica, vire a criatura alvo que um oponente controla. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Arqueiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Лети, премудрая стрела, и научи Философии неподвижности». — стих д'Авенанта",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445051,
                    "name": "Ловчая Д'Авенанта",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете историческое заклинание, поверните целевое существо под контролем оппонента. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Лучник"
                    "flavorText": "「灵箭妙矢,疾行如风, 传授凝定之识。」 ~阿维农诗歌",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445320,
                    "name": "阿维农布陷人",
                    "text": "每当你施放史迹咒语时,横置目标由对手操控的生物。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/弓箭手"
                    "flavorText": "「靈箭妙矢,疾行如風, 傳授凝定之識。」 ~阿維農詩歌",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445589,
                    "name": "阿維農佈陷人",
                    "text": "每當你施放史跡咒語時,橫置目標由對手操控的生物。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/弓箭手"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442899,
            "name": "D'Avenant Trapper",
            "number": "11",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast a historic spell, tap target creature an opponent controls. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Archer",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Some abilities trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell.” Such an ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you cast a historic spell” doesn’t trigger if a historic card is put onto the battlefield without being cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Lands are never cast, so abilities that trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell” won’t trigger if you play a legendary land. They also won’t trigger if a card on the battlefield transforms into a legendary land, as the Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan double-faced cards do."
            "scryfallId": "a5881ab3-566b-4999-997e-cd5ecb84282b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "922e9bb6-f4e0-4944-8472-2cdf921f5a60",
            "scryfallOracleId": "745d37dd-d18e-47cc-81d0-8e61a07342f2",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164705,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast a historic spell, tap target creature an opponent controls. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Archer",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "771b1a7b-0e26-53e4-a6ee-03797ebe292f",
            "uuidV421": "1ff82e7d-9034-5406-8058-874cb8559025"
            "artist": "Adam Paquette",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "A Thran relic, it has spent ten thousand years doing absolutely nothing.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ein Thran-Relikt, das zehntausend Jahre damit verbracht hat, absolut gar nichts zu tun.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443370,
                    "name": "Dämpfende Sphäre",
                    "text": "Falls ein Land für zwei oder mehr Mana getappt wird, erzeugt es {C} anstatt jedes anderen Typs und jeder anderen Anzahl.\nJeder Zauberspruch, den ein Spieler wirkt, kostet beim Wirken für jeden anderen Zauberspruch, den er in diesem Zug bereits gewirkt hat, {1} mehr.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "Una reliquia thran que lleva diez mil años haciendo absolutamente nada.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443639,
                    "name": "Esfera de amortiguamiento",
                    "text": "Si una tierra se gira para obtener dos o más manás, produce {C} en vez de cualquier otro tipo y cantidad.\nCada hechizo que lance un jugador cuesta {1} más por cada otro hechizo que lanzó anteriormente este turno.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "Cette relique thran a passé dix millénaires à ne rien faire du tout.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443908,
                    "name": "Sphère d'amortissement",
                    "text": "Si un terrain est engagé pour au moins deux manas, il produit {C} à la place de n'importe quel autre type et quantité.\nChaque sort lancé par un joueur coûte {1} de plus à lancer pour chaque autre sort lancé par ce joueur ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "Una reliquia dei Thran che ha passato diecimila anni nella più assoluta inerzia.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444177,
                    "name": "Sfera Smorzante",
                    "text": "Se una terra viene TAPpata per attingere due o più mana, produce {C} invece di qualsiasi altro tipo e ammontare.\nOgni magia lanciata da un giocatore costa {1} in più per essere lanciata per ogni altra magia che quel giocatore ha lanciato in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "スランの秘宝だが、1万年間まったく何もしていない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444446,
                    "name": "減衰球",
                    "text": "2点以上のマナを引き出す目的で土地が1つタップされるなら、それは他のタイプや点数の代わりに{C}を生み出す。\nプレイヤーが各呪文を唱えるためのコストはそれぞれ、そのプレイヤーがこのターンに唱えた他の呪文1つにつき{1}多くなる。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "만 년 동안 그야말로 아무것도 하지 않고 세월을 보낸 트란의 유물이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444715,
                    "name": "제동의 구체",
                    "text": "두 개 이상의 마나를 얻기 위해 대지가 탭된다면, 그 대지는 다른 유형이나 수량 대신 {C}를 생산한다.\n플레이어가 이번 턴에 발동한 다른 주문 한 개당, 그 플레이어의 주문은 발동하는 데 {1}이 더 든다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "Uma relíquia dos Thran, ela passou dez mil anos sem fazer absolutamente nada.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444984,
                    "name": "Esfera Amortecedora",
                    "text": "Se um terreno for virado para gerar dois ou mais manas, este gerará {C} em vez de qualquer outro tipo e quantidade.\nCada mágica que um jogador conjura custa {1} a mais para ser conjurada para cada outra mágica que aquele jogador conjurou neste turno.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "Транская реликвия, которая провела десять тысяч лет в абсолютном бездействии.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445253,
                    "name": "Сфера Подавления",
                    "text": "Если земля поворачивается для получения более чем одной маны, она производит {C} вместо любых других типов и количества.\nРазыгрывание игроком каждого заклинания стоит на {1} больше за каждое другое заклинание, разыгранное тем игроком в этом ходу.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "这件索蓝遗宝万年来仅成就一事:「无事」。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445522,
                    "name": "滞阻法球",
                    "text": "如果横置某个地以产生两点或更多法术力,则它改为产生{C},而非其他类别和数量。\n牌手施放的咒语增加若干费用来施放,其数量为「该牌手本回合每施放过一个其他咒语,便需增加{1}」。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "這件索藍遺寶萬年來僅成就一事:「無事」。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445791,
                    "name": "滯阻法球",
                    "text": "如果橫置某個地以產生兩點或更多魔法力,則它改為產生{C},而非其他類別和數量。\n玩家施放的咒語增加若干費用來施放,其數量為「該玩家本回合每施放過一個其他咒語,便增加{1}」。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}",
            "multiverseId": 443101,
            "name": "Damping Sphere",
            "number": "213",
            "originalText": "If a land is tapped for two or more mana, it produces {C} instead of any other type and amount.\nEach spell a player casts costs {1} more to cast for each other spell that player has cast this turn.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple replacement effects would modify what mana an ability you control produces, choose one to apply. After that, determine if any others are applicable. A replacement effect can’t apply to the same event more than once this way."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Damping Sphere’s second ability counts spells that were cast during a turn even if Damping Sphere wasn’t on the battlefield as they were cast. For example, if Damping Sphere itself is the third spell you cast in a turn, the next spell you cast costs {3} more to cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "To determine a spell’s total cost, start with the mana cost (or an alternative cost), add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The spell’s converted mana cost remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
            "scryfallId": "a5c7d16b-8f4e-42b9-be24-3cb091932d7c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2a7e2671-4064-4a3b-8205-ab93748d6dde",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fd50d76c-7654-47b9-a5b6-d075874e4357",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162250,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "If a land is tapped for two or more mana, it produces {C} instead of any other type and amount.\nEach spell a player casts costs {1} more to cast for each other spell that player has cast this turn.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7e7111fe-d019-533f-9645-15de8048b05e",
            "uuidV421": "e615a8a8-7eff-52d3-bdf4-9c3d7915e382"
            "artist": "Chris Rallis",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I will protect the less fortunate. I will love bravely. I will face despair and fight on. As a Capashen, I can do no less.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich werde die Schwachen beschützen. Ich werde inbrünstig lieben. Ich werde mich der Verzweiflung stellen und weiterkämpfen. Als eine Capashen ist dies meine Pflicht.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443169,
                    "name": "Danitha Capashen, die Vorbildliche",
                    "text": "Erstschlag, Wachsamkeit, Lebensverknüpfung\nAura- und Ausrüstung-Zaubersprüche, die du wirkst, kosten beim Wirken {1} weniger.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "\"Protegeré a los menos afortunados, amaré con valentía, me enfrentaré a la desesperanza y seguiré luchando. Como Capashen, no puedo hacer menos\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443438,
                    "name": "Danitha Capashen, la ejemplar",
                    "text": "Daña primero, vigilancia, vínculo vital.\nTe cuesta {1} menos lanzar hechizos de Aura o de Equipo.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Je protégerai les malheureux. J'aimerai courageusement. J'affronterai le désespoir et continuerai à me battre. Je suis une Capashen, c'est le moins que je puisse faire. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443707,
                    "name": "Danitha Capashen, parangon",
                    "text": "Initiative, vigilance, lien de vie\nLes sorts d'aura et d'équipement que vous lancez coûtent {1} de moins à lancer.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Proteggerò i meno fortunati, amerò con coraggio, affronterò la disperazione e continuerò a combattere. Sono una Capashen, è il minimo che io possa fare.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443976,
                    "name": "Danitha Capashen, l'Esemplare",
                    "text": "Attacco improvviso, cautela, legame vitale\nLe magie Aura ed Equipaggiamento che lanci costano {1} in meno per essere lanciate.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「不運な者を守り、勇敢に愛する。絶望に向き合い、闘い続ける。キャパシェンとして、為すべきことを為す。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444245,
                    "name": "模範となる者、ダニサ・キャパシェン",
                    "text": "先制攻撃、警戒、絆魂\nあなたがオーラか装備品である呪文を唱えるためのコストは{1}少なくなる。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 불우한 자들을 보호하고 용기를 사랑하며, 절망에 맞서 싸워나갈 것이다. 이는 카파셴의 이름을 가진 내가 마땅히 해야 할 일이다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444514,
                    "name": "모범이 되는 자, 다니사 카파셴",
                    "text": "선제공격, 경계, 생명연결\n당신이 발동하는 마법진과 장비 주문은 발동하는 데 {1}이 덜 든다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Protegerei os menos afortunados. Amarei bravamente. Enfrentarei o desespero e continuarei a lutar. Sendo capashena, não posso fazer menos.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444783,
                    "name": "Danitha Capashena, Paradigma",
                    "text": "Iniciativa, vigilância, vínculo com a vida\nAs mágicas de Aura e Equipamento que você conjura custam {1} a menos para serem conjuradas.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Я буду защищать тех, кто немощен. Буду любить, не зная страха. Взгляну в лицо отчаянью — и продолжу бой. Я — Капашен, и я не могу поступать иначе».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445052,
                    "name": "Данита Капашен, Образец",
                    "text": "Первый удар, Бдительность, Цепь жизни\nРазыгрываемые вами заклинания Аур и Снаряжения стоят на {1} меньше.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "「我将保护不幸者。我愿勇敢去爱。我会面对困厄,奋战不懈。卡帕轩家训必不或忘。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445321,
                    "name": "典范达妮莎卡帕轩",
                    "text": "先攻,警戒,系命\n你施放的灵气与武具咒语减少{1}来施放。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "「我將保護不幸者。我願勇敢去愛。我會面對困厄,奮戰不懈。卡帕軒家訓必不或忘。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445590,
                    "name": "典範達妮莎卡帕軒",
                    "text": "先攻,警戒,繫命\n你施放的靈氣與武具咒語減少{1}來施放。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442900,
            "name": "Danitha Capashen, Paragon",
            "number": "12",
            "originalText": "First strike, vigilance, lifelink\nAura and Equipment spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "b2a2b53c-0bf2-4d3d-91c2-57a484ae4f6b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4916746c-d3f6-42b8-b01a-9603f15bb8ae",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4b6377da-83e7-4519-9582-16a9c16b8faa",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 163814,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "First strike, vigilance, lifelink\nAura and Equipment spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "478e324e-f90e-5282-9e13-b809b55fa3f9",
            "uuidV421": "c0703d2a-cafc-5571-ada7-fd1ee15bca0f"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443350,
                    "name": "Darigaaz der Wiedergeborene",
                    "text": "Fliegend, verursacht Trampelschaden, Eile\nFalls Darigaaz der Wiedergeborene sterben würde, schicke ihn stattdessen mit drei Ei-Marken auf ihm ins Exil.\nZu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments und falls sich Darigaaz mit einer Ei-Marke auf ihm im Exil befindet, entferne eine Ei-Marke von ihm. Falls dann keine Ei-Marke auf Darigaaz liegt, bringe ihn ins Spiel zurück.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Drache"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443619,
                    "name": "Dárigaaz reencarnado",
                    "text": "Vuela, arrolla, prisa.\nSi Dárigaaz reencarnado fuera a morir, en vez de eso, exílialo con tres contadores de huevo sobre él.\nAl comienzo de tu mantenimiento, si Dárigaaz está exiliado con algún contador de huevo sobre él, remueve un contador de huevo de él. Luego, si Dárigaaz no tiene contadores de huevo sobre él, regrésalo al campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Dragón"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443888,
                    "name": "Darigaaz réincarné",
                    "text": "Vol, piétinement, célérité\nSi Darigaaz réincarné devait mourir, à la place exilez-le avec trois marqueurs « œuf » sur lui.\nAu début de votre entretien, si Darigaaz est exilé avec un marqueur « œuf » sur lui, retirez-lui un marqueur « œuf ». Puis si Darigaaz n'a pas de marqueur « œuf » sur lui, renvoyez-le sur le champ de bataille.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : dragon"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444157,
                    "name": "Darigaaz Reincarnato",
                    "text": "Volare, travolgere, rapidità\nSe Darigaaz Reincarnato sta per morire, invece esilialo con tre segnalini uovo su di esso.\nAll'inizio del tuo mantenimento, se Darigaaz è esiliato con un segnalino uovo, rimuovi un segnalino uovo da esso. Poi, se Darigaaz non ha segnalini uovo, rimettilo sul campo di battaglia.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Drago"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444426,
                    "name": "転生するデアリガズ",
                    "text": "飛行、トランプル、速攻\n転生するデアリガズが死亡するなら、代わりに、これを卵カウンターを3個置いた状態で追放する。\nあなたのアップキープの開始時に、転生するデアリガズが卵カウンターが置かれた状態で追放されている場合、これの上から卵カウンターを1個取り除く。その後、転生するデアリガズの上に卵カウンターが置かれていないなら、これを戦場に戻す。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — ドラゴン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444695,
                    "name": "환생한 다리가즈",
                    "text": "비행, 돌진, 신속\n환생한 다리가즈가 죽으려고 하면, 대신 다리가즈에 알 카운터 세 개를 올려놓고 추방한다.\n당신의 유지단 시작에, 다리가즈가 알 카운터를 가진 채로 추방되어 있다면, 다리가즈에서 알 카운터 한 개를 제거한다. 그 후 다리가즈에 놓인 알 카운터가 없다면, 다리가즈를 전장으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 용"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444964,
                    "name": "Darigaaz Reencarnado",
                    "text": "Voar, atropelar, ímpeto\nSe Darigaaz Reencarnado morreria, em vez disso, exile-o com três marcadores de ovo.\nNo início de sua manutenção, se Darigaaz estiver exilado com um marcador de ovo, remova um marcador de ovo dele. Em seguida, se Darigaaz não tiver marcadores de ovo, devolva-o ao campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Dragão"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445233,
                    "name": "Даригааз, Переродившийся",
                    "text": "Полет, Пробивной удар, Ускорение\nЕсли Даригааз, Переродившийся должен умереть, вместо этого изгоните его с тремя жетонами яйца на нем.\nВ начале вашего шага поддержки, если Даригааз находится в изгнании с жетоном яйца на нем, удалите с него один жетон яйца. Затем, если на Даригаазе нет жетонов яйца, верните его на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Дракон"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445502,
                    "name": "复焚龙王达里迦",
                    "text": "飞行,践踏,敏捷\n如果复焚龙王达里迦将死去,则改为将它放逐且上面有三个蛋卵指示物。\n在你的维持开始时,若达里迦已放逐且其上有蛋卵指示物,则从其上移去一个蛋卵指示物。然后如果达里迦上没有蛋卵指示物,则将它移回战场。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~龙"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445771,
                    "name": "復焚龍王達里迦",
                    "text": "飛行,踐踏,敏捷\n如果復焚龍王達里迦將死去,則改為將它放逐且上面有三個蛋卵指示物。\n在你的維持開始時,若達里迦已放逐且其上有蛋卵指示物,則從其上移去一個蛋卵指示物。然後如果達里迦上沒有蛋卵指示物,則將它移回戰場。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~龍"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{B}{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443081,
            "name": "Darigaaz Reincarnated",
            "number": "193",
            "originalText": "Flying, trample, haste\nIf Darigaaz Reincarnated would die, instead exile it with three egg counters on it.\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, if Darigaaz is exiled with an egg counter on it, remove an egg counter from it. Then if Darigaaz has no egg counters on it, return it to the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Dragon",
            "power": "7",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If another effect says to exile Darigaaz if it would die, you may apply Darigaaz’s own effect first, giving it three egg counters."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Darigaaz is exiled without any egg counters on it, its last ability won’t trigger and won’t return it to the battlefield."
            "scryfallId": "9459ffca-5a1f-4641-88d4-8a499b261faa",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e1f5aeed-564f-473d-bf57-06a76c9f8a57",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c2f42c67-ff88-4248-bfa5-79a18c6473d5",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162131,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, trample, haste\nIf Darigaaz Reincarnated would die, instead exile it with three egg counters on it.\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, if Darigaaz is exiled with an egg counter on it, remove an egg counter from it. Then if Darigaaz has no egg counters on it, return it to the battlefield.",
            "toughness": "7",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Dragon",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d7bd906d-dd28-58da-8509-10dfbd29128c",
            "uuidV421": "a684845d-54be-594e-9443-d3f675adffe9"
            "artist": "Sidharth Chaturvedi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443170,
                    "name": "Verwegene Archäologin",
                    "text": "Wenn die Verwegene Archäologin ins Spiel kommt, kannst du eine Artefaktkarte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurückbringen.\nImmer wenn du einen historischen Zauberspruch wirkst, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf die Verwegene Archäologin. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Handwerker"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443439,
                    "name": "Arqueóloga atrevida",
                    "text": "Cuando la Arqueóloga atrevida entre al campo de batalla, puedes regresar la carta de artefacto objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo histórico, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la Arqueóloga atrevida. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Artífice humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443708,
                    "name": "Archéologue audacieuse",
                    "text": "Quand l'Archéologue audacieuse arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez renvoyer une carte d'artefact ciblée depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort historique, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur l'Archéologue audacieuse. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et artificier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443977,
                    "name": "Archeologa Audace",
                    "text": "Quando l'Archeologa Audace entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi riprendere in mano una carta artefatto bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia storica, metti un segnalino +1/+1 sull'Archeologa Audace. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Artefice Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444246,
                    "name": "勇敢な考古学者",
                    "text": "勇敢な考古学者が戦場に出たとき、あなたの墓地からアーティファクト・カード1枚を対象とする。あなたはそれをあなたの手札に戻してもよい。\nあなたが歴史的な呪文を唱えるたび、勇敢な考古学者の上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・工匠"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444515,
                    "name": "대담한 고고학자",
                    "text": "대담한 고고학자가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신의 무덤에 있는 마법물체 카드를 목표로 정한다. 당신은 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 되돌릴 수 있다.\n당신이 역사적 주문을 발동할 때마다, 대담한 고고학자에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기능공"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444784,
                    "name": "Arqueóloga Audaz",
                    "text": "Quando Arqueóloga Audaz entra no campo de batalha, você pode devolver o card de artefato alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.\nToda vez que você conjurar uma mágica histórica, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Arqueóloga Audaz. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Artesão"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445053,
                    "name": "Бесстрашный Археолог",
                    "text": "Когда Бесстрашный Археолог выходит на поле битвы, вы можете вернуть целевую карту артефакта из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете историческое заклинание, положите один жетон +1/+1 на Бесстрашного Археолога. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Механик"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445322,
                    "name": "大胆的考古学家",
                    "text": "当大胆的考古学家进战场时,你可以将目标神器牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。\n每当你施放史迹咒语时,在大胆的考古学家上放置一个+1/+1指示物。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/神器师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445591,
                    "name": "大膽的考古學家",
                    "text": "當大膽的考古學家進戰場時,你可以將目標神器牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。\n每當你施放史跡咒語時,在大膽的考古學家上放置一個+1/+1指示物。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/神器師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442901,
            "name": "Daring Archaeologist",
            "number": "13",
            "originalText": "When Daring Archaeologist enters the battlefield, you may return target artifact card from your graveyard to your hand.\nWhenever you cast a historic spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Daring Archaeologist. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Artificer",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Some abilities trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell.” Such an ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you cast a historic spell” doesn’t trigger if a historic card is put onto the battlefield without being cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Lands are never cast, so abilities that trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell” won’t trigger if you play a legendary land. They also won’t trigger if a card on the battlefield transforms into a legendary land, as the Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan double-faced cards do."
            "scryfallId": "306ebfe1-428d-4f38-950e-b72a44262c25",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "240f1ae4-cca9-43c3-a87c-e579b23bf40e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b9d89f7c-a362-48dc-a335-f0e556e83f35",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164346,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Daring Archaeologist enters the battlefield, you may return target artifact card from your graveyard to your hand.\nWhenever you cast a historic spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Daring Archaeologist. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Artificer",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8557e5c4-50e5-5f98-a970-be9f5cb1fb8e",
            "uuidV421": "786b0e9e-b091-528f-89ea-82a86f768a83"
            "artist": "Tyler Jacobson",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I have pustules of the great Ratadrabik, very cheap. No? Surely you'll want a tincture of Nevinyrral's pulverized remains. Genuine!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich habe Pusteln des großen Ratadrabik im Angebot. Nicht? Dann sucht Ihr sicher nach einer Tinktur aus den pulverisierten Gebeinen Nevinyrrals. Mit Echtheitszertifikat!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443240,
                    "name": "Düsterer Handel",
                    "text": "Schaue dir die obersten drei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Nimm zwei davon auf deine Hand und lege die andere auf deinen Friedhof. Der Düstere Handel fügt dir 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tengo pústulas del gran Rátadrabik, muy baratas. ¿No? Entonces seguro que quieres una infusión de los restos pulverizados de Nevinyrral. ¡Sabe auténtica!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443509,
                    "name": "Intercambio oscuro",
                    "text": "Mira las tres primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Pon dos de ellas en tu mano y la otra en tu cementerio. El Intercambio oscuro te hace 2 puntos de daño.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Pustules du grand Ratadrabik, pas cher. Non ? J'ai aussi une teinture faite des restes pulvérisés de Nevinyrral. Produit authentique ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443778,
                    "name": "Obscur marché",
                    "text": "Regardez les trois cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Mettez deux d'entre elles dans votre main et l'autre dans votre cimetière. L'Obscur marché vous inflige 2 blessures.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ho delle pustole del grande Ratadrabik a buon prezzo. Non ti interessano? Allora non potrai rifiutare una tintura a base dei resti polverizzati di Nevinyrral. Roba genuina!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444047,
                    "name": "Transazione Oscura",
                    "text": "Guarda le prime tre carte del tuo grimorio. Aggiungine due alla tua mano e metti l'altra nel tuo cimitero. La Transazione Oscura ti infligge 2 danni.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「大ラタドラビックの膿疱がある。安くしとくよ。だめかい?じゃあ、ネビニラルの屍骸粉液ならいいだろう。本物だよ!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444316,
                    "name": "闇の取り引き",
                    "text": "あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを3枚見る。そのうち2枚をあなたの手札に加え、他の1枚をあなたの墓地に置く。闇の取り引きはあなたに2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"내겐 위대한 라타드라빅의 고름집이 있소. 싸게 드리지. 생각 없다고? 그럼 네비니랄의 유해를 짓이겨 만든 팅크는 마음에 들 거요. 진품이라니까!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444585,
                    "name": "사악한 거래",
                    "text": "당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 세 장을 본다. 그중 두 장을 당신의 손으로 가져가고 다른 한 장은 당신의 무덤에 넣는다. 사악한 거래는 당신에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tenho pústulas do grande Ratadrabik, bem baratinhas. Não? Com certeza você vai querer uma tintura dos restos pulverizados de Nevinyrral. Genuína!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444854,
                    "name": "Barganha Sombria",
                    "text": "Olhe os três cards do topo de seu grimório. Coloque dois deles em sua mão e o outro em seu cemitério. Barganha Sombria causa 2 pontos de dano a você.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«У меня есть гнойники великого Ратадрабика, очень дешево. Нет? Тогда тебе наверняка нужна настойка на толченых мощах Невиниррала. Настоящая, без подделок!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445123,
                    "name": "Темная Сделка",
                    "text": "Посмотрите три верхние карты вашей библиотеки. Положите две из них в вашу руку, а оставшуюся — на ваше кладбище. Темная Сделка наносит вам 2 повреждения.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「我这里有拉塔札比大人身上的脓泡,非常便宜。不要?那你八成想来点妮维亚洛化为灰烬的遗骸。如假包换!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445392,
                    "name": "黯境交易",
                    "text": "检视你牌库顶的三张牌。将其中两张置于你手上,另一张置入你的坟墓场。黯境交易对你造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「我這裡有拉塔札比大人身上的膿泡,非常便宜。不要?那你八成想來點妮維亞洛化為灰燼的遺骸。如假包換!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445661,
                    "name": "闇境交易",
                    "text": "檢視你牌庫頂的三張牌。將其中兩張置於你手上,另一張置入你的墳墓場。闇境交易對你造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442971,
            "name": "Dark Bargain",
            "number": "83",
            "originalText": "Look at the top three cards of your library. Put two of them into your hand and the other into your graveyard. Dark Bargain deals 2 damage to you.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you have fewer than three cards in your library, you put them all into your hand and none into your graveyard."
            "scryfallId": "71cbedc6-482e-42de-b310-22d3a955ad7e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a8ca3793-f030-4dfd-a594-18268401db1a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2f872417-3dbe-40ec-ac91-e3132c0b7514",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162151,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Look at the top three cards of your library. Put two of them into your hand and the other into your graveyard. Dark Bargain deals 2 damage to you.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c607b583-c53f-5e69-9e82-a00bc4c9a7e1",
            "uuidV421": "179123ed-fb6a-5980-87ce-c252bcb94ca7"
            "artist": "Manuel Castañón",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "The Benalish aristocracy is hereditary, but the loyalty of its subjects is earned.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Benalische Adelstitel werden vererbt, doch die Ergebenheit der Untertanen ist mühsam erarbeitet.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443171,
                    "name": "Furchtlose Leibwächterin",
                    "text": "Sowie die Furchtlose Leibwächterin ins Spiel kommt, bestimme eine andere Kreatur, die du kontrollierst.\nOpfere die Furchtlose Leibwächterin: Die bestimmte Kreatur erhält Unzerstörbarkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "Los títulos aristocráticos de Benalia se heredan, pero la lealtad de sus súbditos se gana.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443440,
                    "name": "Guardaespaldas intrépida",
                    "text": "En cuanto la Guardaespaldas intrépida entre al campo de batalla, elige otra criatura que controlas.\nSacrificar la Guardaespaldas intrépida: La criatura elegida gana la habilidad de indestructible hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "L'aristocratie bénaliane est héréditaire, mais la loyauté de ses sujets doit se mériter.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443709,
                    "name": "Garde du corps intrépide",
                    "text": "Au moment où la Garde du corps intrépide arrive sur le champ de bataille, choisissez une autre créature que vous contrôlez.\nSacrifiez la Garde du corps intrépide : La créature choisie acquiert l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "Gli aristocratici di Benalia ereditano i loro titoli, ma si guadagnano la lealtà dei loro sudditi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443978,
                    "name": "Guardia del Corpo Intrepida",
                    "text": "Mentre la Guardia del Corpo Intrepida entra nel campo di battaglia, scegli un'altra creatura che controlli.\nSacrifica la Guardia del Corpo Intrepida: La creatura scelta ha indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "ベナリアの貴族は世襲制だが、家臣の忠誠心は自身で獲得するものだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444247,
                    "name": "不屈の護衛",
                    "text": "不屈の護衛が戦場に出るに際し、あなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャー1体を選ぶ。\n不屈の護衛を生け贄に捧げる:ターン終了時まで、その選ばれたクリーチャーは破壊不能を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "베날리아의 귀족 신분은 대물림되지만, 백성들의 충성은 직접 얻어야 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444516,
                    "name": "불굴의 경호원",
                    "text": "불굴의 경호원이 전장에 들어오면서, 당신이 조종하는 다른 생물 한 개를 선택한다.\n불굴의 경호원을 희생한다: 선택된 생물은 턴종료까지 무적을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "A aristocracia de Benália é hereditária, mas a lealdade de seus súditos é conquistada.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444785,
                    "name": "Guarda-costas Destemida",
                    "text": "Conforme Guarda-costas Destemida entrar no campo de batalha, escolha outra criatura que você controla.\nSacrifique Guarda-costas Destemida: a criatura escolhida ganha indestrutível até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "Титулы беналийских аристократов передаются по наследству, но верность своих подданных каждый наследник должен заслужить самостоятельно.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445054,
                    "name": "Отважная Телохранительница",
                    "text": "При выходе Отважной Телохранительницы на поле битвы выберите другое существо под вашим контролем.\nПожертвуйте Отважную Телохранительницу: выбранное существо получает Неразрушимость до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "宾纳里亚贵族的身份由世袭而来,但臣民的忠诚全靠本事赢取。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445323,
                    "name": "不屈护卫",
                    "text": "于不屈护卫进战场时,选择另一个由你操控的生物。\n牺牲不屈护卫:该生物获得不灭异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "賓納里亞貴族的身份由世襲而來,但臣民的忠誠全靠本事贏取。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445592,
                    "name": "不屈護衛",
                    "text": "當不屈護衛進戰場時,選擇另一個由你操控的生物。\n犧牲不屈護衛:該生物獲得不滅異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442902,
            "name": "Dauntless Bodyguard",
            "number": "14",
            "originalText": "As Dauntless Bodyguard enters the battlefield, choose another creature you control.\nSacrifice Dauntless Bodyguard: The chosen creature gains indestructible until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Dauntless Bodyguard’s first ability isn’t a triggered ability and doesn’t use the stack. Players can’t respond to your choice of which creature it’s protecting."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Dauntless Bodyguard enters the battlefield at the same time as another creature, that creature can’t be chosen for its ability."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the chosen creature leaves the battlefield, you can’t choose a new creature for Dauntless Bodyguard to protect. If you activate its last ability in this case, no creature gains indestructible."
            "scryfallId": "a3f82012-5c33-47bc-a3c8-56ae2eea1fb9",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162193,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "As Dauntless Bodyguard enters the battlefield, choose another creature you control.\nSacrifice Dauntless Bodyguard: The chosen creature gains indestructible until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "907b6848-3793-5af6-ac54-546cdbedf958",
            "uuidV421": "8a54542c-9788-5404-bdee-7d7b3abb2ba8"
            "artist": "Mike Burns",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "flavorText": "\"Nature is not always gentle or kind, but all life begets life.\" —Marwyn of Llanowar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Mutter Natur ist nicht immer sanft und gütig, aber ein Leben nährt das nächste.\" —Marwyn von Llanowar",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443241,
                    "name": "Todesblüten-Thallid",
                    "text": "Wenn der Todesblüten-Thallid stirbt, erzeuge einen 1/1 grünen Saproling-Kreaturenspielstein.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Pilzwesen"
                    "flavorText": "\"La naturaleza no siempre es amable ni gentil, pero toda vida engendra vida\". —Marwyn de Llanowar",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443510,
                    "name": "Tálido brote lúgubre",
                    "text": "Cuando el Tálido brote lúgubre muera, crea una ficha de criatura Saprolín verde 1/1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hongo"
                    "flavorText": "« La nature n'est pas toujours tendre et douce, mais toute vie engendre la vie. » —Marwyn de Llanowar",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443779,
                    "name": "Thallidé à fleurs de mort",
                    "text": "Quand le Thallidé à fleurs de mort meurt, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 verte Saprobionte.",
                    "type": "Créature : fongus"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non sempre la natura è gentile o amabile, ma qualsiasi forma di vita genera altra vita.\" —Marwyn di Llanowar",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444048,
                    "name": "Thallid Germoglio di Morte",
                    "text": "Quando il Thallid Germoglio di Morte muore, crea una pedina creatura Saprolingio 1/1 verde.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Fungus"
                    "flavorText": "「自然はいつでも優しく親切というわけではないわ。それでも、命は新たな命をもうけるのよ。」 ――ラノワールのマーウィン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444317,
                    "name": "死花のサリッド",
                    "text": "死花のサリッドが死亡したとき、緑の1/1の苗木・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ファンガス"
                    "flavorText": "\"자연이 언제나 점잖고 친절한 것은 아니지만, 모든 생명은 자손을 갖기 마련이지.\" —라노워의 마르윈",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444586,
                    "name": "죽음을 꽃피우는 탈리드",
                    "text": "죽음을 꽃피우는 탈리드가 죽을 때, 1/1 녹색 묘목 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 진균"
                    "flavorText": "\"A natureza não é sempre suave, nem gentil, mas toda vida gera vida.\" — Marwyn de Llanowar",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444855,
                    "name": "Talídia Necroflorescente",
                    "text": "Quando Talídia Necroflorescente morrer, crie uma ficha de criatura verde 1/1 do tipo Saprófita.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fungo"
                    "flavorText": "«Природа не всегда нежна или добра, но всякая жизнь порождает жизнь». — Марвин из Лановара",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445124,
                    "name": "Таллид-Смертоцвет",
                    "text": "Когда Таллид-Смертоцвет умирает, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 зеленый Сапролинг.",
                    "type": "Существо — Плесень"
                    "flavorText": "「大自然并不总是温和仁慈,但万物生生不息。」 ~罗堰的玛雯",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445393,
                    "name": "死华散绿菌",
                    "text": "当死华散绿菌死去时,派出一个1/1绿色腐生物衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌"
                    "flavorText": "「大自然並不總是溫和仁慈,但萬物生生不息。」 ~羅堰的瑪雯",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445662,
                    "name": "死華散綠菌",
                    "text": "當死華散綠菌死去時,派出一個1/1綠色腐生物衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442972,
            "name": "Deathbloom Thallid",
            "names": [],
            "number": "84",
            "originalText": "When Deathbloom Thallid dies, create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Fungus",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "236ead00-d43e-4079-b74d-09be9875fd2d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b4f24f53-a919-4ff4-9339-67e6de1bbdb1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ce873790-de4d-4ba3-8023-c44306ba3ff8",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164728,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Deathbloom Thallid dies, create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Fungus",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "43355bed-4f06-56d3-b050-f70cd8b7c509",
            "uuidV421": "0bb340d6-6e62-5f58-82fd-bad3b4b2ecb6"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "For cryomancers, studying the Ice Age isn't just an academic exercise.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Kryomagier studieren die Eiszeit nicht nur, sie wenden das Gelernte auch praktisch an.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443207,
                    "name": "Froststarre",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur hat Basis-Stärke und -Widerstandskraft 0/4, hat Verteidiger, verliert alle anderen Fähigkeiten und ist zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Farben und Typen eine blaue Mauer.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Para los criomantes, estudiar la Era Glacial no es un mero ejercicio académico.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443476,
                    "name": "Congelación total",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada tiene una fuerza y resistencia base de 0/4, tiene la habilidad de defensor, pierde todas las demás habilidades y es un Muro azul además de sus otros colores y tipos.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Pour les cryomanciens, étudier l'Ère glaciaire n'est pas un simple exercice académique.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443745,
                    "name": "Congélation",
                    "text": "Enchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée a une force et une endurance de base de 0/4, a le défenseur, perd toutes ses autres capacités, et est un mur bleu en plus de ses autres couleurs et de ses autres types.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "flavorText": "Per i criomanti, lo studio dell'Era Glaciale non è un puro esercizio accademico.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444014,
                    "name": "Gelo Profondo",
                    "text": "Incanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata ha forza e costituzione base 0/4, ha difensore, perde tutte le altre abilità ed è un Muro blu in aggiunta ai suoi altri tipi e colori.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "冷術師にとって氷河期の研究は、単なる学問上の問題ではない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444283,
                    "name": "氷結",
                    "text": "エンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントされているクリーチャーは、基本のパワーとタフネスが0/4になり、防衛を得るとともに他の能力をすべて失い、それの他の色やタイプに加えて青の壁でもある。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "빙결술사에게 있어, 아이스 에이지를 연구하는 것은 단순한 아카데미의 활동이 아니다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444552,
                    "name": "급속 냉동",
                    "text": "생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 기본 공격력과 방어력이 0/4가 되고, 수비태세를 가지고 다른 모든 능력을 잃으며, 다른 색과 유형에 더해 청색 벽이다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "Para os criomantes, estudar a Era Glacial não é apenas exercício acadêmico.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444821,
                    "name": "Congelamento Profundo",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura\nA criatura encantada tem poder e resistência básicos 0/4, tem defensor, perde todas as habilidades e é uma Barreira azul além de suas outras cores e tipos.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Для криомантов изучение ледникового периода — это не просто академические изыскания.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445090,
                    "name": "Глубокая Заморозка",
                    "text": "Зачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо имеет базовую силу и выносливость 0/4, имеет способность Защитника, теряет все остальные способности и является синей Стеной в дополнение к своим другим цветам и типам.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "对凛寒术士而言,研究冰雪时代不仅仅是做学问而已。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445359,
                    "name": "急冻深寒",
                    "text": "结附于生物\n所结附的生物之基础力量与防御力为0/4,具守军异能,失去所有其他异能,且额外具有蓝色此颜色与墙此类别。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "對凜寒術士而言,研究冰雪時代不僅僅是做學問而已。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445628,
                    "name": "急凍深寒",
                    "text": "結附於生物\n所結附的生物之基礎力量與防禦力為0/4,具守軍異能,失去所有其他異能,且額外具有藍色此顏色與牆此類別。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442938,
            "name": "Deep Freeze",
            "number": "50",
            "originalText": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature has base power and toughness 0/4, has defender, loses all other abilities, and is a blue Wall in addition to its other colors and types.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Deep Freeze overwrites all previous effects that set the creature’s base power and toughness to specific values. Any power- or toughness-setting effects that start to apply after the ability resolves will overwrite this effect."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Effects that modify a creature’s power and/or toughness, such as the effect of Titanic Growth, will apply to the creature no matter when they started to take effect. The same is true for any counters that change its power and/or toughness and effects that switch its power and toughness."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the enchanted creature has an ability that grants abilities to other objects, Deep Freeze’s effect will stop it from doing so. If the enchanted creature gains an ability after Deep Freeze resolves, it will keep that ability."
            "scryfallId": "51765d87-e842-4d84-aaf0-998737fe754c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "032e186c-6eb8-46fe-8817-b5620d218992",
            "scryfallOracleId": "648aead4-dc0b-47bc-911c-8dcd2cfd32d3",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162216,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature has base power and toughness 0/4, has defender, loses all other abilities, and is a blue Wall in addition to its other colors and types.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6ec29e70-db65-5359-8149-ac10b364c11d",
            "uuidV421": "5c091baa-43b3-53a6-9f35-e85b0887563a"
            "artist": "Zoltan Boros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "In the Cabal, death is just another mark of devotion.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Bei den Kabbalisten ist der Tod nur ein weiteres Zeichen ihrer Ergebenheit.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443242,
                    "name": "Dämonische Lebenskraft",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur erhält +1/+1.\nWenn die verzauberte Kreatur stirbt, bringe ihre Karte auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "En la Cábala, la muerte no es más que otra señal de devoción.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443511,
                    "name": "Vigor demoníaco",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada obtiene +1/+1.\nCuando la criatura encantada muera, regresa esa carta a la mano de su propietario.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Pour la Coterie, la mort n'est qu'un gage de dévotion parmi d'autres.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443780,
                    "name": "Vigueur démoniaque",
                    "text": "Enchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée gagne +1/+1.\nQuand la créature enchantée meurt, renvoyez cette carte dans la main de son propriétaire.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "flavorText": "Nella Cabala, la morte non è che un altro segno di devozione.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444049,
                    "name": "Vigore Demoniaco",
                    "text": "Incanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata prende +1/+1.\nQuando la creatura incantata muore, fai tornare quella carta in mano al suo proprietario.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "陰謀団では、死は専心の一つの目安に過ぎない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444318,
                    "name": "悪魔的活力",
                    "text": "エンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントされているクリーチャーは+1/+1の修整を受ける。\nエンチャントされているクリーチャーが死亡したとき、そのカードをオーナーの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "도당에서, 죽음은 신앙심의 또 다른 표시일 뿐이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444587,
                    "name": "악마적인 활력",
                    "text": "생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 +1/+1을 받는다.\n부여된 생물이 죽을 때, 그 카드를 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "Na Cabala, a morte é apenas mais uma marca de devoção.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444856,
                    "name": "Vigor Demoníaco",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura\nA criatura encantada recebe +1/+1.\nQuando a criatura encantada morrer, devolva aquele card para a mão de seu dono.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Среди кабалов смерть — лишь еще одно свидетельство преданности.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445125,
                    "name": "Демоническая Живучесть",
                    "text": "Зачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо получает +1/+1.\nКогда зачарованное существо умирает, верните ту карту в руку ее владельца.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "在柯帮,死亡只是另一种奉献的标记。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445394,
                    "name": "恶魔活力",
                    "text": "结附于生物\n所结附的生物得+1/+1。\n当所结附的生物死去时,将该牌移回其拥有者手上。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "在柯幫,死亡只是另一種奉獻的標記。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445663,
                    "name": "惡魔活力",
                    "text": "結附於生物\n所結附的生物得+1/+1。\n當所結附的生物死去時,將該牌移回其擁有者手上。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442973,
            "name": "Demonic Vigor",
            "number": "85",
            "originalText": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets +1/+1.\nWhen enchanted creature dies, return that card to its owner's hand.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Demonic Vigor can enchant a token, but its last ability won’t return the token to your hand."
            "scryfallId": "09950456-09d6-4675-9995-0dc540ddb6e4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "211805e8-a149-4e59-b077-ac146c154cfb",
            "scryfallOracleId": "00cb93a8-5d33-4c6a-9e2a-4b3560f76f3f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162153,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets +1/+1.\nWhen enchanted creature dies, return that card to its owner's hand.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f627b848-8d47-5e38-9da0-e6dddb5179fa",
            "uuidV421": "a4605aa0-fa28-5140-a0e3-495e57463d92"
            "artist": "Tyler Jacobson",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443243,
                    "name": "Dämonenfürst Belzenlok",
                    "text": "Fliegend, verursacht Trampelschaden\nWenn Dämonenfürst Belzenlok ins Spiel kommt, schicke Karten oben von deiner Bibliothek ins Exil, bis du eine Karte ins Exil schickst, die kein Land ist, und nimm sie auf deine Hand. Falls ihre umgewandelten Manakosten 4 oder mehr betragen, wiederhole diesen Vorgang. Der Dämonenfürst Belzenlok fügt dir für jede Karte, die du auf diese Weise auf deine Hand genommen hast, 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Ältester, Dämon"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443512,
                    "name": "Belzenlok, señor demonio",
                    "text": "Vuela, arrolla.\nCuando Belzenlok, señor demonio entre al campo de batalla, exilia cartas de la parte superior de tu biblioteca hasta que exilies una carta que no sea tierra. Luego, pon esa carta en tu mano. Si el coste de maná convertido de la carta es 4 o más, repite este proceso. Belzenlok, señor demonio te hace 1 punto de daño por cada carta puesta en tu mano de esta manera.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Demonio anciano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443781,
                    "name": "Seigneur démon Belzenlok",
                    "text": "Vol, piétinement\nQuand le Seigneur démon Belzenlok arrive sur le champ de bataille, exilez les cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque jusqu'à ce que vous exiliez une carte non-terrain, puis mettez cette carte dans votre main. Si le coût converti de mana de la carte est supérieur ou égal à 4, répétez ce processus. Le Seigneur démon Belzenlok vous inflige 1 blessure pour chaque carte mise dans votre main de cette manière.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : ancêtre et démon"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444050,
                    "name": "Belzenlok, Signore dei Demoni",
                    "text": "Volare, travolgere\nQuando Belzenlok, Signore dei Demoni entra nel campo di battaglia, esilia carte dalla cima del tuo grimorio finché non esili una carta non terra, poi aggiungi quella carta alla tua mano. Se il costo di mana convertito della carta è pari o superiore a 4, ripeti questo procedimento. Belzenlok, Signore dei Demoni ti infligge 1 danno per ogni carta aggiunta alla tua mano in questo modo.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Antico Demone"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444319,
                    "name": "悪魔王ベルゼンロック",
                    "text": "飛行、トランプル\n悪魔王ベルゼンロックが戦場に出たとき、土地でないカードが追放されるまで、あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを1枚ずつ追放する。その後、そのカードをあなたの手札に加える。そのカードの点数で見たマナ・コストが4以上なら、この手順を繰り返す。悪魔王ベルゼンロックはあなたに、これによりあなたの手札に加えられたカード1枚につき1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — エルダー・デーモン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444588,
                    "name": "악마군주 벨젠로크",
                    "text": "비행, 돌진\n악마군주 벨젠로크가 전장에 들어올 때, 대지가 아닌 카드를 추방할 때까지 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드들을 추방한 후, 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 가져온다. 그 카드의 전환마나비용이 4 이상이라면, 이 과정을 반복한다. 이렇게 당신의 손으로 가져온 카드 한 장당 악마군주 벨젠로크는 당신에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 장로 악마"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444857,
                    "name": "Senhor Demônio Belzenlok",
                    "text": "Voar, atropelar\nQuando Senhor Demônio Belzenlok entrar no campo de batalha, exile cards do topo de seu grimório até exilar um card que não seja de terreno; depois, coloque aquele card em sua mão. Se o custo de mana convertido do card for igual ou superior a 4, repita este processo. Senhor Demônio Belzenlok causa 1 ponto de dano a você para cada card colocado em sua mão desta forma.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Ancião Demônio"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445126,
                    "name": "Демон-Владыка Бельзенлок",
                    "text": "Полет, Пробивной удар\nКогда Демон-Владыка Бельзенлок выходит на поле битвы, изгоняйте карты с верха вашей библиотеки, пока не изгоните не являющуюся землей карту, затем положите ту карту в вашу руку. Если конвертированная мана-стоимость той карты равна 4 или больше, повторите этот процесс. Демон-Владыка Бельзенлок наносит вам 1 повреждение за каждую карту, положенную в вашу руку таким образом.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Старейшина Демон"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445395,
                    "name": "恶魔领主贝赞洛",
                    "text": "飞行,践踏\n当恶魔领主贝赞洛进战场时,从你的牌库顶开始放逐牌,直到放逐一张非地牌为止,然后将该牌置于你手上。若该牌的总法术力费用等于或大于4,则重复此流程。每以此法将一张牌置于你手上,恶魔领主贝赞洛便对你造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~长老/恶魔"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445664,
                    "name": "惡魔領主貝贊洛",
                    "text": "飛行,踐踏\n當惡魔領主貝贊洛進戰場時,從你的牌庫頂開始放逐牌,直到放逐一張非地牌為止,然後將該牌置於你手上。若該牌的總魔法力費用等於或大於4,則重複此流程。每以此法將一張牌置於你手上,惡魔領主貝贊洛便對你造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~長老/惡魔"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442974,
            "name": "Demonlord Belzenlok",
            "number": "86",
            "originalText": "Flying, trample\nWhen Demonlord Belzenlok enters the battlefield, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a nonland card, then put that card into your hand. If the card's converted mana cost is 4 or greater, repeat this process. Demonlord Belzenlok deals 1 damage to you for each card put into your hand this way.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Elder Demon",
            "power": "6",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the triggered ability resolves, the ability will continue until you either exile a nonland card with converted mana cost 3 or less or fail to exile any nonland cards while performing the process. You can’t choose to stop receiving the blessings of Demonlord Belzenlok any sooner."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Land cards exiled this way remain exiled."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Demonlord Belzenlok’s ability causes it to deal an amount of damage to you all at once; it doesn’t deal 1 damage multiple times."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the mana cost of the nonland card includes {X}, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the nonland card doesn’t have a mana cost, its converted mana cost is 0."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The converted mana cost of a split card, such as a card with aftermath from the Amonkhet block, is equal to the combined mana cost of its two halves."
            "scryfallId": "ffb4dbe8-15fa-467f-9366-66382b192113",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9058a3c5-1064-4333-afac-722f4373a93c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "667ece0e-a474-4e11-8ac4-6c8fc354457c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162154,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, trample\nWhen Demonlord Belzenlok enters the battlefield, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a nonland card, then put that card into your hand. If the card's converted mana cost is 4 or greater, repeat this process. Demonlord Belzenlok deals 1 damage to you for each card put into your hand this way.",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Elder Demon",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "04250e23-828f-5ca9-a217-49f8ed6a0ac2",
            "uuidV421": "e328f3ab-a4f8-552d-af9e-9a1de6aa8bad"
            "artist": "Mark Behm",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Archaeologists don't just dig in the dirt. They excavate time, scraping off the years grain by grain.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Archäologen wühlen nicht einfach nur im Dreck. Sie bergen die Zeit und legen die Jahre Sandkorn für Sandkorn frei.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443208,
                    "name": "Gewissenhafte Ausgräberin",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen historischen Zauberspruch wirkst, legt ein Spieler deiner Wahl die obersten zwei Karten seiner Bibliothek auf seinen Friedhof. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Handwerker"
                    "flavorText": "Los arqueólogos no se limitan a excavar la tierra; excavan el propio tiempo y eliminan años con cada grano de arena que retiran.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443477,
                    "name": "Excavadora diligente",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo histórico, el jugador objetivo pone las dos primeras cartas de su biblioteca en su cementerio. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Artífice humano"
                    "flavorText": "Les archéologues ne se contentent pas de fouiller la terre. Ils creusent le temps, raclant les années petits morceaux par petits morceaux.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443746,
                    "name": "Excavatrice appliquée",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort historique, le joueur ciblé met les deux cartes du dessus de sa bibliothèque dans son cimetière. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et artificier"
                    "flavorText": "Gli archeologi non scavano semplicemente nella terra. Scavano nel tempo, raschiando via gli anni granello per granello.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444015,
                    "name": "Dissotterratrice Diligente",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia storica, un giocatore bersaglio mette nel suo cimitero le prime due carte del suo grimorio. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Artefice Umano"
                    "flavorText": "考古学者はただ地面に穴を掘っているわけではない。時間を掘り返し、年月を一粒ずつ削ぎ落としているのだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444284,
                    "name": "精励する発掘者",
                    "text": "あなたが歴史的な呪文を唱えるたび、プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは自分のライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚自分の墓地に置く。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・工匠"
                    "flavorText": "고고학자는 그저 땅만 파는 자들이 아니다. 그들은 세월을 조금씩 벗겨내며 시간을 발굴하는 것이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444553,
                    "name": "성실한 발굴자",
                    "text": "당신이 역사적 주문을 발동할 때마다, 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 자신의 무덤에 넣는다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기능공"
                    "flavorText": "O que os arqueólogos fazem não é só procurar em meio ao pó. Eles escavam o tempo, removendo os anos grão a grão.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444822,
                    "name": "Escavadora Diligente",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjura uma mágica histórica, o jogador alvo coloca os dois cards do topo do próprio grimório no próprio cemitério. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Artesão"
                    "flavorText": "Археологи не просто роются в земле. Они раскапывают само время, по песчинке снимая с него года.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445091,
                    "name": "Усердная Раскопщица",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете историческое заклинание, целевой игрок кладет две верхние карты своей библиотеки на свое кладбище. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Механик"
                    "flavorText": "考古学家并非只是破土挖掘。他们开掘时间,如抽丝剥茧般探究每一年。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445360,
                    "name": "勤勉开挖人",
                    "text": "每当你施放史迹咒语时,目标对手将其牌库顶的两张牌置入其坟墓场。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/神器师"
                    "flavorText": "考古學家並非只是破土挖掘。他們開掘時間,如抽絲剝繭般探究每一年。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445629,
                    "name": "勤勉開挖人",
                    "text": "每當你施放史跡咒語時,目標玩家將其牌庫頂的兩張牌置入其墳墓場。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/神器師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442939,
            "name": "Diligent Excavator",
            "number": "51",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast a historic spell, target player puts the top two cards of their library into their graveyard. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Artificer",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Some abilities trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell.” Such an ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you cast a historic spell” doesn’t trigger if a historic card is put onto the battlefield without being cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Lands are never cast, so abilities that trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell” won’t trigger if you play a legendary land. They also won’t trigger if a card on the battlefield transforms into a legendary land, as the Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan double-faced cards do."
            "scryfallId": "65212970-770e-4110-aa86-c89128688867",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "11f1650e-c6b6-42a8-800f-c87b891756a2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a3866181-c127-45d6-8553-97e9f64a3ca5",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164693,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast a historic spell, target player puts the top two cards of their library into their graveyard. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Artificer",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "01f09003-cb49-5242-ab29-320fe9e3710a",
            "uuidV421": "774ebad4-bf5a-56a0-bcf4-d92509d1da4c"
            "artist": "Jesper Ejsing",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "Flittersprites collect unusually valuable things: coins of fallen empires, baby teeth, and memories of treasured names.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Flimmerfeen sammeln Dinge von ungewöhnlichem Wert: Münzen gefallener Reiche, Milchzähne und Erinnerungen an unausgesprochene Namen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443244,
                    "name": "Entreißen",
                    "text": "Ein Spieler deiner Wahl zeigt die Karten auf seiner Hand offen vor. Du bestimmst davon eine Artefakt- oder Kreaturenkarte. Der Spieler wirft die bestimmte Karte ab.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Los duendes manoslargas suelen coleccionar objetos inesperadamente valiosos; por ejemplo, monedas de imperios caídos, dientes de leche o los recuerdos de seres queridos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443513,
                    "name": "Hurtar",
                    "text": "El jugador objetivo muestra su mano. Tú eliges de ahí una carta de artefacto o de criatura. Ese jugador descarta esa carta.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Les preste-follets collectent des choses étrangement précieuses : pièces de monnaie d'empires déchus, dents de lait et souvenirs de noms chéris.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443782,
                    "name": "Dépouiller",
                    "text": "Le joueur ciblé révèle sa main. Vous y choisissez une carte d'artefact ou de créature. Ce joueur se défausse de cette carte.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Gli spiritelli guizzanti raccolgono oggetti di insolito valore: monete di imperi caduti, denti da latte e ricordi di nomi preziosi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444051,
                    "name": "Sottrarre",
                    "text": "Un giocatore bersaglio rivela la sua mano. Scegli una carta artefatto o creatura da quella mano. Quel giocatore scarta quella carta.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "瞬動スプライトは特に価値のあるものを集める。失われた帝国のコイン、赤ん坊の歯、大切な名前の思い出などだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444320,
                    "name": "抜去",
                    "text": "プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは自分の手札を公開する。あなたはその中からアーティファクトかクリーチャーであるカード1枚を選ぶ。そのプレイヤーはそのカードを捨てる。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "펄럭요정들은 특별하고 진귀한, 예를 들면 몰락한 제국의 주화, 갓난아이의 치아, 그리고 보물 같은 이름의 기억 같은 것들을 모은다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444589,
                    "name": "박탈",
                    "text": "플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 손을 공개한다. 당신은 그중 마법물체나 생물 카드 한 장을 선택한다. 그 플레이어는 그 카드를 버린다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "As sílfides dardejantes colecionam coisas de valor bem pouco usuais: moedas de impérios caídos, dentes de bebês e lembranças de nomes queridos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444858,
                    "name": "Alienar",
                    "text": "O jogador alvo revela a própria mão. Você escolhe um card de artefato ou criatura dela. Aquele jogador descarta aquele card.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Быстрокрылые феи собирают необычные сокровища: монеты исчезнувших империй, детские зубы и воспоминания о дорогих сердцу именах.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445127,
                    "name": "Изъятие",
                    "text": "Целевой игрок показывает свою руку. Вы выбираете из нее карту артефакта или существа. Тот игрок сбрасывает ту карту.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "迅舞仙子收集格外珍贵的东西:堕落王朝的钱币,乳齿,以及对珍贵名字的记忆。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445396,
                    "name": "褫夺",
                    "text": "目标牌手展示其手牌。你选择其中一张神器或生物牌。该牌手弃掉该牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "迅舞仙子收集格外珍貴的東西:墮落王朝的錢幣,乳齒,以及對珍貴名字的記憶。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445665,
                    "name": "褫奪",
                    "text": "目標玩家展示其手牌。你選擇其中一張神器或生物牌。該玩家棄掉該牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{B}",
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            "name": "Divest",
            "number": "87",
            "originalText": "Target player reveals their hand. You choose an artifact or creature card from it. That player discards that card.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "c6619810-7933-4844-8556-2a575ed7f18a",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "9e0d7408-3827-4a65-9905-9fef3ae23c7e",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164290,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target player reveals their hand. You choose an artifact or creature card from it. That player discards that card.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8c2df7b6-6740-57d9-9519-e59c5a4ebbea",
            "uuidV421": "10d35685-2b41-59a2-8c1a-4ee48adaef4b"
            "artist": "Matt Stewart",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Half of your studies will be learning the laws of magic. The other half will be bending them.\" —Naru Meha, master wizard",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„In der ersten Hälfte deiner Ausbildung studierst du die Gesetze der Magie. In der zweiten Hälfte lernst du, sie in deinem Sinne zu interpretieren.\" —Naru Meha, die Meisterzauberin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443209,
                    "name": "Weissagung",
                    "text": "Ziehe zwei Karten.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Dedicarás la mitad de tu tiempo de estudio a aprender las reglas de la magia y la otra mitad a descubrir cómo manipularlas\". —Naru Meha, maga experta",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443478,
                    "name": "Adivinación",
                    "text": "Roba dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« La moitié de vos études consistera à apprendre les lois de la magie. L'autre moitié consistera à les faire plier. » —Naru Meha, maître sorcier",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443747,
                    "name": "Divination",
                    "text": "Piochez deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Metà dei vostri studi consisterà nell'apprendere le leggi della magia. L'altra metà nel piegarle.\" —Naru Meha, maga insegnante",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444016,
                    "name": "Divinazione",
                    "text": "Pesca due carte.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「諸君の勉学の半分は魔法の法則を学ぶことに充てられる。残りの半分でそれを捻じ曲げることを学ぶ。」 ――練達の魔術師、ナル・メハ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444285,
                    "name": "予言",
                    "text": "カードを2枚引く。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"그대의 연구 중 절반은 마법의 법칙을 이해하는 것일세. 그리고 나머지 절반은 그것을 다루는 법을 배우는 것이지.\" —대마법사, 나루 메하",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444554,
                    "name": "점",
                    "text": "카드 두 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Metade de seus estudos será aprender as leis da magia. A outra metade será como dobrá-las.\" — Naru Meha, maga mestra",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444823,
                    "name": "Divinação",
                    "text": "Compre dois cards.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Первая половина учебы — познание законов магии. Вторая половина — их нарушение». — Нару Меха, верховная волшебница",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445092,
                    "name": "Прорицание",
                    "text": "Возьмите две карты.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「你一半的时间会用来学习法术定律。另一半则会用来扭曲它们。」 ~魔法大师娜鲁梅哈",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445361,
                    "name": "卜卦",
                    "text": "抓两张牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「你一半的時間會用來學習魔法定律。另一半則會用來扭曲它們。」 ~魔法大師娜魯梅哈",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445630,
                    "name": "卜卦",
                    "text": "抽兩張牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
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            "name": "Divination",
            "number": "52",
            "originalText": "Draw two cards.",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164484,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Draw two cards.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "18a2ec72-16a8-5325-a993-cf60babb40ff",
            "uuidV421": "c4f7495f-e4b8-50ce-b8d6-ececd588818a"
            "artist": "G-host Lee",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The forest surrounding the Vess estate became the Caligo Morass, a vast bog stalked by horrors too terrible to name.\" — \"The Fall of the House of Vess\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der Wald, der einst die Vess-Ländereien umgab, wurde zum Kaligo-Morast, einem weitläufigen Sumpf, in dem sich unaussprechliche Schrecken herumtrieben.\" —„Der Untergang des Hauses Vess\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443245,
                    "name": "Furchteinflößender Schatten",
                    "text": "{B}: Der Furchteinflößende Schatten erhält +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Schatten"
                    "flavorText": "\"El bosque que rodeaba a la hacienda de los Vess se convirtió en la ciénaga de Cáligo, un pantano inmenso habitado por horrores demasiado terribles para ser nombrados\". —\"La caída de la casa Vess\"",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443514,
                    "name": "Sombra aterradora",
                    "text": "{B}: La Sombra aterradora obtiene +1/+1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sombra"
                    "flavorText": "« La forêt qui entourait le domaine des Vess devint le marais de Caligo, une immense tourbière peuplée d'horreurs innommables. » —« La chute de la Maison Vess »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443783,
                    "name": "Ombre d'effroi",
                    "text": "{B} : L'Ombre d'effroi gagne +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : ombre"
                    "flavorText": "\"La foresta che circondava la tenuta dei Vess si trasformò nel Pantano di Caligo, un immenso acquitrino infestato da orrori troppo terribili per poterli nominare.\" —\"La Caduta della Casa dei Vess\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444052,
                    "name": "Ombra Terrificante",
                    "text": "{B}: L'Ombra Terrificante prende +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Ombra"
                    "flavorText": "「ヴェス家の屋敷を取り巻いていた森はカリゴ沼になった。広大な泥沼で、名を口に出すことのできない恐ろしいものがさまよっている。」 ――「ヴェス家の没落」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444321,
                    "name": "戦慄の影",
                    "text": "{B}:ターン終了時まで、戦慄の影は+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — シェイド"
                    "flavorText": "\"베스 영지를 둘러싼 숲은 이름을 말하기조차 두려운 공포의 존재들이 도사리는 곳, 칼리고 저습지가 되었다.\" —\"베스 가문의 몰락\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444590,
                    "name": "섬뜩한 그림자",
                    "text": "{B}: 섬뜩한 그림자는 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 그림자"
                    "flavorText": "\"A floresta em torno da propriedade dos Vess tornou-se o Brejo de Caligo, um vasto pântano onde espreitam horrores inomináveis.\" — \"A Queda da Casa de Vess\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444859,
                    "name": "Sombra Aterrorizante",
                    "text": "{B}: Sombra Aterrorizante recebe +1/+1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sombra"
                    "flavorText": "«Леса, окружавшие имение Вессов, превратились в трясину Калиго — бескрайнее болото, где обитали немыслимые ужасы». — «Падение дома Весс»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445128,
                    "name": "Жуткая Тень",
                    "text": "{B}: Жуткая Тень получает +1/+1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Тень"
                    "flavorText": "「维斯庄园周围的森林化成了卡利戈泥淖,在这一大片泽地中潜伏着人们不敢提及的惊惧兽。」 ~「维斯家族衰亡记」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445397,
                    "name": "恐惧阴魂",
                    "text": "{B}:恐惧阴魂得+1/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~阴魂"
                    "flavorText": "「維斯莊園周圍的森林化成了卡利戈泥淖,在這一大片澤地中潛伏著人們不敢提及的驚懼獸。」 ~「維斯家族衰亡記」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445666,
                    "name": "恐懼陰魂",
                    "text": "{B}:恐懼陰魂得+1/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~陰魂"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{B}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442976,
            "name": "Dread Shade",
            "number": "88",
            "originalText": "{B}: Dread Shade gets +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Shade",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164397,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{B}: Dread Shade gets +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Shade",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "230152dc-839f-583e-9ef6-e67eef805564",
            "uuidV421": "c66e291f-075d-595d-83bc-37f5277d89b8"
            "artist": "Sara Winters",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "flavorText": "The Cabal assured the Seven Houses that hostages receive all the food and rest they require.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Kabbalisten versicherten den Sieben Häusern, dass die Gefangenen genügend Nahrung und Schlaf bekommen würden.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443246,
                    "name": "Geschundener Wachposten",
                    "text": "{3}: Tappe den Geschundenen Wachposten. Er erhält Unzerstörbarkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. (Schaden und Effekte, die „zerstören\", zerstören ihn nicht.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Skelett, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "La Cábala garantizó a las Siete Casas que los rehenes recibirían toda la comida y el descanso que necesitaran.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443515,
                    "name": "Centinela esclavo",
                    "text": "{3}: Gira al Centinela esclavo. Gana la habilidad de indestructible hasta el final del turno. (El daño y los efectos que dicen \"destruir\" no lo destruyen.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero esqueleto"
                    "flavorText": "La Coterie assura aux Sept Maisons que les otages recevaient toute la nourriture et tout le repos dont ils avaient besoin.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443784,
                    "name": "Sentinelle servile",
                    "text": "{3} : Engagez la Sentinelle servile. Elle acquiert l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour. (Les blessures et les effets qui disent « détruisez » ne la détruisent pas.)",
                    "type": "Créature : squelette et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "La Cabala assicurò alle Sette Case che gli ostaggi ricevevano tutto il cibo e il riposo di cui necessitavano.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444053,
                    "name": "Sentinella Forzata",
                    "text": "{3}: TAPpa la Sentinella Forzata. Ha indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno. (Il danno e gli effetti che dicono \"distruggi\" non la distruggono.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Scheletro"
                    "flavorText": "陰謀団は七侯家に対し、人質が必要なだけの食事と休息を得られると保証している。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444322,
                    "name": "酷役の歩哨",
                    "text": "{3}:酷役の歩哨をタップする。ターン終了時まで、これは破壊不能を得る。(ダメージや「破壊」と書かれた効果では、これは破壊されない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スケルトン・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "도당은 7대 가문의 인질들이 필요한 만큼 음식을 먹고 휴식을 취할 수 있게 해 주었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444591,
                    "name": "고역 보초병",
                    "text": "{3}: 고역 보초병을 탭한다. 고역 보초병은 턴종료까지 무적을 얻는다. (피해와 \"파괴\"라고 명시된 효과로 파괴되지 않는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 해골 전사"
                    "flavorText": "A Cabala garantiu às Sete Casas que os reféns recebessem toda a comida e o descanso de que necessitassem.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444860,
                    "name": "Sentinela Servil",
                    "text": "{3}: Vire Sentinela Servil. Ela ganha indestrutível até o final do turno. (O dano e os efeitos que dizem \"destrua\" não a destroem.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esqueleto Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Кабалы уверили Семь Домов в том, что заложникам предоставляется столько еды и времени для отдыха, сколько потребуется.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445129,
                    "name": "Неутомимый Стражник",
                    "text": "{3}: поверните Неутомимого Стражника. Он получает Неразрушимость до конца хода. (Повреждения и эффекты с указанием «уничтожьте» не уничтожают его.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Скелет Воин"
                    "flavorText": "柯帮向七大家族担保,人质所需的食物与休息都会得到满足。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445398,
                    "name": "苦力哨卫",
                    "text": "{3}:横置苦力哨卫。它获得不灭异能直到回合结束。(伤害与注明「消灭」的效应不会将它消灭。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~骷髅妖/战士"
                    "flavorText": "柯幫向七大家族擔保,人質所需的食物與休息都會得到滿足。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445667,
                    "name": "苦力哨衛",
                    "text": "{3}:橫置苦力哨衛。它獲得不滅異能直到回合結束。(傷害與註明「消滅」的效應不會將它消滅。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~骷髏妖/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442977,
            "name": "Drudge Sentinel",
            "number": "89",
            "originalText": "{3}: Tap Drudge Sentinel. It gains indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy it.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Skeleton Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can activate Drudge Sentinel’s ability even if it’s already tapped. It will still gain indestructible."
            "scryfallId": "9764a718-1748-4c2a-925c-370e22003b62",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162156,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{3}: Tap Drudge Sentinel. It gains indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy it.)",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Skeleton Warrior",
            "types": [
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            "uuidV421": "921e7610-29d6-5a5f-8ba0-abaf3add8e1a"
            "artist": "Bastien L. Deharme",
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Rise, knight of New Benalia.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Erhebe dich, Ritter von Neu-Benalia.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443172,
                    "name": "Ritterschlag",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur erhält +2/+2, hat Erstschlag und ist zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Typen ein Ritter.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Levántate, caballero de Nueva Benalia\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443441,
                    "name": "Nombrar",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada obtiene +2/+2, tiene la habilidad de dañar primero y es un Caballero además de sus otros tipos.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "« Relève-toi, chevalier de la Nouvelle Bénalia. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443710,
                    "name": "Adoubement",
                    "text": "Enchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée gagne +2/+2, a l'initiative, et est un chevalier en plus de ses autres types.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Alzati, cavaliere di Nuova Benalia.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443979,
                    "name": "Investitura",
                    "text": "Incanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata prende +2/+2, ha attacco improvviso ed è un Cavaliere in aggiunta ai suoi altri tipi.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "「立ちなさい、新ベナリアの騎士よ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444248,
                    "name": "叙爵",
                    "text": "エンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントされているクリーチャーは、+2/+2の修整を受けるとともに先制攻撃を持ち、それの他のタイプに加えて騎士でもある。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "\"일어나라, 신 베날리아의 기사여.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444517,
                    "name": "작위 수여",
                    "text": "생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 +2/+2를 받고 선제공격을 가지며, 자신의 다른 유형에 더불어 기사다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "\"Levante-se, cavaleiro de Nova Benália.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444786,
                    "name": "Sagrar",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura\nA criatura encantada recebe +2/+2, tem iniciativa e é um Cavaleiro além de seus outros tipos.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "«Встань, рыцарь Новой Беналии».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445055,
                    "name": "Посвящение",
                    "text": "Зачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо получает +2/+2, имеет Первый удар и является Рыцарем в дополнение к своим другим типам.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "「平身,新宾纳里亚的骑士。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445324,
                    "name": "册封",
                    "text": "结附于生物\n所结附的生物得+2/+2,具有先攻异能,且额外具有骑士此类别。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "「平身,新賓納里亞的騎士。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445593,
                    "name": "冊封",
                    "text": "結附於生物\n所結附的生物得+2/+2,具有先攻異能,且額外具有騎士此類別。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
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            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
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            "name": "Dub",
            "number": "15",
            "originalText": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets +2/+2, has first strike, and is a Knight in addition to its other types.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Dub can enchant a creature that’s already a Knight. It will get +2/+2 and have first strike, but it won’t benefit from becoming a Knight."
            "scryfallId": "dca49646-970a-4b91-9cae-5dbdef9f7727",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162194,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets +2/+2, has first strike, and is a Knight in addition to its other types.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "bb339d02-c790-5a41-a3f7-1c6de4a9d9f2",
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            "artist": "Yongjae Choi",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "The bond between Llanowar elves and their kavu empowers both.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Verbindung zwischen den Llanowarelfen und ihren Kavu gleicht einer Symbiose.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443316,
                    "name": "Elfheim-Druidin",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {G}.\n{T}: Erzeuge {G}{G}. Verwende dieses Mana nur, um Zaubersprüche samt Bonuskosten zu wirken.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Druide"
                    "flavorText": "El vínculo entre los elfos de Llanowar y sus kavu los beneficia a ambos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443585,
                    "name": "Druida del elfhogar",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {G}.\n{T}: Agrega {G}{G}. Usa este maná solo para lanzar hechizos estimulados.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Druida elfo"
                    "flavorText": "L'elfe de Llanowar et son kavru sont tous deux renforcés par le lien qui les unit.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443854,
                    "name": "Druidesse terrelfe",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {G}.\n{T} : Ajoutez {G}{G}. Ne dépensez ce mana que pour lancer des sorts kickés.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et druide"
                    "flavorText": "Il legame tra gli elfi di Llanowar e i loro kavu fortifica entrambi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444123,
                    "name": "Druida del Regno Elfico",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {G}.\n{T}: Aggiungi {G}{G}. Spendi questo mana solo per lanciare magie potenziate.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Druido Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "ラノワールのエルフとカヴーの結びつきは両方に力を与える。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444392,
                    "name": "エルフェイムのドルイド",
                    "text": "{T}:{G}を加える。\n{T}:{G}{G}を加える。このマナは、キッカーされている呪文を唱えるためにのみ使用できる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・ドルイド"
                    "flavorText": "라노워 엘프와 카부의 결속은 서로에게 힘이 되어 준다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444661,
                    "name": "엘프헤임 드루이드",
                    "text": "{T}: {G}를 추가한다.\n{T}: {G}{G}를 추가한다. 이 마나는 키커 비용을 지불할 주문을 발동하는 데에만 사용할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 드루이드"
                    "flavorText": "O vínculo entre os elfos de Llanowar e seus kavus fortalece ambos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444930,
                    "name": "Druida de Elfilar",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {G}.\n{T}: Adicione {G}{G}. Gaste este mana somente para conjurar mágicas reforçadas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Druida"
                    "flavorText": "Союз каву и эльфов Лановара делает сильнее и тех, и других.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445199,
                    "name": "Эльфхеймский Друид",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {G}.\n{T}: добавьте {G}{G}. Тратьте эту ману только на разыгрывание получивших Усилитель заклинаний.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Друид"
                    "flavorText": "罗堰的妖精与其卡甫间的羁绊让双方变得更强。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445468,
                    "name": "妖精乡德鲁伊",
                    "text": "{T}:加{G}。\n{T}:加{G}{G}。此法术力只能用来施放已增幅的咒语。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/德鲁伊"
                    "flavorText": "羅堰的妖精與其卡甫間的羈絆讓雙方變得更強。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445737,
                    "name": "妖精鄉德魯伊",
                    "text": "{T}:加{G}。\n{T}:加{G}{G}。此魔法力只能用來施放已增幅的咒語。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/德魯伊"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443047,
            "name": "Elfhame Druid",
            "number": "159",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {G}.\n{T}: Add {G}{G}. Spend this mana only to cast kicked spells.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Druid",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "5e62226e-3585-42d2-9b7a-2462fcd967f5",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164485,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {G}.\n{T}: Add {G}{G}. Spend this mana only to cast kicked spells.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Druid",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "960fea4d-5060-5c35-b844-cafdf014d8be",
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            "artist": "Min Yum",
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Fear the dark if you must, but don't mistake sunlight for safety.\" —Josu Vess",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Fürchte dich ruhig vor der Dunkelheit, aber glaube auch nicht, dass du bei Tageslicht sicher bist.\" —Josu Vess",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443248,
                    "name": "Ausfleischen",
                    "text": "Zerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Teme a la oscuridad, si quieres, pero no confundas la luz del sol con la seguridad\". —Josu Vess",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443517,
                    "name": "Eviscerar",
                    "text": "Destruye la criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Craignez les ténèbres si vous voulez, mais ne confondez pas lumière du soleil et sécurité. » —Josu Vess",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443786,
                    "name": "Étriper",
                    "text": "Détruisez une créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Temi l'oscurità, se devi, ma non credere di essere al sicuro alla luce del sole.\" —Josu Vess",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444055,
                    "name": "Eviscerare",
                    "text": "Distruggi una creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「暗闇を恐れるのはいいが、陽光を安全と勘違いしない方がいい。」 ――ジョス・ヴェス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444324,
                    "name": "臓腑抜き",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"꼭 그래야 한다면 어둠을 두려워하라. 그러나 태양의 빛을 안전하다고 착각해서는 안 된다.\" —조수 베스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444593,
                    "name": "내장 제거",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tema a escuridão se quiser, mas não confunda a luz do sol com segurança.\" — Josu Vess",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444862,
                    "name": "Eviscerar",
                    "text": "Destrua a criatura alvo.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Бойся темноты, если хочешь, но не ошибись, принимая солнечный свет за безопасность». — Джозу Весс",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445131,
                    "name": "Выпотрошить",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевое существо.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「恐惧黑暗没有问题,但别以为站在阳光下就安全了。」 ~霍苏维斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445400,
                    "name": "摘胆剜心",
                    "text": "消灭目标生物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「你可以畏懼黑暗,這並不代表光天化日之下必定安全。」 ~霍蘇維斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445669,
                    "name": "摘膽剜心",
                    "text": "消滅目標生物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442979,
            "name": "Eviscerate",
            "number": "91",
            "originalText": "Destroy target creature.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "62ba90b8-3a30-4058-b8d3-72900b1f4fe0",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164731,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy target creature.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "02c39d90-96b3-56b7-a9d4-d5b4f33aea01",
            "uuidV421": "994bffbf-ce01-549c-9755-d5d0ee2ed277"
            "artist": "Johannes Voss",
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            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Light from the Null Moon took form—a mirage made real, alone in grandeur, isolated in a world that once had been its own.\" —Fall of the Thran",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Das Licht des Nullmonds nahm Gestalt an – ein wahrgewordenes Trugbild, in seiner Erscheinung unvergleichlich.\" —Untergang der Thran",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443173,
                    "name": "Evra, Zeugin von Halcyon",
                    "text": "Lebensverknüpfung\n{4}: Tausche deinen Lebenspunktestand mit der Stärke von Evra, Zeugin von Halcyon.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Avatar"
                    "flavorText": "\"La luz de la Luna de Nulificación cobró forma; era un espejismo hecho realidad, solo en su grandeza, aislado en un mundo que una vez fue suyo\". —Caída de los thran",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443442,
                    "name": "Evra, testigo de Halcyon",
                    "text": "Vínculo vital.\n{4}: Intercambia tu total de vidas con la fuerza de Evra, testigo de Halcyon.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Avatar"
                    "flavorText": "« La lumière de la Lune stérile prit forme : un mirage devenu réel, seul dans la majesté, isolé dans un monde qui avait autrefois été le sien. » —Chute de l'empire thran",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443711,
                    "name": "Evra, témoin d'Alcyon",
                    "text": "Lien de vie\n{4} : Échangez votre total de points de vie contre la force d'Evra, témoin d'Alcyon.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : avatar"
                    "flavorText": "\"La luce della Luna Nulla prese forma: un miraggio divenuto realtà, solo nella sua magnificenza, isolato in un mondo che un tempo era stato suo.\" —Caduta dei Thran",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443980,
                    "name": "Evrya, Testimone di Alcione",
                    "text": "Legame vitale\n{4}: Scambia i tuoi punti vita con la forza di Evrya, Testimone di Alcione.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Avatar"
                    "flavorText": "「虚月の光が形になった。幻を現実に、ただ独り気高く、かつて自身のものであった世界に閉じ込められていた。」 ――スランの崩落",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444249,
                    "name": "ハルシオンの目撃者、エヴラ",
                    "text": "絆魂\n{4}:あなたのライフ総量とハルシオンの目撃者、エヴラのパワーを交換する。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — アバター"
                    "flavorText": "\"공허한 달에서 나온 빛이 형상을 이루었다—한때 그 자체로 완전했던 세계 속에 격리되어 장엄하게 홀로 남겨져 있던, 실체화된 신기루였다.\" —트란의 몰락",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444518,
                    "name": "할시온의 목격자, 에브라",
                    "text": "생명연결\n{4}: 당신의 생명 총점을 할시온의 목격자, 에브라의 공격력과 교환한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 화신"
                    "flavorText": "\"A luz da Lua Nula tomou forma, uma miragem feita real, de grandiosidade sem par, isolada em um mundo que já foi o seu.\" — Queda dos Thran",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444787,
                    "name": "Evra, Testemunha de Alcíone",
                    "text": "Vínculo com a vida\n{4}: Permute seu total de pontos de vida com o poder de Evra, Testemunha de Alcíone.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Avatar"
                    "flavorText": "«Свет Пустой Луны обрел форму — мираж стал реальностью, одинокой в своем величии, запертой в мире, когда-то принадлежавшем ей самой». — «Падение Транов»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445056,
                    "name": "Эвра, Свидетельница Хальциона",
                    "text": "Цепь жизни\n{4}: обменяйтесь количеством ваших жизней с силой Эвры, Свидетельницы Хальциона.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Аватара"
                    "flavorText": "「虚无之月的光芒具现成形~海市蜃楼幻化成真,在曾存世界中卓然独立。」 ~《索蓝覆亡录》",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445325,
                    "name": "宁城见证人艾芙拉",
                    "text": "系命\n{4}:将你的总生命与宁城见证人艾芙拉的力量交换。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~圣者"
                    "flavorText": "「虛無之月的光芒具現成形~海市蜃樓幻化成真,在曾存世界中卓然獨立。」 ~《索藍覆亡錄》",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445594,
                    "name": "寧城見證人艾芙拉",
                    "text": "繫命\n{4}:將你的總生命與寧城見證人艾芙拉的力量交換。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~聖者"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442904,
            "name": "Evra, Halcyon Witness",
            "number": "16",
            "originalText": "Lifelink\n{4}: Exchange your life total with Evra, Halcyon Witness's power.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Avatar",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Evra isn’t on the battlefield when its activated ability resolves, the exchange can’t happen and the ability will have no effect. However, if Evra is on the battlefield but has power 0 or less, the exchange happens and you’ll lose the game."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "When its activated ability resolves, Evra’s power will become your former life total and you will gain or lose an amount of life such that your life total equals Evra’s former power. Other effects that interact with life gain or life loss will interact with this effect accordingly."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Any power-modifying effects, counters, Auras, or Equipment will apply after Evra’s power is set to your former life total. For example, say Evra is enchanted with Dub (which makes it 6/6) and your life total is 7. After the exchange, Evra would be a 9/6 creature (its power became 7, which was then modified by Dub) and your life total would be 6."
            "scryfallId": "02f57a57-8ce8-4d01-9b91-99ec0623d1e9",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "664df9f3-3ed7-43cd-b664-41a2d8b7f283",
            "scryfallOracleId": "cf4b538d-7115-406d-94bf-bfa25197b6ef",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162195,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Lifelink\n{4}: Exchange your life total with Evra, Halcyon Witness's power.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Avatar",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5b77ffd8-75b3-5630-b76c-4170785b2320",
            "uuidV421": "b3f9176c-f811-5ad5-b8f3-a04384eb82a1"
            "artist": "Viktor Titov",
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                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443174,
                    "name": "Bergungselefant",
                    "text": "Bonus {1}{W} (Du kannst zusätzlich {1}{W} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nWenn der Bergungselefant ins Spiel kommt und falls seine Bonuskosten bezahlt wurden, bringe eine Artefaktkarte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elefant"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443443,
                    "name": "Elefante de la excavación",
                    "text": "Estímulo {1}{W}. (Puedes pagar {1}{W} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nCuando el Elefante de la excavación entre al campo de batalla, si fue estimulado, regresa la carta de artefacto objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elefante"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443712,
                    "name": "Éléphant d'excavation",
                    "text": "Kick {1}{W} (Vous pouvez payer {1}{W} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nQuand l'Éléphant d'excavation arrive sur le champ de bataille, s'il a été kické, renvoyez une carte d'artefact ciblée depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Créature : éléphant"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443981,
                    "name": "Elefante da Escavazione",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {1}{W} (Puoi pagare {1}{W} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nQuando l'Elefante da Escavazione entra nel campo di battaglia, se è stato potenziato, riprendi in mano una carta artefatto bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Elefante"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444250,
                    "name": "発掘象",
                    "text": "キッカー{1}{W}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{1}{W}を支払ってもよい。)\n発掘象が戦場に出たとき、これがキッカーされていた場合、あなたの墓地からアーティファクト・カード1枚を対象とし、それをあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 象"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444519,
                    "name": "발굴 코끼리",
                    "text": "키커 {1}{W} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {1}{W}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n발굴 코끼리가 전장에 들어올 때, 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 당신의 무덤에 있는 마법물체 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 코끼리"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444788,
                    "name": "Elefante de Escavação",
                    "text": "Reforçar {1}{W} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {1}{W} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nQuando Elefante de Escavação entrar no campo de batalha, se ele tiver sido reforçado, devolva o card de artefato alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elefante"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445057,
                    "name": "Слон с Раскопок",
                    "text": "Усилитель {1}{W} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {1}{W}.)\nКогда Слон с Раскопок выходит на поле битвы, если он получил Усилитель, верните целевую карту артефакта из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Существо — Слон"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445326,
                    "name": "挖掘驮象",
                    "text": "增幅{1}{W}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{1}{W}。)\n当挖掘驮象进战场时,若它已增幅,则将目标神器牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~象"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445595,
                    "name": "挖掘馱象",
                    "text": "增幅{1}{W}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{1}{W}。)\n當挖掘馱象進戰場時,若它已增幅,則將目標神器牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~象"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{4}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442905,
            "name": "Excavation Elephant",
            "number": "17",
            "originalText": "Kicker {1}{W} (You may pay an additional {1}{W} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Excavation Elephant enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, return target artifact card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elephant",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "760ce08a-49d3-4cdf-bbe2-33dd8a6a7966",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "654fd41d-adb8-4386-8186-bc45ead4d0eb",
            "scryfallOracleId": "45fa04ee-3b5c-45b3-8c09-bda08cca3630",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164707,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {1}{W} (You may pay an additional {1}{W} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Excavation Elephant enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, return target artifact card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Elephant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f141827b-9fcb-5e97-aac3-401e438273b8",
            "uuidV421": "60f46e51-03d0-5459-81ee-866482ce164a"
            "artist": "Jason Felix",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443175,
                    "name": "Untergang der Thran",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI — Zerstöre alle Länder.\nII, III — Jeder Spieler bringt zwei Länderkarten aus seinem Friedhof ins Spiel zurück.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443444,
                    "name": "Caída de los thran",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI — Destruye todas las tierras.\nII, III — Cada jugador regresa dos cartas de tierra de su cementerio al campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443713,
                    "name": "Chute de l'Empire Thran",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI — Détruisez tous les terrains.\nII, III — Chaque joueur renvoie sur le champ de bataille deux cartes de terrain depuis son cimetière.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443982,
                    "name": "Caduta dei Thran",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI — Distruggi tutte le terre.\nII, III — Ogni giocatore rimette sul campo di battaglia due carte terra dal proprio cimitero.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444251,
                    "name": "スランの崩落",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI ― 土地をすべて破壊する。\nII, III ― 各プレイヤーはそれぞれ、自分の墓地から土地・カード2枚を戦場に戻す。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444520,
                    "name": "트란의 몰락",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI — 모든 대지를 파괴한다.\nII, III — 각 플레이어는 자신의 무덤에서 대지 카드 두 장을 전장으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444789,
                    "name": "Queda dos Thran",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI — Destrua todos os terrenos.\nII, III — Cada jogador devolve dois cards de terreno do próprio cemitério ao campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445058,
                    "name": "Падение Транов",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI — Уничтожьте все земли.\nII, III — Каждый игрок возвращает две карты земель из своего кладбища на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445327,
                    "name": "索蓝覆亡录",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI — 消灭所有地。\nII, III — 每位牌手各将两张地牌从其坟墓场移回战场。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445596,
                    "name": "索藍覆亡錄",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI — 消滅所有地。\nII, III — 每位玩家各將兩張地牌從其墳墓場移回戰場。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{5}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442906,
            "name": "Fall of the Thran",
            "number": "18",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI — Destroy all lands.\nII, III — Each player returns two land cards from their graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a player somehow has only one land card in their graveyard when either of Fall of the Thran’s last two chapter abilities resolves, that player returns that one card to the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "3a613a01-6145-4e34-987c-c9bdcb068370",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5f78dbdc-27e8-4317-89d1-052654ebd0e7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "341803d9-fd29-4721-81bf-ae9b7f1c01d2",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162196,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI — Destroy all lands.\nII, III — Each player returns two land cards from their graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f214dc79-da09-59a2-90e2-5afbf6cddba5",
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            "artist": "Darek Zabrocki",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Urborg used to be lovely—scenic volcanoes, respectable lich lords. Since the Cabal came with their nightmares and thrulls, it's all gone to the worms.\" —Mister Lostspoons, Skulltown gossip.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Urborg war einst wunderschön – malerische Vulkane, respektable Lich-Fürsten. Doch seit die Kabbalisten mit ihren Nachtmahren und ihren Thrulls aufgetaucht sind, ist alles vor die Würmer gegangen.\" —Herr Löffelschwund, Tratschtante der Schädelstadt",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "text": "Todesberührung",
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                    "flavorText": "\"En el pasado, Urborg era hermoso, con majestuosos volcanes y señores liche respetables; pero... desde que llegó la Cábala con sus pesadillas y sus thrulls, todo se echó a perder\". —Señor Cucharaperdida, chafardero de Ciudad Calavera",
                    "language": "Spanish",
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                    "name": "Abominación brutal",
                    "text": "Toque mortal.",
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                    "flavorText": "« Urborg était autrefois un bel endroit, avec ses volcans pittoresques et ses seigneurs liches respectables. Depuis que la Coterie est arrivée avec ses cauchemars et ses srânes, tout a pourri. » —Monsieur Pertelouche, commère de Crânebourg",
                    "language": "French",
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                    "name": "Abomination sauvage",
                    "text": "Contact mortel",
                    "type": "Créature : srâne"
                    "flavorText": "\"Un tempo Urborg era un luogo idilliaco: vulcani spettacolari, signori dei lich rispettabili... Da quando è arrivata la Cabala con i suoi incubi e thrull, è andato tutto in pasto ai vermi.\" —Signor Perdicucchiai, pettegolo di Borgo dei Teschi",
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                    "name": "Abominio Feroce",
                    "text": "Tocco letale",
                    "type": "Creatura — Thrull"
                    "flavorText": "「昔のアーボーグはいい場所だった。美しい火山や立派な死者の王。陰謀団がナイトメアやスラルを連れてきてからというもの、みんな虫のとこに行っちまった。」 ――スカルタウンの噂好き、ミスター・ロストスプーンズ",
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                    "text": "接死",
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                    "flavorText": "\"우르보그는 한때 아름다운 화산, 경외받는 리치 군주였다. 도당이 나이트메어와 스럴을 몰고 왔을 때, 모든 것은 한낱 벌레가 되고 말았다.\" —스컬타운의 소문꾼, 로스트스푼즈",
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                    "flavorText": "\"Urborg costumava ser adorável — belos vulcões, senhores liches respeitáveis. Desde que a Cabala chegou com aqueles pesadelos e thrulls, ficou tudo jogado aos vermes.\" — Senhor Colheresperdidas, fofoqueiro de Craniópolis",
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                    "name": "Abominação Selvagem",
                    "text": "Toque mortífero",
                    "type": "Criatura — Thrull"
                    "flavorText": "«Урборг когда-то был чудным местечком — красочные вулканы, владетельные лорды-личи. Но когда явился Кабал со своими кошмарами и труллами, все это пошло на прокорм червям». — Господин Поварешник, болтун из Черепограда",
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                    "name": "Дикая Мерзость",
                    "text": "Смертельное касание",
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                    "flavorText": "「乌尔博格曾经很美好~壮丽的火山,受人尊敬的巫妖领主。自从柯帮带来了他们的梦魇和索尔兽,这一切都喂了虫子。」 ~颅骨镇包打听失勺先生",
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                    "text": "死触",
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                    "flavorText": "「烏爾博格曾經很美好~壯麗的火山,受人尊敬的巫妖領主。自從柯幫帶來了他們的夢魘和索爾獸,這一切都餵了蟲子。」 ~顱骨鎮包打聽失勺先生",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
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                    "text": "死觸",
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            "flavorText": "\"The flame paints a bright wheel on the sky, then shifts into a stabbing spark. The enemy falls; the smoke of victory rises. — \"Legends of the Firedancer\"",
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                    "flavorText": "„Die Flamme formt einen Kreis am Himmel und verwandelt sich dann in einen alles durchdringenden Funken. Der Feind geht zu Boden und der Rauch des Sieges steigt auf.\" —„Legenden der Feuertänzerin\"",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Inbrünstiger Hieb",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +1/+0, Erstschlag und Eile bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"La llama traza una curva brillante en el cielo y se transforma en una chispa perforadora. Cae el enemigo; se alza el humo de la victoria\". —\"Leyendas del baile ígneo\"",
                    "language": "Spanish",
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                    "name": "Golpe ferviente",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +1/+0 y gana las habilidades de dañar primero y prisa hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« La flamme dessine une roue lumineuse dans le ciel, puis s'abat telle une étincelle foudroyante. L'ennemi tombe ; la fumée de la victoire s'élève. » —« Légendes de la dansefeu »",
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                    "name": "Frappe fervente",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +1/+0 et acquiert l'initiative et la célérité jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"La fiamma disegna una ruota luminosa in cielo, poi si tramuta in una scintilla pungente. Mentre il nemico cade, s'innalza il fumo della vittoria.\" —\"Leggende della Danzafuoco\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444081,
                    "name": "Colpo Fervente",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +1/+0 e ha attacco improvviso e rapidità fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「炎は天空に鮮やかな輪を描くと、突き通す閃光へと変わった。敵は滅びた。昇る煙が勝利を告げていた。」 ――「火踊りの伝説」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444350,
                    "name": "白熱の一撃",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+1/+0の修整を受けるとともに先制攻撃と速攻を得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"불길은 하늘에 밝은 원을 그리고 날카로운 섬광으로 변한다. 적들은 쓰러지고, 승리의 연기가 피어오른다.\" —\"불춤꾼의 전설\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444619,
                    "name": "열렬한 공격",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +1/+0을 받고 선제공격과 신속을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"A chama desenha um círculo brilhante no céu, e então se transforma numa centelha perfurante. O inimigo cai; a fumaça da vitória sobe.\" — \"Lendas do Dançarino do Fogo\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444888,
                    "name": "Golpe Fervente",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +1/+0 e ganha iniciativa e ímpeto até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Пламя описало в небе сверкающее кольцо, собралось в разящую искру. Враг пал — и поднялся дым победы». — «Легенда об Огненном Плясуне»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445157,
                    "name": "Жгучий Удар",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +1/+0, Первый удар и Ускорение до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「源火在空中划出明亮火轮,随后变换成锐利火花。敌人倒下;胜利之烟升起。」 ~「火舞传承」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445426,
                    "name": "激昂一击",
                    "text": "直到回合结束,目标生物得+1/+0且获得先攻与敏捷异能。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「源火在空中劃出明亮火輪,隨後變換成銳利火花。敵人倒下;勝利之煙升起。」 ~「火舞傳承」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445695,
                    "name": "激昂一擊",
                    "text": "直到回合結束,目標生物得+1/+0且獲得先攻與敏捷異能。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "originalText": "Target creature gets +1/+0 and gains first strike and haste until end of turn.",
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            "subtypes": [],
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            "text": "Target creature gets +1/+0 and gains first strike and haste until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Burning something is easy. Choosing a target can be more difficult.",
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                    "flavorText": "Etwas zu verbrennen, ist ganz einfach. Das richtige Ziel zu treffen, ist da schon schwerer.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443275,
                    "name": "Feurige Intervention",
                    "text": "Bestimme eines —\n• Die Feurige Intervention fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl 5 Schadenspunkte zu.\n• Zerstöre ein Artefakt deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Quemar algo es fácil, lo difícil es elegir el objetivo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443544,
                    "name": "Intervención ardorosa",
                    "text": "Elige uno:\n• La Intervención ardorosa hace 5 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo.\n• Destruye el artefacto objetivo.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Brûler quelque chose n'est pas difficile. Choisir une cible l'est beaucoup plus.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443813,
                    "name": "Intervention ardente",
                    "text": "Choisissez l'un —\n• L'Intervention ardente inflige 5 blessures à une créature ciblée.\n• Détruisez l'artefact ciblé.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Bruciare qualcosa è facile. Scegliere un bersaglio può essere molto più difficile.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444082,
                    "name": "Intervento Fiammante",
                    "text": "Scegli uno —\n• L'Intervento Fiammante infligge 5 danni a una creatura bersaglio.\n• Distruggi un artefatto bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "燃やすこと自体は簡単だ。対象を選ぶことの方が難しい場合もある。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444351,
                    "name": "焦熱の介入",
                    "text": "以下から1つを選ぶ。\n• クリーチャー1体を対象とする。焦熱の介入はそれに5点のダメージを与える。\n• アーティファクト1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "뭔가를 태우는 것은 쉽다. 그러나 대상을 정하는 것은 좀 더 어려울 수 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444620,
                    "name": "불같은 개입",
                    "text": "하나를 선택한다 —\n• 생물을 목표로 정한다. 불같은 개입은 그 생물에게 피해 5점을 입힌다.\n• 마법물체를 목표로 정한다. 그 마법물체를 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Queimar alguma coisa é fácil. Escolher um alvo pode ser mais difícil.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444889,
                    "name": "Intervenção Flamejante",
                    "text": "Escolha um —\n• Intervenção Flamejante causa 5 pontos de dano à criatura alvo.\n• Destrua o artefato alvo.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Сжечь что-то очень просто. Выбрать цель — куда сложнее.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445158,
                    "name": "Пылкое Вмешательство",
                    "text": "Выберите одно —\n• Пылкое Вмешательство наносит 5 повреждений целевому существу.\n• Уничтожьте целевой артефакт.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "烧东西不难;烧得准才难。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445427,
                    "name": "火热干预",
                    "text": "选择一项~\n•火热干预对目标生物造成5点伤害。\n•消灭目标神器。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "燒東西不難;燒得準才難。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445696,
                    "name": "火熱干預",
                    "text": "選擇一項~\n•火熱干預對目標生物造成5點傷害。\n•消滅目標神器。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{R}",
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            "name": "Fiery Intervention",
            "number": "118",
            "originalText": "Choose one —\n• Fiery Intervention deals 5 damage to target creature.\n• Destroy target artifact.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164770,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Choose one —\n• Fiery Intervention deals 5 damage to target creature.\n• Destroy target artifact.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "cecf0321-14de-5192-9db2-d5d2abe9a1eb",
            "uuidV421": "b1bce1e2-59a6-5774-a82c-debf6ca6dc87"
            "artist": "Yongjae Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443276,
                    "name": "Mit Feuer bekämpfen",
                    "text": "Bonus {5}{R} (Du kannst zusätzlich {5}{R} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nMit Feuer bekämpfen fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl 5 Schadenspunkte zu. Falls die Bonuskosten dieses Zauberspruchs bezahlt wurden, fügt er stattdessen 10 Schadenspunkte zu, deren Aufteilung auf eine beliebige Anzahl an Zielen deiner Wahl du bestimmst. (Diese Ziele können auch Spieler und Planeswalker sein.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443545,
                    "name": "Combatir con fuego",
                    "text": "Estímulo {5}{R}. (Puedes pagar {5}{R} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nCombatir con fuego hace 5 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo. Si este hechizo fue estimulado, en vez de eso, hace 10 puntos de daño divididos como elijas entre cualquier cantidad de objetivos. (Estos objetivos pueden incluir jugadores y planeswalkers.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443814,
                    "name": "Combat par le feu",
                    "text": "Kick {5}{R} (Vous pouvez payer {5}{R} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nLe Combat par le feu inflige 5 blessures à une créature ciblée. Si ce sort a été kické, il inflige 10 blessures réparties comme vous le désirez entre n'importe quel nombre de cibles à la place. (Ces cibles peuvent inclure des joueurs et des planeswalkers.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444083,
                    "name": "Combattere con il Fuoco",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {5}{R} (Puoi pagare {5}{R} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nCombattere con il Fuoco infligge 5 danni a una creatura bersaglio. Se questa magia è stata potenziata, infligge invece 10 danni divisi a tua scelta tra un qualsiasi numero di bersagli. (Quei bersagli possono includere giocatori e planeswalker.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444352,
                    "name": "火による戦い",
                    "text": "キッカー{5}{R}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{5}{R}を支払ってもよい。)\nクリーチャー1体を対象とする。火による戦いはそれに5点のダメージを与える。この呪文がキッカーされていたなら、代わりに、望む数のクリーチャーやプレインズウォーカーやプレイヤーを対象とする。火による戦いはそれらに10点のダメージをあなたの望むように分割して与える。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444621,
                    "name": "불과 싸우기",
                    "text": "키커 {5}{R} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {5}{R}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n생물을 목표로 정한다. 불과 싸우기는 그 생물에게 피해 5점을 입힌다. 이 주문의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 대신 원하는 수만큼 원하는 목표를 정한다. 불과 싸우기는 그 목표들에게 피해 10점을 당신이 나눈 대로 입힌다. (플레이어와 플레인즈워커도 목표로 정할 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444890,
                    "name": "Enfrentar com Fogo",
                    "text": "Reforçar {5}{R} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {5}{R} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nEnfrentar com Fogo causa 5 pontos de dano à criatura alvo. Se esta mágica foi reforçada, em vez disso, ela causa 10 pontos de dano divididos à sua escolha entre qualquer número de alvos. (Esses alvos podem incluir jogadores e planeswalkers.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445159,
                    "name": "Бороться Огнем",
                    "text": "Усилитель {5}{R} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {5}{R}.)\nБороться Огнем наносит 5 повреждений целевому существу. Если это заклинание получило Усилитель, то вместо этого оно наносит 10 повреждений, разделенных по вашему выбору между любым количеством целей. (Среди этих целей могут быть игроки и planeswalker-ы.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445428,
                    "name": "耀火扬威",
                    "text": "增幅{5}{R}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{5}{R}。)\n耀火扬威对目标生物造成5点伤害。如果此咒语已增幅,则改为它对任意数量的目标造成共10点伤害,你可以任意分配。(这些目标能包括牌手和鹏洛客。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445697,
                    "name": "耀火揚威",
                    "text": "增幅{5}{R}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{5}{R}。)\n耀火揚威對目標生物造成5點傷害。如果此咒語已增幅,則改為它對任意數量的目標造成共10點傷害,你可以任意分配。(這些目標能包括玩家和鵬洛客。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443007,
            "name": "Fight with Fire",
            "number": "119",
            "originalText": "Kicker {5}{R} (You may pay an additional {5}{R} as you cast this spell.)\nFight with Fire deals 5 damage to target creature. If this spell was kicked, it deals 10 damage divided as you choose among any number of targets instead. (Those targets can include players and planeswalkers.)",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Fight with Fire is kicked, it can target creatures, players, and planeswalkers."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You choose how many targets Fight with Fire has and how the damage is divided as you put the spell onto the stack. Each target must receive at least 1 damage if Fight with Fire is kicked."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If some of the targets are illegal targets as Fight with Fire tries to resolve, the original division of damage still applies and the damage that would have been dealt to the illegal targets is lost."
            "scryfallId": "72c94d7a-cad7-438f-bc96-e6a7158ab0e6",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a6af2c1b-ed9d-48c1-b6db-2998e76c1eec",
            "scryfallOracleId": "202b275e-e0c4-482d-abe9-c5e6360208f3",
            "subtypes": [],
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 162158,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {5}{R} (You may pay an additional {5}{R} as you cast this spell.)\nFight with Fire deals 5 damage to target creature. If this spell was kicked, it deals 10 damage divided as you choose among any number of targets instead. (Those targets can include players and planeswalkers.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2697db72-816f-53d8-8674-f39102008426",
            "uuidV421": "f4c7c32f-4c03-54b5-aad6-4f0a05cf28d5"
            "artist": "Eric Deschamps",
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            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Sleep now, brother. That is the one gift I can give you.\" —Liliana Vess",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Schlaf jetzt, Bruder. Wenigstens das kann ich für dich tun.\" —Liliana Vess",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443250,
                    "name": "Letzter Abschied",
                    "text": "Durchsuche deine Bibliothek nach zwei Karten. Nimm eine davon auf deine Hand und lege die andere auf deinen Friedhof. Mische danach deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Descansa ahora, hermano. Es el único regalo que puedo hacerte\". —Liliana Vess",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443519,
                    "name": "Despedida final",
                    "text": "Busca en tu biblioteca dos cartas. Pon una en tu mano y la otra en tu cementerio. Luego baraja tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Dors maintenant, mon frère. C'est le seul cadeau que je puisse te faire. » —Liliana Vess",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443788,
                    "name": "Dernière séparation",
                    "text": "Cherchez deux cartes dans votre bibliothèque. Mettez l'une d'elles dans votre main et l'autre dans votre cimetière. Mélangez ensuite votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ora dormi, fratello. Questo è l'unico dono che posso offrirti.\" —Liliana Vess",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444057,
                    "name": "Commiato Definitivo",
                    "text": "Passa in rassegna il tuo grimorio per due carte. Aggiungine una alla tua mano e metti l'altra nel tuo cimitero. Poi rimescola il tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「眠ってください、お兄様。私が差し上げられる唯一の贈り物です。」 ――リリアナ・ヴェス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444326,
                    "name": "最後の別れ",
                    "text": "あなたのライブラリーからカード2枚を探す。そのうち1枚をあなたの手札に加え、他の1枚をあなたの墓地に置く。その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"편히 잠들어, 동생아. 그게 지금 내가 줄 수 있는 유일한 선물이야.\" —릴리아나 베스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444595,
                    "name": "마지막 이별",
                    "text": "당신의 서고에서 카드 두 장을 찾는다. 그중 한 장은 당신의 손으로 가져가고 다른 한 장은 당신의 무덤에 넣는다. 그 후 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Agora durma, meu irmão. É o único presente que eu posso lhe dar.\" — Liliana Vess",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444864,
                    "name": "Despedida Final",
                    "text": "Procure dois cards em seu grimório. Coloque um em sua mão e o outro em seu cemitério. Depois, embaralhe seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Спи спокойно, брат. Это единственный дар, который я способна преподнести тебе». — Лилиана Весс",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445133,
                    "name": "Последнее Прощание",
                    "text": "Найдите в вашей библиотеке две карты. Положите одну из них в вашу руку, а другую — на ваше кладбище. Затем перетасуйте вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「安息吧,哥哥。这便是我能送你的礼物。」 ~莉莲娜维斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445402,
                    "name": "生离死别",
                    "text": "从你的牌库中搜寻两张牌。将其中一张置于你手上,另一张置入你的坟墓场。然后将你的牌库洗牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「安息吧,哥哥。這便是我能送你的禮物。」 ~莉蓮娜維斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445671,
                    "name": "生離死別",
                    "text": "從你的牌庫中搜尋兩張牌。將其中一張置於你手上,另一張置入你的墳墓場。然後將你的牌庫洗牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{B}{B}",
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            "name": "Final Parting",
            "number": "93",
            "originalText": "Search your library for two cards. Put one into your hand and the other into your graveyard. Then shuffle your library.",
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 164398,
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            "text": "Search your library for two cards. Put one into your hand and the other into your graveyard. Then shuffle your library.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
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                    "flavorText": "„Papier ist nur für die Theorie nützlich. Lass es brennen, um die Praxis zu meistern.\" —Jaya Ballard",
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                    "flavorText": "\"La mejor forma de aprender de un libro sobre piromancia es quemándolo\". —Jaya Ballard",
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                    "flavorText": "« Le meilleur moyen de tirer les enseignements d'un livre de pyromancie est de le brûler. » —Jaya Ballard",
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                    "type": "Creatura — Elementale"
                    "flavorText": "「紅蓮術を本で学びたいなら、それを燃やしてみるのが一番だね。」 ――ヤヤ・バラード",
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                    "flavorText": "\"A melhor forma de aprender com um livro de piromancia é queimá-lo.\" — Jaya Ballard",
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                    "flavorText": "«Лучший способ научиться чему-то из трактата по пиромантии — сжечь его». — Джайя Баллард",
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                    "flavorText": "「从书本中学习烈焰术的最佳方法就是把书烧了。」 ~雅亚巴拉德",
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                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
                    "flavorText": "「從書本中學習烈焰術的最佳方法就是把書燒了。」 ~雅亞巴拉德",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
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            "flavorText": "The versatile \"fiery gauntlet\" is among the first spells young Ghitu mages learn.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Der vielseitige „Feurige Panzerhandschuh\" gehört zu den ersten Zaubersprüchen, die junge Ghitu-Magier erlernen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443278,
                    "name": "Feuerfaust-Adept",
                    "text": "Wenn der Feuerfaust-Adept ins Spiel kommt, fügt er einer Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert, X Schadenspunkte zu, wobei X gleich der Anzahl an Zauberern ist, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "El versátil hechizo \"guantelete de fuego\" es de los primeros que aprenden los jóvenes magos ghitu.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443547,
                    "name": "Adepto puño de fuego",
                    "text": "Cuando el Adepto puño de fuego entre al campo de batalla, hace X puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente, donde X es la cantidad de Hechiceros que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Le « gant enflammé » polyvalent est l'un des premiers sorts qu'apprennent les jeunes mages guitûks.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443816,
                    "name": "Expert Poingdefeu",
                    "text": "Quand l'Expert Poingdefeu arrive sur le champ de bataille, il inflige X blessures à une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle, X étant le nombre de sorciers que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "Il versatile \"guanto di fuoco\" è una delle prime magie che imparano i giovani maghi Ghitu.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444085,
                    "name": "Pugno Infuocato Esperto",
                    "text": "Quando il Pugno Infuocato Esperto entra nel campo di battaglia, infligge X danni a una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario, dove X è il numero di Maghi che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "融通の利く「焦熱の篭手」は、若いギトゥの魔道士が最初に学ぶ呪文だ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444354,
                    "name": "火拳の達人",
                    "text": "火拳の達人が戦場に出たとき、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とする。火拳の達人はそれにX点のダメージを与える。Xはあなたがコントロールしているウィザードの総数に等しい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "용도가 다양한 \"불의 건틀렛\"은 젊은 기투 마법사들이 초반에 배우는 주문들 중 하나이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444623,
                    "name": "불주먹 숙련자",
                    "text": "불주먹 숙련자가 전장에 들어올 때, 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 불주먹 숙련자는 그 생물에게 피해 X점을 입힌다. X는 당신이 조종하는 마법사의 수이다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "A versátil \"manopla flamejante\" está entre as primeiras mágicas que os jovens magos Ghitu aprendem.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444892,
                    "name": "Adepto Punho de Fogo",
                    "text": "Quando Adepto Punho de Fogo entra no campo de batalha, ele causa X pontos de dano à criatura alvo que um oponente controla, sendo X o número de Magos que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "У заклинания «огненная перчатка» много применений, и юные маги Гиту изучают его одним из первых.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445161,
                    "name": "Адепт Огненного Кулака",
                    "text": "Когда Адепт Огненного Кулака выходит на поле битвы, он наносит X повреждений целевому существу под контролем оппонента, где X — количество Чародеев под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "万用的「火热掌」是年轻基图法师最早学到的咒语之一。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445430,
                    "name": "烈掌专家",
                    "text": "当烈掌专家进战场时,它向目标由对手操控的生物造成X点伤害,X为由你操控的法术师数量。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "萬用的「火熱掌」是年輕基圖法師最早學到的咒語之一。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445699,
                    "name": "烈掌專家",
                    "text": "當烈掌專家進戰場時,它向目標由對手操控的生物造成X點傷害,X為由你操控的魔法師數量。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443009,
            "name": "Firefist Adept",
            "number": "121",
            "originalText": "When Firefist Adept enters the battlefield, it deals X damage to target creature an opponent controls, where X is the number of Wizards you control.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The number of Wizards you control is counted only as Firefist Adept’s ability resolves. If Firefist Adept is still on the battlefield, it will count itself."
            "scryfallId": "0569365d-9e50-436f-a8f3-90820ef06381",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2a1a8e91-d684-4503-94a0-e062b6e7b802",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0f513242-b175-4b4d-a05f-78b1b457a020",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162160,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Firefist Adept enters the battlefield, it deals X damage to target creature an opponent controls, where X is the number of Wizards you control.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8a26e474-05a2-5c8d-aec0-ac731fbf62b7",
            "uuidV421": "7407f5f7-81a4-558d-8514-90a913d2dac0"
            "artist": "Zoltan Boros",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "The peaks of Hurloon never fall silent.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Hurloons Gipfel schweigen nie.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 445959,
                    "name": "Feuerklang und Sonnenstimme",
                    "text": "Rote Spontanzauber und Hexereien, die du kontrollierst, haben Lebensverknüpfung.\nImmer wenn dich ein weißer Spontanzauber oder eine weiße Hexerei Lebenspunkte dazuerhalten lässt, fügen Feuerklang und Sonnenstimme einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler deiner Wahl 3 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Minotaurus, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "Las cimas de Hurloon nunca están en silencio.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 445960,
                    "name": "Cantallama y Clamasol",
                    "text": "Los hechizos de instantáneo y de conjuro rojos que controlas tienen la habilidad de vínculo vital.\nSiempre que un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro blanco haga que ganes vidas, Cantallama y Clamasol hacen 3 puntos de daño a la criatura o jugador objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Clérigo minotauro"
                    "flavorText": "Les cîmes de l'Hurloon ne sont jamais silencieuses.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 445961,
                    "name": "Chantefeu et Languesoleil",
                    "text": "Les sorts d'éphémère et de rituel rouges que vous contrôlez ont le lien de vie.\nÀ chaque fois qu'un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel blanc vous fait gagner des points de vie, Chantefeu et Languesoleil infligent 3 blessures à une cible, créature ou joueur.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : minotaure et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "Sui picchi di Hurloon non cala mai il silenzio.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 445962,
                    "name": "Canto di Fuoco e Oratrice del Sole",
                    "text": "Le magie istantaneo e stregoneria rosse che controlli hanno legame vitale.\nOgniqualvolta una magia istantaneo o stregoneria bianca ti fa guadagnare punti vita, Canto di Fuoco e Oratrice del Sole infliggono 3 danni a una creatura o a un giocatore bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Chierico Minotauro"
                    "flavorText": "ハールーンの峰々が静まることはない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 445963,
                    "name": "ファイアソングとサンスピーカー",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしていて赤でありインスタントかソーサリーである呪文は絆魂を持つ。\n白でありインスタントかソーサリーである呪文によりあなたがライフを得るたび、クリーチャー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。ファイアソングとサンスピーカーはそれに3点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — ミノタウルス・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "허룬의 봉우리는 결코 침묵하지 않는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 445964,
                    "name": "파이어송과 선스피커",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 적색 순간마법 및 집중마법 주문은 생명연결을 가진다.\n백색 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문이 당신에게 생명점을 얻게 할 때마다, 생물이나 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 파이어송과 선스피커는 그 목표에게 피해 3점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 미노타우로스 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "Os picos de Hurloon nunca se calam.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445965,
                    "name": "Canção do Fogo e Voz Solar",
                    "text": "As mágicas instantâneas e os feitiços vermelhos que você controla têm vínculo com a vida.\nToda vez que uma mágica instantânea ou feitiço branco fizerem com que você ganhe pontos de vida, Canção do Fogo e Voz Solar causará 3 pontos de dano à criatura alvo ou ao jogador alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Minotauro Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "Пики Хурлуна никогда не замолкают.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445966,
                    "name": "Песнь Огня и Голос Солнца",
                    "text": "Красные мгновенные заклинания и заклинания волшебства под вашим контролем имеют Цепь жизни.\nКаждый раз, когда белое мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства заставляет вас получить жизни, Песнь Огня и Голос Солнца наносит 3 повреждения целевому существу или игроку.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Минотавр Священник"
                    "flavorText": "夏浓山峰从无静寂之时。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445967,
                    "name": "咏火与颂日",
                    "text": "由你操控的红色瞬间与法术咒语具有系命异能。\n每当一个白色瞬间或法术咒语让你获得生命时,咏火与颂日对目标生物或牌手造成3点伤害。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~牛头怪/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "夏濃山峰從無靜寂之時。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445968,
                    "name": "詠火與頌日",
                    "text": "由你操控的紅色瞬間和巫術咒語具有繫命異能。\n每當一個白色瞬間或巫術咒語讓你獲得生命時,詠火與頌日對目標生物或玩家造成3點傷害。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~牛頭怪/僧侶"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 445958,
            "name": "Firesong and Sunspeaker",
            "number": "280",
            "originalText": "Red instant and sorcery spells you control have lifelink.\nWhenever a white instant or sorcery spell causes you to gain life, Firesong and Sunspeaker deals 3 damage to target creature or player.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Minotaur Cleric",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a source you control with lifelink deals damage to you, you gain and lose that much life simultaneously. Your life total doesn’t change."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The last ability of Firesong and Sunspeaker can’t target a planeswalker."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A spell causes you to gain life if its cost or effect instructs you to gain life or if an instruction in its cost or effect is modified by a replacement effect and the modified event includes you gaining life. If a spell’s cost or effect instructs a source with lifelink you control to deal damage, that spell causes that life gain as well."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a white instant or sorcery spell you don’t control causes you to gain life, Firesong and Sunspeaker’s last ability triggers."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you gain an amount of life “for each” of something, that life is gained as one event and Firesong and Sunspeaker’s last ability triggers only once."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Firesong and Sunspeaker’s last ability doesn’t trigger if a triggered ability of a white instant or sorcery spell or card causes you to gain life, such as the triggered ability of Renewed Faith when it’s cycled."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a red and white spell you control deals damage to multiple things using the word “deals” only once, Firesong and Sunspeaker’s last ability triggers only once. Similarly, if a red and white spell’s effect causes it to deal damage to one thing and then deal more damage with a second instance of the word “deals,” Firesong and Sunspeaker’s last ability triggers twice, and so on."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a red and white spell you control deals damage and also instructs you to gain life, Firesong and Sunspeaker’s last ability triggers twice."
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            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162859,
            "text": "Red instant and sorcery spells you control have lifelink.\nWhenever a white instant or sorcery spell causes you to gain life, Firesong and Sunspeaker deals 3 damage to target creature or player.",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Minotaur Cleric",
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                    "name": "Klinge des Vorfahren",
                    "text": "Die ausgerüstete Kreatur erhält +3/+0, hat Wachsamkeit und verursacht Trampelschaden.\nImmer wenn die ausgerüstete Kreatur stirbt, lege die Klinge des Vorfahren an eine Kreatur deiner Wahl an, die du kontrollierst.\nAusrüsten {3}",
                    "type": "Artefakt — Ausrüstung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
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                    "name": "Acero de los ancestros",
                    "text": "La criatura equipada obtiene +3/+0 y tiene las habilidades de vigilancia y arrollar.\nSiempre que la criatura equipada muera, anexa el Acero de los ancestros a la criatura objetivo que controlas.\nEquipar {3}.",
                    "type": "Artefacto — Equipo"
                    "language": "French",
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                    "name": "Lame de l'aïeul",
                    "text": "La créature équipée gagne +3/+0 et a la vigilance et le piétinement.\nÀ chaque fois que la créature équipée meurt, attachez la Lame de l'aïeul à une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez.\nÉquipement {3}",
                    "type": "Artefact : équipement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444178,
                    "name": "Lama del Predecessore",
                    "text": "La creatura equipaggiata prende +3/+0 e ha cautela e travolgere.\nOgniqualvolta la creatura equipaggiata muore, assegna la Lama del Predecessore a una creatura bersaglio che controlli.\nEquipaggiare {3}",
                    "type": "Artefatto — Equipaggiamento"
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                    "name": "先祖の刃",
                    "text": "装備しているクリーチャーは+3/+0の修整を受けるとともに警戒とトランプルを持つ。\n装備しているクリーチャーが死亡するたび、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、先祖の刃をそれにつける。\n装備{3}",
                    "type": "アーティファクト — 装備品"
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                    "text": "장착된 생물은 +3/+0을 받고 경계와 돌진을 가진다.\n장착된 생물이 죽을 때마다, 당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 선조의 검을 부착한다.\n장착 {3}",
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                    "text": "A criatura equipada recebe +3/+0 e tem vigilância e atropelar.\nToda vez que a criatura equipada morrer, anexe Lâmina dos Antepassados à criatura alvo que você controla.\nEquipar {3}",
                    "type": "Artefato — Equipamento"
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                    "name": "Клинок Пращура",
                    "text": "Снаряженное существо получает +3/+0 и имеет Бдительность и Пробивной удар.\nКаждый раз, когда снаряженное существо умирает, прикрепите Клинок Пращура к целевому существу под вашим контролем.\nСнарядить {3}",
                    "type": "Артефакт — Снаряжение"
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                    "name": "先人之剑",
                    "text": "佩带此武具的生物得+3/+0且具有警戒与践踏异能。\n每当佩带此武具的生物死去时,将先人之剑装备在目标由你操控的生物上。\n佩带{3}",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445792,
                    "name": "先人之劍",
                    "text": "佩帶此武具的生物得+3/+0且具有警戒與踐踏異能。\n每當佩帶此武具的生物死去時,將先人之劍裝備在目標由你操控的生物上。\n佩帶{3}",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
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            "originalText": "Equipped creature gets +3/+0 and has vigilance and trample.\nWhenever equipped creature dies, attach Forebear's Blade to target creature you control.\nEquip {3}",
            "originalType": "Artifact — Equipment",
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                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If there’s no target for the triggered ability of Forebear’s Blade, or if the ability’s target becomes illegal, Forebear’s Blade remains on the battlefield unattached."
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            "text": "Equipped creature gets +3/+0 and has vigilance and trample.\nWhenever equipped creature dies, attach Forebear's Blade to target creature you control.\nEquip {3}",
            "type": "Artifact — Equipment",
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                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "「俺たちの心の熱さが、表面に出てくることがあるのだ。」 ――炎の番人、ヴァルダーク",
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                    "flavorText": "\"때로는 우리 마음 속의 열기가 겉으로 드러날 때도 있다.\" —불길의 수호자, 발둑",
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                    "flavorText": "「我族心中的热度有时会冒出来。」 ~源火守卫瓦杜克",
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                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält -1/-1 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Erzeuge einen 1/1 grünen Saproling-Kreaturenspielstein.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Para los tálidos, el mundo entero no es más que un montón de estiércol donde hacer crecer saprolines.",
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                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene -1/-1 hasta el final del turno. Crea una ficha de criatura Saprolín verde 1/1.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Pour les thallidés, le monde n'est qu'un vaste paillis où faire pousser des saprobiontes.",
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                    "name": "Infection fongoïde",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne -1/-1 jusqu'à la fin du tour. Créez un jeton de créature 1/1 verte Saprobionte.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Per i thallid, il mondo intero non è che un mucchio di concime in cui coltivare saprolingi.",
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                    "name": "Infezione Fungina",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende -1/-1 fino alla fine del turno. Crea una pedina creatura Saprolingio 1/1 verde.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "サリッドにとって世界とは苗木を育てる根囲いの重なりに過ぎない。",
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                    "name": "菌類感染",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは-1/-1の修整を受ける。緑の1/1の苗木・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "탈리드에게 있어, 세상은 묘목을 기르기 위한 토양일 뿐이었다.",
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                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Para as talídias, o mundo não passa de um monte de forragem para o cultivo de saprófitas.",
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                    "name": "Infecção Fúngica",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe -1/-1 até o final do turno. Crie uma ficha de criatura verde 1/1 do tipo Saprófita.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Для таллидов весь мир — лишь компостная куча, на которой выращивают сапролингов.",
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                    "name": "Грибковая Инфекция",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает -1/-1 до конца хода. Создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 зеленый Сапролинг.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "对散绿菌而言,整个世界都是能培育腐生物的护根壤。",
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                    "multiverseId": 445403,
                    "name": "真菌感染",
                    "text": "目标生物得-1/-1直到回合结束。派出一个1/1绿色腐生物衍生生物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "對散綠菌而言,整個世界都是能培育腐生物的護根壤。",
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                    "name": "真菌感染",
                    "text": "目標生物得-1/-1直到回合結束。派出一個1/1綠色腐生物衍生生物。",
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            "originalText": "Target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn. Create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.",
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            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Fungal Infection tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You won’t create a Saproling token."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The target creature will be on the battlefield when you create the Saproling token, even if it’s about to die for having 0 toughness or lethal damage. Its abilities may affect the token’s creation or trigger when the token enters the battlefield. Abilities that trigger this way will resolve after the target creature has died."
            "scryfallId": "a3f6baa5-666d-40b0-82e8-b0df10ff3cdd",
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            "text": "Target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn. Create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.",
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            "flavorText": "Thallids nurture saprolings, entertain them, and eat them.",
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                    "flavorText": "Thallide ziehen Saprolinge auf, spielen mit ihnen und verspeisen sie dann.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443317,
                    "name": "Pilzanbau",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, schicke eine Kreaturenkarte aus deinem Friedhof ins Exil: Erzeuge einen 1/1 grünen Saproling-Kreaturenspielstein.\nOpfere zwei Saprolinge: Du erhältst 2 Lebenspunkte dazu und ziehst eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "Los tálidos crían a los saprolines, los entretienen y luego se los comen.",
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                    "multiverseId": 443586,
                    "name": "Parcela fúngica",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, exiliar una carta de criatura de tu cementerio: Crea una ficha de criatura Saprolín verde 1/1.\nSacrificar dos Saprolines: Ganas 2 vidas y robas una carta.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "Les thallidés élèvent les saprobiontes, les divertissent, et les mangent.",
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                    "multiverseId": 443855,
                    "name": "Pépinières de champignons",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, exilez une carte de créature depuis votre cimetière : Créez un jeton de créature 1/1 verte Saprobionte.\nSacrifiez deux saprobiontes : Vous gagnez 2 points de vie et vous piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "I thallid nutrono i saprolingi, li intrattengono e poi li mangiano.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444124,
                    "name": "Colture Fungine",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, Esilia una carta creatura dal tuo cimitero: Crea una pedina creatura Saprolingio 1/1 verde.\nSacrifica due Saprolingi: Guadagni 2 punti vita e peschi una carta.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "サリッドは苗木を育て、もてなし、食べてしまう。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444393,
                    "name": "菌類の勢力範囲",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, あなたの墓地からクリーチャー・カード1枚を追放する:緑の1/1の苗木・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。\n苗木2体を生け贄に捧げる:あなたは2点のライフを得てカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "탈리드는 묘목에 영양을 공급하고, 그것들을 즐겁게 한 후, 먹어치운다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444662,
                    "name": "진균 서식지",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, 당신의 무덤에서 생물 카드 한 장을 추방한다: 1/1 녹색 묘목 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.\n묘목 두 개를 희생한다: 당신은 생명 2점을 얻고 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "As talídias nutrem, entretêm e depois comem as saprófitas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444931,
                    "name": "Terrenos Fungais",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, exile um card de criatura de seu cemitério: Crie uma ficha de criatura verde 1/1 do tipo Saprófita.\nSacrifique duas Saprófitas: Você ganha 2 pontos de vida e compra um card.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "Таллиды выращивают сапролингов, вскармливают их и поедают.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445200,
                    "name": "Грибные Насаждения",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, изгоните карту существа из вашего кладбища: создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 зеленый Сапролинг.\nПожертвуйте двух Сапролингов: вы получаете 2 жизни и берете карту.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "散绿菌培育腐生物,让他们开心成长,然后吃掉。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445469,
                    "name": "真菌策谋",
                    "text": "{1}{G},从你的坟墓场放逐一张生物牌:派出一个1/1绿色腐生物衍生生物。\n牺牲两个腐生物:你获得2点生命且抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "散綠菌培育腐生物,讓他們開心成長,然後吃掉。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445738,
                    "name": "真菌策謀",
                    "text": "{1}{G},從你的墳墓場放逐一張生物牌:派出一個1/1綠色腐生物衍生生物。\n犧牲兩個腐生物:你獲得2點生命且抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443048,
            "name": "Fungal Plots",
            "names": [],
            "number": "160",
            "originalText": "{1}{G}, Exile a creature card from your graveyard: Create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.\nSacrifice two Saprolings: You gain 2 life and draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "56419f2a-63cf-4ab7-bad0-b0f773fc0570",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "61ac507f-df21-4f28-a0f6-e2a2f3b07780",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0a85402a-e3be-4ebb-8001-9d9a20dde7e8",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164700,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}{G}, Exile a creature card from your graveyard: Create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.\nSacrifice two Saprolings: You gain 2 life and draw a card.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "347fd316-0e38-5782-9022-808d4674e6e3",
            "uuidV421": "7749ec68-10fb-5af7-a3a1-a70602d51149"
            "artist": "David Palumbo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443318,
                    "name": "Gaeas Segen",
                    "text": "Ein Spieler deiner Wahl mischt bis zu drei Karten deiner Wahl aus seinem Friedhof in seine Bibliothek.\nZiehe eine Karte.\nWenn Gaeas Segen aus deiner Bibliothek auf deinen Friedhof gelegt wird, mische deinen Friedhof in deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443587,
                    "name": "Bendición de Gaia",
                    "text": "El jugador objetivo baraja hasta tres cartas objetivo de su cementerio en su biblioteca.\nRoba una carta.\nCuando la Bendición de Gaia vaya a tu cementerio desde tu biblioteca, baraja tu cementerio en tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443856,
                    "name": "Bénédiction selon Gaia",
                    "text": "Le joueur ciblé mélange jusqu'à trois cartes ciblées dans son cimetière dans sa bibliothèque.\nPiochez une carte.\nQuand la Bénédiction selon Gaia est mise dans votre cimetière depuis votre bibliothèque, mélangez votre cimetière dans votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444125,
                    "name": "Benedizione di Gea",
                    "text": "Un giocatore bersaglio rimescola nel suo grimorio fino a tre carte bersaglio dal suo cimitero.\nPesca una carta.\nQuando la Benedizione di Gea viene messa nel tuo cimitero dal tuo grimorio, rimescola il tuo cimitero nel tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444394,
                    "name": "ガイアの祝福",
                    "text": "プレイヤー1人と、そのプレイヤーの墓地からカード最大3枚を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは、それらのカードを自分のライブラリーに加えて切り直す。\nカードを1枚引く。\nガイアの祝福があなたのライブラリーからあなたの墓地に置かれたとき、あなたの墓地をあなたのライブラリーに加えて切り直す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444663,
                    "name": "가이아의 축복",
                    "text": "플레이어와 그 플레이어의 무덤에 있는 카드를 최대 세 장까지 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 그 카드들을 자신의 서고에 섞어 넣는다.\n카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n가이아의 축복이 당신의 서고에서 당신의 무덤에 놓일 때, 당신의 무덤을 당신의 서고에 섞어 넣는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444932,
                    "name": "Bênção de Gaia",
                    "text": "O jogador alvo embaralha até três cards alvo do próprio cemitério no próprio grimório.\nCompre um card.\nQuando Bênção de Gaia for colocada no seu cemitério vinda de seu grimório, embaralhe seu cemitério no seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445201,
                    "name": "Благословение Геи",
                    "text": "Целевой игрок втасовывает не более трех целевых карт из своего кладбища в свою библиотеку.\nВозьмите карту.\nКогда Благословение Геи попадает на ваше кладбище из вашей библиотеки, втасуйте ваше кладбище в вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445470,
                    "name": "盖亚的祝福",
                    "text": "目标牌手将至多三张目标牌从其坟墓场洗入其牌库。\n抓一张牌。\n当盖亚的祝福从你的牌库置入你的坟墓场时,将你的坟墓场洗入你的牌库。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445739,
                    "name": "蓋亞的祝福",
                    "text": "目標玩家將至多三張目標牌從其墳墓場洗入其牌庫。\n抽一張牌。\n當蓋亞的祝福從你的牌庫置入你的墳墓場時,將你的墳墓場洗入你的牌庫。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443049,
            "name": "Gaea's Blessing",
            "number": "161",
            "originalText": "Target player shuffles up to three target cards from their graveyard into their library.\nDraw a card.\nWhen Gaea's Blessing is put into your graveyard from your library, shuffle your graveyard into your library.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Gaea’s Blessing has no legal target cards in a graveyard, either because its targets became illegal or because you didn’t choose any, the target player shuffles their library."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If an effect puts multiple cards from your library into your graveyard at once, put all of those cards there before Gaea’s Blessing shuffles your graveyard into your library."
            "scryfallId": "23cf81ed-b86c-42b8-b796-2032b0a3654a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "dea1c533-781c-474b-bed0-b7cfd7cad74d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bd5478df-3854-404b-8634-9debcef69b99",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162223,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target player shuffles up to three target cards from their graveyard into their library.\nDraw a card.\nWhen Gaea's Blessing is put into your graveyard from your library, shuffle your graveyard into your library.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6d6adf7b-3d39-537d-9501-c1a4fd0039c5",
            "uuidV421": "1f85ac80-41d0-5c68-8041-5e18ffc45b18"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Fallen Phyrexians were transmuted into elementals by Gaea long ago, but Yavimaya's other inhabitants still regard them with unease.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Gaea transmutierte bereits vor langer Zeit die gefallenen Phyrexianer zu Elementarwesen, doch Yavimayas andere Bewohner beäugen sie immer noch mit Argwohn.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443319,
                    "name": "Gaeas Beschützer",
                    "text": "Gaeas Beschützer muss geblockt werden, falls möglich.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elementarwesen, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Hace mucho, Gaia transformó a los pirexianos caídos en elementales, pero el resto de habitantes de Yavimaya aún desconfía de ellos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443588,
                    "name": "Protector de Gaia",
                    "text": "El Protector de Gaia debe ser bloqueado si se puede.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero elemental"
                    "flavorText": "Les Phyrexians morts furent transformés en élémentaux par Gaia il y a bien longtemps, mais les autres habitants de la Yavimaya les regardent toujours avec inquiétude.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443857,
                    "name": "Protecteur de Gaia",
                    "text": "Le Protecteur de Gaia doit être bloqué si possible.",
                    "type": "Créature : élémental et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Gea tramutò i Phyrexian caduti in elementali molto tempo fa, ma gli altri abitanti di Yavimaya li guardano ancora con inquietudine.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444126,
                    "name": "Protettore di Gea",
                    "text": "Il Protettore di Gea deve essere bloccato, se possibile.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Elementale"
                    "flavorText": "堕ちたファイレクシア人は遥か昔にガイアが精霊に変えたが、ヤヴィマヤの住民は今でも不安を抱いている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444395,
                    "name": "ガイアの守護者",
                    "text": "ガイアの守護者は、可能ならブロックされなければならない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エレメンタル・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "오래 전, 몰락한 피렉시아인들은 가이아에 의해 정령으로 변하였으나, 야비마야에서 살아가는 다른 자들은 아직도 그들에 대한 불안함을 거두지 못하고 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444664,
                    "name": "가이아의 수호자",
                    "text": "가이아의 수호자는 가능하면 방어되어야 한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 정령 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Os phyrexianos que tombaram há muito foram transformados em elementais por Gaia, mas os demais habitantes de Yavimaya ainda os olham com apreensão.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444933,
                    "name": "Protetor de Gaia",
                    "text": "Protetor de Gaia deve ser bloqueado se possível.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Павших фирексийцев Гея давно обратила в элементалей, но другие обитатели Явимайи все равно относятся к ним с недоверием.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445202,
                    "name": "Защитник Геи",
                    "text": "Защитник Геи должен быть заблокирован, если это возможно.",
                    "type": "Существо — Элементаль Воин"
                    "flavorText": "盖亚很早就已将非瑞克西亚死躯转化为可利用的元素,但亚维马雅的其他居民仍无法安心接纳。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445471,
                    "name": "盖亚守护者",
                    "text": "若能阻挡盖亚守护者,则必须阻挡之。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素/战士"
                    "flavorText": "蓋亞很早就已將非瑞克西亞死軀轉化為可利用的元素,但亞維馬雅的其他居民仍無法安心接納。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445740,
                    "name": "蓋亞守護者",
                    "text": "若能阻擋蓋亞守護者,則必須阻擋之。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443050,
            "name": "Gaea's Protector",
            "number": "162",
            "originalText": "Gaea's Protector must be blocked if able.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elemental Warrior",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Only one creature is required to block Gaea’s Protector. Other creatures may also block it, and are free to block other creatures or not block at all."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The defending player, not you, chooses which creature blocks Gaea’s Protector."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If each creature the defending player controls can’t block for any reason (such as being tapped), then Gaea’s Protector isn’t blocked. If there’s a cost associated with blocking Gaea’s Protector, the defending player isn’t forced to pay that cost, so it doesn’t have to be blocked in that case either."
            "scryfallId": "7bc5ce71-282c-43f9-b12a-edd8f4ab6006",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5d9a516b-7ff2-4d47-b654-e3fc9f571509",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d91d5d22-9f94-4a41-9970-0a8ddd2f7711",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162226,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Gaea's Protector must be blocked if able.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Elemental Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "763b42b5-f28e-5f9c-b49a-f579d0c546d5",
            "uuidV421": "204f2db5-3b4c-5f1d-b7e5-0c227067f6eb"
            "artist": "Winona Nelson",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443351,
                    "name": "Garna die Blutflamme",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nWenn Garna die Blutflamme ins Spiel kommt, bringe alle Kreaturenkarten aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück, die in diesem Zug von irgendwoher dorthin gelegt wurden.\nAndere Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, haben Eile.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Krieger"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443620,
                    "name": "Garna, la Llama de Sangre",
                    "text": "Destello.\nCuando Garna, la Llama de Sangre entre al campo de batalla, regresa a tu mano todas las cartas de criatura en tu cementerio que hayan ido allí desde cualquier lugar este turno.\nLas otras criaturas que controlas tienen la habilidad de prisa.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Guerrero humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443889,
                    "name": "Garna, la Flamme de sang",
                    "text": "Flash\nQuand Garna, la Flamme de sang arrive sur le champ de bataille, renvoyez dans votre main toutes les cartes de créature de votre cimetière qui y ont été mises d'où qu'elles viennent ce tour-ci.\nLes autres créatures que vous contrôlez ont la célérité.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et guerrier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444158,
                    "name": "Garna, dal Sangue di Fiamma",
                    "text": "Lampo\nQuando Garna, dal Sangue di Fiamma entra nel campo di battaglia, riprendi in mano tutte le carte creatura che sono state messe nel tuo cimitero da qualsiasi zona in questo turno.\nLe altre creature che controlli hanno rapidità.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Guerriero Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444427,
                    "name": "血の炎、ガルナ",
                    "text": "瞬速\n血の炎、ガルナが戦場に出たとき、このターンにいずれかの領域からあなたの墓地に置かれたクリーチャー・カードをすべてあなたの手札に戻す。\nあなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャーは速攻を持つ。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・戦士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444696,
                    "name": "피불길, 가르나",
                    "text": "섬광\n피불길, 가르나가 전장에 들어올 때, 이번 턴에 어디에서든 당신의 무덤에 들어간 모든 생물 카드를 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.\n당신이 조종하는 다른 생물들은 신속을 가진다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 전사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444965,
                    "name": "Garna, a Chama Sanguínea",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nQuando Garna, a Chama Sanguínea, entrar no campo de batalha, devolva para sua mão todos os cards de criatura em seu cemitério que tenham sido colocados lá de qualquer lugar neste turno.\nAs outras criaturas que você controla têm ímpeto.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Guerreiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445234,
                    "name": "Гарна, Пламя Крови",
                    "text": "Миг\nКогда Гарна, Пламя Крови выходит на поле битвы, верните в вашу руку все карты существ на вашем кладбище, которые попали туда откуда угодно в этом ходу.\nДругие существа под вашим контролем имеют Ускорение.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Воин"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445503,
                    "name": "炎脉加娜",
                    "text": "闪现\n当炎脉加娜进战场时,将所有于本回合中从任何区域置入你坟墓场的生物牌移回你手上。\n由你操控的其他生物具有敏捷异能。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/战士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445772,
                    "name": "炎脈加娜",
                    "text": "閃現\n當炎脈加娜進戰場時,將所有於本回合中從任何區域置入你墳墓場的生物牌移回你手上。\n由你操控的其他生物具有敏捷異能。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/戰士"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443082,
            "name": "Garna, the Bloodflame",
            "number": "194",
            "originalText": "Flash\nWhen Garna, the Bloodflame enters the battlefield, return to your hand all creature cards in your graveyard that were put there from anywhere this turn.\nOther creatures you control have haste.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Warrior",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-12-07",
                    "text": "Which creature cards to return to your hand is determined as Garna’s triggered ability resolves. If Garna somehow finds its way into your graveyard before that, perhaps due to the “legend rule,” it will be returned to your hand."
            "scryfallId": "ae9c1471-ae6f-4b66-9842-46f1a74e93b5",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5f5575fa-4bf5-454b-958d-82a475ac302e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "97cb993c-90ae-49ff-8ccb-b4fe317a43ef",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162133,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nWhen Garna, the Bloodflame enters the battlefield, return to your hand all creature cards in your graveyard that were put there from anywhere this turn.\nOther creatures you control have haste.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ac971724-b9d6-56d1-a1ed-0000d675e227",
            "uuidV421": "cd485c24-8445-520c-93ea-ee6b4cf5371b"
            "artist": "Anthony Palumbo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"What fire forged, fire remembers.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Was im Feuer geschmiedet wird, bleibt auf ewig davon geprägt.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443282,
                    "name": "Ghitu-Chronikerin",
                    "text": "Bonus {3}{R} (Du kannst zusätzlich {3}{R} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nWenn die Ghitu-Chronikerin ins Spiel kommt und falls ihre Bonuskosten bezahlt wurden, bringe eine Spontanzauber- oder Hexereikarte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "\"Lo que el fuego forja, el fuego recuerda\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443551,
                    "name": "Cronista ghitu",
                    "text": "Estímulo {3}{R}. (Puedes pagar {3}{R} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nCuando la Cronista ghitu entre al campo de batalla, si fue estimulada, regresa la carta de instantáneo o de conjuro objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Ce que le feu a forgé, le feu s'en souvient. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443820,
                    "name": "Chroniqueuse guitûke",
                    "text": "Kick {3}{R} (Vous pouvez payer {3}{R} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nQuand la Chroniqueuse guitûke arrive sur le champ de bataille, si elle a été kickée, renvoyez une carte d'éphémère ou de rituel ciblée depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ciò che il fuoco ha forgiato lo ricorda per sempre.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444089,
                    "name": "Cronista Ghitu",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {3}{R} (Puoi pagare {3}{R} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nQuando la Cronista Ghitu entra nel campo di battaglia, se è stata potenziata, riprendi in mano una carta istantaneo o stregoneria bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「炎が鍛えたものを、炎は覚えている。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444358,
                    "name": "ギトゥの年代記編者",
                    "text": "キッカー{3}{R}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{3}{R}を支払ってもよい。)\nギトゥの年代記編者が戦場に出たとき、これがキッカーされていた場合、あなたの墓地からインスタントかソーサリーであるカード1枚を対象とし、それをあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "\"불은 불이 벼려낸 것을 기억한다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444627,
                    "name": "기투 역사가",
                    "text": "키커 {3}{R} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {3}{R}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n기투 역사가가 전장에 들어올 때, 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 당신의 무덤에 있는 순간마법 또는 집중마법 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "\"O que o fogo forjou, o fogo não esquece.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444896,
                    "name": "Cronista Ghitu",
                    "text": "Reforçar {3}{R} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {3}{R} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nQuando Cronista Ghitu entrar no campo de batalha, se ele tiver sido reforçado, devolva o card de mágica instantânea ou feitiço alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "«То, что выковано в огне, огонь запомнит навсегда».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445165,
                    "name": "Летописец Гиту",
                    "text": "Усилитель {3}{R} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {3}{R}.)\nКогда Летописец Гиту выходит на поле битвы, если он получил Усилитель, верните целевую карту мгновенного заклинания или волшебства из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "「火铸者,火记之。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445434,
                    "name": "基图年代史家",
                    "text": "增幅{3}{R}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{3}{R}。)\n当基图年代史家进战场时,若它已增幅,则将目标瞬间或法术牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "「火鑄者,火記之。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445703,
                    "name": "基圖年代史家",
                    "text": "增幅{3}{R}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{3}{R}。)\n當基圖年代史家進戰場時,若它已增幅,則將目標瞬間或巫術牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443013,
            "name": "Ghitu Chronicler",
            "number": "125",
            "originalText": "Kicker {3}{R} (You may pay an additional {3}{R} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Ghitu Chronicler enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, return target instant or sorcery card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "d3ca6dd9-040a-4122-9308-8dcd0d506ada",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7fafd85a-cd95-46b4-9383-4941fe22fbcb",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ab8a00c2-dbb0-48c3-9d13-ad6f1e2f3a18",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164291,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {3}{R} (You may pay an additional {3}{R} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Ghitu Chronicler enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, return target instant or sorcery card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6cab36e3-75e2-56e4-9b0f-7192626bac17",
            "uuidV421": "ef5453e6-4cb2-5c59-b823-d1069b17e683"
            "artist": "Jason Rainville",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The Ghitu of Shiv are as fierce and uncompromising as their volcanic home.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Ghitu von Shiv sind so feurig und kompromisslos wie ihre vulkanische Heimat.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443283,
                    "name": "Ghitu-Wandermagierin",
                    "text": "Wenn die Ghitu-Wandermagierin ins Spiel kommt und falls du einen anderen Zauberer kontrollierst, fügt die Ghitu-Wandermagierin jedem Gegner 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "Los ghitu de Shiv son tan fieros e inflexibles como su volcánico hogar.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443552,
                    "name": "Maga graduada ghitu",
                    "text": "Cuando la Maga graduada ghitu entre al campo de batalla, si controlas otro Hechicero, la Maga graduada ghitu hace 2 puntos de daño a cada oponente.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Les Guitûks de Shiv sont aussi féroces et inflexibles que leur territoire volcanique.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443821,
                    "name": "Mage compagnon guitûke",
                    "text": "Quand la Mage compagnon guitûke arrive sur le champ de bataille, si vous contrôlez un autre sorcier, la Mage compagnon guitûke inflige 2 blessures à chaque adversaire.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "I Ghitu di Shiv sono selvaggi e inflessibili come la loro terra vulcanica.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444090,
                    "name": "Maga Veterana Ghitu",
                    "text": "Quando la Maga Veterana Ghitu entra nel campo di battaglia, se controlli un altro Mago, la Maga Veterana Ghitu infligge 2 danni a ogni avversario.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "シヴのギトゥ族が持つ熱情と執念は、彼らの故郷の火山並みだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444359,
                    "name": "ギトゥの修士魔道士",
                    "text": "ギトゥの修士魔道士が戦場に出たとき、あなたが他のウィザードをコントロールしている場合、ギトゥの修士魔道士は各対戦相手にそれぞれ2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "시브의 기투는 그들의 고향인 화산 지대만큼이나 맹렬하고 단호한 존재이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444628,
                    "name": "기투 수습마도사",
                    "text": "기투 수습마도사가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 다른 마법사를 조종한다면, 기투 수습마도사는 각 상대에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "Os Ghitu de Shiv são ferozes e inexoráveis como seu lar vulcânico.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444897,
                    "name": "Maga Graduada Ghitu",
                    "text": "Quando Maga Graduada Ghitu entra no campo de batalha, se você controla outro Mago, Maga Graduada Ghitu causa 2 pontos de dano a cada oponente.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "Гиту с острова Шив такие же яростные и несговорчивые, как их вулканическая родина.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445166,
                    "name": "Маг-Подмастерье Гиту",
                    "text": "Когда Маг-Подмастерье Гиту выходит на поле битвы, если под вашим контролем есть другой Чародей, Маг-Подмастерье Гиту наносит 2 повреждения каждому оппоненту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "西瓦的基图部落和他们在火山中的家园一样,猛烈且不妥协。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445435,
                    "name": "基图老练法师",
                    "text": "当基图老练法师进战场时,若你操控另一个法术师,则基图老练法师向每位对手各造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "西瓦的基圖部落和他們在火山中的家園一樣,猛烈且不妥協。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445704,
                    "name": "基圖老練法師",
                    "text": "當基圖老練法師進戰場時,若你操控另一個魔法師,則基圖老練法師向每位對手各造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443014,
            "name": "Ghitu Journeymage",
            "number": "126",
            "originalText": "When Ghitu Journeymage enters the battlefield, if you control another Wizard, Ghitu Journeymage deals 2 damage to each opponent.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Ghitu Journeymage’s ability doesn’t trigger if you don’t control another Wizard immediately after it enters the battlefield. If it does trigger but you don’t control another Wizard as it resolves, it does nothing."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Ghitu Journeymage’s triggered ability doesn’t deal more damage if you control more than one other Wizard."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Ghitu Journeymage’s ability causes the opposing team to lose 4 life."
            "scryfallId": "e4360bc9-76f0-4e82-8968-4c6c62a35ed1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f02ebdf8-1efe-47a4-b8b7-4da37d168d9f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5202c00a-5e47-43fe-9ed7-52c276120df3",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162162,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Ghitu Journeymage enters the battlefield, if you control another Wizard, Ghitu Journeymage deals 2 damage to each opponent.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d234047b-72d8-516e-b3c4-cbdba1dd3d9c",
            "uuidV421": "6ba83e08-8ec3-56da-961f-a62bfb5e7f77"
            "artist": "Jesper Ejsing",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "Tolarians teach the theory of pyromancy. The Ghitu prefer applied research.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Tolarianer lehren die Theorie der Pyromagie. Die Ghitu bevorzugen die praktische Anwendung.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443284,
                    "name": "Ghitu-Lavaläufer",
                    "text": "Solange sich zwei oder mehr Spontanzauber- und/oder Hexereikarten in deinem Friedhof befinden, erhält der Ghitu-Lavaläufer +1/+0 und hat Eile.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "Los tolarianos enseñan la teoría de la piromancia; los ghitu prefieren la investigación aplicada.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443553,
                    "name": "Corredor de lava ghitu",
                    "text": "Mientras haya dos o más cartas de instantáneo y/o de conjuro en tu cementerio, el Corredor de lava ghitu obtiene +1/+0 y tiene la habilidad de prisa.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Les Tolarians enseignent la pyromancie théorique. Les Guitûks préfèrent la recherche appliquée.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443822,
                    "name": "Coureur des laves guitûk",
                    "text": "Tant qu'il y a au moins deux cartes d'éphémère et/ou de rituel dans votre cimetière, le Coureur des laves guitûk gagne +1/+0 et a la célérité.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "Gli accademici di Tolaria insegnano la teoria della piromanzia. I Ghitu prediligono la ricerca applicata.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444091,
                    "name": "Calcalava Ghitu",
                    "text": "Fintanto che nel tuo cimitero ci sono due o più carte istantaneo e/o stregoneria, il Calcalava Ghitu prende +1/+0 e ha rapidità.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "トレイリアでは紅蓮術の基礎理論を教える。ギトゥでは応用研究が盛んである。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444360,
                    "name": "ギトゥの溶岩走り",
                    "text": "あなたの墓地にインスタントかソーサリーであるカードが2枚以上あるかぎり、ギトゥの溶岩走りは+1/+0の修整を受けるとともに速攻を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "톨라리아인들은 화염술의 이론을 가르친다. 기투는 응용 연구를 선호한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444629,
                    "name": "기투 용암질주꾼",
                    "text": "당신의 무덤에 순간마법 및/또는 집중마법 카드가 두 장 이상 있는 한, 기투 용암질주꾼은 +1/+0을 받고 신속을 가진다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "Os tolarianos ensinam a teoria da piromancia. Os Ghitu preferem a pesquisa aplicada.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444898,
                    "name": "Corredor de Lava Ghitu",
                    "text": "Enquanto houver dois ou mais cards de mágica instantânea e/ou feitiço em seu cemitério, Corredor de Lava Ghitu receberá +1/+0 e terá ímpeto.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "Толарийцы читают лекции по теории пиромантии. Гиту предпочитают прикладные исследования.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445167,
                    "name": "Гиту, Бегущий по Лаве",
                    "text": "Пока на вашем кладбище есть не менее двух карт мгновенных заклинаний и (или) волшебства, Гиту, Бегущий по Лаве получает +1/+0 и имеет Ускорение.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "陶拉里亚人教授烈焰术的理论。基图人更喜欢实际应用。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445436,
                    "name": "基图奔熔客",
                    "text": "只要你坟墓场中有两张或更多的瞬间和/或法术牌,基图奔熔客便得+1/+0且具有敏捷异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "陶拉里亞人教授烈焰術的理論。基圖人更喜歡實際應用。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445705,
                    "name": "基圖奔熔客",
                    "text": "只要你墳墓場中有兩張或更多的瞬間和/或巫術牌,基圖奔熔客便得+1/+0且具有敏捷異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443015,
            "name": "Ghitu Lavarunner",
            "number": "127",
            "originalText": "As long as there are two or more instant and/or sorcery cards in your graveyard, Ghitu Lavarunner gets +1/+0 and has haste.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Ghitu Lavarunner loses haste after being declared as an attacker on the turn it comes under your control, it will continue to attack. It won’t be removed from combat. On the other hand, if it loses haste before your declare attackers step, it won’t be able to attack."
            "scryfallId": "c448ba82-a502-459f-9ebc-fc9e85674e6c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f80dcda4-f744-4034-855b-b8bab8f5ac7e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8e3f4987-6f31-4bc5-8bcd-6adb0440ee7c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162163,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "As long as there are two or more instant and/or sorcery cards in your graveyard, Ghitu Lavarunner gets +1/+0 and has haste.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f7e2e6c5-ad65-51c6-90f0-2d9d9065ea35",
            "uuidV421": "14787c0c-158d-5303-b0f2-4a0f01f83d68"
            "artist": "Izzy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "On Amonkhet, Gideon lost both his sural and his faith in himself. But he can still throw a punch, and he still knows a bad guy when he sees one.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Auf Amonkhet verlor Gideon nicht nur seine Sural, sondern auch den Glauben an sich selbst. Doch er hat noch immer eine harte Rechte und er erkennt noch immer einen Schurken, wenn er ihn sieht.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443176,
                    "name": "Gideons Tadel",
                    "text": "Gideons Tadel fügt einer angreifenden oder blockenden Kreatur deiner Wahl 4 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "En Amonkhet, Gideon perdió su sural y su fe en sí mismo... pero todavía puede dar puñetazos, y todavía es capaz de reconocer a una mala persona en cuanto la ve.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443445,
                    "name": "Reproche de Gideon",
                    "text": "El Reproche de Gideon hace 4 puntos de daño a la criatura atacante o bloqueadora objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Sur Amonkhet, Gideon a perdu son sural et sa confiance en lui. Mais il sait toujours se battre, et reconnaître un truand quand il en voit un.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443714,
                    "name": "Reproche de Gideon",
                    "text": "Le Reproche de Gideon inflige 4 blessures à la créature attaquante ou bloqueuse ciblée.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Su Amonkhet, Gideon ha perso il suo sural e la fiducia in se stesso. Ma sa ancora riconoscere un cattivo, quando ne vede uno, e assestargli un pugno.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443983,
                    "name": "Disapprovazione di Gideon",
                    "text": "La Disapprovazione di Gideon infligge 4 danni a una creatura attaccante o bloccante bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "アモンケットでギデオンはスーラと一緒に信念も失ってしまった。だが彼は今でも拳を振るうことができるし、悪い輩は一見すればそうとわかる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444252,
                    "name": "ギデオンの叱責",
                    "text": "攻撃クリーチャー1体かブロック・クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ギデオンの叱責はそれに4点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "아몬케트에서, 기디온은 자신의 수랄과 스스로에 대한 믿음을 둘 다 잃어버렸다. 그러나 그의 힘이 완전히 꺾인 것은 아니며, 여전히 악인은 보는 즉시 알아차릴 수 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444521,
                    "name": "기디온의 책망",
                    "text": "공격 중이거나 방어 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 기디온의 책망은 그 생물에게 피해 4점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Em Amonkhet, Gideon perdeu tanto o sural quanto a fé em si mesmo. Mas ele ainda sabe dar um bom soco e reconhecer um patife quando o vê.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444790,
                    "name": "Repreensão de Gideon",
                    "text": "Repreensão de Gideon causa 4 pontos de dano à criatura alvo atacante ou bloqueadora.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "На Амонхете Гидеон лишился своего сурала и потерял веру в себя. Но он по-прежнему способен хорошенько врезать врагу и запросто распознает злодея.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445059,
                    "name": "Укор Гидеона",
                    "text": "Укор Гидеона наносит 4 повреждения целевому атакующему или блокирующему существу.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "基定在阿芒凯不仅失去手中软圈剑,也失去心中信念。但他还能挥拳,也还能一眼认出恶徒。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445328,
                    "name": "基定的怒责",
                    "text": "基定的怒责对目标进行攻击或阻挡的生物造成4点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "基定在阿芒凱不僅失去手中軟圈劍,也失去心中信念。但他還能揮拳,也還能一眼認出惡徒。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445597,
                    "name": "基定的怒責",
                    "text": "基定的怒責對目標進行攻擊或阻擋的生物造成4點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442907,
            "name": "Gideon's Reproach",
            "number": "19",
            "originalText": "Gideon's Reproach deals 4 damage to target attacking or blocking creature.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "7b771f44-ce32-41a2-b219-738924b7f42d",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "ec43d67c-2254-4782-8bd4-3318b25907e6",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164709,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Gideon's Reproach deals 4 damage to target attacking or blocking creature.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "bb20be68-9695-539f-b995-004616fee79c",
            "uuidV421": "4824e2db-3f0e-56ad-9655-1cea0559994a"
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                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443320,
                    "name": "Gabe des Wachstums",
                    "text": "Bonus {2} (Du kannst zusätzlich {2} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nEnttappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. Sie erhält +2/+2 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Falls die Bonuskosten dieses Zauberspruchs bezahlt wurden, erhält die Kreatur stattdessen +4/+4 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443589,
                    "name": "Don del crecimiento",
                    "text": "Estímulo {2}. (Puedes pagar {2} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nEndereza la criatura objetivo. Obtiene +2/+2 hasta el final del turno. Si este hechizo fue estimulado, en vez de eso, esa criatura obtiene +4/+4 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443858,
                    "name": "Don de croissance",
                    "text": "Kick {2} (Vous pouvez payer {2} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nDégagez la créature ciblée. Elle gagne +2/+2 jusqu'à la fin du tour. Si ce sort a été kické, cette créature gagne +4/+4 jusqu'à la fin du tour à la place.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444127,
                    "name": "Dono della Crescita",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {2} (Puoi pagare {2} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nSTAPpa una creatura bersaglio. Prende +2/+2 fino alla fine del turno. Se questa magia è stata potenziata, quella creatura prende invece +4/+4 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444396,
                    "name": "成長の資質",
                    "text": "キッカー{2}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{2}を支払ってもよい。)\nクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをアンタップする。ターン終了時まで、それは+2/+2の修整を受ける。この呪文がキッカーされていたなら、代わりに、ターン終了時まで、そのクリーチャーは+4/+4の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444665,
                    "name": "성장의 선물",
                    "text": "키커 {2} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {2}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 언탭한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +2/+2를 받는다. 이 주문의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 그 생물은 대신 턴종료까지 +4/+4를 받는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444934,
                    "name": "Dádiva do Crescimento",
                    "text": "Reforçar {2} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {2} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nDesvire a criatura alvo. Ela recebe +2/+2 até o final do turno. Se esta mágica foi reforçada, em vez disso, aquela criatura recebe +4/+4 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445203,
                    "name": "Дар Роста",
                    "text": "Усилитель {2} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {2}.\nРазверните целевое существо. Оно получает +2/+2 до конца хода. Если это заклинание получило Усилитель, то существо вместо этого получает +4/+4 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445472,
                    "name": "成长赋礼",
                    "text": "增幅{2}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{2}。)\n重置目标生物。它得+2/+2直到回合结束。如果此咒语已增幅,则改为该生物得+4/+4直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445741,
                    "name": "成長賦禮",
                    "text": "增幅{2}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{2}。)\n重置目標生物。它得+2/+2直到回合結束。如果此咒語已增幅,則改為該生物得+4/+4直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
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            "name": "Gift of Growth",
            "number": "163",
            "originalText": "Kicker {2} (You may pay an additional {2} as you cast this spell.)\nUntap target creature. It gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If this spell was kicked, that creature gets +4/+4 until end of turn instead.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Gift of Growth was kicked, the target creature is untapped before getting +4/+4."
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            "subtypes": [],
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 162227,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {2} (You may pay an additional {2} as you cast this spell.)\nUntap target creature. It gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If this spell was kicked, that creature gets +4/+4 until end of turn instead.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
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            "flavorText": "\"The perfection of the lotus reminds me of my hopes for this world . . . and my failures. I will not rest until I've atoned for them.\" —Karn",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Perfektion des Lotus erinnert mich an meine Hoffnungen für diese Welt … und mein eigenes Versagen. Ich werde nicht ruhen, ehe ich Wiedergutmachung geleistet habe.\" —Karn",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443372,
                    "name": "Vergoldeter Lotus",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge drei Mana genau einer beliebigen Farbe.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"La perfección del loto me recuerda a las esperanzas que tenía con este mundo... y a mis fracasos. No descansaré hasta que los haya enmendado\". —Karn",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443641,
                    "name": "Loto de oropel",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega tres manás de un color cualquiera.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« La perfection du lotus me rappelle mes espoirs pour ce monde... et mes erreurs. Je ne connaîtrai le repos que lorsque j'aurai racheté chacune d'elles. » —Karn",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443910,
                    "name": "Lotus doré",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez trois manas d'une seule couleur de votre choix.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"La perfezione del loto mi ricorda le mie speranze per questo mondo... e i miei fallimenti. Non avrò pace finché non avrò espiato le mie colpe.\" —Karn",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444179,
                    "name": "Loto Dorato",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi tre mana di un qualsiasi colore.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「この完成された睡蓮を見ると思い出す。私がこの世界に望んだことを。……そして私の失敗を。その償いが済むまで、私に安息はない。」 ――カーン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444448,
                    "name": "金粉の水蓮",
                    "text": "{T}:好きな色1色のマナ3点を加える。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"연꽃의 완벽함을 보고 있으면 이 세계에 품은 나의 희망이... 그리고 내 실패가 생각난다. 그것들을 만회할 때까지 나는 쉬지 않을 것이다.\" —카른",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444717,
                    "name": "금박 연꽃",
                    "text": "{T}: 원하는 한 가지 색 마나 세 개를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"A perfeição do lótus lembra-me de minhas esperanças para o mundo... e de meus fracassos. Não descansarei até me redimir deles.\" — Karn",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444986,
                    "name": "Lótus Engalanada",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione três manas de qualquer cor.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Безупречность лотоса напоминает мне о надеждах, что я связывал с этим миром... и о моих неудачах. Я не остановлюсь, пока не искуплю содеянное». — Карн",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445255,
                    "name": "Позолоченный Лотос",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте три маны любого одного цвета.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「这朵完美的莲花让我想起我对这个世界的希望. . . 以及我的失败过往。在我还没完成赎罪之前,我决不止歇。」 ~卡恩",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445524,
                    "name": "金箔莲花",
                    "text": "{T}:加三点任意颜色的单色法术力。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「這朵完美的蓮花讓我想起自己對這世界的希望. . . 以及我的失敗過往。在我還沒完成贖罪之前,我決不止歇。」 ~卡恩",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445793,
                    "name": "金箔蓮花",
                    "text": "{T}:加三點任意顏色的單色魔法力。",
                    "type": "神器"
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            "manaCost": "{5}",
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            "name": "Gilded Lotus",
            "number": "215",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add three mana of any one color.",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164292,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add three mana of any one color.",
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443285,
                    "name": "Goblin-Sperrfeuer",
                    "text": "Bonus — Opfere ein Artefakt oder einen Goblin. (Du kannst zusätzlich zu allen anderen Kosten ein Artefakt oder einen Goblin opfern, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nDas Goblin-Sperrfeuer fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl 4 Schadenspunkte zu. Falls die Bonuskosten dieses Zauberspruchs bezahlt wurden, fügt er außerdem einem Spieler oder Planeswalker deiner Wahl 4 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443554,
                    "name": "Descarga de trasgos",
                    "text": "Estímulo—Sacrificar un artefacto o Trasgo. (Puedes sacrificar un artefacto o Trasgo como coste adicional al lanzar este hechizo.)\nLa Descarga de trasgos hace 4 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo. Si este hechizo fue estimulado, también hace 4 puntos de daño al jugador o planeswalker objetivo.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443823,
                    "name": "Barrage gobelin",
                    "text": "Kick — Sacrifiez un artefact ou un gobelin. (Vous pouvez sacrifier un artefact ou un gobelin en supplément de tout autre coût au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nLe Barrage gobelin inflige 4 blessures à une créature ciblée. Si ce sort a été kické, il inflige aussi 4 blessures à une cible, joueur ou planeswalker.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444092,
                    "name": "Sbarramento di Goblin",
                    "text": "Potenziamento—Sacrifica un artefatto o un Goblin. (Puoi sacrificare un artefatto o un Goblin in aggiunta a qualsiasi altro costo mentre lanci questa magia.)\nLo Sbarramento di Goblin infligge 4 danni a una creatura bersaglio. Se questa magia è stata potenziata, infligge anche 4 danni a un giocatore o a un planeswalker bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444361,
                    "name": "ゴブリンの連射",
                    "text": "キッカー―アーティファクト1つかゴブリン1体を生け贄に捧げる。(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、他のコストに加えてアーティファクト1つかゴブリン1体を生け贄に捧げてもよい。)\nクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ゴブリンの連射はそれに4点のダメージを与える。この呪文がキッカーされていたなら、プレイヤー1人かプレインズウォーカー1体を対象とする。これはそれに4点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444630,
                    "name": "고블린 일제사격",
                    "text": "키커—마법물체 또는 고블린 한 개를 희생한다. (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 다른 비용에 추가로 마법물체 또는 고블린 한 개를 희생할 수 있다.)\n생물을 목표로 정한다. 고블린 일제사격은 그 생물에게 피해 4점을 입힌다. 이 주문의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 플레이어나 플레인즈워커를 목표로 정한다. 고블린 일제사격은 그 목표에도 피해 4점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444899,
                    "name": "Barragem de Goblins",
                    "text": "Reforçar — Sacrifique um artefato ou um Goblin. (Você pode sacrificar um artefato ou um Goblin além de quaisquer outros custos ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nBarragem de Goblins causa 4 pontos de dano à criatura alvo. Se esta mágica foi reforçada, ela também causa 4 pontos de dano ao jogador ou planeswalker alvo.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445168,
                    "name": "Залп Гоблинов",
                    "text": "Усилитель — Пожертвуйте артефакт или Гоблина. (Вы можете пожертвовать артефакт или Гоблина в дополнение к оплате любых других стоимостей при разыгрывании этого заклинания.)\nЗалп Гоблинов наносит 4 повреждения целевому существу. Если это заклинание получило Усилитель, оно также наносит 4 повреждения целевому игроку или planeswalker-у.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445437,
                    "name": "鬼怪齐射",
                    "text": "增幅~牺牲一个神器或鬼怪。(你施放此咒语时可以额外牺牲一个神器或鬼怪,并支付任何其他费用。)\n鬼怪齐射对目标生物造成4点伤害。如果此咒语已增幅,则它再对目标牌手或鹏洛客造成4点伤害。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445706,
                    "name": "鬼怪齊射",
                    "text": "增幅~犧牲一個神器或鬼怪。(你使用此咒語時可以額外犧牲一個神器或鬼怪並支付任何其他費用。)\n鬼怪齊射對目標生物造成4點傷害。如果此咒語已增幅,則它再對目標玩家或鵬洛客造成4點傷害。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443016,
            "name": "Goblin Barrage",
            "number": "128",
            "originalText": "Kicker—Sacrifice an artifact or Goblin. (You may sacrifice an artifact or Goblin in addition to any other costs as you cast this spell.)\nGoblin Barrage deals 4 damage to target creature. If this spell was kicked, it also deals 4 damage to target player or planeswalker.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can’t cast Goblin Barrage unless you choose a creature as a target, even if it’s kicked. However, you can target a Goblin or artifact creature you control and then sacrifice it to pay the kicker cost. The target player or planeswalker will be dealt 4 damage."
            "scryfallId": "4849db5d-cd41-49f6-acd5-697cdc8263f6",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a22ad545-3cd2-4c27-aeb8-1d3f2feafe72",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0071723e-388d-4ae7-bc99-c143dd356c63",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162164,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker—Sacrifice an artifact or Goblin. (You may sacrifice an artifact or Goblin in addition to any other costs as you cast this spell.)\nGoblin Barrage deals 4 damage to target creature. If this spell was kicked, it also deals 4 damage to target player or planeswalker.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6d21c3d2-b380-5d01-961d-7f523c1150cf",
            "uuidV421": "d1c57e74-aca3-5348-9081-5491f328e220"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The trick is, once you get moving, don't stop!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der Trick daran ist, einfach immer in Bewegung zu bleiben!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443286,
                    "name": "Goblin-Kettenschwingerin",
                    "text": "Erstschlag\nWenn die Goblin-Kettenschwingerin ins Spiel kommt, fügt sie allen Gegnern sowie allen Kreaturen und Planeswalkern, die sie kontrollieren, je 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"El truco es: una vez empiezas a moverte, ¡no te detengas!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443555,
                    "name": "Trasgo portacadenas",
                    "text": "Daña primero.\nCuando la Trasgo portacadenas entre al campo de batalla, hace 1 punto de daño a cada oponente y a cada criatura y planeswalker que estos controlan.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "« Le truc, c'est qu'une fois qu'on commence, il ne faut plus s'arrêter ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443824,
                    "name": "Tournoyeur de chaînes gobelin",
                    "text": "Initiative\nQuand le Tournoyeur de chaînes gobelin arrive sur le champ de bataille, il inflige 1 blessure à chaque adversaire et à chaque créature et planeswalker qu'il contrôle.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il trucco è semplice: una volta che sei in movimento, non fermarti!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444093,
                    "name": "Goblin Lanciacatene",
                    "text": "Attacco improvviso\nQuando la Goblin Lanciacatene entra nel campo di battaglia, infligge 1 danno a ogni avversario e a ogni creatura e planeswalker che controlla.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "「始めたら止めないのがコツだ!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444362,
                    "name": "ゴブリンの鎖回し",
                    "text": "先制攻撃\nゴブリンの鎖回しが戦場に出たとき、これは各対戦相手とそのプレイヤーがコントロールしている各クリーチャーと各プレインズウォーカーにそれぞれ1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"중요한 것은, 일단 움직이기 시작했으면 멈추지 말라는 거야!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444631,
                    "name": "고블린 사슬회전꾼",
                    "text": "선제공격\n고블린 사슬회전꾼이 전장에 들어올 때, 고블린 사슬회전꾼은 각 상대와 상대가 조종하는 모든 생물 및 플레인즈워커에게 피해 1점씩을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"O truque é: quando começar a se mexer, não pare!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444900,
                    "name": "Goblin Lança-correntes",
                    "text": "Iniciativa\nQuando Goblin Lança-correntes entra no campo de batalha, ele causa 1 ponto de dano a cada oponente e a cada criatura e planeswalker que ele controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Секрет простой: начал двигаться — не останавливайся!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445169,
                    "name": "Гоблин-Цепехлест",
                    "text": "Первый удар\nКогда Гоблин-Цепехлест выходит на поле битвы, он наносит по 1 повреждению каждому оппоненту и каждому существу и planeswalker-у под их контролем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「诀窍是,一旦动起来,就不要停!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445438,
                    "name": "舞链鬼怪",
                    "text": "先攻\n当舞链鬼怪进战场时,它向每位对手和每个由对手操控的生物和鹏洛客各造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「訣竅是,一旦動起來,就不要停!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445707,
                    "name": "舞鏈鬼怪",
                    "text": "先攻\n當舞鏈鬼怪進戰場時,它向每位對手和每個由對手操控的生物和鵬洛客各造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
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            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{R}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443017,
            "name": "Goblin Chainwhirler",
            "number": "129",
            "originalText": "First strike\nWhen Goblin Chainwhirler enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to each opponent and each creature and planeswalker they control.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Warrior",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the damage Goblin Chainwhirler would deal to a player is prevented, it still deals 1 damage to that player’s creatures and planeswalkers."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, the Goblin Chainwhirler’s last ability causes the opposing team to lose 2 life."
            "scryfallId": "8bdb2883-3cfd-4fb0-9f99-6a57277f7fe4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4457b0f3-d97d-431d-9872-8c2288c53c54",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0342b085-be20-475a-bc38-59b9cb6012e8",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162166,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "First strike\nWhen Goblin Chainwhirler enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to each opponent and each creature and planeswalker they control.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9916c27d-d0c0-57c7-a825-1489518fbd23",
            "uuidV421": "66dc7f5a-b7e4-5efa-ad83-6eaaf1aa2933"
            "artist": "Karl Kopinski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Not since the days of Pashalik Mons have the Rundvelt goblins been so united or effective.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Seit Pashalik Mons' Tagen waren die Rundvelt-Goblins nicht mehr so vereint und effektiv.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443287,
                    "name": "Goblin-Kriegshäuptling",
                    "text": "Goblin-Zaubersprüche, die du wirkst, kosten beim Wirken {1} weniger.\nGoblins, die du kontrollierst, haben Eile.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Los trasgos de Rundvelt no habían estado tan unidos ni habían sido tan efectivos desde los días de Pashalik Mons.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443556,
                    "name": "Jefe de guerra trasgo",
                    "text": "Te cuesta {1} menos lanzar los hechizos de Trasgo.\nLos Trasgos que controlas tienen la habilidad de prisa.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "Les gobelins de Rundvelt n'ont jamais été aussi unis et efficaces que du temps de Pashalik Mons.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443825,
                    "name": "Chef de guerre gobelin",
                    "text": "Les sorts de gobelin que vous lancez coûtent {1} de moins à lancer.\nLes gobelins que vous contrôlez ont la célérité.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Era dai tempi di Pashalik Mons che i goblin di Rundvelt non erano così uniti ed efficienti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444094,
                    "name": "Condottiero Goblin",
                    "text": "Le magie Goblin che lanci costano {1} in meno per essere lanciate.\nI Goblin che controlli hanno rapidità.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "パシャリク・モンスの時代以降、ランドヴェルト・ゴブリンがこれほど団結し有能であったことはない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444363,
                    "name": "ゴブリンの戦長",
                    "text": "あなたがゴブリン・呪文を唱えるためのコストは{1}少なくなる。\nあなたがコントロールしているゴブリンは速攻を持つ。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "파샬릭 몬스의 시대 이후부터, 룬드벨트 고블린들의 결속력과 효율성은 이전만 못하게 되었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444632,
                    "name": "고블린 전쟁족장",
                    "text": "당신이 발동하는 고블린 주문들은 발동하는 데 {1}이 덜 든다.\n당신이 조종하는 고블린은 신속을 가진다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Os goblins de Rundvelt não são tão unidos nem tão eficazes assim desde o tempo de Pashalik Mons.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444901,
                    "name": "Comandante de Guerra Goblin",
                    "text": "As mágicas de Goblin que você conjura custam {1} a menos para serem conjuradas.\nOs Goblins que você controla têm ímpeto.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Еще никогда со времен Пашалика Монса гоблины Рундвельта не были столь едиными и столь эффективными.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445170,
                    "name": "Боевой Вождь Гоблинов",
                    "text": "Разыгрываемые вами заклинания Гоблинов стоят на {1} меньше.\nГоблины под вашим контролем имеют Ускорение.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Воин"
                    "flavorText": "自帕沙力克将军芒氏的时代之后,温德汶的鬼怪首次变得如此团结有效率。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445439,
                    "name": "鬼怪战酋长",
                    "text": "你施放的鬼怪咒语减少{1}来施放。\n由你操控的鬼怪具有敏捷异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/战士"
                    "flavorText": "自帕沙力克將軍芒氏的時代之後,溫德汶的鬼怪首次變得如此團結有效率。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445708,
                    "name": "鬼怪戰酋長",
                    "text": "你施放的鬼怪咒語減少{1}來施放。\n由你操控的鬼怪具有敏捷異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443018,
            "name": "Goblin Warchief",
            "number": "130",
            "originalText": "Goblin spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.\nGoblins you control have haste.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Goblin Warchief’s effect reduces only generic mana in the cost of Goblin spells you cast. For example, it doesn’t reduce the cost of Skirk Prospector below {R}."
            "scryfallId": "5bac033c-dc4e-40a0-b103-4892e4b50249",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "07415f62-6ce0-40ad-b556-e6edf032d79b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "39882df0-c20f-469d-94ba-1617224e71a1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162167,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Goblin spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.\nGoblins you control have haste.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e6d33ff5-a587-54ca-9ce6-9935196d1a73",
            "uuidV421": "899687f3-aed5-5439-8595-468c95bb376c"
            "artist": "Anna Steinbauer",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The future is my gift to Keld.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Zukunft ist mein Geschenk an Keld.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443352,
                    "name": "Oberste Kriegsfürstin Radha",
                    "text": "Eile\nImmer wenn eine oder mehrere Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, angreifen, erzeuge entsprechend viel Mana in einer beliebigen Kombination von {R} und/oder {G}. Bis zum Ende des Zuges verlierst du dieses Mana nicht, sowie Segmente und Phasen enden.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Elf, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"El futuro es mi regalo para Keld\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443621,
                    "name": "Radha, Gran Señora Guerrera",
                    "text": "Prisa.\nSiempre que una o más criaturas que controlas ataquen, agrega esa misma cantidad de maná en cualquier combinación de {R} y/o {G}. Hasta el final del turno, no pierdes ese maná en cuanto terminan los pasos y las fases.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Guerrero elfo"
                    "flavorText": "« J'offre le futur à Keld. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443890,
                    "name": "Grand seigneur de guerre Radha",
                    "text": "Célérité\nÀ chaque fois qu'au moins une créature que vous contrôlez attaque, ajoutez autant de mana de n'importe quelle combinaison de {R} et/ou {G}. Jusqu'à la fin du tour, vous ne perdez pas ce mana quand les étapes et les phases se terminent.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : elfe et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il futuro è il mio dono per Keld.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444159,
                    "name": "Radha, Suprema Signora della Guerra",
                    "text": "Rapidità\nOgniqualvolta una o più creature che controlli attaccano, aggiungi altrettanto mana in qualsiasi combinazione di {R} e/o {G}. Fino alla fine del turno, non perdi questo mana al termine di ogni fase o sottofase.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Guerriero Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "「未来こそが、私からケルドへの贈り物なのだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444428,
                    "name": "総将軍ラーダ",
                    "text": "速攻\nあなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーが1体以上攻撃するたび、{R}や{G}を合わせてその総数に等しい点数加える。ターン終了時まで、このマナはステップやフェイズの終了に際して無くならない。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — エルフ・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"미래는 내가 켈드에 주는 선물이다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444697,
                    "name": "위대한 전쟁군주 라다",
                    "text": "신속\n당신이 조종하는 한 개 이상의 생물이 공격할 때마다, {R} 및/또는 {G}를 원하는 조합으로 같은 수만큼 추가한다. 턴종료까지, 단과 단계가 종료되어도 당신은 이 마나를 잃지 않는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 엘프 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"O futuro é meu presente para Keld.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444966,
                    "name": "Radha, Grã-senhora da Guerra",
                    "text": "Ímpeto\nToda vez que uma ou mais criaturas que você controla atacarem, adicione aquela quantidade de mana em qualquer combinação de {R} e/ou {G}. Até o final do turno, você não perde esse mana quando as etapas e fases terminam.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Elfo Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Будущее — мой дар Келду».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445235,
                    "name": "Великий Вождь Радха",
                    "text": "Ускорение\nКаждый раз, когда одно или несколько существ под вашим контролем атакуют, добавьте такое же количество маны в любой комбинации {R} и (или) {G}. До конца хода вы не теряете эту ману по окончании шагов и фаз.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Эльф Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「『将来』是我献给凯尔顿的礼物。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445504,
                    "name": "大军阀拉妲",
                    "text": "敏捷\n每当由你操控的一个或数个生物攻击时,加等量的法术力,其颜色为{R}和/或{G}的任意组合。直到回合结束,你不会因步骤与阶段结束失去这份法术力。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~妖精/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「『將來』是我獻給凱爾頓的禮物。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445773,
                    "name": "大軍閥拉妲",
                    "text": "敏捷\n每當由你操控的一個或數個生物攻擊時,加等量的魔法力,其顏色為{R}和/或{G}的任意組合。直到回合結束,你不會因步驟與階段結束失去這份魔法力。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~妖精/戰士"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443083,
            "name": "Grand Warlord Radha",
            "number": "195",
            "originalText": "Haste\nWhenever one or more creatures you control attack, add that much mana in any combination of {R} and/or {G}. Until end of turn, you don't lose this mana as steps and phases end.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Elf Warrior",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The amount of mana you’ll add is the number of creatures you attack with. Creatures that are put onto the battlefield attacking before Radha’s triggered ability resolves don’t count, and creatures that attacked but left combat before the triggered ability resolves do count."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "After Radha’s triggered ability resolves, you can cast spells and activate abilities before blockers are declared."
            "scryfallId": "986981fa-a744-45d8-81c7-68ef335c79e2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "57c60c66-87df-4e5c-82eb-621379d7f920",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0fb90df6-a62b-4a9f-ae79-db71d40466ce",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162134,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Haste\nWhenever one or more creatures you control attack, add that much mana in any combination of {R} and/or {G}. Until end of turn, you don't lose this mana as steps and phases end.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Elf Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d31ac250-166e-502f-81db-d3cda1f35c93",
            "uuidV421": "49b0f5f3-aef7-58cd-a04b-1b0d797ffec5"
            "artist": "Richard Wright",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443321,
                    "name": "Aus Asche erwachsen",
                    "text": "Bonus {2} (Du kannst zusätzlich {2} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nDurchsuche deine Bibliothek nach einer Standardland-Karte, bringe sie ins Spiel und mische dann deine Bibliothek. Falls die Bonuskosten dieses Zauberspruchs bezahlt wurden, durchsuche stattdessen deine Bibliothek nach zwei Standardland-Karten, bringe sie ins Spiel und mische dann deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443590,
                    "name": "Brotar de las cenizas",
                    "text": "Estímulo {2}. (Puedes pagar {2} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nBusca en tu biblioteca una carta de tierra básica, ponla en el campo de batalla y luego baraja tu biblioteca. Si este hechizo fue estimulado, en vez de eso, busca en tu biblioteca dos cartas de tierra básica, ponlas en el campo de batalla y luego baraja tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443859,
                    "name": "Naître des cendres",
                    "text": "Kick {2} (Vous pouvez payer {2} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nCherchez dans votre bibliothèque une carte de terrain de base, mettez-la sur le champ de bataille et mélangez ensuite votre bibliothèque. Si ce sort a été kické, à la place cherchez dans votre bibliothèque deux cartes de terrain de base, mettez-les sur le champ de bataille et mélangez votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444128,
                    "name": "Crescere dalle Ceneri",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {2} (Puoi pagare {2} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nPassa in rassegna il tuo grimorio per una carta terra base, mettila sul campo di battaglia, poi rimescola il tuo grimorio. Se questa magia è stata potenziata, passa invece in rassegna il tuo grimorio per due carte terra base, mettile sul campo di battaglia, poi rimescola il tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444397,
                    "name": "灰からの成長",
                    "text": "キッカー{2}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{2}を支払ってもよい。)\nあなたのライブラリーから基本土地・カード1枚を探して戦場に出し、その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。この呪文がキッカーされていたなら、代わりに、あなたのライブラリーから基本土地・カード2枚を探して戦場に出し、その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444666,
                    "name": "재에서 태어나는 생명",
                    "text": "키커 {2} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {2}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n당신의 서고에서 기본 대지 카드 한 장을 찾아 전장에 놓은 후, 당신의 서고를 섞는다. 이 주문의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 대신 당신의 서고에서 기본 대지 카드 두 장을 찾아 전장에 놓은 후, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444935,
                    "name": "Brotar das Cinzas",
                    "text": "Reforçar {2} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {2} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nProcure em seu grimório um card de terreno básico, coloque-o no campo de batalha e depois embaralhe seu grimório. Se esta mágica tiver sido reforçada, procure, em vez disso, dois cards de terreno básico, coloque-os no campo de batalha e depois embaralhe seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445204,
                    "name": "Рост из Праха",
                    "text": "Усилитель {2} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {2}.\nНайдите в вашей библиотеке карту базовой земли, положите ее на поле битвы, затем перетасуйте вашу библиотеку. Если это заклинание получило Усилитель, вместо этого найдите в вашей библиотеке две карты базовых земель, положите их на поле битвы, затем перетасуйте вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445473,
                    "name": "死灰新生",
                    "text": "增幅{2}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{2}。)\n从你的牌库中搜寻一张基本地牌,将之放进战场,然后将你的牌库洗牌。如果此咒语已增幅,则改为从你的牌库中搜寻两张基本地牌,将它们放进战场,然后将你的牌库洗牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445742,
                    "name": "死灰新生",
                    "text": "增幅{2}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{2}。)\n從你的牌庫中搜尋一張基本地牌,將之放進戰場,然後將你的牌庫洗牌。如果此咒語已增幅,則改為從你的牌庫中搜尋兩張基本地牌,將它們放進戰場,然後將你的牌庫洗牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443052,
            "name": "Grow from the Ashes",
            "number": "164",
            "originalText": "Kicker {2} (You may pay an additional {2} as you cast this spell.)\nSearch your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. If this spell was kicked, instead search your library for two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "51d4d1c2-671c-498c-a232-7d076e3dc3bb",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6b0387ce-1729-4b73-86c8-880f81503a5a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "645ab3c7-ee1d-4dd0-811f-2dc7f7c7e792",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164701,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {2} (You may pay an additional {2} as you cast this spell.)\nSearch your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. If this spell was kicked, instead search your library for two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f26fe1f4-b06f-5069-9626-37afdff144b8",
            "uuidV421": "63678ffc-4268-5ea4-a309-f88028d7f7f8"
            "artist": "Mathias Kollros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443322,
                    "name": "Grunn, der einsame König",
                    "text": "Bonus {3} (Du kannst zusätzlich {3} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nFalls die Bonuskosten von Grunn, dem einsamen König, bezahlt wurden, kommt er mit fünf +1/+1-Marken ins Spiel.\nImmer wenn Grunn alleine angreift, verdopple seine Stärke und Widerstandskraft bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Menschenaffe, Krieger"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443591,
                    "name": "Grunn, el rey solitario",
                    "text": "Estímulo {3}. (Puedes pagar {3} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nSi Grunn, el rey solitario fue estimulado, entra al campo de batalla con cinco contadores +1/+1 sobre él.\nSiempre que Grunn ataque solo, duplica su fuerza y resistencia hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Guerrero simio"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443860,
                    "name": "Grunn, le roi solitaire",
                    "text": "Kick {3} (Vous pouvez payer {3} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nSi Grunn, le roi solitaire a été kické, il arrive sur le champ de bataille avec cinq marqueurs +1/+1 sur lui.\nÀ chaque fois que Grunn attaque seul, doublez sa force et son endurance jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : grand singe et guerrier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444129,
                    "name": "Grunn, il Re Solitario",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {3} (Puoi pagare {3} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nSe Grunn, il Re Solitario è stato potenziato, entra nel campo di battaglia con cinque segnalini +1/+1.\nOgniqualvolta Grunn attacca da solo, raddoppia la sua forza e la sua costituzione fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Guerriero Scimpanzé"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444398,
                    "name": "孤独な王、グラン",
                    "text": "キッカー{3}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{3}を支払ってもよい。)\n孤独な王、グランがキッカーされていたなら、これは+1/+1カウンターが5個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。\n孤独な王、グランが単独で攻撃するたび、ターン終了時まで、これのパワーとタフネスを2倍にする。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 類人猿・戦士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444667,
                    "name": "외로운 왕, 그룬",
                    "text": "키커 {3} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {3}을 지불할 수 있다.)\n외로운 왕, 그룬의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 그룬은 +1/+1 카운터 다섯 개를 가지고 전장에 들어온다.\n그룬이 혼자 공격할 때마다, 턴종료까지 그룬의 공격력과 방어력을 두 배로 한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 유인원 전사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444936,
                    "name": "Grunn, o Rei Solitário",
                    "text": "Reforçar {3} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {3} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nSe Grunn, o Rei Solitário, foi reforçado, ele entra no campo de batalha com cinco marcadores +1/+1.\nToda vez que Grunn atacar sozinho, duplique seu poder e sua resistência até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Símio Guerreiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445205,
                    "name": "Грунн, Одинокий Король",
                    "text": "Усилитель {3} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {3}.)\nЕсли Грунн, Одинокий Король получил Усилитель, он выходит на поле битвы с пятью жетонами +1/+1 на нем.\nКаждый раз, когда Грунн атакует в одиночку, удвойте его силу и выносливость до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Обезьяна Воин"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445474,
                    "name": "孤独猴王古恩",
                    "text": "增幅{3}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{3}。)\n如果孤独猴王古恩已增幅,它进战场时上面有五个+1/+1指示物。\n每当古恩单独攻击时,将其力量与防御力加倍直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~猿猴/战士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445743,
                    "name": "孤獨猴王古恩",
                    "text": "增幅{3}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{3}。)\n如果孤獨猴王古恩已增幅,它進戰場時上面有五個+1/+1指示物。\n每當古恩單獨攻擊時,將其力量與防禦力加倍直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~猿猴/戰士"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443053,
            "name": "Grunn, the Lonely King",
            "number": "165",
            "originalText": "Kicker {3} (You may pay an additional {3} as you cast this spell.)\nIf Grunn, the Lonely King was kicked, it enters the battlefield with five +1/+1 counters on it.\nWhenever Grunn attacks alone, double its power and toughness until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Ape Warrior",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If an effect instructs you to “double” a creature’s power, that creature gets +X/+0, where X is its power as that effect begins to apply. The same is true for its toughness."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a creature’s power is less than 0 when it’s doubled, instead that creature gets -X/-0, where X is how much less than 0 its power is. For example, if an effect has given Grunn -7/-0 so that it’s a -2/5 creature, doubling its power and toughness gives it -2/+5, and it’s a -4/10 until end of turn."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A creature attacks alone if it’s the only creature declared as an attacker during the declare attackers step (including creatures controlled by your teammates, if applicable). For example, Grunn’s last ability won’t trigger if you attack with multiple creatures and all but one of them are removed from combat."
            "scryfallId": "b6a9aa5c-1501-4958-872a-39c512514033",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e2e7dc3e-ac93-4c4b-8652-904bc1522018",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e3d6d146-47f4-46f9-9a15-2ea649093668",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162228,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {3} (You may pay an additional {3} as you cast this spell.)\nIf Grunn, the Lonely King was kicked, it enters the battlefield with five +1/+1 counters on it.\nWhenever Grunn attacks alone, double its power and toughness until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Ape Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9b53e31f-8f07-5a0a-b753-feec2b41a954",
            "uuidV421": "e54cc4e7-5ef2-5100-82c0-bcc8bd921637"
            "artist": "Yeong-Hao Han",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Archaeologists depend on automatons inspired by their precious discoveries at Koilos to guard the excavations.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Archäologen lassen die Ausgrabungsstätten in Koilos von Automaten bewachen, deren Funktionsweise und Optik von früheren Funden inspiriert ist.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443373,
                    "name": "Wächter von Koilos",
                    "text": "Wenn die Wächter von Koilos ins Spiel kommen, kannst du eine andere historische bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurückbringen. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Konstrukt"
                    "flavorText": "Los arqueólogos dependen de los autómatas, inspirados en sus descubrimientos anteriores en Koilos, para proteger las excavaciones.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443642,
                    "name": "Guardianes de Koilos",
                    "text": "Cuando los Guardianes de Koilos entren al campo de batalla, puedes regresar otro permanente histórico objetivo que controlas a la mano de su propietario. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Constructo"
                    "flavorText": "Les archéologues dépendent d'automates inspirés de leurs précédentes découvertes à Koïlos pour garder le site de fouilles.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443911,
                    "name": "Vigiles de Koïlos",
                    "text": "Quand les Vigiles de Koïlos arrivent sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez renvoyer un autre permanent historique ciblé que vous contrôlez dans la main de son propriétaire. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : construction"
                    "flavorText": "Gli archeologi affidano la protezione degli scavi ad automi ispirati dalle loro precedenti scoperte a Koilos.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444180,
                    "name": "Guardiani di Koilos",
                    "text": "Quando i Guardiani di Koilos entrano nel campo di battaglia, puoi far tornare un altro permanente storico bersaglio che controlli in mano al suo proprietario. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Costrutto"
                    "flavorText": "考古学者たちは発掘現場の護衛として、コイロスにおける発見を利用した自動機械を使っている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444449,
                    "name": "コイロスの守護者",
                    "text": "コイロスの守護者が戦場に出たとき、あなたがコントロールしている他の歴史的なパーマネント1つを対象とする。あなたはそれをオーナーの手札に戻してもよい。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — 構築物"
                    "flavorText": "고고학자들은 코일로스에서 발견했던 물건들에서 영감을 받아 만든 자동장치들로 발굴지를 보호한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444718,
                    "name": "코일로스의 수호자들",
                    "text": "코일로스의 수호자들이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 조종하는 다른 역사적 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 당신은 그 지속물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌릴 수 있다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 자동기계"
                    "flavorText": "Os arqueólogos dependem de autômatos inspirados em suas prévias descobertas em Koilos para proteger as escavações.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444987,
                    "name": "Guardiões de Koilos",
                    "text": "Quando Guardiões de Koilos entra no campo de batalha, você pode devolver outra permanente histórica alvo que você controla para a mão de seu dono. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Constructo"
                    "flavorText": "Для охраны раскопок археологи используют автоматы, прообразом которых стали предыдущие находки в Койлосе.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445256,
                    "name": "Стражники Койлоса",
                    "text": "Когда Стражники Койлоса выходят на поле битвы, вы можете вернуть другой целевой исторический перманент под вашим контролем в руку его владельца. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Конструкция"
                    "flavorText": "考古学家先前在喀洛斯的发现激发了他们的灵感,往后便都依靠由此造出的自动机械来保卫发掘现场。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445525,
                    "name": "喀洛斯守护者",
                    "text": "当喀洛斯守护者进战场时,你可以将另一个目标由你操控的史迹永久物移回其拥有者手上。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~组构体"
                    "flavorText": "考古學家先前在喀洛斯的發現激發了他們的靈感,往後便都依靠由此造出的自動機械來保衛發掘現場。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445794,
                    "name": "喀洛斯守護者",
                    "text": "當喀洛斯守護者進戰場時,你可以將另一個目標由你操控的史跡永久物移回其擁有者手上。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~組構體"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}",
            "multiverseId": 443104,
            "name": "Guardians of Koilos",
            "number": "216",
            "originalText": "When Guardians of Koilos enters the battlefield, you may return another target historic permanent you control to its owner's hand. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
            "scryfallId": "bbbc615a-708a-444b-acab-871cce22694d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "03958a59-7908-4480-9579-0bff913031e2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8f593bed-4be8-403d-bce2-fb769658e673",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162789,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Guardians of Koilos enters the battlefield, you may return another target historic permanent you control to its owner's hand. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b51bd267-aa9b-5583-a4c3-95b41c8b19ed",
            "uuidV421": "2a7ff968-f917-50f6-a10b-e24daece81f7"
            "artist": "Bram Sels",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443353,
                    "name": "Hallar Feuerpfeil",
                    "text": "Verursacht Trampelschaden\nImmer wenn du einen Zauberspruch samt Bonuskosten wirkst, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf Hallar Feuerpfeil. Dann fügt Hallar jedem Gegner so viele Schadenspunkte zu, wie +1/+1-Marken auf Hallar liegen.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Elf, Bogenschütze"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443622,
                    "name": "Hállar, Flecha Ígnea",
                    "text": "Arrolla.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo, si ese hechizo fue estimulado, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre Hállar, Flecha Ígnea. Luego, Hállar hace una cantidad de daño a cada oponente igual a la cantidad de contadores +1/+1 que tenga.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Arquero elfo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443891,
                    "name": "Hallar, le pyrarcher",
                    "text": "Piétinement\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort, si ce sort a été kické, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur Hallar, le pyrarcher, puis Hallar inflige à chaque adversaire un nombre de blessures égal au nombre de marqueurs +1/+1 sur lui.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : elfe et archer"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444160,
                    "name": "Hallar, Scoccafuoco",
                    "text": "Travolgere\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia, se quella magia è stata potenziata, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su Hallar, Scoccafuoco, poi Hallar infligge a ogni avversario danno pari al numero di segnalini +1/+1 su di esso.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Arciere Elfo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444429,
                    "name": "炎矢師、ハラー",
                    "text": "トランプル\nあなたが呪文を唱えるたび、その呪文がキッカーされていた場合、炎矢師、ハラーの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。その後、炎矢師、ハラーは各対戦相手にそれぞれ、これの上に置かれている+1/+1カウンターの総数に等しい点数のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — エルフ・射手"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444698,
                    "name": "불꽃화살, 할라르",
                    "text": "돌진\n당신이 주문을 발동할 때마다, 그 주문의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 불꽃화살, 할라르에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓은 후, 할라르는 각 상대에게 할라르에 올려진 +1/+1 카운터의 수만큼 피해를 입힌다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 엘프 궁수"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444967,
                    "name": "Hallar das Flechas de Fogo",
                    "text": "Atropelar\nToda vez que você conjurar uma mágica, se ela foi reforçada, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Hallar das Flechas de Fogo. Em seguida, Hallar causa uma quantidade de dano igual ao número de seus marcadores +1/+1 a cada oponente.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Elfo Arqueiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445236,
                    "name": "Халлар, Пламенная Стрела",
                    "text": "Пробивной удар\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете заклинание, если то заклинание получило Усилитель, положите один жетон +1/+1 на Халлара, Пламенную Стрелу, затем Халлар наносит повреждения, равные числу жетонов +1/+1 на нем, каждому оппоненту.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Эльф Лучник"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445505,
                    "name": "炎箭贺拉尔",
                    "text": "践踏\n每当你施放咒语时,若该咒语已增幅,则在炎箭贺拉尔上放置一个+1/+1指示物,然后贺拉尔向每位对手各造成伤害,其数量等同于其上的+1/+1指示物数量。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~妖精/弓箭手"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445774,
                    "name": "炎箭賀拉爾",
                    "text": "踐踏\n每當你施放咒語時,若該咒語已增幅,則在炎箭賀拉爾上放置一個+1/+1指示物,然後賀拉爾向每位對手各造成傷害,其數量等同於其上的+1/+1指示物數量。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~妖精/弓箭手"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443084,
            "name": "Hallar, the Firefletcher",
            "number": "196",
            "originalText": "Trample\nWhenever you cast a spell, if that spell was kicked, put a +1/+1 counter on Hallar, the Firefletcher, then Hallar deals damage equal to the number of +1/+1 counters on it to each opponent.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Elf Archer",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Hallar’s last ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Hallar leaves the battlefield after its last ability has triggered but before it resolves, you don’t put a +1/+1 counter on anything as the ability resolves, but you do use the number of +1/+1 counters that were on Hallar before it left the battlefield to determine how much damage it deals to each opponent."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Hallar’s last ability causes the opposing team to lose 2 life for each +1/+1 counter on it."
            "scryfallId": "c896643e-eeef-49a6-a1ca-2577b55af2b0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "fa1976a5-505a-4eec-94d1-44c091e6880a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "04559759-1afd-4785-badc-c3416041f016",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162136,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Trample\nWhenever you cast a spell, if that spell was kicked, put a +1/+1 counter on Hallar, the Firefletcher, then Hallar deals damage equal to the number of +1/+1 counters on it to each opponent.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Elf Archer",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "78b3a5fa-cbfe-56d5-a1b5-85cc654fc35b",
            "uuidV421": "1eea46d8-1d03-5ddb-940e-345b32a50bfb"
            "artist": "Jesper Ejsing",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443288,
                    "name": "Planloser Beschuss",
                    "text": "Wenn der Planlose Beschuss ins Spiel kommt, bestimme vier bleibende Karten, die keine Verzauberungen sind und die du nicht kontrollierst, und lege auf jede von ihnen eine Zielmarke.\nZu Beginn deines Endsegments und falls auf zwei oder mehr bleibenden Karten, die du nicht kontrollierst, eine Zielmarke liegt, zerstöre eine zufällig bestimmte dieser bleibenden Karten.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443557,
                    "name": "Aplastamiento al azar",
                    "text": "Cuando el Aplastamiento al azar entre al campo de batalla, elige cuatro permanentes que no sean encantamiento que no controlas y pon un contador de puntería sobre cada uno de ellos.\nAl comienzo de tu paso final, si dos o más permanentes que no controlas tienen un contador de puntería sobre ellos, destruye uno de esos permanentes al azar.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443826,
                    "name": "Bombardement incertain",
                    "text": "Quand le Bombardement incertain arrive sur le champ de bataille, choisissez quatre permanents non-enchantement que vous ne contrôlez pas et mettez un marqueur « visée » sur chacun d'eux.\nAu début de votre étape de fin, si au moins deux permanents que vous ne contrôlez pas ont des marqueurs « visée » sur eux, détruisez un de ces permanents au hasard.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444095,
                    "name": "Bombardamento alla Cieca",
                    "text": "Quando il Bombardamento alla Cieca entra nel campo di battaglia, scegli quattro permanenti non incantesimo che non controlli e metti un segnalino mira su ciascuno di essi.\nAll'inizio della tua sottofase finale, se due o più permanenti che non controlli hanno un segnalino mira, distruggi uno di quei permanenti a caso.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444364,
                    "name": "でたらめな砲撃",
                    "text": "でたらめな砲撃が戦場に出たとき、あなたがコントロールしておらずエンチャントでもないパーマネント4つを選び、それらの上に照準カウンターをそれぞれ1個置く。\nあなたの終了ステップの開始時に、あなたがコントロールしていないパーマネント2つ以上の上に照準カウンターが置かれていた場合、それらのパーマネントのうち1つを無作為に選び、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444633,
                    "name": "무차별 폭격",
                    "text": "무차별 폭격이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 조종하지 않는 부여마법이 아닌 지속물 네 개를 선택해 각각에 조준 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.\n당신의 종료단 시작에, 조준 카운터가 올려진 당신이 조종하지 않는 지속물이 두 개 이상이라면, 그 지속물 중 하나를 무작위로 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444902,
                    "name": "Bombardeio a Esmo",
                    "text": "Quando Bombardeio a Esmo entrar no campo de batalha, escolha quatro permanentes que você não controla que não sejam encantamentos e coloque um marcador de mira em cada uma delas.\nNo início de sua etapa final, se duas ou mais permanentes que você não controla tiverem um marcador de mira, destrua uma daquelas permanentes aleatoriamente.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445171,
                    "name": "Беспорядочный Град",
                    "text": "Когда Беспорядочный Град выходит на поле битвы, выберите четыре не являющихся чарами перманента не под вашим контролем и положите на каждый из них по одному жетону цели.\nВ начале вашего заключительного шага, если на двух или более перманентах не под вашим контролем есть жетоны цели, уничтожьте один из тех перманентов, выбрав его случайным образом.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445440,
                    "name": "胡乱轰炸",
                    "text": "当胡乱轰炸进战场时,选择四个不由你操控的非结界永久物,并在其上各放置一个瞄准指示物。\n在你的结束步骤开始时,若两个或更多不由你操控的永久物上有瞄准指示物,则随机消灭其中一个永久物。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445709,
                    "name": "胡亂轟炸",
                    "text": "當胡亂轟炸進戰場時,選擇四個不由你操控的非結界永久物,並在其上各放置一個瞄準指示物。\n在你的結束步驟開始時,若兩個或更多不由你操控的永久物上有瞄準指示物,則隨機消滅其中一個永久物。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443019,
            "name": "Haphazard Bombardment",
            "number": "131",
            "originalText": "When Haphazard Bombardment enters the battlefield, choose four nonenchantment permanents you don't control and put an aim counter on each of them.\nAt the beginning of your end step, if two or more permanents you don't control have an aim counter on them, destroy one of those permanents at random.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The nonenchantment permanents that receive aim counters aren’t targeted. Permanents with hexproof can be given an aim counter this way."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Aim counters are interchangeable. Your Haphazard Bombardment can destroy any permanent you don’t control with an aim counter on it no matter how that counter got there—for example, those aim counters may have come from a second Haphazard Bombardment that you or another opponent cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Players can’t take actions between the time the permanent is randomly selected and the time it’s destroyed. Notably, if a land is randomly selected, it can’t be tapped for mana before being destroyed."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If one or more of the permanents with aim counters on them have indestructible, select the permanent destroyed at random from among the permanents with aim counters that don’t have indestructible."
            "scryfallId": "e558a5bd-e8f9-477f-a514-1bf0708f4e9e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "16d940f3-69f0-4668-939c-9e5fbce2a670",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fc1eb1c9-b22b-41a1-8b13-94a0e758db0f",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162168,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Haphazard Bombardment enters the battlefield, choose four nonenchantment permanents you don't control and put an aim counter on each of them.\nAt the beginning of your end step, if two or more permanents you don't control have an aim counter on them, destroy one of those permanents at random.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "33b8c99f-9e02-5b90-84a4-c9a04c17819f",
            "uuidV421": "410d0ff5-c1fb-5f23-84c6-d1acdad7c650"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Whatever faith you have in Serra, she has more in you.\" —Lyra Dawnbringer",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Bewahre dir stets deinen Glauben an Serra, denn sie glaubt auch fest an dich.\" —Lyra Morgenbringer",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443177,
                    "name": "Heilende Gnade",
                    "text": "Verhindere die nächsten 3 Schadenspunkte, die einem Ziel deiner Wahl in diesem Zug von einer Quelle, die du bestimmst, zugefügt würden. Du erhältst 3 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"No importa la fe que tú tengas en Serra, ella siempre tiene más en ti\". —Lyra Portaalba",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443446,
                    "name": "Merced sanadora",
                    "text": "Prevén los siguientes 3 puntos de daño que la fuente de tu elección fuera a hacer a cualquier objetivo este turno. Ganas 3 vidas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Quelle que soit la force de votre foi en Serra, elle a encore plus foi en vous. » —Lyra Aubevenant",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443715,
                    "name": "Grâce curative",
                    "text": "Prévenez les 3 prochaines blessures qui devraient être infligées à une cible ce tour-ci par une source de votre choix. Vous gagnez 3 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Per quanta fede tu abbia in Serra, lei ne ha di più in te.\" —Lyra Dawnbringer",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443984,
                    "name": "Grazia Sanatrice",
                    "text": "Previeni i prossimi 3 danni che verrebbero inflitti a un qualsiasi bersaglio in questo turno da una fonte a tua scelta. Guadagni 3 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「あなたがセラにどれほどの信仰心を抱いていても、あの方のあなたへの想いの方が大きいでしょう。」 ――黎明をもたらす者ライラ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444253,
                    "name": "治癒の恩寵",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。このターン、あなたが選んだ発生源1つからそれに与えられるダメージを次の3点軽減する。あなたは3点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"당신이 세라에게 어떤 믿음을 가졌든, 그녀는 그 이상으로 당신을 믿고 있다.\" —여명을 가져오는 자 리라",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444522,
                    "name": "치유의 은혜",
                    "text": "원하는 목표를 정한다. 당신이 선택한 원천이 이 턴에 그 목표에게 다음으로 입히려는 피해 3점을 방지한다. 당신은 생명 3점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Qualquer que seja sua fé em Serra, ela tem ainda mais fé em você.\" — Lyra, Portadora da Alvorada",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444791,
                    "name": "Graça Curativa",
                    "text": "Previna os próximos 3 pontos de dano que seriam causados a qualquer alvo neste turno por uma fonte à sua escolha. Você ganha 3 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Как бы истово ты ни верил в Серру, ее вера в тебя сильнее». — Лира, Приносящая Рассвет",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445060,
                    "name": "Целительная Милость",
                    "text": "Предотвратите следующие 3 повреждения, которые должны быть нанесены любой цели в этом ходу источником по вашему выбору. Вы получаете 3 жизни.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「无论你对撒拉有多少信心,她总是更信任你一分。」 ~黎明使者莱拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445329,
                    "name": "疗伤光辉",
                    "text": "选择一个来源。于本回合中,防止该来源接下来将对任意一个目标造成的3点伤害。你获得3点生命。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「無論你對撒拉有多少信心,她總是更信任你一分。」 ~黎明使者萊拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445598,
                    "name": "療傷光輝",
                    "text": "選擇一個來源。於本回合中,防止該來源接下來將對任意一個目標造成的3點傷害。你獲得3點生命。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442908,
            "name": "Healing Grace",
            "number": "20",
            "originalText": "Prevent the next 3 damage that would be dealt to any target this turn by a source of your choice. You gain 3 life.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Healing Grace only targets the creature, planeswalker, or player that will receive the damage prevention “shield.” The source isn’t targeted."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You choose only one source, even if that source won’t deal 3 damage."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You gain 3 life as Healing Grace resolves, even if there’s no damage to prevent."
            "scryfallId": "f7512d31-dc35-4046-a1ba-49b74239c329",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "90f3777b-67d7-4d93-b678-ed3e94357661",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e3b22777-4d5b-4f6c-a339-24d204bd007e",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162198,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Prevent the next 3 damage that would be dealt to any target this turn by a source of your choice. You gain 3 life.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5426f2a9-23e0-568c-9e8d-2f8158bcf5a0",
            "uuidV421": "5121a7b1-1342-5a98-aa72-ee590f4f5685"
            "artist": "Igor Kieryluk",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Forged out of flowstone for the queen of Vesuva.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Er wurde für die Königin von Vesuva aus Schmelzstein geschmiedet.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443374,
                    "name": "Helm der Schar",
                    "text": "Erzeuge zu Beginn des Kampfes in deinem Zug einen Spielstein, der eine Kopie der ausgerüsteten Kreatur ist, außer dass der Spielstein nicht legendär ist, falls die ausgerüstete Kreatur legendär ist. Der Spielstein erhält Eile.\nAusrüsten {5}",
                    "type": "Legendäres Artefakt — Ausrüstung"
                    "flavorText": "Forjado en piedra variable para la reina de Vesuva.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443643,
                    "name": "Yelmo multiplicador",
                    "text": "Al comienzo del combate en tu turno, crea una ficha que es una copia de la criatura equipada, excepto que la ficha no es legendaria si la criatura equipada es legendaria. Esa ficha gana la habilidad de prisa.\nEquipar {5}.",
                    "type": "Artefacto legendario — Equipo"
                    "flavorText": "De la fluipierre forgée pour la reine de Vésuva.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443912,
                    "name": "Heaume de la multitude",
                    "text": "Au début du combat pendant votre tour, créez un jeton qui est une copie de la créature équipée, excepté que le jeton n'est pas légendaire si la créature équipée est légendaire. Ce jeton acquiert la célérité.\nÉquipement {5}",
                    "type": "Artefact légendaire : équipement"
                    "flavorText": "Forgiato dalla mutaroccia per la regina di Vesuva.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444181,
                    "name": "Elmo della Moltitudine",
                    "text": "All'inizio del combattimento nel tuo turno, crea una pedina che è una copia della creatura equipaggiata, tranne che la pedina non è leggendaria se la creatura equipaggiata è leggendaria. Quella pedina ha rapidità.\nEquipaggiare {5}",
                    "type": "Artefatto Leggendario — Equipaggiamento"
                    "flavorText": "ヴェズーヴァの女王のために流動石から造られた。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444450,
                    "name": "多勢の兜",
                    "text": "あなたのターンの戦闘の開始時に、装備しているクリーチャーが伝説であってもそのトークンは伝説ではないことを除き、装備しているクリーチャーのコピーであるトークンを1体生成する。そのトークンは速攻を得る。\n装備{5}",
                    "type": "伝説のアーティファクト — 装備品"
                    "flavorText": "베수바의 여왕을 위해 유동석으로 만들어졌다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444719,
                    "name": "군대의 투구",
                    "text": "당신의 턴 전투시작에, 장착된 생물의 복사본인 토큰 한 개를 만든다. 만약 장착된 생물이 전설적이라면, 토큰은 전설적이 아니다. 그 토큰은 신속을 얻는다.\n장착 {5}",
                    "type": "전설적 마법물체 — 장비"
                    "flavorText": "Forjado em rochafluente para a rainha de Vesuva.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444988,
                    "name": "Elmo Multiplicador",
                    "text": "No início do combate em seu turno, crie uma ficha que seja uma cópia da criatura equipada, com a exceção de não ser lendária se a criatura equipada for lendária. Aquela ficha ganha ímpeto.\nEquipar {5}",
                    "type": "Artefato Lendário — Equipamento"
                    "flavorText": "Выкован из текучего камня для королевы Везувы.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445257,
                    "name": "Шлем Умножения",
                    "text": "В начале боя во время вашего хода создайте одну фишку, являющуюся копией снаряженного существа, за исключением того, что фишка не легендарная, если снаряженное существо является легендарным. Та фишка получает Ускорение.\nСнарядить {5}",
                    "type": "Легендарный Артефакт — Снаряжение"
                    "flavorText": "以液石铸造,供维苏瓦女王使用。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445526,
                    "name": "军团之盔",
                    "text": "在你回合的战斗开始时,派出一个衍生物,此衍生物为佩带此武具之生物的复制品,但如果佩带此武具的生物是传奇,该衍生物不是传奇。该衍生物获得敏捷异能。\n佩带{5}",
                    "type": "传奇神器 ~武具"
                    "flavorText": "以液石鑄造,供維蘇瓦女王使用。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445795,
                    "name": "軍團之盔",
                    "text": "在你回合的戰鬥開始時,派出一個衍生物,此衍生物為佩帶此武具之生物的複製品,但如果佩帶此武具的生物是傳奇,該衍生物不是傳奇。該衍生物獲得敏捷異能。\n佩帶{5}",
                    "type": "傳奇神器 ~武具"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}",
            "multiverseId": 443105,
            "name": "Helm of the Host",
            "number": "217",
            "originalText": "At the beginning of combat on your turn, create a token that's a copy of equipped creature, except the token isn't legendary if equipped creature is legendary. That token gains haste.\nEquip {5}",
            "originalType": "Legendary Artifact — Equipment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The token copies exactly what was printed on the original creature and nothing else (unless that creature is copying something else or is a token; see below). It doesn’t copy whether that creature is tapped or untapped, whether it has any counters on it or Auras and Equipment attached to it, or any non-copy effects that have changed its power, toughness, types, color, and so on."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The token isn’t legendary, and this exception is copiable. If something else copies the token later, that copy also won’t be legendary. If you control two or more permanents with the same name but only one is legendary, the “legend rule” doesn’t apply."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The token gains haste indefinitely, and this effect isn’t copiable. If something else copies the token later, that copy won’t have haste."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the copied creature has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the copied creature is a token, the token that’s created copies the original characteristics of that token as stated by the effect that created that token."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the copied creature is copying something else (for example, if the copied creature is a Clone), then the token enters the battlefield as whatever that creature copied."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Any enters-the-battlefield abilities of the copied creature will trigger when the token enters the battlefield. Any “as [this creature] enters the battlefield” or “[this creature] enters the battlefield with” abilities of the chosen creature will also work."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the equipped creature leaves the battlefield before the triggered ability of Helm of the Host resolves, or if there is no equipped creature, no token is created. However, if Helm of the Host leaves the battlefield while its triggered ability is on the stack, a token will be created of the creature it last equipped. If that creature has also left the battlefield, its last known information is used to determine what the token looks like."
            "scryfallId": "1d65d20c-09e5-4139-838b-7e0e48eb2b2b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "17a10155-a2e0-4256-98af-640e9315881f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "83b43aba-bf9c-4da2-967d-9daa632e97d2",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162254,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "At the beginning of combat on your turn, create a token that's a copy of equipped creature, except the token isn't legendary if equipped creature is legendary. That token gains haste.\nEquip {5}",
            "type": "Legendary Artifact — Equipment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0bf8b572-d78b-52e2-a287-caa6045ecb7f",
            "uuidV421": "e0e734b7-6a95-515b-87bc-e1e4fe28fc2e"
            "artist": "Daniel Ljunggren",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Our ancestors brought down a Phyrexian portal ship, then built our town on its hull. We're pretty proud of that.\" —Alene of Riverspan",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Unsere Ahnen schossen ein phyrexianisches Portalschiff aus der Luft und errichteten auf dessen Überresten unsere Stadt. Darauf sind wir ziemlich stolz.\" —Alene aus Riverspan",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443397,
                    "name": "Hinterlandhafen",
                    "text": "Der Hinterlandhafen kommt getappt ins Spiel, es sei denn, du kontrollierst einen Wald oder eine Insel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {G} oder {U}.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nuestros ancestros abatieron una nave-portal pirexiana y construyeron la ciudad sobre su armazón. Estamos muy orgullosos\". —Alene de Puente del Río",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443666,
                    "name": "Puerto interior",
                    "text": "El Puerto interior entra al campo de batalla girado a menos que controles un Bosque o una Isla.\n{T}: Agrega {G} o {U}.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "flavorText": "« Nos ancêtres ont abattu un navire-portail phyrexian, puis construit notre ville sur sa coque. Nous en sommes très fiers. » —Alene de Couvrefleuve",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443935,
                    "name": "Port de l'arrière-pays",
                    "text": "Le Port de l'arrière-pays arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé à moins que vous ne contrôliez une forêt ou une île.\n{T} : Ajoutez {G} ou {U}.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "flavorText": "\"I nostri antenati abbatterono una nave portale di Phyrexia e sul suo scafo costruirono la nostra città. Ne siamo molto orgogliosi.\" —Alene di Ponterivo",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444204,
                    "name": "Porto dell'Entroterra",
                    "text": "Il Porto dell'Entroterra entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato a meno che tu non controlli una Foresta o un'Isola.\n{T}: Aggiungi {G} o {U}.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "flavorText": "「私たちの先祖はファイレクシアの門船を落とし、その船殻の上に都市を築きました。私たちの誇りです。」 ――リバースパンのアリーン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444473,
                    "name": "内陸の湾港",
                    "text": "内陸の湾港は、あなたが森か島をコントロールしていないかぎり、タップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{G}か{U}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "flavorText": "\"우리의 선조들은 피렉시아의 관문 함선을 격침시키고, 그 선체에 우리들의 마을을 세웠다. 우리는 그 사실을 자랑스럽게 여기고 있지.\" —강어귀의 알린",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444742,
                    "name": "내륙 항구",
                    "text": "내륙 항구는 당신이 숲이나 섬을 조종하지 않으면 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {G} 또는 {U}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nossos ancestrais derrubaram uma nave portal phyrexiana, e depois construíram a nossa cidade no casco dela. Temos muito orgulho disso.\" — Alene de Transflúvia",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445011,
                    "name": "Porto do Interior",
                    "text": "Porto do Interior entra no campo de batalha virado, a menos que você controle uma Floresta ou uma Ilha.\n{T}: Adicione {G} ou {U}.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "flavorText": "«Наши предки сбили фирексийский портальный корабль и построили город на его корпусе. Мы очень этим гордимся». — Алин из Надречья",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445280,
                    "name": "Внутренняя Гавань",
                    "text": "Внутренняя Гавань выходит на поле битвы повернутой, если под вашим контролем нет Леса или Острова.\n{T}: добавьте {G} или {U}.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "flavorText": "「我们的先祖曾击落一艘非瑞克西亚境界通道飞船,然后借其舰身建成如今这座城市。我们都以此为荣。」 ~河境城的艾琳",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445549,
                    "name": "内陆港湾",
                    "text": "除非你操控树林或海岛,否则内陆港湾须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{G}或{U}。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "flavorText": "「我們的先祖曾擊落一艘非瑞克西亞境界通道飛船,然後借其艦身建成如今這座城市。我們都以此為榮。」 ~河境城的艾琳",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445818,
                    "name": "內陸港灣",
                    "text": "除非你操控樹林或海島,否則內陸港灣須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{G}或{U}。",
                    "type": "地"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 443128,
            "name": "Hinterland Harbor",
            "number": "240",
            "originalText": "Hinterland Harbor enters the battlefield tapped unless you control a Forest or an Island.\n{T}: Add {G} or {U}.",
            "originalType": "Land",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "d631d040-51e9-4540-91e7-aeb5ade84090",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "bf3f0a39-a474-4bb3-86b7-0397fe0d98a0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fb5a3403-7f0b-406c-8c4f-d693be010ca6",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162120,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Hinterland Harbor enters the battlefield tapped unless you control a Forest or an Island.\n{T}: Add {G} or {U}.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d1543033-66d4-514d-a0d7-607e199cae08",
            "uuidV421": "0e6207ed-c3fe-5e48-97ab-4bb0cf6724a3"
            "artist": "Noah Bradley",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443178,
                    "name": "Geschichte Benalias",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI, II — Erzeuge einen 2/2 weißen Ritter-Kreaturenspielstein mit Wachsamkeit.\nIII — Ritter, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +2/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443447,
                    "name": "Historia de Benalia",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI, II — Crea una ficha de criatura Caballero blanca 2/2 con la habilidad de vigilancia.\nIII — Los Caballeros que controlas obtienen +2/+1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443716,
                    "name": "Histoire de Bénalia",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI, II — Créez un jeton de créature 2/2 blanche Chevalier avec la vigilance.\nIII — Les chevaliers que vous contrôlez gagnent +2/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443985,
                    "name": "Storia di Benalia",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI, II — Crea una pedina creatura Cavaliere 2/2 bianca con cautela.\nIII — I Cavalieri che controlli prendono +2/+1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444254,
                    "name": "ベナリア史",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI, II ― 警戒を持つ白の2/2の騎士・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。\nIII ― ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしている騎士は+2/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444523,
                    "name": "베날리아의 역사",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI, II — 경계를 가진 2/2 백색 기사 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.\nIII — 당신이 조종하는 기사들은 턴종료까지 +2/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444792,
                    "name": "História de Benália",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI, II — Crie uma ficha de criatura branca 2/2 do tipo Cavaleiro com vigilância.\nIII — Os Cavaleiros que você controla recebem +2/+1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445061,
                    "name": "История Беналии",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI, II — Создайте одну фишку существа 2/2 белый Рыцарь с Бдительностью.\nIII — Рыцари под вашим контролем получают +2/+1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445330,
                    "name": "宾纳里亚史",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI, II — 派出一个2/2白色,具警戒异能的骑士衍生生物。\nIII — 由你操控的骑士得+2/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445599,
                    "name": "賓納里亞史",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI, II — 派出一個2/2白色,具警戒異能的騎士衍生生物。\nIII — 由你操控的騎士得+2/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442909,
            "name": "History of Benalia",
            "names": [],
            "number": "21",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Create a 2/2 white Knight creature token with vigilance.\nIII — Knights you control get +2/+1 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The final chapter ability of History of Benalia affects only Knights you control at the time it resolves. Creatures you begin to control later in the turn or that become Knights later in the turn won’t get +2/+1."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "d134385d-b01c-41c7-bb2d-30722b44dc5a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f743a27d-ec25-4341-aa24-6ed952b4be35",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c15bb7eb-aaaa-4468-9641-8f706d6137e8",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162200,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Create a 2/2 white Knight creature token with vigilance.\nIII — Knights you control get +2/+1 until end of turn.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "85a4124d-e771-50f6-9c54-d6d15b00ed23",
            "uuidV421": "fefc4415-e3fe-597d-acac-58f3231be0c6"
            "artist": "Jehan Choo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Homarids spread northward from Sarpadia as the climate cooled, raiding coastal settlements for supplies.\" — Time of Ice",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Homariden zogen aus Sarpadia Richtung Norden, als es kälter wurde. Auf der Suche nach Vorräten überfielen sie die Siedlungen an den Küsten.\" —Zeitalter des Eises",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443210,
                    "name": "Homarid-Kundschafter",
                    "text": "Wenn der Homarid-Kundschafter ins Spiel kommt, legt ein Spieler deiner Wahl die obersten vier Karten seiner Bibliothek auf seinen Friedhof.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Homarid, Späher"
                    "flavorText": "\"Los homáridos se extendieron por el norte de Sarpadia cuando el clima se enfrió. Atacaban los asentamientos costeros para sobrevivir\". —Tiempos Gélidos",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443479,
                    "name": "Descubridor homárido",
                    "text": "Cuando el Descubridor homárido entre al campo de batalla, el jugador objetivo pone las cuatro primeras cartas de su biblioteca en su cementerio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Explorador homárido"
                    "flavorText": "« Les homarides envahirent le nord de Sarpadia lorsque le climat se refroidit, pillant les colonies côtières à la recherche de provisions. » —Temps des glaces",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443748,
                    "name": "Explorateur homaride",
                    "text": "Quand l'Explorateur homaride arrive sur le champ de bataille, le joueur ciblé met les quatre cartes du dessus de sa bibliothèque dans son cimetière.",
                    "type": "Créature : homaride et éclaireur"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quando il clima si fece più rigido, gli homarid si spinsero verso nord da Sarpadia, saccheggiando gli insediamenti costieri a caccia di risorse.\" —Il Tempo dei Ghiacci",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444017,
                    "name": "Esploratore Homarid",
                    "text": "Quando l'Esploratore Homarid entra nel campo di battaglia, un giocatore bersaglio mette nel suo cimitero le prime quattro carte del suo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Esploratore Homarid"
                    "flavorText": "「ホマリッドはサーペイディアから北方の寒冷な気候の地に暮らしており、食料を求めて沿岸の村々を襲う。」 ――氷河期",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444286,
                    "name": "ホマリッドの探検者",
                    "text": "ホマリッドの探検者が戦場に出たとき、プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは自分のライブラリーの一番上からカードを4枚自分の墓地に置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ホマリッド・スカウト"
                    "flavorText": "\"호마리드인들은 날씨가 추워짐에 따라 사르파디아에서부터 북쪽으로 이동하며, 해안의 정착지를 약탈해 물자를 구한다.\" —얼음의 시대",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444555,
                    "name": "호마리드 탐험가",
                    "text": "호마리드 탐험가가 전장에 들어올 때, 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 서고 맨 위 카드 네 장을 자신의 무덤에 넣는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 호마리드 정찰병"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os homáridas se espalharam para o norte a partir de Sarpadia conforme o clima esfriou, fazendo incursões em povoações costeiras em busca de suprimentos.\" — Tempo de Gelo",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444824,
                    "name": "Explorador Homárida",
                    "text": "Quando Explorador Homárida entra no campo de batalha, o jogador alvo coloca os quatro cards do topo do próprio grimório no próprio cemitério.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Homárida Batedor"
                    "flavorText": "«Климат становился холоднее, и хомариды распространялись из Сарпадии на север, нападая на береговые поселения, чтобы разжиться припасами». — «Эпоха Льда»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445093,
                    "name": "Хомарид-Исследователь",
                    "text": "Когда Хомарид-Исследователь выходит на поле битвы, целевой игрок кладет четыре верхние карты своей библиотеки на свое кладбище.",
                    "type": "Существо — Хомарид Разведчик"
                    "flavorText": "「气候变冷后,荷马利族从撒尔帕汀往北迁徙,沿途劫掠沿海聚落,搜刮物资。」 ~《冰雪时代纪》",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445362,
                    "name": "荷马利族探险家",
                    "text": "当荷马利族探险家进战场时,目标牌手将其牌库顶的四张牌置入其坟墓场。",
                    "type": "生物 ~荷马利/斥候"
                    "flavorText": "「氣候變冷後,荷馬利族從撒爾帕汀往北遷徙,沿途劫掠沿海聚落,搜刮物資。」 ~《冰雪時代紀》",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445631,
                    "name": "荷馬利族探險家",
                    "text": "當荷馬利族探險家進戰場時,目標玩家將其牌庫頂的四張牌置入其墳墓場。",
                    "type": "生物 ~荷馬利/斥候"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442941,
            "name": "Homarid Explorer",
            "number": "53",
            "originalText": "When Homarid Explorer enters the battlefield, target player puts the top four cards of their library into their graveyard.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Homarid Scout",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "93be7aa6-1897-4657-b3a6-991b05f7ea5e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ad9ba467-052c-430d-a201-17f356c01d27",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ac30745c-addf-433a-be73-d3d9f4cc4328",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162220,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Homarid Explorer enters the battlefield, target player puts the top four cards of their library into their graveyard.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Homarid Scout",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "125d02c0-b949-531b-ba4b-e8fa7124ad58",
            "uuidV421": "ccc12b97-8adc-528e-b3b4-371b97abe9fa"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "It wails of buried riches and the souls lost seeking them.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Aus seinem Schlund hallen Versprechungen auf reiche Schätze und das Klagen der Seelen all jener, die nach ihnen suchten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443375,
                    "name": "Golem des verborgenen Wissens",
                    "text": "Immer wenn der Golem des verborgenen Wissens angreift oder blockt, zieht jeder Spieler eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Golem"
                    "flavorText": "Llora por las riquezas enterradas y por las almas perdidas en su búsqueda.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443644,
                    "name": "Gólem aullante",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Gólem aullante ataque o bloquee, cada jugador roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Gólem"
                    "flavorText": "Il se lamente des richesses ensevelies et des âmes perdues à leur recherche.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443913,
                    "name": "Golem rugissant",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que le Golem rugissant attaque ou bloque, chaque joueur pioche une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : golem"
                    "flavorText": "I suoi lamenti narrano di ricchezze sepolte e delle anime che si sono perdute per trovarle.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444182,
                    "name": "Golem Ululante",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta il Golem Ululante attacca o blocca, ogni giocatore pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Golem"
                    "flavorText": "埋もれてしまった富と、それを求めて失われた魂を想い、悲嘆の声を上げる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444451,
                    "name": "吠えたけるゴーレム",
                    "text": "吠えたけるゴーレムが攻撃かブロックするたび、各プレイヤーはそれぞれカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — ゴーレム"
                    "flavorText": "이 골렘은 파묻힌 보물과 그것을 찾다가 사라진 영혼들로 울부짖고 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444720,
                    "name": "도깨비 골렘",
                    "text": "도깨비 골렘이 공격하거나 방어할 때마다, 각 플레이어는 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 골렘"
                    "flavorText": "Ele ulula as riquezas enterradas e as almas perdidas ao buscá-las.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444989,
                    "name": "Golem Uivador",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Golem Uivador ataca ou bloqueia, cada jogador compra um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Golem"
                    "flavorText": "Он плачет по потерянным сокровищам и тем, кто пропал, разыскивая их.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445258,
                    "name": "Воющий Голем",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Воющий Голем атакует или блокирует, каждый игрок берет карту.",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Голем"
                    "flavorText": "它为埋葬的财富与寻宝丧命的灵魂哀嚎。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445527,
                    "name": "嚎叫魔像",
                    "text": "每当嚎叫魔像攻击或阻挡时,每位牌手各抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~魔像"
                    "flavorText": "它為埋葬的財富與尋寶喪命的靈魂哀嚎。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445796,
                    "name": "嚎叫魔像",
                    "text": "每當嚎叫魔像攻擊或阻擋時,每位玩家各抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~魔像"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{3}",
            "multiverseId": 443106,
            "name": "Howling Golem",
            "number": "218",
            "originalText": "Whenever Howling Golem attacks or blocks, each player draws a card.",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Golem",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "After Howling Golem’s triggered ability resolves, players can cast spells and activate abilities before blockers are declared if it’s attacking, or before damage is dealt if it’s blocking."
            "scryfallId": "775ab60a-2dc1-44fc-8022-f7becd8ee195",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e7d5582a-5af7-4c52-acac-a22a39017932",
            "scryfallOracleId": "75269a31-3819-4410-8bb7-10de16810a5e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162255,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Howling Golem attacks or blocks, each player draws a card.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Golem",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b525cfb9-e56a-5347-82fe-ab513bee7610",
            "uuidV421": "8e23536f-865e-526a-b73e-8ddfd8d55604"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Ice may thaw, but malice never does.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Eis und Wasser sind zwei Zustände desselben Elements, Arglist und Bosheit zwei Ausdrucksformen desselben Übels.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443376,
                    "name": "Eiskalter Manipulator",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}: Tappe ein Artefakt, eine Kreatur oder ein Land deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "El hielo puede derretirse, pero la maldad no.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443645,
                    "name": "Manipulador gélido",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}: Gira el artefacto, criatura o tierra objetivo.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "La glace peut fondre, mais pas la malfaisance.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443914,
                    "name": "Manipulateur glacial",
                    "text": "{1}, {T} : Engagez l'artefact ciblé, la créature ciblée ou le terrain ciblé.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "Il ghiaccio potrà sciogliersi, la malignità mai.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444183,
                    "name": "Manipolatore Glaciale",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}: TAPpa un artefatto, una creatura o una terra bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "氷は解けても恨みが解けることはない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444452,
                    "name": "氷の干渉器",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}:アーティファクト1つかクリーチャー1体か土地1つを対象とし、それをタップする。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "얼음은 녹을 수 있지만, 악의는 결코 그렇지 않다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444721,
                    "name": "얼어붙은 조종기계",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}: 마법물체나 생물 또는 대지를 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 탭한다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "O gelo pode derreter. A malícia, jamais.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444990,
                    "name": "Manipulador Gélido",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}: Vire o artefato, a criatura ou o terreno alvo.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "Лед может растаять, злоба же остается навсегда.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445259,
                    "name": "Ледяной Манипулятор",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}: поверните целевой артефакт, существо или землю.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "冰会化,但恶难消。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445528,
                    "name": "寒冰操弄器",
                    "text": "{1},{T}:横置目标神器,生物或地。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "冰會化,但惡難消。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445797,
                    "name": "寒冰操弄器",
                    "text": "{1},{T}:橫置目標神器,生物或地。",
                    "type": "神器"
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            "number": "219",
            "originalText": "{1}, {T}: Tap target artifact, creature, or land.",
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                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a player announces that they’re casting a spell or activating an ability, no player may take other actions until the spell or ability has been paid for. Notably, other players can’t try to tap that player’s permanents to stop them from paying {T} or to stop them from producing enough mana."
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162256,
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            "text": "{1}, {T}: Tap target artifact, creature, or land.",
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                    "name": "In Bolas' Fängen",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine bleibende Karte\nDu kontrollierst die verzauberte bleibende Karte.\nDie verzauberte bleibende Karte ist legendär.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Incumpliste tu contrato; ahora me perteneces. Sírveme o muere\". —Nicol Bolas",
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                    "name": "En las garras de Nicol Bolas",
                    "text": "Encantar permanente.\nTú controlas el permanente encantado.\nEl permanente encantado es legendario.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento legendario — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "« Ton contrat est en défaut. Tu es à moi désormais. Obéis, ou meurs. » —Nicol Bolas",
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                    "multiverseId": 443749,
                    "name": "Entre les griffes de Bolas",
                    "text": "Enchanter : permanent\nVous contrôlez le permanent enchanté.\nLe permanent enchanté est légendaire.",
                    "type": "Enchantement légendaire : aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il contratto è stato violato. Ora appartieni a me: puoi servirmi, o morire.\" —Nicol Bolas",
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                    "multiverseId": 444018,
                    "name": "Nelle Grinfie di Bolas",
                    "text": "Incanta permanente\nControlli il permanente incantato.\nIl permanente incantato è leggendario.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo Leggendario — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "「おぬしは契約を履行しなかった。おぬしは我のものだ。我に仕えるか、さもなくば死ぬがよい。」 ――ニコル・ボーラス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444287,
                    "name": "ボーラスの手中",
                    "text": "エンチャント(パーマネント)\nあなたはエンチャントされているパーマネントをコントロールする。\nエンチャントされているパーマネントは伝説である。",
                    "type": "伝説のエンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "\"너의 계약은 확정되었다. 이제 너는 나의 것이다. 섬기거나, 아니면 죽거라.\" —니콜 볼라스",
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                    "multiverseId": 444556,
                    "name": "볼라스의 손아귀 안",
                    "text": "지속물에 부여\n당신이 부여된 지속물을 조종한다.\n부여된 지속물은 전설적이다.",
                    "type": "전설적 부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "\"Seu contrato não foi cumprido. Agora você me pertence. Sirva ou morra.\" — Nicol Bolas",
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                    "multiverseId": 444825,
                    "name": "Nas Garras de Nicol Bolas",
                    "text": "Encantar permanente\nVocê controla a permanente encantada.\nA permanente encantada é lendária.",
                    "type": "Encantamento Lendário — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "«Ты нарушила условия контракта. Теперь ты принадлежишь мне. Служи — или умрешь». — Никол Болас",
                    "language": "Russian",
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                    "name": "В Когтях Боласа",
                    "text": "Зачаровать перманент\nВы контролируете зачарованный перманент.\nЗачарованный перманент является легендарным.",
                    "type": "Легендарные Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "「你违反了契约。今后你属于我。为我效命,否则便受死。」 ~尼可波拉斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445363,
                    "name": "受制波拉斯",
                    "text": "结附于永久物\n你操控所结附的永久物。\n所结附的永久物是传奇。",
                    "type": "传奇结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "「你違反了契約。今後你屬於我。為我效命,否則便受死。」 ~尼可波拉斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445632,
                    "name": "受制波拉斯",
                    "text": "結附於永久物\n你操控所結附的永久物。\n所結附的永久物是傳奇。",
                    "type": "傳奇結界 ~靈氣"
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            "originalText": "Enchant permanent\nYou control enchanted permanent.\nEnchanted permanent is legendary.",
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                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Gaining control of a permanent doesn’t cause you to gain control of any Auras or Equipment attached to it. They’ll remain attached, but an Aura’s effect that affects “you” still affects its controller rather than you, the controller of an Equipment can move it during their next main phase, and so on."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you control two In Bolas’s Clutches attached to two permanents with the same name, the “legend rule” applies to the enchanted permanents and to In Bolas’s Clutches at once. You can choose to keep the In Bolas’s Clutches that enchants the permanent you wish to keep."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you control two or more permanents with the same name but only one is legendary, the “legend rule” doesn’t apply."
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                    "flavorText": "„Zerstöre, was dich zerstört. Verbanne deine Bürde in die Dunkelheit und errichte den Gläubigen eine Zuflucht aus Licht.\" —Das Lied von Allem, Gesang 1008",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Göttliche Anrufung",
                    "text": "Zerstöre ein Artefakt oder eine Verzauberung deiner Wahl. Du erhältst 4 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Deja ir todo lo que te haga daño. Arroja tus culpas a la oscuridad y construye un refugio de luz para los fieles\". —Canción de Todos, canto 1008",
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                    "name": "Invocar a lo divino",
                    "text": "Destruye el artefacto o encantamiento objetivo. Ganas 4 vidas.",
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                    "flavorText": "« Débarrassez-vous de tout ce qui vous nuit. Reléguez vos tourments aux ténèbres, et construisez un abri de lumière pour les fidèles. » —Geste du Grand Tout, chant 1008",
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                    "name": "Invocation de la divinité",
                    "text": "Détruisez l'artefact ciblé ou l'enchantement ciblé. Vous gagnez 4 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Spogliati di tutto ciò che ti causa dolore. Getta i tuoi fardelli nell'oscurità ed erigi una casa di luce per i fedeli.\" —Canzone di Tutti, canto 1008",
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                    "multiverseId": 443986,
                    "name": "Invocare il Divino",
                    "text": "Distruggi un artefatto o un incantesimo bersaglio. Guadagni 4 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「そなたを害する一切を退けよ。重荷を闇に投げ捨て、誠実な人々のために光の家を築け。」 ――「万物の歌」、詩編一〇〇八",
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                    "name": "神聖の発動",
                    "text": "アーティファクト1つかエンチャント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。あなたは4点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"그대를 해하는 모든 것을 그저 흘러가게 두어라. 어둠 속으로 짐을 벗어던지고 신실한 빛의 집을 지어올려라.\" —모두의 노래, 1008절",
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                    "text": "마법물체 또는 부여마법을 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 파괴한다. 당신은 생명 4점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Abandone tudo que o fere. Jogue seus fardos às trevas e construa uma casa de luz para os fiéis.\" — Canção de Todos, canto 1008",
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                    "name": "Invocar o Divino",
                    "text": "Destrua o artefato ou encantamento alvo. Você ganha 4 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Отпусти все, что ранит тебя. Отбрось тяготы во тьму и возведи для праведных чертог света». — «Песнь Сущего», стих 1008",
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                    "name": "Призыв к Божественному",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевой артефакт или чары. Вы получаете 4 жизни.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「抛弃一切害人之物。弃重荷于黑暗,宿信徒以明光。」 ~《万物之歌》,1008节",
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                    "name": "召现神力",
                    "text": "消灭目标神器或结界。你获得4点生命。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「拋棄一切害人之物。棄重荷於黑暗,宿信徒以明光。」 ~《萬物之歌》,1008節",
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                    "name": "召現神力",
                    "text": "消滅目標神器或結界。你獲得4點生命。",
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            "flavorText": "Serra's blessing lies strongest upon Sursi, where her holy chapels are untouched even as the Cabal encroaches.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Serras Segen wirkt am stärksten in Sursi, wo ihre heiligen Kapellen unberührt stehen, trotz des Vormarsches der Kabbalisten.",
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                    "name": "Isolierte Kapelle",
                    "text": "Die Isolierte Kapelle kommt getappt ins Spiel, es sei denn, du kontrollierst eine Ebene oder einen Sumpf.\n{T}: Erzeuge {W} oder {B}.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "flavorText": "La bendición de Serra es más intensa en Sursi, cuyas capillas sagradas permanecen intactas a pesar de las invasiones de la Cábala.",
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                    "name": "Capilla aislada",
                    "text": "La Capilla aislada entra al campo de batalla girada a menos que controles una Llanura o un Pantano.\n{T}: Agrega {W} o {B}.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "flavorText": "La bénédiction de Serra est particulièrement puissante à Sursi, où ses saintes chapelles restent intactes malgré l'approche de la Coterie.",
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                    "name": "Chapelle isolée",
                    "text": "La Chapelle isolée arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée à moins que vous ne contrôliez une plaine ou un marais.\n{T} : Ajoutez {W} ou {B}.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "flavorText": "È a Sursi che la benedizione di Serra perdura più potente: qui le sue cappelle sacre sono rimaste intatte nonostante l'invasione della Cabala.",
                    "language": "Italian",
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                    "name": "Cappella Isolata",
                    "text": "La Cappella Isolata entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpata a meno che tu non controlli una Pianura o una Palude.\n{T}: Aggiungi {W} o {B}.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "flavorText": "セラの祝福は最も強くサーシに注ぐ。その地にはセラの聖教会があるが、侵入してくる陰謀団も手が出せない。",
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                    "name": "孤立した礼拝堂",
                    "text": "孤立した礼拝堂は、あなたが平地か沼をコントロールしていないかぎり、タップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{W}か{B}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "flavorText": "세라의 축복은 수르시를 굳건하게 지키며, 그녀의 성스러운 예배실은 도당의 침략 때도 피해를 입지 않았다.",
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                    "name": "외딴 예배당",
                    "text": "외딴 예배당은 당신이 들이나 늪을 조종하지 않으면 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {W} 또는 {B}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "flavorText": "A bênção de Serra é mais forte em Sursi, onde suas capelas sagradas permanecem intocadas mesmo com o avanço da Cabala.",
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                    "name": "Capela Isolada",
                    "text": "Capela Isolada entra no campo de batalha virada, a menos que você controle uma Planície ou um Pântano.\n{T}: Adicione {W} ou {B}.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "flavorText": "Благословение Серры сильнее всего пало на Сурси — здесь ее священные часовни остаются нетронутыми, даже когда наступают кабалы.",
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                    "name": "Уединенная Часовня",
                    "text": "Уединенная Часовня выходит на поле битвы повернутой, если под вашим контролем нет Равнины или Болота.\n{T}: добавьте {W} или {B}.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "flavorText": "撒拉的祝福在苏西最为强大,就连在柯帮侵袭时,其神圣礼拜堂仍能屹立不摇。",
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                    "text": "除非你操控平原或沼泽,否则孤立礼拜堂须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{W}或{B}。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "flavorText": "撒拉的祝福在蘇西最為強大,就連在柯幫侵襲時,其神聖禮拜堂仍能屹立不搖。",
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                    "name": "孤立禮拜堂",
                    "text": "除非你操控平原或沼澤,否則孤立禮拜堂須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{W}或{B}。",
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                    "text": "+1: Erzeuge {R}{R}{R}. Verwende dieses Mana nur, um Spontanzauber oder Hexereien zu wirken.\n+1: Wirf bis zu drei Karten ab und ziehe dann entsprechend viele Karten.\n−8: Du erhältst ein Emblem mit „Du kannst Spontanzauber- oder Hexereikarten aus deinem Friedhof wirken. Falls eine Karte, die auf diese Weise gewirkt wurde, auf deinen Friedhof gelegt würde, schicke sie stattdessen ins Exil.\"",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Jaya"
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                    "name": "Jaya Ballard",
                    "text": "+1: Agrega {R}{R}{R}. Usa este maná solo para lanzar hechizos de instantáneo o de conjuro.\n+1: Descarta hasta tres cartas. Luego, roba esa misma cantidad de cartas.\n−8: Obtienes un emblema con \"Puedes lanzar cartas de instantáneo y de conjuro desde tu cementerio. Si una carta lanzada de esta manera fuera a ir a tu cementerio, en vez de eso, exíliala\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Jaya"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443827,
                    "name": "Jaya Ballard",
                    "text": "+1 : Ajoutez {R}{R}{R}. Ne dépensez ce mana que pour lancer des sorts d'éphémère ou de rituel.\n+1 : Défaussez-vous de jusqu'à trois cartes, puis piochez autant de cartes.\n-8 : Vous gagnez un emblème avec « Vous pouvez lancer des cartes d'éphémère et de rituel depuis votre cimetière. Si une carte lancée de cette manière devait être mise dans votre cimetière, exilez-la à la place. »",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Jaya"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444096,
                    "name": "Jaya Ballard",
                    "text": "+1: Aggiungi {R}{R}{R}. Spendi questo mana solo per lanciare magie istantaneo o stregoneria.\n+1: Scarta fino a tre carte, poi pesca altrettante carte.\n-8: Ottieni un emblema con \"Puoi lanciare carte istantaneo e stregoneria dal tuo cimitero. Se una carta lanciata in questo modo sta per essere messa nel tuo cimitero, invece esiliala\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Jaya"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444365,
                    "name": "ヤヤ・バラード",
                    "text": "+1:{R}{R}{R}を加える。このマナは、インスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるためにのみ使用できる。\n+1:カード最大3枚を捨て、その後その枚数に等しい枚数のカードを引く。\n-8:あなたは「あなたはあなたの墓地からインスタントかソーサリーであるカードを唱えてもよい。これにより唱えたカードがあなたの墓地に置かれるなら、代わりにそれを追放する。」を持つ紋章を得る。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — ヤヤ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444634,
                    "name": "자야 발라드",
                    "text": "+1: {R}{R}{R}를 추가한다. 이 마나는 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동하는 데에만 사용할 수 있다.\n+1: 카드를 최대 세 장까지 버린 후, 그만큼의 카드를 뽑는다.\n−8: 당신은 \"당신은 당신의 무덤에 있는 순간마법 및 집중마법을 발동할 수 있다. 이런 식으로 발동한 카드가 당신의 무덤에 들어가려고 하면, 대신에 그 카드를 추방한다.\"를 가진 휘장을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 자야"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444903,
                    "name": "Jaya Ballard",
                    "text": "+1: Adicione {R}{R}{R}. Gaste este mana somente para conjurar mágicas instantâneas ou feitiços.\n+1: Descarte até três cards e depois compre aquela quantidade de cards.\n−8: Você recebe um emblema com \"Você pode conjurar cards de mágica instantânea e feitiço a partir de seu cemitério. Se um card conjurado desta forma seria colocado em seu cemitério, exile-o.\"",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Jaya"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445172,
                    "name": "Джайя Баллард",
                    "text": "+1: добавьте {R}{R}{R}. Тратьте эту ману только на разыгрывание мгновенных заклинаний или заклинаний волшебства.\n+1: сбросьте не более трех карт, затем возьмите столько же карт.\n–8: вы получаете эмблему со способностью «Вы можете разыгрывать карты мгновенных заклинаний и волшебства из вашего кладбища. Если разыгранная таким образом карта должна быть положена на ваше кладбище, изгоните ее вместо этого».",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Джайя"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445441,
                    "name": "雅亚巴拉德",
                    "text": "+1:加{R}{R}{R}。此法术力只能用来施放瞬间或法术咒语。\n+1:弃至多三张牌,然后抓等量的牌。\n−8:你获得具有「你可以从你的坟墓场中施放瞬间与法术牌。如果以此法施放的牌将置入你的坟墓场,则改为将其放逐」的徽记。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~雅亚"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445710,
                    "name": "雅亞巴拉德",
                    "text": "+1:加{R}{R}{R}。此魔法力只能用來施放瞬間或巫術咒語。\n+1:棄至多三張牌,然後抽等量的牌。\n−8:你獲得具有「你可以從你的墳墓場中施放瞬間與巫術牌。如果以此法施放的牌將置入你的墳墓場,則改為將其放逐」的徽記。",
                    "type": "傳奇鵬洛客 ~雅亞"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "loyalty": "5",
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443020,
            "name": "Jaya Ballard",
            "names": [],
            "number": "132",
            "originalText": "+1: Add {R}{R}{R}. Spend this mana only to cast instant or sorcery spells.\n+1: Discard up to three cards, then draw that many cards.\n−8: You get an emblem with \"You may cast instant and sorcery cards from your graveyard. If a card cast this way would be put into your graveyard, exile it instead.\"",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Jaya",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
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                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Mana produced by Jaya’s first ability can be spent among any number of instant and/or sorcery spells."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You choose how many cards to discard while Jaya’s second ability is resolving. You can choose to discard zero cards this way (and then draw zero cards) if you wish."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Jaya’s emblem doesn’t grant you permission to do anything with instant and sorcery cards in your graveyard except cast them. For example, you can’t cycle instant or sorcery cards with cycling from your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-06-08",
                    "text": "Because it’s a loyalty ability, Jaya’s first ability isn’t a mana ability. It can be activated only any time you could cast a sorcery. It uses the stack and can be responded to."
            "scryfallId": "fa25fedc-6038-48c8-b42a-817ac186492e",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "a56c5ca5-70eb-4d5f-8116-2acbe5f5a3cb",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162169,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+1: Add {R}{R}{R}. Spend this mana only to cast instant or sorcery spells.\n+1: Discard up to three cards, then draw that many cards.\n−8: You get an emblem with \"You may cast instant and sorcery cards from your graveyard. If a card cast this way would be put into your graveyard, exile it instead.\"",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Jaya",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0b35cd35-67aa-5281-bff5-541e5e636527",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Centuries ago, a pyromancer's spark ignited a fiery conflagration.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Vor Jahrhunderten entfachte der Funke einer Pyromagierin eine vernichtende Feuersbrunst.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443290,
                    "name": "Jayas brennendes Inferno",
                    "text": "(Legendäre Hexereien kannst du nur wirken, falls du eine legendäre Kreatur oder einen legendären Planeswalker kontrollierst.)\nJayas brennendes Inferno fügt bis zu drei Zielen deiner Wahl je X Schadenpunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Hace siglos, la chispa de una piromante desató un terrible incendio.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443559,
                    "name": "Infierno inmolador de Jaya",
                    "text": "(Solo puedes lanzar un conjuro legendario si controlas una criatura o planeswalker legendario.)\nEl Infierno inmolador de Jaya hace X puntos de daño a cada uno de hasta tres objetivos.",
                    "type": "Conjuro legendario"
                    "flavorText": "Il y a des siècles, l'étincelle d'une pyromancienne créa un brasier ardent.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443828,
                    "name": "Fournaise immolatrice de Jaya",
                    "text": "(Vous ne pouvez lancer un rituel légendaire que si vous contrôlez une créature légendaire ou un planeswalker.)\nChoisissez jusqu'à trois cibles. La Fournaise immolatrice de Jaya inflige X blessures à chacune d'elles.",
                    "type": "Rituel légendaire"
                    "flavorText": "Secoli fa, la scintilla di una piromante scatenò una conflagrazione incandescente.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444097,
                    "name": "Inferno Ardente di Jaya",
                    "text": "(Puoi lanciare una stregoneria leggendaria solo se controlli una creatura o un planeswalker leggendari.)\nScegli fino a tre bersagli. L'Inferno Ardente di Jaya infligge X danni a ognuno di essi.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria Leggendaria"
                    "flavorText": "数世紀前、紅蓮術師の灯が焦熱の火災を起こした。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444366,
                    "name": "ヤヤの焼身猛火",
                    "text": "(伝説のソーサリーは、あなたが伝説のクリーチャーか伝説のプレインズウォーカーをコントロールしているときにのみ唱えられる。)\nクリーチャーやプレインズウォーカーやプレイヤー合わせて最大3つを対象とする。ヤヤの焼身猛火はそれらにそれぞれX点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "伝説のソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "수 세기 전, 어느 화염술사가 일으킨 불꽃이 거대한 화재를 일으켰다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444635,
                    "name": "자야의 불태우는 화염",
                    "text": "(당신이 전설적 생물이나 플레인즈워커를 조종할 때만 전설적 집중마법을 발동할 수 있다.)\n원하는 목표를 최대 세 개까지 정한다. 자야의 불태우는 화염은 각 목표에게 피해 X점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "전설적 집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Séculos atrás, a centelha de uma piromante iniciou uma furiosa conflagração.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444904,
                    "name": "Inferno Imolante de Jaya",
                    "text": "(Você só pode conjurar um feitiço lendário se controlar uma criatura lendária ou um planeswalker lendário.)\nInferno Imolante de Jaya causa X pontos de dano a cada um de até três alvos.",
                    "type": "Feitiço Lendário"
                    "flavorText": "Много веков назад из искры пироманта разгорелось бушующее пламя.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445173,
                    "name": "Всепоглощающий Огонь Джайи",
                    "text": "(Вы можете разыгрывать легендарное волшебство, только если контролируете легендарное существо или planeswalker-а.)\nВсепоглощающий Огонь Джайи наносит X повреждений каждой из не более трех целей.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "数世纪前,一位烈焰术士的火花点燃一场凶猛烈焰。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445442,
                    "name": "雅亚的燃焰炼狱",
                    "text": "(只能于你操控传奇生物或鹏洛客时施放传奇法术。)\n雅亚的燃焰炼狱对至多三个目标各造成X点伤害。",
                    "type": "传奇法术"
                    "flavorText": "數世紀前,一位烈焰術士的火花點燃一場兇猛烈焰。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445711,
                    "name": "雅亞的燃焰煉獄",
                    "text": "(只能於你操控傳奇生物或鵬洛客時施放傳奇巫術。)\n雅亞的燃焰煉獄對至多三個目標各造成X點傷害。",
                    "type": "傳奇巫術"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{X}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443021,
            "name": "Jaya's Immolating Inferno",
            "number": "133",
            "originalText": "(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)\nJaya's Immolating Inferno deals X damage to each of up to three targets.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can’t target the same target more than once to have Jaya’s Immolating Inferno deal more damage to it."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can’t cast a legendary sorcery unless you control a legendary creature or a legendary planeswalker. Once you begin to cast a legendary sorcery, losing control of your legendary creatures and planeswalkers won’t affect that spell."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Other than the casting restriction, the legendary supertype on a sorcery carries no additional rules. You may cast any number of legendary sorceries in a turn, and your deck may contain any number of legendary cards (but no more than four of any with the same name)."
            "scryfallId": "48268bb8-1326-451b-9fae-de6605eb6cfd",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3137cb24-e3d1-486d-897d-942de6002281",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f5f0deb0-070a-45b6-9b81-0bc8143f3040",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162170,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)\nJaya's Immolating Inferno deals X damage to each of up to three targets.",
            "type": "Legendary Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0456cf5b-958d-556f-b3b1-ee71b2dde807",
            "uuidV421": "b8833736-577b-5d87-89b5-4f72c8481375"
            "artist": "Kev Walker",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"You could say it was my pet project.\" —Jhoira",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich habe den kleinen Kerl sozusagen unter meine Fittiche genommen.\" —Jhoira",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443377,
                    "name": "Jhoiras treuer Gefährte",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nHistorische Zaubersprüche, die du wirkst, kosten beim Wirken {1} weniger. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Vogel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Hay que dejar volar la creatividad\". —Jhoira",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443646,
                    "name": "Familiar de Jhoira",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nTe cuesta {1} menos lanzar los hechizos históricos. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Ave"
                    "flavorText": "« On peut dire que ce projet me suit partout. » —Djoïra",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443915,
                    "name": "Familier de Djoïra",
                    "text": "Vol\nLes sorts historiques que vous lancez coûtent {1} de moins à lancer. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : oiseau"
                    "flavorText": "\"È un'idea che ho accarezzato a lungo.\" —Jhoira",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444184,
                    "name": "Famiglio di Jhoira",
                    "text": "Volare\nLe magie storiche che lanci costano {1} in meno per essere lanciate. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Uccello"
                    "flavorText": "「これは私の長年の夢みたいなものね。」 ――ジョイラ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444453,
                    "name": "ジョイラの使い魔",
                    "text": "飛行\nあなたが歴史的な呪文を唱えるためのコストは{1}少なくなる。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — 鳥"
                    "flavorText": "\"그건 내가 개인적으로 좋아하는 일이었다고 할 수 있지.\" —조이라",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444722,
                    "name": "조이라의 소환수",
                    "text": "비행\n당신이 발동하는 역사적 주문들은 발동하는 데 {1}이 덜 든다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 조류"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pode-se dizer que ele foi meu projeto de estimação.\" — Jhoira",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444991,
                    "name": "Familiar de Jhoira",
                    "text": "Voar\nAs mágicas históricas que você conjura custam {1} a menos para serem conjuradas. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Ave"
                    "flavorText": "«Можно сказать, что это был мой любимый эксперимент». — Джойра",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445260,
                    "name": "Питомец Джойры",
                    "text": "Полет\nРазыгрываемые вами исторические заклинания стоят на {1} меньше. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Птица"
                    "flavorText": "「不妨说它是我的钟爱设计。」 ~尤依拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445529,
                    "name": "尤依拉的佣兽",
                    "text": "飞行\n你施放的史迹咒语减少{1}来施放。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~鸟"
                    "flavorText": "「不妨說它是我的鍾愛設計。」 ~尤依菈",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445798,
                    "name": "尤依菈的傭獸",
                    "text": "飛行\n你施放的史跡咒語減少{1}來施放。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~鳥"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}",
            "multiverseId": 443108,
            "name": "Jhoira's Familiar",
            "number": "220",
            "originalText": "Flying\nHistoric spells you cast cost {1} less to cast. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Bird",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The last ability of Jhoira’s Familiar doesn’t reduce its own cost while you’re casting it."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
            "scryfallId": "3718761f-feb1-46c4-aaa3-7e07a3fa72fa",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "726a2bb6-11d8-40b4-bbad-16703961c902",
            "scryfallOracleId": "df4b5f7b-9d83-49b1-bd5e-77d0652eb34c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162257,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nHistoric spells you cast cost {1} less to cast. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Bird",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "599b65bf-ea43-503e-9b8f-14f18c6f5a4e",
            "uuidV421": "0a297fa2-0093-5aec-a735-2c86c25f3633"
            "artist": "Brad Rigney",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "As she took the wheel of the Weatherlight for the first time in a millennium, Jhoira knew she'd been right to restore the ship. Anything was possible now.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Als sie zum ersten Mal nach einem Jahrtausend das Steuer der Wetterlicht übernahm, wusste Jhoira, dass es richtig gewesen war, das Schiff wieder aufzubauen. Nun war alles möglich.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443354,
                    "name": "Jhoira, Kapitänin der Wetterlicht",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen historischen Zauberspruch wirkst, ziehe eine Karte. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Handwerker"
                    "flavorText": "Cuando rozó el timón del Vientoligero por primera vez en un milenio, Jhoira supo que había estado en lo correcto al reconstruir el barco. Ahora todo era posible.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443623,
                    "name": "Jhoira, capitana del Vientoligero",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo histórico, roba una carta. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Artífice humano"
                    "flavorText": "Alors qu'elle prenait la barre de l'Aquilon pour la première fois depuis un millénaire, Djoïra sut qu'elle avait eu raison de restaurer le navire. Tout était désormais possible.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443892,
                    "name": "Djoïra, capitaine de l'Aquilon",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort historique, piochez une carte. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et artificier"
                    "flavorText": "Quando prese il timone della Cavalcavento per la prima volta dopo un millennio, Jhoira seppe che riparare la nave era stata la decisione giusta. Ora qualsiasi cosa era possibile.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444161,
                    "name": "Jhoira, Capitana della Cavalcavento",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia storica, pesca una carta. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Artefice Umano"
                    "flavorText": "ジョイラが、過去数百年で初めてウェザーライトの操舵輪に手を置いたとき、彼女には自分が艦の修復に適任だったとわかった。これで何でもできるのだ、と。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444430,
                    "name": "ウェザーライトの艦長、ジョイラ",
                    "text": "あなたが歴史的な呪文を唱えるたび、カードを1枚引く。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・工匠"
                    "flavorText": "조이라가 천 년 만에 처음으로 웨더라이트의 타륜을 잡았을 때, 그녀는 배를 복원하려는 자신의 생각이 옳다는 것을 알게 되었다. 이제는 모든 것이 가능해졌다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444699,
                    "name": "웨더라이트 선장, 조이라",
                    "text": "당신이 역사적 주문을 발동할 때마다, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 기능공"
                    "flavorText": "Quando pegou o timão do Bons Ventos pela primeira vez em um milênio, Jhoira soube que estivera certa ao restaurar a nau. Qualquer coisa era possível agora.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444968,
                    "name": "Jhoira, Capitã do Bons Ventos",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjurar uma mágica histórica, compre um card. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Artesão"
                    "flavorText": "Взявшись за штурвал «Везерлайта» впервые за тысячелетие, Джойра поняла, что не зря восстанавливала корабль. Теперь все было возможно для нее.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445237,
                    "name": "Джойра, Капитан «Везерлайта»",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете историческое заклинание, возьмите карту. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Механик"
                    "flavorText": "当尤依拉千年以来首次亲手掌控晴空号的舵轮之时,她意识到修复飞船乃是正确决定。如今一切皆有可能。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445506,
                    "name": "晴空号船长尤依拉",
                    "text": "每当你施放史迹咒语时,抓一张牌。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/神器师"
                    "flavorText": "當尤依菈千年以來首次親手掌控晴空號的舵輪之時,她意識到修復飛船乃是正確決定。如今一切皆有可能。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445775,
                    "name": "晴空號船長尤依菈",
                    "text": "每當你施放史跡咒語時,抽一張牌。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/神器師"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443085,
            "name": "Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain",
            "number": "197",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast a historic spell, draw a card. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Artificer",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Some abilities trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell.” Such an ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you cast a historic spell” doesn’t trigger if a historic card is put onto the battlefield without being cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Lands are never cast, so abilities that trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell” won’t trigger if you play a legendary land. They also won’t trigger if a card on the battlefield transforms into a legendary land, as the Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan double-faced cards do."
            "scryfallId": "73cf8c6b-1322-4bc5-a604-6e372607fae4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "784b339a-b8c7-45ff-ae71-9440376e6234",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c803b788-4213-4fab-b841-7e5bbf66088e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162137,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast a historic spell, draw a card. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Artificer",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a16d5f80-7162-513d-a6af-141f7c4e1aa0",
            "uuidV421": "3b2a4107-3b67-5322-b1f0-4a092c1bb4e9"
            "artist": "Yongjae Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Chronicles across the ages describe Jodah. They likely refer not to one mage, but to a family or an arcane title.\" — Arkol, Argivian scholar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Jodah wird in den Chroniken verschiedenster Zeitalter erwähnt. Doch sie beziehen sich vermutlich nicht auf einen Magier, sondern ein Geschlecht oder einen arkanen Titel.\" —Arkol, Argivischer Gelehrter",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443355,
                    "name": "Jodah, ewiger Erzmagier",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nDu kannst {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} bezahlen, anstatt die Manakosten von Zaubersprüchen, die du wirkst, zu bezahlen.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "\"Las crónicas de muchas eras describen a Jodah. Probablemente no se refieran a un solo mago, sino a una familia o a un título arcano\". —Arkol, investigador argiviano",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443624,
                    "name": "Jodah, Archimago Eterno",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nPuedes pagar {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} en lugar de pagar el coste de maná de los hechizos que lances.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Des chroniques à travers les âges décrivent Jodah. Elles font probablement référence non pas à un mage, mais à une famille ou à un titre arcanique. » —Arkol, érudit argivian",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443893,
                    "name": "Jodah, archimage éternel",
                    "text": "Vol\nVous pouvez payer {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} à la place du coût de mana des sorts que vous lancez.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "\"L'appellativo Jodah compare nelle cronache da secoli, probabilmente non riferito a un unico mago, bensì a una famiglia o a un titolo arcano.\" —Arkol, studioso di Argivia",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444162,
                    "name": "Jodah, Arcimago Eterno",
                    "text": "Volare\nPuoi pagare {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} invece di pagare il costo di mana per le magie che lanci.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「数々の年代記が長年にわたってジョダーという名を記している。これはおそらく一人の魔道士ではなく、家系の名か秘儀的な称号なのであろう。」 ――アルガイヴの学者、アルコル",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444431,
                    "name": "永遠の大魔道師、ジョダー",
                    "text": "飛行\nあなたは、あなたが唱える呪文のマナ・コストを支払うのではなく、{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}を支払ってもよい。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "\"여러 시대의 걸친 연대기에 조다에 관한 이야기가 등장한다. 그들은 그저 한 사람의 마법사가 아니라, 하나의 가문 또는 신비로운 칭호를 언급하는 듯 보인다.\" —아르기브의 학자, 아르콜",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444700,
                    "name": "영원의 대마도사, 조다",
                    "text": "비행\n당신은 당신이 발동하려는 주문의 마나 비용을 지불하는 대신 {W}{U}{B}{R}{G}를 지불할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "\"As crônicas de muitas eras descrevem Jodah. É mais comum se referirem não a um mago, mas a uma família, ou a um título arcano.\" — Arkol, erudito argiviano",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444969,
                    "name": "Jodah, Arquimago Eterno",
                    "text": "Voar\nVocê pode pagar {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} em vez de pagar o custo de mana das mágicas que você conjurar.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "«Летописцы из разных эпох упоминают Джодаха. Вероятнее всего, они говорят не об одном маге, а о семье или каком-то титуле». — Аркол, аргивский ученый",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445238,
                    "name": "Джодах, Вечный Архимаг",
                    "text": "Полет\nВы можете заплатить {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} вместо оплаты мана-стоимости разыгрываемых вами заклинаний.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "「历代的编年史中都有提到裘达之事。这应该并非指涉同一位法师,而是家族名或某个神秘头衔。」 ~阿基夫学者亚科尔",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445507,
                    "name": "永世大法师裘达",
                    "text": "飞行\n你可以支付{W}{U}{B}{R}{G},而不支付你施放之咒语的法术力费用。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "「歷代的編年史都提到裘達。這應該並非指涉同一位法師,而是家族名或某個神秘頭銜。」 ~阿基夫學者亞科爾",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445776,
                    "name": "永世大法師裘達",
                    "text": "飛行\n你可以支付{W}{U}{B}{R}{G},而不支付你施放之咒語的魔法力費用。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 443086,
            "name": "Jodah, Archmage Eternal",
            "number": "198",
            "originalText": "Flying\nYou may pay {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} rather than pay the mana cost for spells that you cast.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Jodah’s ability is an alternative cost to cast a spell. You can’t combine this with other alternative costs, such as flashback. You can pay additional costs, such as kicker, in addition to this alternative cost."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you apply Jodah’s alternative cost to a spell with {X} in its mana cost, X is 0."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you cast a spell for which mana may be spent as though it were mana of any color, you may cast it for Jodah’s alternative cost and still spend mana as though it were mana of any color."
            "scryfallId": "1ee86efa-248e-4251-b734-f8ad3e8a0344",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f0f9b9f0-9461-4d5e-9529-07ebe2f2b179",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8be4745e-36d8-430f-945e-c8a7fde9b4f6",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162138,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nYou may pay {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} rather than pay the mana cost for spells that you cast.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "97342162-c30a-500c-a086-1dd7d1d8451a",
            "uuidV421": "bb64fe77-bfb4-512e-8457-0828dce95a61"
            "artist": "Tyler Jacobson",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443252,
                    "name": "Josu Vess, Lich-Ritter",
                    "text": "Bonus {5}{B} (Du kannst zusätzlich {5}{B} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nBedrohlich\nWenn Josu Vess, Lich-Ritter, ins Spiel kommt und falls seine Bonuskosten bezahlt wurden, erzeuge acht 2/2 schwarze Zombie-Ritter-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Bedrohlichkeit.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Zombie, Ritter"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443521,
                    "name": "Josu Vess, caballero liche",
                    "text": "Estímulo {5}{B}. (Puedes pagar {5}{B} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nAmenaza.\nCuando Josu Vess, caballero liche entre al campo de batalla, si fue estimulado, crea ocho fichas de criatura Caballero Zombie negras 2/2 con la habilidad de amenaza.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Caballero zombie"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443790,
                    "name": "Josu Vess, chevalier liche",
                    "text": "Kick {5}{B} (Vous pouvez payer {5}{B} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nMenace\nQuand Josu Vess, chevalier liche arrive sur le champ de bataille, s'il a été kické, créez huit jetons de créature 2/2 noire Zombie et Chevalier avec la menace.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : zombie et chevalier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444059,
                    "name": "Josu Vess, Cavaliere Lich",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {5}{B} (Puoi pagare {5}{B} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nMinacciare\nQuando Josu Vess, Cavaliere Lich entra nel campo di battaglia, se è stato potenziato, crea otto pedine creatura Cavaliere Zombie 2/2 nere con minacciare.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Cavaliere Zombie"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444328,
                    "name": "リッチの騎士、ジョス・ヴェス",
                    "text": "キッカー{5}{B}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{5}{B}を支払ってもよい。)\n威迫\nリッチの騎士、ジョス・ヴェスが戦場に出たとき、これがキッカーされていた場合、威迫を持つ黒の2/2のゾンビ・騎士・クリーチャー・トークンを8体生成する。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — ゾンビ・騎士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444597,
                    "name": "리치 기사, 조수 베스",
                    "text": "키커 {5}{B} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {5}{B}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n호전적\n리치 기사, 조수 베스가 전장에 들어올 때, 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 호전적을 가진 2/2 흑색 좀비 기사 생물 토큰 여덟 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 좀비 기사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444866,
                    "name": "Josu Vess, Cavaleiro Lich",
                    "text": "Reforçar {5}{B} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {5}{B} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nAmeaçar\nQuando Josu Vess, Cavaleiro Lich, entrar no campo de batalha, se ele tiver sido reforçado, crie oito fichas de criatura preta 2/2 do tipo Zumbi Cavaleiro com ameaçar.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Zumbi Cavaleiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445135,
                    "name": "Джозу Весс, Лич-Рыцарь",
                    "text": "Усилитель {5}{B} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {5}{B}.)\nУгроза\nКогда Джозу Весс, Лич-Рыцарь выходит на поле битвы, если он получил Усилитель, создайте восемь фишек существа 2/2 черный Зомби Рыцарь с Угрозой.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Зомби Рыцарь"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445404,
                    "name": "巫妖骑士霍苏维斯",
                    "text": "增幅{5}{B}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{5}{B}。)\n威慑\n当巫妖骑士霍苏维斯进战场时,若它已增幅,则派出八个2/2黑色,具威慑异能的灵俑/骑士衍生生物。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~灵俑/骑士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445673,
                    "name": "巫妖騎士霍蘇維斯",
                    "text": "增幅{5}{B}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{5}{B}。)\n威懾\n當巫妖騎士霍蘇維斯進戰場時,若它已增幅,則派出八個2/2黑色,具威懾異能的殭屍/騎士衍生生物。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~殭屍/騎士"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442983,
            "name": "Josu Vess, Lich Knight",
            "names": [],
            "number": "95",
            "originalText": "Kicker {5}{B} (You may pay an additional {5}{B} as you cast this spell.)\nMenace\nWhen Josu Vess, Lich Knight enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, create eight 2/2 black Zombie Knight creature tokens with menace.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Zombie Knight",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "6ed6d088-db82-4648-a109-0e3fa1421847",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "974a46f9-aa84-4b34-bee5-c635166e5841",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164338,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {5}{B} (You may pay an additional {5}{B} as you cast this spell.)\nMenace\nWhen Josu Vess, Lich Knight enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, create eight 2/2 black Zombie Knight creature tokens with menace.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Zombie Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ecba8543-8302-5a47-945d-495a481f5dad",
            "uuidV421": "87f3b5cc-84b6-5e59-b58c-c14cf98053f2"
            "artist": "Alayna Danner",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443378,
                    "name": "Turnierlanze",
                    "text": "Die ausgerüstete Kreatur erhält +2/+0.\nSolange es dein Zug ist, hat die ausgerüstete Kreatur Erstschlag.\nAusrüsten {3} ({3}: Lege diese Karte an eine Kreatur deiner Wahl an, die du kontrollierst. Spiele Ausrüsten wie eine Hexerei.)",
                    "type": "Artefakt — Ausrüstung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443647,
                    "name": "Lanza de justas",
                    "text": "La criatura equipada obtiene +2/+0.\nMientras sea tu turno, la criatura equipada tiene la habilidad de dañar primero.\nEquipar {3}. ({3}: Anexa este Equipo a la criatura objetivo que controlas. Activa la habilidad de equipar como un conjuro.)",
                    "type": "Artefacto — Equipo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443916,
                    "name": "Lance de joute",
                    "text": "La créature équipée gagne +2/+0.\nTant que c'est votre tour, la créature équipée a l'initiative.\nÉquipement {3} ({3} : Attachez à la créature ciblée que vous contrôlez. N'attachez l'équipement que lorsque vous pourriez lancer un rituel.)",
                    "type": "Artefact : équipement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444185,
                    "name": "Lancia da Giostra",
                    "text": "La creatura equipaggiata prende +2/+0.\nFintanto che è il tuo turno, la creatura equipaggiata ha attacco improvviso.\nEquipaggiare {3} ({3}: Assegna a una creatura bersaglio che controlli. Equipaggia solo quando potresti lanciare una stregoneria.)",
                    "type": "Artefatto — Equipaggiamento"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444454,
                    "name": "馬上槍",
                    "text": "装備しているクリーチャーは+2/+0の修整を受ける。\nあなたのターンであるかぎり、装備しているクリーチャーは先制攻撃を持つ。\n装備{3}({3}:あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、これをそれにつける。装備はソーサリーとしてのみ行う。)",
                    "type": "アーティファクト — 装備品"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444723,
                    "name": "마상시합용 창",
                    "text": "장착된 생물은 +2/+0을 받는다.\n당신의 턴인 한, 장착된 생물은 선제공격을 가진다.\n장착 {3} ({3}: 당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 이 장비를 부착한다. 당신이 집중마법을 발동할 수 있는 시기에만 장착할 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "마법물체 — 장비"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444992,
                    "name": "Lança de Justa",
                    "text": "A criatura equipada recebe +2/+0.\nEnquanto for o seu turno, a criatura equipada terá iniciativa.\nEquipar {3} ({3}: Anexe-o à criatura alvo que você controla. Equipe somente como um feitiço.)",
                    "type": "Artefato — Equipamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445261,
                    "name": "Турнирное Копье",
                    "text": "Снаряженное существо получает +2/+0.\nПока длится ваш ход, снаряженное существо имеет Первый удар.\nСнарядить {3} ({3}: прикрепите к целевому существу под вашим контролем. Снаряжайте только как волшебство.)",
                    "type": "Артефакт — Снаряжение"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445530,
                    "name": "骑枪",
                    "text": "佩带此武具的生物得+2/+0。\n只要是在你的回合中,佩带此武具的生物便具有先攻异能。\n佩带{3}({3}:装备在目标由你操控的生物上。佩带的时机视同法术。)",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445799,
                    "name": "騎槍",
                    "text": "佩帶此武具的生物得+2/+0。\n只要是在你的回合中,佩帶此武具的生物便具有先攻異能。\n佩帶{3}({3}:裝備在目標由你操控的生物上。佩帶的時機視同巫術。)",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "modern": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}",
            "multiverseId": 443109,
            "name": "Jousting Lance",
            "number": "221",
            "originalText": "Equipped creature gets +2/+0.\nAs long as it's your turn, equipped creature has first strike.\nEquip {3} ({3}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)",
            "originalType": "Artifact — Equipment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "446579ab-5e36-44e2-84d7-cfa537619146",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a636c5aa-0202-47a4-a2b8-cb931b361c55",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ab747483-2aa1-4b25-b2fa-cf7372a1b1dc",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164722,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Equipped creature gets +2/+0.\nAs long as it's your turn, equipped creature has first strike.\nEquip {3} ({3}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)",
            "type": "Artifact — Equipment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "70e371ec-1f56-5ae0-aec3-28be862170c3",
            "uuidV421": "1884bdba-14f3-58c3-be76-13860e2cdab3"
            "artist": "Jonas De Ro",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Urza's machines have a splendid habit of excavating themselves.\" — Rona, disciple of Gix",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Urzas Maschinen haben die fantastische Eigenschaft, sich selbst ausgraben zu können.\" —Rona, Schülerin des Gix",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443379,
                    "name": "Juggernaut",
                    "text": "Der Juggernaut greift in jedem Kampf an, falls möglich.\nDer Juggernaut kann von Mauern nicht geblockt werden.",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Juggernaut"
                    "flavorText": "\"Las máquinas de Urza tienen el hábito espléndido de desenterrarse a sí mismas\". —Rona, discípula de Gix",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443648,
                    "name": "Destructor",
                    "text": "El Destructor ataca cada combate si puede.\nEl Destructor no puede ser bloqueado por Muros.",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Destructor"
                    "flavorText": "« Les machines d'Urza ont la formidable habitude de creuser toutes seules. » —Rona, disciple de Gix",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443917,
                    "name": "Djaggernaut",
                    "text": "Le Djaggernaut attaque à chaque combat si possible.\nLe Djaggernaut ne peut pas être bloqué par les murs.",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : djaggernaut"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le macchine di Urza hanno la splendida abitudine di riportarsi alla luce da sole.\" —Rona, discepola di Gix",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444186,
                    "name": "Juggernaut",
                    "text": "Il Juggernaut attacca in ogni combattimento, se può farlo.\nIl Juggernaut non può essere bloccato dai Muri.",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Juggernaut"
                    "flavorText": "「ウルザの機械には、同類を発掘するという顕著な傾向がある。」 ――ギックスの信奉者、ローナ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444455,
                    "name": "巨大戦車",
                    "text": "各戦闘で、巨大戦車は可能なら攻撃する。\n巨大戦車は壁によってはブロックされない。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — 巨大戦車"
                    "flavorText": "\"우르자의 기계는 스스로를 발굴해내는 훌륭한 습성을 가지고 있어.\" —긱스의 제자, 로나",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444724,
                    "name": "공성차",
                    "text": "공성차는 가능하면 매 전투마다 공격한다.\n공성차는 벽에게 방어될 수 없다.",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 공성차"
                    "flavorText": "\"As máquinas de Urza têm o esplêndido hábito de escavarem a si mesmas.\" — Rona, discípula de Gix",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444993,
                    "name": "Juggernaut",
                    "text": "Juggernaut ataca a cada combate se estiver apto.\nJuggernaut não pode ser bloqueado por Barreiras.",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Juggernaut"
                    "flavorText": "«У машин Урзы есть чудесная привычка выкапываться самостоятельно». — Рона, ученица Гикса",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445262,
                    "name": "Джаггернаут",
                    "text": "Джаггернаут атакует в каждом бою, если может.\nДжаггернаут не может быть заблокирован Стенами.",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Джаггернаут"
                    "flavorText": "「克撒的机械都有着让自己破土而出的好习惯。」 ~基克斯信徒罗娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445531,
                    "name": "攻城巨车",
                    "text": "攻城巨车每次战斗若能攻击,则必须攻击。\n攻城巨车不能被墙阻挡。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~攻城巨车"
                    "flavorText": "「克撒的機械都有著讓自己破土而出的好習慣。」 ~基克斯信徒羅娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445800,
                    "name": "攻城巨車",
                    "text": "攻城巨車每次戰鬥若能攻擊,則必須攻擊。\n攻城巨車不能被牆阻擋。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~攻城巨車"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}",
            "multiverseId": 443110,
            "name": "Juggernaut",
            "number": "222",
            "originalText": "Juggernaut attacks each combat if able.\nJuggernaut can't be blocked by Walls.",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Juggernaut",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Juggernaut can’t attack for any reason (such as being tapped or having come under that player’s control that turn), then it doesn’t attack. If there’s a cost associated with having it attack, its controller isn’t forced to pay that cost, so it doesn’t have to attack in that case either."
            "scryfallId": "dfebeab7-44cf-4895-bdd5-04cbb2c700d7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "54030c3a-8469-4c8f-a135-0a1d0c7d78ad",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4ac9116f-36bc-4d71-b696-d6ee064e1d58",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162258,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Juggernaut attacks each combat if able.\nJuggernaut can't be blocked by Walls.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Juggernaut",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c5929f4c-2b75-5063-a180-41fba6174f5e",
            "uuidV421": "4ce0855b-9fde-52da-8013-14107878599e"
            "artist": "Noah Bradley",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Centuries ago, a barbarian laid his rage to rest.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Vor langer Zeit legte ein Barbar seinen Zorn für immer ab.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443323,
                    "name": "Kamahls Druidengelübde",
                    "text": "(Legendäre Hexereien kannst du nur wirken, falls du eine legendäre Kreatur oder einen legendären Planeswalker kontrollierst.)\nSchaue dir die obersten X Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst davon eine beliebige Anzahl an Länderkarten und/oder legendären bleibenden Karten mit umgewandelten Manakosten von jeweils X oder weniger ins Spiel bringen. Lege den Rest auf deinen Friedhof.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Hace siglos, un bárbaro decidió abandonar su rabia.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443592,
                    "name": "Promesa druídica de Kamahl",
                    "text": "(Solo puedes lanzar un conjuro legendario si controlas una criatura o planeswalker legendario.)\nMira las X primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Puedes poner en el campo de batalla cualquier cantidad de cartas de tierra o de permanente legendario con coste de maná convertido de X o menos que se encuentren entre ellas. Pon el resto en tu cementerio.",
                    "type": "Conjuro legendario"
                    "flavorText": "Il y a des siècles, un barbare enterra sa rage.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443861,
                    "name": "Vœu druidique de Kamahl",
                    "text": "(Vous ne pouvez lancer un rituel légendaire que si vous contrôlez une créature légendaire ou un planeswalker.)\nRegardez les X cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Parmi elles, vous pouvez mettre sur le champ de bataille n'importe quel nombre de cartes de terrain et/ou de permanent légendaire avec un coût converti de mana inférieur ou égal à X. Mettez le reste dans votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Rituel légendaire"
                    "flavorText": "Secoli fa, un barbaro decise di sotterrare la sua furia.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444130,
                    "name": "Giuramento Druidico di Kamahl",
                    "text": "(Puoi lanciare una stregoneria leggendaria solo se controlli una creatura o un planeswalker leggendari.)\nGuarda le prime X carte del tuo grimorio. Puoi mettere sul campo di battaglia un qualsiasi numero di carte terra e/o permanente leggendario con costo di mana convertito pari o inferiore a X scelte tra esse. Metti le altre nel tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria Leggendaria"
                    "flavorText": "数世紀前、一人の蛮族が自らの怒りを埋葬した。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444399,
                    "name": "カマールのドルイド的誓約",
                    "text": "(伝説のソーサリーは、あなたが伝説のクリーチャーか伝説のプレインズウォーカーをコントロールしているときにのみ唱えられる。)\nあなたのライブラリーの一番上からX枚のカードを見る。あなたはその中から、望む枚数の、点数で見たマナ・コストがX以下で土地や伝説のパーマネントであるカードを戦場に出してもよい。残りをあなたの墓地に置く。",
                    "type": "伝説のソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "수 세기 전, 한 야만인이 자신의 분노를 잠재웠다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444668,
                    "name": "카말의 드루이드 서약",
                    "text": "(당신이 전설적 생물이나 플레인즈워커를 조종할 때만 전설적 집중마법을 발동할 수 있다.)\n당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 X 장을 본다. 당신은 그 카드들 중 대지 및/또는 전환마나비용이 X 이하인 전설적 지속물 카드를 원하는 만큼 전장에 놓을 수 있다. 나머지는 당신의 무덤에 넣는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Séculos atrás, um bárbaro pousou sua fúria.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444937,
                    "name": "Voto Druídico de Kamahl",
                    "text": "(Você só pode conjurar um feitiço lendário se controlar uma criatura lendária ou um planeswalker lendário.)\nOlhe os X cards do topo de seu grimório. Você pode colocar qualquer número de cards de terreno e/ou permanente lendária com custo de mana convertido igual ou inferior a X dentre eles no campo de batalha. Coloque o restante em seu cemitério.",
                    "type": "Feitiço Lendário"
                    "flavorText": "Много веков назад варвар смог унять свою ярость.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445206,
                    "name": "Друидский Обет Камаля",
                    "text": "(Вы можете разыгрывать легендарное волшебство, только если контролируете легендарное существо или planeswalker-а.)\nПосмотрите X верхних карт вашей библиотеки. Вы можете положить на поле битвы любое количество находящихся среди них карт земель и (или) легендарных перманентов с конвертированной мана-стоимостью не более X. Положите остальные карты на ваше кладбище.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "数世纪前,一位野蛮人的怒火彻底止歇。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445475,
                    "name": "卡马尔的德鲁伊誓约",
                    "text": "(只能于你操控传奇生物或鹏洛客时施放传奇法术。)\n检视你牌库顶的X张牌。你可以将其中任意数量的地和/或总法术力费用等于或小于X的传奇永久物牌放进战场。将其余的牌置入你的坟墓场。",
                    "type": "传奇法术"
                    "flavorText": "數世紀前,一位野蠻人的怒火徹底止歇。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445744,
                    "name": "卡馬爾的德魯伊誓約",
                    "text": "(只能於你操控傳奇生物或鵬洛客時施放傳奇巫術。)\n檢視你牌庫頂的X張牌。你可以將其中任意數量的地和/或總魔法力費用等於或小於X的傳奇永久物牌放進戰場。將其餘的牌置入你的墳墓場。",
                    "type": "傳奇巫術"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{X}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443054,
            "name": "Kamahl's Druidic Vow",
            "number": "166",
            "originalText": "(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)\nLook at the top X cards of your library. You may put any number of land and/or legendary permanent cards with converted mana cost X or less from among them onto the battlefield. Put the rest into your graveyard.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "For cards in your library with {X} in their mana costs, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "All of the permanents put onto the battlefield this way enter at the same time. If any have triggered abilities that trigger on something else entering the battlefield, they’ll see each other."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can’t cast a legendary sorcery unless you control a legendary creature or a legendary planeswalker. Once you begin to cast a legendary sorcery, losing control of your legendary creatures and planeswalkers won’t affect that spell."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Other than the casting restriction, the legendary supertype on a sorcery carries no additional rules. You may cast any number of legendary sorceries in a turn, and your deck may contain any number of legendary cards (but no more than four of any with the same name)."
            "scryfallId": "bf95ef60-e67b-466d-a6cb-d487ffa88b72",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a80208b4-3221-4a8d-a9d7-6ecdd2fd8c8c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7d012731-f921-47bf-a2da-ce494650cd4f",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162229,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)\nLook at the top X cards of your library. You may put any number of land and/or legendary permanent cards with converted mana cost X or less from among them onto the battlefield. Put the rest into your graveyard.",
            "type": "Legendary Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1a957b45-0bc1-58d1-a02b-824ffbc6547f",
            "uuidV421": "666d83d6-871d-5f2c-943b-bc4c8d898b58"
            "artist": "Noah Bradley",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "Centuries ago, a quest to harness time became a spiral into chaos.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Vor vielen Jahrhunderten führte der Versuch, die Zeit zu kontrollieren, zu einer Spirale des Chaos.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443212,
                    "name": "Karns temporale Schneise",
                    "text": "(Legendäre Hexereien kannst du nur wirken, falls du eine legendäre Kreatur oder einen legendären Planeswalker kontrollierst.)\nEin Spieler deiner Wahl erhält nach diesem Zug einen zusätzlichen Zug. Bringe bis zu eine bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die kein Land ist, auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück. Schicke Karns temporale Schneise ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Hace siglos, una misión para viajar en el tiempo se convirtió en una espiral hacia el caos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443481,
                    "name": "Fractura temporal de Karn",
                    "text": "(Solo puedes lanzar un conjuro legendario si controlas una criatura o planeswalker legendario.)\nEl jugador objetivo juega un turno adicional después de este. Regresa hasta un permanente objetivo que no sea tierra a la mano de su propietario. Exilia la Fractura temporal de Karn.",
                    "type": "Conjuro legendario"
                    "flavorText": "Il y a des siècles, une quête visant à maîtriser le temps échappa à tout contrôle.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443750,
                    "name": "Déchirure temporelle de Karn",
                    "text": "(Vous ne pouvez lancer un rituel légendaire que si vous contrôlez une créature légendaire ou un planeswalker.)\nLe joueur ciblé joue un tour supplémentaire après celui-ci. Renvoyez jusqu'à un permanent non-terrain ciblé dans la main de son propriétaire. Exilez la Déchirure temporelle de Karn.",
                    "type": "Rituel légendaire"
                    "flavorText": "Secoli fa, un tentativo di imbrigliare il tempo si tramutò in una spirale di caos.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444019,
                    "name": "Scissione Temporale di Karn",
                    "text": "(Puoi lanciare una stregoneria leggendaria solo se controlli una creatura o un planeswalker leggendari.)\nUn giocatore bersaglio gioca un turno extra dopo questo. Fai tornare fino a un permanente non terra bersaglio in mano al suo proprietario. Esilia la Scissione Temporale di Karn.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria Leggendaria"
                    "flavorText": "数世紀前、時の制御という試みがらせんを混乱に変えた。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444288,
                    "name": "カーンの経時隔離",
                    "text": "(伝説のソーサリーは、あなたが伝説のクリーチャーか伝説のプレインズウォーカーをコントロールしているときにのみ唱えられる。)\nプレイヤー1人と土地でないパーマネント最大1つを対象とする。そのプレイヤーは、このターンの後に追加の1ターンを得る。そのパーマネントをオーナーの手札に戻す。カーンの経時隔離を追放する。",
                    "type": "伝説のソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "몇 세기 전, 시간을 붙잡아두고자 했던 어느 여정이 혼돈으로 치달았다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444557,
                    "name": "카른의 시간 절단",
                    "text": "(당신이 전설적 생물이나 플레인즈워커를 조종할 때만 전설적 집중마법을 발동할 수 있다.)\n플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 이번 턴 후에 추가로 턴을 얻는다. 대지가 아닌 지속물을 최대 한 개까지 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다. 카른의 시간 절단을 추방한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Séculos atrás, uma busca pelo controle do tempo transformou-se numa espiral rumo ao caos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444826,
                    "name": "Despedaçamento Temporal de Karn",
                    "text": "(Você só pode conjurar um feitiço lendário se controlar uma criatura lendária ou um planeswalker lendário.)\nO jogador alvo joga um turno extra após este turno. Devolva até uma permanente alvo que não seja um terreno para a mão de seu dono. Exile Despedaçamento Temporal de Karn.",
                    "type": "Feitiço Lendário"
                    "flavorText": "Много веков назад попытка укротить время стала началом стремительного погружения мира по спирали в хаос.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445095,
                    "name": "Временной Раскол Карна",
                    "text": "(Вы можете разыграть легендарное волшебство, только если контролируете легендарное существо или planeswalker-а.)\nЦелевой игрок делает дополнительный ход после этого хода. Верните не более одного целевого не являющегося землей перманента в руку его владельца. Изгоните Временной Раскол Карна.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "数世纪前,一次尝试驾驭时间的探索最终沦为混沌漩涡。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445364,
                    "name": "卡恩的时间碎裂",
                    "text": "(只能于你操控传奇生物或鹏洛客时施放传奇法术。)\n目标牌手在本回合后进行额外的一个回合。将至多一个目标非地永久物移回其拥有者手上。放逐卡恩的时间碎裂。",
                    "type": "传奇法术"
                    "flavorText": "數世紀前,一次嘗試駕馭時間的探索最終淪為混沌漩渦。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445633,
                    "name": "卡恩的時間碎裂",
                    "text": "(只能於你操控傳奇生物或鵬洛客時施放傳奇巫術。)\n目標玩家於本回合後進行額外的一個回合。將至多一個目標非地永久物移回其擁有者手上。放逐卡恩的時間碎裂。",
                    "type": "傳奇巫術"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442943,
            "name": "Karn's Temporal Sundering",
            "number": "55",
            "originalText": "(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)\nTarget player takes an extra turn after this one. Return up to one target nonland permanent to its owner's hand. Exile Karn's Temporal Sundering.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the target player or target nonland permanent is an illegal target as Karn’s Temporal Sundering resolves, the other target is affected as normal and Karn’s Temporal Sundering is exiled. If both targets are illegal, Karn’s Temporal Sundering doesn’t resolve and isn’t exiled."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can’t cast a legendary sorcery unless you control a legendary creature or a legendary planeswalker. Once you begin to cast a legendary sorcery, losing control of your legendary creatures and planeswalkers won’t affect that spell."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Other than the casting restriction, the legendary supertype on a sorcery carries no additional rules. You may cast any number of legendary sorceries in a turn, and your deck may contain any number of legendary cards (but no more than four of any with the same name)."
            "scryfallId": "7a64c1a4-02ce-49d2-97f2-970b8c33672d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f19d24f7-97a2-4e45-ac91-5af75dcff701",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5afbd367-19c7-418f-994d-a7958fb1c4ae",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162224,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)\nTarget player takes an extra turn after this one. Return up to one target nonland permanent to its owner's hand. Exile Karn's Temporal Sundering.",
            "type": "Legendary Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "266cc124-95e0-5e51-a505-12373f4b9067",
            "uuidV421": "629f2a78-333d-50af-8101-15dd9503429b"
            "artist": "Chase Stone",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443158,
                    "name": "Karn, Urzas Spross",
                    "text": "+1: Decke die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek auf. Ein Gegner bestimmt eine davon. Nimm die bestimmte Karte auf deine Hand und schicke die andere mit einer Silbermarke auf ihr ins Exil.\n−1: Nimm eine Karte, die du besitzt und auf der eine Silbermarke liegt, aus dem Exil auf deine Hand.\n−2: Erzeuge einen 0/0 farblosen Konstrukt-Artefaktkreaturenspielstein mit „Diese Kreatur erhält +1/+1 für jedes Artefakt, das du kontrollierst.\"",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Karn"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443427,
                    "name": "Karn, vástago de Urza",
                    "text": "+1: Muestra las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Un oponente elige una de ellas. Pon esa carta en tu mano y exilia la otra con un contador de plata sobre ella.\n−1: Pon en tu mano una carta exiliada de la que eres propietario con un contador de plata sobre ella.\n−2: Crea una ficha de criatura artefacto Constructo incolora 0/0 con \"Esta criatura obtiene +1/+1 por cada artefacto que controlas\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Karn"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443696,
                    "name": "Karn, scion d'Urza",
                    "text": "+1 : Révélez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Un adversaire choisit l'une d'elles. Mettez cette carte dans votre main et exilez l'autre avec un marqueur « argent » sur elle.\n-1 : Mettez dans votre main une carte avec un marqueur « argent » sur elle que vous possédez depuis l'exil.\n-2 : Créez un jeton de créature-artefact 0/0 incolore Construction avec « Cette créature gagne +1/+1 pour chaque artefact que vous contrôlez. »",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Karn"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443965,
                    "name": "Karn, Discendente di Urza",
                    "text": "+1: Rivela le prime due carte del tuo grimorio. Un avversario ne sceglie una. Aggiungi quella carta alla tua mano ed esilia l'altra con un segnalino argento su di essa.\n−1: Scegli una carta che possiedi con un segnalino argento in esilio e aggiungila alla tua mano.\n−2: Crea una pedina creatura artefatto Costrutto 0/0 incolore con \"Questa creatura prende +1/+1 per ogni artefatto che controlli\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Karn"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444234,
                    "name": "ウルザの後継、カーン",
                    "text": "+1:あなたのライブラリーの一番上から2枚のカードを公開する。対戦相手1人は、そのうち1枚を選ぶ。そのカードをあなたの手札に加え、他の1枚を銀カウンターを1個置いた状態で追放する。\n-1:追放領域から、あなたがオーナーであり銀カウンターが置かれているカード1枚をあなたの手札に戻す。\n-2:「このクリーチャーは、あなたがコントロールしているアーティファクト1つにつき+1/+1の修整を受ける。」を持つ無色の0/0の構築物・アーティファクト・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — カーン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444503,
                    "name": "우르자의 후예, 카른",
                    "text": "+1: 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 공개한다. 상대 한 명이 그중 한 장을 선택한다. 그 카드를 당신의 손에 넣고 다른 카드는 은 카운터 한 개를 올려놓고 추방한다.\n−1: 당신이 소유한 은 카운터가 올려져 있는 추방된 카드 한 장을 손으로 가져온다.\n−2: \"이 생물은 당신이 조종하는 마법물체 한 개당 +1/+1을 받는다\"를 가진 0/0 무색 자동기계 마법물체 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 카른"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444772,
                    "name": "Karn, Rebento de Urza",
                    "text": "+1: Revele os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Um oponente escolhe um deles. Coloque aquele card em sua mão e exile o outro com um marcador de prata.\n−1: Coloque em sua mão um card que você possua com um marcador de prata no exílio.\n−2: Crie uma ficha de criatura artefato incolor 0/0 do tipo Constructo com \"Esta criatura recebe +1/+1 para cada artefato que você controla.\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Karn"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445041,
                    "name": "Карн, Детище Урзы",
                    "text": "+1: покажите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки. Оппонент выбирает одну из них. Положите ту карту в вашу руку и изгоните другую с одним жетоном серебра на ней.\n−1: положите принадлежащую вам карту с жетоном серебра на ней из изгнания в вашу руку.\n−2: создайте одну фишку артефакта существа 0/0 бесцветная Конструкция со способностью «Это существо получает +1/+1 за каждый артефакт под вашим контролем».",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Карн"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445310,
                    "name": "克撒传人卡恩",
                    "text": "+1:展示你牌库顶的两张牌。任一对手从中选择一张。将该牌置于你手上,并将另一张牌放逐,且上面有一个白银指示物。\n−1:将一张由你拥有且其上有白银指示物的牌从放逐区置于你手上。\n−2:派出一个0/0无色组构体衍生神器生物,且具有「你每操控一个神器,此生物便得+1/+1。」",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~卡恩"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445579,
                    "name": "克撒傳人卡恩",
                    "text": "+1:展示你牌庫頂的兩張牌。任一對手從中選擇一張。將該牌置於你手上,並將另一張牌放逐,且上面有一個白銀指示物。\n−1:將一張由你擁有且其上有白銀指示物的牌從放逐區置於你手上。\n−2:派出一個0/0無色組構體衍生神器生物,且具有「你每操控一個神器,此生物便得+1/+1。」",
                    "type": "傳奇鵬洛客 ~卡恩"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "loyalty": "5",
            "manaCost": "{4}",
            "multiverseId": 442889,
            "name": "Karn, Scion of Urza",
            "names": [],
            "number": "1",
            "originalText": "+1: Reveal the top two cards of your library. An opponent chooses one of them. Put that card into your hand and exile the other with a silver counter on it.\n−1: Put a card you own with a silver counter on it from exile into your hand.\n−2: Create a 0/0 colorless Construct artifact creature token with \"This creature gets +1/+1 for each artifact you control.\"",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Karn",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A token created by Karn’s last ability will count itself, so it’ll be at least 1/1."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Karn is colorless but not an artifact. The Construct tokens created by Karn’s last ability don’t count Karn."
            "scryfallId": "07a3d9e8-8597-498b-869c-cff79e0df516",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "792b699f-87ea-4608-aac5-e6d5e96feacb",
            "scryfallOracleId": "060209fa-4b7d-4e08-bf8b-8759bba5641b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162259,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+1: Reveal the top two cards of your library. An opponent chooses one of them. Put that card into your hand and exile the other with a silver counter on it.\n−1: Put a card you own with a silver counter on it from exile into your hand.\n−2: Create a 0/0 colorless Construct artifact creature token with \"This creature gets +1/+1 for each artifact you control.\"",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Karn",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e9c41a89-43a7-574f-b6b2-eefd0a7ee689",
            "uuidV421": "0bf6a4e1-b24e-5f4a-a0f9-e90a7e41b55f"
            "artist": "Viktor Titov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Don't worry, they won't bite. They much prefer setting people on fire.\" — Jaya Ballard, to Chandra",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Keine Sorge, der beißt nicht. Er steckt Leute lieber in Brand.\" —Jaya Ballard zu Chandra",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 445865,
                    "name": "Karplusanischer Hund",
                    "text": "Immer wenn der Karplusanische Hund angreift und falls du eine Chandra-Planeswalkerin kontrollierst, fügt diese Kreatur einem beliebigen Ziel deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Hund"
                    "flavorText": "\"No te preocupes, no muerden. Les gusta más prender fuego a sus enemigos\". —Jaya Ballard, a Chandra",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 445875,
                    "name": "Perro karplusano",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Perro karplusano ataque, si controlas un planeswalker Chandra, esta criatura hace 2 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Perro"
                    "flavorText": "« Ne vous inquiétez pas, ils ne mordent pas. Ils préfèrent brûler vifs ceux qui s'approchent. » —Jaya Ballard, à Chandra",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 445885,
                    "name": "Chien karpluséan",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que le Chien karpluséan attaque, si vous contrôlez un planeswalker Chandra, cette créature inflige 2 blessures à n'importe quelle cible.",
                    "type": "Créature : chien de chasse"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non preoccuparti, non mordono. Preferiscono di gran lunga incendiare.\" —Jaya Ballard a Chandra",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 445895,
                    "name": "Segugio di Karplusan",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta il Segugio di Karplusan attacca, se controlli un planeswalker Chandra, questa creatura infligge 2 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Segugio"
                    "flavorText": "「大丈夫、やつらは噛まないわ。火をつける方がずっと好きなのよ。」 ――ヤヤ・バラードからチャンドラへ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 445905,
                    "name": "カープルーザンの猟犬",
                    "text": "カープルーザンの猟犬が攻撃するたび、あなたがチャンドラ・プレインズウォーカーをコントロールしている場合、クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。このクリーチャーはそれに2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 猟犬"
                    "flavorText": "\"걱정 마, 물지 않아. 그 녀석들은 사람들한테 불을 붙이는 걸 훨씬 더 좋아해.\" —자야 발라드, 찬드라에게",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 445915,
                    "name": "카플루산 사냥개",
                    "text": "카플루산 사냥개가 공격할 때마다, 당신이 찬드라 플레인즈워커를 조종한다면, 원하는 목표를 정한다. 이 생물은 그 목표에 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 사냥개"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não se preocupe. Eles não mordem. Eles preferem atear fogo às pessoas.\" — Jaya Ballard, a Chandra",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445925,
                    "name": "Sabujo Karplusano",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Sabujo Karplusano ataca, se você controla um planeswalker Chandra, esta criatura causa 2 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sabujo"
                    "flavorText": "«Не бойся, они не кусаются. Им куда больше нравится поджигать людей». — Джайя Баллард, обращаясь к Чандре",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445935,
                    "name": "Карплюсанский Пес",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Карплюсанский Пес атакует, если вы контролируете planeswalker-а Чандру, это существо наносит 2 повреждения любой цели.",
                    "type": "Существо — Пес"
                    "flavorText": "「别担心,它们不咬人。它们比较喜欢烧人。」 ~雅亚巴拉德告诉茜卓",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445945,
                    "name": "卡普路桑猎犬",
                    "text": "每当卡普路桑猎犬攻击时,若你操控茜卓鹏洛客,则此生物对任意一个目标造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~猎犬"
                    "flavorText": "「別擔心,牠們不咬人。牠們比較喜歡燒人。」 ~雅亞巴拉德告訴茜卓",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445955,
                    "name": "卡普路桑獵犬",
                    "text": "每當卡普路桑獵犬攻擊時,若你操控茜卓鵬洛客,則此生物對任意一個目標造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~獵犬"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 445855,
            "name": "Karplusan Hound",
            "number": "277",
            "originalText": "Whenever Karplusan Hound attacks, if you control a Chandra planeswalker, this creature deals 2 damage to any target.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Hound",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "95179b31-8cb5-4dd9-ad93-782b8774534d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b130c3f4-fdd7-483d-831e-c9edfc5d099c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7af53dd7-3994-48f1-9ae1-44380ac56ee0",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164219,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Karplusan Hound attacks, if you control a Chandra planeswalker, this creature deals 2 damage to any target.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Hound",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c0bf03f4-bf0d-5a3e-9ef2-28c8577321fd",
            "uuidV421": "04b6ee66-175a-5f70-a501-cf610e407578"
            "artist": "Igor Kieryluk",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443253,
                    "name": "Kazarov, Sengir-Reinblut",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nImmer wenn einer Kreatur, die ein Gegner kontrolliert, Schaden zugefügt wird, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf Kazarov, Sengir-Reinblut.\n{3}{R}: Kazarov fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Vampir"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443522,
                    "name": "Kazarov, purasangre de Sengir",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nSiempre que una criatura que controla un oponente reciba daño, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre Kazarov, purasangre de Sengir.\n{3}{R}: Kazarov hace 2 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Vampiro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443791,
                    "name": "Kazarov, sengien pur-sang",
                    "text": "Vol\nÀ chaque fois qu'une créature qu'un adversaire contrôle subit des blessures, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur Kazarov, sengien pur-sang.\n{3}{R} : Kazarov inflige 2 blessures à une créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : vampire"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444060,
                    "name": "Kazarov, Purosangue Sengir",
                    "text": "Volare\nOgniqualvolta viene inflitto danno a una creatura controllata da un avversario, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su Kazarov, Purosangue Sengir.\n{3}{R}: Kazarov infligge 2 danni a una creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Vampiro"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444329,
                    "name": "センギアの純血、カザロフ",
                    "text": "飛行\n対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャーが1体ダメージを与えられるたび、センギアの純血、カザロフの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。\n{3}{R}:クリーチャー1体を対象とする。センギアの純血、カザロフはそれに2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 吸血鬼"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444598,
                    "name": "셍기르가의 순혈, 카자로브",
                    "text": "비행\n상대가 조종하는 생물이 피해를 입을 때마다, 셍기르가의 순혈, 카자로브에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.\n{3}{R}: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 카자로브는 그 생물에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 흡혈귀"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444867,
                    "name": "Kazarov, Puro-sangue Sengir",
                    "text": "Voar\nToda vez que uma criatura que um oponente controla sofrer dano, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Kazarov, Puro-sangue Sengir.\n{3}{R}: Kazarov causa 2 pontos de dano à criatura alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Vampiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445136,
                    "name": "Казаров, Чистокровный Сенгир",
                    "text": "Полет\nКаждый раз, когда существу под контролем оппонента наносятся повреждения, положите один жетон +1/+1 на Казарова, Чистокровного Сенгира.\n{3}{R}: Казаров наносит 2 повреждения целевому существу.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Вампир"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445405,
                    "name": "辛格氏血脉卡札罗夫",
                    "text": "飞行\n每当一个由对手操控的生物受到伤害时,在辛格氏血脉卡札罗夫上放置一个+1/+1指示物。\n{3}{R}:卡札罗夫对目标生物造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~吸血鬼"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445674,
                    "name": "辛格氏血脈卡札羅夫",
                    "text": "飛行\n每當一個由對手操控的生物受到傷害時,在辛格氏血脈卡札羅夫上放置一個+1/+1指示物。\n{3}{R}:卡札羅夫對目標生物造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~吸血鬼"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442984,
            "name": "Kazarov, Sengir Pureblood",
            "number": "96",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhenever a creature an opponent controls is dealt damage, put a +1/+1 counter on Kazarov, Sengir Pureblood.\n{3}{R}: Kazarov deals 2 damage to target creature.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Vampire",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Kazarov is dealt damage at the same time that a creature an opponent controls is dealt damage, Kazarov must survive the damage to get a +1/+1 counter."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Kazarov’s triggered ability triggers once for each creature dealt damage at one time."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a creature is dealt an amount of damage “for each” of something, that damage is dealt as one event and Kazarov’s triggered ability triggers only once."
            "scryfallId": "2aff7077-496b-46ca-b9d7-a8c1772f9a91",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b4b24f8b-fc5e-43ab-8131-949530d2c157",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3067c653-ac29-4f1d-822f-7e2e5bb38a62",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162161,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhenever a creature an opponent controls is dealt damage, put a +1/+1 counter on Kazarov, Sengir Pureblood.\n{3}{R}: Kazarov deals 2 damage to target creature.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Vampire",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a184dc29-5725-54b5-96c9-71ce2ac22601",
            "uuidV421": "007b203a-e601-5d63-85be-ed41ec5b8c4b"
            "artist": "Jason A. Engle",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443291,
                    "name": "Keldonischer Aufseher",
                    "text": "Bonus {3}{R} (Du kannst zusätzlich {3}{R} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nEile\nWenn der Keldonische Aufseher ins Spiel kommt und falls seine Bonuskosten bezahlt wurden, übernimm bis zum Ende des Zuges die Kontrolle über eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. Enttappe die Kreatur. Sie erhält Eile bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Krieger"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443560,
                    "name": "Capataz keldon",
                    "text": "Estímulo {3}{R}. (Puedes pagar {3}{R} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nPrisa.\nCuando el Capataz keldon entre al campo de batalla, si fue estimulado, gana el control de la criatura objetivo hasta el final del turno. Endereza esa criatura. Gana la habilidad de prisa hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443829,
                    "name": "Brigadier kelde",
                    "text": "Kick {3}{R} (Vous pouvez payer {3}{R} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nCélérité\nQuand le Brigadier kelde arrive sur le champ de bataille, s'il a été kické, acquérez le contrôle de la créature ciblée jusqu'à la fin du tour. Dégagez cette créature. Elle acquiert la célérité jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et guerrier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444098,
                    "name": "Sovrintendente di Keld",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {3}{R} (Puoi pagare {3}{R} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nRapidità\nQuando il Sovrintendente di Keld entra nel campo di battaglia, se è stato potenziato, prendi il controllo di una creatura bersaglio fino alla fine del turno. STAPpa quella creatura. Ha rapidità fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444367,
                    "name": "ケルドの軍監",
                    "text": "キッカー{3}{R}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{3}{R}を支払ってもよい。)\n速攻\nケルドの軍監が戦場に出たとき、これがキッカーされていた場合、クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、あなたはそれのコントロールを得る。そのクリーチャーをアンタップする。ターン終了時まで、それは速攻を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・戦士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444636,
                    "name": "켈드 감독관",
                    "text": "키커 {3}{R} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {3}{R}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n신속\n켈드 감독관이 전장에 들어올 때, 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 생물을 목표로 정한다. 당신은 턴종료까지 그 생물의 조종권을 얻는다. 그 생물은 언탭되고 턴종료까지 신속을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 전사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444905,
                    "name": "Supervisor Keldoniano",
                    "text": "Reforçar {3}{R} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {3}{R} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nÍmpeto\nQuando Supervisor Keldoniano entra no campo de batalha, se ele foi reforçado, ganhe o controle da criatura alvo até o final do turno. Desvire aquela criatura. Ela ganha ímpeto até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Guerreiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445174,
                    "name": "Келдонский Надсмотрщик",
                    "text": "Усилитель {3}{R} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {3}{R}.)\nУскорение\nКогда Келдонский Надсмотрщик выходит на поле битвы, если он получил Усилитель, получите контроль над целевым существом до конца хода. Разверните то существо. Оно получает Ускорение до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Воин"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445443,
                    "name": "凯尔顿督军",
                    "text": "增幅{3}{R}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{3}{R}。)\n敏捷\n当凯尔顿督军进战场时,若它已增幅,则获得目标生物的操控权直到回合结束。重置该生物。它获得敏捷异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/战士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445712,
                    "name": "凱爾頓督軍",
                    "text": "增幅{3}{R}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{3}{R}。)\n敏捷\n當凱爾頓督軍進戰場時,若它已增幅,則獲得目標生物的操控權直到回合結束。重置該生物。它獲得敏捷異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443022,
            "name": "Keldon Overseer",
            "number": "134",
            "originalText": "Kicker {3}{R} (You may pay an additional {3}{R} as you cast this spell.)\nHaste\nWhen Keldon Overseer enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, gain control of target creature until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Warrior",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can target and gain control of an untapped creature with Keldon Overseer’s ability. You can also untap a creature you already control and give it haste."
            "scryfallId": "ec66b814-9c47-4d17-8c02-1d9be565c76c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "cb9d4173-0b27-4f53-bb77-065c86edba0e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1b1dc78b-0102-49d6-8e54-89bc18a1628f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162172,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {3}{R} (You may pay an additional {3}{R} as you cast this spell.)\nHaste\nWhen Keldon Overseer enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, gain control of target creature until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b71d1ff5-404d-5110-bcac-4d4313c6a649",
            "uuidV421": "83f5e3e9-33ab-5df3-a977-03fe80a21603"
            "artist": "Chris Seaman",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Keldon raiders' spoils are limited to what their colos can carry. No matter the value, the rest goes up in smoke.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Keldonische Plünderer beschränken ihre Beute auf das, was ihre Colos tragen können. Egal wie wertvoll der Rest sein mag, er geht in Flammen auf.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443292,
                    "name": "Keldonische Plünderin",
                    "text": "Wenn die Keldonische Plünderin ins Spiel kommt, kannst du eine Karte abwerfen. Falls du dies tust, ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Los botines de los incursores keldon se limitan a aquello que pueden transportar sus colos. El resto lo consume el fuego, sea cual sea su valor.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443561,
                    "name": "Incursora keldon",
                    "text": "Cuando la Incursora keldon entre al campo de batalla, puedes descartar una carta. Si lo haces, roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Le butin des pillards keldes se limite à ce que peuvent porter leurs caprinodons. Quelle que soit sa valeur, le reste part en fumée.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443830,
                    "name": "Pillarde kelde",
                    "text": "Quand la Pillarde kelde arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez vous défausser d'une carte. Si vous faites ainsi, piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Il bottino degli assaltatori di Keld si limita a ciò che i loro colos possono trasportare. Per quanto prezioso, il resto va in fumo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444099,
                    "name": "Assaltatrice di Keld",
                    "text": "Quando l'Assaltatrice di Keld entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi scartare una carta. Se lo fai, pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Umano"
                    "flavorText": "ケルドでは、略奪者の戦利品はコロスが運べる量に制約される。価値にかかわらず、残りは燃えて煙となる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444368,
                    "name": "ケルドの略奪者",
                    "text": "ケルドの略奪者が戦場に出たとき、あなたはカード1枚を捨ててもよい。そうしたなら、カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "켈드 약탈자는 콜로스가 짊어질 수 있는 만큼만 전리품을 취한다. 그리고 나머지는 아무리 값진 것이라도 불태워버린다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444637,
                    "name": "켈드 약탈자",
                    "text": "켈드 약탈자가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 카드 한 장을 버릴 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Os espólios dos salteadores keldonianos limitam-se ao que conseguem carregar montados em seus colos. Não importa o valor, o resto vira carvão.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444906,
                    "name": "Saqueadora Keldoniana",
                    "text": "Quando Saqueadora Keldoniana entra no campo de batalha, você pode descartar um card. Se fizer isso, compre um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Налетчик из Келда может забрать лишь столько добычи, сколько способен унести его колус. Как бы ни были ценны остальные трофеи, их ждет огонь.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445175,
                    "name": "Келдонская Налетчица",
                    "text": "Когда Келдонская Налетчица выходит на поле битвы, вы можете сбросить карту. Если вы это делаете, возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Воин"
                    "flavorText": "凯尔顿的突击兵只带走寇骡能驮走的战利品。剩下的无论价值高低,都会化作黑烟飘向空中。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445444,
                    "name": "凯尔顿突击兵",
                    "text": "当凯尔顿突击兵进战场时,你可以弃一张牌。若你如此作,则抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/战士"
                    "flavorText": "凱爾頓的突擊兵只帶走寇騾能馱走的戰利品。剩下的無論價值高低,都會化作黑煙飄向空中。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445713,
                    "name": "凱爾頓突擊兵",
                    "text": "當凱爾頓突擊兵進戰場時,你可以棄一張牌。若你如此作,則抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443023,
            "name": "Keldon Raider",
            "number": "135",
            "originalText": "When Keldon Raider enters the battlefield, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Warrior",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "f1245212-d081-4e95-a508-e1d3a7496473",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a9b4b2e6-be7f-4c47-b720-3f71110205a9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "004f82f0-74cc-4bc7-ab22-ab1a5247bc29",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164773,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Keldon Raider enters the battlefield, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "971f3c11-0bfd-53f6-8c13-31387cf3b4ec",
            "uuidV421": "e092c277-a01b-5172-ac47-bbaaccfebf47"
            "artist": "Aaron Miller",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The Mountain gave us the Flame to Kradak to light the furnaces of his people's hearts. The wanderers became Keldons, and he the first warlord.\" — \"The Flame of Keld\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der Berg schenkte Kradak die Flamme, um damit die Herzen seiner Leute gleich einem Glutofen zu entfachen. Die Wanderer wurden zu Keldonen und Kradak ihr erster Kriegsfürst.\" —„Die Flamme von Keld\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443293,
                    "name": "Keldonischer Kriegsrufer",
                    "text": "Immer wenn der Keldonische Kriegsrufer angreift, lege eine Sagenmarke auf eine Sage deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"La Montaña le entregó la Llama a Kradak para que alumbrara los corazones de los suyos. Aquella tribu errante se convirtió en los keldon, y él, en el primer señor guerrero\". —\"La Llama de Keld\"",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443562,
                    "name": "Llamaguerra keldon",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Llamaguerra keldon ataque, pon un contador de sabiduría sobre la Saga objetivo que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« La Montagne fit don de la Flamme à Kradak pour embraser le cœur de son peuple. Ainsi naquirent les Keldes, dont il fut le premier seigneur de guerre. » —« La Flamme de Keld »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443831,
                    "name": "Meneur de guerre kelde",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que le Meneur de guerre kelde attaque, mettez un marqueur « sapience » sur une saga ciblée que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"La Montagna donò la Fiamma a Kradak perché accendesse le fornaci nei cuori del suo popolo. I nomadi divennero abitanti di Keld e lui il primo signore della guerra.\" —\"La Fiamma di Keld\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444100,
                    "name": "Convocatore di Guerra di Keld",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta il Convocatore di Guerra di Keld attacca, metti un segnalino sapere su una Saga bersaglio che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「御山はクラダクに炎を与えた。人々の心の炉を灯すためである。放浪していた人々はケルドの国を作り、クラダクが最初の大将軍となった。」 ――「ケルドの炎」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444369,
                    "name": "ケルドの戦呼び",
                    "text": "ケルドの戦呼びが攻撃するたび、あなたがコントロールしている英雄譚1つを対象とし、それの上に伝承カウンターを1個置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"산맥은 크라닥에게 동족들의 가슴에 있는 용광로를 뜨겁게 지필 불길을 선사해주었다. 방랑자들은 켈드족이 되었고, 크라닥은 최초의 전쟁군주가 되었다.\" —\"켈드의 불길\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444638,
                    "name": "켈드 전쟁기원사",
                    "text": "켈드 전쟁기원사가 공격할 때마다, 당신이 조종하는 서사시를 목표로 정한다. 그 서사시에 전승 카운터 한 개를 놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"A montanha deu a Chama a Kradak para acender as fornalhas dos corações de seu povo. Os errantes tornaram-se keldonianos, e ele, o primeiro senhor da guerra.\" — \"A Chama de Keld\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444907,
                    "name": "Invocador de Guerra Keldoniano",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Invocador de Guerra Keldoniano atacar, coloque um marcador de conhecimento na Saga alvo que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Гора даровала Огонь Крадаку, чтобы тот разжег пламя в сердцах своего народа. Скитальцы стали келдонцами, а он — первым из великих вождей». — «Огонь Келда»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445176,
                    "name": "Келдонский Завывала",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Келдонский Завывала атакует, положите один жетон знаний на целевую Сагу под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「源山将源火给予凯勒达,点亮麾下人民心中的炉火。漂泊者成为凯尔顿人,而他则成为首位军阀。」 ~「凯尔顿源火」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445445,
                    "name": "凯尔顿战呼人",
                    "text": "当凯尔顿战呼人攻击时,在目标由你操控的传纪上放置一个学问指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「源山將源火給予凱勒達,點亮麾下人民心中的爐火。漂泊者成為凱爾頓人,而他則成為首位軍閥。」 ~「凱爾頓源火」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445714,
                    "name": "凱爾頓戰呼人",
                    "text": "當凱爾頓戰呼人攻擊時,在目標由你操控的傳紀上放置一個學問指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443024,
            "name": "Keldon Warcaller",
            "number": "136",
            "originalText": "Whenever Keldon Warcaller attacks, put a lore counter on target Saga you control.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The target Saga’s appropriate chapter ability triggers and resolves before blockers are declared."
            "scryfallId": "22d2e230-2d60-402d-98e4-0f33d2f27c56",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "34508b94-2df1-4d91-90b5-e960c61dbb5f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b44d3fe8-b1e2-4abb-ab82-7a516a1db1e5",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162173,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Keldon Warcaller attacks, put a lore counter on target Saga you control.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "351cb37e-476d-55d1-9d60-b98c4ad0fbfe",
            "uuidV421": "bc60a437-39c7-5fc4-8e72-ceae8603919f"
            "artist": "Sidharth Chaturvedi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "A light to pierce the shadows.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ein Licht, um die Dunkelheit zu durchbrechen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443180,
                    "name": "Ritterin der Gnade",
                    "text": "Erstschlag\nFluchsicher vor Schwarz (Diese Kreatur kann nicht das Ziel von schwarzen Zaubersprüchen oder Fähigkeiten sein, die deine Gegner kontrollieren.)\nDie Ritterin der Gnade erhält +1/+0, solange ein beliebiger Spieler eine schwarze bleibende Karte kontrolliert.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "Una luz para atravesar las sombras.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443449,
                    "name": "Caballero de la gracia",
                    "text": "Daña primero.\nAntimaleficio contra negro. (Esta criatura no puede ser objetivo de habilidades o hechizos negros que controlan tus oponentes.)\nLa Caballero de la gracia obtiene +1/+0 mientras cualquier jugador controle un permanente negro.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Une lumière pour percer l'ombre.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443718,
                    "name": "Chevalière de la grâce",
                    "text": "Initiative\nDéfense talismanique contre le noir (Cette créature ne peut pas être la cible de sorts noirs ou de capacités noires que vos adversaires contrôlent.)\nLa Chevalière de la grâce gagne +1/+0 tant qu'un joueur contrôle un permanent noir.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "Una luce che trafigge l'oscurità.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443987,
                    "name": "Cavaliera della Grazia",
                    "text": "Attacco improvviso\nAnti-malocchio dal nero (Questa creatura non può essere bersaglio di magie o abilità nere controllate dai tuoi avversari.)\nLa Cavaliera della Grazia prende +1/+0 fintanto che un qualsiasi giocatore controlla un permanente nero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "影を貫く光。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444256,
                    "name": "善意の騎士",
                    "text": "先制攻撃\n黒からの呪禁(このクリーチャーは、対戦相手がコントロールしている黒の呪文や能力の対象にならない。)\nいずれかのプレイヤーが黒のパーマネントをコントロールしているかぎり、善意の騎士は+1/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "어둠을 꿰뚫기 위한 빛.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444525,
                    "name": "은혜의 기사",
                    "text": "선제공격\n흑색으로부터 방호 (이 생물은 상대가 조종하는 흑색 주문이나 능력의 목표로 정해질 수 없다.)\n흑색 지속물을 조종하는 플레이어가 있는 한 은혜의 기사는 +1/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "Uma luz para trespassar as sombras.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444794,
                    "name": "Cavaleira da Graça",
                    "text": "Iniciativa\nResistência à magia preta (Esta criatura não pode ser alvo de mágicas nem habilidades pretas que seus oponentes controlam.)\nCavaleira da Graça recebe +1/+0 enquanto qualquer jogador controlar uma permanente preta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "Свет, который пронзит тьму.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445063,
                    "name": "Рыцарь Милости",
                    "text": "Первый удар\nПорчеустойчивость от черного (Это существо не может быть целью черных заклинаний или способностей под контролем ваших оппонентов.)\nРыцарь Милости получает +1/+0, пока под контролем любого игрока есть черный перманент.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "刺破暗影的明光。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445332,
                    "name": "美善骑士",
                    "text": "先攻\n反黑辟邪(此生物不能成为由对手操控之黑色咒语或异能的目标。)\n只要任一牌手操控黑色永久物,美善骑士便得+1/+0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "刺破暗影的明光。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445601,
                    "name": "美善騎士",
                    "text": "先攻\n反黑辟邪(此生物不能成為由對手操控之黑色咒語或異能的目標。)\n只要任一玩家操控黑色永久物,美善騎士便得+1/+0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442911,
            "name": "Knight of Grace",
            "number": "23",
            "originalText": "First strike\nHexproof from black (This creature can't be the target of black spells or abilities your opponents control.)\nKnight of Grace gets +1/+0 as long as any player controls a black permanent.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "“Hexproof from [quality]” is a variant of the hexproof ability. “Hexproof from black” means “This permanent can’t be the target of black spells your opponents control or abilities of black sources your opponents control.”"
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If an effect says that a creature loses hexproof or can be targeted as though it didn’t have hexproof, this applies to hexproof from black as well."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Knight of Grace only gets +1/+0 if any player controls a black permanent, no matter how many black permanents players control."
            "scryfallId": "7bbbddc0-f8b3-4255-bd82-d50f829ca009",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d18baa05-6de4-45f1-9a4b-e20fdc73026a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7b51a979-47e0-4b98-8ec5-8064c83422e1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162203,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "First strike\nHexproof from black (This creature can't be the target of black spells or abilities your opponents control.)\nKnight of Grace gets +1/+0 as long as any player controls a black permanent.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "682599a0-8f80-5c44-9f87-d27acbafcbcd",
            "uuidV421": "fb18e4d6-20ed-5720-acdb-ed711ab4acdc"
            "artist": "Sidharth Chaturvedi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "A shadow to swallow the light.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ein Schatten, der das Licht verschlingt.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443254,
                    "name": "Ritterin der Boshaftigkeit",
                    "text": "Erstschlag\nFluchsicher vor Weiß (Diese Kreatur kann nicht das Ziel von weißen Zaubersprüchen oder Fähigkeiten sein, die deine Gegner kontrollieren.)\nDie Ritterin der Boshaftigkeit erhält +1/+0, solange ein beliebiger Spieler eine weiße bleibende Karte kontrolliert.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "Una sombra para engullir la luz.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443523,
                    "name": "Caballero de la malicia",
                    "text": "Daña primero.\nAntimaleficio contra blanco. (Esta criatura no puede ser objetivo de habilidades o hechizos blancos que controlan tus oponentes.)\nLa Caballero de la malicia obtiene +1/+0 mientras cualquier jugador controle un permanente blanco.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Une ombre qui avale la lumière.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443792,
                    "name": "Chevalière de la malice",
                    "text": "Initiative\nDéfense talismanique contre le blanc (Cette créature ne peut pas être la cible de sorts blancs ou de capacités blanches que vos adversaires contrôlent.)\nLa Chevalière de la malice gagne +1/+0 tant qu'un joueur contrôle un permanent blanc.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "Un'oscurità che inghiotte la luce.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444061,
                    "name": "Cavaliera della Malvagità",
                    "text": "Attacco improvviso\nAnti-malocchio dal bianco (Questa creatura non può essere bersaglio di magie o abilità bianche controllate dai tuoi avversari.)\nLa Cavaliera della Malvagità prende +1/+0 fintanto che un qualsiasi giocatore controlla un permanente bianco.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "光を飲み込む影。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444330,
                    "name": "悪意の騎士",
                    "text": "先制攻撃\n白からの呪禁(このクリーチャーは、対戦相手がコントロールしている白の呪文や能力の対象にならない。)\nいずれかのプレイヤーが白のパーマネントをコントロールしているかぎり、悪意の騎士は+1/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "빛을 삼키는 어둠.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444599,
                    "name": "악의의 기사",
                    "text": "선제공격\n백색으로부터 방호 (이 생물은 상대가 조종하는 백색 주문이나 능력의 목표로 정해질 수 없다.)\n백색 지속물을 조종하는 플레이어가 있는 한 악의의 기사는 +1/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "Uma sombra para engolir a luz.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444868,
                    "name": "Cavaleira da Maleficência",
                    "text": "Iniciativa\nResistência à magia branca (Esta criatura não pode ser alvo de mágicas nem habilidades brancas que seus oponentes controlam.)\nCavaleira da Maleficência receberá +1/+0 enquanto qualquer jogador controlar uma permanente branca.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "Тень, которая поглотит свет.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445137,
                    "name": "Рыцарь Злобы",
                    "text": "Первый удар\nПорчеустойчивость от белого (Это существо не может быть целью белых заклинаний или способностей под контролем ваших оппонентов.)\nРыцарь Злобы получает +1/+0, пока под контролем любого игрока есть белый перманент.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "吞噬明光的暗影。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445406,
                    "name": "恶意骑士",
                    "text": "先攻\n反白辟邪(此生物不能成为由对手操控之白色咒语或异能的目标。)\n只要任一牌手操控白色永久物,恶意骑士便得+1/+0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "吞噬明光的暗影。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445675,
                    "name": "惡意騎士",
                    "text": "先攻\n反白辟邪(此生物不能成為由對手操控之白色咒語或異能的目標。)\n只要任一玩家操控白色永久物,惡意騎士便得+1/+0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442985,
            "name": "Knight of Malice",
            "number": "97",
            "originalText": "First strike\nHexproof from white (This creature can't be the target of white spells or abilities your opponents control.)\nKnight of Malice gets +1/+0 as long as any player controls a white permanent.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "“Hexproof from [quality]” is a variant of the hexproof ability. “Hexproof from white” means “This permanent can’t be the target of white spells your opponents control or abilities of white sources your opponents control.”"
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If an effect says that a creature loses hexproof or can be targeted as though it didn’t have hexproof, this applies to hexproof from white as well."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Knight of Malice only gets +1/+0 if any player controls a white permanent, no matter how many white permanents players control."
            "scryfallId": "b45266f0-eb4f-4a06-bc64-8c2d774b4cc5",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "34655d06-f5f1-4467-a6d0-84688eb7232e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b89d912a-65a0-4bc9-9e1d-ff8317458a72",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162165,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "First strike\nHexproof from white (This creature can't be the target of white spells or abilities your opponents control.)\nKnight of Malice gets +1/+0 as long as any player controls a white permanent.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7b49dbcb-822a-5b24-9df8-ba3f5466cd43",
            "uuidV421": "be391a08-28b6-5cfe-b546-1dbb54898a5f"
            "artist": "Josu Hernaiz",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "The mage-smiths of New Benalia have perfected the art of blending fine steel and enchanted glass into weapons that are both beautiful and deadly. Only elite knights are entrusted with these martial works of art.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Manaschmiede von Neu-Benalia haben die Kunst der Metallverarbeitung und der Glasverzauberung vereint und perfektioniert, um Waffen herzustellen, die sowohl wunderschön als auch tödlich sind. Nur der Elite unter den Rittern steht es zu, diese Meisterwerke der Schmiedekunst im Kampf zu führen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443181,
                    "name": "Ritterin von Neu-Benalia",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "Los magos forjadores de Nueva Benalia perfeccionaron el arte de crear unas armas tan hermosas como letales que combinan el mejor de los aceros y el cristal encantado. Solo los caballeros de élite están autorizados a manejar estas obras de arte.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443450,
                    "name": "Caballero de Nueva Benalia",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Les mages-forgerons de la Nouvelle Bénalia ont perfectionné l'art de mélanger l'acier de qualité et le verre enchanté pour créer des armes à la fois esthétiques et mortelles. Seuls les chevaliers d'élite se voient confier ces œuvres d'art martiales.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443719,
                    "name": "Chevalière de la Nouvelle Bénalia",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "I magifabbri di Nuova Benalia hanno perfezionato l'arte di unire acciaio pregiato e vetro incantato per forgiare armi tanto meravigliose quanto letali. Solo ai cavalieri d'elite è consentito brandire queste opere d'arte bellica.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443988,
                    "name": "Cavaliera di Nuova Benalia",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "新ベナリアの魔道鍛冶たちは、微細鋼と魔法硝子を混ぜて美しくかつ強靭な武器を作る技法を完成した。この軍用の芸術品を扱うに相応しいのは上級の騎士のみである。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444257,
                    "name": "新ベナリアの騎士",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "신 베날리아의 마법대장장이들은, 질 좋은 강철과 마법 유리를 혼합해 아름답고 치명적인 무기를 만드는 기술을 완벽하게 정립했다. 오직 뛰어난 기사들만이 이 예술적인 무기를 다룰 수 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444526,
                    "name": "신 베날리아의 기사",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "Os magiferreiros de Nova Benália aperfeiçoaram a arte de amalgamar aço fino e vidro encantado em armas tão belas quanto mortíferas. Essas obras de arte marciais são conferidas apenas aos cavaleiros de elite.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444795,
                    "name": "Cavaleira de Nova Benália",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "Колдуны-кузнецы Новой Беналии довели до совершенства искусство сплавления лучшей стали и зачарованного стекла в одновременно прекрасное и смертоносное оружие. Сражаться этими шедеврами оружейного дела доверяют лишь избранным рыцарям.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445064,
                    "name": "Рыцарь Новой Беналии",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "新宾纳里亚铸法师调和精钢与附魔釉药的技艺已臻完美,并凭以打造出美观又致命的武器。唯有精锐骑士能获赐这种艺品神兵。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445333,
                    "name": "新宾纳里亚骑士",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "新賓納里亞鑄法師調和精鋼與附魔釉藥的技藝已臻完美,並憑以打造出美觀又致命的武器。唯有精銳騎士能獲賜這種藝品神兵。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445602,
                    "name": "新賓納里亞騎士",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "number": "24",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "75f28e54-17ce-49f9-85b2-9f9a04e1d86f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164711,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
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            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
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            "artist": "Bastien L. Deharme",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Druids endure disaster as seeds endure winter. Now Krosa blooms once more.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Druiden überstehen Katastrophen geduldig wie Pflanzensamen im Winterboden. Nun bricht in Krosa der Frühling an.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443324,
                    "name": "Krosanische Druidin",
                    "text": "Bonus {4}{G} (Du kannst zusätzlich {4}{G} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nWenn die Krosanische Druidin ins Spiel kommt und falls ihre Bonuskosten bezahlt wurden, erhältst du 10 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zentaur, Druide"
                    "flavorText": "\"Los druidas aguantan el desastre del mismo modo que las semillas el invierno. Ahora Krosa vuelve a brotar\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443593,
                    "name": "Druida krosana",
                    "text": "Estímulo {4}{G}. (Puedes pagar {4}{G} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nCuando la Druida krosana entre al campo de batalla, si fue estimulada, ganas 10 vidas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Druida centauro"
                    "flavorText": "« Les druides résistent à la catastrophe comme les graines résistent à l'hiver. Aujourd'hui, la Krosia fleurit à nouveau. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443862,
                    "name": "Druidesse krosiane",
                    "text": "Kick {4}{G} (Vous pouvez payer {4}{G} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nQuand la Druidesse krosiane arrive sur le champ de bataille, si elle a été kickée, vous gagnez 10 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : centaure et druide"
                    "flavorText": "\"I druidi sopravvivono alle calamità come i semi all'inverno. Ora Krosa torna ancora una volta a fiorire.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444131,
                    "name": "Druida di Krosa",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {4}{G} (Puoi pagare {4}{G} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nQuando la Druida di Krosa entra nel campo di battaglia, se è stata potenziata, guadagni 10 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Druido Centauro"
                    "flavorText": "「種子が冬を耐え抜くように、ドルイドは災害を耐え抜きます。クローサは再び花開くのです。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444400,
                    "name": "クローサのドルイド",
                    "text": "キッカー{4}{G}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{4}{G}を支払ってもよい。)\nクローサのドルイドが戦場に出たとき、これがキッカーされていた場合、あなたは10点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ケンタウルス・ドルイド"
                    "flavorText": "\"드루이드들은 씨앗이 겨울을 견디듯 재난을 견뎌낸다. 그리고 이제 크로사는 다시 한 번 그 꽃을 피우고 있다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444669,
                    "name": "크로사 드루이드",
                    "text": "키커 {4}{G} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {4}{G}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n크로사 드루이드가 전장에 들어올 때, 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 당신은 생명 10점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 켄타우로스 드루이드"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os druidas suportam os desastres como as sementes suportam o inverno. Agora, Krosa floresce outra vez.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444938,
                    "name": "Druida Krosana",
                    "text": "Reforçar {4}{G} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {4}{G} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nQuando Druida Krosana entra no campo de batalha, se ela foi reforçada, você ganha 10 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Centauro Druida"
                    "flavorText": "«Друиды пережили катастрофу, как семена переживают зиму. И вот Крос расцвел вновь».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445207,
                    "name": "Кросанский Друид",
                    "text": "Усилитель {4}{G} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {4}{G}.)\nКогда Кросанский Друид выходит на поле битвы, если он получил Усилитель, вы получаете 10 жизней.",
                    "type": "Существо — Кентавр Друид"
                    "flavorText": "「德鲁伊渡过难关,就像种子熬过寒冬。如今的克洛萨再度枝繁叶茂。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445476,
                    "name": "克洛萨德鲁伊",
                    "text": "增幅{4}{G}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{4}{G}。)\n当克洛萨德鲁伊进战场时,若它已增幅,则你获得10点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~半人马/德鲁伊"
                    "flavorText": "「德魯伊渡過難關,就像種子熬過寒冬。如今的克洛薩再度枝繁葉茂。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445745,
                    "name": "克洛薩德魯伊",
                    "text": "增幅{4}{G}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{4}{G}。)\n當克洛薩德魯伊進戰場時,若它已增幅,則你獲得10點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~半人馬/德魯伊"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443055,
            "name": "Krosan Druid",
            "number": "167",
            "originalText": "Kicker {4}{G} (You may pay an additional {4}{G} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Krosan Druid enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, you gain 10 life.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Centaur Druid",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "c332dc82-7664-44d0-b92a-a3d867399884",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "459a7149-4f86-4e65-907a-db54ae2b62b2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1fbed9e4-86f6-4115-8468-8593e340701f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164702,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {4}{G} (You may pay an additional {4}{G} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Krosan Druid enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, you gain 10 life.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Centaur Druid",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "dbdb0f51-0faf-590d-86df-e1298f34448c",
            "uuidV421": "6e4627ec-afcb-581b-9ff4-890ceb15bf51"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Descendant of a vanished land, student of a forgotten general, and master of blades no smith could forge anew. He honors them all by living a life worthy of song.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Nachkomme eines ausgelöschten Landes, Schüler eines vergessenen Generals und Meister über Klingen, die kein Schmied je kopieren könnte. Er ehrt seine Vergangenheit, indem er ein heldenhaftes Leben führt.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443182,
                    "name": "Kwende, Stolz der Femeref",
                    "text": "Doppelschlag\nKreaturen mit Erstschlag, die du kontrollierst, haben Doppelschlag.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "Hijo de una tierra desaparecida, aprendiz de un general olvidado y experto espadachín de unas armas que ningún herrero podría volver a forjar. Él les rinde pleitesía a todos viviendo una vida digna de canción.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443451,
                    "name": "Kwende, orgullo de Femeref",
                    "text": "Daña dos veces.\nLas criaturas que controlas con la habilidad de dañar primero tienen la habilidad de dañar dos veces.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Descendant d'une terre disparue, élève d'un général oublié, maître d'armes qu'aucun forgeron ne pouvait reforger. Il les honore en menant une vie digne d'être chantée.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443720,
                    "name": "Kwende, fierté de Fémeiref",
                    "text": "Double initiative\nLes créatures avec l'initiative que vous contrôlez ont la double initiative.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "Discendente di una terra scomparsa, allievo di un generale dimenticato e maestro di lame che nessun fabbro potrebbe mai riforgiare, onora il suo passato vivendo una vita degna di un cantico.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443989,
                    "name": "Kwende, Orgoglio di Femeref",
                    "text": "Doppio attacco\nLe creature con attacco improvviso che controlli hanno doppio attacco.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "消滅した土地の子孫。忘れられた武将の弟子。現代の鍛冶には作れぬ刃の達人。これらの称号はすべて歌われるに値する生涯で彼が手に入れたものである。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444258,
                    "name": "フェメレフの誇り、クェンデ",
                    "text": "二段攻撃\nあなたがコントロールしていて先制攻撃を持つクリーチャーは二段攻撃を持つ。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "사라진 땅의 후손이자 잊혀진 장군의 제자이며, 어떤 대장장이도 새로 벼려내지 못한 검의 달인이다. 그는 노래로 만들어질 만한 삶을 사는 것으로써 모두를 명예롭게 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444527,
                    "name": "페메레프의 긍지, 크웬데",
                    "text": "이단공격\n당신이 조종하는 선제공격을 가진 생물은 이단공격을 가진다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "Descendente de uma terra desaparecida, discípulo de um general esquecido e mestre de lâminas que nenhum ferreiro poderia forjar novamente. Ele os honra a todos vivendo uma vida digna de ser cantada.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444796,
                    "name": "Kwende, Orgulho de Femeref",
                    "text": "Golpe duplo\nAs criaturas que você controla com iniciativa têm golpe duplo.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "Пришелец из пропавшей страны, ученик забытого военачальника, искусно владеющий клинками, которые не выковать уже ни одному мастеру. Он воздает им почести, проживая жизнь, достойную песни.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445065,
                    "name": "Квенди, Гордость Фемерефа",
                    "text": "Двойной удар\nСущества с Первым ударом под вашим контролем имеют Двойной удар.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "他出身消逝之地,师从遗世之将,善使无可重铸之绝世利刃。留下一世英名为此增光添彩。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445334,
                    "name": "费米瑞甫之傲桂恩岱",
                    "text": "连击\n由你操控且具先攻异能的生物具有连击异能。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "他出身消逝之地,師從遺世之將,善使無可重鑄之絕世利刃。留下一世英名為此增光添彩。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445603,
                    "name": "費米瑞甫之傲桂恩岱",
                    "text": "連擊\n由你操控且具先攻異能的生物具有連擊異能。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442913,
            "name": "Kwende, Pride of Femeref",
            "number": "25",
            "originalText": "Double strike\nCreatures you control with first strike have double strike.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A creature with first strike and double strike deals combat damage the same as a creature with double strike. It doesn’t deal damage three times or before other creatures with first strike."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a creature you control gains first strike after Kwende has entered the battlefield, that creature also gains double strike."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a creature loses double strike after first strike damage is dealt, it won’t deal normal combat damage."
            "scryfallId": "b4d3b6a8-3e4a-4e2b-900a-9a21fa0ced4c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5ce42c06-b86e-4851-9201-bb902a45b428",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3adebbbf-39fe-4b42-b719-2f8edb009693",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162204,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Double strike\nCreatures you control with first strike have double strike.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7deb3b98-2081-59ff-8b27-9f9d31c67ca7",
            "uuidV421": "24da9c0d-a579-5e74-a481-86dbe24b9e04"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443255,
                    "name": "Herrschaft des Lichs",
                    "text": "Fluchsicher\nDu kannst die Partie nicht verlieren.\nImmer wenn du Lebenspunkte dazuerhältst, ziehe entsprechend viele Karten.\nImmer wenn du Lebenspunkte verlierst, schicke für jeden verlorenen Lebenspunkt entweder eine bleibende Karte, die du kontrollierst, oder eine Karte aus deiner Hand oder deinem Friedhof ins Exil.\nWenn die Herrschaft des Lichs das Spiel verlässt, verlierst du die Partie.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Verzauberung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443524,
                    "name": "Dominio del liche",
                    "text": "Antimaleficio.\nNo puedes perder el juego.\nSiempre que ganes vidas, roba esa misma cantidad de cartas.\nSiempre que pierdas vidas, por cada vida que pierdas, exilia un permanente que controlas o una carta de tu mano o de tu cementerio.\nCuando el Dominio del liche deje el campo de batalla, pierdes el juego.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento legendario"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443793,
                    "name": "Maîtrise de la liche",
                    "text": "Défense talismanique\nVous ne pouvez pas perdre la partie.\nÀ chaque fois que vous gagnez des points de vie, piochez autant de cartes.\nÀ chaque fois que vous perdez des points de vie, pour chaque 1 point de vie que vous avez perdu, exilez un permanent que vous contrôlez, ou une carte de votre main ou de votre cimetière.\nQuand la Maîtrise de la liche quitte le champ de bataille, vous perdez la partie.",
                    "type": "Enchantement légendaire"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444062,
                    "name": "Maestria del Lich",
                    "text": "Anti-malocchio\nNon puoi perdere la partita.\nOgniqualvolta guadagni punti vita, pesca altrettante carte.\nOgniqualvolta perdi punti vita, per ogni punto vita perso, esilia un permanente che controlli o una carta dalla tua mano o dal tuo cimitero.\nQuando la Maestria del Lich lascia il campo di battaglia, perdi la partita.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo Leggendario"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444331,
                    "name": "リッチの熟達",
                    "text": "呪禁\nあなたはこのゲームに敗北できない。\nあなたがライフを得るたび、その点数に等しい枚数のカードを引く。\nあなたがライフを失うたび、あなたが失ったライフ1点につき、あなたがコントロールしているパーマネント1つか、あなたの手札か墓地からカード1枚を、追放する。\nリッチの熟達が戦場を離れたとき、あなたはこのゲームに敗北する。",
                    "type": "伝説のエンチャント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444600,
                    "name": "리치의 숙련",
                    "text": "방호\n당신은 게임에서 패배할 수 없다.\n당신이 생명점을 얻을 때마다, 그만큼의 카드를 뽑는다.\n당신이 생명점을 잃을 때마다, 잃은 생명 1점당 당신이 조종하는 지속물 한 개 또는 당신의 손이나 당신의 무덤에 있는 카드 한 장을 추방한다.\n리치의 숙련이 전장을 떠날 때, 당신은 게임에서 패배한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 부여마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444869,
                    "name": "Maestria do Lich",
                    "text": "Resistência a magia\nVocê não pode perder o jogo.\nToda vez que ganhar pontos de vida, compre a mesma quantidade de cards.\nToda vez que você perder pontos de vida, para cada 1 ponto de vida perdido, exile uma permanente que você controla ou um card de sua mão ou de seu cemitério.\nQuando Maestria do Lich deixa o campo de batalha, você perde o jogo.",
                    "type": "Encantamento Lendário"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445138,
                    "name": "Мастерство Лича",
                    "text": "Порчеустойчивость\nВы не можете проиграть партию.\nКаждый раз, когда вы получаете жизни, возьмите такое же количество карт.\nКаждый раз, когда вы теряете жизни, изгоните перманент под вашим контролем или карту из вашей руки или вашего кладбища за каждую 1 потерянную жизнь.\nКогда Мастерство Лича покидает поле битвы, вы проигрываете партию.",
                    "type": "Легендарные Чары"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445407,
                    "name": "巫妖掌控",
                    "text": "辟邪\n你这盘游戏不会输。\n每当你获得生命时,抓等量的牌。\n每当你失去生命时,你每失去1点生命,便选择一个由你操控的永久物或你手上或坟墓场中的一张牌并放逐之。\n当巫妖掌控离开战场时,你输掉这盘游戏。",
                    "type": "传奇结界"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445676,
                    "name": "巫妖掌控",
                    "text": "辟邪\n你這盤遊戲不會輸。\n每當你獲得生命時,抽等量的牌。\n每當你失去生命時,你每失去1點生命,便選擇一個由你操控的永久物或你手上或墳墓場中的一張牌並放逐之。\n當巫妖掌控離開戰場時,你輸掉這盤遊戲。",
                    "type": "傳奇結界"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442986,
            "name": "Lich's Mastery",
            "number": "98",
            "originalText": "Hexproof\nYou can't lose the game.\nWhenever you gain life, draw that many cards.\nWhenever you lose life, for each 1 life you lost, exile a permanent you control or a card from your hand or graveyard.\nWhen Lich's Mastery leaves the battlefield, you lose the game.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "While you can’t lose the game, your opponents can still win the game if an effect says so."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "While you control Lich’s Mastery, your life total still changes. Lich’s Mastery’s effects don’t replace the life gain or life loss."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You don’t have to exile all the cards from one place. For example, if a source deals 5 damage to you, you may exile one permanent, two cards from hand, and two cards from your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you run out of other permanents, cards in hand, and cards in graveyard, you’ll have to exile Lich’s Mastery itself and lose the game."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you’re dealt more damage than you have cards to exile, you’ll just exile everything you can."
            "scryfallId": "77f4c9cb-f364-4556-8673-4b19d52a2cff",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8d0bdb2d-9946-4444-a700-41d3de260bf6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "785c306c-471c-4699-8ab2-43c253d569cf",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162171,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Hexproof\nYou can't lose the game.\nWhenever you gain life, draw that many cards.\nWhenever you lose life, for each 1 life you lost, exile a permanent you control or a card from your hand or graveyard.\nWhen Lich's Mastery leaves the battlefield, you lose the game.",
            "type": "Legendary Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d89012e0-c3a2-5876-8bb7-1031a4aceded",
            "uuidV421": "5f5fb559-8bcd-57d8-ae43-2c92dd442460"
            "artist": "YW Tang",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"True power never dies, but lies awake, waiting for its name to be spoken.\" — The Eldest Reborn",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wahre Macht ist unsterblich. Sie verweilt im Schatten und wartet darauf, dass jemand sie heraufbeschwört.\" —Die Wiedergeburt des Ältesten",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443256,
                    "name": "Verweilendes Phantom",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen historischen Zauberspruch wirkst, kannst du {B} bezahlen. Falls du dies tust, bringe das Verweilende Phantom aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Geist"
                    "flavorText": "\"El auténtico poder nunca muere; permanece despierto, esperando que alguien pronuncie su nombre\". —El gran anciano renacido",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443525,
                    "name": "Espectro persistente",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo histórico, puedes pagar {B}. Si lo haces, regresa el Espectro persistente de tu cementerio a tu mano. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espíritu"
                    "flavorText": "« Le vrai pouvoir ne meurt jamais ; dans un état de sommeil, il attend patiemment que son nom soit prononcé. » —La Renaissance de l'aîné",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443794,
                    "name": "Fantôme persistant",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort historique, vous pouvez payer {B}. Si vous faites ainsi, renvoyez le Fantôme persistant depuis votre cimetière dans votre main. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature : esprit"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il vero potere non muore mai, ma giace vigile, in attesa che il suo nome venga pronunciato.\" —Rinascita dell'Antico",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444063,
                    "name": "Fantasma Indugiante",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia storica, puoi pagare {B}. Se lo fai, riprendi in mano il Fantasma Indugiante dal tuo cimitero. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Spirito"
                    "flavorText": "「真なる力が死ぬことはない。目覚めたまま横たわり、その名を呼ばれる時を待っているのだ。」 ――最古再誕",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444332,
                    "name": "遷延する幻影",
                    "text": "あなたが歴史的な呪文を唱えるたび、あなたは{B}を支払ってもよい。そうしたなら、あなたの墓地から遷延する幻影をあなたの手札に戻す。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スピリット"
                    "flavorText": "\"진정한 힘은 결코 죽지 않는다. 단지 깬 채로 누워 그 이름이 불릴 때만을 기다리는 것이다.\" —가장 오래된 재탄생",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444601,
                    "name": "잔존하는 환상",
                    "text": "당신이 역사적 주문을 발동할 때마다, 당신은 {B}를 지불할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 잔존하는 환상을 당신의 무덤에서 당신의 손으로 되돌린다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 신령"
                    "flavorText": "\"O verdadeiro poder nunca dorme; em vez disso, jaz, desperto, esperando que seu nome seja dito.\" — O Ancião Renascido",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444870,
                    "name": "Fantasma Penado",
                    "text": "Toda vez que conjura uma mágica histórica, você pode pagar {B}. Se fizer isso, devolva Fantasma Penado de seu cemitério para sua mão. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espírito"
                    "flavorText": "«Истинное могущество никогда не умирает. Оно лежит, внимая, и терпеливо ждет, когда назовут его имя». — «Перерождение Древнейшего»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445139,
                    "name": "Задержавшийся Призрак",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете историческое заклинание, вы можете заплатить {B}. Если вы это делаете, верните Задержавшегося Призрака из вашего кладбища в вашу руку. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Дух"
                    "flavorText": "「真正力量永不消逝,而是静静潜伏,等候下一次索求。」 ~《恶源重生》",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445408,
                    "name": "徘徊幻影",
                    "text": "每当你施放史迹咒语时,你可以支付{B}。若你如此作,则将徘徊幻影从你的坟墓场移回你手上。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~精怪"
                    "flavorText": "「真正力量永不消逝,而是靜靜潛伏,等候下一次索求。」 ~《惡源重生》",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445677,
                    "name": "徘徊幻影",
                    "text": "每當你施放史跡咒語時,你可以支付{B}。若你如此作,則將徘徊幻影從你的墳墓場移回你手上。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~精靈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442987,
            "name": "Lingering Phantom",
            "number": "99",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast a historic spell, you may pay {B}. If you do, return Lingering Phantom from your graveyard to your hand. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Spirit",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Some abilities trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell.” Such an ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you cast a historic spell” doesn’t trigger if a historic card is put onto the battlefield without being cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Lands are never cast, so abilities that trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell” won’t trigger if you play a legendary land. They also won’t trigger if a card on the battlefield transforms into a legendary land, as the Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan double-faced cards do."
            "scryfallId": "2316239e-8fe6-467f-87e6-a3f4d19b860e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d8c8cbed-5783-4bff-b0fb-e739473b8678",
            "scryfallOracleId": "76164af1-275e-4d68-9df5-9801768512ef",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164350,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast a historic spell, you may pay {B}. If you do, return Lingering Phantom from your graveyard to your hand. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Spirit",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "86140973-4556-5dec-af30-384270fa882e",
            "uuidV421": "64a1b409-f0ae-56fc-a00e-108dcb77980e"
            "artist": "Chris Rahn",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "As patient and generous as life, as harsh and merciless as nature.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Geduldig und offenherzig wie das Leben, aber zugleich tückisch und erbarmungslos wie die Natur.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443325,
                    "name": "Llanowarelfen",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {G}.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Druide"
                    "flavorText": "Tan pacientes y generosos como la vida; tan duros y crueles como la naturaleza.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443594,
                    "name": "Elfos de Llanowar",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {G}.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Druida elfo"
                    "flavorText": "Aussi patients et généreux que la vie, aussi durs et impitoyables que la nature.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443863,
                    "name": "Elfes de Llanowar",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {G}.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et druide"
                    "flavorText": "Pazienti e generosi come la vita, inesorabili e inclementi come la natura.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444132,
                    "name": "Elfi di Llanowar",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {G}.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Druido Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "生命のように強靭で寛容。自然のように厳格で残酷。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444401,
                    "name": "ラノワールのエルフ",
                    "text": "{T}:{G}を加える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・ドルイド"
                    "flavorText": "생명처럼 참을성 있고 자비로우며, 자연처럼 가혹하고 무자비하다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444670,
                    "name": "라노워 엘프",
                    "text": "{T}: {G}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 드루이드"
                    "flavorText": "Pacientes e generosos como a vida, severos e impiedosos como a natureza.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444939,
                    "name": "Elfos de Llanowar",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {G}.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Druida"
                    "flavorText": "Терпеливые и великодушные, как сама жизнь, жестокие и безжалостные, как сама природа.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445208,
                    "name": "Лановарские Эльфы",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {G}.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Друид"
                    "flavorText": "如生命般耐心慷慨,如自然般严苛无情。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445477,
                    "name": "罗堰妖精",
                    "text": "{T}:加{G}。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/德鲁伊"
                    "flavorText": "如生命般耐心慷慨,如自然般嚴苛無情。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445746,
                    "name": "羅堰妖精",
                    "text": "{T}:加{G}。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/德魯伊"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443056,
            "name": "Llanowar Elves",
            "number": "168",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {G}.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Druid",
            "power": "1",
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            "rarity": "common",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162231,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {G}.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Druid",
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            "uuid": "12034c90-2470-50dc-b52a-08a79db75435",
            "uuidV421": "30208a8d-4a56-569d-9c1e-f726e8c69cae"
            "artist": "Daniel Ljunggren",
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Cherish this world in honor of the martyrs who saved it. We too must be prepared to give our lives.\" — The Mending of Dominaria",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Achtet diese Welt in Gedenken an alle Märtyrer, die gestorben sind, um sie zu bewahren. Auch wir sollten zu solch noblen Opfern bereit sein.\" —Die Wiederherstellung Dominarias",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443326,
                    "name": "Llanowar-Gesandte",
                    "text": "{1}{G}: Erzeuge ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Späher"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ama este mundo en honor de los mártires que lo salvaron. Nosotros mismos debemos estar preparados para entregar nuestras vidas\". —La Reparación de Dominaria",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443595,
                    "name": "Enviada de Llanowar",
                    "text": "{1}{G}: Agrega un maná de cualquier color.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Explorador elfo"
                    "flavorText": "« Chérissez ce monde en l'honneur des martyres qui l'ont sauvé. Nous aussi devons être prêts à donner nos vies. » —La Restauration de Dominaria",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443864,
                    "name": "Représentante de Llanowar",
                    "text": "{1}{G} : Ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et éclaireur"
                    "flavorText": "\"Custodiamo questo mondo in onore dei martiri che l'hanno salvato. Anche noi dobbiamo essere pronti a donare le nostre vite.\" —La Riparazione di Dominaria",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444133,
                    "name": "Inviata di Llanowar",
                    "text": "{1}{G}: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Esploratore Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "「この世界を救ってくれた殉死者に敬意を表して世界を慈しみなさい。そして私たちも自らの命を捧げる覚悟をしておくのです。」 ――ドミナリアの大修復",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444402,
                    "name": "ラノワールの特使",
                    "text": "{1}{G}:好きな色1色のマナ1点を加える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・スカウト"
                    "flavorText": "\"이 세상을 구한 순교자들을 기리며 이 세상을 소중하게 여기십시오. 우리 또한 목숨을 내놓을 준비가 되어 있어야 합니다.\" —도미나리아의 수복",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444671,
                    "name": "라노워 사절",
                    "text": "{1}{G}: 원하는 색의 마나 한 개를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 정찰병"
                    "flavorText": "\"Valorize este mundo em honra aos mártires que o salvaram. Também precisamos estar preparados para dar nossas vidas.\" — A Emenda de Dominária",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444940,
                    "name": "Enviado de Llanowar",
                    "text": "{1}{G}: Adicione um mana de qualquer cor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Batedor"
                    "flavorText": "«Храни этот мир, почитая мучеников, что спасли его. Каждый из нас должен быть готов отдать за него свою жизнь». — «Исцеление Доминарии»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445209,
                    "name": "Лановарская Посланница",
                    "text": "{1}{G}: добавьте одну ману любого цвета.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Разведчик"
                    "flavorText": "「珍视此世界,以纪念拯救它的烈士。我们也须做好奉献生命的准备。」 ~《多明纳里亚愈合》",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445478,
                    "name": "罗堰使节",
                    "text": "{1}{G}:加一点任意颜色的法术力。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/斥候"
                    "flavorText": "「珍視此世界,以紀念拯救它的烈士。我們也須做好奉獻生命的準備。」 ~《多明納里亞癒合》",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445747,
                    "name": "羅堰使節",
                    "text": "{1}{G}:加一點任意顏色的魔法力。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/斥候"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443057,
            "name": "Llanowar Envoy",
            "number": "169",
            "originalText": "{1}{G}: Add one mana of any color.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Scout",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "1a667bba-ecf0-4212-8ca3-75d4db6abce2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ab522410-af38-4104-9db8-1f56152d9632",
            "scryfallOracleId": "6f096e98-d351-4050-90ed-4c6f12e129d6",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164352,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}{G}: Add one mana of any color.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Scout",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2d89fad3-5040-5921-a548-7996c13c086a",
            "uuidV421": "c25866a3-2d0b-5daf-b1c6-68d195e0bef7"
            "artist": "Wayne Reynolds",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Llanowar elfhames occupy different heights within the great forest. Elves of the Loridalh and Kelfae hames can see neither earth nor sky.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Llanowar-Elfheime befinden sich alle auf unterschiedlicher Höhe im großen Wald. Die Elfen von Loridalh und Kelfae können weder den Boden noch den Himmel sehen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443327,
                    "name": "Llanowarspäher",
                    "text": "{T}: Du kannst eine Länderkarte aus deiner Hand ins Spiel bringen.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Späher"
                    "flavorText": "Los elfhogares de Llanowar se sitúan a distintas alturas del gran bosque. Los elfos de los hogares Loridalh y Kelfae no pueden ver ni la tierra ni el cielo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443596,
                    "name": "Explorador de Llanowar",
                    "text": "{T}: Puedes poner en el campo de batalla una carta de tierra de tu mano.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Explorador elfo"
                    "flavorText": "Les terrelfes de Llanowar occupent différentes hauteurs de la grande forêt. Les elfes des tribus Loridalh et Kelfae ne voient ni la terre ni le ciel.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443865,
                    "name": "Éclaireur de Llanowar",
                    "text": "{T} : Vous pouvez mettre sur le champ de bataille une carte de terrain de votre main.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et éclaireur"
                    "flavorText": "I regni elfici di Llanowar sono situati ad altezze diverse all'interno della grande foresta. Gli elfi dei regni di Loridalh e Kelfae non riescono a vedere né la terra, né il cielo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444134,
                    "name": "Esploratore di Llanowar",
                    "text": "{T}: Puoi mettere sul campo di battaglia una carta terra dalla tua mano.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Esploratore Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "ラノワールではエルフェイムごとに大いなる森の異なる高度を専占している。ロリダールフェイムとケルフェイフェイムのエルフたちは、大地も空も見ることができない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444403,
                    "name": "ラノワールの斥候",
                    "text": "{T}:あなたはあなたの手札から土地・カード1枚を戦場に出してもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・スカウト"
                    "flavorText": "라노워 엘프헤임은 거대한 숲의 여러 높이에 터를 잡고 살아간다. 로리달과 켈페 헤임의 엘프들은 땅도 하늘도 볼 수 없다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444672,
                    "name": "라노워 정찰병",
                    "text": "{T}: 당신은 당신의 손에서 대지 카드 한 장을 전장에 놓을 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 정찰병"
                    "flavorText": "Os elfilares de Llanowar ocupam alturas diferentes no interior da grande floresta. Os elfos de Loridalh e Kelfae não conseguem ver terra nem céu.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444941,
                    "name": "Batedor de Llanowar",
                    "text": "{T}: Você pode colocar no campo de batalha um card de terreno de sua mão.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Batedor"
                    "flavorText": "Лановарские эльфхеймы расположены на различных ярусах великого леса. Эльфы из хеймов Лоридаль и Кельфи не видят ни земли, ни неба.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445210,
                    "name": "Лановарский Разведчик",
                    "text": "{T}: вы можете положить карту земли из вашей руки на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Разведчик"
                    "flavorText": "罗堰的妖精乡盘据着浩大森林的不同树层。罗理达和柯尔费的妖精既望不到天也见不到地。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445479,
                    "name": "罗堰斥候",
                    "text": "{T}:你可以将一张地牌从你手上放进战场。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/斥候"
                    "flavorText": "羅堰的妖精鄉盤據著浩大森林的不同樹層。羅理達和柯爾費的妖精既望不到天也見不到地。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445748,
                    "name": "羅堰斥候",
                    "text": "{T}:你可以從你手上將一張地牌放進戰場。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/斥候"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443058,
            "name": "Llanowar Scout",
            "number": "170",
            "originalText": "{T}: You may put a land card from your hand onto the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Scout",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Llanowar Scout’s effect doesn’t count as playing a land. It can put a land card onto the battlefield even if you’ve already played as many lands as able this turn or if it’s not your turn."
            "scryfallId": "c8026d80-2e91-46f9-ae97-1f137848236c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d7b63d76-4e63-45af-972f-435ddc2a0245",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3bdc9211-8eff-4b30-8d6f-d26f4087f77f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162232,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: You may put a land card from your hand onto the battlefield.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Scout",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7291092a-cac5-5eba-b423-eaea9a21db55",
            "uuidV421": "1fe9aa62-6703-5153-9e9b-45091b3ddafa"
            "artist": "Chris Rahn",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"You are not alone. You never were.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Du bist nicht allein. Du warst nie allein.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443183,
                    "name": "Lyra Morgenbringer",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Erstschlag, Lebensverknüpfung\nAndere Engel, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+1 und haben Lebensverknüpfung.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Engel"
                    "flavorText": "\"No estás solo. Nunca lo estuviste\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443452,
                    "name": "Lyra Portaalba",
                    "text": "Vuela, daña primero, vínculo vital.\nLos otros Ángeles que controlas obtienen +1/+1 y tienen la habilidad de vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Ángel"
                    "flavorText": "« Vous n'êtes pas seul. Vous ne l'avez jamais été. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443721,
                    "name": "Lyra Aubevenant",
                    "text": "Vol, initiative, lien de vie\nLes autres anges que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+1 et ont le lien de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : ange"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non sei solo. Non lo sei mai stato.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443990,
                    "name": "Lyra Dawnbringer",
                    "text": "Volare, attacco improvviso, legame vitale\nGli altri Angeli che controlli prendono +1/+1 e hanno legame vitale.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Angelo"
                    "flavorText": "「あなたは独りではないわ。今までもずっと。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444259,
                    "name": "黎明をもたらす者ライラ",
                    "text": "飛行、先制攻撃、絆魂\nあなたがコントロールしている他の天使は、+1/+1の修整を受けるとともに絆魂を持つ。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 天使"
                    "flavorText": "\"너는 혼자가 아니다. 혼자였던 적이 없다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444528,
                    "name": "여명을 가져오는 자 리라",
                    "text": "비행, 선제공격, 생명연결\n당신이 조종하는 다른 천사들은 +1/+1을 받고 생명연결을 가진다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 천사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Você não está só. Jamais esteve.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444797,
                    "name": "Lyra, Portadora da Alvorada",
                    "text": "Voar, iniciativa, vínculo com a vida\nOs outros Anjos que você controla recebem +1/+1 e têm vínculo com a vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Anjo"
                    "flavorText": "«Ты не один. Ты никогда не был один».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445066,
                    "name": "Лира, Приносящая Рассвет",
                    "text": "Полет, Первый удар, Цепь жизни\nДругие Ангелы под вашим контролем получают +1/+1 и имеют Цепь жизни.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Ангел"
                    "flavorText": "「你非孤军奋战。我们始终相伴。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445335,
                    "name": "黎明使者莱拉",
                    "text": "飞行,先攻,系命\n由你操控的其他天使得+1/+1且具有系命异能。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~天使"
                    "flavorText": "「你非孤軍奮戰。我們始終相伴。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445604,
                    "name": "黎明使者萊拉",
                    "text": "飛行,先攻,繫命\n由你操控的其他天使得+1/+1且具有繫命異能。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~天使"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442914,
            "name": "Lyra Dawnbringer",
            "number": "26",
            "originalText": "Flying, first strike, lifelink\nOther Angels you control get +1/+1 and have lifelink.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Angel",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Multiple instances of lifelink on the same creature are redundant."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Because damage remains marked on a creature until it’s removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to an Angel you control may become lethal if Lyra leaves the battlefield during that turn."
            "scryfallId": "93be6799-7b9d-44d4-84dc-2961692b5a85",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ec06df73-2a92-4530-9b9e-2dcd56c3e8d2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "592c91fc-6430-4c76-9460-65f047350f67",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162205,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, first strike, lifelink\nOther Angels you control get +1/+1 and have lifelink.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Angel",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e1e68285-9cae-5217-a888-fcbd0ff4c802",
            "uuidV421": "f04b29da-cd10-5c1f-a082-d9a33f7838b3"
            "artist": "Lars Grant-West",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Most spiders of Llanowar disdain elvish alliances. No elf has as many beautiful eyes or as many strong arms.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die meisten Spinnen Llanowars lehnen eine Allianzen mit den Elfen strikt ab. Spinnen sind nun mal die geborenen Einzelgänger.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443328,
                    "name": "Mammutspinne",
                    "text": "Reichweite",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Spinne"
                    "flavorText": "La mayoría de las arañas de Llanowar desprecian las alianzas de los elfos. Ningún elfo tiene tantos ojos tan hermosos ni tantos brazos tan fuertes.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443597,
                    "name": "Araña mamut",
                    "text": "Alcance.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Araña"
                    "flavorText": "La plupart des araignées de Llanowar méprisent les alliances elfes. Nul elfe n'a autant d'yeux aussi beaux ou de bras aussi puissants.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443866,
                    "name": "Araignée mammouth",
                    "text": "Portée",
                    "type": "Créature : araignée"
                    "flavorText": "Gran parte dei ragni di Llanowar disdegna le alleanze con gli elfi. Nessun elfo ha altrettanti occhi meravigliosi o altrettante braccia possenti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444135,
                    "name": "Ragno Mammut",
                    "text": "Raggiungere",
                    "type": "Creatura — Ragno"
                    "flavorText": "ラノワールのクモはたいていエルフの仲間を見下している。美しい目も強い腕も、エルフには少ししかないからだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444404,
                    "name": "マンモスグモ",
                    "text": "到達",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 蜘蛛"
                    "flavorText": "라노워 거미들 대부분은 엘프들의 동맹을 무시한다. 어떤 엘프도 아름답고 많은 눈이나 강한 팔을 갖지 못했다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444673,
                    "name": "맘모스 거미",
                    "text": "대공",
                    "type": "생물 — 거미"
                    "flavorText": "A maioria das aranhas de Llanowar desdenha das alianças élficas. Nenhum elfo tem tantos olhos belos, nem tantos braços fortes.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444942,
                    "name": "Aranha Mamute",
                    "text": "Alcance",
                    "type": "Criatura — Aranha"
                    "flavorText": "Большинство лановарских пауков с презрением относятся к союзу с эльфами. Ни у одного эльфа нет такого количества прекрасных глаз и сильных рук.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445211,
                    "name": "Исполинский Паук",
                    "text": "Захват",
                    "type": "Существо — Паук"
                    "flavorText": "罗堰的多数蜘蛛都鄙视妖精联盟。任何妖精都不像它们有那么多美丽眼睛和强壮节肢。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445480,
                    "name": "庞巨蜘蛛",
                    "text": "延势",
                    "type": "生物 ~蜘蛛"
                    "flavorText": "羅堰的多數蜘蛛都鄙視妖精聯盟。任何妖精都不像牠們有那麼多美麗眼睛和強壯節肢。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445749,
                    "name": "龐巨蜘蛛",
                    "text": "延勢",
                    "type": "生物 ~蜘蛛"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{G}",
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            "name": "Mammoth Spider",
            "number": "171",
            "originalText": "Reach",
            "originalType": "Creature — Spider",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164704,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Reach",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Spider",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "59524f50-48ef-5b37-9c61-6ee47ac2a6e9",
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            "artist": "Chris Rahn",
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Midwife to mothers and leader to all.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Hebamme der Mütter und Anführerin aller.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443329,
                    "name": "Marwyn die Nährerin",
                    "text": "Immer wenn ein anderer Elf unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel kommt, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf Marwyn die Nährerin.\n{T}: Erzeuge {G} in Höhe von Marwyns Stärke.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Elf, Druide"
                    "flavorText": "Comadrona en los nacimientos y líder de todos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443598,
                    "name": "Marwyn, la Cuidadora",
                    "text": "Siempre que otro Elfo entre al campo de batalla bajo tu control, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre Marwyn, la Cuidadora.\n{T}: Agrega una cantidad de {G} igual a la fuerza de Marwyn.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Druida elfo"
                    "flavorText": "Sage femme pour les mères et matriarche pour tous.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443867,
                    "name": "Marwyn, la nourricière",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'un autre elfe arrive sur le champ de bataille sous votre contrôle, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur Marwyn, la nourricière.\n{T} : Ajoutez une quantité de {G} égale à la force de Marwyn.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : elfe et druide"
                    "flavorText": "Levatrice per le madri, guida per tutti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444136,
                    "name": "Marwyn, la Nutrice",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta un altro Elfo entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su Marwyn, la Nutrice.\n{T}: Aggiungi un ammontare di {G} pari alla forza di Marwyn.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Druido Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "母親にとっての助産婦、すべての者にとってのリーダー。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444405,
                    "name": "養育者、マーウィン",
                    "text": "他のエルフが1体あなたのコントロール下で戦場に出るたび、養育者、マーウィンの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。\n{T}:養育者、マーウィンのパワーに等しい点数の{G}を加える。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — エルフ・ドルイド"
                    "flavorText": "어머니들에게는 산파이며, 모든 이들의 지도자이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444674,
                    "name": "양육하는 자, 마르윈",
                    "text": "다른 엘프가 당신의 조종하에 전장에 들어올 때마다, 양육하는 자, 마르윈에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.\n{T}: 마르윈의 공격력만큼 {G}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 엘프 드루이드"
                    "flavorText": "Parteira das mães e líder de todos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444943,
                    "name": "Marwyn, a Nutriz",
                    "text": "Toda vez que outro Elfo entrar no campo de batalha sob seu controle, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Marwyn, a Nutriz.\n{T}: Adicione uma quantidade de {G} igual ao poder de Marwyn.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Elfo Druida"
                    "flavorText": "Повитуха для матерей, предводительница для всех.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445212,
                    "name": "Марвин, Питающая",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда другой Эльф выходит на поле битвы под вашим контролем, положите один жетон +1/+1 на Марвин, Питающую.\n{T}: добавьте количество {G}, равное силе Марвин.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Эльф Друид"
                    "flavorText": "母亲的助产士,万人的领导者。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445481,
                    "name": "培育人玛雯",
                    "text": "每当另一个妖精在你的操控下进战场时,在培育人玛雯上放置一个+1/+1指示物。\n{T}:加若干{G},其数量等同于玛雯的力量。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~妖精/德鲁伊"
                    "flavorText": "母親的助產士,萬人的領導者。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445750,
                    "name": "培育人瑪雯",
                    "text": "每當另一個妖精在你的操控下進戰場時,在培育人瑪雯上放置一個+1/+1指示物。\n{T}:加若干{G},其數量等同於瑪雯的力量。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~妖精/德魯伊"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443060,
            "name": "Marwyn, the Nurturer",
            "number": "172",
            "originalText": "Whenever another Elf enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Marwyn, the Nurturer.\n{T}: Add an amount of {G} equal to Marwyn's power.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Elf Druid",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Marwyn’s activated ability is a mana ability. It doesn’t use the stack and can’t be responded to."
            "scryfallId": "251613c0-2e72-4bd1-b3b5-69602b07b6f9",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "63ac8c76-d027-40ee-8f7f-d6ff8d619227",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ee35de1c-aef1-4bd4-85fd-fe77bc927790",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162234,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever another Elf enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Marwyn, the Nurturer.\n{T}: Add an amount of {G} equal to Marwyn's power.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Elf Druid",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "12c92e7e-5664-5540-82f9-5f3bc0f21a16",
            "uuidV421": "9431593b-b5c4-5c95-b8d3-80b0730c6ec2"
            "artist": "James Paick",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Everywhere you look, this world is healing from its wounds. Aren't you ready to do the same?\" — Jhoira, to Teferi",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Diese Welt hat begonnen, von ihren Wunden zu heilen. Bist du nicht endlich bereit, es ihr gleichzutun?\" —Jhoira zu Teferi",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 445862,
                    "name": "Mäanderstrom",
                    "text": "Der Mäanderstrom kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {W} oder {U}.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mires donde mires, este mundo está sanando sus heridas. ¿No estás listo para hacer lo mismo?\". —Jhoira, a Teferi",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 445872,
                    "name": "Río serpenteante",
                    "text": "El Río serpenteante entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {W} o {U}.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "flavorText": "« Où que vous regardiez, le monde guérit de ses blessures. N'êtes-vous pas prêt à en faire de même ? » —Djoïra, à Téfeiri",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 445882,
                    "name": "Rivière sinueuse",
                    "text": "La Rivière sinueuse arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{T} : Ajoutez {W} ou {U}.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ovunque guardi, questo mondo sta guarendo dalle ferite. Non sei pronto a fare altrettanto?\" —Jhoira a Teferi",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 445892,
                    "name": "Fiume Serpeggiante",
                    "text": "Il Fiume Serpeggiante entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {W} o {U}.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "flavorText": "「この世界のあらゆるところで傷が癒えてきているわ。次はあなたの番じゃないかしら?」 ――ジョイラからテフェリーへ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 445902,
                    "name": "曲がりくねる川",
                    "text": "曲がりくねる川はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{W}か{U}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "flavorText": "\"당신이 보는 곳마다, 이 세계는 상처를 치유해 나가고 있어요. 당신도 똑같이 할 준비가 되어 있지 않나요?\" —조이라, 테페리에게",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 445912,
                    "name": "굽이치는 강",
                    "text": "굽이치는 강은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {W}나 {U}를 더한다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "flavorText": "\"Para onde quer que olhe, este mundo está curando as próprias feridas. Não está pronto para fazer o mesmo?\" — Jhoira, a Teferi",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445922,
                    "name": "Rio Sinuoso",
                    "text": "Rio Sinuoso entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {W} ou {U}.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "flavorText": "«Всюду, куда ни кинь взгляд, этот мир исцеляется от своих ран. Разве ты не готов сделать то же самое?» — Джойра, обращаясь к Тефери",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445932,
                    "name": "Извилистая Река",
                    "text": "Извилистая Река выходит на поле битвы повернутой.\n{T}: добавьте {W} или {U}.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "flavorText": "「看看这世界,到处都在疗愈着创伤。而你还要继续旁观吗?」 ~尤依拉问泰菲力",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445942,
                    "name": "蜿蜒河流",
                    "text": "蜿蜒河流须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{W}或{U}。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "flavorText": "「看看這世界,到處都在療癒著創傷。而你還要繼續旁觀嗎?」 ~尤依拉問泰菲力",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445952,
                    "name": "蜿蜒河流",
                    "text": "蜿蜒河流須橫置進戰場。\n{T} :加{W}或{U}。",
                    "type": "地"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "name": "Meandering River",
            "number": "274",
            "originalText": "Meandering River enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {W} or {U}.",
            "originalType": "Land",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "scryfallId": "d4585bcf-288b-4251-b57f-9d7e50dffc7e",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "2d9663be-c466-4191-85e2-a69ce0965432",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164220,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Meandering River enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {W} or {U}.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2f6a3c54-115b-55be-a44b-feace425c04d",
            "uuidV421": "3c94427d-ea31-5898-af79-f5188eb77790"
            "artist": "Sung Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
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                    "multiverseId": 443399,
                    "name": "Gedenkstätte der Torheit",
                    "text": "Die Gedenkstätte der Torheit kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {B}.\n{2}{B}, {T}, opfere die Gedenkstätte der Torheit: Bringe eine Kreaturenkarte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443668,
                    "name": "Monumento a la locura",
                    "text": "El Monumento a la locura entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {B}.\n{2}{B}, {T}, sacrificar el Monumento a la locura: Regresa la carta de criatura objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443937,
                    "name": "Mémorial à la folie",
                    "text": "Le Mémorial à la folie arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé.\n{T} : Ajoutez {B}.\n{2}{B}, {T}, sacrifiez le Mémorial à la folie : Renvoyez une carte de créature ciblée depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444206,
                    "name": "Monumento alla Follia",
                    "text": "Il Monumento alla Follia entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {B}.\n{2}{B}, {T}, Sacrifica il Monumento alla Follia: Riprendi in mano una carta creatura bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444475,
                    "name": "愚蒙の記念像",
                    "text": "愚蒙の記念像はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{B}を加える。\n{2}{B}, {T}, 愚蒙の記念像を生け贄に捧げる:あなたの墓地からクリーチャー・カード1枚を対象とし、それをあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444744,
                    "name": "어리석음의 기념비",
                    "text": "어리석음의 기념비는 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {B}를 추가한다.\n{2}{B}, {T}, 어리석음의 기념비를 희생한다: 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445013,
                    "name": "Memorial à Loucura",
                    "text": "Memorial à Loucura entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {B}.\n{2}{B}, {T}, sacrifique Memorial à Loucura: Devolva o card de criatura alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
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                    "multiverseId": 445282,
                    "name": "Памятник Глупости",
                    "text": "Памятник Глупости выходит на поле битвы повернутым.\n{T}: добавьте {B}.\n{2}{B}, {T}, пожертвуйте Памятник Глупости: верните целевую карту существа из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445551,
                    "name": "愚行纪念碑",
                    "text": "愚行纪念碑须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{B}。\n{2}{B},{T},牺牲愚行纪念碑:将目标生物牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445820,
                    "name": "愚行紀念碑",
                    "text": "愚行紀念碑須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{B}。\n{2}{B},{T},犧牲愚行紀念碑:將目標生物牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "地"
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            "name": "Memorial to Folly",
            "number": "242",
            "originalText": "Memorial to Folly enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {B}.\n{2}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice Memorial to Folly: Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Land",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "2bc38f14-0314-4351-8138-e2b8bf041404",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164237,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Memorial to Folly enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {B}.\n{2}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice Memorial to Folly: Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "22be39b6-8b9e-574f-abf0-60c505c01257",
            "uuidV421": "e3d9badc-2739-5890-88d9-07c477cf6cc0"
            "artist": "James Paick",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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                    "multiverseId": 443400,
                    "name": "Gedenkstätte der Genialität",
                    "text": "Die Gedenkstätte der Genialität kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {U}.\n{4}{U}, {T}, opfere die Gedenkstätte der Genialität: Ziehe zwei Karten.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443669,
                    "name": "Monumento al ingenio",
                    "text": "El Monumento al ingenio entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {U}.\n{4}{U}, {T}, sacrificar el Monumento al ingenio: Roba dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443938,
                    "name": "Mémorial au génie",
                    "text": "Le Mémorial au génie arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé.\n{T} : Ajoutez {U}.\n{4}{U}, {T}, sacrifiez le Mémorial au génie : Piochez deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444207,
                    "name": "Monumento al Genio",
                    "text": "Il Monumento al Genio entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {U}.\n{4}{U}, {T}, Sacrifica il Monumento al Genio: Pesca due carte.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444476,
                    "name": "天才の記念像",
                    "text": "天才の記念像はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{U}を加える。\n{4}{U}, {T}, 天才の記念像を生け贄に捧げる:カードを2枚引く。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444745,
                    "name": "영리함의 기념비",
                    "text": "영리함의 기념비는 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {U}를 추가한다.\n{4}{U}, {T}, 영리함의 기념비를 희생한다: 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "대지"
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                    "multiverseId": 445014,
                    "name": "Memorial à Genialidade",
                    "text": "Memorial à Genialidade entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {U}.\n{4}{U}, {T}, sacrifique Memorial à Genialidade: Compre dois cards.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445283,
                    "name": "Памятник Гениальности",
                    "text": "Памятник Гениальности выходит на поле битвы повернутым.\n{T}: добавьте {U}.\n{4}{U}, {T}, пожертвуйте Памятник Гениальности: возьмите две карты.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445552,
                    "name": "智行纪念碑",
                    "text": "智行纪念碑须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{U}。\n{4}{U},{T},牺牲智行纪念碑:抓两张牌。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445821,
                    "name": "智行紀念碑",
                    "text": "智行紀念碑須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{U}。\n{4}{U},{T},犧牲智行紀念碑:抽兩張牌。",
                    "type": "地"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "name": "Memorial to Genius",
            "number": "243",
            "originalText": "Memorial to Genius enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {U}.\n{4}{U}, {T}, Sacrifice Memorial to Genius: Draw two cards.",
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            "subtypes": [],
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            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Memorial to Genius enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {U}.\n{4}{U}, {T}, Sacrifice Memorial to Genius: Draw two cards.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "abd0806a-b39e-5025-9eef-78b277324f08",
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            "artist": "James Paick",
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                    "multiverseId": 443401,
                    "name": "Gedenkstätte des Ruhms",
                    "text": "Die Gedenkstätte des Ruhms kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {W}.\n{3}{W}, {T}, opfere die Gedenkstätte des Ruhms: Erzeuge zwei 1/1 weiße Soldat-Kreaturenspielsteine.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443670,
                    "name": "Monumento a la gloria",
                    "text": "El Monumento a la gloria entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {W}.\n{3}{W}, {T}, sacrificar el Monumento a la gloria: Crea dos fichas de criatura Soldado blancas 1/1.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443939,
                    "name": "Mémorial à la gloire",
                    "text": "Le Mémorial à la gloire arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé.\n{T} : Ajoutez {W}.\n{3}{W}, {T}, sacrifiez le Mémorial à la gloire : Créez deux jetons de créature 1/1 blanche Soldat.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444208,
                    "name": "Monumento alla Gloria",
                    "text": "Il Monumento alla Gloria entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {W}.\n{3}{W}, {T}, Sacrifica il Monumento alla Gloria: Crea due pedine creatura Soldato 1/1 bianche.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444477,
                    "name": "名誉の記念像",
                    "text": "名誉の記念像はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{W}を加える。\n{3}{W}, {T}, 名誉の記念像を生け贄に捧げる:白の1/1の兵士・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444746,
                    "name": "영광의 기념비",
                    "text": "영광의 기념비는 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {W}를 추가한다.\n{3}{W}, {T}, 영광의 기념비를 희생한다: 1/1 백색 병사 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
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                    "name": "Memorial à Glória",
                    "text": "Memorial à Glória entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {W}.\n{3}{W}, {T}, sacrifique Memorial à Glória: Crie duas fichas de criatura branca 1/1 do tipo Soldado.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445284,
                    "name": "Памятник Славе",
                    "text": "Памятник Славе выходит на поле битвы повернутым.\n{T}: добавьте {W}.\n{3}{W}, {T}, пожертвуйте Памятник Славе: создайте две фишки существа 1/1 белый Солдат.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445553,
                    "name": "勇行纪念碑",
                    "text": "勇行纪念碑须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{W}。\n{3}{W},{T},牺牲勇行纪念碑:派出两个1/1白色士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445822,
                    "name": "勇行紀念碑",
                    "text": "勇行紀念碑須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{W}。\n{3}{W},{T},犧牲勇行紀念碑:派出兩個1/1白色士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "地"
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            "name": "Memorial to Glory",
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            "number": "244",
            "originalText": "Memorial to Glory enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {W}.\n{3}{W}, {T}, Sacrifice Memorial to Glory: Create two 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.",
            "originalType": "Land",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "eb8ec34c-ae07-4a09-940f-ee965146a787",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164239,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Memorial to Glory enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {W}.\n{3}{W}, {T}, Sacrifice Memorial to Glory: Create two 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8cee4737-82b7-50a9-bde5-34cc53ff7812",
            "uuidV421": "b4830da1-384c-59e4-8d00-eb607b31c0ca"
            "artist": "Cliff Childs",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443402,
                    "name": "Gedenkstätte der Einheit",
                    "text": "Die Gedenkstätte der Einheit kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {G}.\n{2}{G}, {T}, opfere die Gedenkstätte der Einheit: Schaue dir die obersten fünf Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst davon eine Kreaturenkarte offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Lege den Rest in zufälliger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443671,
                    "name": "Monumento a la unidad",
                    "text": "El Monumento a la unidad entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {G}.\n{2}{G}, {T}, sacrificar el Monumento a la unidad: Mira las cinco primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Puedes mostrar una carta de criatura que se encuentre entre ellas y ponerla en tu mano. Luego, pon el resto en el fondo de tu biblioteca en un orden aleatorio.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443940,
                    "name": "Mémorial à l'unité",
                    "text": "Le Mémorial à l'unité arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé.\n{T} : Ajoutez {G}.\n{2}{G}, {T}, sacrifiez le Mémorial à l'unité : Regardez les cinq cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez révéler une carte de créature parmi elles et la mettre dans votre main. Mettez ensuite le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque dans un ordre aléatoire.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444209,
                    "name": "Monumento all'Unità",
                    "text": "Il Monumento all'Unità entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {G}.\n{2}{G}, {T}: Sacrifica il Monumento all'Unità: Guarda le prime cinque carte del tuo grimorio. Puoi rivelare una carta creatura scelta tra esse e aggiungerla alla tua mano. Poi metti le altre in fondo al tuo grimorio in ordine casuale.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444478,
                    "name": "結束の記念像",
                    "text": "結束の記念像はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{G}を加える。\n{2}{G}, {T}, 結束の記念像を生け贄に捧げる:あなたのライブラリーの一番上から5枚のカードを見る。あなたはその中からクリーチャー・カード1枚を公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。その後、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に無作為の順番で置く。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444747,
                    "name": "통합의 기념비",
                    "text": "통합의 기념비는 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {G}를 추가한다.\n{2}{G}, {T}, 통합의 기념비를 희생한다: 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 다섯 장을 본다. 당신은 그중에서 생물 카드 한 장을 공개하고 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 그 후 나머지는 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445016,
                    "name": "Memorial à Unidade",
                    "text": "Memorial à Unidade entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {G}.\n{2}{G}, {T}, sacrifique Memorial à Unidade: Olhe os cinco cards do topo de seu grimório. Você pode revelar um card de criatura dentre eles e colocá-lo em sua mão. Depois, coloque o restante no fundo de seu grimório em ordem aleatória.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445285,
                    "name": "Памятник Единству",
                    "text": "Памятник Единству выходит на поле битвы повернутым.\n{T}: добавьте {G}.\n{2}{G}, {T}, пожертвуйте Памятник Единству: посмотрите пять верхних карт вашей библиотеки. Вы можете показать находящуюся среди них карту существа и положить ее в вашу руку. Затем положите остальные карты в низ вашей библиотеки в случайном порядке.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445554,
                    "name": "齐行纪念碑",
                    "text": "齐行纪念碑须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{G}。\n{2}{G},{T},牺牲齐行纪念碑:检视你牌库顶的五张牌。你可以展示其中的一张生物牌,并将它置于你手上。然后将其余的牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445823,
                    "name": "齊行紀念碑",
                    "text": "齊行紀念碑須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{G}。\n{2}{G},{T},犧牲齊行紀念碑:檢視你牌庫頂的五張牌。你可以展示其中的一張生物牌,並將它置於你手上。然後將其餘的牌以隨機順序置於你的牌庫底。",
                    "type": "地"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 443133,
            "name": "Memorial to Unity",
            "number": "245",
            "originalText": "Memorial to Unity enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {G}.\n{2}{G}, {T}, Sacrifice Memorial to Unity: Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal a creature card from among them and put it into your hand. Then put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "originalType": "Land",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "994d903b-0d54-4af4-898f-213e716e9ed4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0fffd10f-9801-472a-839d-3db19e89f542",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a74494ef-aa35-4830-9b4c-47bff5270efc",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164240,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Memorial to Unity enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {G}.\n{2}{G}, {T}, Sacrifice Memorial to Unity: Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal a creature card from among them and put it into your hand. Then put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "771b0072-c2af-5b7d-87e1-63ea559b73e0",
            "uuidV421": "d7ee53af-064a-57c2-8c96-a708f8b279db"
            "artist": "Richard Wright",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443403,
                    "name": "Gedenkstätte des Krieges",
                    "text": "Die Gedenkstätte des Krieges kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {R}.\n{4}{R}, {T}, opfere die Gedenkstätte des Krieges: Zerstöre ein Land deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443672,
                    "name": "Monumento a la guerra",
                    "text": "El Monumento a la guerra entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {R}.\n{4}{R}, {T}, sacrificar el Monumento a la guerra: Destruye la tierra objetivo.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443941,
                    "name": "Mémorial à la guerre",
                    "text": "Le Mémorial à la guerre arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé.\n{T} : Ajoutez {R}.\n{4}{R}, {T}, sacrifiez le Mémorial à la guerre : Détruisez le terrain ciblé.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444210,
                    "name": "Monumento alla Guerra",
                    "text": "Il Monumento alla Guerra entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {R}.\n{4}{R}, {T}, Sacrifica il Monumento alla Guerra: Distruggi una terra bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444479,
                    "name": "闘争の記念像",
                    "text": "闘争の記念像はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{R}を加える。\n{4}{R}, {T}, 闘争の記念像を生け贄に捧げる:土地1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444748,
                    "name": "전쟁의 기념비",
                    "text": "전쟁의 기념비는 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {R}를 추가한다.\n{4}{R}, {T}, 전쟁의 기념비를 희생한다: 대지를 목표로 정한다. 그 대지를 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445017,
                    "name": "Memorial à Guerra",
                    "text": "Memorial à Guerra entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {R}.\n{4}{R}, {T}, sacrifique Memorial à Guerra: Destrua o terreno alvo.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445286,
                    "name": "Памятник Войне",
                    "text": "Памятник Войне выходит на поле битвы повернутым.\n{T}: добавьте {R}.\n{4}{R}, {T}, пожертвуйте Памятник Войне: уничтожьте целевую землю.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445555,
                    "name": "战行纪念碑",
                    "text": "战行纪念碑须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{R}。\n{4}{R},{T},牺牲战行纪念碑:消灭目标地。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445824,
                    "name": "戰行紀念碑",
                    "text": "戰行紀念碑須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{R}。\n{4}{R},{T},犧牲戰行紀念碑:消滅目標地。",
                    "type": "地"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "multiverseId": 443134,
            "name": "Memorial to War",
            "number": "246",
            "originalText": "Memorial to War enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {R}.\n{4}{R}, {T}, Sacrifice Memorial to War: Destroy target land.",
            "originalType": "Land",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
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            "scryfallId": "53920ed7-fc9a-4b50-85c8-d62de05b2390",
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            "subtypes": [],
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 164241,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Memorial to War enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {R}.\n{4}{R}, {T}, Sacrifice Memorial to War: Destroy target land.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "636559aa-bdb3-5537-9042-6651509cd1e4",
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            "flavorText": "Saved from destruction by one planeswalker's sacrifice, the Eliterate colony forswore the taking of life.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Eliteraten schworen dem Töten ab, nachdem sie von einem Planeswalker vor der vollkommenen Zerstörung bewahrt wurden.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443213,
                    "name": "Meervolk-Gaunerin",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nWenn die Meervolk-Gaunerin ins Spiel kommt, tappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert. Die Kreatur verliert alle Fähigkeiten bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Meervolk, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "Al ser salvada de la destrucción gracias al sacrificio de un planeswalker, la colonia de Eliteraria prohibió privar de la vida a nadie.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443482,
                    "name": "Embaucadora tritón",
                    "text": "Destello.\nCuando la Embaucadora tritón entre al campo de batalla, gira la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente. Pierde todas las habilidades hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero tritón"
                    "flavorText": "Sauvée de la destruction grâce au sacrifice d'un Planeswalker, la colonie des Élettrés renonça à ôter la vie.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443751,
                    "name": "Escroc ondin",
                    "text": "Flash\nQuand l'Escroc ondin arrive sur le champ de bataille, engagez une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle. Elle perd toutes ses capacités jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : ondin et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "Salvata dalla distruzione grazie al sacrificio di un planeswalker, la colonia degli Eliteri giurò di rinunciare all'omicidio.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444020,
                    "name": "Tritona Insidiosa",
                    "text": "Lampo\nQuando la Tritona Insidiosa entra nel campo di battaglia, TAPpa una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario. Perde tutte le abilità fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Tritone"
                    "flavorText": "一人のプレインズウォーカーが犠牲になって破滅を免れたエリタレイトの植民地では、命を奪わないという誓いを立てている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444289,
                    "name": "マーフォークのペテン師",
                    "text": "瞬速\nマーフォークのペテン師が戦場に出たとき、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。ターン終了時まで、それは能力をすべて失う。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — マーフォーク・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "어느 플레인즈워커의 희생 덕분에 파괴로부터 살아남은 \"깨인 자들\"의 집단은 생명을 빼앗는 일을 그만두겠다고 맹세했다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444558,
                    "name": "인어 사기꾼",
                    "text": "섬광\n인어 사기꾼이 전장에 들어올 때, 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 탭한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 모든 능력을 잃는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인어 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "Salva da destruição pelo sacrifício de um planeswalker, a colônia dos Eliterados repudiou o ato de tirar a vida.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444827,
                    "name": "Trapaceira Tritã",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nQuando Trapaceira Tritã entrar no campo de batalha, vire a criatura alvo que um oponente controla. Ela perde todas as habilidades até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Tritão Mago"
                    "flavorText": "После того как ценой спасения их колонии от разрушения оказалась жизнь одного из planeswalker-ов, элитераты дали зарок никогда больше не убивать.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445096,
                    "name": "Мерфолк-Проказница",
                    "text": "Миг\nКогда Мерфолк-Проказница выходит на поле битвы, поверните целевое существо под контролем оппонента. Оно теряет все способности до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Мерфолк Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "菁灭部落因一位鹏洛客的牺牲而得救,他们誓言不再杀生。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445365,
                    "name": "人鱼诈术师",
                    "text": "闪现\n当人鱼诈术师进战场时,横置目标由对手操控的生物。它失去所有异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人鱼/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "菁滅部落因一位鵬洛客的犧牲而得救,他們誓言不再殺生。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445634,
                    "name": "人魚詐術師",
                    "text": "閃現\n當人魚詐術師進戰場時,橫置目標由對手操控的生物。它失去所有異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人魚/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442944,
            "name": "Merfolk Trickster",
            "number": "56",
            "originalText": "Flash\nWhen Merfolk Trickster enters the battlefield, tap target creature an opponent controls. It loses all abilities until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Merfolk Wizard",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once you announce that you’re casting a spell or activating an ability, no player may take other actions until the spell or ability has been paid for. Notably, players can’t try to remove a permanent’s activated abilities to stop them from happening. Once activated, the ability on the stack will resolve even if the creature loses the ability."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the target creature has an ability that triggers when it becomes tapped, that ability triggers before it loses all abilities."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the target creature has power and toughness written as */* with an ability that defines its power and toughness, it’s 0/0 when it loses all abilities. If its power and toughness are written as */*+1, it’s 0/1, and so on."
            "scryfallId": "359b2f2b-7b58-47b6-b00c-8616f981e3a3",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "f712aed5-d6e0-45d3-ae20-518b765ce9da",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162225,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nWhen Merfolk Trickster enters the battlefield, tap target creature an opponent controls. It loses all abilities until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Merfolk Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "10ad01a3-c00e-5a2b-9ca6-2a7dee016f55",
            "uuidV421": "e43eb71c-789d-54a0-af0e-8c52e69361d0"
            "artist": "Winona Nelson",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "The unicorns of Sursi are a manifestation of Serra's joy and compassion. They frolic and dance like children, offering blessings to anyone they encounter.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Einhörner von Sursi sind die Manifestation von Serras Freude und Hingabe. Sie springen freudig umher und bieten jedem ihren Segen an, der ihnen begegnet.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443184,
                    "name": "Tafelberg-Einhorn",
                    "text": "Lebensverknüpfung",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Einhorn"
                    "flavorText": "Los unicornios de Sursi son una manifestación del júbilo y la compasión de Serra. Brincan y retozan como niños y ofrecen su bendición a todo aquel que se encuentran.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443453,
                    "name": "Unicornio de la meseta",
                    "text": "Vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Unicornio"
                    "flavorText": "Les licornes de Sursi sont une manifestation de la joie et de la compassion de Serra. Elles s'ébattent et dansent comme des enfants, offrant leur bénédiction à tout ceux qu'elles croisent.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443722,
                    "name": "Licorne de mesa",
                    "text": "Lien de vie",
                    "type": "Créature : licorne"
                    "flavorText": "Gli unicorni di Sursi sono una manifestazione della gioia e della compassione di Serra. Saltano e danzano come bambini, offrendo benedizioni a chiunque incontrino.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443991,
                    "name": "Unicorno della Mesa",
                    "text": "Legame vitale",
                    "type": "Creatura — Unicorno"
                    "flavorText": "サーシのユニコーンはセラの喜びと慈悲を体現している。子供のように浮かれて踊り、出会う人々すべてに祝福を与える。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444260,
                    "name": "メサ・ユニコーン",
                    "text": "絆魂",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ユニコーン"
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                    "flavorText": "Os unicórnios de Sursi são uma manifestação da alegria e da compaixão de Serra. Eles brincam e dançam como crianças, ofertando bênçãos a quem quer que encontrem.",
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                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen historischen Zauberspruch wirkst, kannst du {1} bezahlen. Falls du dies tust, erzeuge einen Spielstein, der eine Kopie von Mishras Selbstreplikator ist. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Montagearbeiter"
                    "flavorText": "Ha sido testigo de los acontecimientos más significativos de la historia, reencarnación tras reencarnación.",
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                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Operario"
                    "flavorText": "Il a été témoin des événements les plus marquants de l'histoire, une incarnation après l'autre.",
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                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort historique, vous pouvez payer {1}. Si vous faites ainsi, créez un jeton qui est une copie de l'Auto-réplicateur de Mishra. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : ouvrier spécialisé"
                    "flavorText": "Incarnazione dopo incarnazione, è stato testimone degli eventi più significativi della storia.",
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                    "name": "Autoreplicante di Mishra",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia storica, puoi pagare {1}. Se lo fai, crea una pedina che è una copia dell'Autoreplicante di Mishra. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Addetto-al-Montaggio"
                    "flavorText": "何度も生まれ変わりながら歴史上の重大な瞬間をいくつも目撃してきた。",
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                    "flavorText": "그것은 시대를 거듭 이어오며, 역사의 가장 중요한 사건들을 보았다.",
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                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 조립공"
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                    "name": "Autorreplicante de Mishra",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjura uma mágica histórica, você pode pagar {1}. Se fizer isso, crie uma ficha que seja uma cópia de Autorreplicante de Mishra. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Operário de Linha de Montagem"
                    "flavorText": "Он был свидетелем важнейших событий в истории, перевоплощаясь снова и снова.",
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                    "multiverseId": 445263,
                    "name": "Самосборщик Мишры",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете историческое заклинание, вы можете заплатить {1}. Если вы это делаете, создайте одну фишку, являющуюся копией Самосборщика Мишры. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Рабочий-Сборщик"
                    "flavorText": "它不断重造自身,见证了绝大多数重要历史事件。",
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                    "name": "米斯拉的自仿工人",
                    "text": "每当你施放史迹咒语时,你可以支付{1}。若你如此作,则派出一个衍生物,此衍生物为米斯拉的自仿工人之复制品。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~组装工人"
                    "flavorText": "它不斷重造自身,見證了絕大多數重要歷史事件。",
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                    "name": "米斯拉的自仿工人",
                    "text": "每當你施放史跡咒語時,你可以支付{1}。若你如此作,則派出一個衍生物,此衍生物為米斯拉的自仿工人之複製品。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
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            "originalText": "Whenever you cast a historic spell, you may pay {1}. If you do, create a token that's a copy of Mishra's Self-Replicator. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
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                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The token will have Mishra’s Self-Replicator’s ability. It will also be able to create copies of itself."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "While resolving the triggered ability of Mishra’s Self-Replicator, you can’t pay {1} multiple times to create more than one token. However, if you control more than one Mishra’s Self-Replicator, you can pay {1} for each of their abilities."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The token won’t copy counters or damage marked on Mishra’s Self-Replicator, nor will it copy other effects that have changed Mishra’s Self-Replicator’s power, toughness, types, color, and so on. Normally, this means the token will simply be a Mishra’s Self-Replicator, but if any copy effects have affected that Mishra’s Self-Replicator, they’re taken into account."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Mishra’s Self-Replicator leaves the battlefield before its triggered ability resolves, the token will still enter the battlefield as a copy of Mishra’s Self-Replicator, using Mishra’s Self-Replicator’s copiable values from when it was last on the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Some abilities trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell.” Such an ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you cast a historic spell” doesn’t trigger if a historic card is put onto the battlefield without being cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Lands are never cast, so abilities that trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell” won’t trigger if you play a legendary land. They also won’t trigger if a card on the battlefield transforms into a legendary land, as the Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan double-faced cards do."
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                    "multiverseId": 445036,
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                    "type": "Terreno Básico — Montanha"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445305,
                    "name": "Гора",
                    "type": "Базовая Земля — Гора"
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                    "multiverseId": 445574,
                    "name": "山脉",
                    "type": "基本地 ~山脉"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
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                    "type": "基本地 ~山脈"
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            "number": "265",
            "originalText": "R",
            "originalType": "Basic Land — Mountain",
            "printings": [
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164747,
            "text": "({T}: Add {R}.)",
            "type": "Basic Land — Mountain",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d088ca00-76fd-5ab4-822a-c0350727fef5",
            "uuidV421": "27927501-95b2-5884-9b64-6a93a6fb3291",
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            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "A moment in time made tangible, it has the power to realize epic visions.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ein in Form gebrachter Ausschnitt der Zeit, welcher die Macht besitzt, epische Visionen zu verwirklichen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443381,
                    "name": "Bernsteinmox",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe einer legendären Kreatur oder eines legendären Planeswalkers, die bzw. den du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Legendäres Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "Un momento tangible con el poder de hacer realidad visiones épicas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443650,
                    "name": "Mox de ámbar",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega un maná de cualquier color de entre las criaturas y planeswalkers legendarios que controlas.",
                    "type": "Artefacto legendario"
                    "flavorText": "Un instant rendu tangible, qui a le pouvoir de réaliser des visions épiques.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443919,
                    "name": "Mox d'ambre",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix parmi les couleurs des créatures et des planeswalkers légendaires que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Artefact légendaire"
                    "flavorText": "Un frammento di tempo reso tangibile con il potere di trasformare in realtà visioni epiche.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444188,
                    "name": "Mox d'Ambra",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore tra quelli dei planeswalker e delle creature leggendarie che controlli.",
                    "type": "Artefatto Leggendario"
                    "flavorText": "瞬間が物質化したもので、壮大なビジョンを現実のものにする力がある。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444457,
                    "name": "モックス・アンバー",
                    "text": "{T}:あなたがコントロールしている伝説のクリーチャーとプレインズウォーカーの中の好きな色1色のマナ1点を加える。",
                    "type": "伝説のアーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "시간 속의 한 순간이 뚜렷한 형태로 만들어졌으며, 그 안에는 위대한 환상을 깨달을 힘이 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444726,
                    "name": "목스 호박",
                    "text": "{T}: 당신이 조종하는 전설적 생물들과 플레인즈워커들의 색 중 한 색의 마나 한 개를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "Um momento no tempo feito tangível, ela tem o poder de concretizar visões épicas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444995,
                    "name": "Mox de Âmbar",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione um mana de qualquer cor dentre as das criaturas e dos planeswalkers lendários que você controla.",
                    "type": "Artefato Lendário"
                    "flavorText": "Момент во времени, ставший осязаемым. Его могущество помогает воплотить в жизнь самые грандиозные замыслы.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445264,
                    "name": "Янтарный Мокс",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте одну ману любого из цветов среди легендарных существ и planeswalker-ов под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Легендарный Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "历史时刻具化成物,它拥有能实现壮绝憧憬的力量。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445533,
                    "name": "琥珀玛珂",
                    "text": "{T}:加一点法术力,其颜色为由你操控之传奇生物和鹏洛客所具有的任一颜色。",
                    "type": "传奇神器"
                    "flavorText": "歷史時刻具化成物,它擁有能實現壯絕憧憬的力量。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445802,
                    "name": "琥珀瑪珂",
                    "text": "{T}:加一點魔法力,其顏色為由你操控之傳奇生物和鵬洛客所具有的任一顏色。",
                    "type": "傳奇神器"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{0}",
            "multiverseId": 443112,
            "name": "Mox Amber",
            "number": "224",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add one mana of any color among legendary creatures and planeswalkers you control.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Mox Amber’s ability adds one mana of the color of your choice from among the colors of legendary creatures and planeswalkers you control. It doesn’t add one mana of each of those colors."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you control no legendary creatures or planeswalkers, you can activate Mox Amber’s ability, but you won’t add any mana."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If your legendary creatures and planeswalkers are all colorless, you can activate Mox Amber’s ability, but you won’t add any mana. Colorless is not a color."
            "scryfallId": "66024e69-ad60-4c9a-a0ca-da138d33ad80",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "82f69ae1-74e1-4341-b91b-50df5117c2a9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7a43bd27-fdd8-41f0-9bc4-92568f3408f1",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162125,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add one mana of any color among legendary creatures and planeswalkers you control.",
            "type": "Legendary Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c66da72b-4fdb-5449-b703-5a42f35d6302",
            "uuidV421": "4814335e-f5e3-503a-89f4-2155345a65fb"
            "artist": "Jason Rainville",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"My child grew from rot and ruin, yet she bloomed.\"\n—Multani",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Mein Kind erwuchs aus Verwesung und Verderben, doch es gedeiht prächtig.\" —Multani",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443356,
                    "name": "Muldrotha die Gräberflut",
                    "text": "Während jedes deiner Züge kannst du bis zu eine bleibende Karte jeden Typs bleibender Karten aus deinem Friedhof spielen. (Falls eine Karte mehrere Typen bleibender Karten hat, bestimme beim Spielen einen davon.)",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Elementarwesen, Avatar"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mi niña creció entre la podredumbre y la ruina. Y, aun así, brotó\". —Multani",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443625,
                    "name": "Muldrotha, tumba pantanosa",
                    "text": "Durante cada uno de tus turnos, puedes jugar desde tu cementerio hasta una carta de permanente de cada tipo de permanente. (Si una carta tiene varios tipos de permanente, elige uno al jugarla.)",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Avatar elemental"
                    "flavorText": "« Mon enfant a poussé dans la pourriture et la poussière, pourtant elle resplendit. » —Multani",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443894,
                    "name": "Muldrotha, la marée funéraire",
                    "text": "Pendant chacun de vos tours, vous pouvez jouer jusqu'à une carte de permanent de chaque type de permanent depuis votre cimetière. (Si une carte a plusieurs types de permanent, choisissez-en un au moment où vous la jouez.)",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : élémental et avatar"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mia figlia è cresciuta dal marciume e dalla rovina, eppure è prosperata rigogliosa.\" —Multani",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444163,
                    "name": "Muldrotha, la Marea Funebre",
                    "text": "Durante ogni tuo turno, puoi giocare fino a una carta permanente di ogni tipo di permanente dal tuo cimitero. (Se una carta ha più tipi di permanente, scegline uno mentre la giochi.)",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Avatar Elementale"
                    "flavorText": "「私の娘は廃墟の腐敗から育ったが、それでも花開いた。」 ――ムルタニ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444432,
                    "name": "墓場波、ムルドローサ",
                    "text": "あなたの各ターンの間、あなたはあなたの墓地から各パーマネント・タイプのパーマネント・カードをそれぞれ最大1枚プレイしてもよい。(カード1枚が複数のパーマネント・タイプを持っているなら、それをプレイするに際し、1つを選ぶ。)",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — エレメンタル・アバター"
                    "flavorText": "\"나의 아이는 오물과 황폐함 속에서 자랐지만, 그럼에도 꽃을 피웠다.\" —물타니",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444701,
                    "name": "무덤조류, 물드로사",
                    "text": "당신의 각 턴 동안, 당신은 당신의 무덤에 있는 지속물 카드를 유형 별로 최대 한 장까지 플레이할 수 있다. (카드가 지속물 유형을 여러 개 가지고 있다면, 카드를 플레이할 때 어떤 유형을 사용하는지 결정한다.)",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 정령 화신"
                    "flavorText": "\"Minha filha cresceu da podridão e da ruína, e mesmo assim ela floresceu.\" — Multani",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444970,
                    "name": "Muldrotha, a Maré Tumular",
                    "text": "Durante cada um de seus turnos, você pode jogar até um card de permanente de cada tipo de permanente de seu cemitério. (Se um card tiver múltiplos tipos de permanente, escolha um ao jogá-lo.)",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Elemental Avatar"
                    "flavorText": "«Мое дитя росло из гнили и развалин — и расцвело». — Мултани",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445239,
                    "name": "Мулдрота, Могильный Прилив",
                    "text": "Во время каждого из ваших ходов вы можете разыграть не более одной карты перманента каждого из типов перманента из вашего кладбища. (Если у карты несколько типов перманента, выберите один из них при разыгрывании.)",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Элементаль Аватара"
                    "flavorText": "「我的孩子生自腐败和废墟,但她依然能够绽放。」 ~穆塔尼",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445508,
                    "name": "腐潮穆杜塔",
                    "text": "你于你的每个回合中可以从你的坟墓场使用永久物牌,但每一种永久物类别至多一张。(如果某牌具有数种永久物类别,则你选择是按哪种类别来使用。)",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~元素/圣者"
                    "flavorText": "「我的孩子生自腐敗和廢墟,但她依然能夠綻放。」 ~穆塔尼",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445777,
                    "name": "腐潮穆杜塔",
                    "text": "你於你的每個回合中可以從你的墳墓場使用永久物牌,但每一種永久物類別至多一張。(如果某牌具有數種永久物類別,則你選擇是按哪種類別來使用。)",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~元素/聖者"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 443087,
            "name": "Muldrotha, the Gravetide",
            "number": "199",
            "originalText": "During each of your turns, you may play up to one permanent card of each permanent type from your graveyard. (If a card has multiple permanent types, choose one as you play it.)",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Elemental Avatar",
            "power": "6",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "For example, you may cast an artifact creature card as your artifact card and cast another artifact creature card as your creature card."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You must follow the normal timing permissions and restrictions of the cards you play from your graveyard. For example, you can’t use Muldrotha to play an additional land, or to cast a planeswalker during your end step."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You must pay the costs to cast a nonland card this way. If it has an alternative cost, you may cast it for that cost instead."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once you begin to cast a card, losing control of Muldrotha won’t affect the spell."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you play a card from your graveyard and then have a new Muldrotha come under your control in the same turn, you may play another card of that type from your graveyard that turn."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a permanent card is put into your graveyard during your main phase and the stack is empty, you have a chance to cast it before any player may attempt to remove that card from your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple effects allow you to play a card from your graveyard, such as those of Gisa and Geralf and Karador, Ghost Chieftain, you must announce which permission you’re using as you begin to play the card."
            "scryfallId": "c654737d-34ac-42ff-ae27-3a3bbb930fc1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "75ae1af1-0f5c-4b11-ab0c-93ca320ac5df",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e4625704-1d52-44e4-804f-2f45644d76ac",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162139,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "During each of your turns, you may play up to one permanent card of each permanent type from your graveyard. (If a card has multiple permanent types, choose one as you play it.)",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Elemental Avatar",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "002caf05-1da9-593c-a6c3-824817ff5208",
            "uuidV421": "535583ee-cc28-51a8-a347-5c7a0b3ccf75"
            "artist": "Ryan Yee",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443331,
                    "name": "Multani, Yavimayas Avatar",
                    "text": "Reichweite, verursacht Trampelschaden\nMultani, Yavimayas Avatar, erhält +1/+1 für jedes Land, das du kontrollierst, und jede Länderkarte in deinem Friedhof.\n{1}{G}, bringe zwei Länder, die du kontrollierst, auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück: Bringe Multani aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Elementarwesen, Avatar"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443600,
                    "name": "Multani, avatar de Yavimaya",
                    "text": "Alcance, arrolla.\nMultani, avatar de Yavimaya obtiene +1/+1 por cada tierra que controlas y por cada carta de tierra en tu cementerio.\n{1}{G}, regresar dos tierras que controlas a la mano de su propietario: Regresa a Multani de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Avatar elemental"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443869,
                    "name": "Multani, avatar de la Yavimaya",
                    "text": "Portée, piétinement\nMultani, avatar de la Yavimaya gagne +1/+1 pour chaque terrain que vous contrôlez et chaque carte de terrain dans votre cimetière.\n{1}{G}, renvoyez deux terrains que vous contrôlez dans la main de leur propriétaire : Renvoyez Multani depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : élémental et avatar"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444138,
                    "name": "Multani, Avatar di Yavimaya",
                    "text": "Raggiungere, travolgere\nMultani, Avatar di Yavimaya prende +1/+1 per ogni terra che controlli e ogni carta terra nel tuo cimitero.\n{1}{G}, Fai tornare due terre che controlli in mano ai rispettivi proprietari: Riprendi in mano Multani dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Avatar Elementale"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444407,
                    "name": "ヤヴィマヤの化身、ムルタニ",
                    "text": "到達、トランプル\nヤヴィマヤの化身、ムルタニは、あなたがコントロールしている土地1つとあなたの墓地にある土地・カード1枚につき+1/+1の修整を受ける。\n{1}{G}, あなたがコントロールしている土地2つをオーナーの手札に戻す:あなたの墓地からヤヴィマヤの化身、ムルタニをあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — エレメンタル・アバター"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444676,
                    "name": "야비마야의 화신, 물타니",
                    "text": "대공, 돌진\n야비마야의 화신, 물타니는 당신이 조종하는 각 대지와 당신의 무덤에 있는 각 대지 카드마다 +1/+1을 받는다.\n{1}{G}, 당신이 조종하는 대지 두 장을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다: 물타니를 당신의 무덤에서 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 정령 화신"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444945,
                    "name": "Multani, Avatar de Yavimaya",
                    "text": "Alcance, atropelar\nMultani, Avatar de Yavimaya, recebe +1/+1 para cada terreno que você controla e cada card de terreno em seu cemitério.\n{1}{G}, devolva dois terrenos que você controla para a mão de seu dono: Devolva Multani de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Elemental Avatar"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445214,
                    "name": "Мултани, Аватара Явимайи",
                    "text": "Захват, Пробивной удар\nМултани, Аватара Явимайи получает +1/+1 за каждую землю под вашим контролем и каждую карту земли на вашем кладбище.\n{1}{G}, верните две земли под вашим контролем в руки их владельцев: верните Мултани из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Элементаль Аватара"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445483,
                    "name": "亚维马雅化身穆塔尼",
                    "text": "延势,践踏\n你每操控一个地或你坟墓场中每有一张地牌,亚维马雅化身穆塔尼便得+1/+1。\n{1}{G},将两个由你操控的地移回其拥有者手上:将穆塔尼从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~元素/圣者"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445752,
                    "name": "亞維馬雅化身穆塔尼",
                    "text": "延勢,踐踏\n你每操控一個地或你墳墓場中每有一張地牌,亞維馬雅化身穆塔尼便得+1/+1。\n{1}{G},將兩個由你操控的地移回其擁有者手上:將穆塔尼從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~元素/聖者"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443062,
            "name": "Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar",
            "number": "174",
            "originalText": "Reach, trample\nMultani, Yavimaya's Avatar gets +1/+1 for each land you control and each land card in your graveyard.\n{1}{G}, Return two lands you control to their owner's hand: Return Multani from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Elemental Avatar",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Multani’s ability that modifies its power and toughness applies only while it’s on the battlefield. In all other zones, it’s a 0/0 creature card."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "To activate Multani’s last ability, you must return lands you control from the battlefield to their owner’s hand. Land cards in your graveyard can’t be returned this way."
            "scryfallId": "5233ad7b-2903-4736-b13a-5cd4a275eb61",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2e356f4d-df6b-47f7-8a11-6e9bb1b7d080",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4b8bf64b-4800-45ff-81c6-2857f34999b5",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162236,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Reach, trample\nMultani, Yavimaya's Avatar gets +1/+1 for each land you control and each land card in your graveyard.\n{1}{G}, Return two lands you control to their owner's hand: Return Multani from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "toughness": "0",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Elemental Avatar",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9cd84a2c-810d-5a60-bec4-10f04c1b07a7",
            "uuidV421": "bcec670b-8881-56b2-917c-3f6b27bcf892"
            "artist": "Ryan Alexander Lee",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Perfect. Now do it again.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Perfekt. Nun … wiederhole es.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443215,
                    "name": "Naban, Dekan der Iteration",
                    "text": "Falls ein Zauberer, der unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel kommt, bei einer bleibenden Karte, die du kontrollierst, eine ausgelöste Fähigkeit auslöst, wird die Fähigkeit ein weiteres Mal ausgelöst.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "\"Perfecto. Ahora repítelo\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443484,
                    "name": "Naban, decano de la iteración",
                    "text": "Si un Hechicero que entra al campo de batalla bajo tu control hace que se dispare una habilidad disparada de un permanente que controlas, esa habilidad se dispara una vez más.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Parfait. Maintenant, recommencez. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443753,
                    "name": "Naban, doyen de l'itération",
                    "text": "Si l'arrivée sur le champ de bataille d'un sorcier sous votre contrôle provoque le déclenchement d'une capacité déclenchée d'un permanent que vous contrôlez, cette capacité se déclenche une fois de plus.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Perfetto. Ora rifallo.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444022,
                    "name": "Naban, Decano dell'Iterazione",
                    "text": "Se un Mago che entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo fa innescare abilità innescate di permanenti che controlli, quelle abilità si innescano una volta in più.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「完璧だ。もう1回やってみよう。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444291,
                    "name": "反復の学部長、ナバン",
                    "text": "ウィザードが1体あなたのコントロール下で戦場に出たことによりあなたがコントロールしているパーマネントの誘発型能力が誘発するなら、その能力は追加でもう1回誘発する。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "\"완벽하군. 이제 한 번 더 해 보게.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444560,
                    "name": "반복학과 학과장, 나반",
                    "text": "마법사가 당신의 조종하에 전장에 들어와서 당신이 조종하는 지속물의 격발능력을 격발시키려고 하면, 그 능력은 한 번 더 격발된다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Perfeito. Agora faça de novo.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444829,
                    "name": "Naban, Deão das Iterações",
                    "text": "Se um Mago que entra no campo de batalha sob o seu controle fizer com que uma habilidade desencadeada de uma permanente que você controla seja desencadeada, aquela habilidade será desencadeada uma vez adicional.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "«Замечательно. А теперь повтори».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445098,
                    "name": "Набан, Декан Итераций",
                    "text": "Если выходящий на поле битвы под вашим контролем Чародей вызывает срабатывание срабатывающей способности перманента под вашим контролем, та способность срабатывает дополнительный раз.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "「完美。现在再来一遍。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445367,
                    "name": "迭演院长奈班",
                    "text": "如果在你操控下进战场的法术师触发由你操控之永久物的触发式异能,则该异能额外触发一次。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "「完美。現在再來一遍。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445636,
                    "name": "迭演院長奈班",
                    "text": "如果在你操控下進戰場的魔法師觸發由你操控之永久物的觸發式異能,則該異能額外觸發一次。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442946,
            "name": "Naban, Dean of Iteration",
            "number": "58",
            "originalText": "If a Wizard entering the battlefield under your control causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Naban affects a Wizard’s own enters-the-battlefield triggered abilities as well as other triggered abilities that trigger when that Wizard enters the battlefield. Such triggered abilities start with “when” or “whenever.”"
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Replacement effects are unaffected by Naban’s first ability. For example, a Wizard that enters the battlefield with one +1/+1 counter on it won’t receive an additional +1/+1 counter."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Abilities that apply “as [this creature] enters the battlefield,” such as choosing a card name with Meddling Mage, are unaffected."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Naban’s effect doesn’t copy the triggered ability; it just causes the ability to trigger twice. Any choices made as you put the ability onto the stack, such as modes and targets, are made separately for each instance of the ability. Any choices made on resolution, such as whether to put counters on a permanent, are also made individually."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The trigger event doesn’t have to specifically refer to “Wizards.” For example, an ability that triggers “whenever a creature enters the battlefield under your control” would trigger twice if the entering creature is a Wizard."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Look at each permanent as it exists on the battlefield, taking into account continuous effects, to determine whether any triggered abilities will trigger multiple times. For example, if you control Arcane Adaptation with Wizard as the chosen creature type, a Runeclaw Bear entering the battlefield will cause any abilities it triggers to trigger an additional time."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you somehow control two Nabans, a Wizard entering the battlefield causes abilities to trigger three times, not four. A third Naban causes abilities to trigger four times, a fourth causes abilities to trigger five times, and so on."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a Wizard entering the battlefield at the same time as Naban (including Naban itself) causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a triggered ability is linked to a second ability, additional instances of that triggered ability are also linked to that second ability. If the second ability refers to “the exiled card,” it refers to all cards exiled by instances of the triggered ability."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "In some cases involving linked abilities, an ability requires information about “the exiled card.” When this happens, the ability gets multiple answers. If these answers are being used to determine the value of a variable, the sum is used. For example, if Elite Arcanist’s enters-the-battlefield ability triggers twice, two cards are exiled. The value of X in the activation cost of Elite Arcanist’s other ability is the sum of the two cards’ converted mana costs. As the ability resolves, you create copies of both cards and can cast none, one, or both of the copies in any order."
            "scryfallId": "88f41175-880f-491e-96c3-bf52f3c0db5d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "bf308140-9fc4-4c52-8ba6-04f0890fae29",
            "scryfallOracleId": "cffb9b7f-d52c-43e0-a4a6-b06dea83eb53",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162230,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "If a Wizard entering the battlefield under your control causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2fa81eee-6e1c-53c8-8be7-9f20fd881e05",
            "uuidV421": "4faa853b-6050-5148-902f-185839b74f8f"
            "artist": "Matt Stewart",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443216,
                    "name": "Naru Meha, die Meisterzauberin",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nWenn Naru Meha, die Meisterzauberin, ins Spiel kommt, kopiere einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei deiner Wahl, den bzw. die du kontrollierst. Du kannst neue Ziele für die Kopie bestimmen.\nAndere Zauberer, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443485,
                    "name": "Naru Meha, maga experta",
                    "text": "Destello.\nCuando Naru Meha, maga experta entre al campo de batalla, copia el hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro objetivo que controlas. Puedes elegir nuevos objetivos para la copia.\nLos otros Hechiceros que controlas obtienen +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Hechicero humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443754,
                    "name": "Naru Meha, maître sorcier",
                    "text": "Flash\nQuand Naru Meha, maître sorcier arrive sur le champ de bataille, copiez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel ciblé que vous contrôlez. Vous pouvez choisir de nouvelles cibles pour cette copie.\nLes autres sorciers que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et sorcier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444023,
                    "name": "Naru Meha, Maga Insegnante",
                    "text": "Lampo\nQuando Naru Meha, Maga Insegnante entra nel campo di battaglia, copia una magia istantaneo o stregoneria bersaglio che controlli. Puoi scegliere nuovi bersagli per la copia.\nGli altri Maghi che controlli prendono +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Mago Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444292,
                    "name": "練達の魔術師、ナル・メハ",
                    "text": "瞬速\n練達の魔術師、ナル・メハが戦場に出たとき、あなたがコントロールしていてインスタントかソーサリーである呪文1つを対象とし、それをコピーする。あなたはそのコピーの新しい対象を選んでもよい。\nあなたがコントロールしている他のウィザードは+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444561,
                    "name": "대마법사, 나루 메하",
                    "text": "섬광\n대마법사, 나루 메하가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 조종하는 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문을 복사한다. 당신은 그 복사본의 목표를 새로 정할 수 있다.\n당신이 조종하는 다른 마법사들은 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444830,
                    "name": "Naru Meha, Maga Mestra",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nQuando Naru Meha, Maga Mestra, entrar no campo de batalha, copie a mágica instantânea ou o feitiço alvo que você controla. Você pode escolher novos alvos para a cópia.\nOs outros Magos que você controla recebem +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Mago"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445099,
                    "name": "Нару Меха, Верховная Волшебница",
                    "text": "Миг\nКогда Нару Меха, Верховная Волшебница выходит на поле битвы, скопируйте целевое мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства под вашим контролем. Вы можете выбрать новые цели для той копии.\nДругие Чародеи под вашим контролем получают +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445368,
                    "name": "魔法大师娜鲁梅哈",
                    "text": "闪现\n当魔法大师娜鲁梅哈进战场时,复制目标由你操控的瞬间或法术咒语。你可以为该复制品选择新的目标。\n由你操控的其他法术师得+1/+1。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445637,
                    "name": "魔法大師娜魯梅哈",
                    "text": "閃現\n當魔法大師娜魯梅哈進戰場時,複製目標由你操控的瞬間或巫術咒語。你可以為該複製品選擇新的目標。\n由你操控的其他魔法師得+1/+1。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442947,
            "name": "Naru Meha, Master Wizard",
            "number": "59",
            "originalText": "Flash\nWhen Naru Meha, Master Wizard enters the battlefield, copy target instant or sorcery spell you control. You may choose new targets for the copy.\nOther Wizards you control get +1/+1.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Because damage remains marked on a creature until it’s removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to a Wizard you control may become lethal if Naru leaves the battlefield during that turn."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Naru’s triggered ability can copy any instant or sorcery spell, not just one with targets."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The copy is created on the stack, so it’s not “cast.” Abilities that trigger when a player casts a spell won’t trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The copy will have the same targets as the spell it’s copying unless you choose new ones. You may change any number of the targets, including all of them or none of them. If, for one of the targets, you can’t choose a new legal target, then it remains unchanged (even if the current target is illegal)."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied is modal (that is, it says “Choose one —” or the like), the copy will have the same mode. A different mode can’t be chosen."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied has an X whose value was determined as it was cast (like Jaya’s Immolating Inferno does), the copy will have the same value of X."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the spell has damage divided as it was cast (like Fight with Fire does when kicked), the division can’t be changed (although the targets receiving that damage still can)."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The controller of a copy can’t choose to pay any alternative or additional costs for the copy. However, effects based on any alternative or additional costs that were paid for the original spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy."
            "scryfallId": "57168712-73dc-411c-9d13-f0c43202cb9a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7ab965a2-975e-4fc8-9a68-f9b2169c718e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "562c9c68-e5a7-45ab-b098-5b649d165ff5",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162233,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nWhen Naru Meha, Master Wizard enters the battlefield, copy target instant or sorcery spell you control. You may choose new targets for the copy.\nOther Wizards you control get +1/+1.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3f53e8de-5293-5394-b0ee-e5c81803d802",
            "uuidV421": "9f05e579-eb56-5e79-b866-d518a2ec09d6"
            "artist": "Florian de Gesincourt",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"As Argoth's last defenders fell to Urza's juggernauts, Titania said, 'Nature cannot be destroyed, only changed.'\" —The Antiquities War",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Als Argoths letzte Verteidiger Urzas Juggernauten zum Opfer fielen, sprach Titania: ‚Die Natur kann nicht vernichtet, sondern nur verändert werden.'\" —Der Artefakt-Krieg",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443332,
                    "name": "Spirale der Natur",
                    "text": "Bringe eine bleibende Karte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Cuando los últimos defensores de Argoth cayeron a manos de los destructores de Urza, Titania dijo: 'No se puede destruir la naturaleza, solo cambiarla'\". —La Guerra de las Antigüedades",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443601,
                    "name": "Espiral de la naturaleza",
                    "text": "Regresa la carta de permanente objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Alors que les derniers défenseurs d'Argoth étaient vaincus par les djaggernauts d'Urza, Titania déclara : \"La nature ne peut pas être détruite, seulement transformée.\" » —La Guerre des Antiquités",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443870,
                    "name": "Spirale de la nature",
                    "text": "Renvoyez une carte de permanent ciblée depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quando gli ultimi difensori di Argoth caddero per mano dei juggernaut di Urza, Titania disse: 'La natura non può essere distrutta, ma solo cambiata'.\" —La Guerra delle Antichità",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444139,
                    "name": "Spirale della Natura",
                    "text": "Riprendi in mano una carta permanente bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「アルゴスの最後の防衛がウルザの巨大戦車に敗れたとき、ティタニアは『自然は滅びない。ただ変わるだけよ。』と言った。」 ――アンティキティー戦争",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444408,
                    "name": "自然のらせん",
                    "text": "あなたの墓地からパーマネント・カード1枚を対象とし、それをあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"아르고스의 마지막 방어자들이 우르자의 강대한 힘에 굴복했을 때, 티타니아는 이렇게 말했지. '자연은 파괴될 수 없어. 단지 변화할 뿐.'\" —유물 전쟁",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444677,
                    "name": "자연의 나선",
                    "text": "당신의 무덤에 있는 지속물 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Enquanto os últimos defensores de Argoth caíam ante os juggernauts de Urza, Titânia disse: 'A natureza não pode ser destruída, apenas alterada.'\" — A Guerra das Antiguidades",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444946,
                    "name": "Espiral da Natureza",
                    "text": "Devolva o card de permanente alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Когда последние защитники Аргота пали, пытаясь остановить джаггернаутов Урзы, Титания сказала: \"Природу нельзя уничтожить. Только изменить\"». — «Война Древностей»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445215,
                    "name": "Завиток Природы",
                    "text": "Верните целевую карту перманента из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「亚格斯最后一道防线被克撒的攻城巨车攻破之际,泰坦尼亚曾说:『自然不会毁灭,只会改变。』」 ~《古文明之战》",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445484,
                    "name": "自然回旋",
                    "text": "将目标永久物牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「亞格斯最後一道防線被克撒的攻城巨車攻破之際,泰坦尼亞曾說:『自然不會毀滅,只會改變。』」 ~《古文明之戰》",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445753,
                    "name": "自然迴旋",
                    "text": "將目標永久物牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443063,
            "name": "Nature's Spiral",
            "number": "175",
            "originalText": "Return target permanent card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "6666b95e-80de-4bf7-bae6-8a7e991b38ad",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4b3d2b90-46e3-40aa-a287-35288f903c84",
            "scryfallOracleId": "565922d6-8152-411f-8d4d-dc7c8523a49b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164708,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Return target permanent card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e8c23340-9e13-5e0d-bf64-13afeee2dbb1",
            "uuidV421": "7ddc58b2-b623-5347-aaff-4e0555bad7f0"
            "artist": "Sung Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "The Weatherlight can no longer planeshift, but it can traverse Dominaria with ease.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Wetterlicht kann nicht länger weltenwechseln, doch sie kann mit Leichtigkeit alle Teile Dominarias erreichen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443382,
                    "name": "Kompass des Navigators",
                    "text": "Wenn der Kompass des Navigators ins Spiel kommt, erhältst du 3 Lebenspunkte dazu.\n{T}: Bis zum Ende des Zuges wird ein Land deiner Wahl, das du kontrollierst, zusätzlich zu seinen anderen Typen zu einem Standardlandtyp, den du bestimmst.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "El Vientoligero ya no puede realizar una transmigración, pero sí que puede cruzar fácilmente toda Dominaria.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443651,
                    "name": "Brújula del navegante",
                    "text": "Cuando la Brújula del navegante entre al campo de batalla, ganas 3 vidas.\n{T}: Hasta el final del turno, la tierra objetivo que controlas se convierte en el tipo de tierra básica de tu elección además de sus otros tipos.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "L'Aquilon ne peut plus effectuer de glissement planaire, mais il peut toujours traverser Dominaria.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443920,
                    "name": "Boussole de navigateur",
                    "text": "Quand la Boussole de navigateur arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous gagnez 3 points de vie.\n{T} : Jusqu'à la fin du tour, un terrain ciblé que vous contrôlez devient du type de terrain de base de votre choix en plus de ses autres types.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "La Cavalcavento non può più viaggiare tra i piani, ma riesce ad attraversare Dominaria con estrema facilità.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444189,
                    "name": "Bussola del Navigatore",
                    "text": "Quando la Bussola del Navigatore entra nel campo di battaglia, guadagni 3 punti vita.\n{T}: Fino alla fine del turno, una terra bersaglio che controlli diventa il tipo di terra base a tua scelta in aggiunta ai suoi altri tipi.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "ウェザーライトは次元転換はできなくなったが、ドミナリア中を軽く飛び回ることはできる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444458,
                    "name": "航海士のコンパス",
                    "text": "航海士のコンパスが戦場に出たとき、あなたは3点のライフを得る。\n{T}:あなたがコントロールしている土地1つを対象とする。基本土地タイプ1つを選ぶ。ターン終了時まで、それはそれの他のタイプに加えて選ばれた基本土地タイプになる。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "웨더라이트는 더 이상 차원을 전환할 수 없지만, 도미나리아에서 이동하는 것은 어렵지 않다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444727,
                    "name": "항해사의 나침반",
                    "text": "항해사의 나침반이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 생명 3점을 얻는다.\n{T}: 당신이 조종하는 대지를 목표로 정한다. 턴종료까지, 그 대지는 다른 원래 유형과 더불어 당신이 선택하는 기본 대지 유형이 된다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "O Bons Ventos não pode mais transplanar, mas pode atravessar Dominária com facilidade.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444996,
                    "name": "Bússola do Navegador",
                    "text": "Quando Bússola do Navegador entra no campo de batalha, você ganha 3 pontos de vida.\n{T}: Até o final do turno, o terreno alvo que você controla se torna o tipo de terreno básico à sua escolha além de seus outros tipos.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Везерлайт» больше не может переноситься между мирами, но по Доминарии путешествует с легкостью.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445265,
                    "name": "Компас Штурмана",
                    "text": "Когда Компас Штурмана выходит на поле битвы, вы получаете 3 жизни.\n{T}: до конца хода целевая земля под вашим контролем становится типом базовой земли по вашему выбору в дополнение к своим другим типам.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "晴空号虽已无法再时空转移,但仍能自如穿行多明纳里亚。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445534,
                    "name": "领航员罗盘",
                    "text": "当领航员罗盘进战场时,你获得3点生命。\n{T}:选择一种基本地类别。直到回合结束,目标由你操控的地额外具有该类别。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "晴空號雖已無法再時空轉移,但仍能自如穿行多明納里亞。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445803,
                    "name": "領航員羅盤",
                    "text": "當領航員羅盤進戰場時,你獲得3點生命。\n{T}:選擇一種基本地類別。直到回合結束,目標由你操控的地額外具有該類別。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{1}",
            "multiverseId": 443113,
            "name": "Navigator's Compass",
            "number": "225",
            "originalText": "When Navigator's Compass enters the battlefield, you gain 3 life.\n{T}: Until end of turn, target land you control becomes the basic land type of your choice in addition to its other types.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Gaining a basic land type causes the target land to gain the corresponding mana ability. Because the new basic land type is “in addition to” its other types, it keeps the abilities it had previously."
            "scryfallId": "6a283135-7a51-4cf7-82a6-7e50894e64a5",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a7fb5e3e-d20d-4958-8e22-5543db32a89c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c994e148-1bb5-4113-a9f2-73e6dab8f72d",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162127,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Navigator's Compass enters the battlefield, you gain 3 life.\n{T}: Until end of turn, target land you control becomes the basic land type of your choice in addition to its other types.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "400dc94b-dfd0-57a7-9255-0a4cdacb1937",
            "uuidV421": "9cf6e103-5e91-528b-aff2-9d1ac7e0b8a2"
            "artist": "Greg Opalinski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"My father will be happy to see you.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Mein Vater wird erfreut sein, dich zu sehen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 445860,
                    "name": "Niambi, sorgsame Heilerin",
                    "text": "Wenn Niambi, sorgsame Heilerin, ins Spiel kommt, kannst du deine Bibliothek und/oder deinen Friedhof nach einer Karte namens Teferi der Zeitformer durchsuchen, sie offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Falls du auf diese Weise deine Bibliothek durchsuchst, mische sie danach.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mi padre se alegrará de verte\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 445870,
                    "name": "Niambi, sanadora leal",
                    "text": "Cuando Niambi, sanadora leal entre al campo de batalla, puedes buscar en tu biblioteca y/o cementerio una carta llamada Teferi, el Tuercetiempo, mostrarla y ponerla en tu mano. Si buscas en tu biblioteca de esta manera, barájala.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Clérigo humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Mon père sera heureux de vous voir. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 445880,
                    "name": "Niambi, guérisseuse fidèle",
                    "text": "Quand Niambi, guérisseuse fidèle arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez chercher dans votre bibliothèque et/ou votre cimetière une carte appelée Téfeiri, plieur de temps, la révéler et la mettre dans votre main. Si vous cherchez dans votre bibliothèque de cette manière, mélangez-la.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mio padre sarà felice di vederti.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 445890,
                    "name": "Niambi, Guaritrice Fedele",
                    "text": "Quando Niambi, Guaritrice Fedele entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi passare in rassegna il tuo grimorio e/o il tuo cimitero per una carta chiamata Teferi, Distorsore Temporale, rivelarla e aggiungerla alla tua mano. Se passi in rassegna il tuo grimorio in questo modo, rimescolalo.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Chierico Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「父もあなたに会いたがっていることでしょう。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 445900,
                    "name": "忠実な癒し手、ニアンビ",
                    "text": "忠実な癒し手、ニアンビが戦場に出たとき、あなたはあなたのライブラリーやあなたの墓地から「時を曲げる者、テフェリー」という名前のカード1枚を探し、それを公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。あなたがこれによりあなたのライブラリーからカードを探したなら、そのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "\"아버지가 당신을 보시면 기뻐하실 겁니다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 445910,
                    "name": "신실한 치유사, 니암비",
                    "text": "신실한 치유사, 니암비가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 당신의 서고 그리고/또는 무덤에서 이름이 시간조종자, 테페리인 카드 한 장을 찾아 공개한 후 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 당신이 이런 식으로 당신의 서고를 찾아보았다면, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "\"Meu pai vai ficar feliz em ver você.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445920,
                    "name": "Niambi, Curandeira Fiel",
                    "text": "Quando Niambi, Curandeira Fiel, entra no campo de batalha, você pode procurar em seu grimório e/ou cemitério um card com o nome Teferi, Subjugador do Tempo, revelá-lo e colocá-lo em sua mão. Se procurar em seu grimório desta maneira, embaralhe-o.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "«Отец будет рад тебя увидеть».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445930,
                    "name": "Ньямби, Верная Целительница",
                    "text": "Когда Ньямби, Верная Целительница выходит на поле битвы, вы можете найти в вашей библиотеке и (или) на вашем кладбище карту с именем Тефери, Сотрясатель Времен, показать ее и положить в вашу руку. Если вы ищете таким образом в вашей библиотеке, перетасуйте ее.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Священник"
                    "flavorText": "「看到你来,父亲定会喜出望外。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445940,
                    "name": "可靠疗疾师妮安碧",
                    "text": "当可靠疗疾师妮安碧进战场时,你可以从你的牌库和/或坟墓场中搜寻一张名称为曲时大师泰菲力的牌,展示该牌,并将它置于你手上。如果你以此法搜寻你的牌库,则将它洗牌。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "「看到妳來,父親定會喜出望外。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445950,
                    "name": "可靠療疾師妮安碧",
                    "text": "當可靠療疾師妮安碧進戰場時,你可以從你的牌庫和/或墳墓場中搜尋一張名稱為曲時大師泰菲力的牌,展示該牌,並將它置於你手上。如果你以此法搜尋你的牌庫,則將它洗牌。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/僧侶"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 445850,
            "name": "Niambi, Faithful Healer",
            "names": [],
            "number": "272",
            "originalText": "When Niambi, Faithful Healer enters the battlefield, you may search your library and/or graveyard for a card named Teferi, Timebender, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Cleric",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "c638677c-2b92-4d0c-b61c-598b5a843844",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "441de277-7d31-4c5a-becb-f367334a25a7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0c107664-a9fc-4684-8a1b-fa750401a6dd",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164221,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Niambi, Faithful Healer enters the battlefield, you may search your library and/or graveyard for a card named Teferi, Timebender, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "55786bd6-c6b6-5786-86ee-16bf712f795b",
            "uuidV421": "7c7a0ddb-33e5-5e17-a8eb-212daabba850"
            "artist": "Wesley Burt",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"For the lost and forgotten, I will keep watch.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Für die Verlorenen und Vergessenen werde ich Wache halten.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443357,
                    "name": "Teferis Eid",
                    "text": "Wenn Teferis Eid ins Spiel kommt, schicke eine andere bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, ins Exil. Bringe sie zu Beginn des nächsten Endsegments unter der Kontrolle ihres Besitzers ins Spiel zurück.\nDu kannst zweimal pro Zug Loyalitätsfähigkeiten von Planeswalkern, die du kontrollierst, aktivieren, anstatt nur einmal.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"Por los perdidos y los olvidados, mantendré la guardia\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443626,
                    "name": "Juramento de Teferi",
                    "text": "Cuando el Juramento de Teferi entre al campo de batalla, exilia otro permanente objetivo que controlas. Regrésalo al campo de batalla bajo el control de su propietario al comienzo del próximo paso final.\nPuedes activar las habilidades de lealtad de los planeswalkers que controlas dos veces por turno, en vez de una sola vez por turno.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento legendario"
                    "flavorText": "« Pour ce qui a été perdu et oublié, je me ferai sentinelle. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443895,
                    "name": "Serment de Téfeiri",
                    "text": "Quand le Serment de Téfeiri arrive sur le champ de bataille, exilez un autre permanent ciblé que vous contrôlez. Renvoyez-le sur le champ de bataille sous le contrôle de son propriétaire au début de la prochaine étape de fin.\nVous pouvez activer les capacités de loyauté des planeswalkers que vous contrôlez deux fois par tour à la place d'une fois.",
                    "type": "Enchantement légendaire"
                    "flavorText": "\"Per i perduti e i dimenticati, sarò un guardiano.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444164,
                    "name": "Giuramento di Teferi",
                    "text": "Quando il Giuramento di Teferi entra nel campo di battaglia, esilia un altro permanente bersaglio che controlli. Rimettilo sul campo di battaglia sotto il controllo del suo proprietario all'inizio della prossima sottofase finale.\nPuoi attivare le abilità di fedeltà dei planeswalker che controlli due volte per turno invece che solo una.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo Leggendario"
                    "flavorText": "「失われ忘れられた者たちのため、私はゲートウォッチとなる。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444433,
                    "name": "テフェリーの誓い",
                    "text": "テフェリーの誓いが戦場に出たとき、あなたがコントロールしている他のパーマネント1つを対象とし、それを追放する。次の終了ステップの開始時に、それをオーナーのコントロール下で戦場に戻す。\n各ターン、あなたは、あなたがコントロールしているプレインズウォーカーの忠誠度能力を、1回のみではなく2回起動してもよい。",
                    "type": "伝説のエンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"길 잃고 잊혀진 자들을 위해, 계속 수호하겠네.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444702,
                    "name": "테페리의 맹세",
                    "text": "테페리의 맹세가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 조종하는 다른 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물을 추방한다. 다음 종료단 시작에 그 지속물을 소유자의 조종하에 전장으로 되돌린다.\n당신은 당신이 조종하는 플레인즈워커의 충성 능력을 한 턴에 한 번이 아닌 두 번씩 활성화할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "전설적 부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pelos perdidos e esquecidos, eu serei uma sentinela.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444971,
                    "name": "Juramento de Teferi",
                    "text": "Quando Juramento de Teferi entrar no campo de batalha, exile outra permanente alvo que você controla. Devolva-a ao campo de batalha sob o controle de seu dono no início da próxima etapa final.\nVocê pode ativar as habilidades de lealdade dos planeswalkers que você controla duas vezes por turno em vez de uma.",
                    "type": "Encantamento Lendário"
                    "flavorText": "«Ради забытых и потерянных — я буду нести стражу».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445240,
                    "name": "Клятва Тефери",
                    "text": "Когда Клятва Тефери выходит на поле битвы, изгоните другой целевой перманент под вашим контролем. Верните его на поле битвы под контролем его владельца в начале следующего заключительного шага.\nВы можете активировать способности верности planeswalker-ов под вашим контролем дважды в каждом ходу, а не один раз.",
                    "type": "Легендарные Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「为了失去的与遗忘的,我将挚诚守护。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445509,
                    "name": "泰菲力的誓约",
                    "text": "当泰菲力的誓约进战场时,放逐另一个目标由你操控的永久物。在下一个结束步骤开始时,将它在其拥有者的操控下移回战场。\n你每回合可以起动由你操控之鹏洛客的忠诚异能两次,而不是只能起动一次。",
                    "type": "传奇结界"
                    "flavorText": "「為了失去的與遺忘的,我將摯誠守護。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445778,
                    "name": "泰菲力的誓約",
                    "text": "當泰菲力的誓約進戰場時,放逐另一個目標由你操控的永久物。在下一個結束步驟開始時,將它在其擁有者的操控下返回戰場。\n你每回合可以起動由你操控之鵬洛客的忠誠異能兩次,而不是只能起動一次。",
                    "type": "傳奇結界"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 443088,
            "name": "Oath of Teferi",
            "number": "200",
            "originalText": "When Oath of Teferi enters the battlefield, exile another target permanent you control. Return it to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end step.\nYou may activate the loyalty abilities of planeswalkers you control twice each turn rather than only once.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a token is exiled this way, it ceases to exist and won’t return to the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The exiled card will return to the battlefield at the beginning of the next end step even if Oath of Teferi is no longer on the battlefield at that time."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the exiled card is an Aura, that card’s owner chooses what it will enchant as it returns to the battlefield. An Aura put onto the battlefield this way doesn’t target anything (so it could be attached to an opponent’s permanent with hexproof, for example), but the Aura’s enchant ability restricts what it can be attached to. If the Aura can’t legally be attached to anything, it remains exiled."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "For Oath of Teferi’s second ability, you may activate the same ability of a planeswalker twice, or you may activate two different abilities of that planeswalker."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you somehow control more than one Oath of Teferi, you won’t be able to activate abilities of planeswalkers you control more than twice in one turn."
            "scryfallId": "5a7fadca-0a94-4624-ab95-2c2410829824",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "538c3134-648f-4d8d-87b1-f2cc3cf32016",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ee00a42d-6ee4-4e46-92d6-62e8e5910880",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162141,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Oath of Teferi enters the battlefield, exile another target permanent you control. Return it to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end step.\nYou may activate the loyalty abilities of planeswalkers you control twice each turn rather than only once.",
            "type": "Legendary Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a2bba97f-d76c-5dea-a87b-f21025956c74",
            "uuidV421": "8b1e6f05-2413-53ea-b6e2-7768e2bd108c"
            "artist": "Johannes Voss",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The spirit of Serra raised Brindri high and commanded her to keep the balance.\" —Song of All, canto 524",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Serras Geist trug Brindri hoch in die Lüfte und wies sie an, das Gleichgewicht zu halten.\" —Das Lied von Allem, Gesang 524",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443185,
                    "name": "Auf Serras Schwingen",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur ist legendär, erhält +1/+1 und hat Flugfähigkeit, Wachsamkeit und Lebensverknüpfung.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"El espíritu de Serra elevó a Brindi y le ordenó mantener el equilibrio\". —Canción de Todos, canto 524",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443454,
                    "name": "Con las alas de Serra",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada es legendaria, obtiene +1/+1 y tiene las habilidades de volar, vigilancia y vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento legendario — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "« L'esprit de Serra souleva Brindri haut dans les airs et lui ordonna de garder l'équilibre. » —Geste du Grand Tout, chant 524",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443723,
                    "name": "Sur les ailes de Serra",
                    "text": "Enchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée est légendaire, gagne +1/+1 et a le vol, la vigilance et le lien de vie.",
                    "type": "Enchantement légendaire : aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Lo spirito di Serra sollevò Brindri in alto e le ordinò di mantenere l'equilibrio.\" —Canzone di Tutti, canto 524",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443992,
                    "name": "Sulle Ali di Serra",
                    "text": "Incanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata è leggendaria, prende +1/+1 e ha volare, cautela e legame vitale.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo Leggendario — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "「セラの精霊はブリンドリを高みに引き上げ、均衡の維持を命じた。」 ――「万物の歌」、詩編五二四",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444261,
                    "name": "セラからの翼",
                    "text": "エンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントされているクリーチャーは伝説であり、+1/+1の修整を受けるとともに飛行と警戒と絆魂を持つ。",
                    "type": "伝説のエンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "\"세라의 영혼은 브린드리를 드높이고, 그녀에게 균형을 수호하라 명하네.\" —모두의 노래, 524절",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444530,
                    "name": "세라의 날개 위",
                    "text": "생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 전설적이고, +1/+1을 받으며, 비행, 경계, 생명연결을 가진다.",
                    "type": "전설적 부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "\"O espírito de Serra alçou Brindri às alturas e lhe ordenou que mantivesse o equilíbrio.\" — Canção de Todos, canto 524",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444799,
                    "name": "Nas Asas de Serra",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura\nA criatura encantada é lendária, recebe +1/+1 e tem voar, vigilância e vínculo com a vida.",
                    "type": "Encantamento Lendário — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "«Дух Серры вознес Бриндри высоко в небо и велел ей хранить равновесие». — «Песнь Сущего», стих 524",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445068,
                    "name": "На Крыльях Серры",
                    "text": "Зачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо является легендарным, получает +1/+1 и имеет Полет, Бдительность и Цепь жизни.",
                    "type": "Легендарные Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "「撒拉精神激励布蓝德蕾斗志,令她维持均衡。」 ~《万物之歌》,524节",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445337,
                    "name": "承撒拉之翼",
                    "text": "结附于生物\n所结附的生物是传奇,得+1/+1,且具有飞行、警戒与系命异能。",
                    "type": "传奇结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "「撒拉精神激勵布藍德蕾鬥志,令她維持均衡。」 ~《萬物之歌》,524節",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445606,
                    "name": "承撒拉之翼",
                    "text": "結附於生物\n所結附的生物是傳奇,得+1/+1,且具有飛行、警戒與繫命異能。",
                    "type": "傳奇結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442916,
            "name": "On Serra's Wings",
            "number": "28",
            "originalText": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature is legendary, gets +1/+1, and has flying, vigilance, and lifelink.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Multiple instances of flying, vigilance, and/or lifelink on the same creature are redundant."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you control two On Serra’s Wings attached to two creatures you control with the same name, the “legend rule” applies to the enchanted creatures and to On Serra’s Wings at once. You can choose to keep the On Serra’s Wings that enchants the creature you wish to keep."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If you control two permanents with the same name but only one is legendary, the “legend rule” doesn’t apply."
            "scryfallId": "063b8d2c-862b-458e-8f7c-c3e29a98c234",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b748d14f-85b1-486d-a85b-1bd5a7a03ab5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f43584de-4f60-46e6-9e6b-e704bc3ecd59",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162206,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature is legendary, gets +1/+1, and has flying, vigilance, and lifelink.",
            "type": "Legendary Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c2ccfbe6-9abb-558f-a0c2-1fb359b3feb1",
            "uuidV421": "7104f1e6-7629-5b4c-870f-3e77f1485088"
            "artist": "Tyler Jacobson",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "The crystal pulsed with the power of Teferi's planeswalker spark. Had Jhoira given him a blessing or a curse?",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Der Kristall pulsierte mit der Macht von Teferis Planeswalker-Funken. War Jhoiras Geschenk ein Segen oder ein Fluch?",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443217,
                    "name": "Optionen",
                    "text": "Hellsicht 1. (Schaue dir die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst sie unter deine Bibliothek legen.)\nZiehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "El cristal latía con el poder de la chispa de planeswalker de Teferi. ¿Lo que le había dado Jhoira era una bendición o una maldición?",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443486,
                    "name": "Optar",
                    "text": "Adivina 1. (Mira la primera carta de tu biblioteca. Puedes poner esa carta en el fondo de tu biblioteca.)\nRoba una carta.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Le cristal brillait sous l'effet de la puissance de l'étincelle de Planeswalker de Téfeiri. Djoïra l'avait-elle béni ou maudit ?",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443755,
                    "name": "Option",
                    "text": "Regard 1. (Regardez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez la mettre au-dessous de votre bibliothèque.)\nPiochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Nel cristallo pulsava il potere della scintilla di Planeswalker di Teferi. Jhoira l'aveva benedetto o maledetto?",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444024,
                    "name": "Opzione",
                    "text": "Profetizza 1. (Guarda la prima carta del tuo grimorio. Puoi mettere quella carta in fondo al tuo grimorio.)\nPesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "テフェリーのプレインズウォーカーの灯を受けて水晶が明滅していた。ジョイラが与えたのは恩恵なのか、それとも呪いなのだろうか?",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444293,
                    "name": "選択",
                    "text": "占術1を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを見る。あなたはそのカードをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に置いてもよい。)\nカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "수정은 테페리의 플레인즈워커 불꽃으로 고동치고 있다. 조이라는 그를 축복한 것인가, 저주한 것인가?",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444562,
                    "name": "선택",
                    "text": "점술 1을 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 한 장을 본다. 당신은 그 카드를 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓을 수 있다.)\n카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "O cristal pulsou com o poder da centelha de planeswalker de Teferi. O que Jhoira lhe dera era uma bênção ou uma maldição?",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444831,
                    "name": "Optar",
                    "text": "Vidência 1. (Olhe o card do topo de seu grimório. Você pode colocar aquele card no fundo de seu grimório.)\nCompre um card.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Кристалл пульсировал, до краев переполненный силой искры Тефери. Что дала ему Джойра — благословение или проклятье?",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445100,
                    "name": "Выбор",
                    "text": "Предскажите 1. (Посмотрите верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки. Вы можете положить ту карту в низ вашей библиотеки.)\nВозьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "水晶球涌动着泰菲力鹏洛客火花的力量。尤依拉带给他的是祝福,还是诅咒?",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445369,
                    "name": "抉择",
                    "text": "占卜1。(检视你牌库顶的牌。你可以将该牌置于你的牌库底。)\n抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "水晶球湧動著泰菲力鵬洛客火花的力量。尤依菈帶給他的是祝福,還是詛咒?",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445638,
                    "name": "抉擇",
                    "text": "占卜1。(檢視你牌庫頂的牌。你可以將該牌置於你的牌庫底。)\n抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442948,
            "name": "Opt",
            "number": "60",
            "originalText": "Scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)\nDraw a card.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "25f2e4d0-effd-4e83-b7aa-1a0d8f120951",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8be8d8ae-97c1-4da1-bc21-0aeb6c7082e9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "713332c1-5bd8-400f-bfff-c1ca0697a043",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162901,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)\nDraw a card.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "71b0445a-8dfa-5f43-97ec-bebe63523f86",
            "uuidV421": "c18be80a-ce4a-56b7-a8f4-5fd5f16ef273"
            "artist": "Alex Konstad",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Every ancient relic is a weapon if you throw it hard enough.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Jedes antike Relikt kann eine Waffe sein, wenn du nur mit genug Schwung wirfst.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443294,
                    "name": "Ork-Vandale",
                    "text": "{T}, opfere ein Artefakt: Der Ork-Vandale fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Ork, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Todas las reliquias antiguas son armas si se lanzan con la suficiente fuerza.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443563,
                    "name": "Vándalo orco",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrificar un artefacto: El Vándalo orco hace 2 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero orco"
                    "flavorText": "Toute vieille relique devient une arme si vous la lancez suffisamment fort.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443832,
                    "name": "Vandale orque",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrifiez un artefact : Le Vandale orque inflige 2 blessures à n'importe quelle cible.",
                    "type": "Créature : orque et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Qualsiasi reliquia antica può essere un'arma, se scagliata con forza sufficiente.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444101,
                    "name": "Orco Vandalo",
                    "text": "{T}, Sacrifica un artefatto: L'Orco Vandalo infligge 2 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Orco"
                    "flavorText": "古代の秘宝はみな武器になる。十分強く投げつければいいのだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444370,
                    "name": "蛮行オーク",
                    "text": "{T}, アーティファクト1つを生け贄に捧げる:クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。蛮行オークはそれに2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — オーク・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "모든 고대의 유물은, 당신이 그것을 힘껏 던질 수 있다면 무기로 써먹을 수 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444639,
                    "name": "오크 기물파괴자",
                    "text": "{T}, 마법물체 한 개를 희생한다: 원하는 목표를 정한다. 오크 기물파괴자는 그 목표에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 오크 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Toda relíquia antiga é uma arma se for atirada com força suficiente.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444908,
                    "name": "Vândalo Órquico",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrifique um artefato: Vândalo Órquico causa 2 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Orc Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Любая древняя реликвия может быть оружием — если швырнуть ее как следует.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445177,
                    "name": "Орк-Вандал",
                    "text": "{T}, пожертвуйте артефакт: Орк-Вандал наносит 2 повреждения любой цели.",
                    "type": "Существо — Орк Воин"
                    "flavorText": "只要用足力气投掷,每个远古遗物都能成为武器。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445446,
                    "name": "莽撞半兽人",
                    "text": "{T},牺牲一个神器:莽撞半兽人对任意一个目标造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~半兽人/战士"
                    "flavorText": "只要用足力氣投擲,每個遠古遺物都能成為武器。",
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                    "name": "莽撞半獸人",
                    "text": "{T},犧牲一個神器:莽撞半獸人對任意一個目標造成2點傷害。",
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                    "flavorText": "„An den Ausgrabungsleiter: Der Zeitplan für die Fundstätte 93-Beta muss neu überarbeitet werden. Ein Teil des Ausgrabungsorts hat sich gerade davongemacht.\" —Tolarianischer Archäologe",
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                    "flavorText": "\"A la atención del departamento de arqueología: Es necesario revisar el calendario de excavación del yacimiento 93-beta. Parte de él acaba de... marcharse por su propio pie\". —Mensaje oficial tolariano",
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                    "flavorText": "\"À chefia de Achados Arqueológicos: O cronograma da escavação do sítio 93-beta precisa ser revisado. Parte do sítio saiu andando.\" — Comunicação do campo tolariano",
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                    "flavorText": "「考古部部长:急需改订93乙挖掘场的开挖日期。该地一部已自行离开。」 ~陶拉里亚现场调度电文",
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            "flavorText": "A pegasus chooses its rider, bearing the worthy into the clouds and tossing all others to the ground.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ein Pegasus wählt sich seinen Reiter. Er trägt die Würdigen in die Lüfte und stößt alle anderen hinab.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443186,
                    "name": "Pegasus-Renner",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nImmer wenn der Pegasus-Renner angreift, erhält eine andere angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl Flugfähigkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Pegasus"
                    "flavorText": "Un pegaso elige a su jinete; llevará a los dignos hasta las nubes, pero arrojará al suelo al resto.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443455,
                    "name": "Pegaso de combate",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nSiempre que el Pegaso de combate ataque, otra criatura atacante objetivo gana la habilidad de volar hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Pegaso"
                    "flavorText": "Un pégase choisit son cavalier, portant celui qui en est digne jusqu'au firmament, et jetant les autres au sol.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443724,
                    "name": "Coursier pégase",
                    "text": "Vol\nÀ chaque fois que le Coursier pégase attaque, une autre créature attaquante ciblée acquiert le vol jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : pégase"
                    "flavorText": "Ogni pegaso sceglie il proprio cavaliere, conducendo tra le nubi l'unico ritenuto degno e scagliando tutti gli altri a terra.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443993,
                    "name": "Pegaso Corsiere",
                    "text": "Volare\nOgniqualvolta il Pegaso Corsiere attacca, un'altra creatura attaccante bersaglio ha volare fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Pegaso"
                    "flavorText": "ペガサスは乗り手を選ぶ。相応しい者を雲上に運び、他の者はすべて地面に落とすのだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444262,
                    "name": "ペガサスの駿馬",
                    "text": "飛行\nペガサスの駿馬が攻撃するたび、他の攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは飛行を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ペガサス"
                    "flavorText": "구름을 뚫고 날아오를 수 있는 페가수스는 자신의 기수를 직접 정하며, 자격 없는 자들을 땅에 내동댕이친다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444531,
                    "name": "페가수스 군마",
                    "text": "비행\n페가수스 군마가 공격할 때마다, 공격 중인 다른 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 비행을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 페가수스"
                    "flavorText": "É o pégaso quem escolhe seu ginete, levando os dignos às nuvens e todos os outros ao chão.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444800,
                    "name": "Pégaso Veloz",
                    "text": "Voar\nToda vez que Pégaso Veloz ataca, outra criatura atacante alvo ganha voar até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Pégaso"
                    "flavorText": "Пегас сам выбирает своего наездника: достойного он поднимает к облакам, а остальных сбрасывает на землю.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445069,
                    "name": "Быстрокрылый Пегас",
                    "text": "Полет\nКаждый раз, когда Быстрокрылый Пегас атакует, другое целевое атакующее существо получает Полет до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Пегас"
                    "flavorText": "飞马会挑选自己的骑手,合格者能坐上马背直闯云霄,不够格的则会被无情抛落地面。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445338,
                    "name": "飞天骏马",
                    "text": "飞行\n每当飞天骏马攻击时,另一个目标进行攻击的生物获得飞行异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~飞马"
                    "flavorText": "飛馬會挑選自己的騎手,合格者能坐上馬背直闖雲霄,不夠格的則會被無情拋落地面。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445607,
                    "name": "飛天駿馬",
                    "text": "飛行\n每當飛天駿馬攻擊時,另一個目標進行攻擊的生物獲得飛行異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~飛馬"
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            "name": "Pegasus Courser",
            "number": "29",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhenever Pegasus Courser attacks, another target attacking creature gains flying until end of turn.",
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 164487,
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            "text": "Flying\nWhenever Pegasus Courser attacks, another target attacking creature gains flying until end of turn.",
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                    "name": "Phyrexias Heilige Schrift",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI — Lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf bis zu eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. Die Kreatur wird zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Typen zu einem Artefakt.\nII — Zerstöre alle Nichtartefaktkreaturen.\nIII — Schicke alle Karten aus allen Friedhöfen deiner Gegner ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443526,
                    "name": "Las Escrituras pirexianas",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI — Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre hasta una criatura objetivo. Esa criatura se convierte en un artefacto además de sus otros tipos.\nII — Destruye todas las criaturas que no sean artefacto.\nIII — Exilia todas las cartas de los cementerios de todos los oponentes.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443795,
                    "name": "Les Saintes Écritures phyrexianes",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI — Ciblez jusqu'à une créature. Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur elle. Cette créature devient un artefact en plus de ses autres types.\nII — Détruisez toutes les créatures non-artefact.\nIII — Exilez toutes les cartes des cimetières de tous les adversaires.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444064,
                    "name": "Sacre Scritture di Phyrexia",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI — Scegli fino a una creatura bersaglio. Metti un segnalino +1/+1 su di essa. Quella creatura diventa un artefatto in aggiunta ai suoi altri tipi.\nII — Distruggi tutte le creature non artefatto.\nIII — Esilia tutte le carte dai cimiteri di tutti gli avversari.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444333,
                    "name": "ファイレクシア教典",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI ― クリーチャー最大1体を対象とし、それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。そのクリーチャーは、それの他のタイプに加えてアーティファクトになる。\nII ― アーティファクトでないクリーチャーをすべて破壊する。\nIII ― 対戦相手すべての墓地からカードをすべて追放する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444602,
                    "name": "피렉시아의 성서",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI — 생물을 최대 한 개까지 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 그 생물은 자신의 원래 유형에 더불어 마법물체가 된다.\nII — 모든 마법물체가 아닌 생물을 파괴한다.\nIII — 모든 상대의 무덤에서 모든 카드를 추방한다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444871,
                    "name": "Escrituras Phyrexianas",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI — Coloque um marcador +1/+1 em até uma criatura alvo. Aquela criatura se torna um artefato além de seus outros tipos.\nII — Destrua todas as criaturas que não sejam artefatos.\nIII — Exile todos os cards dos cemitérios de todos os oponentes.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445140,
                    "name": "Фирексийские Писания",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI — Положите один жетон +1/+1 на не более чем одно целевое существо. То существо становится артефактом в дополнение к своим другим типам.\nII — Уничтожьте все не являющиеся артефактами существа.\nIII — Изгоните все карты из кладбищ всех оппонентов.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445409,
                    "name": "非瑞克西亚经文",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI — 在至多一个目标生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。该生物额外具有神器此类别。\nII — 消灭所有非神器的生物。\nIII — 放逐所有对手坟墓场中的所有牌。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445678,
                    "name": "非瑞克西亞經文",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI — 在至多一個目標生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。該生物額外具有神器此類別。\nII — 消滅所有非神器的生物。\nIII — 放逐所有對手墳墓場中的所有牌。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442988,
            "name": "Phyrexian Scriptures",
            "number": "100",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI — Put a +1/+1 counter on up to one target creature. That creature becomes an artifact in addition to its other types.\nII — Destroy all nonartifact creatures.\nIII — Exile all cards from all opponents' graveyards.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The effect of Phyrexian Scriptures’s first chapter ability lasts indefinitely. It doesn’t expire when Phyrexian Scriptures leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
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                    "flavorText": "罗堰的妖精把弩炮藏在森林上层枝桠间,随时准备清除空中入侵者。",
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                    "name": "마법석 조각",
                    "text": "{T}: 당신이 조종하는 이름이 마법석 조각인 마법물체 한 개당 {C}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"A luz que passa por uma pedra de energia é refratada pela eternidade e colorida pela energia planar. Pergunto-me que aparência tinha o mundo aos olhos de Urza.\" — Teferi",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444998,
                    "name": "Fragmento de Pedra de Energia",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {C} para cada artefato que você controla chamado Fragmento de Pedra de Energia.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Свет, проходящий через камень силы, преломляется в вечности и окрашивается энергией миров. Интересно, как выглядел мир в глазах Урзы?» — Тефери",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445267,
                    "name": "Осколок Камня Силы",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {C} за каждый артефакт с именем Осколок Камня Силы под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「光线穿过魔力石的时候,会被永恒的时间屈折,并染上当地时空的能量颜色。不知在克撒的眼里世界是何等模样?」 ~泰菲力",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445536,
                    "name": "魔力石碎片",
                    "text": "{T}:你每操控一个名称为魔力石碎片的神器,便加{C}。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「光線穿過魔力石的時候,會被永恆的時間曲折,並染上當地時空的能量顏色。不知在克撒的眼裡世界是何等模樣?」 ~泰菲力",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445805,
                    "name": "魔力石碎片",
                    "text": "{T}:你每操控一個名稱為魔力石碎片的神器,便加{C}。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}",
            "multiverseId": 443115,
            "name": "Powerstone Shard",
            "number": "227",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {C} for each artifact you control named Powerstone Shard.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Powerstone Shard’s activated ability is a mana ability. It doesn’t use the stack and can’t be responded to."
            "scryfallId": "d62fd366-c287-48c3-9ded-5dc63a34518c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "31871d8b-e315-4e70-ae84-f9264529f0af",
            "scryfallOracleId": "769c45ae-5d49-4815-944e-98790ad4efb0",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162129,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {C} for each artifact you control named Powerstone Shard.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e73b6736-077a-534c-bd96-23ee427de50a",
            "uuidV421": "ad800a4a-95a9-528b-8b8d-1a82b6097207"
            "artist": "Adam Paquette",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443218,
                    "name": "Präkognitionsfeld",
                    "text": "Du kannst dir die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek anschauen. (Du kannst dies jederzeit tun.)\nDu kannst die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek wirken, falls es eine Spontanzauber- oder Hexereikarte ist.\n{3}: Schicke die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443487,
                    "name": "Campo precognitivo",
                    "text": "Puedes mirar la primera carta de tu biblioteca. (Puedes hacer esto en cualquier momento.)\nPuedes lanzar la primera carta de tu biblioteca si es una carta de instantáneo o de conjuro.\n{3}: Exilia la primera carta de tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443756,
                    "name": "Champ de préscience",
                    "text": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque. (Vous pouvez faire ceci à tout moment.)\nVous pouvez lancer la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque si c'est une carte d'éphémère ou de rituel.\n{3} : Exilez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444025,
                    "name": "Campo di Precognizione",
                    "text": "Puoi guardare la prima carta del tuo grimorio. (Puoi farlo in qualsiasi momento.)\nPuoi lanciare la prima carta del tuo grimorio se è una carta istantaneo o stregoneria.\n{3}: Esilia la prima carta del tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444294,
                    "name": "前知の場",
                    "text": "あなたはあなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを見てもよい。(これはいつでも行ってよい。)\nあなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードがインスタントかソーサリーであるカードであるなら、あなたはそれを唱えてもよい。\n{3}:あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを追放する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444563,
                    "name": "예지장",
                    "text": "당신은 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드를 볼 수 있다. (당신은 언제든지 이렇게 할 수 있다.)\n당신의 서고 맨 위 카드가 순간마법 또는 집중마법 카드라면 당신은 그 카드를 발동할 수 있다.\n{3}: 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드를 추방한다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444832,
                    "name": "Campo de Precognição",
                    "text": "Você pode olhar o card do topo de seu grimório. (Você pode fazer isso a qualquer momento.)\nVocê pode conjurar o card do topo de seu grimório se for um card de mágica instantânea ou feitiço.\n{3}: Exile o card do topo de seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445101,
                    "name": "Поле Прорицания",
                    "text": "Вы можете посмотреть верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки. (Вы можете делать это в любое время.)\nВы можете разыграть верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки, если это карта мгновенного заклинания или волшебства.\n{3}: изгоните верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445370,
                    "name": "预见力场",
                    "text": "你可以检视你的牌库顶牌。(你随时均可如此作。)\n如果你的牌库顶牌是瞬间或法术牌,你可以施放之。\n{3}:放逐你的牌库顶牌。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445639,
                    "name": "預見力場",
                    "text": "你可以檢視你的牌庫頂牌。(你隨時均可如此作。)\n如果你的牌庫頂牌是瞬間或巫術牌,你可以施放之。\n{3}:放逐你的牌庫頂牌。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442949,
            "name": "Precognition Field",
            "number": "61",
            "originalText": "You may look at the top card of your library. (You may do this at any time.)\nYou may cast the top card of your library if it's an instant or sorcery card.\n{3}: Exile the top card of your library.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Precognition Field lets you look at the top card of your library whenever you want (with one restriction—see below), even if you don’t have priority. This action doesn’t use the stack. Knowing what that card is becomes part of the information you have access to, just like you can look at the cards in your hand."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the top card of your library changes while you’re casting a spell or activating an ability, you can’t look at the new top card until you finish casting that spell or activating that ability. This means that if you cast the top card of your library, you can’t look at the next one until you’re done paying for that spell."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You must follow the normal timing permissions and restrictions of the cards you play from your library."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You’ll still pay all costs for that spell, including additional costs. You may also pay alternative costs such as that granted by Jodah, Archmage Eternal."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The top card of your library isn’t in your hand, so you can’t cycle it, discard it, or activate any of its activated abilities."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The card you’ll exile from the top of your library is determined as Precognition Field’s last ability resolves. This might not be the card that was on top of your library when you activated that ability."
            "scryfallId": "cf2a92ee-2b20-4299-84b2-b4963f4a42a1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b7b45538-208d-4947-af68-58e862992ab0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9c3e4bd4-2e1e-4103-adc3-f9ccc259dcdf",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162235,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "You may look at the top card of your library any time.\nYou may cast the top card of your library if it's an instant or sorcery card.\n{3}: Exile the top card of your library.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b4078d9b-0045-502b-86e6-47da66872212",
            "uuidV421": "de1e1c15-f0ab-5c92-be85-59cdd890d0cc"
            "artist": "Noah Bradley",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "flavorText": "Centuries ago, five dragons conquered death to rule the living.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Vor vielen Jahrhunderten überwanden fünf Drachen den Tod, um über die Sterblichen zu herrschen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443358,
                    "name": "Der Urzeitdrachen glorreiche Wiedergeburt",
                    "text": "(Legendäre Hexereien kannst du nur wirken, falls du eine legendäre Kreatur oder einen legendären Planeswalker kontrollierst.)\nBringe alle legendären bleibenden Karten aus deinem Friedhof ins Spiel zurück.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Hace siglos, cinco dragones vencieron a la muerte para gobernar sobre los vivos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443627,
                    "name": "Renacer glorioso de los Primigenios",
                    "text": "(Solo puedes lanzar un conjuro legendario si controlas una criatura o planeswalker legendario.)\nRegresa todas las cartas de permanente legendarias de tu cementerio al campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Conjuro legendario"
                    "flavorText": "Il y a des siècles, cinq dragons conquirent la mort pour régner sur les vivants.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443896,
                    "name": "Renaissance glorieuse des Archéens",
                    "text": "(Vous ne pouvez lancer un rituel légendaire que si vous contrôlez une créature légendaire ou un planeswalker.)\nRenvoyez sur le champ de bataille toutes les cartes de permanent légendaire depuis votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Rituel légendaire"
                    "flavorText": "Secoli fa, cinque draghi trionfarono sulla morte per dominare i vivi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444165,
                    "name": "Rinascita Gloriosa dei Primevi",
                    "text": "(Puoi lanciare una stregoneria leggendaria solo se controlli una creatura o un planeswalker leggendari.)\nRimetti sul campo di battaglia tutte le carte permanente leggendario dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria Leggendaria"
                    "flavorText": "数世紀前、5頭のドラゴンが死を征服し生を支配した。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444434,
                    "name": "上古族の栄華な再誕",
                    "text": "(伝説のソーサリーは、あなたが伝説のクリーチャーか伝説のプレインズウォーカーをコントロールしているときにのみ唱えられる。)\nあなたの墓地から伝説のパーマネント・カードをすべて戦場に戻す。",
                    "type": "伝説のソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "수 세기 전, 다섯 마리의 용이 죽음을 지배하여 산 자들을 다스렸다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444703,
                    "name": "원시용들의 영광스러운 재탄생",
                    "text": "(당신이 전설적 생물이나 플레인즈워커를 조종할 때만 전설적 집중마법을 발동할 수 있다.)\n당신의 무덤에 있는 모든 전설적 지속물 카드를 전장으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "전설적 집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Séculos atrás, cinco dragões venceram a morte para governar os vivos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444972,
                    "name": "Renascer Glorioso dos Primevos",
                    "text": "(Você só pode conjurar um feitiço lendário se controlar uma criatura lendária ou um planeswalker lendário.)\nDevolva todos os cards de permanente lendários de seu cemitério para o campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Feitiço Lendário"
                    "flavorText": "Много веков назад пятеро драконов победили смерть, чтобы править над живыми.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445241,
                    "name": "Славное Возрождение Первозданных",
                    "text": "(Вы можете разыгрывать легендарное волшебство, только если контролируете легендарное существо или planeswalker-а.)\nВерните все карты легендарных перманентов из вашего кладбища на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "数世纪前,五位龙王征服死亡统治众生。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445510,
                    "name": "太古诸龙的辉煌重生",
                    "text": "(只能于你操控传奇生物或鹏洛客时施放传奇法术。)\n将所有传奇永久物牌从你的坟墓场移回战场。",
                    "type": "传奇法术"
                    "flavorText": "數世紀前,五位龍王征服死亡統治眾生。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445779,
                    "name": "太古諸龍的輝煌重生",
                    "text": "(只能於你操控傳奇生物或鵬洛客時施放傳奇巫術。)\n將所有傳奇永久物牌從你的墳墓場移回戰場。",
                    "type": "傳奇巫術"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{W}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 443089,
            "name": "Primevals' Glorious Rebirth",
            "number": "201",
            "originalText": "(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)\nReturn all legendary permanent cards from your graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You must return all legendary permanent cards to the battlefield, even if the “legend rule” will put some right back into your graveyard. If any abilities triggered from the legendary permanents entering the battlefield, those abilities will be put onto the stack after applying the “legend rule.”"
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "All of the permanents put onto the battlefield this way enter at the same time. If any have triggered abilities that trigger on something else entering the battlefield, they’ll see each other."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can’t cast a legendary sorcery unless you control a legendary creature or a legendary planeswalker. Once you begin to cast a legendary sorcery, losing control of your legendary creatures and planeswalkers won’t affect that spell."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Other than the casting restriction, the legendary supertype on a sorcery carries no additional rules. You may cast any number of legendary sorceries in a turn, and your deck may contain any number of legendary cards (but no more than four of any with the same name)."
            "scryfallId": "80dd2950-502c-4859-85fe-9fbef09aef43",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "068524c1-8ebf-4c40-9824-d88a3fef6c32",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8de8027b-072a-474b-b76b-dc49c417cc55",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162143,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)\nReturn all legendary permanent cards from your graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "type": "Legendary Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1431fa7a-da42-5e32-a0c7-f438a1add1ef",
            "uuidV421": "004dc178-1d93-5af4-976d-67d51ac62daa"
            "artist": "Yeong-Hao Han",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"You can hear its tail thrashing from a mile away. Keep in mind that its jaws may already be half a mile closer.\" — Jenson Carthalion, Yavimaya exile",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Man hört ihn aus einer Meile Entfernung. Aber bei seiner Körperlänge könnte er sich auch bereits direkt hinter dir befinden.\" —Jenson Carthalion, Yavimaya-Flüchtling",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443334,
                    "name": "Urzeitlicher Wurm",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Wurm"
                    "flavorText": "\"El sonido de su cola arrastrándose se escucha a más de un kilómetro, pero, si lo oyes, ten en cuenta que sus mandíbulas podrían estar medio kilómetro más cerca\". —Jenson Carthalion, exiliado de Yavimaya",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443603,
                    "name": "Sierpe primordial",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sierpe"
                    "flavorText": "« Ses battements de queue s'entendent à plus d'un kilomètre à la ronde. N'oubliez jamais que sa gueule est peut-être déjà deux fois plus près. » —Jenson Carthalion, exilé de la Yavimaya",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443872,
                    "name": "Guivre primordiale",
                    "type": "Créature : guivre"
                    "flavorText": "\"Puoi sentire la sua coda sferzare il terreno da un miglio di distanza. Ricorda che le sue fauci potrebbero già essere mezzo miglio più vicine.\" —Jenson Carthalion, esule di Yavimaya",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444141,
                    "name": "Wurm Primordiale",
                    "type": "Creatura — Wurm"
                    "flavorText": "「1マイル先からでも尾が地を打つ音が聞こえるはずだ。そのときには、口は半マイル先まで来ているかも知れないがね。」 ――ヤヴィマヤを追われた者、ジェンソン・カルサリオン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444410,
                    "name": "始源のワーム",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ワーム"
                    "flavorText": "\"놈의 꼬리가 시끄럽게 내는 소리는 아주 먼 거리에서도 들을 수 있지. 놈의 아가리가 이미 훨씬 가까이 왔을지도 모른다는 걸 항상 명심해.\" —야비마야의 추방자, 젠슨 카르탈리온",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444679,
                    "name": "태고의 웜",
                    "type": "생물 — 웜"
                    "flavorText": "\"Dá para ouvir a cauda batendo a mais de um quilômetro e meio. Não se esqueça de que a mandíbula já pode estar a metade da distância.\" — Jenson Carthalion, exilado de Yavimaya",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444948,
                    "name": "Vorme Primordial",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vorme"
                    "flavorText": "«То, как он молотит хвостом по земле, слышно за милю. Не забывай, что его пасть может быть уже на полмили ближе». — Йенсон Карталион, явимайский изгнанник",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445217,
                    "name": "Первородный Вурм",
                    "type": "Существо — Вурм"
                    "flavorText": "「一哩外就能听到它的尾巴甩击声。请记得,这时它的巨颚可能距你不到半哩。」 ~亚维马雅黜人严森卡萨隆",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445486,
                    "name": "原初亚龙",
                    "type": "生物 ~亚龙"
                    "flavorText": "「一哩外就能聽到牠的尾巴甩擊聲。請記得,這時牠的巨顎可能距你不到半哩。」 ~亞維馬雅黜人嚴森卡薩隆",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445755,
                    "name": "原初亞龍",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{G}{G}",
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            "name": "Primordial Wurm",
            "number": "177",
            "originalType": "Creature — Wurm",
            "power": "7",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 164712,
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            "type": "Creature — Wurm",
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"From the volcanoes of Shiv to the Balduvian steppes, I have sought a worthy teacher. At last, I have found one.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich habe jeden Ort zwischen den Vulkanen von Shiv und den balduvianischen Steppen nach einem würdigen Lehrmeister abgesucht. Endlich habe ich einen gefunden.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 445866,
                    "name": "Pyromagischer Pilger",
                    "text": "Eile (Diese Kreatur kann angreifen und {T}, sobald sie unter deine Kontrolle kommt.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "\"He buscado un maestro digno desde los volcanes de Shiv hasta las estepas balduvianas. Por fin lo encontré\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 445876,
                    "name": "Peregrino piromántico",
                    "text": "Prisa. (Esta criatura puede atacar y {T} tan pronto como entra bajo tu control.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« J'ai cherché un professeur valeureux, des volcans de Shiv jusqu'aux steppes balduvianes. J'en ai enfin trouvé un. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 445886,
                    "name": "Pèlerin pyromantique",
                    "text": "Célérité (Cette créature peut attaquer et {T} dès le tour où elle arrive sous votre contrôle.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Dai vulcani di Shiv alle steppe di Balduvia ho cercato un insegnante degno. Finalmente la mia ricerca è conclusa.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 445896,
                    "name": "Pellegrino Piromantico",
                    "text": "Rapidità (Questa creatura può attaccare e {T} non appena entra sotto il tuo controllo.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「シヴの火山群からバルデュヴィアの大草原まで、師にふさわしい人物を探し求めた。そしてやっと、その人物を見つけた。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 445906,
                    "name": "紅蓮の巡礼者",
                    "text": "速攻(このクリーチャーは、あなたのコントロール下になってすぐに攻撃したり{T}したりできる。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "\"시브의 화산들부터 발두비아의 산비탈에 이르기까지, 나는 자격 있는 스승을 찾기를 갈구했다. 마침내, 나는 찾아냈다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 445916,
                    "name": "화염술 순례자",
                    "text": "신속 (이 생물은 당신의 조종하에 들어오자마자 공격하거나 {T}할 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Dos vulcões de Shiv às estepes balduvianas eu busquei um professor digno. Finalmente encontrei.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445926,
                    "name": "Peregrino Piromântico",
                    "text": "Ímpeto (Esta criatura pode atacar e {T} assim que passa ao seu controle.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "«От вулканов Шива до бальдувийских степей искал я достойного наставника. Наконец-то я его нашел».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445936,
                    "name": "Странствующий Пиромант",
                    "text": "Ускорение (Это существо может атаковать и {T}, как только оно попадает под ваш контроль.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "「从西瓦的火山到博都维草原,我四处寻找足以效法的老师。我终于找到了。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445946,
                    "name": "烈焰朝圣客",
                    "text": "敏捷(此生物受你操控时便能攻击与{T}。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "「從西瓦的火山到博都維草原,我四處尋找足以效法的老師。我終於找到了。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445956,
                    "name": "烈焰朝聖客",
                    "text": "敏捷(此生物受你操控時便能攻擊與{T}。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
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            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
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            "name": "Pyromantic Pilgrim",
            "number": "278",
            "originalText": "Haste (This creature can attack and {T} as soon as it comes under your control.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "3",
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 164222,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Haste (This creature can attack and {T} as soon as it comes under your control.)",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4ceadfd9-bb9b-57fb-9786-94eeed3fd835",
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "As the Cabal legions pushed into Shiv, they learned not to stand so close together.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Als die Legionen der Kabbalisten nach Shiv vordrangen, lernten sie auf schmerzhafte Weise, nicht zu dicht zusammenzustehen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443295,
                    "name": "Sprühender Blitz",
                    "text": "Der Sprühende Blitz fügt einem Spieler deiner Wahl 3 Schadenspunkte und jeder Kreatur, die er kontrolliert, 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "A medida que las legiones de la Cábala avanzaron por Shiv, aprendieron a no ponerse tan cerca unos de otros.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443564,
                    "name": "Rayo propagado",
                    "text": "El Rayo propagado hace 3 puntos de daño al jugador objetivo y 1 punto de daño a cada criatura que controla ese jugador.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Tandis que les légions de la Coterie s'enfonçaient dans Shiv, les soldats apprirent à s'écarter les uns des autres.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443833,
                    "name": "Foudre irradiante",
                    "text": "La Foudre irradiante inflige 3 blessures au joueur ciblé et 1 blessure à chaque créature que ce joueur contrôle.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Addentrandosi nella regione di Shiv, i legionari della Cabala impararono a non marciare troppo compatti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444102,
                    "name": "Fulmine a Dispersione",
                    "text": "Il Fulmine a Dispersione infligge 3 danni a un giocatore bersaglio e 1 danno a ogni creatura controllata da quel giocatore.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "シヴに入り込んだ陰謀団の軍団は、互いに近寄り過ぎるとまずいことを知った。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444371,
                    "name": "放射稲妻",
                    "text": "プレイヤー1人を対象とする。放射稲妻はそのプレイヤーに3点と、そのプレイヤーがコントロールしている各クリーチャーにそれぞれ1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "도당의 군단이 시브까지 밀어닥쳤을 때, 그들은 서로 너무 가깝게 서 있어서는 안 된다는 것을 깨닫게 되었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444640,
                    "name": "빛나는 번개",
                    "text": "플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 빛나는 번개는 그 플레이어에게 피해 3점을 입히고 그 플레이어가 조종하는 각 생물에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Conforme as legiões da Cabala avançavam em Shiv, aprendiam a não usar formações tão compactas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444909,
                    "name": "Relâmpago Irradiante",
                    "text": "Relâmpago Irradiante causa 3 pontos de dano ao jogador alvo e 1 ponto de dano a cada criatura que aquele jogador controla.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Когда легионы Кабала вторглись в Шив, солдаты быстро научились не стоять слишком близко друг к другу.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445178,
                    "name": "Лучистая Молния",
                    "text": "Лучистая Молния наносит 3 повреждения целевому игроку и 1 повреждение каждому существу под контролем того игрока.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "柯帮的万马千军一踏足西瓦,就学会了彼此不能靠太近。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445447,
                    "name": "放射闪电",
                    "text": "放射闪电对目标牌手造成3点伤害,且对每个由该牌手操控的生物各造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "柯幫的萬馬千軍一踏足西瓦,就學會了彼此不能靠太近。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445716,
                    "name": "放射閃電",
                    "text": "放射閃電對目標玩家造成3點傷害,且對每個由該玩家操控的生物各造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
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            "name": "Radiating Lightning",
            "number": "138",
            "originalText": "Radiating Lightning deals 3 damage to target player and 1 damage to each creature that player controls.",
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            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Radiating Lightning targets only the player. Creatures that player controls with hexproof will be dealt damage."
            "scryfallId": "94454128-92f1-475d-abc4-c235f501eeb6",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "9794f397-dd86-4cfe-a431-5f8d8c6b68ea",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162177,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Radiating Lightning deals 3 damage to target player and 1 damage to each creature that player controls.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
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                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443359,
                    "name": "Raff Capashen, Schiffsmagier",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nFliegend\nDu kannst historische Zaubersprüche wirken, als ob sie Aufblitzen hätten. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443628,
                    "name": "Raff Capashen, mago del barco",
                    "text": "Destello.\nVuela.\nPuedes lanzar los hechizos históricos como si tuvieran la habilidad de destello. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Hechicero humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443897,
                    "name": "Raff Capashen, mage de navire",
                    "text": "Flash\nVol\nVous pouvez lancer les sorts historiques comme s'ils avaient le flash. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et sorcier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444166,
                    "name": "Raff Capashen, Mago di Bordo",
                    "text": "Lampo\nVolare\nPuoi lanciare magie storiche come se avessero lampo. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Mago Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444435,
                    "name": "艦の魔道士、ラフ・キャパシェン",
                    "text": "瞬速\n飛行\nあなたは歴史的な呪文を、それが瞬速を持っているかのように唱えてもよい。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444704,
                    "name": "승선 마법사, 라프 카파셴",
                    "text": "섬광\n비행\n당신은 역사적 주문을 섬광을 가진 것처럼 발동할 수 있다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444973,
                    "name": "Raff Capasheno, Mago de Bordo",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nVoar\nVocê pode conjurar mágicas históricas como se elas tivessem lampejo. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Mago"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445242,
                    "name": "Рафф Капашен, Корабельный Маг",
                    "text": "Миг\nПолет\nВы можете разыгрывать исторические заклинания, как будто у них есть Миг. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445511,
                    "name": "飞船法师拉夫卡帕轩",
                    "text": "闪现\n飞行\n你可以将史迹咒语视同具有闪现异能地来施放。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445780,
                    "name": "飛船法師拉夫卡帕軒",
                    "text": "閃現\n飛行\n你可以將史跡咒語視同具有閃現異能地來施放。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/魔法師"
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            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 443090,
            "name": "Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage",
            "number": "202",
            "originalText": "Flash\nFlying\nYou may cast historic spells as though they had flash. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "3",
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            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
            "scryfallId": "674070e3-6efe-45e4-aff6-e4a49ec2106e",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164099,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nFlying\nYou may cast historic spells as though they had flash. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
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            "uuidV421": "97dde241-e867-5013-9f1a-e5bca0828255"
            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
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            "flavorText": "Keldon warriors take advantage of the cyclops's inability to focus on more than one thing at a time.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Keldonen nutzen geschickt aus, dass dem Zyklopen die Tiefenwahrnehmung fehlt.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443296,
                    "name": "Tobender Zyklop",
                    "text": "Der Tobende Zyklop erhält -2/-0, solange ihn zwei oder mehr Kreaturen blocken.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zyklop"
                    "flavorText": "Los guerreros keldon aprovechan la incapacidad del cíclope para ocuparse de más de una cosa a la vez.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443565,
                    "name": "Cíclope enfurecido",
                    "text": "El Cíclope enfurecido obtiene -2/-0 mientras dos o más criaturas lo bloqueen.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Cíclope"
                    "flavorText": "Les guerriers keldes profitent de l'incapacité des cyclopes à se concentrer sur plus d'une chose à la fois.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443834,
                    "name": "Cyclope déchaîné",
                    "text": "Le Cyclope déchaîné gagne -2/-0 tant qu'au moins deux créatures le bloquent.",
                    "type": "Créature : cyclope"
                    "flavorText": "I guerrieri di Keld sfruttano a proprio vantaggio l'incapacità dei ciclopi di concentrarsi su più di una cosa alla volta.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444103,
                    "name": "Ciclope Scatenato",
                    "text": "Il Ciclope Scatenato prende -2/-0 fintanto che è bloccato da due o più creature.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Ciclope"
                    "flavorText": "ケルドの戦士たちは、サイクロプスが同時に二つ以上のものに注意を向けられない点を利用する。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444372,
                    "name": "暴れ回るサイクロプス",
                    "text": "クリーチャーが2体以上で暴れ回るサイクロプスをブロックしているかぎり、これは-2/-0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — サイクロプス"
                    "flavorText": "켈드의 전사들은 키클롭스가 한 번에 하나의 대상에만 집중할 수 있다는 점을 잘 활용하여 싸운다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444641,
                    "name": "돌진하는 키클롭스",
                    "text": "두 개 이상의 생물이 돌진하는 키클롭스를 방어하는 한 돌진하는 키클롭스는 -2/-0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 키클롭스"
                    "flavorText": "Os guerreiros keldonianos se aproveitam da incapacidade do ciclope de se concentrar em mais de uma coisa de cada vez.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444910,
                    "name": "Ciclope Enfurecido",
                    "text": "Ciclope Enfurecido recebe -2/-0 enquanto duas ou mais criaturas o estiverem bloqueando.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ciclope"
                    "flavorText": "Келдонские воины хорошо знают, что циклоп не может сосредоточиться на двух врагах одновременно.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445179,
                    "name": "Неистовый Циклоп",
                    "text": "Неистовый Циклоп получает -2/-0, пока его блокируют два или более существа.",
                    "type": "Существо — Циклоп"
                    "flavorText": "凯尔顿的战士会利用独眼巨人无法一眼尽观全局的弱点。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445448,
                    "name": "莽闯独眼巨人",
                    "text": "只要莽闯独眼巨人被两个或更多生物阻挡,它便得-2/-0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~独眼巨人"
                    "flavorText": "凱爾頓的戰士會利用獨眼巨人無法一眼盡觀全局的弱點。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445717,
                    "name": "莽闖獨眼巨人",
                    "text": "只要莽闖獨眼巨人被兩個或更多生物阻擋,它便得-2/-0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~獨眼巨人"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443027,
            "name": "Rampaging Cyclops",
            "number": "139",
            "originalText": "Rampaging Cyclops gets -2/-0 as long as two or more creatures are blocking it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Cyclops",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If all but one of Rampaging Cyclops’s blockers are removed from combat, Rampaging Cyclops’s effect immediately stops reducing its power."
            "scryfallId": "7fdac0c6-bf72-4a9b-9fad-ae7bc2632a4a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "114dffa6-3965-4c71-9278-64c887d12ba2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "cee8ad22-12a7-4da6-a7d9-e205ada16489",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162178,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Rampaging Cyclops gets -2/-0 as long as two or more creatures are blocking it.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Cyclops",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "841ad41f-62eb-50d6-a87f-152380a27902",
            "uuidV421": "95a434c6-247e-5a9d-ac78-5ac25b158df0"
            "artist": "Suzanne Helmigh",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Wreckage from the Phyrexian Invasion provided the rats with a seemingly unlimited number of breeding grounds.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die zerstörten Maschinen der phyrexianischen Invasion boten den Ratten endlos viele Verstecke, in denen sie sich rasant vermehrten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443258,
                    "name": "Rattenkolonie",
                    "text": "Die Rattenkolonie erhält +1/+0 für jede andere Ratte, die du kontrollierst.\nEin Deck kann eine beliebige Anzahl an Karten namens Rattenkolonie enthalten.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Ratte"
                    "flavorText": "Las ruinas que quedaron después de la invasión pirexiana ofrecieron a las ratas una cantidad prácticamente ilimitada de lugares donde reproducirse.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443527,
                    "name": "Colonia de ratas",
                    "text": "La Colonia de ratas obtiene +1/+0 por cada otra Rata que controlas.\nUn mazo puede tener cualquier cantidad de cartas llamadas Colonia de ratas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Rata"
                    "flavorText": "Les décombres laissés par l'invasion phyrexiane constituèrent un terrain propice à la reproduction des rats.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443796,
                    "name": "Nichée de rats",
                    "text": "La Nichée de rats gagne +1/+0 pour chaque autre rat que vous contrôlez.\nUn deck peut contenir n'importe quel nombre de cartes appelées Nichée de rats.",
                    "type": "Créature : Rat"
                    "flavorText": "Le macerie lasciate dall'invasione di Phyrexia fornirono ai ratti terreni di riproduzione praticamente illimitati.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444065,
                    "name": "Colonia di Ratti",
                    "text": "La Colonia di Ratti prende +1/+0 per ogni altro Ratto che controlli.\nUn mazzo può avere un qualsiasi numero di carte chiamate Colonia di Ratti.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Ratto"
                    "flavorText": "ファイレクシアの侵攻で破壊された残骸が、ネズミの無制限な繁殖場所になっている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444334,
                    "name": "ネズミの群棲",
                    "text": "ネズミの群棲は、あなたがコントロールしている他のネズミ1体につき+1/+0の修整を受ける。\nデッキには「ネズミの群棲」という名前のカードを何枚入れてもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ネズミ"
                    "flavorText": "피렉시아의 침략으로 인해 생겨난 폐허는, 쥐들이 거의 무한정으로 번식할 수 있는 터전이 되어 주었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444603,
                    "name": "쥐떼 소굴",
                    "text": "쥐떼 소굴은 당신이 조종하는 다른 쥐 한 개당 +1/+0을 받는다.\n이름이 쥐떼 소굴인 카드는 덱에 몇 장이든 넣을 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 쥐"
                    "flavorText": "Os destroços da invasão phyrexiana forneceram aos ratos um número aparentemente ilimitado de locais para procriar.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444872,
                    "name": "Colônia de Ratos",
                    "text": "Colônia de Ratos recebe +1/+0 para cada outro Rato que você controla.\nUm deck pode ter qualquer número de cards com o nome Colônia de Ratos.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Rato"
                    "flavorText": "Обломки, оставшиеся после фирексийского вторжения, стали настоящими дворцами для гнездовий крыс.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445141,
                    "name": "Колония Крыс",
                    "text": "Колония Крыс получает +1/+0 за каждую другую Крысу под вашим контролем.\nВ колоде может быть любое количество карт с именем Колония Крыс.",
                    "type": "Существо — Крыса"
                    "flavorText": "非瑞克西亚大战役后留下的残迹为老鼠带来了近乎无限繁衍的温床。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445410,
                    "name": "老鼠群落",
                    "text": "你每操控一个其他的老鼠,老鼠群落便得+1/+0。\n名称为老鼠群落的牌,在套牌中的数量不受限制。",
                    "type": "生物 ~老鼠"
                    "flavorText": "非瑞克西亞大戰役後留下的殘跡為老鼠帶來了近乎無限繁衍的溫床。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445679,
                    "name": "老鼠群落",
                    "text": "你每操控一個其他的老鼠,老鼠群落便得+1/+0。\n名稱為老鼠群落的牌,在套牌中之數量不受限制。",
                    "type": "生物 ~老鼠"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442989,
            "name": "Rat Colony",
            "number": "101",
            "originalText": "Rat Colony gets +1/+0 for each other Rat you control.\nA deck can have any number of cards named Rat Colony.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Rat",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Rat Colony’s last ability lets you ignore only the “four-of” rule. It doesn’t let you ignore format legality."
            "scryfallId": "4f618e07-f06f-45d2-8512-e6cef88c0434",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "61f5ec43-f7cb-438c-9771-da2abb6f027e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ec77d23b-0165-450d-9aae-73b755163753",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162175,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Rat Colony gets +1/+0 for each other Rat you control.\nA deck can have any number of cards named Rat Colony.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Rat",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "51e38106-250e-5996-b71b-99b790a96bc5",
            "uuidV421": "9363d7fe-ec21-58f8-a437-956e2a5db74a"
            "artist": "Josu Hernaiz",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Her knack for tampering with wards got her kicked out of the academy, but they also got her back in.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ihr Talent, jeden Schutzzauber aushebeln zu können, führte zu ihren Rauswurf aus der Akademie und ermöglichte auch ihre Rückkehr.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443219,
                    "name": "Reliktläuferin",
                    "text": "Die Reliktläuferin kann nicht geblockt werden, falls du in diesem Zug einen historischen Zauberspruch gewirkt hast. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "Sus trucos para alterar las guardas hicieron que la expulsaran de la Academia... pero también le permitieron regresar.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443488,
                    "name": "Apropiadora de reliquias",
                    "text": "La Apropiadora de reliquias no puede ser bloqueada si lanzaste un hechizo histórico este turno. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón humano"
                    "flavorText": "Son talent pour forcer les protections magiques la fit renvoyer de l'académie, mais lui permit également d'y revenir.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443757,
                    "name": "Coureuse de reliques",
                    "text": "La Coureuse de reliques ne peut pas être bloquée si vous avez lancé un sort historique ce tour-ci. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "Il suo talento nel manomettere sigilli la fece espellere dall'Accademia, ma la fece anche rientrare.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444026,
                    "name": "Trafficante di Reliquie",
                    "text": "La Trafficante di Reliquie non può essere bloccata se hai lanciato una magia storica in questo turno. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Umano"
                    "flavorText": "護法印に干渉する才能のせいでアカデミーから追放されたが、その才能を使ってまた中に入ることができた。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444295,
                    "name": "秘宝を追う者",
                    "text": "あなたがこのターンに歴史的な呪文を唱えていたなら、秘宝を追う者はブロックされない。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "그녀는 보호 마법을 종종 조작하여 아카데미에서 쫓겨났지만, 그 실력은 또한 그녀를 아카데미로 다시 불러들이는 이유가 되었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444564,
                    "name": "유물 질주자",
                    "text": "당신이 이번 턴에 역사적 주문을 발동했다면 유물 질주자는 방어될 수 없다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 도적"
                    "flavorText": "Seu talento para mexer com proteções fez com que fosse expulsa da academia, mas também fez com que voltasse.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444833,
                    "name": "Corredora das Relíquias",
                    "text": "Corredora das Relíquias não pode ser bloqueada se você conjurou uma mágica histórica neste turno. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "Страсть возиться с оберегами привела к тому, что ее исключили из академии, но эта же страсть позволила ей вернуться.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445102,
                    "name": "Воровка Реликвий",
                    "text": "Воровка Реликвий не может быть заблокирована, если в этом ходу вы разыграли историческое заклинание. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "她精于干扰法术守护,因而被逐出学院;但这能耐让她来去自如。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445371,
                    "name": "亡命窃宝客",
                    "text": "如果你于本回合中施放过史迹咒语,则亡命窃宝客不能被阻挡。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "她精於干擾魔法守護,因而被逐出學院;但這能耐讓她來去自如。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445640,
                    "name": "亡命竊寶客",
                    "text": "如果你於本回合中施放過史跡咒語,則亡命竊寶客不能被阻擋。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442950,
            "name": "Relic Runner",
            "number": "62",
            "originalText": "Relic Runner can't be blocked if you've cast a historic spell this turn. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
            "scryfallId": "76e5993e-f619-4de5-aa94-7569b0efe415",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "77708926-4c48-4592-b829-b70c02151347",
            "scryfallOracleId": "69e4e5bf-f0e2-4ed1-8b17-c8c7a9381551",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164694,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Relic Runner can't be blocked if you've cast a historic spell this turn. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4f761205-40a0-5327-b381-9a6b35d3d843",
            "uuidV421": "a3b40b5c-2df0-57b8-8519-70da30c46015"
            "artist": "Joe Slucher",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "With just a few seconds to escape, Deryan saved Hurkyl's editions on restoring physical objects from ash.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Deryan blieben nur wenige Sekunden zur Flucht, doch es gelang ihm, Hurkyls Aufzeichnungen zur Wiederherstellung physischer Objekte aus Asche zu retten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443220,
                    "name": "Rettung",
                    "text": "Bringe eine bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Al tener solo unos segundos para escapar, Deryan salvó las obras de Hurkyl sobre cómo restaurar objetos físicos a partir de sus cenizas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443489,
                    "name": "Rescate",
                    "text": "Regresa el permanente objetivo que controlas a la mano de su propietario.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Ne disposant que de quelques secondes pour s'enfuir, Deryan sauva les éditions d'Hurkyl sur la restauration des objets matériels à partir de leurs cendres.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443758,
                    "name": "Opération de sauvetage",
                    "text": "Renvoyez le permanent ciblé que vous contrôlez dans la main de son propriétaire.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Gli restavano pochi secondi per fuggire, ma Deryan mise in salvo i volumi di Hurkyl sul restauro degli oggetti fisici dalle ceneri.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444027,
                    "name": "Salvataggio",
                    "text": "Fai tornare un permanente bersaglio che controlli in mano al suo proprietario.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "逃げ出すわずか数秒の間にデリヤンは、物品の召還に関するハーキルの著作が灰になるところを救った。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444296,
                    "name": "救出",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているパーマネント1つを対象とし、それをオーナーの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "도망이나 칠 수 있는 겨우 몇 초의 순간에, 데리안은 재에서 물체를 수복하는 허킬의 저서들을 무사히 구해냈다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444565,
                    "name": "구조",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Com poucos segundos para escapar, Deryan salvou as edições de Hurkyl sobre a restauração de objetos físicos a partir das cinzas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444834,
                    "name": "Salvamento",
                    "text": "Devolva a permanente alvo que você controla para a mão de seu dono.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "У Дериана было всего несколько секунд, чтобы спастись, но он успел прихватить с собой труды Геркили по восстановлению физических объектов из пепла.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445103,
                    "name": "Спасение",
                    "text": "Верните целевой перманент под вашим контролем в руку его владельца.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "在短短数秒的逃生瞬间,德扬救下了河鼓有关从灰烬复原物品的典籍。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445372,
                    "name": "拯救",
                    "text": "将目标由你操控的永久物移回其拥有者手上。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "在短短數秒的逃生瞬間,德揚救下了河鼓有關從灰燼復原物品的典籍。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445641,
                    "name": "拯救",
                    "text": "將目標由你操控的永久物移回其擁有者手上。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442951,
            "name": "Rescue",
            "number": "63",
            "originalText": "Return target permanent you control to its owner's hand.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "08050607-b558-4f99-b716-bbbab54e9b68",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "15d5f6ed-f0d4-4416-9e58-ed5981d71a8c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f0ae687a-7222-4521-a514-ba10373fed7e",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164695,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Return target permanent you control to its owner's hand.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4181e155-8e94-5d90-a722-5e1f40aabb7b",
            "uuidV421": "b6e83095-c72c-50a8-a60d-510251d7204f"
            "artist": "Seb McKinnon",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443259,
                    "name": "Ritus des Belzenlok",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI, II — Erzeuge zwei 0/1 schwarze Kleriker-Kreaturenspielsteine.\nIII — Erzeuge einen 6/6 schwarzen Dämon-Kreaturenspielstein. Er hat Flugfähigkeit, verursacht Trampelschaden und hat „Opfere zu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments eine andere Kreatur. Falls du das nicht kannst, fügt dir diese Kreatur 6 Schadenspunkte zu.\"",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443528,
                    "name": "Rito de Belzenlok",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI, II — Crea dos fichas de criatura Clérigo negras 0/1.\nIII — Crea una ficha de criatura Demonio negra 6/6 con las habilidades de volar y arrollar y \"Al comienzo de tu mantenimiento, sacrifica otra criatura. Si no puedes, esta criatura te hace 6 puntos de daño\".",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443797,
                    "name": "Rituel de Belzenlok",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI, II — Créez deux jetons de créature 0/1 noire Clerc.\nIII — Créez un jeton de créature 6/6 noire Démon avec le vol, le piétinement et « Au début de votre entretien, sacrifiez une autre créature. Si vous ne pouvez pas le faire, cette créature vous inflige 6 blessures. »",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444066,
                    "name": "Rito di Belzenlok",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI, II — Crea due pedine creatura Chierico 0/1 nere.\nIII — Crea una pedina creatura Demone 6/6 nera con volare, travolgere e \"All'inizio del tuo mantenimento, sacrifica un'altra creatura. Se non puoi farlo, questa creatura ti infligge 6 danni\".",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444335,
                    "name": "ベルゼンロック典礼",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI, II ― 黒の0/1のクレリック・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。\nIII ― 飛行とトランプルと「あなたのアップキープの開始時に、他のクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる。そうできないなら、このクリーチャーはあなたに6点のダメージを与える。」を持つ黒の6/6のデーモン・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444604,
                    "name": "벨젠로크의 의식",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI, II — 0/1 흑색 성직자 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다.\nIII — 비행, 돌진 및 \"당신의 유지단 시작에, 다른 생물 한 개를 희생한다. 그럴 수 없다면, 이 생물은 당신에게 피해 6점을 입힌다.\"를 가진 6/6 흑색 악마 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444873,
                    "name": "Rito de Belzenlok",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI, II — Crie duas fichas de criatura preta 0/1 do tipo Clérigo.\nIII — Crie uma ficha de criatura preta 6/6 do tipo Demônio com voar, atropelar e \"No início de sua manutenção, sacrifique outra criatura. Se não puder, esta criatura causará 6 pontos de dano a você.\"",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445142,
                    "name": "Обряд Бельзенлока",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI, II — Создайте две фишки существа 0/1 черный Священник.\nIII — Создайте одну фишку существа 6/6 черный Демон с Полетом, Пробивным ударом и способностью «В начале вашего шага поддержки пожертвуйте другое существо. Если вы не можете этого сделать, это существо наносит вам 6 повреждений».",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445411,
                    "name": "贝赞洛仪式",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI, II — 派出两个0/1黑色僧侣衍生生物。\nIII — 派出一个6/6黑色,具飞行与践踏异能的恶魔衍生生物,且具有「在你的维持开始时,牺牲另一个生物。若你无法如此作,则此生物对你造成6点伤害。」",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445680,
                    "name": "貝贊洛儀式",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI, II — 派出兩個0/1黑色僧侶衍生生物。\nIII — 派出一個6/6黑色,具飛行與踐踏異能的惡魔衍生生物,且具有「在你的維持開始時,犧牲另一個生物。若你無法如此作,則此生物對你造成6點傷害。」",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442990,
            "name": "Rite of Belzenlok",
            "names": [],
            "number": "102",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Create two 0/1 black Cleric creature tokens.\nIII — Create a 6/6 black Demon creature token with flying, trample, and \"At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice another creature. If you can't, this creature deals 6 damage to you.\"",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "1ed7cca3-79be-44ca-bf10-2ae1c0835ed1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7c1796fd-612e-4891-a7bc-9c94e5dfc3fa",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a3b2e0a2-f4ad-457b-ae70-7732bc3479ff",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164399,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Create two 0/1 black Cleric creature tokens.\nIII — Create a 6/6 black Demon creature token with flying, trample, and \"At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice another creature. If you can't, this creature deals 6 damage to you.\"",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "cdb3fbae-4027-5b62-960d-06a2d5551d1b",
            "uuidV421": "7cbbf54e-ecf7-5880-929e-4cbb664be1b0"
            "artist": "Tommy Arnold",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443360,
                    "name": "Rona, Schülerin des Gix",
                    "text": "Wenn Rona, Schülerin des Gix, ins Spiel kommt, kannst du eine historische Karte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof ins Exil schicken. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)\nDu kannst Karten wirken, die keine Länder sind und die mit Rona ins Exil geschickt wurden.\n{4}, {T}: Schicke die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Handwerker"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443629,
                    "name": "Rona, discípula de Gix",
                    "text": "Cuando Rona, discípula de Gix entre al campo de batalla, puedes exiliar la carta histórica objetivo de tu cementerio. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)\nPuedes lanzar las cartas que no sean tierra exiliadas con Rona.\n{4}, {T}: Exilia la primera carta de tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Artífice humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443898,
                    "name": "Rona, disciple de Gix",
                    "text": "Quand Rona, disciple de Gix arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez exiler une carte historique ciblée depuis votre cimetière. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)\nVous pouvez lancer des cartes non-terrain exilées par Rona.\n{4}, {T} : Exilez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et artificier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444167,
                    "name": "Rona, Discepola di Gix",
                    "text": "Quando Rona, Discepola di Gix entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi esiliare una carta storica bersaglio dal tuo cimitero. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)\nPuoi lanciare le carte non terra esiliate con Rona.\n{4}, {T}: Esilia la prima carta del tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Artefice Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444436,
                    "name": "ギックスの信奉者、ローナ",
                    "text": "ギックスの信奉者、ローナが戦場に出たとき、あなたはあなたの墓地から歴史的なカード1枚を対象とし、それを追放してもよい。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)\nあなたはギックスの信奉者、ローナにより追放された土地でないカードを唱えてもよい。\n{4}, {T}:あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを追放する。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・工匠"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444705,
                    "name": "긱스의 제자, 로나",
                    "text": "긱스의 제자, 로나가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신의 무덤에 있는 역사적 카드를 목표로 정한다. 당신은 그 카드를 추방할 수 있다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)\n당신은 로나로 추방한 대지가 아닌 카드를 발동할 수 있다.\n{4}, {T}: 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드를 추방한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 기능공"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444974,
                    "name": "Rona, Discípula de Gix",
                    "text": "Quando Rona, Discípula de Gix, entra no campo de batalha, você pode exilar o card histórico alvo de seu cemitério. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)\nVocê pode conjurar cards que não sejam de terreno exilados com Rona.\n{4}, {T}: Exile o card do topo de seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Artesão"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445243,
                    "name": "Рона, Ученица Гикса",
                    "text": "Когда Рона, Ученица Гикса выходит на поле битвы, вы можете изгнать из вашего кладбища целевую историческую карту. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)\nВы можете разыгрывать не являющиеся землями карты, изгнанные Роной.\n{4}, {T}: изгоните верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Механик"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445512,
                    "name": "基克斯信徒罗娜",
                    "text": "当基克斯信徒罗娜进战场时,你可以将目标史迹牌从你的坟墓场放逐。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)\n你可以施放以罗娜放逐的非地牌。\n{4},{T}:放逐你的牌库顶牌。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/神器师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445781,
                    "name": "基克斯信徒羅娜",
                    "text": "當基克斯信徒羅娜進戰場時,你可以將目標史跡牌從你的墳墓場放逐。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)\n你可以施放以羅娜放逐的非地牌。\n{4},{T}:放逐你的牌庫頂牌。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/神器師"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 443091,
            "name": "Rona, Disciple of Gix",
            "number": "203",
            "originalText": "When Rona, Disciple of Gix enters the battlefield, you may exile target historic card from your graveyard. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)\nYou may cast nonland cards exiled with Rona.\n{4}, {T}: Exile the top card of your library.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Artificer",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Rona leaves the battlefield, the exiled cards will remain exiled indefinitely. If Rona enters the battlefield again, it won’t be associated with the cards the “other” Rona exiled. The new Rona will exile a new set of cards with its first and last abilities. Only those cards can be cast using the new Rona’s middle ability."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The cards exiled from your library are exiled face up."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "After Rona’s last ability resolves, you have priority if it’s your turn. You can cast the exiled card before any player can take other actions if it’s legal to do so."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You must follow the normal timing permissions and restrictions of the cards you cast from exile."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You’ll still pay all costs for that spell, including additional costs. You may also pay alternative costs such as that granted by Jodah, Archmage Eternal."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The exiled cards aren’t in your hand, so you can’t cycle them, discard them, or activate any of their activated abilities."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once you begin to cast a card, losing control of Rona won’t affect the spell."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The card you’ll exile from the top of your library is determined as Rona’s last ability resolves. This might not be the card that was on top of your library when you activated that ability."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
            "scryfallId": "45420f5e-f7f8-4db7-9b54-e2fa1be22094",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3bbaac19-62b4-44a2-8fe4-6a5cb0fcdbcf",
            "scryfallOracleId": "409305b3-5373-4376-8096-c04a73184cef",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162145,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Rona, Disciple of Gix enters the battlefield, you may exile target historic card from your graveyard. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)\nYou may cast nonland cards exiled with Rona.\n{4}, {T}: Exile the top card of your library.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Artificer",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1e85fbb9-5c0b-5524-9d99-655bf7adc28d",
            "uuidV421": "4ceca053-4755-5e1e-8960-ee05379ef93d"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Keld faced an apocalypse to fulfill a dire prophecy. Now Keldons have nothing left to believe in except themselves.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Keld begegnete der Apokalypse, um eine düstere Prophezeiung zu erfüllen. Nun glauben die Keldonen an nichts mehr, außer an sich selbst.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443297,
                    "name": "Amok laufen",
                    "text": "Eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +3/+3 und verursacht Trampelschaden bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Keld se vio abocada al apocalipsis para cumplir una profecía funesta. Ahora los keldon no tienen nada en lo que creer salvo en sí mismos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443566,
                    "name": "Carga frenética",
                    "text": "La criatura atacante objetivo obtiene +3/+3 y gana la habilidad de arrollar hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Keld subit une apocalypse pour accomplir une sombre prophétie. Aujourd'hui, les Keldes ne peuvent plus avoir foi qu'en eux-mêmes.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443835,
                    "name": "Folie furieuse",
                    "text": "La créature attaquante ciblée gagne +3/+3 et acquiert le piétinement jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Keld affrontò un'apocalisse per il compimento di una profezia funesta. Ora i suoi abitanti non hanno altro in cui credere che se stessi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444104,
                    "name": "Perdere il Controllo",
                    "text": "Una creatura attaccante bersaglio prende +3/+3 e ha travolgere fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "ケルドに終末が訪れた。恐ろしい予言が成就したのだ。今やケルド人には、自分たち自身以外には頼れるものがない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444373,
                    "name": "猛り狂い",
                    "text": "攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+3/+3の修整を受けるとともにトランプルを得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "켈드는 끔찍한 예언 속의 종말을 맞이했다. 이제 켈드족에게 믿을 것이라고는 그들 스스로밖에 남지 않게 되었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444642,
                    "name": "미친 듯이 날뛰기",
                    "text": "공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +3/+3을 받고 돌진을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Keld enfrentou um apocalipse para cumprir uma profecia terrível. Agora, os keldonianos não têm mais nada em que acreditar, a não ser em si mesmos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444911,
                    "name": "Enlouquecer de Fúria",
                    "text": "A criatura atacante alvo recebe +3/+3 e ganha atropelar até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Во исполнение мрачного пророчества Келд постигла катастрофа. Теперь келдонцам не во что верить, кроме самих себя.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445180,
                    "name": "Сломя Голову",
                    "text": "Целевое атакующее существо получает +3/+3 и Пробивной удар до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "凯尔顿人曾面临启示录预言尽皆实现的可怕境遇。如今他们已无所依托,只相信自己。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445449,
                    "name": "横冲直撞",
                    "text": "直到回合结束,目标进行攻击的生物得+3/+3且获得践踏异能。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "凱爾頓人曾面臨啟示錄預言盡皆實現的可怕境遇。如今,他們已無所依託,只相信自己。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445718,
                    "name": "橫衝直撞",
                    "text": "直到回合結束,目標進行攻擊的生物得+3/+3且獲得踐踏異能。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443028,
            "name": "Run Amok",
            "number": "140",
            "originalText": "Target attacking creature gets +3/+3 and gains trample until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "scryfallId": "d3f2aa2c-deec-4927-a2d6-f5dce5967e26",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "d463de75-8d3c-4077-a2cc-c304a63acc69",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164774,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target attacking creature gets +3/+3 and gains trample until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "db0e07c6-b204-52f4-9b8e-b40d22644513",
            "uuidV421": "1f6383d1-7864-5d13-8197-81909a307a62"
            "artist": "Matt Stewart",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Though it was laid to waste by the brothers, many schools of magic trace their origins to the College of Lat-Nam, including the first Tolarian Academy.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Obwohl die Brüder die Akademie von Lat-Nam in Schutt und Asche gelegt hatten, ist sie dennoch der Ursprung der Lehren vieler Magieschulen, sogar der ersten Tolarianischen Akademie.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443221,
                    "name": "Weiser von Lat-Nam",
                    "text": "{T}, opfere ein Artefakt: Ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Handwerker"
                    "flavorText": "Aunque fue destruida por los hermanos, muchas escuelas de magia tienen sus orígenes en la Escuela de Lat-Nam, incluida la primera Academia Tolariana.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443490,
                    "name": "Sabio de Lat-Nam",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrificar un artefacto: Roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Artífice humano"
                    "flavorText": "De nombreuses écoles de magie, y compris la première Académie tolariane, trouvent leur origine au Collège de Lat-Nam, bien qu'il fut dévasté par les frères.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443759,
                    "name": "Sage de Lat-Nam",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrifiez un artefact : Piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et artificier"
                    "flavorText": "Sebbene sia stato devastato dai fratelli, l'Istituto di Lat-Nam ha dato origine a molte scuole di magia, inclusa la prima Accademia di Tolaria.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444028,
                    "name": "Saggio di Lat-Nam",
                    "text": "{T}, Sacrifica un artefatto: Pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Artefice Umano"
                    "flavorText": "兄弟による被害があったものの、魔法を教える学校の多くはその起源をラト=ナム大学に遡ることができる。元々のトレイリアのアカデミーも例外ではない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444297,
                    "name": "ラト=ナムの賢人",
                    "text": "{T}, アーティファクト1つを生け贄に捧げる:カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・工匠"
                    "flavorText": "형제들에게 버려지기는했지만, 톨라리안 아카데미를 포함한 여러 마법 학교들은 자신들의 기원을 찾으며 라트-남 대학에까지 이르렀다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444566,
                    "name": "라트-남의 현자",
                    "text": "{T}, 마법물체 한 개를 희생한다: 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기능공"
                    "flavorText": "Embora ela tenha sido obliterada pelos irmãos, a origem de muitas escolas de magia remonta à Faculdade de Lat-Nam, incluindo a da primeira Academia Tolariana.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444835,
                    "name": "Sábio de Lat-Nam",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrifique um artefato: Compre um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Artesão"
                    "flavorText": "Лат-Намский колледж был стерт братьями с лица земли, но многие школы магии возводят к нему свое происхождение — в том числе и первая Толарианская академия.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445104,
                    "name": "Мудрец из Лат-Нама",
                    "text": "{T}, пожертвуйте артефакт: возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Механик"
                    "flavorText": "拉特南学院虽然已被两兄弟夷为平地,但许多法术学派都将起源追溯到此地,包括第一所陶拉里亚大学院。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445373,
                    "name": "拉特南智者",
                    "text": "{T},牺牲一个神器:抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/神器师"
                    "flavorText": "拉特南學院雖然已被兩兄弟夷為平地,但許多魔法學派都將起源追溯到此地,包括第一所陶拉里亞大學院。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445642,
                    "name": "拉特南智者",
                    "text": "{T},犧牲一個神器:抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/神器師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442952,
            "name": "Sage of Lat-Nam",
            "number": "64",
            "originalText": "{T}, Sacrifice an artifact: Draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Artificer",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
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            "scryfallId": "f7395b77-f7f7-404b-8639-9db6dc28d558",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "f34be3cc-ff47-4415-a6a8-ed142891dc0c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164293,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}, Sacrifice an artifact: Draw a card.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Artificer",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "476b89b1-975e-5c16-a692-addc92dfdb29",
            "uuidV421": "7f1c3589-86fe-5c07-9042-6373d7f83854"
            "artist": "Nils Hamm",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"When history becomes too mournful, even good souls may choose to forget.\" — Shalai, voice of Plenty.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wenn die Geschichte zu schmerzhaft wird, ziehen selbst die guten Seelen das Vergessen vor.\" —Shalai, Stimme der Fülle",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443187,
                    "name": "Geist des Heiligtums",
                    "text": "Lebensverknüpfung\nWirf eine historische Karte ab: Der Geist des Heiligtums erhält Unzerstörbarkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Geist"
                    "flavorText": "\"Cuando la historia se vuelve demasiado dolorosa, a veces hasta las almas bondadosas prefieren olvidar\". —Shalai, voz de la abundancia",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443456,
                    "name": "Espíritu del santuario",
                    "text": "Vínculo vital.\nDescartar una carta histórica: El Espíritu del santuario gana la habilidad de indestructible hasta el final del turno. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espíritu"
                    "flavorText": "« Quand l'histoire devient trop lugubre, même les bonnes âmes choisissent d'oublier. » —Shalaï, Voix de l'abondance",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443725,
                    "name": "Esprit du sanctuaire",
                    "text": "Lien de vie\nDéfaussez-vous d'une carte historique : L'Esprit du sanctuaire acquiert l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature : esprit"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quando la storia si fa troppo dolorosa, anche le anime pie possono scegliere di dimenticare.\" —Shalai, voce dell'abbondanza",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443994,
                    "name": "Spirito del Santuario",
                    "text": "Legame vitale\nScarta una carta storica: Lo Spirito del Santuario ha indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Spirito"
                    "flavorText": "「歴史があまりにも陰気になると、善良な魂も忘却を選びかねない。」 ――豊潤の声、シャライ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444263,
                    "name": "聖域の霊",
                    "text": "絆魂\n歴史的なカード1枚を捨てる:ターン終了時まで、聖域の霊は破壊不能を得る。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スピリット"
                    "flavorText": "\"역사가 너무나도 비통해지면, 선량한 자들도 그것을 잊어버리고자 할 수 있다.\" —풍요의 목소리, 샬라이",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444532,
                    "name": "성역의 신령",
                    "text": "생명연결\n역사적 카드 한 장을 버린다: 성역의 신령은 턴종료까지 무적을 얻는다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 신령"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quando a história se torna demasiado lúgubre, até mesmo almas boas podem escolher esquecer.\" — Shalai, voz da Abundância",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444801,
                    "name": "Espírito do Santuário",
                    "text": "Vínculo com a vida\nDescarte um card histórico: Espírito do Santuário ganha indestrutível até o final do turno. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espírito"
                    "flavorText": "«Когда история становится слишком уж печальной, даже праведным бывает проще забыть ее». — Шалай, глас Изобилия",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445070,
                    "name": "Дух Святилища",
                    "text": "Цепь жизни\nСбросьте историческую карту: Дух Святилища получает Неразрушимость до конца хода. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Дух"
                    "flavorText": "「当历史太过哀伤,就连善良的灵魂也会选择遗忘。」 ~众生使者莎黎",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445339,
                    "name": "圣所精怪",
                    "text": "系命\n弃一张史迹牌:圣所精怪获得不灭异能直到回合结束。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~精怪"
                    "flavorText": "「當歷史太過哀傷,就連善良的靈魂也會選擇遺忘。」 ~眾生使者莎黎",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445608,
                    "name": "聖所精靈",
                    "text": "繫命\n棄一張史跡牌:聖所精靈獲得不滅異能直到回合結束。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~精靈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442918,
            "name": "Sanctum Spirit",
            "number": "30",
            "originalText": "Lifelink\nDiscard a historic card: Sanctum Spirit gains indestructible until end of turn. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Spirit",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
            "scryfallId": "aa4795dd-75d4-4ce5-87e7-fe892616e42e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b96171bf-ea3a-4f44-ab3c-d7ec0cc6ee6c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1e640846-8f50-4a94-b7aa-f228124290d3",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164713,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Lifelink\nDiscard a historic card: Sanctum Spirit gains indestructible until end of turn. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Spirit",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "cf2c8050-abff-5c04-bc30-7fe33f3a40d4",
            "uuidV421": "298a04d5-4ac3-518c-be24-21a95ddde1e8"
            "artist": "Christine Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Thallids herd saprolings from place to place in search of detritus to feed them.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Thallide treiben Saprolinge in Herden von Ort zu Ort, damit sie genügen Nahrung finden.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443335,
                    "name": "Saproling-Wanderung",
                    "text": "Bonus {4} (Du kannst zusätzlich {4} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nErzeuge zwei 1/1 grüne Saproling-Kreaturenspielsteine. Falls die Bonuskosten dieses Zauberspruchs bezahlt wurden, erzeuge stattdessen vier solcher Spielsteine.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Los tálidos llevan a los saprolines de un lugar a otro en busca de detritus para alimentarlos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443604,
                    "name": "Migración de saprolines",
                    "text": "Estímulo {4}. (Puedes pagar {4} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nCrea dos fichas de criatura Saprolín verdes 1/1. Si este hechizo fue estimulado, en vez de eso, crea cuatro de esas fichas.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Les thallidés déplacent les saprobiontes en troupeau, à la recherche de détritus pour les nourrir.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443873,
                    "name": "Migration de saprobiontes",
                    "text": "Kick {4} (Vous pouvez payer {4} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nCréez deux jetons de créature 1/1 verte Saprobionte. Si ce sort a été kické, créez quatre de ces jetons à la place.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "I thallid conducono i branchi di saprolingi da un luogo all'altro in cerca di detriti per nutrirli.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444142,
                    "name": "Migrazione di Saprolingi",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {4} (Puoi pagare {4} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nCrea due pedine creatura Saprolingio 1/1 verdi. Se questa magia è stata potenziata, crea invece quattro di quelle pedine.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "サリッドは苗木が食べる沃土を求め、苗木を連れて移動する。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444411,
                    "name": "苗木の移牧",
                    "text": "キッカー{4}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{4}を支払ってもよい。)\n緑の1/1の苗木・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。この呪文がキッカーされていたなら、代わりに、そのトークンを4体生成する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "탈리드는 묘목에게 먹일 폐기물을 찾기 위해 묘목들을 데리고 여기저기를 옮겨다닌다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444680,
                    "name": "묘목 이동",
                    "text": "키커 {4} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {4}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n1/1 녹색 묘목 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다. 이 주문의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 그 대신 토큰 네 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "As talídias pastoreiam as saprófitas de um lugar para o outro em busca de detritos para alimentá-las.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444949,
                    "name": "Migração das Saprófitas",
                    "text": "Reforçar {4} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {4} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nCrie duas fichas de criatura verde 1/1 do tipo Saprófita. Se esta mágica tiver sido reforçada, crie, em vez disso, quatro dessas fichas.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Таллиды перегоняют сапролингов с места на место, выискивая богатые перегноем места для кормления.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445218,
                    "name": "Миграция Сапролингов",
                    "text": "Усилитель {4} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {4}.)\nСоздайте две фишки существа 1/1 зеленый Сапролинг. Если это заклинание получило Усилитель, вместо этого создайте четыре такие фишки.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "散绿菌将腐生物游牧四方,以各处的养分碎屑喂养之。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445487,
                    "name": "腐生迁徙",
                    "text": "增幅{4}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{4}。)\n派出两个1/1绿色腐生物衍生生物。如果此咒语已增幅,则改为派出四个此类衍生物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "散綠菌將腐生物游牧四方,以各處的養分碎屑餵養之。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445756,
                    "name": "腐生遷徙",
                    "text": "增幅{4}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{4})。\n派出兩個1/1綠色腐生物衍生生物。如果此咒語已增幅,則改為派出四個此類衍生物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443066,
            "name": "Saproling Migration",
            "names": [],
            "number": "178",
            "originalText": "Kicker {4} (You may pay an additional {4} as you cast this spell.)\nCreate two 1/1 green Saproling creature tokens. If this spell was kicked, create four of those tokens instead.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "2578d25e-5f8d-42ff-90ce-4e7d100cbbb6",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b58e4ff3-8c9e-45f2-87de-bfc4ac7ad9fe",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bbbb80bd-76fa-4155-929b-4a3565d1cb35",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162790,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {4} (You may pay an additional {4} as you cast this spell.)\nCreate two 1/1 green Saproling creature tokens. If this spell was kicked, create four of those tokens instead.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "98b4478d-6991-593b-921d-823a733e59f2",
            "uuidV421": "5327d875-b4b5-5387-9f75-b2a5fac7aee3"
            "artist": "Joseph Meehan",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "An ancient nemesis rendered harmless long ago.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Eine uralte Bedrohung, die vor langer Zeit unschädlich gemacht wurde.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443188,
                    "name": "Versiegelung",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nWenn die Versiegelung ins Spiel kommt, schicke eine getappte Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert, ins Exil, bis die Versiegelung das Spiel verlässt.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "Una antigua némesis que fue subyugada hace mucho tiempo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443457,
                    "name": "Sellar",
                    "text": "Destello.\nCuando Sellar entre al campo de batalla, exilia la criatura girada objetivo que controla un oponente hasta que Sellar deje el campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "Un ancien ennemi rendu inoffensif il y a longtemps.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443726,
                    "name": "Sceller",
                    "text": "Flash\nQuand Sceller arrive sur le champ de bataille, exilez une créature engagée ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle jusqu'à ce que Sceller quitte le champ de bataille.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "Un'antica nemesi resa inoffensiva molto tempo fa.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443995,
                    "name": "Sigillare",
                    "text": "Lampo\nQuando Sigillare entra nel campo di battaglia, esilia una creatura TAPpata bersaglio controllata da un avversario finché Sigillare non lascia il campo di battaglia.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "古代の巨悪も無害な存在となって久しい。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444264,
                    "name": "封じ込め",
                    "text": "瞬速\n封じ込めが戦場に出たとき、対戦相手がコントロールしていてタップ状態のクリーチャー1体を対象とし、封じ込めが戦場を離れるまでそれを追放する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "오래 전에 그 힘을 잃은 고대의 천벌.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444533,
                    "name": "떼어내기",
                    "text": "섬광\n떼어내기가 전장에 들어올 때, 상대가 조종하는 탭된 생물을 목표로 정한다. 떼어내기가 전장을 떠날 때까지 그 생물을 추방한다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "Uma nêmese ancestral, há muito tornada inofensiva.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444802,
                    "name": "Selar",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nQuando Selar entrar no campo de batalha, exile a criatura virada alvo que um oponente controla até que Selar deixe o campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "Древняя угроза, давным-давно сделанная безвредной.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445071,
                    "name": "Запечатать",
                    "text": "Миг\nКогда Запечатать выходит на поле битвы, изгоните целевое повернутое существо под контролем оппонента до тех пор, пока Запечатать не покинет поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "曾为古时宿敌,但早已不再是威胁。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445340,
                    "name": "摘离",
                    "text": "闪现\n当摘离进战场时,放逐目标由对手操控且已横置的生物,直到摘离离开战场为止。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "曾為古時宿敵,但早已不再是威脅。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445609,
                    "name": "摘離",
                    "text": "閃現\n當摘離進戰場時,放逐目標由對手操控且已橫置的生物,直到摘離離開戰場為止。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442919,
            "name": "Seal Away",
            "number": "31",
            "originalText": "Flash\nWhen Seal Away enters the battlefield, exile target tapped creature an opponent controls until Seal Away leaves the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Seal Away leaves the battlefield before its triggered ability resolves, the target creature won’t be exiled."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Auras attached to the exiled creature will be put into their owners’ graveyards. Any Equipment will become unattached and remain on the battlefield. Any counters on the exiled creature will cease to exist. When the card returns to the battlefield, it will be a new object with no connection to the card that was exiled."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a token is exiled this way, it will cease to exist and won’t return to the battlefield."
            "scryfallId": "8f8d6588-671d-4eb3-874f-f7139da2e05a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "79ee1073-129c-465f-b618-805e41fe9e38",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c8909015-ea49-47cb-8d37-653904f965bb",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162208,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nWhen Seal Away enters the battlefield, exile target tapped creature an opponent controls until Seal Away leaves the battlefield.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0735bb46-97c9-59f2-9429-dd90bb2e0d53",
            "uuidV421": "aaaf1c42-d2d5-5104-a3ef-f3b42a25f533"
            "artist": "James Paick",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Shiv is a restless land. It heaves ash, bleeds lava, and scabs over in black obsidian.\" — The First Eruption",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Shiv ist ein ruheloses Land. Es keucht Asche, blutet Lava und ist mit Schürfwunden aus schwarzem Obsidian übersät.\" —Die Erste Eruption",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443298,
                    "name": "Seismische Verschiebung",
                    "text": "Zerstöre ein Land deiner Wahl. Bis zu zwei Kreaturen deiner Wahl können in diesem Zug nicht blocken.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Shiv es una tierra inquieta. Vomita cenizas, sangra lava y genera costras de obsidiana negra\". —La primera erupción",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443567,
                    "name": "Temblor sísmico",
                    "text": "Destruye la tierra objetivo. Hasta dos criaturas objetivo no pueden bloquear este turno.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Shiv est une terre tourmentée. Elle vomit des cendres, saigne de la lave, et ses cicatrices se couvrent d'obsidienne noire. » —La première éruption",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443836,
                    "name": "Bouleversement sismique",
                    "text": "Détruisez le terrain ciblé. Jusqu'à deux créatures ciblées ne peuvent pas bloquer ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Shiv è una terra irrequieta. Vomita cenere, sanguina lava e forma cicatrici di ossidiana nera.\" —La Prima Eruzione",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444105,
                    "name": "Dislocamento Sismico",
                    "text": "Distruggi una terra bersaglio. Fino a due creature bersaglio non possono bloccare in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「シヴは落ち着かない土地である。灰が隆起し溶岩が噴出し、その上を黒曜石が覆うのである。」 ――最初の噴火",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444374,
                    "name": "地震断層",
                    "text": "土地1つとクリーチャー最大2体を対象とする。その土地を破壊する。このターン、それらのクリーチャーではブロックできない。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"시브는 결코 쉬지 않는 땅이다. 그 땅은 재를 날리고 용암을 피처럼 흘리며, 검은 흑요석이 그 위에 딱지처럼 생겨난다.\" —최초의 분출",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444643,
                    "name": "지진 변형",
                    "text": "대지를 목표로 정한다. 그 대지를 파괴한다. 최대 두 개까지의 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물들은 이 턴에 방어할 수 없다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Shiv é uma terra inquieta. Ela cospe cinzas, sangra lava e cicatriza em obsidiana negra.\" — Primeira Erupção",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444912,
                    "name": "Deslocamento Sísmico",
                    "text": "Destrua o terreno alvo. Até duas criaturas alvo não podem bloquear neste turno.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Шив — беспокойный край. Он кашляет пеплом, истекает лавой, покрывается струпьями черного обсидиана». — «Первое Извержение»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445181,
                    "name": "Сейсмический Сдвиг",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевую землю. До двух целевых существ не могут блокировать в этом ходу.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「西瓦是一片动荡的大地。它喷吐的是灰烬,涌动的是岩浆,结出的痂是黑曜石。」 ~《创世涌动》",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445450,
                    "name": "地动变境",
                    "text": "消灭目标地。至多两个目标生物本回合不能进行阻挡。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「西瓦是一片動盪的大地。它噴吐的是灰燼,湧動的是岩漿,結出的痂是黑曜石。」 ~《創世湧動》",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445719,
                    "name": "地動變境",
                    "text": "消滅目標地。至多兩個目標生物本回合不能進行阻擋。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443029,
            "name": "Seismic Shift",
            "number": "141",
            "originalText": "Destroy target land. Up to two target creatures can't block this turn.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "dad40a04-a026-4285-8c78-088a356652d1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3f436393-4a3f-443d-a095-06cd8a3e07b1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b81894bc-d5ca-44ee-b837-bdb8fec32881",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164776,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy target land. Up to two target creatures can't block this turn.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3b2fd8a2-bb91-5822-be9a-24f40f55dede",
            "uuidV421": "409fd242-14db-5d1d-901d-fbabda7a1376"
            "artist": "Jonas De Ro",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443222,
                    "name": "Wachposten des Perlendreizacks",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nWenn der Wachposten des Perlendreizacks ins Spiel kommt, kannst du eine historische bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, ins Exil schicken. Falls du dies tust, bringe die Karte zu Beginn des nächsten Endsegments unter der Kontrolle ihres Besitzers ins Spiel zurück. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Meervolk, Soldat"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443491,
                    "name": "Centinela del Tridente Perlado",
                    "text": "Destello.\nCuando el Centinela del Tridente Perlado entre al campo de batalla, puedes exiliar el permanente histórico objetivo que controlas. Si lo haces, regresa esa carta al campo de batalla bajo el control de su propietario al comienzo del próximo paso final. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado tritón"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443760,
                    "name": "Sentinelle du Trident de perles",
                    "text": "Flash\nQuand la Sentinelle du Trident de perles arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez exiler un permanent historique ciblé que vous contrôlez. Si vous faites ainsi, renvoyez cette carte sur le champ de bataille sous le contrôle de son propriétaire au début de la prochaine étape de fin. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature : ondin et soldat"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444029,
                    "name": "Sentinella del Tridente Perlaceo",
                    "text": "Lampo\nQuando la Sentinella del Tridente Perlaceo entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi esiliare un permanente storico bersaglio che controlli. Se lo fai, rimetti quella carta sul campo di battaglia sotto il controllo del suo proprietario all'inizio della prossima sottofase finale. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Tritone"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444298,
                    "name": "真珠三叉矛の歩哨",
                    "text": "瞬速\n真珠三叉矛の歩哨が戦場に出たとき、あなたがコントロールしている歴史的なパーマネント1つを対象とする。あなたはそれを追放してもよい。そうしたなら、次の終了ステップの開始時に、そのカードをオーナーのコントロール下で戦場に戻す。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — マーフォーク・兵士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444567,
                    "name": "진주 창의 보초병",
                    "text": "섬광\n진주 창의 보초병이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 조종하는 역사적 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 당신은 그 지속물을 추방할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 다음 종료단 시작에 그 지속물을 소유자의 조종하에 전장으로 되돌린다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인어 병사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444836,
                    "name": "Sentinela do Tridente Perolado",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nQuando Sentinela do Tridente Perolado entra no campo de batalha, você pode exilar a permanente histórica alvo que você controla. Se fizer isso, devolva aquele card ao campo de batalha sob o controle de seu dono no início da próxima etapa final. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Tritão Soldado"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445105,
                    "name": "Стражник Жемчужного Трезубца",
                    "text": "Миг\nКогда Стражник Жемчужного Трезубца выходит на поле битвы, вы можете изгнать целевой исторический перманент под вашим контролем. Если вы это делаете, верните ту карту на поле битвы под контролем ее владельца в начале следующего заключительного шага. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Мерфолк Солдат"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445374,
                    "name": "珍珠三叉戟哨卫",
                    "text": "闪现\n当珍珠三叉戟哨卫进战场时,你可以放逐目标由你操控的史迹永久物。若你如此作,在下一个结束步骤开始时,将该牌在其拥有者的操控下移回战场。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人鱼/士兵"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445643,
                    "name": "珍珠三叉戟哨衛",
                    "text": "閃現\n當珍珠三叉戟哨衛進戰場時,你可以放逐目標由你操控的史跡永久物。若你如此作,在下一個結束步驟開始時,將該牌在其擁有者的下移回戰場。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人魚/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442953,
            "name": "Sentinel of the Pearl Trident",
            "number": "65",
            "originalText": "Flash\nWhen Sentinel of the Pearl Trident enters the battlefield, you may exile target historic permanent you control. If you do, return that card to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end step. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Merfolk Soldier",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a token is exiled this way, it ceases to exist and won’t return to the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The exiled card will return to the battlefield at the beginning of the next end step even if Sentinel of the Pearl Trident is no longer on the battlefield at that time."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the exiled card is an Aura, that card’s owner chooses what it will enchant as it comes back onto the battlefield. An Aura put onto the battlefield this way doesn’t target anything (so it could be attached to an opponent’s permanent with hexproof, for example), but the Aura’s enchant ability restricts what it can be attached to. If the Aura can’t legally be attached to anything, it remains exiled."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Sentinel of the Pearl Trident enters the battlefield during a turn’s end step, the exiled card won’t be returned to the battlefield until the beginning of the following turn’s end step."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
            "scryfallId": "7da73230-2562-4e7d-9f03-b0508b9a31e0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4bf6d28d-135d-4727-b148-f2c5b7da8326",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2bddbd7d-9b6b-4166-88de-368d91c7fe4f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162237,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nWhen Sentinel of the Pearl Trident enters the battlefield, you may exile target historic permanent you control. If you do, return that card to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end step. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Merfolk Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9d940ef0-52df-51cd-854c-06817c9ec332",
            "uuidV421": "9846980d-4d2f-5204-a487-3accbee01a3b"
            "artist": "Scott Murphy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Knights get the glory. Soldiers get things done.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Soldaten erledigen die Arbeit. Ritter ernten den Ruhm.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443189,
                    "name": "Kampfbereiter Feldwebel",
                    "text": "Bonus {2}{W} (Du kannst zusätzlich {2}{W} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nWenn der Kampfbereite Feldwebel ins Spiel kommt und falls seine Bonuskosten bezahlt wurden, erzeuge zwei 1/1 weiße Soldat-Kreaturenspielsteine.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "Los caballeros se llevan la gloria, pero los soldados hacen el trabajo duro.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443458,
                    "name": "Sargento de armas",
                    "text": "Estímulo {2}{W}. (Puedes pagar {2}{W} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nCuando el Sargento de armas entre al campo de batalla, si fue estimulado, crea dos fichas de criatura Soldado blancas 1/1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "Les chevaliers reçoivent les honneurs. Les soldats agissent.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443727,
                    "name": "Sergent d'armes",
                    "text": "Kick {2}{W} (Vous pouvez payer {2}{W} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nQuand le Sergent d'armes arrive sur le champ de bataille, s'il a été kické, créez deux jetons de créature 1/1 blanche Soldat.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "Ai cavalieri spetta la gloria. Ai soldati spetta darsi da fare.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443996,
                    "name": "Sergente d'Arma",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {2}{W} (Puoi pagare {2}{W} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nQuando il Sergente d'Arma entra nel campo di battaglia, se è stato potenziato, crea due pedine creatura Soldato 1/1 bianche.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "騎士は栄光を求める。兵士は役目を果たす。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444265,
                    "name": "守衛官",
                    "text": "キッカー{2}{W}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{2}{W}を支払ってもよい。)\n守衛官が戦場に出たとき、これがキッカーされていた場合、白の1/1の兵士・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "기사는 영광을 추구하고, 병사는 임무를 완수한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444534,
                    "name": "수위관",
                    "text": "키커 {2}{W} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {2}{W}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n수위관이 전장에 들어올 때, 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 1/1 백색 병사 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "Os cavaleiros ficam com a glória. Os soldados cumprem seu dever.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444803,
                    "name": "Sargento de Armas",
                    "text": "Reforçar {2}{W} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {2}{W} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nQuando Sargento de Armas entrar no campo de batalha, se ele tiver sido reforçado, crie duas fichas de criatura branca 1/1 do tipo Soldado.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "Рыцарям достается слава. Солдатам достается ратный труд.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445072,
                    "name": "Сержант Гвардии",
                    "text": "Усилитель {2}{W} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {2}{W}.)\nКогда Сержант Гвардии выходит на поле битвы, если он получил Усилитель, создайте две фишки существа 1/1 белый Солдат.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "骑士逐耀。士兵成事。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445341,
                    "name": "纠仪长",
                    "text": "增幅{2}{W}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{2}{W}。)\n当纠仪长进战场时,若它已增幅,则派出两个1/1白色士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "騎士逐耀。士兵成事。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445610,
                    "name": "糾儀長",
                    "text": "增幅{2}{W}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{2}{W}。)\n當糾儀長進戰場時,若它已增幅,則派出兩個1/1白色士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442920,
            "name": "Sergeant-at-Arms",
            "names": [],
            "number": "32",
            "originalText": "Kicker {2}{W} (You may pay an additional {2}{W} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Sergeant-at-Arms enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, create two 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "8f70b1ee-47b6-4904-850d-8ea8064bd27d",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "2ea95e03-b95d-4ccf-afc6-1a26ac6cf354",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164714,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {2}{W} (You may pay an additional {2}{W} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Sergeant-at-Arms enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, create two 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d0e22451-d63d-54af-b5d9-3a4c22f207d3",
            "uuidV421": "2b769044-4555-5ea7-80ef-3cc493f8a605"
            "artist": "Donato Giancola",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "The angel remembers her past lives like dreams. Her song held up meadows. Her blade drove back darkness. Her wings carried her across the ages.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Sie erinnert sich an ihre Vergangenheit, als wären es Träume. Ihr Lied hallte durch die Täler. Ihre Klinge verdrängte die Dunkelheit. Ihre Schwingen trugen sie durch die Zeitalter.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443190,
                    "name": "Serra-Engel",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Wachsamkeit",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Engel"
                    "flavorText": "El ángel recuerda sus vidas pasadas como si fueran sueños. Su canción sostenía las praderas; su espada hacía retroceder a la oscuridad; sus alas la transportaron a través de los siglos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443459,
                    "name": "Ángel de Serra",
                    "text": "Vuela, vigilancia.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ángel"
                    "flavorText": "L'ange se souvient de ses vies antérieures comme de rêves. Son chant souleva les prés. Sa lame repoussa les ténèbres. Ses ailes lui firent traverser les âges.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443728,
                    "name": "Ange de Serra",
                    "text": "Vol, vigilance",
                    "type": "Créature : ange"
                    "flavorText": "L'angelo ricorda le sue vite passate come sogni. Il suo canto ha innalzato i campi, la sua lama ha respinto l'oscurità, le sue ali l'hanno sorretta attraverso i secoli.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443997,
                    "name": "Angelo di Serra",
                    "text": "Volare, cautela",
                    "type": "Creatura — Angelo"
                    "flavorText": "天使は過去の自分を夢のように思い出していた。自分の歌が牧草地を支えたこと。自分の刃が闇を追い返したこと。自分の翼がずっと自分を運んでいたことを。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444266,
                    "name": "セラの天使",
                    "text": "飛行、警戒",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 天使"
                    "flavorText": "천사는 과거의 삶을 마치 꿈처럼 기억한다. 그녀의 노래는 초원에 퍼지고 그녀의 검은 어둠을 몰아내며 그녀의 날개는 오랜 세월 그녀를 지탱하였다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444535,
                    "name": "세라 천사",
                    "text": "비행, 경계",
                    "type": "생물 — 천사"
                    "flavorText": "O anjo recorda suas vidas passadas como sonhos. Seu canto sustentou colinas. Sua lâmina rechaçou as trevas. Suas asas a levaram pelas eras.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444804,
                    "name": "Anjo Serra",
                    "text": "Voar, vigilância",
                    "type": "Criatura — Anjo"
                    "flavorText": "Прошлые жизни всплывают в памяти у ангела, подобно снам. От ее песни парили в воздухе луга. Ее клинок обращал в бегство тьму. Крылья несли ее через эпохи.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445073,
                    "name": "Ангел Серры",
                    "text": "Полет, Бдительность",
                    "type": "Существо — Ангел"
                    "flavorText": "她的往日身影如梦境一般不断重现天使脑海。颂赞歌传扬牧地。举利剑驱散黑暗。展双翼飞越时代。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445342,
                    "name": "撒拉天使",
                    "text": "飞行,警戒",
                    "type": "生物 ~天使"
                    "flavorText": "她的往日身影如夢境一般不斷重現天使腦海。頌讚歌傳揚牧地。舉利劍驅散黑暗。展雙翼飛越時代。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445611,
                    "name": "撒拉天使",
                    "text": "飛行,警戒",
                    "type": "生物 ~天使"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442921,
            "name": "Serra Angel",
            "number": "33",
            "originalText": "Flying, vigilance",
            "originalType": "Creature — Angel",
            "power": "4",
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            "rarity": "uncommon",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164227,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, vigilance",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Angel",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4f446b02-5ed9-5a07-935e-b9cc7e2229ef",
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            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Theologians now believe the Ancestor was another divine form of Serra.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Theologen nehmen nun an, dass die Ahnfrau eine weitere göttliche Form Serras war.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443191,
                    "name": "Serra-Schülerin",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Erstschlag\nImmer wenn du einen historischen Zauberspruch wirkst, erhält die Serra-Schülerin +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vogel, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "Actualmente, los teólogos creen que la Antepasada era otra forma divina de Serra.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443460,
                    "name": "Discípula de Serra",
                    "text": "Vuela, daña primero.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo histórico, la Discípula de Serra obtiene +1/+1 hasta el final del turno. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo ave"
                    "flavorText": "Les théologiens pensent aujourd'hui que l'Ancêtre était une autre forme divine de Serra.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443729,
                    "name": "Disciple de Serra",
                    "text": "Vol, initiative\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort historique, la Disciple de Serra gagne +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature : oiseau et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "I teologi ora ritengono che l'Antenata fosse un'altra manifestazione divina di Serra.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443998,
                    "name": "Discepola di Serra",
                    "text": "Volare, attacco improvviso\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia storica, la Discepola di Serra prende +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Uccello"
                    "flavorText": "神学者たちは、祖神がセラの異なる神性であると考えるようになった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444267,
                    "name": "セラの信奉者",
                    "text": "飛行、先制攻撃\nあなたが歴史的な呪文を唱えるたび、ターン終了時まで、セラの信奉者は+1/+1の修整を受ける。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 鳥・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "신학자들은 이제 선조가 세라의 또 다른 신성한 형상이었음을 믿는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444536,
                    "name": "세라의 제자",
                    "text": "비행, 선제공격\n당신이 역사적 주문을 발동할 때마다, 세라의 제자는 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 조류 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "Os teólogos agora acreditam que a Ancestral foi outra forma divina de Serra.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444805,
                    "name": "Discípula de Serra",
                    "text": "Voar, iniciativa\nToda vez que você conjura uma mágica histórica, Discípula de Serra recebe +1/+1 até o final do turno. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ave Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "Современные теологи сходятся во мнении, что Прародительница была лишь еще одной божественной ипостасью Серры.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445074,
                    "name": "Ученица Серры",
                    "text": "Полет, Первый удар\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете историческое заклинание, Ученица Серры получает +1/+1 до конца хода. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Птица Священник"
                    "flavorText": "如今,神学者认为圣祖灵是撒拉的另一种圣相。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445343,
                    "name": "撒拉信徒",
                    "text": "飞行,先攻\n每当你施放史迹咒语时,撒拉信徒得+1/+1直到回合结束。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~鸟/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "如今,神學者認為聖祖靈是撒拉的另一種聖相。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445612,
                    "name": "撒拉信徒",
                    "text": "飛行,先攻\n每當你施放史跡咒語時,撒拉信徒得+1/+1直到回合結束。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~鳥/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
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            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442922,
            "name": "Serra Disciple",
            "number": "34",
            "originalText": "Flying, first strike\nWhenever you cast a historic spell, Serra Disciple gets +1/+1 until end of turn. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Bird Cleric",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Some abilities trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell.” Such an ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you cast a historic spell” doesn’t trigger if a historic card is put onto the battlefield without being cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Lands are never cast, so abilities that trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell” won’t trigger if you play a legendary land. They also won’t trigger if a card on the battlefield transforms into a legendary land, as the Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan double-faced cards do."
            "scryfallId": "8359c3a8-d826-4326-a899-9f60ca774308",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b401baff-df79-41f0-8809-4871c3192f11",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0f052d9f-5a40-4eb9-9d8a-e01dec1db191",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162791,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, first strike\nWhenever you cast a historic spell, Serra Disciple gets +1/+1 until end of turn. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Bird Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b58f59a0-454c-5c6d-898e-5d7d08a4005f",
            "uuidV421": "f8b95bab-0eb7-5d02-9329-8090b4aa5613"
            "artist": "Yongjae Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"You bound me with a contract only your death could end—and you thought me the fool?\" —Liliana Vess",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Du hast mich an einen Vertrag gebunden, der nur durch deinen Tod aufgelöst werden kann – und du hieltst mich für töricht?\" —Liliana Vess",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443260,
                    "name": "Abrechnen",
                    "text": "Schicke eine Kreatur deiner Wahl ins Exil. Lege zwei Loyalitätsmarken auf einen Planeswalker, den du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Me ofreciste un contrato que solo se extinguiría en caso de que murieras. ¿Y crees que yo soy la tonta?\". —Liliana Vess",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443529,
                    "name": "Ajuste de cuentas",
                    "text": "Exilia la criatura objetivo. Pon dos contadores de lealtad sobre un planeswalker que controlas.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« J'étais liée à toi par un contrat auquel seule ta mort pouvait mettre fin. Tu me prenais vraiment pour une idiote ? » —Liliana Vess",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443798,
                    "name": "Règlement de comptes",
                    "text": "Exilez la créature ciblée. Mettez deux marqueurs « loyauté » sur un planeswalker que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mi hai vincolato con un contratto che può terminare solo con la tua morte... e pensavi che fossi io la sprovveduta?\" —Liliana Vess",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444067,
                    "name": "Regolare i Conti",
                    "text": "Esilia una creatura bersaglio. Metti due segnalini fedeltà su un planeswalker che controlli.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「お前は私と、死によってしか解消できない契約を結んだじゃないの。私が間抜けだと思っていたのかしら?」 ――リリアナ・ヴェス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444336,
                    "name": "意趣返し",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを追放する。あなたがコントロールしているプレインズウォーカー1体の上に忠誠カウンターを2個置く。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"너는 네가 죽어야만 끝나는 계약으로 나를 구속했지—내가 바보로 보이느냐?\" —릴리아나 베스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444605,
                    "name": "원한 해결",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 추방한다. 당신이 조종하는 플레인즈워커 한 개에 충성 카운터 두 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Você me prendeu a um contrato que só a sua morte pode revogar... e achou que eu é que estava sendo tola?\" — Liliana Vess",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444874,
                    "name": "Ajustar as Contas",
                    "text": "Exile a criatura alvo. Coloque dois marcadores de lealdade em um planeswalker que você controla.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Ты связал меня контрактом, разорвать который может лишь твоя смерть... и ты считаешь глупой меня?» — Лилиана Весс",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445143,
                    "name": "Сведение Счетов",
                    "text": "Изгоните целевое существо. Положите два жетона верности на planeswalker-а под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「你跟我订了一份唯有你死才能终结的契约~而你还觉得是我傻?」 ~莉莲娜维斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445412,
                    "name": "最终了断",
                    "text": "放逐目标生物。在一个由你操控的鹏洛客上放置两个忠诚指示物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「你跟我訂了一份唯有你死才能終結的契約~而你還覺得是我傻?」 ~莉蓮娜維斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445681,
                    "name": "最終了斷",
                    "text": "放逐目標生物。在一個由你操控的鵬洛客上放置兩個忠誠指示物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442991,
            "name": "Settle the Score",
            "number": "103",
            "originalText": "Exile target creature. Put two loyalty counters on a planeswalker you control.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Settle the Score tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You won’t put loyalty counters on a planeswalker."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Both loyalty counters must be put onto the same planeswalker."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You don’t choose which planeswalker receives loyalty counters until Settle the Score resolves. If you don’t control a planeswalker, you’ll simply exile the target creature and not put loyalty counters on anything."
            "scryfallId": "1b18558f-6b40-4d1d-859a-3ba68950f064",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "cc45c104-0161-4c15-86f3-d38677095d87",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2f18bb2d-249f-4d7a-a0f7-8a285d365777",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162176,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Exile target creature. Put two loyalty counters on a planeswalker you control.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "748643fa-099b-52ca-a941-e4fec0b45daa",
            "uuidV421": "0bc65b47-4bb1-55d7-b850-ef80baf42cf2",
            "watermark": "planeswalker"
            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443192,
                    "name": "Shalai, Stimme der Fülle",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nDu, Planeswalker, die du kontrollierst, und andere Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, haben Fluchsicherheit.\n{4}{G}{G}: Lege auf jede Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, eine +1/+1-Marke.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Engel"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443461,
                    "name": "Shalai, voz de la abundancia",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nTú, los planeswalkers que controlas y las otras criaturas que controlas tienen la habilidad de antimaleficio.\n{4}{G}{G}: Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre cada criatura que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Ángel"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443730,
                    "name": "Shalaï, Voix de l'abondance",
                    "text": "Vol\nVous, les planeswalkers que vous contrôlez et les autres créatures que vous contrôlez avez la défense talismanique.\n{4}{G}{G} : Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur chaque créature que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : ange"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 443999,
                    "name": "Shalai, Voce dell'Abbondanza",
                    "text": "Volare\nTu, i planeswalker che controlli e le altre creature che controlli avete anti-malocchio.\n{4}{G}{G}: Metti un segnalino +1/+1 su ogni creatura che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Angelo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444268,
                    "name": "豊潤の声、シャライ",
                    "text": "飛行\nあなたとあなたがコントロールしているプレインズウォーカーとあなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャーは呪禁を持つ。\n{4}{G}{G}:あなたがコントロールしている各クリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターをそれぞれ1個置く。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 天使"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444537,
                    "name": "풍요의 목소리, 샬라이",
                    "text": "비행\n당신과 당신이 조종하는 플레인즈워커 및 당신이 조종하는 다른 생물들은 방호를 가진다.\n{4}{G}{G}: 당신이 조종하는 각 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 천사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444806,
                    "name": "Shalai, Voz da Abundância",
                    "text": "Voar\nVocê, os planeswalkers que você controla e as outras criaturas que você controla têm resistência a magia.\n{4}{G}{G}: Coloque um marcador +1/+1 em cada criatura que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Anjo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445075,
                    "name": "Шалай, Глас Изобилия",
                    "text": "Полет\nВы, planeswalker-ы под вашим контролем и другие существа под вашим контролем имеете Порчеустойчивость.\n{4}{G}{G}: положите один жетон +1/+1 на каждое существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Ангел"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445344,
                    "name": "众生使者莎黎",
                    "text": "飞行\n你,由你操控的鹏洛客和由你操控的其他生物具有辟邪异能。\n{4}{G}{G}:在每个由你操控的生物上各放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~天使"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445613,
                    "name": "眾生使者莎黎",
                    "text": "飛行\n你,由你操控的鵬洛客和由你操控的其他生物具有辟邪異能。\n{4}{G}{G}:在每個由你操控的生物上各放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~天使"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442923,
            "name": "Shalai, Voice of Plenty",
            "number": "35",
            "originalText": "Flying\nYou, planeswalkers you control, and other creatures you control have hexproof.\n{4}{G}{G}: Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Angel",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "db827ee7-6f2e-4e10-aac0-120fc2b69fbd",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "cce92052-3af0-41cd-9985-e426fbad9fcc",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a0c47ab6-dfb4-46ee-a3f7-9e1521b4bb4b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164228,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nYou, planeswalkers you control, and other creatures you control have hexproof.\n{4}{G}{G}: Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Angel",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "14bf5ce4-4f0d-5939-8134-4352f8dc23bb",
            "uuidV421": "b2ddb5d8-d364-503d-a3ef-71056bbe1775"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I am heir to many treasures. None is as precious as knowing how my ancestor lived her life.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich bin die Erbin reicher Schätze. Doch kein Schatz ist so kostbar wie das Wissen um die Lebensgeschichte meiner Ahnfrau.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443361,
                    "name": "Shanna, Sisays Vermächtnis",
                    "text": "Shanna, Sisays Vermächtnis, kann nicht das Ziel von Fähigkeiten sein, die deine Gegner kontrollieren.\nShanna erhält +1/+1 für jede Kreatur, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"Soy la heredera de muchos tesoros, pero ninguno es tan preciado como saber cómo vivió mi antecesora\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443630,
                    "name": "Shanna, legado de Sisay",
                    "text": "Shanna, legado de Sisay no puede ser objetivo de habilidades que controlan tus oponentes.\nShanna obtiene +1/+1 por cada criatura que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Guerrero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Je suis l'héritière de bien des trésors. Aucun n'est plus précieux que de savoir la façon dont mon ancêtre a mené sa vie. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443899,
                    "name": "Shanna, héritage de Sissay",
                    "text": "Shanna, héritage de Sissay ne peut pas être la cible de capacités que vos adversaires contrôlent.\nShanna gagne +1/+1 pour chaque créature que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sono l'erede di molti tesori, ma sapere come la mia antenata ha vissuto la sua vita è il più prezioso.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444168,
                    "name": "Shanna, Eredità di Sisay",
                    "text": "Shanna, Eredità di Sisay non può essere bersaglio di abilità controllate dai tuoi avversari.\nShanna prende +1/+1 per ogni creatura che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Guerriero Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「私は多数の財宝の相続者だ。中でも最も貴重なのは、あのご先祖の生き様を知ることだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444437,
                    "name": "シッセイの後裔、シャナ",
                    "text": "シッセイの後裔、シャナは、対戦相手がコントロールしている能力の対象にならない。\nシッセイの後裔、シャナは、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体につき+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 많은 보물들의 상속자다. 그러나 나의 선조께서 어떻게 사셨는지 아는 것보다 더 귀중한 보물은 없다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444706,
                    "name": "시세이의 유산, 샤나",
                    "text": "시세이의 유산, 샤나는 당신의 상대가 조종하는 능력의 목표로 정해질 수 없다.\n샤나는 당신이 조종하는 생물 한 개당 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sou herdeira de muitos tesouros. Nenhum deles é mais precioso do que saber como minha ancestral viveu.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444975,
                    "name": "Shanna, Legado de Sisay",
                    "text": "Shanna, Legado de Sisay, não pode ser alvo de habilidades que seus oponentes controlam.\nShanna recebe +1/+1 para cada criatura que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Я — наследница многих сокровищ. Но самое ценное из них — знание о том, как прожила свою жизнь моя прародительница».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445244,
                    "name": "Шанна, Наследие Сисэй",
                    "text": "Шанна, Наследие Сисэй не может быть целью способностей под контролем ваших оппонентов.\nШанна получает +1/+1 за каждое существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「虽然我继承了许多远古遗产,但都不如了解我先祖生活之道来得珍贵。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445513,
                    "name": "西赛后人莎娜",
                    "text": "西赛后人莎娜不能成为由对手操控之异能的目标。\n你每操控一个生物,莎娜便得+1/+1。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「雖然我繼承了許多遠古遺產,但都不如瞭解我先祖生活之道來得珍貴。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445782,
                    "name": "西賽後人莎娜",
                    "text": "西賽後人莎娜不能成為由對手所操控之異能的目標。\n你每操控一個生物,莎娜便得+1/+1。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/戰士"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{G}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 443092,
            "name": "Shanna, Sisay's Legacy",
            "number": "204",
            "originalText": "Shanna, Sisay's Legacy can't be the target of abilities your opponents control.\nShanna gets +1/+1 for each creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Warrior",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Spells your opponents control can target Shanna."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Shanna’s ability that modifies its power and toughness applies only while it’s on the battlefield. In all other zones, it’s a 0/0 creature card."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As long as it’s on the battlefield, Shanna’s last ability will count itself, so it’ll be at least 1/1."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Because damage remains marked on a creature until it’s removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to Shanna may become lethal if other creatures you control leave the battlefield during that turn."
            "scryfallId": "b90df81c-d738-46b3-8e96-9db0b3507ee0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "acce4f7c-0102-4f06-a6db-0ff4a903b4d6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "546201d0-3fa5-44e4-a526-ab0945711e49",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162147,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Shanna, Sisay's Legacy can't be the target of abilities your opponents control.\nShanna gets +1/+1 for each creature you control.",
            "toughness": "0",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "49cb58cc-68a1-5aa2-a155-a3a2538bd665",
            "uuidV421": "e4f60fab-9c7f-55f4-b541-3893dde2350d"
            "artist": "Manuel Castañón",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Benalish glazeplate is stained with salts from the Rift Era and enchanted to deflect blows.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Benalische Glaspanzer werden mithilfe von Salzen aus der Zeitriss-Ära gefärbt und mit einem Schutzzauber versehen, der Angriffe ablenkt.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443385,
                    "name": "Schild des Reiches",
                    "text": "Falls eine Quelle der ausgerüsteten Kreatur Schaden zufügen würde, verhindere 2 dieser Schadenspunkte.\nAusrüsten {1}",
                    "type": "Artefakt — Ausrüstung"
                    "flavorText": "Los vitralinos de Benalia están tintados con sales de la Era de la Grieta y encantados para desviar los golpes.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443654,
                    "name": "Escudo del reino",
                    "text": "Si una fuente fuera a hacerle daño a la criatura equipada, prevén 2 puntos de ese daño.\nEquipar {1}.",
                    "type": "Artefacto — Equipo"
                    "flavorText": "La plaque de vitral bénaliane est incrustée de sels de l'Ère des failles et enchantée pour dévier les coups.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443923,
                    "name": "Bouclier du royaume",
                    "text": "Si une source devait infliger des blessures à la créature équipée, prévenez 2 de ces blessures.\nÉquipement {1}",
                    "type": "Artefact : équipement"
                    "flavorText": "L'armavetro di Benalia è colorato con minerali dell'Era degli Squarci e incantato per deviare i colpi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444192,
                    "name": "Scudo del Regno",
                    "text": "Se una fonte sta per infliggere danno alla creatura equipaggiata, previeni 2 di quei danni.\nEquipaggiare {1}",
                    "type": "Artefatto — Equipaggiamento"
                    "flavorText": "ベナリアの硝板は、裂け目時代から伝わる塩で染色され、激しい一撃の向きを変えるように魔法が掛けられている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444461,
                    "name": "世界の盾",
                    "text": "発生源1つが装備しているクリーチャーにダメージを与えるなら、そのダメージを2点軽減する。\n装備{1}",
                    "type": "アーティファクト — 装備品"
                    "flavorText": "베날리아의 빛나는 갑옷은 균열의 시대의 소금으로 얼룩져 있으며, 마법이 부여되어 공격을 튕겨낼 수 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444730,
                    "name": "성역의 방패",
                    "text": "어느 원천이 장착된 생물에게 피해를 입히려 한다면, 그 피해 중 2점을 방지한다.\n장착 {1}",
                    "type": "마법물체 — 장비"
                    "flavorText": "A placa vítrea de Benália é tingida com sais da Era da Fenda e encantada para defletir golpes.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444999,
                    "name": "Escudo do Reino",
                    "text": "Se uma fonte causaria dano à criatura equipada, previna 2 pontos daquele dano.\nEquipar {1}",
                    "type": "Artefato — Equipamento"
                    "flavorText": "Беналийские стеклянные латы окрашены солями эры Разломов и зачарованы, чтобы отражать удары.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445268,
                    "name": "Щит Царства",
                    "text": "Если источник должен нанести повреждения снаряженному существу, предотвратите 2 из этих повреждений.\nСнарядить {1}",
                    "type": "Артефакт — Снаряжение"
                    "flavorText": "宾纳里亚的璃釉当中混有时缝年代的盐砂并受魔法保护,能够化解来袭之势。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445537,
                    "name": "圣域坚盾",
                    "text": "如果某来源将对佩带此武具的生物造成伤害,则防止该伤害中的2点。\n佩带{1}",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
                    "flavorText": "賓納里亞的璃釉當中混有時縫年代的鹽砂並受魔法保護,能夠化解來襲之勢。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445806,
                    "name": "聖域堅盾",
                    "text": "如果某來源將對佩帶此武具的生物造成傷害,則防止該傷害中的2點。\n佩帶{1}",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}",
            "multiverseId": 443116,
            "name": "Shield of the Realm",
            "number": "228",
            "originalText": "If a source would deal damage to equipped creature, prevent 2 of that damage.\nEquip {1}",
            "originalType": "Artifact — Equipment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple sources would deal damage to the equipped creature at once (for example, several blocking creatures), 2 damage from each of those sources is prevented."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a creature is equipped with two Shields of the Realm, 4 damage will be prevented. Three Shields of the Realm will prevent 6 damage, and so on."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple replacement effects would modify how damage would be dealt, the controller of the permanent being dealt damage chooses the order in which to apply those effects."
            "scryfallId": "7207edf8-8534-4982-969f-df97febcb9fc",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "48fc6520-6896-4920-a6d9-13b9a579b87a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d669ed30-efe9-4455-813a-c747b123333f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162135,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "If a source would deal damage to equipped creature, prevent 2 of that damage.\nEquip {1}",
            "type": "Artifact — Equipment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6701127b-05d4-55a3-a7de-9ccf21614a14",
            "uuidV421": "503a0123-bba1-5f00-b250-6d66eba703f5"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "Sometimes Shivan dragons toy with their food. Other times they just cook it.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Manchmal spielen shivanische Drachen mit ihrem Essen. Aber manchmal soll es einfach nur gut durch sein.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443299,
                    "name": "Shivanisches Feuer",
                    "text": "Bonus {4} (Du kannst zusätzlich {4} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nDas Shivanische Feuer fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu. Falls die Bonuskosten dieses Zauberspruchs bezahlt wurden, fügt er der Kreatur stattdessen 4 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Los dragones shivanos juegan de vez en cuando con la comida. Otras veces, la asan y ya está.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443568,
                    "name": "Fuego shivano",
                    "text": "Estímulo {4}. (Puedes pagar {4} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nEl Fuego shivano hace 2 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo. Si este hechizo fue estimulado, en vez de eso, hace 4 puntos de daño a esa criatura.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Parfois, les dragons shivâns jouent avec leur nourriture. Parfois, ils se contentent de la cuire.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443837,
                    "name": "Feu shivân",
                    "text": "Kick {4} (Vous pouvez payer {4} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nLe Feu shivân inflige 2 blessures à la créature ciblée. Si ce sort a été kické, il inflige 4 blessures à cette créature à la place.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "A volte i draghi di Shiv si divertono con il loro cibo. Altre, invece, si limitano a cucinarlo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444106,
                    "name": "Fuoco di Shiv",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {4} (Puoi pagare {4} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nIl Fuoco di Shiv infligge 2 danni a una creatura bersaglio. Se questa magia è stata potenziata, infligge invece 4 danni a quella creatura.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "シヴのドラゴンは餌を弄ぶことがある。すぐに焼いて食べることもある。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444375,
                    "name": "シヴの火",
                    "text": "キッカー{4}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{4}を支払ってもよい。)\nクリーチャー1体を対象とする。シヴの火はそれに2点のダメージを与える。この呪文がキッカーされていたなら、代わりに、これはそのクリーチャーに4点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "시브의 용들은 가끔 먹이를 장난감처럼 가지고 논다. 또 어떤 때는 그저 요리해버리기도 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444644,
                    "name": "시브의 불",
                    "text": "키커 {4} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {4}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n생물을 목표로 정한다. 시브의 불은 그 생물에게 피해 2점을 입힌다. 이 주문의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 시브의 불은 대신 그 생물에게 피해 4점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Às vezes, os dragões de Shiv brincam com a comida. Outras vezes eles só cozinham.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444913,
                    "name": "Fogo de Shiv",
                    "text": "Reforçar {4} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {4} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nFogo de Shiv causa 2 pontos de dano à criatura alvo. Se esta mágica foi reforçada, ela causa, em vez disso, 4 pontos de dano àquela criatura.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Иногда драконы Шива играют со своей едой. Обычно же они ее просто готовят.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445182,
                    "name": "Шиванский Огонь",
                    "text": "Усилитель {4} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {4}.)\nШиванский Огонь наносит 2 повреждения целевому существу. Если это заклинание получило Усилитель, вместо этого оно наносит 4 повреждения тому существу.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "西瓦的巨龙偶尔会戏耍食物;大多时候是直接烧烤了事。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445451,
                    "name": "西瓦烈焰",
                    "text": "增幅{4}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{4}。)\n西瓦烈焰对目标生物造成2点伤害。如果此咒语已增幅,则改为它对该生物造成4点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "西瓦的巨龍偶爾會戲耍食物;大多時候是直接燒烤了事。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445720,
                    "name": "西瓦烈焰",
                    "text": "增幅{4}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{4})。\n西瓦烈焰對目標生物造成2點傷害。如果此咒語已增幅,則改為它對該生物造成4點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443030,
            "name": "Shivan Fire",
            "number": "142",
            "originalText": "Kicker {4} (You may pay an additional {4} as you cast this spell.)\nShivan Fire deals 2 damage to target creature. If this spell was kicked, it deals 4 damage to that creature instead.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "21b9d339-99ed-4923-8f56-be37f29a0bfa",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164777,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {4} (You may pay an additional {4} as you cast this spell.)\nShivan Fire deals 2 damage to target creature. If this spell was kicked, it deals 4 damage to that creature instead.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "198f534b-0dc1-543f-b5e3-35e7d40be1e5",
            "uuidV421": "467c99b4-9af9-5c03-8afc-733409dfdf32"
            "artist": "John Severin Brassell",
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            "flavorText": "\"Sometimes the only difference between a martyr and a hero is a sword.\" —Captain Sisay, Memoirs",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ein Schwert ist manchmal der einzige Unterschied zwischen einem Märtyrer und einem Helden.\" —Kapitänin Sisay, aus ihren Memoiren",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443386,
                    "name": "Kurzschwert",
                    "text": "Die ausgerüstete Kreatur erhält +1/+1.\nAusrüsten {1} ({1}: Lege diese Karte an eine Kreatur deiner Wahl an, die du kontrollierst. Spiele Ausrüsten wie eine Hexerei.)",
                    "type": "Artefakt — Ausrüstung"
                    "flavorText": "\"A veces, la única diferencia entre un mártir y un héroe es una espada\". —Capitana Sisay, Memorias",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443655,
                    "name": "Espada corta",
                    "text": "La criatura equipada obtiene +1/+1.\nEquipar {1}. ({1}: Anexa este Equipo a la criatura objetivo que controlas. Activa la habilidad de equipar como un conjuro.)",
                    "type": "Artefacto — Equipo"
                    "flavorText": "« Parfois, la seule différence entre un martyre et un héros est une épée. » —Capitaine Sissay, Mémoires",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443924,
                    "name": "Épée courte",
                    "text": "La créature équipée gagne +1/+1.\nÉquipement {1} ({1} : Attachez à la créature ciblée que vous contrôlez. N'attachez l'équipement que lorsque vous pourriez lancer un rituel.)",
                    "type": "Artefact : équipement"
                    "flavorText": "\"A volte, l'unica differenza tra un martire e un eroe è una spada.\" —Capitana Sisay, Memorie",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444193,
                    "name": "Spada Corta",
                    "text": "La creatura equipaggiata prende +1/+1.\nEquipaggiare {1} ({1}: Assegna a una creatura bersaglio che controlli. Equipaggia solo quando potresti lanciare una stregoneria.)",
                    "type": "Artefatto — Equipaggiamento"
                    "flavorText": "「殉死者になるか英雄になるか。それは単に剣の差だったりするのよ。」 ――艦長シッセイ、自叙伝より",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444462,
                    "name": "小剣",
                    "text": "装備しているクリーチャーは+1/+1の修整を受ける。\n装備{1}({1}:あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、これをそれにつける。装備はソーサリーとしてのみ行う。)",
                    "type": "アーティファクト — 装備品"
                    "flavorText": "\"때로는 순교자와 영웅의 차이가 단지 검 한 자루 뿐일 때도 있다.\" —시세이 선장, 회고록",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444731,
                    "name": "짧은 검",
                    "text": "장착된 생물은 +1/+1을 받는다.\n장착 {1} ({1}: 당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 이 장비를 부착한다. 당신이 집중마법을 발동할 수 있는 시기에만 이 능력을 활성화할 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "마법물체 — 장비"
                    "flavorText": "\"Às vezes, a única diferença entre um mártir e um herói é uma espada.\" — Capitã Sisay, Memórias",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445000,
                    "name": "Espada Curta",
                    "text": "A criatura equipada recebe +1/+1.\nEquipar {1} ({1}: Anexe à criatura alvo que você controla. Equipe somente como um feitiço.)",
                    "type": "Artefato — Equipamento"
                    "flavorText": "«Иногда мученика от героя отделяет лишь меч в руке». — мемуары капитана Сисэй",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445269,
                    "name": "Короткий Меч",
                    "text": "Снаряженное существо получает +1/+1.\nСнарядить {1} ({1}: прикрепите к целевому существу под вашим контролем. Снаряжайте только как волшебство.)",
                    "type": "Артефакт — Снаряжение"
                    "flavorText": "「有时候,殉道者与英雄的差别就在于一把剑。」 ~西赛船长,《回忆录》",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445538,
                    "name": "短剑",
                    "text": "佩带此武具的生物得+1/+1。\n佩带{1}({1}:装备在目标由你操控的生物上。佩带的时机视同法术。)",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
                    "flavorText": "「有時候,殉道者與英雄的差別就在於一把劍。」 ~西賽船長,《回憶錄》",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445807,
                    "name": "短劍",
                    "text": "佩帶此武具的生物得+1/+1。\n佩帶{1}({1}:裝備在目標由你操控的生物上。佩帶的時機視同巫術。)",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}",
            "multiverseId": 443117,
            "name": "Short Sword",
            "number": "229",
            "originalText": "Equipped creature gets +1/+1.\nEquip {1} ({1}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)",
            "originalType": "Artifact — Equipment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "cb79a623-21c3-4310-bc76-310935511d45",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e7189ece-131d-4932-9baa-d9ac70e0d759",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e842a4e5-ea0b-43ae-9ed8-93e30f4e7b8a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164724,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Equipped creature gets +1/+1.\nEquip {1} ({1}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)",
            "type": "Artifact — Equipment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fd60816e-52a5-5328-a503-a38c7c00ff3a",
            "uuidV421": "b97cf147-587f-548e-a196-311bd82d73f3"
            "artist": "Aaron Miller",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Ready . . . uh . . . fire!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Achtung … äh … Feuer!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443300,
                    "name": "Belagerungstrupp-Kommandant",
                    "text": "Wenn der Belagerungstrupp-Kommandant ins Spiel kommt, erzeuge drei 1/1 rote Goblin-Kreaturenspielsteine.\n{1}{R}, opfere einen Goblin: Der Belagerungstrupp-Kommandant fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Preparados..., eeeh..., ¡fuego!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443569,
                    "name": "Comandante de sitiadores",
                    "text": "Cuando el Comandante de sitiadores entre al campo de batalla, crea tres fichas de criatura Trasgo rojas 1/1.\n{1}{R}, sacrificar un Trasgo: El Comandante de sitiadores hace 2 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "« Prêts ? Euh... Feu ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443838,
                    "name": "Commandant des assiégeants",
                    "text": "Quand le Commandant des assiégeants arrive sur le champ de bataille, créez trois jetons de créature 1/1 rouge Gobelin.\n{1}{R}, sacrifiez un gobelin : Le Commandant des assiégeants inflige 2 blessures à n'importe quelle cible.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pronti... Ehm... Fuoco!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444107,
                    "name": "Capo della Squadra di Assedio",
                    "text": "Quando il Capo della Squadra di Assedio entra nel campo di battaglia, crea tre pedine creatura Goblin 1/1 rosse.\n{1}{R}, Sacrifica un Goblin: Il Capo della Squadra di Assedio infligge 2 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "「ヨーイ……えーと……撃て!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444376,
                    "name": "包囲攻撃の司令官",
                    "text": "包囲攻撃の司令官が戦場に出たとき、赤の1/1のゴブリン・クリーチャー・トークンを3体生成する。\n{1}{R}, ゴブリン1体を生け贄に捧げる:クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。包囲攻撃の司令官はそれに2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン"
                    "flavorText": "\"준비... 어... 발사!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444645,
                    "name": "공성무리 지휘관",
                    "text": "공성무리 지휘관이 전장에 들어올 때, 1/1 적색 고블린 생물 토큰 세 개를 만든다.\n{1}{R}, 고블린 한 개를 희생한다: 원하는 목표를 정한다. 공성무리 지휘관은 그 목표에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린"
                    "flavorText": "\"Preparar... hã... fogo!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444914,
                    "name": "Comandante do Grupo de Cerco",
                    "text": "Quando Comandante do Grupo de Cerco entrar no campo de batalha, crie três fichas de criatura vermelha 1/1 do tipo Goblin.\n{1}{R}, sacrifique um Goblin: Comandante do Grupo de Cerco causa 2 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "«Товьсь... эм-м... пли!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445183,
                    "name": "Командир Осадчиков",
                    "text": "Когда Командир Осадчиков выходит на поле битвы, создайте три фишки существа 1/1 красный Гоблин.\n{1}{R}, пожертвуйте Гоблина: Командир Осадчиков наносит 2 повреждения любой цели.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин"
                    "flavorText": "「准备. . .呃. . .射击!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445452,
                    "name": "攻城指挥官",
                    "text": "当攻城指挥官进战场时,派出三个1/1红色鬼怪衍生生物。\n{1}{R},牺牲一个鬼怪:攻城指挥官对任意一个目标造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪"
                    "flavorText": "「準備. . .呃. . .射擊!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445721,
                    "name": "攻城指揮官",
                    "text": "當攻城指揮官進戰場時,派出三個1/1紅色鬼怪衍生生物。\n{1}{R},犧牲一個鬼怪:攻城指揮官對任意一個目標造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443031,
            "name": "Siege-Gang Commander",
            "names": [],
            "number": "143",
            "originalText": "When Siege-Gang Commander enters the battlefield, create three 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens.\n{1}{R}, Sacrifice a Goblin: Siege-Gang Commander deals 2 damage to any target.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can sacrifice any Goblin you control to activate Siege-Gang Commander’s activated ability, not just the ones its triggered ability puts onto the battlefield. You can even sacrifice Siege-Gang Commander itself."
            "scryfallId": "f59ff087-97e7-4946-871f-1833abb2558a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f9c939e1-e101-4a98-9d9b-630f75e42113",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ddc7f59a-bbb1-4ba1-82c8-6813fd191940",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162180,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Siege-Gang Commander enters the battlefield, create three 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens.\n{1}{R}, Sacrifice a Goblin: Siege-Gang Commander deals 2 damage to any target.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "13a97a2e-fda4-5d1c-96bf-99763b587c33",
            "uuidV421": "c8a8ffa5-3873-5acd-8a40-d10f44d9aaee"
            "artist": "Slawomir Maniak",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "Deep beneath the ruined continent of Otaria, there's a mine where goblins still work, ignorant of the destruction above.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Tief unter dem zerstörten Kontinent Otaria existiert eine Mine, in der noch immer Goblins schuften. Vom Chaos über ihren Köpfen haben sie nichts mitbekommen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443301,
                    "name": "Skirk-Schürfer",
                    "text": "Opfere einen Goblin: Erzeuge {R}.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "En las profundidades del continente en ruinas de Otaria existe una mina donde aún trabajan los trasgos, ignorantes de la destrucción en la superficie.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443570,
                    "name": "Minero de Skirk",
                    "text": "Sacrificar un Trasgo: Agrega {R}.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "Dans les profondeurs du continent dévasté d'Otaria se trouve une mine où les gobelins travaillent encore, ignorant tout de la destruction de la surface.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443839,
                    "name": "Prospecteur skirkien",
                    "text": "Sacrifiez un gobelin : Ajoutez {R}.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin"
                    "flavorText": "Nelle profondità del devastato continente di Otaria, esiste una miniera in cui i goblin sono ancora al lavoro, ignari della distruzione in superficie.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444108,
                    "name": "Prospettore di Skirk",
                    "text": "Sacrifica un Goblin: Aggiungi {R}.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "廃墟となったオタリア大陸の地下深くには、今でもゴブリンの働く採掘場が残っている。地上が壊滅したことには気付いていない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444377,
                    "name": "スカークの探鉱者",
                    "text": "ゴブリン1体を生け贄に捧げる:{R}を加える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン"
                    "flavorText": "황폐해진 오타리아 대륙의 땅속 깊은 곳에는, 파괴된 지상에 관심도 주지 않고 여전히 일을 계속하는 고블린들의 광산이 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444646,
                    "name": "스커크 탐사꾼",
                    "text": "고블린 한 개를 희생한다: {R}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린"
                    "flavorText": "Nas profundezas, sob o continente arruinado de Otaria, há uma mina na qual os goblins ainda trabalham, inscientes da destruição na superfície.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444915,
                    "name": "Prospector de Skirk",
                    "text": "Sacrifique um Goblin: Adicione {R}.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "Глубоко в недрах разоренного континента Отария остался рудник, где до сих пор трудятся так и не узнавшие о разрушениях наверху гоблины.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445184,
                    "name": "Скиркский Старатель",
                    "text": "Пожертвуйте Гоблина: добавьте {R}.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин"
                    "flavorText": "在破败的欧塔利亚大陆地底深处,鬼怪仍在挖矿工作,浑然不知地面的坏灭状况。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445453,
                    "name": "司克探矿者",
                    "text": "牺牲一个鬼怪:加{R}。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪"
                    "flavorText": "在破敗的歐塔利亞大陸地底深處,鬼怪仍在挖礦工作,渾然不知地面的壞滅狀況。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445722,
                    "name": "司克探礦者",
                    "text": "犧牲一個鬼怪:加{R}。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443032,
            "name": "Skirk Prospector",
            "number": "144",
            "originalText": "Sacrifice a Goblin: Add {R}.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "1636d138-aa63-476f-a930-41b1be988032",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "57e07e1a-1727-42c3-9cc0-524d6276b16d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c18013e4-0b99-44e3-a2b2-027ace68723a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164400,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Sacrifice a Goblin: Add {R}.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e1d9dfff-7116-5814-b5e5-29c3725a0ca2",
            "uuidV421": "6d4ae6e6-9790-54f2-a56c-9b848cab3367"
            "artist": "Dan Scott",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Like a cross between a spider and a spyglass, but friendlier.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wie eine Mischung aus einer Spinne und einem Fernrohr, nur freundlicher.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443387,
                    "name": "Krabbelnder Landvermesser",
                    "text": "Wenn der Krabbelnde Landvermesser ins Spiel kommt, kannst du deine Bibliothek nach einer Standardland-Karte durchsuchen, sie offen vorzeigen, auf deine Hand nehmen und dann deine Bibliothek mischen.",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Konstrukt"
                    "flavorText": "Es como un cruce entre una araña y un catalejo, pero más amistoso.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443656,
                    "name": "Supervisor escurridizo",
                    "text": "Cuando el Supervisor escurridizo entre al campo de batalla, puedes buscar en tu biblioteca una carta de tierra básica, mostrarla, ponerla en tu mano y luego barajar tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Constructo"
                    "flavorText": "Le croisement d'une araignée et d'une longue-vue, mais en plus amical.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443925,
                    "name": "Arpenteur jaillissant",
                    "text": "Quand l'Arpenteur jaillissant arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez chercher dans votre bibliothèque une carte de terrain de base, la révéler, la mettre dans votre main et mélanger ensuite votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : construction"
                    "flavorText": "Una specie di incrocio tra un ragno e un cannocchiale, ma più amichevole.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444194,
                    "name": "Ricognitore Brulicante",
                    "text": "Quando il Ricognitore Brulicante entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi passare in rassegna il tuo grimorio per una carta terra base, rivelarla, aggiungerla alla tua mano e poi rimescolare il tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Costrutto"
                    "flavorText": "蜘蛛と望遠鏡を混ぜたようなものだが、どちらよりも愛嬌がある。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444463,
                    "name": "這い回る偵察機",
                    "text": "這い回る偵察機が戦場に出たとき、あなたは「あなたのライブラリーから基本土地・カード1枚を探し、それを公開してあなたの手札に加え、その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。」を選んでもよい。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — 構築物"
                    "flavorText": "거미와 망원경을 섞어놓은 것처럼 보이지만, 그보다는 더 우호적이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444732,
                    "name": "질주하는 측량자",
                    "text": "질주하는 측량자가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 서고에서 기본 대지 카드 한 장을 찾아, 공개한 후, 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 자동기계"
                    "flavorText": "Como um cruzamento entre uma aranha e uma lupa, mas mais amistoso.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445001,
                    "name": "Monitorador Dardejante",
                    "text": "Quando Monitorador Dardejante entra no campo de batalha, você pode procurar um card de terreno básico em seu grimório, revelá-lo, colocá-lo em sua mão e depois embaralhar seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Constructo"
                    "flavorText": "Как помесь паука и подзорной трубы, только более дружелюбный.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445270,
                    "name": "Быстроногий Наблюдатель",
                    "text": "Когда Быстроногий Наблюдатель выходит на поле битвы, вы можете найти в вашей библиотеке карту базовой земли, показать ее, положить ее в вашу руку, затем перетасовать вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Конструкция"
                    "flavorText": "像是蜘蛛和望远镜的结合体,但更为友善。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445539,
                    "name": "掠行勘探械",
                    "text": "当掠行勘探械进战场时,你可以从你的牌库中搜寻一张基本地牌,展示该牌,将它置于你手上,然后将你的牌库洗牌。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~组构体"
                    "flavorText": "像是蜘蛛和望遠鏡的結合體,但更為友善。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445808,
                    "name": "掠行勘探機",
                    "text": "當掠行勘探械進戰場時,你可以從你的牌庫中搜尋一張基本地牌,展示該牌,將它置於你手上,然後將你的牌庫洗牌。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~組構體"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}",
            "multiverseId": 443118,
            "name": "Skittering Surveyor",
            "number": "230",
            "originalText": "When Skittering Surveyor enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "90c7bea0-79c9-4856-8279-cef7cee82fc1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7d454738-fbb2-48bd-a013-1420ca2dad38",
            "scryfallOracleId": "85364398-923c-4ee9-8519-576fce1c26f7",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164488,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Skittering Surveyor enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "33d23577-bb0c-533e-8403-a4917a1e26a1",
            "uuidV421": "af95830b-aae9-557e-93bd-3cd85aee4a69"
            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "It skitters across the Shiv, each tendril hitting the ground with a sharp snap.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Es gleitet über Shiv hinweg, wobei jedes seiner Tentakel den Boden unter sich elektrisiert.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443302,
                    "name": "Skizzik",
                    "text": "Bonus {R} (Du kannst zusätzlich {R} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nVerursacht Trampelschaden, Eile\nZu Beginn des Endsegments und falls seine Bonuskosten nicht bezahlt wurden, opfere Skizzik.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elementarwesen"
                    "flavorText": "Sobrevuela todo Shiv y, cuando una de sus prolongaciones toca el suelo, se escucha un fuerte chispazo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443571,
                    "name": "Skízzik",
                    "text": "Estímulo {R}. (Puedes pagar {R} adicional al lanzar este hechizo.)\nArrolla, prisa.\nAl comienzo del paso final, si Skízzik no fue estimulado, sacrifícalo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "Il arpente Shiv, chacun de ses éclairs frappant le sol d'un claquement sec.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443840,
                    "name": "Skizzik",
                    "text": "Kick {R} (Vous pouvez payer {R} supplémentaire au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nPiétinement, célérité\nAu début de l'étape de fin, si Skizzik n'a pas été kické, sacrifiez-le.",
                    "type": "Créature : élémental"
                    "flavorText": "Sorvola Shiv, schiantando ogni propaggine al suolo con un secco boato.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444109,
                    "name": "Skizzik",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {R} (Puoi pagare {R} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nTravolgere, rapidità\nAll'inizio della sottofase finale, se Skizzik non è stato potenziato, sacrificalo.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Elementale"
                    "flavorText": "シヴ中を素早く移動し、触手で大地を激しく打つ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444378,
                    "name": "スキジック",
                    "text": "キッカー{R}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{R}を支払ってもよい。)\nトランプル、速攻\n終了ステップの開始時に、スキジックがキッカーされていなかった場合、これを生け贄に捧げる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エレメンタル"
                    "flavorText": "그것은 시브를 누비며 덩굴을 채찍처럼 휘둘러 땅을 후려쳤다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444647,
                    "name": "스키직",
                    "text": "키커 {R} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {R}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n돌진, 신속\n종료단 시작에, 스키직의 키커 비용이 지불되지 않았다면, 스키직을 희생한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 정령"
                    "flavorText": "Enquanto ele sobrevoa velozmente Shiv, seus tentáculos estalam violentamente no chão.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444916,
                    "name": "Skizzik",
                    "text": "Reforçar {R} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {R} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nAtropelar, ímpeto\nNo início da etapa final, se Skizzik não tiver sido reforçado, sacrifique-o.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "Он мечется по Шиву, с громким треском впиваясь в землю своими тонкими щупальцами.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445185,
                    "name": "Скиззик",
                    "text": "Усилитель {R} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {R}.)\nПробивной удар, Ускорение\nВ начале заключительного шага, если Скиззик не получил Усилитель, пожертвуйте его.",
                    "type": "Существо — Элементаль"
                    "flavorText": "它掠行西瓦,每一条触爪落地都发出清脆的劈啪声。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445454,
                    "name": "嘶气客",
                    "text": "增幅{R}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{R}。)\n践踏,敏捷\n在结束步骤开始时,若嘶气客未增幅,则将它牺牲。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
                    "flavorText": "它掠行西瓦,每一條觸爪落地都發出清脆的劈啪聲。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445723,
                    "name": "嘶氣客",
                    "text": "增幅{R}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{R}。)\n踐踏,敏捷\n在結束步驟開始時,若嘶氣客未增幅,則將它犧牲。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443033,
            "name": "Skizzik",
            "number": "145",
            "originalText": "Kicker {R} (You may pay an additional {R} as you cast this spell.)\nTrample, haste\nAt the beginning of the end step, if Skizzik wasn't kicked, sacrifice it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elemental",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Skizzik’s ability checks at each end step whether it was kicked while it was being cast. You don’t have to pay its kicker cost each turn (and can’t do so, even if you really want to kick it again)."
            "scryfallId": "77af9d28-1639-47bd-b925-7f3d2eefd352",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "42a26f3f-3559-4674-9a5d-ef26739fb0f9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0c77d37e-791c-415e-b369-55e93147ec34",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162181,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {R} (You may pay an additional {R} as you cast this spell.)\nTrample, haste\nAt the beginning of the end step, if Skizzik wasn't kicked, sacrifice it.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Elemental",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "84661302-b954-50e5-95bd-024408921544",
            "uuidV421": "ceb64f2f-7f01-5aed-896b-5087fc16f46c"
            "artist": "Alex Konstad",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "As Jhoira restored the Weatherlight, a mushroom growing in its hold unexpectedly became her first crew member.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Als Jhoira die Wetterlicht wieder aufbaute, wurde ein Pilzwesen, das im Inneren heranwuchs, ganz unerwartet zum ersten Mannschaftsmitglied.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443362,
                    "name": "Schleimfuß, Wetterlicht-Thallid",
                    "text": "Immer wenn ein Saproling, den du kontrollierst, stirbt, fügt Schleimfuß, Wetterlicht-Thallid, jedem Gegner 1 Schadenspunkt zu und du erhältst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu.\n{4}: Erzeuge einen 1/1 grünen Saproling-Kreaturenspielstein.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Pilzwesen"
                    "flavorText": "Cuando Jhoira reconstruyó el Vientoligero, un hongo que crecía en su bodega se convirtió, sin querer, en el primer miembro de la tripulación.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443631,
                    "name": "Pies de Fango, el polizón",
                    "text": "Siempre que un Saprolín que controlas muera, Pies de Fango, el polizón hace 1 punto de daño a cada oponente y tú ganas 1 vida.\n{4}: Crea una ficha de criatura Saprolín verde 1/1.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Hongo"
                    "flavorText": "Tandis que Djoïra restaurait l'Aquilon, un champignon qui poussait dans la cale devint étrangement son premier membre d'équipage.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443900,
                    "name": "Fongepied, le clandestin",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'un saprobionte que vous contrôlez meurt, Fongepied, le clandestin inflige 1 blessure à chaque adversaire et vous gagnez 1 point de vie.\n{4} : Créez un jeton de créature 1/1 verte Saprobionte.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : fongus"
                    "flavorText": "Quando Jhoira riparò la Cavalcavento, un fungo cresciuto nella stiva divenne inaspettatamente il primo membro del suo equipaggio.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444169,
                    "name": "Piedemoccio, il Clandestino",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta un Saprolingio che controlli muore, Piedemoccio, il Clandestino infligge 1 danno a ogni avversario e tu guadagni 1 punto vita.\n{4}: Crea una pedina creatura Saprolingio 1/1 verde.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Fungus"
                    "flavorText": "ジョイラがウェザーライトを修復した際に、船倉に生えていたキノコが、図らずも最初の乗員となった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444438,
                    "name": "密航者、スライムフット",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしている苗木が1体死亡するたび、密航者、スライムフットは各対戦相手にそれぞれ1点のダメージを与え、あなたは1点のライフを得る。\n{4}:緑の1/1の苗木・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — ファンガス"
                    "flavorText": "조이라가 웨더라이트를 복원하면서, 그곳에서 자란 버섯 하나가 뜻하지 않게 그녀의 첫 선원이 되었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444707,
                    "name": "밀항자, 슬라임풋",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 묘목이 죽을 때마다, 밀항자, 슬라임풋은 각 상대에게 피해 1점을 입히고 당신은 생명 1점을 얻는다.\n{4}: 1/1 녹색 묘목 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 진균"
                    "flavorText": "Quando Jhoira restaurou o Bons Ventos, inesperadamente um cogumelo que crescia no casco se tornou seu primeiro tripulante.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444976,
                    "name": "Pé-de-limo, o Clandestino",
                    "text": "Toda vez que uma Saprófita que você controla morre, Pé-de-limo, o Clandestino, causa 1 ponto de dano a cada oponente e você ganha 1 ponto de vida.\n{4}: Crie uma ficha de criatura verde 1/1 do tipo Saprófita.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Fungo"
                    "flavorText": "Восстанавливая «Везерлайт», Джойра не подозревала, что первым членом ее экипажа станет разросшийся в трюме гриб.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445245,
                    "name": "Слизеног, Незваный Пассажир",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Сапролинг под вашим контролем умирает, Слизеног, Незваный Пассажир наносит 1 повреждение каждому оппоненту, а вы получаете 1 жизнь.\n{4}: создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 зеленый Сапролинг.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Плесень"
                    "flavorText": "正当尤依拉修整晴空号之时,舱内成长的一株蘑菇意外地成了她的首名船员。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445514,
                    "name": "寄舱客黏足",
                    "text": "每当一个由你操控的腐生物死去时,寄舱客黏足向每位对手各造成1点伤害且你获得1点生命。\n{4}:派出一个1/1绿色腐生物衍生生物。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~真菌"
                    "flavorText": "正當尤依菈修整晴空號之時,艙內成長的一株蘑菇意外地成了她的首名船員。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445783,
                    "name": "寄艙客黏足",
                    "text": "每當一個由你操控的腐生物死去時,寄艙客黏足向每位對手各造成1點傷害且你獲得1點生命。\n{4}:派出一個1/1綠色腐生物衍生生物。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~真菌"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443093,
            "name": "Slimefoot, the Stowaway",
            "names": [],
            "number": "205",
            "originalText": "Whenever a Saproling you control dies, Slimefoot, the Stowaway deals 1 damage to each opponent and you gain 1 life.\n{4}: Create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Fungus",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a Saproling you control dies at the same time as Slimefoot does, Slimefoot will deal damage and you’ll gain life."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Slimefoot’s first ability causes the opposing team to lose 2 life and you to gain 1 life."
            "scryfallId": "e8815cd9-7032-445a-aebc-cfc19bd51ee4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "080b692e-7212-4450-8a1b-eaf5ad8afe1c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fd541139-de13-4b32-93ba-070ecf711d33",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162148,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever a Saproling you control dies, Slimefoot, the Stowaway deals 1 damage to each opponent and you gain 1 life.\n{4}: Create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Fungus",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d63cd10a-e854-5814-842c-5ab9a1a46ad3",
            "uuidV421": "2569e746-fb11-5f23-94a8-a9c3c222d287"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 8.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443223,
                    "name": "Slinn Voda, die steigende Flut",
                    "text": "Bonus {1}{U} (Du kannst zusätzlich {1}{U} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nWenn Slinn Voda, die steigende Flut, ins Spiel kommt und falls ihre Bonuskosten bezahlt wurden, bringe alle Kreaturen auf die Hand ihrer Besitzer zurück, außer Meervölker, Kraken, Leviathane, Oktopoden und Schlangen.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Leviathan"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443492,
                    "name": "Slinn Voda, el Abisal Emergente",
                    "text": "Estímulo {1}{U}. (Puedes pagar {1}{U} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nCuando Slinn Voda, el Abisal Emergente entre al campo de batalla, si fue estimulado, regresa todas las criaturas a las manos de sus propietarios excepto los Tritones, Krakens, Leviatanes, Pulpos y Serpientes.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Leviatán"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443761,
                    "name": "Slinn Voda, la Profondeur ascendante",
                    "text": "Kick {1}{U} (Vous pouvez payer {1}{U} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nQuand Slinn Voda, la Profondeur ascendante arrive sur le champ de bataille, s'il a été kické, renvoyez toutes les créatures dans les mains de leurs propriétaires, excepté les ondins, les krakens, les léviathans, les pieuvres et les grands serpents.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : léviathan"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444030,
                    "name": "Slinn Voda, l'Abisso Ascendente",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {1}{U} (Puoi pagare {1}{U} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nQuando Slinn Voda, l'Abisso Ascendente entra nel campo di battaglia, se è stato potenziato, fai tornare tutte le creature tranne Tritoni, Kraken, Leviatani, Piovre e Serpi in mano ai rispettivi proprietari.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Leviatano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444299,
                    "name": "上昇底流、スリン・ヴォーダ",
                    "text": "キッカー{1}{U}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{1}{U}を支払ってもよい。)\n上昇底流、スリン・ヴォーダが戦場に出たとき、これがキッカーされていた場合、マーフォークとクラーケンとリバイアサンとタコと海蛇を除くクリーチャーをすべてオーナーの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — リバイアサン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444568,
                    "name": "떠오르는 심연, 슬린 보다",
                    "text": "키커 {1}{U} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {1}{U}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n떠오르는 심연, 슬린 보다가 전장에 들어올 때, 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 인어, 크라켄, 리바이어던, 문어, 이무기를 제외한 모든 생물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 리바이어던"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444837,
                    "name": "Slinn Voda, Profundeza Remontante",
                    "text": "Reforçar {1}{U} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {1}{U} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nQuando Slinn Voda, Profundeza Remontante, entra no campo de batalha, se ele foi reforçado, devolva todas as criaturas para as mãos de seus donos, exceto Tritões, Krakens, Leviatãs, Polvos e Serpentes.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Leviatã"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445106,
                    "name": "Слинн Вода, Наступающая Бездна",
                    "text": "Усилитель {1}{U} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {1}{U}.)\nКогда Слинн Вода, Наступающая Бездна выходит на поле битвы, если он получил Усилитель, верните все существа, кроме Мерфолков, Кракенов, Левиафанов, Спрутов и Змеев, в руки их владельцев.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Левиафан"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445375,
                    "name": "深洋海怪西林伏特",
                    "text": "增幅{1}{U}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{1}{U}。)\n当深洋海怪西林伏特进战场时,若它已增幅,则将所有生物移回其拥有者手上,但人鱼、巨海兽、海怪、章鱼与巨蛇除外。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~海怪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445644,
                    "name": "深洋海怪西林伏特",
                    "text": "增幅{1}{U}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{1}{U}。)\n當深洋海怪西林伏特進戰場時,若它已增幅,則將所有生物移回其擁有者手上,但人魚、巨海獸、海怪、章魚與巨蛇除外。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~海怪"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{6}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442954,
            "name": "Slinn Voda, the Rising Deep",
            "number": "66",
            "originalText": "Kicker {1}{U} (You may pay an additional {1}{U} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Slinn Voda, the Rising Deep enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, return all creatures to their owners' hands except for Merfolk, Krakens, Leviathans, Octopuses, and Serpents.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Leviathan",
            "power": "8",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "c92b4581-fe4a-498d-af58-c1e453235df8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b42011d5-b243-414f-b795-5028929222c8",
            "scryfallOracleId": "753d98d3-d534-42c1-b728-a4f14c7f29ec",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164242,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {1}{U} (You may pay an additional {1}{U} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Slinn Voda, the Rising Deep enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, return all creatures to their owners' hands except for Merfolk, Krakens, Leviathans, Octopuses, and Serpents.",
            "toughness": "8",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Leviathan",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6946061f-7d2b-535a-9087-b2af97d1176c",
            "uuidV421": "21b26fae-5d8e-5b28-b898-e7e7fdcd1ece"
            "artist": "Min Yum",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443336,
                    "name": "Freyalises Lied",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI, II — Bis zu deinem nächsten Zug erhalten Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst „{T}: Erzeuge ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe.\"\nIII — Lege auf jede Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, eine +1/+1-Marke. Die Kreaturen erhalten Wachsamkeit, Unzerstörbarkeit und verursachen Trampelschaden bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443605,
                    "name": "Canción de Freyalise",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI, II — Hasta tu próximo turno, las criaturas que controlas ganan \"{T}: Agrega un maná de cualquier color\".\nIII — Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre cada criatura que controlas. Esas criaturas ganan las habilidades de vigilancia, arrollar e indestructible hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443874,
                    "name": "Chant de Freyalise",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI, II — Jusqu'à votre prochain tour, les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent « {T} : Ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix ».\nIII — Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur chaque créature que vous contrôlez. Ces créatures acquièrent la vigilance, le piétinement et l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444143,
                    "name": "Canto di Freyalise",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI, II — Fino al tuo prossimo turno, le creature che controlli hanno \"{T}: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore\".\nIII — Metti un segnalino +1/+1 su ogni creatura che controlli. Quelle creature hanno cautela, travolgere e indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444412,
                    "name": "フレイアリーズの歌",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI, II ― あなたの次のターンまで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは「{T}:好きな色1色のマナ1点を加える。」を持つ。\nIII ― あなたがコントロールしている各クリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターをそれぞれ1個置く。ターン終了時まで、それらのクリーチャーは警戒とトランプルと破壊不能を得る。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444681,
                    "name": "프레얄리스의 노래",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI, II — 당신의 다음 턴까지, 당신이 조종하는 생물들은 \"{T}: 원하는 색의 마나 한 개를 추가한다.\"를 가진다.\nIII — 당신이 조종하는 각 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 그 생물들은 턴종료까지 경계, 돌진, 무적을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444950,
                    "name": "Canção de Freyalise",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI, II — Até seu próximo turno, as criaturas que você controla ganham \"{T}: Adicione um mana de qualquer cor.\"\nIII — Coloque um marcador +1/+1 em cada criatura que você controla. Aquelas criaturas ganham vigilância, atropelar e indestrutível até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445219,
                    "name": "Песнь о Фреализ",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI, II — До вашего следующего хода существа под вашим контролем получают способность «{T}: добавьте одну ману любого цвета».\nIII — Положите один жетон +1/+1 на каждое существо под вашим контролем. Те существа получают Бдительность, Пробивной удар и Неразрушимость до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445488,
                    "name": "妃雅丽兹颂歌",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI, II — 直到你的下一个回合,由你操控的生物获得「{T}:加一点任意颜色的法术力。」\nIII — 在每个由你操控的生物上各放置一个+1/+1指示物。这些生物获得警戒、践踏与不灭异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445757,
                    "name": "妃雅麗茲頌歌",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI, II — 直到你的下一個回合,由你操控的生物獲得「{T}:加一點任意顏色的魔法力。」\nIII — 在每個由你操控的生物上各放置一個+1/+1指示物。這些生物獲得警戒、踐踏與不滅異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443067,
            "name": "Song of Freyalise",
            "number": "179",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Until your next turn, creatures you control gain \"{T}: Add one mana of any color.\"\nIII — Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control. Those creatures gain vigilance, trample, and indestructible until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each of Song of Freyalise’s chapter abilities affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures you begin to control later in the turn won’t gain abilities or get a +1/+1 counter."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "a45b534b-8442-4074-a8d2-f38e83f24868",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7a02d5f8-3a69-4353-8fb0-32c4d83d4417",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9fe1f3ef-2c30-4ccc-9a67-5349e98e2502",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162244,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Until your next turn, creatures you control gain \"{T}: Add one mana of any color.\"\nIII — Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control. Those creatures gain vigilance, trample, and indestructible until end of turn.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2fbad396-4927-5343-bdc8-436ae31d6671",
            "uuidV421": "12b7bcc8-af67-55ad-8e99-4045ae6089ea"
            "artist": "Matt Stewart",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443388,
                    "name": "Stab des Hexenmeisters",
                    "text": "Die ausgerüstete Kreatur hat „{T}: Diese Kreatur fügt einem Spieler oder Planeswalker deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu. Falls diese Kreatur ein Zauberer ist, fügt sie dem Spieler oder Planeswalker stattdessen 2 Schadenspunkte zu.\"\nAusrüsten {3}",
                    "type": "Artefakt — Ausrüstung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443657,
                    "name": "Varita del hechicero",
                    "text": "La criatura equipada tiene \"{T}: Esta criatura hace 1 punto de daño al jugador o planeswalker objetivo. Si esta criatura es un Hechicero, en vez de eso, hace 2 puntos de daño a ese jugador o planeswalker\".\nEquipar {3}.",
                    "type": "Artefacto — Equipo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443926,
                    "name": "Baguette de sorcier",
                    "text": "La créature équipée a « {T} : Cette créature inflige 1 blessure à une cible, joueur ou planeswalker. Si cette créature est un sorcier, elle inflige 2 blessures à ce joueur ou à ce planeswalker à la place. »\nÉquipement {3}",
                    "type": "Artefact : équipement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444195,
                    "name": "Bacchetta dello Stregone",
                    "text": "La creatura equipaggiata ha \"{T}: Questa creatura infligge 1 danno a un giocatore o a un planeswalker bersaglio. Se questa creatura è un Mago, infligge invece 2 danni a quel giocatore o planeswalker\".\nEquipaggiare {3}",
                    "type": "Artefatto — Equipaggiamento"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444464,
                    "name": "呪術師のワンド",
                    "text": "装備しているクリーチャーは「{T}:プレイヤー1人かプレインズウォーカー1体を対象とする。このクリーチャーはそれに1点のダメージを与える。このクリーチャーがウィザードであるなら、代わりに、これはそのプレイヤーかプレインズウォーカーに2点のダメージを与える。」を持つ。\n装備{3}",
                    "type": "アーティファクト — 装備品"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444733,
                    "name": "마법사의 지팡이",
                    "text": "장착된 생물은 \"{T}: 플레이어나 플레인즈워커를 목표로 정한다. 이 생물은 그 목표에게 피해 1점을 입힌다. 이 생물이 마법사라면, 대신 피해 2점을 입힌다.\"를 가진다.\n장착 {3}",
                    "type": "마법물체 — 장비"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445002,
                    "name": "Varinha do Feiticeiro",
                    "text": "A criatura equipada tem \"{T}: Esta criatura causa 1 ponto de dano ao jogador ou planeswalker alvo. Se esta criatura é um Mago, ela causa, em vez disso, 2 pontos de dano àquele jogador ou planeswalker.\"\nEquipar {3}",
                    "type": "Artefato — Equipamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445271,
                    "name": "Волшебная Палочка",
                    "text": "Снаряженное существо имеет способность «{T}: это существо наносит 1 повреждение целевому игроку или planeswalker-у. Если это существо является Чародеем, вместо этого оно наносит 2 повреждения тому игроку или planeswalker-у».\nСнарядить {3}",
                    "type": "Артефакт — Снаряжение"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445540,
                    "name": "术士魔杖",
                    "text": "佩带此武具的生物具有「{T}:此生物对目标牌手或鹏洛客造成1点伤害。如果此生物是法术师,则改为它对该牌手或鹏洛客造成2点伤害。」\n佩带{3}",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445809,
                    "name": "術士魔杖",
                    "text": "佩帶此武具的生物具有「{T}:此生物對目標玩家或鵬洛客造成1點傷害。如果此生物是魔法師,則改為它對該玩家或鵬洛客造成2點傷害。」\n佩帶{3}",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}",
            "multiverseId": 443119,
            "name": "Sorcerer's Wand",
            "number": "231",
            "originalText": "Equipped creature has \"{T}: This creature deals 1 damage to target player or planeswalker. If this creature is a Wizard, it deals 2 damage to that player or planeswalker instead.\"\nEquip {3}",
            "originalType": "Artifact — Equipment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Whether the equipped creature is a Wizard is checked only as the ability resolves. If that creature has left the battlefield, use its last known information to determine if it was a Wizard."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The equipped creature, not Sorcerer’s Wand, is the source of the damage-dealing ability and of the damage dealt."
            "scryfallId": "69ee3692-54e3-42de-85c6-0a3b5c6a2402",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5bc4fc25-df0b-4773-8a7e-dc2d2b710daf",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0edc8ad3-2920-4b25-8a86-98ce216111d1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162140,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Equipped creature has \"{T}: This creature deals 1 damage to target player or planeswalker. If this creature is a Wizard, it deals 2 damage to that player or planeswalker instead.\"\nEquip {3}",
            "type": "Artifact — Equipment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "238ef9e4-ba01-507f-9238-dc07d278d43d",
            "uuidV421": "4c63f51e-db16-53e1-be0a-9c899f5286af"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The first mistake the Grimnant knights made was bullying the owner of an Urborg corpse shop. Their second mistake was dying.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Der erste Fehler der Schreckensherolde war es, den Besitzer eines Urborg-Leichenladens zu schikanieren. Der zweite Fehler war zu sterben.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443261,
                    "name": "Seelenverwertung",
                    "text": "Bringe bis zu zwei Kreaturenkarten deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "El primer error que cometieron los caballeros de los Siniestros fue molestar al dueño de una tienda de cadáveres de Urborg. El segundo, morirse.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443530,
                    "name": "Acopiar almas",
                    "text": "Regresa hasta dos cartas de criatura objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "La première erreur des chevaliers Intransigeants fut d'ennuyer le propriétaire d'une boutique de cadavres d'Urborg. Leur deuxième erreur fut de mourir.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443799,
                    "name": "Récupération d'âmes",
                    "text": "Renvoyez jusqu'à deux cartes de créature ciblées depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Il primo errore che commisero i cavalieri Funesti fu importunare il proprietario di una bottega di cadaveri a Urborg. Il secondo fu morire.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444068,
                    "name": "Recupero di Anime",
                    "text": "Riprendi in mano fino a due carte creatura bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "冷酷漢の騎士たちが犯した最初の間違いは、アーボーグの死体屋の店主を埋葬したことだった。次の間違いは、自分たちが死んだことだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444337,
                    "name": "魂回収",
                    "text": "あなたの墓地からクリーチャー・カード最大2枚を対象とし、それらをあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "그림난트 기사들이 가장 먼저 한 실수는 우르보그 시체 상점의 주인을 괴롭힌 것이었다. 두 번째 실수는 죽어 버린 것이었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444606,
                    "name": "영혼 구조",
                    "text": "당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드를 최대 두 장까지 목표로 정한다. 그 카드들을 당신의 무덤에서 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "O primeiro erro dos cavaleiros Grimnantes foi tentar intimidar o dono de uma loja de cadáveres em Urborg. O segundo foi morrer.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444875,
                    "name": "Recuperação de Almas",
                    "text": "Devolva até dois cards de criatura alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Первая ошибка рыцарей Гримнанта заключалась в том, что они невежливо повели себя с владельцем трупной лавки в Урборге. Вторая — в том, что они умерли.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445144,
                    "name": "Собирание Душ",
                    "text": "Верните не более двух целевых карт существ из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "魔骑犯下的第一个错误是欺凌乌尔博格尸体店的老板。第二个错误便是死去。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445413,
                    "name": "回收灵魂",
                    "text": "将至多两张目标生物牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "魔騎犯下的第一個錯誤是欺凌烏爾博格屍體店的老闆。第二個錯誤便是死去。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445682,
                    "name": "回收靈魂",
                    "text": "將至多兩張目標生物牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442992,
            "name": "Soul Salvage",
            "number": "104",
            "originalText": "Return up to two target creature cards from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "347060c0-fef7-45da-b42e-8e11051b2c69",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6bdd4cc3-9d77-4418-a0aa-2f84e15ed35e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "60b6bd93-3eb3-4b81-bc4d-1e3351ee2e64",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164742,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Return up to two target creature cards from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c768f512-cae6-5a0b-9229-ef774868e6bb",
            "uuidV421": "0df9820f-e3d8-51a9-b52a-2652866a2f92"
            "artist": "Mark Behm",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "The trainers were a gift of gratitude from the wizards of Tolaria West to the knights of New Benalia for their aid during the Talas Incursion.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Diese Konstrukte waren ein Dankesgeschenk der Zauberer von Westtolaria an die Ritter von Neu-Benalia für deren Unterstützung während des Talas-Einfalls.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443389,
                    "name": "Übungskonstrukt",
                    "text": "Wenn das Übungskonstrukt stirbt, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Konstrukt"
                    "flavorText": "Los muñecos de entrenamiento fueron un regalo de los hechiceros de Tolaria Oeste a los caballeros de Nueva Benalia por su ayuda durante la incursión talas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443658,
                    "name": "Constructo de entrenamiento",
                    "text": "Cuando el Constructo de entrenamiento muera, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura objetivo que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Constructo"
                    "flavorText": "Les entraîneurs furent offerts par les sorciers de l'Ouest de Tolaria aux chevaliers de la Nouvelle Bénalia, en gage de leur gratitude pour leur aide durant l'Incursion talienne.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443927,
                    "name": "Construction d'entraînement",
                    "text": "Quand la Construction d'entraînement meurt, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : construction"
                    "flavorText": "Gli addestratori furono donati dai maghi di Tolaria Occidentale ai cavalieri di Nuova Benalia in segno di gratitudine per il loro aiuto durante l'incursione di Talas.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444196,
                    "name": "Costrutto da Addestramento",
                    "text": "Quando il Costrutto da Addestramento muore, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura bersaglio che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Costrutto"
                    "flavorText": "この訓練機械は、タラスの侵略の際に受けた支援に対する感謝の品として、トレイリア西部の魔術師から新ベナリアの騎士へ贈られたものだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444465,
                    "name": "演習用模型",
                    "text": "演習用模型が死亡したとき、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — 構築物"
                    "flavorText": "이 훈련 기계들은 톨라리아 서관의 마법사들이 탈라스 침공 때 자신들을 도와준 신 베날리아의 기사들에게 선물한 것이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444734,
                    "name": "연습상대 자동기계",
                    "text": "연습상대 자동기계가 죽을 때, 당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 자동기계"
                    "flavorText": "Os treinadores foram um presente de agradecimento dos magos de Tolária Ocidental aos cavaleiros de Nova Benália pela ajuda durante a Incursão dos Talas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445003,
                    "name": "Constructo de Treino",
                    "text": "Quando Constructo de Treino morrer, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura alvo que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Constructo"
                    "flavorText": "Тренировочные манекены стали благодарственным подарком от чародеев Западной Толарии рыцарям Новой Беналии за их помощь во время вторжения Таласов.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445272,
                    "name": "Тренировочная Конструкция",
                    "text": "Когда Тренировочная Конструкция умирает, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Конструкция"
                    "flavorText": "这批训练器械乃是陶拉里亚西境法术师送给新宾纳里亚骑士的谢礼,以报答他们在塔拉斯入侵期间的相助之恩。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445541,
                    "name": "战训组构体",
                    "text": "当战训组构体死去时,在目标由你操控的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~组构体"
                    "flavorText": "這批訓練器械乃是陶拉里亞西境的魔法師送給新賓納里亞騎士的謝禮,以報答他們在塔拉斯入侵期間的相助之恩。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445810,
                    "name": "戰訓組構體",
                    "text": "當戰訓組構體死去時,在目標由你操控的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~組構體"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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            "manaCost": "{1}",
            "multiverseId": 443120,
            "name": "Sparring Construct",
            "number": "232",
            "originalText": "When Sparring Construct dies, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If another creature is dealt lethal damage at the same time as Sparring Construct, Sparring Construct’s ability can’t put a +1/+1 counter on the other creature in time to save it."
            "scryfallId": "badc7db8-386e-4fb6-aefa-591e99747eb2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "dadbe322-f8c4-4961-98f7-2f532a5c6754",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bc948e19-816b-4c13-a36b-73b3e0472dca",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162142,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Sparring Construct dies, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ae37f46f-ecb8-5604-b806-e9b001222bfa",
            "uuidV421": "621cf8b3-e7e1-5d94-9a31-4b2fe6494823"
            "artist": "Mathias Kollros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "As the irrepressible power of a dormant Multani courses through Yavimaya, the forest passes judgment on travelers and natives alike. Only the fungus prospers.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Yavimaya wird von der pulsierenden Macht eines schlafenden Multani durchdrungen, und dem strengen Urteil des Waldes müssen sich sowohl Fremde als auch Einheimische stellen. Nur simple Pilzwesen sind davon ausgenommen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443337,
                    "name": "Sporenschwarm",
                    "text": "Erzeuge drei 1/1 grüne Saproling-Kreaturenspielsteine.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Mientras el irreprimible poder latente de Multani se extiende por Yavimaya, el bosque juzga por igual a los viajeros y a los nativos. Solo los hongos sacan provecho.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443606,
                    "name": "Enjambre de esporas",
                    "text": "Crea tres fichas de criatura Saprolín verdes 1/1.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Sous l'influence de la puissance irrépressible de Multani endormi, la forêt de la Yavimaya juge aussi bien les voyageurs que les autochtones. Seuls les fongus prospèrent.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443875,
                    "name": "Essaim de spores",
                    "text": "Créez trois jetons de créature 1/1 verte Saprobionte.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Mentre Multani giace dormiente, il suo potere insopprimibile pervade tutta Yavimaya e la foresta emette sentenze sia su chi la attraversa, sia su chi la abita. Solo i fungus prosperano.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444144,
                    "name": "Sciame di Spore",
                    "text": "Crea tre pedine creatura Saprolingio 1/1 verdi.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "眠りについたムルタニの抑制不能な力がヤヴィマヤ中に広がると、森は外来者にも原生者にも厳しい場所となり、キノコ類のみが繁栄した。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444413,
                    "name": "胞子の大群",
                    "text": "緑の1/1の苗木・クリーチャー・トークンを3体生成する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "휴면 상태인 물타니의 억누를 수 없는 힘이 야비마야에 퍼지고, 숲은 여행자와 원주민 모두에게 벌을 내린다. 오직 진균만이 번성한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444682,
                    "name": "포자 퍼트리기",
                    "text": "1/1 녹색 묘목 생물 토큰 세 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Enquanto o poder irreprimível de um Multani adormecido circula por Yavimaya, a floresta julga igualmente viajantes e nativos. Só o fungo prospera.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444951,
                    "name": "Enxame de Esporos",
                    "text": "Crie três fichas de criatura verde 1/1 do tipo Saprófita.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Необузданная мощь спящего Мултани течет через Явимайю, и лес вершит свое правосудие и над путниками, и над исконными обитателями. Лишь плесень процветает.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445220,
                    "name": "Спороносное Скопище",
                    "text": "Создайте три фишки существа 1/1 зеленый Сапролинг.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "穆塔尼虽未苏醒,但其难以压抑的力量仍梭巡亚维马雅,藉由树林对旅者与居民展现神谴之威。只有真菌蓬勃生长。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445489,
                    "name": "孢子大群",
                    "text": "派出三个1/1绿色腐生物衍生生物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "穆塔尼雖未甦醒,但其難以壓抑的力量仍梭巡亞維馬雅,藉由樹林對旅者與居民展現神譴之威。唯有真菌得以繁衍。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445758,
                    "name": "孢子大群",
                    "text": "派出三個1/1綠色腐生物衍生生物。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443068,
            "name": "Spore Swarm",
            "names": [],
            "number": "180",
            "originalText": "Create three 1/1 green Saproling creature tokens.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "b2314215-23af-4c8e-860f-b029e151af36",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164715,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Create three 1/1 green Saproling creature tokens.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e30759b2-b49b-554f-a287-9e51dcb37f92",
            "uuidV421": "0ec93208-c75b-58cc-acfb-3b9f6d4f0d9a"
            "artist": "Bram Sels",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The identifying ornamental growths of alpha thallids may be hereditary, or catalyzed by some chemical signal.\" —Sarpadian Empires, vol. III",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der hervorstechende Kopfbewuchs eines Alpha-Thallids könnte hereditär sein, es könnte sich aber auch um einen Katalysator für chemische Signale handeln.\" —Sarpadische Reiche, Band III",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443338,
                    "name": "Sporenkronen-Thallid",
                    "text": "Jede andere Kreatur, die du kontrollierst und die ein Pilzwesen oder Saproling ist, erhält +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Pilzwesen"
                    "flavorText": "\"El crecimiento ornamental que distingue a los tálidos alfa puede ser hereditario o resultado de la catálisis de alguna señal química\". Imperios sarpadianos, Vol. III",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443607,
                    "name": "Tálido corona de esporas",
                    "text": "Cada otra criatura que controlas que sea Hongo o Saprolín obtiene +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hongo"
                    "flavorText": "« Les excroissances ornementales particulières des thallidés alpha sont peut-être héréditaires ou déclenchées par un signal chimique. » —Les Empires sarpadiens, Vol. III",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443876,
                    "name": "Thallidé fritillaire",
                    "text": "Chaque autre créature que vous contrôlez qui est un fongus ou un saprobionte gagne +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Créature : fongus"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le escrescenze ornamentali tipiche dei thallid alfa potrebbero essere ereditarie oppure catalizzate da qualche segnale chimico.\" —Imperi di Sarpadia, Vol. III",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444145,
                    "name": "Thallid Cinto di Spore",
                    "text": "Ogni altra creatura Fungus o Saprolingio che controlli prende +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Fungus"
                    "flavorText": "「サリッドのリーダーを特徴付ける装飾的な器官は、遺伝性のものかもしれないし、何らかの化学信号による触媒作用かもしれない。」 ――サーペイディア諸帝国史、第三巻",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444414,
                    "name": "胞子冠サリッド",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしていてファンガスか苗木である他の各クリーチャーはそれぞれ+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ファンガス"
                    "flavorText": "\"우두머리 탈리드 특유의 외형 성장은 유전적인 이유일 수도 있고, 어떤 화학 신호에 의한 촉매 반응의 결과일 수도 있다.\" —사르파디아 제국사, vol. III",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444683,
                    "name": "포자왕관 탈리드",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 다른 생물 중 포자 또는 묘목인 생물들은 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 진균"
                    "flavorText": "\"As protuberâncias ornamentais características das talídias alfa podem ser hereditárias ou catalisadas por algum sinalizador químico.\" — Impérios Sarpadianos, Vol. III",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444952,
                    "name": "Talídia Coroa d'Esporos",
                    "text": "Cada outra criatura que você controla do tipo Fungo ou Saprófita recebe +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fungo"
                    "flavorText": "«Характерные красочные поросли у вожаков таллидов могут быть наследственными или вызываться какими-то химическими сигналами». — «Сарпадианские Империи, том III»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445221,
                    "name": "Таллид Грибного Венца",
                    "text": "Каждое другое существо под вашим контролем, являющееся Плесенью или Сапролингом, получает +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Существо — Плесень"
                    "flavorText": "「散绿菌首领醒目的装饰性生长物可能来自遗传,或由某种化学讯号催化而成。」 ~《撒尔帕汀帝国》,卷三",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445490,
                    "name": "孢冠散绿菌",
                    "text": "由你操控且为真菌或腐生物的其他生物各得+1/+1。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌"
                    "flavorText": "「散綠菌首領醒目的裝飾性生長物可能來自遺傳,或由某種化學訊號催化而成。」 ~《撒爾帕汀帝國》,卷三",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445759,
                    "name": "孢冠散綠菌",
                    "text": "由你操控且為真菌或腐生物的其他生物各得+1/+1。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443069,
            "name": "Sporecrown Thallid",
            "number": "181",
            "originalText": "Each other creature you control that's a Fungus or Saproling gets +1/+1.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Fungus",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Because damage remains marked on a creature until it’s removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to a Fungus or Saproling creature you control may become lethal if Sporecrown Thallid leaves the battlefield during that turn."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If a creature is somehow both a Fungus and a Saproling, Sporecrown Thallid’s ability gives it only +1/+1."
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162245,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Each other creature you control that's a Fungus or Saproling gets +1/+1.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Fungus",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b0e69276-459f-5dad-a047-ba376aa9b63f",
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            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
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            "flavorText": "\"You gotta be pretty smart to live long as me, but not being able to die helps.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Andere werden erst nach ihrem Tod unsterblich. Ich war da etwas schlauer.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443303,
                    "name": "Squee der Unsterbliche",
                    "text": "Du kannst Squee den Unsterblichen auch aus deinem Friedhof oder dem Exil wirken.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tienes que ser muy listo para vivir tanto como yo. Ahora bien, lo de no poder morirse también ayuda\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443572,
                    "name": "Squee, el Inmortal",
                    "text": "Puedes lanzar a Squee, el Inmortal desde tu cementerio o desde el exilio.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "« Il faut être malin pour vivre aussi longtemps que moi, mais être immortel ça aide. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443841,
                    "name": "Skwi, l'immortel",
                    "text": "Vous pouvez lancer Skwi, l'immortel depuis votre cimetière ou depuis l'exil.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : gobelin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Bisogna essere piuttosto furbi per vivere tanto quanto me, ma non poter morire aiuta.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444110,
                    "name": "Squee, l'Immortale",
                    "text": "Puoi lanciare Squee, l'Immortale dal tuo cimitero o dall'esilio.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "「あんた頭が良くないと、おいらみたく長生きできないよ。死なない体は便利だよ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444379,
                    "name": "不死身、スクイー",
                    "text": "あなたはあなたの墓地や追放領域から不死身、スクイーを唱えてもよい。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — ゴブリン"
                    "flavorText": "\"나처럼 오래 살려면 똑똑해야 하지. 그렇지만 죽지 않는 능력도 도움은 된다구.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444648,
                    "name": "불멸자, 스퀴",
                    "text": "당신은 불멸자, 스퀴를 무덤이나 추방 영역에서 발동할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 고블린"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tem que ser muito esperto pra viver tanto quanto eu, mas não poder morrer também ajuda.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444917,
                    "name": "Squee, o Imortal",
                    "text": "Você pode conjurar Squee, o Imortal, a partir de seu cemitério ou do exílio.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "«Чтобы прожить столько, сколько прожил я, нужно быть очень умным, но, конечно, неспособность умереть здорово помогает».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445186,
                    "name": "Скви, Бессмертный",
                    "text": "Вы можете разыграть Скви, Бессмертного из вашего кладбища или из изгнания.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Гоблин"
                    "flavorText": "「想要活得跟我一样久,你得要聪明过人,或者就是死不了。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445455,
                    "name": "不死斯奎",
                    "text": "你可以从你的坟墓场或放逐区中施放不死斯奎。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~鬼怪"
                    "flavorText": "「想要活得跟我一樣久,你得要聰明過人,或者就是死不了。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445724,
                    "name": "不死斯奎",
                    "text": "你可以從你的墳墓場或放逐區中施放不死斯奎。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~鬼怪"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443034,
            "name": "Squee, the Immortal",
            "number": "146",
            "originalText": "You may cast Squee, the Immortal from your graveyard or from exile.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Goblin",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Squee’s ability doesn’t prevent you from casting Squee from any other zone."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You must follow the normal timing permissions and restrictions and pay its cost to cast Squee from your graveyard or from exile."
            "scryfallId": "a3974c62-a524-454e-9ce7-2c23b704e5cb",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3cf292f8-161b-48bd-aa74-f8e3783e80c2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "481fb71a-11b9-462e-a4da-ca35ffd1bd22",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162182,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "You may cast Squee, the Immortal from your graveyard or from exile.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Goblin",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3407cf4f-79a2-50de-8617-6cec69d50b22",
            "uuidV421": "1d435bb1-7482-5810-b012-d915e0cbf698"
            "artist": "Chris Rahn",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "One eye open to see the truth of the world. One eye covered to gaze at the goddess within.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Das eine Auge offen, um die Wahrheit der Welt zu sehen. Das andere verdeckt, um die Göttin im Inneren zu erblicken.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443339,
                    "name": "Stahlhand-Champion",
                    "text": "Der Stahlhand-Champion kann von Kreaturen mit Stärke 2 oder weniger nicht geblockt werden.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "Un ojo abierto para distinguir las verdades del mundo; otro cerrado para admirar a su diosa interior.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443608,
                    "name": "Campeón de la Hoja de Acero",
                    "text": "El Campeón de la Hoja de Acero no puede ser bloqueado por criaturas con fuerza de 2 o menos.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero elfo"
                    "flavorText": "Un œil ouvert pour voir la vérité du monde. Un œil couvert pour contempler la déesse intérieure.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443877,
                    "name": "Champion Feuille-Acier",
                    "text": "Le Champion Feuille-Acier ne peut pas être bloqué par des créatures de force inférieure ou égale à 2.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "Un occhio aperto per vedere la realtà del mondo. Un occhio coperto per osservare la dea interiore.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444146,
                    "name": "Campione Foglia d'Acciaio",
                    "text": "Il Campione Foglia d'Acciaio non può essere bloccato da creature con forza pari o inferiore a 2.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "世界の真実を見るために片目を見開き、内なる女神を見出すために片目を覆う。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444415,
                    "name": "鉄葉のチャンピオン",
                    "text": "鉄葉のチャンピオンは、パワーが2以下のクリーチャーによってはブロックされない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "한 눈은 세상의 진실을 보기 위해 뜨여져 있다. 한 눈은 내면의 여신을 보기 위해 감겨져 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444684,
                    "name": "강철 잎 용사",
                    "text": "강철 잎 용사는 공격력이 2 이하인 생물에게 방어될 수 없다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 기사"
                    "flavorText": "Um olho aberto para ver a verdade do mundo. Um olho coberto para contemplar a deusa interior.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444953,
                    "name": "Campeão da Lâmina de Aço",
                    "text": "Campeão da Lâmina de Aço não pode ser bloqueado por criaturas de poder igual ou inferior a 2.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "Один глаз открыт, чтобы видеть истину мира. Один глаз закрыт, чтобы созерцать богиню внутри себя.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445222,
                    "name": "Поборник Стального Листа",
                    "text": "Поборник Стального Листа не может быть заблокирован существами с силой 2 или меньше.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "睁一眼看清世界真相;遮一目凝视心中女神。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445491,
                    "name": "钢叶斗士",
                    "text": "钢叶斗士不能被力量等于或小于2的生物阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "睜一眼看清世界真相;遮一目凝視心中女神。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445760,
                    "name": "鋼葉鬥士",
                    "text": "鋼葉鬥士不能被力量等於或小於2的生物阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/騎士"
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            "manaCost": "{G}{G}{G}",
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            "name": "Steel Leaf Champion",
            "number": "182",
            "originalText": "Steel Leaf Champion can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Knight",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a creature with power 3 or greater has blocked this creature, changing the power of the blocking creature won’t cause this creature to become unblocked."
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            "scryfallOracleId": "666af637-9282-4121-962a-048e528f9221",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162246,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Steel Leaf Champion can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0bf55f48-fe21-578d-bcfb-b5c0e38778e2",
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                    "name": "Beichtvater der Felsenburg",
                    "text": "Bonus {3} (Du kannst zusätzlich {3} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nBedrohlich (Diese Kreatur kann nicht geblockt werden, außer von zwei oder mehr Kreaturen.)\nFalls die Bonuskosten des Beichtvaters der Felsenburg bezahlt wurden, kommt er mit zwei +1/+1-Marken ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Kleriker"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443531,
                    "name": "Confesor de la Fortaleza",
                    "text": "Estímulo {3}. (Puedes pagar {3} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nAmenaza. (Esta criatura no puede ser bloqueada excepto por dos o más criaturas.)\nSi el Confesor de la Fortaleza fue estimulado, entra al campo de batalla con dos contadores +1/+1 sobre él.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443800,
                    "name": "Confesseur de la forteresse",
                    "text": "Kick {3} (Vous pouvez payer {3} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nMenace (Cette créature ne peut pas être bloquée excepté par deux créatures ou plus.)\nSi le Confesseur de la forteresse a été kické, il arrive sur le champ de bataille avec deux marqueurs +1/+1 sur lui.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et clerc"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444069,
                    "name": "Confessore della Fortezza",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {3} (Puoi pagare {3} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nMinacciare (Questa creatura non può essere bloccata tranne che da due o più creature.)\nSe il Confessore della Fortezza è stato potenziato, entra nel campo di battaglia con due segnalini +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444338,
                    "name": "要塞の聴罪司祭",
                    "text": "キッカー{3}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{3}を支払ってもよい。)\n威迫(このクリーチャーは2体以上のクリーチャーによってしかブロックされない。)\n要塞の聴罪司祭がキッカーされていたなら、これは+1/+1カウンターが2個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・クレリック"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444607,
                    "name": "성채 고해신부",
                    "text": "키커 {3} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {3}을 지불할 수 있다.)\n호전적 (이 생물은 두 개 이상의 생물에만 방어될 수 있다.)\n성채 고해신부의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 성채 고해신부는 +1/+1 카운터 두 개를 가지고 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 성직자"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444876,
                    "name": "Confessor da Fortaleza",
                    "text": "Reforçar {3} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {3} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nAmeaçar (Esta criatura só pode ser bloqueada por duas ou mais criaturas.)\nSe Confessor da Fortaleza foi reforçado, ele entra no campo de batalha com dois marcadores +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Clérigo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445145,
                    "name": "Исповедник из Твердыни",
                    "text": "Усилитель {3} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {3}.)\nУгроза (Это существо не может быть заблокировано менее чем двумя существами.)\nЕсли Исповедник из Твердыни получил Усилитель, он выходит на поле битвы с двумя жетонами +1/+1 на нем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Священник"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445414,
                    "name": "城塞告解僧",
                    "text": "增幅{3}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{3}。)\n威慑(此生物只能被两个或更多生物阻挡。)\n如果城塞告解僧已增幅,则它进战场时上面有两个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/僧侣"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445683,
                    "name": "城塞告解僧",
                    "text": "增幅{3}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{3}。)\n威懾(此生物只能被兩個或更多生物阻擋。)\n如果城塞告解僧已增幅,則它進戰場時上面有兩個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "name": "Stronghold Confessor",
            "number": "105",
            "originalText": "Kicker {3} (You may pay an additional {3} as you cast this spell.)\nMenace (This creature can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)\nIf Stronghold Confessor was kicked, it enters the battlefield with two +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
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            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164751,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {3} (You may pay an additional {3} as you cast this spell.)\nMenace (This creature can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)\nIf Stronghold Confessor was kicked, it enters the battlefield with two +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1d7ee866-32f2-536a-ad4e-213dd8293bfa",
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            "flavorText": "\"We have inherited the mysteries of the Thran, but few of the answers.\" —Jhoira",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Uns wurden viele der Mysterien von Thran überliefert, doch nur wenige Antworten.\" —Jhoira",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443404,
                    "name": "Schwefelfälle",
                    "text": "Die Schwefelfälle kommen getappt ins Spiel, es sei denn, du kontrollierst eine Insel oder ein Gebirge.\n{T}: Erzeuge {U} oder {R}.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "flavorText": "\"Hemos heredado los misterios de los thran, pero pocas de sus respuestas\". —Jhoira",
                    "language": "Spanish",
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                    "name": "Cascada de azufre",
                    "text": "La Cascada de azufre entra al campo de batalla girada a menos que controles una Isla o una Montaña.\n{T}: Agrega {U} o {R}.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "flavorText": "« Nous avons hérité de tous les mystères des Thrans, mais de peu de réponses. » —Djoïra",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443942,
                    "name": "Chutes de soufre",
                    "text": "Les Chutes de soufre arrivent sur le champ de bataille engagées à moins que vous ne contrôliez une île ou une montagne.\n{T} : Ajoutez {U} ou {R}.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "flavorText": "\"Abbiamo ereditato molti misteri dai Thran, ma ben poche risposte.\" —Jhoira",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444211,
                    "name": "Cascata Sulfurea",
                    "text": "La Cascata Sulfurea entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpata a meno che tu non controlli un'Isola o una Montagna.\n{T}: Aggiungi {U} o {R}.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "flavorText": "「私たちはスランの謎を受け継いだけれど、答えはほとんど受け継いでいない。」 ――ジョイラ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444480,
                    "name": "硫黄の滝",
                    "text": "硫黄の滝は、あなたが島か山をコントロールしていないかぎり、タップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{U}か{R}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "flavorText": "\"우리는 트란의 신비들을 계승했지만, 그 대답은 거의 물려받지 못했지.\" —조이라",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444749,
                    "name": "유황 폭포",
                    "text": "유황 폭포는 당신이 섬이나 산을 조종하지 않으면 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {U} 또는 {R}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "flavorText": "\"Herdamos os mistérios dos Thran, mas poucas das respostas.\" — Jhoira",
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                    "name": "Cascata de Enxofre",
                    "text": "Cascata de Enxofre entra no campo de batalha virado, a menos que você controle uma Ilha ou uma Montanha.\n{T}: Adicione {U} ou {R}.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "flavorText": "«Мы унаследовали множество загадок транов, но совсем немного ответов». — Джойра",
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                    "multiverseId": 445287,
                    "name": "Серный Водопад",
                    "text": "Серный Водопад выходит на поле битвы повернутым, если под вашим контролем нет Острова или Горы.\n{T}: добавьте {U} или {R}.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "flavorText": "「索蓝帝国给我们留下了诸多谜团,却未留下任何答案。」 ~尤依拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445556,
                    "name": "硫磺瀑布",
                    "text": "除非你操控海岛或山脉,否则硫磺瀑布须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{U}或{R}。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "flavorText": "「索藍帝國給我們留下了諸多謎團,卻未留下任何答案。」 ~尤依菈",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445825,
                    "name": "硫磺瀑布",
                    "text": "除非你操控海島或山脈,否則硫磺瀑布須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{U}或{R}。",
                    "type": "地"
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            "text": "Sulfur Falls enters the battlefield tapped unless you control an Island or a Mountain.\n{T}: Add {U} or {R}.",
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                    "name": "Erwachen des Waldes",
                    "text": "Bis zu deinem nächsten Zug werden alle Länder, die du kontrollierst, zu 2/2 Elementarwesen-Kreaturen mit Reichweite, Unzerstörbarkeit und Eile. Sie sind auch immer noch Länder.",
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                    "flavorText": "\"Yavimaya está consciente, pero no siempre despierto. Entenderás la diferencia cuando lo veas\". —Karn",
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                    "text": "Hasta tu próximo turno, todas las tierras que controlas se convierten en criaturas Elemental 2/2 con las habilidades de alcance, indestructible y prisa. Siguen siendo tierras.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« La Yavimaya est consciente, mais pas toujours éveillée. Vous comprendrez la différence lorsque vous la verrez. » —Karn",
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                    "text": "Jusqu'à votre prochain tour, tous les terrains que vous contrôlez deviennent des créatures 2/2 Élémental avec la portée, l'indestructible et la célérité. Ce sont toujours des terrains.",
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                    "flavorText": "\"Yavimaya è consapevole, ma non sempre desta. Quando la vedrai, capirai la differenza.\" —Karn",
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                    "name": "Risveglio Silvano",
                    "text": "Fino al tuo prossimo turno, tutte le terre che controlli diventano creature Elementale 2/2 con raggiungere, indistruttibile e rapidità. Sono ancora terre.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「ヤヴィマヤは気付いているが、いつでも目覚めているわけではない。目覚めているときを自分で見れば違いがわかるだろう。」 ――カーン",
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                    "text": "あなたの次のターンまで、あなたがコントロールしている土地はすべて到達と破壊不能と速攻を持つ2/2のエレメンタル・クリーチャーになる。それらは土地でもある。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"야미마야는 알고 있지만, 언제나 깨어 있는 것은 아니다. 직접 눈으로 보면 그 차이를 알게 될 것이다.\" —카른",
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                    "flavorText": "\"Yavimaya está consciente, mas nem sempre está desperta. Você saberá a diferença quando vir.\" — Karn",
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                    "text": "Até seu próximo turno, todos os terrenos que você controla se tornam criaturas 2/2 do tipo Elemental com alcance, indestrutível e ímpeto. Elas ainda são terrenos.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Явимайя бдит, но она не всегда бодрствует. Ты поймешь, в чем разница, когда увидишь». — Карн",
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                    "text": "До вашего следующего хода все земли под вашим контролем становятся существами 2/2 Элементаль с Захватом, Неразрушимостью и Ускорением. При этом они остаются землями.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「亚维马雅已有意识,但时醒时眠。等你见到了,就会明白其中的差别。」 ~卡恩",
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                    "multiverseId": 445492,
                    "name": "森林觉醒",
                    "text": "直到你的下一个回合,所有由你操控的地成为2/2,具延势、不灭与敏捷异能的元素生物。它们仍然是地。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「亞維馬雅已有意識,但時醒時眠。等你見到了,就會明白其中的差別。」 ~卡恩",
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                    "name": "森林覺醒",
                    "text": "直到你的下一個回合,所有由你操控的地成為2/2,具延勢、不滅與敏捷異能的元素生物。它們仍然是地。",
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            "name": "Sylvan Awakening",
            "number": "183",
            "originalText": "Until your next turn, all lands you control become 2/2 Elemental creatures with reach, indestructible, and haste. They're still lands.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
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                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Sylvan Awakening doesn’t untap any of the lands that become creatures."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Sylvan Awakening affects only lands you control at the time it resolves. Lands you begin to control before your next turn won’t become creatures."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The lands affected by Sylvan Awakening stop being creatures as your next untap step begins, before you untap your permanents. If this causes any state-based actions to become applicable, or if any abilities trigger, those are handled during your upkeep."
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            "flavorText": "The fire spell stuttered and broke. Its pieces reached Teferi out of rhythm, meaningless.",
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                    "flavorText": "Der Feuerzauber geriet ins Stocken und brach in sich zusammen. Seine Komponenten erreichten Teferi vollkommen verzerrt und ohne Wirkung.",
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                    "multiverseId": 443224,
                    "name": "Unterbinden",
                    "text": "Neutralisiere einen Zauberspruch deiner Wahl, es sei denn, sein Beherrscher bezahlt {X}. Falls der Zauberspruch auf diese Weise neutralisiert wird, schicke ihn ins Exil, anstatt ihn auf den Friedhof seines Besitzers zu legen.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "El hechizo de fuego titiló y se deshizo. Sus fragmentos descompasados e insignificantes apenas rozaron a Teferi.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443493,
                    "name": "Sincopar",
                    "text": "Contrarresta el hechizo objetivo a menos que su controlador pague {X}. Si ese hechizo es contrarrestado de esta manera, exílialo en vez de ponerlo en el cementerio de su propietario.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Le sort de feu crachota, puis éclata. Ses fragments atteignirent Téfeiri, dépourvus de rythme et de sens.",
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                    "multiverseId": 443762,
                    "name": "Syncope",
                    "text": "Contrecarrez le sort ciblé à moins que son contrôleur ne paie {X}. Si ce sort est contrecarré de cette manière, exilez-le à la place de le mettre dans le cimetière de son propriétaire.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "La magia di fuoco sussultò e si spezzò. I suoi frammenti raggiunsero Teferi con ritmo scomposto, ormai insignificanti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444031,
                    "name": "Sincopare",
                    "text": "Neutralizza una magia bersaglio a meno che il suo controllore non paghi {X}. Se quella magia è neutralizzata in questo modo, esiliala invece di metterla nel cimitero del suo proprietario.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "火の呪文は口ごもるように砕けた。その破片はテフェリーに達したが、韻律が失われて何の意味も残っていなかった。",
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                    "name": "中略",
                    "text": "呪文1つを対象とする。それのコントローラーが{X}を支払わないかぎり、それを打ち消す。これによりその呪文が打ち消されたなら、それをオーナーの墓地に置く代わりに追放する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "화염 주문은 힘을 잃고 깨졌다. 그 파편은 맥 없고 허무하게 테페리에게 닿았다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444569,
                    "name": "중략",
                    "text": "주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문의 조종자가 {X}를 지불하지 않으면 그 주문을 무효화한다. 그 주문이 이런 식으로 무효화되면, 그 주문을 소유자의 무덤에 넣는 대신 추방한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "A mágica de fogo vacilou e partiu-se. Seus fragmentos chegaram a Teferi arrítmicos e insignificantes.",
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                    "name": "Sincopar",
                    "text": "Anule a mágica alvo, a menos que seu controlador pague {X}. Se aquela mágica for anulada dessa maneira, exile-a em vez de colocá-la no cemitério de seu dono.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Огненное заклинание запнулось и рассыпалось. Его осколки долетели до Тефери, потеряв ритм и смысл.",
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                    "multiverseId": 445107,
                    "name": "Синкопа",
                    "text": "Отмените целевое заклинание, если только контролирующий его игрок не заплатит {X}. Если то заклинание отменяется таким образом, изгоните его вместо того, чтобы положить его на кладбище его владельца.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "这焰咒变得断续破碎。其残片袭向泰菲力时已全失节奏,了无意义。",
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                    "multiverseId": 445376,
                    "name": "切分",
                    "text": "除非目标咒语的操控者支付{X},否则反击之。如果以此法反击该咒语,则改为将它放逐,而非置入其拥有者的坟墓场。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "這焰咒變得斷續破碎。其殘片襲向泰菲力時已全失節奏,了無意義。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445645,
                    "name": "切分",
                    "text": "除非目標咒語的操控者支付{X},否則反擊之。如果以此法反擊該咒語,則改為將它放逐,而非置入其擁有者的墳墓場。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "name": "Syncopate",
            "number": "67",
            "originalText": "Counter target spell unless its controller pays {X}. If that spell is countered this way, exile it instead of putting it into its owner's graveyard.",
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            "text": "Counter target spell unless its controller pays {X}. If that spell is countered this way, exile it instead of putting it into its owner's graveyard.",
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            "artist": "Mathias Kollros",
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            "flavorText": "\"Yavimaya is one being — one vastness of rippling leaves, one deepness of roots, and one chatter of animals — of which I am one part.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Yavimaya ist ein Wesen, bestehend aus raschelnden Blättern, tiefen Wurzeln und tierischen Lauten, und ich bin Teil davon.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443363,
                    "name": "Tatyova, Benthische Druidin",
                    "text": "Immer wenn ein Land unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel kommt, erhältst du 1 Lebenspunkt dazu und ziehst eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Meervolk, Druide"
                    "flavorText": "\"Yavimaya es un solo ser: una extensión vasta de hojas ondulantes, una capa profunda de raíces y el murmullo continuo de los animales. Y parte de ese ser soy yo\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443632,
                    "name": "Tatyova, druida bentónica",
                    "text": "Siempre que una tierra entre al campo de batalla bajo tu control, ganas 1 vida y robas una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Druida tritón"
                    "flavorText": "« La Yavimaya est un être, une immensité de feuilles ondulantes, une infinité de racines et un concert d'animaux, dont je fais partie. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443901,
                    "name": "Tatyova, druidesse benthique",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'un terrain arrive sur le champ de bataille sous votre contrôle, vous gagnez 1 point de vie et vous piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : ondin et druide"
                    "flavorText": "\"Yavimaya è un solo essere: un'unica vastità di foglie frementi, un'unica profondità di radici e un unico brusio di animali, di cui io sono una parte.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444170,
                    "name": "Tatyova, Druida delle Profondità",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta una terra entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, guadagni 1 punto vita e peschi una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Druido Tritone"
                    "flavorText": "「ヤヴィマヤの全体が一つの存在なのよ。葉が落ちる広大な場も一つ、根が張る深い土も一つ、動物の鳴き声も一つ。私もその一部だわ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444439,
                    "name": "水底のドルイド、タトヨヴァ",
                    "text": "土地が1つあなたのコントロール下で戦場に出るたび、あなたは1点のライフを得てカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — マーフォーク・ドルイド"
                    "flavorText": "\"야비마야는 하나의 존재—퍼져가는 잎사귀 같은 하나의 광활함, 뿌리와 같은 하나의 깊음, 동물들이 내뱉는 하나의 재잘거림이다. 그리고 나도 그 일부이다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444708,
                    "name": "해저의 드루이드, 타티오바",
                    "text": "대지가 당신의 조종하에 전장에 들어올 때마다, 당신은 생명 1점을 얻고 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인어 드루이드"
                    "flavorText": "\"Yavimaya é um único ser — uma única vastidão de folhas farfalhantes, uma única profundeza de raízes e uma única algazarra de animais — do qual eu sou uma parte.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444977,
                    "name": "Tatyova, Druida Bêntica",
                    "text": "Toda vez que um terreno entra no campo de batalha sob seu controle, você ganha 1 ponto de vida e compra um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Tritão Druida"
                    "flavorText": "«Явимайя — это единое существо. Единое бескрайнее море дрожащих листьев, единое переплетение уходящих вглубь корней, единый хор звериных голосов, и я — его часть».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445246,
                    "name": "Татиова, Глубоководный Друид",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда земля выходит на поле битвы под вашим контролем, вы получаете 1 жизнь и берете карту.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Мерфолк Друид"
                    "flavorText": "「亚维马雅本身即是一个活体~一片无际叶脉波澜,一组纵深树木繁根,一群喧嚣动物嘶吼~而我也是其中之一。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445515,
                    "name": "深洋德鲁伊塔托娃",
                    "text": "每当一个地在你的操控下进战场时,你获得1点生命且抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人鱼/德鲁伊"
                    "flavorText": "「亞維馬雅本身即是一個活體~一片無際葉脈波瀾,一組縱深樹木繁根,一群喧囂動物嘶吼~而我也是其中之一。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445784,
                    "name": "深洋德魯伊塔托娃",
                    "text": "每當一個地在你的操控下進戰場時,你獲得1點生命且抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人魚/德魯伊"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{G}{U}",
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            "name": "Tatyova, Benthic Druid",
            "number": "206",
            "originalText": "Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life and draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Merfolk Druid",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164229,
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            "text": "Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life and draw a card.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Merfolk Druid",
            "types": [
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            "flavorText": "\"Long ago, I enchanted an army of statues to guard Zhalfir. My homeland is gone, but its protectors remain.\" — Teferi",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Vor langer Zeit habe ich eine Armee aus Statuen verzaubert, damit sie Zhalfir bewachen. Meine Heimat ist nicht mehr, aber ihre Beschützer stehen noch immer Wache.\" —Teferi",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 445861,
                    "name": "Teferis Wachposten",
                    "text": "Solange du einen Teferi-Planeswalker kontrollierst, erhält Teferis Wachposten +4/+0.",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Golem"
                    "flavorText": "\"Hace tiempo, encanté un ejército de estatuas para que custodiaran Zhalfir. Ahora mi patria ya no existe, pero sus protectores siguen ahí\". —Teferi",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 445871,
                    "name": "Centinela de Teferi",
                    "text": "Mientras controles un planeswalker Teferi, el Centinela de Teferi obtiene +4/+0.",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Gólem"
                    "flavorText": "« Il y a bien longtemps, j'ai enchanté une armée de statues pour garder Zhalfir. Mon pays n'existe plus, mais ses protecteurs sont toujours là. » —Téfeiri",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 445881,
                    "name": "Sentinelle de Téfeiri",
                    "text": "Tant que vous contrôlez un planeswalker Téfeiri, la Sentinelle de Téfeiri gagne +4/+0.",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : golem"
                    "flavorText": "\"Molto tempo fa, incantai un esercito di statue perché proteggessero Zhalfir. Della mia patria non c'è più traccia, ma i suoi difensori resistono.\" —Teferi",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 445891,
                    "name": "Sentinella di Teferi",
                    "text": "Fintanto che controlli un planeswalker Teferi, la Sentinella di Teferi prende +4/+0.",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Golem"
                    "flavorText": "「遠い昔、私はザルファーを守るため、多数の兵士の像に魔法をかけた。私の故郷は失われてしまったが、守る者たちは残っている。」 ――テフェリー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 445901,
                    "name": "テフェリーの歩哨",
                    "text": "あなたがテフェリー・プレインズウォーカーをコントロールしているかぎり、テフェリーの歩哨は+4/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — ゴーレム"
                    "flavorText": "\"오래 전, 나는 잘피르를 수호하기 위해 석상으로 만든 군대에 마법을 걸었지. 내 고향은 사라졌지만, 그 수호자들만은 남아 있네.\" —테페리",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 445911,
                    "name": "테페리의 보초병",
                    "text": "당신이 테페리 플레인즈워커를 조종하는 한, 테페리의 보초병은 +4/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 골렘"
                    "flavorText": "\"Há muito tempo, eu encantei um exército de estátuas para proteger Zhalfir. Minha terra se foi, mas suas protetoras permanecem.\" — Teferi",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445921,
                    "name": "Sentinela de Teferi",
                    "text": "Enquanto você controlar um planeswalker Teferi, Sentinela de Teferi receberá +4/+0.",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Golem"
                    "flavorText": "«В незапамятные времена я зачаровал армию статуй, призванную охранять Жалфир. Моей родины давно нет, но ее защитники остались». — Тефери",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445931,
                    "name": "Стражник Тефери",
                    "text": "Пока вы контролируете planeswalker-а Тефери, Стражник Тефери получает +4/+0.",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Голем"
                    "flavorText": "「很久以前,我向一队雕像施法让它们守卫赛费尔。而今家乡已逝,但其卫士仍在。」 ~泰菲力",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445941,
                    "name": "泰菲力的哨卫",
                    "text": "只要你操控泰菲力鹏洛客,泰菲力的哨卫便得+4/+0。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~魔像"
                    "flavorText": "「很久以前,我向一隊雕像施法讓它們守衛賽費爾。而今家鄉已逝,但其衛士仍在。」 ~泰菲力",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445951,
                    "name": "泰菲力的哨衛",
                    "text": "只要你操控泰菲力鵬洛客,泰菲力的哨衛便得+4/+0。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~魔像"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{5}",
            "multiverseId": 445851,
            "name": "Teferi's Sentinel",
            "number": "273",
            "originalText": "As long as you control a Teferi planeswalker, Teferi's Sentinel gets +4/+0.",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Golem",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164224,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "As long as you control a Teferi planeswalker, Teferi's Sentinel gets +4/+0.",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Golem",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3cb855e8-b41a-573b-a9e5-b43dd62e4a7e",
            "uuidV421": "c3d3e661-0df9-5859-b068-4498c7375786"
            "artist": "Chris Rallis",
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            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443364,
                    "name": "Teferi, Held Dominarias",
                    "text": "+1: Ziehe eine Karte. Enttappe zu Beginn des nächsten Endsegments zwei Länder.\n−3: Lege eine bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die kein Land ist, als dritte Karte von oben in die Bibliothek ihres Besitzers.\n−8: Du erhältst ein Emblem mit „Immer wenn du eine Karte ziehst, schicke eine bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert, ins Exil.\"",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Teferi"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443633,
                    "name": "Teferi, héroe de Dominaria",
                    "text": "+1: Roba una carta. Al comienzo del próximo paso final, endereza dos tierras.\n−3: Pon el permanente objetivo que no sea tierra en la biblioteca de su propietario en tercer lugar desde la parte superior.\n−8: Obtienes un emblema con \"Siempre que robes una carta, exilia el permanente objetivo que controla un oponente\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Teferi"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443902,
                    "name": "Téfeiri, héros de Dominaria",
                    "text": "+1 : Piochez une carte. Au début de la prochaine étape de fin, dégagez deux terrains.\n-3 : Mettez un permanent non-terrain ciblé dans la bibliothèque de son propriétaire en troisième position à partir du dessus.\n-8 : Vous gagnez un emblème avec « À chaque fois que vous piochez une carte, exilez le permanent ciblé qu'un adversaire contrôle. »",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Téfeiri"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444171,
                    "name": "Teferi, Eroe di Dominaria",
                    "text": "+1: Pesca una carta. All'inizio della prossima sottofase finale, STAPpa due terre.\n-3: Metti un permanente non terra bersaglio nel grimorio del suo proprietario come terza carta.\n-8: Ottieni un emblema con \"Ogniqualvolta peschi una carta, esilia un permanente bersaglio controllato da un avversario\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Teferi"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444440,
                    "name": "ドミナリアの英雄、テフェリー",
                    "text": "+1:カードを1枚引く。次の終了ステップの開始時に、土地2つをアンタップする。\n-3:土地でないパーマネント1つを対象とし、それをオーナーのライブラリーの一番上から3枚目に置く。\n-8:あなたは「あなたがカードを1枚引くたび、対戦相手がコントロールしているパーマネント1つを対象とし、それを追放する。」を持つ紋章を得る。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — テフェリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444709,
                    "name": "도미나리아의 영웅, 테페리",
                    "text": "+1: 카드 한 장을 뽑는다. 다음 종료단 시작에, 대지 두 개를 언탭한다.\n−3: 대지가 아닌 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물을 소유자의 서고 맨 위에서 세 번째에 넣는다.\n−8: 당신은 \"당신이 카드를 뽑을 때마다, 상대가 조종하는 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물을 추방한다.\"를 가진 휘장을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 테페리"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444978,
                    "name": "Teferi, Herói de Dominária",
                    "text": "+1: Compre um card. No início da próxima etapa final, desvire dois terrenos.\n−3: Coloque a permanente alvo que não seja um terreno no grimório do seu dono na terceira posição do topo.\n−8: Você recebe um emblema com \"Toda vez que você comprar um card, exile a permanente alvo que um oponente controla.\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Teferi"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445247,
                    "name": "Тефери, Герой Доминарии",
                    "text": "+1: возьмите карту. В начале следующего заключительного шага разверните две земли.\n−3: положите целевой не являющийся землей перманент в библиотеку его владельца третьим сверху.\n–8: вы получаете эмблему со способностью «Каждый раз, когда вы берете карту, изгоните целевой перманент под контролем оппонента».",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Тефери"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445516,
                    "name": "多明纳里亚英雄泰菲力",
                    "text": "+1:抓一张牌。在下一个结束步骤开始时,重置两个地。\n−3:将目标非地永久物置于其拥有者的牌库顶数来第三张的位置。\n−8:你获得具有「每当你抓一张牌时,放逐目标由对手操控的永久物」的徽记。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~泰菲力"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445785,
                    "name": "多明納里亞英雄泰菲力",
                    "text": "+1:抽一張牌。在下一個結束步驟開始時,重置兩個地。\n−3:將目標非地永久物置於其擁有者的牌庫頂數來第三張的位置。\n-8:你獲得具有「每當你抽一張牌時,放逐目標由對手操控的永久物」的徽記。",
                    "type": "傳奇鵬洛客 ~泰菲力"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "loyalty": "4",
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 443095,
            "name": "Teferi, Hero of Dominaria",
            "names": [],
            "number": "207",
            "originalText": "+1: Draw a card. At the beginning of the next end step, untap two lands.\n−3: Put target nonland permanent into its owner's library third from the top.\n−8: You get an emblem with \"Whenever you draw a card, exile target permanent an opponent controls.\"",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You don’t decide which two lands to untap until the next end step."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You choose the target for the triggered ability of Teferi’s emblem after you’ve seen the card you drew."
            "scryfallId": "5d10b752-d9cb-419d-a5c4-d4ee1acb655e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6bd02816-e39a-415c-a9b3-52ca71026617",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f2f165b6-ef0a-42ad-9352-ba68be8248b0",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162150,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+1: Draw a card. At the beginning of the next end step, untap up to two lands.\n−3: Put target nonland permanent into its owner's library third from the top.\n−8: You get an emblem with \"Whenever you draw a card, exile target permanent an opponent controls.\"",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0d07714c-f700-5ed0-b354-9c9382bb0c5e",
            "uuidV421": "91b8b2ab-96b4-562f-b978-d18847d4bb42"
            "artist": "Zack Stella",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 445858,
                    "name": "Teferi der Zeitformer",
                    "text": "+2: Enttappe bis zu ein Artefakt oder eine Kreatur deiner Wahl.\n–3: Du erhältst 2 Lebenspunkte dazu und ziehst zwei Karten.\n–9: Du erhältst nach diesem Zug einen zusätzlichen Zug.",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Teferi"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 445868,
                    "name": "Teferi, el Tuercetiempo",
                    "text": "+2: Endereza hasta un artefacto o criatura objetivo.\n−3: Ganas 2 vidas y robas dos cartas.\n−9: Juega un turno adicional después de este.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Teferi"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 445878,
                    "name": "Téfeiri, plieur de temps",
                    "text": "+2 : Dégagez jusqu'à un artefact ciblé ou jusqu'à une créature ciblée.\n-3 : Vous gagnez 2 points de vie et vous piochez deux cartes.\n-9 : Jouez un tour supplémentaire après celui-ci.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Téfeiri"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 445888,
                    "name": "Teferi, Distorsore Temporale",
                    "text": "+2: STAPpa fino a un artefatto o a una creatura bersaglio.\n-3: Guadagni 2 punti vita e peschi due carte.\n-9: Gioca un turno extra dopo questo.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Teferi"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 445898,
                    "name": "時を曲げる者、テフェリー",
                    "text": "+2:アーティファクトやクリーチャーあわせて最大1つを対象とし、それをアンタップする。\n-3:あなたは2点のライフを得て、カードを2枚引く。\n-9:このターンに続いて追加の1ターンを行う。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — テフェリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 445908,
                    "name": "시간조종자, 테페리",
                    "text": "+2: 마법물체나 생물을 최대 한 개까지 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 언탭한다.\n-3: 당신은 생명 2점을 얻고 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.\n-9: 이번 턴 후에 추가로 턴을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 테페리"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445918,
                    "name": "Teferi, Subjugador do Tempo",
                    "text": "+2: Desvire até um artefato ou criatura alvo.\n−3: Você ganha 2 pontos de vida e compra dois cards.\n−9: Jogue um turno extra depois deste.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Teferi"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445928,
                    "name": "Тефери, Сотрясатель Времен",
                    "text": "+2: разверните не более одного целевого артефакта или существа.\n−3: вы получаете 2 жизни и берете две карты.\n−9: сделайте дополнительный ход вслед за этим.",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Тефери"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445938,
                    "name": "曲时大师泰菲力",
                    "text": "+2:重置至多一个目标神器或生物。\n−3:你获得2点生命且抓两张牌。\n−9:于本回合后进行额外的一个回合。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~泰菲力"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445948,
                    "name": "曲時大師泰菲力",
                    "text": "+2:重置至多一個目標神器或生物。\n−3:你獲得2點生命且抽兩張牌。\n−9:於本回合後進行額外的一個回合。",
                    "type": "傳奇鵬洛客 ~泰菲力"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": false,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "loyalty": "5",
            "manaCost": "{4}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 445848,
            "name": "Teferi, Timebender",
            "names": [],
            "number": "270",
            "originalText": "+2: Untap up to one target artifact or creature.\n−3: You gain 2 life and draw two cards.\n−9: Take an extra turn after this one.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "eb2b7388-ac6b-45c0-a5cc-da6450724b59",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c5a16c0a-6a9c-49b6-9e4f-665bce966509",
            "scryfallOracleId": "761bb894-d3f9-4248-af76-1559c502e342",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164223,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+2: Untap up to one target artifact or creature.\n−3: You gain 2 life and draw two cards.\n−9: Take an extra turn after this one.",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Teferi",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fa330d57-1e92-5705-9b2b-7bf27da03079",
            "uuidV421": "6cbf8f97-1b56-533e-8973-786b7ba2d2d3"
            "artist": "Zezhou Chen",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The first to arrive on Dominaria from their distant home, the marids are the oldest tribe of djinn and the most respected by storm and sea.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Maride erreichten Dominaria als Erste aus einer weit entfernten Heimat und ihr Stamm ist der älteste der Dschinn. Ihnen wird von Sturm und Meer der größte Respekt zuteil.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443225,
                    "name": "Sturmwind-Dschinn",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nDer Sturmwind-Dschinn erhält +1/+0 für jedes Insel-Standardland, das du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Dschinn"
                    "flavorText": "Los marid son la tribu más antigua de djinn en Dominaria. Fueron los primeros en llegar allí desde su lejano hogar y son los más respetados por la tormenta y el mar.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443494,
                    "name": "Djinn de la tempestad",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nEl Djinn de la tempestad obtiene +1/+0 por cada Isla básica que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Djinn"
                    "flavorText": "Les premiers à être arrivés sur Dominaria depuis leur lointain foyer, les marides sont la plus ancienne tribu de djinns et la plus respectée des orages et des océans.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443763,
                    "name": "Djinn des tempêtes",
                    "text": "Vol\nLe Djinn des tempêtes gagne +1/+0 pour chaque île de base que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature : djinn"
                    "flavorText": "Giunti per primi su Dominaria dalla loro remota terra, i marid sono la tribù di geni più antica e la più rispettata dal mare e dalle tempeste.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444032,
                    "name": "Genio delle Tempeste",
                    "text": "Volare\nIl Genio delle Tempeste prende +1/+0 per ogni Isola base che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Genio"
                    "flavorText": "遠く離れた故郷からドミナリアに最初に移ってきたマリードはジン最古の部族であり、嵐からも海からも一目置かれている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444301,
                    "name": "大嵐のジン",
                    "text": "飛行\n大嵐のジンは、あなたがコントロールしている基本島1つにつき+1/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ジン"
                    "flavorText": "머나먼 고향에서 가장 먼저 도미나리아에 도착한 마리드는, 지니의 가장 오래된 부족이며 폭풍과 바다의 가장 큰 존경을 받는 자들이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444570,
                    "name": "폭풍우 지니",
                    "text": "비행\n폭풍우 지니는 당신이 조종하는 기본 섬 한 개당 +1/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 지니"
                    "flavorText": "Primeiros a chegar a Dominária vindos de seu lar distante, os máridas são a tribo mais antiga de gênios, e a mais respeitada pelas tempestades e pelo mar.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444839,
                    "name": "Gênio da Tempestade",
                    "text": "Voar\nGênio da Tempestade recebe +1/+0 para cada Ilha básica que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Gênio"
                    "flavorText": "Первыми прибыли в Доминарию из своего далекого дома мариды — древнейшие из джиннов, пользующиеся безграничным почтением у бурь и морей.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445108,
                    "name": "Джинн Бури",
                    "text": "Полет\nДжинн Бури получает +1/+0 за каждый базовый Остров под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Джинн"
                    "flavorText": "来自遥远家园的邪神是多明纳里亚首批迁来客,这最为古老的巨灵部落也最受风暴与大海崇敬。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445377,
                    "name": "暴风雨巨灵",
                    "text": "飞行\n你每操控一个基本海岛,暴风雨巨灵便得+1/+0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨灵"
                    "flavorText": "來自遙遠家園的邪神是多明納里亞首批遷來客,這最為古老的巨靈部落也最受風暴與大海崇敬。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445646,
                    "name": "暴風雨巨靈",
                    "text": "飛行\n你每操控一個基本海島,暴風雨巨靈便得+1/+0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨靈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442956,
            "name": "Tempest Djinn",
            "number": "68",
            "originalText": "Flying\nTempest Djinn gets +1/+0 for each basic Island you control.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Djinn",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Tempest Djinn’s ability that modifies its power applies only while it’s on the battlefield. In all other zones, it’s a 0/4 creature card."
            "scryfallId": "3acc883b-3aea-4d0b-ae0f-00d4a08c47c1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "96833067-7b4e-4289-a4d8-83c6f4ab3a79",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b94c233e-11d3-4556-a1da-bd193e58b663",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162238,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nTempest Djinn gets +1/+0 for each basic Island you control.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Djinn",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "67918522-c690-5469-a5bf-73a3106a9c07",
            "uuidV421": "a3ecaa69-8cb5-504c-91c8-36dc545e5d2f"
            "artist": "Zack Stella",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The Cabal soldier blinked and found day had become night, he had a face full of thistle seeds, and the old man was nowhere to be seen.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Der Kabbalisten-Soldat blinzelte und stellte daraufhin fest, dass der Tag zur Nacht geworden war. Sein Gesicht war voller Schirmflieger und der alte Mann längst fort.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 445859,
                    "name": "Temporale Machenschaften",
                    "text": "Bringe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück. Falls du ein Artefakt kontrollierst, ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "El soldado de la Cábala parpadeó y vio que el día se había vuelto noche, que tenía el rostro lleno de semillas de diente de león y que el anciano había desaparecido.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 445869,
                    "name": "Maquinaciones temporales",
                    "text": "Regresa la criatura objetivo a la mano de su propietario. Si controlas un artefacto, roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Le soldat de la Coterie cligna des yeux. Le jour avait soudain cédé la place à la nuit. Son visage était plein de duvet de chardon et le vieil homme avait disparu.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 445879,
                    "name": "Machinations temporelles",
                    "text": "Renvoyez une créature ciblée dans la main de son propriétaire. Si vous contrôlez un artefact, piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Il soldato della Cabala batté le palpebre e scoprì che il giorno si era tramutato in notte, il suo volto era ricoperto di semi di soffione e il vecchio era svanito nel nulla.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 445889,
                    "name": "Macchinazioni Temporali",
                    "text": "Fai tornare una creatura bersaglio in mano al suo proprietario. Se controlli un artefatto, pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "陰謀団の兵士が瞬きをすると、昼だったはずが夜になっていた。顔はアザミの種まみれで、あの年老いた男の姿はどこにもなかった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 445899,
                    "name": "経時的策謀",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをオーナーの手札に戻す。あなたがアーティファクトをコントロールしているなら、カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "도당의 병사가 눈을 깜빡이자 낮이 밤으로 바뀌어 있었고, 얼굴에는 엉겅퀴 씨가 가득했으며, 노인은 어디에도 찾아볼 수 없었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 445909,
                    "name": "시간의 술책",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다. 당신이 마법물체를 조종한다면, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "O soldado da Cabala piscou e descobriu que o dia se tornara noite, que seu rosto estava cheio de sementes de cardo e não se via mais o velho em lugar nenhum.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445919,
                    "name": "Maquinações Temporais",
                    "text": "Devolva a criatura alvo para a mão de seu dono. Se você controlar um artefato, compre um card.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Солдат кабалов моргнул и обнаружил, что день превратился в ночь, в щетине у него запутались репьи, а старика нигде не видно.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445929,
                    "name": "Манипуляции со Временем",
                    "text": "Верните целевое существо в руку его владельца. Если под вашим контролем есть артефакт, возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "柯帮士兵一眨眼,竟发现白昼已化黑夜,自己满脸都是蓟花籽,而老人已不见踪影。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445939,
                    "name": "时间计谋",
                    "text": "将目标生物移回其拥有者手上。如果你操控神器,则抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "柯幫士兵一眨眼,竟發現白晝已化黑夜,自己滿臉都是薊花籽,而老人已不見蹤影。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445949,
                    "name": "時間計謀",
                    "text": "將目標生物移回其擁有者手上。如果你操控神器,則抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 445849,
            "name": "Temporal Machinations",
            "number": "271",
            "originalText": "Return target creature to its owner's hand. If you control an artifact, draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Whether you control an artifact is checked only after returning the target creature to its owner’s hand. If the target creature is the only artifact you control, you won’t draw a card."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Temporal Machinations tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You won’t draw a card."
            "scryfallId": "9ba8df17-ab81-4e28-b274-ad38aa2899b3",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "42934e96-09a4-4c18-8ed6-d444f7d437e0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f0adab66-c3fe-4989-b7c8-ab7bdc7f0fd1",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164225,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Return target creature to its owner's hand. If you control an artifact, draw a card.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "83a85dbd-9cf1-583e-a7e8-20277c2e98e4",
            "uuidV421": "99f64824-0374-544b-bab9-b3c9dd0adbd0"
            "artist": "Jonathan Kuo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "A living remnant of the Ice Age.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ein lebendes Relikt der Eiszeit.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443341,
                    "name": "Revierverteidigender Allosaurus",
                    "text": "Bonus {2}{G} (Du kannst zusätzlich {2}{G} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nWenn der Revierverteidigende Allosaurus ins Spiel kommt und falls seine Bonuskosten bezahlt wurden, kämpft er gegen eine andere Kreatur deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Dinosaurier"
                    "flavorText": "Un remanente vivo de la Era Glacial.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443610,
                    "name": "Alosaurio territorial",
                    "text": "Estímulo {2}{G}. (Puedes pagar {2}{G} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nCuando el Alosaurio territorial entre al campo de batalla, si fue estimulado, lucha contra otra criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dinosaurio"
                    "flavorText": "Un vestige de l'Ère glaciaire.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443879,
                    "name": "Allosaure territorial",
                    "text": "Kick {2}{G} (Vous pouvez payer {2}{G} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nQuand l'Allosaure territorial arrive sur le champ de bataille, s'il a été kické, il se bat contre une autre créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Créature : dinosaure"
                    "flavorText": "Un vestigio vivente dell'Era Glaciale.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444148,
                    "name": "Allosauro Territoriale",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {2}{G} (Puoi pagare {2}{G} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nQuando l'Allosauro Territoriale entra nel campo di battaglia, se è stato potenziato, lotta con un'altra creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Dinosauro"
                    "flavorText": "氷河期からの生き残り。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444417,
                    "name": "縄張り持ちのアロサウルス",
                    "text": "キッカー{2}{G}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{2}{G}を支払ってもよい。)\n縄張り持ちのアロサウルスが戦場に出たとき、これがキッカーされていた場合、他のクリーチャー1体を対象とする。これはそれと格闘を行う。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 恐竜"
                    "flavorText": "아이스 에이지의 살아있는 파편.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444686,
                    "name": "영역을 지키는 알로사우르스",
                    "text": "키커 {2}{G} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {2}{G}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n영역을 지키는 알로사우르스가 전장에 들어올 때, 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 다른 생물을 목표로 정한다. 영역을 지키는 알로사우르스는 그 생물과 싸운다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 공룡"
                    "flavorText": "Um remanescente da Era Glacial.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444955,
                    "name": "Allossauro Territorial",
                    "text": "Reforçar {2}{G} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {2}{G} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nQuando Allossauro Territorial entra no campo de batalha, se foi reforçado, ele luta com outra criatura alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dinossauro"
                    "flavorText": "Живое ископаемое из ледникового периода.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445224,
                    "name": "Территориальный Аллозавр",
                    "text": "Усилитель {2}{G} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {2}{G}.)\nКогда Территориальный Аллозавр выходит на поле битвы, если он получил Усилитель, он дерется с другим целевым существом.",
                    "type": "Существо — Динозавр"
                    "flavorText": "冰雪时代的活化石。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445493,
                    "name": "据地异特龙",
                    "text": "增幅{2}{G}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{2}{G}。)\n当据地异特龙进战场时,若它已增幅,则它与另一个目标生物互斗。",
                    "type": "生物 ~恐龙"
                    "flavorText": "冰雪時代的活化石。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445762,
                    "name": "據地異特龍",
                    "text": "增幅{2}{G}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{2}{G}。)\n當據地異特龍進戰場時,若它已增幅,則它與另一個目標生物互鬥。",
                    "type": "生物 ~恐龍"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443072,
            "name": "Territorial Allosaurus",
            "number": "184",
            "originalText": "Kicker {2}{G} (You may pay an additional {2}{G} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Territorial Allosaurus enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, it fights another target creature.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Dinosaur",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Territorial Allosaurus isn’t on the battlefield as its triggered ability resolves, or if the target of that ability is illegal, no creature will deal or be dealt damage."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Territorial Allosaurus’s ability can target another creature you control (such as a Dinosaur with an enrage ability). If you kicked it but your opponent controls no creatures that are legal targets, the ability must target another one of your creatures. Plan carefully before kicking Dinosaurs."
            "scryfallId": "3d8ac2b0-47ea-4aa3-bf24-c78227a0c913",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "62089a64-c5b2-4a43-bbf6-005c8f0d0fce",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7fe39c74-cb7c-4eee-a657-8a99a4ab383a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162248,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {2}{G} (You may pay an additional {2}{G} as you cast this spell.)\nWhen Territorial Allosaurus enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, it fights another target creature.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Dinosaur",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "341d2d73-17dd-5d51-98c3-2e2f6854a287",
            "uuidV421": "6a946035-9b9d-5dec-a5cd-196e1e7843f6"
            "artist": "Even Amundsen",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The Ancestor saved us for a purpose.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Ahnfrau hat uns nicht ohne Grund gerettet.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443193,
                    "name": "Teshar, Apostel der Ahnfrau",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nImmer wenn du einen historischen Zauberspruch wirkst, bringe eine Kreaturenkarte deiner Wahl mit umgewandelten Manakosten von 3 oder weniger aus deinem Friedhof ins Spiel zurück. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Vogel, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "\"La Antepasada nos salvó con un propósito\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443462,
                    "name": "Teshar, apóstol de la Antepasada",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo histórico, regresa la carta de criatura objetivo con coste de maná convertido de 3 o menos de tu cementerio al campo de batalla. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Clérigo ave"
                    "flavorText": "« L'Ancêtre nous a sauvés pour une raison. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443731,
                    "name": "Teshar, apôtre de l'Ancêtre",
                    "text": "Vol\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort historique, renvoyez sur le champ de bataille depuis votre cimetière une carte de créature ciblée avec un coût converti de mana inférieur ou égal à 3. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : oiseau et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "\"L'Antenata ci salvò per uno scopo.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444000,
                    "name": "Teshar, Apostolo dell'Antenata",
                    "text": "Volare\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia storica, rimetti sul campo di battaglia una carta creatura bersaglio con costo di mana convertito pari o inferiore a 3 dal tuo cimitero. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Chierico Uccello"
                    "flavorText": "「祖神様が我らをお救いくださるのには理由がある。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444269,
                    "name": "祖神の使徒、テシャール",
                    "text": "飛行\nあなたが歴史的な呪文を唱えるたび、あなたの墓地から点数で見たマナ・コストが3以下のクリーチャー・カード1枚を対象とし、それを戦場に戻す。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 鳥・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "\"선조가 우리를 구원한 데는 이유가 있다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444538,
                    "name": "선조의 사도, 테샤르",
                    "text": "비행\n당신이 역사적 주문을 발동할 때마다, 당신의 무덤에 있는 전환마나비용이 3 이하인 생물 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 전장으로 되돌린다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 조류 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "\"A Ancestral nos salvou com um propósito.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444807,
                    "name": "Teshar, Apóstolo da Ancestral",
                    "text": "Voar\nToda vez que você conjurar uma mágica histórica, devolva o card de criatura alvo com custo de mana convertido igual ou inferior a 3 de seu cemitério para o campo de batalha. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Ave Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "«Прародительница спасла нас не просто так».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445076,
                    "name": "Тешар, Апостол Прародительницы",
                    "text": "Полет\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете историческое заклинание, верните целевую карту существа с конвертированной мана-стоимостью не более 3 из вашего кладбища на поле битвы. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Птица Священник"
                    "flavorText": "「圣祖灵救吾人性命必有其用意。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445345,
                    "name": "圣祖灵门徒铁夏",
                    "text": "飞行\n每当你施放史迹咒语时,将目标总法术力费用等于或小于3的生物牌从你的坟墓场移回战场。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~鸟/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "「聖祖靈救吾人性命必有其用意。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445614,
                    "name": "聖祖靈門徒鐵夏",
                    "text": "飛行\n每當你施放史跡咒語時,將目標總魔法力費用等於或小於3的生物牌從你的墳墓場移回戰場。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~鳥/僧侶"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442924,
            "name": "Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle",
            "number": "36",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhenever you cast a historic spell, return target creature card with converted mana cost 3 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Bird Cleric",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the mana cost of a card in your graveyard includes {X}, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Some abilities trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell.” Such an ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you cast a historic spell” doesn’t trigger if a historic card is put onto the battlefield without being cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Lands are never cast, so abilities that trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell” won’t trigger if you play a legendary land. They also won’t trigger if a card on the battlefield transforms into a legendary land, as the Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan double-faced cards do."
            "scryfallId": "f6d115b4-51d5-4898-b56c-2729aa428018",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "fc7531ca-2062-4c23-a3f0-99b9de2d95af",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d4193f50-33b5-4201-ba03-eb135eced7ff",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162209,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhenever you cast a historic spell, return target creature card with converted mana cost 3 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Bird Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "48aecb88-5484-5e30-85c0-7eca73753ed8",
            "uuidV421": "e8adfce1-9de0-524c-9b6e-75a2748692e6"
            "artist": "Randy Vargas",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"My ancestor Toshiro used to say, 'Life is a series of choices between bad and worse.' I'm a master of making great bad choices.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Mein Vorfahr Toshiro pflegte zu sagen: ‚Das Leben ist eine Abfolge von Entscheidungen zwischen schlechten Optionen.' Ich treffe die besten schlechten Entscheidungen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443226,
                    "name": "Tetsuko Umezawa, die Flüchtige",
                    "text": "Kreaturen mit Stärke oder Widerstandskraft 1 oder weniger, die du kontrollierst, können nicht geblockt werden.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mi antepasado Toshiro solía decir que la vida es una serie de elecciones entre lo malo y lo peor. Yo soy una maestra en el arte de tomar las peores decisiones\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443495,
                    "name": "Tetsuko Umezawa, fugitiva",
                    "text": "Las criaturas que controlas con fuerza o resistencia de 1 o menos no pueden ser bloqueadas.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Bribón humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Toshiro, mon ancêtre, disait : \"La vie est une série de choix allant du mauvais au pire.\" Je suis passée maîtresse dans l'art de faire de grands mauvais choix. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443764,
                    "name": "Tetsuko Umezawa, fugitive",
                    "text": "Les créatures que vous contrôlez de force ou d'endurance inférieure ou égale à 1 ne peuvent pas être bloquées.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il mio antenato Toshiro diceva sempre: 'La vita è una serie di scelte tra ciò che è sbagliato e ciò che è peggio'. Io sono una maestra nel compiere ottime scelte sbagliate.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444033,
                    "name": "Tetsuko Umezawa, Fuggitiva",
                    "text": "Le creature che controlli con forza o costituzione pari o inferiore a 1 non possono essere bloccate.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Farabutto Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「ご先祖様の梅澤俊郎は『人生はひどい事と更にひどい事の選択の繰り返し』と言っていたそうね。私は最高の『ひどい事』を選択する名人なのよ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444302,
                    "name": "逃亡者、梅澤哲子",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしていてパワーかタフネスが1以下であるクリーチャーはブロックされない。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "\"내 선조이신 토시로께서는 '삶이란 나쁜 것과 더 나쁜 것 중에 하나를 고르는 선택의 연속이다.'라고 하셨지. 나는 나쁜 쪽을 고르는 데 일가견이 있고.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444571,
                    "name": "수배범, 우메자와 테츠코",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 공격력 또는 방어력이 1 이하인 생물은 방어될 수 없다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 도적"
                    "flavorText": "\"Meu ancestral Toshiro costumava dizer que 'A vida é uma série de escolhas entre o ruim e o pior.' Eu sou mestra em fazer ótimas escolhas ruins.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444840,
                    "name": "Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitiva",
                    "text": "As criaturas que você controla com poder ou resistência igual ou inferior a 1 não podem ser bloqueadas.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "«Мой предок Тосиро часто говорил: \"Жизнь — это постоянный выбор между плохим и еще худшим\". У меня отлично получается выбирать самое лучшее плохое».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445109,
                    "name": "Тэцуко Умезава, Беглянка",
                    "text": "Существа под вашим контролем с силой или выносливостью 1 или меньше не могут быть заблокированы.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "「俊郎先祖曾说,『生命是一连串的选择,每次都只有糟与更糟可选。』我最擅长选『糟』。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445378,
                    "name": "浪人梅泽哲子",
                    "text": "由你操控且力量或防御力等于或小于1的生物不能被阻挡。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "「俊郎先祖曾說,『生命是一連串的選擇,每次都只有糟與更糟可選。』我最擅長選『糟』。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445647,
                    "name": "浪人梅澤哲子",
                    "text": "由你操控且力量或防禦力等於或小於1的生物不能被阻擋。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/浪客"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442957,
            "name": "Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive",
            "number": "69",
            "originalText": "Creatures you control with power or toughness 1 or less can't be blocked.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Rogue",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a creature you control has been blocked, changing its power to 1 or less won’t cause it to become unblocked. Changing its toughness to 1 won’t cause it to become unblocked, and changing its toughness to less than 1 will cause it to die."
            "scryfallId": "16185c50-f7b8-4cea-a129-dfad8e9df781",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b7be637a-55df-43c8-8085-bad6ac9d66fe",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ceeeacbc-01b0-4421-aaca-2ce6cdbe45d7",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162239,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Creatures you control with power or toughness 1 or less can't be blocked.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "76447d49-54de-5a96-95b0-5565ee3b06a7",
            "uuidV421": "71b2583d-8a1b-54fd-b623-5da539314ec7"
            "artist": "Mathias Kollros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Thelon of Havenwood created thallids as a food source in times of darkness. Thallids did the same with saprolings.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Thelon von Havenwood erschuf Thallide einst als Nahrungsquelle in Zeiten der Dunkelheit. Thallide taten dasselbe mit Saprolingen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443263,
                    "name": "Thallid-Allesfresser",
                    "text": "{1}, opfere eine andere Kreatur: Der Thallid-Allesfresser erhält +2/+2 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Falls auf diese Weise ein Saproling geopfert wurde, erhältst du 2 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Pilzwesen"
                    "flavorText": "Thélon de Havenwood creó a los tálidos como fuente de sustento en épocas oscuras. Los tálidos hicieron lo mismo con los saprolines.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443532,
                    "name": "Tálido omnívoro",
                    "text": "{1}, sacrificar otra criatura: El Tálido omnívoro obtiene +2/+2 hasta el final del turno. Si un Saprolín fue sacrificado de esta manera, ganas 2 vidas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hongo"
                    "flavorText": "Thélon de Havrebois créa les thallidés comme nourriture pour survivre aux ténèbres. Les thallidés firent de même avec les saprobiontes.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443801,
                    "name": "Thallidé omnivore",
                    "text": "{1}, sacrifiez une autre créature : Le Thallidé omnivore gagne +2/+2 jusqu'à la fin du tour. Si un Saprobionte a été sacrifié de cette manière, vous gagnez 2 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : fongus"
                    "flavorText": "Thelon di Havenwood creò i thallid come fonte di sostentamento in tempi oscuri. I thallid fecero lo stesso con i saprolingi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444070,
                    "name": "Thallid Onnivoro",
                    "text": "{1}, Sacrifica un'altra creatura: Il Thallid Onnivoro prende +2/+2 fino alla fine del turno. Se un Saprolingio è stato sacrificato in questo modo, guadagni 2 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Fungus"
                    "flavorText": "暗黒の時代に、ヘイヴンウッドのセロンがサリッドを作り出し食糧にした。サリッドも苗木を同様にした。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444339,
                    "name": "雑食のサリッド",
                    "text": "{1}, 他のクリーチャーを1体生け贄に捧げる:ターン終了時まで、雑食のサリッドは+2/+2の修整を受ける。これにより苗木を生け贄に捧げたなら、あなたは2点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ファンガス"
                    "flavorText": "안식의 숲의 텔론은 힘든 시기에 식량으로 쓰기 위해 탈리드를 만들었다. 탈리드도 같은 이유로 묘목을 만들었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444608,
                    "name": "잡식성 탈리드",
                    "text": "{1}, 다른 생물 한 개를 희생한다: 잡식성 탈리드는 턴종료까지 +2/+2를 받는다. 묘목이 이런 식으로 희생되었다면, 당신은 생명 2점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 진균"
                    "flavorText": "Thelon de Havenwood criou as talídias como fonte de alimento em tempos sombrios. As talídias fizeram o mesmo com as saprófitas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444877,
                    "name": "Talídia Onívora",
                    "text": "{1}, sacrifique outra criatura: Talídia Onívora recebe +2/+2 até o final do turno. Se uma Saprófita foi sacrificada dessa forma, você ganha 2 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fungo"
                    "flavorText": "Телон из Хейвенвуда создал таллидов, чтобы не страдать от голода в тяжелые времена. Таллиды сделали то же самое с сапролингами.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445146,
                    "name": "Всеядный Таллид",
                    "text": "{1}, пожертвуйте другое существо: Всеядный Таллид получает +2/+2 до конца хода. Если таким образом был пожертвован Сапролинг, вы получаете 2 жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Плесень"
                    "flavorText": "在黑暗的年代,海温森的瑟隆曾培育散绿菌作为粮食。散绿菌对腐生物做了同样的事。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445415,
                    "name": "杂食散绿菌",
                    "text": "{1},牺牲另一个生物:杂食散绿菌得+2/+2直到回合结束。如果以此法牺牲的是腐生物,则你获得2点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌"
                    "flavorText": "在黑暗的年代,海溫森的瑟隆曾培育散綠菌作為糧食。散綠菌對腐生物做了同樣的事。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445684,
                    "name": "雜食散綠菌",
                    "text": "{1},犧牲另一個生物:雜食散綠菌得+2/+2直到回合結束。如果以此法犧牲的是腐生物,則你獲得2點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442994,
            "name": "Thallid Omnivore",
            "number": "106",
            "originalText": "{1}, Sacrifice another creature: Thallid Omnivore gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If a Saproling was sacrificed this way, you gain 2 life.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Fungus",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "99b35391-f1dc-434b-b581-ca6cb6f3439f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "acf13135-4901-42d6-94cf-d5d8e53d2f9f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b9bb1b0e-38ce-40f1-882b-85f6c95610ff",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164719,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}, Sacrifice another creature: Thallid Omnivore gets +2/+2 until end of turn. If a Saproling was sacrificed this way, you gain 2 life.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Fungus",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1b6dbeb5-87fd-5d7f-842e-44477d44e3a4",
            "uuidV421": "bad64fab-a8c4-5e24-a8f4-31caffc12557"
            "artist": "Jason A. Engle",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Some of the thallids that escaped into the fens of Urborg began emulating the Cabal's bloodsoaked rituals in their own peculiar way.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Einige der Thallide, die in die Sümpfe Urborgs geflohen waren, begannen damit, die blutigen Rituale der Kabbalisten auf eigene Weise nachzuahmen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443264,
                    "name": "Thallid-Wahrsager",
                    "text": "{2}, opfere eine Kreatur: Ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Pilzwesen"
                    "flavorText": "Algunos de los tálidos que escaparon a los pantanos de Urborg comenzaron a emular los rituales sangrientos de la Cábala a su peculiar manera.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443533,
                    "name": "Augur tálido",
                    "text": "{2}, sacrificar una criatura: Roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hongo"
                    "flavorText": "Certains des thallidés qui s'étaient échappés dans les marais d'Urborg se mirent à imiter à leur façon les rituels sanglants de la Coterie.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443802,
                    "name": "Aruspice thallidé",
                    "text": "{2}, sacrifiez une créature : Piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : fongus"
                    "flavorText": "Alcuni dei thallid fuggiti nelle paludi di Urborg iniziarono a emulare i sanguinosi rituali della Cabala in un modo tutto loro.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444071,
                    "name": "Thallid Indovino",
                    "text": "{2}, Sacrifica una creatura: Pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Fungus"
                    "flavorText": "脱走してアーボーグの湿原に逃れたサリッドの中に、陰謀団の血染めの儀式を奇妙な自己流で真似し始めたものがいた。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444340,
                    "name": "サリッドの予言者",
                    "text": "{2}, クリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる:カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ファンガス"
                    "flavorText": "우르보그의 땅으로 도망친 탈리드 중 일부는, 도당의 피비린내 나는 의식을 자신들만의 방식으로 모방하기 시작했다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444609,
                    "name": "탈리드 점쟁이",
                    "text": "{2}, 생물 한 개를 희생한다: 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 진균"
                    "flavorText": "Algumas das talídias que fugiram para os charcos de Urborg começaram a emular os rituais sanguinolentos da Cabala de seu próprio jeito peculiar.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444878,
                    "name": "Adivinha Talídia",
                    "text": "{2}, sacrifique uma criatura: Compre um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fungo"
                    "flavorText": "Некоторые из укрывшихся среди болот Урборга таллидов стали подражать кровавым обрядам кабалов — перекладывая их на свой необычный манер.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445147,
                    "name": "Таллид-Предсказатель",
                    "text": "{2}, пожертвуйте существо: возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Плесень"
                    "flavorText": "某些逃往乌尔博格沼地的散绿菌开始以其独特方法效仿柯帮的染血仪式。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445416,
                    "name": "预言散绿菌",
                    "text": "{2},牺牲一个生物:抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌"
                    "flavorText": "某些逃往烏爾博格沼地的散綠菌開始以其獨特方法效仿柯幫的染血儀式。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445685,
                    "name": "預言散綠菌",
                    "text": "{2},犧牲一個生物:抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442995,
            "name": "Thallid Soothsayer",
            "number": "107",
            "originalText": "{2}, Sacrifice a creature: Draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Fungus",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can sacrifice Thallid Soothsayer to pay the cost for its own ability."
            "scryfallId": "204173b6-ae51-49ca-bd67-0703e882bf9e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5e2276fb-2930-4a95-9a80-4df8418a97e8",
            "scryfallOracleId": "eee801ea-e2dc-4b03-a9f9-e87566cb2ae8",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162179,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{2}, Sacrifice a creature: Draw a card.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Fungus",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6d41f169-5b2a-5a3c-9f4e-0c026019c71a",
            "uuidV421": "c7c35ac6-ed61-5a89-8e65-8979060b5d21"
            "artist": "Mark Tedin",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443199,
                    "name": "Der Artefakt-Krieg",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI, II — Schaue dir die obersten fünf Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst davon eine Artefaktkarte offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Lege den Rest in zufälliger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek.\nIII — Artefakte, die du kontrollierst, werden bis zum Ende des Zuges zu Artefaktkreaturen mit Basis-Stärke und -Widerstandskraft 5/5.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443468,
                    "name": "La Guerra de las Antigüedades",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI, II — Mira las cinco primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Puedes mostrar una carta de artefacto que se encuentre entre ellas y ponerla en tu mano. Pon el resto en el fondo de tu biblioteca en un orden aleatorio.\nIII — Los artefactos que controlas se convierten en criaturas artefacto con una fuerza y resistencia base de 5/5 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443737,
                    "name": "La Guerre des Antiquités",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI, II — Regardez les cinq cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez révéler une carte d'artefact parmi elles et la mettre dans votre main. Mettez le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque dans un ordre aléatoire.\nIII — Les artefacts que vous contrôlez deviennent des créatures-artefacts ayant une force et une endurance de base de 5/5 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444006,
                    "name": "La Guerra delle Antichità",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI, II — Guarda le prime cinque carte del tuo grimorio. Puoi rivelare una carta artefatto scelta tra esse e aggiungerla alla tua mano. Metti le altre in fondo al tuo grimorio in ordine casuale.\nIII — Gli artefatti che controlli diventano creature artefatto con forza e costituzione base 5/5 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444275,
                    "name": "アンティキティー戦争",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI, II ― あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを5枚見る。あなたはその中からアーティファクト・カード1枚を公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に無作為の順番で置く。\nIII ― ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているアーティファクトは基本のパワーとタフネスが5/5のアーティファクト・クリーチャーになる。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444544,
                    "name": "유물 전쟁",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI, II — 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 다섯 장을 본다. 당신은 그중에서 마법물체 카드 한 장을 공개한 후 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 나머지 카드들은 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.\nIII — 당신이 조종하는 마법물체들은 턴종료까지 기본 공격력과 방어력이 5/5인 마법물체 생물이 된다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444813,
                    "name": "A Guerra das Antiguidades",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI, II — Olhe os cinco cards do topo de seu grimório. Você pode revelar um card de artefato dentre eles e colocá-lo em sua mão. Coloque o restante no fundo de seu grimório em ordem aleatória.\nIII — Os artefatos que você controla se tornam criaturas artefato com poder e resistência básicos 5/5 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445082,
                    "name": "Война Древностей",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI, II — Посмотрите пять верхних карт вашей библиотеки. Вы можете показать находящуюся среди них карту артефакта и положить ее в вашу руку. Положите остальные карты в низ вашей библиотеки в случайном порядке.\nIII — Артефакты под вашим контролем становятся артефактами существами с базовыми силой и выносливостью 5/5 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445351,
                    "name": "古文明之战",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI, II — 检视你牌库顶的五张牌。你可以展示其中的一张神器牌,并将它置于你手上。将其余的牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。\nIII — 由你操控的神器均成为基础力量与防御力为5/5的神器生物直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445620,
                    "name": "古文明之戰",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI, II — 檢視你牌庫頂的五張牌。你可以展示其中的一張神器牌,並將它置於你手上。將其餘的牌以隨機順序置於你的牌庫底。\nIII — 由你操控的神器均成為基礎力量與防禦力為5/5的神器生物直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442930,
            "name": "The Antiquities War",
            "number": "42",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal an artifact card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.\nIII — Artifacts you control become artifact creatures with base power and toughness 5/5 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The final chapter ability of The Antiquities War affects only artifacts you control at the time it resolves. Artifacts you begin to control later in the turn won’t become 5/5 creatures."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The final chapter ability of The Antiquities War overwrites an artifact creature’s normal base power and toughness and all previous effects that set an artifact creature’s base power and toughness to specific values. Any power- or toughness-setting effects that start to apply after the ability resolves will overwrite this effect."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Effects that modify an artifact creature’s power and/or toughness, such as the effect of Titanic Growth, will apply to the creature no matter when they started to take effect. The same is true for any counters that change its power and/or toughness and effects that switch its power and toughness."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If The Antiquities War somehow becomes an artifact enchantment prior to resolving its final chapter ability, it will become a 5/5 Saga artifact enchantment creature, and will then be sacrificed after that ability resolves."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "An Equipment that becomes an artifact creature becomes unattached if it’s attached to a creature. Its equip ability can be activated, but it won’t become attached to the target creature."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "bbda670a-00a7-419c-b4b5-bfdb323f006d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3dec7398-bf8f-4c6d-a775-77156ee0f27e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ab5a9749-5c94-43e0-b9df-bd2c3601936f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162240,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal an artifact card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.\nIII — Artifacts you control become artifact creatures with base power and toughness 5/5 until end of turn.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b8ccba77-c8ad-5593-86ef-34da7c649b72",
            "uuidV421": "ac06950d-e2cd-5359-8cf3-20bcb927ecff"
            "artist": "Jenn Ravenna",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443247,
                    "name": "Die Wiedergeburt des Ältesten",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI — Jeder Gegner opfert eine Kreatur oder einen Planeswalker.\nII — Jeder Gegner wirft eine Karte ab.\nIII — Bringe eine Kreaturen- oder Planeswalkerkarte deiner Wahl aus einem Friedhof unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443516,
                    "name": "El gran anciano renacido",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI — Cada oponente sacrifica una criatura o un planeswalker.\nII — Cada oponente descarta una carta.\nIII — Pon en el campo de batalla bajo tu control la carta de criatura o planeswalker objetivo de un cementerio.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443785,
                    "name": "La Renaissance de l'aîné",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI — Chaque adversaire sacrifie une créature ou un planeswalker.\nII — Chaque adversaire se défausse d'une carte.\nIII — Mettez sur le champ de bataille, sous votre contrôle, une carte de créature ou de planeswalker ciblée depuis un cimetière.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444054,
                    "name": "Rinascita dell'Antico",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI — Ogni avversario sacrifica una creatura o un planeswalker.\nII — Ogni avversario scarta una carta.\nIII — Metti sul campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo una carta creatura o planeswalker bersaglio da un cimitero.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444323,
                    "name": "最古再誕",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI ― 各対戦相手はそれぞれクリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体を生け贄に捧げる。\nII ― 各対戦相手はそれぞれカード1枚を捨てる。\nIII ― 墓地からクリーチャーかプレインズウォーカーであるカード1枚を対象とし、それをあなたのコントロール下で戦場に出す。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444592,
                    "name": "가장 오래된 재탄생",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI — 각 상대는 생물 또는 플레인즈워커 한 개를 희생한다.\nII — 각 상대는 카드 한 장을 버린다.\nIII — 무덤에 있는 생물 또는 플레인즈워커 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 당신의 조종하에 전장에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444861,
                    "name": "O Ancião Renascido",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI — Cada oponente sacrifica uma criatura ou um planeswalker.\nII — Cada oponente descarta um card.\nIII — Coloque o card de criatura ou planeswalker alvo de um cemitério no campo de batalha sob o seu controle.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445130,
                    "name": "Перерождение Древнейшего",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI — Каждый оппонент жертвует существо или planeswalker-а.\nII — Каждый оппонент сбрасывает карту.\nIII — Положите целевую карту существа или planeswalker-а из кладбища на поле битвы под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445399,
                    "name": "恶源重生",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI — 每位对手各牺牲一个生物或鹏洛客。\nII — 每位对手各弃一张牌。\nIII — 将目标生物或鹏洛客牌在你的操控下从坟墓场放进战场。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445668,
                    "name": "惡源重生",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI — 每位對手各犧牲一個生物或鵬洛客。\nII — 每位對手各棄一張牌。\nIII — 將目標生物或鵬洛客牌在你的操控下從墳墓場放進戰場。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442978,
            "name": "The Eldest Reborn",
            "number": "90",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI — Each opponent sacrifices a creature or planeswalker.\nII — Each opponent discards a card.\nIII — Put target creature or planeswalker card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "When the first chapter ability of The Eldest Reborn resolves, the next opponent in turn order (or, if it’s an opponent’s turn, that opponent) chooses a creature or planeswalker they control, then each other opponent in turn order (if any) does the same. All chosen permanents are then sacrificed at the same time. Players will know the choices made by earlier players when making their choices."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "When the second chapter ability of The Eldest Reborn resolves, the next opponent in turn order (or, if it’s an opponent’s turn, that opponent) chooses a card in hand without revealing it, then each other opponent in turn order (if any) does the same. All chosen cards are then discarded at the same time."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if a player leaves the game, all cards that player owns leave as well. If you leave the game, the permanent you control from The Eldest Reborn’s final chapter ability is exiled."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "c8318f40-ecd5-429e-8fe2-febf31f64841",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8e732f7e-1e65-4e1c-a8fc-45efe645ab7c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "44ed4c0c-a012-4895-a547-b04150553bba",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162197,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI — Each opponent sacrifices a creature or planeswalker.\nII — Each opponent discards a card.\nIII — Put target creature or planeswalker card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e67d8187-f616-59a2-bd86-dcdbd005527e",
            "uuidV421": "39c0dc40-710f-5dc5-82fa-c95ac8c1f4c4"
            "artist": "Steven Belledin",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443279,
                    "name": "Die Erste Eruption",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI — Die Erste Eruption fügt jeder nichtfliegenden Kreatur 1 Schadenspunkt zu.\nII — Erzeuge {R}{R}.\nIII — Opfere ein Gebirge. Falls du dies tust, fügt die Erste Eruption jeder Kreatur 3 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443548,
                    "name": "La primera erupción",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI — La primera erupción hace 1 punto de daño a cada criatura sin la habilidad de volar.\nII — Agrega {R}{R}.\nIII — Sacrifica una Montaña. Si lo haces, La primera erupción hace 3 puntos de daño a cada criatura.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443817,
                    "name": "La première éruption",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI — La première éruption inflige 1 blessure à chaque créature sans le vol.\nII — Ajoutez {R}{R}.\nIII — Sacrifiez une montagne. Si vous faites ainsi, La première éruption inflige 3 blessures à chaque créature.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444086,
                    "name": "La Prima Eruzione",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI — La Prima Eruzione infligge 1 danno a ogni creatura senza volare.\nII — Aggiungi {R}{R}.\nIII — Sacrifica una Montagna. Se lo fai, La Prima Eruzione infligge 3 danni a ogni creatura.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444355,
                    "name": "最初の噴火",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI ― 最初の噴火は、飛行を持たない各クリーチャーにそれぞれ1点のダメージを与える。\nII ― {R}{R}を加える。\nIII ― 山1つを生け贄に捧げる。そうしたなら、最初の噴火は各クリーチャーにそれぞれ3点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444624,
                    "name": "최초의 분출",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI — 최초의 분출은 비행이 없는 각 생물에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.\nII — {R}{R}를 추가한다.\nIII — 산 한 개를 희생한다. 그렇게 한다면, 최초의 분출은 각 생물에게 피해 3점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444893,
                    "name": "A Primeira Erupção",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI — A Primeira Erupção causa 1 ponto de dano a cada criatura sem voar.\nII — Adicione {R}{R}.\nIII — Sacrifique uma Montanha. Se fizer isso, A Primeira Erupção causará 3 pontos de dano a cada criatura.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445162,
                    "name": "Первое Извержение",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI — Первое Извержение наносит 1 повреждение каждому существу без Полета.\nII — Добавьте {R}{R}.\nIII — Пожертвуйте Гору. Если вы это делаете, Первое Извержение наносит 3 повреждения каждому существу.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445431,
                    "name": "创世涌动",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI — 创世涌动对每个不具飞行异能的生物各造成1点伤害。\nII — 加{R}{R}。\nIII — 牺牲一个山脉。如果你如此作,则创世涌动对每个生物各造成3点伤害。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445700,
                    "name": "創世湧動",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI — 創世湧動對每個不具飛行異能的生物各造成1點傷害。\nII — 加{R}{R}。\nIII — 犧牲一個山脈。如果你如此作,則創世湧動對每個生物各造成3點傷害。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443010,
            "name": "The First Eruption",
            "number": "122",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI — The First Eruption deals 1 damage to each creature without flying.\nII — Add {R}{R}.\nIII — Sacrifice a Mountain. If you do, The First Eruption deals 3 damage to each creature.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "While resolving The First Eruption’s final chapter ability, you must sacrifice one Mountain if able. You can’t sacrifice multiple Mountains to deal more damage."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "0efc241f-64b5-4e28-b14a-b3f19ca6e7b5",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "abd0cfa4-4714-4079-8de3-7b12f915c4ef",
            "scryfallOracleId": "df7a3868-4f03-452c-8307-1493977d42ef",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162183,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI — The First Eruption deals 1 damage to each creature without flying.\nII — Add {R}{R}.\nIII — Sacrifice a Mountain. If you do, The First Eruption deals 3 damage to each creature.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "64f2b140-b461-54c8-becb-60c3ebbb16d3",
            "uuidV421": "3ed8d0ce-f825-5d26-b0a4-3df58e2c9280"
            "artist": "Lake Hurwitz",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443280,
                    "name": "Die Flamme von Keld",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI — Wirf alle Karten aus deiner Hand ab.\nII — Ziehe zwei Karten.\nIII — Falls eine rote Quelle, die du kontrollierst, einer bleibenden Karte oder einem Spieler in diesem Zug Schaden zufügen würde, fügt sie stattdessen so viele Schadenspunkte plus 2 zu.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443549,
                    "name": "La Llama de Keld",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI — Descarta tu mano.\nII — Roba dos cartas.\nIII — Si una fuente roja que controlas fuera a hacer daño a un permanente o jugador este turno, en vez de eso, hace esa misma cantidad de daño más 2 a ese permanente o jugador.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443818,
                    "name": "La Flamme de Keld",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI — Défaussez-vous de votre main.\nII — Piochez deux cartes.\nIII — Si une source rouge que vous contrôlez devait infliger des blessures à un permanent ou à un joueur ce tour-ci, elle inflige autant de blessures plus 2 à ce permanent ou à ce joueur à la place.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444087,
                    "name": "La Fiamma di Keld",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI — Scarta la tua mano.\nII — Pesca due carte.\nIII — Se una fonte rossa che controlli sta per infliggere danno a un permanente o a un giocatore in questo turno, infligge invece altrettanti danni più 2 a quel permanente o giocatore.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444356,
                    "name": "ケルドの炎",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI ― あなたの手札を捨てる。\nII ― カードを2枚引く。\nIII ― このターン、あなたがコントロールしている赤の発生源がパーマネントかプレイヤーにダメージを与えるなら、代わりに、それはそのパーマネントやプレイヤーに、その点数に2を足した点数のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444625,
                    "name": "켈드의 불길",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI — 당신의 손을 버린다.\nII — 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.\nIII — 당신이 조종하는 적색 원천이 이번 턴에 지속물이나 플레이어에게 피해를 입히려 한다면, 대신에 그 피해에 2를 더한 만큼의 피해를 입힌다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444894,
                    "name": "A Chama de Keld",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI — Descarte sua mão.\nII — Compre dois cards.\nIII — Se uma fonte vermelha sob seu controle causaria dano a uma permanente ou jogador neste turno, ela causa, em vez disso, aquela quantidade de dano mais 2 àquela permanente ou jogador.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445163,
                    "name": "Огонь Келда",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI — Сбросьте вашу руку.\nII — Возьмите две карты.\nIII — Если красный источник под вашим контролем должен нанести повреждения перманенту или игроку в этом ходу, вместо этого он наносит тому перманенту или игроку на 2 повреждения больше.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445432,
                    "name": "凯尔顿源火",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI — 弃掉你的手牌。\nII — 抓两张牌。\nIII — 本回合中,如果某个由你操控的红色来源将对任一永久物或牌手造成伤害,则改为它对该永久物或牌手造成原数量加2点伤害。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445701,
                    "name": "凱爾頓源火",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI — 棄掉你的手牌。\nII — 抽兩張牌。\nIII — 本回合中,如果某個由你操控的紅色來源將對任一永久物或玩家造成傷害,則改為它對該永久物或玩家造成原數量加2點傷害。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443011,
            "name": "The Flame of Keld",
            "number": "123",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI — Discard your hand.\nII — Draw two cards.\nIII — If a red source you control would deal damage to a permanent or player this turn, it deals that much damage plus 2 to that permanent or player instead.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple replacement effects would modify how damage would be dealt, the player being dealt damage (or the controller of the permanent being dealt damage) chooses the order in which to apply those effects."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If damage dealt by a source you control is being divided or assigned among multiple permanents an opponent controls or among an opponent and one or more permanents they control simultaneously, divide the original amount before adding 2. For example, if you attack with a 5/5 red creature with trample and your opponent blocks with a 2/2 creature, you can assign 2 damage to the blocker and 3 damage to the defending player. These amounts are then modified to 4 and 5, respectively."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "324399ed-3d6e-4b4c-8f3d-b7802e2ecadf",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "daa0b7c9-bf6d-4a17-b779-547439b7373f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "26b41c78-c5ee-4c50-93be-e3acc35ab355",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162184,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI — Discard your hand.\nII — Draw two cards.\nIII — If a red source you control would deal damage to a permanent or player this turn, it deals that much damage plus 2 to that permanent or player instead.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2dbd7302-e05a-52d6-b0b5-ee18a150a0ee",
            "uuidV421": "31142997-1505-5c57-a671-b9dd938e56b2"
            "artist": "Adam Paquette",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443330,
                    "name": "Die Wiederherstellung Dominarias",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI, II — Lege die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek auf deinen Friedhof. Dann kannst du eine Kreaturenkarte aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurückbringen.\nIII — Bringe alle Länderkarten aus deinem Friedhof ins Spiel zurück und mische dann deinen Friedhof in deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443599,
                    "name": "La Reparación de Dominaria",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI, II — Pon las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca en tu cementerio. Luego, puedes regresar una carta de criatura de tu cementerio a tu mano.\nIII — Regresa todas las cartas de tierra de tu cementerio al campo de batalla. Luego, baraja tu cementerio en tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443868,
                    "name": "La Restauration de Dominaria",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI, II — Mettez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque dans votre cimetière, puis vous pouvez renvoyer une carte de créature depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.\nIII — Renvoyez sur le champ de bataille toutes les cartes de terrain depuis votre cimetière, puis mélangez votre cimetière dans votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444137,
                    "name": "La Riparazione di Dominaria",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI, II — Metti nel tuo cimitero le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi puoi riprendere in mano una carta creatura dal tuo cimitero.\nIII — Rimetti sul campo di battaglia tutte le carte terra dal tuo cimitero, poi rimescola il tuo cimitero nel tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444406,
                    "name": "ドミナリアの大修復",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI, II ― あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚あなたの墓地に置く。その後、あなたはあなたの墓地からクリーチャー・カード1枚をあなたの手札に戻してもよい。\nIII ― あなたの墓地から土地・カードをすべて戦場に戻す。その後、あなたの墓地をあなたのライブラリーに加えて切り直す。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444675,
                    "name": "도미나리아의 수복",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI, II — 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 당신의 무덤에 넣은 후, 당신은 당신의 무덤에서 생물 카드 한 장을 당신의 손으로 되돌릴 수 있다.\nIII — 당신의 무덤에 있는 모든 대지 카드를 전장으로 되돌린 후, 당신의 무덤을 당신의 서고에 섞어 넣는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444944,
                    "name": "Emenda de Dominária",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI, II — Coloque os dois cards do topo de seu grimório em seu cemitério. Depois, você pode devolver um card de criatura de seu cemitério para sua mão.\nIII — Devolva todos os cards de terreno de seu cemitério para o campo de batalha e depois embaralhe seu cemitério em seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445213,
                    "name": "Исцеление Доминарии",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI, II — Положите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки на ваше кладбище, затем вы можете вернуть карту существа из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.\nIII — Верните все карты земель из вашего кладбища на поле битвы, затем втасуйте ваше кладбище в вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445482,
                    "name": "多明纳里亚愈合",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI, II — 将你牌库顶的两张牌置入你的坟墓场,然后你可以将一张生物牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。\nIII — 将所有地牌从你的坟墓场移回战场,然后将你的坟墓场洗入你的牌库。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445751,
                    "name": "多明納里亞癒合",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI, II — 將你牌庫頂的兩張牌置入你的墳墓場,然後你可以將一張生物牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。\nIII — 將所有地牌從你的墳墓場移回戰場,然後將你的墳墓場洗入你的牌庫。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443061,
            "name": "The Mending of Dominaria",
            "number": "173",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Put the top two cards of your library into your graveyard, then you may return a creature card from your graveyard to your hand.\nIII — Return all land cards from your graveyard to the battlefield, then shuffle your graveyard into your library.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "0d5e4d9a-34e1-46eb-814b-8e3bd4475b8a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "70231c4f-8b51-4ae3-8858-62849c4bc996",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9b0b8f00-6367-4dc9-b33e-680470b3a36c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164706,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Put the top two cards of your library into your graveyard, then you may return a creature card from your graveyard to your hand.\nIII — Return all land cards from your graveyard to the battlefield, then shuffle your graveyard into your library.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2b41f5ad-737b-5f48-b674-34ef25e03523",
            "uuidV421": "6a5700d5-04b3-51df-8810-a9b2da0576f2"
            "artist": "James Arnold",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443214,
                    "name": "Die Mirari-Hypothese",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI — Bringe eine Spontanzauberkarte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.\nII — Bringe eine Hexereikarte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.\nIII — Immer wenn du bis zum Ende des Zuges einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkst, kopiere ihn bzw. sie. Du kannst neue Ziele für die Kopie bestimmen.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443483,
                    "name": "La conjetura del Mirari",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI — Regresa la carta de instantáneo objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.\nII — Regresa la carta de conjuro objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.\nIII — Hasta el final del turno, siempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro, cópialo. Puedes elegir nuevos objetivos para la copia.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443752,
                    "name": "La conjecture du Mirari",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI — Renvoyez une carte d'éphémère ciblée depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.\nII — Renvoyez une carte de rituel ciblée depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.\nIII — Jusqu'à la fin du tour, à chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel, copiez-le. Vous pouvez choisir de nouvelles cibles pour cette copie.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444021,
                    "name": "Congettura sul Mirari",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI — Riprendi in mano una carta istantaneo bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.\nII — Riprendi in mano una carta stregoneria bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.\nIII — Fino alla fine del turno, ogniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo o stregoneria, copiala. Puoi scegliere nuovi bersagli per la copia.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444290,
                    "name": "ミラーリ予想",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI ― あなたの墓地からインスタント・カード1枚を対象とし、それをあなたの手札に戻す。\nII ― あなたの墓地からソーサリー・カード1枚を対象とし、それをあなたの手札に戻す。\nIII ― ターン終了時まで、あなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、それをコピーする。あなたはそのコピーの新しい対象を選んでもよい。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444559,
                    "name": "미라리의 예측",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI — 당신의 무덤에 있는 순간마법 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.\nII — 당신의 무덤에 있는 집중마법 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.\nIII — 턴종료까지, 당신이 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 그 주문을 복사한다. 당신은 그 복사본의 목표를 새로 정할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444828,
                    "name": "A Conjectura do Mirari",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI — Devolva o card de mágica instantânea alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.\nII — Devolva o card de feitiço alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.\nIII — Até o final do turno, toda vez que você conjurar uma mágica instantânea ou um feitiço, copie-o. Você pode escolher novos alvos para a cópia.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445097,
                    "name": "Гипотеза о Мирари",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI — Верните целевую карту мгновенного заклинания из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.\nII — Верните целевую карту волшебства из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.\nIII — До конца хода, каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, скопируйте его. Вы можете выбрать новые цели для той копии.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445366,
                    "name": "映奇宝珠探究",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI — 将目标瞬间牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。\nII — 将目标法术牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。\nIII — 直到回合结束,每当你施放瞬间或法术咒语时,将其复制。你可以为该复制品选择新的目标。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445635,
                    "name": "映奇寶珠探究",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI — 將目標瞬間牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。\nII — 將目標巫術牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。\nIII — 直到回合結束,每當你施放瞬間或巫術咒語時,將其複製。你可以為該複製品選擇新的目標。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442945,
            "name": "The Mirari Conjecture",
            "number": "57",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI — Return target instant card from your graveyard to your hand.\nII — Return target sorcery card from your graveyard to your hand.\nIII — Until end of turn, whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, copy it. You may choose new targets for the copy.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The Mirari Conjecture’s final chapter ability copies any instant or sorcery spell you cast, not just those with targets."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The copy is created on the stack, so it’s not “cast.” Abilities that trigger when a player casts a spell won’t trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The copy will have the same targets as the spell it’s copying unless you choose new ones. You may change any number of the targets, including all of them or none of them. If, for one of the targets, you can’t choose a new legal target, then it remains unchanged (even if the current target is illegal)."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied is modal (that is, it says “Choose one —” or the like), the copy will have the same mode. A different mode can’t be chosen."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied has an X whose value was determined as it was cast (like Jaya’s Immolating Inferno does), the copy will have the same value of X."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If the spell has damage divided as it was cast (like Fight with Fire does when kicked), the division can’t be changed (although the targets receiving that damage still can)."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The controller of a copy can’t choose to pay any alternative or additional costs for the copy. However, effects based on any alternative or additional costs that were paid for the original spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "1c68954c-4bab-4973-9819-ecd084438303",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "be099eea-cb0f-4223-89be-f10f683adaf9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "56528234-46c0-4fba-972a-0c8011996f8d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162241,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI — Return target instant card from your graveyard to your hand.\nII — Return target sorcery card from your graveyard to your hand.\nIII — Until end of turn, whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, copy it. You may choose new targets for the copy.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3533640b-39e0-54e7-ae60-b194fc9dddb0",
            "uuidV421": "964d7bbc-0dfe-5031-9441-1d956ae89a16"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "flavorText": "The first law of Yavimaya is that guests may kill only to survive. As fires aren't needed in the warm weather, cutting trees for wood means death.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Das Hacken von Feuerholz kann Leben retten. In Yavimaya kann es das Leben kosten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443342,
                    "name": "Dornenelementar",
                    "text": "Du kannst das Dornenelementar seinen Kampfschaden zuweisen lassen, als ob es nicht geblockt worden wäre.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elementarwesen"
                    "flavorText": "La primera ley de Yavimaya es que los invitados solo tienen permitido matar para sobrevivir. Como no es necesario encender ningún fuego en el clima cálido, cortar árboles significa la muerte.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443611,
                    "name": "Elemental de espinas",
                    "text": "Puedes hacer que el Elemental de espinas haga su daño de combate como si no hubiera sido bloqueado.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "D'après la première loi de la Yavimaya, les invités ne peuvent tuer que pour survivre. Comme les feux ne sont pas nécessaires par temps chaud, couper des arbres pour avoir du bois signifie la mort.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443880,
                    "name": "Élémental d'épines",
                    "text": "Vous pouvez faire que l'Élémental d'épines attribue ses blessures de combat comme s'il n'était pas bloqué.",
                    "type": "Créature : élémental"
                    "flavorText": "La prima legge di Yavimaya prevede che gli ospiti possano uccidere solo per sopravvivere. I fuochi sono superflui nel suo clima temperato, quindi tagliare alberi per la legna equivale a morire.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444149,
                    "name": "Elementale Spinato",
                    "text": "Puoi far assegnare dall'Elementale Spinato il suo danno da combattimento come se non fosse bloccato.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Elementale"
                    "flavorText": "ヤヴィマヤの第一の掟は、外来者は生きるためにのみ命を奪ってもよい、ということだ。気候が温暖で火は必要不可欠とは言えず、木を切る行為は死に値する。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444418,
                    "name": "茨の精霊",
                    "text": "あなたは茨の精霊の戦闘ダメージを、これがブロックされなかったかのように割り振ってもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エレメンタル"
                    "flavorText": "야비마야의 첫 번째 법은 손님은 오직 살아남기 위해서만 다른 생명을 빼앗을 수 있다는 것이다. 따스한 날에는 불이 필요하지 않으므로, 장작으로 쓰기 위해 나무를 자른다는 것은 곧 죽음을 뜻한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444687,
                    "name": "가시 정령",
                    "text": "당신은 가시 정령의 전투피해를 가시 정령이 방어되지 않은 것처럼 배정할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 정령"
                    "flavorText": "A primeira regra de Yavimaya é a de que os hóspedes só podem matar para sobreviver. Como fogueiras não são necessárias no clima quente, cortar árvores para obter lenha significa a morte.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444956,
                    "name": "Elemental dos Espinhos",
                    "text": "Você pode fazer com que Elemental dos Espinhos atribua seu dano de combate como se não tivesse sido bloqueado.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "Первый закон Явимайи гласит, что гости вправе убивать лишь для того, чтобы выжить. В теплом климате костры не нужны, и поэтому срубившего дерево на дрова ждет смерть.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445225,
                    "name": "Элементаль Колючек",
                    "text": "Вы можете заставить Элементаля Колючек распределить его боевые повреждения, как если бы он не был заблокирован.",
                    "type": "Существо — Элементаль"
                    "flavorText": "亚维马雅的首要法则,是来客只能为了生存而杀生。由于在温暖的气候下无需生火,所以伐木砍柴是死罪。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445494,
                    "name": "刺棘元素",
                    "text": "你可以让刺棘元素如同未受阻挡地分配战斗伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
                    "flavorText": "亞維馬雅的首要法則,是來客只能為了生存而殺生。由於在溫暖的氣候下無需生火,所以伐木砍柴是死罪。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445763,
                    "name": "刺棘元素",
                    "text": "你可以讓刺棘元素如同未受阻擋地分配戰鬥傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443073,
            "name": "Thorn Elemental",
            "number": "185",
            "originalText": "You may have Thorn Elemental assign its combat damage as though it weren't blocked.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elemental",
            "power": "7",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can decide to assign damage to the defending player or planeswalker even if the blocking creature has protection from green or damage preventing effects on it."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "When assigning combat damage, you choose whether you want to assign all damage to blocking creatures, or if you want to assign all of it to the player or planeswalker this creature is attacking. You can’t split the damage assignment between them."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If blocked by a creature with banding, the defending player decides whether or not the damage is assigned “as though it weren’t blocked”."
            "scryfallId": "da901037-20e6-4445-8e7e-1ccd2e8b13ae",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "436da938-26be-4ae8-8802-ca9ba4a0fb47",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9cdf840d-314e-46ef-9c04-74f145d9e65b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162251,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "You may have Thorn Elemental assign its combat damage as though it weren't blocked.",
            "toughness": "7",
            "type": "Creature — Elemental",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "dfcc41cf-3a36-5c47-a0b4-3a97ef28afec",
            "uuidV421": "079834d9-7836-5f12-9d0b-1e80dfefa580"
            "artist": "Jason Felix",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "The portal opens not to the past, but from it. Those who step through discover an unimaginable future.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Das Portal führt nicht in sondern aus der Vergangenheit. Jene, die es durchschreiten, erblicken eine unvorstellbare Zukunft.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443390,
                    "name": "Thran-Zeitportal",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}: Du kannst eine historische bleibende Karte aus deiner Hand ins Spiel bringen. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Legendäres Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "El portal no se abre al pasado, sino desde el pasado. Quienes lo atraviesen descubrirán un futuro inimaginable.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443659,
                    "name": "Portal temporal thran",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}: Puedes poner en el campo de batalla una carta de permanente histórica de tu mano. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Artefacto legendario"
                    "flavorText": "Ce n'est pas vers, mais depuis le passé, que le portail s'ouvre. Ceux qui le traversent découvrent un futur dépassant l'imagination.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443928,
                    "name": "Portail temporel thran",
                    "text": "{4}, {T} : Vous pouvez mettre sur le champ de bataille une carte de permanent historique de votre main. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Artefact légendaire"
                    "flavorText": "Il portale non consente di viaggiare *verso* il passato, ma *da* esso. Chiunque lo attraversi scopre un futuro inimmaginabile.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444197,
                    "name": "Portale Temporale Thran",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}: Puoi mettere sul campo di battaglia una carta permanente storica dalla tua mano. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Artefatto Leggendario"
                    "flavorText": "このポータルは過去に向けてではなく過去から開く。ここに足を踏み入れた者は想像できないような未来を発見する。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444466,
                    "name": "スランの経時門",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}:あなたは、あなたの手札から歴史的なパーマネント・カード1枚を戦場に出してもよい。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "伝説のアーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "이 관문은 과거로 가는 길이 아니라 과거에서 오는 길이다. 관문을 지나는 자는 상상할 수 없는 미래를 마주하게 된다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444735,
                    "name": "트란 시간 관문",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}: 당신은 당신의 손에서 역사적 지속물 카드 한 장을 전장에 놓을 수 있다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "전설적 마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "O portal não se abre para o passado, mas a partir dele. Os que o atravessam descobrem um futuro inimaginável.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445004,
                    "name": "Portal Temporal dos Thran",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}: Você pode colocar no campo de batalha um card de permanente histórica de sua mão. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Artefato Lendário"
                    "flavorText": "Портал открывается не в прошлое, а из него. Те, кто пройдет через него, откроют невероятное будущее.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445273,
                    "name": "Транские Врата Времени",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}: вы можете положить карту исторического перманента из вашей руки на поле битвы. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Легендарный Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "通道不通往过去,而是来自过去。穿门而出者,会发现一个超乎想象的未来。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445542,
                    "name": "索蓝时间闸门",
                    "text": "{4},{T}:你可以将一张史迹永久物牌从你手上放进战场。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "传奇神器"
                    "flavorText": "通道不通往過去,而是來自過去。穿門而出者,會發現一個超乎想像的未來。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445811,
                    "name": "索藍時間閘門",
                    "text": "{4},{T}:你可以將一張史跡永久物牌從你手上放進戰場。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "傳奇神器"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}",
            "multiverseId": 443121,
            "name": "Thran Temporal Gateway",
            "number": "233",
            "originalText": "{4}, {T}: You may put a historic permanent card from your hand onto the battlefield. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Legendary Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
            "scryfallId": "72806f4f-74e8-4621-92b0-5c63bb898884",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4f1a3a7a-2f6f-4cb1-a61a-e0f051247c64",
            "scryfallOracleId": "36282c29-a44b-4156-9441-03aa4bf386a8",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164725,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{4}, {T}: You may put a historic permanent card from your hand onto the battlefield. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "type": "Legendary Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "167e7084-da04-5f4f-8c53-db87301cc86f",
            "uuidV421": "69ea8ce9-dc26-5429-bb9a-b5c3a437994e"
            "artist": "Eric Deschamps",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Nothing is too broken to mend.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Nichts ist zu kaputt, um es zu reparieren.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443365,
                    "name": "Tiana, Schiffstechnikerin",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Erstschlag\nImmer wenn eine Aura oder Ausrüstung, die du kontrollierst, aus dem Spiel auf einen Friedhof gelegt wird, kannst du ihre Karte zu Beginn des nächsten Endsegments auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurückbringen.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Engel, Handwerker"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nada está tan roto que no pueda arreglarse\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443634,
                    "name": "Tiana, ingeniera del barco",
                    "text": "Vuela, daña primero.\nSiempre que un Aura o un Equipo que controlas vaya a un cementerio desde el campo de batalla, puedes regresar esa carta a la mano de su propietario al comienzo del próximo paso final.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Artífice ángel"
                    "flavorText": "« Rien n'est trop endommagé pour pouvoir être réparé. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443903,
                    "name": "Tiana, pourvoyeuse de navire",
                    "text": "Vol, initiative\nÀ chaque fois qu'une aura ou qu'un équipement que vous contrôlez est mis dans un cimetière depuis le champ de bataille, vous pouvez renvoyer cette carte dans la main de son propriétaire au début de la prochaine étape de fin.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : ange et artificier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Niente è irreparabile.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444172,
                    "name": "Tiana, Motorista di Bordo",
                    "text": "Volare, attacco improvviso\nOgniqualvolta un'Aura o un Equipaggiamento che controlli vengono messi in un cimitero dal campo di battaglia, puoi far tornare quella carta in mano al suo proprietario all'inizio della prossima sottofase finale.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Artefice Angelo"
                    "flavorText": "「修復できないほど壊れるなんて物ないわ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444441,
                    "name": "艦の整備士、ティアナ",
                    "text": "飛行、先制攻撃\nあなたがコントロールしているオーラか装備品が1つ戦場から墓地に置かれるたび、次の終了ステップの開始時に、あなたはそのカードをオーナーの手札に戻してもよい。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 天使・工匠"
                    "flavorText": "\"세상에 고치지 못할 만큼 망가진 물건이란 없지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444710,
                    "name": "배의 관리인, 티아나",
                    "text": "비행, 선제공격\n당신이 조종하는 마법진 또는 장비가 전장에서 무덤으로 들어갈 때마다, 당신은 다음 종료단 시작에 그 카드를 소유자의 손으로 되돌릴 수 있다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 천사 기능공"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nada está quebrado demais que não se possa consertar.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444979,
                    "name": "Tiana, Encarregada do Navio",
                    "text": "Voar, iniciativa\nToda vez que uma Aura ou um Equipamento que você controla for colocado em um cemitério vindo do campo de batalha, você poderá devolver aquele card para a mão de seu dono no início da próxima etapa final.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Anjo Artesão"
                    "flavorText": "«Нет ничего настолько сломанного, чтобы это нельзя было починить».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445248,
                    "name": "Тиана, Корабельный Механик",
                    "text": "Полет, Первый удар\nКаждый раз, когда Аура или Снаряжение под вашим контролем попадает на кладбище с поля битвы, вы можете вернуть ту карту в руку ее владельца в начале следующего заключительного шага.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Ангел Механик"
                    "flavorText": "「没有坏到不能修的东西。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445517,
                    "name": "飞船护持师蒂娅娜",
                    "text": "飞行,先攻\n每当一个由你操控的灵气或武具从战场进入坟墓场,在下一个结束步骤开始时,你可以将该牌移回其拥有者手上。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~天使/神器师"
                    "flavorText": "「沒有壞到不能修的東西。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445786,
                    "name": "飛船護持師蒂婭娜",
                    "text": "飛行,先攻\n每當一個由你操控的靈氣或武具從戰場進入墳墓場,在下一個結束步驟開始時,你可以將該牌移回其擁有者手上。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~天使/神器師"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 443096,
            "name": "Tiana, Ship's Caretaker",
            "number": "208",
            "originalText": "Flying, first strike\nWhenever an Aura or Equipment you control is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may return that card to its owner's hand at the beginning of the next end step.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Angel Artificer",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Tiana’s last ability triggers and creates a delayed triggered ability that will let you return the Aura or Equipment during the next end step. It will do so even if Tiana leaves the battlefield before the next end step."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If an Aura you control is put into a graveyard immediately after Tiana leaves the battlefield, most likely because Tiana left the battlefield but the Aura was put into the graveyard as a state-based action after it found itself not attached to anything, Tiana’s last ability won’t trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If an Aura or Equipment you control is put into a graveyard at the same time as Tiana is, most likely because an effect destroyed all nonland permanents, you’ll be able to return it to its owner’s hand at the beginning of the next end step."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If an Aura or Equipment is put into your graveyard during an end step, you’ll be able to return it during the next end step, not the current one."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If an Aura or Equipment leaves the graveyard after triggering Tiana’s last ability, it won’t be returned to its owner’s hand as the delayed triggered ability resolves."
            "scryfallId": "9a8aea2f-1e1d-4e0d-8370-207b6cae76e3",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "27eee243-d730-4e89-8ad8-fc9069811b59",
            "scryfallOracleId": "80f8fb4c-cc6d-4b41-abb3-471dc96d4b2a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162152,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, first strike\nWhenever an Aura or Equipment you control is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may return that card to its owner's hand at the beginning of the next end step.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Angel Artificer",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5bb06e9f-887b-59ac-bf86-d86a3af3bcf2",
            "uuidV421": "8bc793fb-2c72-52cf-b829-3bd37c60f396"
            "artist": "YW Tang",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "Glaciers, torrential floods, and temporal disturbances came and went. The mountains yet stood, unchanged.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Gletscher, reißende Fluten, ja sogar Zeitanomalien kamen und gingen. Die Bergen stehen immer noch, unverändert.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 445867,
                    "name": "Bewaldete Schlucht",
                    "text": "Die Bewaldete Schlucht kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {R} oder {G}.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "flavorText": "Las montañas soportaron la aparición y desaparición de glaciares, inundaciones y perturbaciones temporales. A pesar de todo, siguieron en pie.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 445877,
                    "name": "Desfiladero de madera",
                    "text": "El Desfiladero de madera entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {R} o {G}.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "flavorText": "Glaciers, crues torrentielles et perturbations temporelles se succédaient. Les montagnes, elles, restaient immuables.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 445887,
                    "name": "Gorge du massif",
                    "text": "La Gorge du massif arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{T} : Ajoutez {R} ou {G}.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "flavorText": "Ghiacciai, inondazioni torrenziali e perturbazioni temporali andavano e venivano. Solo le montagne permanevano immutate.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 445897,
                    "name": "Gola Boscosa",
                    "text": "La Gola Boscosa entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpata.\n{T}: Aggiungi {R} o {G}.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "flavorText": "氷河、大洪水、そして時間の混乱が訪れては過ぎ去っていった。この山はそれでも変わらずここにある。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 445907,
                    "name": "森林の地溝",
                    "text": "森林の地溝はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{R}か{G}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "flavorText": "빙하, 격렬한 홍수, 시공의 흐트러짐은 나타났다가 사라졌다. 그러나 산맥은 변하지 않은 채로 서 있었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 445917,
                    "name": "산림 협곡",
                    "text": "산림 협곡은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {R}나 {G}를 더한다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "flavorText": "Geleiras, inundações e perturbações temporais vieram e se foram. As montanhas, porém, permaneceram, inalteradas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445927,
                    "name": "Desfiladeiro da Mata",
                    "text": "Desfiladeiro da Mata entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {R} ou {G}.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "flavorText": "Ледники, потопы и временные возмущения приходили и исчезали без следа. Горы же стояли, недвижимые и неизменные.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445937,
                    "name": "Лесная Теснина",
                    "text": "Лесная Теснина выходит на поле битвы повернутой.\n{T}: добавьте {R} или {G}.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "flavorText": "冰川、洪流、时漩易逝,然高山长存。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445947,
                    "name": "林场峡谷",
                    "text": "林场峡谷须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{R}或{G}。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "flavorText": "冰川、洪流、時漩易逝,然高山長存。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445957,
                    "name": "林場峽谷",
                    "text": "林場峽谷須橫置進戰場。\n{T} :加{R}或{G}。",
                    "type": "地"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 445857,
            "name": "Timber Gorge",
            "number": "279",
            "originalText": "Timber Gorge enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {R} or {G}.",
            "originalType": "Land",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "7a10f979-63e0-4999-9047-fdbd914cedf4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a63d084e-7693-47ca-885d-1e4475557d66",
            "scryfallOracleId": "00b34fab-5a80-4a4d-b6cf-72479197677a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164226,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Timber Gorge enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {R} or {G}.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "bdaf1e1e-eda5-50b1-88b6-0c8242799dda",
            "uuidV421": "e8c127c5-2568-5c06-86b9-4fcd10a5da2c"
            "artist": "Franz Vohwinkel",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443227,
                    "name": "Zeitalter des Eises",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI, II — Tappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert. Sie enttappt nicht während des Enttappsegments ihres Beherrschers, solange du das Zeitalter des Eises kontrollierst.\nIII — Bringe alle getappten Kreaturen auf die Hand ihrer Besitzer zurück.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443496,
                    "name": "Tiempos Gélidos",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI, II — Gira la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente. No se endereza durante el paso de enderezar de su controlador mientras controles los Tiempos Gélidos.\nIII — Regresa todas las criaturas giradas a las manos de sus propietarios.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443765,
                    "name": "Temps des glaces",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI, II — Engagez une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle. Elle ne se dégage pas pendant l'étape de dégagement de son contrôleur tant que vous contrôlez le Temps des glaces.\nIII — Renvoyez toutes les créatures engagées dans les mains de leurs propriétaires.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444034,
                    "name": "Il Tempo dei Ghiacci",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI, II — TAPpa una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario. Non STAPpa durante lo STAP del suo controllore fintanto che controlli Il Tempo dei Ghiacci.\nIII — Fai tornare tutte le creature TAPpate in mano ai rispettivi proprietari.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444303,
                    "name": "氷河期",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI, II ― 対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。あなたが氷河期をコントロールし続けているかぎり、そのクリーチャーはそれのコントローラーのアンタップ・ステップにアンタップしない。\nIII ― タップ状態のクリーチャーをすべてオーナーの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444572,
                    "name": "얼음의 시대",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI, II — 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 탭한다. 당신이 얼음의 시대를 조종하는 한 그 생물은 조종자의 언탭단에 언탭되지 않는다.\nIII — 모든 탭된 생물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444841,
                    "name": "Tempo de Gelo",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI, II — Vire a criatura alvo que um oponente controla. Ela não será desvirada durante a etapa de desvirar de seu controlador enquanto você controlar Tempo de Gelo.\nIII — Devolva todas as criaturas viradas para a mão de seus donos.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445110,
                    "name": "Эпоха Льда",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI, II — Поверните целевое существо под контролем оппонента. Оно не разворачивается во время шага разворота контролирующего его игрока, пока вы контролируете Эпоху Льда.\nIII — Верните все повернутые существа в руки их владельцев.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445379,
                    "name": "冰雪时代纪",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI, II — 横置目标由对手操控的生物。于你操控冰雪时代纪的时段内,该生物于其操控者的重置步骤中不能重置。\nIII — 将所有已横置的生物移回其拥有者手上。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445648,
                    "name": "冰雪時代紀",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI, II — 橫置目標由對手操控的生物。於你操控冰雪時代紀的時段內,該生物於其操控者的重置步驟中不能重置。\nIII — 將所有已橫置的生物移回其擁有者手上。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442958,
            "name": "Time of Ice",
            "number": "70",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Tap target creature an opponent controls. It doesn't untap during its controller's untap step for as long as you control Time of Ice.\nIII — Return all tapped creatures to their owners' hands.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The effects of Time of Ice’s first two chapter abilities expire if you lose control of it, even if you immediately regain control of it or cast another Time of Ice."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "The effect of Time of Ice’s final chapter ability returns creatures that are tapped for any reason, not just those tapped by Time of Ice."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "edcd0674-68b9-41ca-ab46-a73dfcbe4149",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "391347b5-49a7-4aee-9417-96c779d819d4",
            "scryfallOracleId": "93e0fd89-8a0d-4d97-aa22-aafe83d53515",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162242,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Tap target creature an opponent controls. It doesn't untap during its controller's untap step for as long as you control Time of Ice.\nIII — Return all tapped creatures to their owners' hands.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fa86f900-6ef1-5551-944e-b1a39aaa4801",
            "uuidV421": "41d55672-4d22-502b-a130-559f51c90cf3"
            "artist": "Sara Winters",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The Tolarian Academies embrace a tradition of study and research while discouraging the kinds of experiments that ruined the original island of Tolaria.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Akademien von Tolaria bewahren die Tradition von Studium und Forschung, doch sie lehnen jene Art von Experimenten ab, welche die ursprüngliche Insel von Tolaria vernichtet hatten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443228,
                    "name": "Tolarianischer Gelehrter",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "Las Academias Tolarianas entroncan con una tradición de estudio e investigación, mas desincentivan la clase de experimentos que acabaron con la isla original de Tolaria.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443497,
                    "name": "Erudito tolariano",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Les Académies tolarianes perpétuent la tradition d'étude et de recherche, tout en décourageant les expériences dans la lignée de celles qui avaient ravagé la première île de Tolaria.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443766,
                    "name": "Érudit tolarian",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "Le Accademie di Tolaria prediligono una tradizione di studio e ricerca, scoraggiando i generi di esperimenti che devastarono l'isola originaria di Tolaria.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444035,
                    "name": "Studioso di Tolaria",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "トレイリアのアカデミーでは学術研究の伝統を堅持しつつも、かつてトレイリア島を滅ぼしたような実験は自粛している。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444304,
                    "name": "トレイリアの学者",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "톨라리아 아카데미는 학업과 연구의 전통을 받아들이지만, 과거 톨라리아의 섬을 황폐하게 만든 실험들은 금지하고 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444573,
                    "name": "톨라리아 학자",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "As Academias Tolarianas abraçam uma tradição de estudo e pesquisa, enquanto desencorajam os tipos de experimentos que arruinaram a ilha original de Tolária.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444842,
                    "name": "Escolástico Tolariano",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "Толарианские Академии унаследовали традиции изысканий и исследований, но здесь не одобряются эксперименты, подобные тем, что когда-то привели к гибели острова Толария.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445111,
                    "name": "Толарианский Ученый",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "陶拉里亚大学院主张以调查研究为常规,拒斥导致原陶拉里亚岛毁灭的那类实验。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445380,
                    "name": "陶拉里亚学者",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "陶拉里亞大學院主張以調查研究為常規,拒斥導致原陶拉里亞島毀滅的那類實驗。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445649,
                    "name": "陶拉里亞學者",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442959,
            "name": "Tolarian Scholar",
            "number": "71",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "00d89839-60d7-4de2-a78a-1afdcc21c053",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ea865a97-12be-4aee-898e-e42e497cce09",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8a268636-75d5-4631-8272-8b001f569db5",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164294,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f65e0776-89f7-50ce-8a4f-642af30b12e8",
            "uuidV421": "158c4fa9-956e-5678-9dc7-24cbd516730a"
            "artist": "Lius Lasahido",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 8.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443265,
                    "name": "Torgaar, der fleischgewordene Hunger",
                    "text": "Als zusätzliche Kosten, um diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken, kannst du eine beliebige Anzahl an Kreaturen opfern. Dieser Zauberspruch kostet beim Wirken für jede auf diese Weise geopferte Kreatur {2} weniger.\nWenn Torgaar, der fleischgewordene Hunger, ins Spiel kommt, wird der Lebenspunktestand von bis zu einem Spieler deiner Wahl gleich der Hälfte seiner Startlebenspunktezahl, abgerundet.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Avatar"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443534,
                    "name": "Torgaar, el Hambre Encarnada",
                    "text": "Como coste adicional para lanzar este hechizo, puedes sacrificar cualquier cantidad de criaturas. Te cuesta {2} menos lanzar este hechizo por cada criatura sacrificada de esta manera.\nCuando Torgaar, el Hambre Encarnada entre al campo de batalla, el total de vidas de hasta un jugador objetivo se convierte en la mitad de su total de vidas inicial, redondeando hacia abajo.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Avatar"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443803,
                    "name": "Torgaar, famine incarnée",
                    "text": "En tant que coût supplémentaire pour lancer ce sort, vous pouvez sacrifier n'importe quel nombre de créatures. Ce sort coûte {2} de moins à lancer pour chaque créature sacrifiée de cette manière.\nQuand Torgaar, famine incarnée arrive sur le champ de bataille, ciblez jusqu'à un joueur. Le total de points de vie de ce joueur devient la moitié de son total de points de vie de départ, arrondie à l'unité inférieure.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : avatar"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444072,
                    "name": "Torgaar, Incarnazione della Carestia",
                    "text": "Come costo addizionale per lanciare questa magia, puoi sacrificare un qualsiasi numero di creature. Questa magia costa {2} in meno per essere lanciata per ogni creatura sacrificata in questo modo.\nQuando Torgaar, Incarnazione della Carestia entra nel campo di battaglia, scegli fino a un giocatore bersaglio. I suoi punti vita diventano metà dei suoi punti vita iniziali, arrotondati per difetto.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Avatar"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444341,
                    "name": "飢饉の具現、トルガール",
                    "text": "この呪文を唱えるための追加コストとして、あなたは望む数のクリーチャーを生け贄に捧げてもよい。この呪文を唱えるためのコストは、これにより生け贄に捧げたクリーチャー1体につき{2}少なくなる。\n飢饉の具現、トルガールが戦場に出たとき、プレイヤー最大1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーのライフ総量は、そのプレイヤーの初期ライフ総量の端数を切り捨てた半分になる。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — アバター"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444610,
                    "name": "기아의 화신, 토르가르",
                    "text": "이 주문을 발동하기 위한 추가비용으로, 당신은 생물을 원하는 만큼 희생할 수 있다. 이 주문은 이렇게 희생된 생물 한 개당 발동하는 데 {2}가 덜 든다.\n기아의 화신, 토르가르가 전장에 들어올 때, 플레이어를 최대 한 명까지 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어의 생명 총점은 게임 시작시의 생명 총점의 절반을 내림한 값이 된다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 화신"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444879,
                    "name": "Torgaar, Penúria Incarnada",
                    "text": "Como custo adicional para conjurar esta mágica, você pode sacrificar um número qualquer de criaturas. Esta mágica custa {2} a menos para ser conjurada para cada criatura sacrificada dessa forma.\nQuando Torgaar, Penúria Incarnada, entra no campo de batalha, o total de pontos de vida de até um jogador alvo torna-se metade do total de pontos de vida inicial deste, arredondado para baixo.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Avatar"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445148,
                    "name": "Торгаар, Воплощение Голода",
                    "text": "В качестве дополнительной стоимости разыгрывания этого заклинания вы можете пожертвовать любое количество существ. Разыгрывание этого заклинания стоит на {2} меньше за каждое существо, пожертвованное таким образом.\nКогда Торгаар, Воплощение Голода выходит на поле битвы, количество жизней не более чем одного целевого игрока становится равным половине его начального количества жизней, округленной в меньшую сторону.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Аватара"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445417,
                    "name": "饥馑化身托迦尔",
                    "text": "你可以牺牲任意数量的生物,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用。每以此法牺牲一个生物,此咒语便减少{2}来施放。\n当饥馑化身托迦尔进战场时,至多一位目标牌手的总生命成为其起始总生命的一半,小数点后舍去。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~圣者"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445686,
                    "name": "飢饉化身托迦爾",
                    "text": "你可以犧牲任意數量的生物,以作為施放此咒語的額外費用。每以此法犧牲一個生物,此咒語便減少{2}來施放。\n當飢饉化身托迦爾進戰場時,至多一位目標玩家的總生命成為其起始總生命的一半,小數點後捨去。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~聖者"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{6}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442996,
            "name": "Torgaar, Famine Incarnate",
            "number": "108",
            "originalText": "As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may sacrifice any number of creatures. This spell costs {2} less to cast for each creature sacrificed this way.\nWhen Torgaar, Famine Incarnate enters the battlefield, up to one target player's life total becomes half their starting life total, rounded down.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Avatar",
            "power": "7",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Torgaar’s first ability can’t reduce its cost below {B}{B}. You can sacrifice any number of creatures, even if they won’t reduce Torgaar’s cost any further."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "For your life total to become half your starting life total (normally 10, half of 20), you gain or lose the appropriate amount of life. For example, if your life total is 4 when Torgaar’s ability resolves targeting you, it will cause you to gain 6 life; alternatively, if your life total is 25 when it resolves, it will cause you to lose 15 life. Other cards that interact with life gain or life loss will interact with this effect accordingly."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Torgaar’s ability causes the team’s life total to become half the team’s starting life total (normally 15, half of 30), but only the target player actually gains or loses life."
            "scryfallId": "cab46d5c-95dd-47a0-9f96-dde07d2f8b81",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "935baea1-ae72-48a0-a1eb-49c857830f91",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4229140f-fa5b-4727-a16a-cbbd756d979e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162199,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may sacrifice any number of creatures. This spell costs {2} less to cast for each creature sacrificed this way.\nWhen Torgaar, Famine Incarnate enters the battlefield, up to one target player's life total becomes half their starting life total, rounded down.",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Avatar",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "506d18cd-ca90-5b43-92f8-639b0e1a79e2",
            "uuidV421": "ed861f05-0bd6-5c90-91cb-2233b0e0a65a"
            "artist": "Anthony Palumbo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"In a healing world I write—I, who will never be healed. Let my last gift be one of memory: from a thousand lost thoughts, choose one, and remember my name.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„In einer Welt, deren Wunden langsam heilen, schreibe ich – ich, deren Wunden niemals heilen werden. Meine Erinnerungen sollen mein Erbe sein: Wähle aus tausend Gedanken einen und bewahre meinen Namen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443194,
                    "name": "Tragischer Dichter",
                    "text": "{T}, opfere den Tragischen Dichter: Bringe eine Verzauberungskarte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch"
                    "flavorText": "\"Escribo desde un mundo que se cura, yo, que jamás me curaré. Que mi último don sea el del recuerdo: de entre mil pensamientos perdidos, elige uno y recuerda mi nombre\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443463,
                    "name": "Poetisa trágica",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrificar la Poetisa trágica: Regresa la carta de encantamiento objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Dans un monde en voie de guérison, j'écris, moi qui ne serai jamais guérie. Que mon dernier don soit un souvenir : parmi des milliers de pensées égarées, choisissez-en une, et souvenez-vous de mon nom. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443732,
                    "name": "Poétesse tragique",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrifiez la Poétesse tragique : Renvoyez la carte d'enchantement ciblée depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain"
                    "flavorText": "\"In un mondo che sta guarendo io scrivo... Io, che non potrò mai guarire. Possa il mio ultimo dono essere un ricordo: tra mille pensieri perduti, scegline uno e rimembra il mio nome.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444001,
                    "name": "Poetessa Tragica",
                    "text": "{T}, Sacrifica la Poetessa Tragica: Riprendi in mano una carta incantesimo bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「すべてを癒すこの世界に書き残そう。決して癒されることのない私が。最後の贈り物は思い出にしよう。失われた千の想いの中から。一つ選んで、私の名前を思い出して欲しい。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444270,
                    "name": "もの悲しい詩人",
                    "text": "{T}, もの悲しい詩人を生け贄に捧げる:あなたの墓地からエンチャント・カード1枚を対象とし、それをあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間"
                    "flavorText": "\"내가 쓰는 치유의 세상에, 나 스스로는 결코 치유되지 못하리. 내 마지막 선물이 기억의 하나가 되기를. 잊혀진 수천의 생각 중에 하나를 택하고, 나의 이름을 기억해주기를.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444539,
                    "name": "비극적인 시인",
                    "text": "{T}, 비극적인 시인을 희생한다: 당신의 무덤에 있는 부여마법 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간"
                    "flavorText": "\"Em um mundo convalescente escrevo — eu, que jamais serei curada. Que minha última dádiva seja uma de memória: de mil pensamentos perdidos, escolha um e lembre-se de meu nome.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444808,
                    "name": "Poetisa Trágica",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrifique Poetisa Trágica: Devolva o card de encantamento alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano"
                    "flavorText": "«В исцеляющемся мире я кладу слова на бумагу — я, та, кого не исцелить. Пусть мой последний дар станет даром воспоминаний: из тысячи забытых мыслей выбери одну — и вспомни мое имя».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445077,
                    "name": "Поэтесса-Трагик",
                    "text": "{T}, пожертвуйте Поэтессу-Трагика: верните целевую карту чар из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек"
                    "flavorText": "「在此世间愈合之时,我这无可疗愈的人留下绝笔~愿我这份最终赠礼能永铭心间:散尽万千思绪唯留其一,忘却百般记忆独记吾名。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445346,
                    "name": "悲剧诗人",
                    "text": "{T},牺牲悲剧诗人:将目标结界牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类"
                    "flavorText": "「在此世間癒合之時,我這無可療愈的人留下絕筆~願我這份最終贈禮能永銘心間:散盡萬千思緒唯留其一,忘卻百般記憶獨記吾名。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445615,
                    "name": "悲劇詩人",
                    "text": "{T},犧牲悲劇詩人:將目標結界牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442925,
            "name": "Tragic Poet",
            "number": "37",
            "originalText": "{T}, Sacrifice Tragic Poet: Return target enchantment card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "f957b353-7765-4c16-9645-d41000154130",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "40178812-6d52-4868-a7fb-7310937ca55a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "97bdfbe0-7048-4157-8a58-5b17410750ab",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164716,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}, Sacrifice Tragic Poet: Return target enchantment card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e68ee42c-0b88-5add-9c40-3bc4890b51d2",
            "uuidV421": "c96e35dd-dd9c-574d-9bf4-9963714353f4"
            "artist": "Lius Lasahido",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443391,
                    "name": "Traxos, Plage von Kroog",
                    "text": "Verursacht Trampelschaden\nTraxos, Plage von Kroog, kommt getappt ins Spiel und enttappt nicht während deines Enttappsegments.\nImmer wenn du einen historischen Zauberspruch wirkst, enttappe Traxos. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Legendäre Artefaktkreatur — Konstrukt"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443660,
                    "name": "Traxos, azote de Kroog",
                    "text": "Arrolla.\nTraxos, azote de Kroog entra al campo de batalla girado y no se endereza durante tu paso de enderezar.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo histórico, endereza a Traxos. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto legendaria — Constructo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443929,
                    "name": "Traxos, fléau de Kroog",
                    "text": "Piétinement\nTraxos, fléau de Kroog arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé et ne se dégage pas pendant votre étape de dégagement.\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort historique, dégagez Traxos. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact légendaire : construction"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444198,
                    "name": "Traxos, Flagello di Kroog",
                    "text": "Travolgere\nTraxos, Flagello di Kroog entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato e non STAPpa durante il tuo STAP.\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia storica, STAPpa Traxos. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto Leggendaria — Costrutto"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444467,
                    "name": "クルーグの災い魔、トラクソス",
                    "text": "トランプル\nクルーグの災い魔、トラクソスはタップ状態で戦場に出て、あなたのアンタップ・ステップにアンタップしない。\nあなたが歴史的な呪文を唱えるたび、クルーグの災い魔、トラクソスをアンタップする。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "伝説のアーティファクト・クリーチャー — 構築物"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444736,
                    "name": "크룩의 재앙, 트락소스",
                    "text": "돌진\n크룩의 재앙, 트락소스는 탭된 채로 전장에 들어오고 당신의 언탭단에 언탭되지 않는다.\n당신이 역사적 주문을 발동할 때마다 트락소스를 언탭한다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "전설적 마법물체 생물 — 자동기계"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445005,
                    "name": "Traxos, Flagelo de Kroog",
                    "text": "Atropelar\nTraxos, Flagelo de Kroog, entra no campo de batalha virado e não desvira durante sua etapa de desvirar.\nToda vez que conjurar uma mágica histórica, desvire Traxos. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato Lendária — Constructo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445274,
                    "name": "Тракс, Бич Кроога",
                    "text": "Пробивной удар\nТракс, Бич Кроога выходит на поле битвы повернутым и не разворачивается во время вашего шага разворота.\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете историческое заклинание, разверните Тракса. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Легендарный Артефакт Существо — Конструкция"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445543,
                    "name": "萼城劫运刹索斯",
                    "text": "践踏\n萼城劫运刹索斯须横置进战场,且于你的重置步骤中不能重置。\n每当你施放史迹咒语时,重置刹索斯。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "传奇神器生物 ~组构体"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445812,
                    "name": "萼城劫運剎索斯",
                    "text": "踐踏\n萼城劫運剎索斯須橫置進戰場,且於你的重置步驟中不能重置。\n每當你施放史跡咒語時,重置剎索斯。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "傳奇神器生物 ~組構體"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}",
            "multiverseId": 443122,
            "name": "Traxos, Scourge of Kroog",
            "number": "234",
            "originalText": "Trample\nTraxos, Scourge of Kroog enters the battlefield tapped and doesn't untap during your untap step.\nWhenever you cast a historic spell, untap Traxos. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Legendary Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "power": "7",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Some abilities trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell.” Such an ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you cast a historic spell” doesn’t trigger if a historic card is put onto the battlefield without being cast."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Lands are never cast, so abilities that trigger “whenever you cast a historic spell” won’t trigger if you play a legendary land. They also won’t trigger if a card on the battlefield transforms into a legendary land, as the Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan double-faced cards do."
            "scryfallId": "dab80216-3df7-4e4f-8732-16dd6cac6bcf",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2c033abf-7f0e-43b7-8d69-f1bcc7d4b1f4",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c1c78144-b335-4d22-a668-9173ab6a0d04",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164727,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Trample\nTraxos, Scourge of Kroog enters the battlefield tapped and doesn't untap during your untap step.\nWhenever you cast a historic spell, untap Traxos. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "toughness": "7",
            "type": "Legendary Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ec17b6a5-1459-542d-98b0-5a2e381a66f4",
            "uuidV421": "96ef6b5c-6e10-59b0-a7ca-177c585bbfce"
            "artist": "Daniel Ljunggren",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443195,
                    "name": "Gerrards Triumph",
                    "text": "(Je eine Sagenmarke beim Ins-Spiel-Kommen und nach deinem Ziehsegment. Opfern nach III.)\nI, II — Lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine Kreatur deiner Wahl mit der größten Stärke, die du kontrollierst.\nIII — Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl mit der größten Stärke, die du kontrollierst, erhält Flugfähigkeit, Erstschlag und Lebensverknüpfung bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Sage"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443464,
                    "name": "Triunfo de Gerrard",
                    "text": "(En cuanto esta Saga entre y después de tu paso de robar, agrega un contador de sabiduría. Sacrifícala después de III.)\nI, II — Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura objetivo que controlas con la mayor fuerza.\nIII — La criatura objetivo que controlas con la mayor fuerza gana las habilidades de volar, dañar primero y vínculo vital hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Saga"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443733,
                    "name": "Triomphe de Gerrard",
                    "text": "(Au moment où cette saga arrive sur le champ de bataille et après votre étape de pioche, ajoutez un marqueur « sapience ». Sacrifiez après III.)\nI, II — Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur la créature ciblée de force la plus élevée que vous contrôlez.\nIII — La créature ciblée de force la plus élevée que vous contrôlez acquiert le vol, l'initiative et le lien de vie jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : saga"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444002,
                    "name": "Trionfo di Gerrard",
                    "text": "(Mentre questa Saga entra e dopo la tua sottofase di acquisizione, aggiungi un segnalino sapere. Sacrifica dopo III.)\nI, II — Metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura bersaglio con la forza maggiore tra quelle che controlli.\nIII — Una creatura bersaglio con la forza maggiore tra quelle che controlli ha volare, attacco improvviso e legame vitale fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Saga"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444271,
                    "name": "ジェラードの勝利",
                    "text": "(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンターを1個加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。)\nI, II ― あなたがコントロールしていて最大のパワーを持つクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。\nIII ― あなたがコントロールしていて最大のパワーを持つクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは飛行と先制攻撃と絆魂を得る。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — 英雄譚"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444540,
                    "name": "제라드의 승리",
                    "text": "(이 서사시가 들어오면서 그리고 당신의 뽑기단 후에, 전승 카운터 한 개를 추가한다. III 이후에 희생한다.)\nI, II — 당신이 조종하는 생물 중 공격력이 가장 높은 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.\nIII — 당신이 조종하는 생물 중 공격력이 가장 높은 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 비행, 선제공격, 생명연결을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 서사시"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444809,
                    "name": "Triunfo de Gerrard",
                    "text": "(Conforme esta Saga entra e após sua etapa de compra, adicione um marcador de conhecimento. Sacrifique-a após III.)\nI, II — Coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura alvo que você controla com o maior poder.\nIII — A criatura alvo que você controla com o maior poder ganha voar, iniciativa e vínculo com a vida até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Saga"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445078,
                    "name": "Триумф Джерарда",
                    "text": "(При выходе этой Саги и после вашего шага взятия карты добавьте один жетон знаний. Пожертвуйте после III.)\nI, II — Положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое существо под вашим контролем с наибольшим значением силы.\nIII — Целевое существо под вашим контролем с наибольшим значением силы получает Полет, Первый удар и Цепь жизни до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Чары — Сага"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445347,
                    "name": "杰拉尔德凯旋志",
                    "text": "(于此传纪进战场时及于你抓牌步骤后,加一个学问指示物。到III后牺牲之。)\nI, II — 在目标由你操控之力量最大的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。\nIII — 目标由你操控之力量最大的生物获得飞行、先攻与系命异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "结界 ~传纪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445616,
                    "name": "傑拉爾德凱旋誌",
                    "text": "(於此傳紀進戰場時及於你抽牌步驟後,加一個學問指示物。到III後犧牲之。)\nI, II — 在目標由你操控之力量最大的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。\nIII — 目標由你操控之力量最大的生物獲得飛行、先攻與繫命異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "結界 ~傳紀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "saga",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442926,
            "name": "Triumph of Gerrard",
            "number": "38",
            "originalText": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control with the greatest power.\nIII — Target creature you control with the greatest power gains flying, first strike, and lifelink until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Triumph of Gerrard’s chapter abilities each target any creature you control with the greatest power among creatures you control. If the power of another creature you control becomes greater before that ability resolves, the target is illegal."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As a Saga enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As your precombat main phase begins (immediately after your draw step), you put another lore counter on each Saga you control. Putting a lore counter on a Saga in either of these ways doesn’t use the stack."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Each symbol on the left of a Saga’s text box represents a chapter ability. A chapter ability is a triggered ability that triggers when a lore counter that is put on the Saga causes the number of lore counters on the Saga to become equal to or greater than the ability’s chapter number. Chapter abilities are put onto the stack and may be responded to."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A chapter ability doesn’t trigger if a lore counter is put on a Saga that already had a number of lore counters greater than or equal to that chapter’s number. For example, the third lore counter put on a Saga causes the III chapter ability to trigger, but I and II won’t trigger again."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once a chapter ability has triggered, the ability on the stack won’t be affected if the Saga gains or loses counters, or if it leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If multiple chapter abilities trigger at the same time, their controller puts them on the stack in any order. If any of them require targets, those targets are chosen as you put the abilities on the stack, before any of those abilities resolve."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If counters are removed from a Saga, the appropriate chapter abilities will trigger again when the Saga receives lore counters. Removing lore counters won’t cause a previous chapter ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once the number of lore counters on a Saga is greater than or equal to the greatest number among its chapter abilities—in the Dominaria set, this is always three—the Saga’s controller sacrifices it as soon as its chapter ability has left the stack, most likely by resolving or being countered. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack."
            "scryfallId": "3416fae7-46a0-4048-b969-9cf95bac09db",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2f588815-2d1c-4e33-9579-7fdc7a0f6aca",
            "scryfallOracleId": "426a5f3f-f161-49b3-97d0-02cda554752b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162210,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)\nI, II — Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control with the greatest power.\nIII — Target creature you control with the greatest power gains flying, first strike, and lifelink until end of turn.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Saga",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c6825fcd-bebb-5cc3-b0c9-40eb4bd7dd8f",
            "uuidV421": "e734896f-f3d4-5652-a123-5ab7884ec24d"
            "artist": "Simon Dominic",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "He watches the pass in both directions, and all must pay his toll.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Niemand kommt an ihm vorbei, ohne Wegzoll zu bezahlen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443304,
                    "name": "Zweiköpfiger Riese",
                    "text": "Immer wenn der Zweiköpfige Riese angreift, wirf zwei Münzen. Falls beide Münzen „Kopf\" zeigen, erhält der Zweiköpfige Riese Doppelschlag bis zum Ende des Zuges. Falls beide Münzen „Zahl\" zeigen, erhält der Zweiköpfige Riese Bedrohlichkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Riese, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Vigila el paso en ambas direcciones, y todos deben pagar peaje.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443573,
                    "name": "Gigante de dos cabezas",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Gigante de dos cabezas ataque, lanza dos monedas a cara o cruz. Si en las dos monedas sale cara, el Gigante de dos cabezas gana la habilidad de dañar dos veces hasta el final del turno. Si en las dos monedas sale cruz, el Gigante de dos cabezas gana la habilidad de amenaza hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Gigante guerrero"
                    "flavorText": "Il surveille le col dans les deux sens, et tous doivent payer son prix.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443842,
                    "name": "Géant bicéphale",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que le Géant bicéphale attaque, jouez deux fois à pile ou face. Si les deux pièces retombent sur face, le Géant bicéphale acquiert la double initiative jusqu'à la fin du tour. Si les deux pièces retombent sur pile, le Géant bicéphale acquiert la menace jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : géant et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Controlla il passaggio in entrambe le direzioni e tutti devono pagare il suo dazio.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444111,
                    "name": "Gigante Bicefalo",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta il Gigante Bicefalo attacca, lancia due monete. Se ottieni testa con entrambe le monete, il Gigante Bicefalo ha doppio attacco fino alla fine del turno. Se ottieni croce con entrambe le monete, il Gigante Bicefalo ha minacciare fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Gigante"
                    "flavorText": "巨人は道の両方向を見張っていて、必ず通行料を取る。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444380,
                    "name": "双頭巨人",
                    "text": "双頭巨人が攻撃するたび、コインを2枚投げる。両方とも表が出たなら、ターン終了時まで、双頭巨人は二段攻撃を得る。両方とも裏が出たなら、ターン終了時まで、双頭巨人は威迫を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 巨人・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "그는 길 양쪽을 모두 주시하고 있으며, 누구든지 지나가려면 통행료를 내야 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444649,
                    "name": "쌍두거인",
                    "text": "쌍두거인이 공격할 때마다, 동전 두 개를 던진다. 동전 두 개가 모두 앞면이면, 쌍두거인은 턴종료까지 이단공격을 얻는다. 동전 두 개가 모두 뒷면이면, 쌍두거인은 턴종료까지 호전적을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 거인 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Ele vigia ambos os sentidos da passagem, e todos precisam pagar seu pedágio.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444918,
                    "name": "Gigante de Duas Cabeças",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Gigante de Duas Cabeças atacar, jogue duas moedas. Se ambas derem cara, Gigante de Duas Cabeças ganha golpe duplo até o final do turno. Se ambas derem coroa, Gigante de Duas Cabeças ganha ameaçar até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Gigante Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Он наблюдает за проходом в обоих направлениях, и всякий должен заплатить ему.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445187,
                    "name": "Двухголовый Гигант",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Двухголовый Гигант атакует, подбросьте две монеты. Если оба раза выпадает орел, Двухголовый Гигант получает Двойной удар до конца хода. Если оба раза выпадает решка, Двухголовый Гигант получает Угрозу до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гигант Воин"
                    "flavorText": "他一人看守关隘两边,来去都得留下过路费。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445456,
                    "name": "双头巨人",
                    "text": "每当双头巨人攻击时,掷两枚硬币。如果两枚硬币均是正面,则双头巨人获得连击异能直到回合结束。如果两枚硬币均是反面,则双头巨人获得威慑异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨人/战士"
                    "flavorText": "他一人看守關隘兩邊,來去都得留下過路費。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445725,
                    "name": "雙頭巨人",
                    "text": "每當雙頭巨人攻擊時,擲兩枚硬幣。如果兩枚硬幣均是正面,則雙頭巨人獲得連擊異能直到回合結束。如果兩枚硬幣均是反面,則雙頭巨人獲得威懾異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨人/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443035,
            "name": "Two-Headed Giant",
            "number": "147",
            "originalText": "Whenever Two-Headed Giant attacks, flip two coins. If both coins come up heads, Two-Headed Giant gains double strike until end of turn. If both coins come up tails, Two-Headed Giant gains menace until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Giant Warrior",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "6f86c365-3ce5-45e5-b610-6f2587f99b42",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ad4c9dcd-02e9-4c6b-8474-1ec642373145",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e0efb48b-e7e5-4ed0-a7de-c8f72d357319",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164295,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Two-Headed Giant attacks, flip two coins. If both coins come up heads, Two-Headed Giant gains double strike until end of turn. If both coins come up tails, Two-Headed Giant gains menace until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Giant Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "818b8c63-0957-5616-8cac-0ecb63dc937f",
            "uuidV421": "b875f2df-0782-566c-8806-e1feeaa91973"
            "artist": "Yongjae Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443343,
                    "name": "Ungezähmter Kavu",
                    "text": "Bonus {3} (Du kannst zusätzlich {3} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nWachsamkeit, verursacht Trampelschaden\nFalls die Bonuskosten des Ungezähmten Kavu bezahlt wurden, kommt er mit drei +1/+1-Marken ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Kavu"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443612,
                    "name": "Kavu silvestre",
                    "text": "Estímulo {3}. (Puedes pagar {3} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nVigilancia, arrolla.\nSi el Kavu silvestre fue estimulado, entra al campo de batalla con tres contadores +1/+1 sobre él.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Kavu"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443881,
                    "name": "Kavru sauvage",
                    "text": "Kick {3} (Vous pouvez payer {3} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nVigilance, piétinement\nSi le Kavru sauvage a été kické, il arrive sur le champ de bataille avec trois marqueurs +1/+1 sur lui.",
                    "type": "Créature : kavru"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444150,
                    "name": "Kavu Indomabile",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {3} (Puoi pagare {3} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nCautela, travolgere\nSe il Kavu Indomabile è stato potenziato, entra nel campo di battaglia con tre segnalini +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Kavu"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444419,
                    "name": "荒々しいカヴー",
                    "text": "キッカー{3}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{3}を支払ってもよい。)\n警戒、トランプル\n荒々しいカヴーがキッカーされていたなら、これは+1/+1カウンターが3個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — カヴー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444688,
                    "name": "길들여지지 않은 카부",
                    "text": "키커 {3} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {3}을 지불할 수 있다.)\n경계, 돌진\n길들여지지 않은 카부의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 길들여지지 않은 카부는 +1/+1 카운터 세 개를 가지고 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 카부"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444957,
                    "name": "Kavu Indomado",
                    "text": "Reforçar {3} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {3} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nVigilância, atropelar\nSe Kavu Indomado foi reforçado, ele entra no campo de batalha com três marcadores +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Kavu"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445226,
                    "name": "Необузданный Каву",
                    "text": "Усилитель {3} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {3}.)\nБдительность, Пробивной удар\nЕсли Необузданный Каву получил Усилитель, он выходит на поле битвы с тремя жетонами +1/+1 на нем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Каву"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445495,
                    "name": "野性卡甫",
                    "text": "增幅{3}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{3}。)\n警戒,践踏\n如果野性卡甫已增幅,则它进战场时上面有三个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~卡甫"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445764,
                    "name": "野性卡甫",
                    "text": "增幅{3}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{3}。)\n警戒,踐踏\n如果野性卡甫已增幅,它進戰場時上面有三個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~卡甫"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443074,
            "name": "Untamed Kavu",
            "number": "186",
            "originalText": "Kicker {3} (You may pay an additional {3} as you cast this spell.)\nVigilance, trample\nIf Untamed Kavu was kicked, it enters the battlefield with three +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Kavu",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "3c4cf84a-2024-45bb-9e24-8a9a6d9ad247",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "ce585b28-f22f-41ba-8858-aebc0164922d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164489,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {3} (You may pay an additional {3} as you cast this spell.)\nVigilance, trample\nIf Untamed Kavu was kicked, it enters the battlefield with three +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Kavu",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "bbb5ddc0-52cf-5327-b463-121718306c22",
            "uuidV421": "beda2d34-921b-5533-93f7-23d20da86090"
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"A problem is only a problem if you don't have the tools to correct it.\" —Jhoira",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ein Problem ist erst dann wirklich ein Problem, wenn dir die Mittel fehlen, es zu beheben.\" —Jhoira",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443229,
                    "name": "Zurückspulen",
                    "text": "Neutralisiere einen Nichtkreatur-Zauberspruch deiner Wahl. Enttappe bis zu drei Länder.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Un problema solo es tal si no se dispone de las herramientas necesarias para corregirlo\". —Jhoira",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443498,
                    "name": "Desarticular",
                    "text": "Contrarresta el hechizo objetivo que no sea de criatura. Endereza hasta tres tierras.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Un problème n'en est un que si l'on ne dispose pas des outils nécessaires pour le résoudre. » —Djoïra",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443767,
                    "name": "Débobinage",
                    "text": "Contrecarrez le sort non-créature ciblé. Dégagez jusqu'à trois terrains.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Un problema si può considerare tale solo in mancanza degli strumenti per risolverlo.\" —Jhoira",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444036,
                    "name": "Scomporre",
                    "text": "Neutralizza una magia non creatura bersaglio. STAPpa fino a tre terre.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「問題というのはね、それを訂正する道具を持っていないから問題なのよ。」 ――ジョイラ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444305,
                    "name": "巻き戻し",
                    "text": "クリーチャーでない呪文1つを対象とし、それを打ち消す。土地最大3つをアンタップする。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"문제는 그것을 바로잡을 수단이 없을 때만 문제가 되는 거야.\" —조이라",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444574,
                    "name": "풀어내기",
                    "text": "생물이 아닌 주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문을 무효화한다. 대지를 최대 세 개까지 언탭한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Um problema só é problema se você não tiver as ferramentas para resolvê-lo.\" — Jhoira",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444843,
                    "name": "Desenrolar",
                    "text": "Anule a mágica alvo que não seja de criatura. Desvire até três terrenos.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Затруднение только тогда можно назвать затруднением, когда у тебя нет нужных инструментов, чтобы его устранить». — Джойра",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445112,
                    "name": "Свести на Нет",
                    "text": "Отмените целевое заклинание, не являющееся заклинанием существа. Разверните не более трех земель.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「没有工具可解决的问题才真算是问题。」 ~尤依拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445381,
                    "name": "倒流",
                    "text": "反击目标非生物咒语。重置至多三个地。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「沒有工具可解決的問題才真算是問題。」 ~尤依菈",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445650,
                    "name": "倒流",
                    "text": "反擊目標非生物咒語。重置至多三個地。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
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            "name": "Unwind",
            "number": "72",
            "originalText": "Counter target noncreature spell. Untap up to three lands.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
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            "scryfallOracleId": "e38b8ecb-e7ae-474d-b6a4-29cc1aa8ccd9",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164359,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Counter target noncreature spell. Untap up to three lands.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e9bfd677-9f27-5e48-b328-fa4431fc94ff",
            "uuidV421": "72fe2cd7-88f3-5b46-a579-eded3cc4903c"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "As the phantom flies overhead, the city of Vhelnish screams in silence.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wenn das Phantom am Himmel ist, sind stille Schreie aus der Stadt Vhelnish zu vernehmen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443266,
                    "name": "Urgoros der Seelenlose",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nImmer wenn Urgoros der Seelenlose einem Spieler Kampfschaden zufügt, wirft der Spieler eine zufällig bestimmte Karte ab. Falls er das nicht kann, ziehst du eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Specter"
                    "flavorText": "Mientras el ente surca el cielo, la ciudad de Vhelnish grita en silencio.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443535,
                    "name": "Urgoros, el Vacío",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nSiempre que Urgoros, el Vacío haga daño de combate a un jugador, ese jugador descarta una carta al azar. Si el jugador no puede, tú robas una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Espectro"
                    "flavorText": "Lorsque le fantôme survole Vhelnish, les habitants de la ville crient en silence.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443804,
                    "name": "Urgoros, Lui-qui-est-vide",
                    "text": "Vol\nÀ chaque fois qu'Urgoros, Lui-qui-est-vide inflige des blessures de combat à un joueur, ce joueur se défausse d'une carte au hasard. S'il ne peut pas le faire, vous piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : spectre"
                    "flavorText": "Mentre il fantasma la sorvola, la città di Vhelnish urla in silenzio.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444073,
                    "name": "Urgoros, il Vuoto",
                    "text": "Volare\nOgniqualvolta Urgoros, il Vuoto infligge danno da combattimento a un giocatore, quel giocatore scarta una carta a caso. Se non può farlo, tu peschi una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Spettro"
                    "flavorText": "その幻影が空に舞うとき、ヴェールニシュの街は無言の悲鳴を上げる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444342,
                    "name": "虚ろな者、アゴロス",
                    "text": "飛行\n虚ろな者、アゴロスがプレイヤー1人に戦闘ダメージを与えるたび、そのプレイヤーはカード1枚を無作為に選んで捨てる。そのプレイヤーがそうできないなら、あなたはカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — スペクター"
                    "flavorText": "유령들이 하늘을 날아다니자, 벨니쉬의 도시는 고요한 비명을 질렀다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444611,
                    "name": "공허한 자, 우르고로스",
                    "text": "비행\n공허한 자, 우르고로스가 플레이어에게 전투피해를 입힐 때마다, 그 플레이어는 무작위로 카드 한 장을 버린다. 그 플레이어가 그렇게 하지 못한다면, 당신은 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 스펙터"
                    "flavorText": "A cidade de Vhelnish grita em silêncio enquanto o fantasma a sobrevoa.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444880,
                    "name": "Urgoros, o Vazio",
                    "text": "Voar\nToda vez que Urgoros, o Vazio, causa dano de combate a um jogador, aquele jogador descarta um card aleatoriamente. Se o jogador não puder, você compra um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Espectro"
                    "flavorText": "Когда призрак пролетает в небесах, город Вельниш разражается безмолвным криком.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445149,
                    "name": "Ургорос, Пустотелый",
                    "text": "Полет\nКаждый раз, когда Ургорос, Пустотелый наносит боевые повреждения игроку, тот игрок сбрасывает одну случайно выбранную карту. Если игрок не может этого сделать, вы берете карту.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Призрак"
                    "flavorText": "当幽灵飞过天空,维尼席全城无声尖叫。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445418,
                    "name": "虚无幽灵乌格洛",
                    "text": "飞行\n每当虚无幽灵乌格洛对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,该牌手随机弃一张牌。若该牌手无法如此作,则你抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~幽灵"
                    "flavorText": "當幽靈飛過天空,維尼席全城無聲尖叫。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445687,
                    "name": "虛無幽靈烏格洛",
                    "text": "飛行\n每當虛無幽靈烏格洛對任一玩家造成戰鬥傷害時,該玩家隨機棄一張牌。若該玩家無法如此作,則你抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~幽靈"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442997,
            "name": "Urgoros, the Empty One",
            "number": "109",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhenever Urgoros, the Empty One deals combat damage to a player, that player discards a card at random. If the player can't, you draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Specter",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If that player has one card in hand, it’s discarded at random (even though that’s not very random). You won’t draw a card."
            "scryfallId": "e8652fb7-1bce-44ee-b75e-4c773ff8fdb3",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7ac92f91-29b1-4e48-85bb-c3c400b1c199",
            "scryfallOracleId": "43e7b834-d3a9-4297-bf79-2dab5507bebe",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162202,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhenever Urgoros, the Empty One deals combat damage to a player, that player discards a card at random. If the player can't, you draw a card.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Specter",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "db8ef5b3-378f-5d14-a628-a866f5e989f4",
            "uuidV421": "99c14f8d-f091-56a9-a993-f792e0f0b3b8"
            "artist": "Noah Bradley",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Centuries ago, one man's vengeance plunged the world into ice and darkness.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Vor vielen Jahrhunderten stürzte die Rache eines einzelnen Mannes die Welt in eisige Dunkelheit.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443196,
                    "name": "Urzas vernichtender Strahl",
                    "text": "(Legendäre Hexereien kannst du nur wirken, falls du eine legendäre Kreatur oder einen legendären Planeswalker kontrollierst.)\nSchicke alle nichtlegendären bleibenden Karten, die keine Länder sind, ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Hace siglos, la venganza de un solo hombre sumió el mundo en el frío y la oscuridad.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443465,
                    "name": "Ráfaga destructora de Urza",
                    "text": "(Solo puedes lanzar un conjuro legendario si controlas una criatura o planeswalker legendario.)\nExilia todos los permanentes que no sean tierra y que no sean legendarios.",
                    "type": "Conjuro legendario"
                    "flavorText": "Il y a des siècles, la vengeance d'un homme plongea le monde dans la glace et les ténèbres.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443734,
                    "name": "Salve désastreuse d'Urza",
                    "text": "(Vous ne pouvez lancer un rituel légendaire que si vous contrôlez une créature légendaire ou un planeswalker.)\nExilez tous les permanents non-terrain qui ne sont pas légendaires.",
                    "type": "Rituel légendaire"
                    "flavorText": "Secoli fa, la vendetta di un solo uomo fece precipitare il mondo nelle tenebre e nel gelo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444003,
                    "name": "Esplosione Devastante di Urza",
                    "text": "(Puoi lanciare una stregoneria leggendaria solo se controlli una creatura o un planeswalker leggendari.)\nEsilia tutti i permanenti non terra che non sono leggendari.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria Leggendaria"
                    "flavorText": "数世紀前、ある男の復讐が世界を氷と闇の内に閉じ込めた。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444272,
                    "name": "ウルザの殲滅破",
                    "text": "(伝説のソーサリーは、あなたが伝説のクリーチャーか伝説のプレインズウォーカーをコントロールしているときにのみ唱えられる。)\n伝説でなく土地でもないパーマネントをすべて追放する。",
                    "type": "伝説のソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "수 세기 전, 한 남자의 복수가 세상을 추위와 어둠 속으로 몰아넣었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444541,
                    "name": "우르자의 파괴 광선",
                    "text": "(당신이 전설적 생물이나 플레인즈워커를 조종할 때만 전설적 집중마법을 발동할 수 있다.)\n전설적이 아닌 대지가 아닌 지속물을 모두 추방한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Séculos atrás, a vingança de um homem mergulhou o mundo em gelo e trevas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444810,
                    "name": "Explosão Ruinosa de Urza",
                    "text": "(Você só pode conjurar um feitiço lendário se controlar uma criatura lendária ou um planeswalker lendário.)\nExile todas as permanentes que não sejam terrenos nem lendárias.",
                    "type": "Feitiço Lendário"
                    "flavorText": "Много веков назад месть одного человека погрузила весь мир в морозную тьму.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445079,
                    "name": "Разрушительный Взрыв Урзы",
                    "text": "(Вы можете разыграть легендарное волшебство, только если контролируете легендарное существо или planeswalker-а.)\nИзгоните все не являющиеся землями перманенты, которые не являются легендарными.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "数世纪前,一人复仇之举将整个世界拖入冰天雪地的黑暗深渊。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445348,
                    "name": "克撒的毁世震荡",
                    "text": "(只能于你操控传奇生物或鹏洛客时施放传奇法术。)\n放逐所有不是传奇的非地永久物。",
                    "type": "传奇法术"
                    "flavorText": "數世紀前,一人復仇之舉將整個世界拖入冰天雪地的黑暗深淵。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445617,
                    "name": "克撒的毀世震盪",
                    "text": "(只能於你操控傳奇生物或鵬洛客時施放傳奇巫術。)\n放逐所有不是傳奇的非地永久物。",
                    "type": "傳奇巫術"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 442927,
            "name": "Urza's Ruinous Blast",
            "number": "39",
            "originalText": "(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)\nExile all nonland permanents that aren't legendary.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can’t cast a legendary sorcery unless you control a legendary creature or a legendary planeswalker. Once you begin to cast a legendary sorcery, losing control of your legendary creatures and planeswalkers won’t affect that spell."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Other than the casting restriction, the legendary supertype on a sorcery carries no additional rules. You may cast any number of legendary sorceries in a turn, and your deck may contain any number of legendary cards (but no more than four of any with the same name)."
            "scryfallId": "57b50a96-6221-44f0-b54a-76076621047e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4daa12f5-552e-48dc-b1fe-79f672788cb3",
            "scryfallOracleId": "978e0d87-3ff2-4a73-916c-ff0dc0ab2797",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162211,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)\nExile all nonland permanents that aren't legendary.",
            "type": "Legendary Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "588ded59-3dce-5ebc-a7af-87d60692901e",
            "uuidV421": "b9392b9f-0ca2-5794-95b1-568d62b68f17"
            "artist": "Aaron Miller",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Truly understanding even one volume can be a life's work.\" —Naru Meha, master wizard",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Auch nur einen Band dieser Reihe in seiner Gänze zu studieren, ist eine Lebensaufgabe.\" —Naru Meha, die Meisterzauberin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443392,
                    "name": "Urzas Zauberbuch",
                    "text": "{3}, {T}: Ziehe eine Karte. Wirf dann eine Karte ab, es sei denn, du schickst eine historische Karte aus deinem Friedhof ins Exil. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Comprender de verdad un solo volumen puede ser el trabajo de toda una vida\". —Naru Meha, maga experta",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443661,
                    "name": "Tomo de Urza",
                    "text": "{3}, {T}: Roba una carta. Luego, descarta una carta a menos que exilies una carta histórica de tu cementerio. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« L'assimilation profonde d'un seul volume peut être le travail de toute une vie. » —Naru Meha, maître sorcier",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443930,
                    "name": "Grimoire d'Urza",
                    "text": "{3}, {T} : Piochez une carte. Ensuite, défaussez-vous d'une carte à moins que vous n'exiliez une carte historique de votre cimetière. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"Comprendere a fondo anche solo un volume può richiedere una vita intera.\" —Naru Meha, maga insegnante",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444199,
                    "name": "Tomo di Urza",
                    "text": "{3}, {T}: Pesca una carta. Poi scarta una carta a meno che non esili una carta storica dal tuo cimitero. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「一巻のみでも完全に理解しようと思ったら一生かかるだろう。」 ――練達の魔術師、ナル・メハ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444468,
                    "name": "ウルザの秘本",
                    "text": "{3}, {T}:カードを1枚引く。その後、あなたがあなたの墓地から歴史的なカード1枚を追放しないかぎり、カード1枚を捨てる。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"단 한 권을 완벽하게 이해하는 것도 필생의 업적이 될 수 있다네.\" —대마법사, 나루 메하",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444737,
                    "name": "우르자의 책",
                    "text": "{3}, {T}: 카드 한 장을 뽑는다. 그 후, 당신이 무덤에서 역사적 카드 한 장을 추방하지 않는다면 카드 한 장을 버린다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Compreender verdadeiramente até mesmo um volume pode ser o trabalho de uma vida.\" — Naru Meha, maga mestra",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445006,
                    "name": "Tomo de Urza",
                    "text": "{3}, {T}: Compre um card. Em seguida, descarte um card, a menos que você exile um card histórico de seu cemitério. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«На то, чтобы в полной мере понять хотя бы один том, можно положить всю жизнь». — Нару Меха, верховная волшебница",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445275,
                    "name": "Манускрипт Урзы",
                    "text": "{3}, {T}: возьмите карту. Затем сбросьте карту, если только вы не изгоните историческую карту из вашего кладбища. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「哪怕只是想究研其中一卷,也得投入毕生精力。」 ~魔法大师娜鲁梅哈",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445544,
                    "name": "克撒的巨著",
                    "text": "{3},{T}:抓一张牌。然后除非你从你的坟墓场放逐一张史迹牌,否则弃一张牌。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「哪怕只是想究研其中一卷,也得投入畢生精力。」 ~魔法大師娜魯梅哈里",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445813,
                    "name": "克撒的巨著",
                    "text": "{3},{T}:抽一張牌。然後除非你從你的墳墓場放逐一張史跡牌,否則棄一張牌。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}",
            "multiverseId": 443123,
            "name": "Urza's Tome",
            "number": "235",
            "originalText": "{3}, {T}: Draw a card. Then discard a card unless you exile a historic card from your graveyard. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You don’t choose whether to discard or exile a card from your graveyard until after you see the card you draw."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can choose to discard a card even if there’s a historic card in your graveyard you could exile."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
            "scryfallId": "d6bead8b-a67f-4451-9d44-038f8688093f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a2d33483-fb4a-4963-aa64-32d4102dff93",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4734b73e-104c-4b25-ab52-0145f361c9d1",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162144,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{3}, {T}: Draw a card. Then discard a card unless you exile a historic card from your graveyard. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2d79fb38-07ed-5855-ab1c-085c42ac31c4",
            "uuidV421": "b16e9e7a-c567-553f-aa45-5513da8ff825"
            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The hammer strikes. The Flame awakens.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wenn der Hammer fällt, erwacht die Flamme.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443305,
                    "name": "Valduk, Hüter der Flamme",
                    "text": "Erzeuge zu Beginn des Kampfes in deinem Zug für jede Aura und jede Ausrüstung, die an Valduk, Hüter der Flamme, angelegt ist, einen 3/1 roten Elementarwesen-Kreaturenspielstein, der Eile hat und Trampelschaden verursacht. Schicke die Spielsteine zu Beginn des nächsten Endsegments ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "Cuando el martillo golpea, la Llama se despierta.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443574,
                    "name": "Valduk, guardián de la Llama",
                    "text": "Al comienzo del combate en tu turno, por cada Aura y Equipo anexados a Valduk, guardián de la Llama, crea una ficha de criatura Elemental roja 3/1 con las habilidades de arrollar y prisa. Exilia esas fichas al comienzo del próximo paso final.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Chamán humano"
                    "flavorText": "Le marteau frappe. La Flamme s'éveille.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443843,
                    "name": "Valduk, gardien de la Flamme",
                    "text": "Au début du combat pendant votre tour, pour chaque aura et chaque équipement attachés à Valduk, gardien de la Flamme, créez un jeton de créature 3/1 rouge Élémental avec le piétinement et la célérité. Exilez ces jetons au début de la prochaine étape de fin.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "Il martello colpisce, la Fiamma si risveglia.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444112,
                    "name": "Valduk, Custode della Fiamma",
                    "text": "All'inizio del combattimento nel tuo turno, per ogni Aura ed Equipaggiamento assegnati a Valduk, Custode della Fiamma, crea una pedina creatura Elementale 3/1 rossa con travolgere e rapidità. Esilia quelle pedine all'inizio della prossima sottofase finale.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Sciamano Umano"
                    "flavorText": "鎚で打ち、炎で覚醒する。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444381,
                    "name": "炎の番人、ヴァルダーク",
                    "text": "あなたのターンの戦闘の開始時に、炎の番人、ヴァルダークにつけられているオーラや装備品1つにつき、トランプルと速攻を持つ赤の3/1のエレメンタル・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。次の終了ステップの開始時に、それらのトークンを追放する。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "망치가 부딪힌다. 불꽃이 일어난다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444650,
                    "name": "불길의 수호자, 발둑",
                    "text": "당신의 턴 전투시작에, 불길의 수호자, 발둑에게 부착된 마법진과 장비 한 개당, 돌진과 신속을 가진 3/1 적색 정령 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다 다음 종료단 시작에 그 토큰들을 추방한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "Quando o martelo golpeia, a Chama desperta.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444919,
                    "name": "Valduk, Guardião da Chama",
                    "text": "No início do combate no seu turno, para cada Aura e Equipamento anexado a Valduk, Guardião da Chama, crie uma ficha de criatura vermelha 3/1 do tipo Elemental com atropelar e ímpeto. Exile aquelas fichas no início da próxima etapa final.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "Молот бьет. Огонь просыпается.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445188,
                    "name": "Вальдук, Хранитель Огня",
                    "text": "В начале боя во время вашего хода создайте одну фишку существа 3/1 красный Элементаль с Пробивным ударом и Ускорением за каждую Ауру и Снаряжение, прикрепленные к Вальдуку, Хранителю Огня. Изгоните те фишки в начале следующего заключительного шага.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "铁锤敲击。源火觉醒。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445457,
                    "name": "源火守卫瓦杜克",
                    "text": "在你回合的战斗开始时,源火守卫瓦杜克上每结附一个灵气或每装备一个武具,便派出一个3/1红色,具践踏与敏捷异能的元素衍生生物。在下一结束步骤开始时,放逐这些衍生物。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "鐵錘敲擊。源火覺醒。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445726,
                    "name": "源火守衛瓦杜克",
                    "text": "在你回合的戰鬥開始時,源火守衛瓦杜克上每結附一個靈氣或每裝備一個武具,便派出一個3/1紅色,具踐踏與敏捷異能的元素衍生生物。在下一個結束步驟開始時,放逐這些衍生物。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/祭師"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "layout": "normal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443036,
            "name": "Valduk, Keeper of the Flame",
            "names": [],
            "number": "148",
            "originalText": "At the beginning of combat on your turn, for each Aura and Equipment attached to Valduk, Keeper of the Flame, create a 3/1 red Elemental creature token with trample and haste. Exile those tokens at the beginning of the next end step.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Shaman",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Valduk counts all Auras and Equipment attached to it, not only Auras and Equipment you control."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Valduk leaves the battlefield after its ability has triggered but before it resolves, use the number of Auras and Equipment that were last attached to it before it left the battlefield to determine how many tokens to create."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Valduk leaves the battlefield after its ability has resolved, the tokens are still exiled at the beginning of the next end step."
            "scryfallId": "253f9e43-5bc6-4f26-a8e9-773cd0ca3d02",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7539c1bb-78e7-4d72-ba74-4393cd4c6ead",
            "scryfallOracleId": "102b0a65-f2e0-4ef3-a9dc-4a85557b852e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162185,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "At the beginning of combat on your turn, for each Aura and Equipment attached to Valduk, Keeper of the Flame, create a 3/1 red Elemental creature token with trample and haste. Exile those tokens at the beginning of the next end step.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1af29729-5334-582c-8fe3-5000751eaa8b",
            "uuidV421": "69273b74-e6bb-5c88-820a-f47d9e5920e8"
            "artist": "Viktor Titov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 8.0,
            "flavorText": "The bower shuddered. The stillness broke. The scurf shifted, and a being emerged from the flowers and ferns.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Zweige brachen. Die Stille endete. Der Waldboden bebte und erhob sich aus den Blumen und Farnen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443344,
                    "name": "Grüne Kraft",
                    "text": "Erzeuge zu Beginn jedes Versorgungssegments einen 1/1 grünen Saproling-Kreaturenspielstein.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elementarwesen"
                    "flavorText": "La arboleda se removió, la quietud se deshizo, la corteza saltó por los aires y un ser emergió entre flores y ramas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443613,
                    "name": "Fuerza verde",
                    "text": "Al comienzo de cada mantenimiento, crea una ficha de criatura Saprolín verde 1/1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "La charmille frissonna. Le silence se brisa. L'écorce s'ouvrit et un être émergea des fleurs et des fougères.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443882,
                    "name": "Force verdoyante",
                    "text": "Au début de chaque entretien, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 verte Saprobionte.",
                    "type": "Créature : élémental"
                    "flavorText": "Il recesso ombroso tremò. Il silenzio si infranse. La corteccia si contorse e una creatura emerse da fiori e felci.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444151,
                    "name": "Forza della Vegetazione",
                    "text": "All'inizio di ogni mantenimento, crea una pedina creatura Saprolingio 1/1 verde.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Elementale"
                    "flavorText": "木陰が激しく揺れて、静寂が破れた。樹皮が動き、花やシダの茂みから何かが飛び出してきた。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444420,
                    "name": "新緑の魔力",
                    "text": "各アップキープの開始時に、緑の1/1の苗木・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エレメンタル"
                    "flavorText": "나무그늘이 몸서리쳤다. 고요함은 깨어졌다. 표피는 부스러져 흩어졌고, 꽃과 양치식물들로부터 형체가 드러났다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444689,
                    "name": "신록의 힘",
                    "text": "각 유지단 시작에, 1/1 녹색 묘목 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 정령"
                    "flavorText": "A folhagem estremeceu. Desfez-se a quietude. Descamaram-se as cascas e um ser emergiu das flores e samambaias.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444958,
                    "name": "Força Verdejante",
                    "text": "No início de cada manutenção, crie uma ficha de criatura verde 1/1 do tipo Saprófita.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "Шалаш задрожал. Неподвижность сменилась движением. Земля разверзлась, и из цветов и папоротников поднялось существо.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445227,
                    "name": "Зеленая Сила",
                    "text": "В начале каждого шага поддержки создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 зеленый Сапролинг.",
                    "type": "Существо — Элементаль"
                    "flavorText": "树荫一抖。宁静打破。树屑移位,一个生物自花丛中破土而出。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445496,
                    "name": "新绿使者",
                    "text": "在每个维持开始时,派出一个1/1绿色腐生物衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
                    "flavorText": "樹蔭一抖。寧靜打破。樹屑移位,一個生物自花叢中破土而出。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445765,
                    "name": "新綠使者",
                    "text": "在每個維持開始時,派出一個1/1綠色腐生物衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{5}{G}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443075,
            "name": "Verdant Force",
            "names": [],
            "number": "187",
            "originalText": "At the beginning of each upkeep, create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elemental",
            "power": "7",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2006-05-01",
                    "text": "In Two-Headed Giant, triggers only once per upkeep, not once for each player."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Verdant Force’s ability triggers at the beginning of each upkeep, not just each of your upkeeps."
            "scryfallId": "1d972f97-1945-440b-8bd3-63038db22257",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "456a2d4e-6056-48fe-97ca-359b1a14adcf",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7a21ea22-3cd7-4c11-8895-5943c0d93a0d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162252,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "At the beginning of each upkeep, create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.",
            "toughness": "7",
            "type": "Creature — Elemental",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "77b1f300-be27-533a-9e3f-db103e1a8aeb",
            "uuidV421": "b158d0ec-3c34-56f2-a5bb-e52649d6aafd"
            "artist": "XiaoDi Jin",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443306,
                    "name": "Verix Bladewing",
                    "text": "Bonus {3} (Du kannst zusätzlich {3} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nFliegend\nWenn Verix Bladewing ins Spiel kommt und falls ihre Bonuskosten bezahlt wurden, erzeuge einen legendären 4/4 roten Drache-Kreaturenspielstein mit Flugfähigkeit namens Karox Bladewing.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Drache"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443575,
                    "name": "Vérix Alacortante",
                    "text": "Estímulo {3}. (Puedes pagar {3} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nVuela.\nCuando Vérix Alacortante entre al campo de batalla, si fue estimulada, crea a Károx Alacortante, una ficha de criatura legendaria Dragón roja 4/4 con la habilidad de volar.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Dragón"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443844,
                    "name": "Verix Ailelame",
                    "text": "Kick {3} (Vous pouvez payer {3} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nVol\nQuand Verix Ailelame arrive sur le champ de bataille, s'il a été kické, créez Karox Ailelame, un jeton de créature légendaire 4/4 rouge Dragon avec le vol.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : dragon"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444113,
                    "name": "Verix Alaspada",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {3} (Puoi pagare {3} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nVolare\nQuando Verix Alaspada entra nel campo di battaglia, se è stata potenziata, crea Karox Alaspada, una pedina creatura leggendaria Drago 4/4 rossa con volare.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Drago"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444382,
                    "name": "刃の翼ヴェリックス",
                    "text": "キッカー{3}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{3}を支払ってもよい。)\n飛行\n刃の翼ヴェリックスが戦場に出たとき、これがキッカーされていた場合、「刃の翼カロックス」という名前で飛行を持つ赤の4/4の伝説のドラゴン・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — ドラゴン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444651,
                    "name": "칼날날개 베릭스",
                    "text": "키커 {3} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {3}을 지불할 수 있다.)\n비행\n칼날날개 베릭스가 전장에 들어올 때, 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 비행을 가진 전설적 4/4 적색 용 생물 토큰인 칼날날개 카록스 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 용"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444920,
                    "name": "Verix Asas Laminadas",
                    "text": "Reforçar {3} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {3} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nVoar\nQuando Verix Asas Laminadas entrar no campo de batalha, se tiver sido reforçado, crie Karox Asas Laminadas, uma ficha de criatura vermelha lendária 4/4 do tipo Dragão com voar.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Dragão"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445189,
                    "name": "Саблекрылая Верикс",
                    "text": "Усилитель {3} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {3}.)\nПолет\nКогда Саблекрылая Верикс выходит на поле битвы, если она получила Усилитель, создайте Саблекрылого Карокса, фишку легендарного существа 4/4 красный Дракон с Полетом.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Дракон"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445458,
                    "name": "锋翼维黎兹",
                    "text": "增幅{3}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{3}。)\n飞行\n当锋翼维黎兹进战场时,若它已增幅,则派出传奇衍生生物锋翼卡洛兹,其为4/4红色,具飞行异能的龙。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~龙"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445727,
                    "name": "鋒翼維黎茲",
                    "text": "增幅{3}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{3}。)\n飛行\n當鋒翼維黎茲進戰場時,若它已增幅,則派出傳奇衍生生物鋒翼卡洛茲,其為4/4紅色,具飛行異能的龍。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~龍"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443037,
            "name": "Verix Bladewing",
            "names": [],
            "number": "149",
            "originalText": "Kicker {3} (You may pay an additional {3} as you cast this spell.)\nFlying\nWhen Verix Bladewing enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, create Karox Bladewing, a legendary 4/4 red Dragon creature token with flying.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Dragon",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Verix Bladewing features a new template for creating legendary tokens. It’s functionally identical to the text “create a legendary 4/4 red Dragon creature token with flying named Karox Bladewing.”"
            "scryfallId": "16db785c-cf82-4caa-aef6-8c61d9bec7c6",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "d7315b3b-6e5d-4d28-a503-bfae1daf6c43",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162186,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {3} (You may pay an additional {3} as you cast this spell.)\nFlying\nWhen Verix Bladewing enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, create Karox Bladewing, a legendary 4/4 red Dragon creature token with flying.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Dragon",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "60ce1651-9a0d-52f8-bfaf-12ca716dad33",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443267,
                    "name": "Ruchlose Opfergabe",
                    "text": "Bonus — Opfere eine Kreatur. (Du kannst zusätzlich zu allen anderen Kosten eine Kreatur opfern, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nEine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält -2/-2 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Falls die Bonuskosten dieses Zauberspruchs bezahlt wurden, erhält die Kreatur stattdessen -5/-5 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443536,
                    "name": "Ofrenda cruel",
                    "text": "Estímulo—Sacrificar una criatura. (Puedes sacrificar una criatura como coste adicional al lanzar este hechizo.)\nLa criatura objetivo obtiene -2/-2 hasta el final del turno. Si este hechizo fue estimulado, en vez de eso, esa criatura obtiene -5/-5 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443805,
                    "name": "Offrande vicieuse",
                    "text": "Kick — Sacrifiez une créature. (Vous pouvez sacrifier une créature en supplément de tout autre coût au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nLa créature ciblée gagne -2/-2 jusqu'à la fin du tour. Si ce sort a été kické, cette créature gagne -5/-5 jusqu'à la fin du tour à la place.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444074,
                    "name": "Offerta Crudele",
                    "text": "Potenziamento—Sacrifica una creatura. (Puoi sacrificare una creatura in aggiunta a qualsiasi altro costo mentre lanci questa magia.)\nUna creatura bersaglio prende -2/-2 fino alla fine del turno. Se questa magia è stata potenziata, quella creatura prende invece -5/-5 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444343,
                    "name": "不純な捧げ物",
                    "text": "キッカー―クリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる。(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、他のコストに加えてクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げてもよい。)\nクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは-2/-2の修整を受ける。この呪文がキッカーされていたなら、代わりに、ターン終了時まで、そのクリーチャーは-5/-5の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444612,
                    "name": "포악한 제물",
                    "text": "키커—생물 한 개를 희생한다. (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 다른 비용에 추가로 생물 한 개를 희생할 수 있다.)\n생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 -2/-2를 받는다. 이 주문의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 그 생물은 대신 턴종료까지 -5/-5를 받는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444881,
                    "name": "Oferenda Prava",
                    "text": "Reforçar — Sacrifique uma criatura. (Você pode sacrificar uma criatura além de quaisquer outros custos conforme conjura esta mágica.)\nA criatura alvo recebe -2/-2 até o final do turno. Se esta mágica foi reforçada, em vez disso, aquela criatura recebe -5/-5 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445150,
                    "name": "Жестокое Подношение",
                    "text": "Усилитель — Пожертвуйте существо. (Вы можете пожертвовать существо в дополнение к оплате любых других стоимостей при разыгрывании этого заклинания.)\nЦелевое существо получает -2/-2 до конца хода. Если это заклинание получило Усилитель, то существо вместо этого получает -5/-5 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445419,
                    "name": "邪恶献祭",
                    "text": "增幅~牺牲一个生物。(你施放此咒语时可以额外牺牲一个生物,并支付任何其他费用。)\n目标生物得-2/-2直到回合结束。如果此咒语已增幅,则改为该生物得-5/-5直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445688,
                    "name": "邪惡獻祭",
                    "text": "增幅~犧牲一個生物。(你施放此咒語時可以額外犧牲一個生物,並支付任何其他費用。)\n目標生物得-2/-2直到回合結束。如果此咒語已增幅,則改為該生物得-5/-5直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442998,
            "name": "Vicious Offering",
            "number": "110",
            "originalText": "Kicker—Sacrifice a creature. (You may sacrifice a creature in addition to any other costs as you cast this spell.)\nTarget creature gets -2/-2 until end of turn. If this spell was kicked, that creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn instead.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "aaed7828-57c1-4ad3-a91b-209c66f0876b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d950b883-926d-4bbb-8888-ca3aa305a9db",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c6adfaa7-d9cf-4501-8e7d-e035369390d2",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162792,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker—Sacrifice a creature. (You may sacrifice a creature in addition to any other costs as you cast this spell.)\nTarget creature gets -2/-2 until end of turn. If this spell was kicked, that creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn instead.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b8990ad1-bb4c-50bb-841c-216aa0eff017",
            "uuidV421": "670f5b65-5a9c-508e-8105-3b65b48ec139"
            "artist": "Tyler Walpole",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "The Vodalian Empire tends to be insular. The scholarly Volshe caste are the exception, using education as an antidote to xenophobia.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Das Vodalische Reich ist weitgehend isoliert. Die Gelehrtenkaste der Volshe bildet eine Ausnahme. Sie nutzt Wissen als Heilmittel gegen die Fremdenfeindlichkeit.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443230,
                    "name": "Vodalischer Arkanist",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {C}. Verwende dieses Mana nur, um einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei zu wirken.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Meervolk, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "El Imperio vodaliano tiende a ser poco tolerante. La académica casta Volshe constituye una excepción, ya que usan la educación como antídoto para la xenofobia.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443499,
                    "name": "Arcanista vodaliano",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {C}. Usa este maná solo para lanzar un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero tritón"
                    "flavorText": "L'Empire vodalian fait généralement montre d'un esprit étroit. La caste érudite Volshe constitue une exception, et s'appuie sur l'éducation pour contrer la xénophobie.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443768,
                    "name": "Arcaniste vodalian",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {C}. Ne dépensez ce mana que pour lancer un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel.",
                    "type": "Créature : ondin et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "L'Impero di Vodalia tende a essere di mentalità ristretta. L'unica eccezione è la casta di studiosi Volshe, che usa l'educazione come antidoto alla xenofobia.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444037,
                    "name": "Arcanista di Vodalia",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {C}. Spendi questo mana solo per lanciare una magia istantaneo o stregoneria.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Tritone"
                    "flavorText": "ヴォーデイリア帝国には孤立主義的な傾向がある。学問を重視するヴォルシェ・カーストは例外で、教育によって外国嫌いを防いでいる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444306,
                    "name": "ヴォーデイリアの秘儀術師",
                    "text": "{T}:{C}を加える。このマナは、インスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるためにのみ使用できる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — マーフォーク・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "보달리아 제국은 다소 배타적인 성향이 있다. 다만 학구적인 볼쉬 계층은 예외로, 이들은 교육을 통해 외부의 것들을 혐오하는 성향을 줄이고자 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444575,
                    "name": "보달리아 비전술사",
                    "text": "{T}: {C}를 추가한다. 이 마나는 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동하는 데에만 사용할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인어 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "O Império Vodaliano tende a ser insular. A casta erudita dos Volshe é a exceção, usando a educação como antídoto para a xenofobia.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444844,
                    "name": "Arcanista Vodaliano",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {C}. Gaste este mana apenas para conjurar uma mágica instantânea ou um feitiço.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Tritão Mago"
                    "flavorText": "Водалийская империя отличается закрытостью. Ученые из касты Вольше — редкое исключение. Образованность становится для них лекарством от ксенофобии.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445113,
                    "name": "Водалийский Арканист",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {C}. Тратьте эту ману только на разыгрывание мгновенного заклинания или заклинания волшебства.",
                    "type": "Существо — Мерфолк Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "伏特里亚帝国通常行事保守。好学的伏尔施阶级则属例外,他们以教育解决排外心态。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445382,
                    "name": "伏特里亚奥术师",
                    "text": "{T}:加{C}。此法术力只能用来施放瞬间或法术咒语。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人鱼/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "伏特里亞帝國通常行事保守。好學的伏爾施階級則屬例外,他們以教育解決排外心態。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445651,
                    "name": "伏特里亞奧術師",
                    "text": "{T}:加{C}。此魔法力只能用來施放瞬間或巫術咒語。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人魚/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442961,
            "name": "Vodalian Arcanist",
            "number": "73",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {C}. Spend this mana only to cast an instant or sorcery spell.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Merfolk Wizard",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164697,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {C}. Spend this mana only to cast an instant or sorcery spell.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Merfolk Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c1f2bed9-965c-5a8f-81d3-ff04828d8d47",
            "uuidV421": "4b319fa0-c163-528e-b91b-e3f867210f57"
            "artist": "Jonas De Ro",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "A missing piece in search of a puzzle.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ein fehlendes Teil, das sein Puzzle sucht.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443393,
                    "name": "Stromdiener",
                    "text": "Enttappe zu Beginn deines Endsegments ein Artefakt deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Konstrukt"
                    "flavorText": "Una pieza perdida en busca de un rompecabezas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443662,
                    "name": "Sirviente voltaico",
                    "text": "Al comienzo de tu paso final, endereza el artefacto objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Constructo"
                    "flavorText": "Une pièce perdue à la recherche d'un tout.",
                    "language": "French",
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                    "name": "Servant voltaïque",
                    "text": "Au début de votre étape de fin, dégagez un artefact ciblé.",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : construction"
                    "flavorText": "Un pezzo mancante in cerca di un enigma.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444200,
                    "name": "Servo Voltaico",
                    "text": "All'inizio della tua sottofase finale, STAPpa un artefatto bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Costrutto"
                    "flavorText": "探していたパズルの、不足していた欠片。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444469,
                    "name": "通電式召使い",
                    "text": "あなたの終了ステップの開始時に、アーティファクト1つを対象とし、それをアンタップする。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — 構築物"
                    "flavorText": "퍼즐의 사라진 조각.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444738,
                    "name": "전기 하수인",
                    "text": "당신의 종료단 시작에, 마법물체를 목표로 정한다. 그 마법물체를 언탭한다.",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 자동기계"
                    "flavorText": "Uma peça perdida em busca de um quebra-cabeça.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445007,
                    "name": "Servo Voltaico",
                    "text": "No início da sua etapa final, desvire o artefato alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Constructo"
                    "flavorText": "Недостающий фрагмент в поисках своей головоломки.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445276,
                    "name": "Гальванический Слуга",
                    "text": "В начале вашего заключительного шага разверните целевой артефакт.",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Конструкция"
                    "flavorText": "正在找寻归宿的拼图碎片。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445545,
                    "name": "电压仆从",
                    "text": "在你的结束步骤开始时,重置目标神器。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~组构体"
                    "flavorText": "正在找尋歸宿的拼圖碎片。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445814,
                    "name": "電壓僕從",
                    "text": "在你的結束步驟開始時,重置目標神器。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~組構體"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}",
            "multiverseId": 443124,
            "name": "Voltaic Servant",
            "number": "236",
            "originalText": "At the beginning of your end step, untap target artifact.",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Voltaic Servant’s ability can target an artifact creature, including itself."
            "scryfallId": "28564ac6-8b9b-4b99-9630-8fb3158d354c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "63b41798-98f9-45e6-b949-858925383e57",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d0c2703b-bd74-41ac-b516-c46c654de1bb",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162146,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "At the beginning of your end step, untap target artifact.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "10251888-3bd0-5541-b213-2b58a11275f2",
            "uuidV421": "01715e6b-7a15-5477-b10d-4459061ddfe8"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "War begins with one red ember.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ein einziger Funke kann einen Krieg entzünden.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443307,
                    "name": "Kriegsschrei-Phoenix",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Eile\nImmer wenn du mit drei oder mehr Kreaturen angreifst, kannst du {2}{R} bezahlen. Falls du dies tust, bringe den Kriegsschrei-Phoenix aus deinem Friedhof getappt und angreifend ins Spiel zurück.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Phoenix"
                    "flavorText": "La guerra comienza con una sola ascua roja.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443576,
                    "name": "Fénix grito de guerra",
                    "text": "Vuela, prisa.\nSiempre que ataques con tres o más criaturas, puedes pagar {2}{R}. Si lo haces, regresa el Fénix grito de guerra de tu cementerio al campo de batalla girado y atacando.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fénix"
                    "flavorText": "La guerre commence avec un charbon ardent.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443845,
                    "name": "Phénix au cri de guerre",
                    "text": "Vol, célérité\nÀ chaque fois que vous attaquez avec au moins trois créatures, vous pouvez payer {2}{R}. Si vous faites ainsi, renvoyez le Phénix au cri de guerre sur le champ de bataille, engagé et attaquant, depuis votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Créature : phénix"
                    "flavorText": "La guerra divampa con un tizzone ardente.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444114,
                    "name": "Fenice del Grido di Guerra",
                    "text": "Volare, rapidità\nOgniqualvolta attacchi con tre o più creature, puoi pagare {2}{R}. Se lo fai, rimetti sul campo di battaglia la Fenice del Grido di Guerra TAPpata e attaccante dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Fenice"
                    "flavorText": "戦争は一つの赤い燃えさしから始まる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444383,
                    "name": "喊声のフェニックス",
                    "text": "飛行、速攻\nあなたがクリーチャー3体以上で攻撃するたび、あなたは{2}{R}を支払ってもよい。そうしたなら、あなたの墓地から喊声のフェニックスをタップ状態で攻撃している状態で戦場に戻す。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — フェニックス"
                    "flavorText": "전쟁은 빨간 불씨 하나에서부터 시작된다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444652,
                    "name": "전쟁함성 불사조",
                    "text": "비행, 신속\n당신이 세 개 이상의 생물로 공격할 때마다, 당신은 {2}{R}를 지불할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 당신의 무덤에 있는 전쟁함성 불사조를 탭되고 공격 중인 상태로 전장으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 불사조"
                    "flavorText": "A guerra começa com uma brasa vermelha.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444921,
                    "name": "Fênix do Grito de Guerra",
                    "text": "Voar, ímpeto\nToda vez que você ataca com três ou mais criaturas, você pode pagar {2}{R}. Se fizer isso, devolva Fênix do Grito de Guerra de seu cemitério para o campo de batalha virada e atacando.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fênix"
                    "flavorText": "Война начинается с одного горящего уголька.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445190,
                    "name": "Феникс Боевого Клича",
                    "text": "Полет, Ускорение\nКаждый раз, когда вы атакуете тремя или более существами, вы можете заплатить {2}{R}. Если вы это делаете, верните Феникса Боевого Клича из вашего кладбища на поле битвы повернутым и атакующим.",
                    "type": "Существо — Феникс"
                    "flavorText": "一处红色烬火点燃了战争。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445459,
                    "name": "战嚎凤凰",
                    "text": "飞行,敏捷\n每当你以三个或更多生物攻击时,你可以支付{2}{R}。若你如此作,则将战嚎凤凰从你的坟墓场横置移回战场且正进行攻击。",
                    "type": "生物 ~凤凰"
                    "flavorText": "一處紅色燼火點燃了戰爭。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445728,
                    "name": "戰嚎鳳凰",
                    "text": "飛行,敏捷\n每當你以三個或更多生物攻擊時,你可以支付{2}{R}。若你如此作,則將戰嚎鳳凰從你的墳墓場橫置移回戰場且正進行攻擊。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鳳凰"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443038,
            "name": "Warcry Phoenix",
            "number": "150",
            "originalText": "Flying, haste\nWhenever you attack with three or more creatures, you may pay {2}{R}. If you do, return Warcry Phoenix from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped and attacking.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Phoenix",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "As Warcry Phoenix returns to the battlefield because of its triggered ability, you choose which opponent or opposing planeswalker it’s attacking. It doesn’t have to attack the same opponent or opposing planeswalker as your other attacking creatures."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "If Warcry Phoenix enters the battlefield attacking, it wasn’t declared as an attacking creature that turn. Abilities that trigger when a creature attacks won’t trigger."
            "scryfallId": "ff561f01-8dbc-4988-be00-592d1e417396",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "91f27629-c717-4597-aefd-a4143f9d0e19",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5297f646-8235-47da-a290-a6883b374977",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162187,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, haste\nWhenever you attack with three or more creatures, you may pay {2}{R}. If you do, return Warcry Phoenix from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped and attacking.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Phoenix",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "64efe2f3-c142-5ff0-a236-0731f01f9aa7",
            "uuidV421": "4e454946-faf4-598a-a265-f239558e6b04"
            "artist": "Volkan Baga",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The old ways were for a winter world. We do what's best for us, not for the past. We are Keldons!\" — Grand Warlord Radha",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Einst waren wir an eine winterliche Welt angepasst. Doch wir leben im Hier und Jetzt. Wir sind Keldonen!\" —Oberste Kriegsfürstin Radha",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443308,
                    "name": "Zorn der Kriegsfürstin",
                    "text": "Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten Erstschlag bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nZiehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Las viejas costumbres eran para un mundo invernal. Hacemos lo que nos conviene ahora, no lo que convenía en el pasado. ¡Somos los keldon!\". —Radha, Gran Señora Guerrera",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443577,
                    "name": "Furia de la Señora Guerrera",
                    "text": "Las criaturas que controlas ganan la habilidad de dañar primero hasta el final del turno.\nRoba una carta.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Les anciennes traditions correspondent à un monde hivernal. Nous faisons ce qu'il y a de mieux pour nous, pas pour le passé. Nous sommes des Keldes ! » —Grand seigneur de guerre Radha",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443846,
                    "name": "Fureur du seigneur de guerre",
                    "text": "Les créatures que vous contrôlez acquièrent l'initiative jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nPiochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le antiche usanze si addicevano a un mondo avvolto nel gelo, ma ora dobbiamo agire come è meglio per noi, non per il passato. Siamo i signori di Keld!\" —Radha, suprema signora della guerra",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444115,
                    "name": "Furia della Signora della Guerra",
                    "text": "Le creature che controlli hanno attacco improvviso fino alla fine del turno.\nPesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「古い因襲は冬の世界のものだ。過去ではなく我らに適したやり方を我らは選ぶ。我らはケルドなのだ!」 ――総将軍ラーダ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444384,
                    "name": "大将軍の憤怒",
                    "text": "ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは先制攻撃を得る。\nカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"옛날의 방식들은 겨울의 세계를 위한 것이었다. 우리는 과거를 위해서가 아니라, 우리 스스로를 위해 가장 잘하는 일을 하는 것이다. 우리는 켈드인이다!\" —위대한 전쟁군주 라다",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444653,
                    "name": "전쟁군주의 분노",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 선제공격을 얻는다.\n카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os antigos costumes eram para um mundo invernal. Fazemos o que é melhor para nós, não para o passado. Somos keldonianos!\" — Radha, Grã-senhora da Guerra",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444922,
                    "name": "Fúria da Senhora da Guerra",
                    "text": "As criaturas que você controla ganham iniciativa até o final do turno.\nCompre um card.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Старые обычаи подходили для мира, где вечно длится зима. Мы делаем то, что лучше для нас, а не для прошлого. Мы — келдонцы!» — Великий вождь Радха",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445191,
                    "name": "Ярость Великого Вождя",
                    "text": "Существа под вашим контролем получают Первый удар до конца хода.\nВозьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「旧作法只适合那个寒冬世界。我们要考虑的是自己的生活,而不是传承过往。我们是凯尔顿人!」 ~大军阀拉妲",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445460,
                    "name": "军阀怒火",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物获得先攻异能直到回合结束。\n抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「舊作法只適合那個寒冬世界。我們要考慮的是自己的生活,而不是傳承過往。我們是凱爾頓人!」 ~大軍閥拉妲",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445729,
                    "name": "軍閥怒火",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物獲得先攻異能直到回合結束。\n抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443039,
            "name": "Warlord's Fury",
            "number": "151",
            "originalText": "Creatures you control gain first strike until end of turn.\nDraw a card.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can cast Warlord’s Fury even if you control no creatures. You’ll still draw a card."
            "scryfallId": "0ebd63cf-7e8c-4c8d-844d-98535d5f3039",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e583aefd-8e89-4645-9e75-03baea0d130b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7340199d-60c7-4c27-9a0f-047790273db0",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162188,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Creatures you control gain first strike until end of turn.\nDraw a card.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3005f92c-b9d1-51c3-9574-0ecb26c540cd",
            "uuidV421": "d82bf5bf-97e8-56f1-9099-673ace828a05"
            "artist": "Jaime Jones",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443394,
                    "name": "Wetterlicht",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nImmer wenn die Wetterlicht einem Spieler Kampfschaden zufügt, schaue dir die obersten fünf Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst davon eine historische Karte offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Lege den Rest in zufälliger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek. (Legenden, Artefakte und Sagen sind historisch.)\nBemannen 3",
                    "type": "Legendäres Artefakt — Fahrzeug"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443663,
                    "name": "Vientoligero",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nSiempre que el Vientoligero haga daño de combate a un jugador, mira las cinco primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Puedes mostrar una carta histórica que se encuentre entre ellas y ponerla en tu mano. Pon el resto en el fondo de tu biblioteca en un orden aleatorio. (Los artefactos, las Sagas y las cartas legendarias son cartas históricas.)\nTripular 3.",
                    "type": "Artefacto legendario — Vehículo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443932,
                    "name": "Aquilon",
                    "text": "Vol\nÀ chaque fois que l'Aquilon inflige des blessures de combat à un joueur, regardez les cinq cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez révéler une carte historique parmi elles et la mettre dans votre main. Mettez le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque dans un ordre aléatoire. (Les artefacts, les légendaires et les sagas sont historiques.)\nPilotage 3",
                    "type": "Artefact légendaire : véhicule"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444201,
                    "name": "Cavalcavento",
                    "text": "Volare\nOgniqualvolta la Cavalcavento infligge danno da combattimento a un giocatore, guarda le prime cinque carte del tuo grimorio. Puoi rivelare una carta storica scelta tra esse e aggiungerla alla tua mano. Metti le altre in fondo al tuo grimorio in ordine casuale. (Artefatti, carte leggendarie e Saghe sono carte storiche.)\nManovrare 3",
                    "type": "Artefatto Leggendario — Veicolo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444470,
                    "name": "ウェザーライト",
                    "text": "飛行\nウェザーライトがプレイヤー1人に戦闘ダメージを与えるたび、あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを5枚見る。あなたはその中から歴史的なカード1枚を公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に無作為の順番で置く。(歴史的とは、アーティファクトと伝説と英雄譚のことである。)\n搭乗3",
                    "type": "伝説のアーティファクト — 機体"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444739,
                    "name": "웨더라이트",
                    "text": "비행\n웨더라이트가 플레이어에게 전투피해를 입힐 때마다, 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 다섯 장을 본다. 당신은 그중에서 역사적 카드 한 장을 공개하고 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 나머지 카드들은 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다. (마법물체와 전설적, 서사시가 역사적이다.)\n탑승 3",
                    "type": "전설적 마법물체 — 탑승물"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445008,
                    "name": "Bons Ventos",
                    "text": "Voar\nToda vez que Bons Ventos causar dano de combate a um jogador, olhe os cinco cards do topo de seu grimório. Você pode revelar um card histórico dentre eles e colocá‑lo em sua mão. Coloque o restante no fundo de seu grimório em ordem aleatória. (Os artefatos, os cards lendários e as Sagas são cards históricos.)\nTripular 3",
                    "type": "Artefato Lendário — Veículo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445277,
                    "name": "«Везерлайт»",
                    "text": "Полет\nКаждый раз, когда «Везерлайт» наносит боевые повреждения игроку, посмотрите пять верхних карт вашей библиотеки. Вы можете показать находящуюся среди них историческую карту и положить ее в вашу руку. Положите остальные карты в низ вашей библиотеки в случайном порядке. (Артефакты, легендарные карты и Саги являются историческими.)\nЭкипаж 3",
                    "type": "Легендарный Артефакт — Машина"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445546,
                    "name": "晴空号",
                    "text": "飞行\n每当晴空号对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,检视你牌库顶的五张牌。你可以展示其中的一张史迹牌,并将它置于你手上。将其余的牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。(神器、传奇和传纪是史迹。)\n搭载3",
                    "type": "传奇神器 ~载具"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445815,
                    "name": "晴空號",
                    "text": "飛行\n每當晴空號對任一玩家造成戰鬥傷害時,檢視你牌庫頂的五張牌。你可以展示其中的一張史跡牌,並將它置於你手上。將其餘的牌以隨機順序置於你的牌庫底。(神器、傳奇和傳紀是史跡。)\n搭載3",
                    "type": "傳奇神器 ~載具"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}",
            "multiverseId": 443125,
            "name": "Weatherlight",
            "number": "237",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhenever Weatherlight deals combat damage to a player, look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal a historic card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)\nCrew 3",
            "originalType": "Legendary Artifact — Vehicle",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "A card, spell, or permanent is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. Having two of those qualities doesn’t make an object more historic than another or provide an additional bonus—an object either is historic or it isn’t."
            "scryfallId": "d4581fc0-551c-4ee5-bde0-65c2b8cdf1b7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "575856ca-e54b-4c49-b056-48f9e9816872",
            "scryfallOracleId": "73b3682f-396a-4ebe-aaac-6ce3ee36283a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164100,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhenever Weatherlight deals combat damage to a player, look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal a historic card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)\nCrew 3",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Legendary Artifact — Vehicle",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a29da553-af2a-5aac-92e8-21538b7d7228",
            "uuidV421": "6cb94af0-400d-5898-9f48-c2fb1fdad59c"
            "artist": "Eric Deschamps",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "In lives that have stretched for centuries, there are bound to be a few awkward silences.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wenn man sich bereits seit Jahrhunderten kennt, kommt es öfter mal zu betretenem Schweigen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443231,
                    "name": "Last der Erinnerung",
                    "text": "Ziehe drei Karten. Ein Spieler deiner Wahl legt die obersten drei Karten seiner Bibliothek auf seinen Friedhof.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "En vidas que se alargan siglos, es normal que haya algunos silencios incómodos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443500,
                    "name": "El peso de los recuerdos",
                    "text": "Roba tres cartas. El jugador objetivo pone las tres primeras cartas de su biblioteca en su cementerio.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Quand des vies s'étalent sur plusieurs siècles, les silences inconfortables sont inévitables.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443769,
                    "name": "Poids de la mémoire",
                    "text": "Piochez trois cartes. Le joueur ciblé met les trois cartes du dessus de sa bibliothèque dans son cimetière.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Nel corso di esistenze che si sono prolungate per secoli, qualche momento di silenzio imbarazzante è inevitabile.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444038,
                    "name": "Peso della Memoria",
                    "text": "Pesca tre carte. Un giocatore bersaglio mette nel suo cimitero le prime tre carte del suo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "何世紀も続く生涯の中にも、気まずい沈黙の瞬間が何度かあるものだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444307,
                    "name": "記憶の意義",
                    "text": "プレイヤー1人を対象とする。カードを3枚引く。そのプレイヤーは、自分のライブラリーの一番上からカードを3枚自分の墓地に置く。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "수 세기를 살아온 존재들은 필연적으로 석상처럼 과묵해질 수밖에 없는 법이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444576,
                    "name": "기억의 무게",
                    "text": "카드 세 장을 뽑는다. 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 서고 맨 위 카드 세 장을 자신의 무덤에 넣는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Em vidas que se prolongam por séculos, é inevitável que haja alguns silêncios constrangedores.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444845,
                    "name": "Peso da Memória",
                    "text": "Compre três cards. O jogador alvo coloca os três cards do topo do próprio grimório no próprio cemitério.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Если жизнь растянулась на века, в ней непременно будет несколько моментов неловкого молчания.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445114,
                    "name": "Вес Воспоминаний",
                    "text": "Возьмите три карты. Целевой игрок кладет три верхние карты своей библиотеки на свое кладбище.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "在几位生命横跨数世纪的人物之间,免不了有些尴尬的安静时刻。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445383,
                    "name": "记忆之重",
                    "text": "抓三张牌。目标牌手将其牌库顶的三张牌置入其坟墓场。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "在幾位生命橫跨數世紀的人物之間,免不了有些尷尬的安靜時刻。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445652,
                    "name": "記憶之重",
                    "text": "抽三張牌。目標玩家將其牌庫頂的三張牌置入其墳墓場。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442962,
            "name": "Weight of Memory",
            "number": "74",
            "originalText": "Draw three cards. Target player puts the top three cards of their library into their graveyard.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "2f2359aa-9230-4519-b12e-ec395a8dd2a0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "36f347f7-ebd9-4599-90ad-a14bd48dd999",
            "scryfallOracleId": "826c5feb-9e82-49e0-bc6f-6c29004f8151",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164698,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Draw three cards. Target player puts the top three cards of their library into their graveyard.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "78f36d9d-96f8-52ef-b329-583fb121da14",
            "uuidV421": "051eecae-109d-56d9-a84c-21c993c1bca5"
            "artist": "Kieran Yanner",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Look how they beg for the knife! The Demonlord has trained them well.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Sieh nur, wie sie um die Klinge betteln! Der Dämonenfürst hat sie gut abgerichtet.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443268,
                    "name": "Wisper, die Blutliturgistin",
                    "text": "{T}, opfere zwei Kreaturen: Bringe eine Kreaturenkarte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof ins Spiel zurück.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Observa cómo me suplican que use la daga! El señor demonio los entrenó bien\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443537,
                    "name": "Susurro, liturgista de la sangre",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrificar dos criaturas: Regresa la carta de criatura objetivo de tu cementerio al campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Clérigo humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Regardez-les implorer le couteau ! Le Seigneur démon les a bien dressés. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443806,
                    "name": "Murmure, liturgiste de sang",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrifiez deux créatures : Renvoyez sur le champ de bataille une carte de créature ciblée depuis votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "\"Guarda come implorano il coltello! Il Signore dei Demoni li ha addestrati bene.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444075,
                    "name": "Sussurro, Liturgista Sanguigna",
                    "text": "{T}, Sacrifica due creature: Rimetti sul campo di battaglia una carta creatura bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Chierico Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「この者どもがナイフをせがむ様を見よ。悪魔王様もよく躾けたものよ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444344,
                    "name": "血の儀式司、ウィスパー",
                    "text": "{T}, クリーチャー2体を生け贄に捧げる:あなたの墓地からクリーチャー・カード1枚を対象とし、それを戦場に戻す。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "\"칼을 달라고 애걸하는 저 모습을 봐라! 악마군주가 훈련을 아주 잘 시켰군.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444613,
                    "name": "피의 예배학자, 위스퍼",
                    "text": "{T}, 생물 두 개를 희생한다: 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 전장으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "\"Veja como eles imploram pela faca. O Senhor Demônio os treinou bem.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444882,
                    "name": "Sussurro, Liturgista do Sangue",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrifique duas criaturas: Devolva o card de criatura alvo de seu cemitério para o campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "«Посмотри, как они тянутся к кинжалу! Демон-Владыка хорошо их выдрессировал».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445151,
                    "name": "Шепот, Литургист Крови",
                    "text": "{T}, пожертвуйте два существа: верните целевую карту существа из вашего кладбища на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Священник"
                    "flavorText": "「瞧瞧他们恳求挨刀的样子!恶魔领主把他们训练得很好。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445420,
                    "name": "鲜血仪礼师魏飒璞",
                    "text": "{T},牺牲两个生物:将目标生物牌从你的坟墓场移回战场。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "「瞧瞧他們懇求挨刀的樣子!惡魔領主把他們訓練得很好。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445689,
                    "name": "鮮血儀禮師魏颯璞",
                    "text": "{T},犧牲兩個生物:將目標生物牌從你的墳墓場移回戰場。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/僧侶"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "layout": "normal",
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                "duel": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 442999,
            "name": "Whisper, Blood Liturgist",
            "number": "111",
            "originalText": "{T}, Sacrifice two creatures: Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Cleric",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Whisper can be one of the creatures sacrificed to activate its ability."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Neither sacrificed creature can be the target of Whisper’s ability."
            "scryfallId": "0647feeb-ad7a-40c7-830f-f307ba8339ad",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c9f6e090-e163-42c5-95d9-3bb84ae418d9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "496ab82e-24a9-4a74-ba4b-992c7309b44a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162207,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}, Sacrifice two creatures: Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "87cc0f0a-1c86-507e-9908-a3809272bb26",
            "uuidV421": "a637fa17-f142-5541-8825-241bd1c2fd02"
            "artist": "Simon Dominic",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443345,
                    "name": "Wilder Aufmarsch",
                    "text": "Bonus {4} (Du kannst zusätzlich {4} bezahlen, sowie du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst.)\nLege auf jede Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, eine +1/+1-Marke. Falls die Bonuskosten dieses Zauberspruchs bezahlt wurden, lege stattdessen zwei +1/+1-Marken auf jede Kreatur, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443614,
                    "name": "Embestida salvaje",
                    "text": "Estímulo {4}. (Puedes pagar {4} adicionales al lanzar este hechizo.)\nPon un contador +1/+1 sobre cada criatura que controlas. Si este hechizo fue estimulado, en vez de eso, pon dos contadores +1/+1 sobre cada criatura que controlas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443883,
                    "name": "Carnage de la forêt",
                    "text": "Kick {4} (Vous pouvez payer {4} supplémentaires au moment où vous lancez ce sort.)\nMettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur chaque créature que vous contrôlez. Si ce sort a été kické, mettez deux marqueurs +1/+1 sur chaque créature que vous contrôlez à la place.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444152,
                    "name": "Assalto Selvaggio",
                    "text": "Potenziamento {4} (Puoi pagare {4} addizionale mentre lanci questa magia.)\nMetti un segnalino +1/+1 su ogni creatura che controlli. Se questa magia è stata potenziata, metti invece due segnalini +1/+1 su ogni creatura che controlli.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444421,
                    "name": "野生の猛攻",
                    "text": "キッカー{4}(あなたはこの呪文を唱えるに際し、追加で{4}を支払ってもよい。)\nあなたがコントロールしている各クリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターをそれぞれ1個置く。この呪文がキッカーされていたなら、代わりに、あなたがコントロールしている各クリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターをそれぞれ2個置く。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444690,
                    "name": "사나운 공습",
                    "text": "키커 {4} (당신은 이 주문을 발동하면서 추가로 {4}를 지불할 수 있다.)\n당신이 조종하는 각 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 이 주문의 키커 비용이 지불되었다면, 대신 당신이 조종하는 각 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 두 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444959,
                    "name": "Investida Selvagem",
                    "text": "Reforçar {4} (Você pode pagar um custo adicional de {4} ao conjurar esta mágica.)\nColoque um marcador +1/+1 em cada criatura que você controla. Se esta mágica tiver sido reforçada, coloque, em vez disso, dois marcadores +1/+1 em cada criatura que você controla.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445228,
                    "name": "Дикий Натиск",
                    "text": "Усилитель {4} (При разыгрывании этого заклинания вы можете дополнительно заплатить {4}.)\nПоложите один жетон +1/+1 на каждое существо под вашим контролем. Если это заклинание получило Усилитель, вместо этого положите два жетона +1/+1 на каждое существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445497,
                    "name": "荒野猛攻",
                    "text": "增幅{4}(你施放此咒语时可以额外支付{4}。)\n在每个由你操控的生物上各放置一个+1/+1指示物。如果此咒语已增幅,则改为在每个由你操控的生物上各放置两个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445766,
                    "name": "荒野猛攻",
                    "text": "增幅{4}(你施放此咒語時可以額外支付{4})。\n在每個由你操控的生物上各放置一個+1/+1指示物。如果此咒語已增幅,則改為在每個由你操控的生物上放置兩個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443076,
            "name": "Wild Onslaught",
            "number": "188",
            "originalText": "Kicker {4} (You may pay an additional {4} as you cast this spell.)\nPut a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control. If this spell was kicked, put two +1/+1 counters on each creature you control instead.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "eb75cf21-08be-4b92-bdf6-014a36090738",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5f05cec2-c8a7-4734-aea5-9393696889d5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7ca9ef3e-e5b2-4eb5-87b3-0d97637428a0",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164717,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Kicker {4} (You may pay an additional {4} as you cast this spell.)\nPut a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control. If this spell was kicked, put two +1/+1 counters on each creature you control instead.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2b615532-afab-5ae8-90eb-94ce6d3747a6",
            "uuidV421": "221e631a-7d29-58b6-8f16-ef7d856d86fa"
            "artist": "Bayard Wu",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Acolytes of the lost Lord Windgrace fight to keep Urborg relics out of Cabal hands.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Tempeldiener des verschollenen Lord Windgrace kämpfen dafür, dass kein Urborg-Relikt den Kabbalisten in die Hände fällt.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443269,
                    "name": "Windgrace-Tempeldiener",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nWenn der Windgrace-Tempeldiener ins Spiel kommt, lege die obersten drei Karten deiner Bibliothek auf deinen Friedhof und du erhältst 3 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Katze, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Los acólitos del desaparecido lord Windgrace luchan para que las reliquias de Urborg no caigan en las manos de la Cábala.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443538,
                    "name": "Acólito de Windgrace",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nCuando el Acólito de Windgrace entre al campo de batalla, pon las tres primeras cartas de tu biblioteca en tu cementerio y ganas 3 vidas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero felino"
                    "flavorText": "Les acolytes du regretté seigneur Vent des vertus combattent pour éviter que les reliques d'Urborg ne tombent entre les mains de la Coterie.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443807,
                    "name": "Acolyte Vent des vertus",
                    "text": "Vol\nQuand l'Acolyte Vent des vertus arrive sur le champ de bataille, mettez les trois cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque dans votre cimetière et vous gagnez 3 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : chat et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Gli accoliti del compianto Lord Windgrace combattono per proteggere le reliquie di Urborg dalle grinfie della Cabala.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444076,
                    "name": "Accolito di Windgrace",
                    "text": "Volare\nQuando l'Accolito di Windgrace entra nel campo di battaglia, metti nel tuo cimitero le prime tre carte del tuo grimorio e guadagni 3 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Felino"
                    "flavorText": "ウィンドグレイス卿の失踪後も、見習いたちがアーボーグの秘宝を陰謀団の手に渡さぬよう戦い続けている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444345,
                    "name": "ウィンドグレイスの見習い",
                    "text": "飛行\nウィンドグレイスの見習いが戦場に出たとき、あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを3枚あなたの墓地に置き、あなたは3点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 猫・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "윈드그레이스의 시종들은 우르보그의 유물이 도당의 손에 들어가지 못하도록 싸우고 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444614,
                    "name": "윈드그레이스 시종",
                    "text": "비행\n윈드그레이스 시종이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 세 장을 당신의 무덤에 넣고 당신은 생명 3점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고양이 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Acólitos do antigo Lorde Windgrace lutam para evitar que relíquias de Urborg caiam nas mãos da Cabala.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444883,
                    "name": "Acólito de Windgrace",
                    "text": "Voar\nQuando Acólito de Windgrace entrar no campo de batalha, coloque os três cards do topo de seu grimório em seu cemitério. Você ganha 3 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Felino Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Служители пропавшего без вести лорда Виндгрейса сражаются, чтобы не дать Кабалу завладеть реликвиями Урборга.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445152,
                    "name": "Служитель Виндгрейса",
                    "text": "Полет\nКогда Служитель Виндгрейса выходит на поле битвы, положите три верхние карты вашей библиотеки на ваше кладбище, и вы получаете 3 жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Кошка Воин"
                    "flavorText": "已故风华领主的侍僧们奋力抵抗,阻止柯帮染指乌尔博格遗宝。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445421,
                    "name": "风华侍僧",
                    "text": "飞行\n当风华侍僧进战场时,将你牌库顶的三张牌置入你的坟墓场且你获得3点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~猫/战士"
                    "flavorText": "已故風華領主的侍僧們奮力抵抗,阻止柯幫染指烏爾博格遺寶。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445690,
                    "name": "風華侍僧",
                    "text": "飛行\n當風華侍僧進戰場時,將你牌庫頂的三張牌置入你的墳墓場且你獲得3點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~貓/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{B}",
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            "name": "Windgrace Acolyte",
            "number": "112",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhen Windgrace Acolyte enters the battlefield, put the top three cards of your library into your graveyard and you gain 3 life.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Cat Warrior",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "f835285e-96d9-4574-a497-3b612cae8e22",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "334a98c0-9a16-4145-8f5b-bdf017afe73f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164753,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhen Windgrace Acolyte enters the battlefield, put the top three cards of your library into your graveyard and you gain 3 life.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Cat Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b401f367-c4c3-5bac-b6d6-042060ae6add",
            "uuidV421": "a70d53a9-622e-5d1f-9a20-df7c31d35c8f"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The study of magic began when the first mage taught herself to throw lightning.\" —Naban, dean of iteration",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Mit dem ersten erfolgreichen Blitz aus der Hand einer Magierin war das Studium der Magie geboren.\" —Naban, Dekan der Iteration",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443309,
                    "name": "Blitz des Zauberers",
                    "text": "Dieser Zauberspruch kostet beim Wirken {2} weniger, falls du einen Zauberer kontrollierst.\nDer Blitz des Zauberers fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl 3 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"El estudio de la magia comenzó cuando la primera maga aprendió a lanzar rayos\". —Naban, decano de la iteración",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443578,
                    "name": "Rayo del hechicero",
                    "text": "Te cuesta {2} menos lanzar este hechizo si controlas un Hechicero.\nEl Rayo del hechicero hace 3 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« L'étude de la magie commença lorsque la première mage apprit par elle-même à lancer des éclairs. » —Naban, doyen de l'itération",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443847,
                    "name": "Éclair de sorcier",
                    "text": "Ce sort coûte {2} de moins à lancer si vous contrôlez un sorcier.\nL'Éclair de sorcier inflige 3 blessures à n'importe quelle cible.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Lo studio della magia ebbe inizio quando la prima stregona imparò da autodidatta a lanciare fulmini.\" —Naban, decano dell'iterazione",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444116,
                    "name": "Folgore dello Stregone",
                    "text": "Questa magia costa {2} in meno per essere lanciata se controlli un Mago.\nLa Folgore dello Stregone infligge 3 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「魔法の研究は、最初の魔道士が稲妻を放つ方法を見出した時に始まった。」 ――反復の学部長、ナバン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444385,
                    "name": "魔術師の稲妻",
                    "text": "あなたがウィザードをコントロールしているなら、この呪文を唱えるためのコストは{2}少なくなる。\nクリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。魔術師の稲妻はそれに3点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"마법의 연구는 최초의 마법사가 번개를 던지는 법을 스스로 터득했을 때부터 시작되었다.\" —반복학과 학과장, 나반",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444654,
                    "name": "마법사의 번개",
                    "text": "당신이 마법사를 조종한다면 이 주문은 발동하는 데 {2}가 덜 든다.\n원하는 목표를 정한다. 마법사의 번개는 그 목표에게 피해 3점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"O estudo da magia começou quando a primeira maga aprendeu a soltar raios sozinha.\" — Naban, deão das iterações",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444923,
                    "name": "Relâmpago do Mago",
                    "text": "Esta mágica custa {2} a menos para ser conjurada se você controla um Mago.\nRelâmpago do Mago causa 3 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Изучение магии началось с того момента, когда первая чародейка научилась творить молнии». — Набан, декан итераций",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445192,
                    "name": "Чародейская Молния",
                    "text": "Разыгрывание этого заклинания стоит на {2} меньше, если вы контролируете Чародея.\nЧародейская Молния наносит 3 повреждения любой цели.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「魔法研究起源于第一位自学投掷闪电成功的法师。」 ~迭演院长奈班",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445461,
                    "name": "法师雷击",
                    "text": "如果你操控法术师,则此咒语减少{2}来施放。\n法师雷击对任意一个目标造成3点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「魔法研究起源於第一位自學投擲閃電成功的法師。」 ~迭演院長奈班",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445730,
                    "name": "法師雷擊",
                    "text": "如果你操控魔法師,則此咒語減少{2}來施放。\n法師雷擊對任意一個目標造成3點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 443040,
            "name": "Wizard's Lightning",
            "number": "152",
            "originalText": "This spell costs {2} less to cast if you control a Wizard.\nWizard's Lightning deals 3 damage to any target.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once you announce that you’re casting Wizard’s Lightning, no player may take other actions until the spell’s been paid for. Notably, players can’t try to raise the spell’s cost by removing your Wizards."
            "scryfallId": "59bf371a-164c-4db8-9207-197c2e7c3c10",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3fd21494-e83e-4d68-954f-84d0714642f1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2bd81743-84c8-43ec-86f5-68230036827b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162189,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "This spell costs {2} less to cast if you control a Wizard.\nWizard's Lightning deals 3 damage to any target.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "90c3c09f-7c2a-577f-86a0-0ca7a3c6cb39",
            "uuidV421": "0fc10802-a2b9-5b47-9473-3b228338a449"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The second mage learned to dissipate blasts of lightning. Threat and response: thus did the study of magic progress.\" —Naban, dean of iteration",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der zweite Magier lernte, den Blitz abzuwehren. Aktion und Reaktion: so wurden die Lehren der Magie vorangebracht.\" —Naban, Dekan der Iteration",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443232,
                    "name": "Replik des Zauberers",
                    "text": "Dieser Zauberspruch kostet beim Wirken {1} weniger, falls du einen Zauberer kontrollierst.\nNeutralisiere einen Zauberspruch deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"El segundo mago aprendió a disipar ráfagas de relámpagos. Amenaza y respuesta: así progresa el estudio de las competencias mágicas\". —Naban, decano de la iteración",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443501,
                    "name": "Respuesta del hechicero",
                    "text": "Te cuesta {1} menos lanzar este hechizo si controlas un Hechicero.\nContrarresta el hechizo objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Le deuxième mage apprit à dissiper les salves d'éclairs. Menace et réaction : ainsi progressa l'étude de la magie. » —Naban, doyen de l'itération",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443770,
                    "name": "Riposte de sorcier",
                    "text": "Ce sort coûte {1} de moins à lancer si vous contrôlez un sorcier.\nContrecarrez le sort ciblé.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il secondo stregone apprese a dissipare le saette dei fulmini. Minaccia e risposta: fu così che progredì lo studio della magia.\" —Naban, decano dell'iterazione",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444039,
                    "name": "Rivalsa dello Stregone",
                    "text": "Questa magia costa {1} in meno per essere lanciata se controlli un Mago.\nNeutralizza una magia bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「もう一人の魔道士は稲妻破を霧消させることを学んだ。脅威と対応。これによって魔法の研究は進歩してきたのだ。」 ――反復の学部長、ナバン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444308,
                    "name": "魔術師の反駁",
                    "text": "あなたがウィザードをコントロールしているなら、この呪文を唱えるためのコストは{1}少なくなる。\n呪文1つを対象とし、それを打ち消す。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"두 번째 마법사는 천둥번개를 소멸시키는 법을 배웠다. 위협과 대응, 마법 연구는 그렇게 진전되어 온 것이지.\" —반복학과 학과장, 나반",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444577,
                    "name": "마법사의 반박",
                    "text": "당신이 마법사를 조종한다면 이 주문은 발동하는 데 {1}이 덜 든다.\n주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문을 무효화한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"O segundo mago aprendeu a dissipar relâmpagos. Ameaça e resposta: Assim progrediu o estudo da magia.\" — Naban, deão das iterações",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444846,
                    "name": "Contradita do Mago",
                    "text": "Esta mágica custa {1} a menos para ser conjurada se você controla um Mago.\nAnule a mágica alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Второй маг научился рассеивать разряды молний. Угроза и ответ на нее — вот так вот и шли исследования магии». — Набан, декан итераций",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445115,
                    "name": "Чародейский Отпор",
                    "text": "Разыгрывание этого заклинания стоит на {1} меньше, если вы контролируете Чародея.\nОтмените целевое заклинание.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「第二位法师学着驱散道道闪电。面对威胁作出回应:这就是魔法研究进步的路程。」 ~迭演院长奈班",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445384,
                    "name": "法师驳击",
                    "text": "如果你操控法术师,则此咒语减少{1}来施放。\n反击目标咒语。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「第二位法師學著驅散道道閃電。面對威脅作出回應:這就是魔法研究進步的路程。」 ~迭演院長奈班",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445653,
                    "name": "法師駁擊",
                    "text": "如果你操控魔法師,則此咒語減少{1}來施放。\n反擊目標咒語。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442963,
            "name": "Wizard's Retort",
            "number": "75",
            "originalText": "This spell costs {1} less to cast if you control a Wizard.\nCounter target spell.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Once you announce that you’re casting Wizard’s Retort, no player may take other actions until the spell’s been paid for. Notably, players can’t try to raise the spell’s cost by removing your Wizards."
            "scryfallId": "bae30b7d-9306-46ef-adea-c4057f59c9c1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d4fd1dff-401c-43ed-81ec-91b51a04dfef",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b828251c-86a9-454f-9852-d0876d0f5153",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162243,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "This spell costs {1} less to cast if you control a Wizard.\nCounter target spell.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a56df990-63b7-58e5-b2ee-ad0cfefc8245",
            "uuidV421": "67a0e446-532b-506f-84ba-f9c2806538e3"
            "artist": "Christine Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"They never found the body of young Josu, or that of his murderous sister.\" —\"The Fall of the House of Vess\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der Körper des jungen Josu wurde nie gefunden … und auch seine Schwester, die Mörderin, bleibt verschollen.\" —„Der Untergang des Hauses Vess\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443405,
                    "name": "Waldfriedhof",
                    "text": "Der Waldfriedhof kommt getappt ins Spiel, es sei denn, du kontrollierst einen Sumpf oder einen Wald.\n{T}: Erzeuge {B} oder {G}.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nunca encontraron el cuerpo del joven Josu ni el de su hermana fratricida\". —\"La caída de la casa Vess\"",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443674,
                    "name": "Cementerio boscoso",
                    "text": "El Cementerio boscoso entra al campo de batalla girado a menos que controles un Pantano o un Bosque.\n{T}: Agrega {B} o {G}.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "flavorText": "« Le corps du jeune Josu ne fut jamais retrouvé, et celui de sa meurtrière de sœur non plus. » —« La chute de la Maison Vess »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443943,
                    "name": "Cimetière des sylves",
                    "text": "Le Cimetière des sylves arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé à moins que vous ne contrôliez un marais ou une forêt.\n{T} : Ajoutez {B} ou {G}.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il corpo del giovane Josu non venne mai ritrovato, né quello della sorella omicida.\" —\"La Caduta della Casa dei Vess\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444212,
                    "name": "Cimitero Silvestre",
                    "text": "Il Cimitero Silvestre entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato a meno che tu non controlli una Palude o una Foresta.\n{T}: Aggiungi {B} o {G}.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "flavorText": "「結局、若きジョスの死体は見つからなかった。人殺しの妹もだ。」 ――「ヴェス家の没落」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444481,
                    "name": "森林の墓地",
                    "text": "森林の墓地は、あなたが沼か森をコントロールしていないかぎり、タップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{B}か{G}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "flavorText": "\"그들은 어린 조수의 시체도, 살인귀 누이의 시체도 찾지 못했다.\" —\"베스 가문의 몰락\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444750,
                    "name": "삼림 묘지",
                    "text": "삼림 묘지는 당신이 늪이나 숲을 조종하지 않으면 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {B} 또는 {G}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "flavorText": "\"Jamais se achou o corpo do jovem Josu, nem o de sua irmã homicida.\" — \"A Queda da Casa de Vess\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445019,
                    "name": "Cemitério da Floresta",
                    "text": "Cemitério da Floresta entra no campo de batalha virado, a menos que você controle um Pântano ou uma Floresta.\n{T}: Adicione {B} ou {G}.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "flavorText": "«Никто так и не нашел тел — ни юного Джозу, ни его душегубки-сестры». — «Падение дома Весс»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445288,
                    "name": "Лесное Кладбище",
                    "text": "Лесное Кладбище выходит на поле битвы повернутым, если под вашим контролем нет Болота или Леса.\n{T}: добавьте {B} или {G}.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "flavorText": "「他们从未找到英年霍苏的遗体,也未曾发现那位害命妹妹的踪迹。」 ~「维斯家族衰亡记」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445557,
                    "name": "林地墓园",
                    "text": "除非你操控沼泽或树林,否则林地墓园须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{B}或{G}。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "flavorText": "「他們從未找到英年霍蘇的遺體,也未曾發現那位害命妹妹的蹤跡。」 ~「維斯家族衰亡記」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445826,
                    "name": "林地墓園",
                    "text": "除非你操控沼澤或樹林,否則林地墓園須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{B}或{G}。",
                    "type": "地"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 443136,
            "name": "Woodland Cemetery",
            "number": "248",
            "originalText": "Woodland Cemetery enters the battlefield tapped unless you control a Swamp or a Forest.\n{T}: Add {B} or {G}.",
            "originalType": "Land",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "ba05cf47-9823-41f9-b893-321ea89e473e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "064e9e91-b862-45f2-9781-04db36ed4101",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c9fe1383-1331-4a58-a45a-3320250221a9",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162123,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Woodland Cemetery enters the battlefield tapped unless you control a Swamp or a Forest.\n{T}: Add {B} or {G}.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1268cb01-0d55-5746-ab4f-bd93f48b2d65",
            "uuidV421": "a4f2e942-be3e-54e2-85f5-e2a89b0d5d0d"
            "artist": "Jehan Choo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "When Belzenlok's lieutenant Yar-Kul grew too ambitious, the Demonlord transformed him into a maggot. The frog that ate the maggot grew and grew, until a ravenous spirit burst from its body.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Als Belzenloks Leutnant Yar-Kul etwas zu ehrgeizig wurde, verwandelte ihn der Dämonenfürst in eine Made. Der Frosch, der diese Made fraß, wuchs und wuchs, bis ein unersättlicher Geist zu Tage trat.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443270,
                    "name": "Yargle, Gierschlund von Urborg",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Frosch, Geist"
                    "flavorText": "Cuando el teniente de Belzenlok, Yar-Kul, se volvió demasiado ambicioso, el señor demonio lo transformó en una larva. La rana que se comió la larva creció y creció hasta que reventó y un espíritu voraz emergió de su cuerpo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443539,
                    "name": "Yargle, insaciable de Urborg",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Espíritu rana"
                    "flavorText": "Quand Yar-Kul, le lieutenant de Belzenlok, se montra trop ambitieux, le Seigneur démon le transforma en larve. Celle-ci fut mangée par une grenouille, qui grossit encore et encore, jusqu'à ce qu'un esprit vorace ne fasse éclater son corps.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443808,
                    "name": "Yargle, glouton d'Urborg",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : grenouille et esprit"
                    "flavorText": "Quando Yar-Kul, tenente di Belzenlok, divenne troppo ambizioso, il Signore dei Demoni lo trasformò in una larva. La rana che la inghiottì crebbe a dismisura, finché dal suo corpo esplose uno spirito famelico.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444077,
                    "name": "Yargle, Ingordo di Urborg",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Spirito Rana"
                    "flavorText": "ベルゼンロックの副官ヤー=クールが大き過ぎる野心を抱くようになったので、悪魔王は彼を蛆に変えた。その蛆を食べた蛙はどんどん大きくなり続け、ついに体が爆発して貪欲な魂が抜け出すまで止まらなかった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444346,
                    "name": "アーボーグの暴食、ヤーグル",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — カエル・スピリット"
                    "flavorText": "벨젠로크의 부관 야르-쿨의 야심이 지나치게 커지자, 악마군주는 그를 구더기로 만들어버렸다. 그 구더기를 먹은 개구리는 계속 성장했고, 나중에는 게걸스러운 영혼이 그 몸에서 튀어나왔다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444615,
                    "name": "우르보그의 대식가, 야르글",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 개구리 신령"
                    "flavorText": "Quando o tenente de Belzenlok, Yar-Kul, tornou-se ambicioso demais, o Senhor Demônio o transformou em uma larva. O sapo que comeu aquela larva cresceu e cresceu, até um espírito voraz irromper de seu corpo.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444884,
                    "name": "Yargle, Glutão de Urborg",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Sapo Espírito"
                    "flavorText": "Когда подручный Бельзенлока по имени Яр-Кул стал слишком честолюбивым, Демон-Владыка превратил его в червяка. Червяка съела лягушка и стала расти — расти до тех пор, пока из ее туши не вырвался прожорливый дух.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445153,
                    "name": "Яргуль, Обжора Урборга",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Лягушка Дух"
                    "flavorText": "贝赞洛的副手雅库开始展露野心,恶魔领主便把他变成一条蛆虫。有只青蛙吞下了这条蛆虫后不断变大,最终贪食的精怪从其体内破膛而出。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445422,
                    "name": "乌尔博格吞蛙雅骨尔",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~蛙/精怪"
                    "flavorText": "貝贊洛的副手雅庫開始展露野心,惡魔領主便把他變成一條蛆蟲。有隻青蛙吞下了這條蛆蟲後不斷變大,最終貪食的精靈從其體內破膛而出。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445691,
                    "name": "烏爾博格吞蛙雅骨爾",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~蛙/精靈"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{B}",
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            "name": "Yargle, Glutton of Urborg",
            "number": "113",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Frog Spirit",
            "power": "9",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "645cfc1b-76f2-4823-9fb0-03cb009f8b32",
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            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164756,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
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            "type": "Legendary Creature — Frog Spirit",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c6d9bf9d-89f4-5ac2-9a9d-a178be683c87",
            "uuidV421": "29ff52c3-5867-5c28-9d7f-a1ff1b11377f"
            "artist": "Christine Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"When their community grows cluttered, thallids begin a traditional bobbing dance, then trek out in all directions.\" — Sarpadian Empires, vol. III",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Sobald sich zu viele Thallide auf einem Haufen befinden, vollführen sie einen Hüpftanz und schwärmen dann in alle Richtungen aus.\" —Sarpadische Reiche, Band III",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443346,
                    "name": "Yavimaya-Sporenhirte",
                    "text": "Wenn der Yavimaya-Sporenhirte ins Spiel kommt, erzeuge einen 1/1 grünen Saproling-Kreaturenspielstein.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Pilzwesen"
                    "flavorText": "\"Cuando su comunidad se les queda pequeña, los tálidos ejecutan una especie de danza tradicional en la que dan saltos y después emigran en todas las direcciones\". Imperios sarpadianos, Vol. III",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443615,
                    "name": "Sapropastor de Yavimaya",
                    "text": "Cuando el Sapropastor de Yavimaya entre al campo de batalla, crea una ficha de criatura Saprolín verde 1/1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hongo"
                    "flavorText": "« Quand leur communauté est saturée, les thallidés entament une danse traditionnelle, puis se dispersent dans toutes les directions. » —Les Empires sarpadiens, Vol. III",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443884,
                    "name": "Saproberger de la Yavimaya",
                    "text": "Quand le Saproberger de la Yavimaya arrive sur le champ de bataille, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 verte Saprobionte.",
                    "type": "Créature : fongus"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quando la loro comunità si fa troppo affollata, i thallid iniziano una tradizionale danza ritmata, poi si disperdono in tutte le direzioni.\" —Imperi di Sarpadia, Vol. III",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444153,
                    "name": "Fitopastore di Yavimaya",
                    "text": "Quando il Fitopastore di Yavimaya entra nel campo di battaglia, crea una pedina creatura Saprolingio 1/1 verde.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Fungus"
                    "flavorText": "「サリッドの群落が大きく雑然となってくると、彼らは伝統的なダンスを踊り始めると四方八方に旅立っていく。」 ――サーペイディア諸帝国史、第三巻",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444422,
                    "name": "ヤヴィマヤの苗飼い",
                    "text": "ヤヴィマヤの苗飼いが戦場に出たとき、緑の1/1の苗木・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ファンガス"
                    "flavorText": "\"그들의 공동체가 어수선하게 변할 때, 탈리드는 전통적인 춤을 춘 다음, 모든 방향으로 흩어진다.\" —사르파디아 제국사, vol. III",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444691,
                    "name": "야비마야 묘목몰이",
                    "text": "야비마야 묘목몰이가 전장에 들어올 때, 1/1 녹색 묘목 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 진균"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quando a comunidade fica congestionada, as talídias começam uma dança tradicional sacolejante e se dispersam em todas as direções.\" — Impérios Sarpadianos, Vol. III",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444960,
                    "name": "Saprastor de Yavimaya",
                    "text": "Quando Saprastor de Yavimaya entrar no campo de batalha, crie uma ficha de criatura verde 1/1 do tipo Saprófita.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fungo"
                    "flavorText": "«Когда в сообществе таллидов становится слишком тесно, они начинают традиционный качающийся танец, а потом расходятся в разных направлениях». — «Сарпадианские Империи, том III»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445229,
                    "name": "Явимайский Грибопас",
                    "text": "Когда Явимайский Грибопас выходит на поле битвы, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 зеленый Сапролинг.",
                    "type": "Существо — Плесень"
                    "flavorText": "「一旦其群落变得拥挤,散绿菌便会依传统摇摆起舞,随后就四散远行。」 ~《撒尔帕汀帝国》,卷三",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445498,
                    "name": "亚维马雅牧腐菌",
                    "text": "当亚维马雅牧腐菌进战场时,派出一个1/1绿色腐生物衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌"
                    "flavorText": "「一旦其群落變得擁擠,散綠菌便會依傳統搖擺起舞,隨後就四散遠行。」 ~《撒爾帕汀帝國》,卷三",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445767,
                    "name": "亞維馬雅牧腐菌",
                    "text": "當亞維馬雅牧腐菌進戰場時,派出一個1/1綠色腐生物衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 443077,
            "name": "Yavimaya Sapherd",
            "names": [],
            "number": "189",
            "originalText": "When Yavimaya Sapherd enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Fungus",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
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            "scryfallOracleId": "42a1954f-774e-4d80-98b3-a736f23e2060",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164718,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Yavimaya Sapherd enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Fungus",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2db35777-9857-5892-a0cb-be66ad921088",
            "uuidV421": "83aa232f-aee7-5962-aab4-0d2d0940c5bf"
            "artist": "Noah Bradley",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Centuries ago, a mad god offered a simple trade.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Vor vielen Jahrhunderten bot ein verrückter Gott einen simplen Handel an.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443271,
                    "name": "Yawgmoths abscheuliches Angebot",
                    "text": "(Legendäre Hexereien kannst du nur wirken, falls du eine legendäre Kreatur oder einen legendären Planeswalker kontrollierst.)\nBringe bis zu eine Kreaturen- oder Planeswalkerkarte deiner Wahl aus einem Friedhof unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel. Zerstöre bis zu eine Kreatur oder einen Planeswalker deiner Wahl. Schicke Yawgmoths abscheuliches Angebot ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Hace siglos, un dios loco ofreció un intercambio sencillo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443540,
                    "name": "Ofrenda vil de Yawgmoth",
                    "text": "(Solo puedes lanzar un conjuro legendario si controlas una criatura o planeswalker legendario.)\nPon en el campo de batalla bajo tu control hasta una carta de criatura o planeswalker objetivo de un cementerio. Destruye hasta una criatura o planeswalker objetivo. Exilia la Ofrenda vil de Yawgmoth.",
                    "type": "Conjuro legendario"
                    "flavorText": "Il y a des siècles, un dieu fou offrit un simple échange.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443809,
                    "name": "Offrande abjecte de Yaugzebul",
                    "text": "(Vous ne pouvez lancer un rituel légendaire que si vous contrôlez une créature ou un planeswalker légendaire.)\nMettez sur le champ de bataille, sous votre contrôle, jusqu'à une carte de créature ou de planeswalker ciblée depuis un cimetière. Détruisez jusqu'à une créature ciblée ou un planeswalker ciblé. Exilez l'Offrande abjecte de Yaugzebul.",
                    "type": "Rituel légendaire"
                    "flavorText": "Secoli fa, un dio folle offrì un semplice scambio.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444078,
                    "name": "Offerta Ignobile di Yawgmoth",
                    "text": "(Puoi lanciare una stregoneria leggendaria solo se controlli una creatura o un planeswalker leggendari.)\nMetti sul campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo fino a una carta creatura o planeswalker bersaglio da un cimitero. Distruggi fino a una creatura o a un planeswalker bersaglio. Esilia l'Offerta Ignobile di Yawgmoth.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria Leggendaria"
                    "flavorText": "数世紀前、狂える神が単純な取引を提案した。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444347,
                    "name": "ヨーグモスの不義提案",
                    "text": "(伝説のソーサリーは、あなたが伝説のクリーチャーか伝説のプレインズウォーカーをコントロールしているときにのみ唱えられる。)\n墓地からクリーチャーかプレインズウォーカーであるカード最大1枚と、クリーチャーやプレインズウォーカー合わせて最大1体を対象とする。その前者をあなたのコントロール下で戦場に出す。その後者を破壊する。ヨーグモスの不義提案を追放する。",
                    "type": "伝説のソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "수 세기 전, 미치광이 신이 단순한 거래 하나를 제안했다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444616,
                    "name": "야그모스의 비열한 제물",
                    "text": "(당신이 전설적 생물이나 플레인즈워커를 조종할 때만 전설적 집중마법을 발동할 수 있다.)\n무덤에 있는 생물 또는 플레인즈워커 카드를 최대 한 장까지 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 당신의 조종하에 전장에 놓는다. 생물 또는 플레인즈워커를 최대 한 개까지 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 파괴한다. 야그모스의 비열한 제물을 추방한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Há muitos séculos, um deus insano ofereceu uma troca simples.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444885,
                    "name": "Oferenda Vil de Yawgmoth",
                    "text": "(Você só pode conjurar um feitiço lendário se controlar uma criatura lendária ou um planeswalker lendário.)\nColoque até um card de criatura ou planeswalker alvo de um cemitério no campo de batalha sob o seu controle. Destrua até uma criatura ou planeswalker alvo. Exile Oferenda Vil de Yawgmoth.",
                    "type": "Feitiço Lendário"
                    "flavorText": "Много веков назад безумный бог предложил простой обмен.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445154,
                    "name": "Жестокое Предложение Ягмота",
                    "text": "(Вы можете разыгрывать легендарное волшебство, только если контролируете легендарное существо или planeswalker-а.)\nПоложите не более одной целевой карты существа или planeswalker-а из кладбища на поле битвы под вашим контролем. Уничтожьте не более одного целевого существа или planeswalker-а. Изгоните Жестокое Предложение Ягмота.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "数世纪前,一位入魔神明发起了一笔简单交易。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445423,
                    "name": "约格莫夫的邪恶献祭",
                    "text": "(只能于你操控传奇生物或鹏洛客时施放传奇法术。)\n将至多一张目标生物或鹏洛客牌在你的操控下从坟墓场放进战场。消灭至多一个目标生物或鹏洛客。放逐约格莫夫的邪恶献祭。",
                    "type": "传奇法术"
                    "flavorText": "數世紀前,一位入魔神明發起了一筆簡單交易。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445692,
                    "name": "約格莫夫的邪惡獻祭",
                    "text": "(只能於你操控傳奇生物或鵬洛客時施放傳奇巫術。)\n將至多一張目標生物或鵬洛客牌在你的操控下從墳墓場放進戰場。消滅至多一個目標生物或鵬洛客。放逐約格莫夫的邪惡獻祭。",
                    "type": "傳奇巫術"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 443002,
            "name": "Yawgmoth's Vile Offering",
            "number": "114",
            "originalText": "(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)\nPut up to one target creature or planeswalker card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control. Destroy up to one target creature or planeswalker. Exile Yawgmoth's Vile Offering.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "You can’t cast a legendary sorcery unless you control a legendary creature or a legendary planeswalker. Once you begin to cast a legendary sorcery, losing control of your legendary creatures and planeswalkers won’t affect that spell."
                    "date": "2018-04-27",
                    "text": "Other than the casting restriction, the legendary supertype on a sorcery carries no additional rules. You may cast any number of legendary sorceries in a turn, and your deck may contain any number of legendary cards (but no more than four of any with the same name)."
            "scryfallId": "bf9794a7-caf5-40b9-8046-67823ff64a2c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e48633a4-a236-4c50-a0f6-028626c5a514",
            "scryfallOracleId": "740f9ab2-fc94-4abc-82b4-6b53116bf1a4",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 164230,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "(You may cast a legendary sorcery only if you control a legendary creature or planeswalker.)\nPut up to one target creature or planeswalker card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control. Destroy up to one target creature or planeswalker. Exile Yawgmoth's Vile Offering.",
            "type": "Legendary Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "45c06fea-72e8-5bd0-a64f-686518c08eba",
            "uuidV421": "ef1f77d7-1872-58d5-aece-69000a4090a1"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I do as I please, little mortal. Do go on about your wishes, though—they amuse me to no end.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich tue, was immer ich will, kleiner Sterblicher. Aber erzähl mir ruhig weiter von deinen Wünschen, sie amüsieren mich sehr.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443233,
                    "name": "Zahid, Dschinn aus der Lampe",
                    "text": "Du kannst {3}{U} bezahlen und ein ungetapptes Artefakt, das du kontrollierst, tappen, anstatt die Manakosten dieses Zauberspruchs zu bezahlen.\nFliegend",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Dschinn"
                    "flavorText": "\"Yo hago lo que quiero, insignificante mortal. Pero no dejes de hablarme de tus deseos: me divierten una barbaridad\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443502,
                    "name": "Zahid, djinn de la lámpara",
                    "text": "Puedes pagar {3}{U} y girar un artefacto enderezado que controlas en vez de pagar el coste de maná de este hechizo.\nVuela.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Djinn"
                    "flavorText": "« J'agis à ma guise, pauvre mortel. Mais continue avec tes souhaits, ils m'amusent au plus haut point. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443771,
                    "name": "Zahid, djinn de la lampe",
                    "text": "Vous pouvez payer {3}{U} et engager un artefact dégagé que vous contrôlez à la place de payer le coût de mana de ce sort.\nVol",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : djinn"
                    "flavorText": "\"Io faccio quello che mi pare, piccolo mortale. Ma continua pure con i tuoi desideri, li trovo immensamente divertenti.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444040,
                    "name": "Zahid, Genio della Lampada",
                    "text": "Puoi pagare {3}{U} e TAPpare un artefatto STAPpato che controlli invece di pagare il costo di mana di questa magia.\nVolare",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Genio"
                    "flavorText": "「わしは好きにやるのだ、小さき者よ。だが、お前の願いの話を続けるがよい。わしはそれが楽しみなのだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444309,
                    "name": "ランプのジン、ザヒード",
                    "text": "あなたは、この呪文のマナ・コストを支払うのではなく、{3}{U}を支払うとともにあなたがコントロールしていてアンタップ状態のアーティファクト1つをタップしてもよい。\n飛行",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — ジン"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 내가 하고 싶은 것을 한다, 필멸자여. 그래도 네 소원을 한 번 말해 보아라—그것들을 듣는 것은 한없이 즐거운 일이니.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444578,
                    "name": "램프의 지니, 자히드",
                    "text": "당신은 이 주문의 마나 비용을 지불하는 대신 {3}{U}를 지불하고 당신이 조종하는 언탭된 마법물체를 탭할 수 있다.\n비행",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 지니"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eu faço o que quero, débil mortal. Mas prossiga, faça seus desejos, não imagina o quanto eles me divertem.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 444847,
                    "name": "Zahid, Gênio da Lâmpada",
                    "text": "Você pode pagar {3}{U} e virar um artefato desvirado sob seu controle em vez de pagar o custo de mana desta mágica.\nVoar",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Gênio"
                    "flavorText": "«Я поступаю так, как угодно мне, о смертный. Но давай, говори свои желания — они меня забавляют».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445116,
                    "name": "Захид, Джинн из Лампы",
                    "text": "Вы можете заплатить {3}{U} и повернуть неповернутый артефакт под вашим контролем вместо оплаты мана-стоимости этого заклинания.\nПолет",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Джинн"
                    "flavorText": "「我行事全随己愿,渺小的凡人。不过你的愿望但说无妨~这能让我开心一下。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445385,
                    "name": "灯里的巨灵札希德",
                    "text": "你可以支付{3}{U}并横置一个由你操控且未横置的神器,而不支付此咒语的法术力费用。\n飞行",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~巨灵"
                    "flavorText": "「我行事全隨己願,渺小的凡人。不過你的願望但說無妨~這能讓我開心一下。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445654,
                    "name": "燈裡的巨靈札希德",
                    "text": "你可以支付{3}{U}並橫置一個由你操控且未橫置的神器,而不支付此咒語的魔法力費用。\n飛行",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~巨靈"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 442964,
            "name": "Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp",
            "number": "76",
            "originalText": "You may pay {3}{U} and tap an untapped artifact you control rather than pay this spell's mana cost.\nFlying",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Djinn",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "303ea0c1-cd97-4160-87df-646ad763f5fc",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8e4243b6-a7a4-40d1-bc01-8cc616ac0e57",
            "scryfallOracleId": "89b07037-64df-4e66-acd8-87d97df61e3a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162902,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "You may pay {3}{U} and tap an untapped artifact you control rather than pay this spell's mana cost.\nFlying",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Djinn",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "48d41b4b-df0f-5e41-9636-429e2e4b3cc2",
            "uuidV421": "322b14f6-d320-551a-9d0a-a83c2f7cc0db"
            "artist": "Chase Stone",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The wind whispers, 'come home,' but I cannot.\" — Teferi",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der Wind flüstert ‚Komm nach Hause', doch ich kann nicht.\" —Teferi",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 443406,
                    "name": "Zhalfirinische Leere",
                    "text": "Wenn die Zhalfirinische Leere ins Spiel kommt, wende Hellsicht 1 an. (Schaue dir die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst sie unter deine Bibliothek legen.)\n{T}: Erzeuge {C}.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "flavorText": "\"El viento susurra: 'Vuelve a casa'. Pero no puedo\". —Teferi",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 443675,
                    "name": "Vacío zhalfirino",
                    "text": "Cuando el Vacío zhalfirino entre al campo de batalla, adivina 1. (Mira la primera carta de tu biblioteca. Puedes poner esa carta en el fondo de tu biblioteca.)\n{T}: Agrega {C}.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "flavorText": "« Le vent murmure \"Rentre à la maison\", mais je ne peux pas. » —Téfeiri",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 443944,
                    "name": "Vide zhalfirin",
                    "text": "Quand le Vide zhalfirin arrive sur le champ de bataille, regard 1. (Regardez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez la mettre au-dessous de votre bibliothèque.)\n{T} : Ajoutez {C}.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il vento sussurra 'Torna a casa', ma non posso farlo.\" —Teferi",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 444213,
                    "name": "Vuoto di Zhalfir",
                    "text": "Quando il Vuoto di Zhalfir entra nel campo di battaglia, profetizza 1. (Guarda la prima carta del tuo grimorio. Puoi mettere quella carta in fondo al tuo grimorio.)\n{T}: Aggiungi {C}.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "flavorText": "「風は『故郷に帰ろう』とささやく。だが私には不可能だ。」 ――テフェリー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 444482,
                    "name": "ザルファーの虚空",
                    "text": "ザルファーの虚空が戦場に出たとき、占術1を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを見る。あなたはそのカードをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に置いてもよい。)\n{T}:{C}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "flavorText": "\"바람은 '집으로 오라'고 속삭이지만, 나는 그리할 수 없다.\" —테페리",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 444751,
                    "name": "잘피르의 공허",
                    "text": "잘피르의 공허가 전장에 들어올 때, 점술 1을 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 한 장을 본다. 당신은 그 카드를 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓을 수 있다.)\n{T}: {C}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "flavorText": "\"O vento sussurra: 'Volte para casa!', mas não posso.\" — Teferi",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 445020,
                    "name": "Vazio Zhalfiriano",
                    "text": "Quando Vazio Zhalfiriano entrar no campo de batalha, use vidência 1.\n(Olhe o card do topo de seu grimório. Você pode colocar aquele card no fundo de seu grimório.)\n{T}: Adicione {C}.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "flavorText": "«\"Возвращайся домой\", — шепчет мне ветер, но я не могу». — Тефери",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 445289,
                    "name": "Жалфирская Пустота",
                    "text": "Когда Жалфирская Пустота выходит на поле битвы, предскажите 1. (Посмотрите верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки. Вы можете положить ту карту в низ вашей библиотеки.)\n{T}: добавьте {C}.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "flavorText": "「风低唤着『回来吧』,我却无家可回。」 ~泰菲力",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 445558,
                    "name": "赛费尔虚境",
                    "text": "当赛费尔虚境进战场时,占卜1。(检视你牌库顶的牌。你可以将该牌置于你的牌库底。)\n{T}:加{C}。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "flavorText": "「風低喚著『回來吧』,我卻無家可回。」 ~泰菲力",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 445827,
                    "name": "賽費爾虛境",
                    "text": "當賽費爾虛境進戰場時,占卜1。(檢視你牌庫頂的牌。你可以將該牌置於你的牌庫底。)\n{T}:加{C}。",
                    "type": "地"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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                "standard": "Legal",
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            "multiverseId": 443137,
            "name": "Zhalfirin Void",
            "number": "249",
            "originalText": "When Zhalfirin Void enters the battlefield, scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)\n{T}: Add {C}.",
            "originalType": "Land",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
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            "scryfallId": "e03f41f3-7304-4b45-bc16-fa1ddcc5eff0",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "13aab4fc-4c89-45e6-8275-b074b00d0ee9",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 162903,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Zhalfirin Void enters the battlefield, scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)\n{T}: Add {C}.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b7a87544-9a1f-5bf5-aa03-14a67ab08d74",
            "uuidV421": "d538d0da-f8b0-5183-bacb-83bcb93eafb6"
    "code": "DOM",
    "isFoilOnly": false,
    "isOnlineOnly": false,
    "keyruneCode": "DOM",
    "mcmId": 1822,
    "mcmName": "Dominaria",
    "meta": {
        "date": "2019-03-31",
        "version": "4.3.2"
    "mtgoCode": "DAR",
    "name": "Dominaria",
    "releaseDate": "2018-04-27",
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            "type": "Token Creature — Cleric",
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            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
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            "layout": "normal",
            "name": "Construct",
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            "reverseRelated": [
                "Karn, Scion of Urza"
            "scryfallId": "c5eafa38-5333-4ef2-9661-08074c580a32",
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            "text": "This creature gets +1/+1 for each artifact you control.",
            "toughness": "0",
            "type": "Token Artifact Creature — Construct",
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            "artist": "Seb McKinnon",
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            "colorIdentity": [
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            "reverseRelated": [
                "Rite of Belzenlok"
            "scryfallId": "73b858b5-803b-4bcf-99d6-8c20c8b37f07",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "b3dc62be-b52c-4259-a285-abdf611649a7",
            "text": "Flying, trample\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice another creature. If you can't, this creature deals 6 damage to you.",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Token Creature — Demon",
            "uuid": "6d1e5de0-5587-5e51-b70f-0be70c6fe075"
            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
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            "name": "Elemental",
            "number": "8",
            "power": "3",
            "reverseRelated": [
                "Valduk, Keeper of the Flame"
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