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Test Coverage
    "baseSetSize": 259,
    "block": "Guilds of Ravnica",
    "boosterV3": [
            "mythic rare"
    "cards": [
            "artist": "Steve Prescott",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "The problem isn't the indrik's enthusiasm, it's Ravnica's lack of guardrails.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Nicht die Zuneigung des Indriks ist das Problem, sondern das Fehlen von Brüstungen in Ravnica.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453130,
                    "name": "Verschmustes Indrik",
                    "text": "Wenn das Verschmuste Indrik ins Spiel kommt, kannst du es gegen eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du nicht kontrollierst, kämpfen lassen. (Jede der Kreaturen fügt der anderen Schadenspunkte in Höhe ihrer Stärke zu.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bestie"
                    "flavorText": "El problema no es el entusiasmo del indrik, sino la falta de barandillas en Rávnica.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453389,
                    "name": "Indrik cariñoso",
                    "text": "Cuando el Indrik cariñoso entre al campo de batalla, puedes hacer que luche contra la criatura objetivo que no controlas. (Cada una hace una cantidad de daño igual a su fuerza a la otra.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "Le problème n'est pas l'enthousiasme des indriks, mais le manque de barrières de Ravnica.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453648,
                    "name": "Indrik affectueux",
                    "text": "Quand l'Indrik affectueux arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez faire qu'il se batte contre une créature ciblée que vous ne contrôlez pas. (Chacune inflige un nombre de blessures égal à sa force à l'autre.)",
                    "type": "Créature : bête"
                    "flavorText": "Il problema non è l'entusiasmo degli indrik, ma la mancanza di barriere di sicurezza di Ravnica.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453907,
                    "name": "Indrik Affettuoso",
                    "text": "Quando l'Indrik Affettuoso entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi farlo lottare con una creatura bersaglio che non controlli. (Ogni creatura infligge all'altra danno pari alla propria forza.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "「問題はインドリクの情熱ではない。ラヴニカに柵がないのがいけないのだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454166,
                    "name": "優しいインドリク",
                    "text": "優しいインドリクが戦場に出たとき、あなたがコントロールしていないクリーチャー1体を対象とする。あなたは「これはそれと格闘を行う。」を選んでもよい。(それぞれはもう一方に自身のパワーに等しい点数のダメージを与える。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ビースト"
                    "flavorText": "인드릭의 열정이 문제가 아니라, 라브니카에 보호 철책이 부족하다는 것이 문제다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454425,
                    "name": "다정한 인드릭",
                    "text": "다정한 인드릭이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 조종하지 않는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 당신은 다정한 인드릭이 그 생물과 싸우게 할 수 있다. (각 생물은 서로에게 각자의 공격력만큼 피해를 입힌다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 야수"
                    "flavorText": "O problema não é o entusiasmo do indrik, mas a falta de cercas em Ravnica.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454684,
                    "name": "Indrik Afetuoso",
                    "text": "Quando Indrik Afetuoso entra no campo de batalha, você pode fazer com que ele lute contra a criatura alvo que você não controla. (Cada uma causa à outra uma quantidade de dano igual ao próprio poder.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Besta"
                    "flavorText": "Проблема не в энтузиазме индрика, а в недостатке перил на высоких площадках Равники.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454943,
                    "name": "Любвеобильный Индрик",
                    "text": "Когда Любвеобильный Индрик выходит на поле битвы, вы можете заставить его драться с целевым существом не под вашим контролем. (Они наносят друг другу повреждения, равные своей силе.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Зверь"
                    "flavorText": "问题不在于巨犀兽的热情,在于拉尼卡缺少护栏。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455202,
                    "name": "热情巨犀兽",
                    "text": "当热情巨犀兽进战场时,你可以让它与目标不由你操控的生物互斗。(它们各向对方造成等同于本身力量的伤害。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~野兽"
                    "flavorText": "問題不在於巨犀獸的熱情,在於拉尼卡缺少護欄。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455461,
                    "name": "熱情巨犀獸",
                    "text": "當熱情巨犀獸進戰場時,你可以讓它與目標不由你操控的生物互鬥。(它們各向對方造成等同於本身力量的傷害。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~野獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452871,
            "name": "Affectionate Indrik",
            "number": "121",
            "originalText": "When Affectionate Indrik enters the battlefield, you may have it fight target creature you don't control. <i>(Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Beast",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You choose the target of the triggered ability as it goes on the stack, but you choose whether the creatures fight as that ability resolves."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target when Affectionate Indrik’s ability tries to resolve, the ability doesn’t resolve. If Affectionate Indrik is no longer on the battlefield, the target creature won’t deal or be dealt damage."
            "scryfallId": "b4c8ddc1-d95c-499f-b1d1-f608f8f07b02",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "005a5eae-3b13-4ba2-bf12-779df63efba0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "88aa032d-dc11-4cae-81f3-ce66353963e0",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176678,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Affectionate Indrik enters the battlefield, you may have it fight target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Beast",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "baf79fdc-9584-5d1d-a552-387e8e420f39",
            "uuidV421": "5595a806-fe7d-5485-84a3-6d3dd53246b4"
            "artist": "James Paick",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 9.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453131,
                    "name": "Arboretum-Elementarwesen",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nFluchsicher (Diese Kreatur kann nicht das Ziel von Zaubersprüchen oder Fähigkeiten sein, die deine Gegner kontrollieren.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elementarwesen"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453390,
                    "name": "Elemental de arboreto",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nAntimaleficio. (Esta criatura no puede ser objetivo de hechizos o habilidades que controlan tus oponentes.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453649,
                    "name": "Élemental arboretum",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nDéfense talismanique (Cette créature ne peut pas être la cible de sorts ou de capacités que vos adversaires contrôlent.)",
                    "type": "Créature : élémental"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453908,
                    "name": "Elementale dell'Arboreto",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nAnti-malocchio (Questa creatura non può essere bersaglio di magie o abilità controllate dai tuoi avversari.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Elementale"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454167,
                    "name": "樹木園の精霊",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\n呪禁(このクリーチャーは、対戦相手がコントロールしている呪文や能力の対象にならない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エレメンタル"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454426,
                    "name": "수목원 정령",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n방호 (이 생물은 상대가 조종하는 주문이나 능력의 목표로 정해질 수 없다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 정령"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454685,
                    "name": "Elemental do Arboreto",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nResistência a magia (Esta criatura não pode ser alvo de mágicas ou habilidades controladas por seus oponentes.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454944,
                    "name": "Элементаль Дендрария",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nПорчеустойчивость (Это существо не может быть целью заклинаний или способностей под контролем ваших оппонентов.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Элементаль"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455203,
                    "name": "示园元素",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n辟邪(此生物不能成为由对手操控之咒语或异能的目标。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455462,
                    "name": "示園元素",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n辟邪(此生物不能成為由對手操控之咒語或異能的目標。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{7}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452872,
            "name": "Arboretum Elemental",
            "number": "122",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>\nHexproof <i>(This creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elemental",
            "power": "7",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "6f4400bf-134b-4011-985d-eed4e5ba1de8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "29dcb261-ac25-4e38-a7da-2fd22b1b63a8",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1708d60d-30af-4184-bc95-2f7a7aed4a6e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176450,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of the creature's color.)\nHexproof (This creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Elemental",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "18cbcbf2-8d48-5f5f-82ba-09b6a58b83a3",
            "uuidV421": "4086d348-96b9-5c95-8f0b-ff29bdf6f0d1",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Slawomir Maniak",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Some storms never blow over.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Einige Stürme ziehen nie vorüber.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453100,
                    "name": "Lichtbogen-Phoenix",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Eile\nZu Beginn des Kampfes in deinem Zug und falls du in diesem Zug drei oder mehr Spontanzauber und/oder Hexereien gewirkt hast, bringe den Lichtbogen-Phoenix aus deinem Friedhof ins Spiel zurück.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Phoenix"
                    "flavorText": "Algunas tormentas nunca amainan.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453359,
                    "name": "Fénix arcobrillante",
                    "text": "Vuela, prisa.\nAl comienzo del combate en tu turno, si lanzaste tres o más hechizos de instantáneo y/o de conjuro este turno, regresa el Fénix arcobrillante de tu cementerio al campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fénix"
                    "flavorText": "Certains orages ne se dissipent jamais.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453618,
                    "name": "Phénix d'arc",
                    "text": "Vol, célérité\nAu début du combat pendant votre tour, si vous avez lancé au moins trois sorts d'éphémère et/ou de rituel ce tour-ci, renvoyez le Phénix d'arc sur le champ de bataille depuis votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Créature : phénix"
                    "flavorText": "Alcune tempeste non si placano mai.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453877,
                    "name": "Fenice dell'Arcolampo",
                    "text": "Volare, rapidità\nAll'inizio del combattimento nel tuo turno, se hai lanciato tre o più magie istantaneo e/o stregoneria in questo turno, rimetti sul campo di battaglia la Fenice dell'Arcolampo dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Fenice"
                    "flavorText": "吹き止まない嵐もある。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454136,
                    "name": "弧光のフェニックス",
                    "text": "飛行、速攻\nあなたのターンの戦闘の開始時に、このターンにあなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を3つ以上唱えていた場合、あなたの墓地から弧光のフェニックスを戦場に戻す。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — フェニックス"
                    "flavorText": "어떤 폭풍은 절대 사그라들지 않는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454395,
                    "name": "아크불빛 불사조",
                    "text": "비행, 신속\n당신의 턴 전투시작에, 당신이 이번 턴에 순간마법 및/또는 집중마법 주문을 세 개 이상 발동했다면, 당신의 무덤에서 아크불빛 불사조를 전장으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 불사조"
                    "flavorText": "Algumas tempestades jamais se acalmam.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454654,
                    "name": "Fênix Arco-lume",
                    "text": "Voar, ímpeto\nNo início do combate no seu turno, se você conjurou três ou mais mágicas instantâneas e/ou feitiços neste turno, devolva Fênix Arco-lume de seu cemitério para o campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fênix"
                    "flavorText": "Некоторые бури никогда не утихают.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454913,
                    "name": "Феникс Дуги Света",
                    "text": "Полет, Ускорение\nВ начале боя во время вашего хода, если вы разыграли не менее трех мгновенных заклинаний и (или) заклинаний волшебства в этом ходу, верните Феникса Дуги Света из вашего кладбища на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Существо — Феникс"
                    "flavorText": "某些风暴永不停歇。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455172,
                    "name": "弧光凤凰",
                    "text": "飞行,敏捷\n在你回合的战斗开始时,若你本回合中施放过三个或更多瞬间与法术咒语,则将弧光凤凰从你的坟墓场移回战场。",
                    "type": "生物 ~凤凰"
                    "flavorText": "某些風暴永不停歇。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455431,
                    "name": "弧光鳳凰",
                    "text": "飛行,敏捷\n在你回合的戰鬥開始時,若你本回合中施放過三個或更多瞬間與巫術咒語,則將弧光鳳凰從你的墳墓場移回戰場。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鳳凰"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452841,
            "name": "Arclight Phoenix",
            "number": "91",
            "originalText": "Flying, haste\nAt the beginning of combat on your turn, if you've cast three or more instant and sorcery spells this turn, return Arclight Phoenix from your graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Phoenix",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because the beginning of combat step is before attackers are declared, you can attack with Arclight Phoenix during the same combat it returns to the battlefield."
            "scryfallId": "787de9ce-02c5-4a17-a88b-d38e83dbeb0b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0aa75a78-f9fe-438a-b0a3-72c017e1d61d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a80ea391-54d1-4b61-95a3-f8deb4cbe842",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176685,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, haste\nAt the beginning of combat on your turn, if you've cast three or more instant and sorcery spells this turn, return Arclight Phoenix from your graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Phoenix",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "08b27673-d7f7-521a-bec1-8cd6f2b4f88d",
            "uuidV421": "314cb412-99ec-5440-bf07-46f86863b1f8"
            "artist": "Mike Bierek",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Dimir assassinations are choreographed like dance routines. Each challenge is anticipated and countered with graceful ease.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Mordanschläge der Dimir sind durchchoreografiert wie ein Tanz. Gegenwehr wird erwartet und mit eleganter Leichtigkeit gekontert.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453160,
                    "name": "Kunstvoller Gegenschlag",
                    "text": "Bestimme eines oder beides —\n• Tappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl.\n• Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält -2/-4 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Los asesinatos dimir están coreografiados como si fueran danzas. Cada dificultad se anticipa y contrarresta con una elegante facilidad.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453419,
                    "name": "Reducir con estilo",
                    "text": "Elige uno o ambos:\n• Gira la criatura objetivo.\n• La criatura objetivo obtiene -2/-4 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Les assassinats perpétrés par les Dimir sont chorégraphiés tels des danses. Chaque difficulté est anticipée et contrée avec grâce et facilité.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453678,
                    "name": "Descente artistique",
                    "text": "Choisissez l'un ou les deux —\n• Engagez la créature ciblée.\n• La créature ciblée gagne -2/-4 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Gli omicidi dei Dimir sono eseguiti secondo una coreografia simile a una danza. Ogni resistenza è prevista e neutralizzata con grazia e rapidità.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453937,
                    "name": "Atterramento Abile",
                    "text": "Scegli uno o entrambi —\n• TAPpa una creatura bersaglio.\n• Una creatura bersaglio prende -2/-4 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "ディミーアの暗殺はダンスの動きのように振り付けされている。一切の抵抗は織り込み済みであり、優美な所作で片付けられる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454196,
                    "name": "巧みな叩き伏せ",
                    "text": "以下から1つまたは両方を選ぶ。\n• クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。\n• クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは-2/-4の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "디미르 암살자들은 춤 동작같은 움직임을 연습한다. 모든 반항은 우아한 동작으로 대응되며 반격된다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454455,
                    "name": "예술적인 체포",
                    "text": "하나 혹은 둘 다를 선택한다 —\n• 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 탭한다.\n• 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 -2/-4를 받는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Os assassinatos dos Dimir são coreografados como números de dança. Cada desafio é previsto e superado com graciosa facilidade.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454714,
                    "name": "Derrubada Engenhosa",
                    "text": "Escolha um ou ambos —\n• Vire a criatura alvo.\n• A criatura alvo recebe -2/-4 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Димиры ставят свои убийства, как танцевальные представления. Каждое затруднение ожидается и преодолевается с грациозной легкостью.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454973,
                    "name": "Искусное Устранение",
                    "text": "Выберите одно или оба —\n• Поверните целевое существо.\n• Целевое существо получает -2/-4 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "底密尔的刺杀如同精心设计的舞蹈动作。完美预计到每一项挑战,并从容应对。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455232,
                    "name": "巧妙击倒",
                    "text": "选择一项或都选~\n•横置目标生物。\n•目标生物得-2/-4直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "底密爾的刺殺如同精心設計的舞蹈動作。完美預計到每一項挑戰,並從容應對。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455491,
                    "name": "巧妙擊倒",
                    "text": "選擇一項或都選~\n•橫置目標生物。\n•目標生物得-2/-4直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452901,
            "name": "Artful Takedown",
            "number": "151",
            "originalText": "Choose one or both —\n• Tap target creature.\n• Target creature gets -2/-4 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Artful Takedown’s two modes may each target the same creature, or they may target two different creatures."
            "scryfallId": "4c9e8f24-af62-4d13-bfed-a8b3294b64c3",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "776456bb-fc5a-42bd-8b5f-ff7beed532e4",
            "scryfallOracleId": "edc193bf-2987-4c7b-9cf3-69089ff13764",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176402,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Choose one or both —\n• Tap target creature.\n• Target creature gets -2/-4 until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6e3cbd60-2029-54c3-bd80-1af3e30462f3",
            "uuidV421": "c7c62ee7-3032-5b2f-8716-639a49ee6a96",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Seb McKinnon",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "A power vacuum for the Azorius. A keepsake for Vraska.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ein Machtvakuum für die Azorius. Ein Andenken für Vraska.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453161,
                    "name": "Trophäe der Meuchlerin",
                    "text": "Zerstöre eine bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert. Ihr Beherrscher kann seine Bibliothek nach einer Standardland-Karte durchsuchen, sie ins Spiel bringen und dann seine Bibliothek mischen.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Un vacío de poder para el Gremio Azorio. Un recuerdo para Vraska.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453420,
                    "name": "Trofeo de la asesina",
                    "text": "Destruye el permanente objetivo que controla un oponente. Su controlador puede buscar en su biblioteca una carta de tierra básica, ponerla en el campo de batalla y luego barajar su biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Un absorbeur de pouvoir pour les Azorius. Un souvenir pour Vraska.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453679,
                    "name": "Trophée de l'assassin",
                    "text": "Détruisez un permanent ciblé qu'un adversaire contrôle. Son contrôleur peut chercher dans sa bibliothèque une carte de terrain de base, la mettre sur le champ de bataille et mélanger ensuite sa bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Un vuoto di potere per gli Azorius, un souvenir per Vraska.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453938,
                    "name": "Trofeo dell'Assassina",
                    "text": "Distruggi un permanente bersaglio controllato da un avversario. Il suo controllore può passare in rassegna il suo grimorio per una carta terra base, metterla sul campo di battaglia, poi rimescolare il suo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "アゾリウスにとっては権力の空隙。ヴラスカにとっては記念の品。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454197,
                    "name": "暗殺者の戦利品",
                    "text": "対戦相手がコントロールしているパーマネント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。それのコントローラーは「自分のライブラリーから基本土地・カード1枚を探して戦場に出し、その後自分のライブラリーを切り直す。」を選んでもよい。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "아조리우스를 청소하기 위한 힘. 브라스카의 기념품.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454456,
                    "name": "암살자의 트로피",
                    "text": "상대가 조종하는 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물을 파괴한다. 그 지속물의 조종자는 자신의 서고에서 기본 대지 카드 한 장을 찾아 전장에 놓을 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 자신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Um vazio de poder para os Azorius. Uma lembrança para Vraska.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454715,
                    "name": "Troféu do Assassino",
                    "text": "Destrua a permanente alvo que um oponente controla. Seu controlador pode procurar um card de terreno básico, colocá-lo no campo de batalha e depois embaralhar o próprio grimório.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Кризис власти для Азориусов. Сувенир для Враски.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454974,
                    "name": "Трофей Убийцы",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевой перманент под контролем оппонента. Контролирующий его игрок может найти в своей библиотеке карту базовой земли, положить ее на поле битвы, затем перетасовать свою библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "俄佐立的权力真空。瓦丝卡的留念信物。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455233,
                    "name": "杀手留念",
                    "text": "消灭目标由对手操控的永久物。该永久物的操控者可以从其牌库中搜寻一张基本地牌,将它放进战场,然后将其牌库洗牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "俄佐立的權力真空。瓦絲卡的留念信物。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455492,
                    "name": "殺手留念",
                    "text": "消滅目標由對手操控的永久物。該永久物的操控者可以從其牌庫中搜尋一張基本地牌,將它放進戰場,然後將其牌庫洗牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452902,
            "name": "Assassin's Trophy",
            "number": "152",
            "originalText": "Destroy target permanent an opponent controls. Its controller may search their library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle their library.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target permanent is an illegal target by the time Assassin’s Trophy tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. No player searches their library."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target permanent is a legal target but isn’t destroyed, most likely because it has indestructible, its controller may search their library."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the permanent’s controller doesn’t search their library, they don’t shuffle their library."
            "scryfallId": "906b6e99-128f-4c11-8daf-16099d35b0d4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d9783e50-6f0a-47b2-a86e-f3c69d1613b7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ac10d218-f9a6-4058-9cda-a15ca1b0b7b5",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175575,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy target permanent an opponent controls. Its controller may search their library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle their library.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "cb2e190b-2424-5ed8-adfd-02cb06c9f642",
            "uuidV421": "43e35ec3-ceec-53c8-8dab-d532e96cb876",
            "watermark": "planeswalker"
            "artist": "Jason A. Engle",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 8.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 6.0,
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                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453230,
                    "name": "Versammeln",
                    "text": "Erzeuge drei 2/2 grüne und weiße Elf-Ritter-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Wachsamkeit.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453489,
                    "name": "Agrupar",
                    "text": "Crea tres fichas de criatura Caballero Elfo verdes y blancas 2/2 con la habilidad de vigilancia.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453748,
                    "name": "Association",
                    "text": "Créez trois jetons de créature 2/2 verte et blanche Elfe et Chevalier avec la vigilance.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454007,
                    "name": "Assemblea",
                    "text": "Crea tre pedine creatura Cavaliere Elfo 2/2 verdi e bianche con cautela.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454266,
                    "name": "確立",
                    "text": "警戒を持ち緑であり白である2/2のエルフ・騎士・クリーチャー・トークンを3体生成する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454525,
                    "name": "집결",
                    "text": "경계를 가진 2/2 녹색 및 백색 엘프 기사 생물 토큰 세 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454784,
                    "name": "Formar",
                    "text": "Crie três fichas de criatura verde e branca 2/2 do tipo Elfo Cavaleiro com vigilância.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455043,
                    "name": "Собрание",
                    "text": "Создайте три фишки существа 2/2 зеленый и белый Эльф Рыцарь с Бдительностью.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455302,
                    "name": "保全",
                    "text": "派出三个2/2,绿白双色,具警戒异能的妖精/骑士衍生生物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455561,
                    "name": "保全",
                    "text": "派出三個2/2,綠白雙色,具警戒異能的妖精/騎士衍生生物。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{4}{G}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452971,
            "name": "Assemble",
            "names": [
            "number": "221",
            "originalText": "Create three 2/2 green and white Elf Knight creature tokens with vigilance.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "ad454e7a-06c9-4694-ae68-7b1431e00077",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "087018b6-6355-4534-9a35-9336b4b7fccc",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176856,
            "text": "Create three 2/2 green and white Elf Knight creature tokens with vigilance.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "713759b5-1f92-5a38-af1d-875fe3ffc58c",
            "uuidV421": "bc03e5d2-c14f-5cb4-870e-1bd74e36d01e",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Jason A. Engle",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 8.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 2,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453230,
                    "name": "Versichern",
                    "text": "Lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. Die Kreatur erhält Unzerstörbarkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453489,
                    "name": "Asegurar",
                    "text": "Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura objetivo. Esa criatura gana la habilidad de indestructible hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453748,
                    "name": "Assurance",
                    "text": "Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur la créature ciblée. Cette créature acquiert l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454007,
                    "name": "Assicurare",
                    "text": "Metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura bersaglio. Quella creatura ha indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454266,
                    "name": "確証",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。ターン終了時まで、そのクリーチャーは破壊不能を得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454525,
                    "name": "확언",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 무적을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454784,
                    "name": "Fortalecer",
                    "text": "Coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura alvo. Aquela criatura ganha indestrutível até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455043,
                    "name": "Страховка",
                    "text": "Положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое существо. То существо получает Неразрушимость до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455302,
                    "name": "保佑",
                    "text": "在目标生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。该生物获得不灭异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455561,
                    "name": "保佑",
                    "text": "在目標生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。該生物獲得不滅異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
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            "legalities": {
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            "manaCost": "{G/W}{G/W}",
            "multiverseId": 452971,
            "name": "Assure",
            "names": [
            "number": "221",
            "originalText": "Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. That creature gains indestructible until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
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            "scryfallId": "ad454e7a-06c9-4694-ae68-7b1431e00077",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "43c5588b-11a8-465f-adc5-f5d5d7581813",
            "scryfallOracleId": "087018b6-6355-4534-9a35-9336b4b7fccc",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176856,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. That creature gains indestructible until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "81b3ecc1-e5e8-5f78-966b-cd99c0f2f80c",
            "uuidV421": "1d8895e7-1e8c-506a-890d-b2bdcf91c5dd",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "When the Erstwhile were unearthed from their tombs, they became a ready-made army for Vraska.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Als die Einstmaligen aus ihren Gruften stiegen, stand Vraska sofort eine fertige Armee zur Verfügung.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 455625,
                    "name": "Vraskas Dienerin",
                    "text": "Wenn Vraskas Dienerin stirbt und falls du einen Vraska-Planeswalker kontrollierst, erhältst du Lebenspunkte in Höhe der Stärke von Vraskas Dienerin dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zombie, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "Cuando los Arcaicos fueron desenterrados de sus tumbas, se convirtieron en el ejército perfecto para Vraska.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 455639,
                    "name": "Asistente de Vraska",
                    "text": "Cuando la Asistente de Vraska muera, si controlas un planeswalker Vraska, ganas una cantidad de vidas igual a la fuerza de la Asistente de Vraska.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado zombie"
                    "flavorText": "Lorsque les Naguères furent exhumés de leurs tombes, ils constituèrent une armée toute trouvée pour Vraska.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 455653,
                    "name": "Suivante de Vraska",
                    "text": "Quand la Suivante de Vraska meurt, si vous contrôlez un planeswalker Vraska, vous gagnez un nombre de points de vie égal à la force de la Suivante de Vraska.",
                    "type": "Créature : zombie et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "Quando gli Antecessori furono dissotterrati dalle loro tombe, divennero un esercito pronto a combattere per Vraska.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 455667,
                    "name": "Attendente di Vraska",
                    "text": "Quando l'Attendente di Vraska muore, se controlli un planeswalker Vraska, guadagni punti vita pari alla forza dell'Attendente di Vraska.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Zombie"
                    "flavorText": "墳墓から蘇った往時軍は、そのときからすでにヴラスカの軍隊だった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 455681,
                    "name": "ヴラスカの従者",
                    "text": "ヴラスカの従者が死亡したとき、あなたがヴラスカ・プレインズウォーカーをコントロールしている場合、あなたはヴラスカの従者のパワーに等しい点数のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゾンビ・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "망자의 군대가 그들의 무덤에서 되살아났을 때, 그들은 브라스카를 위해 사전에 예비된 군대가 되었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 455695,
                    "name": "브라스카의 수행원",
                    "text": "브라스카의 수행원이 죽을 때, 당신이 브라스카 플레인즈워커를 조종한다면, 당신은 브라스카의 수행원의 공격력만큼 생명점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 좀비 병사"
                    "flavorText": "Quando os Vetustos foram exumados de suas tumbas, tornaram-se um exército já pronto para Vraska.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 455709,
                    "name": "Ajudante de Vraska",
                    "text": "Quando Ajudante de Vraska morre, se você controla uma planeswalker Vraska, você ganha uma quantidade de pontos de vida igual ao poder de Ajudante de Vraska.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Zumbi Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "Когда Былые поднялись из своих могил, они стали готовой армией для Враски.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455723,
                    "name": "Служительница Враски",
                    "text": "Когда Служительница Враски умирает, если у вас под контролем есть planeswalker Враска, вы получаете количество жизней, равное силе Служительницы Враски.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зомби Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "故军从坟墓中破土而出后,立即成了瓦丝卡现成的军队。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455737,
                    "name": "瓦丝卡的随员",
                    "text": "当瓦丝卡的随员死去时,若你操控瓦丝卡鹏洛客,则你获得等同于瓦丝卡的随员之力量的生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~灵俑/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "故軍從墳墓中破土而出後,立即成了瓦絲卡現成的軍隊。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455751,
                    "name": "瓦絲卡的隨員",
                    "text": "當瓦絲卡的隨員死去時,若你操控瓦絲卡鵬洛客,則你獲得等同於瓦絲卡的隨員之力量的生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~殭屍/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 455611,
            "name": "Attendant of Vraska",
            "number": "271",
            "originalText": "When Attendant of Vraska dies, if you control a Vraska planeswalker, you gain life equal to Attendant of Vraska's power.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Zombie Soldier",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The amount of life gained is equal to Attendant of Vraska’s power as it last existed on the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If Attendant of Vraska’s power was negative, you don’t lose or gain life."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you don’t control a Vraska planeswalker as Attendant of Vraska’s triggered ability resolves, possibly because Vraska left the battlefield at the same time as Attendant of Vraska, you won’t gain life."
            "scryfallId": "7f4840f1-3db3-4ba6-b75b-bbd87251a3af",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "88b9e7b0-8402-4c8a-92b5-d137dc37c0cf",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9a639f82-24b6-4b54-8b9e-1fbc0f0094bf",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175566,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Attendant of Vraska dies, if you control a Vraska planeswalker, you gain life equal to Attendant of Vraska's power.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Zombie Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "17393703-2e9a-5e84-9898-c152c8a9294a",
            "uuidV421": "880feec7-7244-5fa2-8913-5ecb544881ac",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Chris Rahn",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453162,
                    "name": "Aurelia, Verfechterin des Rechts",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nMentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)\nBestimme zu Beginn des Kampfes in deinem Zug bis zu eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst. Bis zum Ende des Zuges erhält die Kreatur +2/+0 und verursacht Trampelschaden, falls sie rot ist, und erhält Wachsamkeit, falls sie weiß ist.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Engel"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453421,
                    "name": "Aurelia, parangón de la justicia",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nMentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)\nAl comienzo del combate en tu turno, elige hasta una criatura objetivo que controlas. Hasta el final del turno, esa criatura obtiene +2/+0, gana la habilidad de arrollar si es roja y gana la habilidad de vigilancia si es blanca.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Ángel"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453680,
                    "name": "Aurélia, archétype de justice",
                    "text": "Vol\nMentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)\nAu début du combat pendant votre tour, choisissez jusqu'à une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez. Jusqu'à la fin du tour, cette créature gagne +2/+0, acquiert le piétinement si elle est rouge, et acquiert la vigilance si elle est blanche.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : ange"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453939,
                    "name": "Aurelia, Esempio di Giustizia",
                    "text": "Volare\nMentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)\nAll'inizio del combattimento nel tuo turno, scegli fino a una creatura bersaglio che controlli. Fino alla fine del turno, quella creatura prende +2/+0, ha travolgere se è rossa e ha cautela se è bianca.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Angelo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454198,
                    "name": "正義の模範、オレリア",
                    "text": "飛行\n教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)\nあなたのターンの戦闘の開始時に、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー最大1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、そのクリーチャーは+2/+0の修整を受け、それが赤であるならトランプルを得て、それが白であるなら警戒を得る。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 天使"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454457,
                    "name": "정의의 모범, 아우렐리아",
                    "text": "비행\n지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)\n당신의 턴 전투 시작에, 당신이 조종하는 생물을 최대 한 개까지 목표로 정한다. 턴종료까지, 그 생물은 +2/+0을 받고, 적색이면 돌진을 얻으며, 백색이면 경계를 얻는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 천사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454716,
                    "name": "Aurélia, Exemplo da Justiça",
                    "text": "Voar\nMentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)\nNo início do combate no seu turno, escolha até uma criatura alvo que você controla. Até o final do turno, aquela criatura recebe +2/+0 e ganha atropelar, se for vermelha, e vigilância, se for branca.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Anjo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454975,
                    "name": "Аурелия, Образец Правосудия",
                    "text": "Полет\nНаставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)\nВ начале боя во время вашего хода выберите не более одного целевого существа под вашим контролем. До конца хода то существо получает +2/+0, Пробивной удар, если оно красное, и Бдительность, если оно белое.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Ангел"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455234,
                    "name": "正义模范欧瑞梨",
                    "text": "飞行\n训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)\n在你回合的战斗开始时,选择至多一个目标由你操控的生物。直到回合结束,该生物得+2/+0,且如果它是红色,则获得践踏异能,如果它是白色,则获得警戒异能。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~天使"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455493,
                    "name": "正義模範歐瑞梨",
                    "text": "飛行\n訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)\n在你回合的戰鬥開始時,選擇至多一個目標由你操控的生物。直到回合結束,該生物得+2/+0,且如果它是紅色,則獲得踐踏異能,如果它是白色,則獲得警戒異能。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~天使"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452903,
            "name": "Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice",
            "number": "153",
            "originalText": "Flying\nMentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>\nAt the beginning of combat on your turn, choose up to one target creature you control. Until end of turn, that creature gets +2/+0, gains trample if it's red, and gains vigilance if it's white.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Angel",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Aurelia’s last ability resolves before attackers are chosen."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The target creature gains trample and vigilance if it’s both red and white. It gets +2/+0 only once, even if it’s both red and white, and even if it’s neither red nor white."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Once Aurelia’s last ability has resolved, the creature keeps whatever bonuses it got from that ability even if its colors change."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mentor compares the power of the creature with mentor with that of the target creature at two different times: once as the triggered ability is put onto the stack, and once as the triggered ability resolves. If you wish to raise a creature’s power so its mentor ability can target a bigger creature, the last chance you have to do so is during the beginning of combat step."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature’s power is no longer less than the attacking creature’s power as the ability resolves, mentor doesn’t add a +1/+1 counter. For example, if two 3/3 creatures with mentor attack and both mentor triggers target the same 2/2 creature, the first to resolve puts a +1/+1 counter on it and the second does nothing."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the creature with mentor leaves the battlefield with mentor on the stack, use its power as that creature last existed on the battlefield to determine whether the target creature has less power."
            "scryfallId": "a8e9f4d2-bba5-4061-8ae7-a68b912f2c11",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "58dc1919-c754-41a9-b6e2-1e4c8148b3af",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2e1e0385-1537-4cb6-9d24-e4593d9a8f4a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176688,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nMentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)\nAt the beginning of combat on your turn, choose up to one target creature you control. Until end of turn, that creature gets +2/+0, gains trample if it's red, and gains vigilance if it's white.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Angel",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "27a99889-2e01-55ae-ac1d-cb8cb29878f1",
            "uuidV421": "768570a3-2bf8-5f6a-809d-4650ab0eae5b",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Filip Burburan",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Don't stop till your horns come out their back.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Halte erst an, wenn deine Hörner aus ihrem Rücken ragen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453101,
                    "name": "Brachialer Feldwebel",
                    "text": "Eile\nMentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Minotaurus, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"No pares hasta que tus cuernos le salgan por la espalda\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453360,
                    "name": "Sargento corneador",
                    "text": "Prisa.\nMentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado minotauro"
                    "flavorText": "« Ne t'arrête pas tant que tes cornes ne ressortent pas dans leur dos. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453619,
                    "name": "Sergent bousculeur",
                    "text": "Célérité\nMentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)",
                    "type": "Créature : minotaure et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non fermarti finché le tue corna non spuntano dalle loro schiene.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453878,
                    "name": "Sergente Irrompente",
                    "text": "Rapidità\nMentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Minotauro"
                    "flavorText": "「お前の角が相手の背中から飛び出すまで止まるな。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454137,
                    "name": "突発的な兵長",
                    "text": "速攻\n教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ミノタウルス・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"네 뿔이 그 녀석들의 등을 뚫고 나올 때까지 멈추지 마라.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454396,
                    "name": "들이미는 하사관",
                    "text": "신속\n지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 미노타우로스 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não pare até seus chifres saírem pelas costas deles.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454655,
                    "name": "Sargento Cambaleante",
                    "text": "Ímpeto\nMentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Minotauro Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Не останавливайся, пока твои рога не выйдут у врага из спины».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454914,
                    "name": "Бесцеремонный Сержант",
                    "text": "Ускорение\nНаставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Минотавр Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「在牛角戳穿他们之前不要停。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455173,
                    "name": "莽撞军士长",
                    "text": "敏捷\n训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~牛头怪/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「在牛角戳穿他們之前不要停。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455432,
                    "name": "莽撞軍士長",
                    "text": "敏捷\n訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~牛頭怪/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452842,
            "name": "Barging Sergeant",
            "number": "92",
            "originalText": "Haste\nMentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Minotaur Soldier",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mentor compares the power of the creature with mentor with that of the target creature at two different times: once as the triggered ability is put onto the stack, and once as the triggered ability resolves. If you wish to raise a creature’s power so its mentor ability can target a bigger creature, the last chance you have to do so is during the beginning of combat step."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature’s power is no longer less than the attacking creature’s power as the ability resolves, mentor doesn’t add a +1/+1 counter. For example, if two 3/3 creatures with mentor attack and both mentor triggers target the same 2/2 creature, the first to resolve puts a +1/+1 counter on it and the second does nothing."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the creature with mentor leaves the battlefield with mentor on the stack, use its power as that creature last existed on the battlefield to determine whether the target creature has less power."
            "scryfallId": "52a54ebc-008a-4180-a023-2e1d5318780c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "bef8c7b8-5f32-40b8-bd97-5d2520299541",
            "scryfallOracleId": "af422a4b-087c-4753-9288-c31fb3457740",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175181,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Haste\nMentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Minotaur Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7aeab277-ac54-52f1-a7ba-2b1cd011e8ac",
            "uuidV421": "455a9087-a6af-511b-ad52-8d47c929dd5c",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Vincent Proce",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "The Dimir rarely make statements, but when they do, the message is clear.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Dimir geben kaum Erklärungen ab, doch wenn sie es tun, dann ist die Botschaft unmissverständlich.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453070,
                    "name": "Knochenbarriere",
                    "text": "Verteidiger\nWenn die Knochenbarriere ins Spiel kommt, wende Überwachen 1 an. (Schaue dir die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst sie auf deinen Friedhof legen.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Skelett, Mauer"
                    "flavorText": "Los dimir pocas veces se pronuncian, pero cuando lo hacen, dejan claro su mensaje.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453329,
                    "name": "Barrera de huesos",
                    "text": "Defensor.\nCuando la Barrera de huesos entre al campo de batalla, escruta 1. (Mira la primera carta de tu biblioteca. Puedes poner esa carta en tu cementerio.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Muro esqueleto"
                    "flavorText": "Les Dimir font rarement des déclarations, mais quand ils le font, le message est clair.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453588,
                    "name": "Barrière d'os",
                    "text": "Défenseur\nQuand la Barrière d'os arrive sur le champ de bataille, surveillez 1. (Regardez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez mettre cette carte dans votre cimetière.)",
                    "type": "Créature : squelette et mur"
                    "flavorText": "Di rado i Dimir rilasciano dichiarazioni, ma quando lo fanno, il messaggio è inequivocabile.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453847,
                    "name": "Barriera d'Ossa",
                    "text": "Difensore\nQuando la Barriera d'Ossa entra nel campo di battaglia, sorveglia 1. (Guarda la prima carta del tuo grimorio. Puoi metterla nel tuo cimitero.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Muro Scheletro"
                    "flavorText": "ディミーアが見解を述べることは稀である。だが述べるときには、その内容は明白だ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454106,
                    "name": "骨の障壁",
                    "text": "防衛\n骨の障壁が戦場に出たとき、諜報1を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを見る。あなたはそのカードをあなたの墓地に置いてもよい。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スケルトン・壁"
                    "flavorText": "디미르는 성명서를 내놓는 일이 그다지 없지만, 그렇게 할 때에는 하려는 이야기가 분명하다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454365,
                    "name": "뼈의 방어막",
                    "text": "수비태세\n뼈의 방어막이 전장에 들어올 때, 감시 1을 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 한 장을 본다. 당신은 그 카드를 당신의 무덤에 넣을 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 해골 벽"
                    "flavorText": "Os Dimir raramente fazem declarações, mas quando o fazem, a mensagem é bem clara.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454624,
                    "name": "Muralha de Ossos",
                    "text": "Defensor\nQuando Muralha de Ossos entrar no campo de batalha, use vigiar 1. (Olhe o card do topo de seu grimório. Você pode colocar aquele card em seu cemitério.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esqueleto Barreira"
                    "flavorText": "Димиры редко делают заявления, но если уж делают, то их послание звучит громко и отчетливо.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454883,
                    "name": "Костяная Преграда",
                    "text": "Защитник\nКогда Костяная Преграда выходит на поле битвы, используйте Слежку 1. (Посмотрите верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки. Вы можете положить ту карту на ваше кладбище.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Скелет Стена"
                    "flavorText": "底密尔很少公开发声,可一旦如此,他们的信息便再明确不过。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455142,
                    "name": "尸骨屏障",
                    "text": "守军\n当尸骨屏障进战场时,刺探1。(检视你牌库顶的牌。你可以将该牌置入你的坟墓场。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~骷髅妖/墙"
                    "flavorText": "底密爾很少公開發聲,可一旦如此,他們的訊息便再明確不過。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455401,
                    "name": "屍骨屏障",
                    "text": "守軍\n當屍骨屏障進戰場時,刺探1。(檢視你牌庫頂的牌。你可以將該牌置入你的墳墓場。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~骷髏妖/牆"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452811,
            "name": "Barrier of Bones",
            "number": "61",
            "originalText": "Defender\nWhen Barrier of Bones enters the battlefield, surveil 1. <i>(Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card into your graveyard.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Skeleton Wall",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "28129aaf-aaff-47f4-8dd2-8c576c55052c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "86c0ec14-8166-4c25-87f9-3860f91d2735",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4f25b125-1ded-4a34-9ed1-e6ce087ec48d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176902,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender\nWhen Barrier of Bones enters the battlefield, surveil 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card into your graveyard.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Skeleton Wall",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a74be79b-5aaf-5638-b1b3-8374cbd3ad9d",
            "uuidV421": "8a67bb6a-1bbb-5d06-911b-a5955120f680",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Nils Hamm",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Bats are welcome to eat thousands of my pets. I have multitudes more that will ultimately eat the bats.\"\n—Izoni",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Fledermäuse dürfen gerne meine Haustiere fressen. Ich habe noch unzählige mehr und letztlich werden sie die Fledermäuse fressen.\"\n—Izoni",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453071,
                    "name": "Erkerturmfledermaus",
                    "text": "Fliegend",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Fledermaus"
                    "flavorText": "\"Los murciélagos pueden comerse miles de mis mascotas, si quieren. Tengo muchas más que acabarán comiéndoselos a ellos\".\n—Izoni",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453330,
                    "name": "Murciélagos del baluarte",
                    "text": "Vuela.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Murciélago"
                    "flavorText": "« Les chauves-souris peuvent venir manger des milliers de mes animaux. J'en ai tellement plus qu'ils finiront un jour par manger les chauves-souris. »\n—Izoni",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453589,
                    "name": "Chauves-souris des échauguettes",
                    "text": "Vol",
                    "type": "Créature : chauve-souris"
                    "flavorText": "\"I pipistrelli possono tranquillamente mangiare qualche migliaio dei miei tesorini. Ne ho altre moltitudini che finiranno per divorare i pipistrelli stessi.\"\n—Izoni",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453848,
                    "name": "Pipistrelli della Bertesca",
                    "text": "Volare",
                    "type": "Creatura — Pipistrello"
                    "flavorText": "「コウモリが私のペットを何千匹と食べてしまっても構いません。まだまだ無数にいるので、結局食べられるのはコウモリですから。」\n――アイゾーニ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454107,
                    "name": "張り出し櫓のコウモリ",
                    "text": "飛行",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — コウモリ"
                    "flavorText": "\"박쥐들이 내 애완동물들을 얼마든지 먹어치워도 된다. 내겐 그보다 훨씬 더 많은 아이들이 있고 그것들이 끝내 박쥐들을 먹어 버릴 테니.\"\n—아이조니",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454366,
                    "name": "망루 박쥐",
                    "text": "비행",
                    "type": "생물 — 박쥐"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os morcegos são bem-vindos. Podem vir e comer milhares dos meus bichinhos. Tenho incontáveis mais que no fim das contas comerão os morcegos.\"\n— Izoni",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454625,
                    "name": "Morcegos de Bartizan",
                    "text": "Voar",
                    "type": "Criatura — Morcego"
                    "flavorText": "«Моих питомцев летучие мыши могут жрать хоть тысячами. У меня их неисчислимо больше, и в конце концов это они сожрут летучих мышей».\n— Изони",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454884,
                    "name": "Сторожевые Нетопыри",
                    "text": "Полет",
                    "type": "Существо — Летучая_мышь"
                    "flavorText": "「蝙蝠大可畅食我那数以千计的宠物。我拥有的数量之大,终将吃掉蝙蝠。」\n~依佐妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455143,
                    "name": "顶塔蝙蝠",
                    "text": "飞行",
                    "type": "生物 ~蝙蝠"
                    "flavorText": "「蝙蝠大可暢食我那數以千計的寵物。我擁有的數量之大,終將吃掉蝙蝠。」\n~依佐妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455402,
                    "name": "頂塔蝙蝠",
                    "text": "飛行",
                    "type": "生物 ~蝙蝠"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
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            "name": "Bartizan Bats",
            "number": "62",
            "originalText": "Flying",
            "originalType": "Creature — Bat",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "210da4ad-d8c5-436b-b1a4-5233e8074a1b",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "6987d5d4-0ef6-4326-a590-678ac160fe56",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176905,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Bat",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0ea61f50-0f94-5ef8-a015-35b884626e56",
            "uuidV421": "2f6f32cf-3206-5c54-8c10-15ff289c1b34"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453163,
                    "name": "Signalturm-Blitz",
                    "text": "Der Signalturm-Blitz fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl Schaden in Höhe der Gesamtanzahl an Spontanzauber- und Hexerei-Karten zu, die du besitzt und die sich im Exil oder in deinem Friedhof befinden.\nKatalyse (Du kannst diese Karte aus deinem Friedhof wirken, indem du zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Kosten eine Karte abwirfst. Schicke sie danach ins Exil.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453422,
                    "name": "Rayo de la atalaya",
                    "text": "El Rayo de la atalaya hace una cantidad de daño a la criatura objetivo igual a la cantidad total de cartas de instantáneo y de conjuro en tu cementerio y en el exilio de las cuales eres propietario.\nRecargar. (Puedes lanzar esta carta desde tu cementerio descartando una carta además de pagar sus otros costes. Luego, exilia esta carta.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453681,
                    "name": "Éclair du flambeau",
                    "text": "L'Éclair du flambeau inflige à une créature ciblée un nombre de blessures égal au nombre total de cartes d'éphémère et de rituel que vous possédez en exil et dans votre cimetière.\nRelancez (Vous pouvez lancer cette carte depuis votre cimetière en vous défaussant d'une carte en plus de payer ses autres coûts. Puis exilez cette carte.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453940,
                    "name": "Saetta del Faro",
                    "text": "La Saetta del Faro infligge a una creatura bersaglio danno pari al numero totale di carte istantaneo e stregoneria che possiedi in esilio e nel tuo cimitero.\nCarica d'avvio (Puoi lanciare questa carta dal tuo cimitero scartando una carta oltre a pagare i suoi altri costi. Poi esilia questa carta.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454199,
                    "name": "標の稲妻",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。標の稲妻はそれに、追放領域かあなたの墓地にあり、あなたがオーナーであり、インスタントかソーサリーであるカードの枚数に等しい点数のダメージを与える。\n再活(あなたはあなたの墓地から、このカードを、これの他のコストの支払いに加えてカード1枚を捨てることで唱えてもよい。その後、このカードを追放する。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454458,
                    "name": "봉화의 번개",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 봉화의 번개는 그 생물에게 추방 영역과 당신의 무덤에 있는 당신이 소유한 순간마법과 집중마법 카드 수의 합만큼 피해를 입힌다.\n강제 시동 (당신은 이 카드의 다른 비용들을 지불하는 것에 추가로 카드를 한 장 버리는 것으로 이 카드를 당신의 무덤에서 발동할 수 있다. 그 후 이 카드를 추방한다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454717,
                    "name": "Raio do Farol",
                    "text": "Raio do Farol causa à criatura alvo dano igual ao número total de cards de mágica instantânea ou feitiço que você possui no exílio e em seu cemitério.\nRecarregar (Você pode conjurar este card de seu cemitério descartando um card além de pagar seus outros custos. Depois, exile este card.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454976,
                    "name": "Сигнальный Разряд",
                    "text": "Сигнальный Разряд наносит целевому существу повреждения, равные суммарному количеству принадлежащих вам карт мгновенных заклинаний и волшебства в изгнании и на вашем кладбище.\nИмпульс (Вы можете разыграть эту карту из вашего кладбища, сбросив карту в дополнение к оплате других ее стоимостей. Затем изгоните эту карту.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455235,
                    "name": "信标电击",
                    "text": "信标电击对目标生物造成伤害,其数量等同于放逐区中由你拥有之瞬间与法术牌数量和你坟墓场中这两类牌数量的加总。\n再起(你可以从你的坟墓场施放此牌,但必须支付其所需费用并额外弃一张牌。然后放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455494,
                    "name": "信標電擊",
                    "text": "信標電擊對目標生物造成傷害,其數量等同於放逐區中由你擁有之瞬間與巫術牌數量和你墳墓場中這兩類牌數量的加總。\n再起(你可以從你的墳墓場施放此牌,但必須支付其所需費用並額外棄一張牌。然後放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452904,
            "name": "Beacon Bolt",
            "number": "154",
            "originalText": "Beacon Bolt deals damage to target creature equal to the total number of instant and sorcery cards you own in exile and in your graveyard.\nJump-start <i>(You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Beacon Bolt is still on the stack while you count your instant and sorcery cards in your graveyard and in exile. It doesn’t count itself."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If any exiled cards you own are face down, they have no characteristics. If they’re normally instants or sorceries, they won’t be counted."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. For instance, you can cast a sorcery using jump-start only when you could normally cast a sorcery."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A spell cast using jump-start will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it’s countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect allows you to pay an alternative cost rather than a spell’s mana cost, you may pay that alternative cost when you jump-start a spell. You’ll still discard a card as an additional cost to cast it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card with jump-start is put into your graveyard during your turn, you’ll be able to cast it right away if it’s legal to do so, before an opponent can take any actions."
            "scryfallId": "39c9e4b5-364b-4c0b-bb47-266563a6abf2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c2ce83a1-ddba-429c-9f7b-7e02585ea99d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "884686dd-515c-4484-a324-e7d126903a42",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176857,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Beacon Bolt deals damage to target creature equal to the total number of instant and sorcery cards you own in exile and in your graveyard.\nJump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "34b50961-dd25-54b3-b0e2-1c8071189342",
            "uuidV421": "a8c05946-df2b-5b6d-adb8-e02faa453cc4",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "The Izzet love replicating results.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Izzet reproduzieren gerne ihre Ergebnisse.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453164,
                    "name": "Strahlspalter-Magier",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkst, der bzw. die nur den Strahlspalter-Magier als Ziel hat, und falls du mindestens eine andere Kreatur kontrollierst, die jener Zauberspruch als Ziel haben könnte, bestimme eine jener Kreaturen. Kopiere den Zauberspruch. Die Kopie hat die bestimmte Kreatur als Ziel.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vedalken, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "A los ízzet les encanta replicar resultados.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453423,
                    "name": "Mago duplicarrayos",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro que solo haga objetivo al Mago duplicarrayos, si controlas una o más otras criaturas a las que ese hechizo pudiera hacer objetivo, elige una de esas criaturas. Copia ese hechizo. La copia hace objetivo a la criatura elegida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero vedalken"
                    "flavorText": "La Ligue d'Izzet adore reproduire des résultats.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453682,
                    "name": "Mage fendeur de rayon",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel qui ne cible que le Mage fendeur de rayon, si vous contrôlez au moins une autre créature que ce sort pourrait cibler, choisissez une de ces créatures. Copiez ce sort. La copie cible la créature choisie.",
                    "type": "Créature : vedalken et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "Gli Izzet adorano riprodurre i risultati.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453941,
                    "name": "Mago del Raggio a Scissione",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo o stregoneria che bersaglia solo il Mago del Raggio a Scissione, se controlli una o più altre creature che potrebbero essere bersagliate da quella magia, scegli una di quelle creature. Copia quella magia. La copia bersaglia la creatura scelta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Vedalken"
                    "flavorText": "イゼット団は結果の再現を好む。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454200,
                    "name": "光線分割の魔道士",
                    "text": "あなたが光線分割の魔道士のみを対象としてインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、あなたがその呪文の対象にできる他のクリーチャーを1体以上コントロールしている場合、それらのクリーチャーのうち1体を選ぶ。その呪文をコピーする。そのコピーはその選ばれたクリーチャーを対象とする。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ヴィダルケン・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "이젯은 자가복제를 하는 결과에 애착을 가진다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454459,
                    "name": "광선분리자 마도사",
                    "text": "당신이 광선분리자 마도사만을 목표로 하는 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 당신이 그 주문이 목표로 할 수 있는 다른 생물을 한 개 이상 조종한다면, 그 생물들 중 한 개를 선택한다. 그 주문을 복사한다. 그 복사본은 선택된 생물을 목표로 한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 베달켄 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "Os Izzet adoram reproduzir resultados.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454718,
                    "name": "Mago Parte-raio",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjurar uma mágica instantânea ou feitiço que tenha apenas Mago Parte-raio como alvo, se você controlar uma ou mais outras criaturas que aquela mágica poderia ter como alvo, escolha uma daquelas criaturas. Copie aquela mágica. A cópia tem a criatura escolhida como alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vedalkeano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "Иззетам нравится воспроизводить результаты.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454977,
                    "name": "Маг-Расщепитель",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, целью которого является только Маг-Расщепитель, если под вашим контролем есть одно или несколько других существ, которые могли бы стать целью того заклинания, выберите одно их тех существ. Скопируйте то заклинание. Целью копии является выбранное существо.",
                    "type": "Существо — Ведалкен Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "伊捷喜欢复制结果。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455236,
                    "name": "分束法师",
                    "text": "每当你施放仅以分束法师为目标的瞬间或法术咒语时,若由你操控的其他生物中有能被该咒语指定为目标者,则从这类生物中选择一个。复制该咒语。该复制品以所选生物为目标。",
                    "type": "生物 ~维多肯/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "伊捷喜歡複製結果。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455495,
                    "name": "分束法師",
                    "text": "每當你施放僅以分束法師為目標的瞬間或巫術咒語時,若由你操控的其他生物中有能被該咒語指定為目標者,則從這類生物中選擇一個。複製該咒語。該複製品以所選生物為目標。",
                    "type": "生物 ~維多肯/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452905,
            "name": "Beamsplitter Mage",
            "number": "155",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell that targets only Beamsplitter Mage, if you control one or more other creatures that spell could target, choose one of those creatures. Copy that spell. The copy targets the chosen creature.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vedalken Wizard",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The ability triggers whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell that targets only Beamsplitter Mage and no other object or player, and only if you control another creature that spell could target. If you cast an instant or sorcery spell that has multiple targets and Beamsplitter Mage is chosen as the target in each instance, Beamsplitter Mage’s ability will trigger."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you don’t control another creature the spell could target as Beamsplitter Mage’s triggered ability resolves, you don’t copy that spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If Beamsplitter Mage leaves the battlefield or becomes an illegal target for the spell that caused its ability to trigger, that spell is still copied."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you copy a spell, you control the copy. It will resolve before the original spell does."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The copy is created on the stack, so it’s not cast. Abilities that trigger when a player casts a spell (like Beamsplitter Mage’s ability itself) won’t trigger."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied is modal (that is, it says “Choose one —” or the like), the copy will have the same mode. A different mode cannot be chosen."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied has an X whose value was determined as it was cast (like Selective Snare does), the copy has the same value of X."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The controller of a copy can’t choose to pay any alternative or additional costs for the copy. However, effects based on any alternative or additional costs that were paid for the original spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In some rare cases, the original spell can target another creature but the copy can’t (most likely because an effect modified the characteristics of the original spell on the stack and won’t modify the copy). If the copy can’t target the chosen creature, the copy isn’t created."
            "scryfallId": "8f1801f2-ea6e-4196-858e-2afc456cf6a0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b13691fa-5487-474c-879e-31c82f24bdf9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fa09e18c-e7cf-4f08-9cc4-324e36594063",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176859,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell that targets only Beamsplitter Mage, if you control one or more other creatures that spell could target, choose one of those creatures. Copy that spell. The copy targets the chosen creature.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Vedalken Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ddd15351-5302-5487-9449-ca54c19c4907",
            "uuidV421": "44ec9399-1e38-54c3-b518-7b3b90da47e7",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Matt Stewart",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The tiniest mouse speaks louder to me than all the festival crowds on Tin Street.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich verstehe die kleinste Maus deutlicher als all die Stimmen der Massen auf der Zinnstraße.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453132,
                    "name": "Bestienflüsterer",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen Kreaturenzauber wirkst, ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Druide"
                    "flavorText": "\"El ratoncillo más diminuto me habla más alto que todas las multitudes de la calle Hojalata\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453391,
                    "name": "Encantador de bestias",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo de criatura, roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Druida elfo"
                    "flavorText": "« Pour moi, la plus petite souris s'exprime plus clairement que tous les badauds du festival de la Rue d'étain. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453650,
                    "name": "Chuchoteur de bête",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort de créature, piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et druide"
                    "flavorText": "\"Alle mie orecchie, il topolino più minuscolo risuona più chiaro delle folle alla fiera di Via Latta.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453909,
                    "name": "Sussurratore delle Bestie",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia creatura, pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Druido Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "「ちっぽけなネズミでも、その声はブリキ通りの祭騒ぎよりも大きく聞こえる。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454168,
                    "name": "獣に囁く者",
                    "text": "あなたがクリーチャー・呪文を唱えるたび、カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・ドルイド"
                    "flavorText": "\"내겐 깡통 거리의 축제 인파 전부보다 작디 작은 쥐 한 마리의 소리가 더 크게 들려 온다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454427,
                    "name": "야수에게 속삭이는 자",
                    "text": "당신이 생물 주문을 발동할 때마다, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 드루이드"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ouço melhor um minúsculo camundongo do que toda a multidão do festival da Rua do Estanho.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454686,
                    "name": "Encantador de Feras",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjurar uma mágica de criatura, compre um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Druida"
                    "flavorText": "«Самая крохотная мышка говорит со мной громче, чем вся толпа гуляк на улице Жестянщиков».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454945,
                    "name": "Заклинатель Зверей",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете заклинание существа, возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Друид"
                    "flavorText": "「对我来说,再小的老鼠口中话语之声,都比整条锡街的喧闹狂欢来得响亮。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455204,
                    "name": "兽群语者",
                    "text": "每当你施放生物咒语时,抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/德鲁伊"
                    "flavorText": "「對我來說,再小的老鼠口中話語之聲,都比整條錫街的喧鬧狂歡來得響亮。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455463,
                    "name": "獸群語者",
                    "text": "每當你施放生物咒語時,抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/德魯伊"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452873,
            "name": "Beast Whisperer",
            "number": "123",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast a creature spell, draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Druid",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Beast Whisperer’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
            "scryfallId": "9da6f595-41b2-4e52-b15a-6ad18e4232c7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2c03d938-71fe-45ea-b2d7-e149ddd1bb52",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5da7eea8-bb9e-47ce-a554-8a1ee058bd7a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176426,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast a creature spell, draw a card.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Druid",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "70a9df30-3bbc-5302-a952-fee972d9200e",
            "uuidV421": "847a19b3-efa5-508f-ac9a-9584b6ce4870"
            "artist": "Zoltan Boros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Watch carefully. The gap between death and victory is thinner than your blade.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Sei auf der Hut. Der Grat zwischen Sieg und Tod ist schmaler als deine Klinge.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453010,
                    "name": "Klingen-Ausbilderin",
                    "text": "Mentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Fíjate bien. La línea que separa la muerte de la victoria es más fina que tu espada\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453269,
                    "name": "Instructora de filos",
                    "text": "Mentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Regardez bien. La différence entre la mort et la victoire est encore plus fine que votre lame. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453528,
                    "name": "Instructrice de lame",
                    "text": "Mentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Osservate con attenzione. La differenza tra la morte e la vittoria è più sottile del filo delle vostre lame.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453787,
                    "name": "Istruttrice delle Lame",
                    "text": "Mentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「よく見なさい。死と勝利の境目は、あなたの刃よりも薄いのよ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454046,
                    "name": "刃の教官",
                    "text": "教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"자세히 보아라. 죽음과 승리의 간극은 네 칼날보다 얇다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454305,
                    "name": "검술 지도관",
                    "text": "지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tome cuidado. A distância entre a morte e a vitória é menor que a espessura de sua lâmina.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454564,
                    "name": "Instrutora de Lâminas",
                    "text": "Mentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Смотри внимательно. Между смертью и победой расстояние меньше, чем длина твоего клинка».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454823,
                    "name": "Инструктор-Мечник",
                    "text": "Наставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「看仔细了。丧命与获胜之间的距离,比剑刃还窄。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455082,
                    "name": "舞剑教官",
                    "text": "训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「看仔細了。喪命與獲勝之間的距離,比劍刃還窄。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455341,
                    "name": "舞劍教官",
                    "text": "訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452751,
            "name": "Blade Instructor",
            "number": "1",
            "originalText": "Mentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mentor compares the power of the creature with mentor with that of the target creature at two different times: once as the triggered ability is put onto the stack, and once as the triggered ability resolves. If you wish to raise a creature’s power so its mentor ability can target a bigger creature, the last chance you have to do so is during the beginning of combat step."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature’s power is no longer less than the attacking creature’s power as the ability resolves, mentor doesn’t add a +1/+1 counter. For example, if two 3/3 creatures with mentor attack and both mentor triggers target the same 2/2 creature, the first to resolve puts a +1/+1 counter on it and the second does nothing."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the creature with mentor leaves the battlefield with mentor on the stack, use its power as that creature last existed on the battlefield to determine whether the target creature has less power."
            "scryfallId": "9b1c7f07-8d39-425b-8ae9-b3ab317cc0fe",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0ab28bfb-2c80-4588-81e9-26e04532bcbd",
            "scryfallOracleId": "77cff683-013c-4568-8ae0-f86ef0590fe1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175189,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Mentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a6eaddd5-7be0-52ab-9bf7-f943d33b3141",
            "uuidV421": "beab88bb-8e39-51f2-ac59-aef27c8ad909",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Livia Prima",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453072,
                    "name": "Blutagent",
                    "text": "Lebensverknüpfung\nWenn der Blutagent ins Spiel kommt, kannst du eine Karte deiner Wahl aus einem Friedhof ins Exil schicken.\nImmer wenn du Überwachen anwendest und falls der Blutagent sich in deinem Friedhof befindet, kannst du 3 Lebenspunkte bezahlen. Falls du dies tust, bringe den Blutagenten auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vampir, Assassine"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453331,
                    "name": "Ejecutor sangriento",
                    "text": "Vínculo vital.\nCuando el Ejecutor sangriento entre al campo de batalla, puedes exiliar la carta objetivo de un cementerio.\nSiempre que escrutes, si el Ejecutor sangriento está en tu cementerio, puedes pagar 3 vidas. Si lo haces, regresa el Ejecutor sangriento a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Asesino vampiro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453590,
                    "name": "Agent de sang",
                    "text": "Lien de vie\nQuand l'Agent de sang arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez exiler une carte ciblée depuis un cimetière.\nÀ chaque fois que vous surveillez, si l'Agent de sang est dans votre cimetière, vous pouvez payer 3 points de vie. Si vous faites ainsi, renvoyez l'Agent de sang dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Créature : vampire et assassin"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453849,
                    "name": "Agente Sanguinario",
                    "text": "Legame vitale\nQuando l'Agente Sanguinario entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi esiliare una carta bersaglio da un cimitero.\nOgniqualvolta sorvegli, se l'Agente Sanguinario è nel tuo cimitero, puoi pagare 3 punti vita. Se lo fai, riprendi in mano l'Agente Sanguinario.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Assassino Vampiro"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454108,
                    "name": "血の刺客",
                    "text": "絆魂\n血の刺客が戦場に出たとき、墓地からカード1枚を対象とする。あなたはそれを追放してもよい。\nあなたが諜報を行うたび、あなたの墓地に血の刺客がある場合、あなたは3点のライフを支払ってもよい。そうしたなら、血の刺客をあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 吸血鬼・暗殺者"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454367,
                    "name": "피의 첩보원",
                    "text": "생명연결\n피의 첩보원이 전장에 들어올 때, 무덤에 있는 카드 한 장을 목표로 정한다. 당신은 그 카드를 추방할 수 있다.\n당신이 감시할 때마다, 피의 첩보원이 당신의 무덤에 있다면, 당신은 생명 3점을 지불할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 피의 첩보원을 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 흡혈귀 암살자"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454626,
                    "name": "Agente Sanguinário",
                    "text": "Vínculo com a vida\nQuando Agente Sanguinário entra no campo de batalha, você pode exilar o card alvo de um cemitério.\nToda vez que você usar vigiar, se Agente Sanguinário estiver em seu cemitério, você pode pagar 3 pontos de vida, Se fizer isso, devolva Agente Sanguinário para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro Assassino"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454885,
                    "name": "Кровавый Агент",
                    "text": "Цепь жизни\nКогда Кровавый Агент выходит на поле битвы, вы можете изгнать целевую карту из кладбища.\nКаждый раз, когда вы используете Слежку, если Кровавый Агент у вас на кладбище, вы можете заплатить 3 жизни. Если вы это делаете, верните Кровавого Агента в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Существо — Вампир Убийца"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455144,
                    "name": "鲜血特务",
                    "text": "系命\n当鲜血特务进战场时,你可以将目标牌从坟墓场放逐。\n每当你刺探时,若鲜血特务在你的坟墓场,则你可以支付3点生命。若你如此作,则将鲜血特务移回你手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼/杀手"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455403,
                    "name": "鮮血特務",
                    "text": "繫命\n當鮮血特務進戰場時,你可以將目標牌從墳墓場放逐。\n每當你刺探時,若鮮血特務在你的墳墓場,則你可以支付3點生命。若你如此作,則將鮮血特務移回你手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼/殺手"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452813,
            "name": "Blood Operative",
            "number": "63",
            "originalText": "Lifelink\nWhen Blood Operative enters the battlefield, you may exile target card from a graveyard.\nWhenever you surveil, if Blood Operative is in your graveyard, you may pay 3 life. If you do, return Blood Operative to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vampire Assassin",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you surveil and put Blood Operative into your graveyard as you do so, its ability triggers once you’ve finished surveilling."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "No player may take actions between the time you choose to pay 3 life and the time you return Blood Operative to your hand."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you surveil” triggers after you’re done surveilling, even if you have fewer cards in your library than the number of cards you’re instructed to surveil. It even triggers if you have no cards in your library."
            "scryfallId": "000ac9e5-3c95-4e87-9424-109e2eea6b45",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a257fe8a-8cb2-4e64-9915-d11d066a1b46",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ef75da10-1b33-4066-bd42-1111b5a94f75",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176680,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Lifelink\nWhen Blood Operative enters the battlefield, you may exile target card from a graveyard.\nWhenever you surveil, if Blood Operative is in your graveyard, you may pay 3 life. If you do, return Blood Operative to your hand.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Vampire Assassin",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2d6a3249-a1bb-5890-ad9f-154459253b35",
            "uuidV421": "d2cc7eda-01bd-59e2-b444-8cd5271d9f16",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Kev Walker",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Not my first edition of *The Advokist and the Urchin*!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Nicht meine Erstausgabe von Der Advokist und das Straßenkind!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453102,
                    "name": "Buchverschlinger",
                    "text": "Verursacht Trampelschaden\nImmer wenn der Buchverschlinger einem Spieler Kampfschaden zufügt, kannst du alle Karten aus deiner Hand abwerfen. Falls du dies tust, ziehe entsprechend viele Karten.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bestie"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡No, mi primera edición de La abogada y la criatura no!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453361,
                    "name": "Devorador de libros",
                    "text": "Arrolla.\nSiempre que el Devorador de libros haga daño de combate a un jugador, puedes descartar todas las cartas en tu mano. Si lo haces, roba esa misma cantidad de cartas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "« Non ! Pas ma première édition de L'Avoquiste et le Galopin ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453620,
                    "name": "Dévoreur de livres",
                    "text": "Piétinement\nÀ chaque fois que le Dévoreur de livres inflige des blessures de combat à un joueur, vous pouvez vous défausser de toutes les cartes de votre main. Si vous faites ainsi, piochez autant de cartes.",
                    "type": "Créature : bête"
                    "flavorText": "\"Lascia stare la mia prima edizione de La fautrice e il teppista!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453879,
                    "name": "Divoratore di Libri",
                    "text": "Travolgere\nOgniqualvolta il Divoratore di Libri infligge danno da combattimento a un giocatore, puoi scartare tutte le carte nella tua mano. Se lo fai, pesca altrettante carte.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "「『弁護士と小僧』の初版本だけは勘弁してくれ!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454138,
                    "name": "本を貪るもの",
                    "text": "トランプル\n本を貪るものがプレイヤー1人に戦闘ダメージを与えるたび、あなたは手札のカードをすべて捨ててもよい。そうしたなら、その枚数に等しい枚数のカードを引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ビースト"
                    "flavorText": "\"마법변호사와 부랑아 초판만큼은 안돼!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454397,
                    "name": "책을 삼키는 자",
                    "text": "돌진\n책을 삼키는 자가 플레이어에게 전투피해를 입힐 때마다, 당신은 당신의 손에 있는 모든 카드를 버릴 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 버린 카드 장수만큼 카드를 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 야수"
                    "flavorText": "\"Minha primeira edição de O Advoquista e o Menino não!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454656,
                    "name": "Devorador de Livros",
                    "text": "Atropelar\nToda vez que Devorador de Livros causa dano de combate a um jogador, você pode descartar todos os cards de sua mão. Se fizer isso, compre aquela quantidade de cards.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Besta"
                    "flavorText": "«Только не первое издание \"Адвокистки и сорванца\"!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454915,
                    "name": "Книгожор",
                    "text": "Пробивной удар\nКаждый раз, когда Книгожор наносит боевые повреждения игроку, вы можете сбросить все карты в вашей руке. Если вы это делаете, возьмите такое же количество карт.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зверь"
                    "flavorText": "「放过我那本初版《倡议人和恼人鬼》!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455174,
                    "name": "噬书兽",
                    "text": "践踏\n每当噬书兽对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,你可以弃掉你的手牌。若你如此作,则抓等量的牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野兽"
                    "flavorText": "「放過我那本初版《倡議人和惱人鬼》!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455433,
                    "name": "噬書獸",
                    "text": "踐踏\n每當噬書獸對任一玩家造成戰鬥傷害時,你可以棄掉你的手牌。若你如此作,則抽等量的牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452843,
            "name": "Book Devourer",
            "number": "93",
            "originalText": "Trample\nWhenever Book Devourer deals combat damage to a player, you may discard all the cards in your hand. If you do, draw that many cards.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Beast",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "01dfe640-5bd2-4d0b-8977-887b2ed4c2dd",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3657d58e-7f56-45ff-80ae-aa53b41fd151",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fb6d24cb-4e79-4d0c-b32f-47d5f709de1b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176812,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Trample\nWhenever Book Devourer deals combat damage to a player, you may discard all the cards in your hand. If you do, draw that many cards.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Beast",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8fa9b57d-f8c1-5044-b35d-1e7daa32bcf7",
            "uuidV421": "5fcfdeab-baee-5a54-aa6b-5a34a29d14f6"
            "artist": "Gabor Szikszai",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Send your champion. I could use a light workout.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Schicke deinen Champion. Ich könnte ein leichtes Training gebrauchen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453165,
                    "name": "Boros-Herausforderer",
                    "text": "Mentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)\n{2}{R}{W}: Der Boros-Herausforderer erhält +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Envía a tu campeón. Me vendría bien un calentamiento\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453424,
                    "name": "Contendiente boros",
                    "text": "Mentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)\n{2}{R}{W}: El Contendiente boros obtiene +1/+1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Envoyez-moi votre champion. J'ai besoin de faire un peu d'exercice. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453683,
                    "name": "Défieur de Boros",
                    "text": "Mentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)\n{2}{R}{W} : Le Défieur de Boros gagne +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mandatemi il vostro campione. Oggi non voglio affaticarmi troppo.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453942,
                    "name": "Sfidante Boros",
                    "text": "Mentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)\n{2}{R}{W}: Lo Sfidante Boros prende +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「一番強い奴を連れてこい。ちょっとした肩慣らしにはなるかも知れん。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454201,
                    "name": "ボロスの挑戦者",
                    "text": "教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)\n{2}{R}{W}:ターン終了時まで、ボロスの挑戦者は+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"네 용사를 내보내라. 가벼운 운동은 되겠지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454460,
                    "name": "보로스 도전자",
                    "text": "지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)\n{2}{R}{W}: 보로스 도전자는 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mandem vir o campeão de vocês. Preciso me exercitar um pouco.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454719,
                    "name": "Desafiante Boros",
                    "text": "Mentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)\n{2}{R}{W}: Desafiante Boros recebe +1/+1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Давайте своего чемпиона. Мне не помешает немного размяться».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454978,
                    "name": "Поединщик Боросов",
                    "text": "Наставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)\n{2}{R}{W}: Поединщик Боросов получает +1/+1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「派你们的冠军过来。我正好要热热身。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455237,
                    "name": "波洛斯好斗者",
                    "text": "训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)\n{2}{R}{W}:波洛斯好斗者得+1/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「派你們的冠軍過來。我正好要熱熱身。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455496,
                    "name": "波洛斯好鬥者",
                    "text": "訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)\n{2}{R}{W}:波洛斯好鬥者得+1/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452906,
            "name": "Boros Challenger",
            "number": "156",
            "originalText": "Mentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>\n{2}{R}{W}: Boros Challenger gets +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mentor compares the power of the creature with mentor with that of the target creature at two different times: once as the triggered ability is put onto the stack, and once as the triggered ability resolves. If you wish to raise a creature’s power so its mentor ability can target a bigger creature, the last chance you have to do so is during the beginning of combat step."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature’s power is no longer less than the attacking creature’s power as the ability resolves, mentor doesn’t add a +1/+1 counter. For example, if two 3/3 creatures with mentor attack and both mentor triggers target the same 2/2 creature, the first to resolve puts a +1/+1 counter on it and the second does nothing."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the creature with mentor leaves the battlefield with mentor on the stack, use its power as that creature last existed on the battlefield to determine whether the target creature has less power."
            "scryfallId": "545f3a30-7984-4046-8a14-51bc9cbc3fe0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "924818e4-1261-492a-b6e3-bc3284663da4",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bc6b40b1-0d17-4dd2-bec9-f1653611dba3",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175172,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Mentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)\n{2}{R}{W}: Boros Challenger gets +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7c38f272-95d6-548f-aa08-2105c5ddda6b",
            "uuidV421": "b8f7abbd-adcb-5c19-b61e-52e1f62c7e62",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The more trust breaks down, the more we must throw open the front gates.\"\n—Aurelia",
            "foreignData": [],
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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            "multiverseId": 452993,
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            "number": "243",
            "originalText": "Boros Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {R} or {W}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176403,
            "text": "Boros Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {R} or {W}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7ced4696-bb06-5394-89e5-6437c9929939",
            "uuidV421": "a55bf752-2961-5d48-b407-326f0528998e",
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            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
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            "flavorText": "\"It is our duty to protect all those in need. But the other guilds have never shown themselves worthy of that protection.\"\n—Tajic",
            "foreignData": [],
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "number": "244",
            "originalText": "Boros Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {R} or {W}.",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176404,
            "text": "Boros Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {R} or {W}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "bad5a88f-1bf9-54e0-9e49-eb398c098d76",
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            "flavorText": "\"We pass these along to our fellow soldiers to recognize deeds of valor. It won't stay with you for long.\"\n—Alovnek, Boros guildmage",
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                    "flavorText": "„Wir geben diese Abzeichen an unsere Mitsoldaten weiter, als Anerkennung für geleistete Dienste. Dieses hier hatte schon viele Besitzer.\"\n—Alovnek, Boros-Gildenmagier",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453240,
                    "name": "Boros-Medaillon",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {R} oder {W}.\n{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}, {T}, opfere das Boros-Medaillon: Ziehe zwei Karten.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Los entregamos a nuestros compañeros soldados en reconocimiento a sus actos de valor. No estará contigo mucho tiempo\".\n—Alóvnek, mago del gremio boros",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453499,
                    "name": "Relicario boros",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {R} o {W}.\n{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}, {T}, sacrificar el Relicario boros: Roba dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« Nous les transmettons à nos soldats en reconnaissance d'actes de bravoure. Il ne restera pas longtemps en votre possession. »\n—Alovnek, ghildmage de Boros",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453758,
                    "name": "Médaillon de Boros",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {R} ou {W}.\n{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}, {T}, sacrifiez le Médaillon de Boros : Piochez deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"Li passiamo ai nostri commilitoni per premiare atti valorosi. Non resterà in mano tua a lungo.\"\n—Alovnek, mago della gilda Boros",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454017,
                    "name": "Medaglione Boros",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {R} o {W}.\n{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}, {T}, Sacrifica il Medaglione Boros: Pesca due carte.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「勇敢な行いの証として、仲間の兵士の間でこれを渡し合う。手元に長く留まることはない。」\n――ボロスのギルド魔道士、アラヴネク",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454276,
                    "name": "ボロスのロケット",
                    "text": "{T}:{R}か{W}を加える。\n{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}, {T}, ボロスのロケットを生け贄に捧げる:カードを2枚引く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"이것은 동료 병사들의 용맹한 행동을 기리기 위해 계속해서 전달되는 것이네. 자네가 오래 가지고 있지는 않을 거라네.\"\n—보로스 길드 마도사, 알로브넥",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454535,
                    "name": "보로스 로켓",
                    "text": "{T}: {R} 또는 {W}를 추가한다.\n{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}, {T}, 보로스 로켓을 희생한다: 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Passamos esses a nossos colegas de caserna em reconhecimento a feitos valorosos. Não vai ficar com você por muito tempo.\"\n— Alovnek, mago da guilda Boros",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454794,
                    "name": "Medalhão Boros",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {R} ou {W}.\n{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}, {T}, sacrifique Medalhão Boros: Compre dois cards.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Мы передаем их нашим солдатам в знак признания их героических подвигов. Надолго он у тебя не останется».\n— Аловнек, маг гильдии Боросов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455053,
                    "name": "Медальон Боросов",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {R} или {W}.\n{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}, {T}, пожертвуйте Медальон Боросов: возьмите две карты.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「坠饰会在同袍将士之间相传,当作英勇行为的褒奖。你不会一直留着它。」\n~波洛斯公会法师阿劳涅",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455312,
                    "name": "波洛斯坠饰",
                    "text": "{T}:加{R}或{W}。\n{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W},{T},牺牲波洛斯坠饰:抓两张牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「墜飾會在同袍將士之間相傳,當作英勇行為的褒獎。你不會一直留著它。」\n~波洛斯公會法師阿勞涅",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455571,
                    "name": "波洛斯墜飾",
                    "text": "{T}:加{R}或{W}。\n{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W},{T},犧牲波洛斯墜飾:抽兩張牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
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            "text": "{T}: Add {R} or {W}.\n{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}, {T}, Sacrifice Boros Locket: Draw two cards.",
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            "flavorText": "\"Lately I've seen the biggest bounties of my career—and for the biggest names.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Meine Einnahmen werden immer besser – und die Namen meiner Klienten immer bedeutender.\"",
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                    "name": "Kopfgeld-Agentin",
                    "text": "Wachsamkeit\n{T}, opfere die Kopfgeld-Agentin: Zerstöre eine legendäre bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die ein Artefakt, eine Kreatur oder eine Verzauberung ist.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Últimamente recibí las recompensas más grandes de mi carrera, todas por los más grandes nombres\".",
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                    "multiverseId": 453270,
                    "name": "Captora de recompensas",
                    "text": "Vigilancia.\n{T}, sacrificar a la Captora de recompensas: Destruye el permanente legendario objetivo que sea un artefacto, una criatura o un encantamiento.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Ces derniers temps, j'ai vu passer les plus grosses primes de ma carrière... pour les plus grands noms. »",
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                    "name": "Agente chasseuse de primes",
                    "text": "Vigilance\n{T}, sacrifiez l'Agente chasseuse de primes : Détruisez un permanent légendaire ciblé qui est un artefact, une créature ou un enchantement.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Di recente ho visto le taglie più ricche della mia carriera, tutte sulla testa dei nomi più in vista.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453788,
                    "name": "Agente Cacciataglie",
                    "text": "Cautela\n{T}, Sacrifica l'Agente Cacciataglie: Distruggi un permanente leggendario bersaglio che è un artefatto, una creatura o un incantesimo.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「最近、私の経歴でも最大の報奨を見てきたわ。最大の名声もね。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454047,
                    "name": "報奨密偵",
                    "text": "警戒\n{T}, 報奨密偵を生け贄に捧げる:アーティファクトかクリーチャーかエンチャントである伝説のパーマネント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"최근 내 경력을 통틀어 가장 크고 가장 유명한 사냥감을 보았어.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454306,
                    "name": "현상금 요원",
                    "text": "경계\n{T}, 현상금 요원을 희생한다: 마법물체, 생물 또는 부여마법인 전설적 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ultimamente tenho recebido as maiores ofertas de recompensa da minha carreira — pelos maiores nomes.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454565,
                    "name": "Agente de Recompensas",
                    "text": "Vigilância\n{T}, sacrifique Agente de Recompensas: Destrua a permanente lendária alvo que seja um artefato, uma criatura ou um encantamento.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«В последнее время мне предлагают самые большие гонорары за всю карьеру — и за самые большие имена».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454824,
                    "name": "Охотница за Наградами",
                    "text": "Бдительность\n{T}, пожертвуйте Охотницу за Наградами: уничтожьте целевой легендарный перманент, являющийся артефактом, существом или чарами.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「自从我干这行以来,从未见过最近这样如此高额的赏金~要的还全是大人物的命。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455083,
                    "name": "赏金密探",
                    "text": "警戒\n{T},牺牲赏金密探:消灭目标神器,生物或结界,且该永久物须为传奇。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「自從我幹這行以來,從未見過最近這樣如此高額的賞金~要的還全是大人物的命。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455342,
                    "name": "賞金密探",
                    "text": "警戒\n{T},犧牲賞金密探:消滅目標神器,生物或結界,且該永久物須為傳奇。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
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            "originalText": "Vigilance\n{T}, Sacrifice Bounty Agent: Destroy target legendary permanent that's an artifact, creature, or enchantment.",
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            "supertypes": [],
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            "text": "Vigilance\n{T}, Sacrifice Bounty Agent: Destroy target legendary permanent that's an artifact, creature, or enchantment.",
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            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
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            "flavorText": "\"I am the very soul of battle, but even I would never advise open war with the Conclave.\"\n—Aurelia",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich bin die ureigenste Seele des Kampfes, doch selbst ich würde nicht zum offenen Krieg gegen das Konklave raten.\"\n—Aurelia",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Fülle an Kraft",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +3/+3 bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nEine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +3/+3 bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nEine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +3/+3 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Soy el alma misma de la batalla, pero ni siquiera yo recomendaría una guerra abierta contra el Cónclave\".\n—Aurelia",
                    "language": "Spanish",
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                    "name": "Recompensa de poder",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +3/+3 hasta el final del turno.\nLa criatura objetivo obtiene +3/+3 hasta el final del turno.\nLa criatura objetivo obtiene +3/+3 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Je suis l'incarnation du combat, mais je ne conseillerais jamais une guerre ouverte avec le Conclave. »\n—Aurélia",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453651,
                    "name": "Don de puissance",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +3/+3 jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nLa créature ciblée gagne +3/+3 jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nLa créature ciblée gagne +3/+3 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sono l'anima stessa della battaglia, ma neppure io auspicherei mai una guerra aperta contro il Conclave.\"\n—Aurelia",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453910,
                    "name": "Abbondanza di Potere",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +3/+3 fino alla fine del turno.\nUna creatura bersaglio prende +3/+3 fino alla fine del turno.\nUna creatura bersaglio prende +3/+3 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「私は主戦論者ですが、その私ですら議事会と戦争を始めることはお勧めしません。」\n――オレリア",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454169,
                    "name": "力の報奨",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体と、クリーチャー1体と、クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、その第1者は+3/+3の修整を受ける。\nターン終了時まで、その第2者は+3/+3の修整を受ける。\nターン終了時まで、その第3者は+3/+3の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 전투의 영혼 그 자체이지만, 나조차도 교단과 전쟁을 벌이는 일은 권하지 않는다.\"\n—아우렐리아",
                    "language": "Korean",
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                    "name": "풍부한 힘",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +3/+3을 받는다.\n생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +3/+3을 받는다.\n생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +3/+3을 받는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sou a alma da batalha em pessoa, mas jamais aconselharia uma guerra aberta contra o Conclave.\"\n— Aurélia",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454687,
                    "name": "Dádiva do Poder",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +3/+3 até o final do turno.\nA criatura alvo recebe +3/+3 até o final do turno.\nA criatura alvo recebe +3/+3 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Я — сама душа битвы, но даже я не посоветую в открытую идти войной против Конклава».\n— Аурелия",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454946,
                    "name": "Дар Могущества",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +3/+3 до конца хода.\nЦелевое существо получает +3/+3 до конца хода.\nЦелевое существо получает +3/+3 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「我是战斗之魂,但就连我也不建议对盟会开战。」\n~欧瑞梨",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455205,
                    "name": "瀚力恩泽",
                    "text": "目标生物得+3/+3直到回合结束。\n目标生物得+3/+3直到回合结束。\n目标生物得+3/+3直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「我是戰鬥之魂,但就連我也不建議對盟會開戰。」\n~歐瑞梨",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455464,
                    "name": "瀚力恩澤",
                    "text": "目標生物得+3/+3直到回合結束。\n目標生物得+3/+3直到回合結束。\n目標生物得+3/+3直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452874,
            "name": "Bounty of Might",
            "number": "124",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn.\nTarget creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn.\nTarget creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You may choose the same creature as a target multiple times since Bounty of Might says “target creature” multiple times. You may give three different creatures +3/+3 each, one creature +6/+6 and another creature +3/+3, or a single creature +9/+9."
            "scryfallId": "e9a950d8-e6e2-42d6-83d7-a60c15d2035d",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "6f067bfd-1c59-463f-99e1-61161b43b405",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176882,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn.\nTarget creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn.\nTarget creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6d274195-c4b1-5267-ada3-9e720a85811d",
            "uuidV421": "d21a9bd3-43de-57da-8153-4e1cca164e1d"
            "artist": "Tyler Walpole",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Even rats hoard their treasures. Are your precious thing so different?\"\n—Izoni",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Sogar Ratten horten ihre Schätze. Sind deine Kostbarkeiten so anders?\"\n—Izoni",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453073,
                    "name": "Diebische Ratte",
                    "text": "Wenn die Diebische Ratte ins Spiel kommt, wirft jeder Gegner eine Karte ab.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Ratte"
                    "flavorText": "\"Incluso las ratas acumulan sus tesoros. ¿Tan distintos son tus objetos preciados?\".\n—Izoni",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453332,
                    "name": "Rata ladrona",
                    "text": "Cuando la Rata ladrona entre al campo de batalla, cada oponente descarta una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Rata"
                    "flavorText": "« Même les rats accumulent des trésors. Vos objets précieux sont-ils vraiment si différents ? »\n—Izoni",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453591,
                    "name": "Rat cambrioleur",
                    "text": "Quand le Rat cambrioleur arrive sur le champ de bataille, chaque adversaire se défausse d'une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : rat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Persino i ratti accatastano i loro tesori. I tuoi preziosi gingilli sono poi così diversi?\"\n—Izoni",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453850,
                    "name": "Ratto Predatore",
                    "text": "Quando il Ratto Predatore entra nel campo di battaglia, ogni avversario scarta una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Ratto"
                    "flavorText": "「ネズミですらお宝をしまい込んでいます。あなたの大切な物というのは、それと何が違うのですか?」\n――アイゾーニ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454109,
                    "name": "泥棒ネズミ",
                    "text": "泥棒ネズミが戦場に出たとき、各対戦相手はそれぞれカード1枚を捨てる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ネズミ"
                    "flavorText": "\"쥐들도 자기들의 보물을 그러모으지. 네 소중한 것들은 무엇이 다르더냐?\"\n—아이조니",
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                    "name": "빈집털이 쥐",
                    "text": "빈집털이 쥐가 전장에 들어올 때, 각 상대는 카드 한 장을 버린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 쥐"
                    "flavorText": "\"Até os ratos amontoam os próprios tesouros. Suas coisas preciosas são assim tão diferentes?\"\n— Izoni",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454627,
                    "name": "Rato Ladrão",
                    "text": "Quando Rato Ladrão entra no campo de batalha, cada oponente descarta um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Rato"
                    "flavorText": "«Даже крысы собирают в кучи свои сокровища. Разве твои драгоценности так уж отличаются?»\n— Изони",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454886,
                    "name": "Вороватая Крыса",
                    "text": "Когда Вороватая Крыса выходит на поле битвы, каждый оппонент сбрасывает карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Крыса"
                    "flavorText": "「连老鼠都会囤积财宝。你的珍贵宝贝又有什么特别呢?」\n~依佐妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455145,
                    "name": "窃物鼠",
                    "text": "当窃物鼠进战场时,每位对手各弃一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~老鼠"
                    "flavorText": "「連老鼠都會囤積財寶。你的珍貴寶貝又有什麼特別呢?」\n~依佐妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455404,
                    "name": "竊物鼠",
                    "text": "當竊物鼠進戰場時,每位對手各棄一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~老鼠"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
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            "name": "Burglar Rat",
            "number": "64",
            "originalText": "When Burglar Rat enters the battlefield, each opponent discards a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Rat",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176914,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Burglar Rat enters the battlefield, each opponent discards a card.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Rat",
            "types": [
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            "uuidV421": "14c111bb-a95b-563f-bb32-dbf4871898a0"
            "artist": "Sidharth Chaturvedi",
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            "flavorText": "\"Within the song of Mat'Selesnya, one becomes all.\"\n—Heruj, Selesnya hierophant",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Während des Liedes von Mat'Selesnija wird eines zu allem.\"\n—Heruj, Selesnija-Hohepriester",
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                    "name": "Kameradschaft",
                    "text": "Du erhältst X Lebenspunkte dazu und ziehst X Karten, wobei X gleich der Anzahl an Kreaturen ist, die du kontrollierst. Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"En la canción de Mat'Selesnya, lo individual se convierte en el todo\".\n—Héruj, hierofante selesnya",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453425,
                    "name": "Camaradería",
                    "text": "Ganas X vidas y robas X cartas, donde X es la cantidad de criaturas que controlas. Las criaturas que controlas obtienen +1/+1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Au cœur du chant de Mat'Selesnya, l'un devient le tout. »\n—Heruj, hiérophante de Selesnya",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453684,
                    "name": "Camaraderie",
                    "text": "Vous gagnez X points de vie et vous piochez X cartes, X étant le nombre de créatures que vous contrôlez. Les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nel canto di Mat'Selesnya, ognuno diventa parte del tutto.\"\n—Heruj, gerofante di Selesnya",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453943,
                    "name": "Cameratismo",
                    "text": "Guadagni X punti vita e peschi X carte, dove X è il numero di creature che controlli. Le creature che controlli prendono +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「マット・セレズニアの歌の中で、一は全となります。」\n――セレズニアの秘義司祭、ヘルージ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454202,
                    "name": "仲間意識",
                    "text": "あなたはX点のライフを得てカードをX枚引く。Xはあなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーの総数に等しい。ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"맛셀레스냐의 노래 안에서, 하나는 모두가 된다.\"\n—셀레스냐 주창자, 헤루즈",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454461,
                    "name": "동지애",
                    "text": "당신은 생명 X점을 얻고 카드 X장을 뽑는다. X는 당신이 조종하는 생물의 수이다. 당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Na canção de Mat'Selesnya, um torna-se todos.\"\n— Heruj, hierofante Selesnya",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454720,
                    "name": "Camaradagem",
                    "text": "Você ganha X pontos de vida e compra X cards, sendo X o número de criaturas que você controla. As criaturas que você controla recebem +1/+1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«В песне Мат'Селезнии один становится всем».\n— Геруй, иерофант Селезнии",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454979,
                    "name": "Товарищество",
                    "text": "Вы получаете X жизней и берете X карт, где X — количество существ под вашим контролем. Существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「在太瑟雷尼亚的歌声之中,独木成林。」\n~瑟雷尼亚法皇荷路杰",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455238,
                    "name": "同袍情谊",
                    "text": "你获得X点生命且抓X张牌,X为由你操控的生物数量。由你操控的生物得+1/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「在太瑟雷尼亞的歌聲之中,獨木成林。」\n~瑟雷尼亞法皇荷路傑",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455497,
                    "name": "同袍情誼",
                    "text": "你獲得X點生命且抽X張牌,X為由你操控的生物數量。由你操控的生物得+1/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{4}{G}{W}",
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            "name": "Camaraderie",
            "number": "157",
            "originalText": "You gain X life and draw X cards, where X is the number of creatures you control. Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The second part of Camaraderie’s effect affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures you begin to control later in the turn won’t get +1/+1."
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            "subtypes": [],
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 176860,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "You gain X life and draw X cards, where X is the number of creatures you control. Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
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            "flavorText": "Selesnya guildmages do not sleep so the rest of the conclave can.",
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                    "flavorText": "Die Gildenmagier von Selesnija schlafen nicht, damit der Rest des Konklaves ruhen kann.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453012,
                    "name": "Wache bei Kerzenschein",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur erhält +3/+2 und hat Wachsamkeit.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Los magos del Gremio Selesnya no duermen para que el resto del Cónclave pueda hacerlo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453271,
                    "name": "Vigilia a la luz de velas",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada obtiene +3/+2 y tiene la habilidad de vigilancia.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Les ghildmages de Selesnya ne dorment pas pour permettre au reste du Conclave de le faire.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453530,
                    "name": "Veillée aux chandelles",
                    "text": "Enchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée gagne +3/+2 et a la vigilance.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "flavorText": "I maghi della gilda di Selesnya non dormono per permettere al resto del Conclave di farlo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453789,
                    "name": "Veglia a Lume di Candela",
                    "text": "Incanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata prende +3/+2 e ha cautela.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "セレズニアのギルド魔道士たちが不眠不休でいるおかげで、議事会の他の面々は休むことができる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454048,
                    "name": "蝋燭の夜警",
                    "text": "エンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントされているクリーチャーは+3/+2の修整を受け、警戒を持つ。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "셀레스냐의 길드마도사들은 잠을 자지 않으며, 그래서 교단의 다른 이들이 잠을 잘 수 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454307,
                    "name": "촛불 기도",
                    "text": "생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 +3/+2를 받고 경계를 가진다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "Os magos da guilda Selesnya não dormem para que o restante do Conclave o possa.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454566,
                    "name": "Vigília à Luz de Velas",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura\nA criatura encantada recebe +3/+2 e tem vigilância.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Маги гильдии Селезнии не спят, чтобы мог спать остальной Конклав.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454825,
                    "name": "Свечное Бдение",
                    "text": "Зачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо получает +3/+2 и имеет Бдительность.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "瑟雷尼亚的公会法师彻夜看守,确保整个盟会都能安然入眠。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455084,
                    "name": "烛光守夜",
                    "text": "结附于生物\n所结附的生物得+3/+2且具有警戒异能。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "瑟雷尼亞的公會法師徹夜看守,確保整個盟會都能安然入眠。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455343,
                    "name": "燭光守夜",
                    "text": "結附於生物\n所結附的生物得+3/+2且具有警戒異能。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
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            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
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            "name": "Candlelight Vigil",
            "number": "3",
            "originalText": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets +3/+2 and has vigilance.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176858,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets +3/+2 and has vigilance.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "dd696e63-72db-5234-9ae2-394020549140",
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            "artist": "Mark Behm",
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453040,
                    "name": "Gefängnissphäre",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nVerzaubert eine Kreatur\nWenn die Gefängnissphäre ins Spiel kommt, tappe die verzauberte Kreatur.\nDie verzauberte Kreatur enttappt nicht während des Enttappsegments ihres Beherrschers.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453299,
                    "name": "Esfera de captura",
                    "text": "Destello.\nEncantar criatura.\nCuando la Esfera de captura entre al campo de batalla, gira la criatura encantada.\nLa criatura encantada no se endereza durante el paso de enderezar de su controlador.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453558,
                    "name": "Sphère de capture",
                    "text": "Flash\nEnchanter : créature\nQuand la Sphère de capture arrive sur le champ de bataille, engagez la créature enchantée.\nLa créature enchantée ne se dégage pas pendant l'étape de dégagement de son contrôleur.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453817,
                    "name": "Sfera di Cattura",
                    "text": "Lampo\nIncanta creatura\nQuando la Sfera di Cattura entra nel campo di battaglia, TAPpa la creatura incantata.\nLa creatura incantata non STAPpa durante lo STAP del suo controllore.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454076,
                    "name": "捕獲球",
                    "text": "瞬速\nエンチャント(クリーチャー)\n捕獲球が戦場に出たとき、エンチャントされているクリーチャーをタップする。\nエンチャントされているクリーチャーは、それのコントローラーのアンタップ・ステップにアンタップしない。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454335,
                    "name": "포획 구체",
                    "text": "섬광\n생물에게 부여\n포획 구체가 전장에 들어올 때, 부여된 생물을 탭한다.\n부여된 생물은 조종자의 언탭단에 언탭되지 않는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454594,
                    "name": "Esfera de Captura",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nEncantar criatura\nQuando Esfera de Captura entrar no campo de batalha, vire a criatura encantada.\nA criatura encantada não é desvirada durante a etapa de desvirar de seu controlador.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454853,
                    "name": "Ловчая Сфера",
                    "text": "Миг\nЗачаровать существо\nКогда Ловчая Сфера выходит на поле битвы, поверните зачарованное существо.\nЗачарованное существо не разворачивается во время шага разворота контролирующего его игрока.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455112,
                    "name": "拘捕法球",
                    "text": "闪现\n结附于生物\n当拘捕法球进战场时,横置所结附的生物。\n所结附的生物于其操控者的重置步骤中不能重置。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455371,
                    "name": "拘捕法球",
                    "text": "閃現\n結附於生物\n當拘捕法球進戰場時,橫置所結附的生物。\n所結附的生物於其操控者的重置步驟中不能重置。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452781,
            "name": "Capture Sphere",
            "number": "31",
            "originalText": "Flash\nEnchant creature\nWhen Capture Sphere enters the battlefield, tap enchanted creature.\nEnchanted creature doesn't untap during its controller's untap step.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "5a799ac8-5798-4a26-81c1-763d6dcfcbe8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7873a9af-318a-41fc-b814-b44b73af454a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2dc59566-10cb-468a-b6a2-17d6c0186e6d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176864,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nEnchant creature\nWhen Capture Sphere enters the battlefield, tap enchanted creature.\nEnchanted creature doesn't untap during its controller's untap step.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5f7e6f29-3365-560d-a3eb-58ddf5bb1d1d",
            "uuidV421": "8354a812-2145-5ba3-8bdb-e2813ce41982"
            "artist": "Raoul Vitale",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Please accept this offering. I sincerely hope to leave my mace at my side.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Bitte nimm diese Gabe an. Ich würde nur ungern meinen Streitkolben zücken.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453167,
                    "name": "Friedensstifter-Zentaurin",
                    "text": "Wenn die Friedensstifter-Zentaurin ins Spiel kommt, erhält jeder Spieler 4 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zentaur, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "\"Por favor, acepta esta ofrenda. Realmente me gustaría dejar mi maza a un lado\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453426,
                    "name": "Centaura pacificadora",
                    "text": "Cuando la Centaura pacificadora entre al campo de batalla, cada jugador gana 4 vidas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo centauro"
                    "flavorText": "« Je vous prie d'accepter cette offrande. J'espère sincèrement ne pas devoir sortir ma massue. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453685,
                    "name": "Conciliatrice centaure",
                    "text": "Quand la Conciliatrice centaure arrive sur le champ de bataille, chaque joueur gagne 4 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : centaure et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "\"Accetta questa offerta. Spero sinceramente che la mia mazza non debba lasciare il mio fianco.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453944,
                    "name": "Centaura Pacificatrice",
                    "text": "Quando la Centaura Pacificatrice entra nel campo di battaglia, ogni giocatore guadagna 4 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Centauro"
                    "flavorText": "「どうかこの申し出を受けてください。鎚矛は私の横に置いたままにしておきたいと願っているのです。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454203,
                    "name": "ケンタウルスの仲裁者",
                    "text": "ケンタウルスの仲裁者が戦場に出たとき、各プレイヤーはそれぞれ4点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ケンタウルス・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "\"이 제물을 받으시옵소서. 저는 제 철퇴를 내려놓기를 간절히 바라옵나이다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454462,
                    "name": "켄타우로스 중재자",
                    "text": "켄타우로스 중재자가 전장에 들어올 때, 각 플레이어는 생명 4점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 켄타우로스 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "\"Por favor, aceite esta oferta. Espero sinceramente manter minha maça no cinto.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454721,
                    "name": "Pacificadora Centaura",
                    "text": "Quando Pacificadora Centaura entra no campo de batalha, cada jogador ganha 4 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Centauro Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "«Пожалуйста, прими это подношение. Я искренне надеюсь, что мне не придется доставать палицу».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454980,
                    "name": "Кентавр-Миротворец",
                    "text": "Когда Кентавр-Миротворец выходит на поле битвы, каждый игрок получает 4 жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Кентавр Священник"
                    "flavorText": "「请接受这份馈赠。我衷心希望不用举起手边的战锤。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455239,
                    "name": "半人马调停人",
                    "text": "当半人马调停人进战场时,每位牌手各获得4点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~半人马/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "「請接受這份饋贈。我衷心希望不用舉起手邊的戰鎚。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455498,
                    "name": "半人馬調停人",
                    "text": "當半人馬調停人進戰場時,每位玩家各獲得4點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~半人馬/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452908,
            "name": "Centaur Peacemaker",
            "number": "158",
            "originalText": "When Centaur Peacemaker enters the battlefield, each player gains 4 life.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Centaur Cleric",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Centaur Peacemaker’s ability causes each team to gain 8 life."
            "scryfallId": "0e630e9b-7817-4255-9de1-795b2a788d80",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d35d7f67-afbe-414b-9caa-21cc316c5bff",
            "scryfallOracleId": "495d95cf-dcce-4a15-a544-79aced7ef98d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176689,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Centaur Peacemaker enters the battlefield, each player gains 4 life.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Centaur Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "aed1b5f7-815f-5ebc-a256-8782b9f8f27d",
            "uuidV421": "167e9f0c-dbba-5727-b6eb-92eca7cb1d16",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Adam Paquette",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453241,
                    "name": "Kammer-Wachposten",
                    "text": "Der Kammer-Wachposten kommt für jede unterschiedliche Farbe von Mana, das ausgegeben wurde, um ihn zu wirken, mit einer +1/+1-Marke ins Spiel.\n{X}, {T}, entferne X +1/+1-Marken vom Kammer-Wachposten: Er fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl X Schadenspunkte zu.\n{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: Bringe den Kammer-Wachposten aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Konstrukt"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453500,
                    "name": "Centinela de la Cámara",
                    "text": "El Centinela de la Cámara entra al campo de batalla con un contador +1/+1 sobre él por cada color de maná usado para lanzarlo.\n{X}, {T}, remover X contadores +1/+1 del Centinela de la Cámara: Hace X puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo.\n{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: Regresa el Centinela de la Cámara de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Constructo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453759,
                    "name": "Sentinelle de la Chambre",
                    "text": "La Sentinelle de la Chambre arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, sur elle, un marqueur +1/+1 pour chaque couleur de mana dépensée pour la lancer.\n{X}, {T}, retirez X marqueurs +1/+1 de la Sentinelle de la Chambre : Elle inflige X blessures à n'importe quelle cible.\n{W}{U}{B}{R}{G} : Renvoyez la Sentinelle de la Chambre depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : construction"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454018,
                    "name": "Sentinella del Seggio",
                    "text": "La Sentinella del Seggio entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 per ogni colore di mana speso per lanciarla.\n{X}, {T}, Rimuovi X segnalini +1/+1 dalla Sentinella del Seggio: Infligge X danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio.\n{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: Riprendi in mano la Sentinella del Seggio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Costrutto"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454277,
                    "name": "庁舎の歩哨",
                    "text": "庁舎の歩哨は、これを唱えるために支払われたマナの色1色につき+1/+1カウンターが1個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。\n{X}, {T}, 庁舎の歩哨の上から+1/+1カウンターをX個取り除く:クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。庁舎の歩哨はそれにX点のダメージを与える。\n{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}:あなたの墓地から庁舎の歩哨をあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — 構築物"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454536,
                    "name": "회의소 보초병",
                    "text": "회의소 보초병은 발동 비용으로 지불한 마나의 색 한 개당 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 가지고 전장에 들어온다.\n{X}, {T}, 회의소 보초병에서 +1/+1 카운터 X개를 제거한다: 원하는 목표를 정한다. 회의소 보초병은 그 목표에게 피해 X점을 입힌다.\n{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: 회의소 보초병을 당신의 무덤에서 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 자동기계"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454795,
                    "name": "Sentinela da Câmara",
                    "text": "Sentinela da Câmara entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 para cada cor de mana gasta para conjurá-lo.\n{X}, {T}, remova X marcadores +1/+1 de Sentinela da Câmara: Ela causa X pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.\n{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: Devolva Sentinela da Câmara de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Constructo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455054,
                    "name": "Стражник Палаты Договора",
                    "text": "Стражник Палаты Договора выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 на нем за каждый цвет маны, потраченной на его разыгрывание.\n{X}, {T}, удалите X жетонов +1/+1 со Стражника Палаты Договора: он наносит X повреждений любой цели.\n{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: верните Стражника Палаты Договора из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Конструкция"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455313,
                    "name": "会盟堂哨卫",
                    "text": "会盟堂哨卫进战场时上面有数个+1/+1指示物,其数量为施放它时用来支付费用的法术力颜色数量。\n{X},{T},从会盟堂哨卫上移去X个+1/+1指示物:它对任意一个目标造成X点伤害。\n{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}:将会盟堂哨卫从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~组构体"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455572,
                    "name": "會盟堂哨衛",
                    "text": "會盟堂哨衛進戰場時上面有數個+1/+1指示物,其數量為施放它時用來支付費用的魔法力顏色數量。\n{X},{T},從會盟堂哨衛上移去X個+1/+1指示物:它對任意一個目標造成X點傷害。\n{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}:將會盟堂哨衛從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~組構體"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{X}",
            "multiverseId": 452982,
            "name": "Chamber Sentry",
            "number": "232",
            "originalText": "Chamber Sentry enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.\n{X}, {T}, Remove X +1/+1 counters from Chamber Sentry: It deals X damage to any target.\n{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: Return Chamber Sentry from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can choose any value for X as you cast Chamber Sentry. The value chosen for X doesn’t directly affect the number of +1/+1 counters Chamber Sentry enters the battlefield with, but it does let you pay more mana and thus spend more colors of mana to cast it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect allows you to spend mana as though it were mana of any color to cast Chamber Sentry, you consider only the actual mana spent to determine how many counters it receives."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Colorless mana won’t give Chamber Sentry another +1/+1 counter. Colorless is not a color."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If Chamber Sentry enters the battlefield without being cast, it receives no +1/+1 counters."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If another creature enters the battlefield as a copy of Chamber Sentry, consider what mana was spent to cast that creature to determine how many +1/+1 counters it enters with."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The value of X chosen when you activate Chamber Sentry’s first activated ability doesn’t have to be the same value of X that you chose when you cast it."
            "scryfallId": "15dfd5f2-5298-4cf4-80fe-43db9be24f57",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "41b6eb3e-6af9-46ed-8d5a-74eb765aadb5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "65f8e726-be50-49ee-96fc-d3a2080d7b8c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176881,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Chamber Sentry enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.\n{X}, {T}, Remove X +1/+1 counters from Chamber Sentry: It deals X damage to any target.\n{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: Return Chamber Sentry from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "toughness": "0",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fb0b6fd7-6825-5b43-91cf-9a26f338f1e5",
            "uuidV421": "f19216f8-5ac3-5ace-98cd-dd27ef6defaf"
            "artist": "Bram Sels",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"It is not your time. The Legion still needs your blade.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Deine Zeit ist noch nicht gekommen. Die Legion braucht dich noch.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453168,
                    "name": "Alles auf eine Karte",
                    "text": "Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten Unzerstörbarkeit. Du erhältst nach diesem Zug einen zusätzlichen Zug. Zu Beginn des Endsegments jenes Zuges verlierst du die Partie.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"No es tu hora. La Legión aún necesita tu espada\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453427,
                    "name": "Oportunidad para la gloria",
                    "text": "Las criaturas que controlas ganan la habilidad de indestructible. Juega un turno adicional después de este. Al comienzo del paso final de ese turno, pierdes el juego.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Ton heure n'est pas encore venue. La Légion a encore besoin de ta lame. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453686,
                    "name": "Chance de gloire",
                    "text": "Les créatures que vous contrôlez acquièrent l'indestructible. Jouez un tour supplémentaire après celui-ci. Au début de l'étape de fin de ce tour, vous perdez la partie.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non è il tuo momento. Alla Legione serve ancora la tua spada.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453945,
                    "name": "Occasione di Gloria",
                    "text": "Le creature che controlli hanno indistruttibile. Gioca un turno extra dopo questo. All'inizio della sottofase finale di quel turno, perdi la partita.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「まだその時ではない。ボロス軍はまだ君の剣を必要としている。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454204,
                    "name": "栄光の好機",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは破壊不能を得る。このターンに続いて追加の1ターンを行う。そのターンの終了ステップの開始時に、あなたはこのゲームに敗北する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"아직은 죽을 때가 아니다. 아직 군단에게는 네 검이 필요하다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454463,
                    "name": "영광의 기회",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물들은 무적을 얻는다. 이번 턴 후에 추가로 턴을 얻는다. 그 턴의 종료단 시작에, 당신은 게임에서 패배한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sua hora não chegou. A Legião ainda precisa de sua lâmina.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454722,
                    "name": "Chance de Glória",
                    "text": "As criaturas que você controla ganham indestrutível. Jogue um turno extra após este. No início da etapa final daquele turno, você perde o jogo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Твое время еще не пришло. Легиону еще нужен твой меч».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454981,
                    "name": "Шанс на Подвиг",
                    "text": "Существа под вашим контролем получают Неразрушимость. Сделайте дополнительный ход вслед за этим. В начале заключительного шага того хода вы проигрываете партию.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「还没到你就义的时候。教团依旧需要你执剑战斗。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455240,
                    "name": "成仁拼搏",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物获得不灭异能。于本回合后进行额外的一个回合。在该回合的结束步骤开始时,你输掉这盘游戏。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「還沒到你就義的時候。教團依舊需要你執劍戰鬥。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455499,
                    "name": "成仁拚搏",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物獲得不滅異能。於本回合後進行額外的一個回合。在該回合的結束步驟開始時,你輸掉這盤遊戲。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452909,
            "name": "Chance for Glory",
            "number": "159",
            "originalText": "Creatures you control gain indestructible. Take an extra turn after this one. At the beginning of that turn's end step, you lose the game.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you somehow skip the extra turn Chance for Glory gives you or skip that turn’s end step, the delayed triggered ability never triggers."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Chance for Glory’s first effect affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures you begin to control later in the game won’t gain indestructible."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creatures you control gain indestructible indefinitely. If you find a way to not lose the game during your next turn, they’ll continue to be indestructible for as long as they remain on the battlefield."
            "scryfallId": "85edf6f9-b863-41e2-bb51-857ea2798090",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b443d801-c772-4fa0-ba4a-90fc55242413",
            "scryfallOracleId": "324af60d-142b-4b6c-afe9-6aa36267d5ee",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176826,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Creatures you control gain indestructible. Take an extra turn after this one. At the beginning of that turn's end step, you lose the game.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e53bce83-d585-5e53-9da2-ac7ded9c8ef5",
            "uuidV421": "ab82ca4e-2107-5903-9332-e6b9afb38198",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Daniel Ljunggren",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453169,
                    "name": "Beinhaustroll",
                    "text": "Verursacht Trampelschaden\nSchicke zu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments eine Kreaturenkarte aus deinem Friedhof ins Exil. Falls du dies tust, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf den Beinhaustroll. Anderenfalls opfere ihn.\n{B}{G}, wirf eine Kreaturenkarte ab: Lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf den Beinhaustroll.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Troll"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453428,
                    "name": "Trol de los sepulcros",
                    "text": "Arrolla.\nAl comienzo de tu mantenimiento, exilia una carta de criatura de tu cementerio. Si lo haces, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre el Trol de los sepulcros. Si no, sacrifícalo.\n{B}{G}, descartar una carta de criatura: Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre el Trol de los sepulcros.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Trol"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453687,
                    "name": "Troll du charnier",
                    "text": "Piétinement\nAu début de votre entretien, exilez une carte de créature depuis votre cimetière. Si vous faites ainsi, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur le Troll du charnier. Sinon, sacrifiez-le.\n{B}{G}, défaussez-vous d'une carte de créature : Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur le Troll du charnier.",
                    "type": "Créature : troll"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453946,
                    "name": "Troll dell'Ossario",
                    "text": "Travolgere\nAll'inizio del tuo mantenimento, esilia una carta creatura dal tuo cimitero. Se lo fai, metti un segnalino +1/+1 sul Troll dell'Ossario. Altrimenti, sacrificalo.\n{B}{G}, Scarta una carta creatura: Metti un segnalino +1/+1 sul Troll dell'Ossario.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Troll"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454205,
                    "name": "納骨堂のトロール",
                    "text": "トランプル\nあなたのアップキープの開始時に、あなたの墓地からクリーチャー・カード1枚を追放する。そうしたなら、納骨堂のトロールの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。そうでないなら、これを生け贄に捧げる。\n{B}{G}, クリーチャー・カード1枚を捨てる:納骨堂のトロールの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — トロール"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454464,
                    "name": "납골당 트롤",
                    "text": "돌진\n당신의 유지단 시작에, 당신의 무덤에서 생물 카드 한 장을 추방한다. 그렇게 한다면, 납골당 트롤에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 그럴 수 없다면, 납골당 트롤을 희생한다.\n{B}{G}, 생물 카드 한 장을 버린다: 납골당 트롤에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 트롤"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454723,
                    "name": "Trol do Ossuário",
                    "text": "Atropelar\nNo início de sua manutenção, exile um card de criatura de seu cemitério. Se fizer isso, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Trol do Ossuário. Caso contrário, sacrifique-o.\n{B}{G}, descarte um card de criatura: Coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Trol do Ossuário.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Trol"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454982,
                    "name": "Тролль из Склепа",
                    "text": "Пробивной удар\nВ начале вашего шага поддержки изгоните карту существа из вашего кладбища. Если вы это делаете, положите один жетон +1/+1 на Тролля из Склепа. В противном случае пожертвуйте его.\n{B}{G}, сбросьте карту существа: положите один жетон +1/+1 на Тролля из Склепа.",
                    "type": "Существо — Тролль"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455241,
                    "name": "阴森巨魔",
                    "text": "践踏\n在你的维持开始时,将一张生物牌从你的坟墓场放逐。若你如此作,则在阴森巨魔上放置一个+1/+1指示物。若否,则牺牲之。\n{B}{G},弃一张生物牌:在阴森巨魔上放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨魔"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455500,
                    "name": "陰森巨魔",
                    "text": "踐踏\n在你的維持開始時,將一張生物牌從你的墳墓場放逐。若你如此作,則在陰森巨魔上放置一個+1/+1指示物。若否,則犧牲之。\n{B}{G},棄一張生物牌:在陰森巨魔上放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨魔"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452910,
            "name": "Charnel Troll",
            "number": "160",
            "originalText": "Trample\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, exile a creature card from your graveyard. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on Charnel Troll. Otherwise, sacrifice it.\n{B}{G}, Discard a creature card: Put a +1/+1 counter on Charnel Troll.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Troll",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can’t choose not to exile a creature card from your graveyard if you have one to exile."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can activate Charnel Troll’s last ability during your upkeep before its triggered ability resolves."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because your upkeep step is after your untap step, your lands will be untapped to help you activate Charnel Troll’s last ability during your upkeep. However, because your upkeep step is before your draw step, you won’t have drawn a card for the turn yet."
            "scryfallId": "71fec229-e22c-4655-8640-02d0ec472be0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "02c7f0cc-9ccd-4ba1-8b19-501dee694fec",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c7c35dd9-8c3b-4be5-b310-61db5e73ed6c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176828,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Trample\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, exile a creature card from your graveyard. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on Charnel Troll. Otherwise, sacrifice it.\n{B}{G}, Discard a creature card: Put a +1/+1 counter on Charnel Troll.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Troll",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "52d66bc2-0bf5-5226-9726-54f0816ac02a",
            "uuidV421": "0db47cec-ad90-50eb-bcc2-faf8a6be7a96",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Josh Hass",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"My specialty is theoretical universal limits and ways to circumvent them.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Meine Spezialität sind theoretische Universalgrenzen und Wege, diese zu umgehen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453041,
                    "name": "Einblick des Chemisters",
                    "text": "Ziehe zwei Karten.\nKatalyse (Du kannst diese Karte aus deinem Friedhof wirken, indem du zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Kosten eine Karte abwirfst. Schicke sie danach ins Exil.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mi especialidad son los límites universales teóricos y las formas de sortearlos\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453300,
                    "name": "Perspicacia de la quimista",
                    "text": "Roba dos cartas.\nRecargar. (Puedes lanzar esta carta desde tu cementerio descartando una carta además de pagar sus otros costes. Luego, exilia esta carta.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Je me spécialise dans les limites universelles théoriques et les manières de les contourner. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453559,
                    "name": "Perspicacité du chimiste",
                    "text": "Piochez deux cartes.\nRelancez (Vous pouvez lancer cette carte depuis votre cimetière en vous défaussant d'une carte en plus de payer ses autres coûts. Puis exilez cette carte.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"La mia specialità è l'analisi dei limiti teorici universali e dei metodi per aggirarli.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453818,
                    "name": "Intuizione della Chimimaga",
                    "text": "Pesca due carte.\nCarica d'avvio (Puoi lanciare questa carta dal tuo cimitero scartando una carta oltre a pagare i suoi altri costi. Poi esilia questa carta.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「私の専門は理論的万有制約と、その回避方法よ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454077,
                    "name": "薬術師の眼識",
                    "text": "カードを2枚引く。\n再活(あなたはあなたの墓地から、このカードを、これの他のコストの支払いに加えてカード1枚を捨てることで唱えてもよい。その後、このカードを追放する。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"내 특기는 이론적인 보편적 한계와 그것들을 피해 가는 방법들이지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454336,
                    "name": "화학술사의 통찰력",
                    "text": "카드 두 장을 뽑는다.\n강제 시동 (당신은 이 카드의 다른 비용들을 지불하는 것에 추가로 카드를 한 장 버리는 것으로 이 카드를 당신의 무덤에서 발동할 수 있다. 그 후 이 카드를 추방한다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Minha especialidade são limites universais teóricos e maneiras de contorná-los.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454595,
                    "name": "Visão da Quimiomante",
                    "text": "Compre dois cards.\nRecarregar (Você pode conjurar este card de seu cemitério descartando um card além de pagar seus outros custos. Depois, exile este card.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Моя специальность — теоретические пределы мироздания и способы их обойти».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454854,
                    "name": "Озарение Химика",
                    "text": "Возьмите две карты.\nИмпульс (Вы можете разыграть эту карту из вашего кладбища, сбросив карту в дополнение к оплате других ее стоимостей. Затем изгоните эту карту.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「我专长于统一极限理论,熟知超越这一极限的各类方法。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455113,
                    "name": "化学师的洞察",
                    "text": "抓两张牌。\n再起(你可以从你的坟墓场施放此牌,但必须支付其所需费用并额外弃一张牌。然后放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「我專長於統一極限理論,熟知超越這一極限的各類方法。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455372,
                    "name": "化學師的洞察",
                    "text": "抽兩張牌。\n再起(你可以從你的墳墓場施放此牌,但必須支付其所需費用並額外棄一張牌。)然後放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452782,
            "name": "Chemister's Insight",
            "number": "32",
            "originalText": "Draw two cards.\nJump-start <i>(You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. For instance, you can cast a sorcery using jump-start only when you could normally cast a sorcery."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A spell cast using jump-start will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it’s countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect allows you to pay an alternative cost rather than a spell’s mana cost, you may pay that alternative cost when you jump-start a spell. You’ll still discard a card as an additional cost to cast it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card with jump-start is put into your graveyard during your turn, you’ll be able to cast it right away if it’s legal to do so, before an opponent can take any actions."
            "scryfallId": "0e13a295-0d51-4b56-8c58-0896eb41c567",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3d077e68-6a8a-44a0-871d-b6fdaf935d13",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a2cb30d7-c0a9-4f79-bc19-fc88c4986725",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176416,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Draw two cards.\nJump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c7e68041-3ef8-54c5-91a2-012fa711bbb0",
            "uuidV421": "9497d817-16c9-5eb3-98e7-8dcb54cab462",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Igor Kieryluk",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "No guilds—that is her rule. The House vampires unnerve her. The Combine would dissect her, the Legion burn her, the Conclave \"cure\" her. The shadows are all the family she needs.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Keine Gilden – so lautet ihre Regel. Die Vampire der Häuser nerven sie. Das Kartell würde sie sezieren, die Legion sie verbrennen und das Konklave sie „heilen\". Die Schatten sind alles, was sie an Rückhalt braucht.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453074,
                    "name": "Kind der Nacht",
                    "text": "Lebensverknüpfung",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vampir"
                    "flavorText": "Ningún gremio: ese es su lema. Los vampiros de la Casa le parecen molestos. El Combinado le haría una disección, con la Legión iría a la hoguera y el Cónclave le buscaría una \"cura\". Las sombras son la única familia que necesita.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453333,
                    "name": "Hijo de la noche",
                    "text": "Vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "Aucune guilde ; c'est sa règle. Les vampires de la Maison la mettent mal à l'aise. Le Cartel la disséquerait, la Légion la brûlerait, le Conclave la « soignerait ». Les ténèbres sont la seule famille dont elle ait besoin.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453592,
                    "name": "Enfant de la nuit",
                    "text": "Lien de vie",
                    "type": "Créature : vampire"
                    "flavorText": "La sua regola è \"nessuna gilda\". I vampiri della Casata la mettono a disagio. L'Alleanza la vivisezionerebbe, la Legione la metterebbe al rogo e il Conclave la \"curerebbe\". Le ombre sono l'unica famiglia di cui ha bisogno.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453851,
                    "name": "Figlia della Notte",
                    "text": "Legame vitale",
                    "type": "Creatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "ギルド不要。そう彼女は考えてきた。ディミーア家の吸血鬼は彼女を当惑させた。シミック連合は解剖したがり、ボロス軍は焼こうとし、セレズニア議事会は「救済」しようとした。彼女が求めていたのは、ただ影のみであったのに。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454110,
                    "name": "夜の子",
                    "text": "絆魂",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 吸血鬼"
                    "flavorText": "길드에 속하지 않는 것—그것이 그녀의 규칙이었다. 가문의 흡혈귀들은 그녀를 불안하게 했다. 조합은 그녀를 해부하고, 군단은 그녀를 불태우며, 교단은 그녀를 \"치료\"할 터였다. 어둠만이 그녀가 필요로 하는 가족의 전부였다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454369,
                    "name": "밤의 자식",
                    "text": "생명연결",
                    "type": "생물 — 흡혈귀"
                    "flavorText": "Nada de guilda, é a regra dela. Os vampiros da Casa a enervam. O Conluio a dissecaria, a Legião a queimaria, o Conclave a \"curaria\". As sombras são a única família de que ela precisa.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454628,
                    "name": "Filha da Noite",
                    "text": "Vínculo com a vida",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "Никаких гильдий — такое у нее правило. Вампиры Дома ее нервируют. Объединение вскрыло бы ее, чтобы посмотреть, что у нее внутри, Легион бы сжег, Конклав «вылечил» бы. Тени — единственная семья, которая ей нужна.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454887,
                    "name": "Дитя Ночи",
                    "text": "Цепь жизни",
                    "type": "Существо — Вампир"
                    "flavorText": "拒不参加公会~这便是她的处世原则。底密尔吸血鬼让她心神不宁,析米克想要拿她来活体研究,波洛斯誓要将她处以火刑,瑟雷尼亚愿能为她「治愈」一切。而阴影是她所需的唯一依靠。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455146,
                    "name": "暗夜之子",
                    "text": "系命",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼"
                    "flavorText": "拒不參加公會~這便是她的處世原則。底密爾吸血鬼讓她心神不寧,析米克想要拿她來活體研究,波洛斯誓要將她處以火刑,瑟雷尼亞願能為她「治癒」一切。而陰影是她所需的唯一依靠。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455405,
                    "name": "暗夜之子",
                    "text": "繫命",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
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            "name": "Child of Night",
            "number": "65",
            "originalText": "Lifelink",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vampire",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "afebf1a5-eb9a-48c6-a26a-55b75408992b",
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            "types": [
            "uuid": "1dac1f54-a6db-5fcd-b049-664948db2d2a",
            "uuidV421": "d22ad714-63bb-5a41-a6fc-c8a4cff11f7e"
            "artist": "Jung Park",
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            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
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            "flavorText": "By guild tradition, any puddle of multicolored light on the cobblestones can serve as neutral ground.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Nach Gildentradition kann jeder Fleck mehrfarbigen Lichts auf Kopfsteinpflaster als neutraler Boden dienen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453242,
                    "name": "Chromatische Laterne",
                    "text": "Länder, die du kontollierst, haben „{T}: Erzeuge ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe.\"\n{T}: Erzeuge ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "Por tradición gremial, cualquier cerco de luz multicolor que haya sobre los adoquines puede usarse como terreno neutral.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453501,
                    "name": "Linterna cromática",
                    "text": "Las tierras que controlas tienen \"{T}: Agrega un maná de cualquier color\".\n{T}: Agrega un maná de cualquier color.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "Selon la tradition de la guilde, toute flaque de lumière multicolore sur les pavés peut faire office de terrain neutre.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453760,
                    "name": "Lanterne chromatique",
                    "text": "Les terrains que vous contrôlez ont : « {T} : Ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix. »\n{T} : Ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "La tradizione delle gilde vuole che qualsiasi macchia di luce multicolore sul selciato possa fungere da territorio neutrale.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454019,
                    "name": "Lanterna Cromatica",
                    "text": "Le terre che controlli hanno \"{T}: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore\".\n{T}: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "ギルドの伝統により、多色の光が落ちる石畳は中立地域とされる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454278,
                    "name": "彩色の灯籠",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしている土地は「{T}:好きな色1色のマナ1点を加える。」を持つ。\n{T}:好きな色1色のマナ1点を加える。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "길드의 전통에 의해, 자갈 위로 드리우는 형형색색의 빛 웅덩이는 중립 지대 역할을 할 수 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454537,
                    "name": "다색 등불",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 대지는 \"{T}: 원하는 색의 마나 한 개를 추가한다.\"를 가진다.\n{T}: 원하는 색의 마나 한 개를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "Pela tradição da guilda, qualquer facho de luz multicolorida no paralelepípedo pode servir como território neutro.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454796,
                    "name": "Lanterna Cromática",
                    "text": "Os terrenos que você controla têm: \"{T}: Adicione um mana de qualquer cor\".\n{T}: Adicione um mana de qualquer cor.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "По традиции гильдий любое пятно разноцветного света на брусчатке может служить нейтральной территорией.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455055,
                    "name": "Цветной Фонарь",
                    "text": "Земли под вашим контролем имеют способность «{T}: добавьте одну ману любого цвета».\n{T}: добавьте одну ману любого цвета.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "按照公会传统,凡是多彩混色灯光照亮的鹅卵石地面,都可当作中立地带。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455314,
                    "name": "五彩宫灯",
                    "text": "由你操控的地具有「{T}:加一点任意颜色的法术力。」\n{T}:加一点任意颜色的法术力。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "按照公會傳統,凡是多彩混色燈光照亮的鵝卵石地面,都可當作中立地帶。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455573,
                    "name": "五彩宮燈",
                    "text": "由你操控的地具有「{T}:加一點任意顏色的魔法力。」\n{T}:加一點任意顏色的魔法力。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{3}",
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            "name": "Chromatic Lantern",
            "number": "233",
            "originalText": "Lands you control have \"{T}: Add one mana of any color.\"\n{T}: Add one mana of any color.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Lands you control won’t lose any other abilities they had. They also won’t gain or lose any land types."
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175591,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Lands you control have \"{T}: Add one mana of any color.\"\n{T}: Add one mana of any color.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1a94cf20-b335-501c-aa22-100e61b537b7",
            "uuidV421": "d59f1b76-a722-5f46-9e19-a760de398f36"
            "artist": "Milivoj Ćeran",
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            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The shortest path between two points is not always the safest.\"\n—Tamina, district guide",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die kürzeste Strecke zwischen zwei Punkten ist nicht immer die sicherste.\"\n—Tamina, Distriktführerin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453134,
                    "name": "Verschlungene Pfade",
                    "text": "Durchsuche deine Bibliothek nach bis zu zwei Standardland- und/oder Tor-Karten, bringe sie getappt ins Spiel und mische dann deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"El camino más corto entre dos puntos no siempre es el más seguro\".\n—Tamina, guía del distrito",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453393,
                    "name": "Circuito laberíntico",
                    "text": "Busca en tu biblioteca hasta dos cartas de tierra básica y/o de Portal, ponlas en el campo de batalla giradas y luego baraja tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Le chemin le plus court entre deux points n'est pas toujours le plus sûr. »\n—Tamina, guide de circonscription",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453652,
                    "name": "Chemin sinueux",
                    "text": "Cherchez dans votre bibliothèque jusqu'à deux cartes de terrain de base et/ou de porte, mettez-les sur le champ de bataille engagées et mélangez votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il percorso più breve non è sempre il più sicuro.\"\n—Tamina, guida del distretto",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453911,
                    "name": "Itinerario Tortuoso",
                    "text": "Passa in rassegna il tuo grimorio per trovare fino a due carte terra base e/o carte Cancello, mettile sul campo di battaglia TAPpate, poi rimescola il tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「二点を繋ぐ最短の道が必ずしも安全であるとは限りません。」\n――管区の案内人、タミーナ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454170,
                    "name": "迂回路",
                    "text": "あなたのライブラリーから基本土地か門であるカードを最大2枚探し、それらをタップ状態で戦場に出し、その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"두 점을 잇는 가장 짧은 경로가 항상 가장 안전한 것은 아니다.\"\n—구역 안내인, 타미나",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454429,
                    "name": "우회로",
                    "text": "당신의 서고에서 기본 대지 및/또는 관문 카드를 최대 두 장까지 찾아 탭된 채로 전장에 놓은 후, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"O caminho mais curto entre dois pontos nem sempre é o mais seguro.\"\n— Tamina, guia do distrito",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454688,
                    "name": "Rota do Circuito",
                    "text": "Procure até dois cards de terreno básico e/ou Portão em seu grimório, coloque-os no campo de batalha virados e depois embaralhe seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Самый короткий путь между двумя точками — не всегда самый безопасный».\n— Тамина, районная проводница",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454947,
                    "name": "Кружный Путь",
                    "text": "Найдите в вашей библиотеке не более двух карт базовых земель и (или) Врат, положите их на поле битвы повернутыми, затем перетасуйте вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「两点之间最近的路线并不总是最安全的。」\n~城区向导塔米娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455206,
                    "name": "迂回路线",
                    "text": "从你的牌库中搜寻至多两张基本地牌和/或门牌,将它们横置放进战场,然后将你的牌库洗牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「兩點之間最近的路線並不總是最安全的。」\n~城區嚮導塔米娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455465,
                    "name": "迂迴路線",
                    "text": "從你的牌庫中搜尋至多兩張基本地牌和/或門牌,將它們橫置放進戰場,然後將你的牌庫洗牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452875,
            "name": "Circuitous Route",
            "number": "125",
            "originalText": "Search your library for up to two basic land cards and/or Gate cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "5a970429-6369-4422-a343-00b30267f09d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "cf859757-7a9f-4ad2-856d-14fdd6bb7af6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "30afacd9-4680-4aac-8c22-584f9418822d",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176885,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Search your library for up to two basic land cards and/or Gate cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "04054c80-4da8-5ee1-84a8-abbc65ede68e",
            "uuidV421": "ac30331a-d79d-5c24-a374-73116b1348d8"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "All those who trade in questions must answer to the Dimir.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "All jene, die mit Fragen handeln, unterstehen den Dimir.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453042,
                    "name": "Stadtspäher-Sphinx",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nWenn die Stadtspäher-Sphinx stirbt, wende Überwachen 2 an. (Schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Sphinx"
                    "flavorText": "Quienes comercien con preguntas deben responder ante los dimir.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453301,
                    "name": "Esfinge urbevigía",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nCuando la Esfinge urbevigía muera, escruta 2. (Mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esfinge"
                    "flavorText": "Tous ceux qui font le commerce de questions doivent répondre aux Dimir.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453560,
                    "name": "Sphinx espion de la cité",
                    "text": "Vol\nQuand le Sphinx espion de la cité meurt, surveillez 2. (Regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Créature : sphinx"
                    "flavorText": "Chiunque traffichi domande deve rispondere ai Dimir.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453819,
                    "name": "Sfinge di Sorveglianza Urbana",
                    "text": "Volare\nQuando la Sfinge di Sorveglianza Urbana muore, sorveglia 2. (Guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sfinge"
                    "flavorText": "疑問を商売にするものはディミーアを敵に回すことになる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454078,
                    "name": "街見張りのスフィンクス",
                    "text": "飛行\n街見張りのスフィンクスが死亡したとき、諜報2を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スフィンクス"
                    "flavorText": "질문을 거래하는 자들은 모두 디미르에게 답해야만 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454337,
                    "name": "도시감시자 스핑크스",
                    "text": "비행\n도시감시자 스핑크스가 죽을 때, 감시 2를 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 스핑크스"
                    "flavorText": "Todos aqueles que comercializam perguntas devem responder aos Dimir.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454596,
                    "name": "Esfinge de Vigilância Urbana",
                    "text": "Voar\nQuando Esfinge de Vigilância Urbana morrer, use vigiar 2. (Olhe os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esfinge"
                    "flavorText": "Все, кто торгует вопросами, должны отвечать перед Димирами.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454855,
                    "name": "Сфинкс-Соглядатай",
                    "text": "Полет\nКогда Сфинкс-Соглядатай умирает, используйте Слежку 2. (Посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Сфинкс"
                    "flavorText": "所有惹出是非的人都要被底密尔查个究竟。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455114,
                    "name": "监城史芬斯",
                    "text": "飞行\n当监城史芬斯死去时,刺探2。(检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~史芬斯"
                    "flavorText": "所有惹出是非的人都要被底密爾查個究竟。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455373,
                    "name": "監城史芬斯",
                    "text": "飛行\n當監城史芬斯死去時,刺探2。(檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~史芬斯"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452783,
            "name": "Citywatch Sphinx",
            "number": "33",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhen Citywatch Sphinx dies, surveil 2. <i>(Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Sphinx",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "9b809f89-13c7-4236-86a5-60745defb271",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "28417a64-19b4-4df3-8bdb-ed45906053c5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a63e0c27-cea8-408a-8e57-2f077826c50f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176581,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhen Citywatch Sphinx dies, surveil 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on the top of your library in any order.)",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Sphinx",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f19f99c2-e9d1-5a20-bbd1-779a2a236ce0",
            "uuidV421": "a35f7b07-8820-500a-aea4-c7cb7a729940",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Oh, you fellas are going to love the lockup. Excellent gruel. Very low ceilings.\"\n—Libuse, Boros sergeant",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Oh, ihr Typen werdet die neuen Zellen lieben. Exzellenter Haferschleim. Sehr niedrige Decken.\"\n—Laibus, Boros-Feldwebel",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453013,
                    "name": "Stadtweite Razzia",
                    "text": "Zerstöre alle Kreaturen mit Widerstandskraft 4 oder mehr.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Les encantará estar en prisión, amigos. Tenemos unas gachas excelentes. Y eso sí, unos techos muy bajos\".\n—Libuse, sargento boros",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453272,
                    "name": "Redada en la ciudad",
                    "text": "Destruye todas las criaturas con resistencia de 4 o más.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Ah, messieurs, vous allez adorer la prison. Son délicieux gruau. Ses plafonds très bas. »\n—Libuse, sergent de Boros",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453531,
                    "name": "Coup de filet en ville",
                    "text": "Détruisez toutes les créatures d'endurance supérieure ou égale à 4.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ragazzi, vedrete che stare in gabbia vi piacerà. Offriamo rancio eccellente e soffitti molto bassi.\"\n—Libuse, sergente Boros",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453790,
                    "name": "Retata in Città",
                    "text": "Distruggi tutte le creature con costituzione pari o superiore a 4.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「お前たち、きっと留置場を気に入るよ。最高にまずい飯。とても低い天井。」\n――ボロスの軍曹、ライブース",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454049,
                    "name": "一斉検挙",
                    "text": "タフネスが4以上のクリーチャーをすべて破壊する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"아, 너희들은 감방을 마음에 들어 할 거야. 귀리 죽이 엄청나게 맛있지. 천장은 엄청 낮고 말이야.\"\n—보로스 하사, 리부즈",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454308,
                    "name": "전 도시 불시단속",
                    "text": "방어력이 4 이상인 모든 생물을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ah, vocês vão adorar o xadrez, pessoal. O grude é gostosinho. E o teto é bem baixinho.\"\n— Libuse, sargento Boros",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454567,
                    "name": "Operação Urbana",
                    "text": "Destrua todas as criaturas com resistência igual ou superior a 4.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Вам понравится в каталажке, парни. Потолки низкие и баланда — первый сорт».\n— Лайбус, сержант Боросов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454826,
                    "name": "Городская Облава",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте все существа с выносливостью 4 или больше.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「你们这些家伙就在拘留所里好好待着吧。保证让你们吃得到饭。但抬不起头。」\n~波洛斯军士黎布斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455085,
                    "name": "全城拘捕",
                    "text": "消灭所有防御力等于或大于4的生物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「你們這些傢伙就在拘留所裡好好待著吧。保證讓你們吃得到飯。但抬不起頭。」\n~波洛斯軍士黎布斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455344,
                    "name": "全城拘捕",
                    "text": "消滅所有防禦力等於或大於4的生物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{W}{W}",
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            "name": "Citywide Bust",
            "number": "4",
            "originalText": "Destroy all creatures with toughness 4 or greater.",
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Reports of Gruul rioters in four districts. Start with the big ones and work your way up.\"\n—Libuse, Boros sergeant",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„In vier Distrikten wird über Gruul-Aufstände berichtet. Fangt mit den Großen an und arbeitet euch dann nach oben.\"\n—Laibus, Boros-Feldwebel",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453014,
                    "name": "Festnahme des Schuldigen",
                    "text": "Zerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl mit Widerstandskraft 4 oder mehr.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nos informan de que hay alborotadores gruul en cuatro distritos. Empiecen por los grandes y ábranse camino\".\n—Libuse, sargento boros",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453273,
                    "name": "Arrestar al culpable",
                    "text": "Destruye la criatura objetivo con resistencia de 4 o más.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« On signale des émeutiers de Gruul dans quatre quartiers. Commencez par les plus gros et vous aurez de l'avancement. »\n—Libuse, sergent de Boros",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453532,
                    "name": "Coincer le coupable",
                    "text": "Détruisez une créature ciblée d'endurance supérieure ou égale à 4.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ci hanno segnalato la presenza di Gruul rivoltosi in quattro distretti. Cominciate dai più grandi e procedete da lì.\"\n—Libuse, sergente Boros",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453791,
                    "name": "Acciuffare il Colpevole",
                    "text": "Distruggi una creatura bersaglio con costituzione pari o superiore a 4.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「管区四箇所でグルールの暴徒の報告。でかいのから始めて順番に片付けろ。」\n――ボロスの軍曹、ライブース",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454050,
                    "name": "罪人逮捕",
                    "text": "タフネスが4以上のクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"네 개 구획에서 그룰의 폭동에 대한 보고가 들어왔다. 큰 것부터 시작해서 차례로 처리해라.\"\n—보로스 하사, 리부즈",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454309,
                    "name": "범인 체포",
                    "text": "방어력이 4 이상인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Há relatos de baderneiros Gruul em quatro distritos. Comecem pelos grandes. Depois passem aos enormes.\"\n— Libuse, sargento Boros",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454568,
                    "name": "Prender o Culpado",
                    "text": "Destrua a criatura alvo com resistência igual ou superior a 4.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Нам сообщили о беспорядках, которые Груулы устроили в четырех районах. Начинайте с больших, а дальше идите по возрастающей».\n— Лайбус, сержант Боросов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454827,
                    "name": "Загнать Злодея",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевое существо с выносливостью 4 или больше.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「四个城区内爆发古鲁骚乱。从块头最大的闹事者开始,一个一个都给我逮起来。」\n~波洛斯军士黎布斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455086,
                    "name": "栓制魁首",
                    "text": "消灭目标防御力等于或大于4的生物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「四個城區內爆發古魯騷亂。從塊頭最大的鬧事者開始,一個一個都給我逮起來。」\n~波洛斯軍士黎布斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455345,
                    "name": "栓制魁首",
                    "text": "消滅目標防禦力等於或大於4的生物。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "name": "Collar the Culprit",
            "number": "5",
            "originalText": "Destroy target creature with toughness 4 or greater.",
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            "flavorText": "In the wake of Niv-Mizzet's disappearance, Ral found himself leading the guild. He had dreamed of this day, but couldn't help feeling like a pawn in someone else's game.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Nach Niv-Mizzets Verschwinden war Ral nun plötzlich der Anführer der Gilde. Er hatte von diesem Tag geträumt, doch er wurde das Gefühl nicht los, nur eine Schachfigur in jemandes Spiel zu sein.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453103,
                    "name": "Kontrollierter Sturm",
                    "text": "Der Kontrollierte Sturm fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl 5 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "A raíz de la desaparición de Niv-Mízzet, Ral se vio al mando del gremio. Había soñado con este día, pero se sentía como un peón en el juego de otra persona.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453362,
                    "name": "Gobernar la tempestad",
                    "text": "Gobernar la tempestad hace 5 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Suite à la disparition de Niv-Mizzet, Ral se retrouva à la tête de la guilde. Il en avait rêvé, mais il avait l'impression d'être un pion dans la partie de quelqu'un d'autre.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453621,
                    "name": "Commander à la tempête",
                    "text": "Commander à la tempête inflige 5 blessures à une créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "In seguito alla sparizione di Niv-Mizzet, Ral si ritrovò alla guida della gilda. Aveva sognato quel giorno, ma non poteva fare a meno di sentirsi una pedina manovrata da qualcun altro.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453880,
                    "name": "Comandare la Tempesta",
                    "text": "Comandare la Tempesta infligge 5 danni a una creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "ニヴ=ミゼットが消失した結果、ラルは自分がギルドを指導する立場であることに気付いた。ずっとこの日が来るのを夢見ていたが、どうしても、誰かのゲームの駒にされているような感覚を払拭できなかった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454139,
                    "name": "嵐の行使",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。嵐の行使はそれに5点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "니브-미젯이 실종된 여파로, 랄은 길드를 이끌고 있는 자신을 발견했다. 그는 이 날이 오기를 꿈꿔왔지만, 다른 사람이 하고 있는 게임의 장기말이 된 듯한 느낌을 지울 수 없었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454398,
                    "name": "폭풍에게 명령",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 폭풍에게 명령은 그 생물에게 피해 5점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Com o desaparecimento de Niv-Mizzet, Ral acabou tornando-se o líder da guilda. Ele sonhara com esse dia, mas não conseguia deixar de se sentir um peão no jogo de outra pessoa.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454657,
                    "name": "Controlar a Tempestade",
                    "text": "Controlar a Tempestade causa 5 pontos de dano à criatura alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Когда пропал Нив-Миззет, его место во главе гильдии занял Рал. Сбылась его мечта, но он не мог отделаться от ощущения, что стал пешкой в чужой игре.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454916,
                    "name": "Укрощение Грозы",
                    "text": "Укрощение Грозы наносит 5 повреждений целевому существу.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "尼米捷失踪之后,拉尔发现自己可以领导公会。他曾梦想过这一天的到来,却又不禁感觉自己像是旁人局中的棋子。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455175,
                    "name": "掌控风暴",
                    "text": "掌控风暴对目标生物造成5点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "尼米捷失蹤之後,拉爾發現自己可以領導公會。他曾夢想過這一天的到來,卻又不禁感覺自己像是旁人局中的棋子。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455434,
                    "name": "掌控風暴",
                    "text": "掌控風暴對目標生物造成5點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "name": "Command the Storm",
            "number": "94",
            "originalText": "Command the Storm deals 5 damage to target creature.",
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            "text": "Command the Storm deals 5 damage to target creature.",
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            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Just as leaves fall and the tree blooms again, one day I will fall and the Conclave will endure.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„So wie die Blätter fallen und die Bäume neu erblühen, werde auch ich eines Tages fallen und das Konklave wird fortbestehen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453170,
                    "name": "Ritterin des Konklaves",
                    "text": "Wachsamkeit\nWenn die Ritterin des Konklaves stirbt, erzeuge zwei 2/2 grüne und weiße Elf-Ritter-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Wachsamkeit.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zentaur, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "\"Igual que las hojas caen y el árbol florece de nuevo, un día yo caeré y el Cónclave perdurará\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453429,
                    "name": "Caballero del Cónclave",
                    "text": "Vigilancia.\nCuando la Caballero del Cónclave muera, crea dos fichas de criatura Caballero Elfo verdes y blancas 2/2 con la habilidad de vigilancia.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero centauro"
                    "flavorText": "« Tout comme les feuilles qui tombent et l'arbre qui fleurit à nouveau, un jour je tomberai et le Conclave poursuivra son existence. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453688,
                    "name": "Cavalière du Conclave",
                    "text": "Vigilance\nQuand la Cavalière du Conclave meurt, créez deux jetons de créature 2/2 verte et blanche Elfe et Chevalier avec la vigilance.",
                    "type": "Créature : centaure et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Così come le foglie cadono e l'albero torna a fiorire, anch'io un giorno cadrò, ma il Conclave perdurerà.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453947,
                    "name": "Cavaliera del Conclave",
                    "text": "Cautela\nQuando la Cavaliera del Conclave muore, crea due pedine creatura Cavaliere Elfo 2/2 verdi e bianche con cautela.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Centauro"
                    "flavorText": "「葉が散って木に再び花が咲くように、いつの日か私が散っても議事会は続くだろう。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454206,
                    "name": "議事会の騎兵",
                    "text": "警戒\n議事会の騎兵が死亡したとき、警戒を持ち緑であり白である2/2のエルフ・騎士・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ケンタウルス・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "\"나뭇잎이 떨어지고 다시 꽃을 피우는 것처럼, 언젠가 내가 스러져도 교단은 견뎌내리라.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454465,
                    "name": "교단 기수",
                    "text": "경계\n교단 기수가 죽을 때, 경계를 가진 2/2 녹색 및 백색 엘프 기사 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 켄타우로스 기사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Assim como as folhas caem e a árvore brota novamente, um dia eu cairei e o Conclave perdurará.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454724,
                    "name": "Cavaleira do Conclave",
                    "text": "Vigilância\nQuando Cavaleira do Conclave morrer, crie duas fichas de criatura verde e branca 2/2 do tipo Elfo Cavaleiro com vigilância.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Centauro Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Как листья падают на землю, а дерево расцветает вновь, так и я однажды паду, но Конклав будет жить».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454983,
                    "name": "Кавалеристка Конклава",
                    "text": "Бдительность\nКогда Кавалеристка Конклава умирает, создайте две фишки существа 2/2 зеленый и белый Эльф Рыцарь с Бдительностью.",
                    "type": "Существо — Кентавр Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "「叶落枝复繁,就算我哪天倒下,盟会亦将长存。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455242,
                    "name": "盟会骑兵",
                    "text": "警戒\n当盟会骑兵死去时,派出两个2/2,绿白双色,具警戒异能的妖精/骑士衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~半人马/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "「葉落枝復繁。就算我哪天倒下,盟會亦將長存。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455501,
                    "name": "盟會騎兵",
                    "text": "警戒\n當盟會騎兵死去時,派出兩個2/2,綠白雙色,具警戒異能的妖精/騎士衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~半人馬/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{G}{G}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452911,
            "name": "Conclave Cavalier",
            "names": [],
            "number": "161",
            "originalText": "Vigilance\nWhen Conclave Cavalier dies, create two 2/2 green and white Elf Knight creature tokens with vigilance.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Centaur Knight",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "b658a309-d14c-4e20-8c76-e7b3c5156bf2",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "653de668-beb0-4be7-bb05-30de5f52a3f1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176830,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Vigilance\nWhen Conclave Cavalier dies, create two 2/2 green and white Elf Knight creature tokens with vigilance.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Centaur Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ad3920d4-9dc1-5c27-93d5-b97af6ae5fe4",
            "uuidV421": "8ac673d5-e149-5fc4-81c4-fc5db4c8ebad",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Jason Rainville",
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            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453171,
                    "name": "Gildenmagier des Konklaves",
                    "text": "{G}, {T}: Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, verursachen Trampelschaden bis zum Ende des Zuges.\n{5}{W}, {T}: Erzeuge einen 2/2 grünen und weißen Elf-Ritter-Kreaturenspielstein mit Wachsamkeit.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Kleriker"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453430,
                    "name": "Mago del gremio del Cónclave",
                    "text": "{G}, {T}: Las criaturas que controlas ganan la habilidad de arrollar hasta el final del turno.\n{5}{W}, {T}: Crea una ficha de criatura Caballero Elfo verde y blanca 2/2 con la habilidad de vigilancia.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo elfo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453689,
                    "name": "Ghildmage du Conclave",
                    "text": "{G}, {T} : Les créatures que vous contrôlez acquièrent le piétinement jusqu'à la fin du tour.\n{5}{W}, {T} : Créez un jeton de créature 2/2 verte et blanche Elfe et Chevalier avec la vigilance.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et clerc"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453948,
                    "name": "Mago della Gilda del Conclave",
                    "text": "{G}, {T}: Le creature che controlli hanno travolgere fino alla fine del turno.\n{5}{W}, {T}: Crea una pedina creatura Cavaliere Elfo 2/2 verde e bianca con cautela.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Elfo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454207,
                    "name": "議事会のギルド魔道士",
                    "text": "{G}, {T}:ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーはトランプルを得る。\n{5}{W}, {T}:警戒を持ち緑であり白である2/2のエルフ・騎士・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・クレリック"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454466,
                    "name": "교단 길드마도사",
                    "text": "{G}, {T}: 당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 돌진을 얻는다.\n{5}{W}, {T}: 경계를 가진 2/2 녹색 및 백색 엘프 기사 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 성직자"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454725,
                    "name": "Maga da Guilda do Conclave",
                    "text": "{G}, {T}: As criaturas que você controla ganham atropelar até o final do turno.\n{5}{W}, {T}: Crie uma ficha de criatura verde e branca 2/2 do tipo Elfo Cavaleiro com vigilância.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Clérigo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454984,
                    "name": "Маг Гильдии Конклава",
                    "text": "{G}, {T}: существа под вашим контролем получают Пробивной удар до конца хода.\n{5}{W}, {T}: создайте одну фишку существа 2/2 зеленый и белый Эльф Рыцарь с Бдительностью.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Священник"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455243,
                    "name": "盟会公会法师",
                    "text": "{G},{T}:由你操控的生物获得践踏异能直到回合结束。\n{5}{W},{T}:派出一个2/2,绿白双色,具警戒异能的妖精/骑士衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/僧侣"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455502,
                    "name": "盟會公會法師",
                    "text": "{G},{T}:由你操控的生物獲得踐踏異能直到回合結束。\n{5}{W},{T}:派出一個2/2,綠白雙色,具警戒異能的妖精/騎士衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{G}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452912,
            "name": "Conclave Guildmage",
            "names": [],
            "number": "162",
            "originalText": "{G}, {T}: Creatures you control gain trample until end of turn.\n{5}{W}, {T}: Create a 2/2 green and white Elf Knight creature token with vigilance.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Cleric",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "279e551d-3ac3-48d5-9822-1d05159c8905",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "dc302243-0e9a-4de2-8e8e-8f6c3b94be37",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9d0eb1f4-08ef-4ac9-902b-47335ab46984",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176566,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{G}, {T}: Creatures you control gain trample until end of turn.\n{5}{W}, {T}: Create a 2/2 green and white Elf Knight creature token with vigilance.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b30d8c07-d06d-578e-8cde-0f86fbcd4ddd",
            "uuidV421": "9e32214c-bc5a-55a2-a09c-d80bc387d286",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Seb McKinnon",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453015,
                    "name": "Tribunal des Konklaves",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nWenn das Tribunal des Konklaves ins Spiel kommt, schicke eine bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die kein Land ist und die ein Gegner kontrolliert, ins Exil, bis das Tribunal des Konklaves das Spiel verlässt.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453274,
                    "name": "Tribunal del Cónclave",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nCuando el Tribunal del Cónclave entre al campo de batalla, exilia el permanente objetivo que no sea tierra que controla un oponente hasta que el Tribunal del Cónclave deje el campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453533,
                    "name": "Tribunal du Conclave",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nQuand le Tribunal du Conclave arrive sur le champ de bataille, exilez un permanent non-terrain ciblé qu'un adversaire contrôle jusqu'à ce que le Tribunal du Conclave quitte le champ de bataille.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453792,
                    "name": "Tribunale del Conclave",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nQuando il Tribunale del Conclave entra nel campo di battaglia, esilia un permanente non terra bersaglio controllato da un avversario finché il Tribunale del Conclave non lascia il campo di battaglia.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454051,
                    "name": "議事会の裁き",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\n議事会の裁きが戦場に出たとき、対戦相手がコントロールしていて土地でないパーマネント1つを対象とし、議事会の裁きが戦場を離れるまでそれを追放する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454310,
                    "name": "교단 재판소",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n교단 재판소가 전장에 들어올 때, 상대가 조종하는 대지가 아닌 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물을 교단 재판소가 전장을 떠날 때까지 추방한다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454569,
                    "name": "Tribunal do Conclave",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nQuando Tribunal do Conclave entrar no campo de batalha, exile a permanente alvo que não seja terreno que um oponente controla até que Tribunal do Conclave deixe o campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454828,
                    "name": "Трибунал Конклава",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nКогда Трибунал Конклава выходит на поле битвы, изгоните целевой не являющийся землей перманент под контролем оппонента до тех пор, пока Трибунал Конклава не покинет поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455087,
                    "name": "盟会裁定",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n当盟会裁定进战场时,放逐目标由对手操控的非地永久物,直到盟会裁定离开战场为止。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455346,
                    "name": "盟會裁定",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n當盟會裁定進戰場時,放逐目標由對手操控的非地永久物,直到盟會裁定離開戰場為止。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452756,
            "name": "Conclave Tribunal",
            "number": "6",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>\nWhen Conclave Tribunal enters the battlefield, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls until Conclave Tribunal leaves the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If Conclave Tribunal leaves the battlefield before its triggered ability resolves, the target permanent won’t be exiled."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Auras attached to the exiled permanent will be put into their owners’ graveyards. Any Equipment will become unattached and remain on the battlefield. Any counters on the exiled permanent will cease to exist. When the card returns to the battlefield, it will be a new object with no connection to the card that was exiled."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a token is exiled this way, it will cease to exist and won’t return to the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "9d9fda5d-df8f-45d6-b8f0-33f903c4bf83",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "bc79c357-1d57-4063-a9ce-ef75d3550d05",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e938ee4c-d5df-4d93-bd61-9e518fb1dc30",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175176,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)\nWhen Conclave Tribunal enters the battlefield, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls until Conclave Tribunal leaves the battlefield.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c25e7bdd-ccdf-5a7e-ae65-3baa953c1b21",
            "uuidV421": "63985d36-4881-57e1-9c38-dc1708e0f9f8",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Dan Scott",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 9.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453231,
                    "name": "Ersinnen",
                    "text": "Überwachen 3, bringe dann eine Kreaturenkarte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof ins Spiel zurück.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453490,
                    "name": "Confeccionar",
                    "text": "Escruta 3, luego regresa una carta de criatura de tu cementerio al campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453749,
                    "name": "Concoction",
                    "text": "Surveillez 3, puis renvoyez une carte de créature sur le champ de bataille depuis votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454008,
                    "name": "Mistura",
                    "text": "Sorveglia 3, poi rimetti sul campo di battaglia una carta creatura dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454267,
                    "name": "奇策",
                    "text": "諜報3を行い、その後あなたの墓地からクリーチャー・カード1枚を戦場に戻す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454526,
                    "name": "혼합",
                    "text": "감시 3을 한 후, 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드 한 장을 전장으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454785,
                    "name": "Concoctante",
                    "text": "Use vigiar 3, depois devolva um card de criatura de seu cemitério para o campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455044,
                    "name": "Состряпать",
                    "text": "Используйте Слежку 3, затем верните карту существа из вашего кладбища на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455303,
                    "name": "研药",
                    "text": "刺探3,然后将一张生物牌从你的坟墓场移回战场。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455562,
                    "name": "研藥",
                    "text": "刺探3,然後將一張生物牌從你的墳墓場移回戰場。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452972,
            "name": "Concoct",
            "names": [
            "number": "222",
            "originalText": "Surveil 3, then return a creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Connive’s effect lasts indefinitely. It doesn’t wear off during the cleanup step, and it doesn’t expire if the creature’s power becomes greater after Connive has resolved."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The creature card you return with Concoct may be one that you just surveilled into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "No player may take actions between the time you surveil and the time you return a creature card to the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "890ac54c-6fd7-4e46-8ce4-8926c6975f60",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b2b306c9-6d08-4b77-a032-d9056d218601",
            "scryfallOracleId": "6e07e7ae-1bb7-4831-adb9-a5e71b7d79e3",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176737,
            "text": "Surveil 3, then return a creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "08203360-1d4f-5c9d-a728-46c949e1834b",
            "uuidV421": "197d6aee-dd24-5d11-8e69-bd0efc8da3bc",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Dan Scott",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 9.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453231,
                    "name": "Erschleichen",
                    "text": "Übernimm die Kontrolle über eine Kreatur deiner Wahl mit Stärke 2 oder weniger.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453490,
                    "name": "Confabular",
                    "text": "Gana el control de la criatura objetivo con fuerza de 2 o menos.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453749,
                    "name": "Connivence",
                    "text": "Acquérez le contrôle d'une créature ciblée avec une force inférieure ou égale à 2.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454008,
                    "name": "Mistificare",
                    "text": "Prendi il controllo di una creatura bersaglio con forza pari o inferiore a 2.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454267,
                    "name": "詭謀",
                    "text": "パワーが2以下のクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それのコントロールを得る。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454526,
                    "name": "묵인",
                    "text": "공격력이 2 이하인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물의 조종권을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454785,
                    "name": "Conivente",
                    "text": "Ganhe o controle da criatura alvo com poder igual ou inferior a 2.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455044,
                    "name": "Сговориться",
                    "text": "Получите контроль над целевым существом с силой не более 2.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455303,
                    "name": "研谋",
                    "text": "获得目标力量等于或小于2的生物之操控权。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455562,
                    "name": "研謀",
                    "text": "獲得目標力量等於或小於2的生物之操控權。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U/B}{U/B}",
            "multiverseId": 452972,
            "name": "Connive",
            "names": [
            "number": "222",
            "originalText": "Gain control of target creature with power 2 or less.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Connive’s effect lasts indefinitely. It doesn’t wear off during the cleanup step, and it doesn’t expire if the creature’s power becomes greater after Connive has resolved."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The creature card you return with Concoct may be one that you just surveilled into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "No player may take actions between the time you surveil and the time you return a creature card to the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "890ac54c-6fd7-4e46-8ce4-8926c6975f60",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b2b306c9-6d08-4b77-a032-d9056d218601",
            "scryfallOracleId": "6e07e7ae-1bb7-4831-adb9-a5e71b7d79e3",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176737,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Gain control of target creature with power 2 or less.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "66f0f815-028c-5d65-82a6-5a98b23b163a",
            "uuidV421": "7443b587-ce44-5321-a7b0-b1dd3a2d03d2",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"This sort of innovation occurs when you set out to improve an electric tea kettle and misplace a decimal.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Solche Innovationen entstehen, wenn du einen elektrischen Teekessel optimieren willst und dich um eine Dezimalstelle verrechnest.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453104,
                    "name": "Kosmotronische Welle",
                    "text": "Die Kosmotronische Welle fügt jeder Kreatur, die deine Gegner kontrollieren, 1 Schadenspunkt zu. Kreaturen, die deine Gegner kontrollieren, können in diesem Zug nicht blocken.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Este tipo de innovación acontece cuando intentas mejorar un hervidor de agua y te equivocas en un decimal\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453363,
                    "name": "Onda cosmotrónica",
                    "text": "La Onda cosmotrónica hace 1 punto de daño a cada criatura que controlan tus oponentes. Las criaturas que controlan tus oponentes no pueden bloquear este turno.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Ce genre d'innovation se produit lorsque vous essayez d'améliorer une bouilloire électrique et que vous oubliez la virgule. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453622,
                    "name": "Vague cosmotronique",
                    "text": "La Vague cosmotronique inflige 1 blessure à chaque créature que vos adversaires contrôlent. Les créatures que vos adversaires contrôlent ne peuvent pas bloquer ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Questo è il tipo di innovazione che si verifica quando decidi di migliorare un bollitore elettrico e metti la virgola prima del decimale sbagliato.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453881,
                    "name": "Onda Cosmotronica",
                    "text": "L'Onda Cosmotronica infligge 1 danno a ogni creatura controllata dai tuoi avversari. Le creature controllate dai tuoi avversari non possono bloccare in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「こういう革新はね、電気ケトルを改良しようとして、小数点の位置を間違えたときに生まれるのよ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454140,
                    "name": "宇宙粒子波",
                    "text": "宇宙粒子波は対戦相手がコントロールしている各クリーチャーにそれぞれ1点のダメージを与える。このターン、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャーではブロックできない。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"이런 종류의 혁신은 전기 주전자를 개선하려고 하려다가 소수점을 잘못 찍을 때 일어나지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454399,
                    "name": "입자가속 파동",
                    "text": "입자가속 파동은 당신의 상대들이 조종하는 각 생물에게 피해 1점을 입힌다. 당신의 상대들이 조종하는 생물들은 이 턴에 방어할 수 없다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Esse tipo de inovação ocorre quando você tenta aperfeiçoar uma chaleira elétrica e erra uma vírgula decimal.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454658,
                    "name": "Onda Cosmotrônica",
                    "text": "Onda Cosmotrônica causa 1 ponto de dano a cada criatura que seus oponentes controlam. As criaturas que seus oponentes controlam não podem bloquear neste turno.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Такие вот изобретения рождаются на свет, когда хочешь усовершенствовать электрический чайник, но не там ставишь запятую в десятичной дроби».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454917,
                    "name": "Космотронная Волна",
                    "text": "Космотронная Волна наносит 1 повреждение каждому существу под контролем ваших оппонентов. Существа под контролем ваших оппонентов не могут блокировать в этом ходу.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你准备改进电茶壶,但算错了一位小数点,就会出现这类创新。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455176,
                    "name": "宙子散漫",
                    "text": "宙子散漫向由对手操控的每个生物各造成1点伤害。由对手操控的生物本回合不能进行阻挡。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你準備改進電茶壺,但算錯了一位小數點,就會出現這類創新。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455435,
                    "name": "宙子散漫",
                    "text": "宙子散漫向由對手操控的每個生物各造成1點傷害。由對手操控的生物本回合不能進行阻擋。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452845,
            "name": "Cosmotronic Wave",
            "number": "95",
            "originalText": "Cosmotronic Wave deals 1 damage to each creature your opponents control. Creatures your opponents control can't block this turn.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because Cosmotronic Wave doesn’t change the characteristics of any permanents, the set of creatures affected by its second effect is constantly updated. Creatures that come under an opponent’s control later in the turn can’t block."
            "scryfallId": "69c5bafa-8cd8-4158-98e0-46dc74c027c0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "186c21ef-38f6-4ecd-9c2e-9f317f21d321",
            "scryfallOracleId": "079ac521-9414-46c1-acd9-2ff2ff047d22",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 177104,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Cosmotronic Wave deals 1 damage to each creature your opponents control. Creatures your opponents control can't block this turn.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "91d51377-54c9-502b-908f-c4218a0dbf8e",
            "uuidV421": "fbaecb86-4fd0-59ae-8308-6f5383e59563"
            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
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                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453172,
                    "name": "Knisternder Sceada",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nDie Stärke des Knisternden Sceada ist gleich der Gesamtanzahl an Spontanzauber- und Hexerei-Karten, die du besitzt und die sich im Exil oder in deinem Friedhof befinden.\nWenn der Knisternde Sceada ins Spiel kommt, ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Sceada"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453431,
                    "name": "Draco chisporroteante",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nLa fuerza del Draco chisporroteante es igual a la cantidad total de cartas de instantáneo y de conjuro en tu cementerio y en el exilio de las cuales eres propietario.\nCuando el Draco chisporroteante entre al campo de batalla, roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Draco"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453690,
                    "name": "Drakôn crépitant",
                    "text": "Vol\nLa force du Drakôn crépitant est égale au nombre total de cartes d'éphémère et de rituel que vous possédez en exil et dans votre cimetière.\nQuand le Drakôn crépitant arrive sur le champ de bataille, piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : drakôn"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453949,
                    "name": "Draghetto Crepitante",
                    "text": "Volare\nLa forza del Draghetto Crepitante è pari al numero totale di carte istantaneo e stregoneria che possiedi in esilio e nel tuo cimitero.\nQuando il Draghetto Crepitante entra nel campo di battaglia, pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Draghetto"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454208,
                    "name": "弾けるドレイク",
                    "text": "飛行\n弾けるドレイクのパワーは、追放領域かあなたの墓地にあり、あなたがオーナーであり、インスタントかソーサリーであるカードの枚数に等しい。\n弾けるドレイクが戦場に出たとき、カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ドレイク"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454467,
                    "name": "파직거리는 드레이크",
                    "text": "비행\n파직거리는 드레이크의 공격력은 추방 영역과 당신의 무덤에 있는 당신이 소유한 순간마법과 집중마법 카드 수의 합과 같다.\n파직거리는 드레이크가 전장에 들어올 때, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 드레이크"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454726,
                    "name": "Dragonete Fagulhante",
                    "text": "Voar\nO poder de Dragonete Fagulhante é igual ao número de cards de mágica instantânea e feitiço que você possui no exílio e em seu cemitério.\nQuando Dragonete Fagulhante entrar no campo de batalha, compre um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dragonete"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454985,
                    "name": "Трескучий Дрейк",
                    "text": "Полет\nСила Трескучего Дрейка равна суммарному количеству принадлежащих вам карт мгновенных заклинаний и волшебства в изгнании и на вашем кладбище.\nКогда Трескучий Дрейк выходит на поле битвы, возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дрейк"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455244,
                    "name": "爆响龙兽",
                    "text": "飞行\n爆响龙兽的力量等同于放逐区中由你拥有之瞬间与法术牌数量和你坟墓场中这两类牌数量的加总。\n当爆响龙兽进战场时,抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~龙兽"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455503,
                    "name": "爆響龍獸",
                    "text": "飛行\n爆響龍獸的力量等同於放逐區中由你擁有之瞬間與巫術牌數量和你墳墓場中這兩類牌數量的加總。\n當爆響龍獸進戰場時,抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~龍獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{U}{U}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452913,
            "name": "Crackling Drake",
            "number": "163",
            "originalText": "Flying\nCrackling Drake's power is equal to the total number of instant and sorcery cards you own in exile and in your graveyard.\nWhen Crackling Drake enters the battlefield, draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Drake",
            "power": "*",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If any exiled cards you own are face down, they have no characteristics. If they’re normally instants or sorceries, they won’t be counted."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The ability that defines Crackling Drake’s power works in all zones."
            "scryfallId": "f00fa3a7-e3e2-4b23-a126-a076e75b5dbd",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "bb4d6109-3558-4c56-bd8a-f0d0d5e930ca",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c8b4eba6-88ce-42d7-a235-5a4765a4a981",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176831,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nCrackling Drake's power is equal to the total number of instant and sorcery cards you own in exile and in your graveyard.\nWhen Crackling Drake enters the battlefield, draw a card.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Drake",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1fa4225b-a768-5c4a-a73e-4bc85073a3f0",
            "uuidV421": "982251d9-926a-5c0d-b74b-70bdca00cda6",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Wisnu Tan",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453075,
                    "name": "Kriechende Kälte",
                    "text": "Die Kriechende Kälte fügt jedem Gegner 3 Schadenspunkte zu und du erhältst 3 Lebenspunkte dazu.\nWenn die Kriechende Kälte von deiner Bibliothek auf deinen Friedhof gelegt wird, kannst du sie ins Exil schicken. Falls du dies tust, fügt die Kriechende Kälte jedem Gegner 3 Schadenspunkte zu und du erhältst 3 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453334,
                    "name": "Escalofrío por la columna",
                    "text": "El Escalofrío por la columna hace 3 puntos de daño a cada oponente y tú ganas 3 vidas.\nCuando el Escalofrío por la columna vaya a tu cementerio desde tu biblioteca, puedes exiliarlo. Si lo haces, el Escalofrío por la columna hace 3 puntos de daño a cada oponente y tú ganas 3 vidas.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453593,
                    "name": "Frisson rampant",
                    "text": "Le Frisson rampant inflige 3 blessures à chaque adversaire et vous gagnez 3 points de vie.\nQuand le Frisson rampant est mis dans votre cimetière depuis votre bibliothèque, vous pouvez l'exiler. Si vous faites ainsi, le Frisson rampant inflige 3 blessures à chaque adversaire et vous gagnez 3 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453852,
                    "name": "Brivido Strisciante",
                    "text": "Il Brivido Strisciante infligge 3 danni a ogni avversario e tu guadagni 3 punti vita.\nQuando il Brivido Strisciante viene messo nel tuo cimitero dal tuo grimorio, puoi esiliarlo. Se lo fai, il Brivido Strisciante infligge 3 danni a ogni avversario e tu guadagni 3 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454111,
                    "name": "這い寄る恐怖",
                    "text": "這いよる恐怖は各対戦相手にそれぞれ3点のダメージを与え、あなたは3点のライフを得る。\n這いよる恐怖があなたのライブラリーからあなたの墓地に置かれたとき、あなたはこれを追放してもよい。そうしたなら、這いよる恐怖は各対戦相手にそれぞれ3点のダメージを与え、あなたは3点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454370,
                    "name": "스며드는 한기",
                    "text": "스며드는 한기는 각 상대에게 피해 3점을 입히고 당신은 생명 3점을 얻는다.\n스며드는 한기가 당신의 서고에서 당신의 무덤에 놓일 때, 당신은 스며드는 한기를 추방할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 스며드는 한기는 각 상대에게 피해 3점을 입히고 당신은 생명 3점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454629,
                    "name": "Calafrio Incapacitante",
                    "text": "Calafrio Incapacitante causa 3 pontos de dano a cada oponente e você ganha 3 pontos de vida.\nQuando Calafrio Incapacitante é colocado em seu cemitério vindo de seu grimório, você pode exilá-lo. Se fizer isso, Calafrio Incapacitante causará 3 pontos de dano a cada oponente e você ganhará 3 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454888,
                    "name": "Подкрадывающийся Холод",
                    "text": "Подкрадывающийся Холод наносит 3 повреждения каждому оппоненту, а вы получаете 3 жизни.\nКогда Подкрадывающийся Холод попадает из вашей библиотеки на ваше кладбище, вы можете изгнать его. Если вы это делаете, то Подкрадывающийся Холод наносит 3 повреждения каждому оппоненту, а вы получаете 3 жизни.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455147,
                    "name": "寒意蔓延",
                    "text": "寒意蔓延向每位对手各造成3点伤害,且你获得3点生命。\n当寒意蔓延从你的牌库置入你的坟墓场时,你可以将它放逐。若你如此作,则寒意蔓延向每位对手各造成3点伤害,且你获得3点生命。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455406,
                    "name": "寒意蔓延",
                    "text": "寒意蔓延向每位對手各造成3點傷害,且你獲得3點生命。\n當寒意蔓延從你的牌庫置入你的墳墓場時,你可以將它放逐。若你如此作,則寒意蔓延向每位對手各造成3點傷害,且你獲得3點生命。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452816,
            "name": "Creeping Chill",
            "number": "66",
            "originalText": "Creeping Chill deals 3 damage to each opponent and you gain 3 life.\nWhen Creeping Chill is put into your graveyard from your library, you may exile it. If you do, Creeping Chill deals 3 damage to each opponent and you gain 3 life.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Creeping Chill causes the opposing team to lose 6 life and you gain 3 life."
            "scryfallId": "f5456173-7a08-4b5c-8450-7123375f4a86",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2ec4cd35-d237-4ded-8a2d-f5ae217a6d9c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "dc0d4e58-db39-4a05-b27c-452180c86d47",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176732,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Creeping Chill deals 3 damage to each opponent and you gain 3 life.\nWhen Creeping Chill is put into your graveyard from your library, you may exile it. If you do, Creeping Chill deals 3 damage to each opponent and you gain 3 life.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4d2cfa90-7cc4-5df8-834e-832aacb4a973",
            "uuidV421": "50a9972a-efe0-5cea-ba6b-086368f20832"
            "artist": "Jason A. Engle",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "The Izzet mage knew she would neither get her thermoinverter back nor have the satisfaction of exploding it herself.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Izzet-Magierin wusste, dass sie weder ihren Thermoinverter zurückbekommen noch die Befriedigung verspüren würde, ihn selbst detonieren zu lassen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453016,
                    "name": "Zerstörung der Hehlerware",
                    "text": "Bestimme eines oder beides —\n• Schicke ein Artefakt deiner Wahl ins Exil.\n• Schicke eine Verzauberung deiner Wahl ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "La maga ízzet sabía que ni recuperaría el termoinversor, ni tendría la satisfacción de hacerlo explotar ella misma.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453275,
                    "name": "Aplastar contrabando",
                    "text": "Elige uno o ambos:\n• Exilia el artefacto objetivo.\n• Exilia el encantamiento objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "La mage d'Izzet savait qu'elle ne récupérerait pas son onduleur thermique et qu'elle n'aurait pas non plus la satisfaction de le faire exploser elle-même.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453534,
                    "name": "Écraser la contrebande",
                    "text": "Choisissez l'un ou les deux —\n• Exilez l'artefact ciblé.\n• Exilez l'enchantement ciblé.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "La maga Izzet si ritrovò privata sia del suo termoinvertitore, sia della soddisfazione di farlo esplodere personalmente.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453793,
                    "name": "Schiacciare il Contrabbando",
                    "text": "Scegli uno o entrambi —\n• Esilia un artefatto bersaglio.\n• Esilia un incantesimo bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "イゼットの魔道士には、逆熱装置を取り戻すことも、それを爆発させて満足することも、どちらも不可能だと分かった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454052,
                    "name": "禁制品潰し",
                    "text": "以下から1つまたは両方を選ぶ。\n• アーティファクト1つを対象とし、それを追放する。\n• エンチャント1つを対象とし、それを追放する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "이젯의 마도사는 그녀가 열변환기를 돌려받지도, 직접 그것을 폭발시키는 만족감을 얻지도 못하리라는 것을 알고 있었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454311,
                    "name": "밀수품 뭉개기",
                    "text": "하나 혹은 둘 다를 선택한다 —\n• 마법물체를 목표로 정한다. 그 마법물체를 추방한다.\n• 부여마법을 목표로 정한다. 그 부여마법을 추방한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "A maga Izzet sabia que não recuperaria seu termoinversor nem teria a satisfação de explodi-lo ela mesma.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454570,
                    "name": "Esmagar o Contrabando",
                    "text": "Escolha um ou ambos —\n• Exile o artefato alvo.\n• Exile o encantamento alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Волшебница Иззетов знала, что теперь и термоинвертер назад не получит, и не сможет сама его с удовольствием взорвать.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454829,
                    "name": "Уничтожение Контрабанды",
                    "text": "Выберите одно или оба —\n• Изгоните целевой артефакт.\n• Изгоните целевые чары.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "伊捷法师知道这样一来,不仅手中的热能反转器会一去不返,自己也无法享受亲手引爆它的快感。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455088,
                    "name": "粉碎禁品",
                    "text": "选择一项或都选~\n•放逐目标神器。\n•放逐目标结界。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "伊捷法師知道這樣一來,不僅手中的熱能反轉器會一去不返,自己也無法享受親手引爆它的快感。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455347,
                    "name": "粉碎禁品",
                    "text": "選擇一項或都選~\n•放逐目標神器。\n•放逐目標結界。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452757,
            "name": "Crush Contraband",
            "number": "7",
            "originalText": "Choose one or both —\n• Exile target artifact.\n• Exile target enchantment.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you’ve chosen both modes and one of Crush Contraband’s targets becomes an illegal target, the other is still exiled."
            "scryfallId": "13e162b3-2e5a-4235-a2a7-1c8e3e9f2c19",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b6969846-1a03-435d-b22a-9f1c8be2c723",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ecbc234d-e1d3-4bcc-81d4-fffc2c7ea16a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176867,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Choose one or both —\n• Exile target artifact.\n• Exile target enchantment.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "82208ec5-d805-508b-9d09-86ccfbdfd05d",
            "uuidV421": "4862fcf0-e3da-5889-a9ef-0e410baba01e"
            "artist": "Simon Dominic",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The Dimir may look all they want. We never grow tired of swatting their bugs.\"\n—Heruj, Selesnya hierophant",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Dimir können noch so hartnäckig sein. Wir werden es nie Leid, ihre Wanzen zu zerquetschen.\"\n—Heruj, Selesnija-Hohepriester",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453135,
                    "name": "Zerschmetterndes Blätterdach",
                    "text": "Bestimme eines —\n• Zerstöre eine fliegende Kreatur deiner Wahl.\n• Zerstöre eine Verzauberung deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Los dimir pueden rebuscar todo lo que quieran. Nunca nos cansamos de aplastar a sus insectos\".\n—Héruj, hierofante selesnya",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453394,
                    "name": "Vegetación aniquiladora",
                    "text": "Elige uno:\n• Destruye la criatura objetivo con la habilidad de volar.\n• Destruye el encantamiento objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Les Dimir peuvent nous espionner autant qu'ils veulent. Nous ne nous lassons jamais d'écraser leurs mouchards. »\n—Heruj, hiérophante de Selesnya",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453653,
                    "name": "Canopée écrasante",
                    "text": "Choisissez l'un —\n• Détruisez la créature avec le vol ciblée.\n• Détruisez l'enchantement ciblé.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"I Dimir possono osservarci quanto vogliono. Non ci stancheremo mai di schiacciare i loro moscerini.\"\n—Heruj, gerofante di Selesnya",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453912,
                    "name": "Fronde Stritolanti",
                    "text": "Scegli uno —\n• Distruggi una creatura bersaglio con volare.\n• Distruggi un incantesimo bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「ディミーアは何でも好きなものを見ればよいのです。私たちが彼らの虫を叩くのに飽きることはありません。」\n――セレズニアの秘義司祭、ヘルージ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454171,
                    "name": "押し潰す梢",
                    "text": "以下から1つを選ぶ。\n• 飛行を持つクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。\n• エンチャント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"디미르에게 그들이 보고 싶은 건 모두 보라고 해라. 그자들의 벌레들을 잡는 일은 언제까지고 할 수 있으니.\"\n—셀레스냐 주창자, 헤루즈",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454430,
                    "name": "으스러뜨리는 숲",
                    "text": "하나를 선택한다 —\n• 비행을 가진 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다.\n• 부여마법을 목표로 정한다. 그 부여마법을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os Dimir podem olhar o que quiserem. Nunca nos cansamos de esmagar seus insetos.\"\n— Heruj, hierofante Selesnya",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454689,
                    "name": "Dossel Esmagador",
                    "text": "Escolha um —\n• Destrua a criatura alvo com voar.\n• Destrua o encantamento alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Димиры могут смотреть сколько угодно. Мы не устанем прихлопывать их жучков».\n— Геруй, иерофант Селезнии",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454948,
                    "name": "Сокрушительная Крона",
                    "text": "Выберите одно —\n• Уничтожьте целевое существо с Полетом.\n• Уничтожьте целевые чары.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「底密尔可以尽情刺探。我们会不厌其烦地拍扁他们的臭虫。」\n~瑟雷尼亚法皇荷路杰",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455207,
                    "name": "树冠压袭",
                    "text": "选择一项~\n•消灭目标具飞行异能的生物。\n•消灭目标结界。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「底密爾可以盡情刺探。我們會不厭其煩地拍扁他們的臭蟲。」\n~瑟雷尼亞法皇荷路傑",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455466,
                    "name": "樹冠壓襲",
                    "text": "選擇一項~\n•消滅目標具飛行異能的生物。\n•消滅目標結界。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452876,
            "name": "Crushing Canopy",
            "number": "126",
            "originalText": "Choose one —\n• Destroy target creature with flying.\n• Destroy target enchantment.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "c0c4f213-0ea4-44c0-8429-172a317b77f5",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0c1302ce-81d6-49fb-97f4-f8a1113b7781",
            "scryfallOracleId": "618cd1bc-4422-441b-906f-1a209277be93",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176888,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Choose one —\n• Destroy target creature with flying.\n• Destroy target enchantment.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2cd60961-fbc7-5e25-bf3d-bd9135d10479",
            "uuidV421": "be2b2659-3b49-58f4-8d61-dbeb1e1c1592"
            "artist": "Joe Slucher",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I've seen your house, and you've been a lovely, if unwitting, host. But at last it's time for farewells.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich habe dein Haus gesehen und du warst ein liebenswerter, wenn auch ahnungsloser Gastgeber. Doch nun heißt es, Lebewohl zu sagen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453173,
                    "name": "Dunkelklingenagentin",
                    "text": "Solange du in diesem Zug Überwachen angewendet hast, hat die Dunkelklingenagentin Todesberührung und „Immer wenn diese Kreatur einem Spieler Kampfschaden zufügt, ziehe eine Karte.\"",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Assassine"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vi tu casa y fuiste un anfitrión excelente, aunque involuntario. Pero llegó la hora de las despedidas\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453432,
                    "name": "Agente filoscuro",
                    "text": "Mientras hayas escrutado este turno, la Agente filoscuro tiene la habilidad de toque mortal y \"Siempre que esta criatura haga daño de combate a un jugador, tú robas una carta\".",
                    "type": "Criatura — Asesino humano"
                    "flavorText": "« J'ai visité votre demeure, et vous avez été bien malgré vous un hôte charmant. Mais il est enfin temps de se dire au revoir. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453691,
                    "name": "Agente sombrelame",
                    "text": "Tant que vous avez surveillé ce tour-ci, l'Agente sombrelame a le contact mortel et « À chaque fois que cette créature inflige des blessures de combat à un joueur, vous piochez une carte. »",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et assassin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ho visitato la tua casa e la tua ospitalità, per quanto inconsapevole, è stata impeccabile. Ma ormai è giunto il momento di congedarci.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453950,
                    "name": "Agente della Lama Oscura",
                    "text": "Se hai sorvegliato in questo turno, l'Agente della Lama Oscura ha tocco letale e \"Ogniqualvolta questa creatura infligge danno da combattimento a un giocatore, pesca una carta\".",
                    "type": "Creatura — Assassino Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「私はこの家をずっと見てきました。気付いていなかったかも知れませんが、あなたは素敵な主人でした。しかしそろそろお別れの時間です。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454209,
                    "name": "闇刃の工作員",
                    "text": "このターンにあなたが諜報を行っていたなら、闇刃の工作員は接死と「このクリーチャーがプレイヤー1人に戦闘ダメージを与えるたび、あなたはカードを1枚引く。」を持つ。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・暗殺者"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 이 집을 샅샅이 살펴보았고, 당신은, 알았는 지 모르겠지만, 날 아주 환대해 주었죠. 하지만 이제는 작별 인사를 할 시간이군요.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454468,
                    "name": "암검 요원",
                    "text": "당신이 이번 턴에 감시를 한 한, 암검 요원은 치명타와 \"이 생물이 플레이어에게 전투피해를 입힐 때마다, 당신은 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\"를 가진다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 암살자"
                    "flavorText": "\"Já vi a sua casa, e você foi um anfitrião adorável, mesmo sem saber. Mas finalmente chegou a hora de me despedir.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454727,
                    "name": "Agente Laminegra",
                    "text": "Contanto que você tenha usado vigiar neste turno, Agente Laminegra tem toque mortífero e \"Toda vez que esta criatura causa dano de combate a um jogador, você compra um card.\".",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Assassino"
                    "flavorText": "«Я побывала в твоем доме, и ты был очень милым, хоть ничего и не подозревающим, хозяином. Но настало время прощаться».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454986,
                    "name": "Агент Темного Клинка",
                    "text": "Если вы уже использовали Слежку в этом ходу, Агент Темного Клинка имеет Смертельное касание и способность «Каждый раз, когда это существо наносит боевые повреждения игроку, вы берете карту».",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Убийца"
                    "flavorText": "「敝人曾在贵府盘桓数日。阁下虽乏细致,但款待还算周到。叨扰多时,这生就此别过。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455245,
                    "name": "黯刃密探",
                    "text": "只要你本回合中刺探过,黯刃密探便具有死触异能与「每当此生物对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,你抓一张牌。」",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/杀手"
                    "flavorText": "「敝人曾在貴府盤桓數日。閣下雖乏細緻,但款待還算周到。叨擾多時,這生就此別過。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455504,
                    "name": "黯刃密探",
                    "text": "只要你在本回合中刺探過,黯刃密探便具有死觸異能與「每當此生物對任一玩家造成戰鬥傷害時,你抽一張牌。」",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/殺手"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452914,
            "name": "Darkblade Agent",
            "number": "164",
            "originalText": "As long as you've surveilled this turn, Darkblade Agent has deathtouch and \"Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, you draw a card.\"",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Assassin",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "f0b610c5-61e5-43df-a87b-3eaaa915402b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "1289e4f6-28d8-4941-9268-0572bd1f4dce",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9a293c87-ad40-4c6c-9fa4-9a8b5f081ac9",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176574,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "As long as you've surveilled this turn, Darkblade Agent has deathtouch and \"Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, you draw a card.\"",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Assassin",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c2d934aa-d151-5d3e-b4dd-2c04302b8cb3",
            "uuidV421": "ccb1367f-4dbb-52ca-83c4-292a10fe9644",
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            "artist": "Sung Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"To wage war, secure peace within yourself.\"\n—Emmara",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Um in den Krieg zu ziehen, benötigst du inneren Frieden.\"\n—Emmara",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453017,
                    "name": "Hoffnungsschimmer",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du Lebenspunkte dazuerhältst, kannst du {2} bezahlen. Falls du dies tust, ziehe eine Karte.\n{3}{W}: Erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen Soldat-Kreaturenspielstein mit Lebensverknüpfung.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"Para librar una guerra, primero debes asegurar la paz en tu interior\".\n—Emmara",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453276,
                    "name": "Alba de esperanza",
                    "text": "Siempre que ganes vidas, puedes pagar {2}. Si lo haces, roba una carta.\n{3}{W}: Crea una ficha de criatura Soldado blanca 1/1 con la habilidad de vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "« Pour faire la guerre, il faut être en paix avec soi-même. »\n—Emmara",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453535,
                    "name": "Aube de l'espoir",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous gagnez des points de vie, vous pouvez payer {2}. Si vous faites ainsi, piochez une carte.\n{3}{W} : Créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche Soldat avec le lien de vie.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se vuoi scendere in guerra, porta la pace nel tuo cuore.\"\n—Emmara",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453794,
                    "name": "Alba di Speranza",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta guadagni punti vita, puoi pagare {2}. Se lo fai, pesca una carta.\n{3}{W}: Crea una pedina creatura Soldato 1/1 bianca con legame vitale.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "「戦争を始めるには、心の平和を確保する必要がある。」\n――イマーラ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454053,
                    "name": "希望の夜明け",
                    "text": "あなたがライフを得るたび、あなたは{2}を支払ってもよい。そうしたなら、カードを1枚引く。\n{3}{W}:絆魂を持つ白の1/1の兵士・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"전쟁을 벌이려면, 평화는 마음 속에 간직해 두어라.\"\n—에마라",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454312,
                    "name": "희망의 새벽",
                    "text": "당신이 생명점을 얻을 때마다, 당신은 {2}를 지불할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n{3}{W}: 생명연결을 가진 1/1 백색 병사 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Para fazer a guerra, assegure a paz em seu interior.\"\n— Emmara",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454571,
                    "name": "Aurora da Esperança",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você ganha pontos de vida, você pode pagar {2}. Se fizer isso, compre um card.\n{3}{W}: Crie uma ficha de criatura branca 1/1 do tipo Soldado com vínculo com a vida.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "«Чтобы вести войну, сначала надо заключить мир с самим собой».\n— Эммара",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454830,
                    "name": "Заря Надежды",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы получаете жизнь(-и), вы можете заплатить {2}. Если вы это делаете, возьмите карту.\n{3}{W}: создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый Солдат с Цепью жизни.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「若要兴战,须先保证心境祥和。」\n~艾玛拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455089,
                    "name": "希望曙光",
                    "text": "每当你获得生命时,你可以支付{2}。若你如此作,则抓一张牌。\n{3}{W}:派出一个1/1白色,具系命异能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "「若要興戰,須先保證心境祥和。」\n~艾瑪拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455348,
                    "name": "希望曙光",
                    "text": "每當你獲得生命時,你可以支付{2}。若你如此作,則抽一張牌。\n{3}{W}:派出一個1/1白色,具繫命異能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452758,
            "name": "Dawn of Hope",
            "names": [],
            "number": "8",
            "originalText": "Whenever you gain life, you may pay {2}. If you do, draw a card.\n{3}{W}: Create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Dawn of Hope’s first ability triggers just once for each life-gaining event, whether it’s 1 life from Vicious Rumors or 3 life from Creeping Chill."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can’t pay {2} multiple times to draw more than one card each time you resolve Dawn of Hope’s triggered ability."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Each creature with lifelink dealing combat damage causes a separate life-gaining event. For example, if two creatures you control with lifelink deal combat damage at the same time, Dawn of Hope’s ability will trigger twice. However, if a single creature you control with lifelink deals combat damage to multiple creatures, players, and/or planeswalkers at the same time (perhaps because it has trample or was blocked by more than one creature), the ability will trigger only once."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you gain an amount of life “for each” of something, that life is gained as one event and Dawn of Hope’s first ability triggers only once."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, life gained by your teammate won’t cause the ability to trigger, even though it caused your team’s life total to increase."
            "scryfallId": "cf2a9e82-8670-4b7f-b5f0-8e10f8aeff1c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "dcae0426-f04b-48a5-939a-ddf1006abf3f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d7a38484-2acc-49a6-b32d-d54dddb14d31",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176869,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you gain life, you may pay {2}. If you do, draw a card.\n{3}{W}: Create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9d9dc9a0-9874-54ad-935f-9033fc8a8f04",
            "uuidV421": "46ebe544-7707-58df-a3c9-cedfa2499f15"
            "artist": "Robbie Trevino",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453043,
                    "name": "Verwirrendes Lichtspiel",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält -3/-0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nÜberwachen 2. (Schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453302,
                    "name": "Luces deslumbrantes",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene -3/-0 hasta el final del turno.\nEscruta 2. (Mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453561,
                    "name": "Lumières éblouissantes",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne -3/-0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nSurveillez 2. (Regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453820,
                    "name": "Luci Abbacinanti",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende -3/-0 fino alla fine del turno.\nSorveglia 2. (Guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454079,
                    "name": "眩惑の光",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは-3/-0の修整を受ける。\n諜報2を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置く。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454338,
                    "name": "휘황찬란한 빛",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 -3/-0을 받는다.\n감시 2를 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454597,
                    "name": "Luzes Ofuscantes",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe -3/-0 até o final do turno.\nVigiar 2. (Olhe os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454856,
                    "name": "Ослепительные Огни",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает -3/-0 до конца хода.\nСлежка 2. (Посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455115,
                    "name": "眩目光辉",
                    "text": "目标生物得-3/-0直到回合结束。\n刺探2。(检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455374,
                    "name": "眩目光輝",
                    "text": "目標生物得-3/-0直到回合結束。\n刺探2。(檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452784,
            "name": "Dazzling Lights",
            "number": "34",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets -3/-0 until end of turn.\nSurveil 2. <i>(Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Some spells that instruct you to surveil require targets. You can’t cast a spell without choosing legal targets. If all of those targets become illegal, the spell doesn’t resolve and you won’t surveil."
            "scryfallId": "a9d4639a-b634-469e-a848-35e3a3dfd47e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0d544dc7-e858-4297-b78e-d590dc05c908",
            "scryfallOracleId": "394709f0-2d29-4a2d-be05-7b22fec57763",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176866,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets -3/-0 until end of turn.\nSurveil 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on the top of your library in any order.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6f9aed7c-bcff-5d33-8be2-a283b90e8456",
            "uuidV421": "8e4bd24b-cb6f-560f-b070-079a6e859ae6",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Lake Hurwitz",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "All things considered, his first day on patrol could have gone better.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wenn man die Umstände bedenkt, hätte sein erster Tag auf Patrouille besser laufen können.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453076,
                    "name": "Totes Gewicht",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur erhält -2/-2.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Visto lo visto, el primer día de patrulla podría haber ido mejor.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453335,
                    "name": "Peso muerto",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada obtiene -2/-2.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Tout bien considéré, son premier jour de patrouille aurait pu mieux se passer.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453594,
                    "name": "Poids mort",
                    "text": "Enchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée gagne -2/-2.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "flavorText": "Tutto sommato, il suo primo giorno di pattuglia sarebbe potuto andare meglio.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453853,
                    "name": "Peso Morto",
                    "text": "Incanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata prende -2/-2.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "すべてを考慮しておけば、彼の初勤務日はもっとうまくいったはずだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454112,
                    "name": "死の重み",
                    "text": "エンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントされているクリーチャーは-2/-2の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "생각해 보면, 그의 첫 순찰일은 훨씬 더 나을 수도 있었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454371,
                    "name": "사악한 족쇄",
                    "text": "생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 -2/-2를 받는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "Considerando tudo, o primeiro dia de patrulha dele poderia ter sido melhor.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454630,
                    "name": "Peso Morto",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura\nA criatura encantada recebe -2/-2.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "В общем и целом его первый день в патруле мог бы пройти и получше.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454889,
                    "name": "Мертвый Груз",
                    "text": "Зачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо получает -2/-2.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "从各方面的情况来看,他的第一天巡逻本可以更顺利些。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455148,
                    "name": "重负",
                    "text": "结附于生物\n所结附的生物得-2/-2。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "從各方面的情況來看,他的第一天巡邏本可以更順利些。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455407,
                    "name": "重負",
                    "text": "結附於生物\n所結附的生物得-2/-2。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452817,
            "name": "Dead Weight",
            "number": "67",
            "originalText": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets -2/-2.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "a1a81554-50d4-4fe0-bf0d-5304f215d19e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ce41b555-f9a9-4a7b-92b2-f0db5a4313fe",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b1804304-fac1-4b19-a48d-6ade9407972a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176920,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets -2/-2.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a014acc4-b212-52ff-ae8a-9e45d3f10a83",
            "uuidV421": "1507ec75-c7a2-5317-93ea-a1404388032f"
            "artist": "Scott Murphy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453077,
                    "name": "Tödlicher Besuch",
                    "text": "Zerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl.\nÜberwachen 2. (Schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453336,
                    "name": "Visita letal",
                    "text": "Destruye la criatura objetivo.\nEscruta 2. (Mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453595,
                    "name": "Visite mortelle",
                    "text": "Détruisez une créature ciblée.\nSurveillez 2. (Regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453854,
                    "name": "Visita Mortale",
                    "text": "Distruggi una creatura bersaglio.\nSorveglia 2. (Guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454113,
                    "name": "致命的な訪問",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。\n諜報2を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置く。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454372,
                    "name": "치명적인 방문",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다.\n감시 2를 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454631,
                    "name": "Visita Mortífera",
                    "text": "Destrua a criatura alvo.\nVigiar 2. (Olhe os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454890,
                    "name": "Смертоносный Визит",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевое существо.\nСлежка 2. (Посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455149,
                    "name": "夺命造访",
                    "text": "消灭目标生物。\n刺探2。(检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455408,
                    "name": "奪命造訪",
                    "text": "消滅目標生物。\n刺探2。(檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452818,
            "name": "Deadly Visit",
            "number": "68",
            "originalText": "Destroy target creature.\nSurveil 2. <i>(Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You’ll surveil before resolving any abilities that trigger on the target creature dying."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Deadly Visit can target a creature that’s indestructible. It won’t be destroyed, but you’ll surveil."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Some spells that instruct you to surveil require targets. You can’t cast a spell without choosing legal targets. If all of those targets become illegal, the spell doesn’t resolve and you won’t surveil."
            "scryfallId": "462fe190-5264-42d8-bd27-23c5aa0c641f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "766953c5-ba63-45c3-8364-50998f2cbf73",
            "scryfallOracleId": "04a3bb42-0464-4638-a6ac-d5f412c222cc",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175182,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy target creature.\nSurveil 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b03045cc-9348-52a6-9466-1aca31f1fe65",
            "uuidV421": "0ebdd63d-fd64-5b03-a781-d6e317b82ad5",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Adam Paquette",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Commander, what's the signal to attack?\"\n\"You'll know.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Kommandeur, was ist das Signal zum Angriff?\"\n„Ihr werdet es erkennen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453174,
                    "name": "Schmetterndes Signalhorn",
                    "text": "Bestimme eines oder beides —\n• Das Schmetternde Signalhorn fügt jeder Kreatur 3 Schadenspunkte zu.\n• Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten Lebensverknüpfung bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "—Comandante, ¿cuál es la señal de ataque?\n—Lo sabrás.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453433,
                    "name": "Clarín ensordecedor",
                    "text": "Elige uno o ambos:\n• El Clarín ensordecedor hace 3 puntos de daño a cada criatura.\n• Las criaturas que controlas ganan la habilidad de vínculo vital hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Commandant, quel sera le signal d'attaque ? »\n« Vous le reconnaîtrez. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453692,
                    "name": "Clairon assourdissant",
                    "text": "Choisissez l'un ou les deux —\n• Le Clairon assourdissant inflige 3 blessures à chaque créature.\n• Les créatures que vous contrôlez acquièrent le lien de vie jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Comandante, qual è il segnale d'attacco?\"\n\"Lo riconoscerete.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453951,
                    "name": "Chiarina Assordante",
                    "text": "Scegli uno o entrambi —\n• La Chiarina Assordante infligge 3 danni a ogni creatura.\n• Le creature che controlli hanno legame vitale fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「司令官、攻撃の合図は何でしょう?」\n「いずれ分かる。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454210,
                    "name": "轟音のクラリオン",
                    "text": "以下から1つまたは両方を選ぶ。\n• 轟音のクラリオンは各クリーチャーにそれぞれ3点のダメージを与える。\n• ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは絆魂を得る。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"지휘관님, 공격 신호가 무엇입니까?\"\n\"저절로 알게 될 거다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454469,
                    "name": "귀를 멀게 하는 나팔 소리",
                    "text": "하나 혹은 둘 다를 선택한다 —\n• 귀를 멀게 하는 나팔 소리는 각 생물에게 피해 3점을 입힌다.\n• 당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 생명연결을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Comandante, qual é o sinal para atacar?\"\n\"Você vai saber.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454728,
                    "name": "Clarim Ensurdecedor",
                    "text": "Escolha um ou ambos —\n• Clarim Ensurdecedor causa 3 pontos de dano a cada criatura.\n• As criaturas que você controla ganham vínculo com a vida até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«— Командир, какой сигнал для атаки?\n— Ты поймешь».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454987,
                    "name": "Оглушительный Рог",
                    "text": "Выберите одно или оба —\n• Оглушительный Рог наносит 3 повреждения каждому существу.\n• Существа под вашим контролем получают Цепь жизни до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「指挥官,进攻的信号是什么?」\n「到时候就知道了。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455246,
                    "name": "震耳号角",
                    "text": "选择一项或都选~\n•震耳号角对每个生物各造成3点伤害。\n•由你操控的生物获得系命异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「指揮官,進攻的信號是什麼?」\n「到時候就知道了。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455505,
                    "name": "震耳號角",
                    "text": "選擇一項或都選~\n•震耳號角對每個生物各造成3點傷害。\n•由你操控的生物獲得繫命異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452915,
            "name": "Deafening Clarion",
            "number": "165",
            "originalText": "Choose one or both —\n• Deafening Clarion deals 3 damage to each creature.\n• Creatures you control gain lifelink until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Deafening Clarion’s second mode affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures you begin to control later in the turn won’t gain lifelink."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A creature you control that’s dealt lethal damage by Deafening Clarion’s first mode will still be on the battlefield to gain lifelink from the spell’s second mode before that creature dies."
            "scryfallId": "1e115a81-001d-4e17-98af-6a63f2b0967f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "bc0bfc55-0209-4838-8e7c-6e2383cbc431",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c9bbebbd-9f2d-499c-adb1-8d3170c3fd0d",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176417,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Choose one or both —\n• Deafening Clarion deals 3 damage to each creature.\n• Creatures you control gain lifelink until end of turn.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c3e73c51-ad80-583a-b55f-ec42ebb8e363",
            "uuidV421": "13f6459b-8e35-572b-98b0-42a88435c484",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Joe Slucher",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "There's no greater honor than joining your chosen guild, and no greater shame than failing it.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Es gibt keine größere Ehre, als von deiner Gilde auserwählt zu werden, und keine größere Schande, als sie zu enttäuschen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453018,
                    "name": "Degradierung",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur kann nicht blocken, und ihre aktivierten Fähigkeiten können nicht aktiviert werden.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "No existe mayor honor que unirse a tu gremio elegido ni mayor vergüenza que fallarle.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453277,
                    "name": "Degradación",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada no puede bloquear y no pueden activarse sus habilidades activadas.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Il n'existe pas de plus grand honneur que celui de rejoindre la guilde qu'on a choisie, et pas de honte plus grande que celle de la décevoir.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453536,
                    "name": "Démotion",
                    "text": "Enchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée ne peut pas bloquer et ses capacités activées ne peuvent pas être activées.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "flavorText": "Non esiste onore più grande che entrare nella gilda prescelta, né onta più grande che deluderla.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453795,
                    "name": "Degradazione",
                    "text": "Incanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata non può bloccare e le sue abilità attivate non possono essere attivate.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "自ら選んだギルドの一員となる以上の名誉はないが、それに見捨てられる以上の屈辱もない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454054,
                    "name": "降格",
                    "text": "エンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントされているクリーチャーではブロックできず、それの起動型能力は起動できない。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "자신이 선택한 길드에 들어가는 것보다 더한 영예는 없으며, 그것에 실패하는 것보다 더한 수치도 없다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454313,
                    "name": "강등",
                    "text": "생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 방어할 수 없으며, 그 생물의 활성화능력은 활성화될 수 없다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "Não há honra maior do que se juntar a sua guilda, nem vergonha maior do que falhar com ela.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454572,
                    "name": "Rebaixamento",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura\nA criatura encantada não pode bloquear e suas habilidades ativadas não podem ser ativadas.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Нет чести выше, чем вступить в выбранную гильдию, и нет позора страшнее, чем подвести ее.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454831,
                    "name": "Разжалование",
                    "text": "Зачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо не может блокировать, и его активируемые способности не могут быть активированы.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "效命公会可算无上荣耀,辜负公会则是最大耻辱。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455090,
                    "name": "贬职",
                    "text": "结附于生物\n所结附的生物不能进行阻挡,其起动式异能也不能起动。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "效命公會可算無上榮耀,辜負公會則是最大恥辱。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455349,
                    "name": "貶職",
                    "text": "結附於生物\n所結附的生物不能進行阻擋,其起動式異能也不能起動。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452759,
            "name": "Demotion",
            "number": "9",
            "originalText": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature can't block, and its activated abilities can't be activated.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Activated abilities contain a colon. They’re generally written “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keyword abilities are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder text. Triggered abilities (starting with “when,” “whenever,” or “at”) are unaffected by Demotion."
            "scryfallId": "69202217-ef36-4d6c-bbd0-ebbb2ade51f7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "00a4f915-542d-4dac-92d7-6273c5c580e0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c333eb79-300e-4dc0-9126-8dca1bac6ef2",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176872,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature can't block, and its activated abilities can't be activated.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "26d11a20-fe9b-5b94-9efe-60f9b330d66c",
            "uuidV421": "5f05cfce-6cdd-5de8-991f-368d03d50892"
            "artist": "Micah Epstein",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "First, dispose of the evidence. Then dispose of your knowledge of the disposal.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Werde zuerst die Beweise los. Dann werde das Wissen los, wie du sie losgeworden bist.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453044,
                    "name": "Hinterhältige Vertuschung",
                    "text": "Neutralisiere einen Zauberspruch deiner Wahl. Falls der Zauberspruch auf diese Weise neutralisiert wird, schicke ihn ins Exil, anstatt ihn auf den Friedhof seines Besitzers zu legen. Du kannst bis zu vier Karten deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof in deine Bibliothek mischen.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Primero, elimina las pruebas. Luego, elimina el recuerdo de dicha eliminación.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453303,
                    "name": "Encubrimiento ladino",
                    "text": "Contrarresta el hechizo objetivo. Si ese hechizo es contrarrestado de esta manera, exílialo en vez de ponerlo en el cementerio de su propietario. Puedes barajar hasta cuatro cartas objetivo de tu cementerio en tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "D'abord, éliminer les preuves. Ensuite, éliminer votre connaissance de cette élimination.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453562,
                    "name": "Dissimulation fourbe",
                    "text": "Contrecarrez le sort ciblé. Si ce sort est contrecarré de cette manière, exilez-le à la place de le mettre dans le cimetière de son propriétaire. Vous pouvez mélanger jusqu'à quatre cartes ciblées depuis votre cimetière dans votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Innanzitutto, elimina le prove. Dopodiché, sbarazzati dei tuoi ricordi di quell'eliminazione.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453821,
                    "name": "Insabbiamento Subdolo",
                    "text": "Neutralizza una magia bersaglio. Se quella magia è neutralizzata in questo modo, esiliala invece di metterla nel cimitero del suo proprietario. Puoi rimescolare nel tuo grimorio fino a quattro carte bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "まず証拠を処分する。次に、それを処分したという自身の記憶を処分する。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454080,
                    "name": "悪賢い隠蔽",
                    "text": "呪文1つとあなたの墓地からカード最大4枚を対象とする。その前者の呪文を打ち消す。その呪文がこれにより打ち消されたなら、それをオーナーの墓地に置く代わりに追放する。あなたはその後者のカードをあなたのライブラリーに加えて切り直してもよい。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "우선, 증거를 처리해라. 그 다음에는 증거를 처리했다는 기억을 처리해라.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454339,
                    "name": "기만적인 위장 전술",
                    "text": "주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문을 무효화한다. 이렇게 그 주문이 무효화되면 그 카드를 소유자의 무덤에 넣는 대신 추방한다. 당신의 무덤에 있는 카드를 최대 네 장까지 목표로 정한다. 당신은 그 카드들을 서고에 섞어 넣을 수 있다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Primeiro, descarte as provas. Depois, descarte seu conhecimento do descarte.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454598,
                    "name": "Abafamento Malicioso",
                    "text": "Anule a mágica alvo. Se aquela mágica for anulada dessa maneira, exile-a em vez de colocá-la no cemitério de seu dono. Você pode embaralhar até quatro cards alvo de seu cemitério em seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Сперва избавься от улик. Потом избавься от своего знания об этом избавлении.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454857,
                    "name": "Изощренная Уловка",
                    "text": "Отмените целевое заклинание. Если то заклинание отменяется таким образом, изгоните его вместо того, чтобы положить его на кладбище его владельца. Вы можете втасовать не более четырех целевых карт из вашего кладбища в вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "首先,将证据处理干净。然后,再将处理证据这事的记忆处理干净。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455116,
                    "name": "暗地掩饰",
                    "text": "反击目标咒语。如果以此法反击该咒语,则改为将它放逐,而非置入拥有者的坟墓场。你可以将至多四张目标牌从你的坟墓场洗入你的牌库。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "首先,將證據處理乾淨。然後,再將處理證據這事的記憶處理乾淨。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455375,
                    "name": "暗地掩飾",
                    "text": "反擊目標咒語。如果以此法反擊該咒語,則改為將它放逐,而非置入擁有者的墳墓場。你可以將至多四張目標牌從你的墳墓場洗入你的牌庫。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452785,
            "name": "Devious Cover-Up",
            "number": "35",
            "originalText": "Counter target spell. If that spell is countered this way, exile it instead of putting it into its owner's graveyard. You may shuffle up to four target cards from your graveyard into your library.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Devious Cover-Up can’t target itself at all. You can’t try to counter it with itself and shuffle cards in, and you can’t use its effect to shuffle itself into your library."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You may target zero cards in your graveyard and still shuffle your library."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A spell that can’t be countered is a legal target for Devious Cover-Up. The spell won’t be countered when Devious Cover-Up resolves, but you’ll still shuffle cards into your library."
            "scryfallId": "21ac6b0a-b1a5-439d-b65e-5f04e1826c80",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "fb441ba2-75e3-4c04-aa27-fcc5040ff374",
            "scryfallOracleId": "feb221fb-59bf-4671-a53f-1bbe8e9c2ca9",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176832,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Counter target spell. If that spell is countered this way, exile it instead of putting it into its owner's graveyard. You may shuffle up to four target cards from your graveyard into your library.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "325bad2a-0e51-5203-a525-9917c75613e1",
            "uuidV421": "e9a7ed20-b82a-5e5a-a608-48a67a78008b"
            "artist": "Mark Zug",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"This is Mileva, in the Tenth. We've got an elf in the plaza with a chip on her shoulder. Actually, it's more of a morningstar.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Hier spricht Mileva aus dem Zehnten. Da ist ein Elf auf dem Platz mit einer Hacke. Eigentlich ist es eher ein Morgenstern.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453136,
                    "name": "Devkarin-Abtrünnige",
                    "text": "{4}{G}: Die Devkarin-Abtrünnige erhält +2/+2 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"Soy Mileva, estoy en el Décimo. Hay una elfa en la plaza que me mira feo por encima del hombro... y de la maza que tiene apoyada sobre él\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453395,
                    "name": "Disidente devkarin",
                    "text": "{4}{G}: La Disidente devkarin obtiene +2/+2 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero elfo"
                    "flavorText": "« Ici Mileva, de la Dixième. Il y a une elfe sur la place et elle cherche des noises. En fait, elle a déjà trouvé un morgenstern. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453654,
                    "name": "Dissidente des Devkarin",
                    "text": "{4}{G} : La Dissidente des Devkarin gagne +2/+2 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Qui Mileva, nel Decimo. C'è un'elfa in piazza che si è montata la testa. A dire il vero, si è anche montata in spalla una mazza chiodata.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453913,
                    "name": "Devkarin Dissidente",
                    "text": "{4}{G}: La Devkarin Dissidente prende +2/+2 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "「こちら第10管区のミレヴァ。広場で片棒を担ぐエルフを捕らえました。正確には、鉄球のついた棒です。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454172,
                    "name": "デヴカリンの造反者",
                    "text": "{4}{G}:ターン終了時まで、デヴカリンの造反者は+2/+2の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"10번 구역의 밀레바입니다. 광장에서 몽둥이를 어깨에 걸치고 다니는 엘프를 발견했습니다. 사실, 모닝스타에 더 가까울 것 같습니다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454431,
                    "name": "데브카린 반대파",
                    "text": "{4}{G}: 데브카린 반대파는 턴종료까지 +2/+2를 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Aqui é Mileva, do Décimo. Temos uma elfa na praça cheia de marra. Na verdade, parece mais um mangual.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454690,
                    "name": "Dissidente Devkarin",
                    "text": "{4}{G}: Dissidente Devkarin recebe +2/+2 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Говорит Милева из Десятого округа. У нас тут на площади эльф с очень плохим настроением... и здоровенной булавой».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454949,
                    "name": "Девкаренская Отступница",
                    "text": "{4}{G}: Девкаренская Отступница получает +2/+2 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「我是第十区的米勒娃。我们在广场上发现了一个刺头妖精。确切地说,扛着一把刺头锤。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455208,
                    "name": "戴卡林异见者",
                    "text": "{4}{G}:戴卡林异见者得+2/+2直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「我是第十區的米勒娃。我們在廣場上發現了一個刺頭妖精。確切地說,扛著一把刺頭鎚。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455467,
                    "name": "戴卡林異見者",
                    "text": "{4}{G}:戴卡林異見者得+2/+2直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452877,
            "name": "Devkarin Dissident",
            "number": "127",
            "originalText": "{4}{G}: Devkarin Dissident gets +2/+2 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
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            "rulings": [],
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176891,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{4}{G}: Devkarin Dissident gets +2/+2 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Warrior",
            "types": [
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            "colorIdentity": [
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            "flavorText": "\"Every guild dreads infiltration. I should know—I've been a member of all of them.\"\n—Lazav",
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            "name": "Dimir Guildgate",
            "number": "245",
            "originalText": "Dimir Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {U} or {B}.",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176405,
            "text": "Dimir Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {U} or {B}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "142d846d-9e55-5677-9396-d77ccbd9c7d3",
            "uuidV421": "687d6c70-ee48-546b-95d2-f5de4ce22dda",
            "variations": [
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"You've found this place only because you were summoned. Pray you're worthy of the invitation.\"\n—Etrata",
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            "number": "246",
            "originalText": "Dimir Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {U} or {B}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "3694ac90-e71e-4736-8945-7dbf5b5fd6a9",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176406,
            "text": "Dimir Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {U} or {B}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5324c73a-1020-5d4b-af88-cac0829d0e2b",
            "uuidV421": "ef1b5410-f47f-5b32-a29f-6758fdacad4e",
            "variations": [
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The letters arrive, all sealed and read.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Briefe kommen alle versiegelt und gelesen an.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453045,
                    "name": "Dimir-Informantin",
                    "text": "Wenn die Dimir-Informantin ins Spiel kommt, wende Überwachen 2 an. (Schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "Todas las cartas llegan cerradas y leídas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453304,
                    "name": "Informadora dimir",
                    "text": "Cuando la Informadora dimir entre al campo de batalla, escruta 2. (Mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón humano"
                    "flavorText": "Les lettres arrivent, toujours scellées mais déjà lues.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453563,
                    "name": "Affidée de Dimir",
                    "text": "Quand l'Affidée de Dimir arrive sur le champ de bataille, surveillez 2. (Regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "Le lettere arrivano a destinazione, debitamente sigillate e già lette.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453822,
                    "name": "Informatrice Dimir",
                    "text": "Quando l'Informatrice Dimir entra nel campo di battaglia, sorveglia 2. (Guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Umano"
                    "flavorText": "手紙はちゃんと届く。封はしっかり閉じたまま。中身はしっかり読まれている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454081,
                    "name": "ディミーアの密告者",
                    "text": "ディミーアの密告者が戦場に出たとき、諜報2を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "편지들은 모두 밀봉되어 읽힌 상태로 도착한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454340,
                    "name": "디미르 정보원",
                    "text": "디미르 정보원이 전장에 들어올 때, 감시 2를 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 도적"
                    "flavorText": "As cartas chegam. Todas seladas. Todas já lidas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454599,
                    "name": "Informante dos Dimir",
                    "text": "Quando Informante dos Dimir entrar no campo de batalha, use vigiar 2. (Olhe os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "Письма приходили запечатанные, но уже прочитанные.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454858,
                    "name": "Осведомительница Димиров",
                    "text": "Когда Осведомительница Димиров выходит на поле битвы, используйте Слежку 2. (Посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "信件已平安送达,虽封缄安然无恙,但内容均尽收眼底。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455117,
                    "name": "底密尔线人",
                    "text": "当底密尔线人进战场时,刺探2。(检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "信件已平安送達,雖封緘安然無恙,但內容均已盡收眼底。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455376,
                    "name": "底密爾線人",
                    "text": "當底密爾線人進戰場時,刺探2。(檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452786,
            "name": "Dimir Informant",
            "number": "36",
            "originalText": "When Dimir Informant enters the battlefield, surveil 2. <i>(Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "0230afeb-5ce8-436e-9afc-73cdd7baf424",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ac21c74f-8779-412e-b535-52e0e1c8b10a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fa66d63b-dfb7-42b8-8249-4d60e89058ac",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175607,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Dimir Informant enters the battlefield, surveil 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on the top of your library in any order.)",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9a591fa3-f61d-555a-82d7-2c51904ed3ef",
            "uuidV421": "aae18b47-b144-5b7e-a594-a6b1a8ed0fe9",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Zezhou Chen",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Wear this, and take your place among the shadows—wise, lethal, and unseen.\"\n—Ivrelya, Dimir spymaster",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Trage dies und nimm deinen Platz in den Schatten ein – weise, tödlich und unsichtbar.\"\n—Ivrelya, Dimir-Meisterspionin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453243,
                    "name": "Dimir-Medaillon",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {U} oder {B}.\n{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}, {T}, opfere das Dimir-Medaillon: Ziehe zwei Karten.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Lleva esto y ocupa tu lugar entre las sombras: inteligente, letal e invisible\".\n—Ivrelya, maestra de espías dimir",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453502,
                    "name": "Relicario dimir",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {U} o {B}.\n{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}, {T}, sacrificar el Relicario dimir: Roba dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« Portez-le, et prenez place parmi les ombres pour une vie sage, létale et invisible. »\n—Ivrelya, maîtresse-espionne de Dimir",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453761,
                    "name": "Médaillon de Dimir",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {U} ou {B}.\n{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}, {T}, sacrifiez le Médaillon de Dimir : Piochez deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"Indossalo e reclama il tuo posto tra le ombre: sii saggio, letale e invisibile.\"\n—Ivrelya, capospia Dimir",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454020,
                    "name": "Medaglione Dimir",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {U} o {B}.\n{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}, {T}, Sacrifica il Medaglione Dimir: Pesca due carte.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「これを着けて、影の中に身を置け。賢く、殺人的に、そして人目に触れないように。」\n――ディミーアの密偵長、イヴレーリャ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454279,
                    "name": "ディミーアのロケット",
                    "text": "{T}:{U}か{B}を加える。\n{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}, {T}, ディミーアのロケットを生け贄に捧げる:カードを2枚引く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"이것을 두르고, 네가 있을 곳을 그늘 속에서 찾아라—현명하고, 치명적이며, 보이지 않는 곳에서.\"\n—디미르 스파이장, 이브렐랴",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454538,
                    "name": "디미르 로켓",
                    "text": "{T}: {U} 또는 {B}를 추가한다.\n{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}, {T}, 디미르 로켓을 희생한다: 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Use isto, e tome seu lugar entre as sombras — sábias, letais, ocultas.\"\n— Ivrelya, espiã-mestre Dimir",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454797,
                    "name": "Medalhão Dimir",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {U} ou {B}.\n{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}, {T}, sacrifique Amuleto Dimir: Compre dois cards.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Носи его и займи свое место среди теней — мудрый, смертоносный и невидимый».\n— Иврелия, верховная шпионка Димиров",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455056,
                    "name": "Медальон Димиров",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {U} или {B}.\n{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}, {T}, пожертвуйте Медальон Димиров: возьмите две карты.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「戴上此物,与阴影同行~机敏、致命、隐密。」\n~底密尔间谍大师依蕾娅",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455315,
                    "name": "底密尔坠饰",
                    "text": "{T}:加{U}或{B}。\n{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}{U/B},{T},牺牲底密尔坠饰:抓两张牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「戴上此物,與陰影同行~機敏、致命、隱密。」\n~底密爾間諜大師依蕾婭",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455574,
                    "name": "底密爾墜飾",
                    "text": "{T}:加{U}或{B}。\n{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}{U/B},{T},犧牲底密爾墜飾:抽兩張牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}",
            "multiverseId": 452984,
            "name": "Dimir Locket",
            "number": "234",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {U} or {B}.\n{UB}{UB}{UB}{UB}, {T}, Sacrifice Dimir Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "dfb6810b-9bc9-43c5-8cd9-817b12ee3110",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "41563833-32fe-4ae1-8717-20b8f61ecee7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3ae4b679-2e3c-4f60-bcf4-b279917cdc54",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176434,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {U} or {B}.\n{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}, {T}, Sacrifice Dimir Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e83d154a-0a75-51d8-bec5-d5c78e92b58d",
            "uuidV421": "fbb2bd98-e590-5da7-af09-c54c2a8845b7",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "James Paick",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Just assume every conversation is on record.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Geh einfach davon aus, dass jedes Gespräch aufgezeichnet wird.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453175,
                    "name": "Dimir-Abhörwanze",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nBedrohlich (Diese Kreatur kann nicht geblockt werden, außer von zwei oder mehr Kreaturen.)\nImmer wenn du Überwachen anwendest, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf die Dimir-Abhörwanze.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Insekt"
                    "flavorText": "Solo has de suponer que todas las conversaciones están siendo escuchadas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453434,
                    "name": "Bichoespía dimir",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nAmenaza. (Esta criatura no puede ser bloqueada excepto por dos o más criaturas.)\nSiempre que escrutes, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre el Bichoespía dimir.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Insecto"
                    "flavorText": "Partez du principe que toutes les conversations sont enregistrées.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453693,
                    "name": "Insecte-espion de Dimir",
                    "text": "Vol\nMenace (Cette créature ne peut pas être bloquée excepté par deux créatures ou plus.)\nÀ chaque fois que vous surveillez, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur l'Insecte-espion de Dimir.",
                    "type": "Créature : insecte"
                    "flavorText": "Meglio dare per scontato che qualsiasi conversazione sia di pubblico dominio.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453952,
                    "name": "Spiottero Dimir",
                    "text": "Volare\nMinacciare (Questa creatura non può essere bloccata tranne che da due o più creature.)\nOgniqualvolta sorvegli, metti un segnalino +1/+1 sullo Spiottero Dimir.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Insetto"
                    "flavorText": "すべての会話は記録されていると思え。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454211,
                    "name": "ディミーアの偵察虫",
                    "text": "飛行\n威迫(このクリーチャーは2体以上のクリーチャーによってしかブロックされない。)\nあなたが諜報を行うたび、ディミーアの偵察虫の上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 昆虫"
                    "flavorText": "모든 대화는 기록되고 있다고 생각해라.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454470,
                    "name": "디미르 감시벌레",
                    "text": "비행\n호전적 (이 생물은 두 개 이상의 생물에만 방어될 수 있다.)\n당신이 감시할 때마다, 디미르 감시벌레에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 곤충"
                    "flavorText": "Simplesmente presuma que todas as conversas são gravadas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454729,
                    "name": "Inseto-espião Dimir",
                    "text": "Voar\nAmeaçar (Esta criatura só pode ser bloqueada por duas ou mais criaturas.)\nToda vez que você usar vigiar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Inseto-espião Dimir.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Inseto"
                    "flavorText": "Проще считать, что все разговоры — для протокола.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454988,
                    "name": "Димирский Жучок",
                    "text": "Полет\nУгроза (Это существо не может быть заблокировано менее чем двумя существами.)\nКаждый раз, когда вы используете Слежку, положите один жетон +1/+1 на Димирского Жучка.",
                    "type": "Существо — Насекомое"
                    "flavorText": "你当每句话都有据可查就好。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455247,
                    "name": "底密尔窃听虫",
                    "text": "飞行\n威慑(此生物只能被两个或更多生物阻挡。)\n每当你刺探时,在底密尔窃听虫上放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆虫"
                    "flavorText": "你當每句話都有據可查就好。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455506,
                    "name": "底密爾竊聽蟲",
                    "text": "飛行\n威懾(此生物只能被兩個或更多生物阻擋。)\n每當你刺探時,在底密爾竊聽蟲上放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆蟲"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452916,
            "name": "Dimir Spybug",
            "number": "166",
            "originalText": "Flying\nMenace <i>(This creature can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)</i>\nWhenever you surveil, put a +1/+1 counter on Dimir Spybug.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Insect",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You put only one +1/+1 counter on Dimir Spybug each time you surveil, no matter how many cards you looked at when you surveilled."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you surveil” triggers after you’re done surveilling, even if you have fewer cards in your library than the number of cards you’re instructed to surveil. It even triggers if you have no cards in your library."
            "scryfallId": "7c18c450-0bfb-4ba6-9212-b5833fce63a2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ec638eec-c0ca-4ef3-832a-2258901dfcb7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3bb7041c-4f3e-4123-9181-3442ea0c98e8",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176733,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nMenace (This creature can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)\nWhenever you surveil, put a +1/+1 counter on Dimir Spybug.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Insect",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "05029673-c2b0-53d3-8f4d-ef81dbec6141",
            "uuidV421": "88f17cd5-78e5-5070-a8c1-0ddf1c81251a",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Dan Scott",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453105,
                    "name": "Stromschlag",
                    "text": "Der Stromschlag fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.\nKatalyse (Du kannst diese Karte aus deinem Friedhof wirken, indem du zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Kosten eine Karte abwirfst. Schicke sie danach ins Exil.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453364,
                    "name": "Corriente directa",
                    "text": "La Corriente directa hace 2 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo.\nRecargar. (Puedes lanzar esta carta desde tu cementerio descartando una carta además de pagar sus otros costes. Luego, exilia esta carta.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453623,
                    "name": "Courant continu",
                    "text": "Le Courant continu inflige 2 blessures à n'importe quelle cible.\nRelancez (Vous pouvez lancer cette carte depuis votre cimetière en vous défaussant d'une carte en plus de payer ses autres coûts. Puis exilez cette carte.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453882,
                    "name": "Corrente Continua",
                    "text": "La Corrente Continua infligge 2 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio.\nCarica d'avvio (Puoi lanciare questa carta dal tuo cimitero scartando una carta oltre a pagare i suoi altri costi. Poi esilia questa carta.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454141,
                    "name": "直流",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。直流はそれに2点のダメージを与える。\n再活(あなたはあなたの墓地から、このカードを、これの他のコストの支払いに加えてカード1枚を捨てることで唱えてもよい。その後、このカードを追放する。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454400,
                    "name": "직류",
                    "text": "원하는 목표를 정한다. 직류는 그 목표에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.\n강제 시동 (당신은 이 카드의 다른 비용들을 지불하는 것에 추가로 카드를 한 장 버리는 것으로 이 카드를 당신의 무덤에서 발동할 수 있다. 그 후 이 카드를 추방한다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454659,
                    "name": "Corrente Direta",
                    "text": "Corrente Direta causa 2 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.\nRecarregar (Você pode conjurar este card de seu cemitério descartando um card além de pagar seus outros custos. Depois, exile este card.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454918,
                    "name": "Направленный Ток",
                    "text": "Направленный Ток наносит 2 повреждения любой цели.\nИмпульс (Вы можете разыграть эту карту из вашего кладбища, сбросив карту в дополнение к оплате других ее стоимостей. Затем изгоните эту карту.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455177,
                    "name": "导引电流",
                    "text": "导引电流对任意一个目标造成2点伤害。\n再起(你可以从你的坟墓场施放此牌,但必须支付其所需费用并额外弃一张牌。然后放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455436,
                    "name": "導引電流",
                    "text": "導引電流對任意一個目標造成2點傷害。\n再起(你可以從你的墳墓場施放此牌,但必須支付其所需費用並額外棄一張牌。)然後放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452846,
            "name": "Direct Current",
            "number": "96",
            "originalText": "Direct Current deals 2 damage to any target.\nJump-start <i>(You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. For instance, you can cast a sorcery using jump-start only when you could normally cast a sorcery."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A spell cast using jump-start will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it’s countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect allows you to pay an alternative cost rather than a spell’s mana cost, you may pay that alternative cost when you jump-start a spell. You’ll still discard a card as an additional cost to cast it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card with jump-start is put into your graveyard during your turn, you’ll be able to cast it right away if it’s legal to do so, before an opponent can take any actions."
            "scryfallId": "166b0d75-824c-4c04-833b-7f7c69569a18",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2a2817c7-0d52-41ee-8719-24a9bdc6d75f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "54e34440-c890-4a07-83c6-63a2f7a65639",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175190,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Direct Current deals 2 damage to any target.\nJump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fd1e1d4f-b7db-551d-9a4b-d9ad456b5e85",
            "uuidV421": "6393d80c-d983-552b-be25-20a8eea4eb09",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Mark Behm",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453232,
                    "name": "Verstreuung",
                    "text": "Jeder Gegner bestimmt unter den bleibenden Karten, die er kontrolliert und die keine Länder sind, eine bleibende Karte mit den höchsten umgewandelten Manakosten, bringt sie auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück und wirft dann eine Karte ab.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453491,
                    "name": "Dispersión",
                    "text": "Cada oponente regresa a la mano de su propietario un permanente que no sea tierra que controla con el coste de maná convertido más alto de entre los permanentes que controla y luego descarta una carta.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453750,
                    "name": "Répartition",
                    "text": "Chaque adversaire renvoie un permanent non-terrain qu'il contrôle avec le coût converti de mana le plus élevé parmi les permanents qu'il contrôle dans la main de son propriétaire, puis se défausse d'une carte.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454009,
                    "name": "Discernere",
                    "text": "Ogni avversario fa tornare un permanente non terra che controlla con il costo di mana convertito più alto tra i permanenti che controlla in mano al suo proprietario, poi scarta una carta.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454268,
                    "name": "発散",
                    "text": "各対戦相手は、自分がコントロールしているパーマネントの中で、点数で見たマナ・コストが最も大きく土地でないパーマネント1つをオーナーの手札に戻し、その後カード1枚を捨てる。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454527,
                    "name": "확산",
                    "text": "각 상대는 자신이 조종하는 대지가 아닌 지속물 중 전환마나비용이 가장 높은 지속물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린 후, 카드 한 장을 버린다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454786,
                    "name": "Desarticulação",
                    "text": "Cada oponente devolve uma permanente que ele controla que não seja um terreno com o maior custo de mana convertido dentre as permanentes que ele controla para a mão de seu dono e depois descarta um card.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455045,
                    "name": "Распыление",
                    "text": "Каждый оппонент возвращает в руку владельца не являющийся землей перманент с наибольшим значением конвертированной мана-стоимости среди перманентов под его контролем, затем сбрасывает карту.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455304,
                    "name": "揭散",
                    "text": "每位对手各将由其操控的永久物中总法术力费用最高的一个非地永久物移回其拥有者的手上,然后弃一张牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455563,
                    "name": "揭散",
                    "text": "每位對手各將由其操控的永久物中總魔法力費用最高的一個非地永久物移回其擁有者的手上,然後棄一張牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452973,
            "name": "Dispersal",
            "names": [
            "number": "223",
            "originalText": "Each opponent returns a nonland permanent they control with the highest converted mana cost among permanents they control to its owner's hand, then discards a card.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an opponent controls only lands as Dispersal resolves, that player won’t return any permanent to their hand. They’ll still discard a card."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a permanent has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "As Dispersal resolves, first the next opponent in turn order (or, if it’s an opponent’s turn, that opponent) chooses a nonland permanent they control with the highest mana cost among those permanents, then each other opponent in turn order does the same, knowing the choices made before them. Then all the chosen permanents are returned at the same time. Next, each opponent in the same order chooses a card in hand without revealing it, then the chosen cards are discarded at the same time."
            "scryfallId": "ace631d1-897a-417e-8628-0170713f03d3",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6b4c151d-16cb-412a-a72b-81af2c62f5ed",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8f1c1bd6-8420-4de2-81f4-5faa419da301",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176782,
            "text": "Each opponent returns a nonland permanent they control with the highest converted mana cost among permanents they control to its owner's hand, then discards a card.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5cb4a197-b0b8-5748-9274-7aa99cf0bb31",
            "uuidV421": "0d149d98-587a-5c69-8341-34e221d253e2",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Mark Behm",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453232,
                    "name": "Verständnis",
                    "text": "Überwachen 2, ziehe dann eine Karte. (Um Überwachen 2 anzuwenden, schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453491,
                    "name": "Descubrimiento",
                    "text": "Escruta 2, luego roba una carta. (Para escrutar 2, mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453750,
                    "name": "Révélation",
                    "text": "Surveillez 2, puis piochez une carte. (Pour surveiller 2, regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454009,
                    "name": "Disamina",
                    "text": "Sorveglia 2, poi pesca una carta. (Per sorvegliare 2, guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454268,
                    "name": "発見",
                    "text": "諜報2を行い、その後カードを1枚引く。(諜報2を行うとは、あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置くことである。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454527,
                    "name": "발견",
                    "text": "감시 2를 한 후, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다. (감시 2를 하려면, 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454786,
                    "name": "Descoberta",
                    "text": "Use vigiar 2, depois compre um card. (Para usar vigiar 2, olhe os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455045,
                    "name": "Раскрытие",
                    "text": "Используйте Слежку 2, затем возьмите карту. (Чтобы использовать Слежку 2, посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455304,
                    "name": "揭晓",
                    "text": "刺探2,然后抓一张牌。(刺探2的流程是检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455563,
                    "name": "揭曉",
                    "text": "刺探2,然後抽一張牌。(刺探2的流程是檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U/B}",
            "multiverseId": 452973,
            "name": "Discovery",
            "names": [
            "number": "223",
            "originalText": "Surveil 2, then draw a card. <i>(To surveil 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an opponent controls only lands as Dispersal resolves, that player won’t return any permanent to their hand. They’ll still discard a card."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a permanent has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "As Dispersal resolves, first the next opponent in turn order (or, if it’s an opponent’s turn, that opponent) chooses a nonland permanent they control with the highest mana cost among those permanents, then each other opponent in turn order does the same, knowing the choices made before them. Then all the chosen permanents are returned at the same time. Next, each opponent in the same order chooses a card in hand without revealing it, then the chosen cards are discarded at the same time."
            "scryfallId": "ace631d1-897a-417e-8628-0170713f03d3",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6b4c151d-16cb-412a-a72b-81af2c62f5ed",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8f1c1bd6-8420-4de2-81f4-5faa419da301",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176782,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Surveil 2, then draw a card. (To surveil 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b35db82c-71d8-5f03-9405-9fb9e76d64fd",
            "uuidV421": "2275e477-b096-5fb6-bcb8-1ef57b5b1ce4",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Deruchenko Alexander",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Laws apply only to those who lack the vision to see past them.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Gesetze gelten nur für jene, denen der Wagemut fehlt, über sie hinwegzugehen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453046,
                    "name": "Verächtlicher Hieb",
                    "text": "Neutralisiere einen Zauberspruch deiner Wahl mit umgewandelten Manakosten von 4 oder mehr.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Las leyes se aplican solo a los que son incapaces de ver más allá de ellas\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453305,
                    "name": "Golpe altanero",
                    "text": "Contrarresta el hechizo objetivo con coste de maná convertido de 4 o más.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Les lois ne s'appliquent qu'à ceux qui manquent d'imagination pour les contourner. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453564,
                    "name": "Botte dédaigneuse",
                    "text": "Contrecarrez le sort avec un coût converti de mana supérieur ou égal à 4 ciblé.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le leggi si applicano solo a chi non riesce a vedere oltre esse.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453823,
                    "name": "Fendente Sdegnoso",
                    "text": "Neutralizza una magia bersaglio con costo di mana convertito pari o superiore a 4.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「法が適用されるのは、その裏を見通す目を持たない者のみだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454082,
                    "name": "軽蔑的な一撃",
                    "text": "点数で見たマナ・コストが4以上の呪文1つを対象とし、それを打ち消す。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"법은 그것들 너머를 보는 시각이 없는 자들에게만 적용되지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454341,
                    "name": "경멸의 일격",
                    "text": "전환마나비용이 4 이상인 주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문을 무효화한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"As leis só se aplicam aos que carecem da capacidade de ver além delas.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454600,
                    "name": "Golpe Desdenhoso",
                    "text": "Anule a mágica alvo com custo de mana convertido igual ou superior a 4.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Законы применяются только к тем, у кого не хватает воображения взглянуть сквозь них».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454859,
                    "name": "Презрительный Удар",
                    "text": "Отмените целевое заклинание с конвертированной мана-стоимостью 4 или больше.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「律法只能约束那些无法看穿它的人。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455118,
                    "name": "倨傲击",
                    "text": "反击目标总法术力费用等于或大于4的咒语。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「律法只能約束那些無法看穿它的人。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455377,
                    "name": "倨傲擊",
                    "text": "反擊目標總魔法力費用等於或大於4的咒語。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452787,
            "name": "Disdainful Stroke",
            "number": "37",
            "originalText": "Counter target spell with converted mana cost 4 or greater.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2014-09-20",
                    "text": "A face-down spell has converted mana cost 0 and can’t be targeted by Disdainful Stroke."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a spell has {X} in its mana cost, include the value chosen for that X when determining the converted mana cost of that spell."
            "scryfallId": "0193dfa3-8409-44be-b4be-6c3cad42d4a4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3201547b-1aaf-4c5c-a186-b52b91831971",
            "scryfallOracleId": "11e02134-7b1a-46a4-a89e-7539dd1efada",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176441,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Counter target spell with converted mana cost 4 or greater.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0a1a353e-d368-59c0-9c26-e16460cf3784",
            "uuidV421": "1ef0b9fb-2e18-52ca-9319-c32db678a919"
            "artist": "Anthony Palumbo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"People would sooner savor sweet lies than chew plain truths.\"\n—Lazav",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Leute werden schon bald die süßen Lügen der bitteren Wahrheit vorziehen.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453176,
                    "name": "Desinformationskampagne",
                    "text": "Wenn die Desinformationskampagne ins Spiel kommt, ziehst du eine Karte und jeder Gegner wirft eine Karte ab.\nImmer wenn du Überwachen anwendest, bringe die Desinformationskampagne auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"La gente prefiere saborear dulces mentiras que masticar la dura verdad\".\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453435,
                    "name": "Campaña de desinformación",
                    "text": "Cuando la Campaña de desinformación entre al campo de batalla, tú robas una carta y cada oponente descarta una carta.\nSiempre que escrutes, regresa la Campaña de desinformación a la mano de su propietario.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "« Les gens préfèrent avaler de doux mensonges plutôt que mâcher la vérité crue. »\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453694,
                    "name": "Campagne de désinformation",
                    "text": "Quand la Campagne de désinformation arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous piochez une carte et chaque adversaire se défausse d'une carte.\nÀ chaque fois que vous surveillez, renvoyez la Campagne de désinformation dans la main de son propriétaire.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "\"La gente preferisce assaporare dolci menzogne che digerire l'amara verità.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453953,
                    "name": "Campagna di Disinformazione",
                    "text": "Quando la Campagna di Disinformazione entra nel campo di battaglia, pesca una carta e ogni avversario scarta una carta.\nOgniqualvolta sorvegli, fai tornare la Campagna di Disinformazione in mano al suo proprietario.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "「人々は味気のない真実を噛むことよりも甘い嘘を味わうことを好む。」\n――ラザーヴ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454212,
                    "name": "虚報活動",
                    "text": "虚報活動が戦場に出たとき、あなたはカードを1枚引き、各対戦相手はそれぞれカード1枚を捨てる。\nあなたが諜報を行うたび、虚報活動をオーナーの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"사람들은 이내 달콤한 거짓말을 쓰디쓴 진실보다 더 좋아하게 될 것이다.\"\n—라자브",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454471,
                    "name": "허위 정보 공작",
                    "text": "허위 정보 공작이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 카드 한 장을 뽑고 각 상대는 카드 한 장을 버린다.\n당신이 감시할 때마다, 허위 정보 공작을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"As pessoas preferem saborear doces mentiras a engolir verdades cruas.\"\n— Lazav",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454730,
                    "name": "Campanha de Desinformação",
                    "text": "Quando Campanha de Desinformação entra no campo de batalha, você compra um card e cada oponente descarta um card.\nToda vez que você usar vigiar, devolva Campanha de Desinformação para a mão de seu dono.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "«Люди охотнее будут смаковать сладкую ложь, чем глотать горькую правду».\n— Лазав",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454989,
                    "name": "Кампания по Дезинформации",
                    "text": "Когда Кампания по Дезинформации выходит на поле битвы, вы берете карту, а каждый оппонент сбрасывает карту.\nКаждый раз, когда вы используете Слежку, верните Кампанию по Дезинформации в руку ее владельца.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「相比干嚼乏味的真相,人们更愿意品尝甜蜜的谎言。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455248,
                    "name": "散布谣言",
                    "text": "当散布谣言进战场时,你抓一张牌且每位对手各弃一张牌。\n每当你刺探时,将散布谣言移回其拥有者的手上。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "「相比乾嚼乏味的真相,人們更願意品嚐甜蜜的謊言。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455507,
                    "name": "散佈謠言",
                    "text": "當散佈謠言進戰場時,你抽一張牌且每位對手各棄一張牌。\n每當你刺探時,將散佈謠言移回其擁有者的手上。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452917,
            "name": "Disinformation Campaign",
            "number": "167",
            "originalText": "When Disinformation Campaign enters the battlefield, you draw a card and each opponent discards a card.\nWhenever you surveil, return Disinformation Campaign to its owner's hand.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Disinformation Campaign’s last ability triggers only if it’s on the battlefield. It won’t return from your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you surveil” triggers after you’re done surveilling, even if you have fewer cards in your library than the number of cards you’re instructed to surveil. It even triggers if you have no cards in your library."
            "scryfallId": "69a79ff3-58ed-4cc2-9ebc-0edbb86cd6fb",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "daeeb478-94e5-4890-b560-01ef6474a086",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1dd336b0-9b13-4180-b80a-e8ba5d63d04f",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176735,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Disinformation Campaign enters the battlefield, you draw a card and each opponent discards a card.\nWhenever you surveil, return Disinformation Campaign to its owner's hand.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "237dfa02-8f43-563a-9fbe-cddd6e974509",
            "uuidV421": "ec3a8897-86c0-598f-a9e7-ea26587c0b23",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Tianhua X",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The route is direct but challenging. Incidentally, how are you with heights?\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der Pfad ist direkt aber unwegsam. Ach, und übrigens: Wie steht es bei dir mit Höhenangst?\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453137,
                    "name": "Distriktführerin",
                    "text": "Wenn die Distriktführerin ins Spiel kommt, kannst du deine Bibliothek nach einer Standardland- oder Tor-Karte durchsuchen, sie offen vorzeigen, auf deine Hand nehmen und dann deine Bibliothek mischen.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Späher"
                    "flavorText": "\"La ruta es directa pero ardua. Por cierto, ¿te dan miedo las alturas?\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453396,
                    "name": "Guía del distrito",
                    "text": "Cuando la Guía del distrito entre al campo de batalla, puedes buscar en tu biblioteca una carta de tierra básica o de Portal, mostrarla, ponerla en tu mano y luego barajar tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Explorador elfo"
                    "flavorText": "« Le chemin est direct mais difficile. À propos, vous avez le vertige ? »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453655,
                    "name": "Guide de circonscription",
                    "text": "Quand la Guide de circonscription arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez chercher dans votre bibliothèque une carte de terrain de base ou une carte de porte, la révéler, la mettre dans votre main et mélanger ensuite votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et éclaireur"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il cammino è dritto, ma impegnativo. Per curiosità, soffri di vertigini?\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453914,
                    "name": "Guida del Distretto",
                    "text": "Quando la Guida del Distretto entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi passare in rassegna il tuo grimorio per una carta terra base o una carta Cancello, rivelarla, aggiungerla alla tua mano e poi rimescolare il tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Esploratore Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "「この道は近道だけど危険だわ。ちなみに、高いところは大丈夫?」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454173,
                    "name": "管区の案内人",
                    "text": "管区の案内人が戦場に出たとき、あなたは「あなたのライブラリーから基本土地か門であるカード1枚を探し、それを公開してあなたの手札に加え、その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。」を選んでもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・スカウト"
                    "flavorText": "\"그 길로 가면 곧장이지만 어려울 거야. 덧붙여서, 높은 곳은 괜찮지?\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454432,
                    "name": "구역 안내인",
                    "text": "구역 안내인이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 당신의 서고에서 기본 대지 또는 관문 카드 한 장을 찾아 공개하고 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 정찰병"
                    "flavorText": "\"O caminho é bem direto, mas é desafiador. A propósito, você tem algum problema com altura?\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454691,
                    "name": "Guia do Distrito",
                    "text": "Quando Guia do Distrito entra no campo de batalha, você pode procurar um card de terreno básico ou de Portão em seu grimório, revelá-lo, colocá-lo em sua mão e depois embaralhar seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Batedor"
                    "flavorText": "«Путь прямой, но сложный. Кстати, ты же не боишься высоты?»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454950,
                    "name": "Районная Проводница",
                    "text": "Когда Районная Проводница выходит на поле битвы, вы можете найти в вашей библиотеке карту базовой земли или Врат, показать ее, положить ее в вашу руку, затем перетасовать вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Разведчик"
                    "flavorText": "「路线可直达但较具挑战。顺便问一句,你恐高吗?」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455209,
                    "name": "城区向导",
                    "text": "当城区向导进战场时,你可以从你牌库中搜寻一张基本地牌或门牌,展示该牌,将它置于你手上,然后将你的牌库洗牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/斥候"
                    "flavorText": "「路線可直達但較具挑戰。順便問一句,你怕高嗎?」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455468,
                    "name": "城區嚮導",
                    "text": "當城區嚮導進戰場時,你可以從你牌庫中搜尋一張基本地牌或門牌,展示該牌,將它置於你手上,然後將你的牌庫洗牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/斥候"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452878,
            "name": "District Guide",
            "number": "128",
            "originalText": "When District Guide enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a basic land card or Gate card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Scout",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "c150deec-3287-40ef-9b9c-c22bf5d70b02",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7716171c-852b-47f6-907b-d245f29fb61c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1eb4c001-1115-4b99-bbbf-703eb551a381",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176418,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When District Guide enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a basic land card or Gate card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Scout",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ecbe0c36-6187-5702-9b8e-d35b5039c61e",
            "uuidV421": "0d3892ba-a42d-51f3-9b7d-12d69e543093"
            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "The angels appreciated the offer but politely declined to eat any birdseed.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Engel schätzten zwar das großzügige Angebot, lehnten das Vogelfutter jedoch dankend ab.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453019,
                    "name": "Göttliche Erscheinung",
                    "text": "Falls ein oder mehrere Kreaturenspielsteine unter deiner Kontrolle erzeugt würden, werden stattdessen entsprechend viele 4/4 weiße Engel-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Flugfähigkeit und Wachsamkeit erzeugt.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "Los ángeles agradecieron el ofrecimiento, pero rehusaron el alpiste con suma educación.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453278,
                    "name": "Visitación divina",
                    "text": "Si una o más fichas de criatura fueran a ser creadas bajo tu control, en vez de eso, se crea esa misma cantidad de fichas de criatura Ángel blancas 4/4 con las habilidades de volar y vigilancia.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "Les anges apprécièrent l'offre mais refusèrent poliment de se nourrir de graines.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453537,
                    "name": "Visite divine",
                    "text": "Si au moins un jeton de créature devait être créé sous votre contrôle, autant de jetons de créature 4/4 blanche Ange avec le vol et la vigilance sont créés à la place.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "Gli angeli ringraziarono per l'offerta, ma rifiutarono educatamente il mangime per uccelli.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453796,
                    "name": "Visitazione Divina",
                    "text": "Se una o più pedine creatura stanno per essere create sotto il tuo controllo, crea invece altrettante pedine creatura Angelo 4/4 bianche con volare e cautela.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "天使たちは申し出には感謝したが、鳥の餌を食べることを礼儀正しく拒んだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454055,
                    "name": "神聖な訪問",
                    "text": "あなたのコントロール下でクリーチャー・トークンが1体以上生成されるなら、代わりに、それに等しい数の、飛行と警戒を持つ白の4/4の天使・クリーチャー・トークンを生成する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "천사들은 제의에는 감사 표시를 했지만 새모이를 먹는 것은 정중히 거절했다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454314,
                    "name": "신성한 감찰",
                    "text": "한 개 이상의 생물 토큰이 당신의 조종하에 만들어지려고 하면, 대신 비행과 경계를 가진 4/4 백색 천사 생물 토큰이 그만큼 만들어진다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "Os anjos apreciaram a oferta, mas se recusaram delicadamente a comer sementes.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454573,
                    "name": "Visita Divina",
                    "text": "Se uma ou mais fichas de criatura seriam criadas sob o seu controle, em vez disso, é criada aquela quantidade de fichas de criatura branca 4/4 do tipo Anjo com voar e vigilância.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "Ангелы поблагодарили за предложение, но просо и прочий птичий корм есть вежливо отказались.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454832,
                    "name": "Божественное Явление",
                    "text": "Если под вашим контролем должна быть создана одна или несколько фишек существ, вместо этого создается такое же количество фишек существа 4/4 белый Ангел с Полетом и Бдительностью.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "天使谢过了广场上喂鸟群众的好意。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455091,
                    "name": "神恩天降",
                    "text": "如果将在你的操控下派出一个或数个衍生生物,则改为派出等量的4/4白色,具飞行与警戒异能的天使衍生生物。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "天使謝過了廣場上餵鳥群眾的好意。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455350,
                    "name": "神恩天降",
                    "text": "如果將在你的操控下派出一個或數個衍生生物,則改為派出等量的4/4白色,具飛行與警戒異能的天使衍生生物。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452760,
            "name": "Divine Visitation",
            "names": [],
            "number": "10",
            "originalText": "If one or more creature tokens would be created under your control, that many 4/4 white Angel creature tokens with flying and vigilance are created instead.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The token’s characteristics are entirely replaced by a 4/4 white Angel creature token with flying and vigilance. It doesn’t have any abilities the token would have been created with. Anything else specified in the effect creating the token (such as tapped, attacking, “That token gains haste,” or “Exile that token at end of combat”) still applies."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you create a noncreature token that will be a creature as it enters the battlefield, perhaps because of an effect such as that of March of the Machines, Divine Visitation’s effect doesn’t apply to that token’s creation. (This is because Divine Visitation’s effect modifies how the tokens are created, and March of the Machines’s effect doesn't apply until you consider how the tokens are entering the battlefield.)"
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect changes under whose control a token would be created, that effect applies before Divine Visitation’s effect applies. If an effect changes under whose control a token would enter the battlefield, that effect applies after Divine Visitation’s effect is able to be applied."
            "scryfallId": "da3789d4-3621-44a1-bb72-8e3bbac8bf72",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "46de50bb-1190-48c7-a2fe-c62ac830425e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5917216f-5b42-41fa-8976-401bdbeb782e",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176777,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "If one or more creature tokens would be created under your control, that many 4/4 white Angel creature tokens with flying and vigilance are created instead.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d1776e76-ca46-5bd7-831e-4b35da3d6aeb",
            "uuidV421": "fe3a14eb-2874-5c8d-a3f2-23835a597210"
            "artist": "Vincent Proce",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "The sound of every twisted secret tempts you to hear another.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Der Klang jedes einzelnen verdrehten Geheimnisses verleitet dich, mehr hören zu wollen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453078,
                    "name": "Verkünder des Untergangs",
                    "text": "Fliegend, verursacht Trampelschaden\nBezahle 2 Lebenspunkte: Überwachen 2. (Schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Nachtmahr, Dämon"
                    "flavorText": "El sonido de cada secreto retorcido te tienta a oír otro.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453337,
                    "name": "Susurrador de la fatalidad",
                    "text": "Vuela, arrolla.\nPagar 2 vidas: Escruta 2. (Mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Demonio pesadilla"
                    "flavorText": "Le son de chaque secret retors vous donne envie d'en entendre un autre.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453596,
                    "name": "Chuchoteur de mort",
                    "text": "Vol, piétinement\nPayez 2 points de vie : Surveillez 2. (Regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Créature : cauchemar et démon"
                    "flavorText": "Il suono di ogni torbido segreto ti tenta ad ascoltarne un altro.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453855,
                    "name": "Sussurratore del Fato",
                    "text": "Volare, travolgere\nPaga 2 punti vita: Sorveglia 2. (Guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Demone Incubo"
                    "flavorText": "奇妙な秘密の音は、もっと聞きたいという気持ちを呼び起こす。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454114,
                    "name": "破滅を囁くもの",
                    "text": "飛行、トランプル\n2点のライフを支払う:諜報2を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ナイトメア・デーモン"
                    "flavorText": "비틀린 비밀들의 소리 하나하나가 당신에게 또다른 것을 들으라고 유혹한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454373,
                    "name": "파멸을 속삭이는 자",
                    "text": "비행, 돌진\n생명 2점을 지불한다: 감시 2를 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 나이트메어 악마"
                    "flavorText": "O som de cada segredo sórdido traz a tentação de ouvir outro.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454632,
                    "name": "Sussurrador da Ruína",
                    "text": "Voar, atropelar\nPague 2 pontos de vida: Use vigiar 2. (Olhe os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Pesadelo Demônio"
                    "flavorText": "Звучание каждой извращенной тайны соблазняет тебя услышать новую.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454891,
                    "name": "Шепчущая Погибель",
                    "text": "Полет, Пробивной удар\nЗаплатите 2 жизни: используйте Слежку 2. (Посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Кошмар Демон"
                    "flavorText": "每一则扭曲秘密的声音都诱惑着你再听一则。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455150,
                    "name": "毁灭低语魔",
                    "text": "飞行,践踏\n支付2点生命:刺探2。(检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~梦魇/恶魔"
                    "flavorText": "每一則扭曲秘密的聲音都誘惑著你再聽一則。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455409,
                    "name": "毀滅低語魔",
                    "text": "飛行,踐踏\n支付2點生命:刺探2。(檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~夢魘/惡魔"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452819,
            "name": "Doom Whisperer",
            "number": "69",
            "originalText": "Flying, trample\nPay 2 life: Surveil 2. <i>(Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Nightmare Demon",
            "power": "6",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "0a11ee0d-ff8d-4648-8b4e-29440c135c30",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "279a3419-5e4e-47df-8ae5-5c4daf0d9015",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4a01db2e-cd43-4b1a-a480-169018f82501",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176588,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, trample\nPay 2 life: Surveil 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on the top of your library in any order.)",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Creature — Nightmare Demon",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0d5b1f44-4a7e-5347-8c54-ca3397643495",
            "uuidV421": "5fe62908-1107-57ee-afa3-af5c03a6c2da",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Darek Zabrocki",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "The party of Rakdos revelers cackled and capered as the thing approached. It hissed, and they jabbed their torches at it, giggling when it recoiled. Then, one by one, the torches went out—and the screaming began.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Gruppe der Rakdos-Schwelger kicherte und hüpfte, als sich das Ding näherte. Es zischte und sie schlugen amüsiert mit ihren Fackeln danach. Dann, eine nach der anderen, erloschen die Fackeln … und das Schreien begann.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453079,
                    "name": "Lichtlöscher",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Schrecken"
                    "flavorText": "Unos juerguistas rakdos brincaban y se carcajeaban mientras esa cosa se acercaba. Siseó y ellos la acosaron con sus antorchas, riendo mientras la veían retroceder. Luego, una a una, las antorchas se apagaron... y empezaron los gritos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453338,
                    "name": "Ahogador de luces",
                    "type": "Criatura — Horror"
                    "flavorText": "Les fêtards Rakdos gloussèrent et firent des cabrioles à l'approche de la créature. Elle cracha et ils lui donnèrent de petits coups avec leurs torches, ricanant lorsqu'elle se redressa. Puis, leurs torches s'éteignirent une à une... et leurs cris retentirent.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453597,
                    "name": "Éteigneur de réverbères",
                    "type": "Créature : horreur"
                    "flavorText": "Il gruppo di Rakdos vocianti dileggiò sghignazzando l'essere che si avvicinava. Di fronte al suo sibilo dimenarono le torce, ridendone quando si ritirò. Poi, una dopo l'altra, le torce si spensero... e cominciarono le urla.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453856,
                    "name": "Soffocatore di Luci",
                    "type": "Creatura — Orrore"
                    "flavorText": "それが近づいてきたとき、ラクドスのパーティーでは人々が盛り上がり大騒ぎをしていた。それが威嚇すると、人々はたいまつを突き出した。それがとぐろを巻くと、人々は笑った。その後、一本ずつたいまつが消え、絶叫が始まった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454115,
                    "name": "光を遮るもの",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ホラー"
                    "flavorText": "락도스의 난봉꾼 무리는 그것이 다가오자 낄낄대며 날뛰었다. 그것은 쉭쉭댔고, 그들은 들고 있던 횃불을 가져다 대면서 그것이 움츠러들 때 키득거렸다. 그러고 나서, 하나씩, 횃불이 꺼졌다—그리고 비명 소리가 들리기 시작했다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454374,
                    "name": "빛을 없애는 자",
                    "type": "생물 — 괴수"
                    "flavorText": "O grupo de Rakdos festeiros gargalhou e cabriolou enquanto a criatura se aproximava. Ela sibilou, e eles bateram nela com suas tochas, rindo quando ela recuou. Então, uma por uma, as tochas se apagaram... e começaram os gritos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454633,
                    "name": "Apagador de Luzes",
                    "type": "Criatura — Horror"
                    "flavorText": "Когда показалась тварь, пирующие Ракдосы оживились и радостно загалдели. Она зашипела, и Ракдосы начали тыкать в нее факелами и смеяться, когда она дергалась. А потом один за другим факелы погасли — и зазвучали крики.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454892,
                    "name": "Гаситель Огней",
                    "type": "Существо — Ужас"
                    "flavorText": "拉铎司狂欢人眼见怪物靠近,愈发情绪高涨、欢声雷动。见到此物仅会嘶嘶作响,他们便争先恐后用手中火把戳刺,以其蜷缩躲避之姿为乐。突然之间,火把接连熄灭~而后尖叫四起。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455151,
                    "name": "蔽光兽",
                    "type": "生物 ~惊惧兽"
                    "flavorText": "拉鐸司狂歡人眼見怪物靠近,愈發情緒高漲、歡聲雷動。見到此物僅會嘶嘶作響,他們便爭先恐後用手中火把戳刺,以其蜷縮躲避之姿為樂。突然之間,火把接連熄滅~而後尖叫四起。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455410,
                    "name": "蔽光獸",
                    "type": "生物 ~驚懼獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452820,
            "name": "Douser of Lights",
            "number": "70",
            "originalType": "Creature — Horror",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "7c554be7-6fd4-4642-aaa0-2781d9c388e4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "32952d1f-ca64-4731-8c8a-97b433fb03b2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1e53032e-fe14-4424-86ee-f69336f049fe",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176922,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Horror",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e3cd4956-3d1c-5e0e-9145-36e6de88386d",
            "uuidV421": "bcea41ee-da21-5220-87aa-0ef458f69a32"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453047,
                    "name": "Traumfresser",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nFliegend\nWenn der Traumfresser ins Spiel kommt, wende Überwachen 4 an. Wenn du dies tust, kannst du eine bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die kein Land ist und die ein Gegner kontrolliert, auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurückbringen. (Um Überwachen 4 anzuwenden, schaue dir die obersten vier Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Nachtmahr, Sphinx"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453306,
                    "name": "Devorasueños",
                    "text": "Destello.\nVuela.\nCuando el Devorasueños entre al campo de batalla, escruta 4. Cuando lo hagas, puedes regresar el permanente objetivo que no sea tierra que controla un oponente a la mano de su propietario. (Para escrutar 4, mira las cuatro primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esfinge pesadilla"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453565,
                    "name": "Dévoreur de rêves",
                    "text": "Flash\nVol\nQuand le Dévoreur de rêves arrive sur le champ de bataille, surveillez 4. Quand vous faites ainsi, vous pouvez renvoyer un permanent non-terrain ciblé qu'un adversaire contrôle dans la main de son propriétaire. (Pour surveiller 4, regardez les quatre cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Créature : cauchemar et sphinx"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453824,
                    "name": "Divorasogni",
                    "text": "Lampo\nVolare\nQuando il Divorasogni entra nel campo di battaglia, sorveglia 4. Quando lo fai, puoi far tornare un permanente non terra bersaglio controllato da un avversario in mano al suo proprietario. (Per sorvegliare 4, guarda le prime quattro carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sfinge Incubo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454083,
                    "name": "夢喰い",
                    "text": "瞬速\n飛行\n夢喰いが戦場に出たとき、諜報4を行う。そうしたとき、対戦相手がコントロールしていて土地でないパーマネント1つを対象とする。あなたはそれをオーナーの手札に戻してもよい。(諜報4を行うとは、あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを4枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置くことである。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ナイトメア・スフィンクス"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454342,
                    "name": "꿈 포식자",
                    "text": "섬광\n비행\n꿈 포식자가 전장에 들어올 때, 감시 4를 한다. 그렇게 할 때, 상대가 조종하는 대지가 아닌 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 당신은 그 지속물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌릴 수 있다. (감시 4를 하려면, 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 네 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 나이트메어 스핑크스"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454601,
                    "name": "Devorador de Sonhos",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nVoar\nQuando Devorador de Sonhos entrar no campo de batalha, use vigiar 4. Quando fizer isso, você poderá devolver a permanente alvo que não seja terreno que um oponente controla para a mão de seu dono. (Para usar vigiar 4, olhe os quatro cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esfinge Pesadelo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454860,
                    "name": "Пожиратель Снов",
                    "text": "Миг\nПолет\nКогда Пожиратель Снов выходит на поле битвы, используйте Слежку 4. Когда вы это делаете, вы можете вернуть целевой не являющийся землей перманент под контролем оппонента в руку его владельца. (Чтобы использовать Слежку 4, посмотрите четыре верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Кошмар Сфинкс"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455119,
                    "name": "食梦史芬斯",
                    "text": "闪现\n飞行\n当食梦史芬斯进战场时,刺探4。当你如此作时,你可以将目标由对手操控的非地永久物移回其拥有者手上。(刺探4的流程是检视你牌库顶的四张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~梦魇/史芬斯"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455378,
                    "name": "食夢史芬斯",
                    "text": "閃現\n飛行\n當食夢史芬斯進戰場時,刺探4。當你如此作時,你可以將目標由對手操控的非地永久物移回其擁有者手上。(刺探4的流程是檢視你牌庫頂的四張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~夢魘/史芬斯"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452788,
            "name": "Dream Eater",
            "number": "38",
            "originalText": "Flash\nFlying\nWhen Dream Eater enters the battlefield, surveil 4. When you do, you may return target nonland permanent an opponent controls to its owner's hand. <i>(To surveil 4, look at the top four cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Nightmare Sphinx",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Dream Eater’s triggered ability goes on the stack without a target. While that ability is resolving, after you’ve surveilled, the reflexive triggered ability triggers and you pick a target nonland permanent to be returned to its owner’s hand. This is different from effects that say “If you do . . .” in that you choose the target after having surveilled."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Dream Eater’s reflexive triggered ability triggers even if you have fewer than four cards in your library to surveil."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "9f3a4677-7683-4f63-af31-b76491ec9f9c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e3b23002-efc9-42de-88a9-49d5f891b827",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4ec84bb3-796a-4074-ac9a-1bd277158896",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175574,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nFlying\nWhen Dream Eater enters the battlefield, surveil 4. When you do, you may return target nonland permanent an opponent controls to its owner's hand. (To surveil 4, look at the top four cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Nightmare Sphinx",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7b765bc1-b633-596e-b5ab-d62a479ba8c7",
            "uuidV421": "881d1767-961d-5dbe-bc23-86b31c83b9e0",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Alexander Forssberg",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Beneath Ravnica's streets runs a layer of tunnels, then caverns, then waterways, then terrors and nightmares.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Das Tunnelsystem unter Ravnica führt zu Höhlen und Kanälen, die wiederum zu Schrecken und Albträumen führen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453048,
                    "name": "Versunkene Geheimnisse",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen blauen Zauberspruch wirkst, legt ein Spieler deiner Wahl die obersten zwei Karten seiner Bibliothek auf seinen Friedhof.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "Bajo las calles de Rávnica se extiende una red de túneles que pasan a ser cavernas, luego canales y, finalmente, terrores y pesadillas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453307,
                    "name": "Secretos ahogados",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo azul, el jugador objetivo pone las dos primeras cartas de su biblioteca en su cementerio.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "Sous les rues de Ravnica court un réseau de tunnels, puis des cavernes et des cours d'eau, puis des terreurs et des cauchemars.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453566,
                    "name": "Secrets noyés",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort bleu, le joueur ciblé met les deux cartes du dessus de sa bibliothèque dans son cimetière.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "Sotto le strade di Ravnica, ci si imbatte in una rete di gallerie, poi in caverne e acquedotti, infine in orrori e incubi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453825,
                    "name": "Segreti Sommersi",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia blu, un giocatore bersaglio mette nel suo cimitero le prime due carte del suo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "ラヴニカの街路の地下には何層ものトンネルがある。その下には空洞と水路があり、さらに下には恐怖と悪夢がある。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454084,
                    "name": "水没した秘密",
                    "text": "あなたが青の呪文を唱えるたび、プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは自分のライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚自分の墓地に置く。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "라브니카의 거리 아래로는 굴뚝이 지나며, 그 아래로 동굴과 수로가 있고, 더 밑에는 공포와 악몽이 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454343,
                    "name": "수몰된 비밀",
                    "text": "당신이 청색 주문을 발동할 때마다, 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 자신의 무덤에 넣는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "Sob as ruas de Ravnica estendem-se camadas de túneis, seguidas de cavernas e lençóis freáticos, seguidas de terrores e pesadelos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454602,
                    "name": "Segredos Afogados",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjura uma mágica azul, o jogador alvo coloca os dois cards do topo do próprio grimório no próprio cemitério.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "Под улицами Равники проходит разветвленная сеть тоннелей, под ними — пещеры и подземные каналы, еще ниже — ужасы и кошмары.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454861,
                    "name": "Затонувшие Тайны",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете синее заклинание, целевой игрок кладет две верхние карты своей библиотеки на свое кладбище.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "拉尼卡街道下方有一层隧道,其下方是洞穴与水道,更下方便是惊惧兽与梦魇。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455120,
                    "name": "冲尽秘密",
                    "text": "每当你施放蓝色咒语时,目标牌手将其牌库顶的两张牌置入其坟墓场。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "拉尼卡街道下方有一層隧道,其下方是洞穴與水道,更下方便是驚懼獸與夢魘。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455379,
                    "name": "沖盡秘密",
                    "text": "每當你施放藍色咒語時,目標玩家將其牌庫頂的兩張牌置入其墳墓場。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452789,
            "name": "Drowned Secrets",
            "number": "39",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast a blue spell, target player puts the top two cards of their library into their graveyard.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Drowned Secrets has to be on the battlefield for its ability to trigger. Casting it won’t trigger its own ability."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Drowned Secrets’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
            "scryfallId": "bfc98428-7a0f-445f-9d48-eeb76c3e10d6",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6fc6361c-242c-4c9f-bae7-f3cec6320429",
            "scryfallOracleId": "cab305d9-27fb-4a41-adf1-892e15167cb9",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176855,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast a blue spell, target player puts the top two cards of their library into their graveyard.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a3b05e6e-2922-5a1f-bfec-7765b75ccae7",
            "uuidV421": "404ce5fa-bee8-501c-b90b-aecb59180b18"
            "artist": "Dan Scott",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"It's both an ingress-denial mechanism and an attractive hallway light!\"\n—Daxiver, Izzet electromancer",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Es ist sowohl eine Zugangssperre als auch eine dekorative Wandbeleuchtung!\"\n—Daxiver, Izzet-Elektromagier",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453106,
                    "name": "Elektrostatisches Feld",
                    "text": "Verteidiger\nImmer wenn du einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkst, fügt das Elektrostatische Feld jedem Gegner 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mauer"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Es a la vez un mecanismo que impide la entrada y un bonito sistema de luces para el pasillo!\".\n—Dáxiver, electromante ízzet",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453365,
                    "name": "Campo electrostático",
                    "text": "Defensor.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro, el Campo electrostático hace 1 punto de daño a cada oponente.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Muro"
                    "flavorText": "« C'est à la fois un mécanisme anti-pénétration et un éclairage de couloir esthétique ! »\n—Daxiver, électromancien d'Izzet",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453624,
                    "name": "Champ électrostatique",
                    "text": "Défenseur\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel, le Champ électrostatique inflige 1 blessure à chaque adversaire.",
                    "type": "Créature : mur"
                    "flavorText": "\"Funziona sia come meccanismo di restrizione degli accessi, sia come magnifico punto luce per il corridoio!\"\n—Daxiver, elettromante Izzet",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453883,
                    "name": "Campo Elettrostatico",
                    "text": "Difensore\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo o stregoneria, il Campo Elettrostatico infligge 1 danno a ogni avversario.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Muro"
                    "flavorText": "「これは侵入拒否の装置でありながら、廊下を照らす美しい照明でもある!」\n――イゼットの電術師、ダクシヴァー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454142,
                    "name": "静電場",
                    "text": "防衛\nあなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、静電場は各対戦相手にそれぞれ1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 壁"
                    "flavorText": "\"저건 출입 통제 기능을 수행하면서 동시에 매력적인 복도 조명이기도 하지!\"\n—이젯 전기술사, 닥시베르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454401,
                    "name": "정전기술 지대",
                    "text": "수비태세\n당신이 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 정전기술 지대는 각 상대에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 벽"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ele é tanto um mecanismo de impedimento de entrada quanto uma luz agradável no corredor!\"\n— Daxiver, eletromante Izzet",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454660,
                    "name": "Campo Eletrostático",
                    "text": "Defensor\nToda vez que você conjura uma mágica instantânea ou um feitiço, Campo Eletrostático causa 1 ponto de dano a cada oponente.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Barreira"
                    "flavorText": "«Это одновременно и система, предотвращающая нежелательное проникновение, и симпатичный светильник для коридора».\n— Даксивер, электромант Иззетов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454919,
                    "name": "Электростатическое Поле",
                    "text": "Защитник\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, Электростатическое Поле наносит 1 повреждение каждому оппоненту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Стена"
                    "flavorText": "「这东西既是个不错的门禁装置,也是盏漂亮的廊灯!」\n~伊捷电流术士达西维",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455178,
                    "name": "静电力场",
                    "text": "守军\n每当你施放瞬间或法术咒语时,静电力场向每位对手各造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~墙"
                    "flavorText": "「這東西既是個不錯的門禁裝置,也是盞漂亮的廊燈!」\n~伊捷電流術士達西維",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455437,
                    "name": "靜電力場",
                    "text": "守軍\n每當你施放瞬間或巫術咒語時,靜電力場向每位對手各造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~牆"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452847,
            "name": "Electrostatic Field",
            "number": "97",
            "originalText": "Defender\nWhenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Electrostatic Field deals 1 damage to each opponent.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Wall",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Electrostatic Field’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Electrostatic Field’s triggered ability causes the opposing team to lose 2 life."
            "scryfallId": "7096c9a6-2e73-41f8-b20a-b29a9f0b760c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ea16f845-8913-4ac8-bd31-9b00d3d923b1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2fa94a07-c932-4f85-b6e0-a97d2b29eb52",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176833,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender\nWhenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Electrostatic Field deals 1 damage to each opponent.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Wall",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fec3d078-20b9-59c1-9382-72f812470f88",
            "uuidV421": "7a0211a4-02bc-572b-bdb8-d9e88b34442e"
            "artist": "Mark Winters",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Whatever hatred destroys, a single act of trust can revive.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Was auch immer der Hass zerstört, kann ein einziger Akt des Vertrauens wiederherstellen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453177,
                    "name": "Emmara, Seele der Übereinkunft",
                    "text": "Immer wenn Emmara, Seele der Übereinkunft, getappt wird, erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen Soldat-Kreaturenspielstein mit Lebensverknüpfung.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Elf, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "\"Cualquier cosa que destruya el odio puede revivir con un único acto de confianza\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453436,
                    "name": "Emmara, encarnación del acuerdo",
                    "text": "Siempre que Emmara, encarnación del acuerdo sea girada, crea una ficha de criatura Soldado blanca 1/1 con la habilidad de vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Clérigo elfo"
                    "flavorText": "« Ce que la haine détruit, un seul acte de confiance peut le revigorer. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453695,
                    "name": "Emmara, âme de l'Accord",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'Emmara, âme de l'Accord devient engagée, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche Soldat avec le lien de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : elfe et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ciò che viene distrutto dall'odio può essere riportato in vita da un semplice atto di fiducia.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453954,
                    "name": "Emmara, Anima dell'Accordo",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta Emmara, Anima dell'Accordo viene TAPpata, crea una pedina creatura Soldato 1/1 bianca con legame vitale.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Chierico Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "「憎しみが破壊したものは、信頼の行為一つで蘇る。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454213,
                    "name": "協約の魂、イマーラ",
                    "text": "協約の魂、イマーラがタップ状態になるたび、絆魂を持つ白の1/1の兵士・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — エルフ・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "\"증오가 그 무엇을 파괴하든, 믿음을 가진 행동이 회복시킬 수 있다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454472,
                    "name": "협정의 정신, 에마라",
                    "text": "협정의 정신, 에마라가 탭될 때마다, 생명연결을 가진 1/1 백색 병사 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 엘프 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "\"O que quer que o ódio destrua, um único ato de confiança pode reviver.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454731,
                    "name": "Emmara, Alma do Acordo",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Emmara, Alma do Acordo, for virada, crie uma ficha de criatura branca 1/1 do tipo Soldado com vínculo com a vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Elfo Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "«То, что разрушается ненавистью, может быть оживлено одним актом доверия».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454990,
                    "name": "Эммара, Душа Соглашения",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Эммара, Душа Соглашения становится повернутой, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый Солдат с Цепью жизни.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Эльф Священник"
                    "flavorText": "「无论仇恨摧毁何物,只消一丝信任便能重生。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455249,
                    "name": "协音之魂艾玛拉",
                    "text": "每当协音之魂艾玛拉成为横置时,派出一个1/1白色,具系命异能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~妖精/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "「無論仇恨摧毀何物,只消一絲信任便能重生。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455508,
                    "name": "協音之魂艾瑪拉",
                    "text": "每當協音之魂艾瑪拉成為橫置時,派出一個1/1白色,具繫命異能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~妖精/僧侶"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{G}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452918,
            "name": "Emmara, Soul of the Accord",
            "names": [],
            "number": "168",
            "originalText": "Whenever Emmara, Soul of the Accord becomes tapped, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Elf Cleric",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Emmara’s ability is a triggered ability, not an activated ability. It doesn’t allow you to tap Emmara whenever you want; rather, you need some other way of tapping it, such as by attacking."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "For the ability to trigger, Emmara has to actually change from untapped to tapped. If an effect attempts to tap Emmara, but it was already tapped at the time, this ability won’t trigger."
            "scryfallId": "41b930ee-e16b-4612-87de-c03ecc6ff6db",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c9286244-cb23-44a0-bfd3-f44351516def",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c65ba242-3369-48a9-864f-1b1f85238f67",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175175,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Emmara, Soul of the Accord becomes tapped, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Elf Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f32b7f30-83a2-5cb0-8af4-b7748190ba9c",
            "uuidV421": "5a75e540-da35-52fa-8e4c-53b6713c3ddd",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Who are the agents of the Dimir? No one and everyone.\"\n—Lazav",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wer sind die Agenten von Dimir? Niemand und jeder.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453049,
                    "name": "Verstärkte Überwachung",
                    "text": "Jedes Mal, wenn du Überwachen anwendest, kannst du dir dabei zwei zusätzliche Karten ansehen.\nSchicke die Verstärkte Überwachung ins Exil: Mische deinen Friedhof in deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"¿Quiénes son los agentes del Gremio Dimir? Nadie y todos\".\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453308,
                    "name": "Escrutinio mejorado",
                    "text": "Puedes mirar dos cartas adicionales cada vez que escrutes.\nExiliar el Escrutinio mejorado: Baraja tu cementerio en tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "« Qui sont les agents de Dimir ? Personne et tout le monde. »\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453567,
                    "name": "Surveillance accrue",
                    "text": "Vous pouvez regarder deux cartes supplémentaires à chaque fois que vous surveillez.\nExilez la Surveillance accrue : Mélangez votre cimetière dans votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "\"Chi sono gli agenti dei Dimir? Tutti e nessuno.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453826,
                    "name": "Sorveglianza Rafforzata",
                    "text": "Puoi guardare due carte addizionali ogni volta che sorvegli.\nEsilia la Sorveglianza Rafforzata: Rimescola il tuo cimitero nel tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "「ディミーアの工作員は誰か。誰でもないし、誰でもある。」\n――ラザーヴ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454085,
                    "name": "諜報強化",
                    "text": "あなたが行う諜報1回につき、あなたはカードを追加で2枚見てもよい。\n諜報強化を追放する:あなたの墓地をあなたのライブラリーに加えて切り直す。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"디미르 요원들이 누구냐고? 아무도 아니면서 모두이다.\"\n—라자브",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454344,
                    "name": "향상된 감시",
                    "text": "당신은 매번 감시를 하면서 추가로 카드 두 장을 더 볼 수 있다.\n향상된 감시를 추방한다: 당신의 무덤을 당신의 서고에 섞어 넣는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quem são os agentes dos Dimir? Todos. E ninguém.\"\n— Lazav",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454603,
                    "name": "Vigilância Reforçada",
                    "text": "Você pode olhar dois cards adicionais a cada vez que usar vigiar.\nExile Vigilância Reforçada: Embaralhe seu cemitério em seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "«Кто служит агентом у Димиров? Никто — и все».\n— Лазав",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454862,
                    "name": "Усиленный Надзор",
                    "text": "Каждый раз при использовании Слежки вы можете посмотреть две дополнительные карты.\nИзгоните Усиленный Надзор: втасуйте ваше кладбище в вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「谁是底密尔的密探?谁都不是,谁也都是。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455121,
                    "name": "多加刺探",
                    "text": "你每次刺探可以额外检视两张牌。\n放逐多加刺探:将你的坟墓场洗入你的牌库。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "「誰是底密爾的密探?誰都不是,誰也都是。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455380,
                    "name": "多加刺探",
                    "text": "你每次刺探可以額外檢視兩張牌。\n放逐多加刺探:將你的墳墓場洗入你的牌庫。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452790,
            "name": "Enhanced Surveillance",
            "number": "40",
            "originalText": "You may look at an additional two cards each time you surveil.\nExile Enhanced Surveillance: Shuffle your graveyard into your library.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The additional cards you look at due to Enhanced Surveillance’s ability are part of what you surveil. You may put those cards into your graveyard or back on top in any order along with the others."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you control a second Enhanced Surveillance, their effects both apply and you may look at an additional four cards. If you control a third, may look at an additional six cards, and so on."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Enhanced Surveillance’s last ability can be activated only while it’s on the battlefield."
            "scryfallId": "971d254e-da25-494b-a16d-3d7d6bb75c73",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "567a8236-38e7-418b-abf1-5bc0e8a344b3",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bfb5104b-01e3-4d37-ac93-1dc342121531",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176727,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "You may look at an additional two cards each time you surveil.\nExile Enhanced Surveillance: Shuffle your graveyard into your library.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6b838122-03ee-5cd6-87c4-1ca02dc5f121",
            "uuidV421": "97a1033d-4fc0-5684-9526-e98486bf5844",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Milivoj Ćeran",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The League accepts no responsibility for former members and the damage they may cause.\"\n—Maree, Izzet chamberlain",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Liga haftet nicht für ehemalige Mitglieder und jedweden durch sie verursachten Schaden.\"\n—Maree, Izzet-Kämmerin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453107,
                    "name": "Unsteter Zyklop",
                    "text": "Verursacht Trampelschaden\nImmer wenn du einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkst, erhält der Unstete Zyklop +X/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges, wobei X gleich den umgewandelten Manakosten jenes Zauberspruchs ist.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zyklop, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"La Liga no se hace responsable de sus antiguos miembros ni del daño que puedan causar\".\n—Maree, chambelán ízzet",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453366,
                    "name": "Cíclope impredecible",
                    "text": "Arrolla.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro, el Cíclope impredecible obtiene +X/+0 hasta el final del turno, donde X es el coste de maná convertido de ese hechizo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán cíclope"
                    "flavorText": "« La Ligue décline toute responsabilité concernant ses anciens membres et les dégâts qu'ils pourraient causer. »\n—Maree, chambellane d'Izzet",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453625,
                    "name": "Cyclope imprévisible",
                    "text": "Piétinement\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel, le Cyclope imprévisible gagne +X/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour, X étant le coût converti de mana de ce sort.",
                    "type": "Créature : cyclope et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"La Lega non si assume responsabilità per i suoi ex membri e gli eventuali danni che potrebbero causare.\"\n—Mareey, ciambellana Izzet",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453884,
                    "name": "Ciclope Imprevedibile",
                    "text": "Travolgere\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo o stregoneria, il Ciclope Imprevedibile prende +X/+0 fino alla fine del turno, dove X è il costo di mana convertito di quella magia.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Ciclope"
                    "flavorText": "「イゼット団は元団員や、元団員が与えた損害について一切の責任を負いません。」\n――イゼットの執事、マーレー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454143,
                    "name": "奇矯なサイクロプス",
                    "text": "トランプル\nあなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、ターン終了時まで、奇矯なサイクロプスは+X/+0の修整を受ける。Xはその呪文の点数で見たマナ・コストに等しい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — サイクロプス・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "\"연합은 전 구성원과 그들이 입힐 지도 모르는 피해에 대한 책임을 지지 않습니다.\"\n—이젯 시종, 마리",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454402,
                    "name": "변덕스러운 키클롭스",
                    "text": "돌진\n당신이 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 변덕스러운 키클롭스는 턴종료까지 +X/+0을 받는다. X는 그 주문의 전환마나비용이다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 키클롭스 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "\"A Liga não assume nenhuma responsabilidade por ex-membros, nem por danos que eles possam causar.\"\n— Maree, senescal Izzet",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454661,
                    "name": "Ciclope Errático",
                    "text": "Atropelar\nToda vez que você conjura uma mágica instantânea ou um feitiço, Ciclope Errático recebe +X/+0 até o final do turno, sendo X o custo de mana convertido daquela mágica.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ciclope Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "«Лига не несет ответственности за своих бывших членов и за тот урон, что они могут нанести».\n— Марри, мажордом Иззетов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454920,
                    "name": "Непредсказуемый Циклоп",
                    "text": "Пробивной удар\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, Непредсказуемый Циклоп получает +X/+0 до конца хода, где Х — конвертированная мана-стоимость того заклинания.",
                    "type": "Существо — Циклоп Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "「因伊捷联盟原成员之私人行为导致的一切后果,本联盟概不负责。」\n~伊捷侍从玛蕾",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455179,
                    "name": "乖僻独眼巨人",
                    "text": "践踏\n每当你施放瞬间或法术咒语时,乖僻独眼巨人得+X/+0直到回合结束,X为该咒语的总法术力费用。",
                    "type": "生物 ~独眼巨人/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "「因伊捷聯盟原成員之私人行為導致的一切後果,本聯盟概不負責。」\n~伊捷侍從瑪蕾",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455438,
                    "name": "乖僻獨眼巨人",
                    "text": "踐踏\n每當你施放瞬間或巫術咒語時,乖僻獨眼巨人得+X/+0直到回合結束,X為該咒語的總魔法力費用。",
                    "type": "生物 ~獨眼巨人/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452848,
            "name": "Erratic Cyclops",
            "number": "98",
            "originalText": "Trample\nWhenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Erratic Cyclops gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is that spell's converted mana cost.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Cyclops Shaman",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a spell has {X} in its mana cost, include the value chosen for that X when determining the converted mana cost of that spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Erratic Cyclops’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
            "scryfallId": "c310df89-d894-40ab-ae34-7d0bfd19a1af",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c13478e2-7135-4662-8cfd-706327a4a4f2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "19a11c33-269a-45d3-86c7-827965053f26",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176567,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Trample\nWhenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Erratic Cyclops gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is that spell's converted mana cost.",
            "toughness": "8",
            "type": "Creature — Cyclops Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7442a705-e34c-5362-8bf1-b4fac3b9007b",
            "uuidV421": "d32c4841-d10c-5b6f-af3d-03eaef0087f0"
            "artist": "Jason A. Engle",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The Erstwhile—rotten of body and outmoded in dress, but unfailing in loyalty.\"\n—Vraska",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Einstmaligen – verrottet und modrig, aber unzweifelhaft vollkommen ergeben.\"\n—Vraska",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453178,
                    "name": "Einstmaliger Infanterist",
                    "text": "Wirf eine Kreaturenkarte ab: Der Einstmalige Infanterist erhält +2/+2 und verursacht Trampelschaden bis zum Ende des Zuges. Aktiviere diese Fähigkeit nur einmal pro Zug.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zombie, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Los Arcaicos tienen el cuerpo podrido y llevan ropajes obsoletos, mas su lealtad es inquebrantable\".\n—Vraska",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453437,
                    "name": "Soldado de los Arcaicos",
                    "text": "Descartar una carta de criatura: El Soldado de los Arcaicos obtiene +2/+2 y gana la habilidad de arrollar hasta el final del turno. Activa esta habilidad solo una vez por turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado zombie"
                    "flavorText": "« Les Naguères ont le corps pourri et des goûts vestimentaires discutables, mais ils sont d'une loyauté indéfectible. »\n—Vraska",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453696,
                    "name": "Troupier naguère",
                    "text": "Défaussez-vous d'une carte de créature : Le Troupier naguère gagne +2/+2 et acquiert le piétinement jusqu'à la fin du tour. N'activez cette capacité qu'une seule fois par tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : zombie et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Gli Antecessori... Anche se i loro corpi sono putrefatti e i loro abiti antiquati, la loro fedeltà è incrollabile.\"\n—Vraska",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453955,
                    "name": "Fante degli Antecessori",
                    "text": "Scarta una carta creatura: Il Fante degli Antecessori prende +2/+2 e ha travolgere fino alla fine del turno. Attiva questa abilità solo una volta per turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Zombie"
                    "flavorText": "「往時軍。腐った体に時代遅れの出で立ち。でも忠誠は絶対だわ。」\n――ヴラスカ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454214,
                    "name": "往時軍の強兵",
                    "text": "クリーチャー・カードを1枚捨てる:ターン終了時まで、往時軍の強兵は+2/+2の修整を受けトランプルを得る。この能力は、毎ターン1回のみ起動できる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゾンビ・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"망자의 군대는 육신은 썩었고 몸치장은 썩 마음에 들지 않지만, 그들의 충성심은 변하지 않지.\"\n—브라스카",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454473,
                    "name": "망자의 군대 강습병",
                    "text": "생물 카드 한 장을 버린다: 망자의 군대 강습병은 턴종료까지 +2/+2를 받고 돌진을 얻는다. 이 능력은 한 턴에 한 번씩만 활성화할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 좀비 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os Vetustos: corpos podres e figurinos antiquados, mas lealdade infalível.\"\n— Vraska",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454732,
                    "name": "Tropas Vetustas",
                    "text": "Descarte um card de criatura: Tropas Vetustas recebe +2/+2 e ganha atropelar até o final do turno. Ative esta habilidade apenas uma vez a cada turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Zumbi Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Былые... их тела прогнили, они наряжены не по моде, но их верность — крепче камня».\n— Враска",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454991,
                    "name": "Былой Воин",
                    "text": "Сбросьте карту существа: Былой Воин получает +2/+2 и Пробивной удар до конца хода. Активируйте эту способность только один раз за ход.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зомби Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「故军~内有腐烂肉身,外有过时着装,可是忠心不二。」\n~瓦丝卡",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455250,
                    "name": "故军士兵",
                    "text": "弃一张生物牌:直到回合结束,故军士兵得+2/+2且获得践踏异能。此异能每回合只能起动一次。",
                    "type": "生物 ~灵俑/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「故軍~內有腐爛肉身,外有過時著裝,可是忠心不二。」\n~瓦絲卡",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455509,
                    "name": "故軍士兵",
                    "text": "棄一張生物牌:直到回合結束,故軍士兵得+2/+2且獲得踐踏異能。此異能每回合只能起動一次。",
                    "type": "生物 ~殭屍/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452919,
            "name": "Erstwhile Trooper",
            "number": "169",
            "originalText": "Discard a creature card: Erstwhile Trooper gets +2/+2 and gains trample until end of turn. Activate this ability only once each turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Zombie Soldier",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "351ee4ba-882d-48c1-837d-e9eccc5bc50d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "02607950-9602-45c5-ac4c-0e849c8146ad",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a1640d9a-367f-4b90-bd4d-18f2c9244ccf",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176861,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Discard a creature card: Erstwhile Trooper gets +2/+2 and gains trample until end of turn. Activate this ability only once each turn.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Zombie Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "86ae1c7d-4b32-5d2e-bfe9-17f96a1d60e7",
            "uuidV421": "7809b441-a9fa-5be8-820e-5e6f03817bb3",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Bastien L. Deharme",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453179,
                    "name": "Etrata die Attentäterin",
                    "text": "Etrata die Attentäterin kann nicht geblockt werden.\nImmer wenn Etrata einem Spieler Kampfschaden zufügt, schicke eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die der Spieler kontrolliert, ins Exil und lege eine Attentatsmarke auf jene Karte. Der Spieler verliert die Partie, falls er drei oder mehr ins Exil geschickte Karten besitzt, auf denen Attentatsmarken liegen. Etratas Besitzer mischt Etrata in seine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Vampir, Assassine"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453438,
                    "name": "Etrata, la Silenciadora",
                    "text": "Etrata, la Silenciadora no puede ser bloqueada.\nSiempre que Etrata haga daño de combate a un jugador, exilia la criatura objetivo que controla ese jugador y pon un contador de asesinato sobre esa carta. Ese jugador pierde el juego si es propietario de tres o más cartas exiliadas con contadores de asesinato sobre ellas. El propietario de Etrata baraja a Etrata en su biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Asesino vampiro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453697,
                    "name": "Etrata, la silencieuse",
                    "text": "Etrata, la silencieuse ne peut pas être bloquée.\nÀ chaque fois qu'Etrata inflige des blessures de combat à un joueur, exilez une créature ciblée que ce joueur contrôle et mettez un marqueur « contrat » sur cette carte. Ce joueur perd la partie s'il possède au moins trois cartes exilées avec des marqueurs « contrat » sur elles. Le propriétaire d'Etrata mélange Etrata dans sa bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : vampire et assassin"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453956,
                    "name": "Etrata, la Silenziatrice",
                    "text": "Etrata, la Silenziatrice non può essere bloccata.\nOgniqualvolta Etrata infligge danno da combattimento a un giocatore, esilia una creatura bersaglio controllata da quel giocatore e metti un segnalino delitto su quella carta. Quel giocatore perde la partita se possiede tre o più carte esiliate con segnalini delitto. Il proprietario di Etrata rimescola Etrata nel proprio grimorio.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Assassino Vampiro"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454215,
                    "name": "静める者、エトラータ",
                    "text": "静める者、エトラータはブロックされない。\n静める者、エトラータがプレイヤー1人に戦闘ダメージを与えるたび、そのプレイヤーがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とする。それを追放し、そのカードの上に殺人カウンターを1個置く。そのプレイヤーがオーナーであり、追放されていて、殺人カウンターが置かれているカードが3枚以上あるなら、そのプレイヤーはこのゲームに敗北する。静める者、エトラータのオーナーは静める者、エトラータを自分のライブラリーに加えて切り直す。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 吸血鬼・暗殺者"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454474,
                    "name": "침묵시키는 자, 에트라타",
                    "text": "침묵시키는 자, 에트라타는 방어될 수 없다.\n에트라타가 플레이어에게 전투피해를 입힐 때마다, 그 플레이어가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 추방하고 그 카드에 살해 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 그 플레이어가 살해 카운터가 올려진 추방된 카드를 세 장 이상 소유하고 있다면 그 플레이어는 게임에서 패배한다. 에트라타의 소유자는 에트라타를 자신의 서고에 섞어넣는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 흡혈귀 암살자"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454733,
                    "name": "Etrata, a Silenciadora",
                    "text": "Etrata, a Silenciadora, não pode ser bloqueada.\nToda vez que Etrata causar dano de combate a um jogador, exile a criatura alvo que aquele jogador controla e coloque um marcador de golpe naquele card. Aquele jogador perde o jogo se for dono de três ou mais cards exilados com marcadores de golpe. O dono de Etrata embaralha Etrata no próprio grimório.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Vampiro Assassino"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454992,
                    "name": "Этрата, Несущая Тишину",
                    "text": "Этрата, Несущая Тишину не может быть заблокирована.\nКаждый раз, когда Этрата наносит боевые повреждения игроку, изгоните целевое существо под контролем того игрока и положите на ту карту один жетон устранения. Тот игрок проигрывает партию, если ему принадлежит три или более изгнанных карты с жетонами устранения на них. Владелец Этраты втасовывает Этрату в свою библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Вампир Убийца"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455251,
                    "name": "灭口艾庄塔",
                    "text": "灭口艾庄塔不能被阻挡。\n每当艾庄塔对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,放逐目标由该牌手操控的生物并在该牌上放置一个灭口指示物。如果放逐区中由该牌手拥有且上面有灭口指示物的牌有三张或更多,则该牌手输掉这盘游戏。艾庄塔的拥有者将艾庄塔洗入其牌库。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~吸血鬼/杀手"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455510,
                    "name": "滅口艾莊塔",
                    "text": "滅口艾莊塔不能被阻擋。\n每當艾莊塔對任一玩家造成戰鬥傷害時,放逐目標由該玩家操控的生物並在該牌上放置一個滅口指示物。如果放逐區中由該玩家擁有且上面有滅口指示物的牌有三張或更多,則該玩家輸掉這盤遊戲。艾莊塔的擁有者將艾莊塔洗入其牌庫。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~吸血鬼/殺手"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452920,
            "name": "Etrata, the Silencer",
            "number": "170",
            "originalText": "Etrata, the Silencer can't be blocked.\nWhenever Etrata deals combat damage to a player, exile target creature that player controls and put a hit counter on that card. That player loses the game if they own three or more exiled cards with hit counters on them. Etrata's owner shuffles Etrata into their library.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Vampire Assassin",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the player controls no creatures, Etrata’s ability doesn’t resolve. Etrata remains on the battlefield and its owner doesn’t shuffle their library. The same is true if the target creature is an illegal target when Etrata’s ability tries to resolve."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If Etrata leaves the battlefield while its triggered ability is on the stack, it remains in its new zone and Etrata’s owner shuffles their library."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If Etrata’s ability exiles a token creature, it won’t count to determine whether three cards are exiled with hit counters."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Etrata’s owner shuffles it into their library as the triggered ability resolves, regardless of how many cards are in exile or whether the player loses the game."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a Commander game, if Etrata is your commander, you may put it into the command zone as its ability resolves. You’ll still shuffle your library."
            "scryfallId": "fa36b142-e67e-49da-9080-c5994e275266",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ec1c222c-25c4-41f9-b843-fc56c7926b89",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2ee87667-ec9d-4ced-b7e6-df3fd18b0ed6",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176817,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Etrata, the Silencer can't be blocked.\nWhenever Etrata deals combat damage to a player, exile target creature that player controls and put a hit counter on that card. That player loses the game if they own three or more exiled cards with hit counters on them. Etrata's owner shuffles Etrata into their library.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Vampire Assassin",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ef237355-23ce-55c0-b30c-23a62f800712",
            "uuidV421": "326baab1-3818-5cb0-8aec-243f6d2205ea",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Deruchenko Alexander",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 4,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453233,
                    "name": "Explosion",
                    "text": "Die Explosion fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl X Schadenspunkte zu. Ein Spieler deiner Wahl zieht X Karten.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453492,
                    "name": "Explosión",
                    "text": "La Explosión hace X puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo. El jugador objetivo roba X cartas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453751,
                    "name": "Explosion",
                    "text": "L'Explosion inflige X blessures à n'importe quelle cible. Le joueur ciblé pioche X cartes.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454010,
                    "name": "Esplosività",
                    "text": "L'Esplosività infligge X danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio. Un giocatore bersaglio pesca X carte.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454269,
                    "name": "発破",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人とプレイヤー1人を対象とする。発破はその前者にX点のダメージを与える。その後者のプレイヤーはカードをX枚引く。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454528,
                    "name": "폭발",
                    "text": "원하는 목표를 정한다. 폭발은 그 목표에게 피해 X점을 입힌다. 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 카드 X장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454787,
                    "name": "Explosão",
                    "text": "Explosão causa X pontos de dano a qualquer alvo. O jogador alvo compra X cards.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455046,
                    "name": "Разрыв",
                    "text": "Разрыв наносит X повреждений любой цели. Целевой игрок берет X карт.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455305,
                    "name": "迸裂",
                    "text": "迸裂对任意一个目标造成X点伤害。目标牌手抓X张牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455564,
                    "name": "迸裂",
                    "text": "迸裂對任意一個目標造成X點傷害。目標玩家抽X張牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{X}{U}{U}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452974,
            "name": "Explosion",
            "names": [
            "number": "224",
            "originalText": "Explosion deals X damage to any target. Target player draws X cards.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Expansion can copy any instant or sorcery spell with an appropriate converted mana cost, not just one with targets."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a spell has {X} in its mana cost, include the value chosen for that X when determining the converted mana cost of that spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The copy is created on the stack, so it’s not “cast.” Abilities that trigger when a player casts a spell won’t trigger."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The copy will have the same targets as the spell it’s copying unless you choose new ones. You may change any number of the targets, including all of them or none of them. If, for one of the targets, you can’t choose a new legal target, then it remains unchanged (even if the current target is illegal)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied is modal (that is, it says “Choose one —” or the like), the copy will have the same mode. A different mode can’t be chosen."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied has an X whose value was determined as it was cast (like Banefire does), the copy will have the same value of X."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell has damage divided as it was cast, the division can’t be changed (although the targets receiving that damage still can). The same is true of spells that distribute counters."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The controller of a copy can’t choose to pay any alternative or additional costs for the copy. However, effects based on any alternative or additional costs that were paid for the original spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you copy a spell, you control the copy. It will resolve before the original spell does."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If one of Explosion’s two targets becomes illegal, the other is affected as appropriate."
            "scryfallId": "e0644c92-4d67-475e-8c8e-0e2c493682fb",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "fbabb386-2a31-4013-b0e8-fffa9265e31e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "af6f771f-5154-4fb3-8ed4-768d71eea568",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176440,
            "text": "Explosion deals X damage to any target. Target player draws X cards.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d568ac58-2345-51da-84cc-d4bbac057704",
            "uuidV421": "e656d976-f41d-55ae-80b6-270b5b2db60a",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Deruchenko Alexander",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 2,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453233,
                    "name": "Expansion",
                    "text": "Kopiere einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei deiner Wahl mit umgewandelten Manakosten von 4 oder weniger. Du kannst neue Ziele für die Kopie bestimmen.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453492,
                    "name": "Expansión",
                    "text": "Copia el hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro objetivo con coste de maná convertido de 4 o menos. Puedes elegir nuevos objetivos para la copia.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453751,
                    "name": "Expansion",
                    "text": "Copiez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel ciblé avec un coût converti de mana inférieur ou égal à 4. Vous pouvez choisir de nouvelles cibles pour cette copie.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454010,
                    "name": "Espansione",
                    "text": "Copia una magia istantaneo o stregoneria bersaglio con costo di mana convertito pari o inferiore a 4. Puoi scegliere nuovi bersagli per la copia.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454269,
                    "name": "発展",
                    "text": "点数で見たマナ・コストが4以下でインスタントかソーサリーである呪文1つを対象とし、それをコピーする。あなたはそのコピーの新しい対象を選んでもよい。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454528,
                    "name": "확장",
                    "text": "전환마나비용이 4 이하인 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문을 복사한다. 당신은 그 복사본의 목표를 새로 정할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454787,
                    "name": "Expansão",
                    "text": "Copie a mágica instantânea ou o feitiço alvo com custo de mana convertido igual ou inferior a 4. Você pode escolher novos alvos para a cópia.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455046,
                    "name": "Расширение",
                    "text": "Скопируйте целевое мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства с конвертированной мана-стоимостью не более 4. Вы можете выбрать новые цели для той копии.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455305,
                    "name": "迸增",
                    "text": "复制目标总法术力费用等于或小于4的瞬间或法术咒语。你可以为该复制品选择新的目标。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455564,
                    "name": "迸增",
                    "text": "複製目標總魔法力費用等於或小於4的瞬間或巫術咒語。你可以為該複製品選擇新的目標。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U/R}{U/R}",
            "multiverseId": 452974,
            "name": "Expansion",
            "names": [
            "number": "224",
            "originalText": "Copy target instant or sorcery spell with converted mana cost 4 or less. You may choose new targets for the copy.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Expansion can copy any instant or sorcery spell with an appropriate converted mana cost, not just one with targets."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a spell has {X} in its mana cost, include the value chosen for that X when determining the converted mana cost of that spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The copy is created on the stack, so it’s not “cast.” Abilities that trigger when a player casts a spell won’t trigger."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The copy will have the same targets as the spell it’s copying unless you choose new ones. You may change any number of the targets, including all of them or none of them. If, for one of the targets, you can’t choose a new legal target, then it remains unchanged (even if the current target is illegal)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied is modal (that is, it says “Choose one —” or the like), the copy will have the same mode. A different mode can’t be chosen."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied has an X whose value was determined as it was cast (like Banefire does), the copy will have the same value of X."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell has damage divided as it was cast, the division can’t be changed (although the targets receiving that damage still can). The same is true of spells that distribute counters."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The controller of a copy can’t choose to pay any alternative or additional costs for the copy. However, effects based on any alternative or additional costs that were paid for the original spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you copy a spell, you control the copy. It will resolve before the original spell does."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If one of Explosion’s two targets becomes illegal, the other is affected as appropriate."
            "scryfallId": "e0644c92-4d67-475e-8c8e-0e2c493682fb",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "fbabb386-2a31-4013-b0e8-fffa9265e31e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "af6f771f-5154-4fb3-8ed4-768d71eea568",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176440,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Copy target instant or sorcery spell with converted mana cost 4 or less. You may choose new targets for the copy.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "65f2a662-f0ec-5bf2-98a7-eaf50ca0fa04",
            "uuidV421": "7eb450be-6985-5a43-811c-992d74949a83",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Simon Dominic",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Turns out coffee is the weird aunt of invention.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Kaffee ist der Zündstoff für Erfindergeist.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453108,
                    "name": "Experimentierfreude",
                    "text": "Du kannst dir zu jedem Zeitpunkt die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek anschauen.\nDu kannst die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek spielen.\nDu kannst keine Karten aus deiner Hand spielen.\n{3}{R}: Zerstöre die Experimentierfreude.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"Al final, el café es la tía extraña de todas las ciencias\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453367,
                    "name": "Frenesí experimental",
                    "text": "Puedes mirar la primera carta de tu biblioteca en cualquier momento.\nPuedes jugar la primera carta de tu biblioteca.\nNo puedes jugar cartas de tu mano.\n{3}{R}: Destruye el Frenesí experimental.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "Apparemment, le café est la tante farfelue de l'invention.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453626,
                    "name": "Frénésie expérimentale",
                    "text": "Vous pouvez regarder la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque à tout moment.\nVous pouvez jouer la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque.\nVous ne pouvez pas jouer de cartes depuis votre main.\n{3}{R} : Détruisez la Frénésie expérimentale.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "A quanto pare, anche il caffè aguzza l'ingegno.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453885,
                    "name": "Frenesia Sperimentale",
                    "text": "Puoi guardare la prima carta del tuo grimorio in qualsiasi momento.\nPuoi giocare la prima carta del tuo grimorio.\nNon puoi giocare carte dalla tua mano.\n{3}{R}: Distruggi la Frenesia Sperimentale.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "コーヒーは発明の偏屈な叔母であるのだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454144,
                    "name": "実験の狂乱",
                    "text": "あなたはいつでもあなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを見てもよい。\nあなたはあなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードをプレイしてもよい。\nあなたはあなたの手札からカードをプレイすることはできない。\n{3}{R}:実験の狂乱を破壊する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "커피가 발명의 이상한 이모라는 것이 밝혀졌다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454403,
                    "name": "실험적인 광분",
                    "text": "당신은 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드를 언제든지 볼 수 있다.\n당신은 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드를 플레이할 수 있다.\n당신은 당신의 손에서 카드를 플레이할 수 없다.\n{3}{R}: 실험적인 광분을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "No fim das contas, o café é aquela tia esquisitona da invenção.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454662,
                    "name": "Frenesi Experimental",
                    "text": "Você pode olhar o card do topo de seu grimório a qualquer momento.\nVocê pode jogar o card do topo de seu grimório.\nVocê não pode jogar cards da sua mão.\n{3}{R}: Destrua Frenesi Experimental.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "Если нужда — мать изобретений, то, выходит, что кофе — их чудаковатый дядюшка.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454921,
                    "name": "Лихорадка Экспериментов",
                    "text": "Вы в любой момент можете посмотреть верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки.\nВы можете разыграть верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки.\nВы не можете разыгрывать карты из вашей руки.\n{3}{R}: уничтожьте Лихорадку Экспериментов.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "其实发明之母还有咖啡。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455180,
                    "name": "实验性狂乱",
                    "text": "你可以随时检视你的牌库顶牌。\n你可以使用你的牌库顶牌。\n你不能从你手上使用牌。\n{3}{R}:消灭实验性狂乱。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "其實發明之母還有咖啡。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455439,
                    "name": "實驗性狂亂",
                    "text": "你可以隨時檢視你的牌庫頂牌。\n你可以使用你的牌庫頂牌。\n你不能從你手上使用牌。\n{3}{R}:消滅實驗性狂亂。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452849,
            "name": "Experimental Frenzy",
            "number": "99",
            "originalText": "You may look at the top card of your library any time.\nYou may play the top card of your library.\nYou can't play cards from your hand.\n{3}{R}: Destroy Experimental Frenzy.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Experimental Frenzy lets you look at the top card of your library whenever you want (with one restriction—see below), even if you don’t have priority. This action doesn’t use the stack. Knowing what that card is becomes part of the information you have access to, just like you can look at the cards in your hand."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the top card of your library changes while you’re casting a spell or activating an ability, you can’t look at the new top card until you finish casting that spell or activating that ability. This means that if you cast the top card of your library, you can’t look at the next one until you’re done paying for that spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You must follow the normal timing permissions and restrictions of the cards you play from your library."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can play a land card on top of your library only if you have available land plays remaining."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You’ll still pay all costs for a spell you cast from your library, including additional costs. You may also pay alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can’t cast spells or play lands from your hand, but you may take other actions with those cards (such as discarding them to activate their cycling or bloodrush abilities)."
            "scryfallId": "4b8f32e2-5dc8-4f1b-8a69-d3ae06378ed8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "827f3fc2-8cb3-4764-b698-785ba8860e11",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3715e8b8-31df-499b-8a91-1bcd1199d6eb",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176834,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "You may look at the top card of your library any time.\nYou may play the top card of your library.\nYou can't play cards from your hand.\n{3}{R}: Destroy Experimental Frenzy.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9453ec14-9dd6-5a02-91cd-2431ae09ca59",
            "uuidV421": "c880cc13-d515-507c-a750-31fec5194fd7"
            "artist": "Suzanne Helmigh",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I spent some time in the Legion, but I'm done taking orders all day.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich war eine Zeit lang in der Legion, aber ich habe es satt, den ganzen Tag Befehle zu befolgen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453109,
                    "name": "Furchtlose Hellebardistin",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pasé un tiempo en la Legión, pero acabé harta de recibir órdenes todo el día\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453368,
                    "name": "Alabardera sin miedo",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« J'ai passé un certain temps dans la Légion, mais j'en ai assez de suivre des ordres toute la journée. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453627,
                    "name": "Hallebardière intrépide",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ho prestato servizio nella Legione in passato, ma mi sono stufata di seguire costantemente gli ordini.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453886,
                    "name": "Alabardiera Intrepida",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「ボロス軍に身を置いたこともあったわ。でももう一日中命令を受けるのはうんざりよ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454145,
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                    "flavorText": "\"Passei um tempo na Legião, mas cansei de receber ordens o dia todo.\"",
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                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Я провела некоторое время в Легионе, но целый день выполнять приказы — это не для меня».",
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                    "flavorText": "「我在教团待了一段时间,但我受够了整天听人指挥。」",
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                    "flavorText": "「我在教團待了一段時間,但我受夠了整天聽人指揮。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455440,
                    "name": "無懼長戟兵",
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                    "multiverseId": 453234,
                    "name": "Aufreiben",
                    "text": "Du kannst zwei +1/+1-Marken auf eine Kreatur legen, die du kontrollierst. Dann erhalten alle Kreaturen -4/-4 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453493,
                    "name": "Destino",
                    "text": "Puedes poner dos contadores +1/+1 sobre una criatura que controlas. Luego, todas las criaturas obtienen -4/-4 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453752,
                    "name": "Dessein",
                    "text": "Vous pouvez mettre deux marqueurs +1/+1 sur une créature que vous contrôlez. Puis toutes les créatures gagnent -4/-4 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454011,
                    "name": "Troncare",
                    "text": "Puoi mettere due segnalini +1/+1 su una creatura che controlli. Poi tutte le creature prendono -4/-4 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454270,
                    "name": "最終",
                    "text": "あなたはあなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体の上に+1/+1カウンターを2個置いてもよい。その後、ターン終了時まで、クリーチャーはすべて-4/-4の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
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                    "name": "종극",
                    "text": "당신은 당신이 조종하는 생물 한 개에 +1/+1 카운터 두 개를 올려놓을 수 있다. 그 후 모든 생물은 턴종료까지 -4/-4를 받는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454788,
                    "name": "Sentido",
                    "text": "Você pode colocar dois marcadores +1/+1 em uma criatura que você controla. Em seguida, todas as criaturas recebem -4/-4 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455047,
                    "name": "Приговор",
                    "text": "Вы можете положить два жетона +1/+1 на существо под вашим контролем. Затем все существа получают -4/-4 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455306,
                    "name": "究终",
                    "text": "你可以在一个由你操控的生物上放置两个+1/+1指示物。然后所有生物得-4/-4直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455565,
                    "name": "究終",
                    "text": "你可以在一個由你操控的生物上放置兩個+1/+1指示物。然後所有生物得-4/-4直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{B}{G}",
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            "name": "Finality",
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            "number": "225",
            "originalText": "You may put two +1/+1 counters on a creature you control. Then all creatures get -4/-4 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Finality doesn’t target the creature to receive +1/+1 counters. You can cast it even if you control no creatures."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Finality affects only creatures on the battlefield at the time it resolves. Creatures that enter the battlefield later in the turn won’t get -4/-4."
            "scryfallId": "1e4e9e35-6cbc-4997-beff-d1a22d87545e",
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            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175576,
            "text": "You may put two +1/+1 counters on a creature you control. Then all creatures get -4/-4 until end of turn.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a6eeaf3f-e5bc-5dce-8f37-d48d07e90057",
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            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453234,
                    "name": "Auftreiben",
                    "text": "Bringe bis zu zwei Kreaturenkarten deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453493,
                    "name": "Descubrir",
                    "text": "Regresa hasta dos cartas de criatura objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453752,
                    "name": "Décèlement",
                    "text": "Renvoyez jusqu'à deux cartes de créature ciblées depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454011,
                    "name": "Trovare",
                    "text": "Riprendi in mano fino a due carte creatura bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454270,
                    "name": "採取",
                    "text": "あなたの墓地からクリーチャー・カード最大2枚を対象とし、それらをあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454529,
                    "name": "색출",
                    "text": "당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드를 최대 두 장까지 목표로 정한다. 그 카드들을 당신의 무덤에서 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454788,
                    "name": "Sentir",
                    "text": "Devolva até dois cards de criatura alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455047,
                    "name": "Поиск",
                    "text": "Верните не более двух целевых карт существ из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455306,
                    "name": "究探",
                    "text": "将至多两张目标生物牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455565,
                    "name": "究探",
                    "text": "將至多兩張目標生物牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{B/G}{B/G}",
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            "number": "225",
            "originalText": "Return up to two target creature cards from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Finality doesn’t target the creature to receive +1/+1 counters. You can cast it even if you control no creatures."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Finality affects only creatures on the battlefield at the time it resolves. Creatures that enter the battlefield later in the turn won’t get -4/-4."
            "scryfallId": "1e4e9e35-6cbc-4997-beff-d1a22d87545e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0e5ea6cf-79df-45cc-b81e-eae940a1a2fe",
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 175576,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Return up to two target creature cards from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "369a68d2-2dfa-5009-a8c8-0677149aa7bb",
            "uuidV421": "b5dba70e-785f-53e0-910f-da24ebe3b33f",
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            "artist": "Deruchenko Alexander",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Rain runoff in the Smelting District is known to spontaneously burst into flame.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Regenrinnsale im Verhüttungsdistrikt sind für spontane Entzündungen bekannt.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453110,
                    "name": "Feuerbalg",
                    "text": "Verursacht Trampelschaden\nImmer wenn du einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkst, erhält der Feuerbalg +1/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elementarwesen"
                    "flavorText": "Se sabe que, en el Distrito de las Fundiciones, la escorrentía puede ponerse a arder sin motivo aparente.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453369,
                    "name": "Criaturilla de fuego",
                    "text": "Arrolla.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro, la Criaturilla de fuego obtiene +1/+0 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "Les écoulements d'eau du quartier des fonderies sont sujets à la combustion spontanée.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453628,
                    "name": "Galopin de feu",
                    "text": "Piétinement\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel, le Galopin de feu gagne +1/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : élémental"
                    "flavorText": "La combustione spontanea dei rivoli di pioggia è un fenomeno comune nel Distretto della Fusione.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453887,
                    "name": "Teppista Fiammante",
                    "text": "Travolgere\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo o stregoneria, il Teppista Fiammante prende +1/+0 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Elementale"
                    "flavorText": "精錬地区を流れる雨は自分で燃え出すことで知られている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454146,
                    "name": "火小僧",
                    "text": "トランプル\nあなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、ターン終了時まで、火小僧は+1/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エレメンタル"
                    "flavorText": "제련 지구를 따라 흐르는 빗물은 자연적으로 발화한다고 알려져 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454405,
                    "name": "불 부랑아",
                    "text": "돌진\n당신이 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 불 부랑아는 턴종료까지 +1/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 정령"
                    "flavorText": "As águas pluviais do Distrito da Fundição são conhecidas por pegarem fogo espontaneamente.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454664,
                    "name": "Diabinho de Fogo",
                    "text": "Atropelar\nToda vez que você conjura uma mágica instantânea ou um feitiço, Diabinho de Fogo recebe +1/+0 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "Дождевая вода, бегущая по улицам района Плавильщиков, порой самопроизвольно вспыхивает пламенем.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454923,
                    "name": "Огненная Нечисть",
                    "text": "Пробивной удар\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, Огненная Нечисть получает +1/+0 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Элементаль"
                    "flavorText": "矿石提炼区的雨后积水常会自燃。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455182,
                    "name": "火焰促狭鬼",
                    "text": "践踏\n每当你施放瞬间或法术咒语时,火焰促狭鬼得+1/+0直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
                    "flavorText": "礦石提煉區的雨後積水常會自燃。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455441,
                    "name": "火焰促狹鬼",
                    "text": "踐踏\n每當你施放瞬間或巫術咒語時,火焰促狹鬼得+1/+0直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452851,
            "name": "Fire Urchin",
            "number": "101",
            "originalText": "Trample\nWhenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Fire Urchin gets +1/+0 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elemental",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Fire Urchin’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
            "scryfallId": "b3a843ff-6bd0-42d5-9348-44b774d438b1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b59f25cf-754f-4dcc-9df9-960114dfb863",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4000e119-3372-431c-bc3a-0db0639311ce",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176904,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Trample\nWhenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Fire Urchin gets +1/+0 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Elemental",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "01f77b29-2d70-5b43-a316-088cb1abd232",
            "uuidV421": "76801f34-d40c-5ae7-9f3d-41cc6c488114"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453180,
                    "name": "Forschung des Feuerhirns",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkst, lege eine Ladungsmarke auf die Forschung des Feuerhirns.\n{1}{U}, entferne zwei Ladungsmarken von der Forschung des Feuerhirns: Ziehe eine Karte.\n{1}{R}, entferne fünf Ladungsmarken von der Forschung des Feuerhirns: Sie fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl 5 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453439,
                    "name": "Investigación de la Mente Ardiente",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro, pon un contador de carga sobre la Investigación de la Mente Ardiente.\n{1}{U}, remover dos contadores de carga de la Investigación de la Mente Ardiente: Roba una carta.\n{1}{R}, remover cinco contadores de carga de la Investigación de la Mente Ardiente: Hace 5 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453698,
                    "name": "Recherche du Cérébropyre",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel, mettez un marqueur « charge » sur la Recherche du Cérébropyre.\n{1}{U}, retirez deux marqueurs « charge » de la Recherche du Cérébropyre : Piochez une carte.\n{1}{R}, retirez cinq marqueurs « charge » de la Recherche du Cérébropyre : Elle inflige 5 blessures à n'importe quelle cible.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453957,
                    "name": "Ricerca del Mentefiamma",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo o stregoneria, metti un segnalino carica sulla Ricerca del Mentefiamma.\n{1}{U}, Rimuovi due segnalini carica dalla Ricerca del Mentefiamma: Pesca una carta.\n{1}{R}, Rimuovi cinque segnalini carica dalla Ricerca del Mentefiamma: Infligge 5 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454216,
                    "name": "火想者の研究",
                    "text": "あなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、火想者の研究の上に蓄積カウンターを1個置く。\n{1}{U}, 火想者の研究の上から蓄積カウンターを2個取り除く:カードを1枚引く。\n{1}{R}, 火想者の研究の上から蓄積カウンターを5個取り除く:クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。火想者の研究はそれに5点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454475,
                    "name": "불꽃천재의 연구",
                    "text": "당신이 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 불꽃천재의 연구에 충전 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.\n{1}{U}, 불꽃천재의 연구에서 충전 카운터 두 개를 제거한다: 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n{1}{R}, 불꽃천재의 연구에서 충전 카운터 다섯 개를 제거한다: 원하는 목표를 정한다. 불꽃천재의 연구는 그 목표에게 피해 5점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454734,
                    "name": "Pesquisa do Mente de Fogo",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjurar uma mágica instantânea ou um feitiço, coloque um marcador de carga em Pesquisa do Mente de Fogo.\n{1}{U}, remova dois marcadores de carga de Pesquisa do Mente de Fogo: Compre um card.\n{1}{R}, remova cinco marcadores de carga de Pesquisa do Mente de Fogo: Ela causa 5 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454993,
                    "name": "Исследования Огненного Разума",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, положите один жетон заряда на Исследования Огненного Разума.\n{1}{U}, удалите два жетона заряда с Исследований Огненного Разума: возьмите карту.\n{1}{R}, удалите пять жетонов заряда с Исследований Огненного Разума: они наносят 5 повреждений любой цели.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455252,
                    "name": "炎灵研究",
                    "text": "每当你施放瞬间或法术咒语时,在炎灵研究上放置一个充电指示物。\n{1}{U},从炎灵研究上移去两个充电指示物:抓一张牌。\n{1}{R},从炎灵研究上移去五个充电指示物:它对任意一个目标造成5点伤害。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455511,
                    "name": "炎靈研究",
                    "text": "每當你施放瞬間或巫術咒語時,在炎靈研究上放置一個充電指示物。\n{1}{U},從炎靈研究上移去兩個充電指示物:抽一張牌。\n{1}{R},從炎靈研究上移去五個充電指示物:它對任意一個目標造成5點傷害。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452921,
            "name": "Firemind's Research",
            "number": "171",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, put a charge counter on Firemind's Research.\n{1}{U}, Remove two charge counters from Firemind's Research: Draw a card.\n{1}{R}, Remove five charge counters from Firemind's Research: It deals 5 damage to any target.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The triggered ability of Firemind’s Research resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
            "scryfallId": "4bc926b2-1e54-4c62-8b6c-fce4ef013abc",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "971a7248-62cb-48e7-9a4b-e59f1d5ddfa4",
            "scryfallOracleId": "edac6c23-cff5-4ee2-9227-756b1dc6ab0c",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175173,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, put a charge counter on Firemind's Research.\n{1}{U}, Remove two charge counters from Firemind's Research: Draw a card.\n{1}{R}, Remove five charge counters from Firemind's Research: It deals 5 damage to any target.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "49a5a8f2-e17f-58fc-8925-eb9c5482b80b",
            "uuidV421": "75050d75-e132-5153-abc7-2d16e944cbf4",
            "watermark": "planeswalker"
            "artist": "Zezhou Chen",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 8.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Yes, there's competition between our equenauts and the Boros skyjeks. At least they think it's a competition.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ja, es gibt einen Konkurrenzkampf zwischen unseren Equinauten und den Boros-Luftjeks. Zumindest denken sie, sie wären eine Konkurrenz.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453020,
                    "name": "Schar der Equinauten",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nFliegend",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sí, existe cierta competición entre nuestros equinautas y los jeks celestes boros. Bueno, ellos creen que existe tal competición\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453279,
                    "name": "Escuadrilla de equinautas",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nVuela.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Oui, il y a en effet une compétition entre nos équénautes et les airjeks de Boros. Enfin, une compétition... C'est ce qu'ils croient. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453538,
                    "name": "Escadron d'équénautes",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nVol",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sì, c'è una certa rivalità tra i nostri equinauti e gli skyjek dei Boros. O meglio, gli skyjek credono di essere nostri rivali.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453797,
                    "name": "Stormo di Equinauti",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nVolare",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「そう、ボロスのスカイジェクは我々乗馬兵と競争している。少なくともあっちはそう思っているわね。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454056,
                    "name": "乗馬兵の飛行",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\n飛行",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "\"네, 저희의 창공기병들과 보로스의 스카이젝들은 경쟁을 하고 있습니다.최소한 그자들은 그게 경쟁이라고 생각하지요.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454315,
                    "name": "창공기병 편대",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n비행",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "\"É, há certa competição entre os nossos viajantes equestres e os aerojeks dos Boros. Ou pelo menos eles acham que conseguem competir.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454574,
                    "name": "Revoada de Viajantes Equestres",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nVoar",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Да, между нашими эквенавтами и скайеками Боросов есть соперничество. То есть, они думают, что это соперничество».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454833,
                    "name": "Эскадрилья Эквенавтов",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nПолет",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "「没错,波洛斯会拿我们的飞马骑士和自己的空耶克做对比。至少他们觉得还有得比。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455092,
                    "name": "飞马骑士战团",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n飞行",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "「沒錯,波洛斯會拿我們的飛馬騎士和自己的空耶克做對比。至少他們覺得還有得比。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455351,
                    "name": "飛馬騎士戰團",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n飛行",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{7}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452761,
            "name": "Flight of Equenauts",
            "number": "11",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>\nFlying",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "accfc430-114e-4ce0-93ea-e8900955a71e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b73232da-8f43-4bdc-9eea-2f3360eda72a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5212e707-b487-46b6-aa51-cea3be8cbe00",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176877,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)\nFlying",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a759cb19-5ebd-57a9-8d01-a4c3253189e8",
            "uuidV421": "5a2e712b-a85c-5a7b-aa7b-85b0c5d1acd9",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Dmitry Burmak",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453235,
                    "name": "Entwickeln",
                    "text": "Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +2/+2 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453494,
                    "name": "Florecimiento",
                    "text": "Las criaturas que controlas obtienen +2/+2 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453753,
                    "name": "Floraison",
                    "text": "Les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +2/+2 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454012,
                    "name": "Fiorente",
                    "text": "Le creature che controlli prendono +2/+2 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454271,
                    "name": "華麗",
                    "text": "ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは+2/+2の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454530,
                    "name": "융성",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 +2/+2를 받는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454789,
                    "name": "Florescer",
                    "text": "As criaturas que você controla recebem +2/+2 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455048,
                    "name": "Процветание",
                    "text": "Существа под вашим контролем получают +2/+2 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455307,
                    "name": "滋长",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物得+2/+2直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455566,
                    "name": "滋長",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物得+2/+2直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{G}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452976,
            "name": "Flourish",
            "names": [
            "number": "226",
            "originalText": "Creatures you control get +2/+2 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Flourish affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures that come under your control later in the turn won’t get +2/+2."
            "scryfallId": "feb4b39f-d309-49ba-b427-240b7fdc1099",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8cde54b1-601f-4d32-a80a-1e14d0dc6550",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2f8243a4-f347-4e18-9094-570b34df903b",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176835,
            "text": "Creatures you control get +2/+2 until end of turn.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "eaf16945-1496-5691-b1a3-f694301bef7f",
            "uuidV421": "7f0c6b87-291e-59eb-a6bb-3ca8cf81534a",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Dmitry Burmak",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 1,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453235,
                    "name": "Entfalten",
                    "text": "Durchsuche deine Bibliothek nach einer Wald- oder Ebene-Standardlandkarte, zeige sie offen vor, nimm sie auf deine Hand und mische dann deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453494,
                    "name": "Floración",
                    "text": "Busca en tu biblioteca una carta de Bosque o Llanura básica, muéstrala, ponla en tu mano y luego baraja tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453753,
                    "name": "Flore",
                    "text": "Cherchez dans votre bibliothèque une carte de forêt de base ou de plaine de base, révélez-la, mettez-la dans votre main et mélangez ensuite votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454012,
                    "name": "Fioritura",
                    "text": "Passa in rassegna il tuo grimorio per una carta Foresta o Pianura base, rivelala e aggiungila alla tua mano, poi rimescola il tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454271,
                    "name": "開花",
                    "text": "あなたのライブラリーから基本であり森か平地であるカード1枚を探し、それを公開してあなたの手札に加え、その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454530,
                    "name": "개화",
                    "text": "당신의 서고에서 기본 숲 또는 들 카드 한 장을 찾아 공개하고, 당신의 손으로 가져간 후, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454789,
                    "name": "Flor",
                    "text": "Procure um card de Floresta ou Planície básica em seu grimório, revele-o, coloque-o em sua mão e, depois, embaralhe seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455048,
                    "name": "Проростки",
                    "text": "Найдите в вашей библиотеке карту базового Леса или Равнины, покажите ее, положите ее в вашу руку, затем перетасуйте вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455307,
                    "name": "滋蕾",
                    "text": "从你的牌库中搜寻一张基本的树林或平原牌,展示该牌,将它置于你手上,然后将你的牌库洗牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455566,
                    "name": "滋蕾",
                    "text": "從你的牌庫中搜尋一張基本的樹林或平原牌,展示該牌,將它置於你手上,然後將你的牌庫洗牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{G/W}",
            "multiverseId": 452976,
            "name": "Flower",
            "names": [
            "number": "226",
            "originalText": "Search your library for a basic Forest or Plains card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Flourish affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures that come under your control later in the turn won’t get +2/+2."
            "scryfallId": "feb4b39f-d309-49ba-b427-240b7fdc1099",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8cde54b1-601f-4d32-a80a-1e14d0dc6550",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2f8243a4-f347-4e18-9094-570b34df903b",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176835,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Search your library for a basic Forest or Plains card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "166187e9-4732-5c5b-abc0-7ec13f69db9b",
            "uuidV421": "2a900137-271c-5c4f-b49b-fc7d6f5f5ab1",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Richard Wright",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 455618,
                    "name": "Wald",
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                    "flavorText": "„Halte an deinen Idealen fest. Sie werden noch stärker auf die Probe gestellt als deine Rüstung.\"\n—Tajic",
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                    "text": "Solange es dein Zug ist, hat der Junge Rekrut Erstschlag.",
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                    "flavorText": "\"Aférrate a tus ideales. Serán puestos a prueba más que tu armadura y que el filo de tu espada\".\n—Tájic",
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                    "text": "Mientras sea tu turno, el Recluta novato tiene la habilidad de dañar primero.",
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                    "flavorText": "« Accrochez-vous à vos idéaux. Ils seront mis à l'épreuve plus durement que votre armure ou le tranchant de votre épée. »\n—Tajic",
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                    "text": "Tant que c'est votre tour, la Recrue au teint frais a l'initiative.",
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                    "flavorText": "\"Tieniti stretti i tuoi ideali. Saranno messi a dura prova, più della tua armatura o del filo della tua spada.\"\n—Tajic",
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                    "text": "Fintanto che è il tuo turno, la Recluta Imberbe ha attacco improvviso.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「理想を持ち続けるんだ。鎧や剣よりも、それが試されることになる。」\n――タージク",
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                    "name": "初々しい補充兵",
                    "text": "あなたのターンであるかぎり、初々しい補充兵は先制攻撃を持つ。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"네 이상을 놓지 말아라. 네 갑옷이나 칼날보다 그것이 더 시험을 받게 될 거다.\"\n—타직",
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                    "text": "당신의 턴인 한, 홍안의 신병은 선제공격을 가진다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Seja fiel aos seus ideais. Eles serão mais testados que sua armadura ou o fio de sua lâmina.\"\n— Tajic",
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                    "text": "Enquanto for o seu turno, Recruta Novato terá iniciativa.",
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                    "flavorText": "«Держись своих идеалов. Их ждет испытание куда суровее, чем броню и клинок твоего меча».\n— Тажик",
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                    "text": "Пока длится ваш ход, Безусый Новобранец имеет Первый удар.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「请始终坚持心中理念。行伍一生当中,它要比身上盔甲或手中利剑经受更多考验。」\n~塔疾克",
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                    "text": "只要是在你的回合中,稚嫩新兵便具有先攻异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「請始終堅持心中理念。行伍一生當中,它要比身上盔甲或手中利劍經受更多考驗。」\n~塔疾克",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
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                    "name": "稚嫩新兵",
                    "text": "只要是在你的回合中,稚嫩新兵便具有先攻異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
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            "flavorText": "In the Legion, no flagpole is merely decorative, and every ceremonial sword bears an edge.",
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                    "flavorText": "In der Legion ist kein Flaggenmast nur zur Zierde da und die Zeremonienschwerter sind nicht stumpf.",
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                    "name": "Feldwebel der Garnison",
                    "text": "Der Feldwebel der Garnison hat Doppelschlag, solange du ein Tor kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Viashino, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "En la Legión, ningún asta es meramente decorativa y todas las espadas ceremoniales están afiladas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453440,
                    "name": "Sargento de la guarnición",
                    "text": "El Sargento de la guarnición tiene la habilidad de dañar dos veces mientras controles un Portal.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado viashino"
                    "flavorText": "Dans la Légion, aucune hampe n'est uniquement décorative, et toute épée cérémonielle est tranchante.",
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                    "name": "Sergent de la garnison",
                    "text": "Le Sergent de la garnison a la double initiative tant que vous contrôlez une porte.",
                    "type": "Créature : viashino et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "Nella Legione, nessuna asta di bandiera è puramente decorativa e tutte le spade cerimoniali sono affilate.",
                    "language": "Italian",
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                    "name": "Sergente della Guarnigione",
                    "text": "Il Sergente della Guarnigione ha doppio attacco fintanto che controlli un Cancello.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Viashino"
                    "flavorText": "ボロス軍には、単に装飾目的の旗竿は存在しない。式典用の剣にも鋭い刃が付いている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
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                    "name": "駐屯地の兵長",
                    "text": "あなたが門をコントロールしているかぎり、駐屯地の兵長は二段攻撃を持つ。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ヴィーアシーノ・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "군단에서는, 장식용이기만 한 깃대는 거의 없으며, 의장용 검에도 날이 세워져 있다.",
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                    "name": "요새 부사관",
                    "text": "당신이 관문을 조종하는 한 요새 부사관은 이단공격을 가진다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 비아시노 병사"
                    "flavorText": "Na Legião, nenhum mastro é meramente decorativo, e toda espada cerimonial tem fio.",
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                    "multiverseId": 454735,
                    "name": "Sargento da Fortaleza",
                    "text": "Sargento da Fortaleza terá golpe duplo enquanto você controlar um Portão.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Viashino Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "В Легионе ни один флагшток не служит только для украшения, и у каждого церемониального меча остро отточено лезвие.",
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                    "name": "Гарнизонный Сержант",
                    "text": "Гарнизонный Сержант имеет Двойной удар, пока вы контролируете Врата.",
                    "type": "Существо — Виашино Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "教团之内,装饰旗杆非摆设,仪式用剑尽开刃。",
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                    "name": "驻防地军士长",
                    "text": "只要你操控门,驻防地军士长便具有连击异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~凡尔西诺/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "教團之內,裝飾旗桿非擺設,儀式用劍盡開刃。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
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                    "name": "駐防地軍士長",
                    "text": "只要你操控門,駐防地軍士長便具有連擊異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~凡爾西諾/士兵"
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            "flavorText": "Each night it visits a different guildgate around the city, digging its talons into fresh stone.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Jede Nacht besucht er einen anderen Gildeneingang der Stadt und gräbt seine Klauen in frischen Stein.",
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                    "name": "Torwächter-Gargoyle",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nDer Torwächter-Gargoyle kommt für jedes Tor, das du kontrollierst, mit einer +1/+1-Marke ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Gargoyle"
                    "flavorText": "Cada noche, visita el Portal de un gremio distinto de la ciudad y clava sus garras en la fría roca.",
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                    "name": "Gárgola guardiana",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nLa Gárgola guardiana entra al campo de batalla con un contador +1/+1 sobre ella por cada Portal que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Gárgola"
                    "flavorText": "Chaque nuit, elle se rend sur une porte de guilde différente dans la ville, plantant ses serres dans de la pierre fraîche.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453762,
                    "name": "Gargouille gardienne de la porte",
                    "text": "Vol\nLa Gargouille gardienne de la porte arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, sur elle, un marqueur +1/+1 pour chaque porte que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : gargouille"
                    "flavorText": "Ogni notte visita il cancello di una gilda diversa, affondando gli artigli nella pietra intonsa.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454021,
                    "name": "Gargoyle Guardacancelli",
                    "text": "Volare\nIl Gargoyle Guardacancelli entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 per ogni Cancello che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Gargoyle"
                    "flavorText": "毎晩、都市にあるギルド門のうち別の一箇所を訪れては、新しい石に鉤爪を立てる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454280,
                    "name": "門番のガーゴイル",
                    "text": "飛行\n門番のガーゴイルは、あなたがコントロールしている門1つにつき+1/+1カウンターが1個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — ガーゴイル"
                    "flavorText": "그것은 매일 밤마다 도시의 서로 다른 길드관문을 찾아가, 새로 놓인 바위를 발톱으로 후벼판다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454539,
                    "name": "문지기 가고일",
                    "text": "비행\n문지기 가고일은 당신이 조종하는 관문 한 개당 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 가지고 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 가고일"
                    "flavorText": "A cada noite ela visita um portão de guilda diferente, cravando seus gadanhos na pedra nua.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454798,
                    "name": "Gárgula Porteira",
                    "text": "Voar\nGárgula Porteira entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 para cada Portão que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Gárgula"
                    "flavorText": "Каждую ночь она пересаживается на врата следующей городской гильдии, впиваясь когтями в еще целые камни.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455057,
                    "name": "Горгулья-Привратник",
                    "text": "Полет\nГоргулья-Привратник выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 на ней за каждые Врата под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Горгулья"
                    "flavorText": "它每晚都会前往城内不同的公会门,在此前从未停留过的石块上歇脚。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455316,
                    "name": "石像鬼门卫",
                    "text": "飞行\n石像鬼门卫进战场时上面有数个+1/+1指示物,其数量为由你操控的门数量。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~石像鬼"
                    "flavorText": "它每晚都會前往城內不同的公會門,在此前從未停留過的石塊上歇腳。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455575,
                    "name": "石像鬼門衛",
                    "text": "飛行\n石像鬼門衛進戰場時上面有數個+1/+1指示物,其數量為由你操控的門數量。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~石像鬼"
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            "name": "Gatekeeper Gargoyle",
            "number": "235",
            "originalText": "Flying\nGatekeeper Gargoyle enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each Gate you control.",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Gargoyle",
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            "supertypes": [],
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            "text": "Flying\nGatekeeper Gargoyle enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each Gate you control.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Gargoyle",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "de2d1a04-0284-56e5-96e0-9243d97967b8",
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            "flavorText": "The Chamber of the Guildpact stands as a reminder that even the bitterest struggles can end in cooperation.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Kammer des Gildenbundes steht sinnbildlich dafür, dass sogar der verbissenste Widerstand in Kooperation enden kann.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453256,
                    "name": "Torplatz",
                    "text": "Der Torplatz kommt getappt ins Spiel.\nWenn der Torplatz ins Spiel kommt, opfere ihn, es sei denn, du bezahlst {1}.\n{T}: Erzeuge ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe.",
                    "type": "Land — Tor"
                    "flavorText": "La Cámara del Pacto entre Gremios sirve como recordatorio de que incluso los más amargos conflictos pueden acabar en cooperación.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453515,
                    "name": "Plaza de los portales",
                    "text": "La Plaza de los portales entra al campo de batalla girada.\nCuando la Plaza de los portales entre al campo de batalla, sacrifícala a menos que pagues {1}.\n{T}: Agrega un maná de cualquier color.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Portal"
                    "flavorText": "La Chambre du Pacte des Guildes témoigne encore aujourd'hui que même les luttes les plus acharnées peuvent tourner à la coopération.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453774,
                    "name": "Place des portails",
                    "text": "La Place des portails arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\nQuand la Place des portails arrive sur le champ de bataille, sacrifiez-la à moins que vous ne payiez {1}.\n{T} : Ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix.",
                    "type": "Terrain : porte"
                    "flavorText": "Il Seggio del Patto delle Gilde si erge a ricordare che anche le dispute più rancorose possono condurre alla cooperazione.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454033,
                    "name": "Piazza dei Cancelli",
                    "text": "La Piazza dei Cancelli entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpata.\nQuando la Piazza dei Cancelli entra nel campo di battaglia, sacrificala a meno che non paghi {1}.\n{T}: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore.",
                    "type": "Terra — Cancello"
                    "flavorText": "ギルドパクト庁舎が象徴するのは、最も苦しい抗争ですら協力に終わり得るということだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454292,
                    "name": "ギルド門通りの公有地",
                    "text": "ギルド門通りの公有地はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\nギルド門通りの公有地が戦場に出たとき、あなたが{1}を支払わないかぎり、これを生け贄に捧げる。\n{T}:好きな色1色のマナ1点を加える。",
                    "type": "土地 — 門"
                    "flavorText": "길드팩트 회의소는 가장 심각한 고난마저도 협력으로 끝마칠 수 있다는 것을 상기시키기 위해 세워졌다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454551,
                    "name": "관문 광장",
                    "text": "관문 광장은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n관문 광장이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 {1}을 지불하지 않으면 관문 광장을 희생한다.\n{T}: 원하는 색의 마나 한 개를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 관문"
                    "flavorText": "A Câmara do Pacto das Guildas permanece para lembrar que mesmo as lutas mais ferozes podem terminar em cooperação.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454810,
                    "name": "Praça do Portão",
                    "text": "Praça do Portão entra no campo de batalha virada.\nQuando Praça do Portão entrar no campo de batalha, sacrifique-a, a menos que você pague {1}.\n{T}: Adicione um mana de qualquer cor.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Portão"
                    "flavorText": "Палата Договора Гильдий служит напоминанием о том, что даже самые жестокие конфликты могут закончиться сотрудничеством.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455069,
                    "name": "Привратная Площадь",
                    "text": "Привратная Площадь выходит на поле битвы повернутой.\nКогда Привратная Площадь выходит на поле битвы, пожертвуйте ее, если только вы не заплатите {1}.\n{T}: добавьте одну ману любого цвета.",
                    "type": "Земля — Врата"
                    "flavorText": "十会盟堂的存在时刻提醒着人们,即便是最艰苦的斗争也能以合作收场。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455328,
                    "name": "门前广场",
                    "text": "门前广场须横置进战场。\n当门前广场进战场时,除非你支付{1},否则牺牲之。\n{T}:加一点任意颜色的法术力。",
                    "type": "地 ~门"
                    "flavorText": "十會盟堂的存在時刻提醒著人們,即便是最艱苦的鬥爭也能以合作收場。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455587,
                    "name": "門前廣場",
                    "text": "門前廣場須橫置進戰場。\n當門前廣場進戰場時,除非你支付{1},否則犧牲之。\n{T}:加一點任意顏色的魔法力。",
                    "type": "地 ~門"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 452997,
            "name": "Gateway Plaza",
            "number": "247",
            "originalText": "Gateway Plaza enters the battlefield tapped.\nWhen Gateway Plaza enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you pay {1}.\n{T}: Add one mana of any color.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "7d3d5162-126d-4430-9884-8e79afa974c2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "93c2cd57-9165-45d8-bce5-20b258a15aa3",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a6543f71-0326-4e1f-b58f-9ce325d5d036",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176419,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Gateway Plaza enters the battlefield tapped.\nWhen Gateway Plaza enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you pay {1}.\n{T}: Add one mana of any color.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "dbcc6a49-35e4-5304-8094-fae0cd0c1736",
            "uuidV421": "400204e5-e954-5ed0-8e25-cb77eabe31cf"
            "artist": "Milivoj Ćeran",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Cats place their gifts with care, so that a bare foot will step on them in the middle of the night.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Katzen platzieren ihre Geschenke sorgsam, sodass man sie nachts mit den nackten Füßen findet.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453138,
                    "name": "Spendabler Streuner",
                    "text": "Wenn der Spendable Streuner ins Spiel kommt, ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Katze"
                    "flavorText": "Los gatos colocan sus regalos con cuidado para que un pie descalzo los pise en mitad de la noche.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453397,
                    "name": "Minino generoso",
                    "text": "Cuando el Minino generoso entre al campo de batalla, roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Felino"
                    "flavorText": "Les chats déposent leurs cadeaux avec soin, pour qu'un pied nu marche dessus au milieu de la nuit.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453656,
                    "name": "Chat de gouttière généreux",
                    "text": "Quand le Chat de gouttière généreux arrive sur le champ de bataille, piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : chat"
                    "flavorText": "I gatti studiano con cura dove deporre i loro doni, in modo che un piede scalzo li calpesti nel cuore della notte.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453915,
                    "name": "Randagio Generoso",
                    "text": "Quando il Randagio Generoso entra nel campo di battaglia, pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Felino"
                    "flavorText": "猫は丁寧に贈り物を置く。真夜中に裸足でそれを踏みつけるように。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454174,
                    "name": "気前のいい野良猫",
                    "text": "気前のいい野良猫が戦場に出たとき、カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 猫"
                    "flavorText": "고양이들은 그들의 선물을 조심스럽게 놓아 두어, 한밤중에 맨발로 그것을 밟게 만든다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454433,
                    "name": "관대한 떠돌이",
                    "text": "관대한 떠돌이가 전장에 들어올 때, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고양이"
                    "flavorText": "Os gatos colocam seus presentes com cuidado, para que um pé descalço pise neles no meio da noite.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454692,
                    "name": "Vira-lata Generoso",
                    "text": "Quando Vira-lata Generoso entrar no campo de batalha, compre um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Felino"
                    "flavorText": "Кошки очень старательно раскладывают свои дары — так, чтобы посредине ночи на них удобнее всего было наступить голой ногой.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454951,
                    "name": "Щедрый Бродяга",
                    "text": "Когда Щедрый Бродяга выходит на поле битвы, возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Кошка"
                    "flavorText": "猫会精心摆放自己的礼物,好让打⾚脚的⼈在深夜踩个正着。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455210,
                    "name": "高贵野猫",
                    "text": "当高贵野猫进战场时,抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~猫"
                    "flavorText": "貓會精心擺放自己的禮物,好讓打赤腳的人在深夜踩個正著。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455469,
                    "name": "高貴野貓",
                    "text": "當高貴野貓進戰場時,抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~貓"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452879,
            "name": "Generous Stray",
            "number": "129",
            "originalText": "When Generous Stray enters the battlefield, draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Cat",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "3289db66-231f-4370-aca6-644d75bee293",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176893,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Generous Stray enters the battlefield, draw a card.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Cat",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4add5329-c510-5e0a-940f-466e0541806e",
            "uuidV421": "53a96e46-9893-5b1b-91c5-15617c8530bd"
            "artist": "Jakub Kasper",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"You won't need the sword drills, your shields, or my blessing. You'll fight for Sunhome with the truth in your heart.\"\n—Aurelia",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Du wirst weder dein Training, deinen Schild noch meinen Segen brauchen, Denn du kämpfst mit der Wahrheit in deinem Herzen für Sonnenheim.\"\n—Aurelia",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453021,
                    "name": "Für den Kampf rüsten",
                    "text": "Lege je eine +1/+1-Marke auf bis zu zwei Kreaturen deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"No necesitarán las espadas, los escudos ni mi bendición. Lucharán por Casa Solar con la verdad que late en sus corazones\".\n—Aurelia",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453280,
                    "name": "Armarse para la lucha",
                    "text": "Elige hasta dos criaturas objetivo y pon un contador +1/+1 sobre cada una.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Vous n'aurez nul besoin d'entraînement à l'épée, de vos boucliers ou de ma bénédiction. Vous combattrez pour Solcastel avec la vérité qui est dans votre cœur. »\n—Aurélia",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453539,
                    "name": "Se préparer pour le combat",
                    "text": "Ciblez jusqu'à deux créatures. Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur chacune d'elles.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non vi serviranno le esercitazioni di scherma, gli scudi o la mia benedizione. Combatterete per Sol-Dimora con la verità nei vostri cuori.\"\n—Aurelia",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453798,
                    "name": "Prepararsi alla Battaglia",
                    "text": "Scegli fino a due creature bersaglio. Metti un segnalino +1/+1 su ciascuna di esse.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「剣の訓練も盾も、私の祈りもいりません。あなたの心に真実を持ってサンホームのために戦うのです。」\n――オレリア",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454057,
                    "name": "戦いの覚悟",
                    "text": "クリーチャー最大2体を対象とし、それらの上に+1/+1カウンターをそれぞれ1個置く。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"네게는 검 연습도, 방패도, 내 축복도 필요하지 않다. 너는 네 마음 속의 진실과 함께 선홈을 위해 싸우리라.\"\n—아우렐리아",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454316,
                    "name": "전투 대비",
                    "text": "생물을 최대 두 개까지 목표로 정한다. 그 생물들에 각각 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vocês não precisarão de treinamentos de esgrima, de seus escudos nem de minha bênção. Vocês lutarão pela Morada do Sol com a verdade no coração.\"\n— Aurélia",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454575,
                    "name": "Aprontar para Batalha",
                    "text": "Coloque um marcador +1/+1 em cada uma de até duas criaturas alvo.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Вам не понадобятся упражнения с мечом, щиты и мое благословение. Вы будете сражаться за Дом Солнца с правдой в ваших сердцах».\n— Аурелия",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454834,
                    "name": "Препоясаться для Битвы",
                    "text": "Положите один жетон +1/+1 на каждое из не более двух целевых существ.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「你们不必掌握高深剑法,不用依靠厚重盾牌,也无需仰赖我的祝福。只要心存真理,就能为阳园而战。」\n~欧瑞梨",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455093,
                    "name": "战斗准备",
                    "text": "在至多两个目标生物上各放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「你們不必掌握高深劍法,不用依靠厚重盾牌,也無需仰賴我的祝福。只要心存真理,就能為陽園而戰。」\n~歐瑞梨",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455352,
                    "name": "戰鬥準備",
                    "text": "在至多兩個目標生物上各放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452762,
            "name": "Gird for Battle",
            "number": "12",
            "originalText": "Put a +1/+1 counter on each of up to two target creatures.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can’t target the same creature twice to give it two +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "f9f731df-eb40-44c8-a72d-f377c824584d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "af76cad3-7202-498d-9fbd-e1eda47ab7a7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bc72d463-8818-4c19-bd5a-f47841d1adb0",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176814,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Put a +1/+1 counter on each of up to two target creatures.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6549280c-ca63-5189-8d66-46ad17af66a6",
            "uuidV421": "2678f37e-a3ea-5978-b953-fb944c1f409f"
            "artist": "Volkan Baga",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453245,
                    "name": "Glefe des Gildenbunds",
                    "text": "Die ausgerüstete Kreatur hat Wachsamkeit und Bedrohlichkeit und erhält +1/+0 für jedes Tor, das du kontrollierst. (Eine Kreatur mit Bedrohlichkeit kann nicht geblockt werden, außer von zwei oder mehr Kreaturen.)\nAusrüsten {3} ({3}: Lege diese Karte an eine Kreatur deiner Wahl an, die du kontrollierst. Spiele Ausrüsten wie eine Hexerei.)",
                    "type": "Artefakt — Ausrüstung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453504,
                    "name": "Guja del Pacto entre Gremios",
                    "text": "La criatura equipada obtiene +1/+0 por cada Portal que controlas y tiene las habilidades de vigilancia y amenaza. (Una criatura con la habilidad de amenaza no puede ser bloqueada salvo por dos o más criaturas.)\nEquipar {3}. ({3}: Anexa este Equipo a la criatura objetivo que controlas. Activa la habilidad de equipar como un conjuro.)",
                    "type": "Artefacto — Equipo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453763,
                    "name": "Glaive du Pacte des Guildes",
                    "text": "La créature équipée gagne +1/+0 pour chaque porte que vous contrôlez et a la vigilance et la menace. (Une créature avec la menace ne peut pas être bloquée excepté par deux créatures ou plus.)\nÉquipement {3} ({3} : Attachez à la créature ciblée que vous contrôlez. N'attachez l'équipement que lorsque vous pourriez lancer un rituel.)",
                    "type": "Artefact : équipement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454022,
                    "name": "Falcione del Patto delle Gilde",
                    "text": "La creatura equipaggiata prende +1/+0 per ogni Cancello che controlli e ha cautela e minacciare. (Una creatura con minacciare non può essere bloccata tranne che da due o più creature.)\nEquipaggiare {3} ({3}: Assegna a una creatura bersaglio che controlli. Equipaggia solo quando potresti lanciare una stregoneria.)",
                    "type": "Artefatto — Equipaggiamento"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454281,
                    "name": "ギルドパクトの大剣",
                    "text": "装備しているクリーチャーは、あなたがコントロールしている門1つにつき+1/+0の修整を受け、警戒と威迫を持つ。(威迫を持つクリーチャーは、2体以上のクリーチャーによってしかブロックされない。)\n装備{3}({3}:あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、これをそれにつける。装備はソーサリーとしてのみ行う。)",
                    "type": "アーティファクト — 装備品"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454540,
                    "name": "길드팩트의 검",
                    "text": "장착된 생물은 당신이 조종하는 관문 한 개당 +1/+0을 받고 경계와 호전적을 가진다. (호전적이 있는 생물은 두 개 이상의 생물로만 방어할 수 있다.)\n장착 {3} ({3}: 당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 이 장비를 부착한다. 당신이 집중마법을 발동할 수 있는 시기에만 장착할 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "마법물체 — 장비"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454799,
                    "name": "Glaive do Pacto das Guildas",
                    "text": "A criatura equipada recebe +1/+0 para cada Portão que você controla e tem vigilância e ameaçar. (Uma criatura com ameaçar só pode ser bloqueada por duas ou mais criaturas.)\nEquipar {3} ({3}: Anexe-o à criatura alvo que você controla. Equipe somente como um feitiço.)",
                    "type": "Artefato — Equipamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455058,
                    "name": "Меч Договора Гильдий",
                    "text": "Снаряженное существо получает +1/+0 за каждые Врата под вашим контролем и имеет Бдительность и Угрозу. (Существо с Угрозой не может быть заблокировано менее чем двумя существами.)\nСнарядить {3} ({3}: прикрепите к целевому существу под вашим контролем. Снаряжайте только как волшебство.)",
                    "type": "Артефакт — Снаряжение"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455317,
                    "name": "十会盟巨剑",
                    "text": "佩带此武具的生物具有警戒与威慑异能,且你每操控一个门,它便得+1/+0。(具威慑异能的生物只能被两个或更多生物阻挡。)\n佩带{3}({3}:装备在目标由你操控的生物上。佩带的时机视同法术。)",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455576,
                    "name": "十會盟巨劍",
                    "text": "佩帶此武具的生物具有警戒與威懾異能,且你每操控一個門,它便得+1/+0。(具威懾異能的生物只能被兩個或更多生物阻擋。)\n佩帶{3}({3}:裝備在目標由你操控的生物上。佩帶的時機視同巫術。)",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}",
            "multiverseId": 452986,
            "name": "Glaive of the Guildpact",
            "number": "236",
            "originalText": "Equipped creature gets +1/+0 for each Gate you control and has vigilance and menace. <i>(A creature with menace can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)</i>\nEquip {3} <i>({3}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Artifact — Equipment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The equipped creature has vigilance and menace even if you control no Gates."
            "scryfallId": "e19723ad-7bd2-49ee-a57a-ece99018f4e8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "951a38ad-a25b-424f-a7ae-4d5ec653ffc1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "178a1b0b-30af-4afd-8976-4a0e2133007a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176705,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Equipped creature gets +1/+0 for each Gate you control and has vigilance and menace. (A creature with menace can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)\nEquip {3} ({3}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)",
            "type": "Artifact — Equipment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5d20c54a-45df-5d7a-9fcf-e90bc2a59db4",
            "uuidV421": "c438b9cc-8b05-5181-95a5-c73e12f62071"
            "artist": "Lars Grant-West",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "From death she grows living grandeur.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Aus dem Tod erschafft sie lebende Meisterwerke.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453182,
                    "name": "Schimmersporen-Schamanin",
                    "text": "Wenn die Schimmersporen-Schamanin ins Spiel kommt, lege die obersten drei Karten deiner Bibliothek auf deinen Friedhof. Du kannst eine Länderkarte aus deinem Friedhof oben auf deine Bibliothek legen.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "A partir de la muerte, hace brotar una vida maravillosa.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453441,
                    "name": "Chamán brillaspora",
                    "text": "Cuando la Chamán brillaspora entre al campo de batalla, pon las tres primeras cartas de tu biblioteca en tu cementerio. Puedes poner una carta de tierra de tu cementerio en la parte superior de tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán elfo"
                    "flavorText": "À partir de la mort, elle fait pousser des splendeurs vivantes.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453700,
                    "name": "Shamane scintispore",
                    "text": "Quand la Shamane scintispore arrive sur le champ de bataille, mettez les trois cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque dans votre cimetière. Vous pouvez mettre une carte de terrain depuis votre cimetière au-dessus de votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "Dalla morte fa spuntare la maestà della vita.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453959,
                    "name": "Sciamana delle Lumispore",
                    "text": "Quando la Sciamana delle Lumispore entra nel campo di battaglia, metti nel tuo cimitero le prime tre carte del tuo grimorio. Puoi mettere una carta terra dal tuo cimitero in cima al tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "死をもって彼女は生ける栄光を育てる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454218,
                    "name": "光胞子のシャーマン",
                    "text": "光胞子のシャーマンが戦場に出たとき、あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを3枚あなたの墓地に置く。あなたはあなたの墓地から土地・カード1枚をあなたのライブラリーの一番上に置いてもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "그녀는 죽음으로부터 살아 있는 위엄을 길러낸다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454477,
                    "name": "발광포자 주술사",
                    "text": "발광포자 주술사가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 세 장을 당신의 무덤에 넣는다. 당신은 당신의 무덤에서 대지 카드 한 장을 당신의 서고 맨 위에 올려놓을 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "Da morte ela cultiva a grandiosidade viva.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454736,
                    "name": "Xamã Lumispórea",
                    "text": "Quando Xamã Lumispórea entrar no campo de batalha, coloque os três cards do topo de seu grimório em seu cemitério. Você pode colocar um card de terreno de seu cemitério no topo de seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "Из смерти она растит живое величие.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454995,
                    "name": "Шаманка Светящихся Спор",
                    "text": "Когда Шаманка Светящихся Спор выходит на поле битвы, положите три верхние карты вашей библиотеки на ваше кладбище. Вы можете положить карту земли из вашего кладбища на верх вашей библиотеки.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "她能从死亡中催化灿烂生机。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455254,
                    "name": "辉孢祭师",
                    "text": "当辉孢祭师进战场时,将你牌库顶的三张牌置入你的坟墓场。你可以将一张地牌从你的坟墓场置于你的牌库顶。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "她能從死亡中催化燦爛生機。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455513,
                    "name": "輝孢祭師",
                    "text": "當輝孢祭師進戰場時,將你牌庫頂的三張牌置入你的墳墓場。你可以將一張地牌從你的墳墓場置於你的牌庫頂。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452923,
            "name": "Glowspore Shaman",
            "number": "173",
            "originalText": "When Glowspore Shaman enters the battlefield, put the top three cards of your library into your graveyard. You may put a land card from your graveyard on top of your library.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Shaman",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The land card you put on top of your library may be one that you just put into your graveyard."
            "scryfallId": "08fe260a-d204-4e75-b3e5-0cd9b4ca7084",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6af4952f-56d2-4560-9d78-065d2446daf9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ac7a9d73-dbdf-4e97-b382-67cd30ef5649",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176669,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Glowspore Shaman enters the battlefield, put the top three cards of your library into your graveyard. You may put a land card from your graveyard on top of your library.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "da014f62-e59b-5883-a6ac-f2899f4e316f",
            "uuidV421": "874fdb55-1170-5f5b-b535-46e0e3b7cdca",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Viktor Titov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "The Boros banner stands tall even if its bearer doesn't.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Das Boros-Banner erhöht auch den kleinsten Wicht.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453111,
                    "name": "Goblin-Bannerträger",
                    "text": "Mentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)\n{1}{R}: Der Goblin-Bannerträger erhält +2/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "Alza alto el estandarte de la Legión Boros... Todo lo alto que puede.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453370,
                    "name": "Trasgo portaestandarte",
                    "text": "Mentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)\n{1}{R}: El Trasgo portaestandarte obtiene +2/+0 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "La bannière de Boros est toujours fièrement dressée, même si son porteur n'est pas grand.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453629,
                    "name": "Banneret gobelin",
                    "text": "Mentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)\n{1}{R} : Le Banneret gobelin gagne +2/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "Lo stendardo dei Boros si leva alto sul campo di battaglia anche se il suo portatore non fa altrettanto.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453888,
                    "name": "Goblin Stendardiere",
                    "text": "Mentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)\n{1}{R}: Il Goblin Stendardiere prende +2/+0 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "ボロスの戦旗は堂々としている。たとえ持つ者がそうでなくとも。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454147,
                    "name": "ゴブリンの旗持ち",
                    "text": "教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)\n{1}{R}:ターン終了時まで、ゴブリンの旗持ちは+2/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "보로스의 깃발은 깃발잡이가 누구든 우뚝 선다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454406,
                    "name": "고블린 깃발잡이",
                    "text": "지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)\n{1}{R}: 고블린 깃발잡이는 턴종료까지 +2/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 병사"
                    "flavorText": "O estandarte dos Boros está sempre no alto, mesmo que seus portadores não estejam.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454665,
                    "name": "Porta-estandarte Goblin",
                    "text": "Mentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)\n{1}{R}: Porta-estandarte Goblin recebe +2/+0 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "Знамя Боросов подымается ввысь — даже если знаменосец не так уж высок.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454924,
                    "name": "Гоблин-Знаменосец",
                    "text": "Наставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)\n{1}{R}: Гоблин-Знаменосец получает +2/+0 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "即使掌旗身材矮小,波洛斯旗帜仍能高高屹立。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455183,
                    "name": "鬼怪掌旗",
                    "text": "训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)\n{1}{R}:鬼怪掌旗得+2/+0直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "即使掌旗身材矮小,波洛斯旗幟仍能高高屹立。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455442,
                    "name": "鬼怪掌旗",
                    "text": "訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)\n{1}{R}:鬼怪掌旗得+2/+0直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452852,
            "name": "Goblin Banneret",
            "number": "102",
            "originalText": "Mentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>\n{1}{R}: Goblin Banneret gets +2/+0 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Soldier",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "90b3b56c-5236-4319-b17e-5f71143a7906",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "197d2e30-70d5-4efc-a372-2199a770e9d5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a2d9554e-70c0-4213-ba5e-f0954ad32854",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176437,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Mentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)\n{1}{R}: Goblin Banneret gets +2/+0 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1fa9be73-f80f-5868-8d2b-c5213a7cd981",
            "uuidV421": "bf9cc130-bb7e-56a7-8eb0-d70840d40dbc",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453112,
                    "name": "Goblin-Kratermacher",
                    "text": "{1}, opfere den Goblin-Kratermacher: Bestimme eines —\n• Der Goblin-Kratermacher fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.\n• Zerstöre eine farblose bleibende Karte deiner Wahl, die kein Land ist.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Krieger"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453371,
                    "name": "Trasgo dinamitero",
                    "text": "{1}, sacrificar al Trasgo dinamitero: Elige uno:\n• El Trasgo dinamitero hace 2 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo.\n• Destruye el permanente incoloro objetivo que no sea tierra.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero trasgo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453630,
                    "name": "Cratérier gobelin",
                    "text": "{1}, sacrifiez le Cratérier gobelin : Choisissez l'un —\n• Le Cratérier gobelin inflige 2 blessures à une créature ciblée.\n• Détruisez un permanent non-terrain incolore ciblé.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et guerrier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453889,
                    "name": "Goblin Apricrateri",
                    "text": "{1}, Sacrifica il Goblin Apricrateri: Scegli uno —\n• Il Goblin Apricrateri infligge 2 danni a una creatura bersaglio.\n• Distruggi un permanente non terra incolore bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Goblin"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454148,
                    "name": "ゴブリンのクレーター掘り",
                    "text": "{1}, ゴブリンのクレーター掘りを生け贄に捧げる:以下から1つを選ぶ。\n• クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ゴブリンのクレーター掘りはそれに2点のダメージを与える。\n• 無色であり土地でないパーマネント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・戦士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454407,
                    "name": "고블린 구덩이제작꾼",
                    "text": "{1}, 고블린 구덩이제작꾼을 희생한다: 하나를 선택한다 —\n• 생물을 목표로 정한다. 고블린 구덩이제작꾼은 그 생물에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.\n• 대지가 아닌 무색 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 전사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454666,
                    "name": "Cratereiro Goblin",
                    "text": "{1}, sacrifique Cratereiro Goblin: Escolha um —\n• Cratereiro Goblin causa 2 pontos de dano à criatura alvo.\n• Destrua a permanente incolor alvo que não seja um terreno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Guerreiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454925,
                    "name": "Гоблин-Кратерщик",
                    "text": "{1}, пожертвуйте Гоблина-Кратерщика: выберите одно —\n• Гоблин-Кратерщик наносит 2 повреждения целевому существу.\n• Уничтожьте целевой не являющийся землей бесцветный перманент.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Воин"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455184,
                    "name": "滥炸鬼怪",
                    "text": "{1},牺牲滥炸鬼怪:选择一项~\n•滥炸鬼怪对目标生物造成2点伤害。\n•消灭目标无色非地永久物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/战士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455443,
                    "name": "濫炸鬼怪",
                    "text": "{1},犧牲濫炸鬼怪:選擇一項~\n•濫炸鬼怪對目標生物造成2點傷害。\n•消滅目標無色非地永久物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452853,
            "name": "Goblin Cratermaker",
            "number": "103",
            "originalText": "{1}, Sacrifice Goblin Cratermaker: Choose one —\n• Goblin Cratermaker deals 2 damage to target creature.\n• Destroy target colorless nonland permanent.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-09-11",
                    "text": "This card preview was provided to Scryfall courtesy of Wizards of the Coast. Thank you!"
            "scryfallId": "86ecaedc-08f1-4de7-aae8-056df57940e0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "52f4f907-c6a9-493d-b1df-2031af4ee7b0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1962d9b3-f057-4d2c-9c5b-386d9a66148a",
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            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}, Sacrifice Goblin Cratermaker: Choose one —\n• Goblin Cratermaker deals 2 damage to target creature.\n• Destroy target colorless nonland permanent.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin Warrior",
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            "uuid": "bb109ccf-4270-5d1f-aa82-94d76dfcbbe5",
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            "flavorText": "\"Result 752: Rapid mass redistribution.\n\"Result 753: Calamitous reverse synthesis.\n\"Result 754: Acute disarrayment.\"\n—Izzet research notes",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Resultat 752: Beschleunigte Masseumverteilung.\"\n„Resultat 753: Ungewollte umgekehrte Synthese.\"\n„Resultat 754: Akuter Formverlust.\"\n—Notizen von Izzet-Forschern",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453183,
                    "name": "Goblin-Elektromagier",
                    "text": "Spontanzauber und Hexereien, die du wirkst, kosten beim Wirken {1} weniger.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "\"Resultado 752: Rápida redistribución de masa.\n\"Resultado 753: Síntesis inversa calamitosa.\n\"Resultado 754: Desbarajuste agudo\".\n—Notas de investigación ízzet",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453442,
                    "name": "Electromante trasgo",
                    "text": "Te cuesta {1} menos lanzar hechizos de instantáneo o de conjuro.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "« Résultat 752 : redistribution rapide de la masse. »\n« Résultat 753 : synthèse d'inversion désastreuse. »\n« Résultat 754 : désorganisation grave. »\n—Notes de recherche d'Izzet",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453701,
                    "name": "Électromancien gobelin",
                    "text": "Les sorts d'éphémère et de rituel que vous lancez coûtent {1} de moins à lancer.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Risultato 752: rapida redistribuzione di massa.\"\n\"Risultato 753: disastrosa sintesi inversa.\"\n\"Risultato 754: caos intenso.\"\n—Note di ricerca degli Izzet",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453960,
                    "name": "Elettromante Goblin",
                    "text": "Le magie istantaneo e stregoneria che lanci costano {1} in meno per essere lanciate.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "「結果752:急速な質量再分布。」\n「結果753:悲惨な逆合成。」\n「結果754:深刻な無秩序。」\n――イゼットの研究記録",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454219,
                    "name": "ゴブリンの電術師",
                    "text": "あなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるためのコストは{1}少なくなる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "\"결과 752: 빠른 질량 재배치.\n\"결과 753: 비참한 역합성.\n\"결과 754: 갑작스러운 혼란.\"\n—이젯 연구 기록",
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                    "multiverseId": 454478,
                    "name": "고블린 전기술사",
                    "text": "당신이 발동하는 순간마법 주문과 집중마법 주문은 발동하는 데 {1}이 덜 든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Resultado 752: Redistribuição de massa rápida.\nResultado 753: Síntese reversa calamitosa.\nResultado 754: Desarranjo agudo.\"\n— Anotações de pesquisa Izzet",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454737,
                    "name": "Eletromante Goblin",
                    "text": "As mágicas instantâneas e os feitiços que você conjura custam {1} a menos para serem conjurados.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Mago"
                    "flavorText": "«Результат 752: быстрое перераспределение массы.\nРезультат 753: катастрофический обратный синтез.\nРезультат 754: хаотичное расщепление».\n— Исследовательские записки Иззетов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454996,
                    "name": "Гоблин-Электромант",
                    "text": "Разыгрываемые вами мгновенные заклинания и заклинания волшебства стоят на {1} меньше.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "「结果752:物质快速重新分配。\n「结果753:逆向合成造成灾难性后果。\n「结果754:严重紊乱。」\n~伊捷研究纪录",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455255,
                    "name": "鬼怪电流术士",
                    "text": "你施放的瞬间与法术咒语减少{1}来施放。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "「結果752:物質快速重新分配。\n「結果753:逆向合成造成災難性後果。\n「結果754:嚴重紊亂。」\n~伊捷研究紀錄",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455514,
                    "name": "鬼怪電流術士",
                    "text": "你施放的瞬間與巫術咒語減少{1}來施放。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{U}{R}",
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            "name": "Goblin Electromancer",
            "number": "174",
            "originalText": "Instant and sorcery spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Wizard",
            "power": "2",
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            "rarity": "common",
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                    "date": "2017-03-14",
                    "text": "Two Goblin Electromancers will make instant and sorcery spells you cast cost {2} less to cast, and so on."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying, add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Goblin Electromancer’s effect reduces only generic mana in the spell’s total cost."
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            "flavorText": "\"He's got more finesse than most goblins. He smashes windows with his fist rather than his forehead.\"\n—Arrester Polgar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Er hat mehr Fingerspitzengefühl als die meisten Goblins. Er zerschlägt Fenster mit der Faust und nicht mit dem Kopf.\"\n—Eintreiberin Polgar",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453113,
                    "name": "Goblin-Schlosser",
                    "text": "Immer wenn der Goblin-Schlosser angreift, können Kreaturen mit Verteidiger in diesem Zug nicht blocken.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Es más sutil que la mayoría de trasgos. Rompe ventanas con los puños en vez de con la cabeza\".\n—Encarceladora Polgar",
                    "language": "Spanish",
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                    "name": "Trasgo cerrajero",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Trasgo cerrajero ataque, las criaturas con la habilidad de defensor no pueden bloquear este turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "« Il est plus délicat que la plupart des gobelins. Il brise les fenêtres avec son poing plutôt qu'avec sa tête. »\n—Courtière Polgar",
                    "language": "French",
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                    "name": "Serrurier gobelin",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que le Serrurier gobelin attaque, les créatures avec le défenseur ne peuvent pas bloquer ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ha più delicatezza della maggior parte dei goblin: spacca le finestre con il pugno, invece che con la fronte.\"\n—Agente di polizia Polgar",
                    "language": "Italian",
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                    "name": "Goblin Scassinatore",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta il Goblin Scassinatore attacca, le creature con difensore non possono bloccare in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "「彼は他のゴブリンより手際がいい。拳を使って窓を叩き割るのだ。額ではなく。」\n――拘引者ポルガー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454149,
                    "name": "ゴブリンの鍵師",
                    "text": "ゴブリンの鍵師が攻撃するたび、このターン、防衛を持つクリーチャーではブロックできない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "\"그 녀석은 다른 많은 고블린들보다 수완이 좋아. 이마가 아니라 주먹으로 유리창을 깨거든.\"\n—체포원 폴가르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454408,
                    "name": "고블린 자물쇠수리공",
                    "text": "고블린 자물쇠수리공이 공격할 때마다, 수비태세를 가진 생물들은 이번 턴에 방어할 수 없다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 도적"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ele tem mais finesse que a maioria dos goblins. Ele quebra o vidro com a mão, e não com a testa.\"\n— Encarceradora Polgar",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454667,
                    "name": "Chaveiro Goblin",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Chaveiro Goblin ataca, as criaturas com defensor não podem bloquear neste turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "«Он более утонченный, чем большинство гоблинов. Окна он разбивает кулаком, а не собственной башкой».\n— задержатель Полгар",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454926,
                    "name": "Гоблин-Взломщик",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Гоблин-Взломщик атакует, существа со способностью Защитника не могут блокировать в этом ходу.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "「他比多数鬼怪更有手段。他会用拳头来砸窗,而不是用脑袋。」\n~逮捕人波嘉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455185,
                    "name": "撬锁鬼怪",
                    "text": "每当撬锁鬼怪攻击时,具守军异能的生物本回合不能进行阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "「他比多數鬼怪更有手段。他會用拳頭來砸窗,而不是用腦袋。」\n~逮捕人波嘉",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455444,
                    "name": "撬鎖鬼怪",
                    "text": "每當撬鎖鬼怪攻擊時,具守軍異能的生物本回合不能進行阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/浪客"
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            "type": "Creature — Goblin Rogue",
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            "flavorText": "\"We gather the past from surface dwellers and sell it right back to them.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wir sammeln die Vergangenheit der Oberflächenbewohner ein und verkaufen sie ihnen erneut.\"",
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                    "name": "Golgari-Fundhändler",
                    "text": "Wenn der Golgari-Fundhändler ins Spiel kommt, bringe eine bleibende Karte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Reunimos el pasado de los de la superficie y se lo vendemos\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453443,
                    "name": "Bajomercante golgari",
                    "text": "Cuando la Bajomercante golgari entre al campo de batalla, regresa la carta de permanente objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán elfo"
                    "flavorText": "« Nous récupérons le passé des habitants de la surface et nous le leur revendons. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453702,
                    "name": "Négociant d'objets trouvés golgari",
                    "text": "Quand le Négociant d'objets trouvés golgari arrive sur le champ de bataille, renvoyez une carte de permanent ciblée depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Raccogliamo il passato degli abitanti della superficie e lo rivendiamo loro tale e quale.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453961,
                    "name": "Esumareperti Golgari",
                    "text": "Quando l'Esumareperti Golgari entra nel campo di battaglia, riprendi in mano una carta permanente bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "「我々は地上に住む者たちの過去を集め、それを売り返すのだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454220,
                    "name": "ゴルガリの拾売人",
                    "text": "ゴルガリの拾売人が戦場に出たとき、あなたの墓地からパーマネント・カード1枚を対象とし、それをあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "\"우리는 표면에 사는 자들의 과거를 수집해 그들에게 되팔지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454479,
                    "name": "골가리 폐품판매자",
                    "text": "골가리 폐품판매자가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신의 무덤에 있는 지속물 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Recolhemos o passado dos habitantes da superfície e vendemos de volta para eles.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454738,
                    "name": "Achadista Golgari",
                    "text": "Quando Achadista Golgari entrar no campo de batalha, devolva o card de permanente alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "«Мы собираем прошлое жителей поверхности и продаем его им же».",
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                    "multiverseId": 454997,
                    "name": "Барахольщик Голгари",
                    "text": "Когда Барахольщик Голгари выходит на поле битвы, верните целевую карту перманента из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "「我们收集地上居民的过往,再卖回给他们。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455256,
                    "name": "葛加理弃物贩商",
                    "text": "当葛加理弃物贩商进战场时,将目标永久物牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "「我們收集地上居民的過往,再賣回給他們。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455515,
                    "name": "葛加理棄物販商",
                    "text": "當葛加理棄物販商進戰場時,將目標永久物牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/祭師"
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            "name": "Golgari Findbroker",
            "number": "175",
            "originalText": "When Golgari Findbroker enters the battlefield, return target permanent card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Shaman",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176446,
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            "text": "When Golgari Findbroker enters the battlefield, return target permanent card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Shaman",
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            "flavorText": "\"Shut the gates. In the Underrealm we will outlast the coming doom.\"\n—Vraska",
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            "originalText": "Golgari Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {B} or {G}.",
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            "subtypes": [
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 176407,
            "text": "Golgari Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {B} or {G}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "22daa6f7-0433-582f-bbc5-f31474bd7b9a",
            "uuidV421": "35b3e8a5-1a24-598e-af85-44cbe2848764",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Eytan Zana",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Jarad was a friend to the Devkarin. Now we slink through neglected tunnels, befriending those who crawl them.\"\n—Izoni",
            "foreignData": [],
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 452999,
            "name": "Golgari Guildgate",
            "number": "249",
            "originalText": "Golgari Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {B} or {G}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "f0a021e9-b11a-4028-86c9-01b62eae1877",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "fa2da325-6859-45bb-b185-35526b01bcc1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176408,
            "text": "Golgari Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {B} or {G}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0f026e53-c998-5b64-98e0-de1c2348e4b4",
            "uuidV421": "7ccbe605-cb65-5bf6-9afc-9e0aa4de2134",
            "variations": [
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            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Wear it at all times. It will guide our reanimators to your corpse.\"\n—Mazirek, kraul death priest",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Trage es stets bei dir. Es führt unsere Reanimatoren zu deiner Leiche.\"\n—Mazirek, Kraul-Todespriester",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453246,
                    "name": "Golgari-Medaillon",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {B} oder {G}.\n{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}, {T}, opfere das Golgari-Medaillon: Ziehe zwei Karten.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Llévalo siempre contigo. Guiará a nuestros reanimadores hacia tu cadáver\".\n—Mazirek, sacerdote de la muerte kraul",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453505,
                    "name": "Relicario golgari",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {B} o {G}.\n{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}, {T}, sacrificar el Relicario golgari: Roba dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« Ne le retirez jamais. Il guidera nos réanimateurs à votre cadavre. »\n—Mazirek, nécroprêtre kraul",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453764,
                    "name": "Médaillon de Golgari",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {B} ou {G}.\n{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}, {T}, sacrifiez le Médaillon de Golgari : Piochez deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non toglierlo mai. Condurrà i nostri rianimatori al tuo cadavere.\"\n—Mazirek, necrosciamano kraul",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454023,
                    "name": "Medaglione Golgari",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {B} o {G}.\n{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}, {T}, Sacrifica il Medaglione Golgari: Pesca due carte.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「常に身に着けておくこと。再生師がお前の亡骸を見つける際の道しるべとなる。」\n――クロールの死の僧侶、マジレク",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454282,
                    "name": "ゴルガリのロケット",
                    "text": "{T}:{B}か{G}を加える。\n{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}, {T}, ゴルガリのロケットを生け贄に捧げる:カードを2枚引く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"항상 이것을 지니고 있어라. 그러면 우리의 부활술사들이 네 시체를 찾도록 이것이 안내해 줄 것이다.\"\n—크라울 죽음의 사제, 마지렉",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454541,
                    "name": "골가리 로켓",
                    "text": "{T}: {B} 또는 {G}를 추가한다.\n{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}, {T}, 골가리 로켓을 희생한다: 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Use sempre. Ele levará nossos reanimadores até o seu corpo.\"\n— Mazirek, sacerdote da morte kraul",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454800,
                    "name": "Medalhão Golgari",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {B} ou {G}.\n{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}, {T}, sacrifique Medalhão Golgari: Compre dois cards.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Носи его, не снимая. Он приведет наших реаниматоров к твоему трупу».\n— Мазирек, жрец смерти краулов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455059,
                    "name": "Медальон Голгари",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {B} или {G}.\n{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}, {T}, пожертвуйте Медальон Голгари: возьмите две карты.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「请随时将此物戴在身上。它能够指引我们的复活师找到你的尸体。」\n~刻洛死亡僧侣马兹瑞",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455318,
                    "name": "葛加理坠饰",
                    "text": "{T}:加{B}或{G}。\n{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G},{T},牺牲葛加理坠饰:抓两张牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「請隨時將此物戴在身上。它能夠指引我們的復活師找到你的屍體。」\n~刻洛死亡僧侶馬茲瑞",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455577,
                    "name": "葛加理墜飾",
                    "text": "{T}:加{B}或{G}。\n{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G},{T},犧牲葛加理墜飾:抽兩張牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{3}",
            "multiverseId": 452987,
            "name": "Golgari Locket",
            "number": "237",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {B} or {G}.\n{BG}{BG}{BG}{BG}, {T}, Sacrifice Golgari Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
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            "rulings": [],
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            "subtypes": [],
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 176433,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {B} or {G}.\n{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}, {T}, Sacrifice Golgari Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "026b6180-aac0-558e-abca-de9a1348c44e",
            "uuidV421": "d1ed6803-e4f1-569a-aad4-602f4b591230",
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            "artist": "David Palumbo",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "What the Golgari can't claim through patient undercity expansion, they seize in brazen topside sorties.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Was die Golgari nicht durch geduldige Ausweitung der Unterstadt beanspruchen können, reißen sie in mutigen Überfällen in der Oberwelt an sich.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453139,
                    "name": "Golgari-Plünderer",
                    "text": "Eile\nTotenwelt — Die Golgari-Plünderer kommen für jede Kreaturenkarte in deinem Friedhof mit einer +1/+1-Marke ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Si los golgari no pueden tomar algo mediante la paciente expansión de la Subciudad, se adueñan de ello en descaradas excursiones a la superficie.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453398,
                    "name": "Incursores golgari",
                    "text": "Prisa.\nDespojos — Los Incursores golgari entran al campo de batalla con un contador +1/+1 sobre ellos por cada carta de criatura en tu cementerio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero elfo"
                    "flavorText": "Ce que les Golgari ne peuvent pas obtenir par la lente extension de la Citerraine, ils le prennent lors de sorties effrontées à la surface.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453657,
                    "name": "Pillards golgari",
                    "text": "Célérité\nMaquis — Les Pillards golgari arrivent sur le champ de bataille avec, sur eux, un marqueur +1/+1 pour chaque carte de créature dans votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Ciò che i Golgari non riescono a ottenere estendendo con pazienza i confini della città sepolta viene saccheggiato durante temerarie incursioni in superficie.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453916,
                    "name": "Predoni Golgari",
                    "text": "Rapidità\nCrescita sotterranea — I Predoni Golgari entrano nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 per ogni carta creatura nel tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "ゴルガリは、拡大し続ける地底街をもってしても手に入れられないものを、無遠慮な地上襲撃部隊で手に入れる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454175,
                    "name": "ゴルガリの略奪者",
                    "text": "速攻\n宿根 ― ゴルガリの略奪者は、あなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カード1枚につき+1/+1カウンターが1個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "골가리가 참을성 있는 지하 도시 확장을 통해 얻을 수 없는 게 있으면, 그들은 뻔뻔하게 위로 올라가 가져간다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454434,
                    "name": "골가리 약탈자",
                    "text": "신속\n지하생장 — 골가리 약탈자는 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드 한 장당 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 가지고 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 전사"
                    "flavorText": "O que os Golgari não conseguem por meio de sua paciente expansão pelo submundo, eles tomam em ousadas expedições à superfície.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454693,
                    "name": "Salteadores Golgari",
                    "text": "Ímpeto\nNecronutrimento — Salteadores Golgari entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 para cada card de criatura em seu cemitério.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "То, чего Голгари не могут получить терпеливым расширением подземного города, они забирают в дерзких вылазках на поверхность.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454952,
                    "name": "Грабители Голгари",
                    "text": "Ускорение\nТайный рост — Грабители Голгари выходят на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 на них за каждую карту существа на вашем кладбище.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Воин"
                    "flavorText": "凡是葛加理无法藉助缓慢扩张地底城以获取之物,他们便会靠野蛮地面侵攻来夺。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455211,
                    "name": "葛加理突击队",
                    "text": "敏捷\n朽力~葛加理突击队进战场时上面有数个+1/+1指示物,其数量等同于你坟墓场中的生物牌数量。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/战士"
                    "flavorText": "凡是葛加理無法藉助緩慢擴張地底城以獲取之物,他們便會靠野蠻地面侵攻來奪。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455470,
                    "name": "葛加理突擊隊",
                    "text": "敏捷\n朽力~葛加理突擊隊進戰場時上面有數個+1/+1指示物,其數量等同於你墳墓場中的生物牌數量。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452880,
            "name": "Golgari Raiders",
            "number": "130",
            "originalText": "Haste\n<i>Undergrowth</i> — Golgari Raiders enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each creature card in your graveyard.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Warrior",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you return Golgari Raiders from your graveyard to the battlefield, its undergrowth ability counts itself."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities."
            "scryfallId": "37284ba8-441c-4cf6-95c6-6a0f52e6d36d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "1916d9b7-55cb-46aa-8a4a-96f7e4960bda",
            "scryfallOracleId": "abd12238-ea9d-4124-8229-3a479b8464d7",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176563,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Haste\nUndergrowth — Golgari Raiders enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it for each creature card in your graveyard.",
            "toughness": "0",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "86996805-4eea-5bd6-ac6c-c3b58df01ada",
            "uuidV421": "7614a7fd-9fd9-58bf-bda5-03477375f6d4",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Sung Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Some rooftop gardens attract bees; others capture dragons.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Einige Dachgärten locken Bienen an, andere fangen Drachen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453140,
                    "name": "Gieriger Sonnentau",
                    "text": "Verteidiger, Reichweite\n{4}{G}: Der Gierige Sonnentau erhält Unzerstörbarkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. (Schaden und Effekte, die „zerstören\", zerstören diese Kreatur nicht.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Pflanze"
                    "flavorText": "Algunas terrazas ajardinadas atraen abejas; otras capturan dragones.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453399,
                    "name": "Drosera atrapadora",
                    "text": "Defensor, alcance.\n{4}{G}: La Drosera atrapadora gana la habilidad de indestructible hasta el final del turno. (El daño y los efectos que dicen \"destruir\" no destruyen a esta criatura.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Planta"
                    "flavorText": "Les jardins de certains toits attirent les abeilles ; d'autres capturent des dragons.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453658,
                    "name": "Droséra accroché",
                    "text": "Défenseur, portée\n{4}{G} : Le Droséra accroché acquiert l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour. (Les blessures et les effets qui disent « détruisez » ne détruisent pas cette créature.)",
                    "type": "Créature : plante"
                    "flavorText": "Alcuni giardini pensili attraggono le api, altri catturano i draghi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453917,
                    "name": "Drosera Avviluppante",
                    "text": "Difensore, raggiungere\n{4}{G}: La Drosera Avviluppante ha indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno. (Il danno e gli effetti che dicono \"distruggi\" non distruggono questa creatura.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Pianta"
                    "flavorText": "屋根上の庭は蜂を集めるものもあれば、ドラゴンを捕らえるものもある。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454176,
                    "name": "絡み合うモウセンゴケ",
                    "text": "防衛、到達\n{4}{G}:ターン終了時まで、絡み合うモウセンゴケは破壊不能を得る。(ダメージや「破壊」と書かれた効果では、このクリーチャーは破壊されない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 植物"
                    "flavorText": "몇몇 옥상 정원은 벌들을 끌어들인다; 다른 것들은 용을 붙잡는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454435,
                    "name": "낚아채는 끈끈이주걱",
                    "text": "수비태세, 대공\n{4}{G}: 낚아채는 끈끈이주걱은 턴종료까지 무적을 얻는다. (이 생물은 피해나 \"파괴\"라고 명시된 효과에 의해 파괴되지 않는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 식물"
                    "flavorText": "Alguns telhados ajardinados atraem abelhas; outros capturam dragões.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454694,
                    "name": "Drósera Enredante",
                    "text": "Defensor, alcance\n{4}{G}: Drósera Enredante ganha indestrutível até o final do turno. (Dano e efeitos que dizem \"destrua\" não destroem esta criatura.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Planta"
                    "flavorText": "Некоторые сады на крышах привлекают пчел, другие — ловят драконов.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454953,
                    "name": "Хваткая Росянка",
                    "text": "Защитник, Захват\n{4}{G}: Хваткая Росянка получает Неразрушимость до конца хода. (Повреждения и эффекты с указанием «уничтожьте» не уничтожают это существо.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Растение"
                    "flavorText": "有的屋顶花园吸引蜜蜂;而有的则能困住巨龙。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455212,
                    "name": "攫物毡苔",
                    "text": "守军,延势\n{4}{G}:攫物毡苔获得不灭异能直到回合结束。(伤害与注明「消灭」的效应不会将此生物消灭。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~植物"
                    "flavorText": "有的屋頂花園吸引蜜蜂;而有的則能困住巨龍。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455471,
                    "name": "攫物氈苔",
                    "text": "守軍,延勢\n{4}{G}:攫物氈苔獲得不滅異能直到回合結束。(傷害與註明「消滅」的效應不會將此生物消滅。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~植物"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452881,
            "name": "Grappling Sundew",
            "number": "131",
            "originalText": "Defender, reach\n{4}{G}: Grappling Sundew gains indestructible until end of turn. <i>(Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy this creature.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Plant",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "f74d8d76-8091-424d-ad11-e8a1faae584d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c0f28c87-fea1-4269-8d9b-0ba9a7aae9b6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a13e5a6c-e1aa-44dc-871e-120ea0390026",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176895,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender, reach\n{4}{G}: Grappling Sundew gains indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy this creature.)",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Plant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2725c0c8-2708-5e7d-b2c7-cf64509b8df7",
            "uuidV421": "3197ec6e-3141-54ab-9b70-9c3f605e5d1a"
            "artist": "Randy Vargas",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453114,
                    "name": "Gravitationshieb",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, fügt einem Spieler deiner Wahl Schadenspunkte in Höhe ihrer Stärke zu.\nKatalyse (Du kannst diese Karte aus deinem Friedhof wirken, indem du zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Kosten eine Karte abwirfst. Schicke sie danach ins Exil.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453373,
                    "name": "Puñetazo gravitatorio",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo que controlas hace una cantidad de daño igual a su fuerza al jugador objetivo.\nRecargar. (Puedes lanzar esta carta desde tu cementerio descartando una carta además de pagar sus otros costes. Luego, exilia esta carta.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453632,
                    "name": "Coup de poing gravitique",
                    "text": "Une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez inflige un nombre de blessures égal à sa force à un joueur ciblé.\nRelancez (Vous pouvez lancer cette carte depuis votre cimetière en vous défaussant d'une carte en plus de payer ses autres coûts. Puis exilez cette carte.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453891,
                    "name": "Pugno Gravimetrico",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio che controlli infligge danno pari alla sua forza a un giocatore bersaglio.\nCarica d'avvio (Puoi lanciare questa carta dal tuo cimitero scartando una carta oltre a pagare i suoi altri costi. Poi esilia questa carta.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454150,
                    "name": "重力殴打",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体と、プレイヤー1人を対象とする。その前者はその後者に、自身のパワーに等しい点数のダメージを与える。\n再活(あなたはあなたの墓地から、このカードを、これの他のコストの支払いに加えてカード1枚を捨てることで唱えてもよい。その後、このカードを追放する。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454409,
                    "name": "중력의 주먹질",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정하고 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 첫 번째 목표는 두 번째 목표에게 자신의 공격력만큼 피해를 입힌다.\n강제 시동 (당신은 이 카드의 다른 비용들을 지불하는 것에 추가로 카드를 한 장 버리는 것으로 이 카드를 당신의 무덤에서 발동할 수 있다. 그 후 이 카드를 추방한다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454668,
                    "name": "Soco Gravítico",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo que você controla causa dano igual ao próprio poder ao jogador alvo.\nRecarregar (Você pode conjurar este card de seu cemitério descartando um card além de pagar seus outros custos. Depois, exile este card.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454927,
                    "name": "Гравитационный Удар",
                    "text": "Целевое существо под вашим контролем наносит целевому игроку повреждения, равные своей силе.\nИмпульс (Вы можете разыграть эту карту из вашего кладбища, сбросив карту в дополнение к оплате других ее стоимостей. Затем изгоните эту карту.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455186,
                    "name": "重力冲拳",
                    "text": "目标由你操控的生物对目标牌手造成伤害,其数量等同于前者的力量。\n再起(你可以从你的坟墓场施放此牌,但必须支付其所需费用并额外弃一张牌。然后放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455445,
                    "name": "重力衝拳",
                    "text": "目標由你操控的生物對目標玩家造成傷害,其數量等同於前者的力量。\n再起(你可以從你的墳墓場施放此牌,但必須支付其所需費用並額外棄一張牌。)然後放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452855,
            "name": "Gravitic Punch",
            "number": "105",
            "originalText": "Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target player.\nJump-start <i>(You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature or the target player is an illegal target as Gravitic Punch tries to resolve, the creature won’t deal damage."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. For instance, you can cast a sorcery using jump-start only when you could normally cast a sorcery."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A spell cast using jump-start will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it’s countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect allows you to pay an alternative cost rather than a spell’s mana cost, you may pay that alternative cost when you jump-start a spell. You’ll still discard a card as an additional cost to cast it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card with jump-start is put into your graveyard during your turn, you’ll be able to cast it right away if it’s legal to do so, before an opponent can take any actions."
            "scryfallId": "05fe0428-6e7d-49d4-9a29-80a3589f565a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0ae7ff32-d3c9-4e79-a0fd-fc05296ae47f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "90ea4c57-e0ff-4697-912c-c6e2dc873529",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176909,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target player.\nJump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b437af34-b0cd-55b3-903f-f2771aae1d45",
            "uuidV421": "ca730604-e35e-5058-940d-9a86cd19a819",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Yeong-Hao Han",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Variety is also the spice of death.\"\n—Cevraya, Golgari shaman",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Würze des Todes liegt in der Vielfalt.\"\n—Cevraya, Golgari-Schamane",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453080,
                    "name": "Morbide Menagerie",
                    "text": "Bestimme eine Kreaturenkarte mit umgewandelten Manakosten von 1 in deinem Friedhof. Mache dann dasselbe mit Kreaturenkarten mit umgewandelten Manakosten von 2 und 3. Bringe die bestimmten Karten ins Spiel zurück.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"La variedad también es la sal de la muerte\".\n—Cevraya, chamán golgari",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453339,
                    "name": "Criadero macabro",
                    "text": "Elige una carta de criatura con coste de maná convertido de 1 en tu cementerio. Luego, haz lo mismo con cartas de criatura con coste de maná convertido de 2 y 3. Regresa esas cartas al campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« La diversité donne du piment à la mort. »\n—Cevraya, shamane de Golgari",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453598,
                    "name": "Horrible ménagerie",
                    "text": "Choisissez une carte de créature avec un coût converti de mana de 1 dans votre cimetière, puis faites de même avec les cartes de créature avec un coût converti de mana de 2 et 3. Renvoyez ces cartes sur le champ de bataille.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"La varietà è anche il sale della morte.\"\n—Cevraya, sciamana Golgari",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453857,
                    "name": "Serraglio Raccapricciante",
                    "text": "Scegli una carta creatura con costo di mana convertito pari a 1 nel tuo cimitero, poi fai lo stesso per carte creatura con costo di mana convertito pari a 2 e a 3. Rimetti quelle carte sul campo di battaglia.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「多様性も死の趣さ。」\n――ゴルガリのシャーマン、セヴリヤ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454116,
                    "name": "陰惨な生類",
                    "text": "あなたの墓地から点数で見たマナ・コストが1であるクリーチャー・カード1枚を選び、その後、点数で見たマナ・コストが2と3であるクリーチャー・カードについても同じことを行う。それらのカードを戦場に戻す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"다양성 또한 죽음의 묘미라네.\"\n—골가리 주술사, 세브라야",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454375,
                    "name": "소름끼치는 야생동물",
                    "text": "당신의 무덤에 있는 전환마나비용이 1인 생물 카드 한 장을 선택한 후, 전환마나비용이 2와 3인 생물 카드에 대해서도 똑같이 한다. 그 카드들을 전장으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"A variedade também é o tempero da morte.\"\n— Cevraya, xamã Golgari",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454634,
                    "name": "Zoológico Horripilante",
                    "text": "Escolha em seu cemitério um card de criatura com custo de mana convertido 1. Em seguida, faça o mesmo com cards de criatura com custo de mana convertido 2 e 3. Devolva aqueles cards ao campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Разнообразие — это также изюминка смерти».\n— Севрайя, шаманка Голгари",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454893,
                    "name": "Жуткий Зверинец",
                    "text": "Выберите на вашем кладбище карту существа с конвертированной мана-стоимостью 1, затем сделайте то же самое для карт существ с конвертированной мана-стоимостью 2 и 3. Верните те карты на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「物种多样也为死亡增趣。」\n~葛加理祭师习拉雅",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455152,
                    "name": "兽群惧集",
                    "text": "从你坟墓场中的生物牌中,总法术力费用为1,2,3的生物牌各选择一张。将这些牌移回战场。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「物種多樣也為死亡增趣。」\n~葛加理祭師習拉雅",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455411,
                    "name": "獸群懼集",
                    "text": "從你墳墓場中的生物牌中,總魔法力費用為1,2,3的生物牌各選擇一張。將這些牌移回戰場。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452821,
            "name": "Gruesome Menagerie",
            "number": "71",
            "originalText": "Choose a creature card with converted mana cost 1 in your graveyard, then do the same for creature cards with converted mana costs 2 and 3. Return those cards to the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Gruesome Menagerie doesn’t target the cards to return. You choose them while it’s resolving. No players may take actions between the time you make each choice and the time you return them to the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card in your graveyard has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you don’t have a creature card in your graveyard with one converted mana cost, you just continue on to the next."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "All of the returned cards enter the battlefield at the same time."
            "scryfallId": "73c0e4d9-bf0d-4e28-a647-9010701a915e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "1ba35b6d-e284-4d10-a033-b317a5b2b82a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f95fda8c-0737-447f-9212-1c459062b9e7",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176925,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Choose a creature card with converted mana cost 1 in your graveyard, then do the same for creature cards with converted mana costs 2 and 3. Return those cards to the battlefield.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9ffff014-a7a4-56eb-8a07-3a00bde21135",
            "uuidV421": "04394242-a0be-548a-9a7a-8d34c26b28db"
            "artist": "Sidharth Chaturvedi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "In a climate of suspicion, Isperia gathered the guilds to propose a radical idea: cooperation.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "In einem Klima des Misstrauens versammelte Isperia die Gilden, um einen gewagten Vorschlag zu unterbreiten: Kooperation.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453050,
                    "name": "Gipfeltreffen der Gilden",
                    "text": "Wenn das Gipfeltreffen der Gilden ins Spiel kommt,\nkannst du eine beliebige Anzahl ungetappter Tore, die du kontrollierst, tappen. Ziehe für jedes Tor, das auf diese Weise getappt wurde, eine Karte.\nImmer wenn ein Tor unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel kommt, ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "En un ambiente de sospecha, Isperia reunió a los gremios para proponer una idea radical: la cooperación.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453309,
                    "name": "Cumbre de los gremios",
                    "text": "Cuando la Cumbre de los gremios entre al campo de batalla,\npuedes girar cualquier cantidad de Portales enderezados que controles. Roba una carta por cada Portal girado de esta manera.\nSiempre que un Portal entre al campo de batalla bajo tu control, roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "Dans un climat de suspicion, Isperia rassembla les guildes pour proposer une idée radicale : la coopération.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453568,
                    "name": "Sommet de la guilde",
                    "text": "Quand le Sommet de la guilde arrive sur le champ de bataille,\nvous pouvez engager n'importe quel nombre de portes dégagées que vous contrôlez. Piochez une carte pour chaque porte engagée de cette manière.\nÀ chaque fois qu'une porte arrive sur le champ de bataille sous votre contrôle, piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "In un clima di sospetto, Isperia radunò le gilde per proporre un'idea rivoluzionaria: la cooperazione.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453827,
                    "name": "Vertice delle Gilde",
                    "text": "Quando il Vertice delle Gilde entra nel campo di battaglia,\npuoi TAPpare un qualsiasi numero di Cancelli STAPpati che controlli. Pesca una carta per ogni Cancello TAPpato in questo modo.\nOgniqualvolta un Cancello entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "疑惑に満ちた状況の中、イスペリアはギルドを集めると過激な提案を行った。協力である。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454086,
                    "name": "ギルド会談",
                    "text": "ギルド会談が戦場に出たとき、\nあなたはあなたがコントロールしていてアンタップ状態である望む数の門をタップしてもよい。これによりタップされた門1つにつき、カードを1枚引く。\n門が1つあなたのコントロール下で戦場に出るたび、カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "의심이 무르익어가는 상황에, 이스페리아는 급진적인 생각을 제안하기 위해 길드들을 불러모았다. 협력하자고.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454345,
                    "name": "길드 정상 회담",
                    "text": "길드 정상 회담 회담이 전장에 들어올 때,\n당신은 당신이 조종하는 언탭된 관문을 원하는 수만큼 탭할 수 있다. 이렇게 탭된 관문 한 개당 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n관문이 당신의 조종하에 전장에 들어올 때마다, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "Devido ao clima de desconfiança, Isperia reuniu as guildas para propor uma ideia radical: cooperação.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454604,
                    "name": "Conferência das Guildas",
                    "text": "Quando Conferência das Guildas entra no campo de batalha,\nvocê pode virar qualquer número de Portões desvirados que você controla. Compre um card para cada Portão virado desta forma.\nToda vez que um Portão entrar no campo de batalha sob o seu controle, compre um card.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "В атмосфере всеобщего недоверия Исперия собрала гильдии, чтобы предложить радикальную идею: сотрудничество.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454863,
                    "name": "Саммит Гильдий",
                    "text": "Когда Саммит Гильдий выходит на поле битвы,\nвы можете повернуть любое количество неповернутых Врат под вашим контролем. Возьмите карту за каждые Врата, повернутые таким образом.\nКаждый раз, когда Врата выходят на поле битвы под вашим контролем, возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "在重重疑云笼罩之下,伊佩利召集各公会面议,大胆提出建言:合作。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455122,
                    "name": "公会聚首",
                    "text": "当公会聚首进战场时,\n你可以横置任意数量由你操控且未横置的门。每以此法横置一个门,便抓一张牌。\n每当一个门在你的操控下进战场时,抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "在重重疑雲籠罩之下,伊佩利召集各公會面議,大膽提出建言:合作。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455381,
                    "name": "公會聚首",
                    "text": "當公會聚首進戰場時,\n你可以橫置任意數量由你操控且未橫置的門。每以此法橫置一個門,便抽一張牌。\n每當一個門在你的操控下進戰場時,抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452791,
            "name": "Guild Summit",
            "number": "41",
            "originalText": "When Guild Summit enters the battlefield, you may tap any number of untapped Gates you control. Draw a card for each Gate tapped this way.\nWhenever a Gate enters the battlefield under your control, draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "d952259f-9e0a-49af-9dfb-3cad1a1bb3a8",
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            "subtypes": [],
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 176421,
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            "text": "When Guild Summit enters the battlefield, you may tap any number of untapped Gates you control. Draw a card for each Gate tapped this way.\nWhenever a Gate enters the battlefield under your control, draw a card.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3129e5b0-2cf6-5250-b221-dbd079ab9e02",
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            "artist": "Adam Paquette",
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                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453259,
                    "name": "Forum der Gildenmagier",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {C}.\n{1}, {T}: Erzeuge ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe. Falls dieses Mana ausgegeben wurde, um einen mehrfarbigen Kreaturenzauber zu wirken, kommt jene Kreatur mit einer zusätzlichen +1/+1-Marke ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453518,
                    "name": "Foro de los magos del gremio",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {C}.\n{1}, {T}: Agrega un maná de cualquier color. Si ese maná se usa en un hechizo de criatura multicolor, esa criatura entra al campo de batalla con un contador +1/+1 adicional sobre ella.",
                    "type": "Tierra"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453777,
                    "name": "Forum des ghildmages",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {C}.\n{1}, {T} : Ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix. Si ce mana est dépensé pour lancer un sort de créature multicolore, cette créature arrive sur le champ de bataille avec un marqueur +1/+1 supplémentaire sur elle.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454036,
                    "name": "Foro dei Maghi delle Gilde",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {C}.\n{1}, {T}: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore. Se quel mana viene speso per una magia creatura multicolore, quella creatura entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 addizionale.",
                    "type": "Terra"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454295,
                    "name": "ギルド魔道士の広場",
                    "text": "{T}:{C}を加える。\n{1}, {T}:好きな色1色のマナ1点を加える。このマナが多色のクリーチャー・呪文のために使われたなら、そのクリーチャーは+1/+1カウンターが追加で1個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "土地"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454554,
                    "name": "길드마도사들의 토론회",
                    "text": "{T}: {C}를 추가한다.\n{1}, {T}: 원하는 색의 마나 한 개를 추가한다. 그 마나가 다색 생물 주문에 사용되었다면, 그 생물은 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 추가로 가지고 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "대지"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454813,
                    "name": "Fórum dos Magos das Guildas",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {C}.\n{1}, {T}: Adicione um mana de qualquer cor. Se aquele mana for gasto em uma mágica de criatura multicolorida, aquela criatura entrará no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 adicional.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455072,
                    "name": "Форум Магов Гильдий",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {C}.\n{1}, {T}: добавьте одну ману любого цвета. Если та мана потрачена на многоцветное заклинание существа, то существо выходит на поле битвы с дополнительным жетоном +1/+1 на нем.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455331,
                    "name": "公会法师集会地",
                    "text": "{T}:加{C}。\n{1},{T}:加一点任意颜色的法术力。如果该法术力用以支付多色生物咒语,则该生物进战场时上面额外有一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455590,
                    "name": "公會法師集會地",
                    "text": "{T}:加{C}。\n{1},{T}:加一點任意顏色的魔法力。如果該魔法力用以支付多色生物咒語,則該生物進戰場時上面額外有一個+1/+1指示物。",
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            "name": "Guildmages' Forum",
            "number": "250",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {C}.\n{1}, {T}: Add one mana of any color. If that mana is spent on a multicolored creature spell, that creature enters the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it.",
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            "subtypes": [],
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 176439,
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            "text": "{T}: Add {C}.\n{1}, {T}: Add one mana of any color. If that mana is spent on a multicolored creature spell, that creature enters the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
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            "flavorText": "Ravnica's convoluted power structure often boils down to who can muster the most swords on a given block.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ravnicas verschlungene Machtstrukturen lassen sich oft darauf reduzieren, wer in einem Stadtteil die meisten Klingen unter sich vereinen kann.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453022,
                    "name": "Haazda-Marschall",
                    "text": "Immer wenn der Haazda-Marschall und mindestens zwei andere Kreaturen angreifen, erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen Soldat-Kreaturenspielstein mit Lebensverknüpfung.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "La enrevesada estructura de poder en Rávnica suele resumirse en quién es capaz de reunir más espadas en determinado bloque.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453281,
                    "name": "Mariscal haazda",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Mariscal haazda y al menos otras dos criaturas ataquen, crea una ficha de criatura Soldado blanca 1/1 con la habilidad de vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "La hiérarchie complexe de Ravnica se résume souvent à savoir qui peut rassembler le plus d'épées dans un quartier donné.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453540,
                    "name": "Maréchal d'Haazda",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que le Maréchal d'Haazda et au moins deux autres créatures attaquent, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche Soldat avec le lien de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "I complessi giochi di potere di Ravnica spesso si riducono a chi riesce a radunare più spade in un determinato isolato.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453799,
                    "name": "Maresciallo di Haazda",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta il Maresciallo di Haazda e almeno altre due creature attaccano, crea una pedina creatura Soldato 1/1 bianca con legame vitale.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "ラヴニカの入り組んだ権力構造も、煎じ詰めれば、特定の場所に最も多くの武力を動員できるのは誰か、に行きつく。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454058,
                    "name": "ハズダーの司法官",
                    "text": "ハズダーの司法官と、少なくとも2体の他のクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、絆魂を持つ白の1/1の兵士・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "라브니카의 복잡한 권력 구조는 때로 한 공간에 얼마나 많은 병력을 동원할 수 있느냐로 귀결되고는 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
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                    "name": "하즈다 집행관",
                    "text": "하즈다 집행관과 두 개 이상의 다른 생물들이 공격할 때마다, 생명연결을 가진 1/1 백색 병사 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "A complexa estrutura de poder em Ravnica muitas vezes se resume a quem consegue colocar mais espadachins em uma determinada quadra.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454576,
                    "name": "Agente de Haazda",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Agente de Haazda e ao menos duas outras criaturas atacarem, crie uma ficha de criatura branca 1/1 do tipo Soldado com vínculo com a vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "Запутанная система управления в Равнике зачастую сводится к тому, кто соберет больше всех бойцов в одном отдельно взятом квартале.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454835,
                    "name": "Пристав из Хаазды",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Пристав из Хаазды и как минимум два других существа атакуют, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый Солдат с Цепью жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "拉尼卡的复杂权力结构通常一句话就能说清楚:谁能在地头上集结到更多打手,谁就是老大。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455094,
                    "name": "哈资达元帅",
                    "text": "每当哈资达元帅与至少两个其他生物攻击时,派出一个1/1白色,具系命异能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "拉尼卡的複雜權力結構通常一句話就能說清楚:誰能在地盤集結到更多打手,誰就是老大。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455353,
                    "name": "哈資達元帥",
                    "text": "每當哈資達元帥與至少兩個其他生物攻擊時,派出一個1/1白色,具繫命異能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "name": "Haazda Marshal",
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            "number": "13",
            "originalText": "Whenever Haazda Marshal and at least two other creatures attack, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Once Haazda Marshal’s ability has triggered, it doesn’t matter how many creatures are still attacking when that ability resolves."
            "scryfallId": "5c561d89-b02d-4f1a-b49a-cdf2def3404d",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "3a1efa7e-21d5-47a1-bcd8-7d4616be0d58",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176815,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Haazda Marshal and at least two other creatures attack, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7e475609-a341-5a80-ba64-0a0cfb3adb32",
            "uuidV421": "658ebb7a-53f5-5c90-9315-cbea3f76e30c"
            "artist": "Lake Hurwitz",
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Giants know a solid hit is one part strength, four parts leverage.",
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                    "flavorText": "Riesen wissen, dass ein fester Schlag zu einem Viertel aus Masse und zu drei Viertel aus Beschleunigung besteht.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453185,
                    "name": "Hammerkämpfer",
                    "text": "Mentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Riese, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "Los gigantes saben que, para asestar un buen golpe, saber hacer palanca es más importante que el tamaño.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453444,
                    "name": "Manejamartillo",
                    "text": "Mentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Gigante soldado"
                    "flavorText": "Les géants savent qu'une bonne frappe représente 20 % de force et 80 % de moyen de pression.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453703,
                    "name": "Buteur au marteau",
                    "text": "Mentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)",
                    "type": "Créature : géant et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "I giganti sanno che un colpo efficace dipende in minima parte dalla forza applicata e in massima parte dalla leva impiegata.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453962,
                    "name": "Picchiatore del Martello",
                    "text": "Mentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Gigante"
                    "flavorText": "巨人たちは、確実な一撃というのは二割が力で八割はてこの作用だと知っている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454221,
                    "name": "槌落とし",
                    "text": "教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 巨人・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "거인들은 강한 타격 중 2할이 힘이고 8할은 지렛대의 힘이라는 것을 안다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454480,
                    "name": "망치잡이 거인",
                    "text": "지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 거인 병사"
                    "flavorText": "Os gigantes sabem que um golpe firme é vinte por cento força e oitenta por cento alavancagem.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454739,
                    "name": "Marreteiro",
                    "text": "Mentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Gigante Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "Гиганты знают, что хороший удар — это на одну часть сила и на четыре части рычаг.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454998,
                    "name": "Молотобоец",
                    "text": "Наставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Гигант Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "巨人都知道重击靠的是一分力量和四分巧劲。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455257,
                    "name": "重锤巨人",
                    "text": "训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨人/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "巨人都知道重擊靠的是一分力量和四分巧勁。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455516,
                    "name": "重鎚巨人",
                    "text": "訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨人/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452926,
            "name": "Hammer Dropper",
            "number": "176",
            "originalText": "Mentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Giant Soldier",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mentor compares the power of the creature with mentor with that of the target creature at two different times: once as the triggered ability is put onto the stack, and once as the triggered ability resolves. If you wish to raise a creature’s power so its mentor ability can target a bigger creature, the last chance you have to do so is during the beginning of combat step."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature’s power is no longer less than the attacking creature’s power as the ability resolves, mentor doesn’t add a +1/+1 counter. For example, if two 3/3 creatures with mentor attack and both mentor triggers target the same 2/2 creature, the first to resolve puts a +1/+1 counter on it and the second does nothing."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the creature with mentor leaves the battlefield with mentor on the stack, use its power as that creature last existed on the battlefield to determine whether the target creature has less power."
            "scryfallId": "9efac789-587b-45c1-b16e-616e9486b59b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "30d91257-b6dc-4e87-999c-1ffdca5550f8",
            "scryfallOracleId": "088c9fa7-65ec-48c6-90cc-9087bc9df43e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175183,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Mentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Giant Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "db3a1cc5-650b-5482-ad19-724b962b28d5",
            "uuidV421": "91999c82-19f3-5a6d-925b-c789f791e028",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Livia Prima",
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            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453141,
                    "name": "Bruthöhlenspinne",
                    "text": "Reichweite\nTotenwelt — Wenn du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, decke die obersten X Karten deiner Bibliothek auf, wobei X gleich der Anzahl an Kreaturenkarten in deinem Friedhof ist. Du kannst davon eine grüne bleibende Karte mit umgewandelten Manakosten von X oder weniger ins Spiel bringen. Lege den Rest in zufälliger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Spinne"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453400,
                    "name": "Araña de criadero",
                    "text": "Alcance.\nDespojos — Cuando lances este hechizo, muestra las X primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, donde X es la cantidad de cartas de criatura en tu cementerio. Puedes poner en el campo de batalla una carta de permanente verde con coste de maná convertido de X o menos que se encuentre entre ellas. Pon el resto en el fondo de tu biblioteca en un orden aleatorio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Araña"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453659,
                    "name": "Araignée du couvoir",
                    "text": "Portée\nMaquis — Quand vous lancez ce sort, révélez les X cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, X étant le nombre de cartes de créature dans votre cimetière. Parmi elles, vous pouvez mettre sur le champ de bataille une carte de permanent verte avec un coût converti de mana inférieur ou égal à X. Mettez le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque dans un ordre aléatoire.",
                    "type": "Créature : araignée"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453918,
                    "name": "Ragno della Covata",
                    "text": "Raggiungere\nCrescita sotterranea — Quando lanci questa magia, rivela le prime X carte del tuo grimorio, dove X è il numero di carte creatura nel tuo cimitero. Puoi mettere sul campo di battaglia una carta permanente verde con costo di mana convertito pari o inferiore a X scelta tra esse. Metti le altre in fondo al tuo grimorio in ordine casuale.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Ragno"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454177,
                    "name": "孵卵場の蜘蛛",
                    "text": "到達\n宿根 ― あなたがこの呪文を唱えたとき、あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードをX枚公開する。Xはあなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カードの枚数に等しい。あなたはその中から、点数で見たマナ・コストがX以下で緑のパーマネント・カード1枚を戦場に出してもよい。残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に無作為の順番で置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 蜘蛛"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454436,
                    "name": "부화장 거미",
                    "text": "대공\n지하생장 — 당신이 이 주문을 발동할 때, 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 X장을 공개한다. X는 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드의 수이다. 당신은 그 카드들 중에서 전환마나비용이 X 이하인 녹색 지속물 카드 한 장을 전장에 놓을 수 있다. 나머지 카드들은 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 거미"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454695,
                    "name": "Aranha do Chocadouro",
                    "text": "Alcance\nNecronutrimento — Quando conjurar esta mágica, revele os X cards do topo de seu grimório, sendo X o número de cards de criatura em seu cemitério. Você pode colocar no campo de batalha um card de permanente verde dentre eles com custo de mana convertido igual ou inferior a X. Coloque o restante no fundo de seu grimório em ordem aleatória.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Aranha"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454954,
                    "name": "Паук Гнездовища",
                    "text": "Захват\nТайный рост — Когда вы разыгрываете это заклинание, покажите X верхних карт вашей библиотеки, где X — количество карт существ на вашем кладбище. Вы можете положить на поле битвы находящуюся среди них карту зеленого перманента с конвертированной мана-стоимостью не более X. Положите остальные карты в низ вашей библиотеки в случайном порядке.",
                    "type": "Существо — Паук"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455213,
                    "name": "孵卵蜘蛛",
                    "text": "延势\n朽力~当你施放此咒语时,展示你牌库顶的X张牌,X为你坟墓场中的生物牌数量。你可以将其中一张总法术力费用等于或小于X的绿色永久物牌放进战场。将其余的牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。",
                    "type": "生物 ~蜘蛛"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455472,
                    "name": "孵卵蜘蛛",
                    "text": "延勢\n朽力~當你施放此咒語時,展示你牌庫頂的X張牌,X為你墳墓場中的生物牌數量。你可以將其中一張總魔法力費用等於或小於X的綠色永久物牌放進戰場。將其餘的牌以隨機順序置於你的牌庫底。",
                    "type": "生物 ~蜘蛛"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452882,
            "name": "Hatchery Spider",
            "number": "132",
            "originalText": "Reach\n<i>Undergrowth</i> — When you cast this spell, reveal the top X cards of your library, where X is the number of creature cards in your graveyard. You may put a green permanent card with converted mana cost X or less from among them onto the battlefield. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Spider",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Hatchery Spider’s ability triggers as you cast it, and that ability resolves before the spell itself. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card in your library has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A land card that produces green mana, even a Forest, normally has no color."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities."
            "scryfallId": "0b841904-202c-4b42-869a-e345112ab1c8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c3cd9a79-3948-45fe-a3e1-32f0034e3a3c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d1950094-2cc9-48ce-ae1a-0ae78ba252c1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176778,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Reach\nUndergrowth — When you cast this spell, reveal the top X cards of your library, where X is the number of creature cards in your graveyard. You may put a green permanent card with converted mana cost X or less from among them onto the battlefield. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "toughness": "7",
            "type": "Creature — Spider",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "de0c5fce-0801-58b9-a422-713eb4a1895b",
            "uuidV421": "6e3002fb-58bd-5bba-83e6-1ed19d3cc28e",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Milivoj Ćeran",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "The wounded see the glow of its vials long before they see its wings diving out of the clouds.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Verwundeten sehen das Leuchten seiner Phiolen, lange bevor sie seine Schwingen durch die Wolken brechen sehen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453023,
                    "name": "Falke des Heilers",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Lebensverknüpfung",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vogel"
                    "flavorText": "Los malheridos ven el resplandor de sus viales mucho antes de que sus alas emerjan de entre las nubes.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453282,
                    "name": "Halcón de sanador",
                    "text": "Vuela, vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ave"
                    "flavorText": "Les blessés aperçoivent la lueur de ses fioles bien avant de voir ses ailes fendre les nuages.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453541,
                    "name": "Faucon de guérisseur",
                    "text": "Vol, lien de vie",
                    "type": "Créature : oiseau"
                    "flavorText": "I feriti scorgono il bagliore delle sue fiale molto prima di vederne le ali spuntare in picchiata dalle nuvole.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453800,
                    "name": "Falco del Guaritore",
                    "text": "Volare, legame vitale",
                    "type": "Creatura — Uccello"
                    "flavorText": "傷ついた者は、雲の中から舞い降りてくる翼に気付くよりもずっと先に、その小瓶の輝きに気付く。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454059,
                    "name": "癒し手の鷹",
                    "text": "飛行、絆魂",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 鳥"
                    "flavorText": "부상병들은 매들이 구름 속에서 급강하하기 전부터 그것들이 가지고 있는 약병에서 나는 빛을 본다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454318,
                    "name": "치유사의 매",
                    "text": "비행, 생명연결",
                    "type": "생물 — 조류"
                    "flavorText": "Os feridos veem a luminescência de seus frascos muito antes de verem as asas mergulhando das nuvens.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454577,
                    "name": "Falcão do Curandeiro",
                    "text": "Voar, vínculo com a vida",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ave"
                    "flavorText": "Раненые замечают сияние его флаконов задолго до того, как ястреб пикирует к ним из облаков.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454836,
                    "name": "Ястреб Целителя",
                    "text": "Полет, Цепь жизни",
                    "type": "Существо — Птица"
                    "flavorText": "伤员还未看到它自云中振翅现身,便已望见其所携药瓶反射的微光。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455095,
                    "name": "治疗师翔鹰",
                    "text": "飞行,系命",
                    "type": "生物 ~鸟"
                    "flavorText": "傷員還未看到牠自雲中振翅現身,便已望見其所攜藥瓶反射的微光。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455354,
                    "name": "治療師翔鷹",
                    "text": "飛行,繫命",
                    "type": "生物 ~鳥"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452764,
            "name": "Healer's Hawk",
            "number": "14",
            "originalText": "Flying, lifelink",
            "originalType": "Creature — Bird",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "3313bd5c-b657-47a3-822a-dd0d9165492a",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "28a52ba1-95da-44e1-8ac5-0dc23c902394",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175546,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, lifelink",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Bird",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e36db8d1-a725-5334-b44d-14923c58eb16",
            "uuidV421": "444f6450-2af2-5139-a701-1bcab9a9c8bc"
            "artist": "Johann Bodin",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"They play by spitting fire at each other. Don't be offended if one gives you a love-scorch.\"\n—Esfir, Rakdos dragon wrangler",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Sie bespucken sich spielerisch mit Feuer. Brandnarben sind also Zeugnis ihrer Zuneigung.\"\n—Esfir, Rakdos-Drachenzähmerin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453115,
                    "name": "Höllendrachen-Welpe",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nImmer wenn der Höllendrachen-Welpe angreift, fügt er einer Kreatur deiner Wahl, die der verteidigende Spieler kontrolliert, 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Drache"
                    "flavorText": "\"Juegan lanzándose llamaradas los unos a los otros. No te ofendas si alguno te chamusca, solo está siendo cariñoso\".\n—Esfir, domadora de dragones rakdos",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453374,
                    "name": "Cachorro de engendro",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nSiempre que el Cachorro de engendro ataque, hace 1 punto de daño a la criatura objetivo que controla el jugador defensor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dragón"
                    "flavorText": "« Ils se crachent du feu les uns sur les autres pour s'amuser. Ne vous offusquez pas si l'un d'eux vous brûle légèrement en signe d'affection. »\n—Esfir, dompteuse de dragon Rakdos",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453633,
                    "name": "Dragonnet escouflenfer",
                    "text": "Vol\nÀ chaque fois que le Dragonnet escouflenfer attaque, il inflige 1 blessure à une créature ciblée que le joueur défenseur contrôle.",
                    "type": "Créature : dragon"
                    "flavorText": "\"Giocano sputandosi fuoco addosso a vicenda. Non offenderti se ti danno una bruciatina affettuosa.\"\n—Esfir, domatrice di draghi Rakdos",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453892,
                    "name": "Piccolo di Nibbio Infernale",
                    "text": "Volare\nOgniqualvolta il Piccolo di Nibbio Infernale attacca, infligge 1 danno a una creatura bersaglio controllata dal giocatore in difesa.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Drago"
                    "flavorText": "「あの子たちは互いに火を吐いて遊ぶの。愛の焦げをもらっても、気を悪くしないでね。」\n――ラクドスのドラゴン番、エスフィール",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454151,
                    "name": "ヘルカイトの仔",
                    "text": "飛行\nヘルカイトの仔が攻撃するたび、防御プレイヤーがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とする。これはそれに1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ドラゴン"
                    "flavorText": "\"저 녀석들은 서로에게 불길을 토하며 놀지. 한 녀석이 널 홀랑 태워 놓아도 너무 마음 상하진 마, 애정 표현이니까.\"\n—락도스 용 조련사, 에스피르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454410,
                    "name": "새끼 지옥룡",
                    "text": "비행\n새끼 지옥룡이 공격할 때마다, 수비플레이어가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 새끼 지옥룡은 그 목표에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 용"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eles brincam de cuspir fogo uns nos outros. Não se ofenda se ele te der uma flambadinha afetuosa.\"\n— Esfir, peão de dragões Rakdos",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454669,
                    "name": "Filhote de Dragão Avérneo",
                    "text": "Voar\nToda vez que Filhote de Dragão Avérneo ataca, ele causa 1 ponto de dano à criatura alvo que o jogador defensor controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dragão"
                    "flavorText": "«Они плюются огнем друг в друга — это у них такая игра. Не обижайся, если они тебе от большой любви оставят ожоги».\n— Эсфирь, объездчица драконов Ракдосов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454928,
                    "name": "Детеныш Огненного Змея",
                    "text": "Полет\nКаждый раз, когда Детеныш Огненного Змея атакует, он наносит 1 повреждение целевому существу под контролем защищающегося игрока.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дракон"
                    "flavorText": "「它们平时就会相互吐火嬉闹。如果哪天有条龙向你喷出爱的火焰,可别觉得它恨你。」\n~拉铎司训龙师艾丝菲",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455187,
                    "name": "残虐者幼龙",
                    "text": "飞行\n每当残虐者幼龙攻击时,它对目标由防御牌手操控的生物造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~龙"
                    "flavorText": "「牠們平時就會相互吐火嬉鬧。如果哪天有條龍向你噴出愛的火焰,可別覺得牠恨你。」\n~拉鐸司訓龍師艾絲菲",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455446,
                    "name": "殘虐者幼龍",
                    "text": "飛行\n每當殘虐者幼龍攻擊時,它對目標由防禦玩家操控的生物造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~龍"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452856,
            "name": "Hellkite Whelp",
            "number": "106",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhenever Hellkite Whelp attacks, it deals 1 damage to target creature defending player controls.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Dragon",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature attacks a planeswalker, that planeswalker’s controller is the defending player."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Hellkite Whelp’s triggered ability can target only a creature controlled by the player it’s attacking. It can’t target a creature controlled by that player’s teammate."
            "scryfallId": "65e902e8-bbd5-40fe-a655-45d3d3bc9fde",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "1e92ec10-0b05-4d02-b530-ef7919bf2806",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a9b1dd4a-2eaf-4448-a767-da705d3ec32b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176910,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhenever Hellkite Whelp attacks, it deals 1 damage to target creature defending player controls.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Dragon",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "bbfeb69e-f89a-5ded-a14d-c9449f548eb5",
            "uuidV421": "0f9d562f-fb6d-5b02-aa11-d3694fccf936"
            "artist": "Joe Slucher",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"They don't even feel the cut. I'm ordering a drink in a nearby tavern before anyone notices something's wrong.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Sie fühlen den Schnitt nicht einmal. Ich bestelle mir ein Getränk in einer Taverne in der Nähe, bevor jemand etwas bemerkt.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453081,
                    "name": "Angeheuerte Giftmischerin",
                    "text": "Todesberührung",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Assassine"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ni siquiera sienten el corte. Yo ya estoy pidiendo otra copa en una taberna cercana antes de que nadie note que algo no va bien\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453340,
                    "name": "Envenenadora a sueldo",
                    "text": "Toque mortal.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Asesino humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Ils ne sentent même pas la lame. J'ai le temps de commander un verre dans une taverne du coin avant que quelqu'un ne remarque qu'il est arrivé quelque chose. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453599,
                    "name": "Empoisonneuse louée",
                    "text": "Contact mortel",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et assassin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non sentono neanche il taglio. Quando si rendono conto che qualcosa non va, sto già ordinando da bere in una taverna nei paraggi.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453858,
                    "name": "Avvelenatrice Assoldata",
                    "text": "Tocco letale",
                    "type": "Creatura — Assassino Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「自分が切られたことすら感じないわ。誰かが、何かが起きていると気付く前に、私は近所の酒場で一杯頼んでいるでしょうね。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454117,
                    "name": "雇われた毒殺者",
                    "text": "接死",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・暗殺者"
                    "flavorText": "\"그자들은 베였다는 것조차 느끼지 못해. 누군가 일이 잘못되었다는 걸 알아채기 전에 근처에 있는 주점에서 마실 것을 주문할 거야.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454376,
                    "name": "고용된 독살범",
                    "text": "치명타",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 암살자"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eles nem sentem o corte. Já estou pedindo uma bebida em uma taverna próxima antes de qualquer um perceber que há algo de errado.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454635,
                    "name": "Envenenadora de Aluguel",
                    "text": "Toque mortífero",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Assassino"
                    "flavorText": "«Они даже не чувствуют надрезов. Когда кто-то заподозрит неладное, я уже сижу за стаканом в ближайшей таверне».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454894,
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                    "flavorText": "「对方一点都不会觉得痛。等到有人发现出事的时候,我已经在附近酒馆喝上一杯了。」",
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                    "flavorText": "「對方一點都不會覺得痛。等到有人發現出事的時候,我已經在附近酒館喝上一杯了。」",
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                    "name": "僱傭投毒客",
                    "text": "死觸",
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            "flavorText": "Nearly invisible strands of web reach for beyond its lair to alert it of the approach of prey.",
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                    "flavorText": "Beinahe unsichtbare Fäden reichen weit aus ihrem Versteck hinaus und kündigen näherkommende Beute an.",
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                    "text": "Reichweite",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Spinne"
                    "flavorText": "Hebras casi invisibles de telaraña se extienden mucho más allá de su guarida para alertarla de que una presa se aproxima.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453401,
                    "name": "Reclusa garras curvas",
                    "text": "Alcance.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Araña"
                    "flavorText": "Les fils presque invisibles de sa toile s'étendent bien au-delà de son antre pour lui signaler l'approche d'une proie.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453660,
                    "name": "Recluse crochegriffe",
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                    "type": "Créature : araignée"
                    "flavorText": "Fili di ragnatela quasi invisibili si estendono dalla sua tana per avvisarlo dell'arrivo delle sue prede.",
                    "language": "Italian",
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                    "text": "Raggiungere",
                    "type": "Creatura — Ragno"
                    "flavorText": "ほとんど目に見えない蜘蛛の糸が巣から遠く離れたところまで伸びており、獲物の接近を知らせる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
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                    "flavorText": "거의 보이지 않는 실로 엮인 그물이 둥지 바깥 멀리까지 뻗어 먹이감이 다가오는 것을 알린다.",
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                    "multiverseId": 454437,
                    "name": "고리발 은둔거미",
                    "text": "대공",
                    "type": "생물 — 거미"
                    "flavorText": "Fios de teia praticamente invisíveis se prolongam muito além de seu covil para avisá-la da aproximação de presas.",
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                    "text": "Alcance",
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                    "flavorText": "Почти невидимые нити паутины тянутся далеко из его логова, сообщая о приближении добычи.",
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                    "flavorText": "一条条肉眼难见的蛛丝延伸至远离巢穴之处,提醒它有猎物靠近。",
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                    "flavorText": "一條條肉眼難見的蛛絲延伸至遠離巢穴之處,提醒牠有獵物靠近。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455473,
                    "name": "鉤爪隱士",
                    "text": "延勢",
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            "number": "133",
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            "text": "Reach (This creature can block creatures with flying.)",
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                    "name": "Gildenmagierin des Hauses",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl enttappt nicht während des nächsten Enttappsegments ihres Beherrschers.\n{2}{B}, {T}: Überwachen 2. (Schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453445,
                    "name": "Maga del gremio de la Casa",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: La criatura objetivo no se endereza durante el próximo paso de enderezar de su controlador.\n{2}{B}, {T}: Escruta 2. (Mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453704,
                    "name": "Ghildmage de la Maison",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T} : La créature ciblée ne se dégage pas pendant la prochaine étape de dégagement de son contrôleur.\n{2}{B}, {T} : Surveillez 2. (Regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453963,
                    "name": "Maga della Gilda della Casata",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: Una creatura bersaglio non STAPpa durante il prossimo STAP del suo controllore.\n{2}{B}, {T}: Sorveglia 2. (Guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454222,
                    "name": "家門のギルド魔道士",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}:クリーチャー1体を対象とする。そのクリーチャーは、それのコントローラーの次のアンタップ・ステップにアンタップしない。\n{2}{B}, {T}:諜報2を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454481,
                    "name": "가문 길드마도사",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 조종자의 다음 언탭단에 언탭되지 않는다.\n{2}{B}, {T}: 감시 2를 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454740,
                    "name": "Maga da Guilda da Casa",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: A criatura alvo não desvira durante a próxima etapa de desvirar de seu controlador.\n{2}{B}, {T}: Use vigiar 2. (Olhe os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454999,
                    "name": "Маг Гильдии Дома",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: целевое существо не разворачивается во время следующего шага разворота контролирующего его игрока.\n{2}{B}, {T}: используйте Слежку 2. (Посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455258,
                    "name": "会堂公会法师",
                    "text": "{1}{U},{T}:目标生物于其操控者的下一个重置步骤中不能重置。\n{2}{B},{T}:刺探2。(检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455517,
                    "name": "會堂公會法師",
                    "text": "{1}{U},{T}:目標生物於其操控者的下一個重置步驟中不能重置。\n{2}{B},{T}:刺探2。(檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
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            "manaCost": "{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452927,
            "name": "House Guildmage",
            "number": "177",
            "originalText": "{1}{U}, {T}: Target creature doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.\n{2}{B}, {T}: Surveil 2. <i>(Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "2",
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            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "House Guildmage’s first ability doesn’t tap the creature. It can target any creature, tapped or untapped. If that creature is already untapped at the beginning of its controller’s next untap step, the effect won’t do anything."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 176448,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: Target creature doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.\n{2}{B}, {T}: Surveil 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
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            "flavorText": "He ferried weapons, spells, exotic animals—but his most dangerous cargo was the truth.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Er beförderte Waffen, Zaubersprüche und exotische Tiere, doch sein gefährlichstes Gut war die Wahrheit.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453024,
                    "name": "Verfolgter Zeuge",
                    "text": "Wenn der Verfolgte Zeuge stirbt, erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen Soldat-Kreaturenspielstein mit Lebensverknüpfung.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch"
                    "flavorText": "Transportaba armas, hechizos, animales exóticos... pero lo más peligroso que portaba era la verdad.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453283,
                    "name": "Testigo perseguido",
                    "text": "Cuando el Testigo perseguido muera, crea una ficha de criatura Soldado blanca 1/1 con la habilidad de vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano"
                    "flavorText": "Il transportait des armes, des sorts, des animaux exotiques... mais sa marchandise la plus dangereuse était la vérité.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453542,
                    "name": "Témoin au rabais",
                    "text": "Quand le Témoin au rabais meurt, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche Soldat avec le lien de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain"
                    "flavorText": "Contrabbandava armi, magie e animali esotici, ma la merce più pericolosa era la verità.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453801,
                    "name": "Testimone Braccato",
                    "text": "Quando il Testimone Braccato muore, crea una pedina creatura Soldato 1/1 bianca con legame vitale.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Umano"
                    "flavorText": "その男は、武器でも魔法でも希少な生き物でも運んできたが、最も危険な荷は真実だった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454060,
                    "name": "追われる証人",
                    "text": "追われる証人が死亡したとき、絆魂を持つ白の1/1の兵士・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間"
                    "flavorText": "그는 무기와 주문, 희귀한 동물들을 운반했다—그러나 그의 가장 위험한 짐은 진실이었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454319,
                    "name": "쫓기는 증인",
                    "text": "쫓기는 증인이 죽을 때, 생명연결을 가진 1/1 백색 병사 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간"
                    "flavorText": "Ele transportava armas, mágicas, animais exóticos... mas sua carga mais valiosa era a verdade.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454578,
                    "name": "Testemunha Caçada",
                    "text": "Quando Testemunha Caçada morrer, crie uma ficha de criatura branca 1/1 do tipo Soldado com vínculo com a vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano"
                    "flavorText": "Он перевозил оружие, заклинания, экзотических зверей — но самым опасным грузом оказалась правда.",
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                    "name": "Загнанный Свидетель",
                    "text": "Когда Загнанный Свидетель умирает, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый Солдат с Цепью жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек"
                    "flavorText": "他经手送过各种货物~武器、咒语、异兽~但其中最危险的还是真相。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455096,
                    "name": "遭缉见证人",
                    "text": "当遭缉见证人死去时,派出一个1/1白色,具系命异能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类"
                    "flavorText": "他經手送過各種貨物~武器、咒語、異獸~但其中最危險的還是真相。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455355,
                    "name": "遭緝見證人",
                    "text": "當遭緝見證人死去時,派出一個1/1白色,具繫命異能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{W}",
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            "name": "Hunted Witness",
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            "number": "15",
            "originalText": "When Hunted Witness dies, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176725,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Hunted Witness dies, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human",
            "types": [
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            "artist": "Chris Seaman",
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            "flavorText": "\"It's like blowing up an arcane library in a thermobaric explosion. But in a good way.\"\n—Bori Andon, Izzet blastseeker",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Es ist so, als würde man eine arkane Bibliothek mit einer thermobarischen Explosion in die Luft sprengen. Aber auf die gute Art.\"\n—Bori Andon, Izzet-Explosionssucher",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453187,
                    "name": "Hypothesifizieren",
                    "text": "Ziehe zwei Karten. Dann kannst du eine Karte, die kein Land ist, abwerfen. Wenn du dies tust, fügt Hypothesifizieren einer Kreatur deiner Wahl 4 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Es como volar una biblioteca arcana con una explosión termobárica. Pero en el buen sentido\".\n—Bori Andon, buscarráfagas ízzet",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453446,
                    "name": "Crepitótesis",
                    "text": "Roba dos cartas. Luego, puedes descartar una carta que no sea tierra. Cuando lo hagas, la Crepitótesis hace 4 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« C'est un peu comme faire exploser une bibliothèque ésotérique dans une déflagration thermobarique. Mais en bien. »\n—Bori Andon, chercheur de déflagration d'Izzet",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453705,
                    "name": "Grésipothèse",
                    "text": "Piochez deux cartes. Vous pouvez ensuite vous défausser d'une carte non-terrain. Quand vous faites ainsi, la Grésipothèse inflige 4 blessures à une créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"È come far saltare in aria una biblioteca arcana con un'esplosione termobarica. Ma in senso buono.\"\n—Bori Andon, cercatore esplosivo Izzet",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453964,
                    "name": "Ipotesi Scottante",
                    "text": "Pesca due carte. Poi puoi scartare una carta non terra. Quando lo fai, l'Ipotesi Scottante infligge 4 danni a una creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「気化爆発で秘儀の書庫を爆破するようなものだ。ただし、いい意味でだ。」\n――イゼットの爆風追い、ボーリ・アンダーン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454223,
                    "name": "高熱仮説",
                    "text": "カードを2枚引く。その後あなたは土地でないカード1枚を捨ててもよい。そうしたとき、クリーチャー1体を対象とする。高熱仮説はそれに4点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"그건 마치 비술 서가를 열기압 폭발로 날려버리는 것 같지. 좋은 쪽으로 말이야.\"\n—이젯 폭발추적자, 보리 안돈",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454482,
                    "name": "불태우는 가설",
                    "text": "카드 두 장을 뽑는다. 그 후 당신은 대지가 아닌 카드 한 장을 버릴 수 있다. 그렇게 할 때, 생물을 목표로 정한다. 불태우는 가설은 그 생물에게 피해 4점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"É como mandar uma biblioteca arcana pelos ares com uma explosão termobárica. Mas no bom sentido.\"\n— Bori Andon, buscador de explosão Izzet",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454741,
                    "name": "Hipótese Fulminante",
                    "text": "Compre dois cards. Em seguida, você pode descartar um card que não seja um terreno. Quando você faz isso, Hipótese Fulminante causa 4 pontos de dano à criatura alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Это все равно, что спалить библиотеку с волшебными фолиантами в термобарическом взрыве. Но в хорошем смысле».\n— Бори Андан, иззетский взрывоискатель",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455000,
                    "name": "Жгучая Гипотеза",
                    "text": "Возьмите две карты. Затем вы можете сбросить карту, не являющуюся землей. Когда вы это делаете, Жгучая Гипотеза наносит 4 повреждения целевому существу.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「就像是在热压爆炸中把奥术图书馆炸飞了一样。不过结果是好的那种。」\n~伊捷觅爆师波力安东",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455259,
                    "name": "破颅假想",
                    "text": "抓两张牌。然后你可以弃一张非地牌。当你如此作时,破颅假想对目标生物造成4点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「就像是在熱壓爆炸中把奧術圖書館炸飛了一樣。不過結果是好的那種。」\n~伊捷覓爆師波力安東",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455518,
                    "name": "破顱假想",
                    "text": "抽兩張牌。然後你可以棄一張非地牌。當你如此作時,破顱假想對目標生物造成4點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452928,
            "name": "Hypothesizzle",
            "number": "178",
            "originalText": "Draw two cards. Then you may discard a nonland card. When you do, Hypothesizzle deals 4 damage to target creature.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Hypothesizzle goes on the stack without a target. While that spell is resolving, you may discard a card. When you do, the reflexive triggered ability triggers and you pick a target creature to be dealt damage. This is different from effects that say “If you do . . .” in that you choose the target after having drawn two cards."
            "scryfallId": "d5690329-feb8-49c0-8f59-ee13782e8d3b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "94f5e3e1-e311-4be5-8c8e-e501b70a67a7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e4e6cb61-f673-4f36-b95c-c84a68459503",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175584,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Draw two cards. Then you may discard a nonland card. When you do, Hypothesizzle deals 4 damage to target creature.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d2c595fe-5ebf-5c2c-b934-b677b4f931ae",
            "uuidV421": "f95dad6d-c352-5972-bfc5-323e05b7ceb6",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Simon Dominic",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 10.0,
            "flavorText": "The ultimate answer to intrigue and subtlety.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die ultimative Antwort auf Intrigen und Raffinesse.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 455627,
                    "name": "Gepanzerter Riesenwurm",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nUnzerstörbar",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Wurm"
                    "flavorText": "La respuesta definitiva a todas las intrigas y sutilezas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 455641,
                    "name": "Megasierpe imperturbable",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nIndestructible.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sierpe"
                    "flavorText": "La réponse ultime à la conspiration et à la subtilité.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 455655,
                    "name": "Grande guivre intouchable",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nIndestructible",
                    "type": "Créature : guivre"
                    "flavorText": "La risposta definitiva a intrighi e sotterfugi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 455669,
                    "name": "Wurm Maggiore Inattaccabile",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nIndistruttibile",
                    "type": "Creatura — Wurm"
                    "flavorText": "陰謀と巧妙さに対する究極解。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 455683,
                    "name": "動じない大ワーム",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\n破壊不能",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ワーム"
                    "flavorText": "은밀함과 미묘함에 대한 궁극의 해답이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 455697,
                    "name": "둔감한 거대웜",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n무적",
                    "type": "생물 — 웜"
                    "flavorText": "A resposta suprema à intriga e aos subterfúgios.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 455711,
                    "name": "Megavorme Impérvio",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nIndestrutível",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vorme"
                    "flavorText": "Окончательный ответ на интриги и утонченное коварство.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455725,
                    "name": "Неуязвимый Вурм-Исполин",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nНеразрушимость",
                    "type": "Существо — Вурм"
                    "flavorText": "阴谋诡计的终极克星。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455739,
                    "name": "无畏庞巨亚龙",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n不灭",
                    "type": "生物 ~亚龙"
                    "flavorText": "陰謀詭計的終極剋星。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455753,
                    "name": "無畏龐巨亞龍",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n不滅",
                    "type": "生物 ~亞龍"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": false,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{7}{G}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 455613,
            "name": "Impervious Greatwurm",
            "number": "273",
            "originalText": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)\nIndestructible",
            "originalType": "Creature — Wurm",
            "power": "16",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "f5e6dc5f-fd83-4166-a5da-cd953722642a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "eab94cb2-c2e3-416c-ab60-25a0d6e97909",
            "scryfallOracleId": "65c0ab05-e740-4380-b39c-8bae9662f885",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175210,
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)\nIndestructible",
            "toughness": "16",
            "type": "Creature — Wurm",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2dd0da3d-0df8-5ba1-9fb3-378525d5804d",
            "uuidV421": "22ee11d5-994a-59a2-8503-d83137f93e78",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Steve Argyle",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The Izzet are blamed for every little disaster, which is unfair because we only cause most of them.\"\n— Mizzix of the Izmagnus",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Den Izzet wird die Schuld an jedem kleinen Desaster gegeben, was nicht fair ist, weil wir nur die meisten davon verursachen.\"\n—Mizzix vom Izmagnus",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453116,
                    "name": "Unentrinnbares Inferno",
                    "text": "Dieser Zauberspruch kann nicht neutralisiert werden.\nDas Unentrinnbare Inferno fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl 6 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"A los ízzet nos culpan de todos los desastrillos que ocurren, lo cual es muy injusto porque solo causamos la mayoría\".\n—Mízzix de los izmagnus",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453375,
                    "name": "Llamarada ineludible",
                    "text": "Este hechizo no puede ser contrarrestado.\nLa Llamarada ineludible hace 6 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« La Ligue d'Izzet est montrée du doigt pour toutes les petites catastrophes, mais c'est injuste car nous n'en causons qu'une majeure partie. »\n—Mizzix de l'Izmagnus",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453634,
                    "name": "Brasier incontournable",
                    "text": "Ce sort ne peut pas être contrecarré.\nLe Brasier incontournable inflige 6 blessures à n'importe quelle cible.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Noi Izzet veniamo incolpati per ogni minimo disastro. Lo trovo ingiusto: siamo responsabili solo della maggior parte di essi.\"\n—Mizzix degli Izmagnus",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453893,
                    "name": "Fiammata Inevitabile",
                    "text": "Questa magia non può essere neutralizzata.\nLa Fiammata Inevitabile infligge 6 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「ちょっとした災害が起こると必ずイゼット団が非難されるけど、ひどい話だわ。私たちはその大半を起こしているだけなのに。」\n――イズマグナスのミジックス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454152,
                    "name": "逃れ得ぬ猛火",
                    "text": "この呪文は打ち消されない。\nクリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。逃れ得ぬ猛火はそれに6点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"이젯은 사소한 사건이 있을 때마다 매번 비난받는데, 그중 일부는 우리가 한 게 아니기에 이는 매우 불공평한 처사다.\"\n—이즈마그누스 미직스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454411,
                    "name": "피할 수 없는 불길",
                    "text": "이 주문은 무효화될 수 없다.\n원하는 목표를 정한다. 피할 수 없는 불길은 그 목표에게 피해 6점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os Izzet levam a culpa por todos os desastres, o que é injusto, já que só causamos a maioria.\"\n— Mizzix dos Izmagnus",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454670,
                    "name": "Labareda Inescapável",
                    "text": "Esta mágica não pode ser anulada.\nLabareda Inescapável causa 6 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Случись какая-нибудь катастрофа — тут же винят Иззетов. Это несправедливо, ведь мы повинны только в большей их части».\n— Миззикс из Измагнусов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454929,
                    "name": "Неумолимая Вспышка",
                    "text": "Это заклинание не может быть отменено.\nНеумолимая Вспышка наносит 6 повреждений любой цели.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「他们每场小灾难都要拿我们伊捷是问,这太不公平了,又不是全部都是我们造成的。」\n~伊捷首法师米捷兹",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455188,
                    "name": "定劫烈焰",
                    "text": "此咒语不能被反击。\n定劫烈焰对任意一个目标造成6点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「他們每場小災難都要拿我們伊捷是問,這太不公平了,又不是全部都是我們造成的。」\n~伊捷首法師米捷茲",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455447,
                    "name": "定劫烈焰",
                    "text": "此咒語不能被反擊。\n定劫烈焰對任意一個目標造成6點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452857,
            "name": "Inescapable Blaze",
            "number": "107",
            "originalText": "This spell can't be countered.\nInescapable Blaze deals 6 damage to any target.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "46651efd-0906-4350-a1b8-52e3f8aff45d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "786a0ad2-0082-4d99-beee-07865a64df07",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5fcc057e-e6c2-4e37-a786-9a5ef94926e1",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176686,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "This spell can't be countered.\nInescapable Blaze deals 6 damage to any target.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5209703d-53e7-52a2-a7c9-f0346c100c5c",
            "uuidV421": "8b84b5ff-7a03-5f8d-9a49-3d2aa75d5b37"
            "artist": "Even Amundsen",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "There are two lives: The life you live before you see a unicorn, and the life you live after.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Es gibt zwei Leben: das Leben, welches du lebst, bevor du ein Einhorn erblickst, und das Leben danach.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453025,
                    "name": "Inspirierendes Einhorn",
                    "text": "Immer wenn das Inspirierende Einhorn angreift, erhalten Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Einhorn"
                    "flavorText": "Existen dos vidas: la de antes de ver un unicornio, y la que vives después.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453284,
                    "name": "Unicornio inspirador",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Unicornio inspirador ataque, las criaturas que controlas obtienen +1/+1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Unicornio"
                    "flavorText": "Nous avons deux vies : celle que l'on vit avant d'avoir vu une licorne, et celle que l'on vit ensuite.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453543,
                    "name": "Licorne inspiratrice",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que la Licorne inspiratrice attaque, les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : licorne"
                    "flavorText": "Esistono due tipi di vita: quella che conducevi prima di vedere un unicorno, e quella che vivrai dopo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453802,
                    "name": "Unicorno Ispiratore",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta l'Unicorno Ispiratore attacca, le creature che controlli prendono +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Unicorno"
                    "flavorText": "人生には二種類ある。一角獣を見る前の人生と、見た後の人生だ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454061,
                    "name": "鼓舞する一角獣",
                    "text": "鼓舞する一角獣が攻撃するたび、ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ユニコーン"
                    "flavorText": "삶에는 두 종류가 있다: 유니콘을 보기 전의 삶, 보고 난 후의 삶.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454320,
                    "name": "격려하는 유니콘",
                    "text": "격려하는 유니콘이 공격할 때마다, 당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 유니콘"
                    "flavorText": "Há duas vidas: a que você vive antes de ver um unicórnio e a que você vive depois.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454579,
                    "name": "Unicórnio Inspirador",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Unicórnio Inspirador ataca, as criaturas que você controla recebem +1/+1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Unicórnio"
                    "flavorText": "Есть две жизни: та, что была до встречи с единорогом, и та, что начинается после.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454838,
                    "name": "Вдохновляющий Единорог",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Вдохновляющий Единорог атакует, существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Единорог"
                    "flavorText": "生活分两段:见过独角兽之前,和见过独角兽之后的。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455097,
                    "name": "振奋独角兽",
                    "text": "每当振奋独角兽攻击时,由你操控的生物得+1/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~独角兽"
                    "flavorText": "生活分兩段:見過獨角獸之前,和見過獨角獸之後的。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455356,
                    "name": "振奮獨角獸",
                    "text": "每當振奮獨角獸攻擊時,由你操控的生物得+1/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~獨角獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{2}{W}{W}",
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            "name": "Inspiring Unicorn",
            "number": "16",
            "originalText": "Whenever Inspiring Unicorn attacks, creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Unicorn",
            "power": "2",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176880,
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            "text": "Whenever Inspiring Unicorn attacks, creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.",
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            "type": "Creature — Unicorn",
            "types": [
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                    "name": "Intervention",
                    "text": "Die Intervention fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl 3 Schadenspunkte zu und du erhältst 3 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453495,
                    "name": "Intervención",
                    "text": "La Intervención hace 3 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo y tú ganas 3 vidas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453754,
                    "name": "Interposition",
                    "text": "L'Interposition inflige 3 blessures à n'importe quelle cible et vous gagnez 3 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454013,
                    "name": "Intervento",
                    "text": "L'Intervento infligge 3 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio e tu guadagni 3 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454272,
                    "name": "間隙",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。間隙はそれに3点のダメージを与え、あなたは3点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454531,
                    "name": "개입",
                    "text": "원하는 목표를 정한다. 개입은 그 목표에게 피해 3점을 입히고 당신은 생명 3점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454790,
                    "name": "Intervenção",
                    "text": "Intervenção causa 3 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo e você ganha 3 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455049,
                    "name": "Прерывание",
                    "text": "Прерывание наносит 3 повреждения любой цели, а вы получаете 3 жизни.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455308,
                    "name": "致善",
                    "text": "致善对任意一个目标造成3点伤害,且你获得3点生命。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455567,
                    "name": "致善",
                    "text": "致善對任意一個目標造成3點傷害,且你獲得3點生命。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "manaCost": "{2}{R}{W}",
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            "number": "227",
            "originalText": "Intervention deals 3 damage to any target and you gain 3 life.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the chosen target is an illegal target by the time Intervention tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t gain 3 life."
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            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d0925ff9-0837-4934-b3d9-c62fdcb3be78",
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            "text": "Intervention deals 3 damage to any target and you gain 3 life.",
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            "types": [
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                    "name": "Integrität",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +2/+2 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453495,
                    "name": "Integridad",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +2/+2 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453754,
                    "name": "Intégrité",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +2/+2 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454013,
                    "name": "Integrità",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +2/+2 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454272,
                    "name": "完全",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+2/+2の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454531,
                    "name": "무결",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +2/+2를 받는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454790,
                    "name": "Integridade",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +2/+2 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455049,
                    "name": "Полнота",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +2/+2 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455308,
                    "name": "致全",
                    "text": "目标生物得+2/+2直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455567,
                    "name": "致全",
                    "text": "目標生物得+2/+2直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the chosen target is an illegal target by the time Intervention tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t gain 3 life."
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            "flavorText": "Good at carrying things. Really good at knocking them down.",
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                    "flavorText": "Gut darin, Sachen zu tragen. Noch besser darin, Sachen umzuwerfen.",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Aufdringliche Packbestie",
                    "text": "Wachsamkeit\nWenn die Aufdringliche Packbestie ins Spiel kommt, tappe bis zu zwei Kreaturen deiner Wahl, die deine Gegner kontrollieren.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bestie"
                    "flavorText": "Se le da bien llevar cosas, pero se le da mucho mejor tirarlas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453285,
                    "name": "Bestia de carga indiscreta",
                    "text": "Vigilancia.\nCuando la Bestia de carga indiscreta entre al campo de batalla, gira hasta dos criaturas objetivo que controlan tus oponentes.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "Efficace pour transporter des marchandises. Très efficace pour les renverser.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453544,
                    "name": "Bête de somme envahissante",
                    "text": "Vigilance\nQuand la Bête de somme envahissante arrive sur le champ de bataille, engagez jusqu'à deux créatures ciblées que vos adversaires contrôlent.",
                    "type": "Créature : bête"
                    "flavorText": "Adatta a trasportare carichi, eccellente per sbatterli al suolo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453803,
                    "name": "Bestia da Soma Invadente",
                    "text": "Cautela\nQuando la Bestia da Soma Invadente entra nel campo di battaglia, TAPpa fino a due creature bersaglio controllate dai tuoi avversari.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "物を運ぶのは得意。倒すのはもっと得意。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454062,
                    "name": "押し入る荷役獣",
                    "text": "警戒\n押し入る荷役獣が戦場に出たとき、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー最大2体を対象とし、それらをタップする。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ビースト"
                    "flavorText": "물건들을 나르는 것을 잘 한다. 그것들을 쓰러뜨리는 것은 아주 잘 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454321,
                    "name": "거침없는 등짐야수",
                    "text": "경계\n거침없는 등짐야수가 전장에 들어올 때, 상대가 조종하는 생물을 최대 두 개까지 목표로 정한다. 그 생물들을 탭한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 야수"
                    "flavorText": "Boa em carregar as coisas. Muito boa em derrubar as coisas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454580,
                    "name": "Besta de Carga Invasiva",
                    "text": "Vigilância\nQuando Besta de Carga Invasiva entrar no campo de batalha, vire até duas criaturas alvo que seus oponentes controlam.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Besta"
                    "flavorText": "Он хорошо приспособлен таскать тяжелые вещи, но еще лучше — валить их на землю.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454839,
                    "name": "Непослушный Тяжеловоз",
                    "text": "Бдительность\nКогда Непослушный Тяжеловоз выходит на поле битвы, поверните не более двух целевых существ под контролем ваших оппонентов.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зверь"
                    "flavorText": "善于驮载货物。更善于弄翻载荷。",
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                    "multiverseId": 455098,
                    "name": "莽闯驮兽",
                    "text": "警戒\n当莽闯驮兽进战场时,横置至多两个目标由对手操控的生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野兽"
                    "flavorText": "善於馱載貨物。更善於弄翻載荷。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455357,
                    "name": "莽闖馱獸",
                    "text": "警戒\n當莽闖馱獸進戰場時,橫置至多兩個目標由對手操控的生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野獸"
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            "name": "Intrusive Packbeast",
            "number": "17",
            "originalText": "Vigilance\nWhen Intrusive Packbeast enters the battlefield, tap up to two target creatures your opponents control.",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176883,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Vigilance\nWhen Intrusive Packbeast enters the battlefield, tap up to two target creatures your opponents control.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Beast",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7e024d29-2018-556a-bcfe-175e8fb9ff1a",
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                    "name": "Erfinden",
                    "text": "Durchsuche deine Bibliothek nach einer Spontanzauber- und/oder einer Hexerei-Karte, zeige sie offen vor, nimm sie auf deine Hand und mische dann deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453496,
                    "name": "Invent",
                    "text": "Busca en tu biblioteca una carta de instantáneo y/o una de conjuro, muéstralas, ponlas en tu mano y luego baraja tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453755,
                    "name": "Invention",
                    "text": "Cherchez dans votre bibliothèque une carte d'éphémère et/ou de rituel, révélez-les, mettez-les dans votre main et mélangez ensuite votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454014,
                    "name": "Inventare",
                    "text": "Passa in rassegna il tuo grimorio per una carta istantaneo e/o una carta stregoneria, rivelale e aggiungile alla tua mano, poi rimescola il tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454273,
                    "name": "観点",
                    "text": "あなたのライブラリーからインスタント・カード最大1枚とソーサリー・カード最大1枚を探し、公開してあなたの手札に加え、その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454532,
                    "name": "발명",
                    "text": "당신의 서고에서 순간마법 카드 한 장 및/또는 집중마법 카드 한 장을 찾아 공개하고, 당신의 손으로 가져간 후, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454791,
                    "name": "Inventar",
                    "text": "Procure em seu grimório um card de mágica instantânea e/ou um card de feitiço, revele-o, coloque-o em sua mão e depois embaralhe seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455050,
                    "name": "Изобретение",
                    "text": "Найдите в вашей библиотеке карту мгновенного заклинания и (или) карту волшебства, покажите их, положите их в вашу руку, затем перетасуйте вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455309,
                    "name": "翻新",
                    "text": "从你的牌库中搜寻一张瞬间和/或一张法术牌,展示这些牌,将它们置于你手上,然后将你的牌库洗牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455568,
                    "name": "翻新",
                    "text": "從你的牌庫中搜尋一張瞬間和/或一張巫術牌,展示這些牌,將它們置於你手上,然後將你的牌庫洗牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "layout": "split",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{U}{R}",
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            "name": "Invent",
            "names": [
            "number": "228",
            "originalText": "Search your library for an instant card and/or a sorcery card, reveal them, put them into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-09-12",
                    "text": "Invert has received 0-day errata to clarify that the effect lasts only until end of turn. For more information see"
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you chose two targets, Invert switches the power and toughness of one creature and it switches the power and toughness of another creature. It doesn’t switch one creature’s power with another creature’s power."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Effects that switch a creature’s power and toughness apply after all other effects, regardless of when those effects began to apply. For instance, if you cast Invert targeting a 1/2 creature then give it +2/+0 later in the turn, it’s a 2/3 creature, not a 4/1 creature."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "While resolving Invent, you could put no cards, an instant card, a sorcery card, or an instant card and a sorcery card into your hand."
            "scryfallId": "054a4e4f-8baa-41cf-b24c-d068e8b9a070",
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            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176560,
            "text": "Search your library for an instant card and/or a sorcery card, reveal them, put them into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
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                    "name": "Ersetzen",
                    "text": "Vertausche jeweils Stärke und Widerstandskraft von bis zu zwei Kreaturen deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453496,
                    "name": "Invert",
                    "text": "Intercambia la fuerza y la resistencia de cada una de hasta dos criaturas objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo // Invento"
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                    "multiverseId": 453755,
                    "name": "Inversion",
                    "text": "Ciblez jusqu'à deux créatures. Échangez la force et l'endurance de chacune d'elles.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
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                    "name": "Invertire",
                    "text": "Scegli fino a due creature bersaglio. Scambia forza e costituzione di ciascuna di quelle creature.",
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                    "name": "反転",
                    "text": "クリーチャー最大2体を対象とし、それらそれぞれについてパワーとタフネスを入れ替える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454532,
                    "name": "도치",
                    "text": "생물을 최대 두 개까지 목표로 정한다. 그 생물들의 공격력과 방어력을 뒤바꾼다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
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                    "name": "Inverter",
                    "text": "Permute o poder e a resistência de cada uma de até duas criaturas alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
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                    "name": "Инверсия",
                    "text": "Поменяйте местами силу и выносливость каждого из не более двух целевых существ.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455309,
                    "name": "翻转",
                    "text": "将至多两个目标生物各自的力量与防御力互换。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455568,
                    "name": "翻轉",
                    "text": "將至多兩個目標生物各自的力量與防禦力互換。",
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            "originalText": "Switch the power and toughness of each of up to two target creatures.",
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            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-09-12",
                    "text": "Invert has received 0-day errata to clarify that the effect lasts only until end of turn. For more information see"
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you chose two targets, Invert switches the power and toughness of one creature and it switches the power and toughness of another creature. It doesn’t switch one creature’s power with another creature’s power."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Effects that switch a creature’s power and toughness apply after all other effects, regardless of when those effects began to apply. For instance, if you cast Invert targeting a 1/2 creature then give it +2/+0 later in the turn, it’s a 2/3 creature, not a 4/1 creature."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "While resolving Invent, you could put no cards, an instant card, a sorcery card, or an instant card and a sorcery card into your hand."
            "scryfallId": "054a4e4f-8baa-41cf-b24c-d068e8b9a070",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "9a378964-2c04-4d60-a905-c819d37ed4c3",
            "side": "a",
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            "supertypes": [],
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            "text": "Switch the power and toughness of each of up to two target creatures until end of turn.",
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            "flavorText": "\"Countermagic is a simple process of breaking matter into its elementary particles.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Neutralisierungsmagie ist ein simpler Prozess, in dem Materie in seine Elementarteilchen zersetzt wird.\"",
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                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"La contramagia es el sencillo proceso de fragmentar la materia en sus partículas elementales\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
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                    "name": "Ionizar",
                    "text": "Contrarresta el hechizo objetivo. Ionizar hace 2 puntos de daño al controlador de ese hechizo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« La contremagie est un procédé simple qui consiste à décomposer la matière en ses particules élémentaires. »",
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                    "name": "Ionisation",
                    "text": "Contrecarrez le sort ciblé. L'ionisation inflige 2 blessures au contrôleur de ce sort.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"La contromagia è un semplice processo che consiste nel ridurre la materia alle sue particelle elementari.\"",
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                    "text": "Neutralizza una magia bersaglio. Ionizzare infligge 2 danni al controllore di quella magia.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「対抗魔法とは物質を素粒子に分解する単純な処理だ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454224,
                    "name": "イオン化",
                    "text": "呪文1つを対象とし、それを打ち消す。イオン化はその呪文のコントローラーに2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"무효화 주문은 물질을 기본적인 원소들로 분해하는 간단한 과정이지.\"",
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                    "name": "이온화",
                    "text": "주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문을 무효화한다. 이온화는 그 주문의 조종자에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"A contramágica é um processo simples de quebrar a matéria em suas partículas elementares.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454742,
                    "name": "Ionizar",
                    "text": "Anule a mágica alvo. Ionizar causa 2 pontos de dano ao controlador daquela mágica.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Отмена заклинания — это простой процесс распыления материи на элементарные частицы».",
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                    "multiverseId": 455001,
                    "name": "Ионизация",
                    "text": "Отмените целевое заклинание. Ионизация наносит 2 повреждения игроку, контролирующему то заклинание.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「反击魔法是将物质碎散成基本粒子的简单过程。」",
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                    "multiverseId": 455260,
                    "name": "电离化",
                    "text": "反击目标咒语。电离化对该咒语的操控者造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「反擊魔法是將物質碎散成基本粒子的簡單過程。」",
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                    "multiverseId": 455519,
                    "name": "電離化",
                    "text": "反擊目標咒語。電離化對該咒語的操控者造成2點傷害。",
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            "originalText": "Counter target spell. Ionize deals 2 damage to that spell's controller.",
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                    "text": "Wenn der Eisenhaut-Käfer ins Spiel kommt, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine Kreatur deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Insekt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Por favor, no den de comer a los escarabajos\".\n—Señal de advertencia del paseo",
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                    "text": "Cuando el Escarabajo caparazón férreo entre al campo de batalla, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Insecto"
                    "flavorText": "« Merci de ne pas nourrir les insectes. »\n—Panneau de la Promenade",
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                    "name": "Scarabée à carapace de fer",
                    "text": "Quand le Scarabée à carapace de fer arrive sur le champ de bataille, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur la créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Créature : insecte"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vietato nutrire gli scarabei.\"\n—Cartello di avviso sulla Passeggiata",
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                    "name": "Scarabeo Guscio di Ferro",
                    "text": "Quando lo Scarabeo Guscio di Ferro entra nel campo di battaglia, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Insetto"
                    "flavorText": "「甲虫にエサを与えないでください。」\n――遊歩道の警告表示",
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                    "text": "鋼胴の甲虫が戦場に出たとき、クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 昆虫"
                    "flavorText": "\"풍뎅이들에게 먹이를 주지 마시오.\"\n —산책로 경고문",
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                    "type": "생물 — 곤충"
                    "flavorText": "\"Favor não alimentar os besouros.\"\n— Aviso no Passeio",
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                    "text": "Quando Besouro da Carapaça de Ferro entrar no campo de batalha, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura alvo.",
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                    "flavorText": "«Жуков не кормить».\n— предупреждающий знак на Дороге",
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                    "type": "Существо — Насекомое"
                    "flavorText": "「禁止喂食甲虫。」\n~步道警示牌",
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                    "text": "当铁壳甲虫进战场时,在目标生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆虫"
                    "flavorText": "「禁止餵食甲蟲。」\n~步道警示牌",
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                    "text": "當鐵殼甲蟲進戰場時,在目標生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
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                    "multiverseId": 453189,
                    "name": "Izoni Tausendauge",
                    "text": "Totenwelt — Wenn Izoni Tausendauge ins Spiel kommt, erzeuge für jede Kreaturenkarte in deinem Friedhof einen 1/1 schwarzen und grünen Insekt-Kreaturenspielstein.\n{B}{G}, opfere eine andere Kreatur: Du erhältst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu und ziehst eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Elf, Schamane"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453448,
                    "name": "Izoni, la del Millar de Ojos",
                    "text": "Despojos — Cuando Izoni, la del Millar de Ojos entre al campo de batalla, crea una ficha de criatura Insecto negra y verde 1/1 por cada carta de criatura en tu cementerio.\n{B}{G}, sacrificar otra criatura: Ganas 1 vida y robas una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Chamán elfo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453707,
                    "name": "Izoni aux Mille Yeux",
                    "text": "Maquis — Quand Izoni aux Mille Yeux arrive sur le champ de bataille, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 noire et verte Insecte pour chaque carte de créature dans votre cimetière.\n{B}{G}, sacrifiez une autre créature : Vous gagnez 1 point de vie et vous piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : elfe et shamane"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453966,
                    "name": "Izoni, dai Mille Occhi",
                    "text": "Crescita sotterranea — Quando Izoni, dai Mille Occhi entra nel campo di battaglia, crea una pedina creatura Insetto 1/1 nera e verde per ogni carta creatura nel tuo cimitero.\n{B}{G}, Sacrifica un'altra creatura: Guadagni 1 punto vita e peschi una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Sciamano Elfo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454225,
                    "name": "千の目、アイゾーニ",
                    "text": "宿根 ― 千の目、アイゾーニが戦場に出たとき、あなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カード1枚につき、黒であり緑である1/1の昆虫・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。\n{B}{G}, 他のクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる:あなたは1点のライフを得てカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — エルフ・シャーマン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454484,
                    "name": "천 개의 눈을 가진 자, 아이조니",
                    "text": "지하생장 — 천 개의 눈을 가진 자, 아이조니가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드 한 장당 1/1 흑색 및 녹색 곤충 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.\n{B}{G}, 다른 생물 한 개를 희생한다: 당신은 생명 1점을 얻고 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 엘프 주술사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454743,
                    "name": "Izoni dos Mil Olhos",
                    "text": "Necronutrimento — Quando Izoni dos Mil Olhos entrar no campo de batalha, crie uma ficha de criatura preta e verde 1/1 do tipo Inseto para cada card de criatura em seu cemitério.\n{B}{G}, sacrifique outra criatura: Você ganha 1 ponto de vida e compra um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Elfo Xamã"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455002,
                    "name": "Изони, Тысячеглазая",
                    "text": "Тайный рост — Когда Изони, Тысячеглазая выходит на поле битвы, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 черное и зеленое Насекомое за каждую карту существа на вашем кладбище.\n{B}{G}, пожертвуйте другое существо: вы получаете 1 жизнь и берете карту.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Эльф Шаман"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455261,
                    "name": "千目依佐妮",
                    "text": "朽力~当千目依佐妮进战场时,你坟墓场中每有一张生物牌,便派出一个1/1,黑绿双色的昆虫衍生生物。\n{B}{G},牺牲另一个生物:你获得1点生命且抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~妖精/祭师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455520,
                    "name": "千目依佐妮",
                    "text": "朽力~當千目依佐妮進戰場時,你墳墓場中每有一張生物牌,便派出一個1/1,黑綠雙色的昆蟲衍生生物。\n{B}{G},犧牲另一個生物:你獲得1點生命且抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~妖精/祭師"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{B}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452930,
            "name": "Izoni, Thousand-Eyed",
            "names": [],
            "number": "180",
            "originalText": "<i>Undergrowth</i> — When Izoni, Thousand-Eyed enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 black and green Insect creature token for each creature card in your graveyard.\n{B}{G}, Sacrifice another creature: You gain 1 life and draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Elf Shaman",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can activate Izoni’s last ability while its undergrowth ability is on the stack. This will increase the number of Insect tokens you’ll create."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities."
            "scryfallId": "75955b0e-12d6-40ba-aab5-b7b7e2bde121",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "912db3c5-867b-453a-bb19-4d3029235a3d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5a210b32-6e1f-4578-bd8b-4e481b761159",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176423,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Undergrowth — When Izoni, Thousand-Eyed enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 black and green Insect creature token for each creature card in your graveyard.\n{B}{G}, Sacrifice another creature: You gain 1 life and draw a card.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Elf Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c181042e-7203-5ac0-b452-d57ad225a643",
            "uuidV421": "3579f4a3-efe5-5f5c-82b7-651aa697e8ab",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Kirsten Zirngibl",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "Every laboratory buzzes with new experiments, each a piece of Ral's ambitious project.",
            "foreignData": [],
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
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            "multiverseId": 453001,
            "name": "Izzet Guildgate",
            "number": "251",
            "originalText": "Izzet Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {U} or {R}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "2055a83a-99c8-4808-90b9-1c2fdcda79b4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8be1c514-41b7-4188-9cb5-dfbb1d00b2e0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bf75a3d1-f184-4b48-a913-21caee1db084",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176409,
            "text": "Izzet Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {U} or {R}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c6aa8c6f-537c-5bbc-841f-49c95133b0e0",
            "uuidV421": "36602476-b58c-5965-95e2-1e044c675e1c",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Kirsten Zirngibl",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Yesterday I didn't recognize my own guild. Today I see why. And for tomorrow I must be prepared.\"\n—Niv-Mizzet",
            "foreignData": [],
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
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            "multiverseId": 453002,
            "name": "Izzet Guildgate",
            "number": "252",
            "originalText": "Izzet Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {U} or {R}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "fc36bb2a-115d-4e24-a1e9-02b21773e945",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9279b387-5d29-40b0-ab5d-8859c2115339",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bf75a3d1-f184-4b48-a913-21caee1db084",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176410,
            "text": "Izzet Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {U} or {R}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "719725f4-eb9c-5fae-be2a-06d2003b1f9c",
            "uuidV421": "666080d7-0392-5982-ad8c-579d390ad06a",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Dmitry Burmak",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Remember to discharge your locket every seven hours. Unless you prefer the spontaneous aether overload, of course.\"\n—Daxiver, Izzet electromancer",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Vergiss nicht, dein Medaillon alle sieben Stunden zu entladen. Es sei denn, du hast eine Vorliebe für spontane Äther-Überladungen.\"\n—Daxiver, Izzet-Elektromagier",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453247,
                    "name": "Izzet-Medaillon",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {U} oder {R}.\n{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}, {T}, opfere das Izzet-Medaillon: Ziehe zwei Karten.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"No olvides descargar tu relicario cada siete horas, a menos que prefieras una sobrecarga de éter espontánea, claro\".\n—Dáxiver, electromante ízzet",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453506,
                    "name": "Relicario ízzet",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {U} o {R}.\n{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}, {T}, sacrificar el Relicario ízzet: Roba dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« N'oubliez pas de décharger votre médaillon toutes les sept heures. Sauf si vous préférez une surcharge d'Éther spontanée, bien évidemment. »\n—Daxiver, électromancien d'Izzet",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453765,
                    "name": "Médaillon d'Izzet",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {U} ou {R}.\n{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}, {T}, sacrifiez le Médaillon d'Izzet : Piochez deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ricorda di scaricare il tuo medaglione ogni sette ore. A meno che tu non preferisca un sovraccarico eterico spontaneo, naturalmente.\"\n—Daxiver, elettromante Izzet",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454024,
                    "name": "Medaglione Izzet",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {U} o {R}.\n{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}, {T}, Sacrifica il Medaglione Izzet: Pesca due carte.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「7時間おきにロケットの放電を行いたまえ。もちろん、自然過霊気状態を望む場合は別だ。」\n――イゼットの電術師、ダクシヴァー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454283,
                    "name": "イゼットのロケット",
                    "text": "{T}:{U}か{R}を加える。\n{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}, {T}, イゼットのロケットを生け贄に捧げる:カードを2枚引く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"7시간마다 로켓을 방전시켜야 하는 것을 기억하게. 물론, 자연적인 에테르 과부하를 좋아하면 안 그래도 되고.\"\n—이젯 전기술사, 닥시베르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454542,
                    "name": "이젯 로켓",
                    "text": "{T}: {U} 또는 {R}를 추가한다.\n{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}, {T}, 이젯 로켓을 희생한다: 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Lembre-se de descarregar seu medalhão a cada sete horas. A não ser que prefira a sobrecarga espontânea de éter, claro.\"\n— Daxiver, eletromante Izzet",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454801,
                    "name": "Medalhão Izzet",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {U} ou {R}.\n{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}, {T}, sacrifique Medalhão Izzet: Compre dois cards.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Не забывай разряжать медальон каждые семь часов. Если, конечно, ты не любитель спонтанных эфирных перегрузок».\n— Даксивер, электромант Иззетов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455060,
                    "name": "Медальон Иззетов",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {U} или {R}.\n{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}, {T}, пожертвуйте Медальон Иззетов: возьмите две карты.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「切记每七小时给你的坠饰放电一次。当然如果你喜欢它自发引起的乙太过载则另当别论。」\n~伊捷电流术士达西维",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455319,
                    "name": "伊捷坠饰",
                    "text": "{T}:加{U}或{R}。\n{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}{U/R},{T},牺牲伊捷坠饰:抓两张牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「切記每七小時給你的墜飾放電一次。當然如果你喜歡它自動引起的乙太超載則另當別論。」\n~伊捷電流術士達西維",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455578,
                    "name": "伊捷墜飾",
                    "text": "{T}:加{U}或{R}。\n{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}{U/R},{T},犧牲伊捷墜飾:抽兩張牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}",
            "multiverseId": 452988,
            "name": "Izzet Locket",
            "number": "238",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {U} or {R}.\n{UR}{UR}{UR}{UR}, {T}, Sacrifice Izzet Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "348f3bec-ad16-4bc7-8da9-3956c9900f95",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "1495a0b4-2578-4eb3-aee7-409e0dc8ba8c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7ee07546-2c2e-4679-b671-7ea509b1d3ea",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176620,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {U} or {R}.\n{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}, {T}, Sacrifice Izzet Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "dafbfd54-69f6-53a1-a9ef-0867db8ce763",
            "uuidV421": "608408da-b65e-586c-9028-c102d8365c83",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Winona Nelson",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"We are the shield that never breaks, the bough that never burns, the song that can never be silenced.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wir sind der Schild, der niemals bricht, das Holz, das niemals brennt, und das Lied, das niemals verstummt.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453190,
                    "name": "Schild an Schild",
                    "text": "Enttappe alle Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst. Sie erhalten Fluchsicherheit und Unzerstörbarkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. (Sie können nicht das Ziel von Zaubersprüchen oder Fähigkeiten sein, die deine Gegner kontrollieren. Schaden und Effekte, die „zerstören\", zerstören sie nicht.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Somos el escudo que nunca se rompe, la rama que nunca arde, la canción que nunca puede ser silenciada\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453449,
                    "name": "Unir escudos",
                    "text": "Endereza todas las criaturas que controlas. Ganan las habilidades de antimaleficio e indestructible hasta el final del turno. (No pueden ser objetivo de hechizos o habilidades que controlan tus oponentes. El daño y los efectos que dicen \"destruye\" no las destruyen.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Nous sommes le bouclier qui ne se brise jamais, la branche qui ne brûle jamais, le chant qui ne peut jamais être réduit au silence. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453708,
                    "name": "Jointure des boucliers",
                    "text": "Dégagez toutes les créatures que vous contrôlez. Elles acquièrent la défense talismanique et l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour. (Elles ne peuvent pas être les cibles de sorts ou de capacités que vos adversaires contrôlent. Les blessures et les effets qui disent « détruisez » ne les détruisent pas.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Siamo lo scudo che non si spezza, il ramo che non brucia, il canto che non può essere soffocato.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453967,
                    "name": "Serrare gli Scudi",
                    "text": "STAPpa tutte le creature che controlli. Hanno anti-malocchio e indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno. (Non possono essere bersaglio di magie o abilità controllate dai tuoi avversari. Il danno e gli effetti che dicono \"distruggi\" non le distruggono.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「我々は壊れることのない盾であり、燃えることのない枝であり、静まることのない歌だ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454226,
                    "name": "盾連携",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーをすべてアンタップする。ターン終了時まで、それらは呪禁と破壊不能を得る。(それらは対戦相手がコントロールしている呪文や能力の対象にならない。ダメージや「破壊する」と書かれた効果では、それらは破壊されない。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"우리는 절대로 깨어지지 않는 방패이자, 절대로 불타지 않는 나무가지이며, 절대로 침묵시킬 수 없는 노래이다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454485,
                    "name": "방패 연결하기",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 모든 생물을 언탭한다. 그 생물들은 턴종료까지 방호와 무적을 얻는다. (그 생물들은 상대가 조종하는 주문이나 능력의 목표로 정해질 수 없다. 피해와 \"파괴\"라고 명시된 효과로 그 생물들은 파괴되지 않는다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Somos o escudo que jamais se quebra, o galho que jamais queima, a canção que jamais será silenciada.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454744,
                    "name": "Unir Escudos",
                    "text": "Desvire todas as criaturas que você controla. Elas ganham resistência a magia e indestrutível até o final do turno. (Elas não podem ser alvo de mágicas nem de habilidades controladas por seus oponentes. O dano e os efeitos que dizem \"destrua\" não as destroem.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Мы — щит, что никогда не сломается, сук, что никогда не сгорит, и песня, что никогда не умолкнет».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455003,
                    "name": "Сомкнуть Щиты",
                    "text": "Разверните все существа под вашим контролем. Они получают Порчеустойчивость и Неразрушимость до конца хода. (Они не могут быть целями заклинаний или способностей под контролем ваших оппонентов. Повреждения и эффекты с указанием «уничтожьте» не уничтожают их.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「我们是敲不碎的盾牌,是点不着的粗枝,是掩不住的歌声。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455262,
                    "name": "架盾守护",
                    "text": "重置所有由你操控的生物。它们获得辟邪与不灭异能直到回合结束。(它们不能成为由对手操控之咒语或异能的目标。伤害与注明「消灭」的效应不会将它们消灭。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「我們是敲不碎的盾牌,是點不著的粗枝,是掩不住的歌聲。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455521,
                    "name": "架盾守護",
                    "text": "重置所有由你操控的生物。它們獲得辟邪與不滅異能直到回合結束。(它們不能成為由對手操控之咒語或異能的目標。傷害與註明「消滅」的效應不會將它們消滅。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{G}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452931,
            "name": "Join Shields",
            "number": "181",
            "originalText": "Untap all creatures you control. They gain hexproof and indestructible until end of turn. <i>(They can't be the targets of spells or abilities your opponents control. Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy them.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Untapped creatures you control can’t be untapped again, but those creatures still gain hexproof and indestructible."
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            "scryfallIllustrationId": "43da065a-ccaf-4fee-b212-935c53390c5d",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176862,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Untap all creatures you control. They gain hexproof and indestructible until end of turn. (They can't be the targets of spells or abilities your opponents control. Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy them.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "97d5e5ed-787f-5fd1-9855-0b16d6f973d8",
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            "flavorText": "\"Those who show no mercy to the weak deserve no mercy from the strong.\"\n—Firemane Kavrova",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Jene, die den Schwachen keine Gnade zeigen, können auch keine Gnade von den Starken erwarten.\"\n—Feuerschweif Kavrova",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453191,
                    "name": "Gerechter Schlag",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl fügt sich selbst Schadenspunkte in Höhe ihrer Stärke zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quienes no tienen piedad de los débiles no merecen piedad de los fuertes\".\n—Melenafuego Kavrova",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453450,
                    "name": "Golpe de justicia",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo se hace una cantidad de daño igual a su fuerza a sí misma.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Ceux qui n'ont aucune pitié envers les plus faibles ne méritent aucune pitié de la part des plus forts. »\n—Crinefeu Kavrova",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453709,
                    "name": "Frappe de la justice",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée s'inflige un nombre de blessures égal à sa force.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Chi non dimostra pietà per i deboli non ne merita dai potenti.\"\n—Kavrova Chioma di Fuoco",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453968,
                    "name": "Colpo della Giustizia",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio infligge danno a se stessa pari alla propria forza.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「弱きに無慈悲である者は、強きの無慈悲にふさわしい。」\n――炎まといのカローヴァ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454227,
                    "name": "裁きの一撃",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それは自身に、自身のパワーに等しい点数のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"약자에게 자비를 베풀지 않는 자는 강자에게 자비를 구할 자격도 없다.\"\n—불꽃갈기 카브로바",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454486,
                    "name": "정의의 일격",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 자신에게 자신의 공격력만큼의 피해를 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os que não mostram piedade com os fracos não merecem piedade dos fortes.\"\n— Cabeleira de Fogo Kavrova",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454745,
                    "name": "Golpe da Justiça",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo causa a si própria uma quantidade de dano igual ao seu poder.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Те, кто не знают жалости к слабым, не заслуживают жалости от сильных».\n— Каврова Огнегривая",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455004,
                    "name": "Удар Правосудия",
                    "text": "Целевое существо наносит самому себе повреждения, равные своей силе.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「不愿对弱者手下留情的人,也不配获得强者的宽恕。」\n~炎鬃卡洛娃",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455263,
                    "name": "正义一击",
                    "text": "目标生物对本身造成等同于其力量的伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「不願對弱者手下留情的人,也不配獲得強者的寬恕。」\n~炎鬃卡洛娃",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455522,
                    "name": "正義一擊",
                    "text": "目標生物對本身造成等同於其力量的傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "manaCost": "{R}{W}",
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            "name": "Justice Strike",
            "number": "182",
            "originalText": "Target creature deals damage to itself equal to its power.",
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            "text": "Target creature deals damage to itself equal to its power.",
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                    "name": "Herbstritterin",
                    "text": "Wenn die Herbstritterin ins Spiel kommt, bestimme eines —\n• Lege zwei +1/+1-Marken auf die Herbstritterin.\n• Zerstöre ein Artefakt oder eine Verzauberung deiner Wahl.\n• Du erhältst 4 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Dryade, Ritter"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453451,
                    "name": "Caballero del otoño",
                    "text": "Cuando la Caballero del otoño entre al campo de batalla, elige uno:\n• Pon dos contadores +1/+1 sobre la Caballero del otoño.\n• Destruye el artefacto o encantamiento objetivo.\n• Ganas 4 vidas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero dríada"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453710,
                    "name": "Chevalière de l'automne",
                    "text": "Quand la Chevalière de l'automne arrive sur le champ de bataille, choisissez l'un —\n• Mettez deux marqueurs +1/+1 sur la Chevalière de l'automne.\n• Détruisez l'artefact ciblé ou l'enchantement ciblé.\n• Vous gagnez 4 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : dryade et chevalier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453969,
                    "name": "Cavaliera dell'Autunno",
                    "text": "Quando la Cavaliera dell'Autunno entra nel campo di battaglia, scegli uno —\n• Metti due segnalini +1/+1 sulla Cavaliera dell'Autunno.\n• Distruggi un artefatto o un incantesimo bersaglio.\n• Guadagni 4 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Driade"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454228,
                    "name": "秋の騎士",
                    "text": "秋の騎士が戦場に出たとき、以下から1つを選ぶ。\n• 秋の騎士の上に、+1/+1カウンターを2個置く。\n• アーティファクト1つかエンチャント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。\n• あなたは4点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ドライアド・騎士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454487,
                    "name": "가을의 기사",
                    "text": "가을의 기사가 전장에 들어올 때, 하나를 선택한다 —\n• 가을의 기사에 +1/+1 카운터 두 개를 올려놓는다.\n• 마법물체나 부여마법을 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 파괴한다.\n• 당신은 생명 4점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 드라이어드 기사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454746,
                    "name": "Cavaleira do Outono",
                    "text": "Quando Cavaleira do Outono entrar no campo de batalha, escolha um —\n• Coloque dois marcadores +1/+1 em Cavaleira do Outono.\n• Destrua o artefato ou o encantamento alvo.\n• Você ganha 4 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dríade Cavaleiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455005,
                    "name": "Рыцарь Осени",
                    "text": "Когда Рыцарь Осени выходит на поле битвы, выберите одно —\n• Положите два жетона +1/+1 на Рыцаря Осени.\n• Уничтожьте целевой артефакт или чары.\n• Вы получаете 4 жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дриада Рыцарь"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455264,
                    "name": "暮秋骑士",
                    "text": "当暮秋骑士进战场时,选择一项~\n•在暮秋骑士上放置两个+1/+1指示物。\n•消灭目标神器或结界。\n•你获得4点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~树灵/骑士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455523,
                    "name": "暮秋騎士",
                    "text": "當暮秋騎士進戰場時,選擇一項~\n•在暮秋騎士上放置兩個+1/+1指示物。\n•消滅目標神器或結界。\n•你獲得4點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~樹靈/騎士"
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            "name": "Knight of Autumn",
            "number": "183",
            "originalText": "When Knight of Autumn enters the battlefield, choose one —\n• Put two +1/+1 counters on Knight of Autumn.\n• Destroy target artifact or enchantment.\n• You gain 4 life.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Dryad Knight",
            "power": "2",
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            "text": "When Knight of Autumn enters the battlefield, choose one —\n• Put two +1/+1 counters on Knight of Autumn.\n• Destroy target artifact or enchantment.\n• You gain 4 life.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Dryad Knight",
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            "flavorText": "Feed on food, you eventually rot. Feed on rot, you live forever.\n—Kraul saying",
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                    "flavorText": "Ernähre dich von Verrottung, dann wirst du nie verrotten.\n—Kraul-Sprichwort",
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                    "name": "Kraul-Beutegreifer",
                    "text": "Totenwelt — Wenn die Kraul-Beutegreifer ins Spiel kommen, erhältst du für jede Kreaturenkarte in deinem Friedhof 1 Lebenspunkt dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Insekt, Späher"
                    "flavorText": "Si te alimentas de comida, al final te pudrirás. Si te alimentas de podredumbre, vivirás para siempre.\n—Refrán kraul",
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                    "multiverseId": 453403,
                    "name": "Recolectores kraul",
                    "text": "Despojos — Cuando los Recolectores kraul entren al campo de batalla, ganas 1 vida por cada carta de criatura en tu cementerio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Explorador insecto"
                    "flavorText": "Mangez de la nourriture, et vous finirez par pourrir. Mangez de la pourriture, et vous vivrez pour toujours.\n—Dicton kraul",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453662,
                    "name": "Butineurs krauls",
                    "text": "Maquis — Quand les Butineurs krauls arrivent sur le champ de bataille, vous gagnez 1 point de vie pour chaque carte de créature dans votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Créature : insecte et éclaireur"
                    "flavorText": "Nutriti di cibo e un giorno marcirai. Nutriti di marciume e vivrai per sempre.\n—Detto dei Kraul",
                    "language": "Italian",
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                    "name": "Foraggieri Kraul",
                    "text": "Crescita sotterranea — Quando i Foraggieri Kraul entrano nel campo di battaglia, guadagni 1 punto vita per ogni carta creatura nel tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Esploratore Insetto"
                    "flavorText": "食べ物で生きれば、いずれは腐る。腐り物で生きれば、いのちは永遠。\n――クロールの諺",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454180,
                    "name": "クロールの食料隊",
                    "text": "宿根 ― クロールの食料隊が戦場に出たとき、あなたはあなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カード1枚につき1点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 昆虫・スカウト"
                    "flavorText": "음식을 먹으면, 언젠가는 썩는다. 썩은 것을 먹으면, 영원히 산다.\n —크라울 속담",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454439,
                    "name": "크라울 징발대원",
                    "text": "지하생장 — 크라울 징발대원이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드 한 장당 생명 1점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 곤충 정찰병"
                    "flavorText": "Coma comida e um dia apodrecerá. Coma a podridão e viverá para sempre.\n— Ditado kraul",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454698,
                    "name": "Forrageadores Kraul",
                    "text": "Necronutrimento — Quando Forrageadores Kraul entra no campo de batalha, você ganha 1 ponto de vida para cada card de criatura em seu cemitério.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Inseto Batedor"
                    "flavorText": "Питайся пищей — и сгниешь. Питайся гнилью — и будешь жить вечно.\n— поговорка краулов",
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                    "multiverseId": 454957,
                    "name": "Краулы-Добытчики",
                    "text": "Тайный рост — Когда Краулы-Добытчики выходят на поле битвы, вы получаете 1 жизнь за каждую карту существа на вашем кладбище.",
                    "type": "Существо — Насекомое Разведчик"
                    "flavorText": "以粮为食,终成腐尸。以腐为食,必得永生。\n~刻洛谚语",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455216,
                    "name": "刻洛搜粮群",
                    "text": "朽力~当刻洛搜粮群进战场时,你坟墓场中每有一张生物牌,你便获得1点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆虫/斥候"
                    "flavorText": "以糧為食,終成腐屍。以腐為食,必得永生。\n~刻洛諺語",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455475,
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                    "text": "朽力~當刻洛搜糧群進戰場時,你墳墓場中每有一張生物牌,你便獲得1點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆蟲/斥候"
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            "number": "135",
            "originalText": "<i>Undergrowth</i> — When Kraul Foragers enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each creature card in your graveyard.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Insect Scout",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities."
            "scryfallId": "b5ed4b08-8583-4ad4-b0ba-0463d367efc8",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176836,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Undergrowth — When Kraul Foragers enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each creature card in your graveyard.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Insect Scout",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b68ad1a0-2d28-5618-a48d-2b7bb39f9e2f",
            "uuidV421": "44bb1bdb-5fa5-56f8-a9dd-442ce8a57693",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Kev Walker",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453145,
                    "name": "Kraul-Harpunier",
                    "text": "Reichweite\nTotenwelt — Wenn der Kraul-Harpunier ins Spiel kommt, bestimme bis zu eine Kreatur deiner Wahl mit Flugfähigkeit, die du nicht kontrollierst. Der Kraul-Harpunier erhält +X/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges, wobei X gleich der Anzahl an Kreaturenkarten in deinem Friedhof ist. Dann kannst du den Kraul-Harpunier gegen die bestimmte Kreatur kämpfen lassen.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Insekt, Krieger"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453404,
                    "name": "Arponeador kraul",
                    "text": "Alcance.\nDespojos — Cuando el Arponeador kraul entre al campo de batalla, elige hasta una criatura objetivo con la habilidad de volar que no controlas. El Arponeador kraul obtiene +X/+0 hasta el final del turno, donde X es la cantidad de cartas de criatura en tu cementerio. Luego, puedes hacer que el Arponeador kraul luche contra esa criatura.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero insecto"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453663,
                    "name": "Harponneur kraul",
                    "text": "Portée\nMaquis — Quand le Harponneur kraul arrive sur le champ de bataille, choisissez jusqu'à une créature avec le vol ciblée que vous ne contrôlez pas. Le Harponneur kraul gagne +X/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour, X étant le nombre de cartes de créature dans votre cimetière, puis vous pouvez faire que le Harponneur kraul se batte contre cette créature.",
                    "type": "Créature : insecte et guerrier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453922,
                    "name": "Fiociniere Kraul",
                    "text": "Raggiungere\nCrescita sotterranea — Quando il Fiociniere Kraul entra nel campo di battaglia, scegli fino a una creatura bersaglio con volare che non controlli. Il Fiociniere Kraul prende +X/+0 fino alla fine del turno, dove X è il numero di carte creatura nel tuo cimitero, poi puoi far lottare il Fiociniere Kraul con quella creatura.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Insetto"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454181,
                    "name": "クロールの銛撃ち",
                    "text": "到達\n宿根 ― クロールの銛撃ちが戦場に出たとき、あなたがコントロールしておらず飛行を持つクリーチャー最大1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、クロールの銛撃ちは+X/+0の修整を受ける。Xはあなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カードの枚数に等しい。その後、あなたは「クロールの銛撃ちはそのクリーチャーと格闘を行う。」を選んでもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 昆虫・戦士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454440,
                    "name": "크라울 창잡이",
                    "text": "대공\n지하생장 — 크라울 창잡이가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 조종하지 않는 비행을 가진 생물을 최대 한 개까지 목표로 정한다. 크라울 창잡이는 턴종료까지 +X/+0을 받는다. X는 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드의 수이다. 그 후 당신은 크라울 창잡이가 그 생물과 싸우게 할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 곤충 전사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454699,
                    "name": "Arpoador Kraul",
                    "text": "Alcance\nNecronutrimento — Quando Arpoador Kraul entrar no campo de batalha, escolha até uma criatura alvo com voar que você não controla. Arpoador Kraul recebe +X/+0 até o final do turno, sendo X o número de cards de criatura em seu cemitério. Em seguida, você pode fazer com que Arpoador Kraul lute com aquela criatura.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Inseto Guerreiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454958,
                    "name": "Краул-Гарпунщик",
                    "text": "Захват\nТайный рост — Когда Краул-Гарпунщик выходит на поле битвы, выберите не более одного целевого существа с Полетом не под вашим контролем. Краул-Гарпунщик получает +X/+0 до конца хода, где X — количество карт существ на вашем кладбище, затем вы можете заставить Краула-Гарпунщика драться с тем существом.",
                    "type": "Существо — Насекомое Воин"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455217,
                    "name": "刻洛鱼叉手",
                    "text": "延势\n朽力~当刻洛鱼叉手进战场时,选择至多一个目标不由你操控且具飞行异能的生物。刻洛鱼叉手得+X/+0直到回合结束,X为你坟墓场中的生物牌数量,然后你可以让刻洛鱼叉手与该生物互斗。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆虫/战士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455476,
                    "name": "刻洛魚叉手",
                    "text": "延勢\n朽力~當刻洛魚叉手進戰場時,選擇至多一個目標不由你操控且具飛行異能的生物。刻洛魚叉手得+X/+0直到回合結束,X為你墳墓場中的生物牌數量,然後你可以讓刻洛魚叉手與該生物互鬥。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆蟲/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452886,
            "name": "Kraul Harpooner",
            "number": "136",
            "originalText": "Reach\n<i>Undergrowth</i> — When Kraul Harpooner enters the battlefield, choose up to one target creature with flying you don't control. Kraul Harpooner gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is the number of creature cards in your graveyard, then you may have Kraul Harpooner fight that creature.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Insect Warrior",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The value of X is determined only as the undergrowth ability resolves. If the number of creature cards in your graveyard changes later in the turn, Kraul Harpooner is unaffected."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You choose the target of the triggered ability (or that it has no target) as it goes on the stack, but you choose whether the creatures fight as that ability resolves."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you choose a target and the target creature is an illegal target when Kraul Harpooner’s ability tries to resolve, the ability doesn’t resolve and Kraul Harpooner doesn’t get +X/+0. If the target creature is legal but Kraul Harpooner is no longer on the battlefield, the target creature won’t deal or be dealt damage."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you don’t choose a target creature, Kraul Harpooner simply gets +X/+0 until end of turn."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities."
            "scryfallId": "f6d3c086-9ce4-41c3-8402-2818f1b27192",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c4932417-30f5-42e1-b7ff-1cf8bd3b8397",
            "scryfallOracleId": "332b6ed7-90de-46c0-85ad-1ad708b2c1e1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176837,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Reach\nUndergrowth — When Kraul Harpooner enters the battlefield, choose up to one target creature with flying you don't control. Kraul Harpooner gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is the number of creature cards in your graveyard, then you may have Kraul Harpooner fight that creature.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Insect Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "adf7bdca-9077-5373-aa66-739689ede64c",
            "uuidV421": "b7007058-6ede-51a0-a877-472068ff3b19",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Ben Wootten",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The kraul once skulked in the outskirts of Golgari society, but with Vraska's rise, the became valued forces of the Swarm.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Kraul fristeten einst ihr Dasein am Rande der Golgari-Gesellschaft, doch mit Vraskas Aufstieg wurden sie ein geschätzter Teil des Schwarms.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 455624,
                    "name": "Kraul-Plünderer",
                    "text": "Bedrohlich (Diese Kreatur kann nicht geblockt werden, außer von zwei oder mehr Kreaturen.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Insekt, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Hace tiempo, los kraul apenas se asomaban por los arrabales de la sociedad golgari; pero con el ascenso de Vraska, se convirtieron en fuerzas valiosas del Enjambre.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 455638,
                    "name": "Incursor kraul",
                    "text": "Amenaza. (Esta criatura no puede ser bloqueada excepto por dos o más criaturas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero insecto"
                    "flavorText": "Les krauls rôdaient autrefois en marge de la société Golgari, mais avec l'ascension au pouvoir de Vraska, ils devinrent des forces appréciées de l'Essaim.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 455652,
                    "name": "Pillard kraul",
                    "text": "Menace (Cette créature ne peut pas être bloquée excepté par deux créatures ou plus.)",
                    "type": "Créature : insecte et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Un tempo, i kraul si aggiravano ai margini della società Golgari, ma con l'ascesa di Vraska si sono tramutati in forze preziose per lo Sciame.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 455666,
                    "name": "Assaltatore Kraul",
                    "text": "Minacciare (Questa creatura non può essere bloccata tranne che da due o più creature.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Insetto"
                    "flavorText": "クロールはかつてゴルガリ社会の隅に潜む存在だったが、ヴラスカが権力を得ると、ゴルガリ団の戦力として重宝されるようになった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 455680,
                    "name": "クロールの略奪者",
                    "text": "威迫(このクリーチャーは2体以上のクリーチャーによってしかブロックされない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 昆虫・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "크라울은 한때 골가리 사회의 외곽에서 숨어 지냈지만, 브라스카가 득세하자 그들은 무리에서 존중받는 세력이 되었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 455694,
                    "name": "크라울 약탈자",
                    "text": "호전적 (이 생물은 두 개 이상의 생물에만 방어될 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 곤충 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Outrora relegados à periferia da sociedade Golgari, os kraul tornaram-se estimadas forças do Enxame com a ascensão de Vraska.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 455708,
                    "name": "Saqueador Kraul",
                    "text": "Ameaçar (Esta criatura só pode ser bloqueada por duas ou mais criaturas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Inseto Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Раньше краулы прозябали на задворках сообщества Голгари, но когда Враска пришла к власти, они стали ценными воинами Роя.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455722,
                    "name": "Краул-Грабитель",
                    "text": "Угроза (Это существо не может быть заблокировано менее чем двумя существами.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Насекомое Воин"
                    "flavorText": "刻洛族过去在葛加理社群的地位非常边缘,但随着瓦丝卡崛起,它们成为群落的主力军。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455736,
                    "name": "刻洛突击队",
                    "text": "威慑(此生物只能被两个或更多生物阻挡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆虫/战士"
                    "flavorText": "刻洛族過去在葛加理社群的地位非常邊緣,但隨著瓦絲卡崛起,它們成為群落的主力軍。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455750,
                    "name": "刻洛突擊隊",
                    "text": "威懾(此生物只能被兩個或更多生物阻擋。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆蟲/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 455610,
            "name": "Kraul Raider",
            "number": "270",
            "originalText": "Menace (This creature can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Insect Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "133d9d56-d906-4252-9954-e34cc8564ced",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "094523f8-b7ff-4a6a-918c-a5f945b90b72",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3c741801-bfa5-4ff6-bf06-8d5edc06388d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 177101,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Menace (This creature can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Insect Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "649ae420-3af5-5b5f-9181-1bff048265df",
            "uuidV421": "5e4d3882-94ce-5ff1-b365-8d8ee19c151b"
            "artist": "Jehan Choo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "The hive has a long memory. It knows how every member has died, and tow home it owes the grudge.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Der Schwarm hat ein langes Gedächtnis. Er weiß genau, wie jedes Mitglied starb und wem sie deshalb grollen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453082,
                    "name": "Kraul-Schwarm",
                    "text": "Fliegend\n{2}{B}, wirf eine Kreaturenkarte ab: Bringe den Kraul-Schwarm aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Insekt, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "La colmena tiene mucha memoria. Sabe cómo murió cada miembro y a quién debe guardarle rencor.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453341,
                    "name": "Enjambre kraul",
                    "text": "Vuela.\n{2}{B}, descartar una carta de criatura: Regresa el Enjambre kraul de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero insecto"
                    "flavorText": "L'essaim a la mémoire longue. Il sait comment chacun de ses anciens membres est mort, et à qui en garder rancune.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453600,
                    "name": "Essaim de krauls",
                    "text": "Vol\n{2}{B}, défaussez-vous d'une carte de créature : Renvoyez l'Essaim de krauls depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Créature : insecte et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "L'alveare ha una memoria indelebile. Sa com'è morto ognuno dei suoi membri e a chi deve serbare rancore.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453859,
                    "name": "Sciame di Kraul",
                    "text": "Volare\n{2}{B}, Scarta una carta creatura: Riprendi in mano lo Sciame di Kraul dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Insetto"
                    "flavorText": "巣には長い記憶がある。誰がどのように死んだのか、その仇を誰に返せばいいのか、そういうことを巣は知っているのだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454118,
                    "name": "クロールの群れ",
                    "text": "飛行\n{2}{B}, クリーチャー・カード1枚を捨てる:あなたの墓地からクロールの群れをあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 昆虫・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "벌집은 오랜 기억을 가지고 있다. 그것은 벌들이 언제 어떻게 죽었는지를, 그 원한을 누구에게 갚아야 하는지를 안다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454377,
                    "name": "크라울 곤충떼",
                    "text": "비행\n{2}{B}, 생물 카드 한 장을 버린다: 크라울 곤충떼를 당신의 무덤에서 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 곤충 전사"
                    "flavorText": "A colmeia tem memória longa. Ela sabe como cada membro morreu e a quem deve cada ressentimento.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454636,
                    "name": "Enxame Kraul",
                    "text": "Voar\n{2}{B}, descarte um card de criatura: Devolva Enxame Kraul de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Inseto Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "У улья долгая память. Он помнит, как умер каждый из роя и кого винить в его смерти.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454895,
                    "name": "Рой Краулов",
                    "text": "Полет\n{2}{B}, сбросьте карту существа: верните Рой Краулов из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Существо — Насекомое Воин"
                    "flavorText": "母巢的记性极佳。它清楚每一位成员的死因,以及要寻仇的对象。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455154,
                    "name": "刻洛虫群",
                    "text": "飞行\n{2}{B},弃一张生物牌:将刻洛虫群从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆虫/战士"
                    "flavorText": "母巢的記性極佳。它清楚每一位成員的死因,以及要尋仇的對象。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455413,
                    "name": "刻洛蟲群",
                    "text": "飛行\n{2}{B},棄一張生物牌:將刻洛蟲群從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆蟲/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452823,
            "name": "Kraul Swarm",
            "number": "73",
            "originalText": "Flying\n{2}{B}, Discard a creature card: Return Kraul Swarm from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Insect Warrior",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "490dc165-b10d-4384-8c13-d7969844b2bb",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f8a84389-c293-4860-bff7-9b433e94e0be",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ac97d8fc-15fa-4a60-96d3-4c09deafa83a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176932,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\n{2}{B}, Discard a creature card: Return Kraul Swarm from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Insect Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ae83da9f-ff27-5d34-9115-f07cc011f1a6",
            "uuidV421": "7b4c2e15-a1d5-5c3d-b461-080e1f076979"
            "artist": "Wesley Burt",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Commander, we caught the Dimir spy and took her ashes into custody.\"\n—Kramm, Wojek security officer",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Kommandeur, wir haben die Dimir-Spionin gefasst und ihre Asche in Gewahrsam genommen.\"\n—Kramm, Wojek-Sicherheitsoffizier",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453117,
                    "name": "Lavaschlinge",
                    "text": "Die Lavaschlinge fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl 4 Schadenspunkte zu. Falls die Kreatur in diesem Zug sterben würde, schicke sie stattdessen ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Comandante, descubrimos a la espía dimir y pusimos bajo custodia sus cenizas\".\n—Kramm, guarda de seguridad wojek",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453376,
                    "name": "Espiral de lava",
                    "text": "La Espiral de lava hace 4 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo. Si esa criatura fuese a morir este turno, en vez de eso, exíliala.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Commandant, nous avons attrapé l'espionne de Dimir et avons mis ses cendres en état d'arrestation. »\n—Kramm, officier de sécurité wojek",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453635,
                    "name": "Étreinte de lave",
                    "text": "L'Étreinte de lave inflige 4 blessures à une créature ciblée. Si cette créature devait mourir ce tour-ci, exilez-la à la place.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Comandante, abbiamo catturato la spia Dimir e messo in stato di fermo le sue ceneri.\"\n—Kramm, agente di sicurezza Wojek",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453894,
                    "name": "Spira di Lava",
                    "text": "La Spira di Lava infligge 4 danni a una creatura bersaglio. Se quella creatura sta per morire in questo turno, invece esiliala.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「司令官、ディミーアのスパイを捕らえ、その遺灰を監禁しました。」\n――ウォジェクの警備兵、クラム",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454153,
                    "name": "溶岩コイル",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。溶岩コイルはそれに4点のダメージを与える。このターン、そのクリーチャーが死亡するなら、代わりにそれを追放する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"사령관님, 디미르 스파이를 발견해 그녀의 잿더미를 구속했습니다.\"\n—워젝 보안 장교, 크람",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454412,
                    "name": "용암 고리",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 용암 고리는 그 생물에게 피해 4점을 입힌다. 그 생물이 이 턴에 죽게 된다면, 대신 추방한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Comandante, capturamos uma espiã Dimir. Estamos com as cinzas dela sob custódia.\"\n— Kramm, oficial de segurança de Wojek",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454671,
                    "name": "Hélice de Lava",
                    "text": "Hélice de Lava causa 4 pontos de dano à criatura alvo. Se aquela criatura for morrer neste turno, em vez disso, exile-a.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Командир, мы поймали димирскую шпионку и взяли ее пепел под стражу».\n— Крамм, специалист по безопасности Войеков",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454930,
                    "name": "Спираль Лавы",
                    "text": "Спираль Лавы наносит 4 повреждения целевому существу. Если то существо должно умереть в этом ходу, изгоните его вместо этого.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「指挥官,我们逮到了底密尔间谍,她的灰烬已经收监。」\n~沃耶克警卫克拉姆",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455189,
                    "name": "熔岩缠绕",
                    "text": "熔岩缠绕对目标生物造成4点伤害。如果本回合中该生物将死去,则改为将它放逐。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「指揮官,我們逮到了底密爾間諜,她的灰燼已經收監。」\n~沃耶克警衛克拉姆",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455448,
                    "name": "熔岩纏繞",
                    "text": "熔岩纏繞對目標生物造成4點傷害。如果本回合中該生物將死去,則改為將它放逐。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452858,
            "name": "Lava Coil",
            "number": "108",
            "originalText": "Lava Coil deals 4 damage to target creature. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Lava Coil’s replacement effect will exile the target creature if it would die this turn for any reason, not just due to lethal damage. It applies to the target creature even if Lava Coil deals no damage to it (due to a prevention effect)."
            "scryfallId": "f6135cf4-50c2-4e44-b9b0-96e1187a2200",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8ccebed1-8cd9-4468-80ac-37a35cf24933",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fa71db44-5181-4c51-8b24-7fbedf36e3ca",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176562,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Lava Coil deals 4 damage to target creature. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ebbc4b2b-df49-53fb-98cf-2a6b71af728d",
            "uuidV421": "32afe9ac-42b8-51b7-9b01-bd53677ce8e0"
            "artist": "Yongjae Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453193,
                    "name": "Lazav der Vielgestaltige",
                    "text": "Wenn Lazav der Vielgestaltige ins Spiel kommt, wende Überwachen 1 an. (Schaue dir die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst sie auf deinen Friedhof legen.)\n{X}: Lazav der Vielgestaltige wird zu einer Kopie einer Kreaturenkarte deiner Wahl in deinem Friedhof mit umgewandelten Manakosten von X, außer dass ihr Name Lazav der Vielgestaltige ist, sie zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Typen legendär ist und diese Fähigkeit hat.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Gestaltwandler"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453452,
                    "name": "Lazav, el Múltiple",
                    "text": "Cuando Lazav, el Múltiple entre al campo de batalla, escruta 1. (Mira la primera carta de tu biblioteca. Puedes ponerla en tu cementerio.)\n{X}: Lazav, el Múltiple se convierte en una copia de la carta de criatura objetivo en tu cementerio con coste de maná convertido de X, excepto que su nombre es Lazav, el Múltiple, es legendaria además de sus otros tipos y tiene esta habilidad.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Metamorfo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453711,
                    "name": "Lazav, l'Hétérogène",
                    "text": "Quand Lazav, l'Hétérogène arrive sur le champ de bataille, surveillez 1. (Regardez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez la mettre dans votre cimetière.)\n{X} : Lazav, l'Hétérogène devient une copie d'une carte de créature ciblée dans votre cimetière ayant un coût converti de mana de X, excepté que son nom est Lazav, l'Hétérogène, qu'il est légendaire en plus de ses autres types et qu'il a cette capacité.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : changeforme"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453970,
                    "name": "Lazav, il Molteplice",
                    "text": "Quando Lazav, il Molteplice entra nel campo di battaglia, sorveglia 1. (Guarda la prima carta del tuo grimorio. Puoi metterla nel tuo cimitero.)\n{X}: Lazav, il Molteplice diventa una copia di una carta creatura bersaglio nel tuo cimitero con costo di mana convertito pari a X, tranne che il suo nome è Lazav, il Molteplice, è leggendario in aggiunta ai suoi altri tipi e ha questa abilità.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Polimorfo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454229,
                    "name": "万面相、ラザーヴ",
                    "text": "万面相、ラザーヴが戦場に出たとき、諜報1を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを見る。あなたはそのカードをあなたの墓地に置いてもよい。)\n{X}:あなたの墓地にある点数で見たマナ・コストがXのクリーチャー・カード1枚を対象とする。万面相、ラザーヴは、名前が「万面相、ラザーヴ」であり、他のタイプに加えて伝説であり、この能力を持つことを除き、それのコピーになる。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 多相の戦士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454488,
                    "name": "다방면의 달인, 라자브",
                    "text": "다방면의 달인, 라자브가 전장에 들어올 때, 감시 1을 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 한 장을 본다. 당신은 그 카드를 당신의 무덤에 넣을 수 있다.)\n{X}: 당신의 무덤에 있는 전환마나비용이 X인 생물 카드를 목표로 정한다. 다방면의 달인, 라자브는 그 카드의 복사본이 된다. 단, 이 생물의 이름은 다방면의 달인, 라자브이고, 다른 유형에 더불어 전설적이며, 이 능력을 가진다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 변신괴물"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454747,
                    "name": "Lazav, o Multifário",
                    "text": "Quando Lazav, o Multifário, entrar no campo de batalha, use vigiar 1. (Olhe o card do topo de seu grimório. Você pode colocá‑lo em seu cemitério.)\n{X}: Lazav, o Multifário, torna-se uma cópia do card de criatura alvo em seu cemitério com custo de mana convertido X, à exceção de seu nome ser Lazav, o Multifário, ser lendária além de seus outros tipos e ter esta habilidade.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Metamorfo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455006,
                    "name": "Лазав Многоликий",
                    "text": "Когда Лазав Многоликий выходит на поле битвы, используйте Слежку 1. (Посмотрите верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки. Вы можете положить ее на ваше кладбище.)\n{X}: Лазав Многоликий становится копией целевой карты существа на вашем кладбище с конвертированной мана-стоимостью X, за исключением того, что ее имя Лазав Многоликий, она легендарная в дополнение к своим другим типам, и у нее есть эта способность.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Имитатор"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455265,
                    "name": "百相拉札夫",
                    "text": "当百相拉札夫进战场时,刺探1。(检视你牌库顶的牌。你可以将其置入你的坟墓场。)\n{X}:选择目标在你坟墓场中且总法术力费用为X的生物牌。百相拉札夫成为该牌的复制品,但其名称仍是百相拉札夫,额外具有传奇此超类别,且具有此异能。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~变形兽"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455524,
                    "name": "百相拉札夫",
                    "text": "當百相拉札夫進戰場時,刺探1。(檢視你牌庫頂的牌。你可以將其置入你的墳墓場。)\n{X}:選擇目標在你墳墓場中且總魔法力費用為X的生物牌。百相拉札夫成為該牌的複製品,但其名稱仍是百相拉札夫,額外具有傳奇此超類別,且具有此異能。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~變形獸"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452934,
            "name": "Lazav, the Multifarious",
            "number": "184",
            "originalText": "When Lazav, the Multifarious enters the battlefield, surveil 1. <i>(Look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your graveyard.)</i>\n{X}: Lazav, the Multifarious becomes a copy of target creature card in your graveyard with converted mana cost X, except its name is Lazav, the Multifarious, it's legendary in addition to its other types, and it has this ability.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Shapeshifter",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Lazav copies exactly what was printed on the original card and nothing else, except the characteristics it specifically modifies. It doesn’t copy any information about the object the card was before it was put into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Any effects that applied to Lazav before it becomes a copy of another card will continue to apply once it’s become a copy. The same is true of any counters that are on Lazav."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card in your graveyard has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because Lazav isn’t entering the battlefield when it becomes a copy of a card, any “When this enters the battlefield” or “This enters the battlefield with” abilities of the copied card won’t apply."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the copied card has an ability that can be activated only once each turn, copying that card a second time will allow you to activate the new instance of that ability."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "24c1e710-f61c-4dd6-b620-6d2e1ecab689",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c2ab2bd0-428b-4ac7-af63-c674e2db2f11",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c14bcef2-6d49-4430-86d0-e5a87ba442d9",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176575,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Lazav, the Multifarious enters the battlefield, surveil 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card into your graveyard.)\n{X}: Lazav, the Multifarious becomes a copy of target creature card in your graveyard with converted mana cost X, except its name is Lazav, the Multifarious, it's legendary in addition to its other types, and it has this ability.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Shapeshifter",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6cae1501-00e2-5fd4-9498-e536765e8231",
            "uuidV421": "c30bc918-814a-5512-8fd8-f617fd976099",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453194,
                    "name": "Gildenmagierin der Liga",
                    "text": "{3}{U}, {T}: Ziehe eine Karte.\n{X}{R}, {T}: Kopiere einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei deiner Wahl mit umgewandelten Manakosten von X, den bzw. die du kontrollierst. Du kannst neue Ziele für die Kopie bestimmen.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453453,
                    "name": "Maga del gremio de la Liga",
                    "text": "{3}{U}, {T}: Roba una carta.\n{X}{R}, {T}: Copia el hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro objetivo que controlas con coste de maná convertido de X. Puedes elegir nuevos objetivos para la copia.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453712,
                    "name": "Ghildmage de la Ligue",
                    "text": "{3}{U}, {T} : Piochez une carte.\n{X}{R}, {T} : Copiez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel ciblé que vous contrôlez ayant un coût converti de mana de X. Vous pouvez choisir de nouvelles cibles pour la copie.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453971,
                    "name": "Maga della Gilda della Lega",
                    "text": "{3}{U}, {T}: Pesca una carta.\n{X}{R}, {T}: Copia una magia istantaneo o stregoneria bersaglio che controlli con costo di mana convertito pari a X. Puoi scegliere nuovi bersagli per la copia.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454230,
                    "name": "団体のギルド魔道士",
                    "text": "{3}{U}, {T}:カードを1枚引く。\n{X}{R}, {T}:あなたがコントロールしていて点数で見たマナ・コストがXでインスタントかソーサリーである呪文1つを対象とし、それをコピーする。あなたはそのコピーの新しい対象を選んでもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454489,
                    "name": "연합 길드마도사",
                    "text": "{3}{U}, {T}: 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n{X}{R}, {T}: 당신이 조종하는 전환마나비용이 X인 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문을 복사한다. 당신은 복사본의 목표를 새로 정할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454748,
                    "name": "Maga da Guilda da Liga",
                    "text": "{3}{U}, {T}: Compre um card.\n{X}{R}, {T}: Copie a mágica instantânea ou o feitiço alvo que você controla com custo de mana convertido X. Você pode escolher novos alvos para a cópia.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455007,
                    "name": "Маг Гильдии Лиги",
                    "text": "{3}{U}, {T}: возьмите карту.\n{X}{R}, {T}: скопируйте целевое мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства под вашим контролем с конвертированной мана-стоимостью X. Вы можете выбрать новые цели для той копии.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455266,
                    "name": "联盟公会法师",
                    "text": "{3}{U},{T}:抓一张牌。\n{X}{R},{T}:复制目标由你操控且总法术力费用为X的瞬间或法术咒语。你可以为该复制品选择新的目标。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455525,
                    "name": "聯盟公會法師",
                    "text": "{3}{U},{T}:抽一張牌。\n{X}{R},{T}:複製目標由你操控且總魔法力費用為X的瞬間或巫術咒語。你可以為該複製品選擇新的目標。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452935,
            "name": "League Guildmage",
            "number": "185",
            "originalText": "{3}{U}, {T}: Draw a card.\n{X}{R}, {T}: Copy target instant or sorcery spell you control with converted mana cost X. You may choose new targets for the copy.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a spell has {X} in its mana cost, include the value chosen for that X when determining the converted mana cost of that spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "League Guildmage’s second ability can copy any instant or sorcery spell you control, not just one with targets."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The copy is created on the stack, so it’s not “cast.” Abilities that trigger when a player casts a spell won’t trigger."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you copy a spell, you control the copy. It will resolve before the original spell does."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The copy will have the same targets as the spell it’s copying unless you choose new ones. You may change any number of the targets, including all of them or none of them. If, for one of the targets, you can’t choose a new legal target, then it remains unchanged (even if the current target is illegal)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied is modal (that is, it says “Choose one —” or the like), the copy will have the same mode. A different mode can’t be chosen."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied has an X whose value was determined as it was cast (like Banefire does), the copy will have the same value of X."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell has damage divided as it was cast, the division can’t be changed (although the targets receiving that damage still can). The same is true of spells that distribute counters."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The controller of a copy can’t choose to pay any alternative or additional costs for the copy. However, effects based on any alternative or additional costs that were paid for the original spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy."
            "scryfallId": "7439118d-4869-486e-8930-6e00db2634b2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "67576c82-c612-4d0c-b7ca-17b41834d2ac",
            "scryfallOracleId": "08bb1f33-b232-4382-a268-4804d4e72d29",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176572,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{3}{U}, {T}: Draw a card.\n{X}{R}, {T}: Copy target instant or sorcery spell you control with converted mana cost X. You may choose new targets for the copy.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "18654437-4edd-59a1-9760-edef3c43539d",
            "uuidV421": "7dad3682-2886-5a87-9f54-c29cd0aa9bcf",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Aaron Miller",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Most compete for insects at street level. Some dwell near Izzet laboratories and ride the thermal updrafts.\"\n—Yolov, Simic bioengineer.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die meisten konkurrieren am Boden um Insekten. Einige lungern in der Nähe der Izzet-Labore herum und nutzen den thermalen Auftrieb.\"\n—Yolov, Simic-Bioingenieur",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453051,
                    "name": "Springfrosch",
                    "text": "Der Springfrosch hat Flugfähigkeit, solange du in diesem Zug einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei gewirkt hast.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Frosch"
                    "flavorText": "\"La mayoría compite por los insectos a nivel de suelo, pero algunas habitan cerca de laboratorios ízzet y aprovechan las corrientes termales ascendentes\".\n—Yólov, bioingeniero simic",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453310,
                    "name": "Rana saltarina",
                    "text": "La Rana saltarina tiene la habilidad de volar mientras hayas lanzado un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro este turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Rana"
                    "flavorText": "« La plupart se disputent des insectes au niveau de la rue. Certaines résident près des laboratoires d'Izzet, et utilisent les courants thermiques ascendants. »\n—Yolov, bio-ingénieur simic",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453569,
                    "name": "Saute-grenouille",
                    "text": "La Saute-grenouille a le vol tant que vous avez lancé un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Créature : grenouille"
                    "flavorText": "\"La maggior parte si disputa gli insetti a livello stradale. Alcune vivono vicino ai laboratori Izzet e cavalcano le correnti termiche ascendenti.\"\n—Yolov, bioingegnere Simic",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453828,
                    "name": "Rana Balzante",
                    "text": "La Rana Balzante ha volare se hai lanciato una magia istantaneo o stregoneria in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Rana"
                    "flavorText": "「大半は街路で昆虫を取り合っているが、イゼットの実験室の近くに住んで上昇気流を利用するものもいる。」\n――シミックの生技師、ヨロフ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454087,
                    "name": "跳び蛙",
                    "text": "このターンにあなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えていたなら、跳び蛙は飛行を持つ。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — カエル"
                    "flavorText": "\"대부분은 거리에서 벌레들을 가지고 서로 경쟁하지. 몇몇은 이젯 실험실 주변에 살면서 상승 기류를 탄다네.\"\n—시믹 생명공학자, 욜로브",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454346,
                    "name": "도약하는 개구리",
                    "text": "당신이 이번 턴에 순간마법 또는 집중마법을 발동한 한 도약하는 개구리는 비행을 가진다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 개구리"
                    "flavorText": "\"A maioria compete por insetos nas ruas. Alguns vivem perto de laboratórios dos Izzet e planam nas correntes ascendentes.\"\n— Yolov, bioengenheiro Simic",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454605,
                    "name": "Sapo-saltador",
                    "text": "Sapo-saltador tem voar contanto que você tenha conjurado uma mágica instantânea ou feitiço neste turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sapo"
                    "flavorText": "«Большинство из них соперничает за насекомых на уровне улиц. А некоторые селятся рядом с лабораториями Иззетов и осваивают восходящие потоки».\n— Йолов, биоинженер Симиков",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454864,
                    "name": "Квакша",
                    "text": "Квакша имеет Полет, если в этом ходу вы уже разыграли мгновенное заклинание или волшебство.",
                    "type": "Существо — Лягушка"
                    "flavorText": "「多数只在地上捕食昆虫。有些则会栖息在伊捷实验室附近,借着热气流高升。」\n~析米克生物工程师约洛夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455123,
                    "name": "跃蛙",
                    "text": "只要你本回合中施放过瞬间或法术咒语,跃蛙便具有飞行异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~蛙"
                    "flavorText": "「多數只在地上捕食昆蟲。有些則會棲息在伊捷實驗室附近,藉著熱氣流高昇。」\n~析米克生物工程師約洛夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455382,
                    "name": "躍蛙",
                    "text": "只要你本回合中施放過瞬間或巫術咒語,躍蛙便具有飛行異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~蛙"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452792,
            "name": "Leapfrog",
            "number": "42",
            "originalText": "Leapfrog has flying as long as you've cast an instant or sorcery spell this turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Frog",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "2e415a03-f7f8-4fca-954a-ef21b4a2c60f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7f26cd31-2adc-46bc-ba4a-7b62c3a1e5a4",
            "scryfallOracleId": "6614dbe5-d7c7-4a51-91db-912764050269",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176868,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Leapfrog has flying as long as you've cast an instant or sorcery spell this turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Frog",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8e47a118-27d7-56f6-8436-5aed7178c611",
            "uuidV421": "8bc98d2a-d3e2-58d4-85aa-82d7ef212ae8"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453195,
                    "name": "Ledev-Champion",
                    "text": "Immer wenn der Ledev-Champion angreift, kannst du eine beliebige Anzahl ungetappter Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, tappen. Der Ledev-Champion erhält für jede auf diese Weise getappte Kreatur +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.\n{3}{G}{W}: Erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen Soldat-Kreaturenspielstein mit Lebensverknüpfung.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Ritter"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453454,
                    "name": "Campeón ledev",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Campeón ledev ataque, puedes girar cualquier cantidad de criaturas enderezadas que controlas. El Campeón ledev obtiene +1/+1 hasta el final del turno por cada criatura girada de esta manera.\n{3}{G}{W}: Crea una ficha de criatura Soldado blanca 1/1 con la habilidad de vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero elfo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453713,
                    "name": "Champion ledev",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que le Champion ledev attaque, vous pouvez engager n'importe quel nombre de créatures dégagées que vous contrôlez. Le Champion ledev gagne +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour pour chaque créature engagée de cette manière.\n{3}{G}{W} : Créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche Soldat avec le lien de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et chevalier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453972,
                    "name": "Campione dei Ledev",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta il Campione dei Ledev attacca, puoi TAPpare un qualsiasi numero di creature STAPpate che controlli. Il Campione dei Ledev prende +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno per ogni creatura TAPpata in questo modo.\n{3}{G}{W}: Crea una pedina creatura Soldato 1/1 bianca con legame vitale.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Elfo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454231,
                    "name": "レーデヴの勇者",
                    "text": "レーデヴの勇者が攻撃するたび、あなたはあなたがコントロールしているアンタップ状態のクリーチャー望む数をタップしてもよい。ターン終了時まで、レーデヴの勇者は、これによりタップしたクリーチャー1体につき+1/+1の修整を受ける。\n{3}{G}{W}:絆魂を持つ白の1/1の兵士・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・騎士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454490,
                    "name": "레데브 용사",
                    "text": "레데브 용사가 공격할 때마다, 당신은 당신이 조종하는 언탭된 생물들을 원하는 수만큼 탭할 수 있다. 레데브 용사는 이런 식으로 탭한 생물 한 개당 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.\n{3}{G}{W}: 생명연결을 가진 1/1 백색 병사 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 기사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454749,
                    "name": "Campeão Ledev",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Campeão Ledev ataca, você pode virar qualquer número de criaturas desviradas que você controla. Campeão Ledev recebe +1/+1 até o final do turno para cada criatura virada dessa forma.\n{3}{G}{W}: Crie uma ficha de criatura branca 1/1 do tipo Soldado com vínculo com a vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Cavaleiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455008,
                    "name": "Ледевский Воитель",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Ледевский Воитель атакует, вы можете повернуть любое количество неповернутых существ под вашим контролем. Ледевский Воитель получает +1/+1 до конца хода за каждое существо, повернутое таким образом.\n{3}{G}{W}: создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый Солдат с Цепью жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Рыцарь"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455267,
                    "name": "列夫斗士",
                    "text": "每当列夫斗士攻击时,你可以横置任意数量由你操控且未横置的生物。每以此法横置一个生物,列夫斗士便得+1/+1直到回合结束。\n{3}{G}{W}:派出一个1/1白色,具系命异能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/骑士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455526,
                    "name": "列夫鬥士",
                    "text": "每當列夫鬥士攻擊時,你可以橫置任意數量由你操控且未橫置的生物。每以此法橫置一個生物,列夫鬥士便得+1/+1直到回合結束。\n{3}{G}{W}:派出一個1/1白色,具繫命異能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452936,
            "name": "Ledev Champion",
            "names": [],
            "number": "186",
            "originalText": "Whenever Ledev Champion attacks, you may tap any number of untapped creatures you control. Ledev Champion gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each creature tapped this way.\n{3}{G}{W}: Create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Knight",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "For Ledev Champion’s first ability, the creatures to tap are chosen as the ability resolves. No player may take actions between the time you choose the creatures to tap and the time Ledev Champion’s power and toughness are boosted."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Attacking creatures with vigilance may be tapped for Ledev Champion’s first ability. If Ledev Champion itself has vigilance, it can be tapped this way, too. These creatures aren’t removed from combat."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creatures that have come under your control this turn can be tapped for Ledev Champion’s first ability."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap creatures this way only as Ledev Champion’s triggered ability is resolving. You can’t tap more creatures later in combat to give it +1/+1 again."
            "scryfallId": "bc4f508b-a48d-4462-9d89-ee2ead3a0847",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d9eafc82-2003-49ce-a574-585fd1319d37",
            "scryfallOracleId": "97b2aa77-122f-41e3-ba28-c7040dae0f01",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176865,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Ledev Champion attacks, you may tap any number of untapped creatures you control. Ledev Champion gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each creature tapped this way.\n{3}{G}{W}: Create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with lifelink.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8076ada4-6c97-50f8-b907-24e523014a73",
            "uuidV421": "9c74c3c3-6324-5028-a661-09461dd21cf1",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Kimonas Theodossiou",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I've raised her since she was a pup, and she's raised me since I was a recruit.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich bin bei ihr, seit sie ein Welpe war, und sie ist an meiner Seite, seit ich eine Rekrutin war.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453027,
                    "name": "Ledev-Wächterin",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "\"La tengo desde que era cachorra, y ella a mí desde que era recluta\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453286,
                    "name": "Guardiana ledev",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« J'ai commencé à l'élever quand elle n'était encore qu'un chiot, et elle a commencé à m'élever quand je n'étais encore qu'une recrue. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453545,
                    "name": "Gardienne ledev",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "\"L'ho allevata da quando era una cucciola e lei mi ha sostenuto da quando ero una recluta.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453804,
                    "name": "Guardiana dei Ledev",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「私はこの子が産まれたときからずっと面倒を見てきた。この子も私が新兵のときからずっと面倒を見てくれた。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454063,
                    "name": "レーデヴの守護者",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "\"난 이 아이가 새끼일 때부터 이 아이를 길렀고, 이 아이는 내가 신병일 때부터 날 길렀어.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454322,
                    "name": "레데브 수호자",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eu cuidei dela desde que ela era filhote, e ela cuidou de mim desde que eu era recruta.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454581,
                    "name": "Guardiã Ledev",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Я растила ее с тех дней, когда она была щенком, а она растила меня с тех дней, когда я была новобранцем».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454840,
                    "name": "Ледевская Стражница",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "「我从她还是幼狼时就抚养她长大;她从我还是新兵起就拉扯我成长。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455099,
                    "name": "列夫守护者",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "「我從她還是幼狼時就撫養她長大;她從我還是新兵起就拉扯我成長。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455358,
                    "name": "列夫守護者",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452768,
            "name": "Ledev Guardian",
            "number": "18",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "cbeb4ae3-2a7a-44e1-923b-20c772fd1b8b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c186a8e1-6d6c-4170-8eb6-0ede2908673a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "edcf36b4-dea4-4314-94da-e0ee5e30cd37",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176724,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of the creature's color.)",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9c88f735-056f-52df-987a-9984e0a16cd7",
            "uuidV421": "a9decb1c-f530-553b-adb2-74f294438124",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Zack Stella",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453196,
                    "name": "Gildenmagierin der Legion",
                    "text": "{5}{R}, {T}: Die Gildenmagierin der Legion fügt jedem Gegner 3 Schadenspunkte zu.\n{2}{W}, {T}: Tappe eine andere Kreatur deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453455,
                    "name": "Maga del gremio de la Legión",
                    "text": "{5}{R}, {T}: La Maga del gremio de la Legión hace 3 puntos de daño a cada oponente.\n{2}{W}, {T}: Gira otra criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453714,
                    "name": "Ghildmage de la Légion",
                    "text": "{5}{R}, {T} : La Ghildmage de la Légion inflige 3 blessures à chaque adversaire.\n{2}{W}, {T} : Engagez une autre créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453973,
                    "name": "Maga della Gilda della Legione",
                    "text": "{5}{R}, {T}: La Maga della Gilda della Legione infligge 3 danni a ogni avversario.\n{2}{W}, {T}: TAPpa un'altra creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454232,
                    "name": "軍勢のギルド魔道士",
                    "text": "{5}{R}, {T}:軍勢のギルド魔道士は各対戦相手にそれぞれ3点のダメージを与える。\n{2}{W}, {T}:他のクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454491,
                    "name": "군단 길드마도사",
                    "text": "{5}{R}, {T}: 군단 길드마도사는 각 상대에게 피해 3점을 입힌다.\n{2}{W}, {T}: 다른 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 탭한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454750,
                    "name": "Maga da Guilda da Legião",
                    "text": "{5}{R}, {T}: Maga da Guilda da Legião causa 3 pontos de dano a cada oponente.\n{2}{W}, {T}: Vire outra criatura alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455009,
                    "name": "Маг Гильдии Легиона",
                    "text": "{5}{R}, {T}: Маг Гильдии Легиона наносит 3 повреждения каждому оппоненту.\n{2}{W}, {T}: поверните другое целевое существо.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455268,
                    "name": "教团公会法师",
                    "text": "{5}{R},{T}:教团公会法师向每位对手各造成3点伤害。\n{2}{W},{T}:横置另一个目标生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455527,
                    "name": "教團公會法師",
                    "text": "{5}{R},{T}:教團公會法師向每位對手各造成3點傷害。\n{2}{W},{T}:橫置另一個目標生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452937,
            "name": "Legion Guildmage",
            "number": "187",
            "originalText": "{5}{R}, {T}: Legion Guildmage deals 3 damage to each opponent.\n{2}{W}, {T}: Tap another target creature.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Legion Guildmage’s first ability causes the opposing team to lose 6 life."
            "scryfallId": "b03423b2-faca-4b2e-8328-8b9b7fdb7ce3",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "1cb84a7b-aa21-4936-95fe-66facf77d709",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bb33abbe-b43c-4a74-b2db-cce949f0edf2",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176590,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{5}{R}, {T}: Legion Guildmage deals 3 damage to each opponent.\n{2}{W}, {T}: Tap another target creature.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "cd0e19a7-da18-50a9-81c9-61b81c47957c",
            "uuidV421": "56a4e380-a759-5060-8dd4-df14a040fcc5",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Alex Konstad",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453118,
                    "name": "Kriegsboss der Legion",
                    "text": "Mentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)\nErzeuge zu Beginn des Kampfes in deinem Zug einen 1/1 roten Goblin-Kreaturenspielstein. Der Spielstein erhält Eile bis zum Ende des Zuges und greift in diesem Kampf an, falls möglich.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Soldat"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453377,
                    "name": "Jefe de guerra de la Legión",
                    "text": "Mentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)\nAl comienzo del combate en tu turno, crea una ficha de criatura Trasgo roja 1/1. Esa ficha gana la habilidad de prisa hasta el final del turno y ataca este combate si puede.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado trasgo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453636,
                    "name": "Patron de guerre de la Légion",
                    "text": "Mentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)\nAu début du combat pendant votre tour, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 rouge Gobelin. Ce jeton acquiert la célérité jusqu'à la fin du tour et attaque pendant ce combat si possible.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et soldat"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453895,
                    "name": "Capoguerra della Legione",
                    "text": "Mentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)\nAll'inizio del combattimento nel tuo turno, crea una pedina creatura Goblin 1/1 rossa. Quella pedina ha rapidità fino alla fine del turno e attacca in questo combattimento, se può farlo.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Goblin"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454154,
                    "name": "軍勢の戦親分",
                    "text": "教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)\nあなたのターンの戦闘の開始時に、赤の1/1のゴブリン・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。ターン終了時まで、そのトークンは速攻を得る。この戦闘で、そのトークンは可能なら攻撃する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・兵士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454413,
                    "name": "군단 전쟁대장",
                    "text": "지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)\n당신의 턴 전투시작에, 1/1 적색 고블린 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다. 그 토큰은 당신의 턴종료까지 신속을 얻고 가능하면 이 전투에 공격한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 병사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454672,
                    "name": "Chefe-de-guerra da Legião",
                    "text": "Mentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)\nNo início do combate no seu turno, crie uma ficha de criatura vermelha 1/1 do tipo Goblin. A ficha ganha ímpeto até o final do turno e ataca neste combate se estiver apta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Soldado"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454931,
                    "name": "Воевода Легиона",
                    "text": "Наставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)\nВ начале боя во время вашего хода создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 красный Гоблин. Та фишка получает Ускорение до конца хода и атакует в этом бою, если может.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Солдат"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455190,
                    "name": "教团战首",
                    "text": "训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)\n在你回合的战斗开始时,派出一个1/1红色鬼怪衍生生物。该衍生物获得敏捷异能直到回合结束,且本次战斗若能攻击,则必须攻击。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/士兵"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455449,
                    "name": "教團戰首",
                    "text": "訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)\n在你回合的戰鬥開始時,派出一個1/1紅色鬼怪衍生生物。該衍生物獲得敏捷異能直到回合結束,且本次戰鬥若能攻擊,則必須攻擊。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452859,
            "name": "Legion Warboss",
            "names": [],
            "number": "109",
            "originalText": "Mentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>\nAt the beginning of combat on your turn, create a 1/1 red Goblin creature token. That token gains haste until end of turn and attacks this combat if able.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Soldier",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the token can’t attack for any reason (such as becoming tapped), then it doesn’t attack. If there’s a cost associated with having it attack, its controller isn’t forced to pay that cost, so it doesn’t have to attack in that case either."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mentor compares the power of the creature with mentor with that of the target creature at two different times: once as the triggered ability is put onto the stack, and once as the triggered ability resolves. If you wish to raise a creature’s power so its mentor ability can target a bigger creature, the last chance you have to do so is during the beginning of combat step."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature’s power is no longer less than the attacking creature’s power as the ability resolves, mentor doesn’t add a +1/+1 counter. For example, if two 3/3 creatures with mentor attack and both mentor triggers target the same 2/2 creature, the first to resolve puts a +1/+1 counter on it and the second does nothing."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the creature with mentor leaves the battlefield with mentor on the stack, use its power as that creature last existed on the battlefield to determine whether the target creature has less power."
            "scryfallId": "5e84cb9c-9876-47a4-aea4-78574321bc36",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3dadaf59-77c7-462d-b39c-3418ba973e35",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0ccb9af3-6902-4130-a59c-4c882dc3a2fd",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175192,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Mentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)\nAt the beginning of combat on your turn, create a 1/1 red Goblin creature token. That token gains haste until end of turn and attacks this combat if able.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7ffd8cb2-9969-5626-a766-64d300a4391c",
            "uuidV421": "7c1787b2-66a2-5426-bcb3-c13e33a3383c",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Alex Konstad",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453028,
                    "name": "Licht der Legion",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nMentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)\nWenn das Licht der Legion stirbt, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf jede weiße Kreatur, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Engel"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453287,
                    "name": "Luz de la Legión",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nMentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)\nCuando la Luz de la Legión muera, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre cada criatura blanca que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ángel"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453546,
                    "name": "Lumière de la Légion",
                    "text": "Vol\nMentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)\nQuand la Lumière de la Légion meurt, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur chaque créature blanche que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature : ange"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453805,
                    "name": "Luce della Legione",
                    "text": "Volare\nMentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)\nQuando la Luce della Legione muore, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su ogni creatura bianca che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Angelo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454064,
                    "name": "軍勢の光",
                    "text": "飛行\n教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)\n軍勢の光が死亡したとき、あなたがコントロールしている白の各クリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターをそれぞれ1個置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 天使"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454323,
                    "name": "군단의 빛",
                    "text": "비행\n지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)\n군단의 빛이 죽을 때, 당신이 조종하는 각 백색 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 천사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454582,
                    "name": "Luz da Legião",
                    "text": "Voar\nMentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)\nQuando Luz da Legião morrer, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em cada criatura branca que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Anjo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454841,
                    "name": "Свет Легиона",
                    "text": "Полет\nНаставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)\nКогда Свет Легиона умирает, положите один жетон +1/+1 на каждое белое существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Ангел"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455100,
                    "name": "教团辉光使",
                    "text": "飞行\n训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)\n当教团辉光使死去时,在每个由你操控的白色生物上各放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~天使"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455359,
                    "name": "教團輝光使",
                    "text": "飛行\n訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)\n當教團輝光使死去時,在每個由你操控的白色生物上各放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~天使"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452769,
            "name": "Light of the Legion",
            "number": "19",
            "originalText": "Flying\nMentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>\nWhen Light of the Legion dies, put a +1/+1 counter on each white creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Angel",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If another white creature you control is dealt lethal damage at the same time as Light of the Legion, they’re destroyed at the same time. That creature won’t receive a counter from Light of the Legion’s ability in time to save it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mentor compares the power of the creature with mentor with that of the target creature at two different times: once as the triggered ability is put onto the stack, and once as the triggered ability resolves. If you wish to raise a creature’s power so its mentor ability can target a bigger creature, the last chance you have to do so is during the beginning of combat step."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature’s power is no longer less than the attacking creature’s power as the ability resolves, mentor doesn’t add a +1/+1 counter. For example, if two 3/3 creatures with mentor attack and both mentor triggers target the same 2/2 creature, the first to resolve puts a +1/+1 counter on it and the second does nothing."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the creature with mentor leaves the battlefield with mentor on the stack, use its power as that creature last existed on the battlefield to determine whether the target creature has less power."
            "scryfallId": "a2f1b831-ca55-4575-9dfa-c3163e3d789d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9aca2a90-e09a-4031-a1b3-a2657954c222",
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            "text": "Flying\nMentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)\nWhen Light of the Legion dies, put a +1/+1 counter on each white creature you control.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Angel",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0daef7d9-d704-5228-883e-f9aad8fb41e7",
            "uuidV421": "998befce-71ef-5910-a064-40324e0dce51",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Alex Konstad",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
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            "flavorText": "\"I prefer the big and looming to the small and skittering.\"\n—Cevraya, Golgari shaman",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich ziehe die Großen und Bedrohlichen den Kleinen und Krabbelnden vor.\"\n—Cevraya, Golgari-Schamane",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453083,
                    "name": "Lotleth-Riese",
                    "text": "Totenwelt — Wenn der Lotleth-Riese ins Spiel kommt, fügt er einem Gegner deiner Wahl für jede Kreaturenkarte in deinem Friedhof 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zombie, Riese"
                    "flavorText": "\"Prefiero los grandes que se ven bien a los pequeños que se escabullen\".\n—Cevraya, chamán golgari",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453342,
                    "name": "Gigante lotleth",
                    "text": "Despojos — Cuando el Gigante lotleth entre al campo de batalla, hace 1 punto de daño al oponente objetivo por cada carta de criatura en tu cementerio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Gigante zombie"
                    "flavorText": "« Je préfère ce qui est grand et qu'on voit venir de loin à ce qui est petit et qu'on n'entend pas arriver. »\n—Cevraya, shamane de Golgari",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453601,
                    "name": "Géant de Lotleth",
                    "text": "Maquis — Quand le Géant de Lotleth arrive sur le champ de bataille, il inflige 1 blessure à un adversaire ciblé pour chaque carte de créature dans votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Créature : zombie et géant"
                    "flavorText": "\"Preferisco ciò che è gigante e imponente a ciò che è minuscolo e brulicante.\"\n—Cevraya, sciamana Golgari",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453860,
                    "name": "Gigante Lotleth",
                    "text": "Crescita sotterranea — Quando il Gigante Lotleth entra nel campo di battaglia, infligge 1 danno a un avversario bersaglio per ogni carta creatura nel tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Gigante Zombie"
                    "flavorText": "「あたしは、小さくてちょこまかしているよりも、大きくてどっしりしている方がいいね。」\n――ゴルガリのシャーマン、セヴリヤ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454119,
                    "name": "ロッテスの巨人",
                    "text": "宿根 ― ロッテスの巨人が戦場に出たとき、対戦相手1人を対象とする。これはそのプレイヤーに、あなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カード1枚につき1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゾンビ・巨人"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 작고 잽싼 것보단 크고 무시무시한 것을 선호하지.\"\n—골가리 주술사 세브라야",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454378,
                    "name": "로틀레스 거인",
                    "text": "지하생장 — 로틀레스 거인이 전장에 들어올 때, 상대를 목표로 정한다. 로틀레스 거인은 그 상대에게 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드 한 장당 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 좀비 거인"
                    "flavorText": "\"Prefiro os grandes que assomam aos pequenos que rastejam.\"\n— Cevraya, xamã Golgari",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454637,
                    "name": "Gigante Lotleth",
                    "text": "Necronutrimento — Quando Gigante Lotleth entra no campo de batalha, ele causa 1 ponto de dano ao oponente alvo para cada card de criatura em seu cemitério.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Zumbi Gigante"
                    "flavorText": "«Больших и заметных я предпочитаю мелким и разбегающимся в стороны».\n— Севрайя, шаманка Голгари",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454896,
                    "name": "Лотлетский Гигант",
                    "text": "Тайный рост — Когда Лотлетский Гигант выходит на поле битвы, он наносит 1 повреждение целевому оппоненту за каждую карту существа на вашем кладбище.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зомби Гигант"
                    "flavorText": "「相比渺小掠行的生物,我更喜欢大到遮天的那种。」\n~葛加理祭师习拉雅",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455155,
                    "name": "洛特离巨人",
                    "text": "朽力~当洛特离巨人进战场时,你坟墓场中每有一张生物牌,它便向目标对手造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~灵俑/巨人"
                    "flavorText": "「相比渺小掠行的生物,我更喜歡大到遮天的那種。」\n~葛加理祭師習拉雅",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455414,
                    "name": "洛特離巨人",
                    "text": "朽力~當洛特離巨人進戰場時,你墳墓場中每有一張生物牌,它便向目標對手造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~殭屍/巨人"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{6}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452824,
            "name": "Lotleth Giant",
            "number": "74",
            "originalText": "<i>Undergrowth</i> — When Lotleth Giant enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to target opponent for each creature card in your graveyard.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Zombie Giant",
            "power": "6",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities."
            "scryfallId": "b1dc38b7-52f7-4394-b095-5442429ab291",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c36cbda7-38a2-4951-bfd4-73ec779b8550",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5e0bd136-e7e9-49f0-910b-a9fb0b9c481a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176738,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Undergrowth — When Lotleth Giant enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to target opponent for each creature card in your graveyard.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Zombie Giant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6e0226df-c9a1-551a-a46a-efce42064e7d",
            "uuidV421": "a7bcd53b-add2-5263-8d49-9d622395ad6b",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453029,
                    "name": "Loxodon-Wiederhersteller",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nWenn der Loxodon-Wiederhersteller ins Spiel kommt, erhältst du 4 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elefant, Kleriker"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453288,
                    "name": "Restaurador loxodón",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nCuando el Restaurador loxodón entre al campo de batalla, ganas 4 vidas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo elefante"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453547,
                    "name": "Restaurateur loxodon",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nQuand le Restaurateur loxodon arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous gagnez 4 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : éléphant et clerc"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453806,
                    "name": "Lossodonte Risanatore",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nQuando il Lossodonte Risanatore entra nel campo di battaglia, guadagni 4 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Elefante"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454065,
                    "name": "ロクソドンの修復者",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\nロクソドンの修復者が戦場に出たとき、あなたは4点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 象・クレリック"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454324,
                    "name": "록소돈 회복술사",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n록소돈 회복술사가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 생명 4점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 코끼리 성직자"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454583,
                    "name": "Loxodonte Restaurador",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nQuando Loxodonte Restaurador entra no campo de batalha, você ganha 4 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elefante Clérigo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454842,
                    "name": "Локсодонский Восстановитель",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nКогда Локсодонский Восстановитель выходит на поле битвы, вы получаете 4 жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Слон Священник"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455101,
                    "name": "象族复元师",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n当象族复元师进战场时,你获得4点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~象/僧侣"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455360,
                    "name": "象族復元師",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n當象族復元師進戰場時,你獲得4點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~象/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452770,
            "name": "Loxodon Restorer",
            "number": "20",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>\nWhen Loxodon Restorer enters the battlefield, you gain 4 life.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elephant Cleric",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "1ead2166-a7ca-49cb-bf93-2f59c37b4cb9",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c3246b5a-6577-44ee-b699-36b2613330f2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "77eb2374-44a0-4383-b229-edc116c7d835",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176741,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)\nWhen Loxodon Restorer enters the battlefield, you gain 4 life.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Elephant Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c99d4eae-4809-5ddf-95a2-9e375108171f",
            "uuidV421": "b0c3ffe6-9e95-5228-8fa9-70513735e0e3",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Mark Behm",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Article 5.8.2. Ensure proper restraint of any and all arms, legs, claws, jaws, tails, tentacles, and tendrils as appropriate.\"\n—*Azorius Arrester Procedure*, Appendix B.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Artikel 5.8.2. Jegliche Arten von Armen, Beinen, Klauen, Mäulern, Schwänzen und Tentakeln müssen stets ausreichend gesichert sein.\"\n—Regulatorium für Azorius-Eintreiber, Anhang B",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453030,
                    "name": "Leuchtende Fesseln",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur kann nicht angreifen oder blocken.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Artículo 5.8.2. Asegure la sujeción adecuada de cualesquiera brazos, piernas, mandíbulas, colas, tentáculos y pedúnculos según proceda\".\n—Procedimiento de los encarceladores azorios, apéndice B",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453289,
                    "name": "Ataduras luminosas",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada no puede atacar ni bloquear.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "« Article 5.8.2. Assurer la bonne entrave de tout bras, jambe, griffe, mâchoire, queue, tentacule et appendice, le cas échéant. »\n—Procédure des courtiers d'Azorius, Annexe B",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453548,
                    "name": "Liens lumineux",
                    "text": "Enchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée ne peut ni attaquer ni bloquer.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Articolo 5.8.2. Assicurarsi di bloccare in modo appropriato ogni braccio, gamba, artiglio, zanna, coda, tentacolo o propaggine di qualsiasi tipo.\"\n—Codice di procedura della polizia Azorius, Appendice B",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453807,
                    "name": "Vincoli Luminosi",
                    "text": "Incanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata non può attaccare o bloccare.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "「5.8.2. 必要に応じて、腕、足、爪、顎、尾、触手および巻鬚の一部または全部を確実に拘束すること。」\n――アゾリウス拘引手引、附則B",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454066,
                    "name": "光明の縛め",
                    "text": "エンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントされているクリーチャーでは攻撃もブロックもできない。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "\"5.8.2조. 모든 팔, 다리, 발톱, 턱, 꼬리, 촉수와 덩굴손들에 적절하게 합당한 규제 조치를 취할 것.\"\n—아조리우스 체포원 절차, 부록 B",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454325,
                    "name": "빛나는 구속",
                    "text": "생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 공격하거나 방어할 수 없다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "\"Artigo 5.8.2. Garanta a contenção adequada de todos e quaisquer braços, pernas, garras, mandíbulas, caudas, tentáculos e gavinhas conforme o caso.\"\n— Procedimentos dos Encarceradores Azorius, Apêndice B",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454584,
                    "name": "Amarras Luminosas",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura\nA criatura encantada não pode atacar nem bloquear.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "«Пункт 5.8.2: убедиться в надлежащем обездвиживании всех рук, ног, когтей, челюстей, хвостов, щупалец и жгутиков, по мере применимости».\n—«Методики задержателей Азориусов», дополнение B",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454843,
                    "name": "Узы Света",
                    "text": "Зачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо не может атаковать или блокировать.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "「第5.8.2条 拘束时务请确保所有手、脚、爪、颚、尾、须、卷等部位均已妥善固定。」\n~《俄佐立逮捕人规程》附录B",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455102,
                    "name": "光缕禁锢",
                    "text": "结附于生物\n所结附的生物不能进行攻击或阻挡。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "「第5.8.2條 拘束時務請確保所有手、腳、爪、顎、尾、鬚、卷等部位均已妥善固定。」\n~《俄佐立逮捕人規程》附錄B",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455361,
                    "name": "光縷禁錮",
                    "text": "結附於生物\n所結附的生物不能進行攻擊或阻擋。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452771,
            "name": "Luminous Bonds",
            "number": "21",
            "originalText": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature can't attack or block.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "5d471de4-a7b2-4e13-9492-3fa94f5867ac",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5b2e5228-94e2-4653-b7c4-d6a069b3dcc0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2c006a63-0550-4a87-a5fe-f4247857271c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176887,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature can't attack or block.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "06b3992e-1918-5a6c-bddb-7beed9b9d0b7",
            "uuidV421": "4f26dc2b-3dd7-500f-92c6-5853aac27b11"
            "artist": "Heonhwa Choe",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"They tell us the wilds are ours, then they brick them over. They can lie to our faces but not to our fists.\"\n—Ghut Rak, Gruul guildmage",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Sie sagen, die Wildnis gehört uns, doch dann mauern sie sie zu. Sie können uns ins Gesicht lügen, aber unsere Fäuste werden antworten.\"\n—Ghut Rak, Gruul-Gildenmagier",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453119,
                    "name": "Wahnsinniger Zorn",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur erhält +2/+2 und kann nicht blocken.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Dicen que las tierras salvajes son nuestras y luego las pavimentan. Podrán mentirnos a la cara, pero no a nuestros puños\".\n—Ghut Rak, mago del gremio gruul",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453378,
                    "name": "Rabia maníaca",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada obtiene +2/+2 y no puede bloquear.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "« Ils nous disent que les étendues sauvages sont à nous, puis ils les recouvrent de briques. Ils nous mentent au visage mais nos poings ne sont pas dupes. »\n—Ghut Rak, ghildmage de Gruul",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453637,
                    "name": "Rage démente",
                    "text": "Enchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée gagne +2/+2 et ne peut pas bloquer.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ci assicurano che le terre selvagge ci appartengono, poi le ricoprono di mattoni. Possono mentire alle nostre orecchie, ma non ai nostri pugni.\"\n—Ghut Rak, mago della gilda Gruul",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453896,
                    "name": "Furia Maniacale",
                    "text": "Incanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata prende +2/+2 e non può bloccare.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "「奴らは自然を我々に与えると言った。だがそれを煉瓦で覆ったのだ。面と向かって嘘はつけても拳に向かって嘘はつけまい。」\n――グルールのギルド魔道士、ガット・ラック",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454155,
                    "name": "狂った怒り",
                    "text": "エンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントされているクリーチャーは、+2/+2の修整を受け、それではブロックできない。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "\"그들은 황야가 우리의 것이라고 말하고 나서는 그 위로 벽돌을 올린다. 그들이 우리의 얼굴에 대고는 거짓말을 할 수 있지만 주먹에는 그럴 수 없지.\"\n—그룰 길드 마도사, 구트 라크",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454414,
                    "name": "광기어린 분노",
                    "text": "생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 +2/+2를 받으며 방어할 수 없다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eles dizem que as áreas selvagens são nossas, e depois enchem tudo de tijolo. Eles podem mentir na nossa cara, mas não na frente do nosso murro.\"\n— Ghut Rak, mago da guilda Gruul",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454673,
                    "name": "Fúria Maníaca",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura\nA criatura encantada recebe +2/+2 e não pode bloquear.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "«Они говорят, что дикие земли — наши, а сами повсюду возводят свои кирпичные стены. Они могут лгать нам в лицо — но не солгут нашим кулакам».\n— Гут Рак, маг гильдии Груулов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454932,
                    "name": "Маниакальная Ярость",
                    "text": "Зачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо получает +2/+2 и не может блокировать.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "「他们曾说荒野都归我们,然后就用砖块把野地都盖住。他们的谎言也许骗得过我们的耳朵,但挡不住我们的铁拳。」\n~古鲁公会法师顾拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455191,
                    "name": "狂愤",
                    "text": "结附于生物\n所结附的生物得+2/+2且不能进行阻挡。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "「他們曾說荒野都歸我們,然後就用磚塊把野地都蓋住。他們的謊言也許騙得過我們的耳朵,但擋不住我們的鐵拳。」\n~古魯公會法師顧拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455450,
                    "name": "狂憤",
                    "text": "結附於生物\n所結附的生物得+2/+2且不能進行阻擋。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452860,
            "name": "Maniacal Rage",
            "number": "110",
            "originalText": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets +2/+2 and can't block.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "882f8dcf-b361-4dc9-8329-e7d1f807acd6",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "b5dbb212-0399-475b-a831-921f7c76cdc4",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176912,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets +2/+2 and can't block.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1091c48b-b0f1-525f-9ef8-dde4bad77b55",
            "uuidV421": "a1fed9a4-759e-5e7c-942f-cf904c4b7ad4"
            "artist": "Zack Stella",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Our forces number more than the leaves of Vitu-Ghazi. Do not provoke us.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Unsere Streitkräfte sind zahlreicher als die Blätter von Vitu-Ghazi. Fordere uns nicht heraus.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453197,
                    "name": "Marsch der Massen",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nErzeuge X 1/1 weiße Soldat-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Lebensverknüpfung.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nuestras filas cuentan con más miembros que hojas tiene Vitu-Ghazi. No nos provoques\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453456,
                    "name": "Marcha de las multitudes",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nCrea X fichas de criatura Soldado blancas 1/1 con la habilidad de vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Nos forces sont plus nombreuses que les feuilles de Vitu-Ghazi. Ne nous provoquez pas. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453715,
                    "name": "Marche de la multitude",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nCréez X jetons de créature 1/1 blanche Soldat avec le lien de vie.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le nostre forze sono più numerose delle foglie di Vitu-Ghazi. Non provocateci.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453974,
                    "name": "Marcia delle Moltitudini",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nCrea X pedine creatura Soldato 1/1 bianche con legame vitale.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「私たちの戦力はヴィトゥ=ガジーの葉の数よりも多いの。怒らせないほうがいいわよ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454233,
                    "name": "大集団の行進",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\n絆魂を持つ白の1/1の兵士・クリーチャー・トークンをX体生成する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"우리의 수는 비투-가지의 나뭇잎 수보다 많다. 우리를 도발하지 마라.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454492,
                    "name": "군중의 행진",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n생명연결을 가진 1/1 백색 병사 생물 토큰 X개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nossas forças são mais numerosas que as folhas de Vitu-Ghazi. Não nos provoque.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454751,
                    "name": "Marcha das Multidões",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nCrie X fichas de criatura branca 1/1 do tipo Soldado com vínculo com a vida.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«У нас больше солдат, чем листьев в Виту-Гази. Не стоит нас провоцировать».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455010,
                    "name": "Марш Множества",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nСоздайте X фишек существа 1/1 белый Солдат с Цепью жизни.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「我军人数比维图加基的树叶还多。别惹我们。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455269,
                    "name": "大军行进",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n派出X个1/1白色,具系命异能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「我軍人數比維圖加基的樹葉還多。別惹我們。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455528,
                    "name": "大軍行進",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n派出X個1/1白色,具繫命異能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{X}{G}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452938,
            "name": "March of the Multitudes",
            "names": [],
            "number": "188",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>\nCreate X 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens with lifelink.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "2cc2b646-0181-4f0a-a141-00ca56069a06",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "bc003ccc-e221-4d52-9a9a-bbd17741c51d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0c26ab0d-80f6-4e5b-9d0e-af17c1519583",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176424,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of the creature's color.)\nCreate X 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens with lifelink.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5ea28f83-5672-5b4f-b14e-701270aea5df",
            "uuidV421": "e86b85da-e017-518e-98d9-f138b1947e96",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Adam Paquette",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453084,
                    "name": "Geheimnisse des Mausoleums",
                    "text": "Totenwelt — Durchsuche deine Bibliothek nach einer schwarzen Karte mit umgewandelte Manakosten kleiner oder gleich der Anzahl an Kreaturenkarten in deinem Friedhof, zeige sie offen vor, nimm sie auf deine Hand und mische dann deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453343,
                    "name": "Secretos del mausoleo",
                    "text": "Despojos — Busca en tu biblioteca una carta negra con coste de maná convertido menor o igual a la cantidad de cartas de criatura en tu cementerio, muéstrala, ponla en tu mano y luego baraja tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453602,
                    "name": "Secrets du mausolée",
                    "text": "Maquis — Cherchez dans votre bibliothèque une carte noire avec un coût converti de mana inférieur ou égal au nombre de cartes de créature dans votre cimetière, révélez-la, mettez-la dans votre main et mélangez ensuite votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453861,
                    "name": "Segreti del Mausoleo",
                    "text": "Crescita sotterranea — Passa in rassegna il tuo grimorio per una carta nera con costo di mana convertito pari o inferiore al numero di carte creatura nel tuo cimitero, rivelala e aggiungila alla tua mano, poi rimescola il tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454120,
                    "name": "霊廟の秘密",
                    "text": "宿根 ― あなたのライブラリーから、点数で見たマナ・コストがあなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カードの枚数以下である黒のカード1枚を探し、それを公開してあなたの手札に加え、その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454379,
                    "name": "영묘의 비밀",
                    "text": "지하생장 — 당신의 서고에서 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드 수 이하의 전환마나비용을 가진 흑색 카드 한 장을 찾아, 그 카드를 공개하고 당신의 손으로 가져간 후, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454638,
                    "name": "Segredos do Mausoléu",
                    "text": "Necronutrimento — Procure em seu grimório um card preto com custo de mana convertido igual ou inferior ao número de cards de criatura em seu cemitério, revele-o, coloque-o em sua mão e depois embaralhe seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454897,
                    "name": "Секреты Мавзолея",
                    "text": "Тайный рост — Найдите в вашей библиотеке черную карту с конвертированной мана-стоимостью, меньше или равной количеству карт существ на вашем кладбище, покажите ее, положите ее в вашу руку, затем перетасуйте вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455156,
                    "name": "陵墓奥秘",
                    "text": "朽力~坟墓场中的生物牌从你的牌库中搜寻一张总法术力费用等于或小于你坟墓场中生物牌数量的黑色牌,展示该牌,将它置于你手上,然后将你的牌库洗牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455415,
                    "name": "陵墓奧秘",
                    "text": "朽力~從你的牌庫中搜尋一張總魔法力費用等於或小於你墳墓場中生物牌數量的黑色牌,展示該牌,將它置於你手上,然後將你的牌庫洗牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452825,
            "name": "Mausoleum Secrets",
            "number": "75",
            "originalText": "<i>Undergrowth</i> — Search your library for a black card with converted mana cost less than or equal to the number of creature cards in your graveyard, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A land card that produces black mana, even a Swamp, normally has no color."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card in your library has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities."
            "scryfallId": "26f7cf38-78cc-4139-9f2a-4dd0be7d9da8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "39aa3025-cbbb-43ce-82df-223eb60578c1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "30c4914e-4d9f-453d-bf5b-48ab8e0f2ba3",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176443,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Undergrowth — Search your library for a black card with converted mana cost less than or equal to the number of creature cards in your graveyard, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8a4f3ef5-dd2e-5c7c-b241-676aa4d29433",
            "uuidV421": "a9623008-1aef-5d82-ab02-ff6f4156efd7",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Mike Bierek",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453052,
                    "name": "Maximale Flughöhe",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +1/+1 und Flugfähigkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nKatalyse (Du kannst diese Karte aus deinem Friedhof wirken, indem du zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Kosten eine Karte abwirfst. Schicke sie danach ins Exil.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453311,
                    "name": "Maximizar la altitud",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +1/+1 y gana la habilidad de volar hasta el final del turno.\nRecargar. (Puedes lanzar esta carta desde tu cementerio descartando una carta además de pagar sus otros costes. Luego, exilia esta carta.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453570,
                    "name": "Optimisation de l'altitude",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +1/+1 et acquiert le vol jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nRelancez (Vous pouvez lancer cette carte depuis votre cimetière en vous défaussant d'une carte en plus de payer ses autres coûts. Puis exilez cette carte.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453829,
                    "name": "Massimizzare l'Altitudine",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +1/+1 e ha volare fino alla fine del turno.\nCarica d'avvio (Puoi lanciare questa carta dal tuo cimitero scartando una carta oltre a pagare i suoi altri costi. Poi esilia questa carta.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454088,
                    "name": "最大高度",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+1/+1の修整を受け、飛行を得る。\n再活(あなたはあなたの墓地から、このカードを、これの他のコストの支払いに加えてカード1枚を捨てることで唱えてもよい。その後、このカードを追放する。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454347,
                    "name": "고도를 최고로",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받고 비행을 얻는다.\n강제 시동 (당신은 이 카드의 다른 비용들을 지불하는 것에 추가로 카드를 한 장 버리는 것으로 이 카드를 당신의 무덤에서 발동할 수 있다. 그 후 이 카드를 추방한다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454606,
                    "name": "Maximizar Altitude",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +1/+1 e ganha voar até o final do turno.\nRecarregar (Você pode conjurar este card de seu cemitério descartando um card além de pagar seus outros custos. Depois, exile este card.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454865,
                    "name": "Предельная Высота",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +1/+1 и Полет до конца хода.\nИмпульс (Вы можете разыграть эту карту из вашего кладбища, сбросив карту в дополнение к оплате других ее стоимостей. Затем изгоните эту карту.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455124,
                    "name": "极限飞升",
                    "text": "直到回合结束,目标生物得+1/+1且获得飞行异能。\n再起(你可以从你的坟墓场施放此牌,但必须支付其所需费用并额外弃一张牌。然后放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455383,
                    "name": "極限飛昇",
                    "text": "直到回合結束,目標生物得+1/+1且獲得飛行異能。\n再起(你可以從你的墳墓場施放此牌,但必須支付其所需費用並額外棄一張牌。)然後放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452793,
            "name": "Maximize Altitude",
            "number": "43",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +1/+1 and gains flying until end of turn.\nJump-start <i>(You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. For instance, you can cast a sorcery using jump-start only when you could normally cast a sorcery."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A spell cast using jump-start will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it’s countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect allows you to pay an alternative cost rather than a spell’s mana cost, you may pay that alternative cost when you jump-start a spell. You’ll still discard a card as an additional cost to cast it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card with jump-start is put into your graveyard during your turn, you’ll be able to cast it right away if it’s legal to do so, before an opponent can take any actions."
            "scryfallId": "3b5a08a0-b002-4bfe-9cac-d2bf96175f8e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "dba8d4ec-3e1e-4c39-86bf-4b25ca5d4a4c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "70e8eba9-a106-49c5-932e-b4390edb1c98",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176684,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets +1/+1 and gains flying until end of turn.\nJump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1d51b03e-87ff-5822-9947-54fa77b309ba",
            "uuidV421": "ecc84f8e-93b8-5ec0-919c-5569a9be8965",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453120,
                    "name": "Maximale Geschwindigkeit",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +1/+1 und Eile bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nKatalyse (Du kannst diese Karte aus deinem Friedhof wirken, indem du zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Kosten eine Karte abwirfst. Schicke sie danach ins Exil.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453379,
                    "name": "Maximizar la velocidad",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +1/+1 y gana la habilidad de prisa hasta el final del turno.\nRecargar. (Puedes lanzar esta carta desde tu cementerio descartando una carta además de pagar sus otros costes. Luego, exilia esta carta.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453638,
                    "name": "Optimisation de la vélocité",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +1/+1 et acquiert la célérité jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nRelancez (Vous pouvez lancer cette carte depuis votre cimetière en vous défaussant d'une carte en plus de payer ses autres coûts. Puis exilez cette carte.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453897,
                    "name": "Massimizzare la Velocità",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +1/+1 e ha rapidità fino alla fine del turno.\nCarica d'avvio (Puoi lanciare questa carta dal tuo cimitero scartando una carta oltre a pagare i suoi altri costi. Poi esilia questa carta.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454156,
                    "name": "最大速度",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+1/+1の修整を受け、速攻を得る。\n再活(あなたはあなたの墓地から、このカードを、これの他のコストの支払いに加えてカード1枚を捨てることで唱えてもよい。その後、このカードを追放する。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454415,
                    "name": "속도를 최고로",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받고 신속을 얻는다.\n강제 시동 (당신은 이 카드의 다른 비용들을 지불하는 것에 추가로 카드를 한 장 버리는 것으로 이 카드를 당신의 무덤에서 발동할 수 있다. 그 후 이 카드를 추방한다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454674,
                    "name": "Maximizar a Velocidade",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +1/+1 e ganha ímpeto até o final do turno.\nRecarregar (Você pode conjurar este card de seu cemitério descartando um card além de pagar seus outros custos. Depois, exile este card.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454933,
                    "name": "Предельная Скорость",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +1/+1 и Ускорение до конца хода.\nИмпульс (Вы можете разыграть эту карту из вашего кладбища, сбросив карту в дополнение к оплате других ее стоимостей. Затем изгоните эту карту.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455192,
                    "name": "极限狂飙",
                    "text": "直到回合结束,目标生物得+1/+1且获得敏捷异能。\n再起(你可以从你的坟墓场施放此牌,但必须支付其所需费用并额外弃一张牌。然后放逐此牌。)。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455451,
                    "name": "極限狂飆",
                    "text": "直到回合結束,目標生物得+1/+1且獲得敏捷異能。\n再起(你可以從你的墳墓場施放此牌,但必須支付其所需費用並額外棄一張牌。)然後放逐此牌。)。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452861,
            "name": "Maximize Velocity",
            "number": "111",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +1/+1 and gains haste until end of turn.\nJump-start <i>(You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. For instance, you can cast a sorcery using jump-start only when you could normally cast a sorcery."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A spell cast using jump-start will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it’s countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect allows you to pay an alternative cost rather than a spell’s mana cost, you may pay that alternative cost when you jump-start a spell. You’ll still discard a card as an additional cost to cast it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card with jump-start is put into your graveyard during your turn, you’ll be able to cast it right away if it’s legal to do so, before an opponent can take any actions."
            "scryfallId": "ebb7a2aa-f002-4f05-b9ec-8adee4c65e46",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "55f90caa-3005-4dee-9ddd-ccb348d38863",
            "scryfallOracleId": "96e7e4c8-f66d-4327-aee6-85da648418f5",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176915,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets +1/+1 and gains haste until end of turn.\nJump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "053c51da-f7c9-5455-9794-78c319c34f5e",
            "uuidV421": "843895d7-4757-541a-b4be-023c76befc38",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Darek Zabrocki",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Ravnica's safest strongholds are often neither.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Der Wind zieht auch durch Ravnicas sicherste Festungen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453085,
                    "name": "Verpestete Dämpfe",
                    "text": "Alle Kreaturen erhalten -1/-1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nÜberwachen 2. (Schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Normalmente, las fortalezas más seguras de Rávnica no son ni lo uno ni lo otro.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453344,
                    "name": "Vapores mefíticos",
                    "text": "Todas las criaturas obtienen -1/-1 hasta el final del turno.\nEscruta 2. (Mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Les forteresses les plus sécurisées de Ravnica ne sont souvent ni l'une ni l'autre.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453603,
                    "name": "Vapeurs méphitiques",
                    "text": "Toutes les créatures gagnent -1/-1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nSurveillez 2. (Regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Le fortezze più sicure di Ravnica spesso non sono né forti né sicure.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453862,
                    "name": "Vapori Mefitici",
                    "text": "Tutte le creature prendono -1/-1 fino alla fine del turno.\nSorveglia 2. (Guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "ラヴニカで最も安全な城砦も、大抵それほど安全ではない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454121,
                    "name": "有毒ガス",
                    "text": "ターン終了時まで、クリーチャーはすべて-1/-1の修整を受ける。\n諜報2を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置く。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "라브니카에서 가장 안전한 성채라는 것은 대부분의 경우 존재하지 않는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454380,
                    "name": "유독한 증기",
                    "text": "모든 생물은 턴종료까지 -1/-1을 받는다.\n감시 2를 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "As fortalezas mais seguras de Ravnica muitas vezes não são nem fortes nem seguras.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454639,
                    "name": "Vapores Mefíticos",
                    "text": "Todas as criaturas recebem -1/-1 até o final do turno.\nVigiar 2. (Olhe os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Самые безопасные крепости Равники — зачастую ни то и ни другое.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454898,
                    "name": "Зловонные Испарения",
                    "text": "Все существа получают -1/-1 до конца хода.\nСлежка 2. (Посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "拉尼卡最安全的堡垒通常既不安全也保不住人。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455157,
                    "name": "恶臭毒气",
                    "text": "所有生物得-1/-1直到回合结束。\n刺探2。(检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "拉尼卡最安全的堡壘通常既不安全也保不住人。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455416,
                    "name": "惡臭毒氣",
                    "text": "所有生物得-1/-1直到回合結束。\n刺探2。(檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452826,
            "name": "Mephitic Vapors",
            "number": "76",
            "originalText": "All creatures get -1/-1 until end of turn.\nSurveil 2. <i>(Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creatures that are going to die after getting -1/-1 will still be on the battlefield while you surveil. They won’t be put into their owners’ graveyards until after Mephitic Vapors is entirely finished resolving. If any of their abilities trigger on surveilling, those abilities will trigger but won’t resolve until after the creatures have left the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mephitic Vapors affects only creatures on the battlefield at the time it resolves. Creatures that enter the battlefield later in the turn won’t get -1/-1."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "675640ba-37e7-4231-8524-87e8b87ea46f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0510c0e9-1ddf-45f7-8818-fe9aabf58e50",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5731ecb5-6ddc-4452-990c-b69986367f25",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176933,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "All creatures get -1/-1 until end of turn.\nSurveil 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on the top of your library in any order.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f41cf8de-50f3-51fb-8ccb-b475610616a8",
            "uuidV421": "7a871486-c4cc-5a67-bc21-0cd3728a8912",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Sidharth Chaturvedi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "No one welcomes his visit, yet all must grant him tribute.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Niemand erwartet ihn freudig, und doch müssen ihm alle Tribut zollen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453086,
                    "name": "Mitternachts-Sensenmann",
                    "text": "Immer wenn eine Nichtspielsteinkreatur, die du kontrollierst, stirbt, fügt der Mitternachts-Sensenmann dir 1 Schadenspunkt zu und du ziehst eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zombie, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "Nadie recibe con gusto su visita, mas todos deben rendirle tributo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453345,
                    "name": "Segador de medianoche",
                    "text": "Siempre que una criatura que no sea ficha que controlas muera, el Segador de medianoche te hace 1 punto de daño y tú robas una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero zombie"
                    "flavorText": "Personne n'affectionne ses visites, mais tous doivent lui rendre hommage.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453604,
                    "name": "Faucheur de minuit",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'une créature non-jeton que vous contrôlez meurt, le Faucheur de minuit vous inflige 1 blessure et vous piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : zombie et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "Nessuno lo accoglie al suo arrivo, ma tutti devono pagargli tributo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453863,
                    "name": "Mietitore di Mezzanotte",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta una creatura non pedina che controlli muore, il Mietitore di Mezzanotte ti infligge 1 danno e tu peschi una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Zombie"
                    "flavorText": "その訪問を歓迎する者などいないが、誰もが貢ぎ物を差し出さなければならない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454122,
                    "name": "真夜中の死神",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしていてトークンでないクリーチャーが1体死亡するたび、真夜中の死神はあなたに1点のダメージを与え、あなたはカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゾンビ・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "아무도 그가 방문하는 것을 환영하지 않지만, 그럼에도 모두 그에게 찬사를 보내야 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454381,
                    "name": "한밤의 사신",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 토큰이 아닌 생물이 죽을 때마다, 한밤의 사신은 당신에게 피해 1점을 입히고 당신은 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 좀비 기사"
                    "flavorText": "Ninguém saúda sua visita, mas todos lhe devem tributo.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454640,
                    "name": "Ceifador da Meia-noite",
                    "text": "Toda vez que uma criatura que não seja ficha que você controla morre, Ceifador da Meia-noite causa 1 ponto de dano a você e você compra um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Zumbi Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "Никто не рад его визиту, но всякий должен заплатить ему дань.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454899,
                    "name": "Полуночный Жнец",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда не являющееся фишкой существо под вашим контролем умирает, Полуночный Жнец наносит вам 1 повреждение, и вы берете карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зомби Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "无人欢迎他的到来,但人人都得奉上贡品。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455158,
                    "name": "午夜镰刀手",
                    "text": "每当一个由你操控且非衍生物的生物死去时,午夜镰刀手对你造成1点伤害且你抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~灵俑/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "無人歡迎他的到來,但人人都得奉上貢品。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455417,
                    "name": "午夜鐮刀手",
                    "text": "每當一個由你操控且非衍生物的生物死去時,午夜鐮刀手對你造成1點傷害且你抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~殭屍/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
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            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452827,
            "name": "Midnight Reaper",
            "number": "77",
            "originalText": "Whenever a nontoken creature you control dies, Midnight Reaper deals 1 damage to you and you draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Zombie Knight",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Midnight Reaper’s ability triggers when it dies if it’s not a token."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If Midnight Reaper dies at the same time as one or more other nontoken creatures you control, Midnight Reaper’s ability triggers for each of them."
            "scryfallId": "5e122fe0-51c5-404d-a7b9-3d161a426c35",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a609d9d0-bcbb-4486-b6dd-a95c1f1db959",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e8c7566d-7cc0-48af-a986-83223ec7e06c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176429,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever a nontoken creature you control dies, Midnight Reaper deals 1 damage to you and you draw a card.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Zombie Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "84902132-a912-50e1-b254-dfc540bb72c0",
            "uuidV421": "c08ead92-58eb-53f7-bbca-87b0443955bc"
            "artist": "Alex Konstad",
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            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"There is nothing stronger than many hearts united for a single cause.\"\n—Emmara",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Es gibt nichts Mächtigeres als Herzen, die vereint für eine Sache kämpfen.\"\n—Emmara",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453146,
                    "name": "Die Macht der Massen",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält für jede Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"No hay nada más poderoso que muchos corazones unidos por una misma causa\".\n—Emmara",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453405,
                    "name": "Poder de las masas",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +1/+1 hasta el final del turno por cada criatura que controlas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Il n'existe rien de plus fort qu'une multitude de cœurs unis pour une même cause. »\n—Emmara",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453664,
                    "name": "Puissance des masses",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour pour chaque créature que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Niente è più potente di molti cuori uniti per la stessa causa.\"\n—Emmara",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453923,
                    "name": "Potere delle Masse",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno per ogni creatura che controlli.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「一つの理由により団結した多くの心よりも強いものはない。」\n――イマーラ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454182,
                    "name": "大群の力",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それはあなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体につき+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"하나의 목표를 위해 단결한 수많은 생명들보다 강한 것은 어디에도 없다.\"\n—에마라",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454441,
                    "name": "군중의 힘",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 당신이 조종하는 생물 한 개당 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não há nada mais forte do que muitos corações unidos por uma causa.\"\n— Emmara",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454700,
                    "name": "Força das Massas",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +1/+1 até o final do turno para cada criatura que você controla.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Нет ничего сильнее множества сердец, объединенных одной целью».\n— Эммара",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454959,
                    "name": "Сила Масс",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +1/+1 до конца хода за каждое существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「众人齐心,其利断金。」\n~艾玛拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455218,
                    "name": "众人之力",
                    "text": "你每操控一个生物,目标生物便得+1/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「眾人齊心,其利斷金。」\n~艾瑪拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455477,
                    "name": "眾人之力",
                    "text": "你每操控一個生物,目標生物便得+1/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
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            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452887,
            "name": "Might of the Masses",
            "number": "137",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The bonus is determined as Might of the Masses resolves. It won’t change if the number of creatures you control changes later in the turn."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you target a creature you control with Might of the Masses, remember to count that creature when determining the amount of the bonus."
            "scryfallId": "cf6d9ef7-0b16-4095-9c70-f6776e4cd3cb",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "17b39970-bc45-4974-87aa-9dc6b6d45ff5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f73416a8-40e5-4791-948f-147ef2221ee7",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176900,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each creature you control.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c30fbf84-6398-5168-b82d-a16ea1d04cb4",
            "uuidV421": "4681e8ef-5723-5920-aedb-e277456c2b40"
            "artist": "Matt Stewart",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453053,
                    "name": "Missionsbesprechung",
                    "text": "Überwachen 2, bestimme dann eine Spontanzauber- oder Hexerei-Karte in deinem Friedhof. Du kannst jene Karte in diesem Zug wirken. Falls die Karte in diesem Zug auf deinen Friedhof gelegt würde, schicke sie stattdessen ins Exil.(Um Überwachen 2 anzuwenden, schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453312,
                    "name": "Instrucciones de la misión",
                    "text": "Escruta 2, luego elige una carta de instantáneo o de conjuro de tu cementerio. Puedes lanzar esa carta este turno. Si esa carta fuera a ir a tu cementerio este turno, en vez de eso, exíliala.(Para escrutar 2, mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453571,
                    "name": "Réunion de mission",
                    "text": "Surveillez 2, puis choisissez une carte d'éphémère ou de rituel de votre cimetière. Vous pouvez lancer cette carte ce tour-ci. Si cette carte devait être mise dans votre cimetière ce tour-ci, exilez-la à la place.(Pour surveiller 2, regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453830,
                    "name": "Istruzioni della Missione",
                    "text": "Sorveglia 2, poi scegli una carta istantaneo o stregoneria nel tuo cimitero. Puoi lanciare quella carta in questo turno. Se quella carta sta per essere messa nel tuo cimitero in questo turno, invece esiliala. (Per sorvegliare 2, guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454089,
                    "name": "任務説明",
                    "text": "諜報2を行い、その後あなたの墓地からインスタントかソーサリーであるカード1枚を選ぶ。このターン、あなたはそのカードを唱えてもよい。このターン、そのカードがあなたの墓地に置かれるなら、代わりにそれを追放する。(諜報2を行うとは、あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置くことである。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454348,
                    "name": "임무 설명",
                    "text": "감시 2를 한 후, 당신의 무덤에 있는 순간마법 또는 집중마법 카드 한 장을 선택한다. 당신은 이 턴에 그 카드를 발동할 수 있다. 그 카드가 이 턴에 당신의 무덤에 들어가려고 하면, 대신에 그 카드를 추방한다.(감시 2를 하려면, 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454607,
                    "name": "Instruções de Missão",
                    "text": "Use vigiar 2. Depois, escolha um card de mágica instantânea ou feitiço em seu cemitério. Você pode conjurar aquele card neste turno. Se aquele card seria colocado no seu cemitério neste turno, em vez disso, exile-o.(Para usar vigiar 2, olhe os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454866,
                    "name": "Постановка Задачи",
                    "text": "Используйте Слежку 2, затем выберите карту мгновенного заклинания или волшебства на вашем кладбище. Вы можете разыграть ту карту в этом ходу. Если та карта должна быть положена на ваше кладбище в этом ходу, изгоните ее вместо этого.(Чтобы использовать Слежку 2, посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455125,
                    "name": "任务简报",
                    "text": "刺探2,然后选择你坟墓场中的一张瞬间或法术牌。本回合中,你可以施放该牌。如果该牌于本回合中将置入你的坟墓场,则改为将其放逐。(刺探2的流程是检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455384,
                    "name": "任務簡報",
                    "text": "刺探2,然後選擇你墳墓場中的一張瞬間或巫術牌。本回合中,你可以施放該牌。如果該牌於本回合中將置入你的墳墓場,則改為將其放逐。(刺探2的流程是檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452794,
            "name": "Mission Briefing",
            "number": "44",
            "originalText": "Surveil 2, then choose an instant or sorcery card in your graveyard. You may cast that card this turn. If that card would be put into your graveyard this turn, exile it instead. <i>(To surveil 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The instant or sorcery card you choose may be one that you just surveilled into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mission Briefing doesn’t change when you can cast the chosen card. For example, if you choose a sorcery card, you can cast it only during your main phase when the stack is empty."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mission Briefing is still on the stack while you choose an instant or sorcery card in your graveyard. Your Mission Briefing can’t be to give yourself that same Mission Briefing."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you cast a spell this way and that card is exiled, it’s considered a new object in the zone it’s put into. It won’t be exiled if it’s put into your graveyard later in the turn."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "02bed34d-67d9-4ae9-b351-dc9a89daeabf",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "cd5cd4e4-297b-45bd-a84b-5e8f6b93ba2c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c3a68018-9eff-47e6-a612-182886d28fe3",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176561,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Surveil 2, then choose an instant or sorcery card in your graveyard. You may cast that card this turn. If that card would be put into your graveyard this turn, exile it instead. (To surveil 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ca191fe3-7a9a-53bb-89ae-ea4174f25ab6",
            "uuidV421": "c1f64f7f-f457-50e1-87ea-5a34c6c71366",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Clint Cearley",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453198,
                    "name": "Verrat der Erinnerung",
                    "text": "Schicke alle Karten aus allen Friedhöfen deiner Gegner ins Exil. Du kannst jene Karten in diesem Zug wirken und um sie zu wirken, kannst du Mana ausgeben, als wäre es Mana eines beliebigen Typs. Zu Beginn des nächsten Endsegments und falls sich noch mindestens eine jener Karten im Exil befindet, bringe sie auf die Friedhöfe ihrer Besitzer zurück.\nSchicke den Verrat der Erinnerung ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453457,
                    "name": "Traición mnemónica",
                    "text": "Exilia todas las cartas de los cementerios de todos los oponentes. Puedes lanzar esas cartas este turno, y puedes gastar maná como si fuera maná de cualquier tipo para lanzar esos hechizos. Al comienzo de tu próximo paso final, si cualesquiera de esas cartas permanecen exiliadas, regrésalas a los cementerios de sus propietarios.\nExilia la Traición mnemónica.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453716,
                    "name": "Trahison mnémonique",
                    "text": "Exilez toutes les cartes des cimetières de tous les adversaires. Vous pouvez lancer ces cartes ce tour-ci, et vous pouvez dépenser du mana comme s'il s'agissait de mana de n'importe quel type pour lancer ces sorts. Au début de la prochaine étape de fin, si certaines de ces cartes restent exilées, renvoyez-les dans les cimetières de leurs propriétaires.\nExilez la Trahison mnémonique.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453975,
                    "name": "Tradimento Mnemonico",
                    "text": "Esilia tutte le carte dai cimiteri di tutti gli avversari. Puoi lanciare quelle carte in questo turno e puoi spendere mana come se fosse mana di qualsiasi tipo per lanciarle. All'inizio della prossima sottofase finale, se un qualsiasi numero di quelle carte è ancora in esilio, rimettile nei cimiteri dei rispettivi proprietari.\nEsilia il Tradimento Mnemonico.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454234,
                    "name": "記憶の裏切り",
                    "text": "対戦相手すべての墓地からカードをすべて追放する。このターン、あなたはそれらのカードを唱えてもよい。あなたは、それらの呪文を唱えるために、任意のマナを望むタイプのマナであるかのように支払ってもよい。次の終了ステップの開始時に、それらのカードのうちいくつかが追放されたままになっていた場合、それらをオーナーの墓地に戻す。\n記憶の裏切りを追放する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454493,
                    "name": "학습된 배신",
                    "text": "모든 상대의 무덤에 있는 모든 카드를 추방한다. 당신은 이번 턴에 그 카드들을 발동할 수 있으며, 그 주문들의 발동비용을 지불하기 위한 마나는 당신이 원하는 유형의 마나인 것처럼 사용할 수 있다. 다음 종료단 시작에, 그 카드들이 여전히 추방된 채로 남아있다면, 그 카드들을 소유자의 무덤으로 되돌린다.\n학습된 배신을 추방한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454752,
                    "name": "Traição Mnemônica",
                    "text": "Exile todos os cards dos cemitérios de todos os oponentes. Você pode conjurar aqueles cards neste turno e gastar mana como se fosse de qualquer tipo para conjurar aquelas mágicas. No início da próxima etapa final, se quaisquer daqueles cards permanecerem exilados, devolva-os aos cemitérios de seus donos.\nExile Traição Mnemônica.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455011,
                    "name": "Предательство Памяти",
                    "text": "Изгоните все карты из кладбищ всех оппонентов. Вы можете разыгрывать находящиеся среди них карты заклинаний в этом ходу, и вы можете тратить ману на разыгрывание тех заклинаний, как если бы это была мана любого типа. В начале следующего заключительного шага, если какие-то из тех карт остаются в изгнании, верните их на кладбища их владельцев.\nИзгоните Предательство Памяти.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455270,
                    "name": "记忆叛离",
                    "text": "放逐所有对手坟墓场中的所有牌。本回合中,你可以施放这些牌,且你可以将法术力视同任意种类的法术力来支付施放这些咒语的费用。在下一个结束步骤开始时,若仍有被持续放逐的这类牌,则将它们移回其拥有者的坟墓场。\n放逐记忆叛离。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455529,
                    "name": "記憶叛離",
                    "text": "放逐所有對手墳墓場中的所有牌。本回合中,你可以施放這些牌,且你可以將魔法力視同任意種類的魔法力來支付施放這些咒語的費用。在下一個結束步驟開始時,若仍有被持續放逐的這類牌,則將它們移回其擁有者的墳墓場。\n放逐記憶叛離。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452939,
            "name": "Mnemonic Betrayal",
            "number": "189",
            "originalText": "Exile all cards from all opponents' graveyards. You may cast those cards this turn, and you may spend mana as though it were mana of any type to cast those spells. At the beginning of the next end step, if any of those cards remain exiled, return them to their owners' graveyards.\nExile Mnemonic Betrayal.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can’t play land cards exiled this way."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mnemonic Betrayal doesn’t change when you can cast the exiled cards. For example, if you exile a sorcery card, you can cast it only during your main phase when the stack is empty."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you cast a spell this way and that card is exiled, it’s considered a new object. Mnemonic Betrayal no longer allows you to cast it. It remains in exile when Mnemonic Betrayal’s delayed triggered ability resolves."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Only the cards that remain in exile are returned to their owners’ graveyards. For example, a permanent spell cast this way will remain on the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if a player leaves the game, all cards that player owns leave as well. If you leave the game, any spells or permanents you control from Mnemonic Betrayal’s effect are exiled. If you leave the game before Mnemonic Betrayal’s delayed triggered ability resolves, the cards remain exiled."
            "scryfallId": "a5cf45aa-ed34-4add-a2ec-fc11f8c15ffa",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5d055be3-b7ae-44a3-ad5f-df59a80fecf4",
            "scryfallOracleId": "aa41e0e6-d04e-48d6-8450-02b972dd0bb1",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176839,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Exile all cards from all opponents' graveyards. You may cast those cards this turn, and you may spend mana as though it were mana of any type to cast those spells. At the beginning of the next end step, if any of those cards remain exiled, return them to their owners' graveyards.\nExile Mnemonic Betrayal.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "061a7529-c7d1-57fd-862a-e3135dad94e8",
            "uuidV421": "d0309753-3061-5457-80ee-f4e868e1af54",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 9.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453199,
                    "name": "Schimmelhüne",
                    "text": "Totenwelt — Dieser Zauberspruch kostet beim Wirken für jede Kreaturenkarte in deinem Friedhof {1} weniger.\nWenn der Schimmelhüne ins Spiel kommt, bringe eine Länderkarte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof ins Spiel zurück.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Pilzwesen, Zombie"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453458,
                    "name": "Titán pútrido",
                    "text": "Despojos — Te cuesta {1} menos lanzar este hechizo por cada carta de criatura en tu cementerio.\nCuando el Titán pútrido entre al campo de batalla, regresa la carta de tierra objetivo de tu cementerio al campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hongo zombie"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453717,
                    "name": "Carcasse fongiforme",
                    "text": "Maquis — Ce sort coûte {1} de moins à lancer pour chaque carte de créature dans votre cimetière.\nQuand la Carcasse fongiforme arrive sur le champ de bataille, renvoyez sur le champ de bataille une carte de terrain ciblée depuis votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Créature : fongus et zombie"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453976,
                    "name": "Mole Ammuffita",
                    "text": "Crescita sotterranea — Questa magia costa {1} in meno per essere lanciata per ogni carta creatura nel tuo cimitero.\nQuando la Mole Ammuffita entra nel campo di battaglia, rimetti sul campo di battaglia una carta terra bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Zombie Fungus"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454235,
                    "name": "腐れ巨人",
                    "text": "宿根 ― この呪文を唱えるためのコストは、あなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カード1枚につき{1}少なくなる。\n腐れ巨人が戦場に出たとき、あなたの墓地から土地・カード1枚を対象とし、それを戦場に戻す。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ファンガス・ゾンビ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454494,
                    "name": "곰팡이거인",
                    "text": "지하생장 — 이 주문은 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드 한 장당 발동하는 데 비용이 {1} 덜 든다.\n곰팡이거인이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신의 무덤에 있는 대지 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 전장으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 진균 좀비"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454753,
                    "name": "Mofão",
                    "text": "Necronutrimento — Esta mágica custa {1} a menos para ser conjurada para cada card de criatura em seu cemitério.\nQuando Mofão entrar no campo de batalha, devolva ao campo de batalha o card de terreno alvo de seu cemitério.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fungo Zumbi"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455012,
                    "name": "Плесенный Великан",
                    "text": "Тайный рост — Разыгрывание этого заклинания стоит на {1} меньше за каждую карту существа на вашем кладбище.\nКогда Плесенный Великан выходит на поле битвы, верните целевую карту земли из вашего кладбища на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Существо — Плесень Зомби"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455271,
                    "name": "腐霉巨汉",
                    "text": "朽力~你坟墓场中每有一张生物牌,此咒语便减少{1}来施放。\n当腐霉巨汉进战场时,将目标地牌从你的坟墓场移回战场。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌/灵俑"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455530,
                    "name": "腐霉巨漢",
                    "text": "朽力~你墳墓場中每有一張生物牌,此咒語便減少{1}來施放。\n當腐霉巨漢進戰場時,將目標地牌從你的墳墓場移回戰場。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌/殭屍"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{7}{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452940,
            "name": "Molderhulk",
            "number": "190",
            "originalText": "<i>Undergrowth</i> — This spell costs {1} less to cast for each creature card in your graveyard.\nWhen Molderhulk enters the battlefield, return target land card from your graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Fungus Zombie",
            "power": "6",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect allows you to cast Molderhulk from your graveyard, its undergrowth ability doesn’t count itself. It’s already on the stack when you determine the total cost to cast it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying, add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions (such as Molderhulk’s undergrowth ability). The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities."
            "scryfallId": "ba88e031-b194-4621-9e97-2f33ee46f6d0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "848a3800-1863-4561-a725-caa87de2a19a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a6fa840a-817c-4e84-9dd3-d28a011f2214",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176438,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Undergrowth — This spell costs {1} less to cast for each creature card in your graveyard.\nWhen Molderhulk enters the battlefield, return target land card from your graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Creature — Fungus Zombie",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1ce64c12-3a6e-5fd1-bf83-41803045b173",
            "uuidV421": "6e356123-5f91-51c8-bc35-16f75fd954fe",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Scott Murphy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453087,
                    "name": "Wesensmal-Zeichnerin",
                    "text": "Totenwelt — Wenn die Wesensmal-Zeichnerin ins Spiel kommt, erhält eine Kreatur deiner Wahl bis zum Ende des Zuges Bedrohlichkeit und +X/+0, wobei X gleich der Anzahl an Kreaturenkarten in deinem Friedhof ist. (Sie kann nicht geblockt werden, außer von zwei oder mehr Kreaturen.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Schamane"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453346,
                    "name": "Pintora de almadibujos",
                    "text": "Despojos — Cuando la Pintora de almadibujos entre al campo de batalla, la criatura objetivo gana la habilidad de amenaza y obtiene +X/+0 hasta el final del turno, donde X es la cantidad de cartas de criatura en tu cementerio. (No puede ser bloqueada excepto por dos o más criaturas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453605,
                    "name": "Peintre de marque d'humeur",
                    "text": "Maquis — Quand la Peintre de marque d'humeur arrive sur le champ de bataille, la créature ciblée acquiert la menace et gagne +X/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour, X étant le nombre de cartes de créature dans votre cimetière. (Elle ne peut pas être bloquée excepté par deux créatures ou plus.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et shamane"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453864,
                    "name": "Pittrice di Animarchi",
                    "text": "Crescita sotterranea — Quando la Pittrice di Animarchi entra nel campo di battaglia, una creatura bersaglio ha minacciare e prende +X/+0 fino alla fine del turno, dove X è il numero di carte creatura nel tuo cimitero. (Non può essere bloccata tranne che da due o più creature.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454123,
                    "name": "感情化粧師",
                    "text": "宿根 ― 感情化粧師が戦場に出たとき、クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは威迫を得て+X/+0の修整を受ける。Xはあなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カードの枚数に等しい。(それは2体以上のクリーチャーによってしかブロックされない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・シャーマン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454382,
                    "name": "정신표식 화공",
                    "text": "지하생장 — 정신표식 화공이 전장에 들어올 때, 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 호전적을 얻고 +X/+0을 받는다. X는 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드의 수이다. (그 생물은 두 개 이상의 생물에게만 방어될 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 주술사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454641,
                    "name": "Pintora de Marca d'Alma",
                    "text": "Necronutrimento — Quando Pintora de Marca d'Alma entra no campo de batalha, a criatura alvo ganha ameaçar e recebe +X/+0 até o final do turno, sendo X o número de cards de criatura em seu cemitério. (Ela só pode ser bloqueada por duas ou mais criaturas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Xamã"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454900,
                    "name": "Рисовальщица Узоров Настроения",
                    "text": "Тайный рост — Когда Рисовальщица Узоров Настроения выходит на поле битвы, целевое существо получает Угрозу и +X/+0 до конца хода, где X — количество карт существ на вашем кладбище. (Она не может быть заблокирована менее чем двумя существами.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Шаман"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455159,
                    "name": "貌纹绘师",
                    "text": "朽力~当貌纹绘师进战场时,直到回合结束,目标生物获得威慑异能且得+X/+0,X为你坟墓场中的生物牌数量。(它只能被两个或更多生物阻挡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/祭师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455418,
                    "name": "貌紋繪師",
                    "text": "朽力~當貌紋繪師進戰場時,直到回合結束,目標生物獲得威懾異能且得+X/+0,X為你墳墓場中的生物牌數量。(它只能被兩個或更多生物阻擋。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452828,
            "name": "Moodmark Painter",
            "number": "78",
            "originalText": "<i>Undergrowth</i> — When Moodmark Painter enters the battlefield, target creature gains menace and gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is the number of creature cards in your graveyard. <i>(It can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The value of X is determined only as the undergrowth ability resolves. If the number of creature cards in your graveyard changes later in the turn, the target creature is unaffected."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If there are no creature cards in your graveyard, the target creature just gains menace until end of turn."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities."
            "scryfallId": "82903e5f-c10f-4767-a2c0-6f8cc7280fa0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e39665ff-88aa-4128-9db1-1fa0352768b6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f5068b54-b1f8-4751-9a09-fc1b554e8115",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175184,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Undergrowth — When Moodmark Painter enters the battlefield, target creature gains menace and gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is the number of creature cards in your graveyard. (It can't blocked except by two or more creatures.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c963e2b9-03d1-59e6-82a3-9cc9ecb3cd8b",
            "uuidV421": "16533894-7e12-537e-ab25-ae02816f251e",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Richard Wright",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 455617,
                    "name": "Gebirge",
                    "type": "Standardland — Gebirge"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 455631,
                    "name": "Montaña",
                    "type": "Tierra básica — Montaña"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 455645,
                    "name": "Montagne",
                    "type": "Terrain de base : montagne"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 455659,
                    "name": "Montagna",
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            "flavorText": "Rumors float through the city like crows, alighting on citizens seemingly at random.",
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                    "flavorText": "Gerüchte flattern wie Krähen durch die Stadt und landen scheinbar zufällig auf den Bürgern.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453054,
                    "name": "Murmelnder Mystiker",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkst, erzeuge einen 1/1 blauen Vogel-Illusion-Kreaturenspielstein mit Flugfähigkeit.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "Los rumores revolotean por la ciudad como cuervos, posándose sobre algunos ciudadanos al azar... o eso parece.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453313,
                    "name": "Místico murmurador",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro, crea una ficha de criatura Ilusión Ave azul 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Les rumeurs circulent en ville telles des nuées de corbeaux, se posant apparemment au hasard sur les citoyens.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453572,
                    "name": "Mystique bruissant",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 bleue Oiseau et Illusion avec le vol.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "Le dicerie fluttuano attraverso la città come corvi, posandosi sui cittadini in modo apparentemente casuale.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453831,
                    "name": "Mistico Mormorante",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo o stregoneria, crea una pedina creatura Illusione Uccello 1/1 blu con volare.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "噂はカラスのように街中を舞い、見たところ無作為な市民の上に降りた。",
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                    "multiverseId": 454090,
                    "name": "つぶやく神秘家",
                    "text": "あなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、飛行を持つ青の1/1の鳥・イリュージョン・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "소문은 까마귀처럼 도시를 떠다니며, 무작위로 고른 것처럼 시민들 위에 내려앉는다.",
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                    "multiverseId": 454349,
                    "name": "속삭이는 신비주의자",
                    "text": "당신이 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 비행을 가진 1/1 청색 조류 환영 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "Os rumores flutuam pela cidade como corvos, aludindo a cidadãos com aparente aleatoriedade.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454608,
                    "name": "Místico dos Murmúrios",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjurar uma mágica instantânea ou um feitiço, crie uma ficha de criatura azul 1/1 do tipo Ave Ilusão com voar.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "Слухи кружат над городом, словно вороны, и садятся на горожан как будто случайно.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454867,
                    "name": "Шепчущий Мистик",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 синяя Птица Иллюзия с Полетом.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "谣言如鸦群飞舞城中,看似不经意间就停在市民肩头。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455126,
                    "name": "细语秘教徒",
                    "text": "每当你施放瞬间或法术咒语时,派出一个1/1蓝色,具飞行异能的鸟/虚影衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "謠言如鴉群飛舞城中,看似不經意間就停在市民肩頭。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455385,
                    "name": "細語秘教徒",
                    "text": "每當你施放瞬間或巫術咒語時,派出一個1/1藍色,具飛行異能的鳥/虛影衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
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            "originalText": "Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, create a 1/1 blue Bird Illusion creature token with flying.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Murmuring Mystic’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
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            "text": "Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, create a 1/1 blue Bird Illusion creature token with flying.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
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            "flavorText": "A composer wrote a symphony based on the drakes screeching outside her window. Reviews were mixed—except among the drakes.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Eine Komponistin ließ sich von den Schreien der Sceadas vor ihrem Fenster zu einer Symphonie inspirieren. Die Kritiken waren durchwachsen, aber die Sceadas waren durchwegs begeistert.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453055,
                    "name": "Musen-Sceada",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nWenn der Musen-Sceada ins Spiel kommt, ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Sceada"
                    "flavorText": "Una compositora creó una sinfonía basándose en los dracos que chillaban cerca de su ventana. Hubo diversidad de opiniones, excepto entre los dracos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453314,
                    "name": "Draco inspirador",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nCuando el Draco inspirador entre al campo de batalla, roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Draco"
                    "flavorText": "Une compositrice écrivit une symphonie basée sur les drakôns qui hurlaient derrière sa fenêtre. Les critiques furent partagées... sauf chez les drakôns.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453573,
                    "name": "Drakôn muse",
                    "text": "Vol\nQuand le Drakôn muse arrive sur le champ de bataille, piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : drakôn"
                    "flavorText": "Una compositrice scrisse una sinfonia ispirata agli strilli dei draghetti fuori dalle sue finestre. Riscosse recensioni contrastanti, eccetto dai draghetti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453832,
                    "name": "Draghetto dell'Ispirazione",
                    "text": "Volare\nQuando il Draghetto dell'Ispirazione entra nel campo di battaglia, pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Draghetto"
                    "flavorText": "一人の作曲家が、窓の外で叫ぶドレイクを元にして交響曲を書き上げた。評価は様々だったが、ドレイクには好評だった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454091,
                    "name": "詩神のドレイク",
                    "text": "飛行\n詩神のドレイクが戦場に出たとき、カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ドレイク"
                    "flavorText": "작곡가는 창문 바깥에서 드레이크들이 울부짖는 소리를 바탕으로 쓴 교향곡을 발표했다. 평가는 다양했다—드레이크들은 제외하고.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454350,
                    "name": "뮤즈 드레이크",
                    "text": "비행\n뮤즈 드레이크가 전장에 들어올 때, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 드레이크"
                    "flavorText": "Uma compositora fez uma sinfonia baseada nos dragonetes que guinchavam em frente a sua janela. Causou controvérsia entre os críticos... exceto entre os dragonetes.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454609,
                    "name": "Dragonete Inspirador",
                    "text": "Voar\nQuando Dragonete Inspirador entrar no campo de batalha, compre um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dragonete"
                    "flavorText": "Слушая верещание дрейков за окном, композитор написала симфонию. Отзывы были смешанными — зато дрейкам понравилось.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454868,
                    "name": "Дрейк Вдохновения",
                    "text": "Полет\nКогда Дрейк Вдохновения выходит на поле битвы, возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дрейк"
                    "flavorText": "某位作曲家就着自家窗外的龙兽啸鸣谱写了一支交响曲。听众褒贬不一~但龙兽的回应却出奇一致。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455127,
                    "name": "思灵龙兽",
                    "text": "飞行\n当思灵龙兽进战场时,抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~龙兽"
                    "flavorText": "某位作曲家就著自家窗外的龍獸嘯鳴譜寫了一支交響曲。聽眾褒貶不一~但龍獸的回應卻出奇一致。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455386,
                    "name": "思靈龍獸",
                    "text": "飛行\n當思靈龍獸進戰場時,抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~龍獸"
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            "name": "Muse Drake",
            "number": "46",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhen Muse Drake enters the battlefield, draw a card.",
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            "text": "Flying\nWhen Muse Drake enters the battlefield, draw a card.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Drake",
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            "flavorText": "\"What bait do you cast to catch a dream?\"\n—Ravnican riddle",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Mit welchem Köder fängt man Träume?\"\n—Rätsel aus Ravnica",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453056,
                    "name": "Narcamöbe",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nWenn die Narcamöbe aus deiner Bibliothek auf deinen Friedhof gelegt wird, kannst du sie ins Spiel bringen.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Illusion"
                    "flavorText": "\"¿Qué cebo se usa para atrapar un sueño?\".\n—Acertijo de Rávnica",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453315,
                    "name": "Narcomiba",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nCuando la Narcomiba vaya a tu cementerio desde tu biblioteca, puedes ponerla en el campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ilusión"
                    "flavorText": "« Quel appât faut-il pour attraper un rêve ? »\n—Devinette ravnicane",
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                    "name": "Narcoamibe",
                    "text": "Vol\nQuand la Narcoamibe est mise dans votre cimetière depuis votre bibliothèque, vous pouvez la mettre sur le champ de bataille.",
                    "type": "Créature : illusion"
                    "flavorText": "\"Che esca lanci per pescare un sogno?\"\n—Indovinello di Ravnica",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453833,
                    "name": "Narcomeba",
                    "text": "Volare\nQuando la Narcomeba viene messa nel tuo cimitero dal tuo grimorio, puoi metterla sul campo di battaglia.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Illusione"
                    "flavorText": "「夢を捕まえるのに使う餌はなんだ?」\n――ラヴニカのなぞなぞ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454092,
                    "name": "ナルコメーバ",
                    "text": "飛行\nナルコメーバがあなたのライブラリーからあなたの墓地に置かれたとき、あなたはこれを戦場に出してもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — イリュージョン"
                    "flavorText": "\"꿈을 낚으려면 무슨 미끼를 던져야 할까?\"\n—라브니카의 수수께끼",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454351,
                    "name": "마취성 아메바",
                    "text": "비행\n마취성 아메바가 당신의 서고에서 당신의 무덤에 놓일 때, 당신은 마취성 아메바를 전장에 놓을 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 환영"
                    "flavorText": "\"Que isca se usa para apanhar um sonho?\"\n— Charada ravnicana",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454610,
                    "name": "Narcoameba",
                    "text": "Voar\nQuando Narcoameba é colocada em seu cemitério vinda de seu grimório, você pode colocá-la no campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ilusão"
                    "flavorText": "«Какую наживку забросишь, чтобы изловить грезу?»\n— загадка из Равники",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454869,
                    "name": "Наркомеба",
                    "text": "Полет\nКогда Наркомеба попадает из вашей библиотеки на ваше кладбище, вы можете положить ее на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Существо — Иллюзия"
                    "flavorText": "「捕梦该投什么饵?」\n~拉尼卡谜语",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455128,
                    "name": "梦生阿米巴",
                    "text": "飞行\n当梦生阿米巴从你的牌库置入你的坟墓场时,你可以将它放进战场。",
                    "type": "生物 ~虚影"
                    "flavorText": "「捕夢該投什麼餌?」\n~拉尼卡謎語",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455387,
                    "name": "夢生阿米巴",
                    "text": "飛行\n當夢生阿米巴從你的牌庫置入你的墳墓場時,你可以將它放進戰場。",
                    "type": "生物 ~虛影"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
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            "name": "Narcomoeba",
            "number": "47",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhen Narcomoeba is put into your graveyard from your library, you may put it onto the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Illusion",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2007-05-01",
                    "text": "If Narcomoeba is revealed or looked at while moving from your library to your graveyard (such as with Mind Funeral), its ability will trigger when it’s put into your graveyard. It was still in your library while it was revealed or being looked at."
                    "date": "2007-05-01",
                    "text": "If Narcomoeba is removed from your graveyard before its ability resolves, it won’t be put onto the battlefield."
            "scryfallId": "a3e23275-2261-4d6d-88d8-124342334391",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "72b45d07-da5f-4765-b6ab-c53c02e44f08",
            "scryfallOracleId": "dc65bb62-4ba2-4ec1-b3b9-9c51e64cbfc8",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175194,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhen Narcomoeba is put into your graveyard from your library, you may put it onto the battlefield.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Illusion",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e1327ee9-4419-5109-82dd-babf6e8522c1",
            "uuidV421": "3d3bb42e-cdbe-52a3-9717-f16d4c32e7b3"
            "artist": "Randy Vargas",
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            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "The assassins of Ochran distill toxins from the remains of the previous victims.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Assassinen der Ochran destillieren Toxine aus den Überresten ihrer vorherigen Opfer.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453088,
                    "name": "Nekrotische Wunde",
                    "text": "Totenwelt — Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält bis zum Ende des Zuges -X/-X, wobei X gleich der Anzahl an Kreaturenkarten in deinem Friedhof ist. Falls die Kreatur in diesem Zug sterben würde, schicke sie stattdessen ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Los asesinos de los Ochran destilan toxinas que vienen de los restos de sus víctimas anteriores.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453347,
                    "name": "Herida necrótica",
                    "text": "Despojos — La criatura objetivo obtiene -X/-X hasta el final del turno, donde X es la cantidad de cartas de criatura en tu cementerio. Si esa criatura fuese a morir este turno, en vez de eso, exíliala.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Les assassins Ochran distillent des toxines dans les corps de leurs précédentes victimes.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453606,
                    "name": "Blessure nécrotique",
                    "text": "Maquis — La créature ciblée gagne -X/-X jusqu'à la fin du tour, X étant le nombre de cartes de créature dans votre cimetière. Si cette créature devait mourir ce tour-ci, exilez-la à la place.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Gli assassini dell'Ochran distillano tossine dai resti delle loro vittime precedenti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453865,
                    "name": "Ferita Necrotica",
                    "text": "Crescita sotterranea — Una creatura bersaglio prende -X/-X fino alla fine del turno, dove X è il numero di carte creatura nel tuo cimitero. Se quella creatura sta per morire in questo turno, invece esiliala.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "オクランの暗殺者は、前の犠牲者の死骸から毒物を精製する。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454124,
                    "name": "壊死性の傷",
                    "text": "宿根 ― クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは-X/-Xの修整を受ける。Xはあなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カードの枚数に等しい。このターン、そのクリーチャーが死亡するなら、代わりにそれを追放する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "오크란의 암살자들은 그들의 이전 희생자들의 유해로 독극물을 정제한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454383,
                    "name": "괴저성 상처",
                    "text": "지하생장 — 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 -X/-X를 받는다. X는 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드의 수이다. 그 생물이 이 턴에 죽게 된다면, 대신 추방한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Os assassinos dos Ochran destilam toxinas dos restos de suas vítimas anteriores.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454642,
                    "name": "Ferida Necrótica",
                    "text": "Necronutrimento — A criatura alvo recebe -X/-X até o final do turno, sendo X o número de cards de criatura em seu cemitério. Se aquela criatura for morrer neste turno, em vez disso, exile-a.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Окранские убийцы делают ядовитые вытяжки из останков своих предыдущих жертв.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454901,
                    "name": "Некротическая Рана",
                    "text": "Тайный рост — Целевое существо получает -X/-X до конца хода, где X — количество карт существ на вашем кладбище. Если то существо должно умереть в этом ходу, изгоните его вместо этого.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "瓯坎的杀手会从他们之前的杀害对象身上提炼毒素。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455160,
                    "name": "溃疽伤",
                    "text": "朽力~目标生物得-X/-X直到回合结束,X为你坟墓场中的生物牌数量。如果本回合中该生物将死去,则改为将它放逐。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "甌坎的殺手會從他們之前的殺害對象身上提煉毒素。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455419,
                    "name": "潰疽傷",
                    "text": "朽力~目標生物得-X/-X直到回合結束,X為你墳墓場中的生物牌數量。如果本回合中該生物將死去,則改為將它放逐。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452829,
            "name": "Necrotic Wound",
            "number": "79",
            "originalText": "<i>Undergrowth</i> — Target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn, where X is the number of creature cards in your graveyard. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The value of X is determined only as the undergrowth ability resolves. If the number of creature cards in your graveyard changes later in the turn, the target creature is unaffected."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Necrotic Wound’s replacement effect will exile the target creature if it would die this turn for any reason, not just immediately after Necrotic Wound resolves."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you have no creature cards in your graveyard, the target creature gets -0/-0, and it will still be exiled if it would die this turn."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities."
            "scryfallId": "9ab636af-5b30-4138-8e68-81f567f10417",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "fbc4ff04-b125-44cc-a983-c7bb9347dbe9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a30159ae-f6a6-4e29-bca2-769d3657d310",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175174,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Undergrowth — Target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn, where X is the number of creature cards in your graveyard. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e876cb3f-233c-56fe-968c-9c21177a8f19",
            "uuidV421": "29ee2f4b-3c87-56fb-bbbd-2adbcec125e1",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Aaron Miller",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Dimir assassins have the precision to slay a single memory.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Dimir-Assassinen zerschlagen mit ihrer Präzision sogar einzelne Träume.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453089,
                    "name": "Nie geschehen",
                    "text": "Ein Gegner deiner Wahl zeigt die Karten auf seiner Hand offen vor. Bestimme eine Karte im Friedhof oder auf der Hand jenes Spielers, die kein Land ist, und schicke sie ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "La precisión de los asesinos dimir les permite aniquilar un único recuerdo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453348,
                    "name": "Nunca sucedió",
                    "text": "El oponente objetivo muestra su mano. Elige una carta que no sea tierra del cementerio o la mano de ese jugador y exíliala.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "La précision des assassins de Dimir est telle qu'ils peuvent tuer un seul souvenir.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453607,
                    "name": "Ça n'est jamais arrivé",
                    "text": "L'adversaire ciblé révèle sa main. Vous choisissez une carte non-terrain dans le cimetière ou la main de ce joueur et vous l'exilez.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Gli assassini Dimir posseggono la precisione necessaria per annientare un singolo ricordo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453866,
                    "name": "Mai Successo",
                    "text": "Un avversario bersaglio rivela la sua mano. Scegli una carta non terra dal cimitero o dalla mano di quel giocatore ed esiliala.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "ディミーアの暗殺者は、ただ一つの記憶を抹消できるほどの精密さを持つ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454125,
                    "name": "なかったことに",
                    "text": "対戦相手1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは自分の手札を公開する。あなたはそのプレイヤーの墓地か手札から土地でないカード1枚を選び、それを追放する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "디미르 암살자들은 특정 기억 하나만을 없애버리는 정확도를 자랑한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454384,
                    "name": "일어난 적 없는 일",
                    "text": "상대를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 손을 공개한다. 당신은 그 플레이어의 무덤 또는 손에서 대지가 아닌 카드 한 장을 선택해 추방한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Os assassinos Dimir têm a precisão necessária para matar uma única lembrança.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454643,
                    "name": "Jamais Aconteceu",
                    "text": "O oponente alvo revela a própria mão. Você escolhe um card que não seja terreno do cemitério ou da mão daquele jogador e o exila.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Димирские убийцы настолько точны, что способны прикончить одно-единственное воспоминание.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454902,
                    "name": "Забыть о Случившемся",
                    "text": "Целевой оппонент показывает свою руку. Вы выбираете не являющуюся землей карту из кладбища или руки того игрока и изгоняете ее.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "底密尔杀手能精确地将单段记忆斩草除根。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455161,
                    "name": "从未发生",
                    "text": "目标对手展示其手牌。你从该牌手的坟墓场或手牌选择一张非地牌并将该牌放逐。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "底密爾殺手能精確地將單段記憶斬草除根。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455420,
                    "name": "從未發生",
                    "text": "目標對手展示其手牌。你從該玩家的墳墓場或手牌選擇一張非地牌並將該牌放逐。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452830,
            "name": "Never Happened",
            "number": "80",
            "originalText": "Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from that player's graveyard or hand and exile it.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "289d3746-9e54-4983-9daa-f1a7afbdedad",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "1c304f5d-622d-478e-85d7-678b5bf47f75",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ec4a1a8d-4071-40e9-812e-42c746180d99",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176624,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from that player's graveyard or hand and exile it.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "933b72ad-d147-52c6-9d58-953a8e3f4011",
            "uuidV421": "ea7c8843-2272-5c46-bb50-d4eb0ed85589"
            "artist": "Darek Zabrocki",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Three daggers left in an angel's back, three enforcers with memory loss, three keys stolen from my own belt—and you talk of peace?\"\n—Tajic, to Aurelia",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Drei Dolche im Rücken eines Engels, drei Vollstrecker mit Gedächtnisverlust und drei von meinem Gürtel gestohlene Schlüssel – und du sprichst von Frieden?\"\n—Tajic, zu Aurelia",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453200,
                    "name": "Nachtschleierjäger",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Todesberührung\nFluchsicher (Diese Kreatur kann nicht das Ziel von Zaubersprüchen oder Fähigkeiten sein, die deine Gegner kontrollieren.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vampir"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tres dagas clavadas en la espalda de un ángel, tres agentes con la memoria perdida, tres llaves robadas de mi mismo cinturón... ¿y tú hablas de paz?\".\n—Tájic, a Aurelia",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453459,
                    "name": "Depredador de Velo Nocturno",
                    "text": "Vuela, toque mortal.\nAntimaleficio. (Esta criatura no puede ser objetivo de hechizos o habilidades que controlan tus oponentes.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "« Trois dagues dans le dos d'un ange, trois argousins amnésiques, trois clés dérobées à ma propre ceinture... et vous venez parler de paix ? »\n—Tajic, à Aurélia",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453718,
                    "name": "Prédateur voilenuit",
                    "text": "Vol, contact mortel\nDéfense talismanique (Cette créature ne peut pas être la cible de sorts ou de capacités que vos adversaires contrôlent.)",
                    "type": "Créature : vampire"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tre pugnali piantati nella schiena di un angelo, tre agenti con la memoria danneggiata, tre chiavi rubate dalla mia cintura... e tu parli di pace?\"\n—Tajic ad Aurelia",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453977,
                    "name": "Predatore di Velo Notturno",
                    "text": "Volare, tocco letale\nAnti-malocchio (Questa creatura non può essere bersaglio di magie o abilità controllate dai tuoi avversari.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "「三本の短剣が天使の背に残され、三人の執行官の記憶が失われ、三本の鍵が私のベルトから盗まれたというのに、あなたは平和を語るのですか?」\n――タージクからオレリアへ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454236,
                    "name": "夜帷の捕食者",
                    "text": "飛行、接死\n呪禁(このクリーチャーは、対戦相手がコントロールしている呪文や能力の対象にならない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 吸血鬼"
                    "flavorText": "\"천사의 등에 단도 셋이 꽃혔고, 집행관 셋이 기억 상실을 겪었고, 내 허리띠에 있던 열쇠 셋이 없어졌네—이런데도 자네는 평화를 말하는가?\"\n—타직이 아우렐리아에게",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454495,
                    "name": "밤장막 포식자",
                    "text": "비행, 치명타\n방호 (이 생물은 상대가 조종하는 주문이나 능력의 목표로 정해질 수 없다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 흡혈귀"
                    "flavorText": "\"Três adagas nas costas de um anjo, três impositores com perda de memória, três chaves roubadas de meu próprio cinto — e você vem falar de paz?\"\n— Tajic, a Aurélia",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454754,
                    "name": "Predador do Véu da Noite",
                    "text": "Voar, toque mortífero\nResistência a magia (Esta criatura não pode ser alvo de mágicas ou habilidades controladas por seus oponentes.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Три кинжала осталось в спине ангела, три блюстителя лежат, потеряв память, три ключа украдены с моего собственного пояса — и ты говоришь о мире?»\n— Тажик, обращаясь к Аурелии",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455013,
                    "name": "Хищник Ночного Покрова",
                    "text": "Полет, Смертельное касание\nПорчеустойчивость (Это существо не может быть целью заклинаний или способностей под контролем ваших оппонентов.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Вампир"
                    "flavorText": "「天使的背上插着三把匕首,三名执法者的记忆缺漏,本人的腰带上有三把钥匙被偷~这时跟我谈和平?」\n~塔疾克质问欧瑞梨",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455272,
                    "name": "夜篷掠食者",
                    "text": "飞行,死触\n辟邪(此生物不能成为由对手操控之咒语或异能的目标。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼"
                    "flavorText": "「天使的背上插著三把匕首,三名執法者的記憶缺漏,本人的腰帶上有三把鑰匙被偷~這時跟我談和平?」\n~塔疾克質問歐瑞梨",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455531,
                    "name": "夜篷掠食者",
                    "text": "飛行,死觸\n辟邪(此生物不能成為由對手操控之咒語或異能的目標。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}{U}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452941,
            "name": "Nightveil Predator",
            "number": "191",
            "originalText": "Flying, deathtouch\nHexproof <i>(This creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vampire",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "193289c9-837d-4d18-9ef1-720e8e335e62",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f0bf53b8-0dca-4989-9bcc-ba15d22758ff",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b94591b8-2e99-4983-8f36-9b52207bfd2e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176564,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, deathtouch\nHexproof (This creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Vampire",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "dc656ca5-2a72-5462-b3a4-80819a39c833",
            "uuidV421": "ed8eb6c4-cef7-5147-840e-38ae2e71ecb5",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Uriah Voth",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"We're on the fortieth floor, with one window, no balcony. No one could possibly get in.\"\n—Minosz, Orzhov chief of security",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wir sind hier im vierzigsten Stock mit einem Fenster und ohne Balkon. Niemand kann hier reinkommen.\"\n—Minosz, Orzhov-Sicherheitshauptmann",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453057,
                    "name": "Nachtschleiersylphide",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nImmer wenn die Nachtschleiersylphide angreift, wende Überwachen 1 an. (Schaue dir die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst sie auf deinen Friedhof legen.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Feenwesen, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Estamos en la planta 40, con una sola ventana y sin balcón. Es imposible que entre nadie\".\n—Minosz, jefe de seguridad orzhov",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453316,
                    "name": "Hada de Velo Nocturno",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nSiempre que el Hada de Velo Nocturno ataque, escruta 1. (Mira la primera carta de tu biblioteca. Puedes poner esa carta en tu cementerio.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón hada"
                    "flavorText": "« Nous sommes au quarantième étage, il n'y a qu'une seule fenêtre et pas de balcon. Personne ne peut entrer ici. »\n—Minosz, chef de la sécurité d'Orzhov",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453575,
                    "name": "Farfadette voilenuit",
                    "text": "Vol\nÀ chaque fois que la Farfadette voilenuit attaque, surveillez 1. (Regardez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez mettre cette carte dans votre cimetière.)",
                    "type": "Créature : peuple fée et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Siamo al quarantesimo piano, con una sola finestra senza balcone. È impossibile che qualcuno riesca a entrare.\"\n—Minosz, responsabile della sicurezza Orzhov",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453834,
                    "name": "Spiritella di Velo Notturno",
                    "text": "Volare\nOgniqualvolta la Spiritella di Velo Notturno attacca, sorveglia 1. (Guarda la prima carta del tuo grimorio. Puoi metterla nel tuo cimitero.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Spiritello"
                    "flavorText": "「ここは40階で、窓は1つ、ベランダはない。誰かが侵入するなど、有り得ない。」\n――オルゾフの警備責任者、ミーノシュ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454093,
                    "name": "夜帷のスプライト",
                    "text": "飛行\n夜帷のスプライトが攻撃するたび、諜報1を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを見る。あなたはそのカードをあなたの墓地に置いてもよい。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — フェアリー・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "\"우리는 창문이 하나밖에 없고 발코니도 없는 40층 위에 있어. 아무도 이 곳에 들어올 수는 없지.\"\n—오르조브 보안 총책임, 미노시",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454352,
                    "name": "밤장막 요정",
                    "text": "비행\n밤장막 요정이 공격할 때마다, 감시 1을 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 한 장을 본다. 당신은 그 카드를 당신의 무덤에 넣을 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 페어리 도적"
                    "flavorText": "\"Estamos no quadragésimo andar, com uma janela e sem varanda. É impossível alguém entrar.\"\n— Minosz, chefe da segurança Orzhov",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454611,
                    "name": "Sílfide do Véu da Noite",
                    "text": "Voar\nToda vez que Sílfide do Véu da Noite atacar, use vigiar 1. (Olhe o card do topo de seu grimório. Você pode colocar aquele card em seu cemitério.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fada Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "«Мы на сороковом этаже, тут одно окно и нет балкона. Никто сюда не попадет».\n— Минош, начальник охраны Орзовов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454870,
                    "name": "Фея Ночного Покрова",
                    "text": "Полет\nКаждый раз, когда Фея Ночного Покрова атакует, используйте Слежку 1. (Посмотрите верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки. Вы можете положить ту карту на ваше кладбище.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Фея Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "「我们这是在四十楼,只有一扇窗户,连阳台都没有。谁都不可能进得来。」\n~欧佐夫警卫长米诺斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455129,
                    "name": "夜篷仙子",
                    "text": "飞行\n每当夜篷仙子攻击时,刺探1。(检视你牌库顶的牌。你可以将该牌置入你的坟墓场。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~仙灵/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "「我們這是在四十樓,只有一扇窗戶,連陽台都沒有。誰都不可能進得來。」\n~歐佐夫警衛長米諾斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455388,
                    "name": "夜篷仙子",
                    "text": "飛行\n每當夜篷仙子攻擊時,刺探1。(檢視你牌庫頂的牌。你可以將該牌置入你的墳墓場。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~仙靈/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452798,
            "name": "Nightveil Sprite",
            "number": "48",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhenever Nightveil Sprite attacks, surveil 1. <i>(Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card into your graveyard.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Faerie Rogue",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "534d1166-4e01-4ec8-b4d9-e76861ec51b9",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b0c2278e-2e64-431c-8a2c-ec483aa32222",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8ac23863-0aa7-41bc-b9b7-c5f0566172cf",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176442,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhenever Nightveil Sprite attacks, surveil 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card into your graveyard.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Faerie Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a93179eb-fcf2-5b60-9020-621162c51504",
            "uuidV421": "91520004-2a20-5d50-bab8-1dc921cfda51",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453201,
                    "name": "Niv-Mizzet der Parun",
                    "text": "Dieser Zauberspruch kann nicht neutralisiert werden.\nFliegend\nImmer wenn du eine Karte ziehst, fügt Niv-Mizzet der Parun einem Ziel deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu.\nImmer wenn ein Spieler einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkt, ziehst du eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Drache, Zauberer"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453460,
                    "name": "Niv-Mízzet, parun",
                    "text": "Este hechizo no puede ser contrarrestado.\nVuela.\nSiempre que robes una carta, Niv-Mízzet, parun hace 1 punto de daño a cualquier objetivo.\nSiempre que un jugador lance un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro, tú robas una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Hechicero dragón"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453719,
                    "name": "Niv-Mizzet, Parun",
                    "text": "Ce sort ne peut pas être contrecarré.\nVol\nÀ chaque fois que vous piochez une carte, Niv-Mizzet, Parun inflige 1 blessure à n'importe quelle cible.\nÀ chaque fois qu'un joueur lance un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel, vous piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : dragon et sorcier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453978,
                    "name": "Niv-Mizzet, il Parun",
                    "text": "Questa magia non può essere neutralizzata.\nVolare\nOgniqualvolta peschi una carta, Niv-Mizzet, il Parun infligge 1 danno a un qualsiasi bersaglio.\nOgniqualvolta un giocatore lancia una magia istantaneo o stregoneria, tu peschi una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Mago Drago"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454237,
                    "name": "パルン、ニヴ=ミゼット",
                    "text": "この呪文は打ち消されない。\n飛行\nあなたがカードを1枚引くたび、クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。パルン、ニヴ=ミゼットはそれに1点のダメージを与える。\nプレイヤーがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、あなたはカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — ドラゴン・ウィザード"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454496,
                    "name": "페이런, 니브-미젯",
                    "text": "이 주문은 무효화될 수 없다.\n비행\n당신이 카드를 뽑을 때마다, 원하는 목표를 정한다. 페이런, 니브-미젯은 그 목표에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.\n플레이어가 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 당신은 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 용 마법사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454755,
                    "name": "Niv-Mizzet, Parun",
                    "text": "Esta mágica não pode ser anulada.\nVoar\nToda vez que você compra um card, Niv-Mizzet, Parun, causa 1 ponto de dano a qualquer alvo.\nToda vez que um jogador conjura uma mágica instantânea ou um feitiço, você compra um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Dragão Mago"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455014,
                    "name": "Нив-Миззет, Отец",
                    "text": "Это заклинание не может быть отменено.\nПолет\nКаждый раз, когда вы берете карту, Нив-Миззет, Отец наносит 1 повреждение любой цели.\nКаждый раз, когда игрок разыгрывает мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, вы берете карту.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Дракон Чародей"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455273,
                    "name": "元祖尼米捷",
                    "text": "此咒语不能被反击。\n飞行\n每当你抓一张牌时,元祖尼米捷对任意一个目标造成1点伤害。\n每当任一牌手施放瞬间或法术咒语时,你抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~龙/法术师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455532,
                    "name": "元祖尼米捷",
                    "text": "此咒語不能被反擊。\n飛行\n每當你抽一張牌時,元祖尼米捷對任意一個目標造成1點傷害。\n每當任一玩家施放瞬間或巫術咒語時,你抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~龍/魔法師"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}{U}{U}{R}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452942,
            "name": "Niv-Mizzet, Parun",
            "number": "192",
            "originalText": "This spell can't be countered.\nFlying\nWhenever you draw a card, Niv-Mizzet, Parun deals 1 damage to any target.\nWhenever a player casts an instant or sorcery spell, you draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Dragon Wizard",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect instructs you to draw multiple cards, Niv-Mizzet’s first triggered ability triggers that many times. You choose targets for those abilities after you’ve drawn all of the cards."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a spell or ability causes you to put cards into your hand without specifically using the word “draw,” Niv-Mizzet’s first triggered ability won’t trigger."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Niv-Mizzet’s second triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered. This causes its first triggered ability to trigger, and that also resolves before the spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Players can cast spells and activate abilities after Niv-Mizzet’s second triggered ability resolves but before the spell that caused it to trigger does. Notably, the card you draw may be able to counter that spell."
            "scryfallId": "6f3d2dc5-7b9d-4af6-9f3b-4de90fbf63c9",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e0137c61-511d-4a18-91d4-cac4437f8692",
            "scryfallOracleId": "33666a98-812f-4892-9f8d-33e0cbecc340",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175582,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "This spell can't be countered.\nFlying\nWhenever you draw a card, Niv-Mizzet, Parun deals 1 damage to any target.\nWhenever a player casts an instant or sorcery spell, you draw a card.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Dragon Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "11c1c146-ba7f-50d9-9122-2dce74640e92",
            "uuidV421": "a4235dfa-1b81-5472-a084-30858491369a",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Lius Lasahido",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "City air is a constant drizzle of private thoughts.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Stadtluft besteht aus einem konstanten Nieselregen privater Gedanken.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453202,
                    "name": "Regen der Erkenntnis",
                    "text": "Überwachen 2, ziehe dann zwei Karten. Der Regen der Erkenntnis fügt dir 2 Schadenspunkte zu. (Um Überwachen 2 anzuwenden, schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "El aire de la ciudad es una llovizna constante de pensamientos privados.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453461,
                    "name": "Lluvia de nociones",
                    "text": "Escruta 2, luego roba dos cartas. La Lluvia de nociones te hace 2 puntos de daño. (Para escrutar 2, mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "L'air de la ville est une bruine constante de pensées secrètes.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453720,
                    "name": "Pluie de notions",
                    "text": "Surveillez 2, puis piochez deux cartes. La Pluie de notions vous inflige 2 blessures. (Pour surveiller 2, regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "L'aria della città è permeata da una pioviggine costante di pensieri privati.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453979,
                    "name": "Pioggia di Nozioni",
                    "text": "Sorveglia 2, poi pesca due carte. La Pioggia di Nozioni ti infligge 2 danni. (Per sorvegliare 2, guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "都市の空気には個人の思考が降雨し続けている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454238,
                    "name": "概念の雨",
                    "text": "諜報2を行い、その後カードを2枚引く。概念の雨はあなたに2点のダメージを与える。(諜報2を行うとは、あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置くことである。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "도시의 대기 속에는 개인적인 생각들이 끊이지 않는 가랑비처럼 내리고 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454497,
                    "name": "생각의 비",
                    "text": "감시 2를 한 후, 카드 두 장을 뽑는다. 생각의 비는 당신에게 피해 2점을 입힌다. (감시 2를 하려면, 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "O ar da cidade é uma constante garoa de pensamentos pessoais.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454756,
                    "name": "Chuva de Noções",
                    "text": "Use vigiar 2 e depois compre dois cards. Chuva de Noções causa 2 pontos de dano a você. (Para usar vigiar 2, olhe os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante de volta no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "В городском воздухе стоит постоянная морось из чужих мыслей.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455015,
                    "name": "Дождь Идей",
                    "text": "Используйте Слежку 2, затем возьмите две карты. Дождь Идей наносит вам 2 повреждения. (Чтобы использовать Слежку 2, посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "城市的空气是不断飘落的个人思绪。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455274,
                    "name": "心念如雨",
                    "text": "刺探2,然后抓两张牌。心念如雨对你造成2点伤害。(刺探2的流程是检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序放回你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "城市的空氣是不斷飄落的個人思緒。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455533,
                    "name": "心念如雨",
                    "text": "刺探2,然後抽兩張牌。心念如雨對你造成2點傷害。(刺探2的流程是檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序放回你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452943,
            "name": "Notion Rain",
            "number": "193",
            "originalText": "Surveil 2, then draw two cards. Notion Rain deals 2 damage to you. <i>(To surveil 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "f4db287e-34c1-459b-882d-3db58f13eade",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a7e02299-e718-45ef-a37e-ed6b0aa1b613",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f93dbe17-71d1-4542-96ff-81ac6da9513f",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176445,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Surveil 2, then draw two cards. Notion Rain deals 2 damage to you. (To surveil 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8542da8b-98bf-5396-9b44-9847b7238e39",
            "uuidV421": "11482797-b1ce-50db-9ce8-d665b146d4ea",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Filip Burburan",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453147,
                    "name": "Hemmhaut-Ferox",
                    "text": "Fluchsicher\nDu kannst keine Nichtkreatur-Zaubersprüche wirken.\n{2}: Der Hemmhaut-Ferox verliert alle Fähigkeiten bis zum Ende des Zuges. Jeder Spieler kann diese Fähigkeit aktivieren.\nFalls ein Zauberspruch oder eine Fähigkeit, den bzw. die ein Gegner kontrolliert, dazu führt, dass du den Hemmhaut-Ferox abwirfst, bringe ihn ins Spiel, anstatt ihn auf deinen Friedhof zu legen.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bestie"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453406,
                    "name": "Férox piel impenetrable",
                    "text": "Antimaleficio.\nNo puedes lanzar hechizos que no sean de criatura.\n{2}: El Férox piel impenetrable pierde todas las habilidades hasta el final del turno. Cualquier jugador puede activar esta habilidad.\nSi un hechizo o habilidad que controle un oponente te hace descartar el Férox piel impenetrable, ponlo en el campo de batalla en vez de ponerlo en tu cementerio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453665,
                    "name": "Férox négapeau",
                    "text": "Défense talismanique\nVous ne pouvez pas lancer de sorts non-créature.\n{2} : Le Férox négapeau perd toutes ses capacités jusqu'à la fin du tour. N'importe quel joueur peut activer cette capacité.\nSi un sort ou une capacité qu'un adversaire contrôle vous contraint à vous défausser du Férox négapeau, mettez-le sur le champ de bataille à la place de le mettre dans votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Créature : bête"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453924,
                    "name": "Ferox Pellimmune",
                    "text": "Anti-malocchio\nNon puoi lanciare magie non creatura.\n{2}: Il Ferox Pellimmune perde tutte le abilità fino alla fine del turno. Qualsiasi giocatore può attivare questa abilità.\nSe una magia o abilità controllata da un avversario ti fa scartare il Ferox Pellimmune, mettilo sul campo di battaglia invece di metterlo nel tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454183,
                    "name": "無効皮のフェロックス",
                    "text": "呪禁\nあなたはクリーチャーでない呪文を唱えられない。\n{2}:ターン終了時まで、無効皮のフェロックスは能力をすべて失う。この能力はどのプレイヤーも起動できる。\n対戦相手がコントロールしている呪文や能力によってあなたが無効皮のフェロックスを捨てるなら、これをあなたの墓地に置く代わりに戦場に出す。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ビースト"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454442,
                    "name": "무효화 가죽 페록스",
                    "text": "방호\n당신은 생물이 아닌 주문을 발동할 수 없다.\n{2}: 무효화 가죽 페록스는 턴종료까지 모든 능력을 잃는다. 어떤 플레이어든 이 능력을 활성화할 수 있다.\n상대가 조종하는 주문이나 능력이 당신이 무효화 가죽 페록스를 버리게 한다면, 무효화 가죽 페록스를 무덤에 넣는 대신 전장에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 야수"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454701,
                    "name": "Ferox Imunocouro",
                    "text": "Resistência a magia\nVocê não pode conjurar mágicas que não sejam de criatura.\n{2}: Ferox Imunocouro perde todas as habilidades até o final do turno. Qualquer jogador pode ativar esta habilidade.\nSe uma mágica ou habilidade que um oponente controla fizer com que você descarte Ferox Imunocouro, coloque-o no campo de batalha em vez de colocá-lo em seu cemitério.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Besta"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454960,
                    "name": "Твердошкурый Ферокс",
                    "text": "Порчеустойчивость\nВы не можете разыгрывать не являющиеся существами заклинания.\n{2}: Твердошкурый Ферокс теряет все способности до конца хода. Любой игрок может активировать эту способность.\nЕсли заклинание или способность под контролем оппонента заставляет вас сбросить Твердошкурого Ферокса, положите его на поле битвы вместо того, чтобы положить его на ваше кладбище.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зверь"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455219,
                    "name": "韧皮龇牙兽",
                    "text": "辟邪\n你不能施放非生物咒语。\n{2}:韧皮龇牙兽失去所有异能直到回合结束。任何牌手均可以起动此异能。\n如果由对手操控的咒语或异能使得你弃掉韧皮龇牙兽,则改为将它放进战场,而非置入你的坟墓场。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野兽"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455478,
                    "name": "韌皮齜牙獸",
                    "text": "辟邪\n你不能施放非生物咒語。\n{2}:韌皮齜牙獸失去所有異能直到回合結束。任何玩家均可以起動此異能。\n如果由對手操控的咒語或異能使得你棄掉韌皮齜牙獸,則改為將它放進戰場,而非置入你的墳墓場。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452888,
            "name": "Nullhide Ferox",
            "number": "138",
            "originalText": "Hexproof\nYou can't cast noncreature spells.\n{2}: Nullhide Ferox loses all abilities until end of turn. Any player may activate this ability.\nIf a spell or ability an opponent controls causes you to discard Nullhide Ferox, put it onto the battlefield instead of putting it into your graveyard.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Beast",
            "power": "6",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Nullhide Ferox’s activated ability can be activated only while it’s on the battlefield. Players can’t, for example, activate it to try to stop its replacement effect from putting it onto the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Once Nullhide Ferox’s activated ability has resolved, it can gain new abilities. It won’t lose those abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Once Nullhide Ferox has lost its activated ability that makes it lose its abilities, that ability can’t be activated again until the turn’s over."
            "scryfallId": "24c30bb0-06ba-432b-a20c-6fa79b0dc68a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "bc9f3d87-c631-4ed9-83ef-5c553c71e57c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5b04a337-3152-481e-973f-a11dbd615f93",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176425,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Hexproof\nYou can't cast noncreature spells.\n{2}: Nullhide Ferox loses all abilities until end of turn. Any player may activate this ability.\nIf a spell or ability an opponent controls causes you to discard Nullhide Ferox, put it onto the battlefield instead of putting it into your graveyard.",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Creature — Beast",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fc3c6ede-c77c-5b5c-bf39-cad68d668bbc",
            "uuidV421": "7484ea32-4a0a-5425-9bc1-5bd90685d378"
            "artist": "Anna Steinbauer",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The dagger is just a distraction. I carry the real killer in a vial at my side.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der Dolch dient nur zur Ablenkung. Die wahre Mordwaffe ist die Phiole an meiner Seite.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453203,
                    "name": "Ochran-Meuchlerin",
                    "text": "Todesberührung\nAlle Kreaturen, die die Ochran-Meuchlerin in diesem Zug blocken können, tun dies.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Assassine"
                    "flavorText": "\"La daga no es más que una distracción. El verdadero asesino está a mi lado, dentro de un frasco\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453462,
                    "name": "Asesina de los Ochran",
                    "text": "Toque mortal.\nTodas las criaturas que puedan bloquear a la Asesina de los Ochran lo hacen.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Asesino elfo"
                    "flavorText": "« La dague n'est qu'une distraction. La menace létale est dans une fiole, à ma ceinture. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453721,
                    "name": "Assassin Ochran",
                    "text": "Contact mortel\nToutes les créatures capables de bloquer l'Assassin Ochran le font.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et assassin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il pugnale serve solo come distrazione. La vera arma è in una fiala legata al mio fianco.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453980,
                    "name": "Assassina dell'Ochran",
                    "text": "Tocco letale\nTutte le creature in grado di bloccare l'Assassina dell'Ochran lo fanno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Assassino Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "「短剣は囮に過ぎない。本物の凶器は薬瓶に入っている。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454239,
                    "name": "オクランの暗殺者",
                    "text": "接死\nオクランの暗殺者をブロックできるクリーチャーはすべて、これをブロックする。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・暗殺者"
                    "flavorText": "\"단검은 주의를 끌기 위한 것일 뿐이야. 진짜 일을 해 주는 녀석은 내 옆구리에 달려 있는 약병이지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454498,
                    "name": "오크란 암살자",
                    "text": "치명타\n오크란 암살자를 방어할 수 있는 모든 생물들은 오크란 암살자를 방어해야 한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 암살자"
                    "flavorText": "\"A adaga é só a distração. O que mata de verdade eu carrego num frasco aqui do lado.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454757,
                    "name": "Assassina Ochran",
                    "text": "Toque mortífero\nTodas as criaturas aptas a bloquear Assassina Ochran o fazem.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Assassino"
                    "flavorText": "«Кинжал — это просто отвлекающий маневр. Настоящее орудие смерти — во флаконе у меня на поясе».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455016,
                    "name": "Окранский Убийца",
                    "text": "Смертельное касание\nВсе существа, способные блокировать Окранского Убийцу, блокируют его.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Убийца"
                    "flavorText": "「匕首只是幌子而已。我随身携带的瓶子才是真正的杀人利器。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455275,
                    "name": "瓯坎杀手",
                    "text": "死触\n所有能够阻挡瓯坎杀手的生物皆须阻挡之。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/杀手"
                    "flavorText": "「匕首只是幌子而已。我隨身攜帶的瓶子才是真正的殺人利器。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455534,
                    "name": "甌坎殺手",
                    "text": "死觸\n所有能夠阻擋甌坎殺手的生物皆須阻擋之。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/殺手"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452944,
            "name": "Ochran Assassin",
            "number": "194",
            "originalText": "Deathtouch\nAll creatures able to block Ochran Assassin do so.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Assassin",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Remember that a source with deathtouch must deal damage to a creature for that creature to be destroyed. If five creatures block Ochran Assassin while its power is still 1, only one of them (of Ochran Assassin’s controller’s choice) will be the one dealt damage and destroyed. You’ll have to raise Ochran Assassin’s power to destroy more than one creature."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature the defending player controls can’t block Ochran Assassin for any reason (such as being tapped), then it doesn’t block Ochran Assassin. If there’s a cost associated with having a creature block Ochran Assassin, the defending player isn’t forced to pay that cost, so it doesn’t have to block in that case either."
            "scryfallId": "541ef933-64f8-4075-9bd3-97149ac84b2b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ac5383e6-959c-4ace-8f42-bfa06c43873d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ef6ecb67-7e49-4d40-84f2-1e7c02960a0d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176676,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Deathtouch\nAll creatures able to block Ochran Assassin do so.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Assassin",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ad02d10d-ad9a-5d59-9619-5daa91dcee10",
            "uuidV421": "c4d13cd3-6f7c-5040-842a-7ed5827c38ef",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Jason Rainville",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "She memorized every arcane text in the Ismeri Library by the time she was sixteen. Now she quizzes sphinxes in her spare time.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Bereits im Alter von sechzehn Jahren hatte sie jeden arkanen Text in der Ismeri-Bibliothek auswendig gelernt. Nun fragt sie in ihrer Freizeit die Sphingen ab.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453058,
                    "name": "Omnimagische Adeptin",
                    "text": "{2}{U}, {T}: Du kannst eine Spontanzauber- oder Hexerei-Karte aus deiner Hand wirken, ohne ihre Manakosten zu bezahlen.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "Con 16 años, ya había memorizado todos los textos arcanos de la Biblioteca Ismeri. Ahora plantea acertijos a las esfinges en su tiempo libre.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453317,
                    "name": "Adepta omnihechizo",
                    "text": "{2}{U}, {T}: Puedes lanzar una carta de instantáneo o de conjuro desde tu mano sin pagar su coste de maná.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "À seize ans, elle avait déjà mémorisé tous les textes ésotériques de la Bibliothèque d'Ismeri. Aujourd'hui, elle pose des énigmes aux sphinx pendant son temps libre.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453576,
                    "name": "Experte omnisort",
                    "text": "{2}{U}, {T} : Vous pouvez lancer une carte d'éphémère ou de rituel de votre main sans payer son coût de mana.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "A sedici anni aveva già memorizzato ogni testo arcano nella biblioteca di Ismeri. Ora passa il tempo libero interrogando le sfingi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453835,
                    "name": "Esperta di Omnimagia",
                    "text": "{2}{U}, {T}: Puoi lanciare una carta istantaneo o stregoneria dalla tua mano senza pagare il suo costo di mana.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "16歳になるまでにイスメーリ図書館にあった秘儀書をすべて暗記した。今では空き時間にスフィンクスに謎を出題している。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454094,
                    "name": "万呪文の達人",
                    "text": "{2}{U}, {T}:あなたは、あなたの手札からインスタントかソーサリーであるカード1枚を、そのマナ・コストを支払うことなく唱えてもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "그녀는 16세 때 이스미어리 도서관의 모든 비술 장서들을 암기했다. 이제 그녀는 한가할 때 스핑크스들에게 문제를 낸다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454353,
                    "name": "주문통달 숙련자",
                    "text": "{2}{U}, {T}: 당신은 당신의 손에서 순간마법 또는 집중마법 카드 한 장을 마나 비용을 지불하지 않고 발동할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "Ela havia memorizado todos os textos arcanos da Biblioteca Ismeri aos 16 anos. Agora, ela propõe enigmas a esfinges nas horas vagas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454612,
                    "name": "Adepta de Onimagia",
                    "text": "{2}{U}, {T}: Você pode conjurar um card de mágica instantânea ou feitiço da sua mão sem pagar seu custo de mana.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "К шестнадцати годам она наизусть знала все тайные тексты из библиотеки Исмери. Сейчас в свободное время ей нравится загадывать загадки сфинксам.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454871,
                    "name": "Адепт Всеволшебства",
                    "text": "{2}{U}, {T}: вы можете разыграть из вашей руки карту мгновенного заклинания или волшебства без уплаты ее мана-стоимости.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "她在十六岁时就已将依梅里图书馆内每条秘法咒文倒背如流。如今她在闲暇之余以给史芬斯出题为乐。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455130,
                    "name": "千咒专家",
                    "text": "{2}{U},{T}:你可以从你手上施放一张瞬间或法术牌,且不需支付其法术力费用。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "她在十六歲時就已將依梅里圖書館內每條秘法咒文倒背如流。如今她在閒暇之餘以給史芬斯出題為樂。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455389,
                    "name": "千咒專家",
                    "text": "{2}{U},{T}:你可以從你手上施放一張瞬間或巫術牌,且不需支付其魔法力費用。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452799,
            "name": "Omnispell Adept",
            "number": "49",
            "originalText": "{2}{U}, {T}: You may cast an instant or sorcery card from your hand without paying its mana cost.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You may cast a sorcery this way even if it’s not your turn."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you cast a spell “without paying its mana cost,” you can’t choose to cast it for any alternative costs. You can, however, pay additional costs, such as kicker costs. If the card has any mandatory additional costs, such as that of Severed Strands, those must be paid to cast the card."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a spell has {X} in its mana cost, you must choose 0 as the value of X when casting it without paying its mana cost."
            "scryfallId": "e17664df-e8ba-464d-b338-3e671d2d7f0e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8c173bd9-62d1-4f44-8ff3-2c2f5fef9f57",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b575449b-591d-4357-92b7-55137fc7966a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176728,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{2}{U}, {T}: You may cast an instant or sorcery card from your hand without paying its mana cost.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3b3719c6-3b8c-529a-b0f3-75e0c07a018d",
            "uuidV421": "0bd16939-33f5-5ce3-908a-369c1c5b9c6b"
            "artist": "Johann Bodin",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Nobody ever listens to my complaints! Not even when I use the listening stick.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Niemand hört sich je meine Beschwerden an! Nicht einmal, wenn ich den Zuhörstock benutze.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453121,
                    "name": "Störrischer Goblin",
                    "text": "Immer wenn der Störrische Goblin eine Kreatur blockt oder von ihr geblockt wird, fügt der Störrische Goblin jener Kreatur 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Nadie escucha nunca mis quejas! Ni siquiera cuando uso el palo de escuchar\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453380,
                    "name": "Trasgo malhumorado",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Trasgo malhumorado bloquee o sea bloqueado por una criatura, el Trasgo malhumorado hace 1 punto de daño a esa criatura.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "« Personne n'écoute jamais quand je me plains ! Pas même quand j'utilise mon bâton d'écoute. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453639,
                    "name": "Gobelin hargneux",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que le Gobelin hargneux bloque ou devient bloqué par une créature, le Gobelin hargneux inflige 1 blessure à cette créature.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nessuno ascolta mai le mie lamentele! Neanche quando uso il mio randello da ascolto.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453898,
                    "name": "Goblin Scontroso",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta il Goblin Scontroso blocca o viene bloccato da una creatura, il Goblin Scontroso infligge 1 danno a quella creatura.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "「誰も俺の不満を聞きやしない!俺がこの『聞く棒』を使ってもだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454157,
                    "name": "気難しいゴブリン",
                    "text": "気難しいゴブリンがクリーチャーを1体ブロックするかクリーチャー1体にブロックされた状態になるたび、気難しいゴブリンはそのクリーチャーに1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"아무도 내 불만을 들어 주지 않아! 내가 듣기 막대를 사용할 때마저도 말이야.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454416,
                    "name": "성질 더러운 고블린",
                    "text": "성질 더러운 고블린이 생물을 방어하거나 생물에게 방어될 때마다, 성질 더러운 고블린은 그 생물에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ninguém nunca ouve as minhas reclamações! Nem quando eu uso o bastão de escuta.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454675,
                    "name": "Goblin Turrão",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Goblin Turrão bloqueia ou é bloqueado por uma criatura, Goblin Turrão causa 1 ponto de dano àquela criatura.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Никто никогда не слушает моих жалоб! Даже когда я беру слушательную палку».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454934,
                    "name": "Сварливый Гоблин",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Сварливый Гоблин блокирует или становится заблокирован существом, Сварливый Гоблин наносит тому существу 1 повреждение.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「根本就没人听我抱怨!就算我用棒子逼着,他们都不听!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455193,
                    "name": "暴躁鬼怪",
                    "text": "每当暴躁鬼怪阻挡生物或被生物阻挡时,暴躁鬼怪对该生物造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「根本就沒人聽我抱怨!就算我用棒子逼著,他們都不聽!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455452,
                    "name": "暴躁鬼怪",
                    "text": "每當暴躁鬼怪阻擋生物或被生物阻擋時,暴躁鬼怪對該生物造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452862,
            "name": "Ornery Goblin",
            "number": "112",
            "originalText": "Whenever Ornery Goblin blocks or becomes blocked by a creature, Ornery Goblin deals 1 damage to that creature.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The triggered ability triggers once for each creature blocking or blocked by Ornery Goblin. The ability resolves and deals damage to that creature before combat damage is dealt. If that damage destroys all creatures blocking Ornery Goblin, Ornery Goblin doesn’t become unblocked."
            "scryfallId": "be1c1353-b315-4a0e-80b5-0d9a2962e35f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a0d9fb29-95e2-4926-85a0-d3edca25a132",
            "scryfallOracleId": "cbd4e160-9eb1-42de-aee8-6f1d1398f633",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176918,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Ornery Goblin blocks or becomes blocked by a creature, Ornery Goblin deals 1 damage to that creature.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "04b8e301-6380-5bb7-8928-396978a6ec61",
            "uuidV421": "692a53ba-1c58-5817-8085-ce3348cb720d"
            "artist": "Yeong-Hao Han",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "Cradle of the Golgari's new kingdom. Grave of those who wronged its queen.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wiege des neuen Königreichs der Golgari. Grab derer, die der Königin Unrecht getan haben.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453262,
                    "name": "Überwachsene Grabstätte",
                    "text": "({T}: Erzeuge {B} oder {G}.)\nSowie die Überwachsene Grabstätte ins Spiel kommt, kannst du 2 Lebenspunkte bezahlen. Falls du dies nicht tust, kommt sie getappt ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Land — Sumpf, Wald"
                    "flavorText": "Cuna del nuevo reino golgari. Tumba de quienes agraviaron a su reina.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453521,
                    "name": "Tumba cubierta de hierbas",
                    "text": "({T}: Agrega {B} o {G}.)\nEn cuanto la Tumba cubierta de hierbas entre al campo de batalla, puedes pagar 2 vidas. Si no lo haces, entra al campo de batalla girada.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Pantano bosque"
                    "flavorText": "Berceau du nouveau royaume des Golgari. Tombeau de ceux qui ont fait du tort à sa reine.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453780,
                    "name": "Tombeau luxuriant",
                    "text": "({T} : Ajoutez {B} ou {G}.)\nAu moment où le Tombeau luxuriant arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez payer 2 points de vie. Si vous ne le faites pas, il arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé.",
                    "type": "Terrain : marais et forêt"
                    "flavorText": "Culla del nuovo regno dei Golgari, tomba di chi ha offeso la loro regina.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454039,
                    "name": "Tomba Infestata da Erbacce",
                    "text": "({T}: Aggiungi {B} o {G}.)\nMentre la Tomba Infestata da Erbacce entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi pagare 2 punti vita. Se non lo fai, entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpata.",
                    "type": "Terra — Palude Foresta"
                    "flavorText": "ゴルガリの新しい王国の揺り籠。その女王に逆らった者の墓場。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454298,
                    "name": "草むした墓",
                    "text": "({T}:{B}か{G}を加える。)\n草むした墓が戦場に出るに際し、あなたは2点のライフを支払ってもよい。そうしないなら、これはタップ状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "土地 — 沼・森"
                    "flavorText": "골가리의 새 왕국의 요람. 여왕을 모욕했던 자들의 무덤.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454557,
                    "name": "뒤덮인 무덤",
                    "text": "({T}: {B} 또는 {G}를 추가한다.)\n뒤덮인 무덤이 전장에 들어오면서, 당신은 생명 2점을 지불할 수 있다. 그러지 않으면, 뒤덮인 무덤은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 늪 숲"
                    "flavorText": "Berço do novo reino dos Golgari. Túmulo dos que prejudicaram sua rainha.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454816,
                    "name": "Tumba Abandonada",
                    "text": "({T}: Adicione {B} ou {G}.)\nConforme Tumba Abandonada entra no campo de batalha, você pode pagar 2 pontos de vida. Se não fizer isso, ela entrará no campo de batalha virada.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Pântano Floresta"
                    "flavorText": "Колыбель нового царства Голгари. Могила для тех, кто причинял зло его царице.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455075,
                    "name": "Заросшая Гробница",
                    "text": "({T}: добавьте {B} или {G}.)\nПри выходе Заросшей Гробницы на поле битвы вы можете заплатить 2 жизни. Если вы этого не делаете, она выходит на поле битвы повернутой.",
                    "type": "Земля — Болото Лес"
                    "flavorText": "葛加理新王朝的摇篮。迫害其女王者的坟墓。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455334,
                    "name": "蔓生墓园",
                    "text": "({T}:加{B}或{G}。)\n于蔓生墓园进战场时,你可以支付2点生命。如果你未如此作,则蔓生墓园须横置进战场。",
                    "type": "地 ~沼泽/树林"
                    "flavorText": "葛加理新王朝的搖籃。迫害其女王者的墳墓。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455593,
                    "name": "蔓生墓園",
                    "text": "({T}:加{B}或{G}。)\n於蔓生墓園進戰場時,你可以支付2點生命。如果你未如此作,則蔓生墓園須橫置進戰場。",
                    "type": "地 ~沼澤/樹林"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 453003,
            "name": "Overgrown Tomb",
            "number": "253",
            "originalText": "<i>({T}: Add {B} or {G}.)</i>\nAs Overgrown Tomb enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "originalType": "Land — Swamp Forest",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Unlike most dual lands, this land has two basic land types. It’s not basic, so cards such as District Guide can’t find it, but it does have the appropriate land types for effects such as that of Drowned Catacomb (from the Ixalan set)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect puts this land onto the battlefield tapped, you may pay 2 life, but it still enters tapped."
            "scryfallId": "eff1f52c-5c43-4260-aaa0-6920846a191c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "eb9a5549-a375-4133-95bb-bed602efb435",
            "scryfallOracleId": "975ec9a3-6f20-4177-8211-82526e092538",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175196,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "({T}: Add {B} or {G}.)\nAs Overgrown Tomb enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "type": "Land — Swamp Forest",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6f4ba89b-faee-5d83-9dab-2ddecfa9bb33",
            "uuidV421": "9febbeed-b21b-50a7-bfa3-65cd86e42939",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Lius Lasahido",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Selesnya grows its ranks in more ways than one.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Selesnija greift nicht nur mit Ranken sondern auch mit Pranken an.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453148,
                    "name": "Gunst des Rudels",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nEine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +3/+3 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Selesnya crece de muchas maneras.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453407,
                    "name": "Favor de la manada",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nLa criatura objetivo obtiene +3/+3 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Selesnya fait grossir ses rangs par bien des manières.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453666,
                    "name": "Faveur de la meute",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nLa créature ciblée gagne +3/+3 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Selesnya accresce le sue forze in molti modi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453925,
                    "name": "Benevolenza del Branco",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nUna creatura bersaglio prende +3/+3 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "セレズニアはいろいろな意味で成長する。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454184,
                    "name": "群れの好意",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\nクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+3/+3の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "셀레스냐는 여러 가지 방법으로 사람들을 늘린다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454443,
                    "name": "무리의 은혜",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +3/+3을 받는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "A guilda Selesnya aumenta suas fileiras de diversas formas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454702,
                    "name": "Favor da Alcateia",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nA criatura alvo recebe +3/+3 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Селезния растет далеко не одним способом.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454961,
                    "name": "Милость Стаи",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nЦелевое существо получает +3/+3 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "瑟雷尼亚扩张军伍的方式不止一种。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455220,
                    "name": "集群之威",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n目标生物得+3/+3直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "瑟雷尼亞擴張軍伍的方式不止一種。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455479,
                    "name": "集群之威",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n目標生物得+3/+3直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452889,
            "name": "Pack's Favor",
            "number": "139",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>\nTarget creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "0f88c3aa-63e1-4617-bf1f-48f44988e7d6",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d93e01fb-7ca7-4644-a1c5-34417ab267b5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "072288da-5ba0-4176-b0e6-b3e43ecab2ec",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176903,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)\nTarget creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9304edce-f1b3-5c51-b6bd-ff5a466c72d6",
            "uuidV421": "d18975b3-fd61-5f3d-831a-386b1d30ef23",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Even Amundsen",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Too many have disappeared in these dark days. I am the light that will lead them home.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Zu viele haben sich in diesen dunklen Tagen bereits verirrt. Ich bin das Licht, das sie nach Hause führt.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453031,
                    "name": "Parhelion-Patrouille",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Wachsamkeit\nMentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "\"Demasiados desaparecieron en estos días oscuros. Yo soy la luz que los conducirá a casa\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453290,
                    "name": "Patrulla del Parhelio",
                    "text": "Vuela, vigilancia.\nMentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Ils sont trop nombreux à avoir disparu en ces temps sombres. Je suis la lumière qui les ramènera chez eux. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453549,
                    "name": "Patrouille du Parhélion",
                    "text": "Vol, vigilance\nMentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "\"In troppi sono scomparsi in questi giorni oscuri. Io sono la luce che li condurrà a casa.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453808,
                    "name": "Pattuglia della Parhelion",
                    "text": "Volare, cautela\nMentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「最近の暗い日々の中であまりにも多くの者が消えてしまいました。私はその者たちを家へと導く光です。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454067,
                    "name": "パルヘリオンの巡視兵",
                    "text": "飛行、警戒\n教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "\"이 암흑의 시기에 너무나도 많은 이들이 사라졌다. 나는 그들을 집으로 이끌 빛이다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454326,
                    "name": "파헬리온 경비대",
                    "text": "비행, 경계\n지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Já desapareceu gente demais nesses dias sombrios. Sou a luz que as guiará para casa.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454585,
                    "name": "Patrulheira do Parélio",
                    "text": "Voar, vigilância\nMentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Темные дни настали. Слишком много тех, кто пропал без следа. Я — свет, который приведет их домой».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454844,
                    "name": "Патруль Паргелиона",
                    "text": "Полет, Бдительность\nНаставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "「在黑暗世道中,有太多的人迷途不归。我就是指引他们回家的明光。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455103,
                    "name": "炫日巡卫",
                    "text": "飞行,警戒\n训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "「在黑暗世道中,有太多的人迷途不歸。我就是指引他們回家的明光。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455362,
                    "name": "炫日巡衛",
                    "text": "飛行,警戒\n訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452772,
            "name": "Parhelion Patrol",
            "number": "22",
            "originalText": "Flying, vigilance\nMentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "eef126f2-7e72-4338-8021-3ad95e4ab982",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c58a9e8c-ba60-4dbe-8c66-9690d3523990",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d4891bfc-12b7-4412-be11-d02e6d014463",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176740,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, vigilance\nMentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1d96c758-376d-524a-8479-097190c9f067",
            "uuidV421": "11a7ad9f-99ee-519c-9883-31d8165e226c",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "John Thacker",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"My doors are called trespassing, my signatures, forgeries. They don't respect my talents, and I don't respect their labels.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Illegaler Zutritt ist mein Schlüssel und meine Visitenkarte ist die Fälschung. Sie respektieren meine Talente nicht und ich respektiere ihre Grenzen nicht.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453059,
                    "name": "Geheimweg-Adept",
                    "text": "{2}{U}: Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl kann in diesem Zug nicht geblockt werden.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "\"A mis puertas las llaman allanamiento de morada; a mis firmas, falsificaciones. No respetan mis talentos y yo no respeto sus etiquetas\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453318,
                    "name": "Adepto del criptomuro",
                    "text": "{2}{U}: La criatura objetivo no puede ser bloqueada este turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Mes portes sont appelées des intrusions, mes signatures des falsifications. Les gens ne respectent pas mes talents et je ne respecte pas leurs dénominations. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453577,
                    "name": "Expert passe-muraille",
                    "text": "{2}{U} : La créature ciblée ne peut pas être bloquée ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Chiamano le mie porte 'intrusioni' e le mie firme 'contraffazioni'. Non rispettano il mio talento e io non rispetto le loro etichette.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453836,
                    "name": "Esperto di Passapareti",
                    "text": "{2}{U}: Una creatura bersaglio non può essere bloccata in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「私の扉は不法と呼ばれ、私の印は捏造と呼ばれている。世間は私の才能を認めない。私も世間の評価を認めない。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454095,
                    "name": "壁過の達人",
                    "text": "{2}{U}:クリーチャー1体を対象とする。このターン、それはブロックされない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "\"그들은 내가 드나드는 걸 침입이라고 하고 내 서명은 위조라고 하지. 그들은 내 재능을 존중하지 않고, 난 그들의 꼬리표를 존중하지 않아.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454354,
                    "name": "통행벽 숙련자",
                    "text": "{2}{U}: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 이 턴에 방어될 수 없다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Minhas portas se chamam invasão; minhas assinaturas, falsificações. Eles não respeitam os meus talentos e eu não respeito os rótulos deles.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454613,
                    "name": "Adepto de Criptoparede",
                    "text": "{2}{U}: A criatura alvo não pode ser bloqueada neste turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "«Мои двери называют взломом, мои подписи — подделками. Они не уважают мои таланты, а я не уважаю их ярлыки».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454872,
                    "name": "Адепт Сторожевых Стен",
                    "text": "{2}{U}: целевое существо не может быть заблокировано в этом ходу.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "「我造门通行无阻,他们说我擅闯空门;我签名随心所欲,他们说我伪造印鉴。既然他们看不起我的才能,我也不理会他们对我的看法。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455131,
                    "name": "密墙专家",
                    "text": "{2}{U}:目标生物本回合不能被阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "「我造門通行無阻,他們說我擅闖空門;我簽名隨心所欲,他們說我偽造印鑑。既然他們看不起我的才能,我也不理會他們對我的看法。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455390,
                    "name": "密牆專家",
                    "text": "{2}{U}:目標生物本回合不能被阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452800,
            "name": "Passwall Adept",
            "number": "50",
            "originalText": "{2}{U}: Target creature can't be blocked this turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Activating Passwall Adept’s ability after a creature has become blocked won’t cause that creature to become unblocked."
            "scryfallId": "a8ed28c3-8c66-4883-8774-67ac5ab9e81c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ba3dc32e-5c41-4379-9799-3d0ae07873b8",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9a2bc266-4076-4923-b201-5898b18cbad9",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176447,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{2}{U}: Target creature can't be blocked this turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e9a22fd3-5c40-5cc6-a65a-abcca5842117",
            "uuidV421": "1e383f64-da05-5dad-841a-9cf736880f14"
            "artist": "Alayna Danner",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453149,
                    "name": "Innere Einkehr",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nVerhindere allen Kampfschaden, der in diesem Zug zugefügt würde.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453408,
                    "name": "Pausa para reflexionar",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nPrevén todo el daño de combate que se fuera a hacer este turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453667,
                    "name": "Pause d'introspection",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nPrévenez toutes les blessures de combat qui devraient être infligées ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453926,
                    "name": "Pausa di Riflessione",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nPrevieni tutto il danno da combattimento che verrebbe inflitto in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454185,
                    "name": "内省のための小休止",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\nこのターン、与えられる戦闘ダメージをすべて軽減する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454444,
                    "name": "성찰하는 휴식",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n이 턴에 입혀지려 하는 모든 전투피해를 방지한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454703,
                    "name": "Pausa para Reflexão",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nPrevina todo o dano de combate que seria causado neste turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454962,
                    "name": "Время на Размышления",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nПредотвратите все боевые повреждения, которые должны быть нанесены в этом ходу.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455221,
                    "name": "片刻反思",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n于本回合中,防止将造成的所有战斗伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455480,
                    "name": "片刻反思",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n於本回合中,防止將造成的所有戰鬥傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452890,
            "name": "Pause for Reflection",
            "number": "140",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>\nPrevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "3cfcf84c-a30c-4c4f-9f8c-ee807661e499",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d127a0d7-3f5a-4756-84cb-8adbb7afa3d7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a7f266b5-7258-4eaa-b447-66460ec38505",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176906,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)\nPrevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fe6eb429-1c63-57a9-b79a-786dc7e88d5d",
            "uuidV421": "e6eecf53-52ed-5fe5-8011-269ba9ff06d7",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Zoltan Boros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453150,
                    "name": "Pelzsammler",
                    "text": "Immer wenn eine andere Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, ins Spiel kommt oder stirbt und falls ihre Stärke größer ist als die des Pelzsammlers, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf den Pelzsammler.\nSolange drei oder mehr +1/+1-Marken auf dem Pelzsammler liegen, verursacht er Trampelschaden.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Krieger"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453409,
                    "name": "Coleccionista de pieles",
                    "text": "Siempre que otra criatura que controlas entre al campo de batalla o muera, si la fuerza de esa criatura es mayor que la del Coleccionista de pieles, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre el Coleccionista de pieles.\nMientras el Coleccionista de pieles tenga tres o más contadores +1/+1 sobre él, tiene la habilidad de arrollar.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero elfo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453668,
                    "name": "Collecteur de peaux",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'une autre créature que vous contrôlez arrive sur le champ de bataille ou meurt, si la force de cette créature est supérieure à celle du Collecteur de peaux, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur le Collecteur de peaux.\nTant que le Collecteur de peaux a au moins trois marqueurs +1/+1 sur lui, il a le piétinement.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et guerrier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453927,
                    "name": "Collezionista di Pelli",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta un'altra creatura che controlli entra nel campo di battaglia o muore, se la forza di quella creatura è maggiore di quella del Collezionista di Pelli, metti un segnalino +1/+1 sul Collezionista di Pelli.\nFintanto che il Collezionista di Pelli ha tre o più segnalini +1/+1, ha travolgere.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Elfo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454186,
                    "name": "生皮収集家",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャーが1体戦場に出るか死亡するたび、そのクリーチャーのパワーが生皮収集家よりも大きい場合、生皮収集家の上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。\n生皮収集家の上に+1/+1カウンターが3個以上置かれているかぎり、これはトランプルを持つ。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・戦士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454445,
                    "name": "가죽 수집가",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 다른 생물이 전장에 들어오거나 죽을 때마다, 그 생물의 공격력이 가죽 수집가의 공격력보다 높다면, 가죽 수집가에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.\n가죽 수집가에 +1/+1 카운터가 세 개 이상 놓여 있는 한, 가죽 수집가는 돌진을 가진다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 전사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454704,
                    "name": "Colecionador de Peles",
                    "text": "Toda vez que outra criatura que você controla entrar no campo de batalha ou morrer, se o poder daquela criatura for maior que o de Colecionador de Peles, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Colecionador de Peles.\nEnquanto colecionador de Peles tiver três ou mais marcadores +1/+1, ele terá atropelar.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Guerreiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454963,
                    "name": "Коллекционер Шкур",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда другое существо под вашим контролем выходит на поле битвы или умирает, если сила того существа больше, чем у Коллекционера Шкур, положите один жетон +1/+1 на Коллекционера Шкур.\nПока на Коллекционере Шкур есть три или более жетонов +1/+1, он имеет Пробивной удар.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Воин"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455222,
                    "name": "兽皮收集客",
                    "text": "每当另一个由你操控的生物进战场或死去时,若该生物的力量大于兽皮收集客,则在兽皮收集客上放置一个+1/+1指示物。\n只要兽皮收集客上面有三个或更多+1/+1指示物,它便具有践踏异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/战士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455481,
                    "name": "獸皮收集客",
                    "text": "每當另一個由你操控的生物進戰場或死去時,若該生物的力量大於獸皮收集客,則在獸皮收集客上放置一個+1/+1指示物。\n只要獸皮收集客上面有三個或更多+1/+1指示物,它便具有踐踏異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452891,
            "name": "Pelt Collector",
            "number": "141",
            "originalText": "Whenever another creature you control enters the battlefield or dies, if that creature's power is greater than Pelt Collector's, put a +1/+1 counter on Pelt Collector.\nAs long as Pelt Collector has three or more +1/+1 counters on it, it has trample.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Warrior",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "To determine if Pelt Collector’s first ability triggers when a creature enters the battlefield, use the creature’s power after applying any static abilities (such as that of Trostani Discordant) that modify its power."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "To determine if Pelt Collector’s first ability triggers when a creature dies, use its power as it last existed on the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature with power less than or equal to Pelt Collector’s power enters the battlefield or dies, Pelt Collector’s first ability doesn’t trigger at all. You can’t try to raise that creature’s power or lower Pelt Collector’s to get a counter."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "As Pelt Collector’s first ability resolves, if the entering creature’s power is no longer greater than Pelt Collector’s power, or if Pelt Collector’s power has been raised to greater than or equal to the power of the creature that died, Pelt Collector doesn’t get a +1/+1 counter. Notably, this means that if Pelt Collector is still a 1/1 creature and two 2/2 creatures die, it only gets one +1/+1 counter as the first triggered ability resolves, and it will be too big to get a counter as the second triggered ability resolves."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the entering creature leaves the battlefield while Pelt Collector’s triggered ability is on the stack, use its power as it last existed on the battlefield to determine whether Pelt Collector gets a +1/+1 counter."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If Pelt Collector’s power becomes less than 0, a creature with 0 power (or with power less than 0 but still greater than Pelt Collector’s power) entering the battlefield or dying will cause its first ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If Pelt Collector is dealt lethal damage at the same time as a larger creature you control, they’re destroyed at the same time. Pelt Collector won’t get an additional +1/+1 from its ability in time to save it."
            "scryfallId": "bee125cb-12b9-4f78-8e1d-6018d9c52275",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6fa3a89b-2e5a-44be-82c0-b28b20826a40",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2348f3d4-02cc-4611-a7e0-b77604d5f2e8",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176907,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever another creature you control enters the battlefield or dies, if that creature's power is greater than Pelt Collector's, put a +1/+1 counter on Pelt Collector.\nAs long as Pelt Collector has three or more +1/+1 counters on it, it has trample.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a56657f3-cc62-5436-8189-e70226756e22",
            "uuidV421": "f6b1a279-c6f6-51c5-bb30-2f0d7c1d9d2a"
            "artist": "Igor Kieryluk",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453090,
                    "name": "Stibitzbold",
                    "text": "Fliegend\n{1}{B}, {T}, opfere den Stibitzbold: Ein Gegner deiner Wahl zeigt die Karten auf seiner Hand offen vor. Du bestimmst davon eine Karte, die kein Land ist. Der Spieler wirft die bestimmte Karte ab. Aktiviere diese Fähigkeit nur zu einem Zeitpunkt, zu dem du auch eine Hexerei wirken könntest.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bold"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453349,
                    "name": "Diablillo ladronzuelo",
                    "text": "Vuela.\n{1}{B}, {T}, sacrificar al Diablillo ladronzuelo: El oponente objetivo muestra su mano. Tú eliges de ahí una carta que no sea tierra. Ese jugador descarta esa carta. Activa esta habilidad solo cuando puedas lanzar un conjuro.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Diablillo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453608,
                    "name": "Diablotin chapardeur",
                    "text": "Vol\n{1}{B}, {T}, sacrifiez le Diablotin chapardeur : L'adversaire ciblé révèle sa main. Vous y choisissez une carte non-terrain. Ce joueur se défausse de cette carte. N'activez cette capacité que lorsque vous pourriez lancer un rituel.",
                    "type": "Créature : diablotin"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453867,
                    "name": "Imp Ladruncolo",
                    "text": "Volare\n{1}{B}, {T}, Sacrifica l'Imp Ladruncolo: Un avversario bersaglio rivela la sua mano. Scegli una carta non terra da quella mano. Quel giocatore scarta quella carta. Attiva questa abilità solo quando potresti lanciare una stregoneria.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Imp"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454126,
                    "name": "物盗りインプ",
                    "text": "飛行\n{1}{B}, {T}, 物盗りインプを生け贄に捧げる:対戦相手1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは自分の手札を公開する。あなたはその中から土地でないカード1枚を選ぶ。そのプレイヤーはそのカードを捨てる。この能力は、あなたがソーサリーを唱えられるときにのみ起動できる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — インプ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454385,
                    "name": "좀도둑 임프",
                    "text": "비행\n{1}{B}, {T}, 좀도둑 임프를 희생한다: 상대를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 손을 공개한다. 그 중 대지가 아닌 카드 한 장을 선택한다. 그 플레이어는 그 카드를 버린다. 당신이 집중마법을 발동할 수 있는 시기에만 이 능력을 활성화할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 임프"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454644,
                    "name": "Diabrete Afanador",
                    "text": "Voar\n{1}{B}, {T}, sacrifique Diabrete Afanador: O oponente alvo revela a própria mão. Você escolhe um card que não seja um terreno da mão dele. Aquele jogador descarta aquele card. Ative esta habilidade somente nos momentos em que poderia conjurar um feitiço.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Diabrete"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454903,
                    "name": "Бес-Воришка",
                    "text": "Полет\n{1}{B}, {T}, пожертвуйте Беса-Воришку: целевой оппонент показывает свою руку. Вы выбираете из нее карту, не являющуюся землей. Тот игрок сбрасывает ту карту. Активируйте эту способность только при возможности разыгрывать волшебство.",
                    "type": "Существо — Бес"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455162,
                    "name": "偷窃小恶魔",
                    "text": "飞行\n{1}{B},{T},牺牲偷窃小恶魔:目标对手展示其手牌。你选择其中一张非地牌。该牌手弃掉该牌。只可以于你能施放法术的时机下起动此异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~小恶魔"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455421,
                    "name": "偷竊小惡魔",
                    "text": "飛行\n{1}{B},{T},犧牲偷竊小惡魔:目標對手展示其手牌。你選擇其中一張非地牌。該玩家棄掉該牌。只可以於你能施放巫術的時機下起動此異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~小惡魔"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452831,
            "name": "Pilfering Imp",
            "number": "81",
            "originalText": "Flying\n{1}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice Pilfering Imp: Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Imp",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "61017a67-653c-4f75-9ec3-22d2149340a8",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176934,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\n{1}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice Pilfering Imp: Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Imp",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "47300765-47a4-59b6-afe8-8d55bf11660f",
            "uuidV421": "798e6cdf-e9c7-5ab9-9339-1d05a7da25eb"
            "artist": "Wayne Reynolds",
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Its hyperpneumatics can punch through a wall and the spy on the other side.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Seine Hyperpneumatik kann durch eine Wand und den Spion auf der anderen Seite schmettern.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453226,
                    "name": "Kolbenfaust-Zyklop",
                    "text": "Verteidiger\nSolange du in diesem Zug einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei gewirkt hast, kann der Kolbenfaust-Zyklop angreifen, als ob er nicht Verteidiger hätte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zyklop"
                    "flavorText": "Sus hiperneumáticos pueden destrozar una pared y al espía que hay detrás.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453485,
                    "name": "Cíclope puñopistón",
                    "text": "Defensor.\nMientras hayas lanzado un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro este turno, el Cíclope puñopistón puede atacar como si no tuviera la habilidad de defensor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Cíclope"
                    "flavorText": "Ses hyperpneumatiques peuvent traverser un mur et frapper l'espion qui se trouve de l'autre côté.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453744,
                    "name": "Cyclope au poing-piston",
                    "text": "Défenseur\nTant que vous avez lancé un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel ce tour-ci, le Cyclope au poing-piston peut attaquer comme s'il n'avait pas le défenseur.",
                    "type": "Créature : cyclope"
                    "flavorText": "I suoi meccanismi iperpneumatici gli permettono di sfondare a pugni sia il muro, sia la spia nascosta dall'altro lato.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454003,
                    "name": "Ciclope Pugnopistone",
                    "text": "Difensore\nSe hai lanciato una magia istantaneo o stregoneria in questo turno, il Ciclope Pugnopistone può attaccare come se non avesse difensore.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Ciclope"
                    "flavorText": "超圧縮空気式機構により、壁を突きぬけてその向こうにいるスパイを殴り倒せる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454262,
                    "name": "ピストン拳のサイクロプス",
                    "text": "防衛\nこのターンにあなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えていたなら、ピストン拳のサイクロプスは防衛を持たないかのように攻撃できる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — サイクロプス"
                    "flavorText": "초기압공법 덕분에 벽과 그 너머에 있는 스파이까지 한 번에 충격을 입힐 수 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454521,
                    "name": "피스톤주먹 키클롭스",
                    "text": "수비태세\n당신이 이번 턴에 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동한 한, 피스톤주먹 키클롭스는 수비태세가 없는 것처럼 공격할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 키클롭스"
                    "flavorText": "A hiperpneumática dele pode atravessar com um soco a parede e o espião do outro lado.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454780,
                    "name": "Ciclope Punho de Pistão",
                    "text": "Defensor\nContanto que você tenha conjurado uma mágica instantânea ou feitiço neste turno, Ciclope Punho de Pistão pode atacar como se não tivesse defensor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ciclope"
                    "flavorText": "Его гиперпневматические кулаки могут пробить и стену, и шпиона на той стороне.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455039,
                    "name": "Поршнерукий Циклоп",
                    "text": "Защитник\nЕсли в этом ходу вы уже разыграли мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, Поршнерукий Циклоп может атаковать, как если бы у него не было способности Защитника.",
                    "type": "Существо — Циклоп"
                    "flavorText": "它的超冲拳能砸穿墙壁,以及在墙壁另一头的间谍。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455298,
                    "name": "冲拳独眼巨人",
                    "text": "守军\n只要你本回合施放过瞬间或法术咒语,冲拳独眼巨人便能视同不具守军异能地进行攻击。",
                    "type": "生物 ~独眼巨人"
                    "flavorText": "他的超衝拳能砸穿牆壁,以及在牆壁另一頭的間諜。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455557,
                    "name": "衝拳獨眼巨人",
                    "text": "守軍\n只要你本回合施放過瞬間或巫術咒語,衝拳獨眼巨人便能視同不具守軍異能地進行攻擊。",
                    "type": "生物 ~獨眼巨人"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U/R}{U/R}",
            "multiverseId": 452967,
            "name": "Piston-Fist Cyclops",
            "number": "217",
            "originalText": "Defender\nAs long as you've cast an instant or sorcery spell this turn, Piston-Fist Cyclops can attack as though it didn't have defender.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Cyclops",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "790e3c9e-7d94-43f7-bc14-d83c7d4c889e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176739,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender\nAs long as you've cast an instant or sorcery spell this turn, Piston-Fist Cyclops can attack as though it didn't have defender.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Cyclops",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d4ce019d-e570-55bc-b095-a5a163ee22ca",
            "uuidV421": "ff7a9912-cf43-5325-840e-ac068f5ffb7b",
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            "artist": "Alex Konstad",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The reign of the Swarm begins. Let us rise now and dress ourselves in vengeance.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Herrschaft des Schwarms beginnt. Erheben wir uns und legen wir die Gewänder der Rache an.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453227,
                    "name": "Gnadenlose Gorgo",
                    "text": "Todesberührung",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Gorgo"
                    "flavorText": "\"Empieza el reinado del Enjambre. Alcémonos ahora y empapémonos de venganza\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453486,
                    "name": "Gorgona despiadada",
                    "text": "Toque mortal.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Gorgona"
                    "flavorText": "« Le règne de l'Essaim commence. Dressons-nous maintenant et parons-nous de vengeance. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453745,
                    "name": "Gorgone impitoyable",
                    "text": "Contact mortel",
                    "type": "Créature : gorgonoïde"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il regno dello Sciame ha inizio. Solleviamoci e ammantiamoci di vendetta.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454004,
                    "name": "Gorgone Impietosa",
                    "text": "Tocco letale",
                    "type": "Creatura — Gorgone"
                    "flavorText": "「ゴルガリ団の時代が始まる。今こそ立ち上がり復讐で着飾りましょう。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454263,
                    "name": "冷酷なゴルゴン",
                    "text": "接死",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴルゴン"
                    "flavorText": "\"무리의 통치가 시작된다. 이제 모두 일어나 복수를 몸에 두르리라.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454522,
                    "name": "무자비한 고르곤",
                    "text": "치명타",
                    "type": "생물 — 고르곤"
                    "flavorText": "\"O reino do Enxame tem início. Ergamo-nos e trajemo-nos de vingança.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454781,
                    "name": "Górgona Impiedosa",
                    "text": "Toque mortífero",
                    "type": "Criatura — Górgona"
                    "flavorText": "«Так начинается правление Роя. Давайте же поднимемся и облачимся в одеяния мести».",
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                    "name": "Безжалостная Горгона",
                    "text": "Смертельное касание",
                    "type": "Существо — Горгона"
                    "flavorText": "「群落的统治开始了。让我们披上复仇的外衣,崛起吧。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455299,
                    "name": "冷酷蛇发妖",
                    "text": "死触",
                    "type": "生物 ~蛇发妖"
                    "flavorText": "「群落的統治開始了。讓我們披上復仇的外衣,崛起吧。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455558,
                    "name": "冷酷蛇髮妖",
                    "text": "死觸",
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            "flavorText": "\"My power is generosity, in a way. I give my survivors an appreciation for their lives.\"",
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                    "flavorText": "„Meine Gabe nimmt nicht nur, sie schenkt auch den Verbliebenen neue Wertschätzung für ihr Überleben.\"",
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                    "name": "Seuchensäer",
                    "text": "Wenn der Seuchensäer ins Spiel kommt, opfert jeder Spieler eine Kreatur oder einen Planeswalker. Jeder Spieler, der dies nicht kann, wirft eine Karte ab.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mi poder es generosidad, en cierto modo. Después de mí, mis supervivientes valoran más sus vidas\".",
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                    "multiverseId": 453350,
                    "name": "Difundeplagas",
                    "text": "Cuando el Difundeplagas entre al campo de batalla, cada jugador sacrifica una criatura o planeswalker. Cada jugador que no pueda hacerlo descarta una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Mon pouvoir est généreux, d'une certaine manière. Je donne à ceux qui me survivent un aperçu de leur vie. »",
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                    "name": "Façonneur de peste",
                    "text": "Quand le Façonneur de peste arrive sur le champ de bataille, chaque joueur sacrifie une créature ou un planeswalker. Chaque joueur qui ne peut pas se défausse d'une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"In un certo senso, il mio potere è generoso. Regalo a chi mi sopravvive un maggior senso di gratitudine per la propria vita.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453868,
                    "name": "Plasmacontagio",
                    "text": "Quando il Plasmacontagio entra nel campo di battaglia, ogni giocatore sacrifica una creatura o un planeswalker. Ogni giocatore che non può farlo scarta una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「我が力はある意味寛大なのだ。生き延びた者たちに、生命への感謝を与えている。」",
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                    "name": "疫病造り師",
                    "text": "疫病造り師が戦場に出たとき、各プレイヤーはそれぞれクリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体を生け贄に捧げる。それができない各プレイヤーはそれぞれカードを1枚捨てる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "\"내 능력은 어찌 보면 관대하다고 할 수 있지. 생존자들이 자신의 삶에 대해 감사하게 해 주니까.\"",
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                    "name": "역병제작자",
                    "text": "역병제작자가 전장에 들어올 때, 각 플레이어는 생물 또는 플레인즈워커 한 개를 희생한다. 그렇게 할 수 없는 각 플레이어는 카드 한 장을 버린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "\"De certa forma, meu poder é um ato de generosidade. Eu dou aos meus sobreviventes uma apreciação pela vida.\"",
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                    "text": "Quando Empesteiro entra no campo de batalha, cada jogador sacrifica uma criatura ou um planeswalker. Cada jogador que não estiver apto descarta um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "«Мое могущество — это своего рода щедрость. Тем, кто не скончался, я дарю осознание ценности жизни».",
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                    "multiverseId": 454904,
                    "name": "Мастер Чумы",
                    "text": "Когда Мастер Чумы выходит на поле битвы, каждый игрок жертвует существо или planeswalker-а. Каждый игрок, который не может это сделать, сбрасывает карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "「我的能力可谓慷慨。我让从我手下幸存的人对生命心怀感恩。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455163,
                    "name": "播疫师",
                    "text": "当播疫师进战场时,每位牌手各牺牲一个生物或鹏洛客。每位无法如此作的牌手各弃一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "「我的能力可謂慷慨。我讓從我手下倖存的人對生命心懷感恩。」",
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                    "name": "播疫師",
                    "text": "當播疫師進戰場時,每位玩家各犧牲一個生物或鵬洛客。每位無法如此作的玩家各棄一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/祭師"
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            "originalText": "When Plaguecrafter enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices a creature or planeswalker. Each player who can't discards a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "As Plaguecrafter’s ability resolves, first the player whose turn it is chooses a creature or planeswalker they control, then each other player in turn order does the same, knowing the choices made before them. Then all the chosen permanents are sacrificed at the same time. Next, each player in the same order who couldn’t sacrifice a permanent chooses a card in hand without revealing it, then the chosen cards are discarded at the same time."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Each player chooses a permanent to sacrifice from among the creatures and planeswalkers they control. You don’t choose which type of permanent any other player has to sacrifice."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Plaguecrafter can be the creature its controller sacrifices for its own ability. Don’t be like Plaguecrafter; always wear personal protective equipment when performing dangerous work."
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            "text": "When Plaguecrafter enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices a creature or planeswalker. Each player who can't discards a card.",
            "toughness": "2",
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            "text": "({T}: Add {W}.)",
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            "flavorText": "Nature's way of saying \"take the long way home.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Natur will uns damit sagen: „Nimm lieber einen Umweg.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453151,
                    "name": "Fallgitter-Ranken",
                    "text": "Verteidiger\n{2}, {T}, opfere eine Kreatur mit Verteidiger: Ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Pflanze, Mauer"
                    "flavorText": "Es la manera que tiene la naturaleza de decir: \"Toma el camino largo hacia casa\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453410,
                    "name": "Enredadera del portón",
                    "text": "Defensor.\n{2}, {T}, sacrificar una criatura con la habilidad de defensor: Roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Muro planta"
                    "flavorText": "Quand la nature vous dit de faire « un détour pour rentrer chez vous ».",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453669,
                    "name": "Lierre de herse",
                    "text": "Défenseur\n{2}, {T}, sacrifiez une créature avec le défenseur : Piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : plante et mur"
                    "flavorText": "È la natura che ti dice di tornare a casa per la via più lunga.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453928,
                    "name": "Saracinesca di Rampicanti",
                    "text": "Difensore\n{2}, {T}, Sacrifica una creatura con difensore: Pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Muro Pianta"
                    "flavorText": "「遠回りをして帰りなさい」という自然からの忠告。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454187,
                    "name": "落とし格子の蔦",
                    "text": "防衛\n{2}, {T}, 防衛を持つクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる:カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 植物・壁"
                    "flavorText": "자연이 \"빙 돌아서 집에 가라\"라고 말하는 방법.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454446,
                    "name": "쇠창살 덩굴",
                    "text": "수비태세\n{2}, {T}, 수비태세를 가진 생물 한 개를 희생한다: 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 식물 벽"
                    "flavorText": "É o jeito da natureza dizer \"pegue o caminho mais longo para casa\".",
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                    "multiverseId": 454705,
                    "name": "Hédera do Pórtico",
                    "text": "Defensor\n{2}, {T}, sacrifique uma criatura com defensor: Compre um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Planta Barreira"
                    "flavorText": "Так природа говорит: «Иди домой длинной дорогой».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454964,
                    "name": "Решетчатая Лиана",
                    "text": "Защитник\n{2}, {T}, пожертвуйте существо со способностью Защитника: возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Растение Стена"
                    "flavorText": "大自然版本的「长路归家」。",
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                    "multiverseId": 455223,
                    "name": "闸门藤蔓",
                    "text": "守军\n{2},{T},牺牲一个具守军异能的生物:抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~植物/墙"
                    "flavorText": "大自然版本的「長路歸家」。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455482,
                    "name": "閘門藤蔓",
                    "text": "守軍\n{2},{T},犧牲一個具守軍異能的生物:抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~植物/牆"
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            "name": "Portcullis Vine",
            "number": "142",
            "originalText": "Defender\n{2}, {T}, Sacrifice a creature with defender: Draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Plant Wall",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
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            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can sacrifice Portcullis Vine to pay the cost for its own ability."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you sacrifice a blocking creature, the attacking creature it blocked doesn’t become unblocked. Unless it has trample or has other creatures blocking it, that attacking creature won’t deal combat damage."
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176911,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender\n{2}, {T}, Sacrifice a creature with defender: Draw a card.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Plant Wall",
            "types": [
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            "flavorText": "Ral had wielded lightning all his life but had never harnessed the power of an entire guild.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ral herrscht schon sein ganzes Leben über die Blitze, doch nie zuvor besaß er die Macht über eine ganze Gilde.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 455621,
                    "name": "Gezielte Entladung",
                    "text": "Die Gezielte Entladung fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl 3 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Ral había empleado el poder del rayo toda su vida, pero nunca había tenido en sus manos el poder de un gremio entero.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 455635,
                    "name": "Rayo de precisión",
                    "text": "El Rayo de precisión hace 3 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Ral avait manipulé la foudre toute sa vie, mais n'avait jamais maîtrisé la puissance de toute une guilde.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 455649,
                    "name": "Éclair de précision",
                    "text": "L'Éclair de précision inflige 3 blessures à n'importe quelle cible.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Ral aveva brandito fulmini per tutta la vita, ma non aveva mai padroneggiato il potere di un'intera gilda.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 455663,
                    "name": "Saetta di Precisione",
                    "text": "La Saetta di Precisione infligge 3 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "ラルは生まれてからずっと稲妻を操ってきたが、ギルド全体の力を操ったことはなかった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 455677,
                    "name": "正確な稲妻",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。正確な稲妻はそれに3点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "랄은 그의 인생 내내 번개를 다뤘지만 길드 전체의 힘을 둘렀던 적은 없었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 455691,
                    "name": "정밀한 번개",
                    "text": "원하는 목표를 정한다. 정밀한 번개는 그 목표에게 피해 3점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Ral lidou com raios a vida toda, mas nunca havia usado o poder de toda uma guilda.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 455705,
                    "name": "Raio de Precisão",
                    "text": "Raio de Precisão causa 3 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Рал всю свою жизнь повелевал молниями, но впервые в его руках оказалось могущество целой гильдии.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455719,
                    "name": "Точный Разряд",
                    "text": "Точный Разряд наносит 3 повреждения любой цели.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "拉尔能随意召使闪电,但却从未驾驭过整个公会的力量。",
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                    "multiverseId": 455733,
                    "name": "精准电击",
                    "text": "精准电击对任意一个目标造成3点伤害。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "拉爾能隨意召使閃電,但卻從未駕馭過整個公會的力量。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455747,
                    "name": "精準電擊",
                    "text": "精準電擊對任意一個目標造成3點傷害。",
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            "number": "267",
            "originalText": "Precision Bolt deals 3 damage to any target.",
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            "text": "Precision Bolt deals 3 damage to any target.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a90c60c1-6afb-5d0d-afe6-82cf6c2e9861",
            "uuidV421": "8d56335d-6591-5546-98d7-91eb8199c56c"
            "artist": "G-host Lee",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Light up the dark to find your way, and the dark may seek you out.\"\n—Zalin the Gutter Bard",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Erleuchte die Dunkelheit, um den Weg zu finden, und die Dunkelheit findet vielleicht dich.\"\n—Zalin der Gossenbarde",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453152,
                    "name": "Jagd machen",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, kämpft gegen eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du nicht kontrollierst. (Jede der Kreaturen fügt der anderen Schadenspunkte in Höhe ihrer Stärke zu.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ilumina la oscuridad para hallar tu camino y puede que la oscuridad te busque\".\n—Zalin, el bardo grosero",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453411,
                    "name": "Cazar la presa",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo que controlas lucha contra la criatura objetivo que no controlas. (Cada una hace una cantidad de daño igual a su fuerza a la otra.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Éclairez les ténèbres pour retrouver votre chemin, et les ténèbres vous trouveront peut-être. »\n—Zalin le barde de gouttière",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453670,
                    "name": "Chasseur chassé",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée que vous contrôlez se bat contre une créature ciblée que vous ne contrôlez pas. (Chacune inflige un nombre de blessures égal à sa force à l'autre.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se accendi una luce nell'oscurità per ritrovare il cammino, l'oscurità potrebbe venire a cercarti.\"\n—Zalin, il Bardo dei Bassifondi",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453929,
                    "name": "Predare",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio che controlli lotta con una creatura bersaglio che non controlli. (Ogni creatura infligge all'altra danno pari alla propria forza.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「闇を照らして道を探せば、闇がお前を見つけるだろう。」\n――どぶ詩人ゼーリン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454188,
                    "name": "捕食",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体とあなたがコントロールしていないクリーチャー1体を対象とする。その前者はその後者と格闘を行う。(それぞれはもう一方に自身のパワーに等しい点数のダメージを与える。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"길을 찾으려면 어둠을 빛으로 밝혀라, 그러면 어둠이 너를 찾아가리니.\"\n —시궁창 인생 음유시인 잘린",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454447,
                    "name": "약육강식",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물과 당신이 조종하지 않는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 두 생물은 서로 싸운다. (각 생물은 서로에게 각자의 공격력만큼 피해를 입힌다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ilumine a escuridão para achar o seu caminho e essa acabará seguindo você.\"\n— Zalin, o bardo da sarjeta",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454706,
                    "name": "Apresar",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo que você controla luta com a criatura alvo que você não controla. (Cada uma causa à outra uma quantidade de dano igual ao próprio poder.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Освети тьму, чтобы найти дорогу, и тьма сможет найти тебя».\n— Залин, сточный бард",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454965,
                    "name": "Нападение на Добычу",
                    "text": "Целевое существо под вашим контролем дерется с целевым существом не под вашим контролем. (Они наносят друг другу повреждения, равные своей силе.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「点亮黑暗把路寻,黑暗便会要你命。」\n~贫窟吟游诗人翟林",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455224,
                    "name": "捕食",
                    "text": "目标由你操控的生物与目标不由你操控的生物互斗。(它们各向对方造成等同于本身力量的伤害。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「點亮黑暗把路尋,黑暗便會要你命。」\n~貧窟吟遊詩人翟林",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455483,
                    "name": "捕食",
                    "text": "目標由你操控的生物與目標不由你操控的生物互鬥。(它們各向對方造成等同於本身力量的傷害。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452893,
            "name": "Prey Upon",
            "number": "143",
            "originalText": "Target creature you control fights target creature you don't control. <i>(Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-12-07",
                    "text": "If either target is an illegal target as Prey Upon resolves, no creature will deal or be dealt damage."
            "scryfallId": "16979827-4011-454a-9886-18326cfa3e77",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b0cad95b-2dfa-432a-af28-7cf48223239a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b3c12848-528d-4005-878f-4f950a07240a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176913,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature you control fights target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c923146b-2fa2-5013-ae79-f88eee278c9e",
            "uuidV421": "4b902d93-914c-5b0a-88c4-482c6805576c"
            "artist": "Winona Nelson",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453092,
                    "name": "Preis der Berühmtheit",
                    "text": "Dieser Zauberspruch kostet beim Wirken {2} weniger, falls er eine legendäre Kreatur als Ziel hat.\nZerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl.\nÜberwachen 2. (Schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453351,
                    "name": "El precio de la fama",
                    "text": "Te cuesta {2} menos lanzar este hechizo si hace objetivo a una criatura legendaria.\nDestruye la criatura objetivo.\nEscruta 2. (Mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453610,
                    "name": "Prix de la célébrité",
                    "text": "Ce sort coûte {2} de moins à lancer s'il cible une créature légendaire.\nDétruisez la créature ciblée.\nSurveillez 2. (Regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453869,
                    "name": "Prezzo della Celebrità",
                    "text": "Questa magia costa {2} in meno per essere lanciata se bersaglia una creatura leggendaria.\nDistruggi una creatura bersaglio.\nSorveglia 2. (Guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454128,
                    "name": "名声の代価",
                    "text": "この呪文が伝説のクリーチャーを対象とするなら、これを唱えるためのコストは{2}少なくなる。\nクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。\n諜報2を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置く。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454387,
                    "name": "유명세의 대가",
                    "text": "이 주문이 전설적 생물을 목표로 한다면 이 주문은 발동하는 데 {2}가 덜 든다.\n생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다.\n감시 2를 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454646,
                    "name": "Preço da Fama",
                    "text": "Esta mágica custa {2} a menos para ser conjurada se tiver como alvo uma criatura lendária.\nDestrua a criatura alvo.\nVigiar 2. (Olhe os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454905,
                    "name": "Цена Известности",
                    "text": "Разыгрывание этого заклинания стоит на {2} меньше, если его целью является легендарное существо.\nУничтожьте целевое существо.\nСлежка 2. (Посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455164,
                    "name": "名誉的代价",
                    "text": "如果此咒语以传奇生物为目标,则它便减少{2}来施放。\n消灭目标生物。\n刺探2。(检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455423,
                    "name": "名譽的代價",
                    "text": "如果此咒語以傳奇生物為目標,則它便減少{2}來施放。\n消滅目標生物。\n刺探2。(檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452833,
            "name": "Price of Fame",
            "number": "83",
            "originalText": "This spell costs {2} less to cast if it targets a legendary creature.\nDestroy target creature.\nSurveil 2. <i>(Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Price of Fame’s converted mana cost is 4, even if it costs {2} less to cast."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You’ll surveil before resolving any abilities that trigger on the target creature dying."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Price of Fame can target a creature that’s indestructible. It won’t be destroyed, but you’ll surveil."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Some spells that instruct you to surveil require targets. You can’t cast a spell without choosing legal targets. If all of those targets become illegal, the spell doesn’t resolve and you won’t surveil."
            "scryfallId": "61b52152-0f7c-4466-9e49-033477028f67",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "06bfe238-3081-4d96-866b-cd7b9bcc2db9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "45d5cd4c-7285-4507-8cbf-eace7a734f41",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176568,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "This spell costs {2} less to cast if it targets a legendary creature.\nDestroy target creature.\nSurveil 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ed35c3cc-ef2f-58de-be9b-ef7a4a6bc0af",
            "uuidV421": "239a4a41-5a5a-5987-b9c5-d0022c3a4165",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Dmitry Burmak",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"My greatest creation—me!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Meine größte Schöpfung? Ich!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453060,
                    "name": "Quasi-Duplikat",
                    "text": "Erzeuge einen Spielstein, der eine Kopie einer Kreatur deiner Wahl ist, die du kontrollierst.\nKatalyse (Du kannst diese Karte aus deinem Friedhof wirken, indem du zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Kosten eine Karte abwirfst. Schicke sie danach ins Exil.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mi mejor creación: ¡yo!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453319,
                    "name": "Cuasiduplicado",
                    "text": "Crea una ficha que es una copia de la criatura objetivo que controlas.\nRecargar. (Puedes lanzar esta carta desde tu cementerio descartando una carta además de pagar sus otros costes. Luego, exilia esta carta.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Ma plus belle création : moi ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453578,
                    "name": "Quasiréplique",
                    "text": "Créez un jeton qui est une copie d'une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez.\nRelancez (Vous pouvez lancer cette carte depuis votre cimetière en vous défaussant d'une carte en plus de payer ses autres coûts. Puis exilez cette carte.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ecco la mia creazione migliore: me stesso!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453837,
                    "name": "Similduplicazione",
                    "text": "Crea una pedina che è una copia di una creatura bersaglio che controlli.\nCarica d'avvio (Puoi lanciare questa carta dal tuo cimitero scartando una carta oltre a pagare i suoi altri costi. Poi esilia questa carta.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「我が最高傑作、それは私だ!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454096,
                    "name": "模写",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それのコピーであるトークンを1体生成する。\n再活(あなたはあなたの墓地から、このカードを、これの他のコストの支払いに加えてカード1枚を捨てることで唱えてもよい。その後、このカードを追放する。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"내 가장 위대한 창조물—바로 나!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454355,
                    "name": "유사한 복제",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물의 복사본인 토큰 한 개를 만든다.\n강제 시동 (당신은 이 카드의 다른 비용들을 지불하는 것에 추가로 카드를 한 장 버리는 것으로 이 카드를 당신의 무덤에서 발동할 수 있다. 그 후 이 카드를 추방한다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Minha maior criação: eu!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454614,
                    "name": "Quasiduplicata",
                    "text": "Crie uma ficha que seja uma cópia da criatura alvo que você controla.\nRecarregar (Você pode conjurar este card de seu cemitério descartando um card além de pagar seus outros custos. Depois, exile este card.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Мое величайшее творение — я сам!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454873,
                    "name": "Квазидубликат",
                    "text": "Создайте фишку, являющуюся копией целевого существа под вашим контролем.\nИмпульс (Вы можете разыграть эту карту из вашего кладбища, сбросив карту в дополнение к оплате других ее стоимостей. Затем изгоните эту карту.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「我最伟大的作品~我自己!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455132,
                    "name": "伪体拟形",
                    "text": "派出一个衍生物,此衍生物为目标由你操控的生物之复制品。\n再起(你可以从你的坟墓场施放此牌,但必须支付其所需费用并额外弃一张牌。然后放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「我最偉大的作品~我自己!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455391,
                    "name": "偽體擬形",
                    "text": "派出一個衍生物,此衍生物為目標由你操控的生物之複製品。\n再起(你可以從你的墳墓場施放此牌,但必須支付其所需費用並額外棄一張牌。)然後放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452801,
            "name": "Quasiduplicate",
            "number": "51",
            "originalText": "Create a token that's a copy of target creature you control.\nJump-start <i>(You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The token copies exactly what is printed on the creature and nothing else (unless that creature is copying something else or is a token; see below). It doesn’t copy whether that creature is tapped or untapped, whether it has any counters on it or Auras and/or Equipment attached to it, or any non-copy effects that changed its power, toughness, types, color, and so on."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the copied creature has {X} in its mana cost, X is 0."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the copied creature is copying something else, the token enters the battlefield as whatever that creature is copying."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the copied creature is itself a token, the token created by Quasiduplicate copies the original characteristics of that token as stated by the effect that created it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Any enters-the-battlefield abilities of the copied creature will trigger when the token enters the battlefield. Any “As [this creature] enters the battlefield” or “[This creature] enters the battlefield with” abilities of the copied creature will also work."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. For instance, you can cast a sorcery using jump-start only when you could normally cast a sorcery."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A spell cast using jump-start will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it’s countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect allows you to pay an alternative cost rather than a spell’s mana cost, you may pay that alternative cost when you jump-start a spell. You’ll still discard a card as an additional cost to cast it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card with jump-start is put into your graveyard during your turn, you’ll be able to cast it right away if it’s legal to do so, before an opponent can take any actions."
            "scryfallId": "f069646c-fae2-40bd-92bc-35459a84d847",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "90b0e108-3657-4569-83e9-07ceb513493c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "76b709ae-5765-4b7a-99c9-89eade7c8cb8",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175197,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Create a token that's a copy of target creature you control.\nJump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "338d3abd-e49f-5737-84bd-33dbaa302257",
            "uuidV421": "cea234d7-e0af-5fe0-8291-c76c8a129790",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Izzy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Genius is finding the edge of what's possible, then jumping over it.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Genialität bedeutet, die Grenzen des Möglichen auszuloten und diese dann zu überwinden.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453061,
                    "name": "Radikale Idee",
                    "text": "Ziehe eine Karte.\nKatalyse (Du kannst diese Karte aus deinem Friedhof wirken, indem du zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Kosten eine Karte abwirfst. Schicke sie danach ins Exil.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "La genialidad es hallar el límite de lo posible y después saltárselo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453320,
                    "name": "Idea radical",
                    "text": "Roba una carta.\nRecargar. (Puedes lanzar esta carta desde tu cementerio descartando una carta además de pagar sus otros costes. Luego, exilia esta carta.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Le génie revient à aller aux frontières du possible et à les dépasser.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453579,
                    "name": "Idée radicale",
                    "text": "Piochez une carte.\nRelancez (Vous pouvez lancer cette carte depuis votre cimetière en vous défaussant d'une carte en plus de payer ses autres coûts. Puis exilez cette carte.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Il genio consiste nel cercare il limite di ciò che è possibile per poi oltrepassarlo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453838,
                    "name": "Idea Rivoluzionaria",
                    "text": "Pesca una carta.\nCarica d'avvio (Puoi lanciare questa carta dal tuo cimitero scartando una carta oltre a pagare i suoi altri costi. Poi esilia questa carta.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "天才とは可能性の限界を見つけ、それを飛び越えることだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454097,
                    "name": "急進思想",
                    "text": "カードを1枚引く。\n再活(あなたはあなたの墓地から、このカードを、これの他のコストの支払いに加えてカード1枚を捨てることで唱えてもよい。その後、このカードを追放する。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "천재는 가능한 것의 한계를 찾아낸 다음, 그것을 뛰어넘는 것이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454356,
                    "name": "과격한 생각",
                    "text": "카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n강제 시동 (당신은 이 카드의 다른 비용들을 지불하는 것에 추가로 카드를 한 장 버리는 것으로 이 카드를 당신의 무덤에서 발동할 수 있다. 그 후 이 카드를 추방한다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Genialidade é achar o limite do possível e saltar para além dele.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454615,
                    "name": "Ideia Radical",
                    "text": "Compre um card.\nRecarregar (Você pode conjurar este card de seu cemitério descartando um card além de pagar seus outros custos. Depois, exile este card.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Гениальность — это способность найти предел возможного, а потом перескочить через него.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454874,
                    "name": "Радикальная Идея",
                    "text": "Возьмите карту.\nИмпульс (Вы можете разыграть эту карту из вашего кладбища, сбросив карту в дополнение к оплате других ее стоимостей. Затем изгоните эту карту.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "所谓天才之举,便是发现可能的边界,然后一跃而过。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455133,
                    "name": "激进创想",
                    "text": "抓一张牌。\n再起(你可以从你的坟墓场施放此牌,但必须支付其所需费用并额外弃一张牌。然后放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "所謂天才之舉,便是發現可能的邊界,然後一躍而過。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455392,
                    "name": "激進創想",
                    "text": "抽一張牌。\n再起(你可以從你的墳墓場施放此牌,但必須支付其所需費用並額外棄一張牌。)然後放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452802,
            "name": "Radical Idea",
            "number": "52",
            "originalText": "Draw a card.\nJump-start <i>(You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. For instance, you can cast a sorcery using jump-start only when you could normally cast a sorcery."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A spell cast using jump-start will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it’s countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect allows you to pay an alternative cost rather than a spell’s mana cost, you may pay that alternative cost when you jump-start a spell. You’ll still discard a card as an additional cost to cast it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card with jump-start is put into your graveyard during your turn, you’ll be able to cast it right away if it’s legal to do so, before an opponent can take any actions."
            "scryfallId": "c9570734-5e9b-46ff-b606-9759b5195756",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3e1c9cdc-581e-4660-ab73-29dbd92843e3",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fd51dce2-8e8a-4686-910e-1bbc2825d190",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175198,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Draw a card.\nJump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6abf8b05-1513-5c21-bb5b-0e46d765fd7d",
            "uuidV421": "bfefaa21-896b-5b52-9e9c-32c2c0b8373e",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Lake Hurwitz",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 455620,
                    "name": "Rals Zerstreuung",
                    "text": "Bringe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück. Du kannst deine Bibliothek und/oder deinen Friedhof nach einer Karte namens Ral der Sturmrufer durchsuchen, sie offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Falls du auf diese Weise deine Bibliothek durchsuchst, mische sie danach.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 455634,
                    "name": "Rechazo de Ral",
                    "text": "Regresa la criatura objetivo a la mano de su propietario. Puedes buscar en tu biblioteca y/o cementerio una carta llamada Ral, convocatormentas, mostrarla y ponerla en tu mano. Si buscas en tu biblioteca de esta manera, barájala.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 455648,
                    "name": "Dispersion de Ral",
                    "text": "Renvoyez une créature ciblée dans la main de son propriétaire. Vous pouvez chercher dans votre bibliothèque et/ou votre cimetière une carte appelée Ral, meneur des tempêtes, la révéler et la mettre dans votre main. Si vous cherchez dans votre bibliothèque de cette manière, mélangez-la.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 455662,
                    "name": "Dispersione di Ral",
                    "text": "Fai tornare una creatura bersaglio in mano al suo proprietario. Puoi passare in rassegna il tuo grimorio e/o il tuo cimitero per una carta chiamata Ral, Evocatore di Tempeste, rivelarla e aggiungerla alla tua mano. Se passi in rassegna il tuo grimorio in questo modo, rimescolalo.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 455676,
                    "name": "ラルの消散",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをオーナーの手札に戻す。あなたはあなたのライブラリーやあなたの墓地から「嵐を呼ぶ者、ラル」という名前のカード1枚を探し、それを公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。あなたがこれによりあなたのライブラリーからカードを探したなら、あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 455690,
                    "name": "랄의 확산",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다. 당신은 당신의 서고 및/또는 무덤에서 이름이 폭풍을 부르는 자, 랄인 카드 한 장을 찾아 공개한 후 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 당신이 이런 식으로 당신의 서고를 찾아보았다면, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 455704,
                    "name": "Dispersão de Ral",
                    "text": "Devolva a criatura alvo para a mão de seu dono. Você pode procurar em seu grimório e/ou cemitério um card com o nome Ral, Invocador de Tempestades, revelá-lo e colocá-lo em sua mão. Se procurar em seu grimório desta maneira, embaralhe-o.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455718,
                    "name": "Рассеивание Рала",
                    "text": "Верните целевое существо в руку его владельца. Вы можете найти в вашей библиотеке и (или) на вашем кладбище карту с именем Рал, Заклинатель Гроз, показать ее и положить в вашу руку. Если вы ищете таким образом в вашей библиотеке, перетасуйте ее.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455732,
                    "name": "拉尔的驱散",
                    "text": "将目标生物移回其拥有者手上。你可以从你的牌库和/或坟墓场中搜寻一张名称为风暴唤师拉尔的牌,展示该牌,并将它置于你手上。如果你以此法搜寻你的牌库,则将它洗牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455746,
                    "name": "拉爾的驅散",
                    "text": "將目標生物移回其擁有者手上。你可以從你的牌庫和/或墳墓場中搜尋一張名稱為風暴喚師拉爾的牌,展示該牌,並將它置於你手上。如果你以此法搜尋你的牌庫,則將它洗牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 455606,
            "name": "Ral's Dispersal",
            "number": "266",
            "originalText": "Return target creature to its owner's hand. You may search your library and/or graveyard for a card named Ral, Caller of Storms, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature becomes an illegal target for Ral’s Dispersal, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t search for Ral, Caller of Storms."
            "scryfallId": "a2660fae-6459-446d-85dc-3c9126c81cb3",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "cdb75a00-d457-4374-86fb-7489d2213acc",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a81b7629-9db9-4351-8d0e-c45a7a6167d4",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175568,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Return target creature to its owner's hand. You may search your library and/or graveyard for a card named Ral, Caller of Storms, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8bc16533-26ba-5829-adb1-7b25cd28b298",
            "uuidV421": "7c2b92e6-0431-512a-9d1a-aa518980a5e4"
            "artist": "Even Amundsen",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 455622,
                    "name": "Rals Ladungsmagier",
                    "text": "Verursacht Trampelschaden (Diese Kreatur kann überschüssigen Kampfschaden dem verteidigenden Spieler oder Planeswalker zufügen.)\nImmer wenn Rals Ladungsmagier angreift und falls du einen Ral-Planeswalker kontrollierst, erhält Rals Ladungsmagier bis zum Ende des Zuges +1/+0 für jede Karte auf deiner Hand.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Viashino, Zauberer"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 455636,
                    "name": "Lanzaestática de Ral",
                    "text": "Arrolla. (Esta criatura puede hacer el daño de combate sobrante al jugador o planeswalker al que ataca.)\nSiempre que el Lanzaestática de Ral ataque, si controlas un planeswalker Ral, el Lanzaestática de Ral obtiene +1/+0 por cada carta en tu mano hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero viashino"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 455650,
                    "name": "Incantateur statique de Ral",
                    "text": "Piétinement (Cette créature peut infliger son surplus de blessures de combat au joueur ou au planeswalker qu'elle attaque.)\nÀ chaque fois que l'Incantateur statique de Ral attaque, si vous contrôlez un planeswalker Ral, l'Incantateur statique de Ral gagne +1/+0 pour chaque carte dans votre main jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : viashino et sorcier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 455664,
                    "name": "Statincantatore di Ral",
                    "text": "Travolgere (Questa creatura può infliggere il danno da combattimento in eccesso al giocatore o al planeswalker che sta attaccando.)\nOgniqualvolta lo Statincantatore di Ral attacca, se controlli un planeswalker Ral, lo Statincantatore di Ral prende +1/+0 per ogni carta nella tua mano fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Viashino"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 455678,
                    "name": "ラルの静電術師",
                    "text": "トランプル(このクリーチャーは余剰の戦闘ダメージをこれが攻撃しているプレイヤーかプレインズウォーカーに与えることができる。)\nラルの静電術師が攻撃するたび、あなたがラル・プレインズウォーカーをコントロールしている場合、ターン終了時まで、ラルの静電術師はあなたの手札にあるカード1枚につき+1/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ヴィーアシーノ・ウィザード"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 455692,
                    "name": "랄의 정전기술사",
                    "text": "돌진 (이 생물은 여분의 전투피해를 공격 중인 플레이어 또는 플레인즈워커에게 입힐 수 있다.)\n랄의 정전기술사가 공격할 때마다, 당신이 랄 플레인즈워커를 조종한다면, 랄의 정전기술사는 턴종료까지 당신의 손에 있는 카드 한 장당 +1/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 비아시노 마법사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 455706,
                    "name": "Estatimago de Ral",
                    "text": "Atropelar (Esta criatura pode causar seu dano de combate excedente ao jogador ou planeswalker que ela estiver atacando.)\nToda vez que Estatimago de Ral ataca, se você controla um planeswalker Ral, Estatimago de Ral recebe +1/+0 para cada card em sua mão até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Viashino Mago"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455720,
                    "name": "Электростатик Рала",
                    "text": "Пробивной удар (Это существо может нанести избыточные боевые повреждения игроку или planeswalker-у, которого атакует.)\nКаждый раз, когда Электростатик Рала атакует, если у вас под контролем есть planeswalker Рал, то Электростатик Рала получает +1/+0 за каждую карту в вашей руке до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Виашино Чародей"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455734,
                    "name": "拉尔的静电术士",
                    "text": "践踏(此生物造成之过量战斗伤害能对所攻击的牌手或鹏洛客造成之。)\n每当拉尔的静电术士攻击时,若你操控拉尔鹏洛客,则你每有一张手牌,拉尔的静电术士便得+1/+0直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~凡尔西诺/法术师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455748,
                    "name": "拉爾的靜電術士",
                    "text": "踐踏(此生物造成之過量戰鬥傷害能對所攻擊的玩家或鵬洛客造成之。)\n每當拉爾的靜電術士攻擊時,若你操控拉爾鵬洛客,則你每有一張手牌,拉爾的靜電術士便得+1/+0直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~凡爾西諾/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 455608,
            "name": "Ral's Staticaster",
            "number": "268",
            "originalText": "Trample (This creature can deal excess combat damage to the player or planeswalker it's attacking.)\nWhenever Ral's Staticaster attacks, if you control a Ral planeswalker, Ral's Staticaster gets +1/+0 for each card in your hand until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Viashino Wizard",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The number of cards in your hand is checked only as the triggered ability of Ral’s Staticaster resolves. If that number changes later in the turn, its power is unaffected."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Whether you control a Ral planeswalker is checked as the ability triggers and as it resolves. After it has resolved while you controlled a Ral planeswalker, Ral’s Staticaster keeps the bonus for the rest of the turn even if you lose your planeswalker."
            "scryfallId": "adfa16dc-03b3-4533-884c-a23b992b8d86",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "1859d600-69f5-4fd3-afc7-c4eaefd6dfdd",
            "scryfallOracleId": "eae7dd41-3d5f-49a7-baaa-2c03bb341c3a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175569,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Trample (This creature can deal excess combat damage to the player or planeswalker it's attacking.)\nWhenever Ral's Staticaster attacks, if you control a Ral planeswalker, Ral's Staticaster gets +1/+0 for each card in your hand until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Viashino Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "695f24d4-3a8c-5a57-9b46-e960a950d9c5",
            "uuidV421": "46f71271-37eb-5b04-a2ca-0ce4908e7298",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Kieran Yanner",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 455619,
                    "name": "Ral der Sturmrufer",
                    "text": "+1: Ziehe eine Karte.\n−2: Ral der Sturmrufer fügt 3 Schadenspunkte zu, deren Aufteilung auf ein, zwei oder drei Ziele deiner Wahl du bestimmst.\n−7: Ziehe sieben Karten. Ral der Sturmrufer fügt jeder Kreatur, die deine Gegner kontrollieren, 7 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Ral"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 455633,
                    "name": "Ral, convocatormentas",
                    "text": "+1: Roba una carta.\n−2: Ral, convocatormentas hace 3 puntos de daño divididos como elijas entre uno, dos o tres objetivos.\n−7: Roba siete cartas. Ral, convocatormentas hace 7 puntos de daño a cada criatura que controlan tus oponentes.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Ral"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 455647,
                    "name": "Ral, meneur des tempêtes",
                    "text": "+1 : Piochez une carte.\n-2 : Ral, meneur des tempêtes inflige 3 blessures réparties comme vous le désirez entre une, deux ou trois cibles.\n-7 : Piochez sept cartes. Ral, meneur des tempêtes inflige 7 blessures à chaque créature que vos adversaires contrôlent.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Ral"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 455661,
                    "name": "Ral, Evocatore di Tempeste",
                    "text": "+1: Pesca una carta.\n-2: Ral, Evocatore di Tempeste infligge 3 danni divisi a tua scelta tra uno, due o tre bersagli.\n-7: Pesca sette carte. Ral, Evocatore di Tempeste infligge 7 danni a ogni creatura controllata dai tuoi avversari.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Ral"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 455675,
                    "name": "嵐を呼ぶ者、ラル",
                    "text": "+1:カードを1枚引く。\n-2:クリーチャーやプレインズウォーカーやプレイヤー、1つか2つか3つを対象とする。嵐を呼ぶ者、ラルはそれらに3点のダメージをあなたの望むように分割して与える。\n-7:カードを7枚引く。嵐を呼ぶ者、ラルは対戦相手がコントロールしている各クリーチャーにそれぞれ7点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — ラル"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 455689,
                    "name": "폭풍을 부르는 자, 랄",
                    "text": "+1: 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n−2: 원하는 목표 하나, 둘, 또는 세 개를 정한다. 폭풍을 부르는 자, 랄은 피해 3점을 당신이 분배한 대로 그 목표들에 입힌다.\n−7: 카드 일곱 장을 뽑는다. 폭풍을 부르는 자, 랄은 당신의 상대들이 조종하는 각 생물에 피해 7점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 랄"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 455703,
                    "name": "Ral, Invocador de Tempestades",
                    "text": "+1: Compre um card.\n−2: Ral, Invocador de Tempestades, causa 3 pontos de dano divididos à sua escolha entre um, dois ou três alvos.\n−7: Compre sete cards. Ral, Invocador de Tempestades, causa 7 pontos de dano a cada criatura que seus oponentes controlam.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Ral"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455717,
                    "name": "Рал, Заклинатель Гроз",
                    "text": "+1: возьмите карту.\n–2: Рал, Заклинатель Гроз наносит 3 повреждения, разделенные по вашему выбору между одной, двумя или тремя целями.\n–7: возьмите семь карт. Рал, Заклинатель Гроз наносит 7 повреждений каждому существу под контролем ваших оппонентов.",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Рал"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455731,
                    "name": "风暴唤师拉尔",
                    "text": "+1:抓一张牌。\n−2:风暴唤师拉尔对任意一个,两个,或三个目标造成共3点伤害,你可以任意分配。\n-7:抓七张牌。风暴唤师拉尔向由对手操控的每个生物各造成7点伤害。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~拉尔"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455745,
                    "name": "風暴喚師拉爾",
                    "text": "+1:抽一張牌。\n−2:風暴喚師拉爾對任意一個,兩個,或三個目標造成共3點傷害,你可以任意分配。\n−7:抽七張牌。風暴喚師拉爾向由對手操控的每個生物各造成7點傷害。",
                    "type": "傳奇鵬洛客 ~拉爾"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": false,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "loyalty": "4",
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 455605,
            "name": "Ral, Caller of Storms",
            "number": "265",
            "originalText": "+1: Draw a card.\n−2: Ral, Caller of Storms deals 3 damage divided as you choose among one, two, or three targets.\n−7: Draw seven cards. Ral, Caller of Storms deals 7 damage to each creature your opponents control.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Ral",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If some of the targets become illegal for Ral’s second ability, the original division of damage still applies, and the damage that would have been dealt to illegal targets isn’t dealt at all."
            "scryfallId": "c44f0c60-5732-4c25-9ba9-4829f1891762",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d422d11c-5b96-4183-a146-a8f2cee7a25f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d7b10518-b6dc-4a39-881a-edd346034f28",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175567,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+1: Draw a card.\n−2: Ral, Caller of Storms deals 3 damage divided as you choose among one, two, or three targets.\n−7: Draw seven cards. Ral, Caller of Storms deals 7 damage to each creature your opponents control.",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Ral",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d584c01a-d864-5c04-bcdb-48b01880cd99",
            "uuidV421": "c3ef3451-e598-5ee9-b68b-fbf3237bdfaf"
            "artist": "Kieran Yanner",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453204,
                    "name": "Ral, Izzet-Statthalter",
                    "text": "+1: Schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Nimm eine davon auf deine Hand und lege die andere auf deinen Friedhof.\n−3: Ral, Izzet-Statthalter, fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl Schaden in Höhe der Gesamtanzahl an Spontanzauber- und Hexerei-Karten zu, die du besitzt und die sich im Exil oder in deinem Friedhof befinden.\n−8: Du erhältst ein Emblem mit „Immer wenn du einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkst, fügt dieses Emblem einem Ziel deiner Wahl 4 Schadenspunkte zu und du ziehst zwei Karten.\"",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Ral"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453463,
                    "name": "Ral, virrey ízzet",
                    "text": "+1: Mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Pon una de ellas en tu mano y la otra en tu cementerio.\n−3: Ral, virrey ízzet hace una cantidad de daño a la criatura objetivo igual a la cantidad total de cartas de instantáneo y de conjuro en tu cementerio y en el exilio de las cuales eres propietario.\n−8: Obtienes un emblema con \"Siempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro, este emblema hace 4 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo y tú robas dos cartas\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Ral"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453722,
                    "name": "Ral, vice-roi d'Izzet",
                    "text": "+1 : Regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Mettez l'une d'entre elles dans votre main et l'autre dans votre cimetière.\n-3 : Ral, vice-roi d'Izzet inflige à une créature ciblée un nombre de blessures égal au nombre total de cartes d'éphémère et de rituel que vous possédez en exil et dans votre cimetière.\n-8 : Vous gagnez un emblème avec « À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel, cet emblème inflige 4 blessures à n'importe quelle cible et vous piochez deux cartes. »",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Ral"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453981,
                    "name": "Ral, Viceré Izzet",
                    "text": "+1: Guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio. Aggiungine una alla tua mano e metti l'altra nel tuo cimitero.\n-3: Ral, Viceré Izzet infligge a una creatura bersaglio danno pari al numero totale di carte istantaneo e stregoneria che possiedi in esilio e nel tuo cimitero.\n-8: Ottieni un emblema con \"Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo o stregoneria, questo emblema infligge 4 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio e tu peschi due carte\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Ral"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454240,
                    "name": "イゼット副長、ラル",
                    "text": "+1:あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見る。そのうち1枚をあなたの手札に加え、もう1枚をあなたの墓地に置く。\n-3:クリーチャー1体を対象とする。イゼット副長、ラルはそれに、追放領域かあなたの墓地にあり、あなたがオーナーであり、インスタントかソーサリーであるカードの枚数に等しい点数のダメージを与える。\n-8:あなたは「あなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。この紋章はそれに4点のダメージを与え、あなたはカードを2枚引く。」を持つ紋章を得る。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — ラル"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454499,
                    "name": "이젯 총독, 랄",
                    "text": "+1: 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본다. 그중 한 장을 당신의 손으로 가져가고 다른 한 장은 당신의 무덤에 넣는다.\n−3: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 이젯 총독, 랄은 그 생물에게 추방 영역과 당신의 무덤에 있는 당신이 소유한 순간마법과 집중마법 카드 수의 합만큼 피해를 입힌다.\n−8: 당신은 \"당신이 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 원하는 목표를 정한다. 이 휘장은 그 목표에게 피해 4점을 입히고 당신은 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.\"를 가진 휘장을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 랄"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454758,
                    "name": "Ral, Vice-rei Izzet",
                    "text": "+1: Olhe os dois cards do topo do seu grimório. Coloque um deles na sua mão e o outro em seu cemitério.\n−3: Ral, Vice-rei Izzet, causa à criatura alvo dano igual ao número total de cards de mágica instantânea ou feitiço que você possui no exílio e em seu cemitério.\n−8: Você recebe um emblema com \"Toda vez que você conjura uma mágica instantânea ou um feitiço, este emblema causa 4 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo e você compra dois cards\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Ral"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455017,
                    "name": "Рал, Наместник Иззетов",
                    "text": "+1: посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки. Положите одну из них в вашу руку, а другую — на ваше кладбище.\n−3: Рал, Наместник Иззетов наносит целевому существу повреждения, равные суммарному количеству принадлежащих вам карт мгновенных заклинаний и волшебства в изгнании и на вашем кладбище.\n−8: вы получаете эмблему со способностью «Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, эта эмблема наносит 4 повреждения любой цели, а вы берете две карты».",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Рал"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455276,
                    "name": "伊捷总督拉尔",
                    "text": "+1:检视你牌库顶的两张牌。将其中一张置于你手上,另一张则置入你的坟墓场。\n−3:伊捷总督拉尔对目标生物造成伤害,其数量等同于放逐区中由你拥有之瞬间与法术牌数量和你坟墓场中这两类牌数量的加总。\n−8:你获得具有「每当你施放瞬间或法术咒语时,此徽记对任意一个目标造成4点伤害且你抓两张牌」的徽记。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~拉尔"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455535,
                    "name": "伊捷總督拉爾",
                    "text": "+1:檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌。將其中一張置於你手上,另一張則置入你的墳墓場。\n−3:伊捷總督拉爾對目標生物造成傷害,其數量等同於放逐區中由你擁有之瞬間與巫術牌數量和你墳墓場中這兩類牌數量的加總。\n−8:你獲得具有「每當你施放瞬間或巫術咒語時,此徽記對任意一個目標造成4點傷害且你抽兩張牌」的徽記。",
                    "type": "傳奇鵬洛客 ~拉爾"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "loyalty": "5",
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452945,
            "name": "Ral, Izzet Viceroy",
            "number": "195",
            "originalText": "+1: Look at the top two cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the other into your graveyard.\n−3: Ral, Izzet Viceroy deals damage to target creature equal to the total number of instant and sorcery cards you own in exile and in your graveyard.\n−8: You get an emblem with \"Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, this emblem deals 4 damage to any target and you draw two cards.\"",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Ral",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you have only one card in your library, Ral’s first ability puts it into your hand. Nothing is put into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If any exiled cards you own are face down, they have no characteristics. If they’re normally instants or sorceries, they won’t be counted for Ral’s second ability."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The emblem created by Ral’s last ability is colorless. The damage it deals is from a colorless source."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The triggered ability of Ral’s emblem resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target permanent or player becomes an illegal target for the triggered ability of Ral’s emblem, the ability doesn’t resolve. You don’t draw two cards."
            "scryfallId": "c52066b3-84dc-4198-8090-3336e7df8b5d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2fbdaf1a-1ef7-4c13-85f2-ecd0048a874b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f29f4c73-5e5c-4341-8582-2873fbe5c5a3",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175199,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+1: Look at the top two cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the other into your graveyard.\n-3: Ral, Izzet Viceroy deals damage to target creature equal to the total number of instant and sorcery cards you own in exile and in your graveyard.\n-8: You get an emblem with \"Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, this emblem deals 4 damage to any target and you draw two cards.\"",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Ral",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "900ba8bf-5b1b-5435-b7d6-ef786feb32ca",
            "uuidV421": "50e7c264-5c59-5260-81a4-59b8f2e3296d"
            "artist": "Tyler Walpole",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Be advised: suspect is nine stories tall, marble hair, answers to Saint Gusztav.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Achtung: der Verdächtige ist neun Stockwerke hoch, hat Haare aus Marmor und hört auf den Namen Sankt Gusztav.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453248,
                    "name": "Tobendes Monument",
                    "text": "Verursacht Trampelschaden\nDas Tobende Monument kommt mit drei +1/+1-Marken ins Spiel.\nImmer wenn du einen mehrfarbigen Zauberspruch wirkst, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf das Tobende Monument.",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "\"A tener en cuenta: el sospechoso mide casi 30 metros, tiene el cabello de mármol y responde al nombre de San Gusztav\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453507,
                    "name": "Monumento enfurecido",
                    "text": "Arrolla.\nEl Monumento enfurecido entra al campo de batalla con tres contadores +1/+1 sobre él.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo multicolor, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre el Monumento enfurecido.",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "« Attention : le suspect fait neuf étages de haut, il a des cheveux en marbre, et répond au nom de Saint Gusztav. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453766,
                    "name": "Monument déchaîné",
                    "text": "Piétinement\nLe Monument déchaîné arrive sur le champ de bataille avec trois marqueurs +1/+1 sur lui.\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort multicolore, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur le Monument déchaîné.",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : Clerc"
                    "flavorText": "\"Allerta: il sospetto è alto circa trenta metri, ha capelli di marmo, risponde al nome di San Gusztav.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454025,
                    "name": "Monumento Infuriato",
                    "text": "Travolgere\nIl Monumento Infuriato entra nel campo di battaglia con tre segnalini +1/+1.\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia multicolore, metti un segnalino +1/+1 sul Monumento Infuriato.",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Chierico"
                    "flavorText": "「報告。容疑者は概ね九階建て。大理石の髪。聖グスタフに酷似。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454284,
                    "name": "猛り狂う聖像",
                    "text": "トランプル\n猛り狂う聖像は+1/+1カウンターが3個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。\nあなたが多色の呪文を唱えるたび、猛り狂う聖像の上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "\"주의: 용의자는 9층 정도 높이이고, 대리석 머리칼을 지녔으며, 성 구스타브와 모습이 일치함.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454543,
                    "name": "광란하는 기념비",
                    "text": "돌진\n광란하는 기념비는 +1/+1 카운터 세 개를 가지고 전장에 들어온다.\n당신이 다색 주문을 발동할 때마다, 광란하는 기념비에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "\"Aviso: O suspeito tem a altura de uns nove andares. Cabelo de mármore. Responde pela alcunha de Santo Gusztav.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454802,
                    "name": "Monumento Rampante",
                    "text": "Atropelar\nMonumento Rampante entra no campo de batalha com três marcadores +1/+1.\nToda vez que você conjurar uma mágica multicolorida, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Monumento Rampante.",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "«Особые приметы: подозреваемый девяти этажей росту, мраморные волосы, откликается на имя \"Святой Густав\"».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455061,
                    "name": "Неистовый Памятник",
                    "text": "Пробивной удар\nНеистовый Памятник выходит на поле битвы с тремя жетонами +1/+1 на нем.\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете многоцветное заклинание, положите один жетон +1/+1 на Неистовый Памятник.",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Священник"
                    "flavorText": "「请周知:疑犯有九层楼高,大理石头发,跟圣古塔夫一模一样。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455320,
                    "name": "莽闯碑像",
                    "text": "践踏\n莽闯碑像进战场时上面有三个+1/+1指示物。\n每当你施放多色咒语时,在莽闯碑像上放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "「請周知:疑犯有九層樓高,大理石頭髮,跟聖古塔夫一模一樣。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455579,
                    "name": "莽闖碑像",
                    "text": "踐踏\n莽闖碑像進戰場時上面有三個+1/+1指示物。\n每當你施放多色咒語時,在莽闖碑像上放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}",
            "multiverseId": 452989,
            "name": "Rampaging Monument",
            "number": "239",
            "originalText": "Trample\nRampaging Monument enters the battlefield with three +1/+1 counters on it.\nWhenever you cast a multicolored spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Rampaging Monument.",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Cleric",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Rampaging Monument’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
            "scryfallId": "b5fbe445-a788-4624-8ecf-8bc06c3ca8f8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "39fe9ef7-f4c5-41b6-9bf7-6b34ef4db416",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3984478b-debb-4a65-ab5b-4bc134e03d82",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176886,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Trample\nRampaging Monument enters the battlefield with three +1/+1 counters on it.\nWhenever you cast a multicolored spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Rampaging Monument.",
            "toughness": "0",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d479f686-d27e-5fae-9f77-20c6ee76ec6a",
            "uuidV421": "fabb747c-d6e9-54bd-aa6d-a22d9dff9b81"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
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                    "multiverseId": 453238,
                    "name": "Wiederaufflammen",
                    "text": "Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten Erstschlag und Wachsamkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. Nach dieser Hauptphase gibt es eine zusätzliche Kampfphase, der eine zusätzliche Hauptphase folgt.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453497,
                    "name": "Resurgimiento",
                    "text": "Las criaturas que controlas ganan las habilidades de dañar primero y vigilancia hasta el final del turno. Después de esta fase principal, hay una fase de combate adicional seguida de una fase principal adicional.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453756,
                    "name": "Résurgence",
                    "text": "Les créatures que vous contrôlez acquièrent l'initiative et la vigilance jusqu'à la fin du tour. Cette phase principale est suivie d'une phase de combat supplémentaire, puis d'une phase principale supplémentaire.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454015,
                    "name": "Riscatto",
                    "text": "Le creature che controlli hanno attacco improvviso e cautela fino alla fine del turno. Dopo questa fase principale, c'è una fase di combattimento addizionale seguita da una fase principale addizionale.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454274,
                    "name": "反正",
                    "text": "ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは先制攻撃と警戒を得る。このメイン・フェイズの後に追加の戦闘フェイズ1つと、それの後に追加のメイン・フェイズを1つ加える。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454533,
                    "name": "재기",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 선제공격과 경계를 얻는다. 이 본단계 이후에, 추가 전투단계와 그 후 추가 본단계가 생긴다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454792,
                    "name": "Ressurgimento",
                    "text": "As criaturas que você controla ganham iniciativa e vigilância até o final do turno. Após esta fase principal, há uma fase adicional de combate seguida por uma fase principal adicional.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455051,
                    "name": "Обновление",
                    "text": "Существа под вашим контролем получают Первый удар и Бдительность до конца хода. После этой главной фазы идет дополнительная фаза боя, а за ней — дополнительная главная фаза.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455310,
                    "name": "回神",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物获得先攻与警戒异能直到回合结束。在此行动阶段后,额外多出一个战斗阶段,以及接于其后之一个额外的行动阶段。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455569,
                    "name": "回神",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物獲得先攻與警戒異能直到回合結束。在此行動階段後,額外多出一個戰鬥階段,以及接於其後之一個額外的行動階段。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452979,
            "name": "Resurgence",
            "names": [
            "number": "229",
            "originalText": "Creatures you control gain first strike and vigilance until end of turn. After this main phase, there is an additional combat phase followed by an additional main phase.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Resurgence affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures that come under your control later in the turn won’t gain first strike and vigilance."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you cast Resurgence when it’s not a main phase (perhaps with Omnispell Adept’s ability), creatures you control gain first strike and vigilance, but there’s no additional combat phase or main phase. If you cast it during an opponent’s main phase, there are additional combat and main phases, but that player attacks during that combat phase, not you."
            "scryfallId": "92162888-35ea-4f4f-ab99-64dd3104e230",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "07f82a15-4c2d-4d6a-8a9d-4f548365e61c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ae93854b-c808-44cb-b0be-7d1035c597d7",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175577,
            "text": "Creatures you control gain first strike and vigilance until end of turn. After this main phase, there is an additional combat phase followed by an additional main phase.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f375317b-7f3e-555f-ba45-1c15000e87e0",
            "uuidV421": "9b482275-4d6b-50f7-85bb-9177f000362b",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 2,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453238,
                    "name": "Widerstand",
                    "text": "Widerstand fügt einer angreifenden oder blockenden Kreatur deiner Wahl 5 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453497,
                    "name": "Respuesta",
                    "text": "La Respuesta hace 5 puntos de daño a la criatura atacante o bloqueadora objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453756,
                    "name": "Réaction",
                    "text": "La Réaction inflige 5 blessures à la créature attaquante ou bloqueuse ciblée.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454015,
                    "name": "Risposta",
                    "text": "La Risposta infligge 5 danni a una creatura attaccante o bloccante bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454274,
                    "name": "反応",
                    "text": "攻撃クリーチャー1体かブロック・クリーチャー1体を対象とする。反応はそれに5点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454533,
                    "name": "응답",
                    "text": "공격 중이거나 방어 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 응답은 그 생물에게 피해 5점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454792,
                    "name": "Resposta",
                    "text": "Resposta causa 5 pontos de dano à criatura atacante ou bloqueadora alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455051,
                    "name": "Ответ",
                    "text": "Ответ наносит 5 повреждений целевому атакующему или блокирующему существу.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455310,
                    "name": "回击",
                    "text": "回击对目标进行攻击或阻挡的生物造成5点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455569,
                    "name": "回擊",
                    "text": "回擊對目標進行攻擊或阻擋的生物造成5點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{R/W}{R/W}",
            "multiverseId": 452979,
            "name": "Response",
            "names": [
            "number": "229",
            "originalText": "Response deals 5 damage to target attacking or blocking creature.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Resurgence affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures that come under your control later in the turn won’t gain first strike and vigilance."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you cast Resurgence when it’s not a main phase (perhaps with Omnispell Adept’s ability), creatures you control gain first strike and vigilance, but there’s no additional combat phase or main phase. If you cast it during an opponent’s main phase, there are additional combat and main phases, but that player attacks during that combat phase, not you."
            "scryfallId": "92162888-35ea-4f4f-ab99-64dd3104e230",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "07f82a15-4c2d-4d6a-8a9d-4f548365e61c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ae93854b-c808-44cb-b0be-7d1035c597d7",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175577,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Response deals 5 damage to target attacking or blocking creature.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "22ef1330-81fc-5f19-8562-53bd5ea72173",
            "uuidV421": "1a731337-59c1-5d23-ac02-2cbf3cb85c03",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Mathias Kollros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The dead gain new purpose here. What is strange in the eyes of other guilds is harmonious in ours.\"\n—Devesh, Golgari shaman",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Hier kommt den Toten ein neuer Zweck zu. Was anderen Gilden befremdlich erscheint, ist bei uns ganz normal.\"\n—Devesh, Golgari-Schamane",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453205,
                    "name": "Rhizom-Schlurfer",
                    "text": "Totenwelt — Der Rhizom-Schlurfer kommt für jede Kreaturenkarte in deinem Friedhof mit einer +1/+1-Marke ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Pilzwesen, Zombie"
                    "flavorText": "\"Aquí los muertos obtienen un propósito nuevo. Lo que resulta extraño a ojos de otros gremios, para nosotros es armonía\".\n—Devesh, chamán golgari",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453464,
                    "name": "Pasotorpe rizómico",
                    "text": "Despojos — El Pasotorpe rizómico entra al campo de batalla con una cantidad de contadores +1/+1 sobre él igual a la cantidad de cartas de criatura en tu cementerio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hongo zombie"
                    "flavorText": "« Les morts ont un nouveau but ici. Ce qui semble étrange aux autres guildes est harmonieux à la nôtre. »\n—Devesh, shamane de Golgari",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453723,
                    "name": "Titubeur à rhizomes",
                    "text": "Maquis — Le Titubeur à rhizomes arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, sur lui, un nombre de marqueurs +1/+1 égal au nombre de cartes de créature dans votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Créature : fongus et zombie"
                    "flavorText": "\"Qui ai morti è offerto un nuovo scopo. Ciò che sembra bizzarro agli occhi delle altre gilde, ai nostri appare armonioso.\"\n—Devesh, sciamano Golgari",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453982,
                    "name": "Barcollante Rizomico",
                    "text": "Crescita sotterranea — Il Barcollante Rizomico entra nel campo di battaglia con un numero di segnalini +1/+1 pari al numero di carte creatura nel tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Zombie Fungus"
                    "flavorText": "「死者はここで新たな目的を得る。他のギルドから見ると奇妙なものが、我々にとっては美しいのだ。」\n――ゴルガリのシャーマン、デヴェシュ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454241,
                    "name": "よろめく根茎",
                    "text": "宿根 ― よろめく根茎は、あなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カードの枚数に等しい数の+1/+1カウンターが置かれた状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ファンガス・ゾンビ"
                    "flavorText": "\"망자들은 이곳에서 새로운 목표를 얻는다. 다른 길드의 눈으로 보았을 때는 이상한 것이 우리의 눈으로는 조화롭다.\"\n—골가리 주술사, 데베시",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454500,
                    "name": "휘청대는 뿌리줄기",
                    "text": "지하생장 — 휘청대는 뿌리줄기는 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드의 수만큼 +/1+1 카운터를 가지고 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 진균 좀비"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os mortos ganham um novo propósito aqui. O que é estranho aos olhos das outras guildas é harmonioso aos nossos.\"\n— Devesh, xamã Golgari",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454759,
                    "name": "Vascolejador do Rizoma",
                    "text": "Necronutrimento — Vascolejador do Rizoma entra no campo de batalha com uma quantidade de marcadores +1/+1 igual ao número de cards de criatura em seu cemitério.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fungo Zumbi"
                    "flavorText": "«Мертвые обретают здесь новое предназначение. То, что кажется странным в других гильдиях, вполне гармонично в нашей».\n— Девеш, шаман Голгари",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455018,
                    "name": "Шатун Корневища",
                    "text": "Тайный рост — Шатун Корневища выходит на поле битвы с количеством жетонов +1/+1 на нем, равном количеству карт существ на вашем кладбище.",
                    "type": "Существо — Плесень Зомби"
                    "flavorText": "「亡者在此地收获了全新的目标。其他公会眼中的怪异,即是我们眼中的和谐。」\n~葛加理祭师得维许",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455277,
                    "name": "根茎狩猎菌",
                    "text": "朽力~根茎狩猎菌进战场时上面有数个+1/+1指示物,其数量等同于你坟墓场中的生物牌数量。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌/灵俑"
                    "flavorText": "「亡者在此地收穫了全新的目標。其他公會眼中的怪異,即是我們眼中的和諧。」\n~葛加理祭師得維許",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455536,
                    "name": "根莖狩獵菌",
                    "text": "朽力~根莖狩獵菌進戰場時上面有數個+1/+1指示物,其數量等同於你墳墓場中的生物牌數量。",
                    "type": "生物 ~真菌/殭屍"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452946,
            "name": "Rhizome Lurcher",
            "number": "196",
            "originalText": "<i>Undergrowth</i> — Rhizome Lurcher enters the battlefield with a number of +1/+1 counters on it equal to the number of creature cards in your graveyard.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Fungus Zombie",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you return Rhizome Lurcher from your graveyard to the battlefield, its undergrowth ability counts itself."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities."
            "scryfallId": "db9ce92b-79cc-4e26-b511-30ae8ea6a2a1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0f6bab7d-684f-46e2-829c-c861b0584796",
            "scryfallOracleId": "85e18895-d1d2-46c7-afd0-31da410c0438",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176840,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Undergrowth — Rhizome Lurcher enters the battlefield with a number of +1/+1 counters on it equal to the number of creature cards in your graveyard.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Fungus Zombie",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "79bdaf5f-9170-5cda-9ef4-304bf97cb2d1",
            "uuidV421": "98fb30f3-5bde-5d01-a335-5443088dcbbc",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Izzy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The Golgari believe they should be given what they deserved. On this we agree.\"\n—Tajic",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Golgari finden, man sollte ihnen geben, was sie verdienen. Ich stimme ihnen zu.\"\n—Tajic",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453032,
                    "name": "Rechtschaffener Schlag",
                    "text": "Der Rechtschaffene Schlag fügt einer angreifenden oder blockenden Kreatur deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Los golgari creen que deberían recibir lo que se merecen. En eso estamos de acuerdo\".\n—Tájic",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453291,
                    "name": "Golpe justo",
                    "text": "El Golpe justo hace 2 puntos de daño a la criatura atacante o bloqueadora objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Les Golgari pensent qu'ils devraient avoir ce qu'ils méritent. Sur ce point, nous sommes d'accord. »\n—Tajic",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453550,
                    "name": "Coup vertueux",
                    "text": "Le Coup vertueux inflige 2 blessures à la créature attaquante ou bloqueuse ciblée.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"I Golgari esigono che si dia loro ciò che meritano. Su questo siamo d'accordo.\"\n—Tajic",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453809,
                    "name": "Colpo Virtuoso",
                    "text": "Il Colpo Virtuoso infligge 2 danni a una creatura attaccante o bloccante bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「ゴルガリの連中は、自分にふさわしいものが与えられるべきだと思っている。俺たちもそう思っている。」\n――タージク",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454068,
                    "name": "正義の一撃",
                    "text": "攻撃クリーチャー1体かブロック・クリーチャー1体を対象とする。正義の一撃はそれに2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"골가리 녀석들은 자기들이 받아 마땅한 것을 받아야 한다고 믿지. 그것에 대해선 우리도 동의하는 바이다.\"\n—타직",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454327,
                    "name": "정의로운 일격",
                    "text": "공격 중이거나 방어 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 정의로운 일격은 그 생물에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os Golgari acreditam que devem receber o que merecem. Nisso concordamos.\"\n— Tajic",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454586,
                    "name": "Golpe Justo",
                    "text": "Golpe Justo causa 2 pontos de dano à criatura atacante ou bloqueadora alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Голгари считают, что должны получить то, что заслуживают. В этом я с ними согласен».\n— Тажик",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454845,
                    "name": "Праведный Удар",
                    "text": "Праведный Удар наносит 2 повреждения целевому атакующему или блокирующему существу.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「葛加理人觉得他们应得的就该给他们。我们同意这一说法。」\n~塔疾克",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455104,
                    "name": "正气霆击",
                    "text": "正气霆击对目标进行攻击或阻挡的生物造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「葛加理人覺得他們應得的就該給他們。我們同意這一說法。」\n~塔疾克",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455363,
                    "name": "正氣霆擊",
                    "text": "正氣霆擊對目標進行攻擊或阻擋的生物造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452773,
            "name": "Righteous Blow",
            "number": "23",
            "originalText": "Righteous Blow deals 2 damage to target attacking or blocking creature.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "b4501520-acf4-438f-9e96-4a649875ffdd",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "87aa8809-ee94-4465-96a7-10a4473648a8",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bc2bf46f-2c9b-4f85-b8d6-d13a3b64436d",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176890,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Righteous Blow deals 2 damage to target attacking or blocking creature.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9166b75a-cf08-5cbe-ac5a-0802d807cee9",
            "uuidV421": "1f4a8e20-1a3a-56d0-b8a5-6ecd1edc0b48"
            "artist": "Chris Seaman",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453122,
                    "name": "Risikofaktor",
                    "text": "Ein Gegner deiner Wahl kann sich vom Risikofaktor 4 Schadenspunkte zufügen lassen. Falls der Spieler dies nicht tut, ziehst du drei Karten.\nKatalyse (Du kannst diese Karte aus deinem Friedhof wirken, indem du zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Kosten eine Karte abwirfst. Schicke sie danach ins Exil.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453381,
                    "name": "Factor de riesgo",
                    "text": "El oponente objetivo puede hacer que el Factor de riesgo le haga 4 puntos de daño. Si ese jugador no lo hace, tú robas tres cartas.\nRecargar. (Puedes lanzar esta carta desde tu cementerio descartando una carta además de pagar sus otros costes. Luego, exilia esta carta.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453640,
                    "name": "Facteur de risque",
                    "text": "L'adversaire ciblé peut faire que le Facteur de risque lui inflige 4 blessures. Si ce joueur ne le fait pas, vous piochez trois cartes.\nRelancez (Vous pouvez lancer cette carte depuis votre cimetière en vous défaussant d'une carte en plus de payer ses autres coûts. Puis exilez cette carte.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453899,
                    "name": "Fattore di Rischio",
                    "text": "Un avversario bersaglio può farsi infliggere 4 danni dal Fattore di Rischio. Se quel giocatore non lo fa, peschi tre carte.\nCarica d'avvio (Puoi lanciare questa carta dal tuo cimitero scartando una carta oltre a pagare i suoi altri costi. Poi esilia questa carta.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454158,
                    "name": "危険因子",
                    "text": "対戦相手1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは「危険因子はそのプレイヤーに4点のダメージを与える。」を選んでもよい。そのプレイヤーがそうしなかったなら、あなたはカードを3枚引く。\n再活(あなたはあなたの墓地から、このカードを、これの他のコストの支払いに加えてカード1枚を捨てることで唱えてもよい。その後、このカードを追放する。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454417,
                    "name": "위험 인자",
                    "text": "상대를 목표로 정한다. 그 상대는 위험 인자가 자신에게 피해 4점을 입히게 할 수 있다. 그 플레이어가 그렇게 하지 않으면, 당신은 카드 세 장을 뽑는다.\n강제 시동 (당신은 이 카드의 다른 비용들을 지불하는 것에 추가로 카드를 한 장 버리는 것으로 이 카드를 당신의 무덤에서 발동할 수 있다. 그 후 이 카드를 추방한다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454676,
                    "name": "Fator de Risco",
                    "text": "O oponente alvo pode fazer com que Fator de Risco cause 4 pontos de dano a ele. Se aquele jogador não o faz, você compra três cards.\nRecarregar (Você pode conjurar este card de seu cemitério descartando um card além de pagar seus outros custos. Depois, exile este card.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454935,
                    "name": "Фактор Риска",
                    "text": "Целевой оппонент может заставить Фактор Риска нанести ему 4 повреждения. Если тот игрок этого не делает, то вы берете три карты.\nИмпульс (Вы можете разыграть эту карту из вашего кладбища, сбросив карту в дополнение к оплате других ее стоимостей. Затем изгоните эту карту.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455194,
                    "name": "风险因素",
                    "text": "目标对手可以令风险因素对其造成4点伤害。如果该牌手未如此作,则你抓三张牌。\n再起(你可以从你的坟墓场施放此牌,但必须支付其所需费用并额外弃一张牌。然后放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455453,
                    "name": "風險因素",
                    "text": "目標對手可以令風險因素對其造成4點傷害。如果該玩家未如此作,則你抽三張牌。\n再起(你可以從你的墳墓場施放此牌,但必須支付其所需費用並額外棄一張牌。)然後放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "legalities": {
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452863,
            "name": "Risk Factor",
            "number": "113",
            "originalText": "Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards.\nJump-start <i>(You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target player is an illegal target by the time Risk Factor tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t draw three cards."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. For instance, you can cast a sorcery using jump-start only when you could normally cast a sorcery."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A spell cast using jump-start will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it’s countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect allows you to pay an alternative cost rather than a spell’s mana cost, you may pay that alternative cost when you jump-start a spell. You’ll still discard a card as an additional cost to cast it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card with jump-start is put into your graveyard during your turn, you’ll be able to cast it right away if it’s legal to do so, before an opponent can take any actions."
            "scryfallId": "4eda89d9-9bd1-4a55-ac02-f9a0625d8e5b",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "7f61a2a6-2fe2-48ec-8e2e-74d147be0a0a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176841,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards.\nJump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b63161d1-b648-5a49-b7d5-3856af2f5a39",
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            "artist": "Dimitar Marinski",
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            "flavorText": "Only the patrol's armor was found, so tainted with the acrid smell of sudden death that it could never be worn again.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Man fand nur die Rüstungen der Patrouille. Sie stanken so eminent nach plötzlichem Tod, dass sie nie mehr getragen werden konnten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453093,
                    "name": "Ritual des Rußes",
                    "text": "Zerstöre alle Kreaturen mit umgewandelten Manakosten von 3 oder weniger.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Solo encontraron las armaduras de la patrulla, que apestaban tanto con el acre olor de la muerte súbita que jamás podrían volver a usarse.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453352,
                    "name": "Ritual del hollín",
                    "text": "Destruye todas las criaturas con coste de maná convertido de 3 o menos.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "On ne retrouva que l'armure du patrouilleur. Elle empestait tellement l'âcreté d'une mort subite que personne ne put plus jamais la porter.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453611,
                    "name": "Rituel de suie",
                    "text": "Détruisez toutes les créatures dont le coût converti de mana est inférieur ou égal à 3.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Furono ritrovate solo le armature della pattuglia, talmente impregnate del puzzo acre di morte improvvisa che nessuno poté mai più indossarle.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453870,
                    "name": "Rituale della Fuliggine",
                    "text": "Distruggi tutte le creature con costo di mana convertito pari o inferiore a 3.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "見つかったのは巡視兵の鎧のみだった。鼻を刺す突然死の臭いが染み込み、二度と身に着けられるものではなかった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454129,
                    "name": "煤の儀式",
                    "text": "点数で見たマナ・コストが3以下のクリーチャーをすべて破壊する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "순찰대원의 방어구만이 발견되었고, 갑작스러운 죽음의 매캐한 냄새가 심하게 서려 있어 그것을 다시 입는 일이 없었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454388,
                    "name": "검댕의 의식",
                    "text": "전환마나비용이 3 이하인 모든 생물을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Só uma armadura da patrulha foi encontrada, tão maculada com o aroma acre de uma morte súbita que jamais seria usada novamente.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454647,
                    "name": "Ritual da Fuligem",
                    "text": "Destrua todas as criaturas com custo de mana convertido igual ou inferior a 3.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Нашли только доспех пропавшего патрульного — от него так несло едким смрадом внезапной смерти, что никто уже не смог бы его надеть.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454906,
                    "name": "Ритуал Сажи",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте все существа с конвертированной мана-стоимостью не более 3.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "整支巡逻队尸骨无存,就连仅剩的盔甲也被猝死产生的恶臭熏得再也无法穿戴。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455165,
                    "name": "煤烟仪式",
                    "text": "消灭所有总法术力费用等于或小于3的生物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "整支巡邏隊屍骨無存,就連僅剩的盔甲也被猝死產生的惡臭熏得再也無法穿戴。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455424,
                    "name": "煤煙儀式",
                    "text": "消滅所有總魔法力費用等於或小於3的生物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{B}",
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            "name": "Ritual of Soot",
            "number": "84",
            "originalText": "Destroy all creatures with converted mana cost 3 or less.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tokens that aren’t a copy of something else don’t have a mana cost. Anything without a mana cost normally has a converted mana cost of 0."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a permanent has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
            "scryfallId": "269af993-4894-4bf1-b55a-af4d736cb3cc",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "71cba05e-764c-43d6-b058-50d893fafd53",
            "scryfallOracleId": "29e9cf1c-a6bd-4bee-9000-ac1b4e19d6b0",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176681,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy all creatures with converted mana cost 3 or less.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2ffd3368-5298-5fc7-9bf1-b08467f83f5c",
            "uuidV421": "d84d5985-2f2a-59c2-87bc-5dd816b5d581"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Rocs' innate fearlessness makes them ideal mounts for emergency response.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Furchtlosigkeit der Rocs macht sie zu idealen Flugtieren für jede Notfallsituation.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453033,
                    "name": "Streit-Roc",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nImmer wenn der Streit-Roc angreift, erhält eine angreifende nichtfliegende Kreatur deiner Wahl Flugfähigkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vogel"
                    "flavorText": "El arrojo innato de los rocs los convierte en monturas perfectas para situaciones de emergencia.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453292,
                    "name": "Roc de guerra",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nSiempre que el Roc de guerra ataque, la criatura atacante objetivo sin la habilidad de volar gana la habilidad de volar hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ave"
                    "flavorText": "L'intrépidité naturelle des rokhs en fait des montures idéales pour les premiers secours.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453551,
                    "name": "Batailleur rokh",
                    "text": "Vol\nÀ chaque fois que le Batailleur rokh attaque, une créature attaquante sans le vol ciblée acquiert le vol jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : oiseau"
                    "flavorText": "La naturale temerarietà dei roc li rende cavalcature ideali per le chiamate d'emergenza.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453810,
                    "name": "Destriero Roc",
                    "text": "Volare\nOgniqualvolta il Destriero Roc attacca, una creatura attaccante bersaglio senza volare ha volare fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Uccello"
                    "flavorText": "ロック鳥は生まれつき恐れを知らず、緊急対応要員が騎乗するのにもってこいだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454069,
                    "name": "突撃するロック鳥",
                    "text": "飛行\n突撃するロック鳥が攻撃するたび、飛行を持たない攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは飛行を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 鳥"
                    "flavorText": "로크에게 내재된 공포를 느끼지 않는 능력이 로크들을 긴급 대응 상황에 최적인 탈것으로 만들어 준다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454328,
                    "name": "로크 돌격대",
                    "text": "비행\n로크 돌격대가 공격할 때마다, 비행이 없는 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 비행을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 조류"
                    "flavorText": "O destemor natural das rocas faz delas montarias ideais para equipes de emergência.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454587,
                    "name": "Roca de Ataque",
                    "text": "Voar\nToda vez que Roca de Ataque ataca, a criatura atacante alvo sem voar ganha voar até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ave"
                    "flavorText": "Рухи не знают страха, и поэтому они — идеальные верховые птицы для чрезвычайных ситуаций.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454846,
                    "name": "Верховой Рух",
                    "text": "Полет\nКаждый раз, когда Верховой Рух атакует, целевое атакующее существо без Полета получает Полет до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Птица"
                    "flavorText": "洛克鸟天性勇敢,无所畏惧,正是紧急出动时的理想坐骑。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455105,
                    "name": "坐骑洛克鸟",
                    "text": "飞行\n每当坐骑洛克鸟攻击时,目标进行攻击且不具飞行异能的生物获得飞行异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鸟"
                    "flavorText": "洛克鳥天性勇敢,無所畏懼,正是緊急出動時的理想坐騎。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455364,
                    "name": "坐騎洛克鳥",
                    "text": "飛行\n每當坐騎洛克鳥攻擊時,目標進行攻擊且不具飛行異能的生物獲得飛行異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鳥"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452774,
            "name": "Roc Charger",
            "number": "24",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhenever Roc Charger attacks, target attacking creature without flying gains flying until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Bird",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "4932c635-b729-4348-92de-2c1b207ea460",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "fa70a4d6-7bdf-4e56-a037-5cbc8c527dba",
            "scryfallOracleId": "67789c0c-3f05-4b0b-a56d-0757ac801d22",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176816,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhenever Roc Charger attacks, target attacking creature without flying gains flying until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Bird",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "588194c7-1b78-554a-9969-becf3d998bed",
            "uuidV421": "6399fdcd-b067-51ef-8689-02dfbaf31ed5"
            "artist": "Nils Hamm",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I long for peaceful times, when I may tend to my garden instead of our borders.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich sehne mich nach friedlichen Zeiten, in denen ich in meinem Garten stehe und nicht an unseren Grenzen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453206,
                    "name": "Rosenmähnen-Zentaur",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nWachsamkeit",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zentaur, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ansío tiempos de paz en los que pueda cuidar de mi jardín en lugar de nuestras fronteras\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453465,
                    "name": "Centauro melena de rosas",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nVigilancia.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado centauro"
                    "flavorText": "« Je me languis d'un temps de paix, où je pourrai m'occuper de mon jardin plutôt que des frontières. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453724,
                    "name": "Centaure à la crinière de roses",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nVigilance",
                    "type": "Créature : centaure et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Anelo a tempi di pace, quando potrò preoccuparmi del mio giardino anziché dei nostri confini.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453983,
                    "name": "Centauro dalla Criniera di Rose",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nCautela",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Centauro"
                    "flavorText": "「平和な時代を待ち望んでいる。国境ではなく、庭の様子を見て回れるような時代を。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454242,
                    "name": "薔薇たてがみのケンタウルス",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\n警戒",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ケンタウルス・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 국경이 아니라 정원을 돌보아도 되는, 평화로운 시대를 그린다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454501,
                    "name": "장미갈기 켄타우로스",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n경계",
                    "type": "생물 — 켄타우로스 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Anseio por tempos de paz, nos quais eu possa cuidar de meu jardim em vez de nossas fronteiras.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454760,
                    "name": "Centauro Crinarrósea",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nVigilância",
                    "type": "Criatura — Centauro Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Я мечтаю о временах мира, когда смогу следить за своим садом, а не за нашими границами».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455019,
                    "name": "Кентавр с Цветочной Гривой",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nБдительность",
                    "type": "Существо — Кентавр Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「我期盼重回能够照看花园而不是看管边境的和平年代。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455278,
                    "name": "玫瑰鬃半人马",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n警戒",
                    "type": "生物 ~半人马/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「我期盼重回能夠照看花園而不是看管邊境的和平年代。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455537,
                    "name": "玫瑰鬃半人馬",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n警戒",
                    "type": "生物 ~半人馬/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{G}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452947,
            "name": "Rosemane Centaur",
            "number": "197",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>\nVigilance",
            "originalType": "Creature — Centaur Soldier",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "cee30585-f7b1-4ca4-8171-dc5a837f2b93",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9e732240-820d-4baf-9406-d1db1008df47",
            "scryfallOracleId": "54b3ccdc-e5b0-44d9-bc81-a296fc5dc005",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175185,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)\nVigilance",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Centaur Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "27427653-9228-5470-9d6f-d420ce651257",
            "uuidV421": "3fe1d735-619f-5089-a109-b3eee984081f",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Some Gruul druids believe that boars are spawn of the great Ilharg, the mighty Raze-Boar who will one day rise and level the city.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Manche Gruul-Druiden glauben, dass Wildschweine Sprösslinge vom großen Ilharg sind, dem Keiler der Vernichtung, der eines Tages kommen und die Stadt dem Erdboden gleichmachen wird.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453123,
                    "name": "Geröllstreifen-Wildschwein",
                    "text": "Wenn das Geröllstreifen-Wildschwein ins Spiel kommt, erhält eine Kreatur deiner Wahl +2/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Wildschwein"
                    "flavorText": "Algunos druidas gruul creen que los jabalíes son engendros del gran Ilharg, el poderoso Jabalí Arrasador que algún día se alzará y aplastará la ciudad.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453382,
                    "name": "Jabalí de Barrioescombros",
                    "text": "Cuando el Jabalí de Barrioescombros entre al campo de batalla, la criatura objetivo obtiene +2/+0 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Jabalí"
                    "flavorText": "Certains druides de Gruul croient que les sangliers sont les enfants du grand Ilharg, le puissant Sanglier terrasseur qui s'élèvera un jour et rasera la ville.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453641,
                    "name": "Sanglier des Éboulis",
                    "text": "Quand le Sanglier des Éboulis arrive sur le champ de bataille, la créature ciblée gagne +2/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : sanglier"
                    "flavorText": "Alcuni druidi dei Gruul credono che i cinghiali siano la progenie del grande Ilharg, il possente cinghiale devastatore che un giorno sorgerà per radere al suolo la città.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453900,
                    "name": "Cinghiale della Zona di Macerie",
                    "text": "Quando il Cinghiale della Zona di Macerie entra nel campo di battaglia, una creatura bersaglio prende +2/+0 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cinghiale"
                    "flavorText": "グルールのドルイドの中には、猪は偉大なるイルハグの落とし子であると信じる者もいる。イルハグは猪の祟神で、いつか起き上がり都市を破壊するというのだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454159,
                    "name": "瓦礫帯の猪",
                    "text": "瓦礫帯の猪が戦場に出たとき、クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+2/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 猪"
                    "flavorText": "그룰 드루이드 중 몇몇은 멧돼지들이 도시를 초토화시키기 위해 언젠가 부활할 강력한 멧돼지인 위대한 일하르그의 자손들이라고 믿는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454418,
                    "name": "폐허지구 멧돼지",
                    "text": "폐허지구 멧돼지가 전장에 들어올 때, 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +2/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 멧돼지"
                    "flavorText": "Alguns druidas Gruul acreditam que os javalis são prole do grande Ilharg, o poderoso Javali Arrasador que um dia surgirá e demolirá a cidade.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454677,
                    "name": "Javali da Faixa de Escombros",
                    "text": "Quando Javali da Faixa de Escombros entra no campo de batalha, a criatura alvo recebe +2/+0 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Javali"
                    "flavorText": "Некоторые груульские друиды верят, что эти вепри — потомки великого Вепря-Разрушителя Ильхарга, который однажды воскреснет и сровняет город с землей.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454936,
                    "name": "Вепрь Кольца Руин",
                    "text": "Когда Вепрь Кольца Руин выходит на поле битвы, целевое существо получает +2/+0 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Вепрь"
                    "flavorText": "某些古鲁的德鲁伊相信,野猪都是伟大的衣哈格留下的后代,并且这位强大的蛮野猪神总有一天会崛起并夷平整座城市。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455195,
                    "name": "瓦砾区野猪",
                    "text": "当瓦砾区野猪进战场时,目标生物得+2/+0直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野猪"
                    "flavorText": "某些古魯的德魯伊相信,野豬都是偉大的衣哈格留下的後代,並且這位強大的蠻野豬神總有一天會崛起並夷平整座城市。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455454,
                    "name": "瓦礫區野豬",
                    "text": "當瓦礫區野豬進戰場時,目標生物得+2/+0直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野豬"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452864,
            "name": "Rubblebelt Boar",
            "number": "114",
            "originalText": "When Rubblebelt Boar enters the battlefield, target creature gets +2/+0 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Boar",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "196bf114-e135-43f3-83d5-cb08ca766881",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "58d97650-ee01-42c7-aa39-449e0fffa07f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b815cbbd-d79f-4180-8204-504a15df7152",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176921,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Rubblebelt Boar enters the battlefield, target creature gets +2/+0 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Boar",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d170698f-8b3c-5826-a562-e34bcf7bdec4",
            "uuidV421": "621f2212-4322-587d-b28a-0d7d6a5e1076"
            "artist": "Jason Felix",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453124,
                    "name": "Durchgebrannter Dampfsippler",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen roten Zauberspruch wirkst und falls weniger als drei +1/+1-Marken auf dem Durchgebrannten Dampfsippler liegen, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf ihn.\nEntferne drei +1/+1-Marken vom Durchgebrannten Dampfsippler: Erzeuge {R}{R}{R}.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elementarwesen"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453383,
                    "name": "Vaporeador a la fuga",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo rojo, si el Vaporeador a la fuga tiene menos de tres contadores +1/+1 sobre él, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre el Vaporeador a la fuga.\nRemover tres contadores +1/+1 del Vaporeador a la fuga: Agrega {R}{R}{R}.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453642,
                    "name": "Sangvapeur bouillonnant",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort rouge, si le Sangvapeur bouillonnant a moins de trois marqueurs +1/+1 sur lui, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur le Sangvapeur bouillonnant.\nRetirez trois marqueurs +1/+1 du Sangvapeur bouillonnant : Ajoutez {R}{R}{R}.",
                    "type": "Créature : élémental"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453901,
                    "name": "Vaporigeno in Fuga",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia rossa, se il Vaporigeno in Fuga ha meno di tre segnalini +1/+1, metti un segnalino +1/+1 sul Vaporigeno in Fuga.\nRimuovi tre segnalini +1/+1 dal Vaporigeno in Fuga: Aggiungi {R}{R}{R}.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Elementale"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454160,
                    "name": "遁走する蒸気族",
                    "text": "あなたが赤の呪文を唱えるたび、遁走する蒸気族の上にある+1/+1カウンターが3個未満であった場合、遁走する蒸気族の上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。\n遁走する蒸気族の上から+1/+1カウンターを3個取り除く:{R}{R}{R}を加える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エレメンタル"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454419,
                    "name": "고삐 풀린 증기생명체",
                    "text": "당신이 적색 주문을 발동할 때마다, 고삐 풀린 증기생명체에 놓인 +1/+1 카운터가 세 개 미만이라면, 고삐 풀린 증기생명체에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.\n고삐 풀린 증기생명체에서 +1/+1 카운터 세 개를 제거한다: {R}{R}{R}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 정령"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454678,
                    "name": "Vapóreo em Fuga",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjurar uma mágica vermelha, se Vapóreo em Fuga tiver menos de três marcadores +1/+1, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Vapóreo em Fuga.\nRemova três marcadores +1/+1 de Vapóreo em Fuga: Adicione {R}{R}{R}.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454937,
                    "name": "Сбежавший Паровик",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете красное заклинание, если на Сбежавшем Паровике меньше трех жетонов +1/+1, положите один жетон +1/+1 на Сбежавшего Паровика.\nУдалите три жетона +1/+1 со Сбежавшего Паровика: добавьте {R}{R}{R}.",
                    "type": "Существо — Элементаль"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455196,
                    "name": "落跑汽身",
                    "text": "每当你施放红色咒语时,若落跑汽身上面的+1/+1指示物数量少于三个,则在落跑汽身上放置一个+1/+1指示物。\n从落跑汽身上移去三个+1/+1指示物:加{R}{R}{R}。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455455,
                    "name": "落跑汽身",
                    "text": "每當你施放紅色咒語時,若落跑汽身上面的+1/+1指示物數量少於三個,則在落跑汽身上放置一個+1/+1指示物。\n從落跑汽身上移去三個+1/+1指示物:加{R}{R}{R}。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452865,
            "name": "Runaway Steam-Kin",
            "number": "115",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast a red spell, if Runaway Steam-Kin has fewer than three +1/+1 counters on it, put a +1/+1 counter on Runaway Steam-Kin.\nRemove three +1/+1 counters from Runaway Steam-Kin: Add {R}{R}{R}.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elemental",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Runaway Steam-Kin has to be on the battlefield for its ability to trigger. Casting it won’t trigger its own ability."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Runaway Steam-Kin’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If Runaway Steam-Kin has three or more +1/+1 counters on it after you’re done paying for a red spell, its ability doesn’t trigger at all. If it has three or more +1/+1 counters on it as its triggered ability resolves, it doesn’t get a +1/+1 counter."
            "scryfallId": "d8c9c111-fbc7-44e1-94bd-1ca164370623",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f73261b1-243c-4c6e-89a8-e68163fe3f01",
            "scryfallOracleId": "eb414a8f-566f-4635-80a1-77b2e18ac8dc",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176427,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast a red spell, if Runaway Steam-Kin has fewer than three +1/+1 counters on it, put a +1/+1 counter on Runaway Steam-Kin.\nRemove three +1/+1 counters from Runaway Steam-Kin: Add {R}{R}{R}.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Elemental",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ed27c020-b4bb-563d-87dd-bc7fed78dc2a",
            "uuidV421": "9061b6af-1686-5426-8b4c-762cd248b0ca"
            "artist": "Adam Paquette",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"You will not be trained here. You will be forged.\"\n—Commander Yaszen",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Du wirst hier nicht ausgebildet, sondern geschmiedet.\"\n—Kommandeur Yaszen",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453263,
                    "name": "Heilige Schmelze",
                    "text": "({T}: Erzeuge {R} oder {W}.)\nSowie die Heilige Schmelze ins Spiel kommt, kannst du 2 Lebenspunkte bezahlen. Falls du dies nicht tust, kommt sie getappt ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Land — Gebirge, Ebene"
                    "flavorText": "\"Aquí no entrenarás. Te forjarás\".\n—Comandante Yaszen",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453522,
                    "name": "Fundición sagrada",
                    "text": "({T}: Agrega {R} o {W}.)\nEn cuanto la Fundición sagrada entre al campo de batalla, puedes pagar 2 vidas. Si no lo haces, entra al campo de batalla girada.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Montaña llanura"
                    "flavorText": "« Ici, vous ne serez pas entraînés. Vous serez forgés. »\n—Commandant Yaszen",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453781,
                    "name": "Fonderie sacrée",
                    "text": "({T} : Ajoutez {R} ou {W}.)\nAu moment où la Fonderie sacrée arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez payer 2 points de vie. Si vous ne le faites pas, elle arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.",
                    "type": "Terrain : montagne et plaine"
                    "flavorText": "\"Qui non sarete addestrati: sarete forgiati.\"\n—Comandante Yaszen",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454040,
                    "name": "Fonderia Sacra",
                    "text": "({T}: Aggiungi {R} o {W}.)\nMentre la Fonderia Sacra entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi pagare 2 punti vita. Se non lo fai, entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpata.",
                    "type": "Terra — Montagna Pianura"
                    "flavorText": "「お前はここで訓練されるのではない。叩き上げられるのだ。」\n――司令官ヤーゼン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454299,
                    "name": "聖なる鋳造所",
                    "text": "({T}:{R}か{W}を加える。)\n聖なる鋳造所が戦場に出るに際し、あなたは2点のライフを支払ってもよい。そうしないなら、これはタップ状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "土地 — 山・平地"
                    "flavorText": "\"너는 이곳에서 훈련받는 것이 아니다. 제련되는 것이다.\"\n—사령관 야스젠",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454558,
                    "name": "신성한 주조소",
                    "text": "({T}: {R} 또는 {W}를 추가한다.)\n신성한 주조소가 전장에 들어오면서, 당신은 생명 2점을 지불할 수 있다. 그러지 않으면, 신성한 주조소는 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 산 들"
                    "flavorText": "\"Aqui vocês não serão treinados. Serão forjados.\"\n— Comandante Yaszen",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454817,
                    "name": "Fundição Sagrada",
                    "text": "({T}: Adicione {R} ou {W}.)\nConforme Fundição Sagrada entra no campo de batalha, você pode pagar 2 pontos de vida. Se não fizer isso, ela entrará no campo de batalha virada.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Montanha Planície"
                    "flavorText": "«Тебя не будут здесь учить. Тебя здесь выкуют».\n— Командующий Язен",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455076,
                    "name": "Священная Кузня",
                    "text": "({T}: добавьте {R} или {W}.)\nПри выходе Священной Кузни на поле битвы вы можете заплатить 2 жизни. Если вы этого не делаете, она выходит на поле битвы повернутой.",
                    "type": "Земля — Гора Равнина"
                    "flavorText": "「在此处你不仅将受到严格训练,更将经受千锤百炼。」\n~指挥官叶程",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455335,
                    "name": "圣洁锻炉",
                    "text": "({T}:加{R}或{W}。)\n于圣洁锻炉进战场时,你可以支付2点生命。如果你未如此作,则圣洁锻炉须横置进战场。",
                    "type": "地 ~山脉/平原"
                    "flavorText": "「在此處你不僅將受到嚴格訓練,更將經受千錘百煉。」\n~指揮官葉程",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455594,
                    "name": "聖潔鍛爐",
                    "text": "({T}:加{R}或{W}。)\n於聖潔鍛爐進戰場時,你可以支付2點生命。如果你未如此作,則聖潔鍛爐須橫置進戰場。",
                    "type": "地 ~山脈/平原"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 453004,
            "name": "Sacred Foundry",
            "number": "254",
            "originalText": "<i>({T}: Add {R} or {W}.)</i>\nAs Sacred Foundry enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "originalType": "Land — Mountain Plains",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Unlike most dual lands, this land has two basic land types. It’s not basic, so cards such as District Guide can’t find it, but it does have the appropriate land types for effects such as that of Drowned Catacomb (from the Ixalan set)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect puts this land onto the battlefield tapped, you may pay 2 life, but it still enters tapped."
            "scryfallId": "b7b598d0-535d-477d-a33d-d6a10ff5439a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "fd9be8ad-3734-4561-a224-20e0622bc30f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "45181cb8-2090-4471-ba90-e5a8f04d525f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175200,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "({T}: Add {R} or {W}.)\nAs Sacred Foundry enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "type": "Land — Mountain Plains",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a55fe4aa-fd82-557c-986b-7861401b5d32",
            "uuidV421": "fdb000b5-5265-5753-9b71-bdec9673f00e",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Alex Konstad",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"How thoughtful of the Legion to train its soldiers to fit our spell's specifications.\"\n—Nefara, Dimir agent",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wie zuvorkommend von der Legion, ihre Soldaten so zu trainieren, dass sie den Anforderungen unserer Zauber entsprechen.\"\n—Nefara, Dimir-Agentin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453062,
                    "name": "Selektive Falle",
                    "text": "Bringe X Kreaturen deiner Wahl eines Kreaturentyps, den du bestimmst, auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Es un detalle que la Legión entrene a sus soldados para que encajen con las especificaciones de nuestro hechizo\".\n—Nefara, agente dimir",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453321,
                    "name": "Trampa selectiva",
                    "text": "Regresa X criaturas objetivo del tipo de criatura de tu elección a la mano de su propietario.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« C'est vraiment très gentil de la part de la Légion d'entraîner ses soldats pour correspondre exactement aux spécifications de nos sorts. »\n—Nefara, agent de Dimir",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453580,
                    "name": "Collet sélectif",
                    "text": "Renvoyez X créatures ciblées du type de créature de votre choix dans la main de leur propriétaire.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"La Legione è davvero premurosa ad addestrare i suoi soldati in modo che rispondano alle specifiche del nostro incantesimo.\"\n—Nefara, agente Dimir",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453839,
                    "name": "Trappola Selettiva",
                    "text": "Fai tornare X creature bersaglio di un tipo di creatura a tua scelta in mano ai rispettivi proprietari.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「ボロスの連中は実に気が利くわね。こちらの呪文仕様に合うように兵士を訓練してくれるなんて。」\n――ディミーアの工作員、ネファーラ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454098,
                    "name": "選択的な罠",
                    "text": "あなたが選んだ1つのクリーチャー・タイプのクリーチャーX体を対象とし、それらをオーナーの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"병사들을 우리의 마법 사양에 맞춰 훈련시킨다니, 군단은 정말 사려가 깊군.\"\n—디미르 요원, 네파라",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454357,
                    "name": "선택적 올가미",
                    "text": "당신이 선택한 생물 유형을 가진 생물 X개를 목표로 정한다. 그 생물들을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quanta consideração da Legião treinar os soldados conforme as especificações das nossas mágicas!\"\n— Nefara, agente Dimir",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454616,
                    "name": "Armadilha Seletiva",
                    "text": "Devolva X criaturas alvo do tipo de criatura à sua escolha para as mãos de seus donos.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Как предусмотрительно со стороны Легиона было вымуштровать своих солдат так, чтобы они соответствовали техническим условиям нашего заклинания».\n— Нефара, агент Димиров",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454875,
                    "name": "Избирательные Силки",
                    "text": "Верните X целевых существ с типом существа по вашему выбору в руки их владельцев.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「教团真为我们着想,士兵的训练方式根本就契合我们咒语特性。」\n~底密尔密探涅法拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455134,
                    "name": "拣择性圈套",
                    "text": "选择一种生物类别,将X个目标该类别生物移回其拥有者手上。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「教團真為我們著想,士兵的訓練方式根本就契合我們咒語特性。」\n~底密爾密探涅法拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455393,
                    "name": "揀擇性圈套",
                    "text": "選擇一種生物類別,將X個目標該類別生物移回其擁有者手上。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{X}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452803,
            "name": "Selective Snare",
            "number": "53",
            "originalText": "Return X target creatures of the creature type of your choice to their owner's hand.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "To choose a creature type, you must choose an existing creature type, such as Vampire or Knight. You can’t choose multiple creature types, such as “Vampire Knight,” but choosing “Vampire” is enough to allow you to target a Vampire Knight. Card types such as artifact can’t be chosen; nor can supertypes such as legendary; nor can subtypes that aren’t creature types, such as Jace, Vehicle, or Treasure."
            "scryfallId": "2adfc0ac-08a9-487a-b01c-5de52fae0312",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ca006842-51d7-4928-a6ac-ebe1951388ef",
            "scryfallOracleId": "85442273-9596-47bf-9b40-6d48fd7183a6",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176873,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Return X target creatures of the creature type of your choice to their owner's hand.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ab5ae53d-80d8-56de-a1a2-5fea50c05ec4",
            "uuidV421": "63cd6014-95b6-5457-aac8-dab33eb17bd4"
            "artist": "Dimitar Marinski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Everyone who crosses that threshold is our most cherished friend. Everyone who crosses it again is our bitterest enemy.\"\n—Trostani",
            "foreignData": [],
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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            "multiverseId": 453005,
            "name": "Selesnya Guildgate",
            "number": "255",
            "originalText": "Selesnya Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {G} or {W}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "6d5ee7a5-937a-4c2b-af8c-6e5734677c53",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "75b235d3-595a-4859-be45-9559d8445db5",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176411,
            "text": "Selesnya Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {G} or {W}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c503b134-3dce-5465-b284-1f95260fa4b5",
            "uuidV421": "e09bbf3a-8a31-55ba-b02d-9fedc333251b",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Dimitar Marinski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"We leave our gardens open, so all may know wonder, but guarded, so all may know peace.\"\n—Emmara",
            "foreignData": [],
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 453006,
            "name": "Selesnya Guildgate",
            "number": "256",
            "originalText": "Selesnya Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {G} or {W}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "ee1db693-5dd9-48de-8520-014d9ad5b596",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d28fc4e5-c733-4cfb-a2f4-af590dec7fd3",
            "scryfallOracleId": "75b235d3-595a-4859-be45-9559d8445db5",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176412,
            "text": "Selesnya Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {G} or {W}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9510acef-3e46-5db9-b4e8-188701d12bc5",
            "uuidV421": "47bbdfb8-e0b9-5952-96dc-caaf04a10533",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Winona Nelson",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Think of the locket as a seed you bear, spreading life from Vitu-Ghazi across all of Ravnica.\"\n—Heruj, Selesnya hierophant",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Betrachte das Medaillon als kostbare Saat, die das Leben von Vitu-Ghazi über Ravnica verteilt.\"\n—Heruj, Selesnija-Hohepriester",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453249,
                    "name": "Selesnija-Medaillon",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {G} oder {W}.\n{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}, {T}, opfere das Selesnija-Medaillon: Ziehe zwei Karten.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Considera este relicario una semilla con la que siembras por toda Rávnica la vida que procede de Vitu-Ghazi\".\n—Héruj, hierofante selesnya",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453508,
                    "name": "Relicario selesnya",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {G} o {W}.\n{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}, {T}, sacrificar el Relicario selesnya: Roba dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« Pensez à ce médaillon comme à une semence que vous porteriez, propageant la vie de Vitu-Ghazi d'un bout à l'autre de Ravnica. »\n—Heruj, hiérophante de Selesnya",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453767,
                    "name": "Médaillon de Selesnya",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {G} ou {W}.\n{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}, {T}, sacrifiez le Médaillon de Selesnya : Piochez deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pensa al medaglione come un seme che porti con te per diffondere la vita di Vitu-Ghazi in tutta Ravnica.\"\n—Heruj, gerofante di Selesnya",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454026,
                    "name": "Medaglione di Selesnya",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {G} o {W}.\n{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}, {T}, Sacrifica il Medaglione di Selesnya: Pesca due carte.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「このロケットをあなたが持つ種だと思いなさい。ヴィトゥ=ガジーからラヴニカ全土へと生命を広げるのです。」\n――セレズニアの秘義司祭、ヘルージ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454285,
                    "name": "セレズニアのロケット",
                    "text": "{T}:{G}か{W}を加える。\n{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}, {T}, セレズニアのロケットを生け贄に捧げる:カードを2枚引く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"이 로켓을 네가 지니는 씨앗이라고 생각해라. 비투-가지의 생명력을 라브니카 전역에 뿌리는 것이라고.\"\n—셀레스냐 주창자, 헤루즈",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454544,
                    "name": "셀레스냐 로켓",
                    "text": "{T}: {G} 또는 {W}를 추가한다.\n{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}, {T}, 셀레스냐 로켓을 희생한다: 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pense no medalhão como uma semente que você leva, semeando a vida de Vitu-Ghazi por toda a Ravnica.\"\n— Heruj, hierofante Selesnya",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454803,
                    "name": "Medalhão Selesnya",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {G} ou {W}.\n{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}, {T}, sacrifique Medalhão Selesnya: Compre dois cards.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Думай об этом медальоне, как о семени, с которым ты понесешь жизнь из Виту-Гази по всей Равнике».\n— Геруй, иерофант Селезнии",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455062,
                    "name": "Медальон Селезнии",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {G} или {W}.\n{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}, {T}, пожертвуйте Медальон Селезнии: возьмите две карты.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「将此坠饰当成你随身所携的种子,把生命从维图加基播撒至整个拉尼卡。」\n~瑟雷尼亚法皇荷路杰",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455321,
                    "name": "瑟雷尼亚坠饰",
                    "text": "{T}:加{G}或{W}。\n{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}{G/W},{T},牺牲瑟雷尼亚坠饰:抓两张牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「將此墜飾當成你隨身所攜的種子,把生命從維圖加基播撒至整個拉尼卡。」\n~瑟雷尼亞法皇荷路傑",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455580,
                    "name": "瑟雷尼亞墜飾",
                    "text": "{T}:加{G}或{W}。\n{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}{G/W},{T},犧牲瑟雷尼亞墜飾:抽兩張牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}",
            "multiverseId": 452990,
            "name": "Selesnya Locket",
            "number": "240",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {G} or {W}.\n{RW}{RW}{RW}{RW}, {T}, Sacrifice Selesnya Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "ea0c04b9-c7fc-4204-9af2-5d1987bdd97e",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "9ecd98d5-8d66-4cb0-bada-23dfa0faacc0",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176432,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {G} or {W}.\n{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}, {T}, Sacrifice Selesnya Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "39dc39db-f3b8-53a8-8695-93f1bcdd4c3a",
            "uuidV421": "27131180-3672-54d5-92be-1978804154ea",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Zack Stella",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I've seen Ravnica's fate. Believe me, I'm doing you a favor.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich habe in Ravnicas Zukunft geblickt. Glaube mir, ich tue dir einen Gefallen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453094,
                    "name": "Durchtrennte Schicksalsfäden",
                    "text": "Opfere eine Kreatur als zusätzliche Kosten, um diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken.\nDu erhältst Lebenspunkte in Höhe der Widerstandskraft der geopferten Kreatur dazu. Zerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"He visto el destino de Rávnica. Créeme, te estoy haciendo un favor\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453353,
                    "name": "Hilos cortados",
                    "text": "Como coste adicional para lanzar este hechizo, sacrifica una criatura.\nGanas una cantidad de vidas igual a la resistencia de la criatura sacrificada. Destruye la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« J'ai vu le destin de Ravnica. Croyez-moi, je vous rends service. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453612,
                    "name": "Filins tranchés",
                    "text": "En tant que coût supplémentaire pour lancer ce sort, sacrifiez une créature.\nVous gagnez un nombre de points de vie égal à l'endurance de la créature sacrifiée. Détruisez une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ho visto il fato di Ravnica. Credimi, ti sto facendo un favore.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453871,
                    "name": "Fili Tagliati",
                    "text": "Come costo addizionale per lanciare questa magia, sacrifica una creatura.\nGuadagni punti vita pari alla costituzione della creatura sacrificata. Distruggi una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「私はラヴニカの命運を見続けてきた。信じて。あなたのためにやっているのよ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454130,
                    "name": "切断された糸",
                    "text": "この呪文を唱えるための追加コストとして、クリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる。\n対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とする。あなたは生け贄に捧げたクリーチャーのタフネスに等しい点数のライフを得る。その対象としたクリーチャーを破壊する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 라브니카의 운명을 보았어. 나를 믿어, 나는 네게 자비를 베푸는 거야.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454389,
                    "name": "절단된 실",
                    "text": "이 주문을 발동하기 위한 추가비용으로, 생물 한 개를 희생한다.\n당신은 희생된 생물의 방어력만큼 생명점을 얻는다. 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eu vi o destino de Ravnica. Acredite, estou lhes fazendo um favor.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454648,
                    "name": "Fios Cortados",
                    "text": "Como custo adicional para conjurar esta mágica, sacrifique uma criatura.\nVocê ganha uma quantidade de pontos de vida igual à resistência da criatura sacrificada. Destrua a criatura alvo que um oponente controla.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Я видела судьбу Равники. Поверь, так тебе будет лучше».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454907,
                    "name": "Разрезанные Нити",
                    "text": "В качестве дополнительной стоимости разыгрывания этого заклинания пожертвуйте существо.\nВы получаете количество жизней, равное выносливости пожертвованного существа. Уничтожьте целевое существо под контролем оппонента.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「我已亲眼见过拉尼卡的命运。相信我,我这是为你好。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455166,
                    "name": "斩断束缕",
                    "text": "牺牲一个生物,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用。\n你获得等同于所牺牲生物之防御力的生命。消灭目标由对手操控的生物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「我已親眼見過拉尼卡的命運。相信我,我這是為你好。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455425,
                    "name": "斬斷束縷",
                    "text": "犧牲一個生物,以作為施放此咒語的額外費用。\n你獲得等同於所犧牲生物之防禦力的生命。消滅目標由對手操控的生物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452835,
            "name": "Severed Strands",
            "number": "85",
            "originalText": "As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature.\nYou gain life equal to the sacrificed creature's toughness. Destroy target creature an opponent controls.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You must sacrifice exactly one creature to cast this spell; you can’t cast it without sacrificing a creature, and you can’t sacrifice additional creatures."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The amount of life gained is equal to the sacrificed creature’s toughness as it last existed on the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Severed Strands tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t gain life."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature is a legal target but can’t be destroyed, most likely because it has indestructible, you still gain life."
            "scryfallId": "bce654d6-fcf1-40a8-8bdb-5c37e561f7dc",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "73a2199b-b449-40bd-a64c-0643a28698d6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "25f0527c-1340-4218-970f-9e4f84ef96e8",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176936,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature.\nYou gain life equal to the sacrificed creature's toughness. Destroy target creature an opponent controls.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "47f44a8e-0a6c-5770-8d03-06975b96f095",
            "uuidV421": "42c95a8d-316a-5b49-ae9c-aca58b0219ec"
            "artist": "Filip Burburan",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "flavorText": "Suddenly, all the haggling didn't seem so important.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Gefahr überwog den Reiz des Angebots.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453153,
                    "name": "Belagerungswurm",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nVerursacht Trampelschaden",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Wurm"
                    "flavorText": "De repente, regatear no parecía tan importante.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453412,
                    "name": "Sierpe de asedio",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nArrolla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sierpe"
                    "flavorText": "Marchander ne semblait tout à coup plus aussi important.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453671,
                    "name": "Guivre de siège",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nPiétinement",
                    "type": "Créature : guivre"
                    "flavorText": "All'improvviso, le contrattazioni non sembrarono più tanto importanti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453930,
                    "name": "Wurm da Assedio",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nTravolgere",
                    "type": "Creatura — Wurm"
                    "flavorText": "突如として、すべての値切りはどうでもいいものになった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454189,
                    "name": "包囲ワーム",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\nトランプル",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ワーム"
                    "flavorText": "갑자기, 흥정 따위는 중요하지 않게 되었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454448,
                    "name": "공성 웜",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n돌진",
                    "type": "생물 — 웜"
                    "flavorText": "De repente a pechinchada toda não parecia mais tão importante.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454707,
                    "name": "Vorme de Cerco",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nAtropelar",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vorme"
                    "flavorText": "Внезапно вся торговля показалась не такой уж важной.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454966,
                    "name": "Осадный Вурм",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nПробивной удар",
                    "type": "Существо — Вурм"
                    "flavorText": "突然间,什么买卖都不重要了。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455225,
                    "name": "攻城亚龙",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n践踏",
                    "type": "生物 ~亚龙"
                    "flavorText": "突然間,什麼買賣都不重要了。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455484,
                    "name": "攻城亞龍",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n踐踏",
                    "type": "生物 ~亞龍"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452894,
            "name": "Siege Wurm",
            "number": "144",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>\nTrample",
            "originalType": "Creature — Wurm",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "2d1dfd96-8e17-4ba8-b786-a5cc0ae2ff2d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c3b8fc44-887c-4ecc-8d56-88c8e59f377a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8a802eae-abfb-47fd-8458-1689055531ef",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176916,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)\nTrample (This creature can deal excess combat damage to the player or planeswalker it's attacking.)",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Wurm",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "72728e68-7234-5fe1-901a-2fed40a2dfe6",
            "uuidV421": "589b9863-9dd7-5de7-80e3-a82a60828250",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Yeong-Hao Han",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"These terms are acceptable to House Dimir. Shall we shake on it?\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Diese Bedingungen sind für das Haus Dimir akzeptabel. Besiegeln wir sie mit einem Handschlag.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453250,
                    "name": "Lautloser Pfeil",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}, opfere den Lautlosen Pfeil: Er fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl 3 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"La Casa Dimir acepta estas condiciones. Cerremos el acuerdo con un apretón de manos\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453509,
                    "name": "Dardo silencioso",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}, sacrificar el Dardo silencioso: Hace 3 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« Ces conditions conviennent à la Maison Dimir. Serrons-nous la main. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453768,
                    "name": "Fléchette silencieuse",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}, sacrifiez la Fléchette silencieuse : Elle inflige 3 blessures à la créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"La Casata Dimir approva i termini dell'accordo. Una stretta di mano per suggellarlo?\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454027,
                    "name": "Dardo Silenzioso",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}, Sacrifica il Dardo Silenzioso: Infligge 3 danni a una creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「ディミーア家はその条件に同意します。交渉成立の握手をしましょうか。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454286,
                    "name": "静かな隠し矢",
                    "text": "{4}, {T},静かな隠し矢を生け贄に捧げる:クリーチャー1体を対象とする。これはそれに3点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"디미르 가문은 이 계약을 받아들일 수 있네. 악수하겠나?\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454545,
                    "name": "소리 없는 화살",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}, 소리 없는 화살을 희생한다: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 소리 없는 화살은 그 생물에게 피해 3점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Esses termos são aceitáveis para a Casa Dimir. Selamos com um aperto de mãos?\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454804,
                    "name": "Dardo de Pulso",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}, sacrifique Dardo de Pulso: Ele causa 3 pontos de dano à criatura alvo.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Эти условия устраивают Дом Димиров. Скрепим же договор рукопожатием!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455063,
                    "name": "Бесшумное Острие",
                    "text": "{4}, {T}, пожертвуйте Бесшумное Острие: оно наносит 3 повреждения целевому существу.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「底密尔会堂接受你们的条件。握个手吧?」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455322,
                    "name": "无声袖剑",
                    "text": "{4},{T},牺牲无声袖剑:它对目标生物造成3点伤害。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「底密爾會堂接受你們的條件。握個手吧?」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455581,
                    "name": "無聲袖劍",
                    "text": "{4},{T},犧牲無聲袖劍:它對目標生物造成3點傷害。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}",
            "multiverseId": 452991,
            "name": "Silent Dart",
            "number": "241",
            "originalText": "{4}, {T}, Sacrifice Silent Dart: It deals 3 damage to target creature.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "3af00fdd-6869-4080-8a75-66c8fceeb7de",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "912bc348-9ba3-4001-90a8-104d2bb17527",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176889,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{4}, {T}, Sacrifice Silent Dart: It deals 3 damage to target creature.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "014d4ee3-e4e5-5a43-8308-7a4901f73d0b",
            "uuidV421": "980294d9-a40d-55d6-ac38-dcad89feba15"
            "artist": "Mathias Kollros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"We have intel that some guilds have fallen under an invader's influence. Until we're sure, no venture succeeds.\"\n—Lazav",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wir haben Informationen darüber, dass einige Gilden von einer unbekannten Macht unterwandert wurden. Bis wir Sicherheit haben, wird kein Plan erfolgreich sein.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453063,
                    "name": "Fiese Sabotage",
                    "text": "Neutralisiere einen Zauberspruch deiner Wahl.\nÜberwachen 1. (Schaue dir die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst sie auf deinen Friedhof legen.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Según ciertas informaciones, algunos gremios cayeron bajo la influencia de un invasor. Hasta que estemos seguros, nada que emprendamos saldrá bien\".\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453322,
                    "name": "Sabotaje siniestro",
                    "text": "Contrarresta el hechizo objetivo.\nEscruta 1. (Mira la primera carta de tu biblioteca. Puedes poner esa carta en tu cementerio.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« D'après nos renseignements, certaines guildes subissent une influence importune. Tant que nous n'en aurons pas le cœur net, aucune entreprise ne pourra réussir. »\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453581,
                    "name": "Sinistre sabotage",
                    "text": "Contrecarrez le sort ciblé.\nSurveillez 1. (Regardez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez mettre cette carte dans votre cimetière.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Secondo le nostre informazioni, alcune gilde sono cadute sotto l'influenza di un invasore. Finché non ce ne saremo assicurati, nessun progetto andrà in porto.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453840,
                    "name": "Sabotaggio Sinistro",
                    "text": "Neutralizza una magia bersaglio.\nSorveglia 1. (Guarda la prima carta del tuo grimorio. Puoi metterla nel tuo cimitero.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「侵入者の影響によって陥落したギルドが出たという情報がある。確認が取れるまで冒険は控えるのだ。」\n――ラザーヴ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454099,
                    "name": "悪意ある妨害",
                    "text": "呪文1つを対象とし、それを打ち消す。\n諜報1を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを見る。あなたはそのカードをあなたの墓地に置いてもよい。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"몇몇 길드가 침입자의 영향력 하에 있다는 첩보가 있네. 확인할 때까지는, 어떤 모험도 할 수 없네.\"\n—라자브",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454358,
                    "name": "사악한 방해 공작",
                    "text": "주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문을 무효화한다.\n감시 1을 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 한 장을 본다. 당신은 그 카드를 당신의 무덤에 넣을 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Temos informações de que algumas guildas estão sofrendo uma influência invasora. Até termos certeza, nenhuma iniciativa terá sucesso.\"\n— Lazav",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454617,
                    "name": "Sabotagem Sinistra",
                    "text": "Anule a mágica alvo.\nVigiar 1. (Olhe o card do topo de seu grimório. Você pode colocar aquele card em seu cemitério.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«У нас есть сведения, что некоторые из гильдий попали под влияние захватчика. Пока мы не будем знать точно, ни один проект не должен закончиться успехом».\n— Лазав",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454876,
                    "name": "Зловещая Диверсия",
                    "text": "Отмените целевое заклинание.\nСлежка 1. (Посмотрите верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки. Вы можете положить ту карту на ваше кладбище.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「我们收到情报,某些公会已经受到了外来入侵者的影响。直到我们调查清楚之前,务必挡下一切恶意行为。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455135,
                    "name": "恶意破坏",
                    "text": "反击目标咒语。\n刺探1。(检视你牌库顶的牌。你可以将该牌置入你的坟墓场。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「我們收到情報,某些公會已經受到了外來入侵者的影響。直到我們調查清楚之前,務必擋下一切惡意行為。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455394,
                    "name": "惡意破壞",
                    "text": "反擊目標咒語。\n刺探1。(檢視你牌庫頂的牌。你可以將該牌置入你的墳墓場。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452804,
            "name": "Sinister Sabotage",
            "number": "54",
            "originalText": "Counter target spell.\nSurveil 1. <i>(Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card into your graveyard.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A spell that can’t be countered is a legal target for Sinister Sabotage. The spell won’t be countered when Sinister Sabotage resolves, but you’ll still surveil 1."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Some spells that instruct you to surveil require targets. You can’t cast a spell without choosing legal targets. If all of those targets become illegal, the spell doesn’t resolve and you won’t surveil."
            "scryfallId": "6cbef36d-7170-424f-8fb1-8e7e112b7f0b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f9e4920a-b71c-441c-b476-c8d1ac13bc74",
            "scryfallOracleId": "973fd4d4-9255-4825-85b7-503606c4e932",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175177,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Counter target spell.\nSurveil 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card into your graveyard.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "09a1b2ae-cca7-5eeb-8a59-f885682c9c40",
            "uuidV421": "bdf836a3-d2b6-5e29-8581-f5421da73022",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Chase Stone",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Squadrons of skyknights are available for deployment around the clock, capable of reaching any district in the city within minutes.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Schwadronen von Himmelsrittern sind rund um die Uhr einsatzbereit und in der Lage, jeden Distrikt der Stadt in wenigen Minuten zu erreichen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453207,
                    "name": "Himmelsritter-Legionär",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Eile",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "Los escuadrones de caballeros celestes están listos para partir a cualquier hora y pueden llegar a cualquier distrito de la ciudad en cuestión de minutos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453466,
                    "name": "Legionario caballero celeste",
                    "text": "Vuela, prisa.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Les escadrons de chevaliers célestes sont toujours prêts à être déployés, et peuvent atteindre n'importe quel quartier de la ville en quelques minutes.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453725,
                    "name": "Légionnaire chevalier céleste",
                    "text": "Vol, célérité",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "Squadroni di cavalieri dei cieli sono pronti a entrare in azione in qualsiasi momento e capaci di raggiungere qualsiasi distretto della città nel giro di pochi minuti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453984,
                    "name": "Legionaria Cavaliera dei Cieli",
                    "text": "Volare, rapidità",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "空騎士隊は昼夜を問わずいつでも出撃し、都市のどの地区にも数分で駆けつけられる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454243,
                    "name": "空騎士の軍団兵",
                    "text": "飛行、速攻",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "창공기사 편대는 밤낮으로 출격할 수 있게 준비되어 있으며, 몇 분 안에 도시의 모든 지역에 도착할 수 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454502,
                    "name": "창공기사 단원",
                    "text": "비행, 신속",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "Esquadrões de cavaleiros celestes ficam disponíveis dia e noite, e são capazes de chegar a qualquer distrito da cidade em minutos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454761,
                    "name": "Legionário Cavaleiro Celeste",
                    "text": "Voar, ímpeto",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "Эскадрильи небесных рыцарей готовы к вылету круглые сутки. Они способны за несколько минут добраться до любого района города.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455020,
                    "name": "Небесный Рыцарь-Легионер",
                    "text": "Полет, Ускорение",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "空骑士中队随时可供调遣,能在几分钟内抵达城市内任何地区。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455279,
                    "name": "空骑士军团兵",
                    "text": "飞行,敏捷",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "空騎士中隊隨時可供調遣,能在幾分鐘內抵達城市內任何地區。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455538,
                    "name": "空騎士軍團兵",
                    "text": "飛行,敏捷",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "future": "Legal",
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                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452948,
            "name": "Skyknight Legionnaire",
            "number": "198",
            "originalText": "Flying, haste",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176697,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, haste",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6c4ab21d-f1f7-5a26-8712-7e7492f6b1d9",
            "uuidV421": "fa729ce4-c6e6-56b1-90fd-1568e447908a",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Paul Scott Canavan",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Sometimes an angel passes by and gives me a little nod, like, 'You're a daring one!' That always makes my day.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Manchmal fliegt ein Engel vorbei und nickt mir zu, als wolle er sagen: ‚Du traust dich was!' Das stimmt mich immer fröhlich.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453034,
                    "name": "Häuserschluchtenspäher",
                    "text": "Immer wenn der Häuserschluchtenspäher angreift, kannst du {1}{W} bezahlen. Falls du dies tust, erhält er Flugfähigkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Späher"
                    "flavorText": "\"A veces, me cruzo con un ángel y este asiente hacia mí, como diciendo: '¡Qué osado eres!'. Eso siempre me alegra el día\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453293,
                    "name": "Explorador del horizonte",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Explorador del horizonte ataque, puedes pagar {1}{W}. Si lo haces, gana la habilidad de volar hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Explorador humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Parfois, un ange passe et me fait un petit signe de tête qui veut probablement dire : \"Tu as du cran, toi !\" Ça me fait toujours plaisir. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453552,
                    "name": "Éclaireur des tours",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que l'Éclaireur des tours attaque, vous pouvez payer {1}{W}. Si vous faites ainsi, il acquiert le vol jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et éclaireur"
                    "flavorText": "\"A volte un angelo mi passa accanto e mi fa un cenno con il capo, come per dire: 'Hai fegato!' È sempre una sensazione incredibile.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453811,
                    "name": "Esploratore dei Tetti",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta l'Esploratore dei Tetti attacca, puoi pagare {1}{W}. Se lo fai, ha volare fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Esploratore Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「時折、すれ違い際に天使が軽くうなずくことがある。『向こう見ずね!』って感じで。ちょっといい気分だ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454070,
                    "name": "天空の斥候",
                    "text": "天空の斥候が攻撃するたび、あなたは{1}{W}を支払ってもよい。そうしたなら、ターン終了時まで、これは飛行を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・スカウト"
                    "flavorText": "\"가끔 천사가 지나가면서 인사할 때가 있어, '너 참 대단한 녀석이구나!' 같이 말이야. 그런 날은 온종일 기분이 좋지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454329,
                    "name": "창공 정찰병",
                    "text": "창공 정찰병이 공격할 때마다, 당신은 {1}{W}를 지불할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 창공 정찰병은 턴종료까지 비행을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 정찰병"
                    "flavorText": "\"Às vezes passa um anjo e me cumprimenta meneando a cabeça, tipo 'Você tem coragem!' Isso sempre alegra o meu dia.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454588,
                    "name": "Batedor dos Arranha-céus",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Batedor dos Arranha-céus ataca, você pode pagar {1}{W}. Se fizer isso, ele ganhará voar até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Batedor"
                    "flavorText": "«Порой мимо пролетает ангел и, знаешь, так слегка кивает мне — мол, ты смельчак. Тогда у меня до конца дня хорошее настроение».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454847,
                    "name": "Небесный Разведчик",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Небесный Разведчик атакует, вы можете заплатить {1}{W}. Если вы это делаете, он получает Полет до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Разведчик"
                    "flavorText": "「有时身边会有天使飞过向我点头致意,好像在跟我说『你真厉害!』这就值了。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455106,
                    "name": "天际斥候",
                    "text": "每当天际斥候攻击时,你可以支付{1}{W}。若你如此作,则它获得飞行异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/斥候"
                    "flavorText": "「有時身邊會有天使飛過向我點頭致意,好像在跟我說『你真厲害!』這就值了。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455365,
                    "name": "天際斥候",
                    "text": "每當天際斥候攻擊時,你可以支付{1}{W}。若你如此作,則它獲得飛行異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/斥候"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452775,
            "name": "Skyline Scout",
            "number": "25",
            "originalText": "Whenever Skyline Scout attacks, you may pay {1}{W}. If you do, it gains flying until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Scout",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "b052b641-fce9-45c1-a15b-1e22f1a64e4d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "243458cd-b91e-4cc4-87f6-d9bd3c132eab",
            "scryfallOracleId": "77dfca02-3ca3-4a9c-b3e1-479a951cbfaa",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176892,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Skyline Scout attacks, you may pay {1}{W}. If you do, it gains flying until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Scout",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "79ee1a63-6533-5ee8-afca-0f9e2181e448",
            "uuidV421": "96087857-1a6d-53f4-bb6a-2fe5cda7a42c"
            "artist": "Wisnu Tan",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Don't arrest him—enlist him!\"\n—Commander Yaszen",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Nehmt ihn nicht fest! Nehmt ihn unter Vertrag!\"\n—Kommandeur Yaszen",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453125,
                    "name": "Schmelzenviertel-Minotaurus",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkst, kann eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert, in diesem Zug nicht blocken.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Minotaurus, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"No lo arresten. ¡Reclútenlo!\".\n—Comandante Yaszen",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453384,
                    "name": "Minotauro de Guarda Fundida",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro, la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente no puede bloquear este turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero minotauro"
                    "flavorText": "« Ne l'arrêtez pas ; engagez-le ! »\n—Commandant Yaszen",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453643,
                    "name": "Minotaure des Fonderies",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel, une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle ne peut pas bloquer ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Créature : minotaure et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non arrestatelo, reclutatelo!\"\n—Comandante Yaszen",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453902,
                    "name": "Minotauro della Fusione",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo o stregoneria, una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario non può bloccare in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Minotauro"
                    "flavorText": "「奴を拘束するのではない、徴兵するのだ!」\n――司令官ヤーゼン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454161,
                    "name": "溶解区のミノタウルス",
                    "text": "あなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とする。このターン、それではブロックできない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ミノタウルス・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"그자는 체포하지 마라—입영시켜라!\"\n—사령관 야스젠",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454420,
                    "name": "제련동 미노타우로스",
                    "text": "당신이 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 이번 턴에 방어할 수 없다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 미노타우로스 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não prendam ele! Alistem ele!\"\n— Comandante Yaszen",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454679,
                    "name": "Minotauro do Bairro da Fundição",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjura uma mágica instantânea ou um feitiço, a criatura alvo que um oponente controla não pode bloquear neste turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Minotauro Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Не надо его арестовывать! Запишите его в новобранцы!»\n— Командующий Язен",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454938,
                    "name": "Минотавр из Плавильни",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, целевое существо под контролем оппонента не может блокировать в этом ходу.",
                    "type": "Существо — Минотавр Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「别逮捕他,召他入伍!」\n~指挥官叶程",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455197,
                    "name": "熔护区牛头怪",
                    "text": "每当你施放瞬间或法术咒语时,目标由对手操控的生物本回合不能进行阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~牛头怪/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「別逮捕他,召他入伍!」\n~指揮官葉程",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455456,
                    "name": "熔護區牛頭怪",
                    "text": "每當你施放瞬間或巫術咒語時,目標由對手操控的生物本回合不能進行阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~牛頭怪/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452866,
            "name": "Smelt-Ward Minotaur",
            "number": "116",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, target creature an opponent controls can't block this turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Minotaur Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Resolving Smelt-Ward Minotaur’s triggered ability after a creature has blocked won’t remove the blocking creature from combat or cause the creature it blocked to become unblocked."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Smelt-Ward Minotaur’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
            "scryfallId": "f851d74e-90ad-417f-8372-8437d2d68b0d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e698b21f-cd4f-46e8-a05d-5fba91ed7ce1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ee25680a-d01a-4ddb-908b-27a9bea0ceae",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176924,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, target creature an opponent controls can't block this turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Minotaur Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "79da23f6-2ea5-575e-aa48-6f04084e0261",
            "uuidV421": "295105cb-cad1-5f60-86fd-dda1aac1a49d"
            "artist": "Tyler Walpole",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "He heard stars and saw thunder.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Er hörte Sterne und sah lautes Gedröhne.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453208,
                    "name": "Schall-Attacke",
                    "text": "Tappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. Die Schall-Attacke fügt dem Beherrscher der Kreatur 2 Schadenspunkte zu.\nKatalyse (Du kannst diese Karte aus deinem Friedhof wirken, indem du zusätzlich zu ihren anderen Kosten eine Karte abwirfst. Schicke sie danach ins Exil.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Oyó estrellas y vio truenos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453467,
                    "name": "Asalto sónico",
                    "text": "Gira la criatura objetivo. El Asalto sónico hace 2 puntos de daño al controlador de esa criatura.\nRecargar. (Puedes lanzar esta carta desde tu cementerio descartando una carta además de pagar sus otros costes. Luego, exilia esta carta.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Il entendit les étoiles et vit le tonnerre.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453726,
                    "name": "Assaut sonique",
                    "text": "Engagez la créature ciblée. L'Assaut sonique inflige 2 blessures au contrôleur de cette créature.\nRelancez (Vous pouvez lancer cette carte depuis votre cimetière en vous défaussant d'une carte en plus de payer ses autres coûts. Puis exilez cette carte.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Udì le stelle e vide un rombo di tuono.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453985,
                    "name": "Assalto Sonico",
                    "text": "TAPpa una creatura bersaglio. L'Assalto Sonico infligge 2 danni al controllore di quella creatura.\nCarica d'avvio (Puoi lanciare questa carta dal tuo cimitero scartando una carta oltre a pagare i suoi altri costi. Poi esilia questa carta.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "彼は星を聞き、雷鳴を見た。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454244,
                    "name": "音波攻撃",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。音波攻撃はそのクリーチャーのコントローラーに2点のダメージを与える。\n再活(あなたはあなたの墓地から、このカードを、これの他のコストの支払いに加えてカード1枚を捨てることで唱えてもよい。その後、このカードを追放する。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "그는 별을 듣고 천둥을 보았다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454503,
                    "name": "음속 공격",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 탭한다. 음속 공격은 그 생물의 조종자에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.\n강제 시동 (당신은 이 카드의 다른 비용들을 지불하는 것에 추가로 카드를 한 장 버리는 것으로 이 카드를 당신의 무덤에서 발동할 수 있다. 그 후 이 카드를 추방한다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Ele ouviu as estrelas e viu o trovão.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454762,
                    "name": "Assalto Sônico",
                    "text": "Vire a criatura alvo. Assalto Sônico causa 2 pontos de dano ao controlador daquela criatura.\nRecarregar (Você pode conjurar este card de seu cemitério descartando um card além de pagar seus outros custos. Depois, exile este card.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Он услышал звезды и увидел гром.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455021,
                    "name": "Звуковая Атака",
                    "text": "Поверните целевое существо. Звуковая Атака наносит 2 повреждения игроку, контролирующему то существо.\nИмпульс (Вы можете разыграть эту карту из вашего кладбища, сбросив карту в дополнение к оплате других ее стоимостей. Затем изгоните эту карту.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "他耳鸣星坠,眼冒金光。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455280,
                    "name": "音波来袭",
                    "text": "横置目标生物。音波来袭对该生物的操控者造成2点伤害。\n再起(你可以从你的坟墓场施放此牌,但必须支付其所需费用并额外弃一张牌。然后放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "他耳鳴星墜,眼冒金光。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455539,
                    "name": "音波來襲",
                    "text": "橫置目標生物。音波來襲對該生物的操控者造成2點傷害。\n再起(你可以從你的墳墓場施放此牌,但必須支付其所需費用並額外棄一張牌。)然後放逐此牌。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452949,
            "name": "Sonic Assault",
            "number": "199",
            "originalText": "Tap target creature. Sonic Assault deals 2 damage to that creature's controller.\nJump-start <i>(You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Sonic Assault can target a tapped creature. The creature can’t be tapped again, but Sonic Assault still deals 2 damage to that creature’s controller."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature becomes an illegal target for Sonic Assault, the spell doesn’t resolve. No player is dealt damage."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. For instance, you can cast a sorcery using jump-start only when you could normally cast a sorcery."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "A spell cast using jump-start will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it’s countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect allows you to pay an alternative cost rather than a spell’s mana cost, you may pay that alternative cost when you jump-start a spell. You’ll still discard a card as an additional cost to cast it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a card with jump-start is put into your graveyard during your turn, you’ll be able to cast it right away if it’s legal to do so, before an opponent can take any actions."
            "scryfallId": "cc61a398-cf16-415b-b3cf-897217dc7cc9",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ab7b8f25-ae06-4675-a3f1-c5d486bd429d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "dfe9e485-c070-4efd-8c35-69d4eb3f58e4",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175186,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Tap target creature. Sonic Assault deals 2 damage to that creature's controller.\nJump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Then exile this card.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "125401a9-f531-5fed-b79a-bb0f2e0d2518",
            "uuidV421": "35d5cfaa-ae4e-55c6-9955-6053349a44a7",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Zezhou Chen",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The Golgari adorn themselves with the exoskeletons of iridescent insects. It's only fair the insects do likewise.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Golgari schmücken sich mit den Exoskeletten schillernder Insekten. Und die Insekten ahmen diese Form der Bewunderung nach.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453095,
                    "name": "Rückgratläufer",
                    "text": "Wenn der Rückgratläufer stirbt, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Insekt"
                    "flavorText": "Los golgari se engalanan con los exoesqueletos de insectos iridiscentes. Es justo que los insectos hagan lo mismo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453354,
                    "name": "Ciempiés vertebral",
                    "text": "Cuando el Ciempiés vertebral muera, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura objetivo que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Insecto"
                    "flavorText": "Les Golgari se parent d'exosquelettes d'insectes iridescents. Ce n'est que justice que les insectes fassent de même.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453613,
                    "name": "Mille-pattes spinal",
                    "text": "Quand le Mille-pattes spinal meurt, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature : insecte"
                    "flavorText": "I Golgari si adornano con gli esoscheletri di insetti iridescenti. È giusto che gli insetti facciano altrettanto.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453872,
                    "name": "Centopiedi Spinale",
                    "text": "Quando il Centopiedi Spinale muore, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura bersaglio che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Insetto"
                    "flavorText": "ゴルガリは昆虫の玉虫色の殻で身を飾る。昆虫が同じことをしてもいいだろう。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454131,
                    "name": "背骨ムカデ",
                    "text": "背骨ムカデが死亡したとき、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 昆虫"
                    "flavorText": "골가리는 자신들을 무지갯빛 곤충의 껍질로 장식한다. 그러니 곤충들도 똑같이 하는 것이 마땅하다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454390,
                    "name": "척추 지네",
                    "text": "척추 지네가 죽을 때, 당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 곤충"
                    "flavorText": "Os Golgari gostam de usar os exoesqueletos de insetos iridescentes como adornos. É justo que os insetos façam o mesmo.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454649,
                    "name": "Centípodo Espinhal",
                    "text": "Quando Centípodo Espinhal morrer, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura alvo que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Inseto"
                    "flavorText": "Голгари делают украшения из экзоскелетов разноцветных насекомых. Вполне справедливо, что насекомые поступают так же.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454908,
                    "name": "Хребтовая Многоножка",
                    "text": "Когда Хребтовая Многоножка умирает, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Насекомое"
                    "flavorText": "葛加理人喜欢用多彩昆虫的外骨骼打扮自己。昆虫也只好仿效人类而为之。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455167,
                    "name": "脊椎百足虫",
                    "text": "当脊椎百足虫死去时,在目标由你操控的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆虫"
                    "flavorText": "葛加理人喜歡用多彩昆蟲的外骨骼打扮自己。昆蟲也只好仿效人類而為之。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455426,
                    "name": "脊椎百足蟲",
                    "text": "當脊椎百足蟲死去時,在目標由你操控的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆蟲"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452836,
            "name": "Spinal Centipede",
            "number": "86",
            "originalText": "When Spinal Centipede dies, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Insect",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If another creature you control is dealt lethal damage at the same time as Spinal Centipede, they’re destroyed at the same time. That creature can’t receive a counter from Spinal Centipede’s ability in time to save it."
            "scryfallId": "74d579fb-615a-43a6-a1c1-c535087abf2a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "876e1fcb-f39b-41df-93a8-1d34fa483575",
            "scryfallOracleId": "43d44a7f-829a-4f4d-9f71-2f4384ddd803",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176937,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Spinal Centipede dies, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Insect",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d670d0bb-e026-5865-a3ae-e3a27e1259b8",
            "uuidV421": "6f311ee8-e96f-5746-8f63-2cf015aa7b35"
            "artist": "James Paick",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453154,
                    "name": "Zweite Blüte",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nBestimme eines —\n• Erzeuge einen 2/2 grünen und weißen Elf-Ritter-Kreaturenspielstein mit Wachsamkeit.\n• Zerstöre ein Artefakt oder eine Verzauberung deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453413,
                    "name": "Brotes de renovación",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nElige uno:\n• Crea una ficha de criatura Caballero Elfo verde y blanca 2/2 con la habilidad de vigilancia.\n• Destruye el artefacto o encantamiento objetivo.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453672,
                    "name": "Renouveau bourgeonnant",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nChoisissez l'un —\n• Créez un jeton de créature 2/2 verte et blanche Elfe et Chevalier avec la vigilance.\n• Détruisez l'artefact ciblé ou l'enchantement ciblé.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453931,
                    "name": "Rinnovamento Germogliante",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nScegli uno —\n• Crea una pedina creatura Cavaliere Elfo 2/2 verde e bianca con cautela.\n• Distruggi un artefatto o un incantesimo bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454190,
                    "name": "芽吹く更生",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\n以下から1つを選ぶ。\n• 警戒を持ち緑であり白である2/2のエルフ・騎士・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。\n• アーティファクト1つかエンチャント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454449,
                    "name": "싹이 돋는 재생",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n하나를 선택한다 —\n• 경계를 가진 2/2 녹색 및 백색 엘프 기사 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.\n• 마법물체나 부여마법을 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454708,
                    "name": "Renovação dos Brotamentos",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nEscolha um —\n• Crie uma ficha de criatura verde e branca 2/2 do tipo Elfo Cavaleiro com vigilância.\n• Destrua o artefato ou o encantamento alvo.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454967,
                    "name": "Ростки Обновления",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nВыберите одно —\n• Создайте одну фишку существа 2/2 зеленый и белый Эльф Рыцарь с Бдительностью.\n• Уничтожьте целевой артефакт или чары.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455226,
                    "name": "芽生新机",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n选择一项~\n•派出一个2/2,绿白双色,具警戒异能的妖精/骑士衍生生物。\n•消灭目标神器或结界。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455485,
                    "name": "芽生新機",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n選擇一項~\n•派出一個2/2,綠白雙色,具警戒異能的妖精/騎士衍生生物。\n•消滅目標神器或結界。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452895,
            "name": "Sprouting Renewal",
            "names": [],
            "number": "145",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>\nChoose one —\n• Create a 2/2 green and white Elf Knight creature token with vigilance.\n• Destroy target artifact or enchantment.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "668232ab-5e58-49f3-804a-c938252ff177",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "35fbf394-c5e8-4a02-adb2-b674675f0dd1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "674202f0-6832-4392-a118-d513162bcd03",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176919,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)\nChoose one —\n• Create a 2/2 green and white Elf Knight creature token with vigilance.\n• Destroy target artifact or enchantment.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fa4df1da-bddd-5269-8092-17338019a488",
            "uuidV421": "288520c3-eba3-5b8c-bc2b-a5ccb472de28",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Ben Wootten",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453239,
                    "name": "Statue",
                    "text": "Zerstöre ein Artefakt, eine Kreatur oder eine Verzauberung deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453498,
                    "name": "Estatua",
                    "text": "Destruye el artefacto, criatura o encantamiento objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453757,
                    "name": "Statue",
                    "text": "Détruisez l'artefact ciblé, la créature ciblée ou l'enchantement ciblé.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454016,
                    "name": "Statua",
                    "text": "Distruggi un artefatto, una creatura o un incantesimo bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454275,
                    "name": "石像",
                    "text": "アーティファクト1つかクリーチャー1体かエンチャント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454534,
                    "name": "석상",
                    "text": "마법물체, 생물 또는 부여마법을 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454793,
                    "name": "Estátua",
                    "text": "Destrua o artefato, a criatura ou o encantamento alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455052,
                    "name": "Статуя",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевой артефакт, существо или чары.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455311,
                    "name": "立像",
                    "text": "消灭目标神器,生物或结界。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455570,
                    "name": "立像",
                    "text": "消滅目標神器,生物或結界。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452980,
            "name": "Statue",
            "names": [
            "number": "230",
            "originalText": "Destroy target artifact, creature, or enchantment.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "44614c6d-5508-4077-b825-66d5d684086c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4d482200-5fb2-40cb-8693-dd48b256e21e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "df7d4964-35a2-42f7-a4f5-05122f78cbba",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175187,
            "text": "Destroy target artifact, creature, or enchantment.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fb050cb1-6466-598e-af9a-dff0b91b694d",
            "uuidV421": "4017f437-07f9-53fb-9c53-aec7b448581c",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Ben Wootten",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 1,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453239,
                    "name": "Status",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +1/+1 und Todesberührung bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber // Statue"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453498,
                    "name": "Estatus",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +1/+1 y gana la habilidad de toque mortal hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453757,
                    "name": "Statut",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +1/+1 et acquiert le contact mortel jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454016,
                    "name": "Stato",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +1/+1 e ha tocco letale fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454275,
                    "name": "席次",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+1/+1の修整を受け接死を得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454534,
                    "name": "지위",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +1/+1를 받고 치명타를 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454793,
                    "name": "Status",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +1/+1 e ganha toque mortífero até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455052,
                    "name": "Статус",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +1/+1 и Смертельное касание до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455311,
                    "name": "立威",
                    "text": "直到回合结束,目标生物得+1/+1且获得死触异能。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455570,
                    "name": "立威",
                    "text": "直到回合結束,目標生物得+1/+1且獲得死觸異能。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{B/G}",
            "multiverseId": 452980,
            "name": "Status",
            "names": [
            "number": "230",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +1/+1 and gains deathtouch until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "44614c6d-5508-4077-b825-66d5d684086c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4d482200-5fb2-40cb-8693-dd48b256e21e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "df7d4964-35a2-42f7-a4f5-05122f78cbba",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175187,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets +1/+1 and gains deathtouch until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f418af41-b2b6-5881-b7a8-6ecc2c2a7ee8",
            "uuidV421": "9399e2ce-269e-53e9-a7fb-a1e325a35597",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Jonas De Ro",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"A massive new Izzet building project with an unstated purpose? Probably fine.\"\n—Zija, Simic mutationist",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ein riesiges neues Izzet-Bauprojekt mit unbekanntem Zweck? Wird schon passen.\"\n—Zija, Simic-Mutationsspezialist",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453266,
                    "name": "Dampfschlote",
                    "text": "({T}: Erzeuge {U} oder {R}.)\nSowie die Dampfschlote ins Spiel kommen, kannst du 2 Lebenspunkte bezahlen. Falls du dies nicht tust, kommen sie getappt ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Land — Insel, Gebirge"
                    "flavorText": "\"¿Un nuevo y enorme edificio ízzet cuyo objetivo no se explicitó? Seguro que no es nada\".\n—Zija, mutacionista simic",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453525,
                    "name": "Respiraderos de vapor",
                    "text": "({T}: Agrega {U} o {R}.)\nEn cuanto los Respiraderos de vapor entren al campo de batalla, puedes pagar 2 vidas. Si no lo haces, entran al campo de batalla girados.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Isla montaña"
                    "flavorText": "« Un projet pour un nouveau bâtiment d'Izzet immense dont l'objectif n'est pas précisé ? Je suis sûre que tout va bien. »\n—Zija, mutationniste simic",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453784,
                    "name": "Conduits de vapeur",
                    "text": "({T} : Ajoutez {U} ou {R}.)\nAu moment où les Conduits de vapeur arrivent sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez payer 2 points de vie. Si vous ne le faites pas, ils arrivent sur le champ de bataille engagés.",
                    "type": "Terrain : île et montagne"
                    "flavorText": "\"Un nuovo colossale cantiere degli Izzet dallo scopo non meglio definito? Non prevedo alcun problema.\"\n—Zija, mutazionista Simic",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454043,
                    "name": "Fumarie di Vapore",
                    "text": "({T}: Aggiungi {U} o {R}.)\nMentre le Fumarie di Vapore entrano nel campo di battaglia, puoi pagare 2 punti vita. Se non lo fai, entrano nel campo di battaglia TAPpate.",
                    "type": "Terra — Isola Montagna"
                    "flavorText": "「イゼット団による用途不明の巨大な建設計画?まぁ、大丈夫でしょう。」\n――シミックの変異術師、ジジャ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454302,
                    "name": "蒸気孔",
                    "text": "({T}:{U}か{R}を加える。)\n蒸気孔が戦場に出るに際し、あなたは2点のライフを支払ってもよい。そうしないなら、これはタップ状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "土地 — 島・山"
                    "flavorText": "\"목적을 밝히지 않은 채로 신규 이젯 건축물을 짓는 대규모 계획이라고? 아마도 괜찮을 거야.\"\n—시믹 돌연변이 연구자 지자",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454561,
                    "name": "증기 환기구",
                    "text": "({T}: {U} 또는 {R}를 추가한다.)\n증기 환기구가 전장에 들어오면서, 당신은 생명 2점을 지불할 수 있다. 그러지 않으면, 증기 환기구는 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 섬 산"
                    "flavorText": "\"Um novo projeto de construção dos Izzet, imenso e de propósito desconhecido? Provavelmente está tudo bem.\"\n— Zija, mutacionista Simic",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454820,
                    "name": "Bueiros de Vapor",
                    "text": "({T}: Adicione {U} ou {R}.)\nConforme Bueiros de Vapor entra no campo de batalha, você pode pagar 2 pontos de vida. Se não fizer isso, ele entrará no campo de batalha virado.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Ilha Montanha"
                    "flavorText": "«Новая исполинская постройка Иззетов с непонятным предназначением? Наверное, ничего страшного».\n— Зия, мутатор Симиков",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455079,
                    "name": "Паровые Отдушины",
                    "text": "({T}: добавьте {U} или {R}.)\nПри выходе Паровых Отдушин на поле битвы вы можете заплатить 2 жизни. Если вы этого не делаете, они выходят на поле битвы повернутыми.",
                    "type": "Земля — Остров Гора"
                    "flavorText": "「伊捷意图不明的全新大型建设计划?应该没什么蹊跷。」\n~析米克突变师琪佳",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455338,
                    "name": "蒸气喷发口",
                    "text": "({T}:加{U}或{R}。)\n于蒸气喷发口进战场时,你可以支付2点生命。如果你未如此作,则蒸气喷发口须横置进战场。",
                    "type": "地 ~海岛/山脉"
                    "flavorText": "「伊捷意圖不明的全新大型建設計劃?應該沒什麼蹊蹺。」\n~析米克突變師琪佳",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455597,
                    "name": "蒸氣噴發口",
                    "text": "({T}:加{U}或{R}。)\n於蒸氣噴發口進戰場時,你可以支付2點生命。如果你未如此作,則蒸氣噴發口須橫置進戰場。",
                    "type": "地 ~海島/山脈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 453007,
            "name": "Steam Vents",
            "number": "257",
            "originalText": "<i>({T}: Add {U} or {R}.)</i>\nAs Steam Vents enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "originalType": "Land — Island Mountain",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Unlike most dual lands, this land has two basic land types. It’s not basic, so cards such as District Guide can’t find it, but it does have the appropriate land types for effects such as that of Drowned Catacomb (from the Ixalan set)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect puts this land onto the battlefield tapped, you may pay 2 life, but it still enters tapped."
            "scryfallId": "b8ebe3cf-7143-453a-b0ef-2f5bdaac3185",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "efd4e3ef-d427-4f8c-8fe5-df60d367d693",
            "scryfallOracleId": "17039058-822d-409f-938c-b727a366ba63",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175202,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "({T}: Add {U} or {R}.)\nAs Steam Vents enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "type": "Land — Island Mountain",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c056edff-90ba-54fd-9354-3a4feee5c2d3",
            "uuidV421": "283fd553-1a54-59f3-9ab3-ed56eea412cb",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"They said obey and you'll be happy. They said you'll be safe. But we're not safe. We're not happy. And we will not obey.\"\n—Domri Rade",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Sie sagten, gehorche und du wirst zufrieden sein. Sie sagten, du wirst in Sicherheit sein. Aber wir sind nicht in Sicherheit. Wir sind nicht zufrieden. Und wir werden nicht gehorchen.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453126,
                    "name": "Straßenschlacht",
                    "text": "Solange es dein Zug ist, erhalten Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, +1/+0 und verursachen Trampelschaden.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"Dijeron: 'Obedezcan y serán felices'. Dijeron: 'Estarán a salvo'. Pero no estamos a salvo ni somos felices, y por supuesto que no obedeceremos\".\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453385,
                    "name": "Disturbios callejeros",
                    "text": "Mientras sea tu turno, las criaturas que controlas obtienen +1/+0 y tienen la habilidad de arrollar.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "« Ils ont dit \"obéissez et vous serez heureux\". Ils ont dit \"vous serez en sécurité\". Mais nous ne sommes pas en sécurité. Nous ne sommes pas heureux. Et nous n'obéirons pas. »\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453644,
                    "name": "Émeute de rue",
                    "text": "Tant que c'est votre tour, les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+0 et ont le piétinement.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ci hanno detto di obbedire, così saremmo stati felici. Ci hanno detto che saremmo stati protetti. Ma non siamo protetti né felici, e non obbediremo.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453903,
                    "name": "Rivolta di Strada",
                    "text": "Fintanto che è il tuo turno, le creature che controlli prendono +1/+0 e hanno travolgere.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "「あいつらは、従えば幸せになれると言った。安全だと言った。でも俺たちは安全じゃない。幸せでもない。だから俺たちは従わない。」\n――ドムリ・ラーデ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454162,
                    "name": "街頭暴動",
                    "text": "あなたのターンであるかぎり、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは+1/+0の修整を受けトランプルを持つ。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"그들은 복종하면 행복할 것이라고 말했다. 그들은 안전할 것이라고 말했다. 하지만 우리는 안전하지 않다. 우리는 행복하지 않다. 그러니 우리는 복종하지 않을 것이다.\"\n—돔리 라데",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454421,
                    "name": "거리 폭동",
                    "text": "당신의 턴인 한, 당신이 조종하는 생물들은 +1/+0을 받고 돌진을 가진다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eles disseram: 'Obedeçam, e vocês serão felizes.' Eles disseram: 'Vocês estarão em segurança.' Mas não estamos em segurança. Não estamos felizes. E não vamos obedecer.\"\n— Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454680,
                    "name": "Revolta nas Ruas",
                    "text": "Enquanto for o seu turno, as criaturas que você controla receberão +1/+0 e terão atropelar.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "«\"Подчиняйтесь, и будете счастливы, — говорили они. — Подчиняйтесь, и будете в безопасности\". Но мы не в безопасности. Мы не счастливы. И мы не станем подчиняться».\n— Домри Раде",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454939,
                    "name": "Уличный Бунт",
                    "text": "Пока длится ваш ход, существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+0 и имеют Пробивной удар.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「他们说,听他们的就会好过。他们还说,听他们的就会安全。但我们一点都不安全。我们一点都不好过。我们再也不听他们的了。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455198,
                    "name": "街头暴乱",
                    "text": "只要是在你的回合中,由你操控的生物便得+1/+0且具有践踏异能。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "「他們說,聽他們的就會好過。他們還說,聽他們的就會安全。但我們一點都不安全。我們一點都不好過。我們再也不聽他們的了。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455457,
                    "name": "街頭暴亂",
                    "text": "只要是在你的回合中,由你操控的生物便得+1/+0且具有踐踏異能。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452867,
            "name": "Street Riot",
            "number": "117",
            "originalText": "As long as it's your turn, creatures you control get +1/+0 and have trample.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "80b352d5-4a57-41bc-b4c4-8b81255a9db8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "909a0386-d2e9-4207-99d4-d7d2f61b1fe2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "526db754-abb6-450c-bead-81dd1e1c347c",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176926,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "As long as it's your turn, creatures you control get +1/+0 and have trample.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8944c58b-588d-5d1a-a27b-f1cbb914ee33",
            "uuidV421": "18ce5225-a6e8-5739-a7dd-60d5a1e869d0"
            "artist": "Sara Winters",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453209,
                    "name": "Holzformerin aus Sumala",
                    "text": "Wenn die Holzformerin aus Sumala ins Spiel kommt, schaue dir die obersten vier Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst davon eine Kreaturen- oder Verzauberungskarte offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Lege den Rest in zufälliger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Druide"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453468,
                    "name": "Moldeamadera de Sumala",
                    "text": "Cuando la Moldeamadera de Sumala entre al campo de batalla, mira las cuatro primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Puedes mostrar una carta de criatura o de encantamiento que se encuentre entre ellas y ponerla en tu mano. Pon el resto en el fondo de tu biblioteca en un orden aleatorio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Druida elfo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453727,
                    "name": "Forgebois de Sumala",
                    "text": "Quand la Forgebois de Sumala arrive sur le champ de bataille, regardez les quatre cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez révéler une carte de créature ou d'enchantement parmi elles et la mettre dans votre main. Mettez le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque dans un ordre aléatoire.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et druide"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453986,
                    "name": "Plasmalegno di Sumala",
                    "text": "Quando la Plasmalegno di Sumala entra nel campo di battaglia, guarda le prime quattro carte del tuo grimorio. Puoi rivelare una carta creatura o incantesimo scelta tra esse e aggiungerla alla tua mano. Metti le altre in fondo al tuo grimorio in ordine casuale.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Druido Elfo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454245,
                    "name": "スマーラの森整形師",
                    "text": "スマーラの森整形師が戦場に出たとき、あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを4枚見る。あなたはその中からクリーチャーかエンチャントであるカード1枚を公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に無作為の順番で置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・ドルイド"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454504,
                    "name": "수말라 나무변형사",
                    "text": "수말라 나무변형사가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 네 장을 본다. 당신은 그중에서 생물 또는 부여마법 카드 한 장을 공개하고 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 나머지 카드들은 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 드루이드"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454763,
                    "name": "Lignomoldadora de Sumala",
                    "text": "Quando Lignomoldadora de Sumala entrar no campo de batalha, olhe os quatro cards do topo de seu grimório. Você pode revelar um card de criatura ou encantamento dentre eles e colocá-lo em sua mão. Coloque o restante no fundo de seu grimório em ordem aleatória.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Druida"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455022,
                    "name": "Древесный Архитектор Сумалы",
                    "text": "Когда Древесный Архитектор Сумалы выходит на поле битвы, посмотрите четыре верхние карты вашей библиотеки. Вы можете показать находящуюся среди них карту существа или чар и положить ее в вашу руку. Положите остальные карты в низ вашей библиотеки в случайном порядке.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Друид"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455281,
                    "name": "索马拉塑木师",
                    "text": "当索马拉塑木师进战场时,检视你牌库顶的四张牌。你可以展示其中的一张生物或结界牌,并将它置于你手上。将其余的牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/德鲁伊"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455540,
                    "name": "索馬拉塑木師",
                    "text": "當索馬拉塑木師進戰場時,檢視你牌庫頂的四張牌。你可以展示其中的一張生物或結界牌,並將它置於你手上。將其餘的牌以隨機順序置於你的牌庫底。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/德魯伊"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452950,
            "name": "Sumala Woodshaper",
            "number": "200",
            "originalText": "When Sumala Woodshaper enters the battlefield, look at the top four cards of your library. You may reveal a creature or enchantment card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Druid",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "8c4e427e-c061-43c5-9e8e-34bf5b447ab1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "71239f13-585b-44bb-9461-4db29e7b0a39",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5a44062b-f1db-4122-8570-1241a16cb895",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175585,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Sumala Woodshaper enters the battlefield, look at the top four cards of your library. You may reveal a creature or enchantment card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Druid",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c24095ae-67f4-5e2c-bff9-e921d8b0afb3",
            "uuidV421": "cd9de268-c8e7-57f2-bc57-6852f437ea00",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Matt Stewart",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Before I let you wield one of these, let's see you dodge one!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Bevor du so eins schwingen darfst, musst du ihm erstmal ausweichen können!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453035,
                    "name": "Sonnenheim-Getreuer",
                    "text": "Erstschlag\nMentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Antes de que yo te permita blandir una de estas, ¡veamos si puedes esquivarla!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453294,
                    "name": "Valiente de Casa Solar",
                    "text": "Daña primero.\nMentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Avant de vous laisser manier un de ces cure-dents, voyons voir comment vous en esquivez un ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453553,
                    "name": "Vaillant de Solcastel",
                    "text": "Initiative\nMentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Prima che ti lasci brandire una di queste, vediamo come te la cavi a schivarla!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453812,
                    "name": "Temerario di Sol-Dimora",
                    "text": "Attacco improvviso\nMentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「お前にこれを持たせる前に、躱せるかどうか試させてもらう!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454071,
                    "name": "サンホームの重鎮",
                    "text": "先制攻撃\n教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\" 이걸 휘두르게 해 주기 전에 말이야, 한 번 피할 수 있는지 보자구!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454330,
                    "name": "선홈 숙련병",
                    "text": "선제공격\n지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Antes de eu deixar você empunhar uma dessas, vamos ver você se esquivar dela!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454589,
                    "name": "Destemido da Morada do Sol",
                    "text": "Iniciativa\nMentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Прежде чем я доверю тебе такой клинок, давай подглядим, как ты от него уклонишься».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454848,
                    "name": "Поборник Дома Солнца",
                    "text": "Первый удар\nНаставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「在把剑交给你之前,让我先瞧瞧你能不能躲过我这一下!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455107,
                    "name": "阳园坚兵",
                    "text": "先攻\n训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「在把劍交給你之前,讓我先瞧瞧你能不能躲過我這一下!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455366,
                    "name": "陽園堅兵",
                    "text": "先攻\n訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452776,
            "name": "Sunhome Stalwart",
            "number": "26",
            "originalText": "First strike\nMentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mentor compares the power of the creature with mentor with that of the target creature at two different times: once as the triggered ability is put onto the stack, and once as the triggered ability resolves. If you wish to raise a creature’s power so its mentor ability can target a bigger creature, the last chance you have to do so is during the beginning of combat step."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature’s power is no longer less than the attacking creature’s power as the ability resolves, mentor doesn’t add a +1/+1 counter. For example, if two 3/3 creatures with mentor attack and both mentor triggers target the same 2/2 creature, the first to resolve puts a +1/+1 counter on it and the second does nothing."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the creature with mentor leaves the battlefield with mentor on the stack, use its power as that creature last existed on the battlefield to determine whether the target creature has less power."
            "scryfallId": "a431f183-17eb-4a6c-a137-d106bdc8c997",
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 175593,
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            "text": "First strike\nMentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
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            "flavorText": "\"I packed three more electroconduits into each test wand. You'll experience a brief tingling sensation.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich habe noch drei weitere elektrische Leiter in jeden Teststab eingebaut. Das wird kurz etwas kribbeln.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453127,
                    "name": "Sicherer Stoß",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +3/+0 und Erstschlag bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Añadí tres electroconductos más a cada dispositivo. Notarás una breve sensación de hormigueo\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453386,
                    "name": "Arremetida segura",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +3/+0 y gana la habilidad de dañar primero hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« J'ai intégré trois électroconduits supplémentaires dans chaque baguette de test. Vous allez ressentir un léger picotement. »",
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                    "name": "Frappe assurée",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +3/+0 et acquiert l'initiative jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ho incluso tre elettroconduttori in più in ogni barra campione. Proverai una sensazione di prurito passeggera.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453904,
                    "name": "Colpo Sicuro",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +3/+0 e ha attacco improvviso fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「導電管をもう三本ずつ試験棒に詰めた。ちょっとビリビリするよ。」",
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                    "name": "確実な一撃",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+3/+0の修整を受け、先制攻撃を得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"실험용 지팡이마다 전자 도관을 세 개씩 더 넣어 놨어. 약간 간질거리는 느낌이 들 거야.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
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                    "name": "확실한 일격",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +3/+0을 받고 선제공격을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Coloquei mais três eletroconduítes em cada varinha de teste. Você vai sentir um formigamentozinho bem rápido.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454681,
                    "name": "Golpe Certeiro",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +3/+0 e ganha iniciativa até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Я добавила в каждый испытательный жезл еще по три конденсатора. Ты почувствуешь легкое покалывание».",
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                    "name": "Верный Удар",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +3/+0 и Первый удар до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「我在测试用魔杖里又多塞了三个电流导管。你可能会觉得有些许刺痛。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455199,
                    "name": "必中一击",
                    "text": "直到回合结束,目标生物得+3/+0且获得先攻异能。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「我在測試用魔杖裡又多塞了三個電流導管。你可能會覺得有些許刺痛。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455458,
                    "name": "必中一擊",
                    "text": "直到回合結束,目標生物得+3/+0且獲得先攻異能。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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                    "name": "Gildenmagier des Schwarms",
                    "text": "{4}{B}, {T}: Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+0 und Bedrohlichkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. (Sie können nicht geblockt werden, außer von zwei oder mehr Kreaturen.)\n{1}{G}, {T}: Du erhältst 2 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Schamane"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453469,
                    "name": "Mago del gremio del Enjambre",
                    "text": "{4}{B}, {T}: Las criaturas que controlas obtienen +1/+0 y ganan la habilidad de amenaza hasta el final del turno. (No pueden ser bloqueadas excepto por dos o más criaturas.)\n{1}{G}, {T}: Ganas 2 vidas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán elfo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453728,
                    "name": "Ghildmage de l'Essaim",
                    "text": "{4}{B}, {T} : Les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+0 et acquièrent la menace jusqu'à la fin du tour. (Elles ne peuvent pas être bloquées excepté par deux créatures ou plus.)\n{1}{G}, {T} : Vous gagnez 2 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et shamane"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453987,
                    "name": "Mago della Gilda dello Sciame",
                    "text": "{4}{B}, {T}: Le creature che controlli prendono +1/+0 e hanno minacciare fino alla fine del turno. (Non possono essere bloccate tranne che da due o più creature.)\n{1}{G}, {T}: Guadagni 2 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Elfo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
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                    "name": "群集のギルド魔道士",
                    "text": "{4}{B}, {T}:ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは+1/+0の修整を受け威迫を得る。(それらは2体以上のクリーチャーによってしかブロックされない。)\n{1}{G}, {T}:あなたは2点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・シャーマン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454505,
                    "name": "무리 길드마도사",
                    "text": "{4}{B}, {T}: 당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 +1/+0을 받고 호전적을 얻는다. (그 생물들은 두 개 이상의 생물에게만 방어될 수 있다.)\n{1}{G}, {T}: 당신은 생명 2점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 주술사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454764,
                    "name": "Mago da Guilda do Enxame",
                    "text": "{4}{B}, {T}: As criaturas que você controla recebem +1/+0 e ganham ameaçar até o final do turno. (Elas só podem ser bloqueadas por duas ou mais criaturas.)\n{1}{G}, {T}: Você ganha 2 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Xamã"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455023,
                    "name": "Маг Гильдии Роя",
                    "text": "{4}{B}, {T}: существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+0 и Угрозу до конца хода. (Они не могут быть заблокированы менее чем двумя существами.)\n{1}{G}, {T}: вы получаете 2 жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Шаман"
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                    "name": "群落公会法师",
                    "text": "{4}{B},{T}:直到回合结束,由你操控的生物得+1/+0且获得威慑异能。(它们只能被两个或更多生物阻挡。)\n{1}{G},{T}:你获得2点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/祭师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455541,
                    "name": "群落公會法師",
                    "text": "{4}{B},{T}:直到回合結束,由你操控的生物得+1/+0且獲得威懾異能。(它們只能被兩個或更多生物阻擋。)\n{1}{G},{T}:你獲得2點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/祭師"
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            "originalText": "{4}{B}, {T}: Creatures you control get +1/+0 and gain menace until end of turn. <i>(They can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)</i>\n{1}{G}, {T}: You gain 2 life.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Shaman",
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            "text": "{4}{B}, {T}: Creatures you control get +1/+0 and gain menace until end of turn. (They can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)\n{1}{G}, {T}: You gain 2 life.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Shaman",
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            "flavorText": "\"Now do you understand what we meant when we said *disperse*?\"\n—Eksari, Boros patrol leader",
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                    "flavorText": "„Versteht ihr jetzt, was wir meinten, als wir macht Platz sagten?\"\n—Eksari, Boros-Patrouillenführerin",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Schneisenschläger-Riese",
                    "text": "Wachsamkeit\nImmer wenn der Schneisenschläger-Riese angreift, fügt er jeder Kreatur, die der verteidigende Spieler kontrolliert, 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Riese, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"¿Entiendes lo que queríamos decir cuando gritamos dispérsense?\".\n—Eksari, jefa de patrulla boros",
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                    "name": "Gigante tajamultitudes",
                    "text": "Vigilancia.\nSiempre que el Gigante tajamultitudes ataque, hace 1 punto de daño a cada criatura que controla el jugador defensor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado gigante"
                    "flavorText": "« Vous comprenez maintenant ce qu'on voulait dire par dispersion ? »\n—Eksari, chef de patrouille de Boros",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453729,
                    "name": "Géant ouvreur de brèche",
                    "text": "Vigilance\nÀ chaque fois que le Géant ouvreur de brèche attaque, il inflige 1 blessure à chaque créature que le joueur défenseur contrôle.",
                    "type": "Créature : géant et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ora capite cosa intendevamo quando abbiamo emesso l'ordine di dispersione?\"\n—Eksari, capopattuglia Boros",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453988,
                    "name": "Gigante Falciavarchi",
                    "text": "Cautela\nOgniqualvolta il Gigante Falciavarchi attacca, infligge 1 danno a ogni creatura controllata dal giocatore in difesa.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Gigante"
                    "flavorText": "「我々が『分散』と言ったら何を意味するか、これで分かりましたか?」\n――ボロスの巡視隊長、エクサーリ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
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                    "name": "薙ぎ払いの巨人",
                    "text": "警戒\n薙ぎ払いの巨人が攻撃するたび、これは防御プレイヤーがコントロールしている各クリーチャーにそれぞれ1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 巨人・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"이제는 우리가 흩어지라고 했던 게 무슨 뜻이었는지를 이해하나?\"\n—보로스 순찰대 지휘관, 에크사리",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454506,
                    "name": "마구 베는 거인",
                    "text": "경계\n마구 베는 거인이 공격할 때마다, 마구 베는 거인은 수비플레이어가 조종하는 각 생물에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 거인 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Agora você entende o que queríamos dizer quando dissemos dispersar?\"\n— Eksari, líder de patrulha Boros",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454765,
                    "name": "Gigante Abre-claros",
                    "text": "Vigilância\nToda vez que Gigante Abre-claros ataca, ele causa 1 ponto de dano a cada criatura que o jogador defensor controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Gigante Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Теперь ты понимаешь, что мы имели в виду, когда скомандовали \"рассредоточиться\"?»\n— Эксари, командир патруля Боросов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455024,
                    "name": "Гигант-Скашиватель",
                    "text": "Бдительность\nКаждый раз, когда Гигант-Скашиватель атакует, он наносит 1 повреждение каждому существу под контролем защищающегося игрока.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гигант Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「现在都明白听见『散开』时该怎么作了吗?」\n~波洛斯巡队首领艾萨莉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455283,
                    "name": "劈扫巨人",
                    "text": "警戒\n每当劈扫巨人攻击时,它对由防御牌手操控的每个生物各造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨人/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「現在都明白聽見『散開』時該怎麼作了吧?」\n~波洛斯巡隊首領艾薩莉",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455542,
                    "name": "劈掃巨人",
                    "text": "警戒\n每當劈掃巨人攻擊時,它對由防禦玩家操控的每個生物各造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨人/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{R}{W}",
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            "name": "Swathcutter Giant",
            "number": "202",
            "originalText": "Vigilance\nWhenever Swathcutter Giant attacks, it deals 1 damage to each creature defending player controls.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Giant Soldier",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature attacks a planeswalker, that planeswalker’s controller is the defending player."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Swathcutter Giant deals 1 damage to each creature controlled by the player it’s attacking. The other player’s creatures are unaffected."
            "scryfallId": "700b38c5-3fd2-4566-8d27-9a09d5ab02b2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2f5f4807-151f-4cb4-99c0-5a284425a693",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fc16a2ce-a570-454f-8498-f9c604c0d68b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176871,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Vigilance\nWhenever Swathcutter Giant attacks, it deals 1 damage to each creature defending player controls.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Giant Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "efe877fe-8665-59da-ad9d-fb5f0254e529",
            "uuidV421": "217a9989-1f4b-5ba1-b838-2d58202771eb",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Viktor Titov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "A swiftblade is an artist, each fiery trail of their blades a fleeting masterpiece traced on the air.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Kampfkunst einer Blitzklinge ist ein wahres Schauspiel und jede feurige Schneise ihrer Klingen ein flüchtiges Meisterwerk.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453212,
                    "name": "Blitzklingen-Verfechterin",
                    "text": "Doppelschlag, Wachsamkeit, verursacht Trampelschaden",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "Un filoveloz es un artista; cada estela ardiente de sus espadas es una obra de arte efímera trazada en el aire.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453471,
                    "name": "Defensora filoveloz",
                    "text": "Daña dos veces, vigilancia, arrolla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "Un filelame est un artiste, chaque trace enflammée de ses lames est un chef d'œuvre éphémère qui fend l'air.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453730,
                    "name": "Justificatrice filelame",
                    "text": "Double initiative, vigilance, piétinement",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "Una lamalesta è un'artista, che traccia capolavori evanescenti nell'aria con le scie fiammanti delle sue spade.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453989,
                    "name": "Vendicatrice Lamalesta",
                    "text": "Doppio attacco, cautela, travolgere",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "速太刀は芸術家だ。剣が描く炎の軌跡ひとつひとつが、空中に一瞬の名作を描いている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454248,
                    "name": "速太刀の擁護者",
                    "text": "二段攻撃、警戒、トランプル",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "쾌검병은 예술가로, 그들의 검은 허공에 떠다니는 불길의 대작을 만들어낸다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454507,
                    "name": "쾌검 변호자",
                    "text": "이단공격, 경계, 돌진",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "Uma espada veloz é uma artista, cada rastro flamejante de suas lâminas uma efêmera obra-prima traçada no ar.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454766,
                    "name": "Vingadora Espada Veloz",
                    "text": "Golpe duplo, vigilância, atropelar",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "Мастера быстрого клинка — настоящие художники, и каждый огненный росчерк их мечей — как мимолетный шедевр, исчезающий в воздухе.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455025,
                    "name": "Защитница Быстрого Клинка",
                    "text": "Двойной удар, Бдительность, Пробивной удар",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "快剑手挥洒如艺师,每道迅猛的剑光都会在空中留下一副转瞬即逝的杰作。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455284,
                    "name": "雪恨快剑手",
                    "text": "连击,警戒,践踏",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "快劍手揮灑如藝師,每道迅猛的劍光都會在空中留下一副轉瞬即逝的傑作。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455543,
                    "name": "雪恨快劍手",
                    "text": "連擊,警戒,踐踏",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452953,
            "name": "Swiftblade Vindicator",
            "number": "203",
            "originalText": "Double strike, vigilance, trample",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an attacking creature with double strike and trample destroys all of its blocking creatures with first-strike combat damage, all of its normal combat damage is assigned to the player or planeswalker that creature’s attacking."
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176736,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Double strike, vigilance, trample",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "774726b3-83fd-5f12-97f8-1d45beb2b197",
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            "artist": "Jason Rainville",
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The trouble with youths these days is that, in outright defiance of their elders, they refuse to be bought.\"\n—Karlov of the Ghost Council",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Das Problem mit den Jugendlichen von heute ist, dass sie sich ganz offen den Älteren widersetzen und es wagen, nicht käuflich zu sein.\"\n—Karlov vom Rat der Geister",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453036,
                    "name": "Treue Verbündete",
                    "text": "Erzeuge zwei 1/1 weiße Soldat-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Lebensverknüpfung.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"El problema con la juventud de hoy en día es que, haciendo gala de una rebeldía descarada hacia sus mayores, se niegan a venderse\".\n—Karlov del Concilio fantasmal",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453295,
                    "name": "Compañeros jurados",
                    "text": "Crea dos fichas de criatura Soldado blancas 1/1 con la habilidad de vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Le problème aujourd'hui, c'est que les jeunes refusent de se laisser soudoyer, totalement au mépris de leurs aînés. »\n—Karlov du Conseil fantôme",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453554,
                    "name": "Compagnons sous serment",
                    "text": "Créez deux jetons de créature 1/1 blanche Soldat avec le lien de vie.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il problema dei giovani d'oggi è la sfrontatezza che dimostrano verso i più anziani rifiutando di farsi corrompere.\"\n—Karlov del Concilio Fantasma",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453813,
                    "name": "Compagni Giurati",
                    "text": "Crea due pedine creatura Soldato 1/1 bianche con legame vitale.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「近頃の若い連中には手を焼いておる。臆することなく年長者に逆らい、買収を拒むのだ。」\n――幽霊議員カルロフ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454072,
                    "name": "刎頸の友",
                    "text": "絆魂を持つ白の1/1の兵士・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"요즘 젊은 것들의 문제는, 노골적으로 어른들의 말을 거역하면서 매수되는 것도 거절한다는 거야.\"\n—유령 의회의 카를로브",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454331,
                    "name": "굳게 맹세한 동료",
                    "text": "생명연결을 가진 1/1 백색 병사 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"O problema dos jovens hoje em dia é que, desafiando descaradamente os mais velhos, eles se recusam a se vender.\"\n— Karlov do Conselho Fantasma",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454590,
                    "name": "Companheiros Jurados",
                    "text": "Crie duas fichas de criatura branca 1/1 do tipo Soldado com vínculo com a vida.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Молодежь нынче пошла несносная. Совершенно не чтит заветы предков и отказывается продаваться».\n— Карлов из Призрачного Совета",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454849,
                    "name": "Связанные Клятвой",
                    "text": "Создайте две фишки существа 1/1 белый Солдат с Цепью жизни.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「年轻人如今的问题在于,出于对长者的强烈叛逆,他们拒绝被收买。」\n~鬼影议会的卡洛夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455108,
                    "name": "盟誓伙伴",
                    "text": "派出两个1/1白色,具系命异能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「年輕人如今的問題在於,出於對長者的強烈叛逆,他們拒絕被收買。」\n~鬼影議會的卡洛夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455367,
                    "name": "盟誓伙伴",
                    "text": "派出兩個1/1白色,具繫命異能的士兵衍生生物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452777,
            "name": "Sworn Companions",
            "names": [],
            "number": "27",
            "originalText": "Create two 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens with lifelink.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "2ccfa5c1-69f9-4351-aba3-883fe92c9b98",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "33c9a087-47ed-47b3-bc76-8aec3d3b79fd",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d1a9fd14-fecb-4d2a-983c-70143238275b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176894,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Create two 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens with lifelink.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "01658f63-32da-57f1-bc3d-df96e9c31398",
            "uuidV421": "d983997a-0652-5d4e-8508-64f392931492"
            "artist": "Anthony Palumbo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453213,
                    "name": "Tajic, Klinge der Legion",
                    "text": "Eile\nMentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)\nVerhindere allen Nicht-Kampfschaden, der anderen Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, zugefügt würde.\n{R}{W}: Tajic, Klinge der Legion, erhält Erstschlag bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453472,
                    "name": "Tájic, Filo de la Legión",
                    "text": "Prisa.\nMentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)\nPrevén todo el daño que no sea de combate que se les fuera a hacer a las otras criaturas que controlas.\n{R}{W}: Tájic, Filo de la Legión gana la habilidad de dañar primero hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Soldado humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453731,
                    "name": "Tajic, tranchant de la Légion",
                    "text": "Célérité\nMentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)\nPrévenez toutes les blessures non-combat qui devraient être infligées aux autres créatures que vous contrôlez.\n{R}{W} : Tajic, tranchant de la Légion acquiert l'initiative jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et soldat"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453990,
                    "name": "Tajic, Spada della Legione",
                    "text": "Rapidità\nMentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)\nPrevieni tutto il danno non da combattimento che verrebbe inflitto alle altre creature che controlli.\n{R}{W}: Tajic, Spada della Legione ha attacco improvviso fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Soldato Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454249,
                    "name": "軍勢の切先、タージク",
                    "text": "速攻\n教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)\nあなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャーに与えられる、戦闘ダメージでないダメージをすべて軽減する。\n{R}{W}:ターン終了時まで、軍勢の切先、タージクは先制攻撃を得る。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454508,
                    "name": "군단의 칼날, 타직",
                    "text": "신속\n지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)\n당신이 조종하는 다른 생물들이 입으려고 하는 모든 비전투피해를 방지한다.\n{R}{W}: 군단의 칼날, 타직은 턴종료까지 선제공격을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454767,
                    "name": "Tajic, Fio da Legião",
                    "text": "Ímpeto\nMentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)\nPrevina todo o dano que não seja de combate que seria causado a outras criaturas que você controla.\n{R}{W}: Tajic, Fio da Legião, ganha iniciativa até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Soldado"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455026,
                    "name": "Тажик, Лезвие Легиона",
                    "text": "Ускорение\nНаставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)\nПредотвратите все небоевые повреждения, которые должны быть нанесены другим существам под вашим контролем.\n{R}{W}: Тажик, Лезвие Легиона получает Первый удар до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455285,
                    "name": "教团尖锋塔疾克",
                    "text": "敏捷\n训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)\n防止将对由你操控的其他生物造成的所有非战斗伤害。\n{R}{W}:教团尖锋塔疾克获得先攻异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455544,
                    "name": "教團尖鋒塔疾克",
                    "text": "敏捷\n訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)\n防止將對由你操控的其他生物造成的所有非戰鬥傷害。\n{R}{W}:教團尖鋒塔疾克獲得先攻異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452954,
            "name": "Tajic, Legion's Edge",
            "number": "204",
            "originalText": "Haste\nMentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>\nPrevent all noncombat damage that would be dealt to other creatures you control.\n{R}{W}: Tajic, Legion's Edge gains first strike until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If Tajic and other creatures you control would be dealt lethal noncombat damage at the same time, the damage that would be dealt to your other creatures is prevented."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mentor compares the power of the creature with mentor with that of the target creature at two different times: once as the triggered ability is put onto the stack, and once as the triggered ability resolves. If you wish to raise a creature’s power so its mentor ability can target a bigger creature, the last chance you have to do so is during the beginning of combat step."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature’s power is no longer less than the attacking creature’s power as the ability resolves, mentor doesn’t add a +1/+1 counter. For example, if two 3/3 creatures with mentor attack and both mentor triggers target the same 2/2 creature, the first to resolve puts a +1/+1 counter on it and the second does nothing."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the creature with mentor leaves the battlefield with mentor on the stack, use its power as that creature last existed on the battlefield to determine whether the target creature has less power."
            "scryfallId": "5e669a01-84d3-4fcc-8396-9e987bd89b4f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ec9e5e48-753f-45f5-89cb-fafc179e35a3",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ae6f21a2-e6b6-4793-8343-e27310c0bea1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176842,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Haste\nMentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)\nPrevent all noncombat damage that would be dealt to other creatures you control.\n{R}{W}: Tajic, Legion's Edge gains first strike until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c64fd039-5356-53d6-a6e9-064033c9b34d",
            "uuidV421": "7d0bde6f-5000-5b1c-920a-beee2862a9a2",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Lucas Graciano",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "In the quiet before a battle, Boros soldiers whisper prayers that steady their nerves and focus their minds.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Während der Stille vor dem Kampf flüstern Boros-Soldaten Gebete, die ihnen Ruhe und Fokus verleihen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453037,
                    "name": "Ein Herz fassen",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +2/+2 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Du erhältst für jede angreifende Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, 1 Lebenspunkt dazu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "En el silencio que precede a una batalla, los soldados boros susurran plegarias que calman sus nervios y centran sus pensamientos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453296,
                    "name": "Cobrar ánimos",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +2/+2 hasta el final del turno. Ganas 1 vida por cada criatura atacante que controlas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Pendant le calme qui précède la bataille, les soldats de Boros prient pour dompter leurs nerfs et se concentrer.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453555,
                    "name": "Haut les cœurs !",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +2/+2 jusqu'à la fin du tour. Vous gagnez 1 point de vie pour chaque créature attaquante que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Nei momenti di calma prima di una battaglia, i soldati Boros sussurrano preghiere per calmare i nervi e concentrare la mente.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453814,
                    "name": "Prendere Coraggio",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +2/+2 fino alla fine del turno. Guadagni 1 punto vita per ogni creatura attaccante che controlli.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "戦いの前の静けさの中で、ボロスの兵士は祈りをつぶやく。神経を鎮めて精神を集中するのだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454073,
                    "name": "奨励",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+2/+2の修整を受ける。あなたは、あなたがコントロールしている攻撃クリーチャー1体につき1点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "전쟁 직전의 고요 속에서, 보로스 병사들은 마음을 진정시키고 정신을 집중하는 기도문을 속삭인다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454332,
                    "name": "기운내기",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +2/+2를 받는다. 당신은 당신이 조종하는 공격 중인 생물 한 개당 생명 1점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "No silêncio que precede a batalha, os soldados Boros sussurram rezas para dar firmeza aos nervos e foco à mente.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454591,
                    "name": "Tomar Coragem",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +2/+2 até o final do turno. Você ganha 1 ponto de vida para cada criatura atacante que você controla.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "В тишине перед боем солдаты Боросов шепчут молитвы, успокаивающие нервы и проясняющие ум.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454850,
                    "name": "Твердое Сердце",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +2/+2 до конца хода. Вы получаете 1 жизнь за каждое атакующее существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "波洛斯士兵会利用战前的片刻宁静来默念祷文,用以集中精神、平复情绪。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455109,
                    "name": "抖擞精神",
                    "text": "目标生物得+2/+2直到回合结束。你每操控一个进行攻击的生物,便获得1点生命。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "波洛斯士兵會利用戰前的片刻寧靜來默念禱文,用以集中精神、平復情緒。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455368,
                    "name": "抖擻精神",
                    "text": "目標生物得+2/+2直到回合結束。你每操控一個進行攻擊的生物,便獲得1點生命。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452778,
            "name": "Take Heart",
            "number": "28",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. You gain 1 life for each attacking creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can cast Take Heart even if you control no attacking creatures, perhaps because it’s not even your turn. The target creature gets +2/+2 even though you don’t gain life."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature becomes an illegal target for Take Heart, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t gain life."
            "scryfallId": "b26f10d5-b826-45b0-abed-80d86e1335c9",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "92781f84-ec2f-4dfd-8bd2-89815de8f4db",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2c5e30c3-0b9f-4d3e-af44-be7fcd34df25",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176896,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. You gain 1 life for each attacking creature you control.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "81971265-fc32-5e07-9398-34e5963d9c3b",
            "uuidV421": "f2e1c6a0-9c54-5647-a1cc-c27d67744d15"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Where the roots reach, there the temple rises.\"\n—Niszka, Selesnya evangel",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wohin die Wurzeln reichen, dort wird sich der Tempel erheben.\"\n—Niszka, Selesnija-Evangelistin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453267,
                    "name": "Tempelgarten",
                    "text": "({T}: Erzeuge {G} oder {W}.)\nSowie der Tempelgarten ins Spiel kommt, kannst du 2 Lebenspunkte bezahlen. Falls du dies nicht tust, kommt er getappt ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Land — Wald, Ebene"
                    "flavorText": "\"Allá donde llegan las raíces se alza el templo\".\n—Niszka, misionera selesnya",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453526,
                    "name": "Jardín del templo",
                    "text": "({T}: Agrega {G} o {W}.)\nEn cuanto el Jardín del templo entre al campo de batalla, puedes pagar 2 vidas. Si no lo haces, entra al campo de batalla girado.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Bosque llanura"
                    "flavorText": "« Où les racines émergent, le temple s'élève. »\n—Niszka, prédicatrice de Selesnya",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453785,
                    "name": "Jardin du temple",
                    "text": "({T} : Ajoutez {G} ou {W}.)\nAu moment où le Jardin du temple arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez payer 2 points de vie. Si vous ne le faites pas, il arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé.",
                    "type": "Terrain : forêt et plaine"
                    "flavorText": "\"Dove giungono le radici, là sorge il tempio.\"\n—Niszka, evangelista di Selesnya",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454044,
                    "name": "Giardino del Tempio",
                    "text": "({T}: Aggiungi {G} o {W}.)\nMentre il Giardino del Tempio entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi pagare 2 punti vita. Se non lo fai, entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.",
                    "type": "Terra — Foresta Pianura"
                    "flavorText": "「根の達するところに、寺院は建つのです」\n――セレズニアの福音者、ニシュカ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454303,
                    "name": "寺院の庭",
                    "text": "({T}:{G}か{W}を加える。)\n寺院の庭が戦場に出るに際し、あなたは2点のライフを支払ってもよい。そうしないなら、これはタップ状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "土地 — 森・平地"
                    "flavorText": "\"뿌리가 닿는 곳이면, 그곳에 신전이 세워진다.\"\n—셀레스냐 전도사, 니스즈카",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454562,
                    "name": "정원 신전",
                    "text": "({T}: {G} 또는 {W}를 추가한다.)\n정원 신전이 전장에 들어오면서, 당신은 생명 2점을 지불할 수 있다. 그러지 않으면, 정원 신전은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 숲 들"
                    "flavorText": "\"Onde as raízes chegam, lá se ergue o templo.\"\n— Niszka, missionária Selesnya",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454821,
                    "name": "Jardim do Templo",
                    "text": "({T}: Adicione {G} ou {W}.)\nConforme Jardim do Templo entra no campo de batalha, você pode pagar 2 pontos de vida. Se não fizer isso, ele entrará no campo de batalha virado.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Floresta Planície"
                    "flavorText": "«Всюду, куда дотянутся корни, вознесется новый храм».\n— Нишка, благовестница Селезнии",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455080,
                    "name": "Церковный Сад",
                    "text": "({T}: добавьте {G} или {W}.)\nПри выходе Церковного Сада на поле битвы вы можете заплатить 2 жизни. Если вы этого не делаете, он выходит на поле битвы повернутым.",
                    "type": "Земля — Лес Равнина"
                    "flavorText": "「繁根所及之处,殿堂拔地而起。」\n~瑟雷尼亚福音师尼斯卡",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455339,
                    "name": "殿堂花园",
                    "text": "({T}:加{G}或{W}。)\n于殿堂花园进战场时,你可以支付2点生命。如果你未如此作,则殿堂花园须横置进战场。",
                    "type": "地 ~树林/平原"
                    "flavorText": "「繁根所及之處,殿堂拔地而起。」\n~瑟雷尼亞福音師尼斯卡",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455598,
                    "name": "殿堂花園",
                    "text": "({T}:加{G}或{W}。)\n於殿堂花園進戰場時,你可以支付2點生命。如果你未如此作,則殿堂花園須橫置進戰場。",
                    "type": "地 ~樹林/平原"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 453008,
            "name": "Temple Garden",
            "number": "258",
            "originalText": "<i>({T}: Add {G} or {W}.)</i>\nAs Temple Garden enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "originalType": "Land — Forest Plains",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Unlike most dual lands, this land has two basic land types. It’s not basic, so cards such as District Guide can’t find it, but it does have the appropriate land types for effects such as that of Drowned Catacomb (from the Ixalan set)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect puts this land onto the battlefield tapped, you may pay 2 life, but it still enters tapped."
            "scryfallId": "2b9b0195-beda-403e-bc27-7ae3be9f318c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "598d1d97-8ded-4239-aa43-d3115b24dfac",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f413a83d-a40d-434c-b20a-4c707c0527fa",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175203,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "({T}: Add {G} or {W}.)\nAs Temple Garden enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "type": "Land — Forest Plains",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "373e4015-22b5-5ce7-a931-0904018dff9f",
            "uuidV421": "b4554ff2-0396-5782-9944-9eb355e02452",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Craig J Spearing",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The Tenth has always been my home. This city is constantly embroiled in one crisis or another, but I'm determined to protect my piece.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der zehnte Distrikt ist seit jeher meine Heimat. Diese Stadt wird ständig von Konflikten erschüttert, doch ich beschütze meinen Bezirk.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453038,
                    "name": "Wache des zehnten Distrikts",
                    "text": "Wenn die Wache des zehnten Distrikts ins Spiel kommt, erhält eine Kreatur deiner Wahl +0/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"El Décimo siempre fue mi hogar. Esta ciudad siempre está metida en una crisis u otra, pero yo estoy decidida a proteger mi barrio\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453297,
                    "name": "Guarda del Distrito Décimo",
                    "text": "Cuando la Guarda del Distrito Décimo entre al campo de batalla, la criatura objetivo obtiene +0/+1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "« La Dixième a toujours été mon foyer. Cette cité est constamment entraînée dans une succession de crises, mais je suis déterminée à protéger ma part. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453556,
                    "name": "Garde de la dixième circonscription",
                    "text": "Quand la Garde de la dixième circonscription arrive sur le champ de bataille, la créature ciblée gagne +0/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il Decimo è sempre stato casa mia. Questa città è costantemente invischiata in nuove crisi, ma sono decisa a proteggere la mia parte.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453815,
                    "name": "Guardia del Decimo Distretto",
                    "text": "Quando la Guardia del Decimo Distretto entra nel campo di battaglia, una creatura bersaglio prende +0/+1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「私はずっと第10管区に住んでいる。この都市は次から次へと紛争が絶えないけれど、私は自分の居場所を守るわ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454074,
                    "name": "第10管区の守備兵",
                    "text": "第10管区の守備兵が戦場に出たとき、クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+0/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"10번 구역은 언제나 내 고향이었다. 이 도시는 자꾸만 사건에 휘말리지만, 나는 이 곳을 지킬 각오가 되어 있다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454333,
                    "name": "10번 구역 수비대",
                    "text": "10번 구역 수비대가 전장에 들어올 때, 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +0/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"O Décimo sempre foi o meu lar. A cidade está sempre metida em uma crise ou outra, mas estou determinada a proteger o meu território.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454592,
                    "name": "Guarda do Décimo Distrito",
                    "text": "Quando Guarda do Décimo Distrito entra no campo de batalha, a criatura alvo recebe +0/+1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Десятый округ был и остается моим домом. В этом городе постоянно начинается то одна заварушка, то другая, но я намерена защитить свой маленький кусочек».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454851,
                    "name": "Часовая Десятого Округа",
                    "text": "Когда Часовая Десятого Округа выходит на поле битвы, целевое существо получает +0/+1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「我一直以第十区为家。虽然整座城市危机接连不断,但我决心守护自己的一切。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455110,
                    "name": "第十区守卫",
                    "text": "当第十区守卫进战场时,目标生物得+0/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「我一直以第十區為家。雖然整座城市危機接連不斷,但我決心守護自己的一切。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455369,
                    "name": "第十區守衛",
                    "text": "當第十區守衛進戰場時,目標生物得+0/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452779,
            "name": "Tenth District Guard",
            "number": "29",
            "originalText": "When Tenth District Guard enters the battlefield, target creature gets +0/+1 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "829f959e-91cd-42ea-8644-ce828a304d01",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "80f95422-808f-48a4-b333-e999b125917f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "83ce0859-cb88-45dd-8485-3317792235de",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176898,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Tenth District Guard enters the battlefield, target creature gets +0/+1 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6c7249aa-79aa-5379-b120-54bd2c29e819",
            "uuidV421": "fb57c2de-4f23-5588-bc59-f2b09cd8a6c6"
            "artist": "Igor Kieryluk",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453214,
                    "name": "Verstandesräuber",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nImmer wenn der Verstandesräuber einem Spieler Kampfschaden zufügt, schaue dir die obersten drei Karten der Bibliothek jenes Spielers an, schicke eine davon verdeckt ins Exil und lege dann den Rest auf seinen Friedhof. Solange die Karte im Exil ist, kannst du sie anschauen und sie wirken, und um den Zauberspruch zu wirken, kannst du Mana ausgeben, als wäre es Mana eines beliebigen Typs.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Specter"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453473,
                    "name": "Ladrón de cordura",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nSiempre que el Ladrón de cordura haga daño de combate a un jugador, mira las tres primeras cartas de la biblioteca de ese jugador, exilia una de ellas boca abajo y luego pon el resto en su cementerio. Mientras esa carta permanezca exiliada, puedes mirarla, lanzarla y gastar maná como si fuera maná de cualquier tipo para lanzar ese hechizo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espectro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453732,
                    "name": "Voleur de sanité",
                    "text": "Vol\nÀ chaque fois que le Voleur de sanité inflige des blessures de combat à un joueur, regardez les trois cartes du dessus de la bibliothèque de ce joueur, exilez l'une d'elles face cachée, puis mettez le reste dans son cimetière. Tant que cette carte reste exilée, vous pouvez la regarder, vous pouvez la lancer et vous pouvez dépenser du mana comme s'il s'agissait de mana de n'importe quel type pour lancer ce sort.",
                    "type": "Créature : spectre"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453991,
                    "name": "Ladro di Senno",
                    "text": "Volare\nOgniqualvolta il Ladro di Senno infligge danno da combattimento a un giocatore, guarda le prime tre carte del grimorio di quel giocatore, esiliane una a faccia in giù, poi metti le altre nel suo cimitero. Fintanto che quella carta rimane in esilio, puoi guardarla, puoi lanciarla e puoi spendere mana come se fosse mana di qualsiasi tipo per lanciarla.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Spettro"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454250,
                    "name": "正気泥棒",
                    "text": "飛行\n正気泥棒がプレイヤー1人に戦闘ダメージを与えるたび、そのプレイヤーのライブラリーの一番上からカードを3枚見て、そのうち1枚を裏向きに追放し、その後残りをそのプレイヤーの墓地に置く。そのカードが追放され続けているかぎり、あなたはそれを見てもよく、あなたはそれを唱えてもよく、あなたはその呪文を唱えるために任意のマナを望むタイプのマナであるかのように支払ってもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スペクター"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454509,
                    "name": "이성 도둑",
                    "text": "비행\n이성 도둑이 플레이어에게 전투피해를 입힐 때마다, 그 플레이어의 서고 맨 위 카드 세 장을 보고, 그중 한 장을 뒷면 상태로 추방한 후, 나머지는 그 플레이어의 무덤에 넣는다. 그 카드가 추방된 상태로 남아 있는 한, 당신은 그 카드를 볼 수 있고, 발동할 수 있으며, 그 주문의 발동비용을 지불하기 위한 마나는 원하는 유형의 마나인 것처럼 사용할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 스펙터"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454768,
                    "name": "Ladra da Sanidade",
                    "text": "Voar\nToda vez que Ladra da Sanidade causar dano de combate a um jogador, olhe os três cards do topo do grimório daquele jogador, exile um deles com a face voltada para baixo e, em seguida, coloque o restante no cemitério daquele jogador. Enquanto aquele card permanecer exilado, você poderá olhá-lo, conjurá-lo e gastar mana como se fosse de qualquer tipo para conjurá-lo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espectro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455027,
                    "name": "Вор Рассудка",
                    "text": "Полет\nКаждый раз, когда Вор Рассудка наносит боевые повреждения игроку, посмотрите три верхние карты библиотеки того игрока, изгоните одну из них рубашкой вверх, затем положите остальные на его кладбище. Пока та карта остается в изгнании, вы можете смотреть ее, можете разыграть ее, если это карта заклинания, и можете тратить на разыгрывание того заклинания ману, как если бы это была мана любого типа.",
                    "type": "Существо — Призрак"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455286,
                    "name": "心智窃贼",
                    "text": "飞行\n每当心智窃贼对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,检视该牌手牌库顶的三张牌,将其中一张牌面朝下地放逐,然后将其余的牌置入其坟墓场。于该牌持续放逐的时段内,你可以检视之,你可以施放之,且你可以将法术力视同任意种类的法术力来支付施放该咒语的费用。",
                    "type": "生物 ~幽灵"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455545,
                    "name": "心智竊賊",
                    "text": "飛行\n每當心智竊賊對任一玩家造成戰鬥傷害時,檢視該玩家牌庫頂的三張牌,將其中一張牌面朝下地放逐,然後將其餘的牌置入其墳墓場。於該牌持續放逐的時段內,你可以檢視之,你可以施放之,且你可以將魔法力視同任意種類的魔法力來支付施放該咒語的費用。",
                    "type": "生物 ~幽靈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452955,
            "name": "Thief of Sanity",
            "number": "205",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhenever Thief of Sanity deals combat damage to a player, look at the top three cards of that player's library, exile one of them face down, then put the rest into their graveyard. For as long as that card remains exiled, you may look at it, you may cast it, and you may spend mana as though it were mana of any type to cast that spell.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Specter",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Thief of Sanity’s effect doesn’t change when you can cast the exiled card. For example, if you exile a sorcery card, you can cast it only during your main phase when the stack is empty."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "An effect that instructs you to “cast” a card doesn’t allow you to play lands."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can still cast the exiled card if Thief of Sanity leaves the battlefield or leaves your control. If another player gains control of Thief of Sanity, that player can’t cast the exiled card."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Casting an exiled card causes it to leave exile. You can’t cast it multiple times."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if a player leaves the game, all cards that player owns leave as well. If you leave the game, any spells or permanents you control from Thief of Sanity’s effect are exiled, and any of the face-down exiled cards remain face down indefinitely. No player may look at them."
            "scryfallId": "307543ca-8e17-433f-9758-4c77da6c0870",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b270f8cf-d0a3-448f-a023-3e1581a3fbcb",
            "scryfallOracleId": "68b51d58-7566-4a26-8c31-8da32799bea7",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176941,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhenever Thief of Sanity deals combat damage to a player, look at the top three cards of that player's library, exile one of them face down, then put the rest into their graveyard. You may look at and cast that card for as long as it remains exiled, and you may spend mana as though it were mana of any type to cast that spell.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Specter",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5bcb06b0-3abb-5ced-894a-dae231ea9fad",
            "uuidV421": "09787af4-9a68-5a31-8aac-a2709aca7b4d",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Anna Steinbauer",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"It's truly the highest honor, isn't it? To be remembered? Pity for you.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Es ist wahrlich die höchste Ehre, nicht wahr? Nicht vergessen zu werden? Zu dumm für dich.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453215,
                    "name": "Gedankenlöschung",
                    "text": "Ein Gegner deiner Wahl zeigt die Karten auf seiner Hand offen vor. Du bestimmst davon eine Karte, die kein Land ist. Der Spieler wirft die bestimmte Karte ab.\nÜberwachen 1. (Schaue dir die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst sie auf deinen Friedhof legen.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Es el mayor honor de todos, ¿verdad? Que te recuerden. Mala suerte para ti\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453474,
                    "name": "Borrar los pensamientos",
                    "text": "El oponente objetivo muestra su mano. Tú eliges de ahí una carta que no sea tierra. Ese jugador descarta esa carta.\nEscruta 1. (Mira la primera carta de tu biblioteca. Puedes ponerla en tu cementerio.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« C'est un véritable honneur, pas vrai ? De ne pas être oublié ? Dommage pour toi. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453733,
                    "name": "Effacement des pensées",
                    "text": "L'adversaire ciblé révèle sa main. Vous y choisissez une carte non-terrain. Ce joueur se défausse de cette carte.\nSurveillez 1. (Regardez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez la mettre dans votre cimetière.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"È l'onore più grande, no? Essere ricordati, dico. Peccato che a te non toccherà.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453992,
                    "name": "Cancellazione del Pensiero",
                    "text": "Un avversario bersaglio rivela la sua mano. Scegli una carta non terra da quella mano. Quel giocatore scarta quella carta.\nSorveglia 1. (Guarda la prima carta del tuo grimorio. Puoi metterla nel tuo cimitero.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「この上なく光栄なことでしょ、誰かの記憶に残るということは。ねえ?可哀そうに。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454251,
                    "name": "思考消去",
                    "text": "対戦相手1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは自分の手札を公開する。あなたはその中から土地でないカード1枚を選ぶ。そのプレイヤーはそのカードを捨てる。\n諜報1を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを見る。あなたはそのカードをあなたの墓地に置いてもよい。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"정말로 최고의 영광이지, 그렇지 않아? 기억된다는 것 말이야? 안됐네.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454510,
                    "name": "기억 소거",
                    "text": "상대를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 손을 공개한다. 그중 대지가 아닌 카드 한 장을 선택한다. 그 플레이어는 그 카드를 버린다.\n감시 1을 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 한 장을 본다. 당신은 그 카드를 당신의 무덤에 넣을 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"É mesmo a maior das honras, não é? Ficar na memória? Que pena pra você.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454769,
                    "name": "Dissolução do Pensamento",
                    "text": "O oponente alvo revela a própria mão. Você escolhe um card que não seja um terreno da mão dele. Aquele jogador descarta aquele card.\nVigiar 1. (Olhe o card do topo de seu grimório. Você pode colocá‑lo em seu cemitério.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Это ведь на самом деле величайшая честь, верно? Чтобы тебя запомнили? Что ж, мне тебя очень жаль».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455028,
                    "name": "Стирание Мыслей",
                    "text": "Целевой оппонент показывает свою руку. Вы выбираете из нее карту, не являющуюся землей. Тот игрок сбрасывает ту карту.\nСлежка 1. (Посмотрите верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки. Вы можете положить ее на ваше кладбище.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「英勇事迹被人永记心间?这确实算是最高荣誉了吧?真可惜。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455287,
                    "name": "抹消思绪",
                    "text": "目标对手展示其手牌。你选择其中一张非地牌。该牌手弃掉该牌。\n刺探1。(检视你牌库顶的牌。你可以将其置入你的坟墓场。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「英勇事蹟被人永記心間?這確實算是最高榮譽了吧?真可惜。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455546,
                    "name": "抹消思緒",
                    "text": "目標對手展示其手牌。你選擇其中一張非地牌。該玩家棄掉該牌。\n刺探1。(檢視你牌庫頂的牌。你可以將其置入你的墳墓場。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452956,
            "name": "Thought Erasure",
            "number": "206",
            "originalText": "Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card.\nSurveil 1. <i>(Look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your graveyard.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You surveil 1 even if the opponent doesn’t discard a card, perhaps because they had no cards in hand at all."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Some spells that instruct you to surveil require targets. You can’t cast a spell without choosing legal targets. If all of those targets become illegal, the spell doesn’t resolve and you won’t surveil."
            "scryfallId": "7ce226ad-cb1d-47f5-90fc-27704e181884",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d8af1b0b-6d64-4e50-a865-854552ff7b09",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4bae4e34-fcf4-4aee-8da2-5b3ee41a595a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175178,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card.\nSurveil 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your graveyard.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7d507ff1-7539-5c7a-9e44-e39dad10407f",
            "uuidV421": "2aaf0757-d02f-5ddc-abd7-e110dbc2fd91",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Johann Bodin",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453064,
                    "name": "Gedankengebundenes Trugbild",
                    "text": "Verteidiger\nImmer wenn du Überwachen anwendest, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf das Gedankengebundene Trugbild.\nSolange drei oder mehr +1/+1-Marken auf dem Gedankengebundenen Trugbild liegen, kann es angreifen, als ob es nicht Verteidiger hätte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Geist"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453323,
                    "name": "Fantasma preso de conceptos",
                    "text": "Defensor.\nSiempre que escrutes, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre el Fantasma preso de conceptos.\nMientras el Fantasma preso de conceptos tenga tres o más contadores +1/+1 sobre él, puede atacar como si no tuviera la habilidad de defensor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espíritu"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453582,
                    "name": "Phantasme esclave",
                    "text": "Défenseur\nÀ chaque fois que vous surveillez, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur le Phantasme esclave.\nTant que le Phantasme esclave a au moins trois marqueurs +1/+1 sur lui, il peut attaquer comme s'il n'avait pas le défenseur.",
                    "type": "Créature : esprit"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453841,
                    "name": "Fantasma Psicovincolato",
                    "text": "Difensore\nOgniqualvolta sorvegli, metti un segnalino +1/+1 sul Fantasma Psicovincolato.\nFintanto che il Fantasma Psicovincolato ha tre o più segnalini +1/+1, può attaccare come se non avesse difensore.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Spirito"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454100,
                    "name": "思考繋ぎの幻",
                    "text": "防衛\nあなたが諜報を行うたび、思考繋ぎの幻の上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。\n思考繋ぎの幻の上に+1/+1カウンターが3個以上置かれているかぎり、これは防衛を持たないかのように攻撃できる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スピリット"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454359,
                    "name": "생각에 사로잡힌 허깨비",
                    "text": "수비태세\n당신이 감시할 때마다, 생각에 사로잡힌 허깨비에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.\n생각에 사로잡힌 허깨비에 +1/+1 카운터가 세 개 이상 있는 한, 생각에 사로잡힌 허깨비는 수비태세가 없는 것처럼 공격할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 신령"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454618,
                    "name": "Fantasma dos Laços Mentais",
                    "text": "Defensor\nToda vez que você usar vigiar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Fantasma dos Laços Mentais.\nEnquanto Fantasma dos Laços Mentais tiver três ou mais marcadores +1/+1, ele poderá atacar como se não tivesse defensor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espírito"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454877,
                    "name": "Связанный Мыслью Фантом",
                    "text": "Защитник\nКаждый раз, когда вы используете Слежку, положите один жетон +1/+1 на Связанного Мыслью Фантома.\nПока на Связанном Мыслью Фантоме есть три или более жетонов +1/+1, он может атаковать, как если бы у него не было способности Защитника.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дух"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455136,
                    "name": "缚念幻象",
                    "text": "守军\n每当你刺探时,在缚念幻象上放置一个+1/+1指示物。\n只要缚念幻象上面有三个或更多+1/+1指示物,它便能视同不具守军异能地进行攻击。",
                    "type": "生物 ~精怪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455395,
                    "name": "縛念幻象",
                    "text": "守軍\n每當你刺探時,在縛念幻象上放置一個+1/+1指示物。\n只要縛念幻象上面有三個或更多+1/+1指示物,它便能視同不具守軍異能地進行攻擊。",
                    "type": "生物 ~精靈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452805,
            "name": "Thoughtbound Phantasm",
            "number": "55",
            "originalText": "Defender\nWhenever you surveil, put a +1/+1 counter on Thoughtbound Phantasm.\nAs long as Thoughtbound Phantasm has three or more +1/+1 counters on it, it can attack as though it didn't have defender.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Spirit",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You put only one +1/+1 counter on Thoughtbound Phantasm each time you surveil, no matter how many cards you looked at when you surveilled."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Once Thoughtbound Phantasm has attacked, removing +1/+1 counters from it won’t remove it from combat."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you surveil” triggers after you’re done surveilling, even if you have fewer cards in your library than the number of cards you’re instructed to surveil. It even triggers if you have no cards in your library."
            "scryfallId": "36478e73-162a-412c-bf5b-9ca0d92f51e2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2c8a3549-413d-466c-b548-d5db99366fe5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ca14f1b6-e8c2-4ea5-9375-5ed63f355052",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176584,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender\nWhenever you surveil, put a +1/+1 counter on Thoughtbound Phantasm.\nAs long as Thoughtbound Phantasm has three or more +1/+1 counters on it, it can attack as though it didn't have defender.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Spirit",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "02fe37dd-af15-5a75-81c5-075eef1ad00b",
            "uuidV421": "4bb6f791-da4a-56ba-bb55-d4cb3c1b3be4",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Dimitar Marinski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "Ral's storm crackled with mystical detections: Planeswalkers were infiltrating Ravnica.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Rals Sturm knisterte als mystisches Warnzeichen: Planeswalker infiltrierten Ravnica!",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453216,
                    "name": "Jahrtausendsturm",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkst, kopiere ihn bzw. sie einmal für jeden anderen Spontanzauber und jede andere Hexerei, die du zuvor in diesem Zug gewirkt hast. Du kannst neue Ziele für die Kopien bestimmen.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "La tormenta de Ral restallaba con detecciones místicas: había Planeswalkers infiltrándose en Rávnica.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453475,
                    "name": "Tormenta de los Mil Años",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro, cópialo por cada otro hechizo de instantáneo y de conjuro que hayas lanzado antes que él este turno. Puedes elegir nuevos objetivos para las copias.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "La tempête de Ral crépita sous l'effet des détections mystiques. Des Planeswalkers étaient en train de s'infiltrer sur Ravnica.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453734,
                    "name": "Tempête de mille ans",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel, copiez-le pour chaque autre sort d'éphémère et de rituel que vous avez lancé avant lui ce tour-ci. Vous pouvez choisir de nouvelles cibles pour ces copies.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "La tempesta di Ral crepitava segnalando rilevazioni mistiche: dei Planeswalker si stavano infiltrando su Ravnica.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453993,
                    "name": "Tempesta Millenaria",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo o stregoneria, copiala per ogni altra magia istantaneo o stregoneria che hai lanciato prima in questo turno. Puoi scegliere nuovi bersagli per le copie.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "ラルの嵐が謎めいた反応に音を立てた。プレインズウォーカーがラヴニカに侵入している。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454252,
                    "name": "千年嵐",
                    "text": "あなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、このターンにあなたがそれより前に唱えたインスタントかソーサリーである他の呪文1つにつき1つ、それをコピーする。あなたはそれらのコピーの新しい対象を選んでもよい。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "랄의 폭풍이 신비한 탐지와 함께 파직거렸다: 플레인즈워커들이 라브니카로 침입하고 있었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454511,
                    "name": "천 년에 한 번 있는 폭풍",
                    "text": "당신이 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 당신이 이번 턴에 앞서 발동한 다른 순간마법과 집중마법 주문의 수만큼 그 주문을 복사한다. 당신은 그 복사본들의 목표를 새로 정할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "A tempestade de Ral crepitava com as detecções místicas: planeswalkers estavam se infiltrando em Ravnica.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454770,
                    "name": "Tempestade do Milênio",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjurar uma mágica instantânea ou um feitiço, copie-a para cada outra mágica instantânea ou feitiço que você conjurou neste turno. Você pode escolher novos alvos para as cópias.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "Буря Рала потрескивала от магических возмущений: Planeswalker-ы собирались в Равнике.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455029,
                    "name": "Буря Тысячелетия",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, скопируйте его за каждое другое мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, которое вы разыграли до него в этом ходу. Вы можете выбрать новые цели для тех копий.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "拉尔的风暴在玄秘探测之时劈啪作响:鹏洛客正在潜入拉尼卡。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455288,
                    "name": "千年风暴",
                    "text": "每当你施放瞬间或法术咒语时,你本回合于此咒语之前每施放过一个瞬间或法术咒语,便将此咒语复制一次。你可以为每个复制品选择新的目标。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "拉爾的風暴在玄秘探測之時劈啪作響:鵬洛客正在潛入拉尼卡。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455547,
                    "name": "千年風暴",
                    "text": "每當你施放瞬間或巫術咒語時,你本回合於此咒語之前每施放過一個瞬間或巫術咒語,便將此咒語複製一次。你可以為每個複製品選擇新的目標。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452957,
            "name": "Thousand-Year Storm",
            "number": "207",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, copy it for each other instant and sorcery spell you've cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Spells you’ve cast that were countered were still cast, and so will add copies when Thousand-Year Storm’s ability resolves for later spells in the turn."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect instructs you to cast multiple spells, they’re cast one at a time in any order."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Thousand-Year Storm’s ability will copy any instant or sorcery spell, not just one with targets."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Copies are created even if the spell that caused Thousand-Year Storm’s ability to trigger has been countered by the time that ability resolves. The copies resolve before the original spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The copies will have the same targets as the spell they’re copying unless you choose new ones. You may change any number of the targets, including all of them or none of them. The new targets must be legal."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied is modal (that is, it says “Choose one —” or the like), the copies will have the same mode or modes. You can’t choose different ones."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell that’s copied has an X whose value was determined as it was cast, the copies will have the same value of X."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the spell has damage divided as it was cast, the division can’t be changed (although the targets receiving that damage still can). The same is true of spells that distribute counters."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can’t choose to pay any additional costs for the copies. However, effects based on any additional costs that were paid for the original spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy too."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The copies that Thousand-Year Storm’s ability creates are created on the stack, so they’re not “cast.” Abilities that trigger when a player casts a spell (such as that of Thousand-Year Storm itself) won’t trigger."
            "scryfallId": "270a0863-7d07-43f0-925d-a8ce0383a1cb",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "dd99910a-00c2-47e8-8c9a-82ee413efd31",
            "scryfallOracleId": "dd4cf149-2fae-40e5-b50b-639f6bcec65e",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176779,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, copy it for each other instant and sorcery spell you've cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f4ad1259-7875-5245-9119-2a9e668aaf1b",
            "uuidV421": "7389ddec-0eba-5e51-8dda-7f4423d0c1ec",
            "watermark": "planeswalker"
            "artist": "Mark Zug",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Light a torch and deliver this letter\" were his instructions, which he unfortunately reversed.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Entzünde eine Fackel und überbringe diesen Brief\", lauteten seine Anweisungen, die er leider verwechselte.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453128,
                    "name": "Fackelkurier",
                    "text": "Eile\nOpfere den Fackelkurier: Eine andere Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält Eile bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "Sus instrucciones fueron: \"Enciende una antorcha y entrega esta carta\". Lamentablemente, lo hizo al revés.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453387,
                    "name": "Mensajero de la antorcha",
                    "text": "Prisa.\nSacrificar al Mensajero de la antorcha: Otra criatura objetivo gana la habilidad de prisa hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "Il reçut ces instructions : « Allume une torche et livre cette lettre ». Malheureusement, il fit l'inverse.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453646,
                    "name": "Messager porte-torche",
                    "text": "Célérité\nSacrifiez le Messager porte-torche : Une autre créature ciblée acquiert la célérité jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin"
                    "flavorText": "Le sue istruzioni erano: \"Accendi una torcia e consegna questa lettera\". Purtroppo, ha invertito i verbi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453905,
                    "name": "Corriere della Torcia",
                    "text": "Rapidità\nSacrifica il Corriere della Torcia: Un'altra creatura bersaglio ha rapidità fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "「松明に火を付けて、この手紙を届けよ。」という指示であったが、残念ながら彼は逆をやってしまった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454164,
                    "name": "松明の急使",
                    "text": "速攻\n松明の急使を生け贄に捧げる:他のクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは速攻を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン"
                    "flavorText": "\"횃불에 불을 붙이고 이 편지를 전해라\"가 그가 받은 지시였지만, 불행히도 그는 그 지시를 거꾸로 수행했다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454423,
                    "name": "횃불 운반원",
                    "text": "신속\n횃불 운반원을 희생한다: 다른 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 신속을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린"
                    "flavorText": "As instruções eram: \"Acenda uma tocha e entregue esta carta.\" Infelizmente ele confundiu tudo.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454682,
                    "name": "Mensageiro da Tocha",
                    "text": "Ímpeto\nSacrifique Mensageiro da Tocha: Outra criatura alvo ganha ímpeto até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "«Зажги факел и доставь это письмо», — приказали ему, но он, к сожалению, все перепутал.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454941,
                    "name": "Факелоносец",
                    "text": "Ускорение\nПожертвуйте Факелоносца: другое целевое существо получает Ускорение до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин"
                    "flavorText": "原本给的指示是「点火,送信」,但他弄反了。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455200,
                    "name": "火炬讯使",
                    "text": "敏捷\n牺牲火炬讯使:另一个目标生物获得敏捷异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪"
                    "flavorText": "原本給的指示是「點火,送信」,但他弄反了。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455459,
                    "name": "火炬訊使",
                    "text": "敏捷\n犧牲火炬訊使:另一個目標生物獲得敏捷異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452869,
            "name": "Torch Courier",
            "number": "119",
            "originalText": "Haste\nSacrifice Torch Courier: Another target creature gains haste until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "d4c9fc8c-e68f-4636-84b8-877f6ec04b09",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "538149ec-7b4c-49ef-ae20-dadc6937af8a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "34e2d6eb-aad4-4776-872e-cebab3938aa0",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176931,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Haste\nSacrifice Torch Courier: Another target creature gains haste until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ca4d1290-2d10-5dc1-90f3-04fb4498485a",
            "uuidV421": "9ba0b7d1-8706-5c6d-88e6-1d95470b9e14"
            "artist": "Chase Stone",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453217,
                    "name": "Trostani die Entzweite",
                    "text": "Andere Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+1.\nWenn Trostani die Entzweite ins Spiel kommt, erzeuge zwei 1/1 weiße Soldat-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Lebensverknüpfung.\nZu Beginn deines Endsegments übernimmt jeder Spieler die Kontrolle über alle Kreaturen, die er besitzt.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Dryade"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453476,
                    "name": "Trostani en desacuerdo",
                    "text": "Las otras criaturas que controlas obtienen +1/+1.\nCuando Trostani en desacuerdo entre al campo de batalla, crea dos fichas de criatura Soldado blancas 1/1 con la habilidad de vínculo vital.\nAl comienzo de tu paso final, cada jugador gana el control de todas las criaturas de las que es propietario.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Dríada"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453735,
                    "name": "Trostani la discordante",
                    "text": "Les autres créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+1.\nQuand Trostani la discordante arrive sur le champ de bataille, créez deux jetons de créature 1/1 blanche Soldat avec le lien de vie.\nAu début de votre étape de fin, chaque joueur acquiert le contrôle de toutes les créatures qu'il possède.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : dryade"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453994,
                    "name": "Trostani Discorde",
                    "text": "Le altre creature che controlli prendono +1/+1.\nQuando Trostani Discorde entra nel campo di battaglia, crea due pedine creatura Soldato 1/1 bianche con legame vitale.\nAll'inizio della tua sottofase finale, ogni giocatore prende il controllo di tutte le creature che possiede.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Driade"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454253,
                    "name": "不和のトロスターニ",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャーは+1/+1の修整を受ける。\n不和のトロスターニが戦場に出たとき、絆魂を持つ白の1/1の兵士・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。\nあなたの終了ステップの開始時に、各プレイヤーは自分がオーナーであるすべてのクリーチャーのコントロールを得る。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — ドライアド"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454512,
                    "name": "불협화음의 트로스타니",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 다른 생물들은 +1/+1을 받는다.\n불협화음의 트로스타니가 전장에 들어올 때, 생명연결을 가진 1/1 백색 병사 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다.\n당신의 종료단 시작에, 각 플레이어는 자신이 소유한 모든 생물의 조종권을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 드라이어드"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454771,
                    "name": "Trostani em Desacordo",
                    "text": "As outras criaturas que você controla recebem +1/+1.\nQuando Trostani em Desacordo entrar no campo de batalha, crie duas fichas de criatura branca 1/1 do tipo Soldado com vínculo com a vida.\nNo início de sua etapa final, cada jogador ganha o controle de todas as criaturas de que for dono.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Dríade"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455030,
                    "name": "Тростани Расколотая",
                    "text": "Другие существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+1.\nКогда Тростани Расколотая выходит на поле битвы, создайте две фишки существа 1/1 белый Солдат с Цепью жизни.\nВ начале вашего заключительного шага каждый игрок получает контроль над всеми принадлежащими ему существами.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Дриада"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455289,
                    "name": "异声卓塔妮",
                    "text": "由你操控的其他生物得+1/+1。\n当异声卓塔妮进战场时,派出两个1/1白色,具系命异能的士兵衍生生物。\n在你的结束步骤开始时,每位牌手各获得所有由其拥有之生物的操控权。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~树灵"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455548,
                    "name": "異聲卓塔妮",
                    "text": "由你操控的其他生物得+1/+1。\n當異聲卓塔妮進戰場時,派出兩個1/1白色,具繫命異能的士兵衍生生物。\n在你的結束步驟開始時,每位玩家各獲得所有由其擁有之生物的操控權。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~樹靈"
            "frameEffect": "legendary",
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{G}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452958,
            "name": "Trostani Discordant",
            "names": [],
            "number": "208",
            "originalText": "Other creatures you control get +1/+1.\nWhen Trostani Discordant enters the battlefield, create two 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens with lifelink.\nAt the beginning of your end step, each player gains control of all creatures they own.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Dryad",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The owner of a token is the player who created it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because damage remains marked on a creature until it’s removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to other creatures you control may become lethal if Trostani leaves the battlefield during that turn."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature has an ability that triggers at the beginning of each end step and Trostani’s ability causes you to gain control of it, the ability of that creature is still controlled by the creature’s former controller. If the creature has an ability that triggers at the beginning of your end step, that ability doesn’t trigger when you gain control of it."
            "scryfallId": "fa1190a4-3d7e-4500-991f-e36ec3d1d9dc",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3fc48070-4c9f-44ab-bb49-1c314e9b07ca",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9a2fdc0e-e0de-47fc-95e4-04e725ddf060",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176682,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Other creatures you control get +1/+1.\nWhen Trostani Discordant enters the battlefield, create two 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens with lifelink.\nAt the beginning of your end step, each player gains control of all creatures they own.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Dryad",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b3486493-f2ad-5d72-adc8-d3339a718619",
            "uuidV421": "23e9ea60-8577-5647-b99b-10958ffc2e13",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Chris Rallis",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453218,
                    "name": "Feuertreu-Feldherrin",
                    "text": "Mentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)\nImmer wenn der Feuertreu-Feldherrin Schaden zugefügt wird, fügt sie einem Spieler deiner Wahl ebenso viele Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453477,
                    "name": "Capitana Fuego Auténtico",
                    "text": "Mentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)\nSiempre que la Capitana Fuego Auténtico reciba daño, hace esa misma cantidad de daño al jugador objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453736,
                    "name": "Capitaine de Feuréal",
                    "text": "Mentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)\nÀ chaque fois que la Capitaine de Feuréal subit des blessures, elle inflige autant de blessures au joueur ciblé.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453995,
                    "name": "Capitana del Fuocovero",
                    "text": "Mentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)\nOgniqualvolta viene inflitto danno alla Capitana del Fuocovero, essa infligge altrettanti danni a un giocatore bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454254,
                    "name": "真火の隊長",
                    "text": "教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)\n真火の隊長にダメージが与えられるたび、プレイヤー1人を対象とする。これはそのプレイヤーにそのダメージに等しい点数のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454513,
                    "name": "진리화염 대장",
                    "text": "지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)\n진리화염 대장이 피해를 입을 때마다, 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 진리화염 대장은 그 플레이어에게 그만큼의 피해를 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454772,
                    "name": "Capitã do Fogo Genuíno",
                    "text": "Mentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)\nToda vez que Capitã do Fogo Genuíno sofre dano, ela causa a mesma quantidade de dano ao jogador alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455031,
                    "name": "Капитан Истинного Огня",
                    "text": "Наставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)\nКаждый раз, когда Капитану Истинного Огня наносятся повреждения, она наносит столько же повреждений целевому игроку.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455290,
                    "name": "精炎队长",
                    "text": "训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)\n每当精炎队长受到伤害时,它对目标牌手造成等量的伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455549,
                    "name": "精炎隊長",
                    "text": "訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)\n每當精炎隊長受到傷害時,它對目標玩家造成等量的傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}{R}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452959,
            "name": "Truefire Captain",
            "number": "209",
            "originalText": "Mentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>\nWhenever Truefire Captain is dealt damage, it deals that much damage to target player.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Truefire Captain’s last ability will trigger even if it is dealt lethal damage. For example, if it’s dealt damage by a 7/7 creature it’s blocking, its ability will trigger and Truefire Captain will deal 7 damage to the target player."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If your life total is brought to 0 or less at the same time that Truefire Captain is dealt damage, you lose the game before its triggered ability goes on the stack."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mentor compares the power of the creature with mentor with that of the target creature at two different times: once as the triggered ability is put onto the stack, and once as the triggered ability resolves. If you wish to raise a creature’s power so its mentor ability can target a bigger creature, the last chance you have to do so is during the beginning of combat step."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature’s power is no longer less than the attacking creature’s power as the ability resolves, mentor doesn’t add a +1/+1 counter. For example, if two 3/3 creatures with mentor attack and both mentor triggers target the same 2/2 creature, the first to resolve puts a +1/+1 counter on it and the second does nothing."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the creature with mentor leaves the battlefield with mentor on the stack, use its power as that creature last existed on the battlefield to determine whether the target creature has less power."
            "scryfallId": "6099a230-9298-4649-b257-243af40d0625",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "888fea0c-0a03-4d14-a572-5e7937d23daa",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3677e743-8d3d-4ec7-8bfe-21e36979a79b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176704,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Mentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)\nWhenever Truefire Captain is dealt damage, it deals that much damage to target player.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ffa4bd9d-6383-5179-badf-fd28f044fd2e",
            "uuidV421": "f7e6523d-8019-523a-9ebb-596a27b568f3",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "In its territory, living is an affront.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "In seinem Territorium ist alles Lebende ein Affront.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453096,
                    "name": "Unterstadt-Nekrolisk",
                    "text": "{1}, opfere eine andere Kreatur: Lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf den Unterstadt-Nekrolisken. Er erhält Bedrohlichkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. Aktiviere diese Fähigkeit nur zu einem Zeitpunkt, zu dem du auch eine Hexerei wirken könntest. (Er kann nicht geblockt werden, außer von zwei oder mehr Kreaturen.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zombie, Eidechse"
                    "flavorText": "En su territorio, vivir es una afrenta.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453355,
                    "name": "Necrolisco de la Subciudad",
                    "text": "{1}, sacrificar otra criatura: Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre el Necrolisco de la Subciudad. Gana la habilidad de amenaza hasta el final del turno. Activa esta habilidad solo cuando puedas lanzar un conjuro. (No puede ser bloqueada excepto por dos o más criaturas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Lagarto zombie"
                    "flavorText": "Sur son territoire, vivre est un affront.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453614,
                    "name": "Nécrobasilic de la Citerraine",
                    "text": "{1}, sacrifiez une autre créature : Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur le Nécrobasilic de la Citerraine. Il acquiert la menace jusqu'à la fin du tour. N'activez cette capacité que lorsque vous pourriez lancer un rituel. (Il ne peut pas être bloqué excepté par deux créatures ou plus.)",
                    "type": "Créature : zombie et lézard"
                    "flavorText": "Nel suo territorio, vivere è un affronto.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453873,
                    "name": "Necrolisco della Città Sepolta",
                    "text": "{1}, Sacrifica un'altra creatura: Metti un segnalino +1/+1 sul Necrolisco della Città Sepolta. Ha minacciare fino alla fine del turno. Attiva questa abilità solo quando potresti lanciare una stregoneria. (Non può essere bloccato tranne che da due o più creature.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Lucertola Zombie"
                    "flavorText": "その縄張りでは、生きていることが侮辱にあたる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454132,
                    "name": "地底街のネクロリスク",
                    "text": "{1}, 他のクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる:地底街のネクロリスクの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。ターン終了時まで、これは威迫を得る。この能力は、あなたがソーサリーを唱えられるときにのみ起動できる。(それは2体以上のクリーチャーによってしかブロックされない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゾンビ・トカゲ"
                    "flavorText": "그것의 영역에서, 삶은 모욕이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454391,
                    "name": "지하 도시 네크로리스크",
                    "text": "{1}, 다른 생물 한 개를 희생한다: 지하 도시 네크로리스크에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 지하 도시 네크로리스크는 턴종료까지 호전적을 얻는다. 당신이 집중마법을 발동할 수 있는 시기에만 이 능력을 활성화할 수 있다. (이 생물은 두 개 이상의 생물에게만 방어될 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 좀비 도마뱀"
                    "flavorText": "Em seu território, viver é uma afronta.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454650,
                    "name": "Necrolisco do Submundo",
                    "text": "{1}, sacrifique outra criatura: Coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Necrolisco do Submundo. Ele ganha ameaçar até o final do turno. Ative esta habilidade somente nos momentos em que poderia conjurar um feitiço. (Ele só pode ser bloqueado por duas ou mais criaturas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Zumbi Lagarto"
                    "flavorText": "На его территории быть живым — это прямой вызов.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454909,
                    "name": "Некролиск из Подземного Города",
                    "text": "{1}, пожертвуйте другое существо: положите один жетон +1/+1 на Некролиска из Подземного Города. Он получает Угрозу до конца хода. Активируйте эту способность только при возможности разыгрывать волшебство. (Он не может быть заблокирован менее чем двумя существами.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Зомби Ящер"
                    "flavorText": "在它的地盘上,活着就是令它难堪。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455168,
                    "name": "地底城尸蜥",
                    "text": "{1},牺牲另一个生物:在地底城尸蜥上放置一个+1/+1指示物。它获得威慑异能直到回合结束。只可以于你能施放法术的时机下起动此异能。(它只能被两个或更多生物阻挡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~灵俑/蜥蜴"
                    "flavorText": "在牠的地盤上,活著就是令牠難堪。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455427,
                    "name": "地底城屍蜥",
                    "text": "{1},犧牲另一個生物:在地底城屍蜥上放置一個+1/+1指示物。它獲得威懾異能直到回合結束。只可以於你能施放巫術的時機下起動此異能。(它只能被兩個或更多生物阻擋。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~殭屍/蜥蜴"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452837,
            "name": "Undercity Necrolisk",
            "number": "87",
            "originalText": "{1}, Sacrifice another creature: Put a +1/+1 counter on Undercity Necrolisk. It gains menace until end of turn. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery. <i>(It can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Zombie Lizard",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Multiple instances of menace on the same creature are redundant."
            "scryfallId": "2571d168-38d4-46d7-afae-ffbd12bd2313",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "beb56860-5b34-4146-baca-82be8a874c8b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b3418d92-81de-4575-b8da-563be6b31b91",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176938,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}, Sacrifice another creature: Put a +1/+1 counter on Undercity Necrolisk. It gains menace until end of turn. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery. (It can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Zombie Lizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "55139d9a-d4c4-5149-ace5-12566718089e",
            "uuidV421": "adfb46b5-c734-5e55-a2dd-4d16db9a2071"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Now it's your turn to hide.\"\n—Vraska",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Nun seid ihr an der Reihe, euch zu verstecken.\"\n—Vraska",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453219,
                    "name": "Aufstand der Unterstadt",
                    "text": "Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten Todesberührung bis zum Ende des Zuges. Dann kämpft eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, gegen eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du nicht kontrollierst. (Jede der Kreaturen fügt der anderen Schadenspunkte in Höhe ihrer Stärke zu.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ahora les toca a ustedes esconderse\".\n—Vraska",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453478,
                    "name": "Revuelta de la Subciudad",
                    "text": "Las criaturas que controlas ganan la habilidad de toque mortal hasta el final del turno. Luego, la criatura objetivo que controlas lucha contra la criatura objetivo que no controlas. (Cada una hace una cantidad de daño igual a su fuerza a la otra.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« C'est à votre tour de vous cacher à présent. »\n—Vraska",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453737,
                    "name": "Soulèvement de la Citerraine",
                    "text": "Les créatures que vous contrôlez acquièrent le contact mortel jusqu'à la fin du tour. Ensuite, une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez se bat contre une créature ciblée que vous ne contrôlez pas. (Chacune inflige un nombre de blessures égal à sa force à l'autre.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ora tocca a voi nascondervi.\"\n—Vraska",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453996,
                    "name": "Rivolta della Città Sepolta",
                    "text": "Le creature che controlli hanno tocco letale fino alla fine del turno. Poi, una creatura bersaglio che controlli lotta con una creatura bersaglio che non controlli. (Ogni creatura infligge all'altra danno pari alla propria forza.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「今度はあなたが隠れる番よ。」\n――ヴラスカ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454255,
                    "name": "地底街の反乱",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体と、あなたがコントロールしていないクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは接死を得る。その後、その前者はその後者と格闘を行う。(それぞれはもう一方に自身のパワーに等しい点数のダメージを与える。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"이제는 네가 숨을 차례로군.\"\n—브라스카",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454514,
                    "name": "지하 도시 봉기",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 치명타를 얻는다. 그 후 당신이 조종하는 생물과 당신이 조종하지 않는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 두 생물은 서로 싸운다. (각 생물은 서로에게 각자의 공격력만큼 피해를 입힌다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Agora é a hora de vocês se esconderem.\"\n— Vraska",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454773,
                    "name": "Levante no Submundo",
                    "text": "As criaturas que você controla ganham toque mortífero até o final do turno. A criatura alvo que você controla luta contra a criatura alvo que você não controla. (Cada uma causa à outra uma quantidade de dano igual ao próprio poder.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Теперь ваша очередь прятаться».\n— Враска",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455032,
                    "name": "Восстание Подземного Города",
                    "text": "Существа под вашим контролем получают Смертельное касание до конца хода. Затем целевое существо под вашим контролем дерется с целевым существом не под вашим контролем. (Они наносят друг другу повреждения, равные своей силе.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「现在该轮到你们躲躲藏藏了。」\n~瓦丝卡",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455291,
                    "name": "地底城抗暴",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物获得死触异能直到回合结束。然后目标由你操控的生物与目标不由你操控的生物互斗。(它们各向对方造成等同于本身力量的伤害。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「現在該輪到你們躲躲藏藏了。」\n~瓦絲卡",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455550,
                    "name": "地底城抗暴",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物獲得死觸異能直到回合結束。然後目標由你操控的生物與目標不由你操控的生物互鬥。(它們各向對方造成等同於本身力量的傷害。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452960,
            "name": "Undercity Uprising",
            "number": "210",
            "originalText": "Creatures you control gain deathtouch until end of turn. Then target creature you control fights target creature you don't control. <i>(Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Remember that a source with deathtouch has to deal damage, but not necessarily combat damage, to destroy another creature. As long as the fighting creature you control has power greater than 0 (and the damage isn’t prevented), the fighting creature you don’t control will be destroyed."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If one of the two target creatures is an illegal target by the time Undercity Uprising tries to resolve, no creature deals or is dealt damage. Creatures you control still gain deathtouch."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If both target creatures are illegal targets by the time Undercity Uprising tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. No creatures deal damage or gain deathtouch."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The first part of Undercity Uprising’s effect affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures you begin to control later in the turn won’t gain deathtouch."
            "scryfallId": "7e1e08bf-a5d6-48bb-9f7f-4711f9ec88d7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "86dada2f-2b07-41ad-8576-1b5b4419aa87",
            "scryfallOracleId": "53e540b5-8338-4b21-a61a-c5b7fe652a6e",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176843,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Creatures you control gain deathtouch until end of turn. Then target creature you control fights target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "db28b1ee-655c-5242-8798-e3bdfaf5fe3a",
            "uuidV421": "97b02e34-cdc3-5c28-b882-8edc1695c610",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Anna Steinbauer",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"You've strayed, overworlder.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Du bist vom Weg abgekommen, Oberweltler.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453220,
                    "name": "Unterreich-Lich",
                    "text": "Falls du eine Karte ziehen würdest, schaue dir stattdessen die obersten drei Karten deiner Bibliothek an, nimm dann eine davon auf deine Hand und lege den Rest auf deinen Friedhof.\nBezahle 4 Lebenspunkte: Der Unterreich-Lich erhält Unzerstörbarkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. Tappe ihn.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zombie, Elf, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Te perdiste, habitante de la superficie\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453479,
                    "name": "Liche del Subreino",
                    "text": "Si fueras a robar una carta, en vez de eso, mira las tres primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon una de ellas en tu mano y el resto en tu cementerio.\nPagar 4 vidas: El Liche del Subreino gana la habilidad de indestructible hasta el final del turno. Gíralo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán elfo zombie"
                    "flavorText": "« Tu t'es égaré, surmondain. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453738,
                    "name": "Liche du Souterrègne",
                    "text": "Si vous deviez piocher une carte, à la place regardez les trois cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez l'une d'elles dans votre main et le reste dans votre cimetière.\nPayez 4 points de vie : La Liche du Souterrègne acquiert l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour. Engagez-la.",
                    "type": "Créature : zombie et elfe et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sei fuori dai tuoi confini, superficiale.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453997,
                    "name": "Lich del Regno Sepolto",
                    "text": "Se stai per pescare una carta, guarda invece le prime tre carte del tuo grimorio, poi aggiungine una alla tua mano e metti le altre nel tuo cimitero.\nPaga 4 punti vita: Il Lich del Regno Sepolto ha indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno. TAPpalo.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Elfo Zombie"
                    "flavorText": "「お前は道に迷ったのだ、地上人よ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454256,
                    "name": "地底王国のリッチ",
                    "text": "あなたがカードを1枚引くなら、代わりにあなたはあなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを3枚見て、そのうち1枚をあなたの手札に加え、残りをあなたの墓地に置く。\n4点のライフを支払う:ターン終了時まで、地底王国のリッチは破壊不能を得る。これをタップする。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゾンビ・エルフ・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "\"길을 잃었군, 지상에 사는 자여.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454515,
                    "name": "지하왕국 리치",
                    "text": "당신이 카드를 뽑게 된다면, 대신 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 세 장을 본 후, 한 장을 당신의 손에 넣고 나머지를 당신의 무덤에 넣는다.\n생명 4점을 지불한다: 지하왕국 리치는 턴종료까지 무적을 얻는다. 지하왕국 리치를 탭한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 좀비 엘프 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Você se perdeu, cimeiro.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454774,
                    "name": "Lich do Reino Subterrâneo",
                    "text": "Se você compraria um card, em vez disso, olhe os três cards do topo de seu grimório e depois coloque um deles em sua mão e os restantes em seu cemitério.\nPague 4 pontos de vida: Lich do Reino Subterrâneo ganha indestrutível até o final do turno. Vire-o.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Zumbi Elfo Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "«Ты заблудился, житель надземного мира».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455033,
                    "name": "Лич Подземного Царства",
                    "text": "Если вы должны взять карту, вместо этого посмотрите три верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите одну из них в вашу руку, а остальные — на ваше кладбище.\nЗаплатите 4 жизни: Лич Подземного Царства получает Неразрушимость до конца хода. Поверните его.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зомби Эльф Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "「你迷路了,普世人。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455292,
                    "name": "地底境巫妖",
                    "text": "如果你将抓一张牌,则改为检视你牌库顶的三张牌,然后将其中一张置于你手上,其余的牌则置入你的坟墓场。\n支付4点生命:地底境巫妖获得不灭异能直到回合结束。将之横置。",
                    "type": "生物 ~灵俑/妖精/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "「你迷路了,普世人。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455551,
                    "name": "地底境巫妖",
                    "text": "如果你將抽一張牌,則改為檢視你牌庫頂的三張牌,然後將其中一張置於你手上,其餘的牌則置入你的墳墓場。\n支付4點生命:地底境巫妖獲得不滅異能直到回合結束。將之橫置。",
                    "type": "生物 ~殭屍/妖精/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452961,
            "name": "Underrealm Lich",
            "number": "211",
            "originalText": "If you would draw a card, instead look at the top three cards of your library, then put one into your hand and the rest into your graveyard.\nPay 4 life: Underrealm Lich gains indestructible until end of turn. Tap it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Zombie Elf Shaman",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect instructs you to draw multiple cards, each draw is performed—and replaced by Underrealm Lich’s ability—one at a time. This means that if you’re drawing two cards, you’ll look at the top three cards of your library, put one into your hand, put the other two into your graveyard, and then repeat the process with the next three cards in your library."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Underrealm Lich’s first ability applies even if you have fewer than three cards in your library. If you have no cards in your library, you can’t lose the game for trying to draw a card from an empty library."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can activate Underrealm Lich’s last ability even if it’s already tapped. It can’t be tapped again, but it still gains indestructible."
            "scryfallId": "0782e090-209c-428f-966a-17f3ceab2903",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8f8877fa-ebf4-4fd0-9c14-307f25d13c7a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e1bce9c3-300c-4a9d-abe0-a1f02d3a1105",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175204,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "If you would draw a card, instead look at the top three cards of your library, then put one into your hand and the rest into your graveyard.\nPay 4 life: Underrealm Lich gains indestructible until end of turn. Tap it.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Zombie Elf Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3f5ab55b-67ae-5e48-845d-2db0f2fcb57f",
            "uuidV421": "60bff0cc-f7c8-5309-8c2c-bbc588f55fea",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Izzy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "The first thing the mist chills is the mind. Victims never cry out or even murmur in surprise.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Zunächst kühlt der Nebel den Verstand ab, sodass die Opfer nicht schreien oder auch nur überrascht aufstöhnen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453065,
                    "name": "Unerklärliches Verschwinden",
                    "text": "Bringe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück.\nÜberwachen 1. (Schaue dir die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst sie auf deinen Friedhof legen.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "La mente es lo primero que congela la neblina. Las víctimas nunca gritan; ni siquiera se les escapa un murmullo de sorpresa.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453324,
                    "name": "Desaparición inexplicable",
                    "text": "Regresa la criatura objetivo a la mano de su propietario.\nEscruta 1. (Mira la primera carta de tu biblioteca. Puedes poner esa carta en tu cementerio.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "La brume s'insinue d'abord dans les esprits. Ses victimes n'émettent jamais le moindre cri ou le moindre murmure de surprise.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453583,
                    "name": "Disparition inexpliquée",
                    "text": "Renvoyez la créature ciblée dans la main de son propriétaire.\nSurveillez 1. (Regardez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez mettre cette carte dans votre cimetière.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "La prima cosa che la nebbia raggela è la mente. Le vittime non emettono né un grido né un sussurro di sorpresa.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453842,
                    "name": "Sparizione Inspiegata",
                    "text": "Fai tornare una creatura bersaglio in mano al suo proprietario.\nSorveglia 1. (Guarda la prima carta del tuo grimorio. Puoi metterla nel tuo cimitero.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "この霧でまず凍り付くのは精神だ。犠牲者は叫び声も、驚きのつぶやきすらも口に出せない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454101,
                    "name": "原因不明の消失",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをオーナーの手札に戻す。\n諜報1を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを見る。あなたはそのカードをあなたの墓地に置いてもよい。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "그 안개는 정신에 가장 먼저 손을 뻗는다. 희생자들은 절대로 소리치지 않으며, 웅얼거림을 듣는 것도 놀랄 만한 일이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454360,
                    "name": "알 수 없는 사라짐",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다.\n감시 1을 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 한 장을 본다. 당신은 그 카드를 당신의 무덤에 넣을 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "A primeira coisa que a névoa congela é a mente. As vítimas jamais gritam, ou sequer murmuram, de surpresa.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454619,
                    "name": "Desaparecimento Inexplicado",
                    "text": "Devolva a criatura alvo para a mão de seu dono.\nVigiar 1. (Olhe o card do topo de seu grimório. Você pode colocar aquele card em seu cemitério.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Первым делом туман замораживает разум. Его жертвы никогда не кричат и даже не бормочут от удивления.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454878,
                    "name": "Необъяснимое Исчезновение",
                    "text": "Верните целевое существо в руку его владельца.\nСлежка 1. (Посмотрите верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки. Вы можете положить ту карту на ваше кладбище.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "雾气首先麻痹心智。受害者从没有机会大声叫喊,甚至都不会发出惊呼。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455137,
                    "name": "神秘消失",
                    "text": "将目标生物移回其拥有者手上。\n刺探1。(检视你牌库顶的牌。你可以将该牌置入你的坟墓场。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "霧氣首先麻痺心智。受害者從沒有機會大聲叫喊,甚至都不會發出驚呼。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455396,
                    "name": "神秘消失",
                    "text": "將目標生物移回其擁有者手上。\n刺探1。(檢視你牌庫頂的牌。你可以將該牌置入你的墳墓場。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452806,
            "name": "Unexplained Disappearance",
            "number": "56",
            "originalText": "Return target creature to its owner's hand.\nSurveil 1. <i>(Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card into your graveyard.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Some spells that instruct you to surveil require targets. You can’t cast a spell without choosing legal targets. If all of those targets become illegal, the spell doesn’t resolve and you won’t surveil."
            "scryfallId": "9c99b239-50d2-4393-80ec-94dbfaa6ae70",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "733cea25-c085-4adb-bfca-1ff42f0eca64",
            "scryfallOracleId": "18d16129-da25-4120-a343-64ce962abba2",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175188,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Return target creature to its owner's hand.\nSurveil 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card into your graveyard.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c4104a33-dcd1-5628-a4ed-d3de50732500",
            "uuidV421": "4145fbca-d9e0-5268-8954-440389c590d2",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Volkan Baga",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "A well-chosen word can restore a mind or snap its tethers.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ein wohlüberlegtes Wort kann einen Verstand wiederherstellen oder ihn vernichten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453221,
                    "name": "Entglittenes Selbst",
                    "text": "Bestimme einen Kartennamen. Durchsuche den Friedhof, die Hand und die Bibliothek eines Gegners deiner Wahl nach bis zu vier Karten mit dem bestimmten Namen und schicke sie ins Exil. Der Spieler mischt seine Bibliothek und zieht dann für jede auf diese Weise aus seiner Hand ins Exil geschickte Karte eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Una palabra bien escogida puede restaurar una mente o hacerla pedazos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453480,
                    "name": "Ego a la deriva",
                    "text": "Elige un nombre de carta. Busca en el cementerio, mano y biblioteca del oponente objetivo hasta cuatro cartas con ese nombre y exílialas. Ese jugador baraja su biblioteca y luego roba una carta por cada carta exiliada de su mano de esta manera.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Un mot bien choisi peut réparer un esprit ou le pousser à bout.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453739,
                    "name": "Ego à la dérive",
                    "text": "Choisissez un nom de carte. Cherchez dans le cimetière, la main et la bibliothèque de l'adversaire ciblé jusqu'à quatre cartes avec ce nom et exilez-les. Ce joueur mélange sa bibliothèque, puis pioche une carte pour chaque carte exilée depuis sa main de cette manière.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Una parola scelta con attenzione può sanare una mente o reciderne i legami con la realtà.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453998,
                    "name": "Ego alla Deriva",
                    "text": "Scegli il nome di una carta. Passa in rassegna il cimitero, la mano e il grimorio di un avversario bersaglio per trovare fino a quattro carte con quel nome ed esiliale. Quel giocatore rimescola il suo grimorio, poi pesca una carta per ogni carta esiliata dalla sua mano in questo modo.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "精選された言葉は心を引き戻すことも、繋がりを絶つこともできる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454257,
                    "name": "漂流自我",
                    "text": "対戦相手1人を対象とする。カード名1つを選ぶ。そのプレイヤーの墓地と手札とライブラリーから、その名前を持つカード最大4枚を探し、それらを追放する。そのプレイヤーは自分のライブラリーを切り直す。その後そのプレイヤーはこれにより自分の手札から追放されたカード1枚につきカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "잘 고른 말 한 마디는 정신을 되돌릴 수도 산산조각낼 수도 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454516,
                    "name": "풀려난 자아",
                    "text": "카드 이름 하나를 선택한다. 상대를 목표로 정한다. 그 상대의 무덤, 손, 서고에서 그 이름의 카드를 최대 네 장까지 찾아서 추방한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 서고를 섞은 후, 이렇게 손에서 추방된 카드 한 장당 카드를 한 장 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Uma palavra bem-escolhida pode restaurar uma mente ou arrebentar seus fiapos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454775,
                    "name": "Ego à Deriva",
                    "text": "Escolha um nome de card. Procure no cemitério, na mão e no grimório do oponente alvo até quatro cards com aquele nome e exile-os. Aquele jogador embaralha o próprio grimório e, em seguida compra um card para cada card exilado da própria mão desta forma.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Верно подобранное слово может исцелить разум — или сорвать его с привязи.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455034,
                    "name": "Отброшенная Личность",
                    "text": "Выберите имя карты. Найдите на кладбище, в руке и в библиотеке целевого оппонента не более четырех карт с тем именем и изгоните их. Тот игрок тасует свою библиотеку, затем берет одну карту за каждую карту, изгнанную из его руки таким образом.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "说对词,或能将心智恢复,或能让其崩溃。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455293,
                    "name": "抹除自我",
                    "text": "选择一个牌名。从目标对手的坟墓场,手牌及牌库中搜寻至多四张具该名称的牌,并将它们放逐。该牌手将其牌库洗牌,然后每有一张以此法放逐的手牌,他便抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "說對詞,或能將心智恢復,或能讓其崩潰。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455552,
                    "name": "抹除自我",
                    "text": "選擇一個牌名。從目標對手的墳墓場,手牌及牌庫中搜尋至多四張具該名稱的牌,並將它們放逐。該玩家將其牌庫洗牌,然後每有一張以此法放逐的手牌,他便抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452962,
            "name": "Unmoored Ego",
            "number": "212",
            "originalText": "Choose a card name. Search target opponent's graveyard, hand, and library for up to four cards with that name and exile them. That player shuffles their library, then draws a card for each card exiled from their hand this way.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "95aecc12-3363-41f7-9b58-277c81859670",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5684850f-b14e-4a5f-93ff-006b0b3f5888",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1206b672-e075-45ba-97d4-7c3012be062d",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176780,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Choose a card name. Search target opponent's graveyard, hand, and library for up to four cards with that name and exile them. That player shuffles their library, then draws a card for each card exiled from their hand this way.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "db07fcc9-b1ba-5d38-b179-0a9ec8b4a6b6",
            "uuidV421": "53f80032-c0ae-50e9-82ca-813c1fc0135b",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Jedd Chevrier",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Ravnica's diversity produces blossoms of opinion in a rich soil of perspectives.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ravnicas Vielfalt bringt viele Meinungen hervor und ist der Nährboden für eine Myriade an Perspektiven.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453155,
                    "name": "Urbanes Utopia",
                    "text": "Verzaubert ein Land\nWenn das Urbane Utopia ins Spiel kommt, ziehe eine Karte.\nDas verzauberte Land hat „{T}: Erzeuge ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe.\"",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "La diversidad de Rávnica hace florecer las opiniones en un terreno fértil de perspectivas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453414,
                    "name": "Utopía urbana",
                    "text": "Encantar tierra.\nCuando la Utopía urbana entre al campo de batalla, roba una carta.\nLa tierra encantada tiene \"{T}: Agrega un maná de cualquier color\".",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "La diversité de Ravnica fait fleurir des opinions dans un sol riche en perspectives.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453673,
                    "name": "Utopie urbaine",
                    "text": "Enchanter : terrain\nQuand l'Utopie urbaine arrive sur le champ de bataille, piochez une carte.\nLe terrain enchanté a « {T} : Ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix. »",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "flavorText": "La grande diversità di Ravnica fa fiorire le opinioni in un ricco substrato di prospettive.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453932,
                    "name": "Utopia Urbana",
                    "text": "Incanta terra\nQuando l'Utopia Urbana entra nel campo di battaglia, pesca una carta.\nLa terra incantata ha \"{T}: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore\".",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "ラヴニカの多様性は、視点に肥えた土壌から多彩な意見の花を咲かせる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454191,
                    "name": "都市の楽園",
                    "text": "エンチャント(土地)\n都市の楽園が戦場に出たとき、カードを1枚引く。\nエンチャントされている土地は「{T}:好きな色1色のマナ1点を加える。」を持つ。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "라브니카의 다양성은 풍부한 관점이라는 토양 위에서 다양한 의견의 꽃을 피운다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454450,
                    "name": "도시의 이상향",
                    "text": "대지에 부여\n도시의 이상향이 전장에 들어올 때, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n부여된 대지는 \"{T}: 원하는 색의 마나 한 개를 추가한다.\"를 가진다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "A diversidade de Ravnica produz afloramentos de opinião em um solo rico de perspectivas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454709,
                    "name": "Utopia Urbana",
                    "text": "Encantar terreno\nQuando Utopia Urbana entrar no campo de batalha, compre um card.\nO terreno encantado tem \"{T}: Adicione um mana de qualquer cor\".",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "Разнообразие Равники приводит к процветанию мнений на плодородной почве перспектив.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454968,
                    "name": "Городская Утопия",
                    "text": "Зачаровать землю\nКогда Городская Утопия выходит на поле битвы, возьмите карту.\nЗачарованная земля имеет способность «{T}: добавьте одну ману любого цвета».",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "拉尼卡的多样理念浇溉,加之广阔视野的沃土栽培,方有如今百花齐放的社会盛景。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455227,
                    "name": "城市理想境",
                    "text": "结附于地\n当城市理想境进战场时,抓一张牌。\n所结附的地具有「{T}:加一点任意颜色的法术力。」",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "拉尼卡的多樣理念澆溉,加之廣闊視野的沃土栽培,方有如今百花齊放的社會盛景。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455486,
                    "name": "城市理想境",
                    "text": "結附於地\n當城市理想境進戰場時,抽一張牌。\n所結附的地具有「{T}:加一點任意顏色的魔法力。」",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
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            "name": "Urban Utopia",
            "number": "146",
            "originalText": "Enchant land\nWhen Urban Utopia enters the battlefield, draw a card.\nEnchanted land has \"{T}: Add one mana of any color.\"",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The enchanted land won’t lose any other abilities it had. It also won’t gain or lose any land types."
            "scryfallId": "45d7ab0e-db37-4051-86dd-3ab09c047a2b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0e6f0f3c-1976-46cb-9239-8d5385cddead",
            "scryfallOracleId": "77b73f11-a59a-4f2b-83d3-e6fe5064bc87",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176923,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant land\nWhen Urban Utopia enters the battlefield, draw a card.\nEnchanted land has \"{T}: Add one mana of any color.\"",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "19cf99c9-cb40-5d8a-a7c3-26a7961126cc",
            "uuidV421": "37a84cd4-a2e0-5d03-9bcb-41bd4d679078"
            "artist": "Zezhou Chen",
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            "flavorText": "\"There's no need to sound the alarm. You are minding your post admirably. I am authorized. All is well.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Es gibt keinen Grund, den Alarm auszulösen. Du wachst hervorragend über deinen Posten. Ich darf passieren. Alles ist gut.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453066,
                    "name": "Hypnotisierender Vedalken",
                    "text": "Wenn der Hypnotisierende Vedalken angreift, erhält eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert, -2/-0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vedalken, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "\"No es necesario dar la alarma. Estás guardando tu puesto de forma admirable. Tengo autorización. Todo va bien\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453325,
                    "name": "Hipnotista vedalken",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Hipnotista vedalken ataque, la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente obtiene -2/-0 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero vedalken"
                    "flavorText": "« Inutile de donner l'alerte. Vous gardez admirablement bien votre poste. J'ai toutes les autorisations nécessaires. Tout va bien. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453584,
                    "name": "Mesmériste vedalken",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que le Mesmériste vedalken attaque, une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle gagne -2/-0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : vedalken et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non c'è bisogno di lanciare l'allarme. Stai sorvegliando la tua postazione alla perfezione e io sono autorizzato. Va tutto bene.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453843,
                    "name": "Vedalken Mesmerista",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta il Vedalken Mesmerista attacca, una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario prende -2/-0 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Vedalken"
                    "flavorText": "「警報を鳴らす必要はありません。あなたは立派に持ち場を守っています。私は許可をもらっています。何も問題ありません。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454102,
                    "name": "ヴィダルケンの催眠術師",
                    "text": "ヴィダルケンの催眠術師が攻撃するたび、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは-2/-0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ヴィダルケン・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "\"경보를 켤 필요는 없다. 자네는 초소를 아주 잘 지키고 있다. 나는 허가받은 사람이다. 모든 것에 문제는 없다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454361,
                    "name": "베달켄 현혹술사",
                    "text": "베달켄 현혹술사가 공격할 때마다, 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 -2/-0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 베달켄 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não precisa soar o alarme. Você está cuidando admiravelmente bem de seu posto. Eu tenho autorização. Está tudo bem.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454620,
                    "name": "Mesmerista Vedalkeano",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Mesmerista Vedalkeano ataca, a criatura alvo que um oponente controla recebe -2/-0 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vedalkeano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "«Не нужно поднимать тревогу. Ты бдительно охраняешь свой пост. У меня есть пропуск. Все хорошо».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454879,
                    "name": "Ведалкен-Месмерист",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Ведалкен-Месмерист атакует, целевое существо под контролем оппонента получает -2/-0 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Ведалкен Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "「不必拉响警报。你正恪尽职守。我已获准通行。一切平安无事。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455138,
                    "name": "维多肯催眠师",
                    "text": "每当维多肯催眠师攻击时,目标由对手操控的生物得-2/-0直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~维多肯/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "「不必拉響警報。你正恪盡職守。我已獲准通行。一切平安無事。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455397,
                    "name": "維多肯催眠師",
                    "text": "每當維多肯催眠師攻擊時,目標由對手操控的生物得-2/-0直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~維多肯/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
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            "name": "Vedalken Mesmerist",
            "number": "57",
            "originalText": "Whenever Vedalken Mesmerist attacks, target creature an opponent controls gets -2/-0 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vedalken Wizard",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176876,
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            "text": "Whenever Vedalken Mesmerist attacks, target creature an opponent controls gets -2/-0 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Vedalken Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "246be8d6-0e5e-51b0-a3cf-c11fe76501fd",
            "uuidV421": "a3f15bb3-abb7-54e0-95b6-363bfb7e49f1"
            "artist": "Anna Steinbauer",
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I sang songs of sorrow for my lost love. Imagine my horror when, one night, they were answered.\"\n—Milana, Orzhov prelate",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich sang Klagelieder für meinen verstorbenen Liebsten. Stelle dir mein Entsetzen vor, als sie erhört wurden.\"\n—Milana, Orzhov-Prälatin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453097,
                    "name": "Verschleierter Schatten",
                    "text": "{1}{B}: Der Verschleierte Schatten erhält +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Schatten"
                    "flavorText": "\"Entonaba tristes canciones por mi amor perdido. Imagina mi horror cuando, una noche, fueron respondidas\".\n—Milana, prelada orzhov",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453356,
                    "name": "Sombra con velo",
                    "text": "{1}{B}: La Sombra con velo obtiene +1/+1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sombra"
                    "flavorText": "« Je chantais de tristes mélopées pour mon amour perdu. Imaginez mon horreur, lorsqu'une nuit, elles reçurent une réponse. »\n—Milana, prélate d'Orzhov",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453615,
                    "name": "Ombre voilée",
                    "text": "{1}{B} : L'Ombre voilée gagne +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : ombre"
                    "flavorText": "\"Dedicavo canzoni di dolore al mio amore perduto. Immaginate il mio orrore quando, una notte, sentii rispondere.\"\n—Milana, prelato Orzhov",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453874,
                    "name": "Ombra Velata",
                    "text": "{1}{B}: L'Ombra Velata prende +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Ombra"
                    "flavorText": "「かつて私は、いなくなってしまった大切な人のために悲しい歌を歌っていたけれど、ある晩その歌の返事が来たときは怖かったね。」\n――オルゾフの僧院長、ミラーナ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454133,
                    "name": "隠された影",
                    "text": "{1}{B}:ターン終了時まで、隠された影は+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — シェイド"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 내 첫사랑을 위한 슬픔의 노래를 불렀지. 어느 날 밤, 그 노래의 답을 들었을 때 내가 느꼈을 공포를 상상해 봐.\"\n—오르조브 고위 성직자 밀라나",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454392,
                    "name": "베일을 쓴 그림자",
                    "text": "{1}{B}: 베일을 쓴 그림자는 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 그림자"
                    "flavorText": "\"Cantei tristes canções para aquela perda inestimável. Imagine meu horror quando, certa noite, veio a resposta.\"\n— Milana, prelada Orzhov",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454651,
                    "name": "Sombra Velada",
                    "text": "{1}{B}: Sombra Velada recebe +1/+1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sombra"
                    "flavorText": "«Я пела горестные песни по погибшей любви. Представь мой ужас, когда однажды ночью на них ответили».\n— Милана, прелат Орзовов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454910,
                    "name": "Укрытая Тень",
                    "text": "{1}{B}: Укрытая Тень получает +1/+1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Тень"
                    "flavorText": "「我经常会用悲伤的歌曲来缅怀逝去的爱人。有一天晚上这曲突然有回声应和,不难想像我当时会有多惊恐。」\n~欧佐夫神职者米拉娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455169,
                    "name": "隐匿阴魂",
                    "text": "{1}{B}:隐匿阴魂得+1/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~阴魂"
                    "flavorText": "「我經常會用悲傷的歌曲來緬懷逝去的愛人。有一天晚上這曲突然有回聲應和,不難想像我當時會有多驚恐。」\n~歐佐夫神職者米拉娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455428,
                    "name": "隱匿陰魂",
                    "text": "{1}{B}:隱匿陰影魂+1/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~陰魂"
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            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
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            "name": "Veiled Shade",
            "number": "88",
            "originalText": "{1}{B}: Veiled Shade gets +1/+1 until end of turn.",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176939,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}{B}: Veiled Shade gets +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Shade",
            "types": [
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            "artist": "Zack Stella",
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            "colorIdentity": [
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                    "multiverseId": 453039,
                    "name": "Verehrtes Loxodon",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nWenn das Verehrte Loxodon ins Spiel kommt, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf jede Kreatur, die es einberufen hat.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elefant, Kleriker"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453298,
                    "name": "Loxodón venerado",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nCuando el Loxodón venerado entre al campo de batalla, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre cada criatura que lo convocó.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo elefante"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453557,
                    "name": "Loxodon vénéré",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nQuand le Loxodon vénéré arrive sur le champ de bataille, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur chaque créature qui l'a convoqué.",
                    "type": "Créature : éléphant et clerc"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453816,
                    "name": "Lossodonte Venerato",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nQuando il Lossodonte Venerato entra nel campo di battaglia, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su ogni creatura che l'ha convocato.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Elefante"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454075,
                    "name": "敬慕されるロクソドン",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\n敬慕されるロクソドンが戦場に出たとき、これを召集するためにタップした各クリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターをそれぞれ1個置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 象・クレリック"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454334,
                    "name": "존경받는 록소돈",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n존경받는 록소돈이 전장에 들어올 때, 존경받는 록소돈을 위해 집합한 각 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 코끼리 성직자"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454593,
                    "name": "Loxodonte Venerado",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nQuando Loxodonte Venerado entrar no campo de batalha, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em cada criatura que o convocou.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elefante Clérigo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454852,
                    "name": "Почтенный Локсодон",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nКогда Почтенный Локсодон выходит на поле битвы, положите один жетон +1/+1 на каждое существо, которое участвовало в его Созыве.",
                    "type": "Существо — Слон Священник"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455111,
                    "name": "景仰象族",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n当景仰象族进战场时,在每个召集它的生物上各放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~象/僧侣"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455370,
                    "name": "景仰象族",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n當景仰象族進戰場時,在每個召集它的生物上各放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~象/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452780,
            "name": "Venerated Loxodon",
            "number": "30",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>\nWhen Venerated Loxodon enters the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature that convoked it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elephant Cleric",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can’t tap more creatures to convoke Venerated Loxodon than it takes to pay for its total cost. This means that normally no more than five creatures can convoke it."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
            "scryfallId": "93599fba-7c53-4621-85b5-6434be077bf6",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "d157a9df-59bc-40ad-b62b-43f973f14be1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176679,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of the creature's color.)\nWhen Venerated Loxodon enters the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature that convoked it.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Elephant Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5156d89a-ea40-5fd7-9366-82969f1ac895",
            "uuidV421": "2836b0e9-5b1b-5261-8037-86e9c82e889c",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
            "artist": "Matt Stewart",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Selesnya's soil is sacred, and you're about to meet it with your face.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Selesnijas Boden ist heilig und du wirst ihn gleich küssen.\"",
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                    "name": "Vernadi-Schildbruder",
                    "text": "Wachsamkeit",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"El suelo de Selesnya es sagrado y estás a punto de conocerlo con la cara\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453487,
                    "name": "Escudante vernadi",
                    "text": "Vigilancia.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "« La terre de Selesnya est sacrée, et vous allez bientôt avoir le nez dessus. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453746,
                    "name": "Compagnon bouclier verdani",
                    "text": "Vigilance",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il suolo di Selesnya è sacro e tu stai per toccarlo con la faccia.\"",
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                    "name": "Scutifero del Vernadi",
                    "text": "Cautela",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「セレズニアの土は神聖なものだ。お前の顔はもうすぐそれに触れることになる。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454264,
                    "name": "ヴァーナーディーの盾仲間",
                    "text": "警戒",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"셀레스냐의 토양은 신성하지, 그리고 넌 그걸 네 얼굴로 마주하기 직전이고.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454523,
                    "name": "베르나디 방패병",
                    "text": "경계",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"O solo de Selesnya é sagrado, e você está prestes a esfregá-lo com a sua cara.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454782,
                    "name": "Escudista de Vernadi",
                    "text": "Vigilância",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Почва Селезнии священна, и сейчас ты встретишься с нею своей мерзкой рожей».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455041,
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                    "text": "Бдительность",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「瑟雷尼亚的土地神圣不可侵犯,而你马上就会用脸来见识一下。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455300,
                    "name": "盟地护盾手",
                    "text": "警戒",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「瑟雷尼亞的土地神聖不可侵犯,而你馬上就會用臉來見識一下。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455559,
                    "name": "盟地護盾手",
                    "text": "警戒",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
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            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The alliances were already frayed. All we do is find the loose threads and pluck.\"\n—Lazav",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Allianzen waren bereits brüchig. Wir haben bloß den losen Faden gefunden und daran gezogen.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453098,
                    "name": "Üble Nachrede",
                    "text": "Die Üble Nachrede fügt jedem Gegner 1 Schadenspunkt zu. Jeder Gegner wirft eine Karte ab und legt dann die oberste Karte seiner Bibliothek auf seinen Friedhof. Du erhältst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Las alianzas ya están desgastadas. Lo único que hacemos es buscar los hilos sueltos y tirar de ellos\".\n—Lazav",
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                    "multiverseId": 453357,
                    "name": "Rumores malignos",
                    "text": "Los Rumores malignos hacen 1 punto de daño a cada oponente. Cada oponente descarta una carta y luego pone la primera carta de su biblioteca en su cementerio. Ganas 1 vida.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Les alliances s'effilochaient déjà. Nous n'avons fait que tirer sur les fils déjà défaits. »\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453616,
                    "name": "Rumeurs vicieuses",
                    "text": "Les Rumeurs vicieuses infligent 1 blessure à chaque adversaire. Chaque adversaire se défausse d'une carte, puis met la carte du dessus de sa bibliothèque dans son cimetière. Vous gagnez 1 point de vie.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le alleanze erano già logore. Noi ci limitiamo a trovarne i fili sciolti e tirarli.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453875,
                    "name": "Dicerie Crudeli",
                    "text": "Le Dicerie Crudeli infliggono 1 danno a ogni avversario. Ogni avversario scarta una carta, poi mette nel proprio cimitero la prima carta del proprio grimorio. Guadagni 1 punto vita.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「同盟はとうの昔に擦り切れておる。我等はただ、ゆるい糸を見つけて引っ張っているだけだ。」\n――ラザーヴ",
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                    "name": "悪意ある噂",
                    "text": "悪意ある噂は各対戦相手にそれぞれ1点のダメージを与える。各対戦相手はそれぞれ、カードを1枚捨て、その後自分のライブラリーの一番上のカードを自分の墓地に置く。あなたは1点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"연합은 이미 흐트러지고 있네. 우리가 하는 일은 느슨한 실을 찾아내 당기는 것이 전부지.\"\n—라자브",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454393,
                    "name": "악랄한 소문",
                    "text": "악랄한 소문은 각 상대에게 피해 1점을 입힌다. 각 상대는 카드 한 장을 버린 후, 자신의 서고 맨 위 카드 한 장을 자신의 무덤에 넣는다. 당신은 생명 1점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"As alianças já estavam puídas. Tudo que fazemos é encontrar os fios soltos e puxar.\"\n— Lazav",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454652,
                    "name": "Rumores Pravos",
                    "text": "Rumores Pravos causa 1 ponto de dano a cada oponente. Cada oponente descarta um card e depois coloca o card do topo do próprio grimório no próprio cemitério. Você ganha 1 ponto de vida.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Их союзы уже истрепались до дыр. Мы всего лишь находим торчащие нитки и тянем».\n— Лазав",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454911,
                    "name": "Жестокие Слухи",
                    "text": "Жестокие Слухи наносят 1 повреждение каждому оппоненту. Каждый оппонент сбрасывает карту, затем кладет верхнюю карту своей библиотеки на свое кладбище. Вы получаете 1 жизнь.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「同盟早已松动。我们只是找到线头,然后一抽而已。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455170,
                    "name": "恶毒传言",
                    "text": "恶毒传言向每位对手各造成1点伤害。每位对手各弃一张牌,然后将其牌库顶牌置入其坟墓场。你获得1点生命。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「同盟早已鬆動。我們只是找到線頭,然後一抽而已。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455429,
                    "name": "惡毒傳言",
                    "text": "惡毒傳言向每位對手各造成1點傷害。每位對手各棄一張牌,然後將其牌庫頂牌置入其墳墓場。你獲得1點生命。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452839,
            "name": "Vicious Rumors",
            "number": "89",
            "originalText": "Vicious Rumors deals 1 damage to each opponent. Each opponent discards a card, then puts the top card of their library into their graveyard. You gain 1 life.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "As Vicious Rumors resolves, it deals 1 damage to each opponent, then the next opponent in turn order (or, if it’s an opponent’s turn, that opponent) chooses a card in hand without revealing it, then each other opponent in turn order does the same. Then the chosen cards are discarded at the same time. Next, each opponent puts the top card of their library into their graveyard at the same time. Finally, you gain 1 life."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Vicious Rumors causes the opposing team to lose 2 life, each of those players discards a card and puts the top card of their library into their graveyard, and you gain 1 life."
            "scryfallId": "b1939952-608e-4786-beeb-a6ff0fa36624",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b53b8452-9ef2-4e3a-9a8d-188476aad173",
            "scryfallOracleId": "55b72b1f-6463-406a-8824-d99a3c028285",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176940,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Vicious Rumors deals 1 damage to each opponent. Each opponent discards a card, then puts the top card of their library into their graveyard. You gain 1 life.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "880b0313-89de-51cb-ba18-b77deec0bb30",
            "uuidV421": "60e08e86-1244-55dc-8ca6-a5f63fd31e06"
            "artist": "Jason Felix",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
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                    "multiverseId": 453156,
                    "name": "Kraftsporenwurm",
                    "text": "Totenwelt — Wenn der Kraftsporenwurm ins Spiel kommt, erhält eine Kreatur deiner Wahl bis zum Ende des Zuges Wachsamkeit und +X/+X, wobei X gleich der Anzahl an Kreaturenkarten in deinem Friedhof ist.\nDer Kraftsporenwurm kann nicht von mehr als einer Kreatur geblockt werden.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Wurm"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453415,
                    "name": "Sierpe esporas de vigor",
                    "text": "Despojos — Cuando la Sierpe esporas de vigor entre al campo de batalla, la criatura objetivo gana la habilidad de vigilancia y obtiene +X/+X hasta el final del turno, donde X es la cantidad de cartas de criatura en tu cementerio.\nLa Sierpe esporas de vigor no puede ser bloqueada por más de una criatura.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sierpe"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453674,
                    "name": "Guivre viguespore",
                    "text": "Maquis — Quand la Guivre viguespore arrive sur le champ de bataille, la créature ciblée acquiert la vigilance et gagne +X/+X jusqu'à la fin du tour, X étant le nombre de cartes de créature dans votre cimetière.\nLa Guivre viguespore ne peut pas être bloquée par plus d'une créature.",
                    "type": "Créature : guivre"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453933,
                    "name": "Wurm delle Vigorspore",
                    "text": "Crescita sotterranea — Quando il Wurm delle Vigorspore entra nel campo di battaglia, una creatura bersaglio ha cautela e prende +X/+X fino alla fine del turno, dove X è il numero di carte creatura nel tuo cimitero.\nIl Wurm delle Vigorspore non può essere bloccato da più di una creatura.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Wurm"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454192,
                    "name": "活胞子ワーム",
                    "text": "宿根 ― 活胞子ワームが戦場に出たとき、クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+X/+Xの修整を受け警戒を得る。Xはあなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カードの枚数に等しい。\n活胞子ワームは、2体以上のクリーチャーによってはブロックされない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ワーム"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454451,
                    "name": "활력포자 웜",
                    "text": "지하생장 — 활력포자 웜이 전장에 들어올 때, 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 경계를 얻고 +X/+X를 받는다. X는 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드의 수이다.\n활력포자 웜은 생물 한 개에게만 방어될 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 웜"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454710,
                    "name": "Vorme Vigorespóreo",
                    "text": "Necronutrimento — Quando Vorme Vigorespóreo entra no campo de batalha, a criatura alvo ganha vigilância e recebe +X/+X até o final do turno, sendo X o número de cards de criatura em seu cemitério.\nVorme Vigorespóreo não pode ser bloqueado por mais de uma criatura.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vorme"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454969,
                    "name": "Вурм Спор Могущества",
                    "text": "Тайный рост — Когда Вурм Спор Могущества выходит на поле битвы, целевое существо получает Бдительность и +X/+X до конца хода, где X — количество карт существ на вашем кладбище.\nВурм Спор Могущества не может быть заблокирован более чем одним существом.",
                    "type": "Существо — Вурм"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455228,
                    "name": "弘孢亚龙",
                    "text": "朽力~当弘孢亚龙进战场时,直到回合结束,目标生物获得警戒异能且得+X/+X,X为你坟墓场中的生物牌数量。\n弘孢亚龙不能被多于一个生物阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~亚龙"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455487,
                    "name": "弘孢亞龍",
                    "text": "朽力~當弘孢亞龍進戰場時,直到回合結束,目標生物獲得警戒異能且得+X/+X,X為你墳墓場中的生物牌數量。\n弘孢亞龍不能被多於一個生物阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~亞龍"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452897,
            "name": "Vigorspore Wurm",
            "number": "147",
            "originalText": "<i>Undergrowth</i> — When Vigorspore Wurm enters the battlefield, target creature gains vigilance and gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is the number of creature cards in your graveyard.\nVigorspore Wurm can't be blocked by more than one creature.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Wurm",
            "power": "6",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The value of X is determined only as the undergrowth ability resolves. If the number of creature cards in your graveyard changes later in the turn, the target creature is unaffected."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If there are no creature cards in your graveyard, the target creature just gains vigilance until end of turn."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If Vigorspore Wurm gains menace, it can’t be blocked at all."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Creature cards with other types, such as artifact creature cards, count for undergrowth abilities."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because tokens aren’t cards, they never count for undergrowth abilities."
            "scryfallId": "b62625de-3a2f-43d6-8cf7-ea38f038f3b6",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b32eaf6e-d9d5-413d-b43c-e3ff87de525d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "be843255-7408-45b9-b0ca-c79342daa353",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176927,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Undergrowth — When Vigorspore Wurm enters the battlefield, target creature gains vigilance and gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is the number of creature cards in your graveyard.\nVigorspore Wurm can't be blocked by more than one creature.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Wurm",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3cff0fbc-2d03-54c9-bda1-4f39d6bb3f73",
            "uuidV421": "3aad3df2-3cbf-5386-b2bd-2d7782dda377",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Yeong-Hao Han",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Golgari crops bloom in strange soil, touched only by long-traveled light.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Golgari-Gewächs erblüht auf seltsamen Böden und wird nur vom durchdringendsten Licht berührt.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453157,
                    "name": "Farbenfrohe Wiedergeburt",
                    "text": "Bringe bis zu drei mehrfarbige Karten deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück. Schicke die Farbenfrohe Wiedergeburt ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Los cultivos golgari crecen en tierras extrañas, donde la luz solo llega después de un largo viaje.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453416,
                    "name": "Renacimiento colorido",
                    "text": "Regresa hasta tres cartas multicolores objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano. Exilia el Renacimiento colorido.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Les cultures des Golgari germent dans des sols étranges, éclairés uniquement par une lumière très indirecte.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453675,
                    "name": "Réanimation éclatante",
                    "text": "Renvoyez jusqu'à trois cartes multicolores ciblées depuis votre cimetière dans votre main. Exilez la Réanimation éclatante.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Le colture dei Golgari germogliano su terreni bizzarri, toccati solo da raggi di luce che hanno percorso i cammini più tortuosi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453934,
                    "name": "Rinascita Vivida",
                    "text": "Riprendi in mano fino a tre carte multicolore bersaglio dal tuo cimitero. Esilia la Rinascita Vivida.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "ゴルガリの作物は、奇妙な土壌で、はるばるやってきた光のみに照らされて育つ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454193,
                    "name": "鮮烈な蘇生",
                    "text": "あなたの墓地から多色のカード最大3枚を対象とし、それらをあなたの手札に戻す。鮮烈な蘇生を追放する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "골가리는 기이한 토양에서 희미한 빛을 받으며 피어나는 꽃봉오리를 수확한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454452,
                    "name": "선명한 부활",
                    "text": "당신의 무덤에 있는 다색 카드를 최대 세 장까지 목표로 정한다. 그 카드들을 당신의 무덤에서 당신의 손으로 되돌린다. 선명한 부활을 추방한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "As plantações dos Golgari crescem em solos estranhos, tocados apenas pela luz mais longínqua.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454711,
                    "name": "Vívido Reviver",
                    "text": "Devolva até três cards multicoloridos alvo de seu cemitério para a sua mão. Exile Vívido Reviver.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Урожай Голгари растет на странной почве, и свет до него доходит издалека.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454970,
                    "name": "Яркое Оживление",
                    "text": "Верните не более трех целевых многоцветных карт из вашего кладбища в вашу руку. Изгоните Яркое Оживление.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "葛加理的作物能在奇异土壤上生长,仅靠远距阳光滋养。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455229,
                    "name": "霓彩复生",
                    "text": "将至多三张目标多色牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。放逐霓彩复生。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "葛加理的作物能在奇異土壤上生長,僅靠遠距陽光滋養。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455488,
                    "name": "霓彩復生",
                    "text": "將至多三張目標多色牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。放逐霓彩復生。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452898,
            "name": "Vivid Revival",
            "number": "148",
            "originalText": "Return up to three target multicolored cards from your graveyard to your hand. Exile Vivid Revival.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If some, but not all, targets for Vivid Revival become illegal, the remaining targets are returned to your hand and Vivid Revival is exiled. If all of its targets become illegal, Vivid Revival doesn’t resolve and it’s put into your graveyard."
            "scryfallId": "9e67fcfd-0e9e-4b88-8c65-2125fac10a3d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8be663e4-274a-4c6c-9b95-ba400a5c7e4d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b5d856a3-0305-4c3b-b447-99570d6e8195",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176641,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Return up to three target multicolored cards from your graveyard to your hand. Exile Vivid Revival.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6c29757c-2086-5db1-9983-f706f1c91104",
            "uuidV421": "d58d4bc5-6eb4-5f77-b896-db46ed01ab58"
            "artist": "Yongjae Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 455626,
                    "name": "Vraskas Steinblick",
                    "text": "Zerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. Du erhältst Lebenspunkte in Höhe ihrer Widerstandskraft dazu. Du kannst deine Bibliothek und/oder deinen Friedhof nach einer Karte namens Vraska, majestätische Gorgo, durchsuchen, sie offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Falls du auf diese Weise deine Bibliothek durchsuchst, mische sie danach.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 455640,
                    "name": "Mirada pétrea de Vraska",
                    "text": "Destruye la criatura objetivo. Ganas una cantidad de vidas igual a su resistencia. Puedes buscar en tu biblioteca y/o cementerio una carta llamada Vraska, gorgona real, mostrarla y ponerla en tu mano. Si buscas en tu biblioteca de esta manera, barájala.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 455654,
                    "name": "Regard pétrificateur de Vraska",
                    "text": "Détruisez la créature ciblée. Vous gagnez un nombre de points de vie égal à son endurance. Vous pouvez chercher dans votre bibliothèque et/ou votre cimetière une carte appelée Vraska, gorgone royale, la révéler et la mettre dans votre main. Si vous cherchez dans votre bibliothèque de cette manière, mélangez-la.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 455668,
                    "name": "Sguardo Pietrificante di Vraska",
                    "text": "Distruggi una creatura bersaglio. Guadagni punti vita pari alla sua costituzione. Puoi passare in rassegna il tuo grimorio e/o il tuo cimitero per una carta chiamata Vraska, Gorgone Regale, rivelarla e aggiungerla alla tua mano. Se passi in rassegna il tuo grimorio in questo modo, rimescolalo.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 455682,
                    "name": "ヴラスカの石睨",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。あなたはそれのタフネスに等しい点数のライフを得る。あなたはあなたのライブラリーやあなたの墓地から「威厳あるゴルゴン、ヴラスカ」という名前のカード1枚を探し、それを公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。あなたがこれによりあなたのライブラリーからカードを探したなら、あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 455696,
                    "name": "브라스카의 석화시키는 눈빛",
                    "text": "생물 한 개를 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다. 당신은 그 생물의 방어력만큼 생명점을 얻는다. 당신은 당신의 서고 및/또는 무덤에서 이름이 근엄한 고르곤, 브라스카인 카드 한 장을 찾아 공개한 후 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 당신이 이런 식으로 당신의 서고를 찾아보았다면, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 455710,
                    "name": "Olhar Pétreo de Vraska",
                    "text": "Destrua a criatura alvo. Você ganha uma quantidade de pontos de vida igual à resistência dela. Você pode procurar um card com o nome Vraska, Górgona Régia, em seu grimório e/ou cemitério, revelá-lo e colocá-lo em sua mão. Se procurar em seu grimório desta maneira, embaralhe-o.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455724,
                    "name": "Каменный Взгляд Враски",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевое существо. Вы получаете количество жизней, равное его выносливости. Вы можете найти в вашей библиотеке и (или) на вашем кладбище карту с именем Враска, Царственная Горгона, показать ее и положить в вашу руку. Если вы ищете таким образом в вашей библиотеке, перетасуйте ее.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455738,
                    "name": "瓦丝卡的瞪视",
                    "text": "消灭目标生物。你获得等同于其防御力的生命。你可以从你的牌库和/或坟墓场中搜寻一张名称为蛇发女王瓦丝卡的牌,展示该牌,并将它置于你手上。如果你以此法搜寻你的牌库,则将它洗牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455752,
                    "name": "瓦絲卡的瞪視",
                    "text": "消滅目標生物。你獲得等同於其防禦力的生命。你可以從你的牌庫和/或墳墓場中搜尋一張名稱為蛇髮女王瓦絲卡的牌,展示該牌,並將它置於你手上。如果你以此法搜尋你的牌庫,則將它洗牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 455612,
            "name": "Vraska's Stoneglare",
            "number": "272",
            "originalText": "Destroy target creature. You gain life equal to its toughness. You may search your library and/or graveyard for a card named Vraska, Regal Gorgon, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "The amount of life gained is equal to the destroyed creature’s toughness as it last existed on the battlefield. If it wasn’t destroyed (most likely because it has indestructible), you gain life equal to its toughness as it currently exists on the battlefield."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature becomes an illegal target for Vraska’s Stoneglare, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t gain life or search for Vraska, Regal Gorgon."
            "scryfallId": "27fc4db6-a5f5-4254-ae64-c8eaf2c98030",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f8d915ba-04f1-4574-a039-7ed78b61c9e2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c39e2046-173a-44b6-8e93-b22ede35485d",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175570,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy target creature. You gain life equal to its toughness. You may search your library and/or graveyard for a card named Vraska, Regal Gorgon, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b37b11c9-3274-5599-aa80-4b7727edcb0e",
            "uuidV421": "a22f5f0e-7593-5567-84e1-b2471879aa42",
            "watermark": "golgari"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453222,
                    "name": "Vraska, Königin der Golgari",
                    "text": "+2: Du kannst eine andere bleibende Karte opfern. Falls du dies tust, erhältst du 1 Lebenspunkt dazu und ziehst eine Karte.\n−3: Zerstöre eine bleibende Karte deiner Wahl mit umgewandelten Manakosten von 3 oder weniger, die kein Land ist.\n−9: Du erhältst ein Emblem mit „Immer wenn eine Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, einem Spieler Kampfschaden zufügt, verliert der Spieler die Partie.\"",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Vraska"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453481,
                    "name": "Vraska, reina de los golgari",
                    "text": "+2: Puedes sacrificar otro permanente. Si lo haces, ganas 1 vida y robas una carta.\n−3: Destruye el permanente objetivo que no sea tierra con coste de maná convertido de 3 o menos.\n−9: Obtienes un emblema con \"Siempre que una criatura que controlas haga daño de combate a un jugador, ese jugador pierde el juego\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Vraska"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453740,
                    "name": "Vraska, reine des Golgari",
                    "text": "+2 : Vous pouvez sacrifier un autre permanent. Si vous faites ainsi, vous gagnez 1 point de vie et vous piochez 1 carte.\n-3 : Détruisez le permanent non-terrain ciblé ayant un coût converti de mana inférieur ou égal à 3.\n-9 : Vous gagnez un emblème avec « À chaque fois qu'une créature que vous contrôlez inflige des blessures de combat à un joueur, ce joueur perd la partie. »",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Vraska"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453999,
                    "name": "Vraska, Regina Golgari",
                    "text": "+2: Puoi sacrificare un altro permanente. Se lo fai, guadagni 1 punto vita e peschi una carta.\n-3: Distruggi un permanente non terra bersaglio con costo di mana convertito pari o inferiore a 3.\n-9: Ottieni un emblema con \"Ogniqualvolta una creatura che controlli infligge danno da combattimento a un giocatore, quel giocatore perde la partita\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Vraska"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454258,
                    "name": "ゴルガリの女王、ヴラスカ",
                    "text": "+2:あなたは他のパーマネント1つを生け贄に捧げてもよい。そうしたなら、あなたは1点のライフを得て、カードを1枚引く。\n-3:点数で見たマナ・コストが3以下で土地でないパーマネント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。\n-9:あなたは「あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体がプレイヤー1人に戦闘ダメージを与えるたび、そのプレイヤーはこのゲームに敗北する。」を持つ紋章を得る。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — ヴラスカ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454517,
                    "name": "골가리 여왕, 브라스카",
                    "text": "+2: 당신은 다른 지속물 한 개를 희생할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 당신은 생명 1점을 얻고 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n−3: 전환마나비용이 3 이하인 대지가 아닌 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물을 파괴한다.\n−9: 당신은 \"당신이 조종하는 생물이 플레이어에게 전투피해를 입힐 때마다, 그 플레이어는 게임에서 패배한다.\"를 가진 휘장을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 브라스카"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454776,
                    "name": "Vraska, Rainha Golgari",
                    "text": "+2: Você pode sacrificar outra permanente. Se fizer isso, você ganha 1 ponto de vida e compra um card.\n−3: Destrua a permanente alvo que não seja um terreno com custo de mana convertido igual ou inferior a 3.\n−9: Você recebe um emblema com \"Toda vez que uma criatura que você controla causa dano de combate a um jogador, aquele jogador perde o jogo.\"",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Vraska"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455035,
                    "name": "Враска, Царица Голгари",
                    "text": "+2: вы можете пожертвовать другой перманент. Если вы это делаете, вы получаете 1 жизнь и берете карту.\n−3: уничтожьте целевой не являющийся землей перманент с конвертированной мана-стоимостью не более 3.\n−9: вы получаете эмблему со способностью «Каждый раз, когда существо под вашим контролем наносит боевые повреждения игроку, тот игрок проигрывает партию».",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Враска"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455294,
                    "name": "葛加理女王瓦丝卡",
                    "text": "+2:你可以牺牲另一个永久物。若你如此作,则你获得1点生命且抓一张牌。\n−3:消灭目标非地永久物,且其总法术力费用须等于或小于3。\n−9:你获得具有「每当一个由你操控的生物对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,该牌手输掉这盘游戏」的徽记。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~瓦丝卡"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455553,
                    "name": "葛加理女王瓦絲卡",
                    "text": "+2:你可以犧牲另一個永久物。若你如此作,則你獲得1點生命且抽一張牌。\n−3:消滅目標非地永久物,且其總魔法力費用須等於或小於3。\n−9:你獲得具有「每當一個由你操控的生物對任一玩家造成戰鬥傷害時,該玩家輸掉這盤遊戲」的徽記。",
                    "type": "傳奇鵬洛客 ~瓦絲卡"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "loyalty": "4",
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 452963,
            "name": "Vraska, Golgari Queen",
            "names": [],
            "number": "213",
            "originalText": "+2: You may sacrifice another permanent. If you do, you gain 1 life and draw a card.\n−3: Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.\n−9: You get an emblem with \"Whenever a creature you control deals combat damage to a player, that player loses the game.\"",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Vraska",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You choose whether to sacrifice a permanent (and which one to sacrifice) while Vraska’s first ability is resolving. No player may take actions between the time you choose which permanent to sacrifice and the time you do so."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tokens that aren’t a copy of something else don’t have a mana cost. Anything without a mana cost normally has a converted mana cost of 0."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a permanent has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
            "scryfallId": "a36d3ea7-0f18-4865-b47b-755673db065e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "13d984a6-8f68-442e-8ab5-333d13339f78",
            "scryfallOracleId": "131096a3-2d53-4ec2-96d3-fcb58e698a13",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176436,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+2: You may sacrifice another permanent. If you do, you gain 1 life and draw a card.\n-3: Destroy target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 3 or less.\n-9: You get an emblem with \"Whenever a creature you control deals combat damage to a player, that player loses the game.\"",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Vraska",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3f601d38-3c1c-57da-b7d6-a9eba5d3571f",
            "uuidV421": "9f1b32d0-9dff-5822-bb8b-662a3a2307cf"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 455623,
                    "name": "Vraska, majestätische Gorgo",
                    "text": "+2: Lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf bis zu eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. Die Kreatur erhält Bedrohlichkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.\n−3: Zerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl.\n−10: Lege für jede Kreaturenkarte in deinem Friedhof eine +1/+1-Marke auf jede Kreatur, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Vraska"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 455637,
                    "name": "Vraska, gorgona real",
                    "text": "+2: Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre hasta una criatura objetivo. Esa criatura gana la habilidad de amenaza hasta el final del turno.\n−3: Destruye la criatura objetivo.\n−10: Por cada carta de criatura en tu cementerio, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre cada criatura que controlas.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Vraska"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 455651,
                    "name": "Vraska, gorgone royale",
                    "text": "+2 : Ciblez jusqu'à une créature. Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur elle. Cette créature acquiert la menace jusqu'à la fin du tour.\n-3 : Détruisez la créature ciblée.\n-10 : Pour chaque carte de créature dans votre cimetière, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur chaque créature que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Vraska"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 455665,
                    "name": "Vraska, Gorgone Regale",
                    "text": "+2: Scegli fino a una creatura bersaglio. Metti un segnalino +1/+1 su di essa. Quella creatura ha minacciare fino alla fine del turno.\n-3: Distruggi una creatura bersaglio.\n-10: Per ogni carta creatura nel tuo cimitero, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su ogni creatura che controlli.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Vraska"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 455679,
                    "name": "威厳あるゴルゴン、ヴラスカ",
                    "text": "+2:クリーチャー最大1体を対象とし、それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。ターン終了時まで、そのクリーチャーは威迫を得る。\n-3:クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。\n-10:あなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カード1枚につき、あなたがコントロールしている各クリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターをそれぞれ1個置く。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — ヴラスカ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 455693,
                    "name": "근엄한 고르곤, 브라스카",
                    "text": "+2: 생물을 최대 한 개까지 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 호전적을 얻는다.\n−3: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다.\n−10: 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드 한 장당, 당신이 조종하는 각 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 브라스카"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 455707,
                    "name": "Vraska, Górgona Régia",
                    "text": "+2: Coloque um marcador +1/+1 em até uma criatura alvo. Aquela criatura ganha ameaçar até o final do turno.\n−3: Destrua a criatura alvo.\n−10: Para cada card de criatura em seu cemitério, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em cada criatura que você controla.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Vraska"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455721,
                    "name": "Враска, Царственная Горгона",
                    "text": "+2: положите один жетон +1/+1 на не более чем одно целевое существо. То существо получает Угрозу до конца хода.\n–3: уничтожьте целевое существо.\n−10: за каждую карту существа на вашем кладбище положите по одному жетону +1/+1 на каждое существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Враска"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455735,
                    "name": "蛇发女王瓦丝卡",
                    "text": "+2:在至多一个目标生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。该生物获得威慑异能直到回合结束。\n−3:消灭目标生物。\n−10:在每个由你操控的生物上各放置若干+1/+1指示物,其数量等同于你坟墓场中的生物牌数量。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~瓦丝卡"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455749,
                    "name": "蛇髮女王瓦絲卡",
                    "text": "+2:在至多一個目標生物上放置一個-1/-1指示物。該生物獲得威懾異能直到回合結束。\n-3:消滅目標生物。\n−10:在每個由你操控的生物上各放置若干+1/+1指示物,其數量等同於你墳墓場中的生物牌數量。",
                    "type": "傳奇鵬洛客 ~瓦絲卡"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "loyalty": "5",
            "manaCost": "{5}{B}{G}",
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            "name": "Vraska, Regal Gorgon",
            "number": "269",
            "originalText": "+2: Put a +1/+1 counter on up to one target creature. That creature gains menace until end of turn.\n−3: Destroy target creature.\n−10: For each creature card in your graveyard, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Vraska",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "4299dbe6-c94d-4ecc-8bfd-741d2649cba1",
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            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175565,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+2: Put a +1/+1 counter on up to one target creature. That creature gains menace until end of turn.\n−3: Destroy target creature.\n−10: For each creature card in your graveyard, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Vraska",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "49fa5561-5212-5cb7-bfa8-a7415f2cfc10",
            "uuidV421": "316862f7-278a-5bfd-855a-1ed191ff2075"
            "artist": "Tianhua X",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Fog haunts the streets, rendering familiar as otherworldly, changing neighbors into shadows, and muffling cries for help.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Nebel zieht durch die Straßen und lässt Bekanntes fremd wirken. Nachbarn werden zu Schatten und Hilfeschreie bleiben ungehört.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453067,
                    "name": "Nebelwand",
                    "text": "Verteidiger",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mauer"
                    "flavorText": "La niebla acecha las calles; hace que lo familiar parezca de otro mundo, convierte a los vecinos en sombras y sofoca los gritos de ayuda.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453326,
                    "name": "Muro de niebla",
                    "text": "Defensor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Muro"
                    "flavorText": "Le brouillard hante les rues, rendant ce qui est familier étrange, métamorphosant les voisins en ombres, et étouffant les appels au secours.",
                    "language": "French",
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                    "flavorText": "La nebbia infesta le strade, tingendo il panorama familiare di toni ultraterreni, trasformando i vicini in ombre e soffocando le grida d'aiuto.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453844,
                    "name": "Muro di Nebbia",
                    "text": "Difensore",
                    "type": "Creatura — Muro"
                    "flavorText": "霧が街路を覆うと、見慣れた風景が異世界に代わり、隣人が影になり、助けを呼ぶ声も内にこもるようになった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
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                    "text": "防衛",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 壁"
                    "flavorText": "안개가 거리에 자욱히 깔리자, 소환수들은 다른 세계의 것으로 보였고, 이웃들은 그림자에 가려졌으며, 도움을 요청하는 숨죽인 비명소리들이 들려 왔다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454362,
                    "name": "안개의 벽",
                    "text": "수비태세",
                    "type": "생물 — 벽"
                    "flavorText": "O nevoeiro assombra as ruas, transformando o panorama familiar em alienígena, os vizinhos em sombras e abafando pedidos de ajuda.",
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                    "text": "Defensor",
                    "type": "Criatura — Barreira"
                    "flavorText": "Туман заполняет улицы, делая из знакомого потустороннее, превращая соседей в тени и заглушая крики о помощи.",
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                    "text": "Защитник",
                    "type": "Существо — Стена"
                    "flavorText": "浓雾弥漫大街小巷,置街景如异境,化邻里作魅影,掩呼救于其中。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455139,
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                    "flavorText": "濃霧瀰漫大街小巷,置街景如異境,化鄰里作魅影,掩呼救於其中。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455398,
                    "name": "迷霧牆",
                    "text": "守軍",
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            "text": "Defender",
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            "type": "Creature — Wall",
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            "flavorText": "Made by the mad for the work of the wicked.",
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                    "flavorText": "Ein Produkt der Wahnsinnigen zu Gunsten der Wahnwitzigen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453251,
                    "name": "Wirbelknochen-Zauberstab",
                    "text": "{T}: Lege die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek auf deinen Friedhof.\n{2}, {T}, schicke den Wirbelknochen-Zauberstab ins Exil: Mische bis zu fünf Karten deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof in deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "Creada por los dementes para que la usen los pérfidos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453510,
                    "name": "Varita de vértebras",
                    "text": "{T}: Pon la primera carta de tu biblioteca en tu cementerio.\n{2}, {T}, exiliar la Varita de vértebras: Baraja hasta cinco cartas objetivo de tu cementerio en tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "Conçue dans la folie pour des travaux malsains.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453769,
                    "name": "Baguette de vertèbres",
                    "text": "{T} : Mettez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque dans votre cimetière.\n{2}, {T}, exilez la Baguette de vertèbres : Mélangez jusqu'à cinq cartes ciblées depuis votre cimetière dans votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "Creata dai folli per armare i malvagi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454028,
                    "name": "Bacchetta di Vertebre",
                    "text": "{T}: Metti nel tuo cimitero la prima carta del tuo grimorio.\n{2}, {T}, Esilia la Bacchetta di Vertebre: Rimescola nel tuo grimorio fino a cinque carte bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "邪悪な仕事のために、狂人によって作られた。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454287,
                    "name": "背骨のワンド",
                    "text": "{T}:あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードをあなたの墓地に置く。\n{2}, {T}, 背骨のワンドを追放する:あなたの墓地からカード最大5枚を対象とし、それらをあなたのライブラリーに加えて切り直す。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "사악한 일을 하기 위해 미치광이가 만들었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454546,
                    "name": "척추뼈 지팡이",
                    "text": "{T}: 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드를 당신의 무덤에 넣는다.\n{2}, {T}, 척추뼈 지팡이을 추방한다: 당신의 무덤에 있는 카드를 최대 다섯 장까지 목표로 정한다. 그 카드들을 당신의 서고로 섞어넣는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "Feito por loucos para o trabalho dos perversos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454805,
                    "name": "Varinha de Vértebras",
                    "text": "{T}: Coloque o card do topo de seu grimório em seu cemitério.\n{2}, {T}, exile Varinha de Vértebras: Embaralhe até cinco cards alvo de seu cemitério em seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "Сотворен безумцем для злодейской работы.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455064,
                    "name": "Позвоночный Жезл",
                    "text": "{T}: положите верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки на ваше кладбище.\n{2}, {T}, изгоните Позвоночный Жезл: втасуйте не более пяти целевых карт из вашего кладбища в вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "由疯子制成,为邪恶所用。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455323,
                    "name": "椎骨魔杖",
                    "text": "{T}:将你的牌库顶牌置入你的坟墓场。\n{2},{T},放逐椎骨魔杖:将至多五张目标牌从你的坟墓场洗入你的牌库。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "由瘋子製成,為邪惡所用。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455582,
                    "name": "椎骨魔杖",
                    "text": "{T}:將你的牌庫頂牌置入你的墳墓場。\n{2},{T},放逐椎骨魔杖:將至多五張目標牌從你的墳墓場洗入你的牌庫。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}",
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            "name": "Wand of Vertebrae",
            "number": "242",
            "originalText": "{T}: Put the top card of your library into your graveyard.\n{2}, {T}, Exile Wand of Vertebrae: Shuffle up to five target cards from your graveyard into your library.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "87f208bc-e4dc-4d3a-8906-dccde3cc251b",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "dbf7d799-98c9-4dc6-a58c-258bd9c19425",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176783,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Put the top card of your library into your graveyard.\n{2}, {T}, Exile Wand of Vertebrae: Shuffle up to five target cards from your graveyard into your library.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "164d9df2-98f7-5404-97fb-cd17cfb26520",
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            "artist": "Jason Felix",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
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            "flavorText": "\"Be like the grazers of the Saruli. Keep your herd close, and stay alert for encroaching danger.\"\n—Lalia, Selesnya dryad",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Sei wie die Grasfresser der Saruli. Bleib dicht bei der Herde und halte nach lauernden Gefahren Ausschau.\"\n—Lalia, Selesnija-Dryade",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453158,
                    "name": "Wachsames Okapi",
                    "text": "Wachsamkeit",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Antilope"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sé como los herbívoros de Saruli. Mantente cerca de tu rebaño y permanece alerta ante peligros invasores\".\n—Lalia, dríada selesnya",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453417,
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                    "text": "Vigilancia.",
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                    "flavorText": "« Soyez tels les herbivores de Saruli. Restez proche de votre troupeau, et soyez sur vos gardes en cas de danger. »\n—Lalia, dryade de Selesnya",
                    "language": "French",
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                    "text": "Vigilance",
                    "type": "Créature : antilope"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sii come gli animali che pascolano a Saruli: resta vicino al branco e in guardia per avvertire l'approssimarsi del pericolo.\"\n—Lalia, driade di Selesnya",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453935,
                    "name": "Okapi Diffidente",
                    "text": "Cautela",
                    "type": "Creatura — Antilope"
                    "flavorText": "「サルーリの草食獣のようでありなさい。群れを離れず、忍び寄る危険への警戒を怠らないことです。」\n――セレズニアのドライアド、ラーリア",
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                    "multiverseId": 454194,
                    "name": "用心深いオカピ",
                    "text": "警戒",
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                    "flavorText": "\"사룰리의 목자들처럼 되어라. 네 가축들 가까이에 있으면서, 다가오는 위협을 경계해라.'\n—셀레스냐 드라이어드, 랄리아",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454453,
                    "name": "경계하는 오카피",
                    "text": "경계",
                    "type": "생물 — 영양"
                    "flavorText": "\"Seja como os que pastam na Saruli. Mantenha seu bando por perto e fique alerta para qualquer perigo que se aproxime.\"\n— Lalia, dríade Selesnya",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454712,
                    "name": "Okapi Atento",
                    "text": "Vigilância",
                    "type": "Criatura — Antílope"
                    "flavorText": "«Будьте подобны стадам Сарули. Держитесь своих и будьте начеку, чтобы опасность не застала вас врасплох».\n— Лалия, дриада Селезнии",
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                    "name": "Боязливый Окапи",
                    "text": "Бдительность",
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                    "flavorText": "「效法撒路里的草食动物吧。紧密集结成群,并时刻提防危险来袭。」\n~瑟雷尼亚树灵拉黎亚",
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                    "text": "警戒",
                    "type": "生物 ~羚羊"
                    "flavorText": "「效法撒路里的草食動物吧。緊密集結成群,並時刻提防危險來襲。」\n~瑟雷尼亞樹靈拉黎亞",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455489,
                    "name": "警覺歐卡皮鹿",
                    "text": "警戒",
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            "number": "149",
            "originalText": "Vigilance",
            "originalType": "Creature — Antelope",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "46f01d1c-7ab6-4a58-97ce-57a4eb99843c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175548,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Vigilance",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Antelope",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4cc9877e-fe93-59e5-a3ae-9077e00466ee",
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            "artist": "Ryan Yee",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453068,
                    "name": "Beobachter aus dem Nebel",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nWenn der Beobachter aus dem Nebel ins Spiel kommt, wende Überwachen 2 an. (Schaue dir die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Lege dann eine beliebige Anzahl davon auf deinen Friedhof und den Rest in beliebiger Reihenfolge oben auf deine Bibliothek.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Geist"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453327,
                    "name": "Acechador en la niebla",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nCuando el Acechador en la niebla entre al campo de batalla, escruta 2. (Mira las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca, luego pon cualquier cantidad de ellas en tu cementerio y el resto en la parte superior de tu biblioteca en cualquier orden.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espíritu"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453586,
                    "name": "Gardien au cœur de la brume",
                    "text": "Vol\nQuand le Gardien au cœur de la brume arrive sur le champ de bataille, surveillez 2. (Regardez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque, puis mettez n'importe quel nombre d'entre elles dans votre cimetière et le reste au-dessus de votre bibliothèque dans n'importe quel ordre.)",
                    "type": "Créature : esprit"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453845,
                    "name": "Scrutatore nella Foschia",
                    "text": "Volare\nQuando lo Scrutatore nella Foschia entra nel campo di battaglia, sorveglia 2. (Guarda le prime due carte del tuo grimorio, poi mettine un qualsiasi numero nel tuo cimitero e le altre in cima al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Spirito"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454104,
                    "name": "霧から見張るもの",
                    "text": "飛行\n霧から見張るものが戦場に出たとき、諜報2を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚見て、そのうちの望む枚数をあなたの墓地に、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番上に望む順番で置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スピリット"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454363,
                    "name": "안개 속의 감시자",
                    "text": "비행\n안개 속의 감시자가 전장에 들어올 때, 감시 2를 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 본 후, 그 카드들 중 원하는 만큼을 당신의 무덤에 놓고 나머지를 당신의 서고 맨 위에 원하는 순서대로 놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 신령"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454622,
                    "name": "Vigia na Névoa",
                    "text": "Voar\nQuando Vigia na Névoa entrar no campo de batalha, use vigiar 2. (Olhe os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Depois, coloque qualquer número deles em seu cemitério e o restante no topo de seu grimório em qualquer ordem.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espírito"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454881,
                    "name": "Ждущий в Тумане",
                    "text": "Полет\nКогда Ждущий в Тумане выходит на поле битвы, используйте Слежку 2. (Посмотрите две верхние карты вашей библиотеки, затем положите любое количество из них на ваше кладбище, а остальные на верх вашей библиотеки в любом порядке.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Дух"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455140,
                    "name": "雾中灵",
                    "text": "飞行\n当雾中灵进战场时,刺探2。(检视你牌库顶的两张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~精怪"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455399,
                    "name": "霧中靈",
                    "text": "飛行\n當霧中靈進戰場時,刺探2。(檢視你牌庫頂的兩張牌,然後將其中任意數量的牌置入你的墳墓場,其餘則以任意順序置於你牌庫頂。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~精靈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 452809,
            "name": "Watcher in the Mist",
            "number": "59",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhen Watcher in the Mist enters the battlefield, surveil 2. <i>(Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Spirit",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "fb971f49-8898-444a-a17c-caeb1696c62a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ebb1f52d-baf9-48a1-82c4-666b5058f74d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e8c0fbea-a678-46b0-b385-e36f14c07672",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176729,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhen Watcher in the Mist enters the battlefield, surveil 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on the top of your library in any order.)",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Spirit",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5e1877e0-1fb5-53c8-8d8b-08232b258ea5",
            "uuidV421": "1ed055cf-9e06-588c-8df0-0ff48b4ba938",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Cliff Childs",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "Few believe Duskmantle exists. Fewer find it. None live to bear witness.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Nur wenige glauben, dass die Dämmerhülle existiert. Noch weniger finden sie. Niemand lebt lange genug, um von ihr zu berichten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453268,
                    "name": "Nasses Grab",
                    "text": "({T}: Erzeuge {U} oder {B}.)\nSowie das Nasse Grab ins Spiel kommt, kannst du 2 Lebenspunkte bezahlen. Falls du dies nicht tust, kommt es getappt ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Land — Insel, Sumpf"
                    "flavorText": "Pocos creen en la existencia de Mantoscuro. Menos aún lo encuentran. Ninguno vive para ser testigo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453527,
                    "name": "Tumba inundada",
                    "text": "({T}: Agrega {U} o {B}.)\nEn cuanto la Tumba inundada entre al campo de batalla, puedes pagar 2 vidas. Si no lo haces, entra al campo de batalla girada.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Isla pantano"
                    "flavorText": "Rares sont ceux qui croient à l'existence de Manteaubrune. Ceux qui y accèdent sont encore moins nombreux. Aucun ne vit pour en témoigner.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453786,
                    "name": "Tombe aquatique",
                    "text": "({T} : Ajoutez {U} ou {B}.)\nAu moment où la Tombe aquatique arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez payer 2 points de vie. Si vous ne le faites pas, elle arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.",
                    "type": "Terrain : île et marais"
                    "flavorText": "In pochi credono nell'esistenza di Mantoscuro. Sono ancora meno coloro che la trovano. Nessuno sopravvive per raccontarlo.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454045,
                    "name": "Tomba d'Acqua",
                    "text": "({T}: Aggiungi {U} o {B}.)\nMentre la Tomba d'Acqua entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi pagare 2 punti vita. Se non lo fai, entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpata.",
                    "type": "Terra — Isola Palude"
                    "flavorText": "ダスクマントルの存在を信じる者は少ない。それを見た者はもっと少ない。それを証言する生存者はいない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454304,
                    "name": "湿った墓",
                    "text": "({T}:{U}か{B}を加える。)\n湿った墓が戦場に出るに際し、あなたは2点のライフを支払ってもよい。そうしないなら、これはタップ状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "土地 — 島・沼"
                    "flavorText": "아주 소수만이 더스크맨틀이 존재한다고 믿는다. 더 적은 수만이 더스크맨틀을 발견한다. 아무도 살아남아서 이를 증언할 수 없다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454563,
                    "name": "수몰된 무덤",
                    "text": "({T}: {U} 또는 {B}를 추가한다.)\n수몰된 무덤이 전장에 들어오면서, 당신은 생명 2점을 지불할 수 있다. 그러지 않으면, 수몰된 무덤은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 섬 늪"
                    "flavorText": "Poucos creem que o Manto do Crepúsculo exista. Pouquíssimos o encontram. Ninguém vive para contar.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454822,
                    "name": "Túmulo Aquático",
                    "text": "({T}: Adicione {U} ou {B}.)\nConforme Túmulo Aquático entra no campo de batalha, você pode pagar 2 pontos de vida. Se não fizer isso, ele entrará no campo de batalha virado.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Ilha Pântano"
                    "flavorText": "Немногие верят в существование Мантии Сумрака. Еще меньше тех, кто ее находил. И никого не осталось в живых, чтобы рассказать об этом.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455081,
                    "name": "Водная Могила",
                    "text": "({T}: добавьте {U} или {B}.)\nПри выходе Водной Могилы на поле битвы вы можете заплатить 2 жизни. Если вы этого не делаете, она выходит на поле битвы повернутой.",
                    "type": "Земля — Остров Болото"
                    "flavorText": "没什么人相信暮篷存在。亲眼见到者更少。而见到后还能报信的,则一个都没有。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455340,
                    "name": "积水墓地",
                    "text": "({T}:加{U}或{B}。)\n于积水墓地进战场时,你可以支付2点生命。如果你未如此作,则积水墓地须横置进战场。",
                    "type": "地 ~海岛/沼泽"
                    "flavorText": "沒什麼人相信暮篷存在。親眼見到者更少。而見到後還能報信的,則一個都沒有。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455599,
                    "name": "積水墓地",
                    "text": "({T}:加{U}或{B}。)\n於積水墓地進戰場時,你可以支付2點生命。如果你未如此作,則積水墓地須橫置進戰場。",
                    "type": "地 ~海島/沼澤"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 453009,
            "name": "Watery Grave",
            "number": "259",
            "originalText": "<i>({T}: Add {U} or {B}.)</i>\nAs Watery Grave enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "originalType": "Land — Island Swamp",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Unlike most dual lands, this land has two basic land types. It’s not basic, so cards such as District Guide can’t find it, but it does have the appropriate land types for effects such as that of Drowned Catacomb (from the Ixalan set)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect puts this land onto the battlefield tapped, you may pay 2 life, but it still enters tapped."
            "scryfallId": "7d4595f2-9297-40dc-b2dd-7144bbb401f7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "21a8e2c8-7c1d-408f-8320-21c3075363ec",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fc9ec820-4245-4a96-b009-5308a818ca58",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 175205,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "({T}: Add {U} or {B}.)\nAs Watery Grave enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "type": "Land — Island Swamp",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6595f7ca-cbc1-5d05-a2b9-155a62bb24cf",
            "uuidV421": "2d596952-21a2-5657-96ac-6770ec712e1f",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Greg Staples",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Something's causing electrospheric disruption in the blazekite's spire-vanes. Find the cause, and tell them to keep it up!\"\n—Juzba, Izzet tinker",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Etwas verursacht elektrosphärische Unterbrechungen in der Gitterleitung des Blitzdrachen. Findet die Ursache und sagt ihnen, sie sollen weitermachen!\"\n—Juzba, Izzet-Bastler",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453223,
                    "name": "Winzige Dragonauten",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nImmer wenn du einen Spontanzauber oder eine Hexerei wirkst, erhalten die Winzigen Dragonauten +2/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Feenwesen, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "\"Hay algo que provoca una disrupción electroesférica en las aspas de la cometa llameante. ¡Encuentra la causa y dile que siga así!\".\n—Juzba, hojalatero ízzet",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453482,
                    "name": "Dragonautas diminutos",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo o de conjuro, los Dragonautas diminutos obtienen +2/+0 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero hada"
                    "flavorText": "« Il y a une perturbation électrosphérique dans les flèches des girouettes des électro-cerfs-volants. Trouvez le responsable, et dites-lui de continuer comme ça ! »\n—Juzba, rétameur d'Izzet",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453741,
                    "name": "Mini dragonautes",
                    "text": "Vol\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère ou de rituel, les Mini dragonautes gagnent +2/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : peuple fée et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Qualcosa sta producendo perturbazioni elettrosferiche nelle banderuole apicali dello sfavillone. Trovate chi le sta causando e ditegli di continuare così!\"\n—Juzba, riparatore Izzet",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454000,
                    "name": "Dragonauti in Miniatura",
                    "text": "Volare\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo o stregoneria, i Dragonauti in Miniatura prendono +2/+0 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Spiritello"
                    "flavorText": "「何らかの理由により、猛火凧の尖翼で電気球崩壊が生じている。原因を見つけ出し、そいつにはそのまま続けるように言え!」\n――イゼットの修繕士、ジュズバ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454259,
                    "name": "小柄な竜装者",
                    "text": "飛行\nあなたがインスタントかソーサリーである呪文を唱えるたび、ターン終了時まで、小柄な竜装者は+2/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — フェアリー・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "\"무엇인가가 불길연의 나선형 날개에 전기구체 분열을 일으키고 있군. 원인을 찾아내서, 계속하라고 말해 주게!\"\n—이젯 발명가, 주즈바",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454518,
                    "name": "소형 용비행사",
                    "text": "비행\n당신이 순간마법 또는 집중마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 소형 용비행사는 턴종료까지 +2/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 페어리 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Alguma coisa está causando disrupção eletrosférica nas espirogrimpas da pipa-labareda. Descubra os responsáveis e diga para continuarem!\"\n— Juzba, latoeiro Izzet",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454777,
                    "name": "Dragonautas Minúsculos",
                    "text": "Voar\nToda vez que você conjura uma mágica instantânea ou feitiço, Dragonautas Minúsculos recebe +2/+0 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fada Mago"
                    "flavorText": "«Что-то вызывает электросферные возмущения во флюгерных стержнях электрозмея. Найдите причину — и скажите им, чтобы не останавливались!»\n— Юзба, механик Иззетов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455036,
                    "name": "Крохотные Драгонавты",
                    "text": "Полет\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание или заклинание волшебства, Крохотные Драгонавты получают +2/+0 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Фея Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "「有东西导致火焰风筝螺旋叶上的电子层受到干扰。找出原因,让他们再加把劲!」\n~伊捷修补匠裘巴",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455295,
                    "name": "袖珍龙航师",
                    "text": "飞行\n每当你施放瞬间或法术咒语时,袖珍龙航师得+2/+0直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~仙灵/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "「有東西導致火焰風箏螺旋葉上的電子層受到干擾。找出原因,讓他們再加把勁!」\n~伊捷修補匠裘巴",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455554,
                    "name": "袖珍龍航師",
                    "text": "飛行\n每當你施放瞬間或巫術咒語時,袖珍龍航師得+2/+0直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~仙靈/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452964,
            "name": "Wee Dragonauts",
            "number": "214",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Wee Dragonauts gets +2/+0 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Faerie Wizard",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Wee Dragonauts’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
            "scryfallId": "37ee17a1-76ce-4ae8-9109-ba32457cbeec",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4f40bac8-6435-48fa-9ab1-5d73e2c37ff8",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e9e56b1d-5ad2-4807-8c4c-1a1a6a25ecbf",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176781,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, Wee Dragonauts gets +2/+0 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Faerie Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fa5d85f4-0f8a-5e2c-9d2a-6c40fbfbdea5",
            "uuidV421": "ae828244-4d1a-59a0-8ed9-9de6b393ca47",
            "watermark": "izzet"
            "artist": "Deruchenko Alexander",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "He has a job to finish, and it's you.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Er hat noch etwas zu erledigen, und zwar dich.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453229,
                    "name": "Lautloser Agent",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nWenn der Lautlose Agent ins Spiel kommt, wende Überwachen 1 an. (Schaue dir die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst sie auf deinen Friedhof legen.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "Tiene una tarea que terminar: tu vida.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453488,
                    "name": "Agente de los susurros",
                    "text": "Destello.\nCuando el Agente de los susurros entre al campo de batalla, escruta 1. (Mira la primera carta de tu biblioteca. Puedes ponerla en tu cementerio.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón humano"
                    "flavorText": "Il a un travail à exécuter, et c'est vous.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453747,
                    "name": "Agent des chuchotements",
                    "text": "Flash\nQuand l'Agent des chuchotements arrive sur le champ de bataille, surveillez 1. (Regardez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez la mettre dans votre cimetière.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "Ha un compito da terminare: tu.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454006,
                    "name": "Agente Sussurrante",
                    "text": "Lampo\nQuando l'Agente Sussurrante entra nel campo di battaglia, sorveglia 1. (Guarda la prima carta del tuo grimorio. Puoi metterla nel tuo cimitero.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Umano"
                    "flavorText": "彼には片付けるべき仕事がある。それは君だ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454265,
                    "name": "囁く工作員",
                    "text": "瞬速\n囁く工作員が戦場に出たとき、諜報1を行う。(あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを見る。あなたはそのカードをあなたの墓地に置いてもよい。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "그에게는 끝내야 할 일이 있다. 바로 당신 말이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454524,
                    "name": "속삭임 요원",
                    "text": "섬광\n속삭임 요원이 전장에 들어올 때, 감시 1을 한다. (당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 한 장을 본다. 당신은 그 카드를 당신의 무덤에 넣을 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 도적"
                    "flavorText": "Ele tem um trabalho a concluir: você.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454783,
                    "name": "Agente dos Sussurros",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nQuando Agente dos Sussurros entrar no campo de batalha, use vigiar 1. (Olhe o card do topo de seu grimório. Você pode colocá‑lo em seu cemitério.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "Ему нужно закончить работу, и эта работа — вы.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455042,
                    "name": "Агент Шепота",
                    "text": "Миг\nКогда Агент Шепота выходит на поле битвы, используйте Слежку 1. (Посмотрите верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки. Вы можете положить ее на ваше кладбище.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "他还有一件工作要收尾~就是你。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455301,
                    "name": "细语密探",
                    "text": "闪现\n当细语密探进战场时,刺探1。(检视你牌库顶的牌。你可以将其置入你的坟墓场。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "他還有一件工作要收尾~就是你。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455560,
                    "name": "細語密探",
                    "text": "閃現\n當細語密探進戰場時,刺探1。(檢視你牌庫頂的牌。你可以將其置入你的墳墓場。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U/B}{U/B}",
            "multiverseId": 452970,
            "name": "Whisper Agent",
            "number": "220",
            "originalText": "Flash\nWhen Whisper Agent enters the battlefield, surveil 1. <i>(Look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your graveyard.)</i>",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When you surveil, you may put all the cards you look at back on top of your library, you may put all of those cards into your graveyard, or you may put some of those cards on top and the rest of them into your graveyard."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You perform the actions stated on a card in sequence. For some spells and abilities, you’ll surveil last. For others, you’ll surveil and then perform other actions."
            "scryfallId": "f6d318e7-f49e-49f8-98b6-d62c34aa4af2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "27cb7300-90f1-4a82-8366-3ce9742a9ce0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2ed76a99-fe5c-4d68-b572-a30848055c8a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176063,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nWhen Whisper Agent enters the battlefield, surveil 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your graveyard.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8b925473-11c5-5fdc-8689-ee824925a58d",
            "uuidV421": "ff6c6655-2e4e-5bfa-8d97-3650bb6a162f",
            "watermark": "dimir"
            "artist": "Jason Rainville",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Sure, I hear things. I hear plenty. But how am I to talk with this parched throat?\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Natürlich kommen mir Dinge zu Ohren. Eine Menge Dinge. Aber wie soll ich sie mit meiner trockenen Kehle ausplaudern?\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453099,
                    "name": "Flüsternder Spitzel",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du zum ersten Mal in einem Zug Überwachen anwendest, fügt der Flüsternde Spitzel jedem Gegner 1 Schadenspunkt zu und du erhältst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vampir, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Claro que oigo cosas. Muchas. ¿Pero cómo voy a hablar con la garganta seca?\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453358,
                    "name": "Soplón susurrante",
                    "text": "Siempre que escrutes por primera vez cada turno, el Soplón susurrante hace 1 punto de daño a cada oponente y tú ganas 1 vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "« Bien sûr que j'entends des choses. Beaucoup de choses, même. Je parlerais bien mais j'ai la gorge tellement sèche... »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453617,
                    "name": "Mouchard chuchotant",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous surveillez pour la première fois à chaque tour, le Mouchard chuchotant inflige 1 blessure à chaque adversaire et vous gagnez 1 point de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : vampire et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Certo, di cose ne sento dire parecchie. Ma come faccio a parlare con la gola così secca?\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453876,
                    "name": "Spione Sussurrante",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta sorvegli per la prima volta in ogni turno, lo Spione Sussurrante infligge 1 danno a ogni avversario e tu guadagni 1 punto vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "「確かに知ってますよ。いろいろとね。でも、喉が渇いてると話しづらいですねぇ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454135,
                    "name": "囁く情報屋",
                    "text": "あなたが各ターン最初に諜報を行うたび、囁く情報屋は各対戦相手にそれぞれ1点のダメージを与え、あなたは1点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 吸血鬼・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "\"맞아, 내가 좀 들은 게 있지. 많은 걸 듣는다구. 하지만 이렇게 바싹 마른 목으로 어떻게 이야기를 하겠어?\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454394,
                    "name": "속삭이는 고자질쟁이",
                    "text": "당신이 매 턴 처음으로 감시할 때마다, 속삭이는 고자질쟁이는 각 상대에게 피해 1점을 입히고 당신은 생명 1점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 흡혈귀 도적"
                    "flavorText": "\"Claro, eu ouço coisas. Ouço muitas. Mas como é que eu vou falar com essa garganta seca?\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454653,
                    "name": "Delator Sussurrador",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você usa vigiar pela primeira vez em cada turno, Delator Sussurrador causa 1 ponto de dano a cada oponente e você ganha 1 ponto de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "«Да, я кое-что слышал. Я вообще много слышу. Но как мне говорить, когда в горле пересохло?»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454912,
                    "name": "Шептун-Доносчик",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы используете Слежку первый раз в каждом ходу, Шептун-Доносчик наносит 1 повреждение каждому оппоненту, а вы получаете 1 жизнь.",
                    "type": "Существо — Вампир Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "「没错,我消息灵通,情报繁多。但我这副干涩的嗓子又能说什么呢?」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455171,
                    "name": "细语告密客",
                    "text": "每当你每回合首度刺探时,细语告密客向每位对手各造成1点伤害,且你获得1点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "「沒錯,我消息靈通,情報繁多。但我這副乾澀的嗓子又能說什麼呢?」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455430,
                    "name": "細語告密客",
                    "text": "每當你每回合首度刺探時,細語告密客向每位對手各造成1點傷害,且你獲得1點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 452840,
            "name": "Whispering Snitch",
            "number": "90",
            "originalText": "Whenever you surveil for the first time each turn, Whispering Snitch deals 1 damage to each opponent and you gain 1 life.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vampire Rogue",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you surveil before Whispering Snitch enters the battlefield, surveilling again during that turn won’t cause its ability to trigger."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Whispering Snitch’s ability causes the opposing team to lose 2 life and you gain 1 life."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers “whenever you surveil” triggers after you’re done surveilling, even if you have fewer cards in your library than the number of cards you’re instructed to surveil. It even triggers if you have no cards in your library."
            "scryfallId": "fa4ca97e-b402-4a73-9c70-79ec4565a39c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a5edf9cd-07bc-4014-81a0-e1a9a071d1ac",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b6836023-4475-415e-9671-980d9eb6e762",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176444,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you surveil for the first time each turn, Whispering Snitch deals 1 damage to each opponent and you gain 1 life.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Vampire Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "84bcf65e-ed01-5b63-adc8-b6b5f6d5faed",
            "uuidV421": "c8a89dcc-7a12-5fa8-8c2e-ad661fb04176",
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            "flavorText": "Once part of a wealthy merchant's private zoo, the herd roams feral throughout the Tenth, where it will remain until the guilds can agree to relocate, cull, or befriend it.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Herde war einst Teil des Privatzoos eines reichen Händlers, doch nun läuft sie wild durch den Zehnten. Dort wird sie auch bleiben, bis die Gilden sich darauf einigen, sie umzusiedeln, zu erlegen oder zu domestizieren.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453159,
                    "name": "Wilder Ceratops",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Nashorn"
                    "flavorText": "La manada, que antaño fue parte del zoo privado de un acaudalado mercader, merodea suelta y asilvestrada por el Décimo hasta que los gremios se pongan de acuerdo en reubicarla, sacrificarla o hacerse amigos suyos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453418,
                    "name": "Ceratok salvaje",
                    "type": "Criatura — Rinoceronte"
                    "flavorText": "La harde, qui appartenait autrefois à la collection privée d'un riche marchand, erre aujourd'hui en toute liberté dans la Dixième, et ce jusqu'à ce que les guildes trouvent un accord pour la déplacer, l'abattre ou l'apprivoiser.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453677,
                    "name": "Cératok sauvage",
                    "type": "Créature : rhinocéros"
                    "flavorText": "Un tempo parte dello zoo privato di un facoltoso mercante, il branco scorrazza selvaggio per il Decimo, dove resterà finché le gilde non decideranno se trasferirlo, abbatterlo o conviverci.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453936,
                    "name": "Ceratok Selvaggio",
                    "type": "Creatura — Rinoceronte"
                    "flavorText": "かつて大商人の私有動物園で飼育されていた群れが、第10管区全域を荒々しく歩き回るようになった。ギルドがその移動か駆除または懐柔に合意するまで、そこに居続けるだろう。",
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                    "multiverseId": 454195,
                    "name": "野生の角獣",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — サイ"
                    "flavorText": "한때는 부유한 상인의 개인 소유 동물원의 일부였으며, 그 무리는 길드들이 그것들을 다른 곳으로 옮기거나, 구제하거나, 길들이기로 합의할 때까지 10번 구역에 남아 맹렬히 돌아다닐 것이다.",
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                    "multiverseId": 454454,
                    "name": "야생 케라톡",
                    "type": "생물 — 코뿔소"
                    "flavorText": "Outrora parte do zoológico particular de um comerciante rico, o rebanho vaga pelo Décimo, onde permanecerá até que as guildas cheguem a um acordo quanto a remover, abater ou fazer amizade com ele.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454713,
                    "name": "Ceratok Selvagem",
                    "type": "Criatura — Rinoceronte"
                    "flavorText": "Когда-то это стадо входило в частный зверинец богатого купца, а теперь бродит, одичалое, по Десятому округу. Здесь оно и останется, пока гильдии не договорятся, что с ним делать: переселить, истребить или приручить.",
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                    "multiverseId": 454972,
                    "name": "Дикий Цераток",
                    "type": "Существо — Носорог"
                    "flavorText": "这群冠角牛曾经属于某位富商的私人动物园,如今它们在第十区野放漫游,直到各公会同意重新安置、汰劣留良或细心安顿之。",
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                    "multiverseId": 455231,
                    "name": "野生冠角牛",
                    "type": "生物 ~犀牛"
                    "flavorText": "這群冠角牛曾經屬於某位富商的私人動物園,如今牠們在第十區野放漫遊,直到各公會同意重新安置、汰劣留良或細心安頓之。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455490,
                    "name": "野生冠角牛",
                    "type": "生物 ~犀牛"
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            "flavorText": "\"What wishes do they grant? Mostly pinching-related ones.\"\n—Omik, superintendent of waterworks",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Welche Wünsche sie erfüllen? Meist solche, die mit Kneifen zu tun haben.\"\n—Omik, Leiter der Wasserwerke",
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                    "type": "Kreatur — Krabbe"
                    "flavorText": "\"¿Que qué deseos concede? Normalmente los que tienen que ver con pellizcos\".\n—Omik, superintendente de aguas urbanas",
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                    "type": "Criatura — Cangrejo"
                    "flavorText": "« Quel genre de vœux exaucent-ils ? Principalement ceux qui pincent. »\n—Omik, surintendant du service des eaux",
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                    "type": "Créature : crabe"
                    "flavorText": "\"Che desideri fanno avverare? Generalmente quelli di finire stritolati tra le loro chele.\"\n—Omik, sovrintendente degli acquedotti",
                    "language": "Italian",
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                    "type": "Creatura — Granchio"
                    "flavorText": "「どんな願いがかなうのかって?ハサミに関連するものだな。」\n――水路の総監、オミック",
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                    "flavorText": "\"Que desejos eles concedem? A maior parte tem a ver com pinças.\"\n— Omik, supervisor de hidrovias",
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                    "flavorText": "«Какие желания они исполняют? В основном те, что связаны с щипками».\n— Омик, надзиратель за объектами водоснабжения",
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                    "flavorText": "「它们能满足什么愿望?应该都是跟夹人有关的吧。」\n~水务主管欧米克",
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                    "flavorText": "「牠們能滿足什麼願望?應該都是跟夾人有關的吧。」\n~水務主管歐米克",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455400,
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            "flavorText": "\"By all means, take another step toward the captain.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Nur zu, tritt näher an den Hauptmann heran.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453129,
                    "name": "Wojek-Leibwache",
                    "text": "Mentor (Immer wenn diese Kreatur angreift, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine angreifende Kreatur deiner Wahl, deren Stärke niedriger ist.)\nDie Wojek-Leibwache kann weder alleine angreifen noch alleine blocken.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Por favor, da otro paso hacia la capitana\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453388,
                    "name": "Guardaespaldas wojek",
                    "text": "Mentor. (Siempre que esta criatura ataque, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura atacante objetivo con menor fuerza.)\nEl Guardaespaldas wojek no puede atacar ni bloquear solo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "« C'est ça, ne vous gênez pas, faites encore un pas vers le capitaine. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453647,
                    "name": "Garde du corps wojek",
                    "text": "Mentor (À chaque fois que cette créature attaque, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature attaquante ciblée de force inférieure.)\nLe Garde du corps wojek ne peut pas attaquer ou bloquer seul.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sentiti pure libero di fare un altro passo verso la capitana.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 453906,
                    "name": "Guardia del Corpo Wojek",
                    "text": "Mentore (Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura attaccante bersaglio con forza inferiore.)\nLa Guardia del Corpo Wojek non può attaccare o bloccare da sola.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「何としてでも隊長になるため一歩前進するのだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454165,
                    "name": "ウォジェクの護衛",
                    "text": "教導(このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、パワーがこれよりも小さい攻撃クリーチャー1体を対象とする。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)\nウォジェクの護衛は単独では攻撃もブロックもできない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"어디, 대장님 곁으로 한 발만 더 가까이 와 봐라.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454424,
                    "name": "워젝 경호원",
                    "text": "지도 (이 생물이 공격할 때마다, 공격력이 더 낮은 공격 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)\n워젝 경호원은 혼자서 공격하거나 방어할 수 없다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vamos lá. Experimente dar mais um passo em direção à capitã.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454683,
                    "name": "Guarda-costas Wojek",
                    "text": "Mentor (Toda vez que esta criatura atacar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura atacante alvo com poder inferior.)\nGuarda-costas Wojek não pode atacar nem bloquear sozinho.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Ну давай, сделай еще хоть шаг к капитану».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 454942,
                    "name": "Войек-Телохранитель",
                    "text": "Наставник (Каждый раз, когда это существо атакует, положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое атакующее существо с меньшим значением силы.)\nВойек-Телохранитель не может атаковать или блокировать в одиночку.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「有本事你就试试看能不能再靠近队长一步。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455201,
                    "name": "沃耶克保镖",
                    "text": "训导(每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于它的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)\n沃耶克保镖不能单独进行攻击或阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「有本事你就試試看能不能再靠近隊長一步。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455460,
                    "name": "沃耶克保鏢",
                    "text": "訓導(每當此生物攻擊時,在目標進行攻擊且力量小於它的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)\n沃耶克保鏢不能單獨進行攻擊或阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 452870,
            "name": "Wojek Bodyguard",
            "number": "120",
            "originalText": "Mentor <i>(Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)</i>\nWojek Bodyguard can't attack or block alone.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If you control more than one Wojek Bodyguard, they can attack or block together, even if no other creatures attack or block."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Although Wojek Bodyguard can’t attack alone, other attacking creatures don’t have to attack the same player or planeswalker. For example, Wojek Bodyguard could attack an opponent and another creature could attack a planeswalker that opponent controls. Similarly, other blocking creatures don’t have to block the same creature that Wojek Bodyguard blocks."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Once Wojek Bodyguard has attacked or blocked, it will remain in combat even if you no longer control another attacking or blocking creature."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect says that Wojek Bodyguard attacks or blocks if able and you control another creature able to attack or block, you must attack or block with Wojek Bodyguard and another creature."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Wojek Bodyguard can attack or block with a creature controlled by your teammate, even if no other creatures you control are attacking or blocking."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Mentor compares the power of the creature with mentor with that of the target creature at two different times: once as the triggered ability is put onto the stack, and once as the triggered ability resolves. If you wish to raise a creature’s power so its mentor ability can target a bigger creature, the last chance you have to do so is during the beginning of combat step."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the target creature’s power is no longer less than the attacking creature’s power as the ability resolves, mentor doesn’t add a +1/+1 counter. For example, if two 3/3 creatures with mentor attack and both mentor triggers target the same 2/2 creature, the first to resolve puts a +1/+1 counter on it and the second does nothing."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If the creature with mentor leaves the battlefield with mentor on the stack, use its power as that creature last existed on the battlefield to determine whether the target creature has less power."
            "scryfallId": "ebff5313-e325-47c3-814b-38fdb4c6c8d2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "04a27004-cab2-49ac-ba94-f46ca53fe0c2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8de57b66-cb97-44e4-8c0d-8ecf3202c299",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 176687,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Mentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)\nWojek Bodyguard can't attack or block alone.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "418a4324-9308-5eeb-8a0c-407f70708f2f",
            "uuidV421": "5ef9ee69-7691-596d-b629-f17fa72e5f33",
            "watermark": "boros"
            "artist": "James Paick",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 453224,
                    "name": "Weltenseelen-Koloss",
                    "text": "Einberufen (Deine Kreaturen können dir helfen, diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken. Mit jeder Kreatur, die du tappst, während du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, bezahlst du für {1} oder ein Mana der Farbe jener Kreatur.)\nDer Weltenseelen-Koloss kommt mit X +1/+1-Marken ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elementarwesen"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 453483,
                    "name": "Coloso alma del mundo",
                    "text": "Convocar. (Tus criaturas pueden ayudar a lanzar este hechizo. Cada criatura que gires al lanzar este hechizo cuenta como un pago de {1} o de un maná del color de esa criatura.)\nEl Coloso alma del mundo entra al campo de batalla con X contadores +1/+1 sobre él.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 453742,
                    "name": "Colosse âme du monde",
                    "text": "Convocation (Vos créatures peuvent aider à lancer ce sort. Chaque créature que vous engagez en lançant ce sort paie {1} ou un mana de la couleur de cette créature.)\nLe Colosse âme du monde arrive sur le champ de bataille avec X marqueurs +1/+1 sur lui.",
                    "type": "Créature : élémental"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 454001,
                    "name": "Colosso dell'Anima del Mondo",
                    "text": "Convocazione (Le tue creature possono aiutarti a lanciare questa magia. Ogni creatura che TAPpi mentre lanci questa magia corrisponde al pagamento di {1} o di un mana del colore di quella creatura.)\nIl Colosso dell'Anima del Mondo entra nel campo di battaglia con X segnalini +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Elementale"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 454260,
                    "name": "世界魂の巨像",
                    "text": "召集(あなたのクリーチャーが、この呪文を唱える助けとなる。この呪文を唱える段階であなたがタップした各クリーチャーは、{1}かそのクリーチャーの色のマナ1点を支払う。)\n世界魂の巨像は、+1/+1カウンターがX個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エレメンタル"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 454519,
                    "name": "세계의 영혼 콜로서스",
                    "text": "집합 (당신의 생물들은 이 주문을 발동하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 이 주문을 발동하는 동안 탭하는 각 생물은 이 주문의 비용 중 {1} 또는 그 생물의 색 마나 한 개를 지불한다.)\n세계의 영혼 콜로서스는 +1/+1 카운터 X개를 가지고 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 정령"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 454778,
                    "name": "Colosso da Anima Mundi",
                    "text": "Convocar (Suas criaturas podem ajudar a conjurar esta mágica. Cada criatura que você vira ao conjurar esta mágica paga {1} ou um mana da cor daquela criatura.)\nColosso da Anima Mundi entra no campo de batalha com X marcadores +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 455037,
                    "name": "Колосс Всесознания",
                    "text": "Созыв (Ваши существа могут помочь разыграть это заклинание. Каждое существо, которое вы поворачиваете при разыгрывании этого заклинания, считается оплатой {1} или одной маны цвета того существа.)\nКолосс Всесознания выходит на поле битвы с X жетонами +1/+1 на нем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Элементаль"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 455296,
                    "name": "世界之魂巨像",
                    "text": "召集(此咒语能用你的生物来协助施放。你于施放此咒语时每横置一个生物,就能为此咒语支付{1}或一点该生物颜色之法术力。)\n世界之魂巨像进战场时上面有X个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 455555,
                    "name": "世界之魂巨像",
                    "text": "召集(此咒語能用你的生物來協助施放。你於施放此咒語時每橫置一個生物,就能為此咒語支付{1}或一點該生物顏色之魔法力。)\n世界之魂巨像進戰場時上面有X個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{X}{G}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 452965,
            "name": "Worldsoul Colossus",
            "number": "215",
            "originalText": "Convoke <i>(Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)</i>\nWorldsoul Colossus enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elemental",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "You can tap an untapped creature you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn to convoke a spell."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Convoke doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost or converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When calculating a spell’s total cost, include any alternative costs, additional costs, or anything else that increases or reduces the cost to cast the spell. Convoke applies after the total cost is calculated."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Because convoke isn’t an alternative cost, it can be used in conjunction with alternative costs."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Tapping a multicolored creature using convoke will pay for {1} or one mana of your choice of any of that creature’s colors."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "When using convoke to cast a spell with {X} in its mana cost, first choose the value for X. That choice, plus any cost increases or decreases, will determine the spell’s total cost. Then you can tap creatures you control to help pay that cost. For example, if you cast Worldsoul Colossus (a spell with convoke and mana cost {X}{G}{W}) and choose X to be 3, the total cost is {3}{G}{W}. If you tap two green creatures and two white creatures, you’ll have to pay {1}."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has a mana ability with {T} in the cost, activating that ability while casting a spell with convoke will result in the creature being tapped before you pay the spell’s costs. You won’t be able to tap it again for convoke. Similarly, if you sacrifice a creature to activate a mana ability while casting a spell with convoke, that creature won’t be on the battlefield when you pay the spell’s costs, so you won’t be able to tap it for convoke."
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 176844,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)\nWorldsoul Colossus enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "toughness": "0",
            "type": "Creature — Elemental",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0b922469-b217-5c96-9352-e089c9aed7d2",
            "uuidV421": "cc3e6aee-d80b-5169-bf50-bc8ff174491f",
            "watermark": "selesnya"
    "code": "GRN",
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    "name": "Guilds of Ravnica",
    "releaseDate": "2018-10-05",
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