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Test Coverage
    "baseSetSize": 259,
    "block": "Guilds of Ravnica",
    "boosterV3": [
            "mythic rare"
    "cards": [
            "artist": "Izzy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"In your misguided attempt to subvert the law, you have eloquently explained why the law must exist.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Dein fehlgeleiteter Versuch, die Gesetze zu unterlaufen, beweist, dass diese Gesetze dringend notwendig sind.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457554,
                    "name": "Absorbieren",
                    "text": "Neutralisiere einen Zauberspruch deiner Wahl. Du erhältst 3 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"En tu intento equivocado de subvertir la ley, explicaste con elocuencia por qué debe existir\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457813,
                    "name": "Absorber",
                    "text": "Contrarresta el hechizo objetivo. Ganas 3 vidas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Dans votre tentative malavisée de renverser la loi, vous avez expliqué avec éloquence pourquoi elle doit exister. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458072,
                    "name": "Absorption",
                    "text": "Contrecarrez le sort ciblé. Vous gagnez 3 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Con il tuo malaccorto tentativo di sovvertire la legge, ne hai dimostrato esaustivamente la necessità.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458331,
                    "name": "Assorbire",
                    "text": "Neutralizza una magia bersaglio. Guadagni 3 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「法を脅かすという君の誤った試みの中に、法がなくてはならない理由が雄弁に語られている。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458590,
                    "name": "吸収",
                    "text": "呪文1つを対象とし、それを打ち消す。あなたは3点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"잘못된 판단에 근거해 법을 전복시키려 한 네 시도가 왜 법이 존재해야만 하는지를 역설해 주었다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458849,
                    "name": "흡수",
                    "text": "주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문을 무효화한다. 당신은 생명 3점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Em sua equivocada tentativa de subverter a lei, você explicou eloquentemente a necessidade da lei.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459108,
                    "name": "Absorver",
                    "text": "Anule a mágica alvo. Você ganha 3 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Своей нелепой попыткой помешать исполнению закона ты лишь красноречиво показал, почему он должен существовать».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459367,
                    "name": "Поглощение",
                    "text": "Отмените целевое заклинание. Вы получаете 3 жизни.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「在你试图颠覆律法的错误过程中,你已经完美地阐述了律法为何必须存在。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459626,
                    "name": "吸收",
                    "text": "反击目标咒语。你获得3点生命。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「在你試圖顛覆律法的錯誤過程中,你已經完美地闡述了律法為何必須存在。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459885,
                    "name": "吸收",
                    "text": "反擊目標咒語。你獲得3點生命。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457295,
            "name": "Absorb",
            "number": "151",
            "originalText": "Counter target spell. You gain 3 life.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A spell that can’t be countered is a legal target for Absorb. The spell won’t be countered when Absorb resolves, but you’ll still gain 3 life."
            "scryfallId": "1e8a43c1-42d1-45ef-8a63-4b87775a6e88",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d64f2ad2-53b3-4d76-9f2f-4ef8b097af60",
            "scryfallOracleId": "132ca99a-a3c7-4ed6-b4d0-0edcd7140ca2",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182492,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Counter target spell. You gain 3 life.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f5f0ce1a-7ed3-5c87-b3b5-a428499b0042",
            "uuidV421": "b8fdf14d-e4a6-5da2-b0b9-b3a52376821f",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Scott Murphy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Seen through Rakdos eyes, a cruel betrayal is a hilarious stunt.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Für die Rakdos ist grausamer Verrat eine urkomische Nummer.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457494,
                    "name": "Verräterische Tat",
                    "text": "Übernimm bis zum Ende des Zuges die Kontrolle über eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. Enttappe die Kreatur. Sie erhält Eile bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Vista a través de ojos rakdos, una traición cruel es una artimaña de lo más cómica.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457753,
                    "name": "Acto de traición",
                    "text": "Gana el control de la criatura objetivo hasta el final del turno. Endereza esa criatura. Gana la habilidad de prisa hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Aux yeux des Rakdos, une trahison cruelle est un acte hilarant.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458012,
                    "name": "Acte de trahison",
                    "text": "Acquérez le contrôle de la créature ciblée jusqu'à la fin du tour. Dégagez cette créature. Elle acquiert la célérité jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Agli occhi dei Rakdos, un crudele tradimento è un espediente spassoso.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458271,
                    "name": "Atto di Tradimento",
                    "text": "Prendi il controllo di una creatura bersaglio fino alla fine del turno. STAPpa quella creatura. Ha rapidità fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "ラクドスの目を通してみると、残酷な裏切りも愉快な一芸だ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458530,
                    "name": "反逆の行動",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それのコントロールを得る。そのクリーチャーをアンタップする。ターン終了時まで、それは速攻を得る。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "락도스의 관점으로 보면, 잔혹한 배신은 아주 재미있는 곡예이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458789,
                    "name": "반역 행위",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 턴종료까지 그 생물의 조종권을 얻는다. 그 생물은 언탭되고 턴종료까지 신속을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Aos olhos dos Rakdos, uma traição cruel é uma esquete hilária.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459048,
                    "name": "Ato de Traição",
                    "text": "Ganhe o controle da criatura alvo até o final do turno. Desvire aquela criatura. Ela ganha ímpeto até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Если смотреть на жестокое предательство глазами Ракдосов, оно превращается в страшно смешной розыгрыш.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459307,
                    "name": "Акт Измены",
                    "text": "Получите контроль над целевым существом до конца хода. Разверните то существо. Оно получает Ускорение до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "在拉铎司人眼中看来,残酷背叛不过是一场特技表演。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459566,
                    "name": "叛行",
                    "text": "获得目标生物的操控权直到回合结束。重置该生物。它获得敏捷异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "在拉鐸司人眼中看來,殘酷背叛不過是一場特技表演。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459825,
                    "name": "叛行",
                    "text": "獲得目標生物的操控權直到回合結束。重置該生物。它獲得敏捷異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457235,
            "name": "Act of Treason",
            "number": "91",
            "originalText": "Gain control of target creature until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Act of Treason can target any creature, even one that’s untapped or one you already control."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Gaining control of a creature doesn’t cause you to gain control of any Auras or Equipment attached to it."
            "scryfallId": "1f2328c4-7344-48bf-b515-977499bcfd1c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "884b0712-07a7-4d81-a2c4-246bbcbf12d5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9d08af23-9f4a-4097-9abc-3b17475ab744",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183383,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Gain control of target creature until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7e9b5fa0-4d69-55f3-88a4-7bbdee0f8803",
            "uuidV421": "7ea04bfc-98f6-59aa-834e-0f71aeb91f3d"
            "artist": "Simon Dominic",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The absence of binocular vision imposes certain challenges for a flying creature, which are overcome via echolocation.\"\n—Simic research notes",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Einäugigkeit stellt diese fliegende Kreatur vor gewisse Herausforderungen, die sie mithilfe der Echolokation meistert.\"\n—Notizen von Simic-Forschern",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457555,
                    "name": "Aeromunkulus",
                    "text": "Fliegend\n{2}{G}{U}: Adaptieren 1. (Falls keine +1/+1-Marken auf dieser Kreatur liegen, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf sie.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Homunkulus, Mutant"
                    "flavorText": "\"Para una criatura voladora, la ausencia de visión binocular supone ciertos desafíos, mas estos se resuelven gracias a la ecolocalización\".\n—Notas de investigación simic",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457814,
                    "name": "Aeromúnculo",
                    "text": "Vuela.\n{2}{G}{U}: Adaptar 1. (Si esta criatura no tiene contadores +1/+1 sobre ella, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre ella.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Mutante homúnculo"
                    "flavorText": "« L'absence de vision binoculaire posent certaines difficultés à une créature volante, mais que l'on peut surmonter grâce à l'écholocalisation. »\n—Notes de recherche des Simic",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458073,
                    "name": "Aéromoncule",
                    "text": "Vol\n{2}{G}{U} : Adaptez 1. (Si cette créature n'a pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur elle.)",
                    "type": "Créature : homoncule et mutant"
                    "flavorText": "\"L'assenza di visione binoculare pone alcune sfide nella creazione di una creatura volante; a queste si è ovviato attraverso un sistema di ecolocazione.\"\n—Note di ricerca dei Simic",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458332,
                    "name": "Aeromuncolo",
                    "text": "Volare\n{2}{G}{U}: Adattamento 1. (Se questa creatura non ha segnalini +1/+1, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su di essa.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mutante Omuncolo"
                    "flavorText": "「二眼視の欠如は飛行生物にとって少なからぬ負担になるが、その点は反響定位により補われている。」\n――シミックの研究メモ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458591,
                    "name": "エアロムンクルス",
                    "text": "飛行\n{2}{G}{U}:順応1を行う。(このクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないなら、これの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ホムンクルス・ミュータント"
                    "flavorText": "\"두 눈으로 볼 수 없다는 사실은 날아다니는 생물에게 특정한 어려움을 제시하며, 이는 반향정위를 통해 극복된다.\"\n—시믹 연구 기록",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458850,
                    "name": "에어로문쿨루스",
                    "text": "비행\n{2}{G}{U}: 적응 1을 한다. (이 생물이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않다면, 이 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 호문쿨루스 돌연변이"
                    "flavorText": "\"A ausência de visão binocular impõe certos desafios a uma criatura voadora. Esses são superados via ecolocalização.\"\n— Notas de pesquisa Simic",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459109,
                    "name": "Aeromúnculo",
                    "text": "Voar\n{2}{G}: Adaptar 1. (Se esta criatura não tiver marcadores +1/+1, coloque um marcador +1/+1 nela.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Homúnculo Mutante"
                    "flavorText": "«Отсутствие бинокулярного зрения накладывает определенные трудности на летающее существо, но их легко преодолеть при помощи эхолокации».\n— Исследовательские записки Симиков",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459368,
                    "name": "Аэромункул",
                    "text": "Полет\n{2}{G}{U}: адаптируйте 1. (Если на этом существе нет жетонов +1/+1, положите на него один жетон +1/+1.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Гомункул Мутант"
                    "flavorText": "「对于飞行生物而言,没有双眼视觉多少会有点不便,但这个缺点能靠回声定位来弥补。」\n~析米克研究纪录",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459627,
                    "name": "空行造妖",
                    "text": "飞行\n{2}{G}{U}:演化1。(如果此生物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~造妖/突变体"
                    "flavorText": "「對於飛行生物而言,沒有雙眼視覺多少會有點不便,但這個缺點能靠回聲定位來彌補。」\n~析米克研究紀錄",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459886,
                    "name": "空行造妖",
                    "text": "飛行\n{2}{G}{U}:演化1。(如果此生物上沒有+1/+1指示物,則在其上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~造妖/突變體"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457296,
            "name": "Aeromunculus",
            "number": "152",
            "originalText": "Flying\n{2}{G}{U}: Adapt 1. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put a +1/+1 counter on it.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Homunculus Mutant",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can always activate an ability that will cause a creature to adapt. As that ability resolves, if the creature has a +1/+1 counter on it for any reason, you simply won’t put any +1/+1 counters on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature somehow loses all of its +1/+1 counters, it can adapt again and get more +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "671c94c1-df52-4985-ad78-3e1c9c78df18",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "1ab11619-378d-43c0-a43f-706acebb5ffe",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a0cd19c1-9125-4627-83ba-d42c489b4e7d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182213,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\n{2}{G}{U}: Adapt 1. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put a +1/+1 counter on it.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Homunculus Mutant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a18dde06-a5bc-5c49-a8d4-ef2d06f12741",
            "uuidV421": "cea53944-82fa-5c12-acc7-fd7a1a500334",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Dan Scott",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457495,
                    "name": "Amplifeuer",
                    "text": "Decke zu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments Karten oben von deiner Bibliothek auf, bis du eine Kreaturenkarte aufdeckst. Bis zu deinem nächsten Zug wird die Basis-Stärke des Amplifeuers zum Doppelten der Stärke jener Karte und seine Basis-Widerstandskraft wird zum Doppelten der Widerstandskraft jener Karte. Lege die aufgedeckten Karten in zufälliger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elementarwesen"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457754,
                    "name": "Amplifuego",
                    "text": "Al comienzo de tu mantenimiento, muestra las primeras cartas de tu biblioteca hasta que muestres una carta de criatura. Hasta tu próximo turno, la fuerza base del Amplifuego se convierte en el doble de la fuerza de esa carta y su resistencia base se convierte en el doble de la resistencia de esa carta. Pon las cartas mostradas en el fondo de tu biblioteca en un orden aleatorio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458013,
                    "name": "Flamplificateur",
                    "text": "Au début de votre entretien, révélez les cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque jusqu'à ce que vous révéliez une carte de créature. Jusqu'à votre prochain tour, la force de base du Flamplificateur devient égale au double de la force de cette carte et son endurance de base devient égale au double de l'endurance de cette carte. Mettez les cartes révélées au-dessous de votre bibliothèque dans un ordre aléatoire.",
                    "type": "Créature : élémental"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458272,
                    "name": "Amplifuoco",
                    "text": "All'inizio del tuo mantenimento, rivela carte dalla cima del tuo grimorio finché non riveli una carta creatura. Fino al tuo prossimo turno, la forza base dell'Amplifuoco diventa il doppio della forza di quella carta e la sua costituzione base diventa il doppio della costituzione di quella carta. Metti le carte rivelate in fondo al tuo grimorio in ordine casuale.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Elementale"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458531,
                    "name": "倍火",
                    "text": "あなたのアップキープの開始時に、クリーチャー・カードが公開されるまで、あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを1枚ずつ公開する。あなたの次のターンまで、倍火の基本のパワーはそのカードのパワーの2倍になり、これの基本のタフネスはそのカードのタフネスの2倍になる。それらの公開されたカードをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に無作為の順番で置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エレメンタル"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458790,
                    "name": "증폭불길",
                    "text": "당신의 유지단 시작에, 생물 카드가 공개될 때까지 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드를 공개한다. 당신의 다음 턴까지, 증폭불길의 기본 공격력은 그 카드의 공격력의 두 배가 되고 기본 방어력은 그 카드의 방어력의 두 배가 된다. 공개된 카드들은 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 정령"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459049,
                    "name": "Amplifogo",
                    "text": "No início de sua manutenção, revele cards do topo de seu grimório até revelar um card de criatura. Até seu próximo turno, o poder básico de Amplifogo torna-se o dobro do poder daquele card e a resistência básica de Amplifogo torna-se o dobro da resistência daquele card. Coloque os cards revelados no fundo de seu grimório em ordem aleatória.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459308,
                    "name": "Сверхогонь",
                    "text": "В начале вашего шага поддержки показывайте карты с верха вашей библиотеки до тех пор, пока вы не покажете карту существа. До вашего следующего хода базовая сила Сверхогня становится равной удвоенному значению силы той карты, а его базовая выносливость — удвоенному значению выносливости той карты. Положите показанные карты в низ вашей библиотеки в случайном порядке.",
                    "type": "Существо — Элементаль"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459567,
                    "name": "倍火妖",
                    "text": "在你的维持开始时,从你的牌库顶开始展示牌,直到你展示出一张生物牌为止。直到你的下一个回合,倍火妖的基础力量成为该牌力量的两倍,且其基础防御力成为该牌防御力的两倍。将所展示的牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459826,
                    "name": "倍火妖",
                    "text": "在你的維持開始時,從你的牌庫頂開始展示牌,直到你展示出一張生物牌為止。直到你的下一個回合,倍火妖的基礎力量成為該牌力量的兩倍,且其基礎防禦力成為該牌防禦力的兩倍。將所展示的牌以隨機順序置於你的牌庫底。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457236,
            "name": "Amplifire",
            "number": "92",
            "originalText": "At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a creature card. Until your next turn, Amplifire's base power becomes twice that card's power and its base toughness becomes twice that card's toughness. Put the revealed cards on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elemental",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Amplifire will be a 1/1 creature from the time your untap step begins until the time its triggered ability resolves during your upkeep."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Any effects that modify Amplifire’s power and/or toughness without setting them to a specific number or value will apply after its base power and toughness are set, regardless of the order in which those effects were created. The same is true of counters that modify its power and toughness."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you reveal your entire library and don’t reveal a creature card, Amplifire becomes a 0/0 creature and you put your library back in a random order."
            "scryfallId": "7a58c77f-7c15-44f4-8011-6046482a2d08",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "86fce992-2e43-4491-9a5a-646683c2a926",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c6861c50-d336-4352-a76d-ec22a86ec09e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182953,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a creature card. Until your next turn, Amplifire's base power becomes twice that card's power and its base toughness becomes twice that card's toughness. Put the revealed cards on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Elemental",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "21cc3904-5ef0-5f93-814b-4f8cc97c9458",
            "uuidV421": "124826c3-1dc1-5199-945e-efcc532e16a2"
            "artist": "Ryan Yee",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457404,
                    "name": "Engel der Barmherzigkeit",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nFliegend\nWenn der Engel der Barmherzigkeit ins Spiel kommt, wird dein Lebenspunktestand bis zum Ende des Zuges durch Schaden, der ihn unter 1 reduzieren würde, stattdessen auf 1 reduziert.\n{4}{W}{W}, schicke den Engel der Barmherzigkeit aus deinem Friedhof ins Exil: Dein Lebenspunktestand wird zu 10.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Engel"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457663,
                    "name": "Ángel de la gracia",
                    "text": "Destello.\nVuela.\nCuando el Ángel de la gracia entre al campo de batalla, hasta el final del turno, el daño que fuera a reducir tu total de vidas a menos de 1, en vez de eso, lo reduce a 1.\n{4}{W}{W}, exiliar al Ángel de la gracia de tu cementerio: Tu total de vidas se convierte en 10.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ángel"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457922,
                    "name": "Ange de la grâce",
                    "text": "Flash\nVol\nQuand l'Ange de la grâce arrive sur le champ de bataille, jusqu'à la fin du tour, les blessures qui devraient réduire votre total de points de vie à moins de 1 le réduisent à 1 à la place.\n{4}{W}{W}, exilez l'Ange de la grâce de votre cimetière : Votre total de points de vie devient 10.",
                    "type": "Créature : ange"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458181,
                    "name": "Angelo della Grazia",
                    "text": "Lampo\nVolare\nQuando l'Angelo della Grazia entra nel campo di battaglia, fino alla fine del turno, qualsiasi danno che ridurrebbe i tuoi punti vita a meno di 1 li riduce invece a 1.\n{4}{W}{W}, Esilia l'Angelo della Grazia dal tuo cimitero: I tuoi punti vita diventano 10.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Angelo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458440,
                    "name": "恩寵の天使",
                    "text": "瞬速\n飛行\n恩寵の天使が戦場に出たとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたのライフ総量を1点未満に減少させるダメージは、代わりにあなたのライフの総量を1点になるまで減少させる。\n{4}{W}{W}, あなたの墓地から恩寵の天使を追放する:あなたのライフ総量は10点になる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 天使"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458699,
                    "name": "은총의 천사",
                    "text": "섬광\n비행\n은총의 천사가 전장에 들어올 때, 턴종료까지, 당신의 생명 총점을 1 미만으로 낮추려는 피해는 대신 당신의 생명 총점을 1로 낮춘다.\n{4}{W}{W}, 은총의 천사를 당신의 무덤에서 추방한다: 당신의 생명 총점은 10이 된다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 천사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458958,
                    "name": "Anjo da Graça",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nVoar\nQuando Anjo da Graça entra no campo de batalha, até o final do turno, o dano que reduziria seu total de pontos de vida a menos de 1 o reduz, em vez disso, a 1.\n{4}{W}{W}, exile Anjo da Graça de seu cemitério: Seu total de pontos de vida torna-se 10.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Anjo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459217,
                    "name": "Ангел Милости",
                    "text": "Миг\nПолет\nКогда Ангел Милости выходит на поле битвы, до конца хода повреждения, которые должны снизить ваше количество жизней до значения менее 1, снижают его до 1 вместо этого.\n{4}{W}{W}, изгоните Ангела Милости из вашего кладбища: ваше количество жизней становится равным 10.",
                    "type": "Существо — Ангел"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459476,
                    "name": "恩典天使",
                    "text": "闪现\n飞行\n当恩典天使进战场时,直到回合结束,将使你的总生命减少至1以下的伤害,改为减少你的总生命至1。\n{4}{W}{W},从你的坟墓场放逐恩典天使:你的总生命成为10。",
                    "type": "生物 ~天使"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459735,
                    "name": "恩典天使",
                    "text": "閃現\n飛行\n當恩典天使進戰場時,直到回合結束,將使你的總生命減少至1以下的傷害,改為減少你的總生命至1。\n{4}{W}{W},從你的墳墓場放逐恩典天使:你的總生命成為10。",
                    "type": "生物 ~天使"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457145,
            "name": "Angel of Grace",
            "number": "1",
            "originalText": "Flash\nFlying\nWhen Angel of Grace enters the battlefield, until end of turn, damage that would reduce your life total to less than 1 reduces it to 1 instead.\n{4}{W}{W}, Exile Angel of Grace from your graveyard: Your life total becomes 10.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Angel",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Angel of Grace’s triggered ability doesn’t prevent damage. It only changes the result of damage dealt to you. For example, a creature with lifelink that deals damage to you will still cause its controller to gain life, even if that damage would reduce your life total to less than 1."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Angel of Grace’s triggered ability doesn’t stop loss of life from effects that say that you lose life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you have less than 1 life and somehow haven’t lost the game, damage dealt to you reduces your life total further below 0 (as normal)."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "For a player’s life total to become 10, that player gains or loses the appropriate amount of life. For example, if your life total is 2, Angel of Grace’s last ability will cause you to gain 8 life; alternatively, if your life total is 20, it will cause you to lose 10 life. Other cards that interact with life gain or life loss will interact with this effect accordingly."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, after resolving Angel of Grace’s triggered ability, damage dealt to you and/or your teammate that would reduce your team’s life total to less than 1 reduces it to 1 instead."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, the activated ability of Angel of Grace causes you to gain or lose life so that your team’s life total becomes 10."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a Commander game, combat damage you’re dealt by a commander is still tracked, even if it doesn’t change your life total."
            "scryfallId": "80164e61-3e94-4e10-9bd1-518b8dc7fc4c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ed38713a-f6f3-4ad9-9e60-3e384ebd33ec",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fcfcac6b-6d26-4ffe-ae9e-b0ee7fa49787",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183201,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nFlying\nWhen Angel of Grace enters the battlefield, until end of turn, damage that would reduce your life total to less than 1 reduces it to 1 instead.\n{4}{W}{W}, Exile Angel of Grace from your graveyard: Your life total becomes 10.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Angel",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7eb0f276-5e32-5a1e-acfd-9b0ddc19b845",
            "uuidV421": "c095a153-6bbf-5e93-8a68-578d17461170"
            "artist": "John Severin Brassell",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"If we cannot have peace, we will have justice.\"\n—Aurelia",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wenn uns der Friede nicht vergönnt ist, werden wir zumindest Gerechtigkeit haben.\"\n—Aurelia",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457405,
                    "name": "Engelsgleicher Edelmut",
                    "text": "Immer wenn eine Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, alleine angreift, erhält sie +X/+X bis zum Ende des Zuges, wobei X gleich der Anzahl an Kreaturen ist, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"Si no podemos tener la paz, tendremos justicia\".\n—Aurelia",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457664,
                    "name": "Exaltación angélica",
                    "text": "Siempre que una criatura que controlas ataque sola, obtiene +X/+X hasta el final del turno, donde X es la cantidad de criaturas que controlas.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "« Si nous ne pouvons obtenir la paix, nous obtiendrons justice. »\n—Aurélia",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457923,
                    "name": "Exaltation angélique",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'une créature que vous contrôlez attaque seule, elle gagne +X/+X jusqu'à la fin du tour, X étant le nombre de créatures que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se non possiamo portare la pace, porteremo la giustizia.\"\n—Aurelia",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458182,
                    "name": "Esaltazione Angelica",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta una creatura che controlli attacca da sola, prende +X/+X fino alla fine del turno, dove X è il numero di creature che controlli.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "「平和を手にできないとしても、我々の手には正義がある。」\n――オレリア",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458441,
                    "name": "天使の称賛",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーが単独で攻撃するたび、ターン終了時まで、それは+X/+Xの修整を受ける。Xはあなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーの総数に等しい。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"평화를 얻을 수 없다면, 정의를 얻으리라.\"\n—아우렐리아",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458700,
                    "name": "천사의 행복",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물이 혼자 공격할 때마다, 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +X/+X를 받는다. X는 당신이 조종하는 생물의 수이다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se não pudermos ter paz, teremos justiça.\"\n— Aurélia",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458959,
                    "name": "Exaltação Angelical",
                    "text": "Toda vez que uma criatura que você controla ataca sozinha, ela recebe +X/+X até o final do turno, sendo X o número de criaturas que você controla.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "«Коль скоро нам не суждено обрести мир, мы обретем правосудие».\n— Аурелия",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459218,
                    "name": "Ангельское Упоение",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда существо под вашим контролем атакует в одиночку, оно получает +X/+X до конца хода, где Х — количество существ под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「如果和平不保,我们必将昭彰正义。」\n~欧瑞梨",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459477,
                    "name": "天使颂赞",
                    "text": "每当一个由你操控的生物单独攻击时,它得+X/+X直到回合结束,X为由你操控的生物数量。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "「如果和平不保,我們必將昭彰正義。」\n~歐瑞梨",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459736,
                    "name": "天使頌讚",
                    "text": "每當一個由你操控的生物單獨攻擊時,它得+X/+X直到回合結束,X為由你操控的生物數量。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457146,
            "name": "Angelic Exaltation",
            "number": "2",
            "originalText": "Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, it gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is the number of creatures you control.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A creature attacks alone if it’s the only creature declared as an attacker during the declare attackers step (including creatures controlled by your teammates, if applicable). For example, Angelic Exaltation’s ability won’t trigger if you attack with multiple creatures and all but one of them are removed from combat."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The value of X is determined only as Angelic Exaltation’s ability begins to resolve. It won’t change later in the turn if the number of creatures you control changes."
            "scryfallId": "ee7b5ae5-0f6b-4f45-8597-4e6212d2ad0e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0afc90ee-852c-4ba8-8af3-8469ab6ec8f0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "507d2f27-08a9-4938-b191-5734cda42ef2",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183088,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, it gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is the number of creatures you control.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "344b3de7-f937-5238-b0c2-689b11921d12",
            "uuidV421": "8d69ea54-bd1c-533d-818f-753f698e4583"
            "artist": "Sidharth Chaturvedi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457556,
                    "name": "Angewandte Biomagie",
                    "text": "Bestimme eines oder beides —\n• Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.\n• Bringe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457815,
                    "name": "Biomancia aplicada",
                    "text": "Elige uno o ambos:\n• La criatura objetivo obtiene +1/+1 hasta el final del turno.\n• Regresa la criatura objetivo a la mano de su propietario.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458074,
                    "name": "Biomancie appliquée",
                    "text": "Choisissez l'un ou les deux —\n• La créature ciblée gagne +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.\n• Renvoyez une créature ciblée dans la main de son propriétaire.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458333,
                    "name": "Biomanzia Applicata",
                    "text": "Scegli uno o entrambi —\n• Una creatura bersaglio prende +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno.\n• Fai tornare una creatura bersaglio in mano al suo proprietario.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458592,
                    "name": "応用生術",
                    "text": "以下から1つまたは両方を選ぶ。\n• クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+1/+1の修整を受ける。\n• クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをオーナーの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458851,
                    "name": "응용 생명술",
                    "text": "하나 혹은 둘 다를 선택한다 —\n• 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.\n• 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459110,
                    "name": "Biomancia Aplicada",
                    "text": "Escolha um ou ambos —\n• A criatura alvo recebe +1/+1 até o final do turno.\n• Devolva a criatura alvo para a mão de seu dono.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459369,
                    "name": "Прикладная Биомантика",
                    "text": "Выберите одно или оба —\n• Целевое существо получает +1/+1 до конца хода.\n• Верните целевое существо в руку его владельца.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459628,
                    "name": "实用生机术",
                    "text": "选择一项或都选~\n•目标生物得+1/+1直到回合结束。\n•将目标生物移回其拥有者手上。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459887,
                    "name": "實用生機術",
                    "text": "選擇一項或都選~\n•目標生物得+1/+1直到回合結束。\n•將目標生物移回其擁有者手上。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{G}{U}",
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            "name": "Applied Biomancy",
            "number": "153",
            "originalText": "Choose one or both —\n• Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.\n• Return target creature to its owner's hand.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
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            "rulings": [],
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
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            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Choose one or both —\n• Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.\n• Return target creature to its owner's hand.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
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                    "name": "Torbogen-Engel",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nWenn der Torbogen-Engel ins Spiel kommt, erhältst du für jedes Tor, das du kontrollierst, 2 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Engel"
                    "flavorText": "Un rayo de esperanza se abre paso entre la cortina de lluvia.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457665,
                    "name": "Ángel del pórtico",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nCuando el Ángel del pórtico entre al campo de batalla, ganas 2 vidas por cada Portal que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ángel"
                    "flavorText": "Une lueur d'espoir perce le voile pluvieux.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457924,
                    "name": "Ange de l'arche",
                    "text": "Vol\nQuand l'Ange de l'arche arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous gagnez 2 points de vie pour chaque porte que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature : ange"
                    "flavorText": "Un raggio di speranza squarcia la coltre di pioggia.",
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                    "multiverseId": 458183,
                    "name": "Angelo dell'Arcata",
                    "text": "Volare\nQuando l'Angelo dell'Arcata entra nel campo di battaglia, guadagni 2 punti vita per ogni Cancello che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Angelo"
                    "flavorText": "希望の光は街を包む雨をも貫く。",
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                    "name": "アーチ道の天使",
                    "text": "飛行\nアーチ道の天使が戦場に出たとき、あなたはあなたがコントロールしている門1つにつき2点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 天使"
                    "flavorText": "희망의 빛은 쏟아지는 비의 장막을 뚫고 들어온다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458701,
                    "name": "아치길 천사",
                    "text": "비행\n아치길 천사가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 당신이 조종하는 관문 한 개당 생명 2점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 천사"
                    "flavorText": "Um raio de esperança trespassa o manto de chuva.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458960,
                    "name": "Anjo do Arco",
                    "text": "Voar\nQuando Anjo do Arco entra no campo de batalha, você ganha 2 pontos de vida para cada Portão que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Anjo"
                    "flavorText": "Луч надежды пробивается через пелену дождя.",
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                    "multiverseId": 459219,
                    "name": "Ангел Сводов",
                    "text": "Полет\nКогда Ангел Сводов выходит на поле битвы, вы получаете 2 жизни за каждые Врата под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Ангел"
                    "flavorText": "冲破风雨阴云的希望之光。",
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                    "name": "拱门天使",
                    "text": "飞行\n当拱门天使进战场时,你每操控一个门,便获得2点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~天使"
                    "flavorText": "衝破風雨陰雲的希望之光。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459737,
                    "name": "拱門天使",
                    "text": "飛行\n當拱門天使進戰場時,你每操控一個門,便獲得2點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~天使"
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            "originalText": "Flying\nWhen Archway Angel enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life for each Gate you control.",
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 183193,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhen Archway Angel enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life for each Gate you control.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Angel",
            "types": [
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            "flavorText": "Law is the voice of reason.",
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                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Warnung des Ordnungshüters",
                    "text": "Bringe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück.\nAddendum — Falls du diesen Zauberspruch in deiner Hauptphase gewirkt hast, ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "La ley es la voz de la razón.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457693,
                    "name": "Amonestación legal",
                    "text": "Regresa la criatura objetivo a la mano de su propietario.\nAdenda — Si lanzas este hechizo durante tu fase principal, roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "La loi est la voix de la raison.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457952,
                    "name": "Admonition du courtier",
                    "text": "Renvoyez la créature ciblée dans la main de son propriétaire.\nAddenda — Si vous avez lancé ce sort pendant votre phase principale, piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "La legge è la voce della ragione.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458211,
                    "name": "Ammonimento dell'Agente di Polizia",
                    "text": "Fai tornare una creatura bersaglio in mano al suo proprietario.\nAppendice — Se hai lanciato questa magia durante la tua fase principale, pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "法は根拠の声だ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458470,
                    "name": "拘引者の忠告",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをオーナーの手札に戻す。\n附則 ― あなたがこの呪文をあなたのメイン・フェイズ中に唱えていたなら、カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "법은 이성의 목소리다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458729,
                    "name": "체포원의 책망",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다.\n부록 — 당신이 이 주문을 당신의 본단계에 발동했다면, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "A lei é a voz da razão.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458988,
                    "name": "Admonição do Encarcerador",
                    "text": "Devolva a criatura alvo para a mão de seu dono.\nAdendo — Se você conjurou esta mágica durante sua fase principal, compre um card.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Закон — это голос разума.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459247,
                    "name": "Замечание Задержателя",
                    "text": "Верните целевое существо в руку его владельца.\nПриложение — Если вы разыграли это заклинание во время вашей главной фазы, возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "法律是理性之声。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459506,
                    "name": "逮捕人的训诫",
                    "text": "将目标生物移回其拥有者手上。\n附案~如果你是在你的行动阶段施放此咒语,则抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "法律是理性之聲。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459765,
                    "name": "逮捕人的訓誡",
                    "text": "將目標生物移回其擁有者手上。\n附案~如果你是在你的行動階段施放此咒語,則抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
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            "name": "Arrester's Admonition",
            "number": "31",
            "originalText": "Return target creature to its owner's hand.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Arrester’s Admonition tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t draw a card if you cast it during your main phase."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Addendum abilities of instant spells apply while the spell is resolving, not immediately after casting it. If the spell is countered, you don’t get the addendum bonus. For example, if you cast Sphinx’s Insight during your main phase, you gain 2 life during its resolution, after you draw two cards."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a spell with an addendum ability is copied, the copy won’t give you the addendum bonus. This is because the copy wasn’t cast at all."
            "scryfallId": "637c2d6a-e6b8-4dc5-81aa-da1b7384e006",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "793ab758-bac3-4f2b-af73-3585eb865260",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ccfb612a-762d-41a7-bc3d-268c6abf8e85",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183202,
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            "text": "Return target creature to its owner's hand.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, draw a card.",
            "type": "Instant",
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            "flavorText": "Law is the light of civilization.",
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                    "flavorText": "Gesetze sind die Leuchtfeuer der Zivilisation.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457407,
                    "name": "Eifer des Ordnungshüters",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +2/+2 bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nAddendum — Falls du diesen Zauberspruch während deiner Hauptphase gewirkt hast, erhält die Kreatur Flugfähigkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "La ley es la luz de la civilización.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457666,
                    "name": "Fervor del encarcelador",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +2/+2 hasta el final del turno.\nAdenda — Si lanzas este hechizo durante tu fase principal, esa criatura gana la habilidad de volar hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "La loi est le phare de la civilisation.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457925,
                    "name": "Zèle du courtier",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +2/+2 jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nAddenda — Si vous avez lancé ce sort pendant votre phase principale, cette créature acquiert le vol jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "La legge è la luce della civiltà.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458184,
                    "name": "Zelo dell'Agente di Polizia",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +2/+2 fino alla fine del turno.\nAppendice — Se hai lanciato questa magia durante la tua fase principale, quella creatura ha volare fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "法は文明の光だ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458443,
                    "name": "拘引者の熱情",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+2/+2の修整を受ける。\n附則 ― あなたがこの呪文をあなたのメイン・フェイズ中に唱えていたなら、ターン終了時まで、そのクリーチャーは飛行を得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "법은 문명의 빛이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458702,
                    "name": "체포원의 열성",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +2/+2를 받는다.\n부록 — 당신이 이 주문을 당신의 본단계에 발동했다면, 그 생물은 턴종료까지 비행을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "A lei é a luz da civilização.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458961,
                    "name": "Zelo do Encarcerador",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +2/+2 até o final do turno.\nAdendo — Se você conjurou esta mágica durante sua fase principal, aquela criatura ganhará voar até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Закон — это свет цивилизации.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459220,
                    "name": "Рвение Задержателя",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +2/+2 до конца хода.\nПриложение — Если вы разыграли это заклинание во время вашей главной фазы, то существо получает Полет до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "律法是文明之光。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459479,
                    "name": "逮捕人热忱",
                    "text": "目标生物得+2/+2直到回合结束。\n附案~如果你是在你的行动阶段施放此咒语,则该生物获得飞行异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "律法是文明之光。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459738,
                    "name": "逮捕人熱忱",
                    "text": "目標生物得+2/+2直到回合結束。\n附案~如果你是在你的行動階段施放此咒語,則該生物獲得飛行異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "name": "Arrester's Zeal",
            "number": "4",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, that creature gains flying until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Addendum abilities of instant spells apply while the spell is resolving, not immediately after casting it. If the spell is countered, you don’t get the addendum bonus. For example, if you cast Sphinx’s Insight during your main phase, you gain 2 life during its resolution, after you draw two cards."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a spell with an addendum ability is copied, the copy won’t give you the addendum bonus. This is because the copy wasn’t cast at all."
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            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6383164d-d80d-47d7-ad73-b6b41ccf9996",
            "scryfallOracleId": "6b70af46-ff27-4eec-9692-248b06248de6",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183348,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, that creature gains flying until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "740e4602-d376-5006-95f2-d718b5e8b46a",
            "uuidV421": "6fcadf50-84f0-5a39-86b0-c28c14945fb8",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Jason A. Engle",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "In preparation for the conflict all foresaw, the Golgari called upon an army that had slept for millennia beneath the city.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "In Vorbereitung auf einen Konflikt, den alle vorhersahen, riefen die Golgari eine Armee, die seit Jahrtausenden unter der Stadt schlummerte.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457464,
                    "name": "Erweckung der Einstmaligen",
                    "text": "Jeder Spieler wirft alle Karten aus seiner Hand ab und erzeugt dann entsprechend viele 2/2 schwarze Zombie-Kreaturenspielsteine.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Como preparación para el conflicto que todos anticipaban, los golgari alzaron un ejército que llevaba milenios durmiendo bajo la ciudad.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457723,
                    "name": "Despertar a los Arcaicos",
                    "text": "Cada jugador descarta todas las cartas de su mano, luego crea esa misma cantidad de fichas de criatura Zombie negras 2/2.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "En vue du conflit que tous pressentaient, les Golgari firent appel à une armée endormie depuis des millénaires sous la ville.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457982,
                    "name": "Éveil des Naguères",
                    "text": "Chaque joueur se défausse de toutes les cartes de sa main, puis crée autant de jetons de créature 2/2 noire Zombie.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "In preparazione del conflitto che tutti prevedevano, i Golgari richiamarono un esercito rimasto sopito per millenni nelle viscere della città.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458241,
                    "name": "Risvegliare gli Antecessori",
                    "text": "Ogni giocatore scarta tutte le carte nella propria mano, poi crea altrettante pedine creatura Zombie 2/2 nere.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "すべてが予言されていた抗争に備えるため、ゴルガリは都市の地下で何千年もの間眠っていた軍勢を呼び覚ました。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458500,
                    "name": "往時軍の覚醒",
                    "text": "各プレイヤーはそれぞれ、自分の手札にあるカードをすべて捨て、その後、その枚数に等しい数の黒の2/2のゾンビ・クリーチャー・トークンを生成する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "모두가 예견한 대립을 준비하면서, 골가리는 도시 아래에서 천 년간 잠들어 있던 군대를 불러냈다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458759,
                    "name": "망자의 군대 깨우기",
                    "text": "각 플레이어는 자신의 손에 있는 모든 카드를 버린 후, 버린 카드 장수만큼 2/2 흑색 좀비 토큰을 만든다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Preparando-se para o conflito previsto por todos, os Golgari convocaram um exército que dormira por milênios sob a cidade.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459018,
                    "name": "Despertar os Vetustos",
                    "text": "Cada jogador descarta todos os cards da própria mão e, em seguida, cria aquela quantidade de fichas de criatura preta 2/2 do tipo Zumbi.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Готовясь к схватке, которую не предвидел лишь слепой, Голгари призвали на службу армию, тысячелетиями дремавшую под городом.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459277,
                    "name": "Пробуждение Былых",
                    "text": "Каждый игрок сбрасывает все карты из своей руки, затем создает такое же количество фишек существа 2/2 черный Зомби.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "为备战迫在眉睫的冲突,葛加理唤醒了已在城市地底长眠数千年之久的军队。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459536,
                    "name": "唤醒故军",
                    "text": "每位牌手各弃掉其手牌,然后派出等量的2/2黑色灵俑衍生生物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "為備戰迫在眉睫的衝突,葛加理喚醒了已在城市地底長眠數千年之久的軍隊。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459795,
                    "name": "喚醒故軍",
                    "text": "每位玩家各棄掉其手牌,然後派出等量的2/2黑色殭屍衍生生物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457205,
            "name": "Awaken the Erstwhile",
            "number": "61",
            "originalText": "Each player discards all the cards in their hand, then creates that many 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The number of Zombie tokens each player creates is equal to the number of cards that player discarded, not the total number of cards discarded."
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            "scryfallOracleId": "06fa6719-aa4f-4857-8029-e42d01232645",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183203,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Each player discards all the cards in their hand, then creates that many 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a8157afb-ef9e-5672-9b80-88aa993687fc",
            "uuidV421": "e02e133a-54df-57bb-b84a-275558e97bf9"
            "artist": "Sam Rowan",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Imagine a gigantic pine cone that's extremely territorial and always in a foul mood.\"\n—Zhosmir, urban huntmaster",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Stell dir einen gigantischen Tannenzapfen vor, der sein Revier mit allen Mitteln verteidigt und immer schlecht gelaunt ist.\"\n—Zhosmir, städtischer Jagdmeister",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457524,
                    "name": "Beilbrecherwald-Bestie",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bestie"
                    "flavorText": "\"Imagina una piña gigante extremadamente territorial y que siempre está de mal humor\".\n—Zhosmir, maestro de caza urbano",
                    "language": "Spanish",
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                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "« Imaginez une pomme de pin géante extrêmement territoriale et toujours de mauvaise humeur. »\n—Zhosmir, maître-chasseur urbain",
                    "language": "French",
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                    "type": "Créature : bête"
                    "flavorText": "\"Immagina una pigna gigante, estremamente territoriale e sempre di pessimo umore.\"\n—Zhosmir, capocaccia urbano",
                    "language": "Italian",
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                    "name": "Bestia di Rovina-Asce",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "「いつも不機嫌で縄張り意識が異常に強い、巨大な松ぼっくりを想像してみろ。」\n――都市の猟匠、ゾスミール",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458560,
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                    "type": "クリーチャー — ビースト"
                    "flavorText": "\"항상 기분 나쁜 상태로 온종일 영역을 지키는 거대한 솔방울을 상상해 보아라.\"\n—도시의 사냥꾼, 조스미르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458819,
                    "name": "액스베인 야수",
                    "type": "생물 — 야수"
                    "flavorText": "\"Imagine uma pinha gigante extremamente territorial e sempre de péssimo humor.\"\n— Zhosmir, mestre de caça urbano",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459078,
                    "name": "Fera de Danação dos Machados",
                    "type": "Criatura — Besta"
                    "flavorText": "«Представь себе гигантскую сосновую шишку, ужасно злобную и яростно защищающую свою территорию».\n— Жосмир, городской ловчий",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459337,
                    "name": "Зверь из Глухолесья",
                    "type": "Существо — Зверь"
                    "flavorText": "「想象一枚巨大的松果,不但领地意识极强,还常带着坏脾气。」\n~城市猎师佐斯密尔",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
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                    "type": "生物 ~野兽"
                    "flavorText": "「想像一枚巨大的松果,不但領地意識極強,還常帶著壞脾氣。」\n~城市獵師佐斯密爾",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459855,
                    "name": "禁伐林野獸",
                    "type": "生物 ~野獸"
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            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
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            "rulings": [],
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183412,
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            "type": "Creature — Beast",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8b9f1f4a-4183-5d4a-8133-bb9f94e507cb",
            "uuidV421": "99b113d5-2df8-5ed5-b939-e70f4ed408aa"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"If the populace fears our authority, then I'd say we have an appropriately sensible populace.\"\n—Dovin Baan",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wenn die Bevölkerung unsere Autorität fürchtet, dann ist sie wohl durchaus nicht dumm.\"\n—Dovin Baan",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457646,
                    "name": "Azorius-Gildeneingang",
                    "text": "Der Azorius-Gildeneingang kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {W} oder {U}.",
                    "type": "Land — Tor"
                    "flavorText": "\"Si la población teme nuestra autoridad, entonces tenemos una población bastante sensata\".\n—Dovin Baan",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457905,
                    "name": "Portal del Gremio Azorio",
                    "text": "El Portal del Gremio Azorio entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {W} o {U}.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Portal"
                    "flavorText": "« Si la population craint notre autorité, je pense qu'elle est adéquatement raisonnable. »\n—Dovin Baàn",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458164,
                    "name": "Porte de la guilde d'Azorius",
                    "text": "La Porte de la guilde d'Azorius arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{T} : Ajoutez {W} ou {U}.",
                    "type": "Terrain : porte"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se la popolazione teme la nostra autorità, direi che ci troviamo di fronte a una popolazione adeguatamente assennata.\"\n—Dovin Baan",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458423,
                    "name": "Cancello della Gilda Azorius",
                    "text": "Il Cancello della Gilda Azorius entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {W} o {U}.",
                    "type": "Terra — Cancello"
                    "flavorText": "「民衆が我々の権威を恐れるなら、我々は適切な感覚を備えた民衆を持ったと言えるでしょう。」\n――ドビン・バーン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458682,
                    "name": "アゾリウスのギルド門",
                    "text": "アゾリウスのギルド門はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{W}か{U}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地 — 門"
                    "flavorText": "\"대중이 우리의 권위를 두려워한다고 하면, 나는 그들이 적절한 분별을 가진 대중이라고 하겠네.\"\n—도빈 반",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458941,
                    "name": "아조리우스 길드관문",
                    "text": "아조리우스 길드관문은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {W} 또는 {U}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 관문"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se a população teme nossa autoridade, eu diria que temos uma população convenientemente sensata.\"\n— Dovin Baan",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459200,
                    "name": "Portão da Guilda Azorius",
                    "text": "Portão da Guilda Azorius entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {W} ou {U}.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Portão"
                    "flavorText": "«Если широкие массы страшатся нашей власти, то я должен сказать, что у нас адекватно чувствующие широкие массы».\n— Довин Баан",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459459,
                    "name": "Врата Гильдии Азориусов",
                    "text": "Врата Гильдии Азориусов выходят на поле битвы повернутыми.\n{T}: добавьте {W} или {U}.",
                    "type": "Земля — Врата"
                    "flavorText": "「如果民众畏惧我们的权威,那我得说民众们相当明事理。」\n~多温班恩",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459718,
                    "name": "俄佐立公会门",
                    "text": "俄佐立公会门须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{W}或{U}。",
                    "type": "地 ~门"
                    "flavorText": "「如果民眾畏懼我們的權威,那我得說民眾們相當明事理。」\n~多溫班恩",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459977,
                    "name": "俄佐立公會門",
                    "text": "俄佐立公會門須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{W}或{U}。",
                    "type": "地 ~門"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "multiverseId": 457387,
            "name": "Azorius Guildgate",
            "number": "243",
            "originalText": "Azorius Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {W} or {U}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "The subtype Gate has no special rules significance, but other spells and abilities may refer to it."
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "Gate is not a basic land type."
            "scryfallId": "93cf5412-c711-41b4-ab3b-7788a0a22228",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "ad1712d8-809f-410c-8b91-ffe6fb8a69a1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182821,
            "text": "Azorius Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {W} or {U}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "bf83e472-411a-5c55-a854-871cfd422781",
            "uuidV421": "f30a27c8-ceff-5599-a30b-cda74dc482a6",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"If you want to know what's really going on in any building, you don't walk in the front door. You stake out the back.\"\n—Lavinia",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wenn du wissen willst, was wirklich in einem Gebäude vor sich geht, dann gehe nicht durch den Haupteingang. Achte darauf, wer den Hintereingang benützt.\"\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457647,
                    "name": "Azorius-Gildeneingang",
                    "text": "Der Azorius-Gildeneingang kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {W} oder {U}.",
                    "type": "Land — Tor"
                    "flavorText": "\"Si deseas saber lo que realmente sucede en algún edificio, no entres por la puerta principal. Vigila la puerta trasera\".\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457906,
                    "name": "Portal del Gremio Azorio",
                    "text": "El Portal del Gremio Azorio entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {W} o {U}.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Portal"
                    "flavorText": "« Si vous voulez vraiment savoir ce qui se passe dans un bâtiment, ne passez pas par la porte. Surveillez l'arrière. »\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458165,
                    "name": "Porte de la guilde d'Azorius",
                    "text": "La Porte de la guilde d'Azorius arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{T} : Ajoutez {W} ou {U}.",
                    "type": "Terrain : porte"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se vuoi sapere cosa sta succedendo realmente in un edificio, non entri dalla porta principale, ti apposti a quella sul retro.\"\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458424,
                    "name": "Cancello della Gilda Azorius",
                    "text": "Il Cancello della Gilda Azorius entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {W} o {U}.",
                    "type": "Terra — Cancello"
                    "flavorText": "「建物の中で実際に起こっていることを知るには、正面から入ってもダメ。裏口に張り込みなさい。」\n――ラヴィニア",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458683,
                    "name": "アゾリウスのギルド門",
                    "text": "アゾリウスのギルド門はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{W}か{U}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地 — 門"
                    "flavorText": "\"건물들 안에서 어떤 일들이 일어나는지를 알고 싶으면, 정문으로 걸어 들어가는 게 아니야. 뒷문에서 잠복해야지.\"\n—라비니아",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458942,
                    "name": "아조리우스 길드관문",
                    "text": "아조리우스 길드관문은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {W} 또는 {U}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 관문"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se você quer saber o que realmente acontece em qualquer edifício, você não entra pela porta da frente. Você fica de campana nos fundos.\"\n— Lavínia",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459201,
                    "name": "Portão da Guilda Azorius",
                    "text": "Portão da Guilda Azorius entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {W} ou {U}.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Portão"
                    "flavorText": "«Если хочешь узнать, что на самом деле происходит в каком-нибудь доме, не стоит ломиться в парадную дверь. Лучше проследить, что творится у черного хода».\n— Лавиния",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459460,
                    "name": "Врата Гильдии Азориусов",
                    "text": "Врата Гильдии Азориусов выходят на поле битвы повернутыми.\n{T}: добавьте {W} или {U}.",
                    "type": "Земля — Врата"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你想知道那些楼里的真实情况,你不该从正门进去。你得在后门盯着。」\n~拉温妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459719,
                    "name": "俄佐立公会门",
                    "text": "俄佐立公会门须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{W}或{U}。",
                    "type": "地 ~门"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你想知道那些樓裡的真實情況,你不該從正門進去。你得在後門盯著。」\n~拉溫妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459978,
                    "name": "俄佐立公會門",
                    "text": "俄佐立公會門須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{W}或{U}。",
                    "type": "地 ~門"
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            "multiverseId": 457388,
            "name": "Azorius Guildgate",
            "number": "244",
            "originalText": "Azorius Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {W} or {U}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "The subtype Gate has no special rules significance, but other spells and abilities may refer to it."
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "Gate is not a basic land type."
            "scryfallId": "e52013ba-9b17-497b-a844-1e7eb5607019",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "ad1712d8-809f-410c-8b91-ffe6fb8a69a1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182822,
            "text": "Azorius Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {W} or {U}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f4031952-b6a6-5ef8-a57b-c6f94ae84386",
            "uuidV421": "dd64f889-630d-5e09-b547-d2da8e1ff3a0",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Even Amundsen",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Thanks to the magic of his Writ of Passage, alms beasts lumbered aside, anarchs bowed their heads, and even Rakdos acrobats rolled their spikewheels out of his way.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Dank der Magie seines Passierscheins humpelten Bettler aus dem Weg, beugten Anarchisten ihre Köpfe und rollten sogar die Rakdos-Akrobaten ihre Stachelräder beiseite.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457557,
                    "name": "Ritterlicher Azorius-Schlichter",
                    "text": "Wachsamkeit\nDer Ritterliche Azorius-Schlichter kann nicht geblockt werden.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "Gracias a la magia en su Salvoconducto, las bestias de las limosnas se hicieron a un lado, los anarquistas inclinaron la cabeza e incluso los acróbatas rakdos apartaron sus ruedas de pinchos para dejarlo pasar.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457816,
                    "name": "Caballero árbitro azorio",
                    "text": "Vigilancia.\nEl Caballero árbitro azorio no puede ser bloqueado.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Grâce à la magie de son laissez-passer officiel, les bêtes de charité se décalaient d'un pas lourd, les séditieux inclinaient la tête, et même les acrobates de Rakdos écartaient leurs roues épineuses de son passage.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458075,
                    "name": "Chevalier-arbitre d'Azorius",
                    "text": "Vigilance\nLe Chevalier-arbitre d'Azorius ne peut pas être bloqué.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "Grazie alla magia del suo Lasciapassare, le bestie della carità si scostavano, gli anarchici chinavano il capo e persino gli acrobati Rakdos facevano rotolare le loro ruote uncinate per liberargli il cammino.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458334,
                    "name": "Giudice a Cavallo Azorius",
                    "text": "Cautela\nIl Giudice a Cavallo Azorius non può essere bloccato.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "通過令状の魔法のおかげで、慈善獣は道を空け、反乱者たちは頭を下げ、ラクドスの曲芸師たちまでもがその棘輪を脇へと転がした。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458593,
                    "name": "アゾリウスの騎士判事",
                    "text": "警戒\nアゾリウスの騎士判事はブロックされない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "그의 통과 영장에 부여된 마법 덕분에, 구호 짐승들은 옆으로 비켜나고, 무정부주의자들은 고개를 숙였으며, 심지어 락도스 곡예사들마저 그들의 가시바퀴를 치웠다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458852,
                    "name": "아조리우스 기사 재판관",
                    "text": "경계\n아조리우스 기사 재판관은 방어될 수 없다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "Graças à magia em seu Salvo-conduto, as feras das esmolas afastaram-se, os anarquistas inclinaram a cabeça e até mesmo os acrobatas Rakdos rolaram suas rodas espinhosas para fora do caminho.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459111,
                    "name": "Cavaleiro-árbitro Azorius",
                    "text": "Vigilância\nCavaleiro-árbitro Azorius não pode ser bloqueado.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "Магия его приказа о проходе заставляла зверей подаяний расступаться в стороны, анархистов — склонять головы, и даже акробаты Ракдосов спешили укатить с дороги свои шипастые колеса.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459370,
                    "name": "Рыцарь-Арбитр Азориусов",
                    "text": "Бдительность\nРыцарь-Арбитр Азориусов не может быть заблокирован.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "他凭手中通行令之魔法加持,让救济兽退开,使无政府者俯首,就连刺轮上的拉铎司杂技演员也挪出走道。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459629,
                    "name": "俄佐立仲裁骑士",
                    "text": "警戒\n俄佐立仲裁骑士不能被阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "他憑手中通行令之魔法加持,讓救濟獸退開,使無政府者俯首,就連刺輪上的拉鐸司雜技演員也挪出走道。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459888,
                    "name": "俄佐立仲裁騎士",
                    "text": "警戒\n俄佐立仲裁騎士不能被阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{W}{U}",
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            "name": "Azorius Knight-Arbiter",
            "number": "154",
            "originalText": "Vigilance\nAzorius Knight-Arbiter can't be blocked.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183352,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Vigilance\nAzorius Knight-Arbiter can't be blocked.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a2ac315e-503b-5d75-a8e8-bc4c28a84c45",
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            "artist": "Craig J Spearing",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Mandatory lockets enable the tracking of all Senate personnel for improved security and efficiency.\"\n—Dovin Baan",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Obligatorische Medaillons ermöglichen die Nachverfolgung des Senatspersonals und erhöhen Sicherheit und Effizienz.\"\n—Dovin Baan",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457634,
                    "name": "Azorius-Medaillon",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {W} oder {U}.\n{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}, {T}, opfere das Azorius-Medaillon: Ziehe zwei Karten.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Los relicarios son obligatorios; permiten localizar a todo el personal del Senado y, con ello, aumentan la seguridad y la eficiencia\".\n—Dovin Baan",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457893,
                    "name": "Relicario azorio",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {W} o {U}.\n{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}, {T}, sacrificar el Relicario azorio: Roba dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« Le port obligatoire des médaillons permet de localiser l'ensemble du personnel du Sénat afin d'améliorer la sécurité et l'efficacité. »\n—Dovin Baàn",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458152,
                    "name": "Médaillon d'Azorius",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {W} ou {U}.\n{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}, {T}, sacrifiez le Médaillon d'Azorius : Piochez deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"I medaglioni sono una dotazione obbligatoria e permettono la localizzazione di tutto il personale del Senato al fine di garantire i massimi standard di sicurezza ed efficienza.\"\n—Dovin Baan",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458411,
                    "name": "Medaglione Azorius",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {W} o {U}.\n{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}, {T}, Sacrifica il Medaglione Azorius: Pesca due carte.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「ロケットを義務付けることにより全評議会員の追跡が可能になり、安全性と効率性の向上が実現します。」\n――ドビン・バーン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458670,
                    "name": "アゾリウスのロケット",
                    "text": "{T}:{W}か{U}を加える。\n{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}, {T}, アゾリウスのロケットを生け贄に捧げる:カードを2枚引く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"향상된 보안과 효율성을 위해 의무적으로 지녀야 하는 로켓이 모든 평의회 인원들을 추적할 수 있게 해 준다.\"\n—도빈 반",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458929,
                    "name": "아조리우스 로켓",
                    "text": "{T}: {W} 또는 {U}를 추가한다.\n{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}, {T}, 아조리우스 로켓을 희생한다: 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os medalhões obrigatórios permitem o rastreamento de todo o pessoal do Senado para aumentar a segurança e a eficiência.\"\n— Dovin Baan",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459188,
                    "name": "Medalhão Azorius",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {W} ou {U}.\n{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}, {T}, sacrifique Medalhão Azorius: Compre dois cards.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Обязательное ношение медальонов позволяет повысить безопасность и эффективность работы, отслеживая все перемещения сотрудников Сената».\n— Довин Баан",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459447,
                    "name": "Медальон Азориусов",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {W} или {U}.\n{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}, {T}, пожертвуйте Медальон Азориусов: возьмите две карты.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「所有参议院成员均须佩带坠饰,这样能确实掌握动向,保证安全,提高效率。」\n~多温班恩",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459706,
                    "name": "俄佐立坠饰",
                    "text": "{T}:加{W}或{U}。\n{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}{W/U},{T},牺牲俄佐立坠饰:抓两张牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「所有參議院成員均須佩帶墜飾,這樣能確實掌握動向,保證安全,提高效率。」\n~多溫班恩",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459965,
                    "name": "俄佐立墜飾",
                    "text": "{T}:加{W}或{U}。\n{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}{W/U},{T},犧牲俄佐立墜飾:抽兩張牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
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            "originalText": "{T}: Add {W} or {U}.\n{WU}{WU}{WU}{WU}, {T}, Sacrifice Azorius Locket: Draw two cards.",
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            "text": "{T}: Add {W} or {U}.\n{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}, {T}, Sacrifice Azorius Locket: Draw two cards.",
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            "flavorText": "\"These new thopters are all well and good, but four eyes are better than none.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Diese neuen Thopter sind ja gut und schön, aber vier Augen sehen mehr als keine.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457558,
                    "name": "Azorius-Himmelswächterin",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Erstschlag\nKreaturen, die deine Gegner kontrollieren, erhalten -1/-0.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "\"Estos tópteros nuevos no están mal, pero cuatro ojos ven más que ninguno\".",
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                    "name": "Guardia celeste azoria",
                    "text": "Vuela, daña primero.\nLas criaturas que controlan tus oponentes obtienen -1/-0.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Ces nouveaux mécanoptères sont bien jolis, mais quatre yeux valent mieux qu'aucun. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458076,
                    "name": "Gardeciel d'Azorius",
                    "text": "Vol, initiative\nLes créatures que vos adversaires contrôlent gagnent -1/-0.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Questi nuovi totteri saranno anche eccellenti come dicono, ma quattro occhi sono meglio che nessuno.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458335,
                    "name": "Guardia Celeste Azorius",
                    "text": "Volare, attacco improvviso\nLe creature controllate dai tuoi avversari prendono -1/-0.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「その新しい飛行機械もまずまずだが、目が4つある方が無いよりもずっといい。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458594,
                    "name": "アゾリウスの空護衛",
                    "text": "飛行、先制攻撃\n対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャーは-1/-0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "\"새 날틀들이 품질이 좋기는 하지만, 눈이 네 개인 편이 하나도 없는 것보다 낫지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458853,
                    "name": "아조리우스 창공수호자",
                    "text": "비행, 선제공격\n당신의 상대들이 조종하는 생물들은 -1/-0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tudo bem com esses tópteros novos e tal, mas quatro olhos enxergam melhor do que nenhum.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459112,
                    "name": "Guardião Alado Azorius",
                    "text": "Voar, iniciativa\nAs criaturas que seus oponentes controlam recebem -1/-0.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Новые топтеры — это хорошо и здорово, но четыре глаза лучше, чем ни одного».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459371,
                    "name": "Небесный Страж Азориусов",
                    "text": "Полет, Первый удар\nСущества под контролем ваших оппонентов получают -1/-0.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "「虽然新的振翼机很不错,但四只眼怎样都比没眼强。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459630,
                    "name": "俄佐立巡空卫",
                    "text": "飞行,先攻\n由对手操控的生物得-1/-0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "「雖然新的振翼機很不錯,但四隻眼怎樣都比沒眼強。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459889,
                    "name": "俄佐立巡空衛",
                    "text": "飛行,先攻\n由對手操控的生物得-1/-0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
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            "manaCost": "{4}{W}{U}",
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            "number": "155",
            "originalText": "Flying, first strike\nCreatures your opponents control get -1/-0.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 183204,
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            "text": "Flying, first strike\nCreatures your opponents control get -1/-0.",
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            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Your spirits can rest in peace, for your debts are paid.\"",
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                    "flavorText": "„Eure Seelen können in Frieden ruhen, denn eure Schulden sind beglichen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457465,
                    "name": "Blutiges Moratorium",
                    "text": "Opfere zwei Kreaturen als zusätzliche Kosten, um diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken.\nZiehe drei Karten.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pueden descansar en paz, pues ya saldaron sus deudas\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457724,
                    "name": "Bancarrota sangrienta",
                    "text": "Como coste adicional para lanzar este hechizo, sacrifica dos criaturas.\nRoba tres cartas.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Vos esprits peuvent reposer en paix, car vos dettes sont acquittées. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457983,
                    "name": "Faillite sanglante",
                    "text": "En tant que coût supplémentaire pour lancer ce sort, sacrifiez deux créatures.\nPiochez trois cartes.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"I vostri spiriti possono riposare in pace, poiché i vostri debiti sono stati saldati.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458242,
                    "name": "Bancarotta di Sangue",
                    "text": "Come costo addizionale per lanciare questa magia, sacrifica due creature.\nPesca tre carte.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「債務の支払いにより、君の魂は安らかに眠れるだろう。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458501,
                    "name": "血液破綻",
                    "text": "この呪文を唱えるための追加コストとして、クリーチャー2体を生け贄に捧げる。\nカードを3枚引く。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"너희는 빚을 모두 갚았으니, 너희의 영혼들은 평온한 안식을 누릴 수 있다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458760,
                    "name": "피로 인한 파산",
                    "text": "이 주문을 발동하기 위한 추가비용으로, 생물 두 개를 희생한다.\n카드 세 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Seus espíritos podem descansar em paz, pois suas dívidas estão pagas.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459019,
                    "name": "Falir em Sangue",
                    "text": "Como custo adicional para conjurar esta mágica, sacrifique duas criaturas.\nCompre três cards.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Твои духи могут упокоиться с миром, ибо твой долг выплачен».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459278,
                    "name": "Кровавое Банкротство",
                    "text": "В качестве дополнительной стоимости разыгрывания этого заклинания пожертвуйте два существа.\nВозьмите три карты.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「你的负债尽数付讫,你的灵魂现可安息。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459537,
                    "name": "负债血偿",
                    "text": "牺牲两个生物,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用。\n抓三张牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「你的負債盡數付訖,你的靈魂現可安息。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459796,
                    "name": "負債血償",
                    "text": "犧牲兩個生物,以作為施放此咒語的額外費用。\n抽三張牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457206,
            "name": "Bankrupt in Blood",
            "number": "62",
            "originalText": "As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice two creatures.\nDraw three cards.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You must sacrifice exactly two creatures to cast Bankrupt in Blood; you can’t cast it without sacrificing two creatures, and you can’t sacrifice additional creatures."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Players can respond only after Bankrupt in Blood has been cast and all its costs have been paid. No one can try to destroy the creatures you sacrificed to prevent you from casting this spell."
            "scryfallId": "e635c433-0398-442a-856e-1869f6bf2cfd",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a113155f-55af-44be-8e52-294eda63238e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "10a66403-606d-4814-9583-50cdcd6976e0",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183057,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice two creatures.\nDraw three cards.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2670c113-3b31-589a-ad53-57c415417e62",
            "uuidV421": "6c5538b7-2ac0-5119-a193-7ef4f1c51665"
            "artist": "Yeong-Hao Han",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "You can hear their tolling only when your debt is due.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ihr Läuten hörst du erst, wenn deine Schuld fällig ist.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457559,
                    "name": "Basilika-Glockengeist",
                    "text": "Wenn der Basilika-Glockengeist ins Spiel kommt, wirft jeder Gegner eine Karte ab und du erhältst 3 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Geist"
                    "flavorText": "Solo escucharás las campanas cuando llegue la hora de pagar tu deuda.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457818,
                    "name": "Campanera fantasma de la basílica",
                    "text": "Cuando la Campanera fantasma de la basílica entre al campo de batalla, cada oponente descarta una carta y tú ganas 3 vidas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espíritu"
                    "flavorText": "Vous ne les entendez sonner que lorsque votre dette arrive à échéance.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458077,
                    "name": "Hanteur de cloche de la basilique",
                    "text": "Quand le Hanteur de cloche de la basilique arrive sur le champ de bataille, chaque adversaire se défausse d'une carte et vous gagnez 3 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : esprit"
                    "flavorText": "I suoi rintocchi risuonano solo quando i tuoi debiti sono scaduti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458336,
                    "name": "Infestazione Campanaria della Basilica",
                    "text": "Quando l'Infestazione Campanaria della Basilica entra nel campo di battaglia, ogni avversario scarta una carta e tu guadagni 3 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Spirito"
                    "flavorText": "その鐘の音は、債務が期限に達したときにのみ聞くことができる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458595,
                    "name": "聖堂の鐘憑き",
                    "text": "聖堂の鐘憑きが戦場に出たとき、各対戦相手はそれぞれカード1枚を捨て、あなたは3点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スピリット"
                    "flavorText": "빚을 갚을 때가 되어야만 그들의 종소리를 들을 수 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458854,
                    "name": "공회당 종 빙의령",
                    "text": "공회당 종 빙의령이 전장에 들어올 때, 각 상대는 카드 한 장을 버리고 당신은 생명 3점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 신령"
                    "flavorText": "Dá para ouvi-los tocar o sino quando você atrasa os pagamentos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459113,
                    "name": "Assombração do Sino da Basílica",
                    "text": "Quando Assombração do Sino da Basílica entra no campo de batalha, cada oponente descarta um card e você ganha 3 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espírito"
                    "flavorText": "Их звон слышен, только когда подошло время расплаты по долгу.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459372,
                    "name": "Колокольный Призрак Базилики",
                    "text": "Когда Колокольный Призрак Базилики выходит на поле битвы, каждый оппонент сбрасывает карту, а вы получаете 3 жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дух"
                    "flavorText": "你只会在账期将至时听到他们的钟声。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459631,
                    "name": "大教堂缠钟灵",
                    "text": "当大教堂缠钟灵进战场时,每位对手各弃一张牌,且你获得3点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~精怪"
                    "flavorText": "你只會在賬期將至時聽到他們的鐘聲。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459890,
                    "name": "大教堂纏鐘靈",
                    "text": "當大教堂纏鐘靈進戰場時,每位對手各棄一張牌,且你獲得3點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~精靈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "legalities": {
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}{W}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457300,
            "name": "Basilica Bell-Haunt",
            "number": "156",
            "originalText": "When Basilica Bell-Haunt enters the battlefield, each opponent discards a card and you gain 3 life.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Spirit",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You gain 3 life even if some or all of your opponents can’t discard a card."
            "scryfallId": "e72f4329-db6f-4284-b63e-55f22a0a0f6e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "00126852-e2cc-417a-b50c-844acdc0bf2c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "796dc53d-5a0d-4d19-9fa4-f474a9d96041",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183035,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Basilica Bell-Haunt enters the battlefield, each opponent discards a card and you gain 3 life.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Spirit",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5b900d59-4901-5531-b69c-03b39237e54d",
            "uuidV421": "9abca062-a242-5597-b0a9-4672c60f8e29",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Randy Vargas",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 8.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457624,
                    "name": "Massakrieren",
                    "text": "Zerstöre ein Nichtstandardland deiner Wahl. Massakrieren fügt einem Gegner oder Planeswalker deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457883,
                    "name": "Embelesar",
                    "text": "Destruye la tierra no básica objetivo. Embelesar hace 2 puntos de daño al oponente o planeswalker objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458142,
                    "name": "Parader",
                    "text": "Détruisez le terrain non-base ciblé. Parader inflige 2 blessures à une cible, adversaire ou planeswalker.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458401,
                    "name": "Abbagliare",
                    "text": "Distruggi una terra non base bersaglio. Abbagliare infligge 2 danni a un avversario o a un planeswalker bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458660,
                    "name": "誤認",
                    "text": "基本でない土地1つと、対戦相手1人かプレインズウォーカー1体を対象とする。その前者を破壊する。誤認はその後者に2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458919,
                    "name": "현혹",
                    "text": "기본이 아닌 대지를 목표로 정한다. 그 대지를 파괴한다. 상대나 플레인즈워커를 목표로 정한다. 현혹은 그 목표에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459178,
                    "name": "Estupefazer",
                    "text": "Destrua o terreno alvo não básico. Estupefazer causa 2 pontos de dano ao oponente ou planeswalker alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459437,
                    "name": "Изумление",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевую небазовую землю. Изумление наносит 2 повреждения целевому оппоненту или planeswalker-у.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459696,
                    "name": "扮炫",
                    "text": "消灭目标非基本地。扮炫向目标对手或鹏洛客造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459955,
                    "name": "扮炫",
                    "text": "消滅目標非基本地。扮炫向目標對手或鵬洛客造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{B}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457365,
            "name": "Bedazzle",
            "names": [
            "number": "221",
            "originalText": "Destroy target nonbasic land. Bedazzle deals 2 damage to target opponent or planeswalker.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can’t cast Bedazzle without a target nonbasic land and a target opponent or planeswalker. If one of the targets is illegal when Bedazzle tries to resolve, the other is still affected as appropriate."
            "scryfallId": "b5873efa-d573-4435-81ad-48df2ca5c7f2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "69851c5d-11b6-45f6-ac7f-3e20c5e84553",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b8bb97a8-5f5d-48e9-a4c1-b4c20efe7739",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183205,
            "text": "Destroy target nonbasic land. Bedazzle deals 2 damage to target opponent or planeswalker.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6c65ffe6-e7c1-59c7-8589-31de4417d69f",
            "uuidV421": "abc6b276-32e1-5b9e-a63e-d9a7f68d2cb3",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Randy Vargas",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 8.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 2,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457624,
                    "name": "Maskieren",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +3/-3 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457883,
                    "name": "Engalanar",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +3/-3 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458142,
                    "name": "Parer",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +3/-3 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458401,
                    "name": "Abbellire",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +3/-3 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458660,
                    "name": "豪奢",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+3/-3の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458919,
                    "name": "장식",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +3/-3을 받는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459178,
                    "name": "Embelezar",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +3/-3 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459437,
                    "name": "Украшение",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +3/-3 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459696,
                    "name": "扮妆",
                    "text": "目标生物得+3/-3直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459955,
                    "name": "扮妝",
                    "text": "目標生物得+3/-3直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{B/R}{B/R}",
            "multiverseId": 457365,
            "name": "Bedeck",
            "names": [
            "number": "221",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +3/-3 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can’t cast Bedazzle without a target nonbasic land and a target opponent or planeswalker. If one of the targets is illegal when Bedazzle tries to resolve, the other is still affected as appropriate."
            "scryfallId": "b5873efa-d573-4435-81ad-48df2ca5c7f2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "69851c5d-11b6-45f6-ac7f-3e20c5e84553",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b8bb97a8-5f5d-48e9-a4c1-b4c20efe7739",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183205,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets +3/-3 until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c5eceeb3-6572-5324-bfc9-622e0f50a112",
            "uuidV421": "2216e911-0f27-5bba-9b42-0eacca63e3d3",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Seb McKinnon",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"It's easy to get taken in by the spectacle, to enjoy a bit of naughty amusement. But make no mistake: the Cult of Rakdos is a danger.\"\n—Tajic",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Es ist leicht, sich im Spektakel zu verlieren und ein paar dreiste Scherze zu genießen. Aber vergiss nie, dass der Rakdos-Kult gefährlich ist.\"\n—Tajic",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457560,
                    "name": "Martern",
                    "text": "Zerstöre ein Artefakt, eine Kreatur oder einen Planeswalker deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Es fácil dejarse llevar por el espectáculo y disfrutar de un poco de diversión culpable. Pero no te confundas: el Culto a Rakdos es un peligro\".\n—Tájic",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457819,
                    "name": "Atormentar",
                    "text": "Destruye el artefacto, criatura o planeswalker objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« On se laisse facilement emporter par le spectacle, profitant de quelques plaisirs coupables. Mais ne vous y trompez pas : le Culte de Rakdos est dangereux. »\n—Tajic",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458078,
                    "name": "Affres",
                    "text": "Détruisez l'artefact ciblé, la créature ciblée ou le planeswalker ciblé.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"È facile lasciarsi affascinare dallo spettacolo e gustarsi un po' di crudele divertimento. Non fatevi ingannare, però: il Culto di Rakdos è una minaccia.\"\n—Tajic",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458337,
                    "name": "Tormento Diabolico",
                    "text": "Distruggi un artefatto, una creatura o un planeswalker bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「絢爛に惑わされて、多少の汚らわしい娯楽を楽しむのは簡単だ。しかし間違いない、ラクドス教団は危険だ。」\n――タージク",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458596,
                    "name": "魔性",
                    "text": "アーティファクト1つかクリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"잠깐의 짖궂은 재미를 즐기게 해 주는 구경거리에 눈길을 빼앗기기 쉽다. 하지만 방심해서는 안 된다: 락도스 광신단은 위험하다.\"\n—타직",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458855,
                    "name": "몹시 괴롭히기",
                    "text": "마법물체, 생물 또는 플레인즈워커를 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"É fácil deixar-se levar pelo espetáculo, divertir-se com um pouco de entretenimento perverso. Mas não se engane: o Culto de Rakdos é um perigo.\"\n— Tajic",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459114,
                    "name": "Atormentar",
                    "text": "Destrua o artefato, a criatura ou o planeswalker alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Так легко увлечься спектаклем, почувствовать вкус запретных наслаждений. Но не ошибись! Культ Ракдоса несет в себе опасность».\n— Тажик",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459373,
                    "name": "Терзания",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевой артефакт, существо или planeswalker-а.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「人们很容易就会被演出所吸引,享受点不太正经的娱乐。不过切记:拉铎司宗派是威胁。」\n~塔疾克",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459632,
                    "name": "糟蹋",
                    "text": "消灭目标神器,生物或鹏洛客。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「人們很容易就會被演出所吸引,享受點不太正經的娛樂。不過切記:拉鐸司宗派是威脅。」\n~塔疾克",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459891,
                    "name": "糟蹋",
                    "text": "消滅目標神器,生物或鵬洛客。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{B}{B}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457301,
            "name": "Bedevil",
            "number": "157",
            "originalText": "Destroy target artifact, creature, or planeswalker.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "81e2b96b-ecf2-4dd9-bc9d-3c46ee8c59e6",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "13166863-c81c-4c48-90ac-b9a14bbb8599",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bceecc64-96f1-4e7b-8904-0aef90377764",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182230,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy target artifact, creature, or planeswalker.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3657de8a-7747-507f-9552-733a08775bd6",
            "uuidV421": "a1a4a9f7-5f1d-56e9-9f22-209403e0a9ed",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Daarken",
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            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I am my life's work.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich bin mein eigenes Opus Magnum.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457435,
                    "name": "Benthischer Biomagier",
                    "text": "{1}{U}: Adaptieren 1. (Falls keine +1/+1-Marken auf dieser Kreatur liegen, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf sie.)\nImmer wenn eine oder mehrere +1/+1-Marken auf den Benthischen Biomagier gelegt werden, ziehe eine Karte und wirf dann eine Karte ab.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Meervolk, Zauberer, Mutant"
                    "flavorText": "\"Yo soy la obra de mi vida\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457694,
                    "name": "Biomante bentónico",
                    "text": "{1}{U}: Adaptar 1. (Si esta criatura no tiene contadores +1/+1 sobre ella, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre ella.)\nSiempre que uno o más contadores +1/+1 se pongan sobre el Biomante bentónico, roba una carta y luego descarta una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Mutante hechicero tritón"
                    "flavorText": "« Je suis l'œuvre de toute ma vie. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457953,
                    "name": "Biomancien benthique",
                    "text": "{1}{U} : Adaptez 1. (Si cette créature n'a pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur elle.)\nÀ chaque fois qu'au moins un marqueur +1/+1 est mis sur le Biomancien benthique, piochez une carte, puis défaussez-vous d'une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : ondin et sorcier et mutant"
                    "flavorText": "\"La mia opera è la mia vita.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458212,
                    "name": "Biomante Bentonico",
                    "text": "{1}{U}: Adattamento 1. (Se questa creatura non ha segnalini +1/+1, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su di essa.)\nOgniqualvolta uno o più segnalini +1/+1 vengono messi sul Biomante Bentonico, pesca una carta, poi scarta una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mutante Mago Tritone"
                    "flavorText": "「私自身が私の一生の功績だ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458471,
                    "name": "水底の生術師",
                    "text": "{1}{U}:順応1を行う。(このクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないなら、これの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)\n水底の生術師の上に+1/+1カウンターが1個以上置かれるたび、カードを1枚引き、その後カード1枚を捨てる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — マーフォーク・ウィザード・ミュータント"
                    "flavorText": "\"내가 내 일생의 역작이다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458730,
                    "name": "심해생물 생명술사",
                    "text": "{1}{U}: 적응 1을 한다. (이 생물이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않다면, 이 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)\n심해생물 생명술사에 +1/+1 카운터가 한 개 이상 놓일 때마다, 카드 한 장을 뽑은 후, 카드 한 장을 버린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인어 마법사 돌연변이"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eu sou o trabalho de minha vida.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458989,
                    "name": "Biomante Bêntico",
                    "text": "{1}{U}: Adaptar 1. (Se esta criatura não tiver marcadores +1/+1, coloque um marcador +1/+1 nela.)\nToda vez que um ou mais marcadores +1/+1 forem colocados em Biomante Bêntico, compre um card e, depois, descarte um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Tritão Mago Mutante"
                    "flavorText": "«Я сам — свой величайший шедевр».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459248,
                    "name": "Придонный Биомант",
                    "text": "{1}{U}: адаптируйте 1. (Если на этом существе нет жетонов +1/+1, положите на него один жетон +1/+1.)\nКаждый раз, когда на Придонного Биоманта кладется один или несколько жетонов +1/+1, возьмите карту, затем сбросьте карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Мерфолк Чародей Мутант"
                    "flavorText": "「我就是我的毕生心血。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459507,
                    "name": "深洋生机术士",
                    "text": "{1}{U}:演化1。(如果此生物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)\n每当在深洋生机术士上放置一个或数个+1/+1指示物时,抓一张牌,然后弃一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人鱼/法术师/突变体"
                    "flavorText": "「我就是我的畢生心血。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459766,
                    "name": "深洋生機術士",
                    "text": "{1}{U}:演化1。(如果此生物上沒有+1/+1指示物,則在其上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)\n每當在深洋生機術士上放置一個或數個+1/+1指示物時,抽一張牌,然後棄一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人魚/魔法師/突變體"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457176,
            "name": "Benthic Biomancer",
            "number": "32",
            "originalText": "{1}{U}: Adapt 1. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put a +1/+1 counter on it.)\nWhenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Benthic Biomancer, draw a card, then discard a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Merfolk Wizard Mutant",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers when counters are put on a permanent will trigger if that permanent somehow enters the battlefield with those counters."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You draw a card and discard a card all while Benthic Biomancer’s triggered ability is resolving. Nothing can happen between the two, and no player may choose to take actions."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can always activate an ability that will cause a creature to adapt. As that ability resolves, if the creature has a +1/+1 counter on it for any reason, you simply won’t put any +1/+1 counters on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature somehow loses all of its +1/+1 counters, it can adapt again and get more +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "7b0cb4d6-350b-4e66-b035-dac7b3ba77cc",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3b91597e-6285-4862-b1b5-6e60b43cd3a3",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b9000917-4f09-42f4-ae85-fc1ac7571d93",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183198,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}{U}: Adapt 1. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put a +1/+1 counter on it.)\nWhenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Benthic Biomancer, draw a card, then discard a card.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Merfolk Wizard Mutant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "35f81a81-17cf-5124-9e73-f80a5fe8f092",
            "uuidV421": "743c6f39-0001-5a20-8305-ce9d6708ec6b",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Lake Hurwitz",
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            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457525,
                    "name": "Biogener Schlamm",
                    "text": "Wenn der Biogene Schlamm ins Spiel kommt, erzeuge einen 2/2 grünen Schlammwesen-Kreaturenspielstein.\nLege zu Beginn deines Endsegments eine +1/+1-Marke auf jedes Schlammwesen, das du kontrollierst.\n{1}{G}{G}{G}: Erzeuge einen 2/2 grünen Schlammwesen-Kreaturenspielstein.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Schlammwesen"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457784,
                    "name": "Cieno biogénico",
                    "text": "Cuando el Cieno biogénico entre al campo de batalla, crea una ficha de criatura Cieno verde 2/2.\nAl comienzo de tu paso final, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre cada Cieno que controlas.\n{1}{G}{G}{G}: Crea una ficha de criatura Cieno verde 2/2.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Cieno"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458043,
                    "name": "Limon biosynthétique",
                    "text": "Quand le Limon biosynthétique arrive sur le champ de bataille, créez un jeton de créature 2/2 verte Limon.\nAu début de votre étape de fin, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur chaque limon que vous contrôlez.\n{1}{G}{G}{G} : Créez un jeton de créature 2/2 verte Limon.",
                    "type": "Créature : limon"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458302,
                    "name": "Melma Biogenica",
                    "text": "Quando la Melma Biogenica entra nel campo di battaglia, crea una pedina creatura Melma 2/2 verde.\nAll'inizio della tua sottofase finale, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su ogni Melma che controlli.\n{1}{G}{G}{G}: Crea una pedina creatura Melma 2/2 verde.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Melma"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458561,
                    "name": "生体性軟泥",
                    "text": "生体性軟泥が戦場に出たとき、緑の2/2のウーズ・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。\nあなたの終了ステップの開始時に、あなたがコントロールしている各ウーズの上に+1/+1カウンターをそれぞれ1個置く。\n{1}{G}{G}{G}:緑の2/2のウーズ・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ウーズ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458820,
                    "name": "유기적 점액괴물",
                    "text": "유기적 점액괴물이 전장에 들어올 때, 2/2 녹색 점액괴물 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.\n당신의 종료단 시작에, 당신이 조종하는 각 점액괴물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.\n{1}{G}{G}{G}: 2/2 녹색 점액괴물 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 점액괴물"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459079,
                    "name": "Lodo Biogênico",
                    "text": "Quando Lodo Biogênico entrar no campo de batalha, crie uma ficha de criatura verde 2/2 do tipo Lodo.\nNo início de sua etapa final, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em cada Lodo que você controla.\n{1}{G}{G}{G}: Crie uma ficha de criatura verde 2/2 do tipo Lodo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Lodo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459338,
                    "name": "Биогенная Слизь",
                    "text": "Когда Биогенная Слизь выходит на поле битвы, создайте одну фишку существа 2/2 зеленая Тина.\nВ начале вашего заключительного шага положите один жетон +1/+1 на каждую Тину под вашим контролем.\n{1}{G}{G}{G}: создайте одну фишку существа 2/2 зеленая Тина.",
                    "type": "Существо — Тина"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459597,
                    "name": "生源流浆",
                    "text": "当生源流浆进战场时,派出一个2/2绿色流浆衍生生物。\n在你的结束步骤开始时,在每个由你操控的流浆上各放置一个+1/+1指示物。\n{1}{G}{G}{G}:派出一个2/2绿色流浆衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~流浆"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459856,
                    "name": "生源流漿",
                    "text": "當生源流漿進戰場時,派出一個2/2綠色流漿衍生生物。\n在你的結束步驟開始時,在每個由你操控的流漿上各放置一個+1/+1指示物。\n{1}{G}{G}{G}:派出一個2/2綠色流漿衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~流漿"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457266,
            "name": "Biogenic Ooze",
            "number": "122",
            "originalText": "When Biogenic Ooze enters the battlefield, create a 2/2 green Ooze creature token.\nAt the beginning of your end step, put a +1/+1 counter on each Ooze you control.\n{1}{G}{G}{G}: Create a 2/2 green Ooze creature token.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Ooze",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "6f11029a-b24d-4248-834f-b852b56857f6",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "d2d84ba5-0d20-4ce3-8f1f-93cd9ef94f5f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183312,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Biogenic Ooze enters the battlefield, create a 2/2 green Ooze creature token.\nAt the beginning of your end step, put a +1/+1 counter on each Ooze you control.\n{1}{G}{G}{G}: Create a 2/2 green Ooze creature token.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Ooze",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "aa491489-c86a-501d-910e-3dd4983c5e10",
            "uuidV421": "ff8f0154-54a7-5989-afba-401f0095e045"
            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"To survive exceptional times we must adapt by exceptional means.\"\n—Vannifar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Um außergewöhnliche Zeiten zu überleben, müssen wir uns außergewöhnlich gut anpassen.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457526,
                    "name": "Biogene Aufrüstung",
                    "text": "Verteile drei +1/+1-Marken auf eine, zwei oder drei Kreaturen deiner Wahl, dann verdopple die Anzahl der +1/+1-Marken auf jeder dieser Kreaturen.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Para sobrevivir a épocas excepcionales, hemos de adaptarnos con medios excepcionales\".\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457785,
                    "name": "Mejora biogénica",
                    "text": "Distribuye tres contadores +1/+1 entre una, dos o tres criaturas objetivo. Luego, duplica la cantidad de contadores +1/+1 sobre cada una de esas criaturas.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Pour survivre à des moments exceptionnels, nous devons nous adapter avec des moyens exceptionnels. »\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458044,
                    "name": "Amélioration biosynthétique",
                    "text": "Répartissez trois marqueurs +1/+1 entre une, deux ou trois créatures ciblées, puis doublez le nombre de marqueurs +1/+1 sur chacune de ces créatures.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Per sopravvivere a una crisi straordinaria dobbiamo adattarci con mezzi altrettanto straordinari.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458303,
                    "name": "Incremento Biogenico",
                    "text": "Distribuisci tre segnalini +1/+1 tra una, due o tre creature bersaglio, poi raddoppia il numero di segnalini +1/+1 su ognuna di quelle creature.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「並外れて長く生き残るには、並外れた手法で適応しなくてはなりません。」\n――ヴァニファール",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458562,
                    "name": "生体性改造",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体か2体か3体を対象とする。それらの上に3個の+1/+1カウンターを望むように割り振って置く。その後、それらの各クリーチャーの上に置かれている+1/+1カウンターの数をそれぞれ2倍にする。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"특별한 시기에 살아남으려면 특별한 방법으로 적응해야 한다.\"\n—반니파르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458821,
                    "name": "유기적 개선",
                    "text": "생물 한 개, 두 개, 또는 세 개를 목표로 정한다. 그 생물들에 +1/+1 카운터 세 개를 분배한 후, 그 생물들에 올려진 +1/+1 카운터들을 각각 두 배로 만든다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Para sobreviver a uma época excepcional, precisamos nos adaptar por meios excepcionais.\"\n— Vannifar",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459080,
                    "name": "Aperfeiçoamento Biogênico",
                    "text": "Distribua três marcadores +1/+1 entre uma, duas ou três criaturas alvo. Em seguida, dobre o número de marcadores +1/+1 em cada uma daquelas criaturas.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Чтобы пережить исключительные времена, понадобятся исключительные способности к приспособлению».\n— Ваннифар",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459339,
                    "name": "Биогенное Улучшение",
                    "text": "Распределите три жетона +1/+1 между одним, двумя или тремя целевыми существами, затем удвойте количество жетонов +1/+1 на каждом из тех существ.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「为在特殊时期求存,我们须以特殊方法进化。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459598,
                    "name": "生源进化",
                    "text": "将三个+1/+1指示物分配给一个,两个或三个目标生物,然后分别将这些生物上的+1/+1指示物数量加倍。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「為在特殊時期求存,我們須以特殊方法進化。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459857,
                    "name": "生源進化",
                    "text": "將三個+1/+1指示物分配給一個,兩個或三個目標生物,然後分別將這些生物上的+1/+1指示物數量加倍。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457267,
            "name": "Biogenic Upgrade",
            "number": "123",
            "originalText": "Distribute three +1/+1 counters among one, two, or three target creatures, then double the number of +1/+1 counters on each of those creatures.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You choose how many targets Biogenic Upgrade has and how the counters are distributed as you cast it. Each target must receive at least one counter. This means, for example, that you can’t target three creatures, assign them two, one, and zero counters."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If some of the creatures are illegal targets as Biogenic Upgrade tries to resolve, the original distribution of counters still applies and the counters that would have been put on the illegal targets are lost. They won’t be put instead on a legal target."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To double the number of +1/+1 counters on a permanent, put a number of +1/+1 counters on it equal to the number it already has. Other cards that interact with putting counters on it will interact with this effect accordingly."
            "scryfallId": "0dd73fb2-453f-40b9-8beb-dfa99e6a706e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "690e6ff6-c239-45aa-9300-c07ca2b3af4c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "30812870-87c0-469c-95a5-811d5a181e72",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183076,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Distribute three +1/+1 counters among one, two, or three target creatures, then double the number of +1/+1 counters on each of those creatures.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1e763d4f-1579-5e82-964e-a4125052a139",
            "uuidV421": "d756f21e-cf2a-5495-a658-e767efa886fc"
            "artist": "Izzy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457561,
                    "name": "Vertrauter des Biomagiers",
                    "text": "Aktivierte Fähigkeiten von Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, kosten beim Aktivieren {2} weniger. Dieser Effekt kann die Menge Mana, die das Aktivieren einer Fähigkeit kostet, nicht unter ein Mana reduzieren.\n{T}: Das nächsten Mal, wenn eine Kreatur deiner Wahl in diesem Zug adaptiert wird, wird sie adaptiert, als ob keine +1/+1 Marken auf ihr lägen.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mutant"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457820,
                    "name": "Familiar del biomante",
                    "text": "Cuesta {2} menos activar las habilidades activadas de las criaturas que controlas. Este efecto no puede reducir la cantidad de maná que cuesta activar una habilidad a menos de un maná.\n{T}: La próxima vez que la criatura objetivo se adapte este turno, se adapta como si no tuviera contadores +1/+1 sobre ella.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Mutante"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458079,
                    "name": "Familier du biomancien",
                    "text": "Les capacités activées des créatures que vous contrôlez coûtent {2} de moins à activer. Cet effet ne peut pas réduire la quantité de mana que coûte une capacité pour s'activer à moins de un mana.\n{T} : La prochaine fois que la créature ciblée s'adapte ce tour-ci, elle s'adapte comme si elle n'avait pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle.",
                    "type": "Créature : mutant"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458338,
                    "name": "Famiglio del Biomante",
                    "text": "Le abilità attivate delle creature che controlli costano {2} in meno per essere attivate. Questo effetto non può ridurre la quantità di mana che costa attivare un'abilità a meno di un mana.\n{T}: La prossima volta che una creatura bersaglio si adatta in questo turno, lo fa come se non avesse segnalini +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mutante"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458597,
                    "name": "生術師の使い魔",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーの起動型能力を起動するためのコストは{2}少なくなる。この効果は、能力の起動コストのマナの点数を1点未満に減らせない。\n{T}:クリーチャー1体を対象とする。このターン、それが次に順応を行うなら、それはその上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないかのように順応を行う。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ミュータント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458856,
                    "name": "생명술사의 소환수",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물들의 활성화능력은 활성화하는 데 {2}가 덜 든다. 이 효과는 능력의 활성화 비용의 마나 양을 마나 한 개 미만으로 줄일 수 없다.\n{T}: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 이 턴에 다음으로 그 생물이 적응할 때 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않은 것처럼 적응한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 돌연변이"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459115,
                    "name": "Familiar do Biomante",
                    "text": "As habilidades ativadas de criaturas que você controla custam {2} a menos para serem ativadas. Este efeito não pode reduzir a quantidade necessária de mana para ativar uma habilidade para menos de um mana.\n{T}: Na próxima vez em que a criatura alvo se adaptar neste turno, ela se adaptará como se não tivesse marcadores +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Mutante"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459374,
                    "name": "Питомец Биоманта",
                    "text": "Активация активируемых способностей существ под вашим контролем стоит на {2} меньше. Этот эффект не может снизить количество маны в стоимости активации способностей до значения меньше одного.\n{T}: в следующий раз, когда целевое существо использует Адаптацию в этом ходу, оно использует Адаптацию, как будто на нем нет жетонов +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Существо — Мутант"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459633,
                    "name": "生机术士佣兽",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物之起动式异能减少{2}来起动。此效应无法让起动异能所需的法术力费用少于一点法术力。\n{T}:目标生物于本回合中下一次演化时,它视同其上没有+1/+1指示物地演化。",
                    "type": "生物 ~突变体"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459892,
                    "name": "生機術士傭獸",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物之起動式異能減少{2}來起動。此效應無法讓起動異能所需的魔法力費用少於一點魔法力。\n{T}:目標生物於本回合中下一次演化時,它視同其上沒有+1/+1指示物地演化。",
                    "type": "生物 ~突變體"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457302,
            "name": "Biomancer's Familiar",
            "number": "158",
            "originalText": "Activated abilities of creatures you control cost {2} less to activate. This effect can't reduce the amount of mana an ability costs to activate to less than one mana.\n{T}: The next time target creature adapts this turn, it adapts as though it had no +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Mutant",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Activated abilities contain a colon. They’re generally written “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keyword abilities are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder text. Triggered abilities (starting with “when,” “whenever,” or “at”) are unaffected by the cost reduction ability of Biomancer’s Familiar."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Biomancer’s Familiar affects only abilities of creatures you control on the battlefield. The costs of activated abilities of creature cards that work in other zones (such as cycling) won’t be reduced."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An ability that has only one generic mana and some amount of other mana symbols in its activation cost will have its cost reduced by {1}."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The last ability of Biomancer’s Familiar doesn’t add or remove any counters. It just lets the creature adapt despite already having +1/+1 counters on it."
            "scryfallId": "d38c9891-36d1-4565-9c4a-1cd9dbf8c048",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3495fbb0-7121-4697-b003-8f49717e887c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "923d44a9-774d-459c-9cec-1d5b081b51f0",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182952,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Activated abilities of creatures you control cost {2} less to activate. This effect can't reduce the amount of mana an ability costs to activate to less than one mana.\n{T}: The next time target creature adapts this turn, it adapts as though it had no +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Mutant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0a299b25-f477-5381-8c79-be2a82c9c66b",
            "uuidV421": "d85957e7-1361-5ff9-acd7-24bb44905a0b",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Dmitry Burmak",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457466,
                    "name": "Klingenjongleurin",
                    "text": "Spektakel {2}{B} (Du kannst diesen Zauberspruch für seine Spektakel-Kosten anstelle seiner Manakosten wirken, falls ein Gegner in diesem Zug Lebenspunkte verloren hat.)\nWenn die Klingenjongleurin ins Spiel kommt, fügt sie dir 1 Schadenspunkt zu und du ziehst eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Räuber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457725,
                    "name": "Juglar de filos",
                    "text": "Espectáculo {2}{B}. (Puedes lanzar este hechizo por su coste de espectáculo en vez de por su coste de maná si un oponente perdió vidas este turno.)\nCuando la Juglar de filos entre al campo de batalla, te hace 1 punto de daño y robas una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457984,
                    "name": "Jongleuse de lames",
                    "text": "Spectacle {2}{B} (Vous pouvez lancer ce sort pour son coût de spectacle à la place de son coût de mana si un adversaire a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci.)\nQuand la Jongleuse de lames arrive sur le champ de bataille, elle vous inflige 1 blessure et vous piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et gredin"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458243,
                    "name": "Giocoliera di Lame",
                    "text": "Spettacolo {2}{B} (Puoi lanciare questa magia per il suo costo di spettacolo invece del suo costo di mana se un avversario ha perso punti vita in questo turno.)\nQuando la Giocoliera di Lame entra nel campo di battaglia, ti infligge 1 danno e peschi una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458502,
                    "name": "刃の曲芸人",
                    "text": "絢爛{2}{B}(このターンに対戦相手がライフを失っていたなら、あなたはこの呪文を、これのマナ・コストではなく絢爛コストで唱えてもよい。)\n刃の曲芸人が戦場に出たとき、これはあなたに1点のダメージを与え、あなたはカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ならず者"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458761,
                    "name": "칼날 저글러",
                    "text": "구경거리 {2}{B} (상대가 이 턴에 생명점을 잃었다면 당신은 이 주문을 마나 비용 대신 구경거리 비용으로 발동할 수 있다.)\n칼날 저글러가 전장에 들어올 때, 칼날 저글러는 당신에게 피해 1점을 입히고 당신은 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 도적"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459020,
                    "name": "Malabarista de Lâminas",
                    "text": "Espetáculo {2}{B} (Você pode conjurar esta mágica por seu custo de espetáculo, em vez de seu custo de mana, se um oponente perdeu pontos de vida neste turno.)\nQuando Malabarista de Lâminas entra no campo de batalha, ela causa 1 ponto de dano a você e você compra um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Ladino"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459279,
                    "name": "Жонглер Клинками",
                    "text": "Зрелище {2}{B} (Вы можете разыграть это заклинание за его стоимость Зрелища вместо его мана-стоимости, если оппонент терял жизнь(-и) в этом ходу).\nКогда Жонглер Клинками выходит на поле битвы, он наносит вам 1 повреждение, и вы берете карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Бродяга"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459538,
                    "name": "耍刀客",
                    "text": "揭幕{2}{B}(如果本回合有对手曾失去生命,则你可以支付此咒语的揭幕费用而非法术力费用来施放它。)\n当耍刀客进战场时,它对你造成1点伤害且你抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/浪客"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459797,
                    "name": "耍刀客",
                    "text": "揭幕{2}{B}(如果本回合有對手曾失去生命,則你可以支付此咒語的揭幕費用而非魔法力費用來施放它。)\n當耍刀客進戰場時,它對你造成1點傷害且你抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457207,
            "name": "Blade Juggler",
            "number": "63",
            "originalText": "Spectacle {2}{B} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nWhen Blade Juggler enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to you and you draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Damage dealt to a player causes that player to lose that much life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Spectacle doesn’t change when you can cast the card. For example, you can’t cast a sorcery with spectacle during an opponent’s turn unless another effect allows you to do so, even if that player has lost life this turn."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying (such as a spectacle cost), add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A card’s spectacle cost is the same no matter how much life your opponents lost or how many opponents lost life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if an opponent loses life and later that turn leaves the game, you can cast a spell for its spectacle cost. (If a player leaves the game during their turn, that turn continues without an active player.)"
            "scryfallId": "099bc474-e656-4167-b105-3a3a36c0b23e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e42179da-30c3-412e-bf37-7dd78a88f527",
            "scryfallOracleId": "34400cf5-b8c4-4cf2-9186-51f12037cc51",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183058,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Spectacle {2}{B} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nWhen Blade Juggler enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to you and you draw a card.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "72d2ac8b-e0d7-59fa-91be-044f057a5005",
            "uuidV421": "826f57c8-80a5-59c5-ac7c-8840147ab9fc",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Winona Nelson",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The pain of searing iron and razor edges pales beside the pleasure of performance.\"\n—Judith",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der Schmerz des glutheißen Metalls und der scharfen Klingen ist nichts gegen die Ekstase während der Vorstellung.\"\n—Judith",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457467,
                    "name": "Klingenbrand",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält Todesberührung bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nZiehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"El dolor del hierro candente y de las hojas afiladas no es nada frente al placer del espectáculo\".\n—Judith",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457726,
                    "name": "Marcar al rojo vivo",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo gana la habilidad de toque mortal hasta el final del turno.\nRoba una carta.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« La douleur du fer brûlant et des fils de rasoir n'est rien comparée au plaisir de la performance. »\n—Judith",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457985,
                    "name": "Lame-brandon",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée acquiert le contact mortel jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nPiochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il dolore del ferro incandescente e delle lame affilate impallidisce di fronte al piacere dell'esibizione.\"\n—Judith",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458244,
                    "name": "Lame Ustionanti",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio ha tocco letale fino alla fine del turno.\nPesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「焼けつくような鉄とカミソリのように鋭い杭の痛みはショーの快楽と紙一重よ。」\n――ジュディス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458503,
                    "name": "焼印刃",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは接死を得る。\nカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"불타는 쇳덩이와 칼날의 고통은 공연의 기쁨 앞에서 빛이 바랜다.\"\n—주디스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458762,
                    "name": "불꽃칼날술",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 치명타를 얻는다.\n카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"A dor do ferro calcinante e das lâminas afiadas é ínfima ante o prazer da performance.\"\n— Judith",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459021,
                    "name": "Lâmina Cauterizante",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo ganha toque mortífero até o final do turno.\nCompre um card.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Боль от раскаленного железа и острых клинков — ничто по сравнению с удовольствием от выступления».\n— Джудит",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459280,
                    "name": "Клеймящие Клинки",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает Смертельное касание до конца хода.\nВозьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「在表演的快感之下, 炙热铁器和尖锐利刃带来的痛楚显得苍白无力。」\n~裘蒂丝",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459539,
                    "name": "炙烤剑尖",
                    "text": "目标生物获得死触异能直到回合结束。\n抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「在表演的快感之下, 炙熱鐵器和尖銳利刃帶來的痛楚顯得蒼白無力。」\n~裘蒂絲",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459798,
                    "name": "炙烤劍尖",
                    "text": "目標生物獲得死觸異能直到回合結束。\n抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457208,
            "name": "Bladebrand",
            "number": "64",
            "originalText": "Target creature gains deathtouch until end of turn.\nDraw a card.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Bladebrand tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t draw a card."
            "scryfallId": "f738545d-5483-45ec-bb31-d62b0fae9ea7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7c948014-7a17-441a-a3d6-24b8bdba6616",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b9cf9f1e-0280-43b6-9d58-262052dcb8a8",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183408,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gains deathtouch until end of turn.\nDraw a card.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1fab25e0-47a4-5b66-8dae-965ce5787e10",
            "uuidV421": "23676ab0-7dd0-5283-aeae-dc3d6ae17a42"
            "artist": "Adam Paquette",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "Life is a show, and death its final performance.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Das Leben ist ein Theaterstück, der Tod der letzte Akt.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457648,
                    "name": "Blutkrypta",
                    "text": "({T}: Erzeuge {B} oder {R}.)\nSowie die Blutkrypta ins Spiel kommt, kannst du 2 Lebenspunkte bezahlen. Falls du dies nicht tust, kommt sie getappt ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Land — Sumpf, Gebirge"
                    "flavorText": "La vida es una actuación, y la muerte es el espectáculo final.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457907,
                    "name": "Cripta sangrienta",
                    "text": "({T}: Agrega {B} o {R}.)\nEn cuanto la Cripta sangrienta entre al campo de batalla, puedes pagar 2 vidas. Si no lo haces, entra al campo de batalla girada.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Pantano montaña"
                    "flavorText": "La vie est un spectacle dont la mort est la dernière représentation.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458166,
                    "name": "Crypte de sang",
                    "text": "({T} : Ajoutez {B} ou {R}.)\nAu moment où la Crypte de sang arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez payer 2 points de vie. Si vous ne le faites pas, elle arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.",
                    "type": "Terrain : marais et montagne"
                    "flavorText": "La vita è uno spettacolo e la morte è l'ultima esibizione.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458425,
                    "name": "Cripta di Sangue",
                    "text": "({T}: Aggiungi {B} o {R}.)\nMentre la Cripta di Sangue entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi pagare 2 punti vita. Se non lo fai, entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpata.",
                    "type": "Terra — Palude Montagna"
                    "flavorText": "人生はショーだ。そして死はその最後のパフォーマンスだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458684,
                    "name": "血の墓所",
                    "text": "({T}:{B}か{R}を加える。)\n血の墓所が戦場に出るに際し、あなたは2点のライフを支払ってもよい。そうしないなら、これはタップ状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "土地 — 沼・山"
                    "flavorText": "인생은 연극이고, 죽음은 그 마지막 공연이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458943,
                    "name": "피바다 지하묘지",
                    "text": "({T}: {B} 또는 {R}를 추가한다.)\n피바다 지하묘지가 전장에 들어오면서, 당신은 생명 2점을 지불할 수 있다. 그러지 않으면, 피바다 지하묘지는 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 늪 산"
                    "flavorText": "A vida é um espetáculo, e a morte é sua última performance.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459202,
                    "name": "Cripta de Sangue",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {B} ou {R}.\nConforme Cripta de Sangue entra no campo de batalha, você pode pagar 2 pontos de vida. Se não fizer isso, ela entrará no campo de batalha virada.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Pântano Montanha"
                    "flavorText": "Вся жизнь — спектакль, а смерть — заключительный акт.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459461,
                    "name": "Кровавый Склеп",
                    "text": "({T}: добавьте {B} или {R}.)\nПри выходе Кровавого Склепа на поле битвы вы можете заплатить 2 жизни. Если вы этого не делаете, он выходит на поле битвы повернутым.",
                    "type": "Земля — Болото Гора"
                    "flavorText": "生命本身就是一场演出,死亡正是其最后一幕。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459720,
                    "name": "血腥墓穴",
                    "text": "({T}:加{B}或{R}。)\n于血腥墓穴进战场时,你可以支付2点生命。如果你未如此作,则血腥墓穴须横置进战场。",
                    "type": "地 ~沼泽/山脉"
                    "flavorText": "生命本身就是一場演出,死亡正是其最後一幕。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459979,
                    "name": "血腥墓穴",
                    "text": "({T}:加{B}或{R}。)\n於血腥墓穴進戰場時,你可以支付2點生命。如果你未如此作,則血腥墓穴須橫置進戰場。",
                    "type": "地 ~沼澤/山脈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457389,
            "name": "Blood Crypt",
            "number": "245",
            "originalText": "({T}: Add {B} or {R}.)\nAs Blood Crypt enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "originalType": "Land — Swamp Mountain",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Unlike most dual lands, this land has two basic land types. It’s not basic, so cards such as District Guide can’t find it, but it does have the appropriate land types for effects such as that of Drowned Catacomb (from the Ixalan set)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect puts this land onto the battlefield tapped, you may pay 2 life, but it still enters tapped."
            "scryfallId": "5faba6c8-3463-47c1-ba01-09eb87fcb2d5",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "eeea014d-dd57-42b2-9ad0-2223701b7917",
            "scryfallOracleId": "43985bbc-a0f6-4812-984e-392bc8562633",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182838,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "({T}: Add {B} or {R}.)\nAs Blood Crypt enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "type": "Land — Swamp Mountain",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8dcfe38b-8594-5e4f-ab70-e49022143d7b",
            "uuidV421": "4cb5d183-b0ed-5e40-97f4-d7065d21cb9c",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Mitchell Malloy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Blood seeks blood, and nothing shall hold back its hunger.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Blut begehrt mehr Blut, und nichts kann seinen Hunger aufhalten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457468,
                    "name": "Blutnebel-Infiltrator",
                    "text": "Immer wenn der Blutnebel-Infiltrator angreift, kannst du eine andere Kreatur opfern. Falls du dies tust, kann der Blutnebel-Infiltrator in diesem Zug nicht geblockt werden.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vampir"
                    "flavorText": "La sangre busca la sangre, y nada detendrá su apetito.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457727,
                    "name": "Infiltrador sangreniebla",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Infiltrador sangreniebla ataque, puedes sacrificar otra criatura. Si lo haces, el Infiltrador sangreniebla no puede ser bloqueado este turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "Le sang appelle le sang et rien ne réprimera sa faim.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457986,
                    "name": "Infiltrateur brumesang",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que l'Infiltrateur brumesang attaque, vous pouvez sacrifier une autre créature. Si vous faites ainsi, l'Infiltrateur brumesang ne peut pas être bloqué ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Créature : vampire"
                    "flavorText": "Il sangue brama altro sangue e niente può frenare la sua fame.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458245,
                    "name": "Infiltrato della Nebbia di Sangue",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta l'Infiltrato della Nebbia di Sangue attacca, puoi sacrificare un'altra creatura. Se lo fai, l'Infiltrato della Nebbia di Sangue non può essere bloccato in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "血は血を求める。何者もその飢えを抑えてはならない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458504,
                    "name": "血霧の潜入者",
                    "text": "血霧の潜入者が攻撃するたび、あなたは他のクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げてもよい。そうしたなら、このターン、血霧の潜入者はブロックされない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 吸血鬼"
                    "flavorText": "피는 피를 갈망하고, 그 어떤 것도 그 굶주림을 막을 수 없다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458763,
                    "name": "피안개 침투자",
                    "text": "피안개 침투자가 공격할 때마다, 당신은 다른 생물 한 개를 희생할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 피안개 침투자는 이 턴에 방어될 수 없다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 흡혈귀"
                    "flavorText": "O sangue busca sangue, e nada conterá sua fome.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459022,
                    "name": "Infiltrador Sanguinévoa",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Infiltrador Sanguinévoa ataca, você pode sacrificar outra criatura. Se fizer isso, Infiltrador Sanguinévoa não poderá ser bloqueado neste turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "Кровь ищет кровь, и ничто не может сдержать этот голод.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459281,
                    "name": "Диверсант Кровавого Тумана",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Диверсант Кровавого Тумана атакует, вы можете пожертвовать другое существо. Если вы это делаете, Диверсант Кровавого Тумана не может быть заблокирован в этом ходу.",
                    "type": "Существо — Вампир"
                    "flavorText": "血觅血而行,任万物都压抑不住它的饥渴。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459540,
                    "name": "血雾渗透者",
                    "text": "每当血雾渗透者攻击时,你可以牺牲另一个生物。若你如此作,则血雾渗透者本回合不能被阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼"
                    "flavorText": "血覓血而行,任萬物都壓抑不住它的飢渴。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459799,
                    "name": "血霧滲透者",
                    "text": "每當血霧滲透者攻擊時,你可以犧牲另一個生物。若你如此作,則血霧滲透者本回合不能被阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457209,
            "name": "Bloodmist Infiltrator",
            "number": "65",
            "originalText": "Whenever Bloodmist Infiltrator attacks, you may sacrifice another creature. If you do, Bloodmist Infiltrator can't be blocked this turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vampire",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "909489a9-2678-4b6f-9d5e-2c04bb4cbd66",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f97ddb7e-1775-45a8-a10a-1edda310a6f5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "dcebce37-02eb-4b5d-86be-42b4a0287624",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183410,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Bloodmist Infiltrator attacks, you may sacrifice another creature. If you do, Bloodmist Infiltrator can't be blocked this turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Vampire",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "12ef371d-7456-5926-ab7a-6f9a86503555",
            "uuidV421": "969c7d13-2f34-58bb-8a4e-8914987c1780"
            "artist": "Craig J Spearing",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Jaharg discovered that the shapes and symmetries so pleasing to the sculptor's eye also yielded a well-balanced bludgeon.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Jaharg entdeckte, dass die Formen und Symmetrien, die der Bildhauer so schätzte, auch eine austarierte Keule abgaben.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457562,
                    "name": "Bolrac-Clan-Schläger",
                    "text": "{T}, entferne eine +1/+1-Marke von einer Kreatur, die du kontrollierst: Der Bolrac-Clan-Schläger fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Oger, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Jaharg descubrió que las formas y simetrías que tanto complacieron al escultor también servían de equilibrada cachiporra.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457821,
                    "name": "Aplastador del clan Bolrac",
                    "text": "{T}, remover un contador +1/+1 de una criatura que controlas: El Aplastador del clan Bolrac hace 2 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero ogro"
                    "flavorText": "Jaharg découvrit que les formes et symétries si agréables aux yeux du sculpteur offraient aussi une matraque bien équilibrée.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458080,
                    "name": "Écrabouilleur du clan Bolrac",
                    "text": "{T}, retirez un marqueur +1/+1 d'une créature que vous contrôlez : L'Écrabouilleur du clan Bolrac inflige 2 blessures à n'importe quelle cible.",
                    "type": "Créature : ogre et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Jaharg scoprì che le forme e le simmetrie tanto aggraziate agli occhi dello scultore servivano anche a rendere il suo nuovo randello molto ben bilanciato.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458339,
                    "name": "Frantumatore del Clan Bolrac",
                    "text": "{T}, Rimuovi un segnalino +1/+1 da una creatura che controlli: Il Frantumatore del Clan Bolrac infligge 2 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Ogre"
                    "flavorText": "彫刻家たちが重視する形状と対称性は、均整のとれた棍棒としても有用であることを、ジャハーグは発見した。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458598,
                    "name": "ボーラク族の破壊者",
                    "text": "{T}, あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体の上から+1/+1カウンターを1個取り除く:クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。ボーラク族の破壊者はそれに2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — オーガ・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "자하르그는 조각가의 마음에 드는 형상과 대칭성이 균형잡힌 두드려패기에도 적합하다는 것을 발견했다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458857,
                    "name": "볼락 부족 파괴자",
                    "text": "{T}, 당신이 조종하는 생물 한 개에서 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 제거한다: 원하는 목표를 정한다. 볼락 부족 파괴자는 그 목표에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 오우거 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Jahard descobriu que as formas e simetrias tão agradáveis aos olhos do escultor também geravam um porrete muito bem-balanceado.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459116,
                    "name": "Esmagador do Clã Bolrac",
                    "text": "{T}, remova um marcador +1/+1 de uma criatura que você controla: Esmagador do Clã Bolrac causa 2 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ogro Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Джахарг выяснил, что из столь любимой скульптором за свою форму и симметрию статуи выходит отлично сбалансированная дубина.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459375,
                    "name": "Громила из Клана Болраков",
                    "text": "{T}, удалите один жетон +1/+1 с существа под вашим контролем: Громила из Клана Болраков наносит 2 повреждения любой цели.",
                    "type": "Существо — Огр Воин"
                    "flavorText": "贾哈格发现,雕塑师觉得顺眼的形状和对称结构,同样能用作趁手的棍棒。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459634,
                    "name": "波朗族破坏人",
                    "text": "{T},从由你操控的生物上移去一个+1/+1指示物:波朗族破坏人对任意一个目标造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~食人魔/战士"
                    "flavorText": "賈哈格發現,雕塑師覺得順眼的形狀和對稱結構,同樣能用作趁手的棍棒。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459893,
                    "name": "波朗族破壞人",
                    "text": "{T},從由你操控的生物上移去一個+1/+1指示物:波朗族破壞人對任意一個目標造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~食人魔/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457303,
            "name": "Bolrac-Clan Crusher",
            "number": "159",
            "originalText": "{T}, Remove a +1/+1 counter from a creature you control: Bolrac-Clan Crusher deals 2 damage to any target.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Ogre Warrior",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You must remove exactly one +1/+1 counter from a creature you control to activate Bolrac-Clan Crusher’s ability; you can’t activate it without removing a +1/+1 counter, and you can’t remove additional counters."
            "scryfallId": "5080975e-693a-44f5-a718-9ee947dada6d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "20ba3416-1ff2-476f-8eb4-7ae8accd4b28",
            "scryfallOracleId": "dbfa5409-5706-4de8-8152-e74b8d93910a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182963,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}, Remove a +1/+1 counter from a creature you control: Bolrac-Clan Crusher deals 2 damage to any target.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Ogre Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1fff9abd-8bb6-582f-96ff-a45801797bac",
            "uuidV421": "6ebc7824-8662-50a2-9d7c-93aafd7bd697",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Jenn Ravenna",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"One beginning, many paths.\"\n—Vannifar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ein Beginn, viele Pfade.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457649,
                    "name": "Aufzuchttümpel",
                    "text": "({T}: Erzeuge {G} oder {U}.)\nSowie der Aufzuchttümpel ins Spiel kommt, kannst du 2 Lebenspunkte bezahlen. Falls du dies nicht tust, kommt er getappt ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Land — Wald, Insel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Un comienzo, muchos caminos\".\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457908,
                    "name": "Estanque reproductor",
                    "text": "({T}: Agrega {G} o {U}.)\nEn cuanto el Estanque reproductor entre al campo de batalla, puedes pagar 2 vidas. Si no lo haces, entra al campo de batalla girado.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Bosque isla"
                    "flavorText": "« Un commencement, plusieurs voies. »\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458167,
                    "name": "Bassin d'élevage",
                    "text": "({T} : Ajoutez {G} ou {U}.)\nAu moment où le Bassin d'élevage arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez payer 2 points de vie. Si vous ne le faites pas, il arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé.",
                    "type": "Terrain : forêt et île"
                    "flavorText": "\"Un solo inizio, molti cammini.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458426,
                    "name": "Pozza Prolifica",
                    "text": "({T}: Aggiungi {G} o {U}.)\nMentre la Pozza Prolifica entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi pagare 2 punti vita. Se non lo fai, entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpata.",
                    "type": "Terra — Foresta Isola"
                    "flavorText": "「始まりは一つですが、道は無数にあります。」\n――ヴァニファール",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458685,
                    "name": "繁殖池",
                    "text": "({T}:{G}か{U}を加える。)\n繁殖池が戦場に出るに際し、あなたは2点のライフを支払ってもよい。そうしないなら、これはタップ状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "土地 — 森・島"
                    "flavorText": "\"시작은 하나이되, 길은 수없이 많다.\"\n—반니파르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458944,
                    "name": "번식의 웅덩이",
                    "text": "({T}: {G} 또는 {U}를 추가한다.)\n번식의 웅덩이가 전장에 들어오면서, 당신은 생명 2점을 지불할 수 있다. 그러지 않으면, 번식의 웅덩이는 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 숲 섬"
                    "flavorText": "\"Um início, muitos caminhos.\"\n— Vannifar",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459203,
                    "name": "Charco da Procriação",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {G} ou {U}.\nConforme Charco da Procriação entra no campo de batalha, você pode pagar 2 pontos de vida. Se não fizer isso, ele entrará no campo de batalha virado.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Floresta Ilha"
                    "flavorText": "«Одно начало, много дорог».\n— Ваннифар",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459462,
                    "name": "Нерестовая Лужа",
                    "text": "({T}: добавьте {G} или {U}.)\n При выходе Нерестовой Лужи на поле битвы вы можете заплатить 2 жизни. Если вы этого не делаете, она выходит на поле битвы повернутой.",
                    "type": "Земля — Лес Остров"
                    "flavorText": "「同一发端,多条道路。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459721,
                    "name": "滋生之池",
                    "text": "({T}:加{G}或{U}。)\n于滋生之池进战场时,你可以支付2点生命。如果你未如此作,则滋生之池须横置进战场。",
                    "type": "地 ~树林/海岛"
                    "flavorText": "「同一發端,多條道路。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459980,
                    "name": "滋生之池",
                    "text": "({T}:加{G}或{U}。)\n於滋生之池進戰場時,你可以支付2點生命。如果你未如此作,則滋生之池須橫置進戰場。",
                    "type": "地 ~樹林/海島"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457390,
            "name": "Breeding Pool",
            "number": "246",
            "originalText": "({T}: Add {G} or {U}.)\nAs Breeding Pool enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "originalType": "Land — Forest Island",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Unlike most dual lands, this land has two basic land types. It’s not basic, so cards such as District Guide can’t find it, but it does have the appropriate land types for effects such as that of Drowned Catacomb (from the Ixalan set)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect puts this land onto the battlefield tapped, you may pay 2 life, but it still enters tapped."
            "scryfallId": "bb54233c-0844-4965-9cde-e8a4ef3e11b8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "29982a33-d266-4241-a920-efddaa5195a6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "20283c4a-f1f0-42f0-bc08-6da87474426b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182842,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "({T}: Add {G} or {U}.)\nAs Breeding Pool enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "type": "Land — Forest Island",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e4e870c5-6bda-5e8c-9b3b-e36f6c2b0ac7",
            "uuidV421": "6def0083-3a6a-5afc-a80f-ea432d552244",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"In you go, big guy. Watch your head.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Hier entlang, Großer. Pass auf deinen Kopf auf.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457408,
                    "name": "Vorladung zum Gericht",
                    "text": "Schicke eine Kreatur deiner Wahl mit Stärke 4 oder mehr ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Adentro, grandote. Cuidado con la cabeza\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457667,
                    "name": "Llevar a juicio",
                    "text": "Exilia la criatura objetivo con fuerza de 4 o más.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Allez entre, mon grand. Attention à ta tête. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457926,
                    "name": "Escorter au procès",
                    "text": "Exilez une créature ciblée avec une force supérieure ou égale à 4.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Entra dentro, spilungone. E occhio alla testa.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458185,
                    "name": "Portare in Tribunale",
                    "text": "Esilia una creatura bersaglio con forza pari o superiore a 4.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「さあ入れ、大きいの。頭には気をつけろ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458444,
                    "name": "公判への移送",
                    "text": "パワーが4以上のクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを追放する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"들어가라, 덩치 큰 놈아. 머리 조심하고.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458703,
                    "name": "재판 회부",
                    "text": "공격력이 4 이상인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 추방한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pra dentro, grandalhão. Olha a cabeça.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458962,
                    "name": "Levar a Julgamento",
                    "text": "Exile a criatura alvo com poder igual ou superior a 4.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Давай, проходи, здоровяк. И береги голову».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459221,
                    "name": "Привод на Суд",
                    "text": "Изгоните целевое существо с силой 4 или больше.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「进去吧,大块头。当心脑袋。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459480,
                    "name": "送上法庭",
                    "text": "放逐目标力量等于或大于4的生物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「進去吧,大塊頭。當心腦袋。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459739,
                    "name": "送上法庭",
                    "text": "放逐目標力量等於或大於4的生物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457149,
            "name": "Bring to Trial",
            "number": "5",
            "originalText": "Exile target creature with power 4 or greater.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "63d566fc-0936-4035-96fd-f8b0c4eadbf5",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d8e022bf-5066-4f69-8311-38483ed7658c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "968b6277-584c-4947-98ac-4d6e5f8d6754",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183351,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Exile target creature with power 4 or greater.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5c04fc5f-a8c1-52ec-b11e-52c73f285ee9",
            "uuidV421": "212525ca-313e-5ce5-ba37-d633a18d07a2"
            "artist": "Scott Murphy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"From a great bonfire at the dawn of time, the first Gruul kindled their rage. The same flame burns in you.\"\n—Kroshkar, Gruul shaman",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die grenzenlose Wut der ersten Gruul wurde durch ein riesiges Feuer am Anbeginn der Zeit gespeist. Dieselbe Flamme brennt auch in dir.\"\n—Kroshkar, Gruul-Schamane",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457496,
                    "name": "Auflodern",
                    "text": "Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +2/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"En una gran hoguera en el albor de los tiempos, los primeros gruul encendieron su ira. La misma llama arde en ti\".\n—Kroshkar, chamán gruul",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457755,
                    "name": "Arder de rabia",
                    "text": "Las criaturas que controlas obtienen +2/+0 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« À l'aube des temps, le premier Gruul a attisé sa rage dans un grand feu de joie. Cette même flamme brûle en vous. »\n—Kroshkar, shamane gruul",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458014,
                    "name": "Pleins feux",
                    "text": "Les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +2/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Da un grande rogo all'alba dei tempi, i primi Gruul accesero la loro furia. La stessa fiamma brucia dentro di te.\"\n—Kroshkar, sciamano Gruul",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458273,
                    "name": "Avvampare",
                    "text": "Le creature che controlli prendono +2/+0 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「太古の昔の大かがり火で、最初のグルールは怒りを燃え立たせた。お前の中には同じ炎が燃えている。」\n――グルールのシャーマン、クロシュカー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458532,
                    "name": "燃えさかる炎",
                    "text": "ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは+2/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"여명의 시간에 일어난 거대한 불길 속에서, 최초의 그룰이 분노에 불을 지폈다. 그때와 같은 불길이 네 안에서도 불타고 있다.\"\n—그룰 주술사 크로슈카르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458791,
                    "name": "밝게 태우기",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 +2/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Da grande fogueira da aurora dos tempos os primeiros Gruul inflamaram a própria fúria. A mesma chama arde em você.\"\n— Kroshkar, xamã Gruul",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459050,
                    "name": "Ira Ardente",
                    "text": "As criaturas que você controla recebem +2/+0 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Из великого костра на заре времен Груулы почерпнули огонь своей ярости. То же пламя горит и в тебе».\n— Крошкар, шаман Груулов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459309,
                    "name": "Яркий Огонь",
                    "text": "Существа под вашим контролем получают +2/+0 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「古鲁人血液中的怒火,从先人在创世之初升起第一簇盛大篝火起就开始燃烧,一直延续至今。这股怒火同样也在你的体内燃烧。」\n~古鲁祭师克许卡",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459568,
                    "name": "怒火冲天",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物得+2/+0直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「古魯人血液中的怒火,從先人在創世之初升起第一簇盛大篝火起就開始燃燒,一直延續至今。這股怒火同樣也在你的體內燃燒。」\n~古魯祭師克許卡",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459827,
                    "name": "怒火沖天",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物得+2/+0直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457237,
            "name": "Burn Bright",
            "number": "93",
            "originalText": "Creatures you control get +2/+0 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "b8574ffd-3e72-41de-90bf-69363189f047",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ba12d6df-9c47-423a-a3b2-9d0a81e16a48",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ed14c7fa-632c-47ee-9db0-8c492771121a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183175,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Creatures you control get +2/+0 until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "631cca45-6acf-51e9-87b7-a89c5b30624f",
            "uuidV421": "665da053-e99a-5af3-acb5-bcd3b4c61cfa"
            "artist": "Aaron Miller",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The ostentatious splendor of the Orzhov church was just asking to be smashed.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Der prahlerische Prunk der Orzhov-Kirche schrie geradezu danach, in Stücke gehauen zu werden.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457497,
                    "name": "Vandalin des Brandbaums",
                    "text": "Aufruhr (Du bestimmst, ob diese Kreatur mit einer +1/+1-Marke oder mit Eile ins Spiel kommt.)\nImmer wenn die Vandalin des Brandbaums angreift, kannst du eine Karte abwerfen. Falls du dies tust, ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "El esplendor ostentoso de la iglesia orzhov pedía a gritos ser destruido.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457756,
                    "name": "Vándala Árbol Ardiente",
                    "text": "Insurgencia. (Esta criatura entra al campo de batalla con lo que elijas: un contador +1/+1 o la habilidad de prisa.)\nSiempre que la Vándala Árbol Ardiente ataque, puedes descartar una carta. Si lo haces, roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón humano"
                    "flavorText": "La splendeur ostentatoire de l'église d'Orzhov incitait à être fracassée.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458015,
                    "name": "Vandale de Brûle-Arbre",
                    "text": "Émeute (Cette créature arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, selon votre choix, un marqueur +1/+1 ou la célérité.)\nÀ chaque fois que la Vandale de Brûle-Arbre attaque, vous pouvez vous défausser d'une carte. Si vous faites ainsi, piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "L'appariscente splendore della chiesa Orzhov era praticamente un invito alla distruzione.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458274,
                    "name": "Vandala Brucia-Albero",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Questa creatura entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 o rapidità a tua scelta.)\nOgniqualvolta la Vandala Brucia-Albero attacca, puoi scartare una carta. Se lo fai, pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Umano"
                    "flavorText": "オルゾフの教会のこれ見よがしな仰々しさは潰してくれと言っているようなものだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458533,
                    "name": "炎樹族の蛮人",
                    "text": "暴動(このクリーチャーは+1/+1カウンター1個か速攻のうちあなたが選んだ1つを持った状態で戦場に出る。)\n炎樹族の蛮人が攻撃するたび、あなたはカード1枚を捨ててもよい。そうしたなら、カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "오르조브 교회의 휘황찬란한 허영심은 그냥 부숴 달라고 하는 거나 마찬가지였다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458792,
                    "name": "불타는 나무 부족 기물파괴자",
                    "text": "폭동 (이 생물은 당신의 선택에 따라 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 또는 신속을 가지고 전장에 들어온다.)\n불타는 나무 부족 기물파괴자가 공격할 때마다, 당신은 카드 한 장을 버릴 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 도적"
                    "flavorText": "O esplendor ostentoso da igreja dos Orzhov estava pedindo para ser arrebentado.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459051,
                    "name": "Vândala da Árvore Flamejante",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Esta criatura entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 ou ímpeto, à sua escolha.)\nToda vez que Vândala da Árvore Flamejante ataca, você pode descartar um card. Se fizer isso, compre um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "Церковь Орзовов со своей показной роскошью так и просит, чтобы ее разнесли по кусочкам.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459310,
                    "name": "Вандал Древожогов",
                    "text": "Беспорядки (Это существо выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 или Ускорением, по вашему выбору.)\nКаждый раз, когда Вандал Древожогов атакует, вы можете сбросить карту. Если вы это делаете, возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "欧佐夫教堂那过于浮夸的壮丽装潢,仿佛就想让人把它尽数砸烂。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459569,
                    "name": "火树族破坏者",
                    "text": "起事(于此生物进战场时,你选择「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」异能。它进战场时上面有所选加成。)\n每当火树族破坏者攻击时,你可以弃一张牌。若你如此作,则抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "歐佐夫教堂那過於浮誇的壯麗裝潢,彷彿就想讓人把它盡數砸爛。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459828,
                    "name": "火樹族破壞者",
                    "text": "起事(於此生物進戰場時,你選擇「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」異能。它進戰場時上面有所選加成。)\n每當火樹族破壞者攻擊時,你可以棄一張牌。若你如此作,則抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457238,
            "name": "Burning-Tree Vandal",
            "number": "94",
            "originalText": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nWhenever Burning-Tree Vandal attacks, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
            "scryfallId": "c5674753-17e4-4e35-a12c-13e1e077ec70",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a2b806b7-5286-43b8-99e1-6715e53dc2cf",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5bed3702-984d-436f-bb71-e16eaeffe902",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183086,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nWhenever Burning-Tree Vandal attacks, you may discard a card. If you do, draw a card.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "046523d2-a648-568f-961e-dcb0f015f82f",
            "uuidV421": "97fd928c-4a41-555b-b49a-6083a1b0f4d5",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Dmitry Burmak",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457563,
                    "name": "Gebannte Zuschauer",
                    "text": "Die Gebannten Zuschauer kommen unter der Kontrolle eines Gegners, den du bestimmst, ins Spiel.\nBestimme zu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments eines, das noch nicht bestimmt wurde —\n• Dein Lebenspunktestand wird zu 4.\n• Wirf alle Karten aus deiner Hand ab.\n• Jeder Gegner erzeugt fünf 2/2 schwarze Zombie-Kreaturenspielsteine.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457822,
                    "name": "Audiencia cautiva",
                    "text": "La Audiencia cautiva entra al campo de batalla bajo el control de un oponente de tu elección.\nAl comienzo de tu mantenimiento, elige uno que no haya sido elegido:\n• Tu total de vidas se convierte en 4.\n• Descarta tu mano.\n• Cada oponente crea cinco fichas de criatura Zombie negras 2/2.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458081,
                    "name": "Public captif",
                    "text": "Le Public captif arrive sur le champ de bataille sous le contrôle d'un adversaire de votre choix.\nAu début de votre entretien, choisissez l'un qui n'a pas été choisi —\n• Votre total de points de vie devient 4.\n• Défaussez-vous de votre main.\n• Chaque adversaire crée cinq jetons de créature 2/2 noire Zombie.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458340,
                    "name": "Pubblico Rapito",
                    "text": "Il Pubblico Rapito entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il controllo di un avversario a tua scelta.\nAll'inizio del tuo mantenimento, scegli uno che non è stato scelto —\n• I tuoi punti vita diventano 4.\n• Scarta la tua mano.\n• Ogni avversario crea cinque pedine creatura Zombie 2/2 nere.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458599,
                    "name": "囚われの聴衆",
                    "text": "囚われの聴衆は、あなたが選んだ対戦相手1人のコントロール下で戦場に出る。\nあなたのアップキープの開始時に、以下からまだ選ばれていないもの1つを選ぶ。\n• あなたのライフ総量は4点になる。\n• あなたの手札を捨てる。\n• 各対戦相手はそれぞれ、黒の2/2のゾンビ・クリーチャー・トークンを5体生成する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458858,
                    "name": "넋을 잃은 관객",
                    "text": "넋을 잃은 관객은 당신이 선택한 상대의 조종하에 전장에 들어온다.\n당신의 유지단 시작에, 아직 선택하지 않은 하나를 선택한다 —\n• 당신의 생명 총점은 4가 된다.\n• 당신의 손을 버린다.\n• 각 상대는 2/2 흑색 좀비 생물 토큰 다섯 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459117,
                    "name": "Público Cativo",
                    "text": "Público Cativo entra no campo de batalha sob o controle do oponente à sua escolha.\nNo início da sua manutenção, escolha um que não tenha sido escolhido:\n• Seu total de pontos de vida torna-se 4.\n• Descarte sua mão.\n• Cada oponente cria cinco fichas de criatura preta 2/2 do tipo Zumbi.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459376,
                    "name": "Захваченная Аудитория",
                    "text": "Захваченная Аудитория выходит на поле битвы под контролем оппонента по вашему выбору.\nВ начале вашего шага поддержки выберите одно то, что еще не было выбрано —\n• Ваше количество жизней становится равным 4.\n• Сбросьте вашу руку.\n• Каждый оппонент создает по пять фишек существа 2/2 черный Зомби.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459635,
                    "name": "俘获观众",
                    "text": "于俘获观众进战场时,选择一位对手。俘获观众在该牌手的操控下进战场。\n在你的维持开始时,选择一项,且不得是此前选过的~\n•你的总生命成为4。\n•弃掉你的手牌。\n•每位对手各派出五个2/2黑色灵俑衍生生物。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459894,
                    "name": "俘獲觀眾",
                    "text": "於俘獲觀眾進戰場時,選擇一位對手。俘獲觀眾在該玩家的操控下進戰場。\n在你的維持開始時,選擇一項,且不得是此前選過的~\n•你的總生命成為4。\n•棄掉你的手牌。\n•每位對手各派出五個2/2黑色殭屍衍生生物。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{B}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457304,
            "name": "Captive Audience",
            "number": "160",
            "originalText": "Captive Audience enters the battlefield under the control of an opponent of your choice.\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, choose one that hasn't been chosen —\n• Your life total becomes 4.\n• Discard your hand.\n• Each opponent creates five 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Once Captive Audience is controlled by your opponent, its ability triggers during that player’s upkeep and that player makes all choices for it. That player is affected by its first two modes, and that player’s opponents create the tokens for its last mode."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "For a player’s life total to become 4, that player gains or loses the appropriate amount of life. For example, if a player’s life total is 20, Captive Audience will cause that player to lose 16 life; alternatively, if their life total is 1, it will cause them to gain 3 life. Other cards that interact with life gain or life loss will interact with this effect accordingly."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You may choose Captive Audience’s first mode even if your life total is already 4. Similarly, you may choose its second mode even if you have no cards in hand."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If all three modes have been chosen, Captive Audience’s triggered ability is removed from the stack with no effect, but Captive Audience remains on the battlefield."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Captive Audience’s first mode causes its controller to gain or lose life so that their team’s life total becomes 4."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if Captive Audience’s owner leaves the game, Captive Audience leaves the game with them. If Captive Audience’s controller leaves the game, Captive Audience is exiled (assuming that player wasn’t also Captive Audience’s owner)."
            "scryfallId": "065f63b2-472e-4148-8294-88ed38a5685f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "51fb1f65-9b9c-4c00-8b9f-50791a4cb161",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fc25ca51-f351-4877-a092-525fb48524a1",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183314,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Captive Audience enters the battlefield under the control of an opponent of your choice.\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, choose one that hasn't been chosen —\n• Your life total becomes 4.\n• Discard your hand.\n• Each opponent creates five 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4ad23181-7457-5c55-a96c-49b66f7d085d",
            "uuidV421": "404fad81-c165-5dbc-b7b8-e1d7d5739491",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Zoltan Boros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457625,
                    "name": "Festnageln",
                    "text": "Festnageln fügt einem Gegner deiner Wahl 3 Schadenspunkte zu. Jener Spieler wirft zwei Karten ab.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457884,
                    "name": "Carnicería",
                    "text": "La Carnicería hace 3 puntos de daño al oponente objetivo. Ese jugador descarta dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458143,
                    "name": "Carnage",
                    "text": "Le Carnage inflige 3 blessures à un adversaire ciblé. Ce joueur se défausse de deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458402,
                    "name": "Carneficina",
                    "text": "La Carneficina infligge 3 danni a un avversario bersaglio. Quel giocatore scarta due carte.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458661,
                    "name": "叩打",
                    "text": "対戦相手1人を対象とする。叩打はそのプレイヤーに3点のダメージを与える。そのプレイヤーはカード2枚を捨てる。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458920,
                    "name": "학살",
                    "text": "상대를 목표로 정한다. 학살은 그 플레이어에게 피해 3점을 입힌다. 그 플레이어는 카드 두 장을 버린다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459179,
                    "name": "Carnificina",
                    "text": "Carnificina causa 3 pontos de dano ao oponente alvo. Aquele jogador descarta dois cards.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459438,
                    "name": "Кровопролитие",
                    "text": "Кровопролитие наносит 3 повреждения целевому оппоненту. Тот игрок сбрасывает две карты.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459697,
                    "name": "暴虐",
                    "text": "暴虐向目标对手造成3点伤害。该牌手弃两张牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459956,
                    "name": "暴虐",
                    "text": "暴虐向目標對手造成3點傷害。該玩家棄兩張牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457366,
            "name": "Carnage",
            "names": [
            "number": "222",
            "originalText": "Carnage deals 3 damage to target opponent. That player discards two cards.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target permanent is an illegal target by the time Carnival tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. No player is dealt damage."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target player is an illegal target by the time Carnage tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. No player discards."
            "scryfallId": "d1dbc559-c78c-4675-9582-9c28f8151bc7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "cd6fb919-5da0-4054-bba5-22d3e0126b7a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b996ae86-3bf6-4e84-8302-6ec6edaa6ff0",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183064,
            "text": "Carnage deals 3 damage to target opponent. That player discards two cards.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a7cfbe27-d670-5f6c-942f-10e1c6ed29b2",
            "uuidV421": "02fed7ab-e2f5-5945-aa31-280e15342f3b",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Zoltan Boros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 1,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457625,
                    "name": "Festivität",
                    "text": "Die Festivität fügt einer Kreatur oder einem Planeswalker deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt und dem Beherrscher jener bleibenden Karte 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457884,
                    "name": "Carnaval",
                    "text": "El Carnaval hace 1 punto de daño a la criatura o planeswalker objetivo y 1 punto de daño al controlador de ese permanente.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458143,
                    "name": "Carnaval",
                    "text": "Le Carnaval inflige 1 blessure à une cible, créature ou planeswalker, et 1 blessure au contrôleur de ce permanent.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458402,
                    "name": "Carnevale",
                    "text": "Il Carnevale infligge 1 danno a una creatura o a un planeswalker bersaglio e 1 danno al controllore di quel permanente.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458661,
                    "name": "興行",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体を対象とする。興行はそれに1点のダメージを与え、そのパーマネントのコントローラーに1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458920,
                    "name": "축제",
                    "text": "생물 또는 플레인즈워커를 목표로 정한다. 축제는 그 목표에게 피해 1점을 입히고 그 지속물의 조종자에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459179,
                    "name": "Carnaval",
                    "text": "Carnaval causa 1 ponto de dano à criatura ou ao planeswalker alvo e 1 ponto de dano ao controlador daquela permanente.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459438,
                    "name": "Карнавал",
                    "text": "Карнавал наносит 1 повреждение целевому существу или planeswalker-у и 1 повреждение игроку, контролирующему тот перманент.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459697,
                    "name": "暴喜",
                    "text": "暴喜对目标生物或鹏洛客造成1点伤害,且对该永久物的操控者造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459956,
                    "name": "暴喜",
                    "text": "暴喜對目標生物或鵬洛客造成1點傷害,且對該永久物的操控者造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{B/R}",
            "multiverseId": 457366,
            "name": "Carnival",
            "names": [
            "number": "222",
            "originalText": "Carnival deals 1 damage to target creature or planeswalker and 1 damage to that permanent's controller.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target permanent is an illegal target by the time Carnival tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. No player is dealt damage."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target player is an illegal target by the time Carnage tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. No player discards."
            "scryfallId": "d1dbc559-c78c-4675-9582-9c28f8151bc7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "cd6fb919-5da0-4054-bba5-22d3e0126b7a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b996ae86-3bf6-4e84-8302-6ec6edaa6ff0",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183064,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Carnival deals 1 damage to target creature or planeswalker and 1 damage to that permanent's controller.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7ad0e8ff-abc1-5e56-8063-6d965d4fc18b",
            "uuidV421": "f96e8692-506e-5c49-ad7e-289c8e231f3c",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Kev Walker",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "No scrap of nutrition goes to waste in the undercity.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "In der Unterstadt wird kein Bissen Nahrung verschwendet.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457469,
                    "name": "Aasbold",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nWenn der Aasbold ins Spiel kommt, kannst du eine Kreaturenkarte deiner Wahl aus einem Friedhof ins Exil schicken. Falls du dies tust, erhältst du 2 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bold"
                    "flavorText": "Nada que sea nutritivo se desperdicia en la Subciudad.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457728,
                    "name": "Diablillo carroñero",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nCuando el Diablillo carroñero entre al campo de batalla, puedes exiliar la carta de criatura objetivo de un cementerio. Si lo haces, ganas 2 vidas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Diablillo"
                    "flavorText": "Rien ne se perd dans la Citerraine.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457987,
                    "name": "Diablotin charognard",
                    "text": "Vol\nQuand le Diablotin charognard arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez exiler une carte de créature ciblée depuis un cimetière. Si vous faites ainsi, vous gagnez 2 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : diablotin"
                    "flavorText": "Nessun brandello di nutrimento viene sprecato nella città sepolta.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458246,
                    "name": "Imp Necrofago",
                    "text": "Volare\nQuando l'Imp Necrofago entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi esiliare una carta creatura bersaglio da un cimitero. Se lo fai, guadagni 2 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Imp"
                    "flavorText": "地底街では、栄養の一欠片も無駄になることはない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458505,
                    "name": "屍肉インプ",
                    "text": "飛行\n屍肉インプが戦場に出たとき、墓地からクリーチャー・カード1枚を対象とする。あなたはそれを追放してもよい。そうしたなら、あなたは2点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — インプ"
                    "flavorText": "지하 도시에서는 어떤 영양분도 낭비되지 않는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458764,
                    "name": "송장 임프",
                    "text": "비행\n송장 임프가 전장에 들어올 때, 무덤에 있는 생물 카드 한 장을 목표로 정한다. 당신은 그 카드를 추방할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 당신은 생명 2점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 임프"
                    "flavorText": "Nenhuma migalha nutritiva é desperdiçada no submundo.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459023,
                    "name": "Diabrete Carniceiro",
                    "text": "Voar\nQuando Diabrete Carniceiro entra no campo de batalha, você pode exilar o card de criatura alvo de um cemitério. Se fizer isso, você ganhará 2 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Diabrete"
                    "flavorText": "В подземном городе не пропадает ни крошки пищи.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459282,
                    "name": "Бес-Падальщик",
                    "text": "Полет\nКогда Бес-Падальщик выходит на поле битвы, вы можете изгнать целевую карту существа из кладбища. Если вы это делаете, вы получаете 2 жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Бес"
                    "flavorText": "地底城里的营养分毫都不会被浪费。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459541,
                    "name": "腐肉小恶魔",
                    "text": "飞行\n当腐肉小恶魔进战场时,你可以将目标生物牌从坟墓场放逐。若你如此作,则你获得2点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~小恶魔"
                    "flavorText": "地底城裡的營養分毫都不會被浪費。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459800,
                    "name": "腐肉小惡魔",
                    "text": "飛行\n當腐肉小惡魔進戰場時,你可以將目標生物牌從墳墓場放逐。若你如此作,則你獲得2點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~小惡魔"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457210,
            "name": "Carrion Imp",
            "number": "66",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhen Carrion Imp enters the battlefield, you may exile target creature card from a graveyard. If you do, you gain 2 life.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Imp",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "958caf1d-b159-4c27-8248-00c345f880be",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "1333c3f7-e0a2-446f-bf8d-3ed1b70117c3",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183411,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhen Carrion Imp enters the battlefield, you may exile target creature card from a graveyard. If you do, you gain 2 life.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Imp",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a9d54536-b20a-578e-8656-df0665187ec5",
            "uuidV421": "abc3d861-b6c9-5177-8c55-8b87894dc844"
            "artist": "Nils Hamm",
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            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I am sewer-king!\" said Rat. \"I am quick and cunning and I know every tunnel.\"\n\"No, I am king!\" said Zombie. \"I am cold and deadly and no rot can harm me.\"\nThen Croc came and ate them both.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich bin der König der Kanalisation!\", sagte die Ratte. „Ich bin flink und schlau und ich kenne jeden Tunnel.\"\n„Nein, ich bin der König!\", sagte der Zombie. „Ich bin kalt und tödlich und kann nicht verfaulen.\"\nDann kam das Krokodil und fraß beide auf.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457470,
                    "name": "Katakombenkrokodil",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Krokodil"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Soy la reina de las alcantarillas!\", dijo la Rata. \"Soy rápida, astuta y conozco todos los túneles.\"\n\"No, ¡yo soy el rey!\", dijo el Zombie. \"Soy frío, letal y la podredumbre no puede dañarme.\"\nEntonces llegó el Cocodrilo y se los comió a los dos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457729,
                    "name": "Cocodrilo de la catacumba",
                    "type": "Criatura — Cocodrilo"
                    "flavorText": "« Je suis le roi des égouts ! dit le rat. Je suis rapide et rusé, et je connais tous les tunnels. »\n« Non, c'est moi le roi ! dit le zombie. Je suis froid et meurtrier et la pourriture ne peut rien contre moi. »\nPuis Croc vint et les dévora tous les deux.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457988,
                    "name": "Crocodile des catacombes",
                    "type": "Créature : crocodile"
                    "flavorText": "\"Io sono il re della fogna!\" disse il Ratto. \"Sono veloce e astuto e conosco tutti i tunnel.\"\n\"No, io sono il re!\" disse lo Zombie. \"Sono freddo e letale e la putredine non mi danneggia.\"\nPoi arrivò il Coccodrillo e li sbranò entrambi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458247,
                    "name": "Coccodrillo della Catacomba",
                    "type": "Creatura — Coccodrillo"
                    "flavorText": "「俺が下水の王だ!」ネズミは言った。「俺はすばしっこくて悪賢い。どんなトンネルでも知ってる。」\n「いや、俺が王だ!」ゾンビは言った。「俺は冷たくて恐ろしい。どんな腐敗も俺を蝕むことはできない。」\nそこへワニがやって来て、どちらも食べてしまった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458506,
                    "name": "地下墓地のクロコダイル",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — クロコダイル"
                    "flavorText": "\"내가 시궁창의 왕이다!\" 쥐가 말했다. \"나는 빠르고 약삭빠른데다가 모든 터널을 알고 있어.\"\n\"아니, 내가 왕이다!\" 좀비가 말했다. \"나는 차갑고 치명적이며 썩는 것은 나를 해칠 수 없지.\"\n그 말이 끝나기 무섭게 악어가 다가와 둘을 모두 먹어치웠다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458765,
                    "name": "지하묘지 악어",
                    "type": "생물 — 악어"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eu sou o Rei do Esgoto!\", disse o Rato. \"Eu sou rápido, sagaz e conheço cada túnel.\"\n\"Não, eu sou o rei!\", disse o Zumbi. \"Eu sou frio, mortífero e a podridão não me afeta.\"\nEntão chegou o Crocodilo e comeu os dois.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459024,
                    "name": "Crocodilo da Catacumba",
                    "type": "Criatura — Crocodilo"
                    "flavorText": "«Я — королева стоков! — заявила крыса. — Я ловкая, хитрая и знаю все тоннели».\n«Нет, я король! — ответил зомби. — Я холоден, несу смерть, и никакая гниль меня не тронет».\nА потом явился крокодил и проглотил обоих.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459283,
                    "name": "Крокодил из Катакомб",
                    "type": "Существо — Крокодил"
                    "flavorText": "「我是下水道之王!」老鼠说道。「我又快又精,每条隧道都一清二楚。」\n「我才是下水道之王!」灵俑说道。「我又酷又强,潮湿腐败都伤不了我。\n」\n然后鳄鱼出现,一口吃掉他俩。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459542,
                    "name": "陵墓鳄鱼",
                    "type": "生物 ~鳄鱼"
                    "flavorText": "「我是下水道之王!」老鼠說道。「我又快又精,每條隧道都一清二楚。」\n「我才是下水道之王!」殭屍說道。「我又酷又強,潮濕腐敗都傷不了我。」\n然後鱷魚出現,一口吃掉他倆。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459801,
                    "name": "陵墓鱷魚",
                    "type": "生物 ~鱷魚"
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            "number": "67",
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            "subtypes": [
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            "toughness": "7",
            "type": "Creature — Crocodile",
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            "uuid": "098d087e-d302-5437-9803-638ff10bbdc6",
            "uuidV421": "aac6c459-8d8f-5ea2-8994-4c7365c2d03e"
            "artist": "Jonas De Ro",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Let the Dimir worry about witnesses. For the Rakdos, screams count as applause.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Sollen sich die Dimir mit den Zeugen herumschlagen. Für die Rakdos sind Schreie eine Art Applaus.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457498,
                    "name": "Unheilvoller Zirkus",
                    "text": "Immer wenn eine Kreatur mit Stärke 1 oder weniger, die du kontrollierst, angreift, fügt der Unheilvolle Zirkus dem Spieler oder Planeswalker, den die Kreatur angreift, 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "Deja que los dimir se preocupen por los testigos; para los rakdos, los gritos cuentan como aplausos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457757,
                    "name": "Desfile de la calamidad",
                    "text": "Siempre que una criatura que controlas con fuerza de 1 o menos ataque, el Desfile de la calamidad hace 1 punto de daño al jugador o planeswalker al que esa criatura esté atacando.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "Laissez les Dimir se préoccuper des témoins. Pour les Rakdos, les cris sont synonymes d'applaudissements.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458016,
                    "name": "Cavalcade de la Calamité",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'une créature de force inférieure ou égale à 1 que vous contrôlez attaque, la Cavalcade de la Calamité inflige 1 blessure au joueur ou au planeswalker que cette créature attaque.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "Solo i Dimir si preoccupano di non lasciare testimoni: per i Rakdos, le urla equivalgono a un applauso.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458275,
                    "name": "Corteo di Calamità",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta una creatura con forza pari o inferiore a 1 che controlli attacca, il Corteo di Calamità infligge 1 danno al giocatore o al planeswalker che quella creatura sta attaccando.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "目撃の心配はディミーアにさせておけ。我々ラクドスにとっては叫び声も称賛の内だ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458534,
                    "name": "災厄の行進",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしていてパワーが1以下であるクリーチャーが1体攻撃するたび、災厄の行進はそのクリーチャーが攻撃しているプレイヤーやプレインズウォーカーに1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "목격자에 대해서는 디미르가 걱정하게 해라. 락도스에게는, 비명도 박수갈채와 마찬가지다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458793,
                    "name": "계속되는 재앙",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 공격력 1 이하인 생물이 공격할 때마다, 계속되는 재앙은 그 생물이 공격하는 플레이어나 플레인즈워커에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "Deixe os Dimir se preocuparem com as testemunhas. Para os Rakdos, os gritos contam como aplauso.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459052,
                    "name": "Parada da Calamidade",
                    "text": "Toda vez que uma criatura que você controla com poder igual ou inferior a 1 ataca, Parada da Calamidade causa 1 ponto de dano ao jogador ou planeswalker que aquela criatura está atacando.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "Пусть Димиры волнуются о свидетелях. У Ракдосов крики считаются аплодисментами.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459311,
                    "name": "Кавалькада Катастроф",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда существо под вашим контролем с силой не более 1 атакует, Кавалькада Катастроф наносит 1 повреждение игроку или planeswalker-у, которого атакует то существо.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "有没有人证那是底密尔操心的事情。对于拉铎司人而言,尖叫就是喝彩。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459570,
                    "name": "灾祸行进",
                    "text": "每当一个由你操控且力量等于或小于1的生物攻击时,灾祸行进对其所攻击的牌手或鹏洛客造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "有沒有人證那是底密爾操心的事情。對於拉鐸司人而言,尖叫就是喝彩。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459829,
                    "name": "災禍行進",
                    "text": "每當一個由你操控且力量等於或小於1的生物攻擊時,災禍行進對其所攻擊的玩家或鵬洛客造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457239,
            "name": "Cavalcade of Calamity",
            "number": "95",
            "originalText": "Whenever a creature you control with power 1 or less attacks, Cavalcade of Calamity deals 1 damage to the player or planeswalker that creature is attacking.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A creature with power 0 or less can attack, as long as no rule or effect prohibits it from doing so. Many creatures with 0 power have defender, but not all do."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The power of the attacking creature is checked only when the ability triggers. Once it triggers, Cavalcade of Calamity will deal 1 damage to the appropriate player or planeswalker even if the creature’s power changes or the creature leaves the battlefield before the ability resolves."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If multiple creatures you control with power 1 or less attack, Cavalcade of Calamity’s ability will trigger for each of those creatures. Each ability will cause Cavalcade of Calamity to deal 1 damage to the appropriate player or planeswalker."
            "scryfallId": "8a81e889-490b-4aeb-8e84-ea9a390bb8fe",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "82db71a5-9661-4f1a-9b61-919f90d2c973",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e29be33c-e5b0-428d-a057-b1cd61127557",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183335,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever a creature you control with power 1 or less attacks, Cavalcade of Calamity deals 1 damage to the player or planeswalker that creature is attacking.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "72f313d7-9703-581d-8373-5dad6b231213",
            "uuidV421": "6416ac96-4e0c-5437-b4c5-69b9130a5440"
            "artist": "Izzy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 460019,
                    "name": "Anstürmender Kriegskeiler",
                    "text": "Eile (Diese Kreatur kann angreifen und {T}, sobald sie unter deine Kontrolle kommt.)\nSolange du einen Domri-Planeswalker kontrollierst, erhält der Anstürmende Kriegskeiler +1/+1 und verursacht Trampelschaden. (Er kann beim Angreifen dem verteidigenden Spieler oder Planeswalker überschüssigen Schaden zufügen.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Wildschwein"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 460033,
                    "name": "Jabalí de guerra a la carga",
                    "text": "Prisa. (Esta criatura puede atacar y {T} tan pronto como entra bajo tu control.)\nMientras controles un planeswalker Domri, el Jabalí de guerra a la carga obtiene +1/+1 y tiene la habilidad de arrollar. (Puede hacer el daño sobrante al jugador o planeswalker al que ataca.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Jabalí"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 460047,
                    "name": "Sanglier de guerre chargeur",
                    "text": "Célérité (Cette créature peut attaquer et {T} dès le tour où elle arrive sous votre contrôle.)\nTant que vous contrôlez un planeswalker Domri, le Sanglier de guerre chargeur gagne +1/+1 et a le piétinement. (Il peut infliger son surplus de blessures de combat au joueur ou au planeswalker qu'il attaque.)",
                    "type": "Créature : sanglier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 460061,
                    "name": "Cinghiale da Guerra alla Carica",
                    "text": "Rapidità (Questa creatura può attaccare e {T} non appena entra sotto il tuo controllo.)\nFintanto che controlli un planeswalker Domri, il Cinghiale da Guerra alla Carica prende +1/+1 e ha travolgere. (Può infliggere il danno in eccesso al giocatore o al planeswalker che sta attaccando.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cinghiale"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 460075,
                    "name": "突進する戦猪",
                    "text": "速攻(このクリーチャーは、あなたのコントロール下になってすぐに攻撃したり{T}したりできる。)\nあなたがドムリ・プレインズウォーカーをコントロールしているかぎり、突進する戦猪は+1/+1の修整を受けトランプルを持つ。(これは余剰のダメージをこれが攻撃しているプレイヤーやプレインズウォーカーに与えることができる。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 猪"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 460090,
                    "name": "Javali de Guerra em Carga",
                    "text": "Ímpeto (Esta criatura pode atacar e {T} assim que passa ao seu controle.)\nEnquanto você controlar um planeswalker Domri, Javali de Guerra em Carga receberá +1/+1 e terá atropelar. (Ele pode causar seu dano excedente ao jogador ou planeswalker que estiver atacando.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Javali"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 460104,
                    "name": "Атакующий Боевой Вепрь",
                    "text": "Ускорение (Это существо может атаковать и {T}, как только оно попадает под ваш контроль.)\nПока вы контролируете planeswalker-а Домри, Атакующий Боевой Вепрь получает +1/+1 и имеет Пробивной удар. (Он может нанести избыточные повреждения игроку или planeswalker-у, которого атакует.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Вепрь"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 460118,
                    "name": "冲锋战野猪",
                    "text": "敏捷(此生物受你操控时便能攻击与{T}。)\n只要你操控多密鹏洛客,冲锋战野猪便得+1/+1且具有践踏异能。(它造成之过量战斗伤害能对所攻击的牌手或鹏洛客造成之。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~野猪"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 460005,
            "name": "Charging War Boar",
            "number": "271",
            "originalText": "Haste (This creature can attack and {T} as soon as it comes under your control.)\nAs long as you control a Domri planeswalker, Charging War Boar gets +1/+1 and has trample. (It can deal excess damage to the player or planeswalker it's attacking.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Boar",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because damage remains marked on a creature until it’s removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to Charging War Boar may become lethal if Domri leaves the battlefield during that turn."
            "scryfallId": "02cef5a4-e8fd-4ebd-b121-67059308c772",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "447f16b8-4625-40e6-a876-9424a0748eb7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2b04b60b-0c4c-4fee-a54b-7052ca5190e1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183303,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Haste (This creature can attack and {T} as soon as it comes under your control.)\nAs long as you control a Domri planeswalker, Charging War Boar gets +1/+1 and has trample. (It can deal excess damage to the player or planeswalker it's attacking.)",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Boar",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "abe1ee62-23e8-59d6-b9bd-5538728c5d85",
            "uuidV421": "fda9fa13-88c8-50d9-b30e-20995e6e5ebb",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Eytan Zana",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "If you can see your breath, it's too late to run.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wenn du deinen Atem sehen kannst, ist es zu spät, um wegzulaufen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457436,
                    "name": "Kältebringer",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nWenn der Kältebringer ins Spiel kommt, tappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert. Sie enttappt nicht während des nächsten Enttappsegments ihres Beherrschers.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elementarwesen"
                    "flavorText": "Si ves tu propio aliento, es demasiado tarde para correr.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457695,
                    "name": "Portaescarcha",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nCuando el Portaescarcha entre al campo de batalla, gira la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente. No se endereza durante el próximo paso de enderezar de su controlador.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "Si vous voyez votre souffle, c'est qu'il est trop tard pour courir.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457954,
                    "name": "Annonciateur de froid",
                    "text": "Vol\nQuand l'Annonciateur de froid arrive sur le champ de bataille, engagez une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle. Elle ne se dégage pas pendant la prochaine étape de dégagement de son contrôleur.",
                    "type": "Créature : élémental"
                    "flavorText": "Se vedi che il tuo respiro si condensa, è troppo tardi per scappare.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458213,
                    "name": "Latore del Gelo",
                    "text": "Volare\nQuando il Latore del Gelo entra nel campo di battaglia, TAPpa una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario. Quella creatura non STAPpa durante il prossimo STAP del suo controllore.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Elementale"
                    "flavorText": "自らの息が見えた時には、もう逃げられない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458472,
                    "name": "冷気をもたらす者",
                    "text": "飛行\n冷気をもたらす者が戦場に出たとき、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。それはそれのコントローラーの次のアンタップ・ステップにアンタップしない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エレメンタル"
                    "flavorText": "입에서 김이 나오는 것이 보인다면, 도망치기엔 이미 늦은 것이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458731,
                    "name": "냉기를 부르는 자",
                    "text": "비행\n냉기를 부르는 자가 전장에 들어올 때, 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 탭한다. 그 생물은 조종자의 다음 언탭단에 언탭되지 않는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 정령"
                    "flavorText": "Se você vir seu hálito se condensar, será tarde demais para correr.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458990,
                    "name": "Portador do Frio",
                    "text": "Voar\nQuando Portador do Frio entrar no campo de batalha, vire a criatura alvo que um oponente controla. Ela não desvira durante a próxima etapa de desvirar de seu controlador.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "Когда становится видно свое дыхание, бежать уже слишком поздно.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459249,
                    "name": "Предвестник Морозов",
                    "text": "Полет\nКогда Предвестник Морозов выходит на поле битвы, поверните целевое существо под контролем оппонента. Оно не разворачивается во время следующего шага разворота контролирующего его игрока.",
                    "type": "Существо — Элементаль"
                    "flavorText": "如果你能看到自己的呼气,就已经来不及跑了。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459508,
                    "name": "寒冰灵",
                    "text": "飞行\n当寒冰灵进战场时,横置目标由对手操控的生物。它于其操控者的下一个重置步骤中不能重置。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
                    "flavorText": "如果你能看到自己的呼氣,就已經來不及跑了。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459767,
                    "name": "寒冰靈",
                    "text": "飛行\n當寒冰靈進戰場時,橫置目標由對手操控的生物。它於其操控者的下一個重置步驟中不能重置。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457177,
            "name": "Chillbringer",
            "number": "33",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhen Chillbringer enters the battlefield, tap target creature an opponent controls. It doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elemental",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Chillbringer’s ability can target a creature that’s already tapped. That creature won’t untap during its controller’s next untap step."
            "scryfallId": "158547fa-7313-4e77-949f-afc68ebfb022",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "fdd4209e-40dd-445b-9061-8d1be8564911",
            "scryfallOracleId": "604d2a0e-224c-4a7b-aabf-033e7dcee3f2",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183347,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhen Chillbringer enters the battlefield, tap target creature an opponent controls. It doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Elemental",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6a0ebfa3-db7e-51c6-8b3d-801472ee2614",
            "uuidV421": "f989ec72-583e-5d23-ae5b-5c5812dac8f9"
            "artist": "Mark Behm",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
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                    "multiverseId": 457564,
                    "name": "Glühende Ranken",
                    "text": "Immer wenn ein Gegner einen Nichtkreatur-Zauberspruch wirkt, fügen ihm die Glühenden Ranken 1 Schadenspunkt zu.\n{1}, opfere die Glühenden Ranken: Zerstöre ein Artefakt oder eine Verzauberung deiner Wahl. Die Glühenden Ranken fügen dem Beherrscher der bleibenden Karte 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457823,
                    "name": "Lianas de ceniza",
                    "text": "Siempre que un oponente lance un hechizo que no sea de criatura, las Lianas de ceniza hacen 1 punto de daño a ese jugador.\n{1}, sacrificar las Lianas de ceniza: Destruye el artefacto o encantamiento objetivo. Las Lianas de ceniza hacen 2 puntos de daño al controlador de ese permanente.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458082,
                    "name": "Cendrelianes",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'un adversaire lance un sort non-créature, les Cendrelianes infligent 1 blessure à ce joueur.\n{1}, sacrifiez les Cendrelianes : Détruisez l'artefact ciblé ou l'enchantement ciblé. Les Cendrelianes infligent 2 blessures au contrôleur de ce permanent.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458341,
                    "name": "Liane di Cenere",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta un avversario lancia una magia non creatura, le Liane di Cenere infliggono 1 danno a quel giocatore.\n{1}, Sacrifica le Liane di Cenere: Distruggi un artefatto o un incantesimo bersaglio. Le Liane di Cenere infliggono 2 danni al controllore di quel permanente.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458600,
                    "name": "燃えがら蔦",
                    "text": "対戦相手がクリーチャーでない呪文を唱えるたび、燃えがら蔦はそのプレイヤーに1点のダメージを与える。\n{1}, 燃えがら蔦を生け贄に捧げる:アーティファクト1つかエンチャント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。燃えがら蔦はそのパーマネントのコントローラーに2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458859,
                    "name": "잿불채찍",
                    "text": "상대가 생물이 아닌 주문을 발동할 때마다, 잿불채찍은 그 플레이어에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.\n{1}, 잿불채찍을 희생한다: 마법물체나 부여마법을 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 파괴한다. 잿불채찍은 그 지속물의 조종자에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459118,
                    "name": "Lianas Ardentes",
                    "text": "Toda vez que um oponente conjura uma mágica que não seja de criatura, Lianas Ardentes causa 1 ponto de dano àquele jogador.\n{1}, sacrifique Lianas Ardentes: Destrua o artefato ou o encantamento alvo. Lianas Ardentes causa 2 pontos de dano ao controlador daquela permanente.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459377,
                    "name": "Пепельные Лианы",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда оппонент разыгрывает не являющееся существом заклинание, Пепельные Лианы наносят 1 повреждение тому игроку.\n{1}, пожертвуйте Пепельные Лианы: уничтожьте целевой артефакт или чары. Пепельные Лианы наносят 2 повреждения игроку, контролирующему тот перманент.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459636,
                    "name": "烬火藤蔓",
                    "text": "每当任一对手施放非生物咒语时,烬火藤蔓对该牌手造成1点伤害。\n{1},牺牲烬火藤蔓:消灭目标神器或结界。烬火藤蔓对该永久物的操控者造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459895,
                    "name": "燼火藤蔓",
                    "text": "每當任一對手施放非生物咒語時,燼火藤蔓對該玩家造成1點傷害。\n{1},犧牲燼火藤蔓:消滅目標神器或結界。燼火藤蔓對該永久物的操控者造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{R}{G}",
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            "name": "Cindervines",
            "number": "161",
            "originalText": "Whenever an opponent casts a noncreature spell, Cindervines deals 1 damage to that player.\n{1}, Sacrifice Cindervines: Destroy target artifact or enchantment. Cindervines deals 2 damage to that permanent's controller.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Cindervines’s triggered ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target permanent is an illegal target by the time Cindervines’s activated ability tries to resolve, the ability doesn’t resolve. No player is dealt damage. If the target is legal but not destroyed (most likely because it has indestructible), its controller is dealt damage."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Cindervines can be the target of its own activated ability. The ability won’t resolve since it won’t have a legal target, and no player will be dealt damage, but this does allow you to sacrifice Cindervines without another enchantment to target if you want to."
            "scryfallId": "9f970f79-3051-4ba1-badb-697ef321cbb3",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ac77053d-5e51-4e7e-b33e-58f47d8933cf",
            "scryfallOracleId": "92d95e12-fa51-4360-88e4-9078ccc5d8d3",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183354,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever an opponent casts a noncreature spell, Cindervines deals 1 damage to that player.\n{1}, Sacrifice Cindervines: Destroy target artifact or enchantment. Cindervines deals 2 damage to that permanent's controller.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
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            "flavorText": "\"These are your streets. Defend them! This is your neighborhood. Honor it! This is your city. Save it!\"",
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                    "flavorText": "„Das sind eure Straßen. Verteidigt sie! Das ist euer Viertel. Würdigt es! Das ist eure Stadt. Rettet sie!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457409,
                    "name": "Getreuer der Stadt",
                    "text": "Wenn der Getreue der Stadt ins Spiel kommt, erhalten Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elefant, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Estas son sus calles. ¡Defiéndanlas! Este es su barrio. ¡Hónrenlo! Esta es su ciudad. ¡Sálvenla!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457668,
                    "name": "Valiente cívico",
                    "text": "Cuando el Valiente cívico entre al campo de batalla, las criaturas que controlas obtienen +1/+1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado elefante"
                    "flavorText": "« Ce sont vos rues. Défendez-les ! C'est votre quartier. Faites-lui honneur ! C'est votre ville. Sauvez-la ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457927,
                    "name": "Vaillant municipal",
                    "text": "Quand le Vaillant municipal arrive sur le champ de bataille, les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : éléphant et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Queste sono le vostre strade: difendetele! Questo è il vostro quartiere: rendetegli onore! Questa è la vostra città: salvatela!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458186,
                    "name": "Esempio di Senso Civico",
                    "text": "Quando l'Esempio di Senso Civico entra nel campo di battaglia, le creature che controlli prendono +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Elefante"
                    "flavorText": "「ここはお前たちの通りだ。防衛せよ!ここはお前たちの地域だ。称えよ!ここはお前たちの街だ。守り抜け!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458445,
                    "name": "護民官の重鎮",
                    "text": "護民官の重鎮が戦場に出たとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 象・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"이곳은 너희들의 거리다. 지켜라! 너희들의 이웃이다. 기려라! 너희들의 도시다. 보호해라!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458704,
                    "name": "도시의 일꾼",
                    "text": "도시의 일꾼이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 코끼리 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Estas são as suas ruas. Defendam-nas! Este é o seu bairro. Honrem-no! Esta é a sua cidade. Salvem-na!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458963,
                    "name": "Defensor Cívico",
                    "text": "Quando Defensor Cívico entra no campo de batalha, as criaturas que você controla recebem +1/+1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elefante Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Это ваши улицы. Защищайте их! Это ваш район. Не опозорьте его имя! Это ваш город. Спасите его!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459222,
                    "name": "Городской Поборник",
                    "text": "Когда Городской Поборник выходит на поле битвы, существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Слон Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「这是你们的街道。要自己来守护!这是你们的家园。要自己来添辉!这是你们的城市。要自己来拯救!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459481,
                    "name": "城市坚兵",
                    "text": "当城市坚兵进战场时,由你操控的生物得+1/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~象/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「這是你們的街道,要自己來守護!這是你們的家園,要自己來添輝!這是你們的城市,要自己來拯救!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459740,
                    "name": "城市堅兵",
                    "text": "當城市堅兵進戰場時,由你操控的生物得+1/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~象/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
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            "name": "Civic Stalwart",
            "number": "6",
            "originalText": "When Civic Stalwart enters the battlefield, creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elephant Soldier",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Civic Stalwart’s triggered ability affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures you begin to control later in the turn won’t get +1/+1."
            "scryfallId": "aa981489-4301-43f6-b1d7-2aa42e00cf75",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183356,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Civic Stalwart enters the battlefield, creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Elephant Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "57130e96-efa1-58bf-9a75-3ebda7f1923e",
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            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
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            "flavorText": "\"Little goblin. Big noise.\"\n—Ruric Thar",
            "foreignData": [
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                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457499,
                    "name": "Keifende Schamanin",
                    "text": "Aufruhr (Du bestimmst, ob diese Kreatur mit einer +1/+1-Marke oder mit Eile ins Spiel kommt.)\nImmer wenn die Keifende Schamanin angreift, kann eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert, in diesem Zug nicht blocken.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Trasgo pequeño. Gran ruido\".\n—Ruric Thar",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457758,
                    "name": "Chamán del clamor",
                    "text": "Insurgencia. (Esta criatura entra al campo de batalla con lo que elijas: un contador +1/+1 o la habilidad de prisa.)\nSiempre que la Chamán del clamor ataque, la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente no puede bloquear este turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "« Petite gobeline. Gros bruit. »\n—Ruric Thar",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458017,
                    "name": "Shamane des clameurs",
                    "text": "Émeute (Cette créature arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, selon votre choix, un marqueur +1/+1 ou la célérité.)\nÀ chaque fois que la Shamane des clameurs attaque, une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle ne peut pas bloquer ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Piccola goblin, grande rumore.\"\n—Ruric Thar",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458276,
                    "name": "Sciamana del Clamore",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Questa creatura entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 o rapidità a tua scelta.)\nOgniqualvolta la Sciamana del Clamore attacca, una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario non può bloccare in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "「小さなゴブリン。大きな騒音。」\n――ルーリク・サー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458535,
                    "name": "騒がしいシャーマン",
                    "text": "暴動(このクリーチャーは+1/+1カウンター1個か速攻のうちあなたが選んだ1つを持った状態で戦場に出る。)\n騒がしいシャーマンが攻撃するたび、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とする。このターン、それではブロックできない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "\"고블린 작다. 소리 크다.\"\n—루릭 타르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458794,
                    "name": "시끄러운 주술사",
                    "text": "폭동 (이 생물은 당신의 선택에 따라 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 또는 신속을 가지고 전장에 들어온다.)\n시끄러운 주술사가 공격할 때마다, 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 이 턴에 방어할 수 없다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Goblinzinho. Barulhão.\"\n— Ruric Thar",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459053,
                    "name": "Xamã do Clamor",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Esta criatura entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 ou ímpeto, à sua escolha.)\nToda vez que Xamã do Clamor ataca, a criatura alvo que um oponente controla não pode bloquear neste turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "«Маленький гоблин. Большой шум».\n— Рурик Тар",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459312,
                    "name": "Шумная Шаманка",
                    "text": "Беспорядки (Это существо выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 или Ускорением, по вашему выбору.)\nКаждый раз, когда Шумная Шаманка атакует, целевое существо под контролем оппонента не может блокировать в этом ходу.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "「小鬼怪。大动静。」\n~鲁瑞杂尔",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459571,
                    "name": "喧哗祭司",
                    "text": "起事(于此生物进战场时,你选择「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」异能。它进战场时上面有所选加成。)\n每当喧哗祭司攻击时,目标由对手操控的生物本回合不能进行阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "「小鬼怪。大動靜。」\n~魯瑞雜爾",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459830,
                    "name": "喧嘩祭司",
                    "text": "起事(於此生物進戰場時,你選擇「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」異能。它進戰場時上面有所選加成。)\n每當喧嘩祭司攻擊時,目標由對手操控的生物本回合不能進行阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457240,
            "name": "Clamor Shaman",
            "number": "96",
            "originalText": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nWhenever Clamor Shaman attacks, target creature an opponent controls can't block this turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Shaman",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
            "scryfallId": "b3f073d7-f60a-44c1-aec9-cf42bbdb3153",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "531ec132-3b60-4062-a1c1-429142b00595",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7fd2dcb2-760d-461d-8e5b-693aacf548cf",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183334,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nWhenever Clamor Shaman attacks, target creature an opponent controls can't block this turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fbc36916-eb02-5d75-86b8-b84cc6ae4bfe",
            "uuidV421": "25b8199b-b926-54b0-84bf-9f0e019f3c57",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457565,
                    "name": "Gildenmagierin der Clans",
                    "text": "{1}{R}, {T}: Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl kann in diesem Zug nicht blocken.\n{2}{G}, {T}: Ein Land deiner Wahl, das du kontrollierst, wird bis zum Ende des Zuges zu einer 4/4 Elementarwesen-Kreatur mit Eile. Es ist immer noch ein Land.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Schamane"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457824,
                    "name": "Maga del gremio del Clan",
                    "text": "{1}{R}, {T}: La criatura objetivo no puede bloquear este turno.\n{2}{G}, {T}: La tierra objetivo que controlas se convierte en una criatura Elemental 4/4 con la habilidad de prisa hasta el final del turno. Sigue siendo una tierra.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458083,
                    "name": "Ghildmage du Clan",
                    "text": "{1}{R}, {T} : La créature ciblée ne peut pas bloquer ce tour-ci.\n{2}{G}, {T} : Le terrain ciblé que vous contrôlez devient une créature 4/4 Élémental avec la célérité jusqu'à la fin du tour. C'est toujours un terrain.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et shamane"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458342,
                    "name": "Maga della Gilda del Clan",
                    "text": "{1}{R}, {T}: Una creatura bersaglio non può bloccare in questo turno.\n{2}{G}, {T}: Una terra bersaglio che controlli diventa una creatura Elementale 4/4 con rapidità fino alla fine del turno. È ancora una terra.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458601,
                    "name": "一族のギルド魔道士",
                    "text": "{1}{R}, {T}:クリーチャー1体を対象とする。このターン、それではブロックできない。\n{2}{G}, {T}:あなたがコントロールしている土地1つを対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは速攻を持つ4/4のエレメンタル・クリーチャーになる。それは土地でもある。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・シャーマン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458860,
                    "name": "부족 길드마도사",
                    "text": "{1}{R}, {T}: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 이 턴에 방어할 수 없다.\n{2}{G}, {T}: 당신이 조종하는 대지를 목표로 정한다. 그 대지는 턴종료까지 신속을 가진 4/4 정령 생물이 된다. 그 생물은 여전히 대지다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 주술사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459119,
                    "name": "Maga de Guilda do Clã",
                    "text": "{1}{R}, {T}: A criatura alvo não pode bloquear neste turno.\n{2}{G}, {T}: O terreno alvo que você controla torna-se uma criatura 4/4 do tipo Elemental com ímpeto até o final do turno. Ela ainda é um terreno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Xamã"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459378,
                    "name": "Маг Гильдии Клана",
                    "text": "{1}{R}, {T}: целевое существо не может блокировать в этом ходу.\n{2}{G}, {T}: целевая земля под вашим контролем становится существом 4/4 Элементаль с Ускорением до конца хода. При этом она остается землей.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Шаман"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459637,
                    "name": "部族公会法师",
                    "text": "{1}{R},{T}:目标生物本回合不能进行阻挡。\n{2}{G},{T}:目标由你操控的地成为4/4,具敏捷异能的元素生物直到回合结束。它仍然是地。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/祭师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459896,
                    "name": "部族公會法師",
                    "text": "{1}{R},{T}:目標生物本回合不能進行阻擋。\n{2}{G},{T}:目標由你操控的地成為4/4,具敏捷異能的元素生物直到回合結束。它仍然是地。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457306,
            "name": "Clan Guildmage",
            "number": "162",
            "originalText": "{1}{R}, {T}: Target creature can't block this turn.\n{2}{G}, {T}: Target land you control becomes a 4/4 Elemental creature with haste until end of turn. It's still a land.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Activating Clan Guildmage’s first ability after a creature has blocked won’t remove the blocking creature from combat or cause the creature it blocked to become unblocked."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Clan Guildmage’s second ability doesn’t untap the land that becomes a creature."
            "scryfallId": "34a18415-015c-4d3f-8042-b156a673e125",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "89221a8a-ec72-429d-9916-c5706fdfe83e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "838eeca8-02f9-44fa-8170-1426622adf30",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183206,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}{R}, {T}: Target creature can't block this turn.\n{2}{G}, {T}: Target land you control becomes a 4/4 Elemental creature with haste until end of turn. It's still a land.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "14efa14a-4f2f-5171-bc1b-4b97babd345c",
            "uuidV421": "ebe2deba-f807-5950-a78a-2e279ea93ee4",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "David Palumbo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The best way to keep a secret is to forget it.\"\n—Lazav",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Am besten bewahrt man Geheimnisse, indem man sie vergisst.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457437,
                    "name": "Geistige Klarheit",
                    "text": "Ein Spieler deiner Wahl mischt seinen Friedhof in seine Bibliothek.\nZiehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"La mejor manera de guardar un secreto es olvidarlo\".\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457696,
                    "name": "Vaciar la mente",
                    "text": "El jugador objetivo baraja su cementerio en su biblioteca.\nRoba una carta.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Le meilleur moyen de garder un secret est de l'oublier. »\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457955,
                    "name": "Vider l'esprit",
                    "text": "Le joueur ciblé mélange son cimetière dans sa bibliothèque.\nPiochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il modo migliore per mantenere un segreto è dimenticarlo.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458214,
                    "name": "Sgombrare la Mente",
                    "text": "Un giocatore bersaglio rimescola il suo cimitero nel suo grimorio.\nPesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「秘密を守る最良の手段はそれを忘れることだ。」\n――ラザーヴ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458473,
                    "name": "精神純化",
                    "text": "プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは自分の墓地を自分のライブラリーに加えて切り直す。\nカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"비밀을 지키는 최고의 방법은 잊는 것이지.\"\n—라자브",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458732,
                    "name": "정신 비우기",
                    "text": "플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 무덤을 자신의 서고에 섞어 넣는다.\n카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"A melhor forma de guardar um segredo é esquecê-lo.\"\n— Lazav",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458991,
                    "name": "Limpar a Mente",
                    "text": "O jogador alvo embaralha o próprio cemitério no próprio grimório.\nCompre um card.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Лучший способ сохранить секрет — забыть его».\n— Лазав",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459250,
                    "name": "Очищение Разума",
                    "text": "Целевой игрок втасовывает свое кладбище в свою библиотеку.\nВозьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「守住秘密最好的办法,就是将它彻底忘记。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459509,
                    "name": "清空思绪",
                    "text": "目标牌手将其坟墓场洗入其牌库。\n抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「守住秘密最好的辦法,就是將它徹底忘記。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459768,
                    "name": "清空思緒",
                    "text": "目標玩家將其墳墓場洗入其牌庫。\n抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457178,
            "name": "Clear the Mind",
            "number": "34",
            "originalText": "Target player shuffles their graveyard into their library.\nDraw a card.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Clear the Mind can target a player with no cards in their graveyard. That player shuffles their library and then you draw a card."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose yourself as the target for Clear the Mind, Clear the Mind will end up as the only card in your graveyard after it’s done resolving."
            "scryfallId": "a7da6982-9e57-41d2-a052-f2a3bb646436",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "63fd4f11-5746-4a71-915e-24c2a177f368",
            "scryfallOracleId": "141c33be-7a25-4981-b62c-efee8e8ec91d",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183349,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target player shuffles their graveyard into their library.\nDraw a card.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ff6eaf55-ebd4-5ca4-bf00-9ac6c17e34c9",
            "uuidV421": "b20a3416-cbc1-5ff2-bddd-72a8aad70439"
            "artist": "Lucas Graciano",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Make way! It's time for the final act!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Platz da! Es ist Zeit für den letzten Akt!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457471,
                    "name": "Bühne frei",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält -3/-3 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Falls du eine Kreatur mit Stärke 4 oder mehr kontrollierst, kannst du bis zu eine Kreaturenkarte deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurückbringen.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Hagan sitio! ¡Es la hora del acto final!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457730,
                    "name": "Despejar el escenario",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene -3/-3 hasta el final del turno. Si controlas una criatura con fuerza de 4 o más, puedes regresar hasta una carta de criatura objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Faites place ! C'est l'heure du dernier acte ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457989,
                    "name": "Dégager la piste",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne -3/-3 jusqu'à la fin du tour. Si vous contrôlez une créature de force supérieure ou égale à 4, vous pouvez renvoyer jusqu'à une carte de créature ciblée depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Fate largo! È ora dell'ultimo atto!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458248,
                    "name": "Liberare la Scena",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende -3/-3 fino alla fine del turno. Se controlli una creatura con forza pari o superiore a 4, puoi riprendere in mano fino a una carta creatura bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「道を空けろ!フィナーレの時間だ!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458507,
                    "name": "舞台一掃",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体と、あなたの墓地からクリーチャー・カード最大1枚を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、その前者のクリーチャーは-3/-3の修整を受ける。あなたがパワーが4以上のクリーチャーをコントロールしているなら、あなたはその後者のカードをあなたの手札に戻してもよい。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"비켜! 최종장을 선보일 시간이다!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458766,
                    "name": "무대 정리",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 -3/-3을 받는다. 당신이 공격력이 4 이상인 생물을 조종한다면, 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드를 최대 한 장까지 목표로 정한다. 당신은 그 카드를 당신의 손으로 되돌릴 수 있다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Abram alas! É hora do último ato!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459025,
                    "name": "Esvaziar o Palco",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe -3/-3 até o final do turno. Se você controlar uma criatura com poder igual ou superior a 4, você poderá devolver até um card de criatura alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Расступитесь! Настало время последнего акта!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459284,
                    "name": "Очищение Сцены",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает -3/-3 до конца хода. Если вы контролируете существо с силой 4 или больше, вы можете вернуть не более одной целевой карты существа из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「都让让!最后一幕即将上演!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459543,
                    "name": "清空舞台",
                    "text": "目标生物得-3/-3直到回合结束。如果你操控力量等于或大于4的生物,则你可以将至多一张目标生物牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「都讓讓!最後一幕即將上演!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459802,
                    "name": "清空舞台",
                    "text": "目標生物得-3/-3直到回合結束。如果你操控力量等於或大於4的生物,則你可以將至多一張目標生物牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457212,
            "name": "Clear the Stage",
            "number": "68",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets -3/-3 until end of turn. If you control a creature with power 4 or greater, you may return up to one target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can’t cast Clear the Stage without a target creature to get -3/-3. If either target is illegal when Clear the Stage tries to resolve, the other is still affected as appropriate."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You may always choose a target creature card in your graveyard, even if you don’t control a creature with power 4 or greater. Whether you return the creature card is determined only as Clear the Stage resolves."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You check whether you control a creature with power 4 or greater after the target creature gets -3/-3 but before it dies, if appropriate."
            "scryfallId": "0ac65975-6ff5-4863-b7b7-d7dbea213b50",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "71c0171f-a902-41da-a34e-90b83be9f68f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "77b6a3db-c098-4b06-bc7f-136eef892d30",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183416,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets -3/-3 until end of turn. If you control a creature with power 4 or greater, you may return up to one target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "20e4342e-b922-55c3-87df-b5df1c822cd7",
            "uuidV421": "3ae829ec-a470-5ea1-902b-e9519651d860"
            "artist": "Ekaterina Burmak",
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            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457438,
                    "name": "Hemmende Formel",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält -4/-0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nZiehe eine Karte.\nAddendum — Falls du diesen Zauberspruch in deiner Hauptphase gewirkt hast, tappe die Kreatur und sie enttappt nicht während des nächsten Enttappsegments ihres Beherrschers.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457697,
                    "name": "Código de represión",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene -4/-0 hasta el final del turno.\nRoba una carta.\nAdenda — Si lanzas este hechizo durante tu fase principal, gira esa criatura y no se endereza durante el próximo paso de enderezar de su controlador.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457956,
                    "name": "Code de contrainte",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne -4/-0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nPiochez une carte.\nAddenda — Si vous avez lancé ce sort pendant votre phase principale, engagez cette créature et elle ne se dégage pas pendant la prochaine étape de dégagement de son contrôleur.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458215,
                    "name": "Codice di Costrizione",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende -4/-0 fino alla fine del turno.\nPesca una carta.\nAppendice — Se hai lanciato questa magia durante la tua fase principale, TAPpa quella creatura ed essa non STAPpa durante il prossimo STAP del suo controllore.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458474,
                    "name": "制動規範",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは-4/-0の修整を受ける。\nカードを1枚引く。\n附則 ― あなたがこの呪文をあなたのメイン・フェイズ中に唱えていたなら、そのクリーチャーをタップする。そのクリーチャーはそれのコントローラーの次のアンタップ・ステップにアンタップしない。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458733,
                    "name": "통제 규약",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 -4/-0을 받는다.\n카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n부록 — 당신이 이 주문을 당신의 본단계에 발동했다면, 그 생물을 탭한다. 그 생물은 조종자의 다음 언탭단에 언탭되지 않는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458992,
                    "name": "Código de Restrição",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe -4/-0 até o final do turno.\nCompre um card.\nAdendo — Se você conjurou esta mágica durante sua fase principal, vire aquela criatura e ela não será desvirada durante a próxima etapa de desvirar de seu controlador.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459251,
                    "name": "Кодекс Ограничений",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает -4/-0 до конца хода.\nВозьмите карту.\nПриложение — Если вы разыграли это заклинание во время вашей главной фазы, поверните то существо, и оно не разворачивается во время следующего шага разворота контролирующего его игрока.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459510,
                    "name": "拘捕守则",
                    "text": "目标生物得-4/-0直到回合结束。\n抓一张牌。\n附案~如果你是在你的行动阶段施放此咒语,则横置该生物,且它于其操控者的下一个重置步骤中不能重置。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459769,
                    "name": "拘捕守則",
                    "text": "目標生物得-4/-0直到回合結束。\n抽一張牌。\n附案~如果你是在你的行動階段施放此咒語,則橫置該生物,且它於其操控者的下一個重置步驟中不能重置。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "legalities": {
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            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457179,
            "name": "Code of Constraint",
            "number": "35",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets -4/-0 until end of turn.\nDraw a card.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, tap that creature and it doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Code of Constraint tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t draw a card."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Code of Constraint can target a creature that’s already tapped. If you cast it during your main phase, that creature won’t untap during its controller’s next untap step."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Addendum abilities of instant spells apply while the spell is resolving, not immediately after casting it. If the spell is countered, you don’t get the addendum bonus. For example, if you cast Sphinx’s Insight during your main phase, you gain 2 life during its resolution, after you draw two cards."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a spell with an addendum ability is copied, the copy won’t give you the addendum bonus. This is because the copy wasn’t cast at all."
            "scryfallId": "258aeef1-565a-4f19-b12c-d46d54ba231d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3b215ccc-08cc-47d4-b7ac-4cfe68087b64",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b2f83483-24a4-45db-a04e-42ff732ca98a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183353,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets -4/-0 until end of turn.\nDraw a card.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, tap that creature and it doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "35d6b632-f673-5741-805f-e6e7d2740218",
            "uuidV421": "1c68d9e5-30f5-50a2-9159-abe1ed5a9274",
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            "faceConvertedManaCost": 2,
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                    "multiverseId": 457626,
                    "name": "Koloss",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +4/+2 und verursacht Trampelschaden bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457885,
                    "name": "Coloso",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +4/+2 y gana la habilidad de arrollar hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458144,
                    "name": "Colosse",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +4/+2 et acquiert le piétinement jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458403,
                    "name": "Colosso",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +4/+2 e ha travolgere fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458662,
                    "name": "壮大",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+4/+2の修整を受けトランプルを得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458921,
                    "name": "거상",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +4/+2를 받고 돌진을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459180,
                    "name": "Colosso",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +4/+2 e ganha atropelar até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459439,
                    "name": "Колосс",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +4/+2 и Пробивной удар до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459698,
                    "name": "蛮力",
                    "text": "直到回合结束,目标生物得+4/+2且获得践踏异能。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459957,
                    "name": "蠻力",
                    "text": "直到回合結束,目標生物得+4/+2且獲得踐踏異能。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457367,
            "name": "Colossus",
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            "number": "223",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +4/+2 and gains trample until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
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            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "9bd15da6-2b86-4dba-951d-318c7d9a5dde",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "197ce21b-3387-4e76-a49c-04b9c371c031",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183327,
            "text": "Target creature gets +4/+2 and gains trample until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "dc45f1c8-2970-55ec-8f11-eec0af71b7ae",
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            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Jason Rainville",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457626,
                    "name": "Kollision",
                    "text": "Die Kollision fügt einer fliegenden Kreatur deiner Wahl 6 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457885,
                    "name": "Colisión",
                    "text": "La Colisión hace 6 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo con la habilidad de volar.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458144,
                    "name": "Collision",
                    "text": "La Collision inflige 6 blessures à la créature avec le vol ciblée.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458403,
                    "name": "Collisione",
                    "text": "La Collisione infligge 6 danni a una creatura bersaglio con volare.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458662,
                    "name": "争闘",
                    "text": "飛行を持つクリーチャー1体を対象とする。争闘はそれに6点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458921,
                    "name": "격돌",
                    "text": "비행을 가진 생물을 목표로 정한다. 격돌은 그 생물에게 피해 6점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459180,
                    "name": "Colidir",
                    "text": "Colidir causa 6 pontos de dano à criatura alvo com voar.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459439,
                    "name": "Крушение",
                    "text": "Крушение наносит 6 повреждений целевому существу с Полетом.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459698,
                    "name": "蛮掷",
                    "text": "蛮掷对目标具飞行异能的生物造成6点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459957,
                    "name": "蠻擲",
                    "text": "蠻擲對目標具飛行異能的生物造成6點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{R/G}",
            "multiverseId": 457367,
            "name": "Collision",
            "names": [
            "number": "223",
            "originalText": "Collision deals 6 damage to target creature with flying.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "9bd15da6-2b86-4dba-951d-318c7d9a5dde",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "197ce21b-3387-4e76-a49c-04b9c371c031",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183327,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Collision deals 6 damage to target creature with flying.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "69a5e383-0f8e-55f7-b138-2c269c06e79a",
            "uuidV421": "f6aa68bf-f195-59c3-bf21-c59a8e36fb64",
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            "artist": "Yeong-Hao Han",
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            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457566,
                    "name": "Gildenmagierin des Kombinats",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, {T}: In diesem Zug kommen Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, mit einer zusätzlichen +1/+1-Marke ins Spiel.\n{1}{U}, {T}: Bewege eine +1/+1-Marke von einer Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, auf eine andere Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Meervolk, Zauberer"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457825,
                    "name": "Maga del gremio del Combinado",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, {T}: Este turno, cada criatura que controlas entra al campo de batalla con un contador +1/+1 adicional sobre ella.\n{1}{U}, {T}: Mueve un contador +1/+1 de la criatura objetivo que controlas a otra criatura objetivo que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero tritón"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458084,
                    "name": "Ghildmage du Cartel",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, {T} : Ce tour-ci, chaque créature que vous contrôlez arrive sur le champ de bataille avec un marqueur +1/+1 supplémentaire sur elle.\n{1}{U}, {T} : Déplacez un marqueur +1/+1 d'une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez à une autre créature ciblée que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature : ondin et sorcier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458343,
                    "name": "Maga della Gilda dell'Alleanza",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, {T}: In questo turno, ogni creatura che controlli entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 addizionale.\n{1}{U}, {T}: Sposta un segnalino +1/+1 da una creatura bersaglio che controlli a un'altra creatura bersaglio che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Tritone"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458602,
                    "name": "連合のギルド魔道士",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, {T}:このターン、あなたがコントロールしている各クリーチャーは、それぞれ+1/+1カウンターが追加で1個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。\n{1}{U}, {T}:あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体と、あなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャー1体を対象とする。その前者の上に置かれている+1/+1カウンターを1個、その後者の上に移動させる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — マーフォーク・ウィザード"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458861,
                    "name": "조합 길드마도사",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, {T}: 이 턴에, 당신이 조종하는 각 생물은 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 추가로 가진 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{1}{U}, {T}: 당신이 조종하는 생물 두 개를 목표로 정한다. 첫 번째 목표에서 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 두 번째 목표로 옮긴다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인어 마법사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459120,
                    "name": "Maga de Guilda do Conluio",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, {T}: Neste turno, cada criatura que você controla entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 adicional.\n{1}{U}, {T}: Mova um marcador +1/+1 de uma criatura alvo que você controla para outra criatura alvo que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Tritão Mago"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459379,
                    "name": "Маг Гильдии Комбината",
                    "text": "{1}{G}, {T}: в этом ходу каждое существо под вашим контролем выходит на поле битвы с дополнительным жетоном +1/+1 на нем.\n{1}{U}, {T}: переместите один жетон +1/+1 с целевого существа под вашим контролем на другое целевое существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Мерфолк Чародей"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459638,
                    "name": "联合公会法师",
                    "text": "{1}{G},{T}:本回合中,由你操控的生物进战场时上面有一个额外的+1/+1指示物。\n{1}{U},{T}:将一个+1/+1指示物从目标由你操控的生物移到另一个目标由你操控的生物上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人鱼/法术师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459897,
                    "name": "聯合公會法師",
                    "text": "{1}{G},{T}:本回合中,由你操控的生物進戰場時上面有一個額外的+1/+1指示物。\n{1}{U},{T}:將一個+1/+1指示物從目標由你操控的生物移到另一個目標由你操控的生物上。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人魚/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457307,
            "name": "Combine Guildmage",
            "number": "163",
            "originalText": "{1}{G}, {T}: This turn, each creature you control enters the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it.\n{1}{U}, {T}: Move a +1/+1 counter from target creature you control onto another target creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Merfolk Wizard",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature would normally enter the battlefield with no +1/+1 counters on it, Combine Guildmage’s first ability causes it to enter the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the first target creature for Combine Guildmage’s second ability has no +1/+1 counters on it as the ability resolves, nothing happens. The second target creature doesn’t get a +1/+1 counter."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If either target creature is an illegal target by the time Combine Guildmage’s second ability tries to resolve, nothing happens. No creature loses or gets a +1/+1 counter."
            "scryfallId": "3a6e2816-d50b-41a5-b503-faa58dc7c94a",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183185,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}{G}, {T}: This turn, each creature you control enters the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it.\n{1}{U}, {T}: Move a +1/+1 counter from target creature you control onto another target creature you control.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Merfolk Wizard",
            "types": [
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                    "flavorText": "„Warum sollte eine Froschechse schlimmer sein als ein Vogelpferd? Alles nur Vorurteile gegen die Simic! Einfach ungerecht!\"\n—Thados Arquef, Wächterprojekt-Biomagier",
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                    "flavorText": "\"¿Por qué un lagarto rana es peor que un caballo ave? Solo son prejuicios contra los simic, nada más. ¡Es injusto!\".\n—Thados Arquef, biomante del Proyecto Guardián",
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                    "flavorText": "「カエルトカゲがトリウマより劣っているとされる理由?シミックに対する偏見がそのすべてだ。まったく理不尽な話だ!」\n――守護者計画の生術師、タードス・アーキフ",
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                    "flavorText": "\"O que é que faz um sapo-lagarto ser pior que um cavalo-pássaro? O preconceito contra os Simic, claro. Não é justo!\"\n— Thados Arquef, biomante do Projeto Guardião",
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                    "multiverseId": 457627,
                    "name": "Konsumieren",
                    "text": "Ein Gegner deiner Wahl opfert eine Kreatur mit der höchsten Stärke unter den Kreaturen, die er kontrolliert. Du erhältst Lebenspunkte in Höhe ihrer Stärke dazu.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457886,
                    "name": "Carcomer",
                    "text": "El jugador objetivo sacrifica una criatura con la mayor fuerza entre las criaturas que controla. Ganas una cantidad de vidas igual a su fuerza.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458145,
                    "name": "Consumer",
                    "text": "Le joueur ciblé sacrifie une créature avec la force la plus élevée parmi les créatures qu'il contrôle. Vous gagnez un nombre de points de vie égal à sa force.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458404,
                    "name": "Consunzione",
                    "text": "Un giocatore bersaglio sacrifica una creatura con la forza maggiore tra le creature che controlla. Guadagni punti vita pari alla sua forza.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458663,
                    "name": "消耗",
                    "text": "プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは自分がコントロールしているクリーチャーの中で最大のパワーを持つクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる。あなたはそれのパワーに等しい点数のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
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                    "name": "소모",
                    "text": "플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신이 조종하는 생물 중 공격력이 제일 높은 생물 한 개를 희생한다. 당신은 그 생물의 공격력만큼 생명점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459181,
                    "name": "Devorar",
                    "text": "O jogador alvo sacrifica uma criatura com o maior poder dentre as que ele controla. Você ganha uma quantidade de pontos de vida igual ao poder dela.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459440,
                    "name": "Потребление",
                    "text": "Целевой игрок жертвует существо с наибольшим значением силы среди существ под его контролем. Вы получаете количество жизней, равное его силе.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459699,
                    "name": "尽吞",
                    "text": "目标牌手牺牲一个生物,且须是由其操控的生物中力量最大者。你获得等同于其力量的生命。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459958,
                    "name": "盡吞",
                    "text": "目標玩家犧牲一個生物,且須是由其操控的生物中力量最大者。你獲得等同於其力量的生命。",
                    "type": "巫術"
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            "manaCost": "{2}{W}{B}",
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            "number": "224",
            "originalText": "Target player sacrifices a creature with the greatest power among creatures they control. You gain life equal to its power.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target player controls more than one creature with the greatest power among creatures they control, that player chooses which to sacrifice."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The amount of life gained while Consume resolves is equal to the power of the creature as it last existed on the battlefield."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the creature’s power is negative, you don’t lose or gain life."
            "scryfallId": "00320106-ce51-46a9-b0f9-79b3baf4e505",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a0cc2a18-34cd-4044-ae73-bef0cf498317",
            "scryfallOracleId": "20e7a93f-77ce-466b-8586-35d390689d0c",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183063,
            "text": "Target player sacrifices a creature with the greatest power among creatures they control. You gain life equal to its power.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4cfc3269-5522-59aa-82ac-eb3639927d28",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 2.0,
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                    "multiverseId": 457627,
                    "name": "Konsekrieren",
                    "text": "Schicke eine Karte deiner Wahl aus einem Friedhof ins Exil.\nZiehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457886,
                    "name": "Canonizar",
                    "text": "Exilia la carta objetivo de un cementerio.\nRoba una carta.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
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                    "multiverseId": 458145,
                    "name": "Consacrer",
                    "text": "Exilez une carte ciblée depuis un cimetière.\nPiochez une carte.",
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                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458404,
                    "name": "Consacrazione",
                    "text": "Esilia una carta bersaglio da un cimitero.\nPesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458663,
                    "name": "昇華",
                    "text": "墓地からカード1枚を対象とし、それを追放する。\nカードを1枚引く。",
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                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458922,
                    "name": "축성",
                    "text": "무덤에 있는 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 추방한다.\n카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459181,
                    "name": "Devotar",
                    "text": "Exile o card alvo de um cemitério.\nCompre um card.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459440,
                    "name": "Приобщение",
                    "text": "Изгоните целевую карту из кладбища.\nВозьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459699,
                    "name": "尽礼",
                    "text": "将目标牌从坟墓场放逐。\n抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459958,
                    "name": "盡禮",
                    "text": "將目標牌從墳墓場放逐。\n抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{W/B}",
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            "number": "224",
            "originalText": "Exile target card from a graveyard.\nDraw a card.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target player controls more than one creature with the greatest power among creatures they control, that player chooses which to sacrifice."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The amount of life gained while Consume resolves is equal to the power of the creature as it last existed on the battlefield."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the creature’s power is negative, you don’t lose or gain life."
            "scryfallId": "00320106-ce51-46a9-b0f9-79b3baf4e505",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a0cc2a18-34cd-4044-ae73-bef0cf498317",
            "scryfallOracleId": "20e7a93f-77ce-466b-8586-35d390689d0c",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183063,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Exile target card from a graveyard.\nDraw a card.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "890204e2-7ac7-5c59-b38b-c1a8b48f1f68",
            "uuidV421": "8c00b894-e37a-56dd-b942-9266f4535fe9",
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            "artist": "Colin Boyer",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "First your whole life flashes before your eyes. Then you have considerable time to reflect on every regret as you plummet.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Erst siehst du dein ganzes Leben im Zeitraffer. Dann hast du reichlich Zeit, während des Sturzes jeden deiner Fehltritte zu bereuen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457472,
                    "name": "In die Grube werfen",
                    "text": "Zerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. In die Grube werfen fügt dem Beherrscher der Kreatur 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Primero, tu vida entera pasa ante tus ojos. Luego, tienes tiempo de sobra para reflexionar sobre todo lo que te arrepientes mientras caes y caes.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457731,
                    "name": "Mandar al foso",
                    "text": "Destruye la criatura objetivo. Mandar al foso hace 2 puntos de daño al controlador de esa criatura.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "D'abord, votre vie défile devant vos yeux. Puis vous avez suffisamment de temps pour réfléchir à chacun de vos regrets pendant votre chute.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457990,
                    "name": "Consigner à la fosse",
                    "text": "Détruisez une créature ciblée. Consigner à la fosse inflige 2 blessures au contrôleur de cette créature.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "All'inizio tutta la vita ti scorre di fronte agli occhi, dopodiché ti resta una notevole quantità di tempo per riflettere su tutti i tuoi rimpianti mentre precipiti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458249,
                    "name": "Relegare nell'Abisso",
                    "text": "Distruggi una creatura bersaglio. Relegare nell'Abisso infligge 2 danni al controllore di quella creatura.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "まず、お前の一生が目の前を駆け巡る。その後、真っ逆さまに落ちながら、すべての後悔を振り返るのに十分な長い時間が与えられる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458508,
                    "name": "奈落への放逐",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。奈落への放逐はそのクリーチャーのコントローラーに2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "우선은 주마등이 스쳐지나간다. 그 후에는 곤두박질치는 동안 온갖 후회를 되새길만한 충분한 시간이 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458767,
                    "name": "구덩이에 집어넣기",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다. 구덩이에 집어넣기는 그 생물의 조종자에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Primeiro, toda a sua vida passa diante de seus olhos. Depois, você tem um tempo considerável para refletir sobre cada coisa de que se arrepende enquanto afunda.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459026,
                    "name": "Condenar ao Poço",
                    "text": "Destrua a criatura alvo. Condenar ao Poço causa 2 pontos de dano ao controlador daquela criatura.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Сперва вся жизнь проносится у тебя перед глазами. А потом, пока летишь вниз, остается время поразмышлять над каждым неудачным решением.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459285,
                    "name": "Низвержение в Яму",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевое существо. Низвержение в Яму наносит 2 повреждения игроку, контролирующему то существо.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "一开始,你的眼前会浮现此生往事。随后,你有足够的时间在下坠过程中反思每一丝悔恨。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459544,
                    "name": "坠入深渊",
                    "text": "消灭目标生物。坠入深渊对该生物的操控者造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "一開始,你的眼前會浮現此生往事。隨後,你有足夠的時間在下墜過程中反思每一絲悔恨。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459803,
                    "name": "墜入深淵",
                    "text": "消滅目標生物。墜入深淵對該生物的操控者造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457213,
            "name": "Consign to the Pit",
            "number": "69",
            "originalText": "Destroy target creature. Consign to the Pit deals 2 damage to that creature's controller.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Consign to the Pit tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. No player is dealt damage. If the target is legal but not destroyed (most likely because it has indestructible), its controller is dealt damage."
            "scryfallId": "09991fad-4282-4a17-bfb1-03eaa13502df",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b4295e33-f4e0-43af-a27b-0cb220dda198",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b0c50079-5376-47ff-82c5-d52dbf49afdf",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183417,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy target creature. Consign to the Pit deals 2 damage to that creature's controller.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8573053b-3066-5170-b33f-60570b2ecd14",
            "uuidV421": "799fa49d-8278-56f9-9aeb-2b9c33ce8079"
            "artist": "Alex Konstad",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Few Ravnicans are aware of the vast reefs in their world's hidden ocean. Far beneath the great sinkholes, where the light is blue and dim, merfolk tend the coral labyrinths that feed the benthic ecosystem.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Nur wenige Einwohner Ravnicas wissen von den riesigen Riffen im verborgenen Ozean ihrer Welt. In den riesigen Sinkhöhlen kümmert sich das Meervolk um die Korallenlabyrinthe, die das benthische Ökosystem ernähren.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457439,
                    "name": "Korallenkommando",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Meervolk, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Pocos habitantes de Rávnica conocen los vastos arrecifes que crecen bajo el océano oculto de su mundo. Muy por debajo de los grandes sumideros, donde la luz es débil y azulada, los tritones cuidan los laberintos de coral cruciales para el ecosistema bentónico.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457698,
                    "name": "Comando de coral",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero tritón"
                    "flavorText": "Peu de Ravnicans connaissent l'existence d'immenses récifs dans l'océan caché de leur monde. Au plus profond des grands gouffres, là où la lumière est bleue et tamisée, les ondins s'occupent des labyrinthes coralliens qui nourrissent l'écosystème benthique.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457957,
                    "name": "Commando des coraux",
                    "type": "Créature : ondin et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Pochi cittadini di Ravnica sanno delle grandi barriere che si estendono negli oceani nascosti del mondo. Nelle profondità sotto le immense voragini superficiali, dove la luce è blu e fievole, i tritoni si prendono cura dei labirinti di coralli che alimentano l'ecosistema bentonico.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458216,
                    "name": "Commando Corallino",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Tritone"
                    "flavorText": "自らの世界の隠れた海に広がるサンゴ礁のことを知っているラヴニカ人は少ない。巨大な陥没孔のずっと奥、光が青く弱い場所で、マーフォークたちは水底の生態系を養う珊瑚の迷宮を管理している。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458475,
                    "name": "珊瑚の猛士",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — マーフォーク・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "라브니카의 시민들 중에 숨겨진 바다 속에 있는 광대한 산호초의 존재를 아는 사람은 별로 없다. 어슴푸레한 빛이 비치는 거대한 공동 깊은 곳에서, 인어들이 심해의 생태계를 먹여 살리는 산호 미궁을 보살핀다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458734,
                    "name": "산호초 특공대",
                    "type": "생물 — 인어 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Poucos ravnicanos sabem dos vastos recifes no oceano oculto de seu mundo. Muito abaixo dos grandes sumidouros, onde a luz é tênue e azul, tritões cuidam dos labirintos de corais que alimentam o ecossistema bêntico.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458993,
                    "name": "Comando do Coral",
                    "type": "Criatura — Tritão Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Лишь немногие жители Равники знают об исполинских рифах в невидимом океане своего мира. Глубоко под огромными воронками, там, где темнеет голубой свет, мерфолки ухаживают за питающими придонную экосистему коралловыми лабиринтами.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459252,
                    "name": "Коралловый Коммандос",
                    "type": "Существо — Мерфолк Воин"
                    "flavorText": "几乎没有拉尼卡人知道,这个世界的隐密汪洋之还遍布有广阔暗礁。海底深处仅得泛蓝微光,人鱼在此悉心照料盘曲交错的珊瑚丛,进而维系整个赖此为生的深洋生态。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459511,
                    "name": "珊瑚突击兵",
                    "type": "生物 ~人鱼/战士"
                    "flavorText": "幾乎沒有拉尼卡人知道,這個世界的隱密汪洋之還遍佈有廣闊暗礁。海底深處僅得泛藍微光,人魚在此悉心照料盤曲交錯的珊瑚叢,進而維繫整個賴此為生的深洋生態。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459770,
                    "name": "珊瑚突擊兵",
                    "type": "生物 ~人魚/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457180,
            "name": "Coral Commando",
            "number": "36",
            "originalType": "Creature — Merfolk Warrior",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "03ce2235-50d9-4f67-b588-166b9b37c664",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183358,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Merfolk Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fd4d4721-58b3-5f0f-9fce-4f363b95e6ab",
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            "artist": "Johann Bodin",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "If your ears bleed, it's a party. If your eyes bleed, it's a Rakdos party.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wenn deine Ohren bluten, ist es eine Party. Wenn eine Augen bluten, ist es eine Rakdos-Party.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457473,
                    "name": "Geheul der Schlachtstätte",
                    "text": "Alle Kreaturen erhalten -2/-2 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Schicke alle Kreaturenkarten aus allen Friedhöfen ins Exil, die in diesen Zug aus dem Spiel dorthin gelegt wurden. Falls eine Kreatur in diesem Zug sterben würde, schicke sie stattdessen ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Si te sangran los oídos, es una fiesta. Si te sangran los ojos, es una fiesta rakdos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457732,
                    "name": "Bramido del carnarium",
                    "text": "Todas las criaturas obtienen -2/-2 hasta el final del turno. Exilia todas las cartas de criatura en todos los cementerios que hayan ido allí desde el campo de batalla este turno. Si una criatura fuera a morir este turno, en vez de eso, exíliala.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Si vos oreilles saignent, c'est une fête. Si vos yeux saignent, c'est une fête de Rakdos.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457991,
                    "name": "Cri du carnarium",
                    "text": "Toutes les créatures gagnent -2/-2 jusqu'à la fin du tour. Exilez toutes les cartes de créature de tous les cimetières qui y ont été mises, ce tour-ci, depuis le champ de bataille. Si une créature devait mourir ce tour-ci, exilez-la à la place.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Se ti sanguinano le orecchie, è una festa degna di questo nome. Se ti sanguinano gli occhi, è una festa degna dei Rakdos.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458250,
                    "name": "Grido del Carnario",
                    "text": "Tutte le creature prendono -2/-2 fino alla fine del turno. Esilia tutte le carte creatura in tutti i cimiteri che vi sono state messe dal campo di battaglia in questo turno. Se una creatura sta per morire in questo turno, invece esiliala.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "耳が潰れるなら、それは祭りだ。目が潰れるなら、それはラクドスの祭りだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458509,
                    "name": "肉儀場の叫び",
                    "text": "ターン終了時まで、クリーチャーはすべて-2/-2の修整を受ける。墓地にあって、このターンに戦場からその墓地に置かれたクリーチャー・カードをすべて追放する。このターンにクリーチャーが死亡するなら、代わりにそれを追放する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "귀에서 피가 나면, 그건 축제다. 눈에서 피가 나면, 그건 락도스의 축제다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458768,
                    "name": "카르나리움의 울음소리",
                    "text": "모든 생물은 턴종료까지 -2/-2를 받는다. 모든 무덤에 있는 카드들 중 이 턴에 전장에서 무덤으로 간 생물 카드를 모두 추방한다. 이 턴에 생물이 죽으려고 하면, 대신 그 생물을 추방한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Se suas orelhas sangram, é uma festa. Se seus olhos sangram, é uma festa dos Rakdos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459027,
                    "name": "Grito do Carnarium",
                    "text": "Todas as criaturas recebem -2/-2 até o final do turno. Exile todos os cards de criatura de todos os cemitérios que foram colocados lá vindos do campo de batalha neste turno. Se uma criatura morreria neste turno, em vez disso, exile-a.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Когда из ушей течет кровь, это гулянка. Когда кровь течет из глаз, это гулянка Ракдосов.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459286,
                    "name": "Рев Карнариума",
                    "text": "Все существа получают -2/-2 до конца хода. Изгоните все карты существ из всех кладбищ, которые попали туда с поля битвы в этом ходу. Если существо должно умереть в этом ходу, изгоните его вместо этого.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "如果耳朵流血,这是场普通派对。如果眼睛流血,这是场拉铎司派对。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459545,
                    "name": "剜祭场呼喊",
                    "text": "所有生物得-2/-2直到回合结束。放逐所有坟墓场中的所有于本回合中从战场进入该处之生物牌。如果本回合中有生物将死去,则改为将它放逐。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "如果耳朵流血,這是場普通派對。如果眼睛流血,這是場拉鐸司派對。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459804,
                    "name": "剜祭場呼喊",
                    "text": "所有生物得-2/-2直到回合結束。放逐所有墳墓場中的所有於本回合中從戰場進入該處之生物牌。如果本回合中有生物將死去,則改為將它放逐。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457214,
            "name": "Cry of the Carnarium",
            "number": "70",
            "originalText": "All creatures get -2/-2 until end of turn. Exile all creature cards in all graveyards that were put there from the battlefield this turn. If a creature would die this turn, exile it instead.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Cry of the Carnarium’s power-and-toughness-reducing effect affects only creatures on the battlefield at the time it resolves. Creatures that enter the battlefield later in the turn won’t get -2/-2."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Cry of the Carnarium’s replacement effect affects any creature that would die in the turn, even creatures not on the battlefield as it resolves."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Creatures that would die after getting -2/-2 will still be on the battlefield when cards are exiled from graveyards. They won’t die, and will instead be exiled after Cry of the Carnarium is entirely finished resolving."
            "scryfallId": "715a14a3-046e-45ca-b943-dd630e5202b7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ebdf3c3a-6207-4e68-8e9d-ebdaac12fbb9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1b9a5170-39c0-4cbf-a041-f3c15f1359ae",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183061,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "All creatures get -2/-2 until end of turn. Exile all creature cards in all graveyards that were put there from the battlefield this turn. If a creature would die this turn, exile it instead.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ebc93929-25fd-5b1c-a302-7b82d4031a12",
            "uuidV421": "70520a12-7521-5893-9fa8-22eca88aa502"
            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457567,
                    "name": "Gildenmagier des Kults",
                    "text": "{3}{B}, {T}: Ein Spieler deiner Wahl wirft eine Karte ab. Aktiviere diese Fähigkeit nur zu einem Zeitpunkt, zu dem du auch eine Hexerei wirken könntest.\n{R}, {T}: Der Gildenmagier des Kults fügt einem Gegner oder Planeswalker deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Schamane"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457826,
                    "name": "Mago del gremio del Culto",
                    "text": "{3}{B}, {T}: El jugador objetivo descarta una carta. Activa esta habilidad solo cuando puedas lanzar un conjuro.\n{R}, {T}: El Mago del gremio del Culto hace 1 punto de daño al oponente o planeswalker objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458085,
                    "name": "Ghildmage du Culte",
                    "text": "{3}{B}, {T} : Le joueur ciblé se défausse d'une carte. N'activez cette capacité que lorsque vous pourriez lancer un rituel.\n{R}, {T} : Le Ghildmage du Culte inflige 1 blessure à une cible, adversaire ou planeswalker.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et shamane"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458344,
                    "name": "Mago della Gilda del Culto",
                    "text": "{3}{B}, {T}: Un giocatore bersaglio scarta una carta. Attiva questa abilità solo quando potresti lanciare una stregoneria.\n{R}, {T}: Il Mago della Gilda del Culto infligge 1 danno a un avversario o a un planeswalker bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458603,
                    "name": "教団のギルド魔道士",
                    "text": "{3}{B}, {T}:プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーはカード1枚を捨てる。この能力は、あなたがソーサリーを唱えられるときにのみ起動できる。\n{R}, {T}:対戦相手1人かプレインズウォーカー1体を対象とする。教団のギルド魔道士はそれに1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・シャーマン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458862,
                    "name": "광신단 길드마도사",
                    "text": "{3}{B}, {T}: 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 카드 한 장을 버린다. 당신이 집중마법을 발동할 수 있는 시기에만 이 능력을 활성화할 수 있다.\n{R}, {T}: 상대나 플레인즈워커를 목표로 정한다. 광신단 길드마도사는 그 목표에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 주술사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459121,
                    "name": "Mago de Guilda do Culto",
                    "text": "{3}{B}, {T}: O jogador alvo descarta um card. Ative esta habilidade somente nos momentos em que poderia conjurar um feitiço.\n{R}, {T}: Mago de Guilda do Culto causa 1 ponto de dano ao oponente ou planeswalker alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Xamã"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459380,
                    "name": "Маг Гильдии Культа",
                    "text": "{3}{B}, {T}: целевой игрок сбрасывает карту. Активируйте эту способность только при возможности разыгрывать волшебство.\n{R}, {T}: Маг Гильдии Культа наносит 1 повреждение целевому оппоненту или planeswalker-у.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Шаман"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459639,
                    "name": "宗派公会法师",
                    "text": "{3}{B},{T}:目标牌手弃一张牌。只可以于你能施放法术的时机下起动此异能。\n{R},{T}:宗派公会法师向目标对手或鹏洛客造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/祭师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459898,
                    "name": "宗派公會法師",
                    "text": "{3}{B},{T}:目標玩家棄一張牌。只可以於你能施放巫術的時機下起動此異能。\n{R},{T}:宗派公會法師向目標對手或鵬洛客造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{B}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457308,
            "name": "Cult Guildmage",
            "number": "164",
            "originalText": "{3}{B}, {T}: Target player discards a card. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.\n{R}, {T}: Cult Guildmage deals 1 damage to target opponent or planeswalker.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "0536c2fa-7402-49a1-9016-dcf5633ca9ef",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7bdb6703-2da5-4fdc-a33c-b2d14f30e10d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c65f8949-5e37-4929-994a-ec037814bf63",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183191,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{3}{B}, {T}: Target player discards a card. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.\n{R}, {T}: Cult Guildmage deals 1 damage to target opponent or planeswalker.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e01a300f-5335-558f-954d-0f705bc2e189",
            "uuidV421": "3c5675b7-f2c3-5949-8bde-1b6818760a2f",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Viktor Titov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Keep coming. I have knives enough for everyone.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Kommt nur. Ich habe genug Messer für alle.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457500,
                    "name": "Dolchwerferin",
                    "text": "Wenn die Dolchwerferin ins Spiel kommt, fügt sie allen Gegnern und allen Kreaturen, die deine Gegner kontrollieren, je 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Viashino, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sigan, sigan acercándose. Tengo puñales para todos\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457759,
                    "name": "Lanzadagas",
                    "text": "Cuando la Lanzadagas entre al campo de batalla, hace 1 punto de daño a cada oponente y 1 punto de daño a cada criatura que controlan tus oponentes.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón viashino"
                    "flavorText": "« Je vous attends. J'ai assez de couteaux pour tout le monde. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458018,
                    "name": "Lanceuse de dagues",
                    "text": "Quand la Lanceuse de dagues arrive sur le champ de bataille, elle inflige 1 blessure à chaque adversaire et 1 blessure à chaque créature que vos adversaires contrôlent.",
                    "type": "Créature : viashino et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Fatevi sotto, ho abbastanza coltelli per tutti.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458277,
                    "name": "Lanciatrice di Pugnali",
                    "text": "Quando la Lanciatrice di Pugnali entra nel campo di battaglia, infligge 1 danno a ogni avversario e 1 danno a ogni creatura controllata dai tuoi avversari.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Viashino"
                    "flavorText": "「どんどん来い。全員分のナイフは持ってるからな。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458536,
                    "name": "短剣使い",
                    "text": "短剣使いが戦場に出たとき、これは、各対戦相手にそれぞれ1点のダメージと、対戦相手がコントロールしている各クリーチャーにそれぞれ1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ヴィーアシーノ・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "\"계속 와 봐. 모두에게 선사할 나이프는 충분하니까.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458795,
                    "name": "단검 투척꾼",
                    "text": "단검 투척꾼이 전장에 들어올 때, 단검 투척꾼은 각 상대와 상대가 조종하는 모든 생물에게 피해 1점씩을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 비아시노 도적"
                    "flavorText": "\"Podem vir. Tenho facas pra todo mundo.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459054,
                    "name": "Lançadora de Adagas",
                    "text": "Quando Lançadora de Adagas entra no campo de batalha, ela causa 1 ponto de dano a cada oponente e 1 ponto de dano a cada criatura que seus oponentes controlam.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Viashino Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "«Пусть приходят. Кинжалов у меня хватит на всех».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459313,
                    "name": "Метательница Кинжалов",
                    "text": "Когда Метательница Кинжалов выходит на поле битвы, она наносит по 1 повреждению каждому оппоненту и по 1 повреждению каждому существу под контролем ваших оппонентов.",
                    "type": "Существо — Виашино Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "「继续来啊。我的飞刀很够。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459572,
                    "name": "飞刀客",
                    "text": "当飞刀客进战场时,它向每位对手各造成1点伤害并向由对手操控的每个生物各造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~凡尔西诺/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "「繼續來啊。我的飛刀很夠。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459831,
                    "name": "飛刀客",
                    "text": "當飛刀客進戰場時,它向每位對手各造成1點傷害並向由對手操控的每個生物各造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~凡爾西諾/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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                "future": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457241,
            "name": "Dagger Caster",
            "number": "97",
            "originalText": "When Dagger Caster enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to each opponent and 1 damage to each creature your opponents control.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Viashino Rogue",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Dagger Caster’s ability causes the opposing team to lose 2 life."
            "scryfallId": "48a7ac34-ec4a-4571-abb1-bff1fb67c78f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7d11ff0b-c8c0-46e4-b8e2-bb130561f173",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f1352a81-6fd5-4c4d-ada4-b81d3a9f74c0",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183385,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Dagger Caster enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to each opponent and 1 damage to each creature your opponents control.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Viashino Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ffab727d-70a6-5b3e-a680-be9d8407a4ea",
            "uuidV421": "2126fc60-fdff-5f6e-9086-8ba224fbbe9e"
            "artist": "David Palumbo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "You're only as dead as you feel.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Du bist nur so tot, wie du dich fühlst.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457474,
                    "name": "Todesgenuss",
                    "text": "Spektakel {1}{B} (Du kannst diesen Zauberspruch für seine Spektakel-Kosten anstelle seiner Manakosten wirken, falls ein Gegner in diesem Zug Lebenspunkte verloren hat.)\nBringe bis zu zwei Kreaturenkarten deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Solo estás tan muerto como te sientes.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457733,
                    "name": "Jarana de los muertos",
                    "text": "Espectáculo {1}{B}. (Puedes lanzar este hechizo por su coste de espectáculo en vez de por su coste de maná si un oponente perdió vidas este turno.)\nRegresa hasta dos cartas de criatura objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "La mort, c'est uniquement dans la tête.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457992,
                    "name": "Festivités des morts",
                    "text": "Spectacle {1}{B} (Vous pouvez lancer ce sort pour son coût de spectacle à la place de son coût de mana si un adversaire a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci.)\nRenvoyez jusqu'à deux cartes de créature ciblées depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "È davvero morto solo chi si sente morto.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458251,
                    "name": "Festival dei Morti",
                    "text": "Spettacolo {1}{B} (Puoi lanciare questa magia per il suo costo di spettacolo invece del suo costo di mana se un avversario ha perso punti vita in questo turno.)\nRiprendi in mano fino a due carte creatura bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "死んでいるかどうかは、気持ち次第。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458510,
                    "name": "死の歓楽",
                    "text": "絢爛{1}{B}(このターンに対戦相手がライフを失っていたなら、あなたはこの呪文を、これのマナ・コストではなく絢爛コストで唱えてもよい。)\nあなたの墓地からクリーチャー・カード最大2枚を対象とし、それらをあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "죽음이란 건 느끼기 나름이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458769,
                    "name": "망자의 축제",
                    "text": "구경거리 {1}{B} (상대가 이 턴에 생명점을 잃었다면 당신은 이 주문을 마나 비용 대신 구경거리 비용으로 발동할 수 있다.)\n당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드를 최대 두 장까지 목표로 정한다. 그 카드들을 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Você só está morto quando se sente morto.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459028,
                    "name": "Farristas Mortos",
                    "text": "Espetáculo {1}{B} (Você pode conjurar esta mágica por seu custo de espetáculo, em vez de seu custo de mana, se um oponente perdeu pontos de vida neste turno.)\nDevolva até dois cards de criatura alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Ты мертв лишь настолько, на сколько себя чувствуешь.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459287,
                    "name": "Разгул Мертвецов",
                    "text": "Зрелище {1}{B} (Вы можете разыграть это заклинание за его стоимость Зрелища вместо его мана-стоимости, если оппонент терял жизнь(-и) в этом ходу.)\nВерните не более двух целевых карт существ из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "等到自己觉得没劲的时候,才是真的死了。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459546,
                    "name": "亡者狂欢",
                    "text": "揭幕{1}{B}(如果本回合有对手曾失去生命,则你可以支付此咒语的揭幕费用而非法术力费用来施放它。)\n将至多两张目标生物牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "等到自己覺得沒勁的時候,才是真的死了。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459805,
                    "name": "亡者狂歡",
                    "text": "揭幕{1}{B}(如果本回合有對手曾失去生命,則你可以支付此咒語的揭幕費用而非魔法力費用來施放它。)\n將至多兩張目標生物牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457215,
            "name": "Dead Revels",
            "number": "71",
            "originalText": "Spectacle {1}{B} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nReturn up to two target creature cards from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Damage dealt to a player causes that player to lose that much life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Spectacle doesn’t change when you can cast the card. For example, you can’t cast a sorcery with spectacle during an opponent’s turn unless another effect allows you to do so, even if that player has lost life this turn."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying (such as a spectacle cost), add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A card’s spectacle cost is the same no matter how much life your opponents lost or how many opponents lost life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if an opponent loses life and later that turn leaves the game, you can cast a spell for its spectacle cost. (If a player leaves the game during their turn, that turn continues without an active player.)"
            "scryfallId": "f5b2c21a-419d-4896-82e3-1b5cb32b158e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "81e48b84-7e51-4674-8410-419116dfd581",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4354eb0a-28c5-4f3f-8e78-fd7eec230c7b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183419,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Spectacle {1}{B} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nReturn up to two target creature cards from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6d8c7c9c-e2ea-5089-b68e-6fd20a9d2d64",
            "uuidV421": "001d6abe-eee9-5855-8fab-3608925ef9f4",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Jakub Kasper",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "By design, the sarcophagus muffles the debtors' moans but does not silence them.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Der Sarkophag ist so gebaut, dass er das Jammern des Schuldners dämpft, aber nicht vollständig verstummen lässt.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457475,
                    "name": "Schuldner-Transport",
                    "text": "Seelenwandlung 2 (Wenn diese Kreatur stirbt, erzeuge zwei 1/1 weiße und schwarze Geist-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Flugfähigkeit.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Thrull"
                    "flavorText": "El diseño del sarcófago está pensado para ahogar los gemidos de los deudores, pero no para silenciarlos del todo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457734,
                    "name": "Transporte de deudores",
                    "text": "Ultratumba 2. (Cuando esta criatura muera, crea dos fichas de criatura Espíritu blancas y negras 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Thrull"
                    "flavorText": "Par dessein, le sarcophage étouffe les gémissements des débiteurs mais ne les réduit pas au silence.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457993,
                    "name": "Transport des consignataires",
                    "text": "Au-delà 2 (Quand cette créature meurt, créez deux jetons de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol.)",
                    "type": "Créature : srâne"
                    "flavorText": "Il sarcofago è progettato per attutire i gemiti dei debitori, ma non per renderli completamente inudibili.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458252,
                    "name": "Trasportatore di Debitori",
                    "text": "Aldilà 2 (Quando questa creatura muore, crea due pedine creatura Spirito 1/1 bianche e nere con volare.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Thrull"
                    "flavorText": "仕様により、その棺は債務者の呻き声を抑えても、黙らせることはしない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458511,
                    "name": "債務者の輸送",
                    "text": "死後2(このクリーチャーが死亡したとき、飛行を持ち白であり黒である1/1のスピリット・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スラル"
                    "flavorText": "의도적으로, 석관들은 빚진 자들의 신음 소리를 줄여는 주지만 없애지는 않는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458770,
                    "name": "채무자 수송수단",
                    "text": "사후세계 2 (이 생물이 죽을 때, 비행을 가진 1/1 백색 및 흑색 신령 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 스럴"
                    "flavorText": "O sarcófago foi projetado para abafar os gemidos dos devedores, mas não os silencia.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459029,
                    "name": "Transporte dos Devedores",
                    "text": "Pós-vida 2 (Quando esta criatura morrer, crie duas fichas de criatura branca e preta 1/1 do tipo Espírito com voar. )",
                    "type": "Criatura — Thrull"
                    "flavorText": "Саркофаг устроен так, чтобы приглушить стоны должников, но не заглушать полностью.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459288,
                    "name": "Перевозчик Должников",
                    "text": "Посмертие 2 (Когда это существо умирает, создайте две фишки существа 1/1 белый и черный Дух с Полетом.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Трулл"
                    "flavorText": "石椁设计上就只是为了盖过负债者的呻吟声,而不是将其彻底消除。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459547,
                    "name": "负债者驮兽",
                    "text": "往生2(当此生物死去时,派出两个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~索尔兽"
                    "flavorText": "石槨設計上就只是為了蓋過負債者的呻吟聲,而不是將其徹底消除。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459806,
                    "name": "負債者馱獸",
                    "text": "往生2(當此生物死去時,派出兩個1/1,白黑雙色,具飛行異能的精靈衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~索爾獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457216,
            "name": "Debtors' Transport",
            "number": "72",
            "originalText": "Afterlife 2 (When this creature dies, create two 1/1 white and black Spirit creature tokens with flying.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Thrull",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because blockers are chosen all at once, you can’t block with a creature with afterlife, wait for it to die, then block with the resulting Spirit tokens."
            "scryfallId": "7cd03b99-d62e-428a-9e0d-097f1227a4da",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "afc80915-ca67-4482-a5e8-c49e08babb43",
            "scryfallOracleId": "72f89173-2998-45e6-94da-5b5bb9738a6b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183421,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Afterlife 2 (When this creature dies, create two 1/1 white and black Spirit creature tokens with flying.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Thrull",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f5c93ea1-3b05-51f9-8456-9f2b25d7a75e",
            "uuidV421": "019d9510-6c2a-56e3-99e2-ea4726574c46",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Sidharth Chaturvedi",
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            "colors": [
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            "flavorText": "\"Leave no stone unturned.\"\n—Ruric Thar",
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                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Verunstalten",
                    "text": "Bestimme eines —\n• Zerstöre ein Artefakt deiner Wahl.\n• Zerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl mit Verteidiger.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"No dejen ni una piedra en pie\".\n—Ruric Thar",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457760,
                    "name": "Vandalismo",
                    "text": "Elige uno:\n• Destruye el artefacto objetivo.\n• Destruye la criatura objetivo con la habilidad de defensor.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Ne ménagez aucun effort. »\n—Ruric Thar",
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                    "name": "Dégradations",
                    "text": "Choisissez l'un —\n• Détruisez l'artefact ciblé.\n• Détruisez une créature avec le défenseur ciblée.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Polverizzateli.\"\n—Ruric Thar",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458278,
                    "name": "Sfregiare",
                    "text": "Scegli uno —\n• Distruggi un artefatto bersaglio.\n• Distruggi una creatura bersaglio con difensore.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「すべての石の裏まで調べ尽くせ。」\n――ルーリク・サー",
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                    "name": "摩損",
                    "text": "以下から1つを選ぶ。\n• アーティファクト1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。\n• 防衛を持つクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"돌 하나도 그냥 두지 마라.\"\n—루릭 타르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458796,
                    "name": "외관 훼손",
                    "text": "하나를 선택한다 —\n• 마법물체를 목표로 정한다. 그 마법물체를 파괴한다.\n• 수비태세를 가진 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não deixem pedra sobre pedra.\"\n— Ruric Thar",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459055,
                    "name": "Depredar",
                    "text": "Escolha um —\n• Destrua o artefato alvo.\n• Destrua a criatura alvo com defensor.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Переверните тут все вверх дном».\n— Рурик Тар",
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                    "name": "Обезображивание",
                    "text": "Выберите одно —\n• Уничтожьте целевой артефакт.\n• Уничтожьте целевое существо со способностью Защитника.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「一块石头都不要放过。」\n~鲁瑞杂尔",
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                    "multiverseId": 459573,
                    "name": "大举破坏",
                    "text": "选择一项~\n•消灭目标神器。\n•消灭目标具守军异能的生物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「一塊石頭都不要放過。」\n~魯瑞雜爾",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459832,
                    "name": "大舉破壞",
                    "text": "選擇一項~\n•消滅目標神器。\n•消滅目標具守軍異能的生物。",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}",
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            "number": "98",
            "originalText": "Choose one —\n• Destroy target artifact.\n• Destroy target creature with defender.",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183386,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Choose one —\n• Destroy target artifact.\n• Destroy target creature with defender.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3f74267d-edb2-550d-8315-c91f543dcdd1",
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            "colorIdentity": [
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            "foreignData": [
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                    "name": "Ausschwärmen",
                    "text": "Erzeuge zwei 1/1 farblose Thopter-Artefaktkreaturenspielsteine mit Flugfähigkeit, dann erhältst du für jede Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, 1 Lebenspunkt dazu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457887,
                    "name": "Desplegar",
                    "text": "Crea dos fichas de criatura artefacto Tóptero incoloras 1/1 con la habilidad de volar, luego ganas 1 vida por cada criatura que controlas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458146,
                    "name": "Déployer",
                    "text": "Créez deux jetons de créature-artefact 1/1 incolore Mécanoptère avec le vol, puis vous gagnez 1 point de vie pour chaque créature que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458405,
                    "name": "Destinare",
                    "text": "Crea due pedine creatura artefatto Tottero 1/1 incolori con volare, poi guadagni 1 punto vita per ogni creatura che controlli.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458664,
                    "name": "開展",
                    "text": "飛行を持つ無色の1/1の飛行機械・アーティファクト・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。その後、あなたはあなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体につき1点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458923,
                    "name": "배치",
                    "text": "비행을 가진 1/1 무색 날틀 마법물체 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다. 그 후, 당신은 당신이 조종하는 생물 한 개당 생명 1점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459182,
                    "name": "Dispor",
                    "text": "Crie duas fichas de criatura artefato incolor 1/1 do tipo Tóptero com voar. Em seguida, você ganha 1 ponto de vida para cada criatura que você controla.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
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                    "name": "Размещение",
                    "text": "Создайте две фишки артефакта существа 1/1 бесцветный Топтер с Полетом, затем вы получаете 1 жизнь за каждое существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459700,
                    "name": "宣派",
                    "text": "派出两个1/1无色,具飞行异能的振翼机衍生神器生物,然后你每操控一个生物,便获得1点生命。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459959,
                    "name": "宣派",
                    "text": "派出兩個1/1無色,具飛行異能的振翼機衍生神器生物,然後你每操控一個生物,便獲得1點生命。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{W}{U}",
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            "name": "Deploy",
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            "number": "225",
            "originalText": "Create two 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature tokens with flying, then you gain 1 life for each creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Depose tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t draw a card. If the target is legal but not tapped (most likely because it was already tapped), you do draw a card."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You create Thopters and gain life all while Deploy is resolving. Nothing can happen between the two, and no player may choose to take actions."
            "scryfallId": "ab0ba4ef-9e82-4177-a80f-8fa6f6a5bd60",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "47abd2b5-a588-4ffc-9a2f-89bbe9e17283",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c547c9ab-a303-48fb-9579-37f9de9a558b",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182961,
            "text": "Create two 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature tokens with flying, then you gain 1 life for each creature you control.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4e9c67c4-28fe-5271-bd71-4bb33bf31443",
            "uuidV421": "1b7a4c35-7957-5fb2-ab5e-d4a98bd772be",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Sara Winters",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457628,
                    "name": "Aussetzen",
                    "text": "Tappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl.\nZiehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457887,
                    "name": "Destituir",
                    "text": "Girar la criatura objetivo.\nRoba una carta.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458146,
                    "name": "Déposer",
                    "text": "Engagez la créature ciblée.\nPiochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458405,
                    "name": "Destituire",
                    "text": "TAPpa una creatura bersaglio.\nPesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458664,
                    "name": "解任",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。\nカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458923,
                    "name": "폐위",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 탭한다.\n카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459182,
                    "name": "Depor",
                    "text": "Vire a criatura alvo.\nCompre um card.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459441,
                    "name": "Отстранение",
                    "text": "Поверните целевое существо.\nВозьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459700,
                    "name": "宣敕",
                    "text": "横置目标生物。\n抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459959,
                    "name": "宣敕",
                    "text": "橫置目標生物。\n抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{1}{W/U}",
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            "name": "Depose",
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            "number": "225",
            "originalText": "Tap target creature.\nDraw a card.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Depose tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t draw a card. If the target is legal but not tapped (most likely because it was already tapped), you do draw a card."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You create Thopters and gain life all while Deploy is resolving. Nothing can happen between the two, and no player may choose to take actions."
            "scryfallId": "ab0ba4ef-9e82-4177-a80f-8fa6f6a5bd60",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "47abd2b5-a588-4ffc-9a2f-89bbe9e17283",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c547c9ab-a303-48fb-9579-37f9de9a558b",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182961,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Tap target creature.\nDraw a card.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4f1435b3-8cd7-5a8f-84b0-e057626dc911",
            "uuidV421": "9164d1f8-97fd-5394-b6f8-779674b7ca4b",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "G-host Lee",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457568,
                    "name": "Vertreterin des Arrests",
                    "text": "Wenn die Vertreterin des Arrests ins Spiel kommt, schicke eine bleibende Nichtland-Karte deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert, sowie alle anderen bleibenden Nichtland-Karten, die der Spieler kontrolliert und die denselben Namen haben, ins Exil, bis die Vertreterin des Arrests das Spiel verlässt.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vedalken, Zauberer"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457827,
                    "name": "Alguacil de la detención",
                    "text": "Cuando la Alguacil de la detención entre al campo de batalla, exilia el permanente objetivo que no sea tierra que controla un oponente y todos los demás permanentes que no sean tierra que ese jugador controla con el mismo nombre que ese permanente hasta que la Alguacil de la detención deje el campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero vedalken"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458086,
                    "name": "Adjointe aux détentions",
                    "text": "Quand l'Adjointe aux détentions arrive sur le champ de bataille, exilez un permanent non-terrain ciblé qu'un adversaire contrôle et tous les autres permanents non-terrain que ce joueur contrôle ayant le même nom que ce permanent jusqu'à ce que l'Adjointe aux détentions quitte le champ de bataille.",
                    "type": "Créature : vedalken et sorcier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458345,
                    "name": "Delegata della Detenzione",
                    "text": "Quando la Delegata della Detenzione entra nel campo di battaglia, esilia un permanente non terra bersaglio controllato da un avversario e tutti gli altri permanenti non terra con lo stesso nome di quel permanente controllati da quel giocatore finché la Delegata della Detenzione non lascia il campo di battaglia.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Vedalken"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458604,
                    "name": "拘留代理人",
                    "text": "拘留代理人が戦場に出たとき、対戦相手がコントロールしていて土地でないパーマネント1つを対象とする。それと、そのプレイヤーがコントロールしていてそのパーマネントと同じ名前を持ち土地でない他のパーマネントすべてを、拘留代理人が戦場を離れるまで追放する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ヴィダルケン・ウィザード"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458863,
                    "name": "억류 대리인",
                    "text": "억류 대리인이 전장에 들어올 때, 상대가 조종하는 대지가 아닌 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물 및 그 지속물과 이름이 같은 모든 대지가 아닌 지속물을 억류 대리인이 전장을 떠날 때까지 추방한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 베달켄 마법사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459122,
                    "name": "Assistente de Detenções",
                    "text": "Quando Assistente de Detenções entrar no campo de batalha, exile a permanente alvo que um oponente controla que não seja um terreno e todas as outras permanentes que aquele jogador controla com o mesmo nome que aquela permanente que não sejam terrenos até que Assistente de Detenções deixe o campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vedalkeano Mago"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459381,
                    "name": "Заведующая Задержаниями",
                    "text": "Когда Заведующая Задержаниями выходит на поле битвы, изгоните целевой не являющийся землей перманент под контролем оппонента и все другие не являющиеся землями перманенты с тем же именем, что у того перманента, под контролем того игрока до тех пор, пока Заведующая Задержаниями не покинет поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Существо — Ведалкен Чародей"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459640,
                    "name": "扣留代行官",
                    "text": "当扣留代行官进战场时,放逐目标由对手操控的非地永久物,以及由该牌手操控且与该永久物同名的所有其他非地永久物,直到扣留代行官离开战场为止。",
                    "type": "生物 ~维多肯/法术师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459899,
                    "name": "扣留代行官",
                    "text": "當扣留代行官進戰場時,放逐目標由對手操控的非地永久物,以及由該玩家操控且與該永久物同名的所有其他非地永久物,直到扣留代行官離開戰場為止。",
                    "type": "生物 ~維多肯/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457309,
            "name": "Deputy of Detention",
            "number": "165",
            "originalText": "When Deputy of Detention enters the battlefield, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls and all other nonland permanents that player controls with the same name as that permanent until Deputy of Detention leaves the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vedalken Wizard",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "This ability has only one target. The other permanents with that name aren’t targeted. For example, a permanent with hexproof will be exiled if it has the same name as the target nonland permanent."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target nonland permanent is an illegal target by the time this ability tries to resolve, the ability doesn’t resolve. Nothing is exiled."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Deputy of Detention leaves the battlefield before its triggered ability resolves, nothing is exiled."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Auras attached to the exiled permanents will be put into their owners’ graveyards. Any Equipment will become unattached and remain on the battlefield. Any counters on the exiled permanents will cease to exist."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a token is exiled this way, it will cease to exist and won’t return to the battlefield."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The name of a creature token is the same as the creature types specified as it was created, unless the token is a copy of another creature or the effect that created the token specifically gives it a different name."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A face-down creature has no name, so it can’t share a name with anything. This includes other creatures with no name."
            "scryfallId": "7e362055-78a1-48fa-a4ef-6cf7e0b21b14",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "14540537-3fac-4911-9b1d-c5e92c7b86e6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0e4150db-ac43-48b4-9791-0d874906acf5",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182826,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Deputy of Detention enters the battlefield, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls and all other nonland permanents that player controls with the same name as that permanent until Deputy of Detention leaves the battlefield.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Vedalken Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5b8c6369-c9a6-5103-8df5-a0afcf93b745",
            "uuidV421": "ffc8570d-174d-5722-aa8a-76835c7c4ab7",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Good girl.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Braves Mädchen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 460020,
                    "name": "Domris Nodorog",
                    "text": "Verursacht Trampelschaden\nWenn Domris Nodorog ins Spiel kommt, kannst du deine Bibliothek und/oder deinen Friedhof nach einer Karte namens Domri der Zerstörer durchsuchen, sie offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Falls du auf diese Weise deine Bibliothek durchsuchst, mische sie danach.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bestie"
                    "flavorText": "\"Buena chica\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 460034,
                    "name": "Nódorog de Domri",
                    "text": "Arrolla.\nCuando la Nódorog de Domri entre al campo de batalla, puedes buscar en tu biblioteca y/o cementerio una carta llamada Domri, devastador de la ciudad, mostrarla y ponerla en tu mano. Si buscas en tu biblioteca de esta manera, barájala.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "« Brave bête. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 460048,
                    "name": "Nodorog de Domri",
                    "text": "Piétinement\nQuand la Nodorog de Domri arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez chercher dans votre bibliothèque et/ou votre cimetière une carte appelée Domri, fracasseur de cité, la révéler et la mettre dans votre main. Si vous cherchez dans votre bibliothèque de cette manière, mélangez-la.",
                    "type": "Créature : bête"
                    "flavorText": "\"Brava, piccola.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 460062,
                    "name": "Nodorog di Domri",
                    "text": "Travolgere\nQuando la Nodorog di Domri entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi passare in rassegna il tuo grimorio e/o il tuo cimitero per una carta chiamata Domri, Devastatore della Città, rivelarla e aggiungerla alla tua mano. Se passi in rassegna il tuo grimorio in questo modo, rimescolalo.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "「いい子だ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 460076,
                    "name": "ドムリのノドログ",
                    "text": "トランプル\nドムリのノドログが戦場に出たとき、あなたはあなたのライブラリーやあなたの墓地から「街潰し、ドムリ」という名前のカード1枚を探し、公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。あなたがこれによりあなたのライブラリーからカードを探したなら、あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ビースト"
                    "flavorText": "\"Boa garota.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 460091,
                    "name": "Nodorog de Domri",
                    "text": "Atropelar\nQuando Nodorog de Domri entra no campo de batalha, você pode procurar em seu grimório e/ou cemitério um card com o nome Domri, Demolidor da Cidade, revelá-lo e colocá-lo em sua mão. Se procurar em seu grimório desta maneira, embaralhe-o.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Besta"
                    "flavorText": "«Хорошая девочка».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 460105,
                    "name": "Нодорог Домри",
                    "text": "Пробивной удар\nКогда Нодорог Домри выходит на поле битвы, вы можете найти в вашей библиотеке и (или) на вашем кладбище карту с именем Домри, Разрушитель Города, показать ее и положить в вашу руку. Если вы ищете таким образом в вашей библиотеке, перетасуйте ее.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зверь"
                    "flavorText": "「乖。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 460119,
                    "name": "多密的诺多洛兽",
                    "text": "践踏\n当多密的诺多洛兽进战场时,你可以从你的牌库和/或坟墓场中搜寻一张名称为焚城暴徒多密的牌,展示该牌,并将它置于你手上。如果你以此法搜寻你的牌库,则将它洗牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野兽"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 460006,
            "name": "Domri's Nodorog",
            "number": "272",
            "originalText": "Trample\nWhen Domri's Nodorog enters the battlefield, you may search your library and/or graveyard for a card named Domri, City Smasher, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Beast",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "1abe58d8-67d1-4719-8e84-27747dea3506",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a16e0436-20a3-4154-a17d-097f09728800",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3992209a-0a28-449d-8ba5-f75e861a79b4",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183302,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Trample\nWhen Domri's Nodorog enters the battlefield, you may search your library and/or graveyard for a card named Domri, City Smasher, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Beast",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b5acd195-072c-57fe-b1ce-7c48c2561569",
            "uuidV421": "9a51edef-0921-5935-840b-319b3481e77e",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Zack Stella",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457569,
                    "name": "Domri der Chaosstifter",
                    "text": "+1: Erzeuge {R} oder {G}. Falls dieses Mana für einen Kreaturenzauber verwendet wird, erhält er Aufruhr.\n−3: Schaue dir die obersten vier Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst davon bis zu zwei Kreaturenkarten offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Lege den Rest in zufälliger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek.\n−8: Du erhältst ein Emblem mit „Erzeuge zu Beginn jedes Endsegments einen 4/4 roten und grünen Bestie-Kreaturenspielstein, der Trampelschaden verursacht.\"",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Domri"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457828,
                    "name": "Domri, adalid del caos",
                    "text": "+1: Agrega {R} o {G}. Si ese maná se usa en un hechizo de criatura, esa criatura gana la habilidad de insurgencia.\n−3: Mira las cuatro primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Puedes mostrar hasta dos cartas de criatura que se encuentren entre ellas y ponerlas en tu mano. Pon el resto en el fondo de tu biblioteca en un orden aleatorio.\n−8: Obtienes un emblema con \"Al comienzo de cada paso final, crea una ficha de criatura Bestia roja y verde 4/4 con la habilidad de arrollar\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Domri"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458087,
                    "name": "Domri, porteur de chaos",
                    "text": "+1 : Ajoutez {R} ou {G}. Si ce mana est dépensé pour un sort de créature, cette créature acquiert l'émeute.\n-3 : Regardez les quatre cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez révéler jusqu'à deux cartes de créature parmi elles et les mettre dans votre main. Mettez le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque dans un ordre aléatoire.\n-8 : Vous gagnez un emblème avec « Au début de chaque étape de fin, créez un jeton de créature 4/4 rouge et verte Bête avec le piétinement. »",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Domri"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458346,
                    "name": "Domri, Portatore del Caos",
                    "text": "+1: Aggiungi {R} o {G}. Se quel mana viene speso per una magia creatura, quella creatura ha tumulto.\n-3: Guarda le prime quattro carte del tuo grimorio. Puoi rivelare fino a due carte creatura scelte tra esse e aggiungerle alla tua mano. Metti le altre in fondo al tuo grimorio in ordine casuale.\n-8: Ottieni un emblema con \"All'inizio di ogni sottofase finale, crea una pedina creatura Bestia 4/4 rossa e verde con travolgere\".",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Domri"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458605,
                    "name": "混沌をもたらす者、ドムリ",
                    "text": "+1:{R}か{G}を加える。このマナがクリーチャー・呪文のために使われたなら、それは暴動を得る。\n-3:あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを4枚見る。あなたはその中からクリーチャー・カード最大2枚を公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に無作為の順番で置く。\n-8:あなたは「各終了ステップの開始時に、トランプルを持ち赤であり緑である4/4のビースト・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。」を持つ紋章を得る。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — ドムリ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458864,
                    "name": "혼돈을 가져오는 자, 돔리",
                    "text": "+1: {R} 또는 {G}를 추가한다. 그 마나가 생물 주문에 지불된다면, 그 생물은 폭동을 얻는다.\n-3: 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 네 장을 본다. 당신은 그중에서 생물 카드를 최대 두 장까지 공개하고 그 카드들을 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 나머지 카드들은 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.\n−8: 당신은 \"각 종료단 시작에, 돌진을 가진 4/4 적색 및 녹색 야수 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.\"를 가진 휘장을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 돔리"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459123,
                    "name": "Domri, Portador do Caos",
                    "text": "+1: Adicione {R} ou {G}. Se esse mana for gasto numa mágica de criatura, aquela criatura ganhará tumulto.\n−3: Olhe os quatro cards do topo do seu grimório. Você pode revelar até dois cards de criatura dentre eles e colocá-los em sua mão. Coloque o restante no fundo de seu grimório em ordem aleatória.\n−8: Você recebe um emblema com \"No início de cada etapa final, crie uma ficha de criatura vermelha e verde 4/4 do tipo Besta com atropelar.\"",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Domri"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459382,
                    "name": "Домри, Несущий Хаос",
                    "text": "+1: добавьте {R} или {G}. Если та мана тратится на заклинание существа, то существо получает способность Беспорядков.\n—3: посмотрите четыре верхние карты вашей библиотеки. Вы можете показать не более двух находящихся среди них карт существ и положить их в вашу руку. Положите остальные карты в низ вашей библиотеки в случайном порядке.\n—8: вы получаете эмблему со способностью «В начале каждого заключительного шага создайте одну фишку существа 4/4 красный и зеленый Зверь с Пробивным ударом».",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Домри"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459641,
                    "name": "致乱多密",
                    "text": "+1:加{R}或{G}。如果该法术力用以支付生物咒语,则它获得起事异能。\n-3:检视你牌库顶的四张牌。你可以展示其中至多两张生物牌,并将它们置于你手上。将其余的牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。\n−8:你获得具有「在每个结束步骤开始时,派出一个4/4,红绿双色,具践踏异能的野兽衍生生物」的徽记。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~多密"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459900,
                    "name": "致亂多密",
                    "text": "+1:加{R}或{G}。如果該魔法力用以支付生物咒語,則它獲得起事異能。\n-3:檢視你牌庫頂的四張牌。你可以展示其中至多兩張生物牌,並將它們置於你手上。將其餘的牌以隨機順序置於你的牌庫底。\n−8:你獲得具有「在每個結束步驟開始時,派出一個4/4,紅綠雙色,具踐踏異能的野獸衍生生物」的徽記。",
                    "type": "傳奇鵬洛客 ~多密"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "loyalty": "5",
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457310,
            "name": "Domri, Chaos Bringer",
            "number": "166",
            "originalText": "+1: Add {R} or {G}. If that mana is spent on a creature spell, it gains riot.\n−3: Look at the top four cards of your library. You may reveal up to two creature cards from among them and put them into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.\n−8: You get an emblem with \"At the beginning of each end step, create a 4/4 red and green Beast creature token with trample.\"",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Domri",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because it’s a loyalty ability, Domri’s first ability isn’t a mana ability. It can be activated only any time you could cast a sorcery. It uses the stack and can be responded to."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature enters the battlefield with two instances of riot, you may choose to have it get two +1/+1 counters, one +1/+1 counter and haste, or two instances of haste. Multiple instances of haste on the same creature are redundant, but we’re not going to tell the Gruul how to live their lives."
            "scryfallId": "1f56bbf3-3884-495a-b9cd-6585d86f76f1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7874c54e-ba11-4fd5-bbfb-8db587abb99b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2a5408ed-8b47-4896-97e4-aa102a4b85c9",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183182,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+1: Add {R} or {G}. If that mana is spent on a creature spell, it gains riot. (It enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\n−3: Look at the top four cards of your library. You may reveal up to two creature cards from among them and put them into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.\n−8: You get an emblem with \"At the beginning of each end step, create a 4/4 red and green Beast creature token with trample.\"",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Domri",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d7eb83c2-7182-5f09-987b-2c40975e5dee",
            "uuidV421": "2597a358-0721-5718-aeea-28516fddffe5"
            "artist": "Eric Deschamps",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 460017,
                    "name": "Domri der Zerstörer",
                    "text": "+2: Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+1 und Eile bis zum Ende des Zuges.\n−3: Domri der Zerstörer fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl 3 Schadenspunkte zu.\n−8: Lege auf jede Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, drei +1/+1-Marken. Die Kreaturen verursachen Trampelschaden bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Domri"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 460031,
                    "name": "Domri, devastador de la ciudad",
                    "text": "+2: Las criaturas que controlas obtienen +1/+1 y ganan la habilidad de prisa hasta el final del turno.\n−3: Domri, devastador de la ciudad hace 3 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo.\n−8: Pon tres contadores +1/+1 sobre cada criatura que controlas. Esas criaturas ganan la habilidad de arrollar hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Domri"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 460045,
                    "name": "Domri, fracasseur de cité",
                    "text": "+2 : Les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+1 et acquièrent la célérité jusqu'à la fin du tour.\n-3 : Domri, fracasseur de cité inflige 3 blessures à n'importe quelle cible.\n-8 : Mettez trois marqueurs +1/+1 sur chaque créature que vous contrôlez. Ces créatures acquièrent le piétinement jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Domri"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 460059,
                    "name": "Domri, Devastatore della Città",
                    "text": "+2: Le creature che controlli prendono +1/+1 e hanno rapidità fino alla fine del turno.\n-3: Domri, Devastatore della Città infligge 3 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio.\n-8: Metti tre segnalini +1/+1 su ogni creatura che controlli. Quelle creature hanno travolgere fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Domri"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 460073,
                    "name": "街潰し、ドムリ",
                    "text": "+2:ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは+1/+1の修整を受け速攻を得る。\n-3:クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。街潰し、ドムリはそれに3点のダメージを与える。\n-8:あなたがコントロールしている各クリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターをそれぞれ3個置く。ターン終了時まで、それらのクリーチャーはトランプルを得る。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — ドムリ"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 460088,
                    "name": "Domri, Demolidor da Cidade",
                    "text": "+2: As criaturas que você controla recebem +1/+1 e ganham ímpeto até o final do turno.\n−3: Domri, Demolidor da Cidade, causa 3 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.\n−8: Coloque três marcadores +1/+1 em cada criatura que você controla. Aquelas criaturas ganham atropelar até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Domri"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 460102,
                    "name": "Домри, Разрушитель Города",
                    "text": "+2: существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+1 и Ускорение до конца хода.\n−3: Домри, Разрушитель Города наносит 3 повреждения любой цели.\n−8: положите по три жетона +1/+1 на каждое существо под вашим контролем. Те существа получают Пробивной удар до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Домри"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 460116,
                    "name": "焚城暴徒多密",
                    "text": "+2:直到回合结束,由你操控的生物得+1/+1且获得敏捷异能。\n−3:焚城暴徒多密对任意一个目标造成3点伤害。\n−8:在每个由你操控的生物上各放置三个+1/+1指示物。这些生物获得践踏异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~多密"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": false,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "loyalty": "4",
            "manaCost": "{4}{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 460003,
            "name": "Domri, City Smasher",
            "number": "269",
            "originalText": "+2: Creatures you control get +1/+1 and gain haste until end of turn.\n−3: Domri, City Smasher deals 3 damage to any target.\n−8: Put three +1/+1 counters on each creature you control. Those creatures gain trample until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Domri",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Domri’s first and third abilities affect only creatures you control at the time they resolve. Creatures you begin to control later in the turn won’t get +1/+1 or gain haste if his first ability has resolved, and won’t gain trample or get three +1/+1 counters if his third ability has resolved."
            "scryfallId": "8fe16cdb-90df-4670-a084-55c505791d85",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "02d628db-4e86-42ce-8a5d-aff5e58808d4",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d8fe9672-0ead-4f47-abd8-e1ee133c5c60",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183308,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+2: Creatures you control get +1/+1 and gain haste until end of turn.\n−3: Domri, City Smasher deals 3 damage to any target.\n−8: Put three +1/+1 counters on each creature you control. Those creatures gain trample until end of turn.",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Domri",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1d240923-c426-5b60-b4c9-fcd324ee0782",
            "uuidV421": "aa4631ec-0063-5022-9ca4-847c80e99291"
            "artist": "Bastien L. Deharme",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Dovin ticked the Planeswalkers off on his fingers: himself, Domri, Kaya, Ral, Vraska . . . and Bolas made an even six.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Dovin zählte die Planeswalker an den Fingern seiner linken Hand ab: Er selbst, Domri, Kaya, Ral, Vraska … und Bolas. Glatte sechs.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457571,
                    "name": "Dovins Scharfsinn",
                    "text": "Wenn Dovins Scharfsinn ins Spiel kommt, erhältst du 2 Lebenspunkte dazu und ziehst eine Karte.\nImmer wenn du in deiner Hauptphase einen Spontanzauber wirkst, kannst du Dovins Scharfsinn auf die Hand seines Besitzers zurückbringen.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "Dovin fue contando Planeswalkers con los dedos: él mismo, Domri, Kaya, Ral, Vraska... y Nicol Bolas, el sexto, completaba su mano.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457830,
                    "name": "Agudeza de Dovin",
                    "text": "Cuando la Agudeza de Dovin entre al campo de batalla, ganas 2 vidas y robas una carta.\nSiempre que lances un hechizo de instantáneo durante tu fase principal, puedes regresar la Agudeza de Dovin a la mano de su propietario.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "Dovin compta les Planeswalkers sur ses doigts : lui-même, Domri, Kaya, Ral, Vraska... et Bolas, ce qui faisait six tout rond.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458089,
                    "name": "Acuité de Dovin",
                    "text": "Quand l'Acuité de Dovin arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous gagnez 2 points de vie et vous piochez une carte.\nÀ chaque fois que vous lancez un sort d'éphémère pendant votre phase principale, vous pouvez renvoyer l'Acuité de Dovin dans la main de son propriétaire.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "Dovin poteva contare i Planeswalker sulle dita di una mano: lui stesso, Domri, Kaya, Ral, Vraska... e con Bolas facevano sei tondi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458348,
                    "name": "Acume di Dovin",
                    "text": "Quando l'Acume di Dovin entra nel campo di battaglia, guadagni 2 punti vita e peschi una carta.\nOgniqualvolta lanci una magia istantaneo durante la tua fase principale, puoi far tornare l'Acume di Dovin in mano al suo proprietario.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "ドビンはプレインズウォーカーを指折り数えた。自分自身に、ドムリ、ケイヤ、ラル、ヴラスカ……そしてボーラスでちょうど6になった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458607,
                    "name": "ドビンの鋭感",
                    "text": "ドビンの鋭感が戦場に出たとき、あなたは2点のライフを得て、カードを1枚引く。\nあなたがインスタント・呪文をあなたのメイン・フェイズ中に唱えるたび、あなたはドビンの鋭感をオーナーの手札に戻してもよい。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "도빈은 손가락을 꼽아 가며 플레인즈워커들을 확인했다: 자신, 돔리, 카야, 랄, 브라스카 . . . 그리고 볼라스까지 딱 맞는 여섯이었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458866,
                    "name": "도빈의 명민함",
                    "text": "도빈의 명민함이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 생명 2점을 얻고 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n당신이 당신의 본단계에 순간마법 주문을 발동할 때마다, 당신은 도빈의 명민함을 소유자의 손으로 되돌릴 수 있다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "Dovin contou os Planeswalkers nos dedos: ele mesmo, Domri, Kaya, Ral, Vraska... com Nicol Bolas, seis.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459125,
                    "name": "Acuidade de Dovin",
                    "text": "Quando Acuidade de Dovin entra no campo de batalha, você ganha 2 pontos de vida e compra um card.\nToda vez que você conjura uma mágica instantânea durante sua fase principal, você pode devolver Acuidade de Dovin para a mão de seu dono.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "Довин начал считать planeswalker-ов, загибая пальцы: он сам, Домри, Кайя, Рал, Враска... и с Боласом получалось ровно шесть.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459384,
                    "name": "Прозорливость Довина",
                    "text": "Когда Прозорливость Довина выходит на поле битвы, вы получаете 2 жизни и берете карту.\nКаждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете мгновенное заклинание во время вашей главной фазы, вы можете вернуть Прозорливость Довина в руку ее владельца.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "多温掰着手指数了数鹏洛客:自己、多密、卡娅、拉尔、瓦丝卡. . .再加上波拉斯,正好六个。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459643,
                    "name": "多温凝思",
                    "text": "当多温凝思进战场时,你获得2点生命且抓一张牌。\n每当你在你的行动阶段施放瞬间咒语时,你可以将多温凝思移回其拥有者手上。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "多溫掰著手指數了數鵬洛客:自己、多密、卡婭、拉爾、瓦絲卡. . .再加上波拉斯,正好六個。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459902,
                    "name": "多溫凝思",
                    "text": "當多溫凝思進戰場時,你獲得2點生命且抽一張牌。\n每當你在你的行動階段施放瞬間咒語時,你可以將多溫凝思移回其擁有者手上。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457312,
            "name": "Dovin's Acuity",
            "number": "168",
            "originalText": "When Dovin's Acuity enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life and draw a card.\nWhenever you cast an instant spell during your main phase, you may return Dovin's Acuity to its owner's hand.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The second ability of Dovin’s Acuity resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The second ability of Dovin’s Acuity triggers only if it’s on the battlefield. It won’t return from your graveyard."
            "scryfallId": "0b191592-7221-422a-8b5a-65f7b1caec1a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "693f1a74-5593-4d0b-adf2-23734817cf68",
            "scryfallOracleId": "898e480d-c44e-4080-910a-f53e4ee471e1",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183207,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Dovin's Acuity enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life and draw a card.\nWhenever you cast an instant spell during your main phase, you may return Dovin's Acuity to its owner's hand.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4d02f900-c0d8-57e6-82f9-f53388e7fe29",
            "uuidV421": "a03d99c3-60cd-54c4-afb6-8ccd8818ac80",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Adam Paquette",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "It was made for battle, but that doesn't mean it's unsophisticated.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Er wurde für den Kampf geschaffen. Das heißt jedoch nicht, dass er primitiv ist.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 460016,
                    "name": "Dovins Automat",
                    "text": "Solange du einen Dovin-Planeswalker kontrollierst, erhält Dovins Automat +2/+2 und hat Wachsamkeit. (Er wird beim Angreifen nicht getappt.)",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Homunkulus"
                    "flavorText": "Fue fabricado para el combate, pero es de lo más sofisticado.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 460030,
                    "name": "Autómata de Dovin",
                    "text": "Mientras controles un planeswalker Dovin, el Autómata de Dovin obtiene +2/+2 y tiene la habilidad de vigilancia. (Esta criatura no se gira al atacar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Homúnculo"
                    "flavorText": "Conçu pour le combat, il n'en reste pas moins sophistiqué.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 460044,
                    "name": "Automate de Dovin",
                    "text": "Tant que vous contrôlez un planeswalker Dovin, l'Automate de Dovin gagne +2/+2 et a la vigilance. (Attaquer avec cette créature ne la fait pas s'engager.)",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : homoncule"
                    "flavorText": "È progettato per combattere, ma non per questo pecca di raffinatezza.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 460058,
                    "name": "Automa di Dovin",
                    "text": "Fintanto che controlli un planeswalker Dovin, l'Automa di Dovin prende +2/+2 e ha cautela. (Attacca senza TAPpare.)",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Omuncolo"
                    "flavorText": "戦闘用の設計だが、武骨一徹というわけではない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 460072,
                    "name": "ドビンの自動機械",
                    "text": "あなたがドビン・プレインズウォーカーをコントロールしているかぎり、ドビンの自動機械は+2/+2の修整を受け警戒を持つ。(それは攻撃してもタップしない。)",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — ホムンクルス"
                    "flavorText": "Ele foi feito para a batalha, mas isso não significa que seja tosco.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 460087,
                    "name": "Autômato de Dovin",
                    "text": "Enquanto você controlar um planeswalker Dovin, Autômato de Dovin receberá +2/+2 e terá vigilância. (Ele não é virado para atacar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Homúnculo"
                    "flavorText": "Он сделан для сражений, но это вовсе не делает его примитивным.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 460101,
                    "name": "Автомат Довина",
                    "text": "Пока вы контролируете planeswalker-а Довина, Автомат Довина получает +2/+2 и имеет Бдительность. (Атакуя, он не поворачивается.)",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Гомункул"
                    "flavorText": "虽然是作战兵器,但绝非粗制滥造。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 460115,
                    "name": "多温的机械兽",
                    "text": "只要你操控多温鹏洛客,多温的机械兽便得+2/+2且具有警戒异能。(它攻击时不需横置。)",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~造妖"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}",
            "multiverseId": 460002,
            "name": "Dovin's Automaton",
            "number": "268",
            "originalText": "As long as you control a Dovin planeswalker, Dovin's Automaton gets +2/+2 and has vigilance. (Attacking doesn't cause it to tap.)",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Homunculus",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because damage remains marked on a creature until it’s removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to Dovin’s Automaton may become lethal if Dovin leaves the battlefield during that turn."
            "scryfallId": "0a962509-2e77-4655-b397-9625b2f3407a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d5e2859f-50a7-45fa-b4c0-ea23afae605f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3d133b18-f1c7-48de-82a6-affb0514b96b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183305,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "As long as you control a Dovin planeswalker, Dovin's Automaton gets +2/+2 and has vigilance. (Attacking doesn't cause it to tap.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Homunculus",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d6601350-cdab-58a1-ad2d-ef1db03767a8",
            "uuidV421": "239b0b9e-2ced-588f-8aac-7d11eea27c79"
            "artist": "Kieran Yanner",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"We're finished here.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wir sind hier fertig.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 460015,
                    "name": "Dovins Zurückweisung",
                    "text": "Lege bis zu eine getappte Kreatur deiner Wahl oben auf die Bibliothek ihres Besitzers. Du kannst deine Bibliothek und/oder deinen Friedhof nach einer Karte namens Dovin, Architekt der Gesetze, durchsuchen, sie offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Falls du auf diese Weise deine Bibliothek durchsuchst, mische sie danach.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Esta conversación ha terminado\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 460029,
                    "name": "Desprecio de Dovin",
                    "text": "Pon hasta una criatura objetivo girada en la parte superior de la biblioteca de su propietario. Puedes buscar en tu biblioteca y/o cementerio una carta llamada Dovin, arquitecto de la ley, mostrarla y ponerla en tu mano. Si buscas en tu biblioteca de esta manera, barájala.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Ce sera tout. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 460043,
                    "name": "Rejet de Dovin",
                    "text": "Mettez jusqu'à une créature engagée ciblée au-dessus de la bibliothèque de son propriétaire. Vous pouvez chercher dans votre bibliothèque et/ou votre cimetière une carte appelée Dovin, architecte de la loi, la révéler et la mettre dans votre main. Si vous cherchez dans votre bibliothèque de cette manière, mélangez-la.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Direi che abbiamo terminato.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 460057,
                    "name": "Congedo di Dovin",
                    "text": "Metti fino a una creatura TAPpata bersaglio in cima al grimorio del suo proprietario. Puoi passare in rassegna il tuo grimorio e/o il tuo cimitero per una carta chiamata Dovin, Architetto della Legge, rivelarla e aggiungerla alla tua mano. Se passi in rassegna il tuo grimorio in questo modo, rimescolalo.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「ここでの仕事は終わりだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 460071,
                    "name": "ドビンの放逐",
                    "text": "タップ状態のクリーチャー最大1体を対象とし、それをオーナーのライブラリーの一番上に置く。あなたはあなたのライブラリーやあなたの墓地から「法を築く者、ドビン」という名前のカード1枚を探し、公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。あなたがこれによりあなたのライブラリーからカードを探したなら、あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"Terminamos por aqui.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 460086,
                    "name": "Dispensa de Dovin",
                    "text": "Coloque até uma criatura virada alvo no topo do grimório de seu dono. Você pode procurar em seu grimório e/ou cemitério um card com o nome Dovin, Arquiteto da Lei, revelá-lo e colocá-lo em sua mão. Se procurar em seu grimório desta maneira, embaralhe-o.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Здесь мы закончили».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 460100,
                    "name": "Отказ Довина",
                    "text": "Положите не более одного целевого повернутого существа на верх библиотеки его владельца. Вы можете найти в вашей библиотеке и (или) на вашем кладбище карту с именем Довин, Архитектор Законов, показать ее и положить в вашу руку. Если вы ищете таким образом в вашей библиотеке, перетасуйте ее.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「送客。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 460114,
                    "name": "多温的驱散",
                    "text": "将至多一个目标已横置的生物置于其拥有者的牌库顶。你可以从你的牌库和/或坟墓场中搜寻一张名称为律法筑师多温的牌,展示该牌,并将它置于你手上。如果你以此法搜寻你的牌库,则将它洗牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 460001,
            "name": "Dovin's Dismissal",
            "number": "267",
            "originalText": "Put up to one target tapped creature on top of its owner's library. You may search your library and/or graveyard for a card named Dovin, Architect of Law, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose a target tapped creature and it becomes an illegal target for Dovin’s Dismissal, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t search for Dovin."
            "scryfallId": "6328e6b5-9dfb-4fd4-99ee-a1ffc2c707da",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "387ff4f5-7646-4370-b682-27bf73987c4a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "6db5f1a7-4cd8-42e2-a5d8-1603206ad0cc",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183304,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Put up to one target tapped creature on top of its owner's library. You may search your library and/or graveyard for a card named Dovin, Architect of Law, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you search your library this way, shuffle it.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "946d5dc9-f51f-5c72-a161-9f8f15506f02",
            "uuidV421": "1c855653-302c-55ee-8135-8098fe685aa4",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Kieran Yanner",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 460013,
                    "name": "Dovin, Architekt der Gesetze",
                    "text": "+1: Du erhältst 2 Lebenspunkte dazu und ziehst eine Karte.\n−1: Tappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. Sie enttappt nicht während des nächsten Enttappsegments ihres Beherrschers.\n−9: Tappe alle bleibenden Karten, die ein Gegner deiner Wahl kontrolliert. Er überspringt sein nächstes Enttappsegment.",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Dovin"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 460027,
                    "name": "Dovin, arquitecto de la ley",
                    "text": "+1: Ganas 2 vidas y robas una carta.\n−1: Gira la criatura objetivo. No se endereza durante el próximo paso de enderezar de su controlador.\n−9: Gira todos los permanentes que controla el oponente objetivo. Ese jugador se salta su próximo paso de enderezar.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Dovin"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 460041,
                    "name": "Dovin, architecte de la loi",
                    "text": "+1 : Vous gagnez 2 points de vie et vous piochez une carte.\n-1 : Engagez la créature ciblée. Elle ne se dégage pas pendant la prochaine étape de dégagement de son contrôleur.\n-9 : Engagez tous les permanents qu'un adversaire ciblé contrôle. Ce joueur passe sa prochaine étape de dégagement.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Dovin"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 460055,
                    "name": "Dovin, Architetto della Legge",
                    "text": "+1: Guadagni 2 punti vita e peschi una carta.\n-1: TAPpa una creatura bersaglio. Quella creatura non STAPpa durante il prossimo STAP del suo controllore.\n-9: TAPpa tutti i permanenti controllati da un avversario bersaglio. Quel giocatore salta il suo prossimo STAP.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Dovin"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 460069,
                    "name": "法を築く者、ドビン",
                    "text": "+1:あなたは2点のライフを得て、カードを1枚引く。\n-1:クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。それは、それのコントローラーの次のアンタップ・ステップにアンタップしない。\n-9:対戦相手1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーがコントロールしているパーマネントをすべてタップする。そのプレイヤーは、自分の次のアンタップ・ステップを飛ばす。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — ドビン"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 460084,
                    "name": "Dovin, Arquiteto da Lei",
                    "text": "+1: Você ganha 2 pontos de vida e compra um card.\n−1: Vire a criatura alvo. Ela não desvira durante a próxima etapa de desvirar de seu controlador.\n−9: Vire todas as permanentes que o oponente alvo controla. Aquele jogador pula sua próxima etapa de desvirar.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Dovin"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 460098,
                    "name": "Довин, Архитектор Законов",
                    "text": "+1: вы получаете 2 жизни и берете карту.\n−1: поверните целевое существо. Оно не разворачивается во время следующего шага разворота контролирующего его игрока.\n−9: поверните все перманенты под контролем целевого оппонента. Тот игрок пропускает свой следующий шаг разворота.",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Довин"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 460112,
                    "name": "律法筑师多温",
                    "text": "+1:你获得2点生命且抓一张牌。\n−1:横置目标生物。它于其操控者的下一个重置步骤中不能重置。\n−9:横置所有由目标对手操控的永久物。该牌手略过其下一个重置步骤。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~多温"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": false,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "loyalty": "5",
            "manaCost": "{4}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 459999,
            "name": "Dovin, Architect of Law",
            "number": "265",
            "originalText": "+1: You gain 2 life and draw a card.\n−1: Tap target creature. It doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.\n−9: Tap all permanents target opponent controls. That player skips their next untap step.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Dovin",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Dovin’s second ability can target a creature that’s already tapped. That creature won’t untap during its controller’s next untap step."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, if a player is instructed to skip their next untap step, the entire team skips that step."
            "scryfallId": "b0c7cffe-8751-4da7-8c1c-59f472ef3735",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "82c46dd6-57d3-47fd-8b42-dfca1b7c49ed",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a3386efe-d6c5-4853-a4db-61460da3364a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183309,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+1: You gain 2 life and draw a card.\n−1: Tap target creature. It doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.\n−9: Tap all permanents target opponent controls. That player skips their next untap step.",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Dovin",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5d9e3527-c261-50e2-bd3e-d13d12319046",
            "uuidV421": "e219df5b-a9b1-58a1-9ccf-83c6c26b2f4c"
            "artist": "Kieran Yanner",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457570,
                    "name": "Dovin, Oberster Schiedsmann",
                    "text": "+1: Immer wenn bis zum Ende des Zuges eine Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, einem Spieler Kampfschaden zufügt, lege eine Loyalitätsmarke auf Dovin, Oberster Schiedsmann.\n−1: Erzeuge einen 1/1 farblosen Thopter-Artefaktkreaturenspielstein mit Flugfähigkeit. Du erhältst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu.\n−7: Schaue dir die obersten zehn Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Nimm drei davon auf deine Hand und lege den Rest in zufälliger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Dovin"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457829,
                    "name": "Dovin, gran árbitro",
                    "text": "+1: Hasta el final del turno, siempre que una criatura que controlas haga daño de combate a un jugador, pon un contador de lealtad sobre Dovin, gran árbitro.\n−1: Crea una ficha de criatura artefacto Tóptero incolora 1/1 con la habilidad de volar. Ganas 1 vida.\n−7: Mira las diez primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Pon tres de ellas en tu mano y el resto en el fondo de tu biblioteca en un orden aleatorio.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Dovin"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458088,
                    "name": "Dovin, grand arbitre",
                    "text": "+1 : Jusqu'à la fin du tour, à chaque fois qu'une créature que vous contrôlez inflige des blessures de combat à un joueur, mettez un marqueur « loyauté » sur Dovin, grand arbitre.\n-1 : Créez un jeton de créature-artefact 1/1 incolore Mécanoptère avec le vol. Vous gagnez 1 point de vie.\n-7 : Regardez les dix cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Mettez trois d'entre d'elles dans votre main et le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque, dans un ordre aléatoire.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Dovin"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458347,
                    "name": "Dovin, Gran Giudice",
                    "text": "+1: Fino alla fine del turno, ogniqualvolta una creatura che controlli infligge danno da combattimento a un giocatore, metti un segnalino fedeltà su Dovin, Gran Giudice.\n-1: Crea una pedina creatura artefatto Tottero 1/1 incolore con volare. Guadagni 1 punto vita.\n-7: Guarda le prime dieci carte del tuo grimorio. Aggiungine tre alla tua mano e metti le altre in fondo al tuo grimorio in qualsiasi ordine.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Dovin"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458606,
                    "name": "大判事、ドビン",
                    "text": "+1:ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体がプレイヤー1人に戦闘ダメージを与えるたび、大判事、ドビンの上に忠誠カウンターを1個置く。\n-1:飛行を持つ無色の1/1の飛行機械・アーティファクト・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。あなたは1点のライフを得る。\n-7:あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを10枚見る。そのうち3枚をあなたの手札に加え、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に無作為の順番で置く。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — ドビン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458865,
                    "name": "대재판관, 도빈",
                    "text": "+1: 턴종료까지, 당신이 조종하는 생물이 플레이어에게 전투피해를 입힐 때마다, 대재판관, 도빈에 충성 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.\n-1: 비행을 가진 1/1 무색 날틀 마법물체 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다. 당신은 생명 1점을 얻는다.\n-7: 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 열 장을 본다. 그중 세 장을 당신의 손으로 가져가고 나머지 카드들은 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 도빈"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459124,
                    "name": "Dovin, Grão-árbitro",
                    "text": "+1: Até o final do turno, toda vez que uma criatura que você controla causar dano de combate a um jogador, coloque um marcador de lealdade em Dovin, Grão-árbitro.\n−1: Crie uma ficha de criatura artefato incolor 1/1 do tipo Tóptero com voar. Você ganha 1 ponto de vida.\n−7: Olhe os dez cards do topo de seu grimório. Coloque três deles em sua mão e o restante no fundo de seu grimório em ordem aleatória.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Dovin"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459383,
                    "name": "Довин, Верховный Судья",
                    "text": "+1 до конца хода, каждый раз, когда существо под вашим контролем наносит боевые повреждения игроку, положите один жетон верности на Довина, Верховного Судью.\n—1: создайте одну фишку артефакта существа 1/1 бесцветный Топтер с Полетом. Вы получаете 1 жизнь.\n—7: посмотрите десять верхних карт вашей библиотеки. Положите три из них в вашу руку, а остальные — в низ вашей библиотеки в случайном порядке.",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Довин"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459642,
                    "name": "大仲裁者多温",
                    "text": "+1:直到回合结束,每当一个由你操控的生物对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,在大仲裁者多温上放置一个忠诚指示物。\n−1:派出一个1/1无色,具飞行异能的振翼机衍生神器生物。你获得1点生命。\n-7:检视你牌库顶的十张牌。将其中三张置于你手上,其余的牌则以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~多温"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459901,
                    "name": "大仲裁者多溫",
                    "text": "+1:直到回合結束,每當一個由你操控的生物對任一玩家造成戰鬥傷害時,在大仲裁者多溫上放置一個忠誠指示物。\n−1:派出一個1/1無色,具飛行異能的振翼機衍生神器生物。你獲得1點生命。\n-7:檢視你牌庫頂的十張牌。將其中三張置於你手上,其餘的牌則以隨機順序置於你的牌庫底。",
                    "type": "傳奇鵬洛客 ~多溫"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "loyalty": "3",
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457311,
            "name": "Dovin, Grand Arbiter",
            "number": "167",
            "originalText": "+1: Until end of turn, whenever a creature you control deals combat damage to a player, put a loyalty counter on Dovin, Grand Arbiter.\n−1: Create a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying. You gain 1 life.\n−7: Look at the top ten cards of your library. Put three of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Dovin",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The delayed triggered ability created by Dovin’s first ability triggers for each creature you control that deals combat damage to a player this turn. Dovin gets only one loyalty counter as each ability resolves, no matter how much damage was dealt."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you have fewer than ten cards in your library as Dovin’s last ability resolves, look at however many cards you have, put three of them into your hand (or all of them if you have fewer than three cards in your library), and then put the rest back in a random order."
            "scryfallId": "e6784910-0204-4a39-bb38-50daa03e94c2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c7507e3c-1d89-439b-b121-bd95437c8dfc",
            "scryfallOracleId": "596237da-3d51-4052-a8ca-2218efc1afb3",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182950,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+1: Until end of turn, whenever a creature you control deals combat damage to a player, put a loyalty counter on Dovin, Grand Arbiter.\n−1: Create a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying. You gain 1 life.\n−7: Look at the top ten cards of your library. Put three of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Dovin",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "020ab66c-b691-54aa-bfbd-73c9c97176f8",
            "uuidV421": "67885411-7d39-57b2-9128-87a344ac1322"
            "artist": "Sidharth Chaturvedi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Never boring.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Da müssen wir wohl nachbohren.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457476,
                    "name": "Bohreinsatz",
                    "text": "Spektakel {B} (Du kannst diesen Zauberspruch für seine Spektakel-Kosten anstelle seiner Manakosten wirken, falls ein Gegner in diesem Zug Lebenspunkte verloren hat.)\nEin Spieler deiner Wahl zeigt die Karten auf seiner Hand offen vor. Du bestimmst davon eine Nichtland-Karte. Der Spieler wirft die bestimmte Karte ab.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "¡Te hará perder la cabeza!",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457735,
                    "name": "El número del taladro",
                    "text": "Espectáculo {B}. (Puedes lanzar este hechizo por su coste de espectáculo en vez de por su coste de maná si un oponente perdió vidas este turno.)\nEl jugador objetivo muestra su mano. Tú eliges de ahí una carta que no sea tierra. Ese jugador descarta esa carta.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Comment percer dans le spectacle.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457994,
                    "name": "Mèche",
                    "text": "Spectacle {B} (Vous pouvez lancer ce sort pour son coût de spectacle à la place de son coût de mana si un adversaire a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci.)\nLe joueur ciblé révèle sa main. Vous y choisissez une carte non-terrain. Ce joueur se défausse de cette carte.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Un'esibizione che ti resta in testa.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458253,
                    "name": "Numero del Trapano",
                    "text": "Spettacolo {B} (Puoi lanciare questa magia per il suo costo di spettacolo invece del suo costo di mana se un avversario ha perso punti vita in questo turno.)\nUn giocatore bersaglio rivela la sua mano. Scegli una carta non terra da quella mano. Quel giocatore scarta quella carta.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "日程に穴は開いていない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458512,
                    "name": "ドリルビット",
                    "text": "絢爛{B}(このターンに対戦相手がライフを失っていたなら、あなたはこの呪文を、これのマナ・コストではなく絢爛コストで唱えてもよい。)\nプレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは自分の手札を公開する。あなたはその中から土地でないカード1枚を選ぶ。そのプレイヤーはそのカードを捨てる。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "지루할 일이 없다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458771,
                    "name": "드릴용 날",
                    "text": "구경거리 {B} (상대가 이 턴에 생명점을 잃었다면 당신은 이 주문을 마나 비용 대신 구경거리 비용으로 발동할 수 있다.)\n플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 손을 공개한다. 그중 대지가 아닌 카드 한 장을 선택한다. 그 플레이어는 그 카드를 버린다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Esse é de perder a cabeça!",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459030,
                    "name": "Número da Broca",
                    "text": "Espetáculo {B} (Você pode conjurar esta mágica por seu custo de espetáculo, em vez de seu custo de mana, se um oponente perdeu pontos de vida neste turno.)\nO jogador alvo revela a própria mão. Você escolhe um card que não seja um terreno da mão dele. Aquele jogador descarta aquele card.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Зубодробительная штука.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459289,
                    "name": "Сверло Дрели",
                    "text": "Зрелище {B} (Вы можете разыграть это заклинание за его стоимость Зрелища вместо его мана-стоимости, если оппонент терял жизнь(-и) в этом ходу.)\nЦелевой игрок показывает свою руку. Вы выбираете из нее карту, не являющуюся землей. Тот игрок сбрасывает ту карту.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "绝无冷场。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459548,
                    "name": "凿灵作乐",
                    "text": "揭幕{B}(如果本回合有对手曾失去生命,则你可以支付此咒语的揭幕费用而非法术力费用来施放它。)\n目标牌手展示其手牌。你选择其中一张非地牌。该牌手弃掉该牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "絕無冷場。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459807,
                    "name": "鑿靈作樂",
                    "text": "揭幕{B}(如果本回合有對手曾失去生命,則你可以支付此咒語的揭幕費用而非魔法力費用來施放它。)\n目標玩家展示其手牌。你選擇其中一張非地牌。該玩家棄掉該牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457217,
            "name": "Drill Bit",
            "number": "73",
            "originalText": "Spectacle {B} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nTarget player reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Damage dealt to a player causes that player to lose that much life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Spectacle doesn’t change when you can cast the card. For example, you can’t cast a sorcery with spectacle during an opponent’s turn unless another effect allows you to do so, even if that player has lost life this turn."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying (such as a spectacle cost), add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A card’s spectacle cost is the same no matter how much life your opponents lost or how many opponents lost life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if an opponent loses life and later that turn leaves the game, you can cast a spell for its spectacle cost. (If a player leaves the game during their turn, that turn continues without an active player.)"
            "scryfallId": "73f8710c-9c5e-4d11-b45f-0728c54bd631",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "70a08f0b-495a-456c-bd17-7c5fd0eb2090",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0dbd6e47-a8b4-4268-ba44-8924cd4963a6",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183114,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Spectacle {B} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nTarget player reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "efce7bfd-a322-5165-98b4-8d7540590e9d",
            "uuidV421": "4d1b7d11-8005-5f19-ada3-ce8707676847",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Dmitry Burmak",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Basically, we turn a bunch of little lightnings into one big lightning.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Im Grunde machen wir aus vielen kleinen Blitzen einen richtig großen Blitz.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457502,
                    "name": "Elektrodominanz",
                    "text": "Die Elektrodominanz fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl X Schadenspunkte zu. Du kannst eine Karte mit umgewandelten Manakosten von X oder weniger aus deiner Hand wirken, ohne ihre Manakosten zu bezahlen.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Básicamente, convertimos un montón de rayos pequeñitos en un rayo bien gordo\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457761,
                    "name": "Electrodominación",
                    "text": "La Electrodominación hace X puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo. Puedes lanzar una carta de tu mano con coste de maná convertido de X o menos sin pagar su coste de maná.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« En gros, nous transformons un tas de petits éclairs en un éclair géant. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458020,
                    "name": "Électrodominance",
                    "text": "L'Électrodominance inflige X blessures à n'importe quelle cible. Vous pouvez lancer une carte avec un coût converti de mana inférieur ou égal à X depuis votre main sans payer son coût de mana.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Fondamentalmente, trasformiamo un sacco di piccoli fulmini in un'unica folgore gigante.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458279,
                    "name": "Elettrodominio",
                    "text": "L'Elettrodominio infligge X danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio. Puoi lanciare una carta con costo di mana convertito pari o inferiore a X dalla tua mano senza pagare il suo costo di mana.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「要するに、たくさんの小さな雷を一つの大きな雷に変えるのだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458538,
                    "name": "雷電支配",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。雷電支配はそれにX点のダメージを与える。あなたは、あなたの手札から点数で見たマナ・コストがX以下のカード1枚を、そのマナ・コストを支払うことなく唱えてもよい。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"기본적으로, 우린 작은 번개를 많이 모아서 큰 번개로 바꾸는 거야.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458797,
                    "name": "전기지배",
                    "text": "원하는 목표를 정한다. 전기지배는 그 목표에게 피해 X점을 입힌다. 당신은 당신의 손에서 전환마나비용이 X 이하인 카드를 마나 비용을 지불하지 않고 발동할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nós basicamente transformamos um monte de raiozinhos em um raiozão.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459056,
                    "name": "Eletrodominância",
                    "text": "Eletrodominância causa X pontos de dano a qualquer alvo. Você pode conjurar um card com custo de mana convertido igual ou inferior a X da sua mão sem pagar seu custo de mana.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Ну, мы фактически берем много мелких молний и делаем одну большую».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459315,
                    "name": "Электродоминация",
                    "text": "Электродоминация наносит X повреждений любой цели. Вы можете разыграть карту заклинания с конвертированной мана-стоимостью не более X из вашей руки без оплаты ее мана-стоимости.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「基本上,我们只是把几束小闪电揉在一起变成一束大闪电。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459574,
                    "name": "控驭电能",
                    "text": "控驭电能对任意一个目标造成X点伤害。你可以从你手上施放一张总法术力费用等于或小于X的牌,且不需支付其法术力费用。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「基本上,我們只是把幾束小閃電揉在一起變成一束大閃電。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459833,
                    "name": "控馭電能",
                    "text": "控馭電能對任意一個目標造成X點傷害。你可以從你手上施放一張總魔法力費用等於或小於X的牌,且不需支付其魔法力費用。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{X}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457243,
            "name": "Electrodominance",
            "number": "99",
            "originalText": "Electrodominance deals X damage to any target. You may cast a card with converted mana cost X or less from your hand without paying its mana cost.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the chosen target becomes an illegal target for Electrodominance, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t get to cast a card from your hand."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Effects that allow you to “cast” a card don’t allow you to play a land card."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target is dealt lethal damage this way, it will still be on the battlefield while you cast a card from your hand. It won’t die until after Electrodominance is entirely finished resolving. If any of its abilities trigger while you cast that spell, those abilities will trigger but won’t resolve until after the target has died."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You may cast a sorcery or permanent spell this way even if it’s not your turn."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you cast a spell “without paying its mana cost,” you can’t choose to cast it for any alternative costs. You can, however, pay additional costs, such as kicker costs. If the card has any mandatory additional costs, such as that of Bankrupt in Blood, those must be paid to cast the card."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a spell has {X} in its mana cost, you must choose 0 as the value of X when casting it without paying its mana cost."
            "scryfallId": "5c63877b-cdab-4ce4-a1c0-c088eb62a57a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "41f988d7-98bd-47fc-8d73-fb907b12d896",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4a59d86e-405d-4c70-b2a5-c64f5cecfd9e",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183060,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Electrodominance deals X damage to any target. You may cast a card with converted mana cost X or less from your hand without paying its mana cost.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0cbb23d6-1dd9-56c0-a257-d2815e62f9e2",
            "uuidV421": "fa0b95d5-9aba-5367-8013-ac214a74657a"
            "artist": "Randy Vargas",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Hold it! I need to see your papers.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Halt! Zeig deine Papiere.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 460014,
                    "name": "Elite-Ordnungshüter",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: Tappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Alto ahí! Tengo que comprobar tu documentación\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 460028,
                    "name": "Encarcelador de élite",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: Gira la criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Halte-là ! Montrez-moi vos papiers. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 460042,
                    "name": "Courtier d'élite",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T} : Engagez la créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Altolà! Devo controllare i vostri documenti.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 460056,
                    "name": "Agente di Polizia d'Elite",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: TAPpa una creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「止まれ!身分証出して。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 460070,
                    "name": "精鋭拘引者",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}:クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"Espere! Preciso ver seus documentos.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 460085,
                    "name": "Encarcerador de Elite",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: Vire a criatura alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«А ну, стой! Предъяви документы».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 460099,
                    "name": "Опытный Задержатель",
                    "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: поверните целевое существо.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「站住!证件拿出来。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 460113,
                    "name": "菁英逮捕人",
                    "text": "{1}{U},{T}:横置目标生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": false,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 460000,
            "name": "Elite Arrester",
            "number": "266",
            "originalText": "{1}{U}, {T}: Tap target creature.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
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            "scryfallOracleId": "f25af8de-3edb-400b-9b6c-ec446a8314fa",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183307,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}{U}, {T}: Tap target creature.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "69f06f71-a0a9-5520-814d-2c7409c3c081",
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            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Chris Rallis",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457572,
                    "name": "Kraftreserve für den Ernstfall",
                    "text": "Jeder Spieler mischt die Karten auf seiner Hand und in seinem Friedhof in seine Bibliothek und zieht dann sieben Karten. Schicke die Kraftreserve für den Ernstfall ins Exil.\nAddendum — Falls du diesen Zauberspruch in deiner Hauptphase gewirkt hast, kannst du eine bleibende Karte mit umgewandelten Manakosten von 7 oder weniger aus deiner Hand ins Spiel bringen.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457831,
                    "name": "Poderes de emergencia",
                    "text": "Cada jugador baraja su mano y su cementerio en su biblioteca, luego roba siete cartas. Exilia los Poderes de emergencia.\nAdenda — Si lanzas este hechizo durante tu fase principal, puedes poner en el campo de batalla una carta de permanente con coste de maná convertido de 7 o menos de tu mano.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458090,
                    "name": "Mesures d'urgence",
                    "text": "Chaque joueur mélange sa main et son cimetière avec sa bibliothèque et pioche ensuite sept cartes. Exilez les Mesures d'urgence.\nAddenda — Si vous avez lancé ce sort pendant votre phase principale, vous pouvez mettre sur le champ de bataille une carte de permanent de votre main avec un coût converti de mana inférieur ou égal à 7.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458349,
                    "name": "Poteri di Emergenza",
                    "text": "Ogni giocatore rimescola la propria mano e il proprio cimitero nel proprio grimorio, poi pesca sette carte. Esilia i Poteri di Emergenza.\nAppendice — Se hai lanciato questa magia durante la tua fase principale, puoi mettere sul campo di battaglia una carta permanente con costo di mana convertito pari o inferiore a 7 dalla tua mano.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458608,
                    "name": "有事の力",
                    "text": "各プレイヤーはそれぞれ、自分の手札と墓地を自分のライブラリーに加えて切り直し、その後カードを7枚引く。有事の力を追放する。\n附則 ― あなたがこの呪文をあなたのメイン・フェイズ中に唱えていたなら、あなたはあなたの手札から点数で見たマナ・コストが7以下のパーマネント・カード1枚を戦場に出してもよい。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458867,
                    "name": "비상 동력",
                    "text": "각 플레이어는 자신의 손과 무덤을 서고에 섞어 넣은 후, 카드 일곱 장을 뽑는다. 비상 동력을 추방한다.\n부록 — 당신이 이 주문을 당신의 본단계에 발동했다면, 당신은 전환마나비용이 7 이하인 지속물 카드 한 장을 당신의 손에서 전장에 놓을 수 있다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459126,
                    "name": "Poderes Emergenciais",
                    "text": "Cada jogador embaralha a própria mão e o próprio cemitério no próprio grimório e compra sete cards. Exile Poderes Emergenciais.\nAdendo — Se você conjura esta mágica durante sua fase principal, você pode colocar um card de permanente com custo de mana convertido igual ou inferior a 7 de sua mão no campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459385,
                    "name": "Чрезвычайные Полномочия",
                    "text": "Каждый игрок втасовывает свои руку и кладбище в свою библиотеку, затем берет семь карт. Изгоните Чрезвычайные Полномочия.\nПриложение — Если вы разыграли это заклинание во время вашей главной фазы, то вы можете положить карту перманента с конвертированной мана-стоимостью не более 7 из вашей руки на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459644,
                    "name": "紧急权力",
                    "text": "每位牌手将其手牌与坟墓场洗入其牌库,然后各抓七张牌。放逐紧急权力。\n附案~如果你是在你的行动阶段施放此咒语,则你可以将一张总法术力费用等于或小于7的永久物牌从你手上放进战场。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459903,
                    "name": "緊急權力",
                    "text": "每位玩家將其手牌與墳墓場洗入其牌庫,然後各抽七張牌。放逐緊急權力。\n附案~如果你是在你的行動階段施放此咒語,則你可以將一張總魔法力費用等於或小於7的永久物牌從你手上放進戰場。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457313,
            "name": "Emergency Powers",
            "number": "169",
            "originalText": "Each player shuffles their hand and graveyard into their library, then draws seven cards. Exile Emergency Powers.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, you may put a permanent card with converted mana cost 7 or less from your hand onto the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a card in your hand has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Addendum abilities of instant spells apply while the spell is resolving, not immediately after casting it. If the spell is countered, you don’t get the addendum bonus. For example, if you cast Sphinx’s Insight during your main phase, you gain 2 life during its resolution, after you draw two cards."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a spell with an addendum ability is copied, the copy won’t give you the addendum bonus. This is because the copy wasn’t cast at all."
            "scryfallId": "6473a93f-879f-4f44-8650-ee05a647c763",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7750eb61-6650-4741-8781-e4755d8530ca",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9127ac59-4c7b-4652-b1e5-d82af47f2717",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182410,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Each player shuffles their hand and graveyard into their library, then draws seven cards. Exile Emergency Powers.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, you may put a permanent card with converted mana cost 7 or less from your hand onto the battlefield.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "99ac3e58-ca4c-5cd4-81e9-16dc133b94bc",
            "uuidV421": "08fb5c9e-fb4f-53df-910d-5ad220ad3a32",
            "watermark": "planeswalker"
            "artist": "Mathias Kollros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 8.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Smash this city to pieces.\"\n—Domri Rade",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Legt diese Stadt in Schutt und Asche.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457527,
                    "name": "Vorboten der Apokalypse",
                    "text": "Verursacht Trampelschaden, Wachsamkeit, Eile\nWenn die Vorboten der Apokalypse ins Spiel kommen, erhalten andere Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, +2/+2 und Wachsamkeit und verursachen Trampelschaden bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Wildschwein"
                    "flavorText": "\"Reduzcan a polvo esta ciudad\".\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457786,
                    "name": "Heraldos del Arrasamiento Final",
                    "text": "Vigilancia, arrolla, prisa.\nCuando los Heraldos del Arrasamiento Final entren al campo de batalla, las otras criaturas que controlas obtienen +2/+2 y ganan las habilidades de vigilancia y arrollar hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Jabalí"
                    "flavorText": "« Mettez cette ville en pièces ! »\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458045,
                    "name": "Avant-coureurs du Grand Terrassement",
                    "text": "Vigilance, piétinement, célérité\nQuand les Avant-coureurs du Grand Terrassement arrivent sur le champ de bataille, les autres créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +2/+2 et acquièrent la vigilance et le piétinement jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : sanglier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Spaccate tutto e riducete in frantumi questa città.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458304,
                    "name": "Avanguardia della Devastazione Finale",
                    "text": "Cautela, travolgere, rapidità\nQuando l'Avanguardia della Devastazione Finale entra nel campo di battaglia, le altre creature che controlli prendono +2/+2 e hanno cautela e travolgere fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cinghiale"
                    "flavorText": "「この都市を粉砕しろ。」\n――ドムリ・ラーデ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458563,
                    "name": "終末の祟りの先陣",
                    "text": "警戒、トランプル、速攻\n終末の祟りの先陣が戦場に出たとき、ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャーは+2/+2の修整を受け、警戒とトランプルを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 猪"
                    "flavorText": "\"이 도시를 박살내라.\"\n—돔리 라데",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458822,
                    "name": "종말의 파괴 선봉",
                    "text": "경계, 돌진, 신속\n종말의 파괴 선봉이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 조종하는 다른 생물들은 턴종료까지 +2/+2를 받고 경계와 돌진을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 멧돼지"
                    "flavorText": "\"Estraçalhem essa cidade.\"\n— Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459081,
                    "name": "Pioneiros do Arrasamento Final",
                    "text": "Vigilância, atropelar, ímpeto\nQuando Pioneiros do Arrasamento Final entra no campo de batalha, as outras criaturas que você controla recebem +2/+2 e ganham vigilância e atropelar até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Javali"
                    "flavorText": "«Разнесите этот город на куски».\n— Домри Раде",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459340,
                    "name": "Вестники Последнего Разрушения",
                    "text": "Бдительность, Пробивной удар, Ускорение\nКогда Вестники Последнего Разрушения выходят на поле битвы, другие существа под вашим контролем получают +2/+2, Бдительность и Пробивной удар до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Вепрь"
                    "flavorText": "「将这城夷为平地。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459599,
                    "name": "灭世劫前锋",
                    "text": "警戒,践踏,敏捷\n当灭世劫前锋进战场时,直到回合结束,由你操控的其他生物得+2/+2且获得警戒与践踏异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野猪"
                    "flavorText": "「將這城夷為平地。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459858,
                    "name": "滅世劫前鋒",
                    "text": "警戒,踐踏,敏捷\n當滅世劫前鋒進戰場時,直到回合結束,由你操控的其他生物得+2/+2且獲得警戒與踐踏異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野豬"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{5}{G}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457268,
            "name": "End-Raze Forerunners",
            "number": "124",
            "originalText": "Vigilance, trample, haste\nWhen End-Raze Forerunners enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +2/+2 and gain vigilance and trample until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Boar",
            "power": "7",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The triggered ability of End-Raze Forerunners affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures you begin to control later in the turn won’t get +2/+2 or gain vigilance or trample."
            "scryfallId": "a50d79fe-6d37-42f3-b7b0-0c3018282fa2",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182994,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Vigilance, trample, haste\nWhen End-Raze Forerunners enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +2/+2 and gain vigilance and trample until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "7",
            "type": "Creature — Boar",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9929a6b2-660e-5f95-b1e0-421a7a32be12",
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            "flavorText": "\"There's no time to calm it down! Run!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wir schaffen es nicht, ihn zu beruhigen! Flieht!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457528,
                    "name": "Erzürnter Ceratops",
                    "text": "Der Erzürnte Ceratops kann von Kreaturen mit Stärke 2 oder weniger nicht geblockt werden.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Nashorn"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡No hay tiempo para aplacarlo! ¡Corran!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457787,
                    "name": "Ceratok furioso",
                    "text": "El Ceratok furioso no puede ser bloqueado por criaturas con fuerza de 2 o menos.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Rinoceronte"
                    "flavorText": "« Nous n'avons pas le temps de le calmer ! Fuyez ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458046,
                    "name": "Cératok enragé",
                    "text": "Le Cératok enragé ne peut pas être bloqué par les créatures de force inférieure ou égale à 2.",
                    "type": "Créature : rhinocéros"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non c'è tempo per ammansirlo! Scappate!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458305,
                    "name": "Ceratok Infuriato",
                    "text": "Il Ceratok Infuriato non può essere bloccato da creature con forza pari o inferiore a 2.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Rinoceronte"
                    "flavorText": "「こいつをなだめる時間はない!逃げろ!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458564,
                    "name": "激昂した角獣",
                    "text": "激昂した角獣は、パワーが2以下のクリーチャーによってはブロックされない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — サイ"
                    "flavorText": "\"진정시킬 시간 없어! 도망쳐!\"",
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                    "multiverseId": 458823,
                    "name": "격노한 케라톡",
                    "text": "격노한 케라톡은 공격력이 2 이하인 생물에게 방어될 수 없다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 코뿔소"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não há tempo para acalmá-lo, corram!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459082,
                    "name": "Ceratok Enfurecido",
                    "text": "Ceratok Enfurecido não pode ser bloqueado por criaturas de poder igual ou inferior a 2.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Rinoceronte"
                    "flavorText": "«Нет времени его успокаивать! Бежим!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459341,
                    "name": "Разъяренный Цераток",
                    "text": "Разъяренный Цераток не может быть заблокирован существами с силой 2 или меньше.",
                    "type": "Существо — Носорог"
                    "flavorText": "「没时间让它冷静下来了!快逃!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459600,
                    "name": "盛怒冠角牛",
                    "text": "盛怒冠角牛不能被力量等于或小于2的生物阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~犀牛"
                    "flavorText": "「沒時間讓牠冷靜下來了!快逃!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459859,
                    "name": "盛怒冠角牛",
                    "text": "盛怒冠角牛不能被力量等於或小於2的生物阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~犀牛"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{G}{G}",
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            "name": "Enraged Ceratok",
            "number": "125",
            "originalText": "Enraged Ceratok can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Rhino",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Once a creature with power 3 or greater has blocked this creature, changing the power of the blocking creature won’t cause this creature to become unblocked."
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            "subtypes": [
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 183413,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enraged Ceratok can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.",
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            "type": "Creature — Rhino",
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            "artist": "Mathias Kollros",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"It's not enough to defeat our foes. We must learn from them, too.\"\n—Vannifar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Es reicht nicht, unsere Feinde zu besiegen. Wir müssen auch von ihnen lernen.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457440,
                    "name": "Essenzfang",
                    "text": "Neutralisiere einen Kreaturenzauber deiner Wahl. Lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf bis zu eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Derrotar a nuestros enemigos no basta; también hemos de aprender de ellos\".\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457699,
                    "name": "Capturar la esencia",
                    "text": "Contrarresta el hechizo de criatura objetivo. Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre hasta una criatura objetivo que controlas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Vaincre nos ennemis ne suffit pas. Nous devons aussi en apprendre ce que nous pouvons. »\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457958,
                    "name": "Capture d'essence",
                    "text": "Contrecarrez le sort de créature ciblé. Ciblez jusqu'à une créature que vous contrôlez. Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur elle.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sconfiggere i nostri nemici non è sufficiente. Dobbiamo anche apprendere da loro.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458217,
                    "name": "Cattura di Essenza",
                    "text": "Neutralizza una magia creatura bersaglio. Scegli fino a una creatura bersaglio che controlli. Metti un segnalino +1/+1 su di essa.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「敵を倒すだけでは不十分です。その敵から学習しなければ。」\n――ヴァニファール",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458476,
                    "name": "本質の把捉",
                    "text": "クリーチャー・呪文1つと、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー最大1体を対象とする。その前者の呪文を打ち消す。その後者のクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"우리의 적을 물리치는 것만으로는 충분하지 않아. 우리는 그들에게서 배우기도 해야만 해.\"\n—반니파르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458735,
                    "name": "정수 포착",
                    "text": "생물 주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문을 무효화한다. 당신이 조종하는 생물을 최대 한 개까지 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Derrotar nossos inimigos não é o suficiente. Precisamos também aprender com eles.\"\n— Vannifar",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458994,
                    "name": "Captura de Essência",
                    "text": "Anule a mágica de criatura alvo. Coloque um marcador +1/+1 em até uma criatura alvo que você controla.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Просто победить наших врагов недостаточно. Мы должны учиться у них».\n— Ваннифар",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459253,
                    "name": "Сбор Эссенции",
                    "text": "Отмените целевое заклинание существа. Положите один жетон +1/+1 на не более чем одно целевое существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「光是击败敌人还不够。我们还必须效仿他们。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459512,
                    "name": "捕捉菁华",
                    "text": "反击目标生物咒语。在至多一个目标由你操控的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「光是擊敗敵人還不夠。我們還必須效仿他們。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459771,
                    "name": "捕捉菁華",
                    "text": "反擊目標生物咒語。在至多一個目標由你操控的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457181,
            "name": "Essence Capture",
            "number": "37",
            "originalText": "Counter target creature spell. Put a +1/+1 counter on up to one target creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can’t cast Essence Capture without a target creature spell. If either target is illegal when Essence Capture tries to resolve, the other is still affected as appropriate."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A creature spell that can’t be countered is a legal target for Essence Capture. The spell won’t be countered when Essence Capture resolves, but you’ll still put a +1/+1 counter on the target creature."
            "scryfallId": "ce137910-0f0e-4f94-9b95-6e0eeeba164e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "db679d53-13b2-4a6a-aa65-c97541693d47",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0f730bd9-2060-46b1-9208-0ac6562e8b2a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183208,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Counter target creature spell. Put a +1/+1 counter on up to one target creature you control.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5497ea8f-9055-587f-944a-6fca5c87647a",
            "uuidV421": "fbec3ae8-3bb3-5efd-93ac-e9783d495127"
            "artist": "Eric Deschamps",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Time to let the dead be dead.\"\n—Kaya, to Teysa",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Es ist Zeit, dass die Toten zur Ruhe kommen.\"\n—Kaya, zu Teysa",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457573,
                    "name": "Sphärenhafte Absolution",
                    "text": "Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+1.\nKreaturen, die deine Gegner kontrollieren, erhalten -1/-1.\n{2}{W}{B}: Schicke eine Karte deiner Wahl aus dem Friedhof eines Gegners ins Exil. Falls es eine Kreaturenkarte war, erzeugst du einen 1/1 weißen und schwarzen Geist-Kreaturenspielstein mit Flugfähigkeit.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"Hora de que los muertos descansen en paz\".\n—Kaya, a Teysa",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457832,
                    "name": "Absolución etérea",
                    "text": "Las criaturas que controlas obtienen +1/+1.\nLas criaturas que controlan tus oponentes obtienen -1/-1.\n{2}{W}{B}: Exilia la carta objetivo del cementerio de un oponente. Si era una carta de criatura, creas una ficha de criatura Espíritu blanca y negra 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "« Il est temps de laisser les morts mourir. »\n—Kaya, à Teysa",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458091,
                    "name": "Absolution éthérée",
                    "text": "Les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+1.\nLes créatures que vos adversaires contrôlent gagnent -1/-1.\n{2}{W}{B} : Exilez une carte ciblée depuis le cimetière d'un adversaire. Si c'était une carte de créature, vous créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "\"È tempo di lasciare che i morti riposino in pace.\"\n—Kaya a Teysa",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458350,
                    "name": "Assoluzione Eterea",
                    "text": "Le creature che controlli prendono +1/+1.\nLe creature controllate dai tuoi avversari prendono -1/-1.\n{2}{W}{B}: Esilia una carta bersaglio dal cimitero di un avversario. Se era una carta creatura, crea una pedina creatura Spirito 1/1 bianca e nera con volare.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "「死者を死なせる時です。」\n――ケイヤからテイサへ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458609,
                    "name": "天上の赦免",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは+1/+1の修整を受ける。\n対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャーは-1/-1の修整を受ける。\n{2}{W}{B}:対戦相手の墓地からカード1枚を対象とし、それを追放する。それがクリーチャー・カードであったなら、あなたは飛行を持ち白であり黒である1/1のスピリット・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"죽은 자들이 정말로 죽게 할 때야.\"\n—카야가 테이사에게",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458868,
                    "name": "천상의 사면",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물들은 +1/+1을 받는다.\n당신의 상대들이 조종하는 생물들은 -1/-1을 받는다.\n{2}{W}{B}: 상대의 무덤에 있는 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 추방한다. 추방한 카드가 생물 카드라면, 당신은 비행을 가진 1/1 백색 및 흑색 신령 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Hora de deixar os mortos morrerem.\"\n— Kaya, a Teysa",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459127,
                    "name": "Absolvição Etérea",
                    "text": "As criaturas que você controla recebem +1/+1.\nAs criaturas que seus oponentes controlam recebem -1/-1.\n{2}{W}{B}: Exile o card alvo do cemitério de um oponente. Se este for um card de criatura, você cria uma ficha de criatura preta e branca 1/1 do tipo Espírito com voar.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "«Пришло время позволить мертвецам быть мертвыми».\n— Кайя, обращаясь к Тейсе",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459386,
                    "name": "Духовное Прощение",
                    "text": "Существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+1.\nСущества под контролем ваших оппонентов получают -1/-1.\n{2}{W}{B}: изгоните целевую карту из кладбища оппонента. Если это была карта существа, вы создаете одну фишку существа 1/1 белый и черный Дух с Полетом.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「是时候让死者安息了。」\n~卡娅致泰莎",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459645,
                    "name": "赦免虚灵",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物得+1/+1。\n由对手操控的生物得-1/-1。\n{2}{W}{B}:将目标牌从任一对手的坟墓场放逐。如果它是生物牌,则你派出一个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "「是時候讓死者安息了。」\n~卡婭致泰莎",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459904,
                    "name": "赦免虛靈",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物得+1/+1。\n由對手操控的生物得-1/-1。\n{2}{W}{B}:將目標牌從任一對手的墳墓場放逐。如果它是生物牌,則你派出一個1/1,白黑雙色,具飛行異能的精靈衍生生物。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{W}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457314,
            "name": "Ethereal Absolution",
            "number": "170",
            "originalText": "Creatures you control get +1/+1.\nCreatures your opponents control get -1/-1.\n{2}{W}{B}: Exile target card from an opponent's graveyard. If it was a creature card, you create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "0872d0ff-1060-44cc-9ed0-a6aa496440c8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "16096f95-bc8f-445c-8293-369c4687aa10",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e6f95e3a-61a6-40a9-8070-ffd2767764ad",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183209,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Creatures you control get +1/+1.\nCreatures your opponents control get -1/-1.\n{2}{W}{B}: Exile target card from an opponent's graveyard. If it was a creature card, you create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9819ce6b-73a9-57a2-8f1d-8c9267d558fa",
            "uuidV421": "d25d7abb-4886-5d22-aaaa-2293adc73355",
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            "artist": "Daniel Ljunggren",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
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            "flavorText": "\"Lies cannot long withstand the harsh light of day.\"\n—Lavinia",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Lügen können im harten Tageslicht nicht lange standhalten.\"\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457411,
                    "name": "Ans Tageslicht bringen",
                    "text": "Zerstöre ein Artefakt oder eine Verzauberung deiner Wahl. Hellsicht 1.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Las mentiras no soportan la deslumbrante luz del día\".\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457670,
                    "name": "Exponer a la luz del día",
                    "text": "Destruye el artefacto o encantamiento objetivo. Adivina 1.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Les mensonges ne résistent pas longtemps à l'éclatante lumière du jour. »\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457929,
                    "name": "Exposer à la lumière du jour",
                    "text": "Détruisez l'artefact ciblé ou l'enchantement ciblé. Regard 1.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le menzogne non resistono a lungo all'impietosa luce del giorno.\"\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458188,
                    "name": "Esporre al Sole",
                    "text": "Distruggi un artefatto o un incantesimo bersaglio. Profetizza 1.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「嘘は厳しい日の光を長く耐え抜くことはできない。」\n――ラヴィニア",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458447,
                    "name": "日晒し",
                    "text": "アーティファクト1つかエンチャント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。占術1を行う。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"거짓은 한낮의 혹독한 빛을 오래 견디지 못한다.\"\n—라비니아",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458706,
                    "name": "햇빛 노출",
                    "text": "마법물체 또는 부여마법을 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 파괴한다. 점술 1을 한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"As mentiras não resistem à luz severa do dia por muito tempo.\"\n— Lavínia",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458965,
                    "name": "Expor à Luz do Dia",
                    "text": "Destrua o artefato ou o encantamento alvo. Vidência 1.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Ложь не может долго выдерживать суровый свет дня».\n— Лавиния",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459224,
                    "name": "Явить Свету",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевой артефакт или чары. Предскажите 1.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「谎言终将暴露在明光之下。」\n~拉温妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459483,
                    "name": "放诸白日",
                    "text": "消灭目标神器或结界。占卜1。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「謊言終將暴露在明光之下。」\n~拉溫妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459742,
                    "name": "放諸白日",
                    "text": "消滅目標神器或結界。占卜1。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457152,
            "name": "Expose to Daylight",
            "number": "8",
            "originalText": "Destroy target artifact or enchantment. Scry 1.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the chosen target becomes an illegal target for Expose to Daylight, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t scry 1. If the target is legal but not destroyed (most likely because it has indestructible), you do scry 1."
            "scryfallId": "094c2ac3-040f-41fe-9a37-c037d90baec0",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183365,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy target artifact or enchantment. Scry 1.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "053084e5-a110-54a7-8306-556600f144e5",
            "uuidV421": "f318d8fc-f364-522a-a720-d21bc11e28b7"
            "artist": "Nils Hamm",
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            "flavorText": "\"They've got eyes inside my head!\"",
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                    "flavorText": "„Sie können sogar meine Gedanken sehen!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457441,
                    "name": "Augen überall",
                    "text": "Wende zu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments Hellsicht 1 an.\n{5}{U}: Tausche die Kontrolle über Augen überall und eine bleibende Nichtland-Karte deiner Wahl. Aktiviere diese Fähigkeit nur zu einem Zeitpunkt, zu dem du auch eine Hexerei wirken könntest.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Tienen ojos dentro de mi cabeza!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457700,
                    "name": "Ojos por todas partes",
                    "text": "Al comienzo de tu mantenimiento, adivina 1.\n{5}{U}: Intercambia el control de los Ojos por todas partes por el del permanente objetivo que no sea tierra. Activa esta habilidad solo cuando puedas lanzar un conjuro.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "« Ils ont des yeux dans ma tête ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457959,
                    "name": "Des yeux partout",
                    "text": "Au début de votre entretien, regard 1.\n{5}{U} : Échangez le contrôle de Des yeux partout contre celui d'un permanent non-terrain ciblé. N'activez cette capacité que lorsque vous pourriez lancer un rituel.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "\"È come se avessero gli occhi puntati sul mio cervello!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458218,
                    "name": "Occhi Ovunque",
                    "text": "All'inizio del tuo mantenimento, profetizza 1.\n{5}{U}: Scambia il controllo di Occhi Ovunque e di un permanente non terra bersaglio. Attiva questa abilità solo quando potresti lanciare una stregoneria.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "「俺の頭の中に目を入れやがった!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458477,
                    "name": "一面の視線",
                    "text": "あなたのアップキープの開始時に、占術1を行う。\n{5}{U}:土地でないパーマネント1つを対象とし、それと一面の視線のコントロールを交換する。この能力は、あなたがソーサリーを唱えられるときにのみ起動できる。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"그자들이 내 머릿속을 들여다봤어!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458736,
                    "name": "사방에 깔린 눈",
                    "text": "당신의 유지단 시작에, 점술 1을 한다.\n{5}{U}: 대지가 아닌 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 사방에 깔린 눈과 그 지속물의 조종권을 교환한다. 당신이 집중마법을 발동할 수 있는 시기에만 이 능력을 활성화할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eles têm olhos dentro da minha cabeça!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458995,
                    "name": "Olhos por Toda Parte",
                    "text": "No início de sua manutenção, use vidência 1.\n{5}{U}: Permute o controle de Olhos por Toda Parte e da permanente alvo que não seja um terreno. Ative esta habilidade somente nos momentos em que poderia conjurar um feitiço.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "«У них глаза в моей голове!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459254,
                    "name": "Вездесущие Глаза",
                    "text": "В начале вашего шага поддержки предскажите 1.\n{5}{U}: поменяйте контроль над Вездесущими Глазами и целевым не являющимся землей перманентом. Активируйте эту способность только при возможности разыгрывать волшебство.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「就连我的脑袋里都有他们的眼睛!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459513,
                    "name": "全城有眼",
                    "text": "在你的维持开始时,占卜1。\n{5}{U}:交换全城有眼与目标非地永久物的操控权。只可以于你能施放法术的时机下起动此异能。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "「就連我的腦袋裡都有他們的眼睛!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459772,
                    "name": "全城有眼",
                    "text": "在你的維持開始時,占卜1。\n{5}{U}:交換全城有眼與目標非地永久物的操控權。只可以於你能施放巫術的時機下起動此異能。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457182,
            "name": "Eyes Everywhere",
            "number": "38",
            "originalText": "At the beginning of your upkeep, scry 1.\n{5}{U}: Exchange control of Eyes Everywhere and target nonland permanent. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The effect of Eyes Everywhere’s last ability lasts indefinitely. It doesn’t wear off during the cleanup step, and it doesn’t expire if Eyes Everywhere leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "As Eyes Everywhere’s last ability resolves, Eyes Everywhere must be on the battlefield and the target nonland permanent must be a legal target. If either of these things isn’t true, the ability does nothing."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if a player leaves the game, all cards that player owns leave as well. If you leave the game, the effect giving you control of the target nonland permanent ends."
            "scryfallId": "1fdbf073-3ee6-402b-bd40-4781f40a6cae",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "7d0a1ae5-cd93-4789-9666-fc7bbbc6b613",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183326,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "At the beginning of your upkeep, scry 1.\n{5}{U}: Exchange control of Eyes Everywhere and target nonland permanent. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9da23f67-1ebb-5193-a25c-6692f52e9c14",
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            "artist": "Yongjae Choi",
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            "flavorText": "Faeries are easily offended and quick to exact a quirky revenge.",
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                    "flavorText": "Feenwesen sind schnell beleidigt, und ihre skurrile Revanche folgt meist auf dem Fuße.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457442,
                    "name": "Feenwesen-Duellant",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nFliegend\nWenn der Feenwesen-Duellant ins Spiel kommt, erhält eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert, -2/-0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Feenwesen, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "Las hadas se ofenden fácilmente y son muy dadas a ejecutar venganzas pintorescas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457701,
                    "name": "Duelista hada",
                    "text": "Destello.\nVuela.\nCuando el Duelista hada entre al campo de batalla, la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente obtiene -2/-0 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón hada"
                    "flavorText": "Les færies sont très susceptibles et prompts à prendre leur revanche.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457960,
                    "name": "Duelliste faerie",
                    "text": "Flash\nVol\nQuand le Duelliste faerie arrive sur le champ de bataille, une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle gagne -2/-0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : peuple fée et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "Gli spiritelli sono facili all'offesa e veloci nel pretendere una bizzarra vendetta.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458219,
                    "name": "Spiritello Duellante",
                    "text": "Lampo\nVolare\nQuando lo Spiritello Duellante entra nel campo di battaglia, una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario prende -2/-0 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Spiritello"
                    "flavorText": "フェアリーは怒りやすく、すぐに奇抜な報復を仕掛ける。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458478,
                    "name": "フェアリーの決闘者",
                    "text": "瞬速\n飛行\nフェアリーの決闘者が戦場に出たとき、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは-2/-0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — フェアリー・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "페어리들은 쉽게 화내고 빠르게 변덕스러운 복수를 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458737,
                    "name": "페어리 결투사",
                    "text": "섬광\n비행\n페어리 결투사가 전장에 들어올 때, 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 -2/-0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 페어리 도적"
                    "flavorText": "As fadas são muito suscetíveis e rápidas em reclamar vinganças excêntricas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458996,
                    "name": "Duelista Feérico",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nVoar\nQuando Duelista Feérico entra no campo de batalha, a criatura alvo que um oponente controla recebe -2/-0 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Fada Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "Феи легко обижаются, а мстят быстро и, как правило, причудливо.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459255,
                    "name": "Фея-Дуэлянт",
                    "text": "Миг\nПолет\nКогда Фея-Дуэлянт выходит на поле битвы, целевое существо под контролем оппонента получает -2/-0 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Фея Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "你很容易就会冒犯到仙灵,然后转眼就会受到他们的诡异报复。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459514,
                    "name": "仙灵斗客",
                    "text": "闪现\n飞行\n当仙灵斗客进战场时,目标由对手操控的生物得-2/-0直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~仙灵/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "你很容易就會冒犯到仙靈,然後轉眼就會受到他們的詭異報復。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459773,
                    "name": "仙靈鬥客",
                    "text": "閃現\n飛行\n當仙靈鬥客進戰場時,目標由對手操控的生物得-2/-0直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~仙靈/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457183,
            "name": "Faerie Duelist",
            "number": "39",
            "originalText": "Flash\nFlying\nWhen Faerie Duelist enters the battlefield, target creature an opponent controls gets -2/-0 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Faerie Rogue",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "a7da9c9b-aeef-4f48-bc8f-39425841cc8c",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "ccbf7141-69c9-407d-b68e-c1c63ddef213",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183361,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nFlying\nWhen Faerie Duelist enters the battlefield, target creature an opponent controls gets -2/-0 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Faerie Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ae8dab92-6212-5881-863a-38114138b067",
            "uuidV421": "7cb730b6-438c-5560-9393-7123690bc15d"
            "artist": "Jonathan Kuo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Lost are the lush meadows and verdant forests, where maaka prowled and lammasu soared. Lost are the wilds, where our hearts were free.\"\n—Daiva, Gruul storyteller",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Verloren sind die üppigen Auen und grünen Wälder, durch die die Maaka streiften und über die die Lammasu flogen. Verloren ist die Wildnis, in der unsere Herzen frei waren.\"\n—Daiva, Gruul-Geschichtenerzählerin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457503,
                    "name": "Wilder Maaka",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Katze"
                    "flavorText": "\"Perdimos las exuberantes praderas y los verdes bosques donde rondaban los maaka y revoloteaban los lammasu. Perdimos nuestras tierras salvajes, donde éramos libres\".\n—Daiva, narradora gruul",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457762,
                    "name": "Maaka salvaje",
                    "type": "Criatura — Felino"
                    "flavorText": "« Disparues les prairies verdoyantes et les forêts luxuriantes, où le maaka rôdait et le lamassu s'envolait. Disparues les étendues sauvages, où nos cœurs étaient libres. »\n—Daïva, conteuse des Gruul",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458021,
                    "name": "Maaka sauvage",
                    "type": "Créature : chat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Perduti sono i dolci campi e le verdi foreste, dove i maaka pascolavano e su cui i lammasu si libravano. Perdute sono le terre selvagge, dove i nostri cuori erano liberi.\"\n—Daiva, cantastorie Gruul",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458280,
                    "name": "Maaka Feroce",
                    "type": "Creatura — Felino"
                    "flavorText": "「失われしは緑豊かな牧草地に青々とした森林。マーカが歩きラマスーが羽ばたく場所。失われしは自然。我らの心が自由であった場所。」\n――グルールの語り部、ダイヴァ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458539,
                    "name": "野生のマーカ",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 猫"
                    "flavorText": "\"마카가 거닐고 라마수가 날아오르던 푸르른 초원과 우거진 숲은 더이상 없다네. 우리의 마음이 자유로웠던 야생은 더이상 없다네.\"\n—그룰 이야기꾼, 다이바",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458798,
                    "name": "야생 마카",
                    "type": "생물 — 고양이"
                    "flavorText": "\"Perdidas estão as clareiras viçosas e florestas verdejantes onde espreitava a maaka e planava o lammasu. Perdidas, as matas, onde nossos corações eram livres.\"\n— Daiva, contadora de histórias Gruul",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459057,
                    "name": "Maaka Feroz",
                    "type": "Criatura — Felino"
                    "flavorText": "«Больше нет пышных лугов и зеленых лесов, где охотились маака и парили ламмасу. Больше нет диких земель, где наши сердца были свободными».\n— Дайва, груульская сказительница",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459316,
                    "name": "Дикий Маака",
                    "type": "Существо — Кошка"
                    "flavorText": "「昔时曾有茂密草地与葱郁森林,随处可见玛卡兽潜伏其间、拉玛苏翱翔天空,如今一切不复存。昔时曾有不驯荒野,寄托吾人奔放心胸,如今一切不复存。」\n~古鲁说书人戴娃",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
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                    "name": "野性玛卡兽",
                    "type": "生物 ~猫"
                    "flavorText": "「昔時曾有茂密草地與蔥鬱森林,隨處可見瑪卡獸潛伏其間、拉瑪蘇翱翔天空,如今一切不復存。昔時曾有不馴荒野,寄託吾人奔放心胸,如今一切不復存。」\n~古魯說書人戴娃",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459834,
                    "name": "野性瑪卡獸",
                    "type": "生物 ~貓"
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            "flavorText": "There's nothing quite like the feeling of paying off a large debt.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Nichts ist vergleichbar mit dem wohligen Gefühl, das man hat, wenn man eine große Schuld begleicht.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457574,
                    "name": "Letzte Schuld begleichen",
                    "text": "Bezahle 5 Lebenspunkte oder opfere eine Kreatur oder Verzauberung als zusätzliche Kosten, um diesen Zauberspruch zu wirken.\nZerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "No hay nada como la sensación de saldar una deuda importante.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457833,
                    "name": "Pago final",
                    "text": "Como coste adicional para lanzar este hechizo, paga 5 vidas o sacrifica una criatura o encantamiento.\nDestruye la criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Régler une dette importante est un sentiment absolument unique.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458092,
                    "name": "Dernier paiement",
                    "text": "En tant que coût supplémentaire pour lancer ce sort, payez 5 points de vie ou sacrifiez une créature ou un enchantement.\nDétruisez la créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Non c'è nulla che somigli alla sensazione di aver ripagato un grosso debito.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458351,
                    "name": "Pagamento Definitivo",
                    "text": "Come costo addizionale per lanciare questa magia, paga 5 punti vita o sacrifica una creatura o un incantesimo.\nDistruggi una creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "大きな債務を支払うときの感覚は他には例えられない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458610,
                    "name": "最後の支払い",
                    "text": "この呪文を唱えるための追加コストとして、5点のライフを支払うか、クリーチャー1体かエンチャント1つを生け贄に捧げる。\nクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "큰 빚을 갚는 기분은 그 어느 것에도 견줄 수 없다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458869,
                    "name": "최종 지불",
                    "text": "이 주문을 발동하기 위한 추가비용으로, 생명 5점을 지불하거나 생물 또는 부여마법 한 개를 희생한다.\n생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Não há nada como a sensação de quitar uma dívida grande.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459128,
                    "name": "Pagamento Final",
                    "text": "Como custo adicional para conjurar esta mágica, pague 5 pontos de vida ou sacrifique uma criatura ou um encantamento.\nDestrua a criatura alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Ничто не сравнится с чувствами выплатившего крупный долг.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459387,
                    "name": "Окончательная Расплата",
                    "text": "В качестве дополнительной стоимости разыгрывания этого заклинания заплатите 5 жизней или пожертвуйте существо или чары.\nУничтожьте целевое существо.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "大笔债务付清后的感受非同凡响。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459646,
                    "name": "偿清债务",
                    "text": "支付5点生命或牺牲一个生物或结界,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用。\n消灭目标生物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "大筆債務付清後的感受非同凡響。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459905,
                    "name": "償清債務",
                    "text": "支付5點生命或犧牲一個生物或結界,以作為施放此咒語的額外費用。\n消滅目標生物。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{W}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457315,
            "name": "Final Payment",
            "number": "171",
            "originalText": "As an additional cost to cast this spell, pay 5 life or sacrifice a creature or enchantment.\nDestroy target creature.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
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            "rarity": "common",
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 183355,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "As an additional cost to cast this spell, pay 5 life or sacrifice a creature or enchantment.\nDestroy target creature.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "30c6dc7a-4e0a-5049-8be4-fa95b72173cc",
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            "flavorText": "\"Let's find out what kind of audience you are. Festive? Fearless?\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Schauen wir mal, was ihr für ein Publikum seid. Fröhlich? Furchtlos?\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457575,
                    "name": "Feuerklingen-Artist",
                    "text": "Eile\nZu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments kannst du eine Kreatur opfern. Wenn du dies tust, fügt der Feuerklingen-Artist einem Gegner oder Planeswalker deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Veamos qué clase de público eres. ¿Festivo? ¿Temerario?\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457834,
                    "name": "Virtuoso de fuegofilos",
                    "text": "Prisa.\nAl comienzo de tu mantenimiento, puedes sacrificar una criatura. Cuando lo hagas, el Virtuoso de fuegofilos hace 2 puntos de daño al oponente o planeswalker objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Voyons voir quel genre de public vous êtes. Fêtard ? Courageux ? »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458093,
                    "name": "Artiste lamefeu",
                    "text": "Célérité\nAu début de votre entretien, vous pouvez sacrifier une créature. Quand vous faites ainsi, l'Artiste lamefeu inflige 2 blessures à une cible, adversaire ou planeswalker.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vediamo un po', che tipo di pubblico abbiamo oggi? Festoso? Intrepido?\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458352,
                    "name": "Artista delle Lame Infuocate",
                    "text": "Rapidità\nAll'inizio del tuo mantenimento, puoi sacrificare una creatura. Quando lo fai, l'Artista delle Lame Infuocate infligge 2 danni a un avversario o a un planeswalker bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「お前がどんな観客か試してみよう。お祭り好きか?恐れ知らずか?」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458611,
                    "name": "火刃の芸術家",
                    "text": "速攻\nあなたのアップキープの開始時に、あなたはクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げてもよい。そうしたとき、対戦相手1人かプレインズウォーカー1体を対象とする。火刃の芸術家はそれに2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "\"네가 어떤 관객인지 확인해 볼까. 흥겨운가? 무섭지는 않고?\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458870,
                    "name": "화염검 예술가",
                    "text": "신속\n당신의 유지단 시작에, 당신은 생물 한 개를 희생할 수 있다. 그렇게 할 때, 상대나 플레인즈워커를 목표로 정한다. 화염검 예술가는 그 목표에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "Vamos descobrir que tipo de público vocês são. Festivo? Destemido?\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459129,
                    "name": "Artista da Lâmina de Fogo",
                    "text": "Ímpeto\nNo início de sua manutenção, você pode sacrificar uma criatura. Quando você o faz, Artista da Lâmina de Fogo causa 2 pontos de dano ao oponente ou planeswalker alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "«Давайте посмотрим, что вы за публика. Веселая? Бесстрашная?»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459388,
                    "name": "Артист Огненных Клинков",
                    "text": "Ускорение\nВ начале вашего шага поддержки вы можете пожертвовать существо. Когда вы это делаете, Артист Огненных Клинков наносит 2 повреждения целевому оппоненту или planeswalker-у.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "「让我们来瞧瞧你属于哪样的观众。是喜欢搞事的?还是无所畏惧的?」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459647,
                    "name": "炎刃艺师",
                    "text": "敏捷\n在你的维持开始时,你可以牺牲一个生物。当你如此作时,炎刃艺师向目标对手或鹏洛客造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "「讓我們來瞧瞧你屬於哪樣的觀眾。是喜歡搞事的?還是無所畏懼的?」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459906,
                    "name": "炎刃藝師",
                    "text": "敏捷\n在你的維持開始時,你可以犧牲一個生物。當你如此作時,炎刃藝師向目標對手或鵬洛客造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/祭師"
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            "name": "Fireblade Artist",
            "number": "172",
            "originalText": "Haste\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, you may sacrifice a creature. When you do, Fireblade Artist deals 2 damage to target opponent or planeswalker.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Fireblade Artist’s triggered ability goes on the stack without a target. While that ability is resolving, you may sacrifice a creature. When you do, the reflexive triggered ability triggers and you pick a target opponent or planeswalker to be dealt damage. This is different from effects that say “If you do . . .” in that players may take actions after you’ve sacrificed the creature but before damage is dealt."
            "scryfallId": "21e1161f-bd2c-45a7-a86b-3b2e5210f148",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "52630eaf-995e-4d08-be99-888a38b598b2",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183210,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Haste\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, you may sacrifice a creature. When you do, Fireblade Artist deals 2 damage to target opponent or planeswalker.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "types": [
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            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Jason A. Engle",
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            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Fire will cure a multitude of ills.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Feuer kuriert die meisten Übel.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457504,
                    "name": "Flammen des Keilers",
                    "text": "Die Flammen des Keilers fügen einer Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert, 4 Schadenspunkte zu. Dann fügen die Flammen des Keilers jeder anderen Kreatur, die jener Spieler kontrolliert, 2 Schadenspunkte zu, falls du eine Kreatur mit Stärke 4 oder mehr kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"El fuego cura multitud de males\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457763,
                    "name": "Llamas del Jabalí Arrasador",
                    "text": "Las Llamas del Jabalí Arrasador hacen 4 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente. Luego, las Llamas del Jabalí Arrasador hacen 2 puntos de daño a cada otra criatura que controla ese jugador si tú controlas una criatura con fuerza de 4 o más.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Le feu soignera une multitude de maux. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458022,
                    "name": "Flammes du Sanglier terrasseur",
                    "text": "Les Flammes du Sanglier terrasseur infligent 4 blessures à une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle. Puis les Flammes du Sanglier terrasseur infligent 2 blessures à chaque autre créature que ce joueur contrôle si vous contrôlez une créature de force supérieure ou égale à 4.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il fuoco cura una miriade di mali.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458281,
                    "name": "Fiamme del Cinghiale Devastatore",
                    "text": "Le Fiamme del Cinghiale Devastatore infliggono 4 danni a una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario. Poi le Fiamme del Cinghiale Devastatore infliggono 2 danni a ogni altra creatura controllata da quel giocatore se controlli una creatura con forza pari o superiore a 4.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「炎は多くの病を癒す。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458540,
                    "name": "猪の祟神の炎",
                    "text": "対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とする。猪の祟神の炎はそれに4点のダメージを与える。その後、あなたがパワーが4以上のクリーチャーをコントロールしているなら、猪の祟神の炎はそのプレイヤーがコントロールしている他の各クリーチャーにそれぞれ2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"불이 수많은 질병을 치료할 것이야.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458799,
                    "name": "멧돼지 파괴신의 불길",
                    "text": "상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 멧돼지 파괴신의 불길은 그 생물에게 피해 4점을 입힌다. 그 후 당신이 공격력이 4 이상인 생물을 조종한다면 멧돼지 파괴신의 불길은 그 플레이어가 조종하는 다른 각 생물에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"O fogo sanará uma miríade de males.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459058,
                    "name": "Chamas do Javali Arrasador",
                    "text": "Chamas do Javali Arrasador causa 4 pontos de dano à criatura alvo que um oponente controla. Em seguida, se você controla uma criatura com poder igual ou superior a 4, Chamas do Javali Arrasador causa 2 pontos de dano a cada outra criatura que aquele jogador controla.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Огонь лечит самые разные недуги».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459317,
                    "name": "Пламя Вепря-Разрушителя",
                    "text": "Пламя Вепря-Разрушителя наносит 4 повреждения целевому существу под контролем оппонента. Затем Пламя Вепря-Разрушителя наносит 2 повреждения каждому другому существу под контролем того игрока, если под вашим контролем есть существо с силой 4 или больше.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「烈火包治百病。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459576,
                    "name": "野猪神烈焰",
                    "text": "野猪神烈焰向目标由对手操控的生物造成4点伤害。然后如果你操控力量等于或大于4的生物,则野猪神烈焰对每个由该牌手操控的其他生物各造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「烈火包治百病。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459835,
                    "name": "野豬神烈焰",
                    "text": "野豬神烈焰向目標由對手操控的生物造成4點傷害。然後如果你操控力量等於或大於4的生物,則野豬神烈焰對每個由該玩家操控的其他生物各造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{5}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457245,
            "name": "Flames of the Raze-Boar",
            "number": "101",
            "originalText": "Flames of the Raze-Boar deals 4 damage to target creature an opponent controls. Then Flames of the Raze-Boar deals 2 damage to each other creature that player controls if you control a creature with power 4 or greater.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target is dealt lethal damage this way, it will still be on the battlefield while Flames of the Raze-Boar deals damage to other creatures, if appropriate. Creatures dealt lethal damage won’t die until after Flames of the Raze-Boar is entirely finished resolving."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the chosen target becomes an illegal target for Flames of the Raze-Boar, the spell doesn’t resolve. No creatures are dealt damage."
            "scryfallId": "16957271-12bb-4031-b476-f7678b753ae3",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9dac8e74-b7b0-4a67-8c26-ef6b8ec8b689",
            "scryfallOracleId": "da8dd2ee-0ce3-4ce6-abb9-7444cefcbe83",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183389,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flames of the Raze-Boar deals 4 damage to target creature an opponent controls. Then Flames of the Raze-Boar deals 2 damage to each other creature that player controls if you control a creature with power 4 or greater.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b44a1c4e-61b4-50a6-afac-c8a1bc4ff267",
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            "artist": "Jason A. Engle",
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            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"No worthwhile reward is easily gained.\"\n—Nicol Bolas",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Kein lohnender Preis ist leicht verdient.\"\n—Nicol Bolas",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Quell des Schmerzes",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du Lebenspunkte bezahlst, lege entsprechend viele Blutmarken auf den Quell des Schmerzes.\n{1}{B}, entferne vier Blutmarken vom Quell des Schmerzes: Zerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ninguna recompensa que valga la pena se obtiene fácilmente\".\n—Nicol Bolas",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457736,
                    "name": "Fuente de agonías",
                    "text": "Siempre que pagues vidas, pon esa misma cantidad de contadores de sangre sobre la Fuente de agonías.\n{1}{B}, remover cuatro contadores de sangre de la Fuente de agonías: Destruye la criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "« Une récompense qui en vaut la peine ne s'obtient jamais facilement. »\n—Nicol Bolas",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457995,
                    "name": "Fontaine des agonies",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous payez des points de vie, mettez autant de marqueurs « sang » sur la Fontaine des agonies.\n{1}{B}, retirez quatre marqueurs « sang » de la Fontaine des agonies : Détruisez une créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nessuna ricompensa degna di questo nome si ottiene facilmente.\"\n—Nicol Bolas",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458254,
                    "name": "Fonte di Agonie",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta paghi punti vita, metti altrettanti segnalini sangue sulla Fonte di Agonie.\n{1}{B}, Rimuovi quattro segnalini sangue dalla Fonte di Agonie: Distruggi una creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "「価値ある報酬は簡単には手に入らぬ。」\n――ニコル・ボーラス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458513,
                    "name": "苦悶の泉",
                    "text": "あなたがライフを支払うたび、その点数に等しい数の血液カウンターを苦悶の泉の上に置く。\n{1}{B}, 苦悶の泉の上から血液カウンターを4個取り除く:クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"가치 있는 보상은 쉽게 얻을 수 없는 법이지.\"\n—니콜 볼라스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458772,
                    "name": "고뇌의 세례반",
                    "text": "당신이 생명점을 지불할 때마다, 고뇌의 세례반에 피 카운터를 그만큼 올려놓는다.\n{1}{B}, 고뇌의 세례반에서 피 카운터 네 개를 제거한다: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nenhuma recompensa de valor vem facilmente.\"\n— Nicol Bolas",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459031,
                    "name": "Fonte das Agonias",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você pagar pontos de vida, coloque aquela quantidade de marcadores de sangue em Fonte das Agonias.\n{1}{B}, remova quatro marcadores de sangue de Fonte das Agonias: Destrua a criatura alvo.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "«Ничего по-настоящему ценного нельзя получить без усилий».\n— Никол Болас",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459290,
                    "name": "Источник Мучений",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы платите жизнь(-и), положите такое же количество жетонов крови на Источник Мучений.\n{1}{B}, удалите четыре жетона крови с Источника Мучений: уничтожьте целевое существо.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「珍贵回报绝无可能唾手而得。」\n~尼可波拉斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459549,
                    "name": "苦痛洗礼盘",
                    "text": "每当你支付生命时,在苦痛洗礼盘上放置等量的鲜血指示物。\n{1}{B},从苦痛洗礼盘上移去四个鲜血指示物:消灭目标生物。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "「珍貴回報絕無可能唾手而得。」\n~尼可波拉斯",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459808,
                    "name": "苦痛洗禮盤",
                    "text": "每當你支付生命時,在苦痛洗禮盤上放置等量的鮮血指示物。\n{1}{B},從苦痛洗禮盤上移去四個鮮血指示物:消滅目標生物。",
                    "type": "結界"
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            "manaCost": "{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457218,
            "name": "Font of Agonies",
            "number": "74",
            "originalText": "Whenever you pay life, put that many blood counters on Font of Agonies.\n{1}{B}, Remove four blood counters from Font of Agonies: Destroy target creature.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The first ability of Font of Agonies is a triggered ability, not an activated ability. It doesn’t allow you to pay life whenever you want; rather, you need some other way of paying life, such as with Blood Crypt’s ability."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An effect that causes you to pay life uses the word “pay.” If an effect allows you to choose to lose life or to be dealt damage without using the word “pay,” you’re not paying life."
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            "scryfallOracleId": "ab44c6fe-6a66-42f0-9e75-8b25641e1f13",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183211,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you pay life, put that many blood counters on Font of Agonies.\n{1}{B}, Remove four blood counters from Font of Agonies: Destroy target creature.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
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            "flavorText": "\"This footlight's broken. Get me a stagehand!\"\n—Judith",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Dieses Rampenlicht ist kaputt. Wo sind die Bühnenhelfer?\"\n—Judith",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457619,
                    "name": "Rampenlicht-Unhold",
                    "text": "Wenn der Rampenlicht-Unhold stirbt, fügt er einem Ziel deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Teufel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Esta candileja está rota. ¡Traigan a un tramoyista!\".\n—Judith",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457878,
                    "name": "Diablo de las candilejas",
                    "text": "Cuando el Diablo de las candilejas muera, hace 1 punto de daño a cualquier objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Diablo"
                    "flavorText": "« La lumière de cette rampe est cassée. Amenez-moi un machiniste ! »\n—Judith",
                    "language": "French",
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                    "name": "Fielleux des feux de la rampe",
                    "text": "Quand le Fielleux des feux de la rampe meurt, il inflige 1 blessure à n'importe quelle cible.",
                    "type": "Créature : diable"
                    "flavorText": "\"Questa luce è rotta. Trovatemi un attrezzista!\"\n—Judith",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458396,
                    "name": "Immondo delle Luci della Ribalta",
                    "text": "Quando l'Immondo delle Luci della Ribalta muore, infligge 1 danno a un qualsiasi bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Diavolo"
                    "flavorText": "「この脚光は壊れているわ。裏方を呼んできなさい!」\n――ジュディス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458655,
                    "name": "脚光の悪鬼",
                    "text": "脚光の悪鬼が死亡したとき、クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。これはそれに1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — デビル"
                    "flavorText": "\"각광이 부서져 있잖아. 무대 담당자를 불러와!\"\n—주디스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458914,
                    "name": "각광을 비추는 마귀",
                    "text": "각광을 비추는 마귀가 죽을 때, 원하는 목표를 정한다. 각광을 비추는 마귀는 그 목표에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 악령"
                    "flavorText": "\"Essa luz quebrou. Chamem um contra-regra!\"\n— Judith",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459173,
                    "name": "Demônio da Ribalta",
                    "text": "Quando Demônio da Ribalta morre, ele causa 1 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Diabo"
                    "flavorText": "«Эта рампа сломана. Где рабочий сцены?!»\n— Джудит",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459432,
                    "name": "Демон Рампы",
                    "text": "Когда Демон Рампы умирает, он наносит 1 повреждение любой цели.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дьявол"
                    "flavorText": "「这盏脚灯坏了。给我把舞台工找来!」\n~裘蒂丝",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459691,
                    "name": "脚灯邪鬼",
                    "text": "当脚灯邪鬼死去时,它对任意一个目标造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~魔鬼"
                    "flavorText": "「這盞腳燈壞了。給我把舞台工找來!」\n~裘蒂絲",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459950,
                    "name": "腳燈邪鬼",
                    "text": "當腳燈邪鬼死去時,它對任意一個目標造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~魔鬼"
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            "name": "Footlight Fiend",
            "number": "216",
            "originalText": "When Footlight Fiend dies, it deals 1 damage to any target.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Devil",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183357,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Footlight Fiend dies, it deals 1 damage to any target.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Devil",
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            "artist": "Ryan Yee",
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"You will respect the dead.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Du wirst die Toten respektieren.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457412,
                    "name": "Abweisender Geist",
                    "text": "Wenn der Abweisende Geist ins Spiel kommt, können bis zu deinem nächsten Zug Kreaturen weder dich noch einen Planeswalker, den du kontrollierst, angreifen, es sei denn, ihr Beherrscher bezahlt {2} für jede dieser Kreaturen.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Geist, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "\"Debes respetar a los muertos\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457671,
                    "name": "Espíritu prohibitorio",
                    "text": "Cuando el Espíritu prohibitorio entre al campo de batalla, hasta tu próximo turno, las criaturas no pueden atacarte a ti o a un planeswalker que controlas a menos que su controlador pague {2} por cada una de esas criaturas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo espíritu"
                    "flavorText": "« Vous respecterez les morts. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457930,
                    "name": "Esprit menaçant",
                    "text": "Quand l'Esprit menaçant arrive sur le champ de bataille, jusqu'à votre prochain tour, les créatures ne peuvent pas vous attaquer ou attaquer un planeswalker que vous contrôlez à moins que leur contrôleur ne paie {2} pour chacune de ces créatures.",
                    "type": "Créature : esprit et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "\"I morti devono essere rispettati.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458189,
                    "name": "Spirito dell'Interdizione",
                    "text": "Quando lo Spirito dell'Interdizione entra nel campo di battaglia, fino al tuo prossimo turno, le creature non possono attaccare te o un planeswalker che controlli a meno che il loro controllore non paghi {2} per ognuna di quelle creature.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Spirito"
                    "flavorText": "「いずれ死者を敬うことになるだろう。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458448,
                    "name": "立ちふさがる霊",
                    "text": "立ちふさがる霊が戦場に出たとき、あなたの次のターンまで、クリーチャーは、それのコントローラーが{2}を支払わないかぎり、あなたやあなたがコントロールしているプレインズウォーカーを攻撃できない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スピリット・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "\"망자를 공경하게 될 것이다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458707,
                    "name": "험악한 신령",
                    "text": "험악한 신령이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신의 다음턴까지, 각 생물은 그 조종자가 공격하려는 생물마다 {2}를 지불하지 않으면 당신 또는 당신이 조종하는 플레인즈워커를 공격할 수 없다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 신령 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "\"Você respeitará os mortos.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458966,
                    "name": "Espírito Interditor",
                    "text": "Quando Espírito Interditor entra no campo de batalha, até seu próximo turno, as criaturas não podem atacar você nem um planeswalker que você controla, a menos que seu controlador pague o2 para cada uma daquelas criaturas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espírito Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "«Ты будешь уважать мертвых».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459225,
                    "name": "Запрещающий Дух",
                    "text": "Когда Запрещающий Дух выходит на поле битвы, до вашего следующего хода существа не могут атаковать вас или planeswalker-а под вашим контролем, если только контролирующий их игрок не заплатит по {2} за каждое из тех существ.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дух Священник"
                    "flavorText": "「你终将学会如何尊重逝者。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459484,
                    "name": "禁制精怪",
                    "text": "当禁制精怪进战场时,直到你的下一个回合,对每个生物而言,除非其操控者为其支付{2},否则它不能攻击你或由你操控的鹏洛客。",
                    "type": "生物 ~精怪/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "「你終將學會如何尊重逝者。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459743,
                    "name": "禁制精靈",
                    "text": "當禁制精靈進戰場時,直到你的下一個回合,對每個生物而言,除非其操控者為其支付{2},否則它不能攻擊你或由你操控的鵬洛客。",
                    "type": "生物 ~精靈/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{W}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457153,
            "name": "Forbidding Spirit",
            "number": "9",
            "originalText": "When Forbidding Spirit enters the battlefield, until your next turn, creatures can't attack you or a planeswalker you control unless their controller pays {2} for each of those creatures.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Spirit Cleric",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because it doesn’t modify the characteristics of creatures, Forbidding Spirit’s triggered ability can affect creatures that enter the battlefield after that ability resolves."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "While Forbidding Spirit’s effect is in effect, your opponents can choose not to pay to attack with a creature that attacks “if able.” If there’s no other player or planeswalker to attack, that creature simply doesn’t attack."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Forbidding Spirit’s effect continues until your next turn even if Forbidding Spirit leaves the battlefield before then."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, creatures can attack your teammate and planeswalkers your teammate controls without requiring a mana payment."
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            "text": "When Forbidding Spirit enters the battlefield, until your next turn, creatures can't attack you or a planeswalker you control unless their controller pays {2} for each of those creatures.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Spirit Cleric",
            "types": [
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                    "name": "Rasender Arynx",
                    "text": "Aufruhr (Du bestimmst, ob diese Kreatur mit einer +1/+1-Marke oder mit Eile ins Spiel kommt.)\nVerursacht Trampelschaden\n{4}{R}{G}: Der Rasende Arynx erhält +3/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Katze, Bestie"
                    "language": "Spanish",
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                    "name": "Árynx enfurecido",
                    "text": "Insurgencia. (Esta criatura entra al campo de batalla con lo que elijas: un contador +1/+1 o la habilidad de prisa.)\nArrolla.\n{4}{R}{G}: El Árynx enfurecido obtiene +3/+0 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia felino"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458094,
                    "name": "Arynx hystérique",
                    "text": "Émeute (Cette créature arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, selon votre choix, un marqueur +1/+1 ou la célérité.)\nPiétinement\n{4}{R}{G} : L'Arynx hystérique gagne +3/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : chat et bête"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458353,
                    "name": "Arynx Frenetico",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Questa creatura entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 o rapidità a tua scelta.)\nTravolgere\n{4}{R}{G}: L'Arynx Frenetico prende +3/+0 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia Felino"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458612,
                    "name": "激情のエイリンクス",
                    "text": "暴動(このクリーチャーは+1/+1カウンター1個か速攻のうちあなたが選んだ1つを持った状態で戦場に出る。)\nトランプル\n{4}{R}{G}:ターン終了時まで、激情のエイリンクスは+3/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 猫・ビースト"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458871,
                    "name": "성난 아린크스",
                    "text": "폭동 (이 생물은 당신의 선택에 따라 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 또는 신속을 가지고 전장에 들어온다.)\n돌진\n{4}{R}{G}: 성난 아린크스는 턴종료까지 +3/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고양이 야수"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459130,
                    "name": "Arynx Frenético",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Esta criatura entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 ou ímpeto, à sua escolha.)\nAtropelar\n{4}{R}{G}: Arynx Frenético recebe +3/+0 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Felino Besta"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459389,
                    "name": "Взбесившийся Аринкс",
                    "text": "Беспорядки (Это существо выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 или Ускорением, по вашему выбору.)\nПробивной удар\n{4}{R}{G}: Взбесившийся Аринкс получает +3/+0 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Кошка Зверь"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459648,
                    "name": "狂热猛猁",
                    "text": "起事(于此生物进战场时,你选择「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」异能。它进战场时上面有所选加成。)\n践踏\n{4}{R}{G}:狂热猛猁得+3/+0直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~猫/野兽"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459907,
                    "name": "狂熱猛猁",
                    "text": "起事(於此生物進戰場時,你選擇「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」異能。它進戰場時上面有所選加成。)\n踐踏\n{4}{R}{G}:狂熱猛猁得+3/+0直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~貓/野獸"
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            "name": "Frenzied Arynx",
            "number": "173",
            "originalText": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nTrample\n{4}{R}{G}: Frenzied Arynx gets +3/+0 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Cat Beast",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 182362,
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            "text": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nTrample\n{4}{R}{G}: Frenzied Arynx gets +3/+0 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Cat Beast",
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                    "name": "Kragenechsen-Mystikerin",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nWenn die Kragenechsen-Mystikerin ins Spiel kommt, kannst du einen Zauberspruch deiner Wahl neutralisieren.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Eidechse, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "\"Esperaba tu llegada... mas no es bienvenida\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457836,
                    "name": "Mística crestada",
                    "text": "Destello.\nCuando la Mística crestada entre al campo de batalla, puedes contrarrestar el hechizo objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero lagarto elfo"
                    "flavorText": "« Votre arrivée était prévue... et importune. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458095,
                    "name": "Mystique à jabots",
                    "text": "Flash\nQuand la Mystique à jabots arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez contrecarrer le sort ciblé.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et lézard et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il tuo arrivo era atteso... e sgradito.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458354,
                    "name": "Mistica dal Collarino",
                    "text": "Lampo\nQuando la Mistica dal Collarino entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi neutralizzare una magia bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Lucertola Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "「お前の来訪は分かっていた……。そして、それは歓迎されるものではない。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
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                    "name": "エリマキ神秘家",
                    "text": "瞬速\nエリマキ神秘家が戦場に出たとき、呪文1つを対象とする。あなたはそれを打ち消してもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・トカゲ・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "\"도착할 줄은 알고 있었네 . . . 반갑지는 않군.\"",
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                    "name": "목깃을 두른 신비주의자",
                    "text": "섬광\n목깃을 두른 신비주의자가 전장에 들어올 때, 주문을 목표로 정한다. 당신은 그 주문을 무효화할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 도마뱀 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sua chegada foi prevista... e indesejada.\"",
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                    "multiverseId": 459131,
                    "name": "Mística de Gola",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nQuando Mística de Gola entra no campo de batalha, você pode anular a mágica alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Lagarto Mago"
                    "flavorText": "«Мы ждали тебя... и тебе не рады».",
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                    "multiverseId": 459390,
                    "name": "Плащеносный Мистик",
                    "text": "Миг\nКогда Плащеносный Мистик выходит на поле битвы, вы можете отменить целевое заклинание.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Ящер Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "「你的到来虽在意料之中. . .但不受欢迎。」",
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                    "multiverseId": 459649,
                    "name": "褶领秘教徒",
                    "text": "闪现\n当褶领秘教徒进战场时,你可以反击目标咒语。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/蜥蜴/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "「你的到來雖在意料之中. . .但不受歡迎。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459908,
                    "name": "褶領秘教徒",
                    "text": "閃現\n當褶領秘教徒進戰場時,你可以反擊目標咒語。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/蜥蜴/魔法師"
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            "name": "Frilled Mystic",
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            "originalText": "Flash\nWhen Frilled Mystic enters the battlefield, you may counter target spell.",
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            "text": "Flash\nWhen Frilled Mystic enters the battlefield, you may counter target spell.",
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            "type": "Creature — Elf Lizard Wizard",
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            "flavorText": "\"I might have overfed him.\"\n—Gulistan, Simic biomancer",
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                    "flavorText": "„Vielleicht habe ich ihn etwas überfüttert.\"\n—Gulistan, Simic-Biomagier",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Galoppierender Echsenfrosch",
                    "text": "Verursacht Trampelschaden\nWenn der Galoppierende Echsenfrosch ins Spiel kommt, kannst du eine beliebige Anzahl an +1/+1-Marken von Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, entfernen. Falls du dies tust, lege doppelt so viele +1/+1-Marken auf den Galoppierenden Echsenfrosch.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Frosch, Eidechse"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quizá le di demasiada comida\".\n—Gúlistan, biomante simic",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457837,
                    "name": "Anurolagarto galopante",
                    "text": "Arrolla.\nCuando el Anurolagarto galopante entre al campo de batalla, puedes remover cualquier cantidad de contadores +1/+1 de entre las criaturas que controlas. Si lo haces, pon el doble de esa cantidad de contadores +1/+1 sobre el Anurolagarto galopante.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Lagarto rana"
                    "flavorText": "« Je l'ai peut-être un peu trop nourrie. »\n—Gulistan, biomancien simic",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458096,
                    "name": "Lézaraine galopante",
                    "text": "Piétinement\nQuand la Lézaraine galopante arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez retirer n'importe quel nombre de marqueurs +1/+1 de créatures que vous contrôlez. Si vous faites ainsi, mettez deux fois ce nombre de marqueurs +1/+1 sur la Lézaraine galopante.",
                    "type": "Créature : grenouille et lézard"
                    "flavorText": "\"Forse l'ho nutrita un po' troppo.\"\n—Gulistan, biomante Simic",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458355,
                    "name": "Ranertola Galoppante",
                    "text": "Travolgere\nQuando la Ranertola Galoppante entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi rimuovere un qualsiasi numero di segnalini +1/+1 dalle creature che controlli. Se lo fai, metti il doppio di quei segnalini +1/+1 sulla Ranertola Galoppante.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Lucertola Rana"
                    "flavorText": "「エサをやり過ぎたかもしれない。」\n――シミックの生術師、グリスタン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458614,
                    "name": "早駆けるトカゲ蛙",
                    "text": "トランプル\n早駆けるトカゲ蛙が戦場に出たとき、あなたはあなたがコントロールしている望む数のクリーチャーの上から+1/+1カウンターを望む数取り除いてもよい。そうしたなら、早駆けるトカゲ蛙の上に+1/+1カウンターをその2倍の個数置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — カエル・トカゲ"
                    "flavorText": "\"밥을 너무 많이 준 걸지도 몰라.\"\n—시믹 생명술사 굴리스탄",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458873,
                    "name": "질주하는 도마뱀구리",
                    "text": "돌진\n질주하는 도마뱀구리가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 당신이 조종하는 생물들에 올려진 +1/+1 카운터들을 원하는 만큼 제거할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 질주하는 도마뱀구리에 그 두 배만큼 +1/+1 카운터를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 개구리 도마뱀"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pode ser que eu o tenha alimentado demais.\"\n— Gulistan, biomante Simic",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459132,
                    "name": "Lagapo Galopante",
                    "text": "Atropelar\nQuando Lagapo Galopante entra no campo de batalha, você pode remover qualquer número de marcadores +1/+1 de criaturas que você controla. Se fizer isso, coloque duas vezes aquela quantidade de marcadores +1/+1 em Lagapo Galopante.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sapo Lagarto"
                    "flavorText": "«Похоже, я его слегка перекормил».\n— Гулистан, биомант Симиков",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459391,
                    "name": "Прыгучий Жабоящер",
                    "text": "Пробивной удар\nКогда Прыгучий Жабоящер выходит на поле битвы, вы можете удалить любое количество жетонов +1/+1 с существ под вашим контролем. Если вы это делаете, положите вдвое больше жетонов +1/+1 на Прыгучего Жабоящера.",
                    "type": "Существо — Лягушка Ящер"
                    "flavorText": "「我好像喂得太多了。」\n~析米克生机术士顾里斯坦",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459650,
                    "name": "快生蜥蛙",
                    "text": "践踏\n当快生蜥蛙进战场时,你可以从由你操控的生物上移去总共任意数量的+1/+1指示物。若你如此作,则在快生蜥蛙上放置该数量两倍的+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~蛙/蜥蜴"
                    "flavorText": "「我好像餵得太多了。」\n~析米克生機術士顧里斯坦",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459909,
                    "name": "快生蜥蛙",
                    "text": "踐踏\n當快生蜥蛙進戰場時,你可以從由你操控的生物上移去總共任意數量的+1/+1指示物。若你如此作,則在快生蜥蛙上放置該數量兩倍的+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~蛙/蜥蜴"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{G}{U}",
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            "name": "Galloping Lizrog",
            "number": "175",
            "originalText": "Trample\nWhen Galloping Lizrog enters the battlefield, you may remove any number of +1/+1 counters from among creatures you control. If you do, put twice that many +1/+1 counters on Galloping Lizrog.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Frog Lizard",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You remove counters and put new ones on Galloping Lizrog all while its ability is resolving. Nothing can happen between the two, and no player may choose to take actions."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Galloping Lizrog leaves the battlefield after its ability has triggered, you may remove any number of +1/+1 counters from among your creatures, even though you won’t put any on Galloping Lizrog."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If an effect causes Galloping Lizrog to enter the battlefield with +1/+1 counters on it, you may remove those counters with its triggered ability and put twice as many back on it."
            "scryfallId": "cc2b7cfe-4696-4448-93d2-33be596e32d9",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5872eaed-ac32-4cba-9612-fb9b3851a5db",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3561cd52-961f-4098-9287-58ee43970f0f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183186,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Trample\nWhen Galloping Lizrog enters the battlefield, you may remove any number of +1/+1 counters from among creatures you control. If you do, put twice that many +1/+1 counters on Galloping Lizrog.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Frog Lizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "403925bc-89a4-502e-84e0-bd3147c0ff60",
            "uuidV421": "f5d4a1c8-2134-55fa-a683-ab3a486eb637",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Izzy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 8.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457635,
                    "name": "Koloss der Tore",
                    "text": "Dieser Zauberspruch kostet beim Wirken für jedes Tor, das du kontrollierst, {1} weniger.\nDer Koloss der Tore kann von Kreaturen mit Stärke 2 oder weniger nicht geblockt werden.\nImmer wenn ein Tor unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel kommt, kannst du den Koloss der Tore aus deinem Friedhof oben auf deine Bibliothek legen.",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Konstrukt"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457894,
                    "name": "Coloso del portal",
                    "text": "Te cuesta {1} menos lanzar este hechizo por cada Portal que controlas.\nEl Coloso del portal no puede ser bloqueado por criaturas con fuerza de 2 o menos.\nSiempre que un Portal entre al campo de batalla bajo tu control, puedes poner el Coloso del portal de tu cementerio en la parte superior de tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Constructo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458153,
                    "name": "Colosse de la Porte",
                    "text": "Ce sort coûte {1} de moins à lancer pour chaque porte que vous contrôlez.\nLe Colosse de la Porte ne peut pas être bloqué par les créatures de force inférieure ou égale à 2.\nÀ chaque fois qu'une porte arrive sur le champ de bataille sous votre contrôle, vous pouvez mettre le Colosse de la Porte depuis votre cimetière au-dessus de votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : construction"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458412,
                    "name": "Colosso del Cancello",
                    "text": "Questa magia costa {1} in meno per essere lanciata per ogni Cancello che controlli.\nIl Colosso del Cancello non può essere bloccato da creature con forza pari o inferiore a 2.\nOgniqualvolta un Cancello entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, puoi rimettere in cima al tuo grimorio il Colosso del Cancello dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Costrutto"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458671,
                    "name": "門の巨像",
                    "text": "この呪文を唱えるためのコストは、あなたがコントロールしている門1つにつき{1}少なくなる。\n門の巨像は、パワーが2以下のクリーチャーによってはブロックされない。\n門が1つあなたのコントロール下で戦場に出るたび、あなたはあなたの墓地から門の巨像をあなたのライブラリーの一番上に置いてもよい。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — 構築物"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458930,
                    "name": "관문 거상",
                    "text": "이 주문은 당신이 조종하는 관문 한 개당 발동하는 비용이 {1}만큼 덜 든다.\n관문 거상은 공격력이 2 이하인 생물에게 방어될 수 없다.\n관문이 당신의 조종하에 전장에 들어올 때마다, 당신은 관문 거상을 당신의 무덤에서 당신의 서고 맨 위에 올려놓을 수 있다.",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 자동기계"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459189,
                    "name": "Colosso do Portão",
                    "text": "Esta mágica custa {1} a menos para ser conjurada para cada Portão que você controla.\nColosso do Portão não pode ser bloqueado por criaturas com poder igual ou inferior a 2.\nToda vez que um Portão entra no campo de batalha sob o seu controle, você pode colocar Colosso do Portão de seu cemitério no topo de seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Constructo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459448,
                    "name": "Колосс Врат",
                    "text": "Разыгрывание этого заклинания стоит на {1} меньше за каждые Врата под вашим контролем.\nКолосс Врат не может быть заблокирован существами с силой 2 или меньше.\nКаждый раз, когда Врата выходят на поле битвы под вашим контролем, вы можете положить Колосса Врат из вашего кладбища на верх вашей библиотеки.",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Конструкция"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459707,
                    "name": "城门巨像",
                    "text": "你每操控一个门,此咒语便减少{1}来施放。\n城门巨像不能被力量等于或小于2的生物阻挡。\n每当一个门在你的操控下进战场时,你可以将城门巨像从你的坟墓场置于你的牌库顶。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~组构体"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459966,
                    "name": "城門巨像",
                    "text": "你每操控一個門,此咒語便減少{1}來施放。\n城門巨像不能被力量等於或小於2的生物阻擋。\n每當一個門在你的操控下進戰場時,你可以將城門巨像從你的墳墓場置於你的牌庫頂。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~組構體"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{8}",
            "multiverseId": 457376,
            "name": "Gate Colossus",
            "number": "232",
            "originalText": "This spell costs {1} less to cast for each Gate you control.\nGate Colossus can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.\nWhenever a Gate enters the battlefield under your control, you may put Gate Colossus from your graveyard on top of your library.",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "power": "8",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Once a creature with power 3 or greater has blocked this creature, changing the power of the blocking creature won’t cause this creature to become unblocked."
            "scryfallId": "99767e2f-a558-4d63-b9b6-923d15b433e1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4d071da5-04bb-4a4a-82a8-f0262c108fd7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "386c5895-9713-4c28-9ba8-8ca0caa06c13",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182123,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "This spell costs {1} less to cast for each Gate you control.\nGate Colossus can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.\nWhenever a Gate enters the battlefield under your control, you may put Gate Colossus from your graveyard on top of your library.",
            "toughness": "8",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Construct",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e0d39adf-4a8d-5373-87e5-c205e5d6a96e",
            "uuidV421": "d9104b85-38a9-58a6-82d1-67a8d2d760f4"
            "artist": "Even Amundsen",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "So-called \"battering rams\" pale in comparison to the real thing.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Sogenannte „Rammböcke\" sind nichts gegen den hier.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457529,
                    "name": "Torbrechender Widder",
                    "text": "Der Torbrechende Widder erhält +1/+1 für jedes Tor, das du kontrollierst.\nSolange du zwei oder mehr Tore kontrollierst, hat der Torbrechende Widder Wachsamkeit und verursacht Trampelschaden.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Schaf"
                    "flavorText": "Los arietes palidecen en comparación con su eficacia.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457788,
                    "name": "Carnero destrozaportales",
                    "text": "El Carnero destrozaportales obtiene +1/+1 por cada Portal que controlas.\nMientras controles dos o más Portales, el Carnero destrozaportales tiene las habilidades de vigilancia y arrollar.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Oveja"
                    "flavorText": "Ces engins qu'on appelle « béliers » sont loin de rivaliser avec l'animal.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458047,
                    "name": "Bélier brise-porte",
                    "text": "Le Bélier brise-porte gagne +1/+1 pour chaque porte que vous contrôlez.\nTant que vous contrôlez au moins deux portes, le Bélier brise-porte a la vigilance et le piétinement.",
                    "type": "Créature : mouton"
                    "flavorText": "I cosiddetti \"arieti da assedio\" impallidiscono a confronto della creatura a cui sono ispirati.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458306,
                    "name": "Ariete Sfondacancelli",
                    "text": "L'Ariete Sfondacancelli prende +1/+1 per ogni Cancello che controlli.\nFintanto che controlli due o più Cancelli, l'Ariete Sfondacancelli ha cautela e travolgere.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Pecora"
                    "flavorText": "いわゆる衝角も、本物の羊の角に比べれば弱々しいものだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458565,
                    "name": "門破りの雄羊",
                    "text": "門破りの雄羊は、あなたがコントロールしている門1つにつき+1/+1の修整を受ける。\nあなたが門を2つ以上コントロールしているかぎり、門破りの雄羊は警戒とトランプルを持つ。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 羊"
                    "flavorText": "소위 말하는 \"공성 망치\"들은 진짜 앞에서 빛이 바랜다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458824,
                    "name": "관문파괴 숫양",
                    "text": "관문파괴 숫양은 당신이 조종하는 관문 한 개당 +1/+1을 받는다.\n당신이 관문을 두 개 이상 조종하는 한, 관문파괴 숫양은 경계와 돌진을 가진다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 양"
                    "flavorText": "Aquela coisa que chamam de \"aríete\" não se compara ao artigo genuíno.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459083,
                    "name": "Carneiro Quebra-portões",
                    "text": "Carneiro Quebra-portões recebe +1/+1 para cada Portão que você controla.\nEnquanto você controlar dois ou mais Portões, Carneiro Quebra-portões terá vigilância e atropelar.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ovelha"
                    "flavorText": "На таранах изображают голову архара, но они — лишь бледное подобие настоящих зверей.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459342,
                    "name": "Архар-Воротолом",
                    "text": "Архар-Воротолом получает +1/+1 за каждые Врата под вашим контролем.\nПока у вас под контролем есть не менее двух Врат, Архар-Воротолом имеет Бдительность и Пробивной удар.",
                    "type": "Существо — Овца"
                    "flavorText": "所谓的「羊头撞锤」在原型面前相形见绌。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459601,
                    "name": "破门公羊",
                    "text": "你每操控一个门,破门公羊便得+1/+1。\n只要你操控两个或更多门,破门公羊便具有警戒与践踏异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~绵羊"
                    "flavorText": "所謂的「羊頭撞槌」在原型面前相形見絀。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459860,
                    "name": "破門公羊",
                    "text": "你每操控一個門,破門公羊便得+1/+1。\n只要你操控兩個或更多門,破門公羊便具有警戒與踐踏異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~綿羊"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457270,
            "name": "Gatebreaker Ram",
            "number": "126",
            "originalText": "Gatebreaker Ram gets +1/+1 for each Gate you control.\nAs long as you control two or more Gates, Gatebreaker Ram has vigilance and trample.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Sheep",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
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            "scryfallId": "5ef592d1-e5e1-4252-8741-402c32d65dfd",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183333,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Gatebreaker Ram gets +1/+1 for each Gate you control.\nAs long as you control two or more Gates, Gatebreaker Ram has vigilance and trample.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Sheep",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0997fe48-2536-556d-b8ad-c16a64bb5069",
            "uuidV421": "e823fdd7-b738-5a6c-8465-d39a382f5b96"
            "artist": "Eytan Zana",
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            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "When the Izzet's spirit of invention extends to the city's infrastructure, the results are sometimes explosive.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wenn der Erfindergeist der Izzet sich auf die Infrastruktur der Stadt erstreckt, führt das manchmal zu explosiven Resultaten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457505,
                    "name": "Lodernde Tore",
                    "text": "Die Lodernden Tore fügen jeder Kreatur X Schadenspunkte zu, wobei X gleich der Anzahl an Toren ist, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Cuando el espíritu inventivo de los ízzet se aplica a la infraestructura de la ciudad, los resultados a veces son explosivos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457764,
                    "name": "Portales en llamas",
                    "text": "Los Portales en llamas hacen X puntos de daño a cada criatura, donde X es la cantidad de Portales que controlas.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Quand l'esprit inventif d'Izzet s'étend à l'infrastructure de la ville, le résultat est parfois explosif.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458023,
                    "name": "Les portes embrasées",
                    "text": "Les portes embrasées infligent X blessures à chaque créature, X étant le nombre de portes que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Quando lo spirito d'inventiva degli Izzet si estende all'infrastruttura della città, i risultati possono essere esplosivi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458282,
                    "name": "Cancelli in Fiamme",
                    "text": "I Cancelli in Fiamme infliggono X danni a ogni creatura, dove X è il numero di Cancelli che controlli.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "イゼットの発明家気質が都市の基盤へと及ぶと、結果は時として爆発的なものになる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458541,
                    "name": "燃え立つ門",
                    "text": "燃え立つ門は各クリーチャーにそれぞれX点のダメージを与える。Xはあなたがコントロールしている門の総数に等しい。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "이젯의 발명가 정신이 도시의 기반시설로 확장되면, 그 결과는 때로 폭발과 관련되기 마련이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458800,
                    "name": "불타는 관문",
                    "text": "불타는 관문은 각 생물에게 피해 X점을 입힌다. X는 당신이 조종하는 관문의 수이다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Quando o espírito de invenção dos Izzet se estende à infraestrutura da cidade, os resultados às vezes são explosivos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459059,
                    "name": "Portões em Chamas",
                    "text": "Portões em Chamas causa X pontos de dano a cada criatura, sendo X o número de Portões que você controla.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Когда изобретательский запал Иззетов распространяется на городскую инфраструктуру, результаты порой бывают взрывными.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459318,
                    "name": "Пылающие Врата",
                    "text": "Пылающие Врата наносят X повреждений каждому существу, где X — количество Врат под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "当伊捷将创新精神拓展到城市的基础建设上后,有时会收获爆炸性的结果。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459577,
                    "name": "城门失火",
                    "text": "城门失火对每个生物各造成X点伤害,X为由你操控的门数量。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "當伊捷將創新精神拓展到城市的基礎建設上後,有時會收穫爆炸性的結果。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459836,
                    "name": "城門失火",
                    "text": "城門失火對每個生物各造成X點傷害,X為由你操控的門數量。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457246,
            "name": "Gates Ablaze",
            "number": "102",
            "originalText": "Gates Ablaze deals X damage to each creature, where X is the number of Gates you control.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "2b574b44-01e1-4197-99bd-57e54aebc5ff",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "75802fa9-b1c3-4ddd-9382-f1e1ca13f99a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3b97bf8e-d5c4-4eae-a453-73456e0461a1",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183212,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Gates Ablaze deals X damage to each creature, where X is the number of Gates you control.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9e110c1c-34db-5c74-aa2a-400cdca9e1fb",
            "uuidV421": "cf5538e7-00fa-5539-9ecd-d010397a4709"
            "artist": "Jedd Chevrier",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "The Chamber of the Guildpact has fallen silent, its bright promise broken.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Kammer des Gildenbunds ist verstummt, ihr strahlendes Versprechen gebrochen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457650,
                    "name": "Torplatz",
                    "text": "Der Torplatz kommt getappt ins Spiel.\nWenn der Torplatz ins Spiel kommt, opfere ihn, es sei denn, du bezahlst {1}.\n{T}: Erzeuge ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe.",
                    "type": "Land — Tor"
                    "flavorText": "La Cámara del Pacto entre Gremios enmudeció. La esperanzadora promesa de su existencia aún flota en el aire, rota.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457909,
                    "name": "Plaza de los portales",
                    "text": "La Plaza de los portales entra al campo de batalla girada.\nCuando la Plaza de los portales entre al campo de batalla, sacrifícala a menos que pagues {1}.\n{T}: Agrega un maná de cualquier color.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Portal"
                    "flavorText": "La Chambre du Pacte des Guildes est désormais silencieuse, sa belle promesse rompue.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458168,
                    "name": "Place des portails",
                    "text": "La Place des portails arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\nQuand la Place des portails arrive sur le champ de bataille, sacrifiez-la à moins que vous ne payiez {1}.\n{T} : Ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix.",
                    "type": "Terrain : porte"
                    "flavorText": "Il Seggio del Patto delle Gilde è avvolto dal silenzio, ora che la sua promessa splendente è stata infranta.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458427,
                    "name": "Piazza dei Cancelli",
                    "text": "La Piazza dei Cancelli entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpata.\nQuando la Piazza dei Cancelli entra nel campo di battaglia, sacrificala a meno che non paghi {1}.\n{T}: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore.",
                    "type": "Terra — Cancello"
                    "flavorText": "ギルドパクト庁舎は静まり返り、輝かしい約束は崩壊した。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458686,
                    "name": "ギルド門通りの公有地",
                    "text": "ギルド門通りの公有地はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\nギルド門通りの公有地が戦場に出たとき、あなたが{1}を支払わないかぎり、これを生け贄に捧げる。\n{T}:好きな色1色のマナ1点を加える。",
                    "type": "土地 — 門"
                    "flavorText": "밝은 약속이 깨어진 채, 길드팩트 회의소는 침묵을 지켰다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458945,
                    "name": "관문 광장",
                    "text": "관문 광장은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n관문 광장이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 {1}을 지불하지 않으면 관문 광장을 희생한다.\n{T}: 원하는 색의 마나 한 개를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 관문"
                    "flavorText": "A Câmara do Pacto das Guildas caiu no silêncio, sem cumprir sua brilhante promessa.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459204,
                    "name": "Praça do Portão",
                    "text": "Praça do Portão entra no campo de batalha virada.\nQuando Praça do Portão entrar no campo de batalha, sacrifique-a, a menos que você pague {1}.\n{T}: Adicione um mana de qualquer cor.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Portão"
                    "flavorText": "Палата Договора Гильдий обезлюдела: ее светлое обещание нарушено.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459463,
                    "name": "Привратная Площадь",
                    "text": "Привратная Площадь выходит на поле битвы повернутой.\nКогда Привратная Площадь выходит на поле битвы, пожертвуйте ее, если только вы не заплатите {1}.\n{T}: добавьте одну ману любого цвета.",
                    "type": "Земля — Врата"
                    "flavorText": "十会盟堂归于寂静,它代表的光明希望也一并破碎。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459722,
                    "name": "门前广场",
                    "text": "门前广场须横置进战场。\n当门前广场进战场时,除非你支付{1},否则牺牲之。\n{T}:加一点任意颜色的法术力。",
                    "type": "地 ~门"
                    "flavorText": "十會盟堂歸于寂靜,它代表的光明希望也一併破碎。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459981,
                    "name": "門前廣場",
                    "text": "門前廣場須橫置進戰場。\n當門前廣場進戰場時,除非你支付{1},否則犧牲之。\n{T}:加一點任意顏色的魔法力。",
                    "type": "地 ~門"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457391,
            "name": "Gateway Plaza",
            "number": "247",
            "originalText": "Gateway Plaza enters the battlefield tapped.\nWhen Gateway Plaza enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you pay {1}.\n{T}: Add one mana of any color.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "3433a2c2-d252-4cd8-97e8-389875b2cda0",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "93c2cd57-9165-45d8-bce5-20b258a15aa3",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a6543f71-0326-4e1f-b58f-9ce325d5d036",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183344,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Gateway Plaza enters the battlefield tapped.\nWhen Gateway Plaza enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you pay {1}.\n{T}: Add one mana of any color.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "277862eb-1bae-5c16-8087-1a277e9cc009",
            "uuidV421": "c639fd9f-5980-5247-bc66-9964691a81b1"
            "artist": "Matt Stewart",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I've been through every guild gate in this city, and no one sees me come or go.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich habe jeden Gildeneingang in dieser Stadt durchquert, und niemand hat mich je gesehen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457443,
                    "name": "Torschleicherin",
                    "text": "Immer wenn ein Tor unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel kommt, kann die Torschleicherin in diesem Zug nicht geblockt werden.\nImmer wenn die Torschleicherin einem Spieler Kampfschaden zufügt, ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vedalken, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "\"He cruzado todos los portales de esta ciudad y nunca me ve nadie\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457702,
                    "name": "Escurridiza de los portales",
                    "text": "Siempre que un Portal entre al campo de batalla bajo tu control, la Escurridiza de los portales no puede ser bloqueada este turno.\nSiempre que la Escurridiza de los portales haga daño de combate a un jugador, roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón vedalken"
                    "flavorText": "« J'ai passé toutes les portes de guilde de cette ville, et personne ne me voit aller et venir. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457961,
                    "name": "Moucharde des portails",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'une porte arrive sur le champ de bataille sous votre contrôle, la Moucharde des portails ne peut pas être bloquée ce tour-ci.\nÀ chaque fois que la Moucharde des portails inflige des blessures de combat à un joueur, piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : vedalken et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ho attraversato tutti i cancelli delle gilde di questa città e nessuno mi ha mai vista entrare o uscire.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458220,
                    "name": "Furtiva dei Cancelli",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta un Cancello entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, la Furtiva dei Cancelli non può essere bloccata in questo turno.\nOgniqualvolta la Furtiva dei Cancelli infligge danno da combattimento a un giocatore, pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Vedalken"
                    "flavorText": "「この都市のあらゆるギルド門を通ってきたけど、誰も私の出入りに気付かなかった。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458479,
                    "name": "門道の密行者",
                    "text": "門が1つあなたのコントロール下で戦場に出るたび、このターン、門道の密行者はブロックされない。\n門道の密行者がプレイヤー1人に戦闘ダメージを与えるたび、カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ヴィダルケン・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 이 도시의 모든 길드관문을 지나다녔지만, 아무도 내 흔적을 보지 못했지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458738,
                    "name": "관문로 기습꾼",
                    "text": "관문이 당신의 조종하에 전장에 들어올 때마다, 관문로 기습꾼은 이 턴에 방어될 수 없다.\n관문로 기습꾼이 플레이어에게 전투피해를 입힐 때마다, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 베달켄 도적"
                    "flavorText": "\"Já cruzei todos os portões de guilda da cidade. Ninguém me vê entrar nem sair.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458997,
                    "name": "Infiltradora de Portões",
                    "text": "Toda vez que um Portão entrar no campo de batalha sob o seu controle, Infiltradora de Portões não poderá ser bloqueada neste turno.\nToda vez que Infiltradora de Portões causar dano de combate a um jogador, compre um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vedalkeano Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "«Я проходила через каждые гильдейские врата в этом городе, и меня ни разу никто не заметил».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459256,
                    "name": "Привратная Воровка",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Врата выходят на поле битвы под вашим контролем, Привратная Воровка не может быть заблокирована в этом ходу.\nКаждый раз, когда Привратная Воровка наносит боевые повреждения игроку, возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Ведалкен Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "「我已拜访过全城每一扇公会门,但从未有人见我进出。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459515,
                    "name": "门前偷袭客",
                    "text": "每当一个门在你的操控下进战场时,门前偷袭客本回合不能被阻挡。\n每当门前偷袭客对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~维多肯/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "「我已拜訪過全城每一扇公會門,但從未有人見我進出。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459774,
                    "name": "門前偷襲客",
                    "text": "每當一個門在你的操控下進戰場時,門前偷襲客本回合不能被阻擋。\n每當門前偷襲客對任一玩家造成戰鬥傷害時,抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~維多肯/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457184,
            "name": "Gateway Sneak",
            "number": "40",
            "originalText": "Whenever a Gate enters the battlefield under your control, Gateway Sneak can't be blocked this turn.\nWhenever Gateway Sneak deals combat damage to a player, draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vedalken Rogue",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "edc0229d-05e6-41b7-b7a9-2a8b2b258add",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "57a6f144-cead-481f-9683-ef903f1023d5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "66c227f2-0e74-43e2-ab24-3866d15c5eef",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183332,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever a Gate enters the battlefield under your control, Gateway Sneak can't be blocked this turn.\nWhenever Gateway Sneak deals combat damage to a player, draw a card.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Vedalken Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4ba8b064-c73c-567d-a052-40a80a31fade",
            "uuidV421": "6b15799e-1041-58f0-9f8c-23e33c259334"
            "artist": "Steve Argyle",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Vraska sees the grandeur in death but misses the hilarity.\"\n—Judith",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Vraska versteht die Würde des Todes, aber sie verkennt dessen Komik.\"\n—Judith",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457579,
                    "name": "Spitzensport",
                    "text": "Zerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. Hellsicht 1.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vraska ve la grandeza de la muerte, pero no capta su hilaridad\".\n—Judith",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457838,
                    "name": "Al filo de la emoción",
                    "text": "Destruye la criatura objetivo. Adivina 1.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Vraska voit la grandeur de la mort mais n'en saisit pas l'hilarité. »\n—Judith",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458097,
                    "name": "Droit au but",
                    "text": "Détruisez la créature ciblée. Regard 1.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vraska riconosce la maestà della morte, ma non ne coglie l'ilarità.\"\n—Judith",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458356,
                    "name": "Colpire nel Segno",
                    "text": "Distruggi una creatura bersaglio. Profetizza 1.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「ヴラスカは死の偉大さを理解しても、面白さを分かってないわ。」\n――ジュディス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458615,
                    "name": "的中",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。占術1を行う。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"브라스카는 죽음의 장엄함은 이해하지만 그 유쾌함은 놓치고 말지.\"\n—주디스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458874,
                    "name": "요점 정리",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다. 점술 1을 한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vraska vê o lado grandioso da morte, mas ignora o hilário.\"\n— Judith",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459133,
                    "name": "Performance de Ponta",
                    "text": "Destrua a criatura alvo. Vidência 1.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Враска видит величие смерти, но не замечает ее смехотворности».\n— Джудит",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459392,
                    "name": "Колкая Острота",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевое существо. Предскажите 1.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「瓦丝卡看见了死亡的壮美,但却错过了其中的乐趣。」\n~裘蒂丝",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459651,
                    "name": "直击要害",
                    "text": "消灭目标生物。占卜1。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「瓦絲卡看見了死亡的壯美,但卻錯過了其中的樂趣。」\n~裘蒂絲",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459910,
                    "name": "直擊要害",
                    "text": "消滅目標生物。占卜1。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{B}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457320,
            "name": "Get the Point",
            "number": "176",
            "originalText": "Destroy target creature. Scry 1.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the chosen target becomes an illegal target for Get the Point, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t scry 1. If the target is legal but not destroyed (most likely because it has indestructible), you do scry 1."
            "scryfallId": "821c4ab5-eb75-445a-bbec-e50af54dba7a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8b8e274a-0bb7-4b38-af0f-3f43411feb1c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "57c704bc-8dff-4b90-b4e1-38d12e41b3d1",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183359,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy target creature. Scry 1.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "45136d79-8bbc-50bb-8c06-0163e6920a8d",
            "uuidV421": "00c174b9-93c1-542b-a70b-15722b6df5df",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "David Palumbo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Today the Rubblebelt is a bit larger. That's a good day's work.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Jetzt ist der Geröllstreifen etwas größer. Gute Arbeit für einen Tag.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457506,
                    "name": "Ghor-Clan-Abwracker",
                    "text": "Aufruhr (Du bestimmst, ob diese Kreatur mit einer +1/+1-Marke oder mit Eile ins Spiel kommt.)\nBedrohlich (Diese Kreatur kann nicht geblockt werden, außer von zwei oder mehr Kreaturen.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"Hoy, Barrioescombros es un poco más grande. Fue un día productivo\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457765,
                    "name": "Destructor del clan Ghor",
                    "text": "Insurgencia. (Esta criatura entra al campo de batalla con lo que elijas: un contador +1/+1 o la habilidad de prisa.)\nAmenaza. (Esta criatura no puede ser bloqueada excepto por dos o más criaturas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Aujourd'hui, les Éboulis sont un peu plus vastes. Nous avons bien travaillé. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458024,
                    "name": "Démolisseur du clan Ghor",
                    "text": "Émeute (Cette créature arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, selon votre choix, un marqueur +1/+1 ou la célérité.)\nMenace (Cette créature ne peut pas être bloquée excepté par deux créatures ou plus.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Oggi la Zona di Macerie è un po' più grande. Abbiamo fatto un buon lavoro.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458283,
                    "name": "Distruttore del Clan Ghor",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Questa creatura entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 o rapidità a tua scelta.)\nMinacciare (Questa creatura non può essere bloccata tranne che da due o più creature.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「今日は瓦礫帯が少し大きいな。丸一日かかりそうだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458542,
                    "name": "ゴーア族の破壊者",
                    "text": "暴動(このクリーチャーは+1/+1カウンター1個か速攻のうちあなたが選んだ1つを持った状態で戦場に出る。)\n威迫(このクリーチャーは2体以上のクリーチャーによってしかブロックされない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"폐허지구가 오늘 좀 더 커졌다. 일 한번 잘 했군.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458801,
                    "name": "고르 부족 파괴자",
                    "text": "폭동 (이 생물은 당신의 선택에 따라 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 또는 신속을 가지고 전장에 들어온다.)\n호전적 (이 생물은 두 개 이상의 생물에만 방어될 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Hoje a Faixa de Escombros ficou um pouco maior. Foi um dia bom.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459060,
                    "name": "Demolidor do Clã Ghor",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Esta criatura entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 ou ímpeto, à sua escolha.)\nAmeaçar (Esta criatura só pode ser bloqueada por duas ou mais criaturas.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Сегодня Кольцо Руин стало немного больше. День прошел не зря».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459319,
                    "name": "Крушитель из Клана Гхор",
                    "text": "Беспорядки (Это существо выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 или Ускорением, по вашему выбору.)\nУгроза (Это существо не может быть заблокировано менее чем двумя существами.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「今天瓦砾区的占地又扩大了。干得不错。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459578,
                    "name": "高尔族毁坏者",
                    "text": "起事(于此生物进战场时,你选择「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」异能。它进战场时上面有所选加成。)\n威慑(此生物只能被两个或更多生物阻挡。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「今天瓦礫區的佔地又擴大了。幹得不錯。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459837,
                    "name": "高爾族毀壞者",
                    "text": "起事(於此生物進戰場時,你選擇「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」異能。它進戰場時上面有所選加成。)\n威懾(此生物只能被兩個或更多生物阻擋。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457247,
            "name": "Ghor-Clan Wrecker",
            "number": "103",
            "originalText": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nMenace (This creature can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
            "scryfallId": "4da3969c-1979-4eee-828a-4a7189121eba",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d23cce4e-f031-43c6-8135-daa9f8b932f1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b113285c-80b2-46dd-874e-201d26979518",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183390,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nMenace (This creature can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "bd4f3c95-dbd2-5896-8f0d-f0b6ea91bf70",
            "uuidV421": "74ee8093-534c-5ab5-b1a3-e38e72084d7c",
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            "artist": "Lius Lasahido",
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            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"When the sky screams, when the ground groans, the End-Raze will soon begin.\"\n—Nikya of the Old Ways",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wenn der Himmel heult, wenn die Erde erzittert, dann ist die Apokalypse nahe.\"\n—Nikya, Bewahrerin der Tradition",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457530,
                    "name": "Gabe der Stärke",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +3/+3 und Reichweite bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Cuando los cielos chillen y la tierra ruja, el Arrasamiento Final no tardará en comenzar\".\n—Nikya de las viejas costumbres",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457789,
                    "name": "Don de la fuerza",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +3/+3 y gana la habilidad de alcance hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Lorsque le ciel hurlera et que le sol grondera, bientôt commencera le Grand Terrassement. »\n—Nikya des Traditions",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458048,
                    "name": "Don de force",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +3/+3 et acquiert la portée jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quando il cielo grida, quando la terra geme, la Devastazione finale sarà prossima.\"\n—Nikya delle Antiche Usanze",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458307,
                    "name": "Dono della Forza",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +3/+3 e ha raggiungere fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「空が叫び、大地がうなるとき、終末の祟りの訪れは近い。」\n――旧き道のニーキャ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458566,
                    "name": "活力の贈り物",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+3/+3の修整を受け到達を得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"하늘이 비명을 지를 때, 땅이 신음소리를 낼 때, 종말의 파괴가 시작되리라.\"\n—고대 전통의 사도 니캬",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458825,
                    "name": "힘의 선물",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +3/+3을 받고 대공을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quando o céu gritar, quando o chão gemer, o Arrasamento Final começará em breve.\"\n— Nikya dos Métodos Antigos",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459084,
                    "name": "Dádiva da Força",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +3/+3 e ganha alcance até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Когда небо кричит, когда земля стонет — это знак: скоро начнется Последнее Разрушение».\n— Никия, приверженка старины",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459343,
                    "name": "Дар Силы",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +3/+3 и Захват до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「当天空尖啸、大地低吟,便是灭世劫之始。」\n~古式信徒妮恰",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459602,
                    "name": "力量赋礼",
                    "text": "直到回合结束,目标生物得+3/+3且获得延势异能。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「當天空尖嘯、大地低吟,便是滅世劫之始。」\n~古式信徒妮恰",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459861,
                    "name": "力量賦禮",
                    "text": "直到回合結束,目標生物得+3/+3且獲得延勢異能。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "name": "Gift of Strength",
            "number": "127",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +3/+3 and gains reach until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183415,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets +3/+3 and gains reach until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
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            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Counterbalanced forces sustain this city. No faction above others. A beautiful idea.\"\n—Emmara",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Diese Stadt wird durch eine Balance der Mächte erhalten. Keine Gruppierung steht über den anderen. Eine wunderbare Idee.\"\n—Emmara",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Glasmosaik des Gildenbunds",
                    "text": "Mehrfarbige Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"El equilibrio de fuerzas sostiene esta ciudad. No hay una facción por encima de otra. Es una buena idea\".\n—Emmara",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457895,
                    "name": "Vidriera del Pacto entre Gremios",
                    "text": "Las criaturas multicolores que controlas obtienen +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« Des forces équilibrées soutiennent cette ville. Aucune faction n'est au-dessus des autres. C'est une belle idée. »\n—Emmara",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458154,
                    "name": "Vitrail du Pacte des Guildes",
                    "text": "Les créatures multicolores que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"Questa città è sostenuta da forze in equilibrio tra loro. Nessuna fazione è superiore alle altre. È un'idea meravigliosa.\"\n—Emmara",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458413,
                    "name": "Vetrata del Patto delle Gilde",
                    "text": "Le creature multicolore che controlli prendono +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「力の相殺によってこの街は維持されている。どの派閥も他を上回らない。素晴らしい考え方です。」\n――イマーラ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458672,
                    "name": "ギルドパクトのガラス壁",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしている多色のクリーチャーは+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"균형 잡힌 세력들이 이 도시를 유지시켜 준다. 어느 진영도 다른 이들의 위에 있지 않고. 멋진 생각이지.\"\n—에마라",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458931,
                    "name": "길드팩트의 창문",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 다색 생물들은 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Forças contrabalanceadas sustentam esta cidade. Nenhuma facção acima das outras. Uma linda ideia.\"\n— Emmara",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459190,
                    "name": "Vitral do Pacto das Guildas",
                    "text": "As criaturas multicoloridas que você controla recebem +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Жизнь города поддерживают силы, уравновешивающие и сдерживающие друг друга. Ни одна сторона не возвышается над остальными. Какая чудесная мысль!»\n— Эммара",
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                    "name": "Витраж Договора Гильдий",
                    "text": "Многоцветные существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「各派相互制衡,维系城市发展。没人能够凌驾他人之上。真是绝妙的主意。」\n~艾玛拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459708,
                    "name": "十会盟彩窗",
                    "text": "由你操控的多色生物得+1/+1。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「各派相互制衡,維繫城市發展。沒人能夠凌駕他人之上。真是絕妙的主意。」\n~艾瑪拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459967,
                    "name": "十會盟彩窗",
                    "text": "由你操控的多色生物得+1/+1。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}",
            "multiverseId": 457377,
            "name": "Glass of the Guildpact",
            "number": "233",
            "originalText": "Multicolored creatures you control get +1/+1.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
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            "scryfallId": "d1022d41-c1d0-42bf-b3e5-d6fb02d47119",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "62a014fd-5155-4196-8dd7-759e968e8f4e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a967921c-cfd4-422c-a08b-42cdd80f89c0",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183377,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Multicolored creatures you control get +1/+1.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "79a1ee2c-16d9-5ae4-acd5-f05c64110a7a",
            "uuidV421": "b112c9a9-dd55-59ca-9221-7d1b6257b914"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Two's a party. Three's a felony.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Zwei sind 'ne Party. Drei sind ein Kapitalverbrechen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457507,
                    "name": "Goblin-Versammlung",
                    "text": "Erzeuge so viele 1/1 rote Goblin-Kreaturenspielsteine, wie die Anzahl an Karten namens Goblin-Versammlung in deinem Friedhof plus zwei beträgt.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Dos hacen una fiesta. Tres, un crimen en potencia.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457766,
                    "name": "Reunión de trasgos",
                    "text": "Crea una cantidad de fichas de criatura Trasgo rojas 1/1 igual a dos más la cantidad de cartas llamadas Reunión de trasgos en tu cementerio.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Deux, c'est un délice. Trois, c'est un délit.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458025,
                    "name": "Rassemblement de gobelins",
                    "text": "Créez un nombre de jetons de créature 1/1 rouge Gobelin égal à 2 plus le nombre de cartes appelées Rassemblement de gobelins dans votre cimetière.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "In due è una festa, in tre è un reato.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458284,
                    "name": "Raduno di Goblin",
                    "text": "Crea un numero di pedine creatura Goblin 1/1 rosse pari a due più il numero di carte chiamate Raduno di Goblin nel tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "二匹なら大騒ぎ。三匹なら大事件。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458543,
                    "name": "ゴブリンの集会",
                    "text": "赤の1/1のゴブリン・クリーチャー・トークンを、あなたの墓地にある「ゴブリンの集会」という名前のカードの枚数に2を足した数に等しい数生成する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "둘로는 파티를. 셋으로는 범죄를.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458802,
                    "name": "고블린 집회",
                    "text": "당신의 무덤에 있는 이름이 고블린 집회인 카드의 수에 2를 더한 수만큼 1/1 적색 고블린 생물 토큰을 만든다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Dois é festa. Três é crime.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459061,
                    "name": "Encontro de Goblins",
                    "text": "Crie um número de fichas de criatura vermelha 1/1 do tipo Goblin igual a dois mais o número de cards com o nome Encontro de Goblins em seu cemitério.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Двое — уже веселая компания. Трое — преступление.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459320,
                    "name": "Гоблинское Собрание",
                    "text": "Создайте фишки существа 1/1 красный Гоблин в количестве, равном двум плюс число карт с именем Гоблинское Собрание на вашем кладбище.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "两个开派对。三个闯大祸。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459579,
                    "name": "鬼怪集群",
                    "text": "派出若干1/1红色鬼怪衍生生物,其数量等同于你坟墓场中名称为鬼怪集群之牌的数量加二。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "兩個開派對。三個闖大禍。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459838,
                    "name": "鬼怪集群",
                    "text": "派出若干1/1紅色鬼怪衍生生物,其數量等同於你墳墓場中名稱為鬼怪集群之牌的數量加二。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457248,
            "name": "Goblin Gathering",
            "number": "104",
            "originalText": "Create a number of 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens equal to two plus the number of cards named Goblin Gathering in your graveyard.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Goblin Gathering is still on the stack while you count the cards named Goblin Gathering in your graveyard. It doesn’t count itself."
            "scryfallId": "147bef05-4497-44d5-9dd6-fb5dc08e78f7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3d23e9d3-fe8b-4374-a953-ed0abb54021b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "01f06642-015f-40b4-a940-af576ad9e82c",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183392,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Create a number of 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens equal to two plus the number of cards named Goblin Gathering in your graveyard.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4246897e-0a8a-595b-b550-52ca9b43bcd9",
            "uuidV421": "f6a8ca15-60a3-5e2d-b2f3-21501ef9c8e1"
            "artist": "Jenn Ravenna",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "Sin is debt, and absolution is paid in tithes of gold and blood.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Sünden sind Schulden, und Vergebung wird mit Gold und Blut erkauft.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457651,
                    "name": "Gottloser Schrein",
                    "text": "({T}: Erzeuge {W} oder {B}.)\nSowie der Gottlose Schrein ins Spiel kommt, kannst du 2 Lebenspunkte bezahlen. Falls du dies nicht tust, kommt er getappt ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Land — Ebene, Sumpf"
                    "flavorText": "El pecado es una deuda, y la absolución se paga en diezmos de oro y sangre.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457910,
                    "name": "Altar sin dios",
                    "text": "({T}: Agrega {W} o {B}.)\nEn cuanto el Altar sin dios entre al campo de batalla, puedes pagar 2 vidas. Si no lo haces, entra al campo de batalla girado.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Llanura pantano"
                    "flavorText": "La dette est un péché, et l'absolution se paye en dîme d'or et de sang.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458169,
                    "name": "Reliquaire impie",
                    "text": "({T} : Ajoutez {W} ou {B}.)\nAu moment où le Reliquaire impie arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez payer 2 points de vie. Si vous ne le faites pas, il arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé.",
                    "type": "Terrain : plaine et marais"
                    "flavorText": "Ogni peccato è un debito e l'assoluzione si paga con tributi d'oro e di sangue.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458428,
                    "name": "Santuario Senza Dio",
                    "text": "({T}: Aggiungi {W} o {B}.)\nMentre il Santuario Senza Dio entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi pagare 2 punti vita. Se non lo fai, entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.",
                    "type": "Terra — Pianura Palude"
                    "flavorText": "罪は債務だ。赦しは金と血の徴税で支払われる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458687,
                    "name": "神無き祭殿",
                    "text": "({T}:{W}か{B}を加える。)\n神無き祭殿が戦場に出るに際し、あなたは2点のライフを支払ってもよい。そうしないなら、これはタップ状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "土地 — 平地・沼"
                    "flavorText": "죄는 빚이며, 면죄부는 금과 피로 사야 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458946,
                    "name": "신이 떠난 신전",
                    "text": "({T}: {W} 또는 {B}를 추가한다.)\n신이 떠난 신전이 전장에 들어오면서, 당신은 생명 2점을 지불할 수 있다. 그러지 않으면, 신이 떠난 신전은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 들 늪"
                    "flavorText": "O pecado é uma dívida, e a absolvição é paga em dízimos de sangue e ouro.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459205,
                    "name": "Sacrário Ateísta",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {W} ou {B}.\nConforme Sacrário Ateísta entra no campo de batalha, você pode pagar 2 pontos de vida. Se não fizer isso, ele entrará no campo de batalha virado.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Planície Pântano"
                    "flavorText": "Грех — это долг, и за отпущение греха ты платишь десятину золотом и кровью.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459464,
                    "name": "Нечестивый Алтарь",
                    "text": "({T}: добавьте {W} или {B}.)\nПри выходе Нечестивого Алтаря на поле битвы вы можете заплатить 2 жизни. Если вы этого не делаете, он выходит на поле битвы повернутым.",
                    "type": "Земля — Равнина Болото"
                    "flavorText": "恶行即为债务,需上缴黄金与鲜血来谋求宽恕。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459723,
                    "name": "无神祭祠",
                    "text": "({T}:加{W}或{B}。)\n于无神祭祠进战场时,你可以支付2点生命。如果你未如此作,则无神祭祠须横置进战场。",
                    "type": "地 ~平原/沼泽"
                    "flavorText": "惡行即為債務,需上繳黃金與鮮血來謀求寬恕。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459982,
                    "name": "無神祭祠",
                    "text": "({T}:加{W}或{B}。)\n於無神祭祠進戰場時,你可以支付2點生命。如果你未如此作,則無神祭祠須橫置進戰場。",
                    "type": "地 ~平原/沼澤"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457392,
            "name": "Godless Shrine",
            "number": "248",
            "originalText": "({T}: Add {W} or {B}.)\nAs Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "originalType": "Land — Plains Swamp",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Unlike most dual lands, this land has two basic land types. It’s not basic, so cards such as District Guide can’t find it, but it does have the appropriate land types for effects such as that of Drowned Catacomb (from the Ixalan set)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect puts this land onto the battlefield tapped, you may pay 2 life, but it still enters tapped."
            "scryfallId": "ced4c824-2dfc-42ae-84e6-09f8e3f51b5b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9656f2d2-451f-4499-91f2-c8520eced991",
            "scryfallOracleId": "73864fcc-1bde-4bc0-831e-2b93e546e417",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182836,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "({T}: Add {W} or {B}.)\nAs Godless Shrine enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "type": "Land — Plains Swamp",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5bc39a75-2ffe-5419-8b1d-24b74a12932c",
            "uuidV421": "1cfbea5e-592a-5a19-9f9e-6b97ab9da7e4",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Seb McKinnon",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Debt due! Debt due!\" The thrull's screeching makes children flinch and debtors quail. \"Debt due!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Schuld begleichen! Schuld begleichen!\" Das Kreischen des Thrulls lässt Kinder und Schuldner erzittern. „Schuld begleichen!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457580,
                    "name": "Habgieriger Thrull",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nWenn der Habgierige Thrull ins Spiel kommt, fügt er jedem Gegner 2 Schadenspunkte zu und du erhältst 2 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Thrull"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Deuda pendiente! ¡Deuda pendiente!\". Los chillidos de los thrull hacen estremecer a los niños y temblar a los deudores. \"¡Deuda pendiente!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457839,
                    "name": "Thrull rapaz",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nCuando el Thrull rapaz entre al campo de batalla, hace 2 puntos de daño a cada oponente y tú ganas 2 vidas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Thrull"
                    "flavorText": "« Échéance ! Échéance ! » Le cri strident des srânes fait reculer les enfants et trembler les débiteurs. « Échéance ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458098,
                    "name": "Srâne saisissant",
                    "text": "Vol\nQuand le Srâne saisissant arrive sur le champ de bataille, il inflige 2 blessures à chaque adversaire et vous gagnez 2 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : srâne"
                    "flavorText": "\"Debito scaduto! Debito scaduto!\", strillava il thrull, facendo rabbrividire i bambini e terrorizzando i debitori. \"Debito scaduto!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458357,
                    "name": "Thrull Artigliante",
                    "text": "Volare\nQuando il Thrull Artigliante entra nel campo di battaglia, infligge 2 danni a ogni avversario e tu guadagni 2 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Thrull"
                    "flavorText": "「ヘンサイ!ヘンサイ!」このスラルの金切り声は子どもたちを驚かせ債務者を怯えさせる。「ヘンサイ!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458616,
                    "name": "欲深いスラル",
                    "text": "飛行\n欲深いスラルが戦場に出たとき、これは各対戦相手にそれぞれ2点のダメージを与え、あなたは2点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スラル"
                    "flavorText": "\"빚 갚을 때가 됐다! 빚 갚을 때가 됐다!\" 스럴의 외침은 어린아이들을 움츠리게 하고 빚진 자들의 기를 죽인다. \"빚 갚을 때가 됐다!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458875,
                    "name": "낚아채는 스럴",
                    "text": "비행\n낚아채는 스럴이 전장에 들어올 때, 낚아채는 스럴은 각 상대에게 피해 2점을 입히고 당신은 생명 2점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 스럴"
                    "flavorText": "\"Atraaaso! Atraaaso!\" O grasnar do thrull assustam as crianças e aterrorizam os devedores. \"Atraaaso!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459134,
                    "name": "Thrull Agarrador",
                    "text": "Voar\nQuando Thrull Agarrador entra no campo de batalha, ele causa 2 pontos de dano a cada oponente e você ganha 2 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Thrull"
                    "flavorText": "«Срок платежа! Срок платежа! — от верещания трулла вздрагивали дети и бледнели должники. — Срок платежа!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459393,
                    "name": "Цепкий Трулл",
                    "text": "Полет\nКогда Цепкий Трулл выходит на поле битвы, он наносит 2 повреждения каждому оппоненту, а вы получаете 2 жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Трулл"
                    "flavorText": "「收债了!收债了!」索尔兽的尖鸣声让孩子们畏惧,令负债者心惊。「收债了!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459652,
                    "name": "攫掠索尔兽",
                    "text": "飞行\n当攫掠索尔兽进战场时,它向每位对手各造成2点伤害且你获得2点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~索尔兽"
                    "flavorText": "「收債了!收債了!」索爾獸的尖鳴聲讓孩子們畏懼,令負債者心驚。「收債了!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459911,
                    "name": "攫掠索爾獸",
                    "text": "飛行\n當攫掠索爾獸進戰場時,它向每位對手各造成2點傷害且你獲得2點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~索爾獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457321,
            "name": "Grasping Thrull",
            "number": "177",
            "originalText": "Flying\nWhen Grasping Thrull enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to each opponent and you gain 2 life.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Thrull",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Grasping Thrull’s second ability causes the opposing team to lose 4 life and you gain 2 life."
            "scryfallId": "56f82d97-ce50-490c-ad7f-46d70a73e454",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "98b76f16-5ae1-4e38-a1c1-492045da6642",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ec8a14d4-6ca0-43b1-abf6-0c129daf8350",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183084,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nWhen Grasping Thrull enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to each opponent and you gain 2 life.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Thrull",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b44e0dfb-bc40-532e-ba0b-85c5ba0e4870",
            "uuidV421": "49ddd30d-0505-50a5-b63c-5ef289e3418b",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Jonathan Kuo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"No peace accord will save Ravnica. You don't build on rot. You burn it down and start again.\"\n—Domri Rade",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Kein Friedensvertrag kann Ravnica retten. Man baut nicht auf morschem Fundament. Man brennt es nieder und fängt neu an.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457508,
                    "name": "Schotterhaut-Goblin",
                    "text": "{3}{G}: Der Schotterhaut-Goblin erhält +2/+2 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ningún acuerdo de paz salvará Rávnica. No se puede construir sobre la podredumbre. Hay que quemarlo todo y volver a empezar\".\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457767,
                    "name": "Trasgo piel de grava",
                    "text": "{3}{G}: El Trasgo piel de grava obtiene +2/+2 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "« Aucun accord de paix ne sauvera Ravnica. On ne construit rien sur du pourri. On brûle tout et on recommence à zéro. »\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458026,
                    "name": "Gobelin à peau de gravier",
                    "text": "{3}{G} : Le Gobelin à peau de gravier gagne +2/+2 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nessun accordo di pace potrà salvare Ravnica. Non si costruisce su fondamenta marce: bisogna bruciare tutto e ricominciare da capo.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458285,
                    "name": "Goblin dalla Pelle di Ghiaia",
                    "text": "{3}{G}: Il Goblin dalla Pelle di Ghiaia prende +2/+2 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "「和平協定ではラヴニカを救えない。腐敗の上には建設しないだろう。焼き払って一から始めるのだ。」\n――ドムリ・ラーデ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458544,
                    "name": "砂利皮のゴブリン",
                    "text": "{3}{G}:ターン終了時まで、砂利皮のゴブリンは+2/+2の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "\"어떤 평화 협정도 라브니카를 구할 수 없다. 썩은 것 위에는 아무것도 짓지 않는다. 다 태워 버린 다음 다시 시작할 뿐.\"\n—돔리 라데",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458803,
                    "name": "자갈가죽 고블린",
                    "text": "{3}{G}: 자갈가죽 고블린은 턴종료까지 +2/+2를 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nenhum acordo de paz vai salvar Ravnica. Não se constrói em cima da podridão. Você queima e começa de novo.\"\n— Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459062,
                    "name": "Goblin Pele-de-cascalho",
                    "text": "{3}{G}: Goblin Pele-de-cascalho recebe +2/+2 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "«Ни один мирный договор не спасет Равнику. Нельзя ничего построить на гнили. Ее нужно сжечь и начать с начала».\n— Домри Раде",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459321,
                    "name": "Щебнешкурый Гоблин",
                    "text": "{3}{G}: Щебнешкурый Гоблин получает +2/+2 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "「和平条约救不了拉尼卡。你不能在腐败根基上做修补。你只能全部烧掉然后重头再来。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459580,
                    "name": "扬砾鬼怪",
                    "text": "{3}{G}:扬砾鬼怪得+2/+2直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "「和平條約救不了拉尼卡。你不能在腐敗根基上做修補。你只能全部燒掉然後重頭再來。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459839,
                    "name": "揚礫鬼怪",
                    "text": "{3}{G}:揚礫鬼怪得+2/+2直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457249,
            "name": "Gravel-Hide Goblin",
            "number": "105",
            "originalText": "{3}{G}: Gravel-Hide Goblin gets +2/+2 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Shaman",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "4942068c-ffde-4a6b-849e-8acf05e1d2e1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "73d5a261-d0d3-4bcd-8e01-05debc04cd91",
            "scryfallOracleId": "71d284ee-5b29-4db3-b355-a6bdc142a05b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183395,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{3}{G}: Gravel-Hide Goblin gets +2/+2 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "88e419b1-10d1-5373-8b0b-a516dbb98725",
            "uuidV421": "dd346183-81e9-5a1c-abb9-748ce4e91b6b",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Ben Wootten",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"A debtor's soul has little value, except as a warning to others who might consider defaulting on their loans.\"\n—Ubea, Orzhov ministrant",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Seele eines Schuldners ist wenig wert, aber sie kann anderen als Warnung dienen, die ihre Schulden nicht ernst genug nehmen.\"\n—Ubea, Orzhov-Messdienerin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457478,
                    "name": "Groteskes Ableben",
                    "text": "Schicke eine Kreatur deiner Wahl mit Stärke 3 oder weniger ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"El alma de un deudor no vale mucho, excepto como advertencia para aquellos que estén considerando no pagar sus préstamos\".\n—Ubea, ministrante orzhov",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457737,
                    "name": "Deceso grotesco",
                    "text": "Exilia la criatura objetivo con fuerza de 3 o menos.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« L'âme d'un débiteur n'a que peu de valeur, sinon d'avertir ceux qui songeraient à ne pas rembourser leurs dettes. »\n—Ubéa, ministre d'Orzhov",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457996,
                    "name": "Décès grotesque",
                    "text": "Exilez la créature ciblée de force inférieure ou égale à 3.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"L'anima di un debitore è di scarso valore, se non come monito agli altri che potrebbero essere tentati di non ripagare un prestito.\"\n—Ubea, officiante Orzhov",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458255,
                    "name": "Dipartita Grottesca",
                    "text": "Esilia una creatura bersaglio con forza pari o inferiore a 3.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「債務者の魂に大した価値はない。債務の不履行を考えている者への見せしめとして以外はね。」\n――オルゾフの聖職者、ウベア",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458514,
                    "name": "奇怪な死",
                    "text": "パワーが3以下のクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを追放する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"빚진 자의 영혼은 채무를 불이행하려고 생각하는 자들에게 경고하는 것 이외에는 가치가 별로 없다네.\"\n—오르조브 보좌관, 우베아",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458773,
                    "name": "끔찍한 종말",
                    "text": "공격력이 3 이하인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 추방한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"A alma de um devedor tem pouco valor, a não ser como aviso a outros que possam cogitar a inadimplência.\"\n— Ubea, ministrante Orzhov",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459032,
                    "name": "Fim Grotesco",
                    "text": "Exile a criatura alvo com poder igual ou inferior a 3.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«От души должника мало толку — она может служить разве что предостережением для тех, кто не хочет платить по кредиту».\n— Юбея, богослужительница Орзовов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459291,
                    "name": "Гротескная Гибель",
                    "text": "Изгоните целевое существо с силой 3 или меньше.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「负债者的灵魂毫无价值,不过倒是可以拿来以儆效尤,吓唬那些想要赖帐的人。」\n~欧佐夫主礼人尤蓓",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459550,
                    "name": "怪诞夺命",
                    "text": "放逐目标力量等于或小于3的生物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「負債者的靈魂毫無價值,不過倒是可以拿來以儆傚尤,嚇唬那些想要賴帳的人。」\n~歐佐夫主禮人尤蓓",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459809,
                    "name": "怪誕奪命",
                    "text": "放逐目標力量等於或小於3的生物。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "penny": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457219,
            "name": "Grotesque Demise",
            "number": "75",
            "originalText": "Exile target creature with power 3 or less.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "b698c5e1-3816-4f35-8e39-65dc68f5c64f",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "eed4651b-4c45-4136-9e3d-44471031368f",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183422,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Exile target creature with power 3 or less.",
            "type": "Instant",
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            "uuid": "c88a63b3-1cab-583c-a9a2-6992ac164c9b",
            "uuidV421": "c7b39aec-9902-5c75-b698-9c57c0befd24"
            "artist": "Seb McKinnon",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Cyclical and spiral patterns are the specialty of the Gyre Clade, which seeks to revitalize the cycles of nature.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Zyklische und spiralförmige Muster sind die Spezialität der Wirbelklade, die sich bemüht, die Zyklen der Natur zu revitalisieren.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457581,
                    "name": "Wachstumsspirale",
                    "text": "Ziehe eine Karte. Du kannst eine Länderkarte aus deiner Hand ins Spiel bringen.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Los diseños cíclicos y en espiral son la especialidad del Clado de la Espiral, que busca revitalizar los ciclos de la naturaleza.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457840,
                    "name": "Espiral de crecimiento",
                    "text": "Roba una carta. Puedes poner en el campo de batalla una carta de tierra de tu mano.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Les motifs cycliques et spiralés sont la spécialité du Cladus Spirale, qui cherche à revitaliser les cycles de la nature.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458099,
                    "name": "Spirale de croissance",
                    "text": "Piochez une carte. Vous pouvez mettre sur le champ de bataille une carte de terrain de votre main.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Motivi circolari e a spirale sono la specialità del Clade del Cerchio, che cerca di infondere nuova vita nei cicli naturali.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458358,
                    "name": "Spirale di Crescita",
                    "text": "Pesca una carta. Puoi mettere sul campo di battaglia una carta terra dalla tua mano.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "らせんと循環の模様は、自然循環の再生を試みる円環組の特徴だ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458617,
                    "name": "成長のらせん",
                    "text": "カードを1枚引く。あなたは、あなたの手札から土地・カード1枚を戦場に出してもよい。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "나선 클레이드는 자연의 원형에 다시 생기를 부여하기 위해 원과 나선 문양을 만들어 내는 것이 특기이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458876,
                    "name": "성장 나선",
                    "text": "카드 한 장을 뽑는다. 당신은 당신의 손에서 대지 카드 한 장을 전장에 놓을 수 있다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Os padrões cíclicos e espirais são a especialidade da Cepa da Espiral, que busca revitalizar os ciclos da natureza.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459135,
                    "name": "Espiral de Crescimento",
                    "text": "Compre um card. Você pode colocar um card de terreno de sua mão no campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Круговые и спиральные узоры — специальность Клады Круговорота, стремящейся вдохнуть новую жизнь в циклы природы.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459394,
                    "name": "Спираль Роста",
                    "text": "Возьмите карту. Вы можете положить карту земли из вашей руки на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "涡进化组专注于研究轮转螺旋趋势,致力让自然循环重现活力。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459653,
                    "name": "成长涡旋",
                    "text": "抓一张牌。你可以将一张地牌从你手上放进战场。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "渦進化組專注於研究輪轉螺旋趨勢,致力讓自然循環重現活力。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459912,
                    "name": "成長渦旋",
                    "text": "抽一張牌。你可以將一張地牌從你手上放進戰場。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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            "manaCost": "{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457322,
            "name": "Growth Spiral",
            "number": "178",
            "originalText": "Draw a card. You may put a land card from your hand onto the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Growth Spiral’s effect doesn’t count as playing a land. It can put a land card onto the battlefield even if it’s not your turn or if you’ve already played your land for the turn."
            "scryfallId": "7c77a6b1-ef06-4da5-8e86-a5204216cb77",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c5a9bd30-ba68-4dd3-b2fe-2efb29d1d158",
            "scryfallOracleId": "34bcc217-dd91-45a0-90d7-a94d02f1f317",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182125,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Draw a card. You may put a land card from your hand onto the battlefield.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2d9356c7-d3f3-5b77-aaae-cd9bb4c769f6",
            "uuidV421": "61a314f6-d7d5-5b3a-a48a-dcfd152747bf",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Bram Sels",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457531,
                    "name": "Wache der Wachstumskammer",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: Adaptieren 2. (Falls keine +1/+1-Marken auf dieser Kreatur liegen, lege zwei +1/+1-Marken auf sie.)\nImmer wenn eine oder mehrere +1/+1-Marken auf die Wache der Wachstumskammer gelegt werden, kannst du deine Bibliothek nach einer Karte namens Wache der Wachstumskammer durchsuchen, sie offen vorzeigen, auf deine Hand nehmen und dann deine Bibliothek mischen.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Krabbe, Krieger"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457790,
                    "name": "Guardián de la cámara de crecimiento",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: Adaptar 2. (Si esta criatura no tiene contadores +1/+1 sobre ella, pon dos contadores +1/+1 sobre ella.)\nSiempre que uno o más contadores +1/+1 se pongan sobre el Guardián de la cámara de crecimiento, puedes buscar en tu biblioteca una carta llamada Guardián de la cámara de crecimiento, mostrarla, ponerla en tu mano y luego barajar tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero cangrejo elfo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458049,
                    "name": "Vigile de la chambre de croissance",
                    "text": "{2}{G} : Adaptez 2. (Si cette créature n'a pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle, mettez deux marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle.)\nÀ chaque fois qu'au moins un marqueur +1/+1 est mis sur le Vigile de la chambre de croissance, vous pouvez chercher dans votre bibliothèque une carte appelée Vigile de la chambre de croissance, la révéler, la mettre dans votre main, puis mélanger votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et crabe et guerrier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458308,
                    "name": "Guardiano della Camera di Coltura",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: Adattamento 2. (Se questa creatura non ha segnalini +1/+1, metti due segnalini +1/+1 su di essa.)\nOgniqualvolta uno o più segnalini +1/+1 vengono messi sul Guardiano della Camera di Coltura, puoi passare in rassegna il tuo grimorio per una carta chiamata Guardiano della Camera di Coltura, rivelarla, aggiungerla alla tua mano, poi rimescolare il tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Granchio Elfo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458567,
                    "name": "成長室の守護者",
                    "text": "{2}{G}:順応2を行う。(このクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないなら、これの上に+1/+1カウンターを2個置く。)\n成長室の守護者の上に+1/+1カウンターが1個以上置かれるたび、あなたは「あなたのライブラリーから『成長室の守護者』という名前のカード1枚を探し、それを公開してあなたの手札に加え、その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。」を選んでもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・カニ・戦士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458826,
                    "name": "성장실 수호자",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: 적응 2를 한다. (이 생물이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않다면, 이 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 두 개를 올려놓는다.)\n성장실 수호자에 +1/+1 카운터가 한 개 이상 놓일 때마다, 당신은 당신의 서고에서 이름이 성장실 수호자인 카드 한 장을 찾아, 공개하고, 당신에 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 게 전사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459085,
                    "name": "Guardião da Câmara de Crescimento",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: Adaptar 2. (Se esta criatura não tiver marcadores +1/+1, coloque dois marcadores +1/+1 nela.)\nToda vez que um ou mais marcadores +1/+1 são colocados em Guardião da Câmara de Crescimento, você pode procurar em seu grimório um card chamado Guardião da Câmara de Crescimento, revelá-lo, colocá-lo em sua mão e depois embaralhar seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Caranguejo Guerreiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459344,
                    "name": "Страж Инкубаторного Зала",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: адаптируйте 2. (Если на этом существе нет жетонов +1/+1, положите на него два жетона +1/+1.)\nКаждый раз, когда на Стража Инкубаторного Зала кладется один или несколько жетонов +1/+1, вы можете найти в вашей библиотеке карту с именем Страж Инкубаторного Зала, показать ее, положить ее в вашу руку, затем перетасовать вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Краб Воин"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459603,
                    "name": "生长室守护者",
                    "text": "{2}{G}:演化2。(如果此生物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置两个+1/+1指示物。)\n每当在生长室守护者上放置一个或数个+1/+1指示物时,你可以从你的牌库中搜寻一张名称为生长室守护者的牌,展示该牌,将它置于你手上,然后将你的牌库洗牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/蟹/战士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459862,
                    "name": "生長室守護者",
                    "text": "{2}{G}:演化2。(如果此生物上沒有+1/+1指示物,則在其上放置兩個+1/+1指示物。)\n每當在生長室守護者上放置一個或數個+1/+1指示物時,你可以從你的牌庫中搜尋一張名稱為生長室守護者的牌,展示該牌,將它置於你手上,然後將你的牌庫洗牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/蟹/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457272,
            "name": "Growth-Chamber Guardian",
            "number": "128",
            "originalText": "{2}{G}: Adapt 2. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put two +1/+1 counters on it.)\nWhenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Growth-Chamber Guardian, you may search your library for a card named Growth-Chamber Guardian, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Crab Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers when counters are put on a permanent will trigger if that permanent somehow enters the battlefield with those counters."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can always activate an ability that will cause a creature to adapt. As that ability resolves, if the creature has a +1/+1 counter on it for any reason, you simply won’t put any +1/+1 counters on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature somehow loses all of its +1/+1 counters, it can adapt again and get more +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "0f97cdf4-231d-4bd0-af5e-bcb64ce1556c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "05f9ef65-326a-44c0-92bd-b1eee785a5c6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1a49ec1c-6150-4b46-b671-b7d6f4e301ae",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182962,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{2}{G}: Adapt 2. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put two +1/+1 counters on it.)\nWhenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Growth-Chamber Guardian, you may search your library for a card named Growth-Chamber Guardian, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Crab Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e55166a2-d9b7-5f4e-bc5d-e840ea8594ac",
            "uuidV421": "2d302eb8-ebe6-533c-a467-4283564bae70",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Kimonas Theodossiou",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457532,
                    "name": "Gruul-Bändigerin",
                    "text": "Aufruhr (Du bestimmst, ob diese Kreatur mit einer +1/+1-Marke oder mit Eile ins Spiel kommt.)\nImmer wenn die Gruul-Bändigerin angreift, erhält eine andere Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, +X/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges, wobei X gleich der Stärke der Gruul-Bändigerin ist.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Schamane"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457791,
                    "name": "Domadora gruul",
                    "text": "Insurgencia. (Esta criatura entra al campo de batalla con lo que elijas: un contador +1/+1 o la habilidad de prisa.)\nSiempre que la Domadora gruul ataque, otra criatura objetivo que controlas obtiene +X/+0 hasta el final del turno, donde X es la fuerza de la Domadora gruul.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458050,
                    "name": "Maîtresse des bêtes gruul",
                    "text": "Émeute (Cette créature arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, selon votre choix, un marqueur +1/+1 ou la célérité.)\nÀ chaque fois que la Maîtresse des bêtes gruul attaque, une autre créature ciblée que vous contrôlez gagne +X/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour, X étant la force de la Maîtresse des bêtes gruul.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et shamane"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458309,
                    "name": "Domatrice Gruul",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Questa creatura entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 o rapidità a tua scelta.)\nOgniqualvolta la Domatrice Gruul attacca, un'altra creatura bersaglio che controlli prende +X/+0 fino alla fine del turno, dove X è la forza della Domatrice Gruul.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458568,
                    "name": "グルールの獣使い",
                    "text": "暴動(このクリーチャーは+1/+1カウンター1個か速攻のうちあなたが選んだ1つを持った状態で戦場に出る。)\nグルールの獣使いが攻撃するたび、あなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+X/+0の修整を受ける。Xはグルールの獣使いのパワーに等しい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・シャーマン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458827,
                    "name": "그룰 야수조련사",
                    "text": "폭동 (이 생물은 당신의 선택에 따라 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 또는 신속을 가지고 전장에 들어온다.)\n그룰 야수조련사가 공격할 때마다, 당신이 조종하는 다른 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +X/+0를 받는다. X는 그룰 야수조련사의 공격력이다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 주술사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459086,
                    "name": "Mestra das Feras Gruul",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Esta criatura entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 ou ímpeto, à sua escolha.)\nToda vez que Mestra das Feras Gruul ataca, outra criatura alvo que você controla recebe +X/+0 até o final do turno, sendo X o poder de Mestra das Feras Gruul.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Xamã"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459345,
                    "name": "Груульская Хозяйка Зверей",
                    "text": "Беспорядки (Это существо выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 или Ускорением, по вашему выбору.)\nКаждый раз, когда Груульская Хозяйка Зверей атакует, другое целевое существо под вашим контролем получает +X/+0 до конца хода, где Х — значение силы Груульской Хозяйки Зверей.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Шаман"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459604,
                    "name": "古鲁驯兽师",
                    "text": "起事(于此生物进战场时,你选择「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」异能。它进战场时上面有所选加成。)\n每当古鲁驯兽师攻击时,另一个目标由你操控的生物得+X/+0直到回合结束,X为古鲁驯兽师的力量。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/祭师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459863,
                    "name": "古魯馴獸師",
                    "text": "起事(於此生物進戰場時,你選擇「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」異能。它進戰場時上面有所選加成。)\n每當古魯馴獸師攻擊時,另一個目標由你操控的生物得+X/+0直到回合結束,X為古魯馴獸師的力量。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457273,
            "name": "Gruul Beastmaster",
            "number": "129",
            "originalText": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nWhenever Gruul Beastmaster attacks, another target creature you control gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is Gruul Beastmaster's power.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The value of X is determined only as Gruul Beastmaster’s triggered ability resolves. Once that happens, the value of X won’t change later in the turn even if Gruul Beastmaster’s power changes."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Gruul Beastmaster leaves the battlefield before its triggered ability resolves, use its power as it last existed on the battlefield to determine the value of X."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Gruul Beastmaster’s power is negative as its triggered ability resolves, X is considered to be 0. In other words, that ability can’t cause the creature to lose power."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
            "scryfallId": "2b0aaded-515f-4ac9-a72f-6948b4d4df51",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "107fe132-8129-4f2a-a536-93fa34c81780",
            "scryfallOracleId": "924771b2-8566-4bdf-b089-85c3257b9900",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183176,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nWhenever Gruul Beastmaster attacks, another target creature you control gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is Gruul Beastmaster's power.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b331c3e7-eb02-58e8-9588-ce3627097001",
            "uuidV421": "00469db7-6a11-5899-ac18-acc0bf5b6e5f",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Alexander Forssberg",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Beyond this gate there are no citizens, only predators and prey.\"\n—Domri Rade",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Hinter diesem Tor gibt es keine Bürger, nur Jäger und Gejagte.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457652,
                    "name": "Gruul-Gildeneingang",
                    "text": "Der Gruul-Gildeneingang kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {R} oder {G}.",
                    "type": "Land — Tor"
                    "flavorText": "\"Más allá de este portal no hay ciudadanos, solo depredadores y presas\".\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457911,
                    "name": "Portal del Gremio Gruul",
                    "text": "El Portal del Gremio Gruul entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {R} o {G}.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Portal"
                    "flavorText": "« Au-delà de cette porte, il n'y a plus de citoyens, mais des prédateurs et des proies. »\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458170,
                    "name": "Porte de la guilde de Gruul",
                    "text": "La Porte de la guilde de Gruul arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{T} : Ajoutez {R} ou {G}.",
                    "type": "Terrain : porte"
                    "flavorText": "\"Oltre questo cancello non ci sono cittadini, solo predatori e prede.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458429,
                    "name": "Cancello della Gilda Gruul",
                    "text": "Il Cancello della Gilda Gruul entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {R} o {G}.",
                    "type": "Terra — Cancello"
                    "flavorText": "「この門の先に市民はいない。いるのは捕食者と獲物だけだ。」\n――ドムリ・ラーデ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458688,
                    "name": "グルールのギルド門",
                    "text": "グルールのギルド門はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{R}か{G}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地 — 門"
                    "flavorText": "\"이 관문 너머에 시민은 없다. 포식자와 먹이 뿐이지.\"\n—돔리 라데",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458947,
                    "name": "그룰 길드관문",
                    "text": "그룰 길드관문은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {R} 또는 {G}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 관문"
                    "flavorText": "\"Além deste portão não há cidadãos, somente predadores e presas.\"\n— Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459206,
                    "name": "Portão da Guilda Gruul",
                    "text": "Portão da Guilda Gruul entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {R} ou {G}.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Portão"
                    "flavorText": "«За этими вратами нет горожан — здесь лишь хищники или добыча».\n— Домри Раде",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459465,
                    "name": "Врата Гильдии Груулов",
                    "text": "Врата Гильдии Груулов выходят на поле битвы повернутыми.\n{T}: добавьте {R} или {G}.",
                    "type": "Земля — Врата"
                    "flavorText": "「过了这扇门便不再有市民,只有捕食者和猎物。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459724,
                    "name": "古鲁公会门",
                    "text": "古鲁公会门须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{R}或{G}。",
                    "type": "地 ~门"
                    "flavorText": "「過了這扇門便不再有市民,只有捕食者和獵物。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459983,
                    "name": "古魯公會門",
                    "text": "古魯公會門須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{R}或{G}。",
                    "type": "地 ~門"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457393,
            "name": "Gruul Guildgate",
            "number": "249",
            "originalText": "Gruul Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {R} or {G}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "The subtype Gate has no special rules significance, but other spells and abilities may refer to it."
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "Gate is not a basic land type."
            "scryfallId": "33d10573-1695-4a73-b92d-d478572b85ec",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a7f4a9b2-67c0-4f84-bdaa-6cdd851a0150",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d38476e9-2e47-4c0c-8129-483c0bd09ec0",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182823,
            "text": "Gruul Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {R} or {G}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c00582f1-7c39-5e21-8dd6-5a05f5ef8cbc",
            "uuidV421": "603f4180-aa98-504b-a27b-2757404265b7",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Alexander Forssberg",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Old turf. Powerful turf. Much good blood spilled here.\"\n—Ruric Thar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Alter Boden. Mächtiger Boden. Viel gutes Blut hier vergossen.\"\n—Ruric Thar",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457653,
                    "name": "Gruul-Gildeneingang",
                    "text": "Der Gruul-Gildeneingang kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {R} oder {G}.",
                    "type": "Land — Tor"
                    "flavorText": "\"Un territorio viejo, poderoso. Aquí se vertió mucha y buena sangre\".\n—Ruric Thar",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457912,
                    "name": "Portal del Gremio Gruul",
                    "text": "El Portal del Gremio Gruul entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {R} o {G}.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Portal"
                    "flavorText": "« Vieux territoire. Puissant territoire. Beaucoup de sang a coulé ici. »\n—Ruric Thar",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458171,
                    "name": "Porte de la guilde de Gruul",
                    "text": "La Porte de la guilde de Gruul arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{T} : Ajoutez {R} ou {G}.",
                    "type": "Terrain : porte"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vecchio territorio, potente. Molto buon sangue versato qui.\"\n—Ruric Thar",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458430,
                    "name": "Cancello della Gilda Gruul",
                    "text": "Il Cancello della Gilda Gruul entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {R} o {G}.",
                    "type": "Terra — Cancello"
                    "flavorText": "「古い縄張り。強い縄張り。いい血がたくさん流れた地。」\n――ルーリク・サー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458689,
                    "name": "グルールのギルド門",
                    "text": "グルールのギルド門はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{R}か{G}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地 — 門"
                    "flavorText": "\"옛 구역. 강한 구역. 여기서 피 많이 흘렸다.\"\n—루릭 타르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458948,
                    "name": "그룰 길드관문",
                    "text": "그룰 길드관문은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {R} 또는 {G}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 관문"
                    "flavorText": "\"Território antigo. Território poderoso. Muito sangue bom derramado aqui.\"\n— Ruric Thar",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459207,
                    "name": "Portão da Guilda Gruul",
                    "text": "Portão da Guilda Gruul entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {R} ou {G}.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Portão"
                    "flavorText": "«Старая земля. Могучая земля. Много доброй крови здесь пролили».\n— Рурик Тар",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459466,
                    "name": "Врата Гильдии Груулов",
                    "text": "Врата Гильдии Груулов выходят на поле битвы повернутыми.\n{T}: добавьте {R} или {G}.",
                    "type": "Земля — Врата"
                    "flavorText": "「老地盘。强大的地盘。抛洒热血的地盘。」\n~鲁瑞杂尔",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459725,
                    "name": "古鲁公会门",
                    "text": "古鲁公会门须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{R}或{G}。",
                    "type": "地 ~门"
                    "flavorText": "「老地盤。強大的地盤。拋灑熱血的地盤。」\n~魯瑞雜爾",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459984,
                    "name": "古魯公會門",
                    "text": "古魯公會門須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{R}或{G}。",
                    "type": "地 ~門"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457394,
            "name": "Gruul Guildgate",
            "number": "250",
            "originalText": "Gruul Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {R} or {G}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "The subtype Gate has no special rules significance, but other spells and abilities may refer to it."
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "Gate is not a basic land type."
            "scryfallId": "8fffd445-de4f-45de-95b9-6e0855926a6a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "962dac51-5a09-47dc-a6e5-ce19bad17d3b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d38476e9-2e47-4c0c-8129-483c0bd09ec0",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182824,
            "text": "Gruul Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {R} or {G}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1c1bdf0c-81a6-5078-8e93-b4024b4cd613",
            "uuidV421": "42cebbc2-4ecc-598a-99c5-f7728254b5f3",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Kev Walker",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"In life, it was a cunning survivor, fearless and quick. May its power pass to you as you wear its skull.\"\n—Gna, Gruul shaman",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der Besitzer dieses Schädels war furchtlos und schnell. Mögen diese Eigenschaften nun seinem neuen Träger dienen.\"\n—Gna, Gruul-Schamanin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457637,
                    "name": "Gruul-Medaillon",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {R} oder {G}.\n{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}, {T}, opfere das Gruul-Medaillon: Ziehe zwei Karten.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"En vida, fue un superviviente astuto, valiente y veloz. Que su poder pase ahora a ti mientras lleves su calavera\".\n—Gna, chamán gruul",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457896,
                    "name": "Relicario gruul",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {R} o {G}.\n{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}, {T}, sacrificar el Relicario gruul: Roba dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« De son vivant, c'était un battant rusé, courageux et rapide. Puisses-tu hériter de ses qualités quand tu porteras son crâne. »\n—Gna, shamane gruul",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458155,
                    "name": "Médaillon de Gruul",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {R} ou {G}.\n{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}, {T}, sacrifiez le Médaillon de Gruul : Piochez deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"In vita era un superstite astuto, impavido e rapido. Che il suo potere possa passare a te che ne indossi il teschio.\"\n—Gna, sciamana Gruul",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458414,
                    "name": "Medaglione Gruul",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {R} o {G}.\n{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}, {T}, Sacrifica il Medaglione Gruul: Pesca due carte.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「生きているうちは、これは勇敢で素早い、狡猾な生き残りだった。その骨を身に着けたお前に、その力が移りますように。」\n――グルールのシャーマン、ナー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458673,
                    "name": "グルールのロケット",
                    "text": "{T}:{R}か{G}を加える。\n{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}, {T}, グルールのロケットを生け贄に捧げる:カードを2枚引く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"생전에는 두려움을 모르고 재빠르게 움직이던 약삭빠른 생존자였지. 그 녀석의 해골을 지니는 네게 그 힘이 깃들기를.\"\n—그룰 주술사, 나",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458932,
                    "name": "그룰 로켓",
                    "text": "{T}: {R} 또는 {G}를 추가한다.\n{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}, {T}, 그룰 로켓을 희생한다: 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Em vida, ela foi uma astuta sobrevivente, destemida e veloz. Que o poder dela passe a você enquanto lhe usar o crânio.\"\n— Gna, xamã Gruul",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459191,
                    "name": "Medalhão Gruul",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {R} ou {G}.\n{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}, {T}, sacrifique Medalhão Gruul: Compre dois cards.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«В жизни это был хитрый зверь, бесстрашный и ловкий. Носи же его череп, и да перейдет к тебе его сила».\n— Гна, шаманка Груулов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459450,
                    "name": "Медальон Груулов",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {R} или {G}.\n{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}, {T}, пожертвуйте Медальон Груулов: возьмите две карты.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「它生前狡诈求存者,无畏无惧,身手灵巧。愿你戴上其颅骨之后便能传承此力量。\n~古鲁祭师格娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459709,
                    "name": "古鲁坠饰",
                    "text": "{T}:加{R}或{G}。\n{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}{R/G},{T},牺牲古鲁坠饰:抓两张牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「它生前是狡詐求存者,無畏無懼,身手靈巧。願你戴上其顱骨之後便能傳承此力量。」\n~古魯祭師格娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459968,
                    "name": "古魯墜飾",
                    "text": "{T}:加{R}或{G}。\n{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}{R/G},{T},犧牲古魯墜飾:抽兩張牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}",
            "multiverseId": 457378,
            "name": "Gruul Locket",
            "number": "234",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {R} or {G}.\n{RG}{RG}{RG}{RG}, {T}, Sacrifice Gruul Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "1ec78880-a8ec-4c87-bc3f-e2a79d154884",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3eb541f5-0df2-470d-8a7f-99799f7e8345",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7018ccd0-96e6-458f-b412-197edcb2bafd",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182834,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {R} or {G}.\n{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}, {T}, Sacrifice Gruul Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "dbec4526-2edc-50f5-a402-ba370d5c83f8",
            "uuidV421": "147a977e-47b8-5611-bbd2-79e067160c7e",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Zoltan Boros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "She displays her scars with pride.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Sie trägt ihre Narben stolz zur Schau.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457582,
                    "name": "Gruul-Zauberbrecherin",
                    "text": "Aufruhr (Du bestimmst, ob diese Kreatur mit einer +1/+1-Marke oder mit Eile ins Spiel kommt.)\nVerursacht Trampelschaden\nSolange es dein Zug ist, haben du und die Gruul-Zauberbrecherin Fluchsicherheit.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Oger, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Muestra sus cicatrices con orgullo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457841,
                    "name": "Rompehechizos gruul",
                    "text": "Insurgencia. (Esta criatura entra al campo de batalla con lo que elijas: un contador +1/+1 o la habilidad de prisa.)\nArrolla.\nMientras sea tu turno, tú y la Rompehechizos gruul tienen la habilidad de antimaleficio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero ogro"
                    "flavorText": "Elle exhibe ses cicatrices avec fierté.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458100,
                    "name": "Brisesort des Gruul",
                    "text": "Émeute (Cette créature arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, selon votre choix, un marqueur +1/+1 ou la célérité.)\nPiétinement\nTant que c'est votre tour, vous et la Brisesort des Gruul avez la défense talismanique.",
                    "type": "Créature : ogre et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Mostra con orgoglio le sue cicatrici.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458359,
                    "name": "Spezzamagie Gruul",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Questa creatura entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 o rapidità a tua scelta.)\nTravolgere\nFintanto che è il tuo turno, tu e la Spezzamagie Gruul avete anti-malocchio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Ogre"
                    "flavorText": "彼女は誇らしげに傷跡を見せる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458618,
                    "name": "グルールの呪文砕き",
                    "text": "暴動(このクリーチャーは+1/+1カウンター1個か速攻のうちあなたが選んだ1つを持った状態で戦場に出る。)\nトランプル\nあなたのターンであるかぎり、あなたとグルールの呪文砕きは呪禁を持つ。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — オーガ・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "그녀는 자신의 상처를 명예롭게 드러낸다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458877,
                    "name": "그룰 주문파괴자",
                    "text": "폭동 (이 생물은 당신의 선택에 따라 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 또는 신속을 가지고 전장에 들어온다.)\n돌진\n당신의 턴인 한, 당신과 그룰 주문파괴자는 방호를 가진다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 오우거 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Ela exibe as cicatrizes com orgulho.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459136,
                    "name": "Quebra-mágicas Gruul",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Esta criatura entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 ou ímpeto, à sua escolha.)\nAtropelar\nEnquanto for o seu turno, você e Quebra-mágicas Gruul têm resistência a magia.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ogro Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Она гордо демонстрирует свои шрамы.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459395,
                    "name": "Незаклинаемая Груулка",
                    "text": "Беспорядки (Это существо выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 или Ускорением, по вашему выбору.)\nПробивной удар\nПока длится ваш ход, у вас и у Незаклинаемой Груулки есть Порчеустойчивость.",
                    "type": "Существо — Огр Воин"
                    "flavorText": "她骄傲地展示自己的伤疤。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459654,
                    "name": "古鲁破咒人",
                    "text": "起事(于此生物进战场时,你选择「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」异能。它进战场时上面有所选加成。)\n践踏\n只要是在你的回合中,你和古鲁破咒人便都具有辟邪异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~食人魔/战士"
                    "flavorText": "她驕傲地展示自己的傷疤。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459913,
                    "name": "古魯破咒人",
                    "text": "起事(於此生物進戰場時,你選擇「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」異能。它進戰場時上面有所選加成。)\n踐踏\n只要是在你的回合中,你和古魯破咒人便都具有辟邪異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~食人魔/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457323,
            "name": "Gruul Spellbreaker",
            "number": "179",
            "originalText": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nTrample\nAs long as it's your turn, you and Gruul Spellbreaker have hexproof.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Ogre Warrior",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
            "scryfallId": "326679a2-782d-45a0-9a06-b147ceff3979",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "1268fbd1-1cc2-4f6b-aaf9-d977cd79a31c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "827b3ed0-09b3-4d89-8b81-dd89cc002782",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182363,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nTrample\nAs long as it's your turn, you and Gruul Spellbreaker have hexproof.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Ogre Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "19c041f9-5b3c-5baf-9d18-fd60780d9730",
            "uuidV421": "9923611f-cdd9-50e7-a489-d8765f29aa48",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Chris Rallis",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Simic's strength comes from its diversity.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Vielfalt ist die Stärke der Simic.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457533,
                    "name": "Wächterprojekt",
                    "text": "Immer wenn eine Nichtspielsteinkreatur unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel kommt und falls sie nicht denselben Namen hat wie eine andere Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, oder wie eine Kreaturenkarte in deinem Friedhof, ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "La fuerza de los simic proviene de su diversidad.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457792,
                    "name": "Proyecto Guardián",
                    "text": "Siempre que una criatura que no sea ficha entre al campo de batalla bajo tu control, si no tiene el mismo nombre que otra criatura que controlas o que una carta de criatura en tu cementerio, roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "La diversité des Simic fait leur force.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458051,
                    "name": "Projet Gardien",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'une créature non-jeton arrive sur le champ de bataille sous votre contrôle, si elle n'a pas le même nom qu'une autre créature que vous contrôlez ou qu'une carte de créature dans votre cimetière, piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "La forza dei Simic deriva dalla loro diversità.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458310,
                    "name": "Progetto Guardiani",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta una creatura non pedina entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, se non ha lo stesso nome di un'altra creatura che controlli o di una carta creatura nel tuo cimitero, pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "シミックの強さの秘訣はその多様性にある。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458569,
                    "name": "守護者計画",
                    "text": "トークンでないクリーチャーが1体あなたのコントロール下で戦場に出るたび、それがあなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャーやあなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カードと同じ名前を持たない場合、カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "시믹의 힘은 그 다양성으로부터 나온다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458828,
                    "name": "수호자 프로젝트",
                    "text": "토큰이 아닌 생물이 당신의 조종하에 전장에 들어올 때마다, 그 생물이 당신이 조종하고 있는 생물이나 당신의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드와 이름이 같지 않다면, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "A força dos Simic vem de sua diversidade.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459087,
                    "name": "Projeto Guardião",
                    "text": "Toda vez que uma criatura que não seja uma ficha entrar no campo de batalha sob o seu controle, se ela não tiver o mesmo nome que outra criatura que você controla ou que um card de criatura em seu cemitério, compre um card.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "Источник силы Симиков — в их разнообразии.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459346,
                    "name": "Проект «Стражник»",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда не являющееся фишкой существо выходит на поле битвы под вашим контролем, если его имя отличается от имен других существ под вашим контролем или карт существ на вашем кладбище, возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "析米克的力量源自于其多元物种。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459605,
                    "name": "卫护计划",
                    "text": "每当一个非衍生物的生物在你的操控下进战场时,若它与由你操控的其他生物和你坟墓场中的生物牌都不同名,则抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "析米克的力量源自於其多元物種。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459864,
                    "name": "衛護計劃",
                    "text": "每當一個非衍生物的生物在你的操控下進戰場時,若它與由你操控的其他生物和你墳墓場中的生物牌都不同名,則抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{3}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457274,
            "name": "Guardian Project",
            "number": "130",
            "originalText": "Whenever a nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, if it doesn't have the same name as another creature you control or a creature card in your graveyard, draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Whether the entering creature shares a name with a creature you control or a creature card in your graveyard is checked both as that creature enters and as Guardian Project’s ability resolves. If the entering creature isn’t the first of its name as it enters, the ability doesn’t trigger at all; if its name is shared as the ability resolves, you don’t draw a card."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the entering creature is put into your graveyard while Guardian Project’s ability is on the stack, that same card will be a creature card in your graveyard that shares a name with the creature that was on the battlefield, so you won’t draw a card."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the entering creature leaves the battlefield and returns while Guardian Project’s ability is on the stack, that same card will be a new creature you control that shares a name with the creature that was on the battlefield, so you won’t draw a card. However, Guardian Project’s ability may trigger for the new creature and you may draw a card as that ability resolves."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A face-down creature has no name, so it can’t share a name with anything. This includes other creatures with no name."
            "scryfallId": "ccad6ce0-ddf0-458d-bdae-3d7805fdc775",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "66eac343-5b55-47df-b3af-5dfb4847dd20",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4f9e07ae-6341-4b46-9f77-f17ab659d266",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183213,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever a nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, if it doesn't have the same name as another creature you control or a creature card in your graveyard, draw a card.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e4a0eebf-4ecd-5f34-8972-f2be928c5d62",
            "uuidV421": "6e680d8a-e028-598b-a837-cb8c157b27f4"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Down here, things don't stay dead.\"\n—Lavinia",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Hier unten bleibt nichts tot.\"\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457479,
                    "name": "Gossenknochen",
                    "text": "Der Gossenknochen kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{1}{B}: Bringe den Gossenknochen aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück. Aktiviere diese Fähigkeit nur während deines Zuges und nur, falls ein Gegner in diesem Zug Lebenspunkte verloren hat.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Skelett, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"Aquí abajo, las cosas no permanecen muertas\".\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457738,
                    "name": "Cloacahuesos",
                    "text": "El Cloacahuesos entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{1}{B}: Regresa el Cloacahuesos de tu cementerio a tu mano. Activa esta habilidad solo durante tu turno y solo si un oponente perdió vidas este turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero esqueleto"
                    "flavorText": "« Ici-bas, rien ne reste mort. »\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457997,
                    "name": "Carcasse des égouts",
                    "text": "La Carcasse des égouts arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{1}{B} : Renvoyez la Carcasse des égouts depuis votre cimetière dans votre main. N'activez cette capacité que pendant votre tour et que si un adversaire a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Créature : squelette et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Qua sotto, niente resta morto.\"\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458256,
                    "name": "Scheletro delle Fogne",
                    "text": "Lo Scheletro delle Fogne entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{1}{B}: Riprendi in mano lo Scheletro delle Fogne dal tuo cimitero. Attiva questa abilità solo durante il tuo turno e solo se un avversario ha perso punti vita in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Scheletro"
                    "flavorText": "「ここにあるものは、いつまでも死んだままではいてくれないわ。」\n――ラヴィニア",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458515,
                    "name": "どぶ骨",
                    "text": "どぶ骨はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{1}{B}:あなたの墓地からどぶ骨をあなたの手札に戻す。この能力は、あなたのターン中で、このターンに対戦相手がライフを失っていたときにのみ起動できる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スケルトン・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"이 아래에서는, 그냥 죽은 채로 있는 것이 없지.\"\n—라비니아",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458774,
                    "name": "시궁창해골",
                    "text": "시궁창해골은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{1}{B}: 시궁창해골을 당신의 무덤에서 당신의 손으로 되돌린다. 이 능력은 상대가 생명점을 잃은 당신의 턴에만 활성화할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 해골 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Aqui embaixo nada permanece morto.\"\n— Lavínia",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459033,
                    "name": "Esqueleto da Sarjeta",
                    "text": "Esqueleto da Sarjeta entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{1}{B}: Devolva Esqueleto da Sarjeta de seu cemitério para sua mão. Ative esta habilidade somente durante o seu turno e apenas se um oponente perdeu pontos de vida neste turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esqueleto Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Здесь, внизу, никто не залеживается в мертвецах».\n— Лавиния",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459292,
                    "name": "Сточный Костяк",
                    "text": "Сточный Костяк выходит на поле битвы повернутым.\n{1}{B}: верните Сточный Костяк из вашего кладбища в вашу руку. Активируйте эту способность только во время вашего хода, и только если оппонент терял жизнь(-и) в этом ходу.",
                    "type": "Существо — Скелет Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「在这底下,死掉的东西可不安分。」\n~拉温妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459551,
                    "name": "水沟骷髅妖",
                    "text": "水沟骷髅妖须横置进战场。\n{1}{B}:将水沟骷髅妖从你的坟墓场移回你的手上。只能在你的回合中起动此异能,且只有于本回合中有对手曾失去生命时才能起动。",
                    "type": "生物 ~骷髅妖/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「在這底下,死掉的東西可不安分。」\n~拉溫妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459810,
                    "name": "水溝骷髏妖",
                    "text": "水溝骷髏妖須橫置進戰場。\n{1}{B}:將水溝骷髏妖從你的墳墓場移回你的手上。只能在你的回合中起動此異能,且只有於本回合中有對手曾失去生命時才能起動。",
                    "type": "生物 ~骷髏妖/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457220,
            "name": "Gutterbones",
            "number": "76",
            "originalText": "Gutterbones enters the battlefield tapped.\n{1}{B}: Return Gutterbones from your graveyard to your hand. Activate this ability only during your turn and only if an opponent lost life this turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Skeleton Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Damage dealt to a player causes that player to lose that much life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if an opponent loses life during your turn and then leaves the game, you can activate Gutterbones’s ability."
            "scryfallId": "6a1c710b-bd67-4174-ab02-6ae98a7575ac",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "54bac551-83b4-4ea5-8a1c-00c465f5e08d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "76ae3779-c821-4cd3-8d0f-8c42d1206ce4",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183034,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Gutterbones enters the battlefield tapped.\n{1}{B}: Return Gutterbones from your graveyard to your hand. Activate this ability only during your turn and only if an opponent lost life this turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Skeleton Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0c24f706-6c16-55bc-b06b-19664edd5274",
            "uuidV421": "c35be479-3caf-56a5-bd88-5b5ddbf489e8"
            "artist": "Anthony Palumbo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"As I contemplate what is, I dive ever deeper into the depths of possibility. Then I set an experiment in motion and watch the truth rise to the surface.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Während ich über das Hier und Jetzt nachsinne, tauche ich in die Tiefen der Möglichkeiten ein. Dann beginne ich ein Experiment und schaue zu, wie die Wahrheit hervortritt.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457583,
                    "name": "Wirbel-Ingenieur",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {G}{U}.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vedalken, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mientras contemplo la existencia, me sumerjo en las profundidades de lo posible. Luego, inicio un experimento y observo cómo sale la verdad a la superficie\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457842,
                    "name": "Ingeniero de la Espiral",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {G}{U}.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero vedalken"
                    "flavorText": "« Tandis que je contemple ce qui est, je m'enfonce toujours plus dans les profondeurs du possible. Puis j'entame une expérience et je regarde la vérité remonter à la surface. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458101,
                    "name": "Ingénieur de la spirale",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {G}{U}.",
                    "type": "Créature : vedalken et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mentre contemplo ciò che esiste, mi immergo sempre più in profondità negli abissi di ciò che è possibile. Dopodiché innesco un esperimento e osservo la verità che emerge in superficie.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458360,
                    "name": "Ingegnere del Cerchio",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {G}{U}.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Vedalken"
                    "flavorText": "「それが何であるかを考えるとき、私は可能性の奥底まで潜る。そして実験を開始し、真実が水面へと上がるのを見るのだ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458619,
                    "name": "円環技師",
                    "text": "{T}:{G}{U}を加える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ヴィダルケン・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "\"내가 사색에 잠기면, 나는 가능성의 바닷속으로 더 깊이 잠수해 들어간다. 그러고 나면 나는 실험을 수행하고 진실이 수면으로 떠오르는 것을 관찰한다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458878,
                    "name": "나선 공학자",
                    "text": "{T}: {G}{U}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 베달켄 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ao contemplar o que é, mergulho cada vez mais nas profundezas da possibilidade. Então, eu inicio um experimento e assisto à verdade emergir.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459137,
                    "name": "Engenheiro da Espiral",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {G}{U}.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vedalkeano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "«Обдумывая задачу, я все глубже погружаюсь в пучины возможного. А потом я начинаю эксперимент и наблюдаю, как истина поднимается на поверхность».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459396,
                    "name": "Инженер Круговорота",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {G}{U}.",
                    "type": "Существо — Ведалкен Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "「在我探究的过程中,我更进一步地深入挖掘可能性。然后我进行试验,静观真相浮出水面。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459655,
                    "name": "涡旋工程师",
                    "text": "{T}:加{G}{U}。",
                    "type": "生物 ~维多肯/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "「在我探究的過程中,我更進一步地深入挖掘可能性。然後我進行試驗,靜觀真相浮出水面。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459914,
                    "name": "渦旋工程師",
                    "text": "{T}:加{G}{U}。",
                    "type": "生物 ~維多肯/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457324,
            "name": "Gyre Engineer",
            "number": "180",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {G}{U}.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vedalken Wizard",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "26dd6a1d-4dcb-4392-9856-c0e4140efbd7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "efb244fd-3521-45e2-b063-65ec7344f9b7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "27eef5c1-259a-4d37-93af-7451f50905af",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183214,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {G}{U}.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Vedalken Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "912a112e-9185-5de9-97a5-d87c93da70f4",
            "uuidV421": "6b9f6008-ea50-50ab-8ec0-57c0824fcf3a",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Aaron Miller",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"You two, cover the alley! You, with me! Eyes on windows, balconies, and rooftops. Who knows what a fish-octopus-crab can do!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ihr zwei, sichert die Gasse! Du da, komm mit mir! Achtet auf Fenster, Balkone und Dächer. Eine Fisch-Oktopus-Krabbe ist unberechenbar!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457413,
                    "name": "Haazda-Offizier",
                    "text": "Wenn der Haazda-Offizier ins Spiel kommt, erhält eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ustedes dos, ¡cubran el callejón! Tú, ¡ven conmigo! No le quiten ojo a ventanas, balcones y tejados. ¡A saber lo que puede hacer un pez-cangrejo-pulpo!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457672,
                    "name": "Oficial haazda",
                    "text": "Cuando el Oficial haazda entre al campo de batalla, la criatura objetivo que controlas obtiene +1/+1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Vous deux, couvrez la ruelle ! Vous, avec moi ! Surveillez les fenêtres, les balcons et les toits. Qui sait de quoi est capable un poisson-pieuvre-crabe ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457931,
                    "name": "Officier d'Haazda",
                    "text": "Quand l'Officier d'Haazda arrive sur le champ de bataille, une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez gagne +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Voi due battete il vicolo! Tu, con me! Tenete d'occhio finestre, balconi e tetti. Non sappiamo di cosa sia capace un granchio-piovra-pesce!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458190,
                    "name": "Ufficiale di Haazda",
                    "text": "Quando l'Ufficiale di Haazda entra nel campo di battaglia, una creatura bersaglio che controlli prende +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「お前たち2人はあの路地を調べろ!お前は俺と来い!窓やベランダ、屋上に注意しろ。サカナタコガニに何ができるのか分からんからな!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458449,
                    "name": "ハズダーの士官",
                    "text": "ハズダーの士官が戦場に出たとき、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"너희 둘, 골목길을 맡아! 넌 날 따라와! 창문과 발코니 지붕에 시선을 집중해라. 물고기-문어-게가 뭘 할 수 있는지 누가 알겠어!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458708,
                    "name": "하즈다 경찰관",
                    "text": "하즈다 경찰관이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vocês dois, pelo beco! Você, comigo! De olho em janelas, varandas e telhados. Vai saber o que um peixe-polvo-caranguejo pode fazer!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458967,
                    "name": "Oficial de Haazda",
                    "text": "Quando Oficial de Haazda entra no campo de batalha, a criatura alvo que você controla recebe +1/+1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Вы двое, стерегите переулок! А вы — за мной! Следите за окнами, балконами и крышами. Кто знает, на что способен рыбо-осьминого-краб!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459226,
                    "name": "Офицер из Хаазды",
                    "text": "Когда Офицер из Хаазды выходит на поле битвы, целевое существо под вашим контролем получает +1/+1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「你们俩,给我看好巷子!你,跟我来!窗口、阳台、屋顶这些地方都给我盯紧了。谁知道那个鱼头蟹身八爪怪能闹出什么乱子来!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459485,
                    "name": "哈资达长官",
                    "text": "当哈资达长官进战场时,目标由你操控的生物得+1/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「你們倆,給我看好巷子!你,跟我來!窗口、陽台、屋頂這些地方都給我盯緊了。誰知道那個魚頭蟹身八爪怪能鬧出什麼亂子來!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459744,
                    "name": "哈資達長官",
                    "text": "當哈資達長官進戰場時,目標由你操控的生物得+1/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457154,
            "name": "Haazda Officer",
            "number": "10",
            "originalText": "When Haazda Officer enters the battlefield, target creature you control gets +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "5ba5f096-c6ea-4db6-966b-617e3454813f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ffa89527-e90b-4abb-9000-d67ab808b33a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "35023c04-ae62-47bf-80a0-faa2d7a67788",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183368,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Haazda Officer enters the battlefield, target creature you control gets +1/+1 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "06cf728c-a5ab-50ee-84ba-84f03e493db3",
            "uuidV421": "05570b01-40ec-5cf6-94d6-f67cdac9464b"
            "artist": "Simon Dominic",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"They all want to see me fall.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Alle wollen mich fallen sehen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457584,
                    "name": "Hackrobatin",
                    "text": "Spektakel {B}{R} (Du kannst diesen Zauberspruch für seine Spektakel-Kosten anstelle seiner Manakosten wirken, falls ein Gegner in diesem Zug Lebenspunkte verloren hat.)\n{B}: Die Hackrobatin erhält Todesberührung bis zum Ende des Zuges.\n{R}: Die Hackrobatin erhält +2/-2 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Todos quieren verme caer\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457843,
                    "name": "Peligróbata",
                    "text": "Espectáculo {B}{R}. (Puedes lanzar este hechizo por su coste de espectáculo en vez de por su coste de maná si un oponente perdió vidas este turno.)\n{B}: La Peligróbata gana la habilidad de toque mortal hasta el final del turno.\n{R}: La Peligróbata obtiene +2/-2 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Ils veulent tous me voir tomber. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458102,
                    "name": "Accrobattrice",
                    "text": "Spectacle {B}{R} (Vous pouvez lancer ce sort pour son coût de spectacle à la place de son coût de mana si un adversaire a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci.)\n{B} : L'Accrobattrice acquiert le contact mortel jusqu'à la fin du tour.\n{R} : L'Accrobattrice gagne +2/-2 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tutti vogliono vedermi cadere.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458361,
                    "name": "Massacrobata",
                    "text": "Spettacolo {B}{R} (Puoi lanciare questa magia per il suo costo di spettacolo invece del suo costo di mana se un avversario ha perso punti vita in questo turno.)\n{B}: La Massacrobata ha tocco letale fino alla fine del turno.\n{R}: La Massacrobata prende +2/-2 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「皆私が落ちるのを見たがっているわ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458620,
                    "name": "ハックロバット",
                    "text": "絢爛{B}{R}(このターンに対戦相手がライフを失っていたなら、あなたはこの呪文を、これのマナ・コストではなく絢爛コストで唱えてもよい。)\n{B}:ターン終了時まで、ハックロバットは接死を得る。\n{R}:ターン終了時まで、ハックロバットは+2/-2の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "\"저자들은 모두 내가 실패하는 걸 보려고 하지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458879,
                    "name": "곡예검사",
                    "text": "구경거리 {B}{R} (상대가 이 턴에 생명점을 잃었다면 당신은 이 주문을 마나 비용 대신 구경거리 비용으로 발동할 수 있다.)\n{B}: 곡예검사는 턴종료까지 치명타를 얻는다.\n{R}: 곡예검사는 턴종료까지 +2/-2를 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 도적"
                    "flavorText": "\"Todos eles querem me ver cair.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459138,
                    "name": "Carnifóbata",
                    "text": "Espetáculo {B}{R} (Você pode conjurar esta mágica por seu custo de espetáculo, em vez de seu custo de mana, se um oponente perdeu pontos de vida neste turno.)\n{B}: Carnifóbata ganha toque mortífero até o final do turno.\n{R}: Carnifóbata recebe +2/-2 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "«Все они мечтают увидеть, как я падаю».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459397,
                    "name": "Рубакробатка",
                    "text": "Зрелище {B}{R} (Вы можете разыграть это заклинание за его стоимость Зрелища вместо его мана-стоимости, если оппонент терял жизнь(-и) в этом ходу.)\n{B}: Рубакробатка получает Смертельное касание до конца хода.\n{R}: Рубакробатка получает +2/-2 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "「他们都盼着我掉下去。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459656,
                    "name": "险技舞者",
                    "text": "揭幕{B}{R}(如果本回合有对手曾失去生命,则你可以支付此咒语的揭幕费用而非法术力费用来施放它。)\n{B}:险技舞者获得死触异能直到回合结束。\n{R}:险技舞者得+2/-2直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "「他們都盼著我掉下去。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459915,
                    "name": "險技舞者",
                    "text": "揭幕{B}{R}(如果本回合有對手曾失去生命,則你可以支付此咒語的揭幕費用而非魔法力費用來施放它。)\n{B}:險技舞者獲得死觸異能直到回合結束。\n{R}:險技舞者得+2/-2直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457325,
            "name": "Hackrobat",
            "number": "181",
            "originalText": "Spectacle {B}{R} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\n{B}: Hackrobat gains deathtouch until end of turn.\n{R}: Hackrobat gets +2/-2 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Damage dealt to a player causes that player to lose that much life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Spectacle doesn’t change when you can cast the card. For example, you can’t cast a sorcery with spectacle during an opponent’s turn unless another effect allows you to do so, even if that player has lost life this turn."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying (such as a spectacle cost), add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A card’s spectacle cost is the same no matter how much life your opponents lost or how many opponents lost life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if an opponent loses life and later that turn leaves the game, you can cast a spell for its spectacle cost. (If a player leaves the game during their turn, that turn continues without an active player.)"
            "scryfallId": "a41335c2-3d11-4f95-8d9f-66b04398c10b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ea801dc0-e223-4c9f-b116-00cf42e2b674",
            "scryfallOracleId": "65ce903f-8c3e-4283-9b6e-ee9b3176f059",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183179,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Spectacle {B}{R} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\n{B}: Hackrobat gains deathtouch until end of turn.\n{R}: Hackrobat gets +2/-2 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "393c0560-746f-5b99-9f6d-f6743ab49242",
            "uuidV421": "5e3d4005-9162-58d8-a05b-21fa570b0bb4",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Jedd Chevrier",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "The ever-watchful center of a growing web of eyes.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Das wachsame Zentrum eines stets wachsenden Netzwerks aus Beobachtern.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457654,
                    "name": "Geheiligter Springbrunnen",
                    "text": "({T}: Erzeuge {W} oder {U}.)\nSowie der Geheiligte Springbrunnen ins Spiel kommt, kannst du 2 Lebenspunkte bezahlen. Falls du dies nicht tust, kommt er getappt ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Land — Ebene, Insel"
                    "flavorText": "El centro siempre vigilante de una creciente red de ojos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457913,
                    "name": "Fuente consagrada",
                    "text": "({T}: Agrega {W} o {U}.)\nEn cuanto la Fuente consagrada entre al campo de batalla, puedes pagar 2 vidas. Si no lo haces, entra al campo de batalla girada.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Llanura isla"
                    "flavorText": "Le centre toujours alerte d'un réseau d'yeux grandissant.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458172,
                    "name": "Fontaine sacrée",
                    "text": "({T} : Ajoutez {W} ou {U}.)\nAu moment où la Fontaine sacrée arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez payer 2 points de vie. Si vous ne le faites pas, elle arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.",
                    "type": "Terrain : plaine et île"
                    "flavorText": "Il centro sempre vigile di una rete di occhi in continua crescita.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458431,
                    "name": "Fontana Santificata",
                    "text": "({T}: Aggiungi {W} o {U}.)\nMentre la Fontana Santificata entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi pagare 2 punti vita. Se non lo fai, entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpata.",
                    "type": "Terra — Pianura Isola"
                    "flavorText": "絶えず監視を続ける、拡大する目の網の中心。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458690,
                    "name": "神聖なる泉",
                    "text": "({T}:{W}か{U}を加える。)\n神聖なる泉が戦場に出るに際し、あなたは2点のライフを支払ってもよい。そうしないなら、これはタップ状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "土地 — 平地・島"
                    "flavorText": "감시를 늦추지 않는 빛나는 눈들로 만들어진 그물의 정중앙.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458949,
                    "name": "신성한 분수대",
                    "text": "({T}: {W} 또는 {U}를 추가한다.)\n신성한 분수대가 전장에 들어오면서, 당신은 생명 2점을 지불할 수 있다. 그러지 않으면, 신성한 분수대는 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 들 섬"
                    "flavorText": "O centro sempre vigilante de uma teia crescente de olhos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459208,
                    "name": "Fonte Santificada",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {W} ou {U}.\nConforme Fonte Santificada entra no campo de batalha, você pode pagar 2 pontos de vida. Se não fizer isso, ela entrará no campo de batalha virada.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Planície Ilha"
                    "flavorText": "Всевидящее ядро растущей паутины глаз.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459467,
                    "name": "Освященный Фонтан",
                    "text": "({T}: добавьте {W} или {U}.)\nПри выходе Освященного Фонтана на поле битвы, вы можете заплатить 2 жизни. Если вы этого не делаете, он выходит на поле битвы повернутым.",
                    "type": "Земля — Равнина Остров"
                    "flavorText": "扩张眼线罗网的警戒中心。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459726,
                    "name": "崇圣喷泉",
                    "text": "({T}:加{W}或{U}。)\n于崇圣喷泉进战场时,你可以支付2点生命。如果你未如此作,则崇圣喷泉须横置进战场。",
                    "type": "地 ~平原/海岛"
                    "flavorText": "擴張眼線羅網的警戒中心。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459985,
                    "name": "崇聖噴泉",
                    "text": "({T}:加{W}或{U}。)\n於崇聖噴泉進戰場時,你可以支付2點生命。如果你未如此作,則崇聖噴泉須橫置進戰場。",
                    "type": "地 ~平原/海島"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457395,
            "name": "Hallowed Fountain",
            "number": "251",
            "originalText": "({T}: Add {W} or {U}.)\nAs Hallowed Fountain enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "originalType": "Land — Plains Island",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Unlike most dual lands, this land has two basic land types. It’s not basic, so cards such as District Guide can’t find it, but it does have the appropriate land types for effects such as that of Drowned Catacomb (from the Ixalan set)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect puts this land onto the battlefield tapped, you may pay 2 life, but it still enters tapped."
            "scryfallId": "f97a6d34-03ab-49f1-b02e-405b733f8843",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d1ad645f-c3ca-4ab2-a0a6-e9c2f9804d12",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f1750962-a87c-49f6-b731-02ae971ac6ea",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182831,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "({T}: Add {W} or {U}.)\nAs Hallowed Fountain enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "type": "Land — Plains Island",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c50c05e8-3765-5a87-9a3a-15cd33d27e1b",
            "uuidV421": "17222c4c-c364-53ad-bceb-24d077c9de79",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Bram Sels",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "When the established order falters, what remains are ordinary people and their struggle to survive.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wenn die alte Ordnung ins Wanken gerät, bleiben nur gewöhnliche Bürger und ihr Kampf ums Überleben.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457414,
                    "name": "Heldin aus Bezirk Eins",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen mehrfarbigen Zauberspruch wirkst, erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen Mensch-Kreaturenspielstein.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Cuando el orden establecido se resquebraja, lo que queda es la gente común y su lucha por la supervivencia.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457673,
                    "name": "Heroína del distrito uno",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo multicolor, crea una ficha de criatura Humano blanca 1/1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Quand l'ordre établi vacille, il ne reste que les gens ordinaires et leur lutte pour survivre.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457932,
                    "name": "Héroïne de la Première circonscription",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort multicolore, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche Humain.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Quando l'ordine costituito viene meno, ciò che resta sono persone comuni che lottano per la sopravvivenza.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458191,
                    "name": "Eroina del Primo Distretto",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia multicolore, crea una pedina creatura Umano 1/1 bianca.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Umano"
                    "flavorText": "確立した秩序が揺らいだとき、後に残されるのは普通の人々と、その人々が生き残るための争いだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458450,
                    "name": "第1管区の勇士",
                    "text": "あなたが多色の呪文を唱えるたび、白の1/1の人間・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "체계가 흔들리고 나면, 남는 것은 평범한 사람들과 그들이 살아남으려 발버둥치는 일뿐이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458709,
                    "name": "1번 관할구역의 영웅",
                    "text": "당신이 다색 주문을 발동할 때마다, 1/1 백색 인간 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Quando a ordem vigente fraqueja, o que sobra são as pessoas comuns e a luta pela sobrevivência.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458968,
                    "name": "Heroína do Primeiro Distrito",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjurar uma mágica multicolorida, crie uma ficha de criatura branca 1/1 do tipo Humano.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Когда установленный порядок рушится, остаются обычные люди и их борьба за выживание.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459227,
                    "name": "Герой Первого Округа",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете многоцветное заклинание, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый Человек.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Воин"
                    "flavorText": "现有秩序崩溃之后,只见平凡民众在乱世中艰难求存。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459486,
                    "name": "第一城区勇士",
                    "text": "每当你施放多色咒语时,派出一个1/1白色人类衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/战士"
                    "flavorText": "現有秩序崩潰之後,只見平凡民眾在亂世中艱難求存。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459745,
                    "name": "第一城區勇士",
                    "text": "每當你施放多色咒語時,派出一個1/1白色人類衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457155,
            "name": "Hero of Precinct One",
            "number": "11",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast a multicolored spell, create a 1/1 white Human creature token.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The triggered ability of Hero of Precinct One resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
            "scryfallId": "87732718-1067-4e5f-a76d-409539c9ef3f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4b903272-cb9c-4e29-8e09-6d2ac141dc5a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5a66802a-76f9-4a31-a776-24110dcfca64",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183248,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast a multicolored spell, create a 1/1 white Human creature token.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f2f86e7b-5416-5f50-8bf5-cf5ec49f5c08",
            "uuidV421": "113a7593-ae16-512c-8f58-94d110ab54d9"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457585,
                    "name": "Oberste Alarmstufe",
                    "text": "Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, weisen Kampfschaden in Höhe ihrer Widerstandskraft anstatt ihrer Stärke zu.\nKreaturen, die du kontrollierst, können angreifen, als ob sie nicht Verteidiger hätten.\n{2}{W}{U}: Enttappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457844,
                    "name": "Alerta máxima",
                    "text": "Cada criatura que controlas asigna una cantidad de daño de combate igual a su resistencia en vez de su fuerza.\nLas criaturas que controlas pueden atacar como si no tuvieran la habilidad de defensor.\n{2}{W}{U}: Endereza la criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458103,
                    "name": "Alerte rouge",
                    "text": "Chaque créature que vous contrôlez attribue un nombre de blessures de combat égal à son endurance à la place de sa force.\nLes créatures que vous contrôlez peuvent attaquer comme si elles n'avaient pas le défenseur.\n{2}{W}{U} : Dégagez la créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458362,
                    "name": "Massima Allerta",
                    "text": "Ogni creatura che controlli assegna danno da combattimento pari alla sua costituzione invece che alla sua forza.\nLe creature che controlli possono attaccare come se non avessero difensore.\n{2}{W}{U}: STAPpa una creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458621,
                    "name": "厳戒態勢",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしている各クリーチャーはそれぞれ、パワーではなくタフネスに等しい点数の戦闘ダメージを割り振る。\nあなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは、それが防衛を持たないかのように攻撃できる。\n{2}{W}{U}:クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをアンタップする。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458880,
                    "name": "삼엄한 경계",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 각 생물은 공격력 대신 방어력만큼 전투피해를 입힌다.\n당신이 조종하는 생물들은 수비태세가 없는 것처럼 공격할 수 있다.\n{2}{W}{U}: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 언탭한다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459139,
                    "name": "Alerta Máximo",
                    "text": "Cada criatura que você controla atribui dano de combate igual à sua resistência, em vez de igual ao seu poder.\nAs criaturas que você controla podem atacar como se não tivessem defensor.\n{2}{W}{U}: Desvire a criatura alvo.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459398,
                    "name": "Боевая Готовность",
                    "text": "Каждое существо под вашим контролем распределяет боевые повреждения, равные своей выносливости, а не силе.\nСущества под вашим контролем могут атаковать, как если бы у них не было способности Защитника.\n{2}{W}{U}: разверните целевое существо.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459657,
                    "name": "高度戒备",
                    "text": "由你操控的每个生物皆依照其防御力来分配战斗伤害,而不是依照力量。\n由你操控的生物能视同不具守军异能地进行攻击。\n{2}{W}{U}:重置目标生物。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459916,
                    "name": "高度戒備",
                    "text": "由你操控的每個生物皆依照其防禦力來分配戰鬥傷害,而不是依照力量。\n由你操控的生物能視同不具守軍異能地進行攻擊。\n{2}{W}{U}:重置目標生物。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457326,
            "name": "High Alert",
            "number": "182",
            "originalText": "Each creature you control assigns combat damage equal to its toughness rather than its power.\nCreatures you control can attack as though they didn't have defender.\n{2}{W}{U}: Untap target creature.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "High Alert’s first ability doesn’t actually change any creature’s power. It changes only the amount of combat damage it assigns. All other rules and effects that check power or toughness use the real values. For example, Titanic Brawl won’t cause a creature to fight with its toughness under High Alert."
            "scryfallId": "ce124f6e-ef0c-4d01-a876-e34d3e445108",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "22796b28-34a4-40d6-a7e7-1ce681399370",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5f657279-cc0f-4431-b517-47bd1c7109b6",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183062,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Each creature you control assigns combat damage equal to its toughness rather than its power.\nCreatures you control can attack as though they didn't have defender.\n{2}{W}{U}: Untap target creature.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "dd1afdea-96bc-5f30-b5d0-280b5d8ab086",
            "uuidV421": "e7234787-b996-534d-81a8-d0fadf0fac18",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Jesper Ejsing",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Searching the city for Fblthp felt like sifting the rain for a single drop of blood.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Suche nach Fblzzp glich der Suche nach einem Tropfen Blut im Regen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457444,
                    "name": "Humongulus",
                    "text": "Fluchsicher (Diese Kreatur kann nicht das Ziel von Zaubersprüchen oder Fähigkeiten sein, die deine Gegner kontrollieren.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Homunkulus"
                    "flavorText": "Rastrear la ciudad en busca de Fblthp era como buscar una gota de sangre en la lluvia.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457703,
                    "name": "Enormúnculo",
                    "text": "Antimaleficio. (Esta criatura no puede ser objetivo de hechizos o habilidades que controlen tus oponentes.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Homúnculo"
                    "flavorText": "Chercher Fblthp en ville revenait à tamiser la pluie pour trouver une seule goutte de sang.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457962,
                    "name": "Monstroncule",
                    "text": "Défense talismanique (Cette créature ne peut pas être la cible de sorts ou de capacités que vos adversaires contrôlent.)",
                    "type": "Créature : homoncule"
                    "flavorText": "La ricerca di Fblthp attraverso la città si rivelò ardua come filtrare la pioggia per trovare una singola goccia di sangue.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458221,
                    "name": "Gigantomuncolo",
                    "text": "Anti-malocchio (Questa creatura non può essere bersaglio di magie o abilità controllate dai tuoi avversari.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Omuncolo"
                    "flavorText": "都市でフブルスプを探すのは、まるで雨をふるいにかけて一滴の血を探すようなものだった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458480,
                    "name": "大ムンクルス",
                    "text": "呪禁(このクリーチャーは、対戦相手がコントロールしている呪文や能力の対象にならない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ホムンクルス"
                    "flavorText": "프블뜹을 찾아 도시를 수색하는 일은 피 한 방울을 찾으려 빗줄기 속을 헤매는 것처럼 느껴졌다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458739,
                    "name": "휴몽굴루스",
                    "text": "방호 (이 생물은 당신의 상대들이 조종하는 주문이나 능력의 목표로 정해질 수 없다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 호문쿨루스"
                    "flavorText": "Procurar Fblthp pela cidade era como filtrar a chuva em busca de uma gota de sangue.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458998,
                    "name": "Mega-homúnculo",
                    "text": "Resistência a magia (Esta criatura não pode ser alvo de mágicas nem de habilidades que seus oponentes controlam.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Homúnculo"
                    "flavorText": "Искать Фыблтыпа в городе было все равно, что пытаться найти в дожде одну каплю крови.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459257,
                    "name": "Гигантомункул",
                    "text": "Порчеустойчивость (Это существо не может быть целью заклинаний или способностей под контролем ваших оппонентов.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Гомункул"
                    "flavorText": "在全城人海中找到夫毕佐,就像在滂沱大雨中筛出血滴。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459516,
                    "name": "巨型造妖",
                    "text": "辟邪(此生物不能成为由对手操控之咒语或异能的目标。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~造妖"
                    "flavorText": "在全城人海中找到夫畢佐,就像在滂沱大雨中篩出血滴。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459775,
                    "name": "巨型造妖",
                    "text": "辟邪(此生物不能成為由對手操控之咒語或異能的目標。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~造妖"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457185,
            "name": "Humongulus",
            "number": "41",
            "originalText": "Hexproof (This creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Homunculus",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "21982dc7-4f79-4251-8382-95cd1f627e0f",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "395922cc-d524-4241-a7d8-9c7959f0b9db",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183113,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Hexproof (This creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Homunculus",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "cbe3356c-942e-506d-9777-feec200dbf14",
            "uuidV421": "c958cb00-dc8f-580b-a166-5cc833c58e2a"
            "artist": "Jason Felix",
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            "flavorText": "Havoc is a small price to pay for data.",
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                    "flavorText": "Chaos ist ein geringer Preis für neue Forschungsergebnisse.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457586,
                    "name": "Hydroid-Krasis",
                    "text": "Wenn du diesen Zauberspruch wirkst, erhältst du X/2 Lebenspunkte dazu und ziehst X/2 Karten. Runde jeweils ab.\nFliegend, verursacht Trampelschaden\nDie Hydroid-Krasis kommt mit X +1/+1-Marken ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Qualle, Hydra, Bestie"
                    "flavorText": "La destrucción es un pequeño precio a pagar por los datos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457845,
                    "name": "Krasis hidroide",
                    "text": "Cuando lances este hechizo, ganas la mitad de X vidas y robas la mitad de X cartas, redondeando hacia abajo cada vez.\nVuela, arrolla.\nEl Krasis hidroide entra al campo de batalla con X contadores +1/+1 sobre él.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia hidra medusa"
                    "flavorText": "Certaines informations valent bien un peu de chaos.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458104,
                    "name": "Krasis hydroïde",
                    "text": "Quand vous lancez ce sort, vous gagnez la moitié de X points de vie et vous piochez la moitié de X cartes. Arrondissez à l'unité inférieure à chaque fois.\nVol, piétinement\nLe Krasis hydroïde arrive sur le champ de bataille avec X marqueurs +1/+1 sur lui.",
                    "type": "Créature : méduse et hydre et bête"
                    "flavorText": "Il caos è un prezzo infimo da pagare in cambio di dati utili.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458363,
                    "name": "Krasis Idroide",
                    "text": "Quando lanci questa magia, guadagni la metà di X punti vita e peschi la metà di X carte. Arrotonda per difetto ogni volta.\nVolare, travolgere\nIl Krasis Idroide entra nel campo di battaglia con X segnalini +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia Idra Medusa"
                    "flavorText": "大惨事もデータの対価としては安いものだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458622,
                    "name": "ハイドロイド混成体",
                    "text": "あなたがこの呪文を唱えたとき、あなたはXの半分の点数のライフを得て、カードをXの半分の枚数引く。それぞれの端数は切り捨てる。\n飛行、トランプル\nハイドロイド混成体は、+1/+1カウンターがX個置かれた状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — クラゲ・ハイドラ・ビースト"
                    "flavorText": "데이터를 위해서라면 혼란은 작은 비용일 뿐이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458881,
                    "name": "히드라성 크라시스",
                    "text": "당신이 이 주문을 발동할 때, 당신은 X의 절반만큼 생명점을 얻고 X의 절반만큼 카드를 뽑는다. 매번 내림해 계산한다.\n비행, 돌진\n히드라성 크라시스는 +1/+1 카운터 X개를 가진 채로 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 해파리 히드라 야수"
                    "flavorText": "O caos é um preço pequeno a pagar pelos dados coletados.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459140,
                    "name": "Krasis Hidroide",
                    "text": "Quando você conjura esta mágica, você ganha metade de X pontos de vida e compra metade de X cards. Arredonde ambos para baixo a cada vez.\nVoar, atropelar\nKrasis Hidroide entra no campo de batalha com X marcadores +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Água-viva Hidra Besta"
                    "flavorText": "Хаос — невысокая цена за новые данные.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459399,
                    "name": "Гидроидный Красис",
                    "text": "Когда вы разыгрываете это заклинание, вы получаете половину от Х жизней и берете половину от Х карт. Каждый раз округляйте в меньшую сторону.\nПолет, Пробивной удар\nГидроидный Красис выходит на поле битвы с X жетонами +1/+1 на нем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Медуза Гидра Зверь"
                    "flavorText": "破坏不过是获取数据的小小代价。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459658,
                    "name": "水螅融合体",
                    "text": "当你施放此咒语时,你获得X一半数量的生命,且抓X一半数量的牌。各数量小数点后均舍去。\n飞行,践踏\n水螅融合体进战场时上面有X个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~水母/多头龙/野兽"
                    "flavorText": "破壞不過是獲取數據的小小代價。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459917,
                    "name": "水螅融合體",
                    "text": "當你施放此咒語時,你獲得X一半數量的生命,且抽X一半數量的牌。各數量小數點後均捨去。\n飛行,踐踏\n水螅融合體進戰場時上面有X個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~水母/多頭龍/野獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{X}{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457327,
            "name": "Hydroid Krasis",
            "number": "183",
            "originalText": "When you cast this spell, you gain half X life and draw half X cards. Round down each time.\nFlying, trample\nHydroid Krasis enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Jellyfish Hydra Beast",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Hydroid Krasis’s first ability triggers as you cast it, and that ability resolves before the spell itself. It resolves even if Hydroid Krasis is countered."
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182840,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When you cast this spell, you gain half X life and draw half X cards. Round down each time.\nFlying, trample\nHydroid Krasis enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters on it.",
            "toughness": "0",
            "type": "Creature — Jellyfish Hydra Beast",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "609d3507-1d05-5074-a10d-e243b639c955",
            "uuidV421": "7c2c03ce-29c5-5cc9-8385-41ab36ba684b",
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            "artist": "Winona Nelson",
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The suffering of others is not my concern.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Das Leiden der anderen interessiert mich nicht.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457480,
                    "name": "Unrechtmäßiges Erbe",
                    "text": "Zu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments fügt das Unrechtmäßige Erbe jedem Gegner 1 Schadenspunkt zu und du erhältst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu.\n{5}{B}, opfere das Unrechtmäßige Erbe: Es fügt einem Gegner deiner Wahl 4 Schadenspunkte zu und du erhältst 4 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"El sufrimiento de otros no es asunto mío\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457739,
                    "name": "Herencia ilícita",
                    "text": "Al comienzo de tu mantenimiento, la Herencia ilícita hace 1 punto de daño a cada oponente y tú ganas 1 vida.\n{5}{B}, sacrificar la Herencia ilícita: Hace 4 puntos de daño al oponente objetivo y tú ganas 4 vidas.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "« Je n'ai que faire de la souffrance des autres. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457998,
                    "name": "Héritage mal acquis",
                    "text": "Au début de votre entretien, l'Héritage mal acquis inflige 1 blessure à chaque adversaire et vous gagnez 1 point de vie.\n{5}{B}, sacrifiez l'Héritage mal acquis : Il inflige 4 blessures à un adversaire ciblé et vous gagnez 4 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "\"La sofferenza altrui non è un mio problema.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458257,
                    "name": "Eredità Illecita",
                    "text": "All'inizio del tuo mantenimento, l'Eredità Illecita infligge 1 danno a ogni avversario e tu guadagni 1 punto vita.\n{5}{B}, Sacrifica l'Eredità Illecita: Infligge 4 danni a un avversario bersaglio e tu guadagni 4 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "「他人の苦しみなど私には関係ない。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458516,
                    "name": "不正相続",
                    "text": "あなたのアップキープの開始時に、不正相続は各対戦相手にそれぞれ1点のダメージを与え、あなたは1点のライフを得る。\n{5}{B}, 不正相続を生け贄に捧げる:対戦相手1人を対象とする。不正相続はそれに4点のダメージを与え、あなたは4点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"다른 이들이 고통받는 건 내 알 바가 아니지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458775,
                    "name": "부정하게 얻은 유산",
                    "text": "당신의 유지단 시작에, 부정하게 얻은 유산은 각 상대에게 피해 1점을 입히고 당신은 생명 1점을 얻는다.\n{5}{B}, 부정하게 얻은 유산을 희생한다: 상대를 목표로 정한다. 부정하게 얻은 유산은 그 플레이어에게 피해 4점을 입히고 당신은 생명 4점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"O sofrimento alheio não me diz respeito.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459034,
                    "name": "Herança Ilícita",
                    "text": "No início de sua manutenção, Herança Ilícita causa 1 ponto de dano a cada oponente e você ganha 1 ponto de vida.\n{5}{B}, sacrifique Herança Ilícita: Ela causa 4 pontos de dano ao oponente alvo e você ganha 4 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "«Страдания других меня не касаются».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459293,
                    "name": "Преступное Наследство",
                    "text": "В начале вашего шага поддержки Преступное Наследство наносит 1 повреждение каждому оппоненту, а вы получаете 1 жизнь.\n{5}{B}, пожертвуйте Преступное Наследство: оно наносит 4 повреждения целевому оппоненту, а вы получаете 4 жизни.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「别人是否受罪与我无关。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459552,
                    "name": "不当遗产",
                    "text": "在你的维持开始时,不当遗产向每位对手各造成1点伤害且你获得1点生命。\n{5}{B},牺牲不当遗产:它向目标对手造成4点伤害且你获得4点生命。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "「別人是否受罪與我無關。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459811,
                    "name": "不當遺產",
                    "text": "在你的維持開始時,不當遺產向每位對手各造成1點傷害且你獲得1點生命。\n{5}{B},犧牲不當遺產:它向目標對手造成4點傷害且你獲得4點生命。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457221,
            "name": "Ill-Gotten Inheritance",
            "number": "77",
            "originalText": "At the beginning of your upkeep, Ill-Gotten Inheritance deals 1 damage to each opponent and you gain 1 life.\n{5}{B}, Sacrifice Ill-Gotten Inheritance: It deals 4 damage to target opponent and you gain 4 life.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Ill-Gotten Inheritance’s first ability causes the opposing team to lose 2 life and you gain 1 life."
            "scryfallId": "3d44b342-f611-4836-a9d5-83b00a24318f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "abd3e8d5-822a-4e0e-848b-39f8e64b53d5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "84e8ca5e-730e-468b-943c-7c6358ade95c",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183424,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "At the beginning of your upkeep, Ill-Gotten Inheritance deals 1 damage to each opponent and you gain 1 life.\n{5}{B}, Sacrifice Ill-Gotten Inheritance: It deals 4 damage to target opponent and you gain 4 life.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d55c307e-e5ce-5e3b-b21c-20c4e2d13c9f",
            "uuidV421": "09be5fcb-e2b2-5307-afb4-a6cf4e4335c5"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Hello, kindling.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Hallo, Fünkchen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457509,
                    "name": "Flammenschamane",
                    "text": "Immer wenn ein Gegner eine Fähigkeit eines Artefakts, einer Kreatur oder eines Landes aktiviert, die keine Manafähigkeit ist, fügt ihm der Flammenschamane 1 Schadenspunkt zu.\n{3}{R}{R}: Der Flammenschamane erhält +3/+3 und Bedrohlichkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Viashino, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Hola, pasto de las llamas\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457768,
                    "name": "Chamán de la inmolación",
                    "text": "Siempre que un oponente active una habilidad de un artefacto, criatura o tierra que no sea una habilidad de maná, el Chamán de la inmolación hace 1 punto de daño a ese jugador.\n{3}{R}{R}: El Chamán de la inmolación obtiene +3/+3 y gana la habilidad de amenaza hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán viashino"
                    "flavorText": "« Bonjour, les petits. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458027,
                    "name": "Shamane d'immolation",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'un adversaire active une capacité d'un artefact, d'une créature ou d'un terrain qui n'est pas une capacité de mana, le Shamane d'immolation inflige 1 blessure à ce joueur.\n{3}{R}{R} : Le Shamane d'immolation gagne +3/+3 et acquiert la menace jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : viashino et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sarai perfetto come combustibile.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458286,
                    "name": "Sciamano dell'Immolazione",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta un avversario attiva un'abilità di un artefatto, di una creatura o di una terra che non è un'abilità di mana, lo Sciamano dell'Immolazione infligge 1 danno a quel giocatore.\n{3}{R}{R}: Lo Sciamano dell'Immolazione prende +3/+3 e ha minacciare fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Viashino"
                    "flavorText": "「やあ、焚き木たち。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458545,
                    "name": "焼身のシャーマン",
                    "text": "対戦相手が、アーティファクトやクリーチャーや土地の、マナ能力でない能力を起動するたび、焼身のシャーマンはそのプレイヤーに1点のダメージを与える。\n{3}{R}{R}:ターン終了時まで、焼身のシャーマンは+3/+3の修整を受け威迫を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ヴィーアシーノ・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "\"불꽃들아, 반갑다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458804,
                    "name": "화염제사 주술사",
                    "text": "상대가 마법물체, 생물 또는 대지의 마나 능력이 아닌 능력을 활성화할 때마다, 화염제사 주술사는 그 플레이어에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.\n{3}{R}{R}: 화염제사 주술사는 턴종료까지 +3/+3을 받고 호전적을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 비아시노 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Olá, chamas.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459063,
                    "name": "Xamã da Imolação",
                    "text": "Toda vez que um oponente ativa uma habilidade de um artefato, criatura ou terreno que não seja uma habilidade de mana, Xamã da Imolação causa 1 ponto de dano àquele jogador.\n{3}{R}{R}: Xamã da Imolação recebe +3/+3 e ganha ameaçar até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Viashino Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "«Привет, растопка».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459322,
                    "name": "Шаман Всесожжения",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда оппонент активирует способность артефакта, существа или земли, не являющуюся мана-способностью, Шаман Всесожжения наносит 1 повреждение тому игроку.\n{3}{R}{R}: Шаман Всесожжения получает +3/+3 и Угрозу до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Виашино Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "「你好呀,火种。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459581,
                    "name": "火牲祭师",
                    "text": "每当任一对手起动神器、生物或地上不属法术力异能之异能时,火牲祭师对该牌手造成1点伤害。\n{3}{R}{R}:直到回合结束,火牲祭师得+3/+3且获得威慑异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~凡尔西诺/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "「你好呀,火種。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459840,
                    "name": "火牲祭師",
                    "text": "每當任一對手起動神器、生物或地上不屬魔法力異能之異能時,火牲祭師對該玩家造成1點傷害。\n{3}{R}{R}:直到回合結束,火牲祭師得+3/+3且獲得威懾異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~凡爾西諾/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457250,
            "name": "Immolation Shaman",
            "number": "106",
            "originalText": "Whenever an opponent activates an ability of an artifact, creature, or land that isn't a mana ability, Immolation Shaman deals 1 damage to that player.\n{3}{R}{R}: Immolation Shaman gets +3/+3 and gains menace until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Viashino Shaman",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Activated abilities contain a colon. They’re generally written “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keyword abilities are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder text (such as equip does). An activated mana ability is one that produces mana as it resolves, not one that costs mana to activate."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Immolation Shaman’s first ability doesn’t trigger when an opponent activates an ability of a card in hand (such as cycling) or a card in a graveyard (such as that of Bone Dragon), even if that causes a card to be put onto the battlefield."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Immolation Shaman’s first ability resolves before the ability that caused it to trigger."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Activating Immolation Shaman’s second ability after one creature has blocked it won’t cause Immolation Shaman to become unblocked."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Multiple instances of menace on the same creature are redundant."
            "scryfallId": "45e668e5-ef50-43eb-852e-b111370459c8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5c69c9c1-c07d-4fa7-a6e9-5a345d7e4cc1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "cf681c9e-a644-44c7-b744-34faafc67d50",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183192,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever an opponent activates an ability of an artifact, creature, or land that isn't a mana ability, Immolation Shaman deals 1 damage to that player.\n{3}{R}{R}: Immolation Shaman gets +3/+3 and gains menace until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Viashino Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "227c68e7-9069-5900-ba0b-898a17fdf11f",
            "uuidV421": "91b7f251-0efe-5956-b05c-e9e0a020e3ce"
            "artist": "Mark Zug",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
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            "flavorText": "In times of unrest, the crowd is eager for the comfort of strong convictions.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "In Zeiten der Unruhe dürstet die Menge nach dem Trost fester Überzeugungen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457415,
                    "name": "Leidenschaftlicher Redner",
                    "text": "Immer wenn eine andere Kreatur unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel kommt, erhältst du 1 Lebenspunkt dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "En épocas convulsas, la turba ansía el bálsamo de las convicciones firmes.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457674,
                    "name": "Orador apasionado",
                    "text": "Siempre que otra criatura entre al campo de batalla bajo tu control, ganas 1 vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo humano"
                    "flavorText": "En période de troubles, la foule trouve son réconfort dans les convictions profondes.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457933,
                    "name": "Orateur passionné",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'une autre créature arrive sur le champ de bataille sous votre contrôle, vous gagnez 1 point de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "In tempo di tumulto, la folla cerca il conforto in chi possiede una volontà risoluta.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458192,
                    "name": "Oratore Appassionato",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta un'altra creatura entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, guadagni 1 punto vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Umano"
                    "flavorText": "安らぎのない時代には、大衆は強い信念がもたらす安心感を求めがちになる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458451,
                    "name": "情熱的な扇動者",
                    "text": "他のクリーチャーが1体あなたのコントロール下で戦場に出るたび、あなたは1点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "불안한 시기가 되면, 대중은 강한 신념을 통해 편안함을 찾기를 갈망한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458710,
                    "name": "열정적인 웅변가",
                    "text": "다른 생물이 당신의 조종하에 전장에 들어올 때마다, 당신은 생명 1점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "Em tempos turbulentos, a multidão anseia pelo conforto de convicções firmes.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458969,
                    "name": "Orador Exaltado",
                    "text": "Toda vez que outra criatura entra no campo de batalha sob o seu controle, você ganha 1 ponto de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "В беспокойные времена толпа жадно ловит всякое уверенное слово.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459228,
                    "name": "Вдохновенный Оратор",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда другое существо выходит на поле битвы под вашим контролем, вы получаете 1 жизнь.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Священник"
                    "flavorText": "在动荡之时,民众更渴望从严正说辞中得到慰藉。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459487,
                    "name": "激情雄辩家",
                    "text": "每当另一个生物在你的操控下进战场时,你获得1点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "在動盪之時,民眾更渴望從嚴正說辭中得到慰藉。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459746,
                    "name": "激情雄辯家",
                    "text": "每當另一個生物在你的操控下進戰場時,你獲得1點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
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            "name": "Impassioned Orator",
            "number": "12",
            "originalText": "Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "2bd746e3-8934-4c86-894e-2cb1738b1d58",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183371,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "67861d16-f382-5625-a1e6-fbbbe181fb79",
            "uuidV421": "77b02422-5b39-5da5-9824-8221ca373b55"
            "artist": "Johannes Voss",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "The rights of ghosts are strictly protected under Orzhov bylaws, and those who enforce them can count on the ghosts' assistance.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Statuten der Orzhov schützen die Rechte der Geister, und die Verfechter der Statuten können sich stets auf die Hilfe der Geister verlassen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457587,
                    "name": "Gebieterische Oligarchin",
                    "text": "Wachsamkeit\nSeelenwandlung 1 (Wenn diese Kreatur stirbt, erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen und schwarzen Geist-Kreaturenspielstein mit Flugfähigkeit.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "Los estatutos orzhov protegen estrictamente los derechos de los fantasmas, y quienes los aplican pueden contar con la ayuda de los propios fantasmas.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457846,
                    "name": "Oligarca autoritaria",
                    "text": "Vigilancia.\nUltratumba 1. (Cuando esta criatura muera, crea una ficha de criatura Espíritu blanca y negra 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo humano"
                    "flavorText": "Les droits des fantômes sont strictement protégés par les règlements administratifs d'Orzhov, et ceux qui les appliquent peuvent compter sur l'aide des fantômes.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458105,
                    "name": "Oligarque impérieuse",
                    "text": "Vigilance\nAu-delà 1 (Quand cette créature meurt, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "I diritti dei fantasmi sono tutelati da severi statuti degli Orzhov, fatti rispettare con l'assistenza degli stessi fantasmi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458364,
                    "name": "Oligarca Imperiosa",
                    "text": "Cautela\nAldilà 1 (Quando questa creatura muore, crea una pedina creatura Spirito 1/1 bianca e nera con volare.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Umano"
                    "flavorText": "幽霊の権利はオルゾフの定款によって厳重に保護されている。またそれを執行する者は幽霊の援助が期待できる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458623,
                    "name": "傲慢な支配者",
                    "text": "警戒\n死後1(このクリーチャーが死亡したとき、飛行を持ち白であり黒である1/1のスピリット・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "유령들의 권리는 오르조브의 규약에 의해 엄격하게 보호되어 있으며, 그 규약을 집행하는 자들은 유령들의 도움을 받는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458882,
                    "name": "고압적인 과두집권자",
                    "text": "경계\n사후세계 1 (이 생물이 죽을 때, 비행을 가진 1/1 백색 및 흑색 신령 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "Os direitos dos fantasmas são estritamente protegidos nos estatutos dos Orzhov, e os que os garantem podem contar com a assistência dos próprios fantasmas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459141,
                    "name": "Oligarca Imperiosa",
                    "text": "Vigilância\nPós-vida 1 (Quando esta criatura morrer, crie uma ficha de criatura branca e preta 1/1 do tipo Espírito com voar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "Права призраков строго защищены уставом Орзовов, а следящие за их соблюдением могут рассчитывать на помощь со стороны призраков.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459400,
                    "name": "Властительный Олигарх",
                    "text": "Бдительность\nПосмертие 1 (Когда это существо умирает, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый и черный Дух с Полетом.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Священник"
                    "flavorText": "鬼魂的权益受到欧佐夫章程的严格保护,执行章程的人也能指望鬼魂的协助。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459659,
                    "name": "傲慢寡头",
                    "text": "警戒\n往生1(当此生物死去时,派出一个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "鬼魂的權益受到歐佐夫章程的嚴格保護,執行章程的人也能指望鬼魂的協助。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459918,
                    "name": "傲慢寡頭",
                    "text": "警戒\n往生1(當此生物死去時,派出一個1/1,白黑雙色,具飛行異能的精靈衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}{B}",
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            "name": "Imperious Oligarch",
            "number": "184",
            "originalText": "Vigilance\nAfterlife 1 (When this creature dies, create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because blockers are chosen all at once, you can’t block with a creature with afterlife, wait for it to die, then block with the resulting Spirit tokens."
            "scryfallId": "fd27ba9e-5b9c-468f-9a44-bf2e89138e72",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d649d685-7756-4f54-b82e-17c3395a9c79",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b0381c2a-40e2-4002-82e3-ae2d687daed3",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182206,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Vigilance\nAfterlife 1 (When this creature dies, create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.)",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "26ab4020-2bfd-5cf7-b722-e02cc241c4c7",
            "uuidV421": "62b73325-651b-5544-b234-db9de2adcd92",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Mike Bierek",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457629,
                    "name": "Inkongruenz",
                    "text": "Schicke eine Kreatur deiner Wahl ins Exil. Der Beherrscher der Kreatur erzeugt einen 3/3 grünen Frosch-Eidechse-Kreaturenspielstein.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457888,
                    "name": "Incongruencia",
                    "text": "Exilia la criatura objetivo. El controlador de esa criatura crea una ficha de criatura Lagarto Rana verde 3/3.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458147,
                    "name": "Incongruité",
                    "text": "Exilez la créature ciblée. Le contrôleur de cette créature crée un jeton de créature 3/3 verte Grenouille et Lézard.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458406,
                    "name": "Incongruenza",
                    "text": "Esilia una creatura bersaglio. Il controllore di quella creatura crea una pedina creatura Lucertola Rana 3/3 verde.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458665,
                    "name": "不和",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを追放する。そのクリーチャーのコントローラーは、緑の3/3のカエル・トカゲ・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458924,
                    "name": "부조화",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 추방한다. 그 생물의 조종자는 3/3 녹색 개구리 도마뱀 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459183,
                    "name": "Incongruência",
                    "text": "Exile a criatura alvo. O controlador daquela criatura cria uma ficha de criatura verde 3/3 do tipo Sapo Lagarto.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459442,
                    "name": "Несоответствие",
                    "text": "Изгоните целевое существо. Контролирующий то существо игрок создает одну фишку существа 3/3 зеленая Лягушка Ящер.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459701,
                    "name": "存异",
                    "text": "放逐目标生物。该生物的操控者派出一个3/3绿色蛙/蜥蜴衍生生物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459960,
                    "name": "存異",
                    "text": "放逐目標生物。該生物的操控者派出一個3/3綠色蛙/蜥蜴衍生生物。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457370,
            "name": "Incongruity",
            "names": [
            "number": "226",
            "originalText": "Exile target creature. That creature's controller creates a 3/3 green Frog Lizard creature token.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Incongruity tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. No player creates a Frog Lizard token."
            "scryfallId": "dd3a4d6e-34ae-4047-a9c7-11e28b0a276d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "eb2c9029-6963-4729-815b-40f035476f02",
            "scryfallOracleId": "363edb16-009f-4cc2-99e3-2b15db84e7af",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182411,
            "text": "Exile target creature. That creature's controller creates a 3/3 green Frog Lizard creature token.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b6ef6805-caf7-57d0-af32-c5f6ddd3d197",
            "uuidV421": "579fc6a0-edd1-550e-9fdf-9e515757666a",
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            "artist": "Mike Bierek",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 1,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457629,
                    "name": "Inkubation",
                    "text": "Schaue dir die obersten fünf Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst davon eine Kreaturenkarte offen vorzeigen und auf deine Hand nehmen. Lege den Rest in zufälliger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457888,
                    "name": "Incubación",
                    "text": "Mira las cinco primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Puedes mostrar una carta de criatura que se encuentre entre ellas y ponerla en tu mano. Pon el resto en el fondo de tu biblioteca en un orden aleatorio.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458147,
                    "name": "Incubation",
                    "text": "Regardez les cinq cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez révéler une carte de créature parmi elles et la mettre dans votre main. Mettez le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque dans un ordre aléatoire.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458406,
                    "name": "Incubazione",
                    "text": "Guarda le prime cinque carte del tuo grimorio. Puoi rivelare una carta creatura scelta tra esse e aggiungerla alla tua mano. Metti le altre in fondo al tuo grimorio in ordine casuale.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458665,
                    "name": "孵化",
                    "text": "あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを5枚見る。あなたはその中からクリーチャー・カード1枚を公開してあなたの手札に加えてもよい。残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に無作為の順番で置く。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458924,
                    "name": "배양",
                    "text": "당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 다섯 장을 본다. 당신은 그중에서 생물 카드 한 장을 공개하고 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다. 나머지 카드들은 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459183,
                    "name": "Incubação",
                    "text": "Olhe os cinco cards do topo de seu grimório. Você pode revelar um card de criatura dentre eles e colocá-lo em sua mão. Coloque o restante no fundo de seu grimório em ordem aleatória.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459442,
                    "name": "Инкубация",
                    "text": "Посмотрите пять верхних карт вашей библиотеки. Вы можете показать находящуюся среди них карту существа и положить ее в вашу руку. Положите остальные карты в низ вашей библиотеки в случайном порядке.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459701,
                    "name": "存育",
                    "text": "检视你牌库顶的五张牌。你可以展示其中的一张生物牌,并将它置于你手上。将其余的牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459960,
                    "name": "存育",
                    "text": "檢視你牌庫頂的五張牌。你可以展示其中的一張生物牌,並將它置於你手上。將其餘的牌以隨機順序置於你的牌庫底。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{G/U}",
            "multiverseId": 457370,
            "name": "Incubation",
            "names": [
            "number": "226",
            "originalText": "Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal a creature card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Incongruity tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. No player creates a Frog Lizard token."
            "scryfallId": "dd3a4d6e-34ae-4047-a9c7-11e28b0a276d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "eb2c9029-6963-4729-815b-40f035476f02",
            "scryfallOracleId": "363edb16-009f-4cc2-99e3-2b15db84e7af",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182411,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal a creature card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "350c7e7b-e37c-5d5b-95cd-7df71e4f3b8c",
            "uuidV421": "91a01b7a-6b81-5ee0-bb1d-521ef02a7adb",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Daniel Ljunggren",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457534,
                    "name": "Inkubationsdruidin",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge ein Mana eines beliebigen Typs, das ein Land, das du kontrollierst, produzieren könnte. Falls mindestens eine +1/+1-Marke auf der Inkubationsdruidin liegt, erzeuge stattdessen drei Mana dieses Typs.\n{3}{G}{G}: Adaptieren 3. (Falls keine +1/+1-Marken auf dieser Kreatur liegen, lege drei +1/+1-Marken auf sie.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Druide"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457793,
                    "name": "Druida de la incubación",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega un maná de cualquier tipo que pueda producir una tierra que controlas. Si la Druida de la incubación tiene un contador +1/+1 sobre ella, en vez de eso, agrega tres manás de ese tipo.\n{3}{G}{G}: Adaptar 3. (Si esta criatura no tiene contadores +1/+1 sobre ella, pon tres contadores +1/+1 sobre ella.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Druida elfo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458052,
                    "name": "Druidesse d'incubation",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez un mana de n'importe quel type qu'un terrain que vous contrôlez pourrait produire. Si la Druidesse d'incubation a un marqueur +1/+1 sur elle, ajoutez trois manas de ce type à la place.\n{3}{G}{G} : Adaptez 3. (Si cette créature n'a pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle, mettez trois marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle.)",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et druide"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458311,
                    "name": "Druida dell'Incubazione",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi tipo che una terra che controlli potrebbe produrre. Se la Druida dell'Incubazione ha un segnalino +1/+1, aggiungi invece tre mana di quel tipo.\n{3}{G}{G}: Adattamento 3. (Se questa creatura non ha segnalini +1/+1, metti tre segnalini +1/+1 su di essa.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Druido Elfo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458570,
                    "name": "培養ドルイド",
                    "text": "{T}:あなたがコントロールしている土地が生み出すことのできるタイプのうち望むタイプのマナ1点を加える。培養ドルイドの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれているなら、代わりにそのタイプのマナ3点を加える。\n{3}{G}{G}:順応3を行う。(このクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないなら、これの上に+1/+1カウンターを3個置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・ドルイド"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458829,
                    "name": "배양 드루이드",
                    "text": "{T}: 당신이 조종하는 대지가 생산할 수 있는 유형의 마나 한 개를 추가한다. 배양 드루이드가 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있다면, 대신 그 유형의 마나 세 개를 추가한다.\n{3}{G}{G}: 적응 3을 한다. (이 생물이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않다면, 이 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 세 개를 올려놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 드루이드"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459088,
                    "name": "Druida da Incubação",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione um mana de qualquer tipo que um terreno que você controla possa gerar. Se Druida da Incubação tiver um marcador +1/+1, em vez disso, adicione três manas daquele tipo.\n{3}{G}{G}: Adaptar 3. (Se esta criatura não tiver marcadores +1/+1, coloque três marcadores +1/+1 nela.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Druida"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459347,
                    "name": "Друид Инкубации",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте одну ману любого типа, который могла бы произвести земля под вашим контролем. Если на Друиде Инкубации есть жетон +1/+1, вместо этого добавьте три маны того типа.\n{3}{G}{G}: адаптируйте 3. (Если на этом существе нет жетонов +1/+1, положите на него три жетона +1/+1.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Друид"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459606,
                    "name": "护育德鲁伊",
                    "text": "{T}:加一点法术力,其类别为由你操控的地能产生之任一类别。如果护育德鲁伊上有+1/+1指示物,则改为加三点该类别的法术力。\n{3}{G}{G}:演化3。(如果此生物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置三个+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/德鲁伊"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459865,
                    "name": "護育德魯伊",
                    "text": "{T}:加一點魔法力,其類別為由你操控的地能產生之任一類別。如果護育德魯伊上有+1/+1指示物,則改為加三點該類別的魔法力。\n{3}{G}{G}:演化3。(如果此生物上沒有+1/+1指示物,則在其上放置三個+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/德魯伊"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457275,
            "name": "Incubation Druid",
            "number": "131",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add one mana of any type that a land you control could produce. If Incubation Druid has a +1/+1 counter on it, add three mana of that type instead.\n{3}{G}{G}: Adapt 3. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put three +1/+1 counters on it.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Druid",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The types of mana are white, blue, black, red, green, and colorless."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Any change to a land’s type or abilities gained by a land can affect the types of mana a land can produce."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Incubation Druid checks the effects of all mana-producing abilities of lands you control, but it doesn’t check their costs or legality. For example, Spire of Industry says “{T}, Pay 1 life: Add one mana of any color. Activate this ability only if you control an artifact.” If you control Spire of Industry and Incubation Druid, you can tap Incubation Druid for any color of mana. It doesn’t matter whether you control an artifact, whether you can pay 1 life, or whether Spire of Industry is untapped."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Incubation Druid doesn’t care about any restrictions or riders your lands put on the mana they produce, such as those of Unclaimed Territory and Guildmages’ Forum. It just produces one mana of the appropriate type, with no restrictions or riders."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can always activate an ability that will cause a creature to adapt. As that ability resolves, if the creature has a +1/+1 counter on it for any reason, you simply won’t put any +1/+1 counters on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature somehow loses all of its +1/+1 counters, it can adapt again and get more +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "075bbe5d-d0f3-4be3-a3a6-072d5d3d614c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a0a0a56a-2eda-4f2d-ada6-a4c2edd70ff8",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183313,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add one mana of any type that a land you control could produce. If Incubation Druid has a +1/+1 counter on it, add three mana of that type instead.\n{3}{G}{G}: Adapt 3. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put three +1/+1 counters on it.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Druid",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ca3cf9f9-1e1e-58d8-a320-9c749dafc715",
            "uuidV421": "dac0bf83-41c5-5f7f-a1f9-639c63aa8010",
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            "artist": "Eytan Zana",
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                    "type": "Базовая Земля — Остров"
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            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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            "number": "261",
            "originalText": "U",
            "originalType": "Basic Land — Island",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "197f5bd0-5ab3-4bf4-b20e-1389c0e9527a",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "b2c6aa39-2d2a-459c-a555-fb48ba993373",
            "subtypes": [
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 183581,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "({T}: Add {U}.)",
            "type": "Basic Land — Island",
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            "uuid": "0e320956-6d32-5282-9827-ec6d2306be36",
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            "flavorText": "At the end of the show, she stands alone on a stage brilliant with blood.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Am Ende der Vorstellung steht sie allein auf der blutgetränkten Bühne.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457588,
                    "name": "Judith, geißelnde Diva",
                    "text": "Andere Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+0.\nImmer wenn eine Nichtspielsteinkreatur, die du kontrollierst, stirbt, fügt Judith, geißelnde Diva, einem Ziel deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "Al final del espectáculo, solo queda ella sobre un reluciente escenario ensangrentado.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457847,
                    "name": "Judith, diva de la flagelación",
                    "text": "Las otras criaturas que controlas obtienen +1/+0.\nSiempre que una criatura que no sea ficha que controlas muera, Judith, diva de la flagelación hace 1 punto de daño a cualquier objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Chamán humano"
                    "flavorText": "À la fin du spectacle, elle se tient seule sur la scène luisante de sang.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458106,
                    "name": "Judith, diva du fléau",
                    "text": "Les autres créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+0.\nÀ chaque fois qu'une créature non-jeton que vous contrôlez meurt, Judith, diva du fléau inflige 1 blessure à n'importe quelle cible.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "Al termine dello spettacolo, si erge da sola su un palco lucente di sangue.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458365,
                    "name": "Judith, la Diva del Flagello",
                    "text": "Le altre creature che controlli prendono +1/+0.\nOgniqualvolta una creatura non pedina che controlli muore, Judith, la Diva del Flagello infligge 1 danno a un qualsiasi bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Sciamano Umano"
                    "flavorText": "ショーの終わりに、ステージに一人立つ彼女の姿は血で輝いていた。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458624,
                    "name": "災いの歌姫、ジュディス",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャーは+1/+0の修整を受ける。\nあなたがコントロールしていてトークンでないクリーチャーが1体死亡するたび、クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。災いの歌姫、ジュディスはそれに1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "공연이 끝날 때가 되면, 그녀만이 피로 온몸을 새빨갛게 물들인 채로 무대 위에 서 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458883,
                    "name": "재앙의 여주인공, 주디스",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 다른 생물들은 +1/+0을 받는다.\n당신이 조종하는 토큰이 아닌 생물이 죽을 때마다, 원하는 목표를 정한다. 재앙의 여주인공, 주디스는 그 목표에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "No fim do espetáculo, ela fica sozinha em um palco a brilhar com sangue.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459142,
                    "name": "Judith, Diva do Flagelo",
                    "text": "As outras criaturas que você controla recebem +1/+0.\nToda vez que uma criatura que você controla que não seja uma ficha morre, Judith, Diva do Flagelo, causa 1 ponto de dano a qualquer alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "В конце представления она остается одна на сцене, блестящей от крови.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459401,
                    "name": "Джудит, Бичующая Дива",
                    "text": "Другие существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+0.\nКаждый раз, когда не являющееся фишкой существо под вашим контролем умирает, Джудит, Бичующая Дива наносит 1 повреждение любой цели.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "待演出结束,她独立舞台中央,浑身闪耀血光。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459660,
                    "name": "灾祸歌伶裘蒂丝",
                    "text": "由你操控的其他生物得+1/+0。\n每当一个由你操控且非衍生物的生物死去时,灾祸歌伶裘蒂丝对任意一个目标造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "待演出結束,她獨立舞台中央,渾身閃耀血光。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459919,
                    "name": "災禍歌伶裘蒂絲",
                    "text": "由你操控的其他生物得+1/+0。\n每當一個由你操控且非衍生物的生物死去時,災禍歌伶裘蒂絲對任意一個目標造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{B}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457329,
            "name": "Judith, the Scourge Diva",
            "number": "185",
            "originalText": "Other creatures you control get +1/+0.\nWhenever a nontoken creature you control dies, Judith, the Scourge Diva deals 1 damage to any target.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Shaman",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Judith’s last ability triggers when Judith dies if it’s not a token."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Judith dies at the same time as one or more other nontoken creatures you control, Judith’s ability triggers for each of them."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If your life total is brought to 0 or less at the same time that nontoken creatures you control are dealt lethal damage, you lose the game before Judith’s triggered ability goes on the stack."
            "scryfallId": "0a742125-730d-4082-bfd8-5feb7733def4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "548d2002-4cf1-42b6-bcd4-0839a18efe4b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c01516e0-eec3-4370-b935-7674982e8850",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182949,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Other creatures you control get +1/+0.\nWhenever a nontoken creature you control dies, Judith, the Scourge Diva deals 1 damage to any target.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b43a564f-09ec-5589-b94b-6380ab864730",
            "uuidV421": "d672736c-3b12-5e4d-b9b3-22a207742674",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Chris Seaman",
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Hey, wait! That's my boot!\"\n—Darijo, Ivy Street ruffian",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Hey, warte! Das ist mein Stiefel!\"\n—Darijo, Raufbold aus der Efeustraße",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457638,
                    "name": "Abfallstöberer",
                    "text": "Verteidiger\n{T}: Lege eine Karte deiner Wahl aus einem Friedhof unter die Bibliothek ihres Besitzers.",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Golem"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Eh, espera! ¡Te llevas mi bota!\".\n—Darijo, rufián de la Calle Hiedra",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457897,
                    "name": "Cargabasura",
                    "text": "Defensor.\n{T}: Pon la carta objetivo de un cementerio en el fondo de la biblioteca de su propietario.",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Gólem"
                    "flavorText": "« Hé ! Attends ! C'est ma botte ! »\n—Darijo, ruffian de la rue du Lierre",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458156,
                    "name": "Ramasseur de ferrailles",
                    "text": "Défenseur\n{T} : Mettez une carte ciblée depuis un cimetière au-dessous de la bibliothèque de son propriétaire.",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : golem"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ehi, fermo! Quello è il mio stivale!\"\n—Darijo, canaglia di Via dell'Edera",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458415,
                    "name": "Setacciarifiuti",
                    "text": "Difensore\n{T}: Metti in fondo al grimorio del suo proprietario una carta bersaglio da un cimitero.",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Golem"
                    "flavorText": "「おい、待て!それは俺のブーツだ!」\n――キヅタ通りの悪漢、ダリオ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458674,
                    "name": "ごみ引きずり",
                    "text": "防衛\n{T}:墓地からカード1枚を対象とし、それをオーナーのライブラリーの一番下に置く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — ゴーレム"
                    "flavorText": "\"이봐ㅡ 기다려! 그건 내 거라고!\"\n—덩굴 거리 악당, 다리오",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458933,
                    "name": "폐품을 뒤지는 자",
                    "text": "수비태세\n{T}: 무덤에 있는 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 소유자의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 골렘"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ei! Espera! Isso aí é a minha bota!\"\n— Darijo, rufião da Rua da Hera",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459192,
                    "name": "Andador de Lixo",
                    "text": "Defensor\n{T}: Coloque o card alvo de um cemitério no fundo do grimório de seu dono.",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Golem"
                    "flavorText": "«Эй, стой! Это ж мой башмак!»\n— Дарио, головорез с улицы Плюща",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459451,
                    "name": "Старьевщик",
                    "text": "Защитник\n{T}: положите целевую карту из кладбища в низ библиотеки ее владельца.",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Голем"
                    "flavorText": "「喂,等等!那是我的靴子!」\n~长春藤街恶徒达力裘",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459710,
                    "name": "垃圾回收机",
                    "text": "守军\n{T}:将目标牌从任一坟墓场置于其拥有者的牌库底。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~魔像"
                    "flavorText": "「喂,等等!那是我的靴子!」\n~長春藤街惡徒達力裘",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459969,
                    "name": "垃圾回收機",
                    "text": "守軍\n{T}:將目標牌從任一墳墓場置於其擁有者的牌庫底。",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~魔像"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}",
            "multiverseId": 457379,
            "name": "Junktroller",
            "number": "235",
            "originalText": "Defender\n{T}: Put target card from a graveyard on the bottom of its owner's library.",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Golem",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "03fd8ee5-0a2a-4c68-9b09-01945c7189ab",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6d908b57-5417-4599-b175-3f1c86b2c60e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "6ef46fd7-82db-45d3-b02e-7312384577f3",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183378,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender\n{T}: Put target card from a graveyard on the bottom of its owner's library.",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Golem",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2500f74d-eafb-5799-9637-7d5c3fedff6b",
            "uuidV421": "cee0ca1d-204e-5e99-bbb3-35d381efdc17"
            "artist": "Micah Epstein",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "With the new guildmaster's innovations, arresters can arrive on the scene moments before a crime is committed.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Dank der Innovationen des neuen Gildenmeisters können die Ordnungshüter nun schon kurz vor dem Vergehen am Tatort erscheinen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457416,
                    "name": "Justiziar-Portal",
                    "text": "Schicke eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, ins Exil und bringe sie dann unter der Kontrolle ihres Besitzers ins Spiel zurück. Sie erhält Erstschlag bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Con las innovaciones del nuevo maestro del gremio, los guardias pueden llegar al lugar antes incluso de que se cometa el crimen.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457675,
                    "name": "Portal de los justiciares",
                    "text": "Exilia la criatura objetivo que controlas, luego regresa esa carta al campo de batalla bajo el control de su propietario. Gana la habilidad de dañar primero hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Grâce aux innovations du nouveau maître de guilde, les courtiers peuvent arriver sur les lieux d'un crime quelques instants avant qu'il ne soit commis.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457934,
                    "name": "Portail du justicier",
                    "text": "Exilez une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez, puis renvoyez cette carte sur le champ de bataille sous le contrôle de son propriétaire. Elle acquiert l'initiative jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Grazie alle innovazioni del nuovo capo della gilda, gli agenti di polizia possono raggiungere la scena del crimine subito prima che sia commesso.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458193,
                    "name": "Portale del Magistrato",
                    "text": "Esilia una creatura bersaglio che controlli, poi rimetti quella carta sul campo di battaglia sotto il controllo del suo proprietario. Ha attacco improvviso fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "新しいギルドマスターの行った革新により、拘引者たちは犯罪が起きるより早く現場に行けるようになった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458452,
                    "name": "大司法官の扉",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを追放する。その後、そのカードをオーナーのコントロール下で戦場に戻す。ターン終了時まで、それは先制攻撃を得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "새로운 길드마스터가 이뤄낸 혁신들을 통해, 체포원들은 범죄가 일어나기 직전에 현장에 도착할 수 있게 되었다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458711,
                    "name": "법무장관의 차원문",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 추방한 후, 소유자의 조종하에 전장으로 되돌린다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 선제공격을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Com as inovações do novo mestre da guilda, os encarceradores conseguem chegar à cena momentos antes que o crime seja cometido.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458970,
                    "name": "Portal do Justiciar",
                    "text": "Exile a criatura alvo que você controla e, depois, devolva aquele card ao campo de batalha sob o controle de seu dono. Ele ganha iniciativa até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Изобретения нового предводителя гильдии позволяют задержателям появляться на месте преступления за несколько мгновений до того, как оно совершится.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459229,
                    "name": "Портал Юстициара",
                    "text": "Изгоните целевое существо под вашим контролем, затем верните ту карту на поле битвы под контролем ее владельца. Она получает Первый удар до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "自从有了新公会首领的发明之后,逮捕人现可在罪行刚要发生之时赶到现场。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459488,
                    "name": "大司法通道",
                    "text": "放逐目标由你操控的生物,然后将该牌在其拥有者的操控下移回战场。它获得先攻异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "自從有了新公會首領的發明之後,逮捕人現可在罪行剛要發生之時趕到現場。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459747,
                    "name": "大司法通道",
                    "text": "放逐目標由你操控的生物,然後將該牌在其擁有者的操控下移回戰場。它獲得先攻異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457157,
            "name": "Justiciar's Portal",
            "number": "13",
            "originalText": "Exile target creature you control, then return that card to the battlefield under its owner's control. It gains first strike until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Once the exiled creature returns, it’s considered a new object with no relation to the object that it was. Auras attached to the exiled creature will be put into their owners’ graveyards. Equipment attached to the exiled creature will become unattached and remain on the battlefield. Any counters on the exiled creature will cease to exist."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The creature returns untapped unless another effect causes it to enter the battlefield tapped."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The returned card won’t be the target of any spells or abilities that targeted it before. Spells that don’t target, such as Kaya’s Wrath, may still affect it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a token is exiled this way, it will cease to exist and won’t return to the battlefield."
            "scryfallId": "1df611df-3490-4b07-8034-6da9a0122a81",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f9723e1e-dabc-4beb-8a3a-d64d41d413af",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0214805d-d207-42da-a25f-2a8e1990904e",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183374,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Exile target creature you control, then return that card to the battlefield under its owner's control. It gains first strike until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1fc14ef8-d239-5c9e-91f2-f5881e4964ff",
            "uuidV421": "c482ed65-c04f-5549-9967-77188b777e22"
            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Teysa convened the meeting of the Obzedat. Kaya ended it.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Teysa berief die Versammlung des Obzedat ein. Kaya beendete sie.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457590,
                    "name": "Kayas Zorn",
                    "text": "Zerstöre alle Kreaturen. Du erhältst Lebenspunkte in Höhe der Anzahl an Kreaturen dazu, die du kontrolliert hast und die auf diese Weise zerstört wurden.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Teysa convocó la reunión del Obzedat. Kaya la concluyó.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457849,
                    "name": "Ira de Kaya",
                    "text": "Destruye todas las criaturas. Ganas una cantidad de vidas igual a la cantidad de criaturas que controlabas que fueron destruidas de esta manera.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Teysa convoqua la réunion de l'Obzedat. Kaya y mit un terme.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458108,
                    "name": "Colère de Kaya",
                    "text": "Détruisez toutes les créatures. Vous gagnez un nombre de points de vie égal au nombre de créatures que vous contrôliez qui ont été détruites de cette manière.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Teysa convocò la riunione degli Obzedat. Kaya vi pose fine.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458367,
                    "name": "Ira di Kaya",
                    "text": "Distruggi tutte le creature. Guadagni punti vita pari al numero di creature che controllavi distrutte in questo modo.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "テイサがオブゼダートの会議を召集した。ケイヤがそれを終わらせた。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458626,
                    "name": "ケイヤの怒り",
                    "text": "クリーチャーをすべて破壊する。あなたはあなたがコントロールしていてこれにより破壊されたクリーチャーの総数に等しい点数のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "테이사는 오브제다트의 회의를 소집했다. 카야는 그 회의를 끝마쳤다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458885,
                    "name": "카야의 분노",
                    "text": "모든 생물을 파괴한다. 당신은 이렇게 파괴된 생물 중 당신이 조종한 생물 수만큼 생명점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Teysa convocou a reunião do Obzedat. Kaya a encerrou.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459144,
                    "name": "Ira de Kaya",
                    "text": "Destrua todas as criaturas. Você ganha uma quantidade de pontos de vida igual ao número de criaturas que você controlava que foram destruídas dessa forma.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Тейса созвала заседание Обзедата. Кайя его закончила.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459403,
                    "name": "Гнев Кайи",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте все существа. Вы получаете количество жизней, равное количеству уничтоженных таким образом существ под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "泰莎召集了欧节达会议。卡娅终结了一切。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459662,
                    "name": "卡娅之怒",
                    "text": "消灭所有生物。你获得若干生命,其数量等同于由你操控的生物中,以此法被消灭的数量。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "泰莎召集了歐節達會議。卡婭終結了一切。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459921,
                    "name": "卡婭之怒",
                    "text": "消滅所有生物。你獲得若干生命,其數量等同於由你操控的生物中,以此法被消滅的數量。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}{W}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457331,
            "name": "Kaya's Wrath",
            "number": "187",
            "originalText": "Destroy all creatures. You gain life equal to the number of creatures you controlled that were destroyed this way.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature you control has indestructible, it isn’t destroyed this way and you won’t gain life for it. If a creature you control is destroyed but put into a zone other than a graveyard, you will gain life for it."
            "scryfallId": "5ed140c1-752b-4539-88f2-1fa354049b17",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "30d998cb-1ecb-4f3b-85e9-dde0712a610d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bc8de6c7-c69d-4add-8f25-825d945874f9",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183178,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy all creatures. You gain life equal to the number of creatures you controlled that were destroyed this way.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "64614b96-d808-59f3-ba59-b34b69944e94",
            "uuidV421": "9b3ad2f3-8817-52ae-841c-516a4644c426",
            "watermark": "planeswalker"
            "artist": "Yongjae Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457589,
                    "name": "Kaya, Orzhov-Thronräuberin",
                    "text": "+1: Schicke bis zu zwei Karten deiner Wahl aus genau einem Friedhof ins Exil. Du erhältst 2 Lebenspunkte dazu, falls auf diese Weise mindestens eine Kreaturenkarte ins Exil geschickt wurde.\n−1: Schicke eine bleibende Nichtland-Karte deiner Wahl mit umgewandelten Manakosten von 1 oder weniger ins Exil.\n−5: Kaya, Orzhov-Thronräuberin, fügt einem Spieler deiner Wahl Schadenspunkte in Höhe der Anzahl an Karten im Exil zu, die jener Spieler besitzt, und du erhältst entsprechend viele Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Legendärer Planeswalker — Kaya"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457848,
                    "name": "Kaya, usurpadora orzhov",
                    "text": "+1: Exilia hasta dos cartas objetivo de un mismo cementerio. Ganas 2 vidas si al menos una carta de criatura fue exiliada de esta manera.\n−1: Exilia el permanente objetivo que no sea tierra con coste de maná convertido de 1 o menos.\n−5: Kaya, usurpadora orzhov hace una cantidad de daño al jugador objetivo igual a la cantidad de cartas en el exilio de las que ese jugador es propietario y ganas esa misma cantidad de vidas.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker legendario — Kaya"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458107,
                    "name": "Kaya, usurpatrice d'Orzhov",
                    "text": "+1 : Exilez jusqu'à deux cartes ciblées d'un cimetière unique. Vous gagnez 2 points de vie si au moins une carte de créature a été exilée de cette manière.\n-1 : Exilez un permanent non-terrain ciblé avec un coût converti de mana inférieur ou égal à 1.\n-5 : Kaya, usurpatrice d'Orzhov inflige à un joueur ciblé un nombre de blessures égal au nombre de cartes que ce joueur possède en exil et vous gagnez autant de points de vie.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker légendaire : Kaya"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458366,
                    "name": "Kaya, Usurpatrice Orzhov",
                    "text": "+1: Esilia fino a due carte bersaglio da un unico cimitero. Guadagni 2 punti vita se almeno una carta creatura è stata esiliata in questo modo.\n-1: Esilia un permanente non terra bersaglio con costo di mana convertito pari o inferiore a 1.\n-5: Kaya, Usurpatrice Orzhov infligge a un giocatore bersaglio danno pari al numero di carte che quel giocatore possiede in esilio e tu guadagni altrettanti punti vita.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Leggendario — Kaya"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458625,
                    "name": "オルゾフの簒奪者、ケイヤ",
                    "text": "+1:墓地1つからカード最大2枚を対象とし、それらを追放する。これによりクリーチャー・カードが少なくとも1枚追放されたなら、あなたは2点のライフを得る。\n-1:点数で見たマナ・コストが1以下で土地でないパーマネント1つを対象とし、それを追放する。\n-5:プレイヤー1人を対象とする。オルゾフの簒奪者、ケイヤはそのプレイヤーに、追放領域にあってそのプレイヤーがオーナーであるカードの枚数に等しい点数のダメージを与え、あなたはそれに等しい点数のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — ケイヤ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458884,
                    "name": "오르조브 찬탈자, 카야",
                    "text": "+1: 한 무덤에 있는 카드를 최대 두 장까지 목표로 정한다. 그 카드들을 추방한다. 이런 식으로 적어도 생물 카드 한 장이 추방되었다면 당신은 생명 2점을 얻는다.\n−1: 전환마나비용이 1 이하인 대지가 아닌 지속물을 목표로 정한다. 그 지속물을 추방한다.\n−5: 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 오르조브 찬탈자, 카야는 그 플레이어에게 추방 영역에 있는 그 플레이어가 소유한 카드 수만큼 피해를 입히고 당신은 그만큼 생명점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 카야"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459143,
                    "name": "Kaya, Usurpadora Ozhov",
                    "text": "+1: Exile até dois cards alvo de um único cemitério. Você ganha 2 pontos de vida se ao menos um card de criatura foi exilado desta forma.\n−1: Exile a permanente alvo com custo de mana convertido igual ou inferior a 1 que não seja um terreno.\n−5: Kaya, Usurpadora Ozhov, causa ao jogador alvo uma quantidade de dano igual ao número de cards exilados que aquele jogador possui e você ganha aquela quantidade de pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Planeswalker Lendário — Kaya"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459402,
                    "name": "Кайя, Узурпатор Орзовов",
                    "text": "+1: изгоните не более двух целевых карт из одного кладбища. Если таким образом изгоняется хотя бы одна карта существа, вы получаете 2 жизни.\n−1: изгоните целевой не являющийся землей перманент с конвертированной мана-стоимостью не более 1.\n−5: Кайя, Узурпатор Орзовов наносит целевому игроку повреждения, равные количеству карт в изгнании, владельцем которых он является, а вы получаете такое же количество жизней.",
                    "type": "Легендарный Planeswalker — Кайя"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459661,
                    "name": "欧佐夫僭位卡娅",
                    "text": "+1:将至多两张目标在同一坟墓场中的牌放逐。如果以此法放逐了至少一张生物牌,则你获得2点生命。\n−1:放逐目标非地永久物,且其总法术力费用须等于或小于1。\n−5:欧佐夫僭位卡娅对目标牌手造成伤害,其数量等同于放逐区中由该牌手拥有之牌的数量,且你获得等量的生命。",
                    "type": "传奇鹏洛客 ~卡娅"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459920,
                    "name": "歐佐夫僭位卡婭",
                    "text": "+1:將至多兩張目標在同一墳墓場中的牌放逐。如果以此法放逐了至少一張生物牌,則你獲得2點生命。\n−1:放逐目標非地永久物,且其總魔法力費用須等於或小於1。\n−5:歐佐夫僭位卡婭對目標玩家造成傷害,其數量等同於放逐區中由該玩家擁有之牌的數量,且你獲得等量的生命。",
                    "type": "傳奇鵬洛客 ~卡婭"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "loyalty": "3",
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457330,
            "name": "Kaya, Orzhov Usurper",
            "number": "186",
            "originalText": "+1: Exile up to two target cards from a single graveyard. You gain 2 life if at least one creature card was exiled this way.\n−1: Exile target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 1 or less.\n−5: Kaya, Orzhov Usurper deals damage to target player equal to the number of cards that player owns in exile and you gain that much life.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Planeswalker — Kaya",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a permanent has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Tokens that aren’t a copy of something else don’t have a mana cost. Anything without a mana cost normally has a converted mana cost of 0."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Kaya’s last ability causes you to gain life equal to the number of cards the target player owns in exile, even if an effect causes her to deal more or less than that amount of damage to that player."
            "scryfallId": "fdb4b2ef-5196-4f7f-88ff-64b2cdb36c6b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4eda3bbf-c0b7-4c65-a27d-2f1c56a053e0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "7dd4a1a1-d5f4-4ac7-a9f6-34af411f070b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182951,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "+1: Exile up to two target cards from a single graveyard. You gain 2 life if at least one creature card was exiled this way.\n−1: Exile target nonland permanent with converted mana cost 1 or less.\n−5: Kaya, Orzhov Usurper deals damage to target player equal to the number of cards that player owns in exile and you gain that much life.",
            "type": "Legendary Planeswalker — Kaya",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1a1446d3-15a6-5b94-b23a-ce170cfdc7a0",
            "uuidV421": "849aaa0e-fbdb-5fa0-9820-c8a116b2f802"
            "artist": "Zezhou Chen",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "The helmet reveals no eyes to witness your penance, no mouth to offer absolution.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ihr Helm offenbart weder Augen als Zeugen deiner Buße noch einen Mund zur Vergebung deiner Sünden.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457417,
                    "name": "Ritterin des Kummers",
                    "text": "Die Ritterin des Kummers kann in jedem Kampf eine zusätzliche Kreatur blocken.\nSeelenwandlung 1 (Wenn diese Kreatur stirbt, erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen und schwarzen Geist-Kreaturenspielstein mit Flugfähigkeit.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter"
                    "flavorText": "El casco no muestra ojos que contemplen tu arrepentimiento ni boca que ofrezca la absolución.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457676,
                    "name": "Caballero de los pesares",
                    "text": "La Caballero de los pesares puede bloquear una criatura adicional cada combate.\nUltratumba 1. (Cuando esta criatura muera, crea una ficha de criatura Espíritu blanca y negra 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Son heaume ne dévoile aucun œil pour constater votre pénitence, aucune bouche pour vous offrir l'absolution.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457935,
                    "name": "Chevalière des regrets",
                    "text": "La Chevalière des regrets peut bloquer une créature supplémentaire à chaque combat.\nAu-delà 1 (Quand cette créature meurt, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et chevalier"
                    "flavorText": "L'elmo non lascia scoperti occhi che possano osservare la tua contrizione, né una bocca che possa assolverti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458194,
                    "name": "Cavaliera delle Sofferenze",
                    "text": "La Cavaliera delle Sofferenze può bloccare una creatura addizionale in ogni combattimento.\nAldilà 1 (Quando questa creatura muore, crea una pedina creatura Spirito 1/1 bianca e nera con volare.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "その兜には、贖いを見る目も、赦しを提案する口もない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458453,
                    "name": "悲しみの騎士",
                    "text": "各戦闘で、悲しみの騎士は追加で1体のクリーチャーをブロックできる。\n死後1(このクリーチャーが死亡したとき、飛行を持ち白であり黒である1/1のスピリット・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・騎士"
                    "flavorText": "그 투구는 속죄를 목도할 눈도, 면죄를 사할 입도 보여 주지 않는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458712,
                    "name": "비통의 기사",
                    "text": "비통의 기사는 매 전투마다 생물 한 개를 추가로 방어할 수 있다.\n사후세계 1 (이 생물이 죽을 때, 비행을 가진 1/1 백색 및 흑색 신령 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 기사"
                    "flavorText": "O elmo não revela olhos a testemunhar sua penitência, nem boca a oferecer absolvição.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458971,
                    "name": "Cavaleira dos Pesares",
                    "text": "Cavaleira dos Pesares pode bloquear uma criatura adicional a cada combate.\nPós-vida 1 (Quando esta criatura morrer, crie uma ficha de criatura branca e preta 1/1 do tipo Espírito com voar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Cavaleiro"
                    "flavorText": "За шлемом не видно ни глаз, что засвидетельствуют раскаяние, ни рта, что мог бы отпустить грехи.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459230,
                    "name": "Рыцарь Печалей",
                    "text": "Рыцарь Печалей может блокировать дополнительное существо в каждом бою.\nПосмертие 1 (Когда это существо умирает, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый и черный Дух с Полетом.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Рыцарь"
                    "flavorText": "这面头盔上不露眼,无从看你忏悔;下无开口,不能赐你宽恕。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459489,
                    "name": "哀恸骑士",
                    "text": "哀恸骑士每次战斗可以额外多阻挡一个生物。\n往生1(当此生物死去时,派出一个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/骑士"
                    "flavorText": "這面頭盔上不露眼,無從看你懺悔;下無開口,不能賜你寬恕。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459748,
                    "name": "哀慟騎士",
                    "text": "哀慟騎士每次戰鬥可以額外多阻擋一個生物。\n往生1(當此生物死去時,派出一個1/1,白黑雙色,具飛行異能的精靈衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457158,
            "name": "Knight of Sorrows",
            "number": "14",
            "originalText": "Knight of Sorrows can block an additional creature each combat.\nAfterlife 1 (When this creature dies, create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because blockers are chosen all at once, you can’t block with a creature with afterlife, wait for it to die, then block with the resulting Spirit tokens."
            "scryfallId": "6ce239e9-9b35-4dde-8a44-6c7ce4eb2d1a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3c5567c7-9979-4b0b-b2b6-c5a2313a1223",
            "scryfallOracleId": "50f644d6-2597-4ad6-8ea8-6b09056f90c0",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183376,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Knight of Sorrows can block an additional creature each combat.\nAfterlife 1 (When this creature dies, create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ebcc2017-0412-5703-a7a7-c334565d5a9e",
            "uuidV421": "60d043f1-116b-5f09-9c82-be6e77064546",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Milivoj Ćeran",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457591,
                    "name": "Ritter des letzten Atemzugs",
                    "text": "{3}, opfere eine andere Nichtspielsteinkreatur: Erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen und schwarzen Geist-Kreaturenspielstein mit Flugfähigkeit.\nSeelenwandlung 3 (Wenn diese Kreatur stirbt, erzeuge drei 1/1 weiße und schwarze Geist-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Flugfähigkeit.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Riese, Ritter"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457850,
                    "name": "Caballero del último aliento",
                    "text": "{3}, sacrificar otra criatura que no sea ficha: Crea una ficha de criatura Espíritu blanca y negra 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.\nUltratumba 3. (Cuando esta criatura muera, crea tres fichas de criatura Espíritu blancas y negras 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caballero gigante"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458109,
                    "name": "Chevalier du dernier souffle",
                    "text": "{3}, sacrifiez une autre créature non-jeton : créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol.\nAu-delà 3 (Quand cette créature meurt, créez trois jetons de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol.)",
                    "type": "Créature : géant et chevalier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458368,
                    "name": "Cavaliere dell'Ultimo Respiro",
                    "text": "{3}, Sacrifica un'altra creatura non pedina: Crea una pedina creatura Spirito 1/1 bianca e nera con volare.\nAldilà 3 (Quando questa creatura muore, crea tre pedine creatura Spirito 1/1 bianche e nere con volare.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cavaliere Gigante"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458627,
                    "name": "絶息の騎士",
                    "text": "{3}, トークンでない他のクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる:飛行を持ち白であり黒である1/1のスピリット・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。\n死後3(このクリーチャーが死亡したとき、飛行を持ち白であり黒である1/1のスピリット・クリーチャー・トークンを3体生成する。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 巨人・騎士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458886,
                    "name": "마지막 숨결의 기사",
                    "text": "{3}, 토큰이 아닌 다른 생물 한 개를 희생한다: 비행을 가진 1/1 백색 및 흑색 신령 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.\n사후세계 3 (이 생물이 죽을 때, 비행을 가진 1/1 백색 및 흑색 신령 생물 토큰 세 개를 만든다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 거인 기사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459145,
                    "name": "Cavaleiro do Último Suspiro",
                    "text": "{3}, sacrifique outra criatura que não seja uma ficha: Crie uma ficha de criatura branca e preta 1/1 do tipo Espírito com voar.\nPós-vida 3 (Quando esta criatura morrer, crie três fichas de criatura branca e preta 1/1 do tipo Espírito com voar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Gigante Cavaleiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459404,
                    "name": "Рыцарь Последнего Вздоха",
                    "text": "{3}, пожертвуйте другое не являющееся фишкой существо: создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый и черный Дух с Полетом.\nПосмертие 3 (Когда это существо умирает, создайте три фишки существа 1/1 белый и черный Дух с Полетом.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Гигант Рыцарь"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459663,
                    "name": "终息骑士",
                    "text": "{3},牺牲另一个非衍生物的生物:派出一个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。\n往生3(当此生物死去时,派出三个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨人/骑士"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459922,
                    "name": "終息騎士",
                    "text": "{3},犧牲另一個非衍生物的生物:派出一個1/1,白黑雙色,具飛行異能的精靈衍生生物。\n往生3(當此生物死去時,派出三個1/1,白黑雙色,具飛行異能的精靈衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨人/騎士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{W}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457332,
            "name": "Knight of the Last Breath",
            "number": "188",
            "originalText": "{3}, Sacrifice another nontoken creature: Create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.\nAfterlife 3 (When this creature dies, create three 1/1 white and black Spirit creature tokens with flying.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Giant Knight",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because blockers are chosen all at once, you can’t block with a creature with afterlife, wait for it to die, then block with the resulting Spirit tokens."
            "scryfallId": "76fccf60-2df5-4c14-893f-41d3f86c545f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b2da1e7c-858b-4f4e-adc4-20086d4e25a7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "67791323-bf21-4c72-bf57-32197d3d5775",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183328,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{3}, Sacrifice another nontoken creature: Create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.\nAfterlife 3 (When this creature dies, create three 1/1 white and black Spirit creature tokens with flying.)",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Giant Knight",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "85629bad-0e58-5e96-a68a-81dc4db67b5c",
            "uuidV421": "66147e50-8800-53de-a561-aaabf37a4c60",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Steven Belledin",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I told Jace that Ravnica would fall apart if he didn't take his responsibilities seriously. I didn't want to be right.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich habe Jace gesagt, dass Ravnica zerfallen würde, wenn er seine Verantwortung nicht ernst nehmen würde. Ich wollte nicht recht behalten.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457592,
                    "name": "Lavinia, Azorius-Renegatin",
                    "text": "Deine Gegner können keine Nichtkreatur-Zaubersprüche wirken, deren umgewandelte Manakosten höher sind als die Anzahl an Ländern, die der jeweilige Spieler kontrolliert.\nImmer wenn ein Gegner einen Zauberspruch wirkt und falls für ihn beim Wirken kein Mana bezahlt wurde, neutralisiere den Zauberspruch.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le dije a Jace que Rávnica se desmoronaría si no se tomaba en serio sus responsabilidades. No quería tener razón\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457851,
                    "name": "Lavinia, renegada azoria",
                    "text": "Cada oponente no puede lanzar hechizos que no sean de criatura con coste de maná convertido mayor que la cantidad de tierras que controla ese jugador.\nSiempre que un oponente lance un hechizo, si no se usó maná para lanzarlo, contrarresta ese hechizo.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "« J'ai prévenu Jace que Ravnica tomberait en ruines s'il ne prenait pas ses responsabilités au sérieux. J'aurais voulu avoir tort. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458110,
                    "name": "Lavinia, renégate d'Azorius",
                    "text": "Chaque adversaire ne peut pas lancer de sorts non-créature avec un coût converti de mana supérieur au nombre de terrains que ce joueur contrôle.\nÀ chaque fois qu'un adversaire lance un sort, si aucun mana n'a été dépensé pour le lancer, contrecarrez ce sort.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ho detto a Jace che Ravnica sarebbe caduta nel caos se non avesse preso seriamente le sue responsabilità. Speravo di sbagliarmi.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458369,
                    "name": "Lavinia, Rinnegata Azorius",
                    "text": "Ogni avversario non può lanciare magie non creatura con costo di mana convertito superiore al numero di terre controllate da quel giocatore.\nOgniqualvolta un avversario lancia una magia, se non è stato speso mana per lanciarla, neutralizza quella magia.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「ジェイスに、ちゃんと責任を取らないとラヴニカが崩壊してしまうと言ったの。それが本当になってしまうなんて。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458628,
                    "name": "アゾリウスの造反者、ラヴィニア",
                    "text": "各対戦相手はそれぞれ、点数で見たマナ・コストが自分がコントロールしている土地の総数より大きくクリーチャーでない呪文を唱えられない。\n対戦相手が呪文を唱えるたび、それを唱えるためにマナが支払われていない場合、その呪文を打ち消す。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"난 제이스에게 그가 자신의 책임을 진지하게 받아들이지 않으면 라브니카가 무너져 내릴 거라고 말했어. 난 내 말이 맞기를 바라지 않았어.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458887,
                    "name": "아조리우스 이탈자, 라비니아",
                    "text": "각 상대는 그 플레이어가 조종하는 대지의 수보다 전환마나비용이 더 큰 생물이 아닌 주문을 발동할 수 없다.\n상대가 주문을 발동할 때마다, 그 주문을 발동하는 데 마나가 지불되지 않았다면, 그 주문을 무효화한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eu disse a Jace que Ravnica ruiria se ele não levasse as próprias responsabilidades a sério. Eu não queria estar certa.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459146,
                    "name": "Lavínia, Renegada Azorius",
                    "text": "Cada oponente não pode conjurar mágicas que não sejam de criatura com custo de mana convertido maior que o número de terrenos que aquele jogador controla.\nToda vez que um oponente conjurar uma mágica, se nenhum mana tiver sido gasto para conjurá-la, anule aquela mágica.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Я говорила Джейсу, что Равника развалится, если он не будет серьезно относиться к своим обязанностям. Но я не хотела оказаться права».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459405,
                    "name": "Лавиния, Отступница Азориусов",
                    "text": "Каждый оппонент не может разыгрывать не являющиеся существами заклинания с конвертированной мана-стоимостью выше, чем количество земель под контролем того игрока.\nКаждый раз, когда оппонент разыгрывает заклинание, отмените то заклинание, если на его разыгрывание не было потрачено никакой маны.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「我曾告诉杰斯,如果他不认真肩负起自己的责任,拉尼卡便会分崩离析。我多希望自己错了。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459664,
                    "name": "俄佐立变节者拉温妮",
                    "text": "每位对手均不能施放总法术力费用大于由其操控之地数量的非生物咒语。\n每当任一对手施放咒语,若施放它时未支付过法术力,则反击该咒语。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「我曾告訴傑斯,如果他不認真肩負起自己的責任,拉尼卡便會分崩離析。我多希望自己錯了。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459923,
                    "name": "俄佐立變節者拉溫妮",
                    "text": "每位對手均不能施放總魔法力費用大於由其操控之地數量的非生物咒語。\n每當任一對手施放咒語,若施放它時未支付過魔法力,則反擊該咒語。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457333,
            "name": "Lavinia, Azorius Renegade",
            "number": "189",
            "originalText": "Each opponent can't cast noncreature spells with converted mana cost greater than the number of lands that player controls.\nWhenever an opponent casts a spell, if no mana was spent to cast it, counter that spell.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Players may cast spells that they know Lavinia will counter. Any abilities that trigger when spells are cast will trigger and resolve if appropriate, and any effects that count spells cast will count those spells if appropriate."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Effects that modify or replace the cost to cast a spell (such as spectacle) don’t affect the spell’s converted mana cost, so they won’t change whether Lavinia’s first ability restricts that spell from being cast."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "For spells with {X} in their mana costs, use the value chosen for X to determine the spell’s converted mana cost."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If an effect allows a player to cast a spell without paying its mana cost, that player can’t choose to cast it and pay its mana cost unless another rule or effect allows that player to cast it that way."
            "scryfallId": "c497d496-1232-4614-93b0-9864fa93c29f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "090c5422-2bf9-4523-9170-3157e2e9393b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "81ba3a33-0e04-4f68-9a42-1dd717733b57",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182131,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Each opponent can't cast noncreature spells with converted mana cost greater than the number of lands that player controls.\nWhenever an opponent casts a spell, if no mana was spent to cast it, counter that spell.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "21e82998-c663-5ff1-8b64-97e7337065e6",
            "uuidV421": "45a3de18-91d8-538e-930b-00d0d97dcd25",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Mark Behm",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457593,
                    "name": "Bann der Gesetzesmagier",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nVerzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur kann nicht angreifen oder blocken, und ihre aktivierten Fähigkeiten können nicht aktiviert werden.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457852,
                    "name": "Represión de los magos de la ley",
                    "text": "Destello.\nEncantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada no puede atacar ni bloquear y no pueden activarse sus habilidades activadas.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458111,
                    "name": "Entrave des magelois",
                    "text": "Flash\nEnchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée ne peut ni attaquer ni bloquer et ses capacités activées ne peuvent pas être activées.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458370,
                    "name": "Vincoli del Mago della Legge",
                    "text": "Lampo\nIncanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata non può attaccare o bloccare e le sue abilità attivate non possono essere attivate.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458629,
                    "name": "法魔道士の束縛",
                    "text": "瞬速\nエンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントしているクリーチャーでは攻撃もブロックもできず、それの起動型能力は起動できない。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458888,
                    "name": "법치술사의 구속",
                    "text": "섬광\n생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 공격하거나 방어할 수 없으며, 그 생물의 활성화능력은 활성화될 수 없다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459147,
                    "name": "Selamento do Mago Legista",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nEncantar criatura\nA criatura encantada não pode atacar nem bloquear e suas habilidades ativadas não podem ser ativadas.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459406,
                    "name": "Узы Мага-Законника",
                    "text": "Миг\nЗачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо не может атаковать или блокировать, и его активируемые способности нельзя активировать.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459665,
                    "name": "律法师的束缚",
                    "text": "闪现\n结附于生物\n所结附的生物不能进行攻击或阻挡,且其起动式异能都不能起动。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459924,
                    "name": "律法師的束縛",
                    "text": "閃現\n結附於生物\n所結附的生物不能進行攻擊或阻擋,且其起動式異能都不能起動。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457334,
            "name": "Lawmage's Binding",
            "number": "190",
            "originalText": "Flash\nEnchant creature\nEnchanted creature can't attack or block, and its activated abilities can't be activated.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Activated abilities contain a colon. They’re generally written “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keyword abilities are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder text. Triggered abilities (starting with “when,” “whenever,” or “at”) are unaffected by Lawmage’s Binding."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Once a creature has attacked or blocked, casting Lawmage’s Binding won’t remove that creature from combat. Similarly, once a creature’s ability has been activated, casting Lawmage’s Binding won’t counter that ability."
            "scryfallId": "a8a7be1f-3fba-4ff2-a4f1-aebd3d20da8f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "c4e11362-1dcd-4cf9-b6a1-5f24b93d33ed",
            "scryfallOracleId": "10f0e797-3887-4c2b-9cff-80f110b952e1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183360,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nEnchant creature\nEnchanted creature can't attack or block, and its activated abilities can't be activated.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fb3644b2-7603-5afa-b48c-629f0ac30612",
            "uuidV421": "074cc23b-1df3-590b-ba21-1e23666f2aa7",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Dmitry Burmak",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Places, everyone!\"\n—Judith",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Alle auf ihre Plätze!\"\n—Judith",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457510,
                    "name": "In Szene setzen",
                    "text": "Spektakel {R} (Du kannst diesen Zauberspruch für seine Spektakel-Kosten anstelle seiner Manakosten wirken, falls ein Gegner in diesem Zug Lebenspunkte verloren hat.)\nSchicke die obersten zwei Karten deiner Bibliothek ins Exil. Du kannst die Karten bis zum Ende deines nächsten Zuges spielen.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Todo el mundo a sus puestos!\".\n—Judith",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457769,
                    "name": "Iluminar el escenario",
                    "text": "Espectáculo {R}. (Puedes lanzar este hechizo por su coste de espectáculo en vez de por su coste de maná si un oponente perdió vidas este turno.)\nExilia las dos primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Hasta el final de tu próximo turno, puedes jugar esas cartas.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« En place tout le monde ! »\n—Judith",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458028,
                    "name": "Éclairer la piste",
                    "text": "Spectacle {R} (Vous pouvez lancer ce sort pour son coût de spectacle à la place de son coût de mana si un adversaire a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci.)\nExilez les deux cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Jusqu'à la fin de votre prochain tour, vous pouvez jouer ces cartes.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tutti in posizione!\"\n—Judith",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458287,
                    "name": "Illuminare la Scena",
                    "text": "Spettacolo {R} (Puoi lanciare questa magia per il suo costo di spettacolo invece del suo costo di mana se un avversario ha perso punti vita in questo turno.)\nEsilia le prime due carte del tuo grimorio. Fino alla fine del tuo prossimo turno, puoi giocare quelle carte.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「皆、持ち場について!」\n――ジュディス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458546,
                    "name": "舞台照らし",
                    "text": "絢爛{R}(このターンに対戦相手がライフを失っていたなら、あなたはこの呪文を、これのマナ・コストではなく絢爛コストで唱えてもよい。)\nあなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを2枚追放する。次のあなたのターンの終了時まで、あなたはそれらのカードをプレイしてもよい。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"모두, 제 자리에!\"\n—주디스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458805,
                    "name": "무대를 밝혀라",
                    "text": "구경거리 {R} (상대가 이 턴에 생명점을 잃었다면 당신은 이 주문을 마나 비용 대신 구경거리 비용으로 발동할 수 있다.)\n당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 두 장을 추방한다. 당신의 다음 턴종료까지, 당신은 그 카드들을 플레이할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Todos aos seus lugares!\"\n— Judith",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459064,
                    "name": "Iluminar o Palco",
                    "text": "Espetáculo {R} (Você pode conjurar esta mágica por seu custo de espetáculo, em vez de seu custo de mana, se um oponente perdeu pontos de vida neste turno.)\nExile os dois cards do topo de seu grimório. Até o final do seu próximo turno, você pode jogar esses cards.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Внимание, все по местам!»\n— Джудит",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459323,
                    "name": "Зажечь Сцену",
                    "text": "Зрелище {R} (Вы можете разыграть это заклинание за его стоимость Зрелища вместо его мана-стоимости, если оппонент терял жизнь(-и) в этом ходу.)\nИзгоните две верхние карты вашей библиотеки. Вы можете разыграть те карты до конца вашего следующего хода.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「登台就位!」\n~裘蒂丝",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459582,
                    "name": "照亮舞台",
                    "text": "揭幕{R}(如果本回合有对手曾失去生命,则你可以支付此咒语的揭幕费用而非法术力费用来施放它。)\n放逐你牌库顶的两张牌。直到你下一个回合结束,你可以使用这些牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「登台就位!」\n~裘蒂絲",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459841,
                    "name": "照亮舞台",
                    "text": "揭幕{R}(如果本回合有對手曾失去生命,則你可以支付此咒語的揭幕費用而非魔法力費用來施放它。)\n放逐你牌庫頂的兩張牌。直到你下一個回合結束,你可以使用這些牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457251,
            "name": "Light Up the Stage",
            "number": "107",
            "originalText": "Spectacle {R} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nExile the top two cards of your library. Until the end of your next turn, you may play those cards.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Light Up the Stage doesn’t change when you can play the exiled cards. For example, if you exile a sorcery card, you can cast it only during your main phase when the stack is empty. If you exile a land card, you can play it only during your main phase and only if you have an available land play remaining."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Casting an exiled card causes it to leave exile. You can’t cast it multiple times."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you don’t play a card exiled this way, it remains in exile."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Damage dealt to a player causes that player to lose that much life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Spectacle doesn’t change when you can cast the card. For example, you can’t cast a sorcery with spectacle during an opponent’s turn unless another effect allows you to do so, even if that player has lost life this turn."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying (such as a spectacle cost), add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A card’s spectacle cost is the same no matter how much life your opponents lost or how many opponents lost life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if an opponent loses life and later that turn leaves the game, you can cast a spell for its spectacle cost. (If a player leaves the game during their turn, that turn continues without an active player.)"
            "scryfallId": "9287b848-2aeb-4c70-ac4a-acafb871b7a4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9bb5c6db-164e-43d9-bccb-ea1af679419c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8d286376-f386-43ab-a9bd-8478fb9e2497",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182127,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Spectacle {R} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nExile the top two cards of your library. Until the end of your next turn, you may play those cards.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "82c0857e-0c2b-5913-a795-f1af575b8bc6",
            "uuidV421": "326f87cd-9bb1-5705-9174-d0dd67c0de33",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Simon Dominic",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457418,
                    "name": "Stampfender Wehrgang",
                    "text": "Wachsamkeit\nWenn der Stampfende Wehrgang ins Spiel kommt, schicke eine beliebige Anzahl an anderen Nichtspielsteinkreaturen, die du kontrollierst, ins Exil, bis er das Spiel verlässt.\nDer Stampfende Wehrgang erhält +2/+2 für jede Karte im Exil, die durch ihn ins Exil geschickt wurde.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bestie"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457677,
                    "name": "Destacamento pesado",
                    "text": "Vigilancia.\nCuando el Destacamento pesado entre al campo de batalla, exilia cualquier cantidad de otras criaturas que no sean ficha que controlas hasta que deje el campo de batalla.\nEl Destacamento pesado obtiene +2/+2 por cada carta exiliada con él.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457936,
                    "name": "Rempart mugissant",
                    "text": "Vigilance\nQuand le Rempart mugissant arrive sur le champ de bataille, exilez n'importe quel nombre d'autres créatures non-jeton que vous contrôlez jusqu'à ce qu'il quitte le champ de bataille.\nLe Rempart mugissant gagne +2/+2 pour chaque carte qu'il a exilée.",
                    "type": "Créature : bête"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458195,
                    "name": "Bastione Arrancante",
                    "text": "Cautela\nQuando il Bastione Arrancante entra nel campo di battaglia, esilia un qualsiasi numero di altre creature non pedina che controlli finché non lascia il campo di battaglia.\nIl Bastione Arrancante prende +2/+2 per ogni carta esiliata in questo modo.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458454,
                    "name": "のし歩く城塁",
                    "text": "警戒\nのし歩く城塁が戦場に出たとき、望む数の、あなたがコントロールしていてトークンでない他のクリーチャーを、これが戦場を離れるまで追放する。\nのし歩く城塁はこれにより追放されているカード1枚につき+2/+2の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ビースト"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458713,
                    "name": "굉음을 내는 성가퀴",
                    "text": "경계\n굉음을 내는 성가퀴가 전장에 들어올 때, 굉음을 내는 성가퀴가 전장을 떠날 때까지 당신이 조종하는 토큰이 아닌 다른 생물들을 원하는 만큼 추방한다.\n굉음을 내는 성가퀴는 굉음을 내는 성가퀴로 추방한 카드 한 장당 +2/+2를 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 야수"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458972,
                    "name": "Ameia Trôpega",
                    "text": "Vigilância\nQuando Ameia Trôpega entrar no campo de batalha, exile qualquer número de outras criaturas que você controla que não sejam fichas até que ela deixe o campo de batalha.\nAmeia Trôpega recebe +2/+2 para cada card exilado com ela.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Besta"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459231,
                    "name": "Неповоротливый Бастион",
                    "text": "Бдительность\nКогда Неповоротливый Бастион выходит на поле битвы, изгоните любое количество других не являющихся фишками существ под вашим контролем до тех пор, пока он не покинет поле битвы.\nНеповоротливый Бастион получает +2/+2 за каждую изгнанную им карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зверь"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459490,
                    "name": "缓行城垛兽",
                    "text": "警戒\n当缓行城垛兽进战场时,放逐任意数量由你操控且非衍生物的其他生物,直到它离开战场为止。\n每以缓行城垛兽放逐一张牌,它便得+2/+2。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野兽"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459749,
                    "name": "緩行城垛獸",
                    "text": "警戒\n當緩行城垛獸進戰場時,放逐任意數量由你操控且非衍生物的其他生物,直到它離開戰場為止。\n每以緩行城垛獸放逐一張牌,它便得+2/+2。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457159,
            "name": "Lumbering Battlement",
            "number": "15",
            "originalText": "Vigilance\nWhen Lumbering Battlement enters the battlefield, exile any number of other nontoken creatures you control until it leaves the battlefield.\nLumbering Battlement gets +2/+2 for each card exiled with it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Beast",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Lumbering Battlement leaves the battlefield before its triggered ability resolves, you can’t exile any nontoken creatures."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Auras attached to the exiled creatures will be put into their owners’ graveyards. Any Equipment will become unattached and remain on the battlefield. Any counters on the exiled creatures will cease to exist. When the cards return to the battlefield, they will be new objects with no connection to the cards that were exiled."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a card you chose to exile leaves exile or somehow never moved to the exile zone in the first place, Lumbering Battlement doesn’t get +2/+2 for that card."
            "scryfallId": "2469bc93-57ca-4077-bda2-160b4160adad",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "dcf7d099-a726-4388-9744-70d37c5ea860",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183249,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Vigilance\nWhen Lumbering Battlement enters the battlefield, exile any number of other nontoken creatures you control until it leaves the battlefield.\nLumbering Battlement gets +2/+2 for each card exiled with it.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Beast",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b21e3f9c-e77b-5934-9020-2cbd84543325",
            "uuidV421": "162dfea9-85a8-5ba4-85f8-1cec6d622476"
            "artist": "Deruchenko Alexander",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "The Rakdos put the \"fun\" in \"funeral.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Für die Rakdos ist eine „Trauerfeier\" vor allen Dingen eine „Feier\".",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457594,
                    "name": "Makabres Possenspiel",
                    "text": "Bringe eine Kreaturenkarte deiner Wahl aus dem Friedhof eines Gegners unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel. Sie erhält +2/+0 und Eile bis zum Ende des Zuges. Opfere sie zu Beginn des nächsten Endsegments.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Los rakdos convierten la \"defunción\" en una \"función\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457853,
                    "name": "Humillación macabra",
                    "text": "Pon en el campo de batalla bajo tu control la carta de criatura objetivo del cementerio de un oponente. Obtiene +2/+0 y gana la habilidad de prisa hasta el final del turno. Sacrifícala al comienzo del próximo paso final.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Chez les Rakdos, les pompes funèbres se font en grandes pompes.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458112,
                    "name": "Moquerie macabre",
                    "text": "Mettez sur le champ de bataille, sous votre contrôle, une carte de créature ciblée depuis le cimetière d'un adversaire. Elle gagne +2/+0 et acquiert la célérité jusqu'à la fin du tour. Sacrifiez-la au début de la prochaine étape de fin.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "I Rakdos uniscono funambolismo e funerali.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458371,
                    "name": "Dileggio Macabro",
                    "text": "Metti sul campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo una carta creatura bersaglio dal cimitero di un avversario. Prende +2/+0 e ha rapidità fino alla fine del turno. Sacrificala all'inizio della prossima sottofase finale.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "ラクドスの「葬儀」は「騒儀」である。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458630,
                    "name": "死の嘲り",
                    "text": "対戦相手の墓地からクリーチャー・カード1枚を対象とし、それをあなたのコントロール下で戦場に出す。ターン終了時まで、それは+2/+0の修整を受け速攻を得る。次の終了ステップの開始時に、それを生け贄に捧げる。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "락도스는 \"장\"례식에 \"장\"난을 끼워넣는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458889,
                    "name": "섬뜩한 조롱",
                    "text": "상대의 무덤에 있는 생물 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 당신의 조종하에 전장에 놓는다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +2/+0을 받고 신속을 얻는다. 다음 종료단 시작에 그 생물을 희생한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Os Rakdos adoram humor fúnebre. Perca a vida, mas não perca a piada.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459148,
                    "name": "Escárnio Macabro",
                    "text": "Coloque no campo de batalha sob seu controle o card de criatura alvo do cemitério de um oponente. Ele recebe +2/+0 e ganha ímpeto até o final do turno. Sacrifique-o no início da próxima etapa final.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Похороны у Ракдосов — штука просто уморительная.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459407,
                    "name": "Жуткая Насмешка",
                    "text": "Положите целевую карту существа из кладбища оппонента на поле битвы под вашим контролем. Она получает +2/+0 и Ускорение до конца хода. Пожертвуйте ее в начале следующего заключительного шага.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "拉铎司把「丧事」变成「爽事」。\n。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459666,
                    "name": "亵渎亡者",
                    "text": "将目标生物牌在你的操控下从对手的坟墓场放进战场。直到回合结束,它得+2/+0且获得敏捷异能。在下一个结束步骤开始时,将它牺牲。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "拉鐸司把「喪事」變成「爽事」。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459925,
                    "name": "褻瀆亡者",
                    "text": "將目標生物牌在你的操控下從對手的墳墓場放進戰場。直到回合結束,它得+2/+0且獲得敏捷異能。在下一個結束步驟開始時,將它犧牲。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{R}",
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            "name": "Macabre Mockery",
            "number": "191",
            "originalText": "Put target creature card from an opponent's graveyard onto the battlefield under your control. It gets +2/+0 and gains haste until end of turn. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you cast Macabre Mockery during a player’s end step, the creature will remain on the battlefield until the next turn’s end step. However, the +2/+0 and haste wear off during the cleanup step (which comes after the end step) of the turn in which Macabre Mockery resolved."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if a player leaves the game, all cards that player owns leave as well. If you leave the game, the creature you control from Macabre Mockery’s effect is exiled."
            "scryfallId": "9c1aee37-dcee-4e58-be9b-81ca57cedb53",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "d66f7ee7-e9a1-4714-b79c-8c86c6b6d5dc",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183324,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Put target creature card from an opponent's graveyard onto the battlefield under your control. It gets +2/+0 and gains haste until end of turn. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
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            "flavorText": "\"The good news is that the migrating drakes are no longer a problem.\"\n—Bell Migellic, Azorius hussar",
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                    "flavorText": "„Die gute Nachricht ist, dass die Sceadas kein Problem mehr sind.\"\n—Bell Migellic, Azorius-Husar",
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                    "flavorText": "\"La buena noticia es que los dracos migratorios ya no son un problema\".\n—Bell Migellic, húsar azorio",
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                    "flavorText": "« La bonne nouvelle, c'est que les drakôns migratoires ne posent plus de problèmes. »\n—Bell Migellic, hussard d'Azorius",
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                    "flavorText": "「良かったことは、もう移動してくるドレイクに悩まなくて済むことね。」\n――アゾリウスの騎兵、ベル・ミジェリック",
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                    "flavorText": "\"좋은 소식은 서식지를 옮기는 드레이크들은 더이상 걱정하지 않아도 된다는 거지.\"\n—아조리우스 경기병, 벨 미젤릭",
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                    "flavorText": "「好消息是,我們再也不用擔心遷徙的龍獸了。」\n~俄佐立輕騎兵貝爾米格力",
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            "flavorText": "Those who cross the Dimir find enemies everywhere they turn.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wer sich mit den Dimir anlegt, macht sich überall Feinde.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457445,
                    "name": "Manipulation der Massen",
                    "text": "Übernimm die Kontrolle über X Kreaturen und/oder Planeswalker deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Quienes hacen enfadar a los dimir se topan con enemigos allá donde vayan.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457704,
                    "name": "Manipulación masiva",
                    "text": "Gana el control de X criaturas y/o planeswalkers objetivo.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Ceux qui dupent les Dimir trouvent des ennemis à chaque tournant.",
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                    "name": "Manipulation de masse",
                    "text": "Acquérez le contrôle de X cibles, créatures et/ou planeswalkers.",
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                    "flavorText": "Chi ostacola i Dimir scopre di avere nemici ovunque si volti.",
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                    "multiverseId": 458222,
                    "name": "Manipolazione di Massa",
                    "text": "Prendi il controllo di X creature e/o planeswalker bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "ディミーアに逆らう者はどちらを向いても敵に遭う。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458481,
                    "name": "集団強制",
                    "text": "クリーチャーやプレインズウォーカー合わせてX体を対象とし、それらのコントロールを得る。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "디미르를 적으로 돌리는 자들은 이내 사방에 적이 깔려 있다는 것을 알게 된다.",
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                    "name": "대량 조작",
                    "text": "생물 및/또는 플레인즈워커 X개를 목표로 정한다. 그 목표들의 조종권을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Os que se opõem aos Dimir encontram inimigos para onde quer que se voltem.",
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                    "multiverseId": 458999,
                    "name": "Manipulação em Massa",
                    "text": "Ganhe o controle de X criaturas e/ou planeswalkers alvo.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Те, кто встает на пути у Димиров, встречают врагов за каждым поворотом.",
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                    "multiverseId": 459258,
                    "name": "Управление Массами",
                    "text": "Получите контроль над X целевыми существами и (или) planeswalker-ами.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "反抗底密尔的人会发现自己四面皆敌。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459517,
                    "name": "全面操弄",
                    "text": "获得X个目标生物和/或鹏洛客的操控权。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "反抗底密爾的人會發現自己四面皆敵。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459776,
                    "name": "全面操弄",
                    "text": "獲得X個目標生物和/或鵬洛客的操控權。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{X}{X}{U}{U}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457186,
            "name": "Mass Manipulation",
            "number": "42",
            "originalText": "Gain control of X target creatures and/or planeswalkers.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The control-change effect of Mass Manipulation lasts indefinitely. It doesn’t wear off during the cleanup step."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if a player leaves the game, all cards that player owns leave as well, and any effects that give the player control of permanents immediately end."
            "scryfallId": "782760d7-59cc-4d40-a885-6a7980094fee",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "03b3dcc4-a28a-4e4d-8301-cbde6e997bc9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "68e87559-7cae-4dcf-b7cd-a61f19bcd840",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182954,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Gain control of X target creatures and/or planeswalkers.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "001d0853-bf7f-5be5-bfb8-d4114f3a53c7",
            "uuidV421": "726c9935-3a43-50cf-af5b-00f635d885ac"
            "artist": "Kev Walker",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457446,
                    "name": "Hypnotisierender Benthid",
                    "text": "Wenn der Hypnotisierende Benthid ins Spiel kommt, erzeuge zwei 0/2 blaue Illusion-Kreaturenspielsteine mit „Immer wenn diese Kreatur eine Kreatur blockt, enttappt jene Kreatur nicht während des nächsten Enttappsegments ihres Beherrschers.\"\nSolange du eine Illusion kontrollierst, hat der Hypnotisierende Benthid Fluchsicherheit.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Oktopus"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457705,
                    "name": "Bentónido hipnotizante",
                    "text": "Cuando el Bentónido hipnotizante entre al campo de batalla, crea dos fichas de criatura Ilusión azules 0/2 con \"Siempre que esta criatura bloquee a una criatura, esa criatura no se endereza durante el próximo paso de enderezar de su controlador\".\nEl Bentónido hipnotizante tiene la habilidad de antimaleficio mientras controles una Ilusión.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Pulpo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457964,
                    "name": "Benthide hypnotisant",
                    "text": "Quand le Benthide hypnotisant arrive sur le champ de bataille, créez deux jetons de créature 0/2 bleue Illusion avec « À chaque fois que cette créature bloque une créature, celle-ci ne se dégage pas pendant la prochaine étape de dégagement de son contrôleur. »\nLe Benthide hypnotisant a la défense talismanique tant que vous contrôlez une illusion.",
                    "type": "Créature : pieuvre"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458223,
                    "name": "Bentide Ipnotizzante",
                    "text": "Quando il Bentide Ipnotizzante entra nel campo di battaglia, crea due pedine creatura Illusione 0/2 blu con \"Ogniqualvolta questa creatura blocca una creatura, quella creatura non STAPpa durante il prossimo STAP del suo controllore\".\nIl Bentide Ipnotizzante ha anti-malocchio fintanto che controlli un'Illusione.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Piovra"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458482,
                    "name": "眩惑する水底種",
                    "text": "眩惑する水底種が戦場に出たとき、「このクリーチャーがクリーチャーを1体ブロックするたび、そのクリーチャーはそれのコントローラーの次のアンタップ・ステップにアンタップしない。」を持つ青の0/2のイリュージョン・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。\nあなたがイリュージョンをコントロールしているかぎり、眩惑する水底種は呪禁を持つ。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — タコ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458741,
                    "name": "현혹하는 심해생물",
                    "text": "현혹하는 심해생물이 전장에 들어올 때, \"이 생물이 생물을 방어할 때마다, 그 생물은 조종자의 다음 언탭단에 언탭되지 않는다.\"를 가진 0/2 청색 환영 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다.\n당신이 환영을 조종하는 한 현혹하는 심해생물은 방호를 가진다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 문어"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459000,
                    "name": "Bentídeo Hipnotizante",
                    "text": "Quando Bentídeo Hipnotizante entrar no campo de batalha, crie duas fichas de criatura azul 0/2 do tipo Ilusão com \"Toda vez que esta criatura bloqueia uma criatura, aquela criatura não é desvirada durante a próxima etapa de desvirar de seu controlador.\"\nBentídeo Hipnotizante terá resistência a magia enquanto você controlar uma Ilusão.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Polvo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459259,
                    "name": "Завораживающий Бентид",
                    "text": "Когда Завораживающий Бентид выходит на поле битвы, создайте две фишки существа 0/2 синяя Иллюзия со способностью «Каждый раз, когда это существо блокирует существо, то существо не разворачивается во время следующего шага разворота контролирующего его игрока».\nЗавораживающий Бентид имеет Порчеустойчивость, пока вы контролируете Иллюзию.",
                    "type": "Существо — Спрут"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459518,
                    "name": "催眠渊栖怪",
                    "text": "当催眠渊栖怪进战场时,派出两个0/2蓝色虚影衍生生物,它们具有「每当此生物阻挡一个生物时,后者于其操控者的下一个重置步骤中不能重置。」\n只要你操控虚影,催眠渊栖怪便具有辟邪异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~章鱼"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459777,
                    "name": "催眠淵棲怪",
                    "text": "當催眠淵棲怪進戰場時,派出兩個0/2藍色虛影衍生生物,它們具有「每當此生物阻擋一個生物時,後者於其操控者的下一個重置步驟中不能重置。」\n只要你操控虛影,催眠淵棲怪便具有辟邪異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~章魚"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457187,
            "name": "Mesmerizing Benthid",
            "number": "43",
            "originalText": "When Mesmerizing Benthid enters the battlefield, create two 0/2 blue Illusion creature tokens with \"Whenever this creature blocks a creature, that creature doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.\"\nMesmerizing Benthid has hexproof as long as you control an Illusion.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Octopus",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Mesmerizing Benthid has hexproof as long as you control any Illusion, not just Illusion tokens like the ones created by its first ability."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The triggered ability of the Illusion tokens doesn’t tap the attacking creature if it’s untapped, most likely because it has vigilance."
            "scryfallId": "5bed7c69-1302-4c1a-b410-b4e6c4ef4c0c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2b798ec4-9b7b-458d-ae30-628ecd2337bc",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f36d3d87-5596-4c26-b8d0-f2979a166b57",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183174,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Mesmerizing Benthid enters the battlefield, create two 0/2 blue Illusion creature tokens with \"Whenever this creature blocks a creature, that creature doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.\"\nMesmerizing Benthid has hexproof as long as you control an Illusion.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Octopus",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2cbe2154-1463-5af3-baa8-a1d97c3d0109",
            "uuidV421": "dd4a16d5-b0ff-5c06-b060-82126d3a4d2c"
            "artist": "Bastien L. Deharme",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "When the price of your sins comes due, the Church of Deals is there to collect.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wenn der Preis für deine Sünden fällig wird, ist die Kirche des Handels zur Stelle.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457419,
                    "name": "Messdiener der Pflicht",
                    "text": "Seelenwandlung 2 (Wenn diese Kreatur stirbt, erzeuge zwei 1/1 weiße und schwarze Geist-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Flugfähigkeit.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "Cuando llegue la hora de pagar el precio por tus pecados, la iglesia de los acuerdos estará ahí para cobrarlo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457678,
                    "name": "Ministrante de la obligación",
                    "text": "Ultratumba 2. (Cuando esta criatura muera, crea dos fichas de criatura Espíritu blancas y negras 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo humano"
                    "flavorText": "Quand le prix de vos péchés arrive à échéance, l'Église des Transactions est là pour l'encaisser.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457937,
                    "name": "Ministre d'obligation",
                    "text": "Au-delà 2 (Quand cette créature meurt, créez deux jetons de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "Quando giunge il momento di pagare per i tuoi peccati, la Chiesa degli Accordi è pronta a riscuotere.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458196,
                    "name": "Officiante delle Obbligazioni",
                    "text": "Aldilà 2 (Quando questa creatura muore, crea due pedine creatura Spirito 1/1 bianche e nere con volare.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Umano"
                    "flavorText": "犯した罪への対価を支払う期限を迎えたときには、取引の教会がそれを回収に来る。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458455,
                    "name": "債務の聖職者",
                    "text": "死後2(このクリーチャーが死亡したとき、飛行を持ち白であり黒である1/1のスピリット・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "죄의 값을 치를 때가 되면, 거래의 교회가 값을 받으러 찾아온다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458714,
                    "name": "의무 관리 보좌관",
                    "text": "사후세계 2 (이 생물이 죽을 때, 비행을 가진 1/1 백색 및 흑색 신령 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "Quando o pagamento por seus pecados vence, a Igreja dos Negócios está lá para cobrar.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458973,
                    "name": "Ministrante da Obrigação",
                    "text": "Pós-vida 2 (Quando esta criatura morrer, crie duas fichas de criatura branca e preta 1/1 do tipo Espírito com voar. )",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "Когда приходит пора рассчитаться за грехи, Церковь Сделок является, чтобы забрать плату.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459232,
                    "name": "Богослужитель Обязательств",
                    "text": "Посмертие 2 (Когда это существо умирает, создайте две фишки существа 1/1 белый и черный Дух с Полетом.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Священник"
                    "flavorText": "罪行代价账期一到,行商教会便会上门收取。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459491,
                    "name": "守责主礼人",
                    "text": "往生2(当此生物死去时,派出两个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "罪行代價賬期一到,行商教會便會上門收取。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459750,
                    "name": "守責主禮人",
                    "text": "往生2(當此生物死去時,派出兩個1/1,白黑雙色,具飛行異能的精靈衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457160,
            "name": "Ministrant of Obligation",
            "number": "16",
            "originalText": "Afterlife 2 (When this creature dies, create two 1/1 white and black Spirit creature tokens with flying.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because blockers are chosen all at once, you can’t block with a creature with afterlife, wait for it to die, then block with the resulting Spirit tokens."
            "scryfallId": "bf2a093a-25f0-4247-94dc-550865d86317",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "55d86919-bc97-4712-ace5-866400a0e4b7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0cee5539-d10b-4de2-aee8-e02f0e24ac26",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183187,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Afterlife 2 (When this creature dies, create two 1/1 white and black Spirit creature tokens with flying.)",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "230710c4-371a-5b74-b8ee-ca754427a884",
            "uuidV421": "e1c608f1-e800-50ff-b627-f5bd848e3db4",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Johannes Voss",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457511,
                    "name": "Marschierende Spiegelbilder",
                    "text": "Immer wenn eine Nichtspielsteinkreatur unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel kommt, wirf eine Münze, bis du einen Wurf verlierst. Erzeuge für jeden gewonnenen Wurf einen Spielstein, der eine Kopie jener Kreatur ist. Die Spielsteine erhalten Eile. Schicke sie zu Beginn des nächsten Endsegments ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457770,
                    "name": "Marcha de los reflejos",
                    "text": "Siempre que una criatura que no sea ficha entre al campo de batalla bajo tu control, lanza una moneda a cara o cruz hasta que pierdas una tirada. Por cada tirada ganada, crea una ficha que es una copia de esa criatura. Esas fichas ganan la habilidad de prisa. Exílialas al comienzo del próximo paso final.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458029,
                    "name": "Marche miroir",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'une créature non-jeton arrive sur le champ de bataille sous votre contrôle, jouez à pile ou face jusqu'à ce que vous perdiez. Pour chaque fois où vous gagnez à pile ou face, créez un jeton qui est une copie de cette créature. Ces jetons acquièrent la célérité. Exilez-les au début de la prochaine étape de fin.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458288,
                    "name": "Marcia Speculare",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta una creatura non pedina entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, lancia una moneta finché non perdi un lancio. Per ogni lancio vinto, crea una pedina che è una copia di quella creatura. Quelle pedine hanno rapidità. Esiliale all'inizio della prossima sottofase finale.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458547,
                    "name": "鏡の行進",
                    "text": "トークンでないクリーチャーが1体あなたのコントロール下で戦場に出るたび、あなたがコイン投げに負けるまでコイン投げをする。あなたがコイン投げに勝った回数1回につき、そのクリーチャーのコピーであるトークンを1体生成する。それらのトークンは速攻を得る。次の終了ステップの開始時に、それらを追放する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458806,
                    "name": "거울 행진",
                    "text": "토큰이 아닌 생물이 당신의 조종하에 전장에 들어올 때마다, 당신이 동전 던지기에서 질 때까지 동전을 던진다. 당신이 이긴 동전 던지기 수만큼, 그 생물의 복사본 토큰을 만든다. 그 토큰들은 신속을 얻는다. 다음 종료단 시작에 그 토큰들을 추방한다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459065,
                    "name": "Marcha dos Reflexos",
                    "text": "Toda vez que uma criatura que não seja uma ficha entrar no campo de batalha sob o seu controle, jogue uma moeda até perder. Para cada jogada ganha, crie uma ficha que seja uma cópia daquela criatura. Aquelas fichas ganham ímpeto. Exile-as no início da próxima etapa final.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459324,
                    "name": "Зеркальный Марш",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда не являющееся фишкой существо выходит на поле битвы под вашим контролем, подбрасывайте монету, пока вы не проиграете бросок. За каждый выигранный бросок создайте фишку, являющуюся копией того существа. Те фишки получают Ускорение. Изгоните их в начале следующего заключительного шага.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459583,
                    "name": "镜像行进",
                    "text": "每当一个非衍生物的生物在你的操控下进战场时,掷硬币直到你猜错任一掷为止。你每猜对一掷,便派出一个衍生物,此衍生物为该生物之复制品。这些衍生物获得敏捷异能。在下一个结束步骤开始时,将它们放逐。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459842,
                    "name": "鏡像行進",
                    "text": "每當一個非衍生物的生物在你的操控下進戰場時,擲硬幣直到你猜錯任一擲為止。你每猜對一擲,便派出一個衍生物,此衍生物為該生物之複製品。這些衍生物獲得敏捷異能。在下一個結束步驟開始時,將它們放逐。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457252,
            "name": "Mirror March",
            "number": "108",
            "originalText": "Whenever a nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, flip a coin until you lose a flip. For each flip you won, create a token that's a copy of that creature. Those tokens gain haste. Exile them at the beginning of the next end step.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "All of the tokens enter the battlefield at the same time."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Each token copies exactly what is printed on the creature and nothing else (unless that creature is copying something else; see below). It doesn’t copy whether that creature is tapped or untapped, whether it has any counters on it or Auras and/or Equipment attached to it, or any non-copy effects that changed its power, toughness, types, color, and so on."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the copied creature is copying something else, each token enters the battlefield as whatever that creature is copying."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the copied creature has {X} in its mana cost, X is 0."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the entering creature leaves the battlefield before Mirror March’s ability resolves, use that creature’s last known existence on the battlefield to determine the token’s characteristics."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Any enters-the-battlefield abilities of the copied creature will trigger when the token enters the battlefield. Any “As [this creature] enters the battlefield” or “[This creature] enters the battlefield with” abilities of the copied creature will also work."
            "scryfallId": "50a27943-f08c-4cbd-affb-8e59411b3d4f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a27b85d8-01a3-459d-984a-08aafb41b106",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183215,
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            "text": "Whenever a nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, flip a coin until you lose a flip. For each flip you won, create a token that's a copy of that creature. Those tokens gain haste. Exile them at the beginning of the next end step.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "784552be-e90c-532f-9373-5fa513921ad9",
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            "artist": "Anthony Palumbo",
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            "flavorText": "\"Your debt is erased.\"\n—Hilgur, Orzhov euthanist",
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                    "flavorText": "„Deine Schuld ist getilgt.\"\n—Hilgur, Gnadentod der Orzhov",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Kasteiung",
                    "text": "Zerstöre eine Kreatur oder eine Verzauberung deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tu deuda ha sido borrada\".\n—Hilgur, eutanista orzhov",
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                    "name": "Mortificar",
                    "text": "Destruye la criatura o encantamiento objetivo.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Votre dette est effacée. »\n—Hilgur, euthanasiste orzhov",
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                    "text": "Détruisez la créature ciblée ou l'enchantement ciblé.",
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                    "flavorText": "\"Il tuo debito è cancellato.\"\n—Hilgur, eutanista Orzhov",
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                    "name": "Mortificare",
                    "text": "Distruggi una creatura o un incantesimo bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「あなたの債務は帳消しです。」\n――オルゾフの安死術士、ヒルガー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
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                    "name": "屈辱",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体かエンチャント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"네 빚은 없어졌다.\"\n—오르조브 안락사주의자, 힐구르",
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                    "multiverseId": 458890,
                    "name": "고행",
                    "text": "생물이나 부여마법을 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Suas dívidas estão extintas.\"\n— Hilgur, eutanista Orzhov",
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                    "multiverseId": 459149,
                    "name": "Mortificar",
                    "text": "Destrua a criatura ou o encantamento alvo.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Твой долг стерт».\n— Хилгур, умерщвительница Орзовов",
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                    "multiverseId": 459408,
                    "name": "Унижение",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевое существо или чары.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「你的债务已一笔勾销。」\n~欧佐夫安乐艺师希佳尔",
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                    "multiverseId": 459667,
                    "name": "羞愧",
                    "text": "消灭目标生物或结界。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「你的債務已一筆勾銷。」\n~歐佐夫安樂藝師希佳爾",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459926,
                    "name": "羞愧",
                    "text": "消滅目標生物或結界。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2006-02-01",
                    "text": "This spell isn’t Modal. When it resolves, it will destroy the target if it’s a creature or an enchantment, even if it changed from one to the other between targeting and resolution."
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            "flavorText": "\"The hooves of the Raze-Bore will trample the weak—and their city—to dust!\"",
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                    "flavorText": "„Die Hufe des Keilers der Vernichtung werden die Schwachen — und ihre Stadt — zu Staub zermalmen!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457596,
                    "name": "Nikya, Bewahrerin der Tradition",
                    "text": "Du kannst keine Nichtkreatur-Zaubersprüche wirken.\nImmer wenn du ein Land für Mana tappst, erzeuge ein Mana eines beliebigen Typs, den das Land produziert hat.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Zentaur, Druide"
                    "flavorText": "\"Los cascos del Jabalí Arrasador reducirán a polvo a los débiles... ¡y su ciudad!\".",
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                    "name": "Nikya de las viejas costumbres",
                    "text": "No puedes lanzar hechizos que no sean de criatura.\nSiempre que gires una tierra para obtener maná, agrega un maná de cualquier tipo que produzca esa tierra.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Druida centauro"
                    "flavorText": "« Les sabots du Sanglier terrasseur réduiront les faibles et leur ville en poussière ! »",
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                    "multiverseId": 458114,
                    "name": "Nikya des Traditions",
                    "text": "Vous ne pouvez pas lancer de sorts non-créature.\nÀ chaque fois que vous engagez un terrain pour du mana, ajoutez un mana de n'importe quel type que ce terrain a produit.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : centaure et druide"
                    "flavorText": "\"Gli zoccoli del cinghiale devastatore travolgeranno i deboli e la loro città e li ridurranno in polvere!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458373,
                    "name": "Nikya delle Antiche Usanze",
                    "text": "Non puoi lanciare magie non creatura.\nOgniqualvolta TAPpi una terra per attingere mana, aggiungi un mana di qualsiasi tipo prodotto da quella terra.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Druido Centauro"
                    "flavorText": "「猪の祟神の蹄が弱者も奴らの都市も踏みつけて粉々にするわ!」",
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                    "name": "旧き道のニーキャ",
                    "text": "あなたはクリーチャーでない呪文を唱えられない。\nあなたがマナを引き出す目的で土地を1つタップするたび、その土地が生み出したタイプのうち望むタイプのマナ1点を加える。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — ケンタウルス・ドルイド"
                    "flavorText": "\"멧돼지 파괴신의 발굽이 약자들—과 그들의 도시—를 가루가 되도록 짓밟으리라!\"",
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                    "name": "고대 전통의 사도 니캬",
                    "text": "당신은 생물이 아닌 주문을 발동할 수 없다.\n당신이 마나를 생산하기 위해 대지를 탭할 때마다, 그 대지가 생산한 마나 유형 중 하나를 골라 그 마나 한 개를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 켄타우로스 드루이드"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os cascos do Javali Arrasador atropelarão os fracos e a cidade deles!\"",
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                    "name": "Nikya dos Costumes Antigos",
                    "text": "Você não pode conjurar mágicas que não sejam de criatura.\nToda vez que você virar um terreno para gerar mana, adicione um mana de qualquer tipo que aquele terreno tenha gerado.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Centauro Druida"
                    "flavorText": "«Копыта Вепря-Разрушителя растопчут слабых — и сотрут их город в порошок!»",
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                    "name": "Никия, Приверженка Старины",
                    "text": "Вы не можете разыгрывать не являющиеся существами заклинания.\nКаждый раз, когда вы поворачиваете землю для получения маны, добавьте одну ману любого типа, произведенного той землей.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Кентавр Друид"
                    "flavorText": "「蛮野猪神的巨蹄会把弱者~和他们的城市~夷为平地!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459668,
                    "name": "古式信徒妮恰",
                    "text": "你不能施放非生物咒语。\n每当你横置一个地以产生法术力时,加一点该地已产生的类别之法术力。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~半人马/德鲁伊"
                    "flavorText": "「蠻野豬神的巨蹄會把弱者~和他們的城市~夷為平地!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
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                    "name": "古式信徒妮恰",
                    "text": "你不能施放非生物咒語。\n每當你橫置一個地以產生魔法力時,加一點該地已產生的類別之魔法力。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~半人馬/德魯伊"
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            "originalText": "You can't cast noncreature spells.\nWhenever you tap a land for mana, add one mana of any type that land produced.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Centaur Druid",
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                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The types of mana are white, blue, black, red, green, and colorless."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you tap a land for more than one mana, you choose one type that was produced and add one mana of that type."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Nikya doesn’t care about any restrictions or riders your lands put on the mana they produce, such as those of Unclaimed Territory and Guildmages’ Forum. It just produces one mana of the appropriate type, with no restrictions or riders."
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                    "flavorText": "„Erzittert vor dem Groodion! Eiterschlürfer, triefender Unhold. Widerlichstes Wunder im Untergrund. Größtes aller Ungeziefer!\"\n—Zalin der Gossenbarde",
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                    "flavorText": "「グルーディオンを見よ!膿垂らしの湿った悪鬼。地底で最も汚れた存在。害獣の中の害獣!」\n――どぶ詩人ゼーリン",
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                    "flavorText": "\"그루디온을 보라! 핏물을 들이키며, 진액을 흘리고 다니는 악마를. 지하에서 가장 불경한 신비일지니. 모든 이들 중 가장 장엄한 해충이어라!\"\n —시궁창 음유시인 잘린",
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                    "flavorText": "\"Contemplem o groodion! Sorvedor icorídeo, demônio gosmento. Maravilha mais torpe do subterrâneo. Maior de todas as pragas!\"\n— Zalin, o bardo da sarjeta",
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                    "name": "Заразный Грудион",
                    "text": "Смертельное касание",
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                    "name": "惡毒古汀獸",
                    "text": "死觸",
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            "flavorText": "\"If you don't have a destination in mind, the route is all that matters.\"\n—Tamina, district guide",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wenn man kein genaues Ziel vor Augen hat, ist der Weg alles, was zählt.\"\n—Tamina, Distriktführerin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457536,
                    "name": "Öffnet die Tore",
                    "text": "Durchsuche deine Bibliothek nach einer Standardland- oder Tor-Karte, zeige sie offen vor, nimm sie auf deine Hand und mische dann deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Si no tienes ningún destino en mente, lo único que importa es la ruta\".\n—Tamina, guía del distrito",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457795,
                    "name": "Abrir los portales",
                    "text": "Busca en tu biblioteca una carta de tierra básica o de Portal, muéstrala, ponla en tu mano y luego baraja tu biblioteca.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Si vous n'avez aucune destination à l'esprit, seul le chemin a de l'importance. »\n—Tamina, guide de circonscription",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458054,
                    "name": "Ouvrez les portes !",
                    "text": "Cherchez dans votre bibliothèque une carte de terrain de base ou une carte de porte, révélez-la, mettez-la dans votre main et mélangez ensuite votre bibliothèque.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se non hai una destinazione in mente, l'unica cosa che conta è la strada che percorri.\"\n—Tamina, guida del distretto",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458313,
                    "name": "Aprire i Cancelli",
                    "text": "Passa in rassegna il tuo grimorio per una carta terra base o una carta Cancello, rivelala e aggiungila alla tua mano, poi rimescola il tuo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「頭の中に目的地がないなら、大事なのは道筋だけです。」\n――管区の案内人、タミーナ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458572,
                    "name": "開門",
                    "text": "あなたのライブラリーから基本土地か門であるカード1枚を探し、それを公開してあなたの手札に加え、その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"딱히 목적지가 없다면, 어떤 길을 걷느냐가 가장 중요한 법이죠.\"\n—구역 안내인, 타미나",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458831,
                    "name": "관문 열기",
                    "text": "당신의 서고에서 기본 대지 또는 관문 카드 한 장을 찾아, 공개하고, 당신의 손으로 가져간 후, 당신의 서고를 섞는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se você não tiver um destino em mente, o caminho é tudo que importa.\"\n— Tamina, guia do distrito",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459090,
                    "name": "Abrir os Portões",
                    "text": "Procure um card de terreno básico ou Portão em seu grimório, revele-o, coloque-o em sua mão e, depois, embaralhe seu grimório.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Если не знаешь, куда идешь, то значение имеет только сама дорога».\n— Тамина, районная проводница",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459349,
                    "name": "Открыть Врата",
                    "text": "Найдите в вашей библиотеке карту базовой земли или карту Врат, покажите ее, положите ее в вашу руку, затем перетасуйте вашу библиотеку.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你还没想好要去哪,就只需要考虑路线。」\n~城区向导塔米娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459608,
                    "name": "打开大门",
                    "text": "从你的牌库中搜寻一张基本地牌或门牌,展示该牌,将它置于你手上,然后将你的牌库洗牌。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你還沒想好要去哪,就只需要考慮路線。」\n~城區嚮導塔米娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459867,
                    "name": "打開大門",
                    "text": "從你的牌庫中搜尋一張基本地牌或門牌,展示該牌,將它置於你手上,然後將你的牌庫洗牌。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457277,
            "name": "Open the Gates",
            "number": "133",
            "originalText": "Search your library for a basic land card or Gate card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "ff326c57-accb-4b75-9bc9-b5ef1a85f38d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a19f0994-aab3-470e-a9bc-90b867bc7c44",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f38e43b6-9a8c-4f6a-bd1c-d5c4913a28a1",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183420,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Search your library for a basic land card or Gate card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ca103ba7-9ee6-541e-afd4-d1cd7ab756bf",
            "uuidV421": "5a568b33-33ef-5b0b-94be-f304e753ed56"
            "artist": "Matt Stewart",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"You'll pay what you owe, with your money or your life.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Du wirst bezahlen, was du schuldest — entweder mit Geld, oder mit deinem Leben.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457482,
                    "name": "Orzhov-Vollstreckerin",
                    "text": "Todesberührung\nSeelenwandlung 1 (Wenn diese Kreatur stirbt, erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen und schwarzen Geist-Kreaturenspielstein mit Flugfähigkeit.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pagarás lo que debes, con tu dinero o con tu vida\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457741,
                    "name": "Ejecutora orzhov",
                    "text": "Toque mortal.\nUltratumba 1. (Cuando esta criatura muera, crea una ficha de criatura Espíritu blanca y negra 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Vous paierez votre dette, avec votre argent ou votre vie. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458000,
                    "name": "Argousin d'Orzhov",
                    "text": "Contact mortel\nAu-delà 1 (Quand cette créature meurt, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pagherai i tuoi debiti, con il denaro o con la vita.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458259,
                    "name": "Esecutrice Orzhov",
                    "text": "Tocco letale\nAldilà 1 (Quando questa creatura muore, crea una pedina creatura Spirito 1/1 bianca e nera con volare.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「借りは返すことになる。金銭あるいは命によって。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458518,
                    "name": "オルゾフの処罰者",
                    "text": "接死\n死後1(このクリーチャーが死亡したとき、飛行を持ち白であり黒である1/1のスピリット・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "\"빚진 건 지불하게 될 거다, 돈으로든 목숨으로든.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458777,
                    "name": "오르조브 집행자",
                    "text": "치명타\n사후세계 1 (이 생물이 죽을 때, 비행을 가진 1/1 백색 및 흑색 신령 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 도적"
                    "flavorText": "\"Você vai pagar o que deve, com dinheiro ou com a vida.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459036,
                    "name": "Impositora Orzhov",
                    "text": "Toque mortífero\nPós-vida 1 (Quando esta criatura morrer, crie uma ficha de criatura branca e preta 1/1 do tipo Espírito com voar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "«Ты заплатишь то, что должен, — золотом или жизнью».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459295,
                    "name": "Блюстительница Орзовов",
                    "text": "Смертельное касание\nПосмертие 1 (Когда это существо умирает, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый и черный Дух с Полетом.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "「欠下的债都得还,用钱用命都可以。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459554,
                    "name": "欧佐夫执法者",
                    "text": "死触\n往生1(当此生物死去时,派出一个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "「欠下的債都得還,用錢用命都可以。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459813,
                    "name": "歐佐夫執法者",
                    "text": "死觸\n往生1(當此生物死去時,派出一個1/1,白黑雙色,具飛行異能的精靈衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457223,
            "name": "Orzhov Enforcer",
            "number": "79",
            "originalText": "Deathtouch\nAfterlife 1 (When this creature dies, create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because blockers are chosen all at once, you can’t block with a creature with afterlife, wait for it to die, then block with the resulting Spirit tokens."
            "scryfallId": "6a72b49e-be14-485b-a467-31cbac9aa1c5",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "950925bf-bd9e-4bdd-9768-8c6931c0e980",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f60b879e-82b4-442d-a544-2349429fe4c9",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183427,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Deathtouch\nAfterlife 1 (When this creature dies, create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2aee9bc8-8a82-5230-8415-a0a0aa10db03",
            "uuidV421": "65168256-1a06-5845-a2cb-9252ffdeee0e",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Cliff Childs",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"So much wealth. So much splendor. So much temptation to believe the gilded lie.\"\n—Kaya",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Solch ein Reichtum. Solche Pracht. So viele Versuchungen, die vergoldete Lüge zu glauben.\"\n—Kaya",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457655,
                    "name": "Orzhov-Gildeneingang",
                    "text": "Der Orzhov-Gildeneingang kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {W} oder {B}.",
                    "type": "Land — Tor"
                    "flavorText": "\"Qué abundancia, qué esplendor. Qué tentación de creer la mentira bañada en oro\".\n—Kaya",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457914,
                    "name": "Portal del Gremio Orzhov",
                    "text": "El Portal del Gremio Orzhov entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {W} o {B}.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Portal"
                    "flavorText": "« Quelle richesse. Quelle splendeur. Quelle envie de croire à ce mensonge doré. »\n—Kaya",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458173,
                    "name": "Porte de la guilde d'Orzhov",
                    "text": "La Porte de la guilde d'Orzhov arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{T} : Ajoutez {W} ou {B}.",
                    "type": "Terrain : porte"
                    "flavorText": "\"Che ricchezza, che splendore... e che tentazione di credere a questa menzogna dorata.\"\n—Kaya",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458432,
                    "name": "Cancello della Gilda Orzhov",
                    "text": "Il Cancello della Gilda Orzhov entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {W} o {B}.",
                    "type": "Terra — Cancello"
                    "flavorText": "「たくさんの富。たくさんの輝き。たくさんの誘惑。それが金めっきした嘘を信じ込ませる。」\n――ケイヤ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458691,
                    "name": "オルゾフのギルド門",
                    "text": "オルゾフのギルド門はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{W}か{B}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地 — 門"
                    "flavorText": "\"엄청난 부귀. 엄청난 영화. 저 금칠한 거짓말을 엄청나게 믿고 싶어지는군.\"\n—카야",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458950,
                    "name": "오르조브 길드관문",
                    "text": "오르조브 길드관문은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {W} 또는 {B}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 관문"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tanta riqueza. Tanto esplendor. Tanta tentação a crer na mentira folheada a ouro.\"\n— Kaya",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459209,
                    "name": "Portão da Guilda Orzhov",
                    "text": "Portão da Guilda Orzhov entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {W} ou {B}.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Portão"
                    "flavorText": "«Такое богатство. Такая роскошь. Такое искушение поверить в позолоченную ложь».\n— Кайя",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459468,
                    "name": "Врата Гильдии Орзовов",
                    "text": "Врата Гильдии Орзовов выходят на поле битвы повернутыми.\n{T}: добавьте {W} или {B}.",
                    "type": "Земля — Врата"
                    "flavorText": "「如此富有。如此辉煌。如此诱惑,使人们相信镶金镀银的谎言。」\n~卡娅",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459727,
                    "name": "欧佐夫公会门",
                    "text": "欧佐夫公会门须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{W}或{B}。",
                    "type": "地 ~门"
                    "flavorText": "「如此富有。如此輝煌。如此誘惑,使人們相信鑲金鍍銀的謊言。」\n~卡婭",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459986,
                    "name": "歐佐夫公會門",
                    "text": "歐佐夫公會門須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{W}或{B}。",
                    "type": "地 ~門"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457396,
            "name": "Orzhov Guildgate",
            "number": "252",
            "originalText": "Orzhov Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {W} or {B}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "The subtype Gate has no special rules significance, but other spells and abilities may refer to it."
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "Gate is not a basic land type."
            "scryfallId": "cba5fb67-e161-4e89-be3e-c8021122ff19",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "55903e94-b3e0-40f9-a966-84e19a8f6a1d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "57b37df5-fee4-4720-931f-f0cb0a8b338c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182825,
            "text": "Orzhov Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {W} or {B}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7fed604f-5ab5-5a06-bcda-cb2e115deb93",
            "uuidV421": "7ac7e51a-b70e-5065-a949-91fbb1a56485",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Cliff Childs",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"If you think the cathedral is impressive, you should see what's down below.\"\n—Teysa",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Du findest die Kathedrale schon beeindruckend? Du solltest mal sehen, was darunter liegt.\"\n—Teysa",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457656,
                    "name": "Orzhov-Gildeneingang",
                    "text": "Der Orzhov-Gildeneingang kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {W} oder {B}.",
                    "type": "Land — Tor"
                    "flavorText": "\"Si crees que la catedral es impresionante, tendrías que ver lo que hay debajo\".\n—Teysa",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457915,
                    "name": "Portal del Gremio Orzhov",
                    "text": "El Portal del Gremio Orzhov entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {W} o {B}.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Portal"
                    "flavorText": "« Si vous trouvez que la cathédrale est impressionnante, vous devriez voir ce qu'il y a en dessous. »\n—Teysa",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458174,
                    "name": "Porte de la guilde d'Orzhov",
                    "text": "La Porte de la guilde d'Orzhov arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{T} : Ajoutez {W} ou {B}.",
                    "type": "Terrain : porte"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se credi che la cattedrale sia impressionante, devi vedere cosa si nasconde al di sotto.\"\n—Teysa",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458433,
                    "name": "Cancello della Gilda Orzhov",
                    "text": "Il Cancello della Gilda Orzhov entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {W} o {B}.",
                    "type": "Terra — Cancello"
                    "flavorText": "「この大聖堂がすばらしいと思っているなら、その下にあるものも見た方がいいわよ。」\n――テイサ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458692,
                    "name": "オルゾフのギルド門",
                    "text": "オルゾフのギルド門はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{W}か{B}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地 — 門"
                    "flavorText": "\"대성당이 굉장했다고 생각했으면, 저 아래에 무엇이 있는지도 보는 게 좋을 거다.\"\n—테이사",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458951,
                    "name": "오르조브 길드관문",
                    "text": "오르조브 길드관문은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {W} 또는 {B}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 관문"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se você acha que a catedral é impressionante, deveria ver o que há embaixo.\"\n— Teysa",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459210,
                    "name": "Portão da Guilda Orzhov",
                    "text": "Portão da Guilda Orzhov entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {W} ou {B}.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Portão"
                    "flavorText": "«Если собор тебе кажется величественным, то тебе определенно стоит посмотреть на то, что под ним».\n— Тейса",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459469,
                    "name": "Врата Гильдии Орзовов",
                    "text": "Врата Гильдии Орзовов выходят на поле битвы повернутыми.\n{T}: добавьте {W} или {B}.",
                    "type": "Земля — Врата"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你觉得大教堂叹为观止,你应该看看它底下。」\n~泰莎",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459728,
                    "name": "欧佐夫公会门",
                    "text": "欧佐夫公会门须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{W}或{B}。",
                    "type": "地 ~门"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你覺得大教堂歎為觀止,你應該看看它底下。」\n~泰莎",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459987,
                    "name": "歐佐夫公會門",
                    "text": "歐佐夫公會門須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{W}或{B}。",
                    "type": "地 ~門"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457397,
            "name": "Orzhov Guildgate",
            "number": "253",
            "originalText": "Orzhov Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {W} or {B}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "The subtype Gate has no special rules significance, but other spells and abilities may refer to it."
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "Gate is not a basic land type."
            "scryfallId": "f7046b5e-622f-4ae8-9ddd-709ccd61000e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "859227d3-7764-43b2-918d-af5ed94e1626",
            "scryfallOracleId": "57b37df5-fee4-4720-931f-f0cb0a8b338c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182827,
            "text": "Orzhov Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {W} or {B}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "332589f8-ac75-5466-b95b-e3bc5d87b6d9",
            "uuidV421": "8b04a4c5-831e-5c32-8acc-03db809ebedf",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Volkan Baga",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"It looks expensive, doesn't it? You have no idea...\"\n—Milana, Orzhov prelate",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Sieht teuer aus, nicht wahr? Du hast keine Ahnung …\"\n—Milana, Orzhov-Prälatin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457639,
                    "name": "Orzhov-Medaillon",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {W} oder {B}.\n{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}, {T}, opfere das Orzhov-Medaillon: Ziehe zwei Karten.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Parece caro, ¿verdad? Ni te imaginas cuánto...\".\n—Milana, prelada orzhov",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457898,
                    "name": "Relicario orzhov",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {W} o {B}.\n{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}, {T}, sacrificar el Relicario orzhov: Roba dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« Cela a l'air hors de prix, n'est-ce pas ? Vous n'avez pas idée à quel point... »\n—Milana, prélate d'Orzhov",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458157,
                    "name": "Médaillon d'Orzhov",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {W} ou {B}.\n{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}, {T}, sacrifiez le Médaillon d'Orzhov : Piochez deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sembra costoso, vero? Non sai quanto...\"\n—Milana, prelato Orzhov",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458416,
                    "name": "Medaglione Orzhov",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {W} o {B}.\n{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}, {T}, Sacrifica il Medaglione Orzhov: Pesca due carte.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「これ、高そうだね?あんたには分からないか……。」\n――オルゾフの僧院長、ミラーナ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458675,
                    "name": "オルゾフのロケット",
                    "text": "{T}:{W}か{B}を加える。\n{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}, {T}, オルゾフのロケットを生け贄に捧げる:カードを2枚引く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"비싸 보이지, 그렇지 않나? 자네는 모를 게야 . . .\"\n—오르조브 고위 성직자, 밀라나",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458934,
                    "name": "오르조브 로켓",
                    "text": "{T}: {W} 또는 {B}를 추가한다.\n{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}, {T}, 오르조브 로켓을 희생한다: 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Parece caro, não parece? Você não faz ideia...\"\n— Milana, prelada Orzhov",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459193,
                    "name": "Medalhão Orzhov",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {W} ou {B}.\n{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}, {T}, sacrifique Amuleto Orzhov: Compre dois cards.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Дорого выглядит, верно? Но ты даже представить не можешь, сколько он стоит...»\n— Милана, прелат Орзовов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459452,
                    "name": "Медальон Орзовов",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {W} или {B}.\n{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}, {T}, пожертвуйте Медальон Орзовов: возьмите две карты.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「这东西看上去挺值钱的,是吧?你可不知道. . .」\n~欧佐夫神职者米拉娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459711,
                    "name": "欧佐夫坠饰",
                    "text": "{T}:加{W}或{B}。\n{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}{W/B},{T},牺牲欧佐夫坠饰:抓两张牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「這東西看上去挺值錢的,是吧?你可不知道. . .」\n~歐佐夫神職者米拉娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459970,
                    "name": "歐佐夫墜飾",
                    "text": "{T}:加{W}或{B}。\n{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}{W/B},{T},犧牲歐佐夫墜飾:抽兩張牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}",
            "multiverseId": 457380,
            "name": "Orzhov Locket",
            "number": "236",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {W} or {B}.\n{WB}{WB}{WB}{WB}, {T}, Sacrifice Orzhov Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "761e7188-bad1-4775-84a2-15da9a42a57c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e51668e9-5e35-400b-8b12-93600ddf9157",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8aaf248e-66cf-447b-b062-9aa2ab1ec864",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182835,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {W} or {B}.\n{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}, {T}, Sacrifice Orzhov Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d921f0c1-9577-59fc-87fe-e48f68062f6e",
            "uuidV421": "493e49b2-fdf1-5b61-8b56-6882c8c92cee",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "David Palumbo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Looks like you need protection.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Du willst doch sicher nicht, dass dir was passiert.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457483,
                    "name": "Orzhov-Erpresser",
                    "text": "Immer wenn die Orzhov-Erpresser einem Spieler Kampfschaden zufügen, wirft der Spieler eine Karte ab.\nSeelenwandlung 2 (Wenn diese Kreatur stirbt, erzeuge zwei 1/1 weiße und schwarze Geist-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Flugfähigkeit.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se diría que necesitas protección\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457742,
                    "name": "Chantajistas orzhov",
                    "text": "Siempre que los Chantajistas orzhov hagan daño de combate a un jugador, ese jugador descarta una carta.\nUltratumba 2. (Cuando esta criatura muera, crea dos fichas de criatura Espíritu blancas y negras 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón humano"
                    "flavorText": "« On dirait que vous avez besoin d'une protection. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458001,
                    "name": "Racketteurs d'Orzhov",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que les Racketteurs d'Orzhov infligent des blessures de combat à un joueur, ce joueur se défausse d'une carte.\nAu-delà 2 (Quand cette créature meurt, créez deux jetons de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sembra che tu abbia bisogno di protezione.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458260,
                    "name": "Estorsori Orzhov",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta gli Estorsori Orzhov infliggono danno da combattimento a un giocatore, quel giocatore scarta una carta.\nAldilà 2 (Quando questa creatura muore, crea due pedine creatura Spirito 1/1 bianche e nere con volare.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「自分の身の心配をした方がいいんじゃありませんかね。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458519,
                    "name": "オルゾフの強請り屋",
                    "text": "オルゾフの強請り屋がプレイヤー1人に戦闘ダメージを与えるたび、そのプレイヤーはカード1枚を捨てる。\n死後2(このクリーチャーが死亡したとき、飛行を持ち白であり黒である1/1のスピリット・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "\"너, 보호가 필요한 것처럼 보이는데.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458778,
                    "name": "오르조브 협잡꾼",
                    "text": "오르조브 협잡꾼이 플레이어에게 전투피해를 입힐 때마다, 그 플레이어는 카드 한 장을 버린다.\n사후세계 2 (이 생물이 죽을 때, 비행을 가진 1/1 백색 및 흑색 신령 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 도적"
                    "flavorText": "\"Parece que você precisa de proteção.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459037,
                    "name": "Extorsores Orzhov",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Extorsores Orzhov causa dano de combate a um jogador, aquele jogador descarta um card.\nPós-vida 2 (Quando esta criatura morrer, crie duas fichas de criatura branca e preta 1/1 do tipo Espírito com voar. )",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "«Похоже, что тебе нужна защита».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459296,
                    "name": "Вымогатели Орзовов",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Вымогатели Орзовов наносят боевые повреждения игроку, тот игрок сбрасывает карту.\nПосмертие 2 (Когда это существо умирает, создайте две фишки существа 1/1 белый и черный Дух с Полетом.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "「你看来需要有人保护。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459555,
                    "name": "欧佐夫敲诈人",
                    "text": "每当欧佐夫敲诈人对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,该牌手弃一张牌。\n往生2(当此生物死去时,派出两个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "「你看來需要有人保護。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459814,
                    "name": "歐佐夫敲詐人",
                    "text": "每當歐佐夫敲詐人對任一玩家造成戰鬥傷害時,該玩家棄一張牌。\n往生2(當此生物死去時,派出兩個1/1,白黑雙色,具飛行異能的精靈衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457224,
            "name": "Orzhov Racketeers",
            "number": "80",
            "originalText": "Whenever Orzhov Racketeers deals combat damage to a player, that player discards a card.\nAfterlife 2 (When this creature dies, create two 1/1 white and black Spirit creature tokens with flying.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because blockers are chosen all at once, you can’t block with a creature with afterlife, wait for it to die, then block with the resulting Spirit tokens."
            "scryfallId": "29b89f68-72ba-493d-95c4-eb37751fbd3d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "61676235-f24c-4618-90bc-7bae1d116fc5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4f6c9cee-5af7-4b00-a2a4-2770dab0a2dc",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183188,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Orzhov Racketeers deals combat damage to a player, that player discards a card.\nAfterlife 2 (When this creature dies, create two 1/1 white and black Spirit creature tokens with flying.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "72d0334b-fa71-580f-a1f2-177fa687c71b",
            "uuidV421": "bbd67ca7-9e99-5727-9c44-25a890128366",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Jason Rainville",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457447,
                    "name": "Beharrliche Bittsteller",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}: Ein Spieler deiner Wahl legt die oberste Karte seiner Bibliothek auf seinen Friedhof.\nTappe vier ungetappte Berater, die du kontrollierst: Ein Spieler deiner Wahl legt die obersten zwölf Karten seiner Bibliothek auf seinen Friedhof.\nEin Deck kann eine beliebige Anzahl an Karten namens Beharrliche Bittsteller enthalten.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Berater"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457706,
                    "name": "Suplicantes insistentes",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}: El jugador objetivo pone la primera carta de su biblioteca en su cementerio.\nGirar cuatro Consejeros enderezados que controlas: El jugador objetivo pone las doce primeras cartas de su biblioteca en su cementerio.\nUn mazo puede tener cualquier cantidad de cartas llamadas Suplicantes insistentes.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Consejero humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457965,
                    "name": "Pétitionnaires tenaces",
                    "text": "{1}, {T} : Le joueur ciblé met la carte du dessus de sa bibliothèque dans son cimetière.\nEngagez quatre conseillers dégagés que vous contrôlez : Le joueur ciblé met les douze cartes du dessus de sa bibliothèque dans son cimetière.\nUn deck peut contenir n'importe quel nombre de cartes appelées Pétitionnaires tenaces.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et conseiller"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458224,
                    "name": "Postulanti Ostinati",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}: Un giocatore bersaglio mette nel suo cimitero la prima carta del suo grimorio.\nTAPpa quattro Consiglieri STAPpati che controlli: Un giocatore bersaglio mette nel suo cimitero le prime dodici carte del suo grimorio.\nUn mazzo può avere un qualsiasi numero di carte chiamate Postulanti Ostinati.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Consigliere Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458483,
                    "name": "しつこい請願者",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}:プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは、自分のライブラリーの一番上のカードを自分の墓地に置く。\nあなたがコントロールしているアンタップ状態のアドバイザー4体をタップする:プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは、自分のライブラリーの一番上からカードを12枚自分の墓地に置く。\nデッキに「しつこい請願者」という名前のカードを何枚入れてもよい。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・アドバイザー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458742,
                    "name": "집요한 청구인",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}: 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 서고 맨 위 카드 한 장을 자신의 무덤에 넣는다.\n당신이 조종하는 언탭된 참모 네 개를 탭한다: 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 서고 맨 위 카드 열두 장을 자신의 무덤에 넣는다.\n이름이 집요한 청구인인 카드는 덱에 몇 장이든 넣을 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 참모"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459001,
                    "name": "Peticionários Persistentes",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}: O jogador alvo coloca o card do topo do próprio grimório no próprio cemitério.\nVire quatro Conselheiros desvirados que você controla: O jogador alvo coloca os doze cards do topo do próprio grimório no próprio cemitério.\nUm deck pode conter um número qualquer de cards com o nome Peticionários Persistentes.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Conselheiro"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459260,
                    "name": "Настойчивые Жалобщики",
                    "text": "{1}, {T}: целевой игрок кладет верхнюю карту своей библиотеки на свое кладбище.\nПоверните четырех неповернутых Советников под вашим контролем: целевой игрок кладет двенадцать верхних карт своей библиотеки на свое кладбище.\nВ колоде может быть любое количество карт с именем Настойчивые Жалобщики.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Советник"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459519,
                    "name": "执着诉愿人",
                    "text": "{1},{T}:目标牌手将其牌库顶牌置入其坟墓场。\n横置四个由你操控且未横置的参谋:目标牌手将其牌库顶的十二张牌置入其坟墓场。\n名称为执着诉愿人的牌,在套牌中的数量不受限制。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/参谋"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459778,
                    "name": "執著訴願人",
                    "text": "{1},{T}:目標玩家將其牌庫頂牌置入其墳墓場。\n橫置四個由你操控且未橫置的參謀:目標玩家將其牌庫頂的十二張牌置入其墳墓場。\n名稱為執著訴願人的牌,在套牌中的數量不受限制。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/參謀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457188,
            "name": "Persistent Petitioners",
            "number": "44",
            "originalText": "{1}, {T}: Target player puts the top card of their library into their graveyard.\nTap four untapped Advisors you control: Target player puts the top twelve cards of their library into their graveyard.\nA deck can have any number of cards named Persistent Petitioners.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Advisor",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Advisors that you haven’t controlled continuously since your turn began may be tapped to pay for the second ability of Persistent Petitioners."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "It’s not possible to tap one Persistent Petitioners to activate both its first and second ability, or to activate its second ability and that of another Persistent Petitioners. This means that if you tap four Persistent Petitioners, the target player loses the top twelve cards of their library, not the top forty-eight."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The last ability of Persistent Petitioners lets you ignore the “four-of” rule. It doesn’t let you ignore format legality. For example, during a Ravnica Allegiance Limited event, you can’t add Persistent Petitioners from your personal collection, no matter how much they ask."
            "scryfallId": "e93f0c57-eb80-4dde-bdb0-326970491621",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "bbed6a8d-c4b6-477c-a14a-3d645b5d011d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "0e488c6c-aae2-450f-b969-7bb5a1b37a66",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183310,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}, {T}: Target player puts the top card of their library into their graveyard.\nTap four untapped Advisors you control: Target player puts the top twelve cards of their library into their graveyard.\nA deck can have any number of cards named Persistent Petitioners.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Advisor",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "73bb7f30-2a6c-5807-9837-0df5ad357e15",
            "uuidV421": "649fbc05-5469-5700-b560-e14df47405a9"
            "artist": "Anastasia Ovchinnikova",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Its stench corrodes steel. Its miasma sickens angels. Its finality ends hope.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Sein Gestank zerfrisst Stahl. Sein Miasma lässt Engel erkranken. Seine Endgültigkeit nimmt jede Hoffnung.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457484,
                    "name": "Verseuchender Geist",
                    "text": "Bedrohlich, Todesberührung\nSpontanzauber und Hexereien, die du kontrollierst, haben Todesberührung. (Eine beliebige Menge Schadenspunkte, die sie einer Kreatur zufügen, ist ausreichend, um diese zu zerstören.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Geist"
                    "flavorText": "Su hedor corroe el acero. Sus miasmas enferman a los ángeles. Su contundencia destruye la esperanza.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457743,
                    "name": "Espíritu pestilente",
                    "text": "Amenaza, toque mortal.\nLos hechizos de instantáneo y de conjuro que controlas tienen la habilidad de toque mortal. (Cualquier cantidad de daño que hagan a una criatura es suficiente para destruirla.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espíritu"
                    "flavorText": "Sa puanteur ronge l'acier. Son miasme rend les anges malades. Son irrévocabilité anéantit l'espoir.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458002,
                    "name": "Esprit pestiféré",
                    "text": "Menace, contact mortel\nLes sorts d'éphémère et de rituel que vous contrôlez ont le contact mortel. (Le nombre de blessures qu'ils infligent à une créature, quel qu'il soit, est suffisant pour la détruire.)",
                    "type": "Créature : esprit"
                    "flavorText": "Il suo tanfo corrode l'acciaio, il suo miasma disgusta gli angeli, la sua ineluttabilità soffoca la speranza.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458261,
                    "name": "Spirito Pestilenziale",
                    "text": "Minacciare, tocco letale\nLe magie istantaneo e stregoneria che controlli hanno tocco letale. (Qualsiasi danno che infliggono a una creatura è sufficiente a distruggerla.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Spirito"
                    "flavorText": "その腐臭は鋼鉄を蝕む。その瘴気は天使を冒す。その終末は希望を断つ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458520,
                    "name": "死に到る霊",
                    "text": "威迫、接死\nあなたがコントロールしていてインスタントやソーサリーである呪文は接死を持つ。(それが何らかのダメージをクリーチャーに与えたら、それだけで破壊する。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スピリット"
                    "flavorText": "그것의 악취는 철을 부식시킨다. 그것의 안개는 천사들을 병들게 한다. 그것의 결말은 희망을 종식시키는 것이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458779,
                    "name": "질병을 퍼뜨리는 신령",
                    "text": "호전적, 치명타\n당신이 조종하는 순간마법 및 집중마법 주문은 치명타를 가진다. (그 주문들이 생물에게 입히는 피해는 피해량에 상관없이 그 생물을 파괴한다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 신령"
                    "flavorText": "Seu ranço corrói o aço. Seu miasma nauseia os anjos. Sua finalidade acaba com a esperança.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459038,
                    "name": "Espírito Pestilento",
                    "text": "Ameaçar, toque mortífero\nAs mágicas instantâneas e os feitiços que você controla têm toque mortífero. (Qualquer quantidade de dano que elas causem a uma criatura é suficiente para destruí-la.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espírito"
                    "flavorText": "Его зловоние разъедает сталь. От его испарений тошнит даже ангелов. От его бесповоротности угасает надежда.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459297,
                    "name": "Болезнетворный Дух",
                    "text": "Угроза, Смертельное касание\nМгновенные заклинания и заклинания волшебства под вашим контролем имеют Смертельное касание. (Любое количество повреждений, которое они наносят существу, достаточно, чтобы его уничтожить.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Дух"
                    "flavorText": "腐败恶臭能让钢铁锈蚀。弥漫瘴气能令天使染疾。绝命之势将希望终结。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459556,
                    "name": "瘟疫精怪",
                    "text": "威慑,死触\n由你操控的瞬间与法术咒语具有死触异能。(它们对生物造成的任何数量伤害都足以消灭后者。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~精怪"
                    "flavorText": "腐敗惡臭能讓鋼鐵銹蝕。瀰漫瘴氣能令天使染疾。絕命之勢能將希望終結。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459815,
                    "name": "瘟疫精靈",
                    "text": "威懾,死觸\n由你操控的瞬間與巫術咒語具有死觸異能。(它們對生物造成的任何數量傷害都足以消滅後者。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~精靈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457225,
            "name": "Pestilent Spirit",
            "number": "81",
            "originalText": "Menace, deathtouch\nInstant and sorcery spells you control have deathtouch. (Any amount of damage they deal to a creature is enough to destroy it.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Spirit",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An instant or sorcery spell must actually deal damage to a creature for it to be destroyed. Simply targeting a creature isn’t enough. If the spell instructs another object to deal damage, the spell doesn’t deal any damage itself and its instance of deathtouch doesn’t apply. Dealing 0 damage isn’t dealing damage."
            "scryfallId": "5f9a0387-5116-484b-bb2b-064bd42e7fff",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "938ca41c-baf6-4a63-99ff-1dda97a8e7d7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "83930f98-5596-4713-998c-732d5ecedf72",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183000,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Menace, deathtouch\nInstant and sorcery spells you control have deathtouch. (Any amount of damage they deal to a creature is enough to destroy it.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Spirit",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e011ff97-708d-5d15-bfa1-a38e8ef369e0",
            "uuidV421": "73776430-9dfd-501d-af10-1ecf3e65f5eb"
            "artist": "Yongjae Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Pay in gold. Pay in blood. Pay with the servitude of your spirit kin. But pay you must.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Bezahle in Gold. Oder in Blut. Oder mit der Knechtschaft deiner Geistersippe. Egal wie, du wirst bezahlen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457597,
                    "name": "Mitleidlose Hohepriesterin",
                    "text": "{1}, opfere eine andere Kreatur: Die Mitleidlose Hohepriesterin erhält Todesberührung und Unzerstörbarkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. (Schaden und Effekte, die „zerstören\", zerstören sie nicht.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vampir, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "\"Paga en oro, paga en sangre, paga con la servidumbre de tu alma. Pero paga\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457856,
                    "name": "Pontífice despiadada",
                    "text": "{1}, sacrificar otra criatura: La Pontífice despiadada gana las habilidades de toque mortal e indestructible hasta el final del turno. (El daño y los efectos que dicen \"destruir\" no la destruyen.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "« Payez avec de l'or. Payez avec du sang. Payez avec l'asservissement de votre esprit. Mais vous devez payer. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458115,
                    "name": "Pontife impitoyable",
                    "text": "{1}, sacrifiez une autre créature : La Pontife impitoyable acquiert le contact mortel et l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour. (Les blessures et les effets qui disent « détruisez » ne la détruisent pas.)",
                    "type": "Créature : vampire et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "\"Salderai con l'oro, con il sangue o con la servitù dei tuoi spiriti atavici, ma non potrai esimerti dal pagamento.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458374,
                    "name": "Pontefice Impietosa",
                    "text": "{1}, Sacrifica un'altra creatura: La Pontefice Impietosa ha tocco letale e indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno. (Il danno e gli effetti che dicono \"distruggi\" non la distruggono.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "「金で支払う。血で支払う。家族の霊の労働で支払う。いずれにせよ、支払うべきものを支払いなさい。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458633,
                    "name": "無慈悲な司教",
                    "text": "{1}, 他のクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる:ターン終了時まで、無慈悲な司教は接死と破壊不能を得る。(ダメージや「破壊」と書かれた効果では、それは破壊されない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 吸血鬼・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "\"금으로 내라. 피로 내라. 네 영혼의 노역으로 내라. 그러나 내야만 한다. 반드시.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458892,
                    "name": "냉혹한 교황",
                    "text": "{1}, 다른 생물 한 개를 희생한다: 냉혹한 교황은 턴종료까지 치명타와 무적을 얻는다. (피해와 \"파괴\"라고 명시된 효과로 파괴되지 않는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 흡혈귀 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pague em ouro. Pague em sangue. Pague com a servidão da alma. Mas é preciso pagar.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459151,
                    "name": "Pontífice Impiedosa",
                    "text": "{1}, sacrifique outra criatura: Pontífice Impiedosa ganha toque mortífero e indestrutível até o final do turno. (O dano e os efeitos que dizem \"destrua\" não a destroem.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "«Плати золотом. Плати кровью. Плати служением духов родных. Но заплатить ты должен».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459410,
                    "name": "Безжалостный Понтифик",
                    "text": "{1}, пожертвуйте другое существо: Безжалостный Понтифик получает Смертельное касание и Неразрушимость до конца хода. (Повреждения и эффекты с указанием «уничтожьте» не уничтожают его.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Вампир Священник"
                    "flavorText": "「可以用金子付,可以鲜血付,也可以用你亲人鬼魂的服务来付。但无论如何都得付。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459669,
                    "name": "冷酷主教",
                    "text": "{1},牺牲另一个生物:冷酷主教获得死触与不灭异能直到回合结束。(伤害与注明「消灭」的效应不会将它消灭。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "「可以用金子付,可以鮮血付,也可以用親人鬼魂的服務來付。但無論如何都得付。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459928,
                    "name": "冷酷主教",
                    "text": "{1},犧牲另一個生物:冷酷主教獲得死觸與不滅異能直到回合結束。(傷害與註明「消滅」的效應不會將它消滅。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457338,
            "name": "Pitiless Pontiff",
            "number": "194",
            "originalText": "{1}, Sacrifice another creature: Pitiless Pontiff gains deathtouch and indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy it.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vampire Cleric",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "98f66c03-cf79-4de0-be55-b921cbdc5038",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "85c7a520-281b-4eb4-af1c-feb066eb4fdc",
            "scryfallOracleId": "46a9f5af-b024-497d-9f55-98d17e2ffa76",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183036,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}, Sacrifice another creature: Pitiless Pontiff gains deathtouch and indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy it.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Vampire Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4db7c9ea-abd6-59d5-9303-460615fb5b54",
            "uuidV421": "697290df-0a8f-57ff-8f37-069fef3cfc0e",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "For some goods, the best couriers are the dead.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Manche Güter werden am besten von den Toten überbracht.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457485,
                    "name": "Seuchenstarrer",
                    "text": "Immer wenn der Seuchenstarrer geblockt wird, erhält jede Kreatur, die ihn blockt, -1/-1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Zombie"
                    "flavorText": "Para algunas mercancías, es mejor que el transportista esté muerto.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457744,
                    "name": "Tumulario contagioso",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Tumulario contagioso sea bloqueado, cada criatura que lo bloquee obtiene -1/-1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Zombie"
                    "flavorText": "Pour certaines marchandises, les meilleurs coursiers sont les morts.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458003,
                    "name": "Nécrophage de la peste",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que le Nécrophage de la peste devient bloqué, chaque créature qui le bloque gagne -1/-1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : zombie"
                    "flavorText": "Per certi carichi, i migliori corrieri sono i morti.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458262,
                    "name": "Presenza della Peste",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta la Presenza della Peste viene bloccata, ogni creatura che la blocca prende -1/-1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Zombie"
                    "flavorText": "一部の品は、死人が運ぶのが一番いい。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458521,
                    "name": "疫病ワイト",
                    "text": "疫病ワイトがブロックされた状態になるたび、ターン終了時まで、それをブロックしている各クリーチャーは-1/-1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゾンビ"
                    "flavorText": "몇몇 상품에 대해서는 죽은 자들이 운반 하는 것이 최선일 때가 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458780,
                    "name": "전염병 악령",
                    "text": "전염병 악령이 방어될 때마다, 전염병 악령을 방어하는 각 생물은 턴종료까지 -1/-1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 좀비"
                    "flavorText": "Para algumas mercadorias, os melhores portadores são os mortos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459039,
                    "name": "Avantesma da Peste",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Avantesma da Peste é bloqueado, cada criatura a bloqueá-lo recebe -1/-1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Zumbi"
                    "flavorText": "Некоторые товары лучше всего доставляют именно мертвые курьеры.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459298,
                    "name": "Чумная Тварь",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Чумная Тварь становится заблокированной, каждое блокирующее ее существо получает -1/-1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зомби"
                    "flavorText": "对于某些货物而言,最合适的搬运工就是亡者。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459557,
                    "name": "疫病老妖",
                    "text": "每当疫病老妖被阻挡时,每个阻挡它的生物各得-1/-1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~灵俑"
                    "flavorText": "對於某些貨物而言,最合適的搬運工就是亡者。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459816,
                    "name": "疫病老妖",
                    "text": "每當疫病老妖被阻擋時,每個阻擋它的生物各得-1/-1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~殭屍"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457226,
            "name": "Plague Wight",
            "number": "82",
            "originalText": "Whenever Plague Wight becomes blocked, each creature blocking it gets -1/-1 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Zombie",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers when a creature becomes blocked triggers only once if two or more creatures block it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If all creatures blocking Plague Wight die, Plague Wight remains blocked. It won’t assign any combat damage."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Plague Wight leaves the battlefield while its triggered ability is on the stack, the creatures that were blocking it before it left the battlefield get -1/-1."
            "scryfallId": "962d354f-f2ad-4b47-8666-0ed64543b676",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "cb02b76e-7d09-4ab5-b99b-2fc67bd9c31a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b7639d86-4c7c-423f-8b13-fde3086d3cbb",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183429,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Plague Wight becomes blocked, each creature blocking it gets -1/-1 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Zombie",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2fe7f7d8-71f6-5398-a981-6ef40f2b17a0",
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            "text": "({T}: Add {W}.)",
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                    "name": "Platz der Harmonie",
                    "text": "Wenn der Platz der Harmonie ins Spiel kommt und falls du zwei oder mehr Tore kontrollierst, erhältst du 3 Lebenspunkte dazu.\n{T}: Erzeuge {C}.\n{T}: Erzeuge ein Mana eines beliebigen Typs, das ein Tor, das du kontrollierst, produzieren könnte.",
                    "type": "Land"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457916,
                    "name": "Plaza de la Armonía",
                    "text": "Cuando la Plaza de la Armonía entre al campo de batalla, si controlas dos o más Portales, ganas 3 vidas.\n{T}: Agrega {C}.\n{T}: Agrega un maná de cualquier tipo que pueda producir un Portal que controlas.",
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                    "language": "French",
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                    "name": "Place de l'Harmonie",
                    "text": "Quand la Place de l'Harmonie arrive sur le champ de bataille, si vous contrôlez au moins deux portes, vous gagnez 3 points de vie.\n{T} : Ajoutez {C}.\n{T} : Ajoutez un mana de n'importe quel type qu'une porte que vous contrôlez pourrait produire.",
                    "type": "Terrain"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458434,
                    "name": "Piazza dell'Armonia",
                    "text": "Quando la Piazza dell'Armonia entra nel campo di battaglia, se controlli due o più Cancelli, guadagni 3 punti vita.\n{T}: Aggiungi {C}.\n{T}: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi tipo che un Cancello che controlli potrebbe produrre.",
                    "type": "Terra"
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                    "name": "調和の公有地",
                    "text": "調和の公有地が戦場に出たとき、あなたが門を2つ以上コントロールしている場合、あなたは3点のライフを得る。\n{T}:{C}を加える。\n{T}:あなたがコントロールしている門が生み出すことのできるタイプのうち望むタイプのマナ1点を加える。",
                    "type": "土地"
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                    "name": "조화의 광장",
                    "text": "조화의 광장이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 관문을 두 개 이상 조종한다면, 당신은 생명 3점을 얻는다.\n{T}: {C}를 추가한다.\n{T}: 당신이 조종하는 관문이 생산할 수 있는 유형의 마나 한 개를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지"
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                    "name": "Praça da Harmonia",
                    "text": "Quando Praça da Harmonia entra no campo de batalha, se você controla dois ou mais Portões, você ganha 3 pontos de vida.\n{T}: Adicione {C}.\n{T}: Adicione um mana de qualquer tipo que um Portão que você controla possa gerar.",
                    "type": "Terreno"
                    "language": "Russian",
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                    "name": "Площадь Согласия",
                    "text": "Когда Площадь Согласия выходит на поле битвы, если под вашим контролем есть двое или более Врат, вы получаете 3 жизни.\n{T}: добавьте {C}.\n{T}: добавьте одну ману любого типа, который могли бы произвести Врата под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Земля"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
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                    "name": "和谐广场",
                    "text": "当和谐广场进战场时,若你操控两个或更多门,则你获得3点生命。\n{T}:加{C}。\n{T}:加一点法术力,其类别为由你操控的门能产生之任一类别。",
                    "type": "地"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459988,
                    "name": "和諧廣場",
                    "text": "當和諧廣場進戰場時,若你操控兩個或更多門,則你獲得3點生命。\n{T}:加{C}。\n{T}:加一點魔法力,其類別為由你操控的門能產生之任一類別。",
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            "number": "254",
            "originalText": "When Plaza of Harmony enters the battlefield, if you control two or more Gates, you gain 3 life.\n{T}: Add {C}.\n{T}: Add one mana of any type that a Gate you control could produce.",
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            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
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                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The types of mana are white, blue, black, red, green, and colorless."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Any additions to a Gate’s land types or abilities gained by a Gate can affect the types of mana a Gate can produce."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Plaza of Harmony checks the effects of all mana-producing abilities of Gates you control, but it doesn’t check their costs or legality. For example, it doesn’t check whether a Gate is untapped."
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            "text": "When Plaza of Harmony enters the battlefield, if you control two or more Gates, you gain 3 life.\n{T}: Add {C}.\n{T}: Add one mana of any type that a Gate you control could produce.",
            "type": "Land",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "21495047-ae3f-5093-95f2-38d84ea32680",
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            "artist": "Chris Rallis",
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            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"To control the present we must master the future.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Um die Gegenwart zu kontrollieren, müssen wir die Zukunft beherrschen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Vorausahnende Wahrnehmung",
                    "text": "Ziehe drei Karten.\nAddendum — Falls du diesen Zauberspruch in deiner Hauptphase gewirkt hast, wende stattdessen Hellsicht 3 an und ziehe dann drei Karten.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Para controlar el presente, debemos dominar el futuro\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457707,
                    "name": "Percepción precognitiva",
                    "text": "Roba tres cartas.\nAdenda — Si lanzas este hechizo durante tu fase principal, en vez de eso, adivina 3 y luego roba tres cartas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Pour contrôler le présent, il faut maîtriser le futur. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457966,
                    "name": "Perception précognitive",
                    "text": "Piochez trois cartes.\nAddenda — Si vous avez lancé ce sort pendant votre phase principale, à la place, appliquez regard 3, puis piochez trois cartes.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Per controllare il presente dobbiamo dominare il futuro.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458225,
                    "name": "Percezione Precognitiva",
                    "text": "Pesca tre carte.\nAppendice — Se hai lanciato questa magia durante la tua fase principale, invece profetizza 3, poi pesca tre carte.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「現在を支配するには未来を習得する必要があります。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458484,
                    "name": "予知覚",
                    "text": "カードを3枚引く。\n附則 ― あなたがこの呪文をあなたのメイン・フェイズ中に唱えていたなら、代わりに、占術3を行い、その後カードを3枚引く。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"현재를 통제하려면 미래에 통달해야 한다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458743,
                    "name": "예지하는 자각",
                    "text": "카드 세 장을 뽑는다.\n부록 — 당신이 이 주문을 당신의 본단계에 발동했다면, 대신 점술 3을 한 후, 카드 세 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Para controlar o presente, precisamos dominar o futuro.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459002,
                    "name": "Percepção Precognitiva",
                    "text": "Compre três cards.\nAdendo — Se você conjurou esta mágica durante sua fase principal, em vez disso, use vidência 3 e, depois, compre três cards.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Чтобы управлять настоящим, мы должны освоить будущее».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459261,
                    "name": "Вещее Восприятие",
                    "text": "Возьмите три карты.\nПриложение — Если вы разыграли это заклинание во время вашей главной фазы, то вместо этого предскажите 3, затем возьмите три карты.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「为宰制当下,我们必须掌控未来。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459520,
                    "name": "预先感知",
                    "text": "抓三张牌。\n附案~如果你是在你的行动阶段施放此咒语,则改为占卜3,然后抓三张牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「為宰制當下,我們必須掌控未來。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459779,
                    "name": "預先感知",
                    "text": "抽三張牌。\n附案~如果你是在你的行動階段施放此咒語,則改為占卜3,然後抽三張牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457189,
            "name": "Precognitive Perception",
            "number": "45",
            "originalText": "Draw three cards.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, instead scry 3, then draw three cards.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Addendum abilities of instant spells apply while the spell is resolving, not immediately after casting it. If the spell is countered, you don’t get the addendum bonus. For example, if you cast Sphinx’s Insight during your main phase, you gain 2 life during its resolution, after you draw two cards."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a spell with an addendum ability is copied, the copy won’t give you the addendum bonus. This is because the copy wasn’t cast at all."
            "scryfallId": "724fd1ea-05ad-497c-9989-825ada48e684",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f3c06b48-0494-4d51-a6b4-2ff98a49f3eb",
            "scryfallOracleId": "275d0b90-a8d6-4388-b7db-34615287f532",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182960,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Draw three cards.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, instead scry 3, then draw three cards.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3dd5f8a6-dd09-5065-972d-599f881e0611",
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            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Zack Stella",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "The Orzhov are not the only religious tradition on Ravnica, nor the oldest.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Orzhov sind weder die einzige noch die älteste religiöse Tradition in Ravnica.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457486,
                    "name": "Priesterin der vergessenen Götter",
                    "text": "{T}, opfere zwei andere Kreaturen: Eine beliebige Anzahl an Spielern deiner Wahl verliert jeweils 2 Lebenspunkte und opfert eine Kreatur. Du erzeugst {B}{B} und ziehst eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Kleriker"
                    "flavorText": "Los orzhov no son la única tradición religiosa en Rávnica, ni la más antigua.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457745,
                    "name": "Sacerdotisa de dioses olvidados",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrificar otras dos criaturas: Cualquier cantidad de jugadores objetivo pierden 2 vidas y sacrifican una criatura cada uno. Agregas {B}{B} y robas una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo humano"
                    "flavorText": "Orzhov n'est pas la seule tradition religieuse sur Ravnica, ni la plus ancienne.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458004,
                    "name": "Prêtresse des dieux oubliés",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrifiez deux autres créatures : N'importe quel nombre de joueurs ciblés perdent chacun 2 points de vie et sacrifient une créature. Vous ajoutez {B}{B} et piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et clerc"
                    "flavorText": "Il credo degli Orzhov non è l'unica tradizione religiosa di Ravnica, né la più antica.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458263,
                    "name": "Sacerdotessa degli Dei Dimenticati",
                    "text": "{T}, Sacrifica altre due creature: Scegli un qualsiasi numero di giocatori bersaglio. Ognuno di essi perde 2 punti vita e sacrifica una creatura. Aggiungi {B}{B} e pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Umano"
                    "flavorText": "ラヴニカにおいて、オルゾフのみが信仰深い一派というわけでも、最古というわけでもない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458522,
                    "name": "忘れられた神々の僧侶",
                    "text": "{T}, 他のクリーチャー2体を生け贄に捧げる:望む数のプレイヤーを対象とする。それらのプレイヤーはそれぞれ、2点のライフを失いクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる。あなたは{B}{B}を加えカードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・クレリック"
                    "flavorText": "오르조브는 라브니카의 유일한 종교도, 가장 오래된 종교도 아니다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458781,
                    "name": "잊혀진 신들의 사제",
                    "text": "{T}, 다른 생물 두 개를 희생한다: 플레이어를 원하는 수만큼 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어들은 각각 생명 2점을 잃고 생물 한 개를 희생한다. 당신은 {B}{B}를 추가하고 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 성직자"
                    "flavorText": "Os Orzhov não são a única tradição religiosa em Ravnica, nem a mais antiga.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459040,
                    "name": "Sacerdotisa dos Deuses Esquecidos",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrifique duas outras criaturas: Qualquer número de jogadores alvo perde, cada um, 2 pontos de vida e sacrifica, cada um, uma criatura. Você adiciona {B}{B} e compra um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Clérigo"
                    "flavorText": "Орзовы — не единственная религиозная традиция в Равнике и не старейшая.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459299,
                    "name": "Жрица Забытых Богов",
                    "text": "{T}, пожертвуйте два других существа: каждый из любого количества целевых игроков теряет 2 жизни и жертвует существо. Вы добавляете {B}{B} и берете карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Священник"
                    "flavorText": "欧佐夫既不是拉尼卡唯一的宗教教派,也不算最古老的一个。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459558,
                    "name": "弃神僧侣",
                    "text": "{T},牺牲两个其他生物:任意数量的目标牌手各失去2点生命且牺牲一个生物。你加{B}{B}且抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/僧侣"
                    "flavorText": "歐佐夫既不是拉尼卡唯一的宗教教派,也不算最古老的一個。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459817,
                    "name": "棄神僧侶",
                    "text": "{T},犧牲兩個其他生物:任意數量的目標玩家各失去2點生命且犧牲一個生物。你加{B}{B}且抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/僧侶"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
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            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457227,
            "name": "Priest of Forgotten Gods",
            "number": "83",
            "originalText": "{T}, Sacrifice two other creatures: Any number of target players each lose 2 life and sacrifice a creature. You add {B}{B} and draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can activate the ability of Priest of Forgotten Gods without choosing any targets if you wish. You’ll still add {B}{B} and draw a card."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You may target players who can’t sacrifice a creature. Those players still lose 2 life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because it may have targets, the ability of Priest of Forgotten Gods isn’t a mana ability. It uses the stack and can be responded to, even if no targets were chosen."
            "scryfallId": "e3378fe8-3355-48aa-90d4-9cb739200160",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "148deb6a-96ef-4513-abb0-853c31ca36df",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2ad8ff62-d090-4835-9274-3b755ba0f8e6",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183311,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}, Sacrifice two other creatures: Any number of target players each lose 2 life and sacrifice a creature. You add {B}{B} and draw a card.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "af19c896-8200-547e-8d41-5ab7b9c902ef",
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            "artist": "Kieran Yanner",
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            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457598,
                    "name": "Oberste Sprecherin Vannifar",
                    "text": "{T}, opfere eine andere Kreatur: Durchsuche deine Bibliothek nach einer Kreaturenkarte mit umgewandelten Manakosten von 1 plus den umgewandelten Manakosten der geopferten Kreatur, bringe sie ins Spiel und mische dann deine Bibliothek. Aktiviere diese Fähigkeit nur zu einem Zeitpunkt, zu dem du auch eine Hexerei wirken könntest.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Elf, Schlammwesen, Zauberer"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457857,
                    "name": "Portavoz principal Vannifar",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrificar otra criatura: Busca en tu biblioteca una carta de criatura con coste de maná convertido igual a 1 más el coste de maná convertido de la criatura sacrificada, pon esa carta en el campo de batalla y luego baraja tu biblioteca. Activa esta habilidad solo cuando puedas lanzar un conjuro.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Hechicero cieno elfo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458116,
                    "name": "Première oratrice Vannifar",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrifiez une autre créature : Cherchez dans votre bibliothèque une carte de créature avec un coût converti de mana égal à 1 plus le coût converti de mana de la créature sacrifiée, mettez cette carte sur le champ de bataille, puis mélangez votre bibliothèque. N'activez cette capacité que lorsque vous pourriez lancer un rituel.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : elfe et limon et sorcier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458375,
                    "name": "Portavoce Vannifar",
                    "text": "{T}, Sacrifica un'altra creatura: Passa in rassegna il tuo grimorio per una carta creatura con costo di mana convertito pari a 1 più il costo di mana convertito della creatura sacrificata, metti sul campo di battaglia quella carta, poi rimescola il tuo grimorio. Attiva questa abilità solo quando potresti lanciare una stregoneria.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Mago Melma Elfo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458634,
                    "name": "首席議長ヴァニファール",
                    "text": "{T}, 他のクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる:あなたのライブラリーから、その生け贄に捧げたクリーチャーの点数で見たマナ・コストに1を足した値に等しい点数で見たマナ・コストを持つクリーチャー・カード1枚を探し、そのカードを戦場に出し、その後あなたのライブラリーを切り直す。この能力は、あなたがソーサリーを唱えられるときにのみ起動できる。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — エルフ・ウーズ・ウィザード"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458893,
                    "name": "최고 의장 반니파르",
                    "text": "{T}, 다른 생물 한 개를 희생한다: 당신의 서고에서 전환마나비용이 희생한 생물의 전환마나비용에 1을 더한 것과 같은 생물 카드 한 장을 찾아, 전장에 놓은 후, 당신의 서고를 섞는다. 당신이 집중마법을 발동할 수 있는 시기에만 이 능력을 활성화할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 엘프 점액괴물 마법사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459152,
                    "name": "Oradora Principal Vannifar",
                    "text": "{T}, sacrifique outra criatura: Procure em seu grimório um card de criatura com custo de mana convertido igual a 1 mais o custo de mana convertido da criatura sacrificada, coloque aquele card no campo de batalha e depois embaralhe seu grimório. Ative esta habilidade somente nos momentos em que poderia conjurar um feitiço.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Elfo Lodo Mago"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459411,
                    "name": "Главный Оратор Ваннифар",
                    "text": "{T}, пожертвуйте другое существо: найдите в вашей библиотеке карту существа с конвертированной мана-стоимостью, равной сумме 1 и конвертированной мана-стоимости пожертвованного существа, положите ту карту на поле битвы, затем перетасуйте вашу библиотеку. Активируйте эту способность только при возможности разыгрывать волшебство.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Эльф Тина Чародей"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459670,
                    "name": "首席凡妮法",
                    "text": "{T},牺牲另一个生物:从你的牌库中搜寻一张生物牌,且此牌之总法术力费用须为所牺牲之生物的总法术力费用加1,将之放进战场,然后将你的牌库洗牌。只可以于你能施放法术的时机下起动此异能。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~妖精/流浆/法术师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459929,
                    "name": "首席凡妮法",
                    "text": "{T},犧牲另一個生物:從你的牌庫中搜尋一張生物牌,且此牌之總魔法力費用須為所犧牲之生物的總魔法力費用加1,將之放進戰場,然後將你的牌庫洗牌。只可以於你能施放巫術的時機下起動此異能。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~妖精/流漿/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457339,
            "name": "Prime Speaker Vannifar",
            "number": "195",
            "originalText": "{T}, Sacrifice another creature: Search your library for a creature card with converted mana cost equal to 1 plus the sacrificed creature's converted mana cost, put that card onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Elf Ooze Wizard",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature or a creature card in your library has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Tokens that aren’t a copy of something else don’t have a mana cost. Anything without a mana cost normally has a converted mana cost of 0."
            "scryfallId": "84abfc59-10a7-4cb5-9cdd-81797116c810",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182997,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}, Sacrifice another creature: Search your library for a creature card with converted mana cost equal to 1 plus the sacrificed creature's converted mana cost, put that card onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Elf Ooze Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7c9816bc-5e6d-56e3-b281-5836829e89d1",
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            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Jonathan Kuo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "A hunter in the city requires the utmost cunning to survive. It must pounce only if the kill is certain, and leave the remains where no one will see.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "In Städten müssen Jäger besonders schlau sein. Sie dürfen nur angreifen, wenn die Beute gewiss ist, und müssen die Überreste verstecken, wo sie niemand findet.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457420,
                    "name": "Lauernder Karakal",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Katze"
                    "flavorText": "Un cazador debe ser extremadamente astuto para sobrevivir en la ciudad. Solo debe saltar si la presa es segura... y dejar los restos donde nadie los encuentre.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457679,
                    "name": "Caracal rondador",
                    "type": "Criatura — Felino"
                    "flavorText": "En ville, un chasseur doit être particulièrement rusé pour survivre. Il n'attaque que s'il est sûr de tuer, et il laisse la dépouille de sa proie là où personne ne la verra.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457938,
                    "name": "Caracal rôdeur",
                    "type": "Créature : chat"
                    "flavorText": "Per sopravvivere in città, un cacciatore deve possedere un'astuzia straordinaria per attaccare solo se è certo di uccidere e lasciare i resti dove nessuno li troverà.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458197,
                    "name": "Lince in Agguato",
                    "type": "Creatura — Felino"
                    "flavorText": "狩り手が都市で生き残るには、誰よりも狡猾でなければならない。確実に殺せる場合にのみ襲撃し、痕跡は誰にも見られない場所にのみ残すのだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458456,
                    "name": "うろつくカラカル",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 猫"
                    "flavorText": "도시의 사냥꾼이 살아남으려면 아주 교활해야 한다. 확실하게 죽일 수 있을 때에만 달려들어야 하고, 유해는 아무도 보지 못하는 곳에 두어야 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458715,
                    "name": "배회하는 카라칼",
                    "type": "생물 — 고양이"
                    "flavorText": "Um caçador citadino precisa da mais absoluta astúcia para sobreviver. Precisa dar o bote somente quando o abate é certo, e deixar os restos onde ninguém os veja.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458974,
                    "name": "Caracal Espreitador",
                    "type": "Criatura — Felino"
                    "flavorText": "Для выживания в городе охотнику требуется вся его ловкость. Он должен атаковать, только когда уверен в успехе, и прятать останки там, где их никто не найдет.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459233,
                    "name": "Охотничий Каракал",
                    "type": "Существо — Кошка"
                    "flavorText": "生于城市的捕猎者需深谙机敏狩猎之道方能存活:有十足把握时方才扑击,而后藏猎物遗骸于隐蔽之处。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459492,
                    "name": "潜行狞猫",
                    "type": "生物 ~猫"
                    "flavorText": "生於城市的捕獵者需深諳機敏狩獵之道方能存活:有十足把握時方才撲擊,而後藏獵物遺骸於隱蔽之處。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459751,
                    "name": "潛行獰貓",
                    "type": "生物 ~貓"
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            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
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            "power": "3",
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            "type": "Creature — Cat",
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            "uuidV421": "24a85549-a84c-561f-a02e-f3290affd56e"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
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            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Citizen! Your crime has been recorded. Cease movement and await arrest, or further penalties will be immediately imposed.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Bürger! Dein Vergehen wurde registriert. Bleib stehen und warte auf deine Festnahme, andernfalls werden umgehend weitere Strafen auferlegt.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457449,
                    "name": "Spähende Augen",
                    "text": "Ziehe vier Karten und wirf dann zwei Karten ab.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Ciudadana! Tu crimen fue grabado. No te muevas y espera a que te arresten, o se te impondrán penas mayores\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457708,
                    "name": "Ojos fisgones",
                    "text": "Roba cuatro cartas, luego descarta dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Citoyen ! Votre crime a été enregistré. Ne bougez plus et attendez votre arrestation, ou des sanctions supplémentaires seront immédiatement imposées. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457967,
                    "name": "Yeux fouineurs",
                    "text": "Piochez quatre cartes, puis défaussez-vous de deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Cittadino! Il tuo reato è stato rilevato. Cessa qualsiasi movimento e attendi l'arresto o ti saranno immediatamente comminate ulteriori sanzioni.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458226,
                    "name": "Occhi Indiscreti",
                    "text": "Pesca quattro carte, poi scarta due carte.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「そこの市民!あなたの犯罪は記録されました。移動を中止して拘束を待ちなさい。さもなければ直ちに更なる罰則が課せられます。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458485,
                    "name": "詮索の目",
                    "text": "カードを4枚引き、その後カード2枚を捨てる。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"시민님! 당신의 범죄가 기록되었습니다. 동작을 멈추고 체포를 기다리십시오. 그렇지 않으면 즉시 형벌이 추가됩니다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458744,
                    "name": "엿보는 눈",
                    "text": "카드 네 장을 뽑은 후, 카드 두 장을 버린다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Cidadã! Seu crime foi registrado. Cesse sua movimentação e aguarde a detenção, ou penalidades adicionais lhe serão imediatamente impostas.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459003,
                    "name": "Olhos Perscrutadores",
                    "text": "Compre quatro cards e, depois, descarte dois cards.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Горожане! Ваше преступление запечатлено. Стойте на месте и ожидайте ареста, в противном случае немедленно последует наказание».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459262,
                    "name": "Пытливые Глаза",
                    "text": "Возьмите четыре карты, затем сбросьте две карты.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「市民!你的罪行已被记录。请立刻停止手中行动,静待被捕,否则将绝不宽贷。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459521,
                    "name": "眼线窥视",
                    "text": "抓四张牌,然后弃两张牌。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「市民!你的罪行已被記錄。請立刻停止手中行動,靜待被捕,否則將絕不寬貸。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459780,
                    "name": "眼線窺視",
                    "text": "抽四張牌,然後棄兩張牌。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457190,
            "name": "Prying Eyes",
            "number": "46",
            "originalText": "Draw four cards, then discard two cards.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "11ee2c64-68f1-434b-8092-ae80d6575666",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "96834f97-cf55-4ab2-8938-20f4978c16eb",
            "scryfallOracleId": "06b60766-a1fb-4ed0-93f6-8423008f75b4",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183364,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Draw four cards, then discard two cards.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "c0f2e6d4-dba7-592f-a19a-3277bc4938ab",
            "uuidV421": "9971ad68-74c9-57ed-ad71-1b02475029f2"
            "artist": "Simon Dominic",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457450,
                    "name": "Pteromander",
                    "text": "Fliegend\n{7}{U}: Adaptieren 4. Diese Fähigkeit kostet beim Aktivieren für jede Spontanzauber- und Hexerei-Karte in deinem Friedhof {1} weniger. (Falls keine +1/+1-Marken auf dieser Kreatur liegen, lege vier +1/+1-Marken auf sie.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Salamander, Sceada"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457709,
                    "name": "Pteramandra",
                    "text": "Vuela.\n{7}{U}: Adaptar 4. Cuesta {1} menos activar esta habilidad por cada carta de instantáneo y de conjuro en tu cementerio. (Si esta criatura no tiene contadores +1/+1 sobre ella, pon cuatro contadores +1/+1 sobre ella.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Draco salamandra"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457968,
                    "name": "Ptéramandre",
                    "text": "Vol\n{7}{U} : Adaptez 4. Cette capacité coûte {1} de moins à activer pour chaque carte d'éphémère et de rituel dans votre cimetière. (Si cette créature n'a pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle, mettez quatre marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle.)",
                    "type": "Créature : salamandre et drakôn"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458227,
                    "name": "Pteramandra",
                    "text": "Volare\n{7}{U}: Adattamento 4. Questa abilità costa {1} in meno per essere attivata per ogni carta istantaneo e stregoneria nel tuo cimitero. (Se questa creatura non ha segnalini +1/+1, metti quattro segnalini +1/+1 su di essa.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Draghetto Salamandra"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458486,
                    "name": "プテラマンダー",
                    "text": "飛行\n{7}{U}:順応4を行う。この能力を起動するためのコストは、あなたの墓地にありインスタントかソーサリーであるカード1枚につき{1}少なくなる。(このクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないなら、これの上に+1/+1カウンターを4個置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — サラマンダー・ドレイク"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458745,
                    "name": "프테라맨더",
                    "text": "비행\n{7}{U}: 적응 4를 한다. 이 능력은 당신의 무덤에 있는 순간마법 및 집중마법 카드 한 장당 활성화하는 비용이 {1} 덜 든다. (이 생물이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않다면, 이 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 네 개를 올려놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 샐러맨더 드레이크"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459004,
                    "name": "Pteromandra",
                    "text": "Voar\n{7}{U}: Adaptar 4. Esta habilidade custa {1} a menos para ser ativada para cada mágica instantânea ou feitiço em seu cemitério. (Se esta criatura não tiver marcadores +1/+1, coloque quatro marcadores +1/+1 nela.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Salamandra Dragonete"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459263,
                    "name": "Птеромандра",
                    "text": "Полет\n{7}{U}: адаптируйте 4. Стоимость активации этой способности уменьшается на {1} за каждую карту мгновенного заклинания и волшебства на вашем кладбище. (Если на этом существе нет жетонов +1/+1, положите на него четыре жетона +1/+1.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Саламандра Дрейк"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459522,
                    "name": "翼蜥",
                    "text": "飞行\n{7}{U}:演化4。你坟墓场中每有一张瞬间与法术牌,此异能便减少{1}来起动。(如果此生物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置四个+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~火蜥蜴/龙兽"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459781,
                    "name": "翼蜥",
                    "text": "飛行\n{7}{U}:演化4。你墳墓場中每有一張瞬間與巫術牌,此異能便減少{1}來起動。(如果此生物上沒有+1/+1指示物,則在其上放置四個+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~火蜥蜴/龍獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457191,
            "name": "Pteramander",
            "number": "47",
            "originalText": "Flying\n{7}{U}: Adapt 4. This ability costs {1} less to activate for each instant and sorcery card in your graveyard. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put four +1/+1 counters on it.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Salamander Drake",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Pteramander’s activated ability can’t reduce itself to less than {U} to activate."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can always activate an ability that will cause a creature to adapt. As that ability resolves, if the creature has a +1/+1 counter on it for any reason, you simply won’t put any +1/+1 counters on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature somehow loses all of its +1/+1 counters, it can adapt again and get more +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "280f2a85-1900-460b-a768-164fc2dea636",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "702a5172-3b71-4b67-9e88-dff4b27ee8a6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "00187de2-bc48-4137-97d8-a9a0fafc76c1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183217,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\n{7}{U}: Adapt 4. This ability costs {1} less to activate for each instant and sorcery card in your graveyard. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put four +1/+1 counters on it.)",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Salamander Drake",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6f433059-3c81-5204-82bc-71beea118e5e",
            "uuidV421": "133bf031-4aa5-5650-a03e-847d42c64561",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Jason Rainville",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"When properly invoked, the plasma globule encloses the offensive spell with a satisfying slurp.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wenn sie richtig heraufbeschworen wird, umschließt die Plasmakugel den Zauber des Angreifers mit einem satten Schlürfen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457451,
                    "name": "Ablöschen",
                    "text": "Neutralisiere einen Zauberspruch deiner Wahl, es sei denn, sein Beherrscher bezahlt {2}.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Si se invoca bien, el glóbulo de plasma absorbe el hechizo ofensivo con un satisfactorio ruido de succión\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457710,
                    "name": "Aplacar",
                    "text": "Contrarresta el hechizo objetivo a menos que su controlador pague {2}.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Lorsqu'elle est invoquée correctement, la perle de plasma confine le sort offensif dans un délicieux bruit de succion. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457969,
                    "name": "Étanchement",
                    "text": "Contrecarrez le sort ciblé à moins que son contrôleur ne paie {2}.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se evocato correttamente, il globulo di plasma assorbe la magia offensiva con un gradevole risucchio.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458228,
                    "name": "Smorzare",
                    "text": "Neutralizza una magia bersaglio a meno che il suo controllore non paghi {2}.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「適切に発動すれば、プラズマの球が攻撃的な呪文をごくりと包み込むわ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458487,
                    "name": "火消し",
                    "text": "呪文1つを対象とする。それのコントローラーが{2}を支払わないかぎり、それを打ち消す。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"적절하게 적용하기만 하면, 원형 플라즈마가 공격 주문을 꿀꺽 삼켜 버리지.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458746,
                    "name": "불끄기",
                    "text": "주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문의 조종자가 {2}를 지불하지 않으면 그 주문을 무효화한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quando invocado adequadamente, o glóbulo de plasma encerra a mágica ofensiva com um slurp bastante agradável.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459005,
                    "name": "Arrefecer",
                    "text": "Anule a mágica alvo, a menos que seu controlador pague {2}.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«При правильном применении плазматическая глобула поглощает атакующее заклинание с очень приятным на слух бульком».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459264,
                    "name": "Сдерживание",
                    "text": "Отмените целевое заклинание, если только контролирующий его игрок не заплатит {2}.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「如能恰当召唤,电浆球应会完全包裹攻击咒语,你还能听到一声饱嗝。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459523,
                    "name": "熄咒",
                    "text": "除非目标咒语的操控者支付{2},否则反击之。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「如能恰當召喚,電漿球應會完全包裹攻擊咒語,你還能聽到一聲飽嗝。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459782,
                    "name": "熄咒",
                    "text": "除非目標咒語的操控者支付{2},否則反擊之。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457192,
            "name": "Quench",
            "number": "48",
            "originalText": "Counter target spell unless its controller pays {2}.",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183081,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Counter target spell unless its controller pays {2}.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457599,
                    "name": "Dachbalkendämon",
                    "text": "Spektakel {3}{B}{R} (Du kannst diesen Zauberspruch für seine Spektakel-Kosten anstelle seiner Manakosten wirken, falls ein Gegner in diesem Zug Lebenspunkte verloren hat.)\nWenn der Dachbalkendämon ins Spiel kommt und falls seine Spektakel-Kosten bezahlt wurden, wirft jeder Gegner eine Karte ab.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Dämon"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457858,
                    "name": "Demonio de la viga",
                    "text": "Espectáculo {3}{B}{R}. (Puedes lanzar este hechizo por su coste de espectáculo en vez de por su coste de maná si un oponente perdió vidas este turno.)\nCuando el Demonio de la viga entre al campo de batalla, si se pagó su coste de espectáculo, cada oponente descarta una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Demonio"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458117,
                    "name": "Démon des poutres",
                    "text": "Spectacle {3}{B}{R} (Vous pouvez lancer ce sort pour son coût de spectacle à la place de son coût de mana si un adversaire a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci.)\nQuand le Démon des poutres arrive sur le champ de bataille, si son coût de spectacle a été payé, chaque adversaire se défausse d'une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : démon"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458376,
                    "name": "Demone delle Capriate",
                    "text": "Spettacolo {3}{B}{R} (Puoi lanciare questa magia per il suo costo di spettacolo invece del suo costo di mana se un avversario ha perso punti vita in questo turno.)\nQuando il Demone delle Capriate entra nel campo di battaglia, se è stato pagato il suo costo di spettacolo, ogni avversario scarta una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Demone"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458635,
                    "name": "垂木の悪魔",
                    "text": "絢爛{3}{B}{R}(このターンに対戦相手がライフを失っていたなら、あなたはこの呪文を、これのマナ・コストではなく絢爛コストで唱えてもよい。)\n垂木の悪魔が戦場に出たとき、これの絢爛コストが支払われていた場合、各対戦相手はそれぞれカード1枚を捨てる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — デーモン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458894,
                    "name": "서까래 악마",
                    "text": "구경거리 {3}{B}{R} (상대가 이 턴에 생명점을 잃었다면 당신은 이 주문을 마나 비용 대신 구경거리 비용으로 발동할 수 있다.)\n서까래 악마가 전장에 들어올 때, 구경거리 비용이 지불되었다면, 각 상대는 카드 한 장을 버린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 악마"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459153,
                    "name": "Demônio do Caibro",
                    "text": "Espetáculo {3}{B}{R} (Você pode conjurar esta mágica por seu custo de espetáculo, em vez de seu custo de mana, se um oponente perdeu pontos de vida neste turno.)\nQuando Demônio do Caibro entra no campo de batalha, se seu custo de espetáculo foi pago, cada oponente descarta um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Demônio"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459412,
                    "name": "Демон со Стропил",
                    "text": "Зрелище {3}{B}{R} (Вы можете разыграть это заклинание за его стоимость Зрелища вместо его мана-стоимости, если оппонент терял жизнь(-и) в этом ходу.)\nКогда Демон со Стропил выходит на поле битвы, если его стоимость Зрелища была оплачена, то каждый оппонент сбрасывает карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Демон"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459671,
                    "name": "居椽恶魔",
                    "text": "揭幕{3}{B}{R}(如果本回合有对手曾失去生命,则你可以支付此咒语的揭幕费用而非法术力费用来施放它。)\n当居椽恶魔进战场时,若曾支付其揭幕费用,则每位对手各弃一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~恶魔"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459930,
                    "name": "居椽惡魔",
                    "text": "揭幕{3}{B}{R}(如果本回合有對手曾失去生命,則你可以支付此咒語的揭幕費用而非魔法力費用來施放它。)\n當居椽惡魔進戰場時,若曾支付其揭幕費用,則每位對手各棄一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~惡魔"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "layout": "normal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{R}",
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            "name": "Rafter Demon",
            "number": "196",
            "originalText": "Spectacle {3}{B}{R} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nWhen Rafter Demon enters the battlefield, if its spectacle cost was paid, each opponent discards a card.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Demon",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Damage dealt to a player causes that player to lose that much life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Spectacle doesn’t change when you can cast the card. For example, you can’t cast a sorcery with spectacle during an opponent’s turn unless another effect allows you to do so, even if that player has lost life this turn."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying (such as a spectacle cost), add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A card’s spectacle cost is the same no matter how much life your opponents lost or how many opponents lost life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if an opponent loses life and later that turn leaves the game, you can cast a spell for its spectacle cost. (If a player leaves the game during their turn, that turn continues without an active player.)"
            "scryfallId": "bf8dad4d-bc4f-46fb-892c-dbf6481cdc46",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182136,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Spectacle {3}{B}{R} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nWhen Rafter Demon enters the battlefield, if its spectacle cost was paid, each opponent discards a card.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Demon",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3ac3bda8-7fba-563c-b582-ddb9b0cf798e",
            "uuidV421": "c87c6a73-79b6-5c75-a288-8577c69f5c48",
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            "flavorText": "\"Your precious laws can't save you now!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Deine heißgeliebten Gesetze können dich jetzt nicht retten!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 460018,
                    "name": "Wutbrand",
                    "text": "Wutbrand fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl 3 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Tus queridas leyes no pueden salvarte ahora!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 460032,
                    "name": "Furia ígnea",
                    "text": "Furia ígnea hace 3 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Vos précieuses lois ne vous sauveront pas ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 460046,
                    "name": "Ragefeu",
                    "text": "Le Ragefeu inflige 3 blessures à une créature ciblée.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le tue adorate leggi non ti salveranno da questo!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 460060,
                    "name": "Fuoco d'Ira",
                    "text": "Il Fuoco d'Ira infligge 3 danni a una creatura bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「お前らの大事な法ってやつは、今のお前を守ってくれねえぞ!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 460074,
                    "name": "怒り火",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。怒り火はそれに3点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"Suas leis preciosas não podem lhe salvar agora!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 460089,
                    "name": "Fogo da Fúria",
                    "text": "Fogo da Fúria causa 3 pontos de dano à criatura alvo.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Твои драгоценные законы тебя не спасут!»",
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                    "name": "Огонь Ярости",
                    "text": "Огонь Ярости наносит 3 повреждения целевому существу.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「你那宝贝的法律现在也保不了你!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 460117,
                    "name": "怒火烧身",
                    "text": "怒火烧身对目标生物造成3点伤害。",
                    "type": "法术"
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            "number": "270",
            "originalText": "Ragefire deals 3 damage to target creature.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
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            "subtypes": [],
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 183306,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Ragefire deals 3 damage to target creature.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
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            "uuidV421": "6221404a-53e5-5f6c-9a3e-ebe411bd2093"
            "artist": "Slawomir Maniak",
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Ever wonder why you never see an old Rakdos Cultist?",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Hast du dich je gefragt, warum es keine alten Rakdos-Kultisten gibt?",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457600,
                    "name": "Rakdos-Feuerwirbler",
                    "text": "Wenn der Rakdos-Feuerwirbler ins Spiel kommt, fügt er einem Gegner deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte und bis zu einer Kreatur oder einem Planeswalker deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "¿Te preguntaste alguna vez por qué nunca se ven artistas rakdos ancianos?",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457859,
                    "name": "Fuegomalabarista rakdos",
                    "text": "Cuando el Fuegomalabarista rakdos entre al campo de batalla, hace 2 puntos de daño al oponente objetivo y 2 puntos de daño a hasta una criatura o planeswalker objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón humano"
                    "flavorText": "Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé pourquoi on ne voit jamais de vieux cultiste de Rakdos ?",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458118,
                    "name": "Acrobate de feu de Rakdos",
                    "text": "Quand l'Acrobate de feu de Rakdos arrive sur le champ de bataille, il inflige 2 blessures à un adversaire ciblé et 2 blessures à jusqu'à une cible, créature ou planeswalker.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "Vi siete mai chiesti perché non si vedono mai cultisti di Rakdos anziani in giro?",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458377,
                    "name": "Mulinafiamme Rakdos",
                    "text": "Scegli fino a una creatura o a un planeswalker bersaglio. Quando il Mulinafiamme Rakdos entra nel campo di battaglia, infligge 2 danni a un avversario bersaglio e 2 danni a quella creatura o a quel planeswalker bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Umano"
                    "flavorText": "なぜ年老いたラクドスの教団員を見かけないのか、考えたことがあるか?",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458636,
                    "name": "ラクドスの火輪使い",
                    "text": "ラクドスの火輪使いが戦場に出たとき、対戦相手1人と、クリーチャーやプレインズウォーカー合わせて最大1体を対象とする。これは、その前者に2点のダメージと、その後者に2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "왜 나이든 락도스 광신도를 본 적이 없는 지 생각해 본 적이 있는가?",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458895,
                    "name": "락도스 화염고리술사",
                    "text": "락도스 화염고리술사가 전장에 들어올 때, 상대와 최대 한 개의 생물 또는 플레인즈워커를 목표로 정한다. 락도스 화염고리술사는 그 목표들에 각각 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 도적"
                    "flavorText": "Já se perguntou por que nunca se vê um cultista de Rakdos velho?",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459154,
                    "name": "Malabarista de Fogo Rakdos",
                    "text": "Quando Malabarista de Fogo Rakdos entra no campo de batalha, ele causa 2 pontos de dano ao oponente alvo e 2 pontos de dano a até uma criatura ou planeswalker alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "Тебе никогда не казалось странным, что не бывает старых культистов Ракдоса?",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459413,
                    "name": "Огненный Акробат Ракдосов",
                    "text": "Когда Огненный Акробат Ракдосов выходит на поле битвы, он наносит 2 повреждения целевому оппоненту и 2 повреждения не более чем одному целевому существу или planeswalker-у.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "有没有想过为什么从来没见过年长的拉铎司教徒?",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459672,
                    "name": "拉铎司火轮师",
                    "text": "当拉铎司火轮师进战场时,它向目标对手造成2点伤害,且对至多一个目标生物或鹏洛客造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "有沒有想過為什麼從來沒見過年長的拉鐸司教徒?",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459931,
                    "name": "拉鐸司火輪師",
                    "text": "當拉鐸司火輪師進戰場時,它向目標對手造成2點傷害,且對至多一個目標生物或鵬洛客造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{B}{B}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457341,
            "name": "Rakdos Firewheeler",
            "number": "197",
            "originalText": "When Rakdos Firewheeler enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to target opponent and 2 damage to up to one target creature or planeswalker.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you can’t target any opponent with Rakdos Firewheeler’s ability, the ability doesn’t go on the stack. You can’t have it deal 2 damage to any creature or planeswalker. On the other hand, if you do choose legal targets but either target is illegal when the ability tries to resolve, the other is still affected as appropriate."
            "scryfallId": "d819a944-0b3e-4e26-87da-2417081928e7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b3ac600c-536a-474c-8f92-1ca35d575710",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f81327c2-a0e4-475d-bb89-8a42b1ddc93c",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182119,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Rakdos Firewheeler enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to target opponent and 2 damage to up to one target creature or planeswalker.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d3ae7c84-5ecb-5593-b905-fd156cca8ad9",
            "uuidV421": "66d88eb9-7ad0-5431-98ef-b03fa9df665e",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Jonas De Ro",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"My servants take pains for your pleasure, and take pleasure in your pain!\"\n—Rakdos",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Meine Diener nehmen Schmerzen in Kauf, um dich zu erfreuen, und erfreuen sich an deinen Schmerzen!\"\n—Rakdos",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457658,
                    "name": "Rakdos-Gildeneingang",
                    "text": "Der Rakdos-Gildeneingang kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {B} oder {R}.",
                    "type": "Land — Tor"
                    "flavorText": "\"Mis siervos sufren por verte disfrutar... ¡y disfrutan con tu sufrimiento!\".\n—Rakdos",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457917,
                    "name": "Portal del Gremio Rakdos",
                    "text": "El Portal del Gremio Rakdos entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {B} o {R}.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Portal"
                    "flavorText": "« Mes serviteurs souffrent pour votre plaisir, et prennent du plaisir dans votre souffrance ! »\n—Rakdos",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458176,
                    "name": "Porte de la guilde de Rakdos",
                    "text": "La Porte de la guilde de Rakdos arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{T} : Ajoutez {B} ou {R}.",
                    "type": "Terrain : porte"
                    "flavorText": "\"I miei servi si fanno in quattro per il vostro diletto e si dilettano a farvi in quattro!\"\n—Rakdos",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458435,
                    "name": "Cancello della Gilda Rakdos",
                    "text": "Il Cancello della Gilda Rakdos entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {B} o {R}.",
                    "type": "Terra — Cancello"
                    "flavorText": "「我がしもべはお前の快楽のために苦痛を受け入れ、お前の苦痛に快楽を覚える!」\n――ラクドス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458694,
                    "name": "ラクドスのギルド門",
                    "text": "ラクドスのギルド門はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{B}か{R}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地 — 門"
                    "flavorText": "\"내 하인들은 네가 즐거워하는 것으로 고통받고, 네가 고통받는 것으로 즐거워하지!\"\n—락도스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458953,
                    "name": "락도스 길드관문",
                    "text": "락도스 길드관문은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {B} 또는 {R}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 관문"
                    "flavorText": "\"Meus servos se entregam à dor para o seu prazer... e se comprazem com sua dor!\"\n— Rakdos",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459212,
                    "name": "Portão da Guilda Rakdos",
                    "text": "Portão da Guilda Rakdos entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {B} ou {R}.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Portão"
                    "flavorText": "«Мои слуги мучаются ради твоего удовольствия и находят удовольствие в твоих мучениях!»\n— Ракдос",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459471,
                    "name": "Врата Гильдии Ракдосов",
                    "text": "Врата Гильдии Ракдосов выходят на поле битвы повернутыми.\n{T}: добавьте {B} или {R}.",
                    "type": "Земля — Врата"
                    "flavorText": "「我的仆人为了你的欢愉而受罪,也从你受罪中获得欢愉!」\n~拉铎司",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459730,
                    "name": "拉铎司公会门",
                    "text": "拉铎司公会门须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{B}或{R}。",
                    "type": "地 ~门"
                    "flavorText": "「我的僕人為了你的歡愉而受罪,也從你受罪中獲得歡愉!」\n~拉鐸司",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459989,
                    "name": "拉鐸司公會門",
                    "text": "拉鐸司公會門須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{B}或{R}。",
                    "type": "地 ~門"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457399,
            "name": "Rakdos Guildgate",
            "number": "255",
            "originalText": "Rakdos Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {B} or {R}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "The subtype Gate has no special rules significance, but other spells and abilities may refer to it."
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "Gate is not a basic land type."
            "scryfallId": "26f7e55d-d4c9-4755-ab87-a592ba3fb64f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "03ab5035-a2a2-4227-9c15-5ea08e28985b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "361f534b-39d1-4421-b5a8-d3813c62f86d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182829,
            "text": "Rakdos Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {B} or {R}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8d88bcc6-106f-514e-a6a3-4451d59a7127",
            "uuidV421": "e3d8dc7c-141c-501c-b235-961363018f10",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Jonas De Ro",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Slip in the back if you don't want to be recognized. Don't worry—we'll make sure you're never found.\"\n—Judith",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Benutze den Hintereingang, wenn du nicht erkannt werden willst. Keine Angst, wir sorgen dafür, dass dich niemand finden wird!\"\n—Judith",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457659,
                    "name": "Rakdos-Gildeneingang",
                    "text": "Der Rakdos-Gildeneingang kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {B} oder {R}.",
                    "type": "Land — Tor"
                    "flavorText": "\"Entra por la puerta de atrás si no quieres que te reconozcan. No te preocupes, ¡nos aseguramos de que no te encuentren jamás!\".\n—Judith",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457918,
                    "name": "Portal del Gremio Rakdos",
                    "text": "El Portal del Gremio Rakdos entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {B} o {R}.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Portal"
                    "flavorText": "« Passez par derrière si vous ne voulez pas être reconnu. Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous allons nous assurer que personne ne vous trouve jamais ! »\n—Judith",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458177,
                    "name": "Porte de la guilde de Rakdos",
                    "text": "La Porte de la guilde de Rakdos arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{T} : Ajoutez {B} ou {R}.",
                    "type": "Terrain : porte"
                    "flavorText": "\"Passa dal retro se non vuoi essere riconosciuto. Non preoccuparti, ci assicureremo noi che nessuno lo scopra mai!\"\n—Judith",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458436,
                    "name": "Cancello della Gilda Rakdos",
                    "text": "Il Cancello della Gilda Rakdos entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {B} o {R}.",
                    "type": "Terra — Cancello"
                    "flavorText": "「気付かれたくなかったら後ろに下がりなさい。大丈夫よ。絶対に見つからないようにしてあげるわ!」\n――ジュディス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458695,
                    "name": "ラクドスのギルド門",
                    "text": "ラクドスのギルド門はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{B}か{R}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地 — 門"
                    "flavorText": "\"들키고 싶지 않으면 뒤쪽으로 빠져나가. 걱정 마, 아무도 널 못 보게 해 줄 테니까!\"\n—주디스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458954,
                    "name": "락도스 길드관문",
                    "text": "락도스 길드관문은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {B} 또는 {R}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 관문"
                    "flavorText": "\"Entre pelos fundos se não quiser que ninguém te reconheça. Não se preocupe: vamos garantir que ninguém te encontre!\"\n— Judith",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459213,
                    "name": "Portão da Guilda Rakdos",
                    "text": "Portão da Guilda Rakdos entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {B} ou {R}.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Portão"
                    "flavorText": "«Если хочешь, чтобы тебя не узнали, проскользни с черного хода. Не беспокойся, мы сделаем так, что тебя никто не найдет».\n— Джудит",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459472,
                    "name": "Врата Гильдии Ракдосов",
                    "text": "Врата Гильдии Ракдосов выходят на поле битвы повернутыми.\n{T}: добавьте {B} или {R}.",
                    "type": "Земля — Врата"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你不想被认出来,那就从后门溜进去。别担心~我们能确保谁都找不到你!」\n~裘蒂丝",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459731,
                    "name": "拉铎司公会门",
                    "text": "拉铎司公会门须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{B}或{R}。",
                    "type": "地 ~门"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你不想被認出來,那就從後門溜進去。別擔心~我們能確保誰都找不到你!」\n~裘蒂絲",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459990,
                    "name": "拉鐸司公會門",
                    "text": "拉鐸司公會門須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{B}或{R}。",
                    "type": "地 ~門"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457400,
            "name": "Rakdos Guildgate",
            "number": "256",
            "originalText": "Rakdos Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {B} or {R}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "The subtype Gate has no special rules significance, but other spells and abilities may refer to it."
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "Gate is not a basic land type."
            "scryfallId": "d88b90fa-a7f1-4739-a507-d22dede9384f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "cd3d83d0-2b0c-4be7-922c-7c97e25662be",
            "scryfallOracleId": "361f534b-39d1-4421-b5a8-d3813c62f86d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182828,
            "text": "Rakdos Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {B} or {R}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "38ee60fe-8591-55ce-b74c-8f8f39aa21e6",
            "uuidV421": "7b8bf1e4-4342-59bb-8e31-fcf2ab98d57e",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Sung Choi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"This trinket will gain you admittance to some painfully exclusive gatherings.\"\n—Exava, blood witch",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Dieser Anhänger ist deine Eintrittskarte zu einigen extrem exklusiven Zusammenkünften.\"\n—Exava, Bluthexe",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457640,
                    "name": "Rakdos-Medaillon",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {B} oder {R}.\n{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}, {T}, opfere das Rakdos-Medaillon: Ziehe zwei Karten.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Este cacharro te otorgará admisión a algunas reuniones dolorosamente exclusivas\".\n—Exava, bruja sangrienta",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457899,
                    "name": "Relicario rakdos",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {B} o {R}.\n{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}, {T}, sacrificar el Relicario rakdos: Roba dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« Cette breloque vous donnera accès à des rassemblements cruellement exclusifs. »\n—Exava, sorcière sanguinaire",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458158,
                    "name": "Médaillon de Rakdos",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {B} ou {R}.\n{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}, {T}, sacrifiez le Médaillon de Rakdos : Piochez deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"Questo gingillo ti permetterà l'accesso a eventi esclusivi da morire.\"\n—Exava, strega di sangue",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458417,
                    "name": "Medaglione Rakdos",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {B} o {R}.\n{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}, {T}, Sacrifica il Medaglione Rakdos: Pesca due carte.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「この小物がお前に痛いほど特別な集まりへの入場権を与えるわ。」\n――血魔女、イクサヴァ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458676,
                    "name": "ラクドスのロケット",
                    "text": "{T}:{B}か{R}を加える。\n{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}, {T}, ラクドスのロケットを生け贄に捧げる:カードを2枚引く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"이 장신구가 있으면 엄청나게 고통스러운 초청자 한정 모임에 들어갈 수 있단다.\"\n—혈마녀, 엑사바",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458935,
                    "name": "락도스 로켓",
                    "text": "{T}: {B} 또는 {R}를 추가한다.\n{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}, {T}, 락도스 로켓을 희생한다: 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Este berloque garantirá sua admissão em algumas reuniões dolorosamente exclusivas.\"\n— Exava, bruxa do sangue",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459194,
                    "name": "Medalhão Rakdos",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {B} ou {R}.\n{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}, {T}, sacrifique Medalhão Rakdos: Compre dois cards.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Эта безделушка открывает двери на те приемы, куда попасть — настоящее мучение».\n— Экзава, кровавая ведьма",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459453,
                    "name": "Медальон Ракдосов",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {B} или {R}.\n{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}, {T}, пожертвуйте Медальон Ракдосов: возьмите две карты.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「这枚坠饰能领你参与某些苦挤破头都进不去的集会。」\n」\n~血祭司艾克瓦",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459712,
                    "name": "拉铎司坠饰",
                    "text": "{T}:加{B}或{R}。\n{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R},{T},牺牲拉铎司坠饰:抓两张牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「這枚墜飾能領你參與某些苦擠破頭都進不去的集會。」\n~血祭司艾克瓦",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459971,
                    "name": "拉鐸司墜飾",
                    "text": "{T}:加{B}或{R}。\n{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R},{T},犧牲拉鐸司墜飾:抽兩張牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
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                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{3}",
            "multiverseId": 457381,
            "name": "Rakdos Locket",
            "number": "237",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {B} or {R}.\n{BR}{BR}{BR}{BR}, {T}, Sacrifice Rakdos Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "4fd60d9b-2282-4b32-9bff-efb2bcf87d22",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "ab784412-0722-4501-9aa0-fd68d307f6fd",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182837,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {B} or {R}.\n{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}, {T}, Sacrifice Rakdos Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "69d1eed8-ae55-525d-9d21-dd7da95fe74a",
            "uuidV421": "aa8be86d-1bc7-55d9-9554-af30ea072f90",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Lucas Graciano",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"That one has a bright future—perfect instincts for the rhythm of mayhem.\"\n—Judith",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Der hier wird noch groß rauskommen — er hat den Rhythmus des Chaos im Blut.\"\n—Judith",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457601,
                    "name": "Rakdos-Schauermann",
                    "text": "Immer wenn der Rakdos-Schauermann geblockt wird, fügt er dem Spieler oder Planeswalker, den er angreift, 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Oger, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ese tiene un futuro brillante: los instintos perfectos para el ritmo del caos\".\n—Judith",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457860,
                    "name": "Jornalero rakdos",
                    "text": "Siempre que el Jornalero rakdos sea bloqueado, hace 1 punto de daño al jugador o planeswalker al que esté atacando.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero ogro"
                    "flavorText": "« Celui-là a un bel avenir, l'instinct parfait pour le rythme du désordre. »\n—Judith",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458119,
                    "name": "Homme à tout faire de Rakdos",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que l'Homme à tout faire de Rakdos devient bloqué, il inflige 1 blessure au joueur ou au planeswalker qu'il attaque.",
                    "type": "Créature : ogre et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ha un grande futuro: ha il ritmo del caos nel sangue.\"\n—Judith",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458378,
                    "name": "Manovale Rakdos",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta il Manovale Rakdos viene bloccato, infligge 1 danno al giocatore o al planeswalker che sta attaccando.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Ogre"
                    "flavorText": "「あれは前途有望ね。暴力の韻律にふさわしい才能を持っているわ。」\n――ジュディス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458637,
                    "name": "ラクドスの人足",
                    "text": "ラクドスの人足がブロックされた状態になるたび、これはこれが攻撃しているプレイヤーやプレインズウォーカーに1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — オーガ・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"저 녀석은 미래가 밝군—대혼란의 리듬을 본능적으로 완벽하게 알고 있어.\"\n—주디스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458896,
                    "name": "락도스 잡역부",
                    "text": "락도스 잡역부가 방어될 때마다, 락도스 잡역부는 락도스 잡역부가 공격 중인 플레이어 또는 플레인즈워커에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 오우거 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Aquele ali tem um futuro brilhante, um instinto perfeito para o ritmo do pandemônio.\"\n— Judith",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459155,
                    "name": "Servente Rakdos",
                    "text": "Toda vez que Servente Rakdos é bloqueado, ele causa 1 ponto de dano ao jogador ou planeswalker que ele está atacando.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ogro Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Этого ждет большое будущее. Его инстинкты чудно сочетаются с ритмом хаоса».\n— Джудит",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459414,
                    "name": "Униформист Ракдосов",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда Униформист Ракдосов становится заблокированным, он наносит 1 повреждение игроку или planeswalker-у, которого атакует.",
                    "type": "Существо — Огр Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「那家伙前途不可限量~天生与混乱完美合拍。」\n~裘蒂丝",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459673,
                    "name": "拉铎司杂役",
                    "text": "每当拉铎司杂役被阻挡时,它对所攻击之牌手或鹏洛客造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~食人魔/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「那傢伙前途不可限量~天生與混亂完美合拍。」\n~裘蒂絲",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459932,
                    "name": "拉鐸司雜役",
                    "text": "每當拉鐸司雜役被阻擋時,它對所攻擊之玩家或鵬洛客造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~食人魔/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "manaCost": "{1}{B}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457342,
            "name": "Rakdos Roustabout",
            "number": "198",
            "originalText": "Whenever Rakdos Roustabout becomes blocked, it deals 1 damage to the player or planeswalker it's attacking.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Ogre Warrior",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers when a creature becomes blocked triggers only once if two or more creatures block it."
            "scryfallId": "5ed534af-e16a-4d1d-8884-938fc7e13ca8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "86eda53e-b35f-43ba-b583-422ea59c4fd0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c696d82e-6dee-4766-bc08-33af00f61717",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183180,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever Rakdos Roustabout becomes blocked, it deals 1 damage to the player or planeswalker it's attacking.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Ogre Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "61499806-384c-5b30-a94e-a873cfd33e62",
            "uuidV421": "12f922ec-f4c1-5300-99e2-d73b07b685c1",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Eric Deschamps",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The louder their performance, the quieter we become in comparison. They are the perfect distractions, for only fools ignore the Rakdos.\"\n—Lazav",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Je lauter ihre Darbietungen sind, desto leiser sind wir im Vergleich dazu. Sie sind die perfekte Ablenkung, denn nur wahre Narren ignorieren die Rakdos.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457487,
                    "name": "Rakdos-Trompeter",
                    "text": "Bedrohlich (Diese Kreatur kann nicht geblockt werden, außer von zwei oder mehr Kreaturen.)\n{3}{R}: Der Rakdos-Trompeter erhält +2/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Cuanto más ruidosa sea su actuación, menos atención atraemos nosotros en comparación. Son la distracción perfecta; solo los necios ignoran a los rakdos\".\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457746,
                    "name": "Trompetista rakdos",
                    "text": "Amenaza. (Esta criatura no puede ser bloqueada excepto por dos o más criaturas.)\n{3}{R}: El Trompetista rakdos obtiene +2/+0 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Plus leur performance est bruyante, plus nous sommes silencieux. Ce sont des distractions parfaites, car seuls les imbéciles ignorent les Rakdos. »\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458005,
                    "name": "Joueur de trompe de Rakdos",
                    "text": "Menace (Cette créature ne peut pas être bloquée excepté par deux créatures ou plus.)\n{3}{R} : Le Joueur de trompe de Rakdos gagne +2/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Più rumorosa è la loro esibizione, più silenziosi diventiamo noi a confronto. Sono un diversivo perfetto: solo uno sciocco ignorerebbe i Rakdos.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458264,
                    "name": "Trombettiere Rakdos",
                    "text": "Minacciare (Questa creatura non può essere bloccata tranne che da due o più creature.)\n{3}{R}: Il Trombettiere Rakdos prende +2/+0 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「奴らのショーが騒がしくなるほど、我々は静かになる。奴らは最高のおとりだ。ラクドスを無視するのは愚か者だけだからな。」\n――ラザーヴ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458523,
                    "name": "ラクドスのラッパ吹き",
                    "text": "威迫(このクリーチャーは2体以上のクリーチャーによってしかブロックされない。)\n{3}{R}:ターン終了時まで、ラクドスのラッパ吹きは+2/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "\"그들의 공연이 더 시끄러울수록, 우리는 그에 비례해 더 조용해진다. 바보들이나 락도스를 무시하니, 그들은 이목을 돌리기에 최적이다.\"\n—라자브",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458782,
                    "name": "락도스 나팔수",
                    "text": "호전적 (이 생물은 두 개 이상의 생물에만 방어될 수 있다.)\n{3}{R}: 락도스 나팔수는 턴종료까지 +2/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quanto mais barulhentas as performances deles, mais silenciosos nos tornamos, em contraste. Eles são as distrações perfeitas, pois somente os tolos ignoram os Rakdos.\"\n— Lazav",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459041,
                    "name": "Trombeteiro Rakdos",
                    "text": "Ameaçar (Esta criatura só pode ser bloqueada por duas ou mais criaturas.)\n{3}{R}: Trombeteiro Rakdos recebe +2/+0 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "«Чем громче их выступление, тем тише по сравнению с ним становимся мы. Они идеально подходят для отвлечения внимания, потому что только глупец станет игнорировать Ракдосов».\n— Лазав",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459300,
                    "name": "Трубач Ракдосов",
                    "text": "Угроза (Это существо не может быть заблокировано менее чем двумя существами.)\n{3}{R}: Трубач Ракдосов получает +2/+0 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "「他们的演出越是吵闹,我们就会显得越安静。他们是最完美的幌子,只有傻子才会忽视拉铎司。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459559,
                    "name": "拉铎司号手",
                    "text": "威慑(此生物只能被两个或更多生物阻挡。)\n{3}{R}:拉铎司号手得+2/+0直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "「他們的演出越是吵鬧,我們就會顯得越安靜。他們是最完美的幌子,只有傻子才會忽視拉鐸司。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459818,
                    "name": "拉鐸司號手",
                    "text": "威懾(此生物只能被兩個或更多生物阻擋。)\n{3}{R}:拉鐸司號手得+2/+0直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457228,
            "name": "Rakdos Trumpeter",
            "number": "84",
            "originalText": "Menace (This creature can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)\n{3}{R}: Rakdos Trumpeter gets +2/+0 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "2822aff3-9985-424b-9f19-b49e987c25e4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5978519a-7402-4c4f-bec6-f51e9fd8fe1d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "2047a613-809d-4a47-9c78-f58a380ba18d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183431,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Menace (This creature can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)\n{3}{R}: Rakdos Trumpeter gets +2/+0 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "bf12f7ce-6225-510e-ad3f-37629d711809",
            "uuidV421": "c6b71489-183c-599f-adae-29715ac91259",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Viktor Titov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Entertain me.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Amüsiert mich.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457602,
                    "name": "Rakdos der Zeremonienmeister",
                    "text": "Fliegend, verursacht Trampelschaden\nWenn Rakdos der Zeremonienmeister ins Spiel kommt, wirf eine Münze für jede Kreatur, die kein Dämon, Teufel oder Bold ist. Zerstöre jede Kreatur, bei der die Münze „Zahl\" zeigt.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Dämon"
                    "flavorText": "\"Diviértanme\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457861,
                    "name": "Rakdos, el Fin del Espectáculo",
                    "text": "Vuela, arrolla.\nCuando Rakdos, el Fin del Espectáculo entre al campo de batalla, lanza una moneda a cara o cruz por cada criatura que no sea un Demonio, Diablo o Diablillo. Destruye cada criatura si en su moneda sale cruz.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Demonio"
                    "flavorText": "« Divertissez-moi. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458120,
                    "name": "Rakdos, le clou du spectacle",
                    "text": "Vol, piétinement\nQuand Rakdos, le clou du spectacle arrive sur le champ de bataille, jouez à pile ou face pour chaque créature qui n'est pas un démon, un diable ou un diablotin. Détruisez chaque créature dont la pièce retombe sur pile.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : démon"
                    "flavorText": "\"Fatemi divertire.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458379,
                    "name": "Rakdos, il Colpo di Scena",
                    "text": "Volare, travolgere\nQuando Rakdos, il Colpo di Scena entra nel campo di battaglia, lancia una moneta per ogni creatura che non è un Demone, un Diavolo o un Imp. Distruggi ogni creatura per cui esce croce.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Demone"
                    "flavorText": "「楽しませろ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458638,
                    "name": "名演撃、ラクドス",
                    "text": "飛行、トランプル\n名演撃、ラクドスが戦場に出たとき、デーモンでもデビルでもインプでもない各クリーチャーにつきそれぞれ1回コイン投げをする。コインが裏だった各クリーチャーをそれぞれ破壊する。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — デーモン"
                    "flavorText": "\"날 즐겁게 해라.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458897,
                    "name": "막을 내리는 자, 락도스",
                    "text": "비행, 돌진\n막을 내리는 자, 락도스가 전장에 들어올 때, 악마, 악령 또는 임프가 아닌 각 생물마다 동전을 던진다. 뒷면이 나온 각 생물을 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 악마"
                    "flavorText": "\"Entretenham-me.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459156,
                    "name": "Rakdos, Final Explosivo",
                    "text": "Voar, atropelar\nQuando Rakdos, Final Explosivo, entrar no campo de batalha, lance uma moeda para cada criatura que não seja Demônio, Diabo ou Diabrete. Destrua cada criatura que tirar coroa.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Demônio"
                    "flavorText": "«Развлекайте меня».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459415,
                    "name": "Ракдос, Гвоздь Программы",
                    "text": "Полет, Пробивной удар\nКогда Ракдос, Гвоздь Программы выходит на поле битвы, подбросьте монету для каждого существа, не являющегося Демоном, Дьяволом или Бесом. Уничтожьте каждое существо, для которого выпала решка.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Демон"
                    "flavorText": "「让我开心。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459674,
                    "name": "镇场拉铎司",
                    "text": "飞行,践踏\n当镇场拉铎司进战场时,为每个不是恶魔、魔鬼或小恶魔的生物各掷一枚硬币。消灭所有掷出反面的生物。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~恶魔"
                    "flavorText": "「讓我開心。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459933,
                    "name": "鎮場拉鐸司",
                    "text": "飛行,踐踏\n當鎮場拉鐸司進戰場時,為每個不是惡魔、魔鬼或小惡魔的生物各擲一枚硬幣。消滅所有擲出反面的生物。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~惡魔"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{B}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457343,
            "name": "Rakdos, the Showstopper",
            "number": "199",
            "originalText": "Flying, trample\nWhen Rakdos, the Showstopper enters the battlefield, flip a coin for each creature that isn't a Demon, Devil, or Imp. Destroy each creature whose coin comes up tails.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Demon",
            "power": "6",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Players can’t take any action between the time that coins are flipped and the time creatures are destroyed. For example, if they wish to cast a spell to have a creature gain indestructible, they must do so before Rakdos’s triggered ability resolves, without knowing whether that creature’s coin will come up heads or tails."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "All of the creatures whose coins come up tails are destroyed at the same time."
            "scryfallId": "4e3c30c7-c52e-41a0-b7c2-21d39c05160b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "71ca367b-b0a2-4ebe-aeb9-289f78182a7d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "03a4b997-4738-41a9-933f-e1f765e3a75a",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182964,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, trample\nWhen Rakdos, the Showstopper enters the battlefield, flip a coin for each creature that isn't a Demon, Devil, or Imp. Destroy each creature whose coin comes up tails.",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Demon",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e01edd4d-110c-5e95-ab9b-f0aeb2a8bafc",
            "uuidV421": "6fa05aac-91c8-5de2-b06f-8730b47a18e4",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Ben Wootten",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "The guildmasters loom large in the political sphere, but in the end, the rulers of Ravnica are its people.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Gildenmeister haben viel politischen Einfluss, doch letzten Endes wird Ravnica von ihren Bürgern regiert.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457421,
                    "name": "Ruf zu den Waffen",
                    "text": "Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+3 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Enttappe sie.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Los maestros de los gremios parecen intocables en la esfera política, pero los que realmente gobiernan Rávnica son sus habitantes.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457680,
                    "name": "Agruparse para la batalla",
                    "text": "Las criaturas que controlas obtienen +1/+3 hasta el final del turno. Enderézalas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Les maîtres de guilde ont beau dominer la sphère politique, au bout du compte, les dirigeants de Ravnica sont ses citoyens.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457939,
                    "name": "Ralliement au combat",
                    "text": "Les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+3 jusqu'à la fin du tour. Dégagez-les.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "I capi delle gilde dominano la scena politica, ma in definitiva, i veri governanti di Ravnica sono i suoi cittadini.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458198,
                    "name": "Chiamare alla Battaglia",
                    "text": "Le creature che controlli prendono +1/+3 fino alla fine del turno. STAPpale.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "政治面でギルドマスターたちは大きな障壁となったが、結局のところ、ラヴニカを支配しているのは市民たちだった。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458457,
                    "name": "戦いへの結集",
                    "text": "ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは+1/+3の修整を受ける。それらをアンタップする。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "길드마스터들이 정치적으로 큰 위상을 가지기는 하지만, 마지막에 라브니카를 통치하는 자들은 바로 시민들이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458716,
                    "name": "전투 집결",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 +1/+3을 받는다. 그 생물들을 언탭한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Os mestres das guildas assomam na esfera política, mas no fim das contas quem governa Ravnica é o povo.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458975,
                    "name": "Reunir para a Batalha",
                    "text": "As criaturas que você controla recebem +1/+3 até o final do turno. Desvire‑as.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Предводители гильдий — заметные фигуры в политической сфере Равники, но ее истинными правителями остаются ее жители.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459234,
                    "name": "Сбор на Битву",
                    "text": "Существа под вашим контролем получают +1/+3 до конца хода. Разверните их.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "虽然公会首领在政治领域可谓举足轻重,但最终掌控拉尼卡命运的还是拉尼卡人民。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459493,
                    "name": "战斗动员",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物得+1/+3直到回合结束。将它们重置。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "雖然公會首領在政治領域可謂舉足輕重,但最終掌控拉尼卡命運的還是拉尼卡人民。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459752,
                    "name": "戰鬥動員",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物得+1/+3直到回合結束。將它們重置。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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                "duel": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457162,
            "name": "Rally to Battle",
            "number": "18",
            "originalText": "Creatures you control get +1/+3 until end of turn. Untap them.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Creatures you control that are already untapped get +1/+3, even though they can’t be untapped again."
            "scryfallId": "d0798546-1ef4-485e-b094-cba12a12c67c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "1d4ba865-a165-4690-9567-bf2d9959ea15",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9d8d88dd-c266-4b7d-a756-ac2d8976ca89",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183382,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Creatures you control get +1/+3 until end of turn. Untap them.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2abbd540-d90a-5931-a84d-93d3be502dd5",
            "uuidV421": "76fe8130-4b8e-526d-b27b-090b43911378"
            "artist": "Sidharth Chaturvedi",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Rage! Rage until the whole world burns!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wütet! Wütet, bis die ganze Welt brennt!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457537,
                    "name": "Wut der Clans",
                    "text": "Zerstöre alle Artefakte und Verzauberungen. Für jede auf diese Weise zerstörte bleibende Karte erzeugt ihr Beherrscher einen 3/3 grünen Zentaur-Kreaturenspielstein.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Arrasen! ¡Arrásenlo todo hasta que arda el mundo entero!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457796,
                    "name": "Devastación de los Clanes",
                    "text": "Destruye todos los artefactos y encantamientos. Por cada permanente destruido de esta manera, su controlador crea una ficha de criatura Centauro verde 3/3.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Dévastez tout ! Dévastez tout jusqu'à ce que le monde entier s'embrase ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458055,
                    "name": "Sauvagerie des Clans",
                    "text": "Détruisez tous les artefacts et tous les enchantements. Pour chaque permanent détruit de cette manière, son contrôleur crée un jeton de créature 3/3 verte Centaure.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Scatenatevi! Infuriate finché tutto il mondo brucerà!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458314,
                    "name": "Furia dei Clan",
                    "text": "Distruggi tutti gli artefatti e gli incantesimi. Per ogni permanente distrutto in questo modo, il suo controllore crea una pedina creatura Centauro 3/3 verde.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「暴れろ!世界が燃え尽きるまで!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458573,
                    "name": "一族の暴行",
                    "text": "すべてのアーティファクトとすべてのエンチャントを破壊する。これにより破壊されたパーマネント1つにつき、それのコントローラーは緑の3/3のケンタウルス・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"분노해라! 모든 세계가 불타오를 때까지 분노해라!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458832,
                    "name": "부족들의 광란",
                    "text": "모든 마법물체와 부여마법을 파괴한다. 이렇게 파괴된 각 지속물 한 개당, 그 지속물의 조종자는 3/3 녹색 켄타우로스 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Enfureçam-se! Enfureçam-se até o mundo todo queimar!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459091,
                    "name": "Fúria dos Clãs",
                    "text": "Destrua todos os artefatos e encantamentos. Para cada permanente destruída dessa forma, seu controlador cria uma ficha de criatura verde 3/3 do tipo Centauro.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Буйствовать! Буйствовать до тех пор, пока не загорится весь мир!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459350,
                    "name": "Неистовство Кланов",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте все артефакты и чары. За каждый перманент, уничтоженный таким образом, контролирующий его игрок создает одну фишку существа 3/3 зеленый Кентавр.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「燃起怒火!把怒火烧遍世界!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459609,
                    "name": "部族狂愤",
                    "text": "消灭所有神器和结界。每以此法消灭一个永久物,其操控者便派出一个3/3绿色半人马衍生生物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「燃起怒火!把怒火燒遍世界!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459868,
                    "name": "部族狂憤",
                    "text": "消滅所有神器和結界。每以此法消滅一個永久物,其操控者便派出一個3/3綠色半人馬衍生生物。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457278,
            "name": "Rampage of the Clans",
            "number": "134",
            "originalText": "Destroy all artifacts and enchantments. For each permanent destroyed this way, its controller creates a 3/3 green Centaur creature token.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "All of the artifacts and enchantments that are destroyed leave the battlefield before any Centaurs are created, and their abilities can’t affect or trigger on these tokens entering the battlefield."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a permanent has indestructible, it isn’t destroyed this way and its controller won’t create a Centaur token for it. If it is destroyed but put into a zone other than a graveyard, its controller does create a Centaur token for it."
            "scryfallId": "28ebab7d-d03d-4473-aa9b-485aebb66433",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5904ccb3-7b18-4fcc-91a4-ecd5fac9cd2f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5dc34e93-97e3-434b-9f12-f45c6d556f13",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183041,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy all artifacts and enchantments. For each permanent destroyed this way, its controller creates a 3/3 green Centaur creature token.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a780044e-5bc4-56a7-b569-a5ff45549a05",
            "uuidV421": "ea51b420-be5d-55c6-9597-2e1be58d0ff1",
            "watermark": "planeswalker"
            "artist": "Ben Wootten",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Tumult is its natural habitat.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Raserei ist sein Normalzustand.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457538,
                    "name": "Tobendes Trümmerhorn",
                    "text": "Aufruhr (Du bestimmst, ob diese Kreatur mit einer +1/+1-Marke oder mit Eile ins Spiel kommt.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bestie"
                    "flavorText": "Su hábitat natural es el tumulto.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457797,
                    "name": "Cuernodesgarrador enfurecido",
                    "text": "Insurgencia. (Esta criatura entra al campo de batalla con lo que elijas: un contador +1/+1 o la habilidad de prisa.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "Le tumulte est son habitat naturel.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458056,
                    "name": "Hachecorne déchaîné",
                    "text": "Émeute (Cette créature arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, selon votre choix, un marqueur +1/+1 ou la célérité.)",
                    "type": "Créature : bête"
                    "flavorText": "Il suo habitat naturale è lo scompiglio.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458315,
                    "name": "Spaccacorno Infuriato",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Questa creatura entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 o rapidità a tua scelta.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "騒乱がそいつの生息地だ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458574,
                    "name": "暴れ回る裂き角",
                    "text": "暴動(このクリーチャーは+1/+1カウンター1個か速攻のうちあなたが選んだ1つを持った状態で戦場に出る。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ビースト"
                    "flavorText": "소동의 한가운데가 그것들의 자연스러운 서식지이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458833,
                    "name": "돌진하는 칼날뿔",
                    "text": "폭동 (이 생물은 당신의 선택에 따라 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 또는 신속을 가지고 전장에 들어온다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 야수"
                    "flavorText": "O tumulto é seu habitat natural.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459092,
                    "name": "Destrucórnio Furioso",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Esta criatura entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 ou ímpeto, à sua escolha.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Besta"
                    "flavorText": "Бунт — его естественная среда обитания.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459351,
                    "name": "Буйный Расколорог",
                    "text": "Беспорядки (Это существо выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 или Ускорением, по вашему выбору.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Зверь"
                    "flavorText": "骚动是它的天性。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459610,
                    "name": "莽闯猛角兽",
                    "text": "起事(于此生物进战场时,你选择「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」异能。它进战场时上面有所选加成。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~野兽"
                    "flavorText": "騷動是牠的天性。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459869,
                    "name": "莽闖猛角獸",
                    "text": "起事(於此生物進戰場時,你選擇「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」異能。它進戰場時上面有所選加成。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~野獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457279,
            "name": "Rampaging Rendhorn",
            "number": "135",
            "originalText": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Beast",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
            "scryfallId": "12c1b820-0f06-41f6-804f-5c98f60c1529",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5f6498c1-e8a1-4d1d-86aa-26d9c39a8fd1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b867deb4-a088-492e-95fe-487071ebfe8d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183423,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Beast",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "80750f4e-46a5-5beb-8cb5-4b7cb970582f",
            "uuidV421": "03f5781d-6b9f-57ba-bda2-3fc3426c81a4",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457603,
                    "name": "Verwüsterwurm",
                    "text": "Aufruhr (Du bestimmst, ob diese Kreatur mit einer +1/+1-Marke oder mit Eile ins Spiel kommt.)\nWenn der Verwüsterwurm ins Spiel kommt, bestimme bis zu eines —\n• Der Verwüsterwurm kämpft gegen eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du nicht kontrollierst.\n• Zerstöre ein Land deiner Wahl mit einer aktivierten Fähigkeit, die keine Manafähigkeit ist.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Wurm"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457862,
                    "name": "Sierpe devastadora",
                    "text": "Insurgencia. (Esta criatura entra al campo de batalla con lo que elijas: un contador +1/+1 o la habilidad de prisa.)\nCuando la Sierpe devastadora entre al campo de batalla, elige hasta uno:\n• La Sierpe devastadora lucha contra la criatura objetivo que no controlas.\n• Destruye la tierra objetivo con una habilidad activada que no sea una habilidad de maná.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sierpe"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458121,
                    "name": "Guivre dévastatrice",
                    "text": "Émeute (Cette créature arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, selon votre choix, un marqueur +1/+1 ou la célérité.)\nQuand la Guivre dévastatrice arrive sur le champ de bataille, choisissez jusqu'à l'un —\n• La Guivre dévastatrice se bat contre une créature ciblée que vous ne contrôlez pas.\n• Détruisez un terrain ciblé avec une capacité activée qui n'est pas une capacité de mana.",
                    "type": "Créature : guivre"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458380,
                    "name": "Wurm Annientatore",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Questa creatura entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 o rapidità a tua scelta.)\nQuando il Wurm Annientatore entra nel campo di battaglia, scegli fino a uno —\n• Il Wurm Annientatore lotta con una creatura bersaglio che non controlli.\n• Distruggi una terra bersaglio con un'abilità attivata che non è un'abilità di mana.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Wurm"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458639,
                    "name": "荒廃ワーム",
                    "text": "暴動(このクリーチャーは+1/+1カウンター1個か速攻のうちあなたが選んだ1つを持った状態で戦場に出る。)\n荒廃ワームが戦場に出たとき、以下から最大1つを選ぶ。\n• あなたがコントロールしていないクリーチャー1体を対象とする。荒廃ワームはそれと格闘を行う。\n• マナ能力でない起動型能力を持つ土地1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ワーム"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458898,
                    "name": "유린자 웜",
                    "text": "폭동 (이 생물은 당신의 선택에 따라 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 또는 신속을 가지고 전장에 들어온다.)\n유린자 웜이 전장에 들어올 때, 최대 한 개를 선택한다 —\n• 당신이 조종하지 않는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 유린자 웜은 그 생물과 싸운다.\n• 마나 능력이 아닌 활성화 능력을 가진 대지를 목표로 정한다. 그 대지를 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 웜"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459157,
                    "name": "Vorme Devastador",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Esta criatura entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 ou ímpeto, à sua escolha.)\nQuando Vorme Devastador entrar no campo de batalha, escolha até um —\n• Vorme Devastador luta com a criatura alvo que você não controla.\n• Destrua o terreno alvo que possua uma habilidade ativada que não seja uma habilidade de mana.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vorme"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459416,
                    "name": "Вурм-Опустошитель",
                    "text": "Беспорядки (Это существо выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 или Ускорением, по вашему выбору.)\nКогда Вурм-Опустошитель выходит на поле битвы, выберите не более одного —\n• Вурм-Опустошитель дерется с целевым существом не под вашим контролем.\n• Уничтожьте целевую землю с активируемой способностью, не являющейся мана-способностью.",
                    "type": "Существо — Вурм"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459675,
                    "name": "吞噬亚龙",
                    "text": "起事(于此生物进战场时,你选择「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」异能。它进战场时上面有所选加成。)\n当吞噬亚龙进战场时,选择至多一项~\n•吞噬亚龙与目标不由你操控的生物互斗。\n•消灭目标地,且其须具有不属法术力异能的起动式异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~亚龙"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459934,
                    "name": "吞噬亞龍",
                    "text": "起事(於此生物進戰場時,你選擇「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」異能。它進戰場時上面有所選加成。)\n當吞噬亞龍進戰場時,選擇至多一項~\n•吞噬亞龍與目標不由你操控的生物互鬥。\n•消滅目標地,且其須具有不屬魔法力異能的起動式異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~亞龍"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457344,
            "name": "Ravager Wurm",
            "number": "200",
            "originalText": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nWhen Ravager Wurm enters the battlefield, choose up to one —\n• Ravager Wurm fights target creature you don't control.\n• Destroy target land with an activated ability that isn't a mana ability.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Wurm",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You may choose neither mode for Ravager Wurm’s triggered ability. In this case, the ability is removed from the stack with no effect."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target of Ravager Wurm’s first mode isn’t a legal target as that ability resolves, or if Ravager Wurm has left the battlefield, neither creature will deal or be dealt damage."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Activated abilities contain a colon. They’re generally written “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keyword abilities are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder text. An activated mana ability is one that produces mana as it resolves, not one that costs mana to activate."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
            "scryfallId": "6d5a6085-bb5d-412e-8831-757996bbc8fb",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "070bf2f2-c6c3-4344-a0d1-5d1d9378f6a2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "40b872b5-3ec2-4fcc-b152-91966f67c2be",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182959,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nWhen Ravager Wurm enters the battlefield, choose up to one —\n• Ravager Wurm fights target creature you don't control.\n• Destroy target land with an activated ability that isn't a mana ability.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Wurm",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "bdf9e380-ab07-5746-95fe-63433520e843",
            "uuidV421": "cf0bedc2-45c3-5831-b80c-8feab8cdbce7",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "James Paick",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"When you get right down to it, the difference between death and life is just a membrane-enclosed environment maintained by a metabolic process.\"\n—Gulistan, Simic biomancer",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Genau genommen sind Leben und Tod nur durch eine Membran getrennt, die einen Bereich umgibt, der durch metabolische Prozesse aufrechterhalten wird.\"\n—Gulistan, Simic-Biomagier",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457539,
                    "name": "Regenese",
                    "text": "Bringe bis zu zwei bleibende Karten deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof auf deine Hand zurück.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Básicamente, la diferencia entre la muerte y la vida no es más que un entorno encapsulado por una membrana y mantenido por un proceso metabólico\".\n—Gúlistan, biomante simic",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457798,
                    "name": "Regénesis",
                    "text": "Regresa hasta dos cartas de permanente objetivo de tu cementerio a tu mano.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« En fin de compte, la différence entre la vie et la mort se résume à un environnement membraneux maintenu par un processus métabolique. »\n—Gulistan, biomancien simic",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458057,
                    "name": "Regenèse",
                    "text": "Renvoyez jusqu'à deux cartes de permanent ciblées depuis votre cimetière dans votre main.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"In ultima istanza, la differenza tra vita e morte è solo un ambiente protetto da una membrana e alimentato da un processo metabolico.\"\n—Gulistan, biomante Simic",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458316,
                    "name": "Rigenesi",
                    "text": "Riprendi in mano fino a due carte permanente bersaglio dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「結局のところ、死と生の違いとは、代謝過程によって維持される被膜環境に過ぎないのだよ。」\n――シミックの生術師、グリスタン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458575,
                    "name": "再発生",
                    "text": "あなたの墓地からパーマネント・カード最大2枚を対象とし、それらをあなたの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"본질적으로 보자면, 죽음과 삶의 차이점은 막으로 둘러싸인 개체가 신진대사 과정으로 유지되는 환경일 뿐이다.\"\n—시믹 생명술사 굴리스탄",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458834,
                    "name": "재탄생",
                    "text": "당신의 무덤에 있는 지속물 카드를 최대 두 장까지 목표로 정한다. 그 카드들을 당신의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"No fim das contas, a diferença entre a morte e a vida é só um ambiente envolvido por uma membrana e mantido por um processo metabólico.\"\n— Gulistan, biomante Simic",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459093,
                    "name": "Regênese",
                    "text": "Devolva até dois cards de permanente alvo de seu cemitério para sua mão.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Если разобраться, то разница между жизнью и смертью всего лишь в ограниченном мембраной пространстве, которое поддерживается метаболическими процессами».\n— Гулистан, биомант Симиков",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459352,
                    "name": "Регенезис",
                    "text": "Верните не более двух целевых карт перманентов из вашего кладбища в вашу руку.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你究其根本,生与死的差别不过是在封膜环境内的新陈代谢过程。」\n~析米克生机术士顾里斯坦",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459611,
                    "name": "再获新生",
                    "text": "将至多两张永久物牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你究其根本,生與死的差別不過是在封膜環境內的新陳代謝過程。」\n~析米克生機術士顧里斯坦",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459870,
                    "name": "再獲新生",
                    "text": "將至多兩張永久物牌從你的墳墓場移回你手上。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457280,
            "name": "Regenesis",
            "number": "136",
            "originalText": "Return up to two target permanent cards from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "18a362c1-af92-4094-a7c2-f09952767606",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "078bf9d8-7ead-4144-ba2a-b11f7cd6023b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "14bc2a2e-a445-4785-9c88-b9ad169c39bc",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183325,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Return up to two target permanent cards from your graveyard to your hand.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "026e4c5e-87ff-51b6-ac19-94a427d6e308",
            "uuidV421": "d2fc575e-9f8c-573a-b5a8-e3d563ba0f91"
            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457630,
                    "name": "Replizieren",
                    "text": "Erzeuge einen Spielstein, der eine Kopie einer Kreatur deiner Wahl ist, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457889,
                    "name": "Replicar",
                    "text": "Crea una ficha que es una copia de la criatura objetivo que controlas.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458148,
                    "name": "Répliquer",
                    "text": "Créez un jeton qui est une copie d'une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458407,
                    "name": "Riprodurre",
                    "text": "Crea una pedina che è una copia di una creatura bersaglio che controlli.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458666,
                    "name": "複製",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それのコピーであるトークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458925,
                    "name": "복제",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물의 복사본인 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459184,
                    "name": "Replicar",
                    "text": "Crie uma ficha que seja uma cópia da criatura alvo que você controla.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459443,
                    "name": "Повторение",
                    "text": "Создайте фишку, являющуюся копией целевого существа под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459702,
                    "name": "复造",
                    "text": "派出一个衍生物,此衍生物为目标由你操控的生物之复制品。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459961,
                    "name": "復造",
                    "text": "派出一個衍生物,此衍生物為目標由你操控的生物之複製品。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
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                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457371,
            "name": "Replicate",
            "names": [
            "number": "227",
            "originalText": "Create a token that's a copy of target creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Activated abilities are written in the form “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keyword abilities, such as equip, are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder texts."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Triggered abilities use the word “when,” “whenever,” or “at.” They’re often written as “[Trigger condition], [effect].” Some keyword abilities, such as afterlife, are triggered abilities and will have “when,” “whenever,” or “at” in their reminder text."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An activated mana ability is one that adds mana to a player’s mana pool as it resolves, doesn’t have a target, and isn’t a loyalty ability. A triggered mana ability is one that adds mana to a player’s mana pool and triggers on an activated mana ability."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Abilities that create replacement effects, such as a permanent entering the battlefield tapped or with counters on it, can’t be targeted. Abilities that apply “as [this creature] enters the battlefield” are also replacement effects and can’t be targeted."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you counter a delayed triggered ability that triggered at the beginning of the “next” occurrence of a specified step or phase, that ability won’t trigger again the following time that phase or step occurs."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The token copies exactly what was printed on the original creature and nothing else (unless that creature is copying something else or is a token; see below). It doesn’t copy whether that creature is tapped or untapped, whether it has any counters on it or Auras and Equipment attached to it, or any non-copy effects that have changed its power, toughness, types, color, or so on."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the copied creature has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the copied creature is a token, the token that’s created copies the original characteristics of that token as stated by the effect that created the token."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the copied creature is copying something else (for example, if the copied creature is a Mirror Image), then the token enters the battlefield as whatever that creature copied."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Any enters-the-battlefield abilities of the copied creature will trigger when the token enters the battlefield. Any “as [this creature] enters the battlefield” or “[this creature] enters the battlefield with” abilities of the chosen creature will also work."
            "scryfallId": "f6200937-3146-4972-ab83-051ade3b7a52",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8095e62e-fa81-48b0-8704-1011b8fc1196",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a43ecf8b-5dc9-4ac4-ae1f-b663aa8c9d7b",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183336,
            "text": "Create a token that's a copy of target creature you control.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4578a6c3-62bd-5299-b431-5ea2c29a0bd3",
            "uuidV421": "c6252731-1718-53a8-96b3-692d2af6415f",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 2,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457630,
                    "name": "Refüsieren",
                    "text": "Neutralisiere eine aktivierte oder ausgelöste Fähigkeit deiner Wahl. (Manafähigkeiten können nicht als Ziel gewählt werden.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457889,
                    "name": "Repudiar",
                    "text": "Contrarresta la habilidad activada o disparada objetivo. (Las habilidades de maná no pueden hacerse objetivo.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458148,
                    "name": "Répudier",
                    "text": "Contrecarrez la capacité activée ciblée ou la capacité déclenchée ciblée. (Les capacités de mana ne peuvent pas être ciblées.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458407,
                    "name": "Ripudiare",
                    "text": "Neutralizza un'abilità attivata o innescata bersaglio. (Le abilità di mana non possono essere bersagliate.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458666,
                    "name": "覆滅",
                    "text": "起動型か誘発型である能力1つを対象とし、それを打ち消す。(マナ能力は対象にできない。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458925,
                    "name": "거절",
                    "text": "활성화능력 또는 격발능력을 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 무효화한다. (마나 능력은 목표로 정해질 수 없다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459184,
                    "name": "Repudiar",
                    "text": "Anule a habilidade ativada ou desencadeada alvo. (As habilidades de mana não podem ser alvo.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459443,
                    "name": "Отречение",
                    "text": "Отмените целевую активируемую или срабатывающую способность. (Мана-способности не могут стать целью.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459702,
                    "name": "复除",
                    "text": "反击目标起动式或触发式异能。(其目标不能是法术力异能。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459961,
                    "name": "復除",
                    "text": "反擊目標起動式或觸發式異能。(其目標不能是魔法力異能。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{G/U}{G/U}",
            "multiverseId": 457371,
            "name": "Repudiate",
            "names": [
            "number": "227",
            "originalText": "Counter target activated or triggered ability. (Mana abilities can't be targeted.)",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Activated abilities are written in the form “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keyword abilities, such as equip, are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder texts."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Triggered abilities use the word “when,” “whenever,” or “at.” They’re often written as “[Trigger condition], [effect].” Some keyword abilities, such as afterlife, are triggered abilities and will have “when,” “whenever,” or “at” in their reminder text."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An activated mana ability is one that adds mana to a player’s mana pool as it resolves, doesn’t have a target, and isn’t a loyalty ability. A triggered mana ability is one that adds mana to a player’s mana pool and triggers on an activated mana ability."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Abilities that create replacement effects, such as a permanent entering the battlefield tapped or with counters on it, can’t be targeted. Abilities that apply “as [this creature] enters the battlefield” are also replacement effects and can’t be targeted."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you counter a delayed triggered ability that triggered at the beginning of the “next” occurrence of a specified step or phase, that ability won’t trigger again the following time that phase or step occurs."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The token copies exactly what was printed on the original creature and nothing else (unless that creature is copying something else or is a token; see below). It doesn’t copy whether that creature is tapped or untapped, whether it has any counters on it or Auras and Equipment attached to it, or any non-copy effects that have changed its power, toughness, types, color, or so on."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the copied creature has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the copied creature is a token, the token that’s created copies the original characteristics of that token as stated by the effect that created the token."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the copied creature is copying something else (for example, if the copied creature is a Mirror Image), then the token enters the battlefield as whatever that creature copied."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Any enters-the-battlefield abilities of the copied creature will trigger when the token enters the battlefield. Any “as [this creature] enters the battlefield” or “[this creature] enters the battlefield with” abilities of the chosen creature will also work."
            "scryfallId": "f6200937-3146-4972-ab83-051ade3b7a52",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8095e62e-fa81-48b0-8704-1011b8fc1196",
            "scryfallOracleId": "a43ecf8b-5dc9-4ac4-ae1f-b663aa8c9d7b",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183336,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Counter target activated or triggered ability. (Mana abilities can't be targeted.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4657a2c6-6d65-53de-b446-1a923609e136",
            "uuidV421": "d4d41b1b-f2e5-54dc-aa7d-f2305f14c156",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Milivoj Ćeran",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "A friend in good times, a guardian in bad times, and a savior when all else fails.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Dein Freund in guten Zeiten, dein Beschützer in schlechten Zeiten und dein Retter, wenn alle Stricke reißen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457422,
                    "name": "Entschlossener Wachhund",
                    "text": "Verteidiger\n{1}, opfere den Entschlossenen Wachhund: Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, erhält Unzerstörbarkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges. (Schaden und Effekte, die „zerstören\", zerstören sie nicht.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Hund"
                    "flavorText": "Un amigo en los buenos tiempos, un guardián en los malos y un salvador cuando todo lo demás falla.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457681,
                    "name": "Perro guardián decidido",
                    "text": "Defensor.\n{1}, sacrificar el Perro guardián decidido: La criatura objetivo que controlas gana la habilidad de indestructible hasta el final del turno. (El daño y los efectos que dicen \"destruir\" no la destruyen.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Perro"
                    "flavorText": "Un ami dans les bons jours, un protecteur dans les mauvais, et un sauveur en dernier recours.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457940,
                    "name": "Chien de garde déterminé",
                    "text": "Défenseur\n{1}, sacrifiez le Chien de garde déterminé : La créature ciblée que vous contrôlez acquiert l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour. (Les blessures et les effets qui disent « détruisez » ne la détruisent pas.)",
                    "type": "Créature : chien de chasse"
                    "flavorText": "Un amico in tempi di pace, un guardiano in tempi di rivolta e la salvezza quando non restano altre speranze.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458199,
                    "name": "Cane da Guardia Risoluto",
                    "text": "Difensore\n{1}, Sacrifica il Cane da Guardia Risoluto: Una creatura bersaglio che controlli ha indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno. (Il danno e gli effetti che dicono \"distruggi\" non la distruggono.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Segugio"
                    "flavorText": "楽しい時には友達に、苦しい時には護衛に、いざという時には救いの神となる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458458,
                    "name": "毅然たる番犬",
                    "text": "防衛\n{1}, 毅然たる番犬を生け贄に捧げる:あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは破壊不能を得る。(ダメージや「破壊」と書かれた効果では、それは破壊されない。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 猟犬"
                    "flavorText": "좋은 순간에는 친구가 되어 주고, 나쁜 순간에는 지킴이가 되어 주며, 다른 모든 것이 실패했을 때에는 구원자가 되어 준다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458717,
                    "name": "단호한 파수견",
                    "text": "수비태세\n{1}, 단호한 파수견을 희생한다: 당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 무적을 얻는다. (피해와 \"파괴\"라고 명시된 효과로 파괴되지 않는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 사냥개"
                    "flavorText": "Amigo na bonança. Guardião na provação. Salvador quando tudo mais falha.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458976,
                    "name": "Cão de Guarda Resoluto",
                    "text": "Defensor\n{1}, sacrifique Cão de Guarda Resoluto: A criatura alvo que você controla ganha indestrutível até o final do turno. (O dano e os efeitos que dizem \"destrua\" não a destroem.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sabujo"
                    "flavorText": "Друг в светлые времена, охранник в темные и спаситель — когда не остается другого выхода.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459235,
                    "name": "Решительный Пес",
                    "text": "Защитник\n{1}, пожертвуйте Решительного Пса: целевое существо под вашим контролем получает Неразрушимость до конца хода. (Повреждения и эффекты с указанием «уничтожьте» не уничтожают его.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Пес"
                    "flavorText": "顺境中的挚友,战乱下的靠山,绝望时的救星。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459494,
                    "name": "坚毅看门狗",
                    "text": "守军\n{1},牺牲坚毅看门狗:目标由你操控的生物获得不灭异能直到回合结束。(伤害与注明「消灭」的效应不会将它消灭。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~猎犬"
                    "flavorText": "順境中的摯友,戰亂 下的靠山,絕望時的救星。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459753,
                    "name": "堅毅看門狗",
                    "text": "守軍\n{1},犧牲堅毅看門狗:目標由你操控的生物獲得不滅異能直到回合結束。(傷害與註明「消滅」的效應不會將它消滅。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~獵犬"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457163,
            "name": "Resolute Watchdog",
            "number": "19",
            "originalText": "Defender\n{1}, Sacrifice Resolute Watchdog: Target creature you control gains indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy it.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Hound",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Resolute Watchdog can be the target of its own ability. The ability won’t resolve since it won’t have a legal target, and no creature will gain indestructible, but this does allow you to sacrifice Resolute Watchdog without another creature to target if you want to."
            "scryfallId": "56d86909-b7f3-4a46-9904-e173853b79f1",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d298304e-d6cd-479f-b758-5f6ff223bce1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ca2aee09-398d-4eaa-acbb-98663216185b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183331,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender\n{1}, Sacrifice Resolute Watchdog: Target creature you control gains indestructible until end of turn. (Damage and effects that say \"destroy\" don't destroy it.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Hound",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "1fb644a7-8853-503c-8aab-4f20916b2db1",
            "uuidV421": "45ed517b-fb5f-50a7-8277-cf57279886bb"
            "artist": "Paul Scott Canavan",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 8.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457631,
                    "name": "Heimzahlung",
                    "text": "Verdopple deinen Lebenspunktestand. Ein Gegner deiner Wahl verliert die Hälfte seiner Lebenspunkte, aufgerundet.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457890,
                    "name": "Revancha",
                    "text": "Duplica tu total de vidas. El oponente objetivo pierde la mitad de sus vidas, redondeando hacia arriba.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458149,
                    "name": "Rétorsion",
                    "text": "Doublez votre total de points de vie. L'adversaire ciblé perd la moitié de ses points de vie, arrondie à l'unité supérieure.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458408,
                    "name": "Ripicca",
                    "text": "Raddoppia i tuoi punti vita. Un avversario bersaglio perde metà dei suoi punti vita, arrotondati per eccesso.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458667,
                    "name": "会稽",
                    "text": "対戦相手1人を対象とする。あなたのライフ総量を2倍にする。そのプレイヤーは自分のライフの端数を切り上げた半分の点数のライフを失う。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458926,
                    "name": "복수",
                    "text": "당신의 생명 총점을 두 배로 한다. 상대를 목표로 정한다. 그 상대는 자신의 생명점의 절반을 반올림한 만큼 생명점을 잃는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459185,
                    "name": "Revanche",
                    "text": "Dobre seu total de pontos de vida. O oponente alvo perde metade do próprio total de pontos de vida, arredondado para cima.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459444,
                    "name": "Возмездие",
                    "text": "Удвойте ваше количество жизней. Целевой оппонент теряет половину своих жизней с округлением в большую сторону.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459703,
                    "name": "再战",
                    "text": "将你的总生命加倍。目标对手失去一半生命,小数点后进位。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459962,
                    "name": "再戰",
                    "text": "將你的總生命加倍。目標對手失去一半生命,小數點後進位。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{W}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457372,
            "name": "Revenge",
            "names": [
            "number": "228",
            "originalText": "Double your life total. Target opponent loses half their life, rounded up.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a card in a graveyard has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To double a player’s life total, that player gains as much life as needed so that their life total is twice the number it was before. If their life total was negative, that player loses as much life as needed so that their life total is twice as far below 0 as it was before. Other effects interact with this life gain or loss accordingly."
            "scryfallId": "50ae0831-f3ba-4535-bfb6-feefbbc15275",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "dea9132c-b75f-4ff9-b53e-2009e3b2311e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "836ecd67-6487-4f3d-9e08-013746be829a",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183218,
            "text": "Double your life total. Target opponent loses half their life, rounded up.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d95fb980-c346-59d8-aed7-ab9f80625169",
            "uuidV421": "10d6ad79-b156-5698-9e2e-de4ec87ad60a",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Paul Scott Canavan",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 8.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 2,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457631,
                    "name": "Heimkehr",
                    "text": "Bringe eine Kreaturenkarte deiner Wahl mit umgewandelten Manakosten von 3 oder weniger aus deinem Friedhof ins Spiel zurück.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457890,
                    "name": "Resurgimiento",
                    "text": "Regresa la carta de criatura objetivo con coste de maná convertido de 3 o menos de tu cementerio al campo de batalla.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458149,
                    "name": "Revif",
                    "text": "Renvoyez sur le champ de bataille depuis votre cimetière une carte de créature ciblée avec un coût converti de mana inférieur ou égal à 3.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458408,
                    "name": "Ridestare",
                    "text": "Rimetti sul campo di battaglia una carta creatura bersaglio con costo di mana convertito pari o inferiore a 3 dal tuo cimitero.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458667,
                    "name": "回生",
                    "text": "あなたの墓地から点数で見たマナ・コストが3以下のクリーチャー・カード1枚を対象とし、それを戦場に戻す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458926,
                    "name": "부활",
                    "text": "당신의 무덤에 있는 전환마나비용이 3 이하인 생물 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 전장으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459185,
                    "name": "Revitalização",
                    "text": "Devolva o card de criatura alvo com custo de mana convertido igual ou inferior a 3 de seu cemitério para o campo de batalha.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459444,
                    "name": "Возрождение",
                    "text": "Верните целевую карту существа с конвертированной мана-стоимостью не более 3 из вашего кладбища на поле битвы.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459703,
                    "name": "再生",
                    "text": "将目标总法术力费用等于或小于3的生物牌从你的坟墓场移回战场。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459962,
                    "name": "再生",
                    "text": "將目標總魔法力費用等於或小於3的生物牌從你的墳墓場移回戰場。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W/B}{W/B}",
            "multiverseId": 457372,
            "name": "Revival",
            "names": [
            "number": "228",
            "originalText": "Return target creature card with converted mana cost 3 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a card in a graveyard has {X} in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To double a player’s life total, that player gains as much life as needed so that their life total is twice the number it was before. If their life total was negative, that player loses as much life as needed so that their life total is twice as far below 0 as it was before. Other effects interact with this life gain or loss accordingly."
            "scryfallId": "50ae0831-f3ba-4535-bfb6-feefbbc15275",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "dea9132c-b75f-4ff9-b53e-2009e3b2311e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "836ecd67-6487-4f3d-9e08-013746be829a",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183218,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Return target creature card with converted mana cost 3 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "32eb3d67-9165-5571-89d2-8bf152c92faa",
            "uuidV421": "1cef0e38-7ad3-5fc6-9b6b-1a6c0616895c",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Some view Domri's unlikely ascent as a sign of Ilharg the Raze-Boar's imminent return.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Manche sehen in Domris unwahrscheinlichem Aufstieg ein Zeichen dafür, dass Ilharg, der Keiler der Vernichtung, bald wiederkehren wird.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457604,
                    "name": "Rhythmus der Wildnis",
                    "text": "Kreaturenzauber, die du kontrollierst, können nicht neutralisiert werden.\nNichtspielsteinkreaturen, die du kontrollierst, haben Aufruhr. (Du bestimmst, ob sie mit einer +1/+1-Marke oder mit Eile ins Spiel kommen.)",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "Algunos ven el sorprendente ascenso de Domri como una señal del regreso inminente de Ilharg, el Jabalí Arrasador.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457863,
                    "name": "Ritmo de los salvajes",
                    "text": "Los hechizos de criatura que controlas no pueden ser contrarrestados.\nLas criaturas que no sean fichas que controlas tienen la habilidad de insurgencia. (Entran al campo de batalla con lo que elijas: un contador +1/+1 o la habilidad de prisa.)",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "Certains voyaient dans l'ascension improbable de Domri un signe du retour imminent d'Ilharg, le Sanglier terrasseur.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458122,
                    "name": "Rythme de la forêt",
                    "text": "Les sorts de créature que vous contrôlez ne peuvent pas être contrecarrés.\nLes créatures non-jeton que vous contrôlez ont l'émeute. (Elles arrivent sur le champ de bataille avec, selon votre choix, un marqueur +1/+1 ou la célérité.)",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "Alcuni interpretano l'improbabile ascesa al potere di Domri come un presagio dell'imminente ritorno di Ilharg, il cinghiale devastatore.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458381,
                    "name": "Ritmo dei Selvaggi",
                    "text": "Le magie creatura che controlli non possono essere neutralizzate.\nLe creature non pedina che controlli hanno tumulto. (Entrano nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 o rapidità a tua scelta.)",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "思いもよらぬドムリの台頭を、猪の祟神イルハグの帰還の前触れだと考える者もいた。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458640,
                    "name": "野生の律動",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー・呪文は打ち消されない。\nあなたがコントロールしていてトークンでないクリーチャーは暴動を持つ。(それらは+1/+1カウンター1個か速攻のうちあなたが選んだ1つを持った状態で戦場に出る。)",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "몇몇 이들은 돔리가 믿을 수 없게 두각을 드러내는 것이 멧돼지 파괴신 일하르그의 임박한 재래를 나타내는 것이라고 여긴다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458899,
                    "name": "야생의 리듬",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물 주문들은 무효화될 수 없다.\n당신이 조종하는 토큰이 아닌 생물들은 폭동을 가진다. (그 생물들은 당신의 선택에 따라 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 또는 신속을 가지고 전장에 들어온다.)",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "Alguns veem a improvável ascensão de Domri como sinal do retorno iminente de Ilharg, o Javali Arrasador.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459158,
                    "name": "Ritmo dos Selvagens",
                    "text": "As mágicas de criatura que você controla não podem ser anuladas.\nAs criaturas que você controla que não sejam fichas têm tumulto. (Elas entram no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 ou ímpeto, à sua escolha.)",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "В неожиданном возвышении Домри некоторые видят знамение, гласящее о скором пришествии Ильхарга, Вепря-Разрушителя.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459417,
                    "name": "Ритм Диких",
                    "text": "Заклинания существ под вашим контролем не могут быть отменены.\nНе являющиеся фишками существа под вашим контролем имеют способность Беспорядков. (Они выходят на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 или Ускорением, по вашему выбору.)",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "有人觉得多密的意外崛起是蛮野猪神衣哈格即将回归的征兆。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459676,
                    "name": "荒野韵律",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物咒语不能被反击。\n由你操控且非衍生物的生物具有起事异能。(于这类生物进战场时,你选择「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」异能。它们进战场时上面有所选加成。)",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "有人覺得多密的意外崛起是蠻野豬神衣哈格即將回歸的徵兆。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459935,
                    "name": "荒野韻律",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物咒語不能被反擊。\n由你操控且非衍生物的生物具有起事異能。(於這類生物進戰場時,你選擇「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」異能。它們進戰場時上面有所選加成。)",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457345,
            "name": "Rhythm of the Wild",
            "number": "201",
            "originalText": "Creature spells you control can't be countered.\nNontoken creatures you control have riot. (They enter the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A spell or ability that counters spells can still target a creature spell you control. When that spell or ability resolves, the creature spell won’t be countered, but any additional effects of that spell or ability will still happen."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Once a creature with riot has entered the battlefield, it keeps its +1/+1 counter or haste even if it loses riot."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a nontoken, noncreature permanent becomes a creature after it’s already on the battlefield, it will have riot but it will be too late for the replacement effect to have any effect."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A noncreature card that happens to be entering the battlefield as a creature will have riot (for example, Rusted Relic while you control three other artifacts). Similarly, a creature card entering the battlefield as a noncreature permanent won’t have riot (for example, Thassa, God of the Sea while your other permanents contribute only four to your devotion to blue)."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature enters the battlefield with two instances of riot, you may choose to have it get two +1/+1 counters, one +1/+1 counter and haste, or two instances of haste. Multiple instances of haste on the same creature are redundant, but we’re not going to tell the Gruul how to live their lives."
            "scryfallId": "84062ce2-fea2-4e06-b83b-7cc597fb2a1b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "d5b5fb9e-b7e3-413f-9532-23239d13940a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "acfa77fd-3610-4f12-9c3c-bd860ce91700",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183219,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Creature spells you control can't be countered.\nNontoken creatures you control have riot. (They enter the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "192357f6-8f4b-5e0a-bb33-912e63be879c",
            "uuidV421": "d877449a-1466-5c33-a699-d37196977a53",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Sara Winters",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457512,
                    "name": "Hedonist von Rix Maadi",
                    "text": "Spektakel {2}{B}{R} (Du kannst diesen Zauberspruch für seine Spektakel-Kosten anstelle seiner Manakosten wirken, falls ein Gegner in diesem Zug Lebenspunkte verloren hat.)\nWenn der Hedonist von Rix Maadi ins Spiel kommt, wirf eine Karte ab und ziehe dann eine Karte. Falls die Spektakel-Kosten für den Hedonisten von Rix Maadi bezahlt wurden, wirf stattdessen alle Karten aus deiner Hand ab und ziehe dann drei Karten.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Schamane"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457771,
                    "name": "Juerguista de Rix Maadi",
                    "text": "Espectáculo {2}{B}{R}. (Puedes lanzar este hechizo por su coste de espectáculo en vez de por su coste de maná si un oponente perdió vidas este turno.)\nCuando el Juerguista de Rix Maadi entre al campo de batalla, descarta una carta, luego roba una carta. Si se pagó el coste de espectáculo del Juerguista de Rix Maadi, en vez de eso, descarta tu mano, luego roba tres cartas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458030,
                    "name": "Fêtard de Rix Maadi",
                    "text": "Spectacle {2}{B}{R} (Vous pouvez lancer ce sort pour son coût de spectacle à la place de son coût de mana si un adversaire a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci.)\nQuand le Fêtard de Rix Maadi arrive sur le champ de bataille, défaussez-vous d'une carte, puis piochez une carte. Si le coût de spectacle du Fêtard de Rix Maadi a été payé, à la place défaussez-vous de votre main, puis piochez trois cartes.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et shamane"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458289,
                    "name": "Dissoluto di Rix Maadi",
                    "text": "Spettacolo {2}{B}{R} (Puoi lanciare questa magia per il suo costo di spettacolo invece del suo costo di mana se un avversario ha perso punti vita in questo turno.)\nQuando il Dissoluto di Rix Maadi entra nel campo di battaglia, scarta una carta, poi pesca una carta. Se è stato pagato il costo di spettacolo del Dissoluto di Rix Maadi, scarta invece la tua mano, poi pesca tre carte.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458548,
                    "name": "リックス・マーディの歓楽者",
                    "text": "絢爛{2}{B}{R}(このターンに対戦相手がライフを失っていたなら、あなたはこの呪文を、これのマナ・コストではなく絢爛コストで唱えてもよい。)\nリックス・マーディの歓楽者が戦場に出たとき、カード1枚を捨て、その後カードを1枚引く。リックス・マーディの歓楽者の絢爛コストが支払われていたなら、代わりに、あなたの手札を捨てカードを3枚引く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・シャーマン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458807,
                    "name": "릭스 마디 난봉꾼",
                    "text": "구경거리 {2}{B}{R} (상대가 이 턴에 생명점을 잃었다면 당신은 이 주문을 마나 비용 대신 구경거리 비용으로 발동할 수 있다.)\n릭스 마디 난봉꾼이 전장에 들어올 때, 카드 한 장을 버린 후, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다. 릭스 마디 난봉꾼의 구경거리 비용이 지불되었다면, 대신 당신의 손을 버린 후, 카드 세 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 주술사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459066,
                    "name": "Farrista de Rix Maadi",
                    "text": "Espetáculo {2}{B}{R} (Você pode conjurar esta mágica por seu custo de espetáculo, em vez de seu custo de mana, se um oponente perdeu pontos de vida neste turno.)\nQuando Farrista de Rix Maadi entrar no campo de batalha, descarte um card e depois compre um card. Se o custo de espetáculo de Farrista de Rix Maadi foi pago, em vez disso, descarte sua mão e depois compre três cards.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Xamã"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459325,
                    "name": "Гуляка из Рикс-Маади",
                    "text": "Зрелище {2}{B}{R} (Вы можете разыграть это заклинание за его стоимость Зрелища вместо его мана-стоимости, если оппонент терял жизнь(-и) в этом ходу.)\nКогда Гуляка из Рикс-Маади выходит на поле битвы, сбросьте карту, затем возьмите карту. Если стоимость Зрелища Гуляки из Рикс-Маади была оплачена, то вместо этого сбросьте вашу руку, затем возьмите три карты.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Шаман"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459584,
                    "name": "锐兹玛第狂欢人",
                    "text": "揭幕{2}{B}{R}(如果本回合有对手曾失去生命,则你可以支付此咒语的揭幕费用而非法术力费用来施放它。)\n当锐兹玛第狂欢人进战场时,弃一张牌,然后抓一张牌。若曾支付锐兹玛第狂欢人的揭幕费用,则改为弃掉你的手牌,然后抓三张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/祭师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459843,
                    "name": "銳茲瑪第狂歡人",
                    "text": "揭幕{2}{B}{R}(如果本回合有對手曾失去生命,則你可以支付此咒語的揭幕費用而非魔法力費用來施放它。)\n當銳茲瑪第狂歡人進戰場時,棄一張牌,然後抽一張牌。若曾支付銳茲瑪第狂歡人的揭幕費用,則改為棄掉你的手牌,然後抽三張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457253,
            "name": "Rix Maadi Reveler",
            "number": "109",
            "originalText": "Spectacle {2}{B}{R} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nWhen Rix Maadi Reveler enters the battlefield, discard a card, then draw a card. If Rix Maadi Reveler's spectacle cost was paid, instead discard your hand, then draw three cards.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Rix Maadi Reveler is only red. It’s not black, even if you cast it for its spectacle cost."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you have no cards in hand, you won’t discard any cards, and then you’ll draw one or three cards as appropriate."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Damage dealt to a player causes that player to lose that much life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Spectacle doesn’t change when you can cast the card. For example, you can’t cast a sorcery with spectacle during an opponent’s turn unless another effect allows you to do so, even if that player has lost life this turn."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying (such as a spectacle cost), add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A card’s spectacle cost is the same no matter how much life your opponents lost or how many opponents lost life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if an opponent loses life and later that turn leaves the game, you can cast a spell for its spectacle cost. (If a player leaves the game during their turn, that turn continues without an active player.)"
            "scryfallId": "c40396da-18e2-42ca-a78c-4838a38f68b8",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f25ffa27-aefe-4bf8-b6fc-25f875a9a6c1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bad5b8d4-9089-4ebd-8eaa-07552737c527",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182135,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Spectacle {2}{B}{R} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nWhen Rix Maadi Reveler enters the battlefield, discard a card, then draw a card. If Rix Maadi Reveler's spectacle cost was paid, instead discard your hand, then draw three cards.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Shaman",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d40f9203-dadc-50af-b2d6-ed3690382962",
            "uuidV421": "fde3d94b-8bce-5b6d-8550-09aab0b3fb05",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Craig J Spearing",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "The roots run deep under stone and street, with strength that needs but a whisper to awaken.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Wurzeln graben sich tief unter Steine und Straßen, und ihre Kraft kann durch das kleinste Flüstern erweckt werden.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457540,
                    "name": "Wurzelschlinge",
                    "text": "Verhindere allen Kampfschaden, der in diesem Zug zugefügt würde.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Las raíces crecen en lo más profundo, bajo los adoquines y las calles, con una fuerza que no necesita más que un susurro para despertar.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457799,
                    "name": "Apresar con raíces",
                    "text": "Prevén todo el daño de combate que se fuera a hacer este turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Les racines plongent profondément sous les pavés et les rues, et leur force peut être éveillée d'un simple murmure.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458058,
                    "name": "Collet de racines",
                    "text": "Prévenez toutes les blessures de combat qui devraient être infligées ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Le radici affondano in profondità sotto le pietre e le strade, cariche di una potenza che può essere risvegliata con un solo sussurro.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458317,
                    "name": "Trappola di Radici",
                    "text": "Previeni tutto il danno da combattimento che verrebbe inflitto in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "石や通りの下深くに張り巡らされた根は、ささやき一つで十分な力を発揮する。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458576,
                    "name": "根の罠",
                    "text": "このターン、与えられる戦闘ダメージをすべて軽減する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "뿌리들은 거리 아래에 깊이 파고들어 있으며, 그 힘을 깨우려면 한 번 속삭이기만 하면 된다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458835,
                    "name": "뿌리 덫",
                    "text": "이 턴에 입혀지려 하는 모든 전투피해를 방지한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "As raízes correm fundo sob as pedras, sob as ruas, com uma força que precisa de um mero sussurro para despertar.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459094,
                    "name": "Armadilha de Raízes",
                    "text": "Previna todo o dano de combate que seria causado neste turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Корни пронизывают землю под камнями и улицами, и их силе требуется лишь шепот, чтобы проснуться.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459353,
                    "name": "Силки Корней",
                    "text": "Предотвратите все боевые повреждения, которые должны быть нанесены в этом ходу.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "重根深深地埋在街道的石块底下,只消一声低语的力量便能唤醒。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459612,
                    "name": "重根绊索",
                    "text": "于本回合中,防止将造成的所有战斗伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "重根深深地埋在街道的石塊底下,只消一聲低語的力量便能喚醒。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459871,
                    "name": "重根絆索",
                    "text": "於本回合中,防止將造成的所有戰鬥傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457281,
            "name": "Root Snare",
            "number": "137",
            "originalText": "Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "5f38b1a2-3f85-4dcd-b90d-bb049651b8b7",
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 183425,
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            "text": "Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7ad3f4b9-4103-5239-9db5-1b99e4d78ef8",
            "uuidV421": "8f4762e0-2a80-5f2c-8c36-66f2e2509d22"
            "artist": "Aaron Miller",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Gruul oracles see omens in all forms of destruction: the entrails of maaka's prey, the flight of vultures over a battlefield, the scattering of toppled stone.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Gruul-Orakel sehen Omen in allen Formen der Zerstörung: in den Eingeweiden der Beute eines Maaka, im Flug der Geier über einem Schlachtfeld und auch im Einsturzmuster von Ruinen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457513,
                    "name": "In den Trümmern lesen",
                    "text": "Zerstöre ein Land deiner Wahl. Hellsicht 2.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Los oráculos gruul ven augurios en todas las formas de destrucción: las entrañas de la presa de un maaka, el vuelo de los buitres sobre un campo de batalla o las ruinas de un edificio derrumbado.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457772,
                    "name": "Leer las ruinas",
                    "text": "Destruye la tierra objetivo. Adivina 2.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Les oracles gruul voient des présages dans toute forme de destruction : dans les entrailles d'une proie de maaka, dans le vol des vautours au-dessus d'un champ de bataille, dans la dispersion de pierres effondrées.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458031,
                    "name": "Lecture de gravats",
                    "text": "Détruisez le terrain ciblé. Regard 2.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Gli oracoli Gruul colgono auspici in ogni forma di distruzione: nelle viscere della preda di un maaka, nel volo degli avvoltoi su un campo di battaglia, nelle fratture della pietra infranta.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458290,
                    "name": "Lettura delle Rovine",
                    "text": "Distruggi una terra bersaglio. Profetizza 2.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "グルールの神託者はあらゆる形の破壊から予兆を読み取る。マーカの獲物のはらわた、戦場を飛ぶ禿鷹の小競り合い、倒壊した石の散らばり具合。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458549,
                    "name": "瓦礫読み",
                    "text": "土地1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。占術2を行う。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "그룰의 예언자들은 마카의 사냥감의 내장, 전장 위를 날아가는 독수리들, 넘어져 부서진 바위 조각들 같은 모든 파괴의 형상으로부터 징조를 읽는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458808,
                    "name": "돌무더기 읽기",
                    "text": "대지를 목표로 정한다. 그 대지를 파괴한다. 점술 2를 한다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Os oráculos dos gruul enxergam augúrios em todas as formas de destruição: nas entranhas da presa de uma maaka, no bando de abutres sobre um campo de batalha, nos arranjos dos escombros..",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459067,
                    "name": "Escombromancia",
                    "text": "Destrua o terreno alvo. Vidência 2.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Оракулы Груулов видят предзнаменования во всех формах разрушения: во внутренностях добычи мааки, в кругах стервятников над полем битвы, в осколках поваленного камня.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459326,
                    "name": "Гадание по Руинам",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевую землю. Предскажите 2.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "古鲁的先知能从各式各样的破坏之中见得预兆:无论是玛卡兽猎物的内脏、战场上空秃鹫的踪迹,还是倾颓建物的碎石。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459585,
                    "name": "研读瓦砾",
                    "text": "消灭目标地。占卜2。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "古魯的先知能從各式各樣的破壞之中見得預兆:無論是瑪卡獸獵物的內臟、戰場上空禿鷲的蹤跡,還是傾頹建物的碎石。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459844,
                    "name": "研讀瓦礫",
                    "text": "消滅目標地。占卜2。",
                    "type": "巫術"
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            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457254,
            "name": "Rubble Reading",
            "number": "110",
            "originalText": "Destroy target land. Scry 2.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target land is an illegal target by the time Rubble Reading tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You don’t scry 2. If the target is legal but not destroyed (most likely because it has indestructible), you do scry 2."
            "scryfallId": "8ace095a-3ea9-4121-8ffb-5b3612b96985",
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            "subtypes": [],
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 183397,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy target land. Scry 2.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
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            "flavorText": "\"Tear down the city, lie by lie. Then throw it back at the liars, stone by stone.\"\n—Domri Rade",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Nehmt die Stadt auseinander, Lüge für Lüge. Dann werft sie den Lügnern entgegen, Stein für Stein.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457620,
                    "name": "Geröllschleuderin",
                    "text": "Reichweite",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"Destrocen la ciudad, mentira a mentira. Luego, arrójenla contra los mentirosos, piedra a piedra\".\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457879,
                    "name": "Hondera de las ruinas",
                    "text": "Alcance.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Détruisez cette ville, un mensonge après l'autre. Puis forcez les menteurs à la ravaler, pierre par pierre. »\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458138,
                    "name": "Frondeuse des Éboulis",
                    "text": "Portée",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Abbattete la città, una menzogna alla volta, poi restituitela ai bugiardi, una pietra alla volta.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458397,
                    "name": "Fromboliera delle Macerie",
                    "text": "Raggiungere",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「その嘘を一つずつ剥がして街を破壊しろ。その石を一つずつ嘘つきどもに投げ返せ。」\n――ドムリ・ラーデ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458656,
                    "name": "瓦礫の投げ手",
                    "text": "到達",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"그들이 한 거짓말만큼 도시를 무너뜨려라. 그러고 나서는 거짓말쟁이들에게 그 돌들을 던져라.\"\n—돔리 라데",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458915,
                    "name": "돌무더기 투척꾼",
                    "text": "대공",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Derrubem a cidade, mentira por mentira. Depois joguem de volta para os mentirosos, pedra por pedra.\"\n— Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459174,
                    "name": "Fundeira dos Escombros",
                    "text": "Alcance",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Мы разнесем город — одну ложь за другой. А потом обрушим его на лжецов — камень за камнем».\n— Домри Раде",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459433,
                    "name": "Пращница Руин",
                    "text": "Захват",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「推倒城市,戳穿每一句谎言。然后一颗颗石头回敬骗子。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459692,
                    "name": "碎石掷客",
                    "text": "延势",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「推倒城市,戳穿每一句謊言。然後一顆顆石頭回敬騙子。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459951,
                    "name": "碎石擲客",
                    "text": "延勢",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "flavorText": "Joining a guild, even the Gruul, would mean giving up some of his independence. He'd rather smash what he wants to smash.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Der Beitritt in eine Gilde, sogar die der Gruul, würde ihm etwas von seiner Freiheit nehmen. Er zerschmettert lieber, was er will.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457514,
                    "name": "Geröllstreifen-Einsiedler",
                    "text": "Der Geröllstreifen-Einsiedler greift in jedem Kampf an, falls möglich.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Oger, Berserker"
                    "flavorText": "Unirse a un gremio, incluso a los Clanes Gruul, implicaría perder parte de su independencia. Él prefiere aplastar lo que le dé la gana.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457773,
                    "name": "Recluso de Barrioescombros",
                    "text": "El Recluso de Barrioescombros ataca cada combate si puede.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Berserker ogro"
                    "flavorText": "Rejoindre une guilde, même celles des Gruul, reviendrait à abandonner une part de son indépendance. Il préfère détruire ce qu'il a envie de détruire.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458032,
                    "name": "Reclus des Éboulis",
                    "text": "Le Reclus des Éboulis attaque à chaque combat si possible.",
                    "type": "Créature : ogre et berserker"
                    "flavorText": "Unirsi a una gilda, persino ai Gruul, significherebbe sacrificare parte della sua indipendenza. Preferisce spaccare solo quello che vuole lui.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458291,
                    "name": "Eremita della Zona di Macerie",
                    "text": "L'Eremita della Zona di Macerie attacca in ogni combattimento, se può farlo.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Berserker Ogre"
                    "flavorText": "ギルドに入るということは、たとえそれがグルールであっても、自らの独立性の一部を失うことになる。彼は自分の壊したいものを壊すことを選んだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458550,
                    "name": "瓦礫帯の世捨て人",
                    "text": "各戦闘で、瓦礫帯の世捨て人は可能なら攻撃する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — オーガ・狂戦士"
                    "flavorText": "길드에 가입하는 것은 심지어 그룰이라고 해도 자신의 자유를 일부는 포기하는 것을 의미한다. 그는 그냥 자기가 후려치고 싶은 것들을 후려치기로 할 것이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458809,
                    "name": "폐허지구 은둔자",
                    "text": "폐허지구 은둔자는 가능하면 매 전투마다 공격한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 오우거 광전사"
                    "flavorText": "Entrar para uma guilda, até mesmo os Gruul, significaria desistir de parte da própria independência. Ele prefere arrebentar o que quiser.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459068,
                    "name": "Recluso da Faixa de Escombros",
                    "text": "Recluso da Faixa de Escombros ataca a cada combate se estiver apto.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ogro Amoque"
                    "flavorText": "Присоединиться к гильдии — пусть даже к Груулам, — значит отказаться от части своей независимости. Он лучше будет крушить то, что ему захочется крушить.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459327,
                    "name": "Отшельник Кольца Руин",
                    "text": "Отшельник Кольца Руин атакует в каждом бою, если может.",
                    "type": "Существо — Огр Берсерк"
                    "flavorText": "如果要加入公会,哪怕是加入古鲁,都意味着要放弃部分独立自由。他宁愿由着性子去破坏。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459586,
                    "name": "瓦砾区隐世魔",
                    "text": "瓦砾区隐世魔每次战斗若能攻击,则必须攻击。",
                    "type": "生物 ~食人魔/狂战士"
                    "flavorText": "如果要加入公會,哪怕是加入古魯,都意味著要放棄部分獨立自由。他寧願由著性子去破壞。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459845,
                    "name": "瓦礫區隱世魔",
                    "text": "瓦礫區隱世魔每次戰鬥若能攻擊,則必須攻擊。",
                    "type": "生物 ~食人魔/狂戰士"
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            "manaCost": "{4}{R}",
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            "name": "Rubblebelt Recluse",
            "number": "111",
            "originalText": "Rubblebelt Recluse attacks each combat if able.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Ogre Berserker",
            "power": "6",
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            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Rubblebelt Recluse can’t attack for any reason (such as being tapped or having come under that player’s control that turn), then it doesn’t attack. If there’s a cost associated with having it attack, its controller isn’t forced to pay that cost, so it doesn’t have to attack in that case either."
            "scryfallId": "2faac11b-4ece-4537-aa55-c2d0afa41786",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "3ef0fff2-6010-42de-a7ce-e4cac295a481",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183398,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Rubblebelt Recluse attacks each combat if able.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Ogre Berserker",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b83e425d-f5c7-54c5-9c39-cbbb7082c0f6",
            "uuidV421": "c14925b5-1327-5606-8b74-41a061f5ab87"
            "artist": "Deruchenko Alexander",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The sly, stealthy warriors of the Slizt Clan survive by hiding in high ground and ambushing their enemies. Other Gruul call them skulkers and cowards, but only from a safe distance.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die schlauen, flinken Krieger des Slizt-Clans überleben, indem sie sich an günstigen Orten verstecken und ihre Feinde überfallen. Andere Gruul beschimpfen sie als Feiglinge, aber nur aus sicherer Entfernung.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457605,
                    "name": "Geröllstreifen-Renner",
                    "text": "Der Geröllstreifen-Renner kann von Kreaturenspielsteinen nicht geblockt werden.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Viashino, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Los astutos y escurridizos guerreros del clan Slizt sobreviven ocultándose en terrenos elevados y emboscando a sus enemigos. Otros gruul los llaman cobardes, pero desde una distancia prudencial.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457864,
                    "name": "Corredor de Barrioescombros",
                    "text": "El Corredor de Barrioescombros no puede ser bloqueado por fichas de criatura.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero viashino"
                    "flavorText": "Les guerriers sournois et furtifs du Clan Slitz survivent en se dissimulant en hauteur pour embusquer leurs ennemis. Les autres Gruul disent que ce sont des rôdeurs et des lâches, mais seulement quand ils sont à bonne distance.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458123,
                    "name": "Coureur des Éboulis",
                    "text": "Le Coureur des Éboulis ne peut pas être bloqué par des jetons de créature.",
                    "type": "Créature : viashino et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Gli astuti e furtivi guerrieri del Clan Slizt sopravvivono nascondendosi sulle alture e cogliendo i nemici alla sprovvista. Gli altri clan Gruul li chiamano sleali e codardi, ma sempre mantenendosi a debita distanza.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458382,
                    "name": "Corridore della Zona di Macerie",
                    "text": "Il Corridore della Zona di Macerie non può essere bloccato dalle creature pedina.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Viashino"
                    "flavorText": "狡猾で隠密なスリーツ族の戦士たちは、高い場所に隠れ敵を待ち伏せして生き残る。他のグルールは彼らを卑怯者や臆病者と呼ぶが、それは安全な距離が確保できている場合に限られる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458641,
                    "name": "瓦礫帯走り",
                    "text": "瓦礫帯走りはクリーチャー・トークンによってはブロックされない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ヴィーアシーノ・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "슬리츠 부족의 교활하고 은밀한 전사들은 고지대에 몸을 숨겨 적들을 기습하며 살아남는다. 그룰의 다른 자들은 그들을 숨어다니는 겁쟁이라고 부르지만, 안전하게 떨어진 곳에서만 그럴 뿐이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458900,
                    "name": "폐허지구 질주자",
                    "text": "폐허지구 질주자는 생물 토큰들에게 방어될 수 없다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 비아시노 전사"
                    "flavorText": "Os guerreiros furtivos e traiçoeiros do Clã Slitz sobrevivem escondendo-se em terreno elevado e emboscando seus inimigos. Os outros Gruul os chamam de covardes, mas só de uma distância segura.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459159,
                    "name": "Corredor da Faixa de Escombros",
                    "text": "Corredor da Faixa de Escombros não pode ser bloqueado por fichas de criatura.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Viashino Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Коварные и незаметные воины клана Слицт выживают, прячась в высоких местах и нападая на врагов из засады. Другие Груулы называют их слабаками и трусами, но только с безопасного расстояния.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459418,
                    "name": "Гонец с Кольца Руин",
                    "text": "Гонец с Кольца Руин не может быть заблокирован фишками существ.",
                    "type": "Существо — Виашино Воин"
                    "flavorText": "西兹族战士狡黠又长于灭迹,生存之道是藏在高地伏击敌人。其他古鲁人管他们叫做怯徒懦夫,但只敢在远处嘟囔。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459677,
                    "name": "瓦砾区亡命客",
                    "text": "瓦砾区亡命客不能被衍生生物阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~凡尔西诺/战士"
                    "flavorText": "西茲族戰士狡黠又長於滅跡,生存之道是藏在高地伏擊敵人。其他古魯人管他們叫做怯徒懦夫,但只敢在遠處嘟囔。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459936,
                    "name": "瓦礫區亡命客",
                    "text": "瓦礫區亡命客不能被衍生生物阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~凡爾西諾/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457346,
            "name": "Rubblebelt Runner",
            "number": "202",
            "originalText": "Rubblebelt Runner can't be blocked by creature tokens.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Viashino Warrior",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "78cc4e02-949f-4879-9f32-7c33490d0b45",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a941906c-e61a-4418-bb43-b2c2da101911",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3bfa51dd-daed-473a-8377-7bb34a2c3371",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183373,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Rubblebelt Runner can't be blocked by creature tokens.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Viashino Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "10cf6cb5-8974-52b5-b4c9-c006ec8cb017",
            "uuidV421": "1950565b-d025-51b2-aad8-e63df1f6e27e",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Jakub Kasper",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "The Rubblebelt grows restless.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Es rumort im Geröllstreifen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457515,
                    "name": "Rumpelnde Ruine",
                    "text": "Wenn die Rumpelnde Ruine ins Spiel kommt, zähle die Anzahl an +1/+1-Marken auf Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst. Kreaturen, die deine Gegner kontrollieren und deren Stärke kleiner oder gleich dieser Anzahl ist, können in diesem Zug nicht blocken.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elementarwesen"
                    "flavorText": "Barrioescombros está cada vez más agitado.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457774,
                    "name": "Ruina retumbante",
                    "text": "Cuando la Ruina retumbante entre al campo de batalla, cuenta la cantidad de contadores +1/+1 sobre las criaturas que controlas. Las criaturas que controlan tus oponentes con fuerza menor o igual a esa cantidad no pueden bloquear este turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "Les Éboulis sont agités.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458033,
                    "name": "Ruine grondante",
                    "text": "Quand la Ruine grondante arrive sur le champ de bataille, comptez le nombre de marqueurs +1/+1 sur les créatures que vous contrôlez. Les créatures que vos adversaires contrôlent avec une force inférieure ou égale à ce nombre ne peuvent pas bloquer ce tour-ci.",
                    "type": "Créature : élémental"
                    "flavorText": "La Zona di Macerie si fa irrequieta.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458292,
                    "name": "Rovina Roboante",
                    "text": "Quando la Rovina Roboante entra nel campo di battaglia, conta il numero di segnalini +1/+1 sulle creature che controlli. Le creature con forza pari o inferiore a quel numero controllate dai tuoi avversari non possono bloccare in questo turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Elementale"
                    "flavorText": "瓦礫帯は絶え間なく成長する。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458551,
                    "name": "轟く遺跡",
                    "text": "轟く遺跡が戦場に出たとき、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーの上に置かれている+1/+1カウンターの総数を数える。このターン、対戦相手がコントロールしていてパワーがその数以下のクリーチャーではブロックできない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エレメンタル"
                    "flavorText": "폐허지구는 쉬지 않고 커져 간다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458810,
                    "name": "덜컹대는 폐허",
                    "text": "덜컹대는 폐허가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 조종하는 생물들에 올려진 +1/+1 카운터의 수를 센다. 당신의 상대들이 조종하는 생물들 중 공격력이 그 수 이하인 생물들은 이 턴에 방어할 수 없다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 정령"
                    "flavorText": "A Faixa de Escombros está mais e mais inquieta.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459069,
                    "name": "Ruína Ribombante",
                    "text": "Quando Ruína Ribombante entrar no campo de batalha, conte o número de marcadores +1/+1 em criaturas que você controla. As criaturas que seus oponentes controlam com poder igual ou inferior àquele número não podem bloquear neste turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "Кольцо Руин становится все беспокойнее.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459328,
                    "name": "Шумная Развалина",
                    "text": "Когда Шумная Развалина выходит на поле битвы, подсчитайте количество жетонов +1/+1 на существах под вашим контролем. Существа под контролем ваших оппонентов, значение силы которых меньше или равно тому количеству, не могут блокировать в этом ходу.",
                    "type": "Существо — Элементаль"
                    "flavorText": "瓦砾区变得躁动不安。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459587,
                    "name": "踽行废墟",
                    "text": "当踽行废墟进战场时,计算由你操控的生物上之+1/+1指示物总数量数量。本回合中,由对手操控且力量等于或小于该数量的生物不能进行阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
                    "flavorText": "瓦礫區變得躁動不安。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459846,
                    "name": "踽行廢墟",
                    "text": "當踽行廢墟進戰場時,計算由你操控的生物上之+1/+1指示物總數量。本回合中,由對手操控且力量等於或小於該數量的生物不能進行阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{5}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457256,
            "name": "Rumbling Ruin",
            "number": "112",
            "originalText": "When Rumbling Ruin enters the battlefield, count the number of +1/+1 counters on creatures you control. Creatures your opponents control with power less than or equal to that number can't block this turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elemental",
            "power": "6",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The number of +1/+1 counters among creatures you control is counted only as Rumbling Ruin’s ability resolves. The set of creatures that can’t block is constantly updated as their power changes, but the number against which their power is compared doesn’t change later in the turn, even if the number of +1/+1 counters among your creatures changes."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Once a creature with high enough power has blocked, changing the power of the blocking creature won’t remove the blocking creature from combat or cause the creature it blocked to become unblocked."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If there are no +1/+1 counters on creatures you control as Rumbling Ruin’s ability resolves, creatures with power 0 or less can’t block this turn."
            "scryfallId": "71fe7057-de70-456d-8f33-f64652447bdd",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "926e833e-81cb-4105-a240-ca329fe15902",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8f36e0db-eea7-4c97-98ce-4bc2d8c7f734",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183400,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Rumbling Ruin enters the battlefield, count the number of +1/+1 counters on creatures you control. Creatures your opponents control with power less than or equal to that number can't block this turn.",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Creature — Elemental",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "6fe08387-4e83-5dc1-ade4-dafcfcd40815",
            "uuidV421": "9ec40045-fce7-5cb7-99bd-b75a365b4d74"
            "artist": "Bastien L. Deharme",
            "borderColor": "black",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "The streets of Ravnica are full of former guild members now using their institutional skills for personal gain.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ravnicas Straßen sind voller ehemaliger Gildenmitglieder, die ihre Fähigkeiten zum persönlichen Vorteil nutzen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457452,
                    "name": "Kundiger der Gasse der Weisen",
                    "text": "Wenn der Kundige der Gasse der Weisen ins Spiel kommt, wende Hellsicht 2 an.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vedalken, Zauberer"
                    "flavorText": "Las calles de Rávnica están llenas de antiguos miembros de gremios que ahora utilizan sus habilidades institucionales en beneficio propio.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457711,
                    "name": "Espabilado de la Calle del Sabio",
                    "text": "Cuando el Espabilado de la Calle del Sabio entre al campo de batalla, adivina 2.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero vedalken"
                    "flavorText": "Les rues de Ravnica regorgent d'anciens membres de guildes qui utilisent désormais leurs connaissances institutionnelles à des fins personnelles.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457970,
                    "name": "Savant du rang du Sage",
                    "text": "Quand le Savant du rang du Sage arrive sur le champ de bataille, regard 2.",
                    "type": "Créature : vedalken et sorcier"
                    "flavorText": "Le strade di Ravnica pullulano di ex membri delle gilde che impiegano i loro talenti istituzionali per profitto personale.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458229,
                    "name": "Erudito di Viale della Saggezza",
                    "text": "Quando l'Erudito di Viale della Saggezza entra nel campo di battaglia, profetizza 2.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Vedalken"
                    "flavorText": "ラヴニカの通りは、仕事で覚えた能力を私利私欲のために使う元ギルド構成員で溢れている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458488,
                    "name": "賢者街の学者",
                    "text": "賢者街の学者が戦場に出たとき、占術2を行う。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ヴィダルケン・ウィザード"
                    "flavorText": "라브니카의 거리는 자신들이 길드에서 배운 기술들을 이제는 개인의 영달을 위해 사용하는 전 길드 구성원들로 가득 차 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458747,
                    "name": "현자의 거리 석학",
                    "text": "현자의 거리 석학이 전장에 들어올 때, 점술 2를 한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 베달켄 마법사"
                    "flavorText": "As ruas de Ravnica estão cheias de ex-membros das guildas que agora usam seus conhecimentos institucionais em proveito próprio.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459006,
                    "name": "Erudito da Travessa da Sabedoria",
                    "text": "Quando Erudito da Travessa da Sabedoria entrar no campo de batalha, use vidência 2.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vedalkeano Mago"
                    "flavorText": "Улицы Равники полны бывших членов той или иной гильдии, ныне торгующих своими умениями ради личной выгоды.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459265,
                    "name": "Ученый из Ряда Мудрецов",
                    "text": "Когда Ученый из Ряда Мудрецов выходит на поле битвы, предскажите 2.",
                    "type": "Существо — Ведалкен Чародей"
                    "flavorText": "如今拉尼卡大街小巷到处都是公会离脱成员,滥用专业技能牟取私利。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459524,
                    "name": "智者街学者",
                    "text": "当智者街学者进战场时,占卜2。",
                    "type": "生物 ~维多肯/法术师"
                    "flavorText": "如今拉尼卡大街小巷到處都是公會離脫成員,濫用專業技能牟取私利。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459783,
                    "name": "智者街學者",
                    "text": "當智者街學者進戰場時,占卜2。",
                    "type": "生物 ~維多肯/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457193,
            "name": "Sage's Row Savant",
            "number": "49",
            "originalText": "When Sage's Row Savant enters the battlefield, scry 2.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vedalken Wizard",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
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            "scryfallId": "d573626b-e7fa-4c31-a3d4-b853adfe787e",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "6eaf5cdc-2843-4167-bd18-df4c2ac73ac0",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183369,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Sage's Row Savant enters the battlefield, scry 2.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Vedalken Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "8aac9665-05bc-579f-a506-4e5c084867a7",
            "uuidV421": "b51a690e-81d9-5387-b2ac-f912a3dc1d5c"
            "artist": "Dan Scott",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"My bowstring hums in tune with the song of the Worldsoul.\"\n—Alcarus, Selesnya sagittar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Sehne meines Bogens schwingt im Einklang mit der Weltenseele.\"\n—Alcarus, Selesnija-Sagittar",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457541,
                    "name": "Sagittars Pfeilhagel",
                    "text": "Zerstöre eine fliegende Kreatur deiner Wahl. Sagittars Pfeilhagel fügt allen fliegenden Kreaturen, die deine Gegner kontrollieren, je 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Las cuerdas de mi ballesta vibran acordes con la melodía del Alma del mundo\".\n—Alcarus, sagitario selesnya",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457800,
                    "name": "Descarga de flechas de sagitarios",
                    "text": "Destruye la criatura objetivo con la habilidad de volar. La Descarga de flechas de sagitarios hace 1 punto de daño a cada criatura con la habilidad de volar que controlan tus oponentes.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« La corde de mon arc chantonne en harmonie avec le chant de l'Âme du monde. »\n—Alcarus, sagittar de Selesnya",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458059,
                    "name": "Volée des sagittars",
                    "text": "Détruisez une créature avec le vol ciblée. La Volée des sagittars inflige 1 blessure à chaque créature avec le vol que vos adversaires contrôlent.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"La corda del mio arco vibra in armonia con il canto dell'Anima del mondo.\"\n—Alcarus, arciere di Selesnya",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458318,
                    "name": "Raffica dei Sagitti",
                    "text": "Distruggi una creatura bersaglio con volare. La Raffica dei Sagitti infligge 1 danno a ogni creatura con volare controllata dai tuoi avversari.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「俺の弓弦は世界魂の声に合わせて歌うんだ。」\n――セレズニアの鋭射手、アルカウス",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458577,
                    "name": "鋭射手の斉射",
                    "text": "飛行を持つクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを破壊する。鋭射手の斉射は対戦相手がコントロールしていて飛行を持つ各クリーチャーにそれぞれ1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"내 활시위는 세계의 영혼의 노래의 선율을 읊조리지.\"\n—셀레스냐 궁수, 알카루스",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458836,
                    "name": "사수들의 일제사격",
                    "text": "비행을 가진 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 파괴한다. 사수들의 일제사격은 당신의 상대들이 조종하는 비행을 가진 각 생물에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"A corda do meu arco vibra em harmonia com a canção da Cosmo-alma.\"\n— Alcarus, sagitário Selesnya",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459095,
                    "name": "Saraivada dos Sagitários",
                    "text": "Destrua a criatura alvo com voar. Saraivada dos Sagitários causa 1 ponto de dano a cada criatura com voar que seus oponentes controlam.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Моя тетива гудит, напевая песню Всесознания».\n— Алкарус, селезнийский лучник",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459354,
                    "name": "Залп Стрелков",
                    "text": "Уничтожьте целевое существо с Полетом. Залп Стрелков наносит 1 повреждение каждому существу с Полетом под контролем ваших оппонентов.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「我的弓弦之音与世界之魂咏颂同调。」\n~瑟雷尼亚射手艾凯勒",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459613,
                    "name": "射手齐发",
                    "text": "消灭目标具飞行异能的生物。射手齐发向每个由对手操控且具飞行异能的生物各造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「我的弓弦之音與世界之魂詠頌同調。」\n~瑟雷尼亞射手艾凱勒",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459872,
                    "name": "射手齊發",
                    "text": "消滅目標具飛行異能的生物。射手齊發向每個由對手操控且具飛行異能的生物各造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457282,
            "name": "Sagittars' Volley",
            "number": "138",
            "originalText": "Destroy target creature with flying. Sagittars' Volley deals 1 damage to each creature with flying your opponents control.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Sagittars’ Volley tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. No creatures are dealt damage. If the target is legal but not destroyed (most likely because it has indestructible), creatures with flying your opponents control are dealt damage, possibly including the target creature."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Each creature with flying controlled by any of your opponents is dealt damage, even if that opponent didn’t control the target creature with flying."
            "scryfallId": "d3104cad-e684-4bd7-b26b-5aa862f7a2b3",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e789d71b-70b2-47f3-b980-d094d805abdc",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d4c4c7d7-744a-4548-adad-a5fc4fb3f586",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183428,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Destroy target creature with flying. Sagittars' Volley deals 1 damage to each creature with flying your opponents control.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b5ceacce-cc6e-5818-ac94-1eaabece648e",
            "uuidV421": "ee4d0553-086b-5346-89ac-b5e429c7e180"
            "artist": "Howard Lyon",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I hold the seed of our new beginning.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich halte den Keim unseres Neuanfangs in meiner Hand.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457542,
                    "name": "Saruli-Behüterin",
                    "text": "Verteidiger\n{T}, tappe eine ungetappte Kreatur, die du kontrollierst: Erzeuge ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Dryade"
                    "flavorText": "\"Yo tengo la semilla de nuestro nuevo comienzo\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457801,
                    "name": "Cuidadora de Saruli",
                    "text": "Defensor.\n{T}, girar una criatura enderezada que controlas: Agrega un maná de cualquier color.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dríada"
                    "flavorText": "« Je détiens la graine de notre renouveau. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458060,
                    "name": "Pourvoyeuse de Saruli",
                    "text": "Défenseur\n{T}, engagez une créature dégagée que vous contrôlez : Ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix.",
                    "type": "Créature : dryade"
                    "flavorText": "\"Proteggo i semi del nostro nuovo inizio.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458319,
                    "name": "Custode di Saruli",
                    "text": "Difensore\n{T}, TAPpa una creatura STAPpata che controlli: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Driade"
                    "flavorText": "「これは私たちの新しい始まりの種よ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458578,
                    "name": "サルーリの世話人",
                    "text": "防衛\n{T}, あなたがコントロールしているアンタップ状態のクリーチャー1体をタップする:好きな色1色のマナ1点を加える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ドライアド"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 우리의 새로운 시작의 씨앗을 지니고 있다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458837,
                    "name": "사룰리 관리인",
                    "text": "수비태세\n{T}, 당신이 조종하는 언탭된 생물 한 개를 탭한다: 원하는 색의 마나 한 개를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 드라이어드"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eu guardo a semente de nosso recomeço.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459096,
                    "name": "Guardiã de Saruli",
                    "text": "Defensor\n{T}, vire uma criatura desvirada que você controla: Adicione um mana de qualquer cor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dríade"
                    "flavorText": "«Я храню семя нашего нового начала».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459355,
                    "name": "Смотрительница Сарули",
                    "text": "Защитник\n{T}, поверните неповернутое существо под вашим контролем: добавьте одну ману любого цвета.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дриада"
                    "flavorText": "「我手握新生的种子。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459614,
                    "name": "撒路里护持师",
                    "text": "守军\n{T},横置一个由你操控且未横置的生物:加一点任意颜色的法术力。",
                    "type": "生物 ~树灵"
                    "flavorText": "「我手握新生的種子。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459873,
                    "name": "撒路里護持師",
                    "text": "守軍\n{T},橫置一個由你操控且未橫置的生物:加一點任意顏色的魔法力。",
                    "type": "生物 ~樹靈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457283,
            "name": "Saruli Caretaker",
            "number": "139",
            "originalText": "Defender\n{T}, Tap an untapped creature you control: Add one mana of any color.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Dryad",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can tap any untapped creature you control, including one you haven’t controlled continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn, to pay the cost of Saruli Caretaker’s activated ability. You must have controlled Saruli Caretaker continuously since the beginning of your most recent turn, however."
            "scryfallId": "ef3358cb-714c-49bf-b7e9-a69d02d7799e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "ff55b36d-72be-4b3e-ac61-0e2ff5357542",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5e2736e6-b812-43a4-bd79-6f6095344fe1",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183430,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender\n{T}, Tap an untapped creature you control: Add one mana of any color.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Dryad",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9aee40ed-aa4f-50b4-bfa6-e980bb2f498c",
            "uuidV421": "dfafe894-0f72-5f74-b7aa-4b07662abf0b"
            "artist": "Nils Hamm",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Within each of us, the potential for great power waits to be released.\"\n—Zija, Simic mutationist",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„In jedem von uns schlummert großes Potenzial und wartet darauf, genutzt zu werden.\"\n—Zija, Simic-Mutationsspezialistin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457543,
                    "name": "Sauroform-Hybride",
                    "text": "{4}{G}{G}: Adaptieren 4. (Falls keine +1/+1-Marken auf dieser Kreatur liegen, lege vier +1/+1-Marken auf sie.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Eidechse, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"Dentro de cada uno de nosotros, el potencial de una fuerza inconmensurable espera a ser liberado\".\n—Zija, mutacionista simic",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457802,
                    "name": "Híbrido sauroforme",
                    "text": "{4}{G}{G}: Adaptar 4. (Si esta criatura no tiene contadores +1/+1 sobre ella, pon cuatro contadores +1/+1 sobre ella.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero lagarto humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Le potentiel d'un grand pouvoir attend d'être réveillé en chacun de nous. »\n—Zija, mutationniste simic",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458061,
                    "name": "Hybride sauroforme",
                    "text": "{4}{G}{G} : Adaptez 4. (Si cette créature n'a pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle, mettez quatre marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et lézard et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il potenziale per un potere superiore attende dentro ognuno di noi, pronto per essere liberato.\"\n—Zija, mutazionista Simic",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458320,
                    "name": "Ibrido Sauroforme",
                    "text": "{4}{G}{G}: Adattamento 4. (Se questa creatura non ha segnalini +1/+1, metti quattro segnalini +1/+1 su di essa.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Lucertola Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「私たち一人一人の内側では、強大な力の可能性がその解放を待っています。」\n――シミックの変異術師、ジジャ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458579,
                    "name": "トカゲ体の混種",
                    "text": "{4}{G}{G}:順応4を行う。(このクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないなら、これの上に+1/+1カウンターを4個置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・トカゲ・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"우리 각각에는, 해방되기를 기다리고 있는 거대한 힘의 잠재력이 내재되어 있다.\"\n—시믹 돌연변이 연구자 지자",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458838,
                    "name": "도마뱀형상 혼종",
                    "text": "{4}{G}{G}: 적응 4를 한다. (이 생물이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않다면, 이 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 네 개를 올려놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 도마뱀 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Em cada um de nós, o potencial de um grande poder espera para ser libertado.\"\n— Zija, mutacionista Simic",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459097,
                    "name": "Híbrido Sauriforme",
                    "text": "{4}{G}{G}: Adaptar 4. (Se esta criatura não tiver marcadores +1/+1, coloque quatro marcadores +1/+1 nela.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Lagarto Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«В каждом из нас дремлет могучая сила и ждет, когда ее выпустят на волю».\n— Зия, мутатор Симиков",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459356,
                    "name": "Ящероморфный Гибрид",
                    "text": "{4}{G}{G}: адаптируйте 4. (Если на этом существе нет жетонов +1/+1, положите на него четыре жетона +1/+1.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Ящер Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「我们每个人体内都有尚待释放的巨大潜能。」\n~析米克突变师琪佳",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459615,
                    "name": "蜥身混生体",
                    "text": "{4}{G}{G}:演化4。(如果此生物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置四个+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/蜥蜴/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「我們每個人體內都有尚待釋放的巨大潛能。」\n~析米克突變師琪佳",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459874,
                    "name": "蜥身混生體",
                    "text": "{4}{G}{G}:演化4。(如果此生物上沒有+1/+1指示物,則在其上放置四個+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/蜥蜴/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457284,
            "name": "Sauroform Hybrid",
            "number": "140",
            "originalText": "{4}{G}{G}: Adapt 4. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put four +1/+1 counters on it.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Lizard Warrior",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can always activate an ability that will cause a creature to adapt. As that ability resolves, if the creature has a +1/+1 counter on it for any reason, you simply won’t put any +1/+1 counters on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature somehow loses all of its +1/+1 counters, it can adapt again and get more +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "2f7ecad5-8bb5-416f-b8ef-a04aba4dc4b5",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7e213235-d2b2-4438-87c9-ead8cda52e75",
            "scryfallOracleId": "559c9949-faaf-41bc-9349-b6738b4763a2",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183177,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{4}{G}{G}: Adapt 4. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put four +1/+1 counters on it.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Lizard Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "341cb502-8132-549c-bd20-7f860988327e",
            "uuidV421": "eacbed8e-91c0-54dd-95e5-41cd3c8c937d",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Zoltan Boros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "A Gruul berserker is never unarmed.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Ein Gruul-Berserker ist niemals unbewaffnet.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457606,
                    "name": "Wilde Attacke",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, erhält +2/+2 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Sie kämpft gegen eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du nicht kontrollierst. (Jede der Kreaturen fügt der anderen Schadenspunkte in Höhe ihrer Stärke zu.)",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Un berserker gruul nunca está desarmado.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457865,
                    "name": "Golpe brutal",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo que controlas obtiene +2/+2 hasta el final del turno. Esa criatura lucha contra la criatura objetivo que no controlas. (Cada una hace un daño igual a su fuerza a la otra.)",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Un berserker gruul n'est jamais sans arme.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458124,
                    "name": "Fracas sauvage",
                    "text": "Une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez gagne +2/+2 jusqu'à la fin du tour. Elle se bat contre une créature ciblée que vous ne contrôlez pas. (Chacune inflige un nombre de blessures égal à sa force à l'autre.)",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Un berserker Gruul non è mai disarmato.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458383,
                    "name": "Impatto Selvaggio",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio che controlli prende +2/+2 fino alla fine del turno. Lotta con una creatura bersaglio che non controlli. (Ogni creatura infligge all'altra danno pari alla propria forza.)",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "グルールの狂戦士が丸腰でいることはない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458642,
                    "name": "野蛮な一撃",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体と、あなたがコントロールしていないクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、その前者は+2/+2の修整を受ける。その前者はその後者と格闘を行う。(それぞれはもう一方に自身のパワーに等しい点数のダメージを与える。)",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "그룰의 광전사는 그 어느 때에도 무장을 푸는 법이 없다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458901,
                    "name": "야만적인 후려치기",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +2/+2를 받는다. 당신이 조종하지 않는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 두 생물은 서로 싸운다. (각 생물은 서로에게 각자의 공격력만큼의 피해를 입힌다.)",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Um amoque Gruul jamais está desarmado.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459160,
                    "name": "Pancada Selvagem",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo que você controla recebe +2/+2 até o final do turno. Ela luta com a criatura alvo que você não controla. (Cada uma causa dano igual ao seu poder à outra.)",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Груульский берсерк никогда не бывает не вооружен.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459419,
                    "name": "Дикарский Удар",
                    "text": "Целевое существо под вашим контролем получает +2/+2 до конца хода. Оно дерется с целевым существом не под вашим контролем. (Они наносят друг другу повреждения, равные своей силе.)",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "古鲁狂战士从不缺武器。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459678,
                    "name": "蛮野猛击",
                    "text": "目标由你操控的生物得+2/+2直到回合结束。它与目标不由你操控的生物互斗。(它们各向对方造成等同于本身力量的伤害。)",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "古魯狂戰士從不缺武器。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459937,
                    "name": "蠻野猛擊",
                    "text": "目標由你操控的生物得+2/+2直到回合結束。它與目標不由你操控的生物互鬥。(它們各向對方造成等同於本身力量的傷害。)",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457347,
            "name": "Savage Smash",
            "number": "203",
            "originalText": "Target creature you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn. It fights target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can’t cast Savage Smash unless you choose both a creature you control and a creature you don’t control as targets."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If either target is an illegal target as Savage Smash resolves, neither creature will deal or be dealt damage."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the creature you control is an illegal target as Savage Smash tries to resolve, it won’t get +2/+2. If that creature is a legal target but the other creature isn’t, the creature you control still gets +2/+2."
            "scryfallId": "4ca942d7-a3a3-429f-a159-fc2363d9bca6",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9a7d58e6-2ab9-48d1-9279-fa0a50a70290",
            "scryfallOracleId": "676c0315-1cb3-4d80-b136-16d88fd612cb",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183181,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature you control gets +2/+2 until end of turn. It fights target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "57d8b76b-b23e-5d8c-8272-d40e47faef84",
            "uuidV421": "718bff04-24f8-510b-a3dc-6a0f5b33a29c",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Jason Felix",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Have you seen your face? Trust me, this will be an improvement.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Hast du mal dein Gesicht gesehen? Glaub mir, das kann es nur besser machen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457516,
                    "name": "Brandmal",
                    "text": "Das Brandmal fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu. Falls die Kreatur in diesem Zug sterben würde, schicke sie stattdessen ins Exil.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pero...¿tú te viste la cara? Confía en mí: esto seguro que la mejora\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457775,
                    "name": "Quemar con el sello",
                    "text": "Quemar con el sello hace 2 puntos de daño a la criatura objetivo. Si esa criatura fuera a morir este turno, en vez de eso, exíliala.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Tu as vu ta tête ? Crois-moi, ça va t'arranger. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458034,
                    "name": "Brûlemarque",
                    "text": "La Brûlemarque inflige 2 blessures à une créature ciblée. Si cette créature devait mourir ce tour-ci, exilez-la à la place.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ma ti sei visto allo specchio? Fidati, puoi solo migliorare.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458293,
                    "name": "Marchio Infuocato",
                    "text": "Il Marchio Infuocato infligge 2 danni a una creatura bersaglio. Se quella creatura sta per morire in questo turno, invece esiliala.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「自分の顔見たことあるか?俺を信じろ、これは改善だ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458552,
                    "name": "焦印",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。焦印はそれに2点のダメージを与える。このターン、そのクリーチャーが死亡するなら、代わりにそれを追放する。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"네 얼굴을 보긴 한 거야? 날 믿어, 이건 더 나아지는 거라니까.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458811,
                    "name": "불탄 자국",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 불탄 자국은 그 생물에게 피해 2점을 입힌다. 그 생물이 이 턴에 죽게 된다면, 대신 추방한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Você já viu a sua cara? Vai ficar melhor assim, confia em mim.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459070,
                    "name": "Marca em Brasa",
                    "text": "Marca em Brasa causa 2 pontos de dano à criatura alvo. Se aquela criatura for morrer neste turno, em vez disso, exile-a.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Ты свою рожу видел? Поверь мне, так станет только лучше».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459329,
                    "name": "Жгучая Метка",
                    "text": "Жгучая Метка наносит 2 повреждения целевому существу. Если то существо должно умереть в этом ходу, изгоните его вместо этого.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「你有没有见过自己的脸?相信我,这会让你更好看。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459588,
                    "name": "烙印",
                    "text": "烙印对目标生物造成2点伤害。如果本回合中该生物将死去,则改为将它放逐。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「你有沒有見過自己的臉?相信我,這會讓你更好看。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459847,
                    "name": "烙印",
                    "text": "烙印對目標生物造成2點傷害。如果本回合中該生物將死去,則改為將它放逐。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457257,
            "name": "Scorchmark",
            "number": "113",
            "originalText": "Scorchmark deals 2 damage to target creature. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Scorchmark’s replacement effect will exile the target creature if it would die this turn for any reason, not just due to lethal damage. It applies to the target creature even if Scorchmark deals no damage to it (perhaps due to a prevention effect)."
            "scryfallId": "2a14834f-78ae-4ca5-9ce0-5b928ad3d76c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "4317fa66-5415-42d1-a9f1-657441de1d87",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8dc1148f-c6bc-469c-8d1a-7e3efd2de7e2",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183401,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Scorchmark deals 2 damage to target creature. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4247f63b-b696-5824-bd87-9c55d2b8898b",
            "uuidV421": "9f703800-a574-50d2-a289-77c1037909c8"
            "artist": "James Paick",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "Feel it steel. Feed it gold. Feed it bone. In the belly of the furnace, the flames know no difference.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Füttere sie mit Stahl. Füttere sie mit Gold. Füttere sie mit Knochen. Für die Flammen des Hochofens macht es keinen Unterschied.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457641,
                    "name": "Scharrende Klauen",
                    "text": "{T}: Ein Spieler deiner Wahl schickt eine Karte aus seinem Friedhof ins Exil.\n{1}, opfere die Scharrenden Klauen: Schicke eine Karte deiner Wahl aus einem Friedhof ins Exil. Ziehe eine Karte.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "Ofréceles acero, oro o huesos. En el vientre de la fundición, las llamas no entienden de diferencias.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457900,
                    "name": "Garras escarbadoras",
                    "text": "{T}: El jugador objetivo exilia una carta de su cementerio.\n{1}, sacrificar las Garras escarbadoras: Exilia la carta objetivo de un cementerio. Roba una carta.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "Donnez-lui de l'acier. Donnez-lui de l'or. Donnez-lui des os. Au fond du fourneau, les flammes ne font pas la différence.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458159,
                    "name": "Griffes racleuses",
                    "text": "{T} : Le joueur ciblé exile une carte depuis son cimetière.\n{1}, sacrifiez les Griffes racleuses : Exilez une carte ciblée depuis un cimetière. Piochez une carte.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "Nutri la fornace d'acciaio, d'oro o di ossa: le fiamme nel suo ventre non conoscono la differenza.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458418,
                    "name": "Artigli Raschianti",
                    "text": "{T}: Un giocatore bersaglio esilia una carta dal suo cimitero.\n{1}, Sacrifica gli Artigli Raschianti: Esilia una carta bersaglio da un cimitero. Pesca una carta.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "鋼を与えろ。金を与えろ。骨を与えろ。溶鉱炉の腹の中では、炎に違いなど分からない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458677,
                    "name": "ひっかき爪",
                    "text": "{T}:プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは自分の墓地からカード1枚を追放する。\n{1}, ひっかき爪を生け贄に捧げる:墓地からカード1枚を対象とし、それを追放する。カードを1枚引く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "철을 먹여라. 금을 먹여라. 뼈를 먹여라. 뱃속의 용광로에 있는 불꽃은 그것들의 차이를 모른다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458936,
                    "name": "탐색하는 손톱들",
                    "text": "{T}: 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 무덤에서 카드 한 장을 추방한다.\n{1}, 탐색하는 손톱들을 희생한다: 무덤에 있는 카드를 목표로 정한다. 그 카드를 추방한다. 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "Alimente com aço. Alimente com ouro. Alimente com ossos. No bucho da fornalha as chamas não sabem a diferença.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459195,
                    "name": "Garras Esmiuçadoras",
                    "text": "{T}: O jogador alvo exila um card do próprio cemitério.\n{1}, sacrifique Garras Esmiuçadoras: Exile o card alvo de um cemitério. Compre um card.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "Корми их сталью. Корми их золотом. Корми их костями. В чреве топки огонь не заметит разницы.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459454,
                    "name": "Цепкие Когти",
                    "text": "{T}: целевой игрок изгоняет карту из своего кладбища.\n{1}, пожертвуйте Цепкие Когти: изгоните целевую карту из кладбища. Возьмите карту.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "往里丢钢铁。往里丢黄金。往里丢败骨。在熔炉的肚子里,火焰一视同仁。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459713,
                    "name": "翻拣爪",
                    "text": "{T}:目标牌手从其坟墓场放逐一张牌。\n{1},牺牲翻拣爪:将目标牌从坟墓场放逐。抓一张牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "往裡丟鋼鐵。往裡丟黃金。往裡丟敗骨。在熔爐的肚子裡,火焰一視同仁。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459972,
                    "name": "翻揀爪",
                    "text": "{T}:目標玩家從其墳墓場放逐一張牌。\n{1},犧牲翻揀爪:將目標牌從墳墓場放逐。抽一張牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}",
            "multiverseId": 457382,
            "name": "Scrabbling Claws",
            "number": "238",
            "originalText": "{T}: Target player exiles a card from their graveyard.\n{1}, Sacrifice Scrabbling Claws: Exile target card from a graveyard. Draw a card.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "67b06cb5-5e74-456f-81b1-fced1346cc47",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "4538ec2c-867e-412b-b6e3-a57f8e29ba84",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183220,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Target player exiles a card from their graveyard.\n{1}, Sacrifice Scrabbling Claws: Exile target card from a graveyard. Draw a card.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "83adc2dc-e66c-5320-8f53-abcf4f5721f5",
            "uuidV421": "a93a205e-ecfa-5c11-a242-08a0b00b8073"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "Shhh . . .",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Schhhhh …",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457642,
                    "name": "Schreiender Schild",
                    "text": "Die ausgerüstete Kreatur erhält +0/+3 und hat „{2}, {T}: Ein Spieler deiner Wahl legt die obersten drei Karten seiner Bibliothek auf seinen Friedhof.\"\nAusrüsten {3} ({3}: Lege diese Karte an eine Kreatur deiner Wahl an, die du kontrollierst. Spiele Ausrüsten wie eine Hexerei.)",
                    "type": "Artefakt — Ausrüstung"
                    "flavorText": "Shhh...",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457901,
                    "name": "Escudo aullante",
                    "text": "La criatura equipada obtiene +0/+3 y tiene \"{2}, {T}: El jugador objetivo pone las tres primeras cartas de su biblioteca en su cementerio\".\nEquipar {3}. ({3}: Anexa este Equipo a la criatura objetivo que controlas. Activa la habilidad de equipar como un conjuro.)",
                    "type": "Artefacto — Equipo"
                    "flavorText": "Chuuut...",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458160,
                    "name": "Bouclier hurlant",
                    "text": "La créature équipée gagne +0/+3 et a « {2}, {T} : Le joueur ciblé met les trois cartes du dessus de sa bibliothèque dans son cimetière. »\nÉquipement {3} ({3} : Attachez à la créature ciblée que vous contrôlez. N'attachez l'équipement que lorsque vous pourriez lancer un rituel.)",
                    "type": "Artefact : équipement"
                    "flavorText": "Sssh...",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458419,
                    "name": "Scudo Urlante",
                    "text": "La creatura equipaggiata prende +0/+3 e ha \"{2}, {T}: Un giocatore bersaglio mette nel suo cimitero le prime tre carte del suo grimorio\".\nEquipaggiare {3} ({3}: Assegna a una creatura bersaglio che controlli. Equipaggia solo quando potresti lanciare una stregoneria.)",
                    "type": "Artefatto — Equipaggiamento"
                    "flavorText": "シー……。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458678,
                    "name": "叫び盾",
                    "text": "装備しているクリーチャーは+0/+3の修整を受け「{2}, {T}:プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは、自分のライブラリーの一番上からカードを3枚自分の墓地に置く。」を持つ。\n装備{3}({3}:あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、これをそれにつける。装備はソーサリーとしてのみ行う。)",
                    "type": "アーティファクト — 装備品"
                    "flavorText": "쉬 . . .",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458937,
                    "name": "비명을 지르는 방패",
                    "text": "장착된 생물은 +0/+3을 받고 \"{2}, {T}: 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 서고 맨 위 카드 세 장을 자신의 무덤에 넣는다.\"를 가진다.\n장착 {3} ({3}: 당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 이 장비를 부착한다. 당신이 집중마법을 발동할 수 있는 시기에만 장착할 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "마법물체 — 장비"
                    "flavorText": "Shhh...",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459196,
                    "name": "Escudo Urrador",
                    "text": "A criatura equipada recebe +0/+3 e tem \"{2}, {T}: O jogador alvo coloca os três cards do topo do próprio grimório no próprio cemitério.\"\nEquipar {3} ({3}: Anexe-o à criatura alvo que você controla. Equipe somente como um feitiço.)",
                    "type": "Artefato — Equipamento"
                    "flavorText": "Тс-с...",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459455,
                    "name": "Вопящий Щит",
                    "text": "Снаряженное существо получает +0/+3 и способность: «{2}, {T}: целевой игрок кладет три верхние карты своей библиотеки на свое кладбище».\nСнарядить {3} ({3}: прикрепите к целевому существу под вашим контролем. Снаряжайте только как волшебство.)",
                    "type": "Артефакт — Снаряжение"
                    "flavorText": "嘘. . .",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459714,
                    "name": "尖啸盾牌",
                    "text": "佩带此武具的生物得+0/+3且具有「{2},{T}:目标牌手将其牌库顶的三张牌置入其坟墓场。」\n佩带{3}({3}:装备在目标由你操控的生物上。佩带的时机视同法术。)",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
                    "flavorText": "噓. . .",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459973,
                    "name": "尖嘯盾牌",
                    "text": "佩帶此武具的生物得+0/+3且具有「{2},{T}:目標玩家將其牌庫頂的三張牌置入其墳墓場。」\n佩帶{3}({3}:裝備在目標由你操控的生物上。佩帶的時機視同巫術。)",
                    "type": "神器 ~武具"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
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                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}",
            "multiverseId": 457383,
            "name": "Screaming Shield",
            "number": "239",
            "originalText": "Equipped creature gets +0/+3 and has \"{2}, {T}: Target player puts the top three cards of their library into their graveyard.\"\nEquip {3} ({3}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)",
            "originalType": "Artifact — Equipment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "ebb42a80-0442-4850-b0e7-41182d5633ff",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3cc6ba7c-3dc0-4c64-9996-3e55d10cc448",
            "scryfallOracleId": "9c0aba12-4460-4150-b74f-93f5f8006cf5",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183379,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Equipped creature gets +0/+3 and has \"{2}, {T}: Target player puts the top three cards of their library into their graveyard.\"\nEquip {3} ({3}: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)",
            "type": "Artifact — Equipment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "08d6f254-9aeb-5500-94e7-e8a091e4374e",
            "uuidV421": "cfb53737-9631-560a-ab2d-b4f60b654a33"
            "artist": "Jehan Choo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457621,
                    "name": "Krabbligator",
                    "text": "Verteidiger\n{6}{G/U}{G/U}: Adaptieren 3. (Falls keine +1/+1-Marken auf dieser Kreatur liegen, lege drei +1/+1-Marken auf sie.)\nSolange mindestens eine +1/+1-Marke auf dem Krabbligator liegt, kann er angreifen, als ob er nicht Verteidiger hätte.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Krabbe, Schildkröte, Krokodil"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457880,
                    "name": "Crustaceodrilo",
                    "text": "Defensor.\n{6}{G/U}{G/U}: Adaptar 3. (Si esta criatura no tiene contadores +1/+1 sobre ella, pon tres contadores +1/+1 sobre ella.)\nMientras el Crustaceodrilo tenga un contador +1/+1 sobre él, puede atacar como si no tuviera la habilidad de defensor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Cocodrilo tortuga cangrejo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458139,
                    "name": "Crabigator",
                    "text": "Défenseur\n{6}{G/U}{G/U} : Adaptez 3. (Si cette créature n'a pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle, mettez trois marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle.)\nTant que le Crabigator a au moins un marqueur +1/+1 sur lui, il peut attaquer comme s'il n'avait pas le défenseur.",
                    "type": "Créature : crabe et tortue terrestre et crocodile"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458398,
                    "name": "Alligranchio",
                    "text": "Difensore\n{6}{G/U}{G/U}: Adattamento 3. (Se questa creatura non ha segnalini +1/+1, metti tre segnalini +1/+1 su di essa.)\nFintanto che l'Alligranchio ha un segnalino +1/+1, può attaccare come se non avesse difensore.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Coccodrillo Tartaruga Granchio"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458657,
                    "name": "小走りワニ",
                    "text": "防衛\n{6}{G/U}{G/U}:順応3を行う。(このクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないなら、これの上に+1/+1カウンターを3個置く。)\n小走りワニの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれているかぎり、これは防衛を持たないかのように攻撃できる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — カニ・海亀・クロコダイル"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458916,
                    "name": "딸깍악어",
                    "text": "수비태세\n{6}{G/U}{G/U}: 적응 3을 한다. (이 생물이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않다면, 이 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 세 개를 올려놓는다.)\n딸깍악어가 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있는 한, 딸깍악어는 수비태세가 없는 것처럼 공격할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 게 거북이 악어"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459175,
                    "name": "Jacaruguejo",
                    "text": "Defensor\n{6}{G/U}{G/U}: Adaptar 3. (Se esta criatura não tiver marcadores +1/+1, coloque três marcadores +1/+1 nela.)\nEnquanto Jacaruguejo tiver um marcador +1/+1, ele poderá atacar como se não tivesse defensor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Caranguejo Tartaruga Crocodilo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459434,
                    "name": "Краблигатор",
                    "text": "Защитник\n{6}{G/U}{G/U}: адаптируйте 3. (Если на этом существе нет жетонов +1/+1, положите на него три жетона +1/+1.)\nПока на Краблигаторе есть жетон +1/+1, он может атаковать, как если бы у него не было способности Защитника.",
                    "type": "Существо — Краб Черепаха Крокодил"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459693,
                    "name": "蟹鳄龟",
                    "text": "守军\n{6}{G/U}{G/U}:演化3。(如果此生物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置三个+1/+1指示物。)\n只要蟹鳄龟上有+1/+1指示物,它便能视同不具守军异能地进行攻击。",
                    "type": "生物 ~蟹/龟/鳄鱼"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459952,
                    "name": "蟹鱷龜",
                    "text": "守軍\n{6}{G/U}{G/U}:演化3。(如果此生物上沒有+1/+1指示物,則在其上放置三個+1/+1指示物。)\n只要蟹鱷龜上有+1/+1指示物,它便能視同不具守軍異能地進行攻擊。",
                    "type": "生物 ~蟹/龜/鱷魚"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{G/U}{G/U}",
            "multiverseId": 457362,
            "name": "Scuttlegator",
            "number": "218",
            "originalText": "Defender\n{6}{GW}{GW}: Adapt 3. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put three +1/+1 counters on it.)\nAs long as Scuttlegator has a +1/+1 counter on it, it can attack as though it didn't have defender.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Crab Turtle Crocodile",
            "power": "6",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can always activate an ability that will cause a creature to adapt. As that ability resolves, if the creature has a +1/+1 counter on it for any reason, you simply won’t put any +1/+1 counters on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature somehow loses all of its +1/+1 counters, it can adapt again and get more +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "d886fd9a-7800-41f1-b692-32a439b045da",
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            "scryfallOracleId": "9bc0ca04-26ab-4743-bc65-0b5f4115c8f7",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183366,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender\n{6}{G/U}{G/U}: Adapt 3. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put three +1/+1 counters on it.)\nAs long as Scuttlegator has a +1/+1 counter on it, it can attack as though it didn't have defender.",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Creature — Crab Turtle Crocodile",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5f3b1582-6842-538e-b680-310ea848d093",
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            "artist": "Johann Bodin",
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            "flavorText": "\"This Dovin Baan came from nowhere. Watch him. Read his letters. He is more than he appears.\"\n—Lazav",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Dieser Dovin Baan kam aus dem Nichts. Überwacht ihn. Lest seine Briefe. Er verheimlicht etwas.\"\n—Lazav",
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                    "multiverseId": 457453,
                    "name": "Kurier des Senats",
                    "text": "Fliegend\n{1}{W}: Der Kurier des Senats erhält Wachsamkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vogel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ese Dovin Baan surgió de la nada. Vigílalo, lee sus cartas. Es más de lo que aparenta\".\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457712,
                    "name": "Mensajera del Senado",
                    "text": "Vuela.\n{1}{W}: La Mensajera del Senado gana la habilidad de vigilancia hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ave"
                    "flavorText": "« Ce Dovin Baàn est sorti de nulle part. Gardez-le à l'œil. Lisez son courrier. Il cache quelque chose. »\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457971,
                    "name": "Messager du Sénat",
                    "text": "Vol\n{1}{W} : Le Messager du Sénat acquiert la vigilance jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : oiseau"
                    "flavorText": "\"Questo Dovin Baan è apparso dal nulla. Tenetelo d'occhio, leggete le sue lettere: nasconde più di quanto salti all'occhio.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458230,
                    "name": "Corriere del Senato",
                    "text": "Volare\n{1}{W}: Il Corriere del Senato ha cautela fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Uccello"
                    "flavorText": "「このドビン・バーンなる者はどこからともなく現れた。奴を見張れ。奴の手紙を読め。奴には見た目以上の何かがある。」\n――ラザーヴ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458489,
                    "name": "評議会の急使",
                    "text": "飛行\n{1}{W}:ターン終了時まで、評議会の急使は警戒を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 鳥"
                    "flavorText": "\"이 도빈 반이란 자는 갑자기 나타났다. 그를 감시하고, 그의 편지들을 읽어라. 그는 보이는 것보다 더 대단한 사람이다.\"\n—라자브",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458748,
                    "name": "평의회 운반원",
                    "text": "비행\n{1}{W}: 평의회 운반원은 턴종료까지 경계를 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 조류"
                    "flavorText": "\"Esse Dovin Baan apareceu do nada. Vigiem-no. Leiam as cartas dele. Ele é mais do que aparenta.\"\n— Lazav",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459007,
                    "name": "Mensageiro do Senado",
                    "text": "Voar\n{1}{W}: Mensageiro do Senado ganha vigilância até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ave"
                    "flavorText": "«Этот Довин Баан явился из ниоткуда. Проследите за ним. Читайте его письма. Он не так прост, как хочет казаться».\n— Лазав",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459266,
                    "name": "Курьер Сената",
                    "text": "Полет\n{1}{W}: Курьер Сената получает Бдительность до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Птица"
                    "flavorText": "「多温班恩此人来路不明。留意他的举动。拆阅他的信件。他一定别有所图。」\n~拉札夫",
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                    "multiverseId": 459525,
                    "name": "参议院讯使",
                    "text": "飞行\n{1}{W}:参议院讯使获得警戒异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鸟"
                    "flavorText": "「多溫班恩此人來路不明。留意他的舉動。拆閱他的信件。他一定別有所圖。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459784,
                    "name": "參議院訊使",
                    "text": "飛行\n{1}{W}:參議院訊使獲得警戒異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鳥"
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            "originalText": "Flying\n{1}{W}: Senate Courier gains vigilance until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Bird",
            "power": "1",
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            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Gaining vigilance any time after the moment you choose to attack with a creature won’t cause it to become untapped."
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            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183372,
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            "text": "Flying\n{1}{W}: Senate Courier gains vigilance until end of turn.",
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            "flavorText": "\"The Senate griffins overhead used to make people think of order and safety. Not anymore.\"\n—Lavinia",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Greifen des Senats am Himmel standen früher für Ordnung und Sicherheit. Das hat sich geändert.\"\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Greif des Senats",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nWenn der Greif des Senats ins Spiel kommt, wende Hellsicht 1 an.",
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                    "flavorText": "\"Los grifos del Senado que vuelan sobre nuestras cabezas solían aportar una sensación de orden y seguridad. Ya no es así\".\n—Lavinia",
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                    "text": "Vuela.\nCuando el Grifo del Senado entre al campo de batalla, adivina 1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Grifo"
                    "flavorText": "« Le vol des griffons du Sénat évoquait ordre et sécurité dans l'esprit des gens. Plus maintenant. »\n—Lavinia",
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                    "name": "Griffon du Sénat",
                    "text": "Vol\nQuand le Griffon du Sénat arrive sur le champ de bataille, regard 1.",
                    "type": "Créature : griffon"
                    "flavorText": "\"Un tempo, vedere i grifoni del Senato in cielo ispirava un senso di ordine e sicurezza nella cittadinanza. Non più, ormai.\"\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458399,
                    "name": "Grifone del Senato",
                    "text": "Volare\nQuando il Grifone del Senato entra nel campo di battaglia, profetizza 1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Grifone"
                    "flavorText": "「頭上を飛ぶ評議会のグリフィンは人々に秩序と安全を感じさせるものだった。今は違うわ。」\n――ラヴィニア",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458658,
                    "name": "評議会のグリフィン",
                    "text": "飛行\n評議会のグリフィンが戦場に出たとき、占術1を行う。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — グリフィン"
                    "flavorText": "\"사람들은 머리 위에서 날아다니는 평의회 그리핀들을 보고 질서와 안전을 떠올리곤 했지. 더이상은 아니야.\"\n—라비니아",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458917,
                    "name": "평의회 그리핀",
                    "text": "비행\n평의회 그리핀이 전장에 들어올 때, 점술 1을 한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 그리핀"
                    "flavorText": "\"Os grifos do Senado nos céus costumavam fazer as pessoas pensarem em ordem e segurança. Não mais.\"\n— Lavínia",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459176,
                    "name": "Grifo do Senado",
                    "text": "Voar\nQuando Grifo do Senado entrar no campo de batalha, use vidência 1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Grifo"
                    "flavorText": "«При виде грифонов Сената над головой люди думали о порядке и безопасности. Но это осталось в прошлом».\n— Лавиния",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459435,
                    "name": "Грифон Сената",
                    "text": "Полет\nКогда Грифон Сената выходит на поле битвы, предскажите 1.",
                    "type": "Существо — Грифон"
                    "flavorText": "「头上的参议院狮鹫曾让人们感到法治与安全。这种感觉如今已不复存在。」\n~拉温妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459694,
                    "name": "参议院狮鹫",
                    "text": "飞行\n当参议院狮鹫进战场时,占卜1。",
                    "type": "生物 ~狮鹫"
                    "flavorText": "「頭上的參議院獅鷲曾讓人們感到法治與安全。這種感覺如今已不復存在。」\n~拉溫妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459953,
                    "name": "參議院獅鷲",
                    "text": "飛行\n當參議院獅鷲進戰場時,占卜1。",
                    "type": "生物 ~獅鷲"
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            "originalText": "Flying\nWhen Senate Griffin enters the battlefield, scry 1.",
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                    "multiverseId": 457607,
                    "name": "Gildenmagierin des Senats",
                    "text": "{W}, {T}: Du erhältst 2 Lebenspunkte dazu.\n{U}, {T}: Ziehe eine Karte und wirf dann eine Karte ab.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Zauberer"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457866,
                    "name": "Maga del gremio del Senado",
                    "text": "{W}, {T}: Ganas 2 vidas.\n{U}, {T}: Roba una carta, luego descarta una carta.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Hechicero humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458125,
                    "name": "Ghildmage du Sénat",
                    "text": "{W}, {T} : Vous gagnez 2 points de vie.\n{U}, {T} : Piochez une carte, puis défaussez-vous d'une carte.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et sorcier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458384,
                    "name": "Maga della Gilda del Senato",
                    "text": "{W}, {T}: Guadagni 2 punti vita.\n{U}, {T}: Pesca una carta, poi scarta una carta.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mago Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458643,
                    "name": "評議会のギルド魔道士",
                    "text": "{W}, {T}:あなたは2点のライフを得る。\n{U}, {T}:カードを1枚引き、その後カード1枚を捨てる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458902,
                    "name": "평의회 길드마도사",
                    "text": "{W}, {T}: 당신은 생명 2점을 얻는다.\n{U}, {T}: 카드 한 장을 뽑은 후 카드 한 장을 버린다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 마법사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459161,
                    "name": "Maga de Guilda do Senado",
                    "text": "{W}, {T}: Você ganha 2 pontos de vida.\n{U}, {T}: Compre um card e depois descarte um card.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Mago"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459420,
                    "name": "Маг Гильдии Сената",
                    "text": "{W}, {T}: вы получаете 2 жизни.\n{U}, {T}: возьмите карту, затем сбросьте карту.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Чародей"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
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                    "name": "参议院公会法师",
                    "text": "{W},{T}:你获得2点生命。\n{U},{T}:抓一张牌,然后弃一张牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/法术师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
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                    "text": "{W},{T}:你獲得2點生命。\n{U},{T}:抽一張牌,然後棄一張牌。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/魔法師"
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            "number": "204",
            "originalText": "{W}, {T}: You gain 2 life.\n{U}, {T}: Draw a card, then discard a card.",
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            "text": "{W}, {T}: You gain 2 life.\n{U}, {T}: Draw a card, then discard a card.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Wizard",
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                    "name": "Zeichen des Wachpostens",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nVerzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur erhält +1/+2 und hat Wachsamkeit.\nAddendum — Wenn das Zeichen des Wachpostens ins Spiel kommt und falls du es in deiner Hauptphase gewirkt hast, erhält die verzauberte Kreatur Lebensverknüpfung bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457682,
                    "name": "Marca de centinela",
                    "text": "Destello.\nEncantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada obtiene +1/+2 y tiene la habilidad de vigilancia.\nAdenda — Cuando la Marca de centinela entre al campo de batalla, si la lanzaste durante tu fase principal, la criatura encantada gana la habilidad de vínculo vital hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457941,
                    "name": "Marque de la sentinelle",
                    "text": "Flash\nEnchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée gagne +1/+2 et a la vigilance.\nAddenda — Quand la Marque de la sentinelle arrive sur le champ de bataille, si vous l'avez lancée pendant votre phase principale, la créature enchantée acquiert le lien de vie jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458200,
                    "name": "Marchio della Sentinella",
                    "text": "Lampo\nIncanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata prende +1/+2 e ha cautela.\nAppendice — Quando il Marchio della Sentinella entra nel campo di battaglia, se l'hai lanciato durante la tua fase principale, la creatura incantata ha legame vitale fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458459,
                    "name": "歩哨の印",
                    "text": "瞬速\nエンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントしているクリーチャーは+1/+2の修整を受け警戒を持つ。\n附則 ― 歩哨の印が戦場に出たとき、あなたがこれをあなたのメイン・フェイズ中に唱えていた場合、ターン終了時まで、エンチャントしているクリーチャーは絆魂を得る。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458718,
                    "name": "감시병의 표식",
                    "text": "섬광\n생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 +1/+2를 받고 경계를 가진다.\n부록 — 감시병의 표식이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 감시병의 표식을 당신의 본단계에 발동했다면, 부여된 생물은 턴종료까지 생명연결을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458977,
                    "name": "Marca da Sentinela",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nEncantar criatura\nA criatura encantada recebe +1/+2 e tem vigilância.\nAdendo — Quando Marca da Sentinela entra no campo de batalha, se você a conjurou durante sua fase principal, a criatura encantada ganha vínculo com a vida até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459236,
                    "name": "Метка Часового",
                    "text": "Миг\nЗачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо получает +1/+2 и имеет Бдительность.\nПриложение — Когда Метка Часового выходит на поле битвы, если вы разыграли ее во время вашей главной фазы, зачарованное существо получает Цепь жизни до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459495,
                    "name": "哨兵印记",
                    "text": "闪现\n结附于生物\n所结附的生物得+1/+2且具有警戒异能。\n附案~当哨兵印记进战场时,若你是在你的行动阶段施放此咒语,则所结附的生物获得系命异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459754,
                    "name": "哨兵印記",
                    "text": "閃現\n結附於生物\n所結附的生物得+1/+2且具有警戒異能。\n附案~當哨兵印記進戰場時,若你是在你的行動階段施放此咒語,則所結附的生物獲得繫命異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457164,
            "name": "Sentinel's Mark",
            "number": "20",
            "originalText": "Flash\nEnchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets +1/+2 and has vigilance.\nAddendum — When Sentinel's Mark enters the battlefield, if you cast it during your main phase, enchanted creature gains lifelink until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Sentinel’s Mark enters the battlefield without being cast, the addendum ability won’t trigger, even if it’s your main phase."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Gaining vigilance any time after the moment you choose to attack with a creature won’t cause it to become untapped, and losing vigilance after that time won’t cause it to become tapped."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Multiple instances of lifelink on the same creature are redundant."
            "scryfallId": "e6f4f661-ee4b-4fa5-99c4-106731d117ce",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "06adb234-6a78-4da8-b6ee-c76b6db69ce0",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ac34bc09-ba8a-4bfb-bc45-e9c3e4d7bdc0",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183388,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nEnchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets +1/+2 and has vigilance.\nAddendum — When Sentinel's Mark enters the battlefield, if you cast it during your main phase, enchanted creature gains lifelink until end of turn.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "031b48eb-15ea-5ffa-afb0-ee29197a3363",
            "uuidV421": "c56af8ab-db24-5762-a3bf-321c0a2ddb6b",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457608,
                    "name": "Seraph der Waagschalen",
                    "text": "Fliegend\n{W}: Der Seraph der Waagschalen erhält Wachsamkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.\n{B}: Der Seraph der Waagschalen erhält Todesberührung bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nSeelenwandlung 2 (Wenn diese Kreatur stirbt, erzeuge zwei 1/1 weiße und schwarze Geist-Kreaturenspielsteine mit Flugfähigkeit.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Engel"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457867,
                    "name": "Serafín de la balanza",
                    "text": "Vuela.\n{W}: La Serafín de la balanza gana la habilidad de vigilancia hasta el final del turno.\n{B}: La Serafín de la balanza gana la habilidad de toque mortal hasta el final del turno.\nUltratumba 2. (Cuando esta criatura muera, crea dos fichas de criatura Espíritu blancas y negras 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ángel"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458126,
                    "name": "Séraphine de la Balance",
                    "text": "Vol\n{W} : La Séraphine de la Balance acquiert la vigilance jusqu'à la fin du tour.\n{B} : La Séraphine de la Balance acquiert le contact mortel jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nAu-delà 2 (Quand cette créature meurt, créez deux jetons de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol.)",
                    "type": "Créature : ange"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458385,
                    "name": "Serafina della Bilancia",
                    "text": "Volare\n{W}: La Serafina della Bilancia ha cautela fino alla fine del turno.\n{B}: La Serafina della Bilancia ha tocco letale fino alla fine del turno.\nAldilà 2 (Quando questa creatura muore, crea due pedine creatura Spirito 1/1 bianche e nere con volare.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Angelo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458644,
                    "name": "秤の熾天使",
                    "text": "飛行\n{W}:ターン終了時まで、秤の熾天使は警戒を得る。\n{B}:ターン終了時まで、秤の熾天使は接死を得る。\n死後2(このクリーチャーが死亡したとき、飛行を持ち白であり黒である1/1のスピリット・クリーチャー・トークンを2体生成する。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 天使"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458903,
                    "name": "저울을 든 치천사",
                    "text": "비행\n{W}: 저울을 든 치천사는 턴종료까지 경계를 얻는다.\n{B}: 저울을 든 치천사는 턴종료까지 치명타를 얻는다.\n사후세계 2 (이 생물이 죽을 때, 비행을 가진 1/1 백색 및 흑색 신령 생물 토큰 두 개를 만든다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 천사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459162,
                    "name": "Serafim das Balanças",
                    "text": "Voar\n{W}: Serafim das Balanças ganha vigilância até o final do turno.\n{B}: Serafim das Balanças ganha toque mortífero até o final do turno.\nPós-vida 2 (Quando esta criatura morrer, crie duas fichas de criatura branca e preta 1/1 do tipo Espírito com voar. )",
                    "type": "Criatura — Anjo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459421,
                    "name": "Серафим Весов",
                    "text": "Полет\n{W}: Серафим Весов получает Бдительность до конца хода.\n{B}: Серафим Весов получает Смертельное касание до конца хода.\nПосмертие 2 (Когда это существо умирает, создайте две фишки существа 1/1 белый и черный Дух с Полетом.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Ангел"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459680,
                    "name": "天秤炽天使",
                    "text": "飞行\n{W}:天秤炽天使获得警戒异能直到回合结束。\n{B}:天秤炽天使获得死触异能直到回合结束。\n往生2(当此生物死去时,派出两个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~天使"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459939,
                    "name": "天秤熾天使",
                    "text": "飛行\n{W}:天秤熾天使獲得警戒異能直到回合結束。\n{B}:天秤熾天使獲得死觸異能直到回合結束。\n往生2(當此生物死去時,派出兩個1/1,白黑雙色,具飛行異能的精靈衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~天使"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457349,
            "name": "Seraph of the Scales",
            "number": "205",
            "originalText": "Flying\n{W}: Seraph of the Scales gains vigilance until end of turn.\n{B}: Seraph of the Scales gains deathtouch until end of turn.\nAfterlife 2 (When this creature dies, create two 1/1 white and black Spirit creature tokens with flying.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Angel",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Gaining vigilance any time after the moment you choose to attack with a creature won’t cause it to become untapped."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because blockers are chosen all at once, you can’t block with a creature with afterlife, wait for it to die, then block with the resulting Spirit tokens."
            "scryfallId": "d602e9e6-31ed-4d17-b39c-457b3b182943",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8a180bb2-025a-4a5f-ae71-d1de2db6121f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "4a3acbf7-0699-4d7c-b4fa-aa15c7cde189",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182956,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\n{W}: Seraph of the Scales gains vigilance until end of turn.\n{B}: Seraph of the Scales gains deathtouch until end of turn.\nAfterlife 2 (When this creature dies, create two 1/1 white and black Spirit creature tokens with flying.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Angel",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ae6c4a19-ed03-54b6-8189-201ebdeab449",
            "uuidV421": "c37baf9d-30cc-519a-ad97-f20e0fd0d0fe",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Jehan Choo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457609,
                    "name": "Oktokrabbenhai",
                    "text": "{2}{G}{U}: Adaptieren 1. (Falls keine +1/+1-Marken auf dieser Kreatur liegen, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf sie.)\nImmer wenn eine oder mehrere +1/+1-Marken auf den Oktokrabbenhai gelegt werden, tappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die ein Gegner kontrolliert. Die Kreatur enttappt nicht während des nächsten Enttappsegments ihres Beherrschers.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Fisch, Oktopus, Krabbe"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457868,
                    "name": "Crustacefaloburón",
                    "text": "{2}{G}{U}: Adaptar 1. (Si esta criatura no tiene contadores +1/+1 sobre ella, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre ella.)\nSiempre que uno o más contadores +1/+1 se pongan sobre el Crustacefaloburón, gira la criatura objetivo que controla un oponente. Esa criatura no se endereza durante el próximo paso de enderezar de su controlador.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Cangrejo pulpo pez"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458127,
                    "name": "Crabe céphalosquale",
                    "text": "{2}{G}{U} : Adaptez 1. (Si cette créature n'a pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur elle.)\nÀ chaque fois qu'au moins un marqueur +1/+1 est mis sur le Crabe céphalosquale, engagez une créature ciblée qu'un adversaire contrôle. Cette créature ne se dégage pas pendant la prochaine étape de dégagement de son contrôleur.",
                    "type": "Créature : poisson et pieuvre et crabe"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458386,
                    "name": "Squovranchio",
                    "text": "{2}{G}{U}: Adattamento 1. (Se questa creatura non ha segnalini +1/+1, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su di essa.)\nOgniqualvolta vengono messi uno o più segnalini +1/+1 sullo Squovranchio, TAPpa una creatura bersaglio controllata da un avversario. Quella creatura non STAPpa durante il prossimo STAP del suo controllore.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Granchio Piovra Pesce"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458645,
                    "name": "ヒレバサミダコ",
                    "text": "{2}{G}{U}:順応1を行う。(このクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないなら、これの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。)\nヒレバサミダコの上に+1/+1カウンターが1個以上置かれるたび、対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。そのクリーチャーは、それのコントローラーの次のアンタップ・ステップにアンタップしない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 魚・タコ・カニ"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458904,
                    "name": "상문게",
                    "text": "{2}{G}{U}: 적응 1을 한다. (이 생물이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않다면, 이 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.)\n상문게에 +1/+1 카운터가 한 개 이상 놓일 때마다, 상대가 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 탭한다. 그 생물은 조종자의 다음 언탭단에 언탭되지 않는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 어류 문어 게"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459163,
                    "name": "Tubaropolvoguejo",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: Adaptar 1. (Se esta criatura não tiver marcadores +1/+1, coloque um marcador +1/+1 nela.)\nToda vez que um ou mais marcadores +1/+1 forem colocados em Tubaropolvoguejo, vire a criatura alvo que um oponente controla. Aquela criatura não é desvirada durante a próxima etapa de desvirar de seu controlador.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Peixe Polvo Caranguejo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459422,
                    "name": "Осьмикракула",
                    "text": "{2}{G}{U}: адаптируйте 1. (Если на этом существе нет жетонов +1/+1, положите на него один жетон +1/+1.)\nКаждый раз, когда на Осьмикракулу кладется один или несколько жетонов +1/+1, поверните целевое существо под контролем оппонента. То существо не разворачивается во время следующего шага разворота контролирующего его игрока.",
                    "type": "Существо — Рыба Спрут Краб"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459681,
                    "name": "鲨蛸蟹",
                    "text": "{2}{G}{U}:演化1。(如果此生物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置一个+1/+1指示物。)\n每当在鲨蛸蟹上放置一个或数个+1/+1指示物时,横置目标由对手操控的生物。该生物于其操控者的下一个重置步骤中不能重置。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鱼/章鱼/蟹"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459940,
                    "name": "鯊蛸蟹",
                    "text": "{2}{G}{U}:演化1。(如果此生物上沒有+1/+1指示物,則在其上放置一個+1/+1指示物。)\n每當在鯊蛸蟹上放置一個或數個+1/+1指示物時,橫置目標由對手操控的生物。該生物於其操控者的下一個重置步驟中不能重置。",
                    "type": "生物 ~魚/章魚/蟹"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457350,
            "name": "Sharktocrab",
            "number": "206",
            "originalText": "{2}{G}{U}: Adapt 1. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put a +1/+1 counter on it.)\nWhenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Sharktocrab, tap target creature an opponent controls. That creature doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Fish Octopus Crab",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Sharktocrab’s triggered ability can target a creature that’s already tapped. That creature won’t untap during its controller’s next untap step."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers when counters are put on a permanent will trigger if that permanent somehow enters the battlefield with those counters."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can always activate an ability that will cause a creature to adapt. As that ability resolves, if the creature has a +1/+1 counter on it for any reason, you simply won’t put any +1/+1 counters on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature somehow loses all of its +1/+1 counters, it can adapt again and get more +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "e0f31228-0c47-4c51-932d-50fdec965f15",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "47f6f1c8-731f-435d-ac2f-d2ffcc971dda",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fb8e43f2-41d5-4ffb-a61e-940477749e00",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183221,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{2}{G}{U}: Adapt 1. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put a +1/+1 counter on it.)\nWhenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Sharktocrab, tap target creature an opponent controls. That creature doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Fish Octopus Crab",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2a325ed4-281d-5bb6-a49d-326ad6890dcb",
            "uuidV421": "1be6df86-6d82-50be-b813-c7667a9522d4",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Volkan Baga",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"There's something peculiar about the rain today.\"\n—Janoc, Tin Street tinker",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Irgendwie ist der Regen heute seltsam.\"\n—Janoc, Bastler aus der Zinnstraße",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457454,
                    "name": "Schimmer der Möglichkeiten",
                    "text": "Schaue dir die obersten vier Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Nimm eine davon auf deine Hand und lege den Rest in zufälliger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"Hay algo peculiar en la lluvia hoy\".\n—Janoc, chatarrero de la Calle Hojalata",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457713,
                    "name": "Reflejo de posibilidad",
                    "text": "Mira las cuatro primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Pon una de ellas en tu mano y el resto en el fondo de tu biblioteca en un orden aleatorio.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« La pluie n'est pas tout à fait comme d'habitude aujourd'hui. »\n—Janoc, bricoleur de la rue d'étain",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457972,
                    "name": "Scintillement de probabilité",
                    "text": "Regardez les quatre cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Mettez l'une d'elles dans votre main et le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque, dans un ordre aléatoire.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"C'è qualcosa di strano nella pioggia, oggi.\"\n—Janoc, riparatore di Via Latta",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458231,
                    "name": "Barlume di Possibilità",
                    "text": "Guarda le prime quattro carte del tuo grimorio. Aggiungine una alla tua mano e metti le altre in fondo al tuo grimorio in ordine casuale.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「今日の雨はどこかおかしいな。」\n――ブリキ通りの修繕士、ジャノク",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458490,
                    "name": "可能性の揺らぎ",
                    "text": "あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを4枚見る。そのうち1枚をあなたの手札に加え、残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に無作為の順番で置く。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"오늘은 왜인지 비가 이상한데.\"\n—깡통 거리 땜장이, 자노크",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458749,
                    "name": "희미하게 빛나는 가능성",
                    "text": "당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 네 장을 본다. 그중 한 장을 당신의 손으로 가져가고 나머지 카드들은 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tem alguma coisa peculiar na chuva hoje.\"\n— Janoc, latoeiro da Rua do Estanho",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459008,
                    "name": "Reflexo das Possibilidades",
                    "text": "Olhe os quatro cards do topo do seu grimório. Coloque um deles em sua mão e o restante no fundo de seu grimório em ordem aleatória.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Сегодня дождь какой-то необычный».\n— Янок, мастеровой с улицы Жестянщиков",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459267,
                    "name": "Отблески Возможностей",
                    "text": "Посмотрите четыре верхние карты вашей библиотеки. Положите одну из них в вашу руку, а остальные — в низ вашей библиотеки в случайном порядке.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「今天的雨总有点不自然。」\n~锡街修补匠贾诺克",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459526,
                    "name": "远景烁影",
                    "text": "检视你牌库顶的四张牌。将其中一张置于你手上,其余的牌则以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「今天的雨總有點不自然。」\n~錫街修補匠賈諾克",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459785,
                    "name": "遠景爍影",
                    "text": "檢視你牌庫頂的四張牌。將其中一張置於你手上,其餘的牌則以隨機順序置於你的牌庫底。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457195,
            "name": "Shimmer of Possibility",
            "number": "51",
            "originalText": "Look at the top four cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "76e3092d-2422-438c-b5dd-bf8eca33a76e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a0e90234-9120-4e9a-8f28-917c13aa31dd",
            "scryfallOracleId": "85e2b073-e953-46f9-a1d4-0dfe030b3751",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183375,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Look at the top four cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7616aaf3-b7c9-58ae-8dcb-86ec82a0c279",
            "uuidV421": "11193999-70a7-5605-982b-e7d054b39e66"
            "artist": "Suzanne Helmigh",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Stay close! It's just a little farther.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Dicht zusammenbleiben! Es ist nicht mehr weit.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457544,
                    "name": "Silhana-Pfadfinder",
                    "text": "Wenn der Silhana-Pfadfinder ins Spiel kommt, schaue dir die obersten vier Karten deiner Bibliothek an. Du kannst davon eine Kreaturen- oder Länderkarte offen vorzeigen und oben auf deine Bibliothek legen. Lege den Rest in zufälliger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elf, Späher"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡No se separen! Ya falta muy poco\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457803,
                    "name": "Buscacaminos silhana",
                    "text": "Cuando el Buscacaminos silhana entre al campo de batalla, mira las cuatro primeras cartas de tu biblioteca. Puedes mostrar una carta de criatura o de tierra que se encuentre entre ellas y ponerla en la parte superior de tu biblioteca. Pon el resto en el fondo de tu biblioteca en un orden aleatorio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Explorador elfo"
                    "flavorText": "« Restez près de moi ! Ce n'est plus très loin. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458062,
                    "name": "Guidevoie silhana",
                    "text": "Quand le Guidevoie silhana arrive sur le champ de bataille, regardez les quatre cartes du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez révéler une carte de créature ou de terrain parmi elles et la mettre au-dessus de votre bibliothèque. Mettez le reste au-dessous de votre bibliothèque dans un ordre aléatoire.",
                    "type": "Créature : elfe et éclaireur"
                    "flavorText": "\"Statemi vicini! Ormai manca poco.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458321,
                    "name": "Apripista Silhana",
                    "text": "Quando l'Apripista Silhana entra nel campo di battaglia, guarda le prime quattro carte del tuo grimorio. Puoi rivelare una carta creatura o terra scelta tra esse e metterla in cima al tuo grimorio. Metti le altre in fondo al tuo grimorio in ordine casuale.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Esploratore Elfo"
                    "flavorText": "「俺から離れるな!あと少しで着く。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458580,
                    "name": "シラナの道探し",
                    "text": "シラナの道探しが戦場に出たとき、あなたのライブラリーの一番上からカードを4枚見る。あなたはその中からクリーチャーか土地であるカード1枚を公開してあなたのライブラリーの一番上に置いてもよい。残りをあなたのライブラリーの一番下に無作為の順番で置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エルフ・スカウト"
                    "flavorText": "\"멀어지지 마! 조금만 더 가면 돼.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458839,
                    "name": "실하나 길잡이",
                    "text": "실하나 길잡이가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드 네 장을 본다. 당신은 그중에서 생물 또는 대지 카드 한 장을 공개하고 당신의 서고 맨 위에 놓을 수 있다. 나머지 카드들은 무작위 순서로 당신의 서고 맨 밑에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 엘프 정찰병"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não se afaste! Falta só mais um pouco.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459098,
                    "name": "Trilheiro Silhana",
                    "text": "Quando Trilheiro Silhana entrar no campo de batalha, olhe os quatro cards do topo de seu grimório. Você pode revelar um card de criatura ou terreno dentre eles e colocá-lo no topo de seu grimório. Coloque o restante no fundo de seu grimório em ordem aleatória.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elfo Batedor"
                    "flavorText": "«Держитесь поближе! Уже недалеко».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459357,
                    "name": "Силана-Путепроходчик",
                    "text": "Когда Силана-Путепроходчик выходит на поле битвы, посмотрите четыре верхние карты вашей библиотеки. Вы можете показать находящуюся среди них карту существа или земли и положить ее на верх вашей библиотеки. Положите остальные карты в низ вашей библиотеки в случайном порядке.",
                    "type": "Существо — Эльф Разведчик"
                    "flavorText": "「跟紧我!已经不远了。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459616,
                    "name": "西哈纳引路人",
                    "text": "当西哈纳引路人进战场时,检视你牌库顶的四张牌。你可以展示其中的一张生物或地牌,并将它置于你的牌库顶。将其余的牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/斥候"
                    "flavorText": "「跟緊我!已經不遠了。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459875,
                    "name": "西哈納引路人",
                    "text": "當西哈納引路人進戰場時,檢視你牌庫頂的四張牌。你可以展示其中的一張生物或地牌,並將它置於你的牌庫頂。將其餘的牌以隨機順序置於你的牌庫底。",
                    "type": "生物 ~妖精/斥候"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457285,
            "name": "Silhana Wayfinder",
            "number": "141",
            "originalText": "When Silhana Wayfinder enters the battlefield, look at the top four cards of your library. You may reveal a creature or land card from among them and put it on top of your library. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elf Scout",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "ea6cd6a5-da6c-483c-a9f7-49e666ac0b6c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "71a3fa35-3e31-4ee2-8a5e-9c5edb6b099d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "dc858fc1-d97a-4cc5-af31-2c33d9639e1b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183222,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Silhana Wayfinder enters the battlefield, look at the top four cards of your library. You may reveal a creature or land card from among them and put it on top of your library. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Elf Scout",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "79b6f1db-13f7-510f-a41d-38715355d38b",
            "uuidV421": "e2e1fd97-ae86-5ffa-8942-d42e478f30df"
            "artist": "Izzy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457610,
                    "name": "Vormacht der Simic",
                    "text": "{1}{G}{U}: Lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst.\nImmer wenn eine oder mehrere +1/+1-Marken auf eine Kreatur gelegt werden, die du kontrollierst, lege entsprechend viele Wachstumsmarken auf die Vormacht der Simic.\nZu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments und falls zwanzig oder mehr Wachstumsmarken auf der Vormacht der Simic liegen, gewinnst du die Partie.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457869,
                    "name": "Supremacía simic",
                    "text": "{1}{G}{U}: Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura objetivo que controlas.\nSiempre que uno o más contadores +1/+1 se pongan sobre una criatura que controlas, pon esa misma cantidad de contadores de crecimiento sobre la Supremacía simic.\nAl comienzo de tu mantenimiento, si la Supremacía simic tiene veinte o más contadores de crecimiento sobre ella, ganas el juego.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458128,
                    "name": "Ascendance simic",
                    "text": "{1}{G}{U} : Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez.\nÀ chaque fois qu'au moins un marqueur +1/+1 est mis sur une créature que vous contrôlez, mettez autant de marqueurs « croissance » sur l'Ascendance simic.\nAu début de votre entretien, si l'Ascendance simic a au moins vingt marqueurs « croissance » sur elle, vous gagnez la partie.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458387,
                    "name": "Supremazia Simic",
                    "text": "{1}{G}{U}: Metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura bersaglio che controlli.\nOgniqualvolta vengono messi uno o più segnalini +1/+1 su una creatura che controlli, metti altrettanti segnalini crescita sulla Supremazia Simic.\nAll'inizio del tuo mantenimento, se la Supremazia Simic ha venti o più segnalini crescita, vinci la partita.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458646,
                    "name": "シミックの隆盛",
                    "text": "{1}{G}{U}:あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。\nあなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体の上に+1/+1カウンターが1個以上置かれるたび、その個数に等しい数の成長カウンターをシミックの隆盛の上に置く。\nあなたのアップキープの開始時に、シミックの隆盛の上に成長カウンターが20個以上置かれている場合、あなたはこのゲームに勝利する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458905,
                    "name": "시믹의 지배력",
                    "text": "{1}{G}{U}: 당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.\n당신이 조종하는 생물에 +1/+1 카운터가 한 개 이상 놓일 때마다, 시믹의 지배력에 그만큼 성장 카운터를 올려놓는다.\n당신의 유지단 시작에, 시믹의 지배력이 성장 카운터를 20개 이상 가지고 있다면, 당신은 게임에서 승리한다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459164,
                    "name": "Ascensão Simic",
                    "text": "{1}{G}{U}: Coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura alvo que você controla.\nToda vez que um ou mais marcadores +1/+1 forem colocados em uma criatura que você controla, coloque aquela quantidade de marcadores de crescimento em Ascensão Simic.\nNo início de sua manutenção, se Ascensão Simic tiver vinte ou mais marcadores de crescimento, você vence o jogo.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459423,
                    "name": "Возвышение Симиков",
                    "text": "{1}{G}{U}: положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое существо под вашим контролем.\nКаждый раз, когда на существо под вашим контролем кладется один или несколько жетонов +1/+1, положите такое же количество жетонов роста на Возвышение Симиков.\nВ начале вашего шага поддержки, если на Возвышении Симиков есть не менее двадцати жетонов роста, вы выигрываете партию.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459682,
                    "name": "析米克威权",
                    "text": "{1}{G}{U}:在目标由你操控的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。\n每当在一个由你操控的生物上放置一个或数个+1/+1指示物时,在析米克威权上放置等量的生长指示物。\n在你的维持开始时,若析米克威权上有二十个或更多生长指示物,则你赢得这盘游戏。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459941,
                    "name": "析米克威權",
                    "text": "{1}{G}{U}:在目標由你操控的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。\n每當在一個由你操控的生物上放置一個或數個+1/+1指示物時,在析米克威權上放置等量的生長指示物。\n在你的維持開始時,若析米克威權上有二十個或更多生長指示物,則你贏得這盤遊戲。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457351,
            "name": "Simic Ascendancy",
            "number": "207",
            "originalText": "{1}{G}{U}: Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control.\nWhenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on a creature you control, put that many growth counters on Simic Ascendancy.\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, if Simic Ascendancy has twenty or more growth counters on it, you win the game.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers when counters are put on a permanent will trigger if that permanent somehow enters the battlefield with those counters."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Simic Ascendancy doesn’t have twenty or more growth counters on it as your upkeep begins, its last ability won’t trigger. You can’t take any actions during your turn before your upkeep begins."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the last ability does trigger, but counters are removed from Simic Ascendancy so it has fewer than twenty remaining on it, you won’t win the game."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the last ability does trigger, but Simic Ascendancy leaves the battlefield, use the number of counters it had on it immediately before it left the battlefield to determine whether you win the game."
            "scryfallId": "ff824392-fb5c-496c-be2f-6dfa6e04e3a2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "bba5840a-ad13-4982-b6e8-e7668d3fd0c6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "57c1a98e-c4fb-4144-9e3e-d0fe6789ba26",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182121,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}{G}{U}: Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control.\nWhenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on a creature you control, put that many growth counters on Simic Ascendancy.\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, if Simic Ascendancy has twenty or more growth counters on it, you win the game.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b91820bc-7853-55d0-a8e6-cb0a90af7bf4",
            "uuidV421": "c7e13c2e-38ea-52cd-96f3-4078d1c38d78",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Adam Paquette",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Mystery is beauty. Within the unknown we plumb revelation.\"\n—Vannifar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Mysterien sind Schönheit. Wir ergründen die Offenbarung im Unbekannten.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457660,
                    "name": "Simic-Gildeneingang",
                    "text": "Der Simic-Gildeneingang kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {G} oder {U}.",
                    "type": "Land — Tor"
                    "flavorText": "\"El misterio es hermoso. Sondeamos la verdad en lo desconocido\".\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457919,
                    "name": "Portal del Gremio Simic",
                    "text": "El Portal del Gremio Simic entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {G} o {U}.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Portal"
                    "flavorText": "« Le mystère est une forme de beauté. C'est dans l'inconnu que l'on puise une révélation. »\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458178,
                    "name": "Porte de la guilde de Simic",
                    "text": "La Porte de la guilde de Simic arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{T} : Ajoutez {G} ou {U}.",
                    "type": "Terrain : porte"
                    "flavorText": "\"C'è bellezza nel mistero. Scandagliamo l'ignoto in cerca della rivelazione.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458437,
                    "name": "Cancello della Gilda Simic",
                    "text": "Il Cancello della Gilda Simic entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {G} o {U}.",
                    "type": "Terra — Cancello"
                    "flavorText": "「神秘とは美です。未知の中で私たちは真実を探すのです。」\n――ヴァニファール",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458696,
                    "name": "シミックのギルド門",
                    "text": "シミックのギルド門はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{G}か{U}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地 — 門"
                    "flavorText": "\"수수께끼는 아름답다. 그 불가해 안에서 우리는 깨달음을 얻는다.\"\n—반니파르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458955,
                    "name": "시믹 길드관문",
                    "text": "시믹 길드관문은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {G} 또는 {U}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 관문"
                    "flavorText": "\"O mistério é lindo. É no desconhecido que sondamos a revelação.\"\n— Vannifar",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459214,
                    "name": "Portão da Guilda Simic",
                    "text": "Portão da Guilda Simic entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {G} ou {U}.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Portão"
                    "flavorText": "«Во всякой тайне скрыта красота. Мы черпаем откровения из глубин непознанного».\n— Ваннифар",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459473,
                    "name": "Врата Гильдии Симиков",
                    "text": "Врата Гильдии Симиков выходят на поле битвы повернутыми.\n{T}: добавьте {G} или {U}.",
                    "type": "Земля — Врата"
                    "flavorText": "「迷便是美。我们在未知中探究启示。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459732,
                    "name": "析米克公会门",
                    "text": "析米克公会门须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{G}或{U}。",
                    "type": "地 ~门"
                    "flavorText": "「謎便是美。我們在未知中探究啟示。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459991,
                    "name": "析米克公會門",
                    "text": "析米克公會門須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{G}或{U}。",
                    "type": "地 ~門"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457401,
            "name": "Simic Guildgate",
            "number": "257",
            "originalText": "Simic Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {G} or {U}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "The subtype Gate has no special rules significance, but other spells and abilities may refer to it."
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "Gate is not a basic land type."
            "scryfallId": "6e73e082-b16a-45d5-bc4a-24c694b0b9af",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "52f15b99-4bc3-4a28-8537-05dafe1e5e05",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e8705df9-6439-4930-91b6-229f818559af",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182830,
            "text": "Simic Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {G} or {U}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d52b4aaf-1c76-5797-a704-07bc0a6281e5",
            "uuidV421": "e8b05f08-5ef0-5bdb-b408-8b7493a7d0e2",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Adam Paquette",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"When the Prime Speaker goes too far, I will be here in the safety of the deeps to correct her.\"\n—Zegana",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wenn die Oberste Sprecherin zu weit geht, bin ich hier in den sicheren Tiefen, um sie zu korrigieren.\"\n—Zegana",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457661,
                    "name": "Simic-Gildeneingang",
                    "text": "Der Simic-Gildeneingang kommt getappt ins Spiel.\n{T}: Erzeuge {G} oder {U}.",
                    "type": "Land — Tor"
                    "flavorText": "\"Cuando la portavoz principal se pase de la raya, estaré aquí, en la seguridad de las profundidades, para corregirla\".\n—Zegana",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457920,
                    "name": "Portal del Gremio Simic",
                    "text": "El Portal del Gremio Simic entra al campo de batalla girado.\n{T}: Agrega {G} o {U}.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Portal"
                    "flavorText": "« Quand la Première oratrice ira trop loin, je serai là dans la sécurité des profondeurs pour la remettre sur le droit chemin. »\n—Zegana",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458179,
                    "name": "Porte de la guilde de Simic",
                    "text": "La Porte de la guilde de Simic arrive sur le champ de bataille engagée.\n{T} : Ajoutez {G} ou {U}.",
                    "type": "Terrain : porte"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quando la Portavoce passerà il limite, io sarò qui, al sicuro negli abissi, per correggerla.\"\n—Zegana",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458438,
                    "name": "Cancello della Gilda Simic",
                    "text": "Il Cancello della Gilda Simic entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.\n{T}: Aggiungi {G} o {U}.",
                    "type": "Terra — Cancello"
                    "flavorText": "「首席議長が度を超えた時には、深海の避難所にいるこの私が彼女を正す。」\n――ゼガーナ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458697,
                    "name": "シミックのギルド門",
                    "text": "シミックのギルド門はタップ状態で戦場に出る。\n{T}:{G}か{U}を加える。",
                    "type": "土地 — 門"
                    "flavorText": "\"최고 의장이 너무 심한 일을 해서 고쳐야 하면, 심해에 있는 저를 찾아오십시오.\"\n—제가나",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458956,
                    "name": "시믹 길드관문",
                    "text": "시믹 길드관문은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.\n{T}: {G} 또는 {U}를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 관문"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quando a Oradora Principal for longe demais, eu estarei aqui na segurança das profundezas para corrigi-la.\"\n— Zegana",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459215,
                    "name": "Portão da Guilda Simic",
                    "text": "Portão da Guilda Simic entra no campo de batalha virado.\n{T}: Adicione {G} ou {U}.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Portão"
                    "flavorText": "«Когда Главный Оратор зайдет слишком далеко, я буду здесь, в безопасных глубинах, чтобы поправить ее».\n— Зегана",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459474,
                    "name": "Врата Гильдии Симиков",
                    "text": "Врата Гильдии Симиков выходят на поле битвы повернутыми.\n{T}: добавьте {G} или {U}.",
                    "type": "Земля — Врата"
                    "flavorText": "「如果首席停不下手,我会在安全的深海纠正她。」\n~洁加娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459733,
                    "name": "析米克公会门",
                    "text": "析米克公会门须横置进战场。\n{T}:加{G}或{U}。",
                    "type": "地 ~门"
                    "flavorText": "「如果首席停不下手,我會在安全的深海糾正她。」\n~潔加娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459992,
                    "name": "析米克公會門",
                    "text": "析米克公會門須橫置進戰場。\n{T}:加{G}或{U}。",
                    "type": "地 ~門"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457402,
            "name": "Simic Guildgate",
            "number": "258",
            "originalText": "Simic Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {G} or {U}.",
            "originalType": "Land — Gate",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "The subtype Gate has no special rules significance, but other spells and abilities may refer to it."
                    "date": "2013-04-15",
                    "text": "Gate is not a basic land type."
            "scryfallId": "62537433-3c49-417d-89ef-c12d5288bb6f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9f8c0252-f303-4d0a-8e8d-aa218076a995",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e8705df9-6439-4930-91b6-229f818559af",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182832,
            "text": "Simic Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.\n{T}: Add {G} or {U}.",
            "type": "Land — Gate",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0cd73c9b-4956-5558-9a24-981878db771a",
            "uuidV421": "e3c94167-91be-592f-9962-cdbf1cfea0ea",
            "variations": [
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Yeong-Hao Han",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Like our guild itself, this locket can stand for many things. You must discern what it means for you.\"\n—Vannifar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wie unsere Gilde selbst kann auch dieses Medaillon für vieles stehen. Finde heraus, was es für dich bedeutet.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457643,
                    "name": "Simic-Medaillon",
                    "text": "{T}: Erzeuge {G} oder {U}.\n{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}, {T}, opfere das Simic-Medaillon: Ziehe zwei Karten.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Como nuestro propio gremio, este relicario simboliza muchas cosas. Debes analizar lo que significa para ti\".\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457902,
                    "name": "Relicario simic",
                    "text": "{T}: Agrega {G} o {U}.\n{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}, {T}, sacrificar el Relicario simic: Roba dos cartas.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« Tout comme notre guilde, ce médaillon peut représenter beaucoup de choses. Vous devez percevoir ce qu'il signifie pour vous. »\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458161,
                    "name": "Médaillon de Simic",
                    "text": "{T} : Ajoutez {G} ou {U}.\n{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}, {T}, sacrifiez le Médaillon de Simic : Piochez deux cartes.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"Come la nostra stessa gilda, questo medaglione può rappresentare molti ideali. Spetta a te capire quale gli attribuisci.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458420,
                    "name": "Medaglione Simic",
                    "text": "{T}: Aggiungi {G} o {U}.\n{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}, {T}, Sacrifica il Medaglione Simic: Pesca due carte.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「私たちのギルドのように、このロケットはさまざまなものの味方になれます。あなたにとってこれがどういう意味を持つのか、見極める必要があります。」\n――ヴァニファール",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458679,
                    "name": "シミックのロケット",
                    "text": "{T}:{G}か{U}を加える。\n{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}, {T}, シミックのロケットを生け贄に捧げる:カードを2枚引く。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"우리의 길드와 마찬가지로, 이 로켓도 여러 가지를 의미할 수 있다. 스스로 이것이 어떤 의미인지를 알아내야 할 것이야.\"\n—반니파르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458938,
                    "name": "시믹 로켓",
                    "text": "{T}: {G} 또는 {U}를 추가한다.\n{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}, {T}, 시믹 로켓을 희생한다: 카드 두 장을 뽑는다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Como nossa guilda, esse medalhão pode representar várias coisas. Você precisa discernir o que ele significa para você.\"\n— Vannifar",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459197,
                    "name": "Medalhão Simic",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {G} ou {U}.\n{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}, {T}, sacrifique Medalhão Simic: Compre dois cards.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Как и вся наша гильдия, этот медальон может символизировать многое. Тебе самому нужно решить, что он для тебя означает».\n— Ваннифар",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459456,
                    "name": "Медальон Симиков",
                    "text": "{T}: добавьте {G} или {U}.\n{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}, {T}, пожертвуйте Медальон Симиков: возьмите две карты.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "这枚坠饰和我们的公会一样,代表着许多事物。\n你必须自行判断它于你意味着什么。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459715,
                    "name": "析米克坠饰",
                    "text": "{T}:加{G}或{U}。\n{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U},{T},牺牲析米克坠饰:抓两张牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「這枚墜飾和我們的公會一樣,代表著許多事物。你必須自行判斷它於你意味著什麼。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459974,
                    "name": "析米克墜飾",
                    "text": "{T}:加{G}或{U}。\n{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U},{T},犧牲析米克墜飾:抽兩張牌。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}",
            "multiverseId": 457384,
            "name": "Simic Locket",
            "number": "240",
            "originalText": "{T}: Add {G} or {U}.\n{GW}{GW}{GW}{GW}, {T}, Sacrifice Simic Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "29c65978-e5b0-428e-aace-f99768ca6106",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "88e7364c-49ab-4233-b966-6e56a0985b96",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c567fed8-df00-4579-901e-8754079105bf",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182839,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{T}: Add {G} or {U}.\n{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U}, {T}, Sacrifice Simic Locket: Draw two cards.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d89f1287-7a48-59e1-b04e-43ca979fce2c",
            "uuidV421": "81bf9080-1efd-5596-b8dc-cf48fb6e93fa",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457517,
                    "name": "Skarrgischer Höllendrache",
                    "text": "Aufruhr (Du bestimmst, ob diese Kreatur mit einer +1/+1-Marke oder mit Eile ins Spiel kommt.)\nFliegend\n{3}{R}: Der Skarrgische Höllendrache fügt 2 Schadenspunkte zu, deren Aufteilung auf ein oder zwei Ziele deiner Wahl du bestimmst. Aktiviere diese Fähigkeit nur, falls mindestens eine +1/+1-Marke auf dem Skarrgischen Höllendrachen liegt.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Drache"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457776,
                    "name": "Engendro skarrgano",
                    "text": "Insurgencia. (Esta criatura entra al campo de batalla con lo que elijas: un contador +1/+1 o la habilidad de prisa.)\nVuela.\n{3}{R}: El Engendro skarrgano hace 2 puntos de daño divididos como elijas entre uno o dos objetivos. Activa esta habilidad solo si el Engendro skarrgano tiene un contador +1/+1 sobre él.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dragón"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458035,
                    "name": "Escouflenfer skarrgan",
                    "text": "Émeute (Cette créature arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, selon votre choix, un marqueur +1/+1 ou la célérité.)\nVol\n{3}{R} : L'Escouflenfer skarrgan inflige 2 blessures réparties comme vous le désirez entre une ou deux cibles. N'activez cette capacité que si l'Escouflenfer skarrgan a un marqueur +1/+1 sur lui.",
                    "type": "Créature : dragon"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458294,
                    "name": "Nibbio Infernale di Skarrg",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Questa creatura entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 o rapidità a tua scelta.)\nVolare\n{3}{R}: Il Nibbio Infernale di Skarrg infligge 2 danni divisi a tua scelta tra uno o due bersagli. Attiva questa abilità solo se il Nibbio Infernale di Skarrg ha un segnalino +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Drago"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458553,
                    "name": "スカルガンのヘルカイト",
                    "text": "暴動(このクリーチャーは+1/+1カウンター1個か速攻のうちあなたが選んだ1つを持った状態で戦場に出る。)\n飛行\n{3}{R}:クリーチャーやプレインズウォーカーやプレイヤー、合わせて1つか2つを対象とする。スカルガンのヘルカイトはそれらに2点のダメージをあなたの望むように分割して与える。この能力は、スカルガンのヘルカイトの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれているときにのみ起動できる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ドラゴン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458812,
                    "name": "스카르간 지옥룡",
                    "text": "폭동 (이 생물은 당신의 선택에 따라 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 또는 신속을 가지고 전장에 들어온다.)\n비행\n{3}{R}: 원하는 목표 한 개나 두 개를 정한다. 스카르간 지옥룡은 그 목표들에게 피해 2점을 당신이 나눈 대로 입힌다. 스카르간 지옥룡이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있을 때에만 이 능력을 활성화할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 용"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459071,
                    "name": "Dragão Avérneo de Skarrgan",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Esta criatura entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 ou ímpeto, à sua escolha.)\nVoar\n{3}{R}: Dragão Avérneo de Skarrgan causa 2 pontos de dano divididos à sua escolha entre um ou dois alvos. Ative esta habilidade somente se Dragão Avérneo de Skarrgan tiver um marcador +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dragão"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459330,
                    "name": "Скарганский Змей",
                    "text": "Беспорядки (Это существо выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 или Ускорением, по вашему выбору.)\nПолет\n{3}{R}: Скарганский Змей наносит 2 повреждения, разделенные по вашему выбору между одной или двумя целями. Активируйте эту способность, только если на Скарганском Змее есть жетон +1/+1.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дракон"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459589,
                    "name": "始卡克残虐者",
                    "text": "起事(于此生物进战场时,你选择「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」异能。它进战场时上面有所选加成。)\n飞行\n{3}{R}:始卡克残虐者对任意一个或两个目标造成共2点伤害,你可以任意分配。只能于始卡克残虐者上有+1/+1指示物时起动此异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~龙"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459848,
                    "name": "始卡克殘虐者",
                    "text": "起事(於此生物進戰場時,你選擇「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」異能。它進戰場時上面有所選加成。)\n飛行\n{3}{R}:始卡克殘虐者對任意一個或兩個目標造成共2點傷害,你可以任意分配。只能於始卡克殘虐者上有+1/+1指示物時起動此異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~龍"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457258,
            "name": "Skarrgan Hellkite",
            "number": "114",
            "originalText": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nFlying\n{3}{R}: Skarrgan Hellkite deals 2 damage divided as you choose among one or two targets. Activate this ability only if Skarrgan Hellkite has a +1/+1 counter on it.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Dragon",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You divide the damage as you activate Skarrgan Hellkite’s ability, not as it resolves. Each target must be assigned at least 1 damage. In other words, as you activate the ability, you choose whether to have Skarrgan Hellkite deal 2 damage to a single target, or deal 1 damage to each of two targets."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Skarrgan Hellkite’s ability has two targets and one becomes illegal, the remaining target is dealt 1 damage, not 2."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Once Skarrgan Hellkite’s ability has been activated, it resolves even if all +1/+1 counters are removed from it or if Skarrgan Hellkite leaves the battlefield."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
            "scryfallId": "be941a2e-4eb0-45b3-9da0-834053907a65",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "da580719-c28b-4618-9d17-d0d588a68456",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bfbe28a2-b656-4575-8b7e-9dbc22f8d4bc",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182957,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nFlying\n{3}{R}: Skarrgan Hellkite deals 2 damage divided as you choose among one or two targets. Activate this ability only if Skarrgan Hellkite has a +1/+1 counter on it.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Dragon",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5bbcd0cb-bbfb-5559-8e93-121add326ab1",
            "uuidV421": "b1d86ec5-80a7-5c8c-965e-ac84a6839061",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"A better Ravnica begins with a better Simic.\"\n—Vannifar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ein besseres Ravnica beginnt mit verbesserten Simic.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457455,
                    "name": "Gleitflügelspionin",
                    "text": "{5}{U}: Adaptieren 2. (Falls keine +1/+1-Marken auf dieser Kreatur liegen, lege zwei +1/+1-Marken auf sie.)\nJede Kreatur, die du kontrollierst und auf der mindestens eine +1/+1-Marke liegt, hat Flugfähigkeit.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vedalken, Räuber, Mutant"
                    "flavorText": "\"Una Rávnica mejor comienza por un Gremio Simic mejor\".\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457714,
                    "name": "Espía alarraya",
                    "text": "{5}{U}: Adaptar 2. (Si esta criatura no tiene contadores +1/+1 sobre ella, pon dos contadores +1/+1 sobre ella.)\nCada criatura que controlas con un contador +1/+1 sobre ella tiene la habilidad de volar.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Mutante bribón vedalken"
                    "flavorText": "« Un meilleur Ravnica commence par un meilleur Simic. »\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457973,
                    "name": "Espionne manta",
                    "text": "{5}{U} : Adaptez 2. (Si cette créature n'a pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle, mettez deux marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle.)\nChaque créature que vous contrôlez avec un marqueur +1/+1 sur elle a le vol.",
                    "type": "Créature : vedalken et gredin et mutant"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il miglioramento di Ravnica comincia con il miglioramento dei Simic.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458232,
                    "name": "Spia Mantoide",
                    "text": "{5}{U}: Adattamento 2. (Se questa creatura non ha segnalini +1/+1, metti due segnalini +1/+1 su di essa.)\nOgni creatura con un segnalino +1/+1 che controlli ha volare.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Mutante Farabutto Vedalken"
                    "flavorText": "「より良いラヴニカはより良いシミックから始まります。」\n――ヴァニファール",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458491,
                    "name": "エイ翼のスパイ",
                    "text": "{5}{U}:順応2を行う。(このクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないなら、これの上に+1/+1カウンターを2個置く。)\nあなたがコントロールしていて+1/+1カウンターが置かれている各クリーチャーはそれぞれ飛行を持つ。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ヴィダルケン・ならず者・ミュータント"
                    "flavorText": "\"더 나은 라브니카는 더 나은 시믹에서 시작된다.\"\n—반니파르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458750,
                    "name": "가오리날개 스파이",
                    "text": "{5}{U}: 적응 2를 한다. (이 생물이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않다면, 이 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 두 개를 올려놓는다.)\n당신이 조종하는 생물 중 +1/+1 카운터를 가진 각 생물은 비행을 가진다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 베달켄 도적 돌연변이"
                    "flavorText": "\"Uma Ravnica melhor começa com um Simic melhor.\"\n— Vannifar",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459009,
                    "name": "Espiã Asa-de-arraia",
                    "text": "{5}{U}: Adaptar 2. (Se esta criatura não tiver marcadores +1/+1, coloque dois marcadores +1/+1 nela.)\nCada criatura com um marcador +1/+1 que você controla tem voar.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vedalkeano Ladino Mutante"
                    "flavorText": "«Более совершенная Равника начинается с более совершенных Симиков».\n— Ваннифар",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459268,
                    "name": "Скатокрылая Шпионка",
                    "text": "{5}{U}: адаптируйте 2. (Если на этом существе нет жетонов +1/+1, положите на него два жетона +1/+1.)\nКаждое существо под вашим контролем, на котором есть жетон +1/+1, имеет Полет.",
                    "type": "Существо — Ведалкен Бродяга Мутант"
                    "flavorText": "「更好的拉尼卡,始于更好的析米克。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459527,
                    "name": "滑翼密探",
                    "text": "{5}{U}:演化2。(如果此生物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置两个+1/+1指示物。)\n每个由你操控且其上有+1/+1指示物的生物均具有飞行异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~维多肯/浪客/突变体"
                    "flavorText": "「更好的拉尼卡,始於更好的析米克。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459786,
                    "name": "滑翼密探",
                    "text": "{5}{U}:演化2。(如果此生物上沒有+1/+1指示物,則在其上放置兩個+1/+1指示物。)\n每個由你操控且其上有+1/+1指示物的生物均具有飛行異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~維多肯/浪客/突變體"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457196,
            "name": "Skatewing Spy",
            "number": "52",
            "originalText": "{5}{U}: Adapt 2. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put two +1/+1 counters on it.)\nEach creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it has flying.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Vedalken Rogue Mutant",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can always activate an ability that will cause a creature to adapt. As that ability resolves, if the creature has a +1/+1 counter on it for any reason, you simply won’t put any +1/+1 counters on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature somehow loses all of its +1/+1 counters, it can adapt again and get more +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "ef4a517c-515b-4adc-8ea6-fb86820f22ed",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "014968a0-3584-4b1a-b974-0631dc6ec35d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "49701c15-c6f7-4b72-9e89-d34148e5c675",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183184,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{5}{U}: Adapt 2. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put two +1/+1 counters on it.)\nEach creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it has flying.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Vedalken Rogue Mutant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "301ea8c7-1c8d-504a-9faa-ae8b86b02436",
            "uuidV421": "879435bf-4a85-52aa-a352-4863da1ba96a",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Heonhwa Choe",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Going to a Rakdos show is dangerous. Trying to leave early can be fatal.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Es ist gefährlich, eine Vorstellung der Rakdos anzusehen. Vorzeitig zu gehen kann sogar tödlich enden.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457518,
                    "name": "Den Spieß umdrehen",
                    "text": "Spektakel {R} (Du kannst diesen Zauberspruch für seine Spektakel-Kosten anstelle seiner Manakosten wirken, falls ein Gegner in diesem Zug Lebenspunkte verloren hat.)\nDen Spieß umdrehen fügt einem Ziel deiner Wahl 3 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "Asistir a un espectáculo rakdos es peligroso, pero intentar marcharse antes del final puede ser fatal.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457777,
                    "name": "Ensartar a los críticos",
                    "text": "Espectáculo {R}. (Puedes lanzar este hechizo por su coste de espectáculo en vez de por su coste de maná si un oponente perdió vidas este turno.)\nEnsartar a los críticos hace 3 puntos de daño a cualquier objetivo.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "Assister à un spectacle de Rakdos est dangereux. Essayer de partir avant la fin peut être fatal.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458036,
                    "name": "Embrocher les critiques",
                    "text": "Spectacle {R} (Vous pouvez lancer ce sort pour son coût de spectacle à la place de son coût de mana si un adversaire a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci.)\nEmbrocher les critiques inflige 3 blessures à n'importe quelle cible.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "Assistere a uno spettacolo dei Rakdos è pericoloso, ma tentare di andarsene prima della fine può essere letale.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458295,
                    "name": "Stroncare la Critica",
                    "text": "Spettacolo {R} (Puoi lanciare questa magia per il suo costo di spettacolo invece del suo costo di mana se un avversario ha perso punti vita in questo turno.)\nStroncare la Critica infligge 3 danni a un qualsiasi bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "ラクドスのショーに行くのは危険だ。早く出ようとすると命取りになる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458554,
                    "name": "批判家刺殺",
                    "text": "絢爛{R}(このターンに対戦相手がライフを失っていたなら、あなたはこの呪文を、これのマナ・コストではなく絢爛コストで唱えてもよい。)\nクリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。批判家刺殺はそれに3点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "락도스의 공연에 가는 것은 위험한 일이다. 일찍 떠나려고 하면 죽음을 초래할 수도 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458813,
                    "name": "비평가 꿰뚫기",
                    "text": "구경거리 {R} (상대가 이 턴에 생명점을 잃었다면 당신은 이 주문을 마나 비용 대신 구경거리 비용으로 발동할 수 있다.)\n원하는 목표를 정한다. 비평가 꿰뚫기는 그 목표에게 피해 3점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "Ir a um espetáculo dos Rakdos é perigoso. Tentar ir embora antes do final pode ser fatal.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459072,
                    "name": "Alfinetada nos Críticos",
                    "text": "Espetáculo {R} (Você pode conjurar esta mágica por seu custo de espetáculo, em vez de seu custo de mana, se um oponente perdeu pontos de vida neste turno.)\nAlfinetada nos Críticos causa 3 pontos de dano a qualquer alvo.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "Прийти на представление Ракдосов — опасная затея. Уйти до окончания — верная смерть.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459331,
                    "name": "Поразить Критиков",
                    "text": "Зрелище {R} (Вы можете разыграть это заклинание за его стоимость Зрелища вместо его мана-стоимости, если оппонент терял жизнь(-и) в этом ходу.)\nПоразить Критиков наносит 3 повреждения любой цели.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "观看拉铎司演出很危险。提早退场有丧命之虞。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459590,
                    "name": "遏止倒彩",
                    "text": "揭幕{R}(如果本回合有对手曾失去生命,则你可以支付此咒语的揭幕费用而非法术力费用来施放它。)\n遏止倒彩对任意一个目标造成3点伤害。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "觀看拉鐸司演出很危險。提早退場有喪命之虞。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459849,
                    "name": "遏止倒彩",
                    "text": "揭幕{R}(如果本回合有對手曾失去生命,則你可以支付此咒語的揭幕費用而非魔法力費用來施放它。)\n遏止倒彩對任意一個目標造成3點傷害。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457259,
            "name": "Skewer the Critics",
            "number": "115",
            "originalText": "Spectacle {R} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nSkewer the Critics deals 3 damage to any target.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Damage dealt to a player causes that player to lose that much life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Spectacle doesn’t change when you can cast the card. For example, you can’t cast a sorcery with spectacle during an opponent’s turn unless another effect allows you to do so, even if that player has lost life this turn."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying (such as a spectacle cost), add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A card’s spectacle cost is the same no matter how much life your opponents lost or how many opponents lost life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if an opponent loses life and later that turn leaves the game, you can cast a spell for its spectacle cost. (If a player leaves the game during their turn, that turn continues without an active player.)"
            "scryfallId": "97295660-6bea-46ae-9a3b-0fc6abba407f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2a544020-5c51-4717-b3d8-c29a1a2c2317",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c43b616e-ef87-4c12-810b-a1a3260168fa",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183223,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Spectacle {R} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nSkewer the Critics deals 3 damage to any target.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b07cee18-69c7-59b9-b4c3-b9afd07cca9a",
            "uuidV421": "ebb20a8a-4530-5aa7-8ca2-527c5473bf02",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Mathias Kollros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Life has no mistakes, only experiments.\"\n—Yolov, Simic bioengineer",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Das Leben besteht nicht aus Fehlern, sondern aus Experimenten.\"\n—Yolov, Simic-Bioingenieur",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457456,
                    "name": "Krabbelnder Aal",
                    "text": "{2}{U}: Adaptieren 2. (Falls keine +1/+1-Marken auf dieser Kreatur liegen, lege zwei +1/+1-Marken auf sie.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Fisch, Krabbe"
                    "flavorText": "\"La vida no comete errores, solo experimenta\".\n—Yólov, bioingeniero simic",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457715,
                    "name": "Anguila decápoda",
                    "text": "{2}{U}: Adaptar 2. (Si esta criatura no tiene contadores +1/+1 sobre ella, pon dos contadores +1/+1 sobre ella.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Cangrejo pez"
                    "flavorText": "« La vie ne fait pas d'erreurs, seulement des expériences. »\n—Yolov, bio-ingénieur simic",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457974,
                    "name": "Anguille rampante",
                    "text": "{2}{U} : Adaptez 2. (Si cette créature n'a pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle, mettez deux marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle.)",
                    "type": "Créature : poisson et crabe"
                    "flavorText": "\"La vita non fa errori, solo esperimenti.\"\n—Yolov, bioingegnere Simic",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458233,
                    "name": "Anguilla Brulicante",
                    "text": "{2}{U}: Adattamento 2. (Se questa creatura non ha segnalini +1/+1, metti due segnalini +1/+1 su di essa.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Granchio Pesce"
                    "flavorText": "「人生に失敗などない。あるのは実験だけだ。」\n――シミックの生技師、ヨロフ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458492,
                    "name": "速足ウツボ",
                    "text": "{2}{U}:順応2を行う。(このクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないなら、これの上に+1/+1カウンターを2個置く。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 魚・カニ"
                    "flavorText": "\"생명에는 실수가 없지. 오직 실험뿐이라네.\"\n—시믹 생명공학자, 욜로브",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458751,
                    "name": "질주하는 뱀장어",
                    "text": "{2}{U}: 적응 2를 한다. (이 생물이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않다면, 이 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 두 개를 올려놓는다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 어류 게"
                    "flavorText": "\"A vida não erra, ela experimenta.\"\n— Yolov, bioengenheiro Simic",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459010,
                    "name": "Enguiaranguejo",
                    "text": "{2}{U}: Adaptar 2. (Se esta criatura não tiver marcadores +1/+1, coloque dois marcadores +1/+1 nela.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Peixe Caranguejo"
                    "flavorText": "«Жизнь не совершает ошибок, она лишь экспериментирует».\n— Йолов, биоинженер Симиков",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459269,
                    "name": "Резвоногая Мурена",
                    "text": "{2}{U}: адаптируйте 2. (Если на этом существе нет жетонов +1/+1, положите на него два жетона +1/+1.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Рыба Краб"
                    "flavorText": "「生命没有错误,只有不断试验。」\n~析米克生物工程师约洛夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459528,
                    "name": "掠行蟹鳗",
                    "text": "{2}{U}:演化2。(如果此生物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置两个+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~鱼/蟹"
                    "flavorText": "「生命沒有錯誤,只有不斷試驗。」\n~析米克生物工程師約洛夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459787,
                    "name": "掠行蟹鰻",
                    "text": "{2}{U}:演化2。(如果此生物上沒有+1/+1指示物,則在其上放置兩個+1/+1指示物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~魚/蟹"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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                "modern": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457197,
            "name": "Skitter Eel",
            "number": "53",
            "originalText": "{2}{U}: Adapt 2. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put two +1/+1 counters on it.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Fish Crab",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can always activate an ability that will cause a creature to adapt. As that ability resolves, if the creature has a +1/+1 counter on it for any reason, you simply won’t put any +1/+1 counters on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature somehow loses all of its +1/+1 counters, it can adapt again and get more +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "db328f03-7dae-445b-8e71-99dd88f26a9e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "393c8442-01cc-4ff9-988f-dc0c6635c3b5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "75132177-0881-4158-9d65-73f5ba9d4402",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183380,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{2}{U}: Adapt 2. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put two +1/+1 counters on it.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Fish Crab",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "afdad67b-f1bf-5468-98ff-9047855a83ca",
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            "colors": [
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            "flavorText": "\"If you can't control your mount, I will control it for you.\"\n—Mirela, Azorius hussar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wenn du dein Reittier nicht kontrollieren kannst, muss ich das für dich tun.\"\n—Mirela, Azorius-Husarin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457424,
                    "name": "Himmelsketten",
                    "text": "Verzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur hat Verteidiger und verliert Flugfähigkeit.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Si no puedes controlar tu montura, yo lo haré por ti\".\n—Mirela, húsar azoria",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457683,
                    "name": "Cadena celestial",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada tiene la habilidad de defensor y pierde la habilidad de volar.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "« Si vous ne pouvez pas contrôler votre monture, je la contrôlerai pour vous. »\n—Mirela, hussarde d'Azorius",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457942,
                    "name": "Chaîne céleste",
                    "text": "Enchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée a le défenseur et perd le vol.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se non riesci a controllare il tuo destriero, lo farò io per te.\"\n—Mirela, ussara Azorius",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458201,
                    "name": "Catena Celeste",
                    "text": "Incanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata ha difensore e perde volare.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "「自分が乗るものを扱えないのなら、私が扱うわ。」\n――アゾリウスの騎兵、ミレーラ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458460,
                    "name": "空の縛め",
                    "text": "エンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントしているクリーチャーは防衛を持ち、飛行を失う。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "\"타고 있는 녀석을 통제하지 못하겠으면, 내가 대신 해 주겠어.\"\n—미렐라, 아조리우스 경기병",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458719,
                    "name": "하늘 묶기",
                    "text": "생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 수비태세를 가지고 비행을 잃는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se você não consegue controlar sua montaria, vou controlá-la para você.\"\n— Mirela, hussarda azorius",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458978,
                    "name": "Corrente Celeste",
                    "text": "Encantar criatura\nA criatura encantada tem defensor e perde voar.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "«Если не можешь управиться со своим скакуном, я это сделаю за тебя».\n— Мирела, гусар Азориусов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459237,
                    "name": "Небесные Узы",
                    "text": "Зачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо имеет способность Защитника и теряет Полет.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你管不住自己的坐骑,那就让我来替你管。」\n~俄佐立轻骑兵米瑞拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459496,
                    "name": "通天栓链",
                    "text": "结附于生物\n所结附的生物具有守军异能且失去飞行异能。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "「如果你管不住自己的座騎,那就讓我來替你管。」\n~俄佐立輕騎兵米瑞拉",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459755,
                    "name": "通天栓鍊",
                    "text": "結附於生物\n所結附的生物具有守軍異能且失去飛行異能。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
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            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457165,
            "name": "Sky Tether",
            "number": "21",
            "originalText": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature has defender and loses flying.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Sky Tether can enchant a creature that never had flying at all."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The enchanted creature can later gain flying from another effect."
            "scryfallId": "39c47be3-0228-46de-b4b5-911fb86d4596",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "cebbf5c0-ff9a-4db4-aca7-f549d9717da5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "06548af1-4fda-435c-ac32-bbf7afafb34e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183330,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Enchant creature\nEnchanted creature has defender and loses flying.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
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            "artist": "Mark Behm",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Relax. It's quite harmless. And it will dissolve completely in a month or two.\"\n—Navona, Simic field tester",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ganz ruhig. Sie ist völlig harmlos und löst sich nach ein bis zwei Monaten komplett auf.\"\n—Navona, Feldversuchstesterin der Simic",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457457,
                    "name": "Schleimfessel",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nVerzaubert eine Kreatur\nDie verzauberte Kreatur erhält -4/-0.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Relájate, es bastante inofensivo. Se disolverá del todo en un mes o dos\".\n—Navona, evaluadora de campo simic",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457716,
                    "name": "Apresar en cieno",
                    "text": "Destello.\nEncantar criatura.\nLa criatura encantada obtiene -4/-0.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "« Détendez-vous. C'est totalement inoffensif. Ça aura complètement disparu dans un ou deux mois. »\n—Navona, expérimentatrice de terrain simic",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457975,
                    "name": "Lien gluant",
                    "text": "Flash\nEnchanter : créature\nLa créature enchantée gagne -4/-0.",
                    "type": "Enchantement : aura"
                    "flavorText": "\"Rilassati, è praticamente inoffensiva. Si dissolverà completamente tra un mese o due.\"\n—Navona, sperimentatrice Simic",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458234,
                    "name": "Immobilimelma",
                    "text": "Lampo\nIncanta creatura\nLa creatura incantata prende -4/-0.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "「落ち着いて。これはほとんど無害よ。それに一、二か月もすれば完全に溶けてなくなるわ。\n――シミックの実地試験者、ナヴォーナ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458493,
                    "name": "スライム縛り",
                    "text": "瞬速\nエンチャント(クリーチャー)\nエンチャントしているクリーチャーは-4/-0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "エンチャント — オーラ"
                    "flavorText": "\"진정하세요. 꽤 무해하답니다. 한두 달 있으면 완전하게 녹아 없어질 거예요.\"\n—시믹 현장 시험가, 나노바",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458752,
                    "name": "점액구속",
                    "text": "섬광\n생물에게 부여\n부여된 생물은 -4/-0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "부여마법 — 마법진"
                    "flavorText": "\"Relaxa. Ele é inofensivo. E dissolve-se completamente em um ou dois meses.\"\n— Navona, testadora de campo Simic",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459011,
                    "name": "Limo Imobilizante",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nEncantar criatura\nA criatura encantada recebe -4/-0.",
                    "type": "Encantamento — Aura"
                    "flavorText": "«Успокойся. Она совершенно безвредна. И за пару месяцев растворится без следа».\n— Навона, полевая испытательница Симиков",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459270,
                    "name": "Вяжущая Слизь",
                    "text": "Миг\nЗачаровать существо\nЗачарованное существо получает -4/-0.",
                    "type": "Чары — Аура"
                    "flavorText": "「别紧张。这东西无害。一两个月后就会消失干净。」\n~析米克实证师纳沃娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459529,
                    "name": "黏菌缠身",
                    "text": "闪现\n结附于生物\n所结附的生物得-4/-0。",
                    "type": "结界 ~灵气"
                    "flavorText": "「別緊張。這東西無害。一兩個月後就會消失乾淨。」\n~析米克實證師納沃娜",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459788,
                    "name": "黏菌纏身",
                    "text": "閃現\n結附於生物\n所結附的生物得-4/-0。",
                    "type": "結界 ~靈氣"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
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            "name": "Slimebind",
            "number": "54",
            "originalText": "Flash\nEnchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets -4/-0.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment — Aura",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183384,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nEnchant creature\nEnchanted creature gets -4/-0.",
            "type": "Enchantment — Aura",
            "types": [
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            "artist": "Jehan Choo",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Come in, yes? Is warm!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Komm rein, ja? Is warm!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457519,
                    "name": "Schmelzenviertel-Ignäus",
                    "text": "{2}{R}, opfere den Schmelzenviertel-Ignäus: Übernimm bis zum Ende des Zuges die Kontrolle über eine Kreatur deiner Wahl mit Stärke 3 oder weniger. Enttappe die Kreatur. Sie erhält Eile bis zum Ende des Zuges. Aktiviere diese Fähigkeit nur zu einem Zeitpunkt, zu dem du auch eine Hexerei wirken könntest.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Elementarwesen"
                    "flavorText": "\"Entra, ¡se está calentito!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457778,
                    "name": "Ignus de Guarda Fundida",
                    "text": "{2}{R}, sacrificar el Ignus de Guarda Fundida: Gana el control de la criatura objetivo con fuerza de 3 o menos hasta el final del turno. Endereza esa criatura. Gana la habilidad de prisa hasta el final del turno. Activa esta habilidad solo cuando puedas lanzar un conjuro.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "« Tu viens, oui ? Bien chaud ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458037,
                    "name": "Ignus des Fonderies",
                    "text": "{2}{R}, sacrifiez l'Ignus des Fonderies : Acquérez le contrôle d'une créature ciblée avec une force inférieure ou égale à 3 jusqu'à la fin du tour. Dégagez cette créature. Elle acquiert la célérité jusqu'à la fin du tour. N'activez cette capacité que lorsque vous pourriez lancer un rituel.",
                    "type": "Créature : élémental"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vieni dentro, sì? Qui è bello calduccio!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458296,
                    "name": "Igneo della Fusione",
                    "text": "{2}{R}, Sacrifica l'Igneo della Fusione: Prendi il controllo di una creatura bersaglio con forza pari o inferiore a 3 fino alla fine del turno. STAPpa quella creatura. Ha rapidità fino alla fine del turno. Attiva questa abilità solo quando potresti lanciare una stregoneria.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Elementale"
                    "flavorText": "「入ってきな?あったかいよ!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458555,
                    "name": "溶解区のイグナス",
                    "text": "{2}{R}, 溶解区のイグナスを生け贄に捧げる:パワーが3以下のクリーチャー1体を対象とし、ターン終了時まで、それのコントロールを得る。そのクリーチャーをアンタップする。ターン終了時まで、それは速攻を得る。この能力は、あなたがソーサリーを唱えられるときにのみ起動できる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — エレメンタル"
                    "flavorText": "\"그래, 들어오겠다고? 따뜻하다고!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458814,
                    "name": "제련동 이그누스",
                    "text": "{2}{R}, 제련동 이그누스를 희생한다: 공격력이 3 이하인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 턴종료까지 그 생물의 조종권을 얻는다. 그 생물은 언탭되고 턴종료까지 신속을 얻는다. 당신이 집중마법을 발동할 수 있는 시기에만 이 능력을 활성화할 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 정령"
                    "flavorText": "\"Pode entrar. Está quentinho!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459073,
                    "name": "Ígneo do Bairro da Fundição",
                    "text": "{2}{R}, sacrifique Ígneo do Bairro da Fundição: Ganhe o controle da criatura alvo com poder igual ou inferior a 3 até o final do turno. Desvire aquela criatura. Ela ganha ímpeto até o final do turno. Ative esta habilidade somente nos momentos em que poderia conjurar um feitiço.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Elemental"
                    "flavorText": "«Заходи уже! Тут тепло».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459332,
                    "name": "Игнус Плавильни",
                    "text": "{2}{R}, пожертвуйте Игнуса Плавильни: получите контроль над целевым существом с силой не более 3 до конца хода. Разверните то существо. Оно получает Ускорение до конца хода. Активируйте эту способность только при возможности разыгрывать волшебство.",
                    "type": "Существо — Элементаль"
                    "flavorText": "「进来吗?很温暖!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459591,
                    "name": "熔护区火灵",
                    "text": "{2}{R},牺牲熔护区火灵:获得目标力量等于或小于3之生物的操控权直到回合结束。重置该生物。它获得敏捷异能直到回合结束。只可以于你能施放法术的时机下起动此异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
                    "flavorText": "「進來嗎?很溫暖!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459850,
                    "name": "熔護區火靈",
                    "text": "{2}{R},犧牲熔護區火靈:獲得目標力量等於或小於3之生物的操控權直到回合結束。重置該生物。它獲得敏捷異能直到回合結束。只可以於你能施放巫術的時機下起動此異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~元素"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457260,
            "name": "Smelt-Ward Ignus",
            "number": "116",
            "originalText": "{2}{R}, Sacrifice Smelt-Ward Ignus: Gain control of target creature with power 3 or less until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Elemental",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Smelt-Ward Ignus’s ability can target any creature with power 3 or less, even one that’s untapped or one you already control."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Once Smelt-Ward Ignus’s ability has resolved, you retain control the creature even if its power is raised above 3."
            "scryfallId": "4f24b2b6-b994-455f-b8e6-aa73e1be81b4",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "8c9b76fe-47e5-4c0b-8276-7c60da0b5bb3",
            "scryfallOracleId": "494b642c-b2b5-40a0-b741-dca1aa9bdb59",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183059,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{2}{R}, Sacrifice Smelt-Ward Ignus: Gain control of target creature with power 3 or less until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Elemental",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "63006ef4-18e4-5fd5-87cf-530a1fd27fca",
            "uuidV421": "97237f06-6b0a-5b23-ac55-2f56d09c607e"
            "artist": "Mark Behm",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I await your donation.\"\n—Dasha, Orzhov priest",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich erwarte deine Spende.\"\n—Dasha, Orzhov-Priesterin",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457425,
                    "name": "Erdrückender Zehnt",
                    "text": "Immer wenn ein Gegner eine Karte zieht, kann er {2} bezahlen. Falls er dies nicht tut, erzeugst du einen farblosen Schatz-Artefaktspielstein mit „{T}, opfere dieses Artefakt: Erzeuge ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe.\"",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"Estoy esperando tu donación\".\n—Dasha, sacerdotisa orzhov",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457684,
                    "name": "Diezmo asfixiante",
                    "text": "Siempre que un oponente robe una carta, ese jugador puede pagar {2}. Si el jugador no lo hace, creas una ficha de artefacto Tesoro incolora con \"{T}, sacrificar este artefacto: Agrega un maná de cualquier color\".",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "« J'attends votre donation. »\n—Dasha, prêtresse d'Orzhov",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457943,
                    "name": "Dîme étouffante",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'un adversaire pioche une carte, ce joueur peut payer {2}. S'il ne le fait pas, vous créez un jeton d'artefact incolore Trésor avec « {T}, sacrifiez cet artefact : Ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix. »",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "\"Attendo la tua donazione.\"\n—Dasha, sacerdotessa Orzhov",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458202,
                    "name": "Tributo Asfissiante",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta un avversario pesca una carta, quel giocatore può pagare {2}. Se quel giocatore non lo fa, tu crei una pedina artefatto Tesoro incolore con \"{T}, Sacrifica questo artefatto: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore\".",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "「寄付をお待ちしています。」\n――オルゾフの僧侶、ダーシャ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458461,
                    "name": "息詰まる徴税",
                    "text": "対戦相手がカードを1枚引くたび、そのプレイヤーは{2}を支払ってもよい。そのプレイヤーがそうしないなら、あなたは「{T}, このアーティファクトを生け贄に捧げる:好きな色1色のマナ1点を加える。」を持つ無色の宝物・アーティファクト・トークンを1つ生成する。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"기부를 기다리고 있습니다.\"\n—오르조브 사제, 다샤",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458720,
                    "name": "숨막히는 십일조",
                    "text": "상대가 카드를 뽑을 때마다, 그 플레이어는 {2}를 지불할 수 있다. 그 플레이어가 그렇게 하지 않으면, 당신은 \"{T}, 이 마법물체를 희생한다: 원하는 색의 마나 한 개를 추가한다.\"를 가진 무색 보물 마법물체 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Aguardo sua doação.\"\n— Dasha, sacerdotisa Orzhov",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458979,
                    "name": "Dízimo Sufocante",
                    "text": "Toda vez que um oponente compra um card, aquele jogador pode pagar {2}. Se o jogador não fizer isso, você cria uma ficha de artefato incolor do tipo Tesouro com \"{T}, sacrifique este artefato: Adicione um mana de qualquer cor.\"",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "«Я жду твоего пожертвования».\n— Даша, священница Орзовов",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459238,
                    "name": "Удушливая Подать",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда оппонент берет карту, тот игрок может заплатить {2}. Если тот игрок этого не делает, то вы создаете одну фишку бесцветного артефакта Клад со способностью «{T}, пожертвуйте этот артефакт: добавьте одну ману любого цвета».",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「我在等你的馈赠。」\n~欧佐夫僧侣达莎",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459497,
                    "name": "税赋压身",
                    "text": "每当任一对手抓一张牌时,该牌手可以支付{2}。若该牌手未如此作,则你派出一个无色珍宝衍生神器,且具有「{T},牺牲此神器:加一点任意颜色的法术力。」",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "「我在等你的饋贈。」\n~歐佐夫僧侶達莎",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459756,
                    "name": "稅賦壓身",
                    "text": "每當任一對手抽一張牌時,該玩家可以支付{2}。若該玩家未如此作,則你派出一個無色珍寶衍生神器,且具有「{T},犧牲此神器:加一點任意顏色的魔法力。」",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457166,
            "name": "Smothering Tithe",
            "number": "22",
            "originalText": "Whenever an opponent draws a card, that player may pay {2}. If the player doesn't, you create a colorless Treasure artifact token with \"{T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any color.\"",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If an opponent is instructed to draw multiple cards, that player draws all of them before deciding how many times to pay for Smothering Tithe’s triggered ability."
            "scryfallId": "7af082fa-86a3-4f7b-966d-2be1f1d0c0bc",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "3a8ae066-7ca6-4180-8ae0-4841e2c7bf97",
            "scryfallOracleId": "153376c9-dffd-458c-8ce3-a4c8269bc4e9",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183033,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever an opponent draws a card, that player may pay {2}. If the player doesn't, you create a colorless Treasure artifact token with \"{T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any color.\"",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2e4d4fbd-cb9b-551a-8270-2aa09d41458b",
            "uuidV421": "a820e4ef-7657-506a-81f7-a98a6cf39eeb"
            "artist": "Victor Adame Minguez",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457488,
                    "name": "Ausgeburt des Chaos",
                    "text": "Spektakel {1}{B}{B} (Du kannst diesen Zauberspruch für seine Spektakel-Kosten anstelle seiner Manakosten wirken, falls ein Gegner in diesem Zug Lebenspunkte verloren hat.)\nFliegend, verursacht Trampelschaden\nZu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments fügt die Ausgeburt des Chaos jedem Spieler 1 Schadenspunkt zu. Falls du dann 10 oder weniger Lebenspunkte hast, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf die Ausgeburt des Chaos.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Dämon"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457747,
                    "name": "Engendro del caos",
                    "text": "Espectáculo {1}{B}{B}. (Puedes lanzar este hechizo por su coste de espectáculo en vez de por su coste de maná si un oponente perdió vidas este turno.)\nVuela, arrolla.\nAl comienzo de tu mantenimiento, el Engendro del caos hace 1 punto de daño a cada jugador. Luego, si tienes 10 vidas o menos, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre el Engendro del caos.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Demonio"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458006,
                    "name": "Engeance du chaos",
                    "text": "Spectacle {1}{B}{B} (Vous pouvez lancer ce sort pour son coût de spectacle à la place de son coût de mana si un adversaire a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci.)\nVol, piétinement\nAu début de votre entretien, l'Engeance du chaos inflige 1 blessure à chaque joueur. Puis, si vous avez 10 points de vie ou moins, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur l'Engeance du chaos.",
                    "type": "Créature : démon"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458265,
                    "name": "Progenie del Pandemonio",
                    "text": "Spettacolo {1}{B}{B} (Puoi lanciare questa magia per il suo costo di spettacolo invece del suo costo di mana se un avversario ha perso punti vita in questo turno.)\nVolare, travolgere\nAll'inizio del tuo mantenimento, la Progenie del Pandemonio infligge 1 danno a ogni giocatore. Poi, se hai 10 o meno punti vita, metti un segnalino +1/+1 sulla Progenie del Pandemonio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Demone"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458524,
                    "name": "騒乱の落とし子",
                    "text": "絢爛{1}{B}{B}(このターンに対戦相手がライフを失っていたなら、あなたはこの呪文を、これのマナ・コストではなく絢爛コストで唱えてもよい。)\n飛行、トランプル\nあなたのアップキープの開始時に、騒乱の落とし子は各プレイヤーにそれぞれ1点のダメージを与える。その後、あなたのライフが10点以下であるなら、騒乱の落とし子の上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — デーモン"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458783,
                    "name": "대혼란의 산란체",
                    "text": "구경거리 {1}{B}{B} (상대가 이 턴에 생명점을 잃었다면 당신은 이 주문을 마나 비용 대신 구경거리 비용으로 발동할 수 있다.)\n비행, 돌진\n당신의 유지단 시작에, 대혼란의 산란체는 각 플레이어에게 피해 1점을 입힌다. 그 후 당신의 생명점이 10점 이하라면, 대혼란의 산란체에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 악마"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459042,
                    "name": "Prole do Pandemônio",
                    "text": "Espetáculo {1}{B}{B} (Você pode conjurar esta mágica por seu custo de espetáculo, em vez de seu custo de mana, se um oponente perdeu pontos de vida neste turno.)\nVoar, atropelar\nNo início de sua manutenção, Prole do Pandemônio causa 1 ponto de dano a cada jogador. Em seguida, se você tiver 10 ou menos pontos de vida, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Prole do Pandemônio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Demônio"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459301,
                    "name": "Порождение Хаоса",
                    "text": "Зрелище {1}{B}{B} (Вы можете разыграть это заклинание за его стоимость Зрелища вместо его мана-стоимости, если оппонент терял жизнь(-и) в этом ходу.)\nПолет, Пробивной удар\nВ начале вашего шага поддержки Порождение Хаоса наносит 1 повреждение каждому игроку. Затем, если у вас не более 10 жизней, положите один жетон +1/+1 на Порождение Хаоса.",
                    "type": "Существо — Демон"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459560,
                    "name": "破坏魔后裔",
                    "text": "揭幕{1}{B}{B}(如果本回合有对手曾失去生命,则你可以支付此咒语的揭幕费用而非法术力费用来施放它。)\n飞行,践踏\n在你的维持开始时,破坏魔后裔对每位牌手各造成1点伤害。然后如果你的总生命为10或更少,则在破坏魔后裔上放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~恶魔"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459819,
                    "name": "破壞魔後裔",
                    "text": "揭幕{1}{B}{B}(如果本回合有對手曾失去生命,則你可以支付此咒語的揭幕費用而非魔法力費用來施放它。)\n飛行,踐踏\n在你的維持開始時,破壞魔後裔對每位玩家各造成1點傷害。然後如果你的總生命為10或更少,則在破壞魔後裔上放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~惡魔"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457229,
            "name": "Spawn of Mayhem",
            "number": "85",
            "originalText": "Spectacle {1}{B}{B} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nFlying, trample\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, Spawn of Mayhem deals 1 damage to each player. Then if you have 10 or less life, put a +1/+1 counter on Spawn of Mayhem.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Demon",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If each player has 0 life after Spawn of Mayhem’s triggered ability resolves, each player loses the game at the same time and the game ends in a draw."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Spawn of Mayhem gains lifelink, the damage it deals will cause you to simultaneously lose and gain life. If your life total is 1, you won’t lose the game."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Spawn of Mayhem’s last ability causes each team to lose 2 life. Then if your team’s life total is 10 or less, you put a +1/+1 counter on Spawn of Mayhem."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Damage dealt to a player causes that player to lose that much life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Spectacle doesn’t change when you can cast the card. For example, you can’t cast a sorcery with spectacle during an opponent’s turn unless another effect allows you to do so, even if that player has lost life this turn."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying (such as a spectacle cost), add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A card’s spectacle cost is the same no matter how much life your opponents lost or how many opponents lost life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if an opponent loses life and later that turn leaves the game, you can cast a spell for its spectacle cost. (If a player leaves the game during their turn, that turn continues without an active player.)"
            "scryfallId": "8be01b8d-e0ef-44d1-ac97-39bb5a0e76be",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5e3dc82a-9ce2-420c-948a-a45c5920b3de",
            "scryfallOracleId": "6a290adf-7b75-451e-bb79-9c13e10b38aa",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182958,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Spectacle {1}{B}{B} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)\nFlying, trample\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, Spawn of Mayhem deals 1 damage to each player. Then if you have 10 or less life, put a +1/+1 counter on Spawn of Mayhem.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Demon",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "79383ed0-f096-55c1-97fc-689fa20f85ad",
            "uuidV421": "8ac085f9-dc9c-53af-a9b9-fad1964290ed",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Carl Critchlow",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Don't waste time aiming, you lazy gob-slug! Fire!\"\n—Krenko, mob boss",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Keine Zeit mit Zielen verschwenden, du fauler Wurm! Feuer!\"\n—Krenko der Boss",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457520,
                    "name": "Speerspucker",
                    "text": "Verteidiger\n{T}: Der Speerspucker fügt jedem Spieler 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡No pierdas el tiempo apuntando, trasgo vago! ¡Dispara!\".\n—Krenko, jefe de turba",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457779,
                    "name": "Ballestero de arpones",
                    "text": "Defensor.\n{T}: El Ballestero de arpones hace 1 punto de daño a cada jugador.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "« Ne perdez pas de temps à viser, tas de limaces ! Feu ! »\n—Krenko le caïd",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458038,
                    "name": "Cracheur de lances",
                    "text": "Défenseur\n{T} : Le Cracheur de lances inflige 1 blessure à chaque joueur.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non perdete tempo a mirare, marmaglia di scansafatiche! Tirate!\"\n—Krenko, capocosca",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458297,
                    "name": "Scaglialance",
                    "text": "Difensore\n{T}: Lo Scaglialance infligge 1 danno a ogni giocatore.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "「狙いなんてつけてんじゃねえぞ、のろゴブリンが!撃て!」\n――群衆の親分、クレンコ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458556,
                    "name": "槍播き",
                    "text": "防衛\n{T}:槍播きは各プレイヤーにそれぞれ1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"조준하는 데 시간을 낭비하지 마, 이 게으른 고블린 녀석아! 발사!\"\n—지하조직의 수장, 크렌코",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458815,
                    "name": "창 발사꾼",
                    "text": "수비태세\n{T}: 창 발사꾼은 각 플레이어에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não perde tempo mirando, sua goblesma! Atira!\"\n— Krenko, chefe da turba",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459074,
                    "name": "Cospe-lança",
                    "text": "Defensor\n{T}: Cospe-lança causa 1 ponto de dano a cada jogador.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Не теряй времени на прицеливание, ленивый слизняк! Стреляй!»\n— Кренко, главарь банды",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459333,
                    "name": "Изрыгатель Копий",
                    "text": "Защитник\n{T}: Изрыгатель Копий наносит 1 повреждение каждому игроку.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「别再浪费时间瞄准了,你这个懒鬼!射击!」\n~暴民头目克仑可",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459592,
                    "name": "击矛手",
                    "text": "守军\n{T}:击矛手对每位牌手各造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「別再浪費時間瞄準了,你這個懶鬼!射擊!」\n~暴民頭目克侖可",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459851,
                    "name": "擊矛手",
                    "text": "守軍\n{T}:擊矛手對每位玩家各造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457261,
            "name": "Spear Spewer",
            "number": "117",
            "originalText": "Defender\n{T}: Spear Spewer deals 1 damage to each player.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Warrior",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Spear Spewer’s ability causes each team to lose 2 life."
            "scryfallId": "dbee1daa-b4ba-49ee-bed1-e70fa09942a2",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "95381616-9184-430a-912a-9e3b7451e28f",
            "scryfallOracleId": "1a668cef-bdc5-410b-b9e3-044e4203a0aa",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183402,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender\n{T}: Spear Spewer deals 1 damage to each player.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e1480137-67b1-5cc8-a503-93d629b8b077",
            "uuidV421": "0cde770b-963d-5a1e-be78-e249aee8e3b5"
            "artist": "Titus Lunter",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I do not understand the future I see: the guilds subverted, the world at war, armies bent to a cruel conqueror's will.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Ich verstehe die Zukunft nicht, die ich sehe: zerrüttete Gilden, Krieg auf der Welt, einem grausamen Eroberer ergebene Armeen.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457458,
                    "name": "Sphinx der Vorsehung",
                    "text": "Du kannst diese Karte von deiner Starthand offen vorzeigen. Falls du dies tust, wende zu Beginn deines ersten Versorgungssegments Hellsicht 3 an.\nFliegend\nWende zu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments Hellsicht 1 an.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Sphinx"
                    "flavorText": "\"No comprendo el futuro que veo: gremios trastocados, un mundo en guerra, ejércitos doblegados ante la voluntad de un cruel conquistador...\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457717,
                    "name": "Esfinge de las predicciones",
                    "text": "Puedes mostrar esta carta de tu mano inicial. Si lo haces, adivina 3 al comienzo de tu primer mantenimiento.\nVuela.\nAl comienzo de tu mantenimiento, adivina 1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esfinge"
                    "flavorText": "« Je ne comprends pas le futur que je vois : les guildes subverties, le monde en guerre, les armées pliées à la volonté d'un conquérant cruel. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457976,
                    "name": "Sphinx des prévisions",
                    "text": "Vous pouvez révéler cette carte depuis votre main de départ. Si vous faites ainsi, regard 3 au début de votre premier entretien.\nVol\nAu début de votre entretien, regard 1.",
                    "type": "Créature : sphinx"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non comprendo il futuro che vedo: le gilde sovvertite, il mondo in guerra, eserciti piegati alla volontà di un conquistatore crudele.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458235,
                    "name": "Sfinge della Premonizione",
                    "text": "Puoi rivelare questa carta dalla tua mano iniziale. Se lo fai, profetizza 3 all'inizio del tuo primo mantenimento.\nVolare\nAll'inizio del tuo mantenimento, profetizza 1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sfinge"
                    "flavorText": "「私の見た未来が理解できない。ギルドは壊滅し、世界は戦争状態。軍隊は無慈悲な征服者の意志に屈していた。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458494,
                    "name": "予見のスフィンクス",
                    "text": "あなたはあなたのゲーム開始時の手札からこのカードを公開してもよい。そうしたなら、あなたの最初のアップキープの開始時に、占術3を行う。\n飛行\nあなたのアップキープの開始時に、占術1を行う。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スフィンクス"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 내가 보는 미래를 이해하지 못한다: 길드들은 전복되었고, 세계는 전쟁에 휘말렸으며, 군대들은 잔혹한 정복자의 명령에 굴복하고 있다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458753,
                    "name": "선견지명의 스핑크스",
                    "text": "게임을 시작할 때 당신의 손에 이 카드가 있다면, 당신은 이 카드를 공개할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 당신의 첫 유지단 시작에 점술 3을 한다.\n비행\n당신의 유지단 시작에, 점술 1을 한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 스핑크스"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não entendo o futuro que vejo: as guildas subvertidas, o mundo em guerra, exércitos se dobrando à vontade de um conquistador cruel.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459012,
                    "name": "Esfinge da Previdência",
                    "text": "Você pode revelar este card da sua mão de abertura. Se fizer isso, use vidência 3 no início de sua primeira manutenção.\nVoar\nNo início de sua manutenção, use vidência 1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esfinge"
                    "flavorText": "«Я не понимаю будущего, которое вижу: гильдии ниспровергнуты, мир охвачен войной, армии преклонились перед волей безжалостного завоевателя».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459271,
                    "name": "Сфинкс Предвидения",
                    "text": "Вы можете показать эту карту из вашей начальной руки. Если вы это делаете, то в начале вашего первого шага поддержки предскажите 3.\nПолет\nВ начале вашего шага поддержки предскажите 1.",
                    "type": "Существо — Сфинкс"
                    "flavorText": "「我无法理解眼见的未来:公会倾覆,战火遍地,军队臣服于残酷征服者的意志。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459530,
                    "name": "远见史芬斯",
                    "text": "你可以从你的起手牌中展示此牌。如果你如此作,则在你的第一个维持开始时占卜3。\n飞行\n在你的维持开始时,占卜1。",
                    "type": "生物 ~史芬斯"
                    "flavorText": "「我無法理解眼見的未來:公會傾覆,戰火遍地,軍隊臣服於殘酷征服者的意志。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459789,
                    "name": "遠見史芬斯",
                    "text": "你可以從你的起手牌中展示此牌。如果你如此作,則在你的第一個維持開始時占卜3。\n飛行\n在你的維持開始時,占卜1。",
                    "type": "生物 ~史芬斯"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457199,
            "name": "Sphinx of Foresight",
            "number": "55",
            "originalText": "You may reveal this card from your opening hand. If you do, scry 3 at the beginning of your first upkeep.\nFlying\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, scry 1.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Sphinx",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A player’s “opening hand” is the hand of cards the player has after all players have taken mulligans and “scryed” if applicable. If players have any cards in hand that allow actions to be taken with them from a player’s opening hand, the starting player takes all such actions first in any order, followed by each other player in turn order. Then the first turn begins."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you reveal two Sphinxes of Foresight from your opening hand, you’ll scry 3 twice; you won’t scry 6. Any cards you put on top of your library the first time you scry 3 will be part of the second time you scry 3."
            "scryfallId": "cf2386fd-edc0-4731-8f4e-7a7c45548bf3",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b4fc4661-1f5c-45ce-ba19-90b398a0633b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "d1108bd1-87b2-4795-9690-54ff4504e04f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182820,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "You may reveal this card from your opening hand. If you do, scry 3 at the beginning of your first upkeep.\nFlying\nAt the beginning of your upkeep, scry 1.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Sphinx",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ce0e8f81-7be4-540e-bbb9-90fc24ee271c",
            "uuidV421": "ea0cd02e-3261-548d-b960-04f2a27b7648"
            "artist": "Sara Winters",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "Azorius sphinxes are loyal to the precepts of the law, not to any particular guildmaster—even one of their own kind.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Azorius-Sphingen sind dem Gesetz ergeben, nicht einem bestimmten Gildenmeister — auch keinem ihrer eigenen Art.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457611,
                    "name": "Sphinx von Neu-Prahv",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Wachsamkeit\nZaubersprüche, die deine Gegner wirken und die die Sphinx von Neu-Prahv als Ziel haben, kosten beim Wirken {2} mehr.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Sphinx"
                    "flavorText": "Las esfinges azorias son leales a los preceptos de la ley, no a un maestro del gremio en particular; ni siquiera si es de su propia especie.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457870,
                    "name": "Esfinge de Nueva Prahv",
                    "text": "Vuela, vigilancia.\nA tus oponentes les cuesta {2} más lanzar hechizos que hagan objetivo a la Esfinge de Nueva Prahv.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esfinge"
                    "flavorText": "Les sphinx d'Azorius sont fidèles aux préceptes de la loi, pas à un maître de guilde en particulier, même s'il est des leurs.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458129,
                    "name": "Sphinge du Nouveau Prahv",
                    "text": "Vol, vigilance\nLes sorts que vos adversaires lancent qui ciblent la Sphinge du Nouveau Prahv coûtent {2} de plus à lancer.",
                    "type": "Créature : sphinx"
                    "flavorText": "Le sfingi Azorius sono fedeli ai precetti della legge e non a un capo della gilda in particolare, neppure a una della loro stessa specie.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458388,
                    "name": "Sfinge del Nuovo Prahv",
                    "text": "Volare, cautela\nLe magie che i tuoi avversari lanciano e che bersagliano la Sfinge del Nuovo Prahv costano {2} in più per essere lanciate.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sfinge"
                    "flavorText": "アゾリウスのスフィンクスは法の規定に忠実なのであって、特定のギルドマスターにではない。たとえそれが自らと同族であってもだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458647,
                    "name": "新プラーフのスフィンクス",
                    "text": "飛行、警戒\n対戦相手が、新プラーフのスフィンクスを対象とする呪文を唱えるためのコストは{2}多くなる。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スフィンクス"
                    "flavorText": "아조리우스의 스핑크스들은 법의 계율에 충성할 뿐, 특정 길드마스터에게 충성하는 것이 아니다—심지어 자신들의 동족이라 해도 말이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458906,
                    "name": "뉴 프라브의 스핑크스",
                    "text": "비행, 경계\n당신의 상대들이 뉴 프라브의 스핑크스를 목표로 발동하는 주문은 발동하는 데 {2}가 더 든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 스핑크스"
                    "flavorText": "As esfinges Azorius são fieis aos preceitos da lei, e não a um mestre de guilda em particular, nem mesmo um de sua própria espécie.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459165,
                    "name": "Esfinge de Nova Pravh",
                    "text": "Voar, vigilância\nAs mágicas que seus oponentes conjuram com Esfinge de Nova Pravh como alvo custam {2} a mais para serem conjuradas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Esfinge"
                    "flavorText": "Сфинксы Азориусов хранят верность предписаниям закона, а не какому-то предводителю гильдии — даже если он из их рода.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459424,
                    "name": "Сфинкс Нового Права",
                    "text": "Полет, Бдительность\nРазыгрывание вашими оппонентами заклинаний, целью которых является Сфинкс Нового Права, стоит на {2} больше.",
                    "type": "Существо — Сфинкс"
                    "flavorText": "俄佐立的史芬斯忠于律法本身,而非公会首领~即便是他们同族。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459683,
                    "name": "新布拉夫史芬斯",
                    "text": "飞行,警戒\n由对手施放且以新布拉夫史芬斯为目标之咒语增加{2}来施放。",
                    "type": "生物 ~史芬斯"
                    "flavorText": "俄佐立的史芬斯忠於律法本身,而非公會首領~即便是他們同族。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459942,
                    "name": "新布拉夫史芬斯",
                    "text": "飛行,警戒\n由對手施放且以新布拉夫史芬斯為目標之咒語增加{2}來施放。",
                    "type": "生物 ~史芬斯"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}{W}{U}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457352,
            "name": "Sphinx of New Prahv",
            "number": "208",
            "originalText": "Flying, vigilance\nSpells your opponents cast that target Sphinx of New Prahv cost {2} more to cast.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Sphinx",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "d9aec56e-50a3-491f-89c6-32907ea3161a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "aac1594c-c86f-4961-9eac-8f20dd1fe888",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3bdd3090-4503-4382-9a11-3e1cfcdffd71",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183224,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying, vigilance\nSpells your opponents cast that target Sphinx of New Prahv cost {2} more to cast.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Sphinx",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3eb21610-86cd-5b74-94b5-070ce05cb716",
            "uuidV421": "727eb5b6-ec83-5250-844c-03c7f4d9dd64",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Milivoj Ćeran",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457644,
                    "name": "Sphinx des Gildenbunds",
                    "text": "Die Sphinx des Gildenbunds hat alle Farben.\nFliegend\nFluchsicher vor Einfarbig (Diese Kreatur kann nicht das Ziel von einfarbigen Zaubersprüchen oder Fähigkeiten sein, die deine Gegner kontrollieren.)",
                    "type": "Artefaktkreatur — Sphinx"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457903,
                    "name": "Esfinge del Pacto entre Gremios",
                    "text": "La Esfinge del Pacto entre Gremios es de todos los colores.\nVuela.\nAntimaleficio contra monocolor. (Esta criatura no puede ser objetivo de habilidades o hechizos monocolores que controlan tus oponentes.)",
                    "type": "Criatura artefacto — Esfinge"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458162,
                    "name": "Sphinx du Pacte des Guildes",
                    "text": "Le Sphinx du Pacte des Guildes est de toutes les couleurs.\nVol\nDéfense talismanique contre le monochrome (Cette créature ne peut pas être la cible de sorts monochromes ou de capacités monochromes que vos adversaires contrôlent.)",
                    "type": "Créature-artefact : sphinx"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458421,
                    "name": "Sfinge del Patto delle Gilde",
                    "text": "La Sfinge del Patto delle Gilde è di tutti i colori.\nVolare\nAnti-malocchio dal monocolore (Questa creatura non può essere bersaglio di magie o abilità monocolore controllate dai tuoi avversari.)",
                    "type": "Creatura Artefatto — Sfinge"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458680,
                    "name": "ギルドパクトのスフィンクス",
                    "text": "ギルドパクトのスフィンクスはすべての色である。\n飛行\n単色からの呪禁(このクリーチャーは、対戦相手がコントロールしている単色の呪文や能力の対象にならない。)",
                    "type": "アーティファクト・クリーチャー — スフィンクス"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458939,
                    "name": "길드팩트의 스핑크스",
                    "text": "길드팩트의 스핑크스는 모든 색이다.\n비행\n단색으로부터 방호 (이 생물은 상대가 조종하는 단색 주문이나 능력의 목표로 정해질 수 없다.)",
                    "type": "마법물체 생물 — 스핑크스"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459198,
                    "name": "Esfinge do Pacto das Guildas",
                    "text": "Esfinge do Pacto das Guildas é de todas as cores.\nVoar\nResistência à magia monocolor (Esta criatura não pode ser alvo de mágicas nem habilidades monocolores que seus oponentes controlam.)",
                    "type": "Criatura Artefato — Esfinge"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459457,
                    "name": "Сфинкс Договора Гильдий",
                    "text": "Сфинкс Договора Гильдий обладает всеми цветами.\nПолет\nПорчеустойчивость от одноцветного (Это существо не может быть целью одноцветных заклинаний или способностей под контролем ваших оппонентов.)",
                    "type": "Артефакт Существо — Сфинкс"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459716,
                    "name": "十会盟史芬斯",
                    "text": "十会盟史芬斯是五色。\n飞行\n反单色辟邪(此生物不能成为由对手操控之单色咒语或异能的目标。)",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~史芬斯"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459975,
                    "name": "十會盟史芬斯",
                    "text": "十會盟史芬斯是五色。\n飛行\n反單色辟邪(此生物不能成為由對手操控之單色咒語或異能的目標。)",
                    "type": "神器生物 ~史芬斯"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{7}",
            "multiverseId": 457385,
            "name": "Sphinx of the Guildpact",
            "number": "241",
            "originalText": "Sphinx of the Guildpact is all colors.\nFlying\nHexproof from monocolored (This creature can't be the target of monocolored spells or abilities your opponents control.)",
            "originalType": "Artifact Creature — Sphinx",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The ability that makes Sphinx of the Guildpact all colors works in all zones."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An object is monocolored if it has exactly one color. A colorless object isn’t monocolored."
            "scryfallId": "3d30399e-2ecb-4de2-b830-673a3f059197",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "7caa3a5d-727e-4fcd-ac31-67294eeb52a1",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5b410473-1df9-4d16-9b4d-c3ca8e4635b7",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183329,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Sphinx of the Guildpact is all colors.\nFlying\nHexproof from monocolored (This creature can't be the target of monocolored spells or abilities your opponents control.)",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Artifact Creature — Sphinx",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "0be352d9-3063-5c51-a0fa-a2394ad7587e",
            "uuidV421": "15759fbd-51f5-5672-bbbc-a0ceb5bd6c85"
            "artist": "Scott Murphy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Do not think me blind to your true mission...or your true master, Grand Arbiter.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Glaubt nicht, dass ich Eure wahre Mission nicht kennen würde … oder Euren wahren Meister, Oberster Schiedsmann.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457612,
                    "name": "Einblick der Sphinx",
                    "text": "Ziehe zwei Karten.\nAddendum — Falls du diesen Zauberspruch in deiner Hauptphase gewirkt hast, erhältst du 2 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"No creas que desconozco cuál es tu verdadera misión... o tu verdadero maestro, gran árbitro\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457871,
                    "name": "Perspicacia de la esfinge",
                    "text": "Roba dos cartas.\nAdenda — Si lanzas este hechizo durante tu fase principal, ganas 2 vidas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Ne me croyez pas aveugle de votre véritable mission... ou de votre véritable maître, grand arbitre. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458130,
                    "name": "Perspicacité du sphinx",
                    "text": "Piochez deux cartes.\nAddenda — Si vous avez lancé ce sort pendant votre phase principale, vous gagnez 2 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Non credere che sia così cieca da non vedere quale sia la tua vera missione... o a chi tu sia davvero fedele, Gran Giudice.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458389,
                    "name": "Intuizione della Sfinge",
                    "text": "Pesca due carte.\nAppendice — Se hai lanciato questa magia durante la tua fase principale, guadagni 2 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「お前の真の目的に気付いていないと思っているのか?お前の真の主人のこともだ。大判事よ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458648,
                    "name": "スフィンクスの眼識",
                    "text": "カードを2枚引く。\n附則 ― あなたがこの呪文をあなたのメイン・フェイズ中に唱えていたなら、あなたは2点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"네 진정한 임무나 . . . 네 진정한 주인을 내가 모를 거라고 생각하지 마라, 대재판관이여.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458907,
                    "name": "스핑크스의 통찰력",
                    "text": "카드 두 장을 뽑는다.\n부록 — 당신이 이 주문을 당신의 본단계에 발동했다면, 당신은 생명 2점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não pense que estou cega para sua verdadeira missão... nem para seu verdadeiro mestre, Grão-árbitro.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459166,
                    "name": "Visão da Esfinge",
                    "text": "Compre dois cards.\nAdendo — Se você conjurar esta mágica durante sua fase principal, você ganha 2 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Не думай, что я не знаю о твоих истинных целях... и о твоем истинном хозяине, верховный судья».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459425,
                    "name": "Озарение Сфинкса",
                    "text": "Возьмите две карты.\nПриложение — Если вы разыграли это заклинание во время вашей главной фазы, вы получаете 2 жизни.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「别以为我看不穿你的真实目的. . .以及你真正的主人,大仲裁者。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459684,
                    "name": "史芬斯的洞察",
                    "text": "抓两张牌。\n附案~如果你是在你的行动阶段施放此咒语,则你获得2点生命。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「別以為我看不穿你的真實目的. . .以及你真正的主人,大仲裁者。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459943,
                    "name": "史芬斯的洞察",
                    "text": "抽兩張牌。\n附案~如果你是在你的行動階段施放此咒語,則你獲得2點生命。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457353,
            "name": "Sphinx's Insight",
            "number": "209",
            "originalText": "Draw two cards.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, you gain 2 life.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Addendum abilities of instant spells apply while the spell is resolving, not immediately after casting it. If the spell is countered, you don’t get the addendum bonus. For example, if you cast Sphinx’s Insight during your main phase, you gain 2 life during its resolution, after you draw two cards."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a spell with an addendum ability is copied, the copy won’t give you the addendum bonus. This is because the copy wasn’t cast at all."
            "scryfallId": "d71c2435-0312-4279-a9e1-fab7432756b7",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0915dc70-4806-4131-a34a-f84a281ea95b",
            "scryfallOracleId": "01f675c3-d1c4-45c8-8a2e-75f535db3025",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182409,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Draw two cards.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, you gain 2 life.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "150bfdcd-49f4-5346-bb26-6ee326674a5e",
            "uuidV421": "b479c4d9-11f0-5dbb-a662-160ebe645de0",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Deruchenko Alexander",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Every street's a stage, and every screaming bystander's an audience.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Jede Straße ist eine Bühne, und jeder schreiende Schaulustige zählt als Publikum.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457521,
                    "name": "Stachelrad-Akrobatin",
                    "text": "Spektakel {2}{R} (Du kannst diesen Zauberspruch für seine Spektakel-Kosten anstelle seiner Manakosten wirken, falls ein Gegner in diesem Zug Lebenspunkte verloren hat.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Todas las calles son un escenario, y todos los transeúntes que griten, el público\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457780,
                    "name": "Acróbata rueda de pinchos",
                    "text": "Espectáculo {2}{R}. (Puedes lanzar este hechizo por su coste de espectáculo en vez de por su coste de maná si un oponente perdió vidas este turno.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Chaque rue est un théâtre, et chaque passant braillard est un public. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458039,
                    "name": "Acrobate à la roue épineuse",
                    "text": "Spectacle {2}{R} (Vous pouvez lancer ce sort pour son coût de spectacle à la place de son coût de mana si un adversaire a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ogni strada è un palcoscenico e ogni passante urlante è uno spettatore.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458298,
                    "name": "Acrobata della Ruota Uncinata",
                    "text": "Spettacolo {2}{R} (Puoi lanciare questa magia per il suo costo di spettacolo invece del suo costo di mana se un avversario ha perso punti vita in questo turno.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「どんな通りもステージで、泣き叫ぶ市民は観客よ。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458557,
                    "name": "棘輪の曲芸",
                    "text": "絢爛{2}{R}(このターンに対戦相手がライフを失っていたなら、あなたはこの呪文を、これのマナ・コストではなく絢爛コストで唱えてもよい。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "\"거리 곳곳이 모두 공연장이고, 비명을 지르는 행인들이 모두 관객이다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458816,
                    "name": "가시바퀴 곡예사",
                    "text": "구경거리 {2}{R} (상대가 이 턴에 생명점을 잃었다면 당신은 이 주문을 마나 비용 대신 구경거리 비용으로 발동할 수 있다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 도적"
                    "flavorText": "\"Cada rua, um palco; cada transeunte a gritar, uma plateia.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459075,
                    "name": "Acrobata da Roda Espinhosa",
                    "text": "Espetáculo {2}{R} (Você pode conjurar esta mágica por seu custo de espetáculo, em vez de seu custo de mana, se um oponente perdeu pontos de vida neste turno.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "«Каждая улица — сцена, и каждый вопящий прохожий — наш зритель».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459334,
                    "name": "Акробатка Шипастого Колеса",
                    "text": "Зрелище {2}{R} (Вы можете разыграть это заклинание за его стоимость Зрелища вместо его мана-стоимости, если оппонент терял жизнь(-и) в этом ходу.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "「每条街道都是舞台,每位尖叫的路人都是观众。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459593,
                    "name": "刺轮舞者",
                    "text": "揭幕{2}{R}(如果本回合有对手曾失去生命,则你可以支付此咒语的揭幕费用而非法术力费用来施放它。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "「每條街道都是舞台,每位尖叫的路人都是觀眾。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459852,
                    "name": "刺輪舞者",
                    "text": "揭幕{2}{R}(如果本回合有對手曾失去生命,則你可以支付此咒語的揭幕費用而非魔法力費用來施放它。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457262,
            "name": "Spikewheel Acrobat",
            "number": "118",
            "originalText": "Spectacle {2}{R} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Damage dealt to a player causes that player to lose that much life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Spectacle doesn’t change when you can cast the card. For example, you can’t cast a sorcery with spectacle during an opponent’s turn unless another effect allows you to do so, even if that player has lost life this turn."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying (such as a spectacle cost), add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A card’s spectacle cost is the same no matter how much life your opponents lost or how many opponents lost life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if an opponent loses life and later that turn leaves the game, you can cast a spell for its spectacle cost. (If a player leaves the game during their turn, that turn continues without an active player.)"
            "scryfallId": "58f70b8a-62ec-4ae6-97d2-3c6ae86a3602",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "63e3778d-b78a-430e-8715-8397417d3c2a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e9b403db-8981-440f-a451-aa77ae3cf006",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183403,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Spectacle {2}{R} (You may cast this spell for its spectacle cost rather than its mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9c739692-8262-5a9b-955b-b62826254e7c",
            "uuidV421": "63d603bf-7304-5805-afe3-19554c0c5c33",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "Its mandibles can leave a rider in the clouds astride a headless griffin.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Seine Kiefer können einem Greif im Flug den Kopf abreißen.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457489,
                    "name": "Turmspitzenreißer",
                    "text": "Aufblitzen\nFliegend\nWenn der Turmspitzenreißer ins Spiel kommt, erhält eine fliegende Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, +2/+0 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Insekt"
                    "flavorText": "Sus mandíbulas pueden hacer que un jinete de las nubes se encuentre de pronto sobre un grifo sin cabeza.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457748,
                    "name": "Mutilador de los chapiteles",
                    "text": "Destello.\nVuela.\nCuando el Mutilador de los chapiteles entre al campo de batalla, la criatura objetivo con la habilidad de volar que controlas obtiene +2/+0 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Insecto"
                    "flavorText": "Ses mandibules peuvent décapiter un griffon en plein vol sans désarçonner son cavalier.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458007,
                    "name": "Déchiqueteur des tours",
                    "text": "Flash\nVol\nQuand le Déchiqueteur des tours arrive sur le champ de bataille, une créature avec le vol ciblée que vous contrôlez gagne +2/+0 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : insecte"
                    "flavorText": "Le sue mandibole hanno lasciato più di un cavaliere in groppa a un grifone senza testa tra le nuvole.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458266,
                    "name": "Divoratore delle Guglie",
                    "text": "Lampo\nVolare\nQuando il Divoratore delle Guglie entra nel campo di battaglia, una creatura bersaglio con volare che controlli prende +2/+0 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Insetto"
                    "flavorText": "そいつの下顎は、頭を失ったグリフィンと、それにまたがった乗り手を雲の中に置き去りにする。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458525,
                    "name": "尖塔の刻み虫",
                    "text": "瞬速\n飛行\n尖塔の刻み虫が戦場に出たとき、あなたがコントロールしていて飛行を持つクリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+2/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 昆虫"
                    "flavorText": "그것은 강한 턱으로 하늘을 날고 있는 그리핀의 머리를 잘라낼 수 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458784,
                    "name": "첨탑 난도자",
                    "text": "섬광\n비행\n첨탑 난도자가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 조종하는 비행을 가진 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +2/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 곤충"
                    "flavorText": "Suas mandíbulas já deixaram vários ginetes a cavalgar\ngrifos sem cabeça entre as nuvens.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459043,
                    "name": "Desmembrador da Torre",
                    "text": "Lampejo\nVoar\nQuando Desmembrador da Torre entra no campo de batalha, a criatura alvo que você controla com voar recebe +2/+0 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Inseto"
                    "flavorText": "Одно движение его жвал — и вот уже небесный всадник летит верхом на безголовом грифоне.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459302,
                    "name": "Кромсатель со Шпилей",
                    "text": "Миг\nПолет\nКогда Кромсатель со Шпилей выходит на поле битвы, целевое существо с Полетом под вашим контролем получает +2/+0 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Насекомое"
                    "flavorText": "它的利颚能让云中骑手座下的狮鹫突然没了脑袋。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459561,
                    "name": "尖塔破坏者",
                    "text": "闪现\n飞行\n当尖塔破坏者进战场时,目标由你操控且具飞行异能的生物得+2/+0直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆虫"
                    "flavorText": "它的利顎能讓雲中騎手座下的獅鷲突然沒了腦袋。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459820,
                    "name": "尖塔破壞者",
                    "text": "閃現\n飛行\n當尖塔破壞者進戰場時,目標由你操控且具飛行異能的生物得+2/+0直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~昆蟲"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457230,
            "name": "Spire Mangler",
            "number": "86",
            "originalText": "Flash\nFlying\nWhen Spire Mangler enters the battlefield, target creature with flying you control gets +2/+0 until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Insect",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Spire Mangler can be the target of its own ability."
            "scryfallId": "a3ce548d-764a-4397-bae3-d348dca78421",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "bf0f0468-7f1c-4d96-87e0-be39f48d4afc",
            "scryfallOracleId": "6416dae0-0d40-4d88-b30b-e1a0c8380e78",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183433,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flash\nFlying\nWhen Spire Mangler enters the battlefield, target creature with flying you control gets +2/+0 until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Insect",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ce87f21f-f5cf-5785-adad-394f4377cd9f",
            "uuidV421": "cd2fa3ca-31bb-524a-9038-432c64deb704"
            "artist": "Yeong-Hao Han",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "She breathes fair winds to tired griffins and lifts songbirds beyond the reach of stalking cats.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Sie beschert müden Greifen günstige Winde und trägt Singvögel über gefräßige Katzen hinweg.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457426,
                    "name": "Geist der Turmspitzen",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nAndere fliegende Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +0/+1.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Geist"
                    "flavorText": "Su aliento es una brisa que alivia a los grifos cansados y que eleva a los pajarillos para que los gatos que rondan no puedan alcanzarlos.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457685,
                    "name": "Espíritu de los chapiteles",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nLas otras criaturas que controlas con la habilidad de volar obtienen +0/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espíritu"
                    "flavorText": "Elle envoie des vents favorables aux griffons fatigués, et hisse les passereaux hors d'atteinte des chats qui les traquent.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457944,
                    "name": "Esprit des tours",
                    "text": "Vol\nLes autres créatures avec le vol que vous contrôlez gagnent +0/+1.",
                    "type": "Créature : esprit"
                    "flavorText": "Sospinge i grifoni stanchi con venti propizi e solleva gli usignoli per salvarli dai gatti affamati.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458203,
                    "name": "Spirito delle Guglie",
                    "text": "Volare\nLe altre creature con volare che controlli prendono +0/+1.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Spirito"
                    "flavorText": "彼女は疲れたグリフィンに追い風を吹き込み、忍び寄る猫たちの手の届かぬところまで歌鳥を舞い上がらせる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458462,
                    "name": "尖塔の霊",
                    "text": "飛行\nあなたがコントロールしていて飛行を持つ他のクリーチャーは+0/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — スピリット"
                    "flavorText": "그녀는 지친 그리핀들에게 순풍을 불어 주며 고양이들의 손이 닿지 않는 곳까지 명금들을 들어올려 준다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458721,
                    "name": "첨탑의 신령",
                    "text": "비행\n당신이 조종하는 비행을 가진 다른 생물들은 +0/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 신령"
                    "flavorText": "Ela sopra bons ventos para grifos cansados e eleva pássaros canoros além do alcance de gatos à espreita.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458980,
                    "name": "Espírito das Torres",
                    "text": "Voar\nAs outras criaturas que você controla com voar recebem +0/+1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espírito"
                    "flavorText": "Она посылает попутный ветер уставшим грифонам и поднимает певчих птиц повыше, чтобы их не достали голодные кошки.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459239,
                    "name": "Дух Шпилей",
                    "text": "Полет\nДругие существа с Полетом под вашим контролем получают +0/+1.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дух"
                    "flavorText": "她向疲惫狮鹫送去助力清风,将受困鸣鸟拎离野猫魔爪。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459498,
                    "name": "尖塔精怪",
                    "text": "飞行\n由你操控且具飞行异能的其他生物得+0/+1。",
                    "type": "生物 ~精怪"
                    "flavorText": "她向疲憊獅鷲送去助力清風,將受困鳴鳥拎離野貓魔爪。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459757,
                    "name": "尖塔精靈",
                    "text": "飛行\n由你操控且具飛行異能的其他生物得+0/+1。",
                    "type": "生物 ~精靈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457167,
            "name": "Spirit of the Spires",
            "number": "23",
            "originalText": "Flying\nOther creatures you control with flying get +0/+1.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Spirit",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because damage remains marked on a creature until it’s removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to other creatures you control with flying may become lethal if Spirit of the Spires leaves the battlefield during that turn."
            "scryfallId": "dbd11910-58e2-4233-a18c-e97413126597",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0ebd3b4c-a27d-41ed-8763-9e9463971ead",
            "scryfallOracleId": "bf10ce45-c6d6-461e-ab46-06b4205d31fb",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183225,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nOther creatures you control with flying get +0/+1.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Spirit",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "3cf399d8-cf3a-5599-8bdc-e7e29c9a974f",
            "uuidV421": "14a0de51-af1e-5ee9-ae7b-96a4e639cb1d"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"If the Fin Clade cannot produce a reliable venomous krasis, mobile in both air and water, then the Guardian Project will absorb its resources.\"\n—Vannifar",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wenn die Flossenklade keine verlässliche giftige Krasis hervorbringen kann, die sowohl in der Luft als auch im Wasser mobil ist, dann wird das Wächterprojekt deren Ressourcen absorbieren.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457545,
                    "name": "Kirchturmkriecher",
                    "text": "{3}{U}: Der Kirchturmkriecher erhält Flugfähigkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Frosch, Ophis"
                    "flavorText": "\"Si el Clado de la Aleta no es capaz de producir un krasis venenoso fiable que pueda desplazarse por agua y aire, el Proyecto Guardián tendrá que absorber sus recursos\".\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457804,
                    "name": "Escalador del campanario",
                    "text": "{3}{U}: El Escalador del campanario gana la habilidad de volar hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Víbora rana"
                    "flavorText": "« Si le Cladus Nageoire est incapable de produire un krasis venimeux pouvant se déplacer à la fois dans les airs et dans l'eau, le Projet Gardien absorbera ses ressources. »\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458063,
                    "name": "Fureteur des clochers",
                    "text": "{3}{U} : Le Fureteur des clochers acquiert le vol jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : grenouille et serpent"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se il Clade della Pinna non è in grado di produrre un krasis velenoso affidabile, con mobilità sia in aria che in acqua, le sue risorse saranno assorbite dal Progetto Guardiani.\"\n—Vannifar",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458322,
                    "name": "Furtivo del Campanile",
                    "text": "{3}{U}: Il Furtivo del Campanile ha volare fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Serpente Rana"
                    "flavorText": "「流翼組が空中でも水中でも動けるちゃんとした有毒混成体を生産できないなら、そちらのリソースは守護者計画に移管することになります。」\n――ヴァニファール",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458581,
                    "name": "尖塔に忍び寄るもの",
                    "text": "{3}{U}:ターン終了時まで、尖塔に忍び寄るものは飛行を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — カエル・蛇"
                    "flavorText": "\"지느러미 클레이드가 공중과 물속 양쪽에서 움직일 수 있는 믿음직한 독 크라시스를 만들어낼 수 없으면, 수호자 프로젝트가 그 자원들을 흡수할 것이다.\"\n—반니파르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458840,
                    "name": "첨탑을 기어오르는 자",
                    "text": "{3}{U}: 첨탑을 기어오르는 자는 턴종료까지 비행을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 개구리 뱀"
                    "flavorText": "\"Se a Cepa da Barbatana não puder produzir um krasis venenoso confiável e com boa mobilidade no ar e na água, o Projeto Guardião absorverá seus recursos.\"\n— Vannifar",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459099,
                    "name": "Rastejador do Campanário",
                    "text": "{3}{U}: Rastejador do Campanário ganha voar até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sapo Cobra"
                    "flavorText": "«Если Клада Плавника не сможет произвести на свет ядовитого красиса, надежного и способного передвигаться по воздуху и в воде, тогда ее ресурсы заберет себе проект \"Стражник\"».\n— Ваннифар",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459358,
                    "name": "Башенный Ползун",
                    "text": "{3}{U}: Башенный Ползун получает Полет до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Лягушка Змея"
                    "flavorText": "「如果鳍进化组造不出在水中和空中都具有绝佳机动性且可靠的有毒融合体,那卫护计划就会吸纳它们的资源。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459617,
                    "name": "尖顶漫行客",
                    "text": "{3}{U}:尖顶漫行客获得飞行异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~蛙/蛇"
                    "flavorText": "「如果鰭進化組造不出在水中和空中都具有絕佳機動性且可靠的有毒融合體,那衛護計劃就會吸納它們的資源。」\n~凡妮法",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459876,
                    "name": "尖頂漫行客",
                    "text": "{3}{U}:尖頂漫行客獲得飛行異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~蛙/蛇"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457286,
            "name": "Steeple Creeper",
            "number": "142",
            "originalText": "{3}{U}: Steeple Creeper gains flying until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Frog Snake",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "f4afafb4-3fc0-4ccf-a942-e4bd2f146d89",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9236832f-478c-430f-a567-162f7b4b031a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f53f33ed-5c8c-4835-bc5f-65a8acfa3f5b",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183432,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{3}{U}: Steeple Creeper gains flying until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Frog Snake",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "d9f532a3-5d99-59c1-8bbb-2ed35c676094",
            "uuidV421": "b90bde92-abf7-56cc-a034-9d530afacbd2",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "James Paick",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 0.0,
            "flavorText": "\"What we begin, the End-Raze will finish. Then we will dance in Ravnica's rubble.\"\n—Nikya of the Old Ways",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Was wir beginnen, wird die Apokalypse beenden. Dann werden wir im Schutt Ravnicas tanzen.\"\n—Nikya, Bewahrerin der Tradition",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457662,
                    "name": "Stampfgelände",
                    "text": "({T}: Erzeuge {R} oder {G}.)\nSowie das Stampfgelände ins Spiel kommt, kannst du 2 Lebenspunkte bezahlen. Falls du dies nicht tust, kommt es getappt ins Spiel.",
                    "type": "Land — Gebirge, Wald"
                    "flavorText": "\"Lo que comenzamos lo terminará el Arrasamiento Final. Entonces, bailaremos sobre los escombros de Rávnica\".\n—Nikya de las viejas costumbres",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457921,
                    "name": "Terreno aplastador",
                    "text": "({T}: Agrega {R} o {G}.)\nEn cuanto el Terreno aplastador entre al campo de batalla, puedes pagar 2 vidas. Si no lo haces, entra al campo de batalla girado.",
                    "type": "Tierra — Montaña bosque"
                    "flavorText": "« Ce que nous commençons, le Grand Terrassement le terminera. Ensuite, nous danserons sur les décombres de Ravnica. »\n—Nikya des Traditions",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458180,
                    "name": "Terrain de prédilection",
                    "text": "({T} : Ajoutez {R} ou {G}.)\nAu moment où le Terrain de prédilection arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez payer 2 points de vie. Si vous ne le faites pas, il arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé.",
                    "type": "Terrain : montagne et forêt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ciò che abbiamo iniziato, lo terminerà la Devastazione finale. Allora balleremo tra le macerie di Ravnica.\"\n—Nikya delle Antiche Usanze",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458439,
                    "name": "Terreno Calpestabile",
                    "text": "({T}: Aggiungi {R} o {G}.)\nMentre il Terreno Calpestabile entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi pagare 2 punti vita. Se non lo fai, entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpato.",
                    "type": "Terra — Montagna Foresta"
                    "flavorText": "「私たちの始めたことは、終末の祟りが終わらせる。そしたら私たちはラヴニカの瓦礫の中で踊るのよ。」\n――旧き道のニーキャ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458698,
                    "name": "踏み鳴らされる地",
                    "text": "({T}:{R}か{G}を加える。)\n踏み鳴らされる地が戦場に出るに際し、あなたは2点のライフを支払ってもよい。そうしないなら、これはタップ状態で戦場に出る。",
                    "type": "土地 — 山・森"
                    "flavorText": "\"종말의 파괴가 우리가 시작한 것을 끝마치리라. 그러면 우리는 라브니카의 폐허 위에서 춤추리라.\"\n—고대 전통의 사도 니캬",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458957,
                    "name": "야수의 영역",
                    "text": "({T}: {R} 또는 {G}를 추가한다.)\n야수의 영역이 전장에 들어오면서, 당신은 생명 2점을 지불할 수 있다. 그러지 않으면, 야수의 영역은 탭된 채로 전장에 들어온다.",
                    "type": "대지 — 산 숲"
                    "flavorText": "\"O que nós começarmos, o Arrasamento Final terminará. E então nós dançaremos nos escombros de Ravnica.\"\n— Nikya dos Métodos Antigos",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459216,
                    "name": "Solo Pisoteado",
                    "text": "{T}: Adicione {R} ou {G}.\nConforme Solo Pisoteado entra no campo de batalha, você pode pagar 2 pontos de vida. Se não fizer isso, ele entrará no campo de batalha virado.",
                    "type": "Terreno — Montanha Floresta"
                    "flavorText": "«То, что мы начнем, закончит Последнее Разрушение. И тогда мы спляшем на развалинах Равники».\n— Никия, приверженка старины",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459475,
                    "name": "Токовище",
                    "text": "({T}: добавьте {R} или {G}.)\n При выходе Токовища на поле битвы вы можете заплатить 2 жизни. Если вы этого не делаете, оно выходит на поле битвы повернутым.",
                    "type": "Земля — Гора Лес"
                    "flavorText": "「我们开的头,会由灭世劫来收尾。然后我们都将在拉尼卡的废墟上起舞。」\n~古式信徒妮恰",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459734,
                    "name": "晃动大地",
                    "text": "({T}:加{R}或{G}。)\n于晃动大地进战场时,你可以支付2点生命。如果你未如此作,则晃动大地须横置进战场。",
                    "type": "地 ~山脉/树林"
                    "flavorText": "「我們開的頭,會由滅世劫來收尾。然後我們都將在拉尼卡的廢墟上起舞。」\n~古式信徒妮恰",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459993,
                    "name": "晃動大地",
                    "text": "({T}:加{R}或{G}。)\n於晃動大地進戰場時,你可以支付2點生命。如果你未如此作,則晃動大地須橫置進戰場。",
                    "type": "地 ~山脈/樹林"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "multiverseId": 457403,
            "name": "Stomping Ground",
            "number": "259",
            "originalText": "({T}: Add {R} or {G}.)\nAs Stomping Ground enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "originalType": "Land — Mountain Forest",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "Unlike most dual lands, this land has two basic land types. It’s not basic, so cards such as District Guide can’t find it, but it does have the appropriate land types for effects such as that of Drowned Catacomb (from the Ixalan set)."
                    "date": "2018-10-05",
                    "text": "If an effect puts this land onto the battlefield tapped, you may pay 2 life, but it still enters tapped."
            "scryfallId": "dcaa1ff6-304e-4660-9df3-36de8e89592e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5b2b272f-43c6-4682-8ebc-39e6d8c8698e",
            "scryfallOracleId": "16052b52-ade1-406f-a06b-ce7ea607fb63",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182841,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "({T}: Add {R} or {G}.)\nAs Stomping Ground enters the battlefield, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, it enters the battlefield tapped.",
            "type": "Land — Mountain Forest",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a0741f21-70b3-54f4-9089-d10ed590f400",
            "uuidV421": "c865da9b-e7ee-5ef6-a2fe-134261fdddc3",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Chris Seaman",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"What you build, we will destroy . . . and bury you in the rubble!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wir werden zerstören, was ihr aufbaut … und euch in eurem eigenen Schutt begraben!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457546,
                    "name": "Steinerne Stärke",
                    "text": "Lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst. Enttappe die Kreatur.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Lo que tú construyas, nosotros lo destruiremos... ¡y te enterraremos bajo sus ruinas!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457805,
                    "name": "Fuerza pétrea",
                    "text": "Pon un contador +1/+1 sobre la criatura objetivo que controlas. Endereza esa criatura.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Ce que vous construisez, nous le détruirons... et nous vous enterrerons sous les décombres ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458064,
                    "name": "Force de pierre",
                    "text": "Mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez. Dégagez cette créature.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Distruggeremo ciò che costruite... e vi seppelliremo nelle macerie!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458323,
                    "name": "Potenza di Pietra",
                    "text": "Metti un segnalino +1/+1 su una creatura bersaglio che controlli. STAPpa quella creatura.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「お前が作ったもの、我々が壊す…そしてお前を瓦礫の下敷きにしてやる!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458582,
                    "name": "石のような強さ",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。そのクリーチャーをアンタップする。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"너희들이 만들면, 우리는 파괴한다 . . . 그리고 너희들을 그 자갈 아래에 파묻겠다!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458841,
                    "name": "돌과 같은 힘",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 그 생물을 언탭한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"O que vocês construírem nós vamos destruir... e vamos enterrar vocês nos escombros!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459100,
                    "name": "Força Pedregosa",
                    "text": "Coloque um marcador +1/+1 na criatura alvo que você controla. Desvire aquela criatura.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«То, что вы построите, мы разрушим... а вас похороним под осколками».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459359,
                    "name": "Каменная Сила",
                    "text": "Положите один жетон +1/+1 на целевое существо под вашим контролем. Разверните то существо.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「你们造什么,我们就毁什么. . .然后把你们埋进瓦砾!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459618,
                    "name": "顽石之力",
                    "text": "在目标由你操控的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。重置该生物。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「你們造什麼,我們就毀什麼. . .然後把你們埋進瓦礫!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459877,
                    "name": "頑石之力",
                    "text": "在目標由你操控的生物上放置一個+1/+1指示物。重置該生物。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457287,
            "name": "Stony Strength",
            "number": "143",
            "originalText": "Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control. Untap that creature.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Stony Strength can target any creature you control, even one that’s already untapped."
            "scryfallId": "8bbab274-69dd-44a9-9310-a15779c35cad",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "fc1a7940-691c-4648-a2d5-d998c603c824",
            "scryfallOracleId": "da5a7cb8-1fa7-4b91-abd4-9e766291be63",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183436,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control. Untap that creature.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "352f9533-f99e-546e-abde-ca5974a707e7",
            "uuidV421": "324d51cc-9219-5bdf-acb3-80587f288079"
            "artist": "Dmitry Burmak",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"My shout is thunder and my fist is lightning!\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Mein Schrei ist wie Donner und meine Faust wie ein Blitz!\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457522,
                    "name": "Donnerhaken",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält +1/+0 und Erstschlag bis zum Ende des Zuges. Hellsicht 1.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Mi grito es el trueno y mi puño, el relámpago!\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457781,
                    "name": "Golpe de tormenta",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo obtiene +1/+0 y gana la habilidad de dañar primero hasta el final del turno. Adivina 1.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Mon cri est le tonnerre, et mon poing l'éclair ! »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458040,
                    "name": "Frappe de l'orage",
                    "text": "La créature ciblée gagne +1/+0 et acquiert l'initiative jusqu'à la fin du tour. Regard 1.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il mio grido è il tuono e il mio pugno è la folgore!\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458299,
                    "name": "Colpo della Tempesta",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio prende +1/+0 e ha attacco improvviso fino alla fine del turno. Profetizza 1.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「俺の叫びは雷鳴で、俺の拳は稲妻だ!」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458558,
                    "name": "嵐の一撃",
                    "text": "クリーチャー1体を対象とする。ターン終了時まで、それは+1/+0の修整を受け先制攻撃を得る。占術1を行う。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"내 외침은 천둥이고 내 주먹은 벼락이다!\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458817,
                    "name": "폭풍 강타",
                    "text": "생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물은 턴종료까지 +1/+0을 받고 선제공격을 얻는다. 점술 1을 한다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Meu brado é trovão e meu punho é raio!\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459076,
                    "name": "Golpe da Tempestade",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo recebe +1/+0 e ganha iniciativa até o final do turno. Vidência 1.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Крик мой — гром, а кулак — молния!»",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459335,
                    "name": "Удар Бури",
                    "text": "Целевое существо получает +1/+0 и Первый удар до конца хода. Предскажите 1.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「我声如雷鸣,拳似闪电!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459594,
                    "name": "疾风击",
                    "text": "直到回合结束,目标生物得+1/+0且获得先攻异能。占卜1。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「我聲如雷鳴,拳似閃電!」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459853,
                    "name": "疾風擊",
                    "text": "直到回合結束,目標生物得+1/+0且獲得先攻異能。占卜1。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457263,
            "name": "Storm Strike",
            "number": "119",
            "originalText": "Target creature gets +1/+0 and gains first strike until end of turn. Scry 1.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Storm Strike tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. You won’t scry 1."
            "scryfallId": "8de24cba-545a-438b-9516-1c19a50ca78c",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6dd8c333-8904-4127-bc29-49428451de40",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f0748ff2-94b1-45a9-8d56-8459bd86704a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183405,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature gets +1/+0 and gains first strike until end of turn. Scry 1.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "686e650e-6547-5bc0-8bbf-e19c4458d01f",
            "uuidV421": "219680c7-8084-5ef2-aecf-9633d5fc08e7"
            "artist": "Deruchenko Alexander",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Any challenge to Azorius authority is met with swift and potent retribution.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wer die Autorität der Azorius infrage stellt, wird umgehend und hart bestraft.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457427,
                    "name": "Urteil im Schnellverfahren",
                    "text": "Das Urteil im Schnellverfahren fügt einer getappten Kreatur deiner Wahl 3 Schadenspunkte zu.\nAddendum — Falls du diesen Zauberspruch in deiner Hauptphase gewirkt hast, fügt er der Kreatur stattdessen 5 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Todo desafío a la autoridad del Gremio Azorio recibirá un castigo rápido y ejemplar.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457686,
                    "name": "Juicio sumario",
                    "text": "El Juicio sumario hace 3 puntos de daño a la criatura girada objetivo.\nAdenda — Si lanzas este hechizo durante tu fase principal, en vez de eso, hace 5 puntos de daño a esa criatura.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "Défier l'autorité d'Azorius, c'est risquer un châtiment rapide et violent.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457945,
                    "name": "Jugement sommaire",
                    "text": "Le Jugement sommaire inflige 3 blessures à une créature engagée ciblée.\nAddenda — Si vous avez lancé ce sort pendant votre phase principale, il inflige 5 blessures à cette créature à la place.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Qualsiasi sfida all'autorità degli Azorius riceve un castigo rapido e poderoso.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458204,
                    "name": "Giudizio Sommario",
                    "text": "Il Giudizio Sommario infligge 3 danni a una creatura TAPpata bersaglio.\nAppendice — Se hai lanciato questa magia durante la tua fase principale, infligge invece 5 danni a quella creatura.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "アゾリウスの権力に対するすべての挑戦は、迅速で強力な報復をもって迎えられる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458463,
                    "name": "略式判決",
                    "text": "タップ状態のクリーチャー1体を対象とする。略式判決はそれに3点のダメージを与える。\n附則 ― あなたがこの呪文をあなたのメイン・フェイズ中に唱えていたなら、代わりに、これはそのクリーチャーに5点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "아조리우스의 권위에 대한 도전은 그 어떤 것이라도 신속하고 강력한 응징을 받게 된다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458722,
                    "name": "약식 판결",
                    "text": "탭된 생물을 목표로 정한다. 약식 판결은 그 생물에게 피해 3점을 입힌다.\n부록 — 당신이 이 주문을 당신의 본단계에 발동했다면, 약식 판결은 그 생물에게 대신 피해 5점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Qualquer desafio à autoridade dos Azorius é respondido com uma retaliação potente e veloz.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458981,
                    "name": "Julgamento Sumário",
                    "text": "Julgamento Sumário causa 3 pontos de dano à criatura virada alvo.\nAdendo — Se você conjurou esta mágica durante sua fase principal, em vez disso, ela causará 5 pontos de dano àquela criatura.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "На любой вызов, брошенный власти Азориусов, следует мгновенный и решительный ответ.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459240,
                    "name": "Упрощенное Судопроизводство",
                    "text": "Упрощенное Судопроизводство наносит 3 повреждения целевому повернутому существу.\nПриложение — Если вы разыграли это заклинание во время вашей главной фазы, вместо этого оно наносит тому существу 5 повреждений.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "任何胆敢挑战俄佐立权威的人都会立遭严惩。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459499,
                    "name": "即决审判",
                    "text": "即决审判对目标已横置的生物造成3点伤害。\n附案~如果你是在你的行动阶段施放此咒语,则改为它对该生物造成5点伤害。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "任何膽敢挑戰俄佐立權威的人都會立遭嚴懲。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459758,
                    "name": "即決審判",
                    "text": "即決審判對目標已橫置的生物造成3點傷害。\n附案~如果你是在你的行動階段施放此咒語,則改為它對該生物造成5點傷害。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457168,
            "name": "Summary Judgment",
            "number": "24",
            "originalText": "Summary Judgment deals 3 damage to target tapped creature.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, it deals 5 damage to that creature instead.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Addendum abilities of instant spells apply while the spell is resolving, not immediately after casting it. If the spell is countered, you don’t get the addendum bonus. For example, if you cast Sphinx’s Insight during your main phase, you gain 2 life during its resolution, after you draw two cards."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a spell with an addendum ability is copied, the copy won’t give you the addendum bonus. This is because the copy wasn’t cast at all."
            "scryfallId": "c0b20fec-8373-4c6c-b3c1-ee7cff64dd37",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e4747965-a1ff-4023-8ee6-eb3947aa85e6",
            "scryfallOracleId": "ae198ce9-097b-4204-b599-12bdb36f5195",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183391,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Summary Judgment deals 3 damage to target tapped creature.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, it deals 5 damage to that creature instead.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "fc6f051a-8c0b-54c2-a41d-22c6217cc0be",
            "uuidV421": "96de1188-4490-53e6-ad11-b447f62df942",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Jason Rainville",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"You take our wilds, we take your city.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wenn ihr uns die Wildnis nehmt, nehmen wir euch eure Stadt.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457613,
                    "name": "Entzweiender Schamane",
                    "text": "Der Entzweiende Schamane kann nicht von mehr als einer Kreatur geblockt werden.\nImmer wenn der Entzweiende Schamane einem Spieler Kampfschaden zufügt, zerstöre ein Artefakt oder eine Verzauberung deiner Wahl, das bzw. die jener Spieler kontrolliert.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Riese, Schamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ustedes conquistaron nuestros bosques; nosotros conquistamos su ciudad\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457872,
                    "name": "Chamán desgarrador",
                    "text": "El Chamán desgarrador no puede ser bloqueado por más de una criatura.\nSiempre que el Chamán desgarrador haga daño de combate a un jugador, destruye el artefacto o encantamiento objetivo que controla ese jugador.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Chamán gigante"
                    "flavorText": "« Vous prenez nos contrées sauvages, nous prenons votre ville. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458131,
                    "name": "Shamane de scission",
                    "text": "Le Shamane de scission ne peut pas être bloqué par plus d'une créature.\nÀ chaque fois que le Shamane de scission inflige des blessures de combat à un joueur, détruisez l'artefact ou l'enchantement ciblé que ce joueur contrôle.",
                    "type": "Créature : géant et shamane"
                    "flavorText": "\"Voi vi prendete le nostre terre selvagge, noi ci prendiamo la vostra città.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458390,
                    "name": "Sciamano della Demolizione",
                    "text": "Lo Sciamano della Demolizione non può essere bloccato da più di una creatura.\nOgniqualvolta lo Sciamano della Demolizione infligge danno da combattimento a un giocatore, distruggi un artefatto o un incantesimo bersaglio controllato da quel giocatore.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Sciamano Gigante"
                    "flavorText": "「お前ら、俺たちの自然奪う。俺たち、お前らの街奪う。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458649,
                    "name": "引き裂くシャーマン",
                    "text": "引き裂くシャーマンは、2体以上のクリーチャーによってはブロックされない。\n引き裂くシャーマンがプレイヤー1人に戦闘ダメージを与えるたび、そのプレイヤーがコントロールしているアーティファクト1つかエンチャント1つを対象とし、それを破壊する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 巨人・シャーマン"
                    "flavorText": "\"네가 우리의 야생을 빼앗았으니, 우리는 네 도시를 빼앗는다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458908,
                    "name": "박살 주술사",
                    "text": "박살 주술사는 생물 한 개에게만 방어될 수 있다.\n박살 주술사가 플레이어에게 전투피해를 입힐 때마다, 그 플레이어가 조종하는 마법물체 또는 부여마법을 목표로 정한다. 그 목표를 파괴한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 거인 주술사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Vocês tomaram nossas matas, nós tomamos sua cidade.\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459167,
                    "name": "Xamã Rachador",
                    "text": "Xamã Rachador não pode ser bloqueado por mais de uma criatura.\nToda vez que Xamã Rachador causar dano de combate a um jogador, destrua o artefato ou o encantamento alvo que aquele jogador controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Gigante Xamã"
                    "flavorText": "«Вы забрали наши дебри, мы заберем ваш город».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459426,
                    "name": "Шаман Раскола",
                    "text": "Шаман Раскола не может быть заблокирован более чем одним существом.\nКаждый раз, когда Шаман Раскола наносит боевые повреждения игроку, уничтожьте целевой артефакт или чары под контролем того игрока.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гигант Шаман"
                    "flavorText": "「你们夺走我们的荒野,我们就夺走你们的城市。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459685,
                    "name": "粉碎祭师",
                    "text": "粉碎祭师不能被多于一个生物阻挡。\n每当粉碎祭师对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,消灭目标由该牌手操控的神器或结界。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨人/祭师"
                    "flavorText": "「你們奪走我們的荒野,我們就奪走你們的城市。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459944,
                    "name": "粉碎祭師",
                    "text": "粉碎祭師不能被多於一個生物阻擋。\n每當粉碎祭師對任一玩家造成戰鬥傷害時,消滅目標由該玩家操控的神器或結界。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨人/祭師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}{R}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457354,
            "name": "Sunder Shaman",
            "number": "210",
            "originalText": "Sunder Shaman can't be blocked by more than one creature.\nWhenever Sunder Shaman deals combat damage to a player, destroy target artifact or enchantment that player controls.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Giant Shaman",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Sunder Shaman gains menace, it can’t be blocked at all."
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 183315,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Sunder Shaman can't be blocked by more than one creature.\nWhenever Sunder Shaman deals combat damage to a player, destroy target artifact or enchantment that player controls.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Giant Shaman",
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            "foreignData": [
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                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Wirbelnde Strömung",
                    "text": "Bestimme eines oder beides —\n• Lege eine Kreatur deiner Wahl oben auf die Bibliothek ihres Besitzers.\n• Bringe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl auf die Hand ihres Besitzers zurück.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Ups!\".\n—Grupgrup, técnico de conductos",
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                    "name": "Torrente turbulento",
                    "text": "Elige uno o ambos:\n• Pon la criatura objetivo en la parte superior de la biblioteca de su propietario.\n• Regresa la criatura objetivo a la mano de su propietario.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "flavorText": "« Oups ! »\n—Gloupgloup, technicien des écluses",
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                    "name": "Torrent déchaîné",
                    "text": "Choisissez l'un ou les deux —\n• Mettez la créature ciblée au-dessus de la bibliothèque de son propriétaire.\n• Renvoyez une créature ciblée dans la main de son propriétaire.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ops!\"\n—Grupgrup, tecnico dei condotti di scolo",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458236,
                    "name": "Torrente Vorticante",
                    "text": "Scegli uno o entrambi —\n• Metti una creatura bersaglio in cima al grimorio del suo proprietario.\n• Fai tornare una creatura bersaglio in mano al suo proprietario.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "flavorText": "「おっと!」\n――水路の技師、ゴポゴポ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
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                    "name": "渦巻く激流",
                    "text": "以下から1つまたは両方を選ぶ。\n• クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをオーナーのライブラリーの一番上に置く。\n• クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをオーナーの手札に戻す。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "flavorText": "\"어이쿠!\"\n—배수로 기술자, 그룹그룹",
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                    "name": "휘몰아치는 격류",
                    "text": "하나 혹은 둘 다를 선택한다 —\n• 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 소유자의 서고 맨 위에 놓는다.\n• 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 소유자의 손으로 되돌린다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ops!\"\n— Glupglup, técnico do canal",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459013,
                    "name": "Torrente de Redemoinhos",
                    "text": "Escolha um ou ambos —\n• Coloque a criatura alvo no topo do grimório de seu dono.\n• Devolva a criatura alvo para a mão de seu dono.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "flavorText": "«Ой!..»\n— Бульбуль, водосточный техник",
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                    "name": "Кружащийся Поток",
                    "text": "Выберите одно или оба —\n• Положите целевое существо на верх библиотеки его владельца.\n• Верните целевое существо в руку его владельца.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "flavorText": "「糟糕!」\n~闸沟技师咕噜噜",
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                    "name": "回旋激流",
                    "text": "选择一项或都选~\n•将目标生物置于其拥有者的牌库顶。\n•将目标生物移回其拥有者手上。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "flavorText": "「糟糕!」\n~閘溝技師咕嚕嚕",
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                    "name": "迴旋激流",
                    "text": "選擇一項或都選~\n•將目標生物置於其擁有者的牌庫頂。\n•將目標生物移回其擁有者手上。",
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            "originalText": "Choose one or both —\n• Put target creature on top of its owner's library.\n• Return target creature to its owner's hand.",
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            "text": "Choose one or both —\n• Put target creature on top of its owner's library.\n• Return target creature to its owner's hand.",
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            "flavorText": "The mournful lowing of brushstriders warns of changing weather and ill winds.",
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                    "name": "Waldverbundener Gestrüppläufer",
                    "text": "Wenn der Waldverbundene Gestrüppläufer ins Spiel kommt, erhältst du 2 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bestie"
                    "flavorText": "El bramido melancólico de los zancoarbustos avisa de cambios de tiempo y de malos augurios.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
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                    "name": "Zancoarbusto silvano",
                    "text": "Cuando el Zancoarbusto silvano entre al campo de batalla, ganas 2 vidas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "Le mugissement mélancolique des enjambeurs de broussailles présage un changement dans l'air et le calme avant la tempête.",
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                    "name": "Enjambeur de broussailles sylvestre",
                    "text": "Quand l'Enjambeur de broussailles sylvestre arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous gagnez 2 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : bête"
                    "flavorText": "Il mesto muggito degli erranti boscosi segnala l'arrivo di cieli e tempi foschi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458324,
                    "name": "Errante Boscoso Silvano",
                    "text": "Quando l'Errante Boscoso Silvano entra nel campo di battaglia, guadagni 2 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "刷毛履きの悲しげな鳴き声は、天候の変化と不吉な風の訪れを告げる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458583,
                    "name": "森の刷毛履き",
                    "text": "森の刷毛履きが戦場に出たとき、あなたは2点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ビースト"
                    "flavorText": "수풀 위로 걷는 야수들의 슬픈 울음소리는 계절이 바뀌는 것과 다가올 역경을 경고한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458842,
                    "name": "숲의 수풀 위로 걷는 야수",
                    "text": "숲의 수풀 위로 걷는 야수가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 생명 2점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 야수"
                    "flavorText": "O mugido triste dos salta-matos anuncia mudanças de tempo e mau augúrio.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459101,
                    "name": "Salta-mato Silvestre",
                    "text": "Quando Salta-mato Silvestre entra no campo de batalha, você ganha 2 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Besta"
                    "flavorText": "Печальные стоны кустомерок предвещают перемену погоды и недобрые ветра.",
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                    "multiverseId": 459360,
                    "name": "Лесная Кустомерка",
                    "text": "Когда Лесная Кустомерка выходит на поле битвы, вы получаете 2 жизни.",
                    "type": "Существо — Зверь"
                    "flavorText": "拂行兽的低声哀吼提醒着人们季节变化和灾难来袭。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459619,
                    "name": "森林拂行兽",
                    "text": "当森林拂行兽进战场时,你获得2点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野兽"
                    "flavorText": "拂行獸的低聲哀吼提醒著人們季節變化和災難來襲。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459878,
                    "name": "森林拂行獸",
                    "text": "當森林拂行獸進戰場時,你獲得2點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野獸"
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            "originalText": "When Sylvan Brushstrider enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life.",
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            "text": "When Sylvan Brushstrider enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life.",
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                    "multiverseId": 457614,
                    "name": "Gildenmagier des Syndikats",
                    "text": "{1}{W}, {T}: Tappe eine Kreatur deiner Wahl mit Stärke 4 oder mehr.\n{4}{B}, {T}: Der Gildenmagier des Syndikats fügt einem Gegner oder Planeswalker deiner Wahl 2 Schadenspunkte zu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Kleriker"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457873,
                    "name": "Mago del gremio del Sindicato",
                    "text": "{1}{W}, {T}: Gira la criatura objetivo con fuerza de 4 o más.\n{4}{B}, {T}: El Mago del gremio del Sindicato hace 2 puntos de daño al oponente o planeswalker objetivo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Clérigo humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458132,
                    "name": "Ghildmage du Syndicat",
                    "text": "{1}{W}, {T} : Engagez une créature ciblée de force supérieure ou égale à 4.\n{4}{B}, {T} : Le Ghildmage du Syndicat inflige 2 blessures à une cible, adversaire ou planeswalker.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et clerc"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458391,
                    "name": "Mago della Gilda del Sindacato",
                    "text": "{1}{W}, {T}: TAPpa una creatura bersaglio con forza pari o superiore a 4.\n{4}{B}, {T}: Il Mago della Gilda del Sindacato infligge 2 danni a un avversario o a un planeswalker bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Chierico Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458650,
                    "name": "組織のギルド魔道士",
                    "text": "{1}{W}, {T}:パワーが4以上のクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。\n{4}{B}, {T}:対戦相手1人かプレインズウォーカー1体を対象とする。組織のギルド魔道士はそれに2点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・クレリック"
                    "language": "Korean",
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                    "name": "조직 길드마도사",
                    "text": "{1}{W}, {T}: 공격력이 4 이상인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 탭한다.\n{4}{B}, {T}: 상대나 플레인즈워커를 목표로 정한다. 조직 길드마도사는 그 목표에게 피해 2점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 성직자"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
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                    "name": "Mago de Guilda do Sindicato",
                    "text": "{1}{W}, {T}: Vire a criatura alvo com poder igual ou superior a 4.\n{4}{B}, {T}: Mago de Guilda do Sindicato causa 2 pontos de dano ao oponente ou planeswalker alvo.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Clérigo"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459427,
                    "name": "Маг Гильдии Синдиката",
                    "text": "{1}{W}, {T}: поверните целевое существо с силой 4 или больше.\n{4}{B}, {T}: Маг Гильдии Синдиката наносит 2 повреждения целевому оппоненту или planeswalker-у.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Священник"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459686,
                    "name": "集团公会法师",
                    "text": "{1}{W},{T}:横置目标力量等于或大于4的生物。\n{4}{B},{T}:集团公会法师向目标对手或鹏洛客造成2点伤害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/僧侣"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459945,
                    "name": "集團公會法師",
                    "text": "{1}{W},{T}:橫置目標力量等於或大於4的生物。\n{4}{B},{T}:集團公會法師向目標對手或鵬洛客造成2點傷害。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/僧侶"
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            "manaCost": "{W}{B}",
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            "name": "Syndicate Guildmage",
            "number": "211",
            "originalText": "{1}{W}, {T}: Tap target creature with power 4 or greater.\n{4}{B}, {T}: Syndicate Guildmage deals 2 damage to target opponent or planeswalker.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Cleric",
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            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183197,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{1}{W}, {T}: Tap target creature with power 4 or greater.\n{4}{B}, {T}: Syndicate Guildmage deals 2 damage to target opponent or planeswalker.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Human Cleric",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f84008b8-8339-5366-855c-13ae88740cfd",
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            "flavorText": "\"Many wings haunt the skies these days. Few of them bear good tidings.\"\n—Lavinia",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Viele Schwingen verdunkeln heutzutage den Himmel. Nur wenige von Ihnen überbringen gute Nachrichten.\"\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457428,
                    "name": "Bote des Syndikats",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nSeelenwandlung 1 (Wenn diese Kreatur stirbt, erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen und schwarzen Geist-Kreaturenspielstein mit Flugfähigkeit.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vogel"
                    "flavorText": "\"Muchas alas surcan los cielos hoy en día, pero pocas traen buenas nuevas\".\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457687,
                    "name": "Mensajera del Sindicato",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nUltratumba 1. (Cuando esta criatura muera, crea una ficha de criatura Espíritu blanca y negra 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ave"
                    "flavorText": "« Nombreuses sont les ailes à parcourir le ciel ces temps-ci. Peu d'entre elles sont porteuses de bonnes nouvelles. »\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457946,
                    "name": "Messager du Syndicat",
                    "text": "Vol\nAu-delà 1 (Quand cette créature meurt, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol.)",
                    "type": "Créature : oiseau"
                    "flavorText": "\"Molte ali solcano i cieli, di questi tempi. Ben poche sono portatrici di buone notizie.\"\n—Lavinia",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458205,
                    "name": "Messaggero del Sindacato",
                    "text": "Volare\nAldilà 1 (Quando questa creatura muore, crea una pedina creatura Spirito 1/1 bianca e nera con volare.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Uccello"
                    "flavorText": "「近頃はたくさんの翼が空に飛び交っているわね。その中でもいい知らせを持っているのはごく僅かだわ。」\n――ラヴィニア",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458464,
                    "name": "組織の伝書使",
                    "text": "飛行\n死後1(このクリーチャーが死亡したとき、飛行を持ち白であり黒である1/1のスピリット・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 鳥"
                    "flavorText": "\"요즘에는 수많은 날개들이 하늘을 뒤덮는다. 좋은 소식을 나르는 것은 몇 개 없지.\"\n—라비니아",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458723,
                    "name": "조직의 전령",
                    "text": "비행\n사후세계 1 (이 생물이 죽을 때, 비행을 가진 1/1 백색 및 흑색 신령 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 조류"
                    "flavorText": "\"Hoje em dia, muitas asas assombram os céus. Poucas trazem boas novas.\"\n— Lavínia",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458982,
                    "name": "Mensageiro do Sindicato",
                    "text": "Voar\nPós-vida 1 (Quando esta criatura morrer, crie uma ficha de criatura branca e preta 1/1 do tipo Espírito com voar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ave"
                    "flavorText": "«В наши дни в небе часто можно увидеть чьи-то крылья. И очень редко это ведет к хорошим вестям».\n— Лавиния",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459241,
                    "name": "Гонец Синдиката",
                    "text": "Полет\nПосмертие 1 (Когда это существо умирает, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый и черный Дух с Полетом.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Птица"
                    "flavorText": "「如今天空布满羽翼,但鲜有好事相传。」\n~拉温妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459500,
                    "name": "集团信使",
                    "text": "飞行\n往生1(当此生物死去时,派出一个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~鸟"
                    "flavorText": "「如今天空佈滿羽翼,但鮮有好事相傳。」\n~拉溫妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459759,
                    "name": "集團信使",
                    "text": "飛行\n往生1(當此生物死去時,派出一個1/1,白黑雙色,具飛行異能的精靈衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~鳥"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457169,
            "name": "Syndicate Messenger",
            "number": "25",
            "originalText": "Flying\nAfterlife 1 (When this creature dies, create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Bird",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because blockers are chosen all at once, you can’t block with a creature with afterlife, wait for it to die, then block with the resulting Spirit tokens."
            "scryfallId": "10273046-4c74-42d8-afaa-6cfbe0bd4e8f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "65e8f89a-2372-4c82-9b1d-124303e43ae2",
            "scryfallOracleId": "f5f4d78b-ed2b-471b-9ece-237fb55adc13",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183394,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nAfterlife 1 (When this creature dies, create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.)",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Bird",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "e0391e98-cf78-5a40-aac5-1b0ae830fade",
            "uuidV421": "d3914518-91ad-5438-836e-8bc089493462",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Volkan Baga",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "\"I keep reminding myself we do this because others can't, because we love this city. If we don't save it, no one will.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wir kämpfen, weil andere es nicht können und weil wir diese Stadt lieben. Wenn wir sie nicht retten, ist sie dem Untergang geweiht.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457429,
                    "name": "Veteranin des zehnten Distrikts",
                    "text": "Wachsamkeit\nImmer wenn die Veteranin des zehnten Distrikts angreift, enttappe eine andere Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"No dejo de recordarme que hacemos esto porque otros no pueden, porque amamos esta ciudad. Si no la salvamos nosotros, nadie lo hará\".",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457688,
                    "name": "Veterana del Distrito Décimo",
                    "text": "Vigilancia.\nSiempre que la Veterana del Distrito Décimo ataque, endereza otra criatura objetivo que controlas.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "flavorText": "« Je me répète sans cesse que nous faisons ceci parce que personne d'autre ne le peut, parce que nous aimons cette ville. Si nous ne la sauvons pas, personne ne le fera. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457947,
                    "name": "Vétérane de la dixième circonscription",
                    "text": "Vigilance\nÀ chaque fois que la Vétérane de la dixième circonscription attaque, dégagez une autre créature ciblée que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "\"Continuo a ripetermi che lo facciamo per coloro che non possono, perché amiamo questa città. Se non la salveremo noi, nessun altro lo farà.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458206,
                    "name": "Veterana del Decimo Distretto",
                    "text": "Cautela\nOgniqualvolta la Veterana del Decimo Distretto attacca, STAPpa un'altra creatura bersaglio che controlli.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "flavorText": "「いつも自分に言い聞かせているの。他の人にできないから、この都市を愛しているから、この仕事をしてるんだって。私たちが守らなかったら、誰も守る人はいない。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458465,
                    "name": "第10管区の古参兵",
                    "text": "警戒\n第10管区の古参兵が攻撃するたび、あなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをアンタップする。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "\"나는 다른 사람들이 이 일을 할 수 없기 때문에, 우리가 이 도시를 사랑하기 때문에 우리가 이 일을 하는 것이라고 계속해서 되새긴다. 우리가 이 도시를 구하지 않으면, 아무도 구하지 않을 것이다.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458724,
                    "name": "10번 구역 고참",
                    "text": "경계\n10번 구역 고참이 공격할 때마다, 당신이 조종하는 다른 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 언탭한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Eu fico me repetindo que fazemos isso porque ninguém mais é capaz, por amor a essa cidade. Se não a salvarmos, ninguém o fará..\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458983,
                    "name": "Veterana do Décimo Distrito",
                    "text": "Vigilância\nToda vez que Veterana do Décimo Distrito atacar, desvire outra criatura alvo que você controla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "«Я все время напоминаю себе, что мы делаем это, потому что больше никто не может, и потому что мы любим этот город. Если мы не спасем его, то никто не спасет».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459242,
                    "name": "Ветеран Десятого Округа",
                    "text": "Бдительность\nКаждый раз, когда Ветеран Десятого Округа атакует, разверните другое целевое существо под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "「我时刻提醒自己:我们甘愿披上戎装,是因为我们无可替代,是因为我们深爱这座城市。如果我们不出面,还有谁能来救?」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459501,
                    "name": "第十区老兵",
                    "text": "警戒\n每当第十区老兵攻击时,重置另一个目标由你操控的生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "「我時刻提醒自己:我們甘願披上戎裝,是因為我們無可替代,是因為我們深愛這座城市。如果我們不出面,還有誰能來救?」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459760,
                    "name": "第十區老兵",
                    "text": "警戒\n每當第十區老兵攻擊時,重置另一個目標由你操控的生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
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            "name": "Tenth District Veteran",
            "number": "26",
            "originalText": "Vigilance\nWhenever Tenth District Veteran attacks, untap another target creature you control.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Untapping an attacking creature doesn’t remove it from combat."
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            "scryfallIllustrationId": "6f6d8853-7f88-4796-a61f-463b926ef31c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c25e4b69-4ea3-43ce-ba6f-b918ebfc4980",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183396,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Vigilance\nWhenever Tenth District Veteran attacks, untap another target creature you control.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "cb8ce56a-3168-5987-a836-85eba7d3a14a",
            "uuidV421": "574d693b-d57b-53b0-9012-e160b957945c"
            "artist": "Dan Scott",
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            "flavorText": "\"The presence of the strong will make you stronger.\"\n—Yeva, Nature's Herald",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die Anwesenheit der Starken macht dich stärker.\"\n—Yeva, die Botin der Natur",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457548,
                    "name": "Revierverteidigender Eber",
                    "text": "Immer wenn eine Kreatur mit Stärke 4 oder mehr unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel kommt, erhält der Revierverteidigende Eber +1/+1 und Wachsamkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Wildschwein"
                    "flavorText": "\"La presencia de los fuertes te hace más fuerte\".\n—Yeva, heraldo de la naturaleza",
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                    "name": "Jabalí territorial",
                    "text": "Siempre que una criatura con fuerza de 4 o más entre al campo de batalla bajo tu control, el Jabalí territorial obtiene +1/+1 y gana la habilidad de vigilancia hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Jabalí"
                    "flavorText": "« La présence des forts vous rendra plus fort. »\n—Yeva, héraut de la Nature",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458066,
                    "name": "Sanglier territorial",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'une créature de force supérieure ou égale à 4 arrive sur le champ de bataille sous votre contrôle, le Sanglier territorial gagne +1/+1 et acquiert la vigilance jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : sanglier"
                    "flavorText": "\"La presenza dei potenti ti donerà forza.\"\n—Yeva, Messaggera della Natura",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458325,
                    "name": "Cinghiale Territoriale",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta una creatura con forza pari o superiore a 4 entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, il Cinghiale Territoriale prende +1/+1 e ha cautela fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Cinghiale"
                    "flavorText": "「強さの存在が、あなたを強くするわ。」\n――自然の伝令、イェヴァ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458584,
                    "name": "縄張り持ちの猪",
                    "text": "パワーが4以上のクリーチャーが1体あなたのコントロール下で戦場に出るたび、ターン終了時まで、縄張り持ちの猪は+1/+1の修整を受け警戒を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 猪"
                    "flavorText": "\"강한 것의 존재가 너를 더 강하게 해 줄 것이다.\"\n—자연의 전령, 예바",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458843,
                    "name": "영역을 지키는 멧돼지",
                    "text": "공격력이 4 이상인 생물이 당신의 조종하에 전장에 들어올 때마다, 영역을 지키는 멧돼지는 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받고 경계를 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 멧돼지"
                    "flavorText": "\"A presença dos fortes tornará você mais forte.\"\n— Yeva, Arauto da Natureza",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459102,
                    "name": "Javali Territorial",
                    "text": "Toda vez que uma criatura com poder igual ou superior a 4 entra no campo de batalha sob o seu controle, Javali Territorial recebe +1/+1 e ganha vigilância até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Javali"
                    "flavorText": "«Рядом с сильным и сам становишься сильнее».\n— Йева, Глашатай Природы",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459361,
                    "name": "Территориальный Вепрь",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда существо с силой 4 или больше выходит на поле битвы под вашим контролем, Территориальный Вепрь получает +1/+1 и Бдительность до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Вепрь"
                    "flavorText": "「强者的存在能让你变得更强。」\n~自然传令使叶娃",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459620,
                    "name": "据地野猪",
                    "text": "每当一个力量等于或大于4的生物在你的操控下进场时,直到回合结束,据地野猪得+1/+1且获得警戒异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野猪"
                    "flavorText": "「強者的存在能讓你變得更強。」\n~自然傳令使葉娃",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459879,
                    "name": "據地野豬",
                    "text": "每當一個力量等於或大於4的生物在你的操控下進場時,直到回合結束,據地野豬得+1/+1且獲得警戒異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~野豬"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
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            "name": "Territorial Boar",
            "number": "145",
            "originalText": "Whenever a creature with power 4 or greater enters the battlefield under your control, Territorial Boar gets +1/+1 and gains vigilance until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Boar",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The entering creature must have power 4 or greater as it enters the battlefield, or Territorial Boar’s ability won’t trigger. Static abilities that raise (or lower) a creature’s power are taken into account. However, you can’t have a creature with power 3 or less enter the battlefield, raise its power with a spell, an activated ability, or a triggered ability, and have Territorial Boar’s ability trigger."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If the entering creature’s power changes to 3 or less after it has entered the battlefield, Territorial Boar still gets +1/+1 and gains vigilance."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Territorial Boar’s power is raised to 4 or greater as it enters the battlefield, it will cause its own ability to trigger."
            "scryfallId": "5e9ddae7-7e7c-46c7-ad7d-9a686c256b9d",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b6aef4ec-98c7-4810-9847-9281450bd8f3",
            "scryfallOracleId": "848fc2b8-7208-4415-8be1-add84c780f6e",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183440,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever a creature with power 4 or greater enters the battlefield under your control, Territorial Boar gets +1/+1 and gains vigilance until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Boar",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "9dd9f668-a480-5238-a080-984016c7da22",
            "uuidV421": "05408737-e621-5305-aa50-381ae1313208"
            "artist": "Magali Villeneuve",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "While Kaya is guildmaster, Teysa waits patiently at the center of the Orzhov web of power.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Solange Kaya Gildenmeisterin ist, wartet Teysa geduldig im Zentrum des Machtnetzwerks der Orzhov.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457615,
                    "name": "Teysa Karlov",
                    "text": "Falls das Sterben einer Kreatur eine ausgelöste Fähigkeit einer bleibenden Karte, die du kontrollierst, auslöst, wird die Fähigkeit ein weiteres Mal ausgelöst.\nKreaturenspielsteine, die du kontrollierst, haben Wachsamkeit und Lebensverknüpfung.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Berater"
                    "flavorText": "Mientras Kaya es maestra del gremio, Teysa espera pacientemente en el centro de la red de poder orzhov.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457874,
                    "name": "Teysa Karlov",
                    "text": "Si la muerte de una criatura hace que se dispare una habilidad disparada de un permanente que controlas, esa habilidad se dispara una vez más.\nLas fichas de criatura que controlas tienen las habilidades de vigilancia y vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Consejero humano"
                    "flavorText": "Tant que Kaya est maître de guilde, Teysa attend patiemment au centre de la toile du pouvoir d'Orzhov.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458133,
                    "name": "Teysa Karlov",
                    "text": "Si la mort d'une créature provoque le déclenchement d'une capacité déclenchée d'un permanent que vous contrôlez, cette capacité se déclenche une fois de plus.\nLes jetons de créature que vous contrôlez ont la vigilance et le lien de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : humain et conseiller"
                    "flavorText": "Kaya è il capo della gilda, ma Teysa attende pazientemente al centro della rete di potere degli Orzhov.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458392,
                    "name": "Teysa Karlov",
                    "text": "Se una creatura che muore fa innescare l'abilità innescata di un permanente che controlli, quell'abilità si innesca una volta in più.\nLe pedine creatura che controlli hanno cautela e legame vitale.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Consigliere Umano"
                    "flavorText": "ケイヤがギルドマスターを務めている間、テイサはオルゾフの権力の網の目の中心でじっと待っていた。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458651,
                    "name": "テイサ・カルロフ",
                    "text": "クリーチャーの死亡によりあなたがコントロールしているパーマネントの誘発型能力が1回誘発するなら、その能力は追加でもう1回誘発する。\nあなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー・トークンは警戒と絆魂を持つ。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 人間・アドバイザー"
                    "flavorText": "카야가 길드마스터일 동안, 테이사는 오르조브의 힘의 중심부에서 참을성 있게 기다린다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458910,
                    "name": "테이사 카를로프",
                    "text": "생물이 죽어서 당신이 조종하는 지속물의 격발능력이 격발되려고 하면, 그 능력은 한 번 더 격발된다.\n당신이 조종하는 생물 토큰들은 경계와 생명연결을 가진다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인간 참모"
                    "flavorText": "Enquanto Kaya é a mestra da guilda, Teysa aguarda pacientemente no centro da teia do poder dos Orzhov.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459169,
                    "name": "Teysa Karlov",
                    "text": "Se a morte de uma criatura fizer com que uma habilidade desencadeada de uma permanente que você controla seja desencadeada, aquela habilidade será desencadeada uma vez adicional.\nAs fichas de criatura que você controla têm vigilância e vínculo com a vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Humano Conselheiro"
                    "flavorText": "Кайя заняла место предводителя гильдии, Тейса же терпеливо ждет в центре паутины могущества Орзовов.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459428,
                    "name": "Тейса Карлов",
                    "text": "Если умирающее существо вызывает срабатывание срабатывающей способности перманента под вашим контролем, та способность срабатывает дополнительный раз.\nУ фишек существ под вашим контролем есть Бдительность и Цепь жизни.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Человек Советник"
                    "flavorText": "卡娅当上公会首领后,泰莎就在欧佐夫权力网的中心静观其变。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459687,
                    "name": "泰莎卡洛夫",
                    "text": "如果某个死去的生物触发由你操控之永久物的触发式异能,则该异能额外触发一次。\n由你操控的衍生生物具有警戒与系命异能。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人类/参谋"
                    "flavorText": "卡婭當上公會首領後,泰莎就在歐佐夫權力網的中心靜觀其變。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459946,
                    "name": "泰莎卡洛夫",
                    "text": "如果某個死去的生物觸發由你操控之永久物的觸發式異能,則該異能額外觸發一次。\n由你操控的衍生生物具有警戒與繫命異能。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人類/參謀"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{W}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457356,
            "name": "Teysa Karlov",
            "number": "212",
            "originalText": "If a creature dying causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time.\nCreature tokens you control have vigilance and lifelink.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Human Advisor",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Teysa affects a creature’s own “when this creature dies” triggered abilities as well as other triggered abilities that trigger when that creature dies. Such triggered abilities start with “when” or “whenever.”"
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Teysa’s effect doesn’t copy the triggered ability; it just causes the ability to trigger twice. Any choices made as you put the ability onto the stack, such as modes and targets, are made separately for each instance of the ability. Any choices made on resolution, such as whether to pay a cost for that triggered ability, are also made separately."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The trigger event doesn’t have to specifically refer to “creatures.” In these cases, the trigger event may also refer to something being “put into a graveyard from the battlefield.” For example, an ability that triggers “whenever an artifact is put into a graveyard from the battlefield” would trigger twice if an artifact creature dies while Teysa Karlov is on the battlefield."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers when a creature “leaves the battlefield” will trigger twice if that creature leaves the battlefield by dying."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An ability that triggers on an event that causes a creature to die doesn’t trigger twice. For example, an ability that triggers “whenever you sacrifice a creature” triggers only once."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Look at each creature as it exists on the battlefield, taking into account continuous effects, to determine whether any triggered abilities will trigger multiple times. For example, if a land that has become a creature dies, an ability that triggers when it dies triggers twice."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature dying at the same time that another permanent you control leaves the battlefield causes a triggered ability of that permanent to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature dying at the same time as Teysa (including Teysa itself dying) causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you somehow control two Teysas, a creature dying causes abilities to trigger three times, not four. A third Teysa causes abilities to trigger four times, a fourth causes abilities to trigger five times, and so on. This also means that if you control Teysa and cast a second one, an ability that triggers when it dies due to the “legend rule” triggers three times."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An ability of a permanent that triggers when a card is put into a graveyard “from anywhere” triggers twice only if Teysa and that permanent are both still on the battlefield immediately after the creature has died."
            "scryfallId": "bcfaa19e-995e-447d-a0a2-46e5d117d5ec",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "245a2cd6-d107-4116-97f7-57021bafd835",
            "scryfallOracleId": "644eeefd-e684-4ca8-8aef-a892ca130c07",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182955,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "If a creature dying causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time.\nCreature tokens you control have vigilance and lifelink.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Human Advisor",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "74ff44b9-c29c-5f37-8e09-954dadd7aa69",
            "uuidV421": "aea5fbb0-f591-5df5-8bbb-4aed36b99e6c",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Lius Lasahido",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "It drains vitality from those it touches.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Er saugt die Lebenskraft aus allem, was er berührt.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 460021,
                    "name": "Spuk vom höchsten Turm",
                    "text": "Fliegend, Lebensverknüpfung\nImmer wenn der Spuk vom höchsten Turm angreift, wirft der verteidigende Spieler eine Karte ab.\nImmer wenn eine Karte von irgendwoher auf den Friedhof eines Gegners gelegt wird, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf den Spuk vom höchsten Turm.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Vampir"
                    "flavorText": "Drena la vitalidad de aquellos a los que toca.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 460035,
                    "name": "El Espanto de la torre alta",
                    "text": "Vuela, vínculo vital.\nSiempre que El Espanto de la torre alta ataque, el jugador defensor descarta una carta.\nSiempre que una carta vaya al cementerio de un oponente desde cualquier parte, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre El Espanto de la torre alta.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "Il absorbe la vitalité de ceux qu'il touche.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 460049,
                    "name": "Hanteur de Hautetour",
                    "text": "Vol, lien de vie\nÀ chaque fois que le Hanteur de Hautetour attaque, le joueur défenseur se défausse d'une carte.\nÀ chaque fois qu'une carte est mise dans le cimetière d'un adversaire d'où qu'elle vienne, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur le Hanteur de Hautetour.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : vampire"
                    "flavorText": "Assorbe il vigore da chiunque tocchi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 460063,
                    "name": "Infestazione di Altatorre",
                    "text": "Volare, legame vitale\nOgniqualvolta l'Infestazione di Altatorre attacca, il giocatore in difesa scarta una carta.\nOgniqualvolta una carta viene messa nel cimitero di un avversario da qualsiasi zona, metti un segnalino +1/+1 sull'Infestazione di Altatorre.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "それが触れた者は活力を奪われる。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 460077,
                    "name": "高塔の憑依者",
                    "text": "飛行、絆魂\n高塔の憑依者が攻撃するたび、防御プレイヤーはカード1枚を捨てる。\nカードが1枚いずれかの領域から対戦相手の墓地に置かれるたび、高塔の憑依者の上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — 吸血鬼"
                    "flavorText": "이는 자신이 만지는 것으로부터 생명력을 흡수한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 460078,
                    "name": "고층탑의 악령",
                    "text": "비행, 생명연결\n고층탑의 악령이 공격할 때마다, 수비플레이어는 카드 한 장을 버린다.\n어디에서든 상대의 무덤에 카드가 들어갈 때마다, 고층탑의 악령에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 흡혈귀"
                    "flavorText": "Ela drena vitalidade daqueles em que toca.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 460092,
                    "name": "Assombração da Torre Alta",
                    "text": "Voar, vínculo com a vida\nToda vez que Assombração da Torre Alta ataca, o jogador defensor descarta um card.\nToda vez que um card for colocado no cemitério de um oponente vindo de qualquer lugar, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Assombração da Torre Alta.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "Он вытягивает жизнь из каждого, к кому прикоснется.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 460106,
                    "name": "Напасть Высокой Башни",
                    "text": "Полет, Цепь жизни\nКаждый раз, когда Напасть Высокой Башни атакует, защищающийся игрок сбрасывает карту.\nКаждый раз, когда карта попадает откуда-либо на кладбище оппонента, положите один жетон +1/+1 на Напасть Высокой Башни.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Вампир"
                    "flavorText": "他汲取所触者的精魄。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 460120,
                    "name": "高塔祟影",
                    "text": "飞行,系命\n每当高塔祟影攻击时,防御牌手弃一张牌。\n每当一张牌从任何区域置入对手的坟墓场时,在高塔祟影上放置一个+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~吸血鬼"
                    "flavorText": "他汲取所觸者的精魄。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 460121,
                    "name": "高塔祟影",
                    "text": "飛行,繫命\n每當高塔祟影攻擊時,防禦玩家棄一張牌。\n每當一張牌從任何區域置入對手的墳墓場時,在高塔祟影上放置一個+1/+1指示物。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~吸血鬼"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": false,
            "isStarter": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{B}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 460007,
            "name": "The Haunt of Hightower",
            "number": "273",
            "originalText": "Flying, lifelink\nWhenever The Haunt of Hightower attacks, defending player discards a card.\nWhenever a card is put into an opponent's graveyard from anywhere, put a +1/+1 counter on The Haunt of Hightower.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Vampire",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "mythic",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If The Haunt of Hightower is attacking a planeswalker, the controller of the planeswalker is the defending player."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "The Haunt of Hightower’s last ability won’t trigger when a token is put into an opponent’s graveyard."
            "scryfallId": "61a908e8-6952-46c0-94ec-3962b7a4caef",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b7305c9f-7475-4649-b42c-3ef9610d0cba",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e70f5520-1b9c-4351-8484-30f0dc692e01",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182117,
            "text": "Flying, lifelink\nWhenever The Haunt of Hightower attacks, defending player discards a card.\nWhenever a card is put into an opponent's graveyard from anywhere, put a +1/+1 counter on The Haunt of Hightower.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Vampire",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "965ac3f7-ac83-54a9-adfd-554bf4db9dbb",
            "uuidV421": "2ccc45d5-8bf5-5428-b246-813aace01b81"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457616,
                    "name": "Theater des Schreckens",
                    "text": "Schicke zu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments die oberste Karte deiner Bibliothek ins Exil.\nWährend deines Zuges, falls ein Gegner in diesem Zug Lebenspunkte verloren hat, kannst du die mit dem Theater des Schreckens ins Exil geschickten Karten spielen.\n{3}{R}: Das Theater des Schreckens fügt einem Gegner oder Planeswalker deiner Wahl 1 Schadenspunkt zu.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457875,
                    "name": "Teatro de los horrores",
                    "text": "Al comienzo de tu mantenimiento, exilia la primera carta de tu biblioteca.\nDurante tu turno, si un oponente perdió vidas este turno, puedes jugar cartas exiliadas con el Teatro de los horrores.\n{3}{R}: El Teatro de los horrores hace 1 punto de daño al oponente o planeswalker objetivo.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458134,
                    "name": "Théâtre des horreurs",
                    "text": "Au début de votre entretien, exilez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque.\nPendant votre tour, si un adversaire a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci, vous pouvez jouer les cartes exilées par le Théâtre des horreurs.\n{3}{R} : Le Théâtre des horreurs inflige 1 blessure à une cible, adversaire ou planeswalker.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458393,
                    "name": "Teatro degli Orrori",
                    "text": "All'inizio del tuo mantenimento, esilia la prima carta del tuo grimorio.\nDurante il tuo turno, se un avversario ha perso punti vita in questo turno, puoi giocare carte esiliate con il Teatro degli Orrori.\n{3}{R}: Il Teatro degli Orrori infligge 1 danno a un avversario o a un planeswalker bersaglio.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458652,
                    "name": "恐怖の劇場",
                    "text": "あなたのアップキープの開始時に、あなたのライブラリーの一番上のカードを追放する。\nあなたのターンの間、このターンに対戦相手がライフを失っていたなら、あなたは恐怖の劇場によって追放されているカードをプレイしてもよい。\n{3}{R}:対戦相手1人かプレインズウォーカー1体を対象とする。恐怖の劇場はそれに1点のダメージを与える。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458911,
                    "name": "공포의 극장",
                    "text": "당신의 유지단 시작에, 당신의 서고 맨 위 카드를 추방한다.\n당신의 턴 동안, 상대가 이 턴에 생명점을 잃었다면, 당신은 공포의 극장으로 추방된 카드들을 플레이할 수 있다.\n{3}{R}: 상대나 플레인즈워커를 목표로 정한다. 공포의 극장은 그 목표에게 피해 1점을 입힌다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459170,
                    "name": "Teatro de Horrores",
                    "text": "No início de sua manutenção, exile o card do topo de seu grimório.\nDurante o seu turno, se um oponente perdeu pontos de vida neste turno, você pode jogar cards exilados com Teatro de Horrores.\n{3}{R}: Teatro de Horrores causa 1 ponto de dano ao oponente ou planeswalker alvo.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459429,
                    "name": "Театр Ужасов",
                    "text": "В начале вашего шага поддержки изгоните верхнюю карту вашей библиотеки.\nВо время вашего хода, если оппонент терял жизнь(-и) в этом ходу, вы можете разыгрывать карты, изгнанные Театром Ужасов.\n{3}{R}: Театр Ужасов наносит 1 повреждение целевому оппоненту или planeswalker-у.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459688,
                    "name": "恐怖剧场",
                    "text": "在你的维持开始时,放逐你的牌库顶牌。\n于你的回合中,如果有对手本回合曾失去过生命,则你可以使用以恐怖剧场放逐的牌。\n{3}{R}:恐怖剧场向目标对手或鹏洛客造成1点伤害。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459947,
                    "name": "恐怖劇場",
                    "text": "在你的維持開始時,放逐你的牌庫頂牌。\n於你的回合中,如果有對手本回合曾失去過生命,則你可以使用以恐怖劇場放逐的牌。\n{3}{R}:恐怖劇場向目標對手或鵬洛客造成1點傷害。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{B}{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457357,
            "name": "Theater of Horrors",
            "number": "213",
            "originalText": "At the beginning of your upkeep, exile the top card of your library.\nDuring your turn, if an opponent lost life this turn, you may play cards exiled with Theater of Horrors.\n{3}{R}: Theater of Horrors deals 1 damage to target opponent or planeswalker.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Damage dealt to a player causes that player to lose that much life."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Theater of Horrors doesn’t change when you can play the exiled cards during your turn. For example, if you exile a sorcery card, you can cast it only during your main phase when the stack is empty. If you exile a land card, you can play it only during your main phase and only if you have an available land play remaining."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Casting an exiled card causes it to leave exile. You can’t cast it multiple times."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a multiplayer game, if an opponent loses life during your turn and then leaves the game, you can play cards exiled with Theater of Horrors."
            "scryfallId": "ad42efd5-79c8-44f9-b3d6-d9058e0cb0f6",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "758a4536-3296-45a9-a346-37ca01d944ad",
            "scryfallOracleId": "b391a4ce-52ce-4a8c-bbe5-6053951ee1d4",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183173,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "At the beginning of your upkeep, exile the top card of your library.\nDuring your turn, if an opponent lost life this turn, you may play cards exiled with Theater of Horrors.\n{3}{R}: Theater of Horrors deals 1 damage to target opponent or planeswalker.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f126c3f3-ac56-5160-85a6-52ea36b10cc1",
            "uuidV421": "a41a2319-35a4-54ec-a516-89fdeed5a06b",
            "watermark": "rakdos"
            "artist": "Seb McKinnon",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Your life is a blinding light, your breath a gale, your pulse a deafening drum. Be still. Be still.\"\n—Dahlya Trul, \"Irbitov Lament\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Deine Lebenskraft ist ein blendendes Licht, dein Atem ein Hagelsturm, dein Puls ein ohrenbetäubendes Trommeln. Sei still. Sei still.\"\n—Dahlya Trul, „Irbitov-Klagelied\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457490,
                    "name": "Dürstender Schatten",
                    "text": "Lebensverknüpfung\n{2}{B}: Der Dürstende Schatten erhält +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Schatten"
                    "flavorText": "\"Tu vida es una luz cegadora; tu respiración, un vendaval; tu pulso, un redoblar ensordecedor. No te muevas. No te muevas más\".\n—Dahlya Trul, \"Lamento de Irbitov\"",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457749,
                    "name": "Sombra sedienta",
                    "text": "Vínculo vital.\n{2}{B}: La Sombra sedienta obtiene +1/+1 hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sombra"
                    "flavorText": "« Votre vie est une lumière aveuglante, votre souffle une tempête, votre pouls un bruit assourdissant. Restez tranquille. Restez tranquille. »\n—Dahlya Trul, « Complainte d'Irbitov »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458008,
                    "name": "Ombre assoiffée",
                    "text": "Lien de vie\n{2}{B} : L'Ombre assoiffée gagne +1/+1 jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : ombre"
                    "flavorText": "\"La tua vita è una luce abbagliante, il tuo respiro una tempesta, il battito del tuo cuore un tamburo assordante. Non muoverti. Non muoverti.\"\n—Dahlya Trul, \"Lamento di Irbitov\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458267,
                    "name": "Ombra Assetata",
                    "text": "Legame vitale\n{2}{B}: L'Ombra Assetata prende +1/+1 fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Ombra"
                    "flavorText": "「汝の命は眩い光、吐息は暴風、鼓動は聾する太鼓のごとし。静まりたまえ。静まりたまえ。」\n――ダーリャ・トルール、「イルビトフの哀歌」",
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                    "multiverseId": 458526,
                    "name": "血に飢えた影",
                    "text": "絆魂\n{2}{B}:ターン終了時まで、血に飢えた影は+1/+1の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — シェイド"
                    "flavorText": "\"네 삶은 눈부신 빛이고, 네 숨결은 강한 바람이며, 네 심장박동은 귀를 멀게 하는 북소리다. 잠잠해라. 잠잠해라.\"\n—달리아 트룰, \"이르비토프 애가\"",
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                    "name": "목말라하는 그림자",
                    "text": "생명연결\n{2}{B}: 목말라하는 그림자는 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 그림자"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sua vida é uma luz ofuscante; sua respiração, um vendaval; sua pulsação, um rufar ensurdecedor. Não se mova. Não se mova.\"\n— Dahlya Trul, no \"Lamento de Irbitov\"",
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                    "name": "Sombra Sedenta",
                    "text": "Vínculo com a vida\n{2}{B}: Sombra Sedenta recebe +1/+1 até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Sombra"
                    "flavorText": "«Твоя жизнь — ослепительный свет, дыхание — буря, пульс — оглушительный бой барабана. Стой тихо. Стой тихо».\n— Далия Труль, «Ирбитовский плач»",
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                    "name": "Жаждущая Тень",
                    "text": "Цепь жизни\n{2}{B}: Жаждущая Тень получает +1/+1 до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Тень"
                    "flavorText": "「你的生命似耀眼明光,你的呼吸同强风来袭,你的脉动如震耳鼓声。安息吧。安息吧。」\n~达娅楚尔,《依毕托夫挽歌》",
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                    "text": "系命\n{2}{B}:饥渴阴魂得+1/+1直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~阴魂"
                    "flavorText": "「你的生命似耀眼明光,你的呼吸同強風來襲,你的脈動如震耳鼓聲。安息吧。安息吧。」\n~達婭楚爾,《依畢托夫輓歌》",
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                    "name": "飢渴陰魂",
                    "text": "繫命\n{2}{B}:飢渴陰魂得+1/+1直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~陰魂"
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            "originalText": "Lifelink\n{2}{B}: Thirsting Shade gets +1/+1 until end of turn.",
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            "subtypes": [
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            "text": "Lifelink\n{2}{B}: Thirsting Shade gets +1/+1 until end of turn.",
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            "flavorText": "\"I can think of no greater punishment than answering your question in full.\"\n—Lazav",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Es gibt wohl keine größere Strafe, als deine Frage voll und ganz zu beantworten.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457460,
                    "name": "Gedankenzerfall",
                    "text": "Neutralisiere einen Zauberspruch deiner Wahl. Sein Beherrscher legt die obersten drei Karten seiner Bibliothek auf seinen Friedhof.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"No se me ocurre mayor castigo que responder a tu pregunta al detalle\".\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457719,
                    "name": "Colapso de pensamientos",
                    "text": "Contrarresta el hechizo objetivo. Su controlador pone las tres primeras cartas de su biblioteca en su cementerio.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Je ne vois pas de meilleure façon de vous punir que de répondre à votre question en détail. »\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457978,
                    "name": "Effondrement des pensées",
                    "text": "Contrecarrez le sort ciblé. Son contrôleur met les trois cartes du dessus de sa bibliothèque dans son cimetière.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Il peggior castigo che mi viene in mente è dare una risposta esaustiva alla tua domanda.\"\n—Lazav",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458237,
                    "name": "Collasso del Pensiero",
                    "text": "Neutralizza una magia bersaglio. Il suo controllore mette nel proprio cimitero le prime tre carte del proprio grimorio.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「お前の質問すべてに答えるなど苦役以外の何物でもない。」\n――ラザーヴ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458496,
                    "name": "思考崩壊",
                    "text": "呪文1つを対象とし、それを打ち消す。それのコントローラーは、自分のライブラリーの一番上からカードを3枚自分の墓地に置く。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"자네의 질문을 빠짐없이 대답해주는 것보다 더한 형벌이 생각나지 않는군.\"\n—라자브",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458755,
                    "name": "생각 붕괴",
                    "text": "주문을 목표로 정한다. 그 주문을 무효화한다. 그 주문의 조종자는 자신의 서고 맨 위 카드 세 장을 자신의 무덤에 넣는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Não consigo pensar em punição maior do que responder plenamente sua pergunta.\"\n— Lazav",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459014,
                    "name": "Colapso do Pensamento",
                    "text": "Anule a mágica alvo. Seu controlador coloca os três cards do topo do próprio grimório no próprio cemitério.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Я не могу придумать наказания страшнее, чем ответить на твой вопрос в подробностях».\n— Лазав",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459273,
                    "name": "Распад Мыслей",
                    "text": "Отмените целевое заклинание. Контролирующий его игрок кладет три верхние карты своей библиотеки на свое кладбище.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「完整回答你的问题,便是我能想到之最严厉处罚。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459532,
                    "name": "思想坍塌",
                    "text": "反击目标咒语。其操控者将其牌库顶的三张牌置入其坟墓场。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「完整回答你的問題,便是我能想到之最嚴厲處罰。」\n~拉札夫",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459791,
                    "name": "思想坍塌",
                    "text": "反擊目標咒語。其操控者將其牌庫頂的三張牌置入其墳墓場。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "manaCost": "{1}{U}{U}",
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            "name": "Thought Collapse",
            "number": "57",
            "originalText": "Counter target spell. Its controller puts the top three cards of their library into their graveyard.",
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            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "A spell that can’t be countered is a legal target for Thought Collapse. The spell won’t be countered when Thought Collapse resolves, but its controller will still put the top three cards of their library into their graveyard."
            "scryfallId": "948b569b-6341-418b-99b5-f79dfb3fe8dd",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183407,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Counter target spell. Its controller puts the top three cards of their library into their graveyard.",
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            "types": [
            "uuid": "8e4452b9-590f-5044-8c24-25e89fccf76a",
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                    "multiverseId": 457632,
                    "name": "Drohen",
                    "text": "Erzeuge einen 4/4 roten und grünen Bestie-Kreaturenspielstein, der Trampelschaden verursacht.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457891,
                    "name": "Aprestar",
                    "text": "Crea una ficha de criatura Bestia roja y verde 4/4 con la habilidad de arrollar.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458150,
                    "name": "Braver",
                    "text": "Créez un jeton de créature 4/4 rouge et verte Bête avec le piétinement.",
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                    "name": "Pericolo",
                    "text": "Crea una pedina creatura Bestia 4/4 rossa e verde con travolgere.",
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                    "multiverseId": 458668,
                    "name": "脅威",
                    "text": "トランプルを持ち赤であり緑である4/4のビースト・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
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                    "name": "협박",
                    "text": "돌진을 가진 4/4 적색 및 녹색 야수 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
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                    "name": "Ameaçar",
                    "text": "Crie uma ficha de criatura vermelha e verde 4/4 do tipo Besta com atropelar.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459445,
                    "name": "Острастка",
                    "text": "Создайте одну фишку существа 4/4 красный и зеленый Зверь с Пробивным ударом.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
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                    "name": "威胁",
                    "text": "派出一个4/4,红绿双色,具践踏异能的野兽衍生生物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459963,
                    "name": "威脅",
                    "text": "派出一個4/4,紅綠雙色,具踐踏異能的野獸衍生生物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
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            "number": "229",
            "originalText": "Create a 4/4 red and green Beast creature token with trample.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If either target is an illegal target as Thrash tries to resolve, the creature you control won’t deal damage."
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            "text": "Create a 4/4 red and green Beast creature token with trample.",
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                    "name": "Dreschen",
                    "text": "Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, fügt einer Kreatur oder einem Planeswalker deiner Wahl, die bzw. den du nicht kontrollierst, Schadenspunkte in Höhe ihrer Stärke zu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457891,
                    "name": "Apalear",
                    "text": "La criatura objetivo que controlas hace una cantidad de daño igual a su fuerza a la criatura o planeswalker objetivo que no controlas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458150,
                    "name": "Briser",
                    "text": "Une créature ciblée que vous contrôlez inflige un nombre de blessures égal à sa force à une créature ciblée ou à un planeswalker ciblé que vous ne contrôlez pas.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458409,
                    "name": "Percuotere",
                    "text": "Una creatura bersaglio che controlli infligge danno pari alla sua forza a una creatura o a un planeswalker bersaglio che non controlli.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458668,
                    "name": "強撃",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体と、あなたがコントロールしていない、クリーチャー1体かプレインズウォーカー1体を対象とする。その前者はその後者に、自身のパワーに等しい点数のダメージを与える。",
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                    "name": "몸부림",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물과 당신이 조종하지 않는 생물 또는 플레인즈워커를 각각 목표로 정한다. 첫 번째 목표는 두 번째 목표에게 자신의 공격력만큼 피해를 입힌다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
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                    "name": "Arruinar",
                    "text": "A criatura alvo que você controla causa dano igual ao seu poder à criatura ou ao planeswalker alvo que você não controla.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459445,
                    "name": "Оплеуха",
                    "text": "Целевое существо под вашим контролем наносит повреждения, равные своей силе, целевому существу или planeswalker-у не под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
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                    "name": "威击",
                    "text": "目标由你操控的生物对目标不由你操控的生物或鹏洛客造成伤害,其数量等同于前者的力量。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459963,
                    "name": "威擊",
                    "text": "目標由你操控的生物對目標不由你操控的生物或鵬洛客造成傷害,其數量等同於前者的力量。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
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            "manaCost": "{R/G}{R/G}",
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            "number": "229",
            "originalText": "Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature or planeswalker you don't control.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
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            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If either target is an illegal target as Thrash tries to resolve, the creature you control won’t deal damage."
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            "scryfallIllustrationId": "531a85eb-0b9d-4108-8fac-b75673fa94da",
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            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183226,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Target creature you control deals damage equal to its power to target creature or planeswalker you don't control.",
            "type": "Instant",
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            "artist": "Yeong-Hao Han",
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            "flavorText": "\"That giant didn't even see me, let alone catch me! And I was close enough to smell him! Of course, that's not saying much.\"",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Dieser Riese hat mich nicht gesehen, und schon gar nicht erwischt! Und ich war so nahe, dass ich ihn riechen konnte! Wobei das natürlich nicht viel bedeutet.\"",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457523,
                    "name": "Zinnstraßen-Ausweicherin",
                    "text": "Eile\n{R}: Die Zinnstraßen-Ausweicherin kann in diesem Zug außer von Kreaturen mit Verteidiger nicht geblockt werden.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Räuber"
                    "flavorText": "\"¡Ese gigante ni siquiera me vio y ni mucho menos me agarró! ¡Y estaba tan cerca que podía olerlo! Pero claro, lo difícil sería no olerlo...\".",
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                    "multiverseId": 457782,
                    "name": "Evasora de la Calle Hojalata",
                    "text": "Prisa.\n{R}: La Evasora de la Calle Hojalata no puede ser bloqueada este turno excepto por criaturas con la habilidad de defensor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bribón trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "« Ce géant ne m'a même pas vue et encore moins attrapée ! Pourtant j'étais assez près pour sentir son odeur ! Certes, ça ne veut pas dire grand-chose. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458041,
                    "name": "Finaude de la rue d'étain",
                    "text": "Célérité\n{R} : La Finaude de la rue d'étain ne peut pas être bloquée ce tour-ci excepté par des créatures avec le défenseur.",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et gredin"
                    "flavorText": "\"Quel gigante non mi ha nemmeno visto, figurati se mi acchiappa! Eppure ero talmente vicino da sentire il suo puzzo! Certo, per quello non serve avvicinarsi poi tanto.\"",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458300,
                    "name": "Furfante di Via Latta",
                    "text": "Rapidità\n{R}: Il Furfante di Via Latta non può essere bloccato in questo turno tranne che da creature con difensore.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Farabutto Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "「あの巨人、俺を捕まえるどころか気付きもしなかった!あいつの臭いが分かるほど近くにいたのに!まあ、当然だけどな。」",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458559,
                    "name": "ブリキ通りの身かわし",
                    "text": "速攻\n{R}:このターン、ブリキ通りの身かわしは、防衛を持つクリーチャーによってしかブロックされない。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・ならず者"
                    "flavorText": "\"그 거인은 날 보지도, 잡지도 못했지! 그리고 난 그녀석의 냄새를 맡을 수 있을 정도로 가까이 있었다고! 물론, 그런 건 별일도 아니야.\"",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458818,
                    "name": "깡통 거리 회피꾼",
                    "text": "신속\n{R}: 깡통 거리 회피꾼은 이 턴에 수비태세를 가진 생물들에게만 방어될 수 있다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 도적"
                    "flavorText": "\"O gigante nem conseguia me ver, quanto mais me pegar! E eu estava perto o suficiente para sentir o cheiro dele! Mas claro que isso não quer dizer muita coisa...\"",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459077,
                    "name": "Esquivadora da Rua do Estanho",
                    "text": "Ímpeto\n{R}: Esquivadora da Rua do Estanho não pode ser bloqueada neste turno, exceto por criaturas com defensor.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Ladino"
                    "flavorText": "«Да этот гигант не то что не поймал меня, — он меня даже не увидел! А я был так близко, что понюхать его мог. Впрочем, это дело нехитрое».",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459336,
                    "name": "Ловкач с Улицы Жестянщиков",
                    "text": "Ускорение\n{R}: Ловкач с Улицы Жестянщиков в этом ходу может быть заблокирован только существами со способностью Защитника.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Бродяга"
                    "flavorText": "「那个巨人根本就没看见我,更别说逮住我!我都近得能闻到他身上的味道了。当然,这没什么好炫耀的。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459595,
                    "name": "锡街躲闪客",
                    "text": "敏捷\n{R}:锡街躲闪客本回合只能被具守军异能的生物阻挡。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/浪客"
                    "flavorText": "「那個巨人根本就沒看見我,更別說逮住我!我都近得能聞到他身上的味道了。當然,這沒什麼好炫耀的。」",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459854,
                    "name": "錫街躲閃客",
                    "text": "敏捷\n{R}:錫街躲閃客本回合只能被具守軍異能的生物阻擋。",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/浪客"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{R}",
            "multiverseId": 457264,
            "name": "Tin Street Dodger",
            "number": "120",
            "originalText": "Haste\n{R}: Tin Street Dodger can't be blocked this turn except by creatures with defender.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Rogue",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Activating Tin Street Dodger’s ability after it has become blocked by a creature without defender won’t cause it to become unblocked."
            "scryfallId": "b3815ab6-87cd-4310-8068-ec721ee10a24",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b5754c08-bbee-4a92-a1cb-14452939816d",
            "scryfallOracleId": "fde3c8df-cc57-4e64-b78b-301e103d8487",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183406,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Haste\n{R}: Tin Street Dodger can't be blocked this turn except by creatures with defender.",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin Rogue",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "df95d5a3-5503-5547-8f6d-2f9d706ec257",
            "uuidV421": "4a2b1fcf-8cf0-518b-89ae-83e7d379f8b0"
            "artist": "Svetlin Velinov",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Whoever wins, the neighborhood loses.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Egal wer gewinnt: Die Nachbarschaft leidet.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457549,
                    "name": "Kampf der Titanen",
                    "text": "Dieser Zauberspruch kostet beim Wirken {1} weniger, falls er eine Kreatur als Ziel hat, die du kontrollierst und auf der mindestens eine +1/+1-Marke liegt.\nEine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, kämpft gegen eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du nicht kontrollierst. (Jede der Kreaturen fügt der anderen Schadenspunkte in Höhe ihrer Stärke zu.)",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "Gane quien gane, el vecindario pierde.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457808,
                    "name": "Lucha titánica",
                    "text": "Te cuesta {1} menos lanzar este hechizo si hace objetivo a una criatura que controlas con un contador +1/+1 sobre ella.\nLa criatura objetivo que controlas lucha contra la criatura objetivo que no controlas. (Cada una hace un daño igual a su fuerza a la otra.)",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Quel que soit le vainqueur, le voisinage perdra. »",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458067,
                    "name": "Combat titanesque",
                    "text": "Ce sort coûte {1} de moins à lancer s'il cible une créature que vous contrôlez avec un marqueur +1/+1 sur elle.\nLa créature ciblée que vous contrôlez se bat contre une créature ciblée que vous ne contrôlez pas. (Chacune inflige un nombre de blessures égal à sa force à l'autre.)",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "Chiunque ne esca vincitore, sarà una sconfitta per il quartiere.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458326,
                    "name": "Rissa Titanica",
                    "text": "Questa magia costa {1} in meno per essere lanciata se bersaglia una creatura con un segnalino +1/+1 che controlli.\nUna creatura bersaglio che controlli lotta con una creatura bersaglio che non controlli. (Ogni creatura infligge all'altra danno pari alla propria forza.)",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "誰が勝利を得ても、失われるのはその周り。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458585,
                    "name": "剛力の殴り合い",
                    "text": "この呪文が、あなたがコントロールしていて+1/+1カウンターが置かれているクリーチャーを対象とするなら、これを唱えるためのコストは{1}少なくなる。\nあなたがコントロールしているクリーチャー1体とあなたがコントロールしていないクリーチャー1体を対象とする。その前者はその後者と格闘を行う。(それぞれはもう一方に自身のパワーに等しい点数のダメージを与える。)",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "누가 이기든, 이웃들이 지는 것이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458844,
                    "name": "거대한 난투",
                    "text": "이 주문은 당신이 조종하는 +1/+1 카운터가 올려진 생물을 목표로 한다면 발동하는 데 {1}이 덜 든다.\n당신이 조종하는 생물과 당신이 조종하지 않는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 두 생물은 서로 싸운다. (각 생물은 서로에게 각자의 공격력만큼의 피해를 입힌다.)",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "Quem quer que ganhe, o bairro perde.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459103,
                    "name": "Briga Titânica",
                    "text": "Esta mágica custa {1} a menos para ser conjurada se tiver como alvo uma criatura que você controla com um marcador +1/+1.\nA criatura alvo que você controla luta com a criatura alvo que você não controla. (Cada uma causa dano igual ao seu poder à outra.)",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Кто бы ни выиграл, район проиграет.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459362,
                    "name": "Схватка Титанов",
                    "text": "Разыгрывание этого заклинания стоит на {1} меньше, если его целью является существо под вашим контролем, на котором есть жетон +1/+1.\nЦелевое существо под вашим контролем дерется с целевым существом не под вашим контролем. (Они наносят друг другу повреждения, равные своей силе.)",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "无论谁赢,邻里遭殃。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459621,
                    "name": "巨身争斗",
                    "text": "如果此咒语以由你操控且其上有+1/+1指示物的生物为目标,则它减少{1}来施放。\n目标由你操控的生物与目标不由你操控的生物互斗。(它们各向对方造成等同于本身力量的伤害。)",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "無論誰贏,鄰里遭殃。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459880,
                    "name": "巨身爭鬥",
                    "text": "如果此咒語以由你操控且其上有+1/+1指示物的生物為目標,則它減少{1}來施放。\n目標由你操控的生物與目標不由你操控的生物互鬥。(它們各向對方造成等同於本身力量的傷害。)",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457290,
            "name": "Titanic Brawl",
            "number": "146",
            "originalText": "This spell costs {1} less to cast if it targets a creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it.\nTarget creature you control fights target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If either target is an illegal target as Titanic Brawl resolves, neither creature will deal or be dealt damage."
            "scryfallId": "bcf9b57a-a759-4488-965a-651070cd2156",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "647418a6-779e-43ab-9a5c-a70acaf8bcd5",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e8434c77-10df-4456-af27-acb95d624189",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183080,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "This spell costs {1} less to cast if it targets a creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it.\nTarget creature you control fights target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5847c065-df99-5b90-8979-fcf33ac54e32",
            "uuidV421": "ac5a919f-312b-596d-bcf9-3de63343bb21"
            "artist": "Aaron Miller",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457430,
                    "name": "Eintreiber des Zehnten",
                    "text": "Während deines Zuges kosten Zaubersprüche, die deine Gegner wirken, und Fähigkeiten, die deine Gegner aktivieren und die keine Manafähigkeiten sind, {1} mehr zum Wirken bzw. Aktivieren.\nSeelenwandlung 1 (Wenn diese Kreatur stirbt, erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen und schwarzen Geist-Kreaturenspielstein mit Flugfähigkeit.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mensch, Soldat"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457689,
                    "name": "Recaudador de diezmos",
                    "text": "Durante tu turno, a tus oponentes les cuesta {1} más lanzar hechizos y les cuesta {1} más activar habilidades, a menos que sean habilidades de maná.\nUltratumba 1. (Cuando esta criatura muera, crea una ficha de criatura Espíritu blanca y negra 1/1 con la habilidad de volar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado humano"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457948,
                    "name": "Percepteur de dîme",
                    "text": "Pendant votre tour, les sorts que vos adversaires lancent coûtent {1} de plus à lancer et les capacités que vos adversaires activent coûtent {1} de plus à activer à moins qu'elles ne soient des capacités de mana.\nAu-delà 1 (Quand cette créature meurt, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol.)",
                    "type": "Créature : humain et soldat"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458207,
                    "name": "Esattore di Tributi",
                    "text": "Durante il tuo turno, le magie che lanciano i tuoi avversari costano {1} in più per essere lanciate e le abilità che attivano i tuoi avversari costano {1} in più per essere attivate a meno che non siano abilità di mana.\nAldilà 1 (Quando questa creatura muore, crea una pedina creatura Spirito 1/1 bianca e nera con volare.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Umano"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458466,
                    "name": "徴税人",
                    "text": "あなたのターンの間、対戦相手が呪文を唱えるためのコストは{1}多くなり、対戦相手が起動型能力を起動するためのコストは、それがマナ能力でないかぎり{1}多くなる。\n死後1(このクリーチャーが死亡したとき、飛行を持ち白であり黒である1/1のスピリット・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 人間・兵士"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458725,
                    "name": "십일조 수거원",
                    "text": "당신의 턴 동안, 당신의 상대들이 발동하는 주문들은 발동하는 데 {1}이 더 들고 당신의 상대들이 활성화하는 능력들은 마나 능력이 아닌 한 활성화하는 데 {1}이 더 든다.\n사후세계 1 (이 생물이 죽을 때, 비행을 가진 1/1 백색 및 흑색 신령 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 인간 병사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458984,
                    "name": "Coletor de Dízimo",
                    "text": "Durante seu turno, as mágicas que seus oponentes conjuram custam {1} a mais para serem conjuradas e as habilidades que seus oponentes ativam custam {1} a mais para serem ativadas, a menos que sejam habilidades de mana.\nPós-vida 1 (Quando esta criatura morrer, crie uma ficha de criatura branca e preta 1/1 do tipo Espírito com voar.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Humano Soldado"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459243,
                    "name": "Настойчивый Десятинник",
                    "text": "Во время вашего хода разыгрываемые вашими оппонентами заклинания стоят на {1} больше, и активация вашими оппонентами способностей, за исключением мана-способностей, стоит на {1} больше.\nПосмертие 1 (Когда это существо умирает, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый и черный Дух с Полетом.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Человек Солдат"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459502,
                    "name": "什一税征收员",
                    "text": "在你的回合中,对手施放的咒语增加{1}来施放,对手起动的异能也增加{1}来起动,但法术力异能除外。\n往生1(当此生物死去时,派出一个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人类/士兵"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459761,
                    "name": "什一稅徵收員",
                    "text": "在你的回合中,對手施放的咒語增加{1}來施放,對手起動的異能也增加{1}來起動,但魔法力異能除外。\n往生1(當此生物死去時,派出一個1/1,白黑雙色,具飛行異能的精靈衍生生物。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~人類/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457171,
            "name": "Tithe Taker",
            "number": "27",
            "originalText": "During your turn, spells your opponents cast cost {1} more to cast and abilities your opponents activate cost {1} more to activate unless they're mana abilities.\nAfterlife 1 (When this creature dies, create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Activated abilities contain a colon. They’re generally written “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keyword abilities are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder text. An activated mana ability is one that produces mana as it resolves, not one that costs mana to activate. Triggered abilities (starting with “when,” “whenever,” or “at”) are unaffected by Tithe Taker."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you’re paying, add any cost increases (such as that of Tithe Taker’s effect), then apply any cost reductions. The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An opponent’s activated ability that costs no mana to activate will cost {1} plus its non-mana costs during your turn."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Because blockers are chosen all at once, you can’t block with a creature with afterlife, wait for it to die, then block with the resulting Spirit tokens."
            "scryfallId": "bd26b7b1-992d-4b8c-bc33-51aab5abdf98",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "b48b5ac1-5fcb-4d47-bb92-120933e4ceee",
            "scryfallOracleId": "c916b81f-700e-4a1a-8c8e-c4685ceaecd2",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182205,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "During your turn, spells your opponents cast cost {1} more to cast and abilities your opponents activate cost {1} more to activate unless they're mana abilities.\nAfterlife 1 (When this creature dies, create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.)",
            "toughness": "1",
            "type": "Creature — Human Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "570952de-e6b1-5144-b112-56460c2efa79",
            "uuidV421": "ef0e40ca-2bd4-59a2-90fb-cfcd4fd683bc",
            "watermark": "orzhov"
            "artist": "Randy Gallegos",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [],
            "colors": [],
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Reading it has given me a glimpse of what makes this deeply flawed city so very magnificent.\"\n—Dovin Baan",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Dieses Buch hat mir einen Einblick darin verschafft, was diese Stadt voller Fehler so großartig macht.\"\n—Dovin Baan",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457645,
                    "name": "Zauberbuch des Gildenbunds",
                    "text": "Immer wenn du einen mehrfarbigen Zauberspruch wirkst, ziehe eine Karte.\n{T}: Erzeuge ein Mana einer beliebigen Farbe.",
                    "type": "Artefakt"
                    "flavorText": "\"Con este libro pude entrever por qué esta ciudad tan imperfecta resulta tan magnífica\".\n—Dovin Baan",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457904,
                    "name": "Tomo del Pacto entre Gremios",
                    "text": "Siempre que lances un hechizo multicolor, roba una carta.\n{T}: Agrega un maná de cualquier color.",
                    "type": "Artefacto"
                    "flavorText": "« En le lisant, j'ai eu un aperçu de ce qui rend cette ville imparfaite aussi magnifique. »\n—Dovin Baàn",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458163,
                    "name": "Grimoire du Pacte des Guildes",
                    "text": "À chaque fois que vous lancez un sort multicolore, piochez une carte.\n{T} : Ajoutez un mana de la couleur de votre choix.",
                    "type": "Artefact"
                    "flavorText": "\"Leggendolo ho intuito per un momento cosa renda tanto magnifica questa città così profondamente imperfetta.\"\n—Dovin Baan",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458422,
                    "name": "Tomo del Patto delle Gilde",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta lanci una magia multicolore, pesca una carta.\n{T}: Aggiungi un mana di un qualsiasi colore.",
                    "type": "Artefatto"
                    "flavorText": "「これを読んでこの欠陥だらけの都市がこれほどまでに巨大化した原因の片鱗が垣間見えました。」\n――ドビン・バーン",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458681,
                    "name": "ギルドパクトの秘本",
                    "text": "あなたが多色の呪文を唱えるたび、カードを1枚引く。\n{T}:好きな色1色のマナ1点を加える。",
                    "type": "アーティファクト"
                    "flavorText": "\"그 책을 읽으니, 이 심각하게 문제가 있는 도시가 이토록 위대해진 이유를 엿볼 수 있었다.\"\n—도빈 반",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458940,
                    "name": "길드팩트의 책",
                    "text": "당신이 다색 주문을 발동할 때마다, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n{T}: 원하는 색의 마나 한 개를 추가한다.",
                    "type": "마법물체"
                    "flavorText": "\"Sua leitura me deu uma visão do que faz esta cidade tão imperfeita ser algo tão magnífico.\"\n— Dovin Baan",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459199,
                    "name": "Tomo do Pacto das Guildas",
                    "text": "Toda vez que você conjurar uma mágica multicolorida, compre um card.\n{T}: Adicione um mana de qualquer cor.",
                    "type": "Artefato"
                    "flavorText": "«Когда я прочитал его, то начал понимать, что делает этот глубоко ущербный город столь великолепным».\n— Довин Баан",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459458,
                    "name": "Фолиант Договора Гильдий",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда вы разыгрываете многоцветное заклинание, возьмите карту.\n{T}: добавьте одну ману любого цвета.",
                    "type": "Артефакт"
                    "flavorText": "「读完后,我已大致了解这座漏洞百出的城市为何如此壮观。」\n~多温班恩",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459717,
                    "name": "十会盟圣典",
                    "text": "每当你施放多色咒语时,抓一张牌。\n{T}:加一点任意颜色的法术力。",
                    "type": "神器"
                    "flavorText": "「讀完後,我我已大致瞭解這座漏洞百出的城市為何如此壯觀。」\n~多溫班恩",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459976,
                    "name": "十會盟聖典",
                    "text": "每當你施放多色咒語時,抽一張牌。\n{T}:加一點任意顏色的魔法力。",
                    "type": "神器"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}",
            "multiverseId": 457386,
            "name": "Tome of the Guildpact",
            "number": "242",
            "originalText": "Whenever you cast a multicolored spell, draw a card.\n{T}: Add one mana of any color.",
            "originalType": "Artifact",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Tome of the Guildpact’s ability resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered."
            "scryfallId": "95e307d4-7e5f-4f00-869e-da0e7abbf27f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "2e2beb8e-f5b7-4cdc-ba18-db5a2229198a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "3c7dd86d-25eb-4b24-9358-98b951248e04",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183316,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Whenever you cast a multicolored spell, draw a card.\n{T}: Add one mana of any color.",
            "type": "Artifact",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "751d746b-d1a3-51a7-a84b-328fd156cb5c",
            "uuidV421": "9a4cef8b-e5ee-59ca-8739-823f4fa0239b"
            "artist": "Craig J Spearing",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "\"We've been practicing for this all our lives. This is the final test!\"\n—Korun Nar, Rubblebelt hunter",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wir haben unser ganzes Leben lang dafür trainiert. Dies ist unsere letzte Prüfung!\"\n—Korun Nar, Geröllstreifen-Jäger",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457550,
                    "name": "Turmverteidigung",
                    "text": "Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +0/+5 und Reichweite bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "\"Llevamos practicando para esto toda la vida. ¡Es la prueba final!\".\n—Korun Nar, cazador de Barrioescombros",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457809,
                    "name": "Defensa de torres",
                    "text": "Las criaturas que controlas obtienen +0/+5 y ganan la habilidad de alcance hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "« Nous nous sommes préparés pour cela toute notre vie. C'est le moment de vérité ! »\n—Korun Nar, chasseur des Éboulis",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458068,
                    "name": "Défense de tour",
                    "text": "Les créatures que vous contrôlez gagnent +0/+5 et acquièrent la portée jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le nostre vite intere sono state un addestramento per questo momento. Oggi è la prova finale!\"\n—Korun Nar, cacciatore della Zona di Macerie",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458327,
                    "name": "Difesa della Torre",
                    "text": "Le creature che controlli prendono +0/+5 e hanno raggiungere fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "「皆の命のためにこれまで練習を重ねてきた。これが最後の試験だ!」\n――瓦礫帯の狩人、コールン・ナー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458586,
                    "name": "塔の防衛",
                    "text": "ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは+0/+5の修整を受け到達を得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "\"평생 이때를 위해 훈련해 왔다. 이것이 마지막 시험이다!\"\n—폐허지구 사냥꾼, 코룬 나르",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458845,
                    "name": "탑 방어전",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 +0/+5를 받고 대공을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Treinamos para isso a vida toda. Esse é o teste final!\"\n— Korun Nar, caçador da Faixa de Escombros",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459104,
                    "name": "Defesa da Torre",
                    "text": "As criaturas que você controla recebem +0/+5 e ganham alcance até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "«Мы тренировались для этого всю свою жизнь. Вот он — последний экзамен!»\n— Корун Нар, охотник Кольца Руин",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459363,
                    "name": "Башенная Защита",
                    "text": "Существа под вашим контролем получают +0/+5 и Захват до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "「我们这招已经练习了一辈子。这就是最终的考验!」\n~瓦砾区猎手柯伦那",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459622,
                    "name": "塔顶防御",
                    "text": "直到回合结束,由你操控的生物得+0/+5且获得延势异能。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "「我們這招已經練習了一輩子。這就是最終的考驗!」\n~瓦礫區獵手柯倫那",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459881,
                    "name": "塔頂防禦",
                    "text": "直到回合結束,由你操控的生物得+0/+5且獲得延勢異能。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457291,
            "name": "Tower Defense",
            "number": "147",
            "originalText": "Creatures you control get +0/+5 and gain reach until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2013-01-24",
                    "text": "Only creatures you control when Tower Defense resolves will get the bonuses. Creatures that come under your control later that turn will not."
            "scryfallId": "195e94a4-a698-4c66-9428-5cc8a40d42c6",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "52b1eedf-d196-4826-af97-d9ebacaefcf8",
            "scryfallOracleId": "58853200-efbe-41cc-87f1-720841308f4d",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183441,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Creatures you control get +0/+5 and gain reach until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "27c7e203-63a5-5879-90e1-d727c5992790",
            "uuidV421": "4d219b13-b650-50b0-bacf-afa779ec7d7e"
            "artist": "Mathias Kollros",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "His favorite food is kraul.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Am liebsten frisst er Kraul.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457551,
                    "name": "Trollgeborener Wächter",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: Adaptieren 2. (Falls keine +1/+1-Marken auf dieser Kreatur liegen, lege zwei +1/+1-Marken auf sie.)\nJede Kreatur, die du kontrollierst und auf der mindestens eine +1/+1-Marke liegt, verursacht Trampelschaden.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Troll, Frosch, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "Su comida favorita son los kraul.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457810,
                    "name": "Guardián semitrol",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: Adaptar 2. (Si esta criatura no tiene contadores +1/+1 sobre ella, pon dos contadores +1/+1 sobre ella.)\nCada criatura que controlas con un contador +1/+1 sobre ella tiene la habilidad de arrollar.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero rana trol"
                    "flavorText": "Le kraul est sa nourriture préférée.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458069,
                    "name": "Vigile dressé par les trolls",
                    "text": "{2}{G} : Adaptez 2. (Si cette créature n'a pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle, mettez deux marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle.)\nChaque créature que vous contrôlez avec un marqueur +1/+1 sur elle a le piétinement.",
                    "type": "Créature : troll et grenouille et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "Il suo cibo preferito sono i kraul.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458328,
                    "name": "Guardiano Trollimorfo",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: Adattamento 2. (Se questa creatura non ha segnalini +1/+1, metti due segnalini +1/+1 su di essa.)\nOgni creatura con un segnalino +1/+1 che controlli ha travolgere.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Rana Troll"
                    "flavorText": "好物はクロールだ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458587,
                    "name": "トロール種の守護者",
                    "text": "{2}{G}:順応2を行う。(このクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないなら、これの上に+1/+1カウンターを2個置く。)\nあなたがコントロールしていて+1/+1カウンターが置かれている各クリーチャーはそれぞれトランプルを持つ。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — トロール・カエル・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "그가 가장 좋아하는 음식은 크라울이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458846,
                    "name": "트롤혼종 수호자",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: 적응 2를 한다. (이 생물이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않다면, 이 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 두 개를 올려놓는다.)\n당신이 조종하는 생물 중 +1/+1 카운터를 가진 각 생물은 돌진을 가진다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 트롤 개구리 전사"
                    "flavorText": "A comida preferida dele é kraul.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459105,
                    "name": "Guardião Trólico",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: Adaptar 2. (Se esta criatura não tiver marcadores +1/+1, coloque dois marcadores +1/+1 nela.)\nCada criatura que você controla com um marcador +1/+1 tem atropelar.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Troll Sapo Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "Его любимое лакомство — краулы.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459364,
                    "name": "Стражник-Троллоид",
                    "text": "{2}{G}: адаптируйте 2. (Если на этом существе нет жетонов +1/+1, положите на него два жетона +1/+1.)\nКаждое существо под вашим контролем, на котором есть жетон +1/+1, имеет Пробивной удар.",
                    "type": "Существо — Тролль Лягушка Воин"
                    "flavorText": "他最爱吃刻洛族。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459623,
                    "name": "巨魔种守护者",
                    "text": "{2}{G}:演化2。(如果此生物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置两个+1/+1指示物。)\n每个由你操控且其上有+1/+1指示物的生物均具有践踏异能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨魔/蛙/战士"
                    "flavorText": "他最愛吃刻洛族。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459882,
                    "name": "巨魔種守護者",
                    "text": "{2}{G}:演化2。(如果此生物上沒有+1/+1指示物,則在其上放置兩個+1/+1指示物。)\n每個由你操控且其上有+1/+1指示物的生物均具有踐踏異能。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨魔/蛙/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{4}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457292,
            "name": "Trollbred Guardian",
            "number": "148",
            "originalText": "{2}{G}: Adapt 2. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put two +1/+1 counters on it.)\nEach creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it has trample.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Troll Frog Warrior",
            "power": "5",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can always activate an ability that will cause a creature to adapt. As that ability resolves, if the creature has a +1/+1 counter on it for any reason, you simply won’t put any +1/+1 counters on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature somehow loses all of its +1/+1 counters, it can adapt again and get more +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "8e3e51f6-7091-4cf3-86a3-b8c5946f3796",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "30124977-6ff2-418e-b2fc-6d5cb683c037",
            "scryfallOracleId": "e9c756a5-f4d4-4b84-be60-ad4bc0d1acf9",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183183,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{2}{G}: Adapt 2. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put two +1/+1 counters on it.)\nEach creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it has trample.",
            "toughness": "5",
            "type": "Creature — Troll Frog Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "77de56b1-a7aa-501d-a694-f15093b55b9e",
            "uuidV421": "3bdde266-7f40-5ddd-b533-93577ce174c4",
            "watermark": "simic"
            "artist": "Uriah Voth",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 1.0,
            "flavorText": "A pet that can hunt both flesh and spirit is precious in a place where smiling assassins keep company with ghostly shadows.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "An einem Ort voller lächelnder Assassinen und geisterhafter Schatten ist ein Haustier, das beides jagen kann, besonders wertvoll.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457431,
                    "name": "Zwielicht-Panther",
                    "text": "{B}: Der Zwielicht-Panther erhält Todesberührung bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Katze, Geist"
                    "flavorText": "Una mascota capaz de detectar tanto la carne como el espíritu es muy valiosa allá donde los asesinos sonrientes trabajan codo con codo con sombras fantasmales.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457690,
                    "name": "Pantera del ocaso",
                    "text": "{B}: La Pantera del ocaso gana la habilidad de toque mortal hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Espíritu felino"
                    "flavorText": "Un animal capable de chasser à la fois le corps et l'esprit est précieux dans un lieu où les assassins souriants côtoient les ombres fantomatiques.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457949,
                    "name": "Panthère du crépuscule",
                    "text": "{B} : La Panthère du crépuscule acquiert le contact mortel jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Créature : chat et esprit"
                    "flavorText": "Un animale da compagnia in grado di fiutare sia la carne che lo spirito è prezioso in un luogo in cui assassini sorridenti si intrattengono con ombre fantasmagoriche.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458208,
                    "name": "Pantera del Crepuscolo",
                    "text": "{B}: La Pantera del Crepuscolo ha tocco letale fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Spirito Felino"
                    "flavorText": "肉体と霊魂の両方を狩ることのできるペットは貴重だ。特に笑みを浮かべた暗殺者が恐ろしげな影を連れているような場所では。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458467,
                    "name": "黄昏の豹",
                    "text": "{B}:ターン終了時まで、黄昏の豹は接死を得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 猫・スピリット"
                    "flavorText": "육신과 영혼을 모두 사냥할 수 있는 애완동물은 미소짓는 암살자들이 유령 같은 그림자들과 어울리는 장소에서 귀중하게 쓰인다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458726,
                    "name": "황혼의 표범",
                    "text": "{B}: 황혼의 표범은 턴종료까지 치명타를 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 고양이 신령"
                    "flavorText": "Um animal de estimação capaz de caçar carne e espírito é precioso num lugar onde sombras fantasmagóricas acompanham assassinos sorridentes.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458985,
                    "name": "Pantera do Crepúsculo",
                    "text": "{B}: Pantera do Crepúsculo ganha toque mortífero até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Felino Espírito"
                    "flavorText": "Охотник, которых духов чует не хуже, чем созданий из плоти и крови, — крайне полезный спутник там, где улыбчивые убийцы водят компанию с призрачными тенями.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459244,
                    "name": "Сумеречная Пантера",
                    "text": "{B}: Сумеречная Пантера получает Смертельное касание до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Существо — Кошка Дух"
                    "flavorText": "在笑面杀手和魂魅幽影共处之地,既能追击活物又能猎捕鬼魂的宠物就显得尤为珍贵。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459503,
                    "name": "暮色猎豹",
                    "text": "{B}:暮色猎豹获得死触异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~猫/精怪"
                    "flavorText": "在笑面殺手和魂魅幽影同處之地,既能追擊活物又能獵捕鬼魂的寵物就顯得尤為珍貴。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459762,
                    "name": "暮色獵豹",
                    "text": "{B}:暮色獵豹獲得死觸異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "生物 ~貓/精靈"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457172,
            "name": "Twilight Panther",
            "number": "28",
            "originalText": "{B}: Twilight Panther gains deathtouch until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Cat Spirit",
            "power": "1",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "5fb149cc-74ca-4bc3-8efc-10ce872b59fb",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "72e9756b-2385-4f39-bedf-e1fdd01075a7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5e19aa52-5b76-40d7-ba9c-0e5d64f2b773",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183399,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "{B}: Twilight Panther gains deathtouch until end of turn.",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Cat Spirit",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "5bacaebb-cdb7-5174-a856-d7731b24b3b9",
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            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457432,
                    "name": "Unzerstörbare Formation",
                    "text": "Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten Unzerstörbarkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.\nAddendum — Falls du diesen Zauberspruch in deiner Hauptphase gewirkt hast, lege auf jede der Kreaturen eine +1/+1-Marke und sie erhalten Wachsamkeit bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457691,
                    "name": "Formación inquebrantable",
                    "text": "Las criaturas que controlas ganan la habilidad de indestructible hasta el final del turno.\nAdenda — Si lanzas este hechizo durante tu fase principal, pon un contador +1/+1 sobre cada una de esas criaturas y ganan la habilidad de vigilancia hasta el final del turno.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457950,
                    "name": "Formation inébranlable",
                    "text": "Les créatures que vous contrôlez acquièrent l'indestructible jusqu'à la fin du tour.\nAddenda — Si vous avez lancé ce sort pendant votre phase principale, mettez un marqueur +1/+1 sur chacune de ces créatures et elles acquièrent la vigilance jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458209,
                    "name": "Formazione Indissolubile",
                    "text": "Le creature che controlli hanno indistruttibile fino alla fine del turno.\nAppendice — Se hai lanciato questa magia durante la tua fase principale, metti un segnalino +1/+1 su ognuna di quelle creature e hanno cautela fino alla fine del turno.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458468,
                    "name": "不敗の陣形",
                    "text": "ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは破壊不能を得る。\n附則 ― あなたがこの呪文をあなたのメイン・フェイズ中に唱えていたなら、それらのクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターを1個置く。ターン終了時まで、それらは警戒を得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458727,
                    "name": "깨지지 않는 대형",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 무적을 얻는다.\n부록 — 당신이 이 주문을 당신의 본단계에 발동했다면, 그 생물들에 각각 +1/+1 카운터 한 개씩을 올려놓고 그 생물들은 턴종료까지 경계를 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458986,
                    "name": "Formação Inquebrável",
                    "text": "As criaturas que você controla ganham indestrutível até o final do turno.\nAdendo — Se você conjurou esta mágica durante sua fase principal, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em cada uma daquelas criaturas e elas ganham vigilância até o final do turno.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459245,
                    "name": "Нерушимый Строй",
                    "text": "Существа под вашим контролем получают Неразрушимость до конца хода.\nПриложение — Если вы разыграли это заклинание во время вашей главной фазы, положите один жетон +1/+1 на каждое из тех существ, и они получают Бдительность до конца хода.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459504,
                    "name": "难破妙阵",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物获得不灭异能直到回合结束。\n附案~如果你是在你的行动阶段施放此咒语,则在这些生物上各放置一个+1/+1指示物,且它们获得警戒异能直到回合结束。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459763,
                    "name": "難破妙陣",
                    "text": "由你操控的生物獲得不滅異能直到回合結束。\n附案~如果你是在你的行動階段施放此咒語,則在這些生物上各放置一個+1/+1指示物,且它們獲得警戒異能直到回合結束。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457173,
            "name": "Unbreakable Formation",
            "number": "29",
            "originalText": "Creatures you control gain indestructible until end of turn.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, put a +1/+1 counter on each of those creatures and they gain vigilance until end of turn.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Unbreakable Formation affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures you begin to control later in the turn won’t gain indestructible or vigilance and they won’t get a +1/+1 counter."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Addendum abilities of instant spells apply while the spell is resolving, not immediately after casting it. If the spell is countered, you don’t get the addendum bonus. For example, if you cast Sphinx’s Insight during your main phase, you gain 2 life during its resolution, after you draw two cards."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a spell with an addendum ability is copied, the copy won’t give you the addendum bonus. This is because the copy wasn’t cast at all."
            "scryfallId": "46cc8574-7b8c-492c-8a36-75cb0192f853",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "73f94d8e-f87c-4189-afbc-6d821ef6243a",
            "scryfallOracleId": "97435e03-2fff-4fe0-8fa9-69ab0a046a33",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183227,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Creatures you control gain indestructible until end of turn.\nAddendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, put a +1/+1 counter on each of those creatures and they gain vigilance until end of turn.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "f75ac41d-3029-5ebf-b17e-b59b936c8047",
            "uuidV421": "18fcd01a-9ea5-5fe0-b654-bc62794972a1",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Tomasz Jedruszek",
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            "flavorText": "\"We grow strong by feasting on failure.\"\n—Izoni",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Wir laben uns an Fehlschlägen. Sie machen uns stark.\"\n—Izoni",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457491,
                    "name": "Aasfresser der Unterstadt",
                    "text": "Wenn der Aasfresser der Unterstadt ins Spiel kommt, kannst du eine andere Kreatur opfern. Falls du dies tust, lege zwei +1/+1-Marken auf den Aasfresser der Unterstadt und wende dann Hellsicht 2 an.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Oger, Krieger"
                    "flavorText": "\"Nos hacemos más fuertes alimentándonos de fracasos\".\n—Izoni",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457750,
                    "name": "Carroñero de la Subciudad",
                    "text": "Cuando el Carroñero de la Subciudad entre al campo de batalla, puedes sacrificar otra criatura. Si lo haces, pon dos contadores +1/+1 sobre el Carroñero de la Subciudad, luego adivina 2.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Guerrero ogro"
                    "flavorText": "« Nous devenons plus forts en nous nous nourrissant d'échecs. »\n—Izoni",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458009,
                    "name": "Charognard de la Citerraine",
                    "text": "Quand le Charognard de la Citerraine arrive sur le champ de bataille, vous pouvez sacrifier une autre créature. Si vous faites ainsi, mettez deux marqueurs +1/+1 sur le Charognard de la Citerraine, puis regard 2.",
                    "type": "Créature : ogre et guerrier"
                    "flavorText": "\"Diventiamo più forti nutrendoci dei fallimenti.\"\n—Izoni",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458268,
                    "name": "Saprofago della Città Sepolta",
                    "text": "Quando il Saprofago della Città Sepolta entra nel campo di battaglia, puoi sacrificare un'altra creatura. Se lo fai, metti due segnalini +1/+1 sul Saprofago della Città Sepolta, poi profetizza 2.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Guerriero Ogre"
                    "flavorText": "「我々は失敗を貪ることで強くなるのです。」\n――アイゾーニ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458527,
                    "name": "地底街のゴミあさり",
                    "text": "地底街のゴミあさりが戦場に出たとき、あなたは他のクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げてもよい。そうしたなら、地底街のゴミあさりの上に+1/+1カウンターを2個置き、その後占術2を行う。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — オーガ・戦士"
                    "flavorText": "\"우리는 실패를 먹어치우며 강해진다.\"\n—아이조니",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458786,
                    "name": "지하 도시 청소부",
                    "text": "지하 도시 청소부가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신은 다른 생물 한 개를 희생할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 지하 도시 청소부에 +1/+1 카운터 두 개를 올려놓은 후, 점술 2를 한다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 오우거 전사"
                    "flavorText": "\"Ficamos mais fortes quando nos alimentamos do fracasso.\"\n— Izoni",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459045,
                    "name": "Necrófago do Submundo",
                    "text": "Quando Necrófago do Submundo entra no campo de batalha, você pode sacrificar outra criatura. Se fizer isso, coloque dois marcadores +1/+1 em Necrófago do Submundo e, em seguida, use vidência 2.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Ogro Guerreiro"
                    "flavorText": "«Мы становимся сильнее, питаясь неудачами».\n— Изони",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459304,
                    "name": "Мусорщик Подземного Города",
                    "text": "Когда Мусорщик Подземного Города выходит на поле битвы, вы можете пожертвовать другое существо. Если вы это делаете, положите два жетона +1/+1 на Мусорщика Подземного Города, затем предскажите 2.",
                    "type": "Существо — Огр Воин"
                    "flavorText": "「我们以失败为食,逐渐壮大。」\n~依佐妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459563,
                    "name": "地底城拾荒者",
                    "text": "当地底城拾荒者进战场时,你可以牺牲另一个生物。若你如此作,则在地底城拾荒者上放置两个+1/+1指示物,然后占卜2。",
                    "type": "生物 ~食人魔/战士"
                    "flavorText": "「我們以失敗為食,逐漸壯大。」\n~依佐妮",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459822,
                    "name": "地底城拾荒者",
                    "text": "當地底城拾荒者進戰場時,你可以犧牲另一個生物。若你如此作,則在地底城拾荒者上放置兩個+1/+1指示物,然後占卜2。",
                    "type": "生物 ~食人魔/戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{3}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457232,
            "name": "Undercity Scavenger",
            "number": "88",
            "originalText": "When Undercity Scavenger enters the battlefield, you may sacrifice another creature. If you do, put two +1/+1 counters on Undercity Scavenger, then scry 2.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Ogre Warrior",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You choose whether to sacrifice a creature (and which one to sacrifice) while Undercity Scavenger’s ability is resolving. No player may take actions between the time you choose which creature to sacrifice, the time Undercity Scavenger has +1/+1 counters on it, and the time you scry 2."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can’t sacrifice multiple creatures to put more +1/+1 counters on Undercity Scavenger or to scry more."
            "scryfallId": "1be7e297-4602-44f8-b919-07015813fd7e",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "5c423e43-c437-45c8-ab3b-b2817d5b0f0c",
            "scryfallOracleId": "5146ae31-9578-46e3-be78-eb90e4ba48cd",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183435,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Undercity Scavenger enters the battlefield, you may sacrifice another creature. If you do, put two +1/+1 counters on Undercity Scavenger, then scry 2.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Ogre Warrior",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7d7edeff-6fd9-5706-9812-83d23a577715",
            "uuidV421": "30f76416-3ae3-530b-be6a-8eb2b5b5a67f"
            "artist": "Tyler Walpole",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 3.0,
            "flavorText": "The undercity is always hungry.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Die Unterstadt ist immer hungrig.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457492,
                    "name": "Umklammerung der Unterstadt",
                    "text": "Ein Gegner deiner Wahl opfert eine Kreatur. Falls du eine Kreatur mit Stärke 4 oder mehr kontrollierst, erhältst du 4 Lebenspunkte dazu.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "flavorText": "La Subciudad siempre está hambrienta.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457751,
                    "name": "Abrazo de la Subciudad",
                    "text": "El oponente objetivo sacrifica una criatura. Si controlas una criatura con fuerza de 4 o más, ganas 4 vidas.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "flavorText": "La Citerraine est toujours affamée.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458010,
                    "name": "Étreinte de la Citerraine",
                    "text": "L'adversaire ciblé sacrifie une créature. Si vous contrôlez une créature avec une force supérieure ou égale à 4, vous gagnez 4 points de vie.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "flavorText": "La città sepolta è sempre affamata.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458269,
                    "name": "Abbraccio della Città Sepolta",
                    "text": "Un avversario bersaglio sacrifica una creatura. Se controlli una creatura con forza pari o superiore a 4, guadagni 4 punti vita.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "flavorText": "地底街はいつでも空腹だ。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458528,
                    "name": "地底街の抱擁",
                    "text": "対戦相手1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーはクリーチャー1体を生け贄に捧げる。あなたがパワーが4以上のクリーチャーをコントロールしているなら、あなたは4点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "flavorText": "지하 도시는 항상 굶주려 있다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458787,
                    "name": "지하 도시의 포옹",
                    "text": "상대를 목표로 정한다. 그 상대는 생물 한 개를 희생한다. 당신이 공격력이 4 이상인 생물을 조종한다면, 당신은 생명 4점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "flavorText": "O submundo está sempre com fome.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459046,
                    "name": "Abraço do Submundo",
                    "text": "O oponente alvo sacrifica uma criatura. Se você controla uma criatura com poder igual ou superior a 4, você ganha 4 pontos de vida.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "flavorText": "Подземный город всегда голоден.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459305,
                    "name": "Объятия Подземного Города",
                    "text": "Целевой оппонент жертвует существо. Если вы контролируете существо с силой 4 или больше, вы получаете 4 жизни.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "flavorText": "地底城永无餍足之时。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459564,
                    "name": "地底城之拥",
                    "text": "目标对手牺牲一个生物。如果你操控力量等于或大于4的生物,则你获得4点生命。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "flavorText": "地底城永無饜足之時。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459823,
                    "name": "地底城之擁",
                    "text": "目標對手犧牲一個生物。如果你操控力量等於或大於4的生物,則你獲得4點生命。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "pauper": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{2}{B}",
            "multiverseId": 457233,
            "name": "Undercity's Embrace",
            "number": "89",
            "originalText": "Target opponent sacrifices a creature. If you control a creature with power 4 or greater, you gain 4 life.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can still gain 4 life even if the target opponent can’t sacrifice a creature."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Whether you control a creature with power 4 or greater is checked only after your opponent has sacrificed a creature. If a creature you own with power 4 or greater was exiled until the sacrificed creature left the battlefield, that creature will return to the battlefield before the check, so it will count. However, any abilities that trigger on the sacrificed creature’s death won’t have resolved yet when you check what creatures you control."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You gain only 4 life, even if you control more than one creature with power 4 or greater."
            "scryfallId": "bfcb9805-eca0-476c-9480-0c958acdb50f",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "f076fc2c-80ff-451f-8592-1bf5c01a8d21",
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            "text": "Target opponent sacrifices a creature. If you control a creature with power 4 or greater, you gain 4 life.",
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            "flavorText": "\"Here, there is only truth.\"\n—Barvisa, Azorius emissary",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Hier gibt es nur eine Wahrheit.\"\n—Barvisa, Azorius-Abgesandte",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457461,
                    "name": "Kreis der Wahrheit",
                    "text": "Immer wenn eine Kreatur, die ein Gegner kontrolliert, getappt wird und falls das nicht passiert, sowie sie als Angreifer deklariert wird, kannst du eine Karte ziehen.\n{4}{U}: Tappe eine nichtfliegende Kreatur deiner Wahl.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"Aquí solo tiene cabida la verdad\".\n—Barvisa, emisaria azoria",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457720,
                    "name": "Círculo de veracidad",
                    "text": "Siempre que una criatura que controla un oponente se gire, si no es por estar siendo declarada como atacante, puedes robar una carta.\n{4}{U}: Gira la criatura objetivo sin la habilidad de volar.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "« Ici, il n'y a que la vérité. »\n—Barvisa, émissaire d'Azorius",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457979,
                    "name": "Cercle de vérité",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'une créature qu'un adversaire contrôle devient engagée, si elle n'est pas déclarée comme attaquante, vous pouvez piocher une carte.\n{4}{U} : Engagez la créature sans le vol ciblée.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "\"Qui non esiste altro che la verità.\"\n—Barvisa, emissaria Azorius",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458238,
                    "name": "Circolo della Veridicità",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta una creatura controllata da un avversario viene TAPpata, se ciò non avviene per farla attaccare, puoi pescare una carta.\n{4}{U}: TAPpa una creatura bersaglio senza volare.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "「さあ、ここにあるのは真実だけです。」\n――アゾリウスの使者、バービサー",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458497,
                    "name": "真理の円",
                    "text": "対戦相手がコントロールしているクリーチャーが1体タップ状態になるたび、それが攻撃クリーチャーとして指定されたことによるのではない場合、あなたはカードを1枚引いてもよい。\n{4}{U}:飛行を持たないクリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをタップする。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"이곳에는 오직 진실만이 있다.\"\n—아조리우스 사절, 바르비사",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458756,
                    "name": "진실의 원",
                    "text": "상대가 조종하는 생물이 탭될 때마다, 그 생물이 공격자로 선언되는 것이 아니라면, 당신은 카드 한 장을 뽑을 수 있다.\n{4}{U}: 비행이 없는 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 탭한다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Aqui há apenas a verdade.\"\n— Barvisa, emissária Azorius",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
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                    "name": "Círculo da Veracidade",
                    "text": "Toda vez que uma criatura que um oponente controla for virada, se ela não estiver sendo declarada como atacante, você poderá comprar um card.\n{4}{U}: Vire a criatura alvo sem voar.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "«Здесь есть одна лишь только истина».\n— Барвиса, эмиссар Азориусов",
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                    "multiverseId": 459274,
                    "name": "Круг Истины",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда существо под контролем оппонента становится повернутым, если оно не объявляется атакующим, то вы можете взять карту.\n{4}{U}: поверните целевое существо без Полета.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「进去,里面只有真相。」\n~俄佐立密使巴维莎",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459533,
                    "name": "真相束环",
                    "text": "每当一个由对手操控的生物成为横置时,若它并非于将其宣告为攻击者时而如此,则你可以抓一张牌。\n{4}{U}:横置目标不具飞行异能的生物。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "「進去,裡面只有真相。」\n~俄佐立密使巴維莎",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459792,
                    "name": "真相束環",
                    "text": "每當一個由對手操控的生物成為橫置時,若它並非於將其宣告為攻擊者時而如此,則你可以抽一張牌。\n{4}{U}:橫置目標不具飛行異能的生物。",
                    "type": "結界"
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            "manaCost": "{2}{U}",
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            "name": "Verity Circle",
            "number": "58",
            "originalText": "Whenever a creature an opponent controls becomes tapped, if it isn't being declared as an attacker, you may draw a card.\n{4}{U}: Tap target creature without flying.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "For Verity Circle’s first ability to trigger, the creature has to actually change from untapped to tapped. If an effect attempts to tap a tapped creature, but it was already tapped at the time, the ability won’t trigger."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature enters the battlefield tapped, Verity Circle’s first ability doesn’t trigger."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature with vigilance is declared as an attacker and then becomes tapped while it’s attacking, Verity Circle’s first ability triggers."
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            "subtypes": [],
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 183115,
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            "text": "Whenever a creature an opponent controls becomes tapped, if it isn't being declared as an attacker, you may draw a card.\n{4}{U}: Tap target creature without flying.",
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            "flavorText": "In theory, the Guildpact keeps guild feuds form spiraling out of control. Personal feuds, however, are not covered.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Theoretisch sorgt der Gildenbund dafür, dass die Fehden der Gilden nicht außer Kontrolle geraten. Allerdings gilt das nicht für persönliche Streitigkeiten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457493,
                    "name": "Rachsüchtige Vampirin",
                    "text": "Immer wenn eine andere Kreatur, die du kontrollierst, stirbt, fügt die Rachsüchtige Vampirin jedem Gegner 1 Schadenspunkt zu und du erhältst 1 Lebenspunkt dazu.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vampir"
                    "flavorText": "En teoría, el Pacto entre Gremios impide que la enemistad entre los gremios se descontrole. Sin embargo, no incluye las enemistades personales.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457752,
                    "name": "Vampira vengativa",
                    "text": "Siempre que otra criatura que controlas muera, la Vampira vengativa hace 1 punto de daño a cada oponente y tú ganas 1 vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "En théorie, le Pacte des Guildes empêche les conflits de guilde de dégénérer. Les querelles personnelles, en revanche, ne sont pas couvertes.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458011,
                    "name": "Vampire vindicative",
                    "text": "À chaque fois qu'une autre créature que vous contrôlez meurt, la Vampire vindicative inflige 1 blessure à chaque adversaire et vous gagnez 1 point de vie.",
                    "type": "Créature : vampire"
                    "flavorText": "In teoria, il Patto delle Gilde impedisce che le faide tra gilde si inaspriscano in modo incontrollato. I rancori personali, tuttavia, ne restano esclusi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458270,
                    "name": "Vampira Rancorosa",
                    "text": "Ogniqualvolta un'altra creatura che controlli muore, la Vampira Rancorosa infligge 1 danno a ogni avversario e tu guadagni 1 punto vita.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "理論上、ギルドパクトはギルド間の抗争の悪化を抑止する。しかしながら、個人間の抗争は抑止されない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458529,
                    "name": "執念深い吸血鬼",
                    "text": "あなたがコントロールしている他のクリーチャーが1体死亡するたび、執念深い吸血鬼は各対戦相手にそれぞれ1点のダメージを与え、あなたは1点のライフを得る。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 吸血鬼"
                    "flavorText": "이론적으로, 길드팩트는 길드 간의 다툼이 걷잡을 수 없이 통제에서 벗어나는 것을 막아 준다. 하지만, 개인적인 다툼은 다루지 않는다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458788,
                    "name": "앙심을 품은 흡혈귀",
                    "text": "당신이 조종하는 다른 생물이 죽을 때마다, 앙심을 품은 흡혈귀는 각 상대에게 피해 1점을 입히고 당신은 생명 1점을 얻는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 흡혈귀"
                    "flavorText": "Teoricamente, o Pacto das Guildas impede que as rivalidades entre as guildas saiam do controle. As rivalidades pessoais, porém, não estão incluídas.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459047,
                    "name": "Vampira Vingativa",
                    "text": "Toda vez que outra criatura que você controla morre, Vampira Vingativa causa 1 ponto de dano a cada oponente e você ganha 1 ponto de vida.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "В теории Договор Гильдий призван не давать вражде между гильдиями выйти из-под контроля. На личную вражду, впрочем, это не распространяется.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459306,
                    "name": "Мстящая Вампирша",
                    "text": "Каждый раз, когда другое существо под вашим контролем умирает, Мстящая Вампирша наносит 1 повреждение каждому оппоненту, а вы получаете 1 жизнь.",
                    "type": "Существо — Вампир"
                    "flavorText": "理论上,十会盟能管住公会世仇不致一发而不可收。但私人宿怨就管不到了。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459565,
                    "name": "怀恨吸血鬼",
                    "text": "每当另一个由你操控的生物死去时,怀恨吸血鬼向每位对手各造成1点伤害且你获得1点生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼"
                    "flavorText": "理論上,十會盟能管住公會世仇不致一發而不可收。但私人宿怨就管不到了。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459824,
                    "name": "懷恨吸血鬼",
                    "text": "每當另一個由你操控的生物死去時,懷恨吸血鬼向每位對手各造成1點傷害且你獲得1點生命。",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼"
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            "name": "Vindictive Vampire",
            "number": "90",
            "originalText": "Whenever another creature you control dies, Vindictive Vampire deals 1 damage to each opponent and you gain 1 life.",
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            "power": "2",
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            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If Vindictive Vampire dies at the same time as one or more other creatures you control, Vindictive Vampire’s ability triggers for each of those other creatures."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If your life total is brought to 0 or less at the same time that creatures you control are dealt lethal damage, you lose the game before Vindictive Vampire’s triggered ability goes on the stack."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "In a Two-Headed Giant game, Vindictive Vampire’s ability causes the opposing team to lose 2 life and you gain 1 life."
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            "text": "Whenever another creature you control dies, Vindictive Vampire deals 1 damage to each opponent and you gain 1 life.",
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            "flavorText": "Orzhov vampires look for allies in unlikely places in case their new guildmaster turns on them. The fate of the Obzedat is proof of Kaya's power and her hatred of the living dead.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Orzhov-Vampire suchen an den unmöglichsten Orten nach Verbündeten, falls ihr neuer Gildenmeister sich einmal gegen sie wenden sollte. Das Schicksal des Obzedat beweist, wie mächtig Kaya ist und wie sehr sie die lebenden Toten hasst.",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Vizkopa-Vampir",
                    "text": "Lebensverknüpfung",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Vampir"
                    "flavorText": "Los vampiros orzhov buscan aliados en lugares extraños en caso de que su nueva maestra del gremio se vuelva contra ellos. El destino del Obzedat es una muestra del poder de Kaya y de lo mucho que odia a los muertos vivientes.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457882,
                    "name": "Vampiro de Vizkopa",
                    "text": "Vínculo vital.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "Les vampires d'Orzhov cherchent des alliés dans des endroits inattendus, au cas où leur nouvelle maîtresse de guilde se retourne contre eux. Le sort réservé à l'Obzedat témoignait de la puissance de Kaya, et de sa haine pour les morts-vivants.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458141,
                    "name": "Vampire de Vizkopa",
                    "text": "Lien de vie",
                    "type": "Créature : vampire"
                    "flavorText": "I vampiri Orzhov cercano alleati in luoghi impensati, in caso la nuova capogilda si rivoltasse contro di loro. Il fato degli Obzedat è una prova sufficiente del potere di Kaya e del suo odio per i morti viventi.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458400,
                    "name": "Vampiro di Vizkopa",
                    "text": "Legame vitale",
                    "type": "Creatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "オルゾフの吸血鬼は、意外な場所で仲間を探している。新しいギルドマスターが自分たちを粛清する可能性を考えた上でのことだ。オブゼダートを襲った運命は、ケイヤの力と、生きている死者に対する彼女の憎悪を証明したのだから。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458659,
                    "name": "ヴィズコーパの吸血鬼",
                    "text": "絆魂",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 吸血鬼"
                    "flavorText": "오르조브의 흡혈귀들은 새로운 길드마스터가 그들을 배반하는 경우에 대비해 예측하기 힘든 곳에서 동료를 찾는다. 오브제다트의 운명이 카야의 힘, 그리고 살아 있는 시체들에 대한 그녀의 증오심을 증명한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458918,
                    "name": "비즈코파 흡혈귀",
                    "text": "생명연결",
                    "type": "생물 — 흡혈귀"
                    "flavorText": "Os vampiros Orzhov buscam aliados em lugares improváveis para o caso da nova mestra de sua guilda se voltar contra eles. O destino do Obzedat é prova tanto do poder de Kaya quanto de seu ódio para com os mortos-vivos.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459177,
                    "name": "Vampiro do Vizkopa",
                    "text": "Vínculo com a vida",
                    "type": "Criatura — Vampiro"
                    "flavorText": "На тот случай, если новая предводительница гильдии обратится против них, вампиры Орзовов ищут союзников в неожиданных местах. Судьба Обзедата показала, как могущественна Кайя, и как она ненавидит живых мертвецов.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459436,
                    "name": "Вампир из Визкопы",
                    "text": "Цепь жизни",
                    "type": "Существо — Вампир"
                    "flavorText": "欧佐夫的吸血鬼会去出人意料的地方寻求同伴,以防他们的全新首领反戈一击。欧节达的命运证明了卡娅的力量和她对不死生物的痛恨。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459695,
                    "name": "伟柯帕吸血鬼",
                    "text": "系命",
                    "type": "生物 ~吸血鬼"
                    "flavorText": "歐佐夫的吸血鬼會去出人意料的地方尋求同伴,以防他們的全新首領反戈一擊。歐節達的命運證明了卡婭的力量和她對不死生物的痛恨。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459954,
                    "name": "偉柯帕吸血鬼",
                    "text": "繫命",
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            "flavorText": "Those who intrude upon the Dimir seldom remember that they have done so.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Wer den Dimir zu nahe kommt, erinnert sich nur selten daran.",
                    "language": "German",
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                    "name": "Mauer des Vergessens",
                    "text": "Verteidiger\nWenn die Mauer des Vergessens ins Spiel kommt, legt ein Spieler deiner Wahl die obersten vier Karten seiner Bibliothek auf seinen Friedhof.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Mauer"
                    "flavorText": "Aquellos que importunan al Gremio Dimir pocas veces lo recuerdan.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457721,
                    "name": "Muro de los pensamientos perdidos",
                    "text": "Defensor.\nCuando el Muro de los pensamientos perdidos entre al campo de batalla, el jugador objetivo pone las cuatro primeras cartas de su biblioteca en su cementerio.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Muro"
                    "flavorText": "Ceux qui s'infiltrent chez les Dimir s'en souviennent rarement.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457980,
                    "name": "Mur des pensées perdues",
                    "text": "Défenseur\nQuand le Mur des pensées perdues arrive sur le champ de bataille, le joueur ciblé met les quatre cartes du dessus de sa bibliothèque dans son cimetière.",
                    "type": "Créature : mur"
                    "flavorText": "Chi si imbatte nei Dimir di rado ricorda di averlo fatto.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458239,
                    "name": "Muro dei Pensieri Perduti",
                    "text": "Difensore\nQuando il Muro dei Pensieri Perduti entra nel campo di battaglia, un giocatore bersaglio mette nel suo cimitero le prime quattro carte del suo grimorio.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Muro"
                    "flavorText": "ディミーアに侵入した者が、自分が何をしたのか覚えていることは滅多にない。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458498,
                    "name": "迷える思考の壁",
                    "text": "防衛\n迷える思考の壁が戦場に出たとき、プレイヤー1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは自分のライブラリーの一番上からカードを4枚自分の墓地に置く。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 壁"
                    "flavorText": "디미르에 침입하는 자들은 거의 모두 자신들이 그랬다는 것을 기억하지 못한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458757,
                    "name": "잃어버린 생각들의 벽",
                    "text": "수비태세\n잃어버린 생각들의 벽이 전장에 들어올 때, 플레이어를 목표로 정한다. 그 플레이어는 자신의 서고 맨 위 카드 네 장을 자신의 무덤에 넣는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 벽"
                    "flavorText": "Os que se intrometem em assuntos dos Dimir raramente se lembram de tê-lo feito.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459016,
                    "name": "Barreira dos Pensamentos Perdidos",
                    "text": "Defensor\nQuando Barreira dos Pensamentos Perdidos entra no campo de batalha, o jogador alvo coloca os quatro cards do topo do próprio grimório no próprio cemitério.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Barreira"
                    "flavorText": "Те, кто проникает на территорию Димиров, редко могут об этом вспомнить.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459275,
                    "name": "Стена Потерянных Мыслей",
                    "text": "Защитник\nКогда Стена Потерянных Мыслей выходит на поле битвы, целевой игрок кладет четыре верхние карты своей библиотеки на свое кладбище.",
                    "type": "Существо — Стена"
                    "flavorText": "曾擅闯底密尔地盘的人,没几个还记得自己曾做过这事。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459534,
                    "name": "忘念墙",
                    "text": "守军\n当忘念墙进战场时,目标牌手将其牌库顶的四张牌置入其坟墓场。",
                    "type": "生物 ~墙"
                    "flavorText": "曾擅闖底密爾地盤的人,沒幾個還記得自己曾做過這事。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459793,
                    "name": "忘念牆",
                    "text": "守軍\n當忘念牆進戰場時,目標玩家將其牌庫頂的四張牌置入其墳墓場。",
                    "type": "生物 ~牆"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "penny": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{1}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457203,
            "name": "Wall of Lost Thoughts",
            "number": "59",
            "originalText": "Defender\nWhen Wall of Lost Thoughts enters the battlefield, target player puts the top four cards of their library into their graveyard.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Wall",
            "power": "0",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "03a0a627-ea7a-48bb-bf30-60b2677dd8ae",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "0e34303e-02ad-49eb-a27a-5c5eea0f1d42",
            "scryfallOracleId": "49b80368-d38a-4877-b1de-f3b5f3d40d4d",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183409,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Defender\nWhen Wall of Lost Thoughts enters the battlefield, target player puts the top four cards of their library into their graveyard.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Creature — Wall",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "24b4d93f-d5e8-5a4c-b873-b14594711904",
            "uuidV421": "6f265df0-31f3-5f56-9de8-12c182fb02c8"
            "artist": "Matt Stewart",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457633,
                    "name": "Vollstrecker",
                    "text": "Erzeuge einen 4/4 weißen und blauen Sphinx-Kreaturenspielstein mit Flugfähigkeit und Wachsamkeit.",
                    "type": "Hexerei"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457892,
                    "name": "Defensor",
                    "text": "Crea una ficha de criatura Esfinge blanca y azul 4/4 con las habilidades de volar y vigilancia.",
                    "type": "Conjuro"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458151,
                    "name": "Protègement",
                    "text": "Créez un jeton de créature 4/4 blanche et bleue Sphinx avec le vol et la vigilance.",
                    "type": "Rituel"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458410,
                    "name": "Difensore",
                    "text": "Crea una pedina creatura Sfinge 4/4 bianca e blu con volare e cautela.",
                    "type": "Stregoneria"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458669,
                    "name": "番人",
                    "text": "飛行と警戒を持ち白であり青である4/4のスフィンクス・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "ソーサリー"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458928,
                    "name": "교도관",
                    "text": "비행 및 경계를 가진 4/4 백색 및 청색 스핑크스 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "집중마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459187,
                    "name": "Proteção",
                    "text": "Crie uma ficha de criatura branca e azul 4/4 do tipo Esfinge com voar e vigilância.",
                    "type": "Feitiço"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459446,
                    "name": "Охранник",
                    "text": "Создайте одну фишку существа 4/4 белый и синий Сфинкс с Полетом и Бдительностью.",
                    "type": "Волшебство"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459705,
                    "name": "看护",
                    "text": "派出一个4/4,白蓝双色,具飞行与警戒异能的史芬斯衍生生物。",
                    "type": "法术"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459964,
                    "name": "看護",
                    "text": "派出一個4/4,白藍雙色,具飛行與警戒異能的史芬斯衍生生物。",
                    "type": "巫術"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "split",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{W}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457374,
            "name": "Warden",
            "names": [
            "number": "230",
            "originalText": "Create a 4/4 white and blue Sphinx creature token with flying and vigilance.",
            "originalType": "Sorcery",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An “attacking creature” is one that has been declared as an attacker or put onto the battlefield attacking during this combat. Unless that creature leaves combat, it continues to be an attacking creature through the end of combat step, even if the player it was attacking has left the game or the planeswalker it was attacking has left combat. Similarly, a “blocking creature” is one that has been declared as a blocker or put onto the battlefield blocking during this combat."
            "scryfallId": "0070651d-79aa-4ea6-b703-6ecd3528b548",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9c06b028-c469-42c3-bc49-800a8ffcebf9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "19053c47-97ce-4a25-a92c-1f4061e85bf3",
            "side": "b",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183190,
            "text": "Create a 4/4 white and blue Sphinx creature token with flying and vigilance.",
            "type": "Sorcery",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "ef3001f6-853f-52d8-bb17-e08bc4254be3",
            "uuidV421": "65745afc-e797-5fae-8b75-df6b0ad4170f",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Matt Stewart",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "faceConvertedManaCost": 2,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457633,
                    "name": "Vollmacht",
                    "text": "Lege eine angreifende oder blockende Kreatur deiner Wahl oben auf die Bibliothek ihres Besitzers.",
                    "type": "Spontanzauber"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457892,
                    "name": "Detención",
                    "text": "Pon la criatura atacante o bloqueadora objetivo en la parte superior de la biblioteca de su propietario.",
                    "type": "Instantáneo"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458151,
                    "name": "Procuration",
                    "text": "Mettez la créature attaquante ou bloqueuse ciblée au-dessus de la bibliothèque de son propriétaire.",
                    "type": "Éphémère"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458410,
                    "name": "Diffida",
                    "text": "Metti una creatura attaccante o bloccante bersaglio in cima al grimorio del suo proprietario.",
                    "type": "Istantaneo"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458669,
                    "name": "万全",
                    "text": "攻撃クリーチャー1体かブロック・クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それをオーナーのライブラリーの一番上に置く。",
                    "type": "インスタント"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458928,
                    "name": "영장",
                    "text": "공격 중이거나 방어 중인 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 소유자의 서고 맨 위에 놓는다.",
                    "type": "순간마법"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459187,
                    "name": "Permissão",
                    "text": "Coloque a criatura alvo atacante ou bloqueadora no topo do grimório de seu dono.",
                    "type": "Mágica Instantânea"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459446,
                    "name": "Ордер",
                    "text": "Положите целевое атакующее или блокирующее существо на верх библиотеки его владельца.",
                    "type": "Мгновенное заклинание"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459705,
                    "name": "看管",
                    "text": "将目标进行攻击或阻挡的生物置于其拥有者的牌库顶。",
                    "type": "瞬间"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459964,
                    "name": "看管",
                    "text": "將目標進行攻擊或阻擋的生物置於其擁有者的牌庫頂。",
                    "type": "瞬間"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
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            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
                "duel": "Legal",
                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
                "standard": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{W/U}{W/U}",
            "multiverseId": 457374,
            "name": "Warrant",
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            "number": "230",
            "originalText": "Put target attacking or blocking creature on top of its owner's library.",
            "originalType": "Instant",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "An “attacking creature” is one that has been declared as an attacker or put onto the battlefield attacking during this combat. Unless that creature leaves combat, it continues to be an attacking creature through the end of combat step, even if the player it was attacking has left the game or the planeswalker it was attacking has left combat. Similarly, a “blocking creature” is one that has been declared as a blocker or put onto the battlefield blocking during this combat."
            "scryfallId": "0070651d-79aa-4ea6-b703-6ecd3528b548",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "9c06b028-c469-42c3-bc49-800a8ffcebf9",
            "scryfallOracleId": "19053c47-97ce-4a25-a92c-1f4061e85bf3",
            "side": "a",
            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183190,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Put target attacking or blocking creature on top of its owner's library.",
            "type": "Instant",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "b8342e9a-48df-58ec-9ed8-ce6efc756f64",
            "uuidV421": "ec28d193-91ea-5501-a151-05ca98c87111",
            "watermark": "azorius"
            "artist": "Grzegorz Rutkowski",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 6.0,
            "flavorText": "Loitering is not only illegal but unwise, since those who stay too long in one place are apt to be stepped on.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Es ist nicht nur verboten sondern auch unklug, herumzulungern, denn wer sich nicht bewegt, wird allzu leicht zertreten.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457433,
                    "name": "Wachsamer Riese",
                    "text": "Wenn der Wachsame Riese ins Spiel kommt, erzeuge einen 1/1 weißen Mensch-Kreaturenspielstein.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Riese, Soldat"
                    "flavorText": "Holgazanear no es solo ilegal; también es estúpido, porque quienes se quedan demasiado tiempo en un sitio corren el riesgo de ser pisados.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457692,
                    "name": "Gigante supervisor",
                    "text": "Cuando el Gigante supervisor entre al campo de batalla, crea una ficha de criatura Humano blanca 1/1.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Soldado gigante"
                    "flavorText": "Flâner est non seulement illégal mais imprudent, car ceux qui s'attardent trop longtemps au même endroit sont susceptibles de se faire piétiner.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457951,
                    "name": "Géant alerte",
                    "text": "Quand le Géant alerte arrive sur le champ de bataille, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche Humain.",
                    "type": "Créature : géant et soldat"
                    "flavorText": "L'occupazione indebita del suolo pubblico non è solo illegale, ma anche imprudente: chi resta fermo troppo a lungo nello stesso luogo rischia di essere calpestato.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458210,
                    "name": "Gigante Vigile",
                    "text": "Quando il Gigante Vigile entra nel campo di battaglia, crea una pedina creatura Umano 1/1 bianca.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Soldato Gigante"
                    "flavorText": "当てもなく歩き回るのは違法であるばかりか軽率だ。同じ場所に長くとどまっている人々を踏み潰しやすい。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458469,
                    "name": "用心深い巨人",
                    "text": "用心深い巨人が戦場に出たとき、白の1/1の人間・クリーチャー・トークンを1体生成する。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — 巨人・兵士"
                    "flavorText": "길거리를 배회하는 것은 불법일 뿐만 아니라 어리석은 일이기도 하다. 한 장소에 너무 오래 머물러 있는 사람들은 밟히기 쉽기 때문이다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458728,
                    "name": "감시하는 거인",
                    "text": "감시하는 거인이 전장에 들어올 때, 1/1 백색 인간 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 거인 병사"
                    "flavorText": "A vadiagem não é apenas contravenção, mas também contraindicada, já que quem fica tempo demais em um lugar só está sujeito a ser pisoteado.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 458987,
                    "name": "Gigante Vigilante",
                    "text": "Quando Gigante Vigilante entrar no campo de batalha, crie uma ficha de criatura branca 1/1 do tipo Humano.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Gigante Soldado"
                    "flavorText": "Праздношатание не только запрещено законом, но и не благоразумно — если слишком долго торчать на одном месте, на тебя наверняка наступят.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459246,
                    "name": "Наблюдательный Гигант",
                    "text": "Когда Наблюдательный Гигант выходит на поле битвы, создайте одну фишку существа 1/1 белый Человек.",
                    "type": "Существо — Гигант Солдат"
                    "flavorText": "滞留街头既触犯法律,也非明智之举:因为在一处逗留过久容易被踩扁。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459505,
                    "name": "警醒巨人",
                    "text": "当警醒巨人进战场时,派出一个1/1白色人类衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨人/士兵"
                    "flavorText": "滯留街頭既觸犯法律,也非明智之舉:因為在一處逗留過久容易被踩扁。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459764,
                    "name": "警醒巨人",
                    "text": "當警醒巨人進戰場時,派出一個1/1白色人類衍生生物。",
                    "type": "生物 ~巨人/士兵"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{5}{W}",
            "multiverseId": 457174,
            "name": "Watchful Giant",
            "number": "30",
            "originalText": "When Watchful Giant enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Human creature token.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Giant Soldier",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "61a38f24-1eb3-4914-be1f-0b5f6d4b09d5",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "06fdcfef-61fc-42d1-99fa-7cf8c69769c7",
            "scryfallOracleId": "8239c63d-097a-449a-953a-cd480e594aa8",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183404,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Watchful Giant enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 white Human creature token.",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Creature — Giant Soldier",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "75bb3c31-045d-54ca-8db8-2858eff7842a",
            "uuidV421": "f41e85a0-de91-5cbe-b852-0c852ced7212"
            "artist": "Tyler Walpole",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "flavorText": "\"Walls crack. Buildings fall. Always the wilds return.\"\n—Domri Rade",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Mauern bersten. Gebäude stürzen ein. Die Wildnis kehrt immer zurück.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457552,
                    "name": "Wilde Renaturierung",
                    "text": "Enttappe zu Beginn deines Endsegments alle Länder, die du kontrollierst.",
                    "type": "Verzauberung"
                    "flavorText": "\"Los muros se resquebrajan. Los edificios se derrumban. Al final, la naturaleza siempre regresa\".\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457811,
                    "name": "Recuperación forestal",
                    "text": "Al comienzo de tu paso final, endereza todas las tierras que controlas.",
                    "type": "Encantamiento"
                    "flavorText": "« Les murs se fendent. Les édifices s'écroulent. La nature reprend toujours ses droits. »\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458070,
                    "name": "Reboisement des régions reculées",
                    "text": "Au début de votre étape de fin, dégagez tous les terrains que vous contrôlez.",
                    "type": "Enchantement"
                    "flavorText": "\"I muri si spezzano, gli edifici crollano, le terre selvagge riescono sempre a tornare.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458329,
                    "name": "Rivendicazione delle Terre Selvagge",
                    "text": "All'inizio della tua sottofase finale, STAPpa tutte le terre che controlli.",
                    "type": "Incantesimo"
                    "flavorText": "「壁は割れ、建物は崩れる。いつでも自然が帰ってくる。」\n――ドムリ・ラーデ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458588,
                    "name": "荒野の再生",
                    "text": "あなたの終了ステップの開始時に、あなたがコントロールしている土地をすべてアンタップする。",
                    "type": "エンチャント"
                    "flavorText": "\"벽에는 금이 간다. 건물들은 무너진다. 야생은 항상 돌아온다.\"\n—돔리 라데",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458847,
                    "name": "황무지 개척",
                    "text": "당신의 종료단 시작에, 당신이 조종하는 모든 대지를 언탭한다.",
                    "type": "부여마법"
                    "flavorText": "\"Paredes racham. Prédios caem. A natureza sempre volta.\"\n— Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459106,
                    "name": "Reconquista da Natureza",
                    "text": "No início da sua etapa final, desvire todos os terrenos que você controla.",
                    "type": "Encantamento"
                    "flavorText": "«Стены трескаются. Здания падают. Дикие земли всегда возвращаются».\n— Домри Раде",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459365,
                    "name": "Возвращение Диких Земель",
                    "text": "В начале вашего заключительного шага разверните все земли под вашим контролем.",
                    "type": "Чары"
                    "flavorText": "「城墙崩毁。高楼坍塌。野地总会复归。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459624,
                    "name": "复归荒野",
                    "text": "在你的结束步骤开始时,重置所有由你操控的地。",
                    "type": "结界"
                    "flavorText": "「城牆崩毀。高樓坍塌。野地總會復歸。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459883,
                    "name": "復歸荒野",
                    "text": "在你的結束步驟開始時,重置所有由你操控的地。",
                    "type": "結界"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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                "modern": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{3}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457293,
            "name": "Wilderness Reclamation",
            "number": "149",
            "originalText": "At the beginning of your end step, untap all lands you control.",
            "originalType": "Enchantment",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "54af08f7-9c6c-464e-b2f7-2b5803f36481",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "bbf5a184-a1d8-4358-82a8-e3199b8cadb8",
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            "subtypes": [],
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 182965,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "At the beginning of your end step, untap all lands you control.",
            "type": "Enchantment",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "2c6b1134-b0ea-568e-ac6a-ed57bd5d7c94",
            "uuidV421": "f2f26953-f087-5ad5-a296-332f262f6bc9"
            "artist": "Daarken",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 5.0,
            "flavorText": "Drakes become especially voracious as they prepare for their autumn migration, hunting the city's thoroughfares from dawn to dusk.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Sceadas sind besonders angriffslustig, wenn sie sich auf ihre großen Herbstmigration vorbereiten. Dann suchen sie die Straßen der Stadt von morgens bis abends heim.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457463,
                    "name": "Windsturm-Sceada",
                    "text": "Fliegend\nAndere fliegende Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten +1/+0.",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Sceada"
                    "flavorText": "Los dracos se vuelven especialmente voraces cuando se preparan para la migración de otoño. En esa época, cazan por las vías públicas desde el alba hasta el crepúsculo.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457722,
                    "name": "Draco del vendaval",
                    "text": "Vuela.\nLas otras criaturas que controlas con la habilidad de volar obtienen +1/+0.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Draco"
                    "flavorText": "Les drakôns deviennent particulièrement voraces lorsqu'ils se préparent à migrer pour l'automne, chassant dans les rues de l'aube au crépuscule.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 457981,
                    "name": "Drakôn des trombes",
                    "text": "Vol\nLes autres créatures avec le vol que vous contrôlez gagnent +1/+0.",
                    "type": "Créature : drakôn"
                    "flavorText": "I draghetti diventano particolarmente famelici quando si preparano per la migrazione autunnale, prima della quale sono noti per braccare le arterie della città dall'alba al tramonto.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458240,
                    "name": "Draghetto della Tempesta di Vento",
                    "text": "Volare\nLe altre creature con volare che controlli prendono +1/+0.",
                    "type": "Creatura — Draghetto"
                    "flavorText": "秋の渡りに備える時期になると、ドレイクはとりわけ食欲旺盛になり、日の出から日暮れまで街の大通りで獲物を狙っている。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458499,
                    "name": "暴風のドレイク",
                    "text": "飛行\nあなたがコントロールしていて飛行を持つ他のクリーチャーは+1/+0の修整を受ける。",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ドレイク"
                    "flavorText": "드레이크들은 가을이 되면 이주를 준비하기 위해 게걸스러워지며, 새벽부터 황혼까지 도시의 통로들을 누비면서 사냥을 한다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458758,
                    "name": "바람폭풍 드레이크",
                    "text": "비행\n당신이 조종하는 비행을 가진 다른 생물들은 +1/+0을 받는다.",
                    "type": "생물 — 드레이크"
                    "flavorText": "Os dragonetes tornam-se especialmente vorazes quando se preparam para a migração outonal, caçando nas alamedas da cidade do nascer ao pôr do sol.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459017,
                    "name": "Dragonete do Vendaval",
                    "text": "Voar\nAs outras criaturas que você controla com voar recebem +1/+0.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Dragonete"
                    "flavorText": "Дрейки становятся особенно прожорливы, когда готовятся к осенней миграции. От заката до рассвета они охотятся на центральных улицах города.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459276,
                    "name": "Дрейк Штормового Ветра",
                    "text": "Полет\nДругие существа с Полетом под вашим контролем получают +1/+0.",
                    "type": "Существо — Дрейк"
                    "flavorText": "龙兽在为秋季迁徙作储备时,食欲会变得非常旺盛,从早到晚都能见到它们飞翔在街道上空攻击行人。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459535,
                    "name": "疾风龙兽",
                    "text": "飞行\n由你操控且具飞行异能的其他生物得+1/+0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~龙兽"
                    "flavorText": "龍獸在為秋季遷徙作儲備時,食慾會變得非常旺盛,從早到晚都能見到牠們飛翔在街道上空攻擊行人。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459794,
                    "name": "疾風龍獸",
                    "text": "飛行\n由你操控且具飛行異能的其他生物得+1/+0。",
                    "type": "生物 ~龍獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "frontier": "Legal",
                "future": "Legal",
                "legacy": "Legal",
                "modern": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{4}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457204,
            "name": "Windstorm Drake",
            "number": "60",
            "originalText": "Flying\nOther creatures you control with flying get +1/+0.",
            "originalType": "Creature — Drake",
            "power": "3",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [],
            "scryfallId": "120aa3b3-d358-4df3-be39-9b7ce926673a",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "a4e632a5-8543-4a46-a681-347c27e66545",
            "scryfallOracleId": "16977ebd-6384-4c28-b9c3-448563a07807",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183228,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Flying\nOther creatures you control with flying get +1/+0.",
            "toughness": "3",
            "type": "Creature — Drake",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "a74d3f8d-f69e-55d0-b823-3b88967d2419",
            "uuidV421": "3caadd61-e738-5584-a839-92609028c09d"
            "artist": "Izzy",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
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            "convertedManaCost": 7.0,
            "flavorText": "\"The best construction makes the most satisfying destruction.\"\n—Domri Rade",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "„Die stabilsten Bauwerke machen beim Zerstören am meisten Spaß.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457553,
                    "name": "Abrissbestie",
                    "text": "Aufruhr (Du bestimmst, ob diese Kreatur mit einer +1/+1-Marke oder mit Eile ins Spiel kommt.)\nVerursacht Trampelschaden",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Bestie"
                    "flavorText": "\"Las destrucciones más satisfactorias siempre son las de las mejores construcciones\".\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457812,
                    "name": "Bestia destrozadora",
                    "text": "Insurgencia. (Esta criatura entra al campo de batalla con lo que elijas: un contador +1/+1 o la habilidad de prisa.)\nArrolla.",
                    "type": "Criatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "« Les meilleures constructions rendent la destruction encore plus agréable. »\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458071,
                    "name": "Bête ravageuse",
                    "text": "Émeute (Cette créature arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, selon votre choix, un marqueur +1/+1 ou la célérité.)\nPiétinement",
                    "type": "Créature : bête"
                    "flavorText": "\"Le migliori costruzioni danno vita alle più appaganti distruzioni.\"\n—Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458330,
                    "name": "Bestia Demolitrice",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Questa creatura entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 o rapidità a tua scelta.)\nTravolgere",
                    "type": "Creatura — Bestia"
                    "flavorText": "「最高の建築が最高に満たされる破壊を産む。」\n――ドムリ・ラーデ",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458589,
                    "name": "破壊獣",
                    "text": "暴動(このクリーチャーは+1/+1カウンター1個か速攻のうちあなたが選んだ1つを持った状態で戦場に出る。)\nトランプル",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ビースト"
                    "flavorText": "\"최고의 건축물은 가장 만족스러운 파괴를 이끌어낸다.\"\n—돔리 라데",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458848,
                    "name": "파괴하는 야수",
                    "text": "폭동 (이 생물은 당신의 선택에 따라 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 또는 신속을 가지고 전장에 들어온다.)\n돌진",
                    "type": "생물 — 야수"
                    "flavorText": "\"A melhor construção proporciona a destruição mais satisfatória.\"\n— Domri Rade",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459107,
                    "name": "Fera Demolidora",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Esta criatura entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 ou ímpeto, à sua escolha.)\nAtropelar",
                    "type": "Criatura — Besta"
                    "flavorText": "«Лучшие здания и разрушать приятнее».\n— Домри Раде",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459366,
                    "name": "Зверь-Крушитель",
                    "text": "Беспорядки (Это существо выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 или Ускорением, по вашему выбору.)\nПробивной удар",
                    "type": "Существо — Зверь"
                    "flavorText": "「最优秀的建筑成就最赏心悦目的破坏。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459625,
                    "name": "毁坏巨兽",
                    "text": "起事(于此生物进战场时,你选择「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」异能。它进战场时上面有所选加成。)\n践踏",
                    "type": "生物 ~野兽"
                    "flavorText": "「最優秀的建築成就最賞心悅目的破壞。」\n~多密雷德",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459884,
                    "name": "毀壞巨獸",
                    "text": "起事(於此生物進戰場時,你選擇「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」異能。它進戰場時上面有所選加成。)\n踐踏",
                    "type": "生物 ~野獸"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
            "hasNonFoil": true,
            "layout": "normal",
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                "commander": "Legal",
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                "vintage": "Legal"
            "manaCost": "{5}{G}{G}",
            "multiverseId": 457294,
            "name": "Wrecking Beast",
            "number": "150",
            "originalText": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nTrample",
            "originalType": "Creature — Beast",
            "power": "6",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "common",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
            "scryfallId": "74e6f7be-4493-4081-ac67-d782ab2b3723",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "32d7a62d-572c-4222-92b2-47a0a19791a8",
            "scryfallOracleId": "181a7b5a-3794-46ae-b6ff-48849ee1470f",
            "subtypes": [
            "supertypes": [],
            "tcgplayerProductId": 183442,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)\nTrample",
            "toughness": "6",
            "type": "Creature — Beast",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "4ae1eb59-2ffa-51df-95ae-da27199e7bd6",
            "uuidV421": "c3375d3a-d180-59d0-8a32-a2522ac72572",
            "watermark": "gruul"
            "artist": "Slawomir Maniak",
            "borderColor": "black",
            "colorIdentity": [
            "colors": [
            "convertedManaCost": 4.0,
            "foreignData": [
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457617,
                    "name": "Zegana, Utopia-Sprecherin",
                    "text": "Wenn Zegana, Utopia-Sprecherin, ins Spiel kommt und falls du eine andere Kreatur kontrollierst, auf der mindestens eine +1/+1-Marke liegt, ziehe eine Karte.\n{4}{G}{U}: Adaptieren 4. (Falls keine +1/+1-Marken auf dieser Kreatur liegen, lege vier +1/+1-Marken auf sie.)\nJede Kreatur, die du kontrollierst und auf der mindestens eine +1/+1-Marke liegt, verursacht Trampelschaden.",
                    "type": "Legendäre Kreatur — Meervolk, Zauberer"
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457876,
                    "name": "Zegana, portavoz utópica",
                    "text": "Cuando Zegana, portavoz utópica entre al campo de batalla, si controlas otra criatura con un contador +1/+1 sobre ella, roba una carta.\n{4}{G}{U}: Adaptar 4. (Si esta criatura no tiene contadores +1/+1 sobre ella, pon cuatro contadores +1/+1 sobre ella.)\nCada criatura que controlas con un contador +1/+1 sobre ella tiene la habilidad de arrollar.",
                    "type": "Criatura legendaria — Hechicero tritón"
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458135,
                    "name": "Zegana, oratrice utopiste",
                    "text": "Quand Zegana, oratrice utopiste arrive sur le champ de bataille, si vous contrôlez une autre créature avec un marqueur +1/+1 sur elle, piochez une carte.\n{4}{G}{U} : Adaptez 4. (Si cette créature n'a pas de marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle, mettez quatre marqueurs +1/+1 sur elle.)\nChaque créature que vous contrôlez avec un marqueur +1/+1 sur elle a le piétinement.",
                    "type": "Créature légendaire : ondin et sorcier"
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458394,
                    "name": "Zegana, Voce degli Utopisti",
                    "text": "Quando Zegana, Voce degli Utopisti entra nel campo di battaglia, se controlli un'altra creatura con un segnalino +1/+1, pesca una carta.\n{4}{G}{U}: Adattamento 4. (Se questa creatura non ha segnalini +1/+1, metti quattro segnalini +1/+1 su di essa.)\nOgni creatura con un segnalino +1/+1 che controlli ha travolgere.",
                    "type": "Creatura Leggendaria — Mago Tritone"
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458653,
                    "name": "楽園党の議長、ゼガーナ",
                    "text": "楽園党の議長、ゼガーナが戦場に出たとき、あなたが+1/+1カウンターが置かれた他のクリーチャーをコントロールしている場合、カードを1枚引く。\n{4}{G}{U}:順応4を行う。(このクリーチャーの上に+1/+1カウンターが置かれていないなら、これの上に+1/+1カウンターを4個置く。)\nあなたがコントロールしていて+1/+1カウンターが置かれている各クリーチャーはそれぞれトランプルを持つ。",
                    "type": "伝説のクリーチャー — マーフォーク・ウィザード"
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458912,
                    "name": "유토피아의 대변인, 제가나",
                    "text": "유토피아의 대변인, 제가나가 전장에 들어올 때, 당신이 +1/+1 카운터를 가진 다른 생물을 조종하고 있다면, 카드 한 장을 뽑는다.\n{4}{G}{U}: 적응 4를 한다. (이 생물이 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않다면, 이 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 네 개를 올려놓는다.)\n당신이 조종하는 생물 중 +1/+1 카운터를 가진 각 생물은 돌진을 가진다.",
                    "type": "전설적 생물 — 인어 마법사"
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459171,
                    "name": "Zegana, Oradora dos Utopianos",
                    "text": "Quando Zegana, Oradora dos Utopianos, entrar no campo de batalha, se você controlar uma outra criatura com um marcador +1/+1, compre um card.\n{4}{G}{U}: Adaptar 4. (Se esta criatura não tiver marcadores +1/+1, coloque quatro marcadores +1/+1 nela.)\nCada criatura que você controla com um marcador +1/+1 tem atropelar.",
                    "type": "Criatura Lendária — Tritão Mago"
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459430,
                    "name": "Зегана, Утопийский Оратор",
                    "text": "Когда Зегана, Утопийский Оратор выходит на поле битвы, возьмите карту, если вы контролируете другое существо с жетоном +1/+1 на нем.\n{4}{G}{U}: адаптируйте 4. (Если на этом существе нет жетонов +1/+1, положите на него четыре жетона +1/+1.)\nКаждое существо под вашим контролем, на котором есть жетон +1/+1, имеет Пробивной удар.",
                    "type": "Легендарное Существо — Мерфолк Чародей"
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459689,
                    "name": "理想境议员洁加娜",
                    "text": "当理想境议员洁加娜进战场时,若你操控另一个其上有+1/+1指示物的生物,则抓一张牌。\n{4}{G}{U}:演化4。(如果此生物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置四个+1/+1指示物。)\n每个由你操控且其上有+1/+1指示物的生物都具有践踏异能。",
                    "type": "传奇生物 ~人鱼/法术师"
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459948,
                    "name": "理想境議員潔加娜",
                    "text": "當理想境議員潔加娜進戰場時,若你操控另一個其上有+1/+1指示物的生物,則抽一張牌。\n{4}{G}{U}:演化4。(如果此生物上沒有+1/+1指示物,則在其上放置四個+1/+1指示物。)\n每個由你操控且其上有+1/+1指示物的生物均具有踐踏異能。",
                    "type": "傳奇生物 ~人魚/魔法師"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
            "hasFoil": true,
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            "layout": "normal",
            "legalities": {
                "commander": "Legal",
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            "manaCost": "{2}{G}{U}",
            "multiverseId": 457358,
            "name": "Zegana, Utopian Speaker",
            "number": "214",
            "originalText": "When Zegana, Utopian Speaker enters the battlefield, if you control another creature with a +1/+1 counter on it, draw a card.\n{4}{G}{U}: Adapt 4. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put four +1/+1 counters on it.)\nEach creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it has trample.",
            "originalType": "Legendary Creature — Merfolk Wizard",
            "power": "4",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "rare",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "You can always activate an ability that will cause a creature to adapt. As that ability resolves, if the creature has a +1/+1 counter on it for any reason, you simply won’t put any +1/+1 counters on it."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature somehow loses all of its +1/+1 counters, it can adapt again and get more +1/+1 counters."
            "scryfallId": "dd199a48-5ac8-4ab9-a33c-bbce6f7c9d1b",
            "scryfallIllustrationId": "e3672008-a01a-4c5a-945a-2b10cfc0dc93",
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 182214,
            "tcgplayerPurchaseUrl": "",
            "text": "When Zegana, Utopian Speaker enters the battlefield, if you control another creature with a +1/+1 counter on it, draw a card.\n{4}{G}{U}: Adapt 4. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put four +1/+1 counters on it.)\nEach creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it has trample.",
            "toughness": "4",
            "type": "Legendary Creature — Merfolk Wizard",
            "types": [
            "uuid": "7b5f6460-2fd4-5f6f-9c87-05aba9605083",
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            "convertedManaCost": 2.0,
            "flavorText": "Among the Zhur-Taa Clan, goblins are the first to enter battlefury. When the battle is over, the survivors are still frothing at the mouth, looking for someone to hit.",
            "foreignData": [
                    "flavorText": "Innerhalb des Zhur-Taa-Clans sind die Goblins die ersten, die dem Kampfrausch verfallen. Nach der Schlacht suchen die Überlebenden mit schäumenden Mäulern weiter nach Gegnern zum Verprügeln.",
                    "language": "German",
                    "multiverseId": 457618,
                    "name": "Zhur-Taa-Goblin",
                    "text": "Aufruhr (Du bestimmst, ob diese Kreatur mit einer +1/+1-Marke oder mit Eile ins Spiel kommt.)",
                    "type": "Kreatur — Goblin, Berserker"
                    "flavorText": "En el clan Zhur-Taa, los trasgos son los que más se dejan llevar por la furia de batalla. Cuando la lucha termina, los supervivientes aún echan espuma por la boca y buscan alguien a quien golpear.",
                    "language": "Spanish",
                    "multiverseId": 457877,
                    "name": "Trasgo Zhur-Taa",
                    "text": "Insurgencia. (Esta criatura entra al campo de batalla con lo que elijas: un contador +1/+1 o la habilidad de prisa.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Berserker trasgo"
                    "flavorText": "Les gobelins du clan Zhur-Taa sont les premiers à être pris de la frénésie du combat. À la fin de la bataille, les survivants ont encore l'écume aux lèvres, et cherchent quelqu'un à frapper.",
                    "language": "French",
                    "multiverseId": 458136,
                    "name": "Gobelin de Zhur-Taa",
                    "text": "Émeute (Cette créature arrive sur le champ de bataille avec, selon votre choix, un marqueur +1/+1 ou la célérité.)",
                    "type": "Créature : gobelin et berserker"
                    "flavorText": "Nel clan Zhur-Taa, i goblin sono i primi a essere colti dalla frenesia della battaglia. Al termine del combattimento, i superstiti schiumano ancora per la furia, in cerca di qualcuno da colpire.",
                    "language": "Italian",
                    "multiverseId": 458395,
                    "name": "Goblin del Clan Zhur-Taa",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Questa creatura entra nel campo di battaglia con un segnalino +1/+1 o rapidità a tua scelta.)",
                    "type": "Creatura — Berserker Goblin"
                    "flavorText": "ザル=ター族の中では、ゴブリンが誰より先に闘争心を燃やす。戦いが終わっても、生き残ったゴブリンたちはまだ怒りに燃えながら殴る相手を探している。",
                    "language": "Japanese",
                    "multiverseId": 458654,
                    "name": "ザル=ターのゴブリン",
                    "text": "暴動(このクリーチャーは+1/+1カウンター1個か速攻のうちあなたが選んだ1つを持った状態で戦場に出る。)",
                    "type": "クリーチャー — ゴブリン・狂戦士"
                    "flavorText": "주르-타아 부족에서는 고블린들이 처음으로 전투분노에 들어간다. 전투가 끝나고 나서도, 살아남은 고블린들은 여전히 입에 거품을 물고 공격할 자들을 찾아다닌다.",
                    "language": "Korean",
                    "multiverseId": 458913,
                    "name": "주르-타아 부족 고블린",
                    "text": "폭동 (이 생물은 당신의 선택에 따라 +1/+1 카운터 한 개 또는 신속을 가지고 전장에 들어온다.)",
                    "type": "생물 — 고블린 광전사"
                    "flavorText": "No Clã Zhur-Taa, os goblins são os primeiros a entrar em fúria de batalha. Quando a batalha termina, os sobreviventes ainda estão espumando pela boca, procurando alguém em quem bater.",
                    "language": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
                    "multiverseId": 459172,
                    "name": "Goblin Zhur-Taa",
                    "text": "Tumulto (Esta criatura entra no campo de batalha com um marcador +1/+1 ou ímpeto, à sua escolha.)",
                    "type": "Criatura — Goblin Amoque"
                    "flavorText": "В клане Зур-Таа гоблины первыми впадают в боевое бешенство. Даже когда битва уже закончена, у выживших идет пена изо рта, и они ищут, кого бы еще треснуть.",
                    "language": "Russian",
                    "multiverseId": 459431,
                    "name": "Гоблин из Зур-Таа",
                    "text": "Беспорядки (Это существо выходит на поле битвы с одним жетоном +1/+1 или Ускорением, по вашему выбору.)",
                    "type": "Существо — Гоблин Берсерк"
                    "flavorText": "在筑塔族中,鬼怪总是先人一步进入战怒状态。战斗结束后,幸存者依然满腔怒火,想要敲人。",
                    "language": "Chinese Simplified",
                    "multiverseId": 459690,
                    "name": "筑塔族鬼怪",
                    "text": "起事(于此生物进战场时,你选择「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」异能。它进战场时上面有所选加成。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/狂战士"
                    "flavorText": "在筑塔族中,鬼怪總是先人一步進入戰怒狀態。戰鬥結束後,倖存者依然滿腔怒火,想要敲人。",
                    "language": "Chinese Traditional",
                    "multiverseId": 459949,
                    "name": "筑塔族鬼怪",
                    "text": "起事(於此生物進戰場時,你選擇「+1/+1指示物」或「敏捷」異能。它進戰場時上面有所選加成。)",
                    "type": "生物 ~鬼怪/狂戰士"
            "frameVersion": "2015",
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            "manaCost": "{R}{G}",
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            "name": "Zhur-Taa Goblin",
            "number": "215",
            "originalText": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)",
            "originalType": "Creature — Goblin Berserker",
            "power": "2",
            "printings": [
            "rarity": "uncommon",
            "rulings": [
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "Riot is a replacement effect. Players can’t respond to your choice of +1/+1 counter or haste, and they can’t take actions while the creature is on the battlefield without one or the other."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If a creature entering the battlefield has riot but can’t have a +1/+1 counter put onto it, it gains haste."
                    "date": "2019-01-25",
                    "text": "If you choose for the creature to gain haste, it gains haste indefinitely. It won’t lose it as the turn ends or as another player gains control of it."
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            "tcgplayerProductId": 183030,
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            "text": "Riot (This creature enters the battlefield with your choice of a +1/+1 counter or haste.)",
            "toughness": "2",
            "type": "Creature — Goblin Berserker",
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