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const ajaniInspiringLeader = {
  id: 'id1',
  artist: "Yongjae Choi",
  borderColor: "black",
  colorIdentities: [
  colors: [
  convertedManaCost: 6,
  count: 1,
  edhrecRank: 12303,
  foreignData: [
      language: "German",
      multiverseId: 469898,
      name: "Ajani, inspirierender Anführer",
      text: "+2: Du erhältst 2 Lebenspunkte dazu. Lege zwei +1/+1-Marken auf bis zu eine Kreatur deiner Wahl. −3: Schicke eine Kreatur deiner Wahl ins Exil. Ihr Beherrscher erhält 2 Lebenspunkte dazu. —10: Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, erhalten Flugfähigkeit und Doppelschlag bis zum Ende des Zuges.",
      type: "Legendärer Planeswalker — Ajani"
      language: "Spanish",
      multiverseId: 469961,
      name: "Ajani, líder inspirador",
      text: "+2: Ganas 2 vidas. Pon dos contadores +1/+1 sobre hasta una criatura objetivo. −3: Exilia la criatura objetivo. Su controlador gana 2 vidas. −10: Las criaturas que controlas ganan las habilidades de volar y dañar dos veces hasta el final del turno.",
      type: "Planeswalker legendario — Ajani"
      language: "French",
      multiverseId: 470024,
      name: "Ajani, chef inspirateur",
      text: "+2 : Vous gagnez 2 points de vie. Mettez deux marqueurs +1/+1 sur jusqu'à une créature ciblée. -3 : Exilez une créature ciblée. Son contrôleur gagne 2 points de vie. -10 : Les créatures que vous contrôlez acquièrent le vol et la double initiative jusqu'à la fin du tour.",
      type: "Planeswalker légendaire : Ajani"
      language: "Italian",
      multiverseId: 470087,
      name: "Ajani, Condottiero Ispiratore",
      text: "+2: Guadagni 2 punti vita. Scegli fino a una creatura bersaglio. Metti due segnalini +1/+1 su di essa. -3: Esilia una creatura bersaglio. Il suo controllore guadagna 2 punti vita. -10: Le creature che controlli hanno volare e doppio attacco fino alla fine del turno.",
      type: "Planeswalker Leggendario — Ajani"
      language: "Japanese",
      multiverseId: 470150,
      name: "鼓舞する指導者、アジャニ",
      text: "+2:クリーチャー最大1体を対象とする。あなたは2点のライフを得る。それの上に+1/+1カウンターを2個置く。 -3:クリーチャー1体を対象とし、それを追放する。それのコントローラーは2点のライフを得る。 -10:ターン終了時まで、あなたがコントロールしているクリーチャーは飛行と二段攻撃を得る。",
      type: "伝説のプレインズウォーカー — アジャニ"
      language: "Korean",
      multiverseId: 470213,
      name: "영감을 주는 지도자, 아자니",
      text: "+2: 당신은 생명 2점을 얻는다. 최대 한 개까지의 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물에 +1/+1 카운터 두 개를 올려놓는다. −3: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 그 생물을 추방한다. 그 생물의 조종자는 생명 2점을 얻는다. -10: 당신이 조종하는 생물들은 턴종료까지 비행과 이단공격을 얻는다.",
      type: "전설적 플레인즈워커 — 아자니"
      language: "Portuguese (Brazil)",
      multiverseId: 470276,
      name: "Ajani, Líder Inspirador",
      text: "+2: Você ganha 2 pontos de vida. Coloque dois marcadores +1/+1 em até uma criatura alvo. −3: Exile a criatura alvo. Seu controlador ganha 2 pontos de vida. −10: As criaturas que você controla ganham voar e golpe duplo até o final do turno.",
      type: "Planeswalker Lendário — Ajani"
      language: "Russian",
      multiverseId: 470339,
      name: "Аджани, Вдохновляющий Вождь",
      text: "+2: вы получаете 2 жизни. Положите два жетона +1/+1 на не более чем одно целевое существо. —3: изгоните целевое существо. Контролирующий его игрок получает 2 жизни. —10: существа под вашим контролем получают Полет и Двойной удар до конца хода.",
      type: "Легендарный Planeswalker — Аджани"
      language: "Chinese Simplified",
      multiverseId: 470402,
      name: "励志领袖阿耶尼",
      text: "+2:你获得2点生命。在至多一个目标生物上放置两个+1/+1指示物。 −3:放逐目标生物。其操控者获得2点生命。 −10:由你操控的生物获得飞行与连击异能直到回合结束。",
      type: "传奇鹏洛客 ~阿耶尼"
      language: "Chinese Traditional",
      multiverseId: 470465,
      name: "勵志領袖阿耶尼",
      text: "+2:你獲得2點生命。在至多一個目標生物上放置兩個+1/+1指示物。 −3:放逐目標生物。其操控者獲得2點生命。 -10:由你操控的生物獲得飛行與連擊異能直到回合結束。",
      type: "傳奇鵬洛客 ~阿耶尼"
  frameVersion: "2015",
  hasFoil: true,
  hasNonFoil: false,
  isArena: true,
  isFoil: true,
  isMtgo: true,
  isPaper: true,
  isStarter: true,
  layout: "NORMAL",
  leadershipSkills: {
    brawl: false,
    commander: false,
    oathbreaker: true
  legalities: {
    brawl: "Legal",
    commander: "Legal",
    duel: "Legal",
    future: "Legal",
    historic: "Legal",
    legacy: "Legal",
    modern: "Legal",
    pioneer: "Legal",
    standard: "Legal",
    vintage: "Legal"
  loyalty: "5",
  manaCost: "{4}{W}{W}",
  mtgArenaId: 70066,
  mtgoId: 73481,
  mtgstocksId: 49050,
  multiverseId: 469835,
  name: "Ajani, Inspiring Leader",
  number: "282",
  originalText: "+2: You gain 2 life. Put two +1/+1 counters on up to one target creature. −3: Exile target creature. Its controller gains 2 life. −10: Creatures you control gain flying and double strike until end of turn.",
  originalType: "Legendary Planeswalker — Ajani",
printings: [
  purchaseUrls: {
  mtgstocks: "",
    tcgplayer: ""
rarity: "MYTHIC",
  rulings: [
    date: "2019-07-12",
    text: "You may activate Ajani’s first ability without choosing any target. If you do, you will gain 2 life. However, if you do choose a target and the target creature is an illegal target by the time the ability tries to resolve, the ability doesn’t resolve. You won’t gain 2 life."
    date: "2019-07-12",
    text: "If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Ajani’s second ability tries to resolve, the ability doesn’t resolve. No player will gain life."
    date: "2019-07-12",
    text: "Ajani’s last ability affects only creatures you control at the time it resolves. Creatures you begin to control later in the turn won’t gain flying or double strike."
  scryfallId: "dba41e5f-66b8-4459-8a07-bbe893216f1e",
  scryfallIllustrationId: "d83c6985-6c7c-472e-89bf-b72ce0a75b73",
  scryfallOracleId: "15474e82-94b4-47e1-b91c-3deaf4dbffd6",
  subtypes: [
  supertypes: [
  tcgplayerProductId: 192695,
  text: "+2: You gain 2 life. Put two +1/+1 counters on up to one target creature.\n −3: Exile target creature. Its controller gains 2 life.\n −10: Creatures you control gain flying and double strike until end of turn.",
  type: "Legendary Planeswalker — Ajani",
  types: [
  uuid: "3b4a4a04-43f5-5e80-a107-c0495c20931b"

module.exports = {