<dt class=<%= mobile? ? "mobile-invitation-content" : "desktop-invitation-content" %>>
<%= check_box_tag 'invitations_enabled',true, (@assignment.nil? ? @group_assignment.invitations_enabled : @assignment.invitations_enabled),
onchange: "$(this).data('params', 'invitations_enabled=' + this.checked);showLoadingIndicator(true);showCheckmark(false);",
data: {
remote: true,
url: url_for(action: :toggle_invitations, id: (@assignment.nil? ? @group_assignment.slug : @assignment.slug)),
method: "POST"
} %>
<label class="pl-1">Enable assignment invitation URL <span class="tooltipped tooltipped-no-delay tooltipped-n tooltipped-multiline d-inline-block pl-1" style="bottom: 3px" aria-label="While enabled, students will be able to accept and access this assignment. When you no longer want anyone to access this assignment, uncheck to deactivate the invitation link."><%= octicon 'info' %></span></label>
<span class="text-green"><%= octicon 'check', height: 16, id: "checkmark", style: "display: none; padding-bottom: 3px;" %></span>
<%= image_tag 'octocat-spinner-128.gif', width: 13, height: 13, class: 'spinner', id: "loading-indicator", style: "display:none" %>
<div class="input-group input-block pt-2">
<%= render partial: "shared/invitations/clipboard_form", locals: local_assigns %>
<p class="note pt-1 mb-4">
<%= t('views.shared.share_invite_url') %>