<div class="remodal text-left" data-remodal-id="impersonate-user">
<button data-remodal-action="close" class="remodal-close"><%= octicon 'x' %></button>
<h2 class="remodal-header">Are you ABSOLUTELY sure?</h2>
<div class="remodal-warning">
Please make sure you really want to do this.
<div class="remodal-description">
All actions that you perform on behalf of the user will affect their experience.
<strong>Please use caution when impersonating another user.</strong>
<%= form_tag impersonate_stafftools_user_path(, 'data-name' => user.github_user.login do %>
<dl class="form js-normalize-submit">
<dt>Please type the user's GitHub login <strong>(<%= user.github_user.login %>)</strong> to confirm</dt>
<dd><input type="text" class="js-input-block form-control"></dd>
<%= submit_tag "Impersonate @#{user.github_user.login}", class: 'btn btn-block btn-danger js-submit', disabled: true %>
<% end %>