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Test Coverage
package bussard

import (

type (
    // ServiceContainer is a wrapper around services indexed by a unique
    // name. Services can be retrieved by name, or injected into a struct
    // by reading tagged fields.
    ServiceContainer interface {
        // Get retrieves the service registered to the given key. It is an
        // error for a service not to be registered to this key.
        Get(key string) (interface{}, error)

        // MustGet calls Get and panics on error.
        MustGet(service string) interface{}

        // Set registers a service with the given key. It is an error for
        // a service to already be registered to this key.
        Set(key string, service interface{}) error

        // MustSet calls Set and panics on error.
        MustSet(service string, value interface{})

        // Inject will attempt to populate the given type with values from
        // the service container based on the value's struct tags. An error
        // may occur if a service has not been registered, a service has a
        // different type than expected, or struct tags are malformed.
        Inject(obj interface{}) error

    // PostInject is a marker interface for injectable objects which should
    // perform some action after injection of services.
    PostInject interface {
        PostInject() error

    serviceContainer struct {
        services map[string]interface{}

const (
    serviceTag  = "service"
    optionalTag = "optional"

// NewServiceContainer creates an empty service container.
func NewServiceContainer() ServiceContainer {
    return &serviceContainer{
        services: map[string]interface{}{},

// Get retrieves the service registered to the given key. It is an
// error for a service not to be registered to this key.
func (c *serviceContainer) Get(key string) (interface{}, error) {
    service, ok := c.services[key]
    if !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("no service registered to key `%s`", key)

    return service, nil

// MustGet calls Get and panics on error.
func (c *serviceContainer) MustGet(service string) interface{} {
    value, err := c.Get(service)
    if err != nil {

    return value

// Set registers a service with the given key. It is an error for
// a service to already be registered to this key.
func (c *serviceContainer) Set(key string, service interface{}) error {
    if _, ok := c.services[key]; ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("duplicate service key `%s`", key)

    c.services[key] = service
    return nil

// MustSet calls Set and panics on error.
func (c *serviceContainer) MustSet(service string, value interface{}) {
    if err := c.Set(service, value); err != nil {

// Inject will attempt to populate the given type with values from
// the service container based on the value's struct tags. An error
// may occur if a service has not been registered, a service has a
// different type than expected, or struct tags are malformed.
func (c *serviceContainer) Inject(obj interface{}) error {
    _, err := c.inject(obj, nil, nil)
    return err

func (c *serviceContainer) inject(obj interface{}, root *reflect.Value, baseIndexPath []int) (bool, error) {
    var (
        ov = reflect.ValueOf(obj)
        oi = reflect.Indirect(ov)
        ot = oi.Type()

    if root == nil {
        root = &oi

    if oi.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
        return false, nil

    hasTag := false
    for i := 0; i < ot.NumField(); i++ {
        indexPath := make([]int, len(baseIndexPath))
        copy(indexPath, baseIndexPath)
        indexPath = append(indexPath, i)

        var (
            fieldType   = ot.Field(i)
            fieldValue  = (*root).FieldByIndex(indexPath)
            serviceTag  = fieldType.Tag.Get(serviceTag)
            optionalTag = fieldType.Tag.Get(optionalTag)

        if fieldType.Anonymous {
            wasZeroValue := false
            if !reflect.Indirect(fieldValue).IsValid() {
                initializedValue := reflect.New(fieldType.Type.Elem())
                fieldValue = initializedValue
                wasZeroValue = true

            anonymousFieldHasTag, err := c.inject(fieldValue.Interface(), root, indexPath)
            if err != nil {
                return false, err

            if anonymousFieldHasTag {
                hasTag = true
            } else if wasZeroValue {
                zeroValue := reflect.Zero(fieldType.Type)
                fieldValue = (*root).FieldByIndex(indexPath)


        if serviceTag == "" {

        hasTag = true

        if err := loadServiceField(c, fieldType, fieldValue, serviceTag, optionalTag); err != nil {
            return false, err

    if pi, ok := obj.(PostInject); ok {
        if err := pi.PostInject(); err != nil {
            return false, err

    return hasTag, nil

func loadServiceField(container *serviceContainer, fieldType reflect.StructField, fieldValue reflect.Value, serviceTag, optionalTag string) error {
    if !fieldValue.IsValid() {
        return fmt.Errorf("field '%s' is invalid", fieldType.Name)

    if !fieldValue.CanSet() {
        return fmt.Errorf("field '%s' can not be set - it may be unexported", fieldType.Name)

    value, err := container.Get(serviceTag)
    if err != nil {
        if optionalTag != "" {
            val, err := strconv.ParseBool(optionalTag)
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("field '%s' has an invalid optional tag", fieldType.Name)

            if val {
                return nil

        return err

    var (
        targetType  = fieldValue.Type()
        targetValue = reflect.ValueOf(value)

    if !targetValue.IsValid() || !targetValue.Type().ConvertibleTo(targetType) {
        return fmt.Errorf(
            "field '%s' cannot be assigned a value of type %s",

    return nil

func getTypeName(v interface{}) string {
    if v == nil {
        return "nil"

    return reflect.TypeOf(v).String()