

25 mins
Test Coverage
import sortByProperty from './sortByProperty'
import isObject from '~/is/isObject'
import isString from '~/is/isString'
import select from '~/object/select'
import clone from '~/core/clone'
import pathToObject from '~/object/pathToObject'

 * Sort object-like items into array
 * @param {object|array} obj
 * @param {string} property
 * @param {boolean} asc
 * @param {boolean} ignoreCase
 * @return {(function(*, *): number)|*}
 * @example 1 array-sorting with digit keys
 *  const items = [
 *       { id: 2, title: '...', pId: 62 },
 *       { id: 1, title: '...', pId: 43 }
 *  ]
 *  sortObjectsInArrayByProperty(items, `id`)
 *  sortObjectsInArrayByProperty(items, `pId`, false) // is equal `sortDescObjectsInArrayByProperty(items, `pId`)`
 *  sortObjectsInArrayByProperty(items, `pId`, false, false) is equal `sortDescObjectsInArrayByProperty(items, `pId`, false)`
 * @example 2: array-sorting with string keys
 *  const items = [
 *      { type: 'vcs', url: 'ssh://' },
 *      { type: 'vcs', url: 'ssh://' },
 *  ]
 *  sortObjectsInArrayByProperty(items, `url`)
 * @example 3: object-like-sorting with string keys
 *  const items = {
 *    name: 'list',
 *    sub1: {
 *       sub2: {
 *        sub3: {
 *          repositories: [
 *            { type: 'vcs', url: 'ssh://' },
 *            { type: 'vcs', url: 'ssh://' },
 *          ]
 *        }
 *      }
 *    }
 *  };
 *  sortObjectsInArrayByProperty(items, `sub1.sub2.sub3.repositories.url`)
export default function sortObjectsInArrayByProperty(
  obj: Record<PropertyKey, any>,
  property: string,
  asc: boolean = true,
  ignoreCase: boolean = true
): Record<PropertyKey, any> {
  if (!isString(property)) {
    throw new Error(`key should be a String`)

  if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
    return obj.sort(sortByProperty(property, asc, ignoreCase))

  if (!isObject(obj)) {
    throw new Error(`obj should be an Object or an Array`)

  if (!property.includes('.')) {
    throw new Error(`key's path should divided by dot (.): key1.inner-key.localKey`)

  const cloneObj = clone(obj)

  const keys: string[] = property.split(`.`)
  const sortKey = keys.pop()
  if (!sortKey) {
    throw new Error(`Not found a key`)

  const aPath = keys.join(`.`)
  const a = select(cloneObj, aPath)

  const aSorted = sortObjectsInArrayByProperty(a, sortKey, asc, ignoreCase)

  return pathToObject(aPath, aSorted, cloneObj)

export function sortDescObjectsInArrayByProperty(
  obj: Record<PropertyKey, any>,
  property: string,
  ignoreCase: boolean = true
) {
  return sortObjectsInArrayByProperty(obj, property, false, ignoreCase)