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Test Coverage
# PHP Support

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## Install

For php >= 8.1 (8.1, 8.2)

composer require efureev/support "^4.19"

For php >= 7.4 and <=8.0

composer require efureev/support "^3.0"

For php >= 7.2 && <=7.4

composer require efureev/support "^2.0"

## Content

- Helpers
    + Array
      - collapse (^4.16.0)
      - prepend (^4.16.0)
      - accessible
      - dataToArray
      - exists
      - fromPostgresArray
      - fromPostgresPoint (^4.8.0)
      - get
      - has
      - merge
      - random (^4.25.0)
      - remove
      - removeByValue
      - replaceByTemplate
      - set
      - toArray
      - toIndexedArray
      - toPostgresArray
      - toPostgresPoint (^4.8.0)
    + String
        - removeAccents (^4.9.0)
        - removeMultiSpace
        - replaceByTemplate
        - replaceStrTo
        - seemsUTF8 (^4.9.0)
        - slugify (^4.9.0)
        - toCamel
        - toDelimited
        - toKebab
        - toLowerCamel
        - toScreamingDelimited
        - toScreamingSnake
        - toSnake
        - truncate (^4.9.0)
    + Json
        - decode
        - encode
        - htmlEncode
    + Bit
        - addFlag
        - checkFlag
        - decBinPad
        - exist
        - grant
        - removeFlag
    + B64
        - decode
        - decodeSafe
        - encode
        - encodeSafe
    + Number
        - isInteger (^4.14.0)
        - safeInt (^4.1.0)

- Global functions
    + classNamespace
    + class_basename
    + class_uses_recursive
    + dataGet (^4.16.0)
    + does_trait_use (^4.4.0)
    + eachValue (^4.15.0)
    + instance
    + isTrue
    + mapValue (^4.15.0)
    + remoteCall (^4.3.1)
    + remoteStaticCall (^4.3.1)
    + remoteStaticCallOrTrow (^4.7.0)
    + trait_uses_recursive
    + value
    + when

- Enums (^4.19.0)
    - casesToEscapeString
    - casesToString
    - hasName
    - hasValue
    - names
    - values

- Exceptions
    + ConfigException
    + Exception
    + InvalidArgumentException
    + InvalidCallException
    + InvalidConfigException
    + InvalidParamException
    + InvalidValueException
    + JsonException
    + MethodNotAllowedException
    + MissingClassException
    + MissingConfigException
    + MissingPropertyException
    + MissingMethodException (^4.7.0)
    + NotSupportedException
    + UnknownMethodException
    + UnknownPropertyException

- Interfaces
    + Arrayable
    + Command
    + Jsonable
    + Prototype

- Structures
    - Collections (^4.16.0)
      - ArrayCollections

- Traits
    + ArrayStorage
    + ArrayStorageConfigurableTrait
    + ConfigurableTrait
    + ConsolePrint
    + Maker
    + Metable
    + ReadOnlyProperties
    + Singleton
    + Thrower
    + TraitBooter
    + TraitInitializer
    + Whener

- Types
    + GeoPoint
    + Point

## Test

composer test
composer test-cover # with coverage