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# ghcr-badge: Generate container's status badge

[![1] ![2] ![3]](

[![PyPI version](
) [![ status](
) [![Maintainability](
) [![Release Package](

## Motivation


## Deployment

[![Deploy to Render]](

- <>
  - [![Website](](

- ~<>~
  - Deta Space [will be closed]( at 2024-10-17

[Deploy to Render]: <>

## Available paths

- `/<package_owner>/<package_name>/tags?color=...&ignore=...&n=...&label=...&trim=...`
  - defaults: `color=#44cc11`, `ignore=latest`, `n=3`, `label=image tags`
  - <>
  - 👉: ![1]
- `/<package_owner>/<package_name>/latest_tag?color=...&ignore=...&label=...&trim=...`
  - defaults: `color=#44cc11`, `ignore=latest`, `label=version`
  - <>
  - 👉: ![2]
- `/<package_owner>/<package_name>/size?color=...&tag=...&label=...&trim=...`
  - defaults: `color=#44cc11`, `tag=latest`, `label=image size`
  - <>
  - 👉: ![3]

## Common parameters

### `label` parameter

- `label=hello`: ![label=hello](

### `ignore` parameter

Use the ignore parameter to filter returned tags, supports pattern matching and a comma separated list.

- `ignore=latest` ignores the `latest` tag (default).
- `ignore=sha256*` ignores all tags prefixed with `sha256`.
- `ignore=v0.0.1,latest,sha256*` ignores the `latest` and `v0.0.1` tags, and all tags prefixed with `sha256*`.

### `trim` parameter

- `trim=patch` trims `^v?\d+\.\d+\.\d+[^.]*$` tags.
- `trim=major` trims `^v?\d+\.\d+[^.]*$` tags.

### `color` parameter

Available color names and hex codes are listed on [here](

## Note

Generated badge will be cached for 3666 seconds in GitHub's [Camo]( server.
To update immediately, send PURGE request to the badge Camo link.

curl -X PURGE ""

[1]: <>
[2]: <>
[3]: <>

## Development

1. Install [`poetry`](
1. Run `poetry install && poetry shell && pre-commit install`
1. Launch live server with `task dev`