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import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.egordorichev.lasttry.Globals;
import org.egordorichev.lasttry.LastTry;
import org.egordorichev.lasttry.component.Component;
import org.egordorichev.lasttry.item.block.Block;
import org.egordorichev.lasttry.util.Util;

import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;

public class WorldLightingComponent implements Component {
    public static final int MAX_LIGHT = 16;
    public static final int MOVE_TO_UPDATE = 10;
    private Point lastUpdate;
    private final World world;
    private final Map<Integer, Float> cache = new HashMap<>();

    public WorldLightingComponent(World world) { = world;

    public float get(int x, int y) {
        if (LastTry.noLight) {
            return 1f;
        // Check cache if light for the tile has been calculated already.
        int key = getKey(x, y);
        if (cache.containsKey(key)) {
            return cache.get(key);
        // Calculate light level
        float average = 0;
        int sampleRadius = 6;
        float max = MAX_LIGHT;
        float divisor = (float) (Math.pow(sampleRadius * 2, 2));
        for (int i = -sampleRadius; i < sampleRadius; i++) {
            for (int k = -sampleRadius; k < sampleRadius; k++) {
                float strength = LastTry.gammaStrength;
                Block block = world.blocks.get(x + i, y + k);
                boolean hasBlock = block != null;
                boolean canSeeSky = y >= world.getHighest(x);
                if (hasBlock) {
                    // If block emits light
                    if (block.isEmitter()) {
                        // Create strength that will cause a strong bleed effect.
                        // Dissapate with distance.
                        float dist = new Vector2(-i, -k).len();
                        if (dist <= sampleRadius - 0.125f) {
                            strength = (float) Math.pow(10000, 1.75f / dist);
                        // TODO: If "PT(x,y) <-!-> PT(x+i,y+k)" then lessen bleed effect.
                        // This will in effect create simple shadows
                         * Something like this (As is, does not work) will do a hacky ray-cast.
    public boolean check(Vector2 pt1, Vector2 pt2) {
        Vector2 vecDiff = pt1.cpy().sub(pt2.cpy()).scl(0.1f);
        Rectangle tmp = new Rectangle(pt1.x - 1, pt1.y - 1, 2,2);
        Direction initial = Direction.fromAngle(vecDiff.angle());
        boolean collision = isColliding(tmp);
        int i = 0;
        while (!collision && i < 100) {
            tmp = tmp.offset(vecDiff);
            Vector2 totalOffset = tmp.getPosition().cpy().sub(pt2.cpy());
            Direction current = Direction.fromAngle(totalOffset.angle());
            // Check if on opposite sides of compas (nearly),
            // if so has passed without being collided, so we can leave.
            if (!current.almostSame(initial)) {
            // If collision, break and return true
            // this causes a shadow-like effect to occur in WorldLightingComponent.get(x,y)
            collision = isColliding(tmp);
        return collision;
                } else {
                    if (canSeeSky) {
                        strength += strength * 0.15f;
                    } else {
                        strength += -strength * 0.15f;
                average += (world.blocks.getLight(x + i, y + k) * strength / divisor);
        // Convert light value to a [0-1] range value.
        float output = Util.clamp(LastTry.gammaMinimum + (average / max), 0, 1);
        cache.put(key, output);
        return output;


     * Update blocks only near the player. Called only when lighting near the
     * player needs to be updated.
    public void update(int dt) {
        int px = Globals.getPlayer().physics.getGridX();
        int py = Globals.getPlayer().physics.getGridY();
        lastUpdate = new Point(px, py);
        // Range in blocks to load
        int range = 45;
        for (int y = py - range; y < py + range; y++) {
            for (int x = px - range; x < px + range; x++) {
                setLight(x, y);

     * Update blocks only in the direction the player is moving. More optimized
     * than refreshing the entire area.
     * @param dt
     * @param px Player x-positon.
     * @param py Player y-positon.
    public void updateByMove(int dt, int px, int py) {
        // TODO: If performance becomes an issue, or caching proves to be a bad
        // idea, uncomment this and finish it up.
         * Vector2 diffVec = new Vector2((float) (px - lastUpdate.getX()),
         * (float) (py - lastUpdate.getY())); Direction dir =
         * Direction.fromVector(diffVec); // int xRange = dir.isHorizontal() ?
         * 45 : 20; int yRange = dir.isVertical() ? 45 : 20; // int xStart = px
         * - xRange; int xEnd = px + xRange; // int yStart = py - yRange; int
         * yEnd = py + yRange; for (int y = yStart; y < yEnd; y++) { for (int x
         * = xStart; x < xEnd; x++) { cache.remove(getKey(x, y)); setLight(x,
         * y); } } lastUpdate = new Point(px, py);

     * Clear all blocks light levels. Forces all blocks light values to be
     * re-calculated.
    public void clearCache() {

     * Set light level for the given coordinates.
     * @param x
     * @param y
    private void setLight(int x, int y) {
        boolean hasBlock = world.blocks.get(x, y) != null;
        boolean canSeeSky = y >= world.getHighest(x);
        byte light = canSeeSky ? MAX_LIGHT : (byte) (hasBlock ? world.blocks.get(x, y).getBrightness() : 0);
        world.blocks.setLight(x, y, light);
        cache.remove(getKey(x, y));

    public boolean distanceCheck(int x, int y) {
        if (lastUpdate == null) return true;
        Point temp = new Point(x, y);
        return temp.distance(lastUpdate) > MOVE_TO_UPDATE;

    private static int getKey(int x, int y) {
        return (x + y) * (x + y + 1) / 2 + x;