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import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import org.egordorichev.lasttry.Globals;
import org.egordorichev.lasttry.LastTry;
import org.egordorichev.lasttry.entity.Creature;
import org.egordorichev.lasttry.item.block.Block;
import org.egordorichev.lasttry.util.Camera;
import org.egordorichev.lasttry.util.GenericContainer;

import java.util.Optional;

 * Created by Admin on 21/04/2017.
public class GridComponent {

    private static WorldTime time;
    private static CircleAreaComponent cachedActiveAreaCircle;

    public static CircleAreaComponent retrieveActiveAreaCircle(WorldTime timeOfRequest) {
        // todo fix temp store code, as I noticed it was caching the first value
        // and never calling 'generateactiveareacircle' again
        // Logic to prevent having to recalculate active area circle every game
        // tick (one game tick = one in game second)
        // if(time==null&&cachedActiveAreaCircle==null){
        // time = timeOfRequest;
        // cachedActiveAreaCircle = generateActiveAreaCircle();
        // return cachedActiveAreaCircle;
        // }else{
        // //If time is matching we return previously created circle
        // if(SpawnUtilComponent.matchingTime(time, timeOfRequest)){
        // assert cachedActiveAreaCircle != null: "Cached active area circle
        // points to null!";
        // return cachedActiveAreaCircle;
        // }
        // time = timeOfRequest;
        // cachedActiveAreaCircle = generateActiveAreaCircle();
        // return cachedActiveAreaCircle;
        // }

        return generateActiveAreaCircle();


    private static CircleAreaComponent generateActiveAreaCircle() {

        // LastTry.debug.print("Active Area Called");

        CircleAreaComponent circleAreaComponent = new CircleAreaComponent();

        int windowWidth =;
        int windowHeight =;
        int tww = windowWidth / Block.SIZE;
        int twh = windowHeight / Block.SIZE;

        // We want to get the further most position of x on the screen, camera
        // is always in the middle so we
        // divide total window width by 2 and divide by blcok size to get grid
        // position
        int tcx = (int) ( - windowWidth / 2) / Block.SIZE;

        // TODO Change on inversion of y axis
        // We are subtracting because of the inverted y axis otherwise it would
        // be
        int tcy = (int) ( - windowHeight / 2) / Block.SIZE;

        // Checking to make sure y value is not less than 0 - World generated
        // will always start from 0,0 top left.
        circleAreaComponent.setMinYActiveAreaGridPoint(Math.max(0, tcy - 2));
        circleAreaComponent.setMaxYActiveAreaGridPoint(Math.min(Globals.getWorld().getHeight() - 1, tcy + twh + 3));

        // Checking to make y values is not less than 0
        circleAreaComponent.setMinXActiveAreaGridPoint(Math.max(0, tcx - 2));
        circleAreaComponent.setMaxXActiveAreaGridPoint(Math.min(Globals.getWorld().getWidth() - 1, tcx + tww + 2));

        // Active zone is 6 greater
        // TODO Must check that it is not out of bou
        // Spawn window width and height are approx 6 - 7 blocks bigger than
        // active area window
        final int spawnWindowWidth = windowWidth + 200;
        final int spawnWindowHeight = windowHeight + 200;
        final int gridSpawnWindowWidth = spawnWindowWidth / Block.SIZE;
        final int gridSpawnWindowHeight = spawnWindowHeight / Block.SIZE;

        final double activeAreaCircleDiameter = Math
                .sqrt((gridSpawnWindowWidth * gridSpawnWindowWidth) + (gridSpawnWindowHeight * gridSpawnWindowHeight));
        final double activeAreaCircleRadius = activeAreaCircleDiameter / 2;


        cachedActiveAreaCircle = circleAreaComponent;

        return circleAreaComponent;

    private static GenericContainer.Pair<Integer> retrieveMinMaxDistances(CircleAreaComponent enemySpawnArea) {

        int distanceOfScreenBlocksHeight = / Block.SIZE;
        int distanceOfScreenBlocksWidth = / Block.SIZE;

        // Get length of diagonal of inner active area rectangle
        final double diameterOfActiveArea = Math.sqrt((distanceOfScreenBlocksWidth * distanceOfScreenBlocksWidth)
                + (distanceOfScreenBlocksHeight * distanceOfScreenBlocksHeight));

        final double radiusOfActiveArea = diameterOfActiveArea / 2;

        assert (int) (enemySpawnArea.getCircleRadius()
                - radiusOfActiveArea) > 0 : "Enemy spawn area MUST be greater than radius of active area";

        GenericContainer.Pair<Integer> minAndMaxDists = new GenericContainer.Pair<>();
        // minAndMaxDists.set(diffBetweenActiveAreaRadiusAndSpawnAreaRadius,
        // (int)radiusOfActiveArea);
        // Enemy must spawn at least outside of the active area and at most
        // inside the spawn area
        minAndMaxDists.set((int) radiusOfActiveArea, (int) enemySpawnArea.getCircleRadius());

        return minAndMaxDists;

    public static Optional<GenericContainer.Pair<Integer>> generateEligibleEnemySpawnPoint(
            CircleAreaComponent enemySpawnArea) {

        GenericContainer.Pair<Integer> minAndMaxDists = retrieveMinMaxDistances(enemySpawnArea);

        int minimumDistance = minAndMaxDists.getFirst();
        int maximumDistance = minAndMaxDists.getSecond();

        // Randomly generate angle
        int angle = SpawnUtilComponent.generateRandomNumber(0, 360);

        // Randomly generate a distance between min and max
        int randomDistance = SpawnUtilComponent.generateRandomNumber(minimumDistance, maximumDistance);

        Optional<GenericContainer.Pair<Integer>> optionalRotatedSpawnPoints = Optional
                .of(retrieveRotatedGridPoints(randomDistance, angle));

        boolean pointInMap = false;

        // A rudimentary timer counter
        int counter = 64;

        while (!pointInMap) {
            if (counter == 0) {

                LastTry.debug.print("Unable to find suitable point to spawn enemy, counter expired");
                optionalRotatedSpawnPoints = Optional.ofNullable(null);
                return optionalRotatedSpawnPoints;

            int xSpawnPoint = optionalRotatedSpawnPoints.get().getFirst();
            int ySpawnPoint = optionalRotatedSpawnPoints.get().getSecond();

            if (SpawnUtilComponent.isPointSuitableForSpawning(xSpawnPoint, ySpawnPoint)) {
                pointInMap = true;
            } else {
                angle = SpawnUtilComponent.increaseAngle(angle, randomDistance);
                optionalRotatedSpawnPoints = Optional.of(retrieveRotatedGridPoints(randomDistance, angle));

        return optionalRotatedSpawnPoints;

    public static GenericContainer.Pair<Integer> retrieveRotatedGridPoints(int distance, int angle) {

        int playerXGridPoint = Globals.getPlayer().physics.getGridX();
        int playerYGridPoint = Globals.getPlayer().physics.getGridY();

        // Move point by distance
        // Source:
        int newXGridPoint = (int) (playerXGridPoint + distance * Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180));
        int newYGridPoint = (int) (playerYGridPoint + distance * Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180));

        GenericContainer.Pair<Integer> rotatedXyPoints = new GenericContainer.Pair<>();
        rotatedXyPoints.set(newXGridPoint, newYGridPoint);

        return rotatedXyPoints;

    public static boolean isCreatureInPlayerActiveArea(Creature creature, CircleAreaComponent area) {
        // Get block co ordinates of enemy
        int enemyBlockGridX = creature.physics.getGridX();
        int enemyBlockGridY = creature.physics.getGridY();

        boolean isEnemyInCircleSpawnArea = SpawnUtilComponent.arePointsInCircle(enemyBlockGridX, enemyBlockGridY, area);

        return isEnemyInCircleSpawnArea;