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# Ehlo SMTP Server

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> `Ehlo` is a SMTP server which send every mails to an api in a nice json format

## Install

npm i -g ehlo

## Using It
ehlo -p 10025 -a http://localhost/myAwesomApi

Now send a mail with your favorite lib (like `nodemailer`) with `localhost:10025` as SMTP server.

Your mail will be send with a POST request to `http://localhost/myAwesomApi`. All the json is posted in a `mail` form-data variable.

Here a tcpdump of a POST request :
13:41:45.987903 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1:274, ack 1, win 12759, options [nop,nop,TS val 756661265 ecr 756661265], length 273
-...-...POST / HTTP/1.1
host: localhost
content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------511395648416127300743092
content-length: 249
Connection: close

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="mail"

13:41:45.987961 IP > Flags [P.], seq 274:422, ack 1, win 12759, options [nop,nop,TS val 756661265 ecr 756661265], length 148
-...-...{"text":"Just an example\n","headers":{"subject":"Try"},"subject":"Try","priority":"normal"}

You can also store emails to disk with the `--save [path]` or `-s [path]` option.

For more informations about the json results, look at the [mailparser]( library.

## Setting DNS
If you want to receive *real* emails on your api, you should setup your **DNS RECORDS**.
For example, if you want to receive emails at `*`.

- An MX Record: ` MX 10`
- A a record: `mx.subdomain A <ip of your ehlo server>`

## Contributing

Provide a pull request (with tested code) to include your work in this main project. Issues may be awaiting for help so feel free to give a hand, with code or ideas.

## License
Ehlo is under the MIT license. Please see