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Test Coverage
### keepsakes — displays QS information in one explorable interface.

#### Running the app
* Run `./bin/setup`
* Run `rake db:migrate`
* Fill the `.env` file in with an actual Moves client ID and secret
* Run `foreman start` and  `open http://localhost:3000`

#### Required developer accounts
* [Moves](
* [Instagram](
* [Mapbox](
* [Wunderground](
* [Geonames](
  * Note: you need to enable "free web services" on the account: [](

#### Dashboards
* [Mailgun](
* [Mapbox](
* [Moves](
* [![Code Climate](](

#### Potential sources of information
* [x] [Location | Moves](
* [x] [Location | Maps](
* [ ] [Music | Rdio]( (History is unavailable through their API, have to use LastFM)
* [ ] [Work | Github](
* [x] [Pictures | Instagram](
* [x] [Text messages]( (will have to include instructions for android / ios / other). Alternatively: [Using node to monitor/read iMessages](
* [ ] [Journal](
* [ ] [Calendar](
* [x] [Weather](

### Make available as a native app

#### Ideas
* On the broad strokes made possible by this data: [whichlight's post](
* For viewing lots of days at once, something like day-group summaries could allow someone to find interesting groups of time more easily i.e. seasons, semesters, winter break, vacations, etc. When faced with 10+ years of daily entries, how should the interface change? Textually, could we summarize a summer in a few sentences, a semester?