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Test Coverage
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: JC
 * Date: 2016-10-23
 * Time: 17:33

namespace eidng8\Wiki\Templates;

use eidng8\Wiki\Api\Parse;
use eidng8\Wiki\Api\Query;
use eidng8\Wiki\Models\CrewMember;
use eidng8\Wiki\Models\Skills;
use eidng8\Wiki\Template;

 * Crew all wiki text template parser
class CrewList extends Template
     * Maximum skills statistics
     * @var array
    public $maxSkills = [];

     * All parsed crew members
     * @var CrewMember[]
    protected $crew;

     * @var Parse
    protected $parse;

     * @var Query
    protected $query;

     * CrewList constructor.
     * @param string $wikiText          wiki text to be parsed
     * @param Parse  $parse
     * @param Query  $query             pass a {@see Query} instance to also
     *                                  retrieve picture URL
    public function __construct(
        string $wikiText,
        Parse $parse,
        Query $query
    ) {
        $this->parse = $parse;
        $this->query = $query;
        parent::__construct($wikiText, 'MPCrewList');
    }//end __construct()

     * Total number of available members
     * @return int
    public function count(): int
        return count($this->crew);
    }//end count()

     * Retrieves all crew members, in indexed (not associated) array
     * @return CrewMember[]
    public function get(): array
        return $this->crew;
    }//end parseCrew()

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function parse(): array

        return $this->crew = $this->parseCrew();
    }//end parseMember()

     * Parse all crew member from the given wiki text
     * @return CrewMember[] Array of parsed crew members
    public function parseCrew(): array
        $members = [];
        foreach ($this->found as $member) {
            $member = $this->parseMember($member);
            $members[$member->name] = $member;
        }//end foreach

        $members = $this->fetchPictures($members);
        foreach ($members as $member) {
        }//end foreach

        return $members;
    }//end fetchPictures()

     * Parse one crew member
     * @param $wikiText
     * @return CrewMember
    public function parseMember(string $wikiText): CrewMember
        $lines = explode("\n", $wikiText);
        $member = new CrewMember();

        $member->traits = array_values(
                    array_map('trim', static::explode(array_pop($lines)))

        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            $aaa = array_map(
                explode('=', substr($line, 2))
            list($prop, $val) = $aaa;
            $member[$prop] = $val;
        }//end foreach

        return $member;
    }//end fetchDetail()

     * Get all crew member picture url
     * @param CrewMember[] $crew
     * @return CrewMember[]
    public function fetchPictures(array $crew): array
        if (empty($this->query)) {
            return $crew;

        $chunks = array_chunk($crew, 50);
        $sizes = [
        foreach ($sizes as $index => $size) {
            foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
                $images = $this->query->thumbnails(
                    array_column($chunk, 'name'),
                foreach ($chunk as $member) {
                    if (0 == $index) {
                        $member['picture'] = [$images[$member->name] ?? null];
                    } else {
                        $pics = $member['picture'];
                        $pics[] = $images[$member->name] ?? null;
                        $member['picture'] = $pics;
                        // Because we are actually access the `$picture` through
                        // magic `__get()` method. Directly pushing to the
                        // attribute will cause the Indirect modification of
                        // overloaded element has no effect exception.
                        // Even using array_push() won't fix the error.
                        //$member['picture'][] = $images[$member->name] ?? null;
                }//end foreach
            }//end foreach
        }//end foreach

        return $crew;
    }//end skillList()

     * Get all portrait images
     * @param CrewMember $member
     * @return bool
    public function fetchToc(CrewMember $member): bool
        $table = $this->parse->table();
        if (!$table) {
            return false;

        if (empty($file)) {
            return false;
        $width = (int)$file[2];
        $sizes = [$width, round($width * 1.5), $width * 2];
        $urls = [];
        $url = $this->query->imageInfo([$file[1] => $member->name], $sizes);
        $urls[] = $url[$member->name];
        $member->portrait = $urls;
        return true;
    }//end fetchToc()

     * Fetch crew member detail information
     * @param CrewMember $member
    public function fetchDetail(CrewMember $member): void
        // all tables have been extracted in `fetchToc()`
        $table = $this->parse->findAwayTable();
        $skills = $this->skillList($table);
        list($max, $raw) = $this->skillValue($table, $skills);
        $tmp = [];
        $tmpr = [];
        foreach ($skills as $idx => $skill) {
            $tmp[$skill] = $max[$idx];
            $tmpr[$skill] = $raw[$idx];
        }//end foreach
        $member->skills = new Skills($tmp);
        $member->rawSkills = new Skills($tmpr);
    }//end skillValue()

     * Parse table header and extract skill list
     * @param string $table
     * @return array|null
    public function skillList(string $table): ?array
        $regex = '/^\s*!\s*lvl\s*$(.+?)\|-.*?$/imsu';
        if (!preg_match($regex, $table, $found)) {
            return null;

        $regex = '/\{\{skill\|(.+?)}}/imsu';
        if (!preg_match_all($regex, explode("\n", $found[1])[1], $found)) {
            return null;

        return array_map('trim', array_map('strtolower', $found[1]));
    }//end all()

     * Parse table and extract skill value
     * @param string $table
     * @param array  $skills
     * @return array|null
    public function skillValue(string $table, array $skills): ?array
        $regex = '/^\s*\|\s*\d+\s*$(.+?)\|[}-].*?$/imsu';
        if (!preg_match_all($regex, $table, $levels)) {
            return null;

        $raw = [];
        $max = array_fill(0, count($skills), array_fill(0, 2, 0));
        foreach ($levels[1] as $level) {
            $lines = array_filter(explode("\n", $level));
            $regex = '/\{\{sp\|(.+?)}}/imsu';
            foreach ($lines as $line) {
                if (!preg_match_all($regex, $line, $values)) {
                foreach ($values[1] as $idx => $value) {
                    $value = array_map(
                        function ($val) {
                            return intval($val);
                        explode('|', trim($value))
                    $raw[$idx] = $value;
                    $low = $value[0] + $value[1];
                    $high = $value[0] + $value[2];
                    if ($low > $high) {
                        $tmp = $low;
                        $low = $high;
                        $high = $tmp;
                    $max[$idx][0] = max($max[$idx][0], $low);
                    $max[$idx][1] = max($max[$idx][1], $high);
                }//end foreach
            }//end foreach
        }//end foreach

        return [$max, $raw];
    }//end get()

     * Calculates various statistics
     * Currently there's only the max skill value here. This is the pivot point
     * where more statistics were added later. This will be the entry point of
     * all those methods by then.
     * @param CrewMember $member
    protected function stats(CrewMember $member)
        foreach ($member->skills as $skill => $val) {
            if (empty($val)) {

            $val = max($val);
            if (empty($this->maxSkills[$skill][$member->stars][1])
                || $this->maxSkills[$skill][$member->stars][1] < $val
            ) {
                $this->maxSkills[$skill][$member->stars] = [$member, $val];
        }//end foreach
    }//end byTraits()

     * Retrieve a crew member by name
     * @param string $name name of the member to retrieve
     * @return CrewMember
    public function byName($name): ?CrewMember
        return empty($this->crew[$name]) ? null : $this->crew[$name];
    }//end parse()

     * Find all crew that possess given traits
     * @param array $traits
     * @return array
    public function byTraits(array $traits): ?array
        $crew = [];
        foreach ($this->crew as $member) {
            if ($member->hasTraits($traits)) {
                $crew[] = $member;
        }//end foreach
        return $crew;
    }//end each()

     * Export all crew members as array
     * @return array
    public function export(): array
        $crew = [];
            function (CrewMember $member) use (&$crew) {
                $member = $member->toArray();
                unset($member['charpage'], $member['page']);
                $crew[] = $member;

        return $crew;
    }//end regex()

     * Iterate through all crew members and call the given function.
     * @param callable $func
    public function each(callable $func): void
        foreach ($this->crew as $name => $member) {
            call_user_func_array($func, [$member, $name]);
        }//end foreach
    }//end export()

     * @param string $skill
     * @return array
    public function allMax(string $skill): array
        return $this->maxSkills[$skill];
    }//end max()

     * @param string $skill
     * @param int    $stars
     * @return array
    public function max(string $skill, int $stars = 5): array
        return $this->maxSkills[$skill][max(1, min($stars, 5))];
    }//end max()

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function regex(): string
        return "/\\{\\{MPCrewList.+?<!--Traits-->[^}]+}}/imsu";
    }//end stats()
}//end class