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Test Coverage
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: JC
 * Date: 2016-11-17
 * Time: 23:52

namespace eidng8\Wiki\Templates;

use eidng8\Wiki\Models\Mission as MissionModel;
use eidng8\Wiki\Models\Skills;
use eidng8\Wiki\WikiBase;

 * Parse all missions
class MissionList extends WikiBase
     * List of all missions, organized by episodes/cadet
     * @var Mission[][]
    protected $list;

     * @var \eidng8\Wiki\Models\Mission[][][]
    protected $models = null;

     * Return mission list
     * @param string $what
     * @return array|\eidng8\Wiki\Models\Mission[][][]
    public function get(string $what = null): array
        if ($this->models) {
            return empty($what) ? $this->models : $this->models[$what];

        $this->models = [];
        foreach ($this->list as $type => $episodes) {
            foreach ($episodes as $missions) {
                $tmp = [];
                /* @var Mission $mission */
                foreach ($missions as $mission) {
                    $tmp[] = $mission->get();
                }//end foreach
                $this->models[$type][] = $tmp;
            }//end foreach
        }//end foreach

        return empty($what) ? $this->models : $this->models[$what];
    }//end get()

     * Iterate through all away team missions and call the given function.
     * The callback is defined as:
     * function(Models\Mission $mission, int $index, int $episode, string $type)
     * - `$mission` is a mission model instance,
     * - `$index` is the index number within the episode
     * - `$episode` is the index of the episode
     * - `$type` can be either `'epissode'` or `'cadet'`
     * @param callable $func
    public function eachAway(callable $func): void
        foreach ($this->list as $type => $episodes) {
            foreach ($episodes as $episode => $missions) {
                foreach ($missions as $index => $mission) {
                    /* @var Mission $mission */
                    $mission = $mission->get();
                    /* @var MissionModel $mission */
                    if (MissionModel::AWAY_TEAM === $mission->type) {
                            [$mission, $index, $episode, $type]
                }//end foreach
            }//end foreach
        }//end foreach
    }//end eachAway()

     * Get mission by name
     * @param string $name   Name of the mission, case insensitive
     * @param string $epName Name of episode, case insensitive
     * @return MissionModel|null
    public function byName(string $name, string $epName = null): ?MissionModel
        $search = trim(strtolower($name));
        $epSearch = trim(strtolower($epName));
        foreach ($this->list as $episodes) {
            foreach ($episodes as $missions) {
                foreach ($missions as $mission) {
                    /* @var Mission $mission */
                    $model = $mission->get();
                    if ($search == strtolower($model->name)
                        && (empty($epSearch)
                            || strtolower($epSearch)
                               == strtolower($model->episode))
                    ) {
                        return $model;
                }//end foreach
            }//end foreach
        }//end foreach
        return null;
    }//end byName()

     * Fetch all missions from server and process them to models
     * @return Mission[][]
    public function fetch(): array
        $templates = $this->fetchMissionList();
        $templates['episodes'] = $this->fetchTemplates($templates['episodes']);
        $cadets = $templates['cadet'][1];
        $templates['cadet'] = $this->fetchTemplates($templates['cadet']);

        $this->fetchCadetCrew($cadets, $templates['cadet']);

        return $this->list = $templates;
    }//end fetch()

     * Export all missions as array
     * @return array
    public function export(): array
        $epi = 0;
        $episodes = [];
        $missions = [];
            function (MissionModel $mission) use (
            ) {
                $mission = $mission->toArray();

                // extract episode list
                if ($mission['episode'] != end($episodes)) {
                    $episodes[] = $mission['episode'];
                    $epi = count($episodes) - 1;
                $mission['episode'] = $epi;

                // remove redundant data

                if (MissionModel::SPACE_BATTLE === $mission['type']) {
                    $missions[] = $mission;

                // flatten steps array
                $missions[] = $mission;

        return [$episodes, $missions];
    }//end export()

     * Iterate through all missions and call the given function.
     * The callback is defined as:
     * function(Models\Mission $mission, int $index, int $episode, string $type)
     * - `$mission` is a mission model instance,
     * - `$index` is the index number within the episode
     * - `$episode` is the index of the episode
     * - `$type` can be either `'epissode'` or `'cadet'`
     * @param callable $func
    public function each(callable $func): void
        foreach ($this->list as $type => $episodes) {
            foreach ($episodes as $episode => $missions) {
                foreach ($missions as $index => $mission) {
                    /* @var Mission $mission */
                        [$mission->get(), $index, $episode, $type]
                }//end foreach
            }//end foreach
        }//end foreach
    }//end each()

     * Fetch the list through API
     * @return string[][]
    private function fetchMissionList(): array
        $content = $this->parse->get(true)['wikitext']['*'];
        $offset = strpos($content, 'Cadet Challenges');

            substr($content, 0, $offset),


        return compact('episodes', 'cadet');
    }//end fetchMissionList()

     * Fetch templates through API
     * @param string[][] $matches
     * @return array string[]
    private function fetchTemplates(array $matches): array
        $text = $this->expandTemplates->get(implode('', $matches[0]), true);
        $starts = [];
        $offset = 0;
        foreach ($matches[1] as &$template) {
            $template = str_replace('_', ' ', $template);
            $regex = "/===[\\s\\[]*{$template}[\\s\\]]*===/ui";
            preg_match($regex, $text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset);
            $offset = $match[0][1];
            $starts[] = $offset;
        }//end foreach

        $count = count($starts) - 1;
        foreach ($matches[1] as $idx => &$template) {
            if ($idx >= $count) {
                $template = substr($text, $starts[$idx]);
            } else {
                $template = substr(
                    $starts[$idx + 1] - $starts[$idx]
        }//end foreach

        return $matches[1];
    }//end fetchTemplates()

     * Parse all episodes
     * @param array $episodes
    private function parseEpisodes(&$episodes): void
        foreach ($episodes as &$items) {
            foreach ($items as &$episode) {
                $episode = $this->parseEpisode($episode);
            }//end foreach
        }//end foreach
    }//end parseEpisodes()

     * Parse a episode wiki text
     * @param string $episode
     * @return Mission[]
    private function parseEpisode(string $episode): array
        $regex = '/\'\'\'Mission (\d+)(\w?)\'\'\'[^\[]+\[\[([^\]]+)]]/iu';
        preg_match_all($regex, $episode, $missions);
        $missions = array_map(
            function ($mission) {

                return $this->parse->get(true)['wikitext']['*'];

        preg_match('/^=+\[+([^\[\]]+)]+=+/', $episode, $matches);

        return $this->parseMissions($missions, $matches[1] ?? '');
    }//end parseEpisode()

     * Process missions wiki text
     * @param array  $missions
     * @param string $episode
     * @return array|Mission[]
    private function parseMissions(array $missions, string $episode): array
        $info = [];
        $adv = 'adv:' == strtolower(substr($episode, 0, 4));
        foreach ($missions as $mission) {
            /* @var Mission $miss */
            $miss = Mission::load($mission, null, ['advanced' => $adv]);
            if ($miss) {
                if ($adv) {
                    $miss->get()->episode = $episode;
                $info[] = $miss;
        }//end foreach
        return $info;
    }//end parseMissions()

     * Fetch all cadet mission eligible crew
     * @param array $names
     * @param array $cadet
    private function fetchCadetCrew(array $names, array $cadet)
        foreach ($cadet as $episode => $missions) {
            $this->parse->page($names[$episode], 2);

            $eligible = $text[1] ?? null;
            foreach ($missions as $mission) {
                /* @var Mission $mission */
                foreach ($mission->get()->steps as $step) {
                    $step['eligible'] = $eligible;
                }//end foreach
            }//end foreach
        }//end foreach
    }//end fetchCadetCrew()

     * Flatten mission steps array
     * @param array $mission
    private function flattenSteps(array &$mission): void
        foreach ($mission['steps'] as &$step) {
            if (empty($step['locks'])) {

            // flatten skills array
            $skills = [];
            foreach ($step['skills'] as $idx => $skill) {
                $skills = array_merge(
                if (!empty($skill['values'])) {
                    $step['req'][$idx] = $skill['values'];
            }//end foreach
            $step['skills'] = $skills;

            // flatten traits array
            $traits = [];
            foreach ($step['traits'] as $idx => $trait) {
                $traits[$idx] = $trait['names'] ?? null;
                if (!empty($trait['values'])) {
                    $step['bonus'][$idx] = $trait['values'];
            }//end foreach
            $step['traits'] = $traits;
        }//end foreach
    }//end flattenSteps()

     * Fetch all image URL
     * @param Mission[] $missions
     * @return void
    private function fetchImages(array $missions): void
        foreach ($missions as $mission) {
            $mission = $mission->get();
            $mission->image = $this->query->imageInfo(
                ["File:{$mission->image['file']}" => $mission->name],
                    round($mission->image['size'] * 1.5),
                    $mission->image['size'] * 2,

            if (MissionModel::AWAY_TEAM != $mission->type) {
            foreach ($mission->steps as $step) {
                foreach ($step->images as $idx => &$image) {
                    if (empty($image)) {
                    $image = $this->query->imageInfo(
                        ["File:AT-$image.png" => $step->alt[$idx]]
                }//end foreach
            }//end foreach
        }//end foreach
    }//end validateModel()
}//end class