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Get local ip address in node.

# Installation
` npm install local-ip`

# Why?
Well, for different kinds of reasons you might want to know what your local
ip address is so you can broadcast it to different services.


## localip(interface, [callback])

__interface__ should be a network interface, such as wlan0.
__callback__ is optional, and will be invoked with the signature `callback(err, res)` if specified. If no callback is specified, the value will be returned directly, or an Error will be thrown in case of an error.

# Example
var localip = require('local-ip');
var iface = 'wlan0';

localip(iface, function(err, res) {
  if (err) {
    throw new Error('I have no idea what my local ip is.');
  console.log('My local ip address on ' + iface + ' is ' + res);

You can also use it in sync mode:

var iface = 'wlan0';
var localip = require('local-ip')(iface);
console.log('My local ip address on ' + iface + ' is ' + localip);

# License