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Test Coverage
EJ Platform

You can visit EJ website at https://www.ejplatform.org.
For detailed information on developing and using our system, you can access our documentation on:
For contributions, issues or feature requests join us on https://gitlab.com/pencillabs/ej/ej-application

Getting started

Local development (Docker)

First clone the repository::

    $ git clone https://gitlab.com/pencillabs/ej/ej-application
    $ cd ej-application

The recomended way to run EJ is with Docker. With it
you can quickly start the development server using the

    $ pip3 install invoke==2.0.0 --user
    $ inv docker-build
    $ inv docker-up

This will deploy EJ using **docker/docker-compose.yml** file.
Every change made on the repository will be reflected inside the
`docker_server` container.

If you are creating a clean EJ instance, you can populate the database
with some fake data::

    $ inv docker-exec "poetry run inv db-fake"

You can access the running instance accessing `http://localhost:8000`.

To rebuild the server image, you can run `inv docker-build --no-cache`.

Some useful commands to manage docker environment:

==================                      =============================================
Command                                 Description
==================                      =============================================
inv docker-up                           Creates EJ containers and run the application
inv docker-logs                         Shows django logs
inv docker-stop                         Stops EJ containers
inv docker-rm                           Removes EJ containers
inv docker-attach                       Connects to django container
inv docker-exec                         Executes a command on django container
inv docker-exec "poetry run inv docs"   Compile .rst documentation
==================                      =============================================

Some useful commands to manage the application (run this inside django container):

===========================  ======================================================
Command                      Description
===========================  ======================================================
poetry run inv i18n          Extracts messages from Jinja templates for translation
poetry run inv i18n -c       Compile .po files
poetry run inv sass          Compile sass files
poetry run inv sass --watch  Watch changes on code, and compile .sass files
poetry run inv db            Prepare database and run migrations
poetry run inv shell         Executs django shell with ipython
===========================  ======================================================


If you are making changes to EJ codebase, do not forget to run tests frequently.
EJ uses Pytest_::

    $ inv docker-test

Docker bash

You probably will want to execute commands inside the container.
It is possible to open a bash shell in the main "web" container with::

    $ inv docker-attach

You also can execute commands without open docker bash shell::

    $ inv docker-exec "command"


After configuring local environment, the next step is reading our documentation. It can be generated with::

    $ inv docker-exec "poetry run inv docs"

and will be available at the `http://localhost:8000/docs <http://localhost:8000/docs>`_ url.