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Social Login

Users can login to EJ with Twitter, Facebook or Google, too. In order to do that, you
need to prepare the environment and to create the social apps on the respective
social networks.


First, go to Twitter Developer interface (https://apps.twitter.com) and create
an app. The important point is to setup the "Callback URLs" and to mark the
checkbox "Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter". Please add
two callback URLs: https://your-host/accounts/twitter/login/callback/ and

Now, on the Django side, go to the admin interface and create a new social
app: http://your-host/admin/socialaccount/socialapp/add/. Choose "Twitter"
as the provider, put a name like "EJ Twitter", choose the ejplatform.org.br site
and put the consumer key under "Client id" and consumer secret under "Secret key"
fields. You can find the consumer key and consumer secret on the Twitter app page,
under the "Keys and Access Tokens" tab.


Important thing to keep in mind: Facebook only allows HTTPS and doesn't allow
localhost. So, for local development, we suggest to use a tool like Local
Tunnel (http://localtunnel.github.io/www/) or Ngrok (https://ngrok.com/) in order
to have a public HTTPS URL that redirects to your local EJ instance. Remember
to add that host to DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS.

Once you have the host, go to the Facebook Apps Management page
(https://developers.facebook.com/apps) and add a new web app. Go to Configurations >
Basic and add the host to "Application domains" and "Site". Add the product
"Facebook Login" to your app and, under its settings, add
https://your-host/accounts/facebook/login/callback as a valid OAuth URI.

Now, on the Django side, go to the admin interface and create a new social app:
http://your-host/admin/socialaccount/socialapp/add/. Choose "Facebook" as
the provider, put a name like "EJ Facebook", choose the your-host site
and put the app id under "Client id" and secret key under "Secret key" fields.
You can find the app id and secret key on the Facebook app page, under
Configurations > Basic.


In order to have Google login, you need a first-level valid domain that you can
confirm the ownership. Go go the developers console
(https://console.cloud.google.com/) and create a new project. Create a new
credential (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials) and add
https://your-host/accounts/google/login/callback/ as an authorized redirect URI.
Remember to also add the domain as a valid domain.

Now, on the Django side, go to the admin interface and create a new social app:
http://your-host/admin/socialaccount/socialapp/add/. Choose "Google" as the
provider, put a name like "EJ Google", choose the your-host site and put
the app id under "Client id" and secret key under "Secret key" fields. You can
find the app id and secret key on the Google app page, under Credentials.

Other information

For all cases, for local development you may need to set, at
``src/ej/settings/__init__.py``, ``ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION = 'none'``.

More details at https://django-allauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/providers.html.