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URL structure

This document register the default URLs used in the platform and where to find
them in their corresponding apps.

Users/login (ej_users app)

Public views controlling authentication and creation of new users.
Both login and register views accept a ?next=<url> tag that controls the
redirect page.

Actions that do not require authentication

login/ (auth:login):
    Login page.
    Implementation :func:`ej_users.routes.login`.
register/ (auth:register):
    Register a new user.
    Implementation :func:`ej_users.routes.register`.
recover-password/ (auth:recover-password):
    Recover user password.
    Implementation :func:`ej_users.routes.recover_password`
recover-password/<token> (auth:recover-password-token):
    URL sent by e-mail after user request a password reset.
    Implementation :func:`ej_users.routes.recover_password_token`.

Actions that require authentication

account/ (account:index):
    Manage basic account actions such as password reset, e-mail reset, etc.
    Implementation :func:`ej_users.routes_account.index`.
account/logout/ (account:logout):
    End user session.
    Implementation :func:`ej_users.routes_account.logout`.
account/remove/ (account:remove-account):
    Remove user account. This is an non-reversible operation that the user
    must confirm in order to actually remove the account.
    Implementation :func:`ej_users.routes_account.remove`.
account/manage-email/ (account:manage-email):
    Allow user to change its e-mail.
    Implementation :func:`ej_users.routes_account.manage_email`.
account/change-password/ (account:change-password):
    Allow user to change its password.
    Implementation :func:`ej_users.routes_account.change_password`.

All views are included in the ``ej_accounts`` app.

Profile views (ej_profiles)

Users cannot see each other's profiles since EJ is not meant to be a traditional
social network. There is no concept of "friends", "followers",
"private conversations" etc.

profile/ (profile:detail):
    Show user profile.
    Implementation :func:`ej_profiles.routes.detail`.
profile/edit/ (profile:edit):
    Edit profile.
    Implementation :func:`ej_profiles.routes.edit`.
profile/contributions/ (profile:comments):
    Show statistics and information about all contributions of the user to
    conversations in the platform.
    Implementation :func:`ej_profiles.routes.contributions`.

Conversations (ej_conversations)

Public views for displaying information about conversations.

conversations/ (conversations:list):
    List all available conversations
    Implementation :func:`ej_conversations.routes.list_view`.
conversations/<id>/<slug>/ (conversations:conversation-detail):
    Detail page for an specific conversation.
    Implementation :func:`ej_conversations.routes.detail`.

CRUD (ej_conversations)

All those URLS are only available for users with permission to edit
conversations. This can be applied to staff members or to the owner of the

conversations/create/ (conversations:create-conversation):
    Add a new conversation.
    Implementation :func:`ej_conversations.routes.create`.
conversations/<id>/<slug>/edit/ (conversations:edit-conversation):
    Edit conversation.
    Implementation :func:`ej_conversations.routes.edit`.
conversations/<id>/<slug>/moderate/ (conversations:moderate-comments):
    Can classify all non-moderated comments.
    Implementation :func:`ej_conversations.routes.moderate`.

Reports (ej_dataviz)

Only staff members and the conversation owner have access to those pages.

conversations/<id>/<slug>/reports/ (reports:index):
    Aggregate reports for the given conversation.
conversations/<id>/<slug>/reports/users/ (reports:radar):
    Display comments in a 2D layout to show the distribution of opinions and

Clusters (ej_clusters)

Display the clusters associated with a conversation. All those urls require
authentication, but are visible to all users.

conversations/<id>/<slug>/clusters/ (clusters:index):
    See cluster information in conversation.
    Implementation :func:`ej_clusters.routes.index`.
conversations/<id>/<slug>/clusters/edit/ (clusters:edit):
    Edit clusterization configurations.
    Implementation :func:`ej_clusters.routes.edit`.
conversations/<id>/<slug>/stereotypes/ (clusters:stereotype-votes):
    Cast stereotype votes in conversation.
    Implementation :func:`ej_clusters.routes.stereotype_votes`.

Clusters and Stereotypes (ej_clusters)

Only staff members and the conversation owner have access to those pages.

conversations/<id>/<slug>/stereotypes/ (clusters:stereotype-list):
    List of all stereotypes showing information about the assigned cluster and
conversations/<id>/<slug>/stereotypes/<id>/ (clusters:stereotype-vote):
    Allow the given stereotype to vote in conversation.


Urls with the intention of explaining how to use the platform. Most of those
urls are implemented as flat pages and are stored as HTML or markdown under
either local/pages or lib/pages/.

/start/ (home):
    Landing-page broadly explaining what is EJ and how to use the platform.
/faq/ (faq):
    Frequently asked questions.
/about-us/ (about):
    About EJ or the organization deploying an instance.
/usage/ (usage):
    Usage terms for the platform.
/contact/ (contact):
    Contact information

All URLs are implemented as flat pages in the Django Admin. The content
of those URLs can be editable at ``/admin/flatpages/flatpage/``.

Administrative URLs

All views in this section require staff permissions.

    Django admin page. Users must be staff members.
/info/ (info):
    Show basic debug information about the server
    Implementation :func:`ej.routes.info`.
/info/styles/ (info-styles):
    Exhibit the main design elements like colors and typography applied in the
    current theme.
    Implementation :func:`ej.routes.info_styles`.
/info/ (info-django-settings):
    Display current Django settings. Only the admin user can see this page.
    Implementation :func:`ej.routes.info_django_settings`.