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import {up} from '../lib/dependencies';
import {camelCaseToDash, debug, warn} from '../lib/utils';


let componentRegistry = {};
let hooksRegistry = {};

 * Components derive from the Component class and are objects that define hooks
 * to many sub-elements using the is-element hook or some other type of
 * method.
up.compiler('[is-component]', function (elem) {
    let name = elem.getAttribute('is-component');
    name = name ? name : elem.classList[0];
    let componentClass = componentRegistry[name];

    if (componentClass === undefined) {
        return warn(`Component not found: ${name}`);
    let component = elem.component = new componentClass(elem);

 * Hooks are very simple functional components that simply bind themselves to
 * some Javascript function.
 * This compiler looks for the function in the hooks registry and then calls
 * it with the component element.
up.compiler('[is-hook]', function (elem: Element) {
    let name = elem.getAttribute('is-hook'),
        hook = hooksRegistry[name];

    if (hook === undefined) {
        return warn(`Hook not found: ${name}`);
    debug(`Hook initialized: ${name}`);

 * Run js forces running scripts after fragment finishes loading.
up.compiler('script[up-always-execute]', function (elem: HTMLScriptElement) {


 * Decorator that register hook on registry.
 * @param {string} name - Unique name for hook.
function hook(name: string) {
    return (func: Function) => {
        if (hooksRegistry.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
            warn(`Hook already exists: ${name}. Overloading.`)
        debug(`Registering hook: ${name}`);
        hooksRegistry[name] = func;

 * Register hook to execute function when object is clicked.
hook.on = (event, name) => {
    return func => {
        return hook(name)(
            function eventHook(elem: Element) {
                elem.addEventListener(event, func.bind(elem));

 * Register hook to execute function when object is clicked.
hook.click = (name) => hook.on('click', name);
hook.load = (name) => hook.on('load', name);

 * Register a component class.
export function component(name: string) {
    return (cls) => {
        debug(`Registering component: ${name}`);
        if (componentRegistry.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
            warn(`Component already registered: ${name}`);
        cls.componentName = name;
        componentRegistry[name] = cls;
        return cls;


 * Base class for all components.
export class Component {
    attributes: Object = {};
    element: Element;

    constructor(elem: Element) {
        this.element = elem;

        // Make sure it is the only component registered to DOM element
        if (elem['ej-component'] === undefined) {
            elem['ej-component'] = this;
        } else {
            debug('Element already registered to component');

        // Set attributes to default values
        for (let attr in this.attributes) {
            if (!elem.hasAttribute(attr)) {
                elem.setAttribute(attr, this.attributes[attr]);

    /** Must be overridden by child classes */
    init() {

    /** Mount element on the DOM */
    register() {
        this.$('[is-element]').each((_, elem) => {
            registerElementForComponent(this, elem);
        debug(`${this.constructor['componentName']} component initialized`);

    /** Call jQuery() on element */
    $(selector?: string) {
        if (selector === undefined) {
            return $(this.element);
        return $(selector, this.element);

    /** Register event listener on sub-elements */
    on(event: string, ...args) {
        switch (args.length) {
            case 1: {
                let [callback] = args;
                this.$().on(event, callback);
            case 2: {
                let [selector, callback] = args;
                this.$(selector).on(event, callback);
            default: {
                throw "Expect have 2 or 3 arguments";

    /** Checks if event is a keypress of space or return */
    isReturnEvent(ev) {
        return (contains(['keypress', 'keyup', 'keydown'], ev.type)
            && contains([13, 32], ev.keyCode));

function contains(xs, value) {
    for (let x of xs) {
        if (x === value) {
            return true;
    return false;

function registerElementForComponent(component, elem) {
    let $elem = $(elem),
        name = $elem.attr('is-element'),
        parts = name.split(':'),
        event = 'click',
        methodName = undefined;

    // noinspection FallThroughInSwitchStatementJS
    switch (parts.length) {
        case 0: {
            methodName = elem.classList[0].split('-')[1];
            parts = [methodName];
        case 1: {
            [methodName] = parts;
            parts = [methodName, 'click']
        case 2: {
            [methodName, event] = parts;
            let method = component[methodName];
            if (method === undefined) {
                warn(`Method ${methodName} not found!`);
            method = method.bind(component);
            $elem.on(event, ev => {
                return method(elem, ev);
        default: {
            throw 'Invalid number of arguments';