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Test Coverage
{% extends 'base.jinja2' %}
{% set content_title = _('Styles') %}

{% macro example_row(cls, text=None) %}
        <td class="monospace">.{{ cls }}</td>
        <td class="{{ cls }}">{{ text or cls }}</td>
{% endmacro %}

{% block content %}
    <div class="container pad-y3 pad-x2">
            Reference page for all styles in the current EJ instance. Use this page to tweak the
            theme to your linking and see the effects of colors, typography and layout elements.

            <h1>Global configurations and variables</h1>
            <h3>Header sizes</h3>
            <div class="text-faded">
                {% for i in range(1, 7) %}
                    <h{{ i }}>H{{ i }} Title (<strong>strong</strong>, <em>em</em>)</h{{ i }}>
                {% endfor %}

                        <th>{{ _('Class') }}</th>
                        <th>{{ _('Example') }}</th>
                    {{ example_row('text-1', 'Text (h1).') }}
                    {{ example_row('text-2', 'Text (h2).') }}
                    {{ example_row('text-3', 'Text (h3).') }}
                    {{ example_row('text-4', 'Text (h4).') }}
                    {{ example_row('text-5', 'Text (h5, p).') }}
                    {{ example_row('text-6', 'Text (h6).') }}
                    {{ example_row('text-7', 'Tiny text.') }}
                    {{ example_row('text-8', 'Very tiny text.') }}

                        <th colspan="2">Text modifiers</th>
                    {{ example_row('sans-serif') }}
                    {{ example_row('serif') }}
                    {{ example_row('monospace') }}
                    {{ example_row('cursive') }}

                        <th colspan="2">Default styles</th>
                    {{ example_row('text', 'Default text for paragraphs.') }}
                    {{ example_row('heading', 'Titles and headings.') }}

                        <th colspan="2">Overridable styles</th>
                    {% for opt in 'italic uppercase lowercase capitalize underline line-through'.split() %}
                        {{ example_row(opt) }}
                    {% endfor %}

                        <th colspan="2">Alignment</th>
                    {% for opt in 'left right center justify'.split() %}
                        {{ example_row('text-' + opt) }}
                    {% endfor %}
                    {% for opt in 'baseline top middle bottom text-top text-bottom'.split() %}
                        {{ example_row('align-' + opt) }}
                    {% endfor %}


                    This is a paragraph of text and a <a href="#">link</a>.
                    Text can be styled with <strong>strong</strong> and <em>emphasis</em>.

            <h3>Main color scheme</h3>
                    <th>{{ _('Class') }}</th>
                    <th>{{ _('Example') }}</th>
                {% for opt in ('brand-lighter brand-light brand brand-dark brand-darker'.split()
                               + 'accent-lighter accent-light accent accent-dark accent-darker'.split()
                               + 'action primary secondary positive warning negative'.split()) %}
                    {{ example_row('color-' + opt) }}
                {% endfor %}


            <h1>Generic Elements</h1>

                <button class="is-primary">button.is-primary</button>
                <button class="is-secondary">button.is-secondary</button>
                <button class="is-positive">button.is-positive</button>
                <button class="is-warning">button.is-warning</button>
                <button class="is-negative">button.is-negative</button>
                <button class="is-ghost">button.is-ghost</button>
            <p>Links can also be styled as buttons, by adding the ".button" class like in
                <code>{{ '<a class="button">Link</a>' }}</code>.
                <a href="#" class="button">a.button</a>
                <a href="#" class="button is-primary">a.button.is-primary</a>
                <a href="#" class="button is-secondary">a.button.is-secondary</a>
                <a href="#" class="button is-positive">a.button.is-positive</a>
                <a href="#" class="button is-warning">a.button.is-warning</a>
                <a href="#" class="button is-negative">a.button.is-negative</a>
                <a href="#" class="button is-ghost">a.button.is-ghost</a>

                {% for input in 'email number password search tel url color date month week datetime datetime-local'.split() %}
                    <label for="input-{{ input }}">{{ input.title() }}:</label>
                    <input type="{{ input }}" value="{{ input }}" id="input-{{ input }}">
                {% endfor %}
                <label for="input-input">Input:</label>
                <input value="standard input" id="input-input">

                <label for="input-textarea">Input:</label>
                <textarea id="input-textarea">Textarea text</textarea>

                <label for="input-checkbox">Checkbox:</label>
            <p><input type="checkbox" id="input-checkbox"> Checkbox</p>

            <label for="input-radio">Radio:</label>
            <div id="input-radio">
                <label><input type="radio" name="radio" value="1"> Radio 1</label>
                <label><input type="radio" name="radio" value="2"> Radio 2</label>

            <label for="input-select">Select:</label>
            <select id="input-input">
                <option>Option 1</option>
                <option>Option 2</option>
                <option>Option 3</option>

                A text with a standard <a href="#">link</a> and a <a class="text" href="#"><code>a.text</code> link</a>.

                <li>{{ _('Unordered list item 1') }}</li>
                <li>{{ _('Unordered list item 2') }}</li>
                <li>{{ _('Unordered list item 3') }}</li>
                <li>{{ _('Unordered list item 1') }}</li>
                <li>{{ _('Unordered list item 2') }}</li>
                <li>{{ _('Unordered list item 3') }}</li>
                <dt>{{ _('Name 1') }}</dt>
                <dd>{{ _('Value 1') }}</dd>
                <dt>{{ _('Name 2') }}</dt>
                <dd>{{ _('Value 2') }}</dd>

            <p>Work in progress...</p>

                <img src="{{ static('img/logo/logo.svg') }}">
                <img src="{{ static('img/login/login.svg') }}">

            <blockquote>Block quote!</blockquote>
            <pre><code>Pre formatted code.</code></pre>
                Some <code>inline code text.</code>. Mind the horizontal line
                we created bellow (<code>{{ '<hr>' }}</code>).

{% endblock %}