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2 hrs
Test Coverage
import logging
import random

from boogie.models import F, Value, IntegerField, FieldDoesNotExist
from boogie.models.wordcloud import WordCloudQuerySet
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.db.models import Count, Q

from .comment import Comment
from ..mixins import ConversationMixin

log = logging.getLogger("ej")

class ConversationQuerySet(ConversationMixin, WordCloudQuerySet):
    A table of conversations.

    conversations = lambda self: self

    def authors(self):
        Return all authors from the current conversations.
        return get_user_model().objects.filter(Q(conversations__in=self))

    def promoted(self):
        Show only promoted conversations.
        return self.filter(is_promoted=True, is_hidden=False)

    def cache_annotations(self, *values, user=None, prefix="", **kwargs):
        Annotate each conversation with the progress made by the given user.
        for arg in values:
            kwargs.setdefault(arg, True)

        annotations = self._get_annotations(kwargs, prefix or "", user)
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError(f"bad attribute: {kwargs.popitem()[0]}")

        if not annotations:
            return self
        return self.annotate(**annotations)

    def _get_annotations(self, kwargs, prefix, user):
        annotations = {}

        # First tag
        if kwargs.pop("first_tag", False):
            # Fixme: does not work with Postgres. Disabling this creates a N+1
            # error fetching tags, but at least display conversations.
            # annotations[prefix + "first_tag"] = Window(FirstValue("tags__name"))

        # Count comments
        if kwargs.pop("n_comments", False):
            annotations[prefix + "n_comments"] = Count(
                "comments", filter=Q(comments__status=Comment.STATUS.approved), distinct=True

        # Count favorites
        if kwargs.pop("n_favorites", False):
            annotations[prefix + "n_favorites"] = Count("favorites")

        # Count votes
        if kwargs.pop("n_votes", False):
            annotations[prefix + "n_votes"] = Count("comments__votes")

        # Count votes for user
        if kwargs.pop("n_user_votes", False):
            if user.is_authenticated:
                data = Count("comments__votes", filter=Q(comments__votes__author=user))
                data = Value(0, IntegerField())
            annotations[prefix + "n_user_votes"] = data

        # Author name
        if kwargs.pop("author_name", False):
            annotations[prefix + "author_name"] = F(AUTHOR_NAME_FIELD)
        return annotations

    def random_votes(self, users=None, probs=(0.1, 0.15, 0.25)):
        Cast random votes for the list of users.

            users (sequence of users):
                List or queryset of users. Select all users if not given.
                List of probabilities for (disagree, skip, agree). If normalized
                for less than 1, some users will not even cast any vote.
        from .vote import Vote, normalize_choice

        if not users:
            users = get_user_model().objects.filter(is_active=True)

        vote_prob = sum(probs)
        if vote_prob == 0:
            return  # Nothing to vote
        elif not 0 <= vote_prob <= 1:
            raise ValueError("sum o probabilities must be in [0, 1] interval")

        # Prepare to sample votes
        probs = [p / vote_prob for p in probs]
        choices = list(map(normalize_choice, ["disagree", "skip", "agree"]))
        comments = self.comments()
        votes = set(map(tuple, comments.votes().values_list("comment_id", "author_id")))

        # Cast random votes
        new_votes = []
        for comment in comments:
            for user in users:
                if (comment.id, user.id) not in votes and random.random() < vote_prob:
                    choice = random.choices(choices, probs)[0]
                    vote = Vote(author=user, choice=choice, comment=comment)

        return Vote.objects.bulk_create(new_votes)

# Constants and configurations
    AUTHOR_NAME_FIELD = "author__name"
except FieldDoesNotExist:
    AUTHOR_NAME_FIELD = "author__username"